#also the Man Trap scared the hell out of me the first time I saw it
triptychgardener · 1 month
i saw you mentioned that transfem!calliope was practically canon, could you maybe elaborate on that? (im not dissing your hcs btw im just confused on where its suggested in canon)
Hey so it took me a while to get to this just because I wanted to solidify some thoughts about it! Won't go into as much detail wrt my other posts, but we can at the very least start with her handle: uranianUmbra
Uranian is an old-fashioned term, generally used for gay men, though also used in different ways to describe other-gendered people or ways of being, occasionally used as a catch-all similar to how Queer is used today. Its history is complicated and occasionally uncomfortable, as a lot of queer history can be, but notably, one potential root of this idea came from Urning
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Now obviously conceptions of gender and sexuality were a lot different then, and I don't want to simplify this, but in Homestuck, it's pretty undeniable that Calliope is a woman stuck in a man's body, and this is likely why Hussie used that very specific word in the first place: to foreshadow the eventual Cherubian Twist.
And not that framing: a woman trapped in a man's body. Cherubs (at least as we are told) have two equal halves who can predominate. But the framing of their entire dynamic makes it very clear that this is Caliborn's body, not Calliope.
Callie's ideal self, in Callie Ohpeee, her Trollsona, is positioned as something to be taken off to reveal her true self. She feels that she needs to conform her exterior to match her interior self, something Caliborn never has to do.
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Hell, even as she goes to sleep for the last time, she removes her jacket to reveal Caliborn's shirt underneath. It's his body, not hers.
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Not only that, but throughout the story, we see that Callie experiences something close to either dysphoria or body dysmorphia. She hates the way she looks, and affects an especially sweet demeanor in order to not scare people away. She sees herself as a monster because her body becomes the most hideous masculine monster the story has ever known! Literally Lord English.
And shockingly, even though it (in my opinion) handles it poorly, the Epilogues do give us a brief insight into cherub gender, where it basically illuminates that Aranea was kind of talking out of her ass about cherub reproduction, and that Cherubs have no actual biological sex or gender. Meaning that somewhere along the way, Caliborn and Calliope CHOSE their genders, likely influenced by the human and troll internet they were permitted. Callie perhaps forming her own gender in opposition to her brother. This also probably created the ouroboros through which gender became a thing in the first place but thats besides the point. Point is, Callie was likely not a woman until she chose to be a woman. I.e. transgender.
Now the epilogues took it in what I find to be a kind of boring direction, i.e. "well cherubs have no real biological sex so that means I have to be nonbinary now" which is just such a lukewarm take on the imposition of gender but whatever. Point is that Callie is transgender end of story goodnight!!!!!
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ohtobeleah · 6 months
Was It Over? // Jake Seresin
-> Chapter Five:: [Why Do They Call It Love?]
Summary: Jake spends time with his side of the family and your kiddos in Texas. The lies quickly come to an end though when an overworked and overwhelmed nursing student makes the wrong call to your not-so-emergent contact.
Warnings: Sick!reader. Breast cancer diagnosis. Jake Seresin x F!reader. Angst, hospital & medical inaccuracies. SLOW BURN ROMANCE/ Inaccurate medical information. Relationship turmoil. Overbearing mothers.
Word Count: 5K
Author Note: The last chapter update before Christmas! EEP! It's one of the moments we've all been waiting for too.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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It’s not too late you know—“ Jake watched as his father, the man who had many times throughout his childhood and teenage adolescents put his hands on him, poured himself a drink at the small but decent bar in the room Jake and his groomsmen were getting ready in. “To call this whole thing off that is.” 
All Jake could do was press his lips together in a fine line of disappointment, he’d expected this. Hell if anything he was actually pleasantly surprised Rod had been able to hold off for as long as he could. 
“I wouldn’t have asked Y/n to marry me if I didn’t want to marry her, Dad.” Jake sighed as he watched his father smirk and swirl his scotch around in the glass he held firmly in his ageing hand. 
“You're not afraid of being reductive, are you son?.” Rodney Seresin was a hard man to understand, he showed little empathy towards others or emotion in general. Jake had never even seen the man drink anything beside single malt scotch. “I doubt you have more fear than the average asshole who decides to get hitched.” The almost self deprecating follow up did little to soothe the frown etched almost permanently onto Jake's face whenever he was around his father. “If anything you seem pretty fearless walking headstrong into a marriage that will surely end up on some poor clerks desk just waiting to be stamped as null and void.” Jake couldn’t find the right words to say as he watched Rodney take a swig of the amber liquor that would surely give the bastard liver cancer at some stage. But Jake mustard up the first few that came to mind. 
“Okay, I think you’ve had enough to drink pops, you’re projecting your own fears about love onto me, on my wedding day.” Jake had a lot of big emotions about his father. Deep down Jake wanted him to be proud of the man he’d become, especially on his wedding day. But Jake also knew, after some pretty intense therapy sessions, that his father’s approval never really meant anything. 
“Oh please, everyone’s scared of love dipshit—you learn that in your twenties, or at least I did anyway.” Jake's father grumbled as he went about pouring himself another drink. Only this time he reached for another glass to pour Jake one too. “It takes a special kind of lunacy to not be afraid of happiness and my boy do you fit the bill.” 
“That’s so dumb—“ Jake scoffed, he wasn’t about to stand here and listen to a cranky old man project his beliefs, he’d done that all throughout his childhood whenever his father made comments about his mother only being good for two things. Those two things eventually evolved into three once Jake was old enough for the ‘birds and the bees’ talk. 
“No you’re dumb and that’s exactly why you aren’t afraid of happiness.” Rodney huffed. “The smarter you are the more you know, happiness is a fucking trap that can’t and won’t ever last forever.”
“That woman out there is about to be my wife—“ Jake argued as he tried to contain his rage. The vein in his neck throbbed as he clenched his jaw and balled his fist to maintain his control. This guy wasn’t worth it, he never had been and never would be and the last thing Jake ever wanted was to be any way, shape, or form like his father. “You don’t get to tell me I won’t be happy marrying the woman I love, who I’ve been in love with since the first time I saw her. The woman, who mind you, is one of the most intelligent people I know, loves me for me! Without the goddamn last name or family values, she loves me for me which is something that you wouldn’t understand.” Jake would never forget this, that on his wedding day or all days his father felt it was necessary to get up on his soap box. “You’re unbelievable—“ 
“You really think that some aspiring author who’s biggest accomplishment is working a full time position at the local bookstore is the love of your life?” Rodney asked with enough conviction in his tone that Jake thought for a moment it was a genuine question—but as always it was used to mask a dig at your chosen profession. The real question was if Jake loved you for you, the answer would always be wholeheartedly. 
“I’ve experienced more love knowing Y/n these last few years than you ever had with Ma and as much as I hate that for her I’m glad she doesn’t give two shits about you.” Jake argued, the anger had materialised across his face in a deep shade of red. 
“Jacob, even if you consider this girl to be the love of your life It’s still going to end.” Jake stepped a little further forward to close some distance between himself and his father. The older man reached out to extend the amber liquid to his only son. The disappointment, the mistake. Jake reluctantly accepted the vessel. “It's inevitable, whether it be by the slow pull of disease, or the shock of loose footing on a hiking trail.” Rodney grumbled on as he eyed his son down trying to make a point that this day for Jake would eventually be as meaningless as his existence. “Or perhaps in your case it’ll be the corrosion of two different personalities that reshape each other until they’re no longer compatible.” 
“You’re just a cranky old bastard aren’t you?” Jake couldn’t think of anything else to say to his father as his groomsmen filed back into the room all laughing and ready to lead Jake out to the ceremony. 
“Maybe, but I’m a bastard with a point—happiness always ends.” Rodney smirked. “Think about it, the best case scenario, son, is that you both die at the same time.” Jake felt like he couldn’t breathe as his best man slapped his hands on his suited up shoulders. They’d just gotten back from their own first look with you. Some still had tears in their eyes. You were just that beautiful. 
“You ready man? It’s time.” Jake looked down at the drink in his hand his father had poured him before he took the entirety of the amber liquid he hoped one day would be the reason for his father’s demise in his mouth. The eye contact between father and son never broke as Jake swallowed without a fuss. 
“As I’ll ever be.” 
The Oncology ward was never your favourite place, hell it was never a place you thought you’d have to frequent, but the copious amounts of Christmas decorations that lined the halls and boarded the nurses station, put a smile to your weary face. Those decorations hadn't been there the last time you met with your oncologist to discuss your treatment plan. That meeting had felt like a lifetime go, but in reality it was only a mere few weeks. 
“Okay so this is your room.” One of the nurses that had helped admit you as a patient to Rhode Island Hospital oncology ward smiled behind you as you and your mum carried your bags into the room. “Try to make yourself at home, we find that the more homely people make their room the easier the stay is.” 
She was young, fresh out of college and still had those brown baby eyes that looked like they just wanted to save every person she came into contact with. High hopes that would soon come to realise that in life you couldn’t save everyone. Lydia was her name, or so the badge credentials that hung from her scrub top told you.  
“Will do.” You smiled, nothing would make this easier. Nothing about this entire situation was or would be easy. 
Lydia left you and your mother alone to settle your things, knowing you were about to spend a your holidays couped up in a hospital room made your heart ache for the holiday memories where your children were opening presents under the tree as you and Jake drank coffee spiked with Baileys at six am in the afternoon. 
The ever looming crisis of impending death always made you wonder if last Christmas would be your last Christmas with your little family. It made you wonder if you’d ever get to spend a holiday like this with them again. Lucy and Lennox would turn seven in February, Samuel would be three in August, it dawned on you as you placed your toiletries in the bathroom, would you get to see your children grow? Watch them fall in love for the first time, learn new skills, develop into adults, get married, graduate. All the things you wanted to see as a mother. 
“Where do you want me to put these?” Your mother called out as you turned around to see her holding up a string of multicoloured Christmas lights. You frowned at the woman who had been there for you through thick and thin with her childlike mannerisms and christmas cheer. 
“Mum, why do you have Christmas lights?” You sighed softly like you were trying to be brave and take all of this on the chin. 
“I thought that the least I could do would be to help decorate your room, you are in here over the holidays afterall, why not spend some time decorating while you can?” She beamed as she took you under her arm and wrapped her arm around your shoulders. “Brought you a little Christmas tree too.” 
“You didn’t have to do that—“ You appreciated the festive atmosphere though and knew over the coming days that you’d appreciate the warmth even more. Right now though all you wanted to do was sleep. 
“I know, but you’re my baby—“ She whispered back softly as you both looked around the blank space, the sterile environment that was about to be your home for the next three weeks at the minimum. “So I reckon we put them all the way around the room.”
“It’s gonna look like the first season of stranger things in here.” You chuckled which quickly turned into a throaty cough your mother frowned in worry over, but you reassured her you were fine once you caught your breath. “I’m fine, promise—“ The world felt off for a split second. Like tunnel vision was threatening to take you hostage out of nowhere–a blackening darkness loomed behind your eyes as spotted fragments came and left in the space of a few seconds. “Woah, that was a little odd.” 
“Sweetheart?” Your mothers eyes nearly popped out of her head when she realised what was happening. “Do you feel okay?” It was a hard question to answer, it always had been. But right now it was harder than ever. 
“I’m a little light headed, why?” It wasn’t anything unusual, but with the way your mum was staring at you like you’d just grown another head from your shoulder made you think it was something more serious. “Mum?” Something was off as you stood trying to figure out what was going on, your body felt weird, like a tingling sensation had tickled its way across your skin. 
“The left side of your face is drooping.” Your mother explained as she put the lights down on your bed. “Your cheek is–”
“What?” You asked nearly in disbelief at her reaction to face slightly drooping opposed to your right. “What are you even talking about?” 
“I’m getting the nurse, I think somethings wrong, I think you're having a stroke.” This couldn’t be happening, what more could life throw at you? First a breast cancer diagnosis and now a fucking stroke? “Stay here.”
“I’m literally admitted! Where do you think I’m going to go!” Your voice followed your mother out towards the nurses station as you tried to take a few steps, that’s when you realised though that the entire left side of your body had gone numb and tingly. “Oh god—“ Panic soon set in as you took a seat on your hospital bed. Tears flooded your eyes as an immense wave of anger and despair erupted out of your soul. 
This wasn’t fair. None of it was. 
“Dad!! Push me higher!” Lenny laughed as Jake pushed him on the swing set in the backyard of his family’s home. 
“Any higher and you’ll do a loop around man.” Jake chuckled but he obliged by his son's wishes and gave him a little more of a chesty send off when the swing carrying his son came back his way. 
More of the Seresins spending Christmas and new years at home had since arrived and the festivities were well and truly underway. Jake watched as the sun set below the rolling hills along the horizon as his mothers festoon lights illuminated the back deck. They reminded him of Penny’s, the ones that always made the Hard Deck balcony seem so much brighter. 
“When mum told me Y/n wasn’t coming this year I thought she was lying.” Jasmine called out as she made her way across the backyard to where Jake stood playing with his two boys. Sammy sat by his leg fixated on the tonka truck Jake swore was gonna leave the biggest bruise on his shin if the kid kept ramming it into him. “What’s going on with you two?” 
“You know—“ Jake groaned, he was just about over the question as much as you were. Everyone knew, it wasn’t a secret Jake kept close to his chest. He knew he fucked his marriage up, he knew he was the problem. But it didn’t help when everyone asked what was going on between the pair of you over and over and over again. 
It was like opening up an old wound over and over again. Watching the infection spread, watching the tissue decay and slapping a gauze on it hoping that it’ll heal in time. 
But as you pointed out, time didn’t always heal old wounds and you were still very much healing from the damage Jake had caused when he lost focus and sight of the things that mattered most to him. 
He didn’t realise you were gone until you had locked the door behind you and taken the key. 
“I just thought it was a rough patch. I didn't think you guys wouldn’t spend Christmas together.” Jasmine Seresin was the youngest daughter of all the Seresin Siblings and Jake's most fearsome protector. She was always in his corner ready to go into bat for him just as much as Jake was for her. “What’s she doing anyway?” Jake assumed it was because of their close age gap, Jasmine always said it was because Jake couldn't throw a solid punch to save himself.
“Uh she’s going on a trip to Banff—“ Jake continued to push Lenny on the swing set his uncle had built over thirty years ago. It was a ridiculous thing with its over the top attachments and its stainless steel finishing. The slide used to burn the crap out of your ass if you went down the thing in the midsummer Texas heat. But it was still good as it was the first day Jake and his sisters took it for its very first spin. Now he was a dad, pushing his son on that same damn swing he cried on when he scuffed his knee playing tag. “Some friend's trip she was invited on.” Jake wished he knew more but he never wanted to pry. You had a private life now he wasn't privy to. “She hasn’t really told me much about it and I didnt wanna ask in case she thought I was being controlling.” 
“Oh.” Jasmine had to stop herself from saying what she was thinking straight off the top of her head, but Jake knew her better than that. He could practically see the cogs in her brain twisting and turning and working together to formulate her next opinion. 
“Say it—“ Jake encouraged. “Go on, I know you want to.” 
“It’s just Banff can be awfully romantic this time of year and all.” She shrugged. “I wouldn’t want to tell my ex husband about a new fling that’s taking me to Banff for Christmas either.” 
“I wonder how the conversation will go when she tells that guys she fucked said ex husband the night before she flew out then.” Jake smirked as he pushed his son a little higher to hear his screams of joy as Jasmine cupped her hand over her wide open mouth. “I don’t think there’s a guy.” 
“Holy shit you two are so getting back together.” 
“If mum had it her way I’d be divorced six ways till Sunday and have an open day down at the church for potential candidates she approves of.” Jake couldn’t have rolled his eyes any harder as Jasmine groaned and rubbed her temples. 
“You’re her baby boy Jake, she’s obsessed with you—god she never did like Y/n all that much did she?” 
“Nah—and I honestly think this whole separation has just made her delusional self more delusional.” 
“I don’t want you two losing sight of the love you have for each other because of a rough patch.” Jasmine nearly warned as she bumped Jake's hip with her own. “You're too pig-headed sometimes.” 
“Funny, I’ve got a wingwoman who says the same damn thing.”
“Sounds like my kinda gal.” Jake had to scoff at the idea that immediately popped into his mind. Phoenix was very much his sister's type and he knew that. 
“You tell mum about Racheal yet?” What Janeen Seresin didn’t know about her youngest daughter was that she and her husband Eric, who stood grilling away with Jake's father, had recently decided that monogamy just wasn’t their thing. Racheal had started off as a babysitter for the couple's two kids, ten year old Stacey and eight year old Lewis. When Jake found out that Jasmine was bisexual he didn’t blink and eye, but he did spit his beer all over Rooster when she told him she and Eric where both happily fucking the nanny. Sometimes together. 
“Are you fucking kidding me? She’s already on the verge of an eruption over one of her kids on the brink of no fault divorce, could you imagine what would happen if I came out at the family Christmas party?” Jake just chuckled and shook his head pretending like he didn’t already know it would end in disaster. “I’d meet our ancestors Jake, all the way back to pre colonial times my guy, you’re my scapegoat right now.” 
“Happy to be of assistance.” Jake just laughed at his sister's chaos. He watched with a smile half the size of his face as she turned to walk off. Not before she turned around and gave the most obnoxious salute she could have. 
“Appropriate your service, Lieutenant.” 
“Your daughter’s going under for a procedure we call a thrombectomy to remove the suspected blood clot from inside her artery.” Your mother sat in the waiting area of the emergency surgery floor she’d been escorted to once you had been whisked away. “Luckily for her we caught this so early she should have practically no defecates depending on how the surgery goes.” 
First your separation, then your breast cancer diagnosis and now a stroke, what more could you possibly have to deal with. 
“What caused it? She's been rather sick the last few days, throwing up, not sleeping, eating.” Your mother explained to the resident who had come out to update her on your status. “She's already dealing with so much.” 
“Unfortunately this isn't uncommon in young woman who go through severe bouts of stress, i've read your daughter's file and its safe to say that the clot was probably due to her current oral chemo, plus a combination of high stress from the diagnosis, her blood pressure and her bodies inability to sustain proper nutrients, it's a perfect storm for these sorts of things.” It made sense but the explanation didn't make the outcome of the situation you were facing any easier for your mother to handle. “Rest assured your daughter is in really good hands and the fact she was already inside the hospital when the stroke started to manifest itself means her chances of a full recovery are rather high.” 
“But now she’ll just live long enough to slowly deteriorate and be taken by the cancer, won't she?” Your mother wouldn't ever admit it to you, but the phone call where you told her that you had been diagnosed with Stage three A, triple positive grade three invasive doctoral carcinoma, was one of the worst days of her life. The first being the day your father and the love of her life died far too young far too quickly. “My daughter is strong, Doctor Phillips, but she's just one woman, how much is she expected to be dealt before she gives up.” 
Doctor Phillips, the resident who had been tasked with updating your mother, just flashed her a look of sympathy laced in professionalism that truly showed a testament to her ability to not let her own feelings get in the way of her patients and their families. 
“Let's take this one step at a time, Miss O’riley.” She added politely before saying goodbye and left your mother to sit in silence watching the clock tick, although she didn't take her eyes off the clock on the wall for a mere second, time still felt like it stood still while you were on that operating table.
The day had been long, overdrawn, and full of mindless family drama over dinner on the back deck the first night Jake and the kids were in Texas. One night down only.. “Oh God–” Jake groaned as he finally let his head rest on the pillow and realised he would be here for a full two weeks before he could escape the family he never wanted to be anything alike. 
The kids had gone down relatively easy with little to no tears, Lucy was a little upset that you never called like you said you would and Jake was slightly concerned that you never returned his calls or texts. However he also understood you didn't owe him a damn thing and for all he knew, you were still up in the air, on your way to the very beginning of what he hoped would be a fantastic kid tree trip. You did after all deserve some time away. 
Jake had thought quickly on his feet before the tears could start though, he told Lucy that you had said you'd call in the morning because you knew that you'd keep her up far too long. He just hoped as his own head hit the pillow that you would in fact call in the morning. 
Ten o'clock seemed rather early to be heading off to bed but Jake needed to reset his mind in order to be able to handle his family for two more weeks. He needed at least a solid eight hours before his sister Abigail joined in on the festivities for tomorrow with her own family. Jake was the only Seresin sibling this year without his partner present and god did he feel like the black sheep. 
What really cemented that fact he was the family disappointment was when his father had handed him a beer and said the only thing he’d spoken to Jake the entire time he’d been home. A quick, monotone “I told you so son, happiness never lasts.” 
His childhood bedroom hadn’t changed a single bit. As Jake laid in the twin bed he lost his virginity in, he listened to the baby monitor that kept a watchful eye on his three kids just down the hall. Little Sammy was sound asleep, Lucy and Lenny thought they were in the clear but they were up talking about whatever it is young twins talk about late at night while they’re visiting their grandparents place. 
Jake wasn't sure when he had fallen asleep but the sound of his phone going off on the small bedside table surely woke him up in enough of a frazzled state to know it had been a few hours, long enough for his body to truly settle into a deep state of rest. 
“Fuck–” Jake growled as he reached up for his phone. “The fuck is–who the hell is–” Jake grumbled as he sat up in the twin bed and tried to remember where he knew that area code from as the unknown number illuminated his phonescreen. “Hello?” It was a last minute decision to answer once Jake had actually seen the time, two thirty in the morning to be exact. 
“Hi, would I be speaking to Mr. Seresin?” Lydia asked politely on the other end of the line, she sat at the nurses station on the ass end of her double shift. A double shift she wasn't supposed to be working. She couldn't feel her feet with how badly they were throbbing, her eyelids were far too heavy to keep up and she hadn’t eaten since noon yesterday, but her patients came first. Lydia Hudson was determined to be the best nurse she could be and that included updating your emergency contact on your post-op recovery. 
“This is he.” Jake replied rather roughly into the phone as he held it to his ear in the darkness of his childhood bedroom. His voice was an octave deeper than it usually was with how tired he was. 
“Hi Jake, this is Lydia calling from Rhode Island Hospital.” It took Jake's brain a moment to catch up to his heart as the women on the other end of the line spoke, but it caught up soon enough. “I'm just calling to let you know how your wife went in her emergent surgery, it seems as though we were able to retrieve the clot before it could cause any irreparable deficits.” Jake frowned as he ran his hand over his face, he wasn't sure what the hell he was listening to but his heart was hammering inside his chest. “There doesn't seem to be any critical deficits at the moment, she's on some pretty intense pain medication but we’re hoping that it won't interfere with her upcoming Mastectomy and chemotherapy sessions.” 
“Im–I'm sorry, do you have the wrong number?” Jake questioned. “You said my wife?” 
“Y/n Seresin?, I’m so sorry if no one had updated you sooner, but while she was setting up her room in oncology she suffered a moderate stroke we think was brought on by the–” 
“Oncology meaning?” Jake was beginning to break out in a sweat as his heart raced. No, no you were supposed to be on a plane to Banff, you should have been in Calgary by now. 
“The cancer ward–?” Lydia replied. “Mr. Seresin you do know your wife was admitted for stage three A, triple positive grade three invasive doctoral carcinoma, right?” Lydia frowned as she read over your notes again trying to understand why the man she had just called, your husband, didn’t seem to know a damn thing about your situation. “She was just put through admission today when she–” Lydia paused when she saw it, your actual emergency contact. It wasn’t Jake Seresin who was listed as your emergency contact on your paperwork, but your mother who was currently sitting at your bedside watching your chest move up and down post your operation. “Oh my god–” 
“Y/n—“ Jake couldn’t make sense of what he’d just been told. “Has cancer? My wife Y/n has cancer?” Jake had to say it out loud for the realisation to kick in. “She has cancer? My wife had a stroke? What the hell is–” 
“Mr. Seresin I’m so unbelievably sorry but I can’t share any more details with you under HIPAA, I’ve just realised you weren’t listed as your wife’s emergency contact.” 
“She has cancer? My Y/n has cancer?” The vomiting, the flu that Lucy said you had had for weeks now, how tired you looked, it all made sense. “Oh god—“ Jake felt the tears spilling down his cheeks as he jumped out of his childhood bed and hit the light switch. “No, oh god no.” He felt like he was going to throw up as he rummaged through his duffle for a clean shirt and shorts. “How long has she known?” The call, the need for Jake to take the kids, the way you wouldn't even give him a chance to right his wrongs, divorce…. “How long has she known for?” 
“I’m so sorry Jake, I can’t share any more details with you.” Lydia apologised before she began to panic and hung up the phone, leaving Jake in his newest existential crisis. 
Jake had to go, he had to get back to you, why the fuck would you not tell him this? How long have you known? How long did you have left even? What was your prognosis? Jake had so many questions that were left unanswered as he changed and grabbed his wallet. He was booking the next available flight back to Rhode Island as he shoved all his stuff back into his duffel bag. 
The kids would have to stay—oh god the kids. Your kids. No. No this wasn’t happening, it couldn’t be. Jake felt his heart racing as he silently cried in the middle of his childhood bedroom. His hand came to cover his mouth, minimising his cries to a silent but painful whale. He couldn’t lose you like this. What did that nurse mean when she said you had a stroke? 
But out of everything Jake had been told he knew one thing for sure as he tried to pull himself together off the floor and get back to you as soon as he could. 
That there never had been a Banff trip planned.
Tags: @blindedbythelightt @starset21 @tayl0rhuynh @mamachasesmayhem @marvelogic @itsmytimetoodream @maverick-wingman @kodzukenmaaa @eternalsams @seitmai @nota-professional l @jessicab1991 91 @hardballoonlove @senawashere @lafrone @fanficfandomlove ve @withahappyrefrain @dizzybee03 @maisie-rebloging-blog @goldenseresinretriever @a-reader-and-a-writer @sunlightmurdock @shelbycillian @memoriesat30 @accioprocrastination @the-aspiring-fanfic-writer @athenabarnes @eternallyvenus
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judysxnd · 1 year
Can I request a pedro × reader?
It's few months into the relationship and pedro , being a bad sleeper , one day woke up from a terrible nightmare . The reader is up so she calms him down and pedro hugs her and tell her ( I love you ) for the first time .
Thank you so so much❤️ it means SO much🥰 love the request, it’s going to be so intimate!! Hope you’ll like it!!
Today has been a long day for Pedro. Waking up at 6am, driving an hour and half for the interviews to promote the last season of the Mandalorian, having lunch at almost 2pm, going to the gym after, and then an appointment with his agent. It was a pretty busy day. As for you, it was a normal work day.
He finally came back around 7:30. You were waiting for him in the living room, scrolling on social media. When you heard the door opening, you stopped what you were doing and went to see him.
“Hey baby” you said shyly, smiling
“Hi angel” his face lit up when he saw you. His movements were slow, kicking his shoes off and putting his stuff away. As he was very happy to finally be home and see you, he was extremely tired. It hit him as soon as he opened the door.
“You look tired” you said, going to hug him. His entire body relaxed as you wrapped your arms around him.
“I’m more than tired” he sighed, holding you tight.
“Yeah I bet you are. Are you also hungry? I was waiting for you”
“A little yeah”
“Hell yeah. Too tired to cook anything”
“Okay. I’ll order, go take a shower, okay?” You slightly parted, looking at each other.
“You’re too good for me mama” he leaned down to kiss you.
So Pedro went to take his shower. He food arrived right after he joined you in the kitchen. You quietly enjoyed your food and went to bed right away, watching a movie. As you expected, five minutes into the movie and Pedro was dead asleep. You kept watching the movie, it was very interesting.
Trapped in a house. All exists are absolutely no use. The front door? Three steel bear traps. The two French windows in the back? Electric wires in front of them. The windows? Barriers blocking them. The only possible exit are the skylights, but the roof is too high, and it’s not discreet enough to escape the monster. Because yes, there is a monster chasing the man. Nonstop running, going from one hiding spot to another. Sweating, out of breath, unable to run properly, nothing to defend himself. The man goes in a roof, but the monster sees him, so he goes back inside. It’s too dangerous to jump. But there’s something missing. He wasn’t alone. He knows that his girlfriend is missing. He also feels that he is alone, no family anymore. Like they were all gone, they were not existing anymore. The pics on the wall show no face except for the man. He still remembers everything, but- but the pictures? He is alone. Faces erased. What is happening? Oh no, the monster is close. He can hear his heavy breathing. Will he see him in the closet? Oh- yes he did. He swung the door opened. The monster growls, and is about to throw his hands on the man.
Suddenly Pedro wakes up screaming, heavily breathing. It scared you. You sat up next to him, caressing his back, holding his hand
“Wh-What happened?” Pedro asks, still shocked.
“It was a nightmare Pedrito, it’s okay, it’s not real”
“It-It” he paused a second, catching his breath “it felt so real” he put his hands on his face.
“It was not”
“Everyone was-” he couldn’t even say it
“It’s okay, look at me” you put your hand in his cheek, turning his head so that he would look at you. “Look at me, you feel this?” You said touching his hand, his arm, his face. “I’m real, it’s real” you said, making him look around you. He looked at you, not saying anything. You could see his chest moving a lot has he was still out of breath. He suddenly hugged you. “See? I’m real” you added again, hands on his back.
“It was awful, I can’t even describe it”
“Then don’t. Just know that it’s not real. I’m here. I’m real, you’re real.”
“I love you so much” you heard him say. You were surprised, for sure you didn’t expect it. It was the first time either of you said it. Being only together for a few months, it is expectable. You felt butterfly in your stomach. There he was, in pure shock, and saying I love you. It was the purest moment. You let go of him, staring at him, your hands on his cheeks.
“I love you too” you kissed for some time. “Come on, let’s go back to sleep” you turned the tv off. You started to lay down on your side, but Pedro grabbed you.
“Can’t sleep without feeling you corazón, you’re the one keeping me sane” you turned to face him
“I’m not going anywhere.. cariño” he smiled. You hold his hand. “It was just a nightmare. This- This is real” you snuggled right to him, and both fell asleep.
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You, Me, & Him
While looking for supplies, Y/N runs into a dark-haired stranger with a crossbow. 
Thanks to @minervadashwood for their help. 
Using her foot to open the door, Y/N kept her bow at the ready as she entered the abandoned building. It appeared to be empty, but she knew that one or more of the undead could be somewhere inside. Not wanting to be surprised by one, Y/N kicked the reception desk a few times to see if the noise brought any walking corpses out to her. While she hoped it was empty, she also knew that the undead could be good deterrents from people coming in, which meant that the clinic was mostly untouched, and they really needed the supplies that should still be inside. 
After a couple of minutes of quiet, Y/N deemed it safe to move deeper inside, past the desk, and towards the offices and exam rooms. The first office she found was in a similar state as the entrance, with papers and such thrown around, but nothing that she or Christopher could use. Before she could move to search the other rooms, a faint noise alerted her that they were not alone. Bow at the ready, Y/N moved as quickly and quietly as she could, not wanting to be trapped in the office with no other exit, to the door, and back out into the hall. This time finding a crossbow aimed at her, and a rough-looking man behind it. 
“I don’t want any trouble.” Y/N declared as her eyes looked him over. His tanned skin had the look of someone who spent a lot of time outside, his clothes looked worn but clean, and he had a large hunting knife and a gun on his belt. Facial hair covered his chin, and his hair was on the longish side, not reaching his shoulders but falling over a pair of blue eyes. Blue eyes that were focused on her. They didn’t look red or bloodshot but that didn’t mean he wasn’t here looking a hit or dangerous.  
“Me neither.” He replied gruffly. 
“The drug closet is usually in the nurses’ area.” She said with a jerk of her chin in that direction, so that she continued to hold her bow at the ready, the arrow pointed at him. 
“Ya think I’m lookin’ for drugs?” The man asked, his voice rising in both volume and irritation.  “What ya see a redneck with a crossbow and think I am some druggie?”
Before Y/N could reply, the sound of a small cry filled the room, obviously startled by the sound of raised voices. She could feel the material wrapped around her moving as its occupant shifted. Keeping her eyes on the man in front of her, she murmured some comforting words. 
It surprised Daryl when he saw a small dark head of hair pop out from the layers of clothing that the woman wore. The baby was older than Judith, but he couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl. The baby’s cries quieted quickly as the woman whispered something softly. He felt a bit like a dick for obviously scaring the kid, but how the hell was he supposed to know she had a kid? Deciding the woman wasn’t the threat he’d assumed she was Daryl lowered his bow and swung his pack around to reach inside. “Here.”
Y/N’s brows shot up in surprise when she saw the pack of baby food being offered. Not only was that not what she expected him to have in his bag, nor had she expected him to lower his weapon. Reaching out tentatively, she accepted it. “Thanks.”
“There’s more.” Daryl declared. It was true. He had planned on taking as much as he could carry now for little ass kicker then come back with the others to get the rest, but he would not let another child go hungry either. “Formula, diapers, and shit, all in the back.”
Y/N could see from his expression and slightly relaxed posture that he meant them no harm, instead offering the opposite. Trusting her gut that she was right, she released the tension on her bow and shouldered it. With her hands now free, she could reach for Christopher and soothe him further as she moved past the man toward the back where he said there were more supplies, maintaining a wide berth just in case. 
Feeling guilty about her earlier assumption, Y/N said, “I didn’t think you were a druggie because of the way you look. I just couldn’t think of another reason one guy would be in a women’s clinic.”
“I get it,” Daryl said with a nod to Christopher. “Ya gotta be careful.”
Y/N nodded once more before turning and moving away. It only took her a minute to find what looked like a supply closet, just off the break room. The stranger had been right, while not bursting at the seams, it was quite full. Diapers of various sizes, cans of formula, bottles, baby food, and so forth. It was a treasure trove for them. Seeing a nearby empty diaper bag, Y/N started loading it up, while keeping an ear out for any danger. Which is why when she looked up, she was surprised to see the man watching her from the doorway; she didn’t know a person could be so quiet. 
Worrying for a minute that she had fallen for a trap, Y/N reached for the knife at her waist, but the man put up his hands in surrender. “Hey hey, not goin’ hurt ya.”
“Then what do you want?” Y/N demanded. “If your pack is full, why did you follow us back here?”
“Wanted to ask ya somethin’.”
“Yeah? What?”
“Do ya have a safe place? To stay I mean,” He asked.
“Of course, we do,” Y/N replied, trying not to show that she was lying. “Our group is waiting for us back at our camp, and a bunch of us are out scouting for supplies. I came here for baby stuff but they’re waiting for us.”
The blue-eyed man looked at her for a minute, as he chewed on his lip. “No, they ain’t.”
“Are you calling me a liar?” Y/N asked.
“Not callin’ ya anythin’, but I know ya dun have anyone waitin’ for ya, and ya dun have a group.” He stated. “If ya did, ya wouldn’t be by yerself and ya wouldn’t have yer kid with ya. You’d have them safe away with them, not here.”
Internally cursing his observation skills, Y/N just shrugged. “Fine, you’re right. What of it?”
“I’m got a group, a big one, men, women, other kids. We’ve got food, a doctor, walls, and fences to keep the walkers out.”
“And babies?” Y/N asked, nodding towards his bag. If he was telling the truth, and he really had this camp, it would explain why he is hunting for baby supplies. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Thought ya and the little one might be lookin’ for a place.” He explained. Daryl didn’t like the idea of leaving the two of them out here alone and not without a safe place to stay.
“You offering?” Y/N asked.
“Maybe.” Daryl said before asking, “How many walkers ya killed?”
“Walkers? You mean the undead?” She asked, realizing it was the second time he had used that word. At his nod, she replied. “I don’t know, I haven’t kept count.”
“How many people have ya killed?”
“Because they tried to hurt my son,” Y/N said firmly.
The man nodded, a look of respect in his eyes at her answer. “What’s ya name?”
“Daryl.” The man, Daryl, replied. “Do ya want to come with me? I promise nothin’ will happen to ya or yer boy from us.”
Y/N’s first instinct was to say no, thinking it was safer if it was just her and Christopher. It was tough, but they’d been doing okay on their own. But the lure of a safe place, where she might sleep for longer than a couple of hours, and not have to worry about what might come from the shadows to hurt Christopher, was too tempting. Hesitating for another minute, she nodded her head. “Yes. I think we do.” 
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Part 2 
Let me know if you would be interested in being added to my tag list for this story.
Tag list: @green-eyedladywrites, @bringinsexybackk69 @littlegodzilla
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
Being Luffy's Stray (Version A)
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After finishing this and editing it, I don't entirely find it cringey and I don't regret making the other version
- Luffy found you asleep on the deck of his ship, he was happy to have a friend
- But then when he found himself needing to fight for his life in the Marines bar, that’s when he realized how cool you really were
- You shifted and everyone’s mood changed, whispers coming from every corner
“Who’s ready to rumble?” You purr, intimidating marines always gave you a sense of satisfaction.
“It’s the fearless shifting pirate.”
- You stand before Luffy and grab the man before he could get hurt, reminding him of someone he used to know
"Come on, kid."
"I'm not a kid." He pouts but follows after you
"You wouldn’t be a kid if you didn’t stop and pick a fight with everyone you meet."
"How'd you do that?" He asks, ignoring the question.
"How are you a rubber man?"
"I ate a devil fruit."
You raise a brow waiting for him to understand what you’re talking about. "And?"
"Oh. You ate one too."
You pat his shoulder, "now he gets it."
- Nami and Zoro had no idea who you were or what you do until you were dealing with Buggy
- He held you up by the back of your neck, laughing until he got a foot in his face
- You immediately turn and find your friend trapped in a glass case before running to him and start punching the glass as hard as you can, blood smearing across the front in the process from your knuckles
- You're pulled back by a floating hand. "What the hell?"
"What? You didn't realize I could- oh, right. You were still in your little burlap sack," and he laughs in your face
- You’ve never wanted to beat a clown before and you’re ready to start now
- Luckily, you’re able to him lock up in the random collection of unused treasure chests he had lying around
- Luffy immediately runs to you and hugs you
- You groan and stand still, patting him on his back every few seconds
- He steps back from you and you two stare at Nami and Zoro
- They have no idea what’s happened and are naturally, confused
"What was that?"
"A magic trick, what do you think, Orangie?"
She narrows her eyes at you
"Keep staring at me like that and I might cough up a hairball."
Nami shutters, "gross."
You smirk, "yep so, don't mess with me." Your tail flicks. "I play dirty."
Zoro raises a brow, "weren’t you gonna jump in sooner?"
You shrug, "I don't know. The clown literally threw me in a sack. He's lucky I didn't scratch an eye out."
- Finding a new ship was... annoying to say the least
- You're just happy none of your crew got injured too badly
- Luffy's happy you weren’t awake for the battle, otherwise it would have been a real catfight (he got a chuckle out of everyone but you when he made the joke)
- Usopp freaked out the first time he saw you turn
- Your ears flicked as you chuckled at him
- He always makes sure to have someone near him when he sees you
- His fear makes you feel a little bad but then you get over it when he plays with you (his slingshot also makes for a great exercise, what can you say)
- You scare him but annoy Zoro more than anything
- You cackle every time he sees you because of how much he dislikes cats (more so after dealing with Klahadore)
- You don't blame him, Klahadore has always been a pain along with his sidekicks
- Now you don't know how you got to the restaurant but you're happy Luffy grabbed you (this time) before walking in
- You woke up just before your waiter exited the kitchen, or more like, you were startled awake because the idiot you call a captain dropped you
- You shifted in time to land on your ass and narrow your eyes at him, ears drawn back as if you'll attack
- The captain boops your nose and you don't attack him, deciding to give him dirty looks instead
"Was that really necessary?"
"You got a problem with me, Orangie?"
"Yes. If you're not going to act like a civilized person, you're going back on the ship."
"Make me," you hiss
"I'm dealing with children," she mumbles.
- The commotion from the table closest to the kitchen hurts your ears, you lower your head and cover them, praying for someone to stop it all
"Welcome to the shitty restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambiance is the food. My name is Sanji, what can I get you?"
- You sigh at the sound of the waiter’s voice, finding it pleasant
- Usopp orders drinks while Luffy wants one of everything
"And for the madam?"
"And would the madam like stilled, sparkling, mineral? With ice or without? Cubed or crushed?"
"Just regular water in a regular glass," Nami immediately stops his flirting.
"And a milk," Luffy turns to you (whose dying with all the sounds). "Make it two."
- When Luffy made the dumbest mistake of trying to do an IOU for the bill, you decided to not leave and wandered by his side as he did the dishes
- The chef stares at you as wander around the kitchen, he grabs a piece of meat and starts cutting it, holding out the first piece out for you to take
- You slip through Luffy's legs and slowly walk towards the blond, sniffing the fish as if he was going to poison you
"What are you doing here?"
You narrow your eyes to him.
"You speak to it as if you know the cat?"
"Who says I don't?"
The chef raises a brow at the rubber man's odd behavior.
- You sit by his feet, tail flicking against his shoe as a sign of contentment which Luffy knows you only do with the crew
- You hiss at him periodically, especially when he flicks water at you when you meow at the chef for more food
- The real kicker was when Arlong and his fishmen came, now that's when you impressed the blond
- You jumped into action when Luffy was pushed away, crashing into a table, you shifted mid-air and kicked him in his abdomen
"Nobody messes with him but me."
"Oh? And, what's a little kitten like yourself doing here?" He chuckles, "you gonna cough up a hairball?"
- You don't know when you got separated but by the time you made sure Sanji and Usopp were okay, you ran outside to see his body land in the water
- You’re pulled back by the storyteller before you could throw yourself into the water which would essentially make the situation worse
- Sanji pants watching Usopp help the captain
- You walk back to the ship with your tail tucked between your legs, not letting anyone find you because you hid in a barrel
- Everyone was worried especially since you were down a few crew members
- The only reason you were found was because you were panicking as you tried to get out
- Sanji found you and you launched yourself onto him (in cat form of course)
- He cooed at you and pet the special spot on your head which eased you into a calmer state
"It's going to be okay." He holds you closer to his chest. "Now, let's go inside and find you something to eat. It's dark out."
- He didn't let you out of his sight until Zoro woke up
- The green haired man never thought he'd like cats as much as he did after that
- The fight between Arlong's fishmen and the crew was intense, although the guys and Nami had everything handled
- There was just one fishman who decided to mess with you
- And it all started when you got in your cat headspace and stared into the pond
- He popped up and you swatted his nose which pissed him off, so he held you up by your scruff
- You manage to escape and claw him, whining as he chucks you across the way, shifting in time to kick the fishman off Sanji
"Thanks." He smiles at you.
You flip away as Zoro involves himself, trying to use his katana to do some damage.
- After defeating all of them and getting a hug from Nami (expect for the now depressed chef), you all watch as Luffy rises from the ashes of the collapsed building
- You don’t have the energy to shift back into a cat and lay in a tree, listening to everyone enjoying themselves now that the battle is over
- Until Luffy had to deal with his grandpa
- Then you all shifted into high gear when Luffy showed you his second most favorite thing ever, his wanted poster which only left the Straw Hat crew with one option, leave before the marines could catch you
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Masks and scars
One day I caught myself thinking, "Vessel would be a great protagonist in a dark romance" so here I bring you the first chapter of this story, I'm warning you, hold your heart because this man would kill and die for the one he loves.
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TW: Alcohol, mature content, emotional abuse (not by Vessel), nsfw.
When the music got that much louder and the colored lights started to turn into white flashes, you knew it was time to get out of there or your body would give out and the drinks would back up your throat not in a good way. Fortunately, you was sane enough to grab your car keys, take a last sip of your favorite drink, and wander down the block to the car. It was already late, it was customary to spend many hours at the counter of that place drinking shots and rethinking your life choices, but this night seemed endless, by all accounts it was already dawn because your shoes bothered your foot in an unbearable way. Fortunately, the street was calm, there was no movement, just a man walking out of the same place, but unlike his lucidity, he was already drunk as hell.
You drew this conclusion when you saw him sitting in the middle of the street singing disconnected words, he was practically almost half naked, a kind of cloak tied around his exposed waist as well as his abdomen, he was not wearing a shirt and his pants were practically almost off his body. But despite these details, something caught your attention so that you continued watching him from a safe distance, a white mask with red details, only his mouth was exposed and there was some kind of paint running down his body, he was finished and you were afraid however curious. Let's say that most of your curiosity passes when this man starts to get up and walk in crooked steps towards you, a strong smell of drink invades your nostrils combining with a sweet smell that emanated from him as he approached, you instinctively took firm steps backwards and held the car keys against his chest, some kind of security signal perhaps.
The man takes a few more steps before collapsing in front of you almost at your feet, lying almost on his knees muttering something. Whatever it was, it was already strange, you decide to walk away and get into the car, taking care that when you turn it on, you don't end up hurting the man, but your concern is also cut when he gets into the passenger seat and closes the door. Your reaction was a quick scream of fright, silence reigned for seconds and your next rational thought was to try to open your door to get out, however the man hurried to interfere with your action pulling the door almost in desperation stretching over you. It was scaring her already, trapped in the arms of a man in a hideous mask, drunk in your own car and now breathing the same air as him with a notorious smell of expensive liquor on his breath.
-Drive -the man finally breaks the silence with a word barely spoken in a rigid and not at all reliable way.
- Get out of my car, please. I have no money!- you raise your hands up in a peace sign.
-You have nothing I want, now drive -The man walks away slowly, leaning his face against the window, letting out a loud sigh that made her shiver
-I'm going to call the police.
-You will become my next sacrifice if you don't start this engine now, do you need me to spell it out?
- What is your name?
In a sudden act you are pulled over him reversing places, he starts the car and leaves at an absurd speed making you think that it was a kidnapping. Hitting his arm or throwing him out of the vehicle would be an accident now.
-Where are you going? -you extend your arm taking your cell phone fearing what could happen to you.
-Your house - his voice softens and the speed at which he was driving is slowly decreasing.
Your feelings were so confused that it didn't come to your mind to ask how he knew the way to your house, you for a moment give up picking up the cell phone and lean against the bench holding tears of fear. Even disguising your sighs and tears were noticed by the masked man who constantly looked away from the road to stare at your small and frightened figure like a prey going to the slaughter.
-Vessel - almost a whisper comes out of the other people's lips, waking you up a little from the trance.
-I can't say it's a pleasure to meet you, you're practically kidnapping me!
-You're doing me a favor, why don't you close your eyes and rest? I'm not the monster you're imagining
-If it's not a bad thing, why are you dressed this way? Why don't you take off this mask? - a fatal mistake to have reached out to touch the object on his face, a firm hand tightened your wrist and he could hear cracks in your bones.
-DON'T TOUCH -his voice echoed in the car making you walk away quickly returning to the same agony and fear of seconds ago. He didn't like it, didn't want to see her this way.
The car stops a few blocks before your house, you begin to think of several possible evils that he could do to you and simply no one would hear a cry for help in that place, again one of his hands touches it, but this time a soft touch turning your face to face him.
-You ask a lot of questions, I know you're scared and that you think I'm going to hurt you, but I take very good care of what's mine. I can't keep my eyes open anymore, please take me to your place and let me spend the night, I need to recover and I promise to explain everything to you at some point. let me trust you.
His hand practically slides over your face in a weak act and your body sags under you. What should you do? Throw him on the road? Call the police? Take off his mask without him seeing? Or the last option but the craziest possible, do what he asked.
Five minutes passed that he was in your lap sleeping soundly, you could feel his heartbeat, something about him was no longer scaring you, your curiosity returned little by little and your hands slide over his mask. In an act of lucidity, you carefully place it in the other seat, changing positions again, after thinking for a few seconds, you drive back to your house. No, you didn't trust him, you would never trust a drunk, masked, strangely attractive man with a deep voice, oh my god at this point you didn't know what was going on in his mind.
Gradually his words came back in your mind, what did he mean by "I take good care of what's mine?". Did he see you as a potential victim? A prey? Part of you wanted to let him trust, you could give him the help he needed to recover from a night of drinking and he could leave afterward, it wasn't the right thing to do but something about him messed with the chemistry of your thoughts, you wanted to knowing him, wanted his answers and would only get them when he woke up.
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delopsia · 11 months
del, this is a jumbled mess!! but i hope it makes sense and i hope you enjoy because your post about rhett controlling the west pasture hole got me thinking!! 🫢💭
the hole did open the first time when someone in distress had an intense desire to run away... so, maybe the same thing happened again?
because who screams emotionally distressed man who’s desperate to leave more than rhett abbott?
it’s obvious that he’s is unappreciated in his house where he should be loved. he doesn’t seem to have have any friends; there isn’t anyone who wholeheartedly cares for him where he’s at.
we can only assume the previous months had been particularly bad with rebecca’s disappearance, and then during the show he: gets wrongfully accused of murdering trevor, nearly thrown under the bus by the man who actually murdered trevor, and then assaulted by the man who murdered trevor not long after that.
rhett didn’t get much from his father—other than being trapped by him (a headcanon of mine that i have yet to finish), but he is still his son, and maybe? he gave him the power to...just up and leave too?
quick interjection: it’d also explain why royal was so jarred and affected by that hole appearing, like, “i know this, but i didn’t do this...”
anyways, it’s almost like a parallel in itself? rhett didn’t kill anyone (like everyone assumed he did), but he kind of killed his father, too, in a way when he finally got the guts to tell him up he didn’t “didn’t give a fuck about the goddam ranch!” and that he was finally leaving.
[omg like? royal was selfish when he left his mother and sister? but rhett had never been selfish? your honor, she’s reaching]
which we all saw did not happen! and it’s interesting to think that maybe this happened before at the hand of royal abbott.
maybe rhett had always wanted to leave? *rumblings of my headcanon in the distance* but he just became too important to how the ranch was run? *my headcanon stampeding toward us like those buffalo* and then perry got the chance to go and didn’t really care all that much, but royal made him take it? *a hole opens and my unfinished headcanon falls in*
we all saw royal help perry escape by literally bringing him to the hole and telling him everything.
[didn’t he give an incredibly abridged version to rhett in the car? as in, no mention of the hole? maybe that’s why rhett looked at him like that, equal parts “you’re insane” and also, maybe, “i know you’re lying”? your honor, please reel this woman in]
anyway, royal knew what was going to happen in that moment because the situation they were in was worse than than what it was before. but in the same way, royal figured they’d just deal with the aftermath like last time.
👀 *looks at the ending of outer range season one* 😬
but what a theory, del!! because honestly what if once again royal was keeping rhett from leaving again? what if that hole was meant for rhett to jump into, to finally get away and be free of all this?
but rhett was scared and unsure, but then he finally feels like “yeah, okay, i really have nothing. i can go.” but then maria’s intervening extreme an sudden interest at the rodeo and it throws a wrench in his plan that was both heartbreakingly spontaneous as well as years in the making—and, how the hell was he going to explain why they were jumping into a hole in the ground?
what would be on the other side?
for rhett, anything was better than here, but would it be for her? he’d already been selfish once tonight.
[your honor!]
so instead he just had them hop in his truck to try to leave that way but whatever powers that were said a firm and upsetting, “no.” this wasn’t how this was supposed to go, and the wrong abbott son had gotten out again, just like before.
*judge furiously bangs gavel*
the way in which I was writing a full-fledged theory post about Rhett being the reason the hole opened, saw this roll into my inbox and YELLED 🌷💃
Off to theory-land we go!
I wonder if the 'control' over the hole is something (genetic, maybe) that Royal carries and has passed down to his sons?
Rhett absolutely screams, emotionally distressed; hell, he's the only member of the family not explicitly mentioned in the first two minutes. We see Royal and Cecelia, who talks about her dream about Perry, Rebecca, and Amy, and we watch Royal check on the latter two, but Rhett? We don't know he exists until he stumbles in, and they're forced to acknowledge him. Immediately, Perry's teasing him about who he's slept with, and Cecelia gets all, "Well, make it yourself, Rhett!" when all he did was ask if...there's more coffee.
Sidebar. I've never gotten why she said that. Because he never asked her to make more? 😭 He was just asking if there's any left, probably because he's trying to figure out if he needs to make more or not. Additional sidebar. I have this fun little theory that Rhett seeks out so many one-night stands because he craves intimacy. It's the only place he can really get it, so of course, he's going to go seeking it out. I have now run out of sidebars 💃
Maria even clearly recalls him saying that he wants to escape this place, but here he is, all these years later. Stuck with a family that seems to view him as just another ranch hand more than anything else. There's no way Royal isn't intentionally keeping him around, too *cough* I'm somewhat convinced that Perry was born out of love, and Rhett was born because they needed extra hands on the ranch *cough*
He's got a whole list of reasons to want to leave, so it would make perfect sense for the hole to open for him. He probably would have found it had Royal not kept everyone away from it. Omg but I never even considered that it could explain why Royal was so jarred.
Royal did give a very short explanation, but he followed up that confession by putting the belt buckle he stole from Joy's office onto the dash 😭
The first photo is Rhett as Royal tells the story, and the second is after the stolen buckle arrives.
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The face of a man who could probably use another beer ^
I wonder if Rhett wound up having to make up for the slack when Perry went off to college, and that temporary extra work slowly became permanent? Because Rhett clearly never got that opportunity, he's yet to even leave Wabang. But I agree he's absolutely become too important for the ranch to function without him.
He definitely 'killed' his relationship with Royal! He snapped, and Royal damn near lost the ability to speak 😭I can't imagine what Rhett felt when he looked up to see his entire family gone after. Because without context as to why they left, it sure does feel like they left because he said he didn't give a fuck about the ranch.
Omg I just thought of this as I was writing, but what if Royal was asking Rhett to find the hole because he knew Rhett could somehow reopen it? Because clearly, Royal couldn't reopen the darn thing by himself...
I'm so torn on Royal because, on one hand, I can absolutely see Royal helping Perry escape, but on the other, I think Royal trusts Perry more than he should.
Autumn straight-up outs Royal's secret to Perry. And Perry, upon seeing the hole and hearing Royal's truth, says, "It saved you (Royal). It brought you here!" And hops in and takes his dumb little hat with him 😒 Completely forgetting that they'll lose the deed to the ranch if...he doesn't appear in court...
Even if he didn't intend to help him escape, he sure didn't try hard to keep Perry from hopping right on in. As if he couldn't see that coming a mile away. I can't pinpoint why, but he seems very, very... 'My sons must stay on this ranch whether they like it or not' I can't tell if he's enjoying the free labor, if he just doesn't want the adult birds leaving the nest, or if he knows something we don't.
For example, if he knows that opening the hole is genetic, could he be worried about Rhett and Perry's safety? The boys being taken advantage of for their ability? Put on your tin foil hats, folks, because maybe the mastodons have a secret evil plan.
Aaaa! Another sidebar. There seems to be a big push to get both the Abbott sons off the land. - Autumn deliberately tells Perry about the hole to get him to hop into it, using Rebecca as a motivator. - Maria just happens to roll up out of the blue and play a weird game of cat and mouse with Rhett's feelings until he finally says he wants to leave with her. (First time we see her, she's asking if he ever left! Dear Maria, I can't tell if you're playing games, involved in something darker, or your noggin ain't screwed on all the way!) The judge will kick me out of court if I have another sidebar
I'd like to think that if Rhett hopped in the hole instead of Perry, he would wind up somewhere that appreciated him. Because right now, that is the one thing he does not get. I don't even know where to start with Maria...maybe the air there would help her get a firm grip on what the hell she wants 💃
This show...could go so many directions...I ain't even discussing Cecelia's side-quest with the family of bears...or that weird as fuck beep at the very end (is the slow cooker alive?)... All that push just to finally break Rhett into wanting to leave his family for good, just for him to be run off the road by a freak appearance of road-hogging bison...like what do you even do after that situation 😭 talk about a big ol' "no!" from the powers that be.
Lord have mercy, we do more heavy lifting for the plot than the OR writers do, and we ain't even getting paid 💃but this theory is so much fun to play around with 😭💐I hope I didn't miss anything ❤
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sixminutestoriesblog · 8 months
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Halloween just wouldn't be Halloween without large pumpkins grimacing and grinning at us from steps and railings, glowing from within with a ghastly light as the night falls thick around the neighborhood. The pumpkin jack o' lantern has become almost synonymous with Halloween, from the grinning pumpkin head worn by Ichabod Crane's Headless Horseman to Pillsbury's ready to bake tubes of colored pumpkin faced cookie dough. The pumpkin isn't just for jack o' lanterns either! The second the weather gets the first sharp bite of autumn to it out comes the pumpkin spice everything! Pumpkin coffee, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie - its not even just for food. Pumpkin candles and tiny decorative pumpkins everywhere! If there is one overwhelming symbol of autumn, at least in most of the Western world, surely it must be the pumpkin. In fact, the pumpkin is so overwhelmingly 'autumn' themed that both Halloween and US Thanksgiving claim it as a vital part of the party.
So would it surprise you to learn that the pumpkin we recognize these days is a North American plant and its autumnal rein of power is fairly new?
Would it surprise you to learn that the jack o' lantern once looked very different than it does today?
(not if you spend time in certain circles of tumblr but we're going to dip in anyway)
Once upon a time, so the Irish story goes, there was a very lazy man called Stingy Jack. If he had only been lazy, this story would be shorter but he was also desperately clever. There are quite a few versions of the story but the basic of it follows a familiar route. Man has done something that either puts him in a spot of trouble with his neighbors or else is just feeling so lazy that he can't even fulfill one of his wants. Either way, the Devil sees an opportunity and shows up, offering to help Jack with his problem. Jack, like most folklore heroes, agrees. The Devil then turns himself into a silver coin, or climbs an apple tree or something of the kind, fulfilling his part of the bargain. Jack, however, has the power of God and anime crosses on his side and proceeds to use them to trap the Devil in his shapeshifted form or up a tree. Jack keeps him there until the Devil agrees to never bother Jack again. The Devil agrees, life goes on for Jack as per normal and one day he dies. He's been a shifty, stingy Jack so Heaven won't take him but now, pride still bruised or promise still in place, neither will Hell. All Jack gets from behind the closed fiery gates is a single thrown coal and the order to 'get lost'. And so, rejected by the afterlife yet still very much dead, Jack must wander the Earth forever, the single glowing coal the only light to guide him where he's put it in a carved vegetable to help light his way. Traditionally, people put out jack o' lanterns each Halloween or Samhain or All Saints/Soul's Day to both ward off evil spirits and to help guide the friendly dead, like wandering Jack, home.
Thing was, this story is older than the European discovery of the New World. Jack and his will o' wisp lantern, and the subsequent 'lanterns' left out by others later on, was a carved turnip.
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Yep. That would scare me away too if I saw it left outside someone's house. Anyway, the carved turnip, or other useful tuber, stayed the go-to vegetable when it came to carved jack o' lanterns lighting up the late October nights until the mid 1800s when the Irish Famine drove many to immigrate to the United States. Traditions are adaptable and who would bother with a turnip when there were great, round, bright and easily hollowed out pumpkins right there? In no time at all, the idea of pumpkin jack o' lanterns had spread across the US and bam! A new king of autumnal vegetables was born.
Except the pumpkin is a fruit. A berry in fact.
Yeah, I had to wiki that one too.
The jack o' lantern isn't the only superstition around pumpkins.
In Appalachian tradition, if a cow eats pumpkin seeds it will stop giving milk. Pumpkin seeds are also used to get rid of tape worms in a process that involves fasting, milk and castor oil.
Pumpkins should always be planted on Good Friday for the best results.
Pumpkins are seen as signs of fertility, prosperity and abundance.
and finally, eating a pumpkin stalk will make you foolish (because eating it in the first place wasn't already proof)
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darkyanderesworld · 6 months
Blood and gold 4
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Part 1 part 2 part 3
Tw: Platonic yandere, injury, blood, clingy/overprotective behavior, reader having a panic attack.
I couldn't get much sleep as I had a painful headache, and I could hear thumping around the hotel. At first, I just assumed it was someone drunk, but I felt someone touch my face, and I opened one of my eyes a crack, and I saw the owner touching asirpa's face as well. But all of her focus was on her. I was too scared to move, but I didn't want this lady touching asirpa. I had enough as she tried to lick her eye. But I didn't have to do anything as sugimoto kicked the woman off us, though asirpa didn't wake up, I didn't until why. Maybe my headache had something to do with it. I tried to get up to help sugimoto, but I fell. Instead, my head was pounding. "What the hell were you doing to (y/n) and asirpa?" Sugimoto said, sounding very pissed off. "No, you have it all wrong!  I was just checking their health, (y/n) was acting odd, so I just wanted to make sure she was alright!" She begged, but I think sugimoto didn't care about what she was talking about. The loud banging on door further hurt my head, I heard shiraishi's voice on the other side. "Sugimoto! The owner is a tattooed prisoner! the one I told you about who was a doctor who experimented on his patients!" Hold on the woman is a man? I shivered, though I don't think it makes it more creepy.
I wanted to run, but my exit was blocked, but I couldn't run even if I tried. The doctor stood up and started to talk. "People are greedy creatures who want what they can't have. That's the human condition, and you know I'm right." Sugimoto seemed to not care about what the doctor said. "What you said is right, for example I'm going to skin you without a second thought." The doctor threw two needles in the air aiming at asirpa. I tried to catch them but got stabbed instead. "Shit...." I said in pain, but I quickly pulled them out. "Are you ok (y/n)?" Sugimoto asked, worried I was very annoyed. "Don't worry about me and get that bitch!" I yelled as I picked up asirpa and left the room looking for kiroranke, I eventually found him barely awake. But as i was trying to fully wake him up an explosion woke him up. I was visibly shaking in fear. "What the hell is happening?" He asked as dragged him toward an exit. "There is a prisoner here and he wanted to eat asirpa...." I didn't know how to explain it better before another explosion happened. kiroranke quickly rushed me down the stairs ware we met sugimoto and shiraishi ran up too us yelling about a bomb. Though he couldn't explain as the stars turned into a slide and we all slid down. But before we could get up a large flash of light engulfed us before a large blast destroyed the hotel.
We managed to stay unhurt, and asirpa woke up, though I don't know who could stay awake through that. I found the nearest hiding spot I could fined and curled up into a ball. I tried to calm myself down, but a few tears fell. The others didn't notice I was gone yet, which was for the best. It was about ten minutes until they started to call out for me, which was more than enough time to calm myself down. I quickly rejoined the group. "We need to make money to buy more explosives." Kiroranke stated. The others seemed very annoyed with shiraishi seeing the destruction it was understandable. "There is a kotan nearby, I have relatives there, so we can hunt to make money." I was uncomfortable with it, but i couldn't do anything as the others already agreed to the plan. So I watched as asirpa break the neck of an adorable for who was stuck in a trap. Foxes was my favorite animal, so it made the sight worse, but it needed to happen. Kiroranke patted the top of my head. I ordered to confort me. "None of this would've happened if you didn't waste the explosives shiraishi..." I said in an angry tone. Kiroranke decided to use this chance to piss me off more  "He also borrowed borrowed money from asirpa and then lost it by betting on races." This made me more mad, so I walked over to asirpa and stuck my hand out. "Stick." Asirpa quickly gave me the thick stick, I then looked at shiraishi for a few seconds before sprinting at him. And beating him with the stick, the others looked on with approval.
When we got back into the kotan, asirpa started to talk to an elder, but I didn't pay much attention. I really didn't care much, though it was mentioned in the conversation that another woman was visiting, and she claims she could the past and future. This caught my attention, maybe she could tell my future. I saw the woman approach us. She was unique in a good way. Before anyone could say anything, shiraishi tried to flirt with her. "I'm shiraishi. I'm single with no girlfriend." I cringed a little, but I'm glad the woman played it off and looked at shiraishi. "Tell me sir you came from otaru Did, you not?" I was surprised. "I can tell it plainly you're looking for someone or something." Shiraishi's mind was blown, but I wasn't too surprised this time. While the woman was explaining her fortune telling abilities, I wondered off wanting to explore a bit. And get some time to myself. Sugimoto and kiroranke were getting too clingy, even shiraishi started to try and get close to me. I don't understand. I was surprised that I got so far, but I wasn't complaining too much, I eventually found a town and started to walk around exploring a bit. Though there wasn't much to do but I caught a glimpse of someone familiar at first. I thought it was nothing, but as I got a second look, it was that sniper ogata who tried to kill Tanigaki.
I froze, but I could tell that he couldn't see me, so I quickly made my way out of town or at least tried. I wasn't looking where I was walking and bumped into a man wearing a green suit. "I'm really sorry, sir. I didn't mean to." I said rather quickly, not bothering to mask my fear. As I got a better look at him, he was an old man with long white hair. He looked a little annoyed but not angry. "Next time, watch ware you're walking and head home. You look too young to be around here." I quickly nodded. "Thank you..." I said before rushing off again. I headed back to the kotan, though by the time I got there, they were gone. I started to panic again, I fucked up big time I think they left me. Should I just start to go to abashiri prison and they'll be there? Or should I stop because they had enough of me? I'm going to be abandoned again! I didn't follow the rules, it's my fault can I fix this? I was over thinking but I couldn't calm myself down. I started to cry the first time I did so ever since I joined sugimoto's group. Calming down seemed Impossible so I cried for what felt like hours but it was probably a half an hour.
I was curled up in a ball when I heard yelling. At first, I couldn't tell who was yelling, but as they got closer, I wanted to hide, and I started to cry again. The person quickly noticed this, and they rushed over, and I covered my head in fear. "(Y/n)? Are you alright?" I looked up and saw kiroranke, I couldn't hide my tears. He rushed over and looked if I was injured when he couldn't find anything. He then hugged me tightly in a way to try and calm me down. Soon, he rocked me back and forth while humming something. Soon, I heard another voice coming over it was clear it was sugimoto, and he sounded angry. "Whare the hel-" He quickly shut up when he saw me crying. "We need to head back." He said in a quiet tone. I nodded as I got out of kiroranke's hug and wiped my remaining tears. Sugimoto gave me a light side hug as we walked to the kotan. "We are going to hibari. You need to stay with someone at all times." Sugimoto said seriously. I nodded, not wanting something like this to happen again. When we got to the kotan, asirpa ran up to me. "Why did you run off?" She asked a little irritated. "I was bored, so I thought I could look in the town nearby for any clues, but when I came back, you guys weren't here." I said, embarrassed by my actions.
Shiraishi tensed up a little. "Did you find anything?" He asked, sounding nervous. "Not really..." I debated telling the others about ogata and decided against it. Shiraishi relaxed, and we got ready to leave for hibari. While it was nice to travel again, I was worried about fighting again. We stopped to rest, shiraishi and kiroranke left and came back with salmon. It was nice to eat something fresh again instead of frozen or dried suff, but I couldn't really complain as I wasn't starving. Me and asirpa lay down early to get some rest, I didn't sleep on the way there. This time, I could actually sleep as I didn't have any nightmares, which I was happy about. I woke up when asirpa yelled at shiraishi for something again. I didn't pay attention to why, as I was too busy actually waking up, then we started to travel again. I was excited to see new places, though I was a little anxious to see what the future holds.
As we got into town, I stayed with shiraishi and sugimoto as the others questioned locals about the tattoos. They spotted a soldier running and decided to follow him they were fast, but I managed to keep up. I contemplated keeping a distance from them, but I decided against it. And a green house came into few, sugimoto and shiraishi entered first. I wait a little bit as before entering the entry room. I had a few taxidermy animals, and I didn't know if I should be impressed or creeped out. There was a man shot in head on the ground it didn't bother me as much now, though I didn't look at it more. I stayed with sugimoto as shiraishi left to explore the rest of the house, but he quickly came back. "I think the man here made fake skins, and the soldier that ran by stole them, we need to go after him now!" Shiraishi said, trying to rush me and sugimoto out to go after the soldier. Though, when I tried to stay behind the two of them, like before, shiraishi stopped me and pushed me in front of him. It was odd, but I couldn't do anything to stop it.
My lungs were burning as we arrived at a coal mine. I didn't like where this was going, but I couldn't go anywhere because sugimoto had to tight grip on my wrist. As we were talking about how to find the soldier, a cart flew by us, and it had a soldier and a man in a bear suit. "There!" Shiraishi yelled, and we got into another cart and chased after them. I could only get a glimpse of two people in front of us before I was shoved to the bottom of the cart. "Stay down (y/n)!" Shiraishi yelled as he pushed me down it hurt to be shoved into the wood, but I stayed down for a few seconds. I assumed that the other soldiers started to shoot at us because of the gunfire. so I took my chance, and when I heard the gunfire stop, I aimed at the soldier and took a few shots before hiding again, I missed, but it was worth the try. When we entered the mine, I stayed down, but something still hit me, rocks. I felt a little blood going down my face, though it didn't hurt much. I heard the squeal of wheels coming from their cart, and we quickly bumped into them. Sugimoto quickly tried to get out and grab what I assumed was the fake skins but was hit by the soldier's rifle.
Me and shiraishi then lunged to the other cart, though he avoided getting hit with the rifle. I was able to get a hold onto the bag briefly but was hit in the head by something, causing me to lose my grip and almost blacking out. I was pulled back into the cart by sugimoto and shiraishi, and the track split, so we lost sight of the other cart quickly. I couldn't move well as a weird smell filled the air, but we couldn't do anything before there was an explosion. I had enough with these explosions. Couldn't anything else happen?! I was flung back into the wall in a way to fully knock me out. I only woke up when I was outside and I was on the ground. I was covered in Bruises and cuts and hurt all over but alive. I sat up and looked around and saw people around me. I could hear talking but I couldn't focus, I felt eyes on me but I couldn't really move was I dying? Well, if I was thinking I wasn't dying, so I guess I'm alive.  I felt someone's hand on my chin, which caused me to panic. I didn't know who it was, so I bit the hand. The small scream of pain helped me recognize the person, shiraishi. But it also made me feel like I was shot in the head. It hurt so much. I lay back down and started to whimper.
I heard another voice which was full of worry. "Is she going to be ok?" It was asirpa's voice. "Just give her time. She hit her head pretty hard, so we need to wait for her to wake up fully." It took me about thirty minutes to be able to fully control myself, but I was sill weak. "Drink." Sugimoto handed me a cup of water, I grabbed it, but I was shaking a lot, so I couldn't drink. So sugimoto grabbed it back and held it for me, I was nice, but I couldn't drink much. I noticed the whole group was here but also there was the man from the hotel here too. They were talking about something, but I didn't listen, not caring much. Though they stopped talking and looked towards the mine again so I turned around and saw ogata walking towards us, I couldn't care at this point. "We'll take them with us." Fuck my life.
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samthequeer81 · 2 months
Kirishima x Kid snake!hybrid reader.
https://www.tumblr.com/samthequeer81/747340782387822592/first-fic-kirishima-x-msnake-hybrid-kid-reader?source=share link to part one
i showed this to my friend and they had a hard time picturing what y/n snake hybrid looked like so think Naga looking creature.
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Think something like this for what you look like to clear up any confusion! And also, this isn't a ship fan fiction. Reader is/will be like a son to kirishima.
"You said no!" Snapped a angry shelter worker. You had rejected kirishimas offer to adopt you. You were nervous and still were slightly uncomfortable with kirishima, so you told him you weren't ready for that yet. He was very understanding and patient with you. He left about an hour earlier. The worker was angry for you rejecting his offer
"You have been given a chance at getting out of this place you think is so bad, and you say no?! How stupid can you be!m your lucky we don't throw you out to the streets you stupid serpent!" She snaps. She grabs your collar and drags you off your heating pad and into your cold cage. Sne turns down the heat so your Cold and miserable.
Why couldn't that witch of a woman understand? You could die because how cold it was. Now you knew, next time the man came over, you had to accept his offer. You couldn't life like this anymore.
Time skip to three days later, the sound of the door bell caught your attention. You look up to see who it was, to no ones surprise, it was kirishima. He waves and walks towards you "hey. What's up with you? You look cold.." He stops in realization. He immediately gets up and goes to a worker. He makes them unlock for cage for him to talk to you and turn your heating pad back on.
"Here. Come sit with me. I can warm you up" you immediately go to him, wrapping your arms around him in desperation.
"i know I said I wasn't ready to go home with you and it was to soon for you to adopt me, but please. I need to get out of this place." You begged. God, you never felt so awkward before. Kirishima looks down at you, A sad and soft look forming in his eyes. His arms wrapped you tightly but not enough to make you feel trapped or uncomfortable
"Of course. To be honest, I was going to tale you home anyways when I saw they turned off your heater. So Im glad you want to go willingly." Thank god. He was your savior in this Hell of a place.
In only a few hours, he finished all the paperwork, and the adoption process of taking in a hybrid of your species.
"so... Here we are. Home sweet home..." kirishima said as he opened his apartment door. It was nothing flashy or extravagant. A simple two bedroom apartment. As you walk in, A loud crash could be heard followed by a string of curses and profanities.
"I apologize for that... I forgot to mention... I have a boyfriend who lives with me... Im sorry he's a little loud at times" he gives you an apologetic look.
"Lets go meet him." with that, Kirishima leads you to the kitchen where you meet a tall blonde with beautiful crimson eyes.
"whats with the kid?" The blond asked "he the hybrid you couldn't shut up about?" He asked bluntly
Kirishima blushed in embarrassment
"Bro! Not cool. dont call me out in front of him it might make him uncomfortable" kirishima was quick to his defense. The blonde rolled his eyes
"Kid. What's your name? Mines katsuki Bakugo." His voice sounded so aggressive towards you. It startled you so you didn't respond, moving to hide behind Kirishima
"awe. You scared him. You big bozo" kirishima said to Katsuki teasingly. "I thought I told you he was shy and for you not to be mean. He's not even here for five minutes and you already scared him" kirishima
And Im already out of motivation. Enjoy this as I go looking for motivation for the next part
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beetlesau · 2 years
!zombie Bakugou x reader, Warm Bodies
Chapter 2, "Satisfaction Brought Him Back"
Link to chapter 1 below?? maybe? I dunno how Tumblr works guys, sorry. Don't @ me with edits, I will post this mess with reckless abandon, again sorry. I'm tryinnnng.
Your eyes fluttered open and with a yawn, you stretched your stiff limbs that the drop in temperature caused you in the night. Nothing a nice cup of expired instant coffee couldn't fix. 
You decided to not waste time starting the journey in case you decided to chicken out. The fire across the bridge was still bellowing a thick black smoke across the sunrise. Lucky for you the distance wasn't too far, mostly just annoying considering all the cars jam-packed and wrecked along the way. 
Save for a couple of jump-scares from a couple of Deads trapped in and under vehicles, the walk across was uneventful. But, being the worrywart that you were, you figured the less danger along the way, the more peril you'd end up in when sneaking through supplies. The anxiety in your stomach only increased when you could smell the fire that was nearby now. On instinct, your camouflage quirk activated so that you could freely walk without being noticed.
You silently slinked through the alleyways of the buildings, noting each path that was the clearest and free from debris for a quick escape should you need one. As you tread lightly you noticed some Deads that had been finished off by others that had come through the area. At least you hoped they were Deads and not some unfortunate living that had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Walking a bit further, you could feel yourself getting closer to the source of the fire, your body instinctually seeking out the warmth it created. You rounded the corner of a building and instant adrenaline and panic shot through you as you saw the subject matter on fire. Even invisible to the eye you still found yourself ducking for cover back behind the building. You were nothing if not cautious. 
Peeking around your panic slowly turned to confusion as you realized it was a large metal shipping container that was smoking from the inside, the thick black streams being forced out of the tiniest holes and seams. 
"Okaaay, well that shouldn't be possible," you stated aloud, forgetting for a moment you were undercover. 
Even if it had been a man-made fire it would have been smothered forever ago with no air inside to fuel the flame. 
Cautiously stepping forward you could feel the burning heat emanating off it even from here. 
"You think he'd just leave us here like that?" 
You froze, wide-eyed and nearly pissing yourself when you heard a voice coming from behind you not but maybe a few feet away. HOW? Were you that distracted by the fire and curiosity that you didn't notice two men coming down the same alleyway you had just come up from? You stood perfectly still, even going so far as to hold your breath. Even though there's no way they would have heard it over the muffled pops and crackles coming from inside the fright container. 
"Nah, no way. That Dead caused us some serious trouble. Burnt up two of our guys real good. Boss had to get them back to camp asap or they'd be dead. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they died along the way anyways." The pair came within mere feet of you, also looking over to the crate now. You could see them now from the corner of your eye, too afraid to move an inch to see better. 
"You ever seen a Dead able to use their quirk like that still?" the first one asked, full of questions. You could hear the fear in his voice over what they'd done to the Dead in the crate. 
"No. Now that is a first, actually. Crazy thing is I'm almost certain we saw that Dead when we were first scavenging supplies. He didn't even seem aggressive at first."
"What!? You saying he just attacked y'all out of nowhere?"
"Well I think it's just a coincidence, but he attacked after we took out those Deads that were standing around some dropped medical supplies back where the other two and I had been."
"You think he was smart enough to know you was killing his Deadhead friends or sum?" the man seemed even more shaken up after letting his imagination run wild. 
"Hell no! You know these things don't have any brains left. Just a coincidence, like I done said. Now come on, we gotta get back to the supplies. If we ain't there when the boss comes back you know he'd kill us for it."
The two kept walking, and you could see them clearly now, a broad-shouldered man towering over a slightly shorter but skinny man. You could match the voices up with a guess that the latter was the one with all the questions and fears. You were tempted to just turn tail and run, forget the whole thing. Not only a still guarded supply but a trapped, angry, rabid quirk-wielding Dead did not seem like something you were up to handling. 
And yet... for the first time in a long time, you felt a pull. A pull towards the crate as if you wanted to peek inside and see this unfathomable being. A pull towards the danger. You shook your head and scoffed at the invasive thought. The insanity that seeped into you for a mere moment. You turned to head back the way you came, convinced the whole thing was not your problem. Above your metaphorical paygrade. 
But then you stopped. You heard something. Something, human. Or what to you sounded very human. The only problem was that it came from the crate. The crate that was on fire. Where no living thing could possibly still be living. 
It sounded like a plea almost. A defeated moan. 
You thought about what the broad-shouldered man had said, that it was a mere coincidence that the Dead had attacked only after they had put down some non-agro other Deads. But, what if it wasn't?
Your palms were sweating, were you really about to do this?
You thought about your own existence as a living person. The pain of having to experience those you love dying around you. Hell, even those you didn't know. All dead. It was hell on earth for you, and you would do anything to turn back the clock. To save anyone, if you could. 
Were you doing less now than a Dead? 
As insane as you felt, you knew it was what you wanted to do. You wanted to free this prisoner from their cage. Their only crime was an unfortunate circumstance and perhaps caring about their fellow Dead. Maybe, if that was even possible. 
You took a deep breath, glancing at the nearest building to the crate. You could easily stay camouflaged and climb the wall to escape any sharp teeth or grabby hands that would be waiting inside.
As you gained the courage to get closer the heat that was searing only increased. Once you were close enough to reach out to the large metal handle that sealed the door you pulled a small oven mitt from your backpack to keep yourself from practically melting your hand off. 
You rolled your eyes at yourself for even having an oven mitt on you, even if it was an absolute win in this situation. You both praised and scoffed at yourself for having a slight hoarding problem. 
When you reached out the grab the latch you heard a tinkering from inside. 
Should...Should I say something first? You thought to yourself. 
I mean... uh, what if they are a bit smart and I should tell them I mean them no harm and maybe uh... "I MEAN YOU NO HARM" You shouted out in a very dorky sort of way. Like you were telling a kid no running at a pool, dorky. Before you had time to sign and scold yourself the angry Dead inside shouted back with an even louder yell of their own. Not any words, but you could tell it was not a happy yell at the very least. You could feel the heat growing already.
Maybe announcing yourself was indeed a bit stupid, but it was too late now. 
"I MEAN YOU, NO, HARM. PLEASE DO NOT EAT ME. I JUST WANT TO LET YOU FREE. AgAiN, PLEASE. DO NOT EAT ME." The embarrassment you felt talking to someone that couldn't understand you was pretty impressive to say the least.
The growling and anger only grew as you spoke so you decided to just get it over with and hope for the best. Getting a good grip with your oven mitt you struggled to lift the heavy handle but eventually, it moved ever so slightly. 
"Come on you stupid thing, moooove" your body was sweating from the heat and the amount of force you had to use to lift it but as soon as you cleared the latch you laughed with relief and accomplishment! The only problem was you also sort of forgot for a moment why you were opening the crate, so as you had your small celebration a lot of things happened at once. First, there was a ton of smoke that escaped out the crack of the door. Second, there was a very loud explosion from the inside. And third, the door opened at an alarming speed that you could not think to have sidestepped even if you had trained your entire life in the art of side-stepping. You were hit hard and heavy by the crate that it sent you flying a decent couple of yards away. 
Your vision was blurred and you felt yourself slip out of your camouflage as well as consciousness. Your head was spinning and you were unable to move as a figure covered head to toe in black ash and soot approached you in that slow Dead sort of way. 
Your vision danced trying to at least focus on the Dead before you passed out and were surely eaten. The last thing you saw was a pair of bright crimson red eyes looking down on you and gnashing hungry teeth. 
With slurred words, the last thing you could think to say was the answer to your prior night's statement. Curiosity killed the cat, but 
"Satisfaction brought him back." 
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drunksugarskull · 2 years
The Chain (Part l)
Pairings: Steve Harrington x reader (friends to enemies?), Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers x reader (platonic)
Warning: mentions of injuries, curse words, sarcasm
Tag: @manuosorioh
A/N: this chapter isn't really the longest, but i want to write more chapters that are shorter rather than writing like 3 that will be as long as half of the bible. the next chapters will be a little longer. oh, and this chapter is in like the last episode of the first season. i guess that there will be new pairings soon... ALSO LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT TO BE TAGGED IN THE NEXT PART
Prologue > Part l > Part ll
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"Seems like this year will be really interesting"
This sentence was stuck in your head as you were setting up traps and lights in Byers' house. Not a single thing about it was normal. You were about to fight some kind of a weird monster from a different dimension along with Jonathan and Nancy. They started hanging out after the parking lot thing. You weren't really happy about it at first but Nancy turned out to be much nicer than you expected.
You felt some kind of peace with them around. But it wasn't enough to keep you calm. Thoughts in your mind were racing and you felt sick in your stomach. So much happened in such a short time. Jonathan had to take care of Will's funeral. You have just been crying with him over his brother's dead body but now you found out that he is alive, just in another dimension. Oh, yeah and you found out from a girl with superpowers. Totally normal. On top of that your dad and Joyce went to save Will and you had no idea if you will see him again.
"Everything's okay?" Nancy asked worried.
"Yeah, I'm fine... just thinking I guess. It's been crazy lately" Nancy just nodded. She understood that you were as scared as her. Suddenly you heard someone knocking on the door, making your heads turn that way.
"Jonathan? Are you there man? It's... It's Steve"
He didn't even need to finish the sentence because you already recognised his voice. Nice. That's exactly the last person that will help you all in this moment.
Nancy tried to tell him to go back home but he refused to listen. He saw that her hand was bleeding and stormed into the house. Steve didn't expect you to be there. You could see it on his face.
"Ok... What the HELL IS GOING ON? What are you all doing here? Why is she here?" Steve asked looking at you but there was no answer. They started shouting at Steve to leave. Everything was happening too fast. Suddenly you saw Nancy pointing a gun at Steve.
"Whoa, Nancy, I know that he's an idiot but that's a little brutal even for him" you said scared and went back to arguing with everyone. Steve was offended by that but you couldn't care less.
"Shut up! The lights!" Jonathan interrupted.
Seconds later a horrible creature covered in something like slime entered the house through the roof. Will's friends called it Demogorgon. Nancy, Jonathan and you started to run but Steve stood there looking at the monster. You took his hand and dragged him into the corridor. You ran into the room and Jonathan shut the door behind you. While waiting for something to happen, you realised that your hand was still holding Steve's. That was a weird but also a nice feeling. The boy looked into to your eyes then you took away your hand rather quickly.
"What the hell was that?" he shouted repeatedly, fear in his voice was clearly heard.
"SHUT UP" all of you said at once. After the noises stoped, you slowly left the room.
"This is crazy. This is CRAZY" Steve said.
Nancy told him that the Demogorgon will be back and with that, Steve ran to his car. You didn't hear the car start but you had better things to do right now than thinking about his stupid car. As Nancy said, the Demogorgon appeared again. It attacked Jonathan. You and Nancy shoot it a few times but the monster looked like it didn't hurt at all. The creature cought Nancy and threw her to the other side of the room and turned to you. Its horrible face was centimeters away from yours and you couldn't do anything. The Demogorgon was holding you so tight that you couldn't move. Suddenly, there was a loud noise and the monster turned around dropping you to the floor. Steve stood there with a baseball bat covered with nails. He started swinging the bat and hitting the beast. Soon it got stuck in the trap and you could stick to the plan and burn it. The flame was huge but it was also comforting because you knew that meant that the Demogorgon was dead.
"Thanks, Steve... for coming back" you thanked as he just nodded. To be honest you weren't expecting anything more than that from him.
Jonathan put the fire out and you could finally have some rest. Happily, no one was injured. At least not badly. You helped Jonathan with his wounds and vice versa while Steve and Nancy were taking care of each other. Jonathan's eyes lit with some kind of anger when he looked at them. At first you didn't know why, but then you realised it was jealousy. You felt it many times when looking at them but not now.
"NO, no, don't tell me that you have a crush on her" you whispered to him. Jonathan blushed and shushed you.
"You better shut up. As if your situation with HIM was any better..." he joked.
"Oh, boy, you are so wrong... He changed, it's not like that... not anymore"
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eddie-brii · 1 year
Warnings: 18+ musings of adult sexual situations but no full scene.
Authors notes
First off, I really hope you guys enjoy this, it's been a while since I've done any creative writing so bare with me. I'm working on a full length story related to this drabble, honestly this is almost a preview of what's to come. I'm just trying to make sure I have a few Chapters written before I start posting in case I hit a wall at some point. Plus my ADHD apparently enjoys making me work on three to four different fics at once. I'm also doing a lot of the editing and writing on my phone so if it looks weird on desktop, that's why. I may also be posting on to my AO3 and Fanfiction accounts as well so if you see this there, it's fine, it's me.
@108garys I'm sorry there's no Charlie yet but there will be.
Again, please enjoy!
Jason really couldn’t believe his luck, after surviving hell itself he would have never thought he’d end up addicted again.
It wasn’t the weed that gotten him like before, he was too clear headed for that. It wasn’t meth or heroin either, he’d never been that self destructive.
No, this was something entirely different and he didn’t think he could ever escape it.
It had all started in that damn hell hole, when he learned that the color brown could be beautiful and handsome at the same time. When he’d stared into it, their eyes, set in two different faces but so alike, as it held so many different emotions. He learned he’d craved hearing both a soft giggle and low chuckle.
He’d found he didn’t mind the soft touch of a smaller hand on his shoulder or a larger one helping him up, both had felt so fucking good on his skin in the dark. He’d traded between having a taller, broad set of shoulders at his back, a firm chest pressing against his, trapping him to the wall, and a smaller, shorter pair guarding him, he’d buried his head in those soft breasts at one point.
He’d been charmed by two accents, one barely there, until she was upset, not so different from his own. The other foreign but so familiar due to the war, he still slipped into his native tongue on occasion, both of them drawing him in, leaving him fucking bewitched, making him fall hard. By the time he’d realized what had happened, he was running back for the one, him, with the other, her, right on his heels, he knew he wasn’t the only one in this predicament.
He couldn’t be, not when a pistol fired right along with his rifle when a monster had come up behind the man they came to rescue. Not when an iron stake and a blade both came to Jason’s defense afterwards. Not when they almost lost her as the ground shifted, two sets of strong arms pulled her back up to safety, to them.
The hut had been a nightmare because he couldn’t keep track of them both, not with the creatures swarming them. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw both of them, her hair a mess as she clutched that damn blade, him clutching that damn iron spike, the same ones they’d saved him and each other with.
He remembered yelling at the fucking glow worms, because Jason was scared they were going to hurt the other man, then keeping his mouth shut when they pressed about her, he wasn’t going to let them take her away, not from him, not from them.
The weeks that followed had been fucking agony, they couldn’t talk about any of it, he couldn’t fucking touch them, couldn’t fucking kiss them. Then they were finally given the all clear and breathing space, when he’d found out he adored leaning up to firm chapped lips as much he did leaning down into soft full ones.
They finally could bring it up away from the others, if that’s you what you called it when they were in the showers. He was grateful the others hadn’t said anything when they started disappearing together, hadn’t brought up the whisker burn along his neck and the scratches on his back.
Been even more grateful when they had given the three privacy, they had finally started to fully work out what they were, his, theirs, if they’d both have him, and go over things that need to be said.
“I love you, both of you.” God, he’d sounded fucking lost and pathetic when he’d finally said it, head down, having no idea how to do this, how to love another person like this, let alone two.
He remembered two sets of hands pulling him in before they sealed his fate. “we love you too, Jarhead.”
“And we’re not letting you go.”
Since then the cravings had only gotten worse, better than he'd fucking imagined. Staying together had left a trail of questions from people they’d met, each had their own way of telling others to fuck off, to mind their own damned business. He could finally see other parts of them that made him sink deeper into this addiction, this feeling.
He'd gotten used their different scents, hers, herbs, honey and rain fall. His, spices, musk and earth. A heady combination that left him breathless at times, when he was surround by it in the sheets of their bed. Jason got used to the little things they did, the radio the other man listened to in the evenings, his expression when he was almost ready to release, to her tendency to get distracted by plants on walks and hikes, the sounds she’d make when he found the right spot inside her. He’d been able to watch them as they practiced their own faiths, one saying his prayers on his mat, the other as she danced in the full moon light, both at one point gesturing for him to join in. The things that had gotten them through that place, besides each other.
It didn’t matter how different they were from one another, they just fit together in ways that left him breathless, his hands in either long or short hair as they drew sounds from him that he had no idea he could make, he’d never thought he’d find someone to love him, let alone two people.
Jason lost his mind when he ended up in the middle, filling her wet heat and being filled to the brim by his length.
He couldn’t leave if he tried, both of them would find him before he’d get too far, both of them would be heartbroken, they’d never left each other behind, couldn’t, Semper fucking Fi.
He’d never be able to let this go, let them go. If this addiction was meant take him, so be it. He’d happily stay here, addicted to, in love, these two people, his two lovers, as long as he was alive.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
*kicks my old middle school crush I had on Anti under my bed*
So I have a request for Anti since your writing for JSE egos again- Can you do something with Anti and a male D/A reader- I imagine they met when the DA got out of the mirror and was on his way to go fight Dark- they first bonded over hating Dark then feelings started forming.
Oh m a n it’s been a few good years since I’ve written Septic Ego content haha.
You still remember the day you escaped that accursed mirror.
All thanks to Mark.
He claimed that the Jims and their tomfoolery led him to investigate his manor. There, he stumbled upon your prison and saw the broken static within the glass's reflection, immediately able to tell that you were trapped.
But once he freed you and showed you how much has changed in the world, he sorta..left you to rebuild your life from the ground up. Though he’d always visit you to see how you’re doing or if you’re up for a new adventure.
Your most recent one was a heist, and...least to say it spiraled out of control pretty quickly with that old ancient box being a huge part of it all. But besides that, you actually enjoyed it.
Except for one thing: 
After all this time, he showed up and the first thing he did was try to deceive you, claiming that you were on the “wrong side” and that actor was nothing but a lying snake, while also teasing you about your curiosity in the box.
If anything, he was the snake--the one who tricked you into surrendering your body, only to leave your soul in that mirror to rot.
Of course, you knew it was Mark’s fault for destroying everyone’s lives. If he hadn’t orchestrated that damn party, none of this would’ve happened. But at least he tried to redeem himself by saving you, admitting he didn’t want you to die that day. At least he seemed to care.
What did Damien, the man you once treated like a brother, ever do for you?
That’s right. Nothing. He never came back.
Was he really expecting you to just “forgive and forget”? 
No way in hell.
Right now, you just wanted to find that jerk and give him a what-for. He might’ve adopted the broken neck from your old body, but you wouldn’t mind adding a broken nose to the list, too. Nothing he did could scare you.
So you wandered about, remaining vigilant and listening for any sounds of creaking wood or high-pitched ringing--telltale signs that his presence was near and he was about to give some monologue about the “snake”.
However as your surroundings dimmed, you froze in place and heard something peculiar ringing in the air.
It sounded like..fizzling static, and it sent goosebumps all across your skin. But this sensation wasn’t anything like the mirror’s static. Oh no. This was much different. 
It felt hot instead of cold. Like pins and needles instead of crushing suffocation.
And then you heard a man’s voice giggling all around you, confusing you further. “Hello?”
Jumping back, you saw a man with green flesh suddenly appear in front of you. Your eyes widened as you noticed the bloody cut across his neck. It left trails down his neck, like it was a fresh wound. He looked like a corpse, yet acted lively as he twirled a kitchen knife in his hands.
“Are ya lost? Maybe I can show ya the way.” He spoke in a thick Irish accent, his blue eyes icy and piercing as he circled around you like a shark.
You didn’t know what to think of this man..demon..entity, whatever he was. But you just huffed, staying calm. “I’m just looking for someone.”
“...huh, funny enough I am too! I have some unfinished business to take care of.” He stopped in front of you as he gritted his teeth, eyes flickering to black--an empty void deprived of light. “Maybe you can be my pawn-”
“Been there, done that.”
He blinked stupidly. “What?”
“I’ve been a pawn in someone else’s games before. Trust me, I know what that’s like.” Smoothing out the wrinkles in your suit, you sighed and looked at him. “Listen, you almost had me fooled with your glitchy-ness, but I’m uh..looking for someone else who glitches. He’s got weird red and blue ones that aren’t anything like yours. Now if you’ll excuse me-”
But as you tried turning around, he just popped up in front of you again. “Tell me..does he wear a stupid suit like yours? Or looks like some emo monochrome douchebag?!”
‘I don’t know what an “emo” is, but I know a monochrome douchebag when I see one.’
“Yes, he does. And he goes by-”
“Dark.” He finished, grinning. “Well what’s your deal with him?”
“To sum it up, he trapped me in a prison after I died and stole my body, and then a friend brought me back to life.” You rubbed your neck out of habit. It ached from time to time whenever you recounted those memories, but you were used to it.
“Oh..what a pity. So ya wanna find him to get your old body back?”
"No, I..got a lot of injuries when I died and those carried over to him.”
“Really? Tell me.” The demon inched closer.
As much as you didn’t wanna tell this total stranger everything that happened, you felt a strange comfort in knowing you weren’t the only one with a grudge against Dark. So you’ll entertain him. “Well I was uh..shot in the stomach and broke my neck after a fall..as a result of being shot.”
“Holy shit...no wonder he acts like an old man!!” He cackled loudly. “Well I’d say it’s karma and leave it at that. But you seem very determined to find him. So how about we search together? Just you and me. No strings attached.”
You didn’t like that wink he gave you; trusting him was probably a mistake. But then again you’ve made lots of mistakes in your past life..and in this one.
What’s one more?
"Very well.” You smiled. “Let’s get going.”
Try as you might, neither of you could track down Dark. He was always the elusive one, hiding out in that void of his and only showing up when you least expected it. 
But that didn’t mean you haven’t gained anything from your partnership with the green glitch demon.
You eventually learned that his name was Antisepticeye, or Anti for short. Apparently he was a doppelganger of his creator Jack and tried taking over his body by slitting his throat one Halloween night, though...for some reason Anti himself ended up adopting the wound, too. He seemed unbothered by it and refused your offers to patch it up for him.
He ended up inviting you to a place where his “brothers” lived: Chase, Marvin, Henrik, Jameson, and Jackieboy Man. Compared to him they were more human-looking and had a myriad of both fancy and regular outfits. They saw him as an “outsider” and “villain”, for obvious reasons, so he never stayed long. But you befriended some of them and shared your stories.
Mark never found out about your new Irish buddies, surprisingly, and he didn’t seem to care at all.
Anti, on the other hand, seemed annoyed by it as time went on.
You’ve mistook that for his frustration in not finding Dark, and yet..you couldn’t help but wonder why he looked so irritated whenever you spent time with Jameson. 
Obviously, he was from a similar time period so you’ve been connecting with him that way and could actually relate to his struggles in dealing with the modern world.
But you didn’t think you were neglecting the one who understood your grievances with Dark.
At least..not until you were suddenly glitched out of the house and dragged into a dark void that was very clearly Anti’s.
“Alright, alright..your fun with ‘im is over.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, confused by his sudden change in behavior as you turned to face him. “Anti, what’s with you lately? You seem awfully desperate for my attention.”
“Well attention is exactly what I crave!! It’s what fuels me!!” His grin was quick to vanish as his scowl deepened further, waving the tip of his knife in front of your face. “Besides, I couldn’t let ya get too comfy with those lads...not when we have a mission!”
“But we haven’t found any leads on Dark as of yet,” you pointed out. “And...you don’t seen too obsessed with finding him right now. So what’s really up with you?"
“...”what’s up?”” He mocked, eye twitching. “You gettin’ too distracted is “what’s up”!!”
“Well to be fair, I’ve been trapped in that mirror since the 20s, so you gotta cut me some slack. There’s a lot I wanna see about this world. And besides...you seem jealous that I’m spending time with your “brothers”.”
“JEALOUS?!! So that’s how ya see me?!! Jealous?!!”
“So you don’t deny it?”
“Why I....why would I ever be jealous?!!” He scoffed, though it was easy to see how flushed he was becoming, given the darkening green tint around his pointed ears. “I could very easily throw ya aside an’ send ya back to that prissy actor...I don’t need anyone to help me find Dark! Yer lucky ya had a close history with him!”
Yet despite his attempts to be intimidating and heartless, you couldn’t help but be amused. Sure he was always hotheaded and unpredictable, but..he was quite cute, and he didn’t even have to try.
Yeah, you might’ve grown to like him a little bit.
Anti noticed your growing smile and huffed. “What’s so funny?”
“You.” With a chuckle, you reached out to ruffle his already-messy hair before walking away, not giving him a chance to protest. “C’mon, we got a “monochrome bitch” to search for.”
He just stared at you for a few silent moments, and then he just pouted like a child and followed you.
It was getting harder to ignore the funny feelings stirring in his chest.
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As It Should, Chapter 2
Since the Thin Man is the main character, I had to rewrite this chapter to be congruent with his perspective. You didn’t miss much! I still imagine that the Tower is some sort of Escheresque-like nightmare~ Enjoy! CW: Mild Language Use
The Thin Man wasn’t kidding when he said there was no escaping him. The Tower was his. There were no hiding spots, no matter how hard Six tried. 
He watched the little girl run around the Tower, desperately looking for a way out. But, like its master, the Tower also intended to trap the prisoner. Whenever she ran down a hallway, the floor moved up and down, like waves at sea. The Thin Man grinned menacingly when Six stumbled over her feet. However, she was determined. The girl pushed herself back to her feet and huffed.
“Determined, isn’t she?” the lord of the Tower hummed, “Alright…” He looked at the end of the hallway and snapped his fingers. A door appeared and got Six’s attention. As he expected, she ran to it and shoved it open. She almost fell to her death at the ledge, which had a sharp turn to a short flight of stairs. She looked up. Above her were more stairs that crisscrossed in various directions. Some stairs went on forever, and some didn’t seem to lead anywhere. When Six looked down, she was surprised to notice that the ground floor seemed closer than before. 
The Thin Man could see what she was thinking. “Jumping might not be a good idea, girl,” he called out in a taunting voice. He watched Six look up and try to find him. He grinned at the startled look on her face. “I can see you…”
Suddenly, everything was engulfed in darkness. Then, several hundred pairs of eyes opened and stared down at Six. Six gasped in terror as they all blinked in unison and glared at her.
“We see you,” they said in a creepy taunting tone.
The Thin Man watched her run off again into the darkness. Perhaps the Eyes were too much, but the fear they inspired was thrilling. He saw where she was going and warped ahead. By the time Six found her way into the dilapidated living room with a lively tv, the Thin Man was already there waiting. He sat lazily in the armchair with an old newspaper in his hands. He didn’t read it, but wanted the appearance of it. 
“He’s not there, Six,” he said slowly. “He’s not coming.”
Six stopped banging on the tv screen and bared her teeth at the old man, like a hissing cat. The Thin Man didn’t bother to stop her as she ran past him. The door led her into a familiar corridor that was blue and dusty, and had no windows or warmth. The Thin Man scoffed and folded up his paper. He watched Six place her hand on a wall and navigate carefully forward. 
“Time to end this…” The Thin Man closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. He knew where she was and didn’t exactly want her there. Six stopped in front of a wooden door with a large eye at the top. The Thin Man could see Six from the door’s eye and gazed down at her. She wasn’t as afraid as he hoped, but she wasn’t looking brave either. Six jumped up to pull down the handle, but the handle didn’t move. She tried to pull it down with her weight, but to no avail. When she let go and touched the floor, it gave away and the small girl plummeted into darkness.
At first, Six screamed. But, gravity here felt weaker and she fell slower. She was comfy but scared. This wasn’t normal. The Tower’s deliberate attempts to confuse was normal. Not this. Six leaned back in the air and spun gently from her somersault. By the time gravity had finally let her down, she landed safely on her feet in another dead-end empty room, where the Thin Man was waiting in the shadows. 
“Found you…again.” He sounded tired. 
“What do you want!?” she screamed, “Go away!”
“I can’t do that,” the Thin Man answered.
“And why the hell not? This is your place, right? Just let me go, asshole!”
“Language…” The Thin Man was surprised he said that. Six wasn’t a child that held back, not even under adversity. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. But, you’re right. The Tower is mine, but I can’t go away, nor can I let you leave.” He took a step forward, easily closing in the gap between them. 
Six held up her fists, getting ready to fight. “Then, what do you want?” she demanded.
The Thin Man, however, remained as calm as ever. “I’m not entirely sure, to be honest. Something has changed, and now we’re not sure what’s supposed to happen.”
“Me, you…them.” He turned his attention to the ceiling. “Mono…everyone.”
“Mono?” Six asked. “What does Mono have to do with this? Where is he anyways?”
“I don’t know,” the Thin Man replied, “He was supposed to come here and rescue you, but now he’s gone. I’m not sure where that boy went.”
Six’s next question struck him like a bolt of lightning. “You’re Mono…aren’t you?”
The Thin Man turned his attention back down to her. A glint of melancholy shimmered in his eyes. “What gave it away?”
Six didn’t want to answer that. “What did you do with my Mono?” Her cheeks burned and she quickly added, “Y-You know, the kid one?”
The Thin Man smiled quickly, then went back to frowning. “That boy killed me, and I have no idea where he went afterwards. He was supposed to come here, but he didn’t. So, now you’re stuck here until then.”
“Me?” Six said, “Why? What did I do?” She quickly remembered the last time she saw kid Mono and how he ducked under the bed while she ended up being kidnapped.
“You haven’t done it…yet.” The Thin Man took another step forward. He was so close now, he almost stepped on Six. He scooped up Six with one hand and held her close to his face. She tried to wriggle away, but he tightened his grip. It was almost tempting for him to break her spine and squeeze out her guts. “You are to stay in this Tower until Mono appears, the younger one.”
“But why!?” Six shouted, “Why am I stuck here? That coward left me! He doesn’t care about me! He’s not coming back!!” Her voice cracked and her face turned red from both anger and sadness.
The Thin Man knew that feeling all too well. “Perhaps,” he said coldly, “Maybe he will, maybe he won’t.” He let go of Six, letting the girl drop onto the floor with a soft thud. He turned to leave, stopping at the door to say one last thing. “You are to stay here until then. The Tower is yours to explore, but don’t bother trying to escape it. I’ll know if you do.”
He turned to see Six glaring at him with tears in her eyes. It tugged at his old heartstrings for a second. “Nothing comes or goes from this place without me knowing about it. Not even your friend.”
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October 7, 2023
Also right now my daughter father is facing life as if he is a "menace" when he's not. Never my enemy, but not my friend. Played me to my face and was building me down the whole time I was allowing him to get my daughter but he also starting recognizing the patterns of me losing control as well because of choices I made in life. He still protected me in a sense from a distance. We met when we were 17 and he was 20 at the time as well. It was done out of early life tendencies of wanting to start a family. We met, got together. Had a conversation to make a baby and make a family. He saw my pain when I lost my brother due to separating myself berceuse I was doing the best I could to be safe because stuff was toxic with a pervious situation . We planned her , at the time he was an atheist as well. He actually didn't believe in God because of his past in his child hood as well. When I came into his life I took him away from the Toxicness he didn't see at the time with his grandparents because they rebuild lies after lies and enjoys misery as well. When I found out I was pregnant I told him "shut up." because well it was hard to process that I had a life growing in me . September 16, 2016 at 804 North Broadway I prayed to become pregnant with a blessing and it happened.
Later we moved to my mothers on 26 Old sandy hook road and well that was a hell storm as well because regardless of age its a woman's job to raise her spouse and watch his back regardless of situation . Well I never knew a blessing would come like that. In January my mother got a call from my Granny that my Paw Paw Michael Lachney passed away and we went to the funeral then later called my baby daddy to come as well for more support . He met my grandmother . He was the only relationship to meet her in person and made a promise to "never hurt me". He hurt me by mistakes in the past with putting his hands on me but when he went to jail,I still let his family take my daughter to visit him in jail while they were taking advantage f my situation not having family around me and well they were trying to build a fake dcfs case and well I had to leave to go to Navarre, Florida to his grand maw Jessica Herbert because his side of the Vincent's come with games and lies. They didn't even care to help Taylor Vincent when she was down as well. Well no-one ever had enough money to pay for the restraining order to be lifted because they wanted to add a price to it. So we started doing it between us two and keeping "family out of it". Well January 1st this year I started letting him see her and take her when he can. His family even invited me to go to easter gathering as well but I couldn't go because I wanted to chase the wrong things and was manipulated that I was "loved " by an old coworker named Morgan Christopher and well that turned into revelations. I went looking for job on 06/03/2023 and I told my daughter I was abducted because a white man named "Shane" from Livingston Parish used Predatory ethics towards me and did a study on my facebook and he ended up using me for 3 nights and acted like he was going to break my neck if I didn't give him sex and I cried in my sleep because I didn't want to do that and I was trapped because I didn't know where I was and I was terrified. He drugged me with Fentatyl , ... and well he scared me because he treated me as if I owed him. It was be killed or survive. Its never a "mans " fault when this shit happens instead its a womans fault because of the way it goes in the game. Violated a restraining order July 12 , 2023 to bring my baby daddy the sexual assualt paper work but didn't file charges because the police did their job the best they could first two incidents but I knew there would be no justice in this case because its always a womans fault no matte what they do . Now I also have fake profiles on facebook acting like me using people and lying as well. Its scary because it can lead to a "look" like I support the painful things women has to do just to survive as well. Women carry a different strength than a man. Its love. I held God close to me through this journey. I felt the sermon with me and the Holy Spirit watching me as well. When I came back I had alot of people leave me when I was down and well life cut me off from those I love dearly because of being Judged as if I'm evil or want money from people or like I'm entitled. No I have a story to tell. And well here came Gerald again but this time its different I can focus my energy and time on him and build him up to be a secure man in his confidence and show him that he is worth alot regardless the dollar amount in his pocket. Life is an investment, keeping diaries is a must for family secrets, but I hope this story inspires people because love covers all wrong. Even if its from a distance. #womensrights #family #babydaddytalk #love #joy #rapmusic #thugtalk #god #life #peace #inspiration #time #peace #freelancelifecoach #amazing #happiness #promises #Heaven #Gayrights #peoplerights #humanity #openminded #undergroundmusic #avoice #freeproft #artist #love #tattoo #hair #nails #men #pain #emo #hurt #demosticviolence #parentinglove #earth
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