Some Arospec Identities:
This is a list of some Arospec identities! It may be incomplete, and I am not an expert, so please let me know if there are any mistakes/identities you want added. :D
Aromantic: experiencing little or no romantic attraction to anyone; not having romantic feelings.
Aro flux: someone who fluctuates between experiencing romantic attraction and not experiencing it, and/or experiencing romantic attraction to different strengths.
Abroromantic: a fluid attraction, that can mean a fluctuating attraction between genders and/or on or out and/or throughout the aromantic spectrum, to some it's just one or the other, and to others it's both. (explained here by an abro person)
Akoiromantic/lithromantic: a person who experiences romantic attraction but has no desire or need to have their feelings reciprocated. Sometimes an akoiromantic person’s attraction may fade if a romantic relationship is established.
Alloromantic/zedromantic: someone who does experience romantic attraction. An alloromantic person may be allosexual as well, but not necessarily.
Cupioromantic: someone who does not experience romantic attraction but has a desire to be in a romantic relationship.
Demi(a)romantic: someone who only experiences romantic attraction after establishing a strong emotional connection to someone.
Frayromantic: someone who experiences romantic attraction, but this attraction fades after getting to know the object of attraction.
Grey-(a)romantic: someone who sometimes, occasionally, or rarely experiences romantic attraction. The attraction they experience may be weak, or it might be infrequent. Also used as an umbrella term for all romantic orientations that fall between alloromantic and aromantic.
Quoiromantic/WTF-romantic: someone who finds romantic attraction confusing, or cannot differentiate between platonic and romantic attraction, or is unsure of whether they experience romantic attraction. It can also mean someone who feels like the concept of romantic attraction doesn't apply to them.
Nebularomantic: is a neurosexuality specific to neurodiverse individuals, and it falls on the aromantic spectrum. It's a label for people who have difficulty telling the difference between romantic and platonic attraction specifically due to their neurodivergence (or can't tell the difference at all).
Caedromantic: having been able to experience romantic attraction in the past, and not experiencing romantic attraction any more, with the feeling that the romantic attraction was taken away/destroyed or left because of a traumatic experience.
Aegoromantic: Someone who is aegoromantic enjoys the concept of romance but does not want to participate in actual romantic activities. An example of this would be an aegoromantic individual enjoying watching a romantic show or reading a romance novel. However acting out these romantic stories in real life would not be appealing to an aegoromantic person. An aegoromantic person would typically not desire a romantic relationship.
Apothiromantic: People on the aromantic spectrum who consider themselves to be romance-repulsed, are called apothiromantic. A romance-repulsed aromantic is repulsed by the idea of romance all together. Like with any romantic identity, apothiromantic individuals can have any sexual orientation. Their aromantic identity is not directly connected to their sexual identity.
Arospike: is an aromantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. This identity is for those who usually do not feel a romantic attraction. Sometimes however, an arospike can experience a (rare) sudden spike of aromantic attraction that will last for a short amount of time. After this they will return just as quickly, to aromantic.
Autoromantic: is a term for people who experience a romantic attraction (exclusive or not) towards themselves. It can occur in different forms, such as: fantasizing about a romantic relationship with yourself. Or, as described above: feeling little to no romantic attraction to others but being able to feel romantic attraction to yourself.
Bellusromantic: defined as someone who has interest in (certain aspects of) traditional romantic behaviour such as holding hands and cuddling. However, a bellusromantic would not experience romantic attraction and does not want an actual romantic relationship. So they keyword here is ‘interest’. The interest is there, but a bellusromantic can’t and wouldn’t want to put it into practice.
Fictoromantic: falls under the aromantic spectrum as they do not experience romantic attraction to (real life) people. Fictoromantic is a term used for people who experience romantic attraction exclusively towards fictional characters. Fictoromantic is also known as fictonromantic.
Myrromantic: Someone who identifies as myrromantic is on the aromantic spectrum but might feel confused as to where exactly, as they can experience multiple aromantic identities at once. They can also rapidly fluctuate. As an example: a person who considers themself to be both demiromantic as well as grayromantic. This might be confusing to some, which is why myrromantic can be a more comfortable label to identify with.
Recipromantic: A recipromantic (also known as reciproromantic) is someone who does not experience romantic attraction until they know that the other individual is romantically attracted to them first. The word comes from the word ‘reciprocate’.
Requisromantic: someone who experiences a very limited, or no romantic attraction and interest due to some form of emotional exhaustion. The reason of emotional exhaust may have many reasons such as (bad) past experiences dealing with romance or other emotionally draining reasons.
Amicusromantic: means you don’t have romantic attraction to someone unless you form a platonic bond/ friendship with them.(explained here by an amicusromantic person)
Uniromantic: also known as oneromantic or unianthroromantic, refers to someone who feels romantic attraction toward one person and one person only for advanced periods of time, or perhaps one’s whole lifetime.
tell me if there's any I can add/ have got wrong :)
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aromantic-aswang · 7 days
List of Arospec Identities [1]
(And their flags as bottlecaps)
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Under the cut is a list of microlabels and aro identities that is kinda alphabetically arranged.
Check out Part 2
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Aromantic, often shortened to aro, describes people who do not experience romantic attraction, or experience little-to-no romantic attraction. [source]
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Abroromantic individuals experience their romantic orientation as fluid and/or changing over time. [source]
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Aromantic allosexual (shortened to aroallo or alloaro) describes individuals who are aromantic or aro-spec and also allosexual. They experience sexual attraction but do not experience romantic attraction (or experience limited romantic attraction). [source]
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Alicoromantic or Agnoromantic is defined as someone who knows they are somewhere on the aromantic spectrum, but their romantic orientation does not fit in any aromantic spectrum label. [source]
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Aegoromantic or anegoromantic, previously known as autochorisromantic, is a microlabel on the aromantic spectrum that describes those who enjoy the concept of romance but have a disconnection between themself and the subject of romantic fantasies. [source]
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Amicusromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is a subset of demiromantic, where one only experiences romantic attraction to those who they have formed a platonic relationship with. [source]
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Apothiromantic is a micro-label on the aromantic spectrum. It is another word for romance repulsed. For some apothiromantics, they are repulsed at the idea of engaging in romance themselves, but are fine with romance that does not involve them. Others may be repulsed by the idea of romance in general. Those who are apothiromantic typically do not seek out romantic relationships and many dislike romantically coded actions such as kissing, or cuddling. [source]
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Arofluid is when one is fluid between aro-spec orientations. For example, one might be recipromantic one moment but demiromantic another. It is different from aroflux as it is fluid between different identities instead of fluctuating. One who is arofluid may feel alloromantic at some times. [source]
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Aroflux is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is defined as someone whose romantic orientation fluctuates. [source]
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Aromantic asexual, often shortened to aroace or aro ace, is a term that refers to a individual who is both aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec. Aroace can be used for any individual who identifies with both spectrums. [source]
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The Aromantic Spectrum or Aromantic Umbrella is a group of romantic orientations that all fall under the umbrella term of aromantic. Individuals on the aromantic spectrum may lack romantic attraction or feel it so little that they relate more to the aromantic experience. The common link between those on the aromantic spectrum is that they do not feel the "standard" amount of romantic attraction or they don't feel it in the "standard" way, that alloromantic individuals do. [source]
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Arospike is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is defined as someone who usually feels no romantic attraction, but occasionally has rare and sudden spikes of romantic attraction for an amount of time that can vary from a day to a couple of months before returning to one's normal amounts of aromanticism. [source]
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Autoromantic is a term describing one experiences romantic attraction, exclusive or not, towards oneself. [source]
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Bellusromantic is a microlabel on the aromantic spectrum defined as having interest in traditionally romantic things, such as kissing or cuddling, but not feeling romantic attraction, and not wanting a romantic relationship. [source]
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Caedromantic (or caedoromantic) is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum, defined as someone who feels that they were alloromantic at one point, but that has been taken or “cut away” from them due to past trauma. [source]
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Cupioromantic, previously known as kalosromantic, is a microlabel on the aromantic spectrum. Cupioromantic is defined as someone who does not experience romantic attraction but still desires a romantic relationship. [source]
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Demiromantic is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum defined as someone who does not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone. [source]
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Check out Part 2
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our-amicus-experience · 5 months
Hello! This blog is for anyone who identifies as amicusromantic and/or amicussexual.
So what is amicusromantic/sexual?
Amicus is an a-spec identity under the demi-umbrella. It is when you don’t experience romantic or sexual attraction until you form a platonic relationship or friendship with someone.
“But that sounds a lot like being demi, so why don’t you just use demi?”
Great question! I can’t speak for every person who uses the label, but for me it comes down to the wording of the definitions.
Demi says that you only experience attraction after forming a deep emotional connection. To me, friendships don’t always equal deep emotional connections.
That is why I identify as amicusromantic. My romantic attraction seems to only come after I’m friends with someone.
I hope this has taught you something!
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Hello! This is a /gen question. Is amicusromantic the same as demiromantic?
Hi! So they’re very similar and technically in the definition amicusromantic is a subset of demiromantic so yes and no.
Honestly at least for me, they aren’t the same and I am not demiromantic. However, I am not speaking for everyone who identifies as amicusromantic.
Amicusromantic means you don’t have romantic attraction to someone without a platonic relationship or friendship with them.
Demiromantic means you don’t have romantic feelings without a strong emotional connection.
I used to not like this question because I didn’t know why but something bothered me about being called demiromantic because I just knew I wasn’t. But now know why I don’t identify with demiromantic and I’m happy to share!
Personally I have had romantic feelings for someone I considered a friend but did not have a deep emotional connection with him. That is why I prefer amicusromantic to demiromantic.
It’s your choice of what label you want to go with, even with similar definitions.
I hope this helped and feel free to ask more questions!
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paintedwingz · 7 months
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lilaromon · 11 months
Microlabel of March
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Amicusromantic: When you only experiences romantic attraction to those who you have formed a platonic relationship with. A subset of demiromantic.
Coined by pastelmemer (Tumblr), flag by pastelmemer (Tumblr), and has been around sense Augest 2015.
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bred-is-a-dumb-name · 2 years
Some pfps I made of leo screenshots + the flags I identify with bc surprise to nobody im kinning another sad blue neurodivergent gay man
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(Also, the flags are demiboy, asexual, and amicusromantic, and feel free to use these if you want ^^)
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ryanyflags · 2 years
idk if you remember me from a long way back lollll
I was wondering if I could get a a combination flag of demiromantic and amicusromantic?
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Yep, here you go, demiromantic and amicusromantic combo flag :D
The colors/design is just based off of the demiromantic and amicusromantic flags. I darkened the bottom half a bit to match with demiromantic having that same area darker/grey.
As for remembering you, my memory is not that great, but I do remember someone requested amicusromantic to be added to the picrew sometime ago. I checked, and yep, it was you lol.
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acore-ballt · 1 year
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A term I haven’t seen before but will coin is amicusrose, a combination of being amicussexual and amicusromantic. Being amicusrose means sexually and romantically you only are attracted to someone once you first become friends.
I somewhat recently discovered I was such but found out there was no flag, so I spent a good chunk of time creating one!
Colours meanings -
Teal - entering the stage of friendship, almost like entering water. Teal is also a colour for friendship
Yellow - A colour signifying friendship a bit more developed, warmer than teal
Orange - the transitioning/discovery point when you realize you have attraction for a friend, which leads into the next colours
Magenta - Romantic attraction
Pink - sexual attraction (like the original Gilbert Baker pride flag’s meaning of the colour)
Lavender (the center) - the core that separates but also allows harmony between sexual and romantic attraction, as well as being a colour associated with queer people for decades
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Rockruff from Pokemon is an autistic amicusromantic omnipan nonbinary trans man with ADHD!
dni link
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Hey, I saw you doing some aromantic umbrella terms! If you want to do one about amicusromantic and how an amicusromantic person describes it, I’m here to help!
oh, that would be great!
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gaydastampz · 2 years
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Amicusromantic person who has a tough time differentiating between platonic and romantic attraction and is also polyamorous culture is not understanding why you can’t just… date your friends.
I mean I love them already why can’t we just date? How much different would it be?
(P.S. I’m aware that my friends don’t have the same views as me and might not want to romantically date me. Also we are QPPs.)
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Aro Ask Game, numbers 1,2,5,6,16, and 17.
1. What is your aro-spec label?
Amicusromantic! That means I don’t really have romantic attraction towards someone until we are friends.
2. Where do you fit in the aro community (ex, alloaro / aroace / nonSAM aro / etc)
5. How did you figure out you are aro?
A lot of questioning and self reflection. Personally I realized people have crushes more often than I did.
6. What is your favourite part about being aromantic?
The community and the different ways we challenge the idea of love
16. What are your views on romance? Could include if you are romance repulsed / favourable / etc?
I’m romance favorable and I think romance is cool and I enjoy it but I also understand why some might not like it.
17. Do you have any aro related labels that don’t fit into the other groups (like loveless / lovequeer / amatopunk / etc)?
I didn’t think so but I just looked up amatopunk and it’s really cool! I think I’ll use that now.
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someoneq · 4 months
it's aro week!
happy aro-spec awareness week to all aro-specs including but not limited to:
non-sam aros and arospecs
non-partnering aros
aros in romantic relationship
aros in queerplatonic or alterous relationships
aplatonic aros
loveless aros
lovequeer aros
lovepunk aros
romance repulsed aros
romance ambivalent aros
romance favourable aros
triple/quadruple a batteries (arospec acespec aplspec agenderspec)
anyone questioning if they are arospec or where they fit on it
anyone else whose arospec identity I missed
happy aro week to all <2
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