#and might regret that
ganondoodle · 29 days
1 year since i got scammed by nintedno leaving me forever yearning for a game we will never get and an extreme worry for the future
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pachix · 2 months
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soosoosoup · 2 months
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John Dory and Branch
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unbidden-yidden · 8 months
Honestly, a lot of the left-wing erasure of Jewish ethnicity by considering all Jews to be white people like all the other white Europeans, except possibly even *more* white and privileged, strikes me as being less psychologically about intentionally excluding Jews and more about, like, not having to deal with the logical fallout of the consequences of structural antisemitism.
Because here's the thing: if you acknowledge that structural antisemitism exists, you then have to support efforts to undo structural antisemitism and consider the fallout of historical antisemitism.
If you contain it to one tragic event (no matter how huge) and also minimize it (because it's not the only genocide, have you considered __?) and universalize it (this teaches us about the inhumanity of people towards those who are *different*) and atomize it (people can be so weird about Jews and Judaism, they must really be an unusually hateful person)
Then you don't have to consider things like "hey are we still benefitting from structural antisemitism today?" and "are Jews still dealing with the consequences of structural antisemitism?" and "are our politics contributing to ongoing antisemitism, including structural antisemitism even now?"
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spocks-kaathyra · 1 month
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Spock looking for whales at the Cetacean Institute!
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spacerelativity · 6 months
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me and my best/boyfriend who is also me but not
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
DPxDC AU: Ellie was going to beat the shit out of this space cop if he was lying…she might just do it anyway but, like, fr she’ll throw down on Danny’s behalf.
Enter scene following a bad tandem clone + identity reveal where in Danny is captured and wounded, Ellie escaping just narrowly. She manages to get Sam and Tucker on her side and together the three of them save Danny. (Where was Jazz? Why couldn’t she find Jazz?)
Ellie has traveled all over the world, has seen its hospitality just as much as its hostility- besides Danny liked space right? Mostly, Ellie is panicking and, being unable to think of a place to take Danny while he’s bleeding out on her, she just goes… up. Out of the atmosphere and just beyond the satellites. It finally feels far enough away, tho she didn’t take them beyond the moon, she has limits to her paranoia thank you.
Imagine to her annoyance that apparently someone actually watches for biological materials leaving and re-entering the earth! Total Bullshit! She’s needed to make a number of trips back and forth to get Danny food and water and medical supplies- and she’s doing a damn good job of getting him stable. Too bad she hadn’t realized the ring guy following her sooner.
Turns out he’s “made a report” and “will find them justice” and “wants to help”. Yeah right. She throws down with him as best she can, and he clearly doesn’t want to hurt her so he keeps letting her get away with Danny in tow. Danny is sleeping through most of this but a few times he lets out a woop or a go get ‘em.
Eventually Hal calls the only person on the team with a single paternal bone in his body (even if it was only a single one most days). Pulling Batman into a spacesuit, into a ship and across the atmosphere shouldn’t have been that easy- though it was obvious how his agreement came immediately after Hal mentioned the wounded and entirely isolated twins he’d found.
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ihatebrainstorm · 8 days
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Batch 2 of commissions finished! They were all really fun to do :D Thank you again to those who comm'd me! o)-(
(Technically there were 3, but the third isn't a mech thingy so I'd rather just post the mech ones here)
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veliseraptor · 2 years
sometimes fandom seems to struggle with the concept that...people can be kind/"good people" in some situations and very very not kind/not "good people" in others.
I feel like there's this urge to either write off the positive behavior as "fake" or to find a way to ignore/explain away/write out the negative behavior. and I personally find this really really irritating in both directions, actually
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mettywiththenotes · 28 days
I see some people asking "when are we going to get a Bakugou moment where he encourages Izuku??" But didn't he already have it?
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I believe he was the one who started the whole "do your best" thing off before 422
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apathyfairy · 4 months
last year i found a wii at goodwill for 25 dollars and it came with everything except a wiimote but it was in such good condition i was like hell yeah ill take it how hard can it be to find a wiimote. the answer is it's nearly impossible to find them at thrift stores now so i've spent like 8 months looking for ones in thrift stores but there wasn't a single one and then online but i just couldn't bring myself to spend 30 dollars on one single wiimote so i waited so. patiently. and then 2 weeks ago i finally found one at goodwill for 9 dollars but it was absolutely disgusting and the battery cover was missing and the compartment was all corroded so i put it back and regretted it the whole week but then this last weekend i went to savers and there was an absolutely perfect wiimote just sitting there with no corrosion and a jacket and the wrist strap and motion plus and the nunchuck was there too and i got it all for 10 dollars so the moral of the story is that sometimes things seem right for you in the moment but you have to recognize that they aren't and leave them behind so the things that are meant for you will in fact find you when the time is right. peace and love <3
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disgracefulthings · 4 months
Luo Binghe: Shizun is a MILF
Shang Qinghua: Cucumber-Bro isn't a mom??
Luo Binghe: He's my mommy~
Shang Qinghua: ...
Shang Qinghua: I was gonna ask who made you like this, but that's all on me
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synvelesow · 10 months
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jventureart · 3 months
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I read a fic (this one!!) with post retirement kks & gai. There is a scene where they visit hokage naruto, and sauske is there, and it's ✨️uncomfortable✨️
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scalierpepper · 6 months
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necromancy is cool
I really struggled with this angle and I was too stubborn to give up so there's a lot of things that aren't quite right, but I want to call it done and I really like the composition so I send it into the tumblr void for you to see anyways ~~
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sunsestart · 2 years
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Happy Let Papyrus Say Fuck day! again
So, for those that might not know, spanish is my first language so I NEEDED to do this HAHA curse words in spanish sound so intense for no reason hajdhajxh
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