#and not just fucking copypasting what the hell
lost-and-cursed · 6 months
It actually made me want to pitch in. I don't have some grand point or resolution. But some of the arguments and reasoning was a bit of uncanny valley to me.
I used to work in soulless mass produced cheap copywriting/rewriting. And it's basically business plagiarism in it's finest. You not so much write as string together words and key phrases, paraphrasing the original source and usually some additional sources. Quality isn't determined by how good you write, but how unrecognisable your theft is.
With addition of school projects that are basically "make puzzle out of quotes" as personal experience, I am genuinely desensetized to plagiarism in nonfiction. It makes me think a lot about what Harris said.
I don't have some larger conclusion, but I guess it can be one example of how "business majors" get their soul stolen
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drifloonz · 9 months
if all the pokepastas had a groupchat i think steven would post his fucked up dinners and go "Boy dinner." and you dont see him for a week . Sometimes he vents but its like one message and its really vague.
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dlartistanon · 7 months
I have to be honest, after everything I heard I went into Lone Trail anticipating Muelsyse character assassination-- nay, *annihilation*, for the sake of Doctor-sexual fanservice and I was ready to be disappointed. But having finished reading Lone Trail myself now... What? Her homescreen lines are utter horseshit, I completely agree, but her actual character writing in Lone Trail fits that really good analysis post by meeblo so accurately that I can't believe meeblo didn't read LT before writing
"The more I think about Lone Trail the less I like how they executed the story."
So, let me preface this with with preemptive TL;DR: If you are a fan of Silence as a character, you probably really enjoy Lone Trail.
If you are a fan of any other character, especially Muelsyse, and ESPECIALLY if you don't like or don't care for self-insert pandering, you're likely disappointed and/or frustrated with Lone Trail. I am the latter.
Let me just copypaste what my friend has to say (plus my own replies and commentary) since they can articulate the feeling better than I can:
I'm sorry. I just can't imagine a world where Saria, who means so much to Muelsyse, is nearly assassinated and in awful shape, and *she knows that* and is like "wassup doctor, heard Saria's in trouble but lets hang out"
Me: Exactly. This does not make sense with what we know of their relationship. Especially since she's later worried sick/almost breaks down at the thought of losing Saria for real
I'm just going through the story and so much of it doesn't make sense to me. And it's (I'm not done but getting there) just *so depressing* how much of the event is eaten up with kind of pointless/uninteresting doctor babysitting? She should be front & center in all of this. There's so much to work with and play with but so much of it does not make *any sense*. Muelsyse did not need to be hobbled by this. Hell, so far as I've read, Doctor didn't need to be there or could have done it on their own. Fucking frustrating.
Me: I'm not that familiar with Guide Ahead, but I can't help but imagine how much better/more concise Lone Trail could've been had they handled Samuelsten in a similar way to GA's central trio. Don't shove Muelsyse to the side, make her an active agent in the story, with the people who matter to her
I mean I’ve made it to CW-7 and as someone who’s in the middle of all of this (often by design) I’m puzzled that she’s one of the least interesting parts of the event? Kristen, HoHo, Nasti, Jara are great. We know why it matters to her but she’s on the fringes the entire time. This should have been done like guide ahead but guide ahead was much better and leaner by virtue of not needing to dedicate half the fucking event to talk about how great and interesting the doctor is. There’s no reason doctor couldn’t have been with Kal’tsit the entire time. That would actually make sense. But nope.
"It's Saria you want to see, It's Kristen who you're looking for" but why don't we just stick you with Doctor the entire fucking event and you can act like you're just on a little adventure. Cannot believe I have to rely on the furniture to give what the event should have.
This might be a controversial take, but I wish all this giant lore dump with Doctor, Priestess and Kal'tsit had been relegated to another vignette or main chapter with just mentions of Kirsten/Kristen and Rhine Lab. It's taking up much too much of Rhine Lab's event. Instead of *way too many flashbacks* with Doctor/Kal'tsit/ whoever, we could have had this building up Saria/ Kirsten/Muelsyse with their past instead of the one 3 second glimpse we got. I am so mad at this stupid fucking decision. Rhine Lab Event: featuring Rhine Lab as glorified cameos
Reply: Yeah its so annoying. It takes up sooo much god damn space and for what? And for what ? It doesn’t belong. I swear to god i wish we focused on, idk, the main relationship between saria and kirsten (and mumu but my faith is lost) instead of kirsten only showing up at the very end
Yeah, I'm sure glad FERDINAND got the most screen time out of all Rhine Lab. Just *what*. But the lore dump, while *fine* is just fucking egregious and does not belong here. This could have been referenced elsewhere and they could have fleshed out everyone else.
I have finished Lone Trail! Cumulatively, I love about two chapters worth of it! I definitely had high expectations but even if I'd had mediocre expectations I would have been let down. Not enough of the Rhine Lab founders, needless lore dump that could have gone elsewhere. It felt fragmented and like a hodge podge of things. Saria, Muelsyse and Kirsten felt like cameos in the entire event. And I'm sure the intention of this was to elevate just how goddamn special the doctor is, but the way it was written, it felt like no one at Rhine Lab gives a single solitary fuck about Muelsyse in any real capacity. These are the people she's had and adores. Yes, her loneliness was a sort of focus of the event, but the way it plays out does make it feel like "yeah, you're right to be lonely. Thank god for doctor!"
So much of my irritation is not only was she reduced to a love interest for Doctor, treated poorly by everyone at RL, she had zero agency in the whole event. She really was just floating passively for the most part. Muelsyse in Lone Trail: 1. Looks for Kirsten/ doesn't find Kirsten/ abandoned & not said goodbye to by Kirsten. 2. Looks for Saria (eventually) stopped by Saria. Saves Saria, doesn't talk to her again/ is not acknowledged by Saria. 3. Nasti tells her she's a crybaby & to get lost I mean, it really is no wonder she wanted to off herself. She built Rhine Lab with them from the beginning and this is how the event chooses for all these people to treat her? It's unbelievable.
Me: All that to make Doctor look better in comparison, right? It's jarring bc it's such a far cry from the brief concern Saria showed towards her in DV and doesn't even follow up with her claim to want to save Muelsyse in LT. Where's the consistency? She remembers that Mumu is fragile, but we don't even get a scene or mention of checking up on her after crashing back down to earth?
At least in Kristen's case, she remembered Muelsyse exists afterwards with the plantlife onboard, but it's not even presented as wrong or a character flaw how Saria ignores Muelsyse in the end, even though she literally saved her life. Just... nothing. This is the defender who protects others? The one that she fell for?
Yeah “when you’re emotional you forget that you’re fragile” & okay this is a devastating day for her so fuck her very much! No need to check on how she’s doing losing a long time friend and colleague, how she was in a thing that literally crashed but she saved *her*. And this isn’t even about Samuels in particular! This is how she was treated by the people with an established history that matter to her. Obviously the game is pandering, but given how literally everyone in the game, from the actions she can see, treats her like she is disposable trash. It’s no fucking wonder she’d be like “oh wow doctor!” Because at least they treat her like a human being who has feelings and who hurts? The fact that Saria doesn’t even reach out, that she has treated her like a stranger for the most part doesn’t track. Why did they make Muelsyse the “hero/ star” of the event banner? She’s forgotten and mistreated by everyone, gets almost zero game content, her file and voice lines are a mess and she doesn’t influence the story in any way at all. This event as a Rhine Lab story was trash.
Me: It felt so much more like a "Silence" story with Rhine Lab as window dressing. They clearly didn't have any editors around because how can you SAY that these people matter to Muelsyse but then not PROVE it? The lack of care, the disrespect towards her and other characters in relation to her is just astonishing
I like Silence a lot but wtf was she leading this? The whole thing is the conflict with Sarsten w/ Muelsyse in the middle. She got a new outfit, talked to Parvis, rehashed a conversation w Saria for the 10th time? This should have been all Muelsyse / Saria/ Kirsten but they barely existed in the event. And who the fuck polled whoever else to decide that Ferdinand and the creep Josh should get the rest of the time!Why so much build up with Jara / her closeness to Kirsten to not have any interaction with them? WTF were they doing.
I could probably write an essay about all the things I felt didn't work as a Rhine Lab event. This might have worked better as a vignette just to keep it tidy. But I think the other thing for me is that… hrm this event almost assumes that all you've seen of Silence is the manhua and thus wow! Growth! She loses the glasses and gets a new style to show that off. But the Silence of this event is the Silence we've had in the game since day one. The one in Mansfield and in Dorothy's Vision who is kind of certain about what is wrong and what is right and will stand up for that. So to me there wasn't any growth there. Because we'd already seen that growth/ that was the person we've known since the start of the game. A lot of this event kind of relies on… either not having read the manhua or exclusively having read the manhua. Because if not for the manhua you don't know/ understand why there's that Kirsten/Saria divide and how much it means. It's all very weird.
And kind of to add to my little rant… DV and the manhua allude to Muelsyse being extremely close to Kirsten and being her sidekick. But in neither the manhua or any of the events do we see any of that. Instead we get Nasti (who I like a lot) in that role and--- I just don't get it. You'll be less disappointed if you don't read the manhua. lol A ton of Muelsyse's character development and her relationship with Saria is highlighted there and this event just kind of decides to burn all of that to the ground. But if you want to see why the final chapter matters/ is special/ yes, read it.
Me: Nasti's in the role bc we had to have our self-insert fix with the hot new playable op :/
yeah. with the same motivations. but all of that should have rightfully been hers I really do think they just gave Muelsyse's role to Nasti And the cherry on top of all of it was at the end when Muelsyse is like "Huh did the three of us actually dance together or did I make all of that up?" I just can't with that final slap in the face to Muelsyse and all of them. Like her talk about loneliness is fine and well done and the little history but so much left a lot of questions.
Me: yeah… it's just. wow. there were nuggets and seeds planted that had potential, but they didn't bother to actually cultivate and develop those relationships and dynamics at which point why even include them at all
Yeah, I’ll include that in my rant, but my last point on that end is Saria’s “I would do it over again” doesn’t make sense if you haven’t read the manhua— and just doesn’t jive with what is presented in the events with her that is much more clinical. And I’ve said this about multiple things— but a story should be able to stand on its own without having needed to read a manhua for additional context— and especially when having read the manhua you’re left with ??????
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gunpowder-arti · 6 months
TIL about the rain world steam cards
there's not that much information on them, but there are some interesting… implications, i guess? to what there is. interesting to me at least. and as I did not previously know about them, I'm making a post! this is partially copypasted from something i said on discord (hey sqs people btw)
the screenshots used here are taken from the Rain World wiki, because i do not have them all.
anyways! on to the analysis
first of all, surv they/them canon
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the cards seem to be written from the perspective of an unknown slugcat--they're clearly written by an intelligent someone who lives in rain world and isn't an iterator (they don't know what an overseer is!) or a scavenger (the scavenger card very clearly refers to them as not being one:
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), which pretty much means 'slugcat' is the only remaining option.
there are only three cards wherein the narrator refers to themself directly--Daddy Long Legs ("I feel as though I am being watched...") and Overseer ("A strange glowing creature. They don't appear to be hostile. / They want me to follow them. To where, I wonder? // Can they be trusted?") (both Iterator-created creatures!), along with Survivor.
Otherwise, they only use we/us on the rare occasion that they speak in first person (Red Centipede, Salamander, Scavengers, Rain Deer). Other than that, they only seem to speak in hypotheticals. I'm not certain what all of this means, but it's Interesting to me.
Unrelatedly, what the fuck does 'type' mean.
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it's so?? arbitrary?? Lots of them just have their species name, or what could be assumed to be a clade that they're a part of, but then what the hell is up with 'tribal'???
(tumblr does not love me for including all those images christ)
the narrator is clearly knowledgeable about this world and experienced with its dangers, but without the context of why it is the way it is (i.e. not knowing about iterators)--about the level of knowledge I'd expect from your average slugcat! Their speech patterns and the things they choose to mention about each creature offer some level of characterization for this faceless, nameless chronicler, as well. who are you, little guy...
anyways, I don't think I've much else to say. just wanted to bring a bit of attention to this little piece of lore, I suppose.
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 4 months
God, I'm probably going to rewatch the entirety of Hazbin for weeks, something I occasionally do with Helluva. Again, both mostly just passive interests away from my blog... until the actual show dropped and my absolute hyperfixation mode went haywire
Say what you want about the plot and designs themselves, I understand if it's not someone's cup of tea (Personally, I don't particularly like South Park, Family Guy, or Rick and Morty (anymore)), and the fact that it's pretty rushed, a fact I'll certainly agree with, but it is a fucking ACHIEVEMENT
I LOVE the busy designs and saturated colors, even if most are shades of red (If I had a show, it'd be mostly green and purple, lmao). I love the hand drawn and more cartoony style with fantastic VFX animation and backgrounds. I love the concept of Heaven vs Hell with demons and angels where angels can suck and demons can be good. I actually like that Adam was an entitled asshole because he didn't have to try for his wives, they were made FOR him
I don't go around looking for adult animation anymore because there's so many fucking Family Guy and Rick and Morty repetitive ass shows that use rigging and the same goddamn adult animation art style formula. Brickleberry, Paradise PD, American Dad, so on and so forth. Episodic drivel that KIND of teases a plot to keep you watching but it's the television equivalent of empty calories that you put on in the background. I stopped watching Rick and Morty after season 4 because it was just keeping the carrot on the stick way too far for me to care enough to keep watching (that and the whole Justin Roiland fiasco)
There's good adult shows, don't get me wrong, but almost nothing ANIMATED that's substantial and fun. There's a few, but it's smothered under Family Guy copycats and horribly stiff rigging that's cheap and bland by this point, and some are just downright depressing (Sorry Bojack and Tuca, I just couldn't handle you, I'm already sad half the time). To be honest, I almost didn't watch Inside Job because of the style, and even though it was mostly episodic it was fantastic!
Why can't I, for the decades of life I presumably still have past 18, have life in an animation made for adults? Charm? Pizzazz? Plot and color and FUN? Fucking anything more than the capitalistic weeds that choke the market just to turn a profit for the companies involved. I get it. Companies need to make a profit or they'll go in the red, lose money, yada, yada
But, in an already bleak fucking world where it's only getting bleaker and some corporations want to replace NINETY percent of an animated film/show process to AI eventually? I'm choked and burnout and everyday feels like there's no point in trying to make anything because the fucking programs will do it for us anyways, probably by stealing MORE from people who try. I don't need to see Meg from Family Guy get farted on or abused for no reason, or the Family Guy rip off equivalents that do it for shock value. I don't need copypaste stale material or IP revivals that beat over original ideas because they're safe and nostalgic, inevitably fucking up most of the time
Hazbin Hotel is far from perfect, but it got greenlit. It got picked up. It got to be written and MADE. I can almost guarantee you that Amazon only gave them eight episodes to start with, without certainty on whether or not it would be continued with them. I can almost guarantee you they had SOMEONE keep an eye on Helluva Boss's reception on YouTube to see if it would be profitable enough to continue Hazbin (After all, similar target demographic, right?) and the team wasn't informed until halfway through full production of season one that they'd get a second one. There may have even been the chance of them dropping Hazbin if Helluva's numbers didn't stay up
I love Hazbin and Helluva with so much of my heart because they're small oasis's in the corporate world that would prefer people work the warehouse and not the arts. Yes, I know Hazbin is on Amazon and 'Amazon bad', but if it's not encouraged by viewage (Which I'm sure it's doing well in right now) then original works will continue to be looked over in favor of shitty reboots or live action recreations
Ugh, anyways. I'm not sure how to end this. I just had to get my thoughts out
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kiss-the-go--ghost · 2 years
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
(Dom!Dewdrop/Transmasc!Reader smut)
Copypasted from AO3. Let’s hope the format isn’t fucked up
"On your knees"
The order wasn't particularly sharp but the intent behind it was very clear, sending a flood of warmth down, down...
Oh god.
Your knees hit the thin carpet of Dewdrop's quarters just as you felt the heady sensation overflow and run down your inner thigh, a testament to your excitement. Sweet Satanas, just knowing what was coming quickened your pulse and sent buzzes of anticipation fizzling up your spine. You struggled with the very tempting impulse to grab his belt and do what he was taking an unfairly long time to do, but you knew you had to wait, to be good if you were gonna get the reward he’d promised; and fuck, you wanted it bad. As if he could sense your impatience (in all honestly, with him being a ghoul he probably could), he huffed a laugh.
"Simmer down, pretty boy. We haven't even started yet." He ran a surprisingly gentle hand through your hair and you could feel the tips of his claws brush your scalp. You shivered and leaned into his touch. "Y'know, 'Good things come to those who wait' and all that. Why don't you wait and see what good things are coming your way?" Smirking as you nodded fervently, he began to fiddle with his belt at last.
The clink of the buckle and the slight rasp of your bated breaths were jarring in the otherwise silent room, mingling to form a ringing chorus of tension. There was a glint of light off the buckle and a rustle of fabric, then at last. At last it was time. Dew took his cock in hand, already flushed and half-hard, and gave it a few languid strokes. The fucker had to be purposely dragging this out; his shit-eating grin said it all.
”Are you sure you can take it?” He drawled. “Wouldn’t wanna tire you out too bad-“ his veiled challenge cut off with a surprised hiss as you cheekily ran your tongue over the tip, dipping into the slit.
A growl rumbled low in his throat, “Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?” And your smugness evaporated as he grabbed your jaw, forced your mouth open, and slid himself in all the way to the base. You choked and dug your nails into his thighs as reflexive tears streamed down your face. Dew might not have been the biggest around, but he was definitely not lacking in length and fuck was it never more obvious than when his dick was halfway down your throat. You’d never been more grateful he wasn’t fully hard yet; it would’ve hurt like all hell if he had been. That didn’t last long, though. You could feel his cock stiffening in your throat the more you swallowed and gagged in your attempts to acclimate.
Struggling to stay focused, you did your best to adjust to the intrusion as he began to roll his hips; relatively slowly at first, but soon his pace began to grow more and more feverish. Never one to hold back or deny himself, he fucked your mouth in earnest; fingers tangled in the sweat-damp hair on the back of your head, moving you wherever he wanted you, chasing his pleasure at your expense with his head thrown back. Growls and huffs and curses fell from his lips. You had a vague awareness of your arousal absolutely dripping down your thighs. Barely able to think through the haze of blind hunger and want that wreathed around you both, soaking into your very bones, you went off impulse and whatever scatters scraps of coherency you had left and traced your tongue over every bit of skin it could reach, swallowing around him.
He let out a harsh gasp, “Fuck! Do that again,” as he somehow pushed even deeper into your throat.
You were rewarded with Dew’s blissful rumble as his head fell forward and his claws dug into your skin.
“Good boy,” he groaned, “Keep it up, I’m getting close.” He shifted his weight, legs twitching, searching for just the right angle. You knew exactly when he found it.
Glowing heat surged in your core and your jaw ached as his hips juddered and snapped forward in earnest, tail whipping and body taut with tension, frenzied and unrestrained. His erratic thrusts were incendiary, hungrier than wildfire and just as all-consuming. The feeling made your eyes roll and your cunt throb.
So lost in the scorching miasma were you that you almost missed Dew’s strained grunt of desperation; a sound that plunged its salacious claws deep into your soul and dragged a moan, low and ardent, from the depths of your chest. Something sizzled in the air and an acrid smell crackled in your nose as every one of his muscles drew taut. Wet heat gushed down your throat. He keened, the rough sound broken and catching in his throat; hunching over as his hips stuttered and jerked with the jolting pleasure, gradually slowing.
A fleeting moment of silence, only broken by your synchronized heavy breaths. You felt a thin trickle of blood slide down your neck; he’d dug his claws in when he came and they must’ve broken your skin. No movement. Then a rustle of fabric stirred in the stillness and Dew pulled out of your mouth, a thin strand of mingled drool and cum hanging suspended between your lips and his cock before it broke and dwindled away to nothing.
Your vision was hazy, your thighs were wet, and your mouth would be sore for days but fuck was it worth it. Even without having gotten your reward yet, it was so very worth it. Locking eyes with Dew was all the promise you needed. The look he gave you spoke of how completely he was about to ruin you and oh, you trembled at the thought.
You got shakily to your feet. Wasting no time, he strode towards you as soon as you steadied yourself, intent blazing in his eyes; backing you up until your legs hit the edge of the bed and you fell back onto the sheets. Dew’s hands gripped your thighs and he loomed over you with all the menace and primal promise of a ghoul who had captured its prey and was about to feast.
”Now sweetheart… How about that reward?”
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crearuru · 4 months
even knowing what the culture was like Back In The Early 2000s those gaia online screenshots are sickening to read if those are real he's fucked and if they're fake its even more disgusting that someone would fake that
Edit: Hey actually wait a minute woke up in the middle of the knight realizing the content of the gaiaonline messages is quite... graphic and its alleged the logs were saved "back in the day" as a memento of hero worship. Does gaia online really just allow one to send messages containing the words "rape", "raping", and "pedophilia" without that shit getting flagged? They dont get in trouble for hosting messages with those in its content for 15 years? Someone who knows gaia online tell me the content policies bc that seems sus as hell on further inspection
Edit 2: hey looking closer at the horrifying gaiaonline screenshots does anyone else think its kind of fucked that the person talking to emile was the one who kept bringing up the idea of rape, specifically by joking about them raping him? And they kept the copypaste log as a fond memory?
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fandom-hoarder · 20 days
I'm about to watch walker 4x07... (copypaste from DM with the bestie <3)
The way the jackal notebook looks like John's journal, cordell waking up to that instead of geri has me 👀👀👀👀
Luna is watching hawk's shadow hahhh
God, cassie talking about the double standard for women dating 👀👀 will this be explored
Omg tactical gear and all, on a hunch👀👀👀
Stella so pretty
Witt being awfully pushy istg
Campus security thinking it's just some drunk frat dude, after seeing that video, is willful ignorance lmfao
Lmao I'm over here like, hell no I'm not letting you in my house without a warrant, jfc
I knew they would draw on him for reaching for something but goddamn😬
Lmao Bonham's shade at cordell teaching stella bad technique
Cordell is looooooosing itttttt
"I'm not gonna lose my friend to this" hiiiiii have you looked in a mirrorrrrr
Having cereal for dinner cuz he's solely focused on the case hahhh relatable
See, this is why geri had to leave
He's gotta have no tether at home
Is it too much to hope for an Emily's ghost moment before the end of this case 👀👀👀👀
Corpus Crooner ?? Lolol
Even good karaoke gives me secondhand embarrassment lol
Lmao that chest shot
The closeups on Luna lol they know what they're doing. I'm always so amused
Lololol is bonham IGNORING Abilene
Ooof stella is like damn
Dtr tho lol
He's not gonna show up to boot camp is he...
"He's a zookeeper" lmfao jfc
[Why are commercials so weirddddd (i know why but good LORD)
Why is kevin hart literally in EVERYTHING]
Oh it's this kind of zoo lololol
Serpentarium lmfao
Gotta be consistent, i guess lmao
Omg that fall sync up
Aaaaaaahhhh head injury!! Lol jared has acting tbi DOWN
Lmao lovey dovey cassie
I love trey and augie so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
He's really been an influence in his maturity
"I'll make it up to him" that's a familiar line
Yeah, liam, tell himmmmm
"Dramatic" ooh and that flippant affect 😯😯😯😯😯😯
He is LOSING it losing it 👁👄👁
Oh i see
Hahhhhh please let this get renewed god
Rewatching the ep immediately lmfao
What difference does a 5pm curfew make if you're not around to enforce it lolol
Eating cereal so you don't have to think about cooking and staring at the thing you're reading...also relatable
Cassie unable to separate work/life on the romantic side parallel to Cordell's inability to work/life balance on the work side 👀
Cordell is like a bomb sniffing dog that alerts for everything
(There's a series of YouTube shorts about a retired bomb sniffer that false alerts everywhere he goes😅 reminds me of that)
It's funny in all that ranch house they don't have somewhere else to put the home gym 😅
Bonham so snotty on the "our ranch" lol. Sounds a little bit "my ranch" sir
Did stella even get a new room or anything? Is she still in the same dorm the guy used a KEY to get in?
Once again, the coming inside to ask questions part makes me sooo 😬😬😬😬😬😬
I am so not letting 4 rangers IN TACTICAL GEAR into my house without a warrant. Don't care HOW innocent i am
You think i warrant that much prep, you can GET a warrant
Serial killer case not enough to excuse it. That's how cases get thrown out, buddy
Goddddddd only augie even knows her dorm was broken into. Like it is just hitting me how they all really don't know what she's going through. Yeah girl, get some self defense from grandpa
I knew augie was gonna help that kid as soon as he failed the trial time lol
Everybody and his literal mama: Cordi, you're letting the case consume you
Cordell: well that's just, like, your opinion, man 😉
Stella's braid is so cute. Lol bonham giving abilene the snub understandable, but stella just staying focused on her punches and also ignoring her😅
Wonder if cordell is going to miss August's high school grad, too 👀👀👀👀👀👀 y'know, to keep it all even lol
Lalala what is a warrant lololol
The visual storytelling on this show is so ON POINT this season. The music, the video syncing with these multiple parallels in the bootcamp/zoo scene, the main plot/secondary plot parallels. They're FOCUSED
I'm soooo happy about liam being like "stella is going through it and you in particular should be there for her on this but you're ignoring it"
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calamity-aims · 2 years
Part of the problem with this fandom is those of you who boost shows like Tales of the Jedi and everything else under the sun, but never use your platform to even acknowledge Andor. This is the best Star Wars content we've gotten since The Force Awakens and still it doesn't trend like Kenobi did. Is there a reason you aren't talking about it or can you just not be bothered?
Are you fucking kidding me. Are you just copypasting this message into everyone's inbox? This is the exact same as the one Leo @/purgetrooperfox got.
And I'm gonna say the exact same thing Leo said. Yes, Andor looks good. Yes, it's wonderful to see a show that focuses on POC and real-world problems, and wonderful and so important to support that. Yes, I plan on watching it and supporting it.
But you don't know what the hell is happening in people's lives. You don't know, for example, that I have been the most stressed and unhappy and struggling then I've been in a long time. That I never even finished Kenobi. That I haven't even watched TV, not ANYTHING, since JUNE.
And I shouldn't have to explain that to you! Nobody should! Mind your own fucking business.
I understand why the show is important. I've reblogged gifsets and thinkpieces on it without having seen it. But you don't think that's enough? You're gonna go around leaving this same message in people's inboxes? Get outta here with that shit.
(also, FYI, I did talk about it. I even drew Cassian. Here he is - he's disappointed in you.)
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gnczhanna · 1 year
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I’ve written a few obituary posts already and I know I don’t have to I just feel very strongly that I have to express these things? I’m copypasting a longer post I wrote on fb for under the cut but my grandmother died this past Monday and its something I knew was on the horizon but I couldn’t have ever imagined how devastating and like. earthshattering it feels. My grandma was like a second mom to me, I spent so many summers at her house in PR, we spent years after that living at my moms house. She was a constant? And it’s funny to think like. a woman who was born to a rural, coffee picking family in PR, who almost died as a toddler because the ship that took her to NYC was being followed by u-boats, would take me to the beach and listen to me ramble abt shit she did not have any concept of and buy me bootleg Sailor Moon figurines in San Juan because I said I liked that show. Like our dedication to trying to know each other is something I’m going to miss the most. 
I think for people who haven't had a close relationship with a grandparent before it's very hard to explain just how beautiful and alien it is? To be an 00's kid from the suburbs and hold a conversation with someone who's life and experiences were so much different than your own and to still find ways to relate to each other. To joke around with each other. To spend an afternoon together line-drying clothes in her backyard and an evening quipping about novelas over dinner. To sit on the beach and talk about people I'd never meet, about a Bronx, New York and Puerto Rico that were already decades out of reach. I can't stop thinking about our wacky misadventures, all the hurricanes we waited out together, how funny it was to try to convey whatever extremely niche tween/teen hyperfixation I was having at the moment only for her to give the most barely related, completely out of context reply possible because of course she had no idea what I was talking about but she did want to have a conversation with me. I feel like anyone who is a child of immigrants knows what it's like to lose a family member and feel like you've lost a tether to your heritage. One of the bodies that made my body, that carried resilience and wisdom into my mother and into me, is not with us anymore. And that hurts me so deeply. I genuinely can't imagine who I'd be without my grandma; as I write this I can hear the windchimes on my balcony and see about a dozen different PRican souvenir trinkets scattered around my living room. I know that she's the reason I love to tell funny stories, that I tap on jar lids with the back of a knife to get them loose, that I stay mad as hell. It's wild that someone can be a fully complex and nuanced human person and also be your mom's mom. I feel like I've lost my second mother. I'm so grateful I got to see you last month, I want nothing more than to sit with you again and bitch about the same old novelas they still put on tv. I want nothing more than to sit in the carport of the house in PR with you and watch the rain. I don't know how to end this so here are some fun facts about my grandma: - She used to wear perfume to bed sometimes and when I asked her why she was like "I don't wanna waste them" - The ship that brought her to NYC in the 40s got torpedoed later that year by a german U-boat - One time we went to an outdoor movie thing and they were showing the Good Dinosaur and right after the scene where the dinosaur's dad tragically dies and it's like pitch black and silent for a second she started laughing so hard for some reason and at the time I was confused but honestly that was so fucking funny of her and I think about it all the time
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Fanfiction ask meme, let's goooooo. 1, 9 (for "let me wrap my teeth around the world), 12, 13, 17, 21, 26 (for "the house is the same size as the world; or rather it is the world"), 36, 41, 44, 49. Thank you!!
How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
(copy pasted from my answers on this post)
I almost feel like a late bloomer, but eighteen, tbh. I only really entered "fandom" spaces in college and it spiraled from there.
9. In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?
My favorite part of let me wrap my teeth was definitely the Neuroscanner scene--it's like a character study from hell, poured through the darkest and most warped lens, and I loved the intertwined threads of violation, destruction, and sheer overstimulation as the scene progresses. I loved played with the glitch effect and the sense of shit steadily falling apart as time goes on, pushing everyone to the breaking point.
12. Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
(copypasted from other post)
Depends on the fandom...for TMNT it's Leonardo, because I love his tortured leader aesthetic and the sheer amount of trauma he puts up with is really fun. For DC it's Damian, because I have a soft spot for angsty baby murderers trying to be better.
For Avatar I'd think recom Jake, because he's such a perfect Frankenstein's monster of hunger and cruelty and pain and power. With Spider being a close second, because I love this boy and I love fucking him up.
13. Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
Hmmm...well, if I don't like writing for a character I usually don't write for them. I guess in the TMNT fandom it might be Mikey, who I find kind of annoying. In Avatar I guess I'm not interested in writing for some members of recom squad, who kind of blur together to me, although some of course I'm very interested in writing for.
17. Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
She thinks of her bloodmother’s notes, Norm’s diagrams, chemical structures and samples and the dizzying, shifting shapes of one molecule folding into another. She remembers everything Grandmother and Mom ever taught about the woods, about bodies, about transformation, rebirth, the power every body carries to create, destroy, and make anew.
21. Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
I admire so many, on and off ao3...and one of them also happens to write about nightmare 50s domesticity in space and the psychological horrors that can be linked to teddy bears, so what do you know.
26. Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?
For the house is the same size as the world, hmm...I'd think the part were Ronal refers to rJake and Quaritch as Spider's mates. I wanted to avoid demonizing her or putting her on a pedestal there, just highlight the complicated, thorny angstiness of the situation, plus the added factors of Kiri's protectiveness and Spider's heavily internalized victim blaming. I hope I pulled it all off.
36. Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
Leto and the island of Delos REAL (not clickbait)
41. What’s your favourite minor character you’ve written?
(copypasted from other post)
Honestly changes depending on who I'm writing, heh, but right now it's definitely Sylwanin te Tskaha Mo'at'ite. She deserves so much more love and attention and I miss her even though she was technically never on screen.
(Not part of the other post, but definitely Sylwanin's neck and neck with Paz Socorro rn. She's another underutilized character, and I'm automatically with anybody who's crazy enough to have Miles Quaritch's baby).
44. What is the last line you wrote?
"Are you?" Her finger taps lightly against the gun barrel, a ticking clock. "Are you really, truly sorry?"
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
(copypasted from other post)
A TMNT OT4 turtlecest future fic with immortality, bondage, and the apocalypse. It's called Casting Stones at the River by GoblinCatKC and I still love it so fucking much.
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gunpowder-arti · 8 months
actually yknow what. tumblr gets the arti rant
partially copypasted from something i said a while back. on discord
first and foremost, know this: i Do Not Like fanon arti. ofc no hate to anyone who does, or who writes them more sympathetic, but. alright, first of all, i think i need to bring up the fact that they're the Only slugcat who is consistently, broadly hc'd as female?? which is. nothing wrong with reading them as such (hell, the dating sim writes them that way) but. considering that their whole Story has to do with Parenthood and all that it's kind of. a little bit ehhh to me that they're the Only one.
and then there's. right. i find that the broad interpretation of them is largely sympathetic, which i am Not a fan of. i've seen people who interpret them as not killing people but,, that is clearly not the intention of their campaign. i very much interpret the scavs as sapient and tbh i feel like if you interpret them as Just Animals that is kind of. willful denial of canon at best but that's a whole other thing that i will Not go off about right now
uhh, either way. their actions, as portrayed in canon, were unjustified and unjustifiable. like, i call them a war criminal because um. that is what collective punishment is !! i just. they are a hypocritical mass-murdering war criminal and that is part of what makes them so compelling to me. once again no hate to anyone who reads them as sympathetic but it's. ehh. like rain world is ofc heavily up to interpretation but it reads kind of as,, people justifying their actions because they're a player character?? i guess. and im not saying Arti Likers are Problematique™ hell i like them!! but i like them as a mass-murdering war criminal and the fanon good arti is. boring, almost, to me. also iirc it's also kind of implied that they're the reason we don't see elite scavs again until Saint's time [or ever it's been a while] which has pretty bad implications as to the scale of their rampage and. i don't even know if this makes sense but
i would say arti is the most villainous character in rain world, as I see it--they killed on purpose, many times over. theyre awful and shitty and violent and horribly species-ist and a genocidal murder and they are so so fascinating and yet . the fucking fanon is just 'scary girlboss and/or sadgirl mother' and im not even going to lie it's so fucking boring. let women be villainous
look it's all up to interpretation ofc ofc but . i do find certain interpretations to be in poor taste, or at least just... uninteresting !! and fucking . also i genuinely Hate 'arti adopts pebbles' for a few reasons. mostly the above but also a couple other things which i will Not go off about today but. anyways the mortifying ordeal of loving a character but hating the popular fanon more than words can express
ALL THAT BEING SAID please i implore you not to go after anyone on my behalf. or to start discourse about this. this post is not meant to target anyone in particular or even to be taken all that seriously i just . got 6 hours of sleep last night have not eaten in a bit and have perpetually pissed off disease
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night-dark-woods · 2 years
YESSS another person out there who reads Mara Sov as autistic!
YES YES YES hope its ok i answer this publically if not not ill delete it as an ask and just post it BUT she is sooooo very much autistic to me like. i love her sooooo much and thats a huge huge part of it ESPECIALLY bc she gets to be SO delightfully complex and morally gray and a deeply sympathetic character who still is a bit of a horrible person sometimes which just ISNT something we GET a lot as autistic ppl like. augh!!! mara sov was constructed in a lab for me to care about.
anyway im not citing stuff bc im on mobile and copypasting to the tumblr app is Hell but i have fully read the marasenna like 4 times in the last 2 months so this is going to be rambly as all hell but:
-talk about fucking black and white morality. going back to earth is the Right Thing To Do and she will absolutely condemn* her entire colony ship to mortality for that.
-her conviction that she knows secrets and things no one else knows, that she is always in control in a way others arent, and her Need for that to be true, and her sense of herself as separate/better/other/above the rest and having a connection to a deeper knowledge. i feel like theory of mind gets tossed around as a dsm checkbox without people like. fully understanding the nuances of it.
-relatedly her... mercenary? approach to the social interactions and relationships she has (and her utter panic and confusion when she cannot use her models that she has, eg sjur). like she may not be able to Feel what other people feel but she can certainly pattern-match and manipulate.
-her absolutely oversized eldest daughter & gifted kid syndrome taken to absolutely absurd extremes (thanks osana and alis li!) bc of what authority figures told her to be true about herself at 19. (one of the times she had to dramatically readjust her model of How Social Interactions Work- the concept that how she is perceived is Her Responsibility which she immediately internalizes as Law). ALSO osana saying that mara never wanted to be her daughter like. ok we get it ur kid is strange and acts "older than her age" and is more self-possessed than a child her age should be except when shes not.
-god just. honestly everything about how shes written. idr if u have read seth dickinson's published books (the traitor baru cormorant) but baru from those books is SO SO SO similar like. ruthless in that the ends justify absolutely any means, self-centered, brilliant with a massive blindspot where it comes to emotions, manipulative bc she relies on a carefully constructed understanding of how social interactions work, most importantly disastrously world-shatteringly gay.
also i feel like part of it is that a lot of the traits and things that make me read mara as autistic are like... internal experience traits that arent easily recognizable by allistic ppl bc they dont Have a recognizably autistic-specific external manifestation and instead come off as like. being a bitch or selfish or stuck up or cold or Whatever. but are like immediately viscerally recognizable if u experience things the same way.
maybe at some point ill make an Actual Post abt mara sov, the travelers most autistic creature. but so much of it is Unexplainable Vibes. if u kno u kno. also thank u for sending this ask and giving me a chance to talk abt mara i love her SO much.
*i dont believe immortality is inherently good, so i dont think it was condemning is like, the right word, but in context of how characters see it.
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300iqprower · 2 years
Wait, as someone who only goes to the FGO wiki for the occasional data and pictures, what's the problem with it? Is it just the comments that are bad?
So there's 4 wikis. There's gamepress, there's the .wiki one, the fandom one, and the Type Moon fandom wiki.
The Type moon wiki reads like it was 90% written neckbeards who make blood sacrifices to Nasu on a monthly basis.
I'm not even going to put forth the effort of describing more than one example so i'll use my favorite: they actively reject using officially localized lore and instead use GARBAGE fantranslations with at most the english version of the skill name in parentheses below the title, because obviously if they didn't do that no one would fucking get it as a search result. My go to example is the absolute gibberish that is Kotarou's third skill, which is called Suspicious Shadow but the wiki claims is "Afraid of your own Shadow"
A state that originates from soldiers of a defeated army being frightened simply from the sound of the wind, or the cry of the crane; from fear as the origin itself. As Fuuma Kotarou suppresses his presence and lays surprise attack, by making use of his subordinates as if they are his own limb he is capable of intentionally reproducing the state of paranoia. The will to fight severely declines and all kinds of bad status effects are applied as a matter of course.
I feel like I had a stroke just rereading that.
And to be clear there's a lot of claims of "well there ARE no officially localized translations for a lot of skills!" and that's a bullshit lie/excuse for 2 reasons.
These are the same puritan incels who harass localizers and claim they "censor" their precious gacha game by accurately translating with an understanding of basic culture and context, rather than copypasting google translate like both Nasu and these chucklefucks do. If there's a sudden lack of english translations we can blame people like them for that giving creators motivation/excuse to not even bother.
THE DESCRIPTIONS 100% EXIST THEY JUST REFUSE TO EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE IT. WHICH IS WHY PEOPLE KEEP THINKING THEY DONT EXIST, BECAUSE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO MAKE INFORMATION AVAILABLE ARE ACTIVELY TRYING TO BURY IT. Did you know there's an entire compendium with dozens of fully localized skill descriptions and lore on exactly how they work in Fate Extella Link? Apparently no one but me ever even noticed that exists, and when i want to check the lore for skills I have literally found it more reliable than the supposed fucking wiki for the same series, having to boot up my ps4 just to check and everything, to say nothing of typing them up or taking pictures of my tv bc they sure as hell arent available online to copypaste.
Seriously. Letting Nasu fans run the type moon wiki is the equivalent to putting Catholics in charge of Darwin's biographical records.
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amaounghususssy · 2 months
I think I just became a pariah on an mspfa fandom
There's this mspfa called deadlock that is like really fucking amazing and I read the whole thing in one sitting and t was like 700 pages and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Anyways 2 days later after my second readthrough I get to the end and go to the new pages that were added after I finished it the first time and keep in mind this thing has been updating for 8 months before I found it. On the page, the creator said they were unhappy with where it was going and was rebooting the whole thing from the start and unlisting the old one. If you haven't experienced content grief let me tell you it is horrible especially when the obsession is fresh. I kind of freaked the fuck out I admit and even though I knew the new one was probably going to turn out to be better, I was still planted firmly in the anger stage of grief at the time and commented something along the lines of "(character): do nothing. Nothing matters since that comic you like got rebooted" and then kind of immediately left and forgot about that comment. I'm sorry I swear I was in a bad place and it was the middle of the night. The next day I checked my notifications and saw that someone tagged me saying more or less "SHUT UP (USERNAME) NOBODY CARES" and it ratioed the hell out of me. Fight or flight kicks in and I delete my comment but the angry one still has my username in it to call me out with and I kind of felt like actual garbage for a while. There was another comment from the creator and I don't know if it was in response to mine but it pretty much said (regarding the decision to reboot) "I write for myself not other people" and i'm a visual thinker as soon as I see the comment I made, the angry one, and that one in conjunction my mind conjures a picture of an angry criminal or something (me) being hauled away by the cops and screaming "I'LL GET YOU BACK FOR THIS" at a tearful child (the creator) while the creator's parent (angry commenter) says "never go near my child again or you're dead, you hear me?" And I couldn't get that image out of my head for a while. Sucked. Anyways after deleting the comment I don't know why but I still felt like idk expressing this somewhere. I went into an unrelated fanventure's comments and AFTER THINKING IT OVER SO I DON'T SAY ANYTHING TOO REGRETFUL HOPEFULLY I just write "I can't believe (creator) rebooted deadlock". I know it sounds like I'm being dramatic going to these lengths and I probably was but you haven't read this thing man. Nobody reacts to the comment so mission accomplished I guess.
A couple days pass to today, and I've recovered to an extent. Not sure how much of an extent but the change was noticeable I guess. Basically I go on the deadlock discord and it has this channel where people can plug their own random mspfas for whatever reason. I decide why the hell not and do that. This is where the real unbelievable shit happens. As soon as I post the link and a quick message about having posted it there, someone types the exact comment. That I wrote on the other fanventure. It was like "page 349, 9 Apr 2024, (username), I can't believe (creator) rebooted deadlock". This was SECONDS after I make a message in the discord. You can't make this shit up. I said "What" and the other person never responded. Nobody else was on that channel. I know it wasn't a bot because they had a normal bio and servers and they plugged their own fanventure a ways upward in the channel. My discord username and mspfa username are completely different and there wasn't enough time by far between when I posted it and when they said that for them to click on it, click on my profile, click on my favorite fanventures, happen to select the correct one, and look at the comments, like it's an astronomically low chance. It was sburb.exe so I guess it wasn't the most obscure one it could've been so it's not out of the question that they saw it before, but like, how did they have it ready to copypaste? How did they know my discord and my mspfa are run by the same guy? The discord username is related to sburb.exe I guess and it's on the deadlock discord so maybe how many people are fans of both? But even if they did that yagami light ass deductive move how did they have it ready to copypaste and what's the fucking chance they were the only other person in that server at that time?
I waited until they got offline and deleted the "What" message so hopefully more people don't pull an fbi on me again because that message (correctly) implies I am the one that said that. Creator I'm sorry for badmouthing the deadlock reboot please don't kill me
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proshippearl · 1 year
hullo pearl i havent checked tumblr in so long but i have SO MUCH SHIPCEST IN MY BRAIN THE NEW LIFE SERIES HAS BEEN FEEDING MY INCEST LOVING BRAIN and i just have so many ideas but no where to put them!! so i figured u might like it!!
cw for nsfw !!👍
im just gonna copypaste a few of my ramblings i dont know if they'll be coherent
etho showing bdubs and scar how to play catch with minecarts can sooo easily be turned into smth dirty
look there must be a reason he's lost custody im just saying he'd be a good pick for some dad-son incest , ESPECIALLY with twincest scardubs... they're so innocent and just want to play with their dad. scar is very doubtful of what they're doing but bdubs trusts dad so he should too right??
ALSO with the new badboys are clockers cousins this means Etho was the husband of Joel's aunt and i just imagine him highkey flirting with Etho,,,
LIKE he's trying to push Etho to make a move,,, but Etho doesn't want to have that on his consciousness but JOEL WANTS IT SM
joel just ends up saying smth like "oh fuck me already" and forcibly kisses etho and yk 🤧 plot what plot
ALSO THINK ABOUT ALL THE BROCEST BETWEEN BADBOYS,,, because im thinking about it a lot
you know those jokes about grian opening ao3 to get ideas for the life series? see apparently he spun a wheel and got incest as the result. pffft
but LITERALLY!!!! tbh i see etho as more of a big bro kind of guy, but dilf etho,,,, based as shit. also YES etho lost custody because he couldn't keep it in his pants. it's not like cleo is any better tho (the family reunion is an orgy). also twincest scardubs 🥺🥺 that's so cute (i just imagined them as shotas someone help)
also YES joel is a little shit that's practically begging etho to fuck him. he accidentally calls etho daddy and is like "oops sorry daddy- oops I've done it again" and then laughs his ass off everytime he sees etho desperately trying to ignore his hard-on. fuck this gave me an idea, you're a genius anon. (also imagine if all of this bs is connected to the badtoucher father etho thing, and he's like trying to get his act up...)
and hell yeah!!! jimmy tries so hard to be against it, but joel and grian are like "awww come on don't you wanna please your big brothers" 🥺🥺
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