#and then the scene in the bathroom which is very loved by the shippers
franeridan · 3 months
I understand why everyone who read dunmeshi instantly shipped marci and falin but tbh the fact that it's just treated as canon by the fandom cuts on a lot of interesting analysis that could be done on their relationship outside of the romantic reading, which is kind of a shame
#when i read through i spent a lot of time trying to understand if marci saw her as an equal or as a younger friend she had to take care of#this started from her comment about how 29yo is “a child” and falin is younger than that#and then the scene in the bathroom which is very loved by the shippers#it felt a lot like falin understood the implications and marci didn't yk#i read that and it just felt like they were failing to communicate bc marci just couldn't see falins body as something she should be#embarrassed about#very mom with a child behaviour#same in the bed falin mentioned growing up and marci said it was just the same#doesn't it imply she still sees her as a kid?#there's that time in the backstory of when she first met laios and how she treats falin like a kid who can't make her own choices too#like she tells laios off for taking her away and then tells her she'll take her back to the academy like falin isn't#perfectly able to choose for herself#extremely “mom knows best” of her??#there's a lot of moments like that#then there's also everything that could be said about falin being marcis first friend and what it means for her to die#like...if you just call it romance it goes to undermine a bigger issue in marci's character imo?#like marci went to those lengths just cause she's in love with her but i think the point is that this was yet another person she lost before#she was ready to let her go? her character arc culminates in her accepting that falin might just be dead after all#and even with the possibility of falin being reborn she was ready to be taken away by the elves and never see her again#this is incredible growth for her but it only makes sense if falin was just one of many friends this could have happened with#and not the love of her life? I'd assume she would want to spend the rest of falins life with her if that was the case#whether or not she got over her fear of everyone dying before her#it's a thought! i think it's interesting to think about!#it's fun to ship them so I'm not saying we shouldn't or whatever but not treating it as canon now and again would open#to so many possibilities#for example I can't get out of my brain the scenario in which falin is in love with her and marci just can't see it until it's too late#kind of like himmel and frieren? think of the angst!! all lost because we just assume they're canon......tragic
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pixaho · 4 months
hi can I request a soulmate With Kizzy and kaito with girly reader?
I was thinking maybe reader could be a foreigner she goes to college but her & friend decided to take a break they go to Rocky’s club but accidentally runs into kaito & Kizzy she know they’re soulmates but is a little intimidating by them both ( just because she knows what they do with fighting) so she tries to avoid them but it stop working after a while. I want to see some angst and fluff
I’m sorry if there isn’t much details but this is the best I come up with I had a better idea but I forgot it
I Desire You
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♥ Pairing | Kizzy x Kaito x Foreign!Reader ♥ AU? Yes | Soulmates and College ♥ Word Count | 1,336
♥ A/N | I'm so sorry for taking so long to write this! I hope you do enjoy it and for the sake of this, I added a wee little spicy scene because I love Kizzy and Kaito (certified Kizzy x Kaito shipper and WIFE). I also decided to add Kizzy going to college to get a degree or something and something a wee special!
♥ Warnings | Some angsty bs, a lot of fluff, and a wee little spicy scene for my spicey hoes. Also mentions of alcohol, violence, and scandalous dancing ;).
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You weren't born when the Soulmate Stars Aligned happened. It had happened some time in the late 1700s, caused by a comet that looked different that hit the earth.
People thought it was truly nothing, but magnificent when the blue comet hit the earth. But something changed that very day. They started waking up with colors not being there, unless you were lucky. It was then noticed that when people met a certain person that those colors became full again. It was strange to say the least.
For the past hundreds of years, people have called those lucky people "soulmates". If you didn't find your soulmate, you lived without color or met another soulmate who couldn't see colors.
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You had been stuck in your college room all that day when your friend and room mate mentioned a club she wanted to go to. Feeling the need to get out, you agreed. So she told you the place and time. She seemed to be very happy when you said yes.
So there you were, at the club, dancing with your friend and drinking different beverages. Most were alcoholic. The reason for the great club get together? She met her soulmate. Before you. You weren't happy with it but you were happy for her. So you both were treated to drinks.
You knew the club as you'd done research. The infamous Club Heaven, owned by Rocky who ran White Rascals. Or better known to your college as the devils. It wasn't a bad place nor was the gang bad, as they tended to protect many women of the place. You could see a few of the woman now, dancing scandalously in a similar way to how your friend was dancing as the music played.
You bumped backwards into a guy by complete accident and stumbled as he turned.
"何なんだ??" He turned, looking right at you. "What the fuck?"
"彼女は酔うと不器用になるんだ." Your friend says as she gets in between you and the man. He seems highly intoxicated. Almost reeks of whiskey and not the cheap kind. It makes you slightly gag. "Sorry about her, she's a bit clumsy when drunk."
"その通りだ!俺のシャツを見ろ" He yells, louder than the club music. Which makes you giggle a bit. "Damn right you should be sorry! Look at my fucking shirt."
"もう謝っただろ. もういいよ. それに、シャツの洗濯はそんなに高くないよ." She's quick the respond, turning around as she finishes to get you to a bathroom. "I already apologized. That's enough. Besides, washing shirts isn't that expensive."
"このアマが!" He spits as he grabs a fistful of her hair, yanking it back. Everything happens so fast that your eyes are still looking at the intoxicated man as he hits the ground. You look from him to your friend who is talking to 2 other people, both of which are men. "You bitch!"
One of them seems uninterested in the whole situation, rather looking up at a man who is sitting at the railing of the stairs. He wears an all white suit with a cane and fingerless gloves. Rocky. The man that stands beside him looks like a butler. They seem to notice you staring, darting your eyes back at your friend who is talking to the other one. A rather cute person.
The other person turns to look at you. "大丈夫ですか?" "Are you okay?"
"ええと、大丈夫です. ありがとう." You speak somewhat lowly but loud enough for them to hear. They extend a hand, to which you shake before realizing who they are. "Um, I'm fine. Thank you."
Kizzy and Kaito of White Rascals, the two that everyone feared. The duo that, together, were the most people powerful.
You grabbed your friend. "もう行くよ. ちょっと疲れたし、明日に備えて酔いを醒まさないと." "I've got to go. I'm a little tired and need to sober up for tomorrow."
You turn, running out of the club.
Ever since that day, you had been avoiding Club Heaven and White Rascals, which was quite hard to do considering the next few days, you found out that Kizzy went to your same college. But the weird thing is, that you hadn't rubbed hands with anyone after that night yet you could see color. Which only ever means one thing; Kizzy was your soulmate.
You told your friend of course, but as it turned out, Kizzy and Kaito were soulmates. Apparently, they both could only see a select few colors. That means, you were possibly both their soulmate.
So, for a whole month, you evaded Kizzy. If you were placed for a project in a class, you'd ask to be placed in a different group. If you had the same friends who wanted to go places, you would drop out of the activity. Soon you realized that avoiding her was impossible without ruining your own relationships and grades.
Today was the day that you ended your avoidance of your soulmates. You got placed in a project with Kizzy and only her. Everybody else got placed in groups, but due to the odd number, you were stuck with her.
Now you are sitting across from her as she stares at you. Even though you grew up in Britain, Japanese was still being learned. So, you decided to clear up the awkward silence and stares by ordering something off the menu.
"あの、おっぱい茶を注文してもいいですか?" You asked as the waitress stared at you in bewilderment. Kizzy giggles a bit. "Um, can I order some titty tea?"
"Stop laughing at me." You hide your face.
"彼女はお茶を頼みたいんだ. おっぱいじゃなくて." Kizzy smiles at the waitress. As she bows. She wants to ask for tea. Not boobs."
Still embarrassed, you refuse to remove your hands from your face. You knew at some point you had to make yourself look like an idiot, but did it really have to be the time that you are sitting across from one of your soulmates?
"So, you don't speak perfect Japanese?" She says flawlessly. You remove your hands from your face, confused. "Oh, I've been learning English. Figured a pretty girl like you were not from Japan."
Your face turns red at the compliment of sorts. "I just didn't expect someone to learn English."
"English for you."
"Why the avoiding?" That's the question that chokes you up. You could lie and say that you didn't like her or you could tell the truth that you were scared of her and Kaito.
You decide on the truth. "I've heard about you and Kaito. A fearsome duo in White Rascals, those of who that fight and were also apart of Doubt. But I'm also scared-"
"Scared that we're soulmates?" She asks, moving a book on the table to the side. Your eyes widen.
"How did you know?" You squeak.
"It's weird that the same girl from the club that had a guy put his hands on her would ask the person who defended her about her soulmate unless it was..." She seems to think about the word before looking at you, "挑発された."
"Yes, that word."
"So, I guess I'm not the only one who isn't entirely used to or fully learned another language." You mumble, looking at the waiter as she places the tea down for you. You thank her.
Suddenly someone sits down at the table.
"Kaito!" Kizzy smiles. You keep your eyes glued to your tea. You can feel his glaring into you, but you can't tell if its anger or hatred. This makes you uncomfortable as you cough. A hand snakes over your hand and you realize it's Kizzy's. "Ignore him, he's just grumpy that you were avoiding us for so long silly."
You look over at Kaito who is no longer glaring at you but rather looking down at Kizzy's hand on yours.
"If we do a polyamory thing considering that we have another soulmate, I want a rule." He seems to relax in his chair.
"We can have a rule."
"Good." Kaito takes a breath. "Consent."
"Consent?" You ask, confused by that.
"Consent, to do stuff with you guys. I want action too." Kizzy giggles at that request and so do you.
"Sure." You mumble.
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Mutuals ♥ | @talusional
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aladybetween2majors · 6 months
The Sign Episode 2 Thoughts.
We're back again with the sign. The only Thai BL I'm watching right now. I am really wishing I waited to binge this show because it's really good and I don't like having to wait. There's obviously a lot building up and I don't know if I can wait. I can't stop watching though.
Last week we had Phaya overhearing the (cute) Captain's conversation which confirmed his suspicion that Lt. Tam's death was no accident. He and Tharn have now broken into the office and gotten pictures of the autopsy report. I can't help but wonder why the office doesn't have a CCTV camera though.
Our boys are in bed 🤭 I really love the flirting this two have going on I had a wide smile on my face anytime they interact.
Not Yai thinking he was dreaming when he saw Phaya and Tharn in bed, and he's so happy about it 😂 he's the best wingman/shipper
All five of them are working together to solve the case. Although I am really not into the whole mystery right now. I don't really care about this dead guy and the investigation isn't all that fun.
I'm glad that Captain is smart because our boys aren't. Talking in front of a CCTV camera, really?
Khem and Thongthai continue to fascinate me. What are Thongthai's feelings about Khem who cheated on him, after all they seem to be on good terms even though Khem wants him back. I want to know more 🤤
Hey there Freen! I think what Phaya is seeing when he sees Wansarat are simply memories from his past life, not something happening in real time. Because Tharn is already a reincarnation of Wansarat so we can't be seeing her spirit, can we? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. I don't totally understand reincarnation in Asian cultures.
I'm so glad they were caught and that investigation was put behind them. If there'll be more mysteries in the show I hope they'll be well done. At least now our boys can focus on their training.
They passed!🥳🥳
Phaya and Tharns interactions are the best parts of this show that already has good things. The cap scene had me smiling. Tharn using Phaya's moves on him🤭🤭 Phaya putting his number in Tharn's phone and Tharn being like 'i didn't ask' 😂😂
I like how their flirting comes off as natural. There hasn't been any confession of feelings but they're just developing this fondness for each other that I love. I really like it when characters are this natural with each other and go with the flow. Where you can feel like they like each other and getting together will be organic not because they're in a romance story and the narrative demands it. It's very believable
Yai remains the best boy. I can't wait to meet his wife.
The entire bar scene wasn't really for me. The points were gotten across though. Phaya is already possessive of Tharn, he hasn't made a direct move even though he hasn't been hiding his feelings.
I skipped the singing.
Not Tharn throwing up before Phaya could finish talking 😂😂 baby boy couldn't handle the tension.
The bathroom scene was cute. That fore head kid though😋
Oh! Tharn gave Phaya that amulet as children. I can't wait to dig into their pasts. And not just in this life.
Finally! Chalathorn is here🥳
I liked the episode. The Sign continues to hit me in that sweet spot 🥺 I don't love it yet. I'm not crazy for it as I was for I Feel You Linger in the Air but I think it has to do with the weekly watch, I binged IFYLITA so I could enjoy all it's goodness at once. Still I know I could love this one, it just has to hit it's stride, there's still do much set up.
Overall the first two episodes have been stellar. See y'all next week 😊
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shipposttt · 7 months
Ship of The Day: Drarry
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Character Names: Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter
Ship Name: Drarry
Original Content: Harry Potter
Ship Info:
Drarry. It's time.
Coming from the Harry Potter franchise we see the ship involving the ‘Chosen One’ Harry Potter and ‘Death Eater’ Draco Malfoy, an enemy to lover's favourite among the community. So why do fans ship these two? 
Many started shipping the two due to the rivalry (that some interpreted as flirtation), which made the enemies to lovers fans go wild.
For instance, when the two end up in punishment together and are heading into the forbidden forest. They both displayed feelings of fear and signs of being nervous, but due to being in company with each other, they both tried to hide their fear. As they go deeper into the forest and lose track of Fang, the two try to start up multiple conversations as a distraction to the fear they feel. Some read this as a sort of 'wanting to impress the other' sort of trope, however, it could just be argued to be toxic masculinity with the boys feeling like they should not display any type of fear or emotion that could make them seem weak to other males. Any 'feminine' feelings.
Tensions also during Hagrid's class are also a key factor in their flirtation with the constant back-and-forth arguments, that go on even in front of the class, giving off the vibe of being 'an old married couple'. And the fact they did it in front of others might display a sense of urgency to show others they have a connection.
And their rivalry on the Quidditch field, with both of them on opposite teams is also a key factor and main concept for many fanfictions. The two jostles around, push each other and hurl insults at each other giving more of a feel of friendly rivalry as they both try and win. But also a hint of admiration.
The two have also saved each other, showing to others that they do in fact view them as important enough to save fuelling the 'enemies-to-lovers' debate. For example, Harry saves Draco from the room of requirement. But this almost feels right since Harry is the hero. But when Draco did it, it really itched something in Drarry shipper's brains. The scene is when Draco lies and pretends not to know who Harry is when his face is distorted, saving his life and hinting he has some feelings for the boy who lived.
But the angst is also what had fans shipping the pair. For example when Harry nearly killed Draco in the bathroom while the two were having a dual, Harry using the Sectumsempera spell (which could have killed Draco) took their rivalry to another stage. But with these intense feelings, some fans also read it as them having a love so deep it boarders into hate. Love hurts Afterall.
The books are also quite an important contribution as to why many ship the pair, such as:
"Three boys entered, and Harry recognized the middle one at once: It was the pale boy from Madame Malkin's robe shop. He was looking at Harry with a lot more interest than he'd shown back in Diagon Alley." "Perhaps Harry had eaten a bit too much, because he had a very strange dream. He was wearing Professor Quirrell's turban, which kept talking to him, telling him he must transfer to Slytherin at once, because it was his destiny. Harry told the turban he didn't want to be in Slytherin; it got heavier and heavier; he tried to pull it off but it tightened painfully- and there was Malfoy, laughing at him as he struggled with it" (Harry dreaming of Draco) "Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter?" said a voice Harry had no trouble recognizing. He straightened, and came face-to-face with Draco Malfoy..."
"Now Harry, when Draco points his wand at you, you do this."
He raised his own wand, attempted a complicated sort of wiggling action, and dropped it...
"Whoops - my wand is a little overexcited-"
"Harry, however, had never been less interested in Quidditch; he was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy. Still checking the Marauder's Map whenever he got the chance, he sometimes made detours to wherever Malfoy happen to be..."
I'll leave it up to your imagination as to why these quotes might lead to people shipping the duo.
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Type of Ship: Queer Read
The two are very much not written without the intention of the two becoming a couple, it is all just fan interpretation and fanfics made for fans who might have wanted to see Draco get a redemption arc.
Some might also ship the pair due to the lack of well-written female characters that could have ended up with Draco. The only female we actually see him written to be friends with is Pansey (who isn't really given much character development or just character in general). And the one who would best counterbalance him would be Harry Potter. Their personality, their colour palettes, their family status and their houses. Each contradicts each other in every way. However both did end up with different people and a whole family, but their son's did become best friends which makes them always in contact with eachother in one way or another.
Admin, 🦒
(i am so sorry if this is not the best post but i did not really have much info of this ship beforehand and could not find much :,))
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IOTA Reviews: Gang of Secrets
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Well... I'll give this episode one thing. It's better than what we got from both “Truth” and “Lies”, and it did do one of the things I hoped the writers would tackle this season. That's not saying much, but I'll take what I can get.
Let's get into the fourth (chronologically the third) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fourth season: Gang of Secrets
We start off right after an Akuma battle, and while Cat Noir is eager for their victory fist bump, Ladybug seems to be on edge, insisting that they go on patrol. Cat Noir thinks of a place that they can relax at without talking... and he chooses to take Ladybug to see a romantic comedy.
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We're not even a minute in, people, and it already looks like Ladybug is considering using her authority as Guardian to take away Cat Noir's Miraculous.
Ladybug goes on a brief tangent summarizing what happened with Luka (which conveniently happens to reflect the events of the movie), and naturally isn't happy with the movie. Gee, it's almost like Cat Noir's plan was a bad idea. He seriously tries the whole “pretend to yawn as an excuse to put his arm around Ladybug” trick, so you can't tell me he didn't have romantic intentions here.
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Why Kagami couldn't accept Adrien's “true self” is beyond me.
After storming out of the movie theater, Cat Noir tries to emphasize with Ladybug (key word being “tries”) by going on about how “he knows what a broken heart is like”. At least he didn't ask if she was single now. Ladybug decides to go for a swim, but we cut back to Marinette's house, with Ladybug in her aqua form, implying she went to the pool while still transformed. And here's a big problem with the episode. In theory, I like the idea of Marinette stressing over her new responsibilities, as it could lead to some interesting plotlines. The problem is that when we get something like that in this episode, it's played entirely for laughs. At one point, Alya mentions hearing Marinette crying in the bathroom because of the stress she's been going through. And instead of being a dramatic scene, she just runs out in some Groucho Marx glasses for some reason, because according to the writers, we're supposed to laugh at Marinette suffering from a potential mental breakdown.
This just raises several questions about the way we're supposed to treat Marinette's behavior in this episode. Are we supposed to take this seriously? Not completely, because of how a lot of the “jokes” in the first act of the episode revolve around Marinette's anxiety being driven up to eleven. Are we supposed to see all of this as a joke? Not completely, because the end of the episode is when the writers decide to take Marinette's inner demons seriously. It leads to a very conflicting picture the episode is trying to paint with the way Marintte's conflict is portrayed.
We then cut to what seems to be the only thing the writers like to do with this character now, Alya acting like has control over Marinette's love life.
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Of course those are the only pictures Alya got of Marinette.
Uh... Alya? Honey? Have you even considered the fact that maybe Marinette didn't tell you about Luka because that's none of your damn business??? What gives you the right to know every single detail about your friend's life? I understand that you're a hardcore Adrienette shipper (and an unintentional metaphor for how obsessed the writers are with the Love Square), but why would Marinette be obligated to tell you about Luka?
I know that I asked Marinette if she told Alya about Luka in my “Truth” review, but that was because she continued to force the belief that Marinette still liked Adrien onto her. Yeah, I'm still confused as to why Marinette didn't tell Alya, but the difference is that I was more confused at her not explaining it, and felt it would have made the conflict in the New York special a lot easier. I don't think Marinette has to tell Alya, I just think it would make some things easier between them with how much Alya wants Adrienette to be canon. Marinette has no obligation to tell Alya anything about who she's dating. What goes on in someone's love life is a private matter, and we'll see that Alya has no regards for privacy.
Alya, along with Juleka, Rose, Mylene, and Alix, devises a plan to give Marinette a friendship bracelet to show their support for her. And as usual, Alix has the simple idea to talk to Marinette about what's going on with her, and of course, she's ignored. Sorry, Alix, but this is an Alya episode, where smart choices don't fly here.
We cut back to Marinette's room where we get a pretty good scene where Marinette confides to Tikki about how she knows she has no chance of having a love life. She points out how she had to end things with Luka because of her secrets, and knows that even if she worked up the courage to talk to Adrien, she couldn't do anything because of the same secrets. She can't tell her parents or friends about her secrets and is forced to lie to everyone all the time. The voice actress gives a good performance, and the animators did a good job rendering the red eyes Marinette gets from crying.
And then we get back to the stupid stuff, where Marinette decides to transform into Ladybug and demands Hawkmoth (even though he's Shadowmoth at this point) show himself. This is really just an excuse for the Girl Squad to barge into Marinette's room, where Rose sees the dollhouse Marinette uses to hide the Miracle Ball. Marinette quickly runs back in and tries to hide the the Miracle Ball from her friends, who confront her about her “problem”.
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No, real friends respect boundaries and don't demand to know every single detail about someone's life. They understand that there are secrets they don't have the right to know about. If Alya found out that Alix still needs to sleep with a nightlight and told everyone, would you really be surprised if she got mad at Alya for exposing this secret of hers? Right now, Marinette is clearly uncomfortable about telling her friends about a secret she has, and rather than understand she doesn't want to, they just keep pressing on, and don't care how unhappy she looks.
Unsurprisingly, Marinette tells them all to get out, saying she doesn't want them as friends anymore. Okay, so we're in every salt fic ever written now. Again, we get a good scene where Marinette feels remorseful for what she said (as understandable as it was), while the girls leave with their heads down.
Shadowmoth sends out an Akuma for the friendship bracelet, and because the object had personal meaning to all of them, Alya, Juleka, Rose, Mylene, and Alix all get akumatized into their previous Akuma forms, Lady Wifi, Reflekta (yet again), Princess Fragrance, Horrificator, and Timebreaker respectively. Shadowmoth calls them the “Gang of Secrets”. But they were akumatized because of secrets. Wouldn't a more accurate name be something like “The Honesty Brigate” or “Truth Troop?”
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When I reviewed “Felix”, I had talked about how the motivations for the three Punishers weren't didn't reflect their Akuma forms, which were twisted versions of what they were feeling like at the time. While the same thing applies here (as well as “Heroes' Day”, now that I think about it, though I always thought it was like a drawback to Scarletmoth's powers), the titular Gang of Secrets is actually a pretty good lineup.
I think my main problem in “Felix” is that we didn't get to see the three Akumas working together much because the writers were trying to prioritize Felix as the primary threat of the episode and failed miserably. Here, we get to see a lot of interesting combos and strategies I never really thought about. Lady Wifi uses her powers to freeze some civilians while Timebreaker skates by and absorbs their energy for her skates. Reflekta zaps some other civilians while Princess Fragrance sprays them with her perfume to brainwash them into looking for Marinette, even if it’s the only time this episode that we get to hear “At your service, Princess Fragrance~!”. Horrificator intentionally goes around scaring people while growing in size, acting as the muscle (even though she doesn't do anything in this episode). They all work surprisingly well together, acting like Ladybug and Cat Noir's own Sinister Six.
After making a new safe to hide the Miracle Ball, Lady Wifi breaks into Marinette's room again, so Trixx, the Fox Kwami, uses his power to create a mirage to distract her. But like when Plagg used his Cataclysm in “Style Queen”, it has a little drawback.
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The funny thing is that this doesn't even crack the top 5 in terms of weirdest things to happen to the Eiffel Tower in this show.
We cut to Adrien's room so the show can remind the audience he exists before he transforms into Cat Noir. The two don't meet up in person, but Ladybug tells Cat Noir to keep Timebreaker busy so she doesn't travel back in time while Ladybug goes after Lady Wifi. Of course, she doesn't have the friendship bracelet, but that wasn't Ladybug's plan in the first place.
Her actual plan is talking to Lady Wifi in an attempt to get Alya to break free of Shadowmoth's control. It's short, but it's a nice scene, with Ladybug explaining to Alya that even though they can't know everything about each other, they're still friends. So against all odds, Alya manages to reject the bond with Shadowmoth.
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Oh yeah, it's not like we saw Chloe reject an Akuma in “Miraculer”, right? And Chrismaster giving up his akumatized object for Ladybug to purify? That didn't count either. Alya is clearly the first person to ever do this, and this is why you should immediately accept what happens later on.
Alya tells Ladybug where the Akuma is, and in response, Ladybug gives Alya the Fox Miraculous, which she uses to transform into Rena Rouge... even though she was already benched in “Feast” for endangering herself by uploading a video about the history of the Guardians to the internet, just like how Queen Bee and Ryuko were benched earlier for similar reasons, and the latter only appeared again because Ladybug wanted to get Kagami away from Adrien. Because I guess we're just going to ignore one of the biggest plotpoints of “Miracle Queen” now.
The other Akumas have Cat Noir at their mercy, so Rena Rouge uses her Mirage to create an illusion of Marinette to distract them. Timebreaker goes off to chase the illusion, and while Horrificator, Princess Fragrance, and Reflekta are about to take Ladybug's Miraculous, Rena Rouge and Cat Noir are the ones to break the object. Overall, a really clever climax to the episode.
So after Alya returns her Miraculous to Ladybug, we cut back to Marinette apologizing to her friends, who never apologize for invading her privacy. And while she mentions Luka, Marinette suddenly talks about how hard is to confess her feelings for Adrien, something that was never mentioned in this episode, because the writers are desperately trying to encourage the audience to ship the Love Square again brutally shooting down Lukanette and Adrigami. And after all this, Alya goes back up after everyone else leaves because she can just tell Marinette has another secret. How does she know this?
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Okay, fine, Alya can be supportive of Marinette, and even her worst moments like the New York special were motivated by what she thought would make Marinette happy. A little misguided, and yeah, her teasing can be annoying at times, but she's ultimately there to help push Marinette to be honest with her feelings. “Reporter” is stretching it a little. No matter what the show likes to say, Alya isn't a good reporter. She barely verifies her sources and just posts things online. I'm sorry, but the Ladyblog is basically the superhero equivalent to TMZ. Alya probably doesn't even know who Joseph Pulitzer or Edward R. Murrow are, because rather than reporting the news to the public, she just wants to find things that will get her clicks on her website. Alya's biggest flaw as a character is that she is incredibly impulsive, but like everything else in the show, this flaw is never acknowledged, and is basically rewarded. Why do I say that? Well...
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I have a lot of mixed feelings about this scene. On the one hand, it's very well acted, and the interaction genuinely highlights Marinette and Alya's friendship. Before she tells Alya, Marinette is just opening her heart out to her friend, and the grievances are played completely seriously. Even the reaction Alya gives when she finds out is very subdued, simply showing her shocked face before she gives Marinette a hug, with no dialogue. It's a very profound moment, and it's arguably one of the best in the entire series. Even the ending card doesn't show an action scene, but rather, it continues to focus on the hug while the Kwamis watch.
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And thankfully, the episode doesn't end with the standard upbeat “Duh dun dun dun dunnnn, DA DA DA DA~!” track that almost every episode, no matter how depressing, usually ends with. It's just a really great moment, and a good way to end the episode... on its own.
When you think about previous episodes, like what I've mentioned with Alya, it's just strange that despite all the times she has shown herself to be bad at keeping secrets (like the aforementioned scene in “Feast”, posting a picture of her and Cat Noir kissing on the Ladyblog without her consent, and invading her privacy in this very episode, demanding to know her secrets), Marinette suddenly decides to give Alya a chance. Even worse, she had just said that she wasn't going to force her to tell her anything, which seemed like a strong character moment for her, but then the writers go back on the lesson and have Marinette do what Alya was trying to do the whole episode and tell her she's Ladybug.
Sure, Ladybug told Alya she was the Guardian and to keep it a secret earlier, but this lesson in keeping secrets should have stuck when she first became Rena Rouge in Season 2. I don't have a problem with Alya being Marinette's confidant (lord knows she needs one at this point), but I just don't think Alya is ready for this. It's the same thing with what happened with Adrien in “Syren”, by saying him immaturely threatening to quit being Cat Noir because of Ladybug's secrets was meant to show how he was ready to meet Master Fu even though it showed how selfish he was and was anything but ready. How is an episode where Alya tries to force Marinette into telling her everything she's keeping a secret meant to show she's ready to learn Ladybug's identity. Maybe if this episode kickstarted a character arc for Alya where she learned about why people keep secrets and that getting the truth isn't the right thing to do, culminating in a later episode where Alya learns Ladybug's identity, I'd be fine with that. As it is, this just had some poor timing and was the result of the writers not really thinking this through.
I guess I'm still interested to see where this goes, and how Marinette and Alya's friendship will change as a result of this. Maybe Alya can help Marinette get away to transform, or worry about her safety after an Akuma fight. Although the worst case scenario is that if Cat Noir finds out about this, he'll use it as an excuse to bitch and moan about how Ladybug is still keeping secrets from him and of course, she'll be blamed for whatever happens as a result of that.
Though I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting to mention something. Wasn't there someone else who wanted to know the truth about Marinette?
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This is what really kills the episode for me, just how it goes back on everything established in “Truth”. The whole reason Marinette broke up with Luka in the first place (which motivated the conflict of this episode) was because she realized keeping secrets from him wouldn't lead to a healthy relationship. As much as it pained her, it was a necessary evil Marinette had to do in order to protect her identity.
But now you're telling me that it's okay for Marinette to tell Alya her secret? WHY? How is this any different from what happened with Luka? Like Alya, Luka also wanted to known the truth, but the only difference was the way he confronted Marinette. He calmly asked her about what she was hiding, and even though she couldn't tell him, he respected her boundaries, and they both managed to end things on good terms.
Alya, who has a history of exposing secrets to the public, who barged into Marinette's room and demanded she tell her all of her secrets, is more trustworthy than Luka? This is why I don't buy the writers making Alya Marinette's confidant. I get that they want to give her some more story presence after how she had mostly faded into the background in Season 3, but this just isn't the way to do it.
Barring that, what did I think of the episode?
Yeah, it's just... it's just okay at best, mediocre at worst. There were a handful of decent moments in the episode, and some creative action scenes. Even stuff like Cat Noir's forced movie date and Alya violating Marinette's privacy isn't anything new, and unlike other episodes, the latter actually seems to apologize for that. The problem, as I already stated, was the ending. I think maybe the ending could have worked if Alya had found out Marinette's identity, but decided to keep it a secret. That way, it would make for an interesting dynamic, with Alya learning to be more responsible while secretly helping come up with ways for Marinette to get away to transform.
But as it stands, the episode is alright, but mostly forgettable if not for the ridiculous ending.
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badapricot · 3 years
Lovely Writer: Count 18 & 19
So I decided to buy and translate the paid chapters, because I can’t stand being totally in the dark about what’s going to happen on Lovely Writer. I hope you guys enjoy it!
I summarized Count 17 here. Based on the Episode 8 promo, these chapters (17-19) should be included in the episode. Keep in mind that my Thai is elementary so I’m just translating the main points of the chapters. Also that they often cut scenes or move them around.
Count 18
After coming home from the mall and dealing with the fan who wanted his signature, Gene goes home and writes for a bit before watching a show and then falling asleep.
He wakes and notices his phone which he put on silent is vibrating.
He checks it and sees that it’s Nubsib asking if he ate.
Gene says he hasn’t but he will. He notices that it’s only 2PM which means Nubsib is texting him during his lunch break.
Nubsib asks if he’ll sleep over at his place tonight and Gene doesn’t know if it’s an invitation or a question. He says no even though he wants to meet Nubsib.
Since Nubsib moved out they’ve been talking a lot. Gene doesn’t usually like to text but with Nubsib it doesn’t feel burdensome. Texting Nubsib so much makes Gene feel vulnerable, like the person who always wanted to be alone isn’t there.
Gene eats dinner and then works on his writing. His writerly muse is hitting him and he feels inspired. He makes a coffee and goes out on the balcony. It’s hot even at night, because it’s Thailand.
Nubsib says,��“Are you just eating that, or are you already full?” and Gene is so shocked he almost drops his coffee.
Luckily, Nubsib catches it.
Nubsib is on the balcony to his left and Gene is shocked. As far as he knows, the person next door was a business person in their thirties who stopped using the condo cause they got married and moved in with their spouse.
The condo isn’t expensive but it ain’t cheap either. Gene asks how Nubsib is in that condo and Nubsib says he bought it.
Gene wants to faint thinking about poor Uncle Wat (Nubsib’s Dad) who had to pay for it but Nubsib assures Gene that he used his own money.
Gene asks Nubsib if he regrets using his own money and Nubsib is like, “If it gets me closer to Gene...”
Nubsib says he only regrets that it’s stressing Gene out, so if Gene wants he can move in with him. They can sell the condo right now.
Gene asks what the hell he’s talking about and Nubsib laughs. He leans closer to give Gene the mug of coffee he almost dropped and Gene tentatively takes it. Nubsib takes the chance to kiss his cheek.
Nubsib tells Gene he’s not poor or struggling. He bought this condo a year ago.
Gene is shocked and realizes that’s when Nubsib came back from abroad. Nubsib admits that he planned to move into the neighbouring apartment last year, but then he found out that Gene was having a casting for his series and he chose to go that route instead.
Gene realizes that Nubsib is extremely invested in him. He’s very happy that Nubsib was honest but he’s frustrated with how lonely he feels now that Nubsib is out of his condo (even though he’s next door) and how Nubsib’s confession doesn’t make him angry at all. He only regrets that Nubsib spent so much money on the condo.
Gene wants Nubsib to feel as annoyed as he does so he calls him “Nong Sib”. It works because Nubsib’s face becomes cold and serious.
Nubsib asks Gene if he remembers what he said. If Gene calls him “Nong” then he’ll kiss him as punishment. Gene says he didn’t forget but he’s not stupid enough to open his door for Nubsib. He then remembers the card keys.
Gene goes to his wallet and checks and realized that Nubsib gave him the card key for apartment 1714. Nubsib’s apartment is 1714 which means Nubsib tricked him, and gave Gene the card to enter HIS apartment. Nubsib still has card key 1713 (Gene’s condo #) which means he can enter Gene’s condo whenever he wants.
Nubsib calls Gene back to the balcony and asks if he’s mad. Gene says he isn’t because he realized that he likes feeling like Nubsib is right around the corner.
Nubsib asks Gene to come closer and then kisses his cheek. He asks Gene if he slept yet because the lights have been on all night. Gene says he hasn’t so Nubsib tells him to sleep.
Nubsib comes over the next day, and rings the doorbell. Gene is barely dressed when he answers the door and Nubsib tells him to put his clothes on properly before he answers the door next time.
Gene is touched that Nubsib rang the doorbell even though he has a card key because it makes him feel like Nubsib is respecting his feelings.
They decide to go out to eat. Gene notices the toy in the car and remembers his drunk night playing with it.
Nubsib drives them to the mall in his sportscar.
Gene can’t decide between sukiyaki or pizza. Nubsib pays for both and says they can just bring them both back and eat one later which makes Gene feel spoiled. He thought Nubsib would be the spoiled one as a kid.
They drive back to the condo to eat, and in the parking lot Nubsib says he’s glad Gene asked him out on a date to eat. Gene says he didn’t and pushes Nubsib’s face away when he comes close.
Neung interrupts them. He’s there in an expensive suit and he looks surprised. Gene jumps away from Nubsib.
Neung says that he decided to stop by because he heard that Nubsib moved in there. 
Gene tries to get Nubsib’s hands off his waist but he doesn’t budge or seem to care at all.
Neung asks what he’s doing there and Gene says he lives there. Neung immediately says “Oh! I understand.” and Gene doesn’t get it.
Nubsib is smiling and Neung laughs. He tells Nubsib not to forget to tell their parents and Nubsib tells him not to worry. He’ll bring Gene home himself.
Gene is confused. He tells Neung not to worry, when he goes back he’ll visit Auntie Orn and Uncle Wat himself.
Gene tells Neung they’re going to make sukiyaki at his condo but he doesn’t really want him to come over. Not because his place is dingy, but because he doesn’t want him to notice anything between him and Nubsib.
Nubsib’s hand tightens on his waist and he whispers that if Gene tells Neung that then he’s going to stay for awhile.
Neung assures them that he won’t stay long because he has to deal with some documents.
They go upstairs and start eating and Nubsib is totally silent while eating except for giving Gene extra meat.
Gene kicks Nubsib and tells him to give Neung meat too. Nubsib says, “Phi has hands too doesn’t he?” and Gene demands that he gives Neung food. Nubsib only gives him lettuce so Gene gives Neung some of his meat.
Nubsib tells Gene not to give Neung meat and to give it to him instead and Gene throws back in his face, “Why? Don’t you have hands?”
Neung says, “I don’t eat innards. Please give each other meat. You don’t have to pretend to be interested in me.”
Gene protests that that’s not what they’re doing and Neung says, “You guys would kiss if I wasn’t here, please just let me sit and eat here quietly.” Gene chokes on his broth.
After dinner Neung goes out to smoke on the balcony.
Gene joins him and Neung says he’s known about Nubsib’s interest in Gene for awhile. Why did Gene want to hide? He goes further and asks if they’re dating.
Gene fumbles and Neung says he’s been waiting for it for a long time, which makes Gene blush. Neung admits that he called his parents already and they’ll be so delighted to ask him to be a real son.
Gene’s mind is going into overdrive because he never thought about the reality that would be their close families finding out. Neung tells him to calm down and not overthink. His family is not conservative.
Gene tells Neung that he’s not with Nubsib yet and Neung says he knows, because Gene wouldn’t survive it.
Gene chokes for the second time that night.
Count 19
Gene went to bed at 7AM the night prior, so he needs to be dragged out of bed by Tum.
They have an event at Siam Paragon.
Gene says he’s not going to go and Tum urges him, saying that his husband is going, so doesn’t he want to go? And Gene is so tired he doesn’t care and replies, “My husband?”
Tum calls him a bastard for not waking up on time, because he promised Tum he’d go with him to the after party.
Gene goes to get dressed and sees Nubsib when he goes into the living room. Nubsib asks if he’s tired and if he ate and Gene says he hasn’t slept and he is hungry, but it’s fine. He’ll eat at the mall.
Gene sleeps a bit in the car and when they arrive at the mall it’s mostly highschool girls. Gene is forced to stand to the side while Nubsib and the main actors are interviewed.
A girl ends up waving Gene over for a picture.
She asks him to take a picture with Nubsib and Gene intends to refuse but Nubsib tells Gene to come over.
Nubsib tells Gene to smile a little more cutely. Gene frowns and says he’s not cute and Nubsib laughs which makes the fangirls scream.
Gene is overwhelmed by the crowd and the attention and excuses himself to pee.
Tum follows him and asks if he has a cloth or glasses (to hide his identity). He squeezes Gene’s face and Gene tells him off but Tum jokes about how he wants to touch the celebrity.
Tum tells Gene that there’s a clip of him brushing his teeth on his balcony so people know that he lives in Nubsib’s building, which could be a problem. It was fine when the series was in pre-production but if more shippers flock to SibGene over SibAey now, it will be a problem.
Gene understands how shippers and BL series work so he tells Tum he understands.
He decides to go to the food court to get some food because he didn’t eat. Tum says that’s fine but to remember to LINE Nubsib and tell him where he went.
Gene gets his food and then goes into the bathroom to cool his face with water.
Aey appears and asks Gene why he’s alone. He then says that Gene should be comfortable, since they’re alone.
Gene tries to pass but Aey blocks him. He says that he saw lots of cute tweets about Gene and then asks if Nubsib and Gene are dating.
Gene says, “What do you mean dating?” and Aey goes, “You’re really going to say that again?”
Aey says what he said in the promo. “You like Nubsib, even though you know I like Nubsib.”
Aey says that he thinks Gene is a very naive and cute person, which is bad. Gene is confused at his insult wrapped in a compliment.
Aey gets so close that their noses touch and says it’s good that Gene is stupid like this.
Gene doesn’t like confrontation but Aey is his Nong and he feels like this is very disrespectful. He tells Aey to have some manners and Aey asks if he’s angry with him.
Nubsib interrupts them and he’s so scary Gene doesn’t dare to speak.
He asks Aey if he forgot what they talked about and Aey says he didn’t. Nubsib tells Aey not to mess around and Aey says he isn’t. This is his truth.
Nubsib says he won’t repeat himself a third or fourth time.
His demeanour changes and he grabs Gene’s hand, telling him that Tum is waiting for them.
He drags Gene from the bathroom and tells him to stay away from Aey because he’s not good.
Gene asks if they have a problem and Nubsib says it’s not a problem, but a matter.
Gene asks if the matter involves him and Nubsib says yes.
Nubsib won’t elaborate so Gene says he wasn’t finished talking to Aey. Nubsib says he was and that’s all that matters. If Gene doesn’t understand what’s going on, he’ll clear it up later.
Gene says that the matter involves him so Nubsib should tell him now.
Nubsib says he doesn’t care about the issue, he’s just worried about Gene.
Gene tells Nubsib that he doesn’t like calling him Nong, right? Well, Gene doesn’t like being treated like a kid.
Nubsib tells Gene that Aey is interested in him.
Tum interrupts them and says he’s been looking for them everywhere.
Tum asks about the party later that night and Gene says that he’s still sleepy. He struggles to keep his face and tone calm even though he’s kind of freaking out.
Nubsib tells Gene he can’t go to the after party and tells him to go back to his room and wait for him. He’ll meet him and they’ll talk about all of this later.
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wearulikeanecklace · 3 years
coney island and evermore: taylor’s apology to kaylors
it rained today and for the first time i was able to really sit down with evermore and try to work through the heartache and confusion caused by lyrics that had me taking turns between filling my wine glass in the kitchen and crying in front of the bathroom mirror
because i finished all the wine and am too dehydrated to cry anymore, i offer a hesitant but nonetheless hopeful interpretation of the heart-wrenchingly volatile emotional forklift of an album that is evermore
upon the first listen through, i really was convinced that kaylor had broken up. every time a new album gets released, it becomes increasingly difficult to understand the meaning behind songs that appear to have satisfying interpretations for both swifties and gaylors. for me, the two songs that really cut deep were coney island and evermore. they all seem to have this soul-shattering rawness with references to the struggle that tay has given kaylors a peek into throughout the years. after listening a few more times (and crying way more than a few times), i no longer think this song is about losing karlie- i think it’s about losing kaylors, the fandom that has stuck by her and vowed to stick around through her journey, as she has slowly but surely gotten closer to coming out and into her authentic self
fellow tired kaylors have definitely been vocal about their disappointments and decisions to stop following or supporting kaylor when times get tough and it seems that we’re back at the dead end we started from. but more than that, specifically i think this was written as a result of the backlash and hurt that came from the long pond sessions and taylor crediting toe with co-writing betty and straightwashing the entire song and narrative- something that was so sacred to the hope not only we felt, but that everyone felt, about betty being the queer anthem that could open a real window in the darkness to let the daylight shine through
Break my soul in two looking for you But you're right here
perhaps this line is referencing her playing on two different narratives, looking for the community that can see through the PR lies and cover-ups- the fans that see her and support her and karlie together 
If I can't relate to you anymore Then who am I related to?
this line cuts deep because she compares losing the fans that see her for who she really is as losing family- it’s such a special relationship to have with lgbtq+ fans, one in which we relate to taylor and her truth that she tells in her lyrics, and take comfort in knowing that she is like us
And if this is the long haul How'd we get here so soon?
again, i think this makes a lot of sense in the context of how many kaylors were vocal about how they really gave up after the william bowery ordeal, when most of the time we hang in there and proclaim to be in it for the ‘long haul,’ when she finally comes out
Did I close my fist around something delicate? Did I shatter you?
this line is the one that made me fully trust that this song is a kaylor apology, because it references the Spade riddle, of love not being able to grow in closed fists, but rather open hands. her connection to us through her queerness of her songs is so sacred (and delicate), and it was incredibly painful for her to take that from us in the long pond sessions, especially when she could’ve remained vague in her explanation
Over and over Lost again with no surprises Disappointments, close your eyes And it gets colder and colder When the sun goes down
i think this captures how long kaylors have waited and continued clowning only to be disappointed or robbed of hope when she stunts with toe or reverts to straightwashing her music and persona
What's a lifetime of achievement If I pushed you to the edge? But you were too polite to leave me And do you miss the rogue Who coaxed you into paradise and left you there? Will you forgive my soul When you're too wise to trust me and too old to care?
were all her achievements worth it when she wasn’t being her authentic self, and when she denied her truth so much to the point of losing the only people that could see it? kaylors constantly say something along the lines of “if she doesn’t come out by the next album, i’m done with her,” but then they’ll continue to stick around and continue to postpone the time that they will officially give up (did i leave you hanging every single day?). we were too polite, too invested, and we had too much love for tay to give up hope
if her coming out album really was going to be called ‘paradise,’ i imagine the ‘rogue’ being 1989 and rep, the first of album that strayed from denial and moved closer to acceptance, made clear by the more and more explicit queerness of lyrics and aesthetics. it kept us around imagining that she was close to coming out, it validated us and let us place our trust in her that one day paradise would finally happen.
but of course it didn’t and even after all this time, she is still stunting. she asks for forgiveness, for if we do give up because we stop trusting that she will finally come out, or for when she does, but it has taken so long that it’s no longer a big deal to us
The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go Sorry for not making you my centerfold
i think this references the 1989 era and the fast pace of it all, the lights that never blind her, and especially this era where the glass-closeting began- where we all became die-hard shippers of kaylor
she apologizes again- i know many people think this is about karlie and a reference to magazine covers- but i genuinely believe this is a reference to her career and PR in general. kaylors were never given the attention that swifties are- she can never publicly declare her love for us or interact with us in the way she wants in order to maintain her public narrative. we just stay in the background, having our own interpretations and trying to pinpoint the truth in her art, but we never get the spotlight. the easter eggs on magazine covers and big-time interviews are always filtered and not the total truth- though she does feed us well with kaylor hints and references behind the scenes. 
But when I walked up to the podium I think that I forgot to say your name
this line falls into a similar meaning- when she stands on podiums thanking her fans for support and how happy she is that people can relate to her music- but she is never able to thank us kaylors, who see her for her and relate to her truth in her music
coney island is an apology to kaylors for not being able to acknowledge us or the truest parts of herself just yet
as for evermore, i think taylor is again using this song to work through and make sense of the pain that her and kaylors felt together after the betty explanation in the long pond sessions. 
Gray November I've been down since July Motion capture Put me in a bad light
these lines reference November, when the long pond sessions were released and the backlash occurred not long after. the sessions are the film that put her in a ‘bad light,’ showing her credit toe with betty and slowly destroy us with the seemingly never-ending nervous hetsplanation of betty being written from a male perspective
I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone Trying to find the one where I went wrong
i think this references the song visual for betty on Spotify, which was her walking along the ‘stone wall’
I rewind thе tape but all it does is pause On thе very moment, all was lost Sending signals To be double-crossed
i think these lyrics probably provide insight into her rewatching that moment of the sessions, another moment where she is freezing her ground and not being able to move forward into a future where she can be open about who she is. some people thought that her explanation of betty was intentionally supposed to sound ridiculous, or that we’d know she was lying- that she was giving us signs that this was not true and that it was just to satisfy the other side of the fanbase, give promotion to toe, or strengthen her chances of winning more Grammys. she thought she was doing what she always does, splitting herself into two, playing both sides- but she did not recognize how much this would hurt us, how much we would lose by losing betty.. and by words coming from her own mouth especially. our loss turned into her loss because so many kaylors gave up after this moment
i won’t go into detail surrounding lyrics that seem pretty evident regarding the pain and hurt that being in the closet and letting down kaylors has caused her, but i do strongly believe that through these lyrics, she is speaking to us <3
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sttheorycraft · 3 years
3 Inches
One of the small touches I love in Stranger Things is the whole "keep the door open 3 inches" idea - it actually didn't start in Season 3.
In Season 1, right after the party finds Eleven, she tries to change clothes in front of them, freaking everyone out. Mike takes her to the bathroom and starts to close the door behind her but this freaks Eleven out. As a compromise Mike closes the door... mostly. He keeps it open... about 3 inches.
So in Season 1, Eleven is terrified of closing doors, but in Season 3 she wants them closed. It's also possibly of note that in Season 1 the closed door would have separated her from Mike (not that they were into each other by then) but in Season 3 it would have separated the two of them from the rest of the world.
Speaking of closing doors, there are a lot of hints in the soundtrack to Season 3 about more going on than the superficial. I love how self-referential Stranger Things is, and legitimately think that Steve finding a hint in the music in the background of the Russian tape was a hint to look at the background music of Season 3 for clues. And the music has the strongest clues for Byler (in that there's no plausible deniability compared to most other evidence) out there imo.
The very first Mileven kissing scene is to "Never Surrender" (it's in the script, as is Mike's singing along) which has these lyrics: "Just a little more time is all we're asking for. 'Cause just a little more time could open closin' doors." It's not really clear what alternative meaning there could be to this other than directing it at Byler shippers not to get discouraged in the face of the huge dose of MIleven (a "closing door" to the possibility of Byler). I guess the null hypothesis would be that there's no meaning? But why would they pick this song - and write it into the script - of all songs they could've picked? Just seems a bit absurd.
Then in a later Will scene, this comes up again in the background music to this scene. Nancy and Jonathan oversleep and rush out, late to work. Jonathan still has Nancy's lipstick on his cheek but Joyce stops him to wipe it off before returning to the table with Will.
Will: Gross.
Joyce: Well, I don't think you're gonna think it's gross when you fall in love.
Will: I'm not gonna fall in love.
Joyce: Okay.
Right at this second, the background song says "You open up the door."
So unless we're just seeing patterns that don't exist, "closing doors" seems to represent Mileven and "opening doors" are representing Byler.
Finally, jumping ahead to Hopper's speech at the end of the season, there's no question that this is primarily about Hopper and Eleven. However it's also highly plausible that there's some Byler overlap, as has been discussed by others before. In the scenes right before, by donating his D&D book, Will has demonstrated that he's committing to "growing up" like Mike basically told him to in their fight, yet in Mike's next scene he reveals that at least part of him still wants to be a kid, too (playing with presents, etc). This combined with Mike's strange reaction to Eleven's kiss at least shows that Mike resonates with the same ideas Hopper is stating about fear of change and growing up.
During this speech, when they show the D&D book (which imo represents Mike and Will's relationship) Hopper is saying that sometimes life is "surprising" and "happy" AND there's a rainbow on Erica's door (nothing new, but they could've given her the book anywhere).
"And when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means you're out of that cave."
Possible reference to Byler shippers' dreams initially being crushed by Season 3's superficial interpretation? Also, possible reference to the nature of the Upside Down? (It would be "that cave" here.)
"Keep the door open 3 inches."
Given all that I pointed out before about closing vs opening doors, is this telling people not to give up on Byler?
I recognize it seems like I'm putting the Byler theory on a pedestal here, but I really do think I take precautions against confirmation bias and legitimately think it's central to the show's plot. I see no plausible alternate explanation for the earlier door references, and given them and the double Byler-relevant meaning of other parts of Hopper's speech, I don't think I'm being totally unreasonable here.
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alisarb · 4 years
the nature of frenchie and kimiko’s relationship
in every frenchie-kimiko video about their relationship there’s always someone commenting how much they ship it and there’s always someone else pointing out that their relationship in the comics is like father and daughter
so, being the obsessive shipper that I am and weirdly overthinking everything about a tv show because i can’t enjoy things like normal people, i decided to write this post to defend why I think their relationship in the show (and even a bit in the comics) is anything BUT paternal, and why their relationship in tv vs. comics is so different
(please bear in mind this is my opinion and in no way i wanna force ships onto anyone, you’re free to interpret stories and ship characters however you want!!)
Okay, the first thing we learn about frenchie in the show is that he is a man of many skills: in his own words, a gunrunner by trade, but with a very particular niche. we also learn he used to be a hitman, probably, and then he talks about his victims like scars he has to carry forever. he’s the first character apart from hughie that expresses some kind of remorse in the show about killing someone up until that point in the show (and i know it’s only the second episode, but by then we’d already seen quite enough violence)
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he’s a layered character from the beginning, going from what looks like a man who likes his pills way too much and who seems dangerous to someone who actually has more to offer. still, he has other personality traits that differentiate him from the rest: frenchie describes himself as a womanizer in a conversation with m.m, who he mocks for being in a loving relationship with his wife. he “goes to sleep every night next to someone different.” we’ve met cherie by then but we can assume they are not really in a relationship by this statement, more like a casual lovers situation
and then, like a joke from fate, he meets kimiko. and from the very beginning they form a connection like no other. one can argue that their earlier interactions are kinda sweet and tender and not romantic at all, but from what i see, they share the kind of intimacy that most tv couples wish they could convey without even touching. their chemistry is undeniable 
on top of that, as their relationship progresses, kimiko begins to return the affection. she goes from this killing machine that can’t stand to be touched to initiate contact with (and only) frenchie, because he’s her source of comfort and reassuring. at mesmer’s, kimiko looks at him because he’s the only person that she can trust and the first one to show her kindness in who knows how long
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the rest of the group is understandably wary of kimiko, as she has proved to brutal and ruthless. frenchie is the only one who understands her, and that’s why he frees her that first time: to give her a choice 
in exchange, when they are at mesmer’s,he asks her to show them what he sees, and she complies. because she doesn’t trust the rest yet, but she trusts frenchie. and even with that first vision he doesn’t doubt for a second that she can’t be just a terrorist. so kimiko shares with them and relives her trauma: the murder of her parents, being removed from her home and sent to a camp with her brother, being forced to become a soldier, being injected with compound v and becoming a supe with a talent for mass murder just to be locked in a cage like an animal... 
the look they share after that revelation is anything but platonic and/or paternal:
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sorry about the excitement this scene makes me wanna squeal with delight
shortly after, kimiko is watching shark week again and frenchie comes up to her to talk about vought and how they’re hurting people like they hurt her, how she could help them stop it. at first kimiko keeps staring at the TV and looks defensive, but the moment he says: “it’s your choice, if you wanna go back and look for your brother i’ll take you to the airport” she looks at him, surprised. 
because he keeps giving her a choice, which is the core of their relatiionship
and, as another user pointed out in a post a while ago, if you watched the show with the captions on (as i did bc english is not my native language) as she holds his hand, you can hear and read that shark week talks about mating and how if a female shark returns the male’s feelings will make some sort of move. one could think that this was accidental but c’mon, this show doesn’t leave anything a coincidence 
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it’s clear from the beginning that frenchie is completely smitten with her. in fact, we see small glimpses of him literally OBSESSING over her from the beginning: he meets with cherie to get the gas to sedate kimiko and we learn he hasn’t been with her in a while. i’m sure he was plenty busy with the whole vought + kimiko situation, but at that point they were all living separately and they returned to their places even if it was less frequently than usual (and cherie seemed to spend a lot of time in his place, if not even living there)
he cooks for her when she’s chained and then later on he teaches her HOW TO BAKE my heart 
I could keep listing every moment when Frenchie looks at Kimiko (because his eyes inevitably follow her at any scene) or how the rest of The Boys is so aware of what they are (”you’re dating a terrorist”/”your crazy ass girlfriend”), and (SPOILERS SEASON 2 STOP READING FOR A SECOND) in the s2 we see how Frenchie is dog tired, probably angry and frustrated, and his face automatically changes when Kimiko goes to show him the origami piece. He smiles sweetly because she makes him happy, and amidst all the chaos they are going through one of his main worries is still Kimiko and how to understand and communicate with her.
One of the last moments is in the finale, when Kimiko is finally pulling herself back together after years of abuse and mistreatment by brushing her hair, wearing pretty clothes or painting her nails. Simple acts that make her feel like she’s a person. When she comes out of the bathroom, he looks at her with pure AWE. He even says “look at you, mon coeur”, because it’s like she’s the prettiest thing he’s seen. When the gas comes into the room he pushes her into the bathroom first thing. 
M.M’s face at the end when they’re surrounded and he sees Frenchie hitting his head against the wall because even though he’s been shot he only wants to go get Kimiko, I think it says everything. His face when he talks about Kimiko and how she made him a better person. The way he pulled the hair out of her face. 
I really love how everything is coming together this new season, so now I’d like to address the main issue of this post: the nature of their relationship and how it’s nothing like the comics. 
There’s a very basic reason to why I believe their relationship is romantic, and not only by the actors’ interactions in Instagram, or the way Amazon promotes their relationship, but because the comics are so different from the tv show. 
Every character’s background story is changed, and so are their motivations, personalities and, as far as we’ve seen, their storylines. In the show they’ve made it pretty clear that Kimiko and Frenchie share a connection that resembles that of a soulmate. 
And even in the comics, (spoiler) when they’re about to die, Frenchie turns around and tells her that he’s loved her since the beginning. I don’t think that’s very father-like. 
In conclusion, it’s likely that they’ll make us wait for a long time before we get more romantic interaction (especially since Kimiko is growing as a character and that might mean she might need to grow on her own, which I think is great), but it’s been clear since the beginning that they are meant to be. I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL 
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revisitedgrunt · 4 years
Motherland: Fort Salem. Episode 1x05: Bellweather Season.
Being completely honest with y'all, this episode ruined me. It's taken me a while and several rewatches to sort out my thoughts and feelings. Now I want to talk about it. I'm going to go scene by scene, so this isn't a rambling stream of consciousness. This will be very long and image heavy.  
I find the Unit's dynamics interesting. We've seen them get closer and work together better, but Raelle and Abigail both have strong personalities, and very different life experiences. One wrong word can immediately start a fight. Abigail uses the phrase “the community that matters”, which is incredibly elitist. Raelle, rightly, takes offence and ends up storming out.
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The first Raylla scene of the episode. Scylla combines some minor manipulation, which is an attempt to get invited to the wedding with, in my opinion, a real story about her past. I believe everything Scylla has told us about her past. Porter confirmed that her parents died, and in the last two episodes we've seen Scylla start to open up with Raelle. They talk about running away, and less than five minutes into the episode, we get this.
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I may, or may not, have let out this really unflattering squeal. Part of me is still amazed by this relationship. Every week I think we've hit the limit on how awesome it can get, and every week I'm proven wrong.
Raelle making a bird skull charm for Scylla is so sweet. I think Scylla's linking spell is going to be very important in the episodes to come. I do wonder if the mark is permanent. I hope not, just for the fact that Scylla permanently marking Raelle, without her permission, is not a nice thing to do.
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We get another kiss and Raelle cups Scylla's chin again, which I am a big fan of.
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You can see Scylla smiling when she enters her room. She genuinely likes spending time with Raelle. With the way she caresses the bird skull, we can see she's really touched by Raelle's gift.
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We're then reminded that the Spree is a terrible organisation, when they threaten Scylla again. I'll probably talk more about the Spree later.
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Scylla pretending to be a waitress was smart. However, the smarter play would have been to stay undercover until it was closer to 6pm, as she would have avoided unwanted attention. How much of this was a mistake on her part, and how much was it wanting to spend time with her girlfriend?
I love the lingering fire effect in the hair. It's such a cool detail.
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Scylla's adorable little “Hi!” added 10 years to my life.
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Raelle being super excited to see Scylla and the banter about the “corsage” was very cute. Raelle proves, once again, that she's a great girlfriend by introducing Scylla to the Bellweathers.
We get more confirmation that Abigail doesn't like Scylla, calling her “Another shitbird.” I believe her antagonism towards Scylla is because she thinks she's a distraction. Abigail thinks if Scylla wasn't around, Raelle would be more invested and involved in the Unit. However, we know this isn't the case, if it wasn't for Scylla, Raelle wouldn't be trying at all. Abigail should be thanking Scylla.  
I love world building so I thought the wedding was really interesting. We find out that weddings are a contract that lasts for five years, which explains Abigail's different fathers. I think families like the Bellweathers think this is a way to strengthen their bloodline. The women can have several babies with different fathers, which helps expand the family. I think civilian weddings are still for life. Raelle's mom and dad were still together when Willa died.
What makes a believable relationship for me, is the small things. Not great declarations of love, but how they stand next to each other, how comfortable they seem together, how they look at each other and when they reach for each other. This was a great example of that.
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I thought the scenes of Abigail trying to corral her unit were hilarious. She's desperately trying to make a good impression, and they unintentionally embarrass her every time. Scylla's “They have lobster.” and Tally's gasp gave me a good laugh.
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Our first scene of Raylla dancing. When I saw the pictures I thought it would be a one and done deal. I should know by now that Motherland: Fort Salem always goes the extra mile when it comes to their wlw couple.
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Raelle putting a protective arm in front of Scylla, starting down Anacostia and telling her “She goes where I go. Scylla's my girlfriend.” Just... wow. That was hot. And to illustrate the point, she gives Scylla a long, lingering kiss.
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Anacostia v Scylla, round 2. I think Anacostia is incredibly cool, but I'm always gonna have Scylla's back. Scylla tries to protect Raelle and takes the heat for their relationship. Seeing her sass Anacostia was pretty amusing. Then she immediately grabs some drinks.
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I'm not sure why Anacostia has a problem with Scylla. Is it the same reason as Abigail, or something different? Is Scylla not a good cadet? Does Anacostia think Scylla will hinder Raelle's performance? Scylla was right though, Raelle did start trying because of her. We also know Raelle is almost always boosted because she's having sex with Scylla.
Jessica Sutton's expressions this episode were perfection.
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Every Raylla scene warms my cold, dead heart. How cute are they about the “girlfriend part”! And Scylla dancing Raelle onto the dance floor! And the way Scylla keeps eye contact with Raelle! I just can't!  
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Look at the smile Scylla gives Raelle!!!
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This is a pretty upbeat song and you can see the other dancers energetically dancing. But Raylla are just slow dancing, wanting to be as close to each other as they can. You can also see Raelle has this soft smile on her face. The amount of care and detail Taylor and Amalia put into their scenes together, never fails to amaze me. It's so obvious they want to make this relationship as believable as possible.
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Gerit got engaged before Baltane, went to the festival thinking he'd hook up with a girl and give her a power boost, and fell in love. He really does try to tell Tally he's engaged. I just feel sad for the both of them. I'm not really into heterosexual ships, but they were cute. I wonder if this is the end, or if Gerit will break off his engagement. Seeing Tally cry hurt, a lot.
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Abigail gets smacked in the face with her privilege. For how different the universe of Motherland is to our own, some things are still very much the same. The rich and powerful will get all the opportunities, whether they deserve them or not. I do respect Abigail for wanting to make it on her own merits and not coast on her name.
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I really admire Raelle's courage. She's a first year cadet, but she marches up to General Petra Bellweather and demands answers about her mom. She doesn't get them. Like any good politician, Petra deflects and heaps praise on both Willa and Raelle. It takes the fight out of Raelle, but made me even more angry.
Ashley and Bernadette did a really good job conveying Abigail and Charvel's relationship in the time they were given. They are cousins, but you see they are close and I got a sibling vibe from them. With the advice Charvel gave Abigail throughout the episode, she came across as an older sister. This makes me wonder if Abigail does have actual siblings. Given what we know of the Bellweathers, it would surprise me if Petra only had one child.    
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Scylla does a really bad job of checking the bathroom.
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It's telling to me that Scylla tells the balloon “I need to know she will be safe, once I get her there. Should I wait with her?” I've always believed Scylla had genuine feelings for Raelle, and this is more confirmation. The balloon is clearly not a Raylla shipper.
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Tally sees the balloon, and Scylla's cover is blown. I did not expect this to happen so early in the season, or for it to happen this way. Motherland keeps me guessing.
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With 5 minutes left to get Raelle to the extraction point, Scylla sees a downhearted Raelle. She makes a half-hearted attempt to complete her mission, but there's no conviction there. She doesn't want to do it. When Raelle asks if they can dance instead, Scylla could have tried to convince Raelle to go for a walk, she didn't. She chose to dance with her. Scylla was scared, Scylla knew she was going fail her mission. She had to make a choice, The Spree or Raelle. She chose Raelle.
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Tally telling Anacostia about Scylla was smart. I briefly thought that she might tell Raelle, but that would not have gone well, and doing it at the wedding would not have been the right time. Now Scylla's number one fan has a legitimate reason to not like her.
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And now we get to the scene that killed me. I'm not gonna lie, I cried. I don't really get emotional about TV shows, but I've really come to love Raylla and this hit me hard. As soon as that song started playing, I knew I was in trouble. I started to choke up when Scylla remembered the times she'd spent with Raelle. My eyes started to water when I saw how scared she was she'd missed the deadline. When she told Raelle she loved her, I totally lost it. Raelle's smile was the last punch to the heart. I was a complete mess by the end of this scene. We leave the scene with Scylla looking incredibly sad.
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This was Scylla saying goodbye to Raelle. She knows she can't stay at Fort Salem, she knows the Spree will come for her. If she doesn't run, she's as good as dead. I really hope that this episode alleviated any doubts anyone still had about Scylla. It is now absolutely clear that she loves Raelle.
Fortunately the next scene was much more upbeat and light hearted. Joking, we find out Charvel has been murdered, brutally. Most of her throat has been cut out. The effects were excellent and very gory. Abigail is ambushed by two Spree members and we see that they can nullify a witches abilities, when Abigail tries to Windstrike them and nothing happens.
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Things go from bad to worse.
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I'm not sure if this was always the plan, or a backup in case Scylla failed. My opinion was this was always the plan, and was set up to distract people so they wouldn't realise Raelle and Scylla had disappeared.
The witches summon a tornado and disable the balloons. The tornado looked pretty big and I thought back to the witch in episode 1 who was controlling 6 tornadoes at once. That seemed pretty powerful at the time, but I remember them being small, so I assume if they combine their power, they can summon bigger tornados.
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Petra finds Abigail just in time to stop her daughter getting murdered.
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During a well choreographed fight scene, we are reminded that these women are soldiers. Even without “the work” they are trained in hand to hand combat. We see both Abigail and Petra are good fighters. Abigail has a very badass moment here, after getting stabbed, she pulls out the knife and uses it on her attacker.
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The Spree members set themselves on fire, so they can't be questioned, which is par for the course for fanatics. I had expressed sympathy for the Spree before. I said their cause was just as they were trying to liberate witches. I even understood them killing civilians, the civilian Government is the body forcing them to join the army, or be hunted. However, it now seems the Spree are equally terrible towards other witches. They brutally murder Charvel, a fellow witch and threaten Scylla's life if she doesn't do exactly what they say. At this point I say screw the army and the Spree, I want the Unit and Scylla to form a third faction.
In all the confusion, Scylla disappears. I think we’re meant to believe that she ran, but I think it’s more likely Anacostia grabbed her, as she is noticeable absent during the Spree attack. I think Scylla is probably in some secret dungeon at Fort Salem, and we'll get to see just what that mark she put on Raelle actually does.  
The episode ends with the Unit comforting each other.
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It's interesting that in some way, each member of the Unit experienced a loss this episode. Abigail lost her cousin, Tally lost her first love and some of her innocence, and Raelle lost the girl she's fallen madly in love with. Hopefully they'll continue to support each other as they heal.
The sheer amount of Raylla in this episode was unbelievable. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say their scenes from this single episode, would probably cover 6 episodes on any other show, if we’re lucky. I'll keep saying it, I have never seen a show give a wlw couple this amount of time, care and respect. 
It seems like we may not see them together for a while. I'm OK with that. We've had so much content over the last five episodes, more than I have seen in any other show. And remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Imagine the amazing scene we'll get when they reunite. Taylor and Amalia will knock that out of the park.
I thought this was the best episode so far, and one of the best hours of TV I've ever seen. This had the perfect mix of world building, humor, sadness, tenseness, action and romance. This show is such a gift and I can never thank the cast and crew enough for it.
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castlesbyrs · 3 years
i know a lot of motis shippers are freaking out and scared and perhaps this is just me trying to be positive but i do not think the writers would throw away 3 seasons of development for a ship that was together for..one episode? i mean, officially together. yes, i know r*tis became incredibly popular (they’re sadly overhyped) but maeve and otis have built up so much together in 3 seasons and while i am not exactly satisfied with what we got in season 3 (definitely excepted MUCH more seeing how the screeners described their scenes) their relationship has grown. they have a very deep and emotional connection. they know each other better than anyone. they believe in each other and their capacities and they don’t need to change into someone else. the only reason otis got with r*by, following the signals the show gave, was because he thought maeve didn’t want him in his life anymore and because she thought casual sex wasn’t his “thing.” throughout their whole “relationship”, i don’t think otis has ever stopped thinking about maeve and how SHE made him feel. it would be incredibly rushed and unrealistic if they went back to otis and r*by after otis told jean, his MUM, that maeve is his person. after he told maeve how he only did the clinic to be close to her. after he told maeve - not once but two times - he LOVES her. i mean even aimee and eric mentioned multiple times how they’re in love. i do believe otis and maeve are meant to be and i feel like even if they don’t end up together before the show ends, they will eventually come back to each other. they always do. the point is: the show, through the scenes, the songs and their lyrics (ex: when they’re destroying the bathrooms in ep 1 s3 the lyrics at some point goes “i love you” and we see otis looking at maeve and she looks back at him when the lyrics says once again “i love you”), through the characters interactions made pretty clear maeve and otis are meant to be and laurie said in different interviews that she was happy they were finally in a good place. i just hope season 4 shows us their dynamic as couple because the writers are perfectly capable to make people come back on motis side if they want to. anyways yeah, i just hope what i said makes sense and brought some hope to motis fans? 🥺 i just hate seeing people being so sad and scared about what’s gonna happen to them. love you besties! you got this xx
ps i know so many people think otis doesn’t deserve r*by but it’s the other way around for me lol. i think otis deserves much better than her. he deserves someone who isn’t ashamed to be with him and who treats him right. someone who doesn’t need to change him in order to be in a relationship with him and in my opinion r*by isn’t nor will ever be that person. i do NOT like her and i don’t think i ever will but i hope she grows and became a better person because it’s getting quite annoying the fact that she bullies people, calls maeve names and stuff. this is officially the end of my big rant. thank you for reading all of this 😭
Hi lovely anon and oh my god I wish I could be as positive as you are. Like an emotional side of my brain is like YEAH they wouldn't throw all of this away just for a couple of scenes and yet... the writers always find ways to fuck them up which scares me endlessly... add to the mix Emma kind of wanting to leave and I just don't know where we motis nation are supposed to be standing on now. I'm genuinely scared about what the future might hold for them and I think that even if they finally get their happy ending and please god let that be true, I think people will not even care anymore and I can't understand how or why. It just makes me so so sad. But I HOPE you're right and a side of me definitely agrees with you, the other side desperately wants to agree with you.
About your P.S. jsjdsjds i love you... i won't comment anything else because I'm so done with us getting hate for just expressing our opinions haha but I suppose that's enough of an answer from my side. I just have a BIG problem with her still calling Maeve a cockbiter, but oh well, people choose what to remember and what to forget.
Thank YOU for sending me all of this, I am so grateful to receive so many wonderful messages from people who feel just as passionate about this as I am, so you are amazing anon, and whatever happens we motis stans got one another <3
Come talk Sex Education to me ✨
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asterekmess · 4 years
Oh boy, here we go, Motel California is just full of absolute bullshit. *sigh* let’s get started then.
Read More’s are good for the environment (or so i’ve heard)
Before we start, I wanna let you guys know that I’m just not gonna comment on the Jennifer/Derek scenes. I just. I really honestly cannot do it. I don’t care. No. Also as this is well, this episode, please be advised that there will be extensive suicide mentions.
I know this is random as hell, but that truck looks like mine. Oh, and look at the date, it’s only like nine years older than mine. nice.
why does it look like he’s nursing an arrow wound on his leg? Is it just me? That doesn’t look like a claw mark.
Can...can I just point out (god, i already need the tag) that....that they’re drawing a DIRECT parallel between this ARGENT HUNTER and Scott with the whole “lifting up the shirt to reveal the bite on their side’ thing? Like, it’s a perfect replica of when scott does it in the first episode. And they don’t do that with the others. Jackson’s bite was just Visible when he got out of the water and we never see Isaac, and Erica’s bites. Boyd’s was a whole sitting down thing on the Zamboni with his hoodie. They didn’t even do the same thing with Victoria ARGENT’s bite. OH and he’s wearing the heirloom necklace from season 1.
Wait, hold up. So, he just got bitten that night, but he’s already gonna shift? What? The bite works that fast?
....he’s from MA? Why tf is he in california? Also, he’s 27 apparently, oof.
Finstock...honey...you ran out of keys when you have like 6 students behind you still.
why is Finstock paying for Allison and Lydia’s room as well? He’s just that nice, or did he honestly forget they aren’t on the track team?
Maybe it’s just the Sterek shipper in me talking, but someone wanna explain why the fuck Stiles would put Derek on the suspect list for HUMAN SACRIFICES? Let alone TWICE? He literally just helped Derek get his pack back and has been working with them the whole time? Why???Would??He???Suspect???DEREK??? OR his sister???
I totally forgot that Scott promised Stiles he would watch Star Wars after they got back to Beacon Hills. SCOTT YOU ASSHOLE COME ON.
yeouch. You’re putting a huge damper on my Stydia brotp here Stiles. jeez.
*Movie trailer voice* He’s a hunter whose family has been torn apart by a human/werewolf war, who refuses to give up the fight against a species his clan has persecuted for centuries. He does weird detective work that makes no sense and looks like a Dark Souls ghost repeat of someone’s death. He insists on ‘staying out of things’ but then follows people around getting mad when things go wrong. Coming this summer, Chris Argent must actually learn.....to get off his ass and help.
WHY DO THEY ALL DO THE CLAW THING??? Yes, they are obviously claw marks. Why the fuck do you need to put your fingers on it?
Honestly, it makes me so sad because STiles is trying okay? Like, Boyd was pissed that Stiles acted like his friend when they never hung out, and STiles is trying to do the chill smalltalk thing, trying to point out things they have in common. He’s trying to MAKE FRIENDS and Boyd is just....uh...possessed? And still getting candy?? Huh?
Honestly, I’d do the same thing Stiles. Get that candy.
Allison, why’d you get in the shower if Lydia wasn’t back with the towels yet? How’re you planning on getting to them? You expect Lydia to come into the bathroom while you’re showering to put one there? #allydia confirmed.
Okay, okay, look at that adaptation we got going on here. Remember, okay, the last time Allison was harassed sexually (which, holy shit I can’t believe this has happened twice) it was by Jackson, who was possessed by Matt. So when Scott gets super fucking creepy, instead of freaking out, her FIRST instinct is to check if he’s still himself, if he’s okay. She jumps to ‘possessed’ and tries to take care of him WHILE SHE”S NAKED IN THE SHOWER AND BEING CREEPED ON. Which, while absolutely horrendously terrifying, is also an interesting character growth. We get to see how Allison responds to the same situation, but a season later.
Really not a fan of the weird-ass focus they put on this woman’s stoma ( think that’s the word) like...are you seriously trying to make that a part of the ‘horror’ aspect of this episode? For real? what is wrong with you?
So I did the research, and actually, hotels aren’t required to tell anyone about deaths in their rooms. But they also renovate the entire room basically to clean that kind of thing up. Replacing walls and anything that can absorb liquid and even electronics. Oh, the things I google for this research. *sigh*
So, she says “since opening.” So...why does it even matter that an Argent was here? ALSO...why does the wolfsbane whistle matter? Clearly the whistle wasn’t the cause of the last howevermany (apparently 40) years of deaths, so why would it be the cause of these ones?? They gave like fifty different answers to the question of why the wolves (and only the wolves) tried to kill themselves and none of them make sense?
Hey, so...what the fuck even is this possession thing going on? What is it actually doing to these wolves? Why are they getting affected at different times? or did they all get affected at the same time, and the scene with Ethan and Danny is supposed to have been happening at the same time as the bit with Scott and Stiles? Is it supposed to like, make them more impulsive, or just drive them to do what they want to do? Boyd wants some candy, and he will get some candy. Isaac wants to watch tv so he just sits there and clicks through static endlessly. Scott wants to......fuck Allison?
Honestly? Good dad moment here. Chris. Good Dad Moment. I just, feel so bad for Allison. That when it comes down to it, she will always end up lying to her family to save Scott’s ass. Either when they’re dating and her dad wants to kill him for it, or when Scott shows up in her bathroom and grabs her and she can’t possibly tell her dad about it without Scott getting shot.
WHY do they treat that moment like it’s a big shocker that Allison was there? She TOLD her dad she would be going to help them. This shouldn’t be a surprise to him???
....wait how was allison on the phone with her dad, fully dressed and outside, but now she’s in her bra and drying her hair in the bathroom? TIMELINES. TW doesn’t HAVE them.
OKay, so Lydia says it’s only been 40 years, which would mean that the motel was only 6 years old when Alexander Argent died in it. Plus...Lydia literally says that approx. 4 deaths a year is a reasonable number? So...either this place has a lot of suicides, or it doesn’t. WHich one? Also, just because you have the warning at the beginning of the episode doesn’t mean you need to go into such callous detail about the different kinds of suicides that took place. God, that’s so tasteless.
As horrific as this moment is, I feel like I should point out that the behavior/conversation that Lydia hears...it’s nothing like what happened with the wolves. They’re talking about it, clearly nervous. But the wolves are stoic and silent. What? WHAT IS THIS PLOTLINE? IS THE MOTEL causing these suicides somehow, or are the werewolves poisoned by wolfsbane?? THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT PLOTS. WHICH ONE IS IT?
god, I just..I can’t not point out the contrast here! Lydia is saying she heard two people die in a room across the hall, and after leading Allison there they find an empty room going through renovation. All she has to say is “they were here” and Allison believes her. No hesitation. Stiles’ childhood best friend literally shows up dead and Scott refused to believe a word he said about human sacrifice until Deaton confirmed it. Yet Lydia and Allison have known each other less than a year, and Scott and Stiles are supposed to have been friends for ages.
I just...I hate fisheye lenses. they don’t give me any horror vibes at all, they just look stupid. Personal preference.
Boyd, honey, those things are supposed to have bags in them so they can be reused.
Lydia is actually very correct, remember what I said about the renovating?
God, this episode has so much...just horrible shit. I’m gonna fucking ignore it for my own sanity and just focus on how wolfy it is that Isaac wouldn’t want to sleep under the covers at a hotel because it would probably smell. Plus, bare feets. Also, why’d he go to bed so early? Did Boyd go get the ice for him, since he’s sweating so much?
I love that they are roommates.
Okay, I don’t understand. Three more suicides are about to happen. Boyd, Ethan, and I guesss...Scott? So what the fuck was up with Isaac? I just...they’re supposed to like. give into their their worst thoughts or something? Boyd’s guilt about his sister. Ethan’s....something. Scott’s...uh...self-hatred? Or, I think it’s more his lack of self-confidence? He doesn’t hate himself, he just doesn’t think he can keep going. And Isaac’s ingrained guilt of doing the wrong thing? His fear of being useless...I guess? So is it supposed to make them suicidal and Isaac’s a weird case, or does it only do that sometimes, and the rest of the time it just leaves you paralyzed with fear? This makes literally no sense.
Where has Stiles been this entire time?
Uh...that’s not how Alphas work? Just because Derek died, it wouldn’t make Scott an Alpha. Scott didn’t kill him. Even if Derek Was dead, it would’ve been from impact or from the wounds Ennis gave him. In no universe would Scott become an alpha. If it was the impact, Cora would become Alpha, as the next blood relation. If it was Ennis, the Hale Alpha spark would be gone/soaked up by Ennis.
Okay...so, Stiles was in the bathroom brushing his teeth, and he didn’t hear Scott talking to the phone?
*snort* Stiles has a Nokia phone. How much do you wanna bet his dad bought that for him after the Pool Scene because he was trying to make sure Stiles didn’t break another phone?
Did...did Stiles just leave the room with the toothbrush in his mouth?
Okay, I get that this is a teen drama...but why does it have to be so obsessed with 16 and 17 year olds having sex? Seriously? It’s not the common occurrence people think it is? Now, if these were college age people...or, hell, even then it wouldn’t be this fucking common. Seriously. I don’t want eye-candy from someone who’s supposed to be 17 at MOST. Teenagers watching this might like the eye candy, but when I watched this at 17 I STILL was sick of the sexy scenes. Knock it off.
.....uh....Ethan...do you not understand human anatomy? Giving Danny the bite wouldn’t remove the metal bars in his chest. It might heal the cartilage or whatever, but it wouldn’t REmove the BARS. Oh see that’s just creepy. Wait. OKay, are you telling me that Ethan’s thing that he wants, with this possession thing, is to bite Danny? AND HOW DOES DANNY NOT RESPOND TO THAT? HE’s supposed to know about werewolves, which means he HAS to be getting what Ethan’s going for. WTF?
...what the FUCk kind of voldemort “love and monsters” kinda bullshit was that? What does that have to do with Ethan’s deepest fear/insecurity?
I am...so confused. FIrst off, I love having Allison, Lydia, and Stiles all chillin’ trying to figure things out. THat’s amazing. But how do they know something’s up with Isaac? Also, it contradicts what I was theorizing before when Allison says the last time she saw Scott like that it was a full moon. Now I’m even more creeped out? WHy would they have her fully believe that it’s Scott, and just...let him be a fucking creep? Why would they openly admit that he’s been that terrifying with her before and then just...be chill about it? Also, when did she actually see Scott act like that? When he did it on his second moon Allison never saw him bc Derek tackled him into the woods. When did Scott go all creeper on her? Is this a REgular OCCUrREncE?
I know it was wasn’t intentional, but it’s such an adhd mood for Stiles to see the paper sticking out of the bible and just snatch at it. most people would call that ‘attention to detail’ but like...I just see it as ‘wtf is this, gotta know gotta know” mooood.
Why does Stiles go running to the next room like it’s an emergency, and what is the relevance of these articles in the bibles? LIke, yeah, you knew there were a ton of suicides. How does this help?? God, it’s like they were trying to make it a mini-horror film, but they just suck at understanding what the right order is to put things. FInding those articles should’ve been something that happened at the beginningin order to create a sense of unease, not in the middle of figuring things out!
how exactly did Stiles get the damn door open if it was locked? For that matter, how did Ethan know the handsaw was there? Was he on his way to talk to Lydia and Allison, or was he heading for Scott and Stiles’ room to get help? WHat’s going on???
Thank you Allison for not just Standing There. And Lydia for having a BRAIN. <3
OKay. I know I said I wouldn’t comment on these scenes with Jennifer, but this is just a general observation. DEREK. YOU HAVE A CELL PHONE. YOU ARE PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF CALLING PEOPLE FROM THE BED.
What...what does that mean Ethan? “You probably shouldn’t have.” WHat?
I know it’s supposed to be for the Allison/Scott angle, but I just love Lydia and Stiles heading to save the pack. *sigh*
I gotta say, I actually really respect Stiles for straight up telling Lydia about the parallels he’s seeing. Rather than hide it from her, he’s trying to get to the root of the problem, point blank and he’s being honest with her about his worries that she might be involved without even knowing it. And she listens and doesn’t get immediately defensive. This communication is SO GOOD. Stydia BROTP.
I’m fucking on the verge of tears. Sinqua, your acting is just...like, you barely speak in this scene and yet your face is just??So pained?
Bare feets. I know I point it out a lot, but like, compared to kali, who keeps her claws out all the time even in like a fucking hospital. It’s so cute to see Boyd and Isaac wandering barefoot in their hotel room. Just, the level of calm it implies, despite the situation. They feel so safe with each other.
ALSO did Boyd go through all of that while Isaac was under the bed?
WAIT WHAT? WHy is Lydia suddenly all pissed off? WHAT? That makes no sense! But then when she says his name, she doesn’t sound upset at all?? WHAT?
ALSO, I thought this was supposed to be about suicides? Why did they add this totally random (and horrific) thing? It has nothing to do with BoYD! JUST BECAUSE YOU PUT A TRIGGER WARNING DOESN”T MEAN YOU NEED TO MUSH AS MUCH FUCKED UP SHIT AS POSSIBLE INTO ONE EPISODE. GOD. It’s like those people who assume just because they’re allowed to do R rated shit, they have to have random sex scenes in their tv show.
where did Scott get gasoline? Like...where?
God fucking damn it, how fucking demonizing can you get, fucking juxtapositioning Scott’s suicidal monologue about Derek suffering and being dead, then jumping to Derek fucking someone instead of telling anyone he’s alive? What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why is it literally ANY TIME Stiles or Derek are in some way happy (NOT that I’m considering Derek at that moment in time Happy or in any way okay) they always make it out to be the most horrible thing ever? It’s like I said before, Stiles smiling on the field because he actually gets to play lacrosse? Jackson’s about to die. Stiles happy because he’s going to play a game in class? His best friend is missing. Derek....I’m not even going to give what’s going on a name. But then they just layer that over Scott...what even is he doing? Everyone else actually tried to kill themselves. Why is he just...standing there? Are they seriously trying to make the claim that his strength of will is so strong he’s the only one could can hold out against the...whatever the fuck is causing this? Jesus fucking christ do you have to turn him into Jesus every time? SERIOUSLY?
...I get that this is supposed to be an emotional moment, but why the fuck does Scott’s monologue about how much he sucks have to drag Stiles down with him? Stiles was literally always good at lacrosse. He never got ‘better’ before being put on the field. You saying that the both of you were ‘nothing’ is a terrible, horrible thing to say because you’re implying that because Stiles didn’t get the bite like you did, the only thing that makes him more than nothing is being your friend. How does Scott manage to be a total asshole even when he’s in the middle of explaining why he wants to die?
AGAIN WITH THE RANDOM PLOTLINES. DAVIS WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? IS THE HOTEL HAUNTED, OR IS THE WHISTLE FULL OF WOLFSBANE OR IS THE DARACH ACTIVELY MAKING THEM KILL THEMSELVES? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? ANd why would the Darach be making them kill themselves?? THey don’t match any of her sacrifice requirements! This makes no sense with the plotline you follow for the rest of the season!
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SCENE? Scott was NOWHERE NEAR Ethan? WHY THE FUCK DID HE GIVE SCOTT THE CREDIT FOR SAVING HIS LIFE? And why would he thank him for it, when he told Stiles he shouldn’t have been saved? WHAT IS GOING ON?
Also, why does Ethan have like, a bruise thing on his cheek? Is that...is that a skin thing, or like, a show thing?
This doesn’t solve the problem of Allison’s car being stuck with an empty tank at the side of the road halfway to Beacon Hills.
dude. you realize that was literally 34 years ago? Deucalion would have to be like 50. and even then he would’ve been a fucking 16 year old Alpha. So that makes Deucalion more likely in his 60s. Also, why the fuck do you care Chris? This is such a random fucking thing. It makes no sense. What the fuck does it matter now?
Last Thoughts: What the fuck even is this episode? It’s like this steaming dumpster fire of half-assed ideas and loose ends to plots we’ll never see and really shitty horror movie vibes. We’re talking D List or maybe E list horror movies. I’m honestly disgusted? I can’t remember the last time I had to watch something so tasteless and cruel and insensitive in every single way?
.....on to the next episode, I guess. God, I need to change all of this in the rewrite, and I don’t know if I can actually make it good?
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tfiolarry · 4 years
one: conincing
summary: after announcing the band’s hiatus, harry and louis announce their love, their soon-to-be marriage, and their two kids (who won’t be in a baby carriage).
[masterlist] [two]
ask us anything!
a/n: gif not ours creds to owner 
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One Direction Taking Extensive Hiatus Starting Next Month!
Yes, you read the title right: One Direction is going in many directions. We know - try to remain calm, Directioners. 
As one of the biggest boy bands to take over the 2010s, selling out tours in arenas and stadiums around the world, the foursome has decided that they will be taking a break for at least a year, starting next month and following the departure of Zayn Malik. Sources tell us that they will be using this time to “pursue solo projects”, rather than promoting their fifth album, due to release later this year. 
Rumor Has It Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles Are Together!
FINALLY! Larry shippers, this one’s for you - the ship is sailing! 
Former One Direction members, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, are getting cuffing season started right with some cozy by the fireplace pics in Harry's lovely London home. 
Harry Styles posted a picture late Friday night of his feet along with another pair of feet by the fireplace. Hold the foot fetishes, guys - LARRY’S REAL. It's so obviously Louis, especially because of his famous “The Rouge” tattoos on his ankles. 
We all knew Wellington wasn’t just a figment of our imagination.
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson Are Getting Hitched!
That’s right folks, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson both liked it and appear to have put some rings on it. Finally!
Earlier tonight, Harry Styles posted an Instagram picture holding a ring with no caption, with his boyfriend-now-turned-fiancé Louis Tomlinson in the background. Not even ten minutes later, Louis posted a picture of Harry as well. The caption? “Can’t wait to say I do.” Too cute!
According to fan theory, this romance dates all the way back to their days on The X-Factor, coining the name “Larry Stylinson” to refer to this adorable pairing.(Article: “The Timeline Of Larry Stylinson, As Told By A One Direction Superfan!”) Sources have confirmed that after much time together, the two are definitely ready to “take their relationship to the next step.” 
Oh, how far they’ve come.
Louis Tomlinson to Paps -  “We’re in love and adopting two little girls.”
What? What? Whaaaat?
A lot to unpack here. 
While out on town today, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles got tangled up with some nosy paparazzi. Yikes! The Hollywood Fix caught the two getting in their car asking about the engagement, when Louis frustratedly tells them that they are, in fact, very much so in love and going to be adopting children. 
• •
4:32 PM
Harry and Louis arrive at home, carrying smaller backpacks of the girls’ clothes and toys while holding their hands. They step into the foyer and Louis and Harry let go of their hands. Dani and Jordyn looking around and up at their surroundings, almost as if nonverbally asking if it’s okay to go ahead without them. 
LOUIS: You guys can go, it’s okay…
Dani and Jordyn look at each other and then run off, ending up somewhere in the living room. Louis looks at Harry, not saying anything but smiling a little.
HARRY: (looks at Louis) What? 
LOUIS: Nothing, just...it’s crazy that we actually did this. Like, they’re here in our house for real.
HARRY: (smiles too) I know, we’re, like...officially parents. (gasps while covering his mouth)
LOUIS: (laughs a little and nods) That we are. (looks at the kiddos) We should probably get them in some kind of routine, no? With their rooms and dinner and stuff? Is it too soon for that? (looks at Harry) Now I’m kinda nervous.
HARRY: (looks at the kids) Don’t be nervous, bub - we got this. We should probably get them settled in their room, though...or...rooms? Should we separate them? 
LOUIS: Maybe that’s too soon. Imagine being one of these two, tiny sorta-kinda strangers in a big, weird house with some bigger, scruffy lookin’, sorta-kinda strangers - personally, I would not wanna be alone.
HARRY: (looks at him and puts a hand on his chest) Did you just call me fat? 
LOUIS: (laughs, like genuinely) So annoying, I would never and you know that.
HARRY: (looks away) That’s right, never.
JORDYN: (knocks over a big plant and looks at Dani in a panic and whispers) Oh no.
DANI: (looks at her with wide eyes and then at Louis and Harry and then Jordyn again) Uh oh. (runs away as a small bundle of panic, hoping Jordyn follows)
JORDYN: (follows Dani)
HARRY: (watches them run away) Where are they going? (laughs and walks to see the plant is on the floor with a little dirt on the ground)
LOUIS: (follows Harry, laughing) I have no idea, I don’t even think they know where they’re going yet. (looks at the dirt on the floor) Perhaps first things first in our parent duty - get fake houseplants.
HARRY: (looks around for them) First thing is to actually clean this mess up while I go find the kids. (walks away to go look for the kiddos)
LOUIS: Aye aye, captain. (goes and grabs their broom from the kitchen and brings it to the scene of the crime, handling the fallen plant gently so he doesn’t ruin it at all and starts sweeping up the dirt)
HARRY: (goes to look in the bathroom because he hears some little voices coming from there and he peeks his head in)
JORDYN: (gasps when she sees Harry and hides behind Dani)
DANI: (pouts) Noooo….(moves from in front of Jordyn, no longer being a shield, and tries to climb in the bathtub to hide instead)
JORDYN: (whines) Dani… (pouts as well and looks at Harry with puppy eyes) I sorry.
HARRY: (smiles) It’s okay, we’re not mad or...upset or anything. (kneels down in front of Jordyn) Are you guys hungry? You want something to eat?
DANI: (gasps and gives up climbing the tub and sits on the floor instead) Yeah.
JORDYN: (just nods her head still a little nervous)
HARRY: Alright. (stands up and holds both his hands out for the girls) Let’s go eat!
JORDYN: (takes his hand)
DANI: (gets up, smiles a lot and goes to him, grabbing his hand)
HARRY: (sings) Food time. (walks out the bathroom with the girls)
JORDYN: (giggles) You funny. 
HARRY: (looks down at her) You think so?
JORDYN: (nods) 
HARRY: (looks at Dani) What about you? What do you think? 
DANI: (looks at him like she’s thinking about it, like a little head tilt and everything)
HARRY: Oh. I see how it is. 
JORDYN: (looks at her) Say he funny Dani. (pouts)
DANI: (giggles and nods) Yeah, you funny. See? (points to herself and smiles really big)
HARRY: (laughs) Very convincing, Dani, thank you.
JORDYN: (looks up at Harry) What conincing? 
DANI: (nods and looks at Harry) Yeah, what?
HARRY: (looks at both of them and then up and sees Louis) Hey sweetheart, how do you explain to three year olds what “convincing” means? 
LOUIS: (looks at him and then hums in thought before looking at Dani and Jordy) Well, I would say...convincing means...that you mean it for real. No funny stuff. 
DANI: (nods once) For real.
LOUIS: (nods back and waits for confirmation from Jordy that it makes sense to her too)
HARRY: Okay, food Louis?
JORDYN: Lou Lou. (giggles)
LOUIS: Lou Lou is definitely down for food, but what are we feeding these adorable children, Harold, lover of mine and light of my life?
HARRY: Um... (looks at the girls) ...chicken tenders?
JORDYN: (eyes go so wide) Yes! Please? 
LOUIS: So that’s a winner. (to Harry) We should stock up then. (starts going to the kitchen)
8:05 PM
After dinner is done Harry and Louis make sure the girls are washed up and their teeth are brushed. They show them their room which they chat a bit about nonsense the little ones want to talk about. 
DANI: (in the middle of a story about a friend in the foster home) ...and the ball, it went—(gestures with her hand)—like that to a, um…(gestures to explain a bush with her hands) lots of leaves, and then, it was gone. (nods as if that made all the sense in the world)
LOUIS: That is quite a story, Dani, did you get it back?
DANI: Yeah.
LOUIS: I’m glad. 
JORDYN: Dani cry.
HARRY: You cried over the ball Dani? (pouts at her)
DANI: Yeah, it gone, I sad, I cry. 
LOUIS: Yeah Harry, c’mon, it only makes sense. 
DANI: (nods) For real.
JORDYN: Conincing. (nods)
HARRY: Alright, sorry, geez.
JORDY: (looks at Louis) I sleep here? (points to her bed)
LOUIS: Yeah, that’s your bed, and Dani’s gonna be over there. (points casually to the other bed, probably on the other side of the room)
DANI: (looks confused) Why?
DANI: Yeah.
LOUIS: ...Did you want the floor?
DANI: (looks at him even more confused than before) No? (looks at Harry) Why?
HARRY: (looks at her confused) Because that is your bed and this is Jordyn’s.
JORDYN: (pouts and looks at Dani) 
DANI: (looks at Jordyn and then at Harry and Louis) You too?
LOUIS: Us too what, love?
DANI: Like…(points to their separate beds to make a point)
LOUIS: (shakes his head) No. It’s different.
DANI: (looks at Jordyn sadly) Okay…
JORDYN: (blows kisses to Dani) We big girl, ‘member? (nods)
DANI: (shrugs) Yeah...
LOUIS: (looks at Harry, mouthing) Did we mess up already?
HARRY: (looks at Louis and shrugs) Okay, well (looks at the girls), you girls gotta go to bed and get your beauty sleep.
JORDYN: (lays down) Night night.
DANI: (baby sighs and gets off of Jordyn’s bed and shuffles over to her own and sits sadly)
LOUIS: (looks at her and laughs a little) Oh, stop it, bug, you’re not far. (nudges Jordyn) Say hi so she knows you’re still here.
LOUIS: (looks at her) That won’t help?
DANI: (shakes her head and lays down too)
LOUIS: You’re so cute, c’mon…
DANI: (with all her tiny might, unmakes her bed and gets under the covers, from head to toe)
LOUIS: (looks at Harry) Should we have done bunk?
HARRY: Maybe? I’m sorry, Dani. 
JORDYN: Dani, I wuv you! 
DANI: (muffled because she’s hiding) I wuv you too. (to Harry) It’s okay. 
LOUIS: Alright, we’re gonna go now so you guys can sleep, you guys are okay, right?
DANI: (peeks from under her blanket) Yeah.
JORDY: For real. 
HARRY: (looks at Louis) Conincing. (looks back at the girls) Alright goodnight. 
LOUIS: (laughs and gets up) Goodnight, babies.
DANI: Bye bye.
Harry and Louis leave.
JORDYN: (whisper yells) Dani! 
DANI: (looks at Jordyn all smiley) Hi. (giggles) 
A/N: we were fourteen and had big dreams of becoming fic writers. the idea for the fault in our larents came to be for the mere reason of creating a dream life using a ship we both loved - the one and only larry stylinson. over the years (yes, literal years) the story has evolved and grown, including other generations and going through a few rewrites until it became the version in which we present today. blood, sweat, fights and tears have been poured into this. pls enjoy it.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
i had some issues with chrome working like shit but after +10 minutes i am here to tell u all i watched ep2!!
let me try the points thingy so it’s not as messy,,
this episode was good although a bit.. bland in a way? idk but i liked the first episode more skhfsh
the start of the ep being that conversation between in and his mom was so.... new to me? like usually i’ve seen in bls they do those during the last episodes but to have it be the start of the second episode was something fresh :’)
(btw i might gif that conversation tomorrow so that’s out there for u all to shame me if i don’t lmaO)
also i love how many parallels there are with food! the omelette (as a spanish speaker i Hate calling it like that but this post is in english so it’s not like i can call it tortilla francesa because most of u wouldn’t understand me and probably think tortilla means something else), the star shaped thingy, i’m like... 99% sure there’ll be a parallel to the cute dessert pharm made too and probably many more.....
and they’re pretty clear from the very beginning!! i’ll be in the look out for more food parallels hsjfkhs this show is going to make me hungry every time i watch it i swear,,,,,
i liked seeing more of the trio being friends, being supportive of pharm and not laughing at him when he told them about the dreams he’s had since he was a child (and also being dean/pharm shippers from day 1 lmao)
the scene where pharm erases his name from the post-it note after writing it with a pencil i was like “i know this is fiction because those pencil erases don’t erase SHIT” lmaOOO
but when dean took the post-it note and put it on his shirt’s pocket!!!!!! bitch!!!!!!!!!!! i was GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! my man’s already really into this guy who he has seen twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like reincarnation aside, he’s fucking whipped already skhsfs
i wonder if dean is also the son of a mafia man or sumn like that like korn was because his relationship with his siblings(???) is kinda weird and he looks like he has Lots of money.............. i will be Looking (more like watching but-)
(and it looks like del is his sister??? u know, the girl manaow met in the bathroom lmao)
and oh boy the last scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they really used the 5ft something guy can’t reach something that the most-probably-6ft guy can huh
i’m not complaining tho because i Loved it omg the moments that flashed by as they looked at each other’s eyes?????? pharm crying and dean wiping his tears away?????????
poetic cinema i’m telling u all....
win my man you have THE worst timing . my man just wants to speak to his crush!!!!!!! and u interrupted him before he could say anything!!!!!!!! not cool man
jk i don’t hate him he’s a cutie and i’m excited to see more of him (and him with team) but damn it son
overall the episode was good but i kinda wish there was a win/team scene in there or something.. but it gave us more insight of both the group of friends’ dynamics and pharm himself which i really liked :-)
okay i gotta leave now because it’s almost 5am and i have to wake up in like.. 6 hours bYE
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velvet-tread · 4 years
In which Star Wars was uplifting af for a hot second and we all hoped they wouldn’t fuck it up
TROS got a lot wrong (howls into the Rey nobody/Rose Tico void forever) but boy did they get one thing right and that was the rise of Ben Solo on Kef Bir.
And maybe I’m misinterpreting this Important Man Work with my delicate lady eyes, but for me it was about a bit more than the symbolism of Kylo Ren’s “death”, which has been much picked over already and confirmed by the production team. The tl;dr is that the whole sequence felt like it ran far deeper than a simple death-rebirth cycle, and there’s a certain rhythm to how this sequence goes down that is just pure poetry. So, I have to have do a breakdown.
Caveat: Some of my read on it may be way off what was actually intended because I fully believe this movie was written by a team of barely-sentient walruses with fanboy party hats on and we should probably lower our expectations with regards to emotional intelligence but here goes anyway.
The location is a ruined Death Star in the middle of a churning sea. A RUINED DEATH STAR. IN A CHURNING SEA.
What better metaphor is there for Kylo Ren? All of the conflict, all of the rage and all of his chaotic energy in the Force which led him down this path, embodied in roiling water. Everything he aspired to, the power and glory of Darth Vader, rotting and fragile and corrupted by the very same turmoil that corrupted Ben Solo.
Safety info: walruses shouldn’t be allowed trowels at all, let alone permitted to use them to lay it on so damn heavy.
So in the middle of this mad-dramatique metaphor Kylo Ren is chasing Rey. She lures him to the very, very edge of this Death Star, this old, crumbling dream of his, to fight him to the death. SWEET LORD THEY ARE SO STRONG AND EVENLY MATCHED IN THE FORCE AND MY KINK LIVES.
And then: Leia calls.
His mother, her mother, the mother of every Star Wars fan that ever lived. She calls. And Kylo Ren brbs out of battle headspace, Leia dies with the effort of it and Rey spears him with his own lightsabre just as they both feel Leia’s light putter out.
This is where I get very emo even for me.  I can’t remember if the score was cut – it probably wasn’t – but it may as well have been because I just heard white noise. WHAT. A. MOMENT.
Obviously this changes everything but not in the way I – or these two characters – had been prepared for. Because what really sticks is that Kylo getting skewered isn’t the Important Development here. It’s utterly incidental. The most important development in this whole edge of the world scenario is that Leia is dead.
(Sidebar: I know that Chris Terrio has said that some of what followed was intended as Leia mindfuckery, but seeing as a) I hate that, and b) they chose to insert her “death” at the point where she reached out to Ben, I’m ignoring that extra-textual info hashtag walrus).
We get a couple of shocked seconds as Kylo Ren and Rey process. Kylo doesn’t even seem to notice that he has a gaping hole in his torso. Rey looks numb. Neither of them seem aware that the other is present. But then she looks at him and oh- not only is he physically broken, visibly made of the same flesh and bone that she is, but that horror she feels is reflected right back at her.
It’s a moment of parallel, silent grief and shared, binding humanity, and that is what I think leads her to heal him. Suddenly, she can no longer see a monster. She sees only a human being, pitiful, lost and wrecked, someone who meant something to Leia and she to him, and because’s she’s Rey, her compassion and empathy and all her inherent kindness kick in.
And look, this is where I diverge from some of the more critical views on Bendemption and its real-world meaning. Because I don’t think this particular redemption story is really about the rendemptee. This isn’t a story that centres male pain (although there is plenty of it in the ancilliary material and I Do Not Forget Ben Solo’s pain) and it isn’t a story that makes the case for redemption on a man’s inherent “goodness”. In fact Kylo/Ben, his character and rap sheet, don’t really matter in this moment.
What matters is Rey, and the choices she makes when she’s looking into the darkness herself. Her mentor is dead. She’s just won a battle and has sentenced her enemy to death. It would be very easy for her to grab that little slice of darkness she’s been so tempted by this whole time. Salve the wound of her grief with the feeling of power over another. Satiate her loneliness with anger. But she doesn’t. She chooses kindness. She chooses love.
And like, I don’t mean romantic love, shipper though I be. I mean the love that Rey has within her, separate from her idea of justice and completely unrelated to forgiveness or “deserving”.
This love that Rey has for Leia, for the Resistance, for Han, for her vanquished drama queen enemy Kylo Ren, for hot mess Ben Solo, for everyone, is so fucking powerful and redemptive in its own right it needs an executive assistant and its own en suite bathroom. It’s on her face as she weeps uncontrollably as she heals him (and damn, Daisy Ridley absolutely smashed this whole scene), and it’s reflected in his face which is – thank you Adam Driver for this – utterly incredulous that she would give him another chance at life when he knows damn well he isn’t owed one.
That is when she deals the sucker punch. She doesn’t offer him forgiveness. She tells him what he could have had if he hadn’t made his choices. “Ben’s hand” is the hand of someone who chooses the light, commits to it and sacrifices for it. Which means: power and glory isn’t worth her soul, and it shouldn’t be worth his either. That his inner conflict means nothing on its own. That the mere existence of goodness within him would never have been enough for her. Then she leaves.
*screams into a pillow for all eternity*
According to George Lucas, Star Wars has always been about love. And it’s shrouded in this cloak of unconditional human love – and I am not a fan of unconditional love in a relationship context but HOLY FUCK this is the love that counts here – that Ben Solo finds the strength to compartmentalise Kylo Ren and confront the worst thing he’s ever done: the death of his father. And the forgiveness Memory!Han implicitly offers (and it ABSOLUTELY tracks that Han Solo, who canonically cherished his son even after he was murdered by him, would offer him forgiveness, fight me) is what gives him the strength to turn away from the Dark Side, let his anger go and let the churning sea claim his cracked, volatile crossguard.
Leia’s sacrifice, Rey’s compassion and Han’s forgiveness, all powered by love, rebuilt a whole-ass PERSON and that shit is hopeful af. I thought – wow this is GENUINELY UPLIFTING AND MOVING, I hope they don’t fuck it up.
*looks at the camera like I’m in the Office*
Anyway, Ben Solo lives. Peace out.
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cramenjoyer · 3 years
@gaysuperhell tagged me!! adding a read more cuz its Long
Sibling status (younger, middle, older, only child...) - 
younger middle, but we don't live with the youngest so... youngest child (derogatory)
How long have you been stanning for - 
been stanning for at least a year n a half... idk beyond that. i was in weird main fandom and destiel circles for a while there
Favorite Sam era - 
evil sexy summer with ruby between s3-4, and then s4 is close behind it because he calmed down a little and i think he deserved to remain feral actually!!
Favorite spn season, but if the only criteria was Sam’s hair - 
either all of s2 or the very beginning of s14 with the beard
Favorite Sam-centric episode - 
i know what you did last summer..... hrnng.
Any ships you may like to mention - 
im not a shipper really but samjess is lovely
Favorite song you would/have put in a Sam playlist -
jesus christ by brand new
If you could steal one thing from Sam’s wardrobe, it would be -
carhartt jacket. ofc.
Complete the sentence: If Sam cishet, then WHY.... -
transgender lesbian?
Favorite unhinged Sam moment -
killing paris hilton, the demons in the famine episode ("wait your turn!"), and killing alastair. all are sooooo epic of him.
You must have some intense headcanons you need to talk about, tell me one Sam hc that drives you insane -
jewish convert sam or adhd sam they both make me foam at the mouth.
Tell me something about the hbo Sam that lives in your brain -
hbo sam buys anti-psychotics off the street and takes two pills when he can afford it with money stolen off men at bars and out of donation boxes. he just wants to be able to sleep for once, and to keep the horrible paranoia away for one night. he wears an oversized jean jacket jess bought him; he'd left it at the party on halloween, and his friend gave it back to him the day after the fire with his condolences. it still smells faintly of jess and it never stops smelling like her- he doesn't think about why that is. hbo sam's eyes are a little too golden to be entirely natural, especially in the light, and he can see in the dark better than anyone should be able to. lights flicker around him when he's angry, and they sizzle and pop when he's excited. the air trembles when he stims. he always looks exhausted, but there's a power inside him that takes people by surprise when he speaks.
Oh no, the writers forgot to give Jess a personality! Now it’s up to you. Tell me, what was Jess like -
ancient studies and religion major! she and brady were friends cuz they were in american history together and he cheated off her once sophomore year and she thought it was rude and she somehow managed to convince him to do study sessions with her. then post-thanksgiving brady introduced her to sam. she and sam were in the same comparitive religion class the next semester and they got coffee together and it went from there. she had a sleeve tattoo that she added more flowers to regularly, whenever she had the cash, and she'd fill in the black outlines with colored sharpies to match her outfit when she went to parties cuz she thought it was fun. she really liked late 1800s literature but especially little women and frankenstein. she was obsessed with greek mythology as a kid and had her gay awakening watching xena: warrior princess with her little brother (he does not know this). she wants to study religion and ancient studies because she's lowkey highkey obsessed with humanity as a concept and she loves the idea of people thousands of years ago thinking the same things and feeling the same way we do now. whenever she thinks about the handprints in caves all across the world she bursts into tears. she's a compulsive fingernail biter so she always paints her nails funky colors to stop from doing it, which doesn't ever work but she's trying. it took her years to grow out her hair this long, since her family always insisted she keep it short as a kid when she played soccer, and she loves it now that she can actually do things with it! she loves braiding sam's hair for him.her favorite flowers are daisies and her favorite color is light blue and she's the one who cut sam's college girl bangs in a dorm bathroom. she's jewish and she invites sam to her house for holidays because her family only lives an hour outside palo alto, and he's mesmerized by all of it; her favorite holiday's purim and it becomes his favorite holiday, too. her family isn't homophobic but they're the kind of democrats who keep quiet about things, and she knows they'd still love her if she came out as a lesbian, but she doesn't know if she'd be able to handle them looking at her strange. so she and sam keep it to themselves that he only uses he/him because he's used to it, and that he's as much a guy as she is.Biggest injustice Supernatural commited against Sam (be as brief or as ranty as you desire) - religious arc and spn being christian in general. i can't imagine sam being christian i just cannot do it even though it's fun to play with. sam IS an excatholic jewish convert and no one can tell me otherwise unless they have muslim hc's because @toxicsamruby got me hooked this morning.And finally, just say something about him that makes you smile ♥ - his dimples!! his BIIIIG smile with the dimples when he's so genuinely happy and carefree like in the scene with bobby where he's leaning against the impala w a beer. no i don't remember anything else about the scene i was entranced! he looked like this :D
i’m tagging @sammysstupidshirts @boykingofhells @samuelswinchester @quakersamwinchester @toxicsamruby and @samaelwinchester !!!
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