#and i don’t think this is just finn ‘wanting to kiss noah’ either
prfctmxxnlight · 2 years
mike and will? that’s totally platonic.
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totally platonic…
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xxmarzimoonxx · 2 years
it’s funny because the more i look at twitter and tiktok and just think about what we were given in regard to byler this season, the more it kinda seems right? don’t get me wrong, we were definitely queerbaited to an extent, and that’s completely disappointing, and using will’s sexuality to further mileven was just terrible, but i actually feel kinda hopeful for season 5? anyways heres some mixed thoughts on byler that i don’t feel like adding to my pinned post and some will stuff too bc he’s my main guy <3
since the writers revealed that the jopper kiss was planned day of by winona and david, i sincerely believe that finn and noah could convince the writers to allow for smth between their characters, especially considering the way they have their characters act around each other (lip glances, longing looks, etc)
the lighting in the cabin scene? the stick figure drawing and the way it was framed? the dead flowers? these are not coincidences!!
almost every scene w mike and el has will standing in the background. again, definitely not a coincidence.
i also think that, in regard to season 4, completely fixing mike and wills relationship over the course of two packed finale episodes would have been forced. they have an entire season to work out their relationship now, and i truly believe byler will happen between the hints/parallels in s4, as well as everything finn and Mike have said (keep in mind they’ve seen parts of the script for season 5, and most likely already know how their characters are going to end up!) i have strong hopes, like noah said, i really feel that they’re building it up. we really need to see a post s4 interview w either finn, noah, or both of them. this way we can see how they react in regard to byler.
since filming for season 5 began early and the actors have already seen versions of the scripts and know where their characters are going, i truly believe what noah has said in interviews about byler being “built up” and stuff. it would explain finns behavior during interviews too if he knows smth will happen between them next season.
adding onto this, i feel pretty certain at this point that a lot of the actors be getting confused w what happens in each season 😭. like this would explain why it seems like a lot of them lied abt what would happen in season 4, and why a lot of leaks and hints as to what would happen didn’t. filming two seasons pretty much around the same time has to have had a lot of them confused, because im not sure why else all that would’ve happened…
bro im hyped for main character will next season. i don’t care if he’s a villain. i don’t care if he’s a hero. he can be whatever tf he wants as long as he’s not dead and is the main character (and main character he will be!!!)
my guess is that will gets vecnaed at the start of the season before they do that weird time skip thing. considering noah was in his s4 clothes in the pic w the harness (and that pic was posted around the same time david had said they started shooting early, so it makes sense that it’s for season 5).
im super curious tho as to how they’re gonna handle the time skip? i don’t know how they’re going to make it make sense, and i am worried it’s going to take away a lot from the characters (and no, not just mike and will, literally every character), so maybe they’ll do some sort of two part thing where the first part kicks off where we left off and the second jumps forward? kinda like the season 4 volumes but more evenly distributed.
everyone on twitter saying will might get killed off next season, SHUSH. as much as they like to hurt mr byers, imagine the backlash they would face after killing off one of two queer characters.
i saw someone on twitter say that like the point of wills arc this season was to highlight his emotional struggle and detachment from the group (his friends, johnathan, etc) to lead into his plot for next season. and yeah. that makes sense! and it’s also giving villain vibes 😍
it’ll also be really cool to see everything start with will and end with will. especially if he’s a villain. he would be helping the one thing (vecna/henry) that ruined his life, maybe even finding comfort in him. something about that is kinda cool, and im all down for a will byers villain arc. like imagine him showing mike memories of each time mike hurt him (verbally ofc) or smth like that and be like “look! it’s every time you broke my heart! now ill break yours 🤪💅🏻”. he wouldn’t kill him tho. we still want byler to happen. it would just be very slay of will. OKAY ILL SHUSH NOW.
i might add to this haha but it’s just some thoughts on will in season 5. if more byler stuff comes up in the coming interviews i might add it here rather than my pinned post because it’s just kinda easier. smh for not doing bullet points on that one.
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operationnope · 11 months
In a way, I love that we Ozzy girls are being reduced to a T; that’s kind of what happens irl too. No one’s right for everyone, so I guess this is a bit of “natural selection” (the good kind).
Anyway, back to what I was saying before and the reply you got on the post - I’m the anon from before. I understand why people are upset (as I’ve already said), and I don’t blame them for it. When I sent that ask, I was just sharing my own and very personal opinion. I know that a lot of people - most people honestly - don’t feel that way, and that’s okay. But I feel what I feel, and I wanted to share it so that we weren’t all being sad about what happened today, but also trying to share some positivity.
(Now, being okay with it, that’s another thing entirely, and I’ve never said anything about it).
And speaking of my opinion, I also feel like Ozzy not having just the CA kiss “to explain” puts things into perspective, rather than making them worse.
Because if it was just the CA kiss, sure, that could’ve still happened because Ozzy was hurt and confused, but the storyline would’ve been much weaker (even more so in a route in which MC doesn’t return his feelings). But when you add Ozzy’s problems with Grace to his feelings for MC AND his desire not to hurt either of them, that’s when you get - under CA’s uncertain and peculiar circumstances - a pretty explosive combination.
Honestly, that’s the point and that’s what Ozzy’s whole storyline has been building up to. If someone doesn’t like it to the point that they want to switch routes, they have every right to do what’s right for them and choose someone else (seriously, I’m not saying it to be mean, everyone should do what they feel like doing).
Overall, I think Ozzy really needed to get to his lowest point to understand that good intentions do not always lead to good actions. Sometimes, hearts need to be broken, no matter how sad one can feel about it (by this I mean with words, before things escalate). Now, FB’s poor execution of this entire storyline - and their need to add very random and dramatic elements - didn’t help, but that’s not on Ozzy; it’s on them.
I guess we’ll see what happens going forward, but really, we’ve been through so much worse - every Noah girl or general s5 player knows what we’ve been talking about. And y’all who stuck with Levi after everything, you were brave.
Ozzy came with a warning label. We knew his route would be messy. And coming off the last season, the writing has been… let’s say lacking. We shouldn’t be surprised by this. Believe me, I was surprised, but we really should have expected something like this from FB.
And I get all the emotions people are feeling. We’re invested in these pixels, for better or worse, and when they let MC down we feel let down, too. But this game/story is based on a reality tv show where things like this happen ALL THE TIME. And most of the time it’s worse!! As the MC of our story, we don’t want it to happen to us, but sometimes it does- in fiction and irl. Relationships are never straightforward; there are bends and turns, high and lows. And Ozzy has led us to a ledge. And we all get to choose if we want to continue or not.
So if you still love Ozzy, love Ozzy. If you think he’s trash, that’s ok too. And I 💯 agree- the Ozzy drama has been building this entire season so something had to give. Just like irl, when you push your feelings down, things have a tendency to explode. And it’s never cute. I suppose I should give FB some credit for giving him depth of character. Did his freak out have to be so massive? That was a choice.
And I am a Levi stan, I’ve played for Henrik and Noah, and I even liked Finn. For me, it hurts so good. But that’s not everyone’s vibe, so there’s Bobby and Bruno and multiple LI’s this season who are loyal. We get to give our pixel hearts to the pixel LI of our choice, that’s the beauty of the game. Then we get to see if they’ll hold it sacred or break it. And then we can replay!
Thanks for your insights, anon 💖💖
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luckyqueenreign · 11 months
I’m sooooo annoyed by this whole volume. Wtf was up with that. I guess yeah I rather Ozzy stick then twist. BUT HE AND GRACE ARE DONEEEE. Grace I have given her benefit of the doubt but she’s delusional. Like he will not still want you. He stuck with you but babe he will never be yours. And if he does not make it clear right after this that he wants us and does not want you. I am done. I will replay and pick Andy. If the casa boy changes after this then I’m just done with the season. I’m so tired this is worse then Nope. Noah actually liked Hope. Ozzy really does look like a player rn just like Marshall said and I hate it. Fucking fb. It feels so dumb Amelia’s partner twisted. It makes it feel less like it’s about us and more like it’s about her. Especially locking off Marshall to us, even though I don’t want him. It’s a steaming pile of shit. Grace and Amelia are the most annoying characters they ever made. If Grace could stop forgetting what we tell her that would be great cause either she’s forgetting we told her what we think of her an Ozzy or she’s being a bitch and doing it on purpose. Amelia pull me for one more chat, PULL ME FOR ONE MORE CHAT GIRL AND LETS SEE WHAT HAPPENS. Ima become an only child.
Unnecessary bologna this volume
So I do think Marshall is going to become available as an LI as the season progresses. I dont think hes fully locked off and sticking with Amelia. I fully believe he used her to get into the villa and is going to give us a Finn sort of confessional at some point this season (idc bc I dont want him either...but I am excited for the drama lmao)
I think the main issue this season is fb doesnt consider any of our choices into their storytelling. It's their story and they're writing it more like a book rather than an actual game with choices that matter. bc why in her right mind would Grace ever think her and Ozzy were going to rekindle anything??? and why is Amelia whispering about how I like Ozzy in front of Grace, when Ozzy and MC have BOTH made it so obvious theyre into each other?? Every single interaction with Elliot I told him I didnt like him, felt no connection and did not want to be with him and he still coupled up with us. who would ever do that irl??? same with Grace she saw MC kiss Ozzy on the way out and this man told her he had feelings for MC and shes still out here with blinders on?? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
It's very bothersome reading bylers talking about Finn and Noah being uncomfortable with their kissing scenes because it comes with a lot of infantilization towards both of them (especially Noah, who is already in college), the insinuation of their lack of professionalism as an actors and the blatant ignorance of the possibility of ST getting an intimacy coordinator for S5 (if there's no one already on set).
i think part of it is also people’s inability to let kids grow up. they still see finn and noah as these young kids from s1 and it’s gotten stuck in some people’s heads that that means they’re gonna be precious little kids forever when that’s so far from true
1. we don’t know either of them personally, so being attached to the point of refusing to admit that they’re growing up and can do Adult things is Weird
2. kids grow up. they go from kids to teenagers to adults faster than you think they will and those kids grow as people too. people have their own autonomy. if there’s an issue, noah and finn can handle it themselves. we don’t need to be stressing ourselves over the choices they might make because it’s not our business
idk it always comes down to people not wanting kids to grow up and not acknowledging that they’ve grown as people. if watching something that would make you uncomfy, just skip over it but it is the actors’ choice about whether or not they want to film that scenes. not ours
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perfectlysunny02 · 2 years
A one-shot inspired by the @litgwritersroom prompt.
sorry i don’t really know how submissions work. i’ve never done this before. but I hope you enjoy😅
Operation Summa
Rating: T for cussing
Word Count: 921
Summary: Finn laid his heart his heart on the line and she chose Suresh instead. So he teams up with Dana to get his girl.
Warning: Suresh will be called Resh and MC will be going off.
Finn couldn’t handle this. He had finn-ally (ha see what he did there) confessed his feelings for Emma, laid his heart out on the line, and she chose Suresh, of all people. The dick who cheated on her, the man who made her whole summer hell. This was some bullshit.
And now he was stuck coupled up with Kat of all people. Clingy, immature, gossip fiend Kat. Who he didn’t even really like. I mean yeah sure the sex was okay, alright even, but she still wasn’t Emma. His Beour. His brown haired, blue eyed beauty.
“I know what you’re thinking,” Someone said, interrupting his thoughts. He glanced up, squinting through the sun, and sees Dana.
“Oh yeah?” He asked. “What am I thinking?”
“Scoot over,” She bumped him with her hip and made herself comfortable beside him on the daybeds. “You’re wondering why Emma chose Suresh of all people.”
Finn glanced at her suspiciously
“Yeah I was. How did you know?”
Dana laughed and motioned towards Suresh and Emma.
“They’ve been in their little bubble all day and every one but them and you it seems have noticed that you’ve been glaring at them.”
Finn rolled his eyes, not really wanting to play whatever game she was clearly trying to convey to him.
“Yeah so?” He asked.
“So, you don’t want them together.”
Finn raised his eyebrow, hoping she would get to the point.
“I don’t want them together either.” Dana said with a slight smirk. “Do you remember operation Nope?”
“From Season Two?” Finn asked, intrigued.
“Yeah, Bobby and Priya did it to break up Noah and Hope.” Dana said. “And technically it semi worked considering Millie left Bobby and took the cash to be with Noah.”
“Okay,” Finn said slowly. “What does this have to do with Suresh and Emma?”
“What if we do Operation Summa?”
“You want to break them up?” Finn asked, shocked, not expecting this from Emma’s best mate. Although with the way this season had been going, he shouldn’t have been so surprised.
Dana shrugged.
“I want Suresh. You want Emma. What’s the harm?”
Finn’s smile free as big as the Cheshire cat as he leaned closer to Dana.
“So what’s the plan?”
Emma curled up to Suresh on the beanbags, slightly wiping the sleep from her eyes.
“Hey sleepy head,” Suresh whispered, leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead.
“Hi love,” She whispered as she yawned. “How long was I asleep?”
“Not long,” Suresh said, glancing at the time on his phone. “Just maybe a half hour. You kinda drooled a little.”
“Ugh. Why didn’t you wake me up?” Emma laughed.
“Because I know you haven’t been sleeping well,” Suresh murmured dragging his hand over her hair. “You’ve never been able to sleep with multiple people in the room. It took you months to adjust to me sleeping over.”
Emma went to respond until she was interrupted by Finn suddenly yelling stomping towards them.
“Suresh,” He yelled, turning red in the face. Emma would’ve laughed at how comical it was if she wasn’t so damned confused. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
Suresh glanced up at Finn, seeming as confused as Emma was.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Suresh snapped.
“I’m talking about you necking Dana, Emma’s best mate, behind her back.”
Suresh gaped at him, as Finn’s exclamation drew all the islanders around him.
“What are you talking about?” Suresh frowned.
“Oh don’t play innocent Suresh,” Finn snapped. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Dana told me all about it.”
“S-Suresh?” Emma whispered. “Resh? What’s he talking about it?”
“I don’t know,” Suresh murdered, and at Alfie’s scoff, his expression hardened. “I really don’t know ‘Em. I’m not interested in Dana like that.”
Emma glanced at him with so much hope and love and something like almost desperate and it made his heart ache.
“Emma please,” Suresh whispered. “Please believe me baby. I really don’t know.”
Emma turned to Finn, her eyes almost fire.
“What’s your proof?” She snapped.
“Oh come on Em,” Alfie snapped, covering for his best mate. “You’re really gonna take Suresh’s side over Finn? Especially when this is his calling card.”
“Where’s his proof?” Emma snapped. “And you of all people Alfie shouldn’t be judging Suresh over cheating.”
“Zing,” Kat said gleefully, very clearly enjoying the drama. “She’s got you there mate.”
“I saw them Beour.” Finn snapped, getting flustered. “And Dana told you.”
“Oh Dana told you, huh?” Emma snapped. “The same girl who told me not to go out with Suresh again, but then constantly kissed him behind my back, told me he wanted him, and when I mentioned that I might, just might, like Eddie, she freaked out. The girl who got with the girl that Suresh cheated on me with with no thought of my feelings? Both of you can go fuck yourself.”
“‘Em-“ Finn began.
“No Finn.” Emma snapped. “You don’t get to come and do this after I told you I didn’t want to be with you. I’m so tired of this stupid fucking villa not letting me be happy. So all of you shove off and leave me and Suresh’s alone.”
Everyone walked away, surprised by Emma’s words. But it seemed she wasn’t done yet.
“Oh and Finn,” Emma called. “You and Dana ever try to pull Operation Nope on me again, and I’ll make your lives miserable.”
And so Finn walked away without his girl, and a really big fear of her instead.
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demadogs · 2 years
There’s this one blog on here that kinda weirds me out because they are so hyper deadest on shipping Foah together. Like whenever they write normal Byler posts, it’s so beautiful! But then, everything else idk. And I know a lot of us joke about Noah wanting to kiss Finn or vice versa but this blog gives off weird vibes because they seem to genuinely want Finn and Noah to date in real life. They also seem to make a lot of assumptions about their feelings for each other just because of their chemistry. And I don’t know how serious this blog is about it but it gives me Larry shipper vibes. Or like the Fack conspiracy all over again, which hurt Finn and Jack’s friendship at the time
oh my god im glad you brought this up i know exactly who youre talking about. every time i make a post telling people not to ship real people it was bc of that blog in particular. i have them blocked so im not afraid to talk about them. we’ve made jokes and memes about noah being the biggest byler shipper and wanting to kiss finn for byler and theyre mostly pretty harmless but this blog is just something else.
youre right, they make so many assumptions. it pisses me off and it does completely give me larry vibes. they talk as if they know finn and noah personally and theyre friends with them and have seen them interact. or like theyre an out couple like natalia and charlie. they usually respond to anons who call them out on it with something like “i dont ship foah, i just observe their interactions and anyone can see that they are crushing on each other”. that bothers me so much. like observe what the 5 minute press interviews?? you dont fucking know them. save your analyses for things that have been intentionally written and mapped out for FICTIONAL media, not two kid actors just being themselves. and then they’ll try to call the anons homophobic by being like “whys it such a big deal for noah to have a little crush on him??”, still fully talking as if its public knowledge and we’re the bad guy like oh my god how are you not understanding the issue here.
ive also noticed that they ignore anybody who tells them that finn has a gf. they just wont answer the anon (i know bc i have sent one) or ignore any replies about it. they live in this weird bubble where they choose to believe these real people are dating. and like ok i cant stop you from thinking theyd be cute together, theres nothing wrong with that, what makes it problematic is trying to read into their interactions and expressions and publicly suspect their relationship and sexualities on the internet. and again, they always try to be like “theres no harm in it im not directly @ ing finn or noah” but this is the internet. anybody can screenshot anything and put it anywhere. there is always a chance that either of them could see their posts and it could be so bad if they did. i dont think theyve ever once considered what it could be like to be finn or noah and see this.
like yes, there is a chance they’d just laugh about how ridiculous it is and move on but what if one of them actually was questioning their sexuality and then they saw some random person on the internet reading into it like this??? that would be so fucking hard. jack came out as bi after people were shipping him and finn so much. i cant imagine how anxiety provoking it would be to see what people were saying about him and finn while being in the closet. it gives ME anxiety on their behalf!! i hope so bad theyre blissfully unaware of this.
one anon told them that theyre using foah as a coping mechanism after byler didnt work out how they wanted in s4 and theyre so right. before vol 2 came out i saw maybe two posts from them in the byler tag about it that kinda weirded me out but after volume two they just turned into a foah blog instead of byler. they literally had byler in their url before and then they changed it to foah for fucks sake. and they still have the nerve to claim they dont ship them and what theyre doing is completely fine and just “observation”.
also i was looking at their blog once and they mentioned that they were 31 years old…. look it is not weird to ship byler at any age. i have personally as a 22 year old been told that its weird for me to ship byler and analyze these fictional characters and i completely disagree with that. theres nothing weird about shipping characters at any age even if the characters are kids (as long as youre not nasty about it) but real people??? god i would have been SO relieved if this person was like 15. i would not have gone as hard on them as i am right now if they were a kid because i would assume they would grow and eventually realize that its weird and invasive. i mean i remember reading stupid fanfics about youtubers when i was 14 but i grew and matured and realized how insane that is and no longer had any interest in reading into real peoples love lives. but i cannot excuse any adult shipping them like this.
god this ended up being so long i just had a lot to say. moral of the story: if actors have great chemistry on screen together it just means theyre good at their job, it doesnt mean theyre dating or crushing on each other in real life.
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itsonlystrange · 3 years
I’d like to point out that the “it’s all just a bunch of coincidence” argument is very poor. People say that about anything they don’t like. If we’re using this argument then I could say that everytime Mileven accidentally held hands or touched or any of that lovey dovey stuff that the Mileven fandom goes nuts over is a coincidence, but I have 0 evidence that it’s a coincidence, I’m just saying it is because that’s how I, a biased person on the side of byler, sees it. And I love the Milevens that actually respect us, it’s just the toxic ones that stomp on us or rain on our parade that irritate me.
So I ask skeptical Milevens, why do you think it’s all a coincidence? Because the Duffers have gone on record multiple times saying that nothing in their show is a coincidence, so it’s odd of you to assume that it is, when that goes against everything the duffers have said.
I see a lot of people claim that all of Bylers very romantic coded scenes are just coincidences with out any real evidence solely because they want them to be coincidences.
Reminder that the duffers had to write, revise, have Noah and Finn read at the table read, rehearse, and then film all of Bylers romantic coded scenes. And do you seriously believe that nobody stepped up and said, “Hey, I think some people will start to ship this if you make your two male characters hold hands and look at each others lips.” Like on paper, that sounds romantic. And on screen, it looks romantic too! If the duffers didn’t want byler to be shown as romantic they wouldn’t have put all of that effort into Mike and Will’s romanticly coded scenes in season two. And sure, one could say they were oblivious and didn’t realize that this relationship could be seen as anything more than romantic and that one of their 100 other writers and revisors and producers didn’t step up and say “Is this really what we want to be conveying in this show when they’re just supposed to be friends?” (Which I doubt. The duffers and everyone else on the writing crew knew exactly what they were implying. And if the duffers themselves didn’t, I HIGHLY doubt that someone didn’t step up and point out how romantic some of these scenes are, especially considering multiple of their writers are apart of the lgbtq community which makes it highly more likely that someone would have realized as I’m sure their gay senses are much stronger than those of the cishet writers on the squad. ) However, byler kind of blew up after season two, so if ST didn’t mean for Mike and Will’s relationship to be seen as more than platonic, then why did they continue doing it in season three? And the thing is, we’re not “delusional” for thinking this. Hundreds of thousands of millions of people have pointed this out across all platforms. It stops being a problem with us and “seeing what we want to see” when millions of people see the same, and it becomes the writers problem for even implying that in the first place.
Here’s an example: take Lucas and Dustin. Sure, there are definitely people out there that think or head canon as either as gay, but not nearly as big of a community as the Byler community. The reason is: Lucas and Dustin don’t have queer coding. They haven’t been painted the same way as Mike and Will’s relationship has. Or Jonathan, yeah, people may head canon as him as gay, or even think he actually is, but he doesn’t have any evidence that really points up to the fact that he is, or that he could be.
The duffers aren’t stupid. They wouldn’t have written byler this way if they didn’t want people shipping it. The official ST writer account has acknowledged byler multiple times, before st3 even started filming. They knew what they were doing. If their goal was to portray Mike and Will as a simple platonic friendship, and that all of their queer coded scenes in st2 were just a coincidence, why would they continue to do it in season 3? Queer baiting is real, yes. However like I said before, the st writing team has a lot of queer and lgbtq+ members themselves, not sure why they would want to queer bait when they’re gay/lesbian/bisexual themselves.
The truth is, byler would have never made it this far if it wasn’t meant to be shipped and portrayed like more of a romantic relationship than a platonic one. They would have shut it down awhile ago. They wouldn’t be so ominous about it. Noah and Finn wouldn’t constantly dodge questions about it unless they legally weren’t allowed to answer them. The duffers wouldn’t have been so vague in the ending of season 3 or in any interviews regarding season 3 about byler. Mike and Will wouldn’t have gotten a whole segment in the official ST book, they wouldn’t have held hands! Seriously! They held hands. Did someone seriously not point out how non platonic that was?———
And use the excuse all you want, “Will was just scared. That’s why Mike held his hand.” Okay, well Max and Lucas held hands when they were both scared in the exact same episode but I guess that doesn’t count because they’re a boy and a girl and Mike and Will are two boys. ———-And it’s funny because you KNOW that if Mike promised to go crazy together with El, that would he in every Milevens Instagram bio, it’d be on merchandise, it’d be everywhere. If Mike said meeting El was the best thing he’s ever done, people would be going bat shit crazy over how romantic that is and how they’re so in love. If Mike and El fought and he ran out in the middle of the rain looking for her when he couldn’t even apologize to his real girlfriend who dumped him just hours prior, people would say that Mike was in love with El and how much he cares about her yadda yadda. But that’s the thing. It’s two boys, so apparently it has to be platonic. Because that’s just how it works in their cishet minds. ——I’d like to see a better argument then “it was all a coincidence.” Because that’s not valid. Why? Why do you think it’s all a coincidence? It’s all just fake? Please. Elaborate. Because if these romantic scenes involved Mike and El instead of Mike and Will, then they’d see. Because they didn’t have Finn and Noah rehearse all these romantic coded scenes multiple times for nothing. They literally wrote, revised, edited, rehearsed, and filmed ALL of these scenes and still went through with it. And even in season three when people really started shipping byler, they STILL directed Finn and Noah to look at eachothers lips. They still filmed the rain fight. KNOWING byler shippers existed and KNOWING this would only heighten the amount of byler shippers there are.
The duffers aren’t stupid. This isn’t a surface level show. Everything they do is intentional, they’ve said it themselves. And yes, I agree that some byler proof COULD just be apophenia, but stuff like this? Crazy together? Looking at eachothers lips? Holding hands? I’m the only one that cares about Will? Mike keeping his eyes open in the final Mileven kiss, those aren’t small little things. You’re telling me that they couldn’t find another take for that final Mileven kiss? No. Finn kept his eyes open because he was directed to do so. The duffers are writers and directors for a reason. They went to school for this. So please, I’d like to see some actual argument against byler other than “they said they loved eachother!” “It’s all a coincidence!” I’d like to see people actually counter my arguments with actual evidence. Not just “Finn says they’re in love” not just “Millie ships it!” Because interviews are not evidence. They’re instructed to create hype for the show. If David can lie about hopper being dead, Finn and Millie can lie about Mileven being in love. I don’t want the argument of “it’s been built up for 3 seasons so they won’t destroy it now.” Stancy was built up for 2 seasons and see how that turned out. And Mileven fell more in season three than it went up.
Anyways,, if you’re a polite Mileven, this isn’t for you. I love you with my whole heart. If you’re just vibing, I love you. Ship what you want to ship! Feel free to counter my argument! However, If you’re someone who calls us “delusional”, leave. The doors right there. The cast has talked about how much they hate the ship wars in our fandom, so if you’re just gonna say how stupid we are, don’t let the door hit you on the way out:)
Sorry for long post lol. Love you all
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kurts-still-here · 3 years
What’s Love? Glee TOT Challenge FanFiction
@celery-elliry @useless-fanfictions @gleethisorthatchallenge
Hi everyone, this is my fourth fic for the Glee TOT Challenge and the prompt I choose was Platonic Love because I have way to many Kurt ships that I love but even if Kurt can't love all of them as a partner, he can love them as a friend :) Hope everyone enjoys and tells me what they thought of it etheir on here, A03 OR FanFiction.Net. Happy reading 🤗🤗😁😁
Archive Of Our Own
 “I’m gay,” Kurt admitted to Mercedes, tears in his eyes. She was the first person he had ever told and this was the first time he had ever admitted it out loud.
 “Why didn’t you just tell me?” Mercedes asked sympathetically.
 “Because I’ve... never told anyone actually,” Kurt shrugged.
 “You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are, Kurt,” She told him, shaking her head. “You should just tell people. Especially the kids in glee. The whole point of the club is about expressing what’s really inside you. Remember?”
 “I can’t,” Kurt said, ashamed of himself. “I’m just not that confident, I guess,”
 He started to walk away from her with his head held high but then he turned around to look at her again.
 “But I still love you Mercedes,” He told her, the tears streaming down his face. “You’re the first friend I’ve ever made as pathetic as that sounds. I just want you to know that,”
 “Of course boo,” Mercedes smiled. “I love you too, I guess just a little bit more than you love me. But I’ll get over it,”
 “I’m sorry,” Kurt apologized. “I shouldn't have lied to you. I’ve just had a lot of trouble… ya know… accepting it,”
 “You don’t have to explain yourself or apologize Kurt,” Mercedes assured him. “You are who you are and you like who you like and I’m not mad at you at all for that. I’m glad you felt like you could tell me. Thank you,”
 “Okay,” Kurt said quietly before turning around and walking away from her. 
 He had known he was different for a long time now and he had discovered he was gay not long after but he knew how the LGBT+ community was viewed in his community. It wasn’t approved of and he got enough harassment for his voice and choices of clothing, he couldn’t imagine what he would have to endure if he came out to the public. He just couldn’t do it yet. He was hoping that maybe one day people would be more accepting of gay people or that he would gather enough courage to not think of what they thought but he wasn’t there yet. He wasn’t necessarily ashamed of himself but he wasn’t proud either. He felt like a coward for hiding who he really was, especially from his dad. He was just scared of how his dad would react. He loved him so much and he didn’t want to ruin their relationship in the case that he wouldn’t accept him. He would do it eventually though because he didn’t want to hide the real him from the person he loved most in the world
Both boys were sitting in the basement on the couch watching a movie together. Finn had his arm wrapped around Kurt’s shoulder and they were snuggled close together. Finn’s behavior seemed a little weird to Kurt seeing that Finn usually avoided physical contact with him but he just brushed it off thinking that Finn was just trying to make up for the “faggy lamp incident”. Besides Kurt didn’t exactly hate the hug, it felt nice.
 The credits started rolling on the movie and Finn turned to face Kurt.
 “That was nice,” Finn said with a goofy smile on his face.
 “Yeah it was,” Kurt smiled back. “Do you want to watch another one?”
 “Sure,” Finn said, his expression changing to a pained look. “Wait though. Before we do I want to talk to you,”
 “Okay. What is it?” Kurt asked. “I hope it’s nothing bad,”
 “No no, nothing bad,” Finn said, getting nervous. At least I hope you don’t think it’s bad,”
 “Well just tell me Finn,” Kurt encouraged him. “Chances are I won’t judge you,”
 “Okay, here goes nothing,” Finn said. “I’m just going to come out and say this but… I think I’m gay,”
 “Oh,” Kurt said, his eyes widening. “That’s great Finn. I’m glad you told me. So who’s the lucky guy?”
 “Um… you?” Finn said, looking down at his hands.
 “Me?” Kurt breathed.
 “Yeah, I don’t know, it’s just I feel like I love anyone. Like I liked Quinn before the baygate thing because she was pretty and I like Rachel because she’s nice to me and because she’s pretty and then I like you because you’re really nice and you don’t think I’m stupid and you’re pretty cute but then I like Puck because he’s my bro and he has nice muscles and abs and… I don’t know… it’s frustrating,” Finn sighed, turning red.
 “It sounds like you’re bisexual,” Kurt told him. “It means you're attracted to both genders,”
 “Oh, so I’m not crazy,” Finn said to himself, making Kurt laugh. “I also like it when you laugh. I like it when you’re happy and I’m sorry about you’re lamp,”
 “Finn, you don’t have to apologize to me again. I know you’re sorry,” Kurt assured him, still blushing from Finn’s comment.
 “But I do,” Finn groaned, frustrated with himself. “I was a real douche and it wasn’t fair to you and I was just angry because I couldn’t accept myself like you can,”
 “Well you’re accepting yourself now,” Kurt told him. “By telling me,”
 “I guess so,” Finn shrugged. “But what do you think? About… me,”
 “Oh,” Kurt said, his face turning from pink to white. “Finn you know I love you but I think it’s just… as a friend or as a brother,”
 “Oh,” Finn said, tears coming to his eyes. “That’s fine,”
 “Finn it’s not you trust me,” Kurt said, placing his hand on Finn’s arm. “Any guy or girl would be lucky to have you, including me. It’s just that I’m not that lucky guy. You’ll find someone better,”
 “Nah I don’t think I will,” Finn said, quickly wiping his tears. “I mean I ruined things with Quinn and then with Rachel and I’m pretty sure Puck’s straight so you were kind of my last hope, not to make you feel bad. I think I should… I should just go,”
 “Finn please don’t do this,” Kurt begged him as Finn stood up. “Let’s just talk about this, I don’t want you to be mad at me,”
 “No I’m not mad Kurt,” Finn told him. “I just need some time to myself. But I’m sorry that I told you all of this. And I’m sorry you don’t love me back,”
 “Finn you don’t have to apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for,” Kurt said, wiping the tears that were now on his face too. “And I do love you, you’re my friend,”
 “You know what I mean Kurt,” Finn said with a sad smile. “But it’s fine really, don’t worry about it. And thanks for clearing the bi thing up for me, it means a lot to me,”
 “Your welcome,” Kurt whispered as Finn went up the stairs. He had just ruined a friendship that he really cherished but he would’ve ruined it even more if he told Finn that he loved him when he really didn’t. Sure there was the little crush that he had had on him a couple of months ago but it had faded and now he saw Finn as nothing more than a friend. He just didn’t know what love really felt like, what the difference between romantic love and platonic love really was. Yes he loved his dad and Carol and Mercdes and the rest of the glee club but as friends and family, not as partners. Love was complicated, it was messy and Kurt was still trying to come to terms with being gay and accepting himself, he wasn’t ready for a relationship yet.
The New Directions were over at the Hudmel house for a get together and Kurt was in the kitchen, gathering snacks for everyone when Puck walked with that smirk that he always wore on his face.
 “Hey babe,” He said, looking down at Kurt's ass. “You need any help?”
 “I’m good Noah,” Kurt said, annoyed. Was Puck so desperate now that he was flirting with boys? “And since when am I babe?”
 “Since this,” Puck said before walking up to Kurt, taking him by surprise and kissing him hard on the lips. Kurt didn’t know what to do since Puck had a strong grip on him so he just stayed leaned back with Puck’s lips on his until Noah came back up for some air.
 “So what did you think?” Puck asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did I blow you’re gay little mind?”
 “Um… no?” Kurt said in a questioning tone. “I just… are you gay?”
 “Yeah something like that,” Puck said, waving his hand in the air. “I think I like anything but I forget what it’s called,”
 “You mean your pan, pansexual?” Kurt asked. “You don’t care about gender or gender identity. It actually makes a lot of sense,”
 “Well anyway,” Puck interrupted, frowning. “Do you love me?”
 “Noah, I'm not doing this right now,” Kurt said, shaking his head. It was Finn and Mercedes all over again. “We’re friends and that’s probably all we’ll ever be. I guess I could say I love you but as a friend, not as a lover. I’m not ready for a relationship yet,”
 “But you had a crush on Finn?” Puck pointed out. “What gives?”
 “Like you said, it was a crush that went away. And unlike you Finn was nice to me but I doubt I ever had romantic feelings for him in any way. I’ve already had this conversation with him,” Kurt explained.
 “Wait so Finn’s gay too?” Puck asked. “I might have to tap that,”
 “Actually you should, he likes you.” Kurt said. “Something about your muscles and abs,”
 “But what do you think about my muscles and abs babe?” Puck asked with a mischievous smile. “Isn’t it hot?”
 “Sure,” Kurt said sarcastically. “But like I said Noah, I’m flattered, I really am but the answer is no,”
 “Fine then,” Puck huffed. “But trust me, I’m not going to give up so easily. One day you’ll be begging for me to take you and I’ll make you suffer and wait,”
 “God do you always have to be so cheesy?” Kurt asked. “It makes me sick,”
 “You know you love it Princess,” Puck yelled back at him as he walked back into the living room with everyone else.
 “Yeah right,” Kurt said under his breath as he gathered up all the trays of food and brought them out to the living room. This was the third time now and if he hadn’t loved Finn in that way then he definitely didn’t love Puck in that. He sighed as he placed everything out on the table before rubbing his face with his hands in exhaustion.
 “Are you okay Kurt?” Quinn asked him.
 “I’m fine,” Kurt said, smiling at the group. Then he saw Puck’s smirk again and decided that he needed some space. “I just… forgot something upstairs in my room. I’ll be back,”
 He left the room and walked upstairs before walking into his room and closing the door behind him, sinking down against the door. It shouldn’t bother him so much but it did. There were three people now that had “loved” and he didn’t love them back. It just made him wonder if he was ever going to find true love at all and if he was ever even going to know what love felt like.
“I love you,” Sam admitted and Kurt internally groaned. Not again.
 “Sam,” Kurt started to say but Sam interrupted him, taking Kurt’s hands in his.
 “Shh, don’t say anything and just let me explain,” Sam said but this time Kurt interpreted him.
 “Sam, you’re my friend, god I say that a lot,” He added sarcastically. “But I’m not ready for a relationship right now. I love you platonically and that’s that. Please don’t make me feel even worse than I already do by trying to persuade me into going out with you. I’ve been through this plenty of times before,”
 Sam looked down, ashamed and disappointed and now Kurt wished that he would say something instead of just looking defeated.
 “Hey don’t be upset Sam please,” Kurt begged him. “It’s not you, you’re perfect and I’m really flattered but I’m still figuring things out for myself and it wouldn’t be fair to you to be with me when I not sure of anything,”
 “No I get it,” Sam said, looking up at Kurt with tears in his eyes. God, why did they always have to cry?” “Really I do it’s just that you’re so nice and cute and I had the stupid idea that maybe you’d like me too but it’s stupid really. And I guess I’m not really sure about anything either. I don’t know what I am, if I’m bi or if I just like boys. It’s hard,”
 “I know it is,” Kurt assured him, rubbing Sam’s back. “Trust me, I knew I was gay since I was six years old and I’m still trying to fully accept myself. But you aren’t alone Sam. I’m here if you ever want to talk and Finn and Puck seem like they have whatever’s going on with them figured out so you can talk to them too. We’re all here for you,”
 “I know,” Sam said, smiling at Kurt and wiping his tears. “Thanks,”
 “You’ll find someone,” Kurt told him, giving Sam a hug. “But just remember you come first,”
 “Yeah, I will,” Sam told him, returning the hug.
 Kurt told himself that what he told Sam also applied to him. He was going to figure out what love really felt like and he was going to find someone that loved him and someone who loved him back. He had to, he wanted to know the feeling. Now just wasn’t the right time and once again, he had to put himself first.
“I love you,” Blaine said dreamily, staring at Kurt with his handsome eyes and making Kurt choke on his coffee a little. Why does this always happen to me?
 Blaine still had his eyes on Kurt and was waiting for Kurt to respond with an “I love you too,” so Kurt was relieved when Mercedes and Sam walked in with one another making Blaine turn around.
 “Oh hey, what are you guys doing here?” Blaine asked, having moved on from the previous discussion.
 “I’m just getting a coffee,” Sam said, swaying back and forth on his feet.
 “Yeah we ran into each other in the parking lot,” Mercedes added. ‘Hmm, sure you did,’ Kurt thought to himself he had noticed how smiley they were acting towards each other lately. They were in love and Kurt was happy for them, especially since they had both had a crush on him and now they had each other. At least Sam now knew that he was bi and they both had their love lives together. It was more than he could say for himself.
 Blaine started talking about his summer plans with them while Kurt tried to figure out what he was going to say about Blaine’s “I love you,” when Mercedes and Sam walked away and Blaine turned his focus back onto Kurt.
 “Hey cutie,” He smiled again.
 “Umm. hi,” Kurt said nervously. “I’m really sorry Blaine but I just remembered that I promised my dad that I would help him… at the garage so we’re going to have to cut this coffee date short,”
 “Oh yeah,” Blaine said, wearing a smile even though Kurt could tell he was disappointed. “That’s okay. A promise is a promise,”
 “Yeah,” Kurt said, standing up and grabbing his cup and bag. “See you later,”
 He then rushed out of the coffee shop and with his luck of course it was raining outside. He started crying. He liked Blaine, that’s why they were dating and he had spent so long pining after him and now he was going to ruin the good thing going on between them because he couldn’t say three simple words. I love you. Of course he could say them but he just didn’t want to lie. He didn’t want to say those words and then have it turn out that he didn’t love Blaine and ruin their friendship. He loved Blaine but… once again, maybe it was just platonic. And maybe he just wasn’t meant to love anyone.
“I love you,” Kurt found himself saying to Elliot once they reached his apartment. They had been really good friends for a while now and Elliot had just taken him out on their first date to a nice restaurant. 
 “Like as a friend or as more?” Elliot asked, obviously joking with a smile on his face. Elliot knew how Kurt had felt about love and partners in the past and had been patient with him even though he loved Kurt romantically.
 “I think… as more,” Kurt confessed. “I’m really nervous and have a weird feeling in my stomach, not like I’m sick or anything but...I think I love you Elliot. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and for once...I think I honestly know exactly how I feel about someone,”
 They paused for a moment, Kurt with tears of joy in his eyes before Elliot leant in and kissed Kurt. And Kurt had only been kissed twice before, once by Puck and once by Blaine but when he kissed Elliot he felt a spark of energy between them and he knew he loved him, the feeling was confirmed.
 When they pulled away from each other, they held each other’s hands and Kurt had never been happier in his life before. He had spent a huge part of his life worrying that he would never find someone who felt the same way as he did, who he loved and here he was, he had finally found Elliot. It all felt amazing.
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mylesimeblr · 5 years
If that's how Finn's fans reacted to a trailer of a movie, imagine how they would react if Mike and Will kissed in ST...
Honestly anon, I’ve been asking myself the same thing for a few days now. And unfortunately, I think that this is one of the main reasons Byler will never be canon. The world isn’t ready for a big show portraying two boys in love as a final twist. It would sign its death sentence. The backlash would be too much to handle. 
As you said, the reactions to Finn kissing another boy have been mostly negative. People are still massively homophobic, even if it’s 2019. They have been raised in their heteronormative bubble and can’t imagine it could burst. It’s too scary and they like their comfort zone. Can you imagine? A world without homophobia? We’d have to get rid of sexism and bias against structured and hierarchized sexuality first and it’s not gonna happen before at least a few more centuries (and probably never too) if we keep going this way. 
The negative reactions to Finn playing an LGBT character sadden me but they don’t surprise me either. It was to be expected, unfortunately. As I said, most people are still very homophobic. 
So, can you imagine if Byler became canon over Mileven? If the gay ship won over the heterosexual one? It’s been clearly established by now that us queer folks and Byler shippers have been harrassed and attacked by many Mileven shippers and heterosexual biggots who think we’re being “delusional”, “stupid”, and overall “gay” (thanks for the compliment my dude) for even daring think about Mike in love with another boy!
I mean, Will’s possible homosexuality has come out as a shock to them!!!!!! None of them saw the hundreds of gay coding ever since season 1!!!! It’s unbelievable!!!!! Not to forget that most people don’t WANT Byler to become canon. Mike being in love with Will is something they don’t see, don’t want to see, don’t want. They like Mike being straight, in love with Mileven. It caters to their little hetero hearts and brains. 
And seeing the reactions to Boris’ character, I can’t imagine what it would do to the show’s popularity if it ever went that way… Can you imagine? The amount of hatred. The threats, insults and overall backlash… On Finn. Noah. The showrunners. It would be HUGE. They would demand a remake of the script. Playing a gay character usually destroys a career (it’s sad but it’s true). It can destroy a movie and a show. Canon Byler would kill Stranger Things. It would kill the young actor’s career. Noah would be seen as the gay boy from that gay show for the rest of his life (even if he’s not gay IRL). Same for Finn. Playing two LGBT characters? He’d be labelled forever. Mileven shippers would lose their shit. They would go crazy. 
Stranger Things is Netflix’s cash cow. They would never risk endangering such a big money maker by taking the LGBT road for the main ship. Mileven shippers are the main targeted audience because it’s been proven that heterosexual girls/women are the most lucrative audience in a fanbase (friendly reminder that Fifty Shades of Gray overthrew Harry Potter… Yes, I know, that hurt me too) So go against Mileven and lose that audience/money for what? A gay ship? No, they wouldn’t do that. They wouldn’t be that stupid. It would be like shooting themselves in the foot.
Don’t take this the wrong way, I’d love for Stranger Things to be smarter than that and have Byler canon (my heart!). I just don’t think they’d risk it. Gay is still very taboo, especially for a big show, popular among teenagers.
And they wouldn’t risk it precisely because people are still massively homophobes. The backlash to Finn’s gay character is a painful proof of that. Honestly, maybe the Duffers wanted Byler at first when they created the show in their head… Will Netflix allow it? Not a chance. Too dangerous.
I will even go as far as to say that if Will was pushed to the side during season 3 it was for this very reason. Netflix probably saw Byler coming in season 2 and went all “NOPE!” so the Duffers had no other choice but separate them and diminish Will’s role and interactions with Mike in s3.
I hope I’m wrong though.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Some thoughts after reading episodes 11-13.
Keep in mind, I’m on a Suresh route.
In the first few episodes when Dana spoke to Suresh immediately after MC coupled with him and she got the tea on what he was thinking she said.. things got serious really fast, MC and Suresh had a big fight and then he slipped up one night and cheated.
Suresh runs when confronted with his emotions. Him finding out about the would-be proposal and telling MC he would’ve said yes but then immediately flirting with Arlo, is just Suresh falling back to his old ways. However, I do think he will realize that he has in fact changed and does want to make it up to MC. I don’t think it will be by the next recoupling though.
I think next recoupling FB is going to force us into a coupling with someone else. The order will be Finn, Alfie/Eddie and last will be Suresh. I think it’s going to be similar to the disaster recoupling where Noah ended up with MC by default. Suresh will more than likely pick Arlo and then Dana or Meera will be sent packing. I think this time apart he’s going to be flirty with Arlo, he might even kiss her outside of the challenges but then he’s going to realize that he actually really loves MC and wants to get back to her. But the day he goes to tell her, she’s gone. All the girls are gone. It’s casa amor! Suresh will be upset that he never got a chance to tell her how he felt before she left. Based on the flow of episodes I really don’t think we’ll get another recoupling before Casa on episode 25.
I’ve seen a few people mention this and apologies I can’t remember who said it first but they’re def going to bring in turtle tattoo girl in casa! It just makes perfect sense. And there will either be a video message or picture sent to the girls and MC will see the turtle tattoo and freak out. But Suresh will be loyal, knowing that he wants MC and if he does anything at casa she won’t take him back. When the girls come back from casa, Suresh will declare his love for MC. Since they weren’t together before casa they will need to wait until next recoupling to be together again.
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Unprepared || Harrison Osterfield {2}
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Request: Could you maybe do a series where you’re dating Haz and he gets you pregnant by accident but he’s like that happiest dad ever and hes so concerned about you when he finds out. And he’s there for you almost all the time??
Warnings: childbirth basically. a few sex jokes, language, just general baby stuff. 
Word Count: 4,740
Author’s Note: Here’s part two of the request. It kinda sucks how many notes the first part got but whateves. At this point I’m kinda writing it for me I guess. I think it’s cute and I hope that whoever requested it is seeing and enjoying it. 
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"Harrisonnnnnnnn." The blonde nearly slipped as he spilled a few drops of ginger tea before sliding his socked foot across it. He cursed, bumping into the bathroom doorjam, glancing up and smoothing fallen curls from his eyes. Slipping his socks off he stepped forwards 
"S'the matter love? What else do you need?" You whined, curling yourself tighter as Harrison crouched on his knees just outside of the bathtub, setting your tea on the ledge, "He keeps... kicking me and it hurts." Haz tsked, cocking his head and slipping his hand into the water. Pressing it just over where a foot pushed up, he hummed, "Quit that little one. You're hurting your mummy." Harrison watched you close your eyes, reaching up with his other hand to stroke your hair, "S'alright love. We're okay." He spoke calmly, leaning in to kiss your temple. You whimpered again, the baby nudging his father's hand through your skin. Harrison clicked his tongue and stood, quickly stripping from his clothes and taking your hands, scooting you forward just the slightest and worming his way behind you. Resting back against his chest, both of Harrison's hands cradled the ever growing bump, "I've got you both." The touch alone seemed to settle the little one within you, few and less painful bumps coursing through your body. The nausea began to subside but Harrison grabbed the steaming mug of tea and held it before you. You hummed and took it as quickly as you could, allowing him to rub over your belly again. Swallowing back the subsiding bile, you sigh, "I want him out of me." Harrison gave a gentle chuckle, lips pressed against the back of your head, "I know. He's just as impatient but... a little while longer darling. We're almost there." Groaning, you relax further into Harrison's touch. You huff, Harrison resting his head against your own, "This is the same place we found out you were in there baby boy." You hum, closing your eyes, "Our whole world changed." Harrison silently agreed, nodding against your shoulder, "But we're so in love with you." I nodded, glancing back at Harrison, "And I'm so in love with your daddy. He's an actual angel." Harrison gave a lopsided smirk, "But your mumma is the best angel. She's having you. Givin me the best thing I could ever ask for." Kissing you, he ran his hands over your belly, resting his hands against your skin for the baby gently kicking  out to meet him, "You ever scared?" He mutters in your ear. You nod, holding his hands over your belly, "All the time. This is the craziest thing I've ever done. I'm having your baby and it's crazy to even think about. There's just... there's this little human inside of me and its crazy." Kissing where neck meets shoulder, Harrison hums against your skin, "It is crazy. I always remember going around to baby showers and seeing all these babies being born and I always wondered what it'd be like to have... to have a who'd be willing enough to have my baby and yeah... yeah I didn't think when we got together that we'd end up here... with a baby boy on the way but... here we are. We're getting ready to have him and... it is crazy. It's absolutely crazy." Laying your head back against his shoulder, his eyes meet yours,   "You've been... normal. As normal as before. Since... since him. Other than getting sick really bad in the beginning. And the tiredness lately." Nodding, you close your eyes, "I've been tense lately too. My shoulders and hips ache." Letting his hands drift, Harrison hums as he gently presses on your hips, "Yeah?" You nod, rubbing over your belly, "My feet too." Tsking, he worms his way from behind you, scooting to the opposite side of the bathtub. Taking a leg in his hands, he massages his way from your knee, down to your ankle and focuses on the ball and arch of your foot. Avoiding your eyes for just a moment while he massages you, he licks his lips and digs his thumbs into the arch of your foot. When you groan and wallow further into the warm water encasing the both of you, he glances up, "What are we gonna name him? I want something... I want something amazing for our little man. Ya know?" You nod. watching his fingers work. You shrug, "So present some. What kinda names do you like?" He shrugs back, looking to his shoulder where an unlit candle sits. His eyes roll halfway to glance up at the ceiling as he thinks, "Cole, Finn, Hayes, Jack, Noah, Carter. I dunno. What do you like?" Closing your eyes, you sigh, "I like those names. What about... Julian, Levi, Asher, Miles... this is a tough decision. It's our little boy and its his permanent name. What is something we can agree on?" He shrugs again, "I seriously don't know." "Well I want his middle name to be John. Same as you, so what works with that that you like?" He sighs through his nose, swallowing, "Well... Cole can work, but I don't like the way it sounds." You nod, sipping a bit more of your tea, eyes locked on him, "If you name him Jackson, it works." Crinkling your nose, you shake your head, "No Jackson, if I was gonna name him that something like that it'd be strictly Jack." He smiles, "Alright. Finely John works. Also... Hayes John Osterfield, Carter John Osterfield, and Noah John Osterfield. All those work." You nod, "And then out of my names, Julian John Osterfield, Levi John Osterfield, Asher John Osterfield, and Miles John Osterfield." He shrugs once more, "I don't like Julian or Asher." You nod, "Are there any other names you like? I don't want to settle. I want us to love his name." "Tyson, Hunter, Tanner. I like Levi, but I also really like the name Tyson." "Oh I do too. Tyson John Osterfield. That's such a cute name." He smiles when you perk up, finding his eyes again. You smile back, "We could call him Ty for short." Harrison nods, "That's cute. I like that idea." "Me too. I love that name." Switching to your other foot, Harrison smiles as you rub over your belly, slowly mumbling the name to your baby. You smile and Harrison can't see them, but he knows there's tears in your eyes when you say it one last time "Mommy and daddy both love you our little Tyson John." He smiles wider, glancing down at your foot, "More than he'll ever know." 
Harrison and Tom helped put together the perfect baby shower. There was a table of goodies, more for you as Harrison claimed than anyone. Each time he caught you snacking or saw you with an overwhelmed look on your face, he came to stand beside you, a hand rested on your lower back. When Tom pointed out that you had sat off by yourself, the two of them sauntered over, Tom placing a hand on your shoulder, Harrison crouching before you, "You okay?" You nod, "My legs hurt and m'tired. But I'm okay." He nods and runs his thumb across your knuckles, smiling and nodding, "You can ask either of us for anything and we'll do it. Just give a holler." You nod again, giving his hand a squeeze. He perks up when you gasp, but when your lips turn up into a smile, he relaxes just the slightest, "Uncle Tom hasn't felt a kick has he?" He takes both hands, helping you stand while Tom shakes his head. Taking Tom's hand in your own, you press it to the left side of your belly, just where a tiny foot kicks out to meet him. His eyes widen as he holds your belly in his hand, yours placed on his shoulder. You giggle with Harrison, watching Tom's reaction to the little one eagerly stretching out to meet his uncle, "Active little one aren't ya Ty?" Smiling up at him, you nod in agreement, "He does this all the time." Tom chuckles, "That's crazy. But that is so amazing. You're amazing. Both of you are gonna be phenomenal parents and I can't wait to see you guys with him." Harrison steps forward to run his hand over your belly, "Me neither. I'm ready for our little boy to be here. I'm ready to see supermum have a little baby boy connected to her hip." Tom smiled, "I can tell he's gonna be a giggly little thing. How active he is, he'll just be an alert, giggly little man." "I sure hope so. I need a little more energy in my life." Tom holds his hand over your belly, only glancing up when Haz's mother walks over to see if you'd like to open gifts. You nod, taking Harrison's hand and following him to two chairs. He sits beside you, draping his arm over the back of your chair. "Tommy, can you take down names with the gifts so I can do thank you notes?" He nods, taking the pad of paper and pen from you and sitting on the floor before the both of you. And after a lot of gifts and a long list of names later, he stands and sets the notepad behind you. He kisses the top of your head, "Spoiled little mumma and baby boy." Smiling up at him, you turn to Harrison, "Let's go out back yeah, I need some air." He nods, standing and following you to the sliding glass door at the back of your house. He closes the door behind him, "You sure you're okay?" You nod, leaning against the back deck's handrail, "I'm perfectly fine. It's just a lot all at once. The more pregnant I get, the more anxious I get. I just... I just wanted a small, close baby shower and its... it's just too much." He steps forward, sighing through his nose, "I know its a lot. And in a few hours, it'll just be the three of us again. We can take a bath and eat the rest of that cake in there. Just a little while longer." Nodding, he steps forward further, placing his hands either side of your belly, "When he gets here... after he's here, everything changes. He's our number one priority. But we plan a wedding, we get married, we're a full family." Smiling, you nod and press your hands to his shoulders, "I mean... it's not like you technically weren't my husband already. Nothing's gonna change. We'll just have a baby boy." He smiles back down at you as you pucker your lips, leaning in to kiss you, "I'll get to call you my beautiful wife though." Giggling, you hug his body to yours, his arms binding tight around you. He hums, "I most definitely am ready to be someone our little man idolizes. Uncle Tommy and I got this." Sighing into his warmth, you close your eyes, "I believe you.” 
"Oh God Haz." Harrison kisses the back of your hand as he holds it tight, letting you squeeze as you ride out a contraction in the passenger seat. Checking all around as he stopped at a red light, he glances at you, "Almost there love. We're almost there." Sucking in a deep breath, you nod through tears, "I know, I know." Taking deep breaths, Harrison runs his thumb across your knuckles, "Make sure you're counting baby." You nod again. The night had been rather anxiety ridden and fast paced. It started as a dinner with a few close friends including Tom. After everyone but Harrison's best friend had left, you cleaned up and Harrison insisted it wasn't necessary. You should be resting. But he didn't push because he knew it comforted you just the smallest bit. So he and Tom joined you in the kitchen and the moment Tom said something remotely funny, and you laughed, your water broke and both boys and yourself froze. The three of you tried to remain calm but each time a contraction raked your body, Harrison panicked and Tom wasn't too far off. Giving your doctor a quick call, he reassured that you having the baby nearly a week early was perfectly fine, but not to head in until your contractions were about six minutes apart. And when they got that close, Harrison was hurrying both you and Tom out the front door. With a kiss on the cheek from Tom and a muttered 'good luck' to the both of you. "Focus on your breathing love. We've got this." Harrison reassured as you squeezed his hand. Breathing through another contraction, the time shrinking from six to four minutes in a little over half an hour, between contractions set your mind into overdrive. Harrison pulled into the hospital parking lot, quickly pulling into a stall and turning the car off. Popping open his door, he rushed around to your side of the car, taking the baby bag at your feet and holding his hand out as he slung it across his body. Helping you from the car, he clicked his tongue, "You're doing amazing baby. Do you want a wheelchair?" Shaking your head, he nods silently and closes your door, holding your hand in his and your lower back in his other. Walking you to the door of the hospital, he glances down as you hold your bump and nearly crumple in pain with a short contraction. Leaving you standing at the entrance of the lobby, he hurries to the front counter, telling the receptionist of your predicament. One look at you and she's having Harrison bring you forward, putting a wristband on you and having a nurse bring a wheelchair to you and having you escorted to the labor and delivery wing. Harrison sits beside you, your hand in his while they give you a shot of Pitocin and ask you routine questions. They run you and Harrison through the routine and leave you for half an hour. Harrison quietly runs his thumb over your knuckles, reassuring you you'll be fine. He comments on the heartbeat of your little one and notes the time. Letting you squeeze his hand each time a contraction rakes through your body, coaxing you through each time you groan loudly. Choosing to take the epidural, Harrison's heart breaks when you whimper as they stick the needle through your back, but when the contractions decrease to two minutes apart and you can only feel a small bit of discomfort, he's grateful. Nearly two hours after you've arrived at the hospital, with your contractions two minutes apart and your cervix dilated the full ten inches, they've set you up to push. Harrison stands just beside you, his hand in yours, coaxing you through as you push out your baby boy. After ten minutes of pushing, and a lot of crying, the first cry cuts through the air, Harrison clearing tears from his eyes as they wrap your little boy in a towel and lay him on your chest, "Hi baby. Oh I waited so long for you my love. Hi." Harrison smoothes your  sweaty hair down as you cry down at your wailing baby. Soon enough, he's being offered surgical scissors to cut the umbilical cord and the baby is whisked away to be cleaned off and have his vitals read. "You're amazing love. God you're amazing." He kisses you, smoothing your hair over, "Absolutely spectacular love." He glances up at your son as they finish with him, your doctor reassuring you you're almost done. Just after you've delivered your placenta, the new baby is placed in your arms, Harrison leaning over you. Stroking the little one's cheek, you smile down at him through tears, "Hello my little Tyson. You are so so beautiful." Harrison sniffles as he laughs, smoothing more of your hair down, "So beautiful baby. I owe you both everything." Laying the whimpering baby against your chest, you kiss his forehead and coo down at him. Within the next few minutes, the doctors and nurses clear out, leaving you with your fiancé and new baby. Scooting over as much as you can, Harrison squeezes himself into the bed beside you, running his hand over your baby boy's head, "He is absolutely stunning Y/N. You did an amazing job and I am so proud of you. I don't know what I'd do without you." Glancing up at him, you smile, "I think the thanking comes from me to you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have my baby boy." Kissing his forehead, you hum, your body throbbing as pain returns. "Although... I don't thank you for the intense pain I'm gonna be in for the next few weeks." He chuckles, "M'here for you and baby boy though. I've got the both of you for life." Leaning in, he brushes his finger under your chin to kiss you. The moment his lips meet yours, it's like the world is falling into place again. It feels like the world is spinning faster and the little one in your arms is all you've ever needed. All you and Harrison have ever needed. Pulling back, Tyson whimpers against your chest. You both glance down at him before your eyes meet Harrison's again, "Would you like to hold your little man for the first time daddy?" He nods without hesitation, sitting up to take the baby's tiny little body in his arms, "Hi my little Tyson. I'm your daddy." The nearly crying baby quieted and stopped squirming when Harrison spoke, his calm eyes finding Harrison's. Harrison smiled, sniffling again as he stared down at Ty, "I remember your mummy finding out she was pregnant with you and being so excited to meet you. And now here you are. You're perfect baby boy. You're everything I imagined you'd be. Perfect." Laying your head against Harrison's arm, he snuggles down closer to you, laying Tyson's head over his heart. Your little one whimpered, Harrison shushing him softly, rubbing his tiny back. Taking one look at you, he smiles, your eyes closed, "You can get some sleep beautiful. He'll be alright with me." Humming, your eyes open just the slightest, "I know. He's just so perfect, I don't wanna go to sleep. I wanna stare at him." Harrison chuckles, "He'll be here when you wake up. He'll be just as perfect. You need the sleep." You sigh, closing your eyes again and nodding as Harrison starts to hum. Tyson whimpers in his arms, yawning and squirming. Giving one last look at your baby boy in your fiancé's arms, you nod again, "Alright, yeah, I'll just rest a little bit." Harrison kisses your forehead, "And when you wake up, you'll be able to hold your baby boy again." Nodding once more, before you can fathom, you're asleep, leaned against Harrison's shoulder. 
"Mate, wait for her to wake up so she can see you holding him for the first time." "Haz, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen and if I can't hold him, I'm gonna get antsy." "Just... wait. I don't want my ass getting chewed by an upset mumma who's in pain and I let my best mate hold our baby boy while she was asleep. She'll be pissed she can't get a picture of you holding him for the first time." Tom sighed before presumably nodding and sitting in the arm chair across from Haz, "How was she?" "Ahh mate, she was amazing. Absolutely amazing. She was so set on getting him here that nothing stopped her. Hell I think if I talked to her anymore she would've stabbed me." Tom chuckled, glancing up as you shifted, sucking a breath in. Harrison stood, taking a cautious step towards you, "Hey." You gave a quiet whimper, yawning and opening your eyes to find his calm blue ones before you, "Hi." Helping you sit up further, your eyes catch Tom, "Hey." He smiles, "Hi mumma. How do you feel?" You nod, glancing over at the little one asleep in a cot beside you, "I feel fine. M' a little sore. A little bit of pain in my hip area, but I'm good." He nods, "Cool. I tried to hold Ty but Daddy Haz wouldn't let me." You smile, glancing up at Harrison as he strokes your cheek, "Figured if Tom disturbed him, he’d want you to feed him but I didn’t want to wake you.” Craning your neck, you smile, letting him kiss you gently. He rubs between your shoulders, his nose brushing against yours. You giggle, “He can hold him. If Ty wakes up and gets hungry, we can pass him over.” Harrison nods, watching with a wide smile as his best friend stands and takes a slow step towards your baby, “You sure? I can wait.” You shake your head, “He’s fine.” Just before he picks him up, he draws back, “Lemme wash my hands first.” Both you and Harrison agree, watching Tom scrub at his hands for a minute before he lets out a breath and licks his lips. Scooping Tyson up in his arms, he cradles him against his chest, Tyson whimpering just the slightest. Tom shushed him with gentle noises, sitting in the same armchair as before. When Harrison pulled his own chair closer, Tom took one look up, his eyes finding yours, “He’s perfect Y/N. He is absolutely stunning.” Smiling, you reach out for Harrison’s hand, “He gets that from his daddy." Harrison takes your hand and kisses the back of it, "I dunno, his mumma's pretty perfect." Tom tsked, "We get it, you two are in love, shut up. But this little boy... this little boy is everything to me right now. He's amazing." Running his index finger across Tyson's cheek, his smile widened, "I don't think I can thank you guys enough for making me an uncle." Harrison chuckles through his throat, "All the thanking goes back to this one," he looks up at you, "if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't be an uncle... I wouldn't be a daddy or a fiancé. There's a lot of things we wouldn't be... wouldn't have if it wasn't for her." Tom looks up, "Thank you Y/N. Not only for Ty, but for making my best friend the happiest I've ever seen him." Tears prick your eyes as you look away from them, "Stop. I haven't done anything. Ty was an accident. A happy one and I wouldn't give him up for the world, but he was an accident and... Harrison proposed because he felt bad." "I did nothing of the sort." Harrison stands and sits at the edge of your bed, "yeah, Ty was the best accident ever. We love him more than anything and we always will. I proposed to you at the most opportune time. I had the ring. I had a plan in mind. I had everything in place I was just terrified to propose. But sitting in that office, looking at my little boy... it was the best thing ever. It was the perfect time to propose because we are so in love with him and each other. There is no better place I could've asked you to marry me. But even if we didn't get pregnant, I would've asked you to marry me." He reached up and stroked tears from under your eyes. "I love you more than anything. I didn't have or need an excuse to ask you to marry me." When you sniffle, he leans in and holds you in his arms. Looking back to Tom, he smiles before stroking your hair, "I love you Harrison." "I love you more pretty girl. You and Ty are my everything." Standing, Tom brought the baby over, standing beside you, "And let me tell you... Ty is absolutely perfect. You three are the most perfect family ever. Your little baby boy is the perfect edition to the Osterfield house." Tyson whimpers in Tom's arms, Tom bouncing him gently, humming down at him. Tyson only whimpers louder, squirming harder in Tom's arms, "I think he is gettin hungry." Leaning in, he lays Tyson in your arms, the little one staring up at you with curious eyes before he pouts and starts to whimper again. Both Harrison and Tom stand, ready to help as you bring the bed to a sitting position and have Harrison unbutton the shoulder of your hospital gown before attempting to get Tyson to latch. He gives a few vigored whines and choked cries before he settles, your nipple drawn into his mouth and he suckles, his hand rested above his face. "There ya go." You coo down at him, glancing up at the men standing before you, a blush rising to your cheeks as they both look down at Tyson feeding. Sensing the tension, Tom sighs, "Well I uhh... I can to visit the little Osterfield family. I held Ty for a little bit but umm... I'll... I'll do it a lot more. I'm gonna leave you guys to it." "Tom, you don't have to go." He shakes his head, pulling his jacket on, "Nah, it's okay. I'll uhh... I'll bring you guys food later but I gotta do some running around. Just thought I'd stop by and see my nephew." He smiles, leaning in to kiss your forehead. He sighs, leaving his hand in yours when you lift it, "He is perfect love. And you're gonna be an amazing mummy. I guarantee it." You smile and nod, "Thanks Tommy. Come back whenever you want. You're always welcome and you never have to ask to hold him. You're gonna be the best uncle ever." He smiles and hugs Harrison, "Congrats man." Harrison smiles, quietly thanking him before he escorts him to the door and sees him down the hall to give you some peace while you feed Tyson. In a few short minutes, he returns with a sigh, closing the door behind him. He smiles when he looks up at you, sitting at the edge of the bed, "Y'alright?" You nod, taking his hand. He squeezes yours, reaching in with his other hand to stroke Tyson's pudgy cheek, "Tom and I are being honest. He's absolutely perfect. He's perfect and he's beautiful and he's nothing I imagined because he's so much more." Scooting over again, you make room for Harrison, laying your head against his shoulder when he worms his way in. He sighs again, "I'm proud of us... I'm proud of you. In the beginning, when we first found out you were pregnant, we weren't sure. Yeah, we can reassure ourselves that we knew what we were doing, but wow we didn't. And now we've... you've carried this little one in your belly through all the pain and sickness and now you went through the harsh reality of childbirth and we're a family now. The three of us are a family and our little boy is going to have not only the most amazing life, but the most amazing family ever. None of this split family thing. We're gonna get married and give him siblings-" "And I don't get a say in that?" He clicks his tongue, "Babe, we make beautiful babies. And the process of getting those beautiful babies is worth it in itself." You frown at him, "Childish Mr. Osterfield." He chuckles, "Of course the decision is up to you. It's your body. If you just want one, I think I'm okay with that." Stroking little hairs from Tyson's face, Harrison smiles, "Although I like the idea of having one of each. Getting a little baby girl. She'd be the prettiest little thing ever with her mummy's eyes and her daddy's everything else." Clicking your tongue, you reach up to gently smack him, "You're an ass." He chuckles and kisses your temple, "You're my everything. I cannot wait until I've solidified you by marrying you. I can't wait until you're my wife." Leaning in to kiss him, you smile, "Me too." Tyson whimpers, pulling off of your breast and glancing up at you with the same curious baby blues as Harrison. You smile down at him, pulling him up to lay over your shoulder, "I love you my little boy. You're the best blessing next to your daddy." Harrison's smile widens, "You never know blessings until your baby is born. I didn't know I could love someone more than your mumma little one. But here you are." You giggle when Tyson yawns, his eyes finding Harrison's again. Haz coos down at him, holding his eye. Leaning forward to kiss his forehead, Harrison sighs, glancing over his shoulder as rain starts to pelt the hospital window. Looking back to your baby, he smiles, "Happy birthday Ty. You're the best decision I've ever made." Smiling in an attempt not to cry again, you crane your neck to look at Tyson's perfect face, "Me too. The absolute best."
Permanent Taglist: @embrace-themagic @delicioustommy @spiderman-n @winters-beauty @smexylemony @lolabean1998
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hangjie · 6 years
celebrity crush. [ finn wolfhard ]
Tumblr media
summary: finn’s celebrity crush is reader and they meet at an awards show and finn gets all hyped up
warnings: the boys ratting finn out lmao and a bit of clumsy finn
word count: 1,086
author’s note: oh how i wish this happened to me in real life HAHHAHAHA but dreaming is the closest thing i can get to meeting finn huhu. this is mostly dialogue and this succs so much bc writer’s block succs :((( send in requests please!!
(y/l/n) - your last name
─── • ° *。✧ ───
i stare in awe at her as she poses in front of the cameras. she puts her hand on her hip, smiling at the lenses of the camera, and then puts on a fierce look on her face, then shows off her outift, alternating between poses.
she’s gorgeous. not to mention, also talented.
“finn? finn!” i hear caleb’s voice calling for me and i feel noah nudging me on my side. “w-what?” i ask with confusion, feeling my cheeks warm up in embarrassment. they laugh and i feel my cheeks turning from pink to red. 
despite being caught staring, my eyes trace back to her. 
the interviewer looks in my direction and chuckles when she notices that i was looking at her. “look’s like someone has a crush on (y/n).” i turn to her direction and before i could utter a single word, gaten slings his arm around my shoulders. “are you kidding me? finn loves (y/n)! she’s his celebrity crush!” i try to keep gaten quiet, but it’s no use and eventually, caleb and noah join in to his teasing.
"finn is obsessed with her,” caleb comments and noah nods his head feverishly, saying, “he cried when (y/n) tweeted about him last time.”
“no, i’m not and i didn’t!”
“oh yeah? when one of (y/n)’s movies was on tv and you were in the bathroom, you screamed so loud and immediately ran into the room without your pants on.” i groan and cover my face in humiliation. 
the interviewer laughs out loud with the others. “wow! i’m sure (y/n) is very flattered that you like her.” she chuckles once more. “anyways, knowing that you like (y/n)-” i groan as she says that. “-do you think that she’ll win tonight?”
“of course. she’s the (y/n) (y/l/n). i believe in her and i believe that she’s talented.” the others teasingly say ‘ohhh!’ and make kissy faces at me. i roll my eyes and continue on with the night with interviews and photo shoots.
(time skip bc annie has writer’s block!!!)
“-and the winner for best actress in a leading role is . . . “ i cross my fingers that (y/n) will win because i know that she deserves to win.
“ . . . (y/n) (y/l/n)!” when they announce her name, a big smile appears on my face and i clap loudly. i feel the others nudging me and i hear some of them clearing their throats, but i didn’t care because this moment isn’t about me, it’s about her.
the camera zooms on to her and her reaction is plastered on the screen on stage. she covers her mouth in disbelief and lets out a laugh, hugging her cast mates one by one before walking up the stage with a huge grin.
she takes the trophy and walks up to the microphone, looking at the audience with genuine happiness. “wow, this . . . this is just . . . wow.” she cradles the trophy in her arms, making everyone in the room laugh. she laughs in to the microphone, saying, “i’m honestly speechless. i don’t know what to say.” she goes on and thanks the people that have helped her get to this point in her career.
while she was saying her speech, i swear that her eyes looked in my direction and i swear that she smiled and gave a little wave. 
i might be seeing things. she doesn’t even know me.
after her speech, the audience gives her a loud round of applause. while i was clapping, noah softly calls my name and i ask him what’s wrong. he doesn’t say anything and mischievously smiles as he points to my right. i look at my right and see a camera panning over to us, mainly to me. 
despite me giving a smile and waving at the camera, i was dying inside (a/n: TO HOLD YOUUUUUU). did they pan to me when she was giving her speech? 
i know that it doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it is when others say that my likeness to her is obvious.
when the camera pans to someone else, i shrink back into my seat and focus back to the show. i see (y/n) walking back to her seat, out of the corner of my eye. when she sits down, she looks around until her eyes stopped in my direction and she smiles. (a/n: let’s just say that their seats are not that far apart and too close either).
i turn around and check if there was someone trying to get her attention, but i felt my heart skip a beat when i saw that their wasn’t. i turn back around and point to me with a raised eyebrow. she chuckles and nods, waving at me. i try to restrain myself from screaming and i manage to smile back and wave before turning back front and fully focusing on the show until the end.
(anoda one!!)
i stood, mingling with others in the room, even laughing at a joke one said.
i was at the after party and celebratory party of the awards show. i wasn’t planning on going, to be honest, but the duffer brothers promised that we’ll be quick and to treat us to whatever we want after the party.  
i excused myself from the conversation that i was in and went to get myself a glass of water. as i was pouring myself some water, i feel a tap on my shoulder. i turn around and see (y/n) with a smile on her face.
i nearly knock over the glass of water in my hands, but i manage to catch it before it falls. i hear her laugh and i try to keep myself together.
“guess i made a big impact on you to make you react like that,” she says and i chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of my neck with my free hand. “guess you did.” i drink the half remains of my water and i nearly choke when i hear her say, “so, i hear that i’m your celebrity crush.”
i cough out loud and repeatedly pound on my chest. “what?!”
“don’t worry. you’re also my celebrity crush.” she winks and i feel my cheeks warm up.
to sum it all up, (y/n) and i spent the entire night together and some how, the night ended with a kiss on the cheek and a date the next day.
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ahoybyeler · 6 years
tag game
tagged by: @trashmouths-love-to-cuddle (thanks for the tag ily!)
1. drink - water
2. phone call - my dad
3. text message - a group chat
4. song you listened to - africa (the weezer version)
5. time you cried - hmm idk prolly the last time my mom yelled at me a lot
6. dated someone twice? - nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it - no
8. been cheated on - nope
9. lost someone special - no
10. been depressed - lowkey but not really
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - huhh no
Favorite colors
12. orange
13. blue
14. pastel yellow 
In the last year have you-
15. made new friends - yeahh, but I made a lot near the end of the school year
16. fallen out of love - no
17. laughed until you cried - ye
18. found out someone was talking about you - yeah, but it was funny to me
19. met someone who changed you - not really a specific person, but meeting a lot of people on tumblr changed how i view things a little, and educated me more
20. found out your friends are - 11/10 (most of them)
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - uhh i’m not that old i don’t have fb (jkjk)
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - nope
23. do you have any pets - no, i used to have fish but they ded
24. do you want to change your name - no
25. what did you do for your last birthday - went over to my friends house, and had dinner w/ another friend
26. what time did you wake up today - 9ish
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - like going upstairs to sleep
28. what is something you can’t wait for - honestly, idk, I just want someting good to happen
29. when was the last time you saw your mom - like 5 mins ago, she just left the house to go somewhere
30. what are you listening to right now - nothing, but my sister’s playing her annoying ass starfall music, so ig that counts
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom - yes, my dad’s boss
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - my sister, also the table that i’m sitting at is messy
33. most visited website- youtube, discord, tumblr
34. hair color - dark dark brown
35. long or short hair - long but not super long
36. do you have a crush on someone - ye but he’s lowkey annoying but iss ok
37. what do you like about yourself - my eyelashes
38. want any piercings - i would want a second ear piercing, but my ears are super sensitive, so prolly not gonna happen
39. blood type- a+ just like my grades (hah i’m joking)
40. nicknames - bitch, dumbass, hoe, haz
41. relationships status - single pringle
42. zodiac - gemini
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - stranger things, everything sucks, dance academy
45. right or left handed - right
46. ever had surgery - nope
47. tattoos- no
48. piercings- just my ears
49. sport - track but i hate it, and dance ig if that counts, but not a lot
50. vacation- i just wanna go to the beach 😩
51. trainers- nike
More general
52. eating - i was eating some greek chicken pita thing
53. drinking - was drinking water
54. I’m about to watch - some shit on youtube
55. waiting for - a manz 😩 
56. want - to go get ramen
57. get married - i mean i’d like to, but i would still be ok with being in a non-married relationship if it was healthy and stable
58. career - idk i’m a mess
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - never kissed anyone, so hugs ig (but only from certain people)
60. Lips or eyes - eyes
61. Shorter or taller - taller (bc i’m short af)
62. Younger or older - idk, i’ve always had crushes on ppl about the same age as me, a few months either way. so ig about the same age (like a couple years either way) would be good.
63. Nice arms or stomach - stomach (does this mean abs?)
64. Hookup or relationship - depends on the person, but prolly relationship
65. Trouble maker or relationship - relationship
Have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no
67. drank hard liquor - yeah but just a super diluted sip, it was gross
68. lost glasses - ye, but i got them back
69. turned someone down - i mean,, i was pretty young so idk if it really counts
70. has sex on the first date - no
71. broken someones heart - i don’t think so?? probably not
72. has your heart broken - ye
73. cried when someone died - no 
74. fallen for a friend - idk if we were actually friends, so imma say no
75. been arrested - no
Do you believe in
76. yourself - sometimes
77. marcels - what’s a marcel?? sorry i’m dumb just idk
78. love at first sight - no
79. Santa claus - no
80. a kiss on a first date - yes
81. angels - no (but people can be like angels)
82. best friends name (s) - peppa pig, myaya, amyoloa, poopj, aryaa
83. eye color - brown
84. favorite movie - three idiots, coco
85. favorite actor - noah schnapp, finn wolfhard, tom holland
tags: @ohsoreddie @aexo289 @harringtonwife @stellarlosersclub @danielle-010 @danny-dyke @who-the-buck-is-stucky @cocoe-13 @strangerthanyou011
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fight-me-wyatt · 6 years
Finn Wolfhard ~ Mistletoe ~ part one
Request/Prompt: Nope. Just a special since its Finns birthday on the 23rd and Christmas on the 25th. 
Ship:  Finn Wolfhard x fem!reader 
Summary: (for part one) Finn and the reader are childhood friends but kinda drifted apart. Finn invites her over for his birthday/Christmas party with all his cast mates. 
Type: Fluff! 
Warning: Only warning would be swearing, I think. 
 Word count: 2356 (including A/Ns) 
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know! I'm going to be doing something a little different for this, and I'm going to post each day for them on the actual day (New Zealand time), so it'll be split into 5 parts. If that makes sense. Hope you guys don't mind me doing it this way! Tbh im not sure if ill be able to write it all in time, but might as well give it a shot!
Gif credit goes to @shitposting-tozier
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2 1 s t   D e c e m b e r . 
"Y/N pleeeeeaaassseeee" the muffled voice of Finn Wolfhard begged through the phone, "everyone's dying to meet you!" 
 I sighed and plopped down on the couch, spinning so I was upside down with my legs over the top and my hair brushing the ground. 
I loved talking to Finn and hearing his voice, but right now I was ready to end the call. 
"I don't know Finn... They're probably just saying that for your sake." I mumbled, staring at the world from an upside down point-of-view. 
Finn groaned through the phone and I rolled my eyes at his over-dramatising. It was cute, but extremely annoying. 
"Pretty please, Y/N?! I really want you there, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages! It'll just be like when we were younger and had family Christmas parties." He offered, trying to get me to come. 
He wanted me to agree to go to a Birthday/Christmas party he was having with all his cast mates and stuff. And as someone from his past, not really his present; I wasn't very keen to go. 
 Our families used to live next door, so Finn and I grew up together. We were best friends and we did everything together. Every year we had a massive neighbourhood Christmas party. But since the Wolfhards moved away, and with Finns acting, it got harder and harder trying to catch up. We kind of drifted apart, despite both of our efforts. 
I sighed, closing my eyes. 
The more we talked, the harder it was to say goodbye. The more I saw him, the harder it was to deny my feelings. 
"I don't know Finn. You'll be fine without me, you've got all your new friends there. I really wouldn't fit in. I'd be the only non-Cast mate. It would just be me sitting in a corner while everyone else has fun. I appreciate the offer, dude, but it's a no." I said softly, chewing my lip anxiously just thinking about the situation.
The more time I spent with him, the more likely it was for him to find out. 
On the other side of the phone there was quiet. Maybe he had finally given up? 
"Y/N/N, I wouldn't want to be there without you. You're my oldest and bestest friend, and I want to introduce you to my other friends so that all of my friends can be friends! I know for a fact you'd fit in. Josh will be there as well, so you won't be the only non-cast member! And if you end up sitting in a corner, I'll come sit with you. But, I guess, if you really don't want to go and it'd just going to make you uncomfortable, you don't have to come...." Finn said reassuringly. 
I pondered for a long moment, thinking through my options. 
Surely I could manage an hour or so... Just for Finn.. And he was right, we hasn't seen each other in ages, and I missed him so much. It was only one night, right? It wouldn't be that hard to act like the me that he knows, the one that was completely and utterly his platonic best friend... Right? 
"Fine. But only for you, asshole." I sighed. 
I heard a loud cheer from the phone, and laughed. 
Shit. What have I gotten myself into. 
"You weren't gonna give me the option to not go were you?" I asked, knowing the answer. 
"Nope. I was gonna keep bugging you." Finn said in a very happy voice. 
I simply laughed and wrote down the details of the party, not really listening. 
23rd. Finns house. Sleepover. Ugly Christmas sweater. 
"Okay, see you later, Finn" I said, wanting to get off the phone before ten minutes turned into two hours. 
"See ya, Y/N/N!" He responded. 
We hung up and I sighed, slowly sliding off the couch like a snake. My heart was pounding even from just hearing his voice.
I was screwed royally. 
Finns POV 
I put my phone down, letting out a sigh. I lean my head back against the couch and smile. 
It wasn't a great execution, but I got the intended end result, so that's all that matters. I sat up and opened my eyes to see the boys grinning at me expectantly.
I rolled my eyes and nodded, sending them up into cheers. Nic and Wyatt both slapped my back in congratulation and Jaeden wiped away a fake tear. 
"Guys, it's not that big of a deal." I groaned, running my hands through my messy hair. 
I mean, it was a big deal, but I wasn't going to tell them that. I had to act normal. Might as well get some practice in at it before Y/N came over for the party. 
Chosen scoffed and looked at me with raised eyebrows. 
"Dude, you've been spending all morning freaking out and writing a script for what to say to her, just to invite her to your party, despite knowing each other since forever." He teased. 
"And when you finally actually called her you couldn't stop blushing, and stammering and biting your lip." Dustin piped up. 
"Oh, and when she agreed to come you cheered as if you won a gold medal at the Olympics." Caleb said nudging me. 
I could feel my face heat up but I just rolled my eyes. 
"Whatever" I muttered sheepishly, glad that they had finished attacking me. 
Sophia walked in then, having gone shopping with my mom for some 'much needed girl time'. 
She looked at all the boys surrounding me, the blush on my face and the phone beside me, and quickly realised what was happening. 
"Oh, and don't forget about how he never shut up about her on set." She teased, one hand on her hip, the other holding a Starbucks coffee. 
 I groaned and buried my face in my hands as they all went around the circle, saying something I had said or done that gave it away. 
Everyone except Millie and Sadie added something in, and that was only because they hadn't arrived yet. 
Soon, Josh was telling them stories about times I had made an idiot of myself in front of her, since the three of us used to spend a lot of time together. 
Eventually, when my face was as red as a fire truck, I spoke up. 
"Okay. Fine. You got me. I have massive fucking crush on my best friend, Y/N, but there's no point. She only likes me as a friend, barely even that I think. Besides, I don't want to ruin the friendship, so please don't mention it to her?" I sighed, giving up. 
Jaeden rolled his eyes, but nodded. "Took you long enough to admit it, dumbass." He said grinning. 
"And we won't tell her. Yet. We have to actually meet her first and see if she's right for you, then we'll think about telling her." Jeremy grinned, winking. 
Sophia plopped down onto a spare chair, sighing. 
"I just can't wait to be the only girl. I mean there's gonna be three other girls here. That's like three more than I'm used to" Sophia grinned, changing the subject, thank god. 
 "Speaking of, when does Millie and Sadies plane arrive? I wonder how their holiday was..." Noah asked, checking his watch. 
"9pm tonight," I replied nodding, looking at my own watch. 
It was only mom and I that went to pick up the girls, since we wouldn't all fit in a car, and needed space for their luggage. 
It gave me a good opportunity to think. 
How was I gonna greet Y/N? Should I play it cool? Or act like I used to when my feelings were purely platonic? Or should I go out on a limb and flirt with her? 
I decided on acting. I was good at acting, I could do that easy. Just act like I didn't get butterflies whenever I see or hear her, act as if the way she would grin at me expectantly after telling a shifty joke, didn't effect me at all. Act like I didn't care whether or not she noticed me. Act as if she didn't make me feel weak in the knees or make my heart flutter whenever she looked at me with her gorgeous eyes.... Act like I didn't want to kiss her on those cute lips of hers that seemed to draw my eyes in like a magnet. Easy. 
I sighed deeply, wiping my face with my hand as if this would wipe away my thoughts. 
My mom looked at me concerned, before turning her attention back to the road. 
"Are you okay, honey? That was a big sigh. Do you still want to have the party? It's not too late to cancel." She said, her voice thick with concern and love. 
I shook my head simply. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. I still want to have the party, it's just..." I trailed off weakly. 
 "It's just, what? You can tell me, Finn, it's okay." She prompted. 
"It's just that I have this... This crush.. On this girl whose coming to the party, and I don't know how to act around her. I really, really like her, mom, but I don't want to ruin our friendship." I sighed, letting it all out. 
It felt good to vent. 
Mom smiled, quickly glancing at me. 
"And this girl, are we going to pick her up right now?" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her. 
"No, mom." I glared at her. 
She nodded, slowly. 
“That Sophia is a very nice girl, Finn, and I think-" 
"It's not Sophia either." I mumbled, cutting her off. 
She gasped, her eyes widening. 
"You like Y/N! Oh, Finny! Aw, wait until I tell Y/M/N! We've been waiting for this since you were just kids!" She squealed uncharacteristically like a schoolgirl. 
My eyes widened in alarm. 
"Mom! No! Both Y/N and her mom are not finding out about this! And that's really weird." 
 She simply shrugged, and reached over to ruffle my hair. 
"Okay, Finny. I just think you two would be adorable together." 
I rolled my eyes and slumped into the seat of the car, wanting to melt into it. 
"Honey, just know that if your friendship is important enough to the both of you, even if she doesn't share the same feelings about you, as you do for her, your friendship will stay the same. It might be awkward at first, but she's not worth it if she can't keep the lifelong friendship you guys have, just because of a crush." Mom said calmly and reassuringly, smiling at me gently, "but something tells me that you guys will figure it all out." 
I nodded, smiling softly, hoping what she said was true. 
 Millie and Sadie both fell asleep in the car on the way home. 
The reunion between me and them must've taken up what little energy they had left after a long flight from London, where they had flown to from Mexico. 
 Millie and Sadie had run to meet us, and engulfed me and then my mom in a big hug each. 
When Millie gave me a hug, she whispered in my ear, "I can't wait to meet her." 
I had groaned, responding, "they told you already?" 
She had laughed and nodded, "texted me just as the plane landed." 
When Sadie had given me a hug that seemed to have way too much strength from someone her size, she whispered, "Sounds like you're head over heels from what I've heard, Finn." 
Unable to stop the blush, I just laughed nervously. 
She grinned at me before going over to give my mom a hug. 
“Thank you so much for letting us stay with you, Mrs. Wolfhard." I only just heard the girls say. 
I was too busy caught up in my own thoughts. 
Slowly, I walked to the car behind the others. 
Everyone, apart from Y/N -hopefully-, knew that I was crushing on her, hard. Would someone let it slip that I liked her? Or, more likely, would they hint at it very heavily until she caught on? Would she, then, laugh at me with everyone about how stupid I was? Would she- 
"Finn!" Mom said loudly and I snapped out of my thoughts. 
"We're at the the car, sweetie." 
She gestured to the car, the girls in the backseat, giggling. 
I smiled sheepishly. 
"Oh, yeah, right, sorry." I said and jumped in the passenger seat. 
"Daydreaming about someone were we, Finny?" Millie teased as Sadie made kissy faces beside her, teasing me. 
I rolled my eyes and pulled the finger at them before focusing ahead. 
When we reached home, everyone else was asleep. I guess all of the reunions were going to be tomorrow morning. 
I showed the girls their bedroom where Sophia was already sound asleep and said goodnight, before retreating to my own room. 
I almost stepped on a snoring Jeremy, and Chosen muttered in his sleep, worrying me that I had woken him up. 
I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. 
There's part one! How was it? Good enough to make you want to read part two, hopefully! Let me know how I can improve etc!
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totaltozier · 7 years
Paranoia - Finn x Reader Imagine
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note: I changed it from truth or dare to Paranoia (idk if you know that game) but it’s sort of the same thing and I hope you still like it!
Plot: the party plays a game of paranoia which ends in your favour.
Word Count: 1843
It was a rainy Saturday afternoon and everyone was at Finn’s house lounging around. It was one of those rare weekends were nothing was planned regarding interviews or promos although the whole cast still chose to be with each other.
The movie you were all watching had just finished and as the credits rolled through Gaten stood up from his seat. “That movie was great, but what now guys?”
“I don’t know, watch another movie?” Caleb suggested.
Millie groaned, “We’ve already watched two movies. Let’s do something else, please.”
“Well what are we gonna do then?” Gaten asked.
Everyone looked around, thinking of something to possibly do. There were a few moments of silence before someone finally spoke up.
“Let’s play a game!” Sadie exclaimed.
“Ooh! Let’s play truth or dare!” Millie said.
“Nah, that’s too cliché,” Finn said. “I’ve got the perfect game to play!” Everyone waited for Finn to continue. He looked over at me and the smirk on his face made me worried about what he was going to say next. “It’s called Paranoia,” he wiggled his fingers all mystical in front of his face.
“What the hell is that?” Noah asked.
Finn leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees. “Basically, we all sit in a circle,” he motioned for us to move to the floor and sit down. “This is a shit circle but anyways, now one person will think of a question and the answer would have to be someone in the circle and they have to ask it to the person sitting next to them. For example, Noah decides to ask Sadie ‘who is the best looking?’ Obviously, the answer would be me, Finn. But Noah has to whisper the question to her so no one else can hear and Sadie answers out loud. So, no one knows the question but we all know the answer.”
“Okay, but do we ever get to know the question?” You ask.
“That is where it gets interesting! So, if Noah asked Sadie who was the best looking and she answered Finn, if I was dying to know what the question was, I can ask Noah what it was but I have to do something crazy or gross that he gets to choose for me” he finished explaining.
“Sounds wild! I’m in!” Millie stated.
“Me too!” Gaten said.
“I came up with the idea so I’m going to go first, duh” Finn decided. He turned to Millie who was beside him and put his hand up to her ear and started to whisper.
Millie nodded her head and thought to herself for a second. “Hmmm. Well, I’m go to say Caleb!”
Everyone in the circle looked to Caleb who had a curious look on his face. “Well okay then.” Caleb leaned over to Gaten who was sat next to him. Everyone waited in anticipation.
Gaten listened quietly then answered. “Definitely Noah!”
Noah looked scared and looked around at everyone’s faces. “I kind of want to know what the question was…”
“I’ve already got a dare in mind!” Caleb said. “You can find out the question if you’re up for it!”
“Umm, well what is it?” Noah asked cautiously.
“You have to drink one cup of pickle juice! All of it!” Caleb said.
Noah thought for a moment. “Nah, I don’t need to know that badly.” Everyone laughed.
“Okay Noah, your turn” Finn said.
Noah leaned over to you and whispered into your ear. “Well not Gaten, that’s for sure” Gaten looked offended while everyone giggled around him. “I’d say it’s Sadie!”
Next it was Sadie’s turn and she leaned over to Finn. She laughed to herself as she pulled away, a cheeky grin on her face.
A pink blush quickly creeped its way up Finn’s neck and onto his cheeks. “Do I have to answer that?” He asked looking at Sadie.
“Yes, you do, it’s how the game works!” Sadie replied.
Finn looked around the circle before stopping to lay his eyes on you. Making strong eye contact he smiled, still blushing, and said “Y/N.”
“Awww, that’s cute! I totally knew it!” Sadie exclaimed, punching Finn’s arm in a playful way.
Finn was still looking at you with a smile and you could feel the blush on your cheeks now too. You couldn’t help but wonder what the question was.
“Ooh, look at Finn he’s totally blushing!” Caleb called out.
Millie joined in on the teasing, “oh I wonder what the question was! Don’t you want to know Y/N?”
You looked around at everyone and thought for a second. Yes, you wanted to know what the question was but at the same time you didn’t want to have to do something terrible or gross. Everyone was egging you on so eventually you decided that you would ask what it was.
“Yes! This will be great! Follow me!” Sadie stood up from the floor and made her way into the kitchen. You groaned and slowly got up to meet her by the fridge. Sadie was pulling things out of the fridge left, right, and center. “Let’s see, what do we have?” She mumbled to herself. By this point the others had gotten up and entered the kitchen also. You felt Finn walk up behind you and place his hand on your shoulder.
“What do you think she’s going to make you do?” Finn said quietly into your ear.
You tilted your head back towards him and answered, “I’m not sure but hopefully it won’t be too terrible.”
“You want to know why I said your name that badly, eh?” Finn questioned with a grin.
“I want to know all your secrets, Wolfhard” you said back with a wink which caused Finn to laugh.
“Okay!” Sadie announced. “Presenting to you the lumpiest, the craziest, the I-Don’t-Know-If-You’ll-Actually-Drink-This Paranoia Smoothie!” Sadie slid a large glass over the counter towards you that was filled with a brownish grey coloured liquid inside. “Drink half of that and I’ll tell you the question!”
You picked up the glass with a look of grimace and carefully smelled the odd liquid. “What is even in this, Sadie?” You asked.
“If I told you, you wouldn’t want to drink it.”
The smoothie looked disgusting but you really did want to know what the question Finn was asked that you were the answer to. You sighed before pinching your nose and taking a big gulp of the drink. Everyone cheered you on as you threw back half of the smoothie before throwing down the glass onto the counter, coughing as the after taste hit.
“What did it taste like?” Millie asked you.
You coughed again. “Brown” you replied and everyone laughed. “Please tell me the question before I need to throw up from that awful drink.”
Sadie and Finn looked at each other. “I think Finn should tell you” Sadie said with a sly smirk.
Finn turned to look at you. “Fine, but can I at least tell her alone?” Everyone let out mixed answers. Caleb and Gaten saying no but Millie and Noah saying yes.
“Yeah go ahead” Sadie decided.
Finn grabbed your hand and lead you down the hall towards his room. He closed the door as you went to sit on his bed before plopping himself down next to you.
“So, what’s the question and why do you only want me to hear it?” You asked with a funny feeling inside.
Finn exhaled and grabbed your hands to hold in his. “Well, um, so, I…”
“Just spit it out, Finn!” You said, needing to know what he has to say.
He looked up to meet your eyes. “I- Sadie asked me who I had a crush on in the circle.”
You blinked in shock. “I don’t understand- “
“I said you because well, I’ve liked you for a long time now and obviously Sadie knew that so she wanted me to finally tell you and she knew that you’re a little bit nosy and would want to know the question and now you do know the question and the answer is you. It’s always been you.” Finn stopped rambling and broke eye contact.
You still hadn’t said anything, you were too shocked to even try. You had liked Finn ever since you met and had only hoped that he would ever like you back.
“I only wanted to say it alone so I wouldn’t have to get rejected in front of everyone else.” Finn let go of your hands and ran his fingers through his bushy hair.
You reached out gently and lifted his chin up so he would look you in the eyes again. “Hey, why do you think I’d reject you, Finn? You’re my best friend.”
“Exactly, we’re best friends and you probably want to keep it that way,” he sighed. “It’s okay if you do.”
You reach out to hold his hand again. “I don’t though. Yeah, you’re my best friend but I’ve wanted you to be more than that for so long” you explained.
Excitement lit up on Finn’s face. “You do?”
You smiled, “Yeah of course! I’ve sort of liked you since we first met.”
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Finn asked.
“I could ask you the same thing, Wolfhard” you joked.
Finn let go to scratch the back of his head nervously. “Um, well then do you want to go out with me, Y/N?” he asked with a shy smile.
“I’d love to, Finn.” You both leaned in for a hug which lasted longer than the ones you’ve shared before.
Without noticing, the two of you had gotten closer together on the bed and when you let go you were only inches apart. Finn looked at you and smiled.
“I kind of want to kiss you right now” he whispered just loud enough for you to hear.
“Then do it” you said, wanting him to kiss you as well.
Finn leaned in and closed the gap, kissing you for the first time. It felt perfect, you could feel the sparks flying in your head. You both pulled away and opened your eyes smiling at each other. Before either of you could say anything, there was a knock at the door.
“Can you guys finally come back? It’s been years already!” You could hear Caleb shouting from behind the door.
You both laughed while Finn got off the bed and reached for your hand to pull you up to standing. “Shall we go tell them?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
You opened the door and walked out to join everyone else.
“So, how’d it go?” Millie asked with a huge smile on her face.
You and Finn looked at each other and he lifted your intertwined hands to show everyone else. “We’re officially dating now!”
Everyone cheered and congratulated you both, Sadie claiming that she knew it was going to happen all along.
“I knew you were going to get together eventually, you guys are perfect for each other!” Millie said.
You looked to Finn and smiled big. “Yeah, I guess we kind of are.”
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