#and i feel like he’s gonna get a red card this match
enassbraid · 26 days
I find it very hard to believe that Kaiser has no emotional connection with Ness. Kaiser was also isolated most his life, and even if he was manipulating Ness and using him as a “dog,” it’s clear that he still relied on him emotionally in some ways, whether he’s aware of that or not.
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tootiecakes234 · 5 months
Going to the Hero Awards with Katsuki for the first time:
You and Mina had been doing prep ALL DAY. The hair, the makeup, final dress fittings, you name it. It was kinda nice, like a self pampering that was being funded by the best boyfriend of all time. Katsuki had given you his card and told the both of you to go nuts. He had to work the day of so he’d be getting home just in time to get ready and leave.
Mina had helped you pick out the cutest dress you’d even seen and it was orange to match Katsuki’s hero theme. Your other accessories being black with slight hints of green here and there.
You’re not gonna lie, you were VERY nervous. This was a big award for him. He’d ended up being number six at the last one and this was the year he breaks into the top 5.
Kats has been acting like it’s not a big deal but you’ve been able to feel how anxious he’s really been. So tonight you were gonna focus on holding yourself together and being there for him in whatever way he needed.
You were touching up your makeup just a little when you heard the front door open. He’s running behind.
“Fuck, I know I’m late. I gotta hop in the shower and FUCK! I never picked up my clothes from the-“, he was pacing around the room like a madman.
“Hey, hey.” And you placed your hands on his shoulders to steady him for a minute. “I have your clothes, they’re hanging up in the closet above your shoes. I have your hair stuff laid out on the counter and you might wanna get a quick shave in too.” You say as you run your hands along his stubble.
And he takes a deep breath. And then another.
“Thanks, I got sidetracked at work and time got away from me.”
“ ‘s fine. You’ve got time. Go ahead and hop in the shower and let me know if your need anything, yeah?”
He leans down a places a soft kiss to your forehead and then heads for the bathroom.
Yeah, this was gonna be a long night.
When Katsuki comes out of the bathroom he’s gotta towel wrapped around his waist and he’s looking a lot more himself.
You were sitting down putting on your shoes, but you stop and look up because you noticed he’s not moving anymore.
“What’s wrong?” You ask him.
“You look…… incredible” and the way you start blushing is insane. You cant even make eye contact with him. His compliments are usually never that straightforward. It shocked you a bit.
“Thanks” you whisper softly. And then outta the corner of your eye you see him striding toward you.
“Kats-“ but your lips are covered by his and you just know he’s gonna be covered in your lipstick.
When he pulls back he has a full grin on his face.
“Damn, I feel a lot better now. Gonna have the hottest woman on my arm and I’m gonna finally be in the top 5. Was worried about nothin.”
The smile that shines in your eyes is worth a million dollars.
“You’re not gonna have any of that if you don’t finish getting dressed so we can leave.” And you start pushing him away. “Go. Hurry up”
“Yeah yeah, ‘m goin” he mumbles as he walks away.
“And wipe the lipstick off your face” you shout behind him.
You guys manage to make it just before the doors close for the event and you’re sat at a table with Eijirou and Mina.
They go through the whole spiel of course before they start announcing the Hero’s in their order.
This year Pinky was number 18 which was 6 whole spots higher than last year and Red Riot broke into the top 10 sitting at number 8. You cheered so loud for your friends, but you didn’t fail to notice that Kats hand had slipped into yours and was holding on pretty tight.
He kept a straight face but he was beyond wrecked on the inside. You look over at him and give the the most encouraging smile you can muster.
The numbers continued to be listed off they’d finally gotten into the top 5. He hadn’t heard his name at 5 or 4.
“Coming in as the number 3 Hero in Japan, Great Explosion Murder God: Dynamight. “
He’d broken into the top 3!! You looked over at him and his face was as stoic as ever. Ever the cool man on the outside. This man leaned over, placed a quick kiss to your lips and then walked onto the stage to accept his prize.
“Ugh, yea I worked hard for this. It’s well deserved. Thanks to my agency and the best girl a guy could ask for…. Next year I’ll be number 1.” And then He just walks off.
Everyone else had given these heartfelt speeches but his was of course sweet simple and to the point.
Katsuki has grown up, doesn’t mean he’s changed all that much.
Number 1 ends up being Izuku for the second year in a row. When he walks past Katsuki they hug and congratulate each other. You were happy to see how far their relationship had come.
After the awards are given out, they had back to their seats and you guys have dinner. After, Everyone goes around congratulating and thanking. Most of them kissing ass really, but you digress. You’re in the middle of talking to some agent you really have no interest in talking to when you feel a warm arm wrap around your waist.
“I’m taking her now.”, you hear him say as he starts dragging you off.
“Hey, that was really rude.”
“Too damn bad. I’m number 3 hero, I do what I want” he says and you can hear the smirk on his face.
“Where are you taking me, Mr. Bigshot” ?
“Home. We came, we saw, we conquered. Now I get to have my real prize all to myself.
“And what would that be?” You ask as coyly as you can muster.
“Obviously you dummy. Wanna see how good that dress looks bunched around your waist” he whispers against your ear.
That has you walking with a pep in your step to get out to your car and home.
This had turned out to be a lot better than you’d expected it to.
Katsuki Masterlist
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 4 months
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Shipping Out
Pairing: Tom Bennett (World on Fire) x f!reader Warnings: Drinking, smoking, public sex, smut. Word count: ~1.5k
Summary: Just trust me on this one, and read all the way to the end.
Author's note: A little birthday treat for @bottlesandbarricades. No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
The pub is crowded and noisy, the humidity of the air making her carefully coiffed curls cling to the back of her neck with perspiration. It’s not often that she frequents this side of Manchester, but the change of scenery is a refreshing switch of pace to the monotony of everyday life. Laughter, music and the clinking of glasses is preferable to the whir of the factory sewing machines.
She taps her red lacquered nails against the wood of the bar, wrinkling her nose at the stickiness of the wooden surface beneath her palm. If the frequency with which it’s wiped down is any indication of the attentiveness of the barkeep then she’s in for a long wait for a drink.
Sighing, she fishes her cigarette case from her handbag, flipping it open and plucking one out. No sooner has she placed it between her lips than a hand is clicking a flame to life before the end of it, turning it a glowing cherry red. She casts her gaze upwards through the steady plume of smoke, met by twinkling blue eyes and a cocky smirk, as the chivalrous stranger deposits his lighter back into his trouser pocket and regards her with a tip of his head.
“Thanks,” she says with an easy smile, taking the smoke between her fingers and exhaling a tight line of vapour up towards the ceiling.
“Don’t mention it,” he replies with a wink. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this then?”
God, that’s a terrible line.
She bites back a laugh, and decides to humour him. “Trying to get a drink, service in here is awful though.”
He purses his lips, eyes raking over her from head to toe, before nodding. “Can’t be having that.” Slapping a hand against the bartop, he calls out, “Oi! My lady friend and I are dying of thirst over here! Anyone serving?”
She raises her eyebrows in disbelief, but doesn’t have to wait long until a middle aged, irritated looking woman makes her way around the corner to the pair of them and grumpily takes their order. She’s long since finished her cigarette by the time the glasses are placed heavily down in front of them.
He doesn’t even ask what she wants to drink; she ends up with a gin and tonic, while he has a pint. It’s what she would have ordered anyway, but the bold presumption unsettles her regardless.
Sipping her drink, she relishes in the way the fizzy bitterness envelopes her tongue as she takes in what he’s wearing; navy blue slacks and a matching long sleeved smock, with a white striped collar.
“Shouldn’t you be on a boat somewhere, sailor?”
He grins, setting his glass down on a dog eared beer mat. “Just so happens I’ve been given a night of shore leave. I ship out again tomorrow.”
“Lucky me,” she says with a coy smile.
“If you play your cards right you might be.”
There’s that smirk again. She watches as he takes out a packet of Lucky Strike, perching one between his lips before offering one to her. She gratefully accepts, and he’s quick to light it for her, before doing the same to his own.
Every table is full, but she doesn’t mind, she’s content just to prop up the bar with him, ignoring the ache of her feet as they lapse into effortless conversation. He’s handsome, if a little overeager and she pays rapt attention as he entertains her with stories of his time aboard the HMS Exeter.
She’s on her third gin and tonic of the evening when he leans in to whisper to her.
“So, I might not see another woman for months after tonight. You gonna help me make it one to remember?”
Feeling her cheeks heat up, she giggles softly. “What did you have in mind?”
“Oh, I’m sure we’ll find a way for you to thank me for my loyal service to our country,” he tells her, taking her hand and leading her out of the pub.
Allowing the gin to fuel her confidence, before she can change her mind, she lets him guide her outside. Even met with the sobering chill of the night air, she offers up no protest when he pulls her into the ginnel, the brickwork biting into her back as he pushes her up against the wall and captures her lips with her.
It’s a messy kiss, moist and desperate with need. He tastes of beer and tobacco as she welcomes his tongue against her own with parted lips, her fingertips sliding over the breadth of his shoulders and up into the cropped softness of his sandy coloured hair.
Pressing tighter against her, he groans appreciatively, mouth moving from hers to travel a path across her jaw and down her neck, as his hands find their way up her skirt. One teases the top of her stocking while the other presses against her clothed core, making her gasp.
His touch is hurried, not as thorough as she’d like, yet she feels a growing stickiness between her thighs regardless. The warmth of his fingers and lips against her makes her feel desired, and she is lightheaded, almost giddy, to see the effect she’s having on him.
Instinctively, she parts her legs wider as he dips beneath her knicker elastic, stroking eagerly through her folds.
“Christ, you’re soaked,” he rasps against the shell of her ear, “bet you’d let me fuck you right here, if I wanted, wouldn’t you?”
She bites her bottom lip, stifling her quiet whimper as his strokes against her cause her to throb. “Please…”
“Since you asked nicely…” He pulls back, blue eyes dark with intent as he makes quick work of unbuckling his belt, lowering his trousers and briefs just enough to free his erection.
Even in the darkness of the alleyway she can see that he’s thick and heavy, and he pumps lazily at himself, while his free hand reaches into his pocket.
“Leave that,” she tells him, as she spots the foil of the sheath wrapper.
He raises an eyebrow, pursing his lips as he stares at her. “You sure?”
“Yeah,” she whispers.
That’s all the confirmation he needs, slipping the packet away and surging forward. He pulls her underwear to the side, grasping the base of himself and pushes forcefully into her in one motion.
The movement knocks all the air from her lungs. Though she is wet, the public nature of their tryst leaves little time for him to prepare her fully, the luxury of time is not on their side, but in their desperation neither one of them cares. It stings, the fullness of him pushing against her, but it’s a pleasurable hurt.
Her breaths leave her mouth in shallow pants as he pistons his hips into her, lifting one of her legs to hook her thigh around his hip. She wraps her arms around his neck, clinging to him as he rocks into her, his forehead pushed up against hers.
“Filthy slut,” he grits out, “bet you’d let me do anything to you, wouldn’t you?”
“Y-yeah…” she whines, feeling his fingers press tighter into the meat of her thigh.
His brow furrows, and he grunts, his pace becoming sloppy and erratic. While the ache builds steadily inside of her, she worries he’ll finish before she does. The thought is fleeting, and as though he’s read her mind, the hand not gripping her thigh slips between them, fingers rubbing tight circles against her bud. She clenches around him, the added stimulation serving to intensify the tightening in her lower belly.
“That’s it,” he mutters, “come on.”
He pulsates inside of her, knocking against a spot that makes her tip over the edge suddenly, and she lets out a choked cry, a rolling wave of weightlessness travelling from her head to her toes. Her walls spasm around him and he pushes himself in to the hilt, a groan of relief escaping him as he spills himself inside of her.
They stay like that for a few moments, both catching their breath as their bodies relax. He grins as he pulls back slightly, before leaning in to pepper her face with soft, playful kisses.
“Tommy!” She huffs a laugh, swatting at his shoulder.
He slips out of her, stepping back to tuck himself away and fasten his belt. “Thought we weren’t supposed to be using our names? Part of the fun was pretending we don’t know each other.”
She scoffs, putting her gusset back into place as she feels his spend start to drip out of her, and smooths her skirt back down. “Think you ruined that when you ordered my drink without asking what I wanted. A stranger wouldn’t know I like gin and tonic!”
Tom rolls his eyes and chuckles, offering his arm for her to take. “Right, right. Well, I’ll remember for next time. Whatever you need for me to fulfill your fantasies.”
“Right now, my only fantasy is being at home in bed. That pub is horrible,” she tells him as they begin to walk down the street arm in arm.
“You wanted the uniform. I wasn’t gonna take us somewhere someone we know would see and take the piss.”
She laughs, gripping his arm tighter as she looks up at him. “Was fun though, wasn’t it?”
He gazes down at her with hooded eyes as they continue to walk. “I’ve had worse nights.”
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coryosmin · 2 months
politician coryo just spoiling you so you go on some lingerie shopping and when you show it to him + doing a 360 twirl and coryo just bends her over and literally dumb fucks her idk if should be a blurb or one shot but it all up to u
nsfw | mdni
imagine coryo just giving you his card before he goes to work for the day, telling you to spend the day shopping for whatever your heart desires and to put on a lil show for him when he gets home. so that’s exactly what you do. you go all out too.
you bought yourself some cute outfits, new shoes, makeup, etc. but your favorite part? buying yourself beautiful lingerie sets that you know coryo would adore on you wholeheartedly. so when coryo came home after a long day of spreading his political agenda, he came home to you sat in the living room wearing a crimson red sheer lingerie dress that showed the matching bra and panties underneath it while wearing a pair of crimson red heels to match. you were truly a sight to behold.
“did you buy this today?” coryo asked as he leaned against the doorway of the living room, his head resting on the doorframe.
you looked up from the book you had in your lap to look at your wonderful husband. you smiled, closing the book and standing up. “i did,” you said. you walked over to coryo while doing a cute little spin to show him the set. “do you like it?” you asked as you reached him, grabbing his hands.
coryo looked you up and down, smirking. “you look absolutely ravishing, my sweetheart,” he exclaimed, pulling you to him. he put a finger underneath your chin, guiding your face so he could kiss your lips softly but sensually.
it didn’t take long until you were pressed up against the wall of the living room, your front to the wall as you were bent over with your panties to the side as coryo thrusted into you hard and fast. his movements were frantic, clearly signaling his need for you and letting out the frustrations of the day.
you moaned loudly as coryo fucked your cunt. with each thrust of his cock, he hit your spongy spot so hard and good, just as you love it. “you look so beautiful taking my cock, darling,” coryo said shakily. “taking me so well.”
you nodded your head in response, eyes rolling to the back of your head. “feels so good, coryo,” you whined, pressing your hands up against the wall.
“yeah? you feel so good,” coryo replied, giving you a particularly harsh thrust. coryo groaned at the sensation, feeling your cunt tighten around his cock.
“oh fuck!” you moaned. you couldn’t think about anything else or formulate any other words in this moment. the only thing on your mind is coryo’s cock and how good it’s making you feel. and without any warning, you came hard around coryo’s cock.
coryo moaned as he felt you cumming on his cock, his own release hitting him as well. he spilled his seed inside of you, filling you up before pulling out and putting your panties back to wear they belong.
“keep these on until we get to bed tonight,” coryo explained breathlessly. “gonna fuck you again later.”
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chaotic-toasters · 2 months
Keep in Touch
If you cried, please let me know. I cried while writing this and now I feel like a wimp
Jen Beattie x Teen!Reader Arsenal WFC x Teen!Reader --------------------
You awoke to the creaking of your bedroom door, followed by the dipping of your bed.
"Hey, kiddo," your mam's voice soft, fingers carding through your hair. "Time to wake up. We've got a big day ahead of us."
You cracked your eyes open, blinking rapidly at the light streaming through your window. "Five more minutes?"
She smiled fondly. "Sorry, kiddo. We've got to finish packing, and then we're gonna meet the girls at Colney one last time before they send us off at the airport."
A few months ago, you and your mam had received almost identical offers from the newest team in the NWSL, Bay FC. Your mam had jumped at the promise of something new, but you'd hesitated.
Arsenal was all you'd ever known. You'd grown up in the academy, winning tournaments left and right before signing your first professional contract for the gunners at fifteen years old.
You had memories of Katie chasing you through the Emirates, practicing pens with Kim, and doing media with Leah. If you left, you wouldn't get to make any more of those memories that were so near and dear to your heart.
It was a difficult decision to make, one that your mam assured you was totally up to you. Any of the girls would take you in in a heartbeat if you wanted to stay.
You hated change, and you hated the position Bay FC's offer put you in. Whether you stayed or left, your life wouldn't be the same.
Stay, and be an ocean away from your mam.
Leave, and abandon everything you'd ever known since you were a wee child.
Stay or leave.
Your mam or your found family.
Pain or pain.
Realistically, as much as you dwelled on the decision, the choice was made the second you opened your email.
You could never leave your mam. Your mam who never forced you to do anything you didn't want to. Your mam who always made time for you. Your mam who would stay home from matches or training when you were sick. Your mam who always supported you and loved you.
So, you accepted. You accepted the offer to leave the WSL behind, comforted only by the knowledge that your mam would be right next to you the whole time.
It had hurt to accept the California team's offer, a metaphorical knife to the gut, but your teammates had reminded you that you were still in the early stages of your career and could come back later on. That had brought you some sense of relief, knowing that they would gladly welcome you back if you wanted to return.
But now, on the final day of your life in London, it all came crashing down, and you suddenly did not want to leave.
"O-kayyy," you mumbled, rolling off the bed. "When do we leave? To Colney?"
Your mam extended her hand, pulling you up. "In an hour. Get the rest of your stuff, and we'll have breakfast on the way."
"He—oof!" You grunted as someone tackled you into a hug, taking you both to the floor.
"I'm gonna miss you, kiddo," Leah's voice wavered. "So, so much."
You squeezed her tightly. "I'll miss you too, Lee. Who'll make fun of your five year-old diet now?"
Katie joined you on the floor, stealing you from Leah's embrace to pull you into her own. "I will, kid. Don't ye' worry."
Leah wiped away a stray tear. "You remember this, Y/N. Once a gunner, always a gunner. You hear me? You'll always have a place hear at Arsenal."
You smiled sadly as yet another one of your teammates stole you for a hug. "Thanks, Lee. I'm gonna miss you all so, so much."
"She was proper crabbit this mornin'," your mam said with a sad smile of her own. "She cried, yelled at me, cried again, then walked into the door frame because she couldn't see through her tears."
"Maaaam!" You turned red as your teammates laughed. "That didn't happen!"
Kim ruffled your hair. "It's okay, sweetheart. You did that exact thing with a goalpost when you were younger."
You tried unsuccessfully to hold in your laughter. "Kimmy!"
Your mam grinned. "Nothin' I'd rather be doing during my last day as a gunner than making fun of Y/N with you all."
Unfortunately for you, that was all that you and your teammates did for the remainder of your time together. Make fun of you. Oh, to be the baby of the gunners.
"I don't want you to leave," Kyra murmured, gripping your shoulders desperately as your flight was called. "You're like... my little sister."
You softened at the uncharacteristically wholesome confession, hugging the Aussie who you'd grown so close to tightly. "Keep in touch, Ky. We'll be sure to visit."
"You promise?" you'd never heard Kyra so vulnerable, not even when Australia had lost to England in the Semifinals and been knocked out of the World Cup.
"I promise. I love you."
"I love you too, Y/N."
It was Kim who scooped you up into a hug last, the Scotswoman practically having watched you grown up since your birth. Your second parent in the absence of your father.
"We'll miss you here, kiddo," she whispered in your ear as you tried to hold back tears. It was almost comical, the short Midfielder having to stand on her tippi toes to do so, barely able to reach you even as you leaned down to hear her. "You'd better call or I'm boardin' the nearest fly to San Francisco and takin' you back home."
You patted her on the back before pulling away, averting your eyes before you started bawling. "I will, Kimmy. I will."
As you and your mam boarded the plane, you shoved your fist into your mout to choke back a sob.
Sitting in your seat, the tearful goodbyes of your teammates echoed in your head. They hadn't wanted you to go, and you hadn't entirely wanted go either, torn between two sides, but you'd known this was the right decision. You'd stay with your mam, broadening your horizons and giving yourself more experience.
Staring out the window, you took in the landscape. The English landscape that you'd known your whole life, left behind as you started a new adventure in the United States.
As the plane took off, Leah's voice echoed in your head.
Once a gunner, always a gunner.
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7ndipity · 1 year
Dating Jungkook headcanons
Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: some swearing, a lil suggestive, I think that's it
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anon who requested this, I've never written a list like this before so it's a little scattered, sorry. Anyway I'm very soft for this man now, goodbye.
Requests are open
Dating Jungkook is, for lack of a better word, messy. But like in all the best ways.
Late night hangouts when y'all can't sleep and you just end up at the local convenience store, eating snacks or whatever and talking until you notice the sun coming up.
I know I wrote a lil blurb abt it already, but karaoke dates are a regular occurrence. Doesn't matter if you can sing or not, y'all are just having a good time seeing who can hit the highest note(it's him, sorry)
He's one of those people whose friends probably tease cause he says "my s/o is my best friend". But he actually means it, you are his best friend.(I really feel like he would fall for a friend, but that's a discussion for a ot7 reaction I'm working on for next week👀)
Acts really cocky sometimes, but will fold like a house of cards(ha) into the softest boi at the slightest provocation from you.
He's fucking whipped for you, and he knows it.
Was so nervous to kiss you the first time that he legit backed out like three times before it finally happened.
Probably has some kind of nickname for you like "my light" or "my life."
But on the other hand, y'all also tease each other relentlessly, it's like a second love language with him.
Like he will sit there while you're trying to read or smth and poke your cheeks until he gets a reaction out of you.
Will make height jokes, even if you're only like 1in shorter than him.
"Tiny baby." He coos while patting your head. "I'm gonna climb up there and kill you." You warn. "So tiny, so precious."
But if he catches anyone else giving you a hard time about something, God help them.
Possessive(*cough perilla leaf debate)
Gives you his sweatshirts to wear because you look cute in them, but also loves that it's a subtle sign to anybody else that you're his.
This goes both ways though, he loves when you call him yours.
The first time you called him "your boyfriend", he legit short-circuited for a second.
Would probably have matching, macrame type couple bracelets that y'all made together for your second or third month anniversary.
Protective AF
Does that thing where he makes sure you walk on the inner half of the sidewalk when are you're out together, so you're protected from the street?
Not big on Pda exactly, but usually has an arm around you or is holding your hand. He doesn't even realize he's doing it sometimes, it's just kinda become a habit to have you close as much as possible.
He gets so little time with you as it is, so he just wants to make every second count.
When it's just the two of you though, he becomes a fucking koala and will NOT let you go.
Clings to you like his life depends on it.
Begs you to stay over all the time, swears that he can't sleep well unless you're next to him.
At this point, you might as well move in, half of your shit's at his place already anyway.
Looks at you like you're a literal dream.
Like some mornings when neither of you are really awake yet, you look over and he's just staring at you over your coffee mug like🥺
Loves to make you flustered tho
Like, if he notices you have a thing for his arms, he's gonna take every chance he can to roll his sleeves up in front of you just to see your face go red.
Randomly walks up to and gives you these deep, intense kisses and then? just fucking walks away as if nothing happened? Like, nuh-uh, get your ass back here and finish what you started sir!
Talks about your future together with such casual certainty. Like "when we get married, we should get a house like that".
Refers to Bam as your child.
Idk where I'm going with this or how to end it, so I'm just gonna stop here, but yeah. I just think he's neat lol.
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Heyy can u do something about gavi's ear because of the match ? like the reader takes care of him something like that please 💗
Quiet times together
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When you saw the video of Pablo's bleeding ear on the overhead TV, you really freaked out getting off the chair in the box and peeking through the window to see the doctor cleaning up hi wound.
"I can't believe that wasn't a red card!" your friend said but you could really care less about any of that praying that Pablo isn't seriously hurt.
When the game was over, you couldn't wait to see him very nervous to look at his new injury. When he finished his interviews, he came to the family room and you rushed to give him a quick hug.
"No..no..don't cry princesa! We won and I'm gonna be okay!" he said holding your face and drying your tears but your eyes were glued on his stapled ear and dried blood around it.
"I got really scared Pablo!" you say and he smiled pulling you closer and kissing the top of your head lovingly.
When you pulled away and he took you to grab his clothes together, team doctor called you to say about possible sensitivity Pablo might feel for a couple of days after the pain medication he took stops working.
"Avoid any loud places for at least a week. You might feel a little dizzy if you push against your sensitivity" man explained and you took in every word promising yourself that Pablo will take it easy no matter what he says.
"Thanks doc! Ready for our date princesa??" Pablo said after grabbing his bag and you remembered the restaurant date you planned before the game this morning.
"There will be live music there Pablo, and I don't think we should do it..we can have takeout at home instead?" you suggest which of course made him whine and say how he wanted to treat you.
"And you will treat me..we are going to get comfortable and order our favorite Chinese food and watch some goofy movie together?" you say placing your hand on his face careful not to touch his wound and he smiled nodding his head while kissing your lips lovingly.
"And cuddles???" he asks adorably which made his friends tease him as they passed us but he didn't care at all. I pointed kissing his lips once more time while nodding my head.
"All the cuddles you can take mi valiente ganador!" you say and he giggled nodding his head while taking your hand walking towards the cars where you left with your friend and he took the bus with his teammates.
"Please make sure he wears these on silent mode while at the bus if it gets loud?" you said to Balde who promised on his life to take care of your boy all the way back home to Barcelona.
"There is nothing to worry about princesita mia" Pablo kissed your lips one more time before you two went separate ways but no matter what you will always worry about his health.
When you arrived home, the pain medication definitely stopped working since even your little louder greeting made his face cringe in pain. You puled him closer whispering a soft apology while kissing the side of his temple.
"I ordered the food amor. And made sure TV is on the lowest volume for the move..you want to shower?" you say and he nods clearly in a lot of pain and your heart hurt to see him like that.
When he got comfortable sitting on the sofa with your, the loud ring-bell made you both jump and him cover both of his ears in pain.
"Mierda! I got it amor! I'm so sorry!" you say but he whispers that it's alright as you went and grabbed the food from the delivery guy.
"I'm sorry we didn't go on our date amor.." Pablo was whispering while eating some rice and chicken and you smiled moving closer and kissing his shoulder.
"Don't worry about it..I would much rather be here with you anyway and I love taking care of you" you say and he blushed a little yawning and even a slight pull on the stitches made his wound sour.
"Could I lay on your chest tonight?" he asks and you smile widely nodding your head before taking his hand and walking to the bedroom seeing that he was done with his food anyways.
You both laid down and he laid his head on your chest while you placed your hand on his face caressing it gently while kissing the side of his sour temple. He smiled closing his eyes feeling so good that he didn't care about the pain coming from his ear. He nuzzled his head into your neck and completely relaxed. (gif).
"It's buzzing amooor.." Pablo whined and you told him to focus on the sound of your heartbeat instead and to try to get some well deserved rest tonight.
"Talk to me...I like listening to your voice princesa" he says and you blush a little thinking of things to say to the sleepy boy.
"I was so proud of you today Pablito..you wouldn't give up no matter what..you went back into the game and you played till the end. You're the strongest man I've ever met..my strongest man" you whisper and he listened carefully blushing at the compliment and holding onto your tightly while slowly becoming more sleepy.
"And I love you..su much cariño. Whenever I see you get hurt my heart hurts..and I just want to hold you in my arms and protect you from everything..because..you..are..my..life" you say feeling yourself getting emotional and Pablo looked up kissing your lips softly before laying back down on your chest.
"I love you too preciosa..more than I've ever loved anybody..mi vida" he spoke sleepily before finally slipping into unconsciousness and you smiled kissing the top of his head continuing to play with his hair until you also grew tired and fell asleep holding him in your arms.
Barcelona, Spain
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I'm not letting anybody hurt you mi bebé ❤️ tagged: pablogavi
pablogavi: gracias por todo amore mio ❤️❤️
y.n.bebe: siempre amorcito❤️❤️
gaviraafanzz: omg! she's so cute! take good care of him girl!!
barcafanclubs: clown for not giving that guy a red card!
fcbarcelona: our warrior.❤️
pablogavi: ❤️
pedri: come back stronger hermanito mio!
pablogavi: si hermano!
mikkykiemeney: so cute! 🥰
y.n.bebe: 😊
aurorapaezg: ❤️
He is a true warrior! What STRENGHT, LOVE and DEDICATION for the club! That's our GAVI! ❤️❤️❤️
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nycbaby21 · 8 months
Coffee shop boy
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prompt: What happens when John meets a girl before his first practice as a Devil? And what happens when he finds out that girl is his new captain's sister?
word count: 3,113
“Yes, I am on my way chill out,” I say into the phone tired of listening to my brother go on and on about being late. “Yeah sure I so believe you. While you are at it grab me a coffee,” Nico replies sarcastically. “How did you know I was getting coffee,” I ask looking around to see if he was here. When I do a quick sweep of the room I make eye contact with the cutest guy I have ever seen in my whole entire life. I smile at him and quickly turn around.
“I have your location Y/n,” he says and I can feel him rolling his eyes at me. “Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well, I am just gonna order really quick, and then I’ll be home,” I say stepping forward only one person standing between me and my daily coffee. I really needed the caffeine today. “Be careful and I love you,” my brother replies and I add,” I will and I love you too.” After stuffing my phone in my pocket I let out a deep sigh. The lady in front of me is being totally unreasonable and I can’t help but feel bad for the poor barista. 
I pull my phone back out checking the time when I hear a voice come from behind me. “Excuse me, but you dropped this,” I quickly turn around and meet the beautiful brown eyes of the guy I was staring at earlier. I glance down and see him holding gift card I shoved in my pocket before leaving Nico’s apartment this morning. “Oh my gosh. Thank you. I wouldn’t have ever noticed until it was too late,” I smile grabbing the card from his hand, our fingers brush and a small tingle spreads through my body. Blush covers his cheeks and he gives me a big smile.
I noticed he had a tooth missing and I tried not to stare at it and make him uncomfortable. Having an NHL captain as your brother and being friends with several of his teammates, I know some guys hate the fact they don’t have a full set. After he notices my eyes on his smile he closes his mouth and forces a small smile. “Oh shit I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to stare,” I rush out hoping I didn’t ruin this before it even started. He shakes his head,” You aren’t the first and won’t be the last.” I can tell he tries to joke but his eyes don’t match.
“Next,” I hear from behind me and I turn to see the lady in front of me gone. I turn back quickly,” I personally think it’s really cute.” I send him a huge grin and turn around to order. After paying I move to the side and wait for her to call my name. Nico has texted me twice asking me to call him. I groan and pull up his contact. “What do you want now Neeks,” I grumble watching the cute guy move to stand next to me away from the older lady who was hateful to the barista. “Hey, a few of the guys are going to come over after practice to welcome the new guy in. The one who just got traded for Ty,” I hear ruffling around and figure he is getting his bag ready for practice. “Is this your way of telling me not to come home tonight or inviting me to guy’s night,” I ask watching the lady grab her coffee after asking for the manager.
“Just a warning that the apartment will be filled with the guys later on,” he responds. “Thanks for the heads up. I gotta go but I’ll see you soon,” I hang up waiting for my name to be called. “Boyfriend,” I hear the cute guy next to me ask. I let out a laugh and he gives me a confused look. “No brother, but he asks like our mom sometimes so maybe a little half and half,” I joke and see his shoulders relax a little. “Oh sorry I just figured,” he started and then stopped his self. “Figured what,” I ask turning to fully face him, looking up at him slightly due to the height difference. His face glows red again and he shrugs. 
“I figured a pretty girl like you would be talking to her boyfriend,” he says not making eye contact with me. “Well, I don’t have one to talk to so,” I say and see him stare at me with wide eyes. “You don’t have a boyfriend,” he asks loudly and everyone in the place looks our way. I laugh and shake my head telling him no. “Nope. Single Pringle over here,” I say thinking about how Jack called himself that once, and every time I say it I think of him. “Y/n,” my name is called from the front. I slip past him and grab my drinks thanking the young girl behind the counter.
I go back to where I was standing and glance up at the clock. “Oh shit. I gotta go but it was really nice meeting you,” I rush out of the door running to the car. I got so caught up in a cute coffee shop boy, that I forgot I was driving Nico to practice today. His car was broken now right now and in the shop so I was driving him around. As I pull out onto the road I realize I never got his name or even told him mine. 
When I get into the parking garage I text Nico and he races to the car. “I know I am so sorry. I got caught up in a conversation and I forgot,” I say pulling out of the parking lot before he even had his seatbelt on. “Yeah kinda figured as much,” he laughs joking. When I don’t return the laugh he looks over at me, his brown eyes filling with worry. “You okay schwester,” his accent is thicker when he calls me sister in Swiss. “What? Oh yeah sorry, I’m good. It’s just I realized what time it was and ran out of the coffee shop without this adorable guy’s name or number,” I sigh turning into the Prudential Center and flashing my badge to the gate.
“Well if it was meant to be you’ll see him again,” he says grabbing his bag and walking around to the driver’s side of the car. “You sound like mom,” I laugh poking fun at him for saying something she had told us a million times. He leans down and places a kiss on the crown of my head. “It’s the truth. Thanks for the ride. Jack is gonna drive me home so you are free of driving duty for today,” he says walking away and into the arena. I yell bye and make my way home. When I finally get back to the apartment Nico and I share, I quickly change into a devils hoodie I stole from Nico and a pair of biker shorts. I tidy around the place and when I am finished I head into the kitchen. If I knew anything ti was the guys would eat everything in the kitchen if I didn’t put something out.
At the rink, John was talking to his new teammates after practice. “Good game out there Marino,” Jack says clapping the older boy on the shoulder. He looks up and smiles. “Thanks. You guys are really great. I hope I can learn a lot from you,” he says honestly. “So how are you liking Jersey so far,” Dawson asks drying his hair with his towel after his shower. “I mean I have only been here, my apartment, and a coffee shop so I haven’t seen much,” he jokes lacing up his shoes. “Don’t worry buddy. We will take you out and show you a fun time,” Miles says punching his arm lightly. “Okay enough. Some of us are getting together at my place to hang out and watch the game. You wanna join,” Nico asks the new guy. “Oh yeah that sounds great actually,” John replies already happy he made a connection with the guys.
“I’ll send you the address and you can meet us there,” the Swiss boy responds texting him the address. Nico left to go shower and Jack sat down next to John. “So you seeing anyone,” he asked pulling his hoodie over his head. John shook his head no but he couldn’t help but let his mind drift to this morning. “Oh, that face says otherwise,” Miles says wiggling his eyebrows. Dawson smacked the back of his head and sat on the other side of John. “No, I really don’t. I just saw this girl this morning and I didn’t get her number so I’m kinda bummed about it,” he replies hoping everyone would drop it soon. 
“Well, my mom always says if it is meant to be it will find a way. So maybe you will see her again,” Nico replies oblivious to the fact he was talking to his new teammate about seeing his little sister again. The guys all load up and head over to the apartment. I got a text saying they were on the way up. I turned my movie off knowing they were gonna watch whatever game was on TV tonight. I hear knocking on the door and my brother’s muffled voice. “I forgot the key let us in.” I sigh and walk towards the door. When I open it Jack rushes past me and down the hall. “He had to pee,” Miles says walking in and giving me a quick hug. Nico groans and pushes him further in. Miles liked to give him a hard time so he pretended to flirt with me. Nico still hates it, even if he knows that it is fake. 
I hear the oven beep and I rush to the kitchen pulling out the cookies I made. Dawson, Timo, and John all walk in while I am in the other room. “Nice place you got here cap,” John says looking around the living room. “Thanks. I think it’s pretty great,” he replies sitting down on the couch next to Miles. “Don’t let him lie to you Johnny Boy. Nico here didn’t do anything but sign the lease here. Y/n on the otherhand decorated the place so you should say that to her,” Timo says claiming the recliner. “Just another thing she is good at,” Miles jokes and is quickly punched in the arm, a lot harder than he did John earlier. “Ouch damn it, Nico. That one actually hurt,” I hear Miles groan from the living room. I rolled my eyes wondering when he was going to stop antagonizing my brother. 
“Hey best friend,” I hear from behind me. I see the middle Hughes boy waltz into the kitchen and sling an arm over my shoulder. “Hughesy,” I smile leaning into him a little. “So what do you think of the new guy,” I ask him finishing plating the cookies. “He is pretty cool. I mean I miss Ty but I can’t blame John for that,” he replies taking a cookie from the plate. I cut him a look and he backs away slowly into the living room. “Hey, no fair. Why does he get the first cookie,” I hear Miles whine. I roll my eyes and walk to them putting the plate down next to the chips and dip I had put out earlier. 
“No way,” I hear the person to my right whisper. When I stand up I turn and see the brown eyes I had swooned over this morning. My face turns a light shade of pink and I freeze. There was no way the guy I thought about all day was the newest member of the Devils. Dawson noticing my staring lightly kicks my shin knocking me out of it. Luckily no one else noticed, no one else other than John. He still hadn’t looked away yet. “John this is Y/n, Nico’s little sister. Y/n this is John,” Jack says patting the seat next to him which I sat down in.
“Sister,” John says looking from me to my brother. Now that he knew he could see the slight resemblance between his captain and the girl he hoped he would see again. “Yep sweet little Y/n is the baby of the Hischier family,” Miles says leaning over and ruffling my hair. I slap his hand away and try to fix my hair. “I am only nine months younger than Nico thank you very much,” I sass him back hoping John doesn’t think I am some kid now. “Oh but you are the baby,” Nico says wrapping me in his arms and squeezing me. I start taping on his forearm and surrender but he just holds me. Everyone is laughing at him, including John so maybe that was a good sign. I look over at the loveseat and see him smiling over at us and Dawson making faces at me because he was sharing the couch with John. 
“So any luck finding out about the coffee shop boy,” Jack asks stuffing his face full of chips. My eyes go wide and I look over at him. “What,” he says with a mouth full of food. “What did you tell him,” I groan looking at my brother who is laughing. “Just that you had a sad start to the day because you didn’t ask that guy you liked for his number this morning,” Nico replies nonchalantly flipping through the channels. I want to cover my face with the pillow next to me. “Wait a second. You saw this boy at the coffee shop this morning right,” Timo asks eyes shifting between John and me. Of course, someone would question it. “Yeah that was why she was so late and gloomy this morning,” Nico teased again.
The guys all looked at Timo and followed his gaze to John. It was like all of them remembered the conversation about a girl in a coffee shop this morning at the same time. “No fucking way,” Miles laughs throwing his head back. Even Jack had pieced it together, while my brother looked around confused. “What did I miss,” he asks thick eyebrows quirking. “You remember the advice you gave Marino over here this afternoon about his mystery girl,” Dawson says throwing an arm around the boy. His face was just as red as mine felt and he shook his head at Dawson. “Of course, if she was really someone he needed to know he would find her again,” he replied looking at John. He took in the blush and wide eyes of the boy and noticed how I avoided eye contact with him and my flushed cheeks. 
“Oh gross,” he groans and the room is filled with laughter. “I gave you dating advice about my sister,” he whined looking over at me. I smiled at him and he shook his head. “C’mon y/n/n, I said no teammates,” he grumbled. John’s face was deflated hearing his new captain voice the concerns he had floating around in his head. “Technically I met him before you. I had no idea he was your teammate Neeks,” I say looking at my brother hoping he wasn’t angry I had a thing for one of his friends. He let out a huge sigh and looked over at me. “It could have been worse I guess. Could have been Miles,” he joked and everyone laughed except Miles. “I would be an excellent boyfriend thank you. But I won’t stand in the way of true love,” he says nudging John’s leg, who hadn’t said anything in like fifteen minutes now. “True love? They just met this morning Wood,” Timo says throwing a piece of popcorn at the boy’s head. 
Nico looked away from me and finally met John’s gaze. He sent the boy a smile. “You aren’t gonna kill me or make me do extra laps because I like your sister right,” he asks voice shaking. He was so nervous about risking a relationship with his captain. “If I made every guy who had a thing for her do extra laps some of the guys would still be doing them,” he joked nudging Jack. “Dude what the hell,” the young player said looking over at me. I raised an eyebrow at him and he shook his head. “I said you were pretty one time and he thinks I am in love with you. Which I am not. I do love you but like my sister. I swear,” he rushes looking from me and then over to John.
“You really aren’t mad at me are you,” I whisper just to my brother. He looks down at me and gives me a genuine smile. “Schwester, if you are happy and he treats you right I have no reason to be mad. I only want the best for you and the way he was talking earlier about you would actually be really sweet if you weren’t my sister,” he starts out serious but can’t help but fade into laughter. I hug his side and mumble a quiet thank you. I notice movement and see Dawson standing up and walking over to me. He gives me his hand and pulls me up from my spot in between Jack and Nico. He plops down and wiggles his eyebrows sending me a wink. I roll my eyes at him but smile as I walk over to sit next to John.
“Hi,” he leans over and whispers trying not to interrupt the game and so no one hears him but me. “Hi,” I giggle back at him and scoot a little closer to him. I get settled as close to his side without actually cuddling up to him. I have a blanket draped over my lap and lift the corner looking over at him, silently asking if he wanted any. He sends me a toothy smile and I blush looking at it. He fixes it so it is covering both of us and I lean back watching the game finally. “Hands above the blanket mister. I may be okay with you two seeing where this goes but I am still her brother,” Nico sends John a warning look and the poor boy raises his hands like in an old western movie. We all laugh at him and I push his arms down and lean my head on his shoulder. I guess my mom was right, if it is meant to be it will find a way.
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luveline · 2 years
Hotchner with a housewife reader? Like just this pretty little strawberry patterned apron cottage core vibe wife who just loves him and looking after Jack and stuff
hotch with his tired housewife reader ♡ 1k words
You look tired in the softest way. 
"You can help me pour this one if you want to, Jackie," you say. 
Hotch's chest aches with fondness. You sound exhausted, and he knows it's his fault for coming in late last night. He's learned by now that you're always gonna wait up for him, it doesn't matter how often he tells you not to, and as a result you're nearly as tired as he is.
Exhausted, but you're speaking to Jack like he's the most precious thing on earth. 
"I don't want to spill it," he says worriedly. 
Still, he crowds your legs. You get your hands under his armpits and pick him up, a blur of blue and white matching pyjamas. Hotch has his own pair, somewhere. 
You slot Jack onto the countertop next to the frying pan.
"Can you hold on to me? You're not gonna fall, baby, but it will make me feel better." 
Jack screws his hand into your front. 
"Okie-smokie," you mumble. "Um. Okay, first, the pan needs some more…" You pour a generous amount of oil into the frying pan and spread it around. "Jack, you know how hot this is, right?"
"Too hot to touch." 
"Yeah, baby," — you yawn, your shoulders stretching back until they click — "too hot. Good boy." 
Hotch reminds himself to give you a good massage. 
"How much do I pour?" Jack asks curiously. 
"I'll tell you when to stop."  
Hotch quite likes watching you both. He doesn't doubt that you love Jack, but seeing you alone together only cements it. He'd be ashamed to say you spend more time with Jack than he does if he didn't know how well you look after him. Look after them both. 
"Good morning," he says, announcing his presence. 
"Daddy, I'm cooking," Jack informs, peeking at him from over your shoulder. 
Hotch smiles. "Yeah, buddy, I can see that." 
You lift your head but don't turn from the frying pan where you're trying to make Jack's pancake pancake-shaped. "Good morning, handsome," you murmur.
He comes to stand at your hip, nudging you over so he can take over Jack duties. "Where's your apron, honey?" he asks gently. 
You always get so sad when oil ruins your clothes. He knows your heart would break if you ruined your matching ones. You'd been ecstatic when he first gave them to you. 
His question works to wake you up some. "I totally forgot," you say with a huge smile. "Watch the pancake." 
"Yes, ma'am," he says, carding a hand through Jack's soft hair. 
It's more of a crepe than a classic American pancake, thin and crisping on the edges. He accepts the spatula you offer him and then your distracted kiss against his shoulder, your hand squeezing his bicep. "Good morning," you say again. 
He doesn't have time to kiss you back. You walk to the alcove left of the kitchen door and pull out your new apron, a vinyl, shiny cream colour dotted in dainty red strawberries. You tie the strings at the back and then insecurity flutters over your face. 
"Do I look okay?" you ask.
"Yes," Jack says, the word clumsily said but extremely earnest. "It's pretty!" 
"You look very pretty, honey," he agrees. 
Insecurity turns to flustered delight. "Thanks, boys." 
Hotch plates up Jack's pancake and helps him down off of the counter, stealing a quick hug from him. 
"Daddy," he protests.
Jack grins at him and sprints to the kitchen table as soon as he lets go, climbing into his seat with a cheer. "Pancakes!" 
"Come on, buddy," he chides mildly, "that's your best friend. Be polite." 
"Pancakes, please, Y/N." 
You share a secret smile with Hotch. There's a little crystal of sleep in the corner of your eye that he needs to wipe away. He waits for you to finish pouring another pancake before he tries it. 
"Honey," he murmurs, sliding a hand behind your neck, thumb encouraging your chin up. 
You have total trust in him. You don't flinch at his fingertip poking at the corner of your eye, which is a feat in itself because his fingers aren't exactly small. He dislodges the sleep and forgets all about it, diverted by your expression. It melts him how he melts you, your immediate deflation under his hands and how you relax when he's near. 
"D'you wanna sit down?" he asks. 
You rest your cheek heavily in his hand. "No, it's my turn to make breakfast. Don't," — you yawn again, hiding your open mouth with his palm, "try it, Hotchner." 
"It's always your turn to make breakfast, if you're to be believed." 
"I like making you breakfast." 
He inches forward until his nose is whispering over your cheek. "I know," he whispers, kissing your jaw. "I like making you breakfast, too." He gives you a much firmer kiss, tone lifting into self-righteousness. "That's why you should let me. Stop being selfish." 
You try to gasp in indignation but end up laughing instead, pushing at his chest with insincere hands. 
"I can make breakfast," Jack offers hopefully. 
You smile at Hotch in your Please can I spoil him? sort of way. He has no choice but to smile back. 
"You," you say, pleased, "can eat this pancake. And another one after that. With sugar." 
Jack laughs in a similar pleasure, that saccharine sweet, indulgent giggling that makes Hotch love him impossibly more. Love you both more. You turn back to your frying pan and he kisses the slice of skin before your ear, giving your poor shoulders a squeeze full of promise. 
A massage, he thinks. You deserve a whole spa treatment. Lucky that the holidays are coming up. 
"Be reasonable," he says as he turns away from you, opening the small sugar jar and offering it to Jack with a spoon. 
Jack is not reasonable. He dumps a heaping pile of sugar straight into the middle of his pancake. Your charmed laughter from the stove makes it difficult to tell him off. Hotch gives up when he realises he can't stop laughing. 
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carolmunson · 4 months
LGDW Eddie would be such a sweetie boy for V Day I feel it in my bones
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I think the first Valentine's Day with you throws him for a loop because he hasn't done Valentine's day for a couple years and before that, he'd done Valentine's day with the same person for almost a decade. What do you even like? Do you care about Valentine's Day like that? Once February rolls around he sort of stumbles around the question like "Hey, I was thinking about making reservations for Valentine's day, you down? Is that like -- would you be into that?"
You tilt your head in thought, considering, "Aren't restaurants normally kind of busy for Valentine's Day?"
"Yeah," he shrugs, "But like, it's still really nice. Where'd you normally go with your ex?" You go quiet for a moment, "We didn't."
"What do you mean? Did you just order in?" "No, we just, didn't. Our anniversary was in March so we just...never did anything for Valentine's day," you shrug, but he can tell you're sad about it as the memory reaches the surface. "No flowers or...?" he trails off while you shrug at him, a frown pulling on his lips. How was this guy not tripping over himself to make Valentine's Day special for you? Hell, he made Valentine's Day special for Chrissy every year they were together, it never made him break a sweat. "I think we figured since our anniversary was so close it didn't matter," you explain, your voice raises into something lighter than normal -- like you're trying to not let it bum you out, "We'd get dinner y'know -- on our anniversary and stuff, sometimes."
"'We'd?'" Eddie reiterates, "Like, you both paid?"
You nod like it's regular and he nearly falls to his knees.
"Okay well, we're not doing that for Valentine's Day," he huffs, "You're gonna sit in a chair at a nice place across from me in something pretty, and you're gonna let me pay the bill, and you're gonna come home to a bunch of little stupid surprises." "Ooh, stupid surprises," you laugh at his determination, "I love a stupid surprise."
"Yeah, good," he laughs back, still trying to remain serious, "I'm chock full of 'em."
But little does he know, you are too. He will never live down the coo-ing, aww-ing, and teasing of his students at how red he turned when a special delivery was brought to his class room on Valentine's Day in the early afternoon. So red that it matched the bouquet of roses delivered to his desk with a frilly white card reading:
'Surprise. <3'
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sherifftillman · 1 year
Sugar and Spice
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!Reader
Genre: smut
Tags: Stranger Things (series), 18+ (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT), sugar daddy!steve, age gap (reader in their 20s, steve however old you envision this version of him to be [i see it as early 40s]), daddy kink, mention of breeding kink, unprotected piv (don't be silly, wrap your willy), fingering, oral (m + f receiving), light choking
Summary: Your benefactor's colleagues have been itching to get him to go to dinner with them, so you do what any good sugar baby would do and help him out, but not without making sure you get a little something, first.
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! @eddiemunsons-missingnipple made this edit of older!Steve and I haven't been able to get this idea out of my head since.
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"C'mon, pretty thing," Steve singsongs to you from the bedroom, "we'd really better start making a move soon, and I still see that dress that I bought you for tonight still on the closet door."
Continuing to check yourself out in the mirror, you call back, "I'm sorry, but I used the card to buy you a little extra gift and even I'm liking it."
"Oh, you did?" Steve purrs with intrigue. "Well, now I really don't want to be kept waiting."
You emerge from the bathroom, wearing the red lacy number that's somehow keeping your breasts perky with next to nothing holding them up - the feat you truly were admiring - connected to your matching panties, the main feature of which you keep hidden by crossing one leg in front of the other as you pose for him. "There's some lace and ribbon cuffs, too, but I thought you'd want to play with them later, instead."
Steve looks you up and down with the hunger of a starved lion surveying its succulent prey, his fingers carding through his beard as he strokes his jaw. Giggling, you twirl around to show him how your ass looks in this particular lingerie too before twirling back, and he silently strides forward to take your hips into his hands and kiss you fervently. You moan into his mouth as you wrap your arms around his neck to kiss him back, eventually grinning against his lips, "So, you like 'em, Daddy?"
"Fuck, yes, I do, baby," he murmurs back between kisses. "But you're gonna make us late to dinner, and it was you who insisted we go to this stupid thing to begin with."
"We can be a little late," you tease back, pressing your palms into his chest.
Pressing his hips into yours, he hisses through his teeth, "It's gonna be a lot more than a little once I'm through with you, angel… C'mon, the quicker you get that dress on, the quicker we can go, which means the quicker we can leave, which means the quicker we can…" He falters as he runs his large hands up and down your arms.
"You're the one who can't keep your hands off of me," you point out with a smirk.
"I can stop any time I want, baby, I'm just giving you the loving I know you want," he croons back. "I can let go as soon as you back up just a little bit.”
“Oh, I can absolutely back it up if that’s what you want,” you smile coyly as you turn around and lean back against him.
“No, no, you know that’s not what - oh my god,” he ducks his head to moan breathily into your ear. “Oh, sweet thing, you are going to be the death of me.”
“You like feeling my ass grinding against you, Daddy?” you ask in a particular inflection that you know drives Steve wild.
“You know I do,” Steve groans as he pulls you closer by your hips. “Feel me getting harder for you?” You nod. “God, we are going to be so very late.”
“That’s okay, they can just hold our table," you shrug matter-of-factly, and his laugh bubbles against your shoulder as he kisses it, his facial hair leaving goosebumps on your now-sensitive skin.
"Oh, they can? And how does my baby know that?"
"I know everything," you lean your head back against his chest, looking up to grin at him.
He takes the chance to wrap his hand around your throat to guide your face for him to be able to kiss you, and you can feel his passion burning between your lips. "I guess that's true," he mutters lowly, his finger and thumb still gently pushing on just the right places. "So I suppose you know where I want you now, right?"
You take a quick scan around you, biting your lip. The bathroom has the mirror and counter sex appeal, but there's not a whole lot of room for him to really appreciate you, so you assume he must mean somewhere in the bedroom. The bed would be too obvious, you know he never likes to start fucking you on top of his dresser…
As you move to stand with your back pressed against the one bare expanse of wall without furniture or decor adorning it, a wide smile creeps along Steve's face. "I forget sometimes just how smart you are before I fuck your brains out," he coos as his hands slowly snake their way onto your hips, pressing you against the wall as he resumes kissing you. "Were you thinking about me in that bathroom, angel? About what I'd do to you?" You whimper in affirmation, and he continues between kisses, "Yeah? Bet you wanted me to go in after you and just immediately bend you over the counter so you could throw that ass back on my dick over and over. Am I right, baby?" His tone is the perfect balance of soft and firm.
You nod with a strained, "Yes, Daddy," as his thumbs brush against your nipples.
"Oh, baby, baby," he groans. "How many times do I have to fuck you to prove it to you, that you are worth so much more than a quick one, hm?"
"And yet, whenever we go out and there's a bathroom…" You tease with a smirk, and he pinches your nipples, making you gasp sharply.
"Are you backtalking to me, little brat?" he asks with a little more warning in his voice, and you shake your head. "Good. Because I'm sure my good, smart girl knows that while she's under my roof, she will be worshipped for as long as she behaves herself. Doesn't she?" You nod, and his hand slides down between your legs until he feels the last surprise of the outfit you picked. "Crotchless panties? Oh, you delicious little whore, you really do spoil me," he moans, bending down to kiss your neck as his fingers slide easily inside of you.
Letting out a loud moan at his touch, you grin, "I'm so glad you like them, Daddy. It took so long to pick out just the right set."
"You can make any set infinitely sexier, baby," he mutters between pecks beneath your ear as his fingers work you, gently but expertly. "You're so smart for picking this one out, though. Such a good girl for me, you like it when I fingerfuck you?" You nod again, feeling lightheaded from all his praise, and he chuckles, shaking his head. "No more cute little nods, baby, you have to use your words now. Tell me how much you love having my fingers inside of you."
"Please - feels so good, Daddy," you keen, bucking yourself further into his touch.
"Ohh, fuck, yes, you love it, don't you?" He groans against your skin, though he doesn't give into your hints of moving faster. You can feel the skin that his beard has touched tingle even when he's moved sides. "Mmm, but Daddy wants a taste of his favourite meal." Steve pulls his fingers out slowly and deliberately before sucking them clean with some very exaggerated facial expressions to show he loves the taste of you. "Oh, fuck, baby, that's not enough, I gotta have more." He sinks to his knees and studies the way you clench over nothing as he rubs at your clit before dipping his head down to plunge his tongue deep inside of you and start fucking you with it. Finally giving you the tempo you've been craving.
You whine, "Oh, god, thank you, Daddy, thank you," as you reach down to ball your fists in his hair. The ever-so-slight crunch of you messing up his perfectly coiffed and sprayed hair feels just that little bit extra satisfying.
"That's it, my sweet, polite little girl," he coos, pressing kisses between your legs as he looks up at you. "God, I love watching you fall apart for me from down here."
"I love… Watching you watch me," you pant out as his nose nuzzles at your clit.
"Mmm, you know what I love more, though?" he asks rhetorically as his hand already starts to grip your thigh. "Totally devouring you." Throwing one leg over his shoulder, he sits up on his knees to once again bury his tongue deep between your folds. His other hand grips your other thigh as well as his hold turns bruisingly tight. Chains of profanity, mixed with the occasional, "You like that, baby?" and "Oh, I know, keep moaning like that for me," spill from his lips as he eats you out, just as hypnotised by how much he's turning you on as you are.
“Please… Don’t stop,” you moan, throwing your head back against the wall as your back arches.
“Mmm, you’re so pretty when I eat you out,” Steve coos, looking up at you and pressing gentle kisses to your clit.
You look down at him, running your fingers through his hair and smiling breathlessly. “You’re so pretty when you eat me out, too.” Though his mouth is obscured, you can see the smile in his eyes before he focuses his attention on lapping at your folds.
Just as you start to feel your orgasm building, he swings your leg back off of his shoulder with just as much ease and stands tall. You pout up at him, "Why did you stop there? It was just getting good!"
"Exactly," he purrs, kissing your lips sweetly. You keep him there by holding his jaw, knowing how much he loves having you taste yourself on him, kissing him over and over again as he moans more obscenities into your mouth. "You're so good to me, baby, but you're so bad for this. I may not be able to keep my hands off of you, but I've gotta teach you a lesson somehow." He presses another peck onto you. "Now, be a good girl and lay down on the bed, 'kay?"
You look up at him and nod, moving over to sprawl yourself out on his mattress. You hear the soft clunk of his belt hit the floor and turn your head to see he'd pulled down his pants and underwear in one fell swoop. Your favourite vein that protrudes along the bottom of his cock, the one you especially love to lick, strains against Steve's fingers as he fucks his fist at the sight of you. You can't help but frown in jealousy, and he merely smirks at you in response. "I know, baby, you don't want Daddy touching himself when you could be doing it for me, isn't that right?" You nod, reaching out, but he bats you away, instead positioning himself to line himself up with your pussy.
As he presses his length against your folds, you meal, "I love how hard you get for me."
"Yeah?" he smirks. "Almost as much as how I know you love this?" He teases your entrance with the tip of his cock and you keen against him, squirming your hips closer to him as he chuckles under his breath. "Oh, fuck, you want more, baby? You want me to slide my fat cock inside of this pretty little pussy?" You nod desperately and he grins. "Not enough, baby. Say please if you want this c-"
"Please, Daddy, I want your big, thick cock to stretch me out and fill me up, I wanna feel it so deep that your tip kisses my fucking cervix, please," you whine.
"Oh, fuck, yes, my good, smart girl knows exactly what to say, doesn't she?" he croons as he slides himself inside of you. Your eyes roll back with pleasure as he falls straight into a natural rhythm. "So good, so smart, picking out this set," he reaches up to stroke a thumb across what little support the bra gives. " And it comes with cuffs, too?" he asks, and you nod. "Oh, we'll definitely be using those once we're home. Fuck, baby, you'll have to show me where you got these, I'll buy you their whole fucking store if you look as good in everything else as you do this," he grunts as his hips snap against you, fucking himself deep inside of you. 
Your head lolls to one side but he holds your jaw in one big, strong hand to move it to look at him. "No, no, baby, look at me. That's it, pretty girl, want you looking me dead in the eye as I fuck you like this. Want you to see what you do to me as I get to watch you get fucked out of that pretty little head of yours," he groans out loudly. "Wanna watch every thought behind those eyes fade away as you get so fucking drunk on this dick that it's all you can think about. You want that, baby?" He doesn't even let you answer as he keeps murmuring, "Want you freshly fucked at the dinner table, barely able to hold a conversation because you're still entranced by even the thought of me filling you up again once it's all over. My sweet, dumb little trophy doll, all dressed up just how Daddy wants you so I can show you off."
Your mouth forms an O as your eyes glass over watching his pupils blow out as he fucks you. "Yes… Daddy, show me off, I'll do anything you tell me to," you squeak out, and he grins before bending down to kiss you again.
"I know you will, sweet thing, you're such a good toy," he moans. "Tell me how much you love getting fucked, baby."
You groan, "Please, god, never stop! You feel so good, so thick, I'm so full of you. Wanna just sit on your cock all the time, I feel so empty without you - God, please, let me come all over you, Daddy.”
“Are you close again, sweetie?” he coos, and you nod desperately. With a devious smile, he pulls out of you completely, tantalisingly slowly. As you stick your lower lip out in a pout, he presses down on it with his thumb, parting your lips slightly as he moves to straddle your chest. “Oh, no, no, don’t ruin that pretty face by making it all sad, baby,” he drawls. “You know what makes you feel better?” He leans up, holding his cock in his hand until he’s holding it just shy of your mouth. You whimper as you feel the tip graze against your lips and he smiles down at you.
You relax your jaw, letting it drop and your tongue loll out. Steve rocks forward just close enough to start smacking his cock against your tongue and you whine, furrowing your brow up at him. With a soft chuckle, he pushes his hips forward to slide his cock down your throat. He moans gutturally as he thrusts into you, and while you try to hollow your cheeks out at the right time and roll your tongue around his shaft, you soon give up as you realise all he wants to do is use your throat as a fleshlight. You relax your throat and simply moan around his cock as he fucks your face.
“That’s it,” he soothes, “good, smart girl knows what Daddy needs from her. Fuck, baby, I think you’ve earned the right to come with me. Get yourself up on your elbows, c’mon,” he moves back to reach back enough to start rubbing at your clit, but you frown. Noticing your hesitiation, he stops immediately, looking at you worriedly. “Is everything okay?” he asks, shuffling back to move his cock out of your mouth.
You nod, “Don’t worry, Daddy, ’m fine, I just… I really want you to come inside me,” you look up at him with pleading eyes and bite your lip.
A smile tugs at one side of his face. “Well, sure, baby, I’ll fill you up all night long, but -”
“Come ooonnn,” you drawl, running your fingertips up and down through his chest hair. “I know how much you love it when those other men you work with gawk at me. Grabbing my thigh when you see them looking at the hem of my skirt, whispering things in my ear whenever they’re staring at my neck so you can block their view… Imagine all of them looking and they don’t even know I’m only crossing my legs so that your cum doesn’t drip down my thigh.”
Steve groans, his eyes rolling back as he moves backwards. “Well, if that’s what my pretty girl wants…” He grabs your ankles and throws them forward so that your legs hang in the air, to which you hold them behind your knees. “You know,” he starts as he once again aligns the tip of his cock between your folds. “The boys at the office, they’d wanted me to go to dinner with them to talk about me being the face of all our international deals.” You pout again, partly from his teasing and partly at the thought of him leaving. “Hey, now, baby, you know I don’t like seeing you like this,” he reaches forward to cradle your face sweetly. “I wasn’t gonna do it. Didn’t wanna leave my perfect girl behind. But with you there, too, they can’t say no to you coming with me, can they? You wanna see the world from a private jet, baby?”
You nod, still looking doe-eyed at Steve. “I’ll be so good for you, whatever I need to do, I’ll do it, I’ll be such a good trophy wife.” The words come out before you can catch them, but Steve doesn’t seem upset by them. 
Instead, his face is full of intrigue, and then pleasure. “God, when I first met you, I wanted to give you nothing but the high life, all the wild adventures of travelling the world, but after we’re done with all that, all I wanna do is make you my perfect little housewife. You want that, baby? You wouldn’t even have to cook or clean, if you didn’t want to, we can get people in for that. Just wanna… Wife you up, breed you over and over an- fuck!” He groans loudly as he finally thrusts inside you. “Wanna - make a whole family with you - shit, wanna fucking - call you my wife and mean it, god, just wanna marry you.”
Unable to form any other cohesive thought, and revelling in the fact you’re finally about to cum, you let out a string of, “Yes, oh god, oh, yes, fuck, yes!” as you finally climax, feeling yourself clench around his cock as he paints your inner walls with his hot, thick cum.
He stays inside you for a while, both of you breathing heavily as you come down from the high, until eventually you realise something. “Was that… Technically a proposal?!”
Steve pulls a face, “Not exactly the one I planned, but…”
“Then it doesn’t count, yet,” you shrug simply.
“Yeah?” he asks with a soft laugh. “Pretty sure we basically both agreed to it.”
You hold your left hand up at him. “I don’t see a rock on here yet, so it doesn’t count.”
“That’s my smart girl, knows her worth,” he grins, bending down to kiss you. You stroke his beard as you embrace him. “Now, how’s about my pretty little wife finally wears the pretty little dress I bought her so I can tear it off her pretty little body later, hm?”
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
Teach Me
2) February
AN: Part 2 of Teach Me
Thank you to @harlowcomehome for helping me with this, ily 🥹💜
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“You sure you don’t want me to run to the store for you?” Jack asked from the floor as he was playing dress up with Jayla.
Alyssa shook her head no. “I got it, babe. I’ll be in and out. Just grabbing a few things for Jayla for Valentine’s Day.” She says with a laugh and an eye roll. 
“And hopefully for me too.” 
“Maybe” Alyssa said with a wink, knowing she already had a plan for them. 
She could tell Jack was still worried, he never liked when she left the house late at night. Alyssa walked over, bending down to give him a sweet kiss on the lips. “You worry too much, princess” 
“That’s not funny.” Jack told her, trying to hold in his laughter. Jayla was only 2 but slowly became obsessed with makeup/hair after watching her mother do her own every morning. So now Jack was currently sitting on the floor with lipstick smeared over his lips and barrettes in his hair, with a crown to match. 
Alyssa gave Jayla kisses all over her face, childish giggles ringing in the air. “I’ll be right back, baby. Make sure to take care of daddy, ok?”
She gave Jack one last kiss before she locked the door behind her but not before saying their phrase. 
“Love You, Mean It!”
“Jayla Rose! Can you explain to me why you waited till the last minute to tell me that you signed up Daddy to make cookies for your Valentine’s Day party”
It was 10pm, way past Jayla’s bedtime but Valentine’s Day was tomorrow and the kids were encouraged to bring baked goods.
“We always make cookies together!” Jayla exclaimed while adjusting her chef's hat on her head.
“Not at 10 o’clock at night.”
Jayla shrugged her and suddenly started playing with her KY chain hanging from her neck, something she did when she was nervous. 
“What’s wrong, babygirl?” Jack asked her, concerned. 
She began playing with her necklace some more and kicking her feet against the kitchen floor. “I just thought it would be fun, you always get sad during this time because of mommy.”
Jack immediately pulled her into a hug, he could feel his shirt start to get wet from her tears. “Hey, it’s okay.” He reassured her by rubbing her back.
“Look at me.” His heart wanted to cry as he looked at her big brown eyes that were filled with tears threatening to fall. “You don’t have to worry about Daddy, that’s my job. You and I are gonna have fun tomorrow. I have a whole day planned just for the two of us once you get out of school.”
Jayla perked up at that “Really?” 
“Yes, really. You know you’re my favorite valentine. Now, let’s wipe these tears and finish these cookies so you can go to bed.”
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liked by 456 users
misslove: my favorite day of the year
view all 128 comments
Ariel loved Valentine's Day, it was her favorite holiday. I mean, her last name was Love after all. Sure, she was 27 years old and single, but there were so many other reasons to love it. Not only did she love the flowers, the pinks and reds but she loved everything Valentines Day stood for, it’s about love, and what’s not to love about love? 
By morning her desk was filled with cards, candy and small stuffed animals. She was sure her planner was underneath all the gifts but Ariel was in no rush to look for it. Her favorite gift amongst them all was the donut bouquet from Jayla Harlow.
Ariel: rumor has it that you burned our classes Valentine’s Day cookies for our party?
Pressing send, Ariel grabbed one of the donuts from the bouquet. Before she could take a bite, her phone buzzed on her desk. 
Jack: didn’t you hear? I don’t clear up rumors
Ariel giggled at that knowing he was referencing one of his hit songs. As she was just about to text him back Jack sent another message 
Jack: but whoever started that rumor is in big trouble, can’t have someone spreading misinformation 
Ariel: you’d be shocked to know what else I’ve been told, but I wouldn’t want to give away my sources 
She moaned as she took a bite of her donut. She always had a sweet tooth. There was nothing like a strawberry frosted donut. 
Jack: well…you can tell me. I won’t tell anyone 
Taking another bite of her donut, she thought about all the things Jayla has shared with her. They were honestly pretty tame, compared to her other students giving her details about their parents divorce.
Ariel: oh you know, just that you get red as a tomato in the sun, you drink ranch dressing (big if true), the source claims they’re better at basketball and soccer than you, and that your idea of dancing is just stomping around. 
Jack: damn this source knows a lot about me 
Jack: and I’ll have you know that I’m very useful on the court
Ariel: hey, don’t shoot the messenger! Just some silly gossip between a teacher and their favorite student 
She laughed at the exchange before taking a glance at the clock, seeing the kids would be back from lunch in 15 minutes. Ariel should be using this time to plan out her lessons for the next week, but right now she’d rather flirt with her favorite students' dad. Lesson plans can wait. 
Ariel: Speaking of the party, are you joining us?
Ariel already knew that he would probably say no, according to other teachers Mr. Harlow never showed up to any of the school's functions. And he hasn’t in a long time. She watched as those three bubbles indicating that Jack was texting back popped up and would suddenly go away. 
Jack: uh probably not…I have some meetings this afternoon. 
While she knew he was going to say no, she couldn’t help but think about Jayla, who is usually very social, was suddenly very quiet today. 
Ariel: Well, if you end up getting out early, we’ve got plenty of heart shaped sweets with your name on it, and I have a feeling Jayla misses you.
She could hear the sounds of tiny footsteps and giggles coming down the hall so she knew her class will be making their way back in. She glanced down at her phone again and saw that Jack left her on read. She tried not to let it upset her, still she decided to send one last text. 
Ariel: the kids are coming back from lunch, Happy Valentine’s Day Mr. Harlow 
She shoved her phone back in her desk just in time to greet her kids back from lunch. 
“Ok, my sweet angel babies, let’s get in our reading circles. Today’s book is all about…LOVE!”
An hour later the Valentine’s Day party was in full swing. After socializing with the other parents and students she sat back and watched with a smile as the kids stuffed their faces with sweets. A small frown formed on her face when she noticed Jayla watching another student coloring with their mom with the same frown. Getting up from her desk, she took a seat next to Jayla. 
“Hi, Miss Love.” Jayla greeted her with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, before she looked down and continued to color. 
“Hi, Jayla! I love your drawing. Is that your dad?” Ariel asked, pointing to the yellow stick figure. 
Jayla nodded her head yes, “I had to draw him yellow because he’s pale, and I couldn’t use a white crayon." Ariel had to stifle her laugh at that. 
“Of course. Well, I came over here to chill with you, if that’s okay?” Ariel asked.
“Yeah that’s fine! Do you wanna color with me?” Jayla asked not even waiting for a reply before pushing a paper towards her. 
Ariel smiled and grabbed a pink crayon and started drawing hearts all over the paper.
“Miss Love, your heart looks like a BUTT!”
“It does not!”
Since most parents decided to take the kids home early because of the party, that left Ariel and Jayla by themselves at the end of the day. 
While Ariel waited for Jack to pick up Jayla, she decided to start cleaning up the classroom, hating a dirty room. As she was picking up papers and pencils off the floor, Jayla called her name from her spot in the class's reading corner.  
“Yes, Jayla?” She replied and looked towards her so that she had her full attention. 
“Do you have a mommy?” Ariel was shocked at that question, she walked over and sat on the floor next to her. 
“Yes, but she became an angel when I was a teenager. So it’s just me and my dad now” Ariel told her
She could tell Jayla had another question as she nervously played with the necklace. Ariel stayed silent giving Jayla some time to process what she wanted to ask next. 
“Do you ever miss her?” 
“Everyday.” Ariel answered almost immediately. 
Other teachers around the school talked all the time about how Jack was a “hot single father” and how no one knew much about Jayla’s mother. Ariel was never the one to gossip so she never dug deeper because it wasn’t her business to know. 
It was quiet for a while as Jayla turned back towards her book, flipping through the pages. Ariel could tell she had more to say but she refused to push her. 
“It’s just me and daddy too.” Jayla spoke after a while. She still was flipping through her book. “I don’t really know—“ Jayla couldn’t finish what she was saying as there was a soft knock on the door. Ariel and Jayla looked up and saw Jack leaning against the classroom door. 
“DADDY!” Jayla yelled as she jumped up and ran towards her father, conversation seemingly forgotten. Ariel stood back as she watched Jack kiss his daughter all over her face. 
“Sorry I couldn’t come sooner, babygirl.” 
“It’s ok, Miss Love was hanging out with me.”
Jack put Jayla down from his arms before he stood up straight and greeted Ariel. 
“Thanks, sorry I was late.” Jack said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 
Ariel waved her hand “it’s no problem at all, Jayla is one of my favorite’s students, I’d hang out with her any day.”
Jack smiled at that. “Now, Miss Love…I thought teachers weren’t supposed to have favorites.”
Ariel pressed her finger to her lips “SSH, don’t tell anyone.” Jack threw his head back with a laugh and the sound made Ariel’s heart flutter. 
“Before I let you two go, Mr. Harlow, I did promise you that we had some cookies with your name on it.” Ariel grabbed the case of cookies that she saved back for him. Jack smiled as he looked down at the heart shaped cookies. He could tell they were homemade. 
“Did you make these?” He asked, opening the container and grabbing one out. “Mm, these are delicious.” he said, biting into it. 
“Yeah, I always overbake so I figured since you couldn’t be here I would save the rest for you.” Ariel said with a shrug, she could feel her cheeks getting warm as she watched Jack eat her cookies. God she was down bad. 
“Maybe, I do need to come to these parties, if you’re going to be baking like this.” Jack flirted. 
“Just for the baked goods?” She joked 
“And to hang out with you..”
Jack felt a tug on his pants leg, breaking eye contact as he looked down at Jayla. 
“What about me?!”
“You didn’t let daddy finish, I was going to say I’d love to hang out with Miss Love and my babygirl”
Ariel smiled watching the exchange, her face getting warmer at Jack claiming he wanted to hang out with her. 
“Well, I wouldn’t want to keep you all here any longer, so I’ll let you two go. Bye, Miss Jayla, I’ll see you on Monday.”
What she didn’t expect was Jayla to leave Jack’s side and give her a tight hug around her legs. Even Jack was shocked at the action. Ariel got down to her level so she could give her a better hug. 
“Bye, Miss Love. You’re the best.”
“…and they lived happily ever after!”
The End 
Jack read as he closed the book to Jayla’s favorite bedtime story. 
“I love that book daddy, can you read it again?!” Jayla asked while giving him those award winning puppy dog eyes.
Still sitting on the edge of her bed, Jack shook his head no. “Not tonight, sweetheart. You know it’s late.” 
Jayla huffed and cuddled deeper into the covers on her bed and laid her head on Jack’s arm. He always liked to stay with her until she fell asleep. “Did you have a fun day?”
“Yup, Miss Love is so cool, and she’s just like me!”
Jack looked down at Jayla confused, “yeah, how so?”
It got quiet and for a moment, Jack almost thought she was fast asleep before she spoke up. 
“She only has a daddy! Her mommy is gone too, and she misses her everyday just like how I miss mommy” Jayla said softly followed by a small yawn
Jack tried to swallow the lump that immediately formed in his throat. Jayla hardly ever spoke to him about her mother's passing, so hearing that she missed her just as much as he did made the inside of his chest hurt. Jack was scared that if he opened his mouth he wouldn’t be able to stop crying, but thankfully when he looked down Jayla had fallen asleep in his arms.  
Not having the heart to leave her just yet, Jack cuddled in closer, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. While Jack wished Jayla spoke to him about her mom he was grateful that she trusted Ariel enough to open up. 
Jack stayed in Jayla’s room for most of the night before making his way towards his bedroom. He was having a hard time sleeping with all the thoughts running through his head. After tossing and turning for a while, he reached over to grab his phone from the side table, and scrolled till he found the name he was looking for.
“Thank you for talking to Jayla, I really appreciate it.” He didn’t feel the need to elaborate, he knew Ariel would know what he was talking about. With it being so late in the night, Jack wasn’t expecting a reply so quickly, so he was surprised when he got a reply back after ten minutes. 
“Anytime, Jayla can always count on me.”
AN: So happy you all enjoyed the first part and I hope you all enjoy this chapter just as much! Thank you for reading and of course tell me your thoughtssss :)
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Street Fighter
Jeongin x Female reader
Word count: 2K
Synopsis: When your friend Jeongin shows up at your door with a black eye you insist on him explaining why he's playing real life street fighter again.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! Just a quick lil Jeongin fic that was inspired by some pictures in an ask I received. To anyone with a request I promise as soon as I'm back in the swing of things completely I'll be working on them again! Thank you for your patience. In the mean time if you all enjoy this story please give it a reblog, like, comment, shoot me an ask, I just love you guy's feedback! As always warnings and smut below the cut!
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing and strong language, mentions of fighting and mild violence, oral (m&f receiving), deep throating, gagging, breath play, unprotected piv sex, rough sex, choking, strength kink, Jeongin is a little possesive, praise, pet names (good girl, gorgeous, goddess), little degradation (Jeongin calls MC his slut/whore a couple of times), cream pie. I think that's everything but if I ever miss something please let me know and I'll add it immediately!
“Why the fuck do you have a black eye?!” Was, of course, the first question out of your mouth when you saw Jeongin. He sighed and walked through the door you had just opened. 
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“Can I come in before you start giving me the third degree, please?” You gave him just as heavy of a sigh. 
“Can you not show up to my door after another fight club match with no explanation?” He gave you an incredulous look. 
“I’ll tell you jeeze just let me put some ice on my face and I’ll explain everything.” You followed Jeongin into the kitchen and stood there with your arms crossed as he got a hand towel and some ice and pressed it against his face. He looked over at you and you gave him a look that said, ‘Well?’. 
“Okay, okay! I was leaving the convenient store and I was on the way here when I ran into Sam.” You looked confused for a second. 
“Sam?” Jeongin rolled his eyes clearly not a fan of ‘Sam’. 
“Your ex.” Oh yea. You tried not to think about that one, it was bad. He was verbally abusive and he scared you. So you got away before things could get physical. 
“Oh that Sam.” He nodded. 
“Okay well what’s that have to do with your bl-…" You stopped and sighed. 
“Please tell me you didn’t.” Jeongin grabbed the back of his neck. 
“I just couldn’t help it. I thought about the last things he said to you and I saw red. I shoved him and he got a cheap shot in. We fought until a couple other guys split us up and we went separate ways.” 
“Again? That's like the third time you’ve gotten into a fight with one of my ex’s. Are you gonna beat up every guy that breaks my heart?” Jeongin looked at you seriously. 
“Yes...” You were about to say something but he cut you off. 
“Yes, I will. Until you finally realize the guy you should have been with all along.” Your brow was furrowed in confusion again. 
“Wha-what do you mean?” Jeongin put down the ice filled towel and walked over to you. 
“Do you really not see...” He grabbed your hand. 
“I mean I’m waiting for you to realize that I’m not agi ppang anymore. I’m a man, and I’m in love with you. It should be me you're with. I’d never treat you like any of those other guys. I’d treat you like a queen, worship you like the goddess you are.” He kissed your hand. 
“I.N... I... I didn’t know you felt this way.” He took a chance and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. 
“Well now that you do, how do you feel about it?” You put your arms around his broad shoulders and carded your fingers through the hair at his nape. 
“I feel like...” He nodded a little smiling softly at you. 
“I feel like I want to kiss you right now.” Jeongin chuckled and didn’t wait any longer. His lips found yours gently slotting together at first before quickly starting to nibble and trace your tongues along the others. It wasn’t long before you were grasping at each other frantically as you made out. You pulled away long enough to pull Jeongin’s shirt off over his head. 
“Wait are we gon...” You cut him off with your lips. 
“Stop talking and fuck me Innie.” He nodded and pulled your spaghetti strap top down, freeing your breasts then kissing you hard. You grabbed at his belt but before you could undo his button and fly he lifted your legs and wrapped them around him before slamming you against the fridge.  You could feel his hard cock pressing into your throbbing core. It made you clench. 
“GOD! YES! FUCK! Jeongin!” He kissed down your jaw and neck, biting a little harder each time. 
“Fuck you sound so pretty. Make some noise for me gorgeous.” He bit you again, hard. 
“OW! JEOn-” He rolled his hips into yours rubbing against your clit through your clothes. 
“Fuck!” You grabbed two hand fulls of his hair and pulled as he started to nip his way down your neck again, more gently this time. You tugged and tilted his head back before sinking your teeth into the crook of his neck and shoulder. 
“Mmmm, okay, I deserved that.” You both laughed and Jeongin gripped your ass and carried you to your bedroom. He tossed you on your bed and you laughed again. 
“Get those shorts and panties off.” You smirked. 
“What panties?” Jeongin’s mouth watered. 
“Such a bad girl. No panties? Let’s see.” Jeongin grabbed your shorts and pulled revealing you in fact did not have any panties on. When he saw your glistening folds, he licked his lips.  He took his fingers and spread you open then spit on your pussy before leaning down to lick it up. Your head flew back and you moaned at the contact. His warm wet tongue slowly, gently exploring every inch of you. Going down on you was as much for him as it was for you it seemed, the way he moaned into your cunt when he gently sucked at your clit. You gripped his hair tightly again. 
“Ohh my god Innie fuck! You're doing so good god please! Fingers please!” Jeongin slurped at you and pushed two fingers inside. He started slow pumping them in and out, stretching you but when he started to get really excited his tongue worked faster and he finger fucked you harder. 
“Yesyesyesyessss! Holy fucking don’t stop I’m gonna cum!” A guttural growl came from Jeongin as he curled his fingers inside you pushing you over the edge. You had never cum so hard in your life. Your legs shook and attempted to trap Jeongin between them only stopped by his strong hands pinning them down to the bed. He gave you one more lick from bottom to top and then kissed his way up your body. He kissed you so sweetly and then looked into your eyes. 
“How do you feel about choking on my cock beautiful?” Truthfully your mouth watered at the idea. You got on your knees and Jeongin stood in front of you. You finally unfastened his pants and pulled them and his underwear down at the same time. His cock sprung out hard and ready. You grabbed him and gently licked the tip. Then again, then again. 
“Don’t tease me now, or remember, payback is a bitch.” You smiled looking up at him then took his tip into your mouth swirling your tongue around him. He patted your hair. 
“Such a good girl. Go on. More.” You took more of him into your mouth sliding down the shaft of his dick, coating it in plenty of saliva. The first time you went down enough to gag on him Jeongin let out a soft moan. 
“That’s it. Deeper.” He thrusted when you went down, pushing the tip of his dick deeper into your throat. You gagged again. 
“You can do it beautiful, choke on it.” You hummed and Jeongin held your head as he thrusted deeper into your throat, over and over, fucking your face as you drooled, spit dribbling down your chin.  
“Look up at me. Fuck! Yes my pretty little slut! Open up and let me fuck that throat.” You opened your mouth and Jeongin’s cock squelched as he punished the back of your throat. He gripped your hair tightly and then pushed you all the way down on his cock, pressing your nose into his pubic muscle and then pinching it closed. You gagged and struggled a little and he let go allowing you to pull off him. 
“God damn fuck yes you are such a good girl, a fucking goddess! Get that sexy ass up on this bed I’m fucking you stupid right now!” He practically lifted and tossed you on the bed again.  
“Bend over.” It wasn’t a request and you weren’t going to argue anyway. You bent over and Jeongin gave your ass a smack. 
“Fuck yes my good little whore listens so well, sucks so well, I gotta fill her up good.” You nodded leaning down into the mattress, your ass perched up high for Jeongin to admire. Both hands rubbed your ass cheeks and he gave one a smack again. 
“God fuck me please!” Jeongin lined up with your dripping hole and started to push the tip in. You moaned out as he sank all the way into you. When his balls were pressed against you he let out a grunt. 
“You’re so fucking tight! How are you this tight gorgeous? Those assholes weren’t even fucking you right huh?” You shook your head no, honestly none of your ex’s fucked you well. If you got off it was because you were on top and you got yourself off. Jeongin had you seeing stars already. 
“Don’t worry this is my pussy now.” Just like with his fingers Jeongin slowly started thrusting into you from behind. After a minute his grip on your hips tightened and he started to go harder. 
“God yes fuck me like that, hard!” If you told Jeongin to fuck you hard then he was going to do just that. He started fuckin you harder your face pressing further into your mattress with each thrust of his hips into yours. He felt divine. You couldn’t speak it felt so good.  
“You already fucked dumb beautiful? Hmm? Come on let me hear you.” He pulled you up so that his chest was pressed against your back and his cock was so deep inside you all you could do was scream his name in pleasure. 
“JEONGIN! FUCK SO DEEP! YES!” He felt you clenching and shaking, as your orgasm approached he grabbed you around the throat with both hands and started to squeeze, when you started to get a little bit of a head buzz Jeongin let go, you took a breath and came out of nowhere. 
“Good girl cum on my cock. My little whore likes it deep and hard. You like it when I choke you?” You nodded as you reached back and gripped his hair with both hands holding on while he slowly grinded up into you and you rode out your high. Once you had clarity again Jeongin whispered in your ear. 
“On your back gorgeous. I wanna see my goddess’ face when she creams on my cock this time.” His breathy, raunchy words made your body erupt in goosebumps and you shivered. Jeongin pulled out and you fell onto your back and spread your legs. 
“Fuck that’s the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen.” He rubbed the tip of his cock up and down your swollen cunt then pushed it inside you. 
“Ohhh god yes!” Jeongin fit inside you perfectly, rubbed you in all the right places. He gripped your hips and went rough straight out the gate this time, slamming his hips into yours hard and deep. He leaned down over you, wrapping his arms around you and holding your shoulders as he fucked you harder, making you take all of him. All you could do was lay there and let him take you there. He let go of you and propped himself up over you. He slowed down and started rolling his hips, then one of his hands was wrapped around your throat again pressing with a deliciously perfect amount of pressure. Your legs started to shake and Jeongin knew you were close again. 
“Go on, cum for me baby, give in, give it to me.” You exited your body for at least sixty full seconds before you felt Jeongin’s hips falter and his warm cum fill you. 
“God yes beautiful fucking take it all!” You both shook and trembled through the last bits of your orgasms and then Jeongin fell on top of you sweaty and out of breath. He was heavy and crushing you. 
“Innie, can’t breathe.” You both laughed and he rolled off of you.  
“Sorry.” You giggled and scooted in close.  
“It’s okay, you’re allowed to crush me after fucking me like that... just...” He raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Refrain from crushing other men because of me please. I don’t like seeing you hurt.” Jeongin nodded, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer.   
“I will refrain from crushing anyone but you.” You laughed and kissed him. 
“There’s no one I’d rather be crushed by.” 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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noirsfantasy · 6 months
On the fifth day of Christmas…
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𝔄 𝔓𝔲𝔫𝔨 ℜ𝔬𝔠𝔨 ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔪𝔞𝔰
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Hobie Brown x Black!Fem Reader
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔥 ➛ Fluff
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛1.5K
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛ It’s time to decorate the tree, although it’s not going according to plan. You had the perfect idea of how a Christmas tree should look. However, your boyfriend, Hobie, had other ideas. You both begin to argue and it seems to be going no where. Words are said and feelings get hurt. Will you be able to fix this?
𝔞/𝔫 ➛ Guys, I can confirm that Hobie is just a big kid on the inside. But while some might think he’s spewing nonsense, he might actually have a point. I hope you enjoy!
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist
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“No, Hobes! It doesn’t go there.” I swat Hobie’s hand away from the tree as he attempts to place one of his Star Wars ornaments in the center. It's Christmas Eve and Hobie and I are facing off in front of a pile of decorations. This familiar argument about how to decorate the tree is playing out for what feels like the millionth time. My preference leans towards a more structured and organized aesthetic, while Hobie leans towards a free and chaotic approach, arguing that an orderly tree is a submission to capitalism.
“Right, how 'bout this, then?” Hobie holds up some blue tinsel, and I immediately push his hands away from the tree once again.
"I'm not putting that on the tree, Hobie. It goes gold and then red! Blue shouldn’t be anywhere near this tree." I explain while wrapping the red tinsel around the tree. Hobie rolls his eyes.
“What’s the issue? Blue’s a good color.” He throws his hands up, looking at me incredulously. Ignoring him, I continue sorting through the decorations for matching ornaments.
“Oh, so you're just gonna let the suits dictate your every move, huh? You gonna let the capitalist drones run your life?" Hobie accuses, snatching the tinsel from my hands and wrapping it the opposite way.
"Oh, don't start that, Hobie. I just want our tree to look nice and neat this year." I argue, reclaiming the tinsel and wrapping it correctly. Hobie persists, emphasizing his disdain for conforming to holiday traditions dictated by corporations.
“Yeah, you're just a conformist sheep, ain't ya? No clue what's really goin' on, just followin' the herd. Wake up, man!” He says angrily, wrapping the tinsel even more so. He looks at me as if I am completely clueless.
"Conformist to what? Santa Claus's evil agenda?" I mock, yanking the tinsel out of his hands. Hobie snickers, but he doesn’t look impressed.
“The corporations are manipulating the spirit of Christmas, so you’ll buy presents! Can’t you see that, you wanker?”
"Who gives a damn? It's Christmas for Christ's sake!" I throw my hands up and it seems our conversation is getting out of hand. Hobie scrunches up his nose as the argument escalates.
“Exactly! It’s Christmas! The day when you’re supposed to be spending time with people you love, not maxing out your credit card on useless junk. Can't blame ya, it's that corporate mind game. Same goes for Valentine's Day—just another cash grab, man!” He starts to enter into his rant about how Valentine’s Day is pointless. Ignoring his conspiracy theories, I redirect our focus.
"Don't even start! Listen, we're not putting your stupid Star Wars ornaments on the tree and that's final. Now stop arguing and hand me those angel ornaments, will you?" I huff as I hold out my hand, determined to maintain order.
“These Star Wars ornaments are rad! Come on, just a little—” Hobie protests, attempting to convince me to allow at least one Star Wars ornament. "How 'bout just the Baby Yoda? Stick it in the back, it'll be lowkey." I sigh, contemplating the idea for a moment.
"Fine, you can put it right there." I relent, pointing to the spot on the tree. Hobie's face immediately lights up when I give in and allow him to put a baby Yoda ornament up, near the back. Despite his punk rock appearance, he actually has a soft side.
"Cheers, luv," Hobie smiles at me. He quickly unwraps the baby Yoda ornament and carefully placed it where I pointed, and then steps back to admire the result. I cringe at the way it clashes with my previous work.
“So what do you think?” He asks, looking over at me. I don’t really respond, instead looking off to the side. Hobie’s smile begins to fade when he realizes that I am unimpressed by the result of his handiwork.
“What’s wrong with it?” His facial expression turns into one of confusion. “I think it turned out pretty nice,” He said, defending his choice of decoration.
"It doesn't match, Hobes. It looks out of place like I knew it would." I grumble, crossing my arms. Hobie looks at me, genuinely hurt, and his expression turns sad.
"Sorry, luv..." He apologizes, his voice soft and sincere. "I just thought it would be cool... But I guess I don't know anything about aesthetics." He puts his hands in his pockets and lowers his head. He seems genuinely upset that I didn't like his contribution. Hobie turns away from me, deflated as he walks out of the room. I feel a twinge of guilt as I turn to look back at the tree.
His shoulders are hunched up and he is obviously disappointed. As he leaves the room, he mutters, "Stupid Christmas tree..." under his breath. I can't help but feel a bit guilty as I continue to look at the tree.
I stare at it, watching the out-of-place ornament, and thinking, 'Is it really worth it?' I just made a whole argument out of something we were meant to be doing together. I'd put my need for perfection over my own boyfriend and now he's upset. And why? Because some baby Yoda ornament didn't match my idea of what a Christmas tree should look like.
It really clicks in my head. Hobie wasn't just being a nonconformist or trying to ruin the tree. He was trying to have fun with his girlfriend and decorate the tree in a way that shows both of our creativity. I sigh as I turn away from the tree and run to the kitchen to where Hobie is.
"Hobie? Babe?" I find him sitting at the kitchen table with his back towards me. He seems to be focused on something, probably sulking. I call his name again and he slowly turns to look at me.
"Yeah, luv?" He asks, trying to sound cool and nonchalant, but his hurt expression betrays him. I sit across from him and look into his eyes. He avoids my gaze. I place my hand gently on his and bite my lip as I try to find words.
"Hobie, I'm sorry." I start. Hobie feels a wave of relief wash over him when I apologize. He looks up at me and his expression softens. He's clearly still hurt, but he seems much more relaxed knowing that I still care about his feelings.
"It's alright, luv," Hobie replies, giving my hand a little squeeze as he looks into my eyes. "I might've gone a bit overboard, I get it. The Christmas vibes hit me hard, you know? Just wanted to make it extra special 'cause I know it's a big deal for you. And-" He pauses as I press my finger to his lips.
"No, Hobie, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, or tried to shut down your ideas. This isn't my home and that isn't my tree. It's our home and our tree. And it should reflect both of our creativity, not just what I think it should." Hobie's face brightens as I say that. He is a bit taken aback by my admission, but also really appreciates it. His expression turns into a smile as he stands up, pulling me with him.
"That's... really sweet, luv." He says in a soft voice and pulls me into a warm hug. "And you're right, this is our home, and it should reflect both of our tastes." He pauses and then speaks again in a more playful tone. "Even if you have bad taste."
I push away from the hug, feigning a look of offense as I playfully swat his shoulder. "I do not have bad taste!" Hobie pulls me back in and leans in to kiss my lips.
"Yes, you do. But at least you're pretty to look at." He says in a joking manner, then gives me another kiss. His lips press against mine with a tender and passionate intensity. His tongue brushes along my lips momentarily before he pulls his head back, keeping his lips close to mine.
"So, do you wanna take a break from decorating the tree and, you know...?" He trails off suggestively with a smirk and I laugh, rolling my eyes.
"Babe! We need to finish the tree!" I manage to say between giggles as I try to escape his grip. He doesn't let me pull away, instead he picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"Tree's not going anywhere, luv. We can decorate it tomorrow." Hobie mumbles against my skin, kissing my neck and starts walking towards our bedroom.
"But tomorrow's Christmas!" I shout before the door slams shut.
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justash02 · 1 year
Womanizer; 02
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A/n; lemme know if you have feedback! It’s always welcome! So are Requests!
Plot; Everyone who knew who Tom Kaulitz was knew that he was girl crazy, he's very well known for having girls around him all the time.
Pairing; Tom Kaulitz x fem reader.
Previous chapter -> next chapter.
Master list
"Meeting you was the best and the wordt thing that could've happened to me."
An official award show... how did we come here so fast? And are we really that good that we deserve to be here?
"Y/n?" The voice of my stylist brought me out of my gaze, "Yes? I'm sorry Anne, my head is just running over hours at the moment again." Anne smiled at me.
"You've nothing to worry about Y/n, you guys are gonna be fine." She spoke as she grabbed two hangers from behind her.
"Which one you like?" She asked holding the two outfits up for me. "Ah it's so hard." I laughed gently taking a hold of the jumpsuit.
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"Just choice what you would feel most comfortable in." Anne smiled at me, waiting patiently for me to pick one out.
"Uh this one." I said pointing at the outfit, I think it would look amazing! After a while of chatting, putting the outfit on and getting my make up done I was all done.
Anne gave me a hand mirror to show the look to me and I've never felt more beautiful then at this moment. "Oh my, Anne... you're like a stylist god!" I squeak making her laugh.
"Thank you, now go on! You've got a award to win!" She spoke grabbing my hand to help me up from the chair. I quickly gave her a hug and ran to the break room to find my band members.
"Ah there you are!" Ben said standing up from the couch they were all sitting on, we were all dressed in a red theme to match ANTI our album and I have to say we looked amazing.
I felt a pair of eyes on me, I looked around the room to find Adam looking at me. He had a small smile on his face as he looked me up and down..
"Having fun staring, Adam?" Ben asked only to be hit by the leader, "Just admiring my best friend." He said. The tiniest bit of red formed on his cheeks as he too, stood up from the couch. 
He held out his arm for me to take as I grabbed a hold of it with a small smile. 
"Let's get that award!" Clair screamed while running to the door.
"Yo are we being blind or as there no where for us to sit?" Ben asked confused as he looked over the name cards on the tables.
"You can't be serious..." Adam said annoyed, he pulled his arm away from my grip stepping to the side to look around the hall to find staff,  "I'll go ask, in the meanwhile, Y/n go and look on already seated tables." I nodded and watched as the black haired boy walked off annoyed.
"This isn't good for his ego." Ben joked as Clair hit him, she pulled him by his sleeve to keep looking while I went my own way.
I looked at table after table but couldn't find XO, did we really not get a table? Suddenly I bumped into someone making me yelp. "Fuck I'm sorry are you ok?" A familiar voice spoke, I looked up to see Bill Kaulitz from Tokio hotel-
"Oh, Y/n!" My eyes widened as he said my name, he knows who I am?? Am I dreaming again?
"It's ok I'm not going to bite you! I was looking around for you guys." Bill said smiling at me, "Oh really?" I asked trying to sound as confident as I could.
"Yeah, I think they put our bands together on a table... wheres the rest?" He asked, I felt my heart speed up as he looked at me with his brown eyes.
He looked so good.
I quickly realized I was staring at the poor boy and turned around to look around the hall.
"I think I see them." He said, he moved closer to me, his front against my back gently pressing against me. His breath hit the back of my neck as he grabbed my shoulders gently. His black painted nails gently squeezed my shoulders and he turned me a bit to the left.
"There they are." He whispered in my ear, his lips gently brushed over the side of my ear making my breath hitch.
"O-oh yeah!" I spoke, he lets me go which I'm thankful for because if he kept going I might have fainted on him.
"I'll go get them!" I quickly said speed walking over to Ben and Clair, "We got placed at the same table as Tokio Hotel-" before I could finish my sentence Clair started laughing.
"Oh this is gonna be fun. Ben text Adam that we found our table."
Fuck me.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Mini costume meta
Gonna throw in a very mini costume meta because now I’ve got a proper look at Bucks velvet jacket I am having a lot - and I mean a lot of feelings about it.
For starters this jacket is not maroon - it is burgundy and that is an important distinction. maroon is a more brown toned colour while burgundy is a more red and purple toned colour and they have very different meanings. 
I’m not sure how easily you can see it from these two pictures, but the tee Buck wears when he tells Christopher about Eddie getting shot - in 4x14 - is much more brown toned, while the velvet suit jacket has much more of a purplish tone to it (i’m hoping for better pictures of the suit jacket when the episode actually airs as the screenshots I grabbed are not the best!!)
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So Like I’ve said in previous metas, maroon has been used in scenes where a character is taking on some form of parental role - this is something thats been going on since season 1 and its been used on pretty much all the characters. Buck telling Chris about the shooting is the most obvious example, but Eddie in the last episode when Buck went over to the Diaz house was making Christopher's lunch - a parental thing. We’ve also seen Bobby in maroon a fair amount when he’s needed to step into a parental role - think back to Bobby telling Harry he needed to clear the table - that he couldn’t be best buddy Bobby anymore, and needed to be step dad Bobby and so on. 
Maroon is thought to promote comfort and warmth, it is also a colour of strength and maturity - all things associated with parenthood. It is also a colour often associated with drying blood which connects it to the idea of blood ties - which equals family ties.
Then we have burgundy - a colour of sophistication. It’s a powerful colour commonly associated with refinement - stemming from the idea that a Burgundy wine is among the best and most expensive in the world. This association also means Burgundy is associated with wealth - the perfect colour for Buck to be wearing while he’s winning at poker!
The other thing about burgundy though is that it is also associated with lust, passion and desire - it is a colour very much connected with romance and deep love as it is a deep form of red!
Combined with the black of the rest of the outfit, including the black wide peaked satin lapels, which is a colour of elegance, sophistication, power and seduction, as well as the choice of velvet and satin for the blazer - two fabrics considered to be symbols of wealth luxury and sophistication I think it’s safe to say that this outfit is very much an outfit one would chose for a date. Peaked lapels are an interesting choice - they are the most difficult lapel to achieve and are considered the mark of an accomplished tailor - hinting at the idea that Buck has been on a difficult journey, but will achieve success with it. it can also hint at him being accomplished at cards!
Its also worth mentioning that velvet as a word is a slang term for money acquired through gambling 👀👀👀 
Last thing to note is that Eddie is not the only one wearing a new and more blingy watch - Buck is also wearing a new one - we only get a couple of very brief glimpses and I’m hoping we’ll see a bit more of it once the episode airs, but I am very literally screaming over it. (you can see a tiny glimpse in the still below)
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Buck has had the same watch since season 1 - no deviations, just the same watch! and now - now we get a new one! Post dying, post coma dream, post Buck going to the Diaz house and sleeping on the couch and post Buck appearing all contemplative and figuring things out at the end of last episode we see Buck in a new watch!!!!
The fact that they both appear to be wearing metal watches means we have the possibility that their watches are going to potentially match up, because metal watches are more showy and confident - they’re less practical (especially if you’re a fire fighter) and are therefore much more about making a statement of some sort. Them both wearing them for the first time at the same time is a choice! Not to mention the fact that while Eddies watch is out and proud - on display for everyone to see, Bucks is mostly hidden - we only get to see a tiny part of it for a moment. The idea that Eddie is confident and essentially putting this new version of himself out there for people to see, while Buck is ‘on the same page’ but still mostly hiding his new self - he’s still uncertain about it etc is a choice - especially as we’ve seen watch theory around Buck expand much more this season than previously! I should also mention the fact that the show very loudly made a big thing about Michael buying David a watch as an engagement gift - rather than a ring - and we don’t see any other (male)  characters wearing metal watches, so for them to choose now to put Eddie in a metal watch as well as possibly Buck is making a very purposeful connection!!
I really can’t wait to see if we’re going to get more of these watches - if we do I’m expecting we’ll only see them connected to Buddie developments and that they’ll revert to their normal watches for other non work scenes (I’m expecting the brown leather strap watch for whatever date(s) Pepa has set Eddie up on!!)!
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