#and especially el and max! ever since max came into the picture I wanted them to be partners in crime😭
yerimoonlight · 2 years
I just ugly cried for a good portion of the second half of the piggyback
#personal#stranger things spoilers#stranger things 4#stranger things#yeah maybe it’s because I was watched it in the middle of the night#but OOOOF the water works were working#not only was I ugly sobbing when Lucas was holding Max and she was pleading#but I had to cover my mouth bc I was gasping for breath top tier crying my eyes out when they showed El with them#bruh literally the power of friendship#and platonic dynamics...absolute end of me#and especially el and max! ever since max came into the picture I wanted them to be partners in crime😭#top 3 characters season 5 better focus on#1. WILL. GIVE NOAH SCHNAPP HIS SCREEN TIME HE MAKES ME TEAR UP EVERY TIME HE DOES THE CHOKED VOICE THING#2. Eleven. I mean obviously like she is gonna end that sob but she’s also gonna be internalizing a lot#3. it’s a tie between Nancy and Max. I want it to be max so bad#but I feel like they are gonna utilize this weird place Nancy is in between Jonathan and Steve#but really if Nancy has a heavy leading role next season I want it to be because she’s facing off vecna#yanno her badassry and not for the romance#leave the romance to Lucas/max and Joyce/hopper#btw I did cry during the speech that followed mike’s finally declaration of love to Eleven#he has annoyed me a little since season 3 and even their relationship was rocky earlier this season#but c’mon...the way he was referencing love at first sight BYEEE#TEARS WERE STREAMING#I mean we been knew but wow#also Vickie and robin endgame girly broke up with her boyfriend yeeeee#I guessing Murray is okay and dimitri too bc the helicopter scene and whatnot
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
The Angel
Pairings : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : 2 years have passed since Billy was used as a host for the Mind Flayer and as soon as he recovered, he went back to California where he met you.
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Picture from Pinterest
Warnings : Swearing, Karen Wheeler mentions
Word Count : 1.2k
A/N : I couldn't find a gif of him on the floor of the sauna but to me it always looked like ripped away angel wings.
You had always noticed the scars that littered his body, especially the identical large scars on his shoulder blades. Billy was insecure around you at first before he warmed up to you and now he's more than willing to take his shirt off around you, hell he hates the feeling of shirts, claims he's allergic to them.
It was summer time in Santa Barbara, the fan in your room on the highest setting and the two of you lounged around. "We should go see Top Gun." Billy looked at you and scowled, "No, you just want to see Tom Cruise shirtless." You rolled your eyes, "I'm sick of shirtless men," you said, poking fun at him.
"Oh really," your boyfriend asked as he flexed and the scars became slightly more prominent. He never talked about them but Billy noticed the way you looked at them, you never stared, you were taught that staring was rude and disrespectful. "I got these in Hawkins." You nodded, "That's the Indiana place right?" He nodded and laid down, resting his head on your black pillow.
"There was creepy shit in that town, like supernatural shit." You nodded and held his hand. "Um, it was during the summer, I can't really remember the date but I think I was fresh eighteen and I was a lifeguard at the community pool." He furrowed his brow, trying to remember some of the details, sure he had been told about things but he still tried to fill in the gaps on his own.
"There was this mom, Karen was her name, I was going to meet up with her one night at a motel six and on the way to the motel, something hit my car and shattered my windshield, it was a spiderweb shatter. I was at this abandoned warehouse and I was dragged down the stairs by this shadow monster thing." He looked at your face, trying to gage your reaction, ready for the laughs, claiming that he was funny for coming up with an absurd story but it never came.
He was met with soft eyes, eyes that were on his face trying to look for any signs of discomfort. "It did something to me, I can't remember, no matter how hard I try. I had trouble going to work because it didn't like the heat and my skin would burn and I'd get these black veins all over my body." He swallowed the lump in his throat and you rubbed his knuckles.
"It fed off energy so I gathered people, um my co-worker Heather, I don't know what happened to her afterwards. The scars on my back are from a fight in a sauna against this freaky little girl, she was friends with Max." You nodded, knowing who Max was. "They never healed, I'm not sure why. July fourth came and I don't know if you ever heard about it, probably not, I doubt it made the news here but the mall burned down." You nodded, "I heard about it, they said there were two casualties." Billy nodded, "Obviously there weren't, actually, I'm not sure about Hopper but that freaky kid, her name's El or Jane, the kids called her both."
"I was going to sacrifice her and she did this weird shit and got into my head and I felt human again for the first time in a while, even before I got turned into that weird monster. I didn't want anything to happen to her so I was going to sacrifice myself, Max was in the mall with her friends. I was horrible to her and I felt like it was the only way to show her that I cared about her. The monster hit me, here, here and here," he said as he pointed to the scars on his chest, sides and abdomen.
"Apparently someone closed the gate or whatever, I don't remember what they called it but basically, the shadow monster wasn't able to penetrate deep enough to kill me, that's how I got all of these scars." You nodded and looked at each one. "I'm sorry," you said and he looked at you. "What're you apologizing for?" You shrugged, "I don't know, I just feel like I should be sorry. Sorry that it happened to you, I don't know." Billy shook his head, "If none of that happened, I wouldn't be here with you so I guess in a way, I'm glad it happened, Just wish I didn't have the physical reminders." You nodded.
You traced some of the scars, "Your back scars remind me of an angel." He raised a brow, "Baby, I'm far from an angel," he said flirtatiously and winked at you making you laugh at him, your cheeks heating up at the reminder of the previous night that was spent with him. "They remind me of angel wings, like they were taken from you." Billy looked at you before laughing, "You're so cheesy." You groaned and flicked his nose and he laughed as he scrunched it.
"Too bad I can't call you Angel since you already call me that." Billy laughed, "Yup, it's taken, can't be used." You both laughed and he opened his arms for you to lay on his chest and you gladly got comfortable on him, putting your head under his chin. "B." He hummed, "Do you wish you could go back to Hawkins?" "No, I'm glad I got out of it. I wish I could see my sister but she'll be eighteen in a few years, she writes to me a lot plus she's coming to visit in July. She wants to meet you." You smiled against his neck, "You talk about me?" He laughed, "Yeah, of course I do, sent her one of our polaroids too. She thinks you're pretty." You smiled.
"She did mention that when she visits in July she doesn't want to hear happy screams. Whatever that means," he said, acting clueless. You both laughed and he held you tightly, you noticed he did that a lot more lately. He yawned loudly and dramatically smacked his lips and you laughed at him. "Wanna stay the night?" "Is your dad gonna try and chase me over your fence? I can't jump over it again, I ripped a pair of my pants doing that." You bit your lip, trying so hard to keep the laugh in.
"He's in Arizona for business. Won't be back until August and mom has the night shift." He nodded and leaned over to turn off the lamp as he pulled the sheet over your body, knowing that if he got too hot, he would start to panic. He felt your hand search for his and he felt you smile against him as you intertwined your fingers. Your breathing evened out and he let out a happy sigh, he was healing, the physical healing was done and over with a year ago but he was mentally and emotionally healing from everything he's ever gone through.
He still hasn't talked about his dad but maybe he will, Baby Billy still needed to heal after all. You held him slightly tighter in your sleep and he knew you were dreaming and he smiled and kissed the top of your hair before shifting a little and falling asleep with the moonlight being the only light in the room.
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The One I've Been Waiting For {Part 09 of 13}
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Word count: 2.3 K
Summary: Billy Hargrove is just one of the many students you're supposed to help. The last thing you expect from your interaction is that he'll start flirtt with you... Much less that Billy would stir up feelings you'd rather keep hidden. Despite the mutual sentiments that soon enough start to grow, there are a lot of reasons for whatever it is to be left alone, and one of them is your age...
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
A/N: In this story, reader is 5 years older than Billy, who's 18.
A Vision from Hell
 You couldn't drive for a while. When you got behind the wheel the next day, you couldn't do it. So, Billy, Tanya, and Liam took turns driving you through town until you got better. It took a few days, but they were patient with you.
 But the days passed by and you got yourself back together. But today, since you slept at Tanya's, she dropped you at the Hawkins Elementary School, where you tutored a kid. But now, after a small, routine meeting with the principal and some teachers, it's time to go. You're crossing the small parking lot when you see Max chatting with her friends.
 “I gotta go, I'm late.” She tells them, putting her skateboard on the ground and stepping on it. “Billy will be mad.”
 “No, he won't.” You speak up when you're close enough, making the whole party look at you. “I'm going there anyway. Wouldn't mind the company.”
 “Sure.” She shrugs, picking up the skate. “Guys, this is (Y/N). She's... Something of Billy's. Not quite sure yet.”
 “Hi, I'm Dustin.” One of them says, the one with curly hair, shaking your hand. “These other jerks are Lucas, Will. Mike and Eleven.”
 “Eleven? Like the number?”
 “El for short.” The girl nods with a small smile.
 “Alright, let's go.” Max tilts her head and after waving at the kids, you start following her.
 The day is warm, a little hot even, and you take off the light sweater you were wearing, tying it around your waist. You enjoy walking. Well, you enjoy walking here. The small town's slow pace is getting to you, and you like the simple streets and the many trees. Hawkins is a beautiful place, even though sometimes you feel like there isn't much to do.
 “So. You and Billy, huh?” Max asks after a while. “You two are together or what?”
 Blushing, you wonder if she knows Billy has been spending the nights with you. Almost every night, the only exception being when Neil is especially mad because you don't want him to explode at Billy. “We're... Seeing how things play out. Getting to know each other. Hanging out. Stuff like that.”
 “Stuff like that. AKA dating.” She teases, looking at you with a smile. “Whatever it is, it's good for him. He's less of an asshole ever since you came into the picture.”
 That's good to know. “Can I ask you something?” You continue when she nods. “You know I'm a little older than him, right?” Coming back to the same thought is tiring, you know it. But it's still something that hovers above your head. Not as much as before, but it's still there.
 “You're what? Nineteen?”
 “You come out as being around his age. And even if you didn't I don't think that's a big deal.”
 “I just don't want it to be weird.” Max is part of Billy's life, and you want to be accepted by her. If she's ok with it, part of you feels relieved.
 “Look, stupid people will find it weird. Stupid people like Neil. But they don't get a say in it.” You reach the High School parking lot, walking around the few people still going home. “Those who really matter, friends and family, those are the ones who will support you, as long as you're happy.”
 “You're very mature for your age.” You tell her with a smile. “Thanks, Maxine.”
 “Call me Max.” She lightly elbows you, throwing the board on the ground and skating the short distance to Billy's Camaro. “Hey, shitface.”
 “You're late. Again.” You hear him saying as you walk around the hood, still out of his sight.
 “I had to walk instead of skating.”
 “Why? This thing is brand new, it can't be broken.”
 “I made her walk.” You say, smiling when Billy turns around to look at you.
 “Then it's you I should be mad at.”
 “I'm not scared of you.” You whisper, heat spreading through your cheeks.
 “Would the two lovebirds give it a break and drive me home before doing whatever you're doing?” Max complains as she gets inside the car.
 Billy's eye roll makes you giggle as you make your way to the passenger seat.
 Keeping the windows open, you feel the wind messing with your hair.
 “Jerkface, why are you driving so slow?” Max asks after a while, on the edge of her seat, leaning forward and holding on to both your and Billy's seat. “Did you wreck your car again?”
 “I'm under the speed limit.” He explains.
 “So you obey the laws now?”
 “I was in an accident I was a kid.” Turning your face to look at her, you gesture at the scar above your lip. “Got this after surgery to fix my wrecked lip. I lost my grandma and little brother that day.”
 “Oh, sorry.” She says, a sad expression on her face. “Drive safely,” Max tells her brother, slapping his arm.
 You wait for him to lash out at her, and by the look on her face, you know she's waiting for it too. But it doesn't come. Billy just rolls his eyes, hanging his arm out the window.
 “God, it's so hot.” The redhead complains as Billy enters their street. “Won't this heat wave go away?”
 “Not so soon. They're planning on opening the pool.” Billy adds.
 “Hawkins Community Pool. I worked there last summer as a lifeguard so they gave me a call.” Billy answers as he stops the car and steps out. You do the same but stand by the open passenger door. “They usually open in the Summer they're considering it because of this heatwave.” He gestures at the house. “Come. Neil isn't home, I'll show you the place.”
 “Alright.” Pushing the door close after taking your bag, you follow them through the sidewalk.
 “(Y/N), you're a tutor, right?” Max asks and you nod. “Could you help me? They'll only assign me to someone if I fail.”
 “Sure, I can help you off the records. What do you need help with?”
 “English. I suck and my teacher is definitely evil.” You enter the house as she speaks, looking around.
 “It's not the subject I'm tutoring but I can give you a hand. Just tell me when you're free so we can find a gap in my schedule.” Your eyes fall on the bench press in the middle of the living room, and it screams Billy Hargrove.
 “I'm free right now.” She exclaims.
 “Maxine, don't even think about it,” Billy warns.
 “Look, you're dating a decent, nice girl who is smart. Let me enjoy the benefits.” The girl snaps back, gesturing at the hall. “I'll get my stuff.”
 “Sure.” Smiling, you put your bag on the couch, but it falls and opens, spreading some papers around. “Shit.” You mumble as you kneel to catch them.
 Billy does the same, handing you a small pile of papers at the top of a notebook. “House of the Next Century?” He asks, and you look at the blue sheet of paper on the top of the pile.
 “It's an exposition from the Architecture School.” Putting everything back inside the bag, you stand up. “Liam's sister takes that course so she's involved and invited us.”
 “Sounds interesting.”
 “We can go if you want. But you know what else is interesting? Having a freaking bench press in the middle of the living room.”
 “Oh, you noticed.”
 “How could I miss it?” Walking over it, you check the weights. “Can you really lift those things? They're huge.” Holding the bar, you give a little push, but nothing moves.
 “I can make a show if you want.” Billy moves closer, but his eyes are on you.
 “You're so cocky, Billy.” Blushing, you look away, biting your lip.
 “When are you going to let me kiss you again?” He suddenly asks, taking you by surprise.
 You and Billy haven't kissed since that night, you're not sure why. “I don't know... On some special occasion, maybe.”
 “Special occasion, huh?” He says, a smirk taking over his lips. “I can work on that.”
 “You two can make out later, I need help,” Max speaks, making her way to the kitchen.
 “Duty calls.” Winking at Billy, you turn around and follow Maxine.
 The two of you get the kitchen table, and you have to read a couple of things to pick up what she needs help with. It's not that complicated, and you still remember some things from school, so it doesn't take much until you're explaining to her. Billy comes to the kitchen every once in a while, but as the night falls and after he makes the three of you a sandwich, he sticks around, listening.
 It gets to you that they're doing better. You don't think Billy hates his step-sister, they just annoy each other as all siblings do. And it even makes you laugh sometimes.
 “You could help me with History too,” Max says as she looks for chapter 7 of her book. “And Geography.”
 “I sure can.”
 “Maxine, stop stealing my girl's time.” Billy snaps, and you giggle.
 “I'm not your girl.” With both elbows on the take, a smirk comes to your lips.
 “Ouch!” The girl exclaims. “That must've hurt.”
 “Yet.” You decide to add soon after.
 “On your face, shitbird,” Billy answers, and you can't help but laugh.
 “The two of you are crazy.” You mumble in between laughs. “I really–” You're cut off not by the front door opening, and by the way Billy stands up abruptly, and Max's eyes go wide, you know who it is.
 “I told Anne we'd be joining them on Saturday.” A woman's voice speaks, and you wonder what you should do. Both Billy and Max seem nervous.
 “Alright then. She better make something good or else it'll be a waste of my damn time.” A man says, not sounding very excited about the woman's plans.
 “We have to-” Billy starts, but he stops talking the moment a man comes into the kitchen.
 Neil's eyes find you immediately, lingering for quite a while, flying then to Billy and Max. “Who is this girl in my house?” He inquires in a rude tone.
 “This is (Y/N). She's one of the tutors from the new campus and she's helping me study for the tests.” Max answers, and the woman, Susan, comes to the kitchen as well.
 Unlike Neil, she kindly smiles and walks over to you. “Hello, (Y/N). I'm Susan, Maxine's mother. Thanks for helping her.”
 “No need to thank me. I'm just doing my job.” You shyly say, shaking Susan's hand.
 “Come on, Neil. Let's leave them to do their thing.” Susan turns to face Neil.
 “What about you? What are you doing here?” He asks Billy.
 You can feel anger irradiating from him, and you just want to grab his hand and take him away. The atmosphere is heavy, almost tangible. You can tell Neil is trying not to let it show, but it's obvious. You can feel it. “Got hungry and made myself a sandwich.”
 “Then be a gentleman once in your life and make some for your sister and her teacher.”
 “He already did.” You speak up, way too abruptly, trying not to let your anger show. Under the table, you clench your fists.
 Neil nods exchanging a glance with his son. “Get back to your room then.”
 You shouldn't say anything. You should let it go and talk to Billy after. But you can't. “He's helping us.”
 “He is?”
 “Yes.” Max bursts out, looking at Neil. “He was making questions.”
 Neil doesn't believe it, but after glancing at Susan, he nods. “Alright then.”
 “She was leaving anyway,” Billy says.
 “(Y/N) could stay for dinner, right, honey?” Susan asks Niel with a smile. “To thank her for helping Max.”
 “That would be lovely, but I have somewhere to be.” With a forced smile, you stand up.
 “Me too. I can give her a ride home.”
 “Sure. Thanks, Billy.” Nodding, you walk around the table. “Max, let me know when you're free so we can continue, alright?”
 “Alright, (Y/N). Thank you.”
 “Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove.” You mutter, heading for the front door and stopping only to take your bag.
 Billy takes a minute to reach you on the sidewalk, and you wonder what Neil just told him. In silence, you both get into the car and you only relax when he drives away.
 “I'm sorry about that.” Billy apologies, eyes on the road. “I thought they'd be out until later.”
 “It wasn't your fault.” Reaching out your arm, you touch his shoulder. “I had a nice time with you and Maxine.”
 “Me too, (Y/N)...”
 There's pain in his voice, and it breaks your heart. “What's wrong?”
 “I don't want you near Neil. I don't want him looking at you as if-” He stops speaking, running a hand through his hair. “Neil has a taste for young girls. He cheats on Susan on a regular basis and I can't have him thinking about you that way.”
 You feel weird, remembering how he stared at you. “I'm sorry. But it doesn't matter now. Let's go home and order a pizza.” You only understand what you said when the words already left your mouth. And when you look at Billy, you see a smile he's trying to hide. So you can't take it back. You'll just let it be if it makes him happy. “I want pepperoni.”
 “Pepperoni it'll be then.”
 “Oh, and I have a request, Hawkins Community Pool lifeguard. Who do I have to pay to have that pool open? I wanna enjoy a free sample of Summer.”
 “I'll see what I can do for you, Princess.” He looks at you with a smile, the one that belongs to you alone.
@aunicornmademedoit @alexa4040 @goth-cowgirl-03 @nyctophilic0vitnir @minispice-1
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tirednerd2012 · 2 years
I know Steve and Jonathan aren’t the closest but the idea of Steve getting out of the douchebag phase right when Jonathan starts school after the upside down is dealt with sounds nice. The two of them having a sort of Max and El type of bonding day where Steve takes him to the mall, helps him pick out clothes, shows him the wonders of ice cream and comic books. It’s just cute :)
I want Steve and Jonathan to be friends. Especially after season 1 because the friendship would be so complicated, but genuine. Steve feels horrible about what he said to Jonathan involving Will. He knows that's why Jonathan kicked his ass, he crossed a line. He basically said a child deserved what happened and Steve did that under the impression that Will was truly gone. He feels horrible about it. But Jonathan also feels horrible about the pictures. He knows he shouldn't have taken them and he wants to make up for what he did. They both try to move past it.
Jonathan has to care for Will. He can't leave his side, and frequently picks him up from the Wheeler household. He sees Nancy and Steve but never says anything because he wants to give Will his undivided attention. Not to mention it does hurt seeing Nancy and Steve together, but his little brother needs him and that's all that matters. Jonathan will always push his own happiness aside for the sake of Will. Steve starts to notice the oldest Byers and realizes a lot of misconceptions he had about Jonathan.
The two are fine after they battled the Demogorgon together, he thinks. Jonathan did give him the bat. But they hadn't talked really since. And then he and Nancy start having relationship problems and she confesses that she never loved him and it was all bullshit. He always tried to ignore the way Nancy looked at Jonathan. Then he befriends Dustin Henderson, who he never expected to get close with but he does and he ends up helping them.
Nancy and Jonathan get together. It hurts, but it's not surprising given the history. He admits the relationship was destined to fail, but he did love Nancy a lot.
Jonathan isn't the same after Will's exorcism. He allows himself to be around Nancy, but they all end up crashing at the Byers house that night because it's late anyway and no one really wants to be alone anyway. Steve needs air, though. He crashes in Jonathan's room with the other guys while Max, El, and Nancy all take Will's room. Jonathan and Will took Jonathan's bed, he and Dustin had one side of the room floor and Mike and Lucas had the other. When he gets up to leave, he's surprised that it's only Will in Jonathan's bed. He had just been covered up, but Jonathan was nowhere in sight. He goes outside to find him on the porch.
Part of him debated turning away, but Steve ends up sitting beside him. He asks if he's okay and Jonathan doesn't say anything for awhile but after a few moments of silence, he sighs defeatedly, "I thought we were killing him. He wouldn't stop screaming."
Steve knows how much Jonathan loved Will. He was starting to understand it, even to an extent with Dustin. But he knew he couldn't fully fathom how far Jonathan was willing to go for his brother. He knows there's nothing that can be said to comfort him, and they're not exactly friends, given the fact Jonathan is now with Nancy.
But it's a start. One day Tommy H is being an asshole to Jonathan, who takes it because it's just him and he doesn't feel like he's worth it, but it's Steve that steps in. He threatens to spill every secret he knows about Tommy H and Carol and ruin his name if he ever came near the Byers again. And then the two skip school. They hang out, go somewhere no one would find them and the two just rant to each other. They release all the stress of the Upside Down, the kids, the government, how they're both constantly on edge.
Jonathan makes it a point to stop by at least once a week at Scoops Ahoy with Will, masking it as his little brother wants to get ice cream, but it's really to check on Steve. He seems to be doing better and for a moment... they both feel safe and at peace with what's happening.
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BBQ at the Kent's
Clark invites his friends over for a quiet BBQ at Ma's farm. It just doesn't go quite how he expected.
Clark had invited his closest friends and their underlings to a BBQ at Kent farm. So what if his closest friends, all happened to be from the Justice League. Kent Farm was a perfect location. It was out the way so if power mishaps it was unlikely to be observed by anyone passing by. It was a large space so could hold lots of people. Especially as his friends seemed to have a habit of collecting underlings like Pokémon, in particular Bruce. AND it wasn't Wayne manor which despite what Bruce says isn't always a relaxing place to be.
Ma was catching up with Alfred and Lois which was good, Alfred deserved a medal as well as the chance to relax. The teens and kids were mucking about/chilling in the house, and he could catch up with his colleague slash friends and relax.
What he may have miscalculated though was his little sister returning home to see Ma. She knew about him and his 'side job'. She had also, very early on, figured out his friends ‘side jobs’ too. Working it out was a breeze according to her, they weren’t particularly discrete in the beginning (according to her at least). She had covered for him and saved his bacon more times than he would willingly admit. Hell, she's covered for him to them and covered for them without them knowing. She’d provided so many alibis and removed evidence that they hadn’t thought about. The issue though, with his sister turning up, was more that THEY a) didn't know about her and b) didn't know that she knew and finally c) she could quite easily give them all a run for their money.
Walking into her family home she found a swarm of teens lounging around the living room. They were all chatting and talking over each other that they didn't notice her enter. Raising an eyebrow, she spotted Conner, who was currently wrapped around another boy with dark hair.
"Hey Mini Bale! Nice look you got going. Bet it's driving the old men mad and completely beats the plaid shirts and starched suits. Is Haybale out in the yard?"
Conner jumped, causing the others in the room to stop chatting, and looks to see his sort of aunt smirking at him across the room.
"Hey M, didn't know you were coming too? Yeah Clarks out back. Ummm….. why are you here?"
"This is my home too Mini Bale.” She deadpans him, “I was planning to surprise to see Ma as not visited in person for a while. I don’t need to tell Haybale every time I visit, he isn’t the boss of me.” Conner’s aunt pouted before gaining a glint in her eye, “What I wasn't expecting to see was Haybale having a "small gathering” here and not invite moi! But alas it is what it is."
The glint turning into a smug look with a dangerous edge as she took in the room.
"Auntie M!!!", the call distracted her from the room suddenly as Jon ran in from the kitchen and launched himself into a flying jump to hug with the women standing in the room. "Straw stack!! How are you doing sweetie? Made any new friends?"
While Jon dissolved into conversation with his Auntie, Tim took the opportunity to quickly assess the newly dubbed Em. She was well dressed, the sort you don't often see on farms and would be better placed in the city. Her clothes were expensive, the type he often could see board members wearing when relaxing. Even with Jon holding her attention she seemed to have clocked him studying her and nearly everyone else who was watching her interactions. Leaning into his boyfriend he queried.
"Em? Does she? Is she? Who???"
Conner chuckled at Tim's confusion, as well as the mystified faces of the others there.
"Tim, guys, I'd like to introduce you to Clark's sister, and my sorta aunt and Jon’s definite Auntie, Marinette. M for short. And before you ask Tim, no she isn’t like him. She *does* works with Max Kante in developing high tech material and gadgets since well she grew up with Clark and wanted to help him cope with his powers… She and Max created MiracuTech as a result. It’s her brainchild though really, M doesn’t really need Max."
"Mini Bale stop!! You’re dramatizing it. I need Max just as much as he needs me, our skill set complement each other. We couldn’t make half the stuff MiracuTech does without his input.” Marinette blushed, “Max says hi by the way and to tell you to pop by the office. He wants to test his new “creation” with you. Not that that offer will remain if you keep speaking of him like that. But it does remind me, how are you finding the glasses?"
It was Conner’s turn to smirk at his friends, and they could suddenly see the family resemblance in the pair.
"They're are awesome M. Like the play back function is brilliant. I've recorded so much blackmail."
His friends paused and a shiver went down their spines recalling all the incidents that have happened since Conner got his latest sunglasses.
"Fab feedback. I'll let Max know.” Taking as glance around the room, “I'm gonna take a wild guess as say Battle Barbie, Fishtails, Greedy Gonzales and Moody & Broody are out back with Haybale and Ma, Mini Bale?"
That again caused the room to freeze, being siblings with Clark kinda made sense that she would have known his identity, but for Clark to tell her about other identities was worrying. Conner tilted his head and looked at his sorta aunt as if trying to work out what she was planning.
"Yeeeeah, what are you up to M? I'm pretty sure you promised Clark you'd not cause mischief when you met everyone."
"I deny ever making that promise. I have evidence to back up that claim too. Plus, the amount of shit Haybale has caused me cos of his moral compass and lack of impulse control makes it fair game. Though I do support his altruism.” She paused debating what she would say next, “To set the record straight what I *actually* promised was that I would *consider* not causing *too much* mischief. And I have considered it and think that I'll survive this course of action. You’re not the only one with playback ability. Thanks for the info Mini Bale. Let's catch up more later!"
With that she ruffled his hair as she walked past him out to see her dear older brother.
"You've spent too much time as a cat M!" Conner called as he tried to sort out his hair. The room erupted as she left the room. Confusion, mild panic as to whether their identities were at risk and answers were demanded from Conner and Jon. Tim whined at Conner’s comment, "Cat?! We've got to keep B away from her!"
Out in the yard, Clark was relaxed surround by what he supposed was the founding JL members. He'd heard his sister turn up and cause subtle chaos amongst the teens in the house slowly dreading her announcing her arrival out here. Ma would be thrilled to see her. He was too, sort of. Just not in front of everyone. Kon-El was right with her spending too much time as a cat. And Tim was right as well. He'd have to keep Bruce away from her, she'd be just his latest type.
"HAY BALE! You're holding a party for little ol' me?! How delightful of you."
Clark cringed. He still hated her nickname for him.
"Lois! Ma! You both look lovely as ever! Oh, it’s been too long since I've seen you in person."
Marinette swooped past Clark to the ladies and gave them huge hugs before quickly falling into conversation to catching up with them, thankfully ignoring Clark allowing him some time to deal with his friends.
"Why is Marinette K from MiracuTech at your farm Clark?"
Barry quickly asked, staring at his sister with stars in his eyes. Ok maybe it wasn't just Bruce Clark had to worry about.
"Yes, why is the Guardian, Lady Fortune, at your home?" queried Arthur looking at Clark with confusion and slight apprehension.
"MiracuTech… Guardian," Diana quickly put together gasping, looking at Arthur who had cottoned on to her implications as well, then back at Marinette.
"Guys! Please! Cool it, M I hope," Clark quickly glared at his sister, who was grinning manically knowing the trouble she was causing for him, "can answer your questions and Barry, M, Marinette, is my sister. Why wouldn't she come here? Though this wasn't planned visit that I was aware of."
"You have a sister."
Bruce stated, as Diana and Arthur wondered off talking in hushed tones. Clark could hear that they had figured out one of her 'other' identities but was content that they wouldn't add drama for the moment he redirected his attention back to Bruce.
Clark sighed tiredly, "yes, I have a sister, Bruce. Who likes to keep her personal life private. Which is why you guys have just found out about her and not before."
"Is she Kryptonian?"
"Bruce!! you can't ask Clark that!!" Barry exclaimed, not really surprised by his bluntness but still Alfred was about, and he was ‘Bruce’ currently so social etiquettes, and all should be observed.
"What can't Moody & Broody ask Haybale, Greedy Gonzales?" Marinette enquired, a picture of planned innocence, as she snuck up on them. She gave Clark a side hug and a ‘knowing’ sibling smile.
"M… please… stop with that nickname. Bruce was just asking if you were adopted as well."
"Fine!" She rolled her eyes, "Boy Scout it is then. Moody & Broody I'm not adopted. Ma and Pa had me as a 'Surprise! you're pregnant’ a few years after they'd adopted Boy Scout here"
Bruce frowned at the names she'd been given them. While she just gave a facade of innocence, she held a glint in her eye that destroyed the illusion along with the names she was giving everyone.
Ignoring Clark and Bruce, Marinette turned to Barry to discuss his work at S.T.A.R labs and potential collaboration with MiracuTech. Clark internally groaned as he watched his sister get animated about some sort of tech project she wanted to discuss.
Bruce observed the interaction. It was clear that she knew more than she was letting on. Though he had done research on his peers to know their weaknesses and strengths, Clark having a younger sister never came up. How he had hidden her was impressive, unless it was herself who had hidden her existence from him… That was worrying causing Bruce to deepen his frown as he watched Barry and Marinette chat.
Clark joined in frowning at the pair, but because of how was Barry flirting with his BABY sister before he started to groan as it seemed to go completely over her head. She still seemed to be oblivious to those around her liking her slightly more than friendship.
"M! Ma's told you before no business talk at home."
Laughing back at him his sister nodded "We’ll have to continue this discussion another day maybe Greedy Gonzalez, when Boy Scout isn't being all boy scout-y and acting like a golden child."
Seeing an opportunity Diana butted in and 'subtly' tried to guide Marinette to where she was sitting with Arthur. "Lady Fortune, it's an honour to meet you in person. My mother has told many a tale of our mutual friends’ legacy"
"M is fine. Lady is much too formal for my liking right Ms Prince? Our friends have told me much about your mother as well Battle Barbie. But I must say I'd be more interested to hear about your curator work at the Louvre" Allowing herself to be led away.
Bruce gave Clark a patented batglare, "She knows." Clark rubbed his neck before back at Bruce.
"Yes. She knows. She's my sister. It's kinda hard to hide learning how to manage superpowers from family you know. It was her and Pa that helped find solutions to manage the powers. Lead glasses… her idea."
Growling at Clarks response. "She knows ours. You told her"
Taking a deep breath, "No Bruce.” Clark sighed out, praying to the god’s his sister cared for, for the patience to deal with his paranoid friend, “I didn't. She's smart. Ridiculously and stupidly smart but that's aside. She *knows* who I am. She follows my career, like I do hers. She knows who I work with, like I know who she works with. And who my friends are. The info is all there to work it out. She's also got me out of tight spots as an alibi way too often. I'm pretty sure this is opportunistic revenge for it. Especially for all she did before Lois *knew*"
"Oh god it was her calling you at the watch tower that made you pale. Not Ma Kent!!" Barry cackled, "She's the one you're scared of!!"
"Ssshhhhh Barry! Yes! She terrifies me. Much more than little sisters should. You do realise she has covered all your butts more than you think too. Remember she is a tech genius, she works *with other* tech genius’s and we, sometimes in a rush in the early days, forgot about cameras and visuals lining up."
Barry paled at that. Bruce on the other hand looked intrigued. Of course, her problem solving, and detective skills would attract him. "How long has she known?"
"Mine, since forever and never told anyone. Yours, as she has never said anything directly, I’m going to guess since we worked together the first times. I don’t really know for how long, but it’s been since the early days. You don’t need to worry though; she understands the need for secrets and how to keep them. This,” Clark says waving his hand around, “is her way to letting you know she knows without stating it. It’s definitely her subtle form of revenge on me for having to hack large corporations and delete footage or claiming that I was with her visiting so couldn’t get caught out.”
Clark turned to Bruce all serious, “Don’t antagonise or integrate her. Please Bruce! She can and will break into the Batcomputer and cause it to run slow and force your phones and alarms to only play baby shark.”
“So, she’s the one who helped you hack LexCorp to get the evidence required for your latest article”
“That’s what you got from that?! That my genius *baby* sister sometimes, might, maybe, help gather evidence to take down corrupt businessmen and politicians?! Not the fact that you shouldn’t wind her up!!”
“Well I know your tech skills aren’t up to scratch and though there was potential for Lois, it doesn’t really fit her MO so its nice to know how you truly do it. Do you think she would tell us how she hacked into JL main computer and the bat computer? Or be willing to assist in building better protection.”
Clark stared at Bruce, and was about to respond, but before he could Diana caught his eye as she knelt before M holding her hand. Stars in Diana’s eyes while Arthur looked like he was going to faint.
He groaned. Now, Diana!
His baby sister was really trying to stress him out with all the potential shovel talks he would need to make. The shimmer in her eyes when she briefly caught him looking at her suggested that she may be more aware that she was letting on. With the headache she was causing him, he would need a drink after all this.
Thankfully, before Marinette could cause more chaos with the Atlantean and Amazonian, her phone went off resulting in her slinking off to deal with what sounded like guardian issues from his eaves dropping giving what he thought was breathing room.
“Are you ok Arthur? Do I need to talk to M?” Clark enquired to his friend, hoping his sister hadn’t caused too much trauma for his friend.
“She can hold both sides of the balance and not succumb to the pressure or temptation. A true soul and so young. You let this all happen to your younger sister?”
Ok so she had caused some trauma for the Atlantean after all. He was certain it was related to the cat as well as the bug.
“Let is a strong word, Arthur. Forced is more appropriate. M is more stubborn than Bruce at times. And at 14... yeah hormonal teenage younger sister in Paris. My hand was forced.”
Diana and Arthur choked looking at Clark in horror, “14!?!?!”
Both Bruce and Barry raised an eye at him in judgement. Like they’re ones to talk with how young they let their mentees join the field.
“It is decided. She will be traveling with me to Themyscira and to Atlantis when Arthur puts on his ‘big boy pants’. She requires extra support in this matter.”
“14? Extra support? Diana, what are you talking about? She is in her 20’s not 14. You can’t kidnap Clark’s sister, Can she?”
Barry looked perplexed by the situation. Unsure on what they are talking about. She seemed to be fine and had survived years without assistance and knowing about their identities. Going to Themyscira and Atlantis would not help with that.
Staring at Clark with an unnerving intensity, Bruce answered Barry’s questions.
“She was one of the Parisian heroes. Their leader from what Diana and Arthur are suggesting. She started her extracurricular activities before even we officially did, much younger than we were and Clark didn’t stop her.”
“Oh.... Wait?! You didn’t stop her!!”
Clark was really regretting this BBQ. It was starting to feel more like an interrogation on his big brother skills, a judgement on his mentoring capability NOT a relaxing escape with friends.
“It would explain why Clark was so insistent of a some of the support protocols now,” Bruce mused. “She didn’t let you help and forced you stay away, didn’t she? Your powers, if you got akumatised, had the potential to cause a global disaster and the magic could have hurt you out of costume.”
“If you knew this, why are you giving me grief! And Diana, you can’t kidnap M. She has a support network already.”
“I didn’t. You just confirmed it. And more support can never hurt.”
Damn bat with his detective trickery and throwing his own arguments back in his face. Groaning in response Clark looked at his friends,
“Fine. You can ask but it’s HER choice no forcing it ok.”
After some grumbled agreements they all agreed.
“I hate you,���
“I love you too, Hay Bale.”
Marinette grinned at her brother with a cup of tea in hand. His friends had finally departed more than one had managed to get him to convince her to exchange numbers. She’d agreed to visit Diana when back in Paris to arrange a visit to Themyscira. It scared him how quickly after the initial interrogation and worry they all accepted her. She was bound to provide them so much blackmail on him. Clark was dreading his next JL meeting.
“You did this on purpose.”
“Not really. Ma knew I was visiting her this month. The fact you were here with everyone was just a perfect opportunity which I took up.”
Clark stared at his sister. None of her nervous tells were showing so wasn’t lying to him, not that she would. She hated secrets, and she carried so many with so many implications if they were revealed. As a result, she hated liars if there was not true reason for them.
“Fine. You do realise I have so many shovel talks now to dish out?”
“Did you not see the heart eye’s Barry was giving? Or how Diana was constantly trying to get close? And once Bruce had assessed that you weren’t a threat, kept trying to engage you in conversation about detective stuff?”
“Oh, So, errr, they aren’t like that normally to friends?” A faint blush was making its way across Marinette’s cheeks. “I like wasn’t aware. Can I blame miraculous side effects?”
Clark laughed at his baby sister, yeah as clever as she was, she remained her wonderful blissfully ignorant self on flirting which he adored.
“Nah, they aren’t normally that friendly. Didn’t think you noticed and sure let’s blame the kwami, they caused some of this drama any way. I vote for Plagg and Trixx for being at fault.”
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urmomsmainbitch · 3 years
wonder woman
requested: yes / no
pairing: max mayfield x fem!reader
warnings: pining, angst, swearing, mentions of death, mentions of school, omg the writing is shit i’m so sorry
a/n: i love lucas so much (based off of i wish you liked girls by abbey glover)
i grew pretty attached to you, like a dog on a lead / thought you were everything i could have ever dreamed of, and more than i could ever need
The phone was cool against her ear, ringing for the third time as she twisted your fingers into the cord, tapping her foot impatiently. This was the second time that she had tried Max that evening; once before dinner, and now once after. She’s probably still eating, one part of her said. No, she’s probably off making out with Lucas, the other said. Nibbling on her lip, Y/N leaned into the doorframe, letting her entire body slump against the wall as she slid down, before landing on the cold hardwood floor. Max had only started taking this long to answer recently – once she and Lucas had become official, and more serious. Ever since high school started, you never saw Lucas without Max, and Max without Lucas.
“C’mon, Maxie,” Y/N murmured, tapping her finger and trying the girl again, looking at the watch on her wrist. She’d even waited half an hour after Max normally ate dinner, hoping to catch her so they could talk to each other. They hadn’t been doing that as often, the redhead never wanting to spend a waking moment away from her boyfriend. Y/N saw it, she supposed, Lucas wasn’t a bad looking guy, and he was nice. But he was nice. That was it. He wasn’t smart, or funny, or entertaining. He was just there. Just a phase, she kept telling herself, Lucas is just a phase. But what after Lucas? What happened when Max finally took notice of Matt Donahue in her math class, who’s always making googly eyes at her? Or, what if she just happened to meet Sam Davis’ eyes in English? What then? Lucas would be forgotten, sure, but he’d be replaced in nearly no time.
On her third attempt, she hung up the phone, slamming it into the receiver. That was the second time this week.
always thought you looked at me differently than any other you’d see / thought you were aching to see me at any, any possibility
“So, what should we do?” Max asked her, bright eyes looking between her and El, who was sitting on the other end of the bed, laying on her stomach as she flipped through a comic book. El didn’t used to come to their sleepovers. Come to think of it, Y/N couldn’t think of the most recent time that she had a sleepover with Max alone. They used to have them all of the time: giggling under the covers into the early hours of the morning, leaning on one another as they flipped through those comic books. Max’s loved copy of Wonder Woman, which used to rotate between her and Y/N’s houses, was now sitting on Lucas’ shelf. “We haven’t seen each other in forever. Especially not you, El!”
Y/N frowned. She saw El last week. She hadn’t spoken to her in two weeks. What happened to the whole, ‘I’m your best friend and you’re mine, Y/N/N!’ and the ‘I love you so much, and we’re best friends! I’d do anything for you, Y/N!’
“I’ve just been so busy, it’s crazy! I haven’t had any time with field hockey and band and everything like that.” Max laughed. Her face got all crinkled up, her freckles blending into one another as her blue eyes teared up with joy. It would have been gorgeous, had it not been a lie. Max used to frequently skip hockey practices to hang out, and since she hadn’t gotten team captain, her practices had decreased. Max used to see her whenever she could, but of course, now she’d spend her time with Lucas, or with El, or with anybody other than her. Max used to put her on a pedestal, but now, it looks like anybody who shows her any attention at all gets all of hers.
i could be your bitch and tell you a million reasons why being with me would be much better than with any other guy / i could tell you I’ll treat you right and never wrong / tell you in my arms is where you belong / but I know that you can’t change someone / so I’ll just leave you alone
The next Friday, Max was back in Y/N’s bed, flipping through a magazine while music played through the radio. Her beautiful red hair was falling into strands in front of her face, framing her gorgeous freckled pale skin, blue eyes piercing through the dimmed overhead lights. She looked like a goddess, her entire lanky body stretched out over the covers in a way that she could stare at for hours – watching the way that her face crinkled up when she read a funny entry, or seeing the way she nibbled on her bottom lip when she was interested.
“I don’t know what I should do for Lucas for our second anniversary.”
Y/N’s heart stopped. Of course she’d talk about Lucas. “Well, what does he like?”
“You know,” she smiled, folding her magazine and sitting up to look at the other girl. Y/N was walking out of the bathroom, tucking her hair behind her ear as she put Max’s next day outfit on the chair, folded neatly. “You know as much as I do about him. We both see him everyday.”
“Yeah, but you see him more than I do,” Y/N grimaced. “I don’t see him that much anymore, and I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
“I feel like a shitty girlfriend.” Max avoided her statement. I haven’t seen you in forever – she’d even said it outright and then got ignored! You never talk to me anymore, and it’s always ‘Lucas this and Lucas that! I’m here, too!’
“You’re never a shitty girlfriend.”
“I turned him down to hang out tonight. The weekend of our anniversary, Y/N. You can’t even lie and tell me that’s a good look,” Max said, looking unbelieving. Her brows furrowed together. “I turn him down all of the time when I hang out with you and El. It makes me feel so terrible, especially because I see you so much.”
Y/N knew that she should shut up. She knew that she shouldn’t have said what she did, and she knew that there was absolutely no reason to do what she did. The words came out faster than she ever thought that they ever could, and she wanted nothing more than to crawl into a pit and die once the words left her lips. But,a part of her wanted to scream it from the rooftops, a part of her wanting to shout it again and again. It’d been bottled up for months and months, and it was twenty three months, three weeks, and five days after it had happened in the first place that she realized that it needed to be said sooner or later. “That’s a fucking lie, and we both know it. Don’t bullshit me, Max.”
“I’m not bullshitting you?” It was phrased like a question, and Max looked like she had just been accused of something much worse. “I see you all the time–”
“Yeah, see, that’s what the lie is,” Y/N chuckled, sitting down, putting the pile on her lap. The feeling of rejection that had been sitting in the pit of ehr stomach for nearly two years now was bubbling up and up, and the words were spilling out of her mouth before she could stop them. “He’s just a stupid boy! He’s not funny, he’s not smart, he’s not entertaining, and he’s not worth it! You’ve been blowing me off for months, Max, and I’m so sick and tired of pretending like I don’t notice everything!”
Y/N kept going.
“You ignore me again and again, and we both know that anybody would be so much better than Lucas of all people!”
“Like who?! Lucas is so much better–”
“Like me!” Max finally fell silent, the color draining from her face as she dropped her magazine on the bedspread. Her hands trembled, and her eyes glassed in only a few moments. The ugly monster that had been hiding under the bed, in the closet, and behind her in her own shadow had finally come out; shrouding the entire room in a thick and uncomfortable silence. Every word broke a deeper part of Y/N, and cracked a part of Max. She almost stopped, but at this rate, who knew when she would finally be left alone with her long enough to dare say them again? “Me, Max! You act so insightful, wise one, and then you fucking shit all over anything I say and do, and it hurts me every fucking day that I fall morw and more in love with you when all you do is ignore my fucking existence for some guy who doesn’t even know who Jane Austen is!” Her voice trembled with every word, and as the house fell quieter and quieter, the sheer stupidity of the whole idea grew and grew.
The room remained silent as Max gathered her things. She didn’t bother to take her new change of clothes, now on the floor. They would go in a shoebox in the closet, along with the pictures and notebooks and comics. She ignored the new friendship journal that was sitting on the vanity, untouched and unused by them. It never would be – it would be sold at a yardsale. Y/N met her eyes as Max picked up the Wonder Woman copy that was sitting on the bed, pleading her not to take it. Don’t take this, she begged, please don’t take this. Leave me this, please. Max picked it up, and put it in her bag.
That would be the Mayfield-Sinclair children’s first comic book – the one that would sit in their library until their perfect little house on the cul-de-sac sold.
and i know you don’t swing that way, but that won’t take my feelings away / oh i wish you liked girls; oh i wish you liked girls / girls like me
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tibby · 4 years
do you have any stonathan hcs specifically w/r/t will or even just the younger teens in general?
i wouldn’t say these are stonathan hcs persay and mainly just steve or jonathan with the party, but here you go:
steve ADORES will and the feeling is mutual, and they become very close when steve starts spending a lot of times at the byers house. steve does not have an artistic bone in his body but spends hours drawing with will - sometimes in complete silence, sometimes will talks about what’s going on at school or gives steve Exclusive jonathan info and even opens up about his trauma every now and again. steve is a good listener and he knows the byers family have been Through It, especially will, and he wants to be there for his boyfriend’s little brother.
since joyce never fully loses her paranoia about will’s safety and jonathan works a lot (and later goes to college), steve is always happy to drive will around to wherever he wants to go or just like, chill with him. will never feels like he’s a freak around steve or being patronised, because steve genuinely enjoys his company and never treats him like he’s a fragile child. it’s a good thing that jonathan never has any intentions of dumping steve because will would never quite forgive him.
when the party first finds out that steve and jonathan are dating, dustin takes it upon himself to have a Serious Talk with jonathan about What Will Happen if jonathan ever dares to break steve’s heart. jonathan does not take it seriously because a) he’s not planning on it b) he’s known dustin since he was a literal child and does not feel threatened c) figures he could win that fight if it came down to it. but he thinks it’s sweet that dustin cares so much and he has a nice laugh about it with steve later.
el and jonathan bond A LOT when she starts living with him, especially since hopper is ~gone~ and jonathan is used to taking on the role of a father figure. he learns to braid her hair once it gets long enough for it and helps her with homework and is very good at reassuring her that there’s nothing Wrong or Bad about her. even when hopper reenters the picture, jonathan is still always there for her whatever she needs. she also really likes steve when he becomes more involved, because he knows more fun hairstyles than jonathan and will let her paint his nails before returning the favour.
after some help from joyce steve realises he is dyslexic and goes to get help for that, upon which he does actually enjoy reading if he’s given the chance to find a method that works for him. so he’ll help el out with her reading and writing because it’s good for him too and they never make the other feel stupid.
steve is so fucking thrilled that both lucas and max are sporty like he’s kind of annoying with how much he asks them if they wanna go throw or kick a ball around. it’s not that he DOESN’T love the other kids it’s just...he’s a jock at heart and refuses to learn anything about d&d. just let him play basketball with lucas and baseball with max once or twice a week.
steve and jonathan don’t really Come Out to anyone except joyce/hopper/robin/nancy/the kids while they’re still living in hawkins, so nobody knows about them, but people have been calling jonathan gay behind his back since middle school, and steve gets dragged into it when they start spending more time together. they try not to let it get to them even though it does, but the kids are NOT above getting into fights with anyone at hawkins high with anyone who says anything slightly homophobic about either of them. it’s very sweet and honourable, but they have to beg them to stop doing it, given that max is really the only one of the gang who can put up any kind of a fight.
mike, unlike the other kids, refuse to admit to caring about stonathan in any capacity, and has a weirdly vitriolic relationship with steve. mike doesn’t really mean any of it and is just being a brat, but steve will say that she’s homophobic for yelling at them for making out on the couch.
when max comes out as a lesbian and breaks up for lucas for good he’s fine about it because he’s a sweet kid and wants her to be happy, but he does go to steve AND jonathan for advice on “getting dumped by a lesbian.” they are both useless at being comforting but they make a genuine attempt and it’s the thought that counts.
this isn’t really stonathan related but i think steve should get dustin into weed and then like thirty years later dustin’s kid gets stonathan’s children into weed. the circle of life <3
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ghostspideys-moved · 4 years
All For The Best
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Chapter Eight
A/N: I’m actually pretty proud of this chapter. Don’t forget to leave a comment or reblog if you’ve been enjoying this ride so far.
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairings: Steve Harrington x OC, Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers x OC
Summary: While El looks for the flayed, Hawthorne reveals a secret he’s been keeping in for a long time.
Somehow, Hawthorne was stuck sitting in the waiting room, watching over the kids. He supposed someone had to look after them, especially since Nancy and Jonathan decided they’d be the ones to visit Mrs. Driscoll.
He was sitting next to El, who was reading a magazine, mostly flipping through and glancing at the pictures. He’d already heard about her break up with Mike, and he didn’t need to be able to read her mind to know it was bothering her. Especially when he’d caught her glancing over in Mike’s direction a few times. 
“How are you holding up?” Hawthorne asked. El glanced up at him, a confused look on her face. “You know, with you and Mike?”
El shrugged. “Okay.”
As she turned back to her magazine, he debated exactly how to help her out. It wasn’t exactly Mike’s fault, though he hadn’t been the smartest either. Hawthorne remembered what Hopper said about his “talk” with Mike, and he couldn’t help feeling that was the real problem here. Not that he was surprised. Even he was a bit annoyed with Hopper handling this the way he had.
“You know, I think you two should talk,” he finally said. “I mean, you both seem miserable without each other?”
“Miserable?” El set her magazine down, clearly wondering what he was getting at. 
“You know, like...sad. But, like, really sad,” Hawthorne explained. “If you two don’t talk to each other, I’m sure it could get a lot worse.”
She at least appeared to be considering her words. Sure, he didn’t know how solid his own advice was, but he was a little tired of watching them tip-toe around each other. He could practically see the wheels turning in her head. “Like Nancy and Jonathan.”
Hawthorne sighed, slumping in his seat. “Yeah, something like that,” he said. “They’re working it out, but it happens. Fights happen.” It wasn’t like he was some expert on relationships, and he didn’t really know where all of this was coming from, but he hoped it was helping her, even if only a bit.
Turning to her, Hawthorne gave El a reassuring smile. “Just don’t hold a grudge against him, okay? Most guys your age do dumb things.” He was glad that part earned a laugh from her. “Hell, I do dumb things all the time.”
For all his attempts to keep Nancy and Jonathan together, it was taking a toll on him. And, though it was taking some time, it seemed like the two of them were finally making progress. There was still some understanding needing to be reached, but it was something. He didn’t plan on mediating forever. Eventually, they’d have to own up to their own mistakes - they both had some apologizing to do, he was sure - and he was just glad to help kick-start the process. If anything, he didn’t want El and Mike to let this sour their relationship. They were kids, and they deserved to learn from their mistakes just as much as anyone else. 
Hawthorne let his advice sink in and left when Mike came over to talk with El. He was more than happy to give them space to work things out, though he made a mental note to have a talk with Hopper about the mess he’d made.
By now, he was starting to realize Nancy and Jonathan had been gone for a while. And maybe there was nothing to worry about, but he had an awful feeling. It was sitting in his gut, constantly pestering him. With how easily things went to shit again, Hawthorne hoped they were okay. It occurred to him to check on them, but there was no way he was going to get past the receptionist. And if he did manage that and it turned out he was worrying for nothing, he would just feel like an idiot.
Just as his anxiety was starting to get the best of him, the lights started flickering. Normally, Hawthorne might pass it off as nothing, but that usually wasn’t a good sign. He’d learned that by now. Thankfully, he wasn’t the only one to notice, and even worse was how jumpy Will was. The poor kid looked pale and unbelievably freaked out. It was becoming abundantly clear to Hawthorne that he may well have been right to be worried.
Will’s shaky, “he’s here,” was enough for it to dawn on Hawthorne that this was about to get pretty intense, as much as he hated it.
At the very least, they’d missed the action so far, but neither Nancy nor Jonathan looked like they were in very good shape. And as soon as they explained everything that happened, they were off to the cabin. 
Rex came running over when Hawthorne let them all inside, and El ended up locking herself in her room as she tried to track the flayed. Hawthorne tried to busy himself with feeding Rex while everyone else was working out their plans. In the grand scheme of things, he wasn’t sure how to help, and he felt pretty useless. He’d hardly done anything to help. If only he could stop being a coward for just a minute, he might be able to contribute something. 
He’d been so deep in thought that he’d accidentally spilled some of the dog food. His only response was a deep sigh as he moved to clean it up. Hawthorne looked up when he noticed Nancy trying to help. She opened her mouth to speak a few times, trying to find her words.
“Are you okay?” Nancy asked. 
If there were any words to describe how he was feeling, “okay” was not one of them. “Fine,” Hawthorne lied, standing again.
It was clear she didn’t totally believe him. Even when they finished cleaning, she didn’t let up. “If this about what’s been happening between Jonathan and I, I’m really sorry you got caught in the middle of it.”
Sure, that might have been part of his stress, but he had no clue how to even explain everything that was going on in his head. It was so much more than that.
“No. I mean, not really.” Hawthorne sighed, looking down. “I guess I’m just stressed out with everything that’s been happening. After last time, I really hoped all of this was behind on.”
The concerned look on her face only made him feel bad for putting all of this on her. Nancy had much bigger things to worry about. Seeming to sense his apprehension, she took his hand and made him look her in the eyes.
“Everything’s gonna be fine, okay?” Whether it was true or not, he almost believed her. “We’ll get through this just like last time.”
“Nance, I don’t even know where my sister is, or if she’s even okay. I don’t know where Hop is either, and I feel like I’m doing a terrible job of keeping it together.”
Nancy paused for a moment before asking, “You saw it, didn’t you? When you were walking in the parking lot?”
Hawthorne had almost forgotten about his vision, but he could never forget the dread he felt in that moment. “Yeah. It wasn’t much, really,” he admitted. “But I freaked out.” If it came down to it, he wasn’t sure if he’d really be able to help any of them. This was worse than last year, and he just knew that, given the chance, he’d freeze. Just like he always did.
Somehow, Nancy always had a way of making him feel better, and this was no exception. “You’re stressing yourself out too much,” she said. “Don’t forget. You’re not alone. You have me, Jonathan, the kids, your family. None of us will ever make you deal with this alone.”
Deep down, he knew that. It felt good to hear it, though. Sometimes, he needed a reminder that he wasn’t carrying all of this weight alone. 
Hawthorne offered a slight smile as she kissed him on the cheek. Now that he was feeling at least somewhat better, he let her get back to planning. He let her borrow the phone in the meantime, and he actually managed to feed Rex. The poor dog probably needed it. Hawthorne was feeding him as regularly as possible in all this mess, but he felt bad for leaving him for so long every now and then.
Just as Hawthorne was settled, Nancy finished her final phone call, none of which produced any results. It wasn’t looking so good. With no clue where any of the flayed were, they had no clue what they were doing. It was like they’d just disappeared, and they weren’t any closer to finding the source of the flaying.
Worse still was the argument happening between Mike and Max. Hawthorne didn’t feel so inclined to agree with either of them, no matter how much they yelled. Realistically, both of them were right. He’d learned the hard way that even if they explained to El how damaging it could be to push herself, that didn’t mean it would stop her. Mike was very adamant on finding a new plan, though, and Hawthorne couldn’t blame him. El had been locked up for quite some time now looking for the flayed.
“You’re treating her like some kind of machine when she’s not a machine, and I don’t want her to die looking for the flayed when they’ve obviously vanished off the face of the earth,” Mike snapped. “So can we please just come up with a new plan? Because I love her, and I can’t lose her again.”
His words were met with silence as they sank in. Hawthorne could hardly believe what he’d heard, but Mike said it with such confidence and conviction that it was almost frightening. 
Before anyone could say more, El finally came out of her room. She looked fine, if not a bit exhausted, and Hawthorne thanked whatever omnipotent being there may or may not be that she was okay. 
“What’s going on?” El asked, glancing at each of them curiously.
Mike was quick to cover for them. “Nothing. Nothing.”
“Just a family discussion,” Lucas added.
“Oh.” El seemed satisfied enough with their answer, even if she didn’t totally believe it. “I found him.”
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El usually needed some quiet when she was tracking. The TV was turned on, only playing static for her, and her blindfold was back on. Everyone was trying to stay quiet for her sake in the hopes she would find something. 
Thankfully, she found Billy, just like she’d said, though they didn’t have much to go off of with the information she had. He was sitting in his room, which Max confirmed wasn’t normal. It was clearly a trap.
But El was insistent that she might know a way to figure out where he’d been, and while Hawthorne didn’t want her to push herself, he knew it was the only way to get anywhere. They hadn’t been having any success on their own. 
After taking a break, El put the blindfold back on and tried to look again. 
Hawthorne sighed and sat back while she gave it another go. “So, what do we do if this doesn’t work?” he asked quietly, trying not to bother El.
“Don’t you have powers?” Mike asked. “Can’t you help somehow?”
Nancy gave him a stern look. “Mike.”
“We’ve never seen him use them. Maybe he just doesn’t have any,” Lucas said.
“If they took him to the lab, he has to have them.”
Hawthorne raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, hi. Standing right here.”
“Well, do you?” Mike asked.
There was no way around this. Hawthorne was going to have to explain himself eventually, and he knew that. 
“Yeah. It’s just...not a good idea for me to use them,” he claimed.
“But whatever it is you can do, it might help El.”
“I haven’t used them in years. The last time I did that things went wrong.”
“We can’t push everything onto her, though. She’s going to wear herself out.”
“You told her you’d trust her, though.”
“And I do, but I know she could use the help.”
Max finally cut in. “Okay, seriously. You’re gonna break El’s concentration.”
Hawthorne and Mike finally shut up, but they gave each other one last look of disdain. Nancy pulled him and Jonathan over to the kitchen where they wouldn’t bother El.
“Hey, don’t worry about him, okay? He’s just worried,” she said. 
Hawthorne sighed, leaning against the counter. “I know. I get it,” he replied. “I’m just as worried she’s going to wear herself thin, but I don’t think I’d even be all that helpful.”
“What happened the last time you used your powers?” Jonathan asked. “It sounded like it was pretty bad.”
That felt like the understatement of the year. But if he trusted anyone with this, it was both of them. He might as well get it off his chest.
“I just...they made us do a lot of tests, you know? The scientists liked to up the stakes each time, and they’d already learned a lot about my powers. I really just tried to go along with what they asked of me because it was better that way.” Hawthorne swallowed dryly. “Whenever I touch people - any sort of skin contact - I absorb their strength, memories, abilities, sometimes even pieces of their personality. But it always wears off eventually, and they just pass out until it wears off.
“One time, I guess the scientists were curious what would happen if I tried it on one of the other kids. Maybe I could absorb their powers. And they were right. It worked the first few times, and it only lasted about half an hour at most. They’d always be fine afterwards. But one time, it didn’t go that way at all. There was this kid they had me try it out on and-” Hawthorne almost couldn’t finish, but he dismissed their looks of concern, trying to press on. “It didn’t wear off that time. And he went into a coma. Pretty sure he didn’t make it.”
Jonathan placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring look. “How long did it take to wear off?” he asked.
“It didn’t.” Hawthorne avoided their eyes, knowing he’d break down otherwise. “I still have his powers. I don’t use them, but I could any time. It’s kind of been eating at me.”
They shared a look, almost seeming to debate if they should ask him anything else. But he knew they’d stop if he really asked them to. 
Nancy finally braved one more question. “What exactly were his powers?”
Hawthorne hesitated. “Shapeshifting.”
In his mind, it wasn’t anything monumental. Nor was it going to do them any good. And while he had his powers mostly under control by now, he wasn’t sure how he’d feel about knocking anyone else out if he didn’t have to. 
Before he could go into it any further, El announced she’d found the source. They raced over as Max asked where it was. 
Jonathan grabbed the phone book and flipped through the pages in a hurry. “Found it. 6522 Cherry Oak Drive.”
“That’s close,” Nancy realized.
El still hadn’t come back yet, which was beyond worrying. Mike was trying to call her back, but it didn’t seem like she could just yet. There wasn’t anything they could do to bring her back. She had to do it herself, but it didn’t look like she was ready yet. 
The room went silent as they waited hopefully for her to get out of there. El finally threw off the blindfold, screaming. 
Hawthorne felt his heart sink when she started crying, throwing herself into Mike’s arms. He raced back to the kitchen and grabbed her a glass of water as Mike calmed her down. They made her sit down and take a drink, giving her enough time to bounce back from whatever she saw. 
Hawthorne was taken by surprise as she clung onto him, clearly exhausted and scared beyond belief. He tried to calm her down, wrapping his arms around her as he let her cry. If he was having any doubts before, they were only growing and settling in his mind, but he would never back out on any of them, but least of all El. Mike had been right about her needing all the help she could get.
Taglist: @charmedtenderness​ @nxncywheeler​ @koibecomedragons​
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kaypeace21 · 5 years
The Duffers use of music proves byler is endgame (music-analysis)
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The Duffers in an interview said that they choose songs for the show very deliberately -sometimes spending weeks on Spotify to find just the right song to convey an emotion/context of a scene. Songs in all seasons (but especially in s3) were used to show how characters are feeling- or just an action they’re about to commit.
For instance, Karen when she’s about to meet Billy at the motel-  feels apprehensive and wants to get out of it (since it would hurt her family) and she was just flirting with Billy as a way to escape her own issues, about her life. She never flirted with Billy for the end-goal of “getting him.”
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They even use “cat’s in the cradle’ which could be shown as a way to illustrate the inappropriate age disparity between Billy/Karen.
Other examples-
Right before the boys run away from the lingerie store- the lyrics are literally “I just walk away” XD
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Jim when he looks at Joyce- the lyrics are “she’s got you.” ( cause he’s in love with her).
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-And Jim after getting Mike to not come over to see El, (by yelling at him) sings…
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Joyce after she sees Bob’s drawing fall to the ground and then crouches to pick it up.
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And songs also illustrates how Nancy feels about her job (with her sexist co-workers). As the morose lyrics of “I’ll be working here forever” play as it zooms in on Hawkins post -as Nancy rushes inside.
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As well as  her excitement -about investigating a new case. As Jancy leaves and the very on the nose song  of “get up and go” begins -as they get into the car.
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Billy when he pulls out chloroform (from a perfume bottle).
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El after dumping Mike (and smiling about it) XD
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So all the byler stuff I’m about to mention proves byler is endgame.
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So yes, the fact that the very first lyrics that play when we see mileven kiss for the first time  is “Just a little uncertainty can bring you down”- reflects that (just like the others, the song reflects Mike’s true feelings). The song is from the album “boy in the box (cough closet)”.
And we know this is how Mike (not El) feels about their relationship because he begins to sing the song right after this lyric. It mirrors how when Will danced with a girl (who owned a rainbow hair clip) the lyrics were “every smile you fake.”
Mike continues “And nobody wants to know you now. And nobody wants to show you how.So if you’re lost and on your own. You can never surrender.” He fears that if he isn’t straight everyone he cares about will abandon him, and that he’d be lost and the only one ‘like this’ -all alone.But he can’t ‘surrender’ the false-idea of being in love with El (out of fear).  El even says to “stop” and tries to cover his mouth to prevent him from singing and Mike asks “What you don’t like it?” and El just says “No!”.
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Which may be a purposeful juxtaposition to how Robin came out- and instead both Robin and Steve sang off-tune happily together- while El covers Mike’s mouth and tells him to stop singing. When Mileven kiss at the end of the season the song ‘the first i love you’ plays. The same song that plays when Robin comes out to steve (to illustrate the juxtaposition).
What’s interesting is ( right before the mileven kiss) we see a zoom in shot of a picture of Will and a rainbow . Like that’s Will! He has light brown hair (not black) and Will is the only one associated with fire and has drawn himself with fire in the past.
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And since El has Mike related-stuff all over her room, and barely knows Will. Mike probably lied saying it was supposed to be him- which is why it’s above her bed.And we also see that based on it’s placement Mike is facing the Will drawing so he can see it  (cause we see El in front of the poster and Mike sitting opposite of her during the 1st kiss) . 
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And during this transition the lyrics read “cause just a little more time could open closing doors” Which could be hinting at byler becoming a thing later - when (after some ‘time’) they both become ready to actually admit their feelings/sexuality - despite the other probably doubting the other has feelings for them.
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I mean we even see an illustration of Will & the text of the name ‘Mike’ written out next to a rainbow-heart. And 2 other drawings next to the rainbow heart drawing (that are covered in red hearts). XD
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(*for those who can’t see Mike written out in the transitioned will/mike pic)
However, what’s interesting though is the one other things he took down from his wall. In S1 Mike (before he even met El)  has a heart sign, with a red heart being propelled by a rainbow. Then in s3 it's gone from his wall when he dates El (cause he's trying to repress the fact he's gay). Why El has a drawing that says Mike (with a heart also propelled by a rainbow.) He can't use El to escape the truth. His rainbow follows him everywhere even when he tries to hide it (from his basement wall and himself) -  and when kissing El!Aka he tries to take it down (like he pretends to be straight). However, in the first ep of s3 when Mike is making-out with El (trying to project his feelings for Will on to her by looking at the Will drawing while kissing) we see a emergence of the heart being propelled by a rainbow (in El’s room) as a drawing.  signifying Mike participating in compulsory-heterosexuality,  and the fact no matter how hard he tries- he’s not straight!
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Also El’s reaction to the song - hints that this isn’t actually her mixtape. But one that Mike made for her. or Will made for Mike (since jon makes mixtapes and prob taught him how- Will in s3 gave a mixtape to Dustin so it would not surprise me if he gave one to Mike).
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So similar to the drawing, the mixtape hints at byler’s feelings
  ‘I can’t fight this feeling’ (which mileven makes out to later). Actually indicates Mike fighting his feelings for Will. And how he’s been trying to fight his feelings for Will, all season.
Besides the lyrics themselves- the singer literally went on record about the song’s meaning . Which is about a boy being in love/pinning over his friend of many years and never thinking he had a chance at being with them (and being afraid he’d ruin the relationship if he confessed)- but slowly thinking he could  be with them (and that they might feel the same way about him) . And in the song the 2 people AREN’T even together yet!
“Oh, I can’t fight this feeling any longer. And yet I’m still afraid to let it flow. What started out this friendship has grown stronger, I only wish I had the strength to let it show. I tell myself that I can’t hold out forever .I said there is no reason for my fear ‘Cause I feel so secure when we’re together ‘.You give my life direction. You make everything so clear. And even as I wander I’m keeping you in sight. You’re a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter’s night. And I’m getting closer than I ever thought I might”
This makes no sense for mileven who kissed after knowing each other for a week and who didn’t have a long established friendship, beforehand. And who also are already together (and not afraid to express their ‘romantic feelings’ for each other).
Then in s2, mileven dance to ‘every breath you take’ a break up song about a stalker ex. The writer of the song also has said many times “it’s NOT a love song.” The duffers obviously knew that. Lumax also danced to it and Lucas was called a ‘stalker’. El also stalked Mike in s2 (all that stuff milevens found romantic- El watching him without him knowing. Mike says he was not ok with it in s3). And in s3 he said not to do that and she just says ‘i make my own rules’. Not to mention Nancy teaching Dustin how to dance is a direct parallel to Mike teaching El. 
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Mike also tries to act like Dustin, and  forces Will to dance with a girl (who’s wearing a rainbow hair clip). Trying to be a good sport like Dustin is about lumax. And right after this we see Dustin look sad about Max/Lucas dancing and Mike (next to Dustin) look sadly at Will/girl dancing in the same exact frame as Max/Lucas. As they switch between these 2 shots to emphasize their sadness/jealousy.Then they both sit down (mirroring each other) on the verge of tears before Nancy and El show up to comfort them and distract them.  As El once again (presumably) wears Nancy dress. Mike “you cant go with your sister… i mean you can but it’d be really weird.”
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Also in regards to Will- when I heard they were going to have the song ‘Never ending story’ I wondered if they were going to re-contextualize one line in particular to be a hint at Will’s queerness. And shock- they did it! XD
The lyric is “ Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds and there upon a rainbow Is the answer to a never ending story. ”
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And of course Will is the one with a secret- that is ‘rainbow’ related. And they pan to him during the “secrets” line. I think Will is less in the denial phase than Mike is and already knows he’s gay and in love with him.
And this wasn’t a coincidence because when Lumax makes fun of Dustin they sing the lyrics incorrectly as  “The mirror of your dreams. Rhymes that keep their secrets…” And it pans to Will AGAIN!
We see Will obscured in shadows to represent he’s “hiding”.
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And then he appears in the light, looking sadly at D&D as the lyrics , “rhymes that keep their secrets” is sang (again).
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And we see he’s specifically looking at the d&d game sadly and about to give it away- since they zoom in on the game title (before he places it in the “donation” box). 
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Because the d&d game is used to reflect his desires (like a “mirror”) . It’s the ‘mirror of his dreams’- to be with Mike. Cue Mike saying “ what did you think,really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? We were just gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?” And poor Will  just responding with “Yeah, I guess I did. I really did.”
This lyric about the mirror is NOT in the original song. It was used once again to establish D&D as a romantic symbol for byler. Just like how they zoomed in on d&d right before the romantic “crazy together” speech.
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Mike in s3 says “Blank makes you crazy… y’know like the word (love).” Flo in s1 says “ Only love makes you that crazy and that stupid.” Cue Will calling himself “stupid” 4 times (after Mike says they won’t be together playing games for the rest of their lives-and ripping up the Halloween pic , out of heart-break).
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So again right after we see the zoom-in of the game (another romantically coded scene happens after). Will puts the game in the ‘donation’ pile - and Mike isn’t happy about it.
Mike: “WHOA, dude, that’s the donation box.”
Will: “ I know, I’ll just use yours,  when I come back. (pause) if WE still want to play?”
( translation: “I love and want to be with you but I’m not going to pursue you and get my heart broken again. Because even if I feel like you love me… I can’t trust my own instincts about how you truly feel anymore. If you want to play this ‘game of love’  with me you have to initiate/participate in the game properly.” Mike when fixated on El even says it was a cool campaign but  “we just weren’t in the mood right now.” and  also says to Will “c’mon, let’s play for real”  but Will storms off (not thinking that what Mike said was genuine).  
Mike : “Yeah, but what if you want to join another party?”
(*cough, the other ‘species’/girls, or just someone else: girl, guy or otherwise)
Will: “Not possible.”
(Will will always love Mike, and  admits he wants to be with him for the rest of his life).
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And we actually see the Hopper’s Monologue (where Mike is shown)- reflects what Mike said to Will earlier. Mike does want to love Will but he’s just scared of changing their relationship into something romantic- and even though a part of him doesn’t want things to change, he’s still afraid that Will will move on from him as they both get older. “I’ve been feeling distant from you. Like you’re pulling away from me or something” (Will does this both figuratively/literally). I miss playing board games every night (d &d)”. “But I know you’re getting older, growing, changing. And I guess, if I’m being really honest, that’s what scares me. I don’t want things to change.”
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Also the lyric “ Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds and there upon a rainbow- is the answer to a never ending story. ”
One way or another Will’s secret (of being queer and/or being in love with Mike) will eventually come out. And that’s the answer to this “never ending story” between Will & Mike. Their love story. I mean who else is associated with Will’s story and has loads of rainbow symbolism - and has rainbow symbolism that  specifically connects them to Will?
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*Lol don’t even get me started  on analyzing how in s1 when Mike thinks Will is dead- Mike hugs his mom and the lyrics are “and we kiss as though nothing could fall. And the shame.” Which is queer coded and written by David Bowie- and during the s2 “freak” speech- Will even says he’d rather be friends with Bowie than Kenny Roggers.
People need to realize no one is a bigger shipper of byler- than the Duffer brothers themselves! XD
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michaels-blackhat · 4 years
cooking is love made visible
day 17/31 of my massive holiday project
for @el-gilliath who quickly became my best friend and favorite person. you wanted Arturo showing his love through food and taking care of others. here you go. i’m showing my love through fic. <3. 
Liz & Rosa
Arturo could hear the sounds from the girls’ bedroom, the muffled conversation and the sound of the curtain moving as they look at the window. Arturo knows that they see: nothing. No care parked next to the shop, no mother coming home. Arturo wished that this wasn’t such a common picture.
Arturo made sure he made a lot of noise as he watched from their apartment, down the stairs to the kitchen of the Crashdown. He turned on one of the burners to warm up the griddle and moved for the ingredients. In no time he had six churro pancakes on the griddle, turning golden brown and ready for the cinnamon and sugar on top.
He could hear the girls as they came down the stairs, bodies tiny but footsteps always so loud.
“Who wants churro pancakes?” He called as the girls reached the bottom step.
“Me!” Came Rosa’s loud reply, barely older and already cynical of her mother’s leaving.
“Me too,” sniffled Liz behind her.
The moved to the counter, their usual seats, and sat quietly.
Arturo moved behind them and reached to place their plates in front of the girls. He gave each a kiss on the head before he said, “I love you, not eat.”
Maria, Rosa, & Liz
The girls were giggly in that sleepy-deprived way. He and Mimi had known it would happen. Maria had come over for a sleepover and they all knew that very little sleep would be had. No, the girls would stay up for most of the night before crashing and waking up slightly grumpy and still giggle-tired. It had happened before and Arturo was sure it would happen many times after.
He watched them all together on one side of the booth nearest the alien mural, the one that was starting to look a little rundown. He had a passing thought to let Rosa fix it up before another round of giggles interrupted him.
He grabbed the tray of food and walked over to the girl. They all looked tired still. He was no Mimi, but Arturo was sure that there would be an afternoon nap in their future.
“Here we go,” he said as he placed their food on the table. He put the vegetable omelette in front of Maria, the churro pancakes in front of Liz, and in front of Rosa he put the eggs sunny side up with a side of toast and jam.
“Eat up girls,” he said with a smile as they all thanked him, “you need your energy if you want to giggle some more.”
The comment earned him even more giggles as he went back to the kitchen.
Isobel & Max
Arturo had never seen the children before. He knew everyone who entered his dinner, regulars were all the people who had lived around him for years, but the children sitting with the Evans’ were new. He knew they were thinking of adopting, the diner was a good place to gossip, but he hadn’t known they had taken the plunge. 
He watched the children as they sat quietly with their new parents, eyes wide as they looked at the diner, at the walls and its art and the little alien spaceships that he had hung up. Ann Evans asked a question and he saw the little boy and girl look at his before they shook their head no.
He walked over and greeted the family. The children were introduced as Max and Isobel, who looked at Arturo with curious eyes as he introduced himself to them. He watched as Max stuck out his hand, tentative, for a handshake. Arturo smiled and shook his hand, and then his sister’s when she followed his lead.
“So, what can I get for you today?”
They ordered, Ann talking for everyone. There was fries and Crashdown Burgers, the usual affair for when the Evans’ came in.
Arturo put the order in and watched the family interact. The children still didn’t talk, but he could tell that they knew what the other was thinking by the Max would immediately follow Isobel’s gaze or when they both turned to point at a piece of artwork at the same time. Arturo watched as their food was being prepared, watched as Max and Isobel looked at the milkshakes that went by. Arturo smiled to himself and moved to the ice cream fridge.
When he delivered their food they had two extra items.
“Little Green Men Shakes,” Arturo said as he placed them in front of Max and Isobel, “as a welcome present, on the house.”
Their delighted grins stayed with him through the rest of the night.
Kyle & Alex
Arturo couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t seen Kyle Valenti and Alex Manes together, either by themselves with their bikes out front, or with Sheriff Valenti. It was not unusual for him to see them laughing together as Alex dipped his fries in his milkshake and Kyle looked on in disgust.
They weren’t laughing. They looked tired, almost how Maria and Liz looked after a sleepover but with more exhaustion. The girls were always so happy, even after a sleepless night. The boys just looked like they wanted nothing more than to go to sleep then and there.
Arturo looked at the time, 3:30 in the afternoon so still too early for dinner. Especially on a Sunday when Arturo never saw Alex because he had a family dinner to attend. Arturo knew because Liz had complained more than once about not being able to hang out with Alex on Sunday afternoons. Arturo rung in an order of fries and two milkshakes. He knew Kyle wouldn’t want to share after Alex dipped the first fry.
Alex Manes’ bike was out in front of the Crashdown, but it was alone. Alex sat by himself in his usual booth, menu spread out as if he was going to order anything besides his usual fries, milkshake, and burger with onion and lettuce but no tomato slices. Alex preferred pico de gallo on his burger. He looked at the empty spot across from him and sighed.
“What’s wrong Alex?” Arturo asked as he slid into the bench across from Alex.
“Kyle ditched me. Again.” Alex admitted, voice upset but he refused to show it. “Ever since we started high school and he joined the football team, he’s always too busy. Or at football practice. Or…” He trailed off. Arturo could see tears in his eyes. “Or he says he doesn’t want to be seen at school with me.”
Arturo moved so that he was sitting next to Alex and pulled him into a hug. He held on as Alex composed himself quickly, too quickly for Arturo’s liking who suspected that Alex had more he needed to let out. Alex sniffled and pulled away.
“Thank you Mr. Ortecho,” he said as he rubbed at his eyes.
“You’re welcome Alex. Can I get you anything?”
Alex chose to assume Arturo meant food, nothing else, and shook his head. “No, I’m still deciding what I want.”
Arturo nodded before he left the table. He made some orders and put in a fresh batch of fries. He called up to Liz to come down stairs.
“Yeah Dad?” She asked, a little confused as to why he interrupted her homework.
“Can you take these to Alex please? And while you’re there, why don’t you take a break mija? You’ve been working since you got home.”
Liz smiled at the mention of Alex’s name. “You’re right. I could use a break.”
Arturo watched as Liz brought over the food and Alex smiled for the first time all afternoon.
Arturo never tried to make a big deal out of it. He noticed, of course he had, but he also noticed how Michael would shy away when Max or Isobel offered to pay for him and suggested he order something more. He watched as he sat for hours with his textbooks open, a single basket of fries and a glass of water in front of him.
“Michael, you help Sanders at his auto yard, yes?” Arturo asked him one day when Michael had done nothing but drink water as he and Liz did an assignment.
“Yes Mr. Ortecho.”
“Can you perhaps help me out? My car has been making a strange noise and I just don’t have time to take it over to the shop. Do you think you can take a look? Liz says you are handy as well.”
Michael had agreed. He had taken one look at his engine and told him that it was simple, something loose and rattling and Michael just had to tighten it. It was done within 10 minutes.
“Let me pay you,” Arturo had insisted.
Michael shook his head.
“Really Mr. Ortecho, it was barely an issue.”
“It was a big issue for me,” he argued. “If you weren’t around I would have had to take the time to go to the lot and then pay for the service. At the very least can I get you dinner?”
MIchael had agreed at that. He and Liz ate enchiladas as they finished up their biology project.
From then on Arturo always found little things that needed fixing. Michael may not accept charity, but he would accept that.
Arturo hated seeing Maria like this, quiet and sad and alone. None of those things fit the girl he had known all those years ago and they didn’t fit the woman she had become. Arturo knew why she sat there, alone and quiet. Diners and gossip were as good as the barber shop or the bar for that. Arturo knew about Mimi, knew she was sick and not getting better. He knew that Maria was doing everything she could to help Mimi, to keep the bar running when its’ martiarch was indisposed. 
He walked over with the vegetable omelette, with the grapefruit juice she started drinking in high school, and an iced coffee she would drink once the juice was gone.
She smiled up at him, unsurprised that he would come with her favorite breakfast food once he saw her. Her smile was too sad for the vibrant Maria DeLuca, but Arturo was happy with any smile at all. She had been too sad recently and Arturo hurt knowing that there was nothing to be done about it.
“I’m here for you,” he said quietly as he passed her the plate. “I know it’s not much, but you can always come to me if there’s anything you need.”
This time when Maria smiled it lit up her whole face.
“I know Mr. Oretcho,” she said. “I always knew I could come to you.”
It was Arturo’s turn to grin.
Maria & Alex
It warmed Arturo’s heart when he saw Maria and Alex sitting at a booth together. It had been years, and though they still looked like themselves, it was still a drastic change for the hippie-like girl and the boy all in black they were in high school.
Arturo watched as Alex held Maria’s hand as they looked through piles on papers, undoubtedly searching for something new to try with Mimi. He watched as Maria relaxed her shoulders and let her friend support her. He watched as Alex said something that made Maria laugh, and her reply that made Alex’s face turn red as he tried to suppress his own laughter.
Arturo turned to make two milkshakes, one chocolate and one mint. He knew they’d just end up sharing.
Maria, Alex, & Liz
The sounds of giggling in the corner brought Arturo up short. He hadn’t heard that sound in over a decade, but he knew it well. Liz, Maria, and Alex all together in a booth laughing about something. They had all been so somber. Arturo wasn’t sure what had happened. Liz hadn’t told him anything but he had seen the distance in all three of them that had lasted too long for his liking, though perhaps it had only been a few weeks.
He hated seeing his family fighting, and all of those kids were his family. He had been taking care of them for a lifetime and he would continue to do so. He looked over to see Maria and Alex doubled over in laughter at Liz’s embarrassed face. He watched as Liz stole one of Alex’s french fries and watched as Maria stole Liz’s entire milkshake.
It was as if half of that lifetime never happened, as if his Liz hadn’t gone for so long, or Alex hadn’t enlisted, or Maria hadn’t grown sad. 
Arturo felt like he was home for the first time in years.
Arturo heard a sound downstairs. It was after midnight and no one should be there. Liz was at Max’s house and Rosa. Rosa.
Arturo could still hardly believe it. His Rosa, alive after a decade and in his life again. His Rosa, as much of a firecracker and as loving. He still woke up every day and swore it had been a dream, only for Rosa to appear in their kitchen asking for a cup of coffee.
He heard the noise from downstairs again. He investigated. Slowly and silently we walked down the stairs to hear a muffled curse in a familiar voice.
Rosa was in the kitchen, at the griddle, curing as her pancake burned.
“Mija?” Arturo asked as he his the last stair. “Everything alright?”
“I keep burning them,” she explained, frustration clear in her tone. “You never burned them. And I never did before.”
“You’re out of practice, that’s all,” he said as he made his way to her. He turned the griddle down so the temperature wasn’t so hot. “And we got a new griddle about a month ago. You don’t have to turn this one up quite so high to get it warm.” 
Rosa sighed and poured another pancake.
“Just another thing that’s changed.”
Arturo grabbed plates and started to put the cinnamon and sugar on the slightly burned pancakes Rosa had already made.
“Yes. Things have changed,” he said as he dusted the pancakes, “but some things haven’t.”
“Oh yeah?” Rosa asked, a challenge in her voice as she flipped over the perfectly cooked pancake. “What hasn’t changed?”
“How much I love you,” Arturo replied without hesitation.
“I love you too.”
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st-fandom-imagines · 5 years
Halloween Surprise
Little nonny, thank you so much for this request, I had a lot of fun writing it and I feel like I could totally seeing something like this happening! I'm sorry it got so long, anyway I hope you like it and I hope I made your vision come to life. The prompt list is here if you need it to send requests!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Request- anonymous asked: You’re so great at writing!!! Can you do Steve x Reader 23, 30, 41, 68. I know it’s a lot but I thought they all fit the idea well but don’t worry if you can’t fit them all!! I’m picturing a Halloween party for the kids and Steve lost a bet to Robin so he has to actually dress up (maybe Dracula or Frankenstein some classic nerdy monster) and he’s screwed because Robin also invited his new crush to the party. (Female Reader is sweet and girly, you can pick her costume!) 23- “I immediately regret this decision.” 30- “Is that blood?” 41- “I’m not drunk enough for this.” 68- “This isn’t what it looks like.” ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ *Steve’s Point Of View* “I bet you can’t ask (Y/N) out next time you talk to her.” Robin dared me as as watched (Y/N) put the returned movies back on the shelf, putting them all in the correct spots. “Okay, you’re on. What’s the wager?” I asked Robin, believing in myself that I could ask the girl that I have been slowly falling for ever since she set foot into Family Video. “You win, I’ll find out if she likes you or not, that way you can talk to her with no fear of rejection.” Robin promised making me sigh knowing that if that was the pay off then the downside would be horrible. “You loose and I get to pick what your costume is for the Halloween party.” She smirked making me scoff, that was it? If I loose than a couple of kids get to see me dressed like a dork for a night? “Deal.” I confirmed, Robin and I shaking on it, just before (Y/N) walked over to us with an empty box. “So what’s next?” She smiled, looking at Robin for her next task and I just studied her, her smile, how sweet she was even to the rude people that came in here, a trait that I wish I had. “We were actually just talking about what our plans for the weekend, what are you up to this weekend (Y/N), got a hot date?” Robin asked making (Y/N) shake her head back and forth with a slight blush on her cheeks. “No, nothing like that. I think I’m just going to stay home, maybe watch a movie on Halloween. What about you guys?” She asked, her eyes locking with mine, making me clear my throat and ran a hand through my hair. “Yeah, hum, just gunna, uh, hand out candy…and well read?” I hated my answer as soon as it came out of my mouth, read? Really Harrington, idiot. I mentally punched myself as (Y/N) nodded with surprised eyebrows. “Didn’t know that you read, at least not unless you had to, good to know.” She smiled, trying to make my dumb answer have a reason behind it, god why does she make me so nervous? “I actually need some help with putting together some new displays, and I wanted to run something by you anyway, follow me?” Robin asked (Y/N) making her nod and shoot me a small smile and wave as she followed Robin to the back room. I threw my head back in defeat, as Robin walked backwards and mouthed “loser” to me with a big smile on her face. Wow I really messed that one up, now I can only wonder what costume Robin had in store for me. ** “I immediately regret this decision!” I yelled as I stood in my bathroom, Robin waiting for me in my room, to come out in costume. The kids asked me to hold a Halloween party for them seeing as they thought they were too old for Trick or Treating and I couldn’t say no, not after what we all went through this summer and last Halloween. Robin showed up to the party as a Russian soldier, a inside joke with the group, and as I dug deeper in this box for my costume I couldn’t help but groan at each piece that I was pulling out. Fake teeth, fake blood, a giant cape, hair gel?! Oh I was going to kill her. “Hair gel, Robin?! You want me to kill my hair as well as my Halloween?” I asked her through the door as I began getting dressed into my costume. “Dracula is classic, a ladies man, and he has an awesome cape. I went easy on you, dingus, just change and stop complaining, you lost.” She ranted making me nod even though she couldn’t see me, all I had to say was thank god (Y/N) wasn’t going to see me. ** I was finishing putting out the snacks for the kids, putting some drinks in the fridge for Robin and I as the doorbell rang. “Oh, I’ll get it! I invited someone, I hope you guys don’t mind.” Robin jumped up from the couch, telling all the kids, making me look up out of pure confusion. All the kids were here, Nancy and Jonathan were on a date so it wouldn’t be them and all the kids parents were happy that they were out of their hair for a night. Besides, Robin was only friends with me and (Y/N)… shit, (Y/N). As the door opened, I saw (Y/N) walk in, El and Max running over to her to hug her, Dustin looking back at me, knowing about my crush on (Y/N). She was dressed as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, a movie I use to watch a lot as kid. She looked amazing, her hair in two braids, her blue and white checkerboard dress, her ruby red heels, she even brought her family dog in a little basket, it’s like she walked right out of the movie. I turned around and put my forehead on the fridge. “I’m not drunk enough for this.” I mumbled, opening a beer, taking swig before Dustin walked over to me in his Marty McFly costume from Back to the Future. “You are so screwed.” He commented making me look down at him. “Yeah, no shit. If (Y/N) didn’t like me before Dracula, she certainly won’t like me now.” I grunted taking another sip of my beer. Robin set me up, she knew I would take the bet if she left out one detail of (Y/N) coming to the party. I just sighed as I looked at (Y/N) with all the kids, hugging each of them, letting the girls play with the puppy while she complimented the boys costumes. She looked up between talking to Lucas and Mike, locking eyes with mine. “Shit, go back over there.” I pushed Dustin back towards the living room, as (Y/N) walked my way, her heels clicking on the tile. “Nice costume, Dustin. I love that movie.” She smiled making Dustin nod his head towards me. “So does Steve, he helped me with the costume.” He proudly stated, making me smile at him trying to earn me some cool points back. Her smile lit up a room, her personality making me weak the knees. She wasn’t like every other girl, I wanted to keep her safe, to hold her, to have conversations with her, deep ones, I wanted to know everything about her. “Is that blood?” (Y/N) panicked once she reached me, and I both nodded and shook my head no at the same time. “It’s fake blood, so yes, it’s blood but it’s not real.” I explained making her nod and let out a breath. She looked me up and down before smiling at me, making my heart race. “Dracula, huh?” She perked making me nod while taking another sip of my beer. She was about to say something else but I cut her off. “I think the kids wanted to watch a movie, maybe order some pizza, want to help me pick the movie? They always fight on what to watch so I just end up picking.” I offered making her nod with a big smile, more than eager to help me. That was the first time I didn’t sound like a complete idiot while talking to her, maybe this beer was helping me, or maybe Robin planned this all along. ** (Y/N) and I ended up picking E.T., a movie that wasn’t going to freak the kids out but was still entertaining enough that they would get bored. As (Y/N) and I sat next to each other on the couch, I couldn’t help but graze my hand against hers, it was taking every thing that I had not to intertwine our fingers. The doorbell rang, startling us all, (Y/N) getting up from the couch to get the door. “El want to help me?” She asked the girl sitting in front of her, El and (Y/N)’s relationship was a lot like mine and Dustin’s and that just made me fall for her more seeing how she was with her. Once El thanked the pizza guy and they carried it all inside, I saw Robin follow the pair into the kitchen, my curiosity peaked at the trio I got up from the couch to see if they needed any help. *(Y/N)’s Point Of View* When Robin asked if I wanted to go to Steve's Halloween party, I was hesitant at first. I liked Steve, a lot but he didn't seem to like me too much which is his choice, but I didn't want to make things awkward. Robin assured me that Steve wanted me to come so I agreed, not having set plans for that night anyway. I used a costume that my mom had made and wore when I was younger while I dressed up as the good witch, I remembered how much I loved her costume and thought it would fit me, perfect enough, it did. The whole day, I was excited, excited to see Steve and all the kids in costumes, excited to have a fun Halloween. When I got to the house, the kids all welcomed me with warm smiles and hugs, Max and El especially. Steve was quiet, a little distant but what's new with him? I thought him asking me help him pick a movie was a good start but the whole time while we were watching, he didn't do or say anything. So when the pizza got there I knew I could get away from the confusing mess that this party was. I asked El to help me because she was my little side kick, my partner in crime and Robin must have followed us into the kitchen. "He didn't want me here, Robin. He has barely said two words to me." I whispered, not wanting anyone to hear what I was saying. El held my hand as she saw me begin to tear up. "Friends don't lie." El said looking at Robin making me cock an eyebrow, what was she talking about, what was Robin lying about? "Okay before you freak out, Steve and I made a bet that if he could ask you out, I would find out if you liked him or not, if he couldn't then I got to pick his Halloween costume, I just didn't tell him that I invited you to the party because I know if I did he just would have spazzed out more. This isn't what it looks like, he likes you, he just doesn't know how to talk to you without being a puddle of a human being" Robin confessed making Steve clear his throat from the doorway, making me turn around to dry my tears, hoping that he didn't see them. "Talk to him." El said before letting go of my hand and walking out of the kitchen, taking Robin with her. I took a breath before turning around to see Steve leaning against the door frame. I didn't say anything, I just started to plate some of the pizza for the kids. When I went to grab another slice, I felt Steve's hand on mine and I looked up, our eyes meeting. "Why were you crying?" He asked softly making me shrug and sniffle. "Robin asked me here under false pretenses." I responded and he just sighed, taking the pizza out of my other hand and turning me towards him. "I do want you here, I just didn't want you to see me dressed like this. I was excited to see you walk through that door, looking beautiful like always, I just didn't know you were coming, let alone that you came because you thought I liked you, which I do, I just- you make me nervous, you are smart and sweet and the prettiest girl I have ever seen and you deserve better than me." Steve poured his heart taking me by surprise. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation, he scoffed as I laughed, and I started shaking my head, trying to make him understand that I wasn't laughing at him. "I'm sorry, I just- we both like each other but we were both too scared to say anything but when we did, you are dressed Dracula." I giggled out causing Steve roll his eyes and taking his fake fangs out, making him look a lot more like himself. "I love your smile, your laugh, everything about you." He swore, cupping the side of my face, making me smile even harder. "Just shut up and kiss me, Steve." I wished and he smiled before connecting our lips at my request, this was certainly not the Halloween I was expecting.
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urdearestmom · 6 years
long distance (mileven week)
February 1990, Hawkins, IN
Jane “El” Hopper is the last one out of the library tonight. At first, Marissa had been reluctant to give her the job given she was Hopper’s kid and Marissa didn’t exactly have the highest opinion of the town’s chief, but she took a chance and El is quickly proving herself worthy. She loves being in the library, surrounded by words. She didn’t have them for so long that being somewhere full of words is still a wondrous thing. It probably always will be.
Anyhow, she’s got to lock up before she heads home for dinner, and even though it’s only just after six o’clock, it’s already dark out. It’s as cold as a Midwestern winter usually is, which is to say very cold. El wonders if it’s as cold where Mike is.
She almost drops her keys in the snow as she goes to open the Blazer she’d inherited from Hopper after the station bought a new one (Hopper had helped her repaint it a nice blue so she didn’t have to drive around in a truck with “HAWKINS POLICE” emblazoned across the sides), but she fumbles and catches them. The radio’s playing that one Phil Collins song as she pulls away from the library in the direction of her house.
Hopper’s not coming home until late, El knows he isn’t, but it doesn’t help to make her feel less lonely when she pulls up outside the dark house. It really sucks not having any of her friends in town. They’ve all spread out across the country: Max went back to San Diego, Will and Dustin to New York, Lucas to Seattle, and Mike to Connecticut. God, did it really have to be so far? Sometimes the only thing that keeps her from plunging into “the depths of despair”, as Dustin used to call it, is the fact that she’s going to see him soon.
Max and Lucas are the farthest away, but El has a totally different relationship with them than she does with Mike. Her need to see them and be with them is so much less pressing. That’s why, with Hopper’s help planning, El’s been saving money to take a trip to Connecticut. The thing is, Mike doesn’t know about it. And although it’s very hard to keep a secret from him, El promised herself she wouldn’t give it away.
She’s about to start washing dishes when the phone rings, and she knows exactly who it is. Mike always calls around this time. They usually only speak over the phone once a week because long distance calls are expensive, and even though El could just talk to her boyfriend over the psychic link she can create, she doesn’t like doing that. It’s draining.
They mostly send each other letters but Mike insists he’ll go insane if he can’t listen to her voice, so he calls once every Wednesday.
El keeps the cordless phone Hopper bought recently hovering by her ear as she starts to wash her plate.
“Hey, El.”
“Hi, Mike.”
“What are you doing?”
El sighs. “Washing dishes. I’m home alone tonight.”
“That sucks. Hopper’s late again?”
“It’s winter. Lots of accidents.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Mike agrees. “I miss you,” he adds somberly.
El scrubs harshly at a stain on the plate. “Me too. I’m lonely all the time.”
“Valentine’s is next week. I wish I could be there with you, it’ll be our first one we haven’t spent together.”
Mike sounds upset, and it’s this kind of thing that makes El just want to spill her secret surprise plans. She’s going to get there on Valentine’s Day, which is the Wednesday, but she’s got to leave on the Friday because Yale only allows guests for three days.
Which is better than nothing, El supposes, but she wishes it didn’t have to be like this at all.
She hears another voice in the background ask an unintelligible question, to which Mike responds, “My girlfriend, dumbass. I call her every week, you should know this by now.”
The voice laughs and says something else. Mike sighs. “I am so done with you. Can you believe my roommate still doesn’t think you’re real, El?”
El snorts. “You’re on the phone with me, how am I not real?”
“I mean he doesn’t believe the person I’m talking to is my girlfriend. He doesn’t think I could get one. Lack of faith, if you ask me!” He says the last part louder, clearly directed at the other person in the room with him.
El wants to laugh. He’ll be proven wrong next week. “Mike, I think we gotta go. Long distance, remember?”
“Right, right,” he says. “I just posted my letter this afternoon, so hopefully you’ll get it soon. I love you.”
“Love you too. Have a good night.”
There’s a click and Mike is gone. El sighs again and focuses on her dishes. Long distance sucks.
Wednesday morning dawns bright and early. It’s Valentine’s Day and there’ve been paper hearts and lovey-dovey shit stuck everywhere in the buildings on campus for the last few days. They make Mike feel like a middle schooler with no one to be his Valentine again. The only person he’d want to be his Valentine anyway is about 850 miles away, so he’s kind of screwed on that front. He just really misses her. He saw El at Christmas, but it’s been way too long already. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to survive the rest of college with her so far away.
His roommate, Eric, wakes him with a pillow to the face, poking fun at him for not having anyone to go to the off-campus party with later. Mike wasn’t going to go anyway, considering it’s Wednesday, but whatever.  
“Where’s your girlfriend now, huh Wheeler?” He teases.
Mike almost wants to punch him in the face. Today’s already going to be shitty, he doesn’t need this. “I told you she’s at home. Can you stop?”
Eric grins. “What was her name again? Eleven?”
Mike groans. “Yes, but she doesn’t like it. We don’t call her that.”
“You totally made that up! Who the fuck names their kid Eleven?” Eric has sat down on his bed again, kicking his feet up into the air.
“It’s a long story that I’m never going to tell you.”
“Yeah, because it doesn’t exist!”
Mike turns over and buries his face in his pillow. “Eric, I swear to god. Just because I only have, like, one picture of her doesn’t mean she’s fake.”
Eric snorts. “The girl’s obviously real, I just don’t think she’s your girlfriend. Girls like that don’t date guys like you, man.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence. Can you leave me alone now?”
“You probably write those letters to yourself, don’t you?”
“Why would I go to all the effort of doing that just to convince you that I have a girlfriend? I don’t care that much about your opinion, you know,” Mike retorts, turning his head to allow himself to breathe and glare at his roommate.
Eric was an okay guy at the beginning of first semester, but Mike had quickly gotten tired of being teased about his apparent singleness. Eric absolutely refused to believe that his nerdy roommate (who also wasn’t exactly conventionally attractive) could possibly be dating someone. Even after being shown the picture of her that Mike always kept in his wallet, and being witness to phone calls between them on more than one occasion, and seeing Mike writing letters, Eric could not and would not be convinced that El was really Mike’s girlfriend.
Mike thinks it might be because the fact that they’ve been dating since they were thirteen is kind of surreal, even to him sometimes. Especially to someone like Eric, who goes through girls like nobody’s business. Mike has seen him “date” five girls since they started school in September.
Eric narrows his eyes. “I wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve seen people do the weirdest shit just because they’re embarrassed about something. You know, I haven’t wanted to say this, but I suspected it from the beginning. You just don’t want to admit you came to college a virgin, right? ‘Cause I’d be embarrassed if I were you.”
And he’s crossed the line. “Eric,” Mike says, finally sitting up, looking crazed with his hair sticking up every which way, “I literally could not give less of a fuck what you think about my virginity. It’s not any of your business, nor is it anyone else’s.”
Eric’s still looking at Mike as he gets out of bed. He shoves on the first shirt he sees and aggressively pulls on a pair of socks, not changing out of his pyjama pants. He only has one class today anyway, and he’ll have time to come back and change before he goes to work.
“Listen, man, I’m sorry if that offended you, I just think you might be going a little too far with this whole charade,” says Eric quickly. And wow, Mike just loves when Eric pretends to be concerned about him. He can’t fucking wait for next year so he can get a new roommate who is hopefully better than this one.
He can feel the anger rising and has to take several deep breaths in order to not blow up. Come on, Mike, you’re better than this… Mike grabs his key and shoves it in his backpack along with his wallet and the binder he needs for his class before rounding on the meathead behind him. “At least I’m not going around messing with girls the way you do. That’s what’s going too far. You treat them like shit and then you just dump them like they’re nothing. They’re people, asshole, and so am I. Watch what you say.”
He wrenches the door open and, noting that there’s no one currently in the hall, turns back to his dumbass roommate. “And for the record, not that it matters, but I’m not a virgin. Thanks for the concern, though.”
Mike makes sure to close the door as threateningly as he can without slamming it too hard. That ought to get the message through.
El decides that if she ever does this again, she’s flying. Driving from Hawkins to New Haven has been so tiring it’s ridiculous. The trip itself takes about thirteen hours, but she stopped every three for breaks, so she’s actually been on the road for closer to about fifteen hours and she’s hated every minute of it since hour four. She left at five in the morning, six in the time zone Connecticut is in, and it’s nearing nine at night. The sole thing that has kept her going all day is that at the end of it all, she’s going to get to surprise Mike.
El knows he works at a bookstore on campus, so she’s going straight there, hoping to arrive before he locks up and leaves. The store closes at nine, after all. But there’s traffic.
After much deliberation and the passage of the nine o’clock hour, El changes course and heads to the residence buildings instead. She doesn’t know which one Mike lives in, or what floor, or which room, but she has something almost like an inner compass that always leads her to him. He’s the magnetic north to her Earth. God, we’re such nerds.
It’s like an actual game of hot and cold, but instead of hot and cold it’s more of a pull. The pull is stronger when she’s close to Mike and weaker the further away she is, but it’s always there if she chooses to pay attention to it. They discovered it playing hide and seek when they were fourteen and have occasionally made use of it since, like now. El follows the pull to an old-looking building and sits inside the Blazer contemplating it before killing the engine.
Inside is much warmer, the yellow lighting casting a cozy glow over the stairwell. There’s a door on the other side leading to the ground floor, but El’s instincts are telling her upstairs is the right way to go. She stops in the third-floor hallway for a second before going left. A door opens and shuts behind her and she hears footsteps make their way to the main door and disappear down the stairs.
Two doors down from the end of the hall, El comes across a door with the names Eric & Mike written on the chalkboard hanging on it and she knows it’s the right one. She can hear muffled voices from inside, but she’s too excited to wait for them to stop talking. The door swings open almost immediately after she knocks, revealing a young man who is decidedly not El’s boyfriend. This must be Eric.
He gives her a sleazy grin. “Hello, pretty lady,” he says, raising an eyebrow in what El’s sure he thinks is an attractive way. In all honesty, it probably would be if El wasn’t strictly Mike-sexual. “What brings you here?”
El doesn’t have time to respond before she hears the most beautiful voice in the world speak instead. “Can you take her to the party with you? Don’t stay here.”
Even when his words are sharp, Mike’s voice is calming. It washes over her like a warm bath, steadying her nerves. She still has a hard time speaking to people she’s not familiar with. El just wishes Mike had already seen her standing there, but he’s rooting around in the closet space by his bed.
She clears her throat lightly and smiles. “I’m actually looking for my boyfriend,” she says, and she sees Mike pause.
Eric shoots a look at his roommate. “You won’t find him here,” he answers, followed by a derisive snort.
El smiles again. “I think I might. Mike?”
At this, Mike removes his head from his closet and turns around, and the look on his face is priceless. He looks so shocked that El almost wants to laugh at him, but she’s also so happy to see him herself that all she can do is allow her face to mold itself into an ear-splitting grin.
“El?” And it’s almost like that night all over again, except without the overwhelming stress of the situation they’d all been in the time. But all the same, El can feel tears build in her eyes and spill down her cheeks as the stupidly huge amount of love she feels for this boy threatens to have her implode on the spot.
She laughs wetly and holds her arms out. “Surprise?”
“Oh my god,” he says, tripping over himself to get to her. When he does, he envelops her in a hug so tight she almost can’t breathe. “I can’t believe you’re here!”
El wraps her arms around Mike just below his shoulders and buries her face in his chest, inhaling the familiar scent of the detergent his mom uses (that he’s taken the habit of using as well to college with him). It’s the most wonderful feeling in the world to have him close and be able to hug him like this. Hearing his voice over 850 miles of cables and hearing it in person are two very different things.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” Mike asks breathlessly, pulling out of the hug but keeping his hands on her waist. They’re in their own world now, Eric forgotten in the corner.
“I wanted to surprise you for Valentine’s Day,” El replies, and she smiles.
Mike moves his hands to cup her face before he kisses her, and she’s melting. She hasn’t kissed him in two months and it’s like a thirsty man finding water in the desert. She needs this. She needs to be able to touch him and feel that he’s there, to know that he will be there when she needs him, just like she wants to be there when he needs her. That’s what their relationship has been since day one; being there for each other is the basis of how they care for one another.
El pulls away when she’s out of breath, her lips aching to be back against Mike’s, but she remembers that someone else is in the room. Eric is standing awkwardly behind Mike with wide eyes.
El smirks. “Do you believe him yet?”
Eric’s mouth works but words don’t come out. Must be quite a shock, then.
Mike wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her into the room, falling back onto his bed with a thump. “You can leave now, Eric. Have fun at the party,” he says, and then he does a sarcastic little wave and Eric quickly walks out the door, shutting it behind him.
A sigh escapes Mike. “Fuck him, ugh,” he remarks. “This morning he accused me of making you up because I didn’t want to admit that I’m a virgin. Which I haven’t even been in like, over a year, but okay, I guess.”
El wrinkles her nose and cuddles up to Mike’s side. “Why does it matter?”
“It doesn’t, Eric’s just a fuckwad who doesn’t understand when things don’t go the way he thinks they should.”
Mike leaves a feather-light kiss on the tip of El’s nose and smiles lovingly when he looks at her again. “I still can’t believe you’re actually here. How long are you staying?”
A yawn forces its way out of her. “Friday, ‘cause you said if I ever visited it could only be three days. My stuff is in the Blazer, I was trying to get to the bookstore before you finished work but there was traffic so I just came here instead.”
“Well,” says Mike, a yawn escaping him as well, “I need to go take a shower, but you can just stay here, you’re probably dead tired.”
El nods. “Driving all day.”
He kisses her again, more intimate than by the door because Eric had still been in the room, but still just so simple and beautifully amazing that El can’t help but sigh and chase after his face with her own when he moves away. She doesn’t catch him, though, because he gets up.
“Where’re your keys?” Mike asks. “I’ll go out to the truck and get your stuff when I’m done showering.”
“Here,” she answers, pulling them out of her back pocket and throwing them for him to catch as she sits up and removes her coat.
“Okay,” says Mike, sweeping his stuff and her keys into a towel and wrapping it all up, “I’ll be back soon. You can go to sleep.”
He’s about to go into the hall when El calls him back.
“...can I just have one more kiss?”
Mike rolls his eyes but walks back over to her and grants her wish. The press of his warm and familiar lips against her own is gratifying after so long without it. “I love you so much,” he says. “But I need to shower and you need to sleep.”
El pouts. “Okay.”
Mike frowns. “Don’t give me that face, it’s making me want to kiss you more.”
She grins. “I’m not complaining.”
He rolls his eyes again. “Of course not. Go to sleep. ”
“Fine, dad.”
El lies down and tucks herself under the covers of his bed, watching as he waits to make sure she’s alright before flipping the light switch and heading out.
“I love you,” she whispers through the dark.
“I love you too,” Mike whispers back.
“Love you more.”
“Oh my god, El, not this again!”
“But it’s true!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“We love each other equally!”
“Do we, though?”
“You know what? This isn’t happening. Good night.”
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themikewheelers · 5 years
I didn't start watching the show until after season 2 was released, so I'm wondering, how accurate did the fan theories about season 2 end up being? Was there any major theory that ended up being totally off-base, or did people manage to guess what would happen pretty accurately?
There were a LOT of wild theories tbh. There were some rlly good ones too. I remember a rlly popular one was that after someone leaked some set pictures of Millie filming the scene where El gets off the bus in Chicago, a lot of ppl started theorizing that Eleven was hiding out there with some friends Hopper had there or smth (Now we know that “the city” Hop used to live in was New York, but we didn’t know that pre-s2 so ppl figured it might be Chicago and he had an old apartment there or smth). There were also a LOT of theories centered around the tunnels, bc that was some of the only plot hints we had going in to the season. People caught on pretty quickly after the trailer came out that the drawings in the Byers house were a map of the tunnels, and stuff spiraled from there. I remember one theory I personally believed was that the tunnels were what Will used in the Upside Down to get around and hide from the Demogorgon. Another big theory was that the red cloud that the Mind Flayer appeared in in Will’s visions was going to be an actual physical storm coming to Hawkins, which came p much from the few shots of it in trailers alongside the fact that the show originally released some fake episode titles when they announced s2, and one of them was “The Storm”. The old title for “The Lost Sister” was actually “The Lost Brother” and a LOT of theories came from that, ranging from pretty accurate like it being another experiment, to completely off base, like one I remember was it being about a 4th Wheeler sibling (Mike’s twin) who died (p much just came from the fact that Mike has a bunk bed). OH and if you remember the DnD scene at the end of season 1, aka everything with the proud princess, the lost knight, and the weird flowers in the cave? Everyone was CONVINCED those were supposed to be clues for season 2. Literally 99% of s2 theories mentioned those 3 things, and in the end they were complete red herrings. I’m still bitter about that, and if u ask any blog who was here pre-s2, chances are they are too. A lot of theories also came from Dragon’s Lair, as the Duffers hinted a lot that there would be symbolism in the game. Now we know that “symbolism” was rlly nothing more than foreshadowing that Lucas would end up with Max and not Dustin (”Princess Daphne is still mine!”) but for a long time we thought it was PLOT foreshadowing. And lemme tell you anon, I personally did SO MUCH research on that game and watched the gameplay so many times making theories. The plot of the game is about a knight rescuing a missing princess from a dragon, and a lot of us thought that was going to foreshadowing for Mike saving El from whatever was the reason she was still missing. For a LONG time ppl thought El was going to be in the Upside Down for a full year. If you read any pre-s2 fics, there’s a good chance that’s going to be referenced, bc for so long we didn’t have ANY clue where she could be so we just assumed she was stuck in the Upside Down as a default. It wasn’t until a year after the show came out that it was confirmed she’d been out of the Upside Down since the beginning. So yeah for a long time there were a LOT of theories about the kids doing a rescue mission to the Upside Down. Another theory that came from Dragon’s Lair was that Dustin was going to die, bc his character dies in Dragon’s Lair and people thought that would be similar foreshadowing to how in s1 Will’s DnD character was taken by the Demogorgon, then that’s what happened in real life. Speaking of character deaths, a LOT of people thought Steve or Hopper were gonna die. There wasn’t rlly explanation behind it, but everyone kinda agreed, their character arcs as of the end of s1 were set up well if the show wanted to kill one of them off. Another big plot theory that I remember was that the Upside Down would be spreading to the real world, bc the tag line for season 2 was “The World Is Turning Upside Down” and people connected it back to Mr Clarke’s line about how the gate could swallow everyone up whole. That theory KINDA became true and the gate was spreading in s2, but it wasn’t the plot of the season or anything, and it wasn’t near as serious in reality as people theorized it to be. There were a also LOT of theories about Will too, and a lot of them were some variation of Will having powers. Oh and since one of the episode titles is “The Spy” there were a lot of theories about who the spy was, the most common ones I remember were Max, Billy, Bob, and Hopper. The first 3 bc they were the newbies (no pun intended on Bob’s end) and Hopper bc we kinda knew he had some connection going on with the lab, but didn’t know the nature or what was going on or anything. OHMYGOD and how could I forget the Thessalhydra. The FREAKING Thessalhydra. Another DnD related theory that I spent HOURS of my life dedicated to researching only for it to amount to NOTHING. The Thessalhydra is another DnD monster, and it was also mentioned in the campaign at the end of season 1, and everyone was convinced that would be the new monster from s2. There weren’t a lot of theories about the Mind Flayer going into season 2 just because we didn’t know enough to even have theories, but almost every theory that did exist assumed that the shadow monster was the Thessalhydra coming to Hawkins following the Demogorgons defeat. Another one I remember is since we got shots of Joyce, Hop, and Bob wearing scrubs in the trailer, people thought they were going undercover in a hospital to either 1) kidnap Will out of it or 2) steal medical files.
As for theories that were accurate, there was a surprising lot. Honestly in reality a LOT of stuff that happened in season 2 was stuff ppl either theorized about, but their theories went WAY more in depth & went beyond what actually happened, or it was smth ppl figured was too obvious to be true. So honestly in the end we definitely OVER-theorized a lot for s2. El and Hop was one of them. Hopper hiding El in a secret cabin in the woods was one of those things that everybody in the fandom thought about, but most of us thought it was too predictable to be true (especially because one of those original episode titles was literally “The Secret Cabin”). Everyone pretty much assumed that Dustin’s pollywog was really the slug Will threw up, and there were even a lot of theories about it being a baby Demogorgon (though I don’t think ANYONE anticipated the demodogs). Or like I mentioned before, a lot of theories about El going to Chicago, but none of them were even CLOSE to what really happened. Kali’s original name in the show was Roman, and they kept her SUPER secretive. When the final trailer of the show came out, they included a shot of the gang wearing masks, and I remember someone was able to figure out that one of them was Roman/Kali, and that’s rlly all we knew about her going in. I actually remember someone sent me an ask back then thinking that the girl next to her might be El in a mask too, and I specifically remember looking at that picture thinking “Nah that’s not her” bc I mean, no one expected anything like episode 7. They had announced there was going to be an independent episode, and I remember our theories ranged everywhere from a musical episode to flashbacks of the year between 1 and 2 to a whole episode dedicated to Terry and MKUltra. But at no point did anyone come even close to figuring out the truth. There’s a lot of smaller details ppl anticipated too, like the Stancy breakup or Bob’s death, and even a good chunk of the plot honestly, even if no one rlly theorized the exacts, the whole kinda premise and concepts we had brought up a lot before and we had loosely figured it out. But there was also so much stuff no one ever thought of before, like the Demodogs or everything with ep7 or the lab shutting down or Will getting possessed.
All in all honestly we did a pretty good job. Everything we COULD figure out based on the information we had we did for the most part, to the point where honestly this time around the show is being WAY more secretive in s3 because they don’t want us to figure stuff out again. Like I said before, honestly we over-theorized, we took all the information we had and definitely overthought everything a LOT and ended up going a lot more intense with it than what ultimately happened in the show lmao
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heartshapedcowboy · 6 years
we’ll be okay (jim + joyce)
word count: 2.2k
a/n: another idea that came out of nowhere! ❤️️ please let me know what you think!
warning: mentions of miscarriage and losing a child, implied stoncy, angst ?
Joyce untangled her limbs from the sheets as she rose from her bed, her feet landing on the carpet.
It was getting to be around that time of year again, when things simultaneously slowed down and sped up; nights were getting darker and days were getting shorter. 
The chill of early mornings had a stronger bite than a month ago, Joyce thought, quietly shutting the door behind her as she stepped outside.
Her toes grew numb and her fingers itched for a cigarette as she walked further onto the creaking wood.
She had quit again, this time cold turkey, about six months ago right around when she found out about. . . no. Refusing to think about it, she focused instead on the view in front of her.
Fog floated on top of the still water, moving ever so often and calming her mind but her subconscious still wandered.
So like habit, she thought about Will. The living, real life nightmares had seemed like forever ago. But it had only been a year. A year since he was tormented and possessed; two years since he vanished.
She admired, even looked up to-which was something she actually had to do now-her youngest son so much. He'd been through hell and back, and then back through one more time. 
Even after everything he went through, and things he still was going through, he still smiled and expressed joy like any sixteen year old would. He found something to be happy for every day he was granted to live and be free.
Joyce's family kept being her rock. When she didn't recognize that she was falling apart, they took her hands, guided her back up and put her back together. They did it every day, without fail. There was nothing more important to her than family; especially hers. Her family was her everything.
The floorboards creaked behind her, giving notice of someone creeping up on her. "Hon, you're going to get sick standing out here barefoot."
She turned around, a sweet smile that turned teasing when she looked at his feet, also bare. "And what about you, huh?"
"I always worry about you before I worry about myself, Joyce. Can't help it. It's always been that way."
She placed her hands on his chest, carefully stepping on top of his feet. Jim hisses from the chill of her toes. "Jesus."
"Your feet are ice cold, Joyce." She shrugs, and insists, "You complain about that all the time, Hop."
"That's because your feet are always ice cold, Hop." He dances around the impending question in his mind, and wraps his arms around her smaller frame.
"You were thinking about her." He states and Joyce nods. It's not like she needed to answer anyway, he knew her so well. He didn't even have to think about it.
At the time it had been two months since the snowball. He could so easily place himself in that moment if he thought about it hard enough.
He had thought he was going crazy. The unspeakable tension between them was so thick it was hard to swallow. But Jim always cared. Sometimes he thought he cared too much. 
No matter what was said, what was done, or what happened in their past, Jim Hopper always cared about Joyce. And he loved her, by God he was in love with her. Always had been. 
He had thought it over and over. Every time she smiled at him or simply looked up at him with those bambi eyes, the voice yelling at him in the back of his mind-that conspicuously sounded so much like him-seemed to get louder.  
He'd always been a smooth talker. Definitely knew all the right things to say to a lady. With Joyce it just hadn't been that simple. And he knew why. 
He wanted the whole package.
His daughter and her sons sharing smiles over a dinner table, and being able to pull her close in the middle of the night when she rolled too far. Finding out how big a fan of music Will had become and sharing some of his favorite records with him-the both of them sharing more than a couple of the same favorites now.
He wanted it desperately. And there had been very few things that he was desperate for.
But she had stood there, not unassuming at all, and he blanked like an idiot. Staring at her as he held the pie she had just given him in his hands. 
"Its apple, El's favorite." she had said. And that was the thing about Joyce; she cared so much. She cared about her sons, and she cared about his daughter. He could picture it so clearly in his head, seeing Joyce lovingly squeezing her shoulder and helping her with homework. 
If only he could just ask her the damn question, the look in her eyes screaming and pleading to just ask her already. Lord knows that she was tired of wanting and tired of waiting.
"Joyce. Can I take you out? Out on a date?" And it went from there.
Dates and visits at his job, then visits at her job, blushing when he kissed her like they were seventeen again, and alternating when which one of them would pick the kids up from school. El and Will constantly sharing knowing looks and sleepovers every weekend for the kids and for Joyce and Jim.
Life was as sweet as it could be, and got even sweeter when he asked her to marry him while she was washing dishes. Will, Jonathan, and El were all thrilled. 
Jonathan cried when Jim came to him first about proposing and Jon thanked him. His mom deserved to be happy and she deserved to be handled with care. He knew this better than anyone.
Will liked Hopper, always had, and El was his other half. 
He had taught her how to draw, they joined the debate team together-something she became extraordinary at-they had become absolutely inseparable. They were already important like family to each other.
Joyce, Jim, El, Will, and Jonathan blended easily. Like life, their lives, were always supposed to be like this.
It was a small ceremony when they wed, neither of them wanting to wait for each other any longer. Things were perfect, Jim was nicer to Callahan, never left work without leaving a kiss on Flo's cheek and didn't protest when she handed him an apple every now and then.
But all good things must come to an end.
Will and El were buzzing with joy when they found out they were getting a sibling, a little sister to be known. Everyone in the family had already adjusted to having another addition to the household.
Joyce fell hard when they lost Juliet.
Losing a child wasn't a stranger to Jim, but that hadn't meant it hurt any less. One night he had taken one look at the crappy but heartfelt drawing of a baby rabbit, lovingly titled 'baby hop' by El, his chest tightening and he walked right out of the house, sitting down on the porch steps.
After a couple of minutes, small feet walked up behind him and Jane sat beside him, her eyes closed as she leaned on his shoulder and slipped her arm through his. "You're not a black hole, Dad."
She did well to remind him that. She knew he needed to hear it, and she was right.
"She would have had your eyes." Joyce whispers, bringing him back to the present. Jim hummed, shocking himself when he smiled.
"She would have been tiny like you." He mumbled, staring right into her eyes when she pulled away from his chest.
His heart skipped a beat when she smiled, sleep still in her eyes. Rubbing her back, he spoke again, "We better get back inside. Will and El will be up and giggling in no time."
She nodded, whispering a confirmation before, "I love you James Hopper."
"I love you more Joyce Hopper." He thinks, no he knows, he'll never tire of saying that. They head inside, Jim slouching by an inch to duck the frame of the door and headed to the kitchen to cook.
Joyce takes small and soft steps to Will and El's room, and smiles to herself at the quiet laughter behind the door.
"I think he likes you." "I think you're blind, El."
"Knock, knock." Joyce calls, knocking on the door softly and peeking in the room, sleepy wide eyes smiling back at her.
"Good morning. C'mon, up the both of you. Get ready and be at the table for breakfast in 15-30 minutes." Jane is always the first one at the table, and then comes Jonathan - who pecks his mom on the cheek before grabbing a plate and sitting down, nudging El with his elbow.
Joyce sets her plate down on the table, squeezing her shoulder when she asks, "Where's Will?" Jonathan's head still jerks up every single time.
"He's having hair trouble." She says, a mouthful of eggs and eggos combined.
"Mouth closed, El." Jim reminds her, shaking his head slightly and turning the stove down when there's three knocks at the door.
Joyce jogs over to open it, and welcomes Mike and Dustin, both of them now five inches away from the top of the door frame.
Everyone greets each other before, "Where's Will?" Dustin wonders.
"Hair trouble." Jim smiles when Joyce and El answer him at the same time.
Hearing a voice from the supercom across the hall, Will leaves the room and grabs it. "What was that? Over."
Max's voice comes in, shouting, "Open the door! I'll be there in t-minus ten seconds! Over." Will groans, and runs back to the bathroom, smoothing down the left side of his hair.
"I'm not seeing the door open! Over." He sighs, yelling, "El, open the door!" "Okay!" And she opens the door-never leaving her seat as she continues stuffing her face, to which Jim tuts at-right as Max flips her skateboard over the steps, effectively rolling into the house with Lucas trailing behind her, smiling.
"Woah, I thought you'd never get it right." Dustin says, fixing the floor plant right next to the door.
"Morning, Max." Jim interrupts, "please be mindful of the plant next time?"
"Yeah, sorry." She grimaces, "Where's Will?" she asks while looking around. And right when El and Jonathan answer, "Hair", he walks down the hall, pouting until he sees his friends.
Lucas is the first to hug him. "Byers!" he exclaims. "Hey guys." he moans, still pouty about his hair.
Jim hands him a plate before he sits down. "Anyone else hungry?" Max always asks for cereal, this day was not any different.
Laughter and talks of science fairs fill the cozy kitchen, everyone intermingled in one big conversation.
Jim leans down, taking a good look at Will’s hair, touching it tentatively. “It’s got too much product in it, kid.” He perks up, running back to the bathroom, “That’s what it is!”
Then minutes later, the door flies open, Steve walks in and brushes his hair back, "Hey Hoppers, Byers and folks!" He closes the door behind him. Joyce gets to him first, "Morning Steve. Cereal?"
He nods, sitting down in the free spot next to Jonathan, his arm stretching over the back of his chair. "Morning Chief," he pauses to sheepishly scratch behind his ear, "I need a ride to work again today."
"What happened to your ride, kid? You can't hitch a ride with the boss every day. People might start to think I do special favors." Jim raises his eyebrows, taking a large gulp from his cup of coffee.
"No, I know. I'm not trying to. . . it's just that Nance-" Jim interrupts him, "Why is your uniform wrinkled?"
He looks down at himself, and takes a minute before he shrugs, "It's-It's been a very long week."
"Anyways it's fine. We'll be leaving in fifteen." Steve smiles, "I appreciate it, Chief."
"And quit calling me Chief so much, huh?" "Sure thing, Ch- I mean. Hopper. Hop? Jim. . . ? What about dad? Or is it too soon?"
Jim grunts and Jonathan nearly spits out his orange juice. Joyce laughs, long and hard and looks around the room.
El steals one of Will's sausages when he's not looking. Dustin still doesn’t let anyone forget about that line in Aliens. Lucas almost trips over Max's skateboard, and she shares a giggle with El before she apologizes to him with a kiss and everything is good again.
Steve talks to Jonathan about their plans with Nancy for the weekend, and Jim pulls Joyce close to his side as he leans on the counter. There's a ghost of a smile on his clean shaven face as he peers down at her. The noise dimming in the background. 
She has found herself completely in the center of love. It surrounded her, not leaving any cracks or spaces untouched. Mornings like these leave her in awe of her family and all the love emanating from her kids, their friends and dear ones, and her husband.
"What are you thinking about?" He hums, the smell of coffee still lingering on his breath.
She takes a minute to answer, just admiring him, the outside world of no concern to either of them.
"Just . . .how happy I am to be here, in this moment." And she is. She looks around again, not one person missing a beat, and she decides- no, she knows that she'll be okay.
They all will.
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slashersteve · 7 years
Five Tickets (Steve Harrington)
Summary: Steve couldn’t pass up a chance to be able to kiss you, even if there is a price.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Reader
Warnings: a lil innocent smooch and not edited oops
Word Count: 1900+
Note: I’ve started reading a bunch of kissing booth fics and they murdered me so ima write one. Feedback is welcomed! Enjoy :)
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The Hawkins end of the school year fair was just around the corner, and there was already sign ups for the different types of booths looking for volunteers during lunch. 
There were signs for different types of games like pop the balloon, milk can toss, bottle ring, milk bottle toss...the normal games you would find at a carnival or fair mostly. There were going to be many food vendors as well, and they were working on getting at least one ride. If not, there would be a huge dance floor where students could dance all night long, or at least till it closes.
Everyone was invited, but it was mostly just kids and teenagers showed up while their parents had a quiet night at home.
Steve wasn’t interested in going this year, but when he learned that the kids were going to go he felt an urge to go and make sure they stay safe. He couldn’t help, not after everything that happened, somebody needed to keep an eye on them and make they don’t do anything stupid.
But, there was also another reason why he wanted- no needed to go- and that was because you were going to be there. Although, you weren’t going to be there to hang out and have fun, no you were there working at one of the booths, and not a game booth...it was a kissing booth. Yeah, that one booth where you would be kissing other people.
You seemed so excited too when you sat down next to him during lunch on that fateful day. Steve turned to you, about to ask what was making you so excited until he noticed heart-shaped name tag you set down in the middle of them all. It was Nancy, sitting in front of you, who reached out first to grab and examine it.
It took her only a second before she laughed, “(y/n)? You signed up for the kissing booth?” she asked, handing you the name tag back. Steve felt his heart drop suddenly, and the fork of food he held stopped midway to his mouth. You smiled and nodded, eager.
“Yeah! My grade isn’t doing too well- so my teacher said if I volunteered for one of the booths she would give me extra credit,” you explained, “And this one was the only one open,” Steve reached out and took the name tag from you.
“You’re seriously going to kiss random people for extra credit?” Steve asked, fingers tracing your written name. You nodded as if it was nothing.
“It’s just a peck on the lips, if anyone gets too handsy I’m allowed to shove them away and tell on them to get them kicked out,” you replied. Steve still frowned, not liking the idea of other people kissing you, or even getting that close to you. Steve handed you back the nametag, not before noticing Nancy and Jonathan giving each other a knowing look.
Steve ignored them.
It honestly shouldn’t be bothering him this much. It wasn’t like you two were dating or anything, it shouldn’t matter who you kiss or how many people you will be kissing- but he couldn’t help but feel a sting in his heart that you will be kissing a lot of people, and not him.
He’s known you since his sophomore year of high school, and you two instantly hit it off as friends. Although you didn’t hang out much, Steve always knew you were up to talk late at night or to even see a movie with him. And ever since you two banded together to help your brother Dustin with his demodog problem, you two have been much, much closer to the point where you had a sleepover at his house.
Steve liked you, as a friend. At least that’s what he made himself believe. The feeling he had for you was always underlying, and if it surfaced he would quickly push it away. You were his friend, a very close friend, nothing more. 
Then again, when he saw you drunkenly making out with this guy from his math class at a party two weeks ago, he did punch him for taking advantage of you and took you home. You were too drunk to even really remember, and so was the other guy. 
Or another time when you started to spend a lot of time with one of basket ball teammates he got really, really jealous. He never voiced it though, just let it happen thinking it was because he didn’t want a guy like that with you. He never considered the fact that he wanted to be that guy, the one you showed interest in, the one you liked because he really, really liked you.
Everyone else could clearly see it, the way his eyes would linger on you when he’s spaced out, or how he somehow would bring you up in conversation. The way he acted if you were becoming smitten with someone else. Hell, even Dustin, your younger brother could tell that he clearly had a thing for his sibling. 
Everyone except you both of course.
The fair was barely beginning, the moment he entered with the kids was the moment they ran off into one direction, ready to play silly games and win silly stuffed animals.
It didn’t take Steve too long to find Nancy and Jonathan, who were both working at the photo op booth. There were props for each picture like silly hats and sunglasses and things like that. He approached Nancy first, noticing Jonathan inside of the booth working the camera.
“Where are the kids? I thought you were their babysitter again?” Nancy asked with a small smirk. Steve shook his head and smiled.
“They disappeared the moment they got their tickets,” he shrugged, Nancy laughed as she took tickets from other students and sent them into the booth. 
“You know...” Nancy motioned her head towards a booth that was lit up with pink lights, “(y/n) is right over there...they could use your company,” Nancy’s voice trailed off. Steve felt his cheeks heat up as his eyes went to yours.
You stood there, the giant heart name tag on your sweater, and giant smile on your face before you leaned in to peck someone on the lips. Steve felt himself tense up, and his frown deepen.
Nancy noticed and rolled her eyes.
“Go over there, Steve, it’s only 5 tickets,” Steve turned to her with wide eyes.
“What makes you think I want-”
“Oh it’s so obvious- so, so obvious,” she took more tickets from another group of kids, Steve’s jaw dropped slightly and he was about to speak when he was cut of when Mike, Will, Dustin, Max, Lucas, and El showed up, baring tickets.
“Think we get a freebie for a photo?” Dustin asked, while the rest smiled in hopes of Nancy saying yes.Nancy scoffed.
“No- pay up,” she held her hand out and Mike rolled his eyes slightly.
“Just give her the tickets, Dustin,” Mike said, Dustin sighed and handed over his 5 tickets.
 “Thank you!” she set them down in the box and pointed them on their way and turned back to Steve.
“The line is getting pretty long over there,” she said after glancing, “They might go on break soon- so you might lose your chance-” Steve waved his hand.
“Nancy- Nancy- I don’t like (y/n) that way and also- I don’t even have any tickets,” he held out both hands. Nancy scoffed again like he was one of the kids.
“You’re impossible Steve, here just-” she looked around before handing him 5 tickets from the box Dustin just handed to her, “Just do it...”
Steve stared at them for a moment, before his eyes wandered back to you. Ironically, you had already been looking at him, a small smile grew on your lips and you slowly turned away to look at the next person in line. Steve felt something suddenly open up inside of him, and he smiled. 
He looked back to the tickets that she now shook in her hand giving him a ‘I know you want to’ look. Steve let out a laugh, it shouldn’t surprise him how well Nancy knew him. So, he took the tickets, and ran off with a small ‘thanks’.
“Don’t thank me just yet!” Nancy called after before laughing. 
Steve jogged up to the semi-long line, hoping and praying that you wouldn’t be going off your shift the moment he got to you. 
His nerves were acting up like never before. He hadn’t remembered ever truly feeling this nervous about kissing the person he was smitten with, he was usually always so confident, but when it came to you- it was like he couldn’t find it at all. He was surprised he even stayed in line, but god dammit his heart would not stop beating to fast.
The line grew shorter in what felt like hours, and soon, the person before him moved away and there you were. A warm smile on your lips, and a sort of light in your eyes that made Steve frozen in his spot.
His breath hitched as his feet moved toward you, “Hi...”
You smiled nervously.
“Hi...” Steve held up the five tickets, and put them into the jar. When he looked back to you, he suddenly felt this fear that this would somehow ruin your friendship, that he would fall into so much more love with you and you wouldn't feel the same. That thought scared him, but when you reached forward, resting your hand on the back of his neck and beginning to lean in, his worries went away in a second.
Your noses touch and a for a brief second your eyes wandered down to his lips.
Finally, your eyes fluttered shut as your lips touched his, and Steve’s did too. His lips moved against yours in an experience motion. You hummed against him, beginning to move yours too.
It seemed that you both had forgotten that this kissing booth met a peck on the lips and not the deep kiss you and Steve were currently having. You both were too caught up in it to even realize it, Steve especially because wow you were a good kisser.
If it wasn’t for the grumbles from the people coming behind him, and your other kissing booth partner clearing their throat, you might of continued it. You pulled away first, keeping your hand resting on his cheek and small smile on your lips.
Steve was out of breath, and felt like he was floating right now. Your eyes still lingered on one another, and the tension that was just released between you two was completely obvious. 
Your partner rolled their eyes before smirking and crossing their arms, “I think you had enough kissing for today (y/n)...” You turned your head to look at them, cheeks blushing a bright pink.
Steve kept his eyes on you, before you turned to him and said, “I’ll be right back...wait for me...”
And Steve did wait, standing on the side of the booth with a large smile on his lips that he would have after he kissed you every time in the future. His eyes wandered around, landing on Nancy who had two thumbs up. He let out a laugh and waved her off.
You returned, the name tag gone and your cheeks flustered. Steve chuckled, and reached down, entangling your hands together.
“Let’s get out of here,” was all he said when he began to pull you through the large crowd.
Steve reminded himself as you climbed into the passenger seat of his car, that he should really thank Nancy again for letting him borrow those five tickets. Or maybe he should thank Dustin, since they were his tickets.
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maruwrites · 7 years
The Revolution Pt. II
Summary: Dustin thinks he’s finally gonna have a quiet, normal childhood after the events with the Demodogs and Dart, until a new threat shows up at his house in the form of a 17-year old girl.
Word count: 1,892 (whoops)
It’s not like Dustin hadn’t thought about it.
In the List of Things Dustin Henderson Had Dreamt About, having a sibling was very high up, along with holding the high score in all of the games in the arcade (that would prove to be a little more difficult since Max had moved to Hawkins) and piloting the actual Millennium Falcon (downright impossible, unless he settled for pretending to ride the model designed for the movie in a studio somewhere in Hollywood). But having a sibling, yeah. Not too hard, right?
He never really wanted a father. Her mum worked hard for them, was a loving parent and just the right amount of spacey, which gave him some freedom but did not make him feel overlooked. That came in handy when the events of Demodogs took place not long ago. And honestly, he had met Mike’s dad, so he was not impressed. Sure, Lucas’ father was a nice person, but Will’s was just the absolute worst. No, no reason for a kid like Dustin to search for a father figure.
But a sibling, that was something else. He adored Nancy and thought it might be cool to have an older sibling like her, even with all the bickering that went on between Mike and her. And anyways, he could appreciate the bickering. Hell, he wanted it. Okay, maybe not a sister, since Nancy was always yelling at Mike to stay out of her room and Erica kept calling Lucas a nerd and stealing his action figures to play with her dolls. She made them kiss, for Christ’s sake. He-Man was not a kisser.
But a brother, yes. Definitely. Will had a great relationship with his big brother, who adored him and went out of his way to make the kid feel good about himself. Maybe Dustin’s brother would have done the same. Maybe Dustin’s brother would have watched sci-fi movies with him, helped him during a particularly extensive Dungeons & Dragons campaign, put on some nice tunes in the car while they drove to school together. 
He had pictured a cool, older brother. He had definitely not pictured the girl sitting on the reclining chair in front of him, nervously tapping her fingers on the duffle bag sitting atop her lap.
“A SISTER?!” Lucas yelled.
The kids were on the Wheeler’s basement, where they reconvened after a very urgent message from Dustin, who kept calling “Code brown! Code brown!” on the walkie-talkie. Code brown wasn’t as bad as code red, but it still meant “things were turning to shit”, according to him.
Dustin closed his eyes, turned to Lucas exasperated and opened them, their faces a few inches apart. “Buddy, you don’t have to yell. I’m right here.” Lucas rolled his eyes.
“That’s the weirdest thing ever.”
“Dude, that’s the weirdest thing ever?? We fought a Demogorgon last year, his army of Demo-dogs this year, El here can move and break things with her mind – her mind, Lucas –, Will was taken to another dimension and was possessed by a freaking monster, I adopted a goddamn swamp monster, whose face opened up and he ate my cat – and that’s the weirdest thing ever?”
“Ugh, I know right?,” Dustin said, looking defeated and falling on the couch behind him. 
He would be lying if he said he wasn’t appreciating the attention, especially from Max. It’s not that he didn’t know Lucas and her had kissed or whatever, but he still had a crush on her and it made him feel nice that she was invested in his story as much as everyone else. ‘Don’t care,’ he thought, hearing Steve’s voice in his mind. ‘She’s just gonna break your heart and you’re too young for that shit.’
“Half-sister,” she corrected, looking at Lucas. Everyone looked at her with a puzzled face. “She’s not his sister, she’s his half-sister. There’s a difference.”  Mike ignored her and rolled his eyes. “So, now what? Is she gonna live with you? What does she want? Who is she?”
“Here it is…” Claudia lingered as she extended the girl a glass of water.
“(Y/N),” Claudia repeated, sitting down on the couch next to Dustin. The girl had realized two things: one was that she hadn’t introduced herself, which made sense since her mind was going a million miles per hour, anxiety through the roof as it had been for months. And two, was that that was the very first time she heard her mother say her name. Her mother. Who didn’t even know her name. That’s weird, right? Parents are supposed to know their kids’ names. But then again, (Y/N)’s life had always been weird. 
It sounded nice. Until Dustin repeated, in a slightly disgusted voice.
Her mother looked at him, ready to reprimand him, but she backtracked soon enough. This was a shitty situation and he was just a child. The best course of action here, and especially with a kid like Dustin, would be to explain everything thoroughly. Claudia looked at (Y/N), then at her son, turning to him on the sofa. The young girl couldn’t wait a second longer, knowing that she would listen to the story of her own life told through another perspective.
“I… Here’s what happened.” She took a deep breath. “It was a mistake, honey. Your father travelled around a lot for work, he was rarely ever here, even in the beginning of our marriage. I was always alone in this house, and I just really needed to talk someone. This man, he was really sweet and caring. So I made a mistake.”
(Y/N) looked down at her hands. So she was a mistake. ‘Nice, very nice,’ she thought sarcastically. (Y/N) took a deep breath and remembered the words: “Sarcasm is the last refuge of the weak mind”. Well, that’s what she was, right? Weak.
Dustin felt weird. He had never met his father, and his mother rarely talked about him, if ever. This felt like an important moment for him, as he might finally get some answers. 
Claudia kept going.
“I panicked. This was around the time your dad had been in Canada for months, so he would’ve known and I don’t know what he would’ve had done if he had found out. I went through hell in those nine months, trying to hide the pregnancy whenever he came home, which was only for a few days at a time. Your Aunt Sylvia helped me. She helped me conceal my pregnancy and gave up the baby as soon as she was born,” she said, throwing the girl a quick glance.
‘I don’t know what he would’ve had done if he had found out.’ 
That sentence stuck to Dustin’s mind like glue.
“When I had told David, this other man, what was going on, I didn’t think he would be happy, but he was. He was ecstatic. He was in love with me and had always wanted a child. Maybe in his mind, being pregnant with his kid would force me to leave your dad, but I couldn’t. Your aunt and I were convinced that David would’ve made things more complicated, so I lied to him. I told him I had had an abortion. That’s the name of your father, (Y/N). David-”
“I know.” she answered flatly. “I found out he didn’t knew I existed the hard way.” At her sudden unpleasantness, Claudia looked down at her lap, sorrow and sadness taking over her features. (Y/N) felt Dustin’s eyes on her and he looked pissed. 
Damn, (Y/N) had every right to be rude. She had driven all the way to her father’s farm in the middle of nowhere only to have the door slammed on her face. It took weeks until he finally accepted she wasn’t lying, or looking for money, or going crazy. 
But for some reason, having that curly-haired boy angry at her made her feel bad for Claudia.
“When I reached out to him, he was actually… relieved? When he finally realized that I wasn’t lying, I mean.” This was the most (Y/N) had talked. “As much as he’s upset that you lied to him, which he is, he’s more happy that you didn’t go through with the… procedure.”
The look on Claudia’s eyes were indecipherable. (Y/N) thought she saw a spark of hope, a tiny slither of light upon the notion that a man she once loved didn’t really hate her. Her mother offered her a small smile, and that seemed to have satisfied Dustin.
There was a silence, the wheels turning for everyone as they tried to understand everything that had happened. 
Dustin had to face the fact that his father hadn’t been a very nice person, which he had known to some extent. And the fact that his mother was a flawed woman, which was a little harder to comprehend.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry. You got caught up in this mess and you’re only-God, you’re 17-years old, aren’t you? You’re just a kid. How did you find me? How did you end up here?”
“I don’t know. I guess she’s looking for answers, or some dumb shit? She’s staying at this hotel, I think. She’s not gonna live with us. And she’s just a boring, dumb teenager, who cares.” Dustin turned his attention to the top of the stairs, where someone had cleared their throat. Steve was standing there, hands on his hips, an annoyed look on his face.
“I regret ever giving you my number.”
“Where the fuck have you been?” Dustin complained.
“Uh, I was living my life? What’s so urgent, dipshit?”
“The new member of the Henderson family.” Lucas snickered and Dustin glared at him.
“Yeah, Paws, right? I met that stupid cat, he did this.” Steve pointed to a scratch in his left hand, while he approached the gang. “He’s hardly a new member, and this does not constitute an emergency, butthead.”
“No. Dustin’s sister,” El said.
“Half-sister,” Max corrected one more time.
“Oh my God, who cares?” Mike yelled, glaring at the new girl. Lucas came to her defense, Max complained that Mike was still being an asshole, Jane stared at them, confused, and Will just kept rolling his eyes, telling everyone to calm down because none of that was important at the moment. While the heated argument was going on, Steve sat down next to Dustin.
“What, the, hell, Dustin.”
“My mom had a daughter before she had me, and I just found out today because the fucking girl showed up at my house,” he said, annoyed. “See, Steve?! That’s what you get for being late. I specifically called a code brown and you took too fucking long to get here and now-”
“Don’t get fresh with me, dumbass.” Steve interrupted. He rubbed his chin and ran a hand through his hair. “Is this for real? Do you want a ride home? Do you want to talk about it?”
Dustin looked at the screaming gang and then at Steve. He felt tired all of a sudden and just wanted to go home. Perhaps Steve would help him, as he had helped the last time. His advices and words of encouragement had been really cool the last time, maybe he would be able to help Dustin one more time. 
“Yeah, sure.” They both stood up.
“Also, I’m sorry. This definitely constitutes an emergency.”
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