#and half of his arcs are just not ever addressed or acknowledged .
soullessjack · 1 month
i know we’re balls deep in destiel again But since revival talk is upon us again can i possibly pitch to anyone my jack guesses . Pretty please
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mdhwrites · 4 months
Andrias vs. Collector: Who Was Redeemed Better?
Andrias hands down. Not only is it helped IMMENSELY by character consistency with him but it actually functions with what we know of him. Despite literally only ever getting half an episode dedicated to him (he doesn't actually get a lot more screentime than The Collector, especially while as a villain) we understand his motivations, the reasons for his cruelty, why Marcy made him cold and annoyed every time she was even mentioned post True Colors (he did not enjoy torturing Marcy. The literal only claim there is one line from True Colors where he blames her but otherwise, Marcy is fridged SPECIFICALLY to give someone for Andrias to show regret about) and then when shown how far he had fallen from the good man he was, he goes ahead and tries to fix that. First a final act of heroism but then not asking for forgiveness or the like. He is too guilty to need, or perhaps even want, such things and he instead can try to put things right on his own. In the end, we are left with the impression that Andrias WILL continue to tend to Amphibia now until the day he finally dies. It's actually done pretty well for the fact that it's given such little direct attention, especially by the time he's supposed to start being redeemed.
Meanwhile, the Collector's arc only works if you ignore large swaths of the show. His redemption mostly comes down to the idea that he needs to learn morality and that other people can be hurt by his actions but... He already did. In Watching and Dreaming, he yells at Belos controlled Raine specifically about how King will hate him for the nightmares, showing that he understands that his actions can upset people. In S2B, he talked about wanting to play with bones and criticized Belos for potentially murdering the Grimmwalkers, kind of opening up a moral conversation about the nature of Belos' treatment of them while showing his knowledge of death.
Even if we believe he didn't know these things and try to say he was manipulated, we can't. Belos' goal was extremely explicit and back when he was Philip, he had no reason to lie to the Collector. A spell to kill all witches in return for your freedom was the deal. That's pretty damn evil and the Collector could have always said no but instead he's EXCITED for them to be dead in Hollow Mind. All that matters to him then is his freedom, screw anyone else. Then when he is freed, he has neither the archivists or Belos to push him around and tell him what to do. As such: Why the fuck did he make the hunting stars? You know, the roaming stars that turn people automatically into puppets, rendering them to a fate worse than death as they are conscious and aware of what's going on, even as they are entirely incapable of doing anything about it. They are still around MONTHS later. Hexside literally keeps watch for them. If he is just a little guy, why the fuck did he make those in the first place and why are they still around?
None of this is ever addressed though. Instead, the show spends a quarter of its finale, and a decent chunk of the special before it, focusing on trying to redeem him and show him off as a good guy while not having him actually acknowledge the awful, terrible things he did. There's no taking of responsibility like with Andrias. There is no proper refusal of his morality or change in his thinking. Even his attempt to make peace with Belos is flawed because it's still the same all or nothing thinking that we've seen up until now for the Collector. "I do X, I get friend." It's not actually an acknowledgement that other people are complex and have their own free will, it's just a new form of trying to easily get what he wants. Then after her turns people back, which is good, he just leaves. He doesn't do anything to actually make up for what he did or allow him to face a world that he has irrevocably damaged. Instead, he abandons it all. All that responsibility and guilt can just be left behind instead of actually worked on. How is that a show of what he learned? Of him rejecting how he was before? Of him being REDEEMED?
It makes it much less an arc and more something we're told. At least when Andrias powers down to make Anne's final punch on him more effective, we have seen his regret. We have seen his motivations. We have seen as one is pushed into his face and the other torn down. Then we get to see him act on it, allow his conquest to fail, as a willful decision to back down from that evil rather than double down. Then we see follow through with him in the timeskip where he is still simply trying to make up for his sins, even if no one will ever tell him his work is done.
We don't get anything like that with the Collector and that's why he will always be easily worse to me.
Someone shared a Reddit post on this topic in my Discord and I almost posted 95% of this as a comment there. I... I know better than to do that on Reddit though so I decided to just let it be a blog over here.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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sun-undone · 1 year
i'm finishing up yet another rewatch because when am i not rewatching this godforsaken show and all throughout season 2, i kept honing in on all the times we see JJ with that fucking flask and how it is NEVER ADDRESSED. the most we get are the two moments in 2x01 and 2x03 when Kie's telling him to chill out before school and then when she takes the flask from his hand when she thinks he's asleep.
the fact that the closest we got to any acknowledgement of that being a deeper problem was always framed around jiara???? and now we know from the EW articles that JJ's mental health is gonna be a bigger deal (thank fucking god pates i love you and i never said anything bad about y'all) in season 3, which is the jiara season??????? it's all connected and i truly cannot believe i am praising writers for basic set up and payoff but !!!!!! i really thought the flask was their half-assed way of giving JJ some kind of individual arc when they totally dropped all his other plot lines (restitution and Luke/abuse trauma) but i could not be more happy to be proven wrong.
(i mean, they might be talking a big game now, it all comes down to the actual execution but i'm still so fucking excited that they've specifically mentioned taking a look at the pogues' mental states and it gives me a lot of hope okay)
everyone's already said this but i really think we're gonna see JJ struggling hardcore with being back home and not knowing what his place is as the dynamic of the pogues has changed so much. Cleo and Pope are paired off, since we now have confirmation that she'll be staying with him and his family. John B is gonna be reunited with his father, and he and Sarah have got each other as well. Kie has her parents to go back to, as strained as that relationship is. JJ is very clearly the odd one out.
poguelandia is the first time that JJ has ever been away from the obx. he has never existed outside the bubble of what it means to be a Maybank in the obx. so he's gotta feel so free, right?? he can provide for his family by fishing and they can get by just well enough to survive and live off the land and they have each other, and that's always been enough for JJ.
and if he and Kie gravitate closer on poguelandia like we all think they will, then all of that happiness and a taste of his surf trip dream will suddenly get ripped away from him when they have to go back home, and he's absolutely gonna spiral. he's gonna pull away and deflect and overcompensate with alcohol and use all the other immature coping mechanisms we've seen him use before, and i am so fucking ready for this angst holy shit cause there's just been so much set up for it. the pates love a fast burn so i think we were all kinda worried about the slow burn with jiara, but my expectations are officially sky high. i'm so glad that they're using the established character flaws and insecurities for JJ as part of the angst, and i'm assuming Kie's issues with her parents will be the external force adding onto that and making it even angstier.
it's not mind-blowing writing whatsoever, but after season 2 kinda let us down in terms of giving us insight into JJ's headspace, i'm just over the moon to see that it might've all been a set up for something bigger. they knew they wanted to save the deep dive into JJ's trauma for the jiara season because it's so integral to understanding how JJ receives and doesn't receive love. you can't put JJ in a romantic plot line without addressing all that trauma and self-hatred, and it's something fic writers have created masterpieces about and i can't stop saying it but i am just so fucking happy that the pates are putting it in canon. they really do care about these characters huh
if season 3 ends up being a disaster and the trauma plot line is disappointing as hell then no one saw this i didn't write it you didn't read it
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gorteaus · 2 years
Possibly one of my favorite things about the royal guard pre-palace invasion is, despite both Pitou and Pouf being seemingly aware of the fact that Youpi only ever appears to possess half of a functioning brain cell on even the best of days…
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They never give him any shit for it.
It would have been terribly easy to have the other guard shun or demean him or deride his opinion because of his lacking intelligence. Any number of pages into the arc however, we see none of this behavior on display.
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And why not? Objectively, Youpi poses as the intellectual weak link of the group and presents a glaring blindspot should matters of defending the king be brought to question. With all three particularly devoted to their king's safety, it might've been imaginable that either Pitou or Pouf might be shown to be exasperated or even somewhat concerned with his apparent idiocy and the inconveniences it could bring- especially considering we're frequently given insight to their inner thoughts- but Togashi never gives us this with any of the other royal guard’s pov, while by contrast, it’s a topic occasionally ragged on by outsiders (think Welfin and Knuckle/Morel).
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If Pouf and Pitou found little point interacting with Youpi, or least of all found his intelligence (or lack thereof) irritating, social ostracization would be on the table. While it would be great to acknowledge that keeping Youpi up-to-date on current going-ons might be a must considering his status as a royal guard and an additional force to protect Meruem regardless…
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…they're regularly seen interacting with him of their own volition in idle situations of which neither require an urgent exchange of information or for Youpi's presence to be wholly necessary.
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(i'm sure Youpi's attendance was extremely essential to Pouf's impromptu violin concerto. they're literally just hanging out.) The fact that they do seek each other's companionship should be noted here; the guard frequently coalesce together despite the fact that 1. Gortaeu’s palace is big and 2. There are other ants they could share their company with if they so wish. With this in mind it's safe to assume that Youpi's clumsy understanding of... well, anything, really, is never really an issue for them.
Pitou for example, seems perfectly content with answering in extended detail any questions Youpi may pose (even if they appear to be all the most obvious ones).
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And further beyond all of that, there's reason to assume they actually… value his perspective and what he may have to contribute to a given matter despite his lacking wisdom. Segwaying to that bit...
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(Pouf gets booted from the throne room, and with the rest of an entire palace at his disposal, the next spot he chooses to sit next to is… Youpi.) 
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Had Pouf not seen anything of significance in talking to Youpi or viewed his opinion as meaningless in the slightest, I can’t imagine he’d genuinely engage him in an earnest (albeit cursory) dialogue regarding Komugi (even going so far as to confide in his fear about her evolution) as opposed to just brushing him off and leaving their discussion at that.
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It's interesting to see that we get this sentiment from Pouf, one of the more mentally-acute of the guard (and someone who arguably prioritizes critical thinking the most), in disparity to Welfin, a virtual stranger who was loath to interact with Youpi or (understandably) share any sensitive information with him after discovering how useless he'd be.
It might be easy to figure the royal guard like each other beyond some vague sense of tolerance with surface level reading, but I find the implication of Youpi’s dynamic with the other two not often addressed.
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starwrittenfates · 4 days
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“𝐈'𝐦 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟-𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧…𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞.”
My Doctor’s do NOT follow the Timeless Child arc!
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I need to address the elephant in the room, and that’s the fact that I don’t follow the Timeless Child arc on this blog (or with my Doctor’s.) It’s okay if others like it, you won’t see me bashing on it, but do know this blog is NOT following the Timeless Child arc.
Instead, my Doctor’s origin stories follow the Wilderness Years of Doctor Who where the Doctor mentions in the TV Movie that he is Half-Human on his mother’s side. It is further explored in the Doctor Who Novels: THE ROOM WITH NO DOORS, THE GALLIFREY CHRONICLES, THE INFINITY DOCTORS, and so on.
Here’s the important things to note:
PENELOPE GATE is my Doctor’s mother. Yes, she is human and has red hair.
The Time Lord named ULYSSES is my Doctor’s father.
And yes, IRVING BRAXIATEL is my Doctor’s older brother – Lungbarrow brothers! I also acknowledge them having sisters too.
Speaking on the subject of Lungbarrow, the Doctor was loomed/born into the House of Lungbarrow, but they aren't the Other or some hidden secret ancient founder or co-founder of Gallifrey. Nor do they have any top secret hidden lives.
This means Susan Foreman is still their granddaughter too.
With that in mind, it also means the Doctor has had a partner (let’s say Patience) and most definietly has children out there. Thanks.
They're really just a rebel Time Lord that wants to see the universe and has a fondness for humanity and adventure and likes to help out where ever they can. What’s not special about that?
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ofthetardis · 4 months
"𝐈'𝐦 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟-𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧…𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞."
𝘈𝘯𝘵𝘪 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 — My Doctor's do NOT follow the Timeless Child arc!
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I need to address the elephant in the room, and that's the fact that I don't follow the Timeless Child arc on this blog (or with my Doctor's.) It's okay if others like it, you won't see me bashing on it, but do know this blog is Anti Timeless Child as I've stated in my pinned post and rules.
Instead, my Doctor's origin stories follow the Wilderness Years of Doctor Who where the Doctor mentions in the TV Movie that he is Half-Human on his mother's side. It is further explored in the Doctor Who Novels: The Room with No Doors, The Gallifrey Chronicles, The Infinity Doctors, and so on.
Here's the important things to note:
Penelope Gate is my Doctor's mother. Yes, she is human and has red hair.
The Time Lord named Ulysses is my Doctor's father.
And yes, Irving Braxiatel is my Doctor's older brother -- Lungbarrow brothers! I also acknowledge them having sisters too.
Speaking on the subject of Lungbarrow, the Doctor was loomed/ born into the House of Lungbarrow, but he isn't the Other or some hidden secret ancient founder or co-founder of Gallifrey. Nor does he have any top secret hidden lives.
This means Susan Foreman is still his granddaughter too.
With that in mind, it also means the Doctor has had a partner (let's say Patience) and most definietly has children out there. Thanks.
He's really just a rebel Time Lord that wants to see the universe and has a fondness for humanity and adventure and likes to help out where ever he can. What's not special about that?
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noxiatoxia · 9 months
im sure you've talked about this before, but how would you rewrite the carriage allegory
so i didn't answer this asap because 1) i think you sent it while i was in the hospital i am unsure and 2) i needed time to think on it
so firstly, obviously, the important thing is to identify WHY the carriage allegory fails in the current state it does, and what it was trying to accomplish in the first place.
This can be explained pretty simply. The carriage allegory aims to explore Kaoru's deeper fears (as lifted from the manga) while also imparting an impending sense of doom to the audience for the lead up to the finale. To this end, it achieves both these things from an outset perspective-- episode 21, despite how much psychic damage it gives me bc duhhh the carriage, is a genuinely good episode. The only real issue I have with it is the fact Kaoru's sudden character fears (specifically being wrapped up in a cinderella allegory) comes out of nowhere and feels very very abrupt, especially more so bc it seems to become a core trait of his henceforth, so the pacing is a little whack, but besides that, it is a genuinely clever episode with clever imagery and metaphors. The issues arise towards the latter half, that being the allegory isn't resolved.
I've talked about this before, but here is the reiteration: basically, the plot relevance - that being to give the audience a sense of suspense about the host club's future - is fulfilled and solved. But Kaoru's personal issues about letting go and his anxiety, THOSE are not resolved.
The reason this happens is because they attempted to take a pre-existing arc - that being Kaoru's depression from the manga, let's just call it for simplicity - and combine it with a plot device for the audience because the two easily can be intertwined. The issue with this is not inherently in the fact they did this, but in the fact that they cared only about solving the aforementioned plot device and not the character arc aspect of it, leaving that open-ended - and not in a good way.
Compare this to the arc with Kyoya's father or Tamaki's mother. These are both character-centric plot threads that are expounded upon little by little as the show goes on, and in the final 2 episodes, they are tackled head-on. NEITHER are fully "solved", but they are given a reasonable open-ended resolution. We do not know what will happen next - will Tamaki ever see his mother again? Will Kyoya truly grow to be his own person? We do not know, but we are given the answer of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Tamaki CHOSE to stay with the host club over seeing his mother again. Kyoya CHOSE to defy his father. These give HINTS to where their intentions and hearts lie, and so while the answer is up in the air, their arcs were acknowledged and reasonably addressed.
Kaoru? We don't get that. There is no scene in the anime that parallels Kaoru and Hikaru's heart-to-heart from the manga. There is subtle imagery (the carriage crashing in a pumpkin patch = the spell has worn off, but everything turns out alright in the end anyways) but this is more in reference to the PLOT-centric side of the allegory (the host club falling apart), and not Kaoru's character. Kaoru himself never gets a scene to acknowledge his issues, and I use "acknowledge" because some people are under the impression I'm mad it was never outright stated Hikaru won't leave Kaoru or smth like that. That is not the case. As said, like with Tamaki and Kyoya, i am MORE than fine with things being left up in the air for interpretation. But there is a very big difference between left up for interpretation and just neglecting to follow through on something. Kaoru's arc falls in the second category because, again, unlike Tamaki and Kyoya, it is never mentioned or acknowledged beyond a brief moment in episode 23 that only reinforces his fears and does nothing to signify any possibility for a conclusion.
How this could be fixed, in specifics, could go many ways. They could adapt the manga scene of Hikaru and Kaoru's conversation, although this imo would feel out of place in the pacing of the final few episodes, and for this to work, they would pretty much need to cut out Kasanoda from the series (which, as much as I love the guy, I think they probably should have ignored his whole character and used the 2 episodes about him to dedicate to Mori & Kaoru respectively)
So assuming we can't just get a straight up adaptation, my next best suggestion would probably be an added scene in episode 23. You could do the end of the last episode, but I feel like putting the spotlight on Kaoru at the end of the series would be awkward when clearly it should be on Haruhi/Tamaki. So episode 23 is the best choice. And it could easily work; Tamaki comes close to realizing his feelings for Haruhi in that episode, and as we know Hikaru has weird cringe misfit issues, so maybe it could cause him to have a mini bitch fit. Through some dialogue, directly or indirectly, it could be revealed Kaoru's fears of drifting apart from Hikaru. Hikaru could then reassure Kaoru that they'll always be close. Boom. Solved. You can even have Kaoru still hint at his anxiety of the host club breaking up, which would then get resolved in the final episode. That's the best way I can think, anyways.
basically all im saying is that they should hire me to go back in time and fix the ouran script.
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ac-liveblogs · 2 years
Love how the payoff for psychologically torturing a woman is said woman showing up in the background as an extra during nilou's dance cutscene. Great use of time. Great characterisation for Nahida.
Also love how Cyno is like "Treason against an archon is the greatest crime." Violations of privacy? Kidnapping? Discrimination against desertfolk? Stealing dreams? Not worth mentioning!
Like, this is clearly the part where under a competent writer Cyno lays down All The Crimes and then adds up All The Years spent in jail as a pre-battle taunt, but bc HYV is absolutely OBSESSED with archons and nothing else it all has to come down to Nahida.
Additionally, the obsession with archons really harms narrative tensions and discourses around legitimacy. Are the sages illegitimate because they've done bad things and tyrannically centralised power? Or because they stole Sumeru from Nahida? is Nahida a good god because she's trying to protect her people? Or is it just because she's an archon? The way the traveller is constantly saying "you've always been a good archon." instead of "I believe in you. Until now, you've been imprisoned, but now you're free, you'll do amazing." Implies the latter which is frankly kinda basic.
At least this quest was a lot more consistent than Inazuma. They have a proper resistance, the cast is involved, the plan makes sense, when the status quo is bad, they don't wait like 9 months to change it in Nahida story act 2.
The Akasha thing is funny, though. We get like 15 minutes of people shit talking it, then Nahida says it's the greatest invention ever, also we're shelving it permanently because even though it was integral to defeating Scara and represented the combined wisdom of all humanity it's bad.
One unironically good thing tho! We finally have an opponent who the national team cant shit on bc holy cow do you need skill healing to deal with scaramouche! Or at least I do (my bennett doesn't heal enough OR get his burst back in time). I do kinda dislike how they shoehorn you into ranged attackers for phase two, though. I guess it's another Yoimiya buff?
I was wondering if the Setaria thing would actually be addressed in Nahida's personal quest, which I haven't played yet. But yeah I was at least expecting Nahida to mention off hand something about apologising/explaining to her in some way. Guess we'll see!
The issue, imho, with having Cyno giving the Sages the verbal smackdown for All the Bads They Did is that, as General Mahamatra, he's complicit in a lot of them himself - though as an enforcer. You could handwave about how he mostly targets runaway scholars or whatever, but he was still absolutely part of the Akademiya's upper echelon and condoned everything else the Akademiya did that he was aware of - at least by association.
Which at the very least is the discrimination and dumping of mad scholars in Aaru Village and apparent authorization of torture on suspects. And I do kind of wonder how much he knew and didn't speak up about? He's way too high up the chain to have been completely out of the loop. Same deal with Alhaitham, honestly, but at least the narrative acknowledges he's shady.
The dream stealing at least was in the Akasha by design...? I did wonder about the Akasha, being controlled by the Sages, as an analogue to China's Great Firewall - especially regarding the threads about the people that rely on it too much becoming unthinking automatons that blindly and uncritically swallow whatever information (or propaganda) they're fed. "Internet good, but also, internet bad." I wonder how intentional that was.
Additionally, the obsession with archons really harms narrative tensions and discourses around legitimacy.
YES!!! YES SO MUCH!!! They wasted so much time focusing on dead gods that half the cast barely did anything interesting at all! The concept of a character besides the Archon having a character arc during the main story is apparently beyond HYV entirely! What's the point of upping the playable characters in the cast if most of them aren't doing anything interesting? We really spent all that time talking about Deshret and meeting Rukkha's Ghost of Validation instead of building up Scaramouche as a credible, relevant threat? Making use of Collei's character at all???
Like, I acknowledge the ways this quest is more technically competent than Inazuma - the pacing is more level, use of the playable cast has improved dramatically, etc. But man, Genshin is still struggling to find ways to use it's non-Archon characters, and even then it only seems to do so reluctantly. I don’t think anyone changed or grew at all during the main story, which is buck wild to me when the cast is so large. 
Is Nahida a good Archon because she cares about her people and her people would prefer her? I don't know, should we have her interact with the main cast in any meaningful way before the epilogue? Nahhhh, she's the Rightful Archon and the Sages Are Mean, so she needs to be rescued (valid) and returned to power because... she's the Archon and... she's nice? Is she a good Archon? I don't know, but she's certainly Nice and Cares About Them.
I’m honestly more interested in the new 6 Sages. Also, the sages are doing fucking community service because Nahida is too goddamn nice, gh-----
Honestly, I found the plan extremely convoluted and unnecessarily so - problems you run into when you go out of your way to establish how COOL AND POWERFUL AND AMAZING the Traveller is, but the Traveller also can't just kick down the Akademiya's front door and storm right in - even once we've recruited Cyno. It's a particular pet peeve of mine when a team sits down, lays out a plan, and then it goes off without a hitch. The plan should always go wrong! The game faking out the plan going off the rails and then going back to reaffirm "no, actually, all according to keikaku!", flashbacks and all, really annoyed me. It actually reads as lazy, even if the writing is more involved.
The closest we got was the mess with Dottore, but even then the takeaway was "eh we're fine after all", so. Whatever.
/squints at the Scaramouche boss/ I honestly wasn't impressed with his boss design. It's baffling to me that the first really giant boss we get... in the region that spent a considerable amount of time training us to use their ziplines to get faster/higher easier... didn't incorporate that gameplay into the fight at all (beyond letting you jump a couple metres at a time to grab bunny-cannon ammo). I also just used Kazuha DPS because I wanted to pretend that storyline had any climactic payoff whatsoever. I don't use meta teams and quite honestly the idea of burning through a boss as quickly as possible kind of annoys me on principle so... eh.
on the plus side, the kaveh and alhaitham scenes were actually funny. kudos to whoever wrote those, they felt like actual characters with history and an established, amusing dynamic and distinct personalities! unlike cyno, who still hasn’t told one bad joke-
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matan4il · 2 years
I saw earlier in the season you had an anon that had accused the show of queerbaiting and I sort of memory held it for after the season because I felt like the end of 5 would cement my thoughts. TBH I generally stay out of the QB debate because I'm a straight women so I stay in my lane. And I have shipped many different types of couples and when it doesn't work I know I get bummed. I can only imagine what it's like for someone in the community to loose representation. We all probably have shipped on the same shows, and honestly half the time I was probably shipping the straight couple who were together. However I have never engaged in ship wars and I hate to see it. Just want to put my non bias out there.
Usually I didn't agree with the QB accusation because I have found there are 3 factors, writers intent, actors chemistry, what the audience wants. And alot of the time I got why the audience wanted it, but I didn't think the writers teased they just couldn't help the fact that yeah the actors had amazing chemistry. So 911..
Writers Intent. .. I gave them a pass till the Christmas elf in 2, where they acknowledged it was a nod to the fan base. At that point they knew there were shippers and they didn't change course and make Anna and Taylor happy relationships, they leaned into the Buddie of it all.
Actors chemistry, Ryan and Oliver have it abundance. They also have leaned into and promoted it. Both have made acting choices that show Buddie is the story.
What the audience wants. Honestly I think the no homo crowd is tiny but can be loud. However I watch with my brother who laughed at the end of 5 and was like if they don't want to be a couple they should at least be roommates to save money. And my point with that is I don't think the GA would be surprised if they see the transition and OH moments. Like of course they love each other duh.
So for ever how many seasons are left, if Buddie doesn't become Canon I will go down on the ship and burn dumpsters with everyone. Don't care what LIs they bring on ext. They very much cemented them together at the end of this season and I will not except any substitutes.
Hi Nonnie, thank you for this!
I usually stay away from the queerbaiting question, because as long as a show is still on air, it can’t be fully addressed. It’s like trying to determine whether a certain book delivered a good character arc for its protagonist when we’re only half way through. We don’t have all the puzzle pieces just yet to reply to this in any definitive manner.
I do agree with you fully on the show being completely aware of what it was doing by 210 at the latest. And I also agree that I think, especially as they were asked about Buddie and were quite supportive about it, that Ryan and Oliver have leaned into it and allowed that bond and chemistry to inform their performances as Buck and Eddie, and as BuckandEddie. I have no doubt they’re not the only ones, and there’s a reason I made this rainbow set which highlights that even some of the crew seem to be leaning into this.
I don’t think this is so much the wishful thinking of the audience because (1) at the beginning, the Buddie shippers weren’t that many. Honestly, I feel like the explosion in fandom came after the tsunami arc, and then a second explosion after the shooting, which is well after 911 said during 210 and 218 with its entire chest, canonically and on screen, “we want you to be shipping these two, we’re glad if you are.”
And truly, I was done for by the time season 3a finished. Between the insane emotional intensity of the last Buddie scene in 303, and the overtly flirtatious tone of the kitchen scene in 309, I was already fully on team “there is no hetero explanation for this...” And it’s only gotten worse since! So yeah, I think to me, no matter what canon might say, Buddie IS it. Buddifer ARE a family unit, Buck and Eddie ARE in love. It’s just a matter of whether the show allows them to realize and act on it, or not. And I’ll take this beautiful story of love and family building with me, no matter how things turn out in canon.
Thank you again for this lovely sharing of your thoughts! xoxox
If you're looking for my ask replies, here is my ask tag! xoxox
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transguygardner · 2 years
guy gives a shit about his jli teammates otherwise he wouldn’t routinely throw himself between them and characters like lobo, despero, and fucking doomsday even after he’s already been beaten half to death. he wouldn’t have risked being burned alive to help bea. like none of those fights were about him fighting to fight. he puts himself as a shield between the people he cares about and those who would harm them. and tora is the only one we ever see actually thanking him for it. bea thought about it once but then guy went on a date with tora and she got so pissed off that she forgot about it. guy has literally died in front of booster and ted while trying to protect them in a fight. and they don’t even throw him a funeral. they threw scott’s robot a funeral
guy spends most of his time around people who time and time again show that they don’t give a shit about him. not just the jli too. it happens in green lantern books because writers think that its funny. so we get stuff where in one book simon baz is telling guy to stop throwing himself into reckless battles he can’t win in the hopes of someone will kill him because guy’s life is worth something. and then in another we get baz going “hope it belonged to guy gardner” when a ring from a deceased lantern shows up
like its even to the point where when guy gets a space that he’s made where people care about him (warriors bar) it gets blown up so he can go back to playing second fiddle to jordan. characters that do give a shit about guy never get to interact with him again (john henry irons, desmond farr, lady blackhawk) because they aren’t part of the green lantern club. and the green lantern corps treats him like shit! kilowog is the only one whose been consistently friendly to him since it was randomly decided to switch the nature of their relationship back in 1989. everyone else either loves or hates him at the whims of the writers
and then there’s tora. post resurrection tora… guy and tora breaking up is tragically sweet and i love that they breakup. what i hate is how people decided that their breakup means tora never cared/doesn’t care about guy. which is just not true! tora is an extremely caring person. its why she’s a superhero. she sees it as part of her duty because of her position as princess in her homeland. she is able to heal someone with the green lantern ring because she cares. she answers all of her fan mail because she cares. everything that she does is because she cares. she would still care about guy even if they hadn’t dated because he was her teammate and thats just how she is. they didn’t even have a bad breakup. they just don’t fit together like that anymore because they’ve changed. SHE’S changed. but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care
im just like tired of this being a thing that isn’t addressed in the comics and i know they won’t even attempt something like this in lanterns. and human target has no grasp on any character in it which is par for the course for king’s writing. action comics 789 & 790 at least acknowledges the weird spot guy is in socially with other supers. and red lanterns acknowledges the anger that guy carries with him. but i want the loneliness to be addressed. and not just guy telling off diana when she tries to apologize for not finding guy when they buried tora. i need it to be said to the jli’s faces. i need an arc
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
how would you write dabis ending if you could?
I feel like I have answered variations of this question at least half a dozen times this year, but the more the ending of the manga creeps closer... the more my reply gets simpler and simpler. If there was one (1) thing I could change, it would be the purpose of Dabi's character in the story. With increasingly less subtlety, Horikoshi has been treating Dabi as a narrative tool to make Endvr achieve his final, true atonement. So far, nothing of what Dabi has done to achieve justice — or even a bare acknowledgment of his suffering from his dad or his family — has stuck. Not only has Endvr failed to take accountability for it, but Dabi's still being scapegoated as a problem to solve, as a stubborn, reckless idiot that doesn't know when to "stop" and needs to be shaken out of his obsession with force.
I still hold out some hope that Shouto will address him in less dehumanizing terms at some point, but so far, nothing in the story gives me any hope that saving Touya is a choice motivated by the will to see Touya as a victim. Too much narrative focus was put on how Endvr can "correct" his past neglect by bringing Touya home for that to happen. One good "redemptive" action doesn't cancel out a lifetime of domestic abuse, it doesn't erase Dabi's scars, and it doesn't give him and Rei the years of their life that they've lost to mental illness. But it looks like Horikoshi is pushing for an ending where the heroes are ultimately framed as "good" and all the conflict and social inequality he spent so long presenting will never actually get solved (or even addressed as more than worldbuilding lore, tbh). Dabi will likely be brough back home, will make peace with his dad, the end.
If I was writing the story... Well, there's little that can be done to "fix" the inconsistencies and the retconning in the todofam plotline at this point... But I guess I would write an ending where the fam doesn't have to reconcile with Endvr at all, but in fact moves on from him, without him. Particularly Dabi.
Narratively speaking, Endvr's "bad" is not something fixable with character growth. Especially when he doesn't have much growth in the first place (the man is still running away from facing Touya, despite how that's literally been presented as his one obstacle for atonement. He has the chance to earn all he'd ever wanted at the ridiculously low price of swallowing his pride, and he can't even do that for his family).
One way for Endvr to stop dragging his family down would be death (and it could've been achieved easily during the war arc), but I feel like that would leave some loose ends that still need addressing. If I was writing this, I would have Endvr consciously deciding to step away from his family. Divorcing Rei, using his ranking for something actually useful like advocating for his son not to end up in jail for life, that sort of deal.
Thematically, Dabi's arc cannot be solved without Endvr. The question Dabi asks, the one still unanswered by Endvr's avoidance, is "What is my existence truly worth to you, father? Why did you bring me to life if you never wanted me?"
Which is where I think the whole Todofam plot starts suffering. Cause that question... is far too kind. Dabi's not asking "Why did you inflict all that suffering onto me, father? Why could you not love my flaws as much as my bright sides? Why was it so easy for you to forget about me and my pain when you got the heir you wanted, if you still insist that you loved me?"
The reason behind this is simple. As I explained above, Horikoshi's not setting out to write Touya/Dabi as a fully fledged character, but just as a narrative challenge for Endvr to overcome and "earn" his atonement. The question Dabi asks, then, is very obviously staged as an easy hurdle for Endvr to overcome. Horikoshi made it so that Dabi's arc cannot have a resolution so long as Endvr doesn't have a central role in it.
To explain what I mean by this: the reason why Touya couldn't make sense of his existence when Endvr tossed him away is because Endvr never conceptualized Touya's existence as Touya's. He always phrased it as if Touya was an extension of himself. That's why half of Touya's life consisted of making his father proud and the other half of spiting him. Touya cannot fully separate his sense of self from his father and from the need to be seen by him. Horikoshi set this up so that for the writing to make sense, Endvr needs to set him free from that suffocating expectation. He needs to let Touya start living for himself. The one way he can do it is by acknowledging his son as an individual, and seeing him as a person and not an abstract concept. Another way he can achieve this is by simply... caring for Touya now.
You see what I mean?
Dabi's arc is not written with the idea of giving Dabi justice or even a satisfying ending. It's written from the assumption that Dabi is Endvr's redemption tool.
There's little that can be done about this now, unfortunately. I don't really see a way for Horikoshi to make Dabi's saving something about Dabi instead of about Endvr's redemption... If I was writing a fix-it that gave Dabi more justice, that saw his reason to be angry and didn't brush it off... Basically, if I was writing an ending of Dabi's arc that had in mind Dabi's healing instead of the "fixing" of a dysfunctional family, I would definitely scrap the past few arcs and completely write them anew. Imho, the Todofam's plot started going sideways ever since pro hero arc, where Endvr became a main character with a pov, and the todofam was his collateral, instead of victims who need healing. It only got worse and worse since then, culminating in the war arc.
So... to answer your question... If I wanted to write an ending for Dabi... I would completely unearth this idea that Dabi's healing = Endvr's atonement. I would likely work on something more focused on Shouto and Dabi, or the Todosibs in general. I would make Dabi face the idea that his life always had meaning from the start, and he didn't need to prove his right to exist. I would have Shouto reach out to him emotionally because he's the only one who can understand the rage that's destroying Dabi from within. I would have the two of them be each other's support system, to counter how his father forcibly pried them apart and fueled their rivalry, depriving them of the one person who could've understood. I would have Endvr stop trying to be a father now, without even asking his children if they're okay with it. I would have Dabi consciously decide to never summon his flames again because he has worth without them. I would make him see that the Lov is more than just pawns and that they have his back. I would make him realize that his family always loved him. I would make him reach a point where he's fully comfortable in his skin, and stops trying to rip it from his bones to find a meaning in death that he couldn't find in life. I would make him live, and I would make him move on from all the toxicity his father planted in his head
Alas, bnha will never go that deep. I'll be surprised if the story doesn't end with some wishy-washy morale like "the heroes are cool because they could save even someone as insane as Dabi"
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deanwasalwaysbi · 3 years
Dean’s Self Acceptance & Chekhov's Grenade Launcher
If you aren’t here for a deeper look at episode 12x22, metaphors, and Dean being bi, keep scrolling because we’re going to get into that holy hand grenade - Supernatural’s Grenade Launcher, the weapon that Dean has loved since season one but always got shamed out of using; shamed out of using UNTIL 12x22; an episode literally titled, ‘Who We Are’.   
After which Dean loses Castiel and goes into the Widower arc ... ok. ... Cool. I’ll just read nothing into any of that shall I?
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(cont under the cut)
Okay first- ‘what grenade launcher? I don’t remember a grenade launcher?’
Dean has a grenade launcher in the trunk that we’ve never seen him use. It's been there at least since episode 1x02. He has assigned a gender to the grenade launcher, calling it ‘she’ like his car.  It has appeared multiple times, but one noteworthy time was two episodes ago when Dean was showing his arsenal to Max Barnes, the openly gay witch hunter, in 12x20. Mmmhmm, nothing to see there. Nothing about the slow progression of Dean learning to accept himself. Nothing about Dean opening his trunk up to a canonically gay man.
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Dean often wants to use  it  her, but  it’s  she’s impractical,  it’s  she’s not stealthy.  The thing is unsafe, and other characters are constantly telling him no, put it back, don’t bring it, don’t use it. (See 12x05) 
When Dean lost his memory - when he would have seen no reason NOT to use it, one of the other characters reminded him with a post-it note: this thing that you want to do, that’s a natural instinct for you, don’t do it. (See 12x11)
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[gif credit to @demondetox​ & ​ @shirtlesssammy​]
Okay, now that we have a bit of primer - let’s talk about 12x22.  There’s a lot to unpack in this episode.
Mary has been brainwashed and the boys have been locked in the bunker to die.  After trying magic and pickaxes (shout out to “goggles? goggles.”), Dean realizes it is time. Time to tear down his big concrete wall with something, "Big, Beautiful, and Dumb" regardless of what the British lady in the bunker says, and he's getting no more resistance from Sam.
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"I have had this thing for so long, I have been waiting for the *perfect* moment to use this."
We've been seeing the grenade launcher for 12 seasons, and in how many episodes and they just happen to have Dean finally use it to break OUT by breaking DOWN walls in an episode titled ‘WHO WE ARE’?!  
Having torn down that wall with the grenade launcher, it becomes time to deal with other, less physical ones.  There are British Men of Letters to fight, Mary is still brainwashed, and there is no magical shortcut that is going to cut through. In a display of how far the characters have come, Sam is becoming a leader in a fight he originally wanted no part in [which the show will drop over and over for no reason] and Dean, well this one’s about Dean for me.
Dean fucked up his leg coming out ... of the bunker, I mean. Finally using the grenade launcher, it hurt, but it didn’t kill him.  An earlier Dean would have joined the fight at the men of letters compound anyway, prepared to die in a blaze of glory.  However, Dean has changed.  Instead he recognizes that going into a fight right now would be idiotic and he stays behind to fight with EMOTIONS instead of brawn.  It’s okay to Dean, and even his idea, to not go into the ‘manly’ fight.  Dean has become secure in himself enough to volunteer to go into the battle that requires being open and honest about feelings.  He initiates the hug and feelings talk with Sam, (only undercutting a lil with a classic 'bitch' 'jerk' call response). No chick flick moments indeed. 
So Dean and Sam hug, Sam promises Dean he’ll come back, and we move on to the most important scene in the episode. Dean has broken through mind control with feelings before, with Cas in season 8 episode 17 when we had the infamous ‘We need you. I need you’ moment (though apparently Jensen Dean  was still guarded enough that this was not an ‘I love you’.) but this time Dean goes into Mary’s psyche; Mary who has been a stand in all season for who Dean was emotionally before his character growth.
The viewer is expecting some big declaration of love, that’s how dean broke through last time.  But no. That’s not what we get. 
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Dean finally lets out his true feelings. About his childhood. About John. About Mary’s death.  About everything that has ever happened to Sam. The walls are coming down.   Dean is honest with someone about the resentment he feels (which should be directed at John) about the responsibility that was put on him as a child.   In sharp contrast to his reaction to Mary’s guilt at the beginning of the season, of Dean as the perpetual caretaker, now Dean gets to acknowledge his own feelings, that he does blame Mary and her deal for what they went through.  Watch this scene.  He hates her and he loves her. okay. 
Yes, Dean got to use the grenade launcher, but it wasn’t in a climax of some epic battle.  It was in the ramp up - the beginning of an episode.
No, the climax of the episode was Dean comin to terms with feelings the character has had since season one.   We’ve been looking at this grenade launcher for 12 years, but we’ve been witnessing Dean’s feelings here for just as long & Dean takes his emotional predecessor, Mary, along with him. 
I will skip past the fight scene between him and ketch - which is actually impressive given the horse tranquilizer he’d been given.  Instead, I want to get to 12x23, to his reunion with Castiel. 
Dean has used the grenade launcher. Dean has accepted himself and admitted something to himself that you can’t even really see until you look back at this episode’s placement retrospectively.  Dean is no longer trying to fight with Castiel, he just wants to help him.  Castiel heals Dean’s major knee injury and Dean, well we get an interesting jacting joice: 
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in fact, the moment continues with a lil half smile and Dean looking down and checking his knee, I’m just having trouble getting a gif or a video to make one from.  Throughout the entire episode Cas routinely addresses Dean specifically despite being in a group at all times. Cas later makes a run at Lucifer and Sam wrestles a yelling concerned Dean away and back through the rift, just as Dean wrestled him away from Jess in the pilot.
At the end of this episode Cas is killed in front of Dean, who for the first time doesn't continue on in the fight, instead dropping to his knees. This all flows right into Dean’s intense season 13 widower arc.   Dean feels Cas’s death in a way we have never seen him grieve before. 
"Who We Are". 
It gets another use later in the series in the same episode where Dean also wears a live action version of the pink sleeping gown he wore in scoobynatural, but we’ll get to that later.
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rachelbethhines · 3 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - Be Very Afraid
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This is the best story arc episode in season three and arguably the best written episode since The Great Tree, but it’s still season three so there are still issues with it. 
Summary: When Zhan Tiri tells Cassandra she must destroy Rapunzel in order to wield the Moonstone's true power, Cassandra discovers that she can create, with fear, red rock spikes that cause fear and freeze their victims. Varian discovers the red rocks and teams up with Rapunzel to use his amber solution on them. Meanwhile, Eugene and Lance decide to throw a talent show to distract everyone from their fears. 
Why Can’t Cassandra Control The Rocks?
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The series never gives an actual explanation for this. She could control them just fine in Rapunzel’s Return, so what’s changed? 
There is No Destiny!
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There’s no prophecy, no oracle, no grand design nor master of fate to fight back against; the characters literally have no reason to do what they do. If you want destiny to be a goal then you have to establish what that destiny is first. 
What does Cassandra want? How does this connect back to Gothel, Rapunzel, and the Moonstone? Why she just failing about like an idiot here? Did she not have a plan when she threw her life away for this stupid rock? 
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And of course Zhan Tiri is lying here, but why should Cassandra believe her? What does she gain by listening to a creepy ghost girl? This ‘destiny’ has not been established, so therefore there’s no hook nor bait for Zhan Tiri to trap her with. 
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Leading directly into “you should kill your bestie’ should logically put Cassandra off of Zhan Tiri’s advice for good because Zhan Tiri isn’t actually offering anything. Temptation requires the person to be, you know, tempted by what they want, but Cassandra doesn’t know what she wants so none of this makes sense. 
The writing is desperately trying to make Cass sympathetic here, but all it winds up doing is making her look like a moron instead. 
This Isn’t Consistent
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Not only does this fail to explain why Cass could control the rocks previously but no longer can, but it’s also contradicted just a couple of episodes later with the incantation bullshit. 
You need an established magic system in place in order for the character’s actions to make sense show!
This Ultimately Goes Nowhere
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Ignoring how Varian should have been in season two and how translating the scroll should have led to freeing his father, which we’ve talked about previously; this subplot should have had more impact on the narrative than it actually did. Yes, Varian’s translation winds up driving the plot of Cassandra’s Revenge, but 90% of that episode winds up being utterly pointless, including the incantations themselves, so.... 
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I Like This Sequence; Shame It Winds Up Being Undermined Later  
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Unlike the majority of dream sequences in this show, this nightmare has an actual point. It more firmly establishes Varian’s fears and gives the audience some insight into what happened to him back in season one. Something we were sorely lacking. It also becomes the core conflict and drive of Varian’s character development through out the episode. 
Only for the episode to ignore Varian’s real issues and fail to adequately address anything. By series end this plot point will be completely forgotten. The show acts like bringing it up once and then never acknowledging it ever again just magically revolves Varian’s character arc. It doesn’t.  
So How Come Quirin Isn’t Affected By the Rocks? 
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He’s right there next to them and he shows no reaction to them at all. You’re telling me the man who lost his home twice to these things, almost died to them, and nearly lost his only child because of them, is just not going to respond to new creepy red ones popping up? 
Quirin would have a treasure trove of trauma to explore in his own right, that undoubtedly would connect back to Varian’s own issues, but we’re just going to ignore it and have Quirin off screen for the majority of the episode?
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Are These New Character Models?
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Are you shitting me!? 
They built five new models just for a short two minute scene, one where none of the new characters are named nor given lines, only to never appear ever again!
What the fuck? Why did you waste time and money on this? What happened to all of the other background characters you already built? Did a bunch of season one models just get lost or deleted or something? 
Also why are they all wearing green? Is it St. Paddy’s Day? 
This Plot Point Wasn’t Established Enough Beforehand
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Look, I’ll buy that there are people in Corona who still blame Varian for what happened in season one and for the Sapoiran take over. I mean they’re only getting half the story and were directly effected by his actions whether or not he intended harm to them. But we needed to see more of it beyond just this one scene.
No one was bullying him in Lost Treasure or The King and Queen of Hearts, so for all purposes he appeared to be integrated back into society, and now you’re telling me he’s not and that Rapunzel risked his well being by forcing him to interact with people who were hostile to him back in Lost Treasure? 
And yeah you can’t really move Lost Treasure back any further than it already is cause that’d leave a giant hole in the wall of the throne room for over a year. Which also makes no sense either. 
Or hey, maybe it’s just Feldspar being an asshole. In which case why should Varian or the audience care? 
Eugene is Wasted
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Look I understand that there’s only twenty five minutes to tell this story and that Eugene isn’t the focus of the episode. I also understand that the B-plot is meant to be comedic in order to relive tension from the A plot, but this wasn’t the best way to go about it. 
The B plot swings too far wide in the other direction that it dilutes the tension too much. The A plot now has to work over time to keep the urgency going. I could understand it, if the show wanted start off with small fears first, but it needed to ramp up the drama as it got closer to the climax, not under cut it. 
We never see Eugene freak out over anything other this this cowlick. In fact we never see him scared of anything else beyond this one scene, which undermines Rapunzel’s arc this episode as she’s suppose to be the only one bottling things in. What makes Eugene so special that he can keep a lid on it with out consequences, or are you telling me that a dumb cowlick is his only fear? 
Either answer is stupid. 
I Hope You Have Copies of the Map
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You went through all that trouble to steal the journal for this very reason and now here you are prancing around without it like it’s not that big of deal. Way to undermined past story arcs. 
It’s like the writers know that season one was their most successful season, and therefore try to make callbacks to it whenever they can, to make up for ignoring it in season two completely, but they still don’t want to actually acknowledge anything that happened during that season so they just refer to it in the laziest way possible, rendering the previous events pointless. 
So Close and Yet So Far
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I’m mainly posting this whole conversation so that you dear readers will have context for what I talk about next. 
For you see, this scene starts out okay and it looks like we’re finally going to address the elephant in the room regarding Rapunzel’s involvement in Varian’s past trauma, only for the scene to immediately side step the issue all together and not resolve the conflict at all. 
No! Don’t Interrupt; Listen! 
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Or at least go all the way and accept some of the blame yourself. 
It may look like Rapunzel is comforting Varian here on a superficial level, but without her verballing acknowledging what she did wrong, this action just winds up taking the focus off of Varian and what he needs and places it upon Rapunzel, both narratively and physically.
So what happens is that, in universe, it comes across like she’s just consoling Varian for her own personal comfort rather than genuinely trying to help. 
Why Would Varian Ever Think This? 
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Okay, first off this has nothing to do with what Varian was talking about previously. Why would he jump from discussing his trauma to praising Rapunzel? You know the woman who is responsible for said trauma? 
Secondly, this switches the focus of the conflict off of Varian’s specific trauma and makes it about a generic “over coming fear” lesson mixed with an out of place validation issue. Which is not what’s actually needed for his character development; nor for Rapunzel’s for that matter. 
Third, being the sundrop has nothing to do with Rapunzel as a person. Her being born with magical powers was an accident of fate, same as her being royalty. She’s not innately better than anybody else because of this and nobody has any narrative reason to assume otherwise. Especially since her powers are utterly disconnected from her actual personality, choices, and actions. All three of which have become unbearably unpleasant by the last season. 
Finally, Varian, of all people should be the last person on earth to ever think so highly of Rapunzel. Them being friends again is already pushing believability. Him suddenly kissing her ass the same as everyone else this season is just flat out bad writing.  
Varian knows better than anybody what an awful person Rapunzel is. He’s seen her at her worse. He’s seen her not live up to her hypocritical ideals. He knows the larger problems that steam from placing people in power on pedestals. As her former victim, Varian by all accounts should be the one person who can bring Rapunzel down to earth and poke holes into her ego, even while still being her friend. Especially while still being her friend. She needs that! Writing Varian as another blind Rapunzel stan is not only writing him out of character, but it also damages Rapunzel’s own development. 
Also Varian hates magic. Why would he now worship someone just for having magic? 
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I literally yelled that at my tv screen when I first saw this scene. Those were my exact words upon the episode’s first airing. And believe it or not, I’m not one to usually scream obscenities at inanimate objects. 
I understand what the writers were trying to accomplish here. They wanted Rapunzel to ease the tension by saying something funny and to make Varian laugh to distract him from his woes; thereby defusing the situation. But it doesn’t work because of season three’s tendency to make Rapunzel the most egotistical, smug, self-centered, abusive, self-righteous twat in the show. 
It really boggles the mind just how unaware the writing is. Like, surely no one makes their protagonist this unlikable on accident. Clearly they meant for Rapunzel to be an ass on purpose right?  They wanted Cass to have a reason to hate her so they decided to make her insufferable to the viewer in a misguided attempt to make Cass more sympathetic? Right? 
Then where is the bloody comeuppance? 
I genuinely thought this was all going to lead somewhere. That Rapunzel was going to learn to be a better person and I would have been fine by that. I would have applauded the show if they had turned her into an asshole intentionally so that they could teach a mature and nuanced lesson about morality. 
But they didn’t, and here I am; still shaking my head in confusion over a year later. 
Seriously what the fuck happened behind the scenes to cause this? How can processionals paid by the largest animation company in the world be so incompetent? 
Having Trauma is Not the Same Thing as Having a Phobia  
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This is where Varian’s arc falls apart. Not only does the episode fail to have Rapunzel acknowledge her past wrongs for a second time, but it also completely mishandles Varian’s trauma because it equates it to being an irrational fear. One that can be overcome through pure force of will at that, same as Lance and everyone else’s fears in the episode. 
Ok first off Varian’s fear isn’t irrational. He even just said so at the start of the conversation. Varian’s trauma is very real, it’s not a hypothetical unlike clown-spiders and cowlicks. Also has been given very little reassurance that it won't happen again. Varian has no reason to trust Rapunzel or anybody else in the show. They never owned up to abandoning him previously, and both he and the audience have little reason to believe that Rapunzel wouldn’t just neglect him again if it was convenient for her.   
Secondly one does not simply ‘overcome’ trauma. Oh you can deal with trauma, you can manage it and learn to live with it. But it never goes away. It doesn’t magically disappear just because you ‘faced it’. 
In fact confronting it head on is actually the opposite of what your suppose to do when going through something traumatic. Studies have shown that distracting your mind after a car crash or what have you actually helps with PTSD later on. And ‘dealing with it” doesn’t mean ignoring the problem out right, but rather learning how to function despite the pain. 
But as the show acts like Varian’s trauma never even existed after this episode. 
This Doesn’t Resolve Anything!
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What does “being special” have to with fear? How does this help Varian with his trauma? Empty validation has nothing to with what we were just discussing. 
Everyone gets afraid. Everyone has trauma of some sort. Are you telling me that my need for therapy some 20 years after being physically assaulted is just because I’m not special enough? Fuck you show! 
Moreover, this doesn’t resolve the story arc from season one. Varian and Rapunzel’s conflict with each other has nothing to do with self esteem. It was about personal responsibility, conflicting needs, and abuse. Yes, self image and acceptance was a small factor in their motivations, but it was never the driving goal behind their decisions. 
This is yet another broken narrative promise to the audience. There’s no closure to be had from this and leaves the viewer wanting, if not outright frustrated. 
In order to justify this exchange fans have to ‘read between the lines’ and make shit up in order for any of this to make any sense. People who still defend season three do by doing all the heavy lifting that writers themselves should be doing. 
If it’s not on screen, it doesn’t count. 
If Rapunzel never apologizes on screen, then she never apologized. If Rapunzel never checked up on Varian on screen, then she neglected him outright. If Rapunzel never acknowledges her wrong doings on screen, then she’s never learned anything. The characters pretending like she has doesn’t make it so. 
Why Does Cassandra Even Want a Destiny? 
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Yes, Zhan Tiri is lying, there is no destiny, but Zhan Tiri being a liar doesn’t absolve Cassandra of her own actions. 
Cassandra herself believes in destiny and is looking for her’s, but why? 
Why does she want a destiny? What is this destiny she’s after? Why does she believe such a thing exists? What does she believe it’ll gain her? Why is she willing to risk so much for such a vague goal? What does any of this have to do with the moonstone or her mother? How does this destiny connect back with her personal feud with Rapunzel? 
It’s all disjointed and confused. Nothing lines up. It’s like the writers just had this dart board full of ideas for Cassandra’s villain arc, but couldn’t decide on which one to go with, so they just threw darts randomly each episode and went with whatever stuck for any given scene.
“Oh she want’s revenge for her mother during this scene, or wait no, she’s actually looking for destiny this episode?” “What destiny?” “Who knows. Now for this scene we need her to be sad because reasons...” “What reason?” “I don't care, make something up... Uuuuh, she’s sad cause she’s not a royal guard still” “But she became a guard during season one.” “Ignore that. Kids won’t remember. Now she needs to be angry and threating here” “Why?” “Because it’ll look cool.” “But why is she angry?” “Cause it looks cool Bob! Geez! Oh but she still needs to be sympathetic so give her a frowny face afterwards. Just have Zhan Tiri remind her how much she hates Rapunzel later, so as to egg her on and keep her doing stupid shit?”  “But why does she hate Rapunzel?”  “Do I have to think of everything BOB!!!???”  
There, there’s my non-so-accurate behind the scene’s glimpse into the Tangled writer’s room when discussing Cassandra’s arc. I could be wrong. There could have been some intricate and complex plan thought out that just didn’t make it onto the screen for whatever reason, or maybe everyone involved was so far up their own ass that they just forgot to give their main villain an actual reason for being the villain. But regardless the over all effect is that Cassandra is handed the idiot ball for a whole freaken season in order to even have a conflict and that is never good writing; or rather she’s hit in the head with it repeatedly. 
This Actually Goes Against Zhan Tiri’s Plan
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Zhan Tiri’s short term goal is to be released from her dimensional prison and apparently she needs Cass and Raps to fight into order to do this. This was never established before hand and goes against her disciples pervious plans, but whatever. One could argue that this is just a lie in order to get them to fight later... 
However, this lie jeopardizes her long term goal. She eventually wants to wield both the moonstone and the sundrop herself in order to destroy Corona, but Rapunzel is the sundrop and you can only take her power during an ellipse, supposedly, which means if Cass actually succeeds in killing Rapunzel before then, then Zhan Tiri is up a creek without a paddle. Also if Cassandra did manage to steal Raps’ power with or without an ellipse then Zhan Tiri would still be out of luck. 
This was wholly unnecessary; you didn’t have to go from zero to sixty in one fell swoop. Have Zhan Tiri claim that fighting Rapunzel will award the power to the winner or something. There’s no need to bring up the ‘kill her’ option. That should logically just drive Cassandra away and puts Zhan Tiri’s plan at risk. 
The series wants to act like Zhan Tiri is this master manipulator, a chess master like Zantos or Palpatine, but she couldn’t even tie their shoes. Her plans make no sense and often contradict one another. They only work because the rest of the cast are reduced to imbeciles in order for them to work. 
This Plot Point Contradicts Season Two
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His fear of spiders was establish early on, and I’ll accept the clown thing as there’s nothing to contradict it, but Lance has preformed numerous times before now and has never show stage fright. He’s a huge ham and back in Return of Quaid he mentioned how much loved acting and preforming and apparently been on stage before, so where does this fear of singing in public come from? Heck he sung in public just a few episodes ago in Rapunzel’s Return. 
If you have to sacrifice established character into order to make your plot work then you need a new plot. 
This Song is Nice; It Just Needed to Be in a Different Episode 
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I’m glad Lance got a solo. He deserved one and the song is good. However it breaks the tension of the climax and gives the episode tonal whiplash. 
More than a song, Lance needed an actual focus episode in season three. One that was fully his. If anyone else shared it with him it needed to be Red and Angry, not Varian and Cass. 
Just imagine if this song came during an episode where he had to watch the girls. Imagine if he was singing it just for them. How much more impactful would that have been? 
Now imagine that we had a Rapunzel and Varian duet in it’s place here. That would have tied the episode together better and helped to further their own stories. Glenn Slater can write lyrics far better than Chris can write dialogue. I bet you a thousand to one Tangled the Series would have solved like half of it’s problems had Menken and Slater been allowed write and actual apology duet between Raps and Varian. 
Such a duet was proposed during Rapunzel’s Return but it could have worked here too, and you could have placed Lance’s solo in Day of the Animals or something, just leave Rapunzel out of that episode all together. 
Nothing honestly needed to be cut music wise, yet for some reason season three has less songs than the other seasons, even when counting the reprises, and they’re mostly shorter too. 
That’s mismanagement right there. Plain and simple. Someone at the top didn’t know how to balance the budget or resources and didn’t know where to the throw the money at. 
You Have a 70 Foot Shield Made of Magic Hair, Rapunzel
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You couldn’t think to just block those rocks instead?
Giving your protagonist a big hero moment doesn’t work if they placed the person the have to save in jeopardy to begin with show. 
I Do Not Care About Rapunzel Right Now, Show
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Yes, she’s the main character. Yes, her feud with Cass is the main conflict of the season and kicked off the episode. That does not mean that I automatically care about her personal feelings at this moment in time. 
Rapunzel has kept such a tight lid on her real feelings for the whole episode that this just comes out of nowhere. I was never waiting with baited breath for her to confess her deep dark secrets or whatever. 
It’s not even an interesting reveal. It’s just “Oh, see Rapunzel’s human too. She’s gets scared just like everybody else.”. I already fucking knew that, thanks. And what she’s afraid of isn’t even that compelling either; it’s a just a rip off of the prophecy dreams she had back in season one. The same ones that had no explanation and never furthered the story, so why should I care about this one?  
You have to earn the audience’s investment in your conflict. The character’s likability, as little as that may be currently, will only carry you so far, you have to establish shit first.  
Varian’s conflict has been the focus of the entire episode so far, and it’s a conflict that was set all the way back in season one, so of course that is what I’m invested in seeing get resolved. Rapunzel is once again just butting in and making it all about her when it’s not actually her story. 
And if you wanted it to be her story then you should have made her the actual focus to begin with and had her learn something by the end of it. 
This is Poor Choice of Words, Writers 
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I could be generous here and pass this off as Rapunzel not fully believing in this prophecy. After all Corona’s destruction is still a hypothetical at this point and Cassandra really has left already. Since the episode is about fear, Rapunzel is of course more afraid of losing Cassandra’s friendship as it’s real tangible possibility. 
More than a possibility even, Rapunzel’s been dumped. Season three is a classic break up story, right down to the poor plotting and tunnel vision, hence why it’s so gay baity. 
However, this reading only carries so far. For starters this is Rapunzel’s what, fourth prophecy dream so far? Haven’t the past three already came true, so why would she think this one wouldn’t? 
Secondly, all that good grace goes right out the window once it becomes clear that, yes, Cassandra is indeed a threat; a threat that Rapunzel refuses to take seriously because she cares more about her own personal validation than her kingdom. 
Even as Cassandra does succeed in destroying Corona, and no doubt harms other people while at it, Rapunzel still is obsessed with ‘winning Cassandra back’. Oh and make no mistake, this is not because she actually cares about Cassandra as a person and her needs or feelings. Nope. Rapunzel just doesn’t like being dumped. 
Why Does Varian Need to Shove His Feelings Aside for Rapunzel’s Bullshit?
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Rapunzel’s ‘confession’ has fuck all to do with Varian’s current issues. They do not connect in any way.  
Varian is dealing with real trauma, trauma that she helped cause, while Rapunzel is only dealing with a hypothetical prophecy and one very shallow, self-centered fear. There’s nothing to relate to here. Neither for Varian himself nor the audience. 
Yet for some undefined reason this is what gets Varian to ignore his PTSD flashbacks? What? 
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This is once again break the narrative promise. I was promised closure for Varian’s story arc and instead of that the writers just brush it up under the rug. 
From the outside looking in this doesn’t come across as Varian ‘overcoming’ his ‘fear’. It looks like an abuse victim using learned helplessness to placate his abusers.
And yes, for the last time Rapunzel is Varian’s abuser. 
And and even though he is no longer her ‘responsibility’, she is still neglecting him emotionally as his supposed friend. 
Varian’s and Cassandra’s Stories Undermined Each Other’s 
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Varian stopped the rocks. Rapunzel had nothing to do with it. Zhan Tiri blaming Rapunzel for it steals agency away from both her and Cassandra. 
However, if Rapunzel had used the hurt incantation to stop the rocks and Cassandra had felt it rom the other side, then you’d have something to back up Zhan Tiri’s claim and an actual point of real conflict to carry the rest of the season. Not to mention an actual tangible goal for Cassandra to work towards, survival. 
Cassandra’s conflict with Rapunzel not only prevents the resolution to Varian’s arc from being satisfying, but Varian fulfilling his arc in turn winds up cutting off Cass’s story at the knees. 
It didn’t have to be this way. Varian’s and Cassandra’s arcs should have complimented each other, but instead the creator decided to make them complete for screen time and relevance. 
It is such an gratingly stupid and petty decision that winds up being a disservice for all the characters involved.   
Cassandra’s motivation and goal should have been revealed back in season two. Varian should have been the sole focus of Rapunzel’s Return and gotten his big hero moment there along; with an actual ending to his conflict with Rapunzel that didn’t feel so lopsided and half assed. Then Rapunzel and Cassandra could have both been held accountable for their conflict in season three, instead of pretending like their shit smelled of roses the whole damn time. 
Lance Got a Whole Crowd Cheering Him On For Singing a Song, Varian Just Gets One Asshole Giving Him a Single Line of Congratulations
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Did I mention this show has an odd anti-Varian bias? Cause it does. For whatever reasons his own creators hate him and that’s just utterly baffling to me. Like why create a main character that you don’t like? 
I look down on professional writers who treat characters they didn’t create poorly within their works, like with James Gunn and Scrappy Doo in the Scooby Doo Movie, Adric in the Doctor Who spin offs, or even the treatment of Doofus in Ducktales 2017. I don't care how much a character is liked or disliked by fandom, that shit is just tasteless and often unfunny. But at least I understand where they are coming from when they do it. 
But I’ll never understand what compels a writer to sabotage their own work; one that they are getting paid to write no less. Especially when said character is super popular with their fans. And Chris knows this. He knows the ratings plummeted without Varian in season two. He knows the merch didn’t sell because there wasn’t enough Varian products. That’s why he hyped up Varian’s return a whole week before Season Three’s airing with a massive online campaign, but he wasn’t smart enough to treat the character decently afterwards? 
I mean congrats, you convinced a just enough viewers to come back to season three to keep the show on the air I guess, but you left them all pissed off and have nothing to show for it to the higher ups a Disney. 
And Chris wonders why he wasn’t asked back to work on new Disney princesses shows that are currently in the works. 
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That is Not Quirin. That is a Plank of Wood Pretending to be Quirin.
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*Beep* *Boop*...*Dad Bot Is Proud. exe* 
Quirin is such a pale shadow of his season one self that he might as well not exist. I genuinely don't know why the writers released from the amber so early if they weren’t actually going to use him until the season finale. 
For the longest time I honestly thought that Rapunzel sucked out his soul with that decay incantation; what with that lyric about “setting the spirit free”. I genuinely thought that would be a later plot point, but nope, it’s just bad writing
Him just saying hi to son once and smiling blankly isn’t compelling and it’s isn’t fulfilling. It doesn’t actually resolve his arc. I mean he’s at least shown spending time with his son, but that’s not enough. We need to see him acknowledge past, we need to see him acknowledge his own flaws, and we need to see him being more attentive when Varian is in need. .  
Season one Quirin would be trying to stop Varian from going near the red rocks, a post season one Quirin should logically go after his son to make sure he’s alright, even if he’s know longer trying to actively stop Varian like he once did. 
There’s also that damn note and it’s secrets! 
You know what? That’s it. That’s the problem. The focus is all wrong in season three. Episodes get pulled into to many directions trying to juggle too many characters rather than dedicating the needed time to each individual arc. 
Season two’s finale should have been a three parter with Cass’s full motivation and goal laid bare before leaving.
Rapunzel’s Return should have been solely about Rapunzel and Varian’s conflict and resolving that arc fully 
Either Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf or Day of the Animals should have been a Lance episode about him and the girl’s, no Rapunzel. 
And this episode should have been about Quirin and Varian resolving their issues, with the Rapunzel and Cass stuff as the B plot not the stupid talent show 
There, all fixed. You don't even have to cut much, just rework the focus and leave Rapunzel and Cassandra out of conflicts they have no business being in. 
This Does Not Excuse Rapunzel’s Later Negligence Regarding Cassandra
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Just because the red rocks was an accident doesn’t mean Cassandra should get a free pass for all the awful things she does later. Rapunzel uses this one interaction to excuse everything else Cassandra does in season three, as if she was just some poor lost baby and not a grown ass woman out to kill them. 
In fact Cass showing hesitancy here actually makes her later actions even worse. This means that she fully acknowledges that what she’s about to do is wrong, but goes ahead and does anyway, even gleefully so at times. Then she has to gall to act baffled when people see her as a threat? 0.o 
When fans say Cass isn’t redeemable or shouldn’t be redeemed, it’s not because he actions are so much worse than everybody else’s (even though they are), It’s because she doesn’t act like she wants to be redeemed half the time. The show doesn’t properly set up her ‘redemption’, instead it just lazily has Rapunzel yell at us how she’s ‘not lost’. 
Like below for instance. 
What Does Cass Need Saving From?
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Cassandra is not in danger. She is the danger. 
She made the conscious decision to leave taking a world endangering artifact with her, and she later makes the conscious decision to come back and be an asshole for no adequately defined reason. 
She’s never shown to be in any physical danger from the rocks, the moonstone, or even Zhan Tiri herself. She apparently can take care of herself in the wild for over a year. She also has the capability of getting a job else where and just living out her life if she wanted to. Nothing is forcing her to listen to Zhan Tiri. 
Heck, even her hurt arm, the one thing Rapunzel is responsible for and could potentially be a continued threat to Cass’s well being, is just completely forgotten about.
And no, mental illness and past trauma are not excuses as well. In fact it’s rather insulting to both people with mental heath problems and abusive survivors to suggest otherwise. We don't need ‘saving from ourselves’ and we aren’t automatically dangers to anybody. Nor do we get free passes if we hurt someone. A jerk who happens to have a mental illness is just a jerk who so happens to have a mental illness; coloration is not causation. 
It’s better than Rapunzel’s Return, but this episode was still a disappointment. A small part of me whishes this was a two parter because it has so much untapped potential, but I know it’s just be wasted in Chris’s hands. 
Anyways, I consider this to be the true mid-season finale of S3. Not only did the hiatus kick in after this episode, but it also clearly divides the season between the first half filler and the later Cass conflict. As such the next entry will be the mid-season recap. See ya, then. 
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gofancyninjaworld · 3 years
Garou and the futility of heroism
.With much thanks to @the-nysh for the conversation.  I thought of making this longer and more detailed, but I know myself: it’ll turn into one of those drafts that hangs around for years.
 I've recently been reading the Epic of Gilgamesh as a part of reducing my terrible ignorance of the foundations of Western literature.  Cracking good yarn, highly recommended, but I’m not here to talk literature. The latter half of the story is dominated by Gilgamesh’s struggle against the idea that he was inevitably going to die.
Where this relates to Garou is not that he’s railing against the inevitability of death and the reality that everything built up over a life will crumble to dust.  What Garou is struggling against is the seeming futility of heroism.
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His specific approach is all sorts of bad, but the reality he's struggling against is something brought up repeatedly in One-Punch Man.  One of the *big* themes in One-Punch Man is critically examining what a hero is actually good *for*.  No matter how diligent a hero is, no matter how strong they are, the world's evils do not disappear. 
It's very outrageous and painful to acknowledge how small and fleeting one's efforts are in the grand scheme of things. 
The moment we get a look into Saitama’s thoughts, it’s the very first thing he leads with.  Literally the very first sentence of his thinking.
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Saitama might be the strongest hero ever, able to defeat anything in one punch.  Not only has the world not become a better place as a result of his actions, but the very neighbourhood he lives in has become depopulated as it’s become too dangerous to live there.  In its own way, having birdsong be the loudest sound in the morning is its own rebuke to Saitama’s ambitions of helping people.
Watchdogman is the most diligent hero ever, with a perfect monster elimination record.  And yet, City Q is as monster-infested as ever.  Should anything happen to him, it will be as if he never existed for all the good his previous efforts will have done its inhabitants.
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however diligently he sits, the pedestal he’s on will crumble the moment he cannot do his job any longer.
 And that’s just talking about monsters.  There are a lot of very bad people in OPM world and not just of the cackling mad scientist variety, although it’s got plenty of those too.
The world of One-Punch Man also has evils driven by factors that are far too big for any hero by their action to stop.  Problems best addressed at the political or economic level aren’t going to be solved with a punch.
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Even when the evil appears to be tied up with a single person, like the Ninja Village was established by That Man, getting rid of them doesn’t necessarily change affairs.  The Village stole the freedoms and lives of boys for a good fifteen years after Blast defeated That Man.  It was still too profitable to *not* do.
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when you think about it, crime must really pay in One-Punch Man!
Even when you say you’re going to do something simple and heroic, like save a single child from the clutches of a monster... what do you mean by ‘saved’, exactly?  How brutally difficult it is to save even a single person, how easily it is that your best efforts to be turned to naught by an adverse event, like springing a rabbit from a trap only to have it swooped up by a hawk, is fully on display this arc. 
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so many heroes’ efforts and yet Waganma went almost nowhere...truly like fetching water out of a river with a basket!
Other than Saitama, we see so many other heroes struggle with the reality of how little they can change things in the long term.  Very notable is the conversation that Snek has with Suiryu, where Suiryu challenges Snek to justify why he bothers being a hero at all? “No matter how hard you try, it’s just drops of water on burning rocks,”  Suiryu says, something done for self-satisfaction rather than because it actually creates meaningful change.   Snek’s thoughts mirror Suiryu’s as he considers whether heroes are actually necessary at all.
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Let’s bring it back to Garou.  Garou’s Very Bad No Good Plan to Avoid Heroic Heartbreak he laid out in chapter 41.  Quite simply, heroes always have to wait for bad things to happen and then react to punish the evildoers and/or save people. 
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I love how long this guy is...um, sorry I was supposed to be typing something insightful here
But what if it was possible to take the initiative instead, like a monster does?  What if people could stop wanting to be bad and monsters could stop wanting to attack people?  That’s where the Human Monster was born, the quest to create a persona so strong that no one could oppose it, and so senselessly evil that no one dared to do anything that attracted its attention.
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punishing the good and evil alike, don’t make him come your way if you know what’s good for you.
I see a lot of readers read superficially, misunderstand and think Garou is punishing heroes in some way. That heroes are bad in some way.  Nothing like that: he attacks heroes because they’re good and devote their lives to protecting people.  After all, only a total monster would do that.  Also, if even the strongest heroes aren’t safe, what hope have the regular people of this world?
All throughout the arc, that Garou doesn’t actually want to be a monster at heart is clear to every actual monster.  It’s clear to us as we see his interactions with Tareo.  It’s clear to him himself as he tries to steel himself to take a life just to prove to himself that he can (thankfully it’s Saitama he tries to kill). 
It’s what makes Saitama’s bullshit-cutting words as cutting as they are.   Ultimately, his trying to scare the world into being good is his way of running away from the tough, heart-breaking work of being a hero.
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there is a crazy confidence a hero needs to embody in order to step up, as if by doing so they can do something
The pathos that we can empathise with is that it’s hard to look on a world as messed up as theirs is and not feel that surely, surely there’s something more that one can do.  Garou’s struggle is absolutely legitimate.   However... I’m going to let the however hang a moment...
It’s childish thinking to frame heroism in terms of strength and it’s not much better to frame it in terms of being of exceptional virtuousness.  What a hero is, according to ONE, is someone who can look honestly at the cruelty and randomness of the world, who can acknowledge frankly the fleeting nature of any good they can do, feel the pain of this reality fully.   And then choose to reach a hand out to help anyway.  
In a world where feeling helpless in the face of impossibly large and complex problems feels inevitable, cynicism is too ready a refuge, and just looking out for yourself is common sense, the mere act of reaching that hand out is an act of courage.
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not with illusions of good triumphing over evil, but the dogged determination to do the right thing even if the world burns down.  That’s what being a hero is about.
...the way Garou worked out his inner conflict was not legitimate.  He picked the worst possible way at the worst possible time to wrestle with it. Which I think goes to a second theme: that your feelings may be valid.  But that does not mean that every action that follows from those feelings is valid.  Garou hurt a lot of good people and impeded their vital work at a time the world could ill-afford it.
One of the joys of fiction is that not only do characters act for reasons that make sense, but we get to hear and understand *why*. And at the same time, the external actions they take on the world persist. I’m very happy too that ONE isn’t glossing over the consequences of Garou’s actions.  Too many readers pick one or the other and lose half the joy.   
Thankfully, ONE isn’t a half-ass.
It doesn’t become okay for the heroes that Garou attacked that they were assaulted.  It doesn’t become okay for the world that so many people were needlessly deprived of heroes when they needed them most.  And it isn’t okay for Garou that he’s made an outlaw of himself as a result of his actions.   The ramifications on both personal and societal are going to be explored for the individuals involved.  I bless ONE for his conscientiousness and for creating so many excellent characters that make the enterprise worth the candle.
What kind of hero Garou will decide to be and how he’ll make it work in practice, ah that we’re waiting to see.
Of course, that’s not the whole story.  There’s one other part.  Occasionally, by being the right person willing and able to step up in the right way at the right time, a hero can change *everything*.
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mayatawi · 3 years
(whoops this got loooong I have OPINIONS. If you wanna skip the leadup, my main point is in the paragraph after the tiny text.)
So I honestly thought the biggest make-or-break issue for whether or not I’d watch rnm s3 would be whether Michael and Alex get together or at least seem to be working toward that, and also the character dynamics in general. I am a character-focused consumer of media. Plot is generally secondary for me; mostly I care about the people.
But as it turns out, the plotting and overall narrative structure of s3 are offending me on, like, a deep spiritual level.
Other people have done a better job than I could pointing out the pacing issues, but in general it comes off like someone writing a WIP without any kind of plan and getting brand new plot ideas every chapter and running with them without bothering to revise anything that came before. I don’t know enough BTS stuff to say whether that’s likely due to time pressures or to Hollier being new to show running (has he done it before?) or to something else entirely, but SO MUCH about this season makes NO SENSE.
What the hell was the sequence of events during Kyle’s kidnapping, and why do none of the accounts given line up? Was anything actually changing in the vision? Was it even about Kyle, and if so, was that the case all along? Why is the audience just left to wonder whether that’s been resolved, or even whether the characters think it’s been resolved?
How the fuck did Liz drive from California to Roswell and then back and then back again in what, three days? And still have time to do literally anything else?
And on a thematic level! Why set up a “Kyle is underappreciated” thread at the beginning and then show nobody worrying about him being missing? What was even the point of the Wyatt storyline, and is that just done now, or is it coming back at some point in the 4 episodes remaining? Why bother bringing Greg back if they were going to retcon his previous characterization and only let him talk to Alex once so far? Why set up a throughline of “characters being called out for their flaws/mistakes” and then exclude Maria from that while inexplicably centering her in the whole season so far?
(And side note, speaking of Maria and flaws, I was trying to think last night—does she even have flaws that the show is willing to acknowledge? Like Liz has her science ethics issues, Max can be heavy-handed and self-righteous, Isobel has her alpha bitch tendencies, Michael is an emotional fucking disaster, Alex is closed off and controlling, Rosa has her addiction issues (and, you know, that whole impulsive teenager thing), Kyle… is a goddamn delight but i think still struggles with his high school self, and also is too easily led by Liz at times. What’s Maria’s flaw? The closest I can think of is being too singleminded about the vision thing early in the season, to the point of risking her own health and Max’s life, but was she ever even shown to be wrong about that? I can’t tell how the show expects us to feel about it! And then that was dropped along with the rest of that storyline, and now she’s the one telling Isobel that she’s too singleminded, which could have been some nice character development if that particular flaw of hers was addressed instead of just completely ignored. Like, I am checking myself, I don’t particularly like her character and I am examining whether it’s a race thing or a “but muh ship!” thing or what, and the thing I keep coming back to is that she is never allowed to be wrong according to the narrative, even when her actions as shown might raise some eyebrows. And flawless characters are boring, but flawed characters who are uncritically presented as flawless are infuriating. And making such a character so prominent in the season’s overall storyline is… A Choice. (Am I forgetting something? Can someone tell me what her narratively acknowledged flaw is supposed to be? And I mean an actual flaw, not a job interview “cares too much”/“works too hard” kind of flaw.))
And that’s not even my main point, just a tangent. My biggest issue with s3 is a corollary to the “characters are written characters, not real people” post I’ve seen going around—the narrative is a written narrative, not real events that happen and a camera just happens to be around to capture some of them. But they’re doing this thing where important events and character moments keep happening offscreen and the audience is just supposed to assume they happened. Why wasn’t Kyle or Max waking up shown onscreen? Why didn’t Rosa even mention her brother when he was missing? Why haven’t Michael and Alex even mentioned Forrest, if only to clear up that Alex isn’t still dating him? What did Michael even do between finding the Deep Sky building at the end of 3x06 and whatever he did the next episode? Did Alex ever tell the others where Kyle was, and that’s why nobody seemed worried? And I’m sure there are other things I’m not thinking of because, again, I’m not actually watching s3, just spoiling the shit out of myself. But from everything I’ve read, this season just has zero sense of narrative and thematic structure. Even malex FINALLY getting together falls somewhat flat in the overall context of the season, because it just… happens. I mean I’m glad it happens, and maybe it’s realistic for these two characters to just say “fuck it, we’ve wasted too much time, let’s do it,” but then we’re back with the issue that these aren’t real people or real events, they’re written characters in a written narrative. And from a storytelling perspective, you don’t spend two and a half seasons setting up an emotional arc just to resolve it with “fuck it.”
And… okay, let’s be real, all of the above is probably still not going to keep me from watching (though I will wait for the season finale at least). But it offends me. They have this amazingly diverse and (mostly) well-developed cast of characters, they have a surprisingly compelling overall storyline, they do such a good job establishing a distinct sense of place, but the one thread that’s supposed to tie everything together—the narrative structure—is a goddamn mess.
I love this crack show. But it could be SO MUCH BETTER.
(edit: in retrospect the tiny text should probably be its own post [hence the tiny text] but fuck it, I’m running with it. Not entirely unlike the s3 writers hey-o!)
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i-love-hobbies · 3 years
The biggest criticism Lilith's redemption arc gets and Eda's biggest strength
(ft. me getting completely side tracked and wanting a Hooty redemption arc)
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Ok, so firstly I wanna talk about real life and then say how it was done in the owl house.
I hate the words "Everyone should get what they deserve." Cause firstly this never happens, secondly, the words are very vague and it opens a window of miscommunication and thirdly, cause in Lilith's case they are focused at, she needs to be hurt in order to change.
There are even people that have said that they are looking forward to watching Lilith suffer (I don't know if I've said it on the internet but I was one of them.)
Revenge has been proven to not make people feel better. And a lot of therapists usually say you need to forgive people. That doesn't mean fix the relationship, it means try to stop wishing they get hurt. Cause the feeling is only hurting you.
Also it's a normal human feeling to be angry, so no I'm not calling people monsters for this. And forgiveness is a hard process that takes a lot of work, but it usually isn't helped by hurting others.
The words people usually use to defend this sentence are:
"Consequences change people's minds or at the very least make them scared of doing it again."
Ok so how about we use this sentence instead, it's short enough and the main mission now is keeping ourselves safe Instead of it being hurting someone, you're still wishing it but it's not the main goal, it's a secondary one.
Well, cause it immediately shows two issues both statements have.
Firstly a friendship with someone that wants to hurt you but is scared of doing so is not a healthy one, cause they'll just try to be sneaky. You can only do it with people that aren't close to you like how the authorities do it towards criminals.
Secondly punishments rarely change people's minds. They've never worked on me, especially when you attack my identity, cause this way you make it even worse. And expecting that you can change someone usually means you're about to fail.
"But we can't get rid of punishments, people will hurt us."
I'm not saying we should. I'm saying our main goal should be our safety and hurting them may happen but it shouldn't be important.
Or better yet:
"Building healthy boundaries to the point where you're not getting hurt anymore, but not going overboard."
- You have a friend you see Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. But on Wednesdays, after work, they usually are very ignorant of your feelings and sometimes joke at your expense. So you stop going out at Wednesdays.
They might never ask why you did it and that's ok, cause you're not getting hurt anymore.
But usually they do ask why? You explain to them the issue with respect, don't call them names.
Some people will change after this and you can get rid of the boundary later on.
Other people may acknowledge this and say it's a good idea, cause they are overwhelmed, but never change.
Other other people may start hurting you even more. You build the boundaries even more, sometimes to the point you cut them out of your life, even if they weren't hurting you intentionally.
Which is completely ok if you can't maintain contact without being hurt.
- Eda's handling of Gwendolyn's cures is another good one. She never called her names or anything. She just made sure that Gwen can't hurt her anymore. Cause it wasn't only the cures. Eda's feelings were always getting ignored. She literally couldn't talk with her about anything other than the curse. Her emotions were getting neglected.
- Eda's handling of Tibbles is also an interesting example.
At first after the scamming she just left him. She couldn't see how he could hurt her.
And in episode 14 she killed him. Cause he showed that he would do anything to murder her dump kids and knew their address. Almost same story with Adegast.
Yes murder in this extreme cases can be a healthy boundary.
Lilith's relationships with the owl fam
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King didn't know Lilith was living with them and knows about her neglect.
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Luz would only stand up for others never for herself which is very unhealthy. I don't know if she forgave Lilith, but I can see her not mentioning it if she hasn't and playing along as a teacher.
"The real mystery is how she can be both so smart and yet so wrong at the same time. Academics, am I right?"
The closest one to her she has roasted like this, is her mentor, who firstly makes people feel safe.
"EDA, You're embarrassing me Infront of my crew." - Raine, after thirty years of not seeing her.
Secondly, she was being a jerk, she was teaching Luz about cards while she was begging for magic lessons and was not getting it for weeks.
"Cards, the paper rectangles that old people think are fun."
Heck, she might even be scared of Lilith. She almost got killed.
So far I don't have a reason to think she likes her. She hasn't really talked with her or about her much.
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Eda has already shown that she can handle conflicts in relationships. Like in episode 9, where she got Luz into Hexside and everything I already said.
I made an entire post about Eda being too emotional and I still stand by it, but serious situations that have to do with relationships, she usually is very rational and good at handling them. Probably because of the curse making her afraid of her anger and countless people attacking her.
At the beginning of the series Eda probably was expecting that the worst case scenario would be for Lilith to catch her and if Lilith isn't given the time to realise what she did, she'd be killed and best case scenario Lilith changes.
Episode 5, where Lilith burned down her wanted posters, episode 8 where Lilith was gonna get her straight in the coven instead of arresting her, episode 11, where Lilith said she wanted for Eda to join on her own and episode 17, where they played grudgby.
Proved to her even more that Lilith cares a lot for her and maybe she will change.
Then episode 18 happened and King wanting hugs and Luz's "Let me die!" Suddenly the worst case scenario became not her dieing but her dieing and the trauma the kids will experience. The fact that they won't have her in their lifes.
Lilith says "Then why were you so easy to curse?!?" This does not sound like "I accidentally did this and I'm sorry." No, Eda thought Lilith did this on purpose. And now her kids might get killed by her own sister cause she was too naive to trust her.
From now on I don't think she was trying to kill her cause Lilith isn't dangerous without raw power like Adegast and Tibbles, but to disable her is a possibility.
To add to this Eda wasn't rational almost throughout the entire finale. She probably didn't pick up on the line "If you would just let me explain." Just like she didn't question why Lilith was thrown in a cage.
Then she learns that Lilith commited treason together with her kids and started feeling like she doesn't know the full story, but Lilith is still a caring person. So she jumps Infront of the beam to save both Lilith and King.
Afterwards Lilith shares the curse and has nowhere to go if she gets kicked out so there is no reason to believe that she would hurt them physically.
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I know in a post I said I don't think she fully processed the situation with Lilith. But now I think I was only half right.
She didn't fully process how much she was hurt but she understood Lilith's situation. Forgave her as soon as possible, not immediately. But that doesn't mean she rebuilded the relationship as soon as she forgave her.
First of, the forgiveness part happened after episode 1. The entire episode she was guilt tripping her, which I don't think was helping the situation. It makes Lilith more emotional which then makes it harder for her to face reality.
I'm not calling Eda a bad person for this but I do think it was a mistake.
What wasn't a mistake but a good thing is Eda wasn't the one to listen to her problems, it was Hooty. Cause her emotional health matters too and standing in one room with her sister is challenging.
And now I'm wondering does Eda know about how Lilith was treated by both the coven and their parents.
Eda calling Lilith a tool, seems to me more of them competing with each other rather than the recent events. Also Lilith forcing her rules without saying why they are there.
I'm glad the episode ended with them switching roles, where Lilith is now more powerful. Though I'm pretty sure the roles are getting switched again.
So what about the rebuilding of the relationship or should I say trust.
Well they didn't show us much, but I think the trust isn't fully back.
Cause she has only been proving that she can be physically trusted like when she saved King's life.
Eda never opens up, which is unhealthy. But in this case it's a healthy boundary, cause King did it and he got Lilith projecting onto him.
Lilith isn't good at being mentally supportive and still has bad habits.
Lulu and Hootsifer
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Hooty helping Lilith was something, she really needed and didn't take for granted, cause the only one to ever even consider this is Eda.
They are buddies that look out for each other. I wouldn't say they talk a lot about feelings as they have no idea how to do that, but there are examples where they do.
Like "What kind of a witch am I?" and Hooty's letter.
Her letter for Hooty, was supportive, but ignored the issue of Hooty always being in people's personal space.
Which led to Hooty drugging Eda, kidnapping three children and almost killing said kids when his plans didn't work the way he wanted. He also ate the letter for King.
I want a Hooty redemption arc, now!
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