#and then after a bit i was like FUCK and then went and walked like an hour away from my house to try and forget it
murdrdocs · 3 days
been having a niche thought of marrying patrick sort of for the benefits and access that comes with it.
no one knows if you and patrick married for the right reasons. there were suspicions at the engagement party, jokes made by the people who knew you best. "i never thought these two would settle down, much less with each other". laughter followed, but everyone knew there was truth in the statement. why in the hell would you decide to marry patrick zweig?
love, is what you tell everyone. according to both of you, you're soulmates. and yeah, in most regards both are true. you and patrick share a love for each other. but that love is shared with others, too. you know each other better than most. but there are two others who know you both just as well. sitting at the end of the table during the engagement party. sitting just close enough to you and patrick during the wedding reception.
the donaldsons are maybe the real reason why you and patrick married. it started as a joke, really. a deluded, elaborate bit created by a drunk art (finally allowed to indulge now that he's retired) and a barely-tipsy patrick (put on a strict regimen by his new coach).
"if you two married, no one would suspect anything between us," was art's reasoning. it barely made sense to you at the time, but not much could make sense when you were struggling to stay awake, being lulled to sleep by the rumble of patrick's chest beside your ear where you lay, and the sweet waft of tashi's perfume carrying in the evening wind.
"think about it," art had continued. "people won't be suspicious over two married couples being close friends. they already probably think i'm cheating with," art slurred your name and you distantly acknowledged how nice the sound was like that. it reminded you of when he was fucked out and he called for you. "and they think tashi's cheating with you, patrick. but if you two were married..."
and art didn't have to say much else. because on a fresh mind the next morning, standing in art and tashi's kitchen, wearing patrick's shirt and waiting for freshly cooked eggs while looking at the sunspots covering art's back and shoulders, you began to understand the logic in art's argument.
married couples were friends. close friends. spend the night at the others house and hosts birthday parties for each other type of friends.
maybe that's why after that day, you and patrick started seeing just each other more. maybe that's why the two of you started dating. maybe that's why patrick took you to a nice place, had art help him set everything up, and popped the question with a ring that tashi assured him you would like. maybe it's why you went through with the wedding, why you bought a house together, why you became mrs. zweig in every sense of the title.
and truthfully, it's a nice life.
it's nice seeing patrick walk downstairs shirtless, his body on display for you to ogle. it's always been like that between you two, yes, but something's different. he has hickies on his shoulders, two from art and then one from you right beside it. there's scratches on his back from you and tashi. he's always wearing his wedding band, and the gold glints nicely against his tan skin. sometimes, you pull the ring up his lithe finger and admire the way he has a tan line now. a permanent reminder of you, even if your presence in a shared space is the same.
he looks cleaner, too, from work of you and tashi. his body a healthy mix between lean and toned. his skin glowing from the inside out. his beard shaped up nicely, a light brown that works well with the burnt orange sprinkle in his eyes. curly hair kept short, more and more greys growing day by day.
it's nice sitting in tashi and art's backyard on patio furniture the four of you had a say in, sharing drinks and old anecdotes before you all went upstairs to entangle your bodies upon the king-sized bed.
even without the legalities, you and patrick would've remained intertwined in tashi and art's lives. but it feels right like this. it feels more secure. like you're committed to each other in the same ways that you're both committed to the dolandsons.
plus, patrick seems to be more bearable as a husband than he was as a friend (the term used loosely of course).
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Am I the asshole for calling my boyfriend out after a party after he very Frenchly insulted our cooking?
I (25M) am dating J (27M), and we live together. For the most part he's wonderful, super sweet, and perhaps the most French man living today. He's a walking stereotype, right down to the sexiness. He's Parisian (we live in the states) and has a huge obsession with wine and cheese, and I'll be honest, he can be pretty snobby. He was raised by some well to do old money family that disowned him when they found out he was gay and it shows. He has a few antiquated ideas of what America is like, especially when it comes to food. Anything that has roots he doesn't recognize gets criticized. It's a classism problem, we recognize that, and he is trying to work on it. He slips up sometimes.
We went to a housewarming party two nights ago. It was a potluck deal and I brought a beef chili I had been working on for like two days, it was my pride and joy, and J didn't even have anything bad to say to me about it.
Anyway, an hour or so into the party we went to get food. He had a few glasses of wine, so he wasn't quite thinking straight. It turns out somebody brought homemade Frito pie (and pretty fancy frito pie too, with jalapeños and sour cream and pico de gallo, it was amazing and delicious and I am still dreaming about it), I'm southwestern and it was a staple for me growing up so I tripped over myself trying to get at it. He noticed how eager I was and scoffed at me. I asked what was so funny, and he said it was baffling that I'd go for that first since it was "comically American, down to the fried chips riddled in it." I rolled my eyes and ignored him.
Turns out the friend who made it was standing a few feet away and overheard him. She told us that she worked super hard on making the chili and cooking the pie, and if he didn't like it, he didn't have to have any. I was so fucking mortified I felt like dying. I apologized on his behalf and we stayed for a bit longer, but I was so embarrassed and angry that we left about an hour after that. I couldn't make myself have a good time. As a bit of an apology I left our friend a container of the chili I made and said if she wanted to make a pie out of it I'd be honored, and she happily accepted.
This is where I may be TA. As soon as we got in the car I blew up at him. I told him that he disrespected my culture, my cooking, my taste, and worst of all, embarrassed me in front of a friend and insulted something that brought her joy. I said "if you see Americans as so lazy, stupid, fat, and disgusting, then why are you even living here? Why the fuck do you even wanna be with me? Am I just the only good one to you?" I was laying into him for about 5 minutes. It was the worst fight we'd ever been in, not that we get in many.
He got really quiet after that and just muttered out an "I'm sorry." We were silent the ride home and we went straight to bed when we got there. I even heard him sniffling when we were trying to fall asleep, which was heartbreaking and started to make me feel like I'd fucked up, too. He's been distant for the last few days and I feel like I need to apologize.
Do I? Was I TA? I just got so upset that I couldn't take it anymore. I really love him and I just keep worrying that any second he's gonna say he wants to break up, and I never want that to happen. Any advice is appreciated.
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fanaticsnail · 3 days
You're So Much More To Me
Masterlist here, Pollen Masterlist here
Word Count: 5,500+
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Synopsis: Desperate to impress the Straw-Hat botanist as you travel with his unruly bunch of pirates, he goes against your warning and immediately goes into uncharted territory and does the unthinkable.
Themes: Eustass Kid x gn!reader, penetration - reader!receiveing, MDNI, 18+, smut, pollen fic, dub con, confessions of love, pining, longing, falling in love, kid pirate shenanigans, straw-hat!reader, sex, dom!kid x dom!reader, passing mention of pregnancy (not related to reader or Kid, just passing mention), swearing.
Notes: I said give me a couple days, and it grew from the measly 650 words to the fic you see here today. I have enjoyed this series, and I hope you enjoy it too.
Tag list: @sordidmusings @nerium-lil @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @indydonuts @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @carrotsunshine @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @sunnyferr
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Hunched over his personal desk in captain’s quarters aboard the Victoria Punk, Captain Eustass Kid hung his head low and grit his teeth in a tight clamp. Pants around his ankles, his belt jingled with every cruel piston he made within his balled fist. As he reached the edge of climax for the upteenth time, the gateways slammed tightly shut and withheld him from ecstasy.
He squeezed his eyes firmly shut and he bit-back his whimpered plea. The coppery and familiar taste of blood flooded his mouth from how harshly he bit down on his tongue, lips and inner cheek. He huffed, panted and shuddered as the tingles of his withheld release refused to flood from the small slit in weighty ropes of ribbon-like cum. 
“Nnghm… p-please, please, p-... f-fuck, n-no-...!” he choked out his cry, desperately trying everything to jump off that ledge and usher himself into his blissful release. 
Glancing down at his cock in his palm, his knob twitched in a mocking dance of perpetual taunting. The ribbed veins swirling beneath his shaft grew almost a vibrant blue against the pale hue of his skin. His knob was a bright, shiny red mirroring the intensity of his dark crimson hair. 
You warned him not to go to the plants growing on the east-side of the island. Something about the sticky yellow tufts in the center of the vibrant petals, Kid didn’t know. He didn’t pay any attention after you had the gall to bark an order at him. Who did you think you were? He was the captain here, not you.
So, with heavy eye contact and a defiant grin plastered on his lips, he walked directly into the field of flowers. Watching as your eyes went wide in horror, Kid’s smile only grew as he stooped down to pick one of the flowers. He arched his brow up at you as your horror only grew more desperate, your expression pleading with him to halt his motions. Your body froze, your hands thrust out in front of you as a warning. 
In response: he raised it to his nose and took a lengthy inhale of the sickly sweet aroma, several particles rushing into his lungs and nasal cavities. You shook your hands out in a rapid flurry to halt his emotions with a repetition of “No, no, no, no, no.” Kid didn’t care, in fact: he took it further. Opening his mouth, he threw the bulb between his lips and swallowed the thing whole.
After all, who did you think you were? Some kind of expert on plants and flowers? His shock overcame him as his body flushed both hot and cold at the same time, his hands tingling and vision growing cloudy at the heady scent.
It only hit him once he reached his quarters that that was exactly what you were: an expert on plants and flowers: The Straw-Hat's botanist.
And now he was regretting not heeding your warning as both a local of the land, and an expert in your chosen field of botany. 
Tears began to prick from his eyes as he squeezed his tip tightly and chastised himself. He had never been this built up before, and he did not enjoy edging himself at the best of times. There was not a patient bone found in his body to endure the halt of pleasure from releasing from his steely cock. As he was now induced to edge himself in a perpetual motion, he had no choice but to seek out your help. 
Just as he managed to wince while tugging his trousers over his painfully erect cock, he heard a gentle rap at the door. Kid hissed in a sharp inhale, snapping his eyes up to the door and growling at the intrusion. He needed to be rid of this feeling, and he wanted desperately for you to be the one to help him with this burden.
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Offering an exchange-program as the Straw-Hat botanist was the best decision you had ever made. You were a native to the land the one-armed captain was taking his crew exploring, and your face lit up at the opportunity of visiting home at the Nakama meeting with the Straw-Hat, Kid and Heart Pirates. You were kind and compassionate, informative and professional, polite and reasonable: all of the things Eustass Kid was not.
Sitting at the lengthy dining table beside some of the quieter members of the crew, you slowly flicked through your cataloging journal and pouted at the scratchings in the margin. ‘No cure for the pollen, aside from the inevitable,’ you shook your head, looking to the assortment of crew and noticing a few were a little more friendly with one another with physical touch than you were with your own crew.  
You knew it would be an awkward question, asking if any here would be willing to sleep with their captain, while knowing they would have to face him day in and day out as they continued to serve him. The closest member of the crew to Captain Kid is his right hand man. You deduced that Killer would’ve been the first to seek him out and assess the situation.
As the minutes turned into hours, and the first day drew itself to a close, you seemed to be the only one panicking internally. You knew your place as a foreigner aboard the vessel to not attempt to halt a direct order, but you tried to prevent the Victoria Punk from leaving the docks and setting sail regardless. 
Eustass Kid barricaded himself in his office for three days: nobody going in or out from the fear of being the target of his anger and wrath. You knew the sinister act that was occurring behind that closed door. You knew exactly what was occuring while Kid remained in solitude, in an attempt to come down from the flower induced psychosis. 
And you knew it wouldn’t happen without aid.
“Killer, sir?” you turned your attention to the blonde first mate and closed your book shut. He turned to face you, rolling his shoulders back to square them before approaching you.
“Yeah, Straw-Hat Botanist?” he responded, his expression unreadable behind his blue and white mask, but his tone indicated a lazy humor in his cadence. You gulped back your resolve, stood up from the dining table, and attempted to lower your voice to halt any more attention drawing itself to you.
“Is there a member of your crew close enough to your captain to, um-...” you grit your teeth, gritting your teeth and begging Killer with your eyes to understand. He remained silent and stoic, gently folding his arms over one another and leant back on the table behind him. 
“Close enough to-...?” he continued with a small snicker in his tone. 
“You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you...?” you mutter beneath your breath before turning to him, “I didn’t want to alarm you all back in the field, but what your captain did was beyond reckless. The flower he consumed was a potent aphrodisiac that has no cure aside from sex. You’re only meant to smell the damn thing, a simple whiff of the pollen powder is enough to drive a person insane with lust.”
Killer hummed for a moment, bobbing his head in a soft nod as he took in your words. 
“And, what? What does that mean for him?” he asked with a soft shrug, “Captain’s been in there for a couple days now. Maybe he’s just sleeping it off?” 
“I don’t actually know,” you responded with a shrug of your own, “And I highly doubt he’s sleeping. We have a parlor in town that people can go to for services to rid their bodies of the pollen in their system if they’ve accidentally doused themself without a partner.” You frowned, pursing your lips and crossing your arms, “But your captain decided he wanted to weigh anchor and return me to my crew all the sooner instead.” 
Killer hummed again in deep thought at this new information, lulling his head to the side. 
“Well then, I’ve got some news for you, Botanist,” he unlaced his arms and sauntered over to you. Holding your bicep by curling it within his fingers, he began marching you down the corridor towards the captain’s office. “One: our captain does not readily fuck his crew. I don’t know what your Straw-Hat Captain does, but we don’t do that here.” Before you had a moment to process his vulgarity, he held up his other hand to silence you.
“And, two: you’re a botanist, and this is a new discovery for such a hazardous plant. You should be jumping at the opportunity for study,” Killer’s tone held a subtle smirk beneath his mask, gently reaching the captain’s door and halting in front of it. “You a virgin?” You were taken aback by his unbridled statement. 
“Yes, I’m a botanist. I'm a bloody good botanist,” you first said, your brows furrowed and heckles drawn up, “And no, I’m not a virgin. I’m also not a professional from the aforementioned parlor.” Killer let out a small, shrill chuckle that seemed uncharacteristically high for such a hulking individual. 
“You find my captain attractive?” Killer asked after he teetered off his laugh. You huffed, your shoulders deflating in response to his question with a soft flush pooling at your cheeks. “It’s better you help him out than one of us. It’d make our jobs more tricky here if one of us slept with him.” 
“You expect me to help him out with this after he did something against my explicit orders?” you growled at him, pouting and folding your arms over your chest in response. 
“Who knows, you might like it?” Killer shrugged before slowly backing away from the door, “And this should be a groundbreaking discovery. ‘What does happen when you eat one of those things?’ could be the title of your research paper,” Killer turned away and called out to you over his shoulder, “I’ll keep the crew away for you until I see your faces. I’ll put on some pasta. Basil and capsicum pesto alright, or you prefer lamb bolognese?” 
“Bolognese,” you pouted your muffled response, another shrill laugh eliciting from behind Killer’s mask in response. You balled your fist and tentatively reached up to the wood of the door and knocked on the frame.
“The fuck is it?” a muffled voice spat from beyond the door. You heard a soft squeak pulling itself from his throat, and the slow divots of metal slowly raking up the entrance of his pants up to the hilt. You hesitated, huffing out another exasperated breath before you simply pushed the door open. 
Immediately entering the room, you turned to face the door and hastily shut it behind you and locked it. You stared at each divot and crease in the door, noticing the weighty cracks within the wood splitting with the swollen water damage to the Victoria Punk. Shaking your head, you could physically hear the breath being pulled from his throat in a raspy quake. 
“You feeling alright, Captain?” you hum at him, a knowing and hint of mockery found in your tone. He growled in response with a curt, “M’fine. Never better.” 
While many in your culture used the pollen as a fertility aid for pregnancy, or as a cure for impotence, only the pale dust from the plant was meant to be used in crafting balms, salts and perfumes. Only the smallest fleck of dust was enough to rouse even the least sexually active: heightening the libido tenfold for a time.
This idiot captain ate one of them. 
Turning to face him, you cocked your brow up, looking down your nose at him and assessing the damage. His teeth were grit so hard they would surely break, his pupils blown with eyes creasing in the corners. His entire face was covered in a damp sheen of glistening sweat, and his cheeks and tip of his nose had the hue of the softest pink. 
“You sure?” you angled your chin down at his pants. His blush darkens, his top lip curling and snarling up at you and his brows slinking down his forehead. 
“Absolutely,” he sneered in return. You hummed in mock thought, gently removing your shoes and placing them by the door. The next to follow were your socks, which you slowly removed from your feet in a soft coaxing manner. 
“Not even a little bit affected by the flower?” you asked him, slowly reaching up and shrugging off your jacket, and mandated metal and leather harness, “Not even a smidgen?” You could’ve sworn you heard him whimper out a whispered “fuck” as you removed your shirt, but elected to ignore it.
“None whatsoever,” he growled in response, his tone holding a soft whimper at the end of his confession. You nodded along, slowly hooking your thumbs into the hemline of your pants, slowly and tentatively inching them over your hips and over your ass. 
“Are you completely positive?” you asked him, slowly floating your knowing gaze down to where his cock was straining painfully hard against his patterned pants. He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth, hissing at the pain his cock was currently in. 
His entire abdomen felt like it was on fire, his body ready to explode at a moment's notice. You knew he was suffering, and he knew you knew he was suffering. That fact alone made him want to fuck you into submission, rail you against his desk until you were so pumped full of his cum, you would leak with every step well into next week.
“You come ‘ere to gloat, s’that it?” he bit down hard on his lip, his cock twitching and begging to make a home within your body. He refused to give in, instead choosing to clamp his teeth down harder.
“No, actually,” you halt your next step, standing in front of the locked door on the other side of the room in nothing but your undergarments, “I came here to help.” Kid’s eyes fell glazed and half-lidded, drinking you in but forcing himself to remain behind his desk. 
“W-Why would-...?” he began, halting as his breath hitched in a soft whimper at the back of his throat. His cock was dancing behind his pants, the restraint causing tears to begin to prick at the corners of his eyes. 
“One: because your first mate said it’d be less awkward for me to help you than one of your crew,” you confess with a soft smile, Kid’s eyes snapping up in horror. You gently wave your hand in front of him with a softness in your features, “Only he knows what’s going on. He’s going to keep your crew away until we come out.” Kid gulps back a mouthful of saliva, his bottom lip quivering. 
“Two: because you took me to my hometown for free,” you admit, slowly stepping towards him. His eyes trailed your body with every step, listening as you continued, “Botany is my specialty, and this is a plant from my hometown.” He nodded, his eyes meeting once more with yours as his lips parted in humility. 
“And, three:” you stepped around his desk, closing in towards him and avoided his watchful gaze, "I want to help you with this, if-...” You trailed off, halting before him and gazing deeply into his eyes once snapping back up to meet his caramel hue. 
“If…?” he whispered, his body all too eager to join with yours, but holding back his restraint until you stated your terms. 
“...If you admit you were wrong,” you lulled your head to the side, crossed your arms over your chest and leaned your hips back on his desk. He growled in response, pouting and fighting the urge to simply take what he needs from you without inhibitions. 
He knew you were right, and he was wrong. He knew he should’ve known better and trusted you in the first place. He knew that if he said those things, you would be bouncing on his cock and having his tension released from his body and finally experience the orgasm he had been edging himself towards for the past three days. 
“And if I don't?” he narrowed his eyes at you, his body arching away from the table and desperately yearning for your touch. You inch away from him and hold a searing look at him in response. 
“Then I will leave,” you slowly trace your fingers over your shoulders, turning your face away, “And you can find someone else to help you with this.” You begin to remove yourself from his desk and you look over towards your clothes, muttering below your breath, “This was a mistake. I’m such a fucking idiot.” Lips pursed tightly shut, you bite at the flesh of your cheek and pout a little.
Just as you begin to make your way towards the door, you feel a strong arm coil itself around your waist and tug you back into a wall of warm flesh and muscle. 
“You were right,” his husky voice uttered darkly into your ear, his teeth gently grazing the flesh of your neck and causing it to pucker and dimple beneath his breath. “I was wrong,” he pressed his lips against your skin, his desperation being felt with every rake and twitch of his lips and teeth on your skin. 
“You’re not an idiot,” he continued, his right hand diving immediately beneath the hemline of your undergarments. His fingers danced dangerously close to where your arousal begged him to touch and toy with. “I think you’re pretty fuckin’ smart.” 
His hand dipped lower, his body stiffening and huffing out a soft laugh at hearing your voice hitch. Chuckling, he continued toying with you, stimulating you in slow and teasing motions. Biting back his urge to simply take you, he couldn’t hold it back any longer. 
“I need you,” he pleaded, his tongue dipping out and flicking against your neck, “Are you ready, or do you need more-.” You halted his train of thought by slipping off your undergarments and stepping out of them. 
“-Do your worst, Captain,” you challenged him with a soft giggle, “I bet you’ll cum immediately.” He laughed at your taunt, immediately slipping his cock out of his pants and recoiling at the pain of his stiffness. 
“Will not,” he huffed, flicking his knob over your entrance and biting his lip to stifle a swift hitch of his breath, “M’not some teenager. Not my first time fucking.” You braced your hands on his desk, your body turned towards it while you looked over your shoulder at him. 
“It is your first time with pollen, though,” you informed him, biting your lip as you felt the warmth from his tip meet with your entrance. “While I haven't had any experience with it, myself. I've heard stories.”
“Y-Yeah, well. M’not one of them ‘stories’.” His cock was larger than the ones you’d taken prior. His whole body was ignited and angry with the unnatural swelling from the aphrodisiac. Sparing a subtle look at his face, you were hypnotized by the concentration on his brow. 
He was holding back from swiftly entering you with reckless abandon, fighting with his feral urges to simply dive in and bottom out in one fell swipe. His eyes were soft and pleading, his lips quivering as he leashed himself to hold back from ruining you. 
“Captain?” you whispered, his eyes immediately snapping up to yours as he slowly pressed his cock flush with where he desperately needed to puncture you with it. He darted his eyes between yours, his metal hand discarded and lying beside him with a cruel thud. 
“Y-Yeah?” he asked you. His voice staggered, sounding almost whimsical and innocent in comparison to his prior aggressive behavior and attitude. You slowly rocked your hips back against his, prompting him to immediately move his hand from his cock to your hips to steady you. 
“I can take it,” you reassure him shyly, “When I say ‘Do your worst,’ I mean it.” His breath hitched as he felt your body begin to suck him in through your entrance, stretching to accommodate his width with a soft wince at the sting. 
“Do your worst.”
At that final reassurance from you, he immediately bottoms out. His cock drags itself up and slams its blunt tip against depths that have stars and lightning shoot sparks in your vision. He is overcome with the way your body morphs and molds itself to accommodate for his great length and width, his breath coming out in gruff pants as soon as his pelvis meets with your asscheeks. 
And as soon as it began, it was all over. Ropes of his thick cum shot up into your body and spurted back in a viscous wave of ecstasy. His abdomen tightened, his balls sucked up into his stomach and his release coated your insides with a groaned cry in gratitude.
“Mnghh-... fuck. I’m c-cumming. F-Fucking cumming,” he cried, burying his forehead into your neck and holding your hips within his forearm. He made no effort to rock or thrust within you, simply lingering in the hot hold your body had on his shaft as his knob twitched through his bliss. 
You closed your eyes and leaned back and lulled your head against his shoulder, feeling the waves of his orgasm continue to flood you. His lips pressed against your shoulder blade, pressing soft and gratuitous kisses against your flesh as his twitches began to become less frequent. 
“Y-You-... hhah-... you were right,” he said, sniffing back a soft sob as he came down from his high, “‘Bout the flower, and about the cummin’ too quick.” You chuckled, a soft smile beginning to draw up your cheeks.
“I don’t blame you,” you reassured him, turning your head and nuzzling your cheek against his forehead still buried in your shoulder. “It’s been three days, you’ve probably got-... oh fuck-...” Kid tore his forehead away from your shoulder at the sound of your alarm. 
“‘Oh fuck’ what?” he asked, searching your face for further explanation, “What: ‘oh fuck’?” You gulped back, your body twitching and straining around his cock.
“You’re still really hard,” your voice betrays you in a soft quiver. Arching your back, you slowly roll your hips back against his and rock on his cock. He huffs a soft pant, whispering a string of curses and pleas as you slowly took the lead in testing how stiff he was. 
“Captain-... fuck-... When you take a partner, how-... shit-... How many rounds do you last usually?” you ask him, feeling him begin to take slow and sharp motions against your grinds and rocks to match your pace. 
“I can go two, maybe th-three if I-... f-fuck this is-s good-... rest for a couple minutes in between,” he admitted to you, his parted lips huffing and chanting as he continued to rock into you. You whimpered, feeling his cock pulse and swell within your body, his thrusts becoming once again desperate and throbbing. 
“A-And when you’re b-by yourself-... a-ah-... How m-many?” you ask, your own stomach beginning to constrict, your body contracting around him and urging him all the closer. His motions pick up further, his body frantically chasing his high with each motion more desperate than the last.
“Fuck! Fuck! I-I’m c-cumming again-... fuck, fuck, fuck,” his voice cried out your name, mourning another hasty release. His motions became more languid and staggered, his forehead placed in the center of your spine as his cum shot up once more into you. 
As soon as his cock released the final spurt of seed into you, his shaft twitched and his cock immediately surged into a new round of arousal. He growled, his urges being propelled to piston his cock harder and faster into you. 
“Most I’ve done by myself is six,” he admitted with a soft pant, kicking aside your ankles with his cock still buried within you. He withdrew his hands from your hips, gently urging you down to lay your chest against his desk atop a litter of paper, mapping equipment. 
“Fuck,” you manage to curse, feeling his hand push down at the middle of your back as he sleeved himself in and out of you to use you as he needed. “S-Six in a day?!” your whimper caused him to laugh in a gruff rumble, pushing on your back to deepen the arch. 
“Six in an hour,” he confessed, his feet stepping out of the pant legs pooled at his ankles. You shrieked in response, feeling your orgasm begin to build at the pit of your stomach once more. 
“Were you-... fuck-... Bored or something?” you joke back at him, feeling trapped beneath his hand with each cruel slap of his hips meeting your ass, “Just wanted something to-... mmm-... Do between sh-shift rotations?” His heavy boot came to join your hips beside you, switching angles and reaching further depth that hit a spot within your body that had you cry out in bliss. 
“N-Not bored,” he huffed and panted, his motions becoming more desperate as he drove himself faster within you. “Fuck you feel so fucking good.” He whined, his pace becoming more clumsy and staggered as his hand reached between you and the desk, desperately clawing at your groin to stimulate you with his hand while shattering your insides. 
“W-What h-had you so built up for-... f-fuck, f-f-fuck,” you attempted to relay as his palm ground itself against you, your voice whining as he sheathed himself completely in your body. Rocking while sheathed as completely in you as he could, he focused more on motioning his hand to have your release twitch and erupt in his hand alongside his cock. 
Just as you feel the sparks begin to ignite, Kid leans down against your ear in a deep lunge and groans out a stuttered confession.  
“You did.”
At that, your body immediately ignited, your coil in the pit of your stomach releasing in an instantaneous snap. You cried his name, your body contracting around him and ushering him into his third orgasm inside your body. The viscos splashback of his cum seeped out of your body and oozed down your legs in heavy glubs. 
His foot slipped from the desk, his torso flopping clumsily on top of yours and caging you beneath him. He tested a few more, deep rocks of his hips, his body squirting a few more bursts of his seed from the small slit on his knob. Panting and catching your breath, you attempt to turn around to face him over your shoulder. 
“The fuck you mean ‘you did’?” you whispered, a look of confusion knit over your face. He huffed a soft laugh, shaking his head and retracting his torso from meshing with yours. 
“I mean just that,” his eyes almost rolled back at the sight of the heavy mess pooling at your center and seeping down your thighs. He retracted his cock from your body, giving the crease of your asscheeks a gentle tap and smearing his cum over the divot. “You're fucking incredible.” 
Reaching over your hips and hooking up your torso, he aided you to stand and turned you to face him. Your shock was evident on your face as your eyes met his. His lips were parted, and his caramel orbs held nothing but honesty and sincerity. 
“When we first met, way back on the Thousand Sunny,” he nodded to you, attempting to implore your understanding, “You were so animated when you spoke about your home. Killer doesn't normally leave my side, but he did to listen to you.” 
“I remember,” you nod at him, wincing as you felt a crewd squelch of arousal seep from your body and onto the floor at your feet. You both looked down at it, laughing at the mess before turning back to one another. “Killer was asking about food, Heat was asking about family. Got me feeling homesick like some child on their first camping trip away from home.” Kid laughed at you, raising his hand and hesitated before cupping your cheek. 
“You were so cute, and your smile just-...” he shook off his sentiments and flicked his eyes onto the floor, “Made me want to see it more. I decided to sate Killer’s curiosity of your cuisine, chart a course to your hometown, and hope Luffy would let me borrow you for a bit - just for a chance to get to know you better, s’all.”
“Mmhmm…” you arch your brow, crossing your hands over your chest and pursing your lips, “And the six times?” Kid gulped back, his blush grew deeper and looked over to the pile of your clothes in the corner of the room. 
“When you first put on the harness,” he nodded to the corner of the room. You turned to look down to the pile of clothes laying in a neat pile in the corner of the room. “I know it's stupid, I know I make my crew wear them so I can keep them safe, but-...” He trailed off, coaxing you to face him once more with his hand collecting your chin. 
“...It was like you accepted me as your captain, and that, in some way,” he smiled at you, his lips curling up in a genuine, crooked grin, “Had me wantin’ to make you mine properly.” You sighed, smiling while shaking your head and lowering your eyes to the floor. 
“It's only temporary, and you’re currently taking me home to my captain,” you confirm with him in a short, chaste whisper. “We'll likely not see each other in some time. I’m just a passenger to you, nothing more.”
“You’re so much more to me,” he whispered softly. Gently leaning forward, he pressed his lips to your forehead and cradled your neck with his right hand. You slowly slotted your hands around his middle and hooked them up to hover over the base of his shoulder blades. You felt a probe of interest twitch at your abdomen, prompting you to grin and shake your head against his chest. 
“Did it not go down?” You remove your head from his chest and place your chin and throat on his chest to stare up into his scarred face. “Still feel under the effects of the flower?” He chuckled down at you, shaking his head and cradling your shoulders against him. He nudged his patterned pants over the mixture of fluids pooling at your feet with his boot, covering the mess.
“Not the flower, no,” he uttered with a wide grin drawing up his lips, “It’s just you.” You growl behind closed lips, unhooking your arms and giving him a playful and gentle tap on the chest before removing yourself from his arms. 
“Well, I for one am hungry,” you turn and search his desk for something to clean yourself up with. “Killer is making bolognese, and I’m not gonna sit around and wait while your crew dives in. They’re as bad as Lu- ah!” 
“-Let me have you, just one more time, alright?” Kid whispered huskily in your ear, gently groping your thigh and holding you in place, “Just once more, as myself. Let me show you how much you mean to me before you run off to Straw-Hat.” His hands travel over to your center, gently coaxing away your inhibitions by massaging your cares away. 
“Captain,” you whine at him, closing your eyes and leaning into his touch with a warning in your tone, “I want dinner. Let me go and-.” He cut you off by turning your body towards him, hovering his lips just above yours. 
“Let me kiss you first, at least,” he demanded from you, his tone almost possessive and desperate. He immediately broke contact between your legs and hooked his arm over your shoulders and uttered, “I reckon I can convince you to stay a while longer.” 
“You drive a hard bargain, Captain,” you whisper against his lips, almost tasting the air he’s breathing. He chuckles, attempting to surge forward and claim your lips with his. You dodge his attack, his lips finding purchase on your cheek instead of your lips. He groaned before trailing a subtle chain of peppered kisses towards your lips.
“You gonna listen to me this time? Not gonna do something stupid, no matter how fun it seems?” you murmur, attempting to fight what your body so desperately craves to give into. 
“You talkin’ ‘bout the flower?” he mouthed against the corner of your lip, playfully biting at your flesh, “I did that ‘cos you told me not to. Wanted to impress you or somethin’ stupid.” He attempted to kiss you once more, to which you turned away and playfully laughed at his attempt.
“That was incredibly stupid. I am not impressed by your idiocy,” you admit, gently turning back towards him and darting your eyes between his. “I am, however, impressed by your stamina.” You looked down at his already hardening cock, before returning to his eyes, “How long are you gonna be? I can already taste that pasta, and I’m so, so hungry.” 
“Oh, Sunshine,” he growled a rumbled purr into you, brushing his nose with yours, “Let me take another two from you, and I’ll have you on my knee and feed you ya’ damn pasta.”
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drvscarlett · 3 days
About You Pt 7
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
About You Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
A/N: okay after a long while, here we have an update! huge shoutout for @olesyaexperience for the lovely message she left me for this series. i hope you enjoy this!!
Taglist: @spideybv28@randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @honethatty12 @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama @ririyulife @skywalker1dream @vicurious28 @khaylin27 @0710khj @its-elias-world @vizzzashley @allisonwoods @taytaylala12 @miarabanana @ceciii-b @lindsayjoy444
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2010, Winter break
If anyone asks, Y/N was not waiting on Sebastian's call.
She definitely was not checking her phone every five minutes to see if Sebastian left a message or anything. In her defense, she was just a bit worried that Sebastian must have been upset with her not being around. This championship is a big thing and a once in a lifetime achievement so she should have forced herself to celebrate yesterday with the team. With their abrupt leaving yesterday, she fed the media with the narrative that Webbers are crybaby and can't accept that Vettel won.
But she might have given herself away when she picked up the phone without it going on a single ring.
"Whoa its like you were waiting for me to call" Sebastian's teasing voice greeted her.
"Well hello there Mr. World Champion" Y/N replied back "Seems like you've been busy"
Sebastian chuckles at the other end and Y/N could just picture that smile on his face right now.
"Not too busy, just chilling around" Sebastian shrugs.
Y/N wraps her jacket closer to her body. It was snowing today in Australia, a big contrast to the tropical weather of Abu Dhabi. She finds herself thinking if Sebastian is inside his hotel room and taking a break from all the media duties.
"How are you feeling champ?"
"Amazing. Unreal. Phenomenal. High" Sebastian enumerates.
She was brimming with joy for Sebastian. It was really a well-deserved win. She wished that she could be there for Sebastian but her health is really taking a toll on her.
"You don't have to worry"Sebastian reassures "I'll win the championship again next year and you could celebrate with me then"
"Really? You are that confident?"
"Of course especially when you are smiling wildly like that"Sebastian teased.
"You got that I'm smiling from hearing my voice?" Y/N confusedly asked.
"Look out your window"
There was no way that Sebastian would be traveling all the way to Australia just to see her. However, there was the german driver standing with a grin on his face. Y/N didn't waste any more time and ran down to hug the world champion.
"You're fucking crazy Seb" Y/N exclaimed before hugging him.
They could feel both of their hearts pounding as they exchanged gleeful chuckles with each other.
"Only for you Y/N" Sebastian whispers "Only for you"
And Y/N swears her heart just went faster.
2011, Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit
It was a different feeling walking back to the paddock and having so many people cheer your name. For Sebastian, being the current world champion, has instantly given him a boost of fans especially among the young boys, who wanted to be a world champion just like him.
He never felt intimidated by the kids but with the way that this blonde kid has been making his way to him, Sebastian would like to rethink his decision that kids aren't scary.
"You are Sebastian Vettel right?" the blonde-haired kid asked.
The kid was dressed in a casual way without any team merchandise or branding with him. He looked pretty serious looking for a kid of his age and Sebastian swears he seen this look before. He cautiously looked at the paddock passes that hung around the child's neck, Mick Schumacher.
"I am Sebastian" Sebastian straightens himself up.
"I have heard a lot of things about you from Y/N" Mick said "I need to talk to you privately about her"
Sebastian could only nod as he led the young Schumacher to his driver's room. He honestly didn't think that he would be following a young kid's orders but here he is.
"What do you wanna talk about?"Sebastian started to ask
"I heard you went to her over the christmas break that's why she couldn't join us to go for skiing" Mick paced the room "And I heard you also took her to Monaco for her birthday"
The way Mick looked at Sebastian, he honestly doubt if Mick is actually a Michael Schumacher in disguise.
"And so what's your deal with her?"Mick crossed his arms "Do you like her?"
"What? How can you possibly say that, that's cra-"
"You do things for Y/N that my Papa does to my Mama"Mick said
His face was heating up by the ambush questioning of Mick and he felt himself sweating with the pressure building up. Sebastian already knew of his feelings from long ago but he couldn't understand why he doesn't have the guts to admit it.
"Well, I'm waiting here"Mick was an impatient kid "Do you like her or not?"
"I like her" Sebastian mumbles as if its a secret he only wanted to shared with himself.
"What? I can't hear you"
"Fine, I like her. I like Y/N" Sebastian admits louder.
It was the first time that Sebastian saw a small smile appear on Mick's face. He felt like his shoulders relaxed a bit while the young boy sits on one of the couches.
"So if you like her then why don't you make a move on her?"
Sebastian was stumped by the boy's question. Why doesn't he make a move on her?
"Well its complicated Mick and its not easy because I might lose a friend" Sebastian argues "It's not that I don't want to make a move on her but I don't want to put her in a difficult position"
"But isn't this also difficult for the two of you? Pretending you two are friends when you two are so much more"Mick had a good point.
He scratches his head. He actually had a plan long ago about confessing to Y/N when he becomes world champion but its been months after he became a world champion but he has no where near a game plan of how to confess to Y/N.
"You adults are so complicated, no wonder Mama doesn't want me to grow up"Mick complains.
"You won't get it, its too complicated and dangerous"
"You drive fast cars for a living and you say that telling a girl that you like how you feel is dangerous" Mick pouts.
Sebastian could only laugh how smart Mick was. He cannot believe that a young boy is telling him what to do with his love life.
"I only came here for one thing and that's for you to make a promise to have good intentions with Y/N"Mick added "Y/N is one of the best person out there and she takes care of me and my sister when our parents are not around"
There was a clear adoration in Mick's eyes and Sebastian felt himself warm up to how Mick is here because he is looking out for Y/N. He gave him a small pat in the back.
"Don't worry about it, I got her"
"Promise me that you won't hurt her okay? Even if it takes time for you to say your feelings"Mick reiterated.
"I promise Mick"Sebastian chuckles.
The little boy felt comforted by Sebastian's words and soon enough the two were engaging about a topic on motorsports. It turns out that having a great adoration for Y/N isn't their only shared interest. As they were heading out of the Red Bull motorhome, they encountered a very stressed out Y/N.
"Ohmygod Mick, we have been looking everywhere for you" Y/N worriedly states "Your Papa and Mama has been worried sick"
"I only went to have a chat with Seb"Mick grins.
Y/N looked at Sebastian suspiciously as if trying to figure out what the two talk about.
"Should I be worried?"
"You shouldn't stress about it"Sebastian assures "C'mon lets get little Schumi back to Michael"
The walk back to the Mercedes motorhome was how Mick held on both Sebastian and Y/N's hands. The three were giggling with each other while the cameras capture them. If there were new fans on the grid then they would have thought that they are a family walking at the paddock.
Somehow this thought couldn't leave Sebastian's head.
2011, Sepang International Circuit
Sebastian's dominance for the season is being affirmed with his second win for the current season. Y/N understands how this puts a lot of pressure on Mark especially when he feels frustrated that they have the same car but they are performing differently.
Usually, Y/N would congratulate Mark with a stellar drive because he went from P10 to P4 but her older brother is having a tantrum.
"I'm not doing well so save your congratulations for when I win a Grand Prix" Mark was furious with his words.
"Can you be a good sport and just for a second think rationally before speaking"Y/N pleaded.
"I don't give a crap about this" Mark replied "I am here to win and not be Mr. Congeniality"
Y/N slammed the door shut so no one could overhear them talking. With the way their voices are raised right now, Y/N's main goal was not to let the media get a whiff of this whole conversation.
"Seriously Mark, this isn't you... What is happening to you"Y/N asked.
"I'm actually done playing nice one with Sebastian and I'm focused on how to beat him this season" Mark stated "I don't care if he is your friend but on track he is a different person and I'll start acting like that"
"Mark, this isn't good for you"
"Just shut it Y/N if you're not going to help me win" Mark's words were cold.
And he left Y/N with her devices. Y/N couldn't believe that Mark could say such words but she attributes it to the pressure that must have been building up at his side of the garage. She just brushes it off as a bad weekend attitude from Mark.
2011, Silverstone circuit
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Webber made the second driver again.
Mark Webber must have thought that he can secure a win for this weekend with his pole position advantage. However as the race began, Sebastian Vettel, his teammate and current world champion, has received a better start. Vettel was quick to surpass his teammate and hold a comfortable distance between them. Webber was able to retake the lead when Vettel had a pitstop but his victory was only shortlived after Webber suffers a horrendous pitstop.
By the end of the race, the controversial radio of Red Bull telling Webber to retain his position behind Sebastian. But Webber disobeyed the orders and continues to fight for Sebastian at the very end. Unfortunately for the Australian driver, Sebastian Vettel stays ahead claiming P2 and him in P3. Well its not bad for a second driver, atleast you are still in the podium Mark.
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Webber and Button reunited in McLaren.
Y/N Webber and Jenson Button are spotted leaving the Silverstone Circuit last Sunday. Eagle-eyed fans spotted how they went straight to the McLaren Technology Center. It is quite funny because as one may recall it, Y/N Webber is technically a Red Bull employee as Mark's personal assistant. So what is she doing winding up in the enemy's territory?
2011, Nürburgring
Sebastian would like to think that this is all just an elaborate prank and that Y/N transferring to McLaren is just a joke. However, as race week start to approach and he sees how Y/N is wearing a McLaren team merchandise, Sebastian was out of focus.
He immediately seeks out his teammate because how could he have let Y/N go to other teams.
"Mark, what the fuck is going on with Y/N?" Sebastian barged in "I just saw her entering McLaren"
"What do you think it looks like?" Mark scoffed.
There is no way that Y/N would have been supporting McLaren unless she wasn't actually supporting McLaren.
"You fucking fired her?"
It was the only logical explanation available for Sebastian. Y/N got fired by Mark and Y/N had to find another job to sustain herself. Sebastian already know that McLaren has been trying to poach Y/N since Jenson moved there but he was always confident that Y/N would only switch if Mark fired her.
"I have to"Mark confirms "She is a distraction for me and a liability"
"A liability? A distraction?" Sebastian was bewildered.
"Yes because as long as she is here then I cannot fight you for the championship because I'm thinking how my personal relationship is at stake if I fight you"Mark was placing the blame on Y/N "But I want to fucking win"
Sebastian was beyond speechless. He have seen how much Y/N has tried her best to seperate their friendship and her family relationship especially during the championship. He felt so angry because all Y/N has been doing for the past few years has been to support Mark. But Mark has a too big of an ego to see that.
"You better watch yourself because I'm going to run you to the wall" Sebastian promised.
There was a certain anger in Sebastian's eyes because he felt like he would be driving with a personal vendetta for the next few races. Y/N has been so wronged by her brother and Sebastian promises that he will make it much more difficult for Mark.
"Is that a threat Vettel?"
"You bet it is"
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
Leona's Part
Previous Part (Riddle)
─────❅───── A/n: I might have butchered Leona, I'm so sorry :(
Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Riddle (Suggestive Themes), Leona (Cussing, Blood mention), Azul (Obsession, Manipulation, Cussing once, Potential Cannibalism? (He eats merpeople who are turned into Polyps). The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personality of our beloved boys
Due to the Tumblr Limit, Each one will be divided unfortunately, hopefully, it's an easy navigation for all of you!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Riddle = Queen of Hearts
Leona = Scar
Azul = Ursula
It’s hot, you thought to yourself, sweating bullets as if you were in the middle of a savanna, which, unfortunately, you were. Looking around; you only noticed a small cave that was a few feet away from you.
You could go there just by walking so without a doubt, you made your way to it, the closer you were the bigger the cave got, fanning yourself, you immediately went inside, sighing in relief as you felt cold water dripping to your forehead, it might be a wet pit cave. You were going to step further when you felt something squish beneath your feet.
“Urghk” a grunt was heard, causing you to jump back in surprise, the perfectly camouflaged man stirred up, sitting as he placed his tail on his lap, rubbing the part you stepped on. “Fuck, what the hell is a prey doing here?” snarling as he opened his eyes, piercing into your figure like he wanted to devour you here and there. “You’re lucky that I’m too lazy to eat you” he continued, sounding annoyed, standing up, he grabbed the collar of your shirt, pulling you roughly near to his face so that he could examine you better.
“You really are a prey,” he said amusedly, while you froze, not from fear, maybe a bit of that but also from surprise, Leona, your lover, was standing infront of you shirtless, with only just his pants, since when was he this bold?
“Leona!” you squeaked, covering your eyes to shy yourself away from the lion, who looked lost. “What?” he asked, crossing his arms, he found you looking like an idiot, covering your eyes like that, but instead of getting irritated, he found himself intrigued by how stupid the situation was.
“Put on some clothes please” you muttered, still not glancing at him, okay that was ridiculous, he grabbed your collar once again forcing you to look at him, “What kind of idiot would get flushed over a body?” he asked, after all, in this land, almost every beastmen and beastwomen were half naked, or fully naked, so why are you flustered? Huh, now examining your outfit, you didn’t seem to be a beast type.
"Hm," he murmured, pulling away to maintain a safe distance. "A human in the territory of beasts." He glanced lazily behind you, checking if you bought any of your herbivore friends with you. Finding none, he couldn't decide if you were bold or simply foolish. With a slight laugh, he added "You're bold. I'm surprised you weren't mauled and served as today's dinner on your way here."
“What does that mean?” you pouted, Leona somehow senses a feeling of familiarity in it, so he grabbed your hand, dragging you to his lair further as he sat down, placing you beside him, he draped himself on you.
Yeah, this feels familiar, he thought to himself, laying on your plush thighs, you didn’t even push him away automatically brushing your fingers in his hair. “I’m guessing you’re not from around here Prey,” he asked, eyes closing as he feasted on your affection.
“Yeah, I just happen to be here” you replied shortly, you didn’t really know what to say, this guy might not even be Leona, maybe he’s an evil counterpart, but the thing is he seemed to be fond of you, so what’s the difference? Was it the fact that the scar on his eye was bigger? Or the fact that he was littered with tattoos, unlike your Leona? The black ink spreading all over his arms to his back and neck was pretty, it suits him.
“When I take the throne, I’ll make you my little mouse,” he said so casually which caused you to stiffen. “Take the throne?” you asked as your fingers nimbly pushed the hair back that was covering his face, the moment he opened his eyes you saw the determination in his usually bored eyes.
“I will be king someday,” he said, grabbing your wrist you felt him pull it to his lips as he nuzzled it, so uncharacteristic of him, however, you’re not even sure who he is, so maybe not.
Pain suddenly surrounds your wrist, squeaking when Leona bit your wrist, letting the blood drip into his mouth; that hurt, you tried to pull your hand away but his grab on you was firm.
“I’ll be ten times the king Farena and his little brat will ever be” he stated, letting your wrist go when he saw the look you gave, fear, it suits you.
Yeah, He’s decided, the way you react, the way you stare at him with both love and fear. He’s going to keep you.   I’m sure you knew what he meant when he said he would take the throne right?
Azul Part one
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xxaraaq · 3 days
𝙎𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙛𝙛𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙨
Synopsis | Nanami finds out what he's been missing for the better part of his adult life
wc | 0.5k
cw | Infidelity, age gap, porn with a little plot
Nanami x black! Reader
A/N | Nothing really, hope you enjoy!
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No one can blame him for the choices he’s made. He’s only a man, and a man has his limits.
He’s done everything he can in his life to make sure he can say he’s done what was expected of him. He has a stable nine to five, white collar job that he loathes but still performs great at, he takes care of his stay at home wife, and everything else that he’s supposed to do.
But it’s not enough.
There was something missing. He couldn’t pinpoint it, but day by day he dragged himself around until the day was done. He thought he was depressed at first, almost booking a therapy appointment, but he realized that he was lacking an essential part of life; something that every human being needs to stay sane.
The realization hit him like a truck, his life was so boring because he had none – nothing to look forward to when he went home, nothing to look forward to when he woke up. Nothing. Even having sex with his wife was mediocre at best. His days were dull at best and straight up dreadful at worst, simply because he was the lacking excitement needed in one’s life.
Until he met you.
A pretty, young college student who recently started working in the cafe he frequented. All sunshine and rainbows, you never failed to greet him with a smile and a wave. He started to look forward to seeing your beaming grin every morning, even occasionally returning a smile. You were the cutest thing he’s ever seen, and he had to have you.
It was late when he came, to your surprise. He told you that he was working late in the office,
and decided to come by for a short break. You made him his usual black coffee, which you thought was weird, and the two of you talked – well, mostly you – about everything and nothing.
He was getting drunk off you, your voice lulling him into something he couldn’t describe. He didn’t know what came over him, but he leaned in and kissed you, catching the both of you off guard. 
“I- I apologize, I don’t know what came over me.” He backs up, but you pull him in by the collar, crashing your lips onto his once more. His hands grab your waist, pulling you flush against him. He knows it’s wrong, that the right thing to do is stop and pretend it never happened, but he wont; he can't. He needs this, he deserves it, and he’s not going to let a little bit of remorse stop him from fucking you until you can’t take anymore.
It’s sinful really, the way he picks you up and fucks you against the wall. He would expect this from someone like Gojo, but the thought soon leaves his mind once he hears those beautiful moans he’s dreamt so often about. 
You scratch at his back, begging him to slow down, but that only stirs to go faster. He fucks into you with a fervor he doesn’t think he’s felt before. 
He pulls out and cums on your sweaty torso, panting as he slowly lets you back on the ground. The two of you clean up without a word and he heads home after placing a kiss on your temple. For the first time in years, he walks home with something to look forward to in the morning.
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suhlogic · 1 day
smile for the camera [kmg x fem!oc]
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mingyu x camgirl! oc [roommates] 
summary: little did you know mingyu has been a subscriber of your onlyfans account and has a little crush on you. 
warnings: dom!mingyu, sub!fem reader, unprotected sex, choking kink, size kink, cum eating, mingyu’s a bit possessive, corruption kink, slight voyeurism
you and mingyu have been  roommates for a  year now, it was an unexpected thing for you to have a guy roommate but you really had no choice as you were out of living options to live in since the school year was beginning so when you saw mingyu kim's post on twitter through your mutual friend seokmin, you grabbed the chance and thank god he actually agreed to such an arrangement. it honestly helped that you two were in the same social circle as it was less awkward but if it came to your dynamics, you and mingyu simply got closer as the months went by. you've also grown to know that he is organized, knows his household chores, and is a gentleman on top of being 6'2 feet tall, absolutely handsome and ripped due to  consistently working out, and his golden skin that just  looks so dreamy whenever the sunlight seeps through your shared apartment. he was also funny and extroverted which you needed and never failed to always comfort you after a long day. as the days went on, he began to grow on you. but little did he know, whenever he was out for his late night workouts you were actually an onlyfans streamer. you started to stream as a hobby, a side hustle your best friend, karina recommended that you do since you were bored out of your mind and no men were just ever enough for you to be satisfied. plus, it was good money and was raking in what you needed to pay the bills for the shared apartment although you and mingyu split the bills.  
lately, you find yourself growing more attracted to mingyu. you didn't know if it was just the dry spell that was luring you into him like a moth to a flame  or the fact that he was a godsend in your messy life. surely, it couldn't just be purely platonic as he slowly became the guy you constantly fantasized about while touching yourself across your body wishing it was his hands doing all the work instead whenever you'd stream and film content. on the other hand, mingyu knew your little secret. you'd think he was still away for hours on end spending dinner with your other friends after hitting the gym but he was always on the other side of the wall, hearing your moans and screams as he jacked himself off every night longing to feel his huge dick inside you. imagining what it'd be like to have you under his touch like you were being set ablaze only screaming and moaning for him out of sheer pleasure. whenever mingyu would see you walk around in tight shorts and oversized shirts in the morning with no underwear in sight, it'd take all of his patience not to fuck you hard in every spot of your place and it wasn't something you both were strangers to—hell, you were always catching him shirtless and it really was a sight to be gazing at. you just hoped and prayed that your feelings won't prevail and make you do something stupid. 
friday nights began with your usual routine of dressing up in your cutest pink lingerie and doing your makeup as you put on a matching lace mask that resembled a butterfly. after being done, you set up your stream and the vibrator and dildo you were to use later on for your show. "hey guys, how's everyone doing? i hope your week went well," you happily greeted your viewers as they began to enter your livestream.
[clumsypup0697]: hi angel i missed you 
[clumsypup0697]: have you been busy?
[g4m3bo1]: want to see all of you so bad baby
the last comment on your stream made you blush and teased whoever user g4m3bo1 was on the other end of the screen. "aw, you missed me that much gameboy?" you smirk as you began to take off the straps of your bra and began to fondle with your tits. 
[clumsypup0697]: fuck, you're so hot i wish i was doing that to you 
[g4m3bo1]: youre driving me crazy baby 
clumsypup0697 tipped $8
[sebcherries]: need company? i can help😉
as your hands began to travel lower to your wet heat, you moved backward to lay yourself on your pillow to give them a view of your slick pussy and teased yourself with your fingers rubbing your folds and the bud of your clit. your moans became louder as you began to add a third digit inside, eyes closed in euphoria wishing it was mingyu doing such a thing to you. you began to insert your dildo and the sound of coins clinking which meant that the tips began to rake in on your stream. you didn't care if your moans were getting louder or if your hottie of a roommate already arrived. 
sebcherries tipped $20
clumsypup0697 tipped $35
g4mebo1 tipped $40
ho3shi tipped $35
on the other side of the wall, mingyu decided to cancel his friday night plans to go outside. so he just decided to go on his favorite camgirl's stream room who went by her online name— strawberryviolet. he's been a huge fan since stumbling across her channel just purely deciding to jack off his stress away one night. as he watched the girl slide the huge dildo in and out of her tight wetness, he couldn't help but jerk his huge dick off faster thinking how y/n's pussy would feel instead. as the moans got louder on the stream, so did the moans from the other room. he rushed to clean himself up and exit the stream he was watching. but holy fuck, he was met with a sight to behold— his roommate was a camgirl all along, and he was her fan. the difference was that she just had a mask on. 
"holy shit!l" he exclaimed, snapping you out of your pleasure. you quickly turned off your stream and rushed to cover yourself up in front of mingyu, "what the hell are you doing here, gyu?" you asked in frustration. "had nothing better to do but turns out i'm roommates with a cam girl?" he smirks as he leaned against your door. shirtless just wesring his boxers, his huge manhood still definitely erect the way it's almost bulging. "i can explain, please..." you pleaded but he just smiled again. "strip for me," he said with a demanding tone and so you did, baring it all for your roommate you're clearly growing feelings for.  "you're so fucking obedient huh?" he walks over to you as his fingers ghost over your face and lips which sent goosebumps down your spine. mingyu pulled you into a deep kiss with your tongues tied, "gyu, please fuck me..." you begged. "baby, you have no idea how long i've fucking waited..." he says as he picks you up and carries you to your bed, carefully laying you down as he left kisses and hickeys all over your body. "so fuckin' gorgeous, can't believe you're showing this off to the whole world...'s all mine," he whispers as he began to suck on your left boob while fondling the other one with his hand. "been watching your streams for fuckin months now..always would jack off to you every damn night thinking about how i'd fuck my hot roommate," he says  gazing up at you with eyes that had sin painted all over them as he slowly began to kiss you down to your clit, his teasing leaving you on edge. "be patient baby, we got all night." his breath fans against your pussy. he strip your panties off with his teeth and continues to eat you out with his skilled tongue like he craved for you so desperately. his toned forearms and huge hands gripping the back of your thighs securing you in his hold as he began to suck and create random figures on your clit. his pace going faster as your moans got louder, mingyu looked like such a fucking god in between your  thighs.  all you could do was tug on his hair as he ate you out. 
"i'm close baby please...let me cum," you stare at him with puppy eyes as he hovered on top of you to kiss you again. "not yet angel, i need to cum inside you," he says through gritted teeth as he grabbed you by the neck with both his hands to kiss you once more.  mingyu then began to flip you over on all fours without pulling out his dick inside your wet and slick pussy. "so fuckin gorgeous," he slowly buries himself inside you to the hilt and goes slow as his hand has both of your hands gripped against your lower back while the other holds your waist down. you never knew heaven could exist until you felt every inch of him inside you, making sure you're screaming and moaning for him only within the confines of your own bedroom. "gyu, please let me cum, gonna be so good for you..." you whine out as he slaps your butt cheek and squeezes your ass while he thrusts his huge dick inside you. as mingyu begins to pound into you harder and faster, your eyes were rolling to the back of your head in pleasure. he then flips you over into a missionary position and puts your legs over his shoulders and pounds you slowly, the stretch teasing your pussy much more different from earlier. "gyu, please go faster..." you whine, almost running out of words to say while you were fondling with your huge tits as he rubbed your clit with the pad of his thumb. mingyu looks so fucking hot on top of you— you thought,  his short cropped hair driving you insane as his sculpted body glistens like honey due to the sweat, brows furrowed focused on wanting you to reach your high. you grab onto his arms as you felt his thrusts get sloppier and his hand tightening around your neck, just choking you right. you thought mingyu would stop there but immediately takes his dick out of you and dives his head in between your legs and eats you out once more, "want you to cum on my tongue baby, yeah?" he smirks as he begins to lick figure eights on your labia and sucks your clit til you reached your first high.  
as he hovers on top of you, he flashes you a devilish grin and says, "so fucking sweet, just like how i thought" and you put your arms around his neck and pull him in for a long passionate kiss. mingyu inserts his length once again inside you and thrusts at a faster pace repeatedly as you feel him getting sloppy once more inside, "angel, i'm so fucking close...let me cum inside yeah?" he moans as he kisses your neck, sucking on it which would definitely leave a hickey later on. "yes, please daddy...i'm yours.." you moan out and it sends him over the edge as you feel his cum gush inside of you and some of it trickling down your legs. the two of you come down from your high and he lays on the bed beside you for a while and pulls you close against his broad chest wrapping his arms around your naked body, "how long have you known?" you asked looking up at him as your head was laid on his chest while he ran his fingers through your hair, "well, i've been your fan since i almost walked in on you a few months back" he says gently while he smiled at you, flashing his sharp canines that you always adored. the two of you clean up, well mostly mingyu because you could barely walk and drift off into slumber, naked bodies entangled under the sheets yet the thought of him asking you "what are we?" floats in his mind as he closes his eyes. 
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lea-russo333 · 2 days
I Don't Think I Can Walk
kerstin casparij x reader
warnings: 18+ smut
word count: 1200
proof read: sort of? not really
summary: Kerstin makes you squirt for the first time.
a/n: hi! I haven't posted in a while and this has been in my drafts for a bit, so I thought why not post it.
anyways, I have been working on the requests that have been sent through, but I have hit a little bit of writers' block so I'm not sure when they're going to be posted (they will be at some point). but here's a Kerstin smut for everyone in the meantime! (the end is alittle rushed not gonna lie).
You through your head back, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt her tongue run through your folds again. You tried to shut your thighs, trying to push her head away from your aching core, feeling too sensitive from the two previous orgasm she’d already given you. She wasn't having it though, pushing herself closer to you, latching on to your puffy clit. 
“Fuck Kerstin!” you moaned, hips snapping upwards into her face.  
“Yeah baby” she said pulling away slightly, her lips glistening with your juices, her calloused finger moving to rub soft circles on your abused bud. 
“I can't-” you gasped out, fingers grasping tightly at the sheets “too much”. 
“Oh, my poor baby” she removed her fingers from you, crawling up from the space between your legs, kissing away the trail of tears that began to fall from your eyes. 
“You can give me one more, can't you baby?” she said, her lips finding their way to your own, kissing you passionately. She pushed her Tongue into your mouth, swirling it around with your own before you softly sucked on it, tasting yourself. She pulled away, eyes searching for your own, her hand coming up to stroke your face. 
“See how good you taste baby?” she leaned down to kiss your neck, smirking slightly as you let out a small moan when she sucked particularly hard at your sweet spot. 
“Wanna taste you again” she voiced, her body leaving a trail of kisses along your body as she made her way down to her original position between your thighs, kissing the plush skin before looking up at you. 
“Are you gonna let me baby?” she questioned her hands slowly inching closer to your core. “You gonna let me taste you again?” her hand reached your core making you gasp, her fingers gliding over your hole, finding the new arousal that had gathered there. 
She looked up at you again, seaching your eyes for an answer. She looked so beautiful between your legs, eyes blown, your wetness covering lips and her hair sticking to her forehead, sure you found her beautiful all the time but moments like this had to be one of your favorites. 
“You still with me, pretty girl?” You were brought out of your daydreams by her soft voice and the slight tap to your left thigh. You nodded at her, bring your hand to your mouth, biting on the delicta skin around your nails. 
“Whatcha thinking about love?” she said, tracing soothing patterns along the marks shed left of your thighs. 
“you” you replied honestly making her chuckle slightly. 
“Do you want this?” she asked, waiting for your consent before she went any further.  
You nodded your head at her again, watching her shake her head in reply, opening her mouth up to speak again. 
“I need you to use your word for me baby, do you want this?” she asked again, pleased this time as you let out a verbal answer. 
“Yes, I want you Kerstin” she smiled at you, placing one last kiss to both your thighs. 
“there's my good girl” she said before diving in. 
You moaned at the praise, hands quickly coming down to tangle in her hair, pushing her further into you as she lapped at your cunt. She moved her mouth upwards, taking in your clit and sucking harshly, moaning when you tugged her hair after.  
You felt that familiar coil in your stomach start to grow as she continued to eat you out like a starved woman, switching between flicking and sucking at your clit.  
“Mm, fuck! K-Kerstin" you through your head back, arching your back as she slipped two fingers inside of you, moving them at a fast pace while she lapped at your clit. 
“You doin so good for me baby” she mumbled into your throbbing bud, sending vibration through your core. You moaned loudly, untangling your fingers from her head, reaching out in search for her other hand. She grabbed your lacing your fingers together. 
She looked up at you, watching the way your chest rose and fell with each jagged breath, the way your stomach began to tighten, she knew you were close. 
“You close baby?” she said, pulling away from you slightly, curling her fingers into you, smirking when she watched your back arch up when she hit that spot inside you. “You gonna cum for me love? Gonna make a mess on my fingers f’me” she breathed out, quickly going back to sucking at your clit. 
“Yes, I'm so clo- please don't stop baby” you replied, rutting your cunt into her face, trying to gain for friction. You could feel the coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter, your legs begging to tremble. 
“Come for me baby”  
That was all you needed to hear, your thighs clamped around her head as white-hot flashes of pleasure ran up your spine and through your body, moaning her name loudly as you came. Kerstin's fingers struggling to move as your pussy tightened around her, eyes stuck on your core, watching with a cocky smirk as liquid squired out of your sensitive cunt, soaking her hand and the bed sheets. 
Your legs began to tremble as Kerstin continued to fuck you through your third orgasm of the morning, the feeling quickly becoming too much as your orgasm died down, the feeling over overstimulation kicking in.  
“Too much baby” you said while grabbing her wrist. A groan left your mouth as she pulled her fingers out of you, moving them up to her mouth and sucking them clean. 
“You taste she good baby, did so well for me” she crawled her way up to you, laying down on the other side of the bed and pulling you into her side. 
“You made me feel so fucking good” you said into her neck, kissing the skin softly. 
She chuckled at that, pecking the top of your head whilst tracing patterns along your hip. 
“I should hope so, you fuckin squirted baby”  
You shot up at that, looking down at the large wet patch that sat in the middle of the sheets. Your face heated up in embarrassment, eyes shutting before you mumbled an apology towards your girlfriend. 
“Sorry, I don-” you paused “I've never done that before” you looked down, fiddling with your fingers. 
“Hey, none of that okay” she grabbed your face, Turing you to meet her eyes “It was so fucking hot baby” she was quick to reassure you, pulling your body back into hers. 
“But what about the sheets” you said, looking up at her. 
“We can change them, I have more” she looked in your eyes “you did so well more me love” she pulled you in for a kiss, gentler than the others that were shared between the two of you this morning. 
“Come on let’s get your cleaned up, we’ve got to be at training in an hour” she pulled away, getting out of bed and walking towards your shared bathroom. 
“Babe!” you called out, stopping her in her tracks as she turned to look at you, raising her eyebrow at you. 
“I don't think I can walk”  
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ladykailitha · 3 days
Sweet Home Indiana Part 5
Hey all! Heads up for those that missed my previous announcements, I'm going on vacation starting today for about a week.
No WIP Wednesday tomorrow as it's my niece's graduation, but it should be back on next week, depending on how late I get in.
We finally hit pinnacle douche Eddie and the beginning of his turn to the lovable Eddie we know and love.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4
Steve walked into his house after a long day at the shop to find Eddie in the kitchen making dinner. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked behind him at the door he clearly unlocked to get in and then back at Eddie.
“How the fuck did you get into my house?” he growled, throwing his keys in the dish by the door and kicking off his shoes.
Eddie didn’t even bother looking up from his dicing of vegetables. “Robin always forgets her keys, so you have to have a spare for her to get in, and because she’s so forgetful it has to be in the same spot.”
Steve let out an annoyed huff. “Under the second flower pot with duck.”
“Right in one, darlin’,” Eddie said, looking up at him with a grin.
“So is this your new strategy to get me to sign the divorce papers?” Steve asked pulling out a beer from the fridge. “Buttering me up?”
“Well,” Eddie said going back to his cutting, “since we’re still married and all with you refusing to sign the papers, I figured I’d just move back in.”
Steve dug around his crock drawer for the bottle opener. “Like you’d give up your cushy tattoo job up in Seattle.” He popped open the lid and took a sip.
He immediately went to the sink and spat it out. “What the fuck is that?!”
“Craft beer!” Eddie said with another grin. “It’s all the rage out on the West Coast. But anyway, I was in town and stopped by the furniture shop because that couch is hideous and has to go. And of course we're going to need a bigger bed.”
Steve scoffed and shook his head. “Whatever, babe. It’s your money.”
Eddie stopped chopping and said with all the innocence he could muster and said, “But Stevie, I thought it was our money.”
Steve who had opened a bottle of his own beer and was drinking it, suddenly froze. His throat still moved, swallow after swallow but the rest of him was stock still.
“I bet the words ‘joint checking account’ are flashing through your mind right now,” Eddie sneered.
Steve emptied his bottle and threw it into the sink with a loud crash. “How much did you take?”
Eddie turned around and faced him, crossing his arms over his chest. “All twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fourteen cents.”
Steve’s jaw formed a hard set line and he clenched his fists. “You put it back, right now.”
“Why don’t you use it for something useful, Steve?” he asked, waving his hands in front of him. “You have a shop, why aren’t you putting the money toward that? Christ that is almost life changing money.”
Steve stormed out of the room and was back before he could even raise a protest. “This is what it’s for, asshole and if you don’t put it back I will never forgive you. Do you understand me?”
Eddie looked down at the papers in his hand in confusion, gingerly taking them from Steve. In big bold letters were the words NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT.
“Am I allowed to read this?” he asked with a gulp.
“It expired five years ago,” Steve bit out. “So yeah, otherwise I wouldn’t be giving it to you, would I?”
Eddie nodded and began reading. The date was roughly three or four months after he left and god was it a mess. It chronicled Susan Hargrove’s addictions to drugs, alcohol, and sex. And that if Steve wanted custody of her daughter, Maxine Maxwell he had to jump through so many hoops, including signing the NDA. His hand shook as he turned page after page of what boiled down to fifteen page document.
“The money is part of the settlement from the court,” Steve said through gritted teeth. “I put it in the old account because I didn’t feel like opening another one and forgot your name was still on it. It pays for her schooling, rent, and food until it’s gone.”
Eddie’s lip quivered. “Shit, Steve, I’m sorry. But I’m still in contact with most of the kids. Even Max and no one told me about this. Not ever.”
Steve frowned and took the pages from Eddie’s trembling hands. “I thought you knew. Hell, it was more than a nine day wonder here in town when the dust finally settled.”
Eddie thought for a moment, worrying his bottom lip with his teeth. The more he thought about it the more it actually made sense. And fuck if that didn’t hurt like a kick to the ribs.
One of his worst parting shots was that the kids would be fine on their own. They had parents and friends and other people who cared about them. But that fucking NDA proved him to be the biggest asshole in that regard. Because it irrefutable proof that he had been dead wrong about that.
“Fuck,” he whispered, drawing his hands over his face. “It’ll be back in there by tonight, I swear. I’m so, so sorry, Steve. I swear I am. I know you won’t believe me and that’s okay. But I would never do anything that would harm those kids. Not if my life depended on it.”
Steve’s bottom lip quivered and then he pinched his nose and rubbed the end. And fuck if that didn’t break Eddie’s heart. That was Steve’s little tell that he was fighting back tears.
“You really didn’t know?” he asked, his voice cracking.
Eddie shook his head. “I didn’t know. Here...” he pulled out his phone and immediately transferred the money back. He had transferred it in several small amounts as to not trigger that that Fed law thingy and reversed every one of them. “All back.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. “Were you really going to blackmail me with the money to divorce you?”
Eddie hung his head and let out a sigh of his own. “I can’t tell you why, but me and Chrissy are on a timetable and if we don’t get married by certain date, things can go very badly. So yeah. I was going to do whatever it took.”
Steve’s bottom lip quivered so him bit down on it to stop it shaking.
“Come on,” Eddie murmured. “Let me finish making dinner and we’ll talk. I think there are a lot of things between us left unsaid. I thought it was all on my side, but I’m starting to think there has been a lot of things that I haven’t been told about what’s being going on with you and this town.”
Steve nodded.
It took Steve a fair bit of breathing techniques to get his heart rate back to normal after that little stunt. And if he was honest, he couldn’t say had their situations been reversed, he wouldn’t have tried the same thing.
But there wasn’t anyone in his life right now that measured up to Eddie. Or at least that starry-eyed boy he fell in love with the first time.
Eddie had actually made his favorite meal. Manicotti. He had been cutting up the vegetables for the bolognese sauce that he poured over the top.
They sat down on the hideous neon green sofa while it went into the oven to cook.
“This sofa really is grotesque, Steve,” Eddie muttered, bringing one knee up so he could turn and face him.
Steve threw back his head and laughed. “That’s what everyone has said once they’ve seen it.”
“So why keep it?”
He ran his fingers over the worn surface thoughtfully. “Because despite how ugly it looks, it’s soft and comfortable. Great for naps and movie nights. If I spill something on it, I won’t freak out about it getting ruined.”
Eddie’s heart sank to his stomach. That was something that had made having movie nights over at Steve’s parents’ house such a nightmare. No feet on the sofa, no drinks anywhere but on the coffee table with a coaster, no dips or salsa, nothing red or orange, drinks or otherwise. It was the biggest house with the biggest screen, but it was a museum and not a home.
He actually looked around him for the first time, taking in the homey surroundings, the pictures on the wall of not just Steve and Robin, but all the kids. Birthdays, graduations, dances, you name it, if Steve was there with a camera, it was there up on his wall in some way.
The house was neat, but in a lived in sort of way instead of the strict tomb quality of his parents’ house. Christ. He had been joking about wanting to move back, but now he actually did. He could see himself slotting himself into this home as easy as breathing.
Eddie cleared his throat. “Right. So how long have you had this place?”
“About three years now,” Steve murmured. “That’s about when the shop started making a profit and not just coasting along above red.”
“I like it,” he said with a fond smile.
Steve gave his shoulder a shove. “You do not. You don’t need to pretend with me.”
Eddie grasped his hands to his chest. “Ah! I doth protest!” He paused for a moment and tapped his lips thoughtfully. “You’re right, I don’t like it.”
“See?” Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“I love it.”
Steve stared at him for a moment before blushing and looking away. “So how long have you and Chrissy known each other?”
“Two years,” Eddie replied. “She came in for a tattoo to cover up the name of her ex-boyfriend and we became really good friends.”
“And she’s a paralegal?” Steve asked.
“Legal assistant,” Eddie said. “Don’t ask me what the difference is, I don’t know. But she’ll always correct people when they say ‘paralegal’.”
Steve nodded.
“So, is it just you and Robin?” he asked, looking around the house for clues there was another person here. Either for Steve or for Robin.
“Yeah,” Steve said with a sad smile. “But not for much longer. She’s starting school in the fall. She just needs to pick which one she wants and let the other know she’s pulling out.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asked. “What are her choices?”
“NYU and University of Washington,” Steve said. “I don’t get wanting to go to either except to get as far away from Hawkins as possible and still be in the country.”
Eddie laughed. “Well can you blame her?”
Steve leveled him with a glare and Eddie gulped.
“Right, sorry. That was a shit thing to say,” he said ducking his head. “I ran away and kept running away and you didn’t deserve that.”
“So why did you? Run away, I mean?”
Eddie ran his fingers over his face and let out frustrated sigh. “I thought it was what I wanted. The fame, the fortune, the screaming crowds every night. And maybe it still is, but the other guys got tired of it. Of the being away from family and on the road all the time, so by the time that all fell apart, it was just too much.”
Steve cocked his head to the side and regarded Eddie fully. He took him all in and not just the cursory glance he got at the bakery.
Eddie had filled out in a good way. He would always be thin, but he was no longer that waif he was in high school. He had more tattoos, which made sense considering his job. His hair was still as wild and untamed as always. He had stubble on his jaw and on his upper lip. There was a weariness to those dark brown chocolate button eyes.
“What was too much, Eddie?”
“The amount of pain I put you through,” he said softly. “And continued to put you through. You didn’t deserve any of it, sweetheart. You deserve a white wedding with all your friends and loved ones around you. You deserve to have someone standing by your side as an equal partner. You deserve someone who isn’t going to run the moment things get rough.”
“I always thought that would be you,” Steve admitted.
Eddie nodded. “So did I, once upon a time.”
“But not anymore?” Steve asked, breathless.
“No. Not anymore.”
Tag List: CLOSED
1- @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @ravenfrog @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi
3- @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @vecnuthy @irregular-child
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1
5- @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95
7- @blackpanzy @amazing-spiderkeys @oldpinghai @raisedbylibrarians @kultiras
8- @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steddie-as-they-go @captain--low @micheledawn1975 @thespaceantwhowrites
9- @mac-attack19 @blondie1006
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 days
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Stuck in an Elevator (18+)
Word count: 5,979
Warning: Smut, Panic attacks, Make up sex, unprotected sex, cumshots, Anal stuff, creampies, Fingering, Teasing, positions: Standing up, against the wall
Plot: Reader, Caitlin Foord and Katie McCabe have had a rough past. Katie and Reader used to be best friends, but had a major falling out and it was extremely bad the way things ended between them. Katie has turned into a bitch and has been a major asshole to Reader. After a long game against Ireland of Katie shit talking to the reader and Katie getting physical with the reader the game ends. Reader takes the elevator to the lobby for dinner, suddenly the elevator stops, the doors ping and open. Reader sighs as she she sees Katie McCabe. Katie joins reader in the elevator. But what happens when the elevator goes down 4 floors and gets stuck? Now reader is trapped with her enemy and it’ll take hours before they are rescued.
*Y/n's pov*
It was game day, I was a rookie and just started playing for England. We were playing against Ireland today, I had my AirPods in and was listening to music. My leg was bouncing like crazy, Leah was sitting next to me. Leah places her hand on my leg and helps me relax.
"Deep breaths love." Leah says.
I nod and take a couple deep breaths. "You okay love?" Leah asks me.
I nod and close my eyes. "S-Sorry really nervous. First time playing/ representing my country." I say. My hand were shaking really bad.
"Here drink some water love." Leah says and hands me an extra water bottle that she had.
"T-Thanks." I say. I take the water from her and take a drink, the water helps me relax a bit.
"You are an amazing player Y/n. You have nothing to worry about." Leah says.
I smile. "Thanks Le, none of this would've been possible without you."
"Hey you are my best friend. Of course I'm gonna help you out and be by your side." Leah says.
We get to the stadium, we get off the bus and head towards the locker room. As we are walking to the locker room we run into Ireland as they are also heading to their locker room.
Me and Leah spot Katie. Katie glares at me, geez if looks could kill I'd definitely be dead by now. She walks past us.
She shoulder checks me as she walks past which makes me stop walking and pause. "You're Dead Y/n. Your ass is mine." She spits out venom laced in her voice.
"Fuck off McCabe. Go to your locker room." Leah says.
Katie smirks and looks at me. "Go! Now." Leah shouts.
Katie walks away and heads to their locker room. Leah wraps her arm around my shoulder and we walk towards the locker room.
"Come on bud. We got a game to play, save it for the pitch." Leah says.
I smile and peck her cheek. "Let's go bud." I say.
Me and Katie have some really bad history. Katie and I both dated Caitlin Foord, Katie was a piece of shit and cheated on Caitlin with Ruesha. Katie and Caitlin broke up, Katie blamed me for their break up and accused me of stealing her girl.
Caitlin and I started dating after we hooked up a few times after her and Katie broke up. Issues got worse between Katie, Caitlin and I. One day me and Katie actually got into a fist fight.
Leah and some of the girls had to jump in and break it up and separate us. Caitlin was sick and tired of the drama. Me and Caitlin went on break for a month.
One night Caitlin got really drunk and came back home with another girl while I was asleep in our bedroom. I woke up when I hear noises coming from downstairs.
I came downstairs and saw Caitlin and another girl naked, and caught them having sex. I packed my bags that night and left her. I haven't talked to Caitlin in 3 years.
Leah was there for me when I was at that low point in my life. Katie McCabe has hated my guts ever since. Me and Leah get to the locker room, we get changed and join the girls and warm up.
Truth is I actually had a crush on Katie, I was actually in love with her. We finish warming up and start the game. I steal the ball from Katie, I dribble the ball up field. I'm about to kick the ball when I get side tackled and take a nasty fall.
I look over and see Katie getting back up. Of course it was fucking her, I try to get up but Katie shoves me back down.
"Fucking bitch." Katie mutters so I was the only one who heard it.
I feel a sudden rage rise in me, I shoot up to my feet and shove Katie. "Fuck you McCabe!! What is your problem?!"
Katie is shocked but shoves me back. Leah, Lucy and Millie jump in and pull me back. Ruesha and a couple Ireland players jump in and hold Katie back breaking up the altercation.
The ref blows the whistle and gives Katie a yellow card. Katie holds her hands up and laughs, she shakes her head and walks away. The ref looks at me and gives me a warning.
We go back to our spots and continue playing the game. I get the ball again, Katie was in front of me. She tried to steal the ball from me but I nut meg her. I smash my foot into the ball.
The ball flies past the goal keeper and sails into the back of the net. 1-0, Katie glares at me. I smile at her and Do a little bow.
We continue panting the game, Katie gets the ball she runs past me. I try to take the ball but Katie trips me, she rams her body into mine and we both fall to the ground.
I groan, I banged up my knee a bit. I get up, Katie was still on the ground. I hold my hand out for her to help her up. Katie tosses the ball to me, I catch it with one hand. Katie swats my hand away.
"Fuck off." Katie mutters and walks away. I sigh and head back to my position. I give the ball to the ref, Leah pats my back.
"Fuck her, you are playing really well Y/n. You already scored for us." Leah says.
I smile and nod, Leah smiles and taps my butt. Leah and I have hooked up a few times. We are best friends but we are also kinda of friends with benefits.
We continue to play the game. Katie scores, the score was tied 1-1. The game ends and we win 5-4, I scored 4 goals and Leah helped me score the 5th one. Katie scored 3 goals and Rushea helped her score the 4th one we line up and shake hands, Katie walks past me and doesn't shake my hand.
We shake hands with the other girls. We grab our things and head back to the locker room. The team showers and gets dressed, I shower and get dried off and change into new clothes.
I sit on the bench in front of my locker and fiddle with my fingers lost in thought.
*3 Years Ago*
"Fuck you Y/n! I'm gonna beat your ass." Katie says. I turn around and pop her in the face, Katie tells in pain and holds her face.
"You bitch!" Katie shouts. She goes to swing at me but the rest of the team quickly jumps in and holds us back separating us.
"What the fuck is going on here?!" Leah shouts.
"She's trying to steal my girl from me!" Katie says.
Caitlin hears this and steps forward. When this catches her attention. "Katie that's not what happened."
The girls all pause when they hear this being said. "What are you even talking about?" Viv asks confused.
"Katie here was caught cheating on Caitlin with Ruesha Little-John." Beth says.
Viv looks over at her girlfriend confused. "Is this true?" Viv asks directing her attention to Caitlin.
"Yes it's true." Caitlin says.
I shake my head and walk away Caitlin and Leah follow behind me. Me and Caitlin have been dating for a year now. We were getting serious I was shopping for a ring.
Caitlin stops me as she catches up to me. "What the hell was that Y/n?" Caitlin asks me. "Not cool babe." Caitlin sighs and runs her fingers through her hair.
"Babe I di-" Caitlin cuts me off.
"I can't do this right now. I can't, I need some time to think and figure things out." Caitlin says.
I look at her confused. "Hey what does that mean?" I ask confused.
"It means that we are gonna take a break. Take some time to figure out what we both want." Caitlin says.
I don't say anything, I just grab my things and walk away. I get in my car and drive off heading back to my house. Leah and the girls try to text and call me but I ignore their texts and calls.
*one month later*
Caitlin and I have been doing good. I bought her a ring and I'm gonna pop the question today, I just bought the ring. I get in my car and drive to Caitlin's house.
I get to her house, I park in the drive way and see another car in the drive way but don't think anything of it thinking that it might be her sister or one of her parents.
I smile, I grab the ring and go into her house. I smile and make my way into the living room. My heart drops and tears roll down my cheek as I see the sight in front of me.
I'm met with the sight of Caitlin naked and having Sex with Sam Kerr. "What the fuck?" I say.
Sam quickly covers herself with the blanket.
"B-Babe? What are you doing here. I-I thought you weren't coming over until tomorrow." Caitlin says putting her shirt and panties back on.
I look at Kerr and then back at my girlfriend. "How long has this been going on?"
"Bab-" I cut her off.
"How long?" I ask her again.
"A month." Caitlin says and looks down.
"The entire time we were on break you were fucking Sam behind my back?" I ask her crying.
Caitlin tries to speak but I cut her off. "Don't bother, I'm fucking done."
I toss the ring box to Caitlin. Caitlin gasps when she sees what it is, Sam sees the ring and her face drops.
"Oh fuck." Sam mutters.
I shake my head, crying and walk towards the front door.
"Baby, wait. Please, can we please talk about this?" Caitlin asks.
"There's nothing to talk about." I say.
Caitlin tries to stop me, she was hysterical and sobbing. "Baby please, don't go. I'm sorry."
I look at her one last time tears rolling down my cheeks. "Goodbye Caitlin, have a nice life. Maybe you can propose to Sam and give that ring to her." I say.
I open the front door and walk out. Caitlin follows me out into the drive way, I cry and get in my car. I start the car and drive away, Caitlin stands in the drive way crying as she watches me drive away.
I drive to a friend's house. Someone I know who I can talk to. I get to Leah's house, I park my car and knock on the front door. I stand there crying on the front door when she opens the door.
*back to present day*
I notice Leah kneeling in front of me. She takes my hands in hers. "Hey, you okay love?" Leah asks.
I nod. "Can we head back to the hotel? I'm tired." I say.
"Yeah of course, come on." Leah says.
We grab our things and get on the bus. The bus leaves the stadium and heads back to the hotel. We get off the bus and go inside the hotel.
"I'll see you later at dinner. Try to take a nap before, you look tired." Leah says.
I nod, I hug her and head up to my room. I unlock the door and go into my room. I close the door behind me and lock it. I take my shoes off and plop down onto the bed.
Dinner was at 6:30 pm it was 3:30 pm. I set an alarm on my phone for 5:30 pm, I set my phone off to the side and fall asleep. I start dreaming about Katie and Caitlin I groan and wake up.
My alarm blares through the room. I sigh, I turn off my alarm and run the sleep out of my eyes. I get up and start getting ready for dinner.
My phone was at 25% I sigh, I forgot to put it on the charger. I put my slides on, I grab my key card and my phone and leave the room.
I get in the elevator and press the button to the lobby. The doors close and the elevator starts moving down. It goes down a floor, the doors open and I see Katie McCabe standing there.
She groans and gets in the elevator. "Which floor you going to?" I ask.
"Lobby." Katie says in annoyance.
I nod and ignore her bitchy comment. I press the lobby button again, we are staying in the 8th floor. Ireland is staying on the 7th.
"Katie...." I trail off.
Katie looks at me confused. "What?" She asks softly.
"What happened between us?" I ask. You could hear the pain in my voice.
Katie sighs and looks at me. "You know exactly what you did."
"What? Please tell me what did I do? Cause I wasn't the asshole who cheated on my girlfriend." I say.
Katie sighs and looks down. "I was fucking drunk Y/n. I made a mistake. You took my girl from me."
I sigh and rub my face. "Katie I didn't steal Caitlin from you. She broke up with you when she caught you cheating."
Katie chuckles. "Yeah right, I saw the way you looked at her when me and her were together."
I sigh. "I wasn't looking at her. I never looked at her as more than a friend when you two were together."
Katie glares at me. "What the fuck are you on about Y/n."
"Exactly what I said!" I shout and punch the wall.
Katie immediately stops talking getting startled by my actions.
"I never fucking stole Caitlin from you! You cheated on her, she came to me when she needed a friend. It took her 3 months to get over you! It took a couple of dates before her and I started dating!" I say.
Katie stops and looks at me shocked by my sudden outburst. "You hated me for all these years. I never did a single fucking thing to you! All I did was punch you in the face!"
Katie stands there lost for words. "What's wrong Katie? Nothing to say?"
Katie is quiet for a moment and then speaks up. "I didn't know about that." She says quietly.
"Yeah because you blamed me and refused to hear my side of the story. We were best friends you cut me off and became a dickhead after Caitlin ended things with you." I say.
We get interrupted as the elevator goes down 5 floors and stops. I sigh, fucking perfect. I start to quietly panic as I press the "Emergency call" buttons. We are told to get comfy cause it's gonna take them a few hours to get to us.
Katie and I both groan. We stand there and lean against the wall and mess around on our phones. Katie had a sucker in her mouth, there was tension. A bunch of tension between us that we didn't know what to say or do.
30 minutes go by and my phone dies. "Fucking perfect, my phone is dead. What about you?" Katie asks.
"Yeah mines dead too." I say.
I sit there and take deep breathes my phone was distracting me so my mind was occupied. Now my phone is dead and I'm starting to panic as I think about the situation we are in.
*Katie's pov*
I was sitting there lost in thought sucking on my sucker thinking about what Y/n told me. "K-Katie?" Y/n says.
I look over at her, she was panicking and struggling to breathe as she began to have a panic attack. "Woah woah Y/n focus on me bud." I get up and stand in front of her. "Hey deep breaths." I say.
Y/n grabs onto me gasping and trying to breathe, I get an idea as she continues to have a panic attack. I grab her hand and slip it under my shirt and bra and place it on my boob.
"Shhh take deep breaths love. Focus on my breathing match your heart beat with mine." I say.
Y/n nods and takes deep breaths. "Yes there you go love."
Y/n smiles a bit and continues to match her breathing with mine as she takes deep breaths. I blush a bit and get a little wet as her hand was still on my boob.
Y/n calms down, her breathing was back to normal, both of us are quiet and are just looking at each other. There was definitely some sexual tension, my scent was strong in the elevator.
Y/n looks down at my lips, I look down at her lips. Y/n rests her head against mine, I moan as she squeezes my boob a bit. "Mmm fuck." I moan.
Y/n smirks, she leans in and kisses me, our lips move in sync. Y/n plays with the hem of my shirt. "Mmm take it off." I say.
Y/n slides my shirt and bra off and tosses them to the side. I giggle and moan as she kisses my neck down to my chest she kisses and sucks in my neck leaving a few hickys. I moan as she does this, Y/n kisses down to my chest she kisses and suck on my chest and boobs leaving hickys.
Y/n lowers herself and gets on her knees, she kisses from my chest down to my stomach and toned abs. She kisses and sucks on my abs leaving hickys I moan and run my fingers through her hair.
She kisses from my stomach and abs down to my shorts. I bite my lip as she kisses my clothes pussy, I was soaking wet. "Mmm fuck." I moan in pleasure.
I moan and massage my boobs, Y/n playfully tugs at the waistBand of my shorts silently asking for permission. "Take them off." I say.
Y/n slides my shorts and panties down my legs and tosses them off to the side. Y/n kisses and sucks on my thighs leaving a few hickys.
"Y-Y/n please don't T-Tease. I need you." I say begging.
"Mmm yeah baby?" She asks swiping her finger up my folds collecting my juices with her finger. "Fuck baby you're soaking wet.... How long have you been like this?"
"...3 days." I say and blush darkly in embarrassment.
"Mm why didn't you tell me it was this bad?" Y/n asks.
I chuckle at her comment. "Cause we weren't on speaking terms."
Y/n smirks and flips me around, I giggle and moan as she grabs the back of my neck gently and pins me against the wall. Y/n comes back up and rubs my clit with her fingers.
My breath hitches as she does this. I quietly moan. "Mmm you've got a fucking dump truck on you baby." Y/n sexily says squeezing and slapping my ass.
I moan in pleasure as she does this. "What do you want daddy to do baby?" Y/n asks. Her words made me weak and even more wet.
"M-Make me yours." I moan out, I didn't trust my words, I wanted her to Dom me so fucking bad. Y/n presses her front against my back, I bite my lip as I feel her bulge press/ rub against my ass.
Truth is I always wandered how big she was and I always fantasized about her fucking me. Y/n kisses the back of my neck, she trails kisses from the back of my neck down to my ass.
Y/n gets on her knees, she spreads my legs a bit. Y/n kisses my pussy and ass. I moan in pleasure as Y/n starts to eat out my ass from behind.
"F-Fuck." I moan, I push my ass back against her face as she continues to eat out my ass. Y/n slips a finger in my pussy and slowly starts fingering me as she continues to eat my ass.
Fuck I didn't know Y/n liked to eat ass, I was such a slut for anal. I wanted to feel her balls deep inside my ass. Y/n slips in a second finger and fingers me a bit faster as she goes to town and continues to eat my ass out like crazy.
I moan and grind against her face and fingers. "Fuck Y/n." I moan loudly in pleasure. My legs shake and buckle in pleasure as she continues to eat my ass and finger me faster.
I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting close to cumming. "Y/n baby, I'm gonna cum." I moan in pleasure, Y/n continues to eat my ass as she fingers me faster and rubs my clit her thumb.
I gasp and moan, I can't take it anymore. I cum all over her fingers. Y/n helps me ride out my high, once I come down from my high Y/n pulls her fingers out of me. I lick and suck her juices off my fingers.
Y/n giggles, she kisses my ass and spanks me. She comes back up and kisses me. I moan in the kiss as I taste myself on her lips.
Y/n flips us around I kiss her deeply and lower my hand and rub my bulge over her shorts as I kiss her. Y/n moans in the kiss as I rub her bulge over her shorts.
I grab the waist band of her shorts and her shorts and boxers down her legs and toss them off to the side.
*Y/n's pov*
I pick up Katie and smash my lips against hers, Katie kisses back. I pick her up and push the tip of my dick inside her and slowly sink her down on my dick. We both moan as Katie sinks down on my dick and takes my length deep inside her.
"Mmm fuck, you're really deep in there." Katie moans out in pleasure.
I smirk. "I'm gonna destroy your tight pussy." I say, I slowly slide Katie up and down on my dick.
Katie moans. "Mmm fuck. Katie moans she scratches my back as I slide her up and down on my dick a bit faster.
"Mmm so tight and wet." I moan.
"Mmm fuck, feels so good." Katie cries out in pleasure.
"Mmm make me your cum dumpster." Katie moans.
"Mmm I bet you would love that. Wouldn't you? Huh slut? You wanna be my cum slut?"I ask teasing her.
Katie moans. "Fuck yes please daddy. Please make me your free use slut, make me your personal cum dumpster."
I moan in pleasure and slide her up and down on my dick faster and faster. "Mmm fuck baby, your pussy feels so good. I don't think I can last much longer."
"Mmm fuck yes, give me your cum baby." Katie moans.
"Yeah McCabe? You a slut for daddy's cum? You want daddy's cum deep inside you?" I ask teasing her as I slide her up and down on my dick faster and harder.
My dick hits her g spot at an angle. "Mmm your cum slut." Katie moans.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the elevator. "Mmm fuck daddy I'm close, ahh I'm squirting, I'm squirting." Katie moans.
Katie moans, I feel her shake and buckle against me as she squirts all over my dick and abs and on the ground.
"Let go baby, cum for daddy." I say seductively.
*Katie's pov*
Holy fuck this felt amazing. Y/n was balls deep inside me, god I was so close to cumming and it's only been 10 minutes.
"Let go baby, cum for daddy." Y/n whispers and nips my ear. Her words made me weak and made me super wet, she was so sexy when she is a Dom.
She was really deep in there, mmm she feels so fucking good balls deep inside me. I moan in pleasure as my walls clench around her, I was close to cumming. I couldn't take it anymore I moan and throw my head back as I cum all over her dick. Some of my cum drips down her dick.
Me cumming sends Y/n over the edge, Y/n busts her load deep inside me. I gasp and moan as she fills me up with her load. "O-Oh my g-god." I moan as she shoots thick ropes of sticky cum deep inside me.
I sigh in pleasure as I feel her warm juices oozing inside me, Y/n cutely moans in my ear and nips my ear. Fuck she was till unloading her massive thick seed deep inside me,
"Mmm fuck, give me all your cum." I moan and dig my nails in her back as she comes down from her high. Cum still oozing and spurting inside me.
I moan. "Mmm use your dick and stuff your cum inside Me." I sexily moan. I smirk, "that was just the first load. I'm not done with you just yet." I moan.
*Y/n's pov*
Creampie #1:
I feel Katie cum all over me. Her cumming sends me over the edge, I bust my massive load deep inside her pussy. We both moan as I stuff her pussy full of cum.
Katie moans and throws her head back as I fill her up with cum. Katie moans and looks me feel in the eyes. "Mmm use your dick and stuff your cum deep inside me." She sexily moans.
"Mmm such a cum slut." I moan.
We both moan as I help her slide off my dick. Thick cum oozes out of her and glazes her folds and drips into my dick and onto the ground. I set Katie back on the ground.
I smirk and make her face the wall, I spread her ass cheeks. I slide my dick inside her tight asshole, we both moan, her walls immediately clench around me. Katie gasps and places her hands in the Wall.
"Mm fuck." Katie moans.
I grab her hair, I wrap her hair around my hand and pull her hair. Katie moans as I pull her hair, I place my other hand on her ass we both moan as I slowly thrust in and out of her.
"F-Faster." Katie moans.
I moan and spank her ass, I dig my nails into her ass as I thrust into her faster and faster than before. "Mmm fuck baby, you're so tight I don't think I can last much longer."
I moan as her walls clench around my dick. Katie giggles and moans. "What's wrong daddy? Scared you'll tap out too soon?" Katie asks teasing me.
"Mmm shut up." I smile and shake my head.
I kiss her as I thrust into her faster and harder. "Gah fuck, it's so good. I don't want to cum just yet it's only been 10 minutes." I cutely pout.
Katie giggles and moans as she slides back and forth on my dick. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. "Mmm fuck baby I'm close to cumming." I moan in pleasure.
"Give me all that cum baby." Katie moans in pleasure as she slides back and forth on my dick, her skin slaps against mine as our moans fill the elevator.
I moan and grab her ass as I continue to pound her ass from behind going even faster and harder than before. I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
I quickly pull out of her, I make Katie get on her knees. I quickly stroke my dick, Katie smiles and massages her boobs.
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load all over her tits and face giving her a massive facial. Thick cum shoots all over her cheeks, chin, nose, forehead some coats her eyes. Some cum even goes in her mouth. I moan as I slowly stroke my dick, coming down from my high, the last of my cum oozing in her mouth and on her tits and on her face.
Katie giggles as my cum coats her face. "Mmm fuck that was amazing." I say.
I help Katie stand back up, cum was still oozing out of my dick and onto the ground. I slide my dick back inside her ass.
"Gah fuck." Katie moans.
I place my hands on her ass and thrust in and out of her faster than before. "Fuck.....fuck....fuck." Katie squeaks out with each thrust.
I moan, I dig my nails into her ass as I pound into her ass from behind faster and harder. Katie moans and slides back and forth on my dick .
"Fuck daddy, you feel really good deep inside me." Katie moans.
"Mm yeah? Daddy's dick deep inside your tight ass stretching you out?" I moan.
"Yes, I love it daddy. I love it so much." Katie moans.
I moan and massage my boobs as I thrust into her ass faster and harder I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
"Mmm fuck baby. I'm gonna cum." I moan.
"Cum baby, pump your load deep in my ass." Katie moans out in pleasure.
I smirk and moan as I pound her ass as fast and as hard as I can. I moan as I feel my balls tighten. I try to warn Katie but I'm unable too.
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep in her ass. Katie moans and sighs in pleasure as I unload my massive seed in her ass.
"Mmm fuck yes, give me all your cum." Katie moans.
I slowly thrust in and out of her the last of my cum oozing inside her ass. Once I come down from my high I slowly pull out of her, cum oozes out of her ass and drips down her folds and onto the floor.
I spin her around, I grab her leg and rest her leg on my shoulder Katie giggles and squeals as I do this. She moans as I run her folds with my tip.
"Put it back in baby." Katie moans.
*Katie's pov*
I moan as Y/n rubs her tip through my folds. I moan and look down at her dick. "Mmm put it back in baby."
Y/n nods, she slowly slides her dick in my tight pussy. We both moan as I take her length deep inside me.
"Mmm fuck." I moan, I take a moment to adjust to her size. "M-Move." I moan.
Y/n rests her head against mine , she wraps her arm my waist and slowly thrusts in and out of me.
"Mmm fuck, so wet and tight." Y/n moans.
I giggle and kiss her, we both moan in the kiss as she thrusts in and out of me a bit faster, her balls slap against my skin. Our moans are muffled in the kiss.
We both moan in the kiss as she continues to thrust in and out of me faster and faster. "Mmm fuck McCabe, your pussy feels like heaven." Y/n cutely moans.
I giggle and kiss her. "Don't hold back baby. Drain your balls in me." I moan out in pleasure.
Y/n moans, she massages my boobs as she continues to thrust in and out of me, I moan and wrap my arms around her neck.
Y/n goes at an angle and starts pounding my g spot. I moan and gasp in pleasure. "Oh fuck, yes right there." I moan.
I rest my head against hers and look deep into her eyes as she continues to fuck my brains out. Y/n moans and goes faster and harder than before.
I moan as I feel that all too familiar knot forming in my stomach. "Mmm I'm gonna cum." I moan.
"Me too." Y/n cutely moans. Her breathing gets heavier letting me know that she was close to Cumming.
*Y/n's pov*
I moan, I feel my balls tighten. Some of my precum leaks inside her. I was so close to busting my load deep inside her.
Creampie #3:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside Katie. Katie gasps and cums all over my dick, we both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her painting her walls white.
"Mm fuck, there's so much." Katie moans in pleasure as I continue to pump her full of cum.
I moan and kiss her deeply as I continue to slowly thrust in and out of her as I continue to pump her full of cum.
I help Katie ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her. Cum immediately pours out of her cum pours onto my dick onto the ground and down her thighs.
"Mmm fuck." Katie moans.
I smile and kiss her, I set her leg back down. Katie hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry Y/n." Katie says.
I hug her back and gently rub her back. "It's okay baby, I'm sorry too."
"Can you forgive me?" Katie asks crying.
"Yes I forgave you a long time ago Katie." I smile and kiss her, I wipe her tears away. "Let's count this as a fresh start."
Katie smile and nods crying. "I would really like that."
I nod and smile, I hug her tightly. I kiss her temple and rub her back. "It's okay love. The past is the past, let's just put it behind us and move forward."
We hear talking through the doors. "Here let's get dressed." I say.
Katie nods. "Yeah we probably should."
We get dressed, I smirk and grab her panties. "Keeping these." I say.
Katie giggles. "They are all yours." She puts her bra and shirt back on and then slides her shorts on.
I put my boxers and shorts back on, I slip my bra and shirt back on and stuff her panties in my pocket. I smile and kiss Katie deeply and lovingly.
The doors open. I pull away, I hand Katie her phone. Katie takes her phone she smiles and looks at me. "Do have a pen or marker?"
I pat my pockets. We were doing film during dinner so I had a pen in my pocket. "Oh yeah I do." I hand it to her.
First responders finally get the doors open. And help us out of the elevator. We are met with worried teammates. I see Leah, Leah looks at me and smirks. I blush darkly and look away.
Katie smiles, she gently grabs my hand and writes her number on my hand. "Text me later. I'll help you out with anymore Wood you get." She winks. She blows a kiss and walks away.
I blush darkly, and check out her ass as she walks away. I can't believe I just fucked Katie McCabe in an elevator.
Leah giggles and wraps her arm around my shoulder. “Nice one love.” She laughs. “Oh my god I can’t believe you and Katie just did it in the elevator.” She teases me.
I blush darkly. I laugh and rub the back of my neck. I wrap my arm around her shoulder. “Come on let’s go eat dinner I’m starving…. Sex is a major work out.” I say.
Leah giggles at my comment. “Yeah I’m aware. Come on let’s go get some food in you.”
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 2 days
The Fuck Up Chapter 1
Summary:  Bucky fucked up.  A few times.  Will his best friend ever be able to forgive him?
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of war, injury, pregnancy
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Y/N and Bucky had been best friends since they were teenagers. They met on the first day of high school in English, both groaning over the fact that the assigned reading was The Grapes of Wrath, considered an American classic but an incredibly boring read. They were paired up in a project together and became inseparable ever since. Y/N had no family, having been passed from foster home to foster home until finally being placed with the family she was with now who were willing to keep her. She had a hard time trusting people, and Bucky liked a challenge. They quickly became the most important people in each other’s lives. They were teased about dating each other, and as much as they each had moments of having more romantic feelings towards the other, nothing had ever come to full fruition. Bucky’s family took Y/N in and treated her like their own. Even with her new adopted family, she had never felt so loved in her life.
After high school they had planned to go to college together, but the housing market crashed and Bucky’s parents, Winifred and George, had to use his and his sister Becca’s college funds to keep their house, and no companies were giving out scholarships as they all tried to protect their assets. Y/N had been able to use a grant system to get into college. Bucky came from a military family, and although he had had no plans of ever joining, it seemed he had run out of options. He enlisted in the Marines. Y/N was upset, not wanting him to risk his life, but understood. She supported him as he went through boot camp and then the rigorous special operations training, but the military was hard on him. Bucky had always been an emotional person, and Y/N hated watching him have to deal with the PTSD and the group mindset that the military instilled in him, changing him from the happy-go-lucky kid she’d known to an anxious, trauma-ridden mess. She finished college and got a digital marketing degree, working for a major online company while doing some photography as a side hustle.
Twelve years later they were both in their thirties, barely getting to see each other but keeping in touch. Bucky had had a few close calls while on special ops the last few years and his family was pushing him to not re-enlist.
“Please, Buck, no more,” Winifred begged him. “You’ve served your country well. You’ve almost died three times over the last few years. Please stay,” she cried as he looked at the re-enlistment papers.
“I know, Ma, I know,” Bucky sighed, setting them down. “I…I just feel like I got one more tour left in me. I need to do this.”
“Hey everybody!” Y/N called as she entered the house.
Winifred spun around. “Y/N! Come here please!”
Y/N followed her voice to the kitchen. “Hey Winnie…wait,” she looked between them. “What’s wrong?”
“Bucky is thinking of re-enlisting,” Winifred said, sniffling sadly.
The look on Y/N’s face when her head snapped towards him made him flinch. “You…” she stuttered, her eyes wide and her brow furrowed. “You just got back.”
“I know, honey,” Bucky walked up to her and grabbed her arms. “I just need to do this. One more tour.”
“No,” she replied, pulling away from him. “You said you were done. We wrote to each other about it. You promised me,” Y/N’s eyes started to fill with tears.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N,” Bucky begged. “I can’t handle it when you cry.”
“Well that’s TOO DAMN BAD!” Y/N screamed at him. Bucky stepped back, surprised by her reaction. Winifred gasped, also shocked by her outburst. Y/N was not one to normally get emotional or react out loud to things. Y/N shook her head and closed her eyes, trying to breathe normally as her hands clenched at her sides. “You promised me,” she whispered.
Bucky sighed and bit his bottom lip. “Y/N, please understand—”
“No, you need to understand something,” she interrupted him, her eyes opening and glaring at him. “I don’t know where this weird obsession came from with you wanting to run into danger. You joined the military so you could get help with college. But then you re-enlisted, and re-enlisted. And now you have this codependent relationship with an organization, in a government, in a country, that doesn’t care about you!” She walked closer to him until she was toe to toe with him. “You are just another body to them. If and when you die, they’ll easily replace you. We can’t replace you!” She gestured to Winifred and herself. “I need you,” she cried, the tears finally falling down her cheeks. “You are wanted, appreciated, and loved here, at home. Why is that not enough?”
“It is enough,” Bucky said, blinking rapidly to stop any of his own tears falling.
“Obviously not,” Y/N whimpered, her chin wobbling as she tried to keep her emotions at bay. “I can’t…I can’t do this,” she whirled around and left the way she came.
“Y/N, hey wait,” Bucky called after her, following her to the front door. “Come on, honey, please don’t leave, let’s talk about this!” Y/N didn’t answer him, continuing to walk through the front door and out to her car. “Y/N…honey please!” She didn’t even spare him a glance as she got in her car. He tried opening her door, but she had already locked it. She quickly backed up and left his parents’ house, her tires screeching as she peeled down the street. “Fuck,” Bucky grumbled, running his hands through his hair.
He knew she was right, that it was stupid of him to re-enlist and put himself in harm's way. He had made a lifelong friendship in the military, and through some misguided idea of brotherhood had promised his friend he’d come back for another tour and join him for more special ops. But he had also promised his girl he’d be done after this last time. His girl?
**picture found on Pinterest...can we all agree that A.I. is dangerous just for this picture alone? #buckywiththelonghair
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cvntycunt · 2 days
no contact 。・ ˚ ‧
I masterlist
I word count: 1.7k
I rafe's girlfriend, also known as your best friend. you have been best friends since you were kids, you did everything together. when the summer after freshman year rolled around, you got roped into the wrong crowd, rafe’s crowd. you did drugs, partied, did things maybe teenagers should not have done. but it was that night that changed everything, the night you had sex with your best friend's boyfriend and shipped yourself off to boarding school the same night.
I hope u guys enjoy :3 dis my first series lmaoo
exiting the plane you could feel the warm kildare air, it felt the same as when you left. you were nervous to see everyone that you hurt, your best friend ella, your friends, and rafe. after you had sex with him, you felt terrible. immediately regretting what you did, you had to get out… and well, you did, and now you're back. you know that everything has changed, or have gone back to the way that they were, maybe for them but not for you. 
you felt the breeze as soon as you walked out of the airport doors, bags in hand. you start looking for your parents car, looking around for a good thirty seconds until you finally spot it. You could not wait to hug your parents, it feels like it has been forever, but it’s only been a year. your parents call out your name, you run over to them and pull them in for an embrace. after exchanging very few words your father loads your bags in the back of the car, getting into the backseat and buckling up. 
“so, what are your plans?” your mother turns her head around and looks at you. you turn to look at her from looking out the window. you narrowed your eyebrows, 
“what do you mean?” 
“well, ella probably misses you?” she said with a scoff, “you remember her?” her mom and dad chuckled, you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
the last thing you wanted to worry about right now was Ella. you hurt her, how could you possibly look her in the eye and act like you didn’t fuck her boyfriend last summer? the truth was, you always had a slight crush on rafe. but you never said anything because rafe was HER boyfriend. he was not up for grabs, he was not yours and you knew that. 
“mom, i don’t think that ella would wanna see me.” you shrugged at her and turned to look back out at the window.
 when you drove through the remote controlled gate to your house, your nerves settled a little bit. You were finally home, and you were clean most importantly. as soon as you opened the car door you ran inside, you didn’t even have time to close the car door. you ran up to your room and turned the knob to open the door. you looked around and realized that everything was left the same. you smiled to yourself. your room was the only good thing about being back, well… and your cat.
10:00 PM
you were laying in your bed, watching euphoria on your TV with your cat until you got an instagram notification. you went to check who it was… topper, rafe’s best friend. you rolled your eyes, and clicked the notification. you read it for a second before answering.
@topperthornton: yoo, heard u was back. ru going to the bonfire tonite?
@you: why are you inviting me?
@topperthornton: well, rent u like one of ellas friends or wtv? 
you stared at the message for a moment before deciding to get up. you grabbed the television remote and switched from max to spotify and played a song to get ready to. you stepped into your closet and picked out some ripped jean shorts and a tight spaghetti strap top that showed off the curves of your body. you walked over to the bathroom to detangle your hair with a hairbrush. as you brushed out your hair you couldn’t help but think that you are gonna see your best friend, and potentially the guy you fucked after a year. it makes you sick and wanna throw up. you had all this guilt on your face and people could tell from a mile away. 
you set the hairbrush down on the counter and stepped back into your room to put on some air forces. grabbing your jacket and your phone, you snuck downstairs quietly. trying not to wake up your parents, you walked out of the house closing and locking the door behind you. 
your mind was racing through thoughts, thinking if this is what you should do, deciding to fuck it and just do it anyway. if anybody found out what you have done, just imagine the names and disgust people would give you. it would ruin your reputation.
Riding your bike to the bonfire, you kept thinking if this was a bad idea or not. you knew being back there would be consequences for your actions at some point. you pulled into the parking lot by the beach, parking your bike against some post. you heard distant laughs, loud music, and talking, and just like earlier you wanted to throw up. but for real this time. 
approaching the bonfire you immediately saw ella, couldn’t help but smile, until you realized that she was dancing along some dude, a tall figure. he turned around and your face turned from a smile to a blank stare. 
it was rafe, and then all of a sudden you couldn’t help but think about that night.
you were unable to resist the raw need in rafe’s gaze, he took a step closer, bridging the gap between you two. your bodies pressed together, the warmth of skin against skin soothing the lingering chill. rafe’s hands come to rest on your waist. Your lips met in a gentle, questioning kiss…
you snap your mind out of it, it is selfish to think about that night when your best friend is literally dancing against his cock right now. you grabbed an unattended drink off the ground and downed it, leaning your head back as you chugged it. you threw the empty plastic cup back down on the floor. 
someone calls out your name, you turn around and see it’s no other than sarah cameron, also known as rafe’s sister. goodness god, you can’t help but think to yourself that you can't escape a cameron, no matter how hard you try.
“omg! i didn’t know you were coming!” she pulls you in for a hug.
you quickly pull away, not really in a huggy mood because you were sweating your face off with guilt. “uh, hey!” you say, acting amused.
“i heard you went to boarding school? finally got in trouble for your acts, huh?” sarah was a bitch, all you wanted to do was slap her across the face and put her in her place. she was one of your friends before you got in with rafe’s crowd. now it’s awkward, maybe more than awkward. It’s just… weird…
you turn back around and start walking past ella and rafe. as you walk past. rafe finally spots you. 
“is that...” rafe says, looking down at ella.
“what? she’s back?” 
ella scoffed, she was pissed you didn’t even text, or call. Even in boarding school you never wrote to her, you were too ashamed of yourself. you thought going to the bonfire would be a great opportunity to reconnect with your peers, however it just made things seem worse. 
meanwhile, you took a seat at a rock looking at the ocean. hearing the waves crash against each other gives you peace. you see out of the corner of your eye a tall figure approaching you, when it got closer you saw that it was no other than Rafe cameron. he wanted to speak, but you would not let him. “do not fucking start.” you said in a harsh tone looking up at him. 
“can we just talk? please?” he replied with a look that made you feel even worse.
 “fine, what do you want?” you asked as he took a seat right next to you, 
“why did you leave?” he turned to look at you. everyone in Rafe’s life treated him like shit, his father, his sister, even his girlfriend. you didn’t wanna be one of those people that let rafe down.
 “i–” you were trying to think of the words to say to him, trying to alter the reason why to make him believe he wasn’t a part of the reason as to why you left. truth was, you were tired of all the lies for the past year, so you tried something different. “what we did was wrong, rafe…”
the truth with Rafe was he hated how you worded it. that night changed him forever, last summer you took his virginity… and he took yours. but you never knew that, ella never talked about her sex life because the thought of it made her want to die. “i’m sorry rafe… this is not fair to you, i shouldn’t have come back.” you say while raising to stand on your two feet. you turn the other way and start walking the other direction from the bonfire, tears forming.
after you arrive home, you enter your house. you close the door and lock it behind you. making your way up to your bedroom, you opened the bedroom door and you felt your back pocket vibrate. you pull your phone out and see a message from an unknown number.
unknown: please just let me talk 2 u
you: who is this?
you knew who it was, you weren’t stupid. but you didn’t want to show him that you still cared, even though you do. It isn’t fair to ella, you already hurt her. 
unknown: its rafe
rafe: let me come over?
you: leave me alone. 
you didn’t want to block him, afraid that would make things even worse. you simply just put your phone on do not disturb and you go to place it down on your bedside table. undressing yourself and changing into some comfortable sleepwear, you went to go check your phone to see if rafe was still texting you, and no surprise he was… forty-three text messages in the past five minutes. you sighed, before going to the bathroom to brush your teeth. stepping back into your room, you turned off the light and quickly hopped into bed.
⠀⠀I two
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ursemma · 3 days
"I'll always love you" pt 2
Pt 1. Pt 3
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Mattheo Riddle × fem!reader
Theodore nott × fem!reader (ex)
Warning: smut, fluff, 18+, minors stay away!
Not a proof read!
Summary: waking up in strangers bed isn't probably the best idea of moving on right? Or is it?
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I woke up in an unfamiliar room with a bad headache. Looking over my side I saw a man sleeping peacefully, naked? I looked at myself and realised I too was naked.
"fuck" i mumbled and went to look for my clothes but they were no where to be found, suddenly a voice came making me flinch "you're clothes aren't there" I turned to see that guy rubbing his eyes trying to open them, "look away!" I scolded him while covering my self with a towel that I found on the chair.
"nothing I haven't seen before" he said with a smirk. How can someone be this handsome? "Anyways the clothes are probably laying in bathroom, covered in water, I'll give you a warm bath and my clothes to wear, and I can't leave you empty stomach, so we'll grab brunch and then I'll drop you at your home" he said while going in bathroom leaving me dumbfounded.
Is that what you do to your one night stand?
"come on the bath is ready!" I heard him saying, I tried to walk but the pain in my abdomen was killing me, last night must be rough, as I didn't entered the bathroom immediately he came and saw me stumbling, he chuckled and picked me up, "hey I can walk you know!" I shouted in protest, "yeah I saw that" he smiled at me and walked towards the bathroom.
He helped me take a bath and this time I didn't protested because I was so tired, that i barely remember last night.
"By the way, what's your name?" I asked him as me massaged my back "Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle" he answered and massaged my back harder earning a moan from me.
As his hands travelled my back i couldn't help but think of very inappropriate thoughts.
"you were crying very bad yesterday" he told me, as I was sitting in his lap he couldn't see my face so he tried to peek to take a look, "yeah my apparent love of my life got married to someone else" I told him with no emotions, I just couldn't feel anything, I guess the one night stand and vodka did worked.
"ohh" was all he said, and his hands moved to my neck, and my breath started to feel heavier with each moment passing by, i turned around, and looked into his eyes.
My hands trailing his perfectly cut abs, his broad shoulders, his chest and abdomen. He looked at me with eyes filled with mixed emotions, and said "are you sure?" "Never been more sure in my life" i answered and pulled our lips closer, they didn't touched but lingered on eachother, our breath started to become heavier, i pulled back looking into his eyes, and pulled closer again, with a frustrating groan he finally attached our lips and kissed me with desire.
His hands travelled to knead my breast and my hands travelled to his back leaving marks with my nails, his lips moved slowly to my neck and I gave him more space to mark his territory.
Soon his lips were on my nipple, nibbling and sucking them with one hand paying attention to my other breast. His one hand trailing my body trying to memorize it "you're so beautiful" he said and i blushed.
I grinned on his hard boner earing a moan from him, fuck so beautiful. I needed him.
"Mattheo- oh my" i moaned as he bit my nipple. "I'm going to enter you" he told me before slowly slipping his dick into my folds, "Matty!" I moaned as I felt him into me.
"What did you called me?" He spoke while looking into my eyes, "Mattheo?" I answered him with confusion, "no the other name" and realisation hit me brain "Matty?" I answered "yeah call me again" he said and thrusted into me few times, pulling in and out, after sometime I felt my orgasm coming near, i moan his nickname as pleasure rode me over "Matty I'm gonna cum" i warned his before cumming all over his dick, "I'm gonna cum too" he said and I told him "cum inside me" he gave me a are you sure? Look and I nodded, and just like that he came inside me.
We tried catching our breath "that was-" before he could finished i answered for him "amazing".
He cleaned both of us gave me his cloth and took me to brunch. "So tell me about yesterday I forgot everything" i said while eating my food, he chuckled "you came into bar and drank vodka like a madman, i came and sat by your side and told you to slow down, but you insisted and told me you had the worst day of your life, and then you told me to help you forget it and that's how we landed in my bed" he shrugged and i felt embarrassed "oh my" that's all I could say.
We talked the entire brunch and it felt amazing, it felt so refreshing that I wish the day wouldn't end, but it was time for me to go home, he opened the door for me and I sat into his car, I turned the radio on and played Taylor Swift, to my surprise he knew the songs, "you listen to Taylor?" I asked him curiously "i do, i love her" he answered while looking over me, we jammed the entire ride and felt him stealing glances at me.
We arrived at my house and he opened the car door for me, I was about to leave but I turned around and called his name "Mattheo!" He turned and looked at me smiling "yeah?" "It was nice meeting you. Mind exchanging phone numbers?" I asked him grinning like a child, he chuckled "i thought you'd never ask" we exchanged our numbers and hugged eachother, "we'll meet this weekend?" He asked me "a date?" I looked at him teasingly "A date! Be ready at 6" he answered and i chuckled at him.
I laid on my bed thinking about the events that occurred in past 2 days. I am moving on. I smiled at myself and my phone vibrated, i looked at the text it said
Matty here! Be ready at 6 on Saturday I'll pick you up ;)
I laughed and answered
Sure ;)
And yeah I'm officially going crazy.
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Thought it was being long so I decided to end it here! If you want a part 3 with Theodore's encounter let me know!
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alastor-simp · 7 hours
Hugging Them Out Of Nowhere - I.M.P Gang + Stolas x Reader
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❥WARNING: Will contain some swear words/profanity
❥Notes: Here we goooooo! Starting to write for the Helluva Boss series now. It might take a while for me to get in depth with some of the characters especially Blitz since hes a very chaotic character, but I'll try my best. There will be hints/spoilers from the other episodes in the series.
Based on last weeks episode, Blitz and Stolas deserve these hugs!!!
I will do more for the other characters like Fizz and Verosika soon. Enjoy you guys:)
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🐴Hugging Blitz was not very common at I.M.P. He was a very touchy feely with everyone at work especially with Moxxie and Millie. There were many work group hugs that he initiated with the rest of you, which was met with not a lot of enthusiasm back, well except from Millie.
🐴Finding a job was an IMP wasn't very easy since many of the work establishments used imps as either slaves or whatever paid the lowest amount since imps were on the bottom of the food chain. Seeing the silly jingle for the Immediate Murder Professionals on TV, you quickly came to look for a job and were introduce to everyone by Blitz. Blitz was.....well he was an okay boss. There were moments where he was a downright dickwad and others where he showed a compassionate side, but it wasn't commonly seen.
🐴Your relationship with him started off just being employee and boss, but it soon changed to friends as time went on. There was more to Blitz that met the eye and you had seen the sides of him that not many others saw and it made your heart ache. You doubt if even Loona knew about it and she was Blitz adopted daughter, but their relationship was kinda rocky.
🐴Sitting on the lounge couch in the I.M.P office, you jumped a bit when the door slammed opened. Blitz had walked in, but he wasn't in an upbeat mood like he usually was. His face was in a deep scowl and there were big dark circles under his eyes. He barely even reacted when Millie shouted a "Good Morning Boss" at him, as he sluggishly walked towards his office and slammed the door, leaving you and the others alone.
🐴"Umm...is he okay?" you were the only one who spoke, while the others just continued about their day. "Don't know, don't care." was the short response you got from Loona, as she sat with her legs on the desk, typing away on her phone. Moxxie just shrugged his shoulders and said that "Sir usually has moments like this and its best to leave him alone." Your eyes looked back at the door to Blitz office, contemplating if you should go and seem him. Heaving a deep sigh, you got up from your position on the couch and made your way over to the door.
🐴Looking into the room, you see that the room was dark, with small beams of red light coming from the blinds in the window. Blitz was sitting on his chair, head resting on his arms that were folded on top of the desk. Making your way slowly towards him, you called out his name softly.
🐴"UGHHHH! FUCKING CHRIST ON A STICK! CAN'T A GUY JUST HAVE SOME ALONE TI-" He stopped mid-sentence in his rant, as you had wrapped your arms around, giving him a hug. Blitz had no idea how to respond this your actions, as he stayed still, tail moving back and forth. "If you think offering sexual favors is going to increase your pay, then think again." Blitz grumbled out, but he raised an eyebrow when he heard you give a soft chuckle.
🐴"I'm not doing this for sex Blitz. I'm trying to make you feel better. I don't know whats going on with you, but I'm here if you need to talk about it." Not a word was said after that, as you continued to hold Blitz. His body was tense throughout the whole hug, but you felt him slowly relax against you. You felt something long wrap around your abdomen, pulling you closer towards him. You quickly realized it was his tail, and moved closer into the hug.
🐴After a few minutes, the hug slowly came to an end, as Blitz unwrapped his tail from you, allowing you to step back. Blitz's red irises held a bit of softness in them, as he continued to stare at you. He turned his head away, but one of his hands made his way up to your head and gave it a slight pat. "Thanks for that." he said to you, as his hand fell from your head. You smiled back and gave a small nod. Blitz then lifted his head and was wearing a large smile. "Alright time to get ready to kill some fuckers for our clients. MOXXIE! GET YOUR FAT ASS IN HERE!"
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🔫Starting as a new employee at I.M.P had you nervous, causing you to fiddle with your hands. You didn't know how the others would be, fearing they would hate you upon first seeing you. Surprisingly, they were kind people, as you were offered a huge hug from the imp named Millie and a little wave from her husband Moxxie. The hellhound seemed a bit antisocial when you saw her, but she was nice enough to give you a small head nod before going back to her cellular device.
🔫Your skills in fighting were subpar, but Moxxie and Millie were kind enough to train you. You had gotten closer to them over time especially Moxxie, but not in the romantic sense, you saw Moxxie as a big brother. You loved how passionate he was about singing and creating songs, and you adored how he soft he was for his wife.
🔫There were moments you felt really bad for Moxxie as he had to endure the nasty insults that either Blitz or Loona would throw at him. You still couldn't figure out why they kept calling him fat, like what? You were always there to cheer him up though whenever he was having a bad day, especially after having to deal with Blitz all day.
🔫Today was a bit of an odd day as a helicopter had arrived to pick up Moxxie, along with Millie and Blitz. You couldn't figure out what was going on, but you decided to stay behind in the office in case something happened and to watch over Loona for Blitz. They were gone for a while and had returned back in the afternoon, but this time Blitz was wearing a leather jacket and Moxxie was in a wedding dress? Curious you asked what the hell happened and Millie was kind enough to tell you everything.
🔫Your heart ached for Moxxie when you found out about his horrible father. You honestly wished you had gotten on the trip so you could stab his father in the face. Your eyes glanced over to look for Moxxie but he had slip away from you. Wondering where he went you followed after him. Leaving the room, you wondered out in the hallway and peered to see where he went. The last place you checked was the public restroom, so you went inside there.
🔫The bathroom wasn't the best but it wasn't the worse, since the toilets actually worked, but the floor definitely needed a cleaning and the mirrors needed replacing. You heard the sound of sniffles coming from one of the stalls and walked closer to it. Opening the stall door slowly, you looked inside to see Moxxie sitting on the toilet. He was still wearing the dress, and his legs were up on the seat, covering his face with them, as he had his arms and tail wrapped around his legs.
🔫"Moxxie?" calling out his name, you slowly entered the stall, closing the door behind you. He jolted upon hearing you call his name, removing his face from his legs, showing his tear streaked face. "Oh crumbs. Sorry I'm..I'm alright, don't worry about me." He tried to play it off that he was alright, but you can tell that his smile was forced. moving closer, you dropped down to your knees, inching closer to wrap your arms around him in a hug. No words came from Moxxie when you did this, but you heard the sounds of whimpering coming from him, as he moved his arms to wrap you in a tight hug, moving his head to cry on your shoulder.
🔫Placing your hand on his back, you rubbed it to provide him comfort as he continued to cry. It sounded like he was okay now as the sounds of his crying had stopped and his breathing had returned to normal. "What has you so upset, Mox?" Pulling away, you continued to stay on your knees to look at him. "Just....I feel so useless. I never wanted to go back to my old life, and the time I do, I finally get to stand up to my father, only to be knocked out like a weakling. I should have killed him, I could have but I didn't, and I almost got Millie and Blitz hurt because of me." "Moxxie stop!" Moxxie clamped his mouth shut, upon hearing you yell. "From what I heard from Millie, you opposed your father and even threatened him, and to me that is anything, but weak. You defended the love of your life, and told your psychopathic father to F off, so whatever negative thoughts you having going on in that head of yours, tell them to F off too."
🔫Moxxie eyes widen as he heard you talk, before returning to normal. The sad look on his face was replaced with a soft smile, as he wiped his tears away with his hand. "Haha thanks Y/N." Smiling back, you stood up from the ground and reached your hand out to grab Moxxie's, lifting him from the toilet. "Come on, lets get you out of that dress, even though you look very cute in it." A pinkish tint appeared on Moxxies face, before he yelled a "Hey!" and punched your arm, causing you to laugh.
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🪓Your first impression of Millie was not what you expected. You were very surprised that someone as kind and sweet as her was from the Wrath ring. The memories from your encounter in the Wrath ring gave you PTSD and you never wanted to experience that again, but Millie was making you slowly change your opinion.
🪓She was the definition of a hellish southern belle. Her country accent was adorable and the warmth she expressed with everyone was very motherly. You did see more of her violent side during your missions, but she was far from scary, badass was the word to describe it.
🪓The both of you had become two peas in a pod when you started working at I.M.P. The both of you participate in girly hobbies like going to spa trips and clothes shopping, but it did become target practice training on some days, as you really needed to improve your combat skills and Millie was kind enough to help you with that.
🪓It was very rare to see her in a depressive state, but you had seen it first hand during the mission at Camp Ivannakummore. You had just spotted Millie and Moxxie arguing about the mission and Millie running off crying, upset that Moxxie wasn't giving her a chance to shine. You weren't upset with Moxxie as it was clear he felt horrible for upsetting Millie. You told him to go do what he had to do and that you would go check up on Millie.
🪓It took a while, but you were able to find Millie, sitting behind the curtain on the stage at the camp. She was still upset as she still had tiny pinpricks of tears on her eyes. She spotted you and try to play it off, but you had run up to her and gave her a massive hug. Millie raised her hands up in shock, before looping her arms around your back, hugging you back super tight. "Are you okay?" you whispered.
🪓"I'm alright, suga. Don't worry about me." Millie said, as she tightned her arms around you more, making it hard to breathe. "Ack, can't breathe!" Millie gasped and removed her arms around, waving her arms up in the air. "Oh gosh! I'm so sorry. I forget my own strength sometimes. Ya alright?" Millie kept checking to make sure you were okay to which you responded with a thumbs up. "Moxxie felt bad about what had happened, and I'm pretty sure he's gonna come around and apologize to you. Come on, go out there and perform Millie. You gonna knock their socks off."
🪓A bright smile returned to Millie face, as she gave you another hug, yelling out Thanks, before she let go and made her way up to the stage.
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🐺Awkward, was the word to describe your relationship with Loona at the beginning of when you two first met. You honestly had no idea how to approach her since she seemed very unamiable with everyone, including her adopted father, Blitz. Her personality tended to shift to being very sarcastic to angry rebel, and you had no idea which one you were going to get when you talked to her.
🐺Blitz noticed your attempts to bond with Loona and it actually warmed his heart, as he did noticed that Loona didn't really have many friends except Vortex. He hatched a plan to get you two to become friends by inviting you over for a sleepover. You were happy that Blitz wanted to help, but you still felt this was overdoing it.
🐺Entering inside Blitz home, you scanned the walls, observing the pinned up photos and decor. You spotted Loona, who was sitting on the couch, who leaned her head back to look at you before putting it back up. Blitz had appeared from the bathroom, and noticed you at the door. "AH, you made it! C'mon, sit right here next to Loony!" Blitz had dragged you by the hand to the couch and made you sit down. "There we go, now the both of you are gonna have a fun bonding sleepover party. I'm gonna go out and hang out with Fizz, so both of you have fun!" Blitz said with excitement as he literally ran to the door yelling out a "BYE LOONY TOONY! LOVE YOU!" before slamming it.
🐺Now it was only two, alone in the living room. You had no idea what to do, so you just moved your eyes around the room, taking in everything. You smiled at some of the photos of Loona and Blitz, especially the adoption photo. Your eyes then move to look at Loona. She was wearing dark purple shirt that said "Fuck You Dad" and black lounge shorts with skulls on them. Loona lifted her head a bit from her phone, and noticed your eyes staring at her. "What?!" She growled out a response. Shaking your head, you stopped staring and quickly apologized. "Oh nothing, just...I like your pajamas. They're cool." Loona blinked at your response, having seemed to calm down. She gazed at her shirt, then back at you, "Um..thanks".
🐺You smiled back at her, and looked away. No one said a word after that, leaving the room in silence. "Have you heard of them before?" was spoken next to you, causing you to jump. Looking back at Loona, you tilted your head, "Um..who?" Loona pointed to her shirt, "Fuck You Dad. They are a band." "Oh no I haven't. Are they good?" Loona smiled a bit and moved to the side to grab a pair of headphones, while handing one to you.
🐺The both of you listened to the music, bopping your heads to the beat. The atmosphere slowly began to improve between the both of you, as after that you both chatted about other music genres and cool books to check out. The both of you decided to watch a movie, as you went into the kitchen to make some popcorn, while Loona put on a thriller movie to watch. After the movie, you had realize it had gotten late, and decided it was time to head for bed. You decided to sleep on the couch, as you didn't want to make the new relationship with Loona weird again if you slept in the same room. Loona bid you a goodnight and close the door to the room, as you got comfortable on the couch.
🐺You were awakened by the loud growling sounds coming from somewhere. You got up groggily and headed to where the sounds were coming from. They were coming from Loonas room, so you decided to open the door to see if she was okay. Upon entering her room, you saw her laying on her bed, hugging herself as she continued to whimper and growl. "Loona?" you walked closer to where she was, and sat on the bed, reaching out a hand to touch her. She had woken up at that, and shot up from her position on the bed, growling while baring her teeth at you. Her eyes were full of fear, and she had small tears in the corners of them. You jumped a bit at her reaction, but stayed where you were. "Loona, its me." you spoke in a calm tone, to reassure Loona you meant know harm Extending your arms out, you slowly moved towards her, wrapping your arms around her to give her a comforting hug. Loona's slit eyes had widen, signifying that she was calming down. She soon realized you were hugging her, and raised an eyebrow at you, "What are you doing?"
🐺You slowly released her from the hug and moved back a bit, to glance up at her. "I was trying to comfort you. You seemed to have had a bad nightmare." Loona said nothing, and just leaned back, crossing her arms. "It was nothing. Don't worry about it." Heaving a sigh, you uttered an okay and got up from the bed. You were stopped when you felt a hand grab yours, stopping you in your tracks. Turning your head back, you looked a Loona, who was wearing a bit of a shy expression. "Can...uh...can you lay with me for the night?" Widening your eyes at that, you gave her a soft smile back, and slowly moved towards the bed. You laid on the opposite side of where she was staying, and turned your back towards her. You felt her settle behind you, heaving out a long sigh. The room became quiet again, making you believe she had fallen back asleep, but you felt a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind. Her large tail had moved under the sheets to lay on top of you, it was amazingly soft. "Thanks." was what you heard from behind you. You smiled and moved one of your hands to pet her tail before closing your eyes, falling into a deep sleep.
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🦉You were the one of the maids/butlers that resided in the Goetia Family mansion. You were newly employed by the family, so there were many things that you had to learn from the other imps, but the job was fairly easy.
🦉The inhabitants of the mansion was the Prince of the Goetia Family, Prince Stolas, and his wife and daughter, Stella and Octavia. Fear had filled you when you first saw Stolas in front of you, when you asked for a job. He was extremely handsome, and quite tall as well. His appearance was very stoic and graceful, yet it still made you feel sheepish when he gazed at you with a cold expression. He may have appeared very distant, but there was more to him that met the eye, as he hired you immediately and offered you adequate pay for your services and your own room in the mansion.
🦉He was a prince, but there were other things about him that you soon discovered during your time at the mansion. He was such a nerd, his love for exotic plants and astrology always made you smile, as you saw how at peace and happy he was when he was indulging in his hobbies. His love for his daughter was extremely sweet, always looking out for her and making sure she was safe and happy.
🦉It soon became clear that he was having an affair with someone else, given how often you caught him giggling about said person on the phone. He often referred to him as "Blitzy" and you happened to see said person or imp, when they were climbing up the balcony to Stolas chambers. You happened to hear the both of them going at it one night when Stella and her daughter were away. Let's just say that whatever was going on in there was best left unseen, but you noticed how much carefree and joyful Stolas was after, so you thought to best leave it alone.
🦉Stolas was called away very late at night for some unknown activity. Whatever he was, he was very excited and dressed to nines. He was gone for quite a while, so you decided it be best to head to bed. Your dreams were disrupted by the sounds of Stella yelling, my satan, she was such an annoying dreadful women. Getting up from your bed, you made your way over to where the sounds were coming from, and headed to one of the balcony's. Hiding away, your eyes spotted Stolas and Stella standing in front of each other. Your ears were able to pick up Stolas saying "𝒲𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝒾𝓋𝑜𝓇𝒸𝑒!" Oh my satan! He was finally asking for a divorce!
🦉The rage in Stella's voice was apparent as you heard her insult Stolas one last time, before turning away from him. You hid yourself even more, so she wouldn't be able to spot you. Once the coast was clear, you walked out and made your way over to the balcony to where Stolas still remained. His back was turned towards you, and he was leaning against the railing of the balcony, hands clutching at the feathers at the top of his head. The aching in your heart grew at his sad display. He was suffering so much.
🦉"Your highness?" Stolas jolted from his position, standing up from his regular height, and turning his head all the way back to look at you. "𝒪-𝑜𝒽 𝒴𝒩! 𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓊𝓅?" His eyes were dripping with tears, smearing his lower eyelids with black mascara. "I happened to hear you and Stella arguing." Stolas heaved a sigh, and pointed his head down in shame. "𝑀𝓎 𝒹𝑒𝑒𝓅𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒶𝓅𝑜𝓁𝑜𝑔𝒾𝑒𝓈 𝐼 𝒹𝒾𝒹𝓃𝓉 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓊𝓇𝒷 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓈𝓁𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇" He was in front of you right now, crying, and he was apologizing to you? No no, he had no reason to apologize.
🦉"May you do something for me your highness?" you asked while walking closer to him. Stolas lifted his head and said "𝒴𝑒𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝒾𝓉?" "Can you sit on the ground for me?" Stolas tilted his head at you, confused, but he proceeded to do as you ask. Now that he was level with you, you moved closer to wear he sat, throwing your arms around him in a comforting hug. "𝒪𝒽 𝑀𝓎!" Stolas let out a surprised hoot, raising his arms in shock at your actions. Squeezing a bit tighter, you continued to hug him. "I apologize for doing this, but you looked in need of a hug." Stolas grew less tense and placed his hands on your shoulders, pushing you back a bit. "𝐼'𝓂 𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒶𝓁𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓃𝑜 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹-" Stolas stopped when he saw the look on your face, basically telling him you were NOT buying what he was saying.
🦉"Its obvious to me you are not alright. You had just broken off the marriage with your horrid wife and you are staying up here, crying your heart out. What you need right now is a hug and some comfort. I understand if you are not comfortable with it and you can push me away." It all happened so quick, Stolas had wrapped his hands around you, pulling you back into a tight hug. He had lowered his head enough to where it was pushed against your chest. Sounds of sobbing could be heard and you felt your shirt becoming slightly dampen from his tears. You cradled his head against you, rubbing the back of his head feathers gently. The both of you remained in the position, with you holding Stolas as he continued to let all of his emotions out.
🦉His sobs soon came to an end, and he removed his head from your chest, but he kept his arms wrapped around your back. His crimson eyes glanced down at you and he was wearing a soft smile. "𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝒴𝒩." Smiling, you moved your hand to wipe the last of the tears on his face. "You are welcome, your highness." "𝒪𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓃𝑜 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝒶𝒹𝒹𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈 𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓎. 𝒫𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒, 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓂𝑒 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓈." Your eyes widen a bit a that, before they returned to normal. "Okay." Stolas smiled even more and leaned his forehead against yours, thank you again.
🦉"It might be a bit late to ask this, but would you like some ice cream?" Stolas face stilled for a bit, before he broke into a hooting laugh. "𝐼 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝓊𝒸𝒽."
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surprise- sturniolo triplets
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summary- you've always wanted a cat and matt, chris, and nick come make your dream a reality.
contains- platonic relationships only<3 its just a cute little drabble fr.
"she is going to flip the fuck out when she sees him." chris looks back at the little surprise him, matt, and nick got for you while rubbing his hands in anticipation. now that the car is parked matt looks back as well, and his eyes light up for the second time today. "Awww, he is sooo cute. such a handsome man." he coos making both chris and him chuckle. "I don't know...he looks like he'd bite the shit out of me." nick adds right after, making the two in the front seat burst out in laughter. "of course you think that nick" chris says. after they both calm down a little, nick shifts his attention to the camera at the front of the car.
"OKAY so if you guys watch our videos, you know Y/n and you also know how much she talks about wanting a cat. we figured it would be so fun if we just bought her one and got her reaction on camera. I, for one, am so so excited to see how happy she's going to be." he looks out the window at your front yard and sighs happily. "Y/n is so sweet, I love her." he says almost tearfully.
"here he goes, getting all emotional and shit" chris adds giggling at nicks nonsense.
after talking a little bit more about the story about getting the cat, they all walk out to go up to your front door. nick has a key, so there was no need to knock. they just walked right in to your tiny apartment. matt trails behind nick and chris as they make a beeline for your room. "she's probably still sleeping, im kinda scared to wake her up." nicks says fear creeping into his voice. you were one of the sweetest people they have ever met, but you are a whole other person when you first wake up. not only are you grumpy, but your also pissed with the person who interrupted your sleep. one time, nick went to wake you up from a nap to see if you wanted to go to top golf and you ended up shooing him out your room with a broom. lets just say, you didn't go to top golf and nick did not go into your room for about a week after that. chris and matt shudder at the memory, but chris is quick to reassure nick. "nah it'll be okay, she won't be annoyed we woke her up for long. I'll go in first. matt stay outside the door for a little until we call you in. " okay" matt says barely paying attention and just staring at the cuteness that is your kitten.
chris opens your door to find you sleeping. tissues surround the floor next to your bed, and you stir upon hearing someone opening your door. you sit up straight and sigh when you see him. "chris, what the hell are you doing here this early."
"we just wanted to come see you, feels like we haven't seen you in sooo long." he says with way more energy than you felt at the moment. "I would give you a hug, but you look like shit" he chuckles. your eyes were bloodshot red, your hair a mess, and your nose bright red from blowing it all night. even so, you shoot him a glare but your eyes soften when you see his smile. chris always reminds you of a kid in a candy store, and his bubbly attitude is contagious.
"yeah well, im hoping its allergies." you say smiling back at him before nick walks in.
"okay girl, you don't have allergies. lets be real, your sick." nick points at you. "sickie sickie doesn't get any kissy kissies." he says in a strange high pitch voice. matt has to cover his mouth to keep himself from laughing too loud and revealing his hiding spot. chris on the other hand laughs while cringing openly. "dude, never say that shit again, that was really bad." you laugh along before going into a coughing fit. both boys look at each other and then look at you with concern. "Jesus" nick says and chris hands the camera to him. chris approaches your bed and softly sits next to you. he moves the hair out of your face and then places his hand on your forehead. "oh you are burning up, hun. we'll make this quick."
"make what quick? and where is matt?" you question just as he walks into the room your surprise in hand. he took him out the carrier so you could hold him immediately.
"SUPRISE" he yells. you wince a little at how loud he was but quickly recover when you see the kitten he's holding. sick and all, you rush to get out of your bed to go see him. your body is fatigued from being sick for two days so when you get up, you stumble. good thing nick is there to catch you.
"careful there girl" he laughs nervously while grabbing your arm to walk you to matt. you pay him no mind, completely focused on the bundle of cuteness in matts arm.
"AWWW matt, he's so cute!!! whose is it?" you say while picking it up and cuddling the kitten into your chest. nick steps back a little to get both you and matt in the frame.
"its yours y/n" matt says softly and you freeze.
"its mine?" you say tears of joy filling your eyes.
"of course it is y/n, we got him for you because we love you" chris adds smiling at your heartfelt reaction.
"thank you guys" you say as tears stream down your cheeks. even though your sick all three of them came to hug you, touched by your gratitude. you lean your head into matts shoulder and sigh looking down at your new pet in your arms.
"sooo what's his name gonna be?" chris inquires as you all break away from the group hug. you pause to think for a minute, and then your face lights up.
"angel" you say dreamily.
"angel" nick repeats chuckling for no reason at all.
"angel." matt repeats the name as well. "its perfect sweetheart." he sends you a soft smile. you look around at the three boys, grateful to have the most amazing best friends in the world.
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gilbirda · 2 days
Friendly neighborhood vigilante. Chapter 27
BatmanxDP crossover. JasonxJazz
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
Based on this post
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Jason knew it was going to be an interesting day when loud knocking woke him up way too early than when he was supposed to wake up.
He glanced at his phone, wondering if one of his more annoying siblings had decided to torment him for fun, but there were no new messages.
“I know you are there! Open up!”
Jason had half a thought to ignore Danny until he gave up. Or phased through the door—
“You know I can just phase through this thing, right? I’m being polite— this is me being polite and respecting boundaries. So open this door and let me in!”
He groaned loudly and sat up on his bed. “Whatever, man. Come in or welcome to my abode or whatever you guys need to access.”
Surely enough, after a few seconds Danny walked in looking at him with an eyebrow raised. He wasn’t even fazed by his naked chest and the scars on his skin.
“Did you just call me a vampire?”
He shrugged. “Jazz was a bit weird about permission to enter the first time she came over.” He yawned. “And made the same face when I asked about the vampire thing.”
“That’s because Vlad is a creepy vampire wannabe.” Danny crossed his arms and leaned on the doorway of his bedroom, watching him get up and walk to the bathroom to freshen up. “Ghosts can be weird about entering territory when it’s about a haunt, but you are too weak to make a claim yet.”
Jason hummed, washing his face and deciding to talk about his ghostliness later. Maybe this could be a good chance to bring up the idea of that visit to the yetis.
“In any case, Jazz has no actual reason to be weird about coming into your apartment… apart from the fact that she likes you.”
Jason looked up and glanced at Danny’s reflection in the mirror, watching him with a small smirk. Was the shovel talk going to happen now? He sighed. Better get that over with.
“Why are you here, Danny?”
The younger man uncrossed his arms and glanced away, thinking. Was it that bad?
Finally, he looked at him with new resolve, his blue eyes steeled with determination. “You are treating me to lunch.” It wasn’t a question.
“Am I?”
“Yes. We are going to this Batburger place that everyone talks about online.”
Jason walked back to his room and picked up his phone. It was almost one in the afternoon. No wonder he was hungry. He shrugged and went to get some jeans and a shirt, ignoring the burning stare of his guest on his back.
Soon they were on the move to the nearest Batburger that was just around the corner. It was the only one that ventured into the Narrows and it showed — Red Hood had stopped a robbery in this place enough times that he knew the day and night shifts by name, and had gotten enough free burgers as well.
Danny was quiet the whole way, checking his phone and humming and/or groaning at the texts on the screen.
Once at the Batburger, both placed their order and Danny abandoned Jason to pay as he searched for a place to sit down. Jason didn’t miss how the chosen booth had perfect vision of the exits and was away from any windows or prying eyes from the staff.
He checked his phone one more time, but he didn’t magically have more messages from Jazz that could offer a light on what Danny intended to get out of interrogating him. He was pretty sure by now that a shovel talk was not the goal of the conversation, which opened the question, what the fuck was Danny’s deal with the silence and seriousness.
Finally, their order was done and he brought everything to their booth, noticing that Danny left him the disadvantageous seat that made him face only Danny and give his back to the door. He didn't like it, but would survive just this once.
“Okay,” he didn’t beat around the bush, “whatever it is, just say it.”
“How do you know I have an agenda?”
Jason didn’t even grace that with an answer. Surely Danny must know his poker face was non-existent. He had seen Jazz make better faces, and she was the one who body slammed a thug in front of one of Gotham’s vigilantes and then pretended to be a normal human.
“Okay, okay. World’s best detectives.” He made a dismissive gesture and shoved a bunch of jokerized fries in his mouth. “Hm. These are good.”
They were good, despite the name. Jason loved the damn fries. Still looking Danny in the eye, he picked a fry and slowly bit into it.
“This is not a shovel talk.” Danny started, carefully sipping his drink. “I don’t— Jazz can date whoever she wants and unless you give me reason to think you’d hurt her in any way—”
Jason kept his face totally blank, flashes of her bruised wrist coming to the front of his mind, but Danny narrowed his eyes and stopped eating, interlacing his hands instead.
“I see.”
Jason swallowed. Did he know? How much did he know?
“Jazz told me. About what happened.”
“And?” He tried to act nonchalant, but he knew if Danny could read him when he kept a blank expression, he could see through his attempt.
“Relax. She barely said anything about you. Which,” his eyes glowed green, “tells me more than what she could actually say in words.”
“What do you mean?”
He took his time, grabbing his burger and taking a bite of it. He also chewed slowly, smirking, knowing that he was being a little shit by making him wait.
Finally, he swallowed. “You are not going to eat? The burger is pretty good.”
Jason picked up his burger and bit down, eyes fixed on Danny and his little smirk, waiting what he would do next. He somehow didn’t feel like it was an interrogation and more like he was being watched by a predator taking its time to delight in their prey’s fear.
“I know about the gun.” Jason choked. Danny didn’t move or showed concern. “I know about Batman’s and your interrogation. I know how you treated her.”
Jason felt cold, but kept it together and took a sip of his own drink trying to recover from almost choking to death.
“I’m the one talking.” He leaned in, picking another fry and putting it in his mouth. “Again, Jazz didn’t tell me much but I know her and I know how to read her.” He chewed, eyes still glowing green. “I need to know what happened.”
“But you said—”
“I need to hear it from you.”
Jason could almost visualize the crown burning over Danny’s head. He was talking to the King, not his girlfriend’s younger brother.
He briefly considered trying to hide, or maybe offer a shitty excuse, or maybe a watered down version of the facts — but Danny had already let him know he had ways to know he was bullshitting him.
He sighed and bit more of his burger.
He knew Jazz valued Danny’s opinion, but in the case of the young king deeming his acts enough to keep them apart, would she go against his wishes and still want him? There was a real possibility that after this conversation their already complex relationship became even more impossible.
He felt a pinch in his chest, the familiar resentment he felt the previous night coming back full force. Was all of this worth it? Was she worth it? Worth of being stared down by this unnerving creature, ruler of another dimension, who could easily smite him out of existence?
He watched his hands, almost feeling the touch of her skin. His scarred knuckles softly caressed by her fingers as they watched a movie. The familiar weight of her hair as he pushed it aside to kiss her.
Jazz was… She was… Jazz made him feel wanted. No conditions, no fine print, no agendas. After thinking about it, he was more and more convinced that Jazz was not the kind of person who hid a secret plan or exit strategy. That she was as broken as he was, forced to be a warrior since teenagehood and stumbling through life searching for purpose.
He understood they weren’t so different after all, so maybe she understood that side of him too.
Jason looked up at Danny, who patiently waited for an answer. His small smile betrayed that he knew about his internal turmoil, and was just humoring him while he gathered his thoughts.
“I love her.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
He nodded. “I don’t— She and I—” He grumbled, one hand ruffling his hair. “I have been betrayed before, and when Bruce came forward with all that stuff… I thought I was being deceived again.”
“You didn’t ask Jazz if it was true.”
“I didn’t. It was just too perfect. Made too much sense.” Danny narrowed his eyes. “I understand now that it was all bullshit, but I found out then that Jazz gave me that damn green stuff and I don’t how much you know about me, but me and the Lazarus Pits don’t have a good history.”
Danny nodded and bit his burger. His eyes also stopped shining. “She saved your life, you know.”
“I know.”
He remembered waking up and finding her eyes watching him. He dismissed them at the moment, but they had been clearly shining green. If he wasn’t so focused on the euphoria of being alive and with her, he would have stopped and accepted that there was a lot more than meets the eye with Jazz.
It didn’t make sense to dwell on that now.
“I already owe her too much.” He admitted after a moment. “But I will repay her with my life if needed.”
Danny’s eyebrows went to his hairline and he started laughing. He slapped the table, laughing so loud that the other patrons of the Batburger were looking at them now.
He sighed. Danny found that even more hilarious and continued laughing.
“Oh man, that’s… You don’t need to be cute with me.” He wiped the few tears gathered in his eyes. “And no need for such declarations of love. Or staking your life on it, pal. When you die, your ass is mine. With how contaminated you already are, and with a previous resurrection, you are definitely one of my subjects when you die.”
Jason had suspected it, but this confirmed it. He wouldn’t know peace even after he died.
Whatever. He would deal with that later.
“Jazz and I talked, after what happened. I apologized. I— I won’t do that again. I don’t… I know I’m not exactly—” He stopped to glare at his food. He wasn’t getting anywhere. He breathed in and tried again. “I’m not boyfriend material. I'm a crime lord. I can be violent. When I came back to Gotham, I introduced myself to the criminal Underworld by arranging a meeting with all the lords and giving them their second in command’s heads in a duffel bag.”
Danny nodded along but didn’t say anything. If he was judging him, he wasn’t showing.
“Jazz says she understands my work and from what we learned yesterday maybe she does, but still —”
“Why are you dating my sister, Jason?”
He looked up, and somehow he couldn’t see anything human in Danny. It wasn't just his eyes, it was… everything. Shadows coalesced around him and the bright fluorescent lights from the ceiling blinked in and out of existence. Danny himself looked older, bigger, sprawled on his seat like he was sitting on a throne and lazily watched him from above.
If it were another situation, he would have tried to find out what tricks he used, what kind of magic he possessed to do this to him and not raise alarms in the Batburger.
“What do you mean?” He cleared his throat, feeling it dry, but couldn’t move a finger to reach for his drink.
“If you are such a dangerous man… If you understand you are not ‘boyfriend material’ — “ he made the air quotes “ — and cannot provide the stability or security my sister needs… Why are you still with her?”
Because he loved her? Because she understood him? Because she wasn’t trying to change him, like everyone else?
He couldn’t choose which one to say. And somehow he knew that “love” wasn’t a good enough answer for the Ghost King.
Danny’s left eye twitched. He leaned in. “What tells me that you won’t wake up one day and realize she’s not worth it, Jason? That one day you won’t think that you actually want to go back to the severed heads and the recklessness?” Jason felt his breath leaving him with every pointed question. What was Danny doing? “How can I be sure that my sister is a priority for you?”
As the King leaned back on his seat, Jason could finally take a much needed breath. He pondered the words, how familiar to his own thoughts they were. He had decided that he would let the insanity of Jazz’s life permeate in his, that it wasn’t such a big deal, that they would deal with things as they came.
But was it ever so simple?
Nothing was simple with Jazz. Or with him. He knew that he could never have any resemblance of a normal relationship with a civilian, and even hero relationships had a high chance to fail — the Mission, after all, took place over everything else. Bruce had taught him that, on top of his crime fighting knowledge.
He had already given up by the time he met Jazz, but he said yes because she was supposed to be something simple, something temporary. Mundane.
Was she really those things? Simple? Temporary? Mundane?
No. That’s not what she was, and that’s not why he got into a relationship with her.
Danny’s eyes followed him as he controlled his breathing, the green changing colors as he probably followed his inner turmoil.
Jason licked his lips. Why was he staying? Why was he willing to try?
“She chose me.”
Danny arched an eyebrow. He wasn’t expecting that answer.
“She wants me. That day, when I—” he swallowed “ — When I pointed a gun at her and asked her questions like she was some kind of criminal,” he closed his eyes, haunted by her hurt eyes while he accused her, “she was honest when she said she wanted me. Everything else I could easily tell she was hiding something, but about her feelings… there was no deceit.” He remembered her phone, the lock screen picture, his smile. “It could have been anyone else, could have been my own brother, but she chose me.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“It does. It really does. I hurt her, I questioned her, I threatened her, and yet she wanted me. She wanted to give me a chance. I won’t let it go to waste.” He let his shoulders drop, trying to ease the tension. “Not going to lie, I am… wary of this whole Ghost Royalty business, and I know it won’t be easy, but nothing has ever been easy for me.” He shrugged. “I have always had to work harder to get what comes easy for everyone else. I was born here, in the Narrows, and I grew up on the streets.”
“Bruce Rich Dude adopted you.” Danny nodded and looked aside, and the death grip the young man somehow had on their surroundings was eased. The lights stopped flickering.
Jason rolled his eyes at the theatrics. “Yes, but it was short lived. Just like me.” He smiled at Danny’s chuckle. Jazz wasn’t kidding about the death jokes being a norm in her life. “I was murdered at fifteen years old. When I came back, Brucie had another kid taking my place.”
“That’s rough buddy.”
The illusion was completely broken. They were back at the Batburger and Danny was just a guy eating his lunch again. No more eldritch horrors.
“You said this wasn’t a shovel talk.” Jason pointed out, reaching for his drink.
“I wasn’t intending to, honest.” Danny shoved the last of the fries in his mouth. “It’s difficult, you know — being her brother and the King.” He said as he chewed. The contrast of the Ghost King threatening him and not even five minutes later loudly chewing fries without any care wasn’t lost on Jason. “I just…” He made a vague gesture.
“It’s nice that you care.”
Danny glanced at him, surely noticing how charged that sentence was, but didn’t comment on it. “I’ve never seen her be so… careful.” He tilted his head, just like Jazz does. “No. That’s a lie. The last time she behaved like this was when she was covering for me.”
“Protecting me from our parents.” His eyes glazed over a little bit, remembering. “She doesn’t appreciate dishonesty; but she would cheat, lie and fake smile to Jack and Maddie to keep them away from me.” His eyes were bright blue when he focused back on him. “Just like she tried to pull with me to protect you, bird boy.”
Jason chose to ignore the blooming warmth in his chest and finished the rest of his burger. Danny chuckled, probably knowing what he was thinking. It was getting annoying not being able to hide like he was used to.
“I appreciate your honesty,” the younger man said, placing his head on his hand and resting his elbow on the table. “Your story checks out with what she told me.”
“So you are fine with it?”
“No. Not in a million years,” his smile was definitely threatening, “but somehow you are what my sister wants and she was willing to fight me for you so… you have my interest.”
“Not approval?”
He hummed. “We’ll see about that.” He looked down at the table and lazily pushed aside the empty box. “Keep making her laugh and I will reconsider.” Maybe he noticed Jason’s confused face because he added: “I haven’t heard her laugh in ages.”
“You are joking,” he rolled his eyes, “she laughs and giggles all the time.” Danny wasn’t smiling. “What—”
“You don’t know how she was back there.” His smile turned sad. “I didn’t know how much she was hiding— No, I did know, but I didn’t want to think about it. My sister… She told you about David, but she didn’t say what happened after that. What happened after she killed for the first time. After… everything.”
Danny’s eyes became watery. “I didn’t ask and she didn’t tell me. Every damn time she came back, gave a report and pushed through. I kind of got used to her not coming to me for all this stuff, so I never…” he looked away. “I should have done something. Especially after David. I knew shit went down but I didn’t know it was… that.”
“And what happened? Did she swear off romance?”
“Nothing. She did nothing. She powered through it like she does with everything else — she says she is ‘fine’ and focuses on everyone else, bottling up her emotions, and crying alone when she thinks nobody hears her.”
“Why? Because it's a weakness?”
“Because right after she broke up with him, we had a Siege. I feel like the worst brother ever, but we couldn’t afford her being out of the battle, and then we just… never talked about it?”
Jason hummed and picked up what remained of his burger, shoving it into his mouth as he considered the new piece of information.
He didn’t know how much she wasn’t sharing about her past; but again, there was a lot he wasn’t talking about his. It wasn’t unreasonable for him to be ignorant of aspects of her life at this point.
“In a way,” Danny interrupted his thoughts, “I think it is a good thing she ended up with someone like you.”
Jason lifted an eyebrow. “Someone like me?” A vigilante? A zombie? A criminal?
“She always waited for Robin to fly in and sweep her off her feet. I know this. I’ve read her diary.”
Jason froze. “I’m not Robin.” He growled.
Danny lifted his eyebrows. “You are Red Hood, which is way cooler.” Right. Danny was a fan. “And the Gotham hero she likes the most.”
“I thought you were the fanboy?”
The other chuckled and leaned in. “She had been researching you guys for a while before coming here. Boards, papers, internet forums — anything you can think of, she got her hands on it. She tried to hide it, but her rants about Red Hood were significatively longer than the others. She always said that the finesse and smarts of the execution of Red Hood’s exploits in Gotham were fascinating.” He sipped his drink. “She didn’t mention a duffle bag with severed heads, though.”
Jason didn’t even try to hide the blush. What was the point?
“It’s not public information. The others don’t know about this.” He considered it better. “Or I think they don’t. Bruce is not very keen on sharing with the class if he does.”
“But he has to if he wants us to work together.” Danny continued, eyes fixed on something behind Jason. “Tonight we are going through all the prep for the Justice League meeting… and meet up with the Spirit.”
Jason perked up. “Tonight?”
“Yep.” Danny sipped his drink, but there was nothing else but ice. He looked displeased.
“Can I join?”
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