#and then “drama” of sorts happened with someone i really admired
charlie-f-montague · 8 months
This blog is abandoned and left for dead, much like Wenjie's dreams of self cloning and eternal life.
You can find more DL stuff on my main blog.
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genshin-side-piece · 5 months
Margarita Iudicis
Here's me, going through my works in progress to see what's really done and what's not. This one was supposed to be longer, but I ran out of steam on it. I may come back to it, I may not.
Warnings: Yandereish Content, Implied Stalking, No Pronouns are used for the reader, but it was writter with a Fem aligned reader in mind, my bad writing, anything else I missed, Nothing Explicit, SFW
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The Iudex of Fontaine has many responsibilities when it comes to the nation. He manages the court. He oversees all of the nation's administrative affairs. He leads the Marechaussee Phantom. All of them are as important as they are dull, but his consistency in carrying through on his duty is something to be admired. His commitment had won him much praise from the citizens. They viewed him as a bastion of both propriety and justice. In the nation’s eyes, Neuvillette was honorable, reliable, but also boring. He didn’t possess the same flash and pizzazz as his counterpart, Furina. To many, that was a blessing. The Chief Justice of Fontaine didn’t need to be flashy. He didn’t need sparkle and flash to wow the crowds. He need only do his job fairly, that was enough. 
One of Neuvillette’s more famous and rather frivolous duties is the annual selection of the Pearl of the Season. In the past, the duty had fallen to the archon, but within the last century or so, Furina decided she simply couldn't be bothered. The parties and balls were fun to her. They tended to be filled with some sort of drama or excitement that fulfilled her need to be entertained. The presentations though, she found them beyond dreary. A line three miles long of sniveling, simpering debutantes nearly bored her to tears. In her mind, she had better things to do or more interesting places to be, so she obliged herself to do just that. There had been several instances over the years where she hadn't bothered to show up. Other times, she had picked the first person presented or even drawn a random number out of a hat and declared that individual the winner. The disregard shown by Furina to the tradition was something that rubbed people the wrong way. While she didn’t take it seriously, many amongst the aristocracy did. The distinction of being the Pearl or having someone selected as such could change a family's entire future. The idea that it was being mistreated wasn’t taken lightly.
Numerous complaints from the aristocracy, along with threats of the elite pulling their support from the Archon altogether shifted the responsibility of selecting the Pearl from Furina to Neuvillette. It was a solution that many agreed should have happened much sooner. The Iudex was certainly more reliable than the archon, he possessed more patience too. When the appointed day arrived, he was dutiful to a fault, generally unbiased in his choice, and always reliable when it came to choosing the most appropriate candidate. Neuvillette showed no reservations in his new found responsibility. He sat quietly, listening to name after name, seeing person after person as each was presented to him. His face never wavered. He maintained the same well practiced, neutral expression he always wore. Nothing phased him; Not fawning, not forgetfulness, not fainting. He was as steady as they came. 
After a few years certain members of the court could swore that wasn’t true. According to them, Neuvillette wasn’t as neutral as he appeared. They claimed that through careful observation of the Iudex that they had picked up on subtle little tells. Ticks, gestures, or even cracks in that stony facade when he saw things he liked and disliked. According to them, Neuvillette had preferences for certain clothing types, perfumes, even hairstyles. For a price, they would sell them to those seeking to win the Chief Justice's favor. Because to many of the elite, that was the ultimate goal. To win the title of Pearl of the Season, meant you won Neuvillette as well. When Furina had abandoned her duty to Neuvillette, he had graciously taken it on with one condition; that for a specific duration set by him, the pearl he chose was his to do with as he saw fit. After he was finished, all doors were open. For that time though, which depended on the individual, the Chief Justice expected no challenges to his claim. To say that every noble family, whether they be low or high leapt at the opportunity to have a member of their own family be alone with the Iudex of Fontaine was an understatement. The honor or rather the sacrifice as Furina termed it, was a rare one. Every citizen of Fontaine would give the entirety of the Northland Bank’s reserves just for the chance to exert any influence over the Chief Justice. The idea of having him in their back pocket should they need him made the investment of the Iudex’s Ball and the social season worth it.
The city would begin buzzing once the first vestiges of spring started to appear. The second the flowers bloomed, Mora and fine fabrics began to flow like ripples across the water as the elite prepared to take their aim at the elusive Monsieur. The rumor mills began to churn with frequent regularity, reporting on everything concerning the Iudex. The gossip mongers kept a keen eye on him throughout the year, eager to sell any and every detail they had managed to uncover. In the bars, the favorites would be established and betting pools created. The opera never failed to sell during this time. Performances and trials alike were packed to the gills, the hopefuls dressed in their finery in a vain attempt to catch the Chief Justice’s eye before they were presented to him at a later date. Only one hopeful had actually succeeded in drawing his attention. The sheer garishness of her attire, coupled with her own behavior had forced him to pause the trial she was at so that he might have her removed. It was a good lesson to all. The fashions, along with the shameless attention mongering were toned down at the opera house to appease Neuvillette’s insistence of decorum while he was there. In their place came gifts and offerings that were often sent as tokens of esteem at the start of the season. A pile would quickly form, filling an entire corner of Neuvillette’s rather impressive office. He generally ignored them, leaving them where they lay until someone other than him opened them and dealt with them. Neuvillette couldn’t be bothered with them, just like he couldn’t be bothered with the whispers, and the gossips, and the papers. The Iudex had better things to do than deal with the frivolous nature of humans. He had research of his own to complete, research that involved you. 
He was never one to play favorites, nor was he one to show deference to any one individual when it came to his selection. Furina liked to claim there were front runners. Members of the court who had managed to catch Neuvillette’s eye throughout the year. She often sent flowers to them on his behalf, just to make things more fun. She got a particular delight in seeing a certain hope be raised, only to have it come crashing down when Neuvillette inevitably deviated from Furina’s chosen few and selected an entirely different candidate. That was his duty after all. Neuvillette had been asked to select the best candidate to fulfill the role he was prepared to give them. Who had provided him with the nicest gift or had the best clothes or the most mora shouldn’t and couldn’t matter. He was the Chief Justice, it was important for the people to understand that he could not be bought. Why sell himself to the nobility for something as cheap as a pen, when he could have you for the price of a dance? 
The bain of Neuvillette’s existence was that he was purposefully alone. He isolated himself from the world as a way of maintaining his impartiality. A necessary evil or that’s what he told himself when his own needs over took his ideals and the loneliness got the better of him. Humans were intrinsically social. They possessed a need to reach out to each other. He wasn’t so different in that regard. He had the melusines. They were always happy to help when he found himself feeling especially blue, but amongst the people of Fontaine, Neuvillette was an entity unto himself. There was no one else like him. No one could possibly understand his burden. He was utterly alone in that regard. It ate at him, opening a void in his own soul that begged to be filled. He had tried to ignore it. His duty to the nation, to its people took precedence. Neuvillette had to be stalwart in it. He had to maintain his impartiality. He had to preserve order. He had to hold himself apart. In the night though, when the world fell silent and his mind wandered, he found those ideals shattering around him as his thoughts lingering on you. On your pretty smile, on the warmth that you always seemed to exude, on how you would feel around him once he finally had you in his arms. 
You had become an obsession of his. From the moment he had first laid eyes on you all the way to now, he knew you were meant to be his. Something deep within him, an ancient, almost primal instinct deemed it so. Had it still been those ancient days, he could have long had you. There was no such thing as rules or propriety in those times. He could have taken you for himself and not endured the agony of having to wait for your guardians to follow through with the ritual that was offering you to him. As it stood now though, he was forced to do just that. He couldn’t approach. He couldn’t show deference. All Neuvillette could do was watch and wait and learn. Countless hours he did not have had been poured into learning all he could about you.  From the brand of perfume you wore, to what kind of lace decorated your undergarments, nothing regarding your tastes or interests was beyond his reach. The only thing he could not find or could not control was the date of your social debut.
In a rather agonizing twist of fate, your guardians had delayed your presentation multiple times. Each delay had been a gash across Neuvillette’s very soul. The cruelty of having to spend another year waiting was almost too much to bear. If the action of insisting you be presented to him wasn’t so utterly damning to both his reputation and the entire selection process as a whole, then he would have long been able to dispense with the formalities and have you by his side. Until then, he would be forced to wait. His consolation was that with another year, came another pearl, and with another pearl came the chance to practice. Neuvillette had already spent several seasons in anticipation of your selection, it never hurt to perfect his methods. Not when the children of the elite were oh so willing to help him learn. They had shown him that human pleasure was seemingly boundless. With every year he seemed to learn more and more. Different touches, different teases, all cataloged into his memory. Ready and waiting for the day he would make you sing for him. Until that time though, he would keep himself at a distance; admiring you from across the room as a proper gentleman should.
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prodbyblush · 1 year
hi omg I loved the drama student fic so much for chishiya, and I was wondering if you could make an artstudent one? I feel like he'll be on mc's ass all the time for their posture or them inhaling so much paint fumes for their finals sksksj I love your works so much !!
blue - chishiya shuntaro
now loading …
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
・❥・ requested
→ gn!reader
A medical student and art student both have demanding time frames but despite the packed schedule, Chishiya always sees to it that he makes time for you.
He knows that you don't have a fixed time, that you'll work whenever inspiration has befallen into you or if not; you'll mope and wander around the apartment looking for it hence the mood swings kicking in.
And whenever this happens, he'll be by your side. He opens his ears and listens to every problem you're carrying.
"Just so you know" Chishiya would say, sitting right beside you in front of an empty canvas. "You don't have to bear it alone. I'll carry it with you."
"Don't you find it difficult dating them?" A block mate of his once asked while they took a break at the pantry of the hospital. "They have a lot of mood swings, they don't like compromising and on top of that, don't you worry that they're meeting someone that could potentially replace you?"
Hearing this question amused Chishiya, placing the cup of coffee down on top of the table.
"I've got nothing to worry about." He'll reply, lifting his head up to face them. "Sure they may not want to have me around them all the time or I'm their second priority or they stand firm with their opinions, but that's exactly what I love them."
"I don't take it personally when my partner wants to have alone time. I'm not immature to think of it as they don't love me anymore. Me being a second priority is not a problem too. They pour their life into art so it could come to life as well. And that's admirable because they're serving a higher purpose. And last but not the least, their passion for art is remarkable. They speak with their minds or their heart." Chishiya adds, giving his block mate a wry smile.
"My ideal type is someone who has unwavering personality." He says, getting up from his chair and walking away. "No wonder I'm down bad for them."
Dates are very spontaneous - going to see various museum exhibits to visiting art galleries together to just playing around in the studio, dates aren't just stagnant.
"Maybe I should take physical therapy elections." He'd say, followed by a sigh as he moves to kneel behind you; hands on your shoulders as he applies pressure on his fingertips.
"Sit up straight, Y/N. I've always told you that you should maintain a good posture while sitting."
"But I feel comfortable like this!"
"Your back and shoulder muscles will thank me if you sit up straight."
"Hey Chishiya" a block mate of his called for his attention. "I just passed by the art building and saw Y/N covered in paint. The paint fumes really smelled strong over there."
"It's finals week." Chishiya responded, sorting the files of the patients. "Did you see them wearing a mask?"
"Nope." The innocent block mate responded along with a shake of their head.
Chishiya sighs, halting from his actions as he takes a face mask from the box.
"You won't be able to know if you passed or failed the semester if you keep inhaling these paint fumes." He nags, putting on the strings of the face mask around your ears.
"But were in an open area!"
"Sure, but that doesn't stop you from getting potential irritations with your eyes, throat and skin."
Though you're an emotional and egotistical partner, Chishiya loves how your gentle and honest nature. Though the relationship isn't dreamlike as others would fantasize, it's the every day he spends with you is like an art process already.
TAGS: @retrospacealien @chishiya-of-diamonds @boowoomuu @ang3liclov3ly @kenqki @shadowheads-shitshow @lunoxxy @supercoffeeblogs @laylasbunbunny
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fictionadventurer · 11 months
I happened to see a good chunk of the Netflix Persuasion. I can't give a complete review or analysis or whatever, but I have thoughts.
This movie has some very pretty colors. I like cool color palettes, what can I say?
There was one shot of a purple sunset where I was like, "Oh, I could live in this picture."
The aesthetic was so trendy I couldn't take it seriously. The clothes were that 2019 Little Women cottagecore vibe with lots of poorly-fitted textures and layers and colors. I laughed out loud at the Big White Text announcing LYME or BATH, because it's such a specific vibe.
I tried to detach from any notion of it as an Austen adaptation, and just enjoy it as its own movie that just happens to take place in a history-flavored fantasy world where everyone uses modern speech. Because sometimes those stories can be fun. It still didn't work.
Because it mostly just confused me. It was this weird mish-mash of genres and tones that didn't really blend together. Oil and water. It was Pinterest and Hallmark and Austen and College Humor and Instagram and Feminism and it's all felt like it came from completely different movies.
It was trying to be a sincere period drama love story and a goofy parody at the same time and it just didn't work.
Like, there were some sweet moments in it. Anne talking about poetry to Captain Benwick was rather nice.
But then you've got things like the weird octopus-sucking-my-face story Anne tells at Lady Dalrymple's. Even that could have worked okay in context, because Mr. Eliot jumps in and turns it into a metaphor about identity, which helps to cover for Anne's awkwardness and shows that he's willing to help her out. But then they keep bringing up the octopus as a sort of pet name and it's just so weird and doesn't fit with the rest of the story.
I've gotten ahead of myself so I'm going to backtrack to some specifics.
Mary Musgrove was excellent. Spot-on. I love how she's visibly younger than Anne. First adaptation I've seen that emphasizes that.
It was interesting how they emphasized the Mrs. Clay storyline. It actually sparked some interesting thoughts about the differences between the male social climbing of the sailors (shown in a positive light in Austen) and the female social climbing of the marriage-seeking ladies (shown in a more negative light).
I've never had a clearer picture of why Mrs. Clay matters so much to Mr. Elliot. Even in the book, it's a bit muddy, but it's crystal clear here. Mr. Elliot telling us his schemes straight-out did have the benefit of making the story very easy to follow.
I've got to back up again.
They completely altered the Anne/Wentworth storyline by mixing around all the plot points.
After they go to Bath, Wentworth seeks out Anne, says that they haven't had a chance to talk, and tells her how he always admired how good she was in an emergency. And this was before the staircase scene. I was extremely confused, until it hit me--this is a dream sequence! This is how Anne wants it to play out, but then she'll wake up!
But no! This actually happened! Wentworth says all this very sincerely and passionately, leading up to him declaring...that he wants to be friends. (At least there's context for "We're worse than exes--we're friends.")
It completely alters the trajectory of their relationship. Instead of jumping from the passion of hatred to the passion of love, Wentworth has gone to the other end of the pole--friendly indifference. He likes Anne and is totally okay with her marrying someone else.
I think they changed it so Mr. Elliot could be a serious contender in the love triangle. Wentworth has let her go--can she find happiness with someone else? I'll admit it's an interesting change, even if it's not Persuasion.
But it also seems like they're trying to make Wentworth a Suitable Love Interest for the Twitter Generation. Wentworth gets weirdly bristly with Mr. Elliot. Then Wentworth apologizes because Anne is a strong woman who doesn't need his protection. He tells her she should have been able to be an admiral. He's being mature and letting go of his resentment and wishing her well and showing that he doesn't like Regency Gender Roles. It's like they're shaving away his character growth in favor of a bland Nontoxic Relationship (TM).
But then Anne likes Mr. Elliot because he's bad? He openly talks about how he's trying to wreck her father's relationship to get the title. He insults her family. And she likes it.
This version of Anne holds her family in contempt. She doesn't like them or how they treat her and she openly disdains it. So she connects with Mr. Elliot. But the book Anne seems sad for her family--she doesn't like their behavior because she wishes they could be better people. She has compassion while movie Anne is resentful.
Persuasion is all about restraint. This movie is all about lack of restraint. People speak bluntly and say what they think and openly insult people. It's a completely different culture from the usual Austen movie, because it's modern culture. Which emphasizes how little we value good manners and restraint.
It's also weird how in changing the story, they also turn it into a generic rom-com. There's a more blatant love triangle between the good boy and the bad boy. Wentworth is starting to fall in love with Anne, but he's got an opportunity to advance his career, and he has to decide within a few days, oh no! It's textbook romcom plot points.
There was another point that I'll probably think of later.
EDIT: Oh, I just remembered! I think it was that the movie was so interested in the vibes and emotions of each individual scene that it didn't bother to try to stitch them together in a coherent whole.
The ending kiss looked 1000% like the cover of a cheap romance novel.
And the final moral of "don't let anyone tell you how to live your life" feels so simplistic and selfish and weird.
Overall, I'm not angry. I'm just confused. It's not the type of movie to arouse any kind of emotion other than "Huh???" And maybe a bit of regret that they couldn't have done better things with the interesting bits.
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ourstoriedinsight · 3 months
My First Ever Audio Drama Sunday!
Alright, I did a quick bit of research for etiquette, though of course solid chance I get something wrong but this week has been a great week podcast wise! Hopefully I don't err on anything major in my attempt to praise!
First off my weekly edge of my seat listens!
@innbetween Launched their next episode Wednesday for Patrons and I don't think it's out yet for everybody else so probably I shouldn't share spoilers but I will say HOLY SAP. There's something about this episode that made me go back and listen to season 5 again from the beginning in that way that a really good reveal does? Like you know that there was some foreshadowing that you missed and you have to walk back to admire it? You guys are in for a treat when it drops!
Thursday is of course Magnus Protocol Day. It's so hard waiting each week for a new hit of that stuff. All I want is for someone to pop something conversational into that search function bar that doesn't work and figure out if archivist.exe will reply! Hasn't happened yet but holding out hope. Like everybody else I am going mad at the slow burn of tantalizing bits dropped like bread crumbs in front of a starving man. I scream for more bread but I know the trail is more important than my instant gratification. As much as I feel like I'm strained under the pressure I can only hope that the pace is maintained and that I am not given everything I want too soon.
As for my binge quotient I am working my way through Spirit box Radio. I'm still in the first season but have already recommended it to about three people. I don't know if I've ever encountered an adorable horror pod before? I feel like that requires explanation because yes I've definitely encountered aspects of a horror podcast that made me go "aww cute!" but that was aspects. This is kind of more like the whole thing is adorable and the horror is there, sure , but playing second back up fiddle to the adorable. It's also doing that thing where it's dripping a overarching mystery into my ear little bits at a time which I am beginning to realize how very weak I am to. It's the paper to my rock, I am overwhelmed.
And that's been my week! I've been spending a lot of time with headphones on and in front of microphones and things for editing our episode 13. I don't know if this is a vibe among other editors but I find myself going "I wish I could really just listen to a podcast while I'm making this podcast" the way I do at my regular job when I need to sort a warehouse or something. Sadly sound and brains just don't work like that. What I wouldn't give for a fully partitionable brain.
Looking forward to another week full of delicious ear candy!
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just one kiss.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader (no physical descriptions)
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Summary: Y/N happens to be falling for Steve but does he feel the same way?  (Again, pretty bad summary)
Word count: 4.1k (im surprised tbh) 
Warnings: Friends to lovers trope, based in the aftermath of season 4 but without the sad parts, douche behaviour, mostly fluff though. Pretty much another teen movie vibes fic. some cursing. shy!reader but also kind of a mess!reader (English is NOT my first language)
A/N: Hi! So, i'm like the biggest sucker for 00s teen drama sooooo i decided to re-write season 4 of the oc (ryan x taylor) for steve and reader. <3 this might be awful or...a good idea idk yet. THEREFORE, reader is like an OFC but not really, i say that bc there are a few mentions of her family. ALSO bc this is based on taylor townsend reader has some interesting characteristics but i love that character so much and idk i think it would be pretty cool to se a different kind of reader :)) so anyway if you made it this far...HOPE YOU ENJOY ILY
Y/N L/N has always felt like she's living on the sidelines of the interesting life in Hawkins. She was the party's original babysitter and that's pretty much the only reason she found out about the Upside Down. Or that's what she likes to believe because it's easier to try to figure out why she feels so lonely all the time even when surrounded by so many people who are compassionate and loyal. I guess it all started with that little voice in her head telling her all kinds of bad things about herself and what others must have thought of her. As a kid, that voice was barely a whisper, mainly appeared when she felt anxious or guilty, but as she grew older, in her teenage years…that's when it all started to change. I wish I could say for the better though. Her anxiety just grew, and people just thought she was odd, which is way too dramatic, but high school, right? Judgment was in everyone's shadow.
Of course, she had always heard of Steve Harrington, hell, they were in the same grade but for Y/N, high school was just an enter, take classes, leave, sort of thing. While Steve lived for high school. He was their king after all.
In the year 1984 though, Y/N started to notice Steve more when he ended up helping a very dorky-looking Dustin Henderson while Y/N was babysitting, which they all forgot she was doing until they saw her casually hanging out in his house like she did every other day. From that day on, Y/N saw Steve Harrington in a different light. And she also noticed the change. She first noticed when Steve told Nancy, aka the girl who just a few days prior had broken his heart to go after Jonathan. Yeah, no one really saw that coming but no one really thought of it too much, except for Y/N of course, who after hearing the story from her lab partner about Tina's party made her catch up on the "drama" and to say she was intrigued would be an understatement.
By 1985, Y/N finally made what she felt was her first genuine friend that wasn't a 13-year-old or someone she technically worked for. Yeah, Robin Buckley. And when she found out she was working with Steve at the new mall…well, that made them more than acquaintances. Or that's what she thought. But the truth is Steve didn't see Y/N with that admiration and puppy eyes she did for him and most of the time it didn't bother her because it wasn't something new, but occasionally when that voice I was talking about would creep in, she couldn't help but feel…doomed. Again, dramatic, but that's 18-year-olds for you.
One day Y/N had enough. And by one day, I mean, the night she saw Sixteen Candles for what would be the first time of many. She decided she would not wait around or feel sorry for herself like Samantha, even though Molly Ringwald became her new role model. She would start gaining Steve's heart or…at least try.
Later that week Y/N went to visit Robin to get some info on Steve's dating life and what he thought of her…if he ever did that is.
Y/N entered the familiar video store looking for Robin. She knew she hated to talk about Steve's dating life because let's face it, she heard about it a lot. More than she would like to admit. So, Y/N brought Robin her favorite type of bagel in hopes to convince her. Robin already suspected she had a thing for Steve, but she didn't want to push it for so many reasons.
“Oh no…” said Robin when she saw that I'm going to ask you for something, and I brought something to convince you face. And she did not want to hear about it right now, it's been a long day having a solo shift and all.
“Robin! Good, you're here.” Y/N approached her with all of her bubbly excitement that didn't really match that shy energy she portrayed sometimes.
“Actually…I was just-” anyone aside from Y/N could tell that even though Robin loved her and would take a bullet for her, the love life of one Steve Harrington was something she didn't want to discuss. At least not before a well-deserved nap.
“You might want to sit down. I have huge news and a favor to ask you.”
“You like Steve, and you want my help convincing him to date you?” Robin deadpanned. If they were going to do this, at least she wanted to be straightforward about the issue at hand.
“Wow,” said Y/N surprised. Was she being obvious? Did she say something to make it obvious? Or did something? Yeah, hello inside voice.
“--It's kind of a giveaway. You said he's funny.” And there it was. Robin could not be any less thrilled about this, but this was her best friend after all.
Y/N decided to ignore that inside voice of hers by telling Robin all about this awakening she supposedly, suddenly had.
“It's crazy. I mean, I've always thought of him as a cute guy, might be good for a night of rough-and-tumble fun but it's not like we have anything in common.”
“So, ignore it, it's probably just gas.” could Robin convince her to not go there? That it would end up in just heartbreak? Because as much as she loved Y/N, she didn't really know if she was Steve's type. Steve's type being... Nancy Wheeler or, at least that was before Jonathan came back and Steve went through a second heartbreak.
“But then he helped with all the things that were happening at Hawkins and he grew into this…lovable cute guy, and it was like Dorothy landing in Oz, everything just popped into technicolor.” Y/N continued not being able to stop that growing smile of hers.
“Huh,” said Robin. She didn't really know what to say without unintentionally hurting her feelings.
Y/N's smile faded in a heartbeat; now her face held a sad look. “Do you think I don't know what that means?”
“I said, huh.” Robin was coming off as kind of a douche, but honesty was one of the things she loved most about the girl.
“Meaning, “huh, that Y/N, she is so pathetic. Someone's the least bit nice to her and she becomes totally obsessed with them, first that science tutor of hers and then the guy from New York when he lent her a subway ticket, now Steve.”
“Oh, you know, well isn't it’s kind of true?” Robin couldn't help but recall all those events being the first to hear about them. To say Y/N had attachment issues...well, we won't go there.
“So what? Yes. I have a psychological predilection to become romantically attached to men who are nice to me due to the fact that I was raised by a she-wolf of a mother who practiced emotional terrorism. Does that mean that if by some miracle love does come into my life, I should deny it? What kind of person would that make me mhm? What kind of life?”
Y/N was rambling and at this point, how could she explain her feelings when they have all ended up in some sort of humiliation? One would think she would give up but... she always had hope, people had to give her that.
“Okay, okay, Y/N, what do you want me to do?”
Like if Y/N knew her love life would get Robin to agree she went back to that excited tone she had on earlier. “Find out if he's ready to start dating.”
Robin called Steve's house knowing that he had the day off and was probably sleeping or feeling sorry for himself. That seemed to be a recurring theme around Hawkins nowadays.
“Hey,” said Steve recognizing Robin’s voice instantly.
“Uh so, glad your home. Finished the movie last night?” she had to make it seem like a natural conversation but starting with the small talk was probably not the most Robin thing to say.
“Which one?”
“Aha. Are you ready to date again?” Again, Robin couldn't help but want to get to the point so she could finish this argument for the day.
“What?” Steve was taken back. First, Robin got used to getting annoyed with Steve's endless dating life stories, now, she clearly was asking if he was ready to start dating again after... Nance the sequel.
“Simple question.” you could tell the urgency in Robin’s voice.
“I have no idea. Why?” said Steve confused.
“Okay. Cool.” that's when Robin hung up the family video phone and told Y/N about the short conversation she just had.
"He's not sure," said Robin, begging for this to be over.
"Interesting." Well, it wasn't a no per se so, Y/N's hope was definitely intact.
Later that week Y/N tried to get closer to Steve, by showing up to his shifts and renting random movies he would recommend, hoping Steve would come and pick Dustin up when she was babysitting, she even went out of her comfort zone to try and met him at some of the most popular spots for teenagers. But nothing seemed to work, she was convinced Steve was not interested at all; these were all big coincidences and formalities. Not gonna lie, that crushed her spirit a little bit. Therefore, she was now laying on her bed feeling sorry for herself like one normally does of course.
That's when her sister came in shouting.
“Y/N did you take my lip gloss with the bee pheromones on it?”
“It's on the dresser…” Y/N's voice sounded sad and defeated which caught her sister's attention.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, peachy.” the sarcasm was great in these types of moments.
Y/N sighed, even though she really didn't want to talk about it she could use some sisterly advice and from someone who won't try to judge her or look down on her.
“Okay, so, what do you do when you like a boy, and he barely knows you're alive and you already pretended to be his money advisor and I'm…out of options.” she cringed at her own words realizing how crazy she was sounding right now.
“Okay…Well, this may sound a little weird but try dressing up fabulous and going to a place where you'll run into him.” said her sister as a matter of factly, like this was some common knowledge that maybe Y/N never heard about.
“That's it?” Y/N sat up looking at her sister better to tell if she was being serious. And she was.
“That's it.”
“That really works?” Y/N couldn't believe it, that sounded way too simple and maybe just maybe she shouldn't have tried too hard.
“Almost every time” her sister decided to continue sharing some of the tips she had learned over the years. “And I mean, touching his arm when you guys are talkin, it's always good, dancing, and body contact and laugh at his jokes- I mean, even if they're not that funny.”
“Oh! I do that already! Okay, what else?” Y/N excitement was coming out again as if it was restoring itself and was ready to try again.
“You could…walk in front of him, I mean if he's a butt guy…”
Y/N looked serious for a moment thinking about what she just said. “I don't know if he's a butt guy…”
“Well, it can't hurt, I mean sis, you have a great butt.” she knew her sister could use all the confidence in the world right now and she was more than happy to provide it, in the end, Y/N has always been there for her, and she wanted nothing but the best for her.
“You're such a sweetie! Tell me more.”
A few days later some girl from high school was throwing a party for Hawkins High class of '84. Meaning, that Y/N and Steve would be there. Probably Robin too now that he and Robin were pretty much glued to the hip.
So, of course, Y/N saw this as the perfect opportunity. She dressed up like her sister told her to, she decided on this pastel pink dress with some puffy sleeves, lace on top and a cute flower pattern, to be honest, it was a little too girly for her taste, she almost went back to change into her baggy jeans and an oversized colorful sweater but she knew that wouldn't catch Steve's attention so she chose her first option in the hopes to not embarrass herself in the process.
Arriving at the party Y/N found this new confidence in herself at least for the next few hours she thought.
“Hello Steve,” she said giving him her best put-together smile while shoving all her nerves inside.
“Y/N, hi…you look um…” Steve was stunned, no reason to lie here. To say he wasn't expecting her in that outfit would be...correct.
“I look nice?” Y/N said probably too quickly. To this moment we can't tell if it was intentional or not.
“Nice, yeah. That's the word I was looking for.” Steve mumbled that last part. Truth is, she looked gorgeous anyone could see that but he couldn't help but notice she didn't really look like herself but who was he to judge on her fashion choices? So, he let it go.
“Well, so do you. Would you like to dance?” Part two of Y/N's plan was getting close to Steve in hopes to talk more.
Steve's eyes widen, he didn't really do dancing anymore. “Actually, I'm not much of a dancer, probably shocking.”
“Maybe you'll learn” Y/N cringed at herself and how she was supposed to think before she talked. “Not that I'm a teacher or anything, of course. It's just you know…fun.” she had to stop her rambling somewhere...
Steve couldn't help but smile. “Yeah, okay.”
“Okay.” With that Y/N returned that smile in no time, hoping she didn't look too eager.
Steve and Y/N realized this was a fancy house party when they suddenly started to play Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. Probably not their first choice, they were hoping for a little Toto or maybe even Billy Joel. So, after that awkward moment of shall we really slow dance? passed and Steve gestured for Y/N in a May I have this dance matter she giggled and put her arms around his neck while he was curling up by her waist.
“We did not hate you,” said Steve now talking to Y/N about the old days at Hawkins High when he was King Steve. Knowing about supernatural creatures and graduating in the same year was about everything they had in common so for a topic of discussion they decided to talk about the latter.
“Oh, you totally hated me, come on, you were probably the president of we hate Y/N club.” Everyone could tell Y/N was shy and an introverted soul, but she could take a punch either it meant literally or emotionally. But of course, this conversation was meant to be outgoing and fun, leaving all their cringy selves in the open.
“I was the secretary. I took the notes.”
“Steve! you made a real joke.” Y/N couldn't help but crack a smile so big that her cheeks started hurting.
Steve got a little shy and he mumbled a little bit. “Yeah… a pretty bad one but I made a real joke, thank you but don't tell anyone.”
After that, the song ended and before it became awkward again, Steve decided to do something about it before it was too late. He was actually having fun after all.
“You wanna drink?”
“That'd be nice.”
Steve walked to the kitchen to get himself and Y/N a drink when he noticed Robin walk in with a grin on her face. Of course, she saw that whole scene.
“Hey,” said Steve without really looking at her, too busy serving the right drinks. Something with a fruity flavor for Y/N he thought.
“Hey! saw ya dancing with Y/N.” And there it was.
That made Steve look in her direction for a moment. “Yeah. Is that look supposed to mean something?” he deadpanned, of course, he knew she was implying something.
“Crazier things have happened. Nothing I can't recall this instant.”
Steve didn't find this conversation amusing. For some reason, he started to realize he was getting defensive about the topic. It's not like it's the first time Robin had said something like that but about a different girl of course. “Okay. I don't think so.”
“Ask yourself why. She's smart, she's funny-” You could tell Robin had really thought about what Y/N had said to her and decided to support her friend.
“Buckley just forget about it okay? I'm not gonna date Y/N.”
And of course, with the great luck they usually had, Y/N had just walked to see if Steve needed help with the drinks. Robin noticed her first and gave her this apologetic look, of course, she didn't want her to feel bad and the same applied to Steve, so he cursed himself for saying it out loud.
Y/N had this deer caught in the headlights look like she was just humiliated which would make sense.
“Ahm I was just…excuse me,” she said before walking off and leaving the house. Trying to find her keys as fast as possible so she could just drive away and forget this ever happened.
“Y/N, Y/N whoa whoa whoa hold on, let me explain.” Steve got out himself trying to stop her.
“I think you were pretty clear Steve. And yes, I lied when you asked me that one time if I liked you but…what was I thinking I mean, you and me? It's just…I must be totally crazy-”
“You're not crazy, okay?” he said in a heartbeat. Probably didn't even realize it.
“Steve, I pretended to be your money advisor to seduce you.”
Huh. Yeah, he kinda did forget about that. “Well, that was crazy.”
“Don't worry because I'm sure next week I'll be totally obsessed with some guy who gives me change for parking,” she said sarcasm dripping down every word.
“Look, what I said has absolutely nothing to do with you okay? It's just that…”
“What? That…for the longest time all you could feel was your desire to get back Nancy Wheeler but now that's gone so you feel empty, can't feel anything, least of all anything for me?”
Steve opened and closed his mouth a few times after he found any words. Because believe it or not she did have that effect on him. To leave him speechless. Why? That he didn't know yet.
“How do you keep doing that?”
“Doing what?” said Y/N confused.
“That. You keep telling me what I'm thinking before I feel it.”
Oh. “Because I think about you. I want you to be happy and I think that if you gave it a chance you might feel something too.” she thought what the hell better lay everything down now that he knows, she wasn't expecting on telling him like this but like always she remained hopeful.
“Y/N…” Shit. Steve didn't want to hurt her feelings I mean; he knew what it felt like to be rejected after pouring your heart out to someone and he felt like crap to do it to someone else.
But before he could continue Y/N decided to answer for him.
“Are you gonna tell me that you really like me as a friend?” she narrowed her eyes and it felt like she could see right through his soul.
Damn. She's good. “Maybe…?”
Clearly, that's the worst thing he could have said when she just walked away with this annoyed pace if that even is a thing. Leaving Steve alone with his thoughts.
“How did she do that?”
Later that night Y/N decided to visit Robin's house. Even though tonight was a total wreck she had one last thing to do. Which made her knock on Robin’s door hoping she would answer. And she did.
“Robin,” said Y/N in this sad tone.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” she wasn't expecting her at 1 in the morning outside her house.
“Um…when I had really bad grades last year, my sister's boyfriend gave me this finances guide and I thought it might help Steve with his problems, I would have given it to him before, but I was trying to seduce him so…” she couldn't help and look at her shoes. Realizing she hasn't changed from her Cinderella outfit if you will.
“So, why can't you just give it to him?”
“Because. I'm too embarrassed. You were totally right. Here I am, trying to get into college and living like a refugee at my sister's, and Steve's nice to me so I fall for him? it's just totally pathetic. Just, please give that to him.”
Well shit, now Robin felt even more terrible.
“Wow, I never thought I would see you quitting.”
That made Y/N look up in surprise. “What? It's completely hopeless Robin, you heard him.”
“Yeah no, it's just, you rolling over like an old dog…not the Y/N I remember…”
“Are you seriously trying to Jedi mind trick me?” Y/N deadpanned.
“Y/N L/N, quitter. I guess I'll just have to get used to that.”
Sure, Y/N's ego was a little bruised, but Robin was kinda right, that was taking it too far. Hell, she has fought Demogorgons and she was scared to face Steve Harrington? No. No way.
Y/N soon realized Steve was staying at Robin's for the night due to not wanting to be in his big house alone for the night, so, why not crash with your best friend after a long day?
“Hi,” Y/N said as she walked into the living room where Steve was putting a duvet on the big couch so he could sleep there.
“Hey…” Steve looked up in surprise.
“Um…I brought you some books. I'm not trying to be your advisor I just thought it might help you.” truth be told, Y/N didn't know why she had to do this in the middle of the night, maybe she had a feeling, maybe she wasn't ready to give up.
“Thanks.” Steve said dryly.
“What am I doing?” Y/N turned around ready to leave the house feeling utterly pathetic for what felt like the tenth time that night.
“Woah hold on. Look, I gotta say something.” Steve had been thinking of what to say to her again since she left the party.
“Um…I think you've got this idea that you're this strange person that has to trick people into liking her and it's not true, you're um, you're amazing.”
Y/N was in awe, she definitely didn't expect that. She couldn't help to laugh either.
“Oh my god, you just did it to me.”
“Did what?”
“Said exactly what I was feeling. Well, except for the me being amazing part.”
Steve smiled at that. “Well, it's true and uh…honestly you know, I wish I did feel something.”
Y/N thought for a moment. This might be a huge mistake but since she was here putting herself on the line again. Why not? Her dignity was already in a questionable situation.
“Kiss me.”
Well, Steve wasn't expecting that. He looked at her trying to understand if he heard that right.
“I think that there's something there and I think that if you kiss me, you'll feel it too.”
“Uh, I don't think that's how it works?”
“Come on, if you don't feel anything, I will never mention it again. That's the best deal you'll ever get, ask Robin. Just one kiss.”
Truth be told, Steve wasn't sure why he found this so difficult, it's not like he hasn't kissed girls just for the hell of it, but something did feel different. Deep down maybe he was scared that he would actually feel something. He didn't believe this was a thing, but you never know.
“One kiss…one kiss,” he said coming closer.
“Okay,” said Y/N leaning in.
Y/N wasn't an excellent kisser that she knew of, she had only kissed one guy before but there was something that told her that if he was the one, the kiss would be perfect either way.
So, Y/N kissed Steve. It was tender and soft, one kiss turned into two. Steve's body was frozen except for his lips. He wanted to cup her face and pull her even closer but was it because he hadn't been kissed like that in a long time? Or was he actually feeling something? That's when Y/N pulled away interrupting his thoughts. He was surprised which led to him making this shocked face.
“I'm sorry.”
Y/N felt like a ton of bricks just had hit her. What did she do? She couldn't help but look at her feet again and run away.
Steve didn't call after her, he just stood there, still frozen, processing everything that just happened since she walked in. His thoughts were racing mainly "What the fuck just happened" he decided to lie on the couch and whatever had just burst into him...he would figure out tomorrow.
Pretty please leave a comment if you think I should make this a series  
It's probably pretty bad but idk I just finished college so I thought I would occupy my time while I find a job :))
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sharingfandoms · 7 months
So like in your tags under the bb vs msp poll I saw you mentioning that msp was bad written and tingun aren't as healthy as people claim they are.....and I was like YEAH!! EXACTLY!! But I wasn't able to pinpoint it. Would you mind elaborating on those tags??
ohhh wowwwww my first ask!!!!! of course i will. i am also really happy that someone agrees since i kind of always found myself pretty alone in this lmaooo. thank you for your question!!! much appreciated! ♥
First claim: MSP is bad written
Yes, it is. For many reasons. I will elaborate on the main two.
It kind of presents itself as some sort of heir of Bad Buddy, but the comparison is pale to say the least. The main characters don't really have any reasons not to date. They could date in secret from the very start, as soon as they realize they both have feelings for each other, and then come out as an actual couple as soon as the whole music contest is over, or something like that (even waiting for another year until they graduate could be a valid choice tbh). No particular drama needed. They could still go to each other's houses and make out all day in bed while Gun's mom is working, or go out somewhere public without their classmates present and have a real date.
The actual conflict that makes them star-crossed lovers is ridiculous at best. The mere idea that a school club in high school (well, Mattayom actually, but whatever) would have a rule like that is genuinely stupid - like, it's not even 'club members can't date', but 'those who are in this club and going for Hot Wave can't have a faen'. Like, hello? What if I've had a faen before joining this damn club? I'm supposed to break up with them because some idiot thinks that'll make me more focused on singing and playing music? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm only accepting this as something not entirely crazy and fucked up if there's some cultural reference I'm missing behind it (if things really work like that anywhere in Thailand, then apologies, pretend you never read this last complain; but I did look it up on the internet and didn't find anything about it). It'd still sound stupid, but at least it'd make sense. It was something so out of the blue that just felt like the opposite of plot armor: something made entirely just to create an obstacle to the love story of the main guys once their path was clear and they were both sure about their feelings (if that's such an important rule, why didn't it come up sooner? It felt like watching a kids show, where threats gradually become scarier the more our protagonist becomes stronger). Regardless, like I said, it was not that bad for them.
Pat and Pran are star-crossed lovers because the parents they love and admire - and are economically dependent on - hate each other and actively tried to keep them apart, causing trauma and pain on both ends. They can't get rid of them. It's not highschool, it's not a damn music club you'll eventually get out of (soon enough!!!). It's their whole life. It's the people they love the most who are trying to oppose their relationship (not to mention their friends as well, while Tinn and Gun have full support on that regard). They feel guilty, they feel sad, they don't want to have to say goodbye to their fucking families in order to keep their relationship going. This is serious, and complicated - and practical, as money does buy happiness after all. This will last, probably forever, until their parents will finally come around and accept things are the way they are - we see a glint of it happening in the last episode, at least. Compared to this, Gun and Tinn are fine, really. Even a teenager should be able to see that. The writers didn't have to go out of their ways to make comparisons that martyr PatPran's symbols, like having them use the word 'friend' instead of 'boyfriend' as an 'inside joke', or their colors, or anything at all really, only for them to be related to a fucking school club rule.
The secondary couples are bad handled, which is a shame because I was genuinely interested in Sound and Win at first. I even dared to hope - fully aware I was fooling myself, but at least hoping it was going to be a fun road to something interesting and original! - that they would have actually written an aromantic/demiromantic character in this drama, based on what Win says to Sound in episode 10. But then everything that episode was supposed to be a build-up for in terms of their bond just suddenly disappears in the next, when they're somehow in an established relationship already. Great? Would have been nice to see that happening on screen, I guess. I suppose that's what happens when you WASTE so many episodes around only two characters (TinnGun), relegating focus on your secondary couple (I won't even mention the third couple, since there isn't much to say about them tbh) in the last ones, making it rushed and kind of pointless (this also happened with the feud between Tinn and Sound, which never got explained to the viewers for some reason; okay). And they even get an explicit PatPran reference at some point towards the end of the drama, which makes me cry and not in a good way - poor babies, don't worry, we'll all just collectively forget your outfits and cans were even brought up in MPS in the first place.
Second claim: TinnGun are not as healthy as people say they are
I want to be brief with this one, because people are going to hate on me anyway, and I don't feel like writing a whole ass essay on those two. All I have to say is: if this couple had been heterosexual, people would have probably hated it. With how much double standards affect the way people perceive female characters and straight relationships, all those traits that make them state Tinn is a green-flag and a lovable simp would instead have them assert that he's a succubus, that he's not indipendent enough, that he's only obsessed with the guy and doesn't actually love him, and that he doesn't do much in the show other than being the love interest. Usually, when people say these things related to female characters, they're wrong - and just being mysogynistic, hating on any girl who dares to have a cute crush on a guy. Ironically enough, in Tinn's case, they wouldn't even be all that wrong.
Like I said, I don't feel like elaborating much on this issue, unless anon really wants me to - then I'll dive into it in detail in another post. But, like, genuinely, Gun really pissed me off at times, he often takes Tinn for granted (I'm thinking about that one moment where Tinn tells him he's not going to make it to one of their rehearsals and he gets mad about it, as if Tinn hasn't been at his disposal the entire fucking time; that scene really made me feel uncomfortable, because if I were the one who had been so helpful to anyone at all, just for them to treat me like that as soon as I have a problem of my own and can't attend to theirs, I'd be genuinely disappointed; and yes, I know that Gun will later change his attitude, but I feel like there was no weight placed on this matter, as if him finally acknowledging Tinn's struggles and effort wasn't a turning point in their story but more like something optional that just kind of happened), and I feel like their relationship is often unbalanced on many aspects.
I won't elaborate on all the other claims - "he's obsessed with the guy", "he doesn't do much in the show other than being the love interest" -, but I do genuinely believe there should be more dialogue about them in the fandom. I never once read anyone complain about these issues, and I know for a fact they'd have come up immediately had it been a female character in Tinn's place.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 24 hours
What r ur thoughts on HopelesslyDevoted(Chidi x Vincent)? :3 they’re sooo doomed bodyguard x boss yaoi
Once again you poisoned my brain, thank you. Ever since that gorgeous fic...dang. Well, now I can yap about it!
TW: mentions of drug use and an abusive family, and NSFW stuff
Okay so first of all, let's think about the nature of a personal bodyguard in the JW universe. This is not just anyone who has the necessary qualifications. This has to be someone who is willing to die for you and who absolutely will not betray. (I believe Gianna picked Cassian for that reason but that's another story). So Chidi did something for Vincent that proved he would be loyal to the death.
What did he do? I think he was a Myrmadon who was serving under Vincent's father, back when Vincent was younger (around college-age). So they've known each other for a long time - it's actually sort of a friends-to-lovers situation. He was around Vincent, but not allowed to speak to him most of the time - or at least, it would have been awkward to do so. He just watched him from afar and became very fond of him, and they talked occasionally. At some point, perhaps during an attack by a rival family, Chidi was ordered to focus on defending property or another De Gramont family member but he disobeyed and saved Vincent's life instead. You could even go so far as to say that he saved Vincent's life instead of his father's - that would be a lot of drama. In any case, he expected to be executed for what he did, but instead, Vincent made him his personal bodyguard.
Why is Chidi so in love loyal? Because he's thoroughly charmed by Vincent. He admires him in every way. Here is a man who's breathtakingly beautiful, wildly charismatic, intelligent, talented...don't get him started on it honestly, because he could praise Vincent forever. Vincent is also more social than Chidi could ever be (this is very much an extrovert-adopts-an-introvert situation). He sees Vincent's more potentially negative characteristics too, such as his pride and arrogance, but doesn't see them as flaws. He's also one of the few people who has really seen what Vincent has been through on a personal level. They don't often talk about it, but he witnessed Vincent being mistreated by his family pretty frequently and it made him massively protective. He gets why his bien-aimé is like this.
How did Vincent fall in love? Initially, Vincent mistreated Chidi a lot. He saw someone who was hopelessly devoted to him and thought, "What a fool. Well, at least I can use him." He never did anything really awful, but he was generally rude and mocking, didn't give Chidi any breaks when working, exploded at him in anger, that kind of thing. But over time, little moments of vulnerability happened that a bodyguard inevitably sees. Being tired after a long day. Getting sick. Breaking down after an argument. And Chidi always went out of his way to make sure Vincent was comfortable in moments like that. Vincent slowly started to notice. He also noticed things that he admired about Chidi - his calmness, his determination, his emotional intelligence, his skills with not just fighting, but also cooking and even sewing (idk why but I think he likes to sew and sewed a button back on for Vincent during a fashion emergency at some point). Eventually Vincent started to wonder and secretly hope that there could be something between them, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything - it would mean too much to him to have someone who genuinely cares for him. He didn't dare to confess his feelings and test whether it was true.
So instead he started fucking him, oops! Just casually. For fun. Because they're both hot. Definitely nothing more than that...next thing you know, they're married.
Miscellaneous Things:
They’re both good at fencing and sometimes they spar together. Chidi always lets Vincent win.
Chidi always reminds Vincent that it’s his job to take care of his health in all ways, including mentally and in terms of keeping him clean from drugs.
Chidi service top!!!!
Their relationship is part of the reason why the High Table is so queer accepting - Vincent is the most influential member other than the Elder himself, and he wasn’t going to put up with any nonsense about him and Chidi being together - happy pride!!
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hms-no-fun · 1 year
where did the inspiration for cat!dave come from. i love it btw, im just curious where it came from
catdave, like a lot of stuff in the gf3 prologue, just sort of happened. it's one of those things where in writing that chapter, jade grabbed a button that did a thing as a way to keep their villain-narrator honeypot from collapsing, and i decided to roll with it. turning dave into a house cat seemed like a fun gag, especially considering awkweet purrmusk and davepeta and all that. karkat picking up catdave with horror and protectiveness was really funny to me, just like NO HE'S MY BOYFRIEND YOU LEAVE MY SPECIAL MAN ALONE. then i thought, wait, what if a cat had time-distortion powers. what if catdave was like, i'm the hottest fucken kitty that ever did strut, i'ma slow down time and make everyone admire me. that joke alone was enough to keep catdave in, and i figured okay, we'll roll with this for a minute and then reverse it at the end and it'll be a funny anecdote. "hey remember that time dave turned into a cat?"
but unfortunately for dave, this is godfeels. i can't ever just do a fun joke about transformation. if we're gonna accept that jade has a button that can turn people into the animal they secretly want to be, that's gotta have CONSEQUENCES. what is this, fucking rick & morty??? there will be no resetting to the status quo at the end of THIS episode thank you very much!
of course by the time i got to publishing that first catdave chapter i'd figured all this out. dave's sort of defined by his repression and embarrassment at himself and his wants. i've imagined him sticking to his "i don't want to be a hero" thing very closely, and with that just kinda chilling with karkat all the time. (oh there's actually a funny pseudo-continuity error related to this-- in gf1 someone mentions what makes dave and karkat such a good couple. i'd imagined then that davekat were absolutely a totally out gay together couple. then the epilogues said actually no they were still too repressed to actually DO anything, and i decided to lean into that because two incredibly gay men no-homoing together for seven years is really funny/tragic to me from a story perspective. and since i decided to make gf2 parallel the epilogues, it seemed appropriate to fold that back in. i think in gf2 this gets papered over with june being surprised that they hadn't kissed yet? but that's def a thing that changed between fics from my perspective lmao)
so it seemed to me that catdave was a minor analogue to trickster mode- an unexpected jump straight to Personal Apotheosis without the journey necessary to give it any meaning. and that quickly mapped onto the problem of out queer people treating obvious eggs like their own Pet Project, pressuring them and pushing their boundaries even when it IS to some extent what they want. so dave keeps his cat ears and tail because he's a closeted furry with Some Gender, but because his friends all thought the transformation was funny and cute the end result was actually pushing him even further back into the closet. and since i knew that we were aiming towards davekat divorce fever anyway, that felt like the *perfect* dramatic intervention on his character. this is the hardest part of building an ensemble cast drama; giving everyone something Clear and Concise to deal with that can stand in for all their problems, so we can cut right to the chase when necessary.
this process is, in microcosm, the fundamental backbone of godfeels. it's about taking deadly seriously the personal and existential ramifications of extraordinarily silly impossible bullshit.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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tonight, you find out who this secret admirer is and more shenanigans ensue. like anon said, reader is slowly entering her dean ambrose era but someone(s) want to put a stop to it before it gets worse. i KIND OF had to like split things up im doin something important just stick around....hotel interactions next chapter!
poor reader getting dragged into team extreme drama is insane like omg. at leaaasstt she can get closer to jeff, YAAYYY. this chapter, something in the air shifted i fear….
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RAW IS WAR // 6:37 PM
Monday came around quickly and yet again, you were back at the arena. Raw was a little different than Smackdown’s set up, but you didn’t really mind. The interchangeable brands, despite how much trouble it caused you, was somewhere you could easily call home.
You and Lita really drank too much, huh? You’ll both have to get those pancakes another time.
You remember Lita calling you and thanking you for allowing her to spend the night, but you couldn’t even respond with how loudly you were laughing once those memories came crashing down.
You swore off of drinking for a while. You also made Lita agree to never take you out to a bar again. At least not before eating anything. And next time, the destination would be IHOP instead of some sleazy bar.
Lita had to beg you to not tell Jeff what she said. In compromise, she said that you could meet her in the locker room before the first match to talk.
Today’s matches were as follows…
At least you weren’t on the card, but Jeff’s got a match with Christian? Looks like Stacy’s got a match too. Perhaps you’d be seeing them very, very soon.
That is, if you had time. The voice of that man over the phone replayed in your head, reminding the time you should meet him. 7:50? No, 7:20. NO, 7:30!
Now’s not the time to have a bad memory. This could be important. If they had some sort of “strategy” to keep Stephanie down for a bit, you wanted to hear it. You came earlier than usual just to ensure that you’d be there in time.
The hushed and murmured voices made you stop. You could hear them behind the door.
“Well, is she in here?”
“Ya’ think I know for sure?”
Okay, just by the tone of their voices, it sounded like Debra and Austin outside of your door. Their questions towards each other had turned into a small argument, something about who’s going to be the one to call you out first.
Why’d they show up? You knew Austin saw how mad you were the night of your match, so maybe he told Debra.
“Come on out, [Name].” Austin calls. “Just want to talk.”
You didn’t want to be chastised. It’s the last thing you wanted to hear, especially from him. “I’m not coming out.”
“Don’t make me break this door down.”
This time you got scared because you knew that he’d do it. So you slowly crack open the door. “Yes?” Of course, those cameras you loved so dearly were rolling. This must be good.
Debra steps forward, an apologetic look on her face. “We’ve been thinking...after what happened back on Smackdown…we think you should start looking into some anger management classes. You see, Mr. McMahon has offered it to certain people who were apart of the Alliance after a recommendation.”
Anger management classes??
It was one thing for Mr. McMahon to pour MORE salt in the wound after a crushing loss to your original team, but to even suggest anger management? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding.
“If I have to look into anger management classes, he has to look into them too!” You point a finger at Austin accusingly.
“Me? Anger management?” Shockingly enough, he seemed appalled at your words. “I don’t need a damn anger management class, goddamnit. All I need is a forklift.”
“You have issues!”
Debra can only shake her head. This is exactly why you should look into it. However, you made a valid case. The more she thought about it, she realizes the both of you needed to go. “That’s it then. I’ll be signing the both of you up for a class next week.” She briskly walks away, not staying around to hear you two’s outburst.
“Hey, no! What if I have a match or something? Debraaaaa!” You complain. Austin wasn’t too happy about this decision either. You walk after her, pleading to not let you go. “Pleaaasee?? Can’t you just send him alone? He’s an angry guy! Like way more angry than me!”
“My answer is final!” She asserted, making you take a step back. “If it makes you feel better, there are other people who you may know that are attending. Why don’t you make some friends?”
“Ughhhhh…” You groan. Debra softly rubs your shoulder.
Once Debra made her mind up, that was it. Looks like you’ll be taking anger management classes with Austin.
Pissed off wasn’t strong enough to describe how he felt about it. He comes closer to you two, rubbing his face. “I need a beer.”
“I don’t have anger management issues, I was just mad!“ You complain. “Throwing chairs at the walls aren’t even that bad! I could do worse. I could do way worse, right?!”
You turn over to Austin, who was simply shaking his head at you. For a split second he was going to say something, but decided not to. So far, the things he’s done in the past have been completely worse than what you’ve did in the last few days.
In an effort to take it off your mind for now, you look between the two. “Err, have any of you seen Jeff Hardy? I’d like to talk to him.”
“Not at all.” Debra shook his head. “Wouldn’t he usually be with his brother and that Lita girl?”
“Sort of, kind of. Not with Lita. They got into an argument or something, but right now I’m not sure if they’re cool. I really hope things blow over.”
“Why talk to him?” Austin just cuts to the chase. “Rainbow hair makes me sick. Him and that girl who can’t pull her pants up.”
You roll your eyes. Of course he had an iffy opinion on them. He’s so old school. You bet if you gave him a keyboard, he’d take forever to type just one word.
“I can’t tell you. But it’s really important.”
“Let the girl go.” Debra waves her hand. “The classes aren’t today. Besides, I need to talk with you about things, Austin.” She then looks at you knowingly, a mischievous glint in her eye. Did she kno—
“Why’re ya’ lookin’ like that??” Austin questioned, switching his finger between you two.
Debra feigns innocence. “Like what?”
“Ya’ looked at her with that look in your eye like ya’ got something planned.”
“We don’t know what you’re talking about!” You smile. “Listen, I’ll catch up with you guys later. I need to find Jeff.” This was very urgent. It’s a matter of life or death.
“Hey, kid, before ya’ go…” Austin holds out his hand, causing you to stop in place. “Almost forgot. We’re on commentary tonight.”
…You’re on commentary?! Seriously?
“Wait, for all the matches?”
Debra shakes her head, thankfully. “Just for the last match I believe. You two need to keep it together. No picking fights. If they start something with you, you walk away.”
That’ll be easy for you, unless, for some reason…someone decides to show up unannounced again. If Jericho decided to mess with you, then that’d be another fish to fry.
For Austin though, it may be a little harder. Incredibly harder.
The Rock was in the match. It was a no-brainer that they’ve always had some sort of tension. And Jericho was there too. Not to mention Kurt Angle. Those men have had problems with him in the past.
Who cares right now?! You had to figure out if you should make a move or not! If Jeff had a thing for you, you needed to strike accordingly, right? You walk back in the other direction towards the locker room.
You still couldn’t believe it though. Lita had really spilled the beans on that one. This whole time, Jeff Hardy may or may not have been interested in you.
If you were fast enough, you could catch him and Christian’s match. It would be best to change right now. Should you wear something nice? It’s not like you were going on a date in the ring or something. 
...Okay, maybe you’re thinking about this too hard.
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RAW IS WAR // 6:50 PM
You were all set. New clothes, feeling energized, and most importantly, feeling confident. Tonight was a new night, so you couldn’t let anyone get you down.
“Hey, [Name]…you look nice…?”
The familiar voice makes you turn on your heel almost immediately. “Oh, you’ve got a lot of guts showing up here.”
Stacy holds out her hands. “Hey! I’m on your side. I don’t think you’ve ever asked me how I felt, huh? Before you try anything, just listen to what I have to say!”
Just this once, you’ll give her the time of day.
“I…I hate Torrie as much as you do.” She admits. “I don’t know how you didn’t realize. We’ve been at each other’s necks for at least a week or two now.”
“If it’s only been a week or two, you’ve gotta give me a break.” You sigh. “I’ve a lot of shit on my plate, Stacy.”
“I understand that!” She seems happy you hadn’t attacked her yet, clearing her throat afterwards. “But I just wanted to let you know before you came after me. Don’t forget, I’m your best friend too.”
Right. She is.
“Torrie’s been spreading some nasty things about you.”
You roll your eyes. This same song and dance. “I know. If it’s about the letters—“
“Oh, no,” Stacy shakes her head, folding her arms behind her back. “Not about letters at all. She says you’ve been sleeping around.”
“First of all, if anyone’s doing the sleeping around, it’s her. Last time, I remember her and Mr. McMahon had some sort of meeting. I hope she knows talent is not sexually transmitted…not like Mr. McMahon is talented anyway.”
Stacy comes over and hits your arm. “You can’t say that! You could get fired, what if someone’s listening?!”
“I’m just saying! Jeez.” You rub your arm. “By the way, you’re lucky you said something, because I was about to fight you right here.”
For some reason, she doesn’t seem to stop talking about Torrie, even if you thought it was over. “Did I mention she says you’re trashing most of the superstars? I mean, even disrespecting legends, wow!”
What? Disrespecting legends? What legends was she talking about?? Now, some of them deserved it. But who exactly?
“Wait, who?”
Stacy opens her mouth, but is interrupted by the door opening.
In comes Lita, surprised to see you two not mauling each other. Sure, it wasn’t Torrie, but it’s someone she associated with. “…You guys are still friends?” She stares at Stacy for a moment, fighting the urge to glare.
Stacy nods. “Of course. That’s my [Name]!” She gives you a tight hug. “I’ll see you later, okay?” Just like that, she was gone. Suspiciously quick.
You simply wave as she walks off. Lita can only scoff. “Her? Really? After I poured my heart out last night?”
“I just think you’re jealous.” You grin. “Litaaa’ss jeaaallouusss.”
Your sing-song tone made her smile as well. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever makes you happy.” She looks at you, then your outfit of choice. “Woah, that’s a transformation if I’ve ever seen one. You really want his attention, huh?”
It’s not like she wasn’t dressed up herself either. Her thong was literally saying ‘hello!’ to you. “You’re talking about me, but do you have a match I don’t know about?” You question, walking over to fold the clothes you decided not to wear.
….You’ve never folded clothes so fast, with shaky hands at that. Lita catches on quickly and takes a seat nearby. She doesn’t comment on it, but she damn sure notices.
“Just accompanying Jeff to the ring. Don’t worry, I’m not stealing him away from you or anything.” She prefaced. “..He just got really hurt at Survivor Series. And in the argument that Matt started, he didn’t want him to perform.”
She didn’t want you to be nervous. In fact, she could even sympathize. Maybe YOU were more shy than she thought, haha.
You take a breather, doing your best to offset the anxiety. “Oohh, I see. No wonder. So, it’s just you and Matt that are having issues.”
“No, no,” Lita shakes her head. “Jeff has problems with Matt too. Me and Jeff don’t have any issue with each other.”
Noooow you got it. She didn’t explain that in depth when you first asked her. She must’ve still been frazzled from the whole thing.
“I just have a feeling Jeff’ll do something risky. As much as I hate to say this, you’ll have to take advantage of that. I’ll pretend like it’s a complete surprise.” Lita pauses for a moment, taking a second to now stretch on the floor. “…If Matt by chance shows up, he’s not gonna be happy Jeff’s in a match tonight.”
You finish with folding things up, zipping your bag shut. “Fine with me. Hey, you’re not gonna screw me over, are you?”
Lita gives you a confused look. “Hell no. Why would I do that?”
“Just making sure.”
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RAW IS WAR // 7:05 PM
You hoped this wouldn’t take too long. As much as you wanted to see Jeff, you had other obligations. You wanted to be in the parking lot at 7:30 sharp, no later than that. It’d be better if you got there earlier.
You’re backstage now, checking out the match on the television. It’s been going on for a while now. You giggle as you notice how Jeff’s shirt was stuck around his ankles. Him being shirtless was one thing, but you were immature enough to giggle at his shirt. You noticed how it limited his movement and Christian was really wearing him down because of it.
You’d ask him how things were going later. It makes you jump in surprise to see Jeff rebound with a enzugiri.
By this point, Matt’s already down to the ring, picking an argument with Lita. While they’re at it, you think it’s time to head down to the ring yourself.
With a pep in your step, you make your way to gorilla. You’d only stick around to check in on Jeff and give him help, but that’s it. Every little bit counts.
You push away the curtains and head down to the ring, catching Lita’s gaze. She fought the smile on her face, doing her best to look upset instead. The crowd cheers at your appearance.
Jeff notices you, confused as to why you’re out here in the first place. You don’t have anything to do with him. You wave at him.
Did you come out for him? For some reason, a small grin appears on his face, but it’s quickly knocked off as Christian clotheslined him.
Christian notices you too. He comes over and even blows you a kiss.
He’s funny.
You cross your arms. You’re not out for him right now! Just for Jeff, but maybe you’ll keep that to yourself for now. You wave at him, feeling as if it’s rude to not respond.
Lita jogs away from Matt (much to his own confusion, a lot of it was going around..) right over to you.
“Started to think you wouldn’t come out here!” She raises her voice so you can hear her over the crowd. “Thought your dad was gonna stop you. I could’ve sworn he told me to pull my pants up!”
You laugh, raising your voice as well. “Yeah, right. Are things going okay out here?”
“Not..really.” She looks away, doing her best to not stare at Matt anymore. “It’s hard being here.”
“I get it. I’m sorry about that.” You turn your attention back to the ring, and Lita returns to her spot nearby Matt. Now you two were on opposite sides.
Christian begins to turn Jeff into the Killswitch, but Jeff reverses it into the Twist of Fate. Matt begins to scream at him to do the pin, but instead he climbs onto the top rope.
Even you thought it was a good idea to pin Christian. Was Jeff really going to be able to do this??
Matt comes over to your side yelling at him and you move further away. Christian, in the meanwhile, rolls out of the ring to safety.
But not for long. Jeff readjusts himself to do a high flying move, but Matt is still yelling. Taking advantage, Christian shoves Matt into the ring post, knocking Jeff straight into the mat.
You wince. That must’ve really hurt.
Christian gets right back into the ring and pins Jeff, retaining his championship. He points down at you with a smile.
You have to say, good for him. You clap, giving him some respect. You had nothing against him.
He rolls out of the ring and you roll right in.
“Jeff.” You get down on your knees, leaning over him. “Why’d you do that?”
He takes a minute to respond, breathing heavily. “Thought…ya’ might like it.”
Before you could say something, the referee shoos you out of the ring and you roll back out to give them space.
Jeff didn’t want that. He struggles to get up and slowly crawls out himself. “Wait.” He rasps, reaching out toward you. You come a bit closer to help him out and back up the ramp.
He’s holding his neck as you two go up, Matt and Lita trailing behind. This isn’t going to be good, you could just tell.
The closer you got to towards the medic, the thicker the tension had gotten. It got even worse after you entered the room.
No one was saying anything to each other. You and Lita could only exchange glances. The crinkling of the ice bag was the only sound heard throughout the room. One of the medics handed it over to you, and almost as if they knew something bad was coming, left the room.
You gently place it over the back of Jeff’s neck, making him quietly sigh. It must’ve been one of relief, because he sets his hand over your own.
“Jeff, how could you be so stupid, man?!”
And there it was. Matt stroked the fire.
“Stupid?!” Jeff immediately gets up from his spot, almost as if he had a jolt of energy. It startled you slightly, leaving the bag of ice in your hand.
“Yeah, stupid. I told you, you shouldn’t even have been wrestling tonight.” Matt got in his face. “But did you listen to me? No. And even when you went in the ring, I supported you. I told you what you should do. I told you; don’t take any unnecessary risks. I told you; do the Twist of Fate and beat him on the mat—“
Jeff interrupts him. “Who asked you, Matt? Who asked you to get involved in the match anyway, huh?”
“Nobody asked me to get involved. I got involved because I care about you. I got involved because I care about the team. Do you care about the team, Jeff?” Matt’s words were coming out almost a thousand miles an hour. It’s almost like this has been on his mind for a while.
You watch as they continue going back and forth for a while. You didn’t want to take sides, you were only watching from the sidelines.
Lita runs her hands through her hair. This was really getting to her. You felt really bad. She shouldn’t have to be in the middle of this.
“—Ever since we were kids Matt, you’ve been trying to run my life, you’ve been trying to control me.” Jeff accuses. “You’ve always thought you’re smarter, you’ve always thought you’re better..”
“I don’t think it’s a question that I’m smarter than you, Jeff. I think that’s obvious. And somebody—“
“Guys, relax, Lita is….“ You try to intervene, but you immediately get shut down by Matt.
“Look, shut up, please. She’s not in this and neither are you. I don’t even know why you’re here.” And now, his attention is on you. “Are you here just for yourself? Which one of us do you want to ruin first? Is it Jeff?”
Ruin? That must’ve been something Torrie must’ve spread. Matt must’ve considered you bad news.
But Jeff quickly stands up for you. “Don’t tell her to shut up. She came to help me, unlike someone I know. She actually cares.”
It goes silent again. You’re not exactly sure what to say.
This time, Lita speaks up. “…I thought you were in here cause’ you cared about Jeff. At the very least you could be nice to someone who’s trying to help. It’s pretty obvious the only thing you care about is yourself.”
She leaves, and Jeff glares at Matt. “Who feels stupid now, Matt?”
Matt ignores his comment, simply giving Jeff a scowl of his own. He calls after Lita and leaves the room.
Now, you and Jeff were alone. He mutters an apology, sitting back on the seat.
You say nothing, instead setting the bag of ice back onto his neck. He sets his hand back onto your own.
“You….look nice today.” Jeff compliments you, using his free hand to toy with his armband. He had no idea why he felt so on edge in your presence. Whether it was the atmosphere of the argument still lingering or just the idea of you taking care of him, he didn’t know.
“Hah.” You let out a strained laugh. “Thanks.”
It’s hard to bounce back from what just happened. And you didn’t know what else to say.
You had an idea though.
You let go of the ice and so does he. Jeff looks up at you questionably as you move to sit next to him.
No one was in the room, no one had to know.
So, instead of saying anything else, you take a chance and just kiss him. “I didn’t know what else to say, sorry.”
Jeff doesn’t have anything to say either, as his response is nothing more than returning his lips to your own. Again, and again. Each time, it was harder than the last. You hadn’t even realized how close you got to him until you felt his body against your own.
He sets his hand on your back, doing his best to keep you as close as possible.
You already felt like you couldn’t breathe. And just as you were going to open your mouth for him just a little more, he lightly pushes you away. Nothing lasts forever, you guess.
You still groan in disappointment.
“If we keep doing this, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.” He admitted. “..and my neck is killing me.”
All you can do is nod. At least he came to his senses, any further and you’d forget your meet up with your secret admirer. You were close to blowing him off.
You finally collect your words. “What time..is it?”
Jeff looks up towards the clock in the room. “7:20.”
Shit. You had ten minutes to get it together.
“I’ve gotta go.” You say, getting out of your seat. “There’s something I’ve gotta do. I hope you get better, sorry about earlier.” In order to not explode, you try to talk about other things. “You guys shouldn’t have to go through that as a team.
Jeff waves you off. “It’ll blow over. Thanks for staying with me. I’ll see ya’ later.”
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RAW IS WAR // 7:27 PM
You were in a mad dash to the parking lot, trying to make sure you were on time. You had about 3 minutes to spare luckily, so here you were, just rubbing your temples.
“Over here, Nitro Girl.”
You turn over to the direction of the voice, a curious look on your face. The curiosity turns into shock.
“Hey, wait, aren’t you….?”
The man nods. He’s a little aggressive as he shoves the bouquet of flowers into your arms. “Hunter. You’re a bit early.”
You just couldn’t believe it.
…..Triple H? He’s the person who wanted to meet you out here? Was this some sort of setup so Stephanie could ambush you from behind?
“Is this a joke?” You boldly ask. “Out of all people, it’s you??”
“No joke..“ He doesn’t seem to be in the best of moods, but you don’t point it out. “I’m going to cut to the chase. I think Stephanie is sleeping with someone else.”
Your eyes widen. That was one hell of an accusation. “How do you know?”
“I haven’t been in the ring and she’s been going on about this whole spiel about becoming business partners with others while I’m away. Because you refused, I think your attack on Smackdown may have been planned. I know how she is.”
“Do you really think it was planned? The only other person I could think of would be Jericho, but there’s no way he would be on it.” You say. “I mean, he’s called her so many nasty names. I don’t get it. And there’s no way in hell it could be Austin.”
Hunter shook his head. “Jericho’s the only one that makes sense. He’s threatened by me and he knows as soon as I come back, I’ll be going for the title spot. He’ll do anything to take me down, even if it means associating with Stephanie.”
“Yikes.” You mutter, adjusting the bouquet of flowers in your arms. “So, what’re you asking me to do here?”
“How about we become business partners?” He suggests. “You want revenge. I want a spot in the title picture. It’s an even exchange, nothing less, nothing more. I want to see what she’ll do next. If it’s true, we’ll officially start. If it’s false, we’ll pretend like we never met. Do we have a deal?”
You had nothing to lose, so you agree. “We have a deal. I’ll let you know if I see or hear anything.”
Neither of you had the confirmation, but once you did, it’d be one hell of a week.
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RAW IS WAR // 7:45 PM
You were able to put the flowers from Hunter away in the locker room. Austin was waiting for you outside to head out to the announcers table. In order to get by him, you passed it off as a secret admirer gift to Trish. Someone gave it to you, so you decided to pass on the message. You refused to elaborate any further than that.
“Let’s get goin’ kid, they’re waitin’ on us.” Austin rushes you out, making you groan. 
“I’m coming, hold on!” You close the door behind you. 
“Took ya’ long enough. I was gonna leave.”
Well, you’re here now!
Once you two hit gorilla, the sound of glass shattering was your cue. Austin walks down the ramp with you behind him. While he’s all serious, you wave to the crowd.
There’s a fan that reaches out a pen and a picture of you. Before you meet Austin at the table, you decide to sign it. You quickly write your signature with a smile and give them a final wave before you run towards the announcer table.
You take a seat nearby Austin, as JR and Jerry greet you before JR begins his introduction.
‘And we are back here on Raw, Raw Zone on the new TNN. At ringside, Austin and [Name] accompany us…..’
Jerry automatically has his attention on you. ‘You look great tonight!’
You gave a thumbs up at his compliment. ‘I take pride in my wardrobe!’
Austin isn’t too happy about you taking too long, complaining as soon as you put your headphones on. ‘She always takes her time gettin’ places because of her little wardrobe!’
‘I have to pick something out! And don’t even start, I was signing an autograph, okay! I was being nice! Debra told us to play nice!’
Before you can continue, the pop of pyro and Jericho’s music immediately gets you hot. You’re so sick and tired of him.
Lillian announces him in. “The following handicap match is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing 227 pounds, Chris Jericho!”
‘Y2J told us earlier this night what was wrong with his game all along,” JR says. ‘He cared about the fans. Obviously, he doesn’t care any longer.’
‘Oh, whatever. He only cares about himself!’ You accuse.
Jericho enters the ring, turning his attention down to the announcers table. He smirks seeing you two, and you can only shoot daggers at him. ‘I fucking hate you!’ Of course, they bleeped your curse word out, but you meant what you said. You were still heated from your own handicap match. 
His music cuts off, changing into Kurt Angle’s music.
“Introducing his partner from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kurt Angle!”
‘Austin, you and Kurt Angle will go one-on-one for the WWF title at Vengeance. The winner of that match will go on against either Y2J or The Rock to unify those championships. How do you feel?’ JR asks.
‘Gotta be nervous, huh? I mean, this is the undisputed championship we’re talking about!’ Jerry adds.
‘I’m not nervous about those sons of bitches at all. I’m coming out of Vengeance as the undisputed champion. Most importantly, I won’t be kissing Vince’s ass tonight.’
Wait, huh? You look at Austin curiously. ‘Woah, I’m confused. What’re you talking about?’
You couldn’t hear anything else after The Rock’s music hits, the crowd coming alive and screaming. ‘I have to say, I’m on Rock’s side! A handicapped match? I can sympathize how hard it is. This isn’t fair.’
“And from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the World Champion, The Rock!”
JR agrees with you. ‘I can agree with you, [Name]. He’ll be lucky to survive this.’
Austin seems offended at your words. ‘You’re on his side? Really? Ya’ weren’t even goin’ in alone!’
‘I mean, can’t you sympathize sort of? The odds were—‘
Suddenly, Ric Flair’s music hits just as soon as the match is ready to begin. The crowd “woo’s”.
You snap your fingers. ‘Oh, I forgot! He bought our stock, huh?’
‘And he made a career of being fashionably late. The match already started!’ Jerry says.
Flair’s raspy voice echoes. “I don’t think my business partner will mind at all the fact that I am changing this handicap match into a tag match, WOO! Without further ado, The Rock’s partner, Kane!”
As soon as he says his name, an explosion of fire comes from the ramp.
Kane was another story. You weren’t quite sure about him, nor have you seen him around. All you’ve heard was that he had a bad, bad upbringing. He was intimidating and you were almost scared. 
This match certainly was something else.
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k temporary spacer thingy. i decided to kind of speed through the like last match since its not as important. what’s important is what comes after it sort of. sorry for cutting the jeff scene so short though, i kinda had to push myself out of my comfort zone since im not that experienced with likeeee all the serious romance stuff. there’s more to come next. btw i promise we’ll see some more superstars soon,,ones that left and all yes yes. btw “nothing more nothing less” my ass smh.
anyone been rushed out before by your parents? like them threatening to leave u if u dont hurry up?? yeah its totally stone cold and [name] lmaoo,,, them anger management classes about to go hard💯
also kane interaction anyone? no? ok i’ll leave…
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flutishly · 11 months
LBD rewatch, part 4
It wasn’t easy getting back into the swing of Lydia’s final arc. It was hard to watch live, it was hard to rewatch not long afterward, and it remains hard to rewatch. Part of this has to do with the dread leading up to the reveal. Part of this has to do with the fact that even a decade later, I am somewhat disappointed by some of the acting/directing choices in “An Understanding”, particularly on Lydia’s end. I know that I’m usually quite in the minority on the latter end, but still. I grimace every time; there’s something deeply theatrical in how Lydia presents herself there and it comes in sharp contrast with the much more natively portrayed Lizzie. There are things that I still love about it, of course. I cannot make it through the whole video without crying, even today. The lines “I love you! [...] I love you!” break me every single time. Even just rewatching a few seconds of those lines in order to write this post have me crying. But I can also never quite shake off the feeling that the video is still very much a product of being an extended scene, with moments that could easily have been replaced by better takes left intact when they shouldn’t have been.
And then the pressure eases, just slightly. The tension changes. The viewer who knows what happens in Pride and Prejudice waits for the second shoe to drop. But in the meantime, the plot ticks along in plain view. Gigi’s Domino videos hit differently nowadays than in 2013 in large part because of how... not weird the app is? Like at the time, there was a sense of “yeah, sure, whatever, as if”, but then today there are literally apps that are all about video presentation for the sake of more drama (........), which granted don’t seem to have the same sort of AI on display, but let’s be real, how far off can it be? (grimace grimace grimace)
There are other irritating aspects of the Gigi subplot. I find myself even more impatient over how infantilizing Darcy and Fitz are, in their treatment of Gigi as someone entirely under their care. While it is sweet and admirable to want to support your sister/friend in the context of some pretty fresh trauma, it’s not cute to do so against her express wishes or the place she’s asking to be. Gigi is an adult in this adaptation. A younger adult, sure, but she’s not a teen like Maria and she has a lot more agency over her story. It kind of sucks to watch Darcy and Fitz shut her out the way that they do, even if it all ends up well (sort of). More than that, it’s never properly addressed why Gigi continues to make these calls on the company’s demo, which is hugely inappropriate in terms of violating Lydia’s privacy. (On top of how Lizzie is already violating a whole lot of people’s privacy.)
And then there’s Bing’s return. It... mostly doesn’t work. I love how Jane plays it, honestly, and I love that Jane refuses to back down against her own position (and point out that, bro, you haven’t earned my trust back), but there’s a sense of disconnect. Maybe part of the problem is how the show initially portrays Bing and Jane’s relationship, as something so quaintly sweet and pure and abstract. Maybe part of the problem is that the way Bing breaks it off with Jane is so much worse in modern times. (Personally, if Jane was my friend, I’d probably be the one going “he’s not worth it, what a jerk, don’t you dare get back together with him, have you forgotten how I had to hug you on the bathroom floor while you sobbed over feeling inadequate? He’s the inadequate one, you’re worth so much more than him!” The fact that Lizzie doesn’t do that remains stunning in my mind.) Whatever it is, despite the rather valiant attempts at rehabilitating Bing, I couldn’t help grimace at how neatly they wrapped up this thread. The “I’ve been trying to figure myself out” thing is cute, sure! But it isn’t quite earned. There’s not enough of either Jane and Bing really being in love (and I don’t mean onscreen, I just mean in love and not the very idealized relationship Lizzie paints in early episodes) and then there certainly isn’t enough of them actually getting to re-know each other before Jane leaves. I understand why/how it happened as it did, but I almost wonder if it shouldn’t have happened offscreen. I don’t know.
Next: Darcy. Darcy is, as I mentioned, a not-too-appealing part of Gigi’s videos. They do give good insight into his behavior and the way that he handles himself (he’s definitely a very loving older brother, if too overprotective!), but they’re glimpses. I’m actually fine with that, I think. The reveal is also... okay? I don’t know. It’s very in-line with how LBD generally portrays “news that should not be public”, though I’ll admit that by this point in the series, it feels a whole lot less believable that these things would make it online. Even the way that Lizzie explicitly asks Lydia... feels a little strange. But not as strange as it should, disturbingly. Ah well.
Finally: Lizzie. It’s this little portion of story where Lizzie’s growth becomes apparent. She’s hesitant over a lot of things. She is smacked in the face - repeatedly - with the consequences of her own actions and words. She’s stunned into silence upon realizing how wrong she’s been in so many places. Watching Lizzie break down is, as I mentioned, the thing that gets to me every time. As much as the show does a brilliant job of showing us Lizzie’s faults, it does a better job of really making us love her. And so I can’t help but love how this arc plays out for her, even though the focus isn’t really on her.
Well, onto the last batch of episodes! Caroline’s about to return... that’s got to be the biggest drama ahead, no?
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transhawks · 1 year
My guy, Hawks is unraveling more and more each chapter and I’m just wading in it like a wave pool. Absolutely giddy. I’m not sure how correct this translation is, but someone said he told endeavor to stop dabi “at all cost” and if that’s true, what an absolutely buck wild thing to do. Because the subtext is pretty clear. He’s telling enji to kill his son.
Yep. No, it's very exciting when Hawks gets like this, like all aboard the Hawks-acoaster, murder attempts ahead. I have no idea if this pun works in Japanese, but man, was this dude spot on about creating a world where heroes have time to kill.
(badum-tsch. thank you, I'll be here all night.)
Giddy is really the perfect word for it. Hawks's premonition about cornered people is honestly about himself. He says he feels "Free" in 299, but also tells us that true natures come out when people feel cornered or feel finally free. And like, according to Hawks he's currently the latter, but he's about to be the former.
And that the people around him won't see his true nature until he feels cornered. Or at least the hero side, because Jin did and Dabi learned too late about what sort of person Takami Keigo is.
Between having to face his actions (Twice), his fantasy of heroism breaking in front of his eyes (the Todofam drama), and the immense amount of pressure on him at the moment, this is Keigo's time to break. Hence why I wrote that little meta on his veneer cracking.
So, yeah, after four and a half years of being one of the most complex and confounding and contradictory characters, to the point where my initial statement from my first meta, that Hawks is a character that says one thing, thinks another, and does something else entirely, still applies, we're finally going to see who he is.
And the fact we have Dabi involved, who we all knew would be involved in this from the moment we saw them in 191? Heck, even earlier?
And that's he's repeating himself - he said they need to kill the twice clones (and Toga i guess), and now he's telling Enji to put his son down? Yeah, that's the thing - that's who Hawks is. This is the man who smiled at another man and called him good and a friend and none of that stopped him from killing him.
None of that stopped him from singing his praises after killing him, either. One of the fascinating parts of his whole deal.
I think it's just going to be abundantly clear that Keigo is this ruthless person who just doesn't understand ties of friendship and family as well as other people. He tells us he understood his parents were broken, It was hinted at during the raid when he essentially told Dabi he wasn't reacting right to the death of a friend, but I think it showed that Hawks has a very set idea, almost textbook like, of human behavior and it needing to fulfill certain patterns.
This is, of course, very common in extremely abused children. And children raised in institutions have this issue. I also want to make it clear that Hawks believes he's doing the right thing. Or necessary things for the right reasons. That's a core part of his personality no matter what. He might be extremely ruthless and lacking in what others take to be humanity, but Hawks wants to be a good person. You can't understand him without accepting that he does awful things for what he believes are good reasons and manages to keep "sane" by telling himself that they need to happen or that he has no choice in the matter (removing his own agency to not take accountability).
Hawks is at once both extremely perceptive but also somewhat incapable of understanding some of the nuances of complex relationships. I don't think he truly understands why Jin picked the League over what he was offering him, even if he admires the kind of person Jin is (in a moment of self-awareness knowing that he isn't that sort of person and likely cannot be). And I am very, very sure watching Enji Todoroki reach out to his murderous, villainous, and likely in Keigo's eyes, irredeemable son at the expense of their society (and thus Keigo himself) will be the final straw for him. Because Keigo never got that from his parents. Keigo has done 'good' all his life, and is now shunned by the people (civilians) he's been breaking himself for.
That TV that so captured his attention as a child is about to lose its signal.
I don't think Hawks will able to understand why Enji would want to save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Remember what he told Jin? That when neither side (heroes or villains) don't want to give up, someone has to die? That's what he sees here, and the main issue is that Hawks will absolutely see this as Enji giving up. Endeavor isn't Endeavoring (which means Enji isn't doing the things Hawks likes him for). So, yeah, I think he'll either try to do it himself or snap and harm Enji (which would be a perfect time for Shouto to stop him).
So, yeah, I'm excited. I mean its awful that he's telling Endeavor to kill his son, but man have I waited for the follow breakdown when Enji doesn't do this for years.
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birdwonder · 1 year
Sorry if this is a sore topic, but do you have any more information on the Konig drama? I want to know the situation better. (also, he's 100% bi lmao)
No problem, I’m happy to share as much as I know ! I’ll avoid using his name because I don’t really want to make this a big thing.
I wouldn’t so much as call it a drama as I would say it’s just an unsettling discovery the fandom has recently made.
To explain it in short bullet points, the fans found König’s VA’s [ Voice Actor ] instagram and :
- His bio contains the term ‘# sigma male ’ which isn’t necessarily an act against humanity, but understandably leaves people a little weary as the term is usually used by those in toxic communities. I have also heard from others he has said things that stem from toxic masculinity on posts, but I have yet to check that for myself.
- His bio also contains ‘# crypto’ which refers to crypto currency. I won’t go into the details of crypto and why it’s bad but again, it leaves people unsettled.
- The main thing, and what caused my silly email, was that on his instagram story he responded to a cosplayer. The cosplayer was discussing MW2 cosplays and how people assign characters sexuality headcanons, to which the VA said “I can assure you König is straight a f.”
And while it is alright to say when a character is a heterosexual, the tone and manner of how this was said appears homphobic and comes from a place of hate. Besides, is it really up to the VA to decide these things ? And why is it so bad that people headcanon characters as queer ? While I’m sure he doesn’t understand that these are headcanons, this still heavily suggests to fans a hateful nature. There is no harm in fans putting bits of themselves into characters to make them more relatable and fun.
It’s incredibly heartbreaking for fans to see this sort of attitude from someone who was so admired and hopefully a change happens. If it is reveal König is straight, that’s totally alright ! But it’s nearly 2023, there’s little reason why the news couldn’t have been delivered in a more appropriate manner. I personally love König a lot and the VA sounds amazing so it’s a shame this all happened.
There are screenshots floating around but if you would like me to personally find them for you, please feel free to DM me. Otherwise check the VA’s instagram for yourself if you can.
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Prompt: Erik giving Charles a bundle of flowers , but being really nearvous about it, because he was unsure if that was a weird thing to do, cuz Erik do be a bit emotionally constipated, but he tries🤗
Ps: Dont worry about not being accepted in the fandom, everyone is super nice!
Hi!! Thank you, truly - I know, this fandom is super welcoming and nice, one of the nicest I had the pleasure to join, I think!! I don't know why I'm so anxious 😅
And thanks for the prompt!! Sorry it got a little too long and hope you enjoy it ♥
There are flowers on his desk.
They are… nice flowers, Charles assumes, cautiously moving closer to the desk. Not that he knows much about flowers – but one thing he does know is that flowers don’t usually just appear somewhere on their own.
Well. Not in a vase inside of the house, at the very least. He brushes the tiny white petals with the tips of his fingers, intrigued, and wonders where they came from.
“Hey, Charles, have you seen—oh,” Raven pauses in the doorway and blinks when he looks up at her sheepishly, dropping the hand that was stroking the petals. “What’s that? You finally decided to liven up this place?”
She’s grinning now, and Charles sighs. Come to think of it, he can’t really imagine Raven bringing fresh flowers to the house, so he shouldn’t be surprised that she’s doesn’t know their origin either. Still, a part of him hoped that she could shed some light on the newest feature of his office.
“Not me,” he shrugs, and Raven’s grin turns sly; he immediately regrets his choice of words, but it’s too late – she stomps over and looks at the small bouquet with the kind of glee that never promises anything good. “I mean, someone probably…”
“Someone gave you flowers,” she sing-songs. “So who is it? God, I’m so jealous – how do you even do it? Less than ten people in the mansion, and you manage to get yourself a secret admirer! Why does nobody give me flowers?”
“Raven,” he complains, but he’s also chuckling, and – well, it’s his flowers, okay, so he’s completely justified when he lightly slaps her hand when she reaches for them. “I’m pretty sure it doesn’t mean anything, and I absolutely do not have a secret admirer. I guess someone just decided that the rooms could use a little… fresh touch. Or something.”
“Or something,” Raven snorts and shakes her head. “That’s why your office is the only room in the entire mansion that has flowers.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, have you checked every single room of the mansion this morning?” he quips back, but Raven just looks unimpressed, so he sighs and runs his hands over his face. “Anyway, weren’t you looking for Alex? I thought you were supposed to train together today.”
“I was, but this is so much better,” she teases and jumps to sit on his desk next to vase, swinging her legs a little. “Come on, you know you can tell me! Someone’s got a crush on you! It’s so embarrassing.”
Charles rolls his eyes.
“Even if that was the case, how am I supposed to know? You said it yourself – it’s a secret admirer,” he grumbles, vaguely uncomfortable with the idea. It’s not that it isn’t flattering, or that it isn’t sweet – it’s just that he doesn’t exactly feel like dealing with some sort of teenage drama when he has to turn down the unrequited affection if it happens to be Sean, Alex or Hank.
“Yeah, and you’re a telepath,” Raven says and raises her eyebrows. “So it’s actually a not-so-secret admirer. Are you gonna tell me or not?”
“You know I never reach that deep into anyone’s mind unless I have to,” he frowns, and at least Raven looks somewhat apologetic. “And anyway, I’ve just came here myself. You’re the first person I’ve talked to since I’ve seen the flowers.”
“You’re no fun,” she sighs and stands up. “Nothing fun ever happens in this house. For all its worth, you’re probably right, and it’s just Moira deciding to decorate some rooms. Boring.”
She leaves, and Charles frowns, staring at the innocent looking bouquet and wishing it had a mind of its own so that he could read it and find out what’s going on.
No such luck.
For all that he told Raven the truth – he doesn’t read anyone’s mind on purpose unless he absolutely needs to or is invited to (which never happens, but that’s neither here nor there) — he can’t really help his own curiosity and allows himself to skim over their surface thoughts throughout the day. It’s nothing that he wouldn’t have heard anyway, he reasons with himself; surface thoughts are loud, he just doesn’t always pay attention to them or care enough to listen in.
Unfortunately – and predictably enough – nobody thinks about the flowers.
Moira is too busy with her own work, filing reports for the CIA and double-checking everything they managed to get on Shaw; Hank is absorbed in his progress on the serum, occasionally side-tracking to think about the Cerebro blueprints; Alex seems disturbingly set on getting into the garage and making acquaintance of the cars residing there; Sean is fantasizing about making his flight suit look rad, and Charles almost bursts laughing out loud at the pictures he sees in his mind. Erik’s mind is as calm and neat as ever, of course, not that he bothered listening in – Erik is probably the last person in the mansion who would think of bringing flowers anywhere, let alone to Charles’ study.
He stubbornly ignores the pang of disappointment that follows that thought.
He could just ask, of course – and he means to, he really does, but come evening, Charles decides against it, his resolve fading when he sees the kids chattering at the dinner, content and as close to happy as they can be, all things considered.
It’s not like it matters, after all; the flowers were a nice gesture, but it would probably be for the best if he doesn’t bring it up.
So he lets it go.
The flowers, he decides, are actually nice to look at, and he feels somewhat sad when they start wilting; naturally, the day after that happens, he finds them replaced with a new bouquet – this time the flowers are blue, and Raven squints at him when she sees them, so he shoos her away from the study before she starts a new round of interrogation. He can feel her mind buzzing with curiosity and puzzlement; he’s not much better off, truthfully.
Still, it’s nice, and he decides not to question it further.
Two weeks after the first bouquet appeared on his desk, Charles wonders if he should be concerned that he’s getting used to it.
He’s getting new flowers every few days without a hitch; it’s never something big – mostly garden flowers, the bouquets always rather modest, and he doesn’t think that there’s any hidden meaning behind them, after all. Just something to make him smile and to make his stuffy study feel somewhat brighter, somewhat more welcoming.
He wishes he could thank the person behind it, but whoever it is, they never as much as hint on it, so they probably don’t really want to be acknowledged at all; he respects it, even if the curiosity still eats at him.
The night he finds the flowers on the windowsill in the den he and Erik play chess in, he’s not so sure he wants to respect that wish anymore. He stops in his tracks as soon as he enters the room; Erik is already there, occupying one of the armchairs in front of the chessboard, looking calculatingly relaxed, as always. He follows Charles’ line of sight and arches an eyebrow.
“Ah,” Charles says. “The flowers again.”
“Again?” Erik inquires, and Charles rubs at the back of his neck, suddenly embarrassed and slightly annoyed.
It has nothing to do with the fact that Erik would probably find the idea ridiculous. It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that he might have been pretending that the flowers came from him and that now he wouldn’t be able to, because it couldn’t be farther from truth, which would be all the more obvious now that Erik is here to scoff at it.
“Oh, it’s just that there seemed to be an occurrence of flowers appearing in my study for the past couple of weeks, you see,” he says, as nonchalantly as he can manage. “I suppose someone wanted to freshen up the place, although Raven seemed to be of the opinion that I acquired a secret admirer… ridiculous, isn’t it?” his laugh is a little strained, and he shakes his head, walking to the window to take the vase away.
“So you don’t like the flowers?” Erik asks, making Charles halt. He’s frowning when Charles turns to face him, and his mind is carefully blank – he can’t make what Erik is thinking about without prodding further, and he promised not to. It’s his turn to frown.
“It’s not that I don’t like them,” he admits with an uneasy chuckle. “They’re… nice, and it’s a nice gesture – it’s just that I can’t figure who keeps bringing them and why. I mean, I appreciate it, but I guess I don’t want to… give the wrong idea to whomever is doing it.”
Erik is no longer frowning, and his face is as blank as his mind is.
“How can you give someone the wrong idea if you don’t even know who they are? Clearly they don’t expect anything from you.”
He won’t meet Charles eyes. Charles’ frown deepens, and he walks back to the chessboard slowly, cautiously.
He can’t hear Erik’s thoughts, but he’s so tense it’s a wonder he can’t hear the air vibrating around him.
“Erik… what are you saying?”
Erik clenches his jaw.
“I’m just saying that if it—bothers you. Maybe you should have said something sooner. I’m sure that—whoever keeps bringing them—wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
Charles glances at the flowers; they’re blue again – like they frequently are, -- and unwittingly he catches a lingering whisper, just like your eyes.
He takes a sharp inhale, and he knows that the mortification he feels doesn’t belong to him – because in his chest something hopeful blooms, something warm and light and almost giddy, leaving him lightheaded and anxiously excited. Before he can stop himself, he reaches out, brushes against Erik’s mind, unrestrained in his sudden joy; nothing much – just a warm, gentle touch, joyous and wondrous, and finally, finally Erik’s eyes snap up to his, widening slightly in realization.
The mortification dulls, and Erik slowly breathes out. He’s still embarrassed – Charles can see it clear enough on his face, where the flush touches the top of his sharp cheekbones, doesn’t really need to reach further into his mind, but Erik wordlessly opens up, almost shyly, offers him a faint impression of putting the flowers on the desk after his ungodly early morning runs. He’s so nervous about it – anxious both of his own feelings and of the way he chose to express them, angry at himself for realizing how weird it is and for not being able to come up with anything better, too unsure, too afraid of rejection, irritated beyond reason for fearing it in the first place, for feeling anything in the first place – that Charles almost stumbles on his way to his chair, overwhelmed by his emotions.
He bites back the elated laugh, because laughing right now would be the worst possible reaction he could offer in return – but he can’t quite tone down his splitting grin as he leans into Erik’s space, just shy of straddling his lap.
“I didn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea,” he says, beaming, “because I couldn’t possibly return their affections – not when I’ve been interested in someone else for quite some time now.”
Erik looks at him, dumbfounded, and this time, Charles knows that his mind is blank not because he’s trying to shield it from him – but because he doesn’t know what to think.
Oh, to hell with it. He drapes himself over Erik, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and grinning when Erik automatically clutches his hips to hold him more securely.
“I loved the flowers, Erik,” he whispers in his ear and smiles when Erik shudders, gasping softly. “I would’ve loved them even more if I knew they were from you from the start.”
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This is a very in-universe, Watsonian sort of interpretation, and I’m only three stories in so I may see things differently later, but...I don’t think Watson’s presentation of Holmes in the first paragraph of A Scandal in Bohemia is accurate. I think it’s a -- frankly rather bitchy -- personal tirade. 
Nothing so far has indicated Holmes is emotionless. He may or may not be aromantic and/or asexual (I haven’t formed an opinion on that from the ACD canon yet) but he’s certainly not cold. He’s frequently seen laughing or delighted or fond. And yet, Watson says:
All emotions, and that one particularly [romantic love], were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. He was, I take it, the most perfect reasoning and observing machine that the world has seen, but as a lover he would have placed himself in a false position. He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and sneer.
That’s just...not what Sherlock has been like? He’s good with kids! He befriends weird old taxidermists and has boxing buddies! And I find his interactions with the police in the canon read much more as indulgent and amused than spiteful. Sure he’s better at solving tricky problems than they are, and he knows that, but he’s condescending less in a snide way and more in a *pats them on the head and says "you’ll get there sweetie”* kind of way. Sure, he does seem dismissive of romance, but there’s a long distance between not fond of sappy romance and cold and calculating machine. And yes he has his black moods and his drug habit but he’s really just kind of...fun?! 
You know what I think happened? (And which I think the end of The Sign of the Four more or less supports?) I think Watson decided he was in love with Mary in the course of a single night; and then Holmes and Watson had the Elsa and Anna “You can’t marry someone you literally just met wtf” squabble in which Elsa/Holmes is VERY MUCH CORRECT, and Watson went off in a snit, convinced Holmes just didn’t value love, and got married and barely visited for months because he is a drama queen. 
Sherlock, meanwhile, has basically forgotten that they even fought, and when Watson pops back up he’s just like “Oh hey you’re back, off we go then, adventures to be had!” 
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sinvulkt · 9 months
Barry Allen in all forms and incarnations by Cicuta_virosa
Leonard would like to punch someone in the face. Or preferably ice some delicate parts and then punch someone in the face. He’s not sure who, but he feels somebody deserves it. Getting saved from whatever wherever whenever happened to him post-Oculus just to be thrown into a team-up with the Flash and his exasperating team against an Evil Flash version… He didn’t even have time for a the post-death bender that he’s pretty sure his resurrection warranted. And to make things even more complicated, it seems someone is poisoning Barry-Not-Evil-Yet-Allen. Completed, 8k words.
*** ** * ** ***
Chapter 6:
Savitar hesitated. He really shouldn’t have. Light exploded. It spilled from the man like water from a geyser, and it was so violent, intense, than Leonard couldn’t do anything else than let go of his weapon and shield his face. It was like being tossed right into the sun. If the sun had been green. After a moment, light dimmed itself and Leonard opened his eyes, slowly, carefully. Savitar was prisoner of an emerald bubble, raging against his confinement. He disappeared in a blurr, again and again, using his speed to try breaking the strange structure, but without success, and he finally fell on his butt, right here, in the bubble, panting like he had run thrice around the Earth. The barista was still there, but slightly shining, wrapped into some sort of green and black spandex, a domino on his face, and levitating a good twenty centimeters above the dirty floor. He touched the bubble with the same sad expression. “You can run all you want, you won’t go out of this until I want it. It’s as unbreakable as my will.”
“Admire the beast before the kill,” Savitar quipped, baring his teeth to Iris in a feral grin. “You’re going to live you, gigantic drama queen,” Hal affirmed, turning to him, “I’m taking you to people who can stabilize that whole mess of future time remanent, or whatever the fuck you did to your timeline and body. And then, to a shining blue guy who, I hope, can do something about those pesky murder tendencies, unfit for a Barry Allen!” “You can’t go!” Barry interjected, “I don’t… I don’t remember you.” “You will,” Hal said, “ You will remember I’m your friend, I always was, I always will be, in every forms, lives or incarnations.” He pointed at the bubble and his prisoner, “Even the most broken ones.” He smiled again, and touched Barry’s face. Leonard let him, because he understood what it was. A farewell. “I am Barry Allen’s friend. And right now, he’s a Barry Allen that need a friend more than anything else in the whole galaxy because he’s alone, when you aren’t. He’s a Barry Allen who needs me more than you do.” Savitar made a rude noise. There were tears in Barry’s eyes and he said: “It’s strange, I feel like I’m losing you in a divorce because you’re choosing the other parent.” 
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