#flat fuck friday embracing or whatever
tiredassmage · 1 year
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something something the best revenge is being the best dressed motherfucker in the room or whatever~
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sturniozo · 6 months
Tutor part four
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It’s been four weeks since my success with tutoring Chris. Now, each time he comes over, we study for ninety minutes, and then hang around and do whatever Chris decides. It keeps him focused on his work while he has it in front of him.
And it’s getting easier to hang around Chris. He still gives me butterflies but I’m not so nervous around him. It’s easier to just talk to him. My hands no longer get sweaty and my heart doesn’t race so hard.
“Okay, study is officially over.” Chris says. He’s never been punctual about anything, except for the end of our allotted study time. The second the clock hits 5:30 his notes are in the bag and he’s leaned back in his chair deciding what we should do.
“What to do with the pretty y/n today.” Chris muses to himself. “Only got thirty minutes…” Chris smiles and bites his lip while looking at me. Before I could say anything, he begins laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I ask.
“Nothing. Just thinking about stuff.”
“About what?”
“How come we never hang out outside of these tutoring lessons?” Chris asks.
“Well after school mostly you have hockey practice and I have a part time job at the restaurant down the street from here.” I answer.
“You work there two nights a week. And one of those nights is the same night as hockey practice.”
“How do you know when I work, are you stalking me or something?”
“What about weekends?” Chris says, evading my sarcastic question. “You don’t work weekends, no hockey practice for me on weekends.”
“Why are you so adamant on hanging out? We’re hanging out right now.”
“A half hour is not enough. You should come to my game.”
“Your game?” I ask.
“Yeah, my hockey game. You should come.”
I look at Chris confused. “I.. why?”
Chris just shrugs. “We don’t hang out enough.” There’s a pause before Chris sighs. “Nick will be there. If that makes any difference.”
“Well you never argue with him over hanging out. It’s always a flat out yes with Nick.”
“Nick is my best friend.”
“What, and I can’t be?”
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
“Then what are you saying?” Chris stares at me with a blank face. I can’t tell what he wants me to say.
“I’ll go.”
Sitting with Nick watching the hockey game was not how I usually spend my Friday nights. I also don’t expect it to be so cold at the hockey game. I guess I should have thought of that though, seeing as they’re on ice.
So here I am. Sitting right in the front, wearing none other than Chris’s hoodie since I was stupid and didn’t bring my own. It’s nice to be in his hoodie though. It’s so warm and it smells just like him.
“Dude you’re freaking me out.” Nick says as he stares at me with concern.
The view he had of me that was so concerning to him was just me closing my eyes and embracing the smell of Chris’s hoodie.
“Chris fucking stinks I don’t understand how you can breathe that in.” Nick says.
“His hoodie doesn’t stink.” I sit up straight.
“I can smell it from here.” Nick turns his head and pretends to gag.
I just roll my eyes and sit back on the bleachers to watch the game. I’ve never been to one of Chris’s hockey games before. I don’t even understand hockey, or any sport for that matter. What even are the rules?
While deep in my thoughts, Chris skates towards the glass and waves at me while smiling. I blush and wave back, covering my face with the sleeve of his hoodie so he doesn’t see my blush. Chris just laughs and then continues on with the game.
“Yeah, that was subtle.” Nick says sarcastically.
I turn to him. “What?”
Nick then pretends to twirl his hair and blink his eyes dramatically while waving. “That’s what you look like.”
“I wasn’t twirling my hair.”
“You might as well have been.”
I just scoff and turn back to the game.
After the game ends, I wait with Nick outside for Matt and Chris to finish up in the locker room.
It’s not too cold out, but cold enough that someone wearing a skirt with no leggings underneath, like me, would catch a chill standing outside for a period of time.
“How long is this going to take?” I mumble rub my arms for warmth.
“Relax. They’ll be out in a minute.” Nick says as he scrolls through his phone.
“Easy for you to say. Your legs aren’t exposed to the harsh tundra.”
“Harsh tundra? Y/n it’s 50 degrees.”
“So cold.” I say dramatically. I place the back of my hand over my forehead and pretend to swoon, slipping and land right into someone.
“Jesus, y/n. What’s wrong?” Chris says. My heart stops. I did not just fall into Chris. Tell me I did not just fall into Chris.
“Nothing, she’s being dramatic.” Nick says and stands up straight. But I’m paralyzed. I stay still with Chris’s hands holding me up and my eyes like deer in headlights.
“Y/n?” Chris asks.
“I’m fine.” I manage to say. I finally gain the ability to stand on my own and I walk by Nick. “Let’s get going, I’m cold.”
“You wouldn’t be so cold if you weren’t wearing that little skirt. It was driving me crazy the whole game.” Chris laughs and puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk to the van.
My face heats up with blush and the butterflies come back to my stomach. Chris must have noticed because he then says “hey, hey I was joking. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’m just cold.”
“Well we’ll get you in the van and take you home and then you won’t be so cold, alright?” Chris smiles at me reassuringly.
Tag list : @freshloveforthefit @sturniolo14
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self-written-god · 8 months
T | 809 | m/nb? human/the thing haunting his house | prequel to 'haunted'
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Ed has been flat-hunting for the past two weeks daily. His brain was slowly becoming a blur of doors, walls, and smiling realtors. Every day he would see at least one place but none of them met his requirements, and if it did, it always had some hidden payments or repairs he couldn't afford. 
So when he was looking at another one on Friday - a one-story house in an old suburb neighbourhood - he didn’t have much hope of moving out of his mother’s flat. It was small, but still too big for his budget. Especially, when the realtor told him it had a huge cellar beneath, great for storing wine or preserves, as they said. 
He stepped in prepared to find water damage, leaky pipes, and drafty windows. When he found none, he asked about the price and looked twice at the paperwork. The realtor, a tired young man, waited patiently in an armchair as he searched over and over again for hidden expenses. 
“What’s wrong with this house?” he asked eventually, but as the man opened his mouth to answer, he raised his hand to stop him. "And don’t say nothing, there must be a reason why a place this cheap hasn't been rented yet.”
The man sighs. 
"Honestly? I don't know. It’s in good condition, all vital repairs have been done, and yet, the price keeps falling. People say they don't like ‘the vibe’,” he scowled, quotation marks in the air.
Ed looks around once again, at the fairly inconspicuous walls and necessities. 
"I don't feel any ’vibes’ here.” 
The man shrugs. 
"Me neither. Are you interested?"
Tentatively, Ed nodded.
"I think so? But I'm worried about… the vibes."
"Tell you what,” the man reaches into his pockets. "I’ll give you the keys, you can spend the night here, look around more, find whatever is wrong with the place. I'll be back in the afternoon, maybe you’ll have an answer for me then," he says, offering him the keys. 
Ed took them, stunned. 
“Yeah, just don’t tell my supervisors,” he winked. “Lock the doors when you leave and don’t break anything.”
“Of course,” he nods, watching the man stand up and put on his jacket.
“See you tomorrow then?” he extends his hand. 
“I’ll have your answer,” he promises, shaking on it.
He made multiple trips that day. First, he grabbed his son to give him a tour. He didn't get any bad vibes from the house either, and his kid’s approval was important in a decision that big. Then he drove him back to his grandmother, grabbing a sleeping bag to spend the night. Maybe whatever was creeping potential tenants out, was coming out after dark.
The neighborhood didn’t look any different than any other when the sun set. The trees loomed over the road, but not unwelcomingly. They wrapped around the fence like a dark green embrace.
The house was quiet and his steps echoed through the empty walls. Still normal.
He put his makeshift camp upstairs, where his bedroom would be, on an empty bed frame. After settling there, he took his flashlight and toured the house once again, shining light in every smallest nook and cranny, looking for anything that might have scared off potential tenants.
His last step was the cellar, which held the laundry room and wine shelves. There was also an old couch, which was probably too much of a hassle to carry up the stairs during renovations. He trails his light across the walls, layered with stones. In the corner hung a motion-operated light - now off, since the power was shut until a new person moves in. The ceiling was low, but due to the amount of open space, it didn’t feel constricting.
He sat down on the couch, surprisingly bouncy despite its age, and imagined a low table for card games, maybe a crate of beers next to the wine shelves. It would make a nice hang-out spot. 
His flashlight flickered, so he hit it against his palm a couple of times. The light steadied for a second, before completely going out.
“Fuck", he muttered to no one but the darkness. He now had to climb his way up guided by touch alone. He sighed, falling against the couch before the inevitable trip up the stairs.
Somebody sat down next to him.
He knew it wasn’t possible, but that's what his brain was telling him, his sixth sense on high alert. He looked to the side, but still saw nothing but the dark. He reached out.
Just air. 
But despite feeling and seeing nothing, his brain kept screaming at him that he had company. He stood up abruptly, determined to leave as fast as the lack of visibility would allow.
Something, unmistakable despite its absurdity, grabbed his ass. He ran up the stairs, trippin on the steps.
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Be With Me Instead
Sequel to Treat You Better
Warnings: non/dubcon sex, oral.
This is dark!Bucky Barnes and dark!Peter Parker explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader deals with the end of her relationship and the dissemblance of her life.
Note: I wrote a sequel to a one shot. Surprise, surprise. I hope y’all enjoy!
Let me know what you think!
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To say your head hurt was an understatement. Your skull felt as if it would split in two. Your stomach was sour and your muscles ached. You smelled of sweat and something more definitive. A scent so carnal and strong it could not be mistaken.
You groaned and tenderly touched your temple as you laid on your side. There was heat behind you. It radiated beneath the covers and embraced you. You rubbed your head shakily as your dreams fizzled to nonsensical snapshots.
You hadn't been so hungover since your first year of uni. It kept you from more than two drinks on a night out since. Until last night. The memories a haze in your mind, blurred with your nocturnal fantasies.
You remembered Bucky, the bar, the first drink, the second, and the third, the shot of tequila. Then it all went static. You rolled flat onto your back and your arm rubbed against the source of warmth beside you. You looked over and gasped.
Bucky's bare chest rose and fell in the dim light. The morning sun was blotted out by the thick blinds. His metal arm was bent over the sheet and his dark hair was a mess of waves across the pillow. He was naked and so were you.
You sat up and struggled to untangle yourself from the covers. You fell onto the floor, your ass tender as it met the carpet. You remembered it then. All of it. The elevator, his arm around you, his lips on yours, calling his name as he--
The springs of the bed shifted and you looked up as he rolled over and leaned on his elbow to gaze down at you. He smirked, his eyes tired but sparkling. You stared back at him, mortified.
"What are you doing all the way down there?" He purred.
You shook your head and glanced around. You ignored him as you stood and groggily collected your clothes from the floor. Your legs were weak and your flesh buzzed. You could feel him still as visions of him fucking you replayed in your head.
"Hey, going so soon?" You looked over at him as you searched for your panties. Giving up, you pulled on your jeans and hooked your bra.
"B--Last night was...bad." You croaked and pulled your shirt over your head. "It shouldn't have happened." 
You grabbed your jacket and purse. You paused and touched your stomach as it threatened to flip. He was unfazed as he pushed the blankets aside and stretched with a yawn.
You tucked your socks into your purse and forced your feet into your boots. You stumbled and he caught you as you struggled to stand straight.
"That's not what you said last night." He chided. "Sounded to me like you enjoyed yourself."
"I was drunk," You pulled away from him. "And Peter--" Your heart dropped as you recalled Bucky holding his phone over you. Looking into the dark lens as he gloated. "Tell me you didn't send it."
He smirked and you clasped your hand over your mouth. You were gonna spew. You fought to keep your stomach calm and backed away.
"How could you do this?" You gasped.
"You guys are over. What does it matter? So you had a little fun." He reached out to you and you evaded him.
"You tricked me." You sputtered. "I was drunk, upset, and you-you--"
"Don't act so innocent. You came to the bar with me, you had three drinks--"
"You said you'd drive me home and you just dragged me back here and...and--”
A knock, then more pounding, came at the door. You froze and your eyes widened. 
"Open the fucking door!" Peter shouted from the other side. "You fucking asshole."
You stared at Bucky, silently pleading. Just wait for him to go, please. Bucky chuckled and brushed past you. You turned and grabbed his arm but he was too strong. You remembered the night before, how easily he had used your body. His metal hand around your throat.
"Please, don't. Bucky, I can't." You kept your voice low. "Just let him go."
He shrugged you off and you watched him stride to the door. He swung it open and Peter lunged at him in an instant. Bucky sidestepped and grabbed him by his scruff and tossed him to the floor. 
Still naked, he stood calmly as Peter leapt back to his feet and spun around. He raised his fist but never struck as his eyes strayed to you. He dropped his hand and stepped back as if he had been hit. You winced and clutched your bag as your head swirled.
"I'm...sorry." You rasped and dashed past Bucky to the door.
You didn't look back as you fled down the hall. You crashed through the next door and down the stairs as the world rushed past you. You ran from your mistake frantically until you were on the street.
You swept past the pedestrians intent on their own destinations and to the grimy waste bin by the curb. You hugged the rim and retched into the depths as your entire body rebelled. You could rid yourself of the bile but you could not rid yourself of your guilt.
You spent your Sunday in bed, hungover and heartbroken. What had you done? You were so naive. So stupid. 
What else could Bucky have ever wanted from you but sex? You wondered however if it was more about Peter; about the odd vendetta Bucky seemed to have forged towards him in the last few weeks. To think Peter had the video, that he saw what you'd done was worse than the crime itself. 
You cried, and slept, and tried to forget. 
Monday came and your classes kept you busy but couldn't erase the blot on your soul. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. The days were barely discernible. Your mind and body functioned off of sheer routine, not a thought was spared beyond your self-pity.
You ignored your phone. Peter texted until you muted his notifications. A private number kept calling but you could guess who it was. You had no reason to ever go near the compound again and less to associate with its residents.
On Friday, you only had one class at noon. You were done just after two and eager to go back to your dorm and order pizza. Stew in your new solitary mourning; for your relationship, for your dignity, for all you had drunk away in one night.
Campus was chilly. Winter greeted the students with a blanket of snow and the approach of the holidays was darkened by the imminence of finals. 
You walked along the winding path that led around the quad. The bushes were barren and prickly, the statues shrouded in hills of powder. You stopped to look up at the postmodern shapes arranged to seem as if they were floating. You tucked your hands in your pockets and shivered.
The snow crumpled behind you. As you waited for your fellow student to pass you were surprised when the footsteps stopped next to you. You frowned, confused, and glanced over.
Bucky's dark hair poked out from beneath the black beanie, he wore a thick jacket with fleece lining, and leather gloves. His eyes peered up at the statue as if he didn't even know you were there.
"What are you doing here?" You hissed.
"Well, you won't answer my calls," He spoke without looking over at you. "You do know I'm trained to find people. You can't just run away."
"Can't you take a hint?" You scowled.
"Can't you?" He countered. "Come on, we both enjoyed ourselves, didn't we?"
You looked down and dragged your foot through the snow. You felt a swirl in your stomach. The same you felt whenever you thought of that night. He was right but you weren't going to admit it.
"It doesn't matter." You insisted. "Look, I have exams. I have a degree to focus on. Let's just leave whatever that was as it is. Just sex. Regrettable sex."
He scoffed and nodded. You turned to watch him purse his lips as he thought. 
"I don't wanna leave it." He said. "And I won't."
"Just leave me alone," You grumbled and spun back down the path.
You weren't surprised when he followed. You knew it wouldn't be that easy. He had come all the way here, incessantly called you for days, not to mention the scheme that created this mess.
"That's not how this works." He kept stride with you. "You don't just walk away from me."
"Please, just stop," You begged as you walked faster. "I can't do this."
"Do what? You were happy enough to hang around when Peter was standing you up. And now you're just ditching me because spider-boy still won't grow up." He grabbed your arm and almost pulled you off your feet as he made you stop. "I told you things I never told anyone else. This isn't just sex to me."
"You're insane. I was so fucking drunk, you could have been Peter and I wouldn't have known." You tried to wriggle free of his grasp.
"You knew it was me. You wanted it. You wanted me. You still want me," He squeezed your arm and leaned in. "I'm everything Peter isn't and that's exactly what you need."
"Let me go," You breathed. "Please. Just let me go."
"Never." He sneered.
"I'll scream." You looked around. Students shuffled by on their way to and from class. "I will."
He grinned and shook his head. He let go and stood straight. His blue eyes narrowed and he looked down at you. Knowing, confident, dangerous.
"Fine." He squared his shoulders. "Next time, you can scream all you want."
Your eyes rounded and your lips parted in shock. What did that mean? You knew it wasn't good. 
He gave a two finger salute, "see ya around," he intoned as he stepped past you. 
You turned and watched him stroll off down the path, seemingly invisible amidst the groups of overtired students and self-involved professors. You glanced around and felt your own insignificance. Your vulnerability. 
Even if you had screamed, would anyone care?
You shivered as you reached your dorm. You weren’t so sure it was the cold as your run-in with Bucky replayed over and over in your head. 
When you entered the dorm, the three girls you shared it with were all closed up in their rooms. It was unusual not to find them giggling in the common room together. They were likely holed up prepping for finals.
You kicked your boots off and left them on the mat. Your bedroom was unlocked. You must’ve forgotten to lock it before class. Oh well, you were too distracted to care. 
You set your bag on your desk as the door closed behind you and turned with a yelp as a small figure greeted you from the corner.
“Jesus, Peter, how did...what are you doing here?” You touched your chest and pushed yourself against the desk. 
He glared at you as he leaned against the wall with arms crossed. “I’ve been texting you.”
“Why? What is there left for us to talk about?” You flinched as he pushed himself away from the wall.
“There’s a lot to talk about,” He sneered as he got closer. “Like you fucking him the same night we broke up. That’d be a start.”
“What can I say, Peter? It happened.” You retorted. 
“And you just had to let him record it?” His lips slanted in detest. “What? Is that what I did wrong? I didn’t treat you like a slut?”
“Don’t,” You warned him. “I didn’t know...I was drunk. Very drunk.”
“And that’s an excuse?”
“We’re over. What does it matter?” You snapped. 
“Yeah, but usually when a relationship ends, you don’t just jump on the next guy you see.” He spat. “And then you ignore me? For a whole week? Two years. Did it mean nothing to you?”
“It meant everything to me, Peter,” You countered. “But we were never going to last and it has nothing to do with Bucky.”
“So…” He was so close you could feel his breath. “You fucking him now?”
“No, I...it’s not your concern anymore,” You swallowed as he backed you up to the wall. “You should go.”
“I saw you talking to him,” He said evenly. “Out on campus. You looked pretty cozy.”
“Just go--”
“Not as cozy…” He reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. He swiped over his screen and smiled as he held it up. “As this.”
Your veins turned to ice as you watched the video. Bucky behind you, his hand at your throat, your flesh clapped as you called his name. Your voice was wild, it barely sounded like you. But it was you.
“So is that what you want? To hurt me?” You blinked away the tears. “Because you did that long before now.”
“What I want is for you to get on the bed.” He spoke quietly but his words cut through you.
“Go, Peter. We’re over.” You tried to push him away and he caught your arm and twisted. You whined as your wrist threatened to snap.
“If I have to tell you again, I can hit send. We’ll see what everyone else thinks of your short film. Hell, maybe you’d do better in a film degree.” He taunted and waved his phone in his other hand. “It’s a big campus but these things travel fast.”
You lowered your brow. The air was knocked out of you. You’d always known him as the sweet, compassionate boy you’d met that first day on campus. You knew he had changed, that’s why you’d broke it off, but you didn’t know he was like this.
“Please don’t do this,” You pleaded. “Peter, I’m sorry.”
“Get on the fucking bed now,” He drew the words out and closed his eyes as he inhaled. “Naked.” He let go of your wrist. “We’ll see who the little boy is.”
His eyes opened and you winced at their intensity. You gulped and nodded. You tried to speak but your voice was caught in your tight throat. You carefully stepped past him. You peeked over at the door. You stopped then bolted to the door. 
Before you could grab the handle, it was covered it corded webs that sealed it to the frame. Peter sighed. “Don’t make me use them on you, too. Bed. Now.”
You turned and gave him one last look. Of disgust and desperation. He didn’t waver. 
“And if I scream?”
“I can shut you up,” His fingers bent slightly as he lifted his hand. “Do I need to?”
You looked to your feet and unzipped your jacket. Your hands were shaking. You dropped your jacket on the floor and then your sweater. Your loose tee and jeans crumpled a top the pile with your socks trapped in the denim. 
You stood in your panties and bra and peeked over at Peter. He shrugged and you knew he wasn’t going to stop.
You undid your bra and added it to the mess on the floor. You rolled your panties down and stepped up to your single bed. You climbed up and drew our knees to your chest to cover yourself. You couldn’t look at Peter again. You stared at the polka dot comforter beneath you and waited.
You listened to his footsteps, him fiddling with something unseen, the rustle of his clothing. You sensed him as he neared the bed. 
“Come here.” He pointed to the mattress in front of him. 
You turned and shoved your legs over the edge as you sat there. You ignored his naked figure and kept your eyes down. He grabbed the back of your head and pressed his cock to your lips. 
You closed your eyes and parted your lips. He slipped inside and you gagged as he forced himself down your throat. Your eyes watered and you struggled to breath around him. He didn’t wait for you. He thrust in and out of your mouth. Each was hard, decisive, as if he meant to hurt you. 
Again. His hand moved and his other came up to hold your head in a vice. He fucked your face as you slapped his thigh helplessly. He didn’t stop, didn’t slow, didn’t even seem to notice as you fought him.
Finally he pulled out. Spit coated your lips as he let you go and you fell back, out of breath and coughing. You were dizzy from the sudden and rough assault. Stunned by Peter’s behaviour. Senseless.
“Turn over.” He barked and you looked down at him. You just stared at him. 
He grabbed your arm and pulled you up. He spun you around and pushed you against the bed until you lifted your knees up on the mattress. He grabbed your neck and shoved you down until your head was on the mattress. He slapped your ass and you exclaimed.
“Shut up,” He snarled and you bit your lip.
His cock prodded you as he felt around for your entrance. He pushed into you slowly at first and then slammed into you all at once. You whimpered and he thrust again, harder. He bent over you and grabbed your arms. He bent them behind you and jerked his hips again. Each time he rocked into you, it was sharp and jolted your entire body.
He hissed as he was driven by his own ferocity. Everytime you made a sound, he sped up. Your body shook as he rutted into you over and over. You were embarrassed as your unexpected arousal eased the glide of his cock. 
You shuddered and held your breath but you couldn’t resist it. The burning in your core, the flare that sparked and broke the surface. You gritted your teeth as you turned your face down muffled your orgasm in the duvet.
He growled. Not groaned, growled. You’d never heard him like this. Sure, your relationship had been anything but abstinent but something in him had come unhinged. He wasn’t holding anything back. Every ounce of hunger, anger, frustration, everything, was spoken through his touch.
He slowed suddenly. He kept his strokes long and even. He was pacing himself. He sped up again only to falter. Every time he came close to finishing, he pulled the reins back. 
He released your arms and pushed you down until your legs slipped over the edge of the bed and your hips were flat to the mattress. He impaled you with decisive thrusts, his hands on the small of your back as he pinned you down. His breaths were deep and eager as he bucked against you.
When he came, he didn’t let up. He grunted and spilled inside of you but didn’t stop. Wouldn’t stop. His cum seeped out as he buried his cock in your over and over. He crashed into one last time, sending a pang up your spine as he did, and stayed there. 
He squeezed your ass and pushed it apart. He wiggled his hips and let out a long breath.
“Is that what you wanted?” He smacked your ass and your body tensed. “A man.” He snarled. “Huh?”
“P-Peter,” You whispered as you turned your head.
“I guess falling in love with you just wasn’t enough,” He pulled out and pinched you so hard you cried out. You were too weak to move. “Have fun with Bucky but don’t come crawling back to me when he’s done with you. I don’t like leftovers.”
You rolled over as he turned away and started to dress, bending to grab each piece of clothing from the floor. Your lip trembled as he pulled on his jacket and tucked away his phone. 
He didn’t even look at you as he left. The door slammed behind him and the tears began to flow. You had been ready for the break-up, but never for this.
Finals came and went. You were numb. In a haze. For once you weren’t nervous for your exams but only because you could barely focus on them. After each, you emerged barely able to remember what you’d written. You couldn’t think about anything but Peter’s harsh goodbye and Bucky’s ominous promise.
The holiday break arrived and campus was mostly abandoned. You planned to stay on campus that year with Peter but instead you'd be alone. Your parents decided to finally take that Christmas trip to the Bahamas like they'd always dreamed of. It was too late to go home.
Christmas Eve. You ventured out to grab a few groceries for your solitary christmas dinner. Nothing special. Pasta and pinot. Last minute shoppers bustled in the small shop and you wove between them as the early winter dusk started to descend. 
You stepped out onto the street as the grey sky turned a deep blue. You looked up at the sliver of moon and frowned. This wasn't how you'd imagined your Christmas. Never overly festive but you had looked forward to a cozy holiday with Peter. Well, that was a long gone hope.
You started down the street and were startled as a car honked at you and pulled up to the curve. You recognized it and walked faster. The engine died and the door opened and closed. The footsteps neared and you tried to elude them.
"Hey," Bucky caught your arm and forced you to slow down. You almost dropped the large paper bag.
"Leave me alone." You didn't look at him.
"Hey, I was just gonna help you out," He grabbed the top of the bag and you stopped before he could tear it. "That looks heavy."
“Please.” You hugged the bag and backed away from him. “I told you before--”
“You’re all alone.” He said bluntly. “On Christmas.”
“And so are you,” You countered.
“It doesn’t have to be like this.” He warned and reached for the bag again. “I could help you. Take care of you.” You wrestled with him but he easily took the groceries. He looked inside and tutted. “That’s a lot of wine for one person.”
“Fuck off.” You turned on your heel and stormed away. He could keep it all. You just wanted this all to end. The dread, the dreams, the terrible guilt that never quite left you. He followed.
“Just let me give you a ride. We can talk.” He caught up with you. “What is it? A five minute ride to campus? Just five minutes, please?”
You stopped again. You looked up at him sharply. You were tired. You just wanted to get back to your dorm and hide. 
“Five minutes and you leave me alone for good.” You declared.
“Five minutes. That’s all.” He agreed and his lips curved just slightly. 
You shrugged and gestured past him. He led you back to his car. He placed the bag behind his seat as you got in and he took the driver’s seat. 
You crossed your arms and stared out the window as he turned the engine. You were reminded of that night he’d driven you home. You’d bought his sweet little act hook, line, and sinker. How stupid.
“I...wasn’t trying to trick you. I just wanted to be close to you.” He pulled out. “I hope you know that.”
“You recorded it,” You spat. “How was that not malicious?”
“That wasn’t about you, it was about him,” Bucky said. “I wanted him to see what he’d taken for granted. What he’d lost.”
“Are you stupid? Did you really think that was right?” You looked at him. “You could’ve been normal. You could’ve waited instead of getting me drunk. You could’ve just told me you were interested.”
“Do you think that would’ve worked?” He wondered as he steered. “I’m a lot older than you. I don’t know how things work these days.”
“You don’t just feed someone drinks and call that a relationship,” You shook your head. “You don’t send a video to her ex. You don’t--You don’t know what he did.”
“What do you mean?” He stopped at the intersection.
“Nothing. I just...me and Peter could’ve ended this as friends and you took that from me. And now, you know what, you’re right, I am alone. I--” You squinted as he turned away from campus and your words tumbled to murmurs. “Bucky, what are you doing? Where--”
You felt a prick in your neck and clapped your hand against it as you looked over at him. He held a syringe as your eyes felt loose in your head and a warmth spread along your neck and through your limbs.
“B-Bucky…” You fell back against the seat. 
“I won’t let you go.” He said as your eyes closed. “I can’t. I love you.”
His voice floated around you and faded into the black as you slumped against the door. You sank into the void, entirely and blissfully numb.
The shroud slowly lifted from you. Your eyes fluttered open and you groaned as the ceiling was painted in flickering light. The crackle and smell of fire tickled your senses and you looked around the unfamiliar room. You rolled onto your side and tenderly cradled your head. It felt like a pebble was bouncing around your skull.
A dark figure knelt before the artificial fireplace, the poker in hand as he stoked it. Slowly Bucky turned his head and his face came clear through the haze. He wore a pair of flannel pants and a grey tee.
You pushed yourself up and hung your legs over the side of the bed. He stood and set aside the iron poker. He neared and sat beside you, his hand on yours.
“Take it easy.” He cooed. “You’re okay.” He lifted your hand and kissed the back of it. 
“Wh-where…” Your mouth was dry and you couldn’t find the word. 
“Home.” He smiled and brought his hand up to cradle your face. He kissed your forehead as his thumb rubbed your cheek. “Merry Christmas, baby.”
You grimaced, confused. He reluctantly let go and stood. He walked around as you tried to clear your head. 
There were two doors, the windows were blacked out, but otherwise it seemed like a normal room. It could’ve been any apartment nestled in the midst of the overpopulated city.
“It’s already noon. You should dress.” He placed a dress in your lap. “Then we can open our gifts.”
Your mind threatened to crack. What the fuck was going on?
“My ma never let us sleep past six, even on Christmas, but I figured you needed the rest,” He continued. “You looked so peaceful.” He smiled and you unfolded the red velvet. “You can get cleaned up just in there.” He pointed to the door on your right. “I’ll be here.”
He sat in the armchair by the fire and leaned his chin in his hand as he watched you expectantly. You stood as you tried to hide your discomfort. A man who stuck a needle in your neck was bound to do a lot worse.
You hesitated as you neared the door. It would be a place to hide for a while at least. You said nothing as you kept your eyes on him and backed through the door. You closed it, slowly. He never stopped watching and you found the lock on the door didn’t work.
You turned and held up the velvet dress. The straps were thin and the burgundy skirt was trimmed with matching fur. You hated it.
You look down at your own clothing. He’d taken your jacket and boots off. Your sweatshirt was rumpled from your induced slumber and your jeans were stained with salt along the ankles. 
If you refused to be his doll, what would he do? You weren’t stupid enough to think you could keep him out, especially with a door handle that didn’t even click into place. 
Even if you fought him, he probably had another needle at the ready. Besides he was much too strong for that. You knew that already. There were no windows in the bathroom. No way out it seemed as those in the other room were sealed. 
You only had one choice. Well, not really a choice at all.
You quaked as you undressed. You avoided looking in the mirror as you folded your clothes on the counter. You kept your bra and panties on, even though they felt grimy from your sweat. You pulled on the dress. It was too tight and too short.
You wrung your hands as you looked around the bathroom. It was nice despite being a prison. Your nerves whirled around you and threatened to choke you. You flinched as knuckles tapped softly on the door.
“You okay?” Bucky asked.
You blinked and marched to the door. You opened it, slowly, and stared back at him. He looked you up and down and grabbed your hand. He had a dreamy light in his eyes as he drew you out of the bathroom into the soft glow of the other room. 
The tree in the corner had been lit up with pale string lights and you blinked away the specs they left in your eyes. He stopped you and tisked.
“No,” He pulled the strap of your bra down your shoulder. “Take this off.”
You tucked your lip under your teeth and reached back to unhook the bra. You wrestled it out from beneath the dress and he took it from you. He flung it beside the bed and turned back to you.
His hands startled you as he brushed up your skirt and along your thighs. He grabbed your panties and tugged them down. You winced at his force and the cotton dropped to your ankles. He nudged you forward and you stepped out of them before he kicked them away.
“There, perfect,” He took your hand again and drew you over to the tree. “Time for presents.” 
He let go of you and sat on the floor like a child. He took a box from the pile beneath the fir and reached up to pull on your wrist.
“Come on. Sit.” He held up the wrapped gift. “Open your presents.”
You obeyed stiffly, careful to keep the skirt from showing too much. Your hand shook as you accepted the first box from him. You ripped away the paper and crumpled it up in your fist. You set it down and stared at the box lid.
“Bucky…” You glanced up at him. “It’s not too late. You can let me go. I won’t say a word. I’ll--”
“Open it.” 
He shoved the box closer and it almost slipped from your grasp. His smile fell as his metal finger rubbed against his thumb nervously. 
You let the box settle on your lap and you slid the lid off. Inside was a golden chain with your and Bucky’s initials hanging from it. You lifted it and he was swift to take it from you. 
“Here,” He spun his finger. “I’ll help.”
You turned, rigid as he got to his knees and neared you. His fingers tickled your throat as he wrapped the gold around it and clasped it at the back of your neck. He played with the dangling links and sent a shiver through you.
You drew away and resumed your seat on the rug. He handed you another box, this one bigger. He waited, expectantly. After a moment, he nodded and raised a brow. You opened the second gift and revealed a set of sheer lingerie. You quickly covered it up and cleared your throat.
“You don’t like it?” He asked. His tone was dangerous.
“I do. Thank you. I just wasn’t expecting it.” You lied. 
His metal fist balled and unballed. You kept looking back to it as he seemed to sway between delight and anger. You shuddered and he handed you the next gift.
“Good, good,” He said. “I picked them all just for you. I really hope you love them.”
You bit your tongue anxiously and opened the next gift. A dress similar to the one you wore but made of glossy silver silk. Then there was a toiletry set and some make-up and final a small box drawn from just beside the trunk of the tree.
Bucky’s jaw twitched as he bit down and turned the velvet box in his fingers. He cleared his throat and got up on his knees. You glanced around, your heart seemed to stop as you realised what he was doing. He was most assuredly out of his mind.
“Sweetheart,” He gripped it as he brought one knee up, “Will you…” He popped it open and revealed a diamond cut into a teardrop. “Marry me?”
You were light-headed. You pushed the empty box from your lap and stood. You could barely do that as you tried to wave him away. 
“Bucky….” You gulped. “Bucky…” You spun and raced for the door. “You can’t do this! Let me go!”
You wrenched the door handle but it wouldn’t turn. You tried to rip the door out of its frame but it didn’t even shake, You beat on it and hollered.
You sensed movement behind you and before you could turn to see, Bucky’s arm came up around your waist and he dragged you back. You struggled with him but it was all too easy for him to bend you to his will.
He shoved you to the bed and you caught yourself on the mattress with a yelp. He followed quickly and turned you onto your back as he straddled you on the edge. Your legs dangled over the side and you slapped at him.
“Please, please, why are you doing this?”
He caught your hand and stilled it with his vibranium grip. He bent all your fingers but one and forced the ring onto it. You swiped at him with your other hand and he swiftly caught it.
“Don’t be ungrateful,” He snarled. “I got you all these nice things and you go and spit in my face.”
“No, no, Bucky, please,” You begged.
“Quiet,” He barked. “It’s my turn now. Time for me to open my present.”
He released your hands and grabbed the straps of your dress. You flailed out at him and he snapped the velvet easily. You wriggled weakly and wheezed. You couldn’t breath. Your chest felt like it would collapse.
“Please,” You said. “Bucky… you’re scaring me.”
“You love me,” He sneered. “I know it. I knew it that night. The way you sounded when I touched you. The way you said my name,”
“I was drunk,” You grasped his wrists as his fingers hooked around your shoulders. “Bucky, I can’t even remember that night.”
“Shut up!” He shouted and shook you. “Stop lying!”
You bit your tongue and tasted blood. Your head spun as you felt his weight shift and the velvet tickle your thigh. He tore your skirt up to your waist as he hovered over you on his knees. 
“Bucky,” Your voice cracked as you pressed your hand over his. “I still love Peter.”
“No,” He pushed himself off of you. “You don’t” He gripped his head. “You love me!”
“I already told you to shut up,” He growled. “So shut up before I make you.”
He gruffly ripped his shirt over his head. His thumbs hooked under the elastic of his pants and he pushed his shoulders back. His blue eyes were dark and sinister as he watched you sit up.
“Keep the dress on,” He shoved his pants down. 
You stood as he quickly untangled himself from the flannel. He caught you by your throat and forced you back down to the bed. You grabbed his thick forearm as he knelt over you, his fingers threatening to crush your throat.
“Say it. Say you love me.” His hissed.
“You’re hurting me.” You clung to his arm.
“Hurting you!? I’ve only ever been good to you and you--” He stuttered in rage and forced his leg between yours.
He kept his hand on your throat and lifted your other leg as he placed himself entirely between your legs. He bent your leg around him as he bent over you, almost crushing your neck with his hand.
“I never wanted to hurt you, but you insist on hurting me,” He squeezed as his hand crawled up your leg. “Say it!”
You squeaked as you slapped at his hand. His fingers crept over your thigh and down your pelvis. He pushed his fingers roughly between your legs and felt along your folds. His touch hurt as he forced two fingers inside of you, dry.
He poked in and out harshly and your eyes rolled back as your vision began to spot. He loosened his grip but kept his hold on you. He rescinded his fingers and pressed the head of his cock against you.
You hugged him with your legs, trying to force him away. He slid his tip inside of you and you let out a stifled moan. You hit his thick bicep as he inched into you. You whimpered and scratched at the vibranium.
“Ple-ease,” You rasped.
“Say it.” He thrust sharply and impaled you entirely. 
He thurst again and your voice fizzled with a sob.
“Say you love me,” He pressed his lips to your cheek. “Say it.”
He jolted his hips, each time your whined and felt even weaker beneath him. Your head swam and as your walls clenched around him.
“B--” You could barely breath.
“Say it.” His spit trailed across your cheek as he nuzzled your neck.
He sped up, the bed trembled beneath you. You were crushed beneath his relentless pounding. Each thrust sent a reverberation up your spin and ripples along your thighs. You snaked your arm around his neck and pushed your head back into the mattress.
“Say.” He jerked roughly. “It.”
“I--I--” His hand slipped away as he nibbled at your throat and he cradled your head. “I…  love--- you!”
You exclaimed as you came suddenly. You were appalled and stunned by your bodies response to him. He was inflamed by it and rutted into you even harder.
His thick grunts stormed in your ears as his fingers stretched across the back of your head. The velvet was rough between your bodies as he moved against you. He snarled as he spasmed. Your body went limp as he emptied into you.
He stilled and rested his weight over you. You closed your eyes, your face wet from tears and sweat. His hand fell away from your head and he laced his fingers through yours and placed with the diamond there.
“I love you, too,” He cooed and kissed your neck.
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seostudios · 4 years
sleepovers with the dreamies!
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⭒ sleepover reaction ⭒ nct dream ⭒ fluff + smut
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MARK “What’s my favourite colour?” Mark asked you. It was Friday night at the dorms and you just wanted to spend time with him, and after an eventful evening in the sheets the two of you decided to play a game to see who knows who better. “Pink!” You shout almost immediately. He sighs and brings his head into his palm shaking it with a chuckle. “The easiest question! How come you knew our first meeting to the point of what colour laces I wore but can’t remember my favourite colour!” Laughs burst within the room, clenching your stomach you were sure you saw Mark laugh so hard he was close to falling off the edge of the sofa. “I-I don’t know!! I just thought it was Pink cause SuperM.” Nice excuse. The rest of that night was spent most definitely making fun of you. 
RENJUN You two were pretty far into your relationship but never once did you two ever come up with a sleepover idea until tonight. Now you were cuddled up on the couch with not one but seven other boys, “I can’t believe we let them tag along, like we could’ve had sex!” He whisper-shouted to you, who was wrapped like a burrito in the blanket. I think it’s safe to say, you didn’t care, since you shifted closer to Jeno then turned to stick your tongue out, like a preschooler. However he’s quick to pull you back and closer than ever, just to pout. Oh he was horny horny..You thought. “You’re evil.” Standing up, still in a blanket burrito, you began to speak. “Renjun and I are going to have sex until I cannot walk. Please excuse any explicit noise and no we will not quiet down.” Dropping the blanket you skip towards his bed. “Well...? What are you doing?!” Jaemin said flaring his hands up to the boy. “Get in there!”
JENO Sleepovers with Jeno were nothing new. It’s old news that every Saturday night you two make camp in front of your flat screen to binge a new series of movies. “I was thinking we could watch a scary movie tonight-” “Boring!” You interrupt. “Boring? Last time I checked you pissed your pants over Annabelle,” He quickly responded, shutting you up. “Whatever movies are getting boring.” You said, huffing away a strand of hair in your face. But in a blink of an eye you see yourself from sitting on the living room floor beside Jeno to have your back hit the living room floor and Jeno on top of you. “I have an idea for fun.” He said. How dirty could one be to sound so sinful yet look like he’s got an invisible halo shining over his head? Grabbing the collar of his look tee you crash lips together. Kissplay between you two doesn’t always last long since one of you had to be eager, and you were right, feeling Jeno’s naughty hands move underneath the waistband of your pyjama pants. Guess you never ended up picking a movie.
HAECHAN “Now this is what I call a perfect evening.” Donghyuck said, back hitting the soft mattress. “So sex for god knows how long is perfect for you?!” You said jokingly smacking his chest before sneaking into his embrace, happily enveloping you. “I have a monster cock.” He says with a smile. “Sure thing partner, sure thing.” You said trying not to burst his bubble. “I’m kidding, I’m not Johnny. I do know my way around this girl named Y/N.” He says with a smile on his face, but all that registered in your head was... “Johnny what!?” “Oh Come on!” After exploding into a small fit of giggles at his reaction, you swiftly shift to straddle onto his lap. Pushing his chest down when he attempted to break free. “You may know your way around me, but I know you way better,” You started, slowly grinding your naked core over his (now hard) cock. He groans quietly, throwing his head back. “F...Fuck.” Slipping in, having his cock fill you up, your slow movements quicken. Watching down on him as he jerks to feeling himself reach his high. The cum paints your wall but all you do is lean down to grab his neck. “I know you love being overstimulated like a whore as well..” You whispered, feeling his hands grip your hips but that doesn’t stop you, does it?  Maybe being in charge didn’t sound so bad afterall to you, but to Donghyuck? It’s torture, even if you look hot right now, he wants to be the one to call you a whroe. Even if this turns him on a lot. “I can’t believe you just made me cum again and called me a whore, usually the other way around.” He said panting. “Right?!” You seemed to be ecstatic right now, high off watching your boyfriend sub for you. “That was the first and last time..” He started to get up and put on his boxers, “Hungry?” Nodding you grab a shirt and shorts from his dresser and skip out, with him trailing behind.
JAEMIN When it comes to Jaemin nothing is ever boring so when he invited you over for a sleepover you expected the unexpected. That lands you in an odd but very very nice position, in the dreamie’s kitchen and bent over the island with your shorts to your ankles. “Time for dessert,” Jaemin mumbled to himself before spreading your wet cunt with just his mouth. Now almost thirty minutes of fucking yourself on his tongue, he’s finished. “Are we in the clear?!” Chenle shouts from the other side of the bedroom door. You’re quick to pull up your shorts and run towards Jaemins bedroom. “yes lele! go have dinner, and don’t disturb us!” You yelled before yanking your boyfriend into the empty bedroom for his treat.
CHENLE Lips molding together, you and Chenle forget about the movie playing in the background and you are in soft kissplay. You’re fun comes to an end when Jaehyun invites himself in, “Oh my god.” You said panicked seeing Jaehyun tower over you and Chenle. “You kids should pay attention to...” He squints to see what’s playing. “Zootopia? Really man?” Jaehyun said with laughter ready to explode. “Imagine getting laid to Zootopia int he background,” He wanders off in the direction of Donghyuck’s room laughing to himself. “Babe, it’s okay. We like Zoo-” “I know! Yes!” He says before turning the volume up to refocus on the film.
JISUNG “Cat ears? Are you serious?” Jisung asked with smile. “Not only cat ears but also mustaches...” You said wiggling your eyebrows, before placing a set of white cat ears on your boyfriend. “We’re matching!” You sang before pulling out your phone to snap a picture of. “And sent.” “To who?!?!” He quickly asked as you show your device to reveal the dream group chat. It looks like the boys seemed to really love having you over if it meant you could talk Jisung into such things like this. “This is so embarrassing.” Jisung whined, head clashing into your shoulder.
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sorry i’m literally so bad at posting ever since school.. love u all... my drabble requests are still up just no a-z’s :3 hope u enjoyed this
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
The new Edwina fic is so good Molly! Everyone needs an Edwina in their lives! I especially enjoy the callback to Insufferable, glad that Edwina and Eloise let him have it. Do you have any more of Eloise x Kate and Anthony? I’d love to see more of their interactions!
Oh Heyyyy!
I’m so glad you enjoyed our little foray into Edwina, a woman who is truly just... A beautiful tropical fish. And I have realised that I actually love writing for Edwina and Matthew Bagwell seems like an absolute sweetheart (Not sure why I’m surprised? Like I wrote him but whatevs) so maybe they’ll be more Edwina coming. 
Hmmm that scene was really interesting to write from a third POV because I think both Anthony and Kate were so caught up in the panic of the moment they weren’t really paying attention to the big picture, and Kate definitely wasn’t ready to let herself see what was happening. But I think Edwina’s a very perceptive person, especially when it comes to Kate. That being said, even though  Edwina thinks Anthony would be perfect for Kate, and it’s obvious Kate has feelings for him, whether she’s ready to admit it or not: She is not about to let him get away with That shit he pulled. And neither is Eloise 
Why the fuck would you say that to her Anthony? Is that what you want Kate to think you think of her?! Anthony said, his head bowed at the table of the restaurant as the door chimed behind Edwina Sheffield. No. It’s obviously not what I think of her. El, can we please just go? Anthony said, his voice hollow daring to look up at his younger sister who was looking at him with a mixture of pity and revulsion. After several seconds, she seemed to decide pity won out and stood from the table without looking back. They sat in silence in the car, Anthony staring out the window as shame and guilt welled inside him, the hurt that had flashed across Kate’s face playing behind his eyelids, he could still feel the heat of her pressed against his chest, the way her eyes had burned into his had made him want to tug her away from the rest of the world. You really like her don’t you? Eloise’s careful voice had cut through his thoughts, and panic had swelled momentarily in his chest before he set himself free Yes. I think I might be in love with her. Eloise had made no response but he could feel her eyes burning into the side of his face as as the car stopped outside her flat Then Don’t fucking say that shit to her Anthony, It’s foul. And as the door slammed, Anthony felt tears prick at his eyes for the first time in 13 years. 
Eloise had known the second Anthony walked through Daphne’s front door, Kate Sheffield’s hand clasped tightly in his. Anthony’s eyes were darting to Kate as though he thought she was going to sprint away from him at any second and honestly, given that Kate looked more akin to a startled deer than anything else, perhaps he should have been. Eloise couldn’t help but let out a startled laugh, she was a little impressed honestly, Eddie had told her that she’d woken up to find Kate wrapped in a tight embrace with Anthony who was smiling like a Butterfly had just landed on his shoulder, but for some reason Eloise hadn’t expected Anthony to actually get up the courage to do anything about it. When it came to anything else Anthony Bridgerton was formidable, a roaring Lion tearing into the fray with reckless abandon. But when it came to Kate Sheffield he was like a startled Kitten. It was quite sweet really. Have you seen who Anthony’s here with?! Francesca hissed having sidled up next to her You owe me £50!  Eloise groaned as she handed over the note. Anthony was going to pay for this. 
Eloise could admit, she really was happy for Anthony who seemed absolutely, struck dumb by his own good fortune. He had tugged a very nervous looking Kate into their family dinner a week after the party, who’d looked ready to pass out when she looked at their mother, who looked suspiciously close to tears for some very odd reason. You all remember Kate, my girlfriend? Anthony said, grinning like an absolute lunatic and Eloise couldn’t help but roll her eyes every time she heard it since. Have you met Kate? My Girlfriend? Kate’s my girlfriend. My Girlfriend Kate and I- truly it seemed the only thing Anthony could say these days. And it would have been very sweet if it weren’t for the absolute relentlessness of it. Ahh but Aunt Billie have you met Anthony’s Girlfriend? Kate! Her name is Kate! Katharine Grace Sheffield. But you can call her Kate! Eloise found herself saying one Friday as Kate looked ready to sink through the floor, Aunt Billie laughing affectionately as Anthony swatted at Eloise (without letting go of Kate’s hand she noticed) Hey! You have me to thank for all of this! Eloise said indignantly as Anthony scoffed, rolling his eyes I like to think I had something to do with it. But Eloise did find concert tickets under her windscreen wipers when she left their mother’s house that afternoon Anthony waving happily from down the street    
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syms-things-5 · 4 years
For The Hell Of It
A One-shot
Warnings: Language, NSFW 18+, like…literally nothing but sex. 
Characters: Chris Evans x You 
Summary: It’s been a rough few months for many reasons and deciding to end a long-term relationship was only the half of it. On the advice of your friend, you give in to having a no-strings sexual relationship with him. You deserve a break and to have some fun at least. Just for the hell of it. 
It was hard to hide the massive grin covering your face as you silently rode the elevator to the 42nd floor. There were two other people in the same lift as you, quietly going about their daily business, who didn’t need to be bothered by your incessant gurning and yet you reached a point where you just didn’t care.
Finally standing outside the door to the hotel suite he had booked, overnight bag in hand, your smile only gets bigger when you’re greeted by his ridiculous smug grin as he swung the door open.
“Are you kidding with this?!” you ask, flashing your mobile in his face. The picture he had posted a few hours earlier of his dog lying across his naked chest had been a deliberate attempt at getting your attention when you had previously turned down the night he had planned. You were slowly getting back into your work after what had proven to be the toughest few months of your life, and while Chris had made a good argument for why you should skip out early this Friday, you felt bad for the emails that had gone unanswered.
“I had to get your attention somehow.” He smiled back, evidently proud of himself. He took the bag from your hands and dropped it to his side, not taking his eyes from you. Taking a step forward, he embraced you in his strong arms, planting a chaste kiss on your lips, before dragging his mouth down the side of your neck. That move always drove you crazy and he knew it. 
“I have so much work to do,” you breathed. You wrapped your hands around his neck, holding him in place as he grazed his soft lips up from your shoulder, up your neck, across your jaw to finally meet your lips once again. His breath was hot and wet and you could feel that last bit of your resolve drifting away. “You’re not helping.” 
“I’m so sorry, gorgeous.” 
He wasn’t sorry at all. You knew he wasn’t sorry from the way his hands were moving ever so slowly yet purposefully down your sides. You knew he wasn’t sorry when you felt him grip your ass and pull you into him. You could feel how hard he had become and gave up thinking. Thinking was far too overrated at a time like this. 
Looking back at the past few months, you had come to trust each other as a sounding board for whatever was taking up your effort the rest of the time. You had spent many days and nights giving each other attention and finding new ways to excite yourselves. It was how you had come to find yourself flat out on the bed with him kissing and licking and touching you in your most sensitive areas. He always had a way to show you what you had been missing. 
Your breathing had evened out as he got into the flow of your movements. Your hands began moving down your body as he pulled your clit into his mouth and you felt his finger finally enter you. Your fingertips scratched lightly across his head tugging ever so slightly on his short hair and causing him to growl once or twice, adding to the sensation now tingling over your skin. The third time you pulled on him only encouraged him to add a second finger, increasing his pace and his moans, steadily flexing his fingers inside you until he found your sweetest spot. 
“Tell me how good that feels.” He whispered, his words ghosting over your mound as he continued to rhythmically move his fingers in, out, in and out, over and over again. You felt like you had lost your ability to speak and could only manage a breathy moan, a sound he loved to hear from you. 
“Oh fuck, I missed you…” he gave you an out by answering for you. “I miss this.” 
His arms tightened around the top of your thighs and you felt his finger press on your clit before rubbing in gentle motions. His tongue parted your lips and switch between tender and rougher touches proved to be your undoing. 
“You gonna come for me?” 
It was all you could do not to scream at that exact moment as waves of pleasure coursed through your veins, your skin burning up. “Ohhh God, Chris you have to…” and you were gone. Seeing stars. 
Shaking from ecstasy when Chris moved over to rest on top of you, his hardness resting comfortably between your legs. His slightest movements caused tickled you and you flinched as he smoothed his hand over your face to move your hair away. You eventually found his lips again after managing to open your eyes. Kissing for minutes with your lips and tongue dancing with his was fast becoming one of your favourite things to do and continued as you moved your hand down his side to make a move for his erection. He felt so solid and strong in your hands and he smiled in your kiss as he relaxed on top you, enjoying the way you were stroking him. 
When he was at his most distracted, you managed to manoeuvre yourself so you were sat on top of him, his cock ready and waiting. He may have protested for a second but you knew he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
He moans in pleasure as you work him a little more, teasing him as he did the same to you before. His fingers weave themselves through yours, and you lower yourself down on to him. He holds you firmly in place for a second while you get used to the slight stretch. Not that you plan on going anywhere, anytime soon. 
You move up and down lovingly at first, slowly rocking back a little when you hit his base. You feel his cock twitch and thicken, and the blissed out look on his face belies the excitement he’s feeling inside at finally getting you where he wants you. You can practically feel his heart beat faster and you move a little faster as you await the prize. 
Lifting your arms up, you smooth your hair into a ponytail as you take him in all the way. It’s getting harder for him to look away and his hands smooth gently over the skin of your tummy and up towards your breasts. Using your fingertips to lightly graze down the length of your neck and further down to your collarbone to meet his hands, you let out a moan as you watch him through narrowed eyes, hazed over with desire. You see him swallow hard as your hands move down to your breasts, holding his hands in place. 
“Fuck me harder…” he managed to verbalise his feelings as he watches you.
Grabbing your hips, he pulls you down onto him and he meets you with harder, harsher thrusts. Your sounds of pleasure mix with his as he uses his grip on your hips to thrust into you, setting the pace he desires. You begin to rock your hips to the rhythm, sighing in satisfaction as your body tingles all over from the feel of his cock inside you, the pain of the past few weeks ebbing away if only for a few minutes. 
You ride him so hard, that the bed starts to move, the headboard slamming against the wall. He continues to egg you on and grunts with pleasure as you grind down on him. As he moves his hips, he grabs you and pulls you down, latching his lips onto yours for a wet, hot kiss. You whimper softly into his mouth, as he drives himself into you with long strokes. His hands grab your ass and keep you moving faster on top of him. He’s ready and you’re unable to control yourself any longer as you feel another orgasm coming up inside you. 
He breaks the kiss, leaving you breathless. He gazes at you, glazed over with passion and desire as he recognises your tell that you are approaching your peak. He continues to work it and you moan in appreciation, losing yourself in the moment. With each thrust, you gasp as you feel him hit your deep spots, climbing higher and higher, and your eyes flutter shut as you feel your body start to tense. A building feeling in your abdomen starts to escalate with each move, each stroke that he gives you. 
After a moment, you finally catch his gaze in time to see him close his eyes and silently come. He holds his breath for a moment until you see a smile cover his beautiful features. He pulls you down again and latches his mouth to yours to taste your sweetness before turning your body until you are lying on top of his chest trying to catch your breaths. 
“That’s gotta be better than working, right?” 
You giggle into his chest. “You certainly have your moments.” 
“So, you’re gonna stay tonight?” he asked, quietly this time, unsure of what your answer would be. 
“S’ppose it would be rude not to.” 
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plasticfilth · 4 years
angsty 29 with nolan, please?🥺
an hour and a half, that’s how long you’ve been waiting alone at the dinner table. your tight dress became irritating, the constant tugging down you had to do every time someone stared. the wine you were sipping began to taste bitter, reflecting how you felt toward your partner. one nice dinner is all you asked for, and yet, he was nowhere to be seen. it was in the uber you made the abrupt decision to go to his apartment instead of back home to your own. a call of text could have worked, of course, but you weren’t upset or even disappointed. just mad. three knocks on his door and you could already hear talking and a football game on. “yeah hang on-” your boyfriend's voice speaks from the other side. he’s laughing at something, or someone, before pulling the door open and seeing you. “baby? wh-” he does a double-take, looking into the living room and back at you before stepping out into the corridor, hands naturally going to your hips. he eyes you up and down. taking in the view, he’s a little stunned. your face is flat, not even a slight curve of your lips. it’s obvious that a boys night took priority over your date. “oh shit,” he breathes out in realisation, running a hand under his beanie and through his hair. “baby i’m so sorry-” before he even finishes you’re brushing his hands off your body. “what the fuck were you thinking?” you snap, no other phrases or thoughts in your mind. he sighs, both hands behind his head as he tilts it back to look at the ceiling in remorse. your tense jaw and glare are enough to make him tense up himself because if there’s one thing you know nolan hates doing, it’s having to justify his actions. “i swear, y/n, it slipped my mind. i got my friday’s confused, you know i would never do it on purpose,” he speaks with his hands, a rare mannerism saved for when he’s panicking. “forget it, seriously, go back to your boys,” you turn on your heels, not even wanting to fight with his calm tone, it only works you up more. “fuck, babe, i’ll kick them out, just stay,” which makes you roll your eyes, “oh like it’s a hassle?” you imply with venom, making his face scrunch, “what? no? i’m saying i’ll clear the house, we can talk, o-or drink or get dinner?” he runs on. “what do you think the whole point of tonight was! gah- i, it’s whatever, nolan, i shouldn’t have stopped by anyway,” you settle, determined to actually leave, but he has no plans of letting you go. “y/n, please,” he begins, tugging you back gently, his body radiating an irresistible warmth. you’ve missed him, undoubtedly, no matter how much he hurt you tonight. you breathe out, body feeling limp as you rest your head against his chest, his arms embracing you. a kiss is planted at the top of your head, and as much as you want to give in, you’d rather let yourself rest, and let him not have to worry about compensating for the night. you pull away softly, a hand to his cheek as you lean in and kiss his lips. that action alone reassures him that there’s still love there, no matter if you’re mad or not. “i’ll see you tomorrow, nols.”
prompt list.
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shipmistress9 · 4 years
Sex Toy Advent Calendar: Day 4: Scarlet Silk Scarf
Fandom: HTTYD
Rating: E
Pairing: Hiccup/Astrid
Words: 2515
Summary: Day 4 of the Sex Toy Advent Calendar. Hiccup and Astrid aren't sure of what to make of today's gift. But a little creativity is more than enough to make up for that. 
AN: These shorts get a lot longer than intended. Which means they take longer to write, too. Ah, well... That way, I'll have fun with them well into the next year.
Read on AO3
. o O o .
Frowning in slight confusion, Hiccup held the box of the day in his hands as Astrid inspected the content. In opposition to the previous boxes, this one was golden, with the word ‘four’ written in black letters along one side. It was bigger than the previous ones, but not by much. The content, though…
“Okay, and what exactly is that supposed to be?”
Astrid shrugged, holding a strip of scarlet red cloth in both her hands. “I’m not entirely sure, to be honest,” she murmured. “Some sort of scarf, I think? We could use it as a blindfold.”
She wrapped the scarf loosely around her eyes, and Hiccup had to admit that it was an intriguing sight. The fabric shimmered red, golden, or black, depending on how the light fell on it. And after the experiment with the bondage tape, he'd gained a bit of a taste for blindfolding her.
Out loud, he said, “That's a possibility. But how about we discuss this tonight? We should get going now. Do you want me to drop you off at work?”
On Fridays, their work schedules usually matched. So unless she didn't have additional appointments in the afternoon, driving together made more sense.
“Yeah, that would be great.” She stretched to place a quick peck on his lips. “And hopefully, we can come up with a few ideas for what to do with this thing until tonight.”
There was a hungry glint in her eyes, and Hiccup knew that wherever this night would lead them, it would be intense.
. o O o .
When Hiccup picked her up from work again, she greeted him with another kind of hunger, though.
“I’ve decided we're getting pizza for tonight.”
Raising an eyebrow at her, he started his car and drove off the carpark. “Really? I didn’t expect you to want to get a too full stomach these days.” Honestly, sex while being stuffed was no fun.
Astrid groaned, then pondered for a moment. “Oh, the conflict… But I need pizza today. We could… only eat one slice and safe the rest for later. Pizza still tastes great, even when it cooled down a bit.”
Chuckling, Hiccup shook his head. “So, your day at the office was that bad?”
“Worse!” she grumbled. “I swear, if that woman ruins only one more conversation by switching the topic to her exceptional cooking skills, I'm going to split her head with an axe.”
His lips twitched, but Hiccup was wise enough not to comment on this directly. “Pizza it is then,” he agreed.
. o O o .
An hour later, Astrid's mood had considerably improved. Hiccup had made a detour to drive by her favourite pizzeria instead of just getting the usual from the one near their home, and after two slices of cheesy perfection with ham and tuna, she'd forgotten all about her annoying co-worker.
Eyeing the rest of her Pizza, she sighed. “I’m so torn. This pizza is so good, but if I eat more now, I won't do anything else anymore tonight.”
Chuckling, Hiccup pushed his pizza box away from him. He’d only eaten one slice so far, but then he didn’t need to drown work-related frustration, either. “Why are you holding back? Do you have any other plans for tonight?” he asked artlessly.
Astrid threw him a deadpan look, and he couldn’t help but laugh.
“Okay, okay, I haven’t forgotten about today's box. But seriously, what are we supposed to do with that thing?”
“Oh, I’ve thought of a few things.” She jumped up to get the scarf from their bedroom while Hiccup went to put away the pizza for later.
“First, I could use it to make sure you don’t run away from me,” Astrid said as she retired to the living room and found it empty, a mixture of humour and exasperation in her voice.
She followed him into the kitchen, and when he turned to put away their glasses, he found himself trapped with the scarf around the back of his neck as she pulled him into a deep kiss. Humming against her lips, Hiccup gave in to his demanding girlfriend. Not that that was much of a chore. He’d been looking forward to this all day as well, but it was just so much fun to tease her.
Astrid didn't loosen her hold on him until he gave in completely, his hands wrapped around her waist and their tongues entangled in an intricate dance. However, when she pulled away and let the scarf glide along his neck, the satin did interesting things to him. Like a lightning sparking through his entire body and making blood pool down below. He didn’t get the chance to focus on that sensation, though, Astrid drawing his attention again right away.
“Or you could use it to bind my hands again,” she suggested, and wrapped the scarf around both her wrists in one fluid motion. “I had the impression you enjoyed that a lot.”
An appreciative groan rumbled from somewhere deep within his chest as his eyes caught on her bound wrists. “It’s not as if you didn’t enjoy it too,” he murmured in a deep voice, rougher than usual. She was right though, he'd enjoyed tying her up more than he’d ever expected and hoped that he could do something like that again, soon.
“Mmm, true,” she said dreamily. Then her eyes lit up with an idea. She freed her left hand, then held the other one out to him, with a inviting gleam in her eyes and the scarf still wrapped around it.
“You want me to…?”
She nodded, a smirk tugging at her pretty pink lips.
Swallowing, Hiccup reached for the scarf and tied it around her wrist. He made sure that it wasn’t too tight, even as the satin made his fingers tingle, distrsacting him. What was it with this fabric?
Once he was done, Astrid moved quicker than he could react. She looped the other end of the scarf around his left wrist and fastened it with a knot. Then she paused, her eyes searching his. “Is this okay?”
Hiccup gazed at their hands, at the scarf hanging loosely between them. There was enough slack for them to move, a little less than half a metre, but not enough to put any considerable distance between them. “Aye, I think it is,” he murmured, his tongue darting out to wet his dry lips. “And what now?”
“Now, we can play around a little.”
She put her arm behind her back and pulled him along until he held her in a loose embrace, then leaned in until they aligned their bodies from head to toe.
“We can do something like this,” she breathed, her lips ghosting over his. “Or something like this.”
Hiccup wasn’t sure how she’d done it, but only a heartbeat later, he found himself turned around, with his bound hand on his back and his front pressed against a wall. It made his heart beat faster, pumping blood down into his groin, and he suddenly felt very hot. She was so strong, and he loved it.
He yelped when her hand found its way to his ass, followed by a low groan as she squeezed suggestively. “Mmm, honestly, your ass is to die for,” she purred, stretching to reach his neck with her mouth.
Hiccup’s mind was spinning, barely able to catch up. How easily Astrid had manhandled him, her teeth against his skin, her hand on his ass, and the sensation of that satin… It was an intoxicating mix, enough for him to not even notice how Astrid opened his belt and zipper, moaning wantonly when she found him half hard already.
Before she could do more, however, he finally regained some control. Distracted as she apparently was, he had no problem with turning the situation around on her, and only moments later, she found herself with her back against his chest, his arm and the scarf wrapped around her to hold her in place.
“Two can play this game, Milady,” he whispered against her neck, voice husky with arousal. His hand wandered to the buttons of her blouse, popping them open one by one and revealing a black bra with cute green details beneath. One of his favourites.
Astrid chuckled, a little breathlessly, and used her position to grind her cute little ass against his growing erection. “And here I thought you’d already given up.”
The game went on like this for a good while longer. One would use the scarf and how it connected them to pull the other into a new position, using the moment to steal a kiss or to grope and to keep undressing them. It was slow progress, like a dance, except that no dance had ever left him this needy and wanting. Or had made him adore his partner with the same intensity he felt for Astrid right now. She truly was perfect in every aspect, beautiful, strong, sexy, witty, funny, and sometimes a little crazy.
“I love you,” he rasped into her hair as he held her much like she’d held him before, he front against the kitchen wall. Their playful dance… striptease… whatever had led them nearly through the entire flat, neither of them caring so long as it got them a minor advantage.
Astrid gasped, his words accompanied by a teasing pinch on one of her hardened nipple. “L-love you too. But, fuck, Hiccup, I need you now.” She turned around in his grip, so easily as if his efforts meant nothing, and slung one of her long legs around his hips.
Caught off guard by this development, Hiccup didn’t even think twice. He reached for her other leg to hold her up, his cock gliding into her as if it belonged there, and guided by her urgent movements, he thrust in deep right from the start.
“Fuck, yes! Just like that!”
Astrid’s breathy moan did nothing to help him regain coherence. His bound hand found hers and pressed it against the wall behind her, their fingers entwined. It was more difficult to hold her with only one arm like this, his amputated leg nearly buckling beneath him, but with her legs helping by holding on to him it was manageable. And he felt as if he needed the intimacy of their hands entwined, didn’t want to let go of her.
“Come on, baby,” she moaned, the fingers of her free hand digging into his shoulder. “Fuck me hard!”
After their endless foreplay, Hiccup didn’t need to be told twice and complied with eager abandon. His hips surged forward, her heat welcoming him, so sweet that he forgot everything else. Nothing mattered anymore, nothing but Astrid.
And she seemed to enjoy it. She moved with him, gasping and with her hips meeting his at every thrust. She was mesmerising to watch, sweat beading on her skin and a beautiful flush wandering up her chest. Every second, every thrust, every moan or outcry brought them higher, closer to the edge.
It wouldn’t need much more now. Her legs were clinging to him, pulling him in deeper. The fingers of her right hand clutched at his with all the urgency of her impending climax, while the nails of her other hand dug deeply into his shoulder.
Hiccup groaned, the pain spurring him on even more. He moved faster, thrust harder, revelling in her desperate keening, the way she grew tighter with every passing second. Close, so close.
When she came, it was with a lewd moan, her back arched, pressing her breasts up against his chest. She looked amazing, so beautiful, her body all but glowing and her eyes screwed shut. And the way she clenched around him…
“F-fuck, so good!”
Unable to hold out any longer, Hiccup gave in and followed her into bliss. With a few last jerky thrusts, he carried them both through to the end, his curse going over into a drawn-out groan.
Once it was over, he carefully guided her legs back down to the ground. He leaned his forehead against hers, both trying to catch their breath as reward hormones and bliss surged through them.
“That was… yep… totally worth forgoing more pizza.”
Unable to help himself, Hiccup burst out laughing. He leaned more heaving against her and buried his face in her hair, his hand coming up to caress along her neck. “Your absolutely amazing, do you know that?”
Humming, Astrid leaned into his touches. “Yeah, I know.” Then her hand mimicked his gesture and cupped his cheek, guiding him up again until she could look at him. Her eyes had grown soft, so full of love and warmth that they nearly made him choke. “And so are you. I still can’t believe how lucky I am to have you.”
She stretched to press her lips to his, her tongue peeking out and pushing into his mouth. Hiccup kissed her back, slow but intense, and they only parted when the need to breathe became too urgent to ignore.
Astrid hummed again, and when he looked into her eyes, so deep and beautiful that he could easily drown in them, there was a humorous glint in them now. “But now that we burned enough calories, I need more pizza.”
Chucking, Hiccup let her lead them back to their dinner table where they both fumbled with the scarf to get it off their wrists. Astrid's appetite was not something to mess with, no matter whether it was about food or sex.
She all but inhaled three more slices of her pizza, with him only managing one and a half, before she talked again. “So, what was that about you and this scarf?”
Hiccup frowned, but couldn't reply with his mouth full of cheese and vegetables. He chewed, swallowed, and asked, “What do you mean?”
With a slight twitch of her lips, Astrid reached for the scarf lying next to them on the table and let the rougher satin side glide up the inside of his arm.
Unable to help it, Hiccup’s eyes fell close and a low moan dropped off his lips as the fabric made his skin tingle. A sensation like lightning zipped through his body, not strong enough to arouse him again just yet, but not leaving him unaffected either.
The sensation of satin on skin wandered up to his shoulder and down his back, leaving him trembling.
“Mmm, that's interesting.” Astrid’s voice suddenly came from behind him, the touch of her hand joining that of the scarf. “I didn't know this is how you react to satin.”
Hiccup blinked and shook his head to clear it. “Me neither,” he muttered in a raspy voice.
Astrid moved closer, wrapped her arms around his neck from behind and leaned her head on his shoulder. “And… do you like it?”
That was a loaded question, coming from her. Hiccup gulped, thinking about it. Then he gave a small nod. “Yeah. I… I think I do.”
“Excellent!” She nibbled at his ear, giggling. “I’ll make sure to remember that for another time.”
. o O o .
* - . - * - . o O o . - * - . - *
If you want to support me you can buy me a coffee. I love coffee 😊 (Ko-Fi)
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kinnoth · 3 years
-really doubt i'm gonna be able to finish this movie so we'll just see where i get to
- we already know how i feel about loki and thor, we don't need to revisit this
- ok but if i were going to revisit this, i mean come on, who wants to talk about "hela draws her power from asgard, same as you" cos i wanna talk about that
like what if that's the reason thor, god of thunder, king to a civilisation of warriors, was unable to fend off like, 4 dudes and a big purple dinosaur? the royal family of asgard draws its power from asgard, and without it, they are weak, they are mortal. maybe that's why heimdall is unable to just, you know, bifrost everybody off the fucking ship the minute it comes under attack. maybe that's why loki can't fucking conjure up a swarm of fucking microscopic knives to fillet the invaders from the inside out. MAYBE THAT'S WHY LOKI TRIES TO KILL THANOS WITH A FUCKING DAGGER. BECAUSE TAKE AWAY HIS POWER, TAKE AWAY HIS GODHOOD, WHAT DOES HE HAVE LEFT OTHER THAN HIS WILE, HIS TRICKS AND HIS BROTHER
somebody talk about this
- etc etc what if the reason loki is unable to attack the purple dinosaur with magic is because when he tackled thor earlier, he used whatever magic he had left to spare in order to heal him
checks out cos thor goes from flat on his face to swinging his fists in the space of like 30 seconds and the only thing to happen to him in between is said bit about loki tackling him
- why does heimdall save hulk? i mean, i could understand it if he were trying to aim the bifrost at thor and somebody somehow knocked off his aim and he accidentally saves hulk, but like, we've established that heimdall's loyalty is to the royal seat of asgard upon whom sits thor's mighty ass. thor who, in this scene, has just been incapacitated by a metal eggshell(?) and is at the mercy of their assailants. given heimdall's priorities, it is baffling to the point of inconceivability that he would preferentially save fucking HULK over his own king.
- if this next scene isn't the guardians of the galaxy coming across thor clutching loki's dead fucking body floating through space then i don't know why any of us are even here
- "he sent loki! the attack on new york was thanos!" makes no sense? like, if loki's scepter had the mind stone in it, which we established it did in the last movie when we broke it open to retrieve vision, then.....why didn't thanos just....take the mind stone in the first place? cos rock collecting is and has always been his goal?
what, do you think that just because you assert a thing makes us forget all the shit that happened before?
- i.....am actually with tony stark. why don't they just destroy the stones they have so that thanos can't get to them? oh, you made a promise? well promises change and circumstances change! you tell him tony! you tell that stupid fucker --
oh my god i'm gonna be ill
- i think the only person whose ego can match tony stark's is probably a neurosurgeon so 👍 i guess
-i love how we immediately went back to the "so dark can't see shit" aesthetic after ragnorak because ensuring that one's audience can SEE what is HAPPENING IN YOUR MOVIE is apparently for radical directors like taika waititi
- cannot believe that tony stark staring at captain america's phone number is being played with the same emotional intensity as thor losing his soulmate entire people
- honestly how many times is the mcu gonna invoke 9/11 imagery til someone calls them out for being terrorists
- lmao i know i said this before but peter's spidey senses tingling AFTER the giant alien anus has already started sucking up new york and it is right outside his window is fucking hilarious. that's just called using your eyeballs peter
- "friday notify first responders about the giant alien anus sucking up new york" lol like the first thing somebody did when the alien anus showed up wasn't to fucking call 911 GREAT IDEA TONY
- still can't believe that they let failed neurosurgeon dr strange do more magic than god of tricks and sorcery loki lol
- i know i rag on dr strange a lot about the fact that he's a neurosurgeon it's just that he sucks.
as a neurosurgeon eyy.
- i hate that peter parker has to be here!!!!! leave him alone!!!!!
- tony stark should not be allowed within 100 feet of children or minorities
- it is very weird to me that steve "brooklyn" rogers has an area code from georgia
- i am very disappointed that thor is going to go get another weapon after we spent the whole last movie talking about how he is not the god of hammers
- i just need thor to have much more PTSD than he has right now. fucking hulk has ptsd. maybe they're saving the ptsd for later. one can only hope.
- i am glad that they are letting him be cleverer though
- wait when did vision turn into a white man again? did i miss that movie?
- i am disappointed that vision the computer techno robot apparently has a penis. like what a stupid limitation to give your computer techno robot, gender. 🙄
- i think that the mass destruction of infrastructure and architecture in the MCU is because of the pg13 no blood limitation that disney has set? like there's no way to show destruction to the body, so one may only show the exponential destruction to one's surroundings. like imagine how much more dramatic intensity you could wring out of a regular fight scene would be if people were allowed to bleed?
- cannot believe that a computer techno robot and a witch are having a punch up with the bad guys. of all people to fight with something not their fists, it's these two
- wanda has no enhanced strength or durability? she's a regular teenager who's a bit witchy. the first time she got thrown through a glass door should have shattered her vertebrae. again i don't understand why we insist that everybody must have the same powers and capabilities when it's clear they don't. think about how much more interesting it would be if some avengers were more fragile than others and had to be given accommodations as such
- IT IS INCONCEIVABLE TO ME THAT FUCKING BLACK WIDOW (regular human), CAPTAIN AMERICA (enhanced human), AND FALCON (regular human with wings) CAN DEFEAT THE CHILDREN OF THANOS WHEN THOR COULDN'T UNLESS THOR (god of fucking thunder carved of steel and stone) WAS NERFED
- still don't understand how we'll lend aliens afro features but not afro hair, like, seriously? you're gonna dream up green aliens with gills who look like black people but imagining them with black hair is a step too far?
- the gap of commentary in this liveblog is simply because i do not care at all for the galaxy defenders
- "earth just lost her best defender" who? who does captain america consider earth's best defender? it's not thor; he doesn't know thor's presumed dead. it's not tony; he doesn't know tony's on an alien anus. who else has died so far?
- love how exhausted bucky looks. have always loved how exhausted bucky looks. love bucky.
- i forgot that tony was with peter parker. god i hate that.
- "i'm peter btw"
"dr strange"
"oh you're using the made up names then. i'm spider man"
ok that was cute, but peter's cute, we knew that already
- i want to fling both strange and stark into space and i'm having a hard time deciding which one to push first
- "you went to bed hungry, scraping for scraps" oohhhh thanos is just anti-poor people, he would literally rather poor people be dead than struggle, i get it nowww
this is on brand for mcu
- oh my god thanos gets 2/6 stones by torturing siblings in front of other siblings, seriously? you couldn't come up with 6 different ways to find his stupid rocks you had to reuse one twice?
- which one of thor's friends was stabbed through the heart....? fandral??
- "if i don't get my vengeance what more could i lose" more like what else is there eh? what else is there for a king of no people but their vengeance?
- i do enjoy that thor is now science fiction rather than fantasy, i don't think anybody knew what to do with fantasy cos fantasy is again, ultimately about conservatism and the status quo. so i do like that we're embracing the new and boundless for whatever that's worth.
- marvel is a cesspool of toxic masculinity. at no point are characters allowed to actually feel anything because weakness is uncool i guess and therefore unmanful. like thor lost ALL OF HIS PEOPLE. fucking ALL of them. he watched his brother die in order to save him. he is not allowed a single fucking response of mourning. i don't care if he's pushing it back because revenge or whatever, this is the sort of grief that rules you, which will bring all your load bearing structures down to heel, and they let him do nothing; he does not even rage. perfect control. smooth witticisms. why. why aren't we allowed to see his sadness?
- yo i can't believe red skull is a scifi villain now lol space nazis for real
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- michael b jordan was right btw wakanda is complicit in africa's exploitation
- i do LIKE black panther i guess in the way you technically like that cousin you met once when you were like 9 and never saw again?
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i like how we have here in wakanda the sears tower (chicago), the batman building (nashville), and the gherkin (london)
- ok but like, presumably not a death cult super technologically advanced wakandans who are deffo made of human flesh and human blood still arm their people with spears
i mean unless wakanda is also a death cult
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why is this chicks entire fucking face cgi'd she looks like a fucking cut scene video game character
- oh ok they have LASER spears, ok
so then why did they give bucky a fucking gun
- what is bucky supposed to be able to contribute here exactly, like fucking, again, he's spycraft isn't he? he's a one man, dead of night, operation go loud and then immediately silent kinda operation. why do they have him on the front lines of a fucking lock-step formation battle??
- "it will be the noblest ending in history" WHAT, FIRST COUNTRY TO EVER BE OVERUN BY ALIEN JACKALS??
- stormbreaker is just leviathan axe, somebody's said this already right
- omfg i'm so glad they're finally acknowledging that thor is OP as fuck and does not belong amongst the fucking squabbles of earth
-you've got the big fucking boss in an ambush AND YOU ATTACK HIM WITH A MAGIC SWORD STEVEN STRANGE?????
- when will somebody please utilise ironman like the one man artillery he fucking is WHY IS HE FIGHTING WITH HIS STUPID FISTS HE IS LITERALLY ONE CONTINUOUS CARPET BOMB JUST USE HIM THAT WAY
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- dr strange could have very easily prevented or stopped quill from punching thanos but he didn't cos i guess even the movie forgets steven strange exists sometimes
- i like that the shield around wakanda has the same weakness as a poorly constructed chicken coop -- you always build into the ground a couple feet to stop the diggers man, come on, what is this, your first energy shield?
- oh disgusting, a girl boss moment. whatever you're all fascists.
- nobody adores martial might like fascists do fucking change my mind
- " avengers: not one person in this fucking cast is able to stomach ANY AMOUNT of personal sacrifice" more like
- "why did you give away the time stone?" "we are in the endgame" THAT'S NOT AN ANSWER THAT'S A FUCKING MOVIE TEASER FUCK YOU
- why didn't strange just trap thanos in a timeloop again? we've already established that is a perfectly acceptable way to deal with planetary annihilation. IS IT POSSIBLY BECAUSE NOBODY ON THIS WRITING STAFF KNOWS HOW TO DEAL WITH MAGIC
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what ever happened to Auston and Carson after in “the fight”? How did they resolve everything? Cause after I read that I wanna know how she felt with the whole situation and how they both were feeling afterwards. Like did they take a break? Or have they ever broken up and dated people but then realized they were it for each other?
Ok so, I was going to write a whole second part to that but I honestly don’t know when I ever will be able to so instead this is going to be a really long but detailed explanation of what happened afterwards, just not written as a story.
They took a break. It wasn’t an official breakup, but it felt like it could’ve been.
Carson didn’t know what to do or think. She was still in complete shock about it all and felt very lost about the whole thing. As days went by, she couldn’t bring herself to contact him back after how everything played out. He called and texted her every day after she left the condo and went to Mitch and Steph’s place to say that he missed her, he was sorry and hoped she had a good day. It got to a point where she muted his text thread in her phone because she was getting too upset each time she got a notification from him.
She didn’t talk to his family either. She didn’t know how to and was still so hurt by them also keeping the news of Auston being charged from her. Carson knew it was because he was their family and totally understood their want to protect him and listen to him when he asked them not to say anything. However, she still needed time and just wasn’t ready to talk to them until she figured out how she was feeling about it all.
She stayed with Mitch and Steph for almost two weeks. The day after she found out about the charge and had her fight with Auston, she took a mental health day off work but went back in after that. Over those days, she was in such a mental and emotional low, and it was really hard to watch. Mitch and Steph hated seeing her that way but continued being there for her in whatever way they could and kept Carson’s dad, Nate and Mya in the loop on how she was doing even though she didn’t want to talk to them about any of what was going on. Her family definitely wasn’t thrilled about the whole situation either.
As the days went by, her coworkers noticed how mopey she was. This was when she first started in her job, seeing as she had just graduated university that June, but she was already such a presence in the office that anyone who knew her knew something was up. They, too, had seen the news about Auston and assumed that had to do with how she was acting but didn’t dare pry that much into her personal life and ask about it.
Since starting at her job about a month prior, just before Carson moved in with Auston, she began making friends with other people in the office. One of the guys lived not too far from where hers and Auston’s condo was, and so they’d often carpool together to work, but since she was staying at Mitch’s place, that stopped, and she opted to either Uber or just walk to work as a way to keep her mind clear and just have some time to herself. Her coworkers noticed this.
The day Carson returned to the office after leaving early then taking a mental health day, her coworkers noticed how she stopped wearing a necklace she always had on, one that Auston gifted her on her graduation day, and how she also turned away the few photos she had on her desk of the two of them so that she wouldn’t have to look at them. The coworker she used to carpool with was definitely very observant of this. He was attracted to her, had harmlessly flirted with her a couple of times before. Still, she always politely declined and made it known that she wasn’t interested and that she was very happy with her relationship. He accepted that but seeing how she turned the pictures away of her and Auston and stopped talking about him entirely. Her coworker saw that as a window of opportunity.
On a Friday, about ten days after Carson left the condo and didn’t look back, her coworker started hitting on her, and she did not have it, but then he flat out asked her on a date which really surprised her. She said no and reminded him that she was in a relationship. Still, then he pointed out what he had observed with how she doesn’t talk about Auston anymore, how she took down their pictures and stopped wearing the necklace she once said Auston bought for her and that he assumed the two of them had broken up. Carson said how they didn’t break up, that things were just complicated and again, politely declined his offer. After that, she started really thinking about how badly she wanted to talk to Auston. She knew she still loved him with her whole heart but needed to figure out if she could forgive him. So, she decided she’d go see him that weekend. Preferably after the Leafs game taking place at SBA the following day because they were away that night.
The moment Carson stormed out of their condo, Auston was a mess. He was distraught over the thought that he may actually lose her, and he hated that he caused all of it. Auston talked with his family for hours that night, saying how he couldn’t lose Carson but knew how he royally fucked up, and if she did decide to end things with him and move on, it’d be no one’s fault but his own. That was a tough pill to swallow because he was beyond the point of imagining his future with anyone but her.
She didn’t go to the Leafs opener, something she hadn’t missed in the almost three years the two of them had been together and didn’t return any of his calls. Things got a little tense between him and Mitchy during that almost two weeks they weren’t entirely together anymore as well. The day after Carson left the condo, Mitch and Steph went over to get some of her things to take back to their place for her because she couldn’t bring herself to go back there. It was weird, none of them knew what to say about any of it, but Mitch and Steph did tell Auston that Carson was okay and would be staying with them for the time being.
After almost ten days of having to see his cousin cry over what happened and mope around his condo unless she was lying on his couch cuddling Zeus, Mitchy was mad. He was mad at Auston for hurting Carson the way that he did and unintentionally lashed out at him for it.
At practice one day, Mitchy was very passive-aggressive towards Auston. He ignored him in the dressing room, then during practice, “accidentally” slap shotted pucks in his direction and even pushed him into the boards during a scrimmage even though they were on the same team for it. Naturally, Auston got fed up and asked Mitchy what his problem was, and Mitchy told Auston that he was his problem. The rest of the guys then essentially locked the two of them out of the dressing room after practice until they figured their shit out.
And they did. Mitchy expressed how frustrated he was. That he trusted Auston not to hurt Carson and has now had to watch her cry almost every day for over a week because of him. He then told Auston that he broke Carson’s heart in a way, and neither of them was in a place to decide how long it’d take for her to decide what she wanted to do because of it. Auston apologized for betraying Mitchy’s trust and, more importantly, hurting Carson. He then went on to say that what he did was stupid and all his fault. He didn’t blame Carson for reacting the way she did, but he hated everything about their situation. He never wanted to hurt her but was aware that he did and couldn’t take that back, but reminded Mitchy of how much he loved her, and although the thought of losing her was devastating to him, he would always put Carson’s happiness before his own. If not being in a relationship anymore was what would allow her to be happy again, he’d accept it regardless of how badly it hurt.
Mitchy admitted that he was rooting for them but said ultimately. It was up to Carson where hers and Auston’s relationship went from there.
The two of them were okay after that and were eventually allowed to go into the dressing room before catching their flight to Columbus. The next night after they returned to Toronto after that game, Carson told Mitchy that she was ready to talk to Auston.
She went to the game at SBA and knew that Auston had carpooled with Mitchy, so after the game, she decided to go down to where the guys would be after they changed and waited with Steph until they showed up.
Auston was obviously shocked to see her but so ridiculously happy. He had to refrain himself from pulling her right into his embrace and not letting go, but he knew it wasn’t his place to do so. She was there for a reason.
After she greeted him, she asked if he’d walk with her. He agreed, and the two of them walked around downtown a bit before making way to the condo. During that walk, they talked about everything. Carson admitted that the thought of not forgiving him and possibly breaking up did cross her mind, but she didn’t want to. She still loved him so freaking much but him keeping something so significant from her wasn’t cool. She had no idea what she wanted anymore, but she knew that she needed to hear what he had to say to make a decision. And so ultimately, they did talk it through. Carson still hated what happened and wanted Auston to know that what he did, how he handled it, and how he proceeded to keep that all from her wasn’t okay. He made her feel like he didn’t trust her, and that hurt a lot, and she also did not like how he handled that situation when they talked about it during their fight. She made it clear that if something like that ever happened again, she wouldn’t be able to go through it for a second time and that if it did, she wouldn’t be able to trust him again. She was able to forgive him, but it took a lot to get there.
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oyesmendes · 4 years
The Coffee Roasters - Chapter two
a/n: we’re here!! this one’s a little sad and angsty so i’m sorry!!! and also, i would like to know how you would like the next chapter to go so leave me some suggestions in my ask :)
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Long black - two shots of espresso poured into a glass of hot water; two lovers thrusted into reality.
when Sophie woke up to sunlight streaming through the curtains, she knew she was fucked. Never in the twenty three years of her life did she wake up after the sun rose, not even when the cafe closed during the holidays. her hand was resting on Niall’s chest, his arm draped across her waist lazily. She turned slowly, careful to not wake him up as she turned on her phone to see a dozen text messages and missed calls from her family
Dad: Where are you? come to the store now.
Mom: darling, are you coming to the cafe today? Your father is worried
Harvey: I tried to cover for you, but it can only last so long. Good luck Mei ;-) ps hope you used protection
Sophie rolled her eyes at her brother’s message, only replying with a middle finger emoji and a be there soon before she felt Niall’s arms snake around her. She lets him pull her close to his body, turning around in the process to face him. Niall’s eyes were still shut as he hummed under his breath. Sophie thinks she could get used to this - to him, and then reality hits her like bricks when Niall mutters a string of swear words under his breath. She pulls away, looking at him confused.
“Sorry petal, I totally forgot to tell my manager I was staying the night in Brighton. I’m supposed to be at a shoot right now” Niall rubs his face with his hands a little too hard just to shake away the sleep in him. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s slept this well with someone in the bed. Sophie chuckles, shaking her head “well I guess that makes two of us. was supposed to be at the cafe…” she looks at the time on her phone screen, “three hours ago.” They both lay flat on their backs, staring up at the ceiling. A comfortable silence filled the room, both their hands intertwined with each other's. They should be worried about the consequences, the repercussions of their decisions, but right now all they cared about was the person laying by their side. Sophie gets up first, running her fingers through her hair as she sits up on the bed. Niall soon follows, peppering kisses on her cheek all the way down to her collarbone. She grabs his hand and he follows as if they’ve been doing this for years, and leads him to the bathroom where the twin bathroom sinks were waiting. She hands him a new toothbrush - a permanent one, not one of those you steal from a hotel - and they begin their morning routine. They were quiet as they moved around the apartment to get ready for the day; Niall was on the phone with his manager, looking like a child that was being berated by his mother and Sophie was making them coffees and breakfast. Both of them had the same thought in their head - will they see each other again? Was this just a one night stand? definitely not. Whatever they had between them, the comfort, the teenage excitement of love was something that was so real. Yes, they’ve only met 2 days ago, but what fell between them was so familiar, it felt like they’ve known each other for years and you can’t say that to many people in your life. Niall finishes up his call (or scolding, it was more like a scolding) and wraps Sophie into his embrace which makes her smile all too wide before she spins around.
“Here’s your coffee, and a day old croissant that I’ve put ham and cheese in. Take them on your ride back to London” She hands the bag and coffee cup to him, her eyes never meeting his. He frowns, setting the food aside and tilting her chin up so she’s looking straight into the ocean blue eyes.
“What’s wrong, petal?” He knows what’s wrong, he just doesn’t have the balls to say it. Sophie shakes her head, but her heart spoke faster than her brain could stop it.
“Is this it?” She asked, her voice cracks at the end with tears threatening to spill. Come on Sophie, you’re not going to cry over a boy you met two days ago. Get it together. Except she is crying a little and she is utterly in love with the Irish boy standing in front of her; and she’s terrified. Terrified that she’s going to lose it all in this moment before she could even begin anything. Niall catches on, pressing a kiss to her lips in which she returns hastily.
“Of course not, petal. you’re less than an hour away, I will come back to you” And that calms her down just by a bit. He envelopes her in a hug, swaying as they hold each other as tight as their bodies would allow them to.
Niall kept his promise. despite the promo tour for Heartbreak Weather and countless of interviews, he tried his absolute best to keep his promise. They were constantly texting and talking on FaceTime whenever their breaks coincided; and when Niall was in London with more than an hour to spare, he’d drive down to Brighton just to see Sophie for less than thirty minutes.
“M’so glad you’re here” Sophie whispered, her head resting on Niall’s shoulders as they sat by the steps of the back door to the cafe.
“Me too, petal.”
However, this long-distance teenage love could only last for so long. Niall was soon due to go on his world tour with no time to spare, and lets not even talk about visiting Sophie. From trying to spend every moment with her soon turned to weekly FaceTime calls that lasted no longer than 2 hours because Niall simply had “no time”. Which was true to a certain extent, he had rehearsals almost every single day if not, he was thrown into some meeting or interview where he was barely paying any attention.
"I can't keep doing this, Niall" Sophie shifts, the phone now propped up against the wall. Those words that came out of her mouth suddenly felt like a tonne of bricks raining from the sky.
"Just a little bit more Soph, I'm gonna be home-"
"and then what?" she cuts him off, her head pounding from the lack of caffeine in her system. It was 5am in Brighton, and Sophie was up an hour early because she couldn't get Niall out of her mind. She picked up the phone to call him, not caring about whatever event or activity that he was in so she could settle it once and for all. at least she was hoping to.
"because from the looks of it, i don't think we're going anywhere. I've barely spoken to you all week, and i don't think that's going to change until you make up your mind on what you want" She’s folding her arms now, and Niall knows that's a clear sign that she's not pleased. He sighs, hands bunching up the pillow next to him. Niall was supposed to be at the arena 10 minutes ago, but here he was sitting in his hotel room with the tension thick in the air between him and his girl.
"bub i just need you to hold on a little longer- a week? i'll be home in a week, yeah i can do that-" before he could even get an answer from her, the line cut off. Sophie slams her phone face flat onto the desk in front of her, a loud groan leaving her mouth. She couldn't do this, not like this when everything was so uncertain. Come on, Niall couldn't even give her a proper answer over the phone. Sophie had a strong character, any of her friends would admit that. She was level headed, confident and a sunshine for all. but right now, all of those characteristics were thrown straight out of the window; all because of one boy.
It was Friday evening, the slowest day of the week so the Hoang siblings were by the front counter catching up with each other. Harvey was bragging about the blonde he met the same day you had your encounter with Niall (yes surprise surprise! They started dating!) and Austin was well, talking about something that has to do with his online classes. Sophie had her mind somewhere else, eyes fixated on her phone waiting for some kind of message or call from Niall. they haven't spoken since that day (well, Niall has sent her multiple good morning and night texts but Soph really couldn't be bothered) she needed him to say something substantial, she needed him to use his words. something he could do so well when he wrote, but when it came to talking to the one he loved, it's as if the man doesn't have a mouth on his face.
“Hello? Earth to Soph?” Harvey was waving his hands in front of her face, giving her a questionable look.
“Sorry, I zoned out. What were you saying about Sarah?” He rolled his eyes at his sister, “its Samantha, and I was asking you what do you want to have for dinner? I could go pick something-“ before Harvey could finish, the familiar jingle of the door with a very familiar figure standing at the door caught the attention of the siblings.
“Yo! Nialler! Haven’t seen you in the longest time man” Harvey and Austin both gave Niall fist bumps while Sophie stayed behind them, arms folded with her head down. When her brothers sensed the lack of enthusiasm from their sister, they both gave a look at Niall who showed the same emotions.
"we're gonna leave you two to talk" Austin rubber his sister's back before leaving to lock the front doors of the cafe and putting up the "closed" sign. Sophie let out another sigh before proceeding to wipe the counter, and steam the machines - anything she could do to keep her mind off the irish man standing on the other side of the counter.
"Soph...please" he stretched his hand across the counter, softly taking hers into his grasp. She squeezed the towel in her hand tilted her head back, legs bouncing as she willed her tears not to fall. Niall knew her like an open book, letting her hand go while he made his way round the counter. He was never allowed behind it, Alex never letting him around the coffee machines for the fear that he might distract his daughter at work. But this time Niall ignored all the rules, crossing over the barrier between them to pull her into his arms. At first, Sophie didn't move, she didn't hug back until Niall spoke.
"i'm here petal, i'm here and i'm sorry" those words were enough for her tears to fall and she was now full on sobbing into Niall's shoulder.
"i missed you" Niall choked out. Sophie pushed Niall back, hands resting on his chest as she took in his features. No, she couldn’t bare to break up with him. She threw her head back, sighed and scrunched the fabric of Niall’s hoodie.
“You’re making this so difficult.” Sophie whispered.
“Making what difficult, love? I’m here, I’m finally here” Niall was confused by her words and to be honest, the inner turmoil that Sophie was facing felt 10 times worse.
“This! This whole thing, your blue eyes and boisterous laughter; your singing and dancing; and the god damn world tour, Niall. Everything is difficult” She leaned back against the counter as Niall’s hands drop to his side.
“What- what do you mean?” Sophie snapped, or rather she was snapping at Niall and she couldn’t help it. She wanted it to stop, she wanted him to stop.
“I don’t know! I should’ve seen it coming, and trust me I tried to prepare myself for all of this” she let out a sad laughter. “You’re Niall fricking Horan, how the fuck can you be my boyfriend?!” Sophie turned and slammed the counter in front of her. Her chest was heavy, and everything started to hurt. Is this what letting go of real love feels like?
Niall’s arms snaked around her waist, pulling her close to his body. Sophie tried to fight it, but she was too tired after being so consumed by the thoughts of Niall and this entire relationship. She let herself melt into his arms, quiet sobs leaving her lips. He swayed from side to side, his head buried in her hair while he let her cry.
“I’m sorry petal, I really am”
“I know”
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crappyimagines · 5 years
don’t do anything brave - steve rogers
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader (with powers)
Summary: he specifically told you not to do anything brave yet you being you, you did something brave and caused steve to suffer major heartbreak
Warning/s: fluff, angst, death, steve is kind of an asshole, not proofread
A/N: don’t ask me why i keep making fics where the reader dies because i don’t know either LMAO. this is a oneshot btw. the cuts are gonne be annoying but whatever. hope you enjoy!
You’re partially human and you have potential.
 You have what it takes and everyone sees it. That’s why everyone was shocked to see you fall and cause yourself injuries. It’s a surprise that you could even get injured.
 You’re strong and powerful but apparently, you’re not invincible.
 A simple bullet caused you to stumble down a building and fall meters down to the ground. You weren’t too weak to die from the impact, though. That showed off some of your not-so-mundane skills. You survived the fall but it left you severely injured.
 Your lover, Steve Rogers keeps pacing back and forth just beside the hospital bed where you lay, biting his tongue to prevent himself from telling you off about being reckless and not being careful.
 “Go ahead.” You smiled cheekily at the soldier. He looked at you with a frown.
 “I’m ready for your lecture” you snorted, wincing a little. Steve immediately rushed to your side, asking what was wrong or what was hurting.
 “Relax! I’m fine. Just a little sore.” You teased him as he scoffed and straightened his posture.
 “You need to stop joking about everything, Y/N. ” he frowned.
 “And you need to stop being so uptight, babe” you slurred jokingly. Steve shook his head and chuckled.
 “I would chastise you but I don’t think you would even listen.” He joked.
 “You’re damn right, I won’t!” you laughed.
“Language, doll. Now take some rest and heal up.” He kissed your forehead as you smiled at him.
 “Okay, okay. I know how much you’ll miss me in bed.” You winked and laughed when you saw him reddening.
 It didn’t take too long for you to be able to go back into doing missions. It took a lot of vexing and begging for the Captain to say yes but he came through.
 You weren’t completely back to normal but you could manage.
 Being stuck in that bed was awful and going on a mission will be refreshing.
 “Now, doll. I expect you to be careful this time. You’re not fully healed yet so be extra cautious and-” he paused to grip your frame and made you look at him.
 “Don’t do anything brave”
 You gulped at his serious tone and nodded.
 “I will. I promise you that I will. Now just relax and let’s kiss some ass!” you cheered and ran towards the aircraft.
 Steve shook his head at your choice of words but smiled at your cheerfulness and followed you.
It was supposed to be basic. It was supposed to be an easy mission. It was elementary. All you had to do was infiltrate the base, get the information that Fury tasked you to take, and then leave. Three easy steps. Three easy steps that you all could’ve done but hindrances were presented.
 The mission only consisted of you, Steve, Sam, Nat and Bucky. Enough to do splits. You were obviously with Steve on this one. Sam went solo, and Bucky was with Nat. Sam was assigned to keep eye from above, watching the entrances to see if you got any companion. Nat and Bucky were assigned to collect the files which leaves Steve and yourself to be the guards that makes sure no casualties were to happen with Nat and Bucky.
 Everything was going well. Nat and Buck got the information and went out to meet with you and Steve. The four of you were about to leave when Sam spoke.
 “Cap! It’s a trap! They knew we were coming! We’re outnumbered! I’m coming in!” Sam shouted in your earpiece.
 Steve stiffened and took a deep breath.
 “No, Sam. It’s too dangerous if we’re outnumbered. Call for backup.” Steve commanded.
 “Alright, Cap.” Sam does as he said.
 The doors busted open and suddenly, you were surrounded. There was a long pause filled with heated staring contests before the fight started. Nat, Bucky, Steve, and yourself fought of every HYDRA agent and didn’t have second thoughts in killing them.
 It’s either kill or be killed.
 Back up came. Tony, Rhodey, and even the kid, Peter Parker came for back up. They came and everything go easier. Every HYDRA agent was down and all were good. Everyone was walking out when you saw it from the corner of your eyes. A shimmer.
A HYDRA agent holding a dagger, limping towards Peter who was conveniently the closest one to the rogue so she went for him. You were faster, though. Before she could even jab at the kid, you pushed Peter away and held the woman’s hand that was holding the dagger. She looked at you in shock but that expression turned into a smirk.
 You tilted your head in confusion and that’s when you felt a sharp pain shoot through the right side of your abdomen.
 You looked down to see a needle stuck to your right side and the liquid went into your body when the woman pushed the end of it.
 “Got you.” she whispered.
 “Ms. Y/N!” Peter yelled as he webbed the dagger from the lady’s other hand. Everyone turned to look at the both of you with shocked looks and a few gasps. Steve ran as fast as he could and was beside you in a flash, holding you up. He looked at the needle poking out of your right side and frowned.
 Natasha went ahead and took care of the rogue.
 “What happened?” Steve’s voice boomed.
 You only winced in response, feeling your body being weaker by the second.
 “The lady went out of nowhere. She was about to stab me when Ms. Y/N pushed me away and stopped the lady. The lady suddenly injected her with that when Ms. Y/N was occupied with the dagger in her other hand. I’m sorry, I didn’t m-mean to-” Peter blabbered when you did your best to reach out to him and pat his shoulder.
 “It’s not your fault, kid. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” You assured him.
 Are you?
 Are you really fine?
 Steve held you tighter which made you look at him.
 “I told you not to do anything brave.” He whispered, anger and worry seeping through his tone.
 You chuckled and shook your head when you started feeling faint.
 “Are you okay? Doll?” Steve shook you as you blink dizzily.
 “I feel weird”
 “Get to the plane, now! Get Banner or Cho!” Steve barked out orders, worried about you. Steve carried you to the plane and then placed you on a small bed. A doctor came towards you and started checking your vitals and such.
 You were unconscious.
 You were unconscious for too long.
 To say Steve was super worried is an understatement.
 You’ve been unconscious for three weeks now and everyone started getting jittery.
 Everyone was affected. Steve was the most affected but so was Peter.
 Peter was blaming himself and Steve wasn’t helping him with it. Steve was almost implying that it was indeed, Peter’s fault. Steve became cranky as hell and everyone was either annoyed or scared. Annoyed because he’s traumatizing poor Peter and scared because no one’s ever seen the golden boy this mad. They were also worried for Steve as they were for you. Steve wasn’t handling your situation well. You needed to wake up.
 You have to wake up.
 As if the universe was playing tricks with everyone, the doctor announced that if you don’t wake up with in the next two weeks, it’s over. Your vitals were low and your heath rate was to low. You were only alive because of the machine. The news wasn’t well received by the team. Peter was devastated and guilty as fuck while Tony tries to cheer him up. Steve was horrible.
 Steve was the most affected by this but he wasn’t giving up. He will wait. He’ll give you time. You’re a fighter. You’ll fight through this. You were always stubborn. You wouldn’t let this killer serum end you. You wouldn’t.
 Steve waited. Steve was patient but then you just stopped.
 You stopped breathing. Even with the machine on, you stopped.
 Flat line and that deafening sound clouded Steve’s senses as he was pushed out of the room as the doctors worked on you.
 ‘This can’t be happening. This can’t be happening.’ Were the words that kept replaying in Steve’s mind.
 You can’t leave him. You can’t. You promised.
 You promised.
 But that was it.
You were gone.
 There was a funeral.
You were buried because that’s what you wanted.
You were gone.
 You were gone.
 Peter cried at your funeral, feeling responsible for everything.
The other avengers mourned.
Steve was devastated.
What was his purpose now?
 How could he move on?
 Why did you have to be so stubborn?
 “I told you not to do anything brave.” He whispered; pain laced in his voice.
 It’s been three days since your funeral and everyone was still in shock.
 The Y/N that they knew was gone. She was always someone who was looked up to. How did it happen to be just a serum that killed you? It doesn’t make any sense but nonetheless, it killed you.
 Life is full of surprises.
 Life is full of surprises indeed.
 That night was specifically different. The night was cold and wet. The rain was nonstop and it’s like the god of thunder himself is unleashing his wrath but Thor denied that it was him.
 The night was eerie and the avengers sat in the living room, having a cozy night while Steve isolated himself in the kitchen. Everyone was drinking something hot when the A.I., Friday spoke.
 “System breached. Someone is trying to enter the building.” It said.
 Everyone ran down, Steve leading the group.
 Like Friday said, there was indeed someone trying to break in. Pounding on the glass door was a body covered in wet mud all over.
 “What the fuck? Let me in! I live here. Guys?!” the figure screamed.
 Steve stiffened. Everyone stared.
“Umm. Guys what the fuck. Is this a prank?” the figure shouted.
 Steve quickly went to the doors, opening it and grabbing the figure.
 “Y/N?” he asked as he wiped your face with his hands.
 “The one and only” your voice sounded unsure, finding the whole situation weird.
 Steve didn’t waste his time as he embraced you, not caring if he got all dirty from your mud.
 “Are you real? Are you really here?” he whispered. The others were just staring in confusion and in shock.
 “I think so?” you answered, then added;
 “I feel weird”
 Steve was alerted and started to guide you inside.
 “Bruce! Check her up, please?” Steve was pleading, he didn’t want to lose you again. You just came back.
 You stopped Steve. “I feel weird but in a good way.” You say confusingly.
 Steve nodded and led you to your shared room to wash up.
 It looked the same. It was untouched. Steve slept in a guess room because he was too scared that he would sniff all you remaining smell away, as weird as that sounds. He couldn’t bring himself to sleep there so the room was left untouched.
 You took a shower for the first time in a while and you savored it.
 Steve got worried because you were taking too long. Maybe something happened?
 “Y/N? Doll?” he knocked.
 You opened the door and looked up at the super soldier.
 “I’m fine, Steve. Gosh you’re still such an uneasy person, geez.” You joked.
 Steve looked at you, you were wrapped in a towel and so was your hair.
 “I can’t help it. I lost you once and I won’t let that happen again.” He said as he pulled you in for a heartwarming hug.
 “Which reminds me. You mind telling us what happened?” Steve looked at you and you sighed.
 “Yeah. Let me just put clothes on.” Steve nodded and bit his bottom lip.
 “Easy, Captain. I just got back.” You joked and laughed as Steve shook his head in annoyance yet laughed at your usual cheekiness.
“I saw everything” you started as everyone listened to you.
  “Everything flashed before me and yeah. I thought that I was still in a coma but apparently, you all buried me because I have to crawl my way up to the surface.” You joked as everyone eased at your playful tone.
  “So, like, there was this weird dude who claimed to be a God. Probably good friends with your pops, Thor.” You nodded at Thor as Sam snorted. Bucky elbowed the man, making him shut up.
  “Apparently, I’m not human. Well, I was human until I died. Which made me what I am now.” You tried to explain, hoping that they would get the point.
  “Yeah? And exactly, what are you now?” Tony questioned.
  “I don’t know. I’m not boasting but apparently, I’m a demigod now.” You bit your lip as you looked at everyone’s expression. Some were confused, some were amused, some where dumbfounded. Thor was smiling as he stood up and approached you.
  “Cheers to that, lady Y/N” you high fived him as everyone started bombarding you with questions.
  “Look, guys. I don’t know much but it is what it is. I’m just thankful that I’m back because I’m not yet done annoying the hell out of you.” You joked and went over to Steve.
  “Especially this one.” You hugged him sideways.
  “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I miss your stubbornness.” Steve joked which caused everyone to laugh.
    The night went on with all of you just talking and the next day came. Peter Parker was in the tower and by what Tony told you, you have a lot of parenting to do and you dragged Steve with you.
  “Peter!” you called. The kid looked at you in shock as you laughed.
  “Missed me?”you joked.
  “Ms. Y/N!” the kid couldn’t help himself and launched towards you, hugging you. Only pulling away when he sensed Steve’s presence.
  “I-I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to get you killed. I’m really-” you cut him off with a pat on the head.
  “Peter, it’s not your fault. Really!” You elbowed Steve on the stomach as he groaned like a teen.
  “Right, Captain?”you asked him. Steve sighed and nodded.
  “That’s right. I’m sorry if I blamed it on you. I wasn’t aware of my emotions when all that happened and I took it out on you.” Steve looked down at Peter as Peter stared at him with wide eyes.
  “It’s okay, Captain. I-I understand. We’re cool.” Peter stuttered.
  “We’re cool” Steve repeated and glared at you when he heard you let out a laugh.
  “Look at Captain America being so hip!” Y/N teased as she laid an arm around Peter’s shoulder.
Peter looked at you, feeling relief and happy for the first time in weeks.
Steve looked at you as the both of you laid in bed. You were facing up and he was facing you. You turned your face towards him and chuckled.
 “What?” you asked.
 “I just like looking at you.” He smiled.
 “Okay, Mr. Weirdo” you joked causing him to let out a hearty laugh.
 “You scared us. You scared me.” He whispered. You turn your body towards him and sighed,
 “I know. But I’m back and I’m not going anywhere.”
 He nodded and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to him so your head was against his chest and you can feel his chin on the top of your head.
 “I love you.” He says as you feel his lips press on your head. You looked up at him and smiled.
 “I love you more” you replied and pressed a kiss on his nose.
 “Well, I love you most.” He chuckled and placed a kiss on your lips.
 In that moment, everything was perfect. Ups and Downs were faced. Mostly downs but for now, everything’s perfect. Your love was perfect.
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oohlovergirl · 5 years
Make Believe: Part One [Roger Taylor x Reader]
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader [FAKE DATING AU]
Summary: You’re a famous rockstar. Roger Taylor has an image problem. Both of your management teams thought it would be a great idea for you two to fake date. Problem is: you guys hate each other’s guts.
Word count: ~1.6k
Contains: language, that’s pretty much it 
A/N: this is a shameless way I can write an enemies-to-lovers trope and fake dating au because I’m trash for both of those (It’s the best of both worldssss). So this was really fun to write! I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you want to be added to this series’s taglist or my permanent taglist!
“Y/N Y/L/N’s Newest Album Hits #1 in the U.K, taking the coveted spot right from under Queen’s noses!” 
“Absolutely not. Not going to happen,” Roger says, arms crossed tightly across his chest as he leans against the desk in Jim’s office. 
Jim sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Roger. You have an image problem. You’re pictured with a new girl almost every night. An article about you breaking some girl’s heart is in the papers every other day. This behavior,” he waves his hand around, “is hurting sales. You’re not going to get out of this,” Jim says, still annoyed that you had taken the top spot for most album sales when he––and everyone else––confidently thought it would be Queen sitting at the top this year. 
Roger scoffs in disbelief. “I’m in a fucking rock and roll band. Our audience isn’t the sort to be swayed away from that.”
“Statistics have shown that each time one of you have gotten into a relationship, your sales have soared. Think about Brian last year. And then consider having the number one artist in the UK dating a member of Queen. This is going to be a huge success.” Roger stays quiet at that. 
“Look Rog––I’m not the biggest fan of this plan either, but you’ve got to be honest, it’s going to work. And she’s a great girl. I really like her,” Brian says, putting his hand on his friend’s shoulder. Freddie nods. 
“Well, that’s easy for you to say! You don’t have to fake date your nemesis!” Roger says, throwing up his arms. 
Brian rolls his eyes. “I think “nemesis” is a little bit of an overstatement, Rog,” he says. 
“Why does it have to be me?” he groans. 
Jim looks pointedly at him. “Maybe because everyone else is already in a relationship with other people?” Roger just groans again.
“I really don’t understand your hatred towards her! I think she’s lovely,” Freddie says. Rogers eyes are wide with betrayal.
“Ask her! She hated me the second she laid eyes on me!” he says, indignation prevalent in his voice. Brian and Freddie both raise their arms up in mock surrender at his outburst, stifling their laughter. To be honest, they all think Roger and your feud is quite amusing. 
“Ten bucks says that they’ll sleep with each other by the end of the night,” Freddie once said as he watched you and Roger bump into each other at a party your record label was throwing. 
“Twenty bucks says that she’ll throw her drink straight in the face,” Brian retorted. Brian got twenty dollars richer that night. But still, the band members––everybody––cannot deny nor escape the tension, sexual or not, between the two of you. 
John is currently trying to suppress a smile, eyes crinkled at the edges. Roger narrows his eyes. 
“What are you snickering about over there?” 
“I’m really excited to see you both interact with each other.”
“You’ve got to admit it, darling, this is gonna be so fucking entertaining,” Freddie chimes in. 
“Oh fuck me,” Roger says in a huff, plopping himself down in a plush chair while dragging his hand roughly down his face.
“Twenty bucks says he’ll be saying that to Y/N when this is over,” Freddie whispers to Brian. Before Brian can respond, Roger punches Freddie in the arm. 
“WHAT?” you screech, the water you’re holding sloshing out of the cup. 
“I’m sorry Y/N, but we already planned this whole thing, and I think this opportunity will be amazing for the both of you. We’re going over to the boys’ recording studio this Friday to finalize all of the details,” your manager, Anne, says almost gently. You sigh.
“I just hit number one on the UK charts. Why would I have to use his help?” 
“Yes, and you know that everyone is so proud of you. But this will keep you at the top and open up more opportunities. It’s a win-win situation. Just think about this purely as a business deal, which it is, and just ignore your hatred towards him.” You open your mouth, but she raises her hand. 
“And…you’ve got to admit, he’s not hard on the eyes,” she says with a grin. You pause for a moment before lightly smacking her arm with the magazine you grabbed off her desk, both of you erupting into laughter. 
Friday came too soon. Your laughter is gone as you stand in front of their recording studio. Taking a deep breath, you walk through the doors, and you’re met with the sight of Queen, lounging on a couch in the middle of the room. 
“Hi boys! Hi Jim, nice to see you again,” Anne says before walking over to Jim and giving him a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek.  
“Hey Y/N!” Brian says, standing up from the couch and bounding over to you with open arms. You smile, returning his embrace. 
“Hey Bri! How are you?” you ask, voice muffled in his chest. John and Freddie both stand up as well, coming over to give you hugs. 
“You look stunning darling,” Freddie compliments, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
You’ve been friends with them for quite a long time, having met at a music awards after party many years ago. They had all taken a liking to you and you to them. All of them except one. And that one is still sitting––more like sprawled out––on the couch, his arms stretched lazily across the back of it and his legs spread too wide. He smiles at you and wiggles his fingers mockingly. 
“Hi gorgeous,” he says with a smirk that makes you roll your eyes. Annoyance already beginning to bubble fast underneath your skin. 
“Close your legs,” you snap. 
“I know it’s difficult, but eyes up here love,” he says with a tsk. Your mouth drops open, and you feel a flush of anger creep up your face in the shade of a bright red. Before you can retort, Anne and Jim cut you off. 
“Behave you guys.”
“Sometimes I feel as if they’re children,” Anne mutters to Jim to which he vehemently nods in agreement. 
“Please sit,” Jim says, gesturing to the couch. You take the seat next to Brian, farthest away from the blonde headed drummer who’s still looking at you with a shit-eating grin on his face. Once everyone settles in, the meeting begins. 
“Let’s go over what you both will be required to do before you guys rip each other’s throats out,” Jim says quite seriously. 
“Question,” Roger interrupts as he raises a hand in the air. Jim sighs, exasperation evident in his face. 
“Yes, Roger?” 
“How long is this going to be a thing?” 
“For at least several months––just until both your albums drop.” 
“That’s in nine months!” Roger exclaim. 
You roll your eyes before flashing him a mocking grin. “Wow, you can do basic math!” 
“Guys!” Anne yells. You grimace apologetically, not before sending Roger one final glare.
“We have an interview already set up for Roger next week where the interviewer will ask about your new relationship.”
“You will also be accompanying the band during their stay at Ridge Farm while they record their album. As you already know, Y/N will be a feature artist on one of your tracks.”
“We have dates where you’ll be seen and pictured out in public, but you can choose the location. And obviously, you guys will have to be seen at parties together.”
“You’ll also have to stay at each other’s flats some nights, so the paparazzi can get photos of you both coming out of each other’s apartments.”
Even though Anne had already briefed you on what this whole fake dating situation would entail, you’re still taken aback at the conditions and what you’re going to be expected to do. 
After everything’s explained and the contracts are signed (an excruciating three hours later), you get up to grab a bottle of water from the counter.  Anne and Jim discuss whatever it is they’re talking about in the corner of the room. Freddie, John, and Brian joke around in the corner next to the soundboard. 
Roger saunters over to you.
“I have one condition about this whole fake dating thing,” he says quietly in your ear. You rest your weight on one leg and raise your brows for him to continue. 
“You can’t fall in love with me,” he says with a smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes. You scoff, pushing past him with a hard shove to his shoulder. 
“In your dreams, Taylor,” you call back before joining the other’s conversation. 
As you walk out of the studio, pressed up against Roger’s side, you’re met with a barrage of paparazzi and cameras flashing in your faces, specifically focused on your joined hands. 
You ignore the interrogation and simply offer them a strained smile, trying your best not to snatch your hand out of his grasp. He seems to be the doing the same. 
This is going to be a long nine months.
Permanent taglist:
@thefirstkillerqueen @hysterical-queen-trash @clara-who @ladycataztrophe @ghost-in-love @blondecarfucker
*Also since I’ve been gone for so long, and you no longer want to be on my permanent taglist, just send me a message (I won't be offended). :)
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brookelynnsanders · 4 years
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Practice Challenge 1 - Prompt 1
A/N a very big thank you to my amazing beta @freykitten for fixing my mess. Love you lots! Also thank you to @dawningofdrag for being my personal cheerleader! Hope you guys enjoy
In the Dream Girls and Pageant's flat the weekly post-lecture drinking session has just got started. An array of different whiskies, canned cocktails and wine litters the second hand dining table where Brooke’s Bachelor thesis has laid not five minutes earlier. A’keria pours herself and Brooke the second glass of scotch for the day - the first one was for calming their nerves while finishing up the last touches on their theses. Meanwhile, Nina helps Vanessa transform her favorite homemade dish, puerto rican pasteles de carne, into a vegan version - which seems to take longer than expected. Not really a surprise when considering the fact Vanessa’s abuelita had never used any proper measurements and just went with her gut. And if Brooke isn’t mistaken, she can hear Vanessa argue from the kitchen that the recipe just flows through her Latin blood, and therefore she needs no “motherfucking measurements”. The blonde can only chuckle and slightly shake her head before taking another sip from her drink. 
“Kiki, have you seen Silky?” Brooke asks out loud, surprised by how relatively quiet the shared household is. The only noises to be heard coming from the kitchen, and, for once, they don’t even include wild chatter or singing.
“If I remember correctly, she wandered off to buy some pastries, but who knows where Big Silk actually is,” A’keria answers without even taking her eyes off her phone for a second. Her manicured fingers swiping left and right across the screen. 
“Are you on tinder again?” A teasing smile present on her lips.
“You fucking know I am.” The snip of her fingers highlights her cocky attitude, knowing damn well most mean swoon over her. Fall for her feisty but wise dementor within seconds.
“Have you matched with- ” The blond starts, before getting cut off mid sentence.
“Guys, girls, and nonbinary pals - I have humongous news!” Silky bursts through the entrance, adding an extra door slam for the shock value. Three pairs of blown wide pupils stare at her - not necessarily in shock, rather in anticipation.
“Spit it out!” Vanessa shouts as Nina popps her head through the doorframe as well. Intrigued by the ongoing comotion - not even bothering about getting the sauce stains off her cheek.
“The application letters for Prince Arin Schreave’s Selection just arrived.”
For a second the world stands still. Everyone, including Brooke, holds their breath. The calm before the storm.
This sentence alone is enough for hell to break loose in the tiny college apartment. Vanessa and A’keria flock around Silky like pigeons waiting for seed to be tossed at them. Vanjie, the shortest of the trio, bounces like a ball around the other two, making up a song with random Spanish words and screeching at the top of her lungs, while A’keria and Silky argue about who would be a better queen. Nina simply settles by Brooke’s side with a small cuckle, brushing her blonde fringe out of the way. Both only roll their eyes, having forgotten about the Selection since the day it has been announced. There've been way more important things on Brooke’s mind - like how many additional hours she needs to spend in the lab to gain extra credit.
"How can someone be so excited about being objectified by the entire nation," Brooke mumbles to herself - very unimpressed by the whole ordeal, not really understanding the hype around the upcoming Selection. How come that her 20 something year old friends turned into 12 year old teenage girls dreaming about life as a royal within seconds? 
Hormones - I guess.
"Because this ass deserves to be objectified," Silky whoops, putting on an entire twerking show in the living room with Vanjie and A’keria hyping her up and joining the jelly shaking. Usually Brooke finds her friends intoxicating goofiness amusing without any alcohol in her system. Apparently, today is not the day. So she falls back into her seat, taking a heavy swing of her liquor and watches her friends chatter about the possibility of an average looking rich boy falling for one of them. 
An hour passes and the giggly girls still haven't calmed down, and since nearly everyone abandoned the food immediately - it’s between Brooke and Silky to finish the puerto rican delicacy. Tipsy Brooke doesn't mind that now even Nina joined the hype, seemingly having forgotten about her current boyfriend. The blonde keeps herself busy with alternating between online shopping for new pointe shoes and new plants she can add to her steadily growing collection. Not an ideal Friday afternoon, but at least this time around A’keria didn’t forget to buy vegan pork. 
A glance to her clock tells her that her favorite trashy TV show starts soon. A silent prayer escapes her lips in hopes that this will spark a different conversation among the girls.
However, her prayer stayed unheard.
Another glass of liquor in, she starts to enjoy the laughter and excitement laying heavy in the air - drowning out the TV. The beaming smiles of her friends slowly melt her cold exterior, making her forget why she is so bitter in the first place. A fuzzy feeling spreads in her chest at the mention of sparkly ball gowns and which jewels would best suit Silky’s and A’keria’s darker complexion. Glue stains might now cover the table surface, but all Brooke can focus on is the twinkle in her friends' eyes. Especially Vanessa’s golden orbs seem to gleam like amber in the late afternoon sun. Brooke can perfectly imagine the same expression on a much younger version of the Latina - sparkling child’s eyes opening neatly wrapped presents on her 6th birthday.
A cashmere-like grin settles on Vanessa’s lips once she catches the blonde stare, adding a wink for good measure.
Ohh no
“Brookey, why don’t you wanna join us and fill out your applic-, aple-, whatever - your letter?” Gold orbs now work their best puppy look, while Vanessa attempts to milk every cute asset she posses, which leaves her with plenty of choice. Her head now rests on her palms propped up on the table, indulging the other woman in a silent staring contest.
“Vanjie, you know how I think about the Selection,” Brooke adds once she's glanced away. Her words merely louder than a whisper, accentuating her naturally husky voice.
“Prince Arin has two sisters,” Nina promptly slides into the conversation. The sly smirk on her face resembles a cat waiting for its prey. 
“Yes, I know, Nina, but what does this have to do with me?” Blonde bushy brows are raised high, while her nervous fingertips play with the golden cross around her neck.
“Quit this shit, B! We all know you like girls,” A’keria shouts from across the room, head buried in the wine cabinet. 
Wait what? Brooke feels her mouth fall agape before shooting back, “I’m not gay!”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Nina retorts, which the blond pretends to overhear and checks the time on her phone again. An hour left before she has to catch her train.
“Well if you don’t wanna fill it out, me and Vanjie will have some fun.”
An eye roll from the blonde’s side is enough to make it clear that she couldn’t care less. Brooke Lynn takes a last swing to empty her glass, before grabbing the rest of the dishes littering the tiny table and bringing them to the kitchen. Instead of resorting to her usual weed abuse, she decides to clean the kitchen instead - hoping to take her mind off certain things. But with each scrubbed plate and cooking utensil the itch in her chest doesn’t seem to go away. What she would give for just a tiny puff- No, Brooke, you are going home tonight. Her shoulders slouch as she scolds herself, nearly missing the commotion going in in the living room. Nearly.
“I swear Brooke will end you if you note down ‘hiding in the closet’ for her special skills.”
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
“Too bad I am not deaf, Silky babe.” 
The stern look on the blonde’s face is enough for Vanessa to hide behind A’keria, yet unable to suppress the cackle bubbling up in her throat. However, Silky hasn’t got the memo, and attempts to pick a fight with Brooke. Nina frees the application from A’keria’s grasp and silently finishes filling in the last details needed to complete the form. A tap on Brooke’s shoulder is enough to break the two brawlers apart. The tick paper with carefully placed gold details is placed in Brooke Lynn’s hands who doesn’t look too amused. She slams the neatly filled form onto the table, adding wrinkles to the thoughtfully crafted application. 
“Do me favour and just let me be,” Brooke continues with a deep sight, before leaving the common area to retreat to her room, tired of her friends for once. A glance at the clock hanging above her king sized bed tells her she needs to hurry up if she still wants to catch the last train going home, so she grabs her tiny suitcase from her bedroom, slips on a pair of vans, and grabs and olive toned coat. 
“What?” The annoyance in the blonde’s voice only increases as the blood in her veins starts to simmer. Her fingertips already rest against the cold metal of the doorknob. 
“Can you come over for a sec?”
Reluctantly, she turns around and struts towards the direction of the voice. Vanessa is seated alone on the living room floor, everyone else already getting ready for their evening plans - whatever they may be.
“You aren’t mad are you? We were just playing.” The brunette clearly looking worried - probably pondering whether or not she had overstepped a line.
“I know, Nessa, I know. It’s just a touchy subject. You know my parents-”
“I know, B,” Vanessa whispers, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. She signs grabby hands at Brooke, silently asking for a hug. 
With a loving eye roll, the other woman let’s go off the suitcase handle and envelops the shorter girl in a tight embrace. She sighs deeply as she inhales Nessa’s strawberry scented shampoo, taking a moment to just breathe.
But she can’t stay.
“I gotta go now, V. I don’t wanna miss my train again,” Brooke mumbles into the brunette’s wavy hair. But she holds on a tad bit longer, closing her eyes for just a second.
Vanessa buries her head a bit deeper into Brooke’s embrace cautiously slipping a sheet of paper into the olive coat pocket before letting go.
The blonde gives the smaller woman one last smile, before grabbing her suitcase and walking through the door. 
“Have fun in Dakota!” are the last words Brooke hears before leaving her flat behind. 
Once her feet collide with the gum littered pavement, she picks up her pace and barely makes it to the platform on time. With a little huff, she slides into an empty cabin, throwing her suitcase on the opposite seat and catches her breath. The train isn’t near its full speed yet when Brooke already opens the window, grabbing the cigarette pack from her coat, unable to resist the urge in her chest, needing to fix her itch. So she lights her last cigarette inside the vehicle in a desperate need for a calm moment in this chaotic week. Praying she will somehow survive the weekend at her parents' place without her bong. 
But honestly - how bad could it be?
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Witness : 2
New Assignment
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moodboard created by @chuuulip
Character(s): dark!Bucky, later dark!Steve, too
Warnings: this is a dark!fic, it contains non/dubious-consent elements. Some violence as well at the beginning. It goes without (and with) that this is 18+.
Summary: Our reader deals with the grief and paranoia of what she has witnessed, but she finds herself drawn into the belly of the beast.
Notes: I am reposting this fic here. It was originally on ao3 but now it’s on tumblr too! If you read, I love feedback and would love any comments you have. And if you can, please share! Anyhow, enjoy :)
You didn’t sleep that night. You could barely remember returning to your apartment. Turning off your car, locking it, punching in your security code at the front door, climbing the six flights to your bachelor loft. You could recall your door clicking shut and the chain sliding into place. Sitting down in the only chair and staring at the blank television screen. The sun rose through the window, at first a blood orange, softening to an amber, and finally the soft yellow of the morning.
Your alarm chimed, dampened by the leather of your bag. You leaned over the arm of your chair painfully and reached for the handle, dragging it up and over onto your lap. You dug inside and dismissed the ringing reminder. You were not scheduled for any tempwork today but you hadn’t rescheduled your alarm; as you often cursed yourself for. You were about to drop your phone back where you got it when a notification flashed across your screen.
‘Did you get home okay last night?’ Allie texted, another following quickly. ‘I didn’t hear from you.’ You were home, alive, but were you okay? You blinked, swallowing through the dryness of your mouth. You unlocked your phone and quickly replied with a fib; ‘I’m fine. I must have forgot and fallen asleep.’ She answered swiftly, ‘Good. I was worried. There was a robbery last night near my building. The guy was killed.’
I know , you thought, instead sending a singular ‘Oh,’ and shocked emoticon. You locked the phone and tossed it onto your couch, well away from you. You were stiff when you stood, a sleepless night sat in a cheap Ikea armchair was ill-advised. You stretched, trying to shake the cloud away from your head. It was as if you were seeing the world through tinted glasses.
You made your way to the bathroom, trying to pull the elastic from your ponytail which had sagged to the nape of your neck. You broke it in your efforts and hissed, throwing it against the mirror. Your eyes met those of your reflection and you blanched. Your eyes were dark with fatigues, your skin almost sallow, face puffy from tears. You looked like a different person; felt as much.
You reached over, past the shower curtain, and twisted the old four-pronged faucet which gave a whine of metal on metal. Water spattered onto the tile and you withdrew your arm, slowly undressing as you avoided another glance at yourself. Shoes, socks, blouse, pants, underwear, all in a pile in the corner. You would have to throw those out. They felt tainted.
You stepped under the steamy flow and it embraced you, melting the ice which had formed along your muscles. As your hair absorbed the water, you leaned your head back and breathed deep; as if it were the first you had drawn since the night before. As if it were your first and last. You shuddered and the tears began again; melding with the drops falling from the shower head.
By the time you felt clean, if you could call it that, your head throbbed from crying. You stepped from the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel. You secured it at the top of your chest and went to fetch a trash bag from the kitchen. You dropped your clothing into the plastic liner and tied it tightly, dropping it by the door. You would toss it later.
You dragged your feet to the next room where your bed awaited, the sheets and blankets still askew from your last slumber. You fell upon the mattress, hair damp, towel loose around your form, and closed your eyes. Sleep came quickly, out of physical necessity, rather than mental clarity. Your rest was tumultuous and filled with vision of blood and your own demise. It was the most exhausting sleep you had ever experienced.
The first week was filled with grieving. You went to work, did what was needed, and returned to your apartment to mull in silence. You were still overcome with the haze; so detached from all around you. You could pretend it was normal; smile, say hello, ask “how are you? Oh me, I’m good. What can I do for you?...”
The second week was when the fear set in. The nightmares had become more clear and you couldn’t help but look over your shoulder wherever you went. Even in your own apartment. What if you had been seen? What if it had been a trap and they had seen you as you left? What if you hadn’t waited long enough? What if they found you?
You told yourself it was merely paranoia. As it was, you weren’t important enough to be a threat. In your own life, you were little enough to be noticed by the people in the fluorescent-hued offices you were sent to. If you had been found out, would you not have been dealt with by now? You just needed to get over it. Move on. You were alive...and that man was dead. Even if he was a criminal, a drug dealer, a murderer himself; he was dead.
It was another early morning but as of late, you were always awake before your alarm could hasten you. A bowl of yogurt, some granola on top, with a glass of orange juice, some toast and jam. Same breakfast every day. Dress in the dark, unplug your phone, pack your work bag, slip on your flats, a jacket over your arm in case it rains. Keys, stairs, car. Fuck, you hadn’t checked your new assignment.
You sighed and dug your phone out of your bag, your email shone brightly from the screen in the lowlight of early morning. You pressed on the first email; that day’s date, and waited for the winding circle to load. Stark Tower, front desk. Monday to Friday assignment. Special pay, $22/hr, clearance required before commencement. Report to security office upon arrival.
Your phone slipped from your hand but you caught it before it could slide down your leg and onto the floor. Why hadn’t you read it before you said yes? Because that was your habit. You had nothing else in your life so you took whatever would pay. These last weeks, you had merely accepted anything which crossed your screen. Hell, you had worked enough jobs that you could handle it all. Dentist office, insurance company, high-brow CEO. It was all the same. This would be no different.
If you saw those men again, the ones you dreaded even thinking about, what would you do? Nothing. They didn’t know you saw them; couldn’t know. You had nothing to fear. Would you even see them? The odds that they would be at Stark Tower the week you were there were slim or that they would have any reason to stop by the front desk if they did. It was just another job.
You dropped your phone back in your bag and started your car. If you didn’t go now, you’d scare yourself out of it. It was all in your head. Maybe it was. Maybe you hadn’t heard that man die. Maybe you hadn’t seen Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes with their guns pointed at him. Maybe, maybe, maybe...but you had.
You pulled up to Stark Tower; there was a parking garage below. You were stopped at the window and reported your purpose. “Return here with your credentials and we’ll give you a proper pass. For now, take this temporary one,” The man in the booth instructed, handing your a slip. You drove on ahead and found an empty space. You killed the engine and hung your head for a moment, gathering your wits. Reaching for your bag, you forced yourself out of the car and locked it, looking around the parking garage with a gulp. It was different than the concrete maze behind Allie's building. This one was as pristine as the rest of Stark Tower; shining, metallic walls and pillars, lines formed by electronic lasers across the tarmac. Who knew a parking lot could be so fancy?
You found your way to the stairs which the arrows told you led to the public entrance. You held onto the rail as your feet were heavier which each step. You pushed through the metal door and found yourself at a door just inside the foyer of Stark Tower, opposite the automatic glass doors which lined the front. You looked around, the digital lettering reading ‘Security’ catching your eye.
You crossed to the desk, stopping before the glass which separated personnel from public. “Hello,” You greeted as the man turned to you, his dark uniform marked with a simple label across his left lapel denoting his department. “I’m a temp sent from Blue Binder Temp Agency.”
“I.D.” The man demanded and waited for you to produce your wallet. You slipped your driver’s license through and he typed into the computer just to his left. He held up the card and squinted. “Y/N?” He turned to you, “I need a second form of I.D. to confirm.”
You dug around and offered him your birth certificate. He inserted both your license and certificate into a slot and they were swiftly kicked back out, a copy of both appearing in a tray below. He returned your documents and typed once more into his computer. “Fingers on the desk along the outlines.”  You looked down and red dots appeared on the metal ledge before his window in the pattern of fingerprints. You placed your hands as he advised and the red dots flashed and disappeared. He pointed to a small black dot along the metal lining his window, “Look at the camera.” A flash caught you off-guard as your eyes found the small device and his printer began to work once more.
He held up a plastic card, attaching it to a lanyard and slid it through the slot. Your picture, name, and clearance were listed on the front; the other side was only a barcode. “Scan this for entrance and at the parking garage. You’re all set.” He looked over your head and waved, “Next.”
You stepped aside as the person behind you moved before the glass and you looked around. Where exactly were you suppose to go? You turned back and the security officer caught your eye, rolling his own before pointing across the foyer. You followed his finger and spotted the large, circular desk opposite him. Ah, yes, that empty seat must be for you.
You crossed and found the hinged section of desk meant to swing open and allow you to get behind the mammoth. You spotted a vague red square just beside it and scanned your newly-acquired ID card before slinging it over your neck. The desk unlocked and you opened it, stepping inside and closing it behind you.   You tucked your bag beneath the desk at your feet and sat in the large rolly chair. It was by far the most comfortable that you had been allotted in your work. You booted the computer, reading through the briefing left for you in a file upon the desk. It was straightforward enough; your usual work. Greeting, handing out maps, reading from the list of frequently asked questions. A greeter more than a clerk. Well, it was easy work for good pay. You couldn’t complain.
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