#and i mean people should start taking the boycotts seriously
bandzboy · 28 days
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I thought the boycott was only from April 1st until May 1st? But it's still ongoing?
well yes that was a boycott to build some pressure obviously people were slacking but since no one is divesting from these brands or firing anyone it's pretty much ongoing until something changes
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sirfrogsworth · 11 months
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These folks watched a whole ass movie not realizing the main character was transgender and it was a 2 second kiss between men that made them lose their ever-loving minds.
It's amazing to me that if it weren't for those 2 seconds, many of these folks would have given this movie a 4 or 5 star review. But two seconds of the most vanilla, non-sexy, yet genuine and loving kiss somehow ruined every moment of enjoyment the previous 90 minutes brought them.
Imagine if they realized the trans allegory. I wish I had a way to tell them. I wish I had a way to make them realize they related to a trans character. That they rooted for them. That they accidentally empathized with a trans story.
This was a beautiful movie. In every sense. I really hope between this and Spider-Verse, we can have a moratorium on every 3D animated movie using this style of character design.
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It's time to let go of the rubber toy look.
I love Toy Story, but its success kind of doomed 3D animation to never take any risks. I thought maybe it was just a limitation of the medium, and perhaps it was for a time... but after seeing Love Death + Robots and Arcane...
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I realized they can make 3D animation look however the hell they want now.
The rubber people were just risk avoidance.
"That's what people are used to and so we're sticking with it."
But the real beauty of Nimona was the story. I won't spoil it but the plot is pretty much, "If you get to know a trans person, you probably won't hate them anymore."
Not knowing any trans people is one of the biggest factors in anti-trans bigotry. And so this movie uses allegory to let an audience get to know a trans person. And you get to experience someone slowly start to understand what it is to be trans from an outside perspective.
It's sad that will probably be lost on those folks above because all they will remember is the kiss. Seriously, it was such a harmless, mundane, blink-and-you-miss-it kiss. But I'm hoping that others will take the lesson of this movie to heart. That you should get to know people before you judge them.
Part of me does wish we could tell trans stories without allegory. That we could just have overt trans characters. But I think this is the best representation possible right now.
It's crazy that Supergirl was one of the bravest shows as far as modern trans representation. It wasn't an edgy HBO drama trying to push boundaries. It was a family-friendly superhero show and they were just like, "Here is a transgender woman with superpowers and it's fine." And I loved that it was part of the character but it wasn't all the character was. Though I think they just missed the manufactured "moral panic" window where that choice would have been extremely controversial causing boycotts of Warner Bros. and whatnot.
My only complaint about Nimona was a small penis joke. It went by very quickly and many may even miss it. But I was surprised to see it in this movie in particular. Especially since those jokes can have collateral damage toward trans folks. With all of the positive messages, wasting a joke on body shaming was a tad disappointing. I mean, it was a fairly lighthearted "Is it cold in here?" joke. I don't want to make it sound worse than it was. But it still registered on my Richter scale of things that bother me.
Anyway, I wholeheartedly give Nimona a 5 out of 5. It helped me understand my friends on a deeper level and it was warm and funny and entertaining. There was a scene at the end that was so beautiful and heart-wrenching and I was crying my eyes out. The animation and the symbolism and the acting were just so perfect.
It's a shame Disney tried to kill this movie. But I am so glad it was allowed to exist despite that.
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ofthedarkwoods · 2 months
Daily Affirmations
These aren't in any order also welcome to screenshot but I like to edit and add more.
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You are indeed the main character. Period.
If you see red then you best leave that there bed.
People not profit.
Avoid drugs and eat more candy.
Fuck the government and those lazy catted cunts in office.
You are allowed to cry and be upset, express yourself.
Don't forget your water bottle, stay hydrated.
Protect all kids especially trans kids and childern of color.
If you see someone steal from a big business like girl no you don't. You best mind your own.
Eat whatever you want as long as it's editable.
Don't be that one white person in a horror movie.
Introductions are best if you use genderneutral pronouns.
Get that bread that head then leave.
Out live your enemies spite them all then dance on their grave.
The future should be acceptable to all.
The ocean makes more oxygen than trees do but best respect and protect both.
Do not fight a goose! Just leave them and their babies quick. Seriously if you see a goose you best vamoose!
Treat others how you wanna be treated. Don't care if you're in a bad mood. Just walk away.
Don't be a Karen.
Pirate your local movie.
Don't start vaping, it's too expensive and people in congo are dying because of extreme slavery.
Nothing is just for kids. Watching a cartoon? Buying a stuffy? Eating some candy? You best treat yourself.
Graffiti makes the rent go down.
Homphobia? I ain't even heard of ya.
Get yourself a sugar mommy or sugar daddy.
Consent is key.
We are all vaild always.
Punch a nazi or a pedo.. or like get someone to do it for you.
Substitute seafood or cut back.
You don't need kids to start a family and also kids won't fix your marriage.
No matter how hard the wind howls, the mountain will never bow down.
Protect the bees and the trees or I'll come for your knees.
If you want to date or have multiple crushes on people then you might be polyamours.. looked it up.
I can not stress enough, treat employees as people.
Buy something local could be grown, made, foraged you go get that.
Support your local drag queen.
Take your vitamins if you feel low get vitamins C, B, and D.
No means no and if so you fight a hoe!
Pick up that piece of trash safely, use a napkin, bag or just something the world will look better and you'll feel better.
ACAB girly like I don't make the rules.
Try not to pick your skin. Yes I'm talking to you stop.
Don't lie or cheat like nah don't be nasty.
People with extra homes, cabins, islands ect.. suck.
Boycott if you can but if you can't that's fine but spread awareness, never ignore the problem.
Thrift shopping is the best kinda shopping.
Self care day is every day, be kind to yourself.
Billionaires have polluted more in one year than the rest of the world combined in a life time.
Healthcare, food, water should be accessible to all humans.
Animals should be living free, safely, and in the wild.
Ban idiots not books.
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0 notes
aworexeft1 · 1 year
What Does Buy cheat for EFT Mean?
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Cheat for Tarkov When you utilize our Break from Tarkov Aimbot You should assist the Observable Checks with highlighting, making it workable for you to affirm that you've strike (and killed!) your objectives.
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CHEAT4 can be a labor force of experienced designers, had some expertise in cheats for favored web-based film game titles. Started as a rigorously confidential hacks situated improvement, distinguished to underground miscreants from connected gatherings, it developed to an unexpected surprise undeniably more allowed that the years went on. To right now we give hacks to considerably more than eight+ games and serve appropriately our customers with Rehashed refreshes and satisfying their requires. We got great Neighborhood people group on similarly non-public and overall population Disagreement servers, you can look for the last one specific for sentiments just prior to choosing if you have any desire to turn into a Piece of it. In addition we will guarantee you that the record may be entirely gotten and protected from a computer game boycott, every single arrangement we got is getting dissected by our Particular analyzer staff following every individual update.
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kkyujikoo · 3 years
These are my... 2...? Maybe 50, cents about the whole "freejk" thing. I'm gonna be extremely petty and at some points a whole lot sarcastic and it's gonna be long but I had to say it. As soon as I get my computer I'm gonna make it under read more, but the app does whatever it wants, as we know.
Listen, this ain't my first fan rodeo, and not even the first fan rodeo where I've been directly or indirectly accused of being some sort of pervert or delulu. I've been in fandom spaces since I was a teen, I was shipping mlm couples when queerbaiting in TV shows was still something that was seen as the norm rather than some cheap disgusting trick. I was there when fanfic spaces saw "slash" fics as something "different" and to be tagged with a more mature rating even when they just looked at each other.
I was in BBC's Sherlock's fandom and I shipped Johnlock during the hiatus between S3 and S4, at this point I'm not even feeling it when people call me delulu or a weirdo.
So, yeah, take this with a grain of salt: as a person who has seen thousands of times fandom drama unfolding and has lived too much of it... This whole situation is so ridiculous it makes me laugh. Like, yeah, it's maddening how people will blame anyone and everyone because they don't even see their own bias and homophobia, granted, but like... It also makes me laugh for the sheer dumbassery of the reasoning behind it all?
Like... Y'all are getting mad and for what? Because it sure as hell isn't the invasion of privacy, since y'all are watching the same content we're all watching and you're paying to see it the same way everyone else is. If you don't want to "invade their privacy", you should just... Stop watching content that isn't their music videos, RUN episodes or interviews. Memories and any kind of dvd/video that shows what they're doing behind the scenes shouldn't be part of their job as musicians, and therefore we're intruding in their privacy... Or aren't we?
Or maybe it's more nuanced than that: maybe the content they release on dvd/on their official channels is part of their job as entertainers, and it's been approved, and it's a small window THEY are granting us.
You know what's the REAL invasion of privacy and what REALLY invalidates someone autonomy? When you, who maybe aren't even paying to see that content (which is something I understand, like, dude, I'm not covered in money either), DEMAND what kind of behind the scenes content you want when I swear ABSOLUTELY NO ONE has asked you. Once again: you don't like it? You think it's some huge invasion of privacy? Don't buy it. Don't interact with it. Convince your friends to do the same. For all I care, just go and petition to boycott this kind of content. I know you won't do it, because... That's the thing, isn't it? It's not the invasion of privacy that bothers these people.
Y'all aren't mad because we get into their business or else you would have gotten real mad when we were privy to REAL private moments like people crying their hearts out.
No, no. Y'all are mad because it's "shipping content" and "fanservice" which apparently bothers you because it lacks authenticity.
Pick a side, lovelies: either you DON'T want to invade their privacy, and thus all the content they release should be focused on what fans want to see, or you WANT to know how they interact TRULY in private.
And here's the catch: "shipping content" can be anything. Shipping existed WAAAAAYYY before the word for it was invented, same way with fanfictions. Shipping means, literally, "seeing two (or more) people interact and thinking they would make a good romantic pair". That's it. That's quite literally it. Everything else is just some nuance of the concept of shipping, but at its core, it's nearly impossible to ban all shipping content when it's a group of seven people, because they should for real go in social distancing mode to do so. Most people who have parasocial relationships tend to have "ships" whether they know it or not, because we've all, at least once, looked at a dynamic from the outside and thought "oh man they look cute together". So, even if, o dear ones, your wishes were granted... What the hell do you mean by "shipping" content? Should they just film solo clips, avoiding talking about the other members? But wouldn't that be fanservice, since it's focused on pleasing the fans? (Which, ultimately, is what fanservice MEANS, and I hate to break it to y'all but the whole concept behind entertainment and thus all the content BTS releases it's... For the fans. Like, they're not going out of their way to just meet our expectations but they're certainly doing fanservice by the mere act of releasing bonus content.)
But it's not even quite that, is it? Because no one bats an eye if it's Tae kissing Nj's cheek. I've seen no hashtag against everyone - and I mean literally every one of them - wolf whistling at Nj. It's okay to show intimacy... Because they're bandmates and it's okay to be close to someone who you see basically 24/7, I hear you. And it's also okay when people see that and gush over that closeness, because it's such a nice thing to see.
Soooooo... We've got to free JK from whom exactly? From what?
Are y'all mad cause people pointed out there's very little way a bruise that stayed for a whole ass night could be a quick bite? Because that doesn't harm jk, at most makes fun of him and jimin and their poor excuses (seriously, guys, next time consider using mosquitoes or "I was doing stuff". It'll be equally embarrassing but at least the meme will be funny), and it's literally... A fair observation. Like. It's a hickey, people are gonna make jokes about seeing a hickey and poor excuses of covering it up in the exact same way they're gonna make jokes over jimin falling out of chairs. And yeah, a hickey is AT LEAST something that happens in a sensual context. Like, I could understand "people who are extremely familiar with each other will have different body language/touch in areas where usually you wouldn't see friends touching each other", but that's not. Not a hand on the thigh. It's a hickey on the neck. I don't even know a more stereotypical placing for a hickey. But once again, are y'all mad because someone is pointing it out? Because that's not being delulu or even being a shipper, really, it's just commenting on something that was approved to be shown and discussed in something that was released BY THEM.
Are y'all mad at hybe for showing something that literally fell onto their hands? Cause like, unless someone (I'm counting on Jimin, since as we know Jungkook was busy spinning him round and round and had both his hands busy) called at hybe headquarters to say "yo bang pd substitute, is it okay if I give my friend jk here a hickey? Cause he's being really annoying rn and he has to pay", I highly doubt anyone expected Jungkook to come to rehearsal all neatly marked up. Or idk, maybe someone at hybe asked them "we need Jungkook to come in with a hickey but refuse to say it's a hickey, so that fans will feel reeeeally served." That sounds perfectly plausible too. Or a good marketing strategy.
Now, if you're a big company and your objective is to have some footage of the rehearsals for a concert, and the fandom is too good at noticing stuff for their own good, and one of your artists comes in with a very visible mark, and he and his bff bropal4lyfe come n with a story about how they were playing and a bite happened, you've got three choices: 1. Cut the artist out of aaaaalll the footage. Someone would have noticed the "bite mark" anyway, you best believe that. If you don't want anyone to notice it, you gotta cut him in most of the footage where it's visible. 2. Keep the hickey, discard the explanations. You could do that, but also it would feel a lot more unfaithful to everyone involved. Also they clearly worked their ass off to invent an explanation, come on! They truly tried to do their best inventing something that was not "it's a mosquito bite", they should get some credit! 3. Keep the bite, keep the explanation.
Notice how none of these solutions include the biting never happening because... They couldn't prevent it? The only thing they have any control over is how they're framing each "accident". And that's not an easy job.
I applaud you, people on the editing team.
So... On whom should we cast the blame now? Ah, yes, I think it's finally time for the ultimate scapegoat of this fandom: Jimin. Which is funny, cause... You know... If this were really about privacy, or being "victims" of shipping... This should be about freeing him too, you know? But obviously Jimin does it for attention, while Jungkook, poor angel that he is, doesn't even know what shipping is.
Furthermore, don't we all know how much Jimin imposes himself in Jungkook's life? To the point where he, multimillionaire man feels compelled to share a car with Jimin even if they're both late in the process. And can't you see how uncomfortable he is, draping himself over Jimin, making Jimin drap himself over him?
Oh lordy, truly such an awful eight years Jungkook spent, choosing to have vacations with someone who made him uncomfortable, spending free time with him, even having to suck his ear in public to the point you can see his saliva just because Jimin was sad :( truly an all-around bad time for Jungkook, as evidenced by alllll those times when he said Jimin was pretty, cute, and all-around knowing every little thing about Jimin. I absolutely concur, the dude would be so much more happy if jimin was not in his life.
Did that sound weird and absolutely ridiculous and a really absurd joke? Because that's what y'all sound like to me. Like. Jungkook is out there living his best life, getting hickeys and showered in affection and y'all paint him as a fucking martyr??? I'm sure he's really truly desperate that Jimin holds him in such high regards 😭😭😭 I can see him suffering whenever he starts doing his own serendipity rendition 😭😭 and when he claimed you are me, I am you as his and Jimin's only 😭😭😭 I cannot believe this poor baby 😭😭😭
I've reached a point where every time I hear this stuff I laugh because the levels of twisting reality when it comes to jikook are extraordinary, Jungkook will have a literally blissed out face and people will cry in outrage.
But coming back to my point: let's pretend you're not mad at Jimin and the possibility that jikook are dating: are y'all mad... At the hickey? Because at this point it seems like the only feasible solution. And if you are, do not worry: I'm sure Jungkook's skin was throughly healed by his boo. A kiss soothes even the worst pain, doesn't it?
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goodmode · 2 years
(dont reblog im just. tired)
every post on here about veganism by people who arent vegan is like haha why don’t vegans eat [x] when [y] haha GOTCHA stupid vegans! like. mind ur business or go bother your neighbour who doesnt recycle. everyone on this earth is living and learning. every year i take on new information and adapt my diet/lifestyle accordingly and thats all it is. thats all the label should mean. the same people who say this are the same people who reblog social justice posts and tack on a totally unnecessary “WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT THIS!!! >:((” like girl we just heard. we’re hearing it now. we heard at the same time as you did
“bees are little people with human minds and feelings who will leave if their beekeeper is mean and that’s why vegans should be fine with eating industrial honey :) vegans are so stupid lmao” do you think a dog will remember shitting on the rug. do you think bees understand which plants to pollinate. do you think the entire ecosystem is that simple that we can just fill every niche with a specific kind of honeybees. do you really think every single vegan on earth boycotts honey because they seriously think bees are making little sad faces about having their surplus removed. do you think this isn’t a nuanced issue that varies by location and context
dont even get me started on the constant “oh HO but i’ve seen at least 1 vegan in my life who still drinks almond milk and thats so bad for the environment also!! GOTCHA” oh everything has to be a gotcha. can you redirect this energy towards people who actually arent trying at all but might, like, your aunt sally who still thinks you can flush wipes down the toilet, maybe
pardon me for being grumpy online but man there sure have been a lot of posts circling by defeatist nonvegans who seem to think making zero effort at all is better somehow than trying because, i guess we’re all doomed anyway or whatever. look just go bother your neighbours about recycling plastics or do something productive instead of trying to gotcha the entire concept of even trying a vegan lifestyle because you saw one facebook girlie putting almond milk in her coffee
tldr mind your business. doing my fuckin best
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stellacolletore · 3 years
title: you're so gorgeous (i can't say anything to your face)  summary: the springtime of youth has finally caught up to Chihaya-chan 
It was Chitose-neesan's fault. If she had just let Chihaya watch the movie in peace, not blurting any of the weird things she said last night, then maybe she wouldn't find it hard focusing in class today. The conversation started out casually enough.
“Say, Chihaya. I’ve been wondering,” Chitose uttered nonchalantly, eyes trained on the television.
Chihaya flinched when a zombie sprang onscreen. "Hm?"
"Mashima-kun's handsome, right?"
Chihaya blinked. Even though it was Chitose's habit to ask random things out of the blue, Chihaya still gets surprised sometimes. Deciding to think nothing more out of it, she replied, "Um, yeah. He's popular at school. Girls give him tons of chocolates for Valentine's Day."
"That's not what I meant." Chitose interjected. "I'm asking you. Do you find your boyfriend attractive?" 
Chihaya's eyes trailed off from the movie, connecting with her sister's. "W - what?" 
Chitose was looking at her with curiosity. "I don't know if it's because you guys know each other since you were kids, but I think you're seeing Mashima-kun as if he's still your classmate in grade school. Or your karuta playmate." 
Chihaya blanked. What is she getting at? Chitose sighed for the second time. Despite sounding resigned, her sister suggested, "All I'm saying is—you may want to take a good look at him." She proceeded to take a sip from her mug, attention returning to the film. 
"Wouldn't want to waste all that beauty in vain."
"—haya-chan," Kanade's waving hand pulled Chihaya from her thoughts. "Is everything all right?" 
Chihaya surveyed the room, finding only a few of her classmates loitering around. She must’ve been lost in thought for quite a while. Turning to her concerned friend, she gave a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Kana-chan. What brings you here?" 
Kanade tilted her head. "Did you forget? We're having a group study in the library today. Everyone's already there." 
“Ah,” Chihaya remarked lamely. She really should snap out of this confusion as soon as possible. It was exam week—the absolutely worst time to be worrying about anything else besides upcoming tests. 
After cramming her notebooks and pens in her bag, Chihaya proceeded to move. “Let’s go, Kana-chan.” 
Maybe she should just try to figure out what Chitose meant right away. It shouldn’t be that hard to do, right?
"Quit it, Chihaya. People are staring," Taichi grumbled beside her, pretending to be absorbed in his review materials.
"One minute." Chihaya insisted.
Of course, Chihaya has enough self-awareness to know how silly she must've looked to others, sitting beside Taichi with her chin propped on one arm above the long table, eyes gazing intently on his side profile. She's heard whispers from the students seated at the other tables, collectively wondering whether Ayase Chihaya was seriously flirting in front of public eye. She knew her friends have already placed various bets among themselves, attempting to decipher what's suddenly gotten in the mind of their resident airhead captain.
But Chihaya can't afford to be flustered. She has yet to understand what Chitose meant.
Having no clue how to go about it, or what it was she should even be seeking, Chihaya decided to begin her inspection by listing out the changes that existed between grade school Taichi and high school Taichi.
There was the hair, of course. He kept it longer now, the just enough for the tips of the strands to reach past his eyebrows. It still looked well put and silky, though, and if Chihaya would extend her hand to rest on the mop of his head, she’s sure to find it soft, too. She was about to ask for his permission to do just that when she caught herself. That was a weird thing to ask, wasn’t it?
Discarding the thought, Chihaya focused again at the task at hand, taking meticulous notice of Taichi’s stature—his sharp features and porcelain skin, the trademark long lashes, striking amber eyes…
Do you find your boyfriend attractive?
As soon as her sister’s words echoed unbidden in her mind, Chihaya’s world shifted.
Literally and figuratively. “Chihaya!” She instantly registered concern in Taichi’s voice as her head struck against the table, having slipped unceremoniously off her arm. Heat pooled at her cheeks as the temperature in the room spiked, making her feel like she was suddenly shoved inside a microwave. Every pair of eyes in their table was directed at her, equal parts worried and confused. “Are you—” Taichi was about to place a hand on her forehead, meaning to check if she was running a fever, when Chihaya shrunk back, yelping, “Water!” 
A beat later she leapt to her feet, following through the first excuse she could think of, “I—I’m gonna drink some water.” Without further ado, Chihaya rushed out of the library and sprinted through the hallway, leaving everybody in the room dumbfounded in her wake.
“Never again,” Chihaya vowed, wiping off the water that dripped on her chin. “I won’t listen to Onee-chan ever again.” She pressed the one-liter bottle on her cheek, cooling her skin. How was she supposed to face Taichi now? It would be practically impossible to look into his eyes without bursting into flames. 
Chitose-neechan must know how to deal with this, Chihaya hoped. She should head home at once and demand answers. With a newfound resolve Chihaya stood up from her crouching position—before smacking a palm on her forehead. "Ah! My bag—" 
"—is here," a familiar voice cut from behind her. Spinning on her heels, she saw Taichi heading towards her next to the vending machine, both their bags slung on his shoulder. "T - Taichi," she said helplessly, her eyes instantly latching on his shoes. She gingerly inched closer. "G - give me that. I'm going home." 
He turned away from her, then started walking. "Let's go." 
Chihaya panicked. "Wait! I - I can go by myself. You should go back to the others. I'm fine, really." 
Taichi resumed walking. "No, you're not. You look like you're bound to walk into a pole, and Ayase-san would be mad at me if I let you." 
With you, I might do just that, Chihaya retorted. Having no other choice, she followed him towards the school gate. 
Chihaya has always been grateful for her exceptional hearing, but today proved to be day unlike any other, and so she wasn't surprised upon finding herself annoyed with how her ears easily picked up the chatter around them. The train cart was packed with students, many of them being girls who were spending the better part of the ride gushing about her boyfriend. As unsettling as it was for her, she had to admit that the sight of Taichi studying his notes with a calm look on his face was nothing short of eye-catching. Although it had only taken a second to glance at him, Chihaya felt her cheeks flush nonetheless. In utter embarrassment, she covered them with her palms. 
She was determined to shield her vision for the rest of the trip when her phone buzzed. 
from: Mashima Taichi  to: Ayase Chihaya  Do you feel dizzy? 
 Chihaya's breath caught. Her fingers typed in a reply. 
from: Ayase Chihaya  to: Mashima Taichi  No  I'm ok 
She heard Taichi tapping on his phone. 
from: Mashima Taichi  to: Ayase Chihaya  Were exams hard? 
from: Ayase Chihaya  to: Mashima Taichi  Of course You didn't need to ask 
Chihaya was beginning to wonder why they're suddenly conversing through their phones when a new message stilled her thoughts. 
from: Mashima Taichi  to: Ayase Chihaya  Why aren't you looking at me? 
The next stop was still a few minutes away. There was no way she could sprint away from him again in this compartment. Taichi would easily see through her lies. She had no choice but to come clean. 
Since it was more mortifying to type it out than to simply voice her concerns, she tucked away her phone on her skirt pocket. After clearing her throat a bit, Chihaya declared with a slightly shaky voice, "B - because you look like that." 
"Like what?" Genuine cluelessness was evident in Taichi's tone. 
Chihaya buried her face in her hands again as she whispered, "Handsome. Too handsome." 
Silence stretched between them so much that Chihaya wasn't sure if Taichi had heard her. She risked taking a peek at his expression when she noticed him beet red, staring past the train window.
Chihaya wanted to cry. Chitose-neechan better know how to fix this mess she's gotten them in. 
In the end, Chitose wasn’t of any help. After laughing at her sister to her heart’s content, she merely commented, “My, what a problem you have there, Chihaya.” She threatened to boycott her sister’s next magazine release as payback.
Grasping at straws, Chihaya then dialed Kanade’s and Sumire’s numbers. As soon as all the amused reactions winded down, Kanade stated, “Although I don’t have any useful advice to deal with what you’re experiencing, I think avoiding Mashima-kun is the last thing you should be doing right now. We’ll be entering university soon, and it’ll be harder to meet each other then. You wouldn’t want to regret that, ne, Chihaya-chan?”
Chihaya sighed. “I don’t.”
“Ayase-senpai,” Sumire chimed in. In a tone reminiscent of the time she guided them confidently through making Valentine’s chocolates to cheer up Taichi, Sumire announced, “There’s only one way to fix this. You have to build immunity.”
‘Building immunity’ apparently meant weathering through all the blushing and the rapid heartbeats until she got used to them. It may be a tall order, but there weren’t any alternatives and Chihaya had been worried about making Taichi worry about her. Putting her faith on Sumire’s reputation on matters concerning love, Chihaya found herself waiting anxiously on the train platform the next morning.
“This is the first time I’ve seen you this early.” Taichi stood next to her and she grounded her feet, desperately willing her face not to redden. Glancing at him, she stuttered, “O - ohayou, Taichi.”
Small talk passed between them until their train arrived. Settling on the empty seats, Taichi regarded her with mild surprise. “To be honest, I don’t think I’ll be seeing you at all for the rest of the week.” Chihaya clasped her hands. “W - well, Kana-chan said hiding isn’t a good idea.” She struggled to make eye contact, “A - and I want to be immune as soon as possible.”
Taichi looked at her blankly for a full three seconds. Then he broke into laughter, face lighting up so brilliantly that Chihaya had to avert her eyes.
I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.
Chihaya can’t find it in herself to sincerely complain, though.
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ohnobjyx · 4 years
A snowy summer
Part 5: June + Part 6: July
Wow, rl has keep me occupied so much that I almost forgot that I haven’t finished this series yet. I think I intended to make June and July into a single post and separate April and May, I don’t know it ended up like this, but let’s roll with it.
Disclaimer: I try to keep things objective (if I include my personal opinion, it’s in cursive and in brackets), but I’m biased because of the XZ friendly content I’m usually exposed to and by my own views of their situation. Open to discussion, but please make sure you’ve enough information to do so.
In June and July there were some incidents that really had me staring at my laptop speechless, brain completely fried by what I was reading. I suppose I don’t have so much energy to invest myself in issues like those (I have enough with my own rl problems, thank you very much), but still... wtf.
School uniforms
In recent June, the welfare project done by his fans got questioned for a project. It was about some school uniforms that they donated to a school, in collaboration with another organization (BYH Foundation).
However, it was questioned because the uniform has the letter 赞 (zan) in it. It means “to approve, to support or to praise” and it’s also the internet slang for “like” (thumbs up). Because it sounds similar to xz’s name, it’s often used as a substitution for his name in internet posts. In fact, in an interview, he was asked if he preferred “xiao (little) zhan” or “xiao zan”, and he said both were fine. Some commercials use phrases with this character to refer to him.
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The antis accused XZ’s fans of trying to use the students to promote their celebrity. After this, BYH Foundation issued an apology, because of “their lack of consideration”. They had wanted the word to mean “positive”, and as a wish that the children grow up healthy and optimistic. But because of the misunderstanding, the foundation expressed their regret and took back all uniforms and other materials.
Faced with this, netizens again expressed their disagreement. “Why take away the clothes if the children liked them? Why must people who complain always be right? How disappointing!”
(Personal opinion time: so… giving the uniforms is criticized. Taking them away is criticized. Can someone tell me what can they do that it won’t be criticized?)
Charity in Yunnan
In mid-June, XZ participated in a charity event in Yunnan, promoting agricultural products. XZ’s fans support association changed their name to XZ Audio and Video official w/ibo, centering their efforts in promoting his works.
His activities in Yunnan were accompanied by an interview.
Offering legal help to those affected by cyberbullying
On July 1st, XZ studio issued another statement. I think we are familiar with this one, since it’s quite recent.
This issue began on June 22nd, when a w/ibo user berated XZ for not “controlling” his fans: “… and, by letting them do as they please, you let them think that there was nothing wrong in what they were doing. Today is Fathers’ Day, and your fans dare to curse my mother and my late father. I’ll not let this go. I’ll boycott you, and if I consider it necessary, I’ll report it to the police. I’ll leave this post here, so we can come back to it and look at the source of the problem. You reap what you sow, you can’t blame me on this.” She posted a few screenshots of some people insulting her parents.
A few fans wrote to her:
“Excuse me, I’m sorry for disturbing you, I know you don’t like XZ, but XZ has been leading us fans, and I’ve seen that your account isn’t XZ friendly. Every well intentioned critic, we’ll take it, but I hope you won’t involve XZ because of the words of others, there are a lot of rational fans out there.”
The user answered:
“From the beginning to the end, he has never said: ‘don’t report maliciously, don’t insult and humiliate others, don’t curse other people’s parents, don’t look for others’ private info, don’t threaten others’. Has he said them? He hasn’t. He never elaborates, hums and haws, pass over these topics. I’ll tell you, today’s matter, I must see an apology. Either from the ones that cursed my parents or from XZ on their behalf. If there’s not apology, I’ll chase this matter to the end.”
This user released a week later a document called “Assessment on the value and risk of XZ’s fans”. She took the data from several platforms, and analysed them, getting statistics about the type of XZ’s fans. This report depicted a very negative view of his fans.
This was a very controversial issue. The heart of the controversy is that there’s no evidence that the netizen who cursed her parents is XZ’s fan. And even if they “were”, nowadays many people are deliberately posing as XZ’s fans to insult and abuse others in order to frame him.
However, with her report, the people who don’t know the heart of the matter got more ammo to insult and humiliate XZ. She updated her post, saying that she had been being investigated, that someone had tried to get her address and name, so in the comments, more and more people blamed XZ for the issue. XZ’s teams then offered their help in the form of legal advice and lawyers to help her get legal support.
The user took the offer and agreed to receive legal advice. XZ’s studio then posted their update (the one linked in the first paragraph of this section), rejecting all king of cyber bullying and offering help to protect the rights of the netizens affected by cyber violence. The Studio also spoke clearly: they won’t tolerate XZ’s fans abusing other netizens, nor people posing as XZ’s fans to attack others.
The “stolen” account
On July 11, XZ’s Audio and Video official w/ibo posted an official apology. This time, the issue was this one: a w/ibo user had “passed away” due to mental illness (depression, the user followed the supertopic about this particular ailment and had posted a few times about it). However, after their death, their account was active again, and began posting about XZ.
People attacked the user for using a deceased person’s account (comments were like “don’t you know the history of the owner of the account you’re using?”), and consequently, all of the content in that account was deleted.
The same afternoon, XZ’s Audio and Video official w/ibo issued their apology. They contacted w/ibo, and asked the user to restore the deleted content and to respect the deceased.
This was also controversial, since they couldn’t know for sure that the one who bought the account is a fan of XZ. Because of this, XZ’s fans were attacked again. W/ibo issued a post declaring that the account had been accessed through the same device from last year to present, so the account hadn’t been stolen, and they continue to investigate it.
In summary: this time, XZ’s fans had apologized too quickly. This user was someone who used 3 different IPs and 3 different accounts. They had followed the “depression” topic, posted a few things and went silent for a while, making people think they had succumbed to the illness. Then, using the same account, they started posting about XZ, making people think that the account had been stolen, and manipulated other people’s sense of justice and compassion to defame XZ.
W/ibo took the initiative and blocked all of their accounts.
(Okay, when I actually read about what happened, I was like... wtf. Seriously wtf. This is some plot going on over there, I thought this kind of defamation plots only happened in Chinese historical dramas. I... really don’t get it. I’m speechless still.)
W/ibo and XZ Studio Conference
The topic of w/ibo and XZ studio conference went on hot search on July 14, in which, they talked about fan guidance and management:
“W/ibo believes that influential public figures and celebrities should bear the responsibility of guiding and restraining fan’s behaviour, essentially through the fans’ group. But in last months, because of failed guidance and reactions, all kind of fan groups had a disruptive behaviour online, causing a harmful impact on society.
W/ibo believes that celebrities’ studios and companies should reinforce the guidance and restrain over the fans. To those who pretend to be a certain person’s fan, they should be reported and people should collaborate with the platform in its management of the issue. We can’t ignore them if these people’s actions are suspected to be illegal, and protect our rights, fulfilling legal responsibilities.
XZ’s studio has expressed their agreement with W/ibo’s recommendations, and expressed their intention to increase their level of collaboration and support of this platform’s management.”
The announcement was ended by a statement on how the latest incident has showed a very ugly and harmful part of the society, and that everyone should collaborate to improve the society and Internet. It also included a list of accounts that were banned for fake rumours and leading other fans to arguments. 
This was accompanied by an apology by XZ Studio.
(This is what some anons asked me about on their asks. I hope you can all read between the lines to get what was the deal about this one.)
From start to finish, we all can see that the platform has a lot of responsibility to bear here. That’s something people in China have also pointed out. However, XZ and his team can only nod, and bear with it, because while there is only one platform that has all the right conditions, there are a lot of more celebrities. They have to rely on it for a lot of things, so they can’t just end things with them.
So last week, his studio issued a statement that said:
“This studio appeals again:
NO entering any kind of votes, control ourselves with our comments and not calling other to participate in events.
We reject mutual insulting and abusing, don’t start group conflicts.
Don’t go over your own economic possibilities to support projects, works and commercial products.
Make sure to take care of your studies and jobs first, before following a celebrity’s projects or music.
We hope that everyone can make the most of their own lives, have independent thinking. We hope that we can all go together towards a brighter future, and give more positive energy through our actions.”
The studio called the fans to stop voting him and placing him at the top of the charts for a while, so things can cool down definitely, in my opinion. And yet, he still topped as one of the most successful endorser, from March to July (it’s really a trend that hasn’t stopped, even after 2/27. In March, two weeks after 2/27, he even topped as one of the top celebrities in w/ibo anyway). 
I heard that people kept voting for him like crazy, because they didn’t want the general public to think that he wasn’t popular. However, facts remain that he is popular among his fans, but less neutral in the general public (I’ll explain this in my last post).
That’s why it’s going to be very important how his next project is received by the general public.
←Part 4(II): Plum blossoms in the snow (II) | Part 7: To the snowy summit side by side
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Eighty Six
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
March 4th, 2003
Emile looked at the ring the jeweller had brought out for him to inspect. It was a little understated, just a silver band, no diamonds or other gems or even a stone put in. “Are you sure this is the one you want?” the jeweller asked. “I know you have the money, Mister Thomas, and most girls, even if they don’t say anything, prefer something they can show off to their friends...”
“It’s perfect,” Emile said, nodding at the jeweller. “Don’t worry. I know my future fiancé, he’ll love it.”
“Of course, I didn’t mean to imply...”
“Don’t worry about it,” Emile said with a kind smile. “My guy’s just that sort of special. Ring this up and we’ll be good to go.”
  May 5th, 2003
Emile was absolutely certain that if Remy weren’t so stressed, he would propose right here and now, just to try and capture the perfect smile on Remy’s face for the entire rest of the day. Remy had opened the doors of Sleep Easy that morning to find a line that was wrapping around the block and the relieved grin he had on his face as he told everyone working there to get ready was something Emile would never forget.
Toby had taken a couple pictures before Remy went back behind the counter to help out, and Emile felt at the ring box in his pocket. He wanted to ask regardless of stress, but he needed to find a quiet moment.
Emile and Toby were currently sitting in the back of the shop, at one of the tables. Emile was fiddling with his hands and glancing at Remy periodically. Toby sighed and propped his head up on one of his hands. “Okay, Emile, spill the beans. What’s got you so worked up?”
Glancing at Toby before going back to look at Remy, Emile shook his head. “It’s nothing,” he said absentmindedly.
“Either you tell me what’s up or I call Remy over here,” Toby threatened. “Because you’re looking at him like he has a bomb strapped to his chest.”
Emile tore his eyes away from Remy long enough to check if Toby was serious. And he was. “You have to promise not to tell Remy,” Emile said.
Toby gave him a look. “You don’t have a ring box, do you?” he joked.
Emile sighed and pulled out the small box from his pocket, placing it on the table. “Wait, no, I was joking!” Toby exclaimed in a hushed whisper. “Oh my god, you seriously have a ring?! Are you planning on asking him today?”
“Potentially, if there’s a quiet moment,” Emile said. “But I’m starting to suspect there won’t be.”
“Yeah, no, people just keep coming,” Toby said, eyeing the front door. “If I were you, I’d wait for a moment where Remy isn’t serving customers,” he said. “Maybe propose tonight, after the shop closes, if you do it today.”
Emile glanced over at Remy, who was talking to a woman intently over a display of cookies. “Seriously?!” Remy exclaimed, loud enough to capture both Emile’s and Toby’s attention.
The woman laughed and nodded. She passed him a card which Remy eagerly pocketed and shook the woman’s hand. Emile and Toby glanced at each other. “What was that about?” Toby asked.
“I have absolutely no idea,” Emile said.
Remy came over to the two of them, and Emile quickly hid the ring box back in his pocket. Remy, with a massive grin, slammed his hands on the table. “Do you guys know who that was?!” he exclaimed.
“No?” Toby said. “Enlighten us?”
“She’s a reporter for the local paper,” Remy said in an almost-conspiratorial whisper. “And all the commotion from today caught her eye. She said that if I can keep interest for the rest of the month, she’ll do an exposé on the shop!”
Emile blinked, before breaking into a grin. “That’s amazing, Rem! I’m so proud of you!”
Remy beamed.
“Emile took the words right out of my mouth,” Toby said. “I have no doubt that article will happen. Who knows, maybe it’ll lead to more business and happier roads ahead!”
Toby glanced at Emile and Emile instantly got the meaning: save the proposal for the interview. And Emile couldn’t agree more with that sentiment. That would be the perfect timing, if there was one.
“Oh my god, if they ask me anything about my personal life, what do I say?” Remy asked, laughing. “I mean, I don’t think I should hide that I’m gay, but like...I pay a mortgage with Emile. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that we’re together.”
“I think you should be honest, Rem,” Emile said. “I mean, anyone who’d boycott the shop because of you being gay isn’t someone I’d want in my corner anyway.”
“True,” Remy hummed. “Okay. I’ll be honest. The shop shouldn’t go under because of it, most of the people here are open-minded. It’s a college town, after all.”
“It’s a college town, you’re an amazing person, and you make a mean cuppa joe,” Toby said, sipping at his coffee with a grin. “There’s no way you could scare off all the homophobes into ruining business for you.”
Remy nodded, smiling. “Thanks for being here, both of you,” he said. “It means the world to me.”
“Nowhere we’d rather be, Rem,” Toby said, and Emile agreed.
“Remy! We need you back here!” August called.
“That’s my cue,” Remy laughed, hugging Toby and kissing Emile’s cheek. “Talk to the two of you later.”
“Later,” Emile parrotted as Remy went back to the counter. “I’m definitely proposing during the interview,” he told Toby.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if Remy tried the same thing. He’s that extra,” Toby laughed.
“You know, you’re right, and I hate that you’re right,” Emile laughed. “We’ll wind up proposing at the same time, most likely.”
“He’s planning his own proposal?” Toby asked. “You guys didn’t agree that one of you would do it and leave it at that?”
“We made it a competition,” Emile laughed. “Loser has to kiss the winner.”
“How do you know who loses and who wins?” Toby asked.
Emile paused. “You know, I’m not sure we ever clarified how one of us would win when both of us are very clearly biased,” he admitted.
Toby laughed. “Oh, god. You two are both disasters. Like, I love you, of course, but you’re both disasters.”’
“Of course we are. To quote Remy, ‘If we weren’t such disasters we would have overthrown God long ago.’”
Toby cracked up. “Man, as a guy who’s still religious I’m inclined to agree with you. The two of you are unstoppable.”
“Throw in all the other gay disasters we know and it would be no contest,” Emile snickered. “God, Theo would love to overthrow a major religion like that. I’m pretty sure Clara would fret over us and make sure to bring victory snacks, Xavier would welcome our new gay overlords...it would be quite the sight.”
“Let me know when it happens, because I very much want in on the being a priest to you guys,” Toby laughed.
Emile snickered. “Oh, we’re both going to Hell.”
“No doubt,” Toby agreed.
They looked over to where Remy was working, and Emile sighed. “I do worry about him, though. He works hard, but there are days where I know he’d rather relax but can’t.”
“A tip that helped me in the old days with that: warm chocolate milk,” Toby said. “Don’t know how well it’ll work for you, but it always conked him out as a child. Now, it might not make him sleep, but it would at least be a bit of nostalgia.”
“That’s adorable,” Emile said, grinning.
“There were times where he wouldn’t even accept it from Mom or Dad because ‘Toby makes it the bestest,’” Toby said with a grin. “I love my little brother to the ends of the earth, but I suspect he loves me more.”
“He finds people who love him and he never lets them go,” Emile said with a sad smile. “I wish the reason he did that wasn’t there, but then again, without everything he went through, he wouldn’t be the man he is today.”
Toby furrowed his brows and Emile winced. “Uh, he doesn’t let go of people who love him because he’s worried that if he does they’ll just leave him when they get bored. So he works to make sure they’re never bored of him.”
“Oh,” Toby said. It was strangled, and there was so much shock and anger in that one syllable. “I would strangle our parents if I could get away with it.”
“Make sure they don’t have any more kids and we’ll call it a day,” Emile laughed awkwardly.
“God, I hope they don’t screw up as grandparents,” Toby breathed. “Like. I don’t intend on being a dad. But Vanessa...wants kids. She’s wanted kids since she was a kid. And if they ever have to stay at their grandparents’...well, I’d rather take them for a night than leave them there.”
“Frankly? I don’t blame you,” Emile said.
“You’ve met them, haven’t you?” Toby asked.
“I’ve met your mother, and frankly, I don’t even need to meet your father to understand the bulk of Remy’s trauma, and yours,” Emile said simply.
“M... my trauma?” Toby asked.
“They hurt you too, Toby,” Emile said. “That qualifies as trauma.”
“Oh,” Toby said, leaning back in his seat. “It’s different when it’s someone else. Like, yeah, Remy got really hurt by them, so I don’t blame him for using the term. But knowing that the term applies to me is...different.”
“It’s more personal,” Emile filled in. “And it’s scary. But it’s something that can definitely be worked on.”
“At least there’s hope,” Toby said with a weak smile.
“Exactly,” Emile said, pointing at Toby with a grin. “And if you ever need any recommendations for looking for a therapist, hit me up. I’ll see what I can do.”
“I might have to take you up on that,” Toby said with a shaky breath. “The holidays are a massive...what did you call it? A massive stressor. But I could probably find a use for one outside the holidays, too.”
Emile nodded. “At least you recognize it. Remy’s been really stressed lately but seems determined to stick it out on his own. I worry about him more because of that.”
Toby shrugged. “Sometimes he needs time to come around to a concept. Give him that time, and if you ever need help, drop me a line. I know how to talk to him too.”
“Do you ever use rationality on him, and does he get that grumpy almost-pout when you do it?” Emile asked with a knowing grin.
“Oh my god, yes!” Toby laughed. “And then he comes up with worst-case scenarios that both of you know wouldn’t happen, just out of stubborn spite at the fact you’re using logic?”
“And forces you to come up with a plan for what happens if you fall into a pit of invisible snakes!” Emile continued. “Oh yeah, we’ve had those talks.”
“God, I love him,” Toby said, shaking his head fondly. “Of course, to you, that scenario probably just indicates how much of an anxiety disorder he has.”
“I try not to diagnose people I know,” Emile said. “Not only because I don’t have my degree yet, but because my emotions can get in the way of a diagnosis if I get too close.”
“That’s smart,” Toby said.
“That’s therapists’ standards,” Emile said simply.
The two of them sat in companionable silence for a minute, before Toby spoke again. “I really worry about him, all jokes aside. Like, we can go for months without talking and pick up where we left off, but...those months in between when he doesn’t talk to me...they can get scary.”
“I know what you mean,” Emile sighed. “There are nights where I wake up with cold sweats from nightmares that Remy never dropped out of college and I went to his room one day to see that he’d hung himself. Fortunately, I wake up next to him to know he’s alive. I know you don’t have that luxury.”
Toby shook his head. “That’s when I usually call first thing the next morning...on the bad days. I can never get back to sleep but I wait until it’s seven before I call because I know you guys have sleep to catch up on. You don’t need to listen to my crazed, nightmare-induced ramblings.”
“I’d listen,” Emile said.
“Really?” Toby asked skeptically.
“Of course,” Emile said, turning to look at Remy, serving coffee with the biggest grin on his face as the customer complimented the store. “That’s what family does for each other.”
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Racism is relative
STOP ASIAN HATE 아시안 혐오 멈춰라
It’s weird, being a white American in Asia. At a time when people of Asian descent are increasingly the targets of hate crimes in my home country of America. 
I’m going on my third year living in South Korea. I’m a 외국인, a “foreigner.” I refer to myself as such in conversation, both in English and Korean. In an ethnically homogeneous country, my tall caucasian presence sticks out like a sore thumb. If anyone’s getting a sideways glance it’s me, the weird white person out of place in a sea of Koreans. And I’m fine with that. I made the decision to live here, and I enjoy doing so. Once I learned the rhythms of Korean life, I also learned that at the end of the day people are just people. No matter where you go.
The background of my daily life consists of Asian food, buildings, culture, language -- and Asian people. They’re the bus driver, grocery store cashier, bank teller, crossing guard, police officer, cook, convenience store clerk. And the list goes on. They’re just people. White, Asian, anything. We’re all just human beings trying to live in this world. Should be common sense. Common humanity. But apparently it’s not. 
Korean Friend: I’ve actually never left Korea, but once COVID is over I want to travel abroad.
Me: Where would you go?
Korean Friend: Australia, New Zealand, the U.S…
Me: Um, please wait on that third one.
Korean Friend: Why?
Me: *sends links to news reports about the Atlanta spa shooting, increased reports of hate crimes against Asians in the U.S.*
Korean Friend: Oh…
                         That’s scary…
Me: I know...
Korean Friend: I’ll just stick to travelling around here.
In all seriousness, I could not tell him he would be safe travelling to the U.S. And that is shameful and embarrassing to admit. Sadly I’ve grown accustomed to that twinge in my gut, when certain topics arise in conversation with non-Americans. 
In the U.S., Koreans and other people of Asian descent are being murdered and assaulted on the basis of their skin color. Fortunately Korea has rigorous gun control laws, so mass shootings aren’t an issue here. But just because people aren’t being killed by racists doesn’t mean racism doesn’t exist. As a culturally and ethnically homogenous country, Koreans take immense pride in their heritage. Often at the expense of others. 
Foreigners who don’t know better often lump Asian countries together. They assume everyone in Asia eats sushi, bows when they greet you, etc. Korea, Japan, and China are probably lumped together the most often. I used to do it too. I didn’t know enough about any one place to differentiate them in any meaningful way. But I do now.  
For starters, there’s quite a bit of tension between the countries. Korea’s biggest beef is with Japan. A lot of Koreans have animosity towards Japan for their refusal to fully admit and apologize over the comfort women issue. (“Comfort women” were Korean women and girls forced into sex slavery by the Japanese army during WWII.) And I can’t blame them; there’s a lot of dark, horrible history there. A couple years ago, Korea enacted a boycott on Japan (for alleged economic and trade reasons I won’t get into here). There were stickers emblazoned with “No Japan!” slapped on just about everything. When I taught the “Where are you from?” chapter in my English class, students were blurting it out -- “No Japan!” As if anyone from Japan should simply be shouted down with a “No!” That’s where I started to get uncomfortable. 
As for China, Koreans also have some problems there. For starters, air pollution. China does produce a lot of air pollution that gets blown over the Korean peninsula. But on an average day, it’s only about 50%. Yet many Koreans will mumble and complain about the dirty Chinese factories clogging up the skies, forgetting to mention the other half that’s made by Korea itself. Another factor is tourism (in pre-COVID, days anyways). Some Koreans complain about the loud, noisy, dirty Chinese tourists. Add the coronavirus to an equation already based on stereotypes of uncleanliness and -- I’m getting uncomfortable again. 
Yeah, Japan committed war crimes. Yeah, the coronavirus started in China. I’m not going to deny the facts. But I do have a problem with the attitudes of discrimination that it breeds. 
Which brings me to another point that makes me uncomfortable. This time in a laughable and darkly ironic sort of way. 
Last month, three of the eight provinces in Korea issued administrative orders stating that foreign workers must get tested for COVID within a two week timeframe. This was in response to a handful of outbreaks of factories that employ largely migrant workers. The order targeted foreign laborers from China, Thailand, Vietnam, Uzbekistan, and other similar countries. However,  it did not require Koreans working at the exact same facilities to get tested. We all know too well that the coronavirus does not discriminate, and will infect anyone. 
The government faced a lot of backlash, and the policy was downgraded to a “recommendation.” But one thing was made clear. Foreigners were being singled out as the “carriers'' of coronavirus. We were the threat. 
I say “we” here, but I mean it in an oblique way. In terms of my legal status in Korea, I have more in common with a Southeast Asian migrant worker than my Korean colleagues. I speak pretty good Korean, but not a lick of Thai or Vietnamese. But cultural competence doesn’t matter here. Our “foreign-ness” is the factor at play. 
I would like to add that overall, my foreign-ness is different. I’m white. And unfortunately that’s still a point in my favor. Whiteness and lightness is still seen as preferable. (One of my 6th grade students: “Teacher! Your skin is so white. So beautiful. Not me. I’m too dark. I want to be more light.” My heart shattered into a million pieces, as I tried to tell her she was already beautiful the way she was.) 
One of the ways it has affected me is the questions I get asked at work. Take this one from last May, directed exclusively at foreign English teachers: “Where did you go last weekend? Were you or anyone you know in Itaewon?” (Itaewon is the foreigner district in Seoul, where a large coronavirus outbreak occurred. Funny enough patient zero was not a foreigner - they were Korean.) This may seem like a harmless line of questioning. My phsyical saftey and well-being were in no way in danger. But again the underlying assumption is that foreign = dangerous. 
Ironically, Asians are being targeted in the U.S. while foreigners are being targeted in Asia. But I suppose it’s not really that ironic after all. This is nothing new. History shows again and again, that it’s often our nature to blame and shun that which is different and foreign. This is not unique to the U.S. It’s an issue unique to the human condition. 
Racism exists. It exists everywhere. Especially in the era of COVID. No one is immune. I mean, look at me. I grew up in a church that taught me to maintain the purity of the races, and that interracial marriage was a sin. I’m sure glad I’ve gotten rid of that one. But that was a learned belief. Racism is learned. We must commit to actively un-learning it too. 
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burnouts3s3 · 5 years
A Long Post about Disney Plus
(Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit unprofessional blog post written by an unprofessional blog poster. All purported facts and statement are little more than the subjective, biased opinion of said blog poster. In other words, don’t take anything I say too seriously.)
A Long Post about Disney Plus
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UPDATE: Movies such as Dumbo and The Lady and the Tramp have not been altered from their original content but instead include a disclaimer stating the movie may contain "outdated cultural depictions". Toy Story 2 still does not have the Stinky Pete scene. The episode "Stark Raving Dad" of the Simpsons is NOT on the platform.
So, the almighty Disney Corporation, aka, that giant conglomerate that has bought Marvel Studios, 20th Century Fox and Star Wars, is planning to release Disney Plus, a streaming service that has multiple shows, movies and original content under the Disney Banner.
And frankly, I’m a bit… worried.
Let me start off by saying, I’m not here to criticize you, the reader and potential consumer. However you want to spend your money is your business. If you wish to boycott Disney out of some personal philosophy or ideology or whatever reason, that’s your business. I’m not here to dictate how you spend your cash.
I would, however, like offer a humble suggestion before you decide to dive in head first into a potentially disastrous scenario.
So, Disney Plus is a streaming service that promises to provide lots of content to potential subscribers and let them view whatever content for a subscription. Obviously, this is Disney’s response and plan to combat other streaming services such as Netflix, HBOMax, Apple TV Plus and so on and so forth. While Streaming services aren’t nothing new, the addition of the Disney brand as well as the multiple Intellectual Properties under its umbrella.
What worries me is where both Disney and its potential customers go from here.
There’s already early reports of certain franchises being put “behind the Disney Vault” aka “We’re not rereleasing these films”. For example, the Aliens Franchise is apparently being one of those films.
However, Alien and other Fox properties will still be locked away in an effort to combat independent theaters and chains from profiting by screening those classic films.
Other reports indicate that certain films will be censored or excluded from the platform entirely. For example, the Siamese Cats from “The Lady and the Tramp” or Jim Crow from Dumbo will be cut out of their respective films entirely (and would explain why Disney is so keen on doing a live action remake of the Lady and the Tramp). Another case would be a Toy Story 2 after credits scene where in Stinky Pete is flirting with some Barbie Dolls and promising them parts for Toy Story 3.
CNBC also reports that Disney will remove its Jim Crow character from Dumbo. “The Jim Crow character from the original “Dumbo” will be edited out of the film version that appears on the streaming service.” This also isn’t new news. Boardwalk Times noted the scene would be changed back in April. They reported at the time: “The Jim Crow scene in 1941’s Dumbo will also be edited out for the digital library that launches November 12.” The scene was also removed for the recent live-action Dumbo remake from director Tim Burton as well. CNBC also reports a post-credit scene from Toy Story 2 featuring Stinky Pete will also be removed from the film on Disney+. The scene sees Stinky Pete appearing to seduce two Barbie dolls and promises he can get them roles in Toy Story 3.
Obviously, this is all legal. Disney owns the rights to the properties and they want to have a clean 21st Progressive Identity to hide behind. Besides, I suspected that “Song of the South” was never going to be on the platform.
But this is part of the same problem that everyone, even the most vocal Anti-Disney people, seem to be overlooking.
In which we, the consumer, are trading a product in favor of a service.
What I mean is that because of the success of things like Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, etc., too many of us have gotten used to the idea that we need to pay a subscription for digital access instead of paying a flat rate for a product. That’s NOT a good sign.
The debate of whether exclusive content such as the Original Series, The Mandalorian, is worth the price of admission or whether streaming services are necessary in the age of digital piracy are one thing, but in the age of dubious ownership and the doing away of physical content, ownership still matters.
It all goes back to one thing; when you subscribe to a service to access your content, the people you pay have the right to revoke your service and keep your money. That’s not a good thing regardless of political ideology. And while it’s tempting for PC gamers to pay for what amounts to a digital license to be onboard the same ship, the fact is having all that content tied to one account risks the danger of losing all that data if you should lose access to your account.
I’m a firm believer of owning physical media. For example, I own a Blu Ray of Assassination Classroom. No matter what I say or do online, I don’t have to be afraid of Chris Sabat kicking down my door and taking my Blu-ray away from me (or, at least, I shouldn’t have to…). Because when I buy a physical product, it’s mine as long as I don’t lose it or it isn’t damaged.
But a subscription (and to a lesser extent, a digital license) can be lost really easily.  Even if I were to take extra good care of my account and prevent people from hacking it, guess what? The people who make the content can revoke access.
Remember Minecraft: The Telltale Series? Interesting story. See, when Telltale when bankrupt, one of the games they had made, Minecraft, would no longer be accessible or downloadable from digital platforms, even to those who held the license.
Can you imagine what kind terrifying precedent that sets? Keep a movie or show permanently downloaded onto your storage or lose access to it forever? We’re dealing with a system that makes it so that you don’t own the stuff you paid for now!  
Owning a product gives me a plethora of options. It allows me to keep it, re-watch it, lend it to someone else or, if I decide to hock it for drinking money, sell it. It’s not perfect, but it’s preferable to having something that I paid for as opposed to having nothing. My loyalty to whatever company makes said product ends with a transaction (a transaction that can be easily outmaneuvered through a 3rd party purchase or sale). With a service, you can’t help but be loyal to said company.
If I start badmouthing Disney and Disney decides to deny me access to my subscription, my account or my digital licenses, guess what? I’m up a particularly smelly creek without a paddle.
I doubt Disney will go that far and will adopt a similar strategy to Funimation, as in they give digital vouchers for their Blu-ray series but it’s only redeemable on Disney Plus the same way digital vouchers from Funimation Blu-rays are only redeemable on its streaming service, FunimationNow. I also understand the economic argument in which lots of lower income families cannot afford specific shows and just want a plethora of options. But I know a step in the wrong direction when I see one and with stuff like Kevin Feige saying true Marvel fans must subscribe to said service or Disney saying Disney Plus subscribers will have early access to Frozen 2 or Captain Marvel, the case is there.
This is what happened to things like Dumbo and Lady and the Tramp and Toy Story 2. When you don’t own a physical content of your media, you’re at the whims of a corporation that can alter it whenever they want. 
We all have different opinions when it comes to taste or entertainment. But whatever your feelings on the Disney corporation, whether you think of Kathleen Kennedy’s leadership of the Star Wars franchise, whether you thought the Last Jedi was a piece of junk, whatever you feel about Disney’s relationship with China, one thing is certain. 
When you buy a product, you own that product. When you buy a service, the service owns you.
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schraubd · 4 years
What's the Right Way To Oppose Annexation?
After last year's Yom Kippur, I wrote about a question I posed to some foreign affairs mavens at my synagogue regarding what is the "right" way to pressure or induce Israel in furtherance of American policy objectives. We spend a lot of time talking about what's off the table (e.g., no BDS) -- okay, fine, but what is on the table? This question, I think, needs to rise back to the forefront of our mind as Israel contemplates annexation. Annexation does not enjoy the avowed support of most American Jewish organizations, but there is deep ambivalence over what tangibly those organizations will do if annexation nonetheless proceeds. The AJC has already announced it will defend annexation if Israel chooses it (it complained that the headline "We'll defend annexation if needed" was misleading, but the article text literally says "If annexation ... comes to pass, we will make the strongest possible case" for it). The ADL apparently will not defend annexation but is cagey on what forms of opposition it will and won't support (more on them in a second). But this is a conversation we need to have now. When a foreign nation does something we don't like, opposition can mean a wide variety of things, from "quiet grumbling" to "send in the troops". Hopefully, nobody is suggesting invading Israel to stop annexation; likewise, any serious opponent of annexation needs to agree to something more than just a murmured "it wouldn't be my choice but ...." Between those poles, though, there's a lot of space to maneuver. Which brings us back to the ADL. A few days ago, Jewish Currents made a big splash when it wrote about a leaked ADL memo outlining proposed strategies for responding to annexation. One reason I often give JC a side-eye is that they let their political slant so nakedly seep into their reporting that I don't have confidence that they're reliable relays of the views of their interlocutors. I don't think they'd falsify quotes or anything like that, but the interpretations they make and they inferences they draw are self-serving and often quite dubious. And unfortunately, here they for some reason did not to my knowledge release a copy of the memo itself, meaning we're relying heavily on them for both content and analysis. Yet reading between the lines, there seems to be a disjuncture between what JC imputes to the ADL, and the words they actually quote from the ADL's memo. The memo, for example, makes clear that the ADL will not be defending annexation or Netanyahu, and that there must be "space for local and national leaders to express their criticism of Israel’s [annexation] decision." Moreover, it is particularly attuned to the problem where criticism of the critics falls disproportionately on the heads on prominent minority figures, and cautions that this must be avoided as well. On the other hand, the memo also suggests that it will oppose certain legislative actions that would impose more tangible punishment on Israel. The primary focus of the memo appears to be on relationship managing with major Democratic figures (particular in the CBC and other minority caucuses) -- respecting the validity of criticizing annexation while wanting to avoid a brush war akin to l'affair Omar. Yet you'd barely get any of this from the tone of the JC article (and it is accordingly not at all how the article has been largely received). The article rather presents the ADL as plotting to sabotage anti-annexation politics and undermining opposition to the policy; its concerns about relationship-preservation and avoiding flashpoints seen as a barely-disguised attempt to muzzle all but the most perfunctory and non-threatening murmurs of discontent. In the course of accusing the ADL of seeking to undermine opposition to annexation,  the JC barely even admits that the ADL explicitly indicates it will not be defending annexation (in sharp contrast to the AJC). The tone of the article is that, insofar as it is seeking to moderate language and concerned about preserving relationships, the ADL in effect is running interference for annexation even as it pretends to oppose it. All Jewish organizations have an obligation to support whatever proposals or  rhetoric end up emerging under the banner of anti-annexation politics -- and any organization which doesn't commit to doing that should be seen as disingenuous in opposing annexation to begin with. It is reminiscent to a complaint about "tone-policing" -- that given the major looming injustice of annexation, any attempt to contest particular anti-annexation rhetoric or proposals as too extreme or aggressive should be seen as a means of deflecting attention away from the bigger issue. The problem is that the ADL is absolutely right and reasonable to be concerned that valid concern and opposition to annexation could spiral into something a lot uglier and less defensible, and that Jewish organizations should absolutely be on the lookout to tamp down on flashpoints. And more to the point, we're already seeing some of this ugliness explicitly defended on exactly the argument the JC proffers. Over in the UK, we're seeing a clear version of this at the intersection of two significant actions by the Labour Party leadership: first, sacking Rebecca Long-Bailey from the Labour shadow cabinet after she praised an article falsely accusing Israel of being behind the chokehold tactics used against George Floyd, and second the announcement that if annexation proceeds Labour will back a settlement boycott. The line from the Corbyn diehards is, more or less, that the decision regarding the former means the latter doesn't count; that in the time of annexation if you're objecting to conspiracy theories about Israel being behind racism in American policing, you don't truly oppose annexation at all (read some of the replies!). There are, in other words, two horns to the dilemma. On the one hand, it is absolutely reasonable to insist that annexation by Israel needs to be met with real, tangible consequences, and that the ADL and other Jewish groups must not obstruct that. And it's entirely plausible that the range of responses that the ADL deems "acceptable" will be too narrow and too weak, and if that turns out to be the case they should be criticized for it. Theoretical opposition to annexation cannot be paired with practical opposition to any and all tangible moves taken against it. That's why we need to start thinking now not just about our redlines of what goes "too far", but the alternatives of  "what's in bounds". If we can't give a realistic answer to that, then it will indeed be hard to take "opposition" to annexation seriously. But on the other hand, recognizing the need for tangible action does not entail stepping aside and accepting any policy or rhetoric that styles itself as "action". Any time a foreign nation undertakes a provocation, one will see arguments for taking a hardline and arguments for defusing tensions, and it is a lie that only the hardest of hardliners are taking the provocation "seriously". If "opposition to annexation" spills over into "racism in America is the product of an Israeli plot and how dare you call that out as antisemitic with annexation on the table?", that's the sort of thing which doesn't help anyone -- not Jews, not Israelis, not Palestinians, not Black people. Trying to avoid that outcome -- preventing righteous tailored fury from bursting into an unbounded and uncontrollable conflagration -- is neither illegitimate, nor wishy-washy. If -- God forbid -- Israel carries through with annexation, my hope is that the response of American progressives everything necessary to clearly communicate its unacceptability and to promise proportionate consequences, and nothing that pours unnecessary fuel on the fire or seeks to sabotage the relationship between Jews and our allies. It's a large ask. But if it is to happen, it will require both moral courage -- to call an injustice an injustice and respond accordingly, as well as empathic connections -- to maintain relationships of care and concern. Both prongs matter, and committing to one should not and must not be seen as sacrificing the other. via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/3iiy1ZZ
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short-wooloo · 4 years
What would come of it?
Something I’ll never understand is how people in the RWBY fandom insist that there should have been an encounter between Weiss/Ruby and Adam, and the fact that they didn’t is “wasted potential” now that he’s dead
But seriously, what would come of it if they did meet each other?  What would change?
Its not like meeting them would have that much of an impact on Adam, he meets them, he tries to kill them, that’s it, there’s no reflection, no change in behavior, he just tries to murder as he always does, Ruby and Weiss aren’t anyone special to him, there just humans, Adam’s views on humans are: hatred, slaves, or nothing, he is an absolute racist, he hates humans on principle, they are all the same to him
Its not “wasted potential” for Adam, nothing would change and nothing new would happen with Adam, it its wasted potential for anyone, its for Ruby and Weiss, but not that much
For Ruby, yes, this is the man that maimed her sister and hurt her friend, but that conflict is by proxy, she has not received personal harm upon herself from Adam, any “conflict” she would have with Adam is secondary to that of Blake and Yang, they were personally hurt bu him, she was not, and that’s the thing, those are his targets, he doesn’t care about anyone else, and more to the point, its not like this encounter with Adam would prompt some major change or reaction out of Ruby, while she’s not as naive as she used to be, Ruby still wants the same things, to help/protect people and to stop those who would do harm unto others, she is not vengeful, vindictive, or spiteful (that’s Adam), she would not go after Adam for revenge for what was done to Yang, Ruby’s not like that, she fights to protect people and stop those who hurt others, and she keeps rather calm about it, she was in the same room as the person who was responsible for the deaths of two of her friends, and despite being angry, her focus there was not revenge, but saving Haven and stopping the villains from getting the relic
As for Weiss, why yes it does seem like that something would come of it, what with her being a Schnee, that is, it appears so on the surface
The reason people want Weiss to have encountered Adam is because of the brand, how it would prompt her to work for change in the SDC,
But here’s the thing, that’s probably nothing new to Weiss, she already knows about the company's unsavory business practices, and when that company mistreats, underpays, abuses, takes advantage of workers, and just generally makes them de-facto slaves, is it really that much of a surprise that someone was branded?
Weiss also does not need to meet Adam in order to have this “revelation”, because she already has met a Faunus, former member of the White Fang who is well aware of the plight of the Faunus - BLAKE!
Weiss is personal friends with her, and more to the point they’ve already covered the issue of the Faunus with them in Vol 1, as I said, Weiss is aware of the methods the SDC uses, and after speaking with Blake, whether it has already happened or will happen, she will be even more informed, including that of workers being branded, as Blake already knows about Adam’s brand, this all just seems like more of people trying to take qualities, traits, characterizations, and plot points from Blake and assign them to Adam because she turned out to be the character they thought or wanted Adam to be
We also don’t have any evidence that branding employees (if Adam was such) was a widespread policy, we’ve seen no other Faunus thus far with such physicals signs of abuse, not to mention that if it was company policy, it would be a PR disaster for the SDC, even the most powerful company would face severe backlash and problems if such was something they did, the SDC would be under massive scrutiny, boycott, and protest, no Faunus would willingly work for them, which is important as its implied that part of how their able to get away with taking advantage of the Faunus is that people are turning a blind eye/not caring, and that Faunus work for the company out of a lack of better options, but if there’s such a clear and visible sign of abuse such as a brand, well that’s hard to ignore, and thus its hard to ignore the SDC flouting laws and regulations, furthermore its unlikely that branding is something carried out in secret by the company, its not something that’s easy to hide, and would be more trouble than its worth, as I said, part of how the SDC gets away with the treatment of Faunus is a lack of care, people outside and in the company don’t care, it would probably be all to easy for one human employee in a position of Authority in the SDC to decide to “punish” some Faunus because they know they can get away with it, thus its far more likely that Adam’s brand is an isolated incident, most other abuse suffered by Faunus is less severe, along the lines of insufficient pay, dangerous working conditions, etc
this should be obvious, but Weiss had nothing to do with it,
We know from the DC comic Adam had his brand at least 5 years before the series started, Weiss, like Blake would have been 12 years old at the time, and may not have even been heiress, remember, she got the position when Winter was removed from it
Now I don’t know the exact age of Winter, but I think its reasonable to assume she’s at least 5 years older, which would mean winter attended Atlas Academy when Weiss was 12-16, and we know that at some point during her time at Atlas Winter lost her position as heiress, meaning that at the youngest Weiss became heiress when she was 12, a point in time when Adam already and his brand, or 16 at the oldest, either way, she would have had nothing to do with Adam being branded (neither would Winter) and would have no reason to feel guilt or a need to do something about it
Speaking of heiress, at the point where Adam could have met Weiss in the series, she was no longer heiress, Whitley is the heir to the SDC, so even if Weiss did meet Adam, she has no ability to do anything about Faunus being branded by the SDC, she’s been kicked out, she’s probably already aware, and its probably not something that happens often
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robert-c · 5 years
Political Correctness
I saw a poll that said about 52% of us object to some part of what is called “political correctness”, thinking it has gone too far. I guess I would go with the majority, certainly you can find instances where the terminology has gotten silly. But I’m reluctant to interpret that result as support for those people who complain the loudest and longest about it. I think their complaint is different.
Let’s start with the simplest elements. Is anyone (except the extreme fringe) really that put out over not using racial or ethnic slurs? Does anyone we really want to take seriously object to using ‘developmentally challenged’ instead of ‘retard’? At this level, ‘political correctness’ is really little more than common decency and courtesy. Is that something you want to be against? True enough, some folks have gone overboard in coming up with new terms, but I usually hear about them from people who want to ridicule the idea, not from serious originators. In fact, I can’t remember hearing a tortured PC term from any actual advocate; I usually hear it from someone seeking to ridicule these terms. Which makes me wonder if they are real terms, seriously proposed, or something someone wrote speculatively to “fire up” their readership.
Of course, someone is no doubt thinking at this moment, the problem with ‘political correctness’ goes beyond the language – it’s a whole philosophy, a system of belief. The rest of that remark usually includes words like “threat to our…” way of life/values…take your pick.
I’ll agree that political correctness does represent a general set of beliefs. Its critics like to put forward the idea that this belief seeks to stifle other viewpoints. And yet in everyday life I’ve never heard anyone shamed and humiliated for being “politically incorrect” to the same degree as those opposing it tell it, or to the degree they do to themselves when they state something they believe is “not PC”. It’s meant to cast political correctness as some sort of oppressive and controlling ideology.
This is actually quite ironic. There was a time when racial and religious slurs were considered commonplace and people used them without the slightest sense of guilt. They even went so far as to presume that certain races or religions simply were inferior, lacking in some crucial ‘work ethic’ or ‘moral rectitude’. This was the ‘political correctness’ of my youth – a time of separate (but manifestly unequal) facilities for people of color  – a time of the ‘color bar’ in the public buses, behind which anyone who was not white must sit. Anyone who challenged this version of ‘political correctness’ was met with a great deal more social pressure than I’ve ever seen delivered for those opposing today’s version of “PC”. In fact, actual personal violence against those who opposed such segregation, or had the outrageous idea that black people could do white jobs just as well, was a lot more common than even the unfounded rumors from today’s fringe elements claiming persecution by the forces of political correctness.
There is a more important and fundamental difference between these two beliefs. If I had to sum up what ‘political correctness’ means to me I’d say it’s about treating others with respect, regardless of their beliefs, heritage or other circumstances. It would follow that I try not to make assumptions about other’s abilities, honesty, motives etc. based on those factors. That respect would include the idea that they have a right to choose their beliefs and even if I think they are wrong I defend their right to believe as their conscience dictates, all the while I express that I think they are abhorrent. For me it values the individual, because regardless of real or imagined statistics about “those people” it says I should take each person as they come, and not judge them guilty of some crime based on my speculation; just as I would want someone to do for me, rather than assuming I’m this or that just because I’m…<fill in the blank>.
It seems to me that the forces of “anti-political correctness” are the ones actually trying to stifle disagreement. They seem to be the ones who feel that any different idea is somehow a threat to their own, that any disagreement is somehow undermining their values. In my best idea of “PC”, while their bigoted ideas are still horrid, it doesn’t try to legislate them out of existence, only out of public enforcement.
For me this idea of inclusiveness and respect is perfectly in line with the best interpretation of our Constitution. It is also why this isn’t an equal fight between conflicting ideologies. While encouraging acceptance and tolerance, the PC forces aren’t trying to legislate the private beliefs of individuals, or who they invite to their house for dinner; only their public interactions. If you are open for business to the public, then it should be all of the public. It is this very tolerance for differences which will allow the bigots to continue to isolate themselves with friends only of the same race and religion.
In fact, it is the only version of a public “ideology”, if you will, that preserves everyone’s right to believe as they wish. It is the “anti-PC” forces that seek to outlaw, or boycott, or refuse contact with anyone who represents a ‘challenge’ to their ideas. It’s as if they cannot tolerate the idea that someone may be allowed to disagree, and do so publicly. You can see it in the clerk who won’t issue a marriage license to a gay couple because they personally don’t believe it’s right; or the business that doesn’t want to serve gay couples, or people who appear to be Muslim. Very rarely do you see the reverse, but when you do (as when the restaurant refused to serve Mr. Trump’s press secretary) they are quick to label it proof of oppressive attempts at political correctness.
Of course they have to promote it as if they are somehow being oppressed by being exposed to differences. Promoting the idea that this is an either/or sort of choice about which belief system will be the “official” one, is a misstatement of the issue. Claiming a right under your belief to regulate other’s private beliefs is the very core of a tyranny. The anti-PC forces don’t seem to mind a tyranny as long as they are the ones in charge of it.
Just as they mock rebuke themselves more than I’ve ever heard anyone from the “PC side” do, they must also invent causes of action to perpetuate the idea that somehow they and their private ideas are under attack. For example, promoting a law that transgender people must use the bathroom of their biological genitalia – as if the “other side” was trying to promote some sort of “open bathroom” policy. It is pure political theater. Anyone who can reasonably pass for the “appropriate” gender wouldn’t be questioned even today. How would this be enforced? Shall we have TSA type scanners at all bathroom entrances? And who would notice anyway if someone were in a stall?
I am, perhaps, a little naïve. I don’t believe that a large portion of my countrymen are really that narrow minded and intolerant. I certainly don’t want to believe it. I do think that many of them have been misled by hearing a constant drumbeat of the extreme “anti-PC” voices. Whether deliberate and well thought out, or just a “happy” coincidence, the way in which they have presented their case makes it easy to mislead people.
Misleading people is easy when they are at least a little afraid. It doesn’t matter if there is a good reason to be afraid or not – fear seems to drive us away from careful reasoning. And if someone is willing to exaggerate or fabricate, then fear can always be found – at the very least, change is always fearful and the world is always changing. The potential harm that comes from not recognizing the flaws in their presentation of the issue is much greater than you might imagine.
It begins with establishing the idea that there is a “right not to be offended”, and quickly moves to one that suggests there can only be one “culture” or value system in the country. It is the equivalent of establishing a state religion without being quite so obvious as a Constitutional violation, but it would have exactly the same negative results that the Founders sought to avoid by prohibiting the establishment of a state religion.
I’ll return to this idea in later articles, but for now let’s think about how often people you have just met seem to bring up controversial political topics and which side do they usually take. If your experience matches mine, it’s overwhelmingly the right wing – it’s as if they just have to spread their ideas and win over or intimidate others. Understand I don’t approve of random preaching from the left either, but just try to take an objective observation (regardless of your current leanings) as to who brings these topics up in a setting where they have known someone only a short time, if at all. Then if you can still be objective, ask yourself why is it so important for them to be converting others? Are they being prevented from living their life their way, are they being criminalized for being who they are, or for what they believe, for pursuing their own happiness? Or are they trying to say that living their life depends on others not “being in their face” about their differences?
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queensgaybeach1d · 5 years
What are any of them doing on larries blogs(aside from giving us more clicks) beside displaying their insecurities and being so full of themselves as not to donate for the charity drives bc they happen to be organized by a fan they don't like? I'd say they trying to get more attention from larries bc their anti blogs are dying with all that BS they write over and over with very little new content and with occasional displays of homophobia lol.
Hi love,
I could not have said it better, the fact that they do not want to help donate for charity just because a Larrie came up with the idea, is disgusting. Charity is something serious and you can not act like that because a larrie comes up with the idea.
They are afraid and that is why they are now lurking on larrie blogs. Each time we get proved right. They hate that, they are seriously the worst. They think that Louis' 28 thing is to gain fame and according to them Louis' fandom will fall apart if he does not give Larry attention. It is quite comical, except the part in which they think Louis would choose fame over his family. You could read it yourself if you would like:
Part 2:
Since antis think Louis situation is perfectly normal, his family and his apparent lack of relationship, lack of custody with his presumed son is perfectly normal to them, E lack of career is perfectly normal, they have crumbs of content. I mean antis have nothing else to do but stalk us, bc they live in their 'it's all perfectly normal' reality. Unlike us larries having to learn how the whole industry works to figure out WTF is going on behind the scenes all the time lol
Hi love, this is exactly what I think. They take a situation for what it is instead of checking their so called facts. They think printed interviews are all real and that their idol is always honest. I honestly think they just don't want to see it, there have been lots of celebs coming out after their fame 'died down'. Somehow people never listen to that part of their idol. Michael Jackson gave so many signs and people still ignore it or think it only happened in his case and that the music industry goes easier on its clients. They think because 'Louis' confirmed having Eleano as his girlfriend that it is all real and pure love. They do not believe a label can force you to lie, even though Lance Bass and lots of other celebs confirmed it. Whenever I telp them this they stop arguing, but never improve themselves. They still stick with their debunked beliefs, they basically do not improve themselves. It is quite sad. I think they just do not want to put any effort in figuring out their idol.
Part 3:
Then we have antis who are not as blind as they pretend to be and they too grow up and learn more about the world(life experience) and see that what larries write is not even close to 'crazy conspiracy freaks' theories as their friends kept telling them before. Is it not then reasonable that antis failed with their 'boycott larries list' the idea behind it being that antis should not engage with larries blogs at all. Those ppl at least pretend they are not insecure ab their beliefs.
Exactly, in reality they just want to boycott us so they will not start doubting their beliefs.
Thank you for your ask, it is such a smart one. I love it❤
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doodleoogles · 5 years
Redrum Production and the Manila scene Fiasco
Where to even begin? There's a lot to say but it might bore everyone so let me go straight to the highlights and what I think are the significant events that lead to how things are now.
OK, lets start from Redrum's humble beginnings - 2016. It was pretty funny when Gino posted that the production name and logo was his idea so I should change it. To put clarity, I had the idea - he executed it (meaning put the design and all) so lets not distort the fact. But aside from the design and layout, I credit Gino for the inception of the production. He was the reason why I started it. He was so drawn into the metal scene, and he wanted his band to go big, you know get more events (which I think until now is his main driver - I'll get to that later) but there's a very limited opportunity for them to go out and play. I had the money, they had to release their EP, and I was getting ignored by him because he was so keen to be in a show, so I thought of something to get him to like me again - start a production and let them have their EP release. That was my first official BDM gig, it was for him.
Fast forward 2018 - Gutslit/Stillbirth gig. I would say that was my breakthrough event. First foreign bands I brought in Manila. I had a collaboration with 2 more productions. They both were a headache. I wont name names but you guys can figure it out. They were unprofessional and I basically shouldered MOST of the expenses. I didn't think of it as a collaboration at all. After the show, I messaged them (did not post because I understand they have a name to protect and one of them was my friend), telling all my frustrations and that I will not collaborate ever again. Nothing personal, I emphasized on their professionalism and the lack of help I received.
To answer some questions posed to me: yes I removed Pulverized in Gutslit line up but I did NOT just remove them. I talked to Gino at Technohub (remember Gino I even brought your pasta? I was trying to patch things up). I asked if you still want to play, you said not really since it was a weekday and your drummer will be too stressed having to play for two bands back to back. I did not know that left a sour taste in your mouth to even be talking about it until now. The poster layout, initially my co-ogranizer (not me) asked you to do it but since you were removed, I already asked someone else. By the way, how does your current girlfriend feel? You talking about me all the time still? Are you really over me? Lol.
I screwed up, that I must admit. I dumped Gino for someone else whom I thought I had a better future with. Gino was young and had many years of accomplishments ahead of him while I was getting ready to settle down and save for the future. I just couldn't be with someone not financially stable. Just like what he always say - money is my god, money makes my world go round. Yes, that's true. I know what it feels like to be poor, with dad leaving and mom going crazy, I had to carry the burden at a very young age. He didn't experience that, he will never understand.
So this is where the gap started to form - my co-organizer (close friends with Pulverized) in Gutslit who had ill feelings for me (for having money and not screwing up the event because they almost DID), the breakup with Gino, and my subsequent support with another band. They started to distance themselves from me and anything that has to do with me. Why? Whatever happened between Gino and I was not the band’s issue. Whatever happened between the co-organizer and I was not everyone else's issue. Another issue arises with a toxic woman and the gap worsen even further.
From then on, I started noticing they (Pulverized and previous co-organizer friend) never supported my events anymore. No likes, no share, no promotion, nothing. I was completely isolated. Didn’t know it was really sucha big deal to not be in the line up LOL. I asked previous co-organizer what’s wrong, I messaged him instead of posting shit, I asked him if he is avoiding me/us. He said it will probably pass, he was just busy, etc. He has all the excuses and couldn’t say a thing to my face but turns around and brainwashes other people to not support me. I knew it’s still about the Gutslit event because Gino (yes you!) told me he ranted to them about what I said in our organizers group chat (seriously? You couldn’t take an honest criticism from a woman?). Are you having a hard time accepting that a relatively new production is making it big? Guys + ego = bitterness. 
And yes Redrum became bigger and more known. I have finally found co-organizers who are professionals and mature enough to not be intimated by a woman who have money to produce. Never in those big events did I see their support (not that it matters, I found new friends anyway). I actually thought Gino and I were okay. We talked, laughed and was drinking together at the Eyehategod event. I saw him when I was on my way to the office before my Pestilence gig and he even said he will buy tickets for that (but he never did, that's fine though).
I hate all this Facebook bullshit. We reached out to them, we created a group chat with them but they kept leaving. We asked them to meet and drink outside but they kept declining. We saw them at the Shinda gig last July and tried to talk one on one, like a man but they were avoiding us. Gino, being a grown up man he is, posted it in social media instead of talking to us directly.
Setting our break up aside (I know it didn't end well, was my fault I admit), what else could be the reason for them to become so bitter? I can't help but think, are you actually feeling mad for not being in the line up, especially to big events? Pulverized, you asked to be lined up to Krisiun event right? But since you didn't make the cut, you did not attend the gig right? Where is the support to local promoters? You only attend events where you can play so you don't have to pay entrance fees?
Now let me talk about the issue at hand - Davao. Why am I preventing Pulverized from playing there? It's this simple - if you are not supporting your local promoters, why do you deserve to promote elsewhere? Besides, why can you not do your album launch in Manila, or at least have a Manila leg? Was it because no one is creating a gig for you? Why is that? Was it because it's not 2016 and Redrum cannot create an event for you anymore? You could've asked and I wouldn't hesitate to still help. But of course, knowing Gino from way back, his pride has always been bigger than his balls. 
Funny because my Page got more likes because of your subtle promotion, Gino. I couldn’t thank you enough for that. Sorry if this is causing a mess in the Manila scene but come to think of it, the people who supports you don’t even support local to begin with, so they don’t count in my books (or any organizer’s books for that matter). Most people behind your back are just there for the gossip and nothing else. Haha. 
You could spread hate and shout boycott all you want, but just so you know, there is more to come for Redrum (hello 2020!). Pity how you chose to go this miserable route. I hope you get better soon and grow a pair. 
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