#and like case in point the way all the roles in that classroom were so blended
cruelsister-moved2 · 7 months
cant tell you how fulfilling and comforting it feels to be in a classroom full of women being lectured by a woman on the work of other women about subjects who are also women like i just got a small taste of what men are experiencing every day of their lives its intoxicating
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saintsenara · 2 months
honestly is there a single competent teacher at Hogwarts? Any teacher I can think of with more than 10 lines of dialogue is a pedagogical disaster. Very shippable disasters though, for which I am grateful because your page has made me giggle all week.
maybe Sprout.
honestly, anon? no.
that school is a basket case and the older i get the more my sympathy for cornelius fudge increases. imagine getting the call where dumbledore says "heyyyyy... so, i hired what i thought was an ex-auror who was retired from the service because of serious ptsd, gave him no teacher training, let him perform illegal curses on children for fun, and then it turns out he was an escaped convict trying to resurrect the dark lord all along. lmao."
i'd have devoted myself to trying to discredit him too.
and so, for fun and profit, i think it's only fair for us to establish an official competency ranking of the teaching staff at hogwarts during the period 1991-1998... points on for having a basic grasp of the material, points off for anyone who nearly dies in your class.
1. wilhelmina grubbly-plank, care of magical creatures
genuinely, professor grubbly-plank is the only person we meet in all seven books who seems to be an uncomplicatedly good teacher. she's got a series of well-defined lesson plans which feature a mixture of guided and independent study and which work in a tangible way towards exams, she has clear authority in the classroom but is never unreasonable or cruel, she's demonstrably able to lead a practical class which involves wild animals which might behave dangerously or unpredictably without there ever being any concerns about student safety, she takes an active pastoral role [such as when she helps heal hedwig's injured wing, reassuring harry enormously], she's collegial [she shares her lessons plans with hagrid in goblet of fire, and she refuses to criticise his teaching to umbridge], and she's admired by all of her pupils except harry [who is nonetheless begrudgingly forced to admit that she's incredibly good at her job].
plus, her aesthetic is iconic.
=2. filius flitwick, charms; pomona sprout, herbology
in joint second place, we have these two.
both sprout and flitwick spend canon seeming to be pretty good at their jobs - they have interesting lesson plans which seem to balance theoretical and practical work well and which prepare their pupils properly for exams, their pupils like them and enjoy their lessons, they're both excellent at the pastoral side of their jobs [sprout's gentle encouragement of neville is really lovely], and they're adored by their colleagues.
they lose marks for lax classroom discipline. harry, ron, and hermione are constantly yapping away in both charms and herbology - with harry and ron frequently failing to understand what they're supposed to be learning because they were too busy have a chat.
=4. remus lupin, defence against the dark arts; septima vector, arithmancy
two teachers here who earn their placement on the list by having one pupil who considers them life-alteringly inspiring.
for lupin, this is dean thomas - whose constant state of readiness to throw hands to defend his honour is one of his greatest character traits. for vector, it's hermione.
obviously, they're both well-qualified, well-prepared, engaging, and [at least in lupin's case, but i can't see why it wouldn't also be the case for vector] well-regarded by their colleagues.
they don't rank higher because lupin loses marks for endangering his students by not disclosing his knowledge that the presumed-to-be-a-death-eater sirius has a means of entering hogwarts without detection [i understand why he does this from a characterisation point of view, but it's inexcusable from a safeguarding one] and because vector teaches an elective subject which is implied to only attract bright, engaged pupils - and therefore has an easier time in the classroom than someone trying to get a student like crabbe through their exams.
5. minerva mcgonagall, transfiguration
in comes minnie mac at number five.
unsurprisingly, her solid curriculum, excellent classroom discipline, high-regard among her colleagues and pupils, support of student extracurricular activities, and investment in helping her pupils pursue the careers they want all give her points.
she loses marks, however, for the fact that she is so casually disdainful of pupils who aren't instinctively good at her subject - which suggests that she doesn't know how to adapt her material so it can be understood by every student she teaches. like dumbledore, she seems to have an identifiable favouritism for brilliant students - who she seems to permit to get away with much more than students she considers average or dull - which probably doesn't endear her to anyone who doesn't get that treatment.
on her pastoral approach, though, i don't think that it matters too much that she's not particularly nurturing - even though she's a head of house. she seems to be good at responding to genuine distress and managing genuine crises with empathy, and the "pull yourself together" vibes she takes in response to more trivial dramas is because she's a presbyterian scotswoman.
6. severus snape, potions & defence against the dark arts
the one on this list that i imagine will be controversial...
because snape is a dick in the classroom - not denying that - but he's also, in terms of his pupils' exam performance, clearly the most successful teacher in the entire school. he can fill his newt-level classes despite only admitting those with outstanding grades, and he expects every pupil he teaches to pass owl-level potions and seems not to be disappointed. hermione reveals that he does teach the theory of potions and the discipline's wider application - harry and ron just don't listen - and that she thinks his lessons are interesting.
snape loses marks - obviously - for his general vibe, although i think he should be allowed some leeway for his dickhead behaviour since potions is clearly a subject in which not paying attention and not being able to follow instructions properly is dangerous [hence why i've been a trevor hater since day one].
i suppose he should also be allowed some leeway because it's a genre requirement for a school story to have a theatrically evil teacher. but he's not getting it - since he clearly enjoys the role so much.
7. horace slughorn, potions
marks on for encouraging independent thinking and for clearly being able to hold a classroom's attention. marks off for not learning the names of pupils he's indifferent to, getting his favourite pupils drunk, and for having no follow-up questions to "hello, sir. i'd like to commit some murders."
8. charity burbage, muggle studies
entirely because i think it's genuinely admirable - and, indeed, far more admirable than the fact that the order of the phoenix all happily keep working for the state following voldemort's takeover - that she publishes an article in the daily prophet, to which her real name is attached, explicitly refuting blood-supremacist rhetoric when she must know that a blood-supremacist government is about to come into power.
marks off because the fact that even wizards who've taken her class appear to know fuck all about muggle society means that she can't be particularly good at her job.
9. firenze, divination
marks on because his pupils love him, marks off because that's a tremendously low bar to clear given... trelawney.
him telling his classes that divination is a bullshit, made-up subject is iconic, though.
10. "alastor moody", defence against the dark arts
i think it's genuinely impressive that he manages to go from being imprisoned under the imperius curse for a decade straight into planning a full year's lesson plans [which his pupils love] and doesn't have a breakdown.
marks off because of literally everything else.
=11. all the miscellaneous teachers: aurora sinistra, astronomy; silvanus kettleburn, care of magical creatures; bathsheba babbling, ancient runes
they seem fine.
14. rolanda hooch, flying
full respect to her for managing to wangle a full-time salary out of an annual workload made up of teaching one lesson [badly] and refereeing six quidditch matches.
15. quirinus quirrell, defence against the dark arts
all the proof those of us who hate professor riddle stories need that voldemort would have been a dogshit teacher, if he can't even get his meat-puppet to inspire a room full of eager eleven-year-olds in a subject which is about the coolest ways possible to kill people.
=16. cuthbert binns, history of magic; sybill trelawney, divination
they're terrible, obviously, but the fact that they remain in their jobs despite being so clearly incompetent is entirely dumbledore's fault. are you not giving the staff performance reviews, albus? come on now.
18. dolores umbridge, defence against the dark arts
umbridge deserves to be in prison, but she did at least bother to plan out a curriculum.
=19. gilderoy lockhart, defence against the dark arts; rubeus hagrid, care of magical creatures
both victims of dumbledore's "lol this will be so funny" era of hiring practices. both deservedly regarded as completely fucking incompetent by all but one defiant brownnoser. both possessing jazzy taste in textbooks.
21. amycus carrow, defence against the dark arts
he beats his sister simply because his pupils do appear to know how to perform the unforgivable curses correctly.
22. alecto carrow, muggle studies
literally nothing positive can be said.
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multi-level-shipper · 10 months
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This shit was a fucking acid trip, like most of the game.
Anyway, something that poked my brain was the Infirmary. For all this game's insanity, there were actually some decent roots planted for worldbuilding/ character development.
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It seems like the reason the cast ended up in Queen Bouncelia's domain is because they're treating the player as if they have 6 stars in GTA. Seline is no exception to this rule, and that seems to be her motivation for coming down to the lower floor, as she watched us leave in Chapter 3.
Toadster noted in his "Archives" that she was already hiding when brought in, and crying in her shell. She may have been antagonized by a bigger enemy- likely Kittysaurus or Tama/Chamataki (turtle chameleon thing), and she may have gone past the kingdom's walls for sanctuary. (That's just a loose theory, though.)
In any case, at some point she was frightened enough to shut down completely.
This could be some kind of anxiety attack, though there's no way to "diagnose" Seline at this point. Also interesting that Seline felt too afraid to even continue moving around on the lower floors. I think this is meant to speak to just how dangerous the lower floors are- if the giant ass snail is afraid, you should be, too.
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Next, Jumbo Josh. Toadster categorizes him as a "Green Gorilla", which in hindsight, weirdly makes a lot of sense.
Firstly, an adult silverback gorilla can bench up to 4,000 lbs (or at least, that's what google told me.) Not that we needed an explanation of why he was able to throw Stinger Flynn, but I can only assume that if we adjusted that number for his size...it probably checks out.
Second, the fact that he walks like a chiropractor's worst nightmare. It took me a second, but I FINALLY realized that his posture is meant to IMITATE A GORILLA. Like, look at this:
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And thirdly, Josh's love for vegetables is also a gorilla trait. 85% of a gorilla's diet is leafy greens, with the remaining percentage basically amounting to termites and larvae.
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Not too much to say about the Fucked Up Birds, but still! Nice to see them finally displaying a flamingo behavior (AKA their sleeping posture) because they seemed to lean more heavily on ostrich behaviors in previous chapters.
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Toadster mentions in his archive for "The Teacher" that she keeps repeating the phrase "I can't be late" over and over to herself after being subdued.
He also notes that the bowling pins "calmed her down," which may not entirely be the case. In Chapter 3, in Banbaleena's "Classroom", each object had an assigned role like Cool Kid and Popular Kid. The bowling pins were meant to be the Bullies.
So Banbaleena is likely stuck in a prison of her own self-doubts right about now, which is doubly sad when considering her insistence in Chapter 3 that she was actually trying to be a good teacher. Either someone placed this idea in her head that she needs to strictly adhere to all these rules, or it's a stress she placed upon herself trying to fulfill her identity as a teacher.
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Stinger Flynn gets better as the story progresses. He seems to have an ego to the point where he sees himself as a savior that can't see the faults in his own plans. His initial "safest procedures" plan seemed so obvious to him, but it seems as if he measures success by efficiency rather than the cost of human lives. While he's smart, he's not immune to being wrong, though he has yet to learn this.
He also seems to suffer from some form of depression, or at least intense sadness, and we see this as he talks to Banban in the latest hallucination sequence. Makes sense- his intelligence would make him much more privy to all the horrible things happening around him. It seems as if his high intelligence comes at a high price.
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Last note- This might just be a case of recycling animations/rigs, but I think it's cute that Banban shares nearly the same emo pose as Banbaleena.
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
Kisses #11 with Bob and maybe a pilot!reader?
PROMPT: 11. a kiss that says ''we're late for work, but let's be later''
thank you for this, nonny. Let's go!
A/N - I have another 10 or so kiss prompts. I'm going to close the requests. Thank you for your submissions, I'm enjoying writing them. Def overwhelmed but will continue with what I’ve already received xx
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“You need to go that way, I need to go that way,” you mumbled against Bob’s lips, reaching for the collar of his flight suit to pull him closer. He huffed a quiet hum, your actions not mirroring your words in the slightest. 
You were about two minutes away from hearing the riot act from Cyclone, Bob was about to hear the same from Phoenix for the 200 push-ups she had coming because he was surely going to be late and well, you know, partners. Your lips had been glued together for the better part of five - 
“Uh huh,” Bob said, pulling his grip against you tighter, his big hands pressing into your hips and curving your spine to him. 
It all started innocently enough. You grinned at each other as you crossed pathways in the hallway. You have just left a morning meeting and Bob had just gone through his morning seminar, heading to pre-flight. “Just,” he lifted his wrist from your side, spying his watch over your shoulder. “90 more seconds and we can make a break for it, okay?”
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“On the clock, so sexy,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. He caught your lips again. Sweet Bob, how this was turning into a daily occurrence was baffling to you. You’d met him in his graduate year, and as deceptive as his shyness projected, Bob wasn’t overly timid around those that he knew. You’d got to talking one night over a few drinks at The Hard Deck and you couldn’t get enough of his stories of growing up on the farm but also needing to break the chain of his family’s expectations for what he truly wanted in life.
He thought that was to fly but his fate brought him to the backseat, a role he relished and knew he was damn good at too. 
A few beers that night and he had you a quivering mess as he pressed his body against yours outside the bar. It never really eventuated further that. But this time was different. You had both found yourselves in the right places at the right time. Funny that.
His strong palm would wrap around your wrist, drag you into the closest classroom and kiss you ferociously until the very last second when you’d both escape before being caught. To this point... there were way too many near misses for your luck not to run out. And soon. 
Your phone started to buzz and Bob only fought harder for your kiss, his slick tongue sweet against your own. You’d learned so much from him. Like... how not to underestimate the quiet ones.
“Bob, I gotta go. It’s Cyclone, I have another meeting - ” 
He groaned against your lips. He knew he was in for it too. “Okay, okay,” he said, reluctantly and stepped away. He took his BCGs off (good lord, they weren’t meant to be attractive by any stretch... but Bob definitely found a way to make them work) and he rubbed the slightly foggy marks away against his flight suit before adjusting them back on his eyes properly, a goofy smile on his lips. Proud, pleased. Both.
Collecting yourself, you were scared the open the classroom door in case there was a gaggle of new students on the other side. You straightened your clothes and breathed evenly. “Have a good day, Lieutenant.”
“Yep,” was all he could reply as you ducked out and left him to his devices. Reading his wat, he knew: Natasha Trace was going to kill him. He was late. 
“Think this is funny?” Phoenix asked as Bob scurried across the tarmac as she inspected their aircraft a few moments later. “You wanna go on this mission, we gotta be on our A-game.”
“Of course,” Bob said, his skin flushing. 
She frowned at him, glad they weren’t spotted by any of their seniors. “I dunno who she is, Bob, but this is the second day in a row your mouth is covered in lipstick. I think yesterday’s suited you better though,” she smirked to herself, using her thumb to rid away the last of the evidence.
He nodded. “She’s everything,” he told his partner. 
“She works here?” 
He gave a single nod. 
“Say no more - tell me everything tonight over a beer,” she instructed as Bob’s face brightened slightly.
“Well, ok.” 
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creamywater13 · 9 months
Are You Happy? Chapter One
It had been about 3 weeks in The Labyrinth when Harry Osborn was met with the man who murdered his father. Standing in an unfamiliar office, he faced cold, emotionless lenses on a webbed mask. The so-called “hero” swiveled his chair around to see everyone, kicking his feet up on the desk. The last man Harry ever wanted to see again, much less now. “Never fear, civilians!” Spider-Man said. “Your kickass interdimensional Spider-Man is here!”
Harry had gone to work at Oscorp one morning nearly a month ago, and found himself somewhere entirely different. The day had started normally enough, waking up to an early alarm and the realization that Norman Osborn was still gone and Harry was to fill his role at Oscorp. The tie, the coffee, the phone calls. Same routine as always. A routine that had never belonged to Harry, but was arguably the most significant thing he’d inherited from Norman. Either that, or the grudge against Spider-Man. 
The lobby of Oscorp’s primary location was eerily empty and cold when Harry stepped inside that morning. However, he’d be lying if he said the place hadn’t always felt some degree of lonely to him, even when his father was still around. Maybe the receptionist was running late. Somebody would figure out that Harry was there eventually. Or so he thought, anyway, as he made his begrudging way to the elevator. Ding! The doors parted, just like always. Harry stepped inside and pressed the button. Just like always. The doors closed. Going up. Ding! The doors parted, just like–
Harry frowned, blinked. Nothing changed when he opened his eyes. He could have sworn he was on the higher levels of the Oscorp building, but found himself staring down what appeared to be a restaurant’s dimly lit, entirely lifeless kitchen. The elevator buttons still looked right, the entire interior of the elevator did. The right button was illuminated, indicating the correct floor. And the Oscorp building shouldn’t even have a restaurant like this. The elevator lights flickered. Something wasn’t right. And Harry wasn’t about to deal with it. 
Harry pressed the button again. He pressed some more buttons. Nothing. The doors didn’t close, the elevator didn’t move. Harry was out of options. He stepped out of the elevator, into the kitchen. At last, the elevator doors slid shut, without Harry. He turned around, expecting to mash the buttons on the wall until it inexplicably came back with another surprise inside. But there weren’t any buttons on the wall. The elevator wasn’t coming back, at least not at Harry’s will. Slowly, he rotated his view once more, facing the abandoned kitchen. There was only one way to go.
That night, though there was no way to tell the time, Harry encountered the Hostiles for the first time. Across the kitchen, he found an appropriately placed door, complete with two-way hinges and greasy little windows. Though they weren’t especially easy to see through, it looked like a seating area awaited Harry on the other side. And with that, hopefully, an exit. He pushed through, from the silent kitchen into a silent… yoga studio? Dark, and empty. And as he left the studio, an elementary school classroom. Empty, and dark. Endless unfamiliar locations on and on, all alone, until…
Harry huffed to himself as he opened another door. Wow, a library. What a surprise. He stepped inside, called out into the silence, just in case. 
“Hello?” He wasn’t expecting a response, it was basically just a habit at this point. “Anyone in here?” Silence, of course. Harry threw his hands up weakly. Who was he kidding anymore? He might as well get comfortable. Taking a step deeper into the forest of books, however, Harry heard something. He stopped, and listened to the sound of several books falling like a row of dominoes to the floor. Looking over, following the sound with his eyes, he could just make out a shadow behind a shelf. Harry felt a little chilled, but what were his choices?
“Hey,” he started toward the aisle, rounding the bookshelf that had just shed some of its contents. He was in the right place, there laid a small pile of books scattered on the floor, and standing over them, another person. A stranger. Harry didn’t know what to say next as he met her gaze.
She didn’t speak. She looked human, and mostly normal, but her eyes were strangely vacant. A moment of silence passed, before her focus shifted, and she saw Harry. Grabbing the nearby shelf to brace herself, the woman took a step over the books, toward Harry. He took a step back. She took another step. Harry put his hands up.
“Hey,” he said again, “wait. Were you…” Harry looked around, hoping there weren’t any other library patrons here to overhear in case he was actually just insane. “Are you lost, too?”
The woman didn’t speak, just gave Harry a mildly perplexed look that soon enough faded away as she took another step toward him. Harry had had about enough of this place. He was hungry and confused, and, nice as it was to see another human face, he was getting fed up with the whole exchange, or lack thereof.
“Can you hear me?” Harry asked, a little snappier than he would have liked. He tilted his head and gestured to his ear as the stranger came even closer. She did not react to his question at all. She only exhaled and took another step. Harry glanced around, adjusted his stance, ready to leave. Something about this didn’t feel right. She was about two feet away now. And she closed that gap very quickly.
Before Harry could ready himself, the woman had taken him by the shoulders and rammed him into the shelves to his right. She shoved and shoved him against the object until he lost his balance and fell into the bottom shelf. The stranger followed, setting herself down on Harry’s knees to grab his head and slam it against the shelves. Maybe the pain gave Harry just the sort of kick he needed, he grabbed the woman, kicked, and threw her off of him as hard as he could. He leapt to his feet, throwing books down onto the attacker, hoping to stall her as he took off.
Harry met Jane a few days later. Fortunately for him, she was just another person who had found herself as lost as he was. She told him she was a psychology professional, who had gone to a new facility for orientation after getting hired at a new job. Just like Harry, Jane had stepped inside and never back out. She, too, had spent however long wandering around an endless maze of just about everywhere, no exit anywhere in sight. She, too, had encountered an attacker. Harry and Jane decided to call them Hostiles. A way to differentiate between them, and us, as they put it. A couple weeks later, they met Jason. He called this place ‘The Labyrinth,’ and it stuck. The three of them spent their time working through the madness, trying to survive. Sometimes they’d find a kitchen, sometimes its food wouldn’t be expired. They slept when and where they could. Avoided the Hostiles. That was life as they knew it now.
About three weeks after Harry had first entered The Labyrinth, he and his companions were in an office. Not Oscorp, but probably not unlike some of the levels of the more familiar building. Harry, Jane, and Jason wove their way through cubicles, looking for something, anything of interest. It was quiet, as the Labyrinth almost always was, but the fluorescent lights overhead were working just fine, which was rather rare. It did provide the travelers with something of an advantage, however, as they searched the space. It appeared completely free of Hostiles. Though, one could never be sure when one might be hiding just out of sight, so proceeding with caution never hurt.
Harry strolled past cubicles quietly, none of them altogether interesting. He stopped short, however, upon hearing a sudden clicking sound. But it didn’t take long for it to be drowned out by the low woosh announcing the arrival of cold air rushing out of a vent near the ceiling. Harry released some of the tension in his muscles. It was just the air conditioner. A shadow moved up ahead. Papers from an empty desk being disturbed by the air flow. Nothing special, Harry kept going. The coast appeared to be clear. Harry picked up his pace, almost comfortable.
Bleedeleedeleedelee. It sounded like a phone was ringing. Where was it coming from? Harry followed the noise. Bleedeleedeleedelee. It’s not like Harry was going to answer it anyways. Was he? So why was he still trying to track it down? Bleedeleedeleedelee. He wove through the office and found Jane, reaching for the receiver. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Harry whispered, assuring himself he would not have done the same.
Jane looked at him quizzically, down at the phone, back at Harry. Bleedeleedeleedelee. “I think we should answer it,” She shook her head slightly, as though it was obvious. Harry broke eye contact, looking at the phone himself. Bleedeleedeleedelee. What’s the worst that could come of it?
“What if someone’s trying to track us?” Harry knew he sounded paranoid, but he had to be right. He always was.
“Like who?” Great, she’d called his bluff. Harry shook his head. Jason approached from behind him just in time. Bleedeleedel– click. Jane picked up. “Hello?”
The voice on the other end was loud. Jane had to pull the receiver away for a moment. Still, the other two couldn’t understand what was being said. Harry looked around quickly. Nothing else had changed, they still seemed to be alone. And yet, Harry’s jaw felt tight as his ears took in all the noise. 
“Who is this?” Jane said next, at an average indoor volume that Harry didn’t exactly approve of. Her eyebrows lifted as she listened. She looked over at the doorway across the room, the ultimate destination for now, dark but inviting. “Okay,” she nodded, “but how do we know that it’s not a–” Click. Jane sighed and put the phone down. “That was the Avengers,” she explained all too nonchalantly, and looked into the boys’ eyes. For a moment, Harry was speechless.
“What?” Now Jason wasn’t really watching his volume either. “How? What?”
“That’s just what he told me,” Jane shrugged and leaned back against the desk. “And that he was in the boss’s office down the hall.” She flicked her head toward their destination. “What do you two think?”
Jason nodded, but Harry didn’t know what he thought. None of this made any sense. That being the case, he had gotten a little used to the ecosystem here, and the Hostiles didn’t seem to speak at all. Worst case? It was a trap and somebody was waiting in the boss’s office to kill Harry and company. But right now? In that case they probably deserved whatever they got. It was worth a shot. 
“Fine,” Harry started walking again. “What do we have to lose?” And the other two were right behind him. 
They didn’t get any trouble in the hallway, either. The lights were off down there, save for one in a windowed room a couple doors down. That had to be it. Slowly, carefully, the small party approached. The large office chair behind the desk faced away from them. If someone was really in there, they couldn’t be seen. Jane grabbed the door handle and let herself and the others in. Just as the door shut, the man in the chair swiveled around to see them, kicking his feet up on the desk. The last man Harry ever wanted to see again, much less now.   
“Never fear, civilians!” Spider-Man said, “Your kickass interdimensional Spider-Man is here!”
Jane’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god. Are you…?”
“Here to save the day? You betcha. I’m guessing you guys want out of here?” Spider-Man moved the phone from his lap back to the surface of the desk. Jason stepped forward, appearing altogether relieved as his shoulders relaxed. Harry cut him off.
“We’re good.”
“Really?” Spider-Man looked a little perplexed.
“No, I,” Jane sighed, “I don’t know what’s gotten into him, we’ve been in here for so long. Can you really get us out?” How could he possibly–
“Well, yeah! If I couldn’t get you out then I couldn’t get me out, and if I couldn’t get me out, well, it won’t come to that, so let’s not worry about it!”
“Okay!” Jason nodded, like he hadn’t really been listening. Spider-Man vaulted the desk and held a hand out to Jane, which she promptly took for a shake.
“I’m Spider-Man. You know that. And you are?”
“Um, Jane. You can call me Jane.” She released Spider-Man’s hand.
“Jason,” Jason said as he took it next. Spider-Man turned to Harry. Harry didn’t take his hand.
“That’s Harry Osb–” Jane gestured to Harry, before he cut her off too.
“He knows who I am.” 
Spider-Man put his hand down.
“What’s wrong with your voice?” Maybe it was nothing, but Spider-Man sounded somehow different than Harry recalled. And Harry wasn’t very concerned with his manners at the moment. “You sound like you swallowed a campfire.”
“Harry,” Jane sounded like a disappointed mother.
“Well, I wasn’t going to bring it up,” Spider-Man put his hands on his hips, “but since you asked, I actually had to save a family from a burning building yesterday. Sounds like the smoke damage hasn’t worked its way out of my system yet.” Spider-Man coughed into his fist. It almost seemed melodramatic, as he looked at Harry.
“That’s awesome,” Jason, however, was eating it up.
“I know,” Spider-Man replied. 
“Whatever, I’m not doing this,” Harry tossed his hands up and went for the door. No way was Spider-Man his last hope. If he was here, if he was really with the Avengers, Harry could find somebody else. 
“Harry, please.” Jane called to him. Cool, she cared. Harry didn’t. She and Jason would be fine. Unless, of course, Spider-Man decided to kill them too. Even in that case, Harry had missed the part where that was his problem. He stormed off into the hallway, alone. But not for long. 
What Harry hadn’t noticed was that another door along the hallway had been hanging open, a Hostile awaiting him in the doorway. Clammy humanoid arms shot out of the darkness and wrapped themselves around Harry, dragging him backwards into the meeting room. Harry stumbled over his and the Hostile’s feet as it pulled him, otherwise noiselessly toward the table, one of its salty, dusty hands clamped over Harry’s mouth. Not like he was gonna scream for Spider-Man anyway.
The Hostile turned Harry around, throwing him into the table. This one resembled a middle-aged man. He lifted a rolling chair over his head, ready to swing it down on Harry’s. However, with a quick thwip, the chair was being webbed away, yanked back into the hallway. Spider-Man tossed the chair aside, thwipping another web onto the attacker’s face, giving it a nice tug so it was close enough to punch. The hit steered the Hostile away for a moment, before it turned its attention to Spider-Man. He must not have been in the Labyrinth for very long. He didn’t know that the Hostiles didn’t seem to feel pain. 
“Huh?” Spider-Man didn’t catch on before the hostile started swinging, hitting and scratching at Spidey’s masked head. “Ow! Owowow!” Spider-Man bent himself defensively, raising his hands over his head, allowing his arms the brunt of the attack. Harry rolled his eyes and kicked the hostile from behind. It fell forward into Spider-Man, who was able to use the unbalance to his advantage. “Whoa, there. I don’t remember asking you to dance.” He quipped as he grabbed the stranger, kicking him in the ‘low-hanging fruit’ to further disrupt his posture. The perfect opportunity to maneuver the stranger into a headlock.
“Sleeeeepp,” Spider-Man murmured in the hostile’s ear as he held the struggling figure, waiting for it to go limp. “Who is this guy?” He asked. 
“We’ve been calling them Hostiles,” Jane’s silhouette appeared in the doorway as she explained, backlit by the office light. The hostile grunted and ceased its struggle, eyelids coming to a gradual close. Spider-Man lowered the man to the floor, stopping to gently press two fingers to his neck as she continued, “I wonder if they were human once. Perhaps something horrible happened to them, turning them feral. But I truly can’t explain why they don’t react to pain. It’s like they don’t even feel it at all.”
“Sooooo, like zombies?” Spider-Man glanced over his shoulder.
“Maybe,” Jane shrugged, “But if you ask me, they don’t seem to be… dead. Or undead, for that matter.”
“Ah. So not zombies. Hostels.”
“Yes, Hostiles.”
“Cool. Healing factor?”
Jane shook her head no.
“Phew.” Spider-Man pantomimed wiping his brow as he stood. “In that case… I think I’m getting you guys outta here in no time.” Spider-Man stepped toward Harry, getting uncomfortably close as he pointed a finger at him, “Even you, Osborn. You’re welcome.”
“I don’t want your help!” Harry snapped, swatting Spider-Man’s hand away. Spider-Man looked taken aback.
“But… But I’m–”
“You’re a murderer, that's what you are!” Harry looked to Jane, almost expectantly. Did he expect her to back him up? Jane didn’t speak, didn’t move. “He killed my father.”
“Ole Stormin’ Norman?” Spider-Man asked.
“I only had the one!”
“Is that… Is that true?” Apparently, Jason had caught up to the others.
“What? No. Of course not. Spider-Man doesn’t kill people.” Spider-Man wasn’t taking this seriously enough. “And you’d think I’d remember doing something like that.”
Harry blinked. His hands folded into fists. He should be thanking Spider-Man for taking Norman out of the picture, part of him thought. He was never much of a father. And yet, Harry was angry. He was hurt.
“That’s it?” Harry demanded, “You don’t remember?”
“How would I remember something I didn’t do?” Spider-Man shrugged.
“You’re insane,” Harry couldn’t believe his ears. How was Spider-Man taking this so casually? He took a step toward Harry, who all but flinched backwards. This reaction didn’t stall Spider-Man at all, however.
“Listen here, Osborn Jr. I don’t kill people. So whatever you think happened to your dad, guess again! I don’t know, or care, what you saw that night, but I would never do something like that. Not even to someone who might deserve it.”
Harry must have shown a bit of what he was feeling in that moment, seeing as Spider-Man was quick to backtrack.
“And, of course, he didn’t. I’m not gonna kill someone over wearing a goblin costume and throwing pumpkins at people, okay? Somebody else did! It was just a matter of time until somebody knocked him off that gli–OOF!” 
Spider-Man was larger than Harry, both in height and musculature, and was apparently meaner, too. But that didn’t stop Mr. Osborn from lunging forward and slugging him in the face, to get him to shut up if nothing else. Sure, it was stupid, Harry didn’t have super-strength or anything to compete with, but he didn’t care. Why should he care? Maybe Spider-Man would lose it and put Harry out of his misery. Just like his father. But Spider-Man didn’t fight back. He looked up at Harry, holding his jaw. Jane stepped forward in case she had to get between the two. So did Jason, but he kept more distance. Maybe he knew better than to get involved.
“Okay, I deserved that,” Spider-Man said. “I’m sorry.”
“Whatever. I’m out of here.” Harry tried to push past the others back into the hall, despite what happened last time. Jane took his shoulder, holding him back. Alas, Spider-Man spoke up once more.
“Yeah, good luck out there. You coulda died in here without me. You need me.”
“Yeah?” Harry whirled around to face him, getting in close again. “Well I helped! Looks like you need me.” 
The two glared at each other for a moment in tense silence. Harry knew he probably wouldn’t make it very far on his own. But he wasn’t ready to back down just yet. It wasn’t exactly Osborn tradition to let Spider-Man win. God only knew what Spider-Man was thinking.
“... You’re not gonna kiss me, are you?” The vigilante suddenly cut through the quiet.
“Nothing.” Spider-Man finally stepped back. “So you need me. Or we need each other or whatever. Great. Sounds like we’re a team.” Once more, he extended a gloved hand for Harry to shake. And once again, Harry didn’t take it.
“Yeah. Whatever.” He instead shook his head, and exited the room, waiting just outside the door for the others. He didn’t start moving until even Spider-Man had joined him. Harry and Jason followed Spider-Man and Jane, taking the lead down the hall toward the stairwell up ahead.
“Spider-Man,” Jane spoke softly, hoping it was clear she was addressing Spider-Man alone, “Why did you say that back there?”
“What, about the kiss?” He replied, his own volume just above hers. “I didn't.”
“No, about Harry’s father.”
“Oh. I don’t know. I guess I thought it’d be funny.” 
“How long have you been here, Spider-Man?”
“I just got here this morning.”
Jane nodded. “Well, I look forward to you getting us out.”
Spider-Man didn’t respond right away. Rather, he slowed his pace a little, letting Jane take the lead. “Yeah,” he finally agreed, “me too.”
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mfevs3000w23 · 1 year
My Role as an Environmental Interpreter
I have never been truly certain about the specific career path I wish to take. However, I have always known that since I feel such a sense of responsibility and passion for protecting nature, my ideal job would contribute to this cause in some way.  
I have a geography rather than an environmental science academic background, so I feel that my role as an environmental interpreter lies particularly in helping to communicate the ties between society and nature. An essential element of interpretation involves promoting the stewardship of nature (Beck et al., 2018). Indeed, this was my motive for conducting my dissertation research last year (back at my UK university) on the current provision of environmental education in England’s secondary schools. I can still recall learning about climate change in my own school science class, which constituted just one page of a textbook at this time, and thinking to myself why I had never come across this global environmental issue before. What shocked me even more was going home to my family and realising they had no knowledge of climate change. I believe this was the point at which I realised that my career goals would be centred around communicating the importance of protecting the natural world from the impacts of human society.
Last year I gained some experience in the realm of environmental education and interpretation; through a university outreach program, I organized and carried out workshops with secondary school children in and beyond my local community about climate change inequality and injustice. Although the focus of this learning experience was centred more upon the costs of climate change to human populations around the world, there were some key lessons that I took away concerning my role as an interpreter and how I can better engage and encourage my audience to care about these issues.  Providing individuals with the opportunity to engage and interact with problems and objects is recognised as a more effective approach than a classroom-based lecturing structure to environmental learning (Beck et al., 2018). Yet, as Beck et al., (2018) suggest, the circumstances in which interpreters are situated can restrict the extent to which this approach can be utilized. In my case, we had time restrictions that inhibited our ability to include a wider diversity of more engaging activities for the students. I now realise that teaching approaches must be adopted that appeal to all different types of learners and audiences and enable them to connect with nature in a meaningful way.  It is vital to be an enthusiastic, passionate interpreter who can channel this enthusiasm in a positive manner in order to create an empowering, uplifting mood (Beck et al., 2018). This skill is particularly essential when dealing with critical issues like climate change, to ensure that learners come away feeling empowered to implement positive change in their own lives and that of their wider community.
In my mind, the idea of defending nature in a corporate, political setting appeals to me, since this is where change is vitally needed to protect biodiversity.  I would love to be an interpreter for a variety of natural landscapes across the world. I feel it is essential, particularly in light of the interconnected nature of issues like climate change and the globalized world that we live in, to facilitate an appreciation and ensure the protection of natural landscapes and species that we may never get to physically interact with ourselves. However, I also feel that I would find engaging in nature interpretation activities that emphasise environmental stewardship at a more local, community-based level very fulfilling too. This could include some of the woodland and coastal areas that I grew up beside.
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Brede High Woods, Brede, East Sussex, United Kingdom.
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: for a better world. Sagamore Venture.
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xtruss · 11 months
Lee Bollinger, President of Columbia University, Laments The Ruling By America’s Supreme Court Against Affirmative Action
Universities Need To Pursue Diversity By Other Means, Says Columbia’s President
— By Invitation | Affirmative action | June 29th, 2023
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Lee C. Bollinger, President of Columbia University. Image: Dan Williams
Twenty Years Ago this summer the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on a pivotal case in which I was named as a defendant. In Grutter v Bollinger the court confirmed by a 5-4 majority the view previously expressed by Justice Lewis Powell in Regents of the University of California v Bakke in 1978: that affirmative action in higher education is constitutional under the 14th Amendment, which guarantees “equal protection of the laws” to all. The court permitted American universities, including the University of Michigan, where I then served as president, to use race as one factor among many in a holistic consideration of each applicant. On June 29th the court changed course, in effect declaring affirmative action in higher education illegal.
I disagree with this decision for the simple reason that affirmative action has done a world of good. It has a clear record of fostering diversity in higher education. Decades of social-science research, as well as my own experience, confirm that diverse learning environments benefit all students by increasing cross-racial understanding, discouraging stereotypical thinking and creating a path to leadership that is visibly open to all.
It will take time to understand the full implications of the court’s ruling. It is important to note, however, that whereas it is the court’s role to declare what the law is, educational institutions must remain committed to the well-supported judgment that students benefit from a diverse learning environment that prepares them to function and lead in a diverse world. We have the expertise, and the right under the First Amendment to provide that to our students. Now universities must find new ways to exercise that right.
Although the court’s decision is regrettable, I reject the notion that the only direction is backwards and that universities must start from scratch to achieve meaningful diversity. I believe that goal is within reach. In fact, universities are much closer than many may think, provided they let go of outdated admissions policies and develop ways to give themselves greater freedom to identify talent.
University leaders should use this moment as an opportunity to rethink admissions and focus even more attention on understanding who their applicants are, and the extent to which these prospective students can be good teachers to each other, so that universities can graduate people who will be engaged, sensitive citizens.
We have been working towards this point for some time. Consider the ongoing reassessment of standardised test scores. When tests such as the sat were introduced nearly a century ago, they were viewed as equalisers for students without elite pedigrees. Today, the tests have themselves become the very essence of reinforcing privilege.
Over the past two decades, higher-income applicants have quite literally been trained to do well on admissions tests. For the most ambitious and well-resourced applicants, gaming the admissions process via test-prep courses, enrichment camps and so on has become a project that, in some cases, can run the entire course of adolescence.
Like many of our peers, Columbia University made admissions tests for its undergraduate programmes optional during the covid-19 pandemic. Early data suggest that whether a student did or didn’t submit scores had little to no bearing on academic performance once they were in our classrooms. And so, even with the covid crisis behind us, Columbia’s undergraduate programmes no longer require standardised tests for admissions, although applicants can choose to submit them.
In accommodating the court’s decision, universities may also adopt innovative methods to obtain more diverse pools of applicants. Columbia’s School of General Studies, our undergraduate programme designed for non-traditional students, including veterans, artists and others who may have taken a break in their studies, has long been a model for that. General Studies, the only school of its kind in the Ivy League, recruits through broad outreach to community colleges, military-service members and others from diverse backgrounds. Many of those community colleges are minority-serving institutions.
General Studies students sit in the same classrooms as our traditional Columbia College and Engineering students, participate in our core curriculum and other required classes, and go on to graduate and professional schools, international study, fellowships and successful careers. Their real-world perspective transforms the conversation in and beyond the classroom. Establishing these kinds of pipelines for non-traditional undergraduates will be essential as we move forward.
What I am suggesting is not a reversal. Ever since the Bakke ruling in 1978, and certainly since Grutter, universities have engaged in a holistic admissions process that goes beyond any single metric, striving to enhance the student experience by assembling classes that are truly diverse.
To be sure, difficult decisions must still be taken. We need to consider the extent to which legacy and athletic slots favour groups historically over-represented on our campuses, and how certain types of financial aid are awarded. But this is the moment to find new ways to understand an applicant’s overall capacity to learn, lead and improve society. And those characteristics—which transcend test scores, or any other single data-point—look very different based on an individual’s background.
As I complete 50 years of university leadership, including 21 years as president of Columbia, I am sorry to see the Supreme Court end a process that has greatly benefited American society. I continue to believe that the country’s obligation to remediate past discrimination is far from complete. But the court has issued its ruling. Consistent with the rule of law, we must now recommit to preserving the benefits of diversity that have already been achieved so that America’s higher-education institutions remain open to students of all backgrounds. ■
— Lee C. Bollinger is the President of Columbia University and Co-author of “A Legacy of Discrimination: The Essential Constitutionality of Affirmative Action” (2023).
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wamatechblog · 2 years
Immersion technology’s place in modern life
Immersive technology are gradually taking over the modern workplace. They have the potential to grow enterprises to new heights thanks to their capacity to engage and amuse customers. Immersive technologies were once widely believed to be the future of customer contact and traffic generation. Virtual reality (VR), AR app development, and mixed reality have all significantly transformed the market (MR).
The potential of augmented reality is enormous, and it has the power to fundamentally alter the way we consume material. Education professionals can increase student engagement and increase the audience for their lessons by employing augmented reality to overlay information on top of real-world pictures. It is more cost-effective and can also support pupils in engaging in novel informational interactions. AR can be used by companies to give customers a more engaging experience.
The education industry is changing thanks to AR! One of today’s most intriguing technologies is augmented reality. Although it is still a young technology, it enables us to perceive the world differently. Our interactions with our surroundings, both physically and socially, will probably change as a result. It brings people together and enables them to share experiences that are otherwise impossible to do in the real world.
In terms of education, augmented reality (AR) has the ability to close the digital divide by giving pupils access to digital experiences and information that they would not otherwise have. For instance, using augmented reality (AR) can help dyslexic pupils study more effectively since they can more easily read the text on a page. Additionally, AR can be used to instruct students in particular fields, like the healthcare industry, so they can observe how specific processes are carried out in action.
How does augmented reality (AR) promote easy learning? Students may interact, learn, and think more effectively through the use of advanced learning technologies in augmented reality (AR). As augmented reality grows more widespread in our lives, its importance is also growing. It can enhance our ability to work with people and deepen our understanding of the world.
First, well-planned augmented reality (AR) projects emotionally engage students by making them feel as though they are physically present. Second, they’re enjoyable to use and a terrific approach to interest pupils about their surroundings. The best case scenario for augmented reality projects is that they promote empathy and understanding among people from various racial, cultural, and ethnic origins.
Do you want to learn more?
In order to encourage pupils to learn freely, this essay focuses on the educational advantages of augmented reality. It discusses how augmented reality can be utilised in the classroom by both teachers and students and offers particular instances of how it has been applied to improve learning, including in the field of science.
The benefits of AR for students are clear. Our world’s boundaries have been reduced to an axis point, driven by modern technology. Here, AR is giving the education sector a huge boost. We have listed a few unmistakable benefits that both educators and students can enjoy thanks to this popular piece of technology below.
Access to Educational Materials Without Restrictions Although textbooks have a position in the educational system, it’s crucial to keep in mind that they cannot be gradually updated until the following edition is formally released. A student might not have access to the most recent materials if they need to study a new subject for a test.
Here comes the role of AR Apps Development Services. As the greatest collection of online learning resources in the world, AR provides a flexible and accessible method for sharing up-to-date knowledge. AR can help individuals learn more about the world and advance new scientific findings. Anyone can teach using cutting-edge augmented reality, and students can learn from the best teachers, scientists, and researchers in the world.
An increase in student engagement Large quantities of text can be hard and draining for humans to consume. AR creates an interactive virtual learning environment where students are more engaged and may work more dynamically with course material in order to make learning more interesting and dynamic. They may learn at their own pace and are more productive as a result.
Various Educational Background Data is synced over the air through cloud technology, enabling dynamic access to educational content. By allowing students to access information from the cloud, augmented reality technology incorporates this technology to enhance traditional learning techniques. By enabling students to access information from any device or location, technology can enhance traditional learning techniques.
Greater comprehension Students find it difficult to comprehend theoretical ideas, and memorising them is extremely harder. They have a variety of uses, which makes them potentially perplexing.
However, augmented reality (AR) is a useful eLearning solution when it comes to creating a more interesting educational experience for pupils. AR can trigger pictures that drive students to the in-depth content by employing 3D models and GIFs. Students will learn more effectively as a result, increasing their likelihood of remembering the material.
Sensory Expansion In order to provide pupils a unique opportunity to experience the Amazon, teachers have begun using augmented reality (AR) technology to help them design dynamic and immersive learning experiences for their classrooms. Students can go to interactive exhibitions that use 3D graphics, 360-degree video, and music to bring the Amazon to life. In a 3D virtual world, they can also take in an immersive atmosphere.
Up until now, AR has frequently been utilised as a teaching tool to assist kids in learning about and fostering an interest in the natural world. Teachers have employed augmented reality to design dynamic and immersive learning spaces for their classrooms, giving students a unique opportunity to experience the Amazon.
Cost-Effective Models used in classes can be expensive, which limits how much a student learns and is exposed to more complex material. On the other hand, AR is closing this gap by making content and 3D models easily accessible to everyone. More pupils now have access to educational materials than ever before thanks to the most recent enhancements to AR models and the sharing possibilities. They can now share them with anyone who needs them, so they don’t have to worry about who has access to which model. This makes it easier to ensure that no student is left behind and that all queries can be resolved immediately.
Encourages an Interactive Environment Learning becomes more engaging and accessible in an interactive learning environment, which benefits both students and teachers. Because knowledge is mostly confined to textual and theoretical approaches, traditional methods have some drawbacks. However, things are a little different and thrilling at the same time when it comes to AR.
An immersive, multimodal learning experience is offered by AR technology. It provides engaging, interactive learning opportunities that support conventional teaching strategies and include cutting-edge technology, occasionally assisting teachers in “meeting in the middle” between the two.
 Also read : Mobile App Development Company
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gibbs01gormsen · 2 years
5 Ways to Participate Today's Generation regarding Students
Each year, every single faculty member gets 12 months older. However, the average age regarding each incoming college student remains the same. This presents challenging: Just how can we keep your communication and mastering gap from increasing more and additional as time moves on? While traveling in order to a foreign area, it is well-known practice to brush-up within the culture, traditions, and lingo to effectively communicate. All of us need to be familiar with culture, customs, in addition to lingo of today's student in order to effectively educate. So, who will be this generation of college student, and what is usually their reality (besides watching reality TELEVISION SET each night? ) The particular reality is this particular: We've now graduated from the MTV Generation to the particular A. D. G. Generation-where the typical music video or commercial targeted at college students change at a new dizzying one body per second, mainly because producers know fresh viewers will move them out usually. This generation features been granted countless satellite channels, web sites, text messages, in addition to Ipod music choices to constantly zap through daily. This will make it more difficult compared with how ever before for faculty to retain the interest and focus of the daydreaming student. And, by the particular way, just just what could they be surfing individuals endless hours about the Internet? Stats for Yahoo! search engine rankings were just released with regard to 2008. Can you imagine who the most-searched person was previous year? Was this Barack Obama? Nope. John McCain? No. Someone far even more important: For the fourth year within a row, one of the most searched person on the Yahoo! search motor was our inspiring role-model Britney Asparagus spears. Perhaps there is any desire? Are we doomed?? Alas, here happen to be a few great tips for faculty on how to much better engage today's era of student: one "Bring Cool Occupations and Majors to be able to Life" One reason why students fall short or are disinterested is because they will not see the connection between today's lesson and what they really want to do at some point. The more we could close that gap--to illustrate classroom relevance to their world--the better we can engage students and even keep their fascination. The prospect of getting a career in addition to working 40+ hrs per week for the next 40 years doesn't exactly breed excitement in this particular generation. Even so, they will get enthusiastic through examples involving "cool" the younger generation in their field who will be very successful performing something they REALLY LIKE for a living. While we generally consider celebrities as movie stars or sports athletes, you will find celebrities within virtually every field. Regarding example, in the world of culinary arts, Guy Fieri is a "cool" celebrity. Guy is actually a TV personality through the Food Network, plus spokesperson for the particular restaurant chain To. G. I. Fridays. He makes foods, cooking, and cookery arts "cool. inch Josh Bernstein involving the History Channel's "Digging for that Truth" and Discovery Channel's "Into the Mystery With Josh Bernstein" makes history enjoyable and interesting, specifically to those that never believed this sort of topics were enjoyment and interesting before. Even MSNBC television set personalities such as the critical branded Tucker Carlson, and Jim Kramer of "Mad Money" (while definitely not fresh anymore), do supply an alternative talent to the in any other case "boring" world associated with politics and financial. Success stories can also include a latest alum, a notable figure from typically the locale/state, or perhaps a friend of the professor-which can also assist bring careers to be able to life with the personal level. Show their particular picture in the lecture. Check out their website. Share a behind-the-scenes interview of their quick road to the particular top. Debate their philosophies on problems. Invite these to communicate on campus. Continuously citing aged unique success stories learners can relate in order to are very important. Not only does this help make learning more exciting, but it just may well ignite the "I want to just end up being like them... inches concept with the pupils, which can furthermore ignite a new focus on their educational goals. 2. "Find Clever Opportunities in order to Integrate TV/Movies/Pop Culture" Is it necessary for students to recognize the long historical past of business, psychology, leadership, etc? Absolutely! However, seeking out options to supplement historical principles with textbooks, movies, or songs of today can definitely help deliver the learning method to life. Tell of a chapter, or even even a passage or quote, from your source written given that 2000 by a person 30 years old or under in the topic, and even you'll be astonished with the attention, interest, and benefits. An ideal example will be the book "Campus CEO: Students Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting a Multi-Million Money Business, " written by Randal Pinkett, a clear , crisp young professional who was a winner upon the Donald Overcome television show "The Apprentice. " This book includes many old-age, proven business guidelines from books composed 50 years before. However , which carry out you think is more appealing to go through for today's student? Which lessons will certainly resonate more? Any mention of the reality television, games, or saved music for their Ipod can immediately raise their interest antennas. Therefore , exactly what do we imply by reference? Some sort of reference can turn out to be sharing an advertising article within the X-Box product, or perhaps a fresh class example on a company for example Apple, or a new statistical exercise about average the amount of text messaging characters transmitted by the normal student each time. Have fun together with examples from their very own world that can be used from every turn. Precisely what movies dominated the box office this season? Did you see any of these people? Are there any scenes coming from popular movies regarding the last 5 years that bring up to communications, or perhaps psychology, or even anthropology or felony justice? Of course! Opening a discussion based on film will far beat an analysis of a replicated magazine article originally written back inside 1981. 3. "Use the Internet plus Technology In Techniques that Speak Their own Language" In common, less cases of distributing articles coming from a publication and more cases of citing article links on that magazine's website is a new good thing (not to mention the environmental impact and cost-savings). The words "check out their website" can probably elicit a new more positive reaction than the notorious "take one and pass it decrease. " The World wide web is the electronic home of this kind of generation. They've never ever lived without it. Whenever possible, have students research an person or company site that is talked about in class. Further than just articles and even websites, what websites in their field or perhaps subject can these people participate in right now as students? There may be great benefits to communication with field professionals across the particular world, and can certainly even help students stay on typically the cutting edge associated with industry issues. Many importantly, they may simply have fun doing the work. YouTube has a regarding possibilities in the particular learning community. In moments, a composing or engineering college student can view the design and structure of an NFL stadium using moment lapse photography, although a biology college student can view computer animation of the natural photosynthesis. At almost every turn, any professor can add "And at some point, head to YouTube in addition to watch the Martin Luther King 'I Have a Dream' speech, as well as the 69 landing of Apollo 11 on typically the moon. We'll talk about next class. " As opposed to reading regarding things or listening to about things, pupils want to observe things with their very own own eyes, on their own computer system. Facebook and MySpace are often daunting entities to teachers and staff. Nevertheless, this is their own world. So, is there any way to capitalize the popularity of such interpersonal networking sites in a positive way within the learning experience? For illustration, take those younger successes previously described. Chances are large they can also be available on Facebook or myspace and MySpace. Precisely why not have pupils visit their webpage to learn of their background and exactly how they became productive so fast? Facebook or myspace now boasts additional than 130 , 000, 000 active users (users who have stopped at in the last 30 days), and is particularly being used more and more frequently for job networking and company purposes, as properly. It's not going anywhere soon. Last but not least, the Google Earth tool provides the potential to revolutionize the way you learn about location and the world, in addition to can be employed as a reference point for almost any class. Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "The moderate could be the message. very well We now have a great new tools and technology at our disposal to "Wow" students with this meaning, and make mastering more effective, highly effective, and fun. four. "Use Humor and even Have Fun within the Classroom" Definitely, the job associated with an educator isn't to entertain. It is to teach. However: Do a person remember an instructor who didn't merely teach a class, nevertheless impacted your life? Do you feel like they could bring up to you, plus could even make you laugh? Did you have fun in their very own class, and look forward to participating in each day? Zig Ziglar, one of the most prosperous motivational speakers within history, knew the power of incorporating humor in his presentations. Throughout the career, Zig would certainly strategically place many type of wit, joke, or crazy example every eight minutes during his / her presentation, no make a difference the audience or topic. As he or she studied, attention period starts to dip since time passed between jokes lingered. People pay consideration because they avoid want to miss the next joke! And so, imagine if you're not necessarily that funny? Here are a few tips: Visit Search engines or Google Images, and search underneath "Business humor, inches or "Funny Biology, " or "Funny Advertising. " Employ the Google Warnings tool to label such phrases, to enable you to receive emails any time cartoons, articles, or blogs are posted on such phrases. A similar search can likewise be used intended for YouTube clips, which has seemingly captured every funny moment in the history of human beings (or at least, their mankind). Maintain an eye out for funny posts, or even humorous things on television, that may have certain direct as well as roundabout relevance to the issue. Did you see anything funny on Jay inslee Leno's "Headlines" segment, but you don't have your TIVO running? Simply get to nbc. com where you might retrieve any this kind of headlines from previous episodes. Also, end up being sure to research the sarcastic reach book "Non Campus Mentis: World Record Based on College Students" by Professor Anders Henriksson for immediate classroom comic relief. When applicable and appropriate, allow a great environment where pupils are encouraged in order to to enjoy group projects or class workouts together. No a single can articulate amazing and funny vocabulary to students a lot better than other students. "Make learning fun" is one principle that holds true no matter the generation. Teaching can easily be much easier when students appearance forward to going to class. Like other things, these tips may not work each time, but provide them with a shot. School members should obstacle themselves to access out and integrate something for all of us generation of pupil once per week. Anything. Maybe the example from a recent movie or even an industry-related tall tale. Perhaps a data exercise in text message messaging. Or, probably posting a regular career spotlight involving someone under 35 who is prosperous inside the field. This kind of could be the inventor of innovative software, an first-class local entrepreneur, or a host involving a new software on Tech TV SET. Good Buy Tech Reviews will pay attention, and become more inspired to be able to learn than at any time before. Certainly, you just might create teaching more fun, interesting, and satisfying for yourself, as well. Andy Masters can be a nationally recognized Author/Speaker who has written 4 books and even earned 4 certifications, including an D. A. -Human Sources Development and a great M. A. -Marketing from Webster College or university. Andy presents amusing and inspirational programs for Faculty, Staff members, and Students across North America, and is usually a member with the National Speakers Organization (NSA) and the particular POD Network for Degree.
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] What it’s like to be their manager Headcanons
Note: I think a lot of people misunderstand the role of the manager XD It’s not that the whole team is dating you. It’s that the whole team treats you like their family/sister. So you’d better bet that all of them are gunna be hella protective of you XD
Scenario: What do you do for the team and what do they do for you? :D
Warnings: not proofread, fluffy, might have some swear words, platonic relationships
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Tohma, reader as the team manager
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Genshin Volleyball Team manager
It’s just fuckin’ chaos
On your first day you’re already bombarded with questions by Tartaglia and Kaeya
“So which class are you?” “What’s your height?” “Are you single?”
Captain Zhongli just cannot be bothered to reign them in anymore.
So Vice Captain Diluc does it and grabs their collars. “You idiots, you’re scaring her off!”
Possibly Kazuha and Tohma are the ones you really try to rely on, on your first few weeks.
So how do you gain the trust of your team? Let’s start with each player shall we?
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Zhongli is just handsome and mature. He’s strict and needs to be the pillar of the team. 
You’re intimidated by him the first few weeks and he just seems...a little far. He’s always so focused that you can’t seem to catch a moment to just chat with him.
There’s a day where you notice that his form is a little off, you suspect that he hurt his wrist a little. 
You fidget uncomfortably in the gym as they practice, but finally turn to the coach “U-Umm... The captain is... I mean! I’m not sure, but... I think he needs to take a rest,”
The coach calls for someone to substitute Zhongli and suddenly asks you to check on him.
“Huh?! Me?!” the coach pushes you towards him, and Zhongli is just looking at you quizzically, you can practically see the question mark on his face.
“C-Captain, d-do you need some bandages on your wrist?”
Zhongli is taken aback, but silently puts his right wrist out for you to wrap.
Only when you’re done tending to it does he look you in the eye and ask.
“How did you know?”
“...Because I always watch, and all I can do is watch. If I can’t even spot that out then I’m not a very good manager am I?”
Zhongli has a newfound respect for you. He thought you were just a meek and shy thing sitting around and passing them balls but he feels his heart swell that someone like you is seriously watching over them.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Diluc is probably the second hardest to get along with or break the ice with.
But he gradually warms up to you when he notices that he’s always the first one you pass a towel and water bottle to.
You’re not doing that on purpose, it’s just him who always comes up first.
After a few days he deliberately goes to you faster cause he always wants to be the one to receive a water bottle and towel from you first. Secretly a puppy.
The moment he realized that you were reliable was when you stayed behind to help him practice when everyone else went home already. 
You didn’t let up in your constant praise of “nice receive”, “great spike!” and “that’s so cool!” 
He thinks he saw stars in your eyes at some point.
“Hey, Diluc, it’s getting late, let’s leave some energy for tomorrow, yeah?” he could tell from your mannerisms that you were tired too, but you tried not to let it show on your face and still cleaned up with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then!” you wave but you’re stopped by a quick. “No,” from him. You tilt your head in wonder and he just looks at you as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“It’s late, I’ll walk you home,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
You don’t have to impress this guy, anyone of the female gender impresses him.
lol jk
safe to say it’s not difficult to befriend Kaeya, just bring him a cheering squad and some food.
all jokes aside the way to this guy’s heart is through his stomach.
He’s not a particularly hungry person but there’s this one time he forgot to bring lunch. He was running late, or something of that sort, honestly not something new for him.
He ALSO didn’t bring money so he couldn’t eat food from the cafeteria.
Ask his friends for money you say? Tartaglia would go, “Haha no way!” Albedo would go, “Let this be a lesson for you,” his brother would go “Serves you right,”
By club time he’s famished and dramatic. “Guys, go on without me, this is as far as I go,” as he sprawls on the gym floor.
You ask if he’s okay and he doesn’t answer so Diluc is the one that answers for him. “He forgot his lunch, as always,”
You make a sound of understanding and the next thing you know you’re taking out a lunch box and Kaeya has lifted his head up, sensing food.
“I packed onigiri for everyone today, actually... In case someone was hungry. It’s not much but--”
Kaeya comes alive from the dead and clutches your hands to his chest. “Manager you really are an angel,”
Diluc jump kicks him away from you.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
You also don’t know how to approach this guy
He always looks mad or stoic or something. Like he’s always thinking about something.
He low key actually is always thinking about play strategies and how to set the ball better for his teammates.
You really do think he works so hard while the game is going on, so you decide to help him out a little bit.
You watch a few more of their games and somehow come up with a list of what kinds of sets are better for each different spiker in the team.
There’s surprise in his eyes when you pass the document to him and modestly exclaim “...but, it might not be accurate, since I’m not that experienced,”
He still nods and says “...It’s the thought that counts,” 
When he does read your report and try the techniques out he notices that it does hold some merit in it
Is amazed like how Zhongli is amazed. He thought you were just there to hand them bottles and cheer for them but he had never been so wrong as to what a manager’s role is.
Will trust you enough to ask you about his set performance.  
Will sometimes slam Kaeya with an insult. “Kaeya, your spike sense is horrid, Y/N can read the moves better than you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
It’s not that he has a hard time trusting people but let’s just say he has the tendency to make you feel like he likes you but then he actually does that to everyone.
For example: He’ll throw compliments like “Oh that’s amazing Y/N!” but then back in the classroom you’ll hear him say “Oh that’s amazing!” to, like, every other person. 
That kinda disappoints you cause then the comment doesn’t really hold that much meaning to it if he keeps on saying it to others too.
He encounters a crisis mid year because this guy is just... he struggles with his grades. 
Captain Zhongli has told him he can’t play volleyball if he fails even one subject.
This boy is panicking and has semi-accepted this is the end of his volleyball career.
So you offer to study with him and he’s legit stoked.
Intensive and strict study sessions commence. Note taking, pop quizzes, surprise questions and even sudden random calls from you wherein you ask him a question and he has to answer within 5 seconds.
You’ve pulled all the study techniques you know here, this man better pass everything.
Welp, he still fails History....but since he worked so hard Captain Zhongli excuses it.
He’s so happy that he can’t hold back the stupidly wide smile on his face. He turns to you and for the very very first time in months, he bows and THANKS you.
You realize that he’s never thanked you before. Not even when you pass him water bottles or towels. 
You consider it a win, getting rare and sincere appreciation from him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
One of the easiest to get along with but at the same time, he’s so mature that you feel like you’re not even in the same age range as him.
Definitely someone you can count on though, so you ask him many questions on the first week.
Still, it’s one of those things where you can kind of talk to him but there’s still a wall between you two.
One day while walking around in school there were these boys who were commenting about his height, and questioning his abilities as a volleyball team member.
You didn’t really think much about it when you speak up, “But he’s a really good middle blocker and spiker,” 
Those boys look at you weirdly and you realize that you’ve unconsciously spoken up. So you hurriedly walk away.
Little did you know that Kazuha was in some secret corner and heard the whole thing.
Just like that, the next day, it seems as if the wall between you two was gone, and you’re able to talk freely.
That, and he seemed to like asking you to help him practice his spikes and throw balls for him now.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
is deceivingly easy to get along with. Just has a rough exterior but is actually a softie if you squint.
You know this because there are subtle things he does. 
He doesn’t speak to you much but then he would be the one picking up the balls with you, or sometimes there’s magically a new set of clean towels on the bench that you don’t remember taking out from the storage room.
This guy is passionate for the game, so he really beats himself up when he isn’t able to receive a ball during actual games.
You worry about his mentality sometimes. I mean, it’s a team game, it’s not like he alone can save the whole game
So you talk to him about it the other day
“You’re already a really good libero Xiao, I mean... I’m not saying you should stop practicing but you don’t have to feel so bad...” you pause because this doesn’t feel like the message you want to convey
“Sorry, what I mean is... You CAN feel bad, but share the burden with your team, you know?”
He knows what you’re saying and contemplates it for a while. He knows that his team has his back, but sometimes just needs reminder about it.
He looks at you and asks, “...Can I share the burden with you too?”
You blink “Huh?”
“You said I can share the burden with my team, but can I share it with you too?”
There is a blush on his cheeks at this point.
“Oh, yea! Of course! I don’t play but I’m still part of the team you know!”
Ever since then, during games, if he feels a little frustrated he’d glance at you on the bench and you’d give him a thumbs up for a job well done.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
You’re like bffs the moment you see each other
lol jk
You’re still awkward with him the first few days cause that’s just how first meetings are.
But he is very easy to talk to and always makes you feel at ease
Will always be the one to ask how you are if you need any help or if class was okay in general
Seems like the type of person to care more about others than himself
So he’s surprised when you come into the gym and you beat him to asking his usual questions.
“Tohma, how are you today? Did you have a proper lunch?”
“Tohma, are you getting tired? Want some water?”
“Tohma, how was class today?”
All the other members of the team turn to look at the two of you, thinking ‘Why does Tohma get extra attention?’ 
Tohma certainly doesn’t get extra attention you just TALK to him more. The other members deadass are also getting cared for by you, just in different ways.
This boy has some insecurities though, when it comes to playing the game. He hasn’t been in it for long so he’s the least experienced and that gets to him sometimes.
“Oh, really? But you play really well! I couldn’t tell that you’re new” 
His serves are really amazing though.
“Also! You always score points for us with the serves. Sometimes, your serves are my favourite part of the game!”
Has practiced extra hard so as not to let you down.
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the-lighthouse-lit · 2 years
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Over | Again
Teen titans fanfic | BBxRae
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter 2: Squander (5,832 words)
Rachel tapped her foot on the leg of the chair in front of her, the resulting metal clank echoing in the empty classroom. She’d been left waiting for some teacher or admin who was supposed to tell her what to do, but it seemed they had all forgotten about the sophomore girl hadn’t gone to the overnight field trip. Rachel told herself that being forgotten was a welcome reprieve from being needed all the time—she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been bored. But try as she might, she couldn’t enjoy the slow moment. She just felt abandoned.
Rachel had made a number of sacrifices in order to be a superhero. She had quit babysitting, because she just could no longer guarantee she could stay a whole shift without needing to run off to save the city. Her mom thought she’d suddenly become rebellious, having found her bedroom empty and a pillow under her covers a few times in a row now. She walked around with those stupid earrings on, letting people think she was one of those cringey Raven fans who wore her knock-off jewelry merch. She’d had to watch Kitty Moth dress up as Raven for Halloween, making a mockery of the costume with a skimpy leotard and a cloak that barely reached her hips.And she couldn’t go on school trips.
She wondered if the others diligently sat out of school trips and cleared their schedule in case trouble arose. Holders, the League of Superheroes called them. It drove home the point that all of them were replaceable. Only special as long as they held the jewels. They were chosen ones, after a fashion—the League decided who got to fight. All Rachel knew was she wanted to continue being allowed to do good. So sacrifices must be made.
Well, it wasn’t like it was so odd to sit out a trip. Kori had been about to stay back too, worried a Mento-related event would happen in the one day she couldn’t be there to document it. She and Dick ran the amateur news blog that was the number one reporter on the local superheroes, and they took that role way too seriously. Kori had only decided to go because Rachel hadn’t; now Rachel was on strict instructions to report any supervillain or superhero sightings. As if it wasn’t enough to be left behind, she had to play correspondent for herself.
Her colorless thoughts were interrupted when the door opened, and instead of a teacher, Gar Logan came in. He saw her and cocked his head. “Rachel? You didn’t go on the trip either?”
“Yeah,” she found herself replying, because she hadn’t even had time to get nervous before he was there, changing her aloneness for something much better. “I have family in town and my mom wanted me to be at home this week.” Her excuses were much better when she had time to plan them. She even managed to ask, “You?”
“My step-dad didn’t let me go.” He gave a grimace and a slight shrug.
It seemed to her his tone begged her not to ask further, because he had no clue either. She just said “Oh.”
“I mean I have a part to rehearse, okay,” he said, pulling the chair in front of her and sitting backwards on it as he talked, with the ease that was so his own. “But come on, he should know I can multi-task! So that’s no excuse!” He gave a chuckle, and only then seemed to remember he was talking to her, and leaned back. He’d been leaning on her desk before.
It was one of those moments where she wished she could know what went through his head. He seemed to treat her like she was one of his friends sometimes. Did he pull back because of something she did, or didn’t do? Or did he put some distance because he remembered who she was?
“Um, are they gonna tell us to do something?” he asked, looking around for a teacher.
“No one’s come. Apparently we can do whatever,” Rachel said, then wondered if that sounded suggestive, and reddened.
Gar didn’t seem to notice. “Cool. Oh, then I should study my lines.” He jumped. “You mind if I practice here?”
She shook her head no, and it was all he needed to grant her a winning smile and be out the door in another second.
Only when he left could she process the fact that he was here, when she’d pictured him miles away, in the trip. Rachel couldn’t help it—her teenage girl mind conjured up hopeful scenarios.
He’d be practicing his lines—maybe she could offer to help him practice. People who hated you didn’t offer you help, right? It would be a way to let him know she didn’t hate him without having to say the words. Perhaps there was a romantic scene in that script… That was pushing it, said her skepticism. But if she could talk to him, if no one else was around –to distract her or fawn over him-, maybe she could open up to him, maybe this was the chance she’d been waiting for. Rachel had never been so glad to have missed a school trip. Maybe the sacrifices she made were a blessing in disguise.
She heard the odd commotion outside –a struggle and muffled scream-, before she felt her communicator buzz. All her plans crashed to the ground.
No. Ooh no.
“Why now?” she whispered.
But she sprung to action regardless. She took her bag so it wouldn’t look suspicious left on its own. She locked the door, to her chagrin, and then went behind the teacher’s desk, the only place in the classroom that offered some concealing.
Rachel always closed her eyes to transform. It was no different now, as she whispered, “Azarath Metrion Zinthos.”
The words changed her appearance and filled her with power. At the same time as she felt the alien energy surge through her, she remembered the control she needed to wield it; she neutralized her anger at being pulled to action, and got the clarity necessary to get to work.
The commotion she’d heard found its explanation when she phased out into the hallway and saw faculty running from a mind-controlled janitor.
The teachers’ panicked expressions turned to relief when they saw Raven—and now she felt the weight of responsibility as well.
“Get behind doors and stay quiet,” she said, the instruction a simple placeholder, the real message being ‘it’s okay, the superheroes are here’.
The janitor focused his rage on her when she saw her –Mento’s subjects always seemed to have the basic order to attack any superhero on sight– and she managed to hold him in dark energybefore she snapped him out of the trance.
“Do you remember what he told you to do?” she asked the apologetic janitor, a hand on his shoulder to steady him. The man didn’t, and Raven couldn’t wait—she still heard disturbance beyond this hallway.
After freeing the teacher on the other side of the hallway, Raven approached a window. Outside on the street there was no sign of danger. It was a normal day—the trouble was only inside school. She had the flash of a thought—Mento knew who she was. That was why he was attacking here. But he couldn’t, could he? If anyone knew, that would be the end of her career.
She pushed the thought aside to pick through her school methodically—she freed two kids from Mento’s control, and she warned everyone she found to get inside the nearest room. As she went further she got increasingly worried that she didn’t see Gar. How far could he have gotten?
She phased to just outside the auditorium, where a couple of teachers were herding a bunch of students across the hallway, away from the mind-controlled principal. There, thankfully, was Gar among them, Miss Mae’s arm around his shoulders as they backed away.
Raven swept in and freed her principal’s mind, landed before the group and faced starry-eyed looks from seniors who wouldn’t give her secret identity the time of day.
“Is everyone okay?” Raven asked, looking the copious group over.
She didn’t try to single Gar out. But she couldn’t help but notice that he seemed uncomfortable. He stood right at the front of the group, held there by Miss Mae’s claw-like hands, like she was trying to keep him from running. As Miss Mae offered a long status report to Raven, the superhero was distracted by Gar pulling at his shirt, Gar running a hand through his hair. She couldn’t devise why he felt uncomfortable, but it put her on edge too. Was he blushing? It was hard to tell when he was looking down. And as she wondered about him, she was caught up by a mind-controlled senior girl throwing herself on her, and embarrassment burned as she fought her off.
Great. Now Raven also looked stupid in front of Gar.
“Go to—over there!” she instructed at the already running group, having barely kept herself from saying ‘to the auditorium’. The group had reached that room by the time Raven freed the girl and had her join them.
“Stay here and you’ll be okay,” she told the group, not looking at anyone.
But Gar pushed to the front before she could close the door. “Wait, my classmate Rachel is missing! She was in the classroom-”
“That area’s already secure,” she told him quickly, closed the door and flew off. She only reeled about the interaction as she investigated other areas.
Gar had called her a classmate. Classmate. Not even a friend. Well, they weren’t friends. But had she made him so afraid of her he didn’t even dare call her a friend when she was out of earshot? Maybe he just didn’t want to lie to a superhero. Or maybe he didn’t care she wasn’t his friend. Maybe he thought it was just fine she was just his classmate. Maybe when he hung out around her it really was just out of the goodness of his heart and a sense of duty. To his classmate. Maybe—
Her thoughts were interrupted when her Geography teacher jumped on her from all the way up a stairwell.
Maybe she should get her head in the game.
She went back and threw the freed teacher into the auditorium, and her heart skipped a beat when she didn’t see Gar in there.
Miss Mae saved her from having to ask after him. “Raven, my student ran out. He said he needed to do something.”
So now she set out to find Gar. At the other side of the school, mid-frantic search, a hand tapped her shoulder, and she swung around with power at her fingertips. Beast Boy missed her fist by becoming a hummingbird. Then he turned back to human in time to catch her before she fell over—she’d thrown all her weight on that punch.
“About time you showed up!” she snapped.
His eyes widened, and she immediately regretted it, but before she could take it back he said, “Sorry, I… I was held up.”
She told herself she couldn’t be angry at him. He might not have showed up at all—he must’ve been out in the trip. Which meant he was a sophomore like her—more information about him she told herself not to take in. Likely part of the younger batch—he did say he was fifteen, she worked out before she could catch herself.
“Raven, the outside isn’t affected. It’s only this school.”
“I know.”
“I restrained someone on the way here. Over there,” Beast Boy said, grasping for her hand.
But Raven was already moving past him. “You go. I’ve got something to do here.”
Beast Boy caught her by the shoulders before she could, making her face him. “Wait. You’re the only one who can snap people out of Mento’s mind control. We need you.”
“I’m missing a civilian,” she explained—she had no choice but to as long as she was in his grasp. “Gar Logan is missing.”
“I saw Gar Logan,” he said immediately. “He was wandering the hall and I took him to a closet.”
Raven stopped looking past his shoulder to focus solely on him. “Are you sure? Blonde boy, green eyes-”
“I know.”
Beast Boy goes to my school, Raven reminded herself.
And, he was her partner. She could trust him.
As they went to free the person he had seized, Beast Boy decided it felt definitely weird to hear his civilian name from her lips. How does she know Gar Logan? He wondered. I’m famous even to her?
…Had she watched his movies?
His filmography flashed before his eyes –all comic relief parts and embarrassing sidekick roles if you asked anyone-, and he grimaced. He couldn’t muster up feeling excited that the girl he was in love with knew about him; he felt rather embarrassed she would know about him that way.
The kid Beast Boy had restrained offered the same vague memory as all the others once Raven freed him—he only remembered being told to wreak havoc in general, and attack the superheroes if they came. They saw him to safety before they exchanged a concerned look with each other.
“Between you and me, we’ve gone through the whole school now,” Beast Boy began. “Eight whole mind-controlled people. Mento’s never done so many.”
“But no one has instructions… So what was this for?” Raven continued.
“You think we got them all?”
He watched her look off into the distance, as if to gather her bearings, before she turned to him and said, “Let’s get altitude.”
Beast Boy followed her out of the school without asking questions. They were well up in the sky before she explained. “Remember I told you I’ve been trying to sense mind control victims?”
“I figured out it’s easier for me to get clarity from further away.” She concentrated, and the school became a map of energies her mind could easily wade through. But once she’d gone through all of it, she still came up empty. Her eyes opened and she turned to Beast Boy. “I sense nothing. No more mind-controlled individuals.”
Beast Boy was staring at her with creased eyebrows. “So… what? Do you think the person with the real mission already completed it and left?”
“While we were scrambling after the other ones?”
For some reason, Beast Boy looked contrite at that question. “I’m sorry I took so long coming,” he said, scratching the back of his neck.
“It’s not your fault,” she assured him, and pressed his shoulder to stress her words. She couldn’t fault him just because she was already on site.
Her reassurance went through quickly. Beast Boy cracked a grin, his energy completely changed. “Want a ride on dragon-back? I’ll drop you whenever you need.”
She raised a puzzled eyebrow at him.“I’ve got portals,” she reminded him, already drawing one.
She kind of regretted her apathy a moment later, when Beast Boy’s staple smile became a sad grimace. Somehow, feigning cluelessness –acting like she didn’t know he just wanted to spend another few moments with her-, seemed worse than outright blowing him off. She could have explained she was in a hurry, which she was –she was afraid teachers would want to count heads before she made it back- but she told herself, as she always did, that the less he knew the better, and she went through the portal, leaving the sour moment unchallenged.
“…Kori, I know, but look—I can tell you everything I saw, I just didn’t manage to take pictures,” Rachel said into her phone. “On account that, you know, I was hiding for my life.” She waited for her friend’s frustration to pass and for the conversation to turn to interview questions. “Yes, like I said, I saw Raven outside in the hallway and she told me to get behind doors. I stayed locked inside the classroom until everything passed. …No, I don’t know how many mind-controlled victims there were this time,” she said confidently. All the news coverages she’d seen hadn’t given a number yet. “I don’t know what Mento was after either. Again, I spent the life-threatening situation locked in a classroom …Yeah, you and Dick would have followed the superheroes, but that’s not me.”
She hung up with her best friend, rearranged the towel encasing her wet hair, and moved to her desk. On her personal notebook, the one that never left her house, she went to the last page and studied the map she’d drawn of the movement of mind-controlled people that day. She’d jotted it down as soon as she’d gotten home—with codified name tags, of course- hoping to draw some conclusions. Before, Mento had worked with a single victim, and it could be reasoned they could come from anywhere. Now, with multiple people, she could actually discover a source.
She had worked it out: the principal, three teachers, and a freshman and three seniors Rachel knew were notorious for being trouble-makers—Mento had to have unfolded his powers at the teacher’s lounge, so he’d gotten the principal, off-duty teachers, and students in trouble waiting to see the principal as his victims. Which meant he could have gotten into school through the front door. Which meant he could possibly pass for a parent.
But that was as far as she’d gotten. She was no Robin, nor could she bring this to him without betraying some serious knowledge of her school. By herself, she was no closer to finding out what had been the point of today.
Rachel tucked the notebook safely behind her pillow, finished drying her hair, combed it, and went up through the trapdoor above her bed to her terrace for some air.
When all was said and done, she was moody about how the day had ended.
After the superheroes saved the day, predictably, the school had sent all students home. So she hadn’t had her chance to hang out with Gar. All because Mento decided today would be a good day for another incomprehensible plan. And tomorrow their classmates would be back, and they would all fall into their pre-established roles and cliques, and her chance at showing Gar who she was would have evaporated.
Now he was again as far from her as the moon in the sky, she thought as she glared at that offending satellite.
How did you get a guy everybody wanted? How did you get it across to him that you didn’t like him for the same reasons everyone else did?
Rachel wasn’t dumb. She was under no illusion that she was the only person who saw through to the real him, or something self-aggrandizing like that. She knew one-sided love only got you so far: you couldn’t love a person from afar and have it be complete—love had to be acknowledged and shared before it could be real. Otherwise, she was in love with a shadow.
But she couldn’t help that she looked at Gar and something tugged at her heartstrings; she couldn’t help making up ideas about the kind of person he was. Were those ideas even true? It was probably just plain attraction, her more cynical side told her. She’d probably grow up and look back at the time she was obsessed with a guy and see it for what it was: a random crush. Maybe. In any case, she’d like to have the chance figure it out. If only she didn’t shut down every time he came near.
A very conspicuous shadow on the corner of her eye shook her from her thoughts. She regaled the superhero perched on her rail with a simple disapproving gaze.
“’Sup,” Beast Boy grinned in return.
As if she hadn’t seen enough of him for one day.
“Patrolling in this area?” she asked pointedly.
He winked and said, “You know it.”
It was an inside joke at this point. They both knew he was just here to hang out.
He’d been late to battle today, and now he was here, she thought in annoyance—with all the time in the world.
She watched him get comfortable in her rooftop, sprawling on a lawn chair Rachel herself never really used. It was probably a bad thing that she let him visit like this, but she saw no way to fix that now. The first time he’d come –the first time he was suddenly there, perched on her rail like he was really a stray cat who’d wandered up to a random rooftop-, the sight of him had been affronting. This was what he used his powers, his fame for? Going around towns hitting up random girls in rooftops? In costume? How dare he? How many other girls in other rooftops were there?
It had come out of her mouth before she could bit it back: “What are you doing here?”
His cocky expression had frozen, and then he’d burst out laughing. Rachel had kicked herself. He’d probably expected fawning and fangirling. But when she’d seen him there, she’d forgotten she wasn’t Raven right then. Now she was a citizen who’d scolded a superhero.
She had tried to backtrack in the moment, “I mean… judging from your nonchalant attitude I assume there’s no trouble nearby,” she’d said, trying to pass herself off as a nervous citizen. It was the best she could aim for: no sense trying to pretend to be star-struck now.
“Trouble? Nope, just patrolling,” he’d said, his eyes laughing at her, as he unfolded his legs to touch on the ground and stroll through her rooftop. It was a big lie –they didn’t do individual patrolling- and it pissed her off that she couldn’t call him out for lying. “I thought I’d check on vulnerable citizens,” he’d kept going. “No need to thank me. It gets dangerous out here.”
She’d crossed her arms at him. “Really. What exactly are you checking for?”
He had grinned at her like he’d won the lottery, inexplicably, sat on the ground and told her she had a really nice roof. And then he’d stuck around and talked to her for like half an hour.
That first interaction had dictated all of their… friendship, or whatever it was: they were more comfortable around each other than they had any business being. Only she knew that she knew him extensively, that he was her best friend when she wore the mask. She had no idea what went through his mind. She had to guess he was one of those people who was comfortable around anyone.
To be honest, she’d been a little unsettled when that first visit hadn’t turned into him hitting on her, nor any visits thereon. She’d braced herself for flirting that never came. Perhaps he drew a line at flirting with civilians. If that was the case, it spoke well of him—but it gave him a very marginal amount of credit in Rachel’s mind; he was still a flirt.She had still seen him flirt with anyone that crossed their way on the job. He was always all over Starfire when she appeared. Bumblebee always got attention, Kid Flash too. Argent was another favorite. He’d hit on the petty thief guy Mento had hired the one time he hadn’t resorted to mind control for his bank robberies.
That was what her brain always snapped back to when she started thinking Beast Boy might love Raven as much as he claimed. How could she trust what he said when he also paid attention to everyone on sight? True, she’d never heard of him profess feelings at the others the way he had to Raven, but still. He was fickle; she’d be dumb not to see it. If she hadn’t been chosen as the main Jump City superhero for whatever reason, would he just as soon have gone for someone else?
Once, Starfire had asked her, dubiously, if she and Beast Boy were a thing. And in Starfire’s alien-looking doe eyes and innocent curiosity, and in Robin’s standing a little behind them and eying them, obviously curious of a question he never would have asked himself, Raven had gotten a flash of how this looked to everyone else.
The truth was, she was on the fence about Beast Boy. She was fine not knowing what to make of him, because his interest thrilled her, and she also had someone else in her heart who didn’t know she existed, so who was she to expect more of him? But to outsiders, it might look like Raven believed in what he professed to feel unquestionably. Starfire might pity her, might want to advise her against Beast Boy. So to her (and for Robin’s ears), Raven had downplayed everything. “Of course not,” she’d said. “He’s just flirting. Neither of us are serious about it.”
Because she wasn’t sure he was.
Rachel snapped back to the present in order to tease Beast Boy. “Patrolling, huh? Looks more like squandering your gift to me.”
He grinned. “Oh, come on. Wouldn’t you do the same if you had powers?”
She let an ironic smile show on her face, but changed the subject. “You even know what squandering is?”
“I do, ‘cause you told me once,” he said, jumping off the chair. “And I am not, actually, wasting my gift in a reckless and foolish manner.” He puffed out his chest like he’d done a great feat, far too pleased with himself for remembering a simple definition.
“Color me impressed.”
He took in her sarcasm and decided to one-up her. “Hm. You tell your crush you like them yet?”
She groaned, all her coolness gone. “I never should have told you about that.”
“But you did,” he reminded her with a big grin.
And she still didn’t know why. How had she told Beast Boy when she hadn’t even told Kori? She guessed she felt he was safe. Kori might try to set her up if she knew; it wouldn’t take her long to figure out who her crush was. But Beast Boy was detached from her world—he went to her school, but he couldn’t let her know that. It was probably for the same reason she told him,
“I had a chance to be alone with him today, actually.”
She hadn’t sounded excited, but still Beast Boy’s eyes grew comically wide. “And!?”
“Life happened,” she deadpanned.
He held his head dramatically and groaned like it had happened to him. “I ship you so hard with whoever that guy is.”
“Thanks,” she offered.
He had to chuckle at her deadpan.
Beast Boy always had a lot of fun visiting Rachel. So much fun, actually, it made him feel guilty. He was essentially deceiving her, pretending he wasn’t someone she hated under the mask—the fact he had even come to know she had a crush on someone this way was downright reprehensible.
But he was fascinated by how different she was—how she actually talked to him when he wasn’t Gar. From the first time he’d dropped in on her rooftop, just to see what she’d do –he kind of wanted to see her surprised, or excited, or anything but vaguely disgruntled, which was how he’d always experienced Rachel- and she’d all but told him off, he’d been hooked. He wanted to find out what else she’d do, how she would act when she wasn’t icing him out. He was thrilled to find out—Rachel had jokes. Rachel stared him down and met his fooling around with witty remarks, and the banter was flowing. It was so easy, and so different from what he was used to with her. Clearly, she had no reason to hate Beast Boy the way she hated Gar Logan.
Rachel’s friends got to see this side of her all the time; he could only experience this as Beast Boy—that was what he told himself to feel less guilty.
Now this Rachel, the real Rachel, had replaced the old Rachel in his mind to the point that, when he reached out to her as Gar –which admittedly maybe happened more now than it did before he got to know her as Beast Boy- he was always a little unsettled when he was met with the closed down version of her.
He really liked hanging out with Rachel. He wished got to do it more often as Gar. If only he knew what he’d done to earn her hatred.
“Look,” he told her, bumping her shoulder, “I’ve been thinking. What you should do about your boy is practice your confession on someone else. Figure out how you’re gonna tell him-”
“I’m never gonna tell him,” she stated immediately, bursting his bubble in one swipe.
He was left gaping like a fish. “Wha…? Why?”
Rachel cast her eyes down. It had never occurred to her to tell him. “It would be too weird.”
“Because we’re not friends. We don’t talk.”
He paused. “That doesn’t make it weird,” he said, and Rachel found it cute that he’d said it after thinking a moment, like he was really picturing it. “Dude, just tell him. Then if he rejects you, you can move on with someone who deserves you!”
Rachel thought that was easier said than done, and where did that leave Beast Boy himself? Hadn’t he been flirting with Raven all year? Where was his moving on? “That’s easy advice to dish out, hard to take,” she said pointedly.
It went right over his head. “It’s top-notch advice. Just like the practice idea. Come on, try me.” He hit his chest. “How would you confess if I were your dreamy guy?”
She let her eyes round with surprise. “Oh, on you?” And she wondered if he was making a super veiled move—was this finally it? Or was he genuinely trying to help her?
“Yeah! I’m the nearest person here, and I came up with the idea!” His transparent enthusiasm left no room to assume he had ulterior motives. “Look, just try to say it. Or if you don’t wanna say it, try writing it in a letter! How would you write it if you wanted to tell him?” She had turned away from him, to lean back on her rail, so he climbed out to the outside of her rail to face her, took her arm and shook it. “Come on, dude!”
“Fine,” she said, shaking him off. She hadn’t considered following his approach, but it turned out it was easier to humor him than resist. With a glare pointed in his direction, she started. “Hey, most popular guy in school.”
He snorted. “Most popular guy in school?” he echoed. “I didn’t take you for a cliché, Miss Roch.”
She drew away from the railing. “Well if you’re gonna tease me…”
He grabbed her wrist with the hand he wasn’t using to hold onto the rail. “No, no. I’ll be nice.”
She resumed. “It’s me, the girl you don’t know exists.”
He nodded studiously. “Typical.”
“…who never talks to you and you’re convinced she hates you.”
“Uh-huh, uh-huh.”
“But believe it or not, I actually have a crush on you,” she said in a sing-song voice.
“Okay, good,” he snickered, even though she sounded like a little kid being forced to say ‘sorry’.
“I mean, I’m making it really obvious. When I push you away, it’s just because I want to be closer.”
“Are you serious right now?”
“But it’s only because you being nice and polite to me… reminds me that we’re not close,” Rachel said, and the more honest words made Beast Boy sober up and listen. “And I want to be close. We don’t talk, and I don’t really know you. But I notice things about you. And I try to figure you out from afar. …I just wish you’d try to figure me out too.”
Beast Boy couldn’t think of anyone that wouldn’t be gratified by such a confession, friends or no friends. The guy she was talking about was lucky.“That’s a beautiful confession, Rachel.”
She leaned back. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it, because you’re the only one who’s ever gonna hear it.” Her voice and demeanor were back to normal after the small break into vulnerability.
The sound of her bedroom door opening reached her ears, and then her mother calling her name. Rachel whipped her head to the trapdoor, as the familiar but inexplicable onslaught panic and guilt washed over her—the horror that someone might find the superhero on her rooftop.
But Beast Boy was on the move. He’d leapt on the rail by the time she looked back to him.
“I’m gonna keep badgering you about this,” he warned her, and before she could respond, he was gone.
As he flew away as a green hawk, he committed what he’d learned tonight to memory. So he had to look for a really popular guy, and someone Rachel seemed to hate—he knew now that Rachel had that problem with more than just him. Who else did she seem to hate? He’d have to keep his eyes peeled for that.
If Gar, as Gar, helped her get with the guy of her dreams, surely she wouldn’t hate him so much, right?
Rachel got to watch Gar practice his script with his friends the next day over a free period. She sat with Kori, finishing their joint art project while Dick and Victor helped Gar practice at the front of the classroom. It had turned out to be a sci-fi comedy, nothing romantic, so she probably wouldn’t have made big romantic strides anyway.
“There are many things you don’t know, Tork,” Victor read off the script. “If you knew why I was doing this, you’d be on my side in a second.”
“Let me tell you something I do know, captain,” Gar recited back as he paced the room. “If you go through with this plan, you’ll always be remembered as a villain. You still have the chance to turn back. Don’t squander it.”
“They shouldn’t have given the comic relief a word like ‘squander’,” Vic commented.
“They decided to throw the comic relief a bone with a poignant moment at the climax, let me have this,” Gar chuckled.
“Yeah, but do you even know what squander is, Gar?” Dick demanded.
“’Course I do. Squander—to waste something in a reckless and foolish manner,” Gar replied, and a shy smile graced his features.
“Nerd!” Vic shouted instead, but Gar’s guarded smile remained as he shrugged humbly, knowing he’d won the exchange beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Rachel privately smiled as well. Well done, she thought, show them you’re not one-dimensional. She was nursing an unfounded rush of pride towards a boy who wasn’t hers.
Ideally by now you’re shaking in frustration, and/or whispering ‘they’re so fucking stupid’ in a loving tone!
This is an ongoing story, I’m still drafting the next chapters (it’s gonna be about 7 chapters long).
I’ll be posting this to AO3 and FF.net eventually, when I’m done or close to done writing the rest of it. For now this is a Tumblr exclusive.
With the four sides of the square done we’ll now be delving into reveal scenarios! Hope you enjoyed reading and can look forward to the rest! Please feel free to let me know what you think! ❤️
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lastsonlost · 3 years
Monica Young always dreamed of being a teacher despite grim school years
She claims she was bullied, sexually assaulted and ostracised as a teenager
And yet, she went on to sexually assault a 14-year-old three months into teaching
She claims boyfriend at the time was abusive and his family didn't accept her
But he says the allegations are false - and even vows to still 'be there for her'
Monica Young always dreamed of becoming a teacher despite years of classroom bullying, sexual abuse in the playground and struggling with her grades.
And yet, within three months of landing her dream role at an all-boys school in Sydney's southwest, she started to groom and sexually abuse a 'vulnerable' 14-year-old boy.
The 24-year-old was sentenced in the New South Wales District Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to three counts of aggravated sexual intercourse with a minor.
Throughout the proceedings, the court heard details of her lonely six years of high school, beginning in grade seven when she was sexually assaulted by a peer.
There was little sympathy for the convicted child abuser as she was led to her cell on Wednesday to begin her four year and nine month sentence, but Judge Kate Traill told the court she was given an insight into the root cause of the offending.
Young struck up a relationship with the boy at the school where she was employed as his teacher, groomed him online and eventually encouraged him to have sex with her - on and off campus - on several occasions.
He was too young to give consent and has since told the court the offending ruined his life.
The boy was forced to drop out of school after his peers found out, and his relationship with his brother, parents and extended family has been strained by the proceedings.
The court heard that Young admitted to knowing the feeling. When she was aged 12 and in grade seven, a boy of a similar age sexually assaulted her by pulling her by the ponytail to his crotch area, and holding her face there.
She reported the assault and the boy was subsequently expelled from school.
But her peers, she claims, bullied her incessantly for 'being a snitch' after the assault and the court heard Young struggled to make any friends at school in the years to follow.
One of her only friends came when she was in year 12 and studying for her HSC with dreams of becoming a school teacher.
The friend was a boy two grades younger than her who repeated year 10 because he struggled academically. He sought her out and what begun as a tutoring dynamic developed into a close friendship.
Eventually the duo became involved romantically, but his traditional Lebanese, Muslim family never approved.
Young agreed to a bureaucratic conversion to Islam in an attempt to gain their trust and with that came concessions for the relationship. She was able to begin sleeping in the same room as her partner and travelling away on holidays together.
They later got engaged and Young was again on the outer with his family, the court heard.
A traditional Islamic ceremony took place, but the court heard the union is not recognised in Australian law.
Young's lawyer claims the relationship soured when her partner began cheating on her, took control of her finances, isolated her from friends and family and 'became abusive'.
He denies the allegations, telling Daily Mail Australia he has 'the utmost respect for women' and only ever treated Young the same way he would want his mother or sister to be treated in a relationship.
Despite the serious claims levelled against him, Young's ex maintains he will continue to offer her support even while behind bars - and despite the fact that she is now single.
But he won't be paying her a visit any time soon, acknowledging inmates get little time to accept visitors and that her immediate family deserve priority access to her.
The court previously heard that Young was not particularly bright, exemplified by her Higher School Certificate ATAR score of just 44.
That mark is just 14 points shy of a 'mystery mark' - a black dot which is generally issued on the testamurs of students who score 30 or below.
Most teaching degrees in Australia have a minimum ATAR acceptance ranking of about 65, but schools have been known to accept lower scores in recent years.
Young's lawyer, Margaret Cunneen SC, previously told the court she would not be considered a 'mature person' for somebody her age and struggled to develop both academically and socially.
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Read the raunchy texts Young sent her victim begging for sordid hook-ups before having sex with the boy in the school's stairwell - and even a classroom while the rest of the year nine class watched DISNEY
Young initiated contact with the boy on Snapchat, sending him a message which asked him to 'send pics' in exchange for provocative photos of herself, the NSW District Court's agreed set of facts reveal.
She would also FaceTime the year nine student as she performed sex acts on herself.
Young struck up a relationship with a boy who she taught six times a fortnight in geography, PDHPE and science when they began communicating closely because of the Covid lockdown which shut the school.
On one occasion, she messaged him asking him to hug her at school the next day, and when he didn't, she sent a follow up accusing him of 'not having the balls'.
The dare became a frequent tactic Young used to convince the boy to lure the boy into sexual liaisons.
On another occasion, she sent a message which read: 'It's dangerous if we get caught, but if you do it it'll be worth it'.
The duo exchanged messages about the sex acts they wanted to perform on each other, with Young initiated the 'sexting' on several occasions.
The most brazen of her offending occurred inside the school's classrooms, once where she messaged her victim to meet him in an English room to perform a sex act on him, and a second time where she groped the boy at the back of the classroom while the rest of the year nine class watched Disney movie, WALL-E.
During the movie, a friend of the boy even sat on the other side of him as the sex act took place.
The victim was also encouraged to lie about his whereabouts, telling his mother on one occasion he stayed back late at school to get help on an assignment, and even skipped afternoon classes to spend time with Young.
On the last day of school, the duo met on the staircase at 3.20pm to kiss goodbye, and Young performed oral sex on the 14-year-old.
She then returned to the staff room, the statement of facts read.
When she finally landed her first job at an all boys high school in Sydney's southwest, she was a new graduate specialising in PDHPE, a coveted role among teachers.
Instead, she was assigned 23 geography classes, with a smattering of science and PDHPE classes.
When she took to the stand during her sentencing hearing two weeks ago, she admitted to being overwhelmed by the workload.
Young didn't want to admit she was struggling and ask for help, so she did her best to stay one page ahead of her students by studying the textbooks and teachers' notes each night before class.
Within three weeks, the Covid pandemic closed the schools and Young, along with all of her students, was forced online.
It was during this time that the line between student and teacher was 'criminally blurred', and after years of struggling to bond with people her own age, Young claims she befriended her victim.
But there was no 'friendship'. The boy admitted in a victim impact statement supplied to the court that he never expected Young could hurt him and that he learned to trust her.
To him, she was the 'cool' teacher.
She sought him out on Snapchat and the relationship progressed from there. At one point, there was a group chat between Young, the victim and his friend, the court heard.
They had sex on multiple occasions between June 24 and July 6 2020, including at least twice on the school's grounds and once in her car at a local park.
On one occasion, she messaged him asking him to hug her at school the next day, and when he didn't, she sent a follow up accusing him of 'not having the balls'.
The dare became a frequent tactic Young used to convince the boy to lure the boy into sexual liaisons.
Teenage sexual abuse victim reveals how his life was 'ruined'
In a victim impact statement read to the court, the boy described how his relationship with his brother, parents, only friend and cousin deteriorated when they found out about his relationship with Young.
The boy said he 'feels like a failure who let his entire family down' and has only recently realised the extent of the abuse.
'He says the offender has ruined his dreams… ruined his school and his relationship with his family and friends and trust in others and ruined his life,' Judge Traill said.
The court heard the boy constantly hears his parents bicker and blame each other for not noticing the abuse sooner.
His brother 'hates him for embarrassing him in front of his friends at school' and the victim says he can no longer go on family holidays due to a strained relationship with extended family.
The victim never returned to the school he once loved because all of his peers were aware of the court case, and he is now enrolled at TAFE, despite once having aspirations of becoming a physiotherapist.
'He struggles to smile about anything anymore,' the court heard.
On another occasion, she sent a message which read: 'It's dangerous if we get caught, but if you do it it'll be worth it'.
The duo exchanged messages about the sex acts they wanted to perform on each other, with Young initiated the 'sexting' on several occasions.
The most brazen of her offending occurred inside the school's classrooms, once where she messaged her victim to meet him in an English room to perform a sex act on him, and a second time where she groped the boy at the back of the classroom while the rest of the year nine class watched Disney movie, WALL-E.
During the movie, a friend of the boy even sat on the other side of him as the sex act took place.
On the last day of school, the duo met on the staircase at 3.20pm to kiss goodbye, and Young performed oral sex on the 14-year-old.
At the beginning of her sentencing hearing, she tearfully told the court: 'I just never imagined I'd be one of those people… I've never been in trouble with the law. I hope he and his family can forgive me.
'I was foolish.'
She wrote an apologetic letter to the victim and his family in which she said she regrets letting the relationship progress and understands that both her victim and his family will carry the trauma of the offence 'for the rest of their lives'.
'I knew it was wrong, I knew my actions were inappropriate but I couldn't let myself believe it,' she said. 'He trusted me and I abused that trust.'
On Wednesday, the court agreed.
Judge Kate Traill described her offending as a 'violation of trust' before delivering her sentence. Young will be eligible for parole on October 31st, 2023.
'[You] exploited his vulnerability and manipulated him,' Judge Traill said.
Young was ultimately sentenced to four years and nine months' custody, but with time served she will be eligible for parole in a little more than two years.
She will never be employed as a teacher again, and Judge Traill acknowledged she would need to be reintegrated into the community and her life post-sentence.
'But for these very serious offences she is a very impressive young lady… she was in a very bad relationship and made very bad decisions,' Judge Traill said.
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milkttea · 3 years
(bursts in like the Kool-Aid Man) I HEARD YOU WANTED AIZAWA AND FATGUM PROMPTS! Ok but seriously I love the idea of either of them seeing their S/O being kind and parental to their "kids" (Shinsou, Eri, and all of 1-A for Aizawa; Kirishima and Tamaki for Fatgum) and having the sudden realization of "oh fuck I love them so much???? Do I want to marry them??? Raise kids together??? Shit I'm in too deep"
YES YEEEEEESSSSSS OOOOO this is very good I like this very much, in headcannon format but long as hell lmao LETS GOOOOOOOO
Yeesh the balance is off here lmao my love towards Aizawa is showing 🖤🙈
Warnings: soft Aizawa and Fatgum, they love you very much.
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- Both of you met while on a mission, standard villain holding hostages situation. You were in the business for a while at that point and were well known for your caring nature and acting motherly towards others.
- At that point he had a vague idea of who you were, but didn’t pay much attention until he found himself in trouble. He had been cornered by multiple villains and was in a tough situation that would be difficult to get out of alone. You noticed this while some of the villains attempted to cut off Aizawa’s arms.
- You jumped in with a shield protecting him as you used it to push back the villains and hold them while he wrapped them with his scarf. From then on he paid more attention to you.
- After the mission you asked him how he was doing and took notice of injuries he sustained and healed them. This led to a lengthy conversation and eventually you both talked more over dinner.
- That was around 4 years ago, Aizawa was still a teacher then, but because he expelled his students so often you never interacted with them much. So you can imagine how surprised you were when you came to greet him on a work day and saw a full classroom of students.
- Of course they all wondered who you were so you explained you were a Pro-Hero, but didn’t give any more details. Aizawa valued his privacy and you respected that.
- So that leads to you coming more and more to his class and helping him with the students when they get too rowdy, they’ve become somewhat of your kids if you were being honest.
- They would talk to you because Aizawa definitely wasn’t the best person to talk to about feelings, if dating him for 4 years has taught you anything it’s that his love language is physical touch and silent affection. He wouldn’t talk to you about your feelings but he will get you coffee at 3 am.
- It was another day where you decided to drop in to his class and see how they were doing with their training. As usual the class greeted you and you watched as they worked on their ultimate moves once again.
- Bakugou ever the walking time bomb, blew up boulders that headed towards the direction of Jirou and you went into action quicker than anyone else. Making a shield around her and holding back the debris as she looked in shock, as did everyone else.
- Moving the wreckage out of the way you immediately crouched down to Jirou and checked her for any injuries, after making sure she was fine you made your way to any other students that may be injured and helped them out.
- Aizawa was scolding Bakugou about being more careful with his quirk as he noticed you holding Kirishima’s face and softy healing some injuries from running through rock walls.
- His face softened before he hardened so that no other students would notice.
- ‘They would make a great parent— wait a minute.’
- Aizawa couldn’t believe his thoughts, he already had 21 kids, physically he probably couldn’t handle more.
- This didn’t stopped him from paying more attention to the way you interacted with the students, especially Todoroki. Lord knows he needed a parental figure in his life and you took that role with excitement, you would offer him advice and a place to stay if he didn’t want to be at home. You had a separate home from Aizawa in case you needed to lay low. 
- You would also feed him and be there for him when he had mental breakdowns and just needed someone to care for him. You really helped him get out of his shell and talk more about the problems he faced.
- Once everyone moved to the dorms, it was necessary for the teachers to move in to a separate housing as well. Not with the students, but far enough away that they would still be there if there were emergencies. 
- With that in mind, the students went to you more and more if they needed anything or just wanted to talk. This never stopped you from caring  for them and making meals for them, as well as just treating them like normal kids. Not heroes in training, not enhanced kids, just normal kids doing normal activities.
- The feelings grew more when he started training Shinsou, if possible you became more parental like and offering assistance and healing when needed. You still maintained a mentor-like responsibility but that didn’t stop you from taking Shinsou to get the necessary equipment with his parents permission and giving him meals to help him get stronger. He and Todoroki could often be seen trailing behind you like ducklings and doing whatever you needed or just sticking by you. The same went for the other students.
- They had their ways of coming to you for assistance and showing affection, you found it adorable, Aizawa found himself falling more and more in love with you and built his feelings towards you becoming an actual parent with him. 
- Those same feelings grew tenfold once Eri came along, she became a daughter to you both, as much as Aizawa didn’t want to admit it.
- When she woke up panicking at night you both would take turns calming her down and you would often hum songs from Disney to help her go back to sleep.
- Aizawa’s thoughts delved deeper and deeper and he fell more and more in love with you with each passing day. He wanted to marry you and raise kids together, raise Eri together. The thought kind of scared him, but it also excited him.
-  ‘I’m definitely in way too deep,’ he thought as he looked at you playing with Eri and Shinsou, one of his few days off training and he was spending that time with you and Eri, his self-proclaimed little sister, ‘but I wouldn’t change this for the world.’
- He spent time with you all day and with the kids thinking of how he was going to ask you to marry him and adopt Eri. He’ll stress over that another day, for now he was content being with all of you. 
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- What else to start with but that this man is in love with you. He first landed eyes on you when you had been at the same restaurant during a break in your rounds. You both ordered the same thing and he struck up a conversation. At that point he didn’t know you were a Pro, your suit could shrink into a wrist watch, you figured if you passed as a citizen it would make it easier to find villains.
- He then got to know you better over the course of that short meal, a villain decided to interrupt your lovely conversation (it was about his favorite meal, very interesting actually) and you slapped your watch pulling out a glove that you used to blast the villain away. With the help of FatGum you both apprehended him and handed him over to the police.
- This lead to him finding out you were a Pro and you both left together as you put on your suit that you made yourself. Eventually you both got closer and you could be seen at his agency more often than not. You would work with some of his sidekicks with their costumes if they needed any help with technical issues or just improve them overall. 
- He eventually asked you out and you started dating from then on. It was wonderful and he would see how you cared for others and treat them with kindness (unless they were asking for a fight then you would end it).
- It was at this time he started to take on a high schooler as his sidekick, his name was Tamaki Amajiki and he was a very nervous boy. Poor thing had some serious anxiety which you 100000% understand. This business was hard and to maintain a good public image was hard as the citizens would criticize everything you do. This was a big fear to him as some would call him a nervous wreck and it didn’t help him.
- It was at this point that you decided to treat him to food and offer him some assistance with his anxiety, he learned to depend on you if he was feeling too overwhelmed and you would take him away to get his bearings. He came to see you as a parental figure and would confide in you. 
- This filled FatGum’s heart with glee to see his significant other and one of his sidekicks that he saw as his own kid get along so well. The feelings only grew once Kirishima joined FatGum’s agency. He was sunshine and you loved him so much.
- You would take the time to help him with training with your inventions as well as Tamaki. You always made sure to make all of them meals and give them food that would help them stay healthy and in the best shape. 
- Poor FatGum’s heart couldn’t take it, he was so happy to see you be a parental figure to these boys. He thought of them as his own kids and to see you extend that same feeling to them just made him so so happy and he loved to be with all of you unless he was busy. 
- He fell more and more in love with you each day and he honestly planned on marrying you, with how hectic both of your lives were at the moment, he could wait, so for now he was happy with the little family that had been made.
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jungshookz · 3 years
miss cee pd i have a request!!!! how about e2l tae x y/n but they're in law school and they're always arguing and debating inside and outside of the classroom and tae being a little shit is like "you wanna kiss me so bad" and they both don't realise that there's mistletoe above them which jimin put because he was tired of watching them constantly argue and wanted to fiZzle the tension hehe and then they KITH,, i hope this isn't too long aha
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➺ pairing; kim taehyung x reader
➺ genre; sfw!! enemies to lovers!! everyone’s in law school!! mostly y/n and taehyung bickering with each other and wanting to jump each other’s bones at the same time
➺ wordcount; 4.3k
➺ what to expect; “don’t flatter yourself. i would rather throw myself into oncoming traffic than kiss you, kim taehyung.”
                                     »»————- ❄ ————-««
“-now, the particular case study that was assigned to our group involves a civil action for medical negligence and a criminal prosecution for gross negligence manslaughter, which means that there are seven elements that we need to hit when we’re acting out our simulation next class,” you explain, flipping to the next page of your notebook with a flick of your wrist, “firstly, the client - jimin - must be interviewed so that we may determine the facts that surround the claim/prosecution. secondly, we need to draft witness statements - from hoseok and namjoon - and assess the legal efficacy of said statements. thirdly, we must assess the propriety of police interrogation from officer jungkook of the defend-”
you pause when a crumpled piece of paper lands by your left foot and you clear your throat quietly before stepping over it and continuing to pace back and forth at the front of the classroom
your eyes skim over your scribbled words as you try to relocate your place
here we are
“-ant, seokjin, through all transcripts along with the custody record. fourthly, we move on to assessing the reports that have been produced by the forensic experts-”
another balled-up piece of paper hits your foot and your head immediately snaps upwards from your book before you twist around to face the room
“would you cut that out, please?” you snap, already feeling your blood pressure starting to rise from a single glance at taehyung’s smug face
“what? i didn’t know how else to get your attention!” he hums, his arm dangling in the air with a floppy wrist, “my arm’s been up for the past three minutes, and you would’ve known that if you didn’t have your nose buried deep in your book.”
the reminder that you wouldn’t last a day in prison keeps you from lunging forward to wrap your hands around taehyung’s neck and you press your lips together to stop yourself from saying anything too crass
the last thing you need is for some professor to walk past the classroom while you’re cussing up a storm
your self-control has really been put to the test ever since you met taehyung
after all this time, you still don’t know what the guy’s deal is
he’s been a pain in your ass since day one
and for what??
for WHAT?!
at first you just thought that being a complete prick was just his weird version of being charismatic, but then you realised that he wasn’t being charming at all and he was really, truly, genuinely being a straight-up asshole
and, for the record, you’ve tried several times in the past to try to make things better but nothing’s worked
you said that he looked nice in his suit = he told you to stop looking at him like a piece of meat
you asked him how he did on the midterm exam = he told you that it was his right to keep that piece of information private and that you were being a snake by even asking about it
you said happy birthday to him = he said, and you quote, “yeah. it was until you got here.”
the point is, you’ve waved many white flags of surrender and extended many, many olive branches to no avail
at this point you’re pretty sure taehyung just gets off on being a jerk to you
and it’s not fair because it’s literally just you that he picks on constantly
at first you thought that maybe he was just threatened by your presence because you made it pretty clear from day one that you weren’t here to play around
powerful women are intimidating!
you totally get it.
…but then you overheard him offering rosé some studying tips and you even saw him help wendy carry her books for her and everyone knows that rosé and wendy are two of the smartest girls in the class, so why wasn’t he threatened by them?
the point is, he doesn’t treat anyone else in the class like this except for you and you can’t seem to figure out why!
what makes it even more frustrating is the fact that his stupid face is very nice to look at, so whenever he’s being mean to you, your dumb girl hormones drown out the sound of his rich, honey-like voice and place floating pink hearts around his head instead
“i’m so sorry i wasn’t paying attention to you, mr. kim.” you force out before gesturing to the notebook cradled in the crook of your arm, “see, all my notes are in here and i’m just trying to make sure that i don’t miss out on any details,” you point out, “and… i thought i said to save your questions for the end, did i not?”
“did you? i guess i wasn’t listening. sorry, sweetheart.” taehyung chirps, folding his arms and leaning forward on his desk, “anyway- don’t you think it’s a little unfair that you get to play the hotshot lawyer in this simulation?”
“everyone gets a turn to be the lawyer - last week, it was jungkook. this week, it’s me. everyone gets a shot to play the hotshot lawyer because our roles rotate.” you shake your head in disagreement, “how am i being unfair?”
“you assigned yourself, like, the coolest case study.” taehyung scoffs, leaning back against his seat and crossing his arms, “i mean… medical negligence and a criminal prosecution for gross negligence manslaughter?” his left brow arches before he turns his head slightly, “jungkook, what was your case study on again?”
“my client parked in a no-parking zone!” jungkook beams, nodding to himself, “i didn’t mind getting that case, though. it was actually pretty fu-”
“you hear that, y/n?” taehyung turns his head back to face you before gesturing behind him, “jungkook also thinks his case was boring as hell- his client parked in a no-parking zone and you get to deal with corrupt doctors and accidentally-but-not-really-accidentally-run-over-by-a-car pedestrians.”
your jaw clenches in frustration and you resist the urge to take a heel off and bash taehyung’s skull in with it
being forced to wear nice shoes to school would be so much better if you were allowed to commit cold-blooded murder with them
“well, that was last week’s case, so even if jungkook thought it was boring…” you pause, turning to set your notebook down on the front desk before twisting back around, “he’s already had his turn. and now it’s my turn!”
“you could’ve given me this case.”
“oh, please.” you snort, rolling your eyes before leaning against the front desk, “you wouldn’t have been able to handle a case this big. this has my name written all over it.”
taehyung scoffs, rolling his eyes, “the only reason why it has your name written all over it was because you grabbed it with your grubby little raccoon hands before anyone else had the chance to-”
“i-!” you pinch the bridge of your nose before letting out a laugh of disbelief, “oh my god, i refuse to have this conversation with you again, taehyung- for the last time, it was a first-come-first-serve situation, and you probably could’ve gotten this case if you weren’t so busy watching netflix in class-”
“you guys-” namjoon clears his throat, his shoulders drooping when the two of you ignore him, “…never mind.”
this always happens
you guys somehow always find something to argue about no matter what
in fact, namjoon’s convinced that you guys could sit in complete and utter silence and still find something to fight over
“how long do you think the argument will last this time?” yoongi leans over, “i bet you ten bucks it’ll last longer than last week’s fight.”
“no way! last week’s fight was half an hour long-” hoseok chimes in, “…they can’t possibly argue for longer than thirty minutes… can they?”
“remember that time they fought over a sandwich?” jungkook sighs, leaning his cheek against his fist, “that was a forty minute argument.”
“they fought over a sandwich?” jimin frowns, turning to glance towards the front, “what was there to even argue about??”
“y/n said that the spread was dijon mustard and taehyung said it was horseradish mustard,” seokjin purses his lips, “…i actually ordered the same sandwich and i’m pretty sure it was just regular ol’ yellow mustard… but i’m too afraid to tell either of them they’re wrong about it.”
“oh my god-” jimin scoffs, “forty minutes arguing about mustard?? really??”
“yep! i even recorded the whole thing just because it’s actually pretty interesting listening to two people scream about mustard so passionately for so long,” jungkook pulls his phone out of his back pocket, the rest of the boys scooting in closer to his desk, “by the time we finish watching the video, they’ll… probably be done arguing with each other. maybe.”
“-ow thick is your skull, taehyung? were you dropped on your head as a baby??” you scowl, “if i was a teacher’s pet like you say i am, then i would’ve sweet-talked my way out of being in a group with you. also, you know what? i wasn’t going to bring this up, but the only reason why we’re here during christmas break is because it was your idea to practice during the holidays-”
“yeah! you get to practice your big show in a huge, empty classroom without getting nervous about someone overhearing you practice speaking in your dumb, professional lawyer voice-” taehyung gestures around at the spacious atmosphere, “if this is your way of being thankful to me, you have an awfully funny way of showing it-”
“do you know what i could be doing right now if i wasn’t here?” you scowl, placing your hands on your hips as you glare at taehyung
“hm, let me think…” he hums, leaning back against his chair before kicking his legs up onto his desk, “bending over and trying desperately to pull the fat stick out of your ass?”
jimin sits up a little straighter as he peers over the top of namjoon and seokjin’s heads to check and see if you and taehyung are done arguing yet
your ears are turning red and there’s an animalistic, frenzied look behind your eyes, so... nope. definitely not done yet.
after all this time, he still doesn’t know why you guys fight the way that you do
it’s like you enjoy pushing each other’s buttons and irritating each other until one of you inevitably snaps (you’re usually the first one to fall off the rocker because taehyung is alarmingly good at being irritating)
“ooh, hold on-” jungkook grins, pointing to the screen before whacking jimin’s arm in rapid smacks, “my favourite part is coming up, you have to pay attention-”
jimin looks away from you two and back down at the screen
“-the low acidity liquid gives dijon mustard that intensified heat and the classic pungent flavour which is very obvious in this sandwich!” you exclaim, peeling the top slice of bread off to reveal the inside, “and look at that colour! that is literally dijon mustard-”
“okay, fine! it’s dijon mustard.” taehyung responds while inspecting his nail beds
“no, you’re not listening to- wait… did you just agree with me?”
“yeah!” he sighs, crossing his arms, “the mustard used in your sandwich is dijon mustard. and also, the sky is green-”
“oh my god, you piece of-!”
jimin looks up again when he hears your voice rise a couple of octaves
this is the part of the argument when your ‘i’m-fine-don’t-touch-me-I’M-FINE’ voice comes out
“wow! you are-” you laugh, shaking your head as you lean down and place your hands flat on the surface of taehyung’s desk “you really are something else, kim taehyung. i-!”
you let out a yelp of surprise when taehyung suddenly reaches over and yanks at a section of your hair
“ow!” you whack his hand away before flicking your hair over your shoulder, “wha- what the hell was that for?!”
taehyung doesn’t flinch at your aggressive tone and he looks up at you, completely unfazed, before giving a half-hearted shrug
“it was hanging, like, right in front of me. i couldn’t not pull on it.”
“well, your tie is right there but you don’t see me reaching over and pulling on it to strangle you because it’s right in front of me-”
“oh, threatening to choke me, are we?” taehyung hums, “i’m suddenly feeling very unsafe. should i get one of the guys to call campus security for my protection, miss y/n?”
“do you guys think we should break things off?” seokjin glances over his shoulder at the escalating scene, “ideally, i’d like for this to not turn into a how to get away with murder scenario…”
jimin narrows his eyes slightly as the gears click-click-click away in his head, leaning back against his seat and reaching up to tap at his chin
there’s something about this situation that’s reminding him of something but he can’t quite put his finger on it
“oh my god, you are such a child-!”
jimin’s eyes suddenly widen in realization, a lightbulb appearing at the top of his head
does taehyung like y/n?
oh, wow
taehyung has a full-blown crush on you!
how could he not have noticed this before?!
taehyung is literally the bratty little boy pulling on your pigtails because he doesn’t know how else to get your attention on this playground!
a comment from a former conversation with you briefly flits through jimin’s mind as he continues staring at the two of you in awe
he doesn’t remember how exactly you guys started talking about it, but he does remember you saying these words to him:
“i mean… yeah. of course i think taehyung’s attractive. maybe in another universe where he’s not bullying me 24/7, i would be more open to admitting to myself that i might have a slight crush- i-i mean, i- what did we say we were going to get for lunch today?? sandwiches?? we should get sandwiches, the place is right here-”
how could he have forgotten you said that to him?!
it’s like he finally has his hands on the missing puzzle piece... and it’s up to him to finish this puzzle!
“i have a plan.” jimin whispers to himself before reaching over to grab onto jungkook’s wrist, “i know what i have to do!”
“huh?” jungkook frowns in confusion, pausing the video before looking over at him, “what are you talking about?”
“just-” jimin gets up from his seat quickly, the chair screeching against the floor, “just make sure they don’t stop arguing with each other while i’m gone because i might take a while to find what i need-”
“you know, i don’t think that’s going to be an issue,” yoongi snorts, everyone looking towards the front to see you glaring at taehyung like you want to rip his heart out of his chest and eat it raw, “check out that throbbing vein in y/n’s forehead.”
“forget about her forehead vein-” jungkook shakes his head, “has no one else noticed how tightly taehyung clenches his asscheeks whenever he’s pissed? those trousers do not hide anything.”
everyone’s eyes immediately gravitate down to taehyung’s ass, hoseok and seokjin bursting into giggles at the sight
“what the fuck is your problem?!” you scream, taehyung’s eyes widening at your sudden outburst, “you’ve treated me like shit from day one and i’ve literally done nothing wrong!”
“okay! i think we should all just take a step back and take a deep breath…” namjoon gets up from his seat slowly, “it’s getting a little intense-“
“nothing wrong?! oh yeah, because you’re little miss perfect-” taehyung spits out, “don’t play dumb, you know exactly what you did!”
“what did i-!” you throw your hands up into the air, “please, i am begging you to tell me what the horrible thing is that i did that made you decide i was public enemy number one-”
“i heard you talking shit about me at the very beginning of the semester when you didn’t even know me! we’d never met and you didn’t even bother trying to get to know me before you formed your own opinion of me based on the way i looked-” taehyung snaps, “you said that i looked like an entitled, obnoxious frat-boy who didn’t even know left from right and only made it to law school because his daddy gave the school a generous donation- so if we’re really going to talk about who the real asshole is in this room, i would suggest re-evaluating-”
you feel the blood drain from your face at the reminder of what you said about taehyung on the first day of class
okay, yeah, you... might have said that stuff, but it was only because the other people you were sitting with at the time said stuff like that and... and you were so desperate to find a group of cool law-school friends that you were totally willing to say and do anything they wanted you to do or say!
it obviously didn’t work because you don’t sit with them anymore, so...
yeah, it was a bad move to talk shit about taehyung like that without even having spoken one word to him, but if this proves anything... it’s that peer pressure is dangerous!
“well, why didn’t you just-” you stammer, feeling your face starting to heat up from embarrassment, “why didn’t you just tell me about this earlier? we could’ve nipped it right in the bud-”
“i much prefer the bullying because the feeling i get after seeing the defeat in your eyes is equivalent to a full-body orgasm-”
“oh my god, you sick freak-”
“uh, you guys-” namjoon cuts in again, holding his finger up, “can i just s-”
“okay, fine!” you raise your hands in surrender, “i’m sorry, alright? i’m really sorry. what i said about you was shitty, but i don’t see how bullying me for months on end was a good solution-”
“can you two shut u-”
“oh, i never said it was a good solution, y/n,” taehyung purses his lips, “like i said - i just did it because it was fun-”
“guys, if i could just get one word in-”
“do you even realize how psychotic you sound right no-”
“HEY!” namjoon suddenly bellows, you and taehyung jumping and clamming up immediately in alarm
“what??” the two of you ask at the same time, pausing to glare at each other for a split second before looking back over at namjoon
“i…” he trails off, his eyes flickering upwards, “…know this is kind of awkward timing, but…”
you and taehyung look up simultaneously, your eyes widening to see a dinky little shrub of... mistletoe? taped at the end of a meter stick
oh no 
oh hell no
“kiss first, and then you can apologise for what was obviously a huge misunderstanding and you can apologise for being a huge prick later - pucker up, lovebirds!” jimin chirps, waving the stick a little and watching your eyes go side to side like a ping-pong ball, “don’t be shy! also, i know the mistletoe looks like a clump of grass that i tied a red ribbon around- just don’t look too closely at it-”
“ha!” you let out a laugh before shaking your head quickly, “no way! i don’t know what you people think is going on here, but it’s certainly not that- you can’t just dangle a plant over my head and force me to kiss him-”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” taehyung scoffs in offence, tilting his head upwards slightly, “anyone would be honoured to be under the mistletoe with me!”
“yeah. anyone out of their mind.”
“aw, c’mon, you guys…” hoseok pushes his bottom lip out in a pout before clasping his hands together, “kiss and make up! we all know that’s how it works. let the christmas spirit take over your bodies and fuel your weird hate-love for each othe-”
“the sooner you two kiss and make out, the sooner i can get the hell out of here,” yoongi interrupts, snapping his fingers, “c’mon! plant a fat one on each other!”
“the only reason why y/n’s getting whiney about it because she knows she’ll fall in love with me the moment she kisses me.” taehyung suddenly speaks up and you immediately look back down at him with a glare
fall in love????
with him????
it’s not going to take a single kiss to fall in love with taehyung - it’s going to take intensive exposure therapy to fall in love with him!
“don’t flatter yourself. i would rather throw myself into oncoming traffic than kiss you, kim taehyung.” you growl, smacking your hands down on taehyung’s desk so violently that it rattles beneath you
“now, now. there’s no need to lie…” taehyung chuckles lightly as he pushes his seat back slightly and rises to his feet
“i’m not lying! i don’t want to kiss you!”
“do too!”
“do not!”
“do TOO!”
“do NOT!”
“you know, you just sound like you’re trying to convince yourself that you don’t want to kiss me-”
“you’re the one who keeps pushing it-” you jab a finger into his chest, “maybe you’re the one who wants to kiss me!”
“you think i wanna kiss you?!” taehyung laughs, flicking your hand away from him, “now look who the delusional one is!”
“i thought this was supposed to fix the arguing?” seokjin mutters under his breath, jungkook offering him a shrug while keeping his eyes glued on you and taehyung
he was running out of things to watch on netflix and this makes far better entertainment
the only thing that would make this better was if you and taehyung had at it in a grimy boxing ring half-naked
“i can’t be the only one thinking that all of this could be easily fixed if they just boned each other.” jungkook snorts, the other boys turning to look at him, “…what??”
“i wouldn’t kiss you even if you were the last man on earth.” you snarl, your voice wavering slightly
“you really expect me to believe that?” taehyung tilts his head, “don’t think i didn’t catch the way your eyes just flickered down to my lips, y/n...”
you feel your heart starting to pound in your chest when he places his hands flat on the desk as well, the tips of his fingers brushing over yours
at this proximity, the little voice in the back of your head can’t help but point out how pretty taehyung’s eyes are... and how nice he smells... and how soft his lips look...
...do you wanna kiss him?
oh, god
do you wanna kiss kim taehyung?!
no, you don’t
yes, you do
“you wanna kiss me so bad, and you know it, y/l/n.” taehyung taunts, leaning forward just a little more
at this point, your faces are merely an inch away from each other’s and it wouldn’t take much effort to just lean in and… you know.
“i hate you.”
“if you hated me so much, then you wouldn’t be making such a big deal over silly little mistletoe now, would you?” taehyung smirks, pulling away before making his way around the desk so that he can get closer to you, “you like me but you’re too much of a wimp to admit it!”
“i like you?!” you gawk, “more like you like me!”
“okay-” jimin huffs, lowering the stick before taking a step back, “i really thought this was going to work, but my arms are getting tired, so if you two aren’t going to kiss, then i- oh-” his eyes widen in surprise when you and taehyung are suddenly lunging at each other not a second later, your hands cupping his cheeks and his hands gripping your waist as you kiss far more feverishly than he thought you two would
oh my
“see, what’d i say? sexual tension!” jungkook kisses his teeth, leaning back against his chair and crossing his arms, “all that pent-up energy from arguing has led to this beautiful moment-”
“you’re an- mm- you’re an awful kisser, by the way-” taehyung mutters against your mouth, lips turning up in a boyish grin when you retaliate by shoving at his chest
“so are you!” you pull away only for taehyung to pull you right back in to press his mouth against yours again, “’m hating ehvery minute of this-”
“ah… isn’t young love sweet?” hoseok coos, jumping in his seat when taehyung suddenly shoves you up against the front desk with a thud, “so passionate!”
“okay, we’re just going to-” namjoon gets up from his seat gesturing for the boys to get up as well, “we’re happy to see that the argument has been settled!”
he hurries everyone to the front door and turns to glance over his shoulder, “when you guys are done, just… let us know! we’re going to pop over to starbucks for some hot chocolate. so... text one of us. or call! or you could use snapchat- it’s up to you, really-!”
namjoon doesn’t get a chance to say anything else before yoongi’s yanking his arm and pulling him backwards, reaching over to slam the door shut
a moment of silence goes by in which everyone takes a second to process what exactly just happened
“take your shirt off-”
“you take yours off first!”
“i... can’t tell if my plan was a success or a failure.” jimin mutters to himself, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck
“hey, if it makes you feel any better, at least they aren’t arguing with each other anymore!” jungkook cheers, clapping his hands quietly, “it’s a christmas miracle!”
❄️christmas with cee 2020 masterlist 🎄
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timelyowl0 · 3 years
Brittana/Faberry Fic Recs
Hi! Here’s a list I compiled of some of my all time favorite Brittana and Faberry fics! I was originally going to separate the list by Faberry and Brittana, but many of the stories have both, so instead you can just read the pairings listed for each. They are sorted by multi-chapter complete, multi-chapter incomplete/in progress, and one-shots. Each title is a link you can click on to take you to the fic. All credit goes to their respective authors :)
Also, here’s a quick rating guide in case you needed to know:
GA/PG - General Audience
T - Teen
M - Mature
E - Explicit
NR - Not rated
That’s all, I hope you enjoy!
Multi-chapter (complete):
Between The Lines (T) - 19 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana and Rachel/Quinn - Rachel invites Brittany and Santana to a sleepover. Brittany/Santana with a healthy side of Rachel/Quinn
The Only True Paradises (M) - 20 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - The tortuous evolution of Santana's feelings toward Brittany. See also "Pas de Deux," a companion piece from Brittany's point of view.
Pas de Deux (M) - 20 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Companion piece to "The Only True Paradises." The evolution of Santana and Brittany's relationship from Brittany's perspective.
Faithfully (T) - 5 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "That moment when Santana had sworn, even though she and Brittany were standing at opposite ends of the raised platform…that she could still feel Brittany's energy zinging toward her, like they were connected on the same current." Brittana, Seasons 1 through 5, as told in five increments.
My Girlfriend's Sister's Keeper (T) - 13 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany isn't the only Pierce that has Santana wrapped around her finger. Santana's life with her two favorite people.
Mariposa (M) - 5 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Like a butterfly, Santana's journey out of the closet occurs in stages. From the first time she heard the word gay to the first time she flew free from her chrysalis, she can remember everything.
time passes, in love and in seasons (T) - 4 Part Series - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittana, from the end of junior year and throughout senior year, told through the seasons. Mostly follows Season 3 canon.
Brittana Shorts (GA) - 8 Part Series - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - A collection of Brittana-centric short stories
it’s nice to have a friend (T) - 8 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - They're six when they first meet. It's the first day of school in a crowded classroom and Santana finds herself drawn to the new blonde girl. OR The story of how Brittany and Santana meet and all the significant moments in their lives following the first time they see one another. - sequel
A Matter of Miserable Time (T) - 10 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "His voice was deep, quiet, and sure, so calm compared to the last words they had exchanged. Her voice was only a faint whisper as she questioned the man she hadn't spoken to in three years.'Papi.'"
Influence (M) - 26 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany is perpetually cast as the dumb blonde, but the reasons behind her demeanor are more complex than that. She looks back on her childhood, her relationship with Santana, and the life-altering effects the decisions of her youth had on her future.
It’s Not Like I Wanted This to Happen (T)- 101 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana and Rachel/Quinn - Quinn takes a very drunk Rachel home from a party...encounters the Berrys…and herself. This story contains a huge amount of Brittana and a lot of Puck.
Rough Beginnings (M) - 44 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Quinn decides she needs to end this obsession once and for all, but life doesn't always work out the way we want it to. Sometimes it's so much better. Faberry.
Never Asked to Feel Your Halo (T) - 45 Chapters (1/2 in series) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - The thing was, neither of them wanted this-whatever it was, but since when did the Universe care about what Rachel or Quinn wanted? Their cards had been dealt the moment they'd entered that shower together. Now it came down to how well they played them.
Standing on the Edge Dancing in the Flames (M) - 34 Chapters (2/2 in series) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Life isn't all singing and dancing, not even in Glee club. And what if being on top of the pyramid just gives you further to fall. When everyone feels like a frienemy and fathers and faculty and babies and boyfriends complicate EVERYTHING, how are you ever supposed to get anything right? (Book Two of the 'No Halo' series)
The South Side of Anywhere (M) - 47 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Sometimes you fall in love with your eyes closed, and when you open them, the person is someone you never thought it could be. It started with letters, and turned into Faberry.
Somewhere in Between (M) - 77 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Imagine if Faberry happened instead of Finchel. This is a re-telling of every episode as if Faberry were cannon. Each chapter will chronicle each episode starting at the very beginning. Some things will change and some will remain the same. Longer description in first chapter. Also side Brittana. As well as Quinntana friendship, and Puckleberry bromance.
Didn’t See it Coming (M) - 63 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana? - AU HS. After a devastating breakup, Quinn turns to Rachel in need of a friend, and ends up with so much more. - "If, one day, someone asks me how it all started; I'll have to say it was a granola bar that finally did me in." Faberry.
Bet You Didn’t Know That (T) - 19 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Faberry. What she doesn't know, she doesn't need to find out.
Take Me As I Am Seasons 1 & 2 (T) - 48 chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and Kurt/Blaine - The incredibly true adventures of Quinn and Rachel, starting from Sectionals Season 1. It's just like watching the show, if Faberry were the central couple and everything revolved around them! Brittana & Klaine co-star in supporting roles.
Take Me As I Am Season 3 (T) - 26 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and Kurt/Blaine - The continued adventures of Quinn & Rachel as the starring couple of Glee. Some integration of canon events, but mostly this is the story of Faberry and their world! Klaine & Brittana co-star in supporting roles
Blink and You’ll Miss It (M) - 31 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Quinn Fabray and Rachel Berry discover they like each other. Against all odds, will they be able to get together before they tear each other apart?
You’re All I Need (M) - 17 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - A Faberry romance story, set when they are both single but I haven't specified when as I'm not even sure myself but most of the events are from series 3. Points of view will change every few chapters. And that's probably the worst description you've ever read but yeah I can't be bothered to change it.
quarantining or how quinn might lose it, once for all. (T) - 8 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - It starts like the worst horror movie ever but instead of being trapped in the basement of a creepy 50-something year old, Quinn finds herself being trapped in Rachel Berry's basement.
Once More From the Top (T) - 22 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and others - Here's what you missed on Glee: McKinley's Glee Club reformed under the direction of Will Schuester. Rachel tried to recruit the Cheerios but that ended up being a total disaster. It's cool though because she heard Finn Hudson sing in the shower and he's actually really good. She successfully recruits him and now the Glee Club has enough members to be a real thing.And that's what you missed, on Glee!
Outside Hearts (M) - 37 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Rachel Berry's world is about to be turned upside down when one of Hollywood's most sought-after young actresses, Quinn Fabray, abruptly and mysteriously leaves her fame behind, moves to Ohio and tries to have a normal life while attending McKinley High. (Faberry w/ some Brittana)
I See That Ragged Soul Take Flight (M) - 44 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana, Mike/Tina, Kurt/Blaine and Sam/Mercedes - Ensemble cast piece exploring what happens after Season 3. Rachel, Santana and Kurt are in New York together. Quinn is at Yale. Explores adulthood, friendship and long-distance relationships. Eventual Faberry. Also contains, Brittana, Klaine, Tike and Samcedes content, plotlines back at McKinley, and frequent use of Santana POV.
All The Best (T, but I would rate M for descriptive scenes of suicide, eating disorders, rape, etc.) - 80 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - After spending the entire summer away, Quinn is eager to get back to normal and make the best of her junior year. Excited to put everything behind her and start fresh, she struggles to establish a new normal. But when she's least expecting it, Quinn finds support in the most unlikely places and is forced to confront the very feelings that landed her where she is in the first place.
take these broken wings (M) - 4 Part Series - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and Kurt/Sam - Begins in Season one and follows Quinn through her life should she have chosen to keep Beth, realize she is gay, and fall in love with Rachel Berry. The main romantic relationship will be Faberry, with a bit of Hevans and Brittana, but apart from Faberry it will be very heavy on friendship and Quinn&Beth oriented.
the state of dreaming (T) - 3 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - Rachel couldn’t help the guilt that bubbled in her chest when she watched Quinn get a prom photo alone. Determined to make it up to her, she invites Quinn over for a sleepover. It becomes a routine. Set immediately after 2x20 (Prom Queen).
Enough to Believe (T) - 2 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - Years after Shelby ups and disappears from Lima with Beth, a blonde girl shows up on Rachel and Quinn's doorstep, armed with a lot of questions, and very familiar cheekbones.
you and her loathing this cruel world (M) - 3 Chapters - Pairings: Quinn/Rachel, minor Kurt/Quinn and Kurt/Sam - "Of all the girls he had to have sex with (which really, were none), of course it was someone with a painting of Jesus above her bed, so he knows that his only hope in hell that this will go away is in a negative test result." Season 1 AU; Kurt is pretty sure he's gay, but would like to make sure. Quinn Fabray has similar questions running through her mind. They put their theories to the test, with very much unintended consequences. - sequel
I’ve Been Trying to Reach You (T) - 25 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana, Santana/Puck, Rachel/Jesse and Sam/Tina - After falling pregnant in sophomore year, Quinn Fabray plummets from the top of the teen hierarchy at McKinley High to the very bottom. In an effort to give her a chance to start over, her parents transfer her to Carmel, a private school in the area with a blossoming arts program. It's supposed to be a new beginning, but what she doesn't count on is immediately becoming enemies with the most popular girl in school: Rachel Berry, co-captain of Vocal Adrenaline.
The Lopez Manifesto (T) - 8 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - santana starts writing a rachel/quinn fanfic for everyone at McKinley. it’s also extremely popular as everyone awaits her weekly updates. (usually based on what the girls are doing that week.) quinn is the last to find out and is… pissed.
my heart’s a leather jacket I am waiting to give to someone sweet (T) - 15 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany is McKinley’s resident broody rebel who doesn’t see much point to high school, and who, completely incidentally, just so happens to be kind of a math genius. Santana is Lima's golden child, the perfect and unapproachable only child of public figure Dr. Lopez. She’s also the high school’s enigma; no one actually knows anything about her aside from the fact that she’s cold, distant, terrifying, aloof, and willing to eviscerate anyone who looks at her the wrong way. Unfortunately for her, Brittany is about to get a crash course in the complete mystery that is Santana Lopez when she is asked—or, more realistically, forced—to be Santana's math tutor.
Dead Girls Don’t Sing (T) - 39 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn, Kurt/Blaine and Tina/Mike - S3 AU. Brittany doesn't believe in unicorns anymore, Rachel's dreams are as dead as the world, Santana is no one's hero…and Quinn? Quinn's just trying to breathe. The world as they knew it is gone -now all they can do is survive. Zombie Apocalypse. Faberrittana Friendship. Slow Burn Faberry. Character Death. COMPLETE
Simple Parts (T) - 13 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - That awkward moment when you travel thirty years forward in time and find out you're married to your high school nemesis? Yeah, it totally sucks...except...maybe it doesn't.
The Lateness of the Hour (M) - 12 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "Brittany has much less to lose. She always has."
half of me (T) - 4 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - a run-in (quite literally) at the bookstore, two broadway tickets, and a seven-year-old in a plaid catholic-school uniform. what has rachel gotten herself into? future AU where quinn has beth and rachel makes it on broadway.
April Fools (T) - 10 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - Santana recruits - forces - Rachel to help her prank Quinn. All she has to do is pretend that a love potion has caused her to fall madly in love with the cheerleader. Simple, right? Wrong. Faberry.
Stars & the Moon (M) - 15 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - In the midst of dealing with Beth's adoption, Quinn ends up working on a summer community theatre production with Rachel. Hilarity ensues. Just kidding.
Love Me Any Less (M) - 25 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Junior year becomes the beginning of something no one expected, and maybe the beginning of something a few can't understand how they ever lived without. Starts mild but progresses to M rating. First fic ever! Faberry.
Better Where It’s Wetter (M) - 10 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - Rachel and her dads are going on a LGBT family-friendly cruise for the summer and Rachel's told she's can bring a friend. Who else to bring but Quinn?
Like a Seal Upon Your Heart (M) - 20 Chapters - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana? - Quinn Fabray is Daddy's little girl and the perfect Christian. She CAN'T be gay. But then her friendship with Rachel Berry starts to change...
Somewhere in Brooklyn (M) - 47 Chapters - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Santana and Brittany have been trying to get pregnant for a year without any luck. What happens when a teenage foster child and positive pregnancy test land in their laps on the same day? A unique journey of motherhood ensues.
Multi-chapter (incomplete/in progress):
Everyone's Gonna Know Now (T) - 8 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - 3/4 in series - When Santana confronted Finn about outing her, his response was, "The whole school already knows." That was pretty much true. This story is about the first moment or incident in which each member of Glee - and a few others - discovered Santana's secret.
Be Okay (M) - 2 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - “Kurt doesn’t know why he does it. It’s not as if he and Santana had ever had anything resembling a friendship, but he feels drawn to her, feels connected to the anguish in her voice as she realized that her biggest secret in the world was about to be revealed.“ This is the evolution of Kurt and Santana’s friendship taking place over a series of one-shots.
looks like a girl but she's a flame, so bright she can burn your eyes, better look the other way, you can try but you'll never forget her name (M) - 5 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - santana lopez writes down the story of her life for a reunion project set for the glee club by none other than rachel berry. aka, a deep dive into santana's life told through her eyes. very santana/brittana centric.
No One Left to Blame (M, read tags) - 30 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Quinn Fabray is well-versed in keeping the truths of her family and her past firmly hidden away. But, her efforts prove to be moot when Rachel Berry, armed with her own secrets of the past, arrives at Dalton Academy and manages to turn both their worlds upside down - or, perhaps, right way up. Faberry. Trigger Warnings.
I’m not breaking, I won’t take it (M, read warnings) - 2 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and minor Quinn/Santana - Santana gets up and starts toward her, “Jesus, what happened to you?” she mumbles, but she's softer than she was moment before. It's obvious that she’s concerned. Quinn chokes down a sob and then admits, “There’s something wrong with me.”“Hey, listen. Whatever it is, you’re going to be fine." Santana is still not getting it, but she’s rubbing soothing little circles on Quinn’s shoulders. There really must be something wrong with her too, because then Quinn is lunging forward and then she’s kissing Santana. Quinn feels her freeze, but then Santana relaxes and she’s kissing her back. or, a study in quinn fabray.
no love like your love (T) - 5 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana and Blaine/Sam - Following the death of her mother, Rachel Berry assumes guardianship of her six-year-old brother, Daniel. After a cross-country move for his sister's job, the first friend Danny makes is a soccer-playing, lucky fin having, firecracker of a girl named Beth.
Song of Mine (M) - 18 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Santana Lopez, the new Music teacher at a religious private school in Indianapolis, meets Brittany Pierce, the resident Math teacher. A love story with a happy ending. Promise.
Girls Over Flowers (NR) - 14 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, Brittany/Santana - Dalton Academy—a school of prestige, refinement and the country's wealthiest students—houses the famous F3. When "commoner" transfer student, Rachel Berry directly offends F3's leader, Quinn Fabray, she becomes their target. Mayhem ensues.
we were built to fall apart (then fall back together) (T) - 8 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - Rachel and Quinn haven't seen each other for seven years and neither thought they'd see the other again. They certainly didn't see themselves starring together in a Broadway musical, as each other's love interests.
A Different Life (E) - 33 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana, Finn/Rachel and Kurt/Blaine - Canon!Divergent Brittana. Santana and Brittany move to New York after high school. Everything is going perfectly until Brittany gets a phone call that changes everything. Seven years later, Santana has a daughter and she and Britt haven't seen each other...Canon until 3x16ish. No Louisville, no second senior year.
you get too close you’ll get a royalty high (so breathe it in to feel the love) (T) - 9 Chapters (Incomplete) - Pairings: Brittany/Santana, Rachel/Quinn, Sam/Mercedes, Mike/Tina, Kitty/Artie and Kurt/Blaine - "Alright," she began uneasily. "I'll do it. I'll go to the dumb school."Her parent's smiles beaming back at her were almost enough to make her think this could possibly be a good idea, but the nerves surging in her stomach said otherwise. Boarding School/Royalty Brittana AU
Tattoo (T) - Oneshot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "She soaks it in for a few seconds—this night, this place, these friends, this family room floor, this girl—before she says it back." Post-3x11. Brittana.
Eden (T) - Oneshot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany and Santana teach Joe about love. 4K
Riding in Cars With Girls (M) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - After Quinn quit Glee club and joined a band Rachel feels the gap Quinn has left and sets out to get her back, whatever the cost. But what happens when Quinn's only condition involves her car and Rachel's lips on hers every day at five? Punk!Quinn
and things we’re all too young to know (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Five vignettes set after the point when Brittana become girlfriends. Not too many people would guess it, but Brittany knows that loving Santana is the easiest and best thing in the world to do; Santana is just the best person to love.
My Friends Say That I’m Falling In Love (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Brittany and Santana spend the week leading up to Valentine's Day giving Mercedes grief about her date. Brittana romance, Brittanacedes friendship. Mouseverse. One-shot.
And What Would You Say If I Wrote the Whole Thing Out for You? (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Some things have changed a lot since Sam left McKinley and some things haven’t really changed at all. Set circa 3x08.
The Landslide Brought Me Down (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Our girls’ story. Sweet lady kisses, Landslide, their separation, the night of Prom Queen, Songbird, Santana’s Abuela’s rejection, the night after Santana learned about the political ad, Brittany’s senior year falling apart, the lights of New York, and other scenes.
seven (GA) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - A companion piece to 'it's nice to have a friend'. Takes place after the first scene in the second chapter - can be read separately to 'it's nice to have a friend'. Basically just childhood fluff that examines their friendship and the items they connect to their friendship.
baby you don't gotta fight (i'll be here til the end of time) (GA) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - She sees red for all of last period, a strange twinge of pain in her chest because all these people think they know Santana but they’re all wrong. or: three times Brittany tells people they've got Santana all wrong and the one time she tells Santana
The Unicorn Tapestries (NR) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - We lie on our stomachs on my pale blue sheets, a book lying open in front of us that we bend our heads over, sunlight all over the page and bringing bits of gold out in your skin..
But You Could Sing (NR) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Why am I always the one who tells bedtime stories? Because your stories are prettier, BrittBritt. But you can tell real ones. Like what?
Colors (NR) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - The sunlight in my room shines from the south. The way I know: when I lean far out my window, the sun rises on the side where I can feel my heartbeat, and sets in the direction of my writing hand.
You’re Something Else (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - 'Quinn gets the impression she and Rachel are finally on the same page about what may or may not be happening between them. All she really knows is that it's colourful.'
Raising the Bar (M) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and minor/implied Brittany/Santana - Quinn never expected that the best matchmaker would turn out to be a lumpy pullout couch.
the one with the friends reference (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn, minor/implied Brittany/Santana and minor/implied Kurt/Blaine - "You can see it. Quinn standing in front of you, as close as she can get without touching you and saying, 'Are you attracted to me?'" Faberry. Post-season six.
Blame it on the Alcohol (or the gay, whatever) (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and minor/implied Brittany/Santana - “I can’t believe what you did to my body, I used to have abs!” - In which one sentence is totally incorrect and causes chaos and havoc and Faberry feelings to happen. Also known as drunk Rachel is kyoot and Finn is stoopid.
could you pass in love? (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - “'Quinn Fabray, I will divorce you, don’t think I won’t!'” In which Rachel and Quinn get married, sending them into a possibly out-of-character feelings frenzy . Season Three. Faberry.
Do You Wanna Know How This Story Plays Out? (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - It's not her fault that you feel the way you do about women, you know that, and you knew that then, too. But you've been angry at Rachel Berry for making you feel things you wanted to lock away for years, and it was far too easy to put all of the blame on her to avoid dealing with your own feelings. It wasn't and isn't fair, but it was about protecting yourself and it makes it a little easier to bear. - OR - After everything implodes with Finn, Quinn moves in with Rachel. They make out a lot without ever talking about how much more it means to both of them. Introspective Closeted!Quinn POV from second-person.
you succeed at being mine (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Kurt/Sam - Sequel to 'you and her loathing this cruel world'.
This Must Be The Place (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - Santana is eight years old when her Tio Carlos joins the Army. Or the less-cracky-than-you-might-expect Glee/The Losers crossover where Cougar is Santana's uncle. (If it tells you anything, i nearly titled this 'Ohana Means Family.')
This Modern Love (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Brittany/Santana - "How do you know when you're dating someone?"
Beth’s family tree (GA) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - "Now that being said, my family tree is composed by both my biological family and my adoptive family" Beth explains easily enough as she clicks the mouse. But then the next slide appears and the teacher gapes at all the information, names, colours and arrows in the diagram.
pictures of you, pictures of me (hung upon the wall, for the world to see) (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn and Brittany/Santana - "Quinn looked around her room again. She'd never noticed it before, but she had a lot of pictures of Rachel." or: a faberry oneshot set between seasons 1 and 2 where Quinn reflects on a series of moments with Rachel that led to where she is now
anything could happen (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - She stared down at the test in her hand. The line was faint, disappearing depending on the angle. It was possible she was just seeing things, but still. She pulled out her cell phone, tears running down her flushed cheeks. It felt like the earth could open up at any second, just swallow her whole. The line rang. Once, twice, she cursed quietly. She sucked in a breath as she heard a click signifying the call had connected."Hello? Rachel?" Her voice cracked. "Quinn. I need your help." A Faberry-centric rewrite of Rachel's season 4 pregnancy scare
Frannie’s View (T) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - When Frannie was a child she did everything she could to make her father happy. She was a daddy’s girl through and through. She was quiet and never disrespectful. She went to church every Sunday with her mother and father and prayed every night. Frannie had a lot of friends at school and was popular and well liked. She did very well in school though her participation grades were always low. Daddy told her women were supposed to be quiet and always treat their husbands with respect. She was a princess and he was the King. He ruled the house. Frannie absolutely hated the way her father treated her little sister. Frannie desperately tried to change Lucy. She thought if Lucy could be better then their father would be happier, nicer. OR A journey from Frannie's perspective of Lucy/Quinn and Quinn's sexuality and later feelings for Rachel.
According to Judy (PG) - One-shot - Pairings: Rachel/Quinn - How Judy Fabray deals with Quinn's infatuation with Rachel.
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trilliastra · 3 years
a series of firsts
[5 first times + 1. Shinwoo x Taekyung. A light on me fic.]
“What is this?”
“Flowers.” Taekyung states, matter-of-factly. Shinwoo rolls his eyes, unimpressed, but he can feel his ears turning red as he watches Taekyung’s lips turn up into a smirk.
Taekyung likes teasing, Shinwoo has come to realise. He likes pointing out the redness of Shinwoo’s ears, remembering his inability to hold a proper conversation when they first met, leaning in for a quick kiss when Shinwoo least expects.
It’s infuriating and adorable and Shinwoo wishes he could tease him back, but all his thoughts leave his mind when Taekyung smiles, batting his eyelashes sweetly as if he did nothing wrong. It’s a problem.
“What for?” Shinwoo asks, looking at the potted plant in his hands. He doesn’t know what kind they are, never really paid attention to flowers before, but knowing his boyfriend, they probably hold some obscure (or cute) meaning.
“Our anniversary.” Taekyung explains.
Shinwoo almost drops the plant, surprise and panic growing inside him. 
“One month.” Taekyung adds.
Oh, oh no.
He remembered it, of course. Shinwoo has been counting the days, the weeks since they first got together. He put a heart on his calendar, marking the day forever, and now, every morning when he wakes up, the first thing he sees is the calendar on his wall, the red heart smiling at him. It’s a good way to wake up.
“I -” he falters. Damn it, he can feel his ears getting hot, “your present, I-”
“You didn’t remember it, did you?” It’s not really a question and Taekyung reaches out to touch Shinwoo’s ears fondly.
“I did!” Shinwoo argues, “I always remember, I put it on my calendar just in case -” Shit, he notices Taekyung’s eyes widening at the confession and Shinwoo looks around, swallowing heavily. Is he a bad boyfriend for thinking about running away?
“Really?” Taekyung smiles, not that teasing smirk, but a gentle smile, sweet, fond. Shinwoo has noticed that he only smiles like that when they are together. 
“I -”
“It’s okay.” Taekyung interrupts his apology with a quick kiss on his cheek. “I didn’t really expect you to buy me something.”
“But you did!”
“It’s my mom’s.” Taekyung confesses. “I didn’t think I had to buy anything but then Namgoong texted me and I panicked.”
Shinwoo blinks. “Oh.” He feels even dumber now, because he got the exact same text from Namgoong and the only thing that crossed his mind was ‘I’m gonna walk Taekyung home today’.
“Oh.” He repeats, gathers his strength to ask, “I guess we should talk about this, right?”
Taekyung frowns. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve never been in a relationship before, is this - is this something we want to do? Monthly gifts?”
Taekyung’s expression goes pensive and he shrugs. “Isn’t that what people do?” His boyfriend gives back. Shinwoo gets distracted by the way he bites his lip, blushes when Taekyung notices and snaps his fingers in front of his eyes. “Shinwoo.”
He clears his throat, looks away. “I - yeah, some people, I guess. But, do we want to do it? Because,” he shrugs back, “it’s sweet, but -”
“It’s a lot of work.” Taekyung completes and Shinwoo sighs, relieved. “I couldn’t even think about that to give you now, I can’t imagine doing it every month.”
“And the money.” Shinwo adds, smiling when Taekyung nods, resolute.
“Once a year is enough, right?”
“And birthdays.” Shinwoo adds after a minute.
“That sounds fair.” Taekyung agrees, smiling, and Shinwoo kisses him to seal the deal.
“You should take this back to your mom.” Shinwoo says after a, admittedly, long time. Well, it’s not like Taekyung wasn’t kissing him back.
Taekyung hums in agreement, cheeks pink and mouth red from all the kissing. 
They get lost in each other sometimes, Shinwoo hopes this feeling won’t ever go away.
“Soon?” Shinwoo asks.
“Soon.” Taekyung agrees, already pulling him back in for another kiss.
Taekyung isn’t at the student council room when Shinwoo arrives after his math class. He closes the door back again immediately, running towards the exit.
He thought they could talk after school, but Taekyung is still avoiding him. Shinwoo was dreading this moment as much as he was anticipating it, but he realized that being without Taekyung is so much worse than apologizing for a mistake.
It was their first fight.
He was stressed with his school work and he had a fight with his mother yesterday morning, his mood was sour and Taekyung ended up paying the price. Shit, he was so stupid.
“Can you leave me alone?” He had said, already regretting the words the moment he said them. He meant it, though, and Taekyung knew it as well, he always does.
Sometimes, when things are hard and he is feeling particularly bad with himself, when his self-deprecating thoughts invade his mind and he can’t push them away, he just wants to be left alone to deal with it by himself, to curse his choices, his abilities, his brain.
He snapped at Daon once, when his friend tried to cheer him up, and almost made Namgoong cry when his friend heard Shinwoo call himself a useless piece of shit. They worked it out, Daon patting his back when he apologized and Namgoong making him promise not to say anything like that ever again, but Taekyung - Taekyung doesn’t deserve someone like him. 
He was waiting for the moment Taekyung would notice he’s not good enough to be with him, but he didn’t think it would happen so soon. His boyfriend (ex-boyfriend?) at least deserves an explanation.
‘It’s not your fault’, he wants to say, ‘it’s me, I’m the idiot’.
“Shinwoo.” Namgoong follows him outside. “Taekyung is looking for you.” He pulls him by the arm, practically dragging Shinwoo back into the school building and leading him towards one of the empty classrooms.
“He is?”
“Duh.” Namgoong says, shaking his head. “He is worried.”
“He is?” Shinwoo asks again, dumbly.
Namgoong sighs, frustrated, and lets go of his arm. “Remember what I told you the last time?” Shinwoo frowns. “I said I was going to smother you with kisses and hugs until you believe you are worthy of love. But that was when you didn’t have a boyfriend.” He shoves Shinwoo inside a room. “He’s gonna do that now.” He says, punching his shoulder - hard - and closing the door in front of Shinwoo.
When he turns around, surprised and confused, he sees Taekyung waiting for him.
“I’m sorry.” They say at the same time and Shinwoo falters, heart skipping a beat. There it is - the end, three months and five days after the first time Taekyung took his hand, called him his boyfriend and accepted the goodbye kiss in front of his apartment.
Three months and five days and Shinwoo will be alone again. He knew it was going to happen, knew it was inevitable and yet the pain is stronger than anything he’s ever felt.
Taekyung stalks towards him, determined, as Shinwoo takes a step back, slamming his back against the door. He could run, he thinks, eyeing the exit, but suddenly Taekyung is right there, hands on both his cheeks, eyes shining with a fire so bright that it scares Shinwoo.
“Why do you look like this?” Taekyung asks, turning his back from one side to the other, leaning closer as he seems to be inspecting Shinwoo’s face. “Are you sick?” He stops. “Your ears aren’t red either, what’s wrong with you?”
Shinwoo blinks once, twice, three times before he gathers the courage to ask. “Why did you apologize?”
It’s Taekyung’s turn to blink confusedly. “Because! You were upset and wanted to be left alone and I didn’t listen. I’m sorry.”
“But -” Shinwoo feels the cracks in his heart mending, the fear that once consumed him being replaced by hope, “I yelled at you. And you’ve been avoiding me since yesterday, you - why are you not breaking up with me?”
“What?” Taekyung tilts his head to the side, lets his hands fall. “I was giving you space! Isn’t that what you wanted?” He blinks, brings his hands to his hair. “Ah, I’m so confused!” He then turns to Shinwoo, points a finger at his face. “Do you want to break up?”
“No!” Shinwoo answers immediately. “I thought you did! I mean, you should! Because I yelled at you!”
Taekyung sighs again, turns around and starts pacing around the room. He whispers to himself, words that Shinwoo can’t hear or understand, before he schools his face into something less confused and more annoyed, turning to Shinwoo again. “I have no idea what’s happening,” he confesses, taking Shinwoo’s hand and pulling him to the nearest chair. He forces Shinwoo to sit down, hands on his shoulders and then sits on the chair opposite him, face determined. “Explain.”
The earnest look on his face, the eagerness to understand Shinwoo, to solve this misunderstanding, it’s enough to make Shinwoo nod and start talking, ears burning red with shame and fear, but when the tears start streaming down his face Taekyung wipes them for him, and somehow Shinwoo knows that they will work it out.
Three months and five days and one fight later, Shinwoo finally breaks.
“You can tell me if you need to be alone.” Taekyung whispers in Shinwoo’s ear as they hug. Taekyung walked Shinwoo home this time, the reversal of roles made Shinwoo feel cherished as if all he needed was someone to take care of him for once. “And you can tell me when you don’t want to be alone.”
“I will.” Shinwoo promises, tightening his hold on Taekyung’s shirt. It’s late and his parents have texted him many times, but he doesn’t want to let go. Ever.
“Thank you.” He whispers.
Taekyung pulls back, but Shinwoo doesn’t have time to mourn the loss of heat before his boyfriend is squeezing his cheeks with both hands, smiling fondly. “I love you.” He confesses.
Shinwoo thought he was all out of tears for tonight, but the words make his eyes water again. “Not fair.” He mumbles, sniffing pitifully, chest so full of love he feels like he’s going to explode in a million pieces. Taekyung laughs softly, his own eyes filling up with tears. “I was going to say it first.”
“It was my turn.” He teases, sneaking in a quick kiss. “See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah.” Shinwoo sniffs, squeezing his hand. When Taekyung turns around, he calls him back. “I love you, too, you know?”
Taekyung laughs, loud and carefree. “I know.”
They are alone in Shinwoo’s room, his parents gone for the weekend. It’s not the first time Taekyung stays over, but the air is heavier now, the tension building up since he closed the door behind them.
He thought about this, Taekyung in his bed, smiling at him teasingly, hands sliding down his back, under his shirt, inside his pants-
“Do you-” Shinwoo forces himself to say, “do you want to eat something? I could-”
Taekyung shakes his head, shy in a way Shinwoo has never seen before. Taekyung likes to tease, he is playful and honest and straight-forward, rarely timid in front of his friends. “Okay.” Taekyung says, looking down at his own hands as if they are the most interesting in the world. Shinwoo sighs.
“Hey,” he kneels in front of his boyfriend, “we don’t have to-”
“I want to.” Taekyung confesses, cheeks a delightful shade of pink. “But I- I don’t know what to do.”
“I don’t know either.” Shinwoo says. “Never been in a relationship before, remember?”
“Yeah, but-” Taekyung looks up, blushing harder when their eyes meet, “you never - with anyone?”
Shinwoo shakes his head. No one has ever made him feel like this, no one will ever make him feel like this. There is only Taekyung.
“Oh.” Taekyung whispers, shoulders relaxing. “So you don’t know what you’re doing either.”
Shinwoo huffs out an embarrassed laugh. “No.” He reaches out for Taekyung’s hands, but stops before they touch, waits for Taekyung’s permission. When his boyfriend nods, he takes his hands, brings them closer and presses a kiss on each palm. “We can stop any time, you just have to say it.”
Taekyung nods. “You too.”
Shinwoo smiles and stands up, pulling Taekyung with him. “Let’s eat first.”
His boyfriend smiles and follows.
It’s hot and messy and they laugh for a long time when Shinwoo’s first attempt to open Taekyung’s pants fails. Taekyung blushes when Shinwoo kisses his neck, chest and lower, but he doesn’t tell him to stop, only moans softly and then louder when Shinwoo touches him.
When he’s taking out his shirt, Taekyung doesn’t look away, lets out a huff of frustration when Shinwoo slows down, fumbling to open his own pants. “Too slow.” His boyfriend whines, hands touching his chest and trying to pull him closer again. Shinwoo gasps when their bodies touch, skin to skin, as they kiss deeply.
They’ve touched each other before, in Taekyung’s room, but it was rushed and messy because they knew Taekyung’s mother could come home any time. Shinwoo loved listening to Taekyung, watching his face when he’s close, laughing together after they crashed on the bed, holding hands and enjoying each other in the afterglow.
But this is different, it’s new and weird and amazing all at the same time. Shinwoo is gentle, careful in his touches, even when he feels Taekyung’s nails scratching his back, even when his boyfriend asks for more, he tries to make it last.
They will have other opportunities to try different things, to discover what they like and don’t like, but they will never have their first time again.
“Shinwoo.” Taekyung moans when he comes with Shinwoo’s lips on his neck, placing soft kisses on his skin.
“I love you.” Shinwoo whispers when he comes, holding Taekyung tightly and wishing they could stay like this forever.
Taekyung looks like his mom, Shinwoo notices. They have the same eyes, their noses looking a bit similar as well. That does nothing to ease Shinwoo’s nerves though, because her cutting glance is as intimidating as Taekyung’s when he is annoyed.
“Shinwoo,” she says, assessing. When he nods, bowing again, she narrows her eyes at him, “Taekyung’s boyfriend.”
Taekyung visibly squirms from his place next to her, as if he wants to join Shinwoo but doesn’t dare move away from his mother. 
“Yes.” Shinwoo nods again, eyes going from Taekyung to his mother and then back to Taekyung. Taekyung’s father is still nowhere to be seen, Shinwoo doesn’t know if that’s a good thing. He doesn’t think he will be able to handle another meeting. “Noh Shinwoo.” He clears his throat. “Nice to meet you.”
“Uh-huh.” She says, calmly, as if this is just another day at the mall and not the most awkward moment of Shinwoo’s life.
“Mom,” Taekyung calls, “stop, he is going to pass out.” Shinwoo touches his ear, he can bet they are as red as a tomato.
“Alright.” She sighs, then opens her arms, smiling brightly and pulls Shinwoo into a hug. “Hello.” She says, voice soft and cheery and Shinwoo really feels like he’s going to pass out.
They had talked about this, Shinwoo wanted to meet Taekyung’s parents, he really did! But it never worked out as they planned, work emergencies, family problems, once Taekyung’s mother burned dinner and they had to cancel because she would not dare ‘serve burned food to my son’s boyfriend’.
So, months passed, close to a year and though Taekyung met Shinwoo’s parents on multiple occasions, Shinwoo ended up never meeting Taekyung’s.
Until today, when Shinwoo is shopping for Taekyung’s birthday. His luck, really.
“Is that for Taekyung’s birthday?” She asks, eyeing the bag Shinwoo has tried to keep hidden from his boyfriend. Taekyung left them alone while he went to the bathroom and Shinwoo has been trying really hard not to run away. 
“Uh, yeah.” He looks around, lowers his voice. “It’s a drawing kit, he said he wants to try drawing again.”
“Ah, yes, he told me.” Her eyes soften and she smiles at him again. “You’re a good boyfriend.”
Shinwoo clears his throat, embarrassed. Her smile widens when she notices his red ears. “Ah, thank you. I- I try.”
“I hope Taekyung is a good boyfriend, too.”
“Yes.” Shinwoo rushes to say and his voice comes out louder than he expects. “Yes,” he closes his eyes, counting to five in his mind, “he is.”
“Good.” She says. She’s still smiling, Shinwoo notices, but her eyes are somewhat sad and, with a heavy heart, Shinwoo notices that she’s mourning.
“He- he is great, the greatest person I’ve ever met.” He confesses. Taekyung’s mother blinks, surprised. “It’s- it’s because of you that I got to meet someone so special,” he takes a deep breath, “thank you.”
When Taekyung comes back from the bathroom, he takes a look at his mother’s red eyes, Shinwoo’s red ears and gives them both a curious look. “What?”
“Nothing.” His mother answers, wiping away her tears. “I’m just really happy you found each other.”
“Why are you crying?” Shinwoo asks as Taekyung sniffs against his chest. “We will still see each other.”
“Not everyday.” Taekyung answers, pulling back and slapping Shinwoo’s shoulder playfully. “Don’t forget me.”
Impossible, he doesn’t say, but Taekyung knows, they’ve talked about this. And it’s not like he isn’t scared either, going to university, meeting new people, learning new things. It is scary. But he trust Taekyung’s feelings, he trusts his own heart.
They will be okay.
“I love you.” He says again, will keep repeating it every day, every year so that Taekyung won’t ever forget or doubt how much he is loved and cherished.
“I love you, too.” Taekyung answers back easily.
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