#also ps i love talking to you
rrxnjun · 2 years
ahhh no bc I find human interaction hard too </3 + I tend to overthink my responses so fghsfkgs yeah pls don’t apologize for replying late !!
I got into kpop back in 2018 (?) and its been my comfort zone since then. I started off as an army (yes, an army 💀. lets not talk ab 13 y/o me and her questionable decision making skills here  but, like, their music was actually good back then hhhh the emo in me appreciated them a lot lol) then slowly moved onto nct. oml I still remember not liking chewing gum and complaining ab the entire concept to a friend 😭😭 but !! the song grew on me and then came the point when I began looking into the dreamies seriously and ajgdf here I am :’) ngl I still need time to understand nct songs as a whole (yes, I'm looking at you sticker)
OKAYY so I remember reading somewhere that your bias’ personality tend to match yours?? and I think that holds for you kjfhgskdjg my mbti’s intj and so is yangyang’s so I think that’s one thing we share uhh that and maybe being extremely weird. I'm not ‘eaten cat food’ level weird but I am definitely weird to sm extent. OH GODS THAT PART WHERE THEY SING I’M GONNA LOVE YOU BY D.O kyungsoo from exo is my ult of ults so hearing them sing along to his song while driving >>> i was feeling sm things fr. renjun and yangyang are just🥺🤧😭😭
ohhh doyoung’s one of my 127 biases too lord the vocals >>> have you listened to maniac by hyuck and doyoung?? It’s really good. anyways nct vocal line supremacy and nct supremacy in general damnn they make it so hard to choose biases.
I still love dive into you sm that song always gets the waterworks working for sm reason think it’ll be in my spotify wrapped again (oml its been a year since hot sauce ?? time’s an illusion ByE) and oof turn back time era was so gooood after midnight, nectar hmm it was just hoe anthem after hoe anthem but I'm not complaining at all !! you have any fave songs from these eras?
so I stan nct, red velvet and exo (I ult them tho they’re like super ia) I'm a casual stan for shinee, enhypen and svt. I was a serious stay but just slowly lost track of the things there. I regularly listen to txt and aespa (had a v serious bluehour phase and black mamba phase back in 2021 lol) but I haven’t gone beyond that. Anddd I do randomly listen to other groups but I don’t really know the members.
Dfkjhd LMAOO ALRIGHT so I'm a stem student who is seriously considering engineering so idt I'm getting rid of math anytime soon :’) and as desperate times call for desperate measures and all that I'm willing to try anything that’ll help me keep going *war flashback to the time listening to firetruck on loop for like 3 hrs helped me finish a 100 q calc assignment a day before the submission date* ohh I had a serious emo phase of sorts back in 2017-18 like right before kpop overtook my playlists kfjf I listened to more of twenty one pilots, imagine dragons, 5sos, halsey uhh couple of more I don’t remember them rn
p.s. 👀 the yangyang tiktok. also, ily have a good day/night and remember to stay hydrated <3
I feel like everyone starts as an army HHH i did too! altho the first kpop song i really vibed to was hip by mamamoo, bts was the first group i stanned. I actually got into kpop as a joke at first but then i kind of uhh realised i liked it so i just made it my whole personality 💀💀 im not ashamed of my army past tho,, i started writing again because of them! and the times when i was an army brought me a lot of joy. while i dont enjoy their new music and dont keep up with them at all, i recnogise the positive impact they had on me
chewing gum >>>>> instant serotonin fr. also pause. YOU DONT LIKE STICKER ??? good for you honestly. i didnt like it at first but now that i got into kpop again i just. i dont know what it is. i feel like i was drugged bc im obsessed w it ?? i even let out a happy giggle yesterday when i heard the opening flute i feel like im going insane.
i think the bias thing applies to me a lot with other groups as well!! also yesterday i watched the dreamies debate and renjun had the same opinions as me (mostly) and in the last one he even made the same points i would I FELT LIKE I WAS GOING CRAZY SHSJ WHAT IS THIS. im an infp/infj! not sure who shares that mbti haha. also i ate dog food before and more than once just to see how it tastes so idk what that says abt me
KYUNGSOO IS YOUR BIAS ?? im not an exo-l but the songs i know from them, i really really enjoy. idk if i said this before but im the biggest fan of baekhyun's solo music i even own the bambi album 😩😩his albums are a fundemental part of me and from what i've seen in superm, i am absolutely crazy for this man. maybe you can recommend me some exo music to listen to bc i would love to get into them more 👀
MANIAC IS SO GOOOOOD my e2l hyuck fic is inspired and named after it 😭 i fucking love that song. THEIR VOCALS!!!!!
nct vocal line supremecy but also nct dance line!! nobody does it like them. their dance line is so strong fr nobody competes!!! but yes their vocals are truly unmatched. nct outsang. stay mad about it.
A YEAR SINCE HOT SAUCE DONT REMIND ME 😭😭😭 dive into you is one of my favs but rainbow is what truly gets my tears rolling. my comfort song fr. and nectar and after midnight >>>>> but i must confess that my fav is actually electric hearts it makes me feel unbelievable abount of serotonin. the fact that yy and hendery wrote the lyrics makes the whole song even better 😩 lowkey wanna write a soulmate au inspired by it 👀
so youre an sm stan!! i literally started stanning aespa like 3 days ago. had another bisexual awakening i feel like. i always wanted to get into red velvet but it never really worked out smh. i used to be a serious stay as well!! but if im being 100% honest, i had a big falling out w this group after in life era. it hurt me a lot to say goodbye to them but i barely even stan anymore, if im being honest. they were a big part of my life, but the music just isnt for me anymore :((
YOURE A STEM STUDENT ? how. i used to be a business student lmaoo so i didnt really have to study any science/math subjects lmao. absolutely hated business school, tho. thank god i graduated this year <3 im going to study psychology at uni in september, so neurobiology is the closest i'll get to being a stem student hahaha. good luck w your studies!! it must be hella hard i cant imagine
I HAD AN EMO PHASE IN 2015-2018 AS WELL AAAAA i fucking loooved twenty one pilots but they are just not it anymore 😭 the same w all time low why do punk groups always have to have a pedophilia/sa scandals. i also loved 5sos, parx and paramore hh but i still do to this day!
and to end this off here you have the yy tiktok as a sneak peek before i post tomorrow <3
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andrewknightley · 13 days
EDIT: Some people are saying maybe this is new leaked stuff and will appear later so do not trust me in anything
So apparently before it was programmed (but never implemented) that if you did very specific things and got halsin in your group and recruited minthara, he made you choose him or her
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but now he has no problem with her at all wich its a bit... ok
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seventh-fantasy · 5 months
seething rage I'm not gonna be in hangzhou for the weekend to see the real lianhualou. gripping bathroom sink at the fact that I'm not rich enough to be the fan who apparently now owns the actual lianhualou
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cultivated-man · 8 months
Back at it again writing my thesis and watching Hannibal- I haven't watched it while writing for long but picked it back up again
But today I paused it to get food and found one of very many shots of han staring at wills ass and I had laughed a bit too hard.
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insanityisdivine · 6 months
so the reason Ace hasn't toured outside US
is because he doesn't have a passport. Get it back, please!!!!!!
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baronazazel · 11 months
Nitroshock is absolutly DELIGHTFUL!!!!!! I'd love to know more!!!
THANK YOUU!!! I will gladly tell you more! I did more doodles of him just for u <3
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So, basically. All of the the four minicons were taken under Wildgear's protection when he was traveling all over the place as a mercenary. All of the minicons do not speak usual language, Wildgear is the only one who understands them outside of themselves of course.
Nitroshock (they/he) is brave and gentle bot. They care deeply about the other minicons and their guardian Wildgear. They will always gladly join any troublemaking the others come up with but he feels a sense of protectiveness over the others and is always ready to jump in front of them to protect his close ones.
Nitroshock was the last one who joined their small family. He was probably the one who suffered the most. As minicons are often used to enhance cybetronians' powers or in this instance, weapons. His alt mode is a shield which makes him have the most durable frame from all of them. When Wildgear found them, he didn't even know the shield he found in his current target's place was a minicon. Not until his companions pointed it out. It took them all a while until Nitroshock was even comfortable enough to transform into his root mode. His most comfortable mode is when they are as the small vehicle resembling a popular human children's ride-on car, which he chose when Wildgear got stuck on earth. It is mostly the reason that Nitroshock had a choice in choosing this alt mode and he loves to drive his friends. The vehicle is obviously bigger than the original plastic model so it can fit adult human inside without any issues. The wheels are also stronger and he is able to be surprisingly fast in this mode. If Nitroshock decides to travel using his root mode he often transforms his heel struts into what could resemble roller blades. The back of his frame that is resembling a coat is often used for balance even though it doesn't always work. When Nitroshock is forced to run on not-so-flat surfaces, they often fall and are really clumsy.
With other minicons he often mimes things and plays pretend when other bots ask them questions as they cannot speak and their writting is mostly just squiggles and it's not readable. Nitroshock makes a honking sound resembling a clown horn and it changes pitch and lenght, depending on his emotion and meaning. He lost his voice when his previous "owner" tore out his voice box one day when they got sick of them as, "weapons do not talk". Nitroshock almost died that day and when they managed to get somewhat repaired, they never got their voice back on "his owner's" orders.
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If they had a choice now and could recover their voice, he wouldn't take it as the bond the minicons have is something special.
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lacallemojada · 2 years
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Those hormones make you so much meaner than you usually are. I know! I know. Don't you think I know?
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scribblersobia · 6 months
We live in a world where -
1. In USA women don't have abortion rights, that is a clear violation of human rights.
2. Femicide in Latin America.
3. Gender inequality in the world. (European countries).
4. The women being deprived of education throughout the world. Especially, in Iran, afghanistan and other middle eastern countries where school tanks were poisoned so girls parents would stop sending them to school.
5. Child marriage, domestic abuse, early pregnancy, women are expected to carry domestic workloads, violence against women, sexual assault all over the world. Which usually make headlines in Asian countries.
6. Financial dependency which makes them vulnerable.
7. There are single mothers, who are either divorced or their husbands passed away due to some reasons. This world is not kind for a widow or a divorced women. A man can remarry and nobody will question him but a woman remarries who world will come to eat her alive.
8. Even climate change is a woman's enemy. It was in news that girls of the age 9+ age are married off because their families have lost everything when the natural calamity occurred. They marry their daughters because ofcourse girls are burden.
9. Among this we have a section of women who are privileged. Some women from this section practice their powers, knowledge and education wisely and others practice fake feminism.
10. Women are expected to do the households work, raise kids and also the man she married. She is expected to adjust and give up on her career because it is only a woman's duty to keep her marriage alive. (This is the reality of 80% women living in India).
11. If a woman talks about women's issues then she is labelled as a "feminist" or the famous "woman ☕". Because, they think women can only cry and play a victim card. Well done 👏.
12. Carry a pepper spray, knife, send location, do this..do that ... when you are out. We can't even travel safely.
This is not detailed, I wrote whatever came to my mind but all the facts mentioned above are true. I may have missed so many problems that women face on day to day life. No abortion rights in USA, stop doing politics with women bodies, USA .
Women's issues are not women's problems, they are the world's problem. Imagine a world where all this is fixed and women are finally treated as humans. Men sitting in big offices, decide what they should do with a woman's body, they make crap cinema where women are objectified; also shame on such women who participate in such stuff. We can't improve if we don't work on the root cause. A society will never grow without the contribution of a woman. ALSO, I AM NOT LASHING OUT AT MEN. I AM TALKING ABOUT THE PROBLEMS( SO DON'T LECTURE ME ABOUT HOW NOT ALL MEN ARE SAME.. I KNOW THAT! THANK YOU)
Sometimes, I think men would be so happy to live in a world without women. No women, no one to control, no one to dominate, no one to do politics with and they will live happily ever in their own manly world.
Ps: This post was for only women. ALSO READ THE TAGS. THANK YOU.
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wounddread · 7 months
hey!!! i followed for the ardyn content!!! but i was curious about your ire tags??? is this an oc??? id love to hear about them!! <3
omg hello fellow ardyn-lover!! <3 ahhhhh yeah ire is my oc 👉👈 she's my oc x canon for ardyn lol that's why you probably see them a lot together in my tags 🖤 SO cringe of me but tysm for humoring me 🖤🖤🖤 i guess to start, she's one of my angel ocs!! and she's my personal fave :) i've got this like. whole huge fic in the works about them i've been writing for years now that my friend @vince-prime REALLY helped me with including adding in his own ocs. we brainstorm together and i do the writing :) ardyn needs someone who would defy the gods for him, yenno? and ire is kinda like. the culmination of that i guess 🤍 and she's also the "he asked for no pickles" wife lol i love ire because she stops at nothing if it means he gets a chance at happiness, gods and devils be damned. she is a force of absolute nature and i find her fascinating because all the angels in my fic have slight human qualities about them, whether it's lust or cruel fascination or curiosity or even selfishness, and she's no different :) but her human characteristics culminate into... persistence and eternity. it's the vibe of like. she'd burn down heaven to keep him warm. and the way love can become a purely neutral force because you won't bend to the laws of fate and whatnot. yeah. idk, i think she's cool lol 🖤 i have an ire aesthetic/ardyn/ffxv blog if u wanna check it out @ire-in-reverence :) all things that remind me of her are under the 🤍 tag and all the ardyn things are under the ♥️ tag. and the "iredyn" tag stands for the ship name i gave them :)
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zoppzoop · 10 days
#venting in the tags#maybe its just past darkness and the Bad Thoughts which i shouldnt listen to are clouding my brain too much#but i feel so fucking weird and inadequate over everything rn#im unable to work on drawings as i usually would have and its kinda plaguing everything which it should like yeah i love drawing but#i cant let just one aspect of me ruin everything. right? the fact that i havent been able to draw as well as i usually can should make me#feel sick to the stomach and unsure about everything i do but it happening and i hate it.#plus i got the ipad id saved up from the comms to buy and its fun and nice and all and maybe i just need more practice with it but i feel#like im not able to draw on it even more? and i spent the whole day trying to get used to it but its just not as good?? and then when i went#back to the no screen wacom i couldnt get a hang of it becuase idek its just not happening#and also the fucking art block wants me dead i swear i want to draw so bad and i have so many ideas but the moment i start anything its just#crumbles down into nothingness and i hate everything i do and gods fuck i want to cry but i can because there are people at home and#usually im a big 'crybaby' when im at home but i dont fucjing wanna be like that anymore like i can handly my shit myself im fine.#i dont need to just fuckinf cry abiut it becuase thats not gonna fox anything but also i feel like crying might just make me feel better#but then id have to hear shit from my family and i know theyre just teasing in a /pos way but i dont wanna fucking deal with that#plus my brother iust talking to him os annoying sometimes like he talks about things so condescendingly and fucking hel dude shut#the fuck up i dont need you telling me that my art is something people can 'just do' and the fact that i was able to get the ipad#'basically for free since i got that money from the little drawings i make' as if they dont fucking mean anything to you like#shut the fucking fuck up dude i worked hard on those and even though i dont like my own shit sometimes i still fucking work hard on those#fuck you you bitch#i think a lot of things are just piling up and i need to sleep#tomorrow will be a new dawn and a fresh start and maybe ill hate myself less#ps. note to anyone reading the tags#im fine i just needed to yell out and express my frustration a bit. some sleep will help surely.
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milkpansa-archive · 2 years
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j-hope - more 
happiest of birthdays to you darling @ipromisedthesunset ♡
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cooliostarstache · 1 year
kim kitsuragi may I kiss you on the mouth
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rustbeltjessie · 2 years
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Speaking of art, and scumbag shit, I got some supplies so I can level up my stick & poke game. I’ve come a long way from the days of India ink and sewing needles. I’ve been using real sterilized tattoo needles and real tattoo ink for years now, but I needed more ink (the stuff I had is expired) and I figured why not get a whole kit? Now I have a ton of supplies, including a hand poke pen, and even some fake skin to practice on.
Oh, and I’ve been working on tattoo ideas in my art journal. Anything I want to tattoo on myself, I’m drawing over and over in my journal first, so that I can get the images how I want them, and so my hand and brain can memorize the linework.
So I’m too broke for professional tattoos forever, and I’m no longer friends with any of my old pals who do stick & pokes? So I might as well get really good at tattooing myself.
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fuwaprince · 6 months
Hey loser how were you going to talk about ocean man and accidentally say tumblr when you don't want me to know you still lurk my blog like fuck offffff already thanks .-.
#this is for one creep and one creep only ps eat dog shit#i will never fucking date you get over it#sorry not sorry btw stop fucking touching me and stop stalking i will grate your dick over a salad and make you eat it as an appetizer#you are ugly and stupid and i hate golf#your taste in music sucks#stop playing the same stupid love songs whenever we carpool#also do me a favor and stick your dick outside the car window before rolling it up thanks#you disgust me#I'd rather date a headless cockroach#at least i know the headless cockroach won't jerk off while scrolling my blog like a fuckin freak#PATHETIC#cross my boundaries and i will bully the shit out of you publicly#honey badger don't care#i hope you're crying#:') fuck off#you are a joke and your words don't mean shit to me#i wish you were a crunchy leaf so that i could stomp you out of existence#i wish spontaneous combustion upon you#when you talk about shit on an atomic level i roll my eyes#your political views make you even uglier#you're a bad pet owner for not even making posters for your missing cat it has been months and you don't care#toby ran away and i would too#your care is conditional and shallow#you have a boring personality#i will make you need an iv#your mother doesn't trust your irresponsible ass that's why your younger brother is her and your dad'sfavorite son#your car is fucking weak and you chew through your brake pads driving it like a moron#if you were a responsible car owner you'd replace them by now#you will never be a fucking Jake 💓#if this hurts your feelings GOOD maybe stop fucking stalking me on some no name ass blog
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artistfingers · 2 years
Hi hello! I saw the ask you answered abt detective Conan and wanted to say I started it literally a week ago and it is consuming my mind!!! And I want to talk about it! And I want to literally live in the art style, it makes me want to do endless sketch studies haha
AHHHHH I know right?? the early anime style (and by extension, the early manga style) is just so delicious. I could eat it
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it literally does not get any better than this!!!!
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dramat-ique · 2 years
hey just dropping by to tell you your tim and bart art has the coziest vibes ever, im cradling them gently in my heart forever!! do you have an art tag??
omg thank you. I'm useless at responding to praise but like. Just know I was made very soft about this message <3 I have a lot of big feelings about those two and they're all I've want to draw lately lol. I love them a frankly alarming amount. To answer your question though I don't haha. I used to but I stopped posting art online (especially here) for a long time and only started up again recently and find it all oddly embarrassing haha. But maybe I'll take this as a sign to actually start using an art tag <3
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