#and now I can’t get Benny B out of my head??
mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
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featherandferns · 1 year
'shut up' (fic)
jj maybank x fem!kook!shy!reader | the music the band plays in this are songs by beach bunny (that's the music style i envisioned for the reader) - check them out!
a fascinating new thing spin-off celebration fic for 300 followers (per this and this request haha)
content warning: drinking; anxiety
word count: 3k.
blurb: it's been a month since the moment on the hammock. JJ calls you 'baby' like it's the most natural thing. But some things have been left unsaid. Maybe one night, at Pansy's, where things seemingly started, one of you will kick up the nerves...
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Ironic, how the first time you played at The Wreck you actively avoided JJ Maybank’s gaze. Now you seek it out. Whenever you feel the stage-fright creep up on you like a spider stalking in the night, you dart your eyes across the small but ever-growing crowd and find your boyfriend. He watches you like you’re some star-studded bigshot. Like you’re Beyoncé or something, holding the stage and audience in your palm. It does something to your stomach, still, after the month the two of you have been officially together. You’re not sure if you’ll ever get used to having JJ look at you that way, so clearly and unapologetic. If you’ll ever get used to having the knowledge that he knows the songs are about him.
So, as you sing the closing lyrics to the final song of the set, you can’t seem to break away from his gaze. You know your friends will tease you both about it later, and that whilst you’ll shrivel up under the light-hearted scrutiny like a prune, JJ will grin and bask in the attention. The two of you seem to equal out the scales.
“Suddenly, everything is easy. I’ve never felt something so deeply. Cause with you, with you, I breathe again. Baby you’re my oxygen.”
When you and Pansy harmonise for the fade-out, you finally pull your focus from JJ’s smiling face. Instead, you smile at your bandmate and best friend. Bob your head along to the steady beat of the drums as the song ties off to a close.
The crowd breaks into applause. Cheers and whoops and hollers triumphing over claps that make you laugh into the microphone.
“Thank you,” you grin.
There it is again. Your eyes falling onto JJ and his on you; opposite sides of the magnet, attracting. He nods at you, proud, and you feel your grin turn mushy, teeth sinking into your lower lip in a failing attempt to restrain it. Damn him.
“Thanks for being a great crowd, guys! We’re The Wallflowers! Buy our shit!” Pansy shouts gleefully.
Routine as always: the lights flick on, the microphones disconnect, the Reggae playlist kicks up, and the crowd tumbles into conversation, pours over their drinks, perhaps filter out the doors. The Pogues wander up to the stage as Mike shrugs off his bass and Pansy her guitar.
“You guys were dope,” John B grins from below the small stage.
“Like always,” Pansy winks at him.
“I’m liking the new stuff,” Kiara smiles at you.
“Thanks! I’m trying to mix things up a bit more,” you say.
JJ’s holding out his hand for you to take. You use his help to jump down from the stage, standing by his side. Try your best not to retreat when he leans down to kiss you in front of everyone. It’s not that you don’t want him to you; it just still feels somewhat surreal that he wants to, and does so, freely.
“We still hanging out at yours, Pansy?” John B wonders.
“Mhm. Empty house kids,” she grins. “Sides, we need to celebrate our new drummer who did a fucking awesome job tonight.”
As if on cue, Xander wanders across the stage from where they’d been hiding behind the drumkit. They grin down at everyone, their brow piercing catching the light of the restaurant and twinkling.
“You’re already killing it,” Kiara says.
“Yeah, way better than the last guy,” JJ adds.
You elbow him. The look that you flash him, however, tells him that you’re not mad.
Benny had quit the band not long after you and JJ became a thing. Things were already messy from the fight at the fair and the tone was forever changed. It was obvious that yourself and Pansy were honouree Pogues now and that if Benny couldn’t pull his head from out of his ass (Pansy’s words, not yours) then there’s no room for him in the band anymore. The two of you had talked about what went down. It was awkward and uncomfortable and painful, to look at someone who you once saw as an irreplaceable friend and now only recognise as a decent drummer. Benny confessed that staying in the band with you, knowing he couldn’t be with you, would be too painful. You refused to let yourself feel guilty. You wouldn’t change how things went down and selfishly, if it meant you got to keep your friends and JJ in your life, then Benny would have to slip through the cracks.
JJ’s arm slinging over your shoulder, tugging you closer to his chest, has you tuning back into the conversation again. You wrap an arm gently around his waist. His tee shirt smells of salt water and cheap cologne. It’s so wonderfully him that you have to keep from burying in it. It’s strange how a few months ago you’d almost come to peace with the fact that you’d maybe journey through life alone romantically, with nothing but good friends and music to accompany you, and now here you are, fitting so well under JJ’s hold that it’s like you were made to be there.
“So once she’s finished up there, her and a few of her friends are gonna come over. If that’s cool with you, Pansy,” Mike finishes saying. By ‘she’, he means his now official girlfriend, Tara.
“Of course! The more the merrier!”
You smile at your little group of friends. Slightly misfitting and far from what you’d expect, but perfect, nonetheless. Pansy and JJ’s effervescent energies; Kiara and Mike both laid back and argumentative at the same time; Xander’s stories that allotted perfectly with Pope’s; John B flitting in and out of conversations seamlessly, like a school of fish leisurely navigating through a sea of kelp and coral. And you, surrounded by so much love you don’t really know what to do with it.
“Ready to go, baby?”
Baby. JJ started calling you that a week after the moment on the hammock. You liked it, being someone’s baby. Being his baby.
“Mhm,” you smile up at him.
With that, you filter out the restaurant. You’d already agreed with Kiara’s dad that you’d tidy up the band stuff tomorrow morning, before opening. This was your fourth time playing there, so it was a well-made routine by now. Walking towards the cars, Kie steals you away to have you ride with herself, Pansy and Xander in the pick-up. The boys pile into the Twinkie and Mike has to duck his head hopelessly as he clambers in. Oh to be six-foot six. The conversation that comes between the four of you is light and easy, with anecdotes about school being tossed around like a volleyball on the beach. By the time you pull up to Pansy’s house, your chest aches from laughing. The guys pull up just moments later in the twinkie as you climb out the pick-up.
“You guys giving my girl laughing gas or something? She’s grinning like a mad man,” JJ hollers as he jumps out the van. 
“Just finally in the presence of someone who’s funny, is all,” Pansy jabs. Your friends ‘ooh’ in return.
JJ takes your hand and the lot of you climb up the stairs to Pansy’s house. There’s an unspoken agreement to hang out near the pool. People swipe up some beer and liquor and mixers on the way. Pansy connects to the speaker and you all relax into seats and loungers. Conversations carry from the cars to the garden like driftwood on the tide. JJ practically pulls you down to sit in his lap. An arm coils around your waist comfortingly.
“This okay, baby?” he murmurs into your ear.
Your skin prickles pleasantly. Baby.
“Mhm,” you nod, looking at him. He presses a kiss against your lips, fast and fleeting.
Then the two of you are accepting red solo-cups filled with beer and smiling into the chatter. JJ gets tangled up in some heated debate, leaning forward and energetically arguing his case through a grin. His arm tightens its hold on you, though never painfully so, whenever he does. For the most part, you’re content in listening along. Nodding and laughing. Whispering jokes into JJ’s ear that you don’t quite have the nerve to toss into the group, and basking in the laughter it draws from him.
When Tara does show up, ‘a few of her friends’ ends up being nearly ten people. They’re all nice enough, smiley with drinks in hand, but they’re also all buzzed and way more extroverted than you will ever be. The pitch of the conversation rises by about three notches. It’s harder to follow along with a conversation and harder still to sit in your blissful observation position on JJ’s lap. It seems Tara’s friends are hellbent on ‘including you’ in the conversation, but their way of doing so involves grilling you with questions. They’re not rude or invasive, but you don’t like being under so many eyes, waiting on what you have to say when you don’t really have much to say at all. Instinctively, you start drawing shapes on the back of JJ’s hand that’s resting on your thigh.
“Hey,” he says, pulling your attention to him. “You okay?”
“You sure? Think you’re painting a Mozart on my hand there.”
“You mean Monet,” you say.
JJ rolls his eyes. Presses a kiss to your cheek. “Smart ass.”
There’s a roaring round of laughter. You sigh and try to ease the tension that’s forming in the back of your throat. It’s so dumb. These are your friends. You’ve met Tara before and she’s lovely. A little intimidating in a could-be-a-bikini-model-six-foot-four-long-perfect-hair way, but still lovely. Her friends aren’t mean Kooks. They’re all pretty chill. They seem to be meshing well with the rest of the Pogues, too. You catch Kiara’s eyes as you scan the conversation. She frowns the moment she lays eyes on you.
‘You okay?’ she mouths.
You nod. You don’t want to be a party pooper. Everyone’s having fun, including JJ.
He squeezes your thigh, grabbing your attention once more.
“Come on,” he says, moving to stand up. You frown but shift onto your feet, with JJ in tow.
“What’s up?”
“We’re going inside for a sec,” he tells you, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“I’m fine. Really.”
JJ looks down at you. Whilst his expression doesn’t exactly change, you get this feeling that his thoughts are ‘yeah, right.’
“Well, I wanna check out this Kook mansion and I need a tour guide,” he replies.
You smile at that, despite your efforts not to. Hands interlocked, you follow JJ out of the small gathering and into the kitchen. Flush like you’re on fire at the wolf-whistle John B sends your way when you do. In both your and JJ’s spare hands are your solo cups, half full of beer. There’s a pleasant hum to your thoughts, giving everything a colourful edge almost.
“You’ve been here before, remember,” you say to him as he guides you both through the empty house. It’s almost insulting that three people live here, at most.
“Well, I spent most of it in the bathroom so—”
“Oh! Really?”
He grins down at you and you laugh.
“I didn’t say I didn’t want to spend it in the bathroom!”
“Mhm,” you grin, rolling your eyes. The two of you make your way up the stairs. Automatic lights flick on as you do.
“I’d rather spend the night sat with some cute Powerpuff girl than hang out with the loser Kooks downstairs,” JJ says. That has you flustered. You squeeze his hand.
“Shut up.”
“You did it again.”
“Shut up!”
JJ imitates you, shrivelling up under the compliment, and you laugh and swat at his arm. His lifelong mission to make you accept a compliment is one month in and currently unsuccessful. As you guys wander down the seemingly never-ending corridor, you remember something you and Pansy did once. With that thought, you take the lead, pulling JJ behind you as you guide the two of you into one of the may spare bedrooms. It smells a little musty, though nothing like a museum. It’s fresh must: like worn-down reed diffusers and fresh cotton that never got tainted. On the bed lies tons of winter clothes as if someone was halfway through clearing out a wardrobe.
“Where are you taking me?” JJ asks, humour light in his voice.
“To my secret spot.”
“Ooh,” you echo teasingly, flashing a smile at him over your shoulder.
Handing your cup to JJ, you pull the window open and glance out, checking you have the right room. There’s the extension’s roof, underneath, solid as a rock. Smiling, you gesture your head for him to follow and then you’re climbing onto the roof. JJ chuckles a little.
“Didn’t know I was dating spiderman, but okay.”
“You can’t tell anyone my secret identity,” you joke in reply.
You’re watching where you’re placing your feet, checking your balance. Holding out your hand for your beer, JJ passes over the cup then grunts as he clambers out to join you. The two of you settle on the roof top. It’s a starry night tonight. The universe seems as though it may stretch on for miles. Countless sparkles of light illuminate above you, basking in the absence of light pollution.
“I know, right?” you smile.
JJ grins up at the sky, captured in awe. It’s adorable how boyish and young he seems when he does. Some things that mother nature does can stop anyone in their tracks: young and old, fat and thin, rich and poor. Beauty doesn’t have limits. You would know, looking at one of the most beautiful things on the planet, right before your eyes. Dirty-blonde hair brightened by natural highlights from too many hours on the water, under the sun. Crinkles by the eyes that never quite go, even when he isn’t smiling. A jawline taken from a sketchbook and a smile that can make someone fold at the knees and swoon at the heart. You take to admiring your boyfriend the same way he admires the stars.
If you told childhood you that you were now sat on top of Pansy’s roof with your school-long crush, sipping beer and watching stars, you’d send her to A&E for a stroke.
“You’re staring,” he mumbles, not drawing his eyes from the view above.
“So,” he smiles.
“You’re my boyfriend. I’m allowed to stare, aren’t I?”
JJ’s smile takes on a little edge, like he’s proud. He glances down at you. “Like how that sounds. ‘Boyfriend’.”
You flush. “I mean, you are, aren’t you?”
“Aren’t I?” he teases.
You roll your eyes and gently shove his shoulder. JJ laughs. The sound makes you smile, like a reflex.
“Shut up.”
“Might start taking a shot for every time you say that to me.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, because you can’t think of something else to say.
JJ guffaws. He slinks an arm around your waist and tugs you nearer to his side. You rest your head against his collar bone with a sigh.
“You didn’t answer my question,” you eventually say into the almost-silence. There’s the carrying sound of your friends’ chatter from below, managing its way up to the roof.
“Of course I am,” he says, teasing worn down. “Come on – thought we made that happen on the hammock.”
“Well, so did I, but we never officially said anything,” you quietly tell him.
JJ swallows. He knows what you mean. It’s impossible not to. That day went from being one of the best, to one of the worst, to one of the best days of your life. Things were left unsaid from it but things changed, nonetheless. The spot next to JJ was reserved for you; his texts became more flirtatious, more sweet, more sensitive; the two of you would kiss, whenever and wherever (something that you still can’t quite get used to); and you and JJ would spend time together with nobody else around. The ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ thing felt pointless. The ‘I love you’ thing, however, felt a little less right being left untouched.
“I gotta tell you something,” JJ says. He shifts so the two of you can meet the other’s gaze. You swallow down the nerves.
“Don’t tell me: you’ve got the clap,” you deadpan.
JJ smiles. He laughs silently, shaking his head. You still can’t believe he finds you funny. That he wants to hear your jokes more than anyone else’s.
“Not quite.”
“Shut up,” he sniggers, shaking his head.
You point a finger at him, grinning. “Aha! You said the thing!”
“You’re impossible, did you know that?”
“Nothing’s impossible if you just believe in yourself,” you hum, perhaps a little more drunk than you thought. Maybe that’s just him though. JJ tends to have that effect on you.
The only way it seems that JJ can think of shutting you up is to kiss you. You smile, slipping your hand over his atop of the grainy fabric of the roof tiles. Kissing JJ is like seeing a supernova: impossible to describe; faultless and insurmountably beautiful.
“What I was trying to tell you,” JJ says the moment his lips break from yours. Then, another kiss. “Is that” – another kiss – “I love you.”
You break apart with that, falling short of breath. You slowly open your eyes. Glance up to his, near reluctant. Wait for his jeer down to his friends or the punchline to follow, because surely – surely, he doesn’t. Could he? He’d sort of said it on the hammock, but when you pushed, he pulled away, and it made you wonder if you misinterpreted it. There’s a difference between having a thing for the quiet, weird girl and being in love with her.
Maybe all of these thoughts read easy on your face, because JJ’s half-smiling, half-frowning, and thumbing at your cheek.
“I mean it,” he quietly affirms. “I’m in love with you.”
“How do you even know that?” you whisper.
JJ smiles fully now. He shrugs. “I just do. I just…I don’t know. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and I didn’t even know it.”
Your quietness? Your weird sense of humour? Your awkward punchlines? Your baking? Your crocheting? Your music? Your singing? Your body? Your figure? Your face? Your smile? Your voice? Your brain?
“Everything,” he nods reassuringly.
Kisses you once more, firm and fierce, and you kiss him back. That familiar zip chimes up and down your body, lighting up your neurons and firing away at your synapses. Being told by JJ Maybank that he loves you feels akin to Gabriel declaring to Mary that she was chosen. That you’re special, and beautiful, and maybe somehow sexy. That you’re talented and wanted and funny – he thinks you’re funny. He’s taken the time to know you and to understand you. He waited for you and you waited for him. And now, here, it’s like he’s the king of your heart. Maybe you ought to crown him for showing you these colours of the world and for teaching you the language of his tongue. For changing your life in every way a person probably can.
There’s only one type of crown you can think to give.  
“I love you too, JJ.”
Thanks for 300 followers everyone <;3
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jigsawsvictim · 1 year
thats cool and all but are you currently cheering your highschool sweetheart benny rodriguez and his baseball team on during a game? i didnt think so
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𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 ; b. rodriguez x fem!reader
summary : benny has a big game coming up, so of course you’re gonna be there to support him. Not just because you want to but because you’re head cheerleader
warnings: none but benny is 16 in this, fluff, some cursing
You took in a deep breath in you’re cheer uniform as you prepared yourself to chant the saying you practiced many times before.
“You don’t got no problems you just talk like you!”
standing in front of you as you waved your hands in the air, clapping my hands and stomping your feet to the rhythm in your head that you memorized as you continued the rest taking short pauses between each word was an amused Benny nodding his head following the rhythm you were keeping up.
“Let me show you that you don’t want no problems you just talk like you do! say it to my face and nuck if you buck come out from them bleachers so wassup get buck!”
after repeating the words and clapping your hands a final time Benny finally spoke up”that was amazing baby”he said happily but still sounding calm and cool like he always does. He stood up and wrapped his arms around your waist before leaning in for a kiss. ”I can’t wait to see you perform it at my big game tomorrow”you smiled at him and rested your hands on his chest. “But Benny I’m so nervous for tomorrow; what if I mess up?”
He frowned a little before pinching your cheek and smiling at you again. ”You’re gonna do great babe you always do”you laughed through your nose. “you flatter me Benny but I’m serious what if i mess it up, I missed 3 practices when I was sick remember?”. He frowned again. “cmon baby don’t be like that, you’re the best cheerleader I know you’re not gonna mess this up, just put your all into it and I know you’ll do great”. You smiled up at him”thanks Benny”
The game was after school and it was currently last period. (Y/n) was anxiously tapping her pencil and bouncing her leg up and down. She was already ready and in her cheer uniform as to save time and not rush to get ready for the game last minute. She glanced at her phone to check the time and seeing it was almost time to leave she got her stuff together. As the bell rang she rushed out the room and pushed through the crowd to get to the locker room to meet up with her friends.
As she arrived at the locker room and stuffed her bag into the tiny locker her friend approached her. “Do you have any lip gloss I can borrow? I forgot mine at home”. (Y/n) pulled out the tiny tube filled with gloss and handed it to her friend as she said a quick thanks before beginning to roll it onto her lips. (Y/n) broke the silence by speaking. ”are you nervous too?”. Her friend handed her back the gloss then replied with”totally, I feel like I’m gonna vom from how nervous I am”(Y/n) made a slight face of disgust. “I’m so nervous, especially since Benny’s gonna be watching”
“He always watches you cheer though, hell he plays on the fucking team and is arguably the best player on the team of course he’s gonna be there watching you”you stared at your friend blankly not seeing what she was getting at. She sighed before continuing. “What I’m saying is Benny is always there watching you cheer, whats different that you get nervous now?”. (Y/n) shrugged and leaned on the set of lockers across from where hers was and thought about how she was going to respond. “I don’t know I guess I just don’t wanna mess this up and embarrass myself or Benny”
Her friend nodded her head. “You’re not gonna mess up though. That’s why you’re head cheerleader, remember? You’re the best this shitty school could find”. You smiled and laughed lightly before looking down and fidgeting with your skirt. “Thanks”She smiled at you before changing the subject. “Let’s go before coach starts bitching at us for being late” she said before making her way out of the locker room and to the field as you followed behind her
As you and your friend were making you’re way to the field you saw the baseball team in their positions before the game including Benny. You smiled and blew a kiss at him which he returned by catching it. You made your way to where the rest of the cheerleaders were, fixed into neat rows separating them by jv and varsity. “Ready girls?”your coach yelled and looking at you signaling for you to start.
“You don’t got no problems you just talk like you!”starting off the chant while you yelled out while waving your hands then clapping your hands. “Let me show you that you don’t got no problems you just talk like you do! Say it to my face and nuck if you buck come out from them bleachers so wassup get buck!”the team all yelled while stomping their feet and clapping their hands in unison. After repeating the chant a couple times it ends with the crowd clapping and Benny sending you a thumps up.
You smiled looking at Benny in excitement. It was all up to Benny to win since the game was tied. Benny took a quick glance at you, winked, then looked back at the pitcher. The sun was blazing and you could see sweat starting to build up under Benny’s helmet. He adjusted his stance on home base, making sure his grip on the bat was tight. Then the pitcher made his move, and there he was, swinging his bat with all his might.
"cmon Benny run!!"
He was running faster than you’ve ever seen him. You could tell he really enjoyed baseball and this is where he belonged and wanted to be for the rest of his days, on the diamond. You could see the other team scramble for the ball, Benny’s own teammates cheering as he rounded the bases easily. One of the outfielders tried to throw the ball to a boy on third base, but it didn’t show that it phased Benny. Suddenly he had an explosion of speed, and slid onto home base just in time. His teammates erupted into cheers as the game ended. He took off his helmet and quickly talked to his teammates before he ran over to you, picking you up and twirling you around. “You did it Benny you won!”you smiled brightly looking down at him.
He set you down and kissed you gently, holding your face. “You did great with your cheer too. I told you you could do it”you laughed. “I have to go get my stuff and I know you do too. I’ll wait for you because I know you take longer”he looked down in slight embarrassment but laughed about it anyway. “Alright baby I’ll see you and we can go get something to eat to celebrate”he said kissing your cheek before running inside the school to the locker rooms. You stood there silently looking at Benny run away in admiration. Benny was the sweetest guy you knew and you plan to marry him at some point and grow old with him. After a while you went to the locker room and got your bag from your locker before going outside to meet your boyfriend.
You stood outside by the doors for only a little bit before Benny walked up beside you telling you he was ready to leave and starting walking hand in hand. “Where do you wanna go to eat”you looked over at him to see him looking down at his feet while kicking a rock. “I don’t know baby why don’t you choose?”he looked up at you squinting his eyes due to the sun shining down on them. “No you choose today because you won your big game”you frowned slightly at him before he sighed slightly and looked back down at his feet finding a new rock to kick. “why don’t we just go to a gas station and get some slushies and horrible microwaved burritos?”you smiled brightly at him. “I’d really like that”
lol i suck at ending stories
i havent written anything since like 2018 wattpad writing about creepypastas so if this is bad or if theres any errors im rlly sorry i havent wrote in years and i changed the pov like half way through from 1st person to 3rd person, i proofread this but i mightve missed sum stuff so sorry for that. also i didnt rlly know what to tag this as sorry
thanks for reading tho follow if u want
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danses-with-dogmeat · 10 months
B is for -- Benny Gecko
Aaaaand here is the prompt for the good ole Ben-man himself! He's always a fun challenge to write for with his... expressive dialogue, lol. And this was no exception, but again, I think the randomized aspect of the prompt was being nice to me 😅
Anyway I hope you all enjoy!
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
Pair: Benny x g/n Six
Dialogue Prompt: “Remind me when I said I needed your help?”
Word: Believe
Rating: SFW
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1.4K
“Baby?” Benny’s sleep-sore voice passed through the fabric of the lightweight bed sheets as he turned to face his partner in the darkness. “What you up to?” 
Six continued readying themself, the sound of shuffling bags, of zippers being pulled up, and buckles being done rang through the casino hotel room. 
“I’ve been up thinking all night, and, it's time. I've gotta just… end this.” 
Benny sat up at that, one hand wiping at his tired eyes as a confused expression settled upon his face. 
“End… what? This early in the a.m.? Angel, you must be guzzlin’ moon juice or somethin,’ you thinking about doing anything right now. Sun’s not even awake yet, what right have we got to be kicking around at this nocturnitus hour?” 
“I didn’t say we, Benny. You can stay here, I just… I can’t sleep thinking about this. Haven’t been able to for days, since we found out about House’s army in that bunker, about the dam and Caesar’s reinforcements coming in and the NCR President… I’ve just gotta do something about it now. Before it’s too late, before it’s out of my hands.” 
Benny blinked at them, the wheels in his head beginning to turn, still only processing half of all they said, but operating suitably enough for him to spit out a response. 
“Sure, yeah, sounds like a dream, sweetie-pie. I’d love to shove a stopper in it all too, just be able to stay here and make sweet music with you all the time. Get Yes Man fired up, override or delete or whatever it takes of that mummified millionaire and get our names up in lights, but… Can’t just be done in one night– ahem, morning. It’s morning, again, I forgot, cuz the moon is still dreaming up there..." Benny shook his head, sleep still tugging ceaselessly at his eyelids as he patted the still-warm spot beside him with one outstretched hand. "Why don’t we follow its lead, hm?” 
The bed shifted as Six took a seat at the foot of the mattress, and Benny found himself scooting closer, wrapping a hand around their waist and leaning one cheek on their shoulder. 
“Hmm, takin’ my advice for once, lovebird?” 
His head shifted as Six sighed, rising and sagging along with their shoulders. 
“No.” They told him simply, and Benny’s chest gave a pathetic little ache. “I can’t sit by and do nothing as war threatens all of New Vegas.” 
���We won’t be doing nothing, sweetcakes.” His hand rubbed over their back, in an attempt to smooth their ruffled thoughts through nothing but his touch. “Everything’s close to ready, an’ we still got the chip. House can’t do jack without that shiny piece of platinum, which means we’re in control here. Just waiting for the opportuneous moment, when our own tin-can-pal can safely transfer power over to us. Then, baby, then we make our waves, ya dig?” 
“Just because House can’t do anything with his underground nightmare, it doesn’t mean Caesar and the NCR are gonna sit and wait. Something has to be done about them now.” They stood up, wrenching their waist out of Benny's hold and leaving him to catch himself from toppling over where he’d been leaning against them. 
What the hell about what I’m saying isn’t getting through that cranium of theirs?
Evidently, it’s a thick cranium, that, he knew from personal experience, but…
Still, Six should know better than to run off like this, like chasin' wildflowers in the wind. As beautiful as the thought of it was, in reality, it was always gonna slip through their fingers.
They may be the fated courier who held the platinum chip, and his main squeeze, both were hefty titles, but they still could never hope to stop this war all on their own.
“So, what about tonight brought all these plans and schemes of yours to the head of the table?” 
Six zipped their rifle bag closed definitively, and he heard another sigh leave them. 
“It’s not just tonight, Benny, I told you. It’s been weeks, and I just… I can’t take it any more. I feel like they’re gonna make their move any minute, and I don’t want to be a waiting duck.” 
“That’s a weird way of putting it, sugar.” He scooched all the way to the end of the bed as he spoke, letting his feet swing over and hit the carpeted floor. “‘Sitting duck’? Wasn’t that it? What is a duck, anyhow?” 
“Dollface, just hold on a jiff.” 
“No, Benny. I told you. I’m leaving, you can’t stop me.” As his eyes adjusted to the dim of the room, and as pale sunlight began to lighten the blackout curtains hanging from the windows, Benny could see the way they swung their bag over their back and made to leave with a stubborn sorta purpose. 
They could never hope to stop this war... On their own.
“I ain’t gonna try and halt your moves, baby. If you’d listen, I’m about to tell you I’m coming with ya.” 
He stood up, and started towards the cabinet where he kept his suits. Benny didn’t need to look their way to know that Six was pinching the bridge of their nose, or maybe flaring their nostrils. 
He just does that to them, and he knows it. 
Doesn't mean they don't want him tagging along though. Deep down.
“Remind me when I said I needed your help?” 
Deep deep down.
“Don’t gotta say squat for me to know you want it. May not need it, that’s not really what I’m sayin’, but sure as nuka cola bubbles, you want it. Even if you don’t know that, I do, baby.” 
Six rolled their eyes at him. As he pulled on his clothes swiftly though, he found he didn’t much care. 
He does that to them too, he supposed. He has since they met him. Well, met him the second time, that is. 
“You really want to help me?” He expected there to be more humor in their inquiry, but no, it had more of a genuinity to it. Real curiosity bled through their words, and a lousy sorta feeling made itself known in Benny’s gut. 
“Look," He sighed as he paused his dressing, letting his button-up hang down half-done. "I know, so far, in this outfit I been about as useful as a deck of cards with no aces, or a brahmin with no legs, but baby, all you done for me? The dream we share? Never found a bloke or broad I could relate to more, never found someone to take me as I am the way you have, even through all the muck and grumble I’ve put you through.” 
Benny approached his partner once he’d pulled his iconic suit jacket over his shoulders, and grasped either side of their arms in his hands, pulling them close to look them in the eye. 
“And while I don’t like to analogize myself with the slimy, no good Robert House, I too, am a businessman, whether I like it or not. Got the dress here to prove it, too.” He gestured with one hand down at this checkerboard suit jacket. “And if I owe somebody a debt, I aim to pay it forward, ya dig?” 
Six bit their lip, looking away from him briefly before one hand reached out to touch their chin, drawing their eyes back to meet his. 
“An’ I owe you diamonds and pearls for all you done on my account. But I ain’t got all that, all I can say is… believe me. Believe that I wanna help you, that I’m gonna. And believe that I believe in our dream. Our New Vegas.” 
His hand on Six’s chin rose to boop them on the nose affectionately, and despite their determined look, a smile escaped them, passing right through to Benny as he reflected their relief at his words. 
“Alright.” They sighed, for the umpteenth time this early morning. “I’ll believe you, baby.” They leaned forward, and Benny grinned into it as their lips met his in a chaste little kiss. 
“But for the record,” Six said as they pulled away, much too soon by his account, “You’re no businessman, Benny.”
“No?” He turned his head to them as he finished buttoning up his shirt, moving towards the bedside table as he did, where his Maria laid in waiting.  
“Nah, you’re a conman.” Six practically giggled, and Benny couldn’t find the words to argue. He could only take his gun in hand, and follow them out the door they both set off to change the fate of the Mojave.
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snoozingredpanda · 10 months
I have a request, don't do it if you're not up for it it's fine I get it😊
I really wanna see yandere benni winters x chubby virgin fem reader
( first time requesting sorry 😭)
Ofc. I got this and basically exactly the same request at the same time (idk if it was you)
Benni Winters — More to Love
18+ Please!
Warnings: chubby!reader, dom!benni, sub!reader, virgin!reader, praise, scissoring, marking, body worship, swearing
• “Gon’ be a good girl for me?” Benni coos in your ear as she grips your deliciously thick thighs, holding them open to have access to your pretty pussy.
• Your obedient nod makes her grin, landing a gentle slap on your thigh as she pulled up, gazing down at your glistening folds.
• “Please,” you murmur, swallowing thickly. “I want you, Ben…”
• “I know, doll,” she replies softly. “But I want to make your first time absolutely amazing.”
• Her lips go to your pretty tits, sucking and biting tenderly. She was so gentle, so loving, hands squeezing anywhere she can get ahold of.
• “My gorgeous girl,” she groans against you, silver orbs flicking up to meet your e/c ones, full of lust and love, no, something more than that — obsession.
• One of her hands reaches between your shaky thighs, grazing your puffy clit. The small amount of stimulation had your back arching up against her, a soft whine leaving your swollen lips.
• “Such beautiful noises,” she purrs against your stomach as her lips travel downwards. She kisses each inch of skin, grasping all that she can. She’s in love with your body, each fold and roll not missing out on the affection.
• At long last she reaches your cunt, clenching around air. She has your legs over her shoulders as she digs in, moaning at the delicacy that’s your slick. Tangy yet sweet; it’s now her favourite meal.
• “B-Ben!” Your acrylics scratch her scalp as you grip her hair, pushing her harder against your neglected pussy. She greedily laps at your folds, rough tongue against your needy clit.
• You swear loudly, her nails digging into the fat of your gorgeous thighs, keeping her face pinned to your cunt.
• Spluttering out praises that were muffled, she can’t get enough of you. You’re so fucking delicious; she could stay here all night.
• An ache in your abdomen signals your upcoming climax, building up fast and hard. Legs clamping around her head, you whimper her name repeatedly, tugging her hair hard enough it had her groaning, eating you out faster, needily.
• “Please, Benni…” You let your head fall back, bucking up against her as you reach the threshold, one more suck to your sensitive nub sending you to heaven.
• Vision blurring with tears, you practically scream her name, muffled by the way you bite your lip, not wanting to wake the whole dormitory.
• Benni’s lips don’t stop moving, kissing your leaking pussy, drinking your juices like a dehydrated woman. She’s so horny, grinding against her hand for some sort of release.
• She lets up, kissing your thighs as she lets you come down from that high, not wanting to overstimulate you too much… yet.
• She kisses up to your ankles and back, nuzzling against your stomach with a look of absolute addiction in her grey orbs.
• “You okay, bubba?” She murmurs, kissing the area between your tits.
• You weakly nod, but you’re embarrassed to say you’re still needy, staring at her with pupil blown eyes.
• “Baby, can continue?” Benni asks gently, a pained look on her features. “Wanna cum so bad…”
• “Please,” you whimper, wanting nothing more.
• She spends a few more minutes kissing you tenderly, before she gets up, ridding her body of her remaining clothes. You can’t help but ogle at her body, beaded with droplets of sweat.
• “Please,” you repeat, spreading your legs wider for her. She nods gently, kissing your lips once more, before straddling you so your pussies were almost touching.
• For a moment she just looks down at you. “Don’t bite your lip this time, babe,” she mutters. “Wanna hear you.”
• Nodding, you eagerly gazed up at her, waiting for her to absolutely ruin you like the perfect pillow princess you are.
• At last she lowers her weight, causing a strangled gasp to fall from your lips. Your nails claw at her arms, silently begging her to move, and she does just that, starting an almost brutal rocking pace, holding your shoulders down for leverage.
• “H-holy shit!” You choke out, the constant pressure and movement sending shocks of pleasure zapping through your veins.
• “Fuckin’ good girl,” she groans out, russet hair falling in front of her eyes, but it does nothing to hide her ruthless stare of lust, chest heaving and she grinds against you as if her life was on the line.
• “This cunt’s so fuckin’ good,” she rambles. “So wet for me, o-oh god, fuck—“
• She can’t get enough of your moans, gritting her teeth as she keeps up her pace just to hear more. She’s practically drooling, focused on you and only you.
• As you throw your head back in ecstasy, she takes the opportunity to lean down, delivering a bite to your bared throat, marking you as hers and only hers. This seemingly had an effect on you, for your grip on her waist tightened, a sob leaving your lips as you came again, tears of bliss rolling down your cheeks.
• The face you made had Benni panting, bucking against you as she finally achieved orgasm, groaning loudly into your neck. “F-fuck…”
• She stayed laid ok top of you for a few minutes, the effects of her high rendering her body immobile. All she can do is mumble praises, eyelids fluttering closed as your nails gently scratch at her scalp.
• “Love you so much,” she mumbles. “Thank you for letting me do that.”
• You giggle softly. “Well who else am I going to loose my virginity to?”
• She goes silent, thinking of many people who could have easily stolen your heart if she hadn’t got rid of them.
• She only smiles, though. “Thank you, baby.”
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whatthefishh · 1 year
can i get 4 with any of the TF boys. Prefernce to Benny or Frankie rn bc they are consuming my thoughts all day all night lately but whoever ur feeling!!!
Prompt: “My God,” Character A whispers, brushing a strand of hair from Character B’s face; hears the distinct hitch of breath. “You’re so dense,” Character A says. “I’m not… I’m not dense,” Character B breathes out, leaning into Character A’s touch.
Frankie x fem reader, just fluff with a smooch
S/o to my moots who helped offer some much needed terrible date experience to this and some frankie-ness
Frankie was your best friend. You were there for him when he was having a hard time readjusting to normal civilian life, driving him around before he was able to get his own car, hell he even stayed with you for a few weeks when he first got back.
Frankie was also there for you, like that time you didn’t want to go to the dentist alone. He didn’t make you feel like you needed him to, claiming you might need a ride back in case they gave you too much freezing. But he knew. He knew you were anxious by the way you couldn’t stop biting your lip, the way you were wringing your hands. He didn’t say anything about it on the drive over but instead played your favourite songs to try and get you to sing along.
More recently, Frankie had been there for you after a particularly bad date. You’d been mopey since your last breakup, friends pushing you to go out with a guy, any guy they’d said, just to get yourself back out there. So you did.
“Oh," he had said, with clear disdain. "You have cats?"
"Yeah, two," you show him the picture of your fur babies, your smile dying at his tone.
"Why do their eyes look like that?"
"Like what?"
"You know, creepy."
"They're not creepy!"
"They're glowing in the picture, that's pretty creepy!"
"That's what happens when you use flash, you know that right?"
Not wanting the fitted dress you wore to go to waste, you texted Frankie on your way out of the disaster date to join you for drinks.
You: wyd rn?
You: quickkkk
🐟: arent you on a date?
You: change of plans, meet me at Taps
🐟: ???
🐟: Ok be there in 15
When you walked in, Frankie gave you one look and shook his head. He bit his lip, ran a hand down his face in defeat and smiled at you.
“You wore that dress for him? And he still blew it?” Shaking his head even further at the thought, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Idiot.”
Frankie always knew how to make you feel better. There’s a reason why you called him, after all.
“Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking. Clearly, I don’t know how to date anymore,” you admitted with a huff.
Joining him at the high table he was at, you shrugged off your jacket, giving Frankie ample time to check you out without you noticing. Unbeknownst to you, he was actually relieved when you called so soon after your supposed date time. The small part of him that held out a tiny flame for you, the part that loved making you smile, the part that wanted to be the reason you got dressed up, the part that wanted to ravage you six ways to Sunday, was aggressively clawing at the mental cage it was usually kept in.
“Well-“ he started.
“Can I get you two anything?” The server interrupted whatever Frankie was about to say.
He was quick to recover and smoothly ordered your usual drink orders and some fries to munch on as he didn’t know how hungry you were after abandoning your date. The stark contrast to your horrible encounter with the guy off the dating app had you pausing to look at him in wonder.
“What?” he asked, confusion evident.
“Nothing, I just didn’t know how predictable I was.”
“You’re not predictable, I just know what you like,” his eyes softened at the end of his sentence. There’s a look in his eyes you can’t quite place and a tightness in your chest at his comment.
Well, he should know what you liked, you’ve spent more than enough time together for him to have figured it out by now. And to be fair, you knew his usual order, too, and have picked up his favourite takeout on your surprise drop ins.
“So, tell me what this guy did that pissed you off so much you couldn’t even make it through dessert.”
So you did, much to his amusement.
“It’s funnier now but I’m telling you, it was so awkward!”
You were glad that you could laugh about it with him, the mirth in his eyes contagious as the two of you get lost in a fit of giggles again. Humming as you munched on a fry, you look back up to see Frankie just watching you with an unreadable gaze.
“What? Is there something on my face?”
“I just like looking at you.”
You felt the heat rising to your face and suddenly your drink looks entirely too interesting.
“Can I look at you some more? Please, querida? You look really nice.” He reaches out to brush some of your hair back that had fallen into your face. You make a noise, somewhere in between shock and confusion and look at him wide eyed.
“My God,” Frankie whispers, hears the distinct hitch of your breath. “You’re so dense,” he says as he settles his hand against your cheek.
“I’m not… I’m not dense,” you breathe out, leaning into his touch.
You’re certain he can hear your heart thundering in your chest as he slowly inches towards you. He definitely heard your breath hitch and he’s looking at you and looking at you with his soft brown eyes and oh-
“Can I? I’ve been really wanting to. Can I?” Frankie is staring at your lips as he mumbles this, effectively silencing you.
Your mouth stupidly opens and closes a few times, trying to figure out if he means what you think he means before you nod, finding yourself staring at his mouth now.
His lips are gentle, soft against yours when he finally closes the distance between you two. The hand on your cheek angling your face upwards towards his to better mold your lips together, deepening the kiss while you gasp at the intoxicating feeling. Frankie takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, sliding hotly against your own and groaning at the taste of you.
Pulling back for air, you’re both panting, foreheads resting against each other but you’re too shy to look at him just yet.
“Was that-“
Before he’s able to finish asking you if that was okay - which was such a stupid question on its own, you’d have to tease him about that later - you surge forward to fuse your lips together again, effectively cutting him off.
You’ll show him it was more than okay.
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latibvles · 22 days
hi poet!! can i request "fireworks" for june? :) so excited to see what you come up with!
##19 — fireworks
that one video of gumbull crying montage but it's me talking about June Cielinski. I'm on a DeMarco kick. Here's more of them. Please support me in these trying times. send me a prompt for the bomber girls!
The sound of the air raid siren is unwelcome — chills her straight to the bone actually. That long droning — only broken up by Viv clapping her shoulder twice, shaking her until she moaned in sleep-induced protest: up and at ‘em, June. We’ve gotta get to the shelters.
It was dark out, but there’s movement all around her. June doesn’t have a hard time keeping up with hers. Ahead of her Inez is pressing a hand into Harrie’s back, urging her forward as she marvels at the light show. Behind her, she can hear similar shouts of people telling each other to move and hit the shelters. It’s all too much noise for the middle of the night — she figures her own grogginess is what makes the whole thing feel less like an emergency at the moment and more like an inconvenience. A neighbor being too loud through the walls on a schoolnight. She tries to justify it, internally, with the fact that the explosions are far enough off that they wouldn’t hit Thorpe Abbotts.
It only takes her bare feet hitting the duckboards for her to decide she hates this: hates it more than trudging through the wet grass to get over here, more than being up at this hour. This waiting, sitting and watching Norwich go up into flames. The word cowardly crosses her mind, briefly, as the ground shakes beneath her. Only a coward bombs at night. You can’t even aim right. She can feel the irritation she’d garnered at being woken up transmutate into what always felt, to her, to be a more righteous anger of sorts. The thing that made her want to jump in a Fort and drop bombs.
Her hands curled into tightly wound fists — she shuts her eyes, unable to watch for too long.
The sound reminds her, vaguely, of the Fourth of July. The silence of the trench feels a little louder as they all watch in some twisted sense of wonder and anxiety. If she lets her mind wander beyond here, she’s six years old again, sandwiched between her two brothers on the porch, watching colorful explosions light up the sky, stretching up and past the buildings that seemed to poke at the stars. Piotr would be covering her ears. She hated the sound as a kid.
Come to think of it, June could also fall asleep standing, which is a little embarrassing, so she opens her eyes again to keep from wobbling.
In time with her opening her eyes, she hears a high pitched whine, feels a wet nose pressing her lower thigh and her stomach drops as she looks down. Meatball has elected to take a seat right by her, looking at her with ears pinned back. He goes back to licking her knee in an almost frantic way, whining as the ground shakes beneath them.
“Jesus Christ, Meatball,” June crouches down, reaching to pet at his head, brows furrowed as she looks this way and that for his owner. “We’ve really gotta stop meeting like this, buddy.”
No doubt, Benny was probably losing his mind right about now. She has half a mind to go looking for him with the dog in tow when she hears the repetitive excuse me’s and sorry’s accompanied by mildly irritated groans of his name as Meatball’s rightful owner weaves through the other people in the shelter. By the time Benny is upon them, she’s already deduced where he’d be coming from. They lock eyes the moment he spots them.
“He didn’t crush your spleen this time, did he?” He offers, half a joke and half a worry that he’d caught her offguard.
“No, but I had to stage an intervention so he wouldn’t lick my leg raw,” she continues to scratch at Meatball’s head as Benny approaches, standing just behind her as she straightens out. “I don’t think he likes the noise.” Benny looks down at his friend with a frown, reaches to give him scratches of his own that have Meatball leaning into both of their hands, seeking the comfort of it.
“Me neither buddy,” Benny agrees. June turns around at that point, but she’s hyper-aware of his position adjacent to her. Even if she wasn’t, Meatball is still insistent on pressing against her thigh. It’s not like they’re really supposed to be running up and down the trench anyway.
Silence again — the silence of the trench somehow louder than the sirens, but also some sort of tentative quiet shared between them that makes June’s stomach turn a bit. Rarely did she ever get nervous, but the proximity had her palms sweaty. Rarely, did she ever have a need to talk, to say something just to hear a response.
This time, inexplicably, she did.
“Sounds like fireworks.” June says, offhandedly. Benny scoffs, something light and disbelieving behind her, the ground shaking beneath them in an attempt to disprove her opinion.
“Shut your eyes. Sounds almost exactly the same.” She challenges with a small shrug.
Benny lets out a small sigh and an “if you say so”— she turns and watches as his eyes flutter shut, a puff of breath escaping his lips as he does so. June could look away after that, but she doesn’t. She can’t help but stare at him right about now. Dark lashes, dark brows, strong jaw — she thinks she might need to get her head checked. He’s… handsome, lit up by flashes. There’s gotta be something seriously wrong with her, for that to be the first thing that crosses her mind.
It’s when his lips start curling into that smile of his that June forces herself to look away, feeling that she’s somehow intruding on him now. Of course, Benny has smiled at her a million times and it always managed to put her on the right side of annoyed. Not this time though.
Maybe that’s why it feels like an intrusion. Maybe he’s the one intruding.
“Alright. You win. Can I open my eyes now?” He only sounds mildly inconvenienced. June bristles, folds her arms over her chest, and tries to find something else to fix her stare on that isn’t the bombs.
“Do what you want, I’m not your boss,” And Benny snorts at her quick remark. And she’s thankful for the dark, for the fact that it’ll adequately hide her now, flushed cheeks.
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Peaceful Easy Feeling
Chpt 2 of Life In The Fast Lane
Characters - Frankie Morales x Reader, Santiago Garcia, Benny Miller.
Summary - As you and Frankie both reminise over your accidental meeting yesterday, you make plans to see eachother again, but will the two of you be able to get over your nerves?
Word Count - 6.8K
Warnings/Tags - 18+ only Minors dni. Typical canon language, Swearing, Fluffy!Frankie, Flirty!Frankie, Insecure!Frankie, use of pet names, mentions slight spice but nothing too explicit, mentions of anxiety and nightmares. Written in both reader's & Frankie's POV.
A/N - This chpt was meant to go a different way but I got so carried away that I decieded to split the rest into Chpt 3, which im hoping to have posted soon!
Feedback, Reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
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June 24th 2016
You climbed into the driver's seat of your now very beat-up car—not that it was in the best condition before. Now with the bumper missing, the slight ripple in the metal of its bonnet, and the scratches left from the tailgate of Frankie’s truck, the car was definitely looking worse for wear.
You said a silent prayer that you had picked it up from a family friend for relatively cheap, and you had never been one to obsess over the looks of your vehicle; it was simply a method of getting you from A to B.
You stare out the windscreen and make eye contact with the kind stranger for the last time, unable to stop the smile turning up the corners of your lips and the blush working its way quickly across your cheeks.
You decide to take a page out of his book and chalk the new scratches up to character building. You honestly weren't sure if it was safe to drive without your bumper, but with as helpful as Frankie had been, you don’t think he would let you drive away if it wasn’t.
So, you put the car in drive and pull out of the slip lane you were both parked in. Allowing yourself one last glance in the rear-view mirror, you see him bending down to pick your bumper up and place it gently in the bed of his truck.
As you drove away from the scene of the accident, you felt both flustered and giddy at the same time. You can’t believe you crashed into his truck, yet he has been so kind and understanding. You couldn't help but think about how he had smiled at you and how his eyes had crinkled at the corners.
You shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts as you make your way down the street. You still had a lot to do today, and you couldn't afford to be distracted. You were supposed to be meeting your best friend, Lianne, at the mall in half an hour.
Turning up the radio dial, trying to distract yourself from the incident that had just occurred. You start singing along to the tune of one of your favourite Eagles songs, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel in time with the beat.
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Your thoughts kept drifting back to the man you had just met. You couldn't help but wonder what he did for a living, where he lived, or what his friends are like.
You couldn't shake the feeling that you had just had a genuinely meaningful interaction with someone, even if it was just for a few brief moments.
You pull into the mall parking lot, turn off the car, and take a deep breath before getting out. You spot Lianne waiting for you by the entrance, waving happily as she sees you.
As you walk towards her, you can't help but smile. You were grateful for the distraction that Lianne always provided, and you were looking forward to spending the evening with her. But even as you talked and laughed, your mind kept wandering back to the stranger and his truck.
As you and Lianne sit down at a café, she looks at you curiously. "Is everything okay?" she asks, noticing that you seem a bit distracted.
You take a deep breath and decide to confide in her. "I had a bit of an accident this afternoon," you admit, feeling a flush creeping up your neck. "I rear-ended someone in the middle of rush hour traffic today." You explain, through another surge of embarrassment.
"Oh my God! Are you okay?" She asks, concern knitting her brows together.
You nod, wondering breifly how she hadn't noticed the damage to the car when you pulled into the parking lot.
"Yeah, it was just a small fender-bender. The guy whose truck I hit was so…lovely. He helped me out of my car and made sure I was okay; he even cleaned my leg and put a band-aid on it when I fell on the sidewalk like an idiot. He was just sweet about the whole thing." You state this matter-of-factly, as if you were reciting a news article.
You told her all this while stirring your tea absentmindedly, doing your best to avoid the scrutinising gaze she had fixed on you.
"Well, that's good at least. I'm glad you’re okay Y/N, is your car alright? I couldn’t really see it when you drove in." Lianne smiles sympathetically.
"The car has definitely seen better days, but Frankie said one of his friends could fix it for cheap for me, so that’s good." You shrug, not really caring about the car. Just more about seeing him again.
"Oooh, Frankie? Are you sure that the accident is all that’s got you distracted?" She asks as she bobs her eyebrows up and down suggestively.
You can’t help but laugh at her, still fidgeting with your teacup and trying to find the words to explain the pull you felt towards the handsome stranger.
"Okay, you got me there, but… I just had this weird feeling when I met him. Like, I was meant to bump into him or something."
Lianne raises an eyebrow. "Meant to bump into him?" she laughs at the almost pun.
You nod and laugh along, feeling silly for even bringing it up. "I don't know; it's probably nothing. But I just can't seem to shake the feeling that I was supposed to meet him."
Lianne chuckles softly. "Well, stranger things have happened. Maybe it's fate, or destiny, or whatever you want to call it. Maybe you were meant to meet this guy for a reason."
"Oh yeah, 'cause that’s just my luck." You retort, sarcasm dripping from every word.
"Hey, you never know. Maybe he's your soulmate." Lianne reasons, and there is a slight humor in her tone.
"Don't be ridiculous, Lia. I just met him. Besides, I don't believe in soulmates; you know that." You reminded her, shaking your head at the idea.
"Ugh, I know, but really? Why not?" Lianne raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow, clearly exasperated at your lack of scepticism.
You take a sip of your tea, considering her question.
"I don't know; I just think that the idea of there being only one perfect person out there for each of us is kind of…restrictive. What if you never meet them? Or what if you do, but they're in a different part of the world, or they're already married, or…" 
Lianne interrupts you: "Okay, okay, I get it. You don't believe in soulmates. That's fine. But you have to admit, there was something special about this guy, right?"
You nod reluctantly and say, "Yeah, I guess. I mean, he was really nice. And he had this…energy about him, you know? Like he was genuinely happy to be helping me, even though I'd just crashed into his truck." A small smile plays on the corners of your mouth as you remember how eager he had been.
"See? Maybe it's not soulmates, but there's something there. Did you get his number?" Lianne beamed.
"He has my number—and my bumper, for that matter; he said he would call me tomorrow once he speaks to his friend, and he kind of invited me to dinner", a buzzing from your pocket distracts you; apologising to Lianne, you pull your phone out and see a text.
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When you unlock your phone, you find it's from a number you don't recognise that isn't saved in your phone. It's from him. You take a deep breath, open the message, and read it aloud to Lianne.
"Hey, it’s Frankie the guy with the truck.
I just wanted to check in and make sure you got home okay.  Also, my friend can take a look at your car tomorrow if you’re free?
You stare at your phone, feeling your heart hammer in your chest. You glance up at Lianne and can see she is grinning at you like a Cheshire cat as if to say, ‘I told you so'.
"Oh, would you calm down; he’s just going to get my truck fixed for me, and that’s it!" You laugh at your friend's enthusiasm, and as much as you would like to join her, you needed to keep a level head.
If you were being honest with yourself, it felt like you were floating. One simple text from this man, a practical stranger to you, had you wondering if you had gone back in time to your first teenage crush.
Butterflies are battering violently around your belly, threatening to burst out as you quickly type a reply.
"Hey, Frankie, Thanks for checking in! I ended up meeting a friend for coffee, but I got here in one piece! That would be great; I have no plans tomorrow, so just let me know when works for you guys. x "
You can feel your face heating up; Lianne is looking at you expectantly, clearly waiting for you to tell her what you responded with.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You laugh at your friend, who can barely contain herself.
"C'mon, spill the beans, Y/N!" Don’t make me force it out of you! She pleads with you, literally perched on the edge of her seat in excitement.
"I just told him that I met a friend for coffee and that I'm free tomorrow, that’s all! I'm sorry, there are no juicy details for you to drool over." You cock your eyebrow at her, teasing.
You know that she is just excited at the potential of a romantic relationship after your long spell of singledom. In truth, you don't mind being single; it wasn’t something you gave much thought to. You are happy with your own company and that of your family and friends.
"No, I think you meant to say there are no juicy details yet." Lianne grins as she rubs her hands together mischievously.
"Sure sure, that’s exactly what I meant," you mutter sarcastically while rolling your eyes.
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You both finish your drinks, gather your things, and make your way out of the café. Noticing that it’s starting to get dark out, the crickets chirping away in the background, and the streets growing quiet, you offer to give Lianne a ride home; she only lives about ten minutes from you, and you welcome the company.
She gladly accepts the lift, but you can see the worried expression growing on her face as the two of you approach your car. You answer her question before she has a chance to speak.
"Don’t worry; it looks way worse than it actually is. The car runs fine, and I promise it's just cosmetic damage, thankfully. One accident is more than enough for me today," you joke, nudging her with your shoulder as you make your way to the driver's seat.
The two of you chat about her plans for the weekend as you drive and agree that you will take a walk with her on Sunday evening. She asks if you are planning on going to dinner with Frankie tomorrow, and you admit that you don’t quite know what the plan is but that you will wait and see what happens.
You pull up outside her apartment block, and she says her goodbyes as she climbs out of the passenger seat. Before she closes the door, she leans down, holding her hands to her chest as if she were about to say a prayer.
"Please, please promise me you will call as soon as you get home tomorrow and fill me in on all the details?" She was giving you her best puppy dog eyes, and it works like a charm.
"Yes, Lia, if anything exciting happens tomorrow, you will be the first to know. Do you need me to pinky swear?" You laugh as you lean over the centre console towards her side of the car.
"Alright, I'm not that bad! But be safe and call me if you need me, and if you go to dinner, let me know where he is taking you, so I know where you are, okay?" Lianne asks tone suddenly serious. 
"Of course, Lia, thanks; I appreciate it," you say sincerely and nod your head in promise.
This is one of the things you loved most about Lianne; she is loyal, and she protects her loved ones fiercely. She watches a little too much true crime, but you can’t blame her for being protective; there sure are a lot of weirdos in the world.
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The drive back to your house is short, the exhaustion of the stressful day finally catching up to you as you pull into your driveway for the second time this evening.
After unlocking and relocking the front door behind you, you throw your keys into the checkerboard-printed ceramic bowl on the small wooden console in the hallway and let your bag drop from your shoulder.
You kick your shoes off and make your way to your bathroom, methodically washing your face and brushing your teeth. Absentmindedly, you pick up your phone.
There’s another text, and it’s from Frankie. You are suddenly much more interested in the device you as you pause to read the message. The toothbrush still hanging out of your mouth.
‘Hey Hermosa, I just wanted to check if 2 p.m is okay for tomorrow? x' 
Your face heats up as you remember how his voice got low and rough when he spoke in what you imagine to be his native language by the way it effortlessly rolled off his tongue.
You have never heard such an inviting sound. It made your skin flush, and thoughts of what it would be like to feel him murmur the beautiful language against your naked skin gave you goosebumps.
Your thighs pressed together of their own accord. You let out a quiet giggle to yourself at how much of an effect he already has on you.
Shaking the tempting thoughts from your head, you decide to be as bold in your reply as he is, your bottom lip catching between your teeth as you type your response.
‘Hey good looking, 2 pm is perfect! Do you want to send me the address? x'
Hitting send on the message before you lose your nerve and change your mind, leaning against the bathroom vanity, and staring at the screen, hoping it’s not too much. You set your phone on the counter and finish your night routine.
You change into your pyjamas, which is really just a baggy t-shirt; you throw the comforter back; pick up your well-loved copy of ‘Crime and Punishment, and settle in for the night. You don’t even get through the first page when your phone dings from your nightstand.
‘Great!  The address is 629 Pennington Ave, 32357 Jacksonville, It’s my friend's house; I'll meet you there at 2 p.m. It’s a date. x'
Excitement and nervousness settle over you as you set your phone on the nightstand. Picking the book off the nightstand, you try to read a few more chapters, but it's a wasted effort.
You are far too keyed up to read, deciding to pick out an outfit for the next day that was casual enough to wear during the day but nice enough in case Frankie asked you to dinner.
With it being the peak of summer in Florida, you know it's going to be another unbearably hot and humid day, so you picked out your favourite sundress. It's pale blue in colour, with tiny, delicate flowers printed all over.
It shows just the right amount of cleavage with a small drawstring that ties into a bow between your breasts and cinches you in at the waist to accentuate your curves.
The skirt of the dress flows to just above your knee. To make the outfit a little less dressy, you lay out a light-wash denim jacket and a pair of white sneakers.
You're happy with your choice, and with one less thing to fuss over tomorrow, you crawl back into bed. Leaning over and switching off the bedside lamp, you smile to yourself and curl into the comforter, hoping the exhaustion from today's events will allow you a good night's sleep.
But with the anticipation of seeing him again, you don't think it's likely.
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June 25th 2016
Frankie wakes to the alarm screeching from his bedside table.
A loud groan escapes his lips as he rolls to the other side of the bed, his long legs tangled in the sheets. His hand frantically batted around until his fingers met the offending sound.
Groggily, he squints his eyes at the time, 8 a.m. Cursing under his breath, he swipes his thumb across the screen to silence the alarm.
Rolling onto his back, he stares at the ceiling of his bedroom. Large, veined hands rubbed over his face, scratching through the coarse hairs on his jaw.
The morning sun casts a soft glow on everything it touches as it peeks through the thin linen curtains. Why does he always forget to turn his alarm off on weekends? He has absolutely no reason to be awake this early on a Saturday.
As he stares blindly into space, the first thing on his mind is you. How you looked so disbelieving when he first caught sight of you in his rear-view mirror when you hit the truck, How you stammered your apologies; how the sun glistened in your eyes as he cleaned the cut on your leg. Your back-and-forth texting last night
He was a bit embarrassed at how nervous he was about reaching out. A million thoughts raced through his mind, one after the other, as he typed your number into his phone.
"Should I call her? No, no, that's a bit forward. I should just text her, but what if she doesn't like texting? I did say I would call, but that was just a figure of speech, right? What if I call her and she doesn't answer? God, Francisco, it's not a big deal; just text her!" He caught himself as he felt the smile pulling the corners of his lips upward at the memory.
Knowing full well sleep would not find him again, he throws the sheets back and climbs out of bed, stretching for the first time that morning. Heading into the bathroom, he stands at the counter and looks at himself in the mirror.
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It's not that he doesn't take pride in his appearance, but now that his line of work no longer requires him to be pristine. No more meticulous shaving each morning, and he could allow his hair to grow longer, like he used to wear it before inlisting many moons ago.
His curls had begun brushing against his forehead and the nape of his neck. Sure, he was probably due for a haircut, but he kind of liked it, and it was usually hidden under his cap anyway.
As he watches his reflextion, turning his head from left to right and back again, he can tell he has let things run away from him a little.
His beard—although it had always been a little patchy—was now creeping up ever so slightly over his cheekbones and down his neck, the grey and white hairs becoming ever more present.
Deciding now was as good a time as any to tidy himself up, he lifts the safety razor out of the bathroom cabinet and replaces the blade. Lathering the shaving cream with the brush and placing wide, thick stripes of it across his cheeks and neck.
Frankie carefully drags the blade across his skin, removing the sparse hairs that grew above his beard line; he does the same with his neck, taking extra care not to nick his protruding adams apple.
He debates going the whole hog and shaving it all off but decides against it, afraid he might not like it once it's gone. Or that you won't.
Turning the shower on, Frankie steps into the welcoming stream of hot water, letting it wash over the untidy mop of dark chocolate-caramel curls. As he stands in the steam, his mind replays yesterday's events for the second time this morning.
Except now, he's remembering how innocent you looked when you called him sir. How he could feel your heart racing as he placed his big hands on your waist to boost you onto the tailgate of his truck. How your breathing hitched when he touched the smooth, soft skin of your calf. How good and right it felt to be held in his firm grip.
He feels the familiar tingle up his spine and the throbbing ache in his cock at the thought, and he shakes it from his head as quickly as it enters.
He wants nothing more than to fantasise about you like that, but he won't allow himself to do it until he knows the feelings are mutual.
Doing his best to finish his shower routine without touching himself at the thought of you, he once again finds himself in front of the mirror, a tower wrapped low around his hips.
He admires his handy work with his facial hair, only to find himself concentrating on the empty patches where the hair stubbornly refuses grow. He has never given any thought to that until now.
Frankie realises then that it's because he wants to look his best for you; he hasn't felt like this since he was a teenager, his thoughts all consumed by a woman he met only a day ago.
"Get a hold of yourself, Francisco; why would she be interested anyway?" He scolds himself, but he can't help but hope that he was wrong and that you were feeling the same butterflies in your chest as he was.
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Walking back to his bedroom he finds himself standing in front of the dresser. What the hell was he supposed to wear? He's probably going to end up helping Benny with your car, so there's no point in dressing up just to get dirty.
He planned to ask you if you would join him for dinner tonight, so he threw on a pair of tan cargo trousers he uses for work and a grey crew-neck t-shirt.
Frankie throws his nicest pair of jeans and a flannel dress shirt into an overnight bag. If he is lucky enough for you to say yes to dinner, he'll wash up and change at Benny's place.
As he finished getting dressed, he ran his hands through his damp, unruly curls and placed the last missing piece on top of his head—his well-worn 'Standard Heating Oil' baseball cap.
It had been given to him by his mother. It wasn't necessarily a gift; she just saw it and thought he would like it. She always made a point of picking him things up when she saw something he liked, knowing he never usually spends money on himself. Frankie makes a mental note to give her a call later this week and see how she is doing.
The cap was the only thing he had brought with him when he deployed, to remind him of home. He remembers tearing it from his head and holding that very cap to his chest, right over his heart, with a vice grip on several occasions, as if it were a talisman.
When missions hadn't gone according to plan and he thought he might not make it back to his family and friends. In the end, though, he always got out with thankfully minor injuries.
So for that reason, he considers it his good luck charm and refuses to leave the house without it; even if he is going somewhere "formal," which is rare, he always brings it with him in the truck.
Frankies phone rings, pulling him out of his reverie. He picks the phone up off the nightstand, pulling the charging cord from the port, and, glancing at the screen, it's Pope. He answers the call and is greeted by a very cheery Santiago.
"Hola Hermano, how are you?" Pope's voice sounds chirpily from the speaker.
"Hey, I'm alright, what's up?" Frankie asks suspiciously. He had spoken to pope less than twelve hours ago, and it wasn't like him to call this early in the morning.
"Nothing's up. Can't I just call to catch up with my mejor amiga?" He responds innocently.
"I would usually agree, but considering I dropped you off not twelve hours ago, I'm assuming something is up?" Frankie shoots back with a chuckle.
"Okay, that's fair enough. I was going to call into your place to hear more about this pretty lady you're helping out this afternoon." Frankie can hear the shit-eating grin on Santiago's face through the phone line.
"I knew you were digging; feel free to come over, but theres nothing to tell," he deadpans.
"Alright, alright, I'll see you in five." Pope laughs and hangs up the phone.
The last thing Frankie wants is Pope grilling him about you when there is really nothing to tell. As much as he felt a connection to you, he was certain that he was letting his imagination run away from him and that in reality you were just being polite.
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Right on cue, Santi is walking through the front door of Frankie's house. Taking in his surroundings and appreciating the fact that nothing had changed in this place; everything still lived where it had the last time he visited.
"Morning, you want coffee?" Frankie greets Pope as he strolls into the kitchen.
"Please! So what happened yesterday? You were pretty tight-lipped with the details around the guys last night," he asks, arching a thick brow and leaning against the kitchen island.
"Same thing I told you yesterday—nothing really happened; she rear-ended my truck and fell on her way to give me her insurance information. I patched up her leg, and that was that." Frankie retells the same shortened version of events as he had the day before.
"Frank Who are you trying to kid here? I can see right through you; you've been on cloud nine since you picked me up yesterday. This girl clearly has something to do with it." Pope insisted; he was observant; Frankie had to give it to him, but really, what was there to say?
"Fine, everything I told you is pretty much what happened, but… I told her not to worry about the insurance and that I would get Benny to fix her car, and I asked her to dinner." That's all. Frankie admits sheepishly, his large veined hand rubbing anxiously at the back of his neck.
"Ahhhh, you see, I knew there was more to this story than you were letting on last night!" Pope wagged his finger in Frankie's direction, obviously pleased with himself.
"Oh, of course you did; I forgot you were omniscient." Frankie snarks back with a roll of his eyes.
"Not omniscient, I just know you too well, Hermano! So what's this girl like? Did she say yes? She's clearly done a number on you if you asked her to dinner," Pope asks, eyes gleaming at the prospect of new information.
"That's true; she said yes to dinner; she actually gave me this note."
Frankie chuckles, sliding the note, which is now very worn from his constant folding and unfolding, across the counter to his friend before continuing.
"She said yes to dinner. I just feel like I read more into it than I should have known. I don't know if she's interested in me or just being polite." He lets out a long sigh and looks back at Pope, already waiting for a snarky comment, as he watches his friend read over your neat handwriting. but what he receives is understanding.
"Yeah, I get it, bud, but from that note, from what you've told me about meeting her yesterday and my infanite wisdom with the ladies," he pauses to give Frankie an exaggerated wink before continuing. "I think she is definitely interested! And if I'm wrong, then so what! What have you got to lose?" Pope grinned, glad his friend was finally taking a chance on someone.
"Just my pride, so, you know, nothing major," Frankie huffed out a laugh.
"Listen, on a serious note, I just wanted to come over and make sure you were okay after yesterday. I know things like that can bring up some shit." Pope said, his tone suddenly sombre.
He stood from his seat on the island and walked around to clasp a firm grip on Frankie's shoulder. reassuring him that he could be honest and tell his friend if he was going through something.
Frankie smiled genuinely, appreciating how much Pope looks out for him, even if he is gone the majority of the time.
"No, I'm good, Pope; meeting Y/N was honestly like a breath of fresh air; no nightmares or anything last night." He beamed, realising that for the first time in what felt like years, he had actually had a full night's sleep; he felt well rested, and his anxiety was at bay, aside from the nerves about seeing you again, which he tried desperatly to squash down.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that, Frankie; it's about time you got some well-deserved rest. Ah, so her name is Y/N then? There is more to learn yet," Pope says, playfully jabbing Frankie in the ribs.
Frankie has never really believed in soulmates or in "fate" bringing people together, but he had to admit that meeting you yesterday felt different; it felt special in a way he had never experienced before. It was like he was supposed to be at that stop light at just the right time.
He's never been more grateful for Pope; after all, if he wasn't on his way to pick him up, he would never have met you. Though Frankie keeps this thought to himself, Pope's head is big enough already; he doesn't need this information to inflate it more.
"Right, I have to shoot. Im meeting Will at the diner for breakfast. You joining us?" asked Pope as he shrugged out of his light jacket, picking up his keys from the countertop.
"Nah, I'm good. Im going to run some errands and then head over to Benny's; I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow though." Frankie assures him.
"You better, I want to hear more about this lovely lady!" Pope gives him a quick hug and a pat on the back before heading out of the kitchen. Leaving Frankie alone with his thoughts.
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He needed to find something to occupy his mind as he waited for it to be an acceptable time to head to Benny's. He did a once-over of the house with the vacuum. Frankie has always liked his place to be clean and tidy, as he finds it helps with his anxiety.
Once that was finished, he grabbed his keys and headed into town. Frankie wants to do everything right by you and wants to give you everything you deserve and more. He knows he doesn't know anything about you yet, but he decides to pick you up some flowers.
As Frankie hits the town centre, he mumbles a low "Yes!" as he swings the truck into a curbside parking space just a few doors down from the florist shop. Once the truck is in park, a thought occurs to him and stops him in his tracks.
"Shit, I don't even know what kind of flowers she likes."
While he is debating what to do, he stays in the quiet cab of the truck until he swings the door open and heads in the direction of the florist.
"I'll just take a gamble, see what they have, and pick something nice." He thinks as he pulls open the door. The aroma of fresh flowers and foliage greets him, and it reminds him of you, the floral scent of your perfume still lingering in his mind.
"Good Morning. Can I help you with anything?" An older woman asks from behind a rather large bouquet of what looked like fresias, but he honestly wasn't sure.
"Morning, ma'am, I'm just looking for a bouquet, but I don't really know what I'm looking for; I'm a little lost," he admits sheepishly, his hand returning to the nape of his neck, rubbing at the curls sticking out from under the cap.
"Okay, I can help you with that, no problem! Is it for a special occasion? Or a particular person?" She asks while making her way around the counter and coming to stand in the centre of the shop floor.
Frankie follows, and as he looks around, he can see they are now surrounded by what looks like a hundred different varieties of flowers, some of which he is familiar with from seeing them around his mother's house and others he has never seen before.
"It's, uh, a first date, or at least I hope it will be." He laughs and smiles politely at the woman. She returns it with a warm smile, understanding settling in her features.
"Okay, what about some pink roses? Or even some daisies if you want something less traditional?" The woman gestures around at the different options available. Frankies eyes follow her hand and dart around the room until he sees them.
They were the brightest sunflowers he had ever seen, with their massive yellow petals shining in the sunlight of the shop window. He knew they were the ones the second his eyes landed on them.
"What about sunflowers?" He asked the florist with the same warm smile she had given him a few seconds ago.
"We can certainly do that; are there any other flowers you would like along with them?" She asks as she lifts the bucket and brings it over to the large, heavy-looking workbench on the south side of the store.
"Just whatever you think would look best," he nodded.
"Sure, no problem. Could you give me about twenty minutes to make this up?" Asked the florist.
"Of course, take your time; there's no rush." He offers another smile and heads for the door.
He finishes the last of his errands over the next fifteen minutes. Frankie pulls out his phone to check the time and notices it's almost one in the afternoon. He opens his contacts and hits 'dial' on Benny's name. He answers in two rings.
"Hey Ben, are we still good for this afternoon, yeah?" Frankie asks, hoping Benny can't hear the nerves in his voice.
"Yeah, man, all good. What time is your, eh, friend going to be here?" Benny chuckled down the line.
"I asked Y/N to meet me at your place at 2pm so I'm going to head over to you in five if that's alright?" He asked as he made his way back up Main Street to the florist's shop.
Yeah, brother, no worries! I'll see you soon. Benny replied brightly, and Frankie hung up the phone.
Just as he was about to enter the flower shop, his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. Digging roughly in his pocket to fetch the device, Frankie looks at the screen, and his breath leaves him. He is standing with his hand on the door handle, staring at your name on his phone like an idiot.
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He finally answers and greets you with a voice like melting honey: "Hola Hermosa, how are you today?" The smile growing on his face felt like it could split him down the middle.
"Hey Frankie, I'm doing a lot better now that I'm talking to you good-looking. How are you doing?" a light, breathy laugh sounding down the phone at him.
He swore that was the prettiest sound he had ever heard. In that moment, he was sure he could listen to it on repeat for the rest of his life. The thought of that scared the shit out of him. How has he been so enraptured by someone he barely knows?
Well, I'm awfully glad to hear that. Are we still on for this afternoon?" He almost crooned back at you, hoping the eagerness in his voice wasn't too obvious.
"I am indeed; that is, if you still want to." He could hear the nerves in her sweet voice, and it made him relax a little. He was glad he wasn't the only one who was anxious about this afternoon. 
"Of course I do, I'm looking forward to seeing you again, Y/N," Frankie admits before continuing, "Benny thinks he has all the parts he needs to fix your car, so it shouldn't take us long." He debates asking you to dinner then and there but decides to wait so he can give you the flowers.
"You are?" you ask, sounding genuinely surprised.
"Of course I am hermosa; Benny is also looking forward to meeting the woman daring enough to take on the truck." Frankie huffs out a laugh, trying to cover his chagrin.
"That makes me really happy… that you're looking forward to it; meeting Benny on the other hand is sending my nerves into overdrive if I'm being honest," you let out another soft laugh.
"Don't be nervous; he's the human equivalent of a golden retriever." He laughs heartily.
Okay, I'll make sure to bring some tennis balls." You deadpan, and it sends Frankie into an uncontrollable fit of belly laughter. His sides are aching by the time he gets a hold of himself as he commits your tinkling laughter to memory.
"I like that sound," she murmurs into the receiver. Frankie isn't even sure if he was meant to hear it, but it spreads its way through his chest and squeezes around his heart.
"I could say the same thing to you," he whispers, his voice thick and rough with emotion.
"I will see you soon then?" You confirm with him that you don't care if you sound desperate or overeager.
"Tan pronto, Cariño" he promises, both of you stay quietly on the line, not wanting to be the ones to end the phone call.
"Adiós Frankie," you all but purr, and he feels his knees get weak.
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As he stands by the shop window, Frankie tightly grips his phone while leaning his back against the glass. With his free hand, he removes the baseball cap from his head, running his fingers through the soft and thick curls at the back of his neck.
Chuckling to himself, he shakes his head again before proceeding towards the entrance of the shop.
He gazes at the breathtaking arrangement crafted by the florist, momentarily taken aback by its intricate beauty. The arrangement is adorned with bright yellow sunflowers and delicate blue cornflowers scattered throughout.
Grateful for the artistry of the florist, he manages to stammer out his thanks. She tries to hand him his change, but he insists that she keep it as a token for her hard work. Frankie wishes her a good day before turning on his heel and leaving the store.
As he walks towards his car, he realises that he's humming a tune under his breath. It's a song that he hasn't thought about in years, but now it seems like the most fitting song in the world. He chuckles to himself, feeling like a teenager again.
Climbing into the truck, he gingerly sets the flowers on the backseat. He unlocks his phone and flicks his thumb across the screen, opening the Spotify app, selecting the 'This is Eagles" playlist, and hitting play on the song he had just been humming.
Frankie let his head fall back against the headrest, eyes closed and a faint smile on his lips. He's lost in the music, swaying his head back and forth as he sings along to the smooth, melodic voice of Don Henley.
"Cause I get a peaceful easy feeling, And I know you won't let me down, 'Cause I'm already standing, Im already standing, Yes, I'm already standing, On the ground,"
He taps his foot to the beat, his fingers drumming out the rhythm on the worn-out steering wheel. Everything around him fades away, and he's lost in the moment, his deep, gravelly voice rising in volume.
As the song draws to a close, he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes once more and letting the final notes linger in the air. A moment of silence passes before he opens his eyes and exhales, a sense of calm and contentment spreading through him.
The next song starts to play through the speakers, and the familiar beginning guitar riffs of "Life in the Fast Lane" fill the cab, and Frankie is once again brought back to the memory of opening your driver's side door yesterday and being greeted with the very same song.
Putting the truck in drive and pulling out into the flow of lunchtime traffic, he continues to tap along to the music as he makes his way to Benny's house. As he makes his way to you.
"Ahh, Francisco, you're in trouble." He chuckles to himself and turns the radio up, unable to stop the grin that seems to be taking up permanent residence on his face.
113 notes · View notes
basilone · 3 months
'Glide' and 'deep' for our beloved Buck Cleven? Juno xx
The amount of recalibrating I did to keep this away from the gremlin part of the brain that was cryin' out for smut... 🤣I think this one became a lot of fun in its own right, though! It can sort-of be a companion piece to this one, as we take a closer look at Gale during his interrogation and get some scraps of what his bond with my OC Lottie is like. (And apparently, Gale gets a little belligerent when he's in pain. Who knew. 😂)
Glide / deep
His face hurts. He’s pretty sure there’s a tear in his jacket sleeve. His ankle is screaming murder at him until he sits down in a chair that makes the rest of his body hurt with its rigidity. Blood and cotton are waging a war in his mouth.
Spit it up, Gilly. Her voice dances on the periphery of his being, past the sharp cuts and the dull pain that makes him want to curl up into a ball. Don’t hold that in, ain’t good for ya – and if he focuses just enough, he can feel the brush of her thumb on his chin – never swallow a beatin’, Major, just spit it back out. Put it where it belongs.
He sucks in a breath. Spits blood into the glass.
“That is a waste of a good drink,” says his interrogator. Voice too glacial to be disapproving. Voice too controlled to be much of anything meaningful. “Not a man for alcohol, I take it?”
Gale rolls his head back. Looks down his nose at the too-clean desk. Would smile at the small spatters of blood that escaped the glass if he felt his face could still move that way. He can practically feel the glass splinters in his cheek tremble and burrow deeper with each movement.
I need to get that looked at, he thinks, feeling something giddy swoop through his belly at the inanity of the thought. Benny’s going to have kittens about it. Unsanitary.
Out loud, he rattles a breath into the silence. “Buck Cleven,” he says evenly, trying not to wince at the b’s or e’s his mouth is shaping around. “Major.” He pauses. Lets his rank hang in the silence for a moment. “O-three-nine-nine”– he coughs –“seven-eight-two.”
“Buck? You are not Gale Cleven, Major?”
I haven’t been Gale to anyone in a damn long time, asshole. “Buck,” he asserts.
“We need to know you are who our papers say you are, Major.” That same even voice again. Prick. His knuckles itch. “Are you or are you not Gale Cleven?”
Gilly Gale Cleven of the three-five-oh, his mind sing-songs, and he smiles through the pain. “Buck Cleven, Major,” he says again, focusing on the glint of his interrogator’s glasses. Focusing on the slicked-back hair and the self-serving smirk. Lot would be begging to punch him by now – please, Gilly, lemme at him – and his hand nearly curls into a fist in her absence. “O-three-nine-nine-seven-eight-two.”
“I see.”
You can’t see a goddamn thing because that mustachioed knucklehead of a Führer sticks his hand up your ass and makes you parrot his nonsensical bullshit all goddamn day. Gale disguises his snort of laughter as a cough. Remembers Lot’s drawing from about a week ago – sockpuppet Nazis, painstakingly sketched out while tucked against his side in the crush of a too-busy pub – only because the man sitting in front of him now looks like her drawing come to life.
“Something funny, Major Cleven?”
Gale smiles back. You wouldn’t get it.
“I always like a good joke,” the man continues. “You Americans are very funny sometimes. Are you a funny man, Major?”
If he closes his eyes, he can hear Lot’s laughter play into his ears over the persistent radio static he has not quite managed to shake since the crash. He likes that laugh – full, booming, fearless – almost as much as he likes seeing the scrunch of her nose above her mask. Gilly, stop distractin’ me, she’d admonished, reaching over just to slap his arm. We got a ways to go yet, and you ain’t helpin’.
“No, you are not,” concludes his interrogator, who’s clearly never seen Lot’s eyes sparkle with joy over something Gale said. “You are a more serious man. A good pilot, if these tales of you gliding your plane to a landing without engine are true.” His fingers tap a folder that contains far too many papers. Far too many pictures, too. “A studious man with deep thoughts, aren’t you? We appreciate men like you here in Germany, Major.”
Gale summons the blood in his mouth until his gums feel encased by only cotton. Aims. Spits. The desk, once too-clean, spatters red.
“Buck Cleven,” he says, smiling past the pain, feeling the shards of glass dig deeper and deeper into his skin. “Major.” Knows he’ll stay that, even if he won’t fly again. They should promote Lot next, but she’s bound to do something stupid like wind up in the cell next to his. A ways to go, you and me. “O-three-nine-nine”– he laughs –“seven-eight-two.”
“We do not appreciate difficulties, Major.”
You’re gonna hate Lottie when she gets here. “Buck Cleven,” he repeats. I’ll never be Gale in this country. “Major.” And I’ll make damn sure you don’t forget it. “O.” Where are my men. “Three.” Where is Benny, is he okay. “Nine.” How many others survived the crash. “Nine.” All that paperwork and you still don’t know what matters most in a man’s life. “Seven.” Hope Marge will get word back to base that I’m okay once you let me write her a letter. “Eight.” Like an ouroboros, biting its own tail. “Two.”
His one-fingered salute is the loudest thing in this silence.
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tropes-and-tales · 1 year
I would love to see how you would write this prompt, Person A helping Person B through panic/anxiety attacks, with Benny Magalon as Person B
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AN: A little angsty!
He should have known better.  Fireworks, with his PTSD?
Stupid.  He is so fucking stupid.
Thing is, he’s still figuring it out.  He’s been on the force for so long, it’s hard to believe the shoot-out on Alameda is the thing that undoes him.  He wasn’t even hurt that badly—just grazed by a bullet, just knocked out when he hit his head as he fell.  
And yet, he’s changed by that day.  Everyday moments unnerve him, send him spiraling.  A car backfiring.  A slammed door.  Henderson dropping a thick case file on his desk.  It all slams him back in that moment:  heart racing, palms slick with sweat, waiting to die.
He’s been white-knuckling it.  No one has noticed yet.  If he’s a little paler, if he has deeper circles under his eyes, if he’s a little more on edge…no one has noticed.
Or he thought no one noticed.  You have.  Of course you fucking have.
Because when his overtaxed brain kicks in at the fireworks pounding across the sky, when he stands and flees without a single thought, you seem to know exactly what is happening.  
You gather up the blanket, then follow close on his heels as he flees the Hollywood Bowl.  You follow him to his truck, and you stand within arm’s length as he braces himself against the door, then sags against the truck.  He turns and presses his back against the cab, slides down until he’s sitting in a crumpled heap on the ground.
You sit beside him, and then he feels it:  your hands on the back of his neck, his upper back.  
“Lean forward,” you murmur, close to his ear.  “Lean forward and breathe, Benny.”
He wants to apologize.  He wants to scream.  He wants to tear off his skin, clammy and too-tight.  He wants to rewind time and call off sick that day on Alameda.  It’s ruined everything.
He doesn’t do any of those things.  All he can do is listen to your words and breathe.
It takes an eternity to pass.  He can still hear the fireworks booming behind him, but his racing heart drowns some of it out.
Through it all, you stay with him.  Sitting on the uncomfortable pavement, leaning against his truck.  When he calms, you thread your fingers through his.  When he’s finally recovered, you turn and study at him.
He can’t quite meet your gaze.  He’s fucking ashamed.  Furious at himself.  Furious at the situation.  He met you only weeks before Alameda—shitty fucking timing, but he obviously hadn’t known it then.  He’d been lost in the newness of the situation, the whole butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling, the goofy grin each time you texted him.  He’d felt hopeful of a future with you in it, even after those handful of weeks.  
And then came Alameda, and he’s been white-knuckling it ever since.
Fucking stupid, him planning this date, but he is tired of holding you back.  He is tired of dates at his place, ordering take-out because he is too much of a pussy to leave his apartment, too weak to—
“You okay?” you ask him, soft.  He lifts his head and sees the worried furrow to your brows. 
He lifts his free hand, drops it in a helpless gesture.  “I ruined it.”
“Nah.”  You squeeze his other hand.  “You didn’t ruin anything.”
He closes his eyes and shakes his head against your grace.  Your kindness.  You deserve better than him, better than a used-up, broken-down cop.  You deserve someone who can take you out and show you the world, not keep you cooped up in his shitty apartment.  You deserve to be in the sun, not the shadow.
He knows he needs to be strong enough to make the hard choice:  he has to cut you loose, break up with you as gently as possible.  You have a stubborn streak and a loyal one too.  If he doesn’t cut you loose, you’ll stick by him and let him drag you down with him.
“I get them too,” you add a moment later, and the words come out halting, considered.  “Not too often now, since I started my meds.”  
Benny opens his eyes and looks at you, takes in your sheepish expression.  “I didn’t know that.”
You offer him a weak smile.  “We hadn’t quite gotten to the part of the relationship where we compared mental health issues.”
He chuckles despite his low mood.  “Still holding out on me?  Still putting on your best face?”
Your smile widens.  “You know it, Benjamin.  I’m waiting until you’re completely hooked, then I’m gonna pull the switcharoo.”
He’s already hooked.  That’s the problem.  Benny’s never believed in love at first sight, but it was damned close with you—he’s been hooked since the second date, and he’s only fallen for you more since then. 
It’s gonna hurt to break up with you.  It’s gonna hurt to give you up, even if it’s for your own good.  In all the loss Benny’s suffered in his life, he thinks losing you might hurt the worst.
He swears he’s going to do it….just not now.  Not when the two of you are crumpled on the pavement at the Hollywood Bowl, fingers laced together, you softly smiling at him while his racing heart slows.  Not later in the night either, once you get him home and curl up in bed with him, dragging his head to rest on your chest while you scratch his scalp and murmur gentle words to him until he falls asleep.
He will break up with you, he promises himself.  Just not now.  
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pink-sparkly-witch · 2 years
Can't Fight This Feeling, Pt. 3
Summary: A night out for Benny’s birthday turns into something more when an encounter with Y/N’s ex, Rick, has Dean finally finding the courage to tell her how he feels.
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean Winchester x Female Reader (Finally!)
Bingo Square: Quote B
Warnings: Angst, alcohol consumption, mentions of possible cheating, fluff, language, flirting, confrontation, kissing.
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: This is written as a submission for Tell Me A Story Bingo hosted by @supernatural-jackles. The square filled is Quote B which is highlighted in bold. This hasn’t been beta’d. Any mistakes are my own!
You can catch up here!
My Masterlist     AO3    Ko-Fi
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Y/N got out of the cab and walked towards the Roadhouse. It was Benny’s birthday, and he was having a get-together with his friends. When he came into her office last week and told her about the plans for tonight, he specifically mentioned Dean was going to be there. She found that strange for two reasons: first; she didn’t know why he thought she needed to know that, and second; Benny and Dean were best friends, so, of course, he’d be there. 
She’d never told Benny about her huge crush on Dean, but she had a feeling he knew anyway. Dean was just her type. Smart, funny, just on the right side of cocky, and great company. It was always a good night whenever they went out as a group.
Dean was a ladies’ man, though, a one-and-done kinda guy, at least he had been since Lisa. Plus, she knew from being his date at his friend’s wedding last month that he only saw her as a friend. The problem was trying to tell her heart that and get over him.
Y/N had hoped, right up until the end of the wedding, that he’d kiss her. For real, this time. But he was nothing but a gentleman. Thanking her again for being a great friend and saying that his offer of owing her whatever she wanted in return still stood. She’d never cash in on it, though, because what she wanted was him.
It’d been two weeks since then, and things had returned to a relative sense of “normal” for them. Friendly flirting, teasing each other, her bringing him pie from the bakery down the road, him bringing her lunch from the Mexican place she loved across town. Back to being friends. He’d even taken a customer’s number, and she thought she overheard Benny and Dean talking about when he would ask her out. Once again, validating all the reasons she thought he only saw her as a friend.
Swinging the door open, Y/N walked into the bar, her eyes scanning the crowded room. It didn’t take long to see Benny playing pool with Castiel. She smiled to herself and headed over to the bar to order a drink and add money to the tab she knew would be behind there for their group.
“Hey, Y/N! How are ya, sweetie?” Ellen asked.
“I’m good, Ellen. How are you?” Y/N answered the older woman.
“Can’t complain! You here for Benny’s birthday?”
“Yup, you know I can’t miss a night out with that big goofball!” Y/N smiled. “Can you do me a favour and stick this in with the tab? And tell me if it’s getting low, and we’ll top you up,” Y/N handed a fifty over to Ellen, who put it in a tumbler behind the bar.
“Alright, done! Now, what ya drinking?”
“Better start easy with a beer. Can’t have you kick me out before that lot makes asses of themselves like usual!” Y/N and Ellen laughed as she put a bottle on the wooden bar.
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The night was well and truly underway. The pool tournament was in its semi-final round with Benny and Sam currently battling it out and Y/N and Dean playing next. Charlie was currently hitting on a girl at the bar, Meg and Castiel were making out in the corner, and Donna was watching Benny with the biggest heart eyes she’d ever seen. The Deputy Sheriff was the best damn thing that had ever happened to Benny. They were good for each other.
Benny was a good man, a gentleman of the truest form, and many women had taken that for granted in the past. His intentions were pure, and he was too kind and generous for his own good. He was one of those rare guys who’d do anything for those he cared about. She always joked that if she ever needed to hide a body, she knew who she’d call - and he’d show up, no questions asked and, no doubt, with his buddy Dean Winchester right behind him with another shovel. 
Y/N and Dean were sitting quietly, watching the pool game unfold, knowing one of them would be playing whoever won this game. Of course, she was rooting for Benny because she didn’t stand a chance against Sam. At least if she played the Cajun, there was a slim chance that victory and bragging rights could be hers. Then again, she didn’t have a hope in hell’s chance at winning against Dean either. Unless she could distract him by strategically bending over the table, using her feminine assets to her advantage.
“Hey, uh- Listen,” Dean spoke, tearing her from her thoughts. “I just wanted to say thanks again for Garth’s wedding and… you know…” the mechanic rubbed his neck nervously.
“Don’t mention it. I was happy to help. It’s what friends do, right?” Y/N replied a little colder than she meant to and sighed with guilt when his eyes squinted with what looked like hurt.
“I told my mom we broke up. Said we were better as friends,” Dean continued. “So, uh… you’re free from me, I guess,” he chuckled. “You can get back to dating. You know, if you want to?” 
She wasn’t sure why it sounded like a question, but she nodded anyway. “Thanks. You want another?” Y/N gestured to his almost empty beer bottle. She needed to get away from him. She could feel the beginning of tears sting the back of her eyes and needed to get away from this conversation and from him. She thought she’d be fine tonight, but when he brought up that night and being friends, it upset her more than she knew it had a right to.
“Uh, yeah. I think Charlie was supposed to be getting more drinks, but it looks like she’s busy,” he grinned and nodded his head towards the bar where the redheaded mechanic was flirting shamelessly with a brunette woman at the bar. Shaking her head with a murmured “typical, " Y/N headed to the bar to get more drinks.
She ordered the beers first and returned to her friends, placing the bottles on the table. Dean went with her to help carry the whiskey tumblers, and she wanted to scream at him to leave her alone and give her some space, but she couldn’t do it. Not without him asking her what was wrong.
“Wow! Tequila? It’s like that, huh?” Dean raised his eyebrows when he saw the small glasses filled with golden liquid.
“Yep,” Y/N sighed. “Excuse the bad song pun, but tequila makes me happy, and God, do I need to be happy right now!” she scoffed, lifting the salt shaker, licking her hand and sprinkling the white grains on the wet streak left behind. “I was gonna have both of these, but you’re welcome to join me if you like?” she asked Dean, holding the salt shaker out for him to take. She didn’t know what possessed her to ask him when she so desperately wanted away from him, just being polite, she guessed, but the smile on his face meant she couldn’t take it back now.
Not one to turn down a challenge, Dean licked his hand, eyes on hers the whole time. Sprinkling the salt on his hand, Dean picked up the shot glass and held it up, waiting for her to tap it. “Cheers, sweetheart,” he smirked, eyes raking over her body.
Dean had been in love with her for a long time and had always found her incredibly attractive. He loved seeing a different side of her at the wedding, looking stunning and being flirty and touchy-feely with him. And tonight? Well fuck, she looked gorgeous.
Y/N wasn’t the type of girl he usually used for a one-nighter. She was the type of girl he wanted to settle down with. Funny, intelligent, kind, fun, beautiful. What more could a man want? Benny had always encouraged him to make a move whenever she was single. He’d asked again this week when he was going to ask her out, but he wasn’t what she needed in her life. She’d been screwed over far too many times by far too many guys for him to fuck things up even more for her. She deserved the fucking world, and he knew he couldn’t give her that.
Dean always screwed up in relationships, always putting his needs first and not thinking much about anyone but himself and his family. At least that’s one of the things Lisa told him when she ended things all those months ago. Dean thought he was a good boyfriend. He always made time for her and them as a couple. He also made time to be the role model and father figure her son had desperately needed.
He’d tried so hard to keep the spark they’d felt at the beginning alive, but she didn’t offer the same. He often found that it was her who didn’t make the time for him. She cancelled plans with him in favour of going out with her friends or colleagues. Sometimes staying out very late, occasionally all night. Dean didn’t like to dwell on that for too long. He knew there was a good chance she’d cheated on him. It was obvious to everyone, and she wasn’t subtle about it, but that was enough for him. He didn’t need to hear the words and make it real. Keeping his mouth shut saved his heart and pride, so he never called her out on it. 
“Cheers!” Y/N grinned and tapped her glass against his, bringing him back to the present. Licking the salt from her hand, she made sure her eyes never left his as the tequila slid down her throat and when she sucked seductively on the lime wedge. Dean almost groaned when her perfect, pink little tongue peeked out to catch the drip of juice that escaped from the corner of her lips. He held her gaze the entire time and followed her actions, slamming the shot glass back on the bar just in time for her to hold two fingers up at Jo, ordering another round of shots.
Tonight, just got a whole lot more interesting! Dean thought.
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“No, that’s… it didn’t happen like that at all!” Y/N tried to defend. She lost to Dean in the pool tournament. The two tequila shots at the bar had made her too happy, warm, and fuzzy to concentrate on the game. She tried, she really did, but the second Dean took off his flannel and revealed his tanned and freckled muscular arms, broad shoulders, and rippled lines of his back that were straining his white t-shirt, she just about lost the will to live. She’d been turned on since the first time his perfect ass bent over right in front of her to take a shot. Definitely on purpose. “Don’t listen to her, man! She was drunk off her ass and probably wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped her in the face!” Benny laughed. “Hey! What is this? Pick on Y/N night? It might be your birthday, and I might be tequila happy right now, but that doesn’t give you the right to make shit up! If you remember, I’m not the one who woke up in their front yard in their tighty whities after that night!” she said, and the whole table erupted in laughter. “Yeah, yeah!” Benny laughed. “Remind me - where did you wake up?” he smirked. Oh, she could’ve killed him for bringing that up. “Go on, Cher, share with the group where you were when you woke up after that night. Or, more accurately, with who.” “First of all, there was no sleeping, so I didn’t technically “wake up” anywhere,” Y/N grinned cheekily as the others wolf-whistled. “But I spent the night in our most loyal customer’s house…” She blushed, and a round of shocked faces stared back at her. “What? He was, well is, hot!” “Shut the front door!” Donna exclaimed, grabbing Y/N’s forearm in shock. “You slept with a customer? Does he still bring his car in?” “Yes, and yes!” Y/N grinned. “Look, it was a one-time thing and a week later, I started dating Rick,” she smiled woefully and looked at her blonde friend. “Come on, more tequila and then let’s dance!” she said, grabbing Donna’s hand and dragging her onto the dance floor. Sam, Castiel, Meg, Charlie and her new friend began a darts tournament inviting Benny and Dean to join them, but both declined. The boys watched on as Y/N and Donna had the time of their lives dancing to the classic rock covers the band were playing. Dean’s eyes never left Y/N’s swaying body and rolling hips keeping in time to the beat. “Are you ever gonna ask her out, brother?” Benny asks Dean, his blue eyes following his friend's line of sight to the Y/H/C girl on the dance floor. Benny and Y/N hit it off the second she called him out on his bullshit on her first day working at the garage, and as soon as that happened, he knew she and Dean would be a match made in heaven. They’d just never been single at the same time, and they both had this annoying trait of thinking they weren’t good enough for anyone, let alone one another. “Not this again!” Dean fumed. “No, I’m not. It’s not like that with us. I  mean, yeah, I like her… a lot, and sure, she’s beautiful, but we’re just friends. S’all we’ll ever be, right? She doesn’t like me like that. Even if she did, we’d never work. I’d find some way to fuck it all up. I always do.” “Sure, whatever you say,” Benny’s chuckle was laced with sarcasm, and he shook his head in exasperation at his friend. “Come on, man! You’ve seen the guys she dates. I can’t compare to trust funds and doctors and investment bankers,” Dean spat before raising his whiskey glass and swallowing its contents in one. “Those guys didn’t work for a reason, Dean. They were all assholes. You’re not. Trust me, you two are perfect for each other. You just can’t get past your own so-called faults to see it. Either of you,” Benny sighed and gestured to his glass, silently asking if he wanted another.
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An hour later, the only ones left were Dean and Y/N. No one was ready to call it a night just yet, but Donna had an early shift the next day and being the gentleman that he is, Benny took her home.
“Don’t look now, but Rick’s over there,” Dean said, instinctively moving closer to her. Was it protectiveness? Possessiveness? He wasn’t sure.
“Fantastic. There’s a great way to put me off my beer and ruin what was a fun night,” Y/N chuckled sadly, reaching for her jacket. 
“Hey, hey… look at me,” Dean said, placing his hand on her wrist, stopping her. “Don’t let him ruin your night, sweetheart. He doesn’t deserve that. You don’t deserve that. You shouldn’t leave whenever he shows up. Lawrence is a small town. You’ll never stop running.”
“Right, because you’d stand your ground if it was Lisa that walked in here? Dean, you wouldn’t even go to your friend’s wedding alone because of her,” she scoffed. Glancing up at him, she saw a flash of hurt cross his features. “I’m sorry,” she sighed. “That was a low blow. I’m frustrated and taking it out on you, and that’s not fair.”
“No, you’re right. I would be out that door so fucking fast if Lisa came in here,” Dean spoke honestly, knowing she wouldn’t judge him for his cowardice. “Maybe not if you were with me because she still thinks we’re dating,” Dean chuckled.
“Dean, you’re a good man. One of the best I know…” Y/N started, but Dean’s hand on her cheek stopped her.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, looking deep into her Y/E/C eyes.
“What?” Y/N responded, more than a little confused.
“Rick is coming over here. Do you trust me?” He asked again, softer this time.
“Well, yeah, but-” Before she could say anything else, Dean licked his lips and leaned in. He looked into her eyes for any signs of hesitation. Finding none, he looked down at her lips and closed the distance between them. His lips touched hers hesitantly, unsure if she’d kiss back or break his nose.
Y/N’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but she didn’t pull away. Dean slid an arm around her waist to bring her in closer. He kept the kiss innocent with no tongue, but it felt no less passionate.
“So, you’re dating him now?” Rick’s voice broke them apart. “You moved on quick,” he hissed.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Y/N spoke as calmly as she could, taking on a mildly irritated tone rather than the furious one she wanted to let loose with. “Weren’t you the one who ended things with me because I was holding you back? Didn’t you want to play the field? And feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t you also the one who shacked up with Bela Talbot not two weeks later?”
“She was a mistake, Y/N. And I’m sorry I did that to you. I don’t know what came over me. I miss you, and I still love you. Please…” Rick looked and sounded genuinely truthful, but she knew he was playing her because he’d been dropped by Bela as soon as the more successful and well-known businessman, Arthur Ketch, had looked in her direction.
“Just stop, Rick. I don’t want to hear it. You and me? We’re over. I don’t love you anymore. I don’t want you. I want more. More than you could ever possibly give me. I deserve more,” Y/N’s said, feeling relief wash over her and her shoulders relaxing for the first time in a long time.
“I-” Rick started, but she shook her head.
“My mind is made up, Rick. We’re over for good. I’ve moved on,” she gestured to Dean, who’d held her hand through the whole ordeal. “And you should too. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a date to get back to,” Y/N left no room for further conversation as she turned her back to him and put her full attention back on Dean.
“I’m proud of you, sweetheart,” Dean said as soon as Rick left. The kiss they shared had shifted their relationship. He could feel it. She’d kissed him the way you kiss a lover. Dean was finally starting to see just how perfect they were for each other, and now they were unattached at the same time.
The unmistakable sounds of Can’t Fight This Feeling sounded from the band up on the stage, and if that wasn’t a sign they were meant to be, Dean didn’t know what was. Bravely - or stupidly, it was yet to be decided, he threw all caution to the wind.
“I dare you to kiss me,” Dean blurted out.
“Dean…” Y/N began to speak, but Dean didn’t want to hear her rejection. Not when he still had something he had to say.
“Come on, kiss me! And tell me you don’t feel this… this thing between us!” he gestured wildly between them.
“Dean… I…” she tried again, but he still wasn’t finished.
“You can’t, can you? Because you feel it too… this pull towards me. And you’re scared. But sweetheart, you don’t need to be, alright? Because I’m in love with you. And if you let me, I’ll be everything you could ever need and want. I’m just asking for a chance here, Y/N.”
Y/N didn’t respond. She just blinked up at him with her long lashes. He was about to get up, walk away and admit defeat when her lips slammed to his.
Dean’s lips were soft, warm and perfectly plump, and she didn’t know if it was the alcohol talking, but she knew she wanted to taste more of him. She reached a hand out and wrapped it around his neck, gently pulling him closer to her.
Encouraged that she felt the same way he did, Dean licked at her lips, requesting entrance which she granted quickly. He moaned low in his throat when their tongues met, and everything around dulled to silence as they forgot their surroundings and got completely lost in each other.
Y/N didn’t know how much time had passed as they made out at the bar, and she didn’t want it to end. Making her mind up, she reluctantly pulled away from him, giggling as he chased after her lips. “You wanna get outta here?” she said shyly, chewing on her bottom lip.
“Yeah, let’s go,” Dean grabbed her hand and helped her stand up. He took her jacket and helped her into that too. When she’d picked up her purse, and they left the table, Dean saw Rick glare over at them. Smirking, Dean placed his arm around Y/N’s shoulder and winked at the asshole who was stupid enough to let her go.
Part Four (Finale)>>
Jensen / Dean Tags: @akshi8278 @deanwanddamons @deans-baby-momma @siospins2 @sexyvixen7 @leigh70 @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27 @candy-coated-misery0731
Can’t Fight This Feeling Tags: @lilred91 @seppys-return-to-madness @im-totally-not-dezi @deanoxwinchester
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
Eddie jokes, moving your shoulders into the perfect position he sees fit. “Alright b—Tooty, open your eyes.” 🥹😭🧡
‘Soul on fire and the barricade around his heart completely down, grass growing where they lay now, he is enamored by you. The smell of your hair, how tight you are squeezing him around the back of his neck. Your thighs clutching him. He’s a mess. Melting more than Frosty did on the warmest day of the year.’
He’s never been so hungry for affection in his entire life, and you were feeding him crumbs. Couldn’t you see he was on his knees begging, pleading for more?
‘What the hell would he want to do with you if there were so many other women, better looking, and definitely sexier— ready to be his flavor for the night? Being with Eddie was a joke and you were the punch line— why would a guy like him settle down with someone as vanilla as you?’ TOOTY! NO YOU’RE PERFECT.
He runs a hand through his hair and points back at the door to Benny’s, “I— I’ve never given a shit about any girl I’ve been with.” Okay Mr. Suave, chill.😂😂😂
Eddie had never been jealous of silverware before but he would give his left nut and his guitar away to be that lucky heated spoon for just one minute.
‘Eddie is gripping the counter tighter than an old woman gripping her life alert as she tumbles to the ground.’ LMAOOO NOT A LIFE ALERT LADY!!
Every line is memorized, the color is painted more beautifully than that asshole on tv painting sceneries of birds and rivers. NOT YOU COMING AT BOB😂😭
Placing the cinnamon rolls into the center of the warmed oven, you turn to find him behind you, silver Christmas ornament bulbs hanging from his nipple rings. “Think Walt would hire me to dance on stage for Christmas?” If Walt won’t the coven will.😂🤣
Eddie & Tooty & Wayne celebrating Christmas together? Our beloveds🥹
‘fingers clutching to the silky wrapped handles of the gift bag with Santa’s fat white ass climbing up into a chimney on the front.‘ 🤣🤣
The necklace is heavy, something weighing it down but you can’t be sure what it is, it’s not until you glance at his hands that you notice one of his rings is missing, the chunkiest of them all, the pig head is no longer on his middle finger, but around your neck instead. “There,” he announces in finality, his eyes dip to your lips, the necklace and back to your eyes, “aren’t you just the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” <- screaming, rolling on the floor kicking my feet up in the air….. I’m fine. 🥲
Thrashing on his guitar, Eddie starts the tinny opening to Metallica’s Wherever I May Roam, followed by Gareth beating into his drums. One of my all time favorite songs. 🖤
‘the bride is getting a piggyback ride from a balding man you recognize to be wait what? Wayne Munson, reliving his glory days and having the time of his life as her white veil is worn around his head, cigarette hung limply from his thin lips.’ OKAY WAYNE I SEE YOU 👏🏼
“this next one is for the biggest brat, pain in my ass, absolutely the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever known, we haven’t played this song in years, but I know it’s her favorite.” 😍😍😍
*The twins show up* Me: “These bitches…”
“this next one is for the biggest brat, pain in my ass, absolutely the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever known, we haven’t played this song in years, but I know it’s her favorite.” BITCH!!! MAN UP AND ASK HER!
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Floating higher to the galaxy he swore he would take you to, tank full of gas, dancing you around in his arms on Saturn’s rings, diving head first into Jupiter’s springs. <- ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!
GAH DAAAAAMN. I’m screamin’…. Knocked this chapter out of the park! So much fluff followed by a tiny bit of angst and just a smidge of spice 😮‍💨🔥…. When those bimbos showed up 😤 BUT ANYWAY, I’m so excited for next chapter! Our idiots deserve the absolute best! I can’t wait for Eddie to show her how a real man treats his woman. 😍 Obsessed with this story and you!!🧡
B I love you.
I was dying laughing writing Wayne giving the bride a piggyback ride 🤣
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Let your heart bloom
Past! Dean Moriarty x Ofc (On the road)
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***this is a preview***
A03 - only available to registered users at this time
An: I rewatched On The Road tonight and once again, wowed by Garrett, totally gives me slutty Benny ideas PLUS the ending breaks my heart all over again, even tho Dean was a walking red flag and had a downfall coming but man - just like the first time I saw it, the "i can fix him, i can save him" parts of me were aching. While my logical part is like , "well, you had that coming buddy" lol. Anyway, instead of reading before bed, I've been writing what is going to be one long ass oneshot. Here's a sneak peak. It will post to A03 when it's fully ready. Tba. This is a rough draft share!
Warnings: angst , being lost, homelessness
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When she stopped at the foot of the stairs, Dean rose to his feet with some effort. He was only wearing a light jacket over his hoodie, and likely no thermals under his jeans.
The zipper of the jacket is broken, barely held closed by the latch in the center. Even his shoes were a poor choice for the city winter, but they were likely the only shoes he had from the look of him.
Dean was a shadow of the man she last saw all those years ago, still beautiful but in a tragic sort of way. A little thinner, a haunted look in his eyes, even as he smiled wide at the sight of her. On his right shoulder he had a messenger bag and nothing else.
“Beautiful Talia.” He smiled wider as his eyes moistened with tears. His voice is different, it’s shaky, like any moment he’s going to fall apart.
He takes in her appearance. “You and Sal, all grown up. You should see him - so sharp. He looks happy.”
“You saw Sal?” She resists the urge to step closer. Though they live in the same city, she hasnt seen Sal since last year, or spoken to him.
“Before coming here, “ he sniffles, then uses the sleeve of his jacket to wipe his nose. “Took me 5 days and nights along the railroad to get here, “ he stares off, his expression saddens, “hell of an adventure.”
Talia rubs her hands together, even in her coat she's chilled, and Dean is clearly freezing. But she's trying hard not to offer help, not to invite him inside.
“How’d it go with Sal?”
“Sal, my boy,” he grins, “he found his destination.”
“And you?”
“You know me, “ he frowns, unable to keep the smile up, “always off to a new adventure.” His brows tense as his gaze lowered to the ground. “Appears you found yours too, “ he chuckles, “you should have seen him Sugarpie,” Talia takes a deep breath as he pauses, she hasn’t heard that nickname in years, “two of you - me.” He gestures to himself.
She swallows before speaking, “how long have you been out there?”
“About two hours, maybe more…lost track of time, went numb.” he wiggles his fingers, then slides them back into his pockets.
Her eyes tear up, she turned her head and wiped them away, “um, where are you staying? I can call you a cab.”
“A guy on the bus told me about some place on 14th and B, I’m headed there. J-just wanted to see you, and Sal before I - “ he trailed off.
She always suspected Sal was the only friend he had left here, he burned all his other bridges, or people just matured and left him in their past as they did.
Hearing these words now from his lips, is heartbreaking, Sal really was all he had left. In the years past, especially once he spent more time in NY, Dean could walk into a room and own it. Now, he’s just a shadow, no one turns a head.
“That place isnt safe, Dean.”
“I’ve stayed worst places my whole life.”
Talia digs in her purse and fishes out her keys. She walks up the stairs and stops one step away from him.
“I can’t in good conscience send you there, so, for tonight, and tonight only, you can sleep on my couch. Okay?”
Dean smiles, the tears lingering in his eyes finally fall down to his cheek. “That's kind of you, I appreciate it.”
She breaks eye contact and passes him on the stairs. “Follow me.”
Every step into the building, up the two flights of stairs, and to her door feels heavy. She was so nervous her hands shook as put the key in the door. Once inside, she flicked on the light and welcomed him in.
Dean instantly sighs with relief as a blast of warm air hits his cold skin, the radiator bangs as heat fills the space.
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More Garrett
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itspdameronthings · 2 years
Country Getaway
Summary: title says it all. This fic was inspired by a pic of Garret Hedlund playing a guitar. gave me me an idea for to write. need more Benny fics ! here is mine. Takes place in the Channel 2 universe. Benny takes Doc( fem reader) to the country after a panic attack. Brought on by missing Santi. 
Warning: mentions panic attacks. few tears. Benny playing a guitar. 
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Nothing beats the quietness of the country.  Especially during the Fall season.  Leaves changing colors. Cool air . Different smells.  Being here calms one's heart , mind ,and soul. Reason why you and Benny are at the family farm.  Been so long since they visited. So much going on.  Work and other stuff forced both of you to take some time away from the city. Main reason for the trip is the pain in your heart. Santi.  He isn't with the two of you.  He is away visiting a family member who isn't well. Don't know how long he will be gone. 
Benny knows how you are when he isn't with you.  Couldn't function properly.  Mood swings. Till one day.  Blue called him to tell him about you having a panic attack caused by a traumatic trauma that was brought in the ER. The bosses thought it would be a good idea to take time off. Benny knows what to do. That night both of you traveled all night till the two of you reached the farm. 
After tucking you in his childhood bed.  Kisses your forehead he leaves you to get some sleep.  Benny isn't that tired. Upon fetching his guitar.  Go outside to sit on an old porch swing. Casually strumming a familiar tune he knows so well. Humming along. Getting lost into his music. Suddenly he felt a small hand on his bare, muscular shoulder.  Stopped playing long enough to see your exhausted body.  Messy hair.  Putting down the guitar," ya should be asleep darlin one. Been through hell.  " Laying your head on his warm lap. Always makes you feel better.  Need his presence right now," Try to rest. All I do is toss and turn. I know you aren't that tired.  Could you lay down with me?" Benny felt selfish at that moment.  He knows that you can't sleep without both of you. Only connection to Santi was his shirt ,and pillow Benny brought. Helping you up so he could carry you upstairs. 
Breathed in his musky scent calms you while playing with his now neck length hair. Softness of the bed hits your back. Bed dips as Benny's body edges close to you.  Without thinking. Lay your head on his chest, " I feel numb. Same feeling when Santi left for Columbia.  Don't want to go back to that place. So glad you are here." Taking a deep breath," I'm here Doc. Not leavin ya. This trip is for you.  Time to focus on yourself.  Pope will tan my good lookin hide if something happens to ya. So close your eyes.  Focus on something comforting. I'll be right here when you wake." Kissing his chest before your eyes close," love you ben Miller.  So fucking much." 
Heeding his advice.  Mind wanders to a beautiful moment with them. Benny playing his guitar. Santi holds you close to him.  Swaying to the beat. Beating of his heart soothes your mind. Deep voice filled the space," love you so much Doc. Don't ever forget that. " 
After arriving home. Santi was so tired. Call out your name. Nothing. Benny nothing. Seeing only one car under the carport. Fearing something has happened.  Calls the one person that would know. William.  
After talking to Willam. He is on the road again. Destination.  To be with you and Benny.  Finally arrived at the farm. Looking at the house. So peaceful.  Getting his bag out of the truck. Entering the house. Though it was odd it was left unlocked. Santiago was armed . In his soldier mode. Goes through the house looking room to room. Nothing.  Till he goes upstairs to a bedroom. See a familiar site. Benny is asleep with you in his arms.  Took off his shoes and hat. Scoots in beside you.  Tracing patterns on your arm. A whimper leaves your lips," need you santi. Miss you." Santi scoots closer to you. Placing kisses on your shoulder. Sighing deeply.  Felt so good to hold you again.  Missed you like crazy. Benny moans," how did ya find us? Oh… Ironhead.  Glad he did. Guess he told ya what happened?" Looking at you again," Yeah, he did. Poor baby.  Haven't seen her like that since that night in Columbia.  Afraid that ya might not come back to her. Reason for the sabbatical.  Her bosses thought she needed a break. Reason why I'm here too. Part of the package deal. Can't ya know focus on takin care of patients while I'm worrin about our beautiful.. hay sweetheart,  looks who's here.`` 
Stirring to look at the source of the deep voice. Whimpering, " Santi! Am I dreaming?! " Santi whispers, " No you are not sweetheart.  I'm right here. Both parts of your heart are here with you.  Now close your eyes.  Time to rest." 
You and Santi didn't wake up till mid afternoon.  Laying on top of him. Holding both of his fingers.  Listening to his heartbeat.  Looking in the other direction to see Benny smiling at you. With those loving eyes full of sleep," Sleep well? " Brushing a few stray hairs from your face. Not before touching your face, " Think I should ask ya that . Hate to see you in so much pain. Scares me to no end.  We have another mission to take care of ourselves. That's the more important thing here. " 
Three of you got up to take in the stillness of the property.  So soothing. Never thought about how calming being here is what the doctor ordered.  Santi comes behind you.  Kissing the back of your head, " Have I told you it is good to hold you close again? If I haven't? Saying it right now. " Sounds of Benny playing his guitar filled the air once more. Santi pulls you back from the railing," Doc, dance with me.  Like we did a while back.  Head on my shoulder. You sing softly. World drifts away just the three of us. " Biting your lip," Guess you have been thinking about that moment too. Thought about it as well. Never want to be without you ever again.  Can't…" Taking a deep breath thinking about what you said. He too was thinking about that too. Vowing that he would never,never leave you for too long.  
Benny continues to play ,and sing songs he wrote. Glancing at the beautiful site before him. You are at peace.  No more sad expressions. Smiling again. Putting down the guitar. Slowly walk towards them ,and wrap his arms around your waist. Swaying to a tune he is humming.  Continue to do that till the sunsets. 
Month later. You and Benny returned to work. Refreshed. No panic attacks. Now when you get stressed out.  Thought about the farm,and the boys. Rubbing your belly thinking about what else happened.  A miracle.  A tiny one. 
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Chapter Twenty Three: New Wounds, Old Wounds (Spot Colon x Female Newsie)
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I wake up, feel’n refreshed and safe. Spot’s still here, but it ain’t awkward. I begin to get up, but he pulls me back.
“Where do ya think you’s go’n?” he asks playfully.
“Up to get breakfast?” I try to wiggle oudda Spot’s grasp, but he just squeezes tighter. “Spot, we godda get up eventually!”
“We do?”
I groan. “Yeah, we do. I’m sell’n in ‘Hattan today, and I got a show later, so I godda leave soon.”
“Rebecca,” Spot says in a serious tone as he brings me to face him. “You should never have to woik there ever again. I can support you, and you never have to do that again.”
Whoa- I’d never guess Spot’d want me to actually settle.
“Thanks, but I’s still need to support myself-”
“No, Beauty. Not like that. You deserve more respect. Just trust me.” He kisses my hand.
Maybe I can…
Spot leans in and kisses my head. “When will I see you again?”
“Tomorrow, maybe tonight if ya wanna join in on a card game.”
“Is Race bet’n?”
Spot holds up his hands. “I ain’t get’n involved in that!”
“Good move. Don’t worry- I’ll be back! Now will ya let me go?” Very reluctantly, Spot releases me. “Thank you. Now I godda go, but-” I give him a kiss on tha cheek. “-I’ll be back.”
“See ya around, Beauty.”
I grab an apple from tha kitchen and rush outside. Before I run across tha bridge, I wave ‘hello’ to Bucky, who’s talk’n with Danny. When I get to ‘Hattan, I’m just about to tha distribution center-
“Hello, Harlot.”
My stomach quenches. I turn around and see Slick Benny and his gang sulk’n in an alley. And to be frank, they’s don’t look too happy.
“Beat it before I beat you, jerks!” I spit. I turn to leave, but I see more thugs have surrounded me. “I ain’t gonna just let ya kick me around like last time, Ben! Try anyth’n, and I’ll soak ya!” I throw up my fists.
“Oh look, little miss sing’n sweetie is gonna hurt us!” Benny taunts, while tha goons just laugh. “You lost us a big chunk-a cash from Pulitzer by run’n off. No madda- we’s here for a more… permanent solution.” 
Before I know it, I feel a deep, sharp pain in my side. A thug behind me pulls a knife oudda me, and I see my blood run out onto tha street. Deep, blood red. My knees give out and I crumble to tha ground, clutch’n my side- but not before send’n my fist into someone’s shin.
“It didn’t work on your boyfriend, so we’s gonna stick around ‘til it works on you, tramp!” Benny sneers down at me.
“Benny,” I wince and grit my teeth, but tha pain’s make’n me numb and my vision blurry. “Rot. In. Hell…” Then the lights go out.
Crutchy’s POV
I’d just gotten me papes, and was head’n out to my new sell’n spot. Now that we’s on good terms with Brooklyn, I can sell near there without feel’n noirvous. I’m so happy Becca found a guy- and Spot Colon of all people! But I’s still sad she’s not spend’n as much time with us. I’ll never forget-
I gasp and nearly fall over. “Becca?!”
It is Becca! In an alley, surrounded by blood- her blood! 
I limp over and kneel down. “Becca! Becca! Can ya hear me? Race! Blink! Somebody, help!” By now I’m cry’n and try’n to stay calm.
“Crutchy? That you?” I hear Blink yell back.
“Guys- it’s Becca! Hurry!”
They run over and immediately their faces drop. Race kneels down next to me.
“She’s still breath’n- we godda get her to Kloppman and get her patched up!”
“Ok. You carry her,” I say. I can’t carry her- with my leg I can’t even carry myself!
“I can’t carry her by myself-!”
“I don’t care who does it, just hurry!”
Race grabs her shoulders while Blink takes her feet while I try to keep up. When we get to tha lodg’n house, Kloppman instantly motions to a nearby bunk.
“Here, here! Set her down gently! What happened?”
“I dunno- I found her in a pile of blood in the alley. I think her side’s been stabbed!”
Kloppman frowns. “Go get Kelly’s girlfriend while I gather supplies. If there’s going to be any work done, there has to be a lady present! Go, now!”
Blink rushes off while Race and I can only try to comfort Becca, who’s still unconscious.
“B-B…” She mumbles.
“What? What is it Becs?” Race asks frantically.
Race makes a fist. “That lousy, rotten, no-good son-of-a-!”
“What happened?” Sarah comes through tha door, followed by Blink.
“Becca got stabbed. Ya godda help, please!” I beg.
“O-Oh! Ok- um… You guys are going to have to go. Give us some privacy.”
“Sure, sure. Just hurry while she’s still breath’n!” Race rushes.
We leave Sarah to get to work and meet up with tha odda newsies in tha square.
“Where’s Becs? She’s supposed to be back by now! If Spot tries anyth’n funny-” Jack grumbles.
“She got stabbed!” Race pants.
Jack’s face twists from annoyed to fearful.
“It’s Benny- he did it!” Blink informs them.
“How long ‘til I can get a murder over with?” Skittery growls. “I’ll kill him- you knows I will! C’mon Jack- just let me kill him!”
Jack tries to calm him down. “No, no. We’s just won a strike- we don’t need anyone arrested for murder! Believe me, I wanna kill him too, Skid. But we godda worry about Becca!”
“Who wants to tell Spot?” Mush asks. We all exchange fear-filled glances. “We’s all know Spot Colon ain’t gonna take it too easy when he hears Becca’s been hurt.”
“I’ll go.”
We all turn to Boots.
“I’ll go tell him.” He goes to leave.
“Nice know’n ya, Boots.” Snipeshooter mumbles.
Spot’s POV
I’d just gotten all tha Brooklyn newsies out and sell’n, when I see Boots sprint’n over tha bridge.
“Hey, what’s-?”
“Becca’s been stabbed!” Boots yells.
I freeze. “What?”
“It’s Becca-” Boots catches his breath. “She got stabbed by Benny. She’s with Kloppman, and Sarah’s patch’n her up.”
Oh dear God. Becca... Sweet, beautiful Rebecca...
“Well don’t just stand there! Take me to her!” I jump up and follow Boot to ‘Hattan, where all tha newsies are. 
“Okay, who’s fault is it?” I growl.
“What?” Skittery asks blindly.
“You’s know what! Who allowed Becca to be stabbed?”
“It ain’t nobody’s fault! We ain’t babysitters- Becca’s been walk’n by herself for years!”
“Yeah, and she never left good-ol’ safe ‘Hattan, did she?” I jibe at them.
None of em answer. More proof that Becca should’ve been escorted. Just then, a goil comes oudda tha lodg’n house.
“She’s awake!”
“Is she ok?” I ask anxiously.
“Don’t worry- she’ll have some scarring, but otherwise it didn’t damage any organs. However she did lose a lot of blood, so she’ll have to rest for a few days.”
“I can live with that. It’s Becca not be’n alive that I’s won’t be live’n!” 
Thank you, God! Thank you thank you!
We all crowd upstairs to where Becca’s lay’n in a bunk, almost like an angel.
Rebecca’s POV
I wake up feeling groggy. I try to roll over, and then feel tha deep pain in my side. Oh, right. Wait- I’m alive? I’m alive! Alive and kick’n! 
I open my eyes and take in tha sunshine stream’n throught tha window.
“Good! You’re awake!”
I look over and see Sarah sitting nearby.
“Hey. What’re ya do’n here?”
“They said you had been stabbed, and since I’m a girl too they thought I should help.”
I blush, embarrassed. “Sorry-”
“No, no, it’s alright! You’re going to hopefully make a full recovery! Would you like to see any visitors?”
I nod. “Yes, please!”
“Alright- I’ll send them up!” Sarah disappears down tha hallway. 
I lift up my shoit, and find a jagged set of stitches- a wound that’ll leave a scar. I just hope Spot doesn’t mind…
Before I know it, all tha newsies are crowd’n around me.
“Becca! You’s ok!” Crutchy gushes.
“‘Course I am. You’s think a papercut can stop me?” I grunt.
“You’s had enough trouble to last ya a lifetime, Becs.” Jack hugs me gently. 
When I see Spot, he looks as if he’s either gonna tell me off, or break down cry’n. Instead, he leans in and abruptly wraps his arms around me.
“I thought I lost you, Beauty,” he whispers, and I notice he’s shake’n a bit.
“Hey, don’t worry- I’m still here.” I run my fingers through his hair, try’n to calm him.
“I shoulda gone with ya,” he whispers regretfully. “I’ll never let anyth’n happen to you again, I promise.”
I frown and push Spot up to face me. “Ya know who you’s sound’n like?” I point to my big brodda. “Him.”
Spot don’t answer. Instead, he buries his head into my chest, and I’m a little embarrassed to have all tha guys here.
“How can I help it, not worry’n about ya?” Spot asks finally.
“Simple. Ya just godda trust me.”
“And look where that got ya!”
“I never said it’d always turn out ok. But ya can’t lock me away like a fragile doll, expect’n me to live with it. I wanna live my life, not observe it.”
“I donno…”
“Just promise you won’t be freaked out later.”
Spot’s face scrunches. “What?”
I frown. “I- I’s gonna have a scar. And, if it-”
“Rebecca, no scar could ever make me stop think’n you's the most beautiful goil in the world.”
Everyone goes quiet, and I can understand why. Spot’s never this open about his feelings, but I’m glad he still will’n to luv me.
Jack speaks up. “Guess he really luvs ya, Becca. Sorry I ever doubted it.”
Spot glares. “Ever mention this again, and I’ll soak ya!”
“Thanks for that, Spot.” I begin to sit up. “Now c’mon- we’s got papes to sell!”
Sarah’s face falls. “No, Becca, you’re not-”
“Ya just got stabbed!”
“Beauty, if you think I’s gonna let ya get up-”
“You’s already lost a good cut just by watch’n me sleep. I ain’t gonna lay around all day, so let’s go!”
Mush and Jack try to stop me, but after my death-glare they back off. Spot’s still hold’n my hand, and I’m wonder’n if he’ll never let go. We get outside and I’d never thought I’d be so happy ta see tha shine’n sun.
“So, any big news?” I ask Crutchy.
“I donno…”
“Extra! Extra! Carlyle seeks long-lost daughter!” Snipeshooter shouts. What?
“Lemme see that!” I snatch a pape from him and skim tha story. My fadda, my o-so-care’n fadda, is look’n for me. “I don’t believe this!” I say in a disgusted tone.
A few of tha guys gather around. Spot looks especially on-edge, though I can tell he’s try’n not to show it.
“Is it him?” Race asks.
“Is it really him?” Mush urges.
“That’s your fadda?!” Skittery outbursts.
“You’s rich!” Boots says.
“Are ya gonna leave?” Spot asks, more serious. I can tell he’s really anxious.
“‘Course she is- who wouldn’t?” Blink says.
“Quiet!” I spread my hands out. I could go back, but go back to what? An abusive fadda who sees me as an unwanted nuisance? “I ain’t leave’n.”
“You’re not?” Spot looks as if he’d been born again.
“Why? What sense does that make?” Snipeshooter asks.
“He might be my fadda,” I look over at Spot with a determined look, “but he ain’t my family.”
“Becca, think about it: You’s give’n away a whole fortune just to stick around with a bunch-a newsies-” Skittery begins.
“-who are just tha most funny, care’n, luv’n, and wonderful family I’s could ever need,” I finish. “Guys, I’s here to stay!”
All tha guys crowd and hug me in thanks, but they don’t argue when Spot pulls me aside and kisses me- though Jack’s try’n so hard to ignore it!
“Ya really ok stick’n with me? Like this?” he whispers, brow furrowed as he gestures to his worn-out clothes.
“Luv is a luxury money can’t buy. I ain’t leave’n unless you’s make me!” I grin.
We all go to start sell’n, and I can tell it’s gonna be a beautiful day!
That night, Spot walks me back from my sell’n spot towards tha lodg’n house. Already I hear Race beginn’n ta set up tha game! It’s really dark, with no moon out, but tha lamps help light up tha street. By now it’s beginn’n to get cold out- a sure sign winter’s wait’n.
I turn to Spot. “Thanks.”
“No problem. After today, I’s gonna worry ‘bout you forever!” He kisses my hand, make’n me blush. “Tha future may not be too good…”
“It ain’t so bad,” I say assur’nly.
“Oh yeah? What makes ya say that?”
(A Million Dreams from The Greatest Showman)
“I close my eyes and I can see,
A world that's waiting up for me.
That I call my own.
Through the dark, through the door,
Through where no one's been before.
But it feels like home.
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy.
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind.
I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy.
We can live in a world that we design.
'Cause every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colours fill my head!
A million dreams are keeping me awake!
I think of what the world could be,
A vision of the one I see,
A million dreams is all it's gonna take!
Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make.”
I lead him ta tha window, and outline houses with my hands.
“There's a house we can build,
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away.
The special things I compile,
Each one there to make a smile
On a rainy day…”
Now I climb up tha ladder, while pull’n Spot behind me.
“They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy.
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind.
I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy.
Runaway to a world that we design…!”
Spot lifts me by tha waist, twirl’n me in tha moonlight.
“‘Cause every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colours fill my head,
A million dreams are keeping me awake!
I think of what the world could be,
A vision of the one I see,
A million dreams is all it's gonna take!
Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make!”
I take his face in my hands.
“However big, however small,
Let me be part of it all.
Share your dreams with me!
You may be right, you may be wrong,
But say that you'll bring me along!
To the world you see,
To the world I close my eyes to see,
I close my eyes to see!”
He slowly brings me down, but doesn’t let me go. He touches his nose to mine, and we just stare at each odda.
“‘Cause every night I lie in bed,
The brightest colours fill my head…”
“A million dreams are keeping me awake…” I sing back.
“A million dreams, a million dreams!”
We sing togedda:
“I think of what the world could be!
A vision of the one I see!
A million dreams is all it's gonna take!
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make!”
We both lean over tha rail’n, star’n out inta tha city, then both sing softly:
“For the world we're gonna make.”
Later that night, Specs is tha foist to see me arrive.
“They’s all wait’n for you,” he says in a sarcastic scold’n tone. “Race’s about to throw a fit.”
I roll my eyes. “Whatever. They’s should know by now I ain’t one fer gambl’n.” I leave Specs downstairs, thankful he ain’t a part of this, and smile wide when I see tha fellas all gathered at tha table. “Hey guys! Ready to play?” I announce.
“Becs! You’s just in time! Blink’s deal’n.” Boots says excitedly.
“You bet’n?” Race immediately asks, curious.
I glare at him. “No. I’s already lost enough by not sell’n much today, and I ain’t gonna lose a single penny to you!”
“Alright, alright!” He complains.
Crutchy comes and sits by me. “So- Spot ain’t come’n?”
I shake my head. “He don’t wanna gamble either, plus he wants to give me some space.”
“That’s respectable.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought!” I say with wide eyes.
“Hey! Quite your yapp’n! Are you’s play’n or not?” Race asks.
I roll my eyes again. “I guess someone’s in an eager mood. Fiiiiinnnnne. Who’s go’n foist?”
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jk-unless · 2 years
Thoughts on Stranger Things
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Spoilers of course
Season 1
Chapter 1:
•Jim could get it,just thought I’d go ahead and put that out there.
•Dustin is going to be a favorite for sure,I can already tell.
•As of right now,Nancy gets on my nerves.
•They were VILE for killing Benny like that.HE SEEMED NICE.HIM AND JIM COULD HAVE CO-PARENTED.
Chapter 2:
•Dustin’s “omg omg omg” fucking killed me when Eleven started taking her shirt off 💀
•11: *looks at pic of Nancy* “Pretty.”
Mike: “🤨 I guess.” PLEASE
•How you going to convince your friend to go with you somewhere then tell her to leave so you can get some dick?Couldn’t be me.
Chapter 3:
•Barbara: *running from a monster*
Nancy: *getting her cherry popped*
•Karen: “Michael!”
Mike: “👹COMING!👹”
Chapter 4:
•I know it’s a common black people thing to not believe in what scares them/the unknown but COME ON LUCAS.And I need him to stop calling Eleven a weirdo.
•”tHe sTAtE” got some never pulling all this shit.Like,A fake body filled with cotton?Seriously??
Chapter 5:
•I know Joyce had to have felt SO relieved when someone finally believed her
•Damn,I honestly thought Nancy was about to be in there for a good minute
Chapter 6:
•Bro please when the creepy blonde that killed Benny showed up at the teacher’s house,I kept screaming “NONONONO”
•”Well I call bull on your logic,because you’re my best friend too.”
“:) Okay” IM GONNA CRY
•So…El opened the gate when she screamed bc of the monster during the lab experiment??
Chapter 7:
•*touches head* ”Still pretty?” I would kill for her
•Poor Barbara
•Love me some Joyce,she helped keep Eleven calm and made her feel safe!
•I suppose Nancy is growing on me.I’d just like her to be honest about her feelings for Jonathan bc they’d be cute together
Chapter 8:
•”I’ll tell you where your little science experiment is.” UGHUGHDIIS
•The Demogorgon’s death reminded me of Voldmort’s death.Also did not think is was going to die in the first season.Thought is was going to be a problem for a long time actually.
•What did that (not a) gift mean and why is Nancy still with Steve?!
Season 2
Chapter 1:
•”I’m not prostituting my sister!”
“It’s for a good cause!”
•aLriGHt did they brainwash Jim or is he lying to hide everything??
•Bob seems nice,but it would have been nice to see some build up between the two like damn.
•gIrLs dONt pLaY vIdEo GaMes”
•If they don’t tell these poor people that their daughter is dead so they don’t sell their house-
•”It’s finger-licking good” Steve please
•E L E V E N
Chapter 2:
•My heart can’t take this domestic-ness,I’ll cry
•Most adorable little ghost busters I’ve ever scene
•I didn’t know Erica was Lucas’s sister 🤔
•”B-b-because he’s not black?” THATS SOME SHIT I’D SAY
•Well,Billy is fucking psychotic.
•Jonathan done made a mistake letting him go alone,I can already feel it
•”She’s ruining the best night of the year.” Mike I know you miss Eleven,but you’re being dramatic.
Chapter 3:
•”Did something happen?Are you constipated again?” This would probably be my mom’s line of questioning too.
“Yes,my lord?” He is my child and I love him dearly.
•If Billy and Max aren’t siblings,what are they?
•I hope Will eventually finds some peace because him being so scared is breaking my heart
•Not Eleven almost killing Max bc she saw her with her man.
•Oh shit,it’s the “YOU ARE LIKE PAPA” scene…
Chapter 4:
•”It likes it cold” Oh God it’s inside him now.
•Hm…forgot that I heard about Billy being a racist.
•It honestly doesn’t surprise me that Dustin ended up being the one to raise a damn baby Demogorgon.
Chapter 5:
•Poor Mews
•It made sense for Max to not believe right away but it irked me so bad that she didn’t
•”Son of a bitch.You’re really no help,you know that?” Well someone had to say it
•Ah,the start of the Steve and Dustin father and son bond
•Terry’s backstory was so sad,but it was interesting to see how/why those certain words got stuck on repeat in her head.
•My poor Jim was wrapped up in straight NASTINESS
•Joyce is so impatient with Bob.It’s kinda funny but it’s also sad bc he’s just a nice guy trying to help out his girlfriend.
Chapter 6:
•”How was the pull out?” P l e a s e
•Bob seems to be taking things well
•Everyone is split up doing their own thing,they need to have a meeting damnit
•Will is gonna be traumatized for the rest of his life.
Chapter 7:
•Was not expecting Kali to be so welcoming…I’m suspicious
•Knew she was gonna get El in trouble goddamnit
•Oh thank God,El’s listening to the message
•So trouble…but trouble for the bad men….I’m alright with it.
•My little El *sniffs* going to kill the bad men
•Hope this isn’t the last time we see Kali
Chapter 8:
•Looks like things are really starting to settle in for Bob
•Bob better not fucking die
•Nice,they’re having the meeting I wanted
•Bro I really don’t want Bob to die
•The shot of Bob being eaten was seriously Unnecessary.No like I’m genuinely upset about it.
•My heart hurts
•They really thought just because we’re just meeting Bob this season that his death wouldn’t upset us that much but IT DID!FOR ME AT LEAST
•Rip Bob,they really did him dirty.
•Can’t stay sad for long when Dustin exists (I’m still a little sad though)
•Does Dustin like Max or NOT
•E L E V E N
Chapter 9:
•Mike really squared up with Jim I’m dying
•Mike and El are goals tbh
•Eleven really looked at Max like “I know you fucking lying”
•Mrs.Wheeler better calm the hell down that is a child
•Awe Dad and daughter made up!
•Jim “my kids a bad bitch now and thats okay” Hopper
•Dad Steve
•”Yeah it’s me,don’t cream your pants.” Steve is really starting to grow on me
•BEAT HIS ASS STEVE (please my son said the same thing as me)
•Joyce’s flashback of Bob :(((((((((((((
•El and Jim holding hands kills a bit of my depression each time
•Awe shit she Levitating
•Like at them demo-dogs DIE
•Yes,yes she did do SO good
•Poor Barbara’s parents…and Barbara of course
•Jim better stop teasing me,taking his jacket off like that
•Bitch had they audacity to call Will zombie boy as she was asking him to dance.Who does that?
•sTacY doesn’t deserve my baby boy!
•Aww El!
•…This season fucked me up.
Season 3:
Chapter 1:
•Are they opening the gate again or is this a flashback to the first time?!
•The way El and Mike made out was so awkward, very realistic for the age they’re suppose to be tbh
•These old ladies drooling over Billy really is disgusting for so many reasons
•Wow,so that’s how it’s gonna be Mike and El??
•I love my Jim dearly,but he’s a fucking lunatic
Chapter 2:
•I see that Robin and Steve are gonna have to share custody of Dustin
•Max dumping Lucas multiple times was no shock at all
•Why did his dumbass just not call out for work?
•El is so adorable and I appreciate Max for helping her get her mind off of Mike
•”I dump your ass” Awe shit
•Joyce too busy learning about magnets to show up for their date
Chapter 3:
•Lucas would probably throw himself off that damn cliff if he knew El saw him fart like that
•Jim better shape tf up before he gets bumped down my favorites list
•Lucas and Mike are pissing me off.JUST HUMOR WILL FOR GODS SAKE HE JUST WANTS TO PLAY D&D 
•Poor Will,I get that they’re growing up but jeez
•BOB 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
•Not the “evil russian” being a Jazzercise leader 💀
•At least Lucas and Mike cared enough to go after him
•Damn,Jim got his shit rocked
•Max and El need to stop worrying about Lucas and Mike and just date each other.The way El laid on her shoulder as she told her about Wonder Woman was so cute!
Chapter 4:
•The Mind Flayer looks so…EW
•Nancy just got Jonathan fired and he KNEW that should would happen.They’re both dumb.
•Jim has such a powerful strut mmm
•”Who you gonna call?The police?” We love a psychotic couple
•Dustin screaming will never not be hilarious
•They could have had Erica say something on the lines of “What has America ever done for my people?” and make Dustin and Robin real uncomfortable.The “can’t spell America without Erica” thing was cute though.
•”That’s against the rules!”
“I make my own rules.” PERIOD
•If they think they can make me fall for a racist with all these thirst traps they are gladly mistaken I will rock Billy’s shit right now-
•Damn that entire sauna scene was fucking intense.I remember everyone talking about the part where El collapsed in Mike’s arms when this season first came out because supposedly Mille was exhausted so it was genuine.
•All those poor,every day people now slaves to the Mind Flayer.
Chapter 5:
•Really thought Nancy was about to become a flayed
•Jim is such a fucking idiot
•Nevermind…no he’s still an idiot
•”Nerd (derogatory)”
Chapter 6:
Nothing in particular really stuck out to me enough to comment on it,but damn shit is getting real
•I feel so bad for the flayed.The way they bodies just deteriorate and absorb into the Mind Flayer is haunting
Chapter 7:
•I did not know the “spare me spare me spare me” audio from TikTok came from this damn show 💀
•Murray is really growing on me and I’ve loved Alexei from the start
•That throw up close up was not needed
•SHES 🌈✨GAAAAAAAAAAY✨🌈 i spoiled that for myself a long time ago,but it was still nice to finally hear
•Them just laughing in Dustin’s face please-
•E L E V E N
•I love the fucking meet ups and recaps bruh they’re my favorite part!!
•E w a baby flayer is inside El
Chapter 8:
•Jim reacting to Erica is killing me
•”You bald bastard!”
•Look at his smile!Suzie makes him so happy!
•That had to be embarrassing for Max omg
•Alright Billy’s death was a little sad
•Jim’s “death” would have been a lot sadder if I didn’t know he didn’t actually die
•”They’re so hot.They’re so very hot.” DIDN’T KNOW THAT WAS FROM THIS DAMN SHOW EITHER
•Dustin is so over them please
•Awe Will :(((
•Awe big brother Dustin and Erica i’m gonna cry!
•I know this man ain’t really dead and this is still getting to me
•Where tf did they get a demo-dog
Season 4
Chapter 1:
•Why does he write like that
•Was that…Eleven?
•El’s dumbass class mates are gonna piss me off I already know it
•”You’ve been on the bench all year.” Mike I’ll shank you
•Helen Keller…be fuckin forreal
•”I chose my dad” Sweet girl :((
•”More like diarrhea” SHUT THE FUCK UP
•First thought after the footsies thing:”Will,she’s cute!”
Second thought: LEAVE MY GAY SON ALONE
•Ain’t no way Max popping pills now.Hopefully that was for the headaches mentioned earlier.
•Awe shit it’s Eddie
•That damn old ass teacher did not have to say that so loud
•The letter sent chills through my body
•Oh Lord Tammy comin
•FUCK YEAH!!!!!!
•Thought Eddie was overhyped,but he honestly is pretty fucking beautiful
•Honestly that was probably the scariest scene of Stranger Things I’ve seen so far
Chapter 2:
•…Jim surviving honestly made it seem kinda stupid that they didn’t at least make sure he was actually dead
•Officer Powell the chief?I AIN’T MAD AT IT MY BROTHA
•”Or is he the very savior this town needs?“ You can’t say shit like that.You’re gonna make the man anxious
•Get the elephant?Excuse me?!?!
•On not an…actual elephant…still pretty bad though
•Poor Will :((
•Kinda feel bad for Jason but I know he’s about to go try to kill Eddie
•Awe Steve’s jealous
•Argyle is killing me bruh
•Got me stressed out and it’s not even my girlfriend!” PLEASE
•My poor baby Jane
•Why did she just…not bother to look in the woods?
•Oh Lord tf is this
“The Motherland is giving very much…giving very muuch-
•El honey you want me to shank her??I’LL DO IT FR
•Damn she practically did it herself
•…Personally,I’m proud of her
Chapter 3:
•”On my mother!” Well I’m glad he’s telling the truth,because I would have been dead
•Poor Fred
•So if Vecna feeds on guilty consciences,what the hell did Chrissy do to her mom?
•”Because it was men of science,men like you,who created this problem in the first place.” I meeeeean
•But she’s all the way in California.They better take that into consideration first
•Oh God damnit I forgot about the mind travel thingy
•Mike literally shut the fuck up
•Wait she’s felling guilty now…FUCK FUCK FUCK
•Aw shit they locking Jane up
•”I’m missing collar bones,not eyes.” I love my sassy son
•Oh Vecna feeds on depression too
Chapter 4:
•”It looks like I die tomorrow.” Sweet girl they won’t let that happen!…We’ll I know it kinda does but shhhhh
•It’s nice to see Mike and Will having a real conversation again.Even if it is still about El.
•I fucking love Argyle
•The fact that Steve got a letter too like I know obviously right? with all they’ve been through but it’s STILL SO SWEET OMG I HAVE TEARS BEHIND MY EYES
•Bruh the fact that Robin can’t walk in kitten heels
•That ankle thing gon’ hurt my ankles every time
•Was NOT expecting that explosion to be that big
•Oh God he’s onto them
•His poor feet
•They drank so much of that damn coffee
•Omg there was actually a baby on fire!
•That poor man and his family
•His full name is William?I have never understood why Billy is used as a nickname for William
•Vecna really had to come for her right after she poured out her heart like that?
•Steve’s such a good big brother
•Oh Lord,Billy’s back
•Dustin could have broke something with how he feel off that damn platform
•Dustin heard the answer is music and was like BET
•Shouldn’t have watched this right before having to get ready for work bc now I wanna binge and I can’t
Chapter 5:
•Poor Argyle honestly.He didn’t ask to be wrapped up in this mess
•Please the way El’s eyes widen when he said she was bigger than Madonna to them
•”The justice system’s a goddamn joke.” The old man’s not wrong
•Oh,its the house
•Welp,El’s bald again
•On a serious note,this is genuinely really sad.She must be going through so much post traumatic stress.
•W ha t is happening
•Argyle had the most realistic reaction to everything
•Jim just made me very sad
•The way Dustin and Steve interact is hilarious
•These poor children,there really are so many of them.These fucking doctors are twisted,especially “pAPa”
•Well hopefully Jason GETS IT NOW.Anyways,RIP Patrick
•Not yet ig
Chapter 6:
•Poor Wallace
•Jason should be a Pastor
•Just had to get the black dude out first
•Enzo and Jim better stay friends after this shit is over…if he doesn’t die…I REALLY HOPE HE DOESN’T DIE
•Not them hot boxing the van
•”I wAs hOlDinG bAck” sure babes,sure
•Can we talk about how Eleven was SO tony when this memory was actually happening?!
•If this is the way Steve dies,if Steve dies IN GENERAL,I’m gonna be very pissed
Chapter 7:
•Stupid fucking Tumblr ft. my dumbass phone decided to malfunction so it closed the app without saving the previous notes I wrote about this episode so OH WELL I GUESS
•So 001 actually killed everyone and 011 gotten wrongfully blamed?
•At first he was making sense…then he started to kill a rabbit and lost me
•It’s the circle game without the circles
•He really just refused to die
Chapter 8:
•Finally the “THIS IS MUSIC” scene
•Why do Nancy and Eddie kinda look alike?
•”She misses her dad.” 😭😭😭
•EW they have so many!
•!!NSFW!! Completely random,but I’d love to have a Jim,Joyce,and Enzo foursome.
•Will,my sweet boy!!!
•I ship Steve and Eddie so hard
•”If only I had some practice.” HE LITERALLY JUST CALLED THEM HIS KIDS
•Sweet father and son moment between Eddie and Dustin,I’m literally unwell
Chapter 9:
•Loving Joyce and Jim’s matching coats
•The surfer dude interaction was amazing
•The fact that Argyle is making a fucking pizza rn
•Steve that’s sweet and all obviously but…JONATHAN
•Pineapple pizza is actually pretty decent…please don’t hurt me
•El’s socks are cute
•”I imagined him crashing.Dying in that stupid car.” Damn,Max.Can’t say I don’t agree though
•BITCH IF Y’ALL DON’T LEAVE MY CHILD ALONE (talking about Erica btw)
•I fucking love Dustin and Eddie so much pls-
•Poor Max was just chilling in her favorite memory and now balloons are bursting with blood
•Joyce’s little pout is so cute
•Ngl,Steve’s choking face was kinda funny
•”I piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer” Eleven please
•Oh it’s his leg that’s broken,no his arm
•Well,you tried Max.
•Murray actually had a really big hand in saving everyone!LETS GO MURRAY
•Ew,crispy demo-dog
•Where tf did that sword come from
•”I didn’t run away this time,did I?” NO YOU DIDN’T BABY,YOU DID SO GOOD
•Caleb’s acting has been falling a little flat all season,but this scene ALONE deserves an Emmy
•Damn…bye bye Justin
•Damn,everybody leaving
•Are they deadass?They see tentacles coming up from the ground and still think a little high schooler had something to do with the killings?!?!
•Oh Steve :(
•Awwww,Lucas and El.They’ve come a long way
•Robin looks GOODT
•Steve is so proud,love him
•Dustin,my sweet boy :(((
•Uncle Munson,I’m so sorry
•Was confused as to why they were trying to hide El,then I remembered she’s still wanted by the government
•There relationship will always make me so happy
•”I’m happy you went to your conference.” I’M NOT OKAY
•…Awe shit.
(To be continued)
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