#and it makes him look younger!! 🥺 sweetie..
galedekkarios · 3 months
random thought but i was thinking of tara's comments about getting gale to eat and take care of himself and . well. i was just kind of warmed by the idea of gale and astarion having a particular... dehydrated and perhaps slightly unwell sickly look to them that is only exacerbated by their arduous journey, but then six months after that nightmare when they return to withers' party as husbands they look so much healthier!! they're softer and stronger and well-fed!! they actually look alive! and happy! because they are! and isn't that so wonderful!!
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astrophileous · 7 months
Hey hey, it's me~
If I could, I would like to request a Derek x Reader or Spencer x Reader, how you feel it better. Maybe where the Reader is someone working with kids (in a nursery, childcare center, if possible ? If not, no problem at all). I wonder how they would react with someone like this 😇
Bonus point if the Reader is short 🙈
I'm weak for your fluff stories, and any of you works if I'm being honest so a fluffy one would be nice.
Again, no pressure if you don't feel writing this. Congratulations for your almost 1k, you'll get them I'm sure of it ❤️
Have a wonderful day sweetie 🌸
val, my love, tysm for the request and the kind words 🥺💞 I'm so happy you entrusted me with this request! Idk if this is what you were looking for, but I hope you're happy with it ❤️ (p.s. you can just send more requests if you weren't satisfied with this one lol)
Warning(s): derek morgan x fem!reader, stalker, break-in, typical cm stuff, swearing (?)
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
Seeing all the flashing red-and-blue lights outside the building he had grown to know intimately for the past couple of months was perhaps the closest thing to a heart attack Derek Morgan would ever experience in his life.
Derek ignored the shouts of his name from his fellow teammates as he ducked beneath the yellow police tape, along with the curious glances people threw his way as he stalked towards the building with purpose. Once inside, he thoroughly checked every room he passed by, stopping only when he spotted the familiar figure sitting on one of the chairs in the pantry.
"Derek? What are you—"
You didn't get a chance to finish your question before Derek was enveloping you in a bear hug.
A wave of calm instantly flooded over his entire being. Derek buried his face deeper into you, breathing in the smell of your body wash and the addictive tang of your perfume. Your own arms wrapped around his muscular frame once the shock evaporated, letting the warmth of Derek's body seep into you as you listened to the rhytmic beating of his heart.
"Are you okay?" Derek asked once he could finally find his voice again. "Did you get hurt? He didn't do anything to you, did he?"
"No, Derek. I'm fine," you convinced him as you pulled away. "I called 911 right away. He broke through the back door but ran as soon as the police arrived."
Derek rubbed his palms up and down your arms, an appeasing gesture for you as well as a reassuring one for him. He needed to make sure that you were fine.
"Good. That's good. You did the right thing, sweetheart."
"All thanks to you, Derek." You smiled. "I wouldn't have known what to do if you didn't warn me beforehand. We're all safe because of you."
Derek's heart sat fifty pounds heavy inside his ribcage. Before he could pull you back towards his chest, an interrupting cough sounded from behind him. Derek turned around to see Rossi standing in the doorway.
"Everything alright in here?" the older agent asked.
"Everything's fine," Derek replied. "Rossi, this is (Y/N). She works here."
Rossi wasn't blind. He knew you meant something more to Derek despite the younger man introducing you as an employee of the daycare center where all of you were standing in. Nonetheless, Rossi made no mention of it as he shook your hand and offered you his name.
"Are you the one who called 911, Miss? Can you tell us anything about the man who did this?"
"Yeah, I did. I've told pretty much everything to the officer over there," you said, pointing to the uniformed policeman standing outside in the hallway. "It was before lunch, so the kids were having outdoor playtime. One of the kids, George, suddenly came crying to me about someone being hurt. His hands were red. It looked like blood at first, but after a closer look, I realized that it was paint. That's when I told everyone to gather inside."
Rossi jotted down everything you said in his little notepad. "And that's when the man barged in?"
"Yeah. He tried to go through the front door at first and became aggressive when he noticed it was locked. I called 911 after that. He just barely managed to break down the back door when the police finally got here."
"And then he fled the scene," Rossi concluded. You nodded your head in confirmation. "Same MO as the school and the orphanage. This is definitely our guy."
"Did you happen to get a look at his face, sweetheart?" Derek asked.
"I, uh, I think so? But everything happened so fast, I don't know if my memory is reliable."
"You should still sit down with our sketch artist, Miss. We'll take any help we can get," Rossi responded.
For the next hour, Derek proceeded to investigate the crime scene with his team while you sat inside with a sketch artist who brought your hazy memory of the perpetrator's face to life. Derek eventually reunited with you again on the front porch of the daycare, approaching just in time to see you bidding a goodbye to one of the kids you were caring for.
"Can I get a one? And a two! A three? How about a four? Now a five! And a high five!" The little girl in front of you laughed wholeheartedly as she gave you a high-five. Derek's chest constricted at the sight. "Good job, Bee! Now, go to your mother. I'll see you soon, okay?"
"Okay!" Bee exclaimed, throwing herself into your arms to give you one last hug. "I love you, Ms. (Y/L/N)."
"I love you, too, honey."
Your eyes never strayed from Bee as the little girl dashed towards her mother. You looked up to see Derek staring at you from across the porch, the tilt of your lips stretching even wider when you caught sight of his face.
"Hey, you."
"Hi, beautiful." Derek smiled before taking your hand in his. "Are you ready to go? C'mon, let's get you home."
"Wait, you're taking me? But you're on the job!"
"The team can survive a couple of hours without me. 'Sides, there's no way I'm letting you take the bus all by yourself after what happened here."
Your insides melted into a goo at Derek's statement. You wanted so desperately to kiss the living daylights out of him at that moment, but knowing that there were so many prying eyes around—including those belonging to his team—you decided to settle for a quick peck on his knuckles instead.
Ten minutes later, you found yourself sitting inside a standard FBI SUV with Derek driving next to you. The two of you arrived at your building in no time, where Derek insisted on walking you all the way up to your front door before offering to stay with you for the rest of the afternoon.
"I'm telling you, Derek, I'm fine! You should get back to your team."
"But, what if—"
"No what ifs, Mister. I'm okay. Besides, if anything happens, I will call you immediately."
"You promise?"
"Promise. You have nothing to worry about," you assured. "Now, go! Before I kick your sexy butt out of here."
Derek's eyes twinkled mischievously. "You think my butt is sexy?"
"Go, Derek!"
"Fine, fine! I'm going!"
You turned towards the apartment door to unlock it, but just as you were about to step inside, the sound of your name stopped you in your tracks.
"Forgot something."
You yelped in surprise when Derek pressed his lips to yours without warning. The kiss was over too soon before you could react, but the ferocity alone was still enough to send you soaring high towards the stratosphere.
The man grinned after seeing your dumbfounded expression. "I'm going, sweetheart. I'll see you soon, 'aight?"
And just like that, Derek Morgan was gone, leaving your entire world whirling over the remaining taste of his lips on yours.
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starsurface · 3 months
hi.. did tumblr eat my request for general caregiver fujin headcanons? i could have sworn i requested that unless i'm just crazy?
Awh I've had that happen to me too!! Sometimes request don't fully send? Like, you need to get that small Tumblr notification that states that it was sent? It happens very rarely though, don't worry :]
Luckily you resent another request!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Fujin Hcs
☁️ Such a good CG!!! <3
☁️ Really good with a lot of ages!!
☁️ Doesn't specialize with any age, but is incredibly good with clingy regressors
☁️ Adores cuddling and spending time with you, your his most important thing right now
☁️ Well, your his most important thing period, but when your small your his main priority
☁️ Has pushed some of his God responsibilities off just for you <3
☁️ Raiden lectured him later for it though >:(
☁️ Speaking about Raiden, Fujin would highly encourage little playdates between you two!!
☁️ Fujins really strong, and he really likes carrying you
☁️ So this works incredibly well if you regress smaller
☁️ Mortals very much amuse him very much
☁️ Which means you amuse him so, so much
☁️ Learnt that younger mortals need a nap and encourages you to take one, especially if you regress tiny
☁️ He'll dress you in soft jammies, brush your hair, you'll have a whole routine
☁️ He’ll also cuddle you!!! Loves to cuddle during naptime (even if he doesn't sleep)
☁️ Won't force you to take a nap if you don't wanna though
☁️ If your scared of naps (such as monsters under the bed or such) he'll cuddle you extra tight and get you a dream catcher
☁️ He'll also get magic Monster Go Away Spray!!! (a trick he learnt from a parent app, actually)
☁️ Thinks it's really funny when you get a burst of energy, and then crash asleep
☁️ Is very patient when you have tantrums or hissy fits
☁️ He'll let you scream and cry, especially if it's over big negative feelings, but stays by incredibly close so you don't hit or throw anything
☁️ If you do he'll gently grab your wrists or quickly catch whatever you throw
☁️ He'll scold you later for it, probably when your big again and can have a better conversation
☁️ But right now, he wants to make sure your okay
☁️ He'll gently rock you and say that everything's okay
☁️ Doesn't really do punishments, but will scold you if your being naughty on purpose
☁️ Believes outside time is very important!!!
☁️ Whether that's going outside and playing with his kite, or sitting on the grass with some toys and a blanket
☁️ Will encourage you to pull pranks on the Monks and his friends (and take any backlash so you don't get in trouble)
☁️ He'll make you ‘fly’ in the air with his powers (making a burst of wind beneath you)
☁️ Safely though!!! He'd never do it if you didn't want to either
☁️ Will sit you on a blanket and then put you in the air (like a magic carpet ride fr Aladdin!!)
☁️ If your a bigger kid, you'll still get treated like a toddler >:(
☁️ But don't worry!! Just tell him and he'll treat you more your age (or try, it's a process)
☁️ Thinks pet regressors are really cute and funny and will watch you roll along the ground
☁️ Gives the best head scratchies and tummy rubs!!!
☁️ If you're ever sick while your tiny, it takes everything out of him not to pick you up and hold you closely :(
☁️ It's just, your all tucked in bed looking like ‘🥺’ but he knows that if he holds you, he'll get sick too :(
☁️ Tries to get you yummy medicine, and will make you some nice warm milk
☁️ Very good with if you use diapers and will buy you ones with cute designs!!
☁️ His hair is very long and he'll let you brush it, and will redirect you if you pull on ks hair
☁️ Will brush your hair any time of the day, absolutely loves brushing and styling it!!
☁️ Favorite CG nicknames are Dada, Fuu Fuu, and Cloudy
☁️ Favorite little nicknames to call you are Sweetie, Sweetheart, Little One, Baby, Lovely, Bumble Bee
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
They're not the best, but I can always do more!! :D
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peachyponyboyy · 6 days
hi!! i was wondering if you could write some general relationship headcanons for two-bit, soda and steve (these two sillies can be together or separate, i just love poly with soda and steve but if you’re not comfortable writing that then that’s okay <3)
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ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝔽𝕥.. 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖, 𝕋𝕨𝕠-𝕓𝕚𝕥, 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕊𝕠𝕕𝕒𝕡𝕠𝕡
(a/n) I'm sososo sorry anon!! I haven't had the time to get your request done, So i decided to get off my lazy butt and do it (😭)
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He tries best, but sometimes (most times) he ends up screwing things up
He loves you to death, don’t get me wrong. Buuuut… he just doesn’t know how to show it, and when he tries… It goes to shit.
It would go like this: He tells you he will pick you up for a nice dinner with the money he has saved up, but he forgets to make reservations, his shirts backwards, and somehow he tied his shoes together.
You still love him nonetheless, even if he is.. interesting…
Would take you to Olive Garden and call it fancy
In his defense that’s fancy to him, when he was younger that was the fanciest place his parents would take him to and it was like a once or twice a year luxury
Probably takes you to Cheesecake Factory for a date also (no shade to Cheesecake Factory, I fucking love Cheesecake Factory)
Shares and Oreo cheesecake with you
Super stingy with food so if he shares with you he wants to marry you  and you are literally the love of his life.
Would pick flowers from someone else’s property. And when the owner of the house caught him, he ran like the devil was after him.
If your full from your dinner, lunch, whatever it is he will GLADLY eat it for you
Typa guy they nickname garbage disposal cause he’ll eat anything, you leave your leftovers in the fridge and even if you label it he’ll eat it. He genuinely doesn’t care he’s fucking hungry.
He calls you sweet cheeks for some reason
He has terrible fashion taste, you know it but still likes asking his opinion on what you should wear for that day.
He loves giving you pet names
Baby, Babe, Sweetie, Sweetheart, All that jazz.
He totally loves to call you the Minnie to his Mickey.
He likes to have you style his hair since he sucks at doing it himself.
You and him sometimes bake cakes or just pastries in general together.
Although most of the time he just starts throwing flour at you.
Its okay tho
He totally braids your hair into crazy things
He's a master at braiding for some reason.
So you have like scattered tiny braids everywhere in your hair
One time you let him bleach your hair
It totally looked cute
But you lowkey hated it.
He’s super good with hair in general, his sister (I hc her to be around 6-12) usually asks him to do her hair for her so he’s gotten decent at it.
Takes you out for ice cream like every night (where does he get the money? Idk. He pulls it out of a magician hat or smth.)
When he’s not drunk he’ll take you to the Nightly Double
When he gets hungover he’s just a lil baby 😣🥺🤭
He just lets you take care of him
Stop ya’ll so cute finna make me jealous🥺💞💞
Waist hugger fs
Loves you to the moon and back
He has ponyboy write little poems for sodapop just so he can give them to you
He loves squishing your face
He just cups your face in his hands
Admiring his darling girl/boy
Speaking of darling, he LOVES calling you darling
Non-sexual showers FSSS
Lets you wash his hair so he can get the grease out
He won't admit it, but he likes when his hair isn’t greasy because I totally see him being a natural curly head so his hair being all frizzy and wavy is just🤭🤭🤭💞💞
He loves to listen to music with you
He also loves cuddling
Like LOVES it
He totally keeps polaroids of you in his wallet
He has a collection of polaroid photos of you and him doing stupid and/or cute things together.
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elirastudio · 2 years
Shadow King Au💜
So I just thought of this and thought it was funny and cute hope you enjoy!✨
Also excuse my spacing in this story Im new to Tumbler and Idk how it works yet sooo, sorry!! 🥺
A human child? He took in a human child?! Is he mad?! Whatever! The kid is easy enough to kill with or without Liu’er butting in.
“Don’t do it….You’ll regret it”
“How long must you pester me?”
“How long will you be angry at Liu’er?”
“…point taken”
Wukong wanted to terrorize the reattached creature for coming to his mountain…The child will pay.
They were able to see when Macaque put the child down and when he was able to sleep. The child’s crib a few feet away from the king’s bed. The small monkey looked at the king with a smile as the older one glared at him with venom.
Their head turned when they heard the child waking up, they looked at the child’s familiar golden eyes, he giggled once he saw the older monkey. Wukong was shocked that he was seen by the child. How…How is that possible?
The child extends his small hands to him and the older monkey gives him one of his hands. The child grabbed his finger as he giggled. Wukong gave a smile to the baby, because for the first time in years someone else has seen him as something else than a monster. For a moment he felt happy and content.
“Getting along, are we” his younger self teased as he snickers.
“Shut up!”
Wukong looked at the child’s golden eyes and recognized the familiar eyes…it was his gold vision. HIS gold vision. He was both furious and…proud? No matter he took his hand away from the baby, bared his fangs and snarled at the infant. The child cried out of fear
“STOP! You’re scaring him!!”
“That’s the idea” Wukong said in a wicked chuckle he was going to scare the child once more when-
“Xiaotian?!” Liu’er got up, almost falling to the floor, and went to check on the infant. He picked the crying baby up and hushed him to calm him down. “Shh shh its ok little star…you’re safe” cooed the Six Eared monkey to the human infant. Making his way to his bed, rocking the baby as he calmed down and fell to his peaceful slumber. Macaque deciding to keep the sleeping baby on the bed with him as he set Xiaotian to bed next to him and returning to his slumber as well.
“Is this what you want to hurt?…want to destroy?”
Wukong stared at Macaque in disbelief at what he saw. He disappeared from the room..leaving behind a scent all to familiar to the sleepy Shadow King.
Ahhh I love it😩✨💕💕💕💕💕💕
I like sits around all day waiting for you and the other sweetie, you all are much better than me at writing, to like send this cute little piece of story 😩✨✨💕✨😖💕💕💕 I love them so much.
Also you know how much I love the duality of wukong mind✨💕
I only need to say one thing this time, or we will confuse people when this little piece of art will go in the master post, is that Wukong is willing giving his powers to MK so like he knows that the kid can see him.
But aside from this little little little thing, its just perfect.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 27 days
Hi author,
I really loved the last chapter of "he doesn't deserve you", it was very emotional to me, and Jk was so sweet🥲however, maybeI forgot, how old is Jk here compared to her? And what about his past relationships? He said it was a while, but the only focus was on her. We don't know what he really thinks, will they have a chance to talk about it in the future?
You did a great job! Thank you for updating us!
Have a great day,
Your loyal reader
Thank you love I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Yeah Jungkook is a sweetie and very soft when he's alone with her 🥺
Jungkook is about 22 and she's 28 so it's not a huge age difference but I feel like once you get into your late twenties someone in their early twenties seems like a bit of a child. Especially when it comes to men.
Jungkook has had multiple girlfriends but like nothing crazy maybe three or four. None of them lasted very long because he always had to take care of his family so they felt neglected and were honestly really toxic and bratty about it.
They were all either his age or a little younger than him so once he met oc the thought of being with an older woman really flipped a switch in him.
He had never seriously thought about dating someone older than him but she seemed so mature and understanding and although she was going through hell with Taehyung she was still kind to everyone he saw her interacting with.
Granted the only other people he's seen her talk to have been Rae and Jimin.
(Tae too but ofc she wasn't being kind because they were fighting lol)
He saw her sense of maturity and her tendency to keep her struggles to herself as something that was very similar to him and what he's had to do in his life ever since he was young.
So he thought that maybe she would understand him.
(We'll learn more about Jungkook and his family's past in future chapters)
It had been a while since the last time Jungkook slept with anyone since he honestly lost hope and thought that with the way his life is now he wouldn't be able to find anyone who would accept him and be okay with not having as much time with him.
On top of that he was just way too busy and couldn't find the time.
He's not into the hookup culture and would honestly rather spend time working on what he hope will become his career in the future, Photography.
(We'll get into that more in future chapters as well).
Now that I think about it ya'll really don't know much about this Jungkook huh? Guess I gotta let you guys in a bit more lol
(Or any of my Jungkooks 😂 oops. I just like making them more mysterious lmaooo)
In terms of what Jungkook really thinks, well that's something that they'll have a conversation about in future chapters.
He voiced very little about his fears when it comes to starting or not even being given the chance to start a relationship with her but he'll let her know how he truly feels about it soon. As well as talk about past relationships.
Thank you for saying that 🥺 I wasn't really sure how I felt about it but I'm really happy you liked it!
Stop 😭 "Your loyal reader" I can't you're adorable 😭
Thank you again love! You're actually the first person that's sent in an ask for this story so I really am so glad you sent one in!
Okay this has gotten way too long but yeah I hope you're looking forward to the next chapter 🤭
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God I missed you and Tumblr🥺
I'm finally out of the shackles of 'Summer Classes' at my university, and so I have time to myself again.
Plus! I saw that you have 5.7k words on a fic? I hope it is what I think it is😏
Ahhhhhh I'm so excited!!!
Anyways, lemme get my usual, a lovely Cinnamon Spice Milk Tea, and one lovely conversation to catch up☕
Question of the day: (You can even make it a small drabble/fic if you want )
I've recently really been in a whole Genshin guys as dad's kinda state...like some on, you cant tell me Diluc drinking grape juice with his daughter/son or even Thoma cooking with his kid strapped to his back WOULDN'T BE ADORABLE😭😭❤❤❤
So my question is, who do you think would make the best dads? Or like what would they be like as dads? Imagine Xiao making a small accessory out of leaves for his baby to protect them when he's away...lords...imma just cry😭💕
-Cookie Customer🍪
cookie!!! i’m sorry i’ve taken so long with this, there’s literally no excuse for that ㅠㅠ
i’ve missed you and tumblr too but somewhere between writing my last fic and my vacation i’ve adopted my irl “don’t talk unless spoken to” attitude, so the blog’s gone a little quiet; i’m working on new fics though and i’m hoping for the most productive flight ever >///<
5.7k… i was so naive… war flashbacks to proofreading it but i’m still really proud of myself for writing that, so thank you for requesting, couldn’t have done it without you <3 if you missed the 11.6k monster, here
while you’re tea is brewing, let me tell you something: i think i know why i procrastinated on this ask for so long and it’s because i do not like the thought of having kids; sure they’re cute and all but i like giving them back after a couple of hours, if a fluff fic has pregnancy in the tags or there’s a child involved, i’m out ㅠㅠ ironic isn’t it
but, for you, i’ll try my best (this is not in order or anything) ♡
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childe: honestly one of the best, if not the best, dad on this list i’m biased okay, despite his job and being seldom home, he still grew up with three younger siblings and learned early how to take care of them; also, his love for his family knows no bounds, so if there’s something he doesn’t know he will do his research to best provide for all of your needs also spoils all of you ㅠㅠ; the type to have multiple children (maybe two or three?)
diluc: why can i see diluc’s son playing the violin perfectly at age seven and knowing like five languages by the age of ten? sure, diluc will definitely pay for higher education but i think his child would probably be a high-achiever/ gifted kid (we’re not diving into where that’s coming from or if that’s healthy here); he still has the stoic face but he loves you both very dearly and could not be prouder if his kid achieves literally anything; i imagine him having an only child? would absolutely spoil his daughter
thoma: perfect househusband, next—
thoma: somehow the vision of thoma with two equally bright blonde twin sisters just popped into my head and we’re rolling with it; i can absolutely see them cooking/baking together “we’re going to make a delicious meal for mommy/daddy when they come home”; pouts when they’re more excited to see auntie ayaka and auntie yoimiya (ayato just gently pays him on the back to console him while the girls are running around)
venti: oh no, pray that the child doesn’t take after him— i’m partly joking but can you imagine the chaos if his child inherited his anemo powers? with venti as the dad?? he’d be like the mean girls mom “you’re doing great sweetie” while you’re running around trying to get your child off the roof he’d never put them in any danger though and always looks out of them, sometimes when his child is asleep, he gently cradles them against his chest and and reflects on how he’d never thought he’d come to this point, feels incredibly lucky to have you both in his life; prettiest self-written lullabies!!
albedo: i’m not entirely sure if albedo actually could have a child of his own but regardless i think he’d be super up to the idea of adoption either way; does safe science experiments with them and softly smiles at their reactions even if they’re just fascinated by the pretty colours and not by the actual science; the dad with a fuck ton of parenting books; he’s taken care of klee for a long time, so he knows what he’s doing (no klee, a bomb is not an appropriate gift for a five year old)
kaeya: another one who did not see himself with a kid ever but he’s absolutely thriving, he’s the soccer mom “yes honey, go kick his ass!”, will do his daughter’s hair no questions asked, if someone ever rudely comments on his child’s skin tone he will throw more than just hands; his kid can fight and won’t take shit from anyone, don’t even try to convince me otherwise
xiao: when you tell him you’re pregnant/ want to adopt, he panics, how should he take care of a tiny child?? but after a bit of reassurance he calms down and swears to give it his all and give it his all he does, ngl he’s a bit overprotective at first but soon learns that his kid is a bit more capable and doesn’t need to be handled with satin gloves (almost had a heart attack when they fell down the stairs or hit their head under the table and just continued on, yk typical kid stuff), makes little adepti charms for them (also when they were still a baby, handmade a mobile for them, so cute >///<)
zhongli: sophisticated and more elegant than your average adult, flawless manners and eloquent vocabulary, everyone in liyue harbor takes one look at the child and they’re like “yeah, that’s zhongli’s alright”; they have daily tea times together and he tells them stories about liyue; would be proud of them whether they have his powers or not; gardening together!!
kazuha: calm, both he and the kid; let’s his kid express themselves as freely as they want; teaches them how to make music with leaves and stuff; thrilled when they’re showing interest in poems and books but won’t push it on them; his kid is very in tune with nature and super respectful to all living beings except for authorities, already accepted as a member of the crux, auntie beidou!!
ayato: rewrites all his schedules to have enough time for his child, does paperwork with them on his lap and pretends to not notice them chewing on the end of his pen; also manners!! in public they’re all proper posture and formal and stuff but as soon as they’re home, they just plop down on the couch and melt into the cushions and gossip over some of the stupid stuff the politicians or whoever said
aether: very much also a nature kid, climbing trees, picking up every type of bug they find and bleeding knees every day; personality takes after auntie lumine, goody two-shoes outside, sassy as hell on the inside, if it’s not forbidden, it’s allowed; i can’t decide whether i want him to have one child or twins bc i can see him having twins with like opposite dynamics kinda like him and lumine but is that uncreative?
okay, that’s it, i don’t have any more dad!shin thoughts at the moment, let me know what your personal headcanons are!! ♡ i had a concept at first and then threw it out the window after like three headcanons
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m3l-moony · 10 months
Hi sweetie 💕💕
I would like to ask you some romantic/fluff hcs for our baby Confucius 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 obv nothing NSFW, only tenderness 💕💕💕💕
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⌨︎ Synopsis: What would it be like to have Confucius as your romantic partner (as a boyfriend or husband, you imagine 😊)
| Reader’s gender – unspecified.
| Character(s): Confucius (ft. Jesus, Buddha and Socrates)
⚠︎: Buddha making fifth-grade jokes, but not specified (because I suck at jokes)
☾︎ a/n: Hi Lulu!! Hope you like it! <3
He’s a baby, it took me a while because I ended up getting too excited 😅
☄. *. ⋆
• Confucius is a sweetheart. First of all, he’ll treat you like royalty.
• Do you know his habit of always saying “I suppose” at the end of each sentence? So, if he says "I love you" he won’t say it at the end. Actually, everything related to you, he never ends with "I suppose".
• The Sages love you. Confucius can’t stop talking about you, and that’s reason enough for Buddha to make fun of him.
• Socrates is happy to see his friend so in love, he thinks your relationship is adorable.
• Jesus enjoys your company, as does Socrates, he agrees that you two make a lovely couple. Besides, he likes to talk to you.
• His love language is physical touch. Walking? He’s holding your hand. Are you going to sleep together? He will want to hug you. Just standing next to each other? Don’t mind if he puts a hand on your waist or shoulder. Will put a hand on your back to comfort you 🥺♥️
• He loves that you brush his hair, or just run your fingers through the black strands. He will sleep like a baby if you do this at night.
• Confucius may try to hide his excitement, but when it comes to you, he doesn't mind doing that.
• After Ragnarok, he rambled on about how awesome Buddha was in the fight.
• Please comfort this boy, he cried so hard at the end of that round.
• WEAR HIS CLOTHES!! Honestly, he would love to share his clothes with you, but in case he sees you wearing his clothes... Oh, Confucius.exe stopped working, blackout, full blue screen.
• If you are not Chinese, he would love to know about your country and its culture.
He would also like to try dressing in typical clothes there. Especially if you’re younger than him. This cutie was born before Christ T v T
• Also, call him a name in your language. You can cuss him out and he'll have hearts in his eyes. Awee, dont do that :<
• If you’re a deity, he’ll be a little confused. Why you want to be with him, a human, since you’re the most perfect thing that could exist?! But he soon realizes that you are like Buddha dont give a shit about the others; but he’s happy that you truly loves him ❤️
• If you are a deity, there is a large percentage of you being taller than him, if so, he will hang on to you like a koala.
Besides, how could he resist when your chest is the best pillow in the world? He doesn't do it with something sexual, though, he just wanna cuddles.
• But if you're smaller than him, he'll love that YOU hang on him like a koala. But make no mistake, he'll use you as a pillow all the same.
• He's like Gomez Addams. Tells you how beautiful, how cute, how perfect you are, how you make him feel so happy when you're around... Oh my God, he's so sweet!!
• It will give you nicknames in Chinese. Even the simplest nickname, “love”, he will say “愛” correct me if I'm wrong :>
• KISS THAT BEAUTIFUL FACE AND LEAVE LIPSTICK MARKS, I beg you!! He'll have the brightest smile in the world, and he'll probably have lipstick on his face all day, even if he needs to talk with one of his disciples. He loves you, what's the harm in showing the world that you feel the same way?
• I can see Confucius as someone who would have an introverted s/o, so it would be a perfect contrast. I mean, he's surrounded by introverted people Jesus and he wouldn't mind if you are.
• But if you're an extrovert... Partners in crime.
Look at me and say this man is not a big children, go on! Nop, he would totally be the one kids love to have around because of his nature.
• Snow White herself. Animals love him, and he doesn't know why. Who doesn't loves him?
• Anyway, he’s perfect, I recommend. He’s a infinity/10. 💕
☄. *. ⋆
Ah, it took me a while to think of something. I had to redo it several times and read the manga online to see it, but it was fun to do.
I just realized that the hcs look more general than fluff, but I tried (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
I hope you enjoyed ❤️✨
— 𝑴𝑒𝑙☾︎.
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1004tyun-archive · 10 months
hi crystal😔 saw the other day that you missed thoughts, so here I am!
I saw a video today saying something about how a woman should run away when a younger
(LEGALLY) man is flirting with her (I disagree tho🤨)and then I saw a comment saying that most of the times the younger men treat their gf like a goddess while men of the same age/older do nothing but the minimum
SO MY SILLY BRAIN THOUGHT "oh! Taehyun!!!!!" and 😔😔😔😔imagine you're from the same friend group and around Soobin's or yeonjun's age. Then one day while they're all hanging out for a few drinks and you get there a little late with a puffy face and red nose from crying because your (now ex!!) silly boyfriend argued with you again 🙄acting like the bare minimum is more than enough AND WHEN TYUN SEES YOU he ofc gets worried but at the same time his whole body boils with anger because!1!1!!1!11! Why on earth that guy treated you, the most beautiful sweetest perfect woman on earth, like garbage?! Taehyun would never ever treat you like that.
So he comes up to you to check if you're doing good(you're not) and starts complaining about how shitty your ex was(slightly touching your waist and nonchalantly moving the hair out of your face) until he accidentally(was it really) mumbles something about how he would never do this to you (this sounds toxic imo🥹 but it’s not supposed to me toxic, tyun is truly an angel😭😭) and you’re like 😅😟☹️😭 looking like a deer caught in the headlights AND SO IS TAEHYUN
N ee wayssssss you guys decide to give it a shot!! And Taehyun is so nervous and excited bc he’s dating an older woman(silly, it’s just 2/3 years), it’s cute. And he’s so head over heels for you☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️ giving you all the love and respect you deserve, treating you like his queen, the light of his life.
(This reminded me of body worship but I’m not good at writing smut😔 so pls, if you have smutty thoughts I’d love to hear them🙏🙏🙏🙏)
anon this is so big brained first of all the "if a younger man tries to flirt with you, run" thing is so funny to me idk why dhsjgsjhg
taehyun is such a sweetie in this 🥺🥺 he would definitely be the one to make you feel better after your dummy (now ex!) boyfriend broke your heart ;; the fact that your ex is a repeat offender too? taehyun would NOT let that slide but rather than waste his time and energy on that flop, he would spend his time making sure that you're okay :( 🩵🩵 a little toxic as it may be, it's true!! he would never do that to you!!
giving it a try with him finally opens you up to knowing what it's like to be treated like the queen you are 😌
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anadorablekiwi · 2 years
Hi momma!!
I have short white spikey hair now! And a nose ring! It doesn't hurt all that often, I just have to keep it clean otherwise it could get infected and whatnot.
Moving to germany in January, and honestly cannot wait! Because there, 18 YO's can buy liquor, and I've in a huge craze with Mixology, I really want to try it out. I promised my dad I would make up two creations just for him based on his favorite movie, Frozen, one for Elsa, and one for Anna.
In the mean time, packing has gone super well, I have my room packed already and threw away like half the stuff I've never used once in my life haha.
How have you been? I'ma try to be a bit more active on tumblr now.
Hi sweetie!!!
How fun!! That all sounds amazing, and thats so cool! I wish you luck and fun times with the move!
I’ve been alright, school is kicking me right in the mental health lol. Things keep getting better then worse again, but today has been good so far. Last night and today my sister and I are painting small pumpkins to look like an electro and a hydro slime from genshin impact, and its been a lot of fun!! I’m also in my halloween outfit today so I’m quite happy 😁 i may post a pic once ive finished the makeup part (my lil sis and i need to go to target and buy eye liner lol)
Also, as of April you’ll technically have a new cousin!! The older of my two younger sisters is pregnant 🥺😍 (she’s 20 and has been married about a year lol)
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sonnysonder · 1 year
Brainrotting over Stranger Things quickly devolves into a lunatic’s manifesto more at eight
 Sorry I've been so inactive with the clan gen blog and such. My mom finally got me to watch stranger things and i’m so hooked now it’s not even funny. I’ve been watching one episode every day and since all the Stranger Things confession blogs have been dead in the water for years i’m just going to obsess here if that’s okay okay thank you 
At the time of writing this i’m like,,,, halfway through season two I think? I’m at the ep where they rescue Hopper from the DEATH PUMPKIN FARM (Trademark) So no spoilers for anything after that please
(Also these are my own opinions and also i’m only halfway through the show so they are subject to change. Also I might exaggerate my feelings to get my point across okay okay thank you)
I actually watched the first two episodes a good few years back and even back then I instantly fell in love with Barbara, and now I’ve fallen in love all over again and i’m NOT embarrassed to say that she is my FAVORITE and the BEST Stranger Things character ever and NOBODY compares. I was really sad when she died she’s so pretty and responsible and she had so much potential :((((
Idk if this is a hot take or not but am I the only one who thinks Jonathan and Steve are both terrible lmao. Like I get that the show WANTS you to root for Jonathan cause he’s the nice guy who’s buwwied and who’s so much bedder than Steve the fucking meanie but when I was watching that I was like NO??? JONATHAN TOOK PICTURES OF HIS CRUSH HAVING SEX WITHOUT HER PERMISSION AND WHEN HE WAS CONFRONTED ABOUT IT HE WENT “B-b-b-but you were being the real you and I thought that was nice 🥺” AND THEN SHE JUST FORGAVE HIM????? I literally couldn’t give less of a shit that he was in a rough place with his brother missing either THAT IS CREEP BEHAVIOR. Like I get that he’s become a better person since then but it’s just so,,,, ICKY.... that I can’t get over it.
On to Steve, him breaking Jonathan’s camera is literally his only W so far he’s just,,,, SO,,,,, FUCKING,,,,, MORONIC,,, I literally wanted to punch the screen during the Halloween party bathroom scene. Like WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU STEVE LOOK AROUND YOU. Nancy was DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND MOURNING HER DEAD FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND FORCED TO KEEP IT A SECRET FROM THAT FRIEND’S PARENTS WHO ARE SELLING THEIR HOUSE TO HIRE PEOPLE TO SPEND THE REST OF THEIR LIVES LOOKING FOR A DAUGHTER WHO THEY DON”T EVEN KNOW IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you’re only response to all of that is “Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you don’t love me??? 🥺” My mom said that he gets the piss kicked out of him every season and to that I say GOOD!!!!! Knock some sense into that entitled arrogant blowhard lmao
The worst part is that this all could have been avoided if Nancy just smartened up and dated Barb, the only reasonable option, from the start /hj
Like...Nancy...sweetie...I love you...but for FUCKS sake stop letting these guys string you along and walk all over you oh my god
Sorry I just have VEEERY strong opinions on love triangles most of the time I can be normal go ahead stick your fingers between the bars of my cage I won’t bite i’ll be good
Anyways I also love Eleven she’s so sweet and I love her hair :) 
Hopper is cool but he also pisses me off sometimes
Why does Will look like 3 years younger than Mike Dustin and Lucas
Maybe i’m too empathetic but Joyce falling apart when Will was missing was so sad and just the vibes alone from the first season took my breath away. Winona Ryder is so FUCKING GOOD YUM YUM YUM 
Dustin’s cat Mew Mew looked a little too much like my cat so when it showed Dart eating it I was like AAAAAAAAAAA WHYYYY DDDDDD:
Max is so annoying she switches up so fast and then switches back even faster it’s like MAKE UP YOUR MIND like I thought i’d like her but no
Why am I feeling so strongly about this funny little mystery show what is this feeling what has mother done to me
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hanafubukki · 2 years
Convert Anon💜 here!!
I agree witj you about Belphie, that I wouldnt trust him for a long while and has to make it up to me, especially if he ever wants to meet my family since I have three younger siblings and if they ever found out he hurt me, they would fight him
And my fav of the demon brothers is Mammon and close second would be Beel
Mammon cause I like greedy bois(*looks at the octotrio*) and Beel cause the best way to my heart is through food and i love them both
Belphie has to earn my trust for a long time and i would have another brother with me whenever I hang out with Belphie(probably Beel)
But yeah, salty about lesson 16 and him expecting everything to be okay after it and I am so salty about it
Also I would so sleep in Mammon’s room for a while cause he was holding our body and also never tried to ever kill us and also was our first demon🥺🥺💜💜
You play Obey me too Convert 💜 Anonie?!? That’s great! Oooh yes I am ready to chat about this topic. Let’s gooo 🙌🙌💗💗
Honestly, I haven’t been playing as much. The constant events and lessons and then the cards and added characters just made me go Ooof on it…plus difficulty spike andkskss
YES! I hate what they did with the whole blephie part! They just put everything under the rug and I for sure would never trust him and would use the pact to keep him away and he would have to make an effort to get me to like him at all let alone be in the same room.
Honestly, if anyone fought me on it, I would go stay at purgatory hall. You would think they would take time to at least make him ask for forgiveness or something
Though I heard in the anime you get some of that with him and the brothers but not the MC which is dumb because he needs to do that with mc. Like I get why he did it but doesn’t mean he can’t step up a bit.
I got into the game through asmo art and fanfic after constantly being barraged with ads on YouTube, thought I would love mammon until I found out he was a tsundere and then loved luci because of his love for family. But now I moved into Simeon and Solomon and adopted my baby brother Luke
Simeon because he’s just a gentle yet funny angel. You can tell he loves the brothers and his friends a lot and then he scarified so much for mc. There’s also a hidden part of him that makes me wonder too.
Solomon because he’s our shady wizard teacher and fellow human. And he cares and loves us so much and he’s funny and I can’t help but wonder about everything he had to go through through the years you know? (And apparently I have a thing for immortal grandpas who can’t cook 😂😂😅😅)
Mammon I gradually loved because he loves you so so so much. Beel is a sweetie but I feel he can’t choose between us and his twin and I wouldn’t put him through that.
Mammon would literally do anything and everything for us, he’s also always sweet to me and comes when I used to pull for a card that’s not him lol 😆
You and me Concert Anonie 🤝🤝 I agree with you. I am still so salty about it. Will definitely keep a brother with me and or just keep one of the other residents. Definitely wouldn’t trust dia or barbatos because they must have known something
And do you remember the previous timeline? That hurts me still because they are waiting still 😭😭
Mammon holding is as we disappear 😭😭😭😭 ahhhh that scene just tears me apart. I love when he’s honestly and loves us so wholeheartedly. I would definitely cuddle him too and hold his hand, so we both can we are alive and nothing can hold us
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whatstheoccasion · 2 years
heyy, I see your requests are open! can I request toman boys of your choice when their s/o died? 🥺 gn please and thank you!!
A/N: thank you for requesting sweetie! this is an old ask, but if you happen to read this then i hope you like it. i didn’t really know if you meant the moment they died of long after so i miex them up a bit. if you want other members send in another ask and i'll do it! enjoy x
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"Will you miss me, when I'm gone?"
pairings: baji x gn!reader, mitsuya x gn!reader, draken x gn!reader.
warnings/tw: death, mentions of alzheimer. genre/tags: angst, spoiler free.
"Will you mourn me when I'm gone?" was what you asked your boyfriend in a hushed whisper, a few months into your relationship. Baji's breath faltered, but he quickly hid it with a harsh glare at you. "Fuck are you talking about? I won't let you die, dumbass.'' He whisper-shouts, his voice tight while he continues to play footsies with you behind the library's solid brown table. "But what if I miss you too much, when I end up in heaven while you go to hell?" you tease. He clicks his tongue, annoyed, but the pressure on his chest feels a bit lighter. "Idiot, you won't get rid of me that easily. I'll just follow you there." You then joke that he did the same thing with Mikey when they were younger, following him everywhere, and he yells at you– but his fond smile he can't hide, childish fangs sticking out his mouth even after getting kicked out by a very angry librarian.
Now, laying pale and dirty in front of your bloody, lifeless body, he hazily takes a look around the brawl, fighting the hot tears streaming down his face. His best friends were wrestling for their lifes, children and grown men yelling and fighting till death, and he regrets with a angry scowl letting things get so far. With his last uneven breaths, Baji thinks he may understand where you were coming from all those years ago. As his last words are choked out of his mouth to the cold ground, he foolishly hopes you’re listening, wherever you are. “You were right,” he reassures you, bringing your body closer to his and finally admitting defeat. “I’m not letting you go alone.”
He was always following after his loved ones, after all.
Mitsuya’s long fingers stop in their motions, needle hanging now uselessly over your favorite pair of jeans. You look at him, amusedly waiting for a response. Only then does he look at you, and your heart drops when sweet lilac eyes are staring at your own with an emotion you can’t describe, making him look more mature than a 14 year old should ever look. "What am I going to do without you?" He repeats your questions slowly, to confirm he heard you right. You nod, worrying your lower lip, had you made a mistake asking him this? After a long pause, he sighs, and returns to his stitching at hand. For a moment you think he won't answer, until you hear a low "I don't know. I can’t think about my life without you in it."
It's many years later when Mitsuya goes back to your talk. When he's old and wrinkly, and there's a tan mark around his left ring finger– a mark identical to the wedding ring he always wore– and will always wear. Right next to the scar on his arm, from when you forgot who he was- Alzheimer's treating you unfairly, making you forget about your highschool sweetheart and love of your life– and burnt him in this same hospital bed, with tea he had just prepared for you. But it was okay, Mitsuya has always found a way to make you fall for him all over again, time and time again. Even now, as your dying breaths even out and your wandering eyes are looking at him like you barely know who he is. He swallows the lump in his throat, holds your hand in his two stronger ones, slowly kissing your knuckles and hoping he’s distracting enough from the inevitable end on your life support machine. "I’ll be right here with you the whole time." As ugly tears make their way down his tormented face, and he lowers his head in grief, Mitsuya misses the chance to see when your eyes widen in recognition. A heartbeat too late you weakly squeeze his hand, but the imminent beep of your machine follows shortly after.
Draken was never the same again. He could laugh and joke around and continue living life as usual, feeling like he owed that to you. But the people who knew him, who loved and cared for him knew he was never the same again. His smiles weren’t as bright, that charming, particular glint of fire in his eyes was gone. You took a piece of him that he could never replace- and he didn’t wanted to, even when later in life he got married. He had promised you one day, after having one too many drinks, "I think I'm going to love you forever." You're still the one he's thinking about while he watches, with tense guilt squeezing his throat, as his spouse-to-be is saying their votes. On his deathbed much later in life, he cries for his family and friends, but sadly it's been a while since he felt this hopeful. Even if he hides the relieved smile that softens his wrinkled face, Draken thinks that the afterlife will be your second chance– he likes to think that, maybe, if you're his last thought, then he can keep his promise and spend eternity with you.
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littlelioncub43 · 3 years
I loved your last Lee fic!!! Could we get more of our soft grumpy man please? Maybe he’s trying to impress Y/n when she comes down to the station one day (before they’re an item) and a younger, fitter deputy who’s also totally into her makes some mean jokes about Lee in front of everyone…I love take-no-shit Lee…but also insecure Lee too🥺💜
Hello my lovely nonnie! Thank you so much for reading my last Lee fic!! I adore writing for our Sheriff Daddy Bodecker so much, you have no idea 😄 I hope you enjoy this one too! Thank you so much for sending this ask hehe! Enjoy!
Kisses 💋
P.S. it was written on my phone (once more) so any spelling or grammar mistakes are my own 😄 also I love you
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The cool crisp of the mid September air tried its best to seep its way into your bones, but it was no match for your favorite wool jacket and the heat of excitement running through you. Your short walk to the police station was a happy one. The skip in your step could be explained by one thing–well, one man: Lee Bodecker.
You and Lee weren't going out (not yet, anyway, but you didn't want to get ahead of yourself), but you did have lunch together from time to time. Today was Lee's turn to supply the food, and he suggested going to the diner, saying something about not wanting to subject your sweet little tongue to his cooking. Walking through the double doors of the station, you happily made your way through the maze of desks in the bull pen.
Just as you were nearing the door to Lee's office, Deputy Ron Hallowell intercepted you on your path with a hand on your elbow and a smile.
"Hey, there, I was hopin' to see you 'round here today," he said with a knowing smile, his tone of voice was irksome, you didn't like how it sounded, like he was moments away from peeking down your dress, like a cat enjoying teasing the mouse far too much.
"Oh. Hello, Deputy Hallowell," you say in the most cordial tone you can muster. Deputy Hallowell wasn't the worst looking, you suppose. He was tall, blonde with emerald green eyes, and a physique that nearly every teenage girl and young woman within a 5 mile radius was gushing about. But you didn't see the appeal; he oozed arrogance and insecurity all at once, a putrid mix only worsened by his unending determination to flirt with you any chance he got; it was off putting.
Besides, you thought he was far too young for you. You'd always fancied older men. Something about the way they carry themselves with more certainty, they were a man, not a boy. And Deputy Hallowell was a boy.
"So whatcha doin' here today, pretty girl? Not havin' lunch with that fat, old geezer in there again, are you?" He gestured to Lee's office with his chin, his hand still on your arm, his lips curling at his own "playful" jab at Lee as a few fellow deputies chuckle. Your features set in a cold expression, you didn't like what he was saying about Lee one bit.
"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Deputy Hallowell, but I can assure you that it would be best if you didn't repeat it. Sheriff Bodecker and I have plans, so, you'll have to excuse me," you harshly state, trying to pull your arm from his grip but failing as he held you even tighter, keeping you rooted to your spot.
"Aw, don't be like that. You don't have to pretend to actually like him with me, sweetie," you flinch at the pet name, anger boiling over in your chest, "we both know you're far too good to be goin' around with the likes of him," he begins to stroke your shoulder, "so, what do you say we go out to dinner some time? Hm? I can show you a far better time than that fat Sher—"
"Deputy Hallowell, that'll be enough."
Lee's booming voice cuts off the vile rant of the younger man. He looks about as angry as you feel. Retching your arm from his grasp, you glare at the pink faced deputy, shame and fear replacing his slick arrogant expression. You turn to Lee, and you can tell that he's trying his best to hold back from tearing the young deputy a new one.
Looking from him to you, Lee's expression softens ever so slightly. You offer him a small smile, trying your best to ease the situation. Lee returns his eyes to the now trembling blonde boy. "We'll have a nice talk when I get back from lunch," is all Lee says to him before dismissing him with a jerk of his head, sending the boy scrambling off in a hurry.
With a small sigh, Lee turns back to you, a softer expression painting his face but you can still see the rage and the embarrassment of having been publicly humiliated in front of you in his eyes. "Let's get goin', huh?" He says with an artificial smile, he walks with you out to his cruiser, the walk is silent and heavy.
Once you're alone in the cruiser, Lee pauses, you can see the hard shell crack ever so slightly. Reaching across the bench seat, you take one of his hands into yours, making Lee sigh heavily. He didn't want you to see how the cruel deputy's words affected him, he wanted you to think he was stronger than any words from a snot nosed kid, but he couldn't help it. He knew he was older than you, he knew he wasn't as fit as he used to be, that his shirt was fuller than it used to be, he wasn't dumb. He just hoped you didn't see him like that; an old, fat Sheriff.
With your hand holding his, you spoke softly, "I'm so sorry, Lee."
He only shook his head, not really trusting his voice yet. He cleared his throat as his thumb rubbing over the knuckles of your hand delicately. His eyes not meeting yours for fear of what he might find there: pity. He wouldn't be able to stand the look of pity in your eyes, so instead, he followed the lines he was drawing on your knuckle.
Scooting across the seat, you bring your other hand to rest on top of his, rubbing ever so subtly, but Lee could tell. "Do y'wanna talk about it?"
"No, darlin', I'd rather not," he said in a gruff but oddly soft whisper. Nodding, you tilt his chin so he could finally look you in the eyes. A sigh escapes Lee's slightly dry lips, his eyes looking deeply into yours. He found no pity, not even a trace. Instead, he saw something different, something more complex and inviting. He wants you to look at him like that forever.
Your eyes dance across his face, taking in each of his distinct features; his cerulean blue eyes, cleft chin, clean shaven cheeks, plush pink lips. You feel your heart skip a beat or two at the beautiful man before you. Your words seem to slip right out without a second thought, "you're the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life, Lee Bodecker."
The heavy weight of sincerity in your voice shocked Lee. The reverence in the hushed whisper shook him to his core. He wasn't expecting you to say that, to say the least. Any and all words seemed to fail him, he searched for a response before settle on silence. Suddenly he was leaning in, his eyes focused on you, watching the way your eyes slipped shut peacefully just a moment before his lips touched yours in a shy, tender kiss.
His lips stayed still for a brief moment, waiting for you to pull back or push him off but the rejection never came. The realization that you were kissing him back had him pulling you closer to his side, his lips moving against yours even more. You sighed happily, your heart soaring in your chest; Lee Bodecker was kissing you! Your hand slid across the smoothe skin of his jaw to cradle the back of his head, playing with the short hair at the base of his skull just like you always wanted to.
After what feels like an hour, you pull back for a breath, your noses still brushing together as you pant. When you open your eyes you see Lee grinning from ear to ear, making you blush and bashfully smile up at him.
"How about I take y'out for dinner tonight, too?" He asks, his tone confident and pleased.
"I'd love to, Sheriff," you say with a glowing smile, one that he can't help but reciprocate.
"Now, let's get you somethin' to eat before I decide to do somethin' else with my lunch hour."
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lostbbygorl · 2 years
✨ Erwin is MAD MAD MAD MAD
✨ Hange and Levi had to hold the man down. Levi was wondering how tf this Y/N chick still hadn't begged for forgiveness on her knees after seeing the look he gave her
✨ Now this is when Levi first started admiring her. She was so young but so brave. If Erwin had balls of steel, his daughter had ovaries of steel
✨ And luscious hair. And pretty eyes. And a flawless figure. Basically mamas be a 100/10
✨ Erwin refused to talk to her for the rest of the day
✨ "Levi and Hange, I'll let you two collectively decide what to do with this lady. I am not in the mood to talk to her right now", he said coldly before storming away
✨ You thought mf Hange would just tell a girl who snuck into a military base at midnight in the angry rain to go back home? You thought Levi would pass up an opportunity to get to know her better?
✨ Bestie u dumb asf
✨ Anyways
✨ Erwin finally gets over it and realizes that his daughter is one of the most capable women in the military as of now. He's super proud of her actually and he went on about how his trust was broken but then realized how much he missed his daughter. So now instead of being paranoid, he's happy he can fight with her on his side
✨ Y/N becomes popular among the survey corps as soon as she joins. The survey corps as well as the captain of the most sought after squad
✨ Erwin never showed Y/N any favoritism. But Levi...yikes
✨ Man is making it painfully obvious
✨ Levi is known for having excellent control on his emotions but as the months passed he's realized that Y/N makes him act up
✨ He started out by being colder to her than the rest of the squad. This upset her because why won't his father's best friend who Erwin always wrote about like her? She's competent and polite
✨ And she's got a fat crush on him-
✨ Cue her "i like older men" phase-
✨ Levi realizes that there's no place for romance in the world he lives in. Especially not romance between himself and someone 12 years younger than him (lets say hes 36 in this story as y/n is 24)
✨ Levi knows that it'd be perfectly fine if she wasn't a CERTAIN SOMEONE'S daughter and that she's a grown adult. But the whole situation is ICKY to him
✨ He sucks it up and tells Hange. Story of his life. Suck it up and tell Hange
✨ Hange was like "OMGLEVIISINLOVEWHATIWASSUREHESAROMANTIC" at the top of her lungs and Levi has to smack her to make her shut up
✨ Now whenever Y/N smiles at Levi Hange is like 🤪🤭🥺😏
✨ One day Erwin and Y/N are just chilling in his office talking. Y/N makes his day
✨ "So, Y/N, how are you liking the military?"
" Oh, it's hectic but then again when I remember what our goals are it's all worth it"
" True. So, making any new friends, sweetie?"
" Yeah everyone in the squad is lovely. Eren is interesting. Sasha and I clicked instantly. And well, Captain Levi is extraordinary"
✨ Erwin has a nasty habit of picking up clues that many won't notice.
✨ Erwin knows exactly what she means by "extraordinary"
✨ Alexa play Hayloft by Mother Mother
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a-lil-perspective · 3 years
Hi!! All ur Dad Batch content makes my heart so soft 🥺💕 ahh I love it!
How would Crossbuir and/or Papa Hunter react in the aftermath of them losing their temper with their kids? I know this is a bit of a sadder one, but no parent is perfect. I feel like this is more likely to happen when the kiddos are younger and yeah I just think they would feel awful seeing the kids’ scared little faces and crying and being scared
This is a great ask. I never want to imagine Papa Hunter or Cross’buir losing it with their kids ever lol so my heart hurts a lil bit. I’m actually gonna talk about all the Dadas here; what constitutes as “losing their temper” for each one and how they cope with it.
Hunter: When he loses his temper it’s actually quite catastrophic; his voice is booming and his presence is commanding and the effects are instantaneous - it’s scary, the babies start crying, they’ve only ever seen Papa soft and gentle and the look of fear that twists their sweet little faces is forever ingrained into his memory. He is a very hurt Papa in the aftermath. His first instinct is to remedy the situation immediately; damage control, in his acute distress: “Oh baby Papa’s so sorry, come here, sweetie Papa didn’t mean it, please—” He’s near tears himself. His attempts to comfort is born from desperation, he’s beyond remorseful but his profuse apologies fall on deaf ears; they’re little and they’re rattled and they just need Mama. They scamper off to go cry and find solace. Hunter likely sequesters himself away once realizing they’ve shut down. And he thinks he ruined everything. He is just… devastated. He can’t let it go. He needs lots of reassurance from Cyare that he is still a good Papa.
Wrecker: Out of all the Buire, Wrecker has lost his temper the least amount of times and in the least disastrous ways. In any case; his ill-temper is not necessarily equated to yelling. His demeanor just turns sour and he’s generally irked. Maybe he’s a little short with them instead of enacting his typical antics. It’s usually not enough to be tear-inducing. But he feels absolutely horrible. And Wrecker has very little artifice; he sees and calls everything like it is. And so he is very quick to make amends, and he is so sincere, no bullshit - and that’s what makes it so remedying. He knows how to apologize, with tact. But more than that; Wrecker owns up to his actions. Always. He will sit his girls down and tell them exactly what it is he did wrong, because it builds character - his and theirs. Sometimes if it’s really tricky waters to navigate, he’ll bring in Lula as his trusty advisor. :)
Tech: Tech undoubtedly has a short fuse and I have no doubt he can be prone to pretty severe outbursts, given the right circumstances. But I think when it comes to his exasperation with young ones, I don’t think he would go full throttle, I just think he would be very sarky and cold. And much of Tech’s disposition is already comparatively aloof - but this certain behavior is indefinitely more sharp. And maybe he doesn’t realize it or that he even wronged his child, maybe he sees the frown on their face but it doesn’t quite register with him. He might even need some prompting, someone to tell him that he caused offense. When he comes to the realization, he truly feels very bad. I imagine he would hole up for awhile and absorb himself in some work until he can sort his thoughts out. This is a delicate situation.
Crosshair: Similar to the others, losing his temper doesn’t necessarily constitute as raising his voice, for Crosshair; instead, he becomes very waspish and it’s very pronounced - and hurtful. He only ever inflicted that behavior with Asher once (1). Sweet, tender Asher, who thinks the world of his Buir and always will. One day Crosshair becomes severe with him and the penitence is swift. The flicker of hurt - betrayal - that flashes across Asher’s face, the way he flinches, looks so much like his Mom’s; a look Crosshair knows all too well, a look burned into his core memory, and the implications behind it that he can never erase. And he hates himself for it. Asher rebounds quickly; his forgiveness knows no bounds. But Crosshair is just drowning. He definitively caves in on himself, he can’t even bring himself to apologize or even face his son for several hours. It’s Asher who checks on him first. He just wants to make sure his Buir is OK. :)
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