#and given that it's yet ANOTHER stupid ass decision
tiredassmage · 1 year
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something something the best revenge is being the best dressed motherfucker in the room or whatever~
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mamamittens · 1 year
Oh, Sweet Child of Mine (Pt. 1)
Reader-insert & Whitebeard Pirates
Master Post for series.
Warning: (Platonic) yandere behavior, physical injury, blood, and kidnapping. If any of these make you uncomfortable (especially yandere content), you should not read this or any following parts.
Please block the tag "oh sweet child of mine" if you are uninterested in this story and "one piece yandere" if stories like this make you uncomfortable. For everyone else, please do remember that as sweet/touching as this behavior is or can be, it is deeply toxic and troubling in real life. Anyone that treats you with such disregard in terms of your boundaries or respecting your decisions should not be tolerated.
Please stay safe and have fun.
Word Count: 2,880
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Devil fruits in the marines has always been handled a bit oddly. On paper, no low rank has a devil fruit. Because having a devil fruit tends to make even weak humans stronger, even if under highly specific circumstances. But you can’t just promote people because they ate something weird. They have to earn their position. This problem is handily solved by… ignoring the issue entirely.
Strong marines will, eventually, be promoted. So it stood to reason that strong marines with powerful abilities will be promoted even faster.
You were, however, of the opinion that there should be some sort of allowance made for marines that just can’t handle power without it going to their head.
Those people should scrub toilets until they learn at least a bare minimum amount of humility.
Why would you, of all people, have that opinion?
Because you got to watch, in real time, how quickly people given power without earning it lose their damn minds. It was, in fact, your own devil fruit’s power to ‘dial up’ other devil fruits. Just being near you had this effect. No, no one had any idea what your devil fruit was supposed to be called. Apparently, it was one of the few not in any encyclopedia on the subject, so you didn’t even know your own limits by proxy.
If you had the choice to go back in time you would never have eaten that weirdly flat yellow fruit. But you were stupid and hungry and here you were. Babysitting yet another ensign who simply could not handle having stronger powers with any grace.
Ensign Williams had a candle-candle fruit. Basically, a very weak version of the logia fruit flame-flame. His fire would always be weaker, smaller, and easier put out. Until you showed up, wherein he was capable of fairly impressive feats. In fact, it had been a full week and Williams went from being in awe of what he could now accomplish with you by his side to fully up his own ass with his ‘rightful power’. Unfortunately, he was your partner for the time being, so you just had to try and reign in his ass-ness before he burned the town to the ground by accident.
Mostly this involved walking away when he started being a prick to the local townsfolk to remind him that this ‘grand power’ he held was, in fact, only possible with your presence. Trying to physically stop him just got you a bloody nose. So, wounding his ego was the best you could do for everyone involved. Usually, you excused this by a sudden, burning need to pet a dog or cat or sufficiently friendly bird. They, at least, appreciated your presence and efforts.
“I’m going places, you know!” Williams declared in a huff, running up to you as you scratched a dog’s ears. Really ruffling the floppy appendages around as the dog panted and drooled in happiness. “The marines will see that I deserve a promotion soon enough with all the good work I’ve been doing!” You gave him a dry look.
“You depend on your devil fruit too much. What are you going to do when that’s not enough? I won’t always be around, you know.” You reminded him gently, feeding the mutt a milk bone from your pocket as you stood up. “This is the Grand Line. Eventually you’re going to run into a Yonko or something. What then? You think Red-Hair or Big Mom will care about a little fire?”
Williams paled at the suggestion, reality peaking in through his delusion before, with herculean effort, it was pushed back once again.
“And what about you, huh? Your devil fruit is useless for yourself! You’re a weak, useless thing on your own!” Williams sneered. You stared at him, unimpressed.
“That’s what training is for. Which is what I would be doing if I didn’t have to run around with you all the time.” You sighed. The big folks up top wanted to see just how much power you could give a weak devil fruit, likely in preparation to assign you to someone with a devil fruit user actually noteworthy. If there were side effects, they didn’t want an admiral to be the first to face it, after all. Personally, you were hoping for someone like Smoker. Reasonable, experienced, and well known for his skill outside his devil fruit.
Although, you were starting to think this delusional mindset was the side effect. Natural or induced, the people you gave boosts to often had a period of euphoria and increased aggression, narcissism, and short-sightedness. Hard to say since, so far, everyone you’ve been assigned to has been an asshole.
Possibly a marine-specific issue.
“Bring-ring. Ring-ring. Ring-rin—clack!” You answered the bored snail in your pocket.
“Fire Fist Ace has been spotted in your area! You and Ensign Williams are to attempt apprehension. No other Whitebeard Pirates have been spotted but be advised there are likely more—possibly another commander. If you see them, flee on sight.” They hung up immediately before you could even respond. Sighing, you looked up at Williams.
He looked strangely pale before gathering himself, a smug smirk quickly taking over his features.
“Hah! See that? They already know I’m going to accomplish great things. This will be only the beginning of my legacy as a marine!” Williams grabbed you arm and started running down the street, looking around like a madman for ‘Fire Fist’, jostling your glasses hard. They nearly flew off when he spotted a column of fire across town and yanked you with him. “Watch as a real marine works, useless!”
Fire Fist was crouched in the middle of the street, pointing at a stand that had fallen over, his back to the both of you. Whitebeard’s Jolly Roger stark against his tan skin.
“—highway robbery prices, you’re out of your mind if you think I’d pay for something broken!” Fire Fist huffed. While it was true you couldn’t see another pirate with him, it was common knowledge that Whitebeard Pirates rarely travelled alone. Especially a commander.
“You sure you wanna do this—”
“Halt, filthy pirate! Your days of piracy are over!” Williams declared boldly. Briefly, you wondered if maybe your superiors had heard about Williams’ behavior and figured sending him after Fire Fist would be the best reprimand he could get.
Even with your help, Williams was a candle-light at the end of the day. And Fire Fist? Fire Fist was a raging wildfire. You could almost feel the heat of his devil fruit in the back of your head. A faint indication that told you just how strong the devil fruits around you are and helped inform you how much power you were giving just by being around them.
Fire Fist looked back at the two of you with a dry, grumpy expression. Curiosity flickering over his features as he took in how amped up Williams was—and how utterly done you were. Fire flickered over his shoulders as he grinned.
“And what is a couple of ensigns going to do about it?” Fire Fist crowed with a mischievous grin, tipping his gaudy, orange cowboy hat back. Williams’ fire flickered over his body, sparks flying harmlessly over you—a welcome side effect of your devil fruit boosting another thankfully—before charging forward.
Three things happened at once.
Williams charged forward to fight Fire Fist. Letting go of your wrist.
His fire flickered slightly from the loss of direct contact with you.
Fire Fist’s own fire flared up at the sudden, unavoidable boost in power.
Confusion washed over Fire Fist as he instinctively noticed the strange change before he dismissed it, charging towards Williams anyway.
You rolled your eyes, pretty sure Williams would get knocked out quickly and leave you with yet another mess to clean up.
A low wine reached your ears, drawing you gaze away from what was mostly an impressive lightshow as Williams kept throwing fire at a man made of fire.
A fat, white dog panted in the shade. Scraggly white fur otherwise clean despite laying in the dirt. A strange, immaculate crescent shaped moustache curved under his nose.
Obviously, between your partner facing a Yonko Commander and a sad dog, your choice of who deserved your attention was clear.
You kneeled down with a smile, pulling out a dog treat from your pocket.
“Hey, cutie, what are you doing? Trying to cool off a little?” You spoke softly, presenting the treat to the very interested dog. You pulled out a bottle from your other pocket and a bowl—specifically for this actually—as you poured some out for the dog. The dog rolled onto his paws and eagerly drank the water, accepting your gentle affection. “You’re definitely not a stray, but you don’t have a collar either. Where are you from, baby?”
Fire and explosions rocked the area behind you. Not that you cared since the civilians ran the minute Williams and Fire Fist lit up. You scratched the surprisingly soft fur and ran your hand down the dog’s back. They were definitely well cared for, whoever they belonged to. Once they were done drinking water they eagerly wriggled into your lap for affection, licking and nipping at your chin.
“Oof! My, what a cutie you are!” You cheered, playfully ruffling the dog’s ears and booping his wet nose as you avoided the eager kisses.
Williams definitely screamed behind you in panic.
“Help me, you useless—SHIT!”
Without looking you yelled back.
“I thought you were supposed to be a ‘real marine’?” You lowered your voice when the dog whined and kissed his nose as an apology. “Sorry, baby. He’s just been an ass all week and I think he could really learn something today. What could a ‘useless marine’ do anyway, hm? I told him he needs to watch it.” You grumbled softly. The pull of a third devil fruit registering to your senses suddenly.
Having been around Williams all week as he showed off was exhausting. Now actively pulling on your power along with Fire Fist and this new person actively made you want to take a nap.
You had yet to figure out how to lessen your own power or at least focus on only one person, so you simply had to deal with it when actively boosting someone from a distance. Part of you worried that boosting stronger devil fruits was going to be even more exhausting than the weak ones you’ve encountered so far. And you might actually be right about that.
“There you are, Stefan. Oyaji was looking for you.” Someone spoke up above you. You startled, looking up at the stranger.
Open-toed sandals and capris with an open purple shirt exposing defined abs and a purple Whitebeard Jolly Roger. The man looked down at you with amused blue eyes narrowed, blond hair poking out from the top of an extreme undercut.
Marco ‘The Phoenix’.
Welp, that’s definitely your sign to run. Casually. So, he doesn’t suspect anything.
Something told you that your bosses would be pissed if the Whitebeard Pirates got a free power boost by ransoming you. If they gave up the obvious benefits of such a prisoner to begin with.
“Oop. Time to go, baby.” You kissed Stefan’s head and darted away, running directly towards the very explosive fight between Fire Fist and Williams. Snagging the back of his collar as you kept going.
“The Phoenix and Fire Fist are here—we definitely can’t take them both in. Time to go!” You explained as you ran.
“No! I can do it! What do you know, you useless bitch?!” Williams flailed, breaking your grip on his shirt before slamming his fist into your face. Heat and a crunch of bones sent shockwaves of red and blood across your vision, sending you to the ground with a yelp. Your glasses bouncing off from impact and cracking.
“Fuck!” You hissed, clutching your nose as you blindly looked around, tears falling down your cheeks. You could make out an impressive explosion of fire somewhere ahead of you through your tears and poor vision. A wobbly white blob trotting up to your side with a low wine and bark. What was probably Stefan licking your arm and pawing at your side in worry.
Steady footsteps clacked along the paved street, a dark shadow falling before you as fire exploded behind the figure.
“That was quite a hit. You alright?” The Phoenix asked as he lowered down suddenly. Glass scrapped against the ground. Your glasses were gently lowered onto your face, bringing him into focus with a hairline fracture and tears obscuring your vision somewhat.
“’M fine—not the first time he’s done that--!” You gasped as his fingertips brushed over your knuckled grasp on your bloody nose. Blue fire exploded around you as the various aches and pains were swept away in an instant. Dizziness rushed to your head at the sudden relief.
You almost broke contact as The Phoenix cursed his sudden, uncontrollable fire, falling back to the ground. But his hands were faster and firmly grasped your shoulders.
After several, bizarrely euphoric moments of bathing in the healing flame, The Phoenix wrangled his powers back under control with a grimace. Blood still covered your hands and face but the injury, as well as any other injury, was gone. He looked at you in surprise and you could only gape up at him.
Having established physical contact, any boost others experienced was gone in an instant. Your ‘pseudo-immunity’ to devil fruits meant that your body essentially acted like it was your power as well. And that meant you got to enjoy a small taste in what it was like to have a devil fruit like The Phoenix’s for as long as he maintained that contact. It was weirdly heady. Sort of freeing to feel your weakness being eaten away under the healing influence of his devil fruit.
Almost to the point of forgetting that this, quite critically, meant that your under-powered partner was royally fucked.
Williams barely stood a chance if you had held his hand through the fight. Without any assistance against Fire Fist Ace, it wasn’t even a question. As much of an ass as he was, he didn’t deserve to be killed.
Worried, you tried to look around The Phoenix to see what was happening. He clicked his tongue, pulling your chin back to look at him. His eyes were narrowed and suspicious, a strange light in his eyes as he gave you a small, chilling smile.
“Now, who are you and what was that?” The Phoenix demanded. You shuddered, noticing how oddly quiet it was behind the pirate.
“M-My devil fruit! It—uhm—affects other devil fruits?” You lamely explained as Stefan tried to nose his way onto your lap. You would have preferred to look at the cute, needy dog, but The Phoenix looked like he was about to eat you. “Makes… makes them stronger around me. O-Or just… touching.”
A cold chill went up your spine as he grinned.
“And you’re not assigned to at least an admiral at all times? What a waste… I guess the marines don’t want to keep you that badly, do they?” He clicked his tongue again. “Well, you’re in good hands now, yoi. Let’s get you cleaned up. Stefan! Down!” He ordered, lifting you over his shoulder as you yelped, scrambling to hold onto your glasses. The town was wrecked behind The Phoenix, Fire Fist cheerily skipping up with Williams over his own shoulder.
“Hey, Marco! Did you see how weird that was!? What do you think his devil fruit is?” Fire Fist asked. The Phoenix turned around with a huff.
“Put the marine down. Got the source right here.” He responded.
“Oh! I take it we’re keeping them? Think Oyaji will mind?”
The Phoenix snorted.
“Oyaji will be ecstatic. Marines don’t know how to take care of people right, anyway.” You were jostled lightly as he started walking, Stefan trotting behind while panting happily up at you. You were horrified and nervous, but the addition of Stefan was helping ease your nerves. “They can boost devil fruits but wasn’t assigned to an admiral, can you believe that? Just a weakling. Imagine if it was someone else that found them, yoi?” You struggled to push yourself up, but was aware that you weren’t getting down unless The Phoenix let you.
Unlike Williams, you knew your limits.
“Hah! Wow. At least Gramps could have trained them up safely. Marines are stupid though, so I can’t say I’m too surprised.” Fire fist declared. Boots stomped on the ground as Fire Fist rounded The Phoenix, poking his head to look at you with a charming grin. “Don’t worry, you’re going to love it here! Ah… and no one will do this again.” Fire Fist grabbed your hands, inspecting the blood and what was still smeared around your nose. His eyes dark with promise as you stared in horror.
Were you being kidnapped for your power or… something else? Because to be honest, it sure didn’t sound like they were too interested in your own devil fruit ability.
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neet-elite · 1 month
↳ EVENT 04. Whitney & Sebastian (Jealousy Sex)
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Pairing: Sebastian / F!Reader / M!Whitney Genre: Smut 18+ WC: 2,380 Warnings: crossover, meta, name calling, degradation, threesome, double penetration, creampie Prompt(s): 06 — jealousy sex Wanna take part in the event?: CLICK HERE!!
A/N: my first crossover post ever? tbh, a few of you have asked for crossovers! so im looking forward to trying to execute them well enough LOL... i've never done this before, so please be gentle... but thank you for the interesting challenge!! i enjoyed exploring this topic a lot MWAH!!
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Laying in bed with you plus a stranger on your other side was never something he'd ever dreamed of, let alone allow to happen. But, tonight is a special case if there ever was one, a necessity, really. Possessively pinching at your cheek to bring your attention back to solely him for a second, a vain attempt to assert dominance over your free time. His nose wrinkles in judgement at the man behind you, dissatisfied with the turn of events of tonight as you writhe between two men, a burning in his heart urging him to speak before the other steals the spotlight; and perhaps even you, given how there's a whole other side to you he's yet to be privy to.
Which only really makes his words harsher, tongue spitting venom aimed mostly for the other man at your backside, sickeningly insidious in his intent given the faux sweet tone he adopts.
And yet needs must.
"Tell me, babe—" He cuts himself off with a moan, the feeling of your cunt walls wrapping around him even tighter as soon as he speaks leaves him a little breathless. Dirty words caught in his throat when your gaze meets his for just a second; enough for him to recognise how fucked silly you already are between two men, before your eyes roll prettily to the back of your head. Bit off more than you can chew, pretty? "Have you— fuck— have you made a decision yet?" He doesn't mean to sound so impatience, biting down on his tongue else he'll spill even more filth your way.
It's just that he's never felt you this tight before, though that might be due to the fact that you've got two cocks inside of you right now. The feeling of Whitney's rubbing against his own every time they pass each other in tandem strokes feels so fucking good; maybe only made better from the ego fuelled jealousy resting thick in his stomach for you. He's not stupid, and he knows you probably don't have the mental capacity to respond to him right now, but instinct begs him to at least try and steal you away. The weight of two fat cocks inside of your tiny little cunt must be difficult to deal with, right baby? Copious amounts of precum drooling from your abused little hole, squished cruelly between two hard bodies and used in such a selfish competition of pride.
"Isn't it fuckin' obvious." Whitney grunts behind you, prompting Sebastian to roll his eyes in annoyance. Or was it in pleasure of your cunt sucking his cock off so well at the sound of another mans voice? He'll never truly know, tongue poking out to wet his lips before they hang open in a soft gasp when you're rocked forward and more into his arms with how hard Whitney snaps his hips into you. The lack of care for your pretty self coming from the man behind you irks him, especially when you do very little to fight back against the rude touch tugging at your ass, pulling at your waist to hump the cock behind you. In fact, it looks like you like it, grabbing and scratching at Sebastian's front for some semblance of reality. Silly girl, you'll find no such thing here.
And in any case, what right does this guy have over you, really? Who is he to tell him what you, his long term girlfriend, prefers. At the very least, he understands that you'll be gone from his existence for various lengths of time, unable to see him due to 'real life', or whatever. But he'd never imagined you'd be visiting other men when he was waiting so patiently for you to return back to the valley. Isn't he enough for you? Didn't you say that Stardew Valley was your favourite place to be?
Upset not at the clear cut infidelity, but more so at the fact that you thought you could escape him simply by jumping from game to game. No, no; it's expected that you'd find others. Different men to cuddle up to, stranger guys who no doubt make you feel differently to how he does— but there's gotta be a similar thread running throughout your choices, right? Something consistent between himself and the brute behind you stuffing you so full of cock that even he himself feels like he's choking with every thrust. Holding on tight to your arm as you lay on your side before him, his other arm hooked under your neck to keep you safe and secure as you're mad to rock between two tips.
Him, comparable to Whitney? Now that's insulting.
Why you'd ever choose to date someone as characterised by their bullying as Whitney is is beyond him. The pretty pout you wear when Whitney grabs at your throat only stokes the fire in his tummy too, a thick layer of bile resting on top at the way he gets glared at by the other man with possession written all over his expression. And Sebastian only knows it as such because he worn the same look with you time and time again, determined to prove his worth to you now more than ever to hopefully keep you around for longer than whoever else you might be seeing. To bring you back to your favourite game again.
Deciding to ignore the honestly annoying man challenging his position by your side, Sebastian instead tries to appeal to your morals. Deceptively digging into your yearning for comfort that he knows you need more than anything else. It's why you're with him in the first place, right?
"I missed you so much." He nuzzles into you; or as much as he can given how violently you're bouncing between them, how fast he has to pick up his pace to match Whitney's unfair rhythm. It's making him a little dizzy, to be honest. Desire pooling in his tummy for you and the broken sobs his cock fucks out of you. The pathetic whines, almost babbles of something resembling begs that Whitney thrusts out of you. Pretty little overwhelmed baby, isn't this what you wanted when you had suggested a little test? Given his earlier argument with Whitney over who you preferred, wasn't it you who suggested some friendly competition? And now look at you, all sobs and shivers, a coo automatically rolling off his tongue when he nestles closer to you, his lips ghosting over your own in a yearning to claim you as his. "I'm here, 'm not going anywhere, baby." He promises you, disarmingly imploring you to reach out for him, his hands firm on your soft body for stability while he fucks his whole length in and out of your overstuffed cunt. Bet it's so sore, isn't it? Need a little help distracting yourself from every balls deep thrust he offers you, don't you? The sound of wet skin on skin causing his cock to tremble against Whitney's fat length inside of you, your lewd moans filling his ears with every hump of his tip against your most sensitive parts inside.
Inching closer, he plants his lips on yours. A sloppy mix of saliva, promising you that he'll come out victorious by the time he's done with you, imagining the sight of you limping into his arms instead of Whitney's so he can whisk you away back to the valley where you belong— except in doing so, he inevitable ends up stuttering his hips inside of you to the thought of punishing you for even insinuating that he might be a second place choice in your life. But is it even punishment if you'd be enjoying yourself, much like how you are now? Gasping into his open mouth, spilling moan after moan thanks to Whitney's pounding from behind. Fuck, he can even feel the way your body positively vibrates from enjoyment against him, rendered useless and unable to effectively kiss him back, tongue lolling out of your wanting mouth for him to suck on a lil. Just a little, because if he were to do anything more than that, then he's more than likely about to cream your cunt full, thinking it's just so fucking cute that you've been fucked truly stupid on two cocks.
"Pair of sluts—" Whitney laughs from behind, but Sebastian doesn't miss the undeniable crack in his counterparts voice. The hint of shakiness present only because you're so fucking tight and feel so fucking good that there's no room to do anything other than melt into you. Like some sort of horny amalgamation, sweat and sticky and heat, drool and other bodily fluids shared all in the name of rivalry. To try and win your utmost attention and affections, and to successfully pull you back into your preferred setting, favoured game, and most important love interest.
He knows what's at stake, and as such, removes himself from your lips to instead suckle on your neck— where Whitney might prefer bite marks and bruises, he's intent on leaving behind gentle love bites as his mark on you. His fingers slipping from your body from sweat, humping his trembling cock into you in short snap thrusts; just how he knows you like. And God he has no choice but to muffle a moan against your skin when Whitney favours longer strokes inside. Fast but deep, the feeling of rubbing his needy cock just as much against your plush insides as he is against Whitney's girth feels too good, immediately prompting him to dip his hand down intending on rubbing at your clit in sheer desperation not to be the first to cum, only to find Whitney already doing so— fuck he feels too good to argue back. Simply falling further into your soft body, cradling you from harms way despite how your body warms at the degradation, his chest tight at the way you mumble and moan. It's all a bit too much for him, sucking your neck for dear life, a silent plea to be crowned victorious with eager fucks into your overstuffed hole.
Maybe you prefer to be demeaned, right? Bullied into submission, his nails digging into any part of your pretty exposed body he can reach, fumbling around in a tangled heap of limbs as Whitney attempts to grab your attention too— though the latter seems to hold his composure better when it comes to your angel cunt. "Such a good slut, aren't you? C'mon, tell me how y'really feel."
But the slur in Whitney's words is enough to let Sebastian know that he isn't the only one close, not so much fucking you now as he is just trying to hold back for you. Muscles taut and jaw tight, gritting into the sticky feeling of your cunt, slick coating his length just as much as precum does, how the mixture drips down to his balls to stain the sheets below. To cum first would be sooo embarrassing, wouldn't it? Especially when he's doing his utmost to prove himself to you, to try and coax you back to the valley, and not whatever universe Whitney is from. It's where you belong, at the end of his leaking tip every night for him to bully into you over and over again, even if right now he can do no such thing— unlatching from your neck just to spill sweet praises for you, and to hopefully disallow you from answering Whitney's burning question. Deep down he knows you're gonna say his name anyway, or at least hopes is the case, the way your glassy eyes haze over his almost pained features, drool dripping from your tongue every time he presses his cock inside. You wear the fucked out expression so well, pretty baby getting fucked by two big cocks, is it more than you can handle?
It's okay, because from the way your body shakes under his fingertips, the tell tale tremble inside your pretty little angel cunt, how your voice almost goes missing in your silent gasps for more— he knows that you're close too. And, frustratingly, Whitney can gather about just as much also— how long have you been seeing him? "Already?" Whitney sneers, unsure of who it's more aimed at, but Sebastian hasn't the strength to fight back. Not for himself, and certainly not for you. Too lost in the way your cunt practically begs him for more, his hips instinctively fucking into you as if it were his only purpose in life. Messy and clumsy humps fill you up, almost as if he were getting fucked by Whitney alongside you, but fuck he can't help it. The weight of your body pressed tight against his own as Whitney takes a more dominating stance, effectively fastening Sebastian under you as you get mounted from behind is intoxicating, your puffy clit surely rubbing nicely against his groin from the new position and—
Well, he's got no hope of holding back when he feels your full little hole spasm around him. Orgasm washing over you as you fall into his chest, moaning directly down his ear as you wrap your arms around his neck and hold on for dear life. Sebastian too holds onto you, arms wrapped around the small of your back, pressing you down onto his cock for him to offer you merger little fucks up and into your heat. And fuck it feels so good, fat load shooting against your deepest parts, turning his cock all sticky as it gushes around inside, against Whitney's cock, and gets pushed out of your cute cunt with every extra thrust. He barely gets a chance to calm down providing Whitney's uncharacteristically kind slower pace, letting you ride out your high just enough before the brutality begins again.
"Well, what d'ya think, slut? Got a favourite yet?" Whitney seethes, clearly holding on to the last remainder of stability he's got as you wail out in hyper sensitivity.
Maybe if Sebastian holds you close to him and whispers sweet nothings down your ear to help settle you back into the unfair fucking you'll favour him. It's the least he could do, seeing as he finished first anyway. Anything to get you back to the valley, and spending time in his world again.
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ganondoodle · 5 months
in light of the news that riot games is letting go 11% of their workers (over 500 people), including long time workers responsible for big parts of the best lore in the entire league ip, AND cutting down LoR AND abandoning Riot Forge (the best idea they had in years lol)-
i stopped playing league a long time ago for multiple reasons, but one of the big ones were my annoyance with the increasingly shit ass monetization (thats only getting WORSE and MORE exploitative) and my frustration with its constant boring ass design decisions (like every new champ being either sexy girly girl that looks like all of the rest of them or sexy guy thats also starting to have the same problem plus all skins putting female champs in just another dress no matter how monsterfied the male champs were-) with my only interest in it being the lore and the attachment i felt to certain characters
im not even really interested in arcane anymore .. i was looking forward to it bc i like fortiches work alot but given how riot immedaitely wanted to make it canon (a dumb and stupid idea) after the first season was successful, which already made it less enjoyable for me, this is just ... idk, what does it matter
these news together with how bafflingly badly written totk was and its subpar quality (especialyl for that PRICE) that made me fear the future of loz yet it was still wildly sucessful (we deserve better than this!!), the recent commercial success of the plagiarism pokemon slavery/trafficking game and the general situation of the games industry, with AI rampant and CEOs sucking it up to shareholders only, constant massive lay offs everywhere in every studio
i have little hope left there will be new, good, games from big studios .. what an exhausting shitty world we live in
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mrstsung · 1 month
I'm doing this shang tsung MY WAY!
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Which ignoring canon that he was in. And placing him in my version of mortal kombat. (Which aligns more to the original timelines)
So a young shang tsung,who was once an earthrealm warrior,felt betrayed and was cohersd by shao kahn to join his court in outworld and fight on "his side" so to speak.
As for the dark magic/soul magic. He was always curious,but only curious. He only dived deeper because he was 1. Forbade to without so as much as a decent explanation on why it's "forbidden" and 2. Because he was trying to help earthrealm in any way possible,by any means. But he was again told no. So in his mind. It's like "wtf do you want me to do? It's like i bring a solution and you don't like me playing by the rules you created,which i try to follow yet. I get it spat back in my face" type deal. Course there's nuance to this and it's mainly raidens falt for not telling shang properly and handling things better. And yes,shang was his chosen and student before great lao. Great lao came in a tad bit later. Then came the tournament. He was actually trained by the shadow priests,who worked for shao kahn but revered shang. As they saw a prodigy in him. And magic aside. That man was a fucking excellent warrior,deadly as is. Add sorcery to him and he's a beast. <3
But anyways
Like i have a whole backstory more on shang tsung and i feel alan lee's shang is a good baby days shang tsung. Freshly cursed,freshly courtly mage,etc.
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When we get tagawa's shang,is only after he gets his island. Which i hc was given to him by shao kahn as a gift. He wasn't gonna use it. So it was shang's dominion. In doing so he kinda fucked up because now,shang tsung was a lord of his own realm or pocket dimension. He has full jurisdiction and power over his island. The island's natural soul well was fortified to work in shang AND ONLY SHANG TSUNGS favor. He made the island self sufficient. (More on shang's island in another post) now. Only after spending years there,gaining knowledge,power,secrets,etc and a bit of forcefed defeat. Does our lovely sorcerer become more of the shang tsung we know and love. Wisdom and decades even centuries of knowledge gained.
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Now back to young shang.
Young shang(alan lees shang/ mk12/mk1 shang) is a tad more prideful,maybe even jovial,always ever confident but in a youthful way. A spirit never breaking no matter how many times kicked down. These traits are amplified in his youth. He gets chiller and more relaxed and composed as he becomes more and more like out like elder shang tsung (tagawa's shang tsung/mk 95/mk11 shang) so that being said. Not too much difference,yet the aura is different and more of someone genuinely scholarly. Tagawa's shang is already a master,to get to that part. We need more development.
Now Lee's shang has great potential but i doubt that nrs ever would give him that genuine opportunity given how the script and story is being written. It feels its holding him back. And that kills me because it's such an amazing talent.
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Now a young shang tsung to me is ever the curious. Not that ever stopped. But in his youth,he was always asking why or how. He wants to just know. He has to know. That can bite him in the ass or save his ass. Either way that is a core trait.
Shang tsung not being given an opportunity to join earthrealms warriors is a crime and honestly really really stupid on nrs.
It's rushed and they know it but they dont care because $$$ and micro transactions...
Anyways. Young shang tsung to me also needed a lot of reassurance not because of that lack of confidence,nah it's more of a reminder of "is this good? Is this wise? Am i crazy for feeling this or is this pride getting in the way?" He is confident in skills,he is not with other aspects more so he just doesn't want to disappoint. And Because he doesn't want to screw things up for the long run. But as trial and error happens,he gets more confident in his decisions.
He has his moments too and showing vulnerability and humanity in antagonists is very important. But not done in a backhanded slap to the character and audiences intelligence. Which unfortunately mk12/mk1 kinda does unfortunately.
And honestly,i felt bad for him. More than i ever did.
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In conclusion,young shang tsung should be shown and given an opportunity to show with that an insight into shang's mind,heart,and things we actually don't see.
And some things in mk12/mk1 shang i absolutely am like "YES YES YES!" but because of everyone else,it's hard to enjoy because everyone else is insufferable.
Genuinely. Insufferable.
Like compared to shang tsung who gets something real,raw,human,believable,grounded,and interesting.
Nobody else in the story feels like characters,they feel like action figures playing along. And in a way that feels forced and fake to fit a boxed in trope. The script and writing feels ai generated.
Shang tsung seems to be the only one given some kinda agency and not even 100% either. It's not the greatest and it has flaws but by comparison it's great. Comparing that shang to every other shang tho? Kinda rushed and sloppy. And a disappointment. But it sucks because i want to really like that shang tsung.
So i jusy said fuck it. Im rewriting that shang.
Young shang tsung,mr. Alan lee. You deserve better. And honestly i think it's a wasted opportunity to have a shang centric game for once. It would be different,fun,and a change of pace.
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*kisses forehead* lemme save you from shitty narrative and writing shang. Plz.
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
🛏 For Anakin x Reader (Episode 3). Reader has sleep deprivation, so some fluff and cuddles plus Ani tells them bedtime stories 💗
Sweet Dreams (Anakin Skywalker x Reader)
A/N: Thank you @baddestbitchofthedecade as Episode 3 Anakin is elite and after this week’s Obi-wan Kenobi episode I need some fluffy content for this boi. Stat. So much so I bashed this out whilst I try to begin to recover from the emotional damage 💕
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“You know I can see your eyes are closed.”
“Wha- no, no they’re not,” you protested, head snapping up at the voice behind you. 
The words were out of your mouth before your body had even registered the sudden presence of Anakin entering your bedroom. 
Anakin? In your room? When had he arrived, and how long had he been standing there for?
You were slightly ashamed to say you had no idea what the answer to any of those questions was. Then again, you hadn’t been paying much attention to begin with, considering you had been busy staring at the texts scattered around you in a circle on the floor. 
The last thing you remembered was reading something about flora on a water planet, but you couldn’t be sure if that was five minutes ago or five hours... and you were too nervous to look up at the clock to check. 
Then again, the fact Anakin was here told you it was late. Very late. 
No wonder your traitorous eyelids had started to droop shut, as you attempted to spend yet another night studying ahead of an upcoming mission. It was as if they were protesting over the prospect of another night of no sleep… hence they must had closed, sending you into a slumber where you sat. 
You were never going to hear the end of this. 
“I’m awake - I swear,” you groaned, rubbing a hand down your face. “I was just … meditating... on the native species.”
“Uh huh,” Anakin scoffed. He smirked down at you, and at the empty cup of caff you’d been chugging, now stone cold. “Well, perhaps you’d be more comfortable meditating in bed, and not on the floor? When was the last time you actually slept?”
“… what day is it?”
Anakin paused. 
You saw the concern creeping in as he rolled his eyes and bent down, grumbling something about you being just as stubborn as he was. 
However, before you could protest, you found yourself being hauled up into his arms, and forcibly carried to the bedchamber you seemed determined to try and ignore. “What are you doing?”
“Making sure you get some sleep before you pass out over those stupid texts.”
“They’re not stupid. They’re important.”
“Not as important as getting some rest,” he stated firmly, dropping you onto the mattress and pulling the covers up over you. “You’re no use to me out in the field if you can’t even keep your eyes open, sweetheart. Think of this as a tactical decision.”
You weren’t exactly sure the council would have agreed, had they been there. After all, you were capable of sleeping on your own… not that you minded having Anakin there, as he crawled in behind you.   
Clearly, he took his duties seriously. 
“And that means you have to sleep here too?”
Anakin nodded, a smile tugging at his lips as he leant down to steal a kiss. It was his usual tactic when he wanted to prevent you protesting. “Someone has to make sure you stay in bed. I’m simply being thorough, else we both know the minute I left you’d be back at it, hitting the books.”
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You wisely chose not to say anything, given that he was right - annoyingly. 
He knew you too well. Then again, it wasn’t hard given how long he’d known you, and how close you two had become. 
Even if everything about the order you both swore to protect warned you against it, you couldn’t help it as you fell head over heels in love with the rebellious, flirtatious, and fiercely loyal Jedi. 
“So what’s the plan now, smart ass? Staring at me until I comply and fall asleep?”
“If I need to.”
“And what if I can’t sleep?”
“Well, then, how about I pass the time and tell you a story?”
Of all the things he could have proposed right then, that was not what you’d expected. 
“A story?” you echoed. “I’m sorry, what?”
Anakin chuckled. “A story - you know, like the ones most people say to help people get to sleep? My mom used to tell me some when I was a kid. I still remember a few.”
“She did?” you whispered, surprised by his mention of his mother. It wasn’t that Anakin didn’t talk about her, but rather that he struggled to most of the time. There was a comfort, but also a pain that came with remembering his old life, and the decision he’d made to leave her behind. “Like what?”
“Well, there was one about a kid who found some magic seeds that grew, even in the harshest desert, and whilst he thought they’d provide him and his family with food, it turned out that they kept on growing up the cliffside, next to where he lived,” Anakin began, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes as he relayed the obviously familiar story. “In fact, they grew so high that he was able to climb it up to where the lord of the town lived, in his palace. To the boy’s surprise, the palace was full of amazing treasure, and the boy couldn't believe it. So, he took some of the treasure from the Lord to help pay for food for his family. Then, he came back the next day and took some more to help pay the taxes for their farm.” 
“And this lord never noticed?” you chuckled softly, unable to help yourself. “Sounds like he had some pretty terrible security if you ask me. That, or he was blind if he just missed this giant plant growing outside his window.”
Anakin’s laughter reverberated in his chest as he pulled you in closer, wrapping an arm around you. “Hush - I’m trying to tell a story here.” 
“Sorry, sorry, I’ll be quiet.”
“Good. Now, where was I? Oh yes, the taxes.” 
You hated to admit it, but Anakin’s tactic was working. As he continued to tell the story your eyelids, already heavy from before, became practically impossible to keep open. His voice was just so soothing, and his arms felt warm and secure as they cradled you close. 
Hell, you just about managed to stay conscious long enough to hear the rest of the tale about the brave boy who kept on stealing from the greedy lord until he was finally caught - only to make a brave get away, and defeat the evil lord in the process. 
It was the excitement in Anakin’s voice that kept you tethered to him, forcing yourself to remain awake to hear his rather enthusiastic re-telling. 
You couldn't help but wonder, had his mother told him it this way? With the same voices for different characters? And side remarks about how the boy was sloppy, or that the lord deserved what he go in the end? 
Had Anakin laid in her arms, as you did with him now? 
The thought of him as a small child was enough to make your heart ache once more, especially as Anakin fell silent as the story ended. 
You could almost hear his mind whirring away, clouded with memories and thoughts he had most likely tried to forget. 
His voice was barely even a whisper. “I always liked that story.”
“Why? Because you could see yourself as the boy?” 
Anakin nodded. “Yeah… my mother always said there was more out there in life, beyond where we lived. That, one day, I’d escape and find something better… I just used to think she’d be able to come with me - to enjoy it too.” 
“Oh, Ani,” you sighed, pressing a kiss to his lips. “Thank you for sharing it with me... Do... Do you know another story?”
He hummed softly, clearly grateful for the excuse to change the topic - and the mood. “Oh, I know plenty, so get comfy.”
That night, you fell fast asleep, listening to Anakin as he told you of far away lands and brave knights who saved those in need. And, if you ever asked, he was always happy to curl up with you in bed and tell you another... and another... and another. 
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tanglebrookwrites · 6 months
I forgot about this...
So I was a huge Marvel fan (still am, but not as huge, now I'm literally a one track mind on FNAF).
And so, I gathered quotes.
Quotes that I... may or may not have rewritten for certain characters.
For example...
When Rocket Raccoon insults Taserface about his name...
I rewrote it for uh... Michael.
"I just keep imagining you waking up in the morning, Father, looking in the mirror and then in all seriousness, saying to yourself, 'You know what would be a really good name? Springtrap!'"
Like... I forgot how sarcastic, funny, and sassy I made him with some of these lines.
Another one is when Michael gets fired (for some reason or another).
"I recognize that Fazbear Entertainment has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it."
Yet another is something Michael says to Jeremy.
"Don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do. There's a little gray area in there, and that's where you operate."
And then there's other things.
Like when a programmer is muttering to themself, right before inserting the pathfinding code from an old circuit board into their new game.
"I don't know what you've got inside you already. The mix could be... a little glitchy."
Another great line is when William is ranting to Michael towards the end of the whole thing. And then Michael straight up replies
"You're embarrassing yourself; it looks desperate."
Another favorite line of mine that I rewrote was what Henry says when he realizes he has to let Michael head back to William.
"Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are. Not William's perfect successor, but a kind boy."
I just... I'm going through all my background information right now to combine things, and I stumbled upon this pile of veritable gold.
I don't know if I'm going to use them, though.
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moonpetrichors-blog · 7 months
Songs That Remind Me Of Attack On Titan
Tags: Headcanons (Formatting), Eremika
Warnings: Season 4 Spoilers
Songs that remind me of Attack On Titan or that I associate with the overall series.
* ˚ ✦ Read below the cut
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [06/11/23] ❞  
This Could Build Us a Home - The Garden
Cell door slams Right into my face
Immediately, these lyrics remind me of when Eren was imprisoned in Season 4.
Actually, there were a lot of times that Eren was behind bars I think 💀 jailbird fr HAHAHAHAH
I've gotta beat time We're running out of time
Now this one is a bit tricky to explain.
While Eren can't physically time travel, I find that these lyrics can relate to how he kind of knows what's going to happen and despite trying to change his fate, or at least trying to make choices to lead to something different, he can't.
(I'm assuming that was how it worked anyway.)
But you can't outrun the preordained. You can only act with the hand you've been dealt.
I also think of the titan shifter's lifespan and how they don't live forever, despite being so powerful.
Promise me That this can build a home
Promise me That we will not get old
This part of the song is definitely a little heartbreaking, knowing that Eren dies and he can't grow old with Mikasa.
Despite that, everyone moves on and builds new lives for themselves with the temporary peace they've been given.
Eren is the only one who doesn't grow old - but it's because of this fact that the others could finally settle down and build a proper home for themselves.
… … … … … . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,,  ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈  
My Kind Of Woman - Mac DeMarco
I'm feelin' so tired Really fallin' apart And it just don't make sense to me I really don't know Why you stick right next to me Wherever I go
Relating to the line where Eren talks about his head is all messed up to Armin.
His mental state has kind of reached a point where it's a little fucked up, and he's done fucked up things.
Despite it all, Mikasa sticks by his side because her love and devotion to Eren keeps her loyal to him, even if at times she's a slave to that love.
You're my, my, my, my kind of woman
Is there anything that really needs to be said about this line?
Eren Yeagar, everybody. The man that taught us what not to do when you have a fine ass girl by your side.
… … … … … . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,,  ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈  
I Love You So - The Walters
I just need someone in my life to give it structure To handle all the selfish ways I'd spend my time without her
Eren's life has inevitably become a mess.
Frankly, everyone in the AOT universe lacks structure in their lives. They all have had to constantly adapt to change.
Mikasa is a constant in Eren's life, but he isn't one in hers. The second line can be attributed to when Eren says that truly, he doesn't want Mikasa to forget about him.
That he wants to be on the forefront of her mind for at least another ten years, despite being dead.
It's a selfish desire, despite the fact that he won't be able to spend time with her. And yet, Mikasa is still the one thing Eren can count on to still be there for him, waiting.
After all, she did say see you later, Eren.
I'm gonna pack my things and leave you behind This feeling's old and I know that I've made up my mind I hope you feel what I felt when you shattered my soul 'Cause you were cruel and I'm a fool So, please let me go
Definitely much heavier meaning to this part of the song.
Of course, Eren leaving Mikasa and Armin behind. He's known for a long time what it is that he has to do and nothing can change that.
It's a cruel fate for them, honestly.
Eren makes stupid decisions all the time, but at the root of it all he doesn't want his friends to suffer, even if some of his actions still caused that suffering.
Think of when he told Mikasa that he hated her.
But at the end of those lyrics, you can feel that sense of sadness where he tells Mikasa to forget him and throw the scarf away.
To let him go.
… … … … … . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,,  ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈  
Moon River - Frank Ocean
My heart (you heart) breaker Wherever you're goin' I'm goin' that way (the same, the same)
Jesus a lot of these songs can be Eremika based 😭
Once again, Mikasa being a devoted and loyal to Eren, even if he has left her heartbroken.
I think at the end of the episode when we see that she grew old and passed away, we also see that she's holding the same flowers that were on Eren's gravestone.
I think this may be why she said see you later, because she would reunite with him in the afterlife. The last two lines of this song remind me of that.
Two drifters off to see the world There's such a crazy world to see We're all chasin' after all the same Chasing after our ends
Obviously this song is in the perspective of a couple but I think you can be a bit imaginative and include Armin in part, regarding how he desperately wanted to see the outside world.
There was so much they hadn't seen or explored yet, and that was one of their original ambitions/goals. They used to be so bright-eyed.
At the end of the day, though, everyone knows that with being a scout comes inevitable death, pains, and losses.
While chasing for that freedom and exploration, everyone drew closer to their own demise - some just luckier than others.
Also, the title? Moon - when it was a full moon when Eren asked Mikasa what he was to her, and river - the ocean and how it was always Armin's dream to go there.
… … … … … . . ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ,,  ⌲˘͈ᵕ˘͈  
I Bet On Losing Dogs - Mitski
I bet on losing dogs I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place By the ring Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down I'll be there on their side I'm losing by their side
When you think about this song as a standalone, it is clear that the overall message is about trying so hard to make something work when it just can't.
And you know it can't.
But knowing this impossibility, everyone's beliefs, choices, and devotion are unshakeable.
Even if they're losing, or if they can't change their fates, whether or not this is a never-ending loop they'll keep their place and pay for it.
Because at the end of the day, these characters wouldn't be who they are or do what they need to do without betting on something to lose.
Just as Armin said, you can't change anything if you aren't ready to abandon something. Is it love? Giving your heart to the cause? Your own freedom?
It changes depending on the perspective of who you're looking at this song from.
Whoever it is, they all stick by each other, knowing that there is one losing dog they bet on: Eren.
But not just them, so does humanity. He was humanities last hope in the beginning.
He doesn't get his happy ending, but Mikasa looks into his eyes before he goes "down".
Figuratively and literally.
How you'd be over me looking in my eyes when I come Someone to watch me die
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cooliofango · 2 years
Kissing Lessons
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Lucio Correia dos Santos x GN! Reader
Just a cute little something to get the creative juices flowing! Hope you enjoy~
A sigh slipped from his lips as he sat cross legged before you. It was clear that the DJ felt awkward. Then again, who wouldn’t feel awkward asking their best friend to help them learn how to kiss? Sorry, correction: Who wouldn’t feel awkward asking their crush to help them learn how to kiss? Despite how famous he may be in the music industry, Lucio has no experience with relationships. This included kissing. This question originally derived from a previous conversation with a few agents of Overwatch had about half a week ago. They were speaking of what they planned to do for the break they were getting from their usual work. Most had planned to spend their break with their significant others, which rose a curious question: ‘Do you have someone you like?’ The sudden question caught him off guard, and though he said no (albeit a stuttered mess), his blushing face told a different story. It didn’t take long for those agents to figure out who it was that Lucio had a (not so) little crush on. With much needed encouragement, he was ushered to figure out a way to get closer to you- and what better than a lesson on kissing? As someone who’s dated people in the past, it seemed perfect, right?
It was a decision he was coming to regret out of sheer embarrassment. It felt stupid. HE felt stupid. And yet you had eagerly agreed to help him out. Not that you knew that he was doing this because he liked you. His gaze avoided you, causing you to frown as you looked at him. Your arms crossed over your chest and you leaned forward. Lucio looked to you and leaned back in a bit of surprise at the sudden closeness. “Tip number one, eye contact. Your partner won’t know that you’re trying to kiss them. They’ll probably think that something’s wrong.” Lucio quickly nodded, clearing his throat before speaking. He didn’t want to stutter and embarrass himself more. “Right! Sorry..” He chuckled anxiously, rubbing the back of his neck. Your frown softened, leaning back. “Is everything alright, Lucio?” The concern was clear in your voice and in your expression. It sent a small panic in the DJ- he didn’t want to make you worry over something so silly. “No- I mean yeah! I’m okay, (Y/N).”
Your eyes didn’t leave him for a moment, but soon enough you relaxed your shoulders and calmed your worries for the time being- or you seemed to push the thought away for the time being. Your smile returned and Lucio’s heart fluttered at the sight. It was one of his favorite things to see. Hell, he could make a giant ass list about what he loved about you- but that’s something he’ll have to save and share for another time. For now, he’ll have to just focus on your voice. “Let’s get started.. One thing to remember when you kiss someone is to not rush things, especially on the first kiss. Take things slow. It doesn’t have to be anything long and passionate- but be gentle. You don’t want to accidentally hurt your partner by being too rough.” Lucio sat in silence, though his eyes remained on you as he took in each thing you said. An occasional nod was given to let you know he was listening and that he understood.
“As for actually kissing... I don’t think you really have to pucker your lips much to get a good kiss. Doing it too much can actually make things a bit silly or a bit weird- it depends on the person and how many times you’ve already kissed before.” Your eyes drifted off to the side in thought. It was a cute little quirk he’s noticed when you’re super focused on whatever you are doing. This can range from your job, a hobby you enjoy, or just putting things together in general. “If you need, you can watch any romance flick and it’ll give you a visual example on how to kiss and how it looks. Though most people tend to do better with personal experience. I’ll leave that for you to do with who ever you decide to kiss.” Lucio slowly tuned out what was being said. It wasn’t to be rude- a thought had just occurred to him. He could do it now..! Kiss you, that is. He didn’t have a partner- but he wanted you to be his partner. He wanted you to be the one he decided to kiss.
Lucio’s lips parted a bit nervously, releasing a silent sigh to try and help calm his racing heart. He hadn’t even preformed the action yet and he was flustered by the mere thought of going through with it. Yet, despite this, he couldn’t get the desire out of his head. You had continued to speak about what to do and what not to do when kissing someone when Lucio leaned in. It was a very quick yet sweet kiss. One that quickly shut you up. You stared in surprise, eyes widened and cheeks flushed a deep red to present this with ease. Lucio could feel his own face burn the same color as yours. Just as he had done before, he cleared his throat to prevent a stutter. Instead of a stutter of embarrassment, it would be one of bashfulness that he would suppress. “Was.. that okay?” Lucio couldn’t help but crack a large grin at the slight giddiness he felt. Even if he had to face rejection in that moment, he was glad to get that off his chest.
Your lips pressed into a thin line, and your gaze drifted in thought. “Well.. no.” You spoke in a flustered mumbled. With your eyes to return to the boy before you- one who looks a tad hurt by your words- and your posture to straighten, you continued. “Try again- but a bit slower. I said it doesn’t have to be anything too slow, but giving a kiss too quickly doesn’t give any time for your partner to enjoy the kiss for even a moment. Lucio’s eyes widened in surprise. Try again..? He slowly nodded before carefully leaning forward once again. Though he was a bit hesitant, he did press his lips to yours once again. The kiss was as sweet as it was before, though he keep still to elongate the kiss further than he did before. A hand raised to rest on his cheek to keep him in place as you pulled away to speak- albeit that you hadn’t pulled away further than a couple of centimeters. “Y-you’re tense.. relax. A kiss is supposed to be a good thing, not stressful.” You spoke quietly this time. There wasn’t any reason to be any louder with how close the two of you were.
“Mmh.. right..” He muttered before easily closing the gap between the two of you once again. Lucio kissed you with more passion than before, moving closer to you so he could wrap his arms around your waist. An exhale through his nose and his muscles relaxing against your form helped to tell you that he wasn’t tense anymore. Actually, he seemed to be more into the kiss than before. Lucio carefully tugged you onto his lap, not breaking the kiss for a moment. Your arms wrapped around his neck and your tilted your head to deepen the loving kiss. It was just when you had feel his hands slide under the ends of your shirt when the door opened. The two of you parted quickly in surprise, both of your faces beat red. You both looked at the culprit who had interrupted your growing make out session: Lena Oxton, aka Tracer. She looked taken back by the sight, but it wasn’t long before she broke into a grin. “So you finally got the guts to tell them, huh?” She giggled at the embarrassed look on Lucio’s face and the questioning look that asked for confirmation on yours. “Well, I’ll leave ya too it! We can hang out later!” Lena waved her parting before dashing off, kicking the door closed behind her. 
Lucio released a breath he hadn’t fully realized he had been holding until now. His head hung down and rested on your forehead in a small attempt to hide his blushing face. You couldn’t help but find this cute.. but it was also a bit funny. With a laugh, you raised a hand to rest on the back of his neck and one to gently rub his shoulder. “You know, you could’ve just told me that you liked me.” The only response you got from him was a slight hum of acknowledgement. You carefully rested your chin on top of his head. “I love you too, Lucio.” He held onto you a bit tighter. You had flustered him even further. There was a slight silence that hung in the air. It wasn’t uncomfortable, of course. It was actually very loving. “Will you sit up if I give you another kiss?” You offered him in a lower tone, leaning down close to his ear. Lucio’s arms tensed a bit in surprise, yet he slowly sat up to look up at you and carefully nod. You were, once again, only able to laugh at how adorable he was before reconnecting your lips to one another's to continue where you left off.
Aaaand done! Enjoy this cute story~
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deltaruminations · 1 year
ok in the spirit of Posting Crackpot Speculation Because It's Fun, here's a breakdown of my “wingdings deltarune future player character” thing, which is to say here are a lot of words rationalizing a line of speculation that is silly on its face and is based on no evidence except 1) vague sense among the fanbase that we may play someone other than kris at some point and 2) i think it would be cool lol
my specific hypothesis here is going to hinge a little bit on the claim that part of, if not most of, an upcoming chapter (i'm going to say 6, unless it's some kind of completely alternate set of events that's hidden behind some combination of killing berdly and finding glowshards or some shit. im just. going to keep it simple here. ok.) might be a sequence set earlier in the timeline and largely meant to provide some insight into what happened to set everything in motion — ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN, the dessappearance, and the ruined cliffs area, specifically; as well as, possibly, insight into the two missing characters (dess and gaster) as the people they were before shit went completely sideways
the evidence for this claim is that there is none and i pulled it out of my ass. however my reasoning is largely utilitarian: how the hell does a lot of this information get conveyed in a way that's as complete as it needs to be for basic story comprehension, while still being engaging for a player? probably in a lot of much better ways actually but an interactive flashback is, you know, also an option that could be chosen. if you wanted to.
i’m positing chapter 6 because Gaster Number Lol but also because it’s an interesting point for a radical shakeup in gameplay & lore revelation — right after chapter 5, which is likely to be quite heavy and end on a cliffhanger, and just before the narrative resolution in chapter 7, when the information from this sequence will be most useful to the audience.
playing as kris during this kind of Past Sequence doesn’t make much sense to me since they were presumably not playing an active role in most of it (same for the Vessel, who, uh, probably did not exist then). noelle is already well-established as a NPC with a distinct and defined personality, and i expect dess will be as well, which means either of them a silent PC creates a distance between the player and the PC that feels tonally confusing as well as like an unnecessary muddying of thematic waters.
Past Alive Guy Wingdings Deltarune however 1) is probably The Guy responsible for a lot of this, meaning it makes sense for such a sequence to follow him as a POV character, and 2) is fundamentally mysterious as far as concrete personality and motivations, given that we have yet to experience him actually interacting with another character beyond WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK, Give Egg, and Wave Happily, which means he’s a good fit for a role that necessitates some amount of player immersion. thematically there’s also a degree of cosmic justice at play, making the puppeteer the puppet, gaster having to directly confront and acknowledge his mistakes in order to right them, “and cetera.” this could even open opportunities for growth both for him and the Player — gaster possibly agreeing to let us in so we can help, and we as Player being able to do so in a way that isn’t coercive. but also maybe not lol (see notes below)
there are also some purely practical reasons why i think this works, which brings me to a bunch of haphazard and probably redundant notes that i wrote like a week ago and don’t care enough to edit right now:
Chadley Deltaruminations’s Top 10 Reasons Why Pre-Shatter Gaster Deltarune Future Player Character Makes A Certain Amount Of Sense To Me Even Though It Sounds Stupid As Hell On Paper And I Don’t Actually Believe That It’s A Real Thing That Will Happen
averts the unintelligible font issue (dude can’t talk)
maintains a lot of the mystery around him (dude can’t talk AND isn’t in full control of decisions he makes, meaning personality and other character traits remain subtextual and open to interpretation)
allows conveyance of potentially complicated plot-crucial information about gaster’s role in deltarune’s narrative in a way that’s active and interesting for players and probably less corny than A Backstory Monologue and also less obtuse and inaccessible than vague allusions and/or metadata that’s unavailable to console-only players
the specific position of “player character” in the context of deltarune is tonally appropriate for a character whose storyline seems to be fairly serious and nuanced and lacks room for Funny Little Guy antics but also demands relatability and emotional investment. our experience with kris certainly has moments of levity but there’s also a deep underlying sense of gravitas to kris as PC (for obvious reasons) that’s really only rivaled by Noelle in Side B (who is, of course, taking on a similar role to Kris)
potential thematic function as a type of cosmic justice for either puppeting others or at least contributing to their being puppeted as martyrs for his ends, however altruistic they seem. like hey doc maybe if you want this so badly you should be the one to do it
in tandem with previous point(s): instantly bypasses the emotional walls of UTDR’s Most Elusive Animal by forcing him into the most vulnerable position of any RPG character. to explain this further i feel like it would be OOC (at the very least corny) for UI Gaster to just volunteer potentially compromising information about himself/the various plot-crucial ways he may have fucked up in his past given how determined he seems to be to hide himself and deflect from his possible responsibility for Anything. i feel like a lot of character development would need to happen before that and given that his only active role as of chapter 2 seems to be Send Tweet, Give Egg, Wave From Car, and Be Sad About Dead Youth, it doesn’t seem reasonable to expect him to have changed that much by the time that information is going to warrant conveyance. maybe the man needs an intervention
subverts player/villain relationship and shit…… we expect to defeat the lich, maybe later learning his tragic backstory in a bit of exposition and/or vague lore that we don’t have a ton of reasons to actually care about. we don’t expect to live out his backstory alongside him. see also magus chronotrigger
within toby fox’s own oeuvre we have existing precedent (andonuts halloweenhack. lol) for presenting a villain’s POV via Literally Entering Their Mind in order to provoke emotional investment in and sympathy for that character
u know how gaster gets weird about us putting his name in during the vessel creation sequence. im just saying.
tenth reason. uh. I Like Him,
ok. thats it. bye
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weirdthinkingdragon · 2 years
Welcome To The Family (8/???)
Surprise bitches. Short chap to try getting back into it (eventually) 
Tw- language that would probably make a sailor blush. Maybe I should tone it down (probably won’t), kidnapped, blackmail, delusional “friend”, light hypothermia (will make sense when reading).
Muffled voices were the only thing being heard while waking up. One of them was Tadao. And the other?...
...Ryo? Why are they yelling at each other? Wha- how long was I- wait, where am I- what happened? All I remember is Tadao… Right. Damn, my head hurts severely. I can’t even rub it with my hands being bound. As well as my legs to the chair. Wait, bound? Fuck, now I’m regretting not taking their advice of walking with me. I just really wasn’t expecting Tadao to do such a thing.
I attempt to open my eyes, but the brightness of the room makes the pain in my head at least three times worse, and my vision is incredibly blurred. Okay, focus on where I am for now.
What feels to be a wooden chair, and metal cuffs around my wrists, keeping them together in front of me. Really? They couldn’t have at least given my ass a cushion or something? Right, not the time for that type of complaint. I try to listen to their yelling conversation without giving away that I woke up. Their loud voices are killer on my headache. Even though most if not all the pain is the back of my head where I was hit.
Trying to feel a bit more, there’s a bit of a crusty type of feeling slightly down my back. The hit must have somehow punctured my skin or something since I can only think of that crusty feeling being blood. I better not have fallen in dog poop or something or I swear I’m beating the daylight out of Tadao more if I ever will be able to.
“Why didn’t you use your black mold or something to make them pass out!? Your hits to them could have killed them!” Ryo? They’re in on this too!? There’s not really a way this could get worse, is there? My two closest friends?... Can’t really say that anymore.
“Are you stupid!? Black mold could have killed them too! That would also give them breathing problems! Do you KNOW how deadly strong amounts of exposure of mold is to people besides me, especially black, since I’m immune to it!?”
Pain stabs through my head yet again. Urg, do they really need to yell?...
“You fucking idiot. You should have kept chloroform on you like I said to do.” I swear my heart stops completely for a minute. I know that voice anywhere. Aiya. Fuck, I just HAD to jinx it, didn’t I?
“I’m sorry, okay? It was a brash and stupid decision! But I couldn’t risk being followed! With the multiple heroes at the time taking care of a few low villains on the other side of the city, and tons of people drawn to that, it was the best chance I had to not be seen!” He sounds rather exasperated.
She sighs. “Doesn’t matter now. If there’s any damage done to their head, we’ll just have to focus on that later. Our main priority is having everyone think they’re dead. I guess you were good in that regard by leaving the bloodied bat there. At least you were smart enough to still be wearing gloves.”
My only question is why are they working with her? It’s obvious she hates me. I can still feel the “friendship” ring on my finger I kept wearing for one reason or another. I’d care for nothing more than to rip it off now and smash it to the ground. Stomp on it for good measure. Regret overwhelmingly taking me over of ever being friends with Ryo in the first place.
I end up shifting after way too long of a weird stare-down silence because they couldn't have at least given me a fucking cushion, signaling I’m awake. They all must notice since they all go quiet for a moment. “Y/N! You’re awake! That’s good! Now that you’re here, we can finally hang out again, and the heroes will find a new sitter!”
… Are you fucking mental? How many people around me are truly sane right now? First the heroes are acting weird, and now my friends. Starting to wonder if the heroes aren’t the ones struck by some sort of quirk. I try to glare at them, but my eyes are forced closed by the damn light. It’s like an interrogation because the only visible light is the one above me glaring down for the tiny second I try to open my eyes again.
“Come on Y/N, people die all the time. Those heroes won’t bat an eye when they find you “dead”. Don't flatter yourself.” Aiya sneers.
!!! Fuck, she must have told them. She must have noticed my expression sour. “Oh please, I informed Ryo about the heroes after I found them angry one day. Aw, all they wanted was to hang out with you.” The end of what she spoke became incredibly degrading. She’s lucky I’m not able to put my foot to her face and break a few teeth. Or maybe breaking her nose. That would suffice too. I can already hear Zashi in the background like some sort of funny show edging me on to do it. Really starting to hate her, and I hardly know jack shit other than her name and her personality that could possibly rival Endeavor’s.
I finally manage to force my eyes open and clear, showing Tadao behind the two of them with an incredibly horrified look on his face. “WHAT!? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THEY WERE HEROES!? Oh man, oh man, oh fuck! I KNEW it was a bad idea! Why did I listen to you two!?” The pain in my head majorly spikes. Hng, fuck. Can he PLEASE at least keep it down!?
His complaints must have pissed off Ryo since they walk over and grab Tadao by his hair, yanking it down. He tenses in pain and closes an eye to prevent yelling. They turn towards me and look at my hands. I do as well and notice the metal cuffs look too similar to wood. Almost like a coverup for something.
“You’re wearing our friendship ring! You must still want to hang out with me!”
You’re beyond stupid if you think I will after this stunt. Is this where they were the time I was going to hang out with them? Wait... Please for the love of everything, tell me they didn't get hit by the same fucking quirk. That or going back to the idea I might be the problem. Ryo's almost acting like it. My mouth feels incredibly dry as I try to speak. "Why this way?" Eventually manages to come out. It’s not slurred, which must be insane luck. Aiya seems disappointed. "Well, miraculously somehow doesn't seem to be any brain damage or concussion, so I guess that's good."
I snap at Ryo harming Tadao and that Aiya wanted me to be injured. Same with how the others have been acting. Really getting pissed off at whoever has this quirk. I’d like more than just a word with them, even if it’s a child at this point. "Could you break out of this weird fucking quirk already? I'm getting sick of all this weird personality bullshit." So I’m crabby. Sue myself. Not my fault they could have killed me and are the cause of this stupid pain in my head. They deserve a snappy attitude at least.
Ryo looks at me confused. "I was never hit with any quirk.”
What? Did I stop breathing? I think I stopped breathing. No, they have to be lying! Ugh, really must have been me.
Aiya laughs maniacally for a moment at my probably bewildered expression. "Is- is that what you THINK? They and Ryo were never hit with such a ridiculous thing!"
My mind blanks into fear of what that means. It's not possible they're just acting like that normally! It has to be me then! I refuse to believe two pro heroes, one in training, and a child ALL have some weird obsession for just a plain babysitter. Ugh, I might have to resign being their babysitter, or even just one in general, if this is the case. Well, if I get out of here that is. I’d rather not get involved deeper with whatever the fucks going on with them.
"They were probably just acting to keep your pathetic excuse as a good sitter so they could finally stop looking for another!"
Me, a pathetic excuse? I'm not the one who kept trying to hit on a married gay man or ignore the children, which, I don't know, IS. THE. JOB.? A major part of me is doubtful of them just acting it as well. There's no way they'd go to such extremities and make me so uncomfortable sometimes if that was the case. With how desperate they are, maybe? But Shouta really doesn't seem to be the type to mess around or act differently than himself under any circumstance.
I give her a disbelieving look, which seemed to be the wrong thing to do, and her face became a harsh glare as she stomps up to me. She reaches out towards me and wraps her hand around my pendant. She gives a firm tug, breaking the chain around my neck, then glares at the pendant.
"This should have been mine. I was so close to finding a way I could squeeze back in and steal Hizashi for myself, but then you had to come in and ruin everything. I don't know what stupid trick you pulled, but they're dogs at your fucking mercy, almost like Tadao is for me."
My brows crease in confusion. What does she mean by that?
Ryo finally stopped pulling on Tadao's hair, and he steps a few feet away from the psychotic duo. He's also on thin ice but seems to really not want to be a part of this. He glares at Aiya from behind and gently rubs his scalp. She turns to look at him while trying to squeeze the pendant as tight as she could. It's sturdier than I thought since it isn't cracking in any way. "Why don't you tell them, my little errand boy?" She says "errand boy" in such a demeaning way that even I feel like throwing up.
He physically cringes hard at that name but doesn't stop his glaring at her. She doesn't seem to care in the slightest. "It's true. She's got me on a tight leash that could easily make me lose my job as a waiter for my parent's business. Two of her friends help set me up one day while I was their waiter. She purposefully tripped me, making me fall onto one of her in-on-it female friends,"
He greatly cringes again. "My hands ended up in... unsavory places trying to catch myself. Aiya snapped a picture, and if she were to send it to my parents, they'd kick me from my job for sure. I'm trying to earn my place to take over their business one day. They understandably would have no tolerance for such behavior. Everyone is more than willing to believe three women complaining about a man assaulting them before they'd believe a man claiming to be gay was framed."
I hate to say it, but that does seem like a pretty logical assumption many would make. Has he mentioned being gay before? My still kinda messed up mind can't remember.
Aiya laughs sadistically. "Right you are, my little errand boy."
I cringe as well this time. Ew. Out of all things? Seriously?
"It was a miracle it worked so well in my favor! Now I can just dangle the little carrot whenever I need dirty work done, and he has to do it or lose his job and family’s faith in him permanently."
Now I'm feeling a bit bad for Tadao.
"In speaking of loss." She turns back towards me and glares harshly again. She throws the pendant to the ground and tries to break it with a few firm stomps. Is she seriously acting like a child right now? If I wasn’t in such a dire situation, I’d probably be laughing at how pathetic this is.
The stomps do little to nothing. She yells in frustration, picks it up again, and chucks it at the concrete wall as hard as she could on my left. It just bounces off and clatters to the also concrete floor. Concrete? Of course I'd be in a fucking basement. She’s acting like a child throwing a massive tantrum.
She stops after a moment and pins her hands on my forearms. The grip almost hurts. With her glare locked onto my eyes and her quite obvious thirst for power or something, I could almost joke about her being kinky.
That thought nearly makes me physically gag. Ew. Okay, definitely not with her involved though.
“What are you doing? This wasn’t part of the plan!” Ryo has the audacity to almost sound panicked. Why?
She looks back toward Ryo for a moment.
"Oh, they deserve a little punishment, don't you think, dear Ryo? They chose the “family” over you after all. All they had to do was deny them a bit better, and all of this could have been avoided!~"
I'm pissed they didn't think I tried. How the hell are you SUPPOSED to just stand up and refuse two pro heroes to something they were already dead set on? Especially if they’re quite high in ranks?
Ryo has a torn expression. “I… yeah, I guess that makes sense. But we can’t afford to have them suddenly needing to go to the hospital. They’d be found then!”
She turns back towards me with a highly unnerving smirk. “Don’t you worry. I’ll just go to stage one.”
Stage… one? Wait, It almost feels like everything around is getting colder? No, worse. It feels like heat is slowly being sapped out of me. What is she doing!?
Tadao seems to pale a few shades lighter than he already was.
“Y-You can’t just use your quirk like that! You’re purposefully giving them stage one hypothermia!?” He rushes towards us to try to stop her.
...She’s what!?
She puts one of her hands in a “stop” form towards him. “Come any closer, and I won’t think twice of posting that delightful pic to your family.”
He freezes in his tracks.
“Besides, stage one is harmless enough anyway. Mostly just some shivering and loss of blood circulation. We can warm them back up to normal easily enough later.”
“B-but what about the chance of it worsening after? It could get worse itself since it’s already fairly cold down here!” He almost seems to beg for her to let go.
She rolls her eyes. Damn, I’m feeling the effect fast. My body is already starting to involuntarily shiver. “Every time you open your whiny mouth, it makes my longing stronger of wanting to post it just to get you sorry excuse for a man finally away from me.”
He looks like he desperately wants to say something else, but his mouth snaps shut.
“I- uh, I’ll come back later. I can’t really handle being around Y/N while you do that to them.” Ryo admits and heads towards the stairs starting at my right front corner and goes up towards a door above and behind me. Seriously? You’re so DESPERATE to get me, finally do, and then can’t even stick around to watch your new friend basically torture your old best friend? Just how pathetic are you?
The door slams as they leave.
She immediately gets way too close to my face. Back up, back up, backup, backup,backup-
“You’re lucky I promised to keep my word for them, or I’d have absolutely no problem forcing it to the third stage and laugh at you while watching you die.” She seethes, and lets go not long after.
She's lucky I didn't spit on her face. Would have greatly loved to. I really should have.
She looks toward Tadao and glares again. “I’ll be back shortly. I need to make sure you weren’t stupid enough to leave any other tracks that would lead them to us. While I’m gone, don’t think of doing anything else stupid,” She leaves pretty quickly as well. However, I didn’t hear a door open and close.
I look up to try to see why, and there’s a bit of purple mist that disappears not long after. Purple mist? Was there another or something? Maybe that’s how I got here? Now thinking back, I think I saw something purple forming to the side of me before being knocked out.
Tadao bolts to be right in front of me and puts his hands on my shoulders. The little heat is a surprising relief from the serious chill I’m feeling now. His brown eyes look like they’re about to start crying.
“I’m sorry! I’msorry, I’msosorry, so, so, so, sorry! I didn’t want this to happen and purposefully started to avoid you because they were forcing me to get you and they would have known if I met you and didn’t get you with that other watching and so many things this is so frustrating-!” He quickly started speaking so fast I almost didn’t understand a word he said to me. It took a moment to process, but then it made sense why he wasn’t around the past few days.
Kind of stuck on what to do now, other than…
I slip the ring off my finger and drop it to the floor. Can’t exactly stomp on it from my legs being bound, but it’s enough in the rage I feel.
Another involuntary shiver comes over my body. Has it always been this cold in here? I know the whole hypothermia and stuff going on, but this seems rather odd. Was she possibly lying about only stage one?
He quickly kneels down to be right by the cuffs still on my wrist sitting in front.
Metal cuffs that are detailedly painted to look wooden. After a second of him holding them, The paint chips off with what I guess to be some sort of mold, leaving the metallic glint underneath.
A surprised and extremely terrified expression takes over his face. “I thought I told her to make them wood! I lied saying you wouldn’t be able to break out of it so I could use my mold to dissolve them!”
Aiya laughs behind him and re-enters. A test. Of COURSE she was testing him, not going back to the scene. It would have been beyond suspicious if the heroes saw her there.
She walks down the stairs to be in front of us. “You honestly think I’d listen to you? I know you were planning on letting them go before you found out the family they babysit for are heroes. Sadly, I actually did get rid of that picture, as promised to Ryo with your cooperation, but I can easily get more. All it takes is another friend who still has it, or even just have other friends do the same thing at your workplace,” she puts her hand on her chin and looks up in thought. “Hmm, I might just post it anyways. You didn’t fully keep your promise either!~ Oh! And it would be so much better if next time it’s when your parents are-”
The door gets slammed with so much force, that it flies off the hinges and falls flat right behind her. She freezes in her place, staring at the entrance where the door was.
A man with all-too-familiar hair and certain grey clothing jumps down, and turns toward Aiya with a very harsh glare.
… It’s Shouta, and he. Is. PISSED.
yikes, lost and fully forgot about the taglist until now.
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trollbreak · 9 months
I love writing shit on a whim that I’ve meant to work on for ages
[Power on.
Error: Irregular Shutdown.
System Check:
Disabled. Please consult Fleet personnel for repairs.
Charging Error.
There’s a hand on either side of their face, when they finish rebooting, and they find themselves looking at a troll that they don’t recognize.
Database Search: Unavailable.
The troll before them has wide fins and wild hair, and the droid can see their housing reflected in a pair of wing-shaved sunglasses. They can feel the current running from the troll’s palms, past the speakers that they talk through, and one side has already been heavily damaged.
They lift a limb to push the troll’s hands away as gently as they can, given the fact that their systems are still recovering from running out of power. The troll is rattling off something too fussed for them to care, so M594275 just raises their volume over the voice.
“While I appreciate the power, you’re going to do unnecessary damage if you continue like this. Please return me to a charging station, or consult my mechanics, if I’m unavailable, in the future.”
They’re sure that the troll can hear their annoyance, even if one speaker is cutting in and out as it dies. Who would try to recharge a robot through the face plating? Just because this model hasn’t got the detailed expressing that others do doesn’t mean that there aren’t still delicate pieces under the surface. Maker, this fuchsia must be stupid. Or under duress. But even if that’s the case, it was still a poor decision. One that risked one of their fastest means of communication, until replacements can be brought in.
“Who needs examination?”
The troll blinks at their question, her fins pressing back against her hair.
“What? What sort of exam-“
“You restarted a medical droid in one of the most absurd ways I’ve come across yet, obviously there’s an emergency, or you’ve just tried to fry my speakers for nothing.”
The air between them sparks a moment, and the troll cocks their head to one side a little.
“Why the hell were you shipping a medic with navigational equipment? This wasn’t even supposed to be a- shit. Res, fuck off-“
The droid follows her eyeliner to another seadweller, this one with bright red fins and an eyepatch. One who seems to have very little intention of fucking off, even as the fuchsia tries to wave him off.
“You got it back on, nice! What’s it do?”
If they had teeth, they would threaten to bite the man, with how he’s prodding at the mesh vents on either side of their face, intended to protect their speakers from debris. When one isn’t running psionic currents directly through said speakers, at least. They spare the first troll a glare, but she’s spared the brunt of it by their bangs.
“I’m a medical unit. I specialize in surgical procedures, but-“
“It’s fleet, dude, fuck off. Fisvet’s gonna lose her shit if he’s gotta cover your ass twice in one week, and I can’t do shit if I’m having to power the ship!”
“That’s what we have backup power for, chill-“
“Backup power that we’ve been using for nights now so I can help you get shit sorted, yeah!”
M594275 just wants them to stop.
“Technically, I’m not combat ready, and my connection to any systems is offline. If you’re worried about getting reported for a mutant, don’t. I don’t care if you live or die, so long as it’s not on my watch.”
It would hardly be the first time they’ve turned a blind eye. Pandor hardly monitors their data anymore, and she’s always been enough of a bleeding heart that they doubt it would be of much concern even if she did. They sincerely doubt that, if this person got hurt, it would be remotely connected to their presence. That’s simply not what they were made for.
Not that the information has done much for the bickering, though.
“…If the two of you are going to continue on like this, could you either power me back off or charge me enough to have mobility? This is stupid.”]
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simonstamenovic · 1 year
I forgot how utterly long my days felt doing this. I've been back in the city for under 24 hours and yet it feels like I've been on my feet for far longer than that.
It's... not fun, really. Exhilarating, in a way. Mostly exhausting, but I'd prefer to see the bright side of things at the moment. So. Exhilarating it is. And it's nice to see Yan again, despite the circumstances. I'd never gotten very close with Seth or Mary, but I am glad they both seem to be doing alright, again despite it all.
It's only due to a miracle the new girl they'd picked up hadn't died, and Seth seems to be doing surprisingly well given both the behavior of Arthur and my own reckless decision. I don't want to let myself slip back into old patterns again; it's hard not to feel the need to do something running through you like electricity through a wire. No. Blood through your veins. It remains important to stay grounded.
It seems, luckily for the others and less luckily for me, my mistake (in the long run, I really need to apologize to both Céline and Ray when I get the chance) mainly hurt me. At least I've learned to compartmentalize well, though I can tell this headache is going to kick me in the ass as soon as I get the chance to rest again. I can still feel everything echoing around in my head, ringing and useless and more and more distorted as time goes on.
Fighting the other smug little mirror of me didn't help, I don't exactly have time to kick myself over it now but it was another very stupid decision.
At least I've figured it out and let the others know. Here's hoping we know how to work as a team.
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konako · 2 years
It might just be me but there is not nearly enough conversation about that werewolf hunter guy that kidnapped Snow in the episode "Heartless" in season 6. "Must be the Woodcutter. A bounty hunter who usually specializes in hunting down werewolves," says Snow.
It's not just you, my dude. It's.... It's true. We are overlooking this. Because... Look. I recognize canon has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.
It’s too much to even attempt to—
There’s so much wrong with that.
To have— To have Blue— BLUE— OF ALL PEOPLE—
Deep breath in, now...
THE FUCKING BLUE FAIRY?!!! REALLY? Really? Oh really?!!!
Look. Full transparency: I haven’t watched a single episode of season 6 or season 7 (though I’m told the last one is not as bad). I was barely conscious during season 5, only holding on to the promise of seeing Ruby again. I was entirely checked out after 5x18. 
I’ve just watched that episode. Just the scene with the Woodcutter. Just so I can understand what’s going on and, seriously?
Taking a step back out of the universe and looking at the writing objectively, as a consumer?
You can tell it was not supposed to be Blue there. She’s painfully out of place (and time) there. She’s not Snow White’s fighting buddy. She’s never been. She’s the shady one. Blue was not the one for that place by Snow’s side. It was the other color.
But Meghan wasn’t available to bring in Red for this storyline — Which is a shame, because that would have been a juicy storyline for her. But I get it, she was done with the show, the show was done with her. It actually pains me, that it was the case.
It’s a tragedy for the story.
It truly is a great loss. We missed out on having Red Snow (first of all, an excellent dynamic that could have made for thousand more fascinating storylines!) facing, for a brief moment, A Werewolf Hunter. 
Sit on that for a second. Red Snow vs. A Werewolf Hunter.
Think of the potential there!! The expansion of the world! The depth of that story, the many possibilities to be explored for Red Snow pre-curse, pre-Charming. The weight it would have added to Ruby’s past, present and future and for Snow’s character by association! What a great way to evolve her angst into something even bigger!! Wow. 
(But this is OUAT and, by season 6, we had learned that having potential is not a guarantee for a good thing. Sometimes, it’s quite the opposite).
It is truly sad. My grumpy entitled little inner child feels cheated, robbed of a great thing. 
But my adult brains knows better. OUAT has always had great pieces, but often couldn’t put them together (or keep them together for long).
That’s a deception I have to live with, thoughts and prayers for me please.
What I don’t understand is: (two things, real quick, as brief as I can be)
1) Why make it explicitly a Werewolf Hunter, if the implications of that wouldn’t be explored further?
I mean, before I get into why I’m bitter about it, let me be clear: thank you! Honestly, thank you for that! I’m grateful. I’m not even kidding! That’s precious and I appreciate it, thank you for that addition! My headcanon was starved and I needed that!
Because now I know that hunters specialized in werewolves are a thing in the Enchanted Forest (and maybe beyond) and that’s another rant on its own (you can hold me to that). File that in the special folder in my headcanon drawer, Jessica.
That’s an excellent detail to introduce, so the story has yet another layer and can (could 💔) later branch out into interesting confrontations, character relations and dynamics. That’s good!
But... it went nowhere. Not only it wouldn’t be explored further and the one werewolf we know and care about wasn’t there to react to it, but the next best thing: The Werewolf’s BFF had no particular reaction to this.
This is a man that specializes in HUNTING WEREWOLVES FOR A LIVING. He has a nickname, he’s known for it, so we’re to assume he’s good at it, has been doing this a while, has a decent reputation and people call him when needed.
The existence of this character implies that there are people weaponizing silver, studying werewolves and their patterns, learning to recognize them in human form to better kill them, finding ways to imprison them and/or selling them off to buyers with nefarious intentions. Does that mean there is a market for werewolves? For silver weapons? Are there people teaching others in the art of killing a werewolf? (I COULD GO ON!!!) 
Not only that, but SNOW WHITE acknowledging The Woodcutter and taking the time to explain it to Blue means that at least she’s (THEY, and by THEY, I mean RED SNOW OF COURSE!!!) ran into him (or hunters like him) before.
What does that mean for Red Snow as a friendship, as An Outcast Partnering With A Fugitive? How does Snow feel about it? Surely she would outlaw that practice, once she’s Queen. And, most importantly, what about Red? What kind of impact does it have on her life, her self-image and self-esteem? On the way she interacts with people, with the world, on the people she decides to trust with her secret or not. (FOLKS WEREN’T EXACLTY UNDERSTANDING) How does she cope with that? (I COULD GO ON!!! 2)
“There’s nothing holding me here”, said Snow. 
BUT EXCUSE ME? What the fuck. Where is Red. Where is RED?? (I know where Meghan is, but here is RED?) That’s the question that OUAT has never attempted to answer: Where is Red, while this is happening? 
It’s one thing for them (RED SNOW!!!) to part ways after Snow meets Charming and gets into fighting Regina and all that. But here?! She knows Blue already, she’s not yet met Charming, I’m guessing. So, in this moment in the timeline, WHERE IS RED?!??? What the hell is she doing? Is she in hiding because of the werewolf hunters? Could be! I don’t know!! 
Snow could throw an axe like that, so I’m guessing she’s had some fighting training (first with Red, then with the dwarves I guess), she’s selling stuff, she’s thinking ahead, still in hiding, she’s smart and she’s fast making decisions, so she’s been at it for a while, she’s not the young naive Snow we met during Red Handed. She’s a bit hardened already: SHE’S MAKING PLANS TO LEAVE. ALONE. 
Deep breath out....
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Hellooo, I'm here to request an Eddie Munson x Male reader pls :] Frenemies to lovers Hurt/comfort, maybe after Chrissy dying and shit and Eddie didn't know where else to go so he went to his "Friend" (Y/N and Eddie are kind of friends but also not(?) If that makes sense, but basically– They're frenemies, Eddie is secretly inlove with Y/N but he's not gonna confess yet) uhh, I think that's it.. sorry if it's too long, I just saw ur Eddie x reader earlier and I got really excited (cuz I absolutely love Eddie)
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Chrissy Cunningham was dead;There wasn’t any other word within any dictionary that could’ve accurately described her current situation better then a four letter word that of which meant not alive. The same word that no one would ever want iterated in the same sentence as their loved ones.
Eddie, rightfully scared and confused out of his mind legged it out of his trailer and into his van before flooring it out of there and as far away as possible only to end up at the doorstep to the very place that Eddie swore to never dare enter in a heat of the moment decision. He should’ve know better then to choose your place considering that you were constantly at each others throats, seeing as you were leaders of two separate clubs that naturally had a long running rivalry with one another; however when some else other then yourself and Eddie thought it be alright to pick on the other you both had no qualms setting aside your differences in favour of double teaming against the outsider in a scared shitless state. Only you could pick on Eddie and only Eddie can pick on you. It was just common sense to anyone with eyes.
Never wanting to admit it to anyone, not even himself, Eddie secretly loved the back and fourth you both had going on, but he also loved the moments where you’d actually see eye to eye on things or just talk about your passions beneath a starlight night that only made you look more handsome in Eddie’s eyes since he could never look away long enough for it to be discreet that he felt something for you but was too stubborn to confess. You had him bewitched and you didn’t know it or you did but just didn’t want to make it awkward for him, either way he was just lucky enough to have someone who could embrace him for all that made his essence; You were frenemies right down to it’s textbook definition. You cared for one another yet never held back whenever the other was wrong or about to commit to a stupid idea that would only cause second hand embarrassment later on in life.
You and Eddie acted like you never needed each other yet you stood side by side no matter what even if you were bickering, it was almost as though a secrete pact was made at the birth of your relationship that no matter what you’d still stand by one another even if that person was ever proven wrong. Whether it was stubbornness or something else Eddie has to admit that to have someone so fiercely loyal yet also a pain in the ass was something he could never trade off for anything if given the opportunity to rid you from his life. He needed you and he knew it and he’d like to believe that you needed him too because right now he needed you more then ever before; Which is why as he pulled up to park near your house and took note that your parents/guardian was out for the night Eddie didn’t hesitate to rush to your door and start wailing on it like there was no tomorrow while looking over his shoulders, panicked.
“L/n! I know your in there you little shit I need you to let me in!” He cried, dark eyes glancing over his shoulder now and then incase he’d get spotted as nerves get the better of him that he felt like he was going to either burst out crying, have a meltdown or both simultaneously if you didn’t open the damn door- “the fuck you want Munson, I was asleep-“ “yeah, yeah you look fucking terrible let me in.” Eddie cut you off hastily as he shut the door behind him, locking it for good measure before sliding down until he was sat on the floor, knees to his chest and head leaned back against door with his eyes closed in brief relief. He was safe…for now. Now normally you would’ve bite his fucking head off for barging into your house as if he owned the place but looking at him right now you could psychically feel that something was off and it had effected Eddie more then you knew he’d willingly let on. So you kneeled in front of him, hands placed on his knees that made his eyes shot open at the contact to look at you with confusion and serenity as they flicker between your hands and your face as though he was waiting for something while also a little tense.
“Eddie, are you okay? What’s wrong, who’s ass do I have to beat this time?” Eddie’s chest warmed at your immediate concern for him and he could feel his lips attempt to smile fondly at the display but forced himself to not emote so much in fear that you didn’t feel the same way about him. It made him feel loved, it made him feel seen, protected along with a multitude of feelings that he couldn’t quite describe and he cursed you for having such a hold on him that even looking into your eyes made him feel things he’d never thought he’d feel. Eddie could feel the nerves within him settle and gave him enough of a clear mind to attempt to make sense of what he saw mere moments ago; yet the fear of you not believing him or thinking that he was just high and nothing more made him fret more then he’d ever think he could fret over something as your view on him right now.
He scoffed a little, looking away from your eyes to look down at your hands on his knees here your thumbs were absentmindedly stroking the skin that poked through his ripped jeans reassuringly, whether you were aware of it or not he didn’t bother mentioning it. “You would’ve believe me even if I tried to make sense of it. Fuck even I wouldn’t believe me either. I’m just a stupid stoner in your eyes as far as I’m concerned your in your right not to believe me.” The broken look in your eyes hurt Eddie more then he’d think, he wishes he could take it back but why take it back when it’s been your entire truth? Still your his friend/enemy of course you going to feel a certain way when he degrades himself lower then that of a human being. His pain was yours and yours was his. “Eddie, don’t say that, I never ever want to hear you say that about yourself! Sure your a stupid stoner but your the coolest stupid stoner I’ve ever got the unfortunate yet fortunate pleasure of meeting!” He couldn’t help but chuckle at your attempt to reassure him while also taking lighthearted jabs at him in the process, it’s a gift of yours that he never grows tired of but if the same was said by a different person it wouldn’t hold the same effect. That’s how he knew how enamoured he was with you.
Your eyes light up at his chuckle and let one out yourself before getting back to business, “now tell me what happened that got you so scared Eddie, I’m your friend. There’s nothing you could possibly say that will ever change that fact.” You reached a hand from his knee to place it on his shoulder, “alright?” Eddie almost melted at the warm of your hand on his shoulder, sighing deeply before he found himself reaching for your other hand to fiddle with, a tell tell sign that he was anxious. “Alright, Chrissy came over to mine for some strong drugs to cope with whatever she was going through, she never told me. So I went to find them but when I came back she looked as though she was under a trance, eyelids flickering and shit. I tried waking her but then she started levitating in mid-air before…before her limbs got snapped in inhumane ways and…of god I can’t…I cant..” Eddie whimpered as flashes of the previous events came to the forefront of his mind no matter how hard he tried to get rid of them on the ride here by of you. It wasn’t enough.
You saw his distraught and brought him into a tight hug, resting his head against your shoulder as you let him cry out everything into your sleep shirt as you ran your fingers through his hair. “It’s okay Eddie, let it out I’ve got you, I believe you dude because like I said before there’s nothing you could possibly say that could ever change my view on you.” You felt him hold you tighter when you tried to get more comfortable as a silent plea for you to stay with him, which is what you were planning on doing. “Now get some shut eye you look like shit.” You said in an attempt in getting him to laugh again for your ears to hear but what you couldn’t see what Eddie’s teary eyed but lovesick gaze locked onto the side of your head as he aloud himself to laugh and smile in your presence, now feeling more safe then before. He wished he could confess how he felt towards you but he didn’t know if you liked guys; he wishes that he could hold you within his arms without a care for what others would say about two boys being in love but right now didn’t seem appropriate and instead chose to value the fact that you were in his arms right here and now and that you weren’t going anywhere. God Eddie loved you more then words could describe but didn’t have to strength to act upon it, he will one day but today just wasn’t that day.
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lemons3ason · 3 years
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BNHA HUSBAND SCENARIOS: When you mention divorce after a fight
🥦Izuku Midoriya🥦
“If I mean so little to you than why’d you ever marry me?!”
Your voice echoed that same sentence in his head over and over again, you had gotten into an argument over Izuku overworking himself and it resulted in him saying things he didn’t mean. He had forgotten that behind these walls you were a married couple not hero partners, he had chosen his job over you regardless of the promise that he made that you’d always be the world he wanted to protect and now here he was, sitting alone on the couch in shame. He had hurt you with his words he knew he did, he wanted to apologize but he didn’t know what to say or do. His ears twitched to the sound of your bedroom door opening and he stood up meeting your puffy eyes before you moved towards the door.
“H-honey...w-where are you going?”, he stuttered, a feeling in his stomach made him worry.
“Out. Just go back to work or something...you’re happier there anyways.”
His body winced to the cruel venom that laced every word, he had to apologize immediately. He slowly walked up to you reaching for your hand but you quickly snapped it away and opened the door.
“(Y/n) wait I’m-“
“If I stay by you any longer then I’ll really consider divorcing you.”, you admitted coldly making the tall muscular man freeze completely.
You walked out, slamming the door as you left, leaving Izuku alone to his thoughts. You wanted to divorce him...you were actually considering it. What did he do? What was he supposed to do, he didn’t want you to leave him! He’s the number one hero, he fights villains and faces death everyday, and yet now he’s afraid and alone. Despite his frenzied mind he raced after you, nothing else mattered right now then you. Thankfully you hadn’t gotten far but he could tell from your body language that you were crying again, you always tried to play tough even when you were truly hurting inside.
“(Y/n)!”, he screamed, you name echoing in his chest.
You quickly turned around revealing your tearful eyes, you frowned quickly deciding to run rather then face your green haired husband. Izuku wouldn’t let you go so easily, not now, not ever! He activated his quirk speeding towards you and scooping you up into his arms as he floated up into the clouds. You couldn’t do anything up here so you had to listen to him, “(F/n) Midoriya I’m sorry!”, he yelled hugging you tightly.
You didn’t respond, you didn’t say a single word much to Izuku’s horror. He pressed his forehead against the top of yours and closed his eyes begging you to look at him, “Not like this. Please (Y/n) anything but this, I don’t want to lose you. We’ve been together since high school and I love you more every day so please don’t tell me you want a divorce. Just tell me what I have to do to fix my mistakes.”, Izuku pleads were desperate and shaky. You didn’t want to deal with this broken heart of yours anymore, he always chose work over you and you were tired of it.
“I-I want my Izuku back. I married Izuku Midoriya...not Pro Hero Deku. I don’t want to be your second thought anymore I’m tired of being forgotten.”, you sobbed against his chest not once looking up at him.
That’s when he realized how little time he’d been spending with you, a simple hello and good night were all he’d ever gotten from you lately. He’d go to work early, get home late, you’d stop making him dinner all together since you knew he wouldn’t come home. The stress of him neglecting you over work had finally caught up with you and now he had to fix it.
“Let’s go home (y/n).”
“Don’t wanna. I hate it there.”, you admitted.
Even if you didn’t want to he took you home. He carried you to bed and laid you down wrapping his arms around you and talking to you until you vented out all of your feelings. Once you were asleep in his arms he grabbed his phone and immediately requested time off from the agency. He had to rekindle your love for him before anything else happened and he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.
💥Katsuki Bakugou💥
Your cries had finally calmed down after an hour but Katsuki’s guilt and worry were far from gone. He couldn’t even remember the cause of the argument, so he could remember were the tears in your eyes when he had grabbed your wrist to hard and accidentally activated his quirk. The unpleasant smell of burnt flesh still lingered in the room and small drops of your blood stained the floor.
“(Y/n)...open the door. Let me clean your wound before it gets infected.”, Katsuki called from the other side of your bedroom door.
He didn’t hear any noise from the other side so he assumed you were ignoring him but he deserved it. All he did was fight with you lately, the stupid stress from work was making him angrier then he already was but why would he take it out on you? He called for you again trying to get any sign that you were okay. He was hopeful when he heard the door unlock but your cold heartless expression made his blood freeze.
“I’m tired Bakugou. I’m tired of being the stupid ass sponge that you dump all your problems out on and then ring out when you’re not angry anymore. Finish filling these out, I’m leaving tonight because I can’t do this anymore.”, you sighed slamming some papers against his chest before returning to your room.
The angry blonde knew he fucked up the moment you called him by his last name, you only ever did that when you were furious so he knew he fucked up. He didn’t want to bother you anymore then he had so he left to the kitchen to look over the papers you had given him. He assumed it was paperwork for work since you both worked at his agency but his heart dropped when he realized that they were divorce papers. Everything was already filled out all that was needed was his signature of consent to start the divorce process. His mouth ran dry, his heart pace quickened, and his hands became sweaty from nervousness. He raced back to your bedroom forcing the door open to see you packing your suitcase and frowned at you. You met his eyes briefly but returned to filling your suitcase despite him wanting to speak with you.
“B-bab-(Y/n)...(Y/n) why divorce? I-It doesn’t...I-I mean we don’t-“
“You don’t love me anymore that’s why you’re always fighting with me right?”, you dared to ask holding your injured arm up to your chest.
Katsuki body froze to your assumption, is that how he’s made you feel? “(Y/n) I love you. I do, I love you just like the day I confessed to you. Just like the day I proposed to you, just like-like our wedding day.”, He confessed shaking as tears poured from his eyes. “I don’t want to let go of you! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
You turned to him with sad eyes taking in his stressed appearance and sighed, you couldn’t do this anymore. You were tired from always being yelled at and then suddenly being loved, you weren’t sure if he was bipolar or just being a dick anymore so you couldn’t bear to deal with this another day.
“Bakugou just sign the papers. You’re not gonna change, I’m not gonna be able to take another day of this especially if you’re getting so violent that you’d actually hurt me.”, your voice was soft and broken the more you spoke you didn’t want to leave him but you couldn’t take this anymore, “I’m not asking for anything just let me g-“
You gasped feeling him suddenly embrace you, you flinched in his arms but he just held you tighter afraid to let you go. His lips kissed yours feverishly making you reconsider your decision until he pulled away.
“Don’t do this (Y/n) I won’t be able to live with myself if I lost you. I’m sorry, I’ll get better, just please don’t leave me. Stay here tonight I’ll go to a hotel or something so you have some time to yourself and then I’ll come back and make you breakfast and if you still feel the same tomorrow then I’ll sign the stupid fucking papers.”, he admitted handing you the papers.
His hands shook violently with fear, he didn’t want to let go of them knowing that you’d probably still feel the same tomorrow. You were able to pull them out of his grip and he left to pack his bag for the night. You didn’t say a word as you watched him pack his bag for the night, he was ready to leave but not before pressing another kiss to your lip and apologizing again.
“Goodnight love I’ll see you tomorrow.”, he smiled nervously back at you watching you merely nod and wave him goodbye.
It wasn’t until now that Katsuki realized just how distant you were from him.
🔥Shoto Todoroki���️
It was just the heat of the moment and the stress from arguing that made Shoto say what he said. Now with his hand over his mouth and new tears falling from your eyes the fighting had ended with both sides losing. He had cheated on you with his best friend, the very girl he told you never to worry about. You stared down at your feet, face heating up in embarrassment, while your vision became blurrier.
“(Y/n) I-“
You held your hand up signaling for him to stop, you went to your room to pack your suitcase and leave. He tried to speak with you but you wouldn’t listen and to make it worse he answered the phone to Momo as you packed. While he was busy talking to her you slipped out of the front door not once daring to look back. You’d stay at a hotel for tonight then move back to your home town, your mother was right to be wary of him but to think he had actually thrown you away for Momo was almost to unbelievable.
“Where did it all go wrong?”, you sighed to yourself getting into the Taxi.
You were practically at the front desk requesting a room when Shoto finally called you. An hour had already passed but it made you realize just how little you meant to him now that he had who he truly wanted. Once you were settled in your hotel room you answered him, your voice dead and hoarse from sobbing.
“(Y/n) please come back home. I-I didn’t mean to do it, I’m sorry just please come ba-“
“I want a divorce Todoroki, if you wanted her so badly that you went behind my back to do it then I no longer want to be your wife.”, you replied coldly hanging up before he could speak anymore.
You blocked his number and tossed your phone into a forgotten corner of the room. You called your mother on the room phone to tell her you’d be going back and the pain in her voice over hearing you heartbroken made her regret ever jinxing you. You heard a knock at your door and sighed believing it was room service so you put on a fake smile as you answered the door but it dropped once you saw Shoto standing before you.
“Go away.”, you warned slamming the door on him but his ice blocked it from shutting completely.
“(Y/n) I’m sorry, it only ever happened once I promise. I wasn’t thinking right it was during your year long undercover mission I-I don’t even remember what made us do it-“
You glared at him, with a heavy heart your hand met your left cheek, the sound echoed in the room before he turned to look at you again.
“I stayed loyal to you all these years and when I leave for one you decide to fall for another woman and sleep with her. I’ve always been insecure especially about women as beautiful as Yaomomo, and just when I was starting to believe you about being prettier than her you threw it all away!”, you sobbed holding yourself in your arms, “What did I do to make you stop loving me? To make you stoop low enough to cheat on me!”
God your words were killing him, each tear made his guilt worse and worse, “(Y/n) I’m sorry...I’m so sorry.”
“No you’re not. You hold back because you’re lying to yourself that you love me but even I know that you don’t. Just go Shoto...it’s over I want nothing to do with either of you.”, you sighed turning your back to him one last time. He reached out to grab you but he couldn’t seem to reach you. Even though you were so close his body wouldn’t let him move, tears spilled from his dual colored eyes as he turned to leave. You heard the door shut and sighed it was over.
🐙Tamaki Amajiki🐙
“A-Angel, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that.”, Tamaki cried.
You body was limp in his grasp and to defeated sigh left Tamaki fearful of what was going to leave your mouth, “If you don’t love me then why do you bother staying here? I’ll just do you the favor and set you free. Once the divorce is settled then you won’t have to deal with someone annoying like me ever again.”, you spoke softly somehow escaping his grip as you disappeared into the bedroom. Tamaki was shaking, a cold sweat washed over him and his heart was racing. He hadn’t suffered an anxiety attack this serious since high school, he wanted you to comfort him but he knew right now you wouldn’t do that.
“(Y/n) I’m sorry. P-please don’t say you’ll divorce me. I don’t want anyone else I-I just want you.”, he admitted rushing to your room to see you packing your things.
His stomach dropped when he finally realized you were serious about this. He begged for you to listen, poor excuses falling from his lips with each passing second. “Tamaki just stop, why would you want to stay with someone you don’t even love? The damage is already done Tamaki so you have to deal with the consequences. I’m going to live with my mother until I get back on my feet, I don’t want anything from you just sign off the papers once you get them.”, you sighed zipping up your suitcase as you prepared to leave.
Tamaki’s quirk activated, his tentacle finger slammed your suitcase away in a matter of seconds. Once again you were yelling at him but he didn’t care, he walked up to you and fell to his knees just at your feet and wrapped his arms around your waist latching onto you desperately. “Tamaki let go.”, you warned pushing him off by his shoulders. Not a word left his lips, he just held onto you tighter. “Let go Amajiki.”, you sighed breaking to the sound of his soft sobs against your stomach.
“I-I can’t lose you. N-not like this. S-sorry...so s-sorry.”, he hiccuped stumbling over his words, “I need you. You’re not annoying, you’re not overbearing, you’re perfect! I love you, I didn’t mean what I said please don’t leave me!”, he screamed his tentacles wrapping around you desperately to keep you in his grasp.
“You don’t mean that. The anger in your eyes as you spoke to me only proved that you don’t love me. Let go and find someone you actually love because this... this isn’t the love you need.”, you sighed.
His nose pressed against your stomach as he begged the little person in you to convince you to stay, this wasn’t easy for you. The stress from your work and being pregnant was becoming to much for you and Tamaki’s anger towards you wasn’t helping your mental state.
“Please please don’t leave me. I can’t lose both of you.”, he sobbed.
You sighed and called his name making him look up at you, his tears poured down his eyes and his face was scrunched up on despair to the situation. Another sigh left your lips, “I’m tired Suneater.”, you whispered forcing Tamaki to freeze at the sound of his hero name. His fingers returned to normal, and although the situation was still at hand you decided to stop for the night. This strain was too much for you to handle, “Good night Suneater.” Your elf eared husband sat on the floor in shock as you drifted off to sleep fresh tears spilling silently from your eyes. He didn’t love you that’s all that replayed in your mind.
🐈‍⬛Shinsou Hitoshi🐈‍⬛
You had mentioned divorce to him once after a cruel fight in return became brainwashed for several seconds and never dared to mention it again. Where did it all go wrong? Why did it become like this? You were to afraid to speak with your own husband because of his quirk, you were so bottled up from the neglect and loveless heartache bubbling up in you that you just decided that it was better to leave. Hitoshi wouldn’t even bother talking to you about your deteriorating marriage so what was the point. He’d get home, not even say hello and go straight to bed. Maybe you were overthinking things but in the end it would be the best for you, your high school sweetheart no longer loved you simple as that.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you here?”, a female voice called, you kept your lips shut until your best friend emerged from the front door, “H-Hey why didn’t you answer me?”
“S-sorry force of habit. Sorry that I had to involve you in my running away.”, you giggled nervously.
“So you’re actually gonna take this mission? It’s an undercover mission and at a minimum you have to be off grid for a year, are you sure you can handle this?”, your friend Aiko asked.
“Y-yeah...nobody will recognize me now that I’ve quit the agency.”, you smiled.
Aiko quickly grabbed your bags and took them to her car as you left your goodbye note. Shinsou’s pet cat sat by watching you carefully, “Take care of him old friend.”, you sighed leaving your goodbye note and your ring behind.
The old tabby cat nodded and rolled into a ball to sleep until his master returned, you made sure to leave his bowls filled and disappeared without a trace. The next morning when Shinsou returned home he realized that the smell of bacon or fresh coffee was vacant from the house. He believed you had maybe overslept, that was fine in a way it gave him time to cuddle with you a bit until you quietly pulled yourself from his heavy arms.
“Mocha where’s your mom?”, Shinsou yawned walking into the kitchen.
His old tabby yawned and stamped his foot on the table bringing Shinsou’s attention to the letter that his fluffy butt sat on. He quickly noticed your ring and his heart sank, for a moment he believed it was a ransom note but it turned out to be worse then he thought. He continued to read the letter until he realized that you had left him...he had lost you. The purple haired pro ran to your bedroom praying to see you asleep in the black paw print covered sheets he had bought only to see your room completely empty of any sign of you. Your clothes were gone, shoes gone, your pictures gone! You had erased your very existence from the home and it made his heart stop.
“B-baby? Baby! (Y/n) please! Stop joking around this isn’t funny anymore! (Y/n) come back out!”, Shinsou cried collapsing to his knees from exhaustion.
If only he had realized his mistake before you had left and gone away, if only.
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