#and adopts some big ol dogs
sylvies-kablooie · 7 months
where would you like sylvie to end up at the end of season 2 (if not with loki)?
in terms of predictions, i don’t have anything concrete, with or without loki. but where i want her to end up is somewhere safe where she can listen to her records in peace and live the life she has always deserved. i want her fate to resemble this image.
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giantkillerjack · 6 months
It's difficult to describe growing up my entire life thinking my copy of All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 was in fact simply All Dogs Go To Heaven.
The last thing I remember from this property was watching An All Dogs Christmas Carol.
I have located the first movie, which I have never seen.
Imagine if you always thought that The Secret of Nimh 2 was the actual movie The Secret of Nimh... and then one day you saw the original.
#original#all dogs go to heaven#don bluth#dom deluise#what the FUCK is going on?? did this dog jusf a#*did this dog just ADOPT A HUMAN CHILD#I'll be honest I'm skimming because I'm afraid of getting too sad right before bed.#it is by its nature about dogs dying so#but also it about HELL maybe#so#I mean so is the 2nd one but there were some weird 90s animated animal sequel Vibes that are a different flavor to this#this is like some secret of nimh shit. don bluth you old rascal you!#as I remember at the original secret of nimh is a super dark intense SCARY animated kids movie that I grew up on and have fond feelings on#and the sequel to this chilling tale of animal experimentation and mutation and torture and magic...#a big ol' MUSICAL with funny animal friends! - mind you it has been a minute...#the secret of nimh#secret of nimh#I remember the animation being fucking beautiful. I'll have to check it out again.#okay great [sarcasm] it's time for some racist animation bc ofc it is. skipping ahead to cat satan....#oh jesus even on fast forward this is very bad#this dog is her dad i giess#*i guess#that's fine. i mean he's a bad father but#is Charlie a fucking mob boss what is happening i skipped too far ahead i will watch it thru later the edibles haaave hit#omg charlie is a terrible father#unrelated but the way they animate this anthro dog in this movie would have turned me into a furry for sure if i had seen it as a kid#which if anything is a missed opportunity. I'd probably be a better artist if i was! someday they'll accept my application...😤#these dogs are gay
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pathetic-sapphic · 10 months
hello! i was wonder if you could do fluffy headcannons for vi and caitlyn? thanks in advance and have fun writing this : D
Fluffly Vi and Caitlyn HC's
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Vi is actually quite a bookworm! Growing up in the Lanes makes it hard to learn how to read and it wasn't until Vander found her trying to make sense of a novel left behind by a patron at the Last Drop that she started learning. Vander taught her himself, after the rest of her adoptive siblings went to bed, Vi would stay up and have Vander teach her how to read next to the soft glow of candle light. Those are some of her favorite memories with him.
She is a dog person through and through. Will beg for the two of you to adopt a dog once you've been living together for a while and you always seemed unsure. Little did she know, you were actually planning to surprise her with a puppy for her birthday! And when you finally do, oh, she cries so much! There are tears of happiness sliding down her freckled cheeks as she holds the tiny golden retriever puppy in her hands. Your apartment is alive with the sounds of her sobs and the puppy's attempts at barking, your heart clenches with joy at the scene. Vi will forever be grateful to you for such a thoughtful and amazing gift. She knows she can never repay you but she's willing to try through kisses and hugs.
Hates going clothes shopping unless you're the one doing it. If so, she's at your service. She'll carry your bags, point out clothes that she thinks you'll look nice in and compliment you when you try them on. When she's the one buying clothes, she likes for it to be done as quickly as possible. Though she can't say she minds the appreciative looks you give her when she tries on some particularly tight clothes or ones that show off her muscles.
Loves silly pet names. Cutie, honey bee, hot stuff, etc. But most of the time she likes to stick with good ol' 'babe'. Her heart almost jumps out of her chest the first time you call her 'darling'. There's just something about the way that word rolls off of your tongue that makes her stomach erupt with butterflies. First names are only uttered in serious situations.
Her giving love language is physical touch, receiving is words of affirmation. Vi loves being close to you, hugging, kissing and touching you whenever she can. She craves reassurance and affirmation due to her past. Needs to know she's good to you and that you feel loved and protected by her side.
Her favorite season is autumn! It's chilly but not too cold, but at the same time cold enough for her to cozy up inside and enjoy the rainy scenery unfolding outside your shared place. Even better if the two of you cuddle under a blanket and doze off in each other's arms. Violet swears she never slept better.
As much as she adores being the big spoon, she has a secret fondness for being the small spoon too. Especially after a nightmare, Vi needs to be held and feel protected. Her life has been one of hardship and being in your embrace reminds her that that period of her life is over. Now there is only your warmth and smile which protect her from all harm and sadness life brings.
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Has no bias when it comes to dogs or cats, but since she grew up with dogs, she isn't opposed to adopting a cat with you this time around. She had planned to find a more exotic and fancy cat breed but that went out the window one night as she was coming back from work. Coming back to you. It was a rainy night and it was already quite late as she stayed longer in her office than she should've so she was hurrying along. Despite the heavy sounds of rain and her footsteps echoing off the pavement, her ears managed to pick up a tiny, desperate sound. Cautiously following it to a dark alley, she was surprised when she stumbled upon a dirty kitten that was meowing its little heart out. Caitlyn couldn't bear to just leave it so she took it home to you. Your kind soul immediately saw the kitten as a new addition to your little family and it made Caitlyn so happy. The sweet but feisty calico kitten would quickly become an integral part of your everyday lives and the two of you wouldn't have it any other way!
Opposite of Vi when it comes to shopping, Caitlyn loves indulging herself with new fits and it's even better if she gets to do the same for you! Be prepared to never have to use your wallet ever again because your girlfriend has you covered. Loves to spoil you with whatever you desire and buys you stuff weekly, even if you don't ask for it. Whenever she buys you new clothes, Caitlyn likes to make a little show out of it! She'll twirl you around and give advice on how to pair different articles of clothing. However, she understands if it may be a bit too much at first so she'll start off with small and inexpensive but sentimental gifts. Anything to make you happy.
Caitlyn secretly collects antique porcelain figurines. She remembers her mother always having some on display when she was a child but never let her go near them in fear that she'd break them on accident. But she was always so amazed by their graceful yet still forms and the details which adorned their smooth surface. So, when she got older, she started buying them out of pure self-indulgence. When the two of you start dating, she's actually a bit scared that you'll find her obsession silly but, as always, you pleasantly surprise her with a look of awe and compliments on how pretty they are. When a couple of days later you show up with a gift for her, she is so happy! That happiness grows too big for her heart to contain when the gift turns out to be two custom-made porcelain figures with a striking resemblance to the two of you. You may not know it, but this definitely helped heal her inner child.
Besides practicing shooting, Caitlyn also loves fencing! It lets her release tension and stress which piles up from work and it keeps her agile. Puffs out her chest with pride if she ever spots you watching her during practice. Tries extra hard to impress you but at the same time gets really clumsy because she's constantly checking if your eyes are on her and only her. You catch on quickly and find it very endearing.
Soft and sweet pastries are her weakness. Goes to her favorite bakery to pick up her breakfast every morning before work. Once she's with you, she drops by in the afternoon too, during her break, so she can get you your favorite and give it to you when she gets home. At the end of a long day, there is nothing Caitlyn yearns for more than the sweet taste of a flaky pastry and your soft lips.
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I think I live on ur blog at this point... anyway doberman hybrid childe <33
I fully agree he has uncropped ears and a stub of a tail!! I think he's a Doberman cause they're extremely loyal, protective, obedient, strong and adore their families <33 though I think childe doesn't fit the bill for the extreme intelligence </3
He definitely stands behind you all scary like when ur walking around places to scare off creeps the ofc goes away whenever you turn towards him he basically melts and his stubby tail wags so fast:((( he's definitely disposed of creeps without you realizing cause he can't have his pretty adoring chubby owner knowing that some trash was bothering her!!
OMG imagine giving him a collar he'd so wear with pride :(( he def moans when you put it on him each morning (he would have it on forever if he could but u say it isn't good to sleep in </3) you definitely can't bathe on ur own anymore bcs what if little ol you drowns somehow he HAS to be there to keep watch!! He's also in there to oogle at ur body but shhh you don't have to know that :(( he also humps you in his sleep to hes just SO NEEDY :((( imagine you get even the tiniest bit needy and he can smell it right away so he obviously puts his nose in your panties and whines when until you let him eat you out!! Your pussy is his fav thing to slobber on but your tits and panties are a close second!! Imagine pegging Doberman childe and he just can't stop whining so u stuffy your used panties in his mouth<33 (he lives for it btw) taking him out for a walk but you have a pretty leash attached to his collar and he walks slowly so you're basically choking him (he's so hard and is SO cute)
like I said earlier when you bathe he has to be in there you bathe imagine him whining and scratching outside the door while you use the bathroom bcs "it's too embarrassing" for him to watch you </3 UGH imagine humiliating him by making him eat from a dish on the ground :(( when he's been a good boy and you reward him by letting him eat you out or fuck you himself<33 he can't WAIT to fill you up with pups and breed ur pretty little self!! Ofc if he chooses eating you out that day for the reward he def adores when ur chubby thighs wrap around his head to the point he can't breathe and when you sit on his face ugh, he's in heaven <3 I think all childes no matter the au adore fat pussy lips and like to bite at them :(( if your just to tired to get him off for the day you ofc let him humble your leg till he's satisfied</3 (which is never but he'll just use you in your sleep later) if he's been a bad doggy then imagine putting him in a cock cage and making him clean the whole house and when I say clean I mean full on scrub the floors clean!! Another punishment could be putting a cockrimg on him and cockwarming him while you sleep (ofc you have ur hand right on his ears to make him more sensitive!!) He helps carrying groceries and furniture and even with cooking cause Doberman are working dogs and he would rather DIE then let you lift a finger<33 imagine how cute he would be when you first adopt him ofc he's terrified and tears things up till he realizes you aren't going to hurt him then he becomes all territorial bcs ur HIS nobody elses!! (You were definitely warned he had behavior issues at the shelter cause he was on the verge of being put down cause of his behavior)
OH MY GOD that was alot... but I just adore childe!! Also this is a bit embarrassing to admit but earlier I was rubbing my puffy clit thinking about us sloppily making out while we rub our puffy pussies together :(( I was looking at some of ur pics while doing cause ur just SO cute I also thought about you sucking my big tits after a long day cause they get so sore :(( incase you were wondering my bust size is 58 inches ;)) or just me sitting on your pretty little face till you start crying for air<33 -chubby darling anon <333 ( I could write paragraphs of things I could imagine doing to you <33)
anon. anon. anon. anon. anonanonanon… ANON. im going insane. delusional, even. wow. ok. uhm… ahem…
puppytaru… his adorable little stump tail :(( his pathetic little wiggles whenever he’s happy god he’s such a sweetheart :((
doberman puppytaru i know he’s slinging MEAT down there… big dog = big cock but he’s so unfamiliar with anything intimate and has no clue how to use it. often just rubs himself on you so so needy and whiny :(( regularly creams in his pants even from the slightest of contact because you work him up so easy by just existing. the only things he knows how to do are protect, be overwhelming affectionate, and hump anything that reminds him of you when he can feel his cock get all swollen and sensitive. definitely has a very delicate tip!! kiss it once and he’s busting!! so when he finally gets permission to slip it in you his cumming before he can even bottom out :(( so pathetic and needy…
ABSOLUTELY protective. definitely needs some good training to be less aggressive towards anyone that looks at you but he can’t help it!! you’re his and he’s yours!! but puppytaru training can be fun. especially with the sweetest collar and leash that he loves being tugged around on. he’s an early riser, in more ways than one, so when you wake up he’s already nudging your hands with his nose and begging for his collar to be put on. he just loves it so much!! whimpers, moans, and grinds his cock on the floor as you strap it on… i can’t imagine him ever sleeping clothed so his bare dick is rubbing so cute on the floor and leaving the sweetest little pools of seed :(( click your tongue and him and force his head down to clean up the mess!! so rude of him to get your floors all dirty… big masochist you’re so right!! loves it when he chokes on the collar from being pulled around on his leash. he’s so adorable when he actually behaves on his walks though!! pointing at birds, sniffing the air, saying hi to all the other puppies (definitely NOT evaluating them as potential threats)… but more often than not he’s dawdling just so he can choke and gag from the pulling!! he just looks so cute when he’s panting with legs shaking and a very obvious bulge and wet spot in his pants :(( soggy puppytaru he’ll do anything that feels good!!
very sloppy pussy eater!! so true!! drools and whimpers into your cunt while sucking everywhere he can and nibbling gently on your pussy lips :(( his lil stump is wagging so hard the whole time cause he knows if he does real good you’ll touch him next!! and he just dies and comes back to life every time you finish and invite him up!! doesn’t matter if you just jerk him off or let him fuck you, he’s happy with anything. just please please please touch his cock!! he needs it!!
puppytaru punishments :(( the worst one you can give him is locking him in the kennel you kept from when you first brought him home. he’ll cry and sob apologies while pawing at the metal grates until you take pity on him. but!! before you let him out, make sure to sit your bare cunt on top of the kennel!! he’ll suck and eat away at you so desperately cause he just wants to make you happy and there’s nothing better than an apologetic puppytaru giving you head through his kennel!! by the time you let him out he’s in tears but he’ll behave real well for the next… day, at most. lighter punishments could definitely be the cutest cock cage!! locking him up so he can’t touch it at all makes him so whiny. on average he gets off at least twice a day so leave him locked up for two days in you’ll have a very well behaved pup in exchange for a nice handjob.
sure, he’s very badly behaved sometimes but he’s just the cutest most hardworking pup!! puppytaru only wants your affection and love… and for his dick to be played with every hour but that’s it!! he’ll give you everything he has in return!!
-> linking this pathetic foxtaru but i did just cause it follows a similar sort of soggy lil guy roll!!
anon… i’ve reread this a million times… i hope u know my pussy is THROBBING for u!! never in my life did i think i would be so lucky to have such confessions in my ask box but i’m thrilled!! i’m glad i meet ur standards and that i helped u to get off hehe!! i… i’ve admitted it before but i’m saying it again: i’m very much a virgin so i don’t have any titty sucking experience BUT i love sucking on other things!! so i’m sure i’d do alright given the opportunity :3 im a very clean and even 40 inch bust and hip to a 30 inch waist!! i’m very symmetrical in that regard but… i’m a sucker for big boobs… i love tits… squishy good for resting head and massaging!! i will knead ur boobs like a cat!! hehe im always open to hearing more of ur thoughts on ME!! i love attention!! me me me me me me me me me me!! i understand puppytaru!!
ps. this reddit post is very me and puppytaru core
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ravensliterature · 2 years
The Fight After the Storm
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A/N: Lol I posted again
pairing: Tormund x Reader
warnings: Only fluff really
w/c: 916
Prompt: You suffered major losses after the battle at Winterfell. Tormund does his best to cheer you up. 
You had won the fight against the White Walkers! Cheering and laughter echoed throughout the North from Winterfell. Although you were happy that the fight was over, and not being turned into a pale zombie certainly felt like the highlight of your life, you couldn't shake off a profound sense of loss clouding your joy. Your father and two brothers had died in the fight. Given your father's age and your brothers' lack of training, their chances of survival had been slim. Yet, every man was needed for the battle, and when their time came, they stood on the front lines, fulfilling their duty as soldiers. It wasn't fair—it felt as though someone had ripped out your heart and stomped on it. The sound that filled the castle post-battle was the loudest you’d ever heard. Everyone seemed pumped up; you couldn’t deny everyone their joy—a victory was still a victory.
“What’s wrong, lass?” Tormund asked as he approached you with a cup of mead in hand.
You smiled sadly and shook your head, not wanting to dampen his spirits. You and Tormund had grown close since his arrival at Winterfell. Despite your constant rejections, he remained persistent in his affections. Your father would never have approved of the match—a Northman with no land or title. He would have scoffed at the suggestion.
You met his piercing grey eyes and said, “Nothing really, I’m happy that we won. We're all celebrating, aren’t we?”
Tormund laughed loudly before replying, “Of course we are.” He paused for a moment, taking another gulp of mead from the cup. You noticed that something wasn't quite right about his smile, and he chuckled lightly to himself. You knew there was something troubling Tormund.
“I know about your ol' man and the boys. They were true fighters,” he continued, causing you to frown slightly.
Your father and brothers may have been true warriors, but that should not have been expected of them. They shouldn't have had to die.
The silence hung between the two of you until Tormund finally spoke again; “They should have got to see it through,” he added quietly.
Your eyes met his dark gaze, and you sighed softly before replying, “I know.”
Tormund nodded before taking your wrist and urging you to follow him. “Come along, lass, there’s something I must show you. Follow me.”
Confused, you furrowed your brows but decided it best not to ask and simply complied.
You trailed behind Tormund, trying to follow where he led you. Eventually, Tormund stopped in front of a room and pushed open the door. Inside was a small pup, barely big enough to fit inside the bed it was lying in.
Tormund crouched down and patted the tiny dog. The dog wagged its tail quickly.
“His name is Brandon,” Tormund explained.
He motioned for you to come closer and Brandon immediately started to whine, wanting attention. Brandon was your youngest brother’s name.
“Is he yours, Tormund?” you asked as you watched Brandon lick his paws.
“Nah, lass, he’s yours,” Tormund replied.
You walked over to pet Brandon, and he jumped onto you happily. As you scratched Brandon behind the ears, Tormund began to speak.
“I saw your brother find him wandering outside the castle gates. He tried to ask your father to adopt the pup, but he said no. I got him so your brother could play with him whenever he wanted.”
“Thank you so much, Tormund, for helping him when you could,” you muttered.
“It’s nothing, lass. Besides, you’ve done so much more than that. If anyone deserves happiness, it’s you. Now come on. Let’s celebrate with some wine.”
After getting Brandon settled back into his nest, Tormund grabbed a bottle and poured you a glass. Tormund handed you the wine glass before raising his own.
“Here’s to one of the bravest men and brothers I have ever known!”
You clinked your glass against his and drank deeply.
You were both silent until you finished your glass. Tormund offered to refill your glass, but you shook your head. The effects of the alcohol were already starting to set in, making your mind foggy and your stomach flutter with excitement. You needed this. You needed to forget everything that happened today and just be with him.
Tormund was there for you when you needed him most.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours, sending sparks rushing through you. It didn't last long, though. When you pulled away, he chuckled, causing a smile to grow on your face.
“You need sleep, lassie. You’ve had a long day.”
“I can’t sleep yet. Not when my mind is buzzing,” you admitted.
Tormund chuckled again and pulled you onto the bed, pulling you to his side. You snuggled into Tormund’s chest and closed your eyes. Within seconds, you were fast asleep. Tormund watched over you, ensuring that you wouldn't wake until the morning. He hoped the next few days wouldn't be too painful for you. He hated seeing you sad.
However, wounds like these take time to heal.
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leiflitter · 4 months
i know this question has been asked by me before!!!! but….go even more hog wild and give us ur cattonquick hewdcanons because they are EATEN up by YAH enjoyers
Ok let's go i saved this so i could focus on the break in between YAH1 and YAH2!
Let's go:
Basil is (at the start of YAH2) a 4 1/2 month old Springer Spaniel. He's a working line dog, and will end up looking like this lil dude
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His hobbies include:
Destroying antiques
Running round in very big circles
Fetching things repeatedly
Sleeping in inconvenient places
Staring intently at the horses
He is a clever little lad and very excited. He fares better at Saltburn because he and Felix can go for long runs, and he has one of those fancy auto-throw ball machines for when he's really bouncing off the walls.
So Felix's burns weren't especially bad, but they were exacerbated because the skin on/around the eyelid area is very thin and delicate. He had to have a big ol' bandage covering that side of his head, which he was either amused by or very concerned about. It mostly depended on if his fun prescription painkillers were wearing off. He's going to be back in top form by August, although he will have some minor scarring that's more tactile than visible.
He is so proud of his engagement ring, and it is highly visible in every photo of him. If he sends a picture of Basil on his Walk to Oliver, you know what hand is holding the lead.
Ollie is having A Time, in part because he can't live WITH Felix but can't live without him. It's hard trying to work while your other half is trying to cuddle you and your puppy is trying to snatch the essays you're marking. However, Professor Ware is also being an absolute twat at the moment- he'd anticipated that snitching on Oliver would get him into trouble. He's mostly just petty and jealous- not because he fancies Felix, but because he is a true bootlicker. How dare Oliver get to fuck his way to the top when Ware has been simpering at the Aristocracy for DECADES?
He hasn't told Felix about exactly what's going on, because it's nothing blatant- just a lot of dumping work on Oliver's desk and being uncooperative to the max.
Sarah knows, anyway, and she's waiting for Ware to slip up.
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brooxonianbek · 24 days
{Mar 11th ~ 17th}
The illness that began last week has knocked me down in full force, and I’ve been bedridden for five days, which, suffice it to say, is not enjoyable in the slightest with no one to look after you at home. At the tail end of it, though, I was adopted by a new replacement mother — my pastor’s wife, dear Jo — and she had me for dinner and insisted I stay the night. It was a great relief, and I readily accepted the offer. I am immensely grateful for her appropriating me into her little brood, and for some much-needed feline attention.
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I recovered enough life in time to attend a concert at the Oxford Town Hall on Friday — Vivaldi’s Four Seasons by candlelight. I didn’t know anything about the piece before going, but I have since been informed that it’s a piece of program music; that being music that tells a story through instrumental and musical symbols, as in Peter and the Wolf by Prokofiev. The Four Seasons, as you would assume, musically illustrates each season in a different concerto, with motifs representing characteristics of each one; birdsong, thunderstorms, tipsy revellers dancing in the streets, hunting dogs, rain, chattering teeth and cracking ice all identifiable in the piece. It was a spectacular performance — a string quartet surrounded by the flickering light of candles in the vast, darkened hall.
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Saturday was another of our day trip excursions with legendary tour guide, Rob, to Salisbury and Bournemouth. Our omnibus carried us twice past the Big Ol’ Henge of Rocks, first thing in the morning. There were already tourists flocking around, with many more to come, I’m sure — so I really do think it was all we needed to see.
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Salisbury itself seems a quaint little town, but all we had time to explore was the cathedral, which warranted a good hour and a half exploration of its own. As the tallest medieval spire in Europe, and the tallest building in the UK until the 1960s, it has an expansive interior, and the gothic pillars stretch upwards in a way that accentuates the height further. It had a fascinating combination of true medieval artistry and adapted 20th-and-21st-century features, as in the blue stained glass of the east window, and the crystalline font that so masterfully extends the depth of the building in its surface of liquid glass. I actually think the exterior of the cathedral is the most striking part, after all, though, and it may end up a subject of my painting at some stage.
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Bournemouth was our next stop and, if I am perfectly honest, I didn’t particularly like it. Perhaps we were in the wrong area of town, but its only selling qualities were its churchyard, in which are buried the whole of the famous Shelley family — Percy Bysshe, poet; Mary Wollestonecraft, proto-feminist; and Mary Shelley, goth — and an art gallery that I was unable to visit this time around. They did also have an ocean, but lots of places have one of those.
Sunday, I went to a church lunch in the 18th-century country home of a family, most perfectly decorated around the exposed wooden structural with cozy, tasteful, artistic furnishing…I’d like a house like that.
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hungerpunch · 1 year
dad, death, and dogs
i dreamed about my dad again. it was nothing so clear or full as the other times. not quite abstract, but not… much, either. a flash of him getting out of his car, the old honda accord. manual transmission like he preferred his whole life. i loved the smell of that car. all the mix cds i burned him for holidays and birthdays stuck in the pockets and compartments. in my dream there's the gesture of him taking his sunglasses off. tucking them into the pocket of his leather jacket. i recognize the jacket--it's the old, dark brown, worn-in one that i stole for a night out in eighth grade and then lost.
i think i dreamed him because i fell asleep thinking about how much i wish he could meet munch. he would love her. something weird happened the other day, but it's not really weird, i'm just. it's just that i received munch's original intake papers from the animal control she was surrendered to in texas.
well okay first, it bears contextualizing a little bit. munch is not my first dog. the first dog i ever had was named lady and she was a big ole mix of a dog, shorthaired and tawny and muscular and so sweet. i was 13 when i saw her at an adoption event at petsmart on an errand to buy food for my sister's guinea pig. my dad had pet dogs growing up and instilled that love and affection in all of us when we were little, reading us tales of various adventure dogs.
my mom had farm dogs growing up, not pets, and had been bitten by one as a kid, so was fearful and wary of them on the whole.
but i saw lady and fell in love, did the begging and the pleading and the promising to my mom, i slept with her at night, i woke up at 5am before school every day to walk her even in the rain even in the snow, i worked with her on training, i loved her so fucking much. and she loved us all, sure, maybe me the most of the kids, but she became my dad's best friend. his best buddy. she was his velcro dog and he adored her.
my dad passed away on august 10 of 2020. on january 30 of 2021, we had to lay lady to rest. i paid to have her euthanized at home. we fed her a whole steak before the vet came. i clung to her neck and sobbed into her furry shoulder as the drug worked through her. her breathing slowed, slowed, slowed, deeper and slower until another breath never came. i don't believe in god or heaven and i have no clear beliefs on what happens when you die besides that your energy returns to the universe, but in that moment, all i wanted to think about--all i could think about--was lady bounding up some cloudy steps to meet my dad, her best friend, in the afterlife. it was so painful losing them both in a short span of time, but i thought of how joyful they both would be to see each other again. in a way, it made sense. how could lady remain on earth when her heart had gone beyond?
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it's a milestone to adopt your first animal outside of your childhood home, whatever that looks like. getting munch has been full of joy. but it also strikes me, now and then, that my dad will never meet her. and she'll never meet him--a man all dogs loved and gravitated to. i can see in my mind the way he would greet her, smiling and laughing, rubbing her ears, patting her belly.
anyway i got munch's surrender papers. and her original name was lady.
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t3r4t0m4 · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons for the Hilliker Brothers?
BOY DO I!!!!
BE WARNED! I only consider the first film to be canon, but here we go!
Basic Headcanons:
• Three Finger is the one who started the collecting. He tries to keep them all organized and saves some of the things he especially likes. Often times he hides them too, so he can keep them away from his brothers messing with whatever has caught his fancy.
• They can speak! but not English. The Hillikers grew up around Old Amish communities and we're only taught Pennsylvania Dutch instead of English.
• They know how to play instruments! Each brother was taught at a young age how to play one: Sawtooth was taught the fiddle, One Eye was taught the banjo and Three Finger was taught the harmonica
•Only Sawtooth can read English. The three of them will sneak down to Maynard's stand to steal newspapers (and other supplies) so that Sawtooth can read the news out loud to Three Finger and One Eye
• Okay so, obviously Sawtooth, Three Finger and One Eye are not their real names. They most likely have names that came straight from the bible, like Abraham or Ezekiel, but no one except for them knows their names... except maybe Maynard??
• All three brothers know how to hand sew, although, this skill mostly goes into editing the clothes from victims so that they can fit on Sawtooth
• The grown their own produce...and weed
• They own a bunch of old country and folk records and all have their favorite tastes:
Three Finger - likes old haunting kinda folk songs (The Kossoy Sisters, Johnny Cash, Townes Van Zandt)
One Eye - big fan of upbeat and love songs and country music done by ladies (Patsy Cline, Lesley Gore, The Statler Brothers)
Sawtooth - old fashion, big into the classic stuff (Hank Williams, old Willie Nelson, Marty Robbins)
Post Canon HC:
• Three Finger was the only brother to survive, but now he's an OLD MAN now and SCARRED! Burn scars all over his lips down to his neck, leaving his teeth exposed. He's also gotten a bit hunkier! His bigger brothers are gone now, so he's gotta do all the heavy lifting now
• Three Finger has a shrine for One Eye and Sawtooth, maybe has some of their bones preservered
• Dogs?? Maybe?? Three Finger might have adopted some big ole hunting dogs to help hunt victims (bonus points if these dogs are mutated too)
Medical HC:
• Sawtooth: acromegaly, cleft palate and lip , congenital analgesia, exotropia, scoliosis, unilateral deafness, benign tumor
• One Eye: missing eye (caused by injury, not birth defect), autism, congenital analgesia, PCOS, gender dysphoria (ftm), BPD
• Three Finger: cleft hand (main feature), esotropia, congenital analgesia, ehlers danlos syndrome, ectodermal dysplasia, PCOS, gender dysphoria (ftm), benign tumor(s),
• Three Finger did his own top surgery, but Sawtooth helped One Eye with his YIPPEEE
AND THAT'S ALL! I can elaborate on a few of these if you so desire :3
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dollmaidcrystal · 1 year
Looking back at the 2022 Kinky Resolutions
Before we write 2023’s Kinky Resolutions, we’re going to look back at 2022’s list to see how we did.
Ugh. End of year reviews. Industry standard raise plus an extra percent. Done.
As always, Mistress Aspyce’s commentary is in italics.
Aspyce Gets into Shape
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Ugh. Just… urrrggh.
I’d call it a success.
Losing 4 pounds is not a success. It’s depressing.
You had to give away a bunch of corsets that slide off you now.
Depressing and expensive!
Last year, your physical rehab barely had you walking without a cane. Now you’re at the gym 3 days a week and can run the scenes you were physically incapable of.
I don’t feel handicapped anymore, but I want to like my body again. I’ll lose this stomach if it kills me!
Crystal Improves Her Posture
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Another resolution in the win column! Thanks to my new exercise routine, I can now stay at attention through evening service. Plus, I made strides in hoof boots AND ballet boots. (Pun totally intended.)
You don’t look like you’re developing scoliosis anymore, but…
It. Goes. In. The. Win. Column.
New Latex for Aspyce
Wow. You went a full year without buying new rubber?
Nothing jumped out at me. When I did have time to go kink shopping, I was looking for replacement corsets, not latex.
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You could still make good on your resolution if we start shopping now.
It is hot cocoa season. Do you know where I can get a…
New Day Uniforms for Crystal
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How have you not worn holes in your old uniforms?
I mostly stopped using them.
Bad doll maid! You’re supposed to be a latex maid. In latex!
Mistress, you adopted a puppy last year. For the first half of the year, I worked wearing a catsuit under sweats so I could take him out at a moment’s notice. Then the COVID shutdown of Shenzhen happened, and the pipeline for cheap latex has been clogged since.
You’re still getting spankings for this. Now that Nonsense is older, you’re to be in uniform while working.
A Doll Display Box – FINALLY
Failure for three years in a row. How are we so bad at this?
I’m going to unfairly blame the dog. This is all your fault, Nonsense. And something something China, too.
Gord-style Scenes
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We did that! We even had one where you were a pumpkin!
Custom built bondage devices, tight corsets, catsuits, vacbeds, pony training on a treadmill. Another win goes on the board!
The Gord-inspired scenes were fun to do! We should do more in the new year.
Enjoy Ourselves More
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This was the main one, and it was a big ol’ success. We started traveling again.
You got featured in the Montreal Gazette. We’re officially international fetish icons!
Munches came back.
I found puppy-friendly wine tasting rooms.
I ran in my first ponygirl race. I won my first ponygirl race!
We went to the Sybian Joust championships.
The kinky Superbowl party.
The femdom Halloween party.
I got to be a pony. And a kitty. And a cow. And a pumpkin.
The sissies got to see Mozart’s most famous forced feminzation scene.
We got to meet some of our Fetlife friends!
And we have Nonsense. You can’t tell me that dog doesn’t make you smile.
2022 was a good year.
Good job, Year!
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hullomoon · 1 year
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I posted 5,776 times in 2022
176 posts created (3%)
5,600 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,760 of my posts in 2022
#queue to the moon - 4,845 posts
#schitts creek - 1,065 posts
#ofmd - 670 posts
#heartstopper - 302 posts
#fic recs - 268 posts
#david rose x patrick brewer - 253 posts
#abbott elementary - 245 posts
#a league of their own - 242 posts
#taz - 238 posts
#alexis rose - 169 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#i feel like this is the moment i admit that the reason the bear got put on my radar is because i recognized him by his bicep
My Top Posts in 2022:
day 21: allergic reaction
part of Whumptober Lite 2022
read on ao3
"David?" Stevie watched as David scratched his arms, sleeves rolled up to reveal hives all along the skin.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” he exclaimed.
Stevie moved his hand away from his arm. “Don’t scratch it.”
“But it itches!”
Stevie sighed. “Have you touched any poisonous plants?”
“No,” David replied while subtly trying to reach his arm.
“Eaten anything?”
“Just those handpies that Jocelyn made for Abestos Fest.”
Stevie glanced at the half-eaten pie on the counter. “Are you allergic to peaches?”
“I don’t think so. It was a bit tingly when I ate it though.”
“It shouldn’t tingle!”
13 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
wip wednesday
i was tagged by @tyfinn (thank you!)
i’ve written a little bit, but been away from here. so here’s a big ol’ paragraph. and a thank you to @petrodobreva for being the one to mention including Roland in these shenanigans.
"Hey, Dave, what's with the dog?"
David grimaced as he turned to face Roland. "I adopted him, his name is-"
"His name is David," Stevie interrupted, eyes alight with glee. David glared at her. 
Roland leaned down to pet Rothko. "Well, hi there David."
"I didn't name him David, that would be too confusing."
"What's so confusing about that?"
David crossed his arms. "Because my name is David!"
Roland stood up. "I mean we call you Dave so it isn't all that confusing."
David didn't bother looking at Stevie knowing all too well how much she was enjoying this conversation. He decided it was best to finish the conversation as soon as possible. "You're the only one who does that."
"Sounds like now's a good time for everybody else to start doing that since you named your dog David."
David threw his head back in exasperation. "It was an accident on the form. His name is Rothko."
"Oh, like Mark Rothko?"
A fucking course Roland was the one to know that. 
He sighed in relief. "Yes."
"Then why didn't you put that on the form?"
David was in hell. "I got it switched around with the owner's name."
"Does that mean your name is Rothko now?" Stevie interjected. 
He grabbed Stevie's wrist and guided her away from Roland. "As fun as this conversation has been, we need to leave."
tagging: @sarahlevys, @designatedgrape, @stereopticons, and anyone else who wants to!
17 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
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what could i do (but follow your love)
written by @ravibegins
read by @hullomoon
part of @podfic-please
It starts, for Derek at least, in the front seat of his car.
He’s not sure where it starts for Dex, but it had to have started somewhere. Derek assumes it’s been a long time coming for Dex.
Why else would Dex lean across the console to press a kiss to Derek’s mouth, like it’s the easiest thing in the world to do?
20 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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[podfic] Learned Our Lessons Well
part of Summer Podfic Swap 2022
written by @mcbangle
read by @hullomoon
Shitty had known enough sons of celebrities and millionaires to have a pretty clear idea of what Jack Zimmermann would be like. But this kid was nothing like any of them. For some reason, Shitty couldn’t shake the urge to protect this quiet, awkward nerd. Or to maybe actually be friends with him.
Or, scenes from Shitty’s and Jack’s friendship, from their frog year through Shitty’s second year at Harvard Law.
21 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
200 works!!!
last week i reached 200 works on ao3!!! thank you to everyone who has read my works, kuddoed, commented, or bookmarked. to the people who sent in asks or prompts on tumblr. to the people who i’ve done collabs with. and of course, to my friends who let me ramble on about my projects and cheer me on. all of you are part of the reason why i’m still doing this and i’m so grateful 💙💙💙
probably after rare fest i’ll reblog a prompt game to celebrate so be on the lookout for that!
33 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ashklad · 9 months
𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 “ ✿ ” 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒’ 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐇𝐂. — accepting ! // @skullkxd
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SOOOOOOOOOO i've thought about it aaand here's some ideas i've conjured up for askeladd &&. ree!!
teaches ree how to wield a sword after seeing a bit of thorfinn in ree themself.
in exchange ree helps askeladd acclimate to the current year- what he defines as ' the future '.
also ree is allowed to meet askeladd's pokemon and the least aggressive out of them all is lucario. lucario acting like the big ol' spoiled dog it is and begging ree for treats.
askeladd, exhausted: I Guess I Adopted A Kid (again)
ree introducing social media to askeladd and shows him dank memes. askeladd slowly loses faith in humanity.
ree won't stop making weird food concoctions for askeladd. and he rejects them all after the Red Bull + Taser Incident (tm).
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friendlystarfruit · 2 years
what is your ocs family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your ocs have any siblings?
My girl's oc family is interesting , she has an adopted brother who is a hybrid kemonomimi (racoon and demon)
Her family are from proud canine heritage , foxes, dogs, wolves etc although there is some Lynx blood [which the family hates ]hence my girl cos ear tuffs. It's tough on my girl because she likes the hawt demon kemonomimi, her Mom is the only one she isn't afraid to tell as she is understanding and is thr one who fought to adopt her older brother.
It's her Dad she fears the most telling, he is a big ol wolf dude and would not approve of his daughter chasing after non canine kemonomimis let alone a demon kemonomimi.
Her bro is a short moody tsundere , he crosses on my Panda boy oc Chan but won't admit it. He hates his demon traits ;( and can't stand my demon oc , would not approve if he finds out they are dating may even threaten to tel big daddy . (I find tsundere characters so amusing to write they always make me laugh and their secret softie side is so cute)
I have the story fleshed out in my head (= I got delayed writing it after I caught the flu and felt drained, I'l need to get myself at it cus I have lots of funny ideas for the characters xD Had to order a new keyboard tho but it wil arrive soon. REcently ive had bad tech luck D=
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moonlight26posts-blog · 5 months
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In Baltimore City, MD: URGENT: Rescue needed by close of business (6pm) on 1/12
Affectionate pup (who has had positive interactions with both cats and dogs) needs rescue by 6pm on 1/12 - BARCS, Baltimore MD
Ole Smokey- 3 years, unaltered male, 67lbs
Ole Smokey is a big dog, but he does not act like one! He is such a gentle soul. Smokey is so sweet and loves pets and affection. He will lay his big ole head in your lap for some love. He walks amazingly on the leash and is redirected easily when needed. He does like to take breaks on his walk for cuddles and pets. Anyone who walks him always mentions how adorable and gentle he is.
When tested off-leash in the shelter's play yard, Ole Smokey was relaxed, calm, and playful with other dogs. He also showed polite and positive interest in cats while in a temporary foster home as well.
Understandably, Ole Smokey has shown stress and anxiety in the shelter environment, so is currently on a combination of trazodone and gabapentin to help.
Since arriving in BARCS' care, Ole Smokey has succeeded at making our vets really say, "Hmm." Although he initially appeared pretty healthy, over time, Ole Smokey has been written up on our vet concerns board several times for varying issues, including 'chewing weirdly', excessive lip licking/smacking, multiple bouts of vomiting, and appearing to have some sort of vision issues.
Bloodwork showed a low T4, which typically indicates hypothyroidism. Given his ongoing symptoms, Ole Smokey does not present as a classic hypothyroid dog either, although hypothyroidism could explain some of the abnormalities we've noticed.
Unfortunately, further testing beyond our shelter's resources is needed to really know what is going on with Ole Smokey. Because of this, we are seeking rescue placement for him by close of business (6pm) on 1/12.
Please let us know if your organization can help!
Thank you,
The BARCS Rescue Team
Baltimore Animal Rescue & Care Shelter (BARCS) ​New Address! 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 [email protected]| (410) 396-4695
Rescue pick-up hours: Monday-Friday: 10:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m
Adoption hours: Monday-Friday: 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter, Inc. (BARCS) | 2490 Giles Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225
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bushrat2319 · 1 year
(This has been sitting in my drafts for awhile so why not post it now lol)
3 facts that I like to use for when I’m asked about interesting things about me
1. (My go to) I worked in a graveyard. My main job was to clean and reset gravestones but every now and again I’d help the restoration and research team with finding and marking unmarked graves (my job when it came to it was digging. You’ll have to ask nicely for me to say if I have or haven’t found a body 👀)
2. I’m super into animals and animal conservation. When I was deciding what to go to college for, I was between art and environmental science and within that I wanted to focus on the animal world. I’ve helped with about a dozen research papers by watching trail cams and studying animal migration patterns in a variety of different species (mainly my little mountain critters). Ask me about ants and I’ll go on for hours. I’m patiently waiting to start looking at adopting soon. I’ll have to wait till after my program is over and I’m in a more stable place in my life but I do think I want to take that step if I see an animal that needs some help. I like to think my childhood dog Max will send another friend my way when he knows the time is right 💕
3. Big ol’ theatre nerd. Loved the stage since I was little and was on and off every now again growing up. It wasn’t until highschool that I took a leap and joined my thespian club. I focused in the backstage elements of out theatre and became a main for backstage. I was a backstage director for a few shows (didn’t direct but became a leader for our big show, Mary Poppins. Building a house on wheels that could turn into a different part of the house is still a highlight for me). Every now and again I could be convinced to hop up on stage for improve and small skits. I became vital to our backstage process but my peers loved to drag me onstage whenever they could. That led into me joining a very small theatre club in college. Theatre was on a different campus so we had to do a lot on our own without our schools help. A year of that and I became president of that club. Then covid hit and the school shut the club down (without telling me lol)
And now we’re here. Idk, I joke I’m a jack of all trades but really I just have a lot of interests and I like to try new things.
0 notes
Everyone starts something for a reason.
Some people start a band or a club... Some start a business. Many start college or a new job. It took me 45 years to start making dog treats! Welcome to the MuttLee Crew Dog Treats Family!
We've always had dogs as far back as I can remember. Dogs in my childhood, and as a teen, and into young adulthood. For the most part, our dogs seemed to live long happy lives. We didn't think too much about what we fed them, we just fed them. Dry dog food in that good ole' metal dish, scraps from our dinner plates, and store-bought dry dog treats. I never really questioned what I was feeding our dogs until one of our beloved dogs we named, Monster-got sick. I had never really had a sick dog before! Monster was 9 years old and had always been happy and healthy and ran around playing with his big brother, Hotrod (who was a few months older than him). One day, Monster was just not hungry- which wasn't like him. This went on for a few days, then finally he would eat. But again- not eat again that next day. He seemed to be dropping weight a little and we were worried, so we took him in for a checkup at the vet. Turns out, the vet suspected prostate cancer from results of a few lab tests. He gave us some meds to stimulate his appetite and help his upset tummy (which was why he wasn't eating much). The meds did the trick and Monster's appetite returned along with his happy grin and before long he was running and jumping and playing with Hotrod again! But it didn't last long. Within about a month he was crashing again- only this time he just laid around unlike before. The disease was progressing.
We called the vet again and brought Monster in. The vet did more lab tests and it confirmed what he had suspected. Monster had prostate cancer. Since the vet wasn't sure how progressed it was, he wanted to watch Monster's behavior over the next few weeks before rushing into very expensive tests. With the right medications he could help Monster live longer if he did have cancer by slowing down the growth of it. He gave him more meds to get him through this crash as the vet called it and again- Monster came out of it. We were very hopeful this may do the trick and eagerly wanted to see what else we could do for Monster to prolong his life another year or two! But before long, he crashed again and this 3rd time he was much worse. He did not want to eat at all. This went on for days. I was feeding him crushed meds with broth using a plastic syringe to try and get something in his stomach and I realized... it was time. He didn't want to eat, and I had to accept that. Forcing him to eat wasn't gonna do much but make him unhappy and me frustrated. The next few days my husband and I talked about and dreaded and yes- tried to pretend everything was normal. But we knew it wasn't. We had a decision to make and it was not gonna be much fun at all.
We decided to put Monster to sleep in early January of 2017. He had been battling this sickness for about 12 weeks and it was just too much and progressing faster. It was the most gut-wrenching thing we ever had to do up until that point. We raised him from about 8 weeks old as a baby pup. We took care of him the best we could! We bought name brand dog food we thought was good! We took him and Hotrod on walks and gave them baths and played ball with them. How could it all go so wrong?
Hotrod was Monster's faithful companion. They truly were buddies! Wherever one was-the other was! When we put Monster to sleep-Hotrod laid by the front door for days waiting for him to come home. We knew he missed his buddy. As the years went by, Hotrod started aging. He lived to be 11 1/2years old- however, he developed arthritis and was always getting fatty deposits the few years before he died. He struggled to run and play with the other dogs and woke up stiff and took a while to warm up for the day and get around. He was only 8-10 years old... yet struggling.
By early spring 2017- we had adopted a few more dogs. We had 4 dogs now and 3 of them were younger pups! Two (Daisy and BooBoo) we had adopted from our local Humane Society and the other (Chevy) we bought from some people in town. Hotrod loved his new brothers and sister. I had started wondering about Hotrod having such a hard time getting around and googled what kinds of foods were good for him. That's when I discovered making homemade dog food was actually a thing! I started doing just that! I brain stormed with brown rice and diced veggies and fruits and different meats. I bought hemp oil for Hotrod's painful joints and salmon oil for the dog's coats. I also put glucosamine/chondroitin in Hotrod's food each night and we really could see a huge difference in how he was able to get around! If I forgot a dose, you could definitely see a difference!
Hotrod dropped 10 lbs over a few months and our other pups seemed to be much leaner and active as the months and years went by. I was so glad to make them homemade food vs buy commercial canned pet food and dry food with corn, wheat, and soy- which seemed to irritate Hotrod's joints and skin as well as Chevy's- who was quite young still! I started looking up recipes to make homemade dog biscuits and treats and had so much fun making them! I was more & more in control of what our dogs ate! I could see a difference in how they acted and how their bodies changed and Hotrod's transformation.
His last 2 years of life were so much better with the hemp and salmon oil and the healthier homemade foods. He was running around like a pup and keeping up with his brothers and sister! He had that happy dog smile on his face more often than not.
So- this my friends is why I started making homemade dog treats. Through watching one of our pet's get sick and pass away while not being able to do anything about it made me question how he became sick. I suspected it was most likely his diet and if I had any say in that moving forward- I was gonna do my best to help any of our dogs in the future have better health.
Here we are today helping our dogs eat healthy treats and we'd like to extend that to your dogs also with our homemade dog treats.
Thank you for reading our story:
RIP Monster 2009-2017
RIP Hotrod 2009-2021
RIP Dylan 2019-2022
Kimberly- Pack Leader
MuttLee Crew Dog Treat Family
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