#and robin cries and laughs and runs to hug him
sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Little Things You Do That OP Men Love (SFW)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Katakuri, Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace
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He loves watching you eat with him, whether it’s donuts or just some other snack he likes how your cheeks get almost as big as his when you relax and stuff your face
He enjoys watching you try to fight him. You tend to throw hands with him a lot in a playful way, he’s a big mf so he really doesn’t feel much when you climb, slap, punch or kick him. He views it very cute when you do it when you get jealous or pouty.
To add on to that he loves how you were never afraid of him. Of course it took him sometimes to get used to the affection you gave him, and honestly he thought you’d leave after he showed you his teeth, but you fell more in love with him and he will always cherish you for that
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He loves how easy it is to make you laugh. He loves your laugh so much. When he first heard it he did such a wide smile, Robin swears up and down the first time he made you laugh that’s when he fell for you, but Luffy never understood why she said that. He tried everyday to hear you laugh at least once regardless if you hate it or not. You look best when you smile.
The way you always share your food with him. I mean yeah there are many things you do for him and sharing your food is one. He loves eating with you and bonding over food. He secretly likes when you feed the food to him too.
The way you take and wear his hat. He has only allowed very few people to wear/hold his hat but he only gives you the privilege of taking it when you want. You look better in it anyways.
The way you run and hug him when you see him. He is a touchy person naturally so when you first hugged him he literally could have melted in your touch. He thinks you’re so soft and smell SOOOO good. Many times after hugging Luffy he keeps his body wrapped around you.
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He loves the way you talk. Whether you have an accent or not your voice gives him a peace of mind. You never yell at him or belittle him with your words. If you both aren’t bantering with each other Everything you speak towards him is all love and affirmation and he wouldn’t change it for the world
He loves how you admire small things about him. You always compliment his freckles, his hair, the way he dresses (even if he barely wears clothes) you’re just so positive around him. He does a small crooked smile when you do it.
The way you say “I love you.” To him. You’re one of the first few people next to his brothers and WB to show him what love really was and when Ace first heard you say that to him he cried.
How carefree you are around him. He notices the way you are more reserved with other around, but when you’re alone with him you are the complete opposite. Ace appreciate you have that kind of trust to be that vulnerable around him.
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Yes he loves everything about you BUT the one thing he loves the most is how your eyes light up every SINGLE time he walks into the room. Being played by so many women and not desired by many of them the fact that you’re probably the first to have a genuine happiness to have him around makes him feel so honored and loved.
The way you look at him has him on his knees. It’s similar to the first one, but sometimes you have this small low lidded gaze he can’t look away from. You make his cheeks on FIRE with that look! It’s not even intentional and he doesn’t even think you know but when your chin is rested on your hand and you watch him in admiration he gets so shy.
The way you touch him. He’s a touchy guy too, but how you sometimes fix his hair, adjust his tie, or even tie his shoes gets him going—-not ALWAYS in a sexual way but in a way where he will drown you in “I love you’s” for the gesture
He loves watching you talk about things you love to him. There were so many unknown and interesting facts about you he has learned while talking to you, you’re so expressive and fun to speak to. Some days when he isn’t having a love fit he just enjoys having a long and deep conversation.
How patient and gentle you are with him. You never have hit Sanji, pushed him away, cursed at him, or anything. You’ve always welcomed his lover boy antics and him as a whole. You’re so understanding when he screws up somehow that he believes one day you may leave him if he don’t get his act together, but you reassured him nothing could make you love him any less.
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How you motivate him, he doesn’t tell you of course but seeing you focused on getting stronger gives him the courage to keep going
The way you snap back at him. We all know this mf loves to make smart remarks but when you first clapped back he was so attracted to you . You don’t back down from talking crap to him and he loves that so much
The way you hold him., whether he admits it or not after a love making session or just when you both are sleeping he loves when you pull him into your chest and hold him tightly. Your touch is one of the few things that helps him have a sound mind and make him smile
When you fight, he does get a liiittllleee turned on seeing you work yourself up because you get so cocky and angry while fighting enemies, but he likes how quick you are on your feet (remember that scene where Zoro asks if Chopper is ganna be okay and he says yes and Zoro says “That’s my man” Akbshssskj he says “That’s my girl” to you when you fight )
How you trust him always made his heart flutter. You’re more than capable of fighting on your own, but it’s those moments where you don’t bat an eye to when an enemy is about to attack and you don’t worry because you know Zoro will come to your rescue. He’s asked you why tf do you act so careless when he is around but you smiled and told him, “Because I know a swordsman that will protect me.”
Ego boost.
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luveline · 5 months
Hi Jade! I think the KBD universe has to be my favourite thing of yours that you've written, I constantly go back to reread all of them all the time! I'm not sure if you're still taking Christmas requests or if you've moved on and are ready for the New Year, but I was wondering if you could please write about maybe what the girls got for Christmas or how they celebrated the holiday? (this is for if you're still in the Christmas spirit) Or maybe how they are planning to spend New Year's Eve, or day? (this is for if you're ready for the New Year) <3 xxx
kbd —the harringtons chill out before new year's ♡ mom!reader, 1.2k
“Do you think we have enough hot dogs for New Year's?” you ask, eyeing the top shelf of the fridge. 
Steve steps in behind you casually, his entire front pressed to your back. An excuse to wrap you up into a hug, he folds his arms over your stomach and drops his nose into your shoulder. “What?” he asks, kissing the sliver of shoulder exposed by your t-shirts drooping neckline. 
“Hot dogs. Dove will eat four herself, and that's only one each for the rest of us.” 
“Beth won't eat one, and neither will you, probably. So that's two for me and two for Avery. Think we need more?” he asks. 
Probably not, but what if Avery decides she wants a third? Avery doesn't have tantrums, she just retreats into herself and cries, which is worse. “I'll put it on the list,” Steve says, likely having had the same thought. 
“You're making chilli?” 
“For my Beth,” he says, “uh-huh.” 
“And I'm making butterfly cupcakes. And Robin's still coming? Wait, what if Robin wants a hot dog?” 
“I'll get another jar,” he says, hugging you sweetly. “Okay?” 
You turn your face toward him and let him kiss the place under your chin. He's more passionate than you're expecting, which is to say, his hand feels at your stomach and his other rises to just beneath your chest, and he noses at you until your lips are on his.
He turns you slowly into his grasp, chest to chest, and kisses you more. 
Steve pulls away to look over your face proudly. “You're so pretty.” 
“Thanks, H,” you say. You sew your arms behind his neck for another hug. He squeezes you close and the force of it has him doing that strange sweet thing where he shifts from one foot to the other, dancing you on the spot. “You're pretty too.” 
“Not like you.” He sounds like he's smiling. “You're beautiful.” 
For once, the planets align, the universe knows how much you need it, and you get to hug your husband for as long as you like. The fridge is cold on your back but he rubs it warm, and the sound of the girls playing in the living room only serves to make your hugging nicer. 
“Love you,” you mumble into his shoulder. 
“I love you,” he says. He backs away to take your face into both of his hands. “I'm really proud of you. You really knocked it out of the park this year.” 
You shake your head, befuddled. “What? Steve, you barely needed my help, you did half the presents on your own, you did all of the grocery shopping, you barely let me cook.” 
“You just had a baby.” 
“Kind of,” you say. 
“So yeah, I'm proud of you. And you worked hard to make sure we had the money for the presents, for the groceries, for all of it.” 
“We work hard,” you say bashfully. 
“Listen to me,” he says, in his gentlest of tones, the kind he uses when you're sick, his thumbs pushing back the fat of your cheeks slowly, “listen. What you did this year? How hard you've worked, after months of being probably the most pregnant you've ever been,” —you laugh and jostle both yourself and him— “and then just running straight back into it? You think I didn't notice all that?” 
“Of course not, you told me enough,” you say quietly. 
He smiles and kisses you under the chin with a loud smack of his lips. “Love you so much. Thank you for another perfect Christmas.” 
You force him into a second tight hug so he can't see your glassy eyes. It's really, really nice to be loved by him. He always acknowledges you. He's always been this good to you, before and after the babies. 
Speaking of. A patter of feet race through the living room to the kitchen. You and Steve turn to see them at the same time, Dove and Bethie hand in hand with a Barbie dangling by the foot in Dove's small fist. “Daddy,” she says, “mommy, hello.” 
“Hello, trouble,” Steve says. 
“What do you want?” you ask suspiciously. 
Bethie looks at her sister then back to you both, caught. “How did you know that we wanted something?” 
“You look like you do,” you say. You bend down with a smile and beckon her forward, wiping at a chocolate smudge on her cheek. “Have you been eating chocolate coins again, lovely girl?” 
“Some,” she says, grinning. “Dove–” Beth drops her sister’s hand. “I want to have dinner again. And Dove says, um, that she wants some too.” 
“You're hungry?” Steve asks, bending down beside you. 
“Yes.” She smiles with teeth, an awkward show of teeth. She's very pretty, but she hasn't mastered smiling on purpose. Doesn't matter. Steve would make her a five course dinner in the middle of the night if she asked. 
“What do you want, honey?” he asks excitedly. Bethie is a bad eater, so her being hungry is always a good thing. 
More footsteps. You hold the door open for Avery as she trots in, already smiling in her new robe as she walks straight into your pyjama-clad thighs. “Mom, guess what?” she asks, her chin digging into your leg. 
“I finished the puzzle!” 
“You did? All five hundred pieces? Oh my gosh, daddy, we have a pro in the house.” Luckily, the other girls weren't interested in Avery's jigsaw, and she's had some time to herself. You hadn't expected Avery to like it as much as she did, you only bought it because it was off different kinds of dogs, which she loves. 
Steve beams at Avery with the same shade of pride he'd worn only ten minutes earlier. “No way! Sweetheart, we'll have you on the thousand piece ones in no time.” 
She flusters at all the positive attention and hides her face in your hip. Not like her. You giggle and rub the top of her shoulder affectionately. “Can I come and see?” you ask. 
She remembers her enthusiasm. “Yes! Yeah, come and look, please. Daddy, please?” 
You all march back into the living room to gather around the small table that Avery's commandeered for her puzzle. Dove has been given strict instruction to leave it alone, and she's so high on Christmas happiness she hasn't bothered disobeying.
You peek over at Wren snoozing in her bassinet. She's a sleepy baby now she's done with her colicky tirade of terror. Steve sees you looking and takes your hand, lime he's saying, Yeah, you made that one too. 
“Oh, wow,” he says, voice thick with awe. 
“You did it so quickly, you're so smart,” you praise, bending down to Avery's height. “Wow, look at the puppies. They're so cute. They're like you.” Mom-ese never fails. 
Avery wraps her arms around herself and leans up on toes to kiss your cheek. “Thanks, mom.” 
Steve squeezes her arm. 
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joedirtymadre · 2 months
You might as well make bothersome a series frien I needddd that part 3🥹🥹🥹
Bothersome - Part 3
“Law! Luffy!” You cried out. You watched as the two were thrown from Doflamingo. You were finally in the last battle, finally about to end this nightmare on Dressrosa. You watched as your ex-captain’s sword was tossed to the side. You were injured and struggled to move your aching body, but forced yourself to the sword. “I can make it, we’ll win this,” you whispered to yourself as you reached out to the weapon.
“Woman,” you heard a booming voice over you, causing you to freeze. You slowly turned back, seeing the large warlord loom over you. “You’re in the way,” he said as he picked you up by your hair. “Let go!” You yelled as you struggled.
“Don’t touch her!” Law yelled as he quickly stood up. “Or what? You guys are on your last breath, before you fall over dead,” he laughed as he tightened his grip on you. You screamed as he had you hanging in the air by your locks. “(Y/N)! Don’t hurt her, you bastard!” He cried out. “Huh? Don’t tell me you care about this girl,” Doflamingo cackled. “J-Just drop her, your fight is with me!” He replied.
“No, my fight is with everyone who opposes me. But now I’m interested… seems like you two are close,” he smirked as he placed a finger to your neck. You flinched, “DON’T!” Law screamed. “One move and it’s her life,” Doflamingo smirked. You watched as Law stayed frozen, as he watched you struggle helplessly. You slowly reached down your leg, and grabbed a small knife from your side pouch. “Now Law I’ll give you 10 seconds to stop all of this, if not then say goodbye to your girl,” he laughed.
“(Y/N)!” You heard Luffy’s voice yell. You noticed Doflamingo turned his attention to your captain. This is your chance. You quickly sliced at your locks, allowing you to fall to the floor. As soon as you hit the floor you ran towards the sword. “You bitch!” Doflamingo shouted. “Law!” You yelled as you kicked the sword with all your might towards him. You watched as he quickly caught it, “Thanks (Y/N)-ya,” he smirked. You smiled and began to escape from the battle-
You suddenly felt a piercing pain run through you. You grunted as you looked down to see a puncture wound through your stomach. “L-Law? Luffy?” You called out, before falling to the ground. Before falling you noticed the shocked looks on the captains’ faces. As your vision grew darker you heard distant shouting, before your vision finally went black.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Can you hear me?” You heard a voice call out. You slowly opened your eyes, your eyes adjusting to Law looming over you. “Thank god, I thought you wouldn’t wake up,” he said as he pulled you into a tight hug. “Ow, ow… Law too tight,” you said softly. “Sorry, but I’m glad you’re ok, (Y/N)-ya,” he said softly. “Did we win?” You asked. He slowly nodded, “Yes! We did it!” You smiled and now it was your turn to pull him into a tight hug.
You quickly realized how awkward it is to hug your ex-boyfriend/captain. Making you pull away, you then turned your attention to your wound. You were covered in bandages and patches, “Did you patch me up?” Law nodded, “I wanted to make sure you would pull through,” he said. “Thank you,” you smiled. You slowly stood up, and noticed Luffy on the ground passed out. “I should take him to Chopper,” you said. “I’ll help you,” he replied.
The battle was finally over and everyone was patched up. Well… almost patched up. It’s still awkward between you and your ex-captain, just being around him makes you feel all sorts of ways… “God, what the heck is wrong with me?” You sighed to yourself as you sat by yourself on top of a building, viewing all the wreckage. “I don’t think anything is wrong with you,” you heard someone giggle as they approached you. You turned around to see Robin.
“Hey Robin, how’d you find me?” You asked. “Chopped mentioned you were going to go find a place to think. So I just scouted around until I saw you,” she explained as she sat next to you. “Ahh, so what’s up?” You asked. “Nothing much, just wanted to see how you’re doing. You lost a lot of blood,” she said. “I did? I’m not sure what happened after I blacked out,” you confessed. “Well… we don’t know the full story either, but I can take a guess that someone was extremely careful trying to patch you up,” she smiled.
“I see… hey Robin can I ask you something?” You asked as you faced her. “What is it?” She replied. “He really hurt me Robin, but he’s doing all these things and I don’t know… It reminds me of why I fell in love with him back then… but is it right to go back with someone who hurt me?” You asked. “That’s a tough question (Y/N)… on one hand, in your eyes he’s redeeming his past. On the other hand, you’re afraid that he’ll hurt you again. I guess… in the end it depends on you. Are you ready to try again? Can you 100% say that you’re prepared to be in a relationship with him again, and understand the possibilities that could occur?” She asked. “Ughhh… why is this all so complicated?! I wish I was a snail, a snail doesn’t have to worry or think about any of this,” you sighed.
Robin laughed, and slowly stood up. “It’s a tough decision, but it’s yours to make (Y/N),” she said. “Though it seems you might not have more time to contemplate,” she said as she walked away. “Huh?” You questioned, quickly turning around to see Law. Your eyes widened, “Oh… hi,” you said softly. “Hey (Y/N)-ya,” he replied as he walked over to you. You watched as he leaned on the half wall that you were sitting on.
“How are your injuries?” He asked. “Fine, just some pain here and there, but I can’t complain,” you smiled. “That’s good,” he said softly. You both stayed silent, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. More comforting, relaxing. “Law… do you still have feelings for me?” You asked abruptly. “I do,” he replied. “Why? I’m not special or anything,” you said. “I remember really liking your smile, it made me think of another person with a dumb smile…” he said softly. “Dumb smile? How romantic,” you laughed. “But then you would talk and it was even more nonsense, but it was cute… you would laugh and it would be over the dumbest joke ever,” he said softly, as you noticed a small smile on his face.
“Then what made you fall out of love, why did you say those words?” You asked. “To this day I still have no idea… and there’s nothing I can say to excuse it,” he sighed as he stared at the ground. “I ended up hurting the girl that used to make me feel something… And to this day I don’t know why…” he said. “I see,” you said softly. “I know my words can’t be forgotten, but you have to believe me. I still love you (Y/N),” he said as he turned towards you. You both stared into each other's eyes.
You quickly turned your head away, “Y-You’re right… I can’t forget. I’m scared that… that you’ll hurt me again, and that’s not fair to me,” you said. Law stayed silent. “It hurt having to abandon what I used to think was my home, and my friends and family. All because you had a bad day and decided to say something you didn’t mean,” you sighed frustratingly. “How do I know you won’t do it again?” You asked.
“I have no way to prove to you I’ll do better, but I do love you (Y/N). Just one more chance,” he pleaded, as you felt arms wrap around you from behind. “I… alright, I’ll give you one more chance,” you said softly, almost afraid he didn’t hear you.
You felt himself freeze up, “Do you mean it? Do you-“ you cut him off. “But I have some rules…” you said quickly. “Alright, I’m listening,” he said softly, as he held onto you. “I plan to stay with the Straw Hats… for now. I can’t just throw myself into this relationship, I-I don’t fully trust you yet,” you confessed. “I understand,” he replied. “I know what your true goal is from creating this alliance, until then… Until we finally accomplish the goal, you have that amount of time to build my trust back,” you explained. You sat there, biting your lip waiting for a response. “Alright, I can do that. If it means you’ll give me another chance,” he said.
You slowly turned to face him, and wrapped your arms around him. Feeling his arms wrap around you too. You both stood there for what felt like an eternity, just holding each other. “Last chance Law, I’m serious. If you hurt me again you won’t ever see me again,” you said softly. “I won’t let that happen, I’ll prove it to you,” he said as he tightened his hug.
“When’s the last time you acted so lovey dovey?” You joked. “A long time… too long,” he said as he leaned down and softly pressed his lips onto yours. You tensed up, but slowly relaxed into the warmth.
“Ahem,” you both froze as you heard the cough. You quickly looked over to see Robin standing there. “Hi Robin,” you said shyly as you tried to pull yourself out of Law’s grasp, but with no luck. “Hello, you two. Getting comfortable I see,” she giggled. “Haha… yeah,” you laughed awkwardly as you continued trying to squeeze out. “I’m not letting you go anywhere,” Law smirked. You felt your cheeks heat up, and quickly stopped resisting. “Alright…” you blushed.
“Well I’ll leave you happy couple alone for now,” Robin smiled. “Bye Robin,” you waved. You then turned your attention back to the doctor with a frown. “What? I wasn’t done with you,” he said slyly. “H-Huh?” You asked, feeling your face explode. “I’ve missed that look,” he chuckled before pulling you into another kiss. This time you immediately melted into the kiss, excited but nervous about the future.
You wondered how this would end.
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wheatnoodle · 11 months
i love you, evangeline
og post | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4
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“evie, babe, darling, my love. you gotta stop stressing so much. dustin’s going to like whatever you make, everything you cook is great. you’re going to pace holes into the floor and we won’t get our security deposit back,” robin says and places her hands on evie’s shoulders. the girl’s been panicking over the pasta on the stovetop, having already restarted her sauce for the third time now.
“i- i know, i know. but it’s not…about the food, robs,” evie says and tips her head back to face the ceiling once she feels tears welling behind her eyes. she can’t let her mascara run. it’s expensive.
“honey, hey,” robin is snatching a napkin off the counter to dab at evie’s waterline, her other hand cupping her face. “dustin is going to love you, no matter what. do you know how long he’s been waiting for this day? every time i see or talk to him, it’s all ‘where’s steve why are you hiding him is he dead can i see him’. he’s going to be over the moon.”
“that’s just it, robin. he misses steve and i’m not him. what if he’s disappointed, or disgusted, or he hates me, or he won’t accept it? oh my god, i don’t know if i can do this,” she can feel her breathing picking up and robin is instantly placing her hands on her shoulders.
“okay, no, hey, we’re not going to do that. we are not panicking. everything is going to go amazing. nothing bad is going to happen. you just finished a glass of wine, your emotions are gettin’ high, you are okay. we are okay. let’s breathe, yeah?” slowly, she guides evie through deep breaths, rubbing her shoulders all throughout. after a few moments, evie shuts her eyes, a sigh of relief leaving her body and her shoulders dropping. she pulls robin into a hug.
“you’re right. everything’s okay. thanks,” she mumbles into her shoulder.
“anytime. now, get out of your head, dingus. if you burn this sauce, i’m not letting you start over again,” robin smirks and pulls back to finish her setting of the small kitchen table.
just as she finishes lighting the candles in the center of the table, there’s a knock to the tune of “skunk in the barnyard”. robin’s head snaps over to evie, seeing the girl freeze just as she was about to fill their glasses.
“okay…here we go,” robin whispers and walks to the door. she pulls it open, stepping in the doorway to greet the kid, well adult, on the other side. “dustin!”
“robin!” dustin answers her cheer, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug that’s got her feet off the ground.
“oh my god, i’ve missed you so much. when did you grow?!” robin laughs once he puts her down and they pull back to look each other in the eye.
“everyone keeps asking me that! i’ve missed you too,” he smiles and she can still see the kid he used to be. “also, what on earth is that smell because if i don’t get to consume whatever that is immediately, things may get violent.”
“that, me dear nerd, would be ms evangeline’s cooking awaiting us inside,” she smiles proudly, tilting her chin back as she prepares herself. she steps out of the way to let him in.
“dude, you didn’t tell me she can cook too! and you mean you haven’t proposed to her-“ dustin freezes as he’s about halfway through the entryway, the table in view. evie stands up straight, her cheeks tinging pink as her nerves spiked.
“dustin…” evie says softly, her voice wavering just slightly. she watches as he looks her all over. from her long, loosely curled hair, to the sparkly earrings and her makeup, pausing briefly on her figure, before going back to her face. “hey.”
“oh my god…” dustin breathes out and he’s moving in an instant. he rushes forward and his arms are tight around her waist, squeezing hard. “oh my god! oh my god, you’re alive.”
“i’m alive. i’m here,” she sniffles, one arm going around his neck, the other ruffling his hair. she doesn’t bother to fight her own tears this time when she feels and hears dustin crying in her shoulder.
“i can’t believe you’re you. holy shit,” he cries out years of waiting, years of wondering, years of confusion and betrayal. he’s so…relieved. “i missed you.”
“i missed you too, kid. fuck, i missed you.” they hold on for a few more minutes, not a word shared before dustin decides to pull back. his face is red and tear stained but he has a smile evie hasn’t seen since eddie woke up in the hospital.
“you look so good! ohohoh this is amazing!” dustin gushes, giggling excitedly. robin’s leaning against the counter with a huge smile and tears of her own she’s not so subtly trying to wipe away.
“really? you’re…okay with this?” evie asks, every ounce of insecurity dripping into her voice as she looks down at herself.
“are you kidding me? dude, i love you. every form of you. i thought you died! oh shit, should i not call you dude?” dustin pauses, eyes wide and a hand coming to cover his mouth.
“what? oh, no! dude’s fine,” she clarifies, a bit awkward.
robin snorts and walks closer, taking her own turn in ruffling dustin’s hair. “trust, she’ll let you know when somethings not.”
“so…does this mean i can stay here instead of the hotel?” dustin glances between them with his best puppy eyes.
robin and evie look over at each other, a quick silent conversation. “well i guess you can,” evie says dramatically and drops into her seat at the table.
she hides her smile behind her wine glass at dustin’s whoop of excitement.
taggie waggies:
@lololol-1234 @xo-r4e @paintsplatteredandimperfect @homohomohoe @charlies-candid-corner @tartarusfairy @howincrediblysapphicofyou @steddie-as-they-go @bestwifehaver @sexymothmanincarnate @zoeweee @romanticdestruction @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @breadboi66 @shadowofaliar @mollymawkwrites @lofaewrites @estrellami-1 @ronance-is-my-wife @afewproblems @heartsong18 @discount-izukumidoriya @mightbeasleep @bookbinderbitch @justforthedead89 @onehandedbitch @anxiouseds @sunfloweringstories @cyranyx @thegingerrapunzel @hequet @herebedragons404 @magpiemuseum @scheodingers-muppet @the-ghost-in-your-curtains @background-noise-headache @steddieloverrr @punctualhowell @musical-theatre-gay
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penkura · 24 days
knowing [5/8]
Summary: Sanji knew you were the one the moment he met you.
Pairing: Sanji x Reader
Warnings: None really. Normal One Piece stuff I guess.
Note: I love Dressrosa, Sanji got to go on a date lol. But obviously things are different here. ;) This one is also a little shorter, I wasn't sure what to do with this, but I'm fairly happy with it. Next week will be much longer! And on time I swear omg.
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4]
With the events of Fishman Island behind you, arriving on Punk Hazard, you drew straws with everyone willing to venture to the burning side of the island, being one to join Luffy, Zoro, Robin, and Usopp to scope the place out. You promised Sanji you’d be fine, you’d stick by Zoro even thought Sanji didn’t like that either, he knew you trusted Zoro as much as you trusted him. You knew Sanji would be fine taking care of the rest of your crewmates, even when you make it to the frozen side of the island and see things have gone a bit awry, as your friends are now all swapped around thanks to one Warlord.
“Okay, okay,” you looked between the four as Usopp took out a notepad and pencil to keep things straight, “So, Franky is in Chopper’s body.”
“Super right, buddy!”
“And, Chopper is in Sanji’s body.”
Sanji, or, well, Chopper nodded, starting to cling onto you which felt weird even though it was your boyfriend’s body it was Chopper’s mind.
“Nami is in Franky’s body.”
Nami-Franky was nearly in tears, poor Nami crying over not being herself.
“And…” You looked over the to the last member of your crew, smiling when see they aren’t looking at you, “Sanji is in Nami’s body.”
Slight nod, you nearly laughed at the whole situation, while everyone was wondering how to fix it. You weren’t sure you knew the answer, but thought Trafalgar Law was your only way of getting the whole thing fixed.
You all take to just calling your swapped friends by their names, you taking a seat by Sanji and patting his back while he kept his head in his hand, not having fully looked at you since you showed up. Being in Nami’s body must’ve been a lot for him to take in, especially considering his relationship with you.
“We’ll get you back to normal, Sanji. It’ll be okay.”
He stayed quiet for several moments, before finally turning to give you a hug that you returned.
“It’s probably weird,” Sanji said while almost burrowing into your shoulder, “but I just need a minute, I’ll be fine…”
“I know, I know.”
It was a little weird, to hear his voice coming from Nami, but for the time being, you’d have to accept it. It wouldn’t change anything about your relationship, it was only temporary. Even when Sanji left with Zoro and Brook to go after the torso-less Kin’emon, you stayed with the rest of your crew, helping calm the withdrawal suffering and mostly giant children, as Luffy and Franky ran to save Nami from whoever snatched her thinking she was Franky.
Once Luffy and the others return, with Trafalgar Law at their side, and an alliance planned thanks to Luffy not stopping to ask anyone else. You were all for it, making Nami mostly yell at you after she was swapped into Sanji’s body.
Nami in Sanji’s body was even weirder than the other swaps, but it felt stranger when Nami hugged you as she cried over now being in your boyfriend’s body instead of her own. You looked over at Law, giving him a slight glare that he returned.
“I kind of hate you right now.”
You were glad later that day when Law finally switched the two back. Sanji was so happy that the second he got the chance, he hugged you so tightly before running off to help Tashigi and the other Marines while you went on with Nami and the others to help Chopper stop the children from getting the spiked candy.
“I’m glad for you and Sanji,” Nami made a slight face that caused you to laugh, “But thank God I’m back in my body, I didn’t want you guys being weird while we were swapped.”
“Don’t worry, don’t worry!! All we did was hug!”
“Still weird.”
Robin smiled hearing your conversation and the near cackle you let out at Nami’s reaction.
Personally, she was just glad Franky wasn’t in Chopper’s body anymore.
“That little brat.”
“Sanji. He’s a child.”
“He knows what he’s doing.”
You fought back a laugh at the scowl on Sanji’s face while Momonosuke, one of the children you’d helped rescue from Punk Hazard with his father Kin’emon, slept on your lap. Of course, you knew the child had a bit of a bias towards women, whether because he didn’t have his mother or because of perverted reasons, you didn’t want to know really. You preferred to just view him like your little brothers, someone who needed some comfort and attention.
“He reminds me of my youngest brother,” You smiled a bit, watching Momonosuke while Sanji watched you still, “He was four when I left home, I felt awful cause he was crying and holding onto my leg so tightly…I almost stayed.”
Nodding, you looked over and gave Sanji a smile that he returned. “He was the baby before the new one my mom was pregnant with, we really thought he was going to be the last one.”
“There are nine of you now?”
Sanji quietly nodded, turning back to his dinner prep and trying to decide if he should say something else, before finally doing so.
“I’m…one of five.”
“Mm,” Sanji knew you were just watching his back, he was still trying to word things, that was the second thing he’d ever told you about his family, the first being his mother’s name, “I have one older sister…and three brothers, two older and one younger. My brothers and I were quadruplets.”
Your eyes widened and you had the sudden fear of having quadruplets yourself, before Sanji, who turned around to see your fear, quickly calming you down by saying his parents had help and there was no record of natural multiples of that many in his family line, you were safe. At the most you could have twins one day, but even that was rare.
Once Sanji had talked you down from running away with a million bunny trails, he sat beside you and watched Momonosuke sleep.
“I guess he’s kind of cute.”
“Kids are always cute when they sleep.”
The three of you are quiet for a bit, Sanji thinking of different things while watching you and Momonosuke. He wondered if you wanted to be a mom one day, do you actually want kids with him? He’d heard you and Nami talking about the kids from Punk Hazard, how you wanted to help them and the soft spot you both had for children. Having watched you the last couple days, on your trip to Dressrosa, as you spent time with Momonosuke and helped care for him, it made him want to have children with you so much sooner than you probably should or could.
Of course, he wanted to marry you first, but he had decided you would be a wonder mother one day, if that was what you wanted.
Luffy nearly broke into the kitchen a few moments later, shouting that you’d all arrived at Dressrosa, and it was time to get off the ship.
You had already been enlisted by Law to come with him to help hand over Caesar to Doflamingo, which Sanji didn’t particularly like as he was supposed to stay on Sunny with Nami, Chopper, Momonosuke, and Brook. While he trusted Law as an ally, the way you two seemed to be hanging out more and getting closer, it made Sanji a little jealous to see, but he was trying to push it aside after you’d forgiven him for his indiscretions with seeing the mermaids on Fishman Island.
He didn’t want to do anything to lose you.
"Hey, come with me, moss head."
Zoro didn't have a chance to argue with Sanji about going elsewhere before the blond pulled him into a store by his sleeve. He didn't even get to see what kind of shop he'd been dragged into, what if it was a place he didn't want to be? Once he did see it was a jewelry store, Zoro grumbled to himself about how stupid of a place this was for him to be, he didn't need anything more. His three earrings were more than enough. Why did Sanji even want to be here?
"Hey, what the hell are we doing here?"
"Shut up for a minute." Sanji growled out a bit, before turning back to the store clerk and handing the man a ring, asking to see anything in that size. Once the clerk brought over several rings that matched, Sanji started looking at them closely while Zoro watched him for a few minutes.
He finally had a thought about what Sanji was doing, but there was no way right?
He definitely wasn't doing what Zoro thought he was doing, despite his mumbling to himself about what was too gaudy or too ugly for you.
"What are you doing, curly brow?"
Stopping for a second, Sanji held a small ring in his hand before he looked at Zoro.
"I want to ask [Y/N] to marry me. I don't know when yet, but I want to do it soon."
He really was doing exactly what Zoro thought he was doing. Sanji was trying to choose an engagement ring for you. He'd probably only dragged Zoro into the shop with him so the swordsman wouldn't get lost, but the fact he even told Zoro what was doing was a surprise. You had gone with Law, Robin, and Usopp to hand off Caesar to Doflamingo if all went well, so there was no chance of you randomly walking in and finding out about this before he was ready to ask.
Sanji had known for a while that he wanted to marry you. If you all hadn't separated for two years, he believed he would have asked much sooner, but he also knew things would work out the way he hoped and planned either way. Whether he asked tomorrow or in another year, he felt certain you'd say yes. After watching you with Momonosuke since he and Kin’emon had joined you all, he knew his decision to ask you was going to be the right one, he knew you were going to be a great mother to whatever children you may have in the future.
Zoro was surprised Sanji hadn't asked you to marry him yet. He saw the gross, lovesick look the chef always gave when you were around him, the far off look in his eyes when he'd watch you spending time with someone else on the ship, and even the tiniest bit of visible jealousy as you spoke with Law about the plans he had for you all in Dressrosa. He knew you were the same way, lovesick looks when Sanji wasn't paying attention, you'd told Zoro many things that he didn't need or want to hear about how you loved the blond, and the way you'd be the first to offer to help clean and wash dishes after dinner.
There were even the few moments Zoro would catch you two on the deck, against the railing. Sanji would have an arm around you, leaning in to whisper whatever he had to say, which more often than not would make you blush and giggle a bit, doing the same to keep your conversation private. Zoro couldn't hear the likely gross, lovey-dovey  things you were saying to each other to elicit such reactions, and he didn't want or need to know.
If your relationship was out in the open for everyone to know about, Zoro could only imagine how gross you two would be.
"Surprised you haven't asked her yet."
"Yeah well," Sanji handed the ring he'd chosen to the clerk, who walked off to get it rang up while he took a drag from his cigarette, "Things have been moving so quickly lately we've barely had time alone as it is."
"You gonna ask her once this is done with?"
Taking the bag once he'd paid for the ring, Sanji shook his head while he and Zoro left the jewelry store. "No, I don't think so. I want to ask at the right moment."
"Better not make her wait forever," Zoro smirked a bit, but he knew Sanji wasn't going to take too much longer to pop the question to you, "Who knows, she might fall for Traffy if you do."
"Don't joke about that, you lame ass moss head!"
Dressrosa was freed in a day, you were glad when the birdcage came down and knew Luffy had taken down Doflamingo, finally. Your part was to help the townspeople after you worked with Robin and Usopp to stop Sugar’s Devil Fruit powers, having run off after your call with Luffy’s group and Sanji’s on the Sunny. Despite your concern for your friends, you were also worried for the regular people who had no part in the whole ordeal. Even with Marines around you tried to be sneaky, as a kunoichi should be, and slip around to help anyone who needed it, but especially the children that had been separated from their parents or other family members. Every moment and reunion made you miss your own parents and siblings, but also made you grateful to have the chance to make a difference in someone else’s life.
After your few days of rest in Kyros’ home and quick escape from the kingdom, you were glad to he back on a ship, even if it wasn’t the Sunny, returning to water made you even happier than you would’ve expected it to, even though it had only been a few days.
Much of your time during your trip to Zou was spent with Robin and Law, Zoro noticed. Or course you’d be near to Robin, she was like the big sister you never had, but Law was a surprise. He didn’t seem like the kind of person you’d be drawn to, let alone friends with, but maybe there was something else going on.
He was joking when be told Sanji you could go after Law if the blond tool too long to propose to you, it wasn’t a real thought in his mind at the time.
Eventually you tale a break from everyone and go to Zoro, sitting beside him and leaning into his arm, which makes him nod towards Law and Robin.
“What’s going on there?”
“Oh, I was just getting an idea of Traffy’s plan. He’s really got things all figured out.”
“Not what I meant.”
Tilting your head, you look back to them, before realizing what Zoro meant and feeling your face heat up.
“Oh. Oh! No, no, no, Zoro, nothing like that!”
“Look just cause the cook isn’t here and you’re still a secret doesn’t mean—”
“Zoro. Trust me. Law is cool and all that, but I’m not attracted to him. Sanji’s the only one for me.”
Zoro shrugged a bit, going back to his drink your interrupted him from. He does believe you, he’d been watching and the look in your eyes while you talked to Law, it wasn’t at all like the one you have when you look at Sanji. That look you have when you’re in love with someone, completely smitten and enthralled by them, you’ve only ever given that look to Sanji ever since you met.
“You’ll be back with your weird boyfriend soon.”
Giggling, you nod and close your eyes, just thinking about seeing Sanji again.
See you in Zou, Sanji.
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nburkhardt · 1 year
“I’m sorry, but I don’t like you like that”
He doesn’t know what hurts more, this or the memories of ‘our love is bullshit, you’re bullshit’ in his ears as he ignores the burn of his eyes. Ignores the stares and the silence.
He faintly wonders if maybe this is a curse, if he’s destined to be alone and that everyone he’ll ever love just can’t love him back.
Maybe it really is him?
Before anything else is said, he leaves. He doesn’t hear the shouts, doesn’t hear the apologies or the waits. Can’t handle being there anymore.
His eyes are burning, his heart is gone and he’s done.
Hawkins is a curse, all it holds for him is hurt and pain. He needs to leave, needs to be away. Wants to leave, wants to be away.
He feels the hand of someone on his arm and he doesn’t remember stopping, blinks hard to see past the tears. It takes only a few minutes to find Robin standing there, also with tears in her eyes. Her mouth is moving but his ears aren’t working, still buzzing with “I don’t like you like that” and a faint “you’re bullshit” ringing along side it.
Shaking his head, shutting his eyes tight. He leans his head against her shoulder and shakes, cries and feels her pull him close. Holds him tight and he curls his arms around her, trying to stop the tears and sobs.
“Oh, Stevie, I’m so fucking sorry. I’m here, I know it hurts.”
He clutches her tight and he sobs. This isn’t how this was supposed to go. He could’ve sworn- he really thought- really thought this was it. This was it, he thought he had a chance. Really.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
“It’ll be okay, I swear. You’ll find someone, someone who loves you just as much as you love them. And I love you so much, Stevie. You are everything to me and you deserve it”
He shakes his head, it’s not true. He did find someone and they tore his heart out and called it bullshit and stomped all over it. He found another and they picked his broken heart up and decided to toy with it before ripping it to shreds with a simple “I don’t like you like that” and it’s so, it’s so juvenile.
“Yeah, yeah it is. And you know what? Fuck him, fuck him and everything about it. You can do so much better, I swear. Okay? Do you hear me, Steve? Do you?”
That’s when it slams into him, he was speaking out loud in between sobs and Robin was speaking to him. He nods and thinks hard at what she said, “I can’t Robs, I can’t do this anymore” he whispers and maybe even whimpers a bit, “I- It hurts so fucking much, I can’t be here anymore”
She pulls away and cups his face, his vision is still blurry but he can see that her face is red with tears too, “then we leave, we’ll leave. Okay? We can go anywhere. We can- we can just say fuck Hawkins and find something new- something bright and colorful. Find somewhere, where you can shine”
He can’t help but choke on a laugh and a sob, tries to shake his head. Stopped only because Robin holds him still, “We- I can’t do that to you-“
“You aren’t, Steve. I’m doing this for you.” She smiles and pulls his head closer to place a kiss to his forehead, “All this town has given you is pain and heartbreak, I’m calling it. We’re leaving”
“Isn’t that just- just running away?”
She shakes her head and pulls him close into a hug, “Even if it is, you deserve to run. We’ll pack up all of our things, either say goodbye or don’t, but we’re leaving. I can’t stand around and watch you break again. I can’t let you stick around longing and hoping that maybe fucking Eddie Munson decides to change his mind. I will not let him break you again”
There’s nothing he can say to that, he just hides his face in her shoulder. Holding onto her to keep himself from falling even more apart, listening to her hum and sway him to help him calm down. To stop from breaking even further, she whispers and promises him that she’s here. She’s not going anywhere.
And he believes her. She is his soulmate but he’s still hurting. He doesn’t know when it will stop, if they leave tomorrow it’ll still be broken. He’ll still faintly hear the “I don’t like you like that” mixed in with “you’re bullshit” in the back of his head. Doesn’t know if when he’ll not hear those phrases, doesn’t know if he’ll ever get their faces out of his head when they said it out either.
It hurts and his heart is in shreds. Being held together by his soulmate and maybe with her it’ll be protected.
I’m sorry 🥲
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sideeve · 1 year
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even as the arkham knight , he would never let anything bad happened to you
arkham knight x f!batgirl!reader/jason todd x f!batgirl!reader
based off of the game “arkham knight” and the dlc “a matter of family” , angst , bruce is your father ( adopted or not ) , reader and jason are in love but are not together , jason pretty much kidpnapping the reader , reader’s race or looks aren’t specified , lovers reunited trope
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“breaking news! commissioner gordon has been captured by the joker.”
bruce has called you to the batcave, informing you about the upcoming mission he is sending you on. “well why can’t you do it?” jason questions, following behind you. “because, jason, joker specifically said that if i attempted at saving the commissioner, he will die. i can’t risk it.”
jason groans. “it’s okay, jason. i’ll be back soon. with gordon alive.” you attempt at cheering him up. “but…i don’t like you going alone.” you smirk at him pouting. you began to promise him, “i know. after this, we’ll go on every mission together.”
while on your way to the abandoned amusement park, jason always chimed in, checking on you. “i’m at the park.” jason hums, “why are you being quiet all of a sudden?” he doesn’t answer.
you grew nervous, you have never been on a mission with back up. “fuck.” you whispered under you breath. there was a thug rounding next to you, inching close to you. “don’t worry, [ name ]. you got this.” he spoke in your com.
little did you know that jason was perched right on your location, watching you. “how can you be so sure?” he took this as a moment to help you. “well for one, robins are good luck.” he smirks at you.
it’s been three years since you stepped down from the title as batgirl. you couldn’t stand to fight crime without your best friend by your side.
bruce accepted your choice, even though he has told you to never step down from a fight. but he understood your reasoning. he missed jason too.
but you didn’t leave bruce all together. you still helped him. just behind a screen.
“[ name ]! lock the clock tower now!” bruce screams at you. “what are you talking about? no one knows i’m here.” you laugh off his urgency.
the elevator door sounds, catching you attention. before you could see the person, a smoke bomb explodes, covering the room. “go! go! go!”
you couldn’t see anything. you felt a hand grab your arm. you tried to fight them off, but they were too strong.
“let go of me!” your cries were muffled by a gloved hand. “shh, i’ve got you. nothing is going to hurt you. now that i’m here.”
you felt a needle poke you, inserting a liquid in your arm, making you drowsy.
you woke up in an unfamiliar room. the bed was soft. the room had a good temperature. it was like…your home. but it wasn’t.
“you’re awake. finally.” the booming voice makes you jump. “i didn’t mean to scare you. really, the plan wasn’t to scare you at all. but, you were acting terrible. and i couldn’t do anything else.”
he laughs humorlessly. “what-who are you?” your voice quivers. “you really don’t know, do you, [ name ]?” he clicks a button, his mask lifting, exposing his face.
“oh my god…” you felt your heart jump out of your chest. “i thought you were dead. joker sent the video and everything. bruce and i didn’t stop looking for you. how are you…”
“i know. it’s a lot to explain. but i’m back.” you run up to hug him. “don’t you ever leave me again, asshole.” he laugh, “not planning on it.”
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forever-rogue · 2 years
Kiss Me With Your Fist
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AN | Alright kids, buckle in. We’ve got some friends-to-lovers-to-exes-to-?? goodness here. Enjoy!🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Steve x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 5.9k
Masterlist | Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“So…you’re telling me that you’re dropping lunch off…for Steve,” Robin looked between the brown paper bag you’d set on the counter and you, blinking rapidly a few times, “Steve Harrington?”
“You are definitely overthinking this, Robs,” you offered her a small smile as you pushed the bag towards her, “he’s still my best friend, and he still needs to eat. I know he gets spacey about remembering to grab lunch so I wanted to make sure he had something.”
“But you’re not dating anymore…” her voice dropped slightly, as a strange look crossed her features. You swallowed thickly, willing the stinging at the back of your eyes to go away, “w-why are you still friends with him?”
“I know it seems weird,” you shrugged lightly, “and maybe it is…but I dunno. Steve has been my best friend since we were just kids. We tried dating, and apparently we aren’t in love with each other. We just love each other…as friends. And that’s…umm, okay.”
“He broke up with you-”
“It was kind of mutual-”
“Hmm, pretty sure it wasn’t,” she insisted as you bit the inside of your cheek. Yeah, no, she was totally right. Steve had broken up with you, but it hadn’t been…that bad. Alright, if you were being honest with yourself, it was that bad. But he hadn’t done it in a mean or harsh way, in fact the way he broke up with you was almost…gentle. You cried, unable to stop yourself, but what you hadn’t seen was how he broke down in tears as soon as he’d left your house. You offered Robin a tight lipped smile before shrugging lightly, “babe-”
“It’s okay. We’re friends…we’ll always be friends,” you promised softly while your heart told a different story, “please just…make sure he gets it.”
“Yeah,” she gave your hand arm a gentle squeeze as you walked out of Family Video, head down as tears threatened to run down your cheeks. Robin watched you go with a frown, unsure of just what she should do…she wished she could do something for her friends. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Blake Anderson was…fine. He was completely and utterly fine. And that was both the problem and upside of being on a date with someone like him. He was handsome in that typical ex-jock type of way, he was decently interesting and actually asked you questions and didn’t make the conversation all about him, he didn’t force a kiss on you, instead giving you a polite hug. He’d paid for dinner, insisting that since he asked you he was going to pay, he’d picked you up and dropped you off at home. Realistically, he should have been a dream.
But in reality, he wasn’t anything that you wanted. Because he wasn’t Steve.
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you watched him drive away until he was out of the neighborhood, before walking up the driveway. You were almost at the door, but a voice calling out your name caused you to pause and turn around. 
There was Steve, standing across the street in front of his house, watching you intently. There had been so many upsides to living across the street from your best friend; these days more often than not it felt like a bunch of downsides.
“Hey,” he quickly jogged across the street, and you couldn’t help but laugh when you noticed that he was in his slippers, and sleep clothes. You offered him a small smile as he stopped in front of you, his whole face lit up, “was that…Blake? You went on a date with Anderson?”
“Yeah,” you shrugged lightly, scratching at the back of your neck awkwardly. You really did not want to have this conversation, “he…ugh, asked me out when we ran into each other at the store. Figured, why not, you know? He was nice, but a little boring. But he didn’t try anything and didn’t make me feel uncomfortable so I guess that’s good.”
“Are you going to see him again?” the question spilled from his lips before he could even process it. Your face fell for a moment before you studied your shoes.
“I dunno,” you admitted honestly, “maybe, probably. He’s fine.”
“Fine?” he snorted humorlessly, “is that the standard these days?”
“Stevie,” you sighed lightly as you gnawed on your bottom lip. Steve’s heart skipped a beat at the sight, “can we not talk about this right now? I-I don’t really wanna talk about it.”
“Y-yeah, sure,” he agreed, the corner of his mouth ticking up ever so slightly. He could see the grimace on your face and hated knowing he was the reason for it, “no, it’s ugh…my fault. Sorry. I just wanted to thank you for bringing lunch. I totally forgot when I was running late this morning.”
“I know,” you whispered softly as his brows furrowed in confusion, “I saw your car when I was leaving for work and I just kind of assumed you were running behind. I just figured lunch would be nice.”
“It was,” his heart constricted at your words, at the fact that you always took notice of such things, at the fact that you still displayed so much love and affection for him. For you it might have been a simple little thing, but to him it meant everything, “thank you.”
“It’s no problem, Stevie.”
“Game night - it’s ugh, at the Byers’ this week,” he said almost nervously as he tucked his hands into his pockets, “wasn’t sure if you’d heard yet. I…I guess I’ll see you there?”
“I don’t think so,” you could feel his eyes practically burning into you as you shook your head lightly, “I-I think I’m busy that night. I’ll probably just…skip for now.”
“O-oh, right. Yeah, that makes sense.”
“Yeah, it’s…” you shrugged before taking a step back, looking anywhere but his eyes. You’d break down completely if you did, “I’m gonna head inside, it’s getting late…I’ll see you around, Steve.”
“Sweethe-” he stopped himself but you felt his fingers wrapped gently around your wrist, “is everything alright?”
“Of course,” everything was most definitely not alright. Not when you were still so in love with him, but pretending that you were okay with just being best friends as you had always been, “just tired.”
“Yeah,” your promise was weak and he could see right through it, “good night, Steve.”
“Good night,” he watched you shuffle towards the door, watching to make sure you got inside safely before he turned around to walk back across the street. If he were a better man - a stronger man - he would have run after you and apologized for every hurt he’d ever caused. 
Instead, he walked back to his dark and empty house, ready to spend another night alone.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey Henderson,” Steve offered his young protege a wave and smile as he stepped into the living room already crowded with his gaggle of children and friends. Dustin’s face lit up happily as he greeted him in return, but his gaze quickly drifted to over his shoulder, “what?”
“Where is she?” Dustin asked as he stood up and moved Steve to look around behind him for any sight of you, “Steve?”
“Bullshit,” he sighed heavily, “you know exactly who. I thought she was coming with you? She…she always comes.”
“She’s…busy tonight,” he shrugged it off but the young boy wasn’t buying it. This was the first game night in almost a year that you’d missed. You always came with Steve, before you dated, during, and then after. Until now, “I don’t know man, call her yourself and ask.”
Dustin sighed heavily as he shook his head. He reached up and put his hand on Steve’s shoulder, “I hope you realize how much you fucked up.”
“Whoa - language!”
“Grow up,” Dustin rolled his eyes, “I still can’t believe you broke up with her. Biggest mistake ever. Everyone knows, everyone agrees.”
“Do you think it was easy for me?” he ran a hand through his hair, sighing in exasperation. 
“Do we think what was easy for you?” Eddie popped up behind him, popping a handful of dry cereal in his mouth that he proceeded to chew loudly. Steve rolled his eyes dramatically; why did all of his friends have to have such wonderful timing? 
“Look, I’m not going to do this right now-”
“Yeah you are,” Dustin grabbed his arm and started to drag him outside to the backyard where there would have been at least some minimal privacy, Eddie in tow, “you’ve both been off for weeks, ever since you broke up with her. Clearly it wasn’t the right decision so why don’t you just fix it?”
“I can’t just fix it, Henderson,” he hissed through gritted teeth, “I need you, all of you, to understand that I did it for a reason -  a good reason.”
“No way in hell, or the upside down or whatever, could there be a good reason for that. She had you whipped, Harrington,” Eddie agreed with his young friend, “you worship the ground she walks on.”
“I did it to protect her,” he almost shouted after listening to Eddie and Dustin go back and forth. The two of them looked at Steve in confusion before turning back to each other. It was an answer that made sense…but also didn’t make sense at the same time, “everything I do - I do for her. I-I know it doesn’t seem like it and that I’m the bad guy, but that’s the truth. There - happy now?”
“How does breaking up with her…protect her?” Dustin was confused as he tried to make sense of the answer, “all it’s done is cause you both to be miserable, even if you’re pretending to be fine. We can all see it, Steve.”
“Yeah Stevie,” Eddie crossed his arms over his chest as he sighed deeply, “explain to us simpletons what you mean.”
“She…she shouldn’t have gotten involved in any of the shit we’ve been dealing with for the last few years,” he sighed, “I never meant to let her get involved but I did.”
“You do realize it was inevitable, right?” Eddie laughed lightly, surprised at Steve, “that girl would follow you to hell and back and with a moment of hesitation. She did do that, actually. There was no chance that you’d ever be able to keep anything from her. You’re her world, Harrington, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.”
“I never wanted…never wanted her to have to see any of this or live through it,” he scrubbed a hand over his tired face, “look at all we’ve been through. I mean - fuck, we almost lost you, Eddie. I can’t even imagine…if anything had happened to her.”
“But it didn’t-”
“But it so easily could have,” he sighed, “all it would have taken was one wrong move from any of us and something could have happened. We barely got out of there.”
“You can’t think like that man,” Eddie, the one who had been through the brunt of it along with Max, knew better than anyone, “look, I don’t know man, I’m not good at this shit, but it’s easy to tell when two people are in love with each other. You’d do anything for her, she’d do anything for you. Yeah, the world is scary and fucked up, more than I’d thought before all of this, but there are some things worth taking the risk for. You just have to decide what those things are. But I think you already know.”
“She won’t even look me in the eyes anymore,” his shoulders slumped before he threw up his hands in exasperation, “I don’t think she even wants to be my friend anymore.”
“You’re so stupid sometimes,” Dustin shook his head as Eddie high fived him, “she’s trying to keep her distance because of her feelings. Because she loves you, but she wants to respect the boundaries you put in place. Even if you wanted to keep her safe, if something ever came up again, she’d be right there to keep you safe. Essentially, what you’ve done is pointless and just hurt both of you.”
“Okay, since when are you a relationship expert?” Steve was trying to deflect the fact that what Dustin was saying was true, “I-I don’t know what to do. I think I threw away everything.”
“Talk to her man,” Eddie insisted as though it was the obvious thing in the world. It was, “at least explain everything to her and let her make the choice of whether or not she wants to be your friend or whatever.”
“I don’t know,” he looked at his feet and let out a long shaky breath, “what if I-”
“Hurry up, idiots! We’re starting,” Robin poked her head outside and motioned for them to come inside so they could properly start game night. Eddie and Dustin gave Steve pointed looks as he groaned internally. They were right - that was the worst part of it all.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was a quiet night at Family Video, and Steve and Robin had made the most of it by playing a bunch of mindless little games. When the phone rang, it ended up being a moment of excitement, rather than annoyance as it would have been otherwise. Steve almost jumped as he grabbed the receiver and pressed it to his ear, “Family Video.”
“Stevie?” your voice was shaking as goosebumps covered his skin. His heart started to beat wildly as he thought of all the possible reasons you could have been crying, “I-I-I’m sorry. I know you’re working but..I-”
“Baby,” he whispered softly without even thinking about it, “where are you? What happened?”
“I-I’m downtown. Near Enzo’s,” you wiped away the tears that had rolled your cheeks, “I…you know what, it’s okay. I’m okay. I-I’ll figure it out.”
“No,” he insisted firmly. He quickly asked for a more specific location, committing it to memory, already reaching for his keys, “stay right there, baby. I’ll be there in a few minutes, okay?”
“Thank you,” you whispered softly as he offered you a few more words of reassurance. You hung up the pay phone, cursing yourself for calling him but glad at the same time you did. He was the first person that came to mind, the one person you could always turn to, the one person that would always be there for you. 
You sat down on the bus bench near the payphone as you waited for him, nervous to see him. It had been almost a week since you’d seen him face to face, making up any excuse not to see him and trying your best to avoid him. And yet…you still found yourself calling him.
It was less than ten minutes when his familiar car pulled up to the curb and he almost jumped out of the driver’s side. He ran over to you, dropping to his knees in front of you as he reached up and tenderly took your face in his hands. Your eyes were glossy with tears and he delicately wiped the ones that pearled up away. 
“What happened?” his voice was soft and gentle, almost as if he was worried about scaring you away, “tell me so I can make it better.”
“I shouldn’t have called you,” you whimpered as you squeezed your eyes shut, “you were working and you hate me now and everything’s all wrong.”
“Yes, you absolutely should have called me,” he was going to ignore the aching in his chest at yours, chalking them up to whatever you were going through, “I want to always be the first person you call. What happened - please tell me.”
“I was on a date, some guy named Ryan,” your shoulders shook with effort as you tried to keep some composure, “and he asked if I wanted to go home with him and I said no because I knew he just wanted to have sex. He got mad when I said no and he…tried to touch me but I told him to stop and that I didn’t want to go home with him and h-he started to yell at me and told me to get out of the car and he just drove away.”
“Fuck,” his blood was boiling in his veins as all he could see was red. But underneath all the anger was the pain and hurt he felt at what you had just been through, “I will deal with him later, but first I’m going to take you home. Did he-”
“No,” you sniffled, “I got him to stop before he did anything. I feel so stupid…he seemed so nice and then he just completely changed.”
“None of this is your fault,” he whispered as stroked your cheek, “don’t ever think that. Come on, let me take care of you.”
“Shh,” he whispered, brushing a few stray locks of hair out of your face. He stood up, pressing a kiss to your forehead before helping you to your feet and into the car. 
The drive back to your house was silent, only the radio playing faintly in the background as you stared out the window. Steve had been half tempted to put his hand on your thigh, like he had done countless times in the past, but didn’t want to worry you or push you. 
When he pulled into your driveway, he came around and opened your door, holding your hand as he took you to the door. You expected him to leave once you were inside, but that thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. He gently took the keys from your shaking hands and unlocked the door, stepping inside and turning on the light before holding the door open for you. 
You followed him inside as he led the way to your bedroom, and everything almost felt normal. He turned on your bedside lamp before gesturing for you to sit down on the bed. 
“I’m going to run a hot bath, okay?” he asked but it wasn’t even a question. You nodded as you watched him go into the ensuite bathroom, slowly pulling off your heels and attempting to shed the dress that now felt all wrong. You heard him run the water before smelling the familiar scent of your favorite bubble bath. The memory of all the times in the past that he had done this for you caused a small smile to appear on your face. 
He popped back into your room, holding out his hand to you. There was a moment when you considered not taking it, but you could never do that. Instead, you took his hand and let him lead you to the bathroom. 
“Do you want me to step out?” he whispered, “I can wait outside until you’re done. I just want to make sure you’re alright.”
“You can stay,” you pulled off the dress and tossed it to the floor. You unclasped your bra before discarding and followed suit with your underwear. Despite having the best intentions, it was hard for Steve to control himself and not look, “it’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”
You stepped into the warm water, finding it the perfect temperature as you settled in. Steve sat on the floor next to you, trying to gauge what was running through your mind. You pulled your knees up to your chest as you turned to look at him with a sad little expression. He reached for a washcloth and your face wash before he delicately started to wash your face. You should have stopped him, stopped this and kept your heart from breaking further when you knew he would inevitably leave. But you couldn’t. Instead you sat still as he worked slowly and reverently. 
“Thank you,” your voice was barely above a whisper as you allowed yourself to meet his eyes. They were the same big, soft brown eyes that you’d fallen for over and over since you’d known him. And you could swear they were looking at you with the same expression as they had so many times, including the first time he told you he was in love with you. The realization that that was no longer true made your heart ache and you had to look away, “Stevie…I-I…thank you. For getting me, for doing this for me. But can you…can you please go home?”
“You want me to go?” his smile dropped as he opened his mouth but found nothing else to say.
“I can’t do this,” you sighed as you stared at the bubbles gently floating around, “I can’t do this and pretend that I’m not still in love with you. I know you’re not in love with me, and I respect that and because I want to respect you, I can’t have you here. I can’t make myself fall out of love with you and pretend I never loved you and that everything is just going to be alright. I knew that when we started dating it would be a risk - a risk that we might not work and it could jeopardize our friendship. And it did, a-and that’s okay, because at least we know we would never work out, right? And I-I don’t…it’s not fair to you for me to be in love with you and be your friend, you know? I don’t want things to be awkward or worse.”
“What do you-”
“I think it’s best if we don’t…if we aren’t friends anymore,” the words in themselves were the worst thing you had ever said. It broke your heart all over again, “my feelings for you are never going to change, Stevie. And I can’t just be your friend and you don’t want anything different with me so I feel like this is the only way.”
“N-no. That’s not true, you’re-”
“We’ll still have the memories of the good times,” your voice almost broke as you held back a sob, “but right now…can you please just go?”
“Please,” you bit the inside of your cheek so harshly you were surprised it didn’t bleed, “please just go.”
He wanted to do anything but go. He wanted to stay, to tell you that you were wrong and that he had been wrong with breaking up with you in the first place. That he was stupidly trying to do what he thought was right, when it was really wrong. But that his heart had been in the right place. But you weren’t even looking at him. You wouldn’t believe him - not right now anyway.
“O-okay,” his lips were drawn into a thin line as he nodded, “I’ll go. I…I’m sorry.”
“‘s okay,” you shrugged again, “nothing to be sorry for.”
When you didn’t say anything else, he got up and left, but not before making sure you had a clean towel and pajamas waiting for you. His heart broke a little more with each passing step.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You’d made it a point to do everything you humanly could in order to avoid Steve. It was a herculean challenge considering that you lived across the street from one another, worked close to each other, and happened to have all of the same friends (funny how trauma brings people together). But somehow you had managed and you were sure part of it was due to your friends helping in ways they could, usually by diverting Steve. As much as they wanted the two of you to figure it all out, they had to let it happen in its own time. 
You were a mess. Steve was no better. As much as you tried to get over him, trying to will away the love you had for him, it was impossible. He was not just your best friend, but your family, the person that had been by your side for everything, from elementary through high school, through the awkward teenage years, through all the dating drama and first kisses and parties and all of it. How were you just supposed to let that go? How were you supposed to let the biggest piece of your heart go and carry on like he didn’t exist anymore?
You couldn’t. 
And now it was another Friday night. A Friday night that would normally be spent with all of your friends, but was now usually spent home alone with a pint of ice cream and an old film. But this time, Robin and Nancy had convinced you to come to movie night at the Wheelers’ home, promising that Steve wasn’t going to be there. He’d told them he had to go out of town for something or other. You’d believed it; when you left the house his car was gone from his driveway and you knew that none of your friends would lie. 
But as soon as you were there, comforted by the sea of familiar faces and tucked next to Eddie on the couch, he walked in. The room fell into silence as he looked just as surprised to see you there as you were to see him. Everyone seemed equally surprised.
“I…it’s movie night,” he said lamely as he held up a case of cola, the tension in the room so incredibly thick. 
“You said you were going out of town,” Nancy whispered with wide eyes, blaming herself for the tension, “you said you weren’t coming.”
“I did go,” he stammered nervously, “I got back early and figured I’d come over. I-I-I didn’t know that…”
“Hey,” you cast a look around the room, extremely aware of everyone’s expectant looks, “it’s all good, guys. We can watch a movie, after all. It’s fine - let’s get our snacks and watch.”
Like a collective sigh of relief washed over the room, everyone relaxed slightly. While at least things were at a head, you were freaking out throughout the movie and attempting to keep calm. Judging by the way Eddie kept looking at you and almost protectively put his arm around you, you clearly weren’t doing a good job.
Once everyone had said their goodbyes, you followed Eddie to his van, having hitched a ride with him earlier. Before he could even open the door for you, Steve ran up behind the two of you, “I can take her home.” 
“It’s cool,” Eddie wasn’t sure what to do, not wanting to get in the middle of it but also wanting very much to get in the middle of it, “I’ve got her.”
“It makes no sense,” Steve’s hands were on his hips as he nervously glanced at you, “you live across town and we live across the street. It’ll save you the trouble.”
“She’s no trouble,” he insisted with a smug little smile. 
“It’s just that-”
“It’s okay,” you cut Steve off without looking at him, “I’ll go with Steve, Eds. He’s right, it’ll save you the drive. Thank you though, for picking me up and all.”
“Anytime, sweet cheeks,” he gave you a soft smile - he’d always been soft on you - as you pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek, thinking nothing of it, “see you this weekend.”
“See you,” you gave him a wave before following Steve to his car, a tense silence falling over the two of you. You got into the passenger seat without a word, fully expecting to say nothing on the drive home. Instead you contented yourself with staring out the window at the past scenery.
“Munson, huh?” He broke the quiet after a few minutes, his knuckles practically white from the tight grip he had on the steering wheel.
“He’s our friend, Stevie,” you didn’t look at him, but the use of his nickname caused his stomach to somersault, “we’re just hanging out. That’s all. I love Eddie but he’s not..,never mind.”
“He’s not what?” 
“He’s not my type, okay? I’m not attracted to him like that,” you sighed, clenching your jaw as you tried not to cry. You wished he would just keep quiet and let you be miserable in peace.
He did that much at least, keeping quiet and his gaze away from you until he pulled into his driveway and parked. You immediately moved to get out, closing the door and mumbling a soft thank you as you almost ran across the street to your house.
“Wait!” Steve darted after you, easily catching up and grabbing your wrist gently to stop you. You inhaled sharply before turning around to meet his eyes, “please. We need to talk-”
“I - I need to talk,” he insisted, attempting to muster up all the courage he had to finally tell you what had possessed him to make the biggest mistake of his life, “please. Just let me…explain.”
“I’m not really interested in getting my heart broken all over again,” you pulled your hand out of his and wrapped your arms around yourself, a defense mechanism that you hoped would ward him off, “look, I’m sorry I was there tonight, okay? Robin and Nance swore you wouldn’t be there. If I had known you would be, I won’t have come. I’m sorry if that made things awkward. There, I said it for you. You can go home now, Steve.”
“No, that’s not what I was going to say at all-”
“Then what were you going to say?” you asked as you flailed your arms nervously, “I don’t think there’s anything left to say.”
“I’m sorry,” he finally said after a few beats of silence, “I know you probably don’t want to hear it and I probably don’t deserve your time, but I just need to…explain.”
You sighed heavily, but nodded, “okay.”
“When  we started dating,” he wanted to look away but forced himself to look in your eyes, “that was the best day of my life. I had been wanting nothing more for years, but I just couldn’t bring myself to ask you because I never thought someone like you could actually love me, or want me or anything-”
“Someone like me?”
“Just you,” he insisted, “you’re so…fuck. You’re perfect - to me you’re perfect. You’re so beautiful, so smart, funny, kind, caring, and you babysit the kids so well with me and I’m just...so much better with you. I’m a fuck up, baby, I know that. I’ve made some shitty choices and haven’t always been the best guy, but the best decision I have ever made was sitting next to you that first day of class in the first grade. The worst decision I ever made was convincing myself that by breaking up with you was the only way to keep you safe. I never wanted you to get involved in this shit, to put you in danger, but you’re so fucking fearless and selfless that you never hesitated. You didn’t blink an eye or question it. And then…when we were in the upside down and we almost…we almost lost Eddie, that was one of the worst feelings ever. If I felt that way about a friend, imagine how I would have felt if it was you. I would have never forgiven myself. I hated even seeing you with those cuts and bruises. And then I thought, maybe the solution to all of it was to…create a bit of distance. I thought that would keep you away from the bad shit and keep you safe.”
“I should have told you that in the beginning, but I knew you’d never have it-”
“I thought I was doing the right thing,” you could see that his eyes were glossy with unshed tears now and it made you want to run and hug him, “I thought it was right. All I ever wanted to do was protect and keep you safe. Even if it meant you hated me.”
“Steve,” the tears had run down your cheeks regardless of your effort to hold them back, “how do you think I felt when those stupid demobats almost got you? I would have done anything to keep you safe-”
“You did.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, “just like you would have for me if things had been reversed. You think I didn’t know all of that was dangerous? You really think that would have stopped me from following you?”
“No,” you confirmed, “you’re insane if you think anything you could ever do would get me to leave your side. Even now, I would do anything for you Steve Harrington. You’re so smart and so dumb at the same time, and you really hurt me. But I can’t even be mad because your heart was in the right place. Even though you were idiot, you did it-”
“Out of love,” he finished, “I’ve always loved you, since we were stupid kids, and I’ve been in love with you for so long. That never changed. It will never change. There is not a single memory that you’re not somehow involved in. There is not a single future I can picture without you and like six kids and a big RV that we use to go camping and traveling.”
“I hate camping,” you laughed through your tears as he stepped closer to you.
“I know you do,” he exhaled nervously, “but you’d do it for me anyway.”
“Yeah,” it was a soft promise, one that brought a smile to his face, “I would. For you? Anything.”
“I know that I fucked up,” he wiped your tears away his thumb, and you could feel his body shaking, undoubtedly with nerves, “and I don’t deserve your forgiveness or love or anything. But I’m an idiot, and selfish, and I’m yours, baby - fuck, I’m yours - and I’m going to ask you for a second chance.” 
“I want to be mad,” you admitted, “because we’ve both been suffering like idiots. But, Steve Harrington, I’m still in love with you. And I’m willing to give you my heart to break again.”
“I won’t, I swear,” he leaned in and pressed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes, “I know you have no reason to trust in what I’m saying. But it’s true.”
“I know,” you could feel his breath against your lips, could feel how close his lips were, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you,” he sighed softly, as his arms wrapped around you without hesitation, “can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” you leaned in and pressed your lips against his, letting him take control. His kiss was soft and slow, so many unspoken words and words behind it. When he pulled back at you, you could see that his cheeks were wet too, and just like he had done for you so many times, you wiped away his tears. He took your hand in his and pressed a kiss to your palm, “six kids, huh?”
“It was just a thought,” the two of you shared a soft laugh, neither of you breaking eye contact, “it’s negotiable of course.”
“I dunno about six,” you grinned softly, “but a few baby Harringtons sounds good.”
“Yeah?” his smile was that same soft, dopey smile you’d fallen in love with countless times, and you found yourself falling all over again.
“Yeah,” you kissed the corner of his mouth, “I love you, pretty boy. You’re a fool, but you’ve got a heart of gold.”
“I love you,” he held up his hand and you slid your palm against his, letting his much larger hand envelope yours, “always.”
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curiositydooropened · 6 months
Christmas Eve
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Some soft holiday moments with family.
This fic runs in the same Universe as My Whole Life, Too and Better Off
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Wordcount: 1393
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, Steve is baby crazy, no plot to speak of, Merry Christmas, everyone! xoxo
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The house smelled warm, like the logs burning in the stove and the caramel melted into cocoa and cognac. You felt warm too, that heat that licked at your throat and itched the collar of your pale pink sweater, but not an unkind warmth. You were full, a handmade meal well-earned and welcomed, with spiced wassail and topped with all of the pie and cookies you’d spent the week painstakingly preparing. 
Dad left after dessert and before the liquor cabinet had been opened and the cocktails had been poured. He bid you adieu with a kiss to your temple, and you tucked a paper bag full of tin foiled leftovers into his hand. You’d bring him more in the morning.
Argyle was called an hour into drinks. He was on his way to Mass, and you all laughed as the kids screamed and argued to say hello first. 
Nancy was first to crash. Her sweet little face, normally wound in some form of tension or another, was soft and smiling as she tucked herself into your warm throw pillows. Her hands were draped in her lap, a lavender baby blanket slung over one shoulder, just in case. As soon as Robin noticed, you’d all hushed your giggles and tiptoed back to the kitchen to make cocoa and steal from the cookie tins. 
Nancy needn’t worry about her baby though, because Bea hadn’t left Steve’s arms since the little family of three walked over your threshold. Your fiancé (the term gave you butterflies even now, months later) carted the little angel all over your cottage, her soft cheek pressed to the breadth of his chest. He did let Nancy feed her twice, and he gave the other guests five minutes each with her before promptly taking her back. 
You’d handed her over at three and a half minutes, unable to contain the tingling warmth that spread through you at the glossy sheen over Steve’s eyes to see you holding the little bundle of joy.
Jonathan didn’t seem to mind the possessiveness over his daughter, dark circles and loopy smile indicative of two months with a needy newborn and her stubborn mother. He seemed more than grateful for the break and for the Scotch you’d slipped between his fingers as you leaned on his shoulders and breathed in the smell of city on your best friend.
Robin crashed second, still jet-lagged, back from France. She fell asleep on the kitchen counter, arms tucked beneath her, butt straight in the air. You and Jonathan carried her, through protestations, down the hall to the guest room, and before you left, she grasped your wrist and told you, blearily, how much she loves you, in French.
Jonathan and Nancy left soon after. He’d lifted her gently from the couch with soft mutters and kisses. She roused and the wrinkle creased between her brow again as she forced Steve to unhand her little baby, stirring up a mess of cries and hiccups as Bea was strapped into her carseat. The three of them left with hugs and plans for New Years. 
They backed down the driveway, and you waved, your breath fogging under soft porch light. 
“C’mere, you,” Steve grumbled, tucking you into his chest. 
“You smell like another girl,” you chuckled, accepting the dip of his lips to capture yours in a kiss. 
He groaned, nuzzling your nose with his, and sighed. “What if we tell them they forgot something so they have to bring her back?” 
You snorted and swatted at his chest. “You can wait one week to get your baby fix.” 
“I wouldn’t have to wait a week if…” He growled into your ear, hands pulling your waist close, one broad palm grabbing at your ass. 
You yelped and shoved him away, running back into the warmth of your little cottage.
You could hear the weight of him behind you, the familiar thrill of a chase catching in your chest, and you cackled and squirmed as his hands caught you and pulled you off your feet to spin around. 
“Come on,” he smiled, tossing you onto the couch, still warm from Nancy’s rest. 
You tried to catch your breath, but he knelt at your feet and wedged himself between your legs. 
“I saw the way you were looking at me.” He leaned in to press a wet kiss to the shell of your throat.
“I saw the way you were looking at me,” you argued, grabbing the collar of his shirt beneath his sweater. You weren’t sure if you wanted to hold him at bay or pull him closer. “Besides, you don’t love the kids we have.”
“They’re all grown,” he argued, warm fingers finding their way up your sweater along your ribcage.
“Jesus Christ, you two,” the clear of a throat startled the two of you apart, and you warmed at the sight of Eddie smirking in the threshold. “I was talking to Wayne for what? Fifteen minutes?”
“How was Wayne?” You adjusted your sweater and pulled yourself upright. 
Steve, still on his knees, trailed his fingertips up the inside of your thigh, tracing a ladder in your tights, and you returned his smirk with a warning look before you stepped around him to start clearing mugs and saucers from the coffee table. 
“Wayne’s good. He’s got a friend from the plant who invited him for Christmas dinner tomorrow, so he won’t be alone. His name’s Dale.” Eddie explained, crossing to help you clean up. He held a hand out for Steve, and the other man took it, and the two rough-housed for a moment until Steve ended up beneath his former roommate’s arm in a headlock. 
You rolled your eyes. “I hope for Wayne’s sake, Dale doesn’t have any kids. Your uncle deserves a holiday off.” 
The two men protested your claims, but you couldn’t hear them as you swung back into the kitchen to dump your haul carefully into a surprisingly empty sink. You glanced sideways at the dishwasher to find it full from your dinner, and you tutted as you rinsed the caramel from the bottom of mugs and tipped them upside down onto the top rack.
“Eddie, did you do the dishes?”
“Can’t sit still when I’m on the phone,” he grinned, beating Steve to the tile. 
“Kiss ass,” Steve flicked his forehead.
“Steve,” you failed to suppress a yawn, the sleeves of your sweater slumping back down your forearms, and you felt a soft pair of lips to your forehead. 
“Yes, dear?” 
“Make Eddie’s bed up for me?” 
“Yes, dear. Come on, dickhead.” Steve smacked Eddie’s chest, and the two of them trailed back to the living room to pull the couch out into a functioning bed for your second houseguest. 
You made about consolidating cookies into one tin and sweeping crumbs from the countertop and floors, warmth from the house bringing the heaviness of exhaustion to your shoulders, your eyelids. 
You smiled as you thought of your friends, the little family you’d grown over the years, those of you that came together to celebrate and cheers and regale your months apart. You thought of Bea, of her sweet little face squished into your fiancé’s chest, the spitting image of her father, and this amazing support system she’s going to grow up into. That thought sprung a well of emotion to your eyes. 
“You okay?” Steve toed into sight, worry creased on his brow. 
You nodded and sniffled, burying your face into the warmth of his chest.
His hands trailed up and down your spine, warm, welcome. “You know you’re enough, right?” 
You hummed into his chest and pulled your face away to catch the glint of gold in his eyes. 
“All of this,” he gestured around to the little kitchen. “Our friends, their babies, your dad. I don’t need anything else to be happy. Christmas came early for me.” He flashed a grin, and you noticed the Scotch on his breath, the loopy smile, the slow sway of both of you on your feet. 
“Alright, you two! I’m putting earplugs in now!” Eddie called from the living room. “Goodnight. I love you. Don’t make a mess!” 
You snorted, and yelped again as Steve hauled you over one shoulder and stumbled out of the kitchen and down the hall to your bedroom, flicking off the lights as he went. 
[A/N: Just got the urge, you know? Can't stop imagining Steve with a little baby pressed to his chest. I'm in love, damnit. In love. Thank you all for a magical year. Looking forward to posting chapter one of Late Checkout soon. But until then, happy holidays! xoxo]
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starman-jpg · 1 year
It's Karma Baby (1/2)
I don't really write a lot of things, but this got stuck in my head and I actually wanted to write it. I will gladly take any critiques, but please be a little nice about it. This is my first time writing anything like this. Without further ado...
Steve brings Eddie’s hand to his lips, gently kissing his knuckles, “I’ll be right back, okay? I’ll ask for something for the pain.”
Eddie smiles and nods, staring at Steve with all the love he has.
How can someone so perfect and so in love with Eddie? It still boggles his mind.
Steve smiles, leaving one last kiss on Eddie’s hand before gently setting it down on the hospital bed. Steve gets up, bracing himself on the chair as he sways. Eddie notices and tries to sit up in the bed, hissing in pain as he stretches his wounds. 
“Steve?” Eddie says, his voice laced with concern. 
Steve gives his “I’m all good” smile, gently waving Eddie off.
“I’m fine. I just got up too fast. Now lay down and I don't want you to be more injured.” He says with a little laugh, releasing any anxiety Eddie had.
Steve walks towards the door, allowing Eddie to unapologetically look at his ass. (It’s a nice ass, sue the man.) 
“I hate to see you go, but I love watching you leave.” Eddie calls out, teasingly. 
He expected Steve to turn around, maybe roll his eyes fondly and smile that just screams I love you, you dork.
Steve stumbles into the wall, hitting it on his bad side as he mutters a string of curse words, pressing his hand to his side. His back presses into the wall as he takes a couple stabilizing breaths. Eddie sits up again, looking at Steve worried. 
“Steve?” He gently calls out. 
Steve slowly brings a bloodied hand from his side and looks down at it confused before suddenly dropping to the floor.
“STEVE!!” Eddie cries out, unable to do anything but be useless on the bed. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” 
Eddie’s panicking now. He can’t do anything to help Steve and if the blood that's seeping through Steve's shirt is any indication, he’s not doing “fine”. 
“Help! Help! Someone get in here!” He yells, trying to hold back his tears and failing. “Please! Help!” 
Uncle Wayne comes crashing through the door, quickly spotting Steve collapsed on the floor. 
“NURSE!!” Wayne calls down the hallway before dropping to his knees to Steve, pressing his hands against his wound. 
Eddie is inconsolable in his bed, still calling out to Steve. Asking Wayne if he is okay, when clearly he’s not. The nurse comes rushing in with another by her side. They ask Wayne to move aside and quickly look over Steve. They lift up Steve’s shirt seeing his bite ooze blood and other Upside Down gunk from his body.
They call for a doctor and everything seems to happen in a blur. There’s suddenly five more people in his room as Wayne goes over and wraps Eddie in a hug, gently bringing his head to his chest and running his fingers through his hair. Whispering to him that Steve will be fine. He’s a fighter.
Quickly, Steve is on a gurney and rushed away and everything in the room is silent except for Eddie’s hiccuping sobs.
It could be hours before anyone hears anything about Steve. 
Wayne called Hopper and explained what happened with Steve. In a matter of minutes everyone was piled into Eddie’s room. 
The kids are distressed, Dustin the most. Robin looks like she’s about to break down at any moment, with Nancy trying to calm her down. The others are either pacing the room or sitting with their heads in their hands waiting for any information. 
Hopper and Joyce are trying to find out any updates on Steve. But since they’re not family, they can’t release any information. Which is bullshit. It doesn’t stop anyone from perking up when Hopper or Joyce come back into the room with a slow head shake. 
Eddie stares at the place Steve collapsed, seeing a little splatter of his blood on the otherwise pristine floor. 
“He didn’t tell anyone,” Everyone turned their attention to Eddie, “did he?” 
There was a collective shaking of their heads and Eddie sighs in defeat, quickly wiping away any tears in his eyes. Eddie leans into Wayne, who has not left his bedside, and sighs.
All they could do now is wait
EDIT: Now there's a part 2!
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
The Right Place in Time
Summary: What if Steve was in the woods with Chrissy and Eddie getting weed for his headaches?
@disrespectedgoatman @estrellami-1 @darkrose517 @panicatthediaz @mandriice @nightmareglitter @ilikeititspretty
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
There had been a lot of arguing, but everyone agreed that the younger teens needed to stay at the Byers' house while the older teens searched the area around the lake.
"It's my goddamn theory!" Dustin had complained.
'We can't be worrying about you guys while also searching the lake for a gate," Steve said, shutting it down. "Please."
Pleading with him had done the trick, and Dustin had shut up. Chrissy had agreed to stay there with Max and Vickie.
"Are you sure?" Steve asked softly.
"Yeah, she needs someone to be here for her who's also going through it," Chrissy replied, and then she raised her cast. "Plus, I have this."
Steve had cupped her face and kissed her deeply before releasing her into Eddie's open arms. He had watched in amusement as Eddie dipped her and kissed her soundly. Suddenly, Max pulled him aside.
"You remember that you're cursed too, right?" Max asked.
"Yeah, of course. Kind of hard to forget," he said, pointing to his head phones.
"It's sometimes you spend so much time taking care of everyone else that you forget to take care of yourself," Max said.
"Max. . . ," Steve trailed off.
"Please, take care of yourself," she paused. "I need my big brother to come back to me."
"Yeah, okay," Steve said, struggling not to cry. "Of course."
Max threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly. Meanwhile, behind them Frank started to sniffle.
"She called him her brother!" Frank said.
"Oh, come on, don't this to me. If you start crying, I'm going to start crying, and then Gareth starts crying. We all know what he's like when he cries!" Jeff exclaimed.
"Eddie, there's something wrong with your - nevermind," Max sighed.
To Steve’s amusement, Eddie was crying softly into Chrissy's shoulder. How can anyone think that they're mean and scary? They were all a bunch of softies. Steve laughed and hugged Max tightly, pressing a kiss into his sister's hair. She huffed and rolled her eyes before pulling away.
"Okay, so it's me, Eddie, Robin, and Nancy then?" Steve asked.
"And you're taking us as backup just in case you guys run into Jason," Jeff said, nodding at Frank and Gareth.
"My noble brethren!" Eddie grinned. "Knights of the Round Table! My sturdy protectors - !"
"Enough, boy," Wayne rolled his eyes. "I suppose I should stay here since I have the other gun."
"We'll be back before we know it," Eddie said cheerfully and hugged his uncle tightly. "I mean, before you know it."
"Stay safe," Wayne said softly.
"You too," Eddie said.
Eddie whistled for everyone to gather around, yanking people into a group hug. Chrissy was giggling under Eddie's other armpit.
"Feels very much like when we huddle during a basketball game," Steve said sharing a grin with Lucas.
"This is not a sports game, Steve," Dustin grinned.
"I beg to differ," Eddie said with a wide smile. "What are we going to do?!"
Blank stares blinked at him, and Eddie rolled his eyes. He whispered into Chrissy's ear, and she smiled before whispering to the next person, then the next. Everyone smiled.
"Okay, so, what are we going to do?" Eddie asked again.
"Kick Vecna's ass!" Everyone exclaimed.
"And break!" Eddie yelled, clapping his hands.
As Steve was moving away from the group, he felt a pair of hands slap his ass. He turned around to find Chrissy and Eddie grinning at him.
"Good game," she said and giggled.
"Stop objectifying our babysitter in front of us!" Dustin said.
"Sorry, couldn't help myself," Chrissy said.
"Neither could I," Eddie grinned.
They decided it would be easier to just use Nancy's car, which meant everyone climbing in the front of her car while Eddie and Steve climbed into the very back. Just as Steve was about to climb into the back seat, Lucas and Dustin came out.
"We just wanted to tell you to be careful," Lucas said.
"All of you," Dustin said.
"Both of you have kind of been like brothers to us," Lucas said. "Especially, you Steve."
"And we don't want anything to happen to you," Dustin said.
Steve pulled Dustin and Lucas into a tight hug before releasing them to let Eddie to do the same.
"Keep an eye out for each other," Steve said.
"We always do," Dustin said.
Robin popped her head out the window with a cheeky grin on her face.
"And remember, bedtime at 9, kiddos!" Robin said, laughing when Dustin flipped her off.
"And no parties! Grandpa Wayne will tell us all about it once we get back," Eddie said.
Lucas rolled his eyes as Steve laughed, grabbing Dustin and pushing him inside. Eddie climbed into the back and pulled Steve with him, pulling him in between his legs. Eddie closed the door.
"Alright, let's go!" Eddie hollered and pulled Steve back against his chest.
Steve smiled as Eddie scratched his stomach as he wrapped his arms around him.
"It's weird without Chrissy," Steve said.
"Yeah," Eddie said softly. "Do you miss your parents?"
"Uh, yeah," Steve said as he played with the rings on Eddie's fingers. "Why are you asking?"
"I was just thinking about Wayne, my dad, and my mom," Eddie shrugged. "Is it still crazy that I miss my dad after everything he put me through?"
"No, I think we never stop missing our parents even after they're long gone or after they left," Steve said. "Plus, I think you have a big heart, and you love deeply. It's probably why it hurts so much when you get, well, hurt."
"Talking from experience, big boy?" Eddie asked softly.
"Yeah," Steve replied.
"Does it bother you that they left you for Florida?" Eddie asked. "Your parents, I mean."
"No. It's what they've always wanted to do after they retire. Why would I be mad for them doing something that they wanted to do for a long time?" Steve asked. "We both made our choices."
"That's either really healthy behavior, or you've buried your feelings so deep that it's become unhealthy," Eddie said.
"Jesus. I mean, what do you want me to do? You want me to get mad right now? It's not going to do anything," Steve said. "It's not going to be very helpful."
"I want you to be honest with yourself and admit that you wished that they had stayed for you," Eddie said. "That you wished you had asked them to stay."
"Okay! Okay! Fine! I wished they had stayed! I wished they had chosen me over their careers for once or what they had wanted! I wished they were here and I wish that they knew that I might fucking - that I might. . . that I might die," Steve said weakly.
He turned and sobbed into Eddie's chest. Eddie held him tightly, running his fingers through his hair.
"Oh, baby," Eddie said softly.
"I'm scared. I don't want to die. I don't want to leave Robin, I don't want to leave the kids, I don't want to leave you or Chrissy," Steve sobbed. "I don't want to leave."
As Steve cried, he heard the sound of the others cursing and the sound of people moving around. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his back. He looked up to find that Robin had climbed in the back with them.
"Steve?" Robin asked.
"I think it's finally hitting him," Eddie said softly.
"Oh. . .," Robin paused. "I think I might have accidentally kicked Nancy in the face when I was climbing over the seats."
Steve snorted with laughter and pulled Robin into his arms, hugging her tightly. Now, they were both lying awkwardly on top of Eddie.
"I'm scared, Robbie," Steve said in a small voice.
"Me too, Stebie," Robin said. "We won't let anything happen to you, dingus."
Steve, Eddie, and Robin groaned as they rolled out of the back when Nancy pulled up to Lover's Lake. It had been very uncomfortable with all three of them in the back. Nancy stood at the edge of the lake with Dustin's compass in her hand.
"Your face okay, Nance?" Robin asked.
"I've had worse," Nancy said in amusement. "You were checking on your best friend. Are you okay, Steve?"
"Yeah, we'll be fine. So, the compass?" Steve asked.
"Dustin's definitely onto something," Nancy said as she frowned at the compass. "There's definitely a gate here. I think it's inside the lake."
"They did say they found Patrick's body in the lake," Steve frowned.
"We need to find a boat," Jeff said.
"Well, we're by a lake, so there's a possibility there might be one lying around here somewhere," Frank said.
"You think, Frank?" Gareth asked sarcastically.
The group began to move around the edge of the lake, using the moonlight streaming through the trees to light their way. They did bring flashlights, but they didn't want to use them in case it gave away their position. Jason was still on the loose. They found one lying close to the shore, making it easy to push into the water. Steve and Eddie held it down, so it was easier to get into the boat. Steve held out his hand to help Robin into the boat, but she just grinned. Steve groaned as Robin used his head and Eddie's to get into the boat. Eddie just laughed.
"Seriously?" Steve asked.
Nancy giggled at Steve as Eddie helped her onto the boat. Eddie held out his hand to Steve with a grin, and Steve blushed as he took it, getting into the boat. Eddie jumped in and turned to the others.
"What about you, boys?" Eddie asked.
"We'll stay and guard the shore, m'lord," Frank said.
"For not all of us will fit on the boat," Jeff said.
"Safe passage, return to us and our Lady of Hellfire," Gareth said.
The three of them bowed, and Steve laughed when Eddie could only nod, waving his hand at them.
"Nerd," Steve said affectionately.
"Dork," Eddie giggled as he brushed his nose against Steve’s.
They pushed the boat to the middle of the lake, and the compass started going haywire. Steve stood up.
"What are you doing?" Nancy asked.
"Someone has to go down there to make sure," he said.
"And it has to be you?" Eddie asked.
"Anyone else on the swim team or work as a lifeguard for three summers?" Steve asked and paused. "No? It has to be me."
"Is there anything that I can say or do to talk you out of this?" Eddie asked, and Steve shook his head. "Ooh, what if I offer to give you - "
"No!" Robin and Nancy yelled at him.
"I was going to say give him a really good kiss," Eddie said, rolling his eyes. "Jesus, get your head out of the gutter, ladies."
Steve laughed, bending down to kiss him deeply. He stood up as Eddie blushed and began wrapping a flashlight in a bag. Steve took off his socks, shoes, Walkman, and then, finally, his sweater. He could feel Eddie's eyes on him, and he smirked. He tossed the sweater at him. Eddie scoffed and handed him a flashlight.
"Be careful," Eddie said, taking his hand and kissing it. "Come back to us."
Steve knew he was talking about him and Chrissy.
"Always," Steve said, and then he dove into the water.
He started swimming down with the light guiding his way. He didn't need it for long because a moment later, a red light started coming into focus. Steve swam all the way down and came face to face with the gate itself. A weird feeling came over him, a feeling he couldn't quite describe. He held out his hand toward it, a move that he knew was stupid. Suddenly, he saw some move underneath the slimy red skin of the gate, and he swam backward. Steve was quick, and he started moving back towards the boat. He resurfaced, gasping as he breathed in the fresh hair and held onto the boat. Eddie looked relieved.
"Yeah, there's a gate down there, but it's not a full sized gate. It's more like a snack sized gate - woah!" Steve exclaimed when he felt something brush against him.
"What?" Eddie asked. "What is it?"
"I thought I felt - "
Suddenly, something wrapped around his ankle and pulled him down beneath the water. Whatever it was, it was yanking down and quickly, too. Steve was moving his arms, trying to get away, but it was useless. He couldn't fight against whatever was trying to pull him away from everything and everyone he ever loved. As the darkness took him, he wondered if his parents would miss him or be relieved that he was gone. Would they even care?
Chapter Fourteen
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diwtara · 2 months
The locals were throwing them a feast in thanks for saving the village. With music and booze and meat - what more could they ask for?
The chief even brought out a local speciality.
"This drink," he explained, "will compell you to go to your friends and tell them something honest." He went on to explain that though it might not be something you would normally say out loud, it very rarely led to hurt feeling on either side - it did of course happen ocasionally, but the drink was made specifically to celebrate and help strengthen bonds.
When offered the chance to try it, no one was surprised that Luffy took the opportunity. Their cook was next, having caught a wiff of it Sanji insisted he needed to learn the flavour profile. Franky was the third and final volunteer, claiming that honesty was SUPER.
The stawhats kept a close eye on their captain as he bounced around chatting with everyone in his vicinity, though it was hard to tell if the drink had taken effect yet, or if Luffy was simply being Luffy.
"Nami-swan!" Sanji called running eagerly up to the red head, with a bright smile on his face.
She greeted him in turn with a polite smile, allowing him to take one of her hands gently in his own
"Nami-swan, you are such a strong, amazing person and I am so glad that we met. I am so happy that we are friends!"
Namis eyes widdened as a blush spread across her cheeks. "Oh!" That wasnt what she had expected him to say at all. Now she found herself stumbling over how to respond.
"I see the elixer has begun to work, cook-san" Robin cut in with a soft smile.
"Robin-chwan!" He cheered taking her hand in his free one. "You are so brilliant and wonderful. Im always excited for you when we find ruins for you to study, or a poneglyph for you to read. I love seeing you happy!"
It was Robins turn to be left speachless. She knew the strawhats were okay with humouring her passion, but it still caught her off guard that they were people, that there could be people, who genuinely cared about her happiness.
Movement off to the side caught Sanjis attention and he took off as quickly as he had appeared.
"Usopp!" He cried, wrapping the man in a hug.
"Oof. Okay okay, you can let go-"
"I know how brave you are Usopp! I see it every time you do what you need to despite being scared! But i will still always do my best to protect you whenever I can!"
Usopps eyes watered for a moment before he threw his arms around the chef. "Sanji!!"
Zoro doesnt know what draws the blondes attention his way, hell maybe its just another special property of the drink, makes you zero in on the people you know one by one. He sort of wishes he hadnt been noticed though.
"Zoro!" He tried not to squirm or duck away as he was approached.
He didnt need the cook rushing over to - what? Tell Zoro that theyre friends? He knows theyre friends, its not something either of them should have to say out loud. Thats not what they do.
Or worse, the curly-browed idiot could decided to say something like 'you're strong', or 'you're a good fighter', or 'I respect you'.
That would just be uncomfortable for both of them. And the cook would probably regret it in the morning.
And just how would Zoro be able to respond to that? Zoro sure as hell cant respond in kind to that sort of comment. Hes not the one who drank a truth potion after all.
He could pick a fight of course, make fun of the blonde for coming over and smiling and talking with complete sincerety. Laugh at him for willingly taking the drink and spilling out his feelings everywhere.
"Oi! Zoro!" The cook was grinning at him in a way he never did, or at least he was until he tripped on something on the path and a look of concentration replaced the smile as the man focused on staying upright while stumbling the last few feet forward. This had Zoro fighting off a smile of his own. The staggering blonde was a stupid, and maybe slightly endearing, sight.
Sanji caught himself with one hand planted on Zoros chest, staring down at it in complete fascination.
"I think about kissing you all the time."
Zoros breath caught.
"I would really like to suck your cock." Sanji continued, licking his lips, "Maybe tie you up first if you'd let me."
The blondes eyes slowly traced up from his hand on Zoros chest to meet his eyes. When he did, whatever he saw there, he seemed to realize exactly what he had just said.
Zoro watched as his mouth opened and closed several times, a dark blush racing across the mans face.
Finally Sanji snatched his hand away and turned on his heel before running back the way he came. Zoro almost chased after until he saw the blondes path change so he could scoop Chopper up in his arms.
The bright smile was back on his face, the blush fading. Whatever he was saying to Chopper had the reindeer wiggling and delightedly calling him a bastard.
Zoro watched the group - Franky was now openly sobbing while Nami pat his shoulder awkardly, Luffy was fully wrapped around Usopp - while he tried to catch up with what just happened.
How the hell was he supposed to respond to that?!
He sighed and decided he could confront the cook tomorrow. (Maybe.)
For now he needed a drink.
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snowywolf1005 · 2 months
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You and luffy are still again fighting kaido. Kaido is still mad at you two. "The King of the Pirate?!" Kaido yelled.
Luffy looked at kaido. "It's good to know that you two still impudent, Straw Hat! When you two mind and body catch up to your power, Awakening occurs! How ridiculous you two powers is!" Said kaido.
It made you pissed off that you wanna kill him so bad and for talking shit you two are. Kaido remembers the flashback of how you and luffy beat with you powers.
Luffy laughs for a moment. "I've already lost so much... I've lost so much of what I've built." Said kaido, he was pissed off what you and luffy, his crew did.
Luffy crew killed each one of kaido crew members. "My subordinates and the castle! You two lost a lot, too." Said kaido.
"Even so, there are things I have to take back!" Luffy yelled. Kaido turns to pruple lighting you and luffy turn to red lighting, lighting storm come out.
"You'll lose more and more! Because I will take more from you two!" Kaido yelled. Kaido jumped forward towards you and luffy.
"Kundali Dragon Swarm!". You transform your shadows' monster form. And use your wings to cover luffy as a blanket.
Your shadows monster:
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Kaido hits each one of your wings, but you didn't let him stop you. You fly back, "Air Slash!" You scream, air slash:
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The air slash hits kaido every each of his body, causing him to cough blood. Kaido walked back. You landed, you put luffy on the ground, and kaido got up a little.
Then you smell smoke, and you cough so as luffy. You look to see, a ground and a fire lit up. You and luffy were so confused.
"The floors and the castle are all on fire below. I'm sure thousands of your soldiers are stuck there, too. They'll all burn to death!" Kaido yelled.
"Don't underestimate them, kaido!" Luffy smiles, "Cause we believe in them, and they believe in us!" You smile too. Kaido was shocked.
"We left everything below in their hands! So we'll just... focus on kicking your ass!" Luffy yelled. Luffy runs forward, and he laughs, "The way you laugh annoys me! Demolition Gust!" Kaido yelled.
Luffy screamed, and he pulled his crotch up, and the slash missed him. "It almost hit my crotch!" Said luffy. Kaido was about to hit luffy, but luffy jumped behind kaido.
Luffy Bounce, really high, kaido turnaround was in shock. Lighting struck, luffy smiles. "I have an idea!" Said luffy.
"Oi! (Y/N)! I've an idea, and I hope you love it!" Luffy yelled. Oh yeah, you were flying watching Luffy beating kaido, making sure he okay. 'I hope it isn't stupid,' you thought.
At the bottom of the castle, everything is on fire. In the performance floor inside the dome, "it's not just the castle anymore! All the towers are burning! " Someone yelled.
"Everyone! Where are you?!" Chooper yelled, looking for his teammates. Then Nami heard Chooper voice, "Hey!" Chooper yelled again. "Chooper!" Nami yelled as she walked behind Chooper.
"Nami!" Chooper yelled, Chooper burst out of tears on his eyes. Chooper ran toward Nami and hugged her. "Are you alright?! Otama, are you hurt?" Chooper asked, "everyone protected me, so I was only slightly wounded." Said otama.
"I'll treat your wounds later." Said Chooper, "what about the others?" Nami asked. Chooper started crying, "What should we do? The fire can't be put out! Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Brook, usopp, Robin, and Jimbei! I can't find any of them!" Chooper cried. "Really?!" Nami asked.
"But... even if we tried to find them, the whole of Onigashima is on fire now! It's not safe here, either! Unless it lands, we have nowhere to go!" Said Nami, Chooper jumps off of Nami.
"Zeus, can't you use your rain to put out the fire?" Chooper asked, "the fire is too intense, I would get burned!" Said Zeus. "We all worked so hard to get to this point. It's so frustrating to see it end like this." Said Otama.
"Don't worry!". "What?" Otama question, "it's gonna be alright, so don't give up!" Said Nami, Otama smiled. "You're right! We have to see Big Bro, luffy win! And (Y/N)!" Said Otama, "wait? (Y/N) is alive?!" Chooper yelled.
Nami, look at Chooper, "Chooper, have you seen a gaint pruple bat?" Nami asked. Chooper thought for a moment, and he nodded his head. "Well, that gaint pruple bat was (Y/N)." Said nami. "WHAAAAAA!!" Chooper screamed in a surprise look.
In the basement inside the castle, everything is burning, and it starts to break. "We can't escape! The fires are everywhere!" Said the blondeguy.
"There's nowhere to run!" Said the guy with black clothes. (Forget his name, too) "Damn!" Blonde guy yelled.
On the first floor of the castle. Bepo was beaten up. "I can't take it anymore! I can't stand the heat..." He said. "You're giving us too much trouble, Bepo!" Said penguin, then they stopped to see they were dead end cause the fire is blocking their way.
"Ouch!" Penguin scream, "maybe this really is it." Said shachi, "I don't think we can get out of here!" They yelled. "Help! Captain!" Said Bepo. In the basement, where Brook and Robin were trapped by the fire.
"My precious afro is getting frizzier!" Said brook, "yeah! I don't want to end up like you." Said Robin, "what?" Said brook. Then, someone burst out of the door, "what?! Uh! A skeleton!" They scream.
"I know you're frustrated! "
"Look at you!"
"I don't know what to say... I feel sorry for you... you must have failed to escape and got burned!" They said.
"I'm not a burnt corpse! I am dead, though..." said brook, and then more fire became bigger.
"It's burning intensely! Maybe there's no way for all of us..." said brook.
"...to run." Said Robin.
On the fourth floor inside the castle, "I'm sorry. I can't die just yet..." said raizo, "don't mention it. I like helping people." Said jinbe."I was extremely lucky to see you here." Said raizo, "I'm in on your secret plan with pleasure!" Said jinbe.
"With my ninjutsu, now is the time to salvage this situation! Now is the time!" Said raizo. Jinbe and raizo walk until the building falls apart. "Everyone, endure it a little bit more... these loathsome flames... I'm going to put them all out!" Raizo yelled.
Pleasure hall, left-brain tower. Sanji is running with a group of girls behind him. But they were dead end, "Oh, no. We can't get outside because the yard is gone." Said sanji, "no, " said some.
"An abyss in front... And a hellish fire behind..." said sanji. He looked to see the woman who was scared. "We can't even turn back!" Sanji yelled, then the roof started to break and was about hit Some.
Some scream, "Careful!" Sanji yelled as he kicked some wood. "Don't worry! I'll protect you, ladies!" Said sanji.
"Thank you," she said. 'We're in the air, so there's no place to go... the fire and the collapse and the ladies... What should we do?' Sanji thought.
On the basement. "Stop complaining that it's hot! Break the wall! If we stay here, we're gonna die!" Yapoo yelled. The gaint cry as his arm hurt, "Just sacrifice one of your damn arms! That big body's so useless, you idiot!" Yapoo yelled.
The gaint told Yapoo to stop, "Do you wanna fight, you bastard?!" Yapoo yelled. On the basement again. "The heat and the flames have us backed in a corner! Is there a way for us to survive?!" Said hemlet.
"If we knew that, we wouldn't be having a hard time!" Said usopp, "we're gonna die from the heat if nothing's done!" Hemlet yelled. "Just run!" Usopp yelled back, then more building came blocking their path.
"Please do something, mister!" Hemlet yelled. Usopp doesn't know what to do. He got off, "I'm gonna put out this fire! Special attack green star! Sprinkler!" Usopp yelled, the flower trying to put out the fire.
"How's that?!" He yelled, but the flower was on fire. Usopp was surprised, "This is what 'a drop in the bucket' means, mister!" Said Hemlet.
"Shut up! I gotta figure out a way! I promised izo! I wanna save Kin and Kiku and myself as well!" Usopp screamed as he started to cry. "What?! Mister! Please include me in the list!" Hemlet yelled at usopp.
"Don't depend on me! You have to save me!" Usopp yelled back. Right-Brain Tower. Franky was running, holding zoro, who was passed out. "The castle is burning ridiculously!" Franky yelled, "Wait for us, big bro!" She cried, "where should we go?!" Franky question.
"Zoro's life is in danger! I have to take him to Chooper as soon as possible!" Said Franky, "we're all gonna get burned to death before that!".
"It's hot! It's hot! I don't wanna die!"
"Help us, big bro!"
"Who's whining?! I'm gonna burn you!" Franky yelled, "Please don't do that!" They whined. Third floor inside the castle.
"It's a dead end again! Damn! The flames and the debris keep getting the way! Did someone go around and set fire?!" Someone yelled. "There is no way I'm gonna be killed by fire and the enemy in a raid!" Said the bull.
"We're not gonna get defeated by fire!"
"Yeah! Let's survive!"
Fourth floor inside the castle. Jinbe is standing the hallway, "I'm ready, jinbe-dono! Thank you for trusting me!" Said raizo. "Luffy chose to form an alliance with you, samurai! There's no way I'd doubt you. Okay, come on!" Said jinbe.
"Yeah! I'm trusting you, too!" Raizo yelled, 'I was ready since that day...' Raizo thought, thinking his flashback.
'Come on! Hurry up!'
"I couldn't save oden-sama that day! And I let Momonosake-Sama and the others suffer in the building castle. Even if I could use ninjutsu, I couldn't save anybody. That was a big blunder that I regret!" Raizo yelled.
"I never ever want... to feel that way again!" Raizo yelled, thinking of his flashback.
Zunesha pulled out some water in his trunk.
'Dogstorm, what kind of rain is this?!'
'Zunesha is bathing itself.'
'That's a lot of water! May I take some?!'
"I won't let those who took part in this raid die... in this damn fire! I'm sorry that it took so long, everyone! Let me show you the incredible water flow! Nimp: scrolling jutsu! The Elephant's Bath! Restoration!" Raizo scream.
Then, a bunch of water came in raizo scroll and is sucked jinbe making him swim. "This is enormous!" Said jinbe, "water heart! Fish-man jiu-jitsu! Ocean Current Shoulder Throw!" Jinbe yelled as he threw the waters, with his bear hands.
The roof crumble of more water coming, "run through every part of the castle!" Jinbe yelled. "Make it in time and save everybody, zou's water!" Said raizo, more water keeps pouring, putting out the fire.
First floor inside the castle. "Let me down, guys!" Said killer, "you have to let us do this for least, killer-san!" Said the crew. "Ouch!" They yelled, "What should we do?! There really is nowhere to go!" The crew yelled.
"What is that?! I feel a rumble..." one of the crew yelled, the water splashing them behind. "Water?!" They said, "we're okay now!" One of them yelled.
The whole castle started to rumble and broke apart. Chooper lost his balance, and Nami hold Otama. "Hurry up, Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled.
"Why?! Kaido is still alive!" Momonosake asked, "You have to sustain the island with your Flame Clouds!" Yamato yelled. "Sustain the island? That's impossible!" Momonosake yelled back.
"Kaido is reaching his limit... his flame clouds won't last much longer!" Said yamato, "What?". "You must create flame clouds to sustain onigashima!" Said yamato.
"What?!" Momonosake scream, "that way the only option from the beginning!" Yamato yelled. Momonosake lost his words. He couldn't say anything. Yamato, look at Momonosake.
"Otherwise, onigashima will fall," said yamato, Momonosake didn't want onigashima to get destroyed.
As for you and luffy, you watch luffy fly up, say he got an idea. Luffy grabbed a lightning strike, and it turned to blue. Kaido was shocked to see, then smile.
Hey guys, that is the end of episode 1073, but it is not over yet. So here is an episode 1074.
"You can do it, Momonosake-kun! Create flame clouds!" Yamato yelled, Momonosake tries to make the flame clouds, but it keeps disperse. "That will not be enough to sustain onigashima!" Momonosake said.
And a loud explosion erupted, and Momonosake was shocked and scared. "Momonosake-kun! Flame clouds!" Yamato yelled, "it is easier said than done..." said Momonosake.
Momonosake is still trying to make flame clouds. "I can't do it! They will not come out! I can't do it!" Momonosake cried, truma from his childhood.
When his house was on fire. 'The future? But I do not want to be apart from you!' Little Momonosake cried, 'Momonosake! Go along with kin'emon and the others. Leap 20 years into the future and rebuild the Kazuki Clan!' Said toki.
'I can't do it!' Little Momonosake cried, turns around but turns back hugging his mother. 'Then why will you and hiyori not come with us?!' Momonosake asked, still crying.
Toki look at Momonosake, 'I can't do it!' Momonosake cried. 'Momonosake-Sama! Your mother is suffering more than you!' Kin'emon yelled, Momonosake turnaround.
'This is the land of samurai! Where shame alone could end your life! For a man to complain after women set resolve... is mortal shame!' Kin'emon yelled.
'Now, let's leap into the future together! The future of the land of wano rests on your shoulders!' He yelled, 'I am only a child... I am only a child, so I can't... do anything!' Momonosake cries.
'With all due respect, since oden-sama is gone, you are no longer an ordinary child!' Kin'emon said, 'What?' Momonosake asked. 'You are the son of the great samurai! You will govern this country someday! Oden-sama ordered me to open the border of the land of wano! I shamelessly lived... at my lord's expense...' Kin'emon cries.
'Now it not the time to die! I am not allowed to just die! Allow me to speak plainly! Will you let us have another chance to fight?! If I am going to burn to death anyway, I would rather die wielding my sword for my lord! Will you please give us a chance to die as samurai?!' Kin'emon cried.
All samurai started to cry, waiting Momonosake answers. 'Momonosake!' Toki called, 'Mother... mother... I am going!' He yelled.
Toki cried, 'Yes... please, live on...' she said. "I am too ashamed to face Mother!" Momonosake yelled. "Momonosake-kun?" Yamato asked.
"Stop saying 'I cannot,' Momonosake! You made your own decision! I am not an ordinary child anymore! I am the man who will become the shogun of this country!" He yelled, "uh-huh!" Yamato said.
"I will save the land of wano! Stop! Onigashima!" Momonosake yelled, then the onigashima began to fall. "Wait! No!" Yamato yelled, "No! Don't not head towards the capital!" Momonosake yelled.
"Gum-gum... lighting!". Luffy throws the lightning strike at kaido, but kaido dodges the attack. And Flys toward to luffy. "You mean you can grab lighting?! How absurd!" Kaido yelled.
But all of a sudden, six lighting surrounded kaido. Luffy jumps each on of lighting and hits kaido. Then kaido was hit all six lighting.
'What an absurd power...' kaido thought. But kaido felt someone behind him. He turned to see you, "Moongeist Beam!" You yelled. Moongeist Beam:
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Kaido was hit back, and he coughed some blood. Kaido turned around to see luffy, "Gum-gum...". Kaido hit luffy with his hassaikai. Luffy was thrown away, but he was lucky when you caught him.
Luffy was behind your back, and then you warp around your wings to make spend ahead. And you hit kaido stomach.
Kaido was lunch back, luffy grabbed kaido legs and threw him by rocks. Luffy went behind kaido and punched him in his face.
But kaido opened his mouth and blasted fire at luffy. Luffy was blown away, but luffy grabbed a lightning strike, spins around, and lunch himself to kaido. Kaido went toward to luffy.
Kaido hits luffy again, and luffy is lunch back. Luffy was on the clouds, smiling, and grabbing the thunder strike. Luffy throws all thunder sticks at kaido.
But kaido dodges all stricks, "Night shade!" You shot out some pruple laser eyes. Night shade:
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It hit on kaido's chest, and kaido is getting weaker. Then kaido disappeared, you look around to find kaido, "you two can play around... all you want! But..." kaido.
Kaido was right behind, and he hit your chest with his hassaikai. You lunch back, and you were hit behind a rock. "(Y/N)!" Luffy yelled, luffy Flys toward to kaido, "a Devil Fruit power will never conquer the world!" Kaido yelled.
Kaido hit luffy cheeks, luffy hits on the ground, but bounced back, really flied up. "It's amazing how things work. Just like how Roger was not a Devil Fruit power user... Only haki... can trump all else!" Kaido yelled.
"Destroyer of Death..." Kaido hassaikai turn pruple and was about to smash luffy. "...thunder... Bagua!" Kaido yelled, kaido hits luffy once more. The pruple thunder destroyed all rocks building and made a loud explosion.
In the land of wano, people were celebrating. There was music, dancing, food, everything, people were holding sky boats. "To the deceased! Set sail!" The man yelled.
"Let go of your sky boat!"
"Steady! Steady!"
"The festival is almost over... we must return to slave labor tomorrow..." the men said, everyone let go of the sky boats. And the sky boat went up high, "I hope I can survive another year..." he said.
"Steady! Reach Father!" Toko yelled. On the onigashima above was destroyed, cracks, holes, and rock mountain were everything.
Kaido was catching his breath, 'a Devil Fruit power will never conquer the world! He didn't have one, either...' kaido thought, remembering when he fought with oden.
But all of a sudden, kaido saw a hand grabbing his chest. "What?!" Kaido question, Kaido above the sky to see the arm lead top of the clouds.
"What are you doing?!" Kaido ask, the hand pulled kaido, "Damn! Let go of me! You're only betraying your location!" Kaido yelled. Kaido keeps hitting the arm with hassaikai, and he turns to his dragon form.
"Dragon Twister... Demolition Breath!" Kaido screamed, "Your vulnerability to cutting attacks hasn't changed." Said kaido. The demolition breath cut luffy.
luffy body started to bleed with cut all other his body. "Come down! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, kaido blast a gaint fire ball. Luffy wide eye, but you came and "MoonBlast!" You yelled.
Moon Blast:
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The moonblast hit fire ball, causing it to explode. Luffy looked to see you're alive, "(Y/N)? You're alive!" Luffy cried, you smiled at luffy. "Of course I am, remember I make a promise that we always stay each other when we little?" You said.
Luffy nodded his head. In the house were on fire, where hiyori was at with orochi. Orochi was on fire, screaming in pain. Hiyori stand there watch orochi suffering.
Then, a loud burst, hiyori drop the needle. "Hey, it come off! Some kind of tremor pulled the Sea Prime Stone nail out!" Orochi yelled as he transformed a eight-headed dragon.
"Damnit... I'll at least take you down with me! Are you watching, oden?!" He yelled. Hiyori, fall back, "I'll take..." orochi was about to bite hiyori. "... Your daughter, along with me!" He yelled.
During the fight, hyogoro fell back. "Boss hyogoro!" The man yelled, "I heard onigashima's gonna fall!" The man said. Hyogoro chulked, "That means they cornered kaido... hey, guys! Which one do you prefer? If the straw hat and (Y/N) take down kaido down, we'll fall and die." Said hyogoro.
"If we survive, that means kaido wins!" Hyogoro said, the whole samurai laughed. "Oh, that's an easy choice." The man answered,
"I have a kid in Hakumai."
" I have a wife in Ringo!"
"If kaido gets taken down, they can live happily ever after!"
"That would be great! It's gonna be a good country!"
"Are you guys crazy, you damn samurai?! That means you're all gonna die!"
"That's fine." Said hyogoro, "Straw Hat, and (Y/N)-san! Kick kaido's ass with all your might!" Everyone cheered. Kid and law heard the samurai cheering.
The building is falling apart. "I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!" Usopp screamed as he ran, "ow, ow, ow!" Hemlet yelled and also ran. "I don't wanna die!" Usopp yelled.
"The flames!" Hemlet yelled, "Don't give up, You fool! I'm not gonna die!" Usopp scream. Usopp ran through the flames, "Mister!" Hemlet yelled.
"I'm gonna survive no matter what!" Usopp yelled, "You're the best!" Hemlet yelled. Then, Usopp was splashed by the big water, so as Hemlet. "Water!" Usopp yelled.
"Kiku! Kin'emon! I'm not gonna give up!" Usopp yelled. At the wano place, everyone looked at the sky to see Sky Boat high up in the air.
You and luffy remember people voices and what their dreams is.
"To be able to drink clean water."
"I want to see my mother again."
"May my children grow up happily."
"For grandpa to get better."
So many people dream, you and luffy want them to be happy.
"You can do it!"
"Straw Hat-san!"
"Defeat kaido!"
"Straw Hat and (Y/N), you two truly amazing..." said hyogoro, remembering the words you and luffy said.
"We made a promise! We'll make this country a place where she can eat as much as she wants! We're here to take down kaido!"
"And we'll protect the weak"
"This battle... is not only meant to take down kaido... to take back... the country that stood still 20 years ago, we fought... if we can bring smiles back... to our families, our children, and our country," said hyogoro.
"We..." Hyogoro, watch the samurai cheering you and luffy telling you to defeat kaido. Hyogoro chulked, "Hey, (Y/N)! Straw Hat! A new dawn will surely come to Land of Wano. Right?! I can hear... your voice!" Hyogoro yelled.
"What are you two doing? Straw Hat? Why aren't you coming down?" Kaido ask, then a thunder strike. Kaido looked up at the sky and saw a large shadow.
"Stop! Onigashima!" Momonosake yelled, holding the kaido flame clouds. "Hey, momo!" The sound of luffy, Momonosake look at the sky.
Momonosake was shocked. A large big hand feist, "Let's finish this up! Shall we?!" You yelled. It revealed that luffy makes his fist larger, and you got larger with your shadows monster.
"Onigashima is in the way! Move it!" Luffy yelled, kaido chulked. "Look at that... they can destroy the whole onigashima." Said yamato, "Stop! Wait, luffy, (Y/N)! I still cannot -" as Momonosake was about to say something.
"Momo!" Luffy yelled, "we trust you!" You said, smiling. Momonosake was surprised, remembering his mother's smile. Momonosake has a tear on his eyes.
EPISODE 1075! Boy, it will take me a while to write this...
"Look at the size of that... they can destroy the whole onigashima!" Yamato yelled. Kaido was shocked to see. He knows he will get defeated from your attacks.
"Momo! Move onigashima out of our way!" You scream. "Do not do it, (Y/N), luffy!" Momonosake scream, "you can do it, right, momo?!" Luffy asks.
"Wait! Move onigashima out of your way?" Momonosake asks, he look at onigashima and the wano. He isn't quite, he can move onigashima.
"I... I can't do it!" Momonosake scream, kaido watch as luffy still holding his chest and look at you and luffy.
"Let's settle this!" Luffy yelled, but kaido got an idea. 'I got it.' He thought 'bring it on.', kaido mouth started to flame. And it burned Luffy hand, luffy let go of his hand.
"That burns!" He yelled, luffy blow at his hand. "That right!" Kaido yelled, you and luffy look at kaido, "you don't have to grab me! I'm not gonna run away!" Said kaido.
Kaido body cover with flames, "You know something, Straw Hat? 20 years ago, a hero of this country was burned to death! Since then, this country has been lawless! You guys are the heroes that they've been waiting 20 years for!" Said kaido.
Kaido Flys up, making himself bigger. "Flame Dragon Torch!" He yelled. "You're not going to throw your powers. Because you two gonna melt away." He said.
"We see about that!" You scream, yamato was surprised to see that the onigashima skeleton horn has been broken. And it falls towards her and Momonosake. They move away from the horn.
Kaido laughed. Burning luffy and you, "luffy! (Y/N)!" Yamato yelled. "We're... not gonna melt!" Luffy yelled, "I learned from the old man how to throw a punch without even more punch" he said.
'You call it haki, but we call it Ryuo in the land of wano. Don't strain yourself! Allow the unused Haki in your body to flow to your fist!'
"We're gonna knock you down to the abyss!" Luffy yelled.
"Menacing Moonraze..."
"Rising Dragon!"
"Bajrang... Gun!" Luffy throws his fist at kaido.
"... Maelstrom!" Your turn to light skin. Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom:
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"Flame Bagua!" Kaido yelled, then an impact of flash. Yamato was shocked. You and luffy try all your strength and power.
Inside of the castle, Usopp gasped as he finally survived from drowning. "What? What's going on?!" He yelled as he felt an impact grumble. Everyone felt it, too.
"What's happening out there?!"
"Is it (Y/N) and Straw Hat-san?!"
"Straw Hat!"
"It must be them!"
"I think it's Straw Hat, (Y/N)-san!"
"Straw Hat-san!"
"Please, Straw Hat, (Y/N)-san!"
"Go, (Y/N)-san!"
"Please, Straw Hat, man!"
"Take him down!"
"I'm begging you! Please!"
Kawamatsu rember oden say to them.
'I'm counting on you guys!'
'Run! To kuri!'
A loud shot bang.
'Oden... sama!'
'Don't look back!'
'Haha! It's easy to guess where the samurai are heading!'
'It's kuri!'
'The Kozuki Clan's heir is at the castle! Kill them all! Eradicate the Kozuki Clan!'
'Exterminate! Exterminate them!'
'He had a child?'
'I'll go finish things up.'
'Stop! Don't mess with the Kozuki Clan anymore!'
'Hahaha! You can shoot whoever stands against the shogun!'
'Hahaha! Witness how deep the kurozumi clan's grudge is! Take this!'
'You stupid Kozuki Clan admirers!'
'What happened to oden wife?!'
'We confirmed her death in Bakura town!'
'No one else escaped from Oden Castle.'
'Haha! Now the Kozuki Clan is gone! So you Daimyo, choose! Whether to enliven our Land of Wano...'
'You know what we'll say... that's nonsense question! The Kozuki Clan is our only shogun!'
'Avenge Oden!'
'Protect the land of wano to the end!'
'Don't be afraid of the enemies! Charge!'
Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. But I'm going skip of the story this cause it hurting my feelings when I watchand I don't wanna write it . And is it okay for guys how you love this story.
Hiyori stab orochi, "komurasaki! Everything was exactly as I wanted it! You started working at the Pleasure Hall of your own will, you slut!" Orochi yelled.
"Do you wanna get your revenge on me that much? Stop playing the victim! I still remember my grudge against the Kozuki Clan and what they did to me! What you're doing is the same as what they did to me! I'll kill everyone who rebels against me!"
"I'm not gonna just die! Komurasaki! I'll take you with me! Let's drink together again in the next life!" Orochi yelled as he ran toward hiyori. "Those eyes!" Orochi scream, remembering oden eyes.
"Stop!" He yelled. And orochi is dead, I hate that mf.
'Move onigashima out of the way? What should I do? I was right... I can't do it! I can't! I tried many times, but I could not do it!' Momonosake thought, then he heard someone called his name.
'Momonosake! Leap 20 years into the future and rebuild the Kozuki Clan!'
'Don't worry. I know you can do it. Your hard work and dedication will touch everyone.'
'I'm counting on you'
Momonosake cries as he hears his father, counting on him. "I have to hold on now! Or I will bring shame to the Kozuki Clan!" He yelled.
"Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled, Momonosake hit his head, "Everyone is believing in me! I am not going to give up!" Momonosake yelled.
Usopp heard a loud explosion. "There! There they are! Kin'emon! Kiku! You're still alive, right?! Don't ever die! Don't you ever die!" Usopp yelled.
The samurai was on their knees, praying for you and luffy.
"Please, Straw Hat, (Y/N)..."
"Take down, kaido!"
"If only kaido were gone!"
"Please... (Y/N), Straw Hat..." said hyogoro, "our 20 years battle... until kaido is gone... it will never end!" Kawamatsu yelled.
You and luffy are still struggling to defeat kaido.
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eddieandbird · 2 years
Hawkins Haunt
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Summary: You’re going to a “haunted house” on Halloween and Eddie tries to be brave.
Warnings/Tags: fluff|short blurb|fake blood|cursing
“I don’t know why you asked to go to this, Munson. You’re so easily startled,” You scoff. The both of you stood in the queue for the annual Hawkins Haunt.
“What? Am not!” Eddie folds his arms and mumbles.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw an actor dressed up like a bloody clown approaching Eddie from behind. You did your best to not make any sudden facial expressions as you waited for Eddie to get what was coming to him.
“HAPPY HALLOWEEN!” The actor screamed, nudging Eddie.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” He screamed back in response. You saw him lifting up a fist, and you quickly caught it before Eddie assaulted the clown.
“Now, now Edward,” You giggled. You knew how much he hated being called that so it only made him more worked up. “Just tell me why you wanted to come here, and I promise I’ll tell all your friends you went through it like the big, strong man you are. I’ll even drive us home this time,” You reached over to pinch his cheek.
“Harrington dared me to do it, okay? He said I wouldn’t even last two seconds in it, which is ridiculous cuz’ this shit’s made by babies for babies,” He sighed.
“Who cares what Steve thinks? He has to leave the room if Robin even mentions her period,” You laughed.
“You’re right, I just want to prove him wrong so badly. I got Dustin and Mike looking up to me now, I can’t tell them the leader of Hellfire is a wuss…” He pouted. You weren’t thrilled about getting yelled at by a bunch of teens in fake blood, but you knew you wanted to help Eddie conquer his fear.
“Okay, fine we’ll stay,” You rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance. Finally you were next in line and you felt Eddie’s warm body pressed behind yours.
“Will you go first, please?” He said with his eyes wide. You grab a hold of his hand before stepping inside of the haunted house.
“You’ll be fine, c’mon,” You said, trying to be supportive.
The room was almost pitch black when you stepped in, except for a few lights on the floor, illuminating the fog machines. You could feel Eddie’s hand trembling in yours.
“Ow!” You cried as you felt Eddie step on the heel of your foot.
“Sorry!” He gasped.
“Eddie, are your eyes even open? Watch where you’re going!” You spat.
“I said I’m sorry! God,” He whined.
As you two went on walking, you felt Eddie flinch at fake spiders falling from the ceiling. Every time an actor would come out to scream, he sank deeper into your back, completely hiding his face in your hair.
“You doing alright, back there Munson?” You asked. You were far too worried about Eddie to even pay attention to anything that was in front of you. His arms were now around your waist, making it difficult to walk. You blushed as you felt his grip grow tighter.
“Yup, doin great,” He said sarcastically.
“I think we’re almost at the end, so-“ You were interrupted by Eddie grabbing your arm and dragging you all the way outside, your legs struggling to keep up with his running.
“Fuck yeah! I did it! In your face, Harrington!” Eddie yelled, catching his breath.
“Congrats, Munson. You’re a big boy now,” You were tempted to point his attention to the children who were giggling as they exited the haunted house, but Eddie’s pride was too adorable to ruin.
“Hey you’re my witness okay? You gotta tell everyone for me,” He begged, quickly pulling you into a hug. Your cheeks were burning red as he looked at you with that goofy smirk of his.
“I promise, Eddie. I’ll even tell them you protected me from the bad guys,” You tucked his hair behind his ear and gave him a kiss on the cheek, secretly leaving behind a red lipstick stain.
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thewidowsghost · 2 years
Sacrifice (Max Mayfield x Sister!Reader; El Hopper x Mayfield!Reader)
Main Masterlist
Anonymous asked:
hi i have a request for el hopper. reader was el’s gf since season 2. during season 3, the whole star court battle, reader was the one to sacrifice herself instead of billy. el is devastated because she lost both reader an hop. turns out reader is alive and in Russia with hop. when Joyce and Murray go to save hop, they’re surprised to see reader is also there. then they return to Hawkins and el and reader have this emotional and heartfelt moment, she also reunites with the party. plus can reader be a year older than the party and have an older sister role for max. can there also be a scene where the party acknowledges that max sometimes wears reader’s signatures jacket to remember her?thank u and have s wonderful rest of your day!!
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Fireworks explode against the side of the Mind Flayer.
Billy Hargrove screams in pain as the fireworks explode against the monster.
The older boy sways unsteadily, but a weight hits him from the side, and he's knocked out of the way of the Mind Flayer's flesh-like arms.
(Y/n) Mayfield lets out a scream, holding back the flesh-like arms as they lunge for her girlfriend of two years, Eleven Hopper.
(Y/n)'s younger sister, Max is watching from behind a pillar.
At the sound of her sister's scream, Max runs, as if in slow motion, towards the three people - her stepbrother, her best friend, and her older sister - but she's too late.
The scream that leaves (Y/n)'s mouth is one of agonizing pain as the flesh-like arms shoot into her sides. There is a sucking noise and the color begins to leave the girl's face.
The enormous monster drops to the ground and Billy seems to shake himself out of his trance.
His eyes widen and he drops to the ground, leaning over his younger stepsister.
"Hey," the boy's voice is gruff. He presses his hands to the huge spots of blood collecting on the girl's shirt. "You little shit," his tone is gentle however, "you wake up."
Max skids across the floor, not caring about the floor burn she was definitely going to be there hours later.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Wake up!" the young redhead is panicking, her sister's lead resting on her thigh.
Blood leaks out of the girl's mouth and a sob escapes El's mouth. "Wake up!" the usually quiet girl cries out. Eleven leans forward over (Y/n)'s face. "Please," she murmurs, "I love you. You can't leave me."
(Y/n)'s chest heaves as she tries to breath through her excessive blood loss. "Love you, El," escapes the girl's mouth and Eleven lets out a sob. (Y/n)'s head lolls to the side so she could look at her younger sister and older stepbrother. "Love you," she rasps. "I - I'm s-sor-ry." she gasps. The girl's body falls still, and the other party members gather around the little group gathered on the floor.
"(Y/n)!" Max shakes her sister's shoulders. "(Y/n), wake up. (Y/n), get up. Please, (Y/n) . . ." Despair drips from the redhead's words and sobs rack her body. "(Y/n)!"
Billy had fallen back, a look of horror and guilt evident on his face.
El reaches out for her best friend and the redhead falls into El's arms, both girls grieving over the dead girl on the floor.
Nancy, Jonathan, Robin, and Steve stare at the body of the young girl on the floor and claws grab at Steve's heart.
It was a running joke between the older kids - Nancy, Jonathan, and himself - that he was the babysitter of the group, but right now, Steve couldn't laugh at the joke. He felt as though he'd lost part of himself, for one of his kids was dead.
. . .
El was numb, sitting on the edge of an ambulance, a weighted blanket draped over her shoulders.
Joyce Byers stumbles out of the mall, numb with grief at the death of Jim Hopper.
Joyce almost falls over as her youngest son, Will, runs to her, hugging her tightly.
Catching sight of Joyce, El shrugs off her blanket, and stumbles towards the woman.
Joyce sobs, taking a hold of the girl.
Sobs rack El's body again and she can hardly believe she'd lost both her father and her girlfriend in the same day. In the same battle. The Battle of Starcourt.
. . .
Three months later, the whole party is gathered at the Byers' household.
The kids are helping the Byers pack up their house and load it into the Uhaul.
Max shrugs, her late sister's favorite jacket shifting slightly on her shoulders. Yes, it was the summer, and yes it was hot outside, but Max couldn't take off the jacket. Max slept in the jacket, skated in the jacket, she literally wouldn't - and couldn't - take off the jacket.
. . .
The exhausted girl collapses to the floor of her shared cell with Jim Hopper.
The Russians had decided to group 'the Americans' together.
None of (Y/n)'s friends and siblings would've been able to recognize the girl. Her hair was buzzed and she was thin, sickeningly thin.
"Kid," Hopper rasps, shaking his daughter's girlfriend's shoulder, "you gotta sit up."
The girl complies, wincing slightly at the phantom pains in her side from the Mind Flayer.
. . .
Both Hopper and (Y/n) remove their wooly hats to wipe the sweat from their brows.
"What is this, Americans?" Enzo questions in Russian. "What is taking you this long? Are you tired today?" the man asks, softening slightly at the exhaustion showing on the girl's face.
"Pig," Hopper spits in Russian.
"What did you say?" Enzo questions
"Asshole!" Hopper replies.
Hopper grunts as Enzo drags him away from the workers.
(Y/n) shifts uncomfortably as all the other men look at her, now that her protector was gone. She goes back to her work, using the mallet to hammer the railway posts into the ground.
"You're Russian is getting better," Enzo tells Hopper behind one of the buildings. "So is your acting."
"All right, what is it?" Hopper asks. "You know I don't like leaving her alone."
"I bring news from America," the guard replies. "I heard from your friends. They are bringing your money to Alaska."
"When?" Hopper asks, straightening slightly.
"Today, I hope," Enzo replies. "If my pilot gets his money, he will bring it in his plane tomorrow. Then you and the girl can hitch a ride back to your country. I get rich, and you and the girl are free. Sounds too good to be true, yes?"
"It does," Hopper replies. "This pilot, you sure you can trust him?"
"His name is Yuri Ismaylov," Enzo says. "He's a smuggler. Supplies American goods to some of us guards here, including me on lucky occasions. Cigarettes, peanut butter, Playboys, the best America has to offer."
"Great. So he's a criminal," Hopper says.
"Of course," Enzo replies. "Who else do you want to do this job? Gandhi? You're worried about your woman, is that it? I can see why you like her, American. When I talked to her, I can tell by her voice that she's very pretty." Hopper straightens ever more against his railway posts. "Feisty too. I like that. Shame we won't meet."
"You promised me that she would be safe," Hopper growls.
"And she will be," Enzo says. "Let me handle Yuri. You have more important things to worry about. Remember, you miss that plane tomorrow, I am still rich, and you and the girl are still stuck in Kamchatka. So whatever it is you're planning, American, best get to it, yes?"
. . .
(Y/n)'s stomach rumbles loudly at the lunch break as she takes her normal rations of a bowl of soup and bread.
Hopper leads the way over to one of the pavilions and they sit down beside one of the men that they worked with.
Hopper leans over to the man, holding out his bread.
"I am no fairy," the other man replies in Russian and (Y/n) bites her tongue angrily, knowing that this was their only way of getting out.
"No, no," Hopper replies. In broken Russian, he says, "You . . . hit." He holds out the bread.
Though she was starving - she received less food than the other prisoners - (Y/n) holds out her bread as well, gesturing to her own leg.
The man looks at the two American's. He gestures to Hopper's soup.
Hopper nods, placing the bread into the bowl, and (Y/n) adds her bread to Hopper's bowl. Before Hopper can hand over to bowl, (Y/n) takes the spoon from the bowl.
(Y/n) takes a spoon of soup from her own bowl before offering the bowl and the other spoon to Hopper.
. . .
The mallet slams into the ankle cuffs on (Y/n)'s leg and she bites her coat sleeve, tears of pain welling in her eyes.
. . .
(Y/n)'s gaze swims with pain as the guards tug on her ankle chains and she stumbles slightly stepping off the raised platform.
. . .
(Y/n) feels ashamed as she tugs the ankle cuffs off her leg over the bloody gouge in her leg. She pulls the cuff down below the gouge and over her foot.
"Come here, kid," Hopper says, having done the same, pained tears welling in his eyes.
(Y/n) slides herself over and a sob rips from her throat. Hopper softens, wrapping his arms around (Y/n) in a fatherly hug.
"We're going to get home," Hopper murmurs. "I'll get you home."
. . .
(Y/n) and Hopper slide their pickaxes under the railway and with a grunt of effort from (Y/n), both of the wood snaps.
(Y/n) wrenches the ax out from under the rails and takes it with her as she walks towards the supply shed.
Hopper follows, though he'd forgotten to grab the lower part of the ax.
The guard raises his rifle, pointing it at the two Americans.
(Y/n) raises her hands, showing her broken pickaxe and Hopper raises his.
The guard walks into the shed and Hopper follows.
Looking around, (Y/n) moves around the shed; moving over to one of the snowmobiles and starting the engine.
(Y/n) panics at first, but then she realizes that no one else would be able to hear the engine and relaxes.
. . .
The two arrive at the smugglers shed, and they're waiting overnight when a man arrives.
"Ah, you must be Hopper," the man says in broken English. "I'm Yuri."
The relief must be evident on (Y/n)'s face, because Yuri smiles gently at the girl.
. . .
(Y/n) and Hopper stagger off the plane and Joyce's eyes widen as they fall on (Y/n).
Murray steps forward, embracing Hopper in a friendly hug.
(Y/n) stumbles, falling into Joyce Byers's arms. A sob racks the thin girl's body and she finally lets the tears slide down her cheeks.
Joyce holds the girl close, gently smoothing out the slowly lengthening hair on the girl's head.
Joyce meets Hopper's gaze over (Y/n)'s head, her expression softening with love for the man.
Then, Joyce focuses her gaze back down on the girl.
Through her daze, one thought sears itself in (Y/n)'s mind. "Max," the girl murmurs. "I need to see Max. And El."
. . .
Max sits down, cross-legged in front of her sister's grave, zipping up the jacket before she unfolds her letter. "Dear (Y/n), I don't know if you can even hear this. Two years ago, I would have said, 'That's ridiculous, impossible.' But that was before I found out about alter dimensions and monsters, so . . . I'm just going to stop assuming that I know anything. So much has happened since you left. Neil was a total mess. He and Mom started getting into fights. Bad fights. I don't think he could stand being here anymore, so he took Billy and left. And Neil didn't leave Mom much. She's taken an extra job, and we moved to that lovely trailer park off Kerley. Basically, ever since you left, everything's been . . . a total disaster. And the worst part is, I can't tell anyone why you're gone. I can't tell them that you saved El and Billy's lives. That you saved my life." Max bites her lip, but she can't stop the tears that trickle down her cheeks. "I play that moment back in my head all the time. And sometimes I imagine myself running to you, pulling you away. I imagine that if I had, that you would still be here." Max sniffs, wiping her face carelessly. "And everything would be . . ." the girl sobs ". . . everything would be right again. I imagine that we . . . would be even closer. And I know that's stupid. But I thought that maybe . . . " Max's voice breaks. "But that's not what happened. I just . . . I stood there and I watched. For a while, I tried to be happy. Normal. But I . . . I know part of me died that day too. And I haven't told anyone this. I . . . I just can't. But I had to tell you. Before it's too late. If you can even hear this. I really hope that you can." More tears spill down Max's face. "I'm so, so sorry, (Y/n). Love, your shitty little sister, Max."
Max folds up the letter, shoving it back in the envelope.
There is an eerie rumbling and the sky goes dark.
Max hears the chime of a clock and eerie laughter.
"Max," the voice echoes through the void of darkness. "Max," the voice says again, and Max stands up, shaking with fright. "I've been waiting to hear those words, Max." Max gulps audibly, watching as the figure steps closer to her. "Waiting so very long." The figure's shirt is soaked through with blood, and the blood seems fresh, dripping onto the grass and making the dark earth sizzle. The figure steps forward again, blood dripping from their mouth. "But it wasn't the full truth, was it, Max?" the figure hisses. The figure reaches out their hand, wiping the tears from Max's cheeks with a thumb.
Max breathes shakily, leaning away from the figure.
"You know, I think there's a part of you, buried somewhere deep, that wanted me to die that day," the figure growls, facing the younger girl, her eyes narrowed. "That was maybe even relieved." Max furiously shakes her head, gulping back sobs. "Happy."
"(Y/n), no, that's not true," Max says, looking up at her older sister with wide eyes.
"That's why you stood there, isn't it, Max?" (Y/n) asks, leaning forward slightly. "It's okay. You can admit it now. No more lies. No more hiding."
"(Y/n), that's not true," Max replies, swallowing back her tears. Max takes a few steps back. "It's not true."
"That's why you feel so much guilt, isn't it Max?" (Y/n) questions, walking closer to the girl.
"No," Max sobs.
"Why you hide from your friends," (Y/n) goes on. "Why you hide from the world."
"No. No," Max wails.
"And why, late at night, you have sometimes wished to follow me," (Y/n) continues, stepping closer to Max and forcing her to the edge of the raised grassy platform.
A clock chimes.
"Follow me into death," (Y/n) rasps. "That is why I am here, my dear sister."
"No," Max sobs again.
"To end your suffering, once and for all."
Max takes another step back. "No," she says, shaking her head. Max takes another step and she falls onto her back. Max's grunt of pain echoes throughout the graveyard.
Looking up, she sees that her sister's body had transformed into Vecna, and now the monster was looking down at her.
"It is time, Max," Vecna says, his voice echoing through Max's mind. "It's time for you to join me."
Max scrambles to her feet and dashes away.
. . .
Max is pinned up against the pillar, vines closing around her neck and pinning her arms and legs to the pillar.
Vecna stands feet away and he takes a few steps closer to her.
Max watches him out of the bottom of her vision, her eyes crossing slightly when he stops - less than a foot in front of her.
Max whimpers, struggling against the bonds to breathe.
. . .
Dustin charges back up the hill with Max's cassette player and all of her tapes.
"What's her favorite song?" Dustin asks, spilling the player and tapes onto the ground.
"Uh," Lucas scrambles through the pile, finding the correct tape. He jams it into the player, throws the headphones onto Max's head, and hits play.
. . .
Max's favorite song, Running Up That Hill, begins playing inside of Vecna's mind prison, and Max's eyes fly open.
Max can see that a portal had opened up over Vecna's shoulder and she stares at it, watching as her friends try to wake her.
"Max, wake up!" she hears Dustin yell.
"They can't help you, Max," Vecna says, turning back to his victim. "There's a reason you hide from them."
Memories begin flashing in Max's mind - (Y/n) teaching her to skate; her and Lucas dancing at the Sno-Ball; her, (Y/n), and El getting ice-cream together; her and the boys
"You belong here," Vecna says.
"You're not really here," Max growls.
"Oh, but I am, Max," Vecna replies. "I am," he raises a clawed hand above Max's head and lowers it until it almost touches her face.
. . .
"I'd be running up that road. Be running up that hill," the lyrics pierce through the fog that had been closing over Max's mind.
More memories flash before Max's eyes - riding her skateboard around Mike in the gym, trips to the arcade with her friends, scaring the party members on Halloween, cuddling with her sister on the couch during their weekly movie night.
"I don't want a letter," Lucas shakes the envelope. "I'm right here."
Max forces her way through her bonds, stabbing Vecna in the shoulder with a rock.
As the bridge of the song builds, Max charges for the portal.
Vecna stares after the girl, then raising his hand, sending rocks and parts of the house to land in the water.
One lands directly behind Max, and she tips, falling into the water.
Max scrambles to her feet, continuing to sprint for the portal.
Word Count: 3062 words
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morganwrites12672 · 1 year
Established (but secret) relationship between Robin and reader. This is at the begining of the summer (S3)
A/N; I love this fic, so much! And I cried while writing it. It does have a happy ending!
Robin Buckley x Harrington!Reader
'I won't go down in history, but I will go down on your sister'
It was scary being a lesbian in hawkins, Indiana 1983. It was scary as fuck. If you hit on the wrong girl, the town had a new freak.
You assumed you could handle being labeled, but Steve wouldn't be able to handle being the brother of the fruity fairy.
It was best to stay in the closet. The only person who knew guys weren't your fortay was your girlfriend; Robin Buckley.
"Do you plan on telling your brother?" Robin asks. You had both decided to go hide in the store room. You had agreed to get Steve a date with one of your friends, and he had agreed to man the store.
When you had taken Robin Steve had said something about 'boy talk'. Disgusting.
"I feel like he would be okay with it, but I don't know. I'm nervous,I mean he's like my best friend. We raised each other, but I don't know," you sigh and Robin nods.
"Yeah, I get it. I haven't told anyone. But you," Robin replies and you grab the pen. You had both bought matching red high tops at the beginning of summer. Now you had to mark them.
"Okay, I know what mine should say," Robin says with a laugh, "I think you may like it. "I won't go down in history, but I will go down on your sister,"" she says and you laugh.
"Are you trying to tell Steve we are fucking?" You ask and that only makes Robin laugh even more as she writes it.
"I'm going to write it to, but be honest. What are the chances you think Steve will see that and kill you?" You ask and Robin laughs before handing you the pen.
"100 percent," she laughs as you copy her shoes. Once you finish, you both stand up and look down.
"They match, it's cute. But subtle," she says. No one would know about the two of you. But you did debate telling Steve.
"Im going to tell Steve tonight," you blurt as you both head into work. Robin goes wide eyed before giving you a supportive smile. She mouths 'you got this' before going back to slinging ice cream.
It was another lonely night; just you and Steve. You both had made sandwiches, after a long day at the mall neither one of you had the energy to cook. And you desperately needed to make a grocery run.
"We've ate worse," Steve says as he takes a bite if his peanut butter sandwhich. "like the time I left you in the kitchen unsupervised," Steve was the cook, definitely not you.
Steve had noticed you had been even weirder than normal today. He didn't know why, he assumed girl problems and decided not to pry. You were both pretty open, not really keeping secrets.
You were terrified. What if Steve diddnt accept you? What would you do? If he told your parents, well you would be quite literally dead. And that was if you got lucky.
"Okay, I can't do this. Something is wrong, you've been acting really weird all day," Steve says and you freak the fuck out. It was Steve, of course he knew.
"Look, if you're pregnant, we'll get throufh-" you cut off that bullshit. There was no way in frozen hell that you had gotten pregnant.
"-I'm not pregnant," you say and he looks even more confused. He had no clue why you would be acting different if not.
"Yn, you can tell me," he says softly. You take a deep breath and tears prick your eyes. You go to walk away and Steve follows you.
"You won't love me anymore," you insist and Steve looks bewildered. Why would you think that? Steve was more worried now.
"Yn, there is nothing on this planet you could do that would ever make me not love you," Steve assures and pulls you in for a hug.
You let out a quick sob, you couldn't cry. Why was this so hard? You had assumed once you got over the nerves it would be easy. It wasnt.
"I dont like- I don't like guys Steve," you say and pull away to look at him. He looks more confused then anything.
"If you don't like gu- oh," Steve cuts himself off mid sentence. He realized; you like girls. He didn't care, and would love you either way.
"So, who?" He asks and you let out a choked up laugh. You snifle as he pulls you in for another (awkward) hug. Steve didn't want to fuck this up.
"Well there's this girl," you say with a smile. Steve sees the light you get in your eyes when you begin to speak, "Her smile , it's like heaven. Um, she's really pretty, and she's also my girlfriend," you finish and Steve nods.
"You can't leave me clueless," Steve teases and you decide to tell him. He would find out eventually.
"Robin, Robin Buckley, the band nerd. I love her Steve," you say and look at him. He looks shocked.
"So, Robin likes girls?" You nod, "And you like girls?" You nod yes to both of Steve's questions, "And I like girls," you laugh and nod. Where was he going. He gets a smug smirk on his face, "In simpler terms; we all three love boobies." You groan. That just makes stevd laugh.
"Yes Steve, we love boobies," you laugh to. It was to funny not to. You were being serious, telling him something the could change everything, and he made a boobie joke.
You both spend the rest of the night talking girls. And Steve talks shit about your taste, other then Robin.
I hope you guys liked it! This took forever!
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for who I write for!
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