#and this year i’ve just found it stressful as hell
expectopaatronum · 5 months
this christmas just isn’t christmas-ing like other christmases ://
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ariel26c · 2 months
🎀Things I’ve learned about Shifting 🎀
1. Background noise doesn’t matter. I come from a Hispanic family household and let me tell you hun it’s freaking loud as hell. It’s like a zoo lol but guess what? I still shifted. At some point you will start to feel your CR kinda “fade away”. I have been in this state where I am in between my CR and DR. I can hear background noise from my CR but I still feel like I’m in a different room or I hear sounds from my DR as well. Has anyone experienced this?? Let me know, I’m curious 🤨
2. Have patience. Allow yourself to relax and naturally connect to your DR. Don’t stress about having random thoughts or having an itch or things like that. Have patience with yourself like seriously you got this babe. Sometimes for me it’s feels like it’s takes 1 or 2 hours until I feel fully connected to my DR. (It’s different for everyone btw) you may take less time than I do. Those things don’t matter if you decide that those things don’t matter.
3. Methods really aren’t needed. If you think about it all methods consist of the same thing usually. It usually consists of affirmations, visualization, subliminal audios, meditation, counting, blah blah blah. If you want to use a method, then do that but don’t force yourself to do a method that doesn’t resonate with you. If you don’t like counting, then don’t count. If you don’t like visualizing, then don’t visualize. Change things up a bit and listen to music that reminds you of your DR or do something that you think is fun.
4. Just because some people like to lie about their shifting experiences doesn’t mean that shifting is fake. Just like in every community there is going to be people that are dishonest or don’t have the best intentions but that doesn’t mean that shifting is a big inside joke. Don’t allow these people to discourage you from shifting to your DR or make you doubt in its existence. Don’t depend on other people's content to feel motivated or believe in shifting. Just KNOW it’s real and motivate yourself to shift. (even though motivation isn’t needed to shift)
5. Shifting is Real. I think we all should know this by now, but I don’t think people really fully understand just how REAL shifting is. I mean you are going to be able to use all of your senses. You will be able to taste food, see your reflection in the mirror, talk to people that may be considered as fictional in this reality, etc. The process of shifting is safe but if you are shifting somewhere that has violence or gore make sure you script your own well-being. High pain tolerance, no trauma, etc.
6. Time isn't important. Just because it's been 4 years or 5 doesn't mean you can't do it. Time doesn't apply to shifting because time is just man-made thing. We created the concept of time not the Universe. Don't blame the Universe for your "Failure". (Spoiler alert: it's not failure) You just need to realize that no matter what, it will happen. It is completely inevitable. Some people have shifted after 5 years so don't give up! It will be worth it.
7. You can't fail at shifting. When you do your method, you will shift to your DR or shift to your CR. You shift all the time. We are constantly shifting consciously or unconsciously. Manifestation and shifting are very much closely related. (But that's another discussion for another time) Just like how we are manifesting on autopilot we are also shifting on autopilot. So, when you do a sleep method, and you wake up in this reality instead of your DR you still shifted. (Just not to your DR) (Get it?)
I hope you found this post helpful! :)
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bejeweledblondie · 8 months
Simon “Ghost” Riley Headcannons
A/N: these are loosely inspired from real life experiences I’ve had living on a military base, these men have a on & off switch it’s crazy
Simon “Ghost” Riley x F! Reader
Warnings: NSFW
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• Simon first saw you while he was in the States for a training exercise, he was out at one of the local bars with some of the other soldiers he was with
• Soap had actually asked for your number first & since he was so intoxicated you turned him down
• Simon apologized for Soap & that’s how you met
• he did have a heart attack when he found out there was a bit of a age gap between you two but quickly got over it when he realized how mature you were
• it was a long distance relationship at first (from personal experience it sucks in the beginning)
• there were times when he couldn’t talk due to the risk of potentially exposing his teams location so you had to write letters every now & then
• you cried constantly whenever you saw some horrific news in the paper about what was going on overseas, the anxiety was awful
• but when he returned the reunions were euphoric
• you have a bottle of his cologne & aftershave so you can always feel close to him
• and you’d spray your perfume on the letters you sent so he couldn’t always smell the paper when he was missing you
• it took him sometime to open up to you about what had happened to him in his past, & your respected that
• when he first met your family, he was shocked by all the support he had received from them
• he asked your parents to marry you the first time he met them & showed them the ring too (ofc they said yes)
• he proposed to you in private after a nice dinner, he got choked up during the proposal
• your dad specifically was elated, he got to brag at how bad ass his son in law is
• your mom if she’s a teacher, had her entire class send cards, candy, anything they’d need in care packages Soap nearly cried when he opened the sweetest letter from a little girl (this actually happened irl my mom’s class did this & one guy got really choked up)
• Simon always would be your fiercest protector
• since he’s like an freakin tree he will guide your head with his bear paw of a hand in crowds
•he CANNOT sit with his back facing the door it stresses him out
•this man is strapped 24/7 whether that be a knife, bear spray etc. he’s ready
•he has a trauma kit in his car because “you never know”
•Simon is 1000% one of those apocalypse preppers you have freeze dried food, medicine, water, etc. he’s always on edge
• he sleeps with a damn rifle next to y’all’s bed
• you have a whole security system too
• your guy’s apartment is impeccable like you could eat off of the floor
• hell your guy’s bed has damn hospital corners
• Simon adopted a cat so you don’t feel as lonely when he’s deployed
• He’s your chonky boy & you do send plenty of photos to Simon when he’s deployed
• Gaz & Soap tease him about him living his “cat dad” life
• you start trying for a baby two years into your marriage
• Simon does fall victim to the “curse of the infantry” (which is not a negative thing btw it’s a running joke that infantry soldiers have all daughters) he makes girls
• he was deployed during your pregnancy & was worried sick he nearly missed the birth of your daughter
• that little girl is the most well protected baby in the whole world, the Task Force gifted him not just baby stuff but damn security for the nursery
• He watches your baby from his phone in the nursery on deployment, he was silently crying once when he was watching you sing a lullaby to your baby girl
•Price had to comfort him father to father
•In reality Simon has a very hard cold exterior at work for the sake of keeping his mental health for the profession he’s in but deep down he’s always held a soft spot & your relationship just brings it out
• there is a big size difference between you two & it drives him insane
• the first time y’all had together he didn’t want to break you in half
• when he returns from deployment y’all go at it like rabbits for multiple rounds, your poor pussy was so sore afterwards
• has a massive corruption & daddy kink
• he’s an ass man I don’t make the rules here so any position where your ass if the focal point is his favorite
• y’all have made so many sex tapes for him when he’s deployed, he has a whole folder on his phone & jerks off to them in the bathroom or the porta potty (it’s a canon event, trust me) to them
• he lets your cockwarm him constantly when you’re on the couch, when he’s working, hell y’all had even fallen asleep like that
• I know people say he has a Prince Albert piercing but alas per army regulation that is safety risk I think it’s more likely he’d use a cock ring on you
• during a military ball you two snuck off & fucked in a supply closet
• he couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel room after seeing you in your gown, it was red his favorite color
• and he just looked so fucking good in his dress uniform, that was the night you totally conceived your baby girl
• he groans into your ear when he cums & he’ll use his body to just eclipse yours
• “one more baby girl” & “c’mon pretty girl use your words tell me what you want”
• is a sucker for babydoll lingerie it brings your innocence & triggers his corruption kink
• moral of the story Simon Riley fucks
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hyuckswoman · 20 days
alumnusbf!mark helping you study
pairing: alumnus mark (who’s also your bf) x reader
genre: fluff
summary: you’re stressing over this one subject until your bf appears
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“fucking hell” you mutter, your finals were in a week and you were currently studying the subject you have been dreading since the beginning of the study period. Studying for exams was not fun. Especially when you had this gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach telling you that you were 100% going to fail.
hey babe, you busy?
upon hearing the notification, you cursed at yourself as you swore you put your phone on do not disturb to avoid distractions .Yet here you were grabbing it to check the notification. turns out you did put your phone on do not disturb but since your boyfriend (who had to practically beg you to get removed off there texted you) was the origin of the notification, your phone still notified you.
being too lazy to write back, you just decided to call him
“hey, what’s up? I’m studying for my finals right now” you say after greeting him “oh really? I’m sorry to disturb then, how long have you been studying?” your boyfriend mark asks “hours. i literally had a full on mental breakdown studying the course because i suck at it and it feels like no matter how hard I study I just keep on failing” you say sighing “did you cry?” mark asks, maybe he knows you a little too well. “yea” you sigh yet again, it bothered you to see how big of a toll your academics were taking on you
“that’s a good thing then! wait no I don’t mean you crying is a good thing I meant it’s a good thing I’m on my way with food and stuff to give you a break” your boyfriend says making you laugh “mark, look I really truly appreciate it but I also really need to study” you say. honestly seeing how fucked you were because of this one course you couldn’t allow any distractions, and lord knows mark was a pretty big one
“no I know, we’ll just eat and then I’ll help you study. trust when I’ll leave you’ll be back in your academic weapon antics” mark says. after weighing your options (not that you had much of a choice seeing as though he was already on his way) you figured that maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea. you had the chance of having a boyfriend who already graduated which meant he already passed this course so maybe it’d actually help
“hi babe, i brought food” your boyfriend says, you were glad you had a boyfriend that supported your big backed antics. “i might make you my male wife at this point” you said as he hugged you. you guys then decided to turn on the tv and put a show none of you cared about for the sole purpose of having some background noise.
“okay, we’ve been slacking off for long enough, let’s get to studying now” your boyfriend says. you almost forgot about your finals for a second.
“okay, we’re done making the flash cards, quiz time” mark says quietly laughing upon seeing your face. “every right answer you get, i’ll kiss you” he says finding a way to motivate you as you looked like you were on the verge of dying. “I don’t think it helps, you distract me too much. i’ll probably only remember the kisses and not the actual class material” you reply. As much as it didn’t look like it you were seriously (for once) in the mood to study, you couldn’t let this pretty man distract you no more.
a short while after you were thrown over your desk defeated because what do you mean you only got like half the questions right???
“I don’t understand I’ve spent literal hours trying to memorize this shit I’m sick of it I just want it to be over” you sigh, this is the first time you’ve struggled this much over a school subject. usually being a bit above average doesn’t require you a lot of efforts so you never really tried that hard to pass your classes throughout the years. college beat the shit out of you tho!! you found yourself completely taken aback by the difficulty and you had to learn how to properly study throughout the years. if somebody asked you, you’d say you’ve got studying covered but seeing how this study session was going maybe you didn’t…
“I think you’re getting those wrong because you don’t understand this part” mark says patting your head as you mumble an ‘i know’. being the very considerate boyfriend he is, he then proceeded to explain the entirety of the material, dumbing it down whenever you looked up at him confused or when your eyebrows frowned a little too much. he also was so very patient, explaining the same things to you three different times as you had already forgotten what he said as soon as he moved on to another topic.
the dedication mark put into your academics was just too much for your heart to handle, you loved him so much and the fact he didn’t mind spending his evening studying with you instead of doing literally anything else warmed your heart. that’s why you didn’t have it in you to tell him you were getting gradually sleepier and were fighting your mind to stay awake because how could you when he looked so good concentrated trying to explain to you what you deem as the most incomprehensible subject ever.
“y/n? i feel like I’m losing your attention are you- oh.” mark says finally looking up from your study sheets seeing you asleep on your desk “pft, I didn’t know I was this boring damn” he laughs. since you were already in your pajamas and were in a position where the man could not carry you to bed he decided to gently shake you to wake you up “hm? I’m sorry I fell asleep markie, thank you for studying with me I love you. let me read the cards again to make sure I understand better” you say your voice a bit groggy “what? no go to sleep, nothing you read now will be effective just rest and sleep will take care of the memorizing for you” mark says preparing your bed for you “okay but only if you join me” you say already laying down under your covers “of course dude, let me put the things away and I’ll join you” mark says as he looks over to your half awake self that’s seemingly waiting for him
being in front of your final paper makes you realize even more how lucky you are to have mark in your life because you knew damn well that if the study session never happened you would have been shitting bricks internally crying over how much you don’t understand but now you got out of the final feeling confident you didn’t fail. you ran up to mark who was waiting for you to celebrate final period being over and he couldn’t help but mimic your immense grin as you told him how the final went better than what you had expected and thanked him for his help. He did refute by telling you it was all you and your mind but settled on taking a little bit of credit after you threatened him.
it was kinda crazy how mark made everything easy, every single thing without exception. looking at your boyfriend eating his meal you couldn’t help but smile thinking about how much you loved that man and how lucky you were to have him in your life.
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simon-sehs · 3 months
due (18+) pt 3
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tags / cw: f!reader, virgin!reader, inexperienced!reader, sexually repressed!reader, smut, pining, flirting, inappropriate conduct, seduction, mind games, theft, insults, sexual tension, possessive!simon, jealous!simon, manipulative!reader, injury mention, dirty talk, virginity kink, grinding, dry humping, come marking, oral sex, pussy eating, fingering, vaginal sex, creampie
His name was Carter.
The two of you talked once or twice, struck up a decent conversation here and there, but didn’t really see each other much outside of the mess hall during meals. You at first thought of calling up your ex, Billy, but that was too obvious, and also: Fuck. That.
No, Carter would do nicely.
He was pretty: black hair, green eyes, a sweet, warm smile.
Part of you knew you should feel bad for using him to get back at Ghost, but you took solace in the fact that he was only one part of your plan. After all, it was your gracious Lieutenant who taught you not to put all your eggs in one basket when it came to strategies.
You found yourself back in the mess hall, only a couple hours later. Your sleep had been small and futile, but you found yourself refreshed regardless. Whether it was from the excitement of your budding plan, or the action you had received last night, you weren’t sure. It didn’t matter.
You stood near the door, and glanced around, your eyes settling on a familiar figure. Bingo. You began walking over to him, not bothering to look for Ghost. You couldn’t, you had to be subtle, or this entire operation would crumble before it even left the ground.
Carter glanced up as you sat down across from him with a warm smile. “Hi. Mind if I join you?”
He raised an eyebrow and nodded. “Yeah, help yourself, Sergeant.”
You sat down with your cup of coffee, your eyes glancing at his tray of food briefly before meeting his gaze. “Been a while. How’ve you been?”
“Ah, I’m fine. Nothing really worth talking about. Dislocated my knee a week ago. You?”
Time to put on a show.
You let your face fall slightly. “I, uh… I’ve been better. Just… stressed, about stuff.”
Carter nodded sympathetically. “Understandable. I’m here to talk if needed, my husband says I’m great at listening and giving advice.”
You paused. Husband? Oh.
You quickly composed yourself. “Really? How long have you two been together? If you… don’t mind sharing…”
Carter’s face lit up. “Ah, six years, now. High school sweethearts, actually. Married for three. What about you?”
This threw a slight wrench in your plans, but this could work.
“Uhh, well… it’s… complicated…”
“Mm, well, I hope it gets un-complicated for you.”
Meanwhile, across the room…
Ghost watched the two of you have a conversation. A fascinating conversation, by the looks of it. To say he was jealous was an understatement. Hell, you hadn’t even looked at him once this whole morning. Did you even know he was there? Or was this some sort of petty revenge for what he said last night?
He took a sip of his tea, wondering if he should risk getting closer to listen to the two of you. He ultimately decided against it, content with watching…
For now.
You smiled at Carter. “Thanks, I appreciate that.” You took a drink of coffee. “I… have a weird request, actually. Feel free to say no.”
“Weird, eh? Now I got to hear it, Sarge.”
“I, uh, could really use a hug…”
Carter’s eyebrows raised. “Hmm, well, I wasn’t really expecting that, but I don’t see why not.” He paused. “You’re, uh… not going to slap a note on my back that says ‘kick me’ or anything, right?”
You let out a laugh. A good, genuine laugh that reached Ghost’s ears.
“No, no… I promise. Just a hug.”
Carter nodded and stood from his seat. Then, so did you. The both of you met halfway around the table, and embraced each other. Ghost set his mug down on his table with a little more force than intended, gaze burning a hole through the both of you.
You pulled back with a smile, and lightly squeezed Carter’s shoulder.
Ghost grit his teeth.
“Thank you, Carter. I feel a lot better, already…” You said.
“No problem.”
The both of you sat back down, and talked a bit more. You eventually excused yourself after finishing your cup of coffee.
It was time for the next order of business.
You entered an empty training room and got everything set up. When it came to throwing knives, you were alright. You could use a bit of polishing when it came to that skill, and you were thankful that that would come into play, today. Now, you just had to wait for him to show up.
There was no way in hell Ghost wouldn’t follow you in after your performance with Carter…
You picked up one of the knives and twirled it in your fingers. To get this to work, you’d have to appear just a little more incompetent than usual. You got into an… adequate stance and lazily threw the knife at the wall target. It missed the entire thing.
Alright, let’s not appear that incompetent…
You picked up another knife as you heard the door open behind you. You didn’t bother to turn and look… you didn’t need to. You adjusted your wrist and threw. Outermost circle.
“Want some help?”
You tensed slightly as Ghost’s breath hit your neck. “No, I’m good.”
He chuckled. “You sure?”
You watched as he slowly picked up three knives, pretending to examine them in his hands. He turned towards the target, and threw one. Bullseye. Another. Bullseye. Then the last. Bullseye.
You glanced away, trying to mentally beat your growing arousal to a pulp. Focus.
He turned to face you once more, eyes crinkling as he smirked beneath the mask.
You rolled your eyes. “Well, you obviously don’t need the practice, and I don’t need your help. You can go, now.” You said, knowing fully well that he wasn’t going to leave.
“Nah. Think I’ll stick around, evaluate your progress.”
You sighed and got into position once more. The incorrect stance. You knew better, of course, but he didn’t know that. His scrutinizing gaze along your form burned into your skin, but you proceeded to throw the knife. Outermost circle.
You picked up another, ignoring Ghost all the while. Stance. Throw… Outermost circle. You were surprised how quickly it took for him to fold.
“Your stance is wrong.”
“What do you mean?”
He huffed. “You daft? The way you’re standing, you’ll never hit the center if your stance is fucked.”
He got closer to you, putting his hands on your hips and adjusting you. His feet kicked at yours, prodding them into a different position. You bit your cheeks in an effort to not grin. Time for the next part.
Your movements were subtle, so agonizingly minuscule, as he focused on fixing your form. You slowly leaned into his touch, your back melting into his chest, and he was none the wiser.
“There. Now throw.”
You did, the knife hitting a ring closer to the center. You carefully fidgeted in his grasp, undoing his work.
Ghost groaned. “What are you doin’? You just undid your stance.”
His movements were a bit rougher as he manhandled you back into place. The perfect excuse to… accidentally… bump back against his groin. He froze, and you could hear his breath hitch. But only for a second, and then he continued his task as if nothing happened.
He jostled you forward a bit, making you ‘lose’ your balance slightly and bump back against him once more.
“Dammit, stop that.” He hissed.
“Me? You’re the one throwing me around!”
“Don’t be dramatic and stay still like a good girl.”
“Why, so you can keep ‘accidentally rubbing’ up against me?” You say, turning it around on him.
He scoffed and leaned forward, his breath hot on your ear. “You’d enjoy that, wouldn’t you? Having me rutt against you like a damn dog...”
“You are a damn dog.”
“Mmm, is that so?” He lowered his head and started kissing your neck, pulling you flush against him. “Then you won’t mind if I do…”
You let out a shaky breath, trying not to smile with giddy glee. “There’s a camera in here, too.”
“No shit.” He grabbed your hips and started circling them along his—now prominent—bulge.
He then braced one of his arms along your ribs, under your breasts, to keep you locked against him, while his lips continued leaving wet kisses on your throat.
You let him grind against you for a bit, his fingers tightening around your skin as he got closer to his peak, his grunts and groans increasing. You suppressed an evil grin before sighing. “Alright, I’m getting bored.”
He huffed and puffed. “Sh-shut up, I’m getting close…”
“That’s too bad…” You pulled away, and out of his tight grip.
For a second, the intensity of his glare had you internally sweating, and wondering if he was going to attempt to continue, but he just clenched his jaw.
And stared, of course.
“Fuckin’ tease…”
“Getting déjà vu, Lieutenant? I know I am…” You walked over to the wall targets and began pulling the knives out.
“Don’t pull that, with me. I made you see stars twice last night.”
You ignored him and proceeded to put the knives away. Ghost kept glaring, sulking over his lost orgasm.
You sighed and faced him. “Well, if you want to make yourself useful, I guess we could spar.”
Ghost rolled his eyes. “I’m still recovering from your fuckup.”
“Hm, but you seemed fine manhandling me last night…”
He stared at you, weighing the options in his head. “Fine. I only need one good arm to beat your ass, anyway. But if you deliberately harm my shoulder, you will regret it.”
“Give it a rest, LT, I’m not going to hit your precious shoulder…” You crossed your arms and watched as he unzipped his jacket, and threw it at you.
You barely caught it in time and narrowed your eyes at him, trying to ignore the sight of his beefy arms in the—wow, black again, what a surprise—t-shirt he wore. You noticed the bandage on his lower forearm was now gone. You sighed and walked towards the nearest bench.
You were not expecting him to just hand you his jacket outright, but you didn’t care. If anything, he just saved you a step. How kind of him…
Your hand deftly slipped into the left pocket. The security camera wouldn’t catch this angle. Even if it did, it would be too late for Ghost to even think to check the footage later. No, by then, things would have played out as hoped. They had to.
Your fingers curled around the lighter, and you slowly pulled it out, switching it to a pocket on your leggings; the ones you specifically picked out for today. Why? Pockets with zippers. Can’t risk his precious lighter falling out during the sparring session, after all…
And then you tossed his jacket onto the bench, before joining him on the mat.
His arms were crossed. “You didn’t have to go on a damn journey to set it down, the floor would have been fine.”
“Then why throw it at me?” You raised an eyebrow.
He smirked. “Because it’s funny.”
“Ready to get your ass kicked?”
You sighed inwardly. You really weren’t, to be honest, but the proposition to spar was only an excuse to get him out of his damn jacket.
“Don’t get cocky, now. You’re at a disadvantage, remember?”
But it didn’t matter, he was right…
He only needed one good arm.
Your gaze left the page of your book and landed on the lit-up screen beside your thigh. You set the book in your lap and picked up the phone. One new message from ‘Ghostie’.
You opened it.
Ghostie: Hey. Have you seen my lighter?
You smirked to yourself. Damn, already? You weren’t expecting him to reach out to you about his missing lighter so soon. If anything, you thought he wouldn’t catch on to your possible involvement until one or two more days after.
You: found a lighter in the hallway earlier. what color is it?
Ghostie: Hey that’s mine. Bring it to my office ASAP.
You: tell me the color! i’m not giving anything until you confirm.
Ghostie: Red.
You: fine you can have it back
You: but in the morning
You: i’m in jamas and busy reading.
Ghostie: Bloody hell. Fine, I’ll stop by.
You chuckled to yourself and set the phone down, returning to your book. But the words blurred together as you excitedly waited for him to stop by. There was no guarantee that things would escalate tonight, but all the buildup, the planning… it would at least be another stepping stone.
A minute later, there was a knock on the door.
“Come in.” You called out.
The door opened, and there he was. He shut the door behind him and walked over to you.
“Alright, give.” He said holding out his hand.
You rolled your eyes. “Hello to you, too, Lieutenant.”
You leaned over the bed, grabbing your leggings off of the floor and unzipping the pocket, pulling the lighter out and handing it to him. “You should keep better track of your stuff, LT.”
“Quiet.” He pocketed the lighter, watching as you dropped your pants to the floor and laid back down on your bed, book still in your lap.
Then it dawned on him, just how intimate this situation… felt. Standing in the sanctity of your room, you dressed in your pajama shirt and shorts, the lamp lighting low and warm, and the candle on the nightstand filling the room with the sweet scent of vanilla.
His gaze lingered on your bare legs, up your body, to your midriff. Your shirt was slightly hiked up your stomach, but you didn’t seem to mind.
You cleared your throat. “Did you need something else?”
Was that a trick question? He needed you. Needed to rip those stupid little shorts off, stuff your virgin hole and make you come over, and over, and—
“No. What are you reading?”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “A book.”
He huffed and looked away. “Not leaving until you tell me.”
“…Fine… It’s a romance novel: ‘Reverie’ by Stephanie Fenderson.”
“Yeah? What’s it about?” He found himself intrigued.
“Two nobles from rival houses start a forbidden love affair. Think… ‘Romeo and Juliet’, but raunchier… and with actual adults, of course.”
“Hmm. How raunchy?”
You fake a scoff. “I’m not telling you.”
“I’ll find out eventually. Rather hear it from your pretty lips.”
You meet his gaze. “Well… there’s this… one scene… They’re at the same fancy ball, and sneak off to a room to… have fun.”
You sit up on the bed, crossing your legs as you set the book on your nightstand. Ghost can’t help but notice the small opening of the shorts along your inner thigh, and his teeth clenched. It was just the tiniest of peeks, but there was no mistaking the sight of black, lacy panties. He felt his cock twitch.
“Specifics.” He says.
“Hmph. Sure. So, they’re getting busy, having a great time. Pretty standard, vanilla. But then they almost get caught. The man, Fredrick, hides underneath the woman, Constance’s, gown. It’s one of those… hoop skirt dresses, or whatever…”
You scratch your chin. “The guy who interrupted them is this important dude who wants to marry her. Fredrick gets jealous of the guy’s attempts to court her, so… he starts eating her out while she tries to be polite to her suitor, and he’s none the wiser.”
Despite the fact that the two of were intimate the night before, you still found yourself blushing as you recounted the smutty novel.
He carefully walked over to your bed and sat beside you, laying his elbows on his thighs in an effort to conceal his growing boner. “Interesting… maybe I’ll have to borrow it from you, sometime.”
“Mm, I don’t think so. Your big hands would likely ruin the spine.”
He leaned in closer. “These big hands took good care of your pussy last night. Or did you forget?”
Heat pooled in your abdomen. “I didn’t. But it doesn’t matter in the long run, I have plans beyond you…”
His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”
You looked at him incredulously. “Huh. It sounds like you’re the one forgetting about last night. Do you not remember what I said about finding someone else?”
His blood ran cold, and his jaw clenched. “You… you wouldn’t. I told you, your virginity is mi—“
You tilted your head. “You also said to forget about the favor. That you forgive me.”
He breathed deeply. “I was being sarcastic. I didn’t expect you to be that dense…”
“Oh, well. I guess you’ll be getting sloppy seconds, Mr. ‘I’m a Patient Man’.”
The seconds ticked by in silence. You watched in his brown eyes as he went through a journey of emotions. It was so, so, satisfying. But this wasn’t even the end, or the best part, for that matter.
“Now, are you going to leave, Lieutenant? I really should get some sleep…”
You watched in real time as the last of his resolve snapped, and he seemed to come to terms with something. “…No.”
You leaned in. “No?”
“You want a dick that badly? Fine, you greedy girl, I’ll give you one…” He seethed.
And there it is… I win.
He continued. “You’re not going to anyone else. I’m gonna fuck the very notion of that out of your daft head.”
You shook your head. “You’re not thinking clearly. You shouldn’t feel pressured into this—“
“Oh, shut up. You? Pressure me?” He laughed bitterly. “I’ve wanted this for months, and I’m not letting some stupid motherfucker get his hands on you first.”
Time for the pièce de résistance…
You gingerly placed a hand on his warm, toned thigh. “Simon…” You say softly, so sweetly. “Are you sure?”
You gasped as he pushed you back onto your bed, your head hitting the pillow.
He crawled on top of you, his breathing heavy and labored. He stared down at you, his gaze making you feel like you were trapped beneath a predator ready to make their kill. You waited for something, anything, but then realized…
He was calming himself down.
It would be easy—so easy—to just take you without mercy, without care, but he knew better. As much as you were getting on his fucking nerves, he was adamant on making sure your first time was great. No, more than great. Indescribable.
He finally chuckled, lifting his balaclava to reveal his mouth and nose.
“What’s so funny?” You asked.
“Have you ever been kissed? That sleazebag, Billy, did he ever kiss you?”
You sighed. “Yeah, unfortunately.”
“A shame. But I’m here now, we can pretend I’m your first kiss…”
“That’s not how it—mmh!”
His lips smothered yours, and you started blushing; the realization that this man had ate you out the night before, but never even gave you a proper kiss, washing over you. You probably would have laughed, if your mouth wasn’t busy.
He was a good kisser, his lips rough but plump. You felt disappointment, realizing that all the times you kissed Billy, it was nothing like this. That boy had no idea what he was doing.
Not like Ghost, and you felt yourself getting soaked.
He moaned before pulling away to gaze into your eyes. “Now, are you sure you want this?”
“Ah, now you’re being considerate?”
“Of course I am, love. Want to hear you say it, out loud.”
“You know how I feel, but fine. I want you, Simon, I need you…” You grabbed his hand and slipped it through the leg of your shorts, his fingers grazing along your wet folds, making him moan.
You made a silent prayer, hoping that your lack of experience wouldn’t shine through too much as you prepped yourself for the ultimate challenge: dirty talk.
“Feel that?” You whispered. “All for you…”
So simple, so small. But you knew it would resonate with his infatuation towards you, and the jealousy you had carefully built up from that morning. You watched him breathe deeply.
“Yes… all mine…” He continued staring into your eyes, his dark and heavy. “No one can get you wet like me… not Billy. Not that dickhead in the mess hall. Not those filthy little books you read… Me.”
“Are you getting jealous over my reading materi—ah!”
He swiped his fingers around your entrance, gathering your wetness. “You ever taste yourself, love?”
You could feel a blush forming. “I, uh… sometimes…”
He chuckled. “No need to be embarrassed…”
He pulled his fingers out of your shorts, his other hand delicately moving your chin to part your lips. Then, his wet fingers entered your mouth, and you instinctively wrapped your lips around them, letting your tongue lick and taste them.
Like before—during your experimenting—the taste was pleasant, but not overwhelming. Nothing in particular came to mind when trying to compare it to other… flavors, other than… sweet? Maybe?
You snapped out of your daze as his fingers started moving, in and out of your mouth. They were now clean of you, but it seemed he wasn’t ready to take them out just yet. So, you continued to lick, to suck.
The look in his eyes confirmed your suspicions, he was imagining something better than fingers in your warm mouth. He groaned and then took them out with a soft pop, his hands now moving to undo his jeans.
Oh, finally. Yes…
He took them off with ease, revealing basic white boxers. His shirt? Well…
Ghost must have forgotten about the state of his shoulder amidst his horniness, a hiss leaving his mouth as he attempted to lift the hem with his bad arm. You immediately sat up. “Let me…”
You expected him to push you back down, allow his stubbornness to take over…
But he didn’t.
He let you carefully begin to take the shirt off, being mindful of the bandage still present on his shoulder. You lifted it past his head, fingers clutching onto the warm fabric as you oggled his bare muscles. He grabbed the shirt from your hands and tossed it onto the floor.
“Like what you see?”
You ignored him, eye-fucking him without a sliver of shame. You grinned.
He laughed softly, gently lowering you back down, and crawling back up your body to look over you. “Oh, yeah. You do…”
You palmed him through his boxer shorts, earning a hiss and then a groan. You had wanted this since last night, knowing he had been touching himself while pleasuring you…
“Ahh, what are you doing, love?”
“Want to… uh… help you…”
He gingerly took your wrist in his hand. “Mm, next time. Yeah, next time, I’ll teach ya how to please a man properly. Me, I mean. It’s not like you’ll be sleepin’ with other men after this…”
“Is that so?” You smirked, your expression waning as he made you moan by grinding against your clothed pussy.
He ignored your bait. “Nnf, damn… I’m gonna treat you so well, sweetheart. That way, I’ll be able to punish you after for ruining my fun earlier.”
Excitement bubbled up inside you. “Heh, yeah? How?”
“Mmm… oh yeah… I think I’ll continue what I was doing earlier. Hump you like a toy, all over… You won’t be allowed to come at all.”
Your eyes widen. “What?”
“You heard me. Maybe I’ll let you finish after I’m spent, but that depends on how good you are, hmm?” He leaned in. “All the meanwhile, I’ll paint allll of you pretty in white…”
Holy shit. “Simon…” You whine.
“So needy, so fuckin’ desperate. I give you two orgasms last night and you’re already addicted. Be a good girl, and you’ll get what you want.”
You whimper and nod.
He grasped your hips and grinded you up and down his clothed bulge. “Fuck… yeah… feels better than before… soak through those shorts and my boxers, love, ruin them…”
“Unnnhh…” You lazily rutted against him, the friction feeling lovely but not enough. “Simon… I need more…”
“Poor girl, you achin’ down there?”
He put a hand on your face, his large fingers caressing your cheek bones. “I’ll take good care of you, love. I promise.” He said softly, the weight of his words making your heart ache as well.
He slowly pulled back to take your shorts off, his grin widening as he got a proper look at your underwear. Pretty black lace, almost too small to properly cover your leaking cunt. He couldn’t help himself, gripping your hips and grinding against you once more.
He shivered. Your underwear had completely soaked through.
“Simon.” You whined once more.
He grunted in response, tentatively pulling back again to remove the lace. However, you didn’t crook your knees in time to help, making him rip the underwear in half.
“Shit, sorry, love. My bad...” He said sheepishly, and then held them up, raising an eyebrow at you. “But… seems like you won’t need them anymore. A good ‘lil keepsake for me…”
You huffed.
He didn’t spare a glance at your bare sex. Not yet. He dropped the ruined underwear. His fingers curled into your shirt and he started lifting it, his nails softly scratching along your skin. Then, he paused.
“Mm. No bra?”
“Not tonight, no. They can be uncomfortable to sleep in.” You said nonchalantly.
“Uncomfortable… hm… but you’ll wear panties that barely cover your cunt…”
Thankfully, he didn’t seem to care or look more into it. He shook his head and continued taking the shirt off. “Not like I’m complaining, mind you. But I do want to see the matching bra, sometime. There’s no way you don’t have one.”
You smirked. “Alright, noted.”
He threw the shirt aside and leaned back to admire your naked form. “How lovely… better than I imagined…”
His hands grasped your breasts, three of his fingers still slightly cold and moist from being in your mouth. You shivered with a moan. “So pretty, so soft… can’t wait to deflower you.”
“Technically, after last night—“
“Oh, don’t go there. I don’t care about the technicalities of last night. You’ve never been dicked down, and that’s what I’m referring to. Now, be a good girl and shush…”
Ghost leaned back again, and finally pulled his boxers off. You couldn’t hold back the moan that left your mouth at the sight of his dick, leaking with pre-come. He leaned forward again, resting his member on your clit.
“See that, pretty girl?” He slowly stroked himself against your folds. “That’s what a cock looks like.”
You had to resist the urge to face palm yourself. “Jesus, Simon, I know what a dick looks like.”
“No, you don’t know what mine looks like. Get well acquainted, you’re gonna be seeing it a lot.” He paused and peered down once more. “Aha, damn, you’re soaking your bed, love. Pretty pussy is working so hard, preparing itself just for me…”
He pulled his lower body away and inserted a finger. You moaned, he groaned. He began pumping it in and out, making your pussy sing with your slickness.
“Shit, I think… think you’re wetter than last night. Good…”
You smirked at him. “Yeah, the book I was reading is pretty spicy…”
“Shut up, or I’m burnin’ the damn thing.” He took his finger out, and you began to regret your teasing.
Before you could beg and plead your case for more, he stuffed his face against your pussy and started lapping at it.
“Gahh, Simon, not again, I want you inside—“
“Quiet,” he growled, “I know what I’m doing. Ya need to be ready for me…”
You pouted but didn’t say anything more, only opening your mouth to moan softly as he licked and sucked. But then, his finger entered you once more, and he proceeded to stimulate you with both his hand and mouth.
Oh, this is new.
You clutched the bed sheets, trying to keep still and let him do his thing, lest he chastise you again like last night.
“Tell me when you’re close…” He breathed out, inserting another finger.
“O-okay… god, Simon, ohhh…”
“Mhmm…” He mumbled, still licking and fingering you.
You noticed his whole body moving in junction with his head and fingers, and you peered downward. You saw him dragging his weeping cock along your bedsheets, the sight making you whimper and clench around his fingers.
“Simon… I’m gonna come…”
“Mm, good girl. Thank you for telling me.” He stopped all movements and pulled away.
“H-hey! What are you doing?”
“What you did to me, earlier. Sucks, doesn’t it? But don’t worry, you’ll get to come…” He leaned in and started kissing your neck. “You smell so good… you always smell good… drives me fuckin’ crazy…”
“God, Simon, please, I want to come…”
Ghost licked along your neck. “Don’t worry, love, you will. I’ll let you come around my dick, how’s that?”
“Good girl… such a good girl…” He cooed.
He leaned back and adjusted his position, lining himself up at your weeping sex.
“Now, I want you to hold onto me. This might hurt, sweetheart…”
You did as he requested, and that’s when he started entering you.
You winced and bit your lip, the stretch feeling a bit more painful than you anticipated. Suck it up, you’ve taken bullets...
He slowly eased his way in, your hole trying to push him out, despite it having done so much prep beforehand to welcome him with open arms. He leaned in closer and caressed a cheek.
“Relax, love. Loosen those muscles, breathe deeply… I got you.” He whispered.
His words helped alone, making you sigh with relief as you steered focus towards the new wave of arousal washing over your body. Something about the way he spoke softly just never failed to do wonders for you.
But then you realized he wasn’t moving anymore. You looked down in confusion and saw him already all the way in, to the hilt. Oh.
He also glanced down, admiring the joining of your bodies as he held your legs up, placing your ankles on his shoulders. “Fuck, look at that… what a pretty sight. Feels even better inside…”
Then, he started moving. His thrusts were slow and gentle, caring. But the sensation was still deliciously overwhelming; you could feel his cock rubbing against your soft, virgin walls, tight and pulsing around him.
“God, you don’t… understand how hard it is… to hold myself back… right now…” He grit out.
“D-don’t hold back, Simon…”
He grunted. “Don’t be saying shit like that. You’ll get it in the future, but for now, I’m keeping it simple, sweetheart.”
He held onto your thighs and squeezed hard, grounding himself as he maintained a sweet and slow pace, one that gradually increased in speed, if only by a minuscule difference. His eyes raked up and down your body, soaking in every reaction to his ministrations.
“Talk to me, lovie. Tell me how it feels…”
“Uuuuhhhn, feels… good…” You croaked out.
“Good? Just good?”
You groaned. “It feels amazing, don’t stop…”
“That right? Tell me, you still think you would have done well with someone else for your first time?”
“Uffff, mmm…”
He chuckled. “Can’t even think properly, can you? So cock-drunk…”
Then he stopped and pulled out.
“On your stomach.”
You blushed, but rushed to do as he said, the side of your face hitting the pillow. He grabbed your hips and tilted them upwards, his knee pushing one of your legs open aside. “There we go…” You couldn’t see much from this angle, but the excitement in his voice was palpable.
He slowly lowered himself on top of you, his chest connecting with your back. He wasn’t squishing you, not completely, but enough to make his presence felt. Then, he entered you once more, stuffing his face into your neck.
“Mmmh… make you feel all of me… every inch of my skin… make sure you memorize it. It’s okay if you forget, though, I’ll happily remind you…” He started moving, his pace still casual and languid.
“Can’t… can’t wait to ruin you… turn you into a fuckin’ degenerate… heh, unless… you already are, and we just don’t know it, yet…”
He adjusted one of his legs, the angle of his hips making him reach deeper, and you whimper. “Ohh, god, oh…”
Ghost then sped up, reaching a faster rhythm that would satisfy you, but wouldn’t be too much.
You whimpered. “G-gonna…”
“Gonna come, baby? Good… milk my cock, wanna feel that cunt thank me for taking your virginity…”
“Jesus…” You groaned loudly, your orgasm hitting you hard; your walls clamping around him like a vice, pulsating like a heartbeat.
“Fuuuuck…” He snarled into your ear, his fist digging into your pillow, beside your head. “Want me to fill you up?”
“Y-yes, please, yes…”
“‘Attagirl. Need to make sure this pussy learns who it belongs to…”
His movements slowed but got harder, and then eventually, halted, as he reached his climax. He groaned into your neck, filling you up with his seed. “Good… girl… take it… all…”
He stayed on top of you for a minute, your muscles starting to ache. “Simon… you’re squishing me…”
“Ah. Sorry…” He rolled off of you, laying beside you and pulling you into his arms. “You alright, love?”
You started blushing, still trying to catch your breath. “I-I’m fine. It was good… really good…” You smiled.
You expected a snarky, arrogant comment like usual, but he just smiled in response. “Good. I’m glad.”
He used a hand to caress your body, slowly trailing down to your pussy. His fingers delved into your hole, coating them in his come before pulling them out and rubbing it along your slit. “Yeah… this is all mine…”
He then licked his fingers and pulled you closer with a content grunt. “Mm. You should have listened to me. I always get what I want, and I told you this would happen.”
You laughed softly, leaning into him. “Oh, Simon… you think this was all a coincidence? Did you really think… you’re the only one who can fight dirty?” You cooed.
He stared at you, eyes wide, the realization that, perhaps—he had been thinking with his dick too much—dawning on him. You weren’t sure how he’d react, but mentally prepared for the possibility that he’d be pissed for getting beaten at his own game.
But instead… he grinned.
“You… That’s my fuckin’ girl… all mine...”
[part one] [part two] [part three]
taglist: @corvusmorte @oceanicexolorer @icouldntthinkofanythingclever
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
It’s me, hi I’m the problem is me (dead tired)
The world was ending.
That was the thing Tim had come to accept. Somehow, all of the big bads had made friends and decided to work together to take over the universe and split it amongst themselves. Darkseid, Trigun, Barbatos, they had all gotten together to conquer the universe. Raven was completely drained, The supers three were in the infirmary, and the Lanterns Corp were barely holding them back, losing every second. Hell, even the Justice League Dark were down for the count.
“What are we doing to do?” Nightwing murmured, watching as the Lanterns slowly lost momentum.
“I-I don’t know,” Bruce whispered. Tim’s adoptive father had ripped of his cowl, his hair stood mussed from continuously running his fingers through his hair in stress. Batman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman stood over all of the contingencies Bruce had ever collected on the three big bads.
Robin stared at the screen that showed the devastation, a frown prominent on his face. “So this is it? We just give up?”
“No,” Red Hood said walking into the room with Arsenal and Starfire in tow. Behind the three stood a young man. He had Lazarus green eyes, snow white hair, slightly blue skin, and pointed ears. His body adorned in black armor, a blue crown floated above his head and a large cape hung from his body with galaxies swirling around. He looked to be Tim’s age, maybe just a little older than him, somewhere between his and Jason’s age.
“Who’s this?”
The being stepped forward, jewelry that hung from his ears tinkled slightly when he did and jeez, he was beautiful.
“My name is Phantom,” the being said with a serene smile. He was otherworldly, unlike anything Tim had ever seen in his life. “I am High King of the Infinite Realms. Jason asked me to come and assist with an issue you are dealing with,” he said, his eyes flicked to the large monitor curiously, tilting his head to the side, the silver that hng from his ears clangled once more. “Ah, those three, how fun.”
“How do you uh, how do you know Jason?” Tim asked, stepping towards the king.
At this, Phantom had an amused smile on his face as he looked back at Jason. “You never told them?”
Jason let out a groan of annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did. “When I died, Phantom found me in the ghost zone, I never actually moved one when I died. For those six months I just hung out in the ghost zone and became friends with Phantom. Before I came back, he declared me as one of his Fright Knights. And last years he ran into me during one of my missions and brought back my memories from when I died and fixed the pit rage.”
Phantom nodded, a wide grin on his face. “Jason made a lousy ghost. Now, how about I go fix this issue for you all real quick?” He said before he disappeared. Tim went to ask Jason about Phantom only for his father to beat him to the punch.
“Is this why we haven’t been able to get in contact with you?” Bruce asked, furrowing his brow. Jason shrugged.
“Couldn’t find the sword he left me that lets me summon him. Turns out I left it on Kori’s ship so she had to travel to come get me. From there it took a bit for me to remember how to summon him, I’ve never actually done it before so it took a few tries to get it right. And of course Phantom thought it was a social call and he loves to talk so it took a little bit to explain. And on top of that, time works different in the Realms. And Klarion was there so it just took a little longet than I wanted it to but he’s here and he’ll take care of the issue super quick.”
“Yeah he’s dating Phantom’s clone, he hates their relationship like a lot but it’s like two little chaos gremlins,” Jason said with a chuckle.
“How old is Phantom?” Tim blurted out.
Jason gave the nineteen year old a confused look but chuckled nonetheless. “He’s twenty.”
“Twenty and he is already a king?” Aquaman said, looking more and more interested in Phantom.
“Been king since he was fourteen,” Jason said, sucking at his teeth before he looked at the monitor and started snickering. Tim followed his gaze and smiled when he saw Phantom grow a third arm and grabbed all three beings by their ears, shrinking them down to his size before he dragged them away from the Lanterns before they disappeared.
Soon after the four reappeared in front of Bruce, Diana and Arthur who all looked on curiously.
“Kneel,” Phantom ordered. The three beings fell harshly to their knees. “I am beyond disappointed in the three of you. Are your realms not enough? What makes you think that you have the right to take over dimensions that do not belong to you?”
“But-” Trigon started.
“No buts from you, Trigon. The only reason you’re even still the ruler of your world is because none of your children want the position,” Phantom said. “Due to your crimes against this realm I hearby sentence you all to a millenia in the Fright Zone. Jason,” he instructed.
Jason grinned and pulled his sword from its sheath and stepped forward. With a quick swipe, all three disappeared from view.
Phantom stepped towards the three heroes and dipped his head in a polite bow. “They should not cause anymore issues. I apologize that I could not get here sooner. While I may be ll power, I am not all seeing and Kronos does not always deem it fit to tell me when my underlings are causing issues,” he said with a polite smile. “Does anyone have any paper or something to write on?”
“I uh, I have a tablet, I can just pull up something,” Tim stammered, stepping forward. Phantom smiled in thanks, taking the tablet from Tim. He drew out a complicated sigil and set it on the large table.
“This is my official line. Next time you are in a situation such as this, please do not hesitate to summon me,” he said before he looked at Tim and looked him up and down, a single fang peeked from under his lip. “As for you, Handsome, feel free to get my personal sigil from your brother and call me anytime.”
Before Tim could say another word, the High King disappeared and Tim immediately turned towards his brother with wide eyes. “ Jason ,” he hissed.
“He’s my fucking friend! I don’t want you dating him,” Jason shouted, running out of the room with Tim following close behind.
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heavenlyraindrops · 2 months
♱Father Forgive Me (For I have Sinned) ~Chapter Two♱
Lucifer Morningstar x Angel!Reader Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Chapter Two Warnings: profanity How to find the other chapters in my pinned post
♱ In which the purest soul in Heaven falls from grace… for the Devil. ♱
[Chapter Two]
You turned your head, before seeing Emily racing towards you to tackle you to the ground in a hug. You laughed, although it came out as more of a wheeze under her crushing grip, and hugged back. She raised her head, eyes watery. 
“Adam said you disappeared,” she said, and the barely restrained fury at him was evident in her voice, which dropped to an incredulous whisper. “Where were you? What happened? Sera’s mad as hell-“
“He didn’t leave me,” you managed to crack a reassuring smile, and Emily’s shoulders drooped at your next words, “I flew off.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that he neglected his responsibility. And, frankly, ignored my direct orders to keep you safe.”
You raised your head to see Sera, her forehead creased in a stressed frown. “Come with me to my office.” She began to turn, then paused, eyebrows pulling right down, deepening her frown. “Is that blood on your clothes?”
You glanced down. The dark patches seemed to be covered with a thin gilded sheen. “I-it’s nothing, really,” you babbled, scrambling to wipe it off, only to see most of it had dried.
Sera didn’t seem convinced.
Emily pulled you up before you followed them hesitantly, the confusion on her face at the situation evident, even though she was smiling at you nervously.  You gulped. 
“So, to be clear, you let [name] fly off and put herself in harm's way even though she has no experience as an exterminator?” Sera turned from Adam to you. “[name], this is only a one time thing. You are most certainly not accompanying the exterminators down to Hell next year. After Adam has proven how neglectful he is-“
“No,” you gasped, the words flying out your mouth without you even thinking about them.
 The entire room seemed to freeze.
Awkwardly, you cleared your throat and continued, more gently. “No, it wasn’t his fault. See, what happened was-“ you glanced over at where Adam was seated next to you. He raised an eyebrow, face flat, and you swallowed. Your throat felt like a desert. 
“I flew off,” you continued. “He went after me, I mean, he really tried I swear. But I shook him off and ended up tearing my wing on a branch, hence the blood- he found me a while later and healed me up. The wound wasn’t too serious. It only broke some skin, and- and, I could still fly. We just lost each other in the crowd going back up to the Pentagram is all.”
What am I doing? What the hell am I doing? You could almost feel the beads of sweat forming on your brow as you smiled at her stiffly. 
Sera turned and looked at Adam, waiting for his confirmation. He looked over at you, grinning wide. You pointedly stared back, which wasn’t necessary- he didn’t miss a beat. “Yup. That’s what happened. I was tryna tell ya the whole time and you guys just weren’t listening.”
“Please let me go next year, Sera,” you pleaded, eyes widening. She chewed her lip, contemplating, as you continued. “I was perfectly fine. And I may not be an experienced exterminator, but you know more than well enough I can hold my own against a couple of mere sinners.” You shot a look at Adam.
”Yeah, [name]’s powerful as fuck-“
“I wouldn’t say powerful-“ you began, but was cut off by Sera.
“You’re far too modest, [name],” Sera smiled at you tiredly. “And what you said seems to add up. I know you’d never lie to me-“ she side-eyed Adam, who didn’t notice, continuing to pick at his nails. “-Or to anyone, for that matter. Yes, you may go again next year if you wish.”
You looked at the ground. “Thank you, Sera,” you said, your own voice ringing small in your ears.
“Jeez, sugartits, I didn’t think I’ve ever heard you lie before,” Adam smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You glared at him in fury, before jabbing a finger at his chest. You were both in a hallway, Sera’s office door at the end of the corridor where you had come from. 
“Watch it, Adam,” you hissed, then took a deep breath, calming yourself down. “I did it for you, so be grateful.”
You smiled at him. “No problem.” 
You both stared at each other for a few moments, before Adam spoke.
“Are we gonna fuck right now?”
“No!” You hissed, exasperated, feeling your face burn. “No, we are not. Here’s what is gonna happen, Adam. Next extermination, you’re gonna let me fly off by myself, mind your own business, and not tell Sera, and if you don’t do that, I’ll blab and tell them everything. And then they’ll hate you forever.”
He stared at you for a second, blankly. You gulped, your blood pounding in your ears. Crap. Dumb idea-
Adam finally raised an eyebrow. “Why do you want to go off sneaking around Hell during the extermination, sugartits? Got a secret?”
“Most certainly not,” you snapped. “I simply want to explore Hell alone.”
Adam stared at you for a moment. “You never say what’s on your fuckin’ mind, do ya, sugartits? You always gotta water it down to be nice. If I annoy the shit outta you, just say that.” 
Your gaze softened, then you shook your head and stared at your feet. “I’m not a mean person.”
“Not mean if it’s the truth.” He shrugged. You looked back up at him. He was wearing that familiar, shit-eating grin again. You huffed and rolled your eyes, kicking at the pristine floor. 
“Sure. Well, some people have a filter.” 
“Meh. Whatever.”
“So, will you do what I asked you to do?”
Yeah, I’ll do what you want.”
“Wait really?” You stared at him. 
“Yeah, I don’t give a fuck. Do what you want, you saved my ass from a three hour lecture back in there anyways.”
You watched him walk away until he rounded a corner and disappeared, shocked at his nonchalance, and then pressed your back to the wall and sank down, head in your hands. 
Did you seriously lie to the Seraphim just to be able to go back to Hell next year? Why? Why?
Was it because of- no way. Don’t be ridiculous. You knew Lucifer had the quality of being ‘tempting’, from what the Bible said, at least, but there was no way you were being led to temptation from a small interaction with absolutely no ‘tempting’ aspects to it. Whatsoever. 
Hell is a nice break from Heaven. And it’s interesting to see what it’s like. I’m just curious is all… 
You stared at your hands, mind flashing back to something Sera had said a while ago.
Curiosity killed the cat. 
You looked up. Sera was staring down at you. “Are you alright?”
You cursed internally, your heart almost leaping out of your throat. “Yes, Sera, I’m just… thinking.”
“Perhaps I could help?”
You studied her face. It was wearing the specific, reserved look she wore for when she was suspicious but didn’t want to show it. You smiled and shook your head. 
“I’m just trying to figure out what I ate this morning that could make my stomach hurt this much.”
Sera’s face relaxed, nodding. You knew that she wouldn’t believe that you’d lie to her. You knew it would be easy to squash her suspicions. 
“Well,” Sera said, “Let me know if you need anything.”
You nodded smiled weakly again, watching her steady, deliberate steps as she disappeared around the corner, then hung your head again, sighing.
You prayed you weren’t digging yourself into a hole.
A/N: Stay Tuned!
Taglist: @boredlime, @ica1, @tremendoushearttaco, @sweetadonisbutbetter, @lucky-flowey,@kitty-kei, @thornwolfy235, @w31rd3rg1rl, @marxo5, @lvstyangel
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dilemmaontwolegs · 7 months
Bestie, I'm gonna need Logan to invite Alex and Lily over to Florida for a big Sargeant family Thanksgiving 🙊
Thanksgiving in the 305 || LS2 {3}
Pairing: Logan Sergeant x fem!reader Summary: You have lots to be thankful this holiday and get to share the special occasion with even more people this year. Warnings: 18+ only, implied smut, fluff, lots of fluff WC: 3.4K F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four
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Monday, 20th November 2023 You had just walked through hell and it had been an absolute nightmare. By hell, you meant Walmart during the week of Thanksgiving. With another point scored on home soil Logan’s popularity seemed to explode overnight and the shopping trip had taken longer than expected after he signed some autographs and took photos with fans. Shopping wasn’t something you enjoyed on the quietest of days but knowing the amount of food prep you needed to do only left you more stressed.
“Relax, honey,” Logan soothed as he rubbed your shoulders with a smile. “We can do this. Just tell me what you need me to do.”
You eventually made it to the checkout with two laden trolleys and Logan did all the heavy lifting of the bags into the back of his Range Rover. Unfortunately you lost more precious prep time to the traffic that swarmed the city and the stress had you wringing your hands together until Logan took one in his.
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“Sweetheart, I think you might be going a little overboard.”
You looked up from the pastry you were rolling out to weave into a lattice topping for the pumpkin pie. “What? No. No, I’m not. This is perfectly acceptable.”
“There’s twice as much as last year,” Logan stated, his lips a shade of deep purple from the berries he had stolen.
“We have more guests this year - special guests too.”
Logan’s lips perked up as he laughed. “I’ll let Dalton know you think he’s not special.”
“That is not what I meant,” you gasped, only forgiving him for the joke when kissed you sweetly. “I’ve never seen your principal outside of the races, or Alex and Lily. I’m nervous.”
“You have nothing to be nervous about. They are exactly the same outside of work.”
You chewed your lip as you nodded, hoping he wasn’t just trying to ease your worry. If he was right then you knew you would get along with them just like you had when you went to the races with Logan. You had been lucky enough to make it to most of his races after the summer break and Sooty even joined for the Triple Header rounds, but he missed out on the Vegas trip. The schedule was just too busy to have a dog in tow.
Since everyone was on the same continent, for the moment, you had invited Logan’s team mate and his team principal to join you for an early Thanksgiving. James was bringing his wife and daughter while Alex was coming with his girlfriend Lily. They had all been so supportive of Logan throughout the year that you wanted to show your appreciation before making your way to the final race in Abu Dhabi.
It was going to be the first year since being with Logan that you wouldn’t be at home on Thanksgiving but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to slack on hosting the event. If anything you were going to make it more special to make up for having it on a Tuesday. 
Logan knew one thing that would help you relax while you were busy in the kitchen and after disappearing into the living room you heard the stereo system click on and Logan’s playlist filled the room. The upbeat intro to Hold On, We’re Going Home started and Logan reached you before Drake’s voice could, his hands finding your hips as he rested his chin on your shoulder and watched you work the dough. 
All too soon he grew bored of just watching and his lips started to tease kisses along your neck. “You need to go for a run,” you murmured as you found your progress slowing. “I can’t concentrate with you doing that.”
“Doing what?” he asked innocently, the curve of his lips on your skin giving him away. 
“Distracting me.”
“But it worked, look how relaxed you are now.” His arms curled around your waist as he swayed to the music and you joined him until his hand dipped beneath your shirt and warmed the soft skin on your stomach. 
“Lo…” you groaned as you pushed him back with your hips. “Behave, please.” 
“Cause you’re a good girl and you know it,” he teased in your ear with the song. “You act so different around me.”
You turned in his arms with a smile that he reflected and placed your palm over his chest. “You are going to ruin Thanksgiving dinner.”
Logan looked around the kitchen, every surface full of the food you just had to make final touches on in the morning. There was already more than enough to feed an army. “I don’t think you have to worry about dinner.” He reached behind you and placed a spare cover over the unfinished pie before pulling you flush against him. “And the pie can wait an hour.”
“An hour? I was thinking 10 minutes max,” you giggled as he grabbed your hips and picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist naturally.
“Is that a challenge?” he dared as he carried you out of the kitchen. “I don’t mind spending the rest of the day proving you wrong, sweetheart.”
“Yes, wait, no, any other time, baby, but not today.”
Tuesday, 21st November 2023 - Thanksgiving Dinner You had never been happier that Logan had insisted on buying a house much larger than anything the two of you needed. Built for a large family, the kitchen had two full sized ovens and both were currently in use. The giant turkey filled one oven on its own and the other had its racks full of different dishes to keep them hot. 
The other great thing about the home was that the stacker doors folded back in the living room to give a massive open space that flowed out into the patio and pool. You needed all that space with the guests that had arrived. Logan’s parents had come first. Mallika had insisted on arriving early so she could help you with the fresh food that couldn’t be pre-cooked and Michael had been ordered to help Logan stock the bar.
Next to arrive had been Dalton, Logan’s older brother, who came with a very happy Sooty after dog-sitting him while you were in Las Vegas. You had rushed out of the kitchen as soon as you heard his excited bark and grappled him into a tight cuddle before Logan wrapped his arms around you both. 
“Hi, my baby,” you cooed as you scratched Sooty’s fur and kissed the top of his head. “Mommy missed you. You’re looking skinny, did uncle Dalt not feed you?” You rose to your feet at the laugh and greeted Dalton with a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for taking care of him.”
“I would say anytime but he stole an Angus steak from my plate, twice.”
“Why do you think I came out here?” you said with a shake of your head. “There is no way I am letting him anywhere near the kitchen. Lo?”
“On it, honey,” he chuckled. “Come on, Soot, let's go play frisbee. You in, bro?”
You watched the brothers jog out to the lawn and separate to opposite ends and it wasn’t long before Michael joined his sons too.
It was another two Sargeant boys that came through the door with Logan’s aunt following with apologies for her son's lack of manners for skipping the doorbell. You waved the apology away as you gave her a hug. “It’s fine, Debbie. My mother always said doorbells are for salesmen and strangers, not family.”
“Your mother is a good woman,” Harry said as he came in with a large bouquet of flowers for you and a kiss. “You are more and more like her every day.”
You grinned at the compliment and inhaled the sweet scent of the flowers. “Thank you.”
When you first met Harry you had felt intimidated by the billionaire but you had quickly realised he was a kind, down-to-earth man who put family values first. It was one of the reasons he sponsored Logan and helped get him into Formula racing. He believed if he had the resources to help, then he had the responsibility to help. It was the same with Dalton’s NASCAR career.
The next arrival did use the doorbell and Sooty came inside to growl at the uncommon sound until you told him to stop being silly. Once the door was opened he recognised it was Alex and Lily on the doorstep and the protective nature changed to the playful wag of his tail. Sooty enjoyed the attention he got from the animal-loving couple for a moment before another duo stole his attention and he leapt off the porch to race down the driveway. 
“Sorry, he saw my parents,” you said as you invited them inside and to the bar. “Now, Logan’s the mixologist in the house so if you want something more than a beer, a wine or whiskey neat then he’s your man.”
Once Lily had a glass of riesling and Alex an IPA beer, you made the introductions to the few members of his family they hadn’t met. Most of them had crossed paths at least once during the three US based Grand Prix’s this season so it was only Harry’s teenage boys and your parents who needed naming. 
“I found some wanderers in your driveway,” your mother joked as she stepped into your line of vision and waved at the quickly growing Vowles family. “Oscar looks different, more mature.”
You looked at Logan’s old teammate who was just walking through the door and chuckled when he took his shoes off, the only one that ever did when he went inside other people's homes. “That’s what a year will do to a man,” you replied. “I don’t think you’ve seen him since last Thanksgiving, mom.”
“Not true, I saw him at Logan’s birthday.”
“Oh, okay, my bad, it's only been 11 months then,” you said with a laugh as you went to greet him and Logan’s team principal. 
“She is absolutely adorable,” you gushed over the newborn in James’ arms. “I swear she’s grown and I only saw her a few days ago!”
“She’s put on another ounce since then,” the proud father said before holding her out to you. “Go on, I know this is what you’re really after.”
“I was just coming over to see if you needed a drink,” you lied as you reached for her, “but I’m not going to turn down baby snuggles.”
Logan’s eyes found you from across the room where he was talking with Alex and Oscar and he lost track of the conversation at the sight of you. The image of you holding a baby so comfortably made something crack in his chest and he knew you would be a natural when it came to motherhood, he just had to be patient for a few more years. You didn’t even notice his lingering stare as you pressed your nose to her soft hair and inhaled the new baby scent before cradling her closer. 
“You know you are not getting her back until you leave,” you warned James, and he just smiled knowingly.
“I had a feeling that would be the case. Now Rachel and I can enjoy a few hours of free babysitting.”
“Absolutely anytime, any place. Go on, have a drink and chill out, or even a nap if you need. There’s plenty of guest rooms down the hall and a nursery too so you have nothing to worry about.”
“A nursery? Is there something Logan hasn’t told me?” he asked curiously.
You laughed as you shook your head. “Not yet, James. The house was furnished for a family sale when we bought it and one of the rooms was set up to be a nursery. We just never renovated it.”
“You two look really happy,” Alex broke through Logan’s wandering thoughts and he blinked twice before he snapped out of the moment.
“We are. She loves this, having a full house, lots of noise and company.” Logan smiled into his bottle as he tipped the cold beer back and watched as you flitted around the room topping up drinks and chatting with his family all the while managing to cradle his boss's baby safely. “Best thing I did was ask her to come with me. Makes the good days better and the bad ones easier, you know?”
Alex nodded sincerely and cast his eyes to Lily who was laughing at something Dalton said to her about his latest round of golf. Alex knew exactly what Logan meant. 
Logan had always been open about wanting children, even more so when he was drunk, and he was always making plans for the future. He hoped to stay in F1 for as long as possible and he was especially happy that he had signed with Williams for another year, but after that he thought about moving into endurance racing as it was a less intensive schedule. With less commitments to work he would have more time to focus on starting a family, so you waited patiently and supported him in his choices after all the hard work you had seen him put in.
You continued on your way around the guests, oblivious to the way Logan’s eyes followed you the entire time. Eventually you  reluctantly passed the sleeping babe over to your boyfriend knowing he would want to have some time with her too and the next part you needed two hands for. “Dinner is almost ready, if you want to start rounding everyone up into the dining room I’ll bring in the turkey.”
“I can come and help, sweetheart,” he offered but his face softened at the cutie in his arms. Your chest warmed at the sight and you shook your head, not wanting to disturb the moment.
“Between my mom and yours, there’s hardly anything left to do.” You left him with Alex and Oscar, passing by Lily and Dalton’s discussion about the best US golf courses, and found Sooty so he could be put in his kennel. You weren’t keen on having a repeat of his first Christmas when he broke the table leg trying to get scraps and the whole thing had crashed down. It had been a disaster that took a while before you could see the funny side but it still didn’t mean you could handle it happening again. “Come on, as soon as dinner is over you can have your freedom back.”
Sooty whined as you left him behind and you didn’t dare look back or you wouldn’t have the heart to leave him there. The sound followed you until you were inside and the noise of the guests swallowed his lonely cries so you could focus on the meal shared between friends and family.
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Logan knelt beside the kennel and caught Sooty’s collar as he unhooked the chain and praised him for being a good boy. Dinner had been another one to remember for a long time to come and everyone was more than full as they settled around the extra large sofa inside. Traditionally, after dinner everyone would be feeling the liquor and reminisce on what they were thankful for before watching the Miami Dolphins game on the tv but since it was only a Tuesday there weren't any big teams playing. 
Logan had a better way to end the perfect afternoon anyway.
“Sooty, where’s mommy?” Logan asked as he buckled his collar back in place and kissed the top of his head. “Go find mommy, go on, good boy.” 
The quick moving ball of fur caught your attention and you just saved your glass of wine from being knocked off the coffee table before Sooty bounded over Lily’s shoes and landed at your feet. He barked twice and sat back on his heels, waiting as if he had been ordered to obey and was expecting a treat - except you hadn’t called him.
“Sooty, how did you escape your…” your words trailed off as you held his collar and watched the light catch on a diamond ring. The room fell silent as you looked up in time to see Logan lower himself onto one knee in front of you.
His deft fingers unbuckled the collar and slipped the ring off so he could hold it delicately in his hand. “I don’t need Thanksgiving to reflect on everything I’m grateful for this year,” he said softly and your heart beat so loudly you were certain everyone in the quiet room could hear it. “Since I found you, I’m thankful every damn day, and I would love to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much, if you’ll let me. Will you marry me?”
You couldn’t remember when you last took a breath and your throat seemed to clog with emotion, choking the word you wanted to scream. Logan’s lips began to curve up into a proud smile when you nodded your head and lifted your trembling hand for him. 
“Yes,” you finally managed to whisper, before the cold band slipped onto your ring finger and your vision blurred with unshed tears of joy. 
You didn’t hear the cheer that erupted, you didn’t hear their congratulations. All you heard was Logan whispering he loved you against your lips before he claimed them for the first time as your fiance.
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Logan hadn’t let go of your hand since he put the engagement ring on it but eventually he couldn’t keep you all to himself and draped an arm across the back of your seat instead.
“This is gorgeous!” Lily gasped after she leaned forward to inspect the large rock on the ring. You didn’t miss the pointed look she sent Alex and wondered how long it would be until he took the same step. “So how did you two meet if Logan was in Europe racing?”
Logan grinned as he traced his fingertips across your shoulder and over your collar. “Her mom was my uncle’s secretary and when I was home for the break I dropped by his office to visit him, and then I kept dropping in because I knew she was always in the staffroom doing her homework. Not that she ever looked my way.”
“I looked, when you weren’t,” you admitted as your cheeks heated. “But I had to keep my head down so I could actually concentrate on my assignments. He was very distracting to look at, still is.”
Oscar smiled to himself since he already knew the story well over the years of friendship and double dates.
Alex chuckled and mirrored your cosy state with Lily opposite you. “So did he finally ask you out or did you have to take charge?”
“Actually Harry set us up,” you said with a smile in the oil magnate’s direction where he was talking to his wife. “I didn’t have a licence and when my mom got sick Harry had Lo take me to visit her. He went out of his way to pick me up after school every day for like two months. I honestly don’t know how I would have gotten through that time without him.”
You turned your smile to Logan as he reached for his beer and took a long drink. If you were alone he would have whispered sweet affirmations in your ear about how strong you were and how he would always be there for you but with the present company and his ears turning pink he swallowed his words. But you still saw them in his proud smile and in his blue eyes.
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“Okay, maybe I went a teensy, tiny, little bit overboard,” you admitted as you saw the leftovers filling the kitchen island after everyone had gone - the house was quiet once more.
You knew there was the temptation for Logan to say ‘I told you so’ but he just kissed your temple with a smile before he checked his watch and said. “I’ll get the containers.”
Although it was too late to go to Miami-Dade shelters tonight, it had become a tradition to take the leftovers around to them after a holiday. It would only go to waste with the two of you, especially since you were heading to Abu Dhabi in the morning.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” you asked when he returned from the garage with his arms full of takeaway containers.
“Once or twice,” he teased as he abandoned the containers to pull you into his arms, “but I’ll never get tired of hearing it.”
“Good thing we’ve got the rest of our lives then.” You placed your hands on his shoulders and looked at the ring on your finger with fondness before staring into his ocean eyes. “I love you, Lo.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. Always have, always will.”
Click here for the next part.
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You walked down the street and sighed. The hotel had been a bit too much today, with Alastor and Lucifer going at each other’s throats and the lovey gazes Angel and Husk shot each other, and the new residents that were coming in, there wasn’t much more you could take today. So you slipped out and proceeded to take a walk. Looking up at the red sky you smiled, part of you thinking that the sky was much prettier than the sky you were used to when you were alive.
Being someone who died more recently than the other occupants at the hotel, you could still remember the blue sky and the sun that would caress your skin each time you stepped outside during the day. You stopped abruptly and turned on your foot and started to head back to the hotel, almost instinctively not wanting to be too far from the hotel.
After you first found the hotel, you became a sort of assistant to Alastor and Charlie and you cursed the sense of responsibility you felt due to this. The guilt for even leaving the hotel just now was a bit too much, but the walk had done you good. You walk into the hotel, expecting anything but what you see.
Alastor was in his half-demon form, not truly taking up the whole lobby, but at this point, he might as well have. Charlie telling - more screaming at Alastor - to calm down. Somehow, Alastor had gotten Lucifer in his grasp and was about to eat him. You blinked hearing the King of Hell telling Alastor to put him down, with promises that he would be quiet. Alastor just laughed and continued to lower Lucifer to his mouth, everyone partially petrified not thinking Alastor would go this far.
You sigh and walk up to the scene and clear your throat. Alastor and Lucifer both looking at you but your eyes were on Alastor. You could feel the displeasure on your own face and felt the start of a stress migraine. You spoke, not raising your voice whatsoever.
“Why are you trying to eat Lucifer?” You asked Alastor, who slow blinked at you.
“I don’t know! I was just making some adjustments to the interiors and fixing a curtain-“ Lucifer’s voice was cut off when Alastor squeezed him a bit harder. You sighed and closed your eyes for a minute, really reconsidering all the choices that led you here to deal with two children.
“Now, you both are how many years old?” You ask. Alastor starts to answer and you cut him off, not even caring if he were to kill you now. “Too old. Let me tell you that. Too fucking old to be acting like CHILDREN.” You scream the last part. “So, put Lucifer down, Alastor, de-Hulk yourself, and agree to disagree on the decor. This is Lucifer’s hotel Alastor, originally, and Charlie is in charge.” You turn to Charlie who is staring at you wide-eyed.
“Charlie, do you like the decor that your father has created here the yellows and reds with the apples and the-“ Your cut off by a radio scratch.
“TaCKy CirCUs DEcOr?” Alastor says cutting you off.
“Those would not have been my choice of words, but the question still stands, Charlie?” You ask gently.
“No, no, no” She starts, shaking her head, you watch as her eyes widen and she stops. “I mean yes, I love the decor, no, I don’t hate it or think it’s tacky circus decor. It reminds me of my home… but I want everyone to feel comfortable here!” She explains.
“So, then maybe you both can collaborate on decor?” You say looking at them, Alastor still gripping Lucifer tightly. “Maybe taking the golds and reds of the decor you like Lucifer and then intertwining the forest feeling of the decor Alastor likes, giving it a cottage core, Moroccan vibe?” You ask.
“A what now?” Is the only question from Alastor as he peers at you. You assume this means you aren’t dying just yet. 

“Cottage core is more forest themed and the Moroccan would incorporate the reds and the golds that I’ve been basing all the designs off of, and with the gold that’s been used all we’d need to do-“ You start to interrupt Lucifer as you see Alastor’s eyes narrowing at his head as he keeps talking.
“All that would need to really be added is more textures, textiles, and some more incorporations of color.” You finish. Alastor regards you for a moment, looks at Charlie, and then drops Lucifer. You sigh in relief as Alastor magically shrinks back down to his regular form.
“I’d rather not work on anything with him, so long as there isn’t any more of this decor for clowns, it will be fine.” He grinds out and you raise your eyebrows at him.
“As our gracious hotelier, we must have you involved in this Alastor, and since Lucifer has such a knack for design and creating things out of thin air, why I think this is a project for all three of us.” You say, a sarcastic tone in your voice, taking a few steps away and heading to your office. “Come now, we need to get a general theme down so Lucifer can start creating.” You stare at both of them expectantly.
“I don’t think you are in any position to be giving orders,” Alastor says and you shrug, realizing this might be the closest to death you may get with the Radio Demon.
“While I may not be above either of you, I am on assignment for the Princess. Is that not right Charlie?” I look at Charlie, pleading with my eyes to follow along. She perks up and rushes toward me.
“Yup! Y/N is here to help! I gave her this task like so long ago!” She says as you stare at her, thinking she couldn’t be more obvious.
“Well, now, you don’t want to disappoint her do you?” You ask Lucifer. “And I truly think that Lucifer may just one up you on design, Al.” Lucifer bristles at that and walks over to you. Alastor blinks and narrows his eyes at you as you use a nickname to refer to him.

“I can do more than one-up him,” Lucifer says fixing his hat.
“Can’t one-up what was lackluster to begin with.” Alastor retorts back.
“C’mon, let’s get the interior of the hotel sorted…” You say walking off with Charlie yelling ‘thank you’ behind us. You shake your head as you pull up your laptop at your desk and start getting to work on the mood board for the hotel. All the while, the bickering between Alastor and Lucifer is the background noise. You smile as you pull up a few images. Being in hell wasn’t all that great all the time, but you couldn’t lie saying you weren’t fond of it.
authors note: it’s been a while since i’ve published ANYTHING… so please be kind.
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m1lflov3rrr · 9 months
Can’t Help Falling in Love (With You, Over and Over Again)
Pairing: Larissa Weems x fem!reader
Warnings: none, just heartwarming fluff <3
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: You were away for a year, and thought you’d surprise your wife at the night of the Rave’n…
A/N: Hello loves, so so sorry for being inactive!! I’ve been very busy with school, but I am writing one of your requests at the moment :))
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You were nervous, to say the least. 
It had been exactly one year since you saw her. 
Let us rewind a bit, shall we? 
You had been together with your wife, the formidable Larissa Weems, for 8 years. And tonight was the night of your anniversary, when you got engaged. It was on this day, exactly 9 years ago that she had asked to marry you. The night of the Rave’n dance. You weren’t surprised that she had chosen this specific event for the proposal, you knew how close to Larissa’s heart the Rave’n was. You found it to be the most adorable thing ever. 
And tonight was the night of the Rave’n, once again. 
You had started your own business a few years ago, a law firm. And last year it had gained an unexpectable amount of success, so much so that you had to leave her and expand the business across the country in California. 
Obviously she couldn’t have come with you, she had a school to run. 
You were glad of how supportive and understanding Larissa was, and even though she tried to keep a strong façade and pretend like she’s okay with you leaving for such a long time, you could see right through her. You knew how much your absence affected her. It sure as hell did affect you. 
But every day, you both made time in your schedules for a video call. Twice a day, every morning, every night. Asking how your days had been, updating each other on the latest events. 
And you made that system work. Although the distance was gnawing at you both, you somehow managed to make it work. 
Your business had expanded three times bigger during your stay in California, and when you finally were informed by your assistant that everything was organized for your stay to be over, that you had enough employees and that the business was thriving, you immediately booked a flight back home. 
And it was perfect, actually. You wanted to surprise her, and the Rave’n was the perfect place to do it. (And also, you couldn’t help but love dramatic entrances, as well.) 
You were sitting on the taxi, on the phone with your dear friend and your wife’s co-worker, Marilyn. You wanted to make sure everything was perfect for tonight. 
You did keep in contact with her frequently as well, asking her updates on her life, (and also asking her how Larissa’s doing, since she was pretending to be all fine when talking to you). 
Marilyn had told you, how lately the usually most modest, organized and practical woman had been more snappy and stressed than usual. And she didn’t have any extra workloads or anything, so you knew it was because of you. Because lately, you had been so busy that you were only able to call her once a day. 
It didn’t seem like a big thing or anything, surely she wouldn’t be affected by such a small change? Wrong. 
Larissa was definitely affected by it. She always had to be in order, having things to go her way and sticking to her schedule, that such a small change did, in fact, take a huge toll on her. And you felt incredibly bad about it. 
Last year, you had left the day after the Rave’n. You wanted to stay for that night, to make your last night there unforgettable. And it was only so ironic and fitting that you were coming back the exact day, tonight. And Larissa knew nothing of it. That was the best part. You loved making surprises. 
And tonight would make the greatest surprise of all. 
”And you’re sure she has no idea?” You asked Marilyn as you were checking yourself out on the mirror. You were in her private quarters getting ready with the redhead. 
You had a gorgeous silk gown on you that was definitely accentuating every curve on your body, paired with matching high stilettos. 
(Or, imagine your own!)
When you saw the dress on one of your shopping trips, you knew it’d be perfect for tonight. The dress was expensive, but with your now-high salary, it really didn’t matter. It was graceful, but still left little to the imagination with an open back and its tight, but comfortable fit. 
”Trust me, Y/N, the woman’s clueless. She was literally venting on me yesterday about having to spend the Rave’n completely alone. You have no idea how hard it was for me to just not spill the plan right there and then.” The redhead responded as she was putting on her black, gem earrings. 
You smiled, feeling those nervous butterflies in your stomach about what was going to happen very soon now. 
”Okay, the dance starts in 15, and I have to be there early to greet the students at the entrance. You know what to do, right?” She asked as she slid on her striking red boots. 
You nodded, smiling thankfully at her in the mirror as she picked up her purse and waved you goodbye before rushing out the door. 
This was going to be one hell of a night. 
And before you knew it, you were standing at the entrance, waiting for your call. 
You had planned everything out perfectly. The very same song that played on the night she proposed, would start playing any moment now, and then you’d enter the venue. 
And then, sooner than you thought, that beautiful piano melody began enchanting your whole being as the doors opened. 
Wise men say…
Larissa, who was standing in the middle of the venue, frowned as she heard the music - it sounded vaguely familiar. She soon recognized it and smiled at herself, maybe a bit sentimentally, being reminded of your absence. (Or so she thought.) 
She had really been struggling lately, missing you. You were her everything, her world, her whole being. She simply didn’t know how long she could survive without you anymore, she thought she’d burst with how much she just needed you in her arms at this moment. 
Only fools rush in…
You nervously walked inside, scanning the room with your eyes. Many people were already looking at you, in awe and in surprise. They didn’t know either that the principal’s wife would make it here tonight. 
The children had grown to love you over the years as you naturally hung out a lot at the Academy. 
Several gasps could be heard across the room, causing Larissa’s attention to divert to the doors. 
And she saw you. 
And her entire world froze. 
But I can’t help…
Was she dreaming? Did she have a fever? Was she really missing you that much that she had started seeing things? Imagining things? 
But her racing thoughts were interrupted as you gracefully walked over to her, cupping her cheeks with your hands. 
”Hello, my love.” 
And at hearing your voice, feeling your touch, she realized that it was all real. That you were real. 
You saw how her eyes began glistening with unshed tears, and an almost inaudible sound, barely above a whisper came out from her lips; 
Falling in love with you. 
And her hands practically flew to the back of your neck, pulling you close and connecting your lips after all this time. 
And it was so magical, and the whole room had their eyes on you. Everything was perfect. 
You smiled in content against her lips, glad to be home again. 
”I missed you so much, Rissa. You have no idea. May I have this dance?” You whispered, watching how a single tear was running down her cheek. You wiped it away with your thumb as you placed another loving kiss on her lips. 
And your wife seemed to still be so incredibly shocked, that all she could mutter out was a rushed; ”Always.” 
Oh, take my hand… 
She pulled you into the warmest hug you’d ever been in as you began swaying to the music, everyone else in the room gathered in a large circle around you two, admiring your moment and the unconditional love that was now felt by everyone in the dance. 
Take my whole life too…
Larissa buried her face in your neck, breathing in your familiar scent and sighing with relief, you were at last, back where you were supposed to be. In her arms. 
”Don’t you ever leave me for that long again.” She whispered to your ear, causing you to grin widely as you turned your gaze to meet hers. 
For I can’t help… 
”I wouldn’t dream of it. I’ll never, ever leave you again. Cross my heart.” You whispered back, sealing it with a kiss. 
Falling in love with you. 
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hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
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⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈. ✧ yandere! idol! oc (jisoo han) x superfan/manager! reader
✧ tw/cw: yandere themes, reader is also yandere at the start, mentions of anxiety and self harm, honestly idol life is its own tw
[ series masterlist ]
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“Oh gosh (oh gosh) this is so crazy. I’ve fallen in love again.
I trip so easily.
Adore new things, they sparkle.”
“Why are you so obsessed with him?”
“Dunno, just am.”
Your entire life revolved around Yesterday’s Dawn’s ace, Eve. The idol who had been in everyone’s lips. Whose name had been heard throughout nations you’ve never even heard of.
He was your sun, the reason you had the energy to wake up every single day, the light of your life.
Every waking moment you spent it either thinking of him or offering your services for name.
It was normal for you to spend hours looking at his schedule, knowing where he was, being around him most times, or staring at media of him.
Somehow, you were able to land a job as his manager.
You were finally closer to your god.
But you swiftly find out that no man should be likened to one for only disappointment can be found in such a path.
Eve was a lot more . . . burnt out than you expected. A lot less passionate and energetic than he was in camera if not irritable.
It was normal for him to harass workers when they didn’t meet a standard he imposed, as such, after the first few weeks of your employment everyone that you were with have already been fired, quit, and/or paid to keep their silence on the matter.
Yet your feelings for him only stayed; as your employment with the company. Your meticulous and proactive nature as a fan site owner allowed you to take much of the workload he threw at you.
The little admiration you have left for the man kept you standing.
And if only you were a little less stressed you’d notice his scarlet eyes providing stares of amusement, bewilderment, and growing affection.
You never complained (at least, in a place where he could hear you).
Whenever he asked for impossible items or schedules you’ll simply grin and work things out in your little way.
You adjusted to his turbulent temperament as quickly as an experienced pilot in a stormy sky, a sailor of uncharted, dangerous waters.
You were brilliant. Reminiscent of his times as a trainee.
Bit by bit he started lessening your workload. Allowing you to rest. Hell, even giving you his coffee if he didn’t want it. He never gives away his coffee.
You acquiesced to many of his whims but were never a pushover. Always doing your job perfectly. Keeping him in line.
He would have fallen for you already, had he not been in love with someone else.
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“Peek-a-boo! It’s only love when my heart quivers.
All my friends yell at me, they say I have a problem.
I’m fine fine fine fine fine fine!”
“ For this comeback period, [L/N] will be assigned to Hayate instead. Eve will have his senior’s manager work with him instead.”
You were assigned to another member around Spring.
Yesterday Dawn’s most hectic time of the year aside from fall as the group’s concept was as the name suggested, focused more on nostalgia and times of youth.
You were relieved.
You never thought you would have been able to say that after being separated from Eve, but now it was the only thing you had on your mind.
No more late night calls about wanting coffee but throwing the leftovers at you the moment he was sick of the taste, no more work being thrown at you and taken away at random moments, no more working around his schedule so that he’ll have time to meet that dear senior of his in private.
You were free.
Hayate was known to be the harsher one in the fandom, but much like Eve his image was a bit different from his actual self.
Sure he was demanding, but he was fair. He wasn’t controlled by whims and impulse. You were finally able to do your job properly til the end, and you didn’t always feel a judging stare from him like Jisoo would always throw at you.
You were finally able to smile.
However, you see, being a manager for another member did not mean you would completely be free of your original client.
Hayate and Eve worked quite closely, and as such, you’d often help with Jisoo’s requests even if you weren’t obligated to.
Eve immediately saw the change in you.
You were, a lot more bright. Less haggard. Your voice less hoarse. Relaxed.
You were already getting along better with his group member than you ever did with him.
Eve wasn’t really the type to show his anger actively. He was always more, passive.
The senior he was head over heels for was slowly forgotten as he’d spent countless of hours pouring his feelings into his music. What was supposed to be a bittersweet spring album turned out to be one of sour regret and frustration.
Of course, it was still a hit. It even scored him a collaboration with the senior he oh so wanted to have their eyes on him. But all he could think of as he went to bed early in the morning was the way you’d laugh whenever Hayate spoke to you.
Hmph, the guy wasn’t even funny.
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“Hey you, do you wanna play a game? I already know what you want.
Close your eyes and count to 10. Don’t matter anyways
Cause I am going to find you.”
“Did you hear? Jisoo got his first scandal. Apparently he bullied a bunch of students during high-school.”
“Wasn’t he . . . homeschooled?”
Causing scandals was easy. Dealing with scandals was not.
All Eve had to do was talk to some people, had a few pictures edited and voila, chaos.
It was amusing really, his company superiors would ply him with reassurances and sweet words; telling him that everything will be fine and dealt with while his pr managers dropped down like flies trying to prevent the flames of hatred from spreading too far.
All of them, hopelessly unaware.
All but his stupid senior.
“Why are you doing this now, Ji?”
They always looked down at him almost. Like he was a petulant child that needed to be coddled or scolded depending on their mood.
“We should focus on the track.”
And like he expected, you were brought right back to him. As you should be.
The heads figured out that you were the only one capable of handling the shitstorm without falling into the hands of alcohol or other substances in grief.
And as they expected you did.
After all, you had a timeline of his entire life in a canva document. Even if it was only mentioned once in a concert interview before they went famous. You were an Eve superfan.
All you did was confirm the fact that Jisoo got homeschooled by contacting his parents and teachers, and the rest was easy. You even reactivated your fansite for such an occasion.
If only you hadn’t.
Maybe then Jisoo wouldn’t have a definite reason to pursue you.
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“You’ll never get this concept, you might as well forget it
Just play again, bet it all, roll the dice
Eve thought he was doing well in terms of romancing you.
Ever since he found out about your fansite instead of feeling disgust and horror he felt . . . great, amazing even. A high the stage could never give him.
Of course, you two were destined.
It was only his duty to protect you as your partner, to spoil you, dote on you.
Even if you don’t realize your intertwined fates yet.
. . .
Eve always hovered over you.
Usually managers took shifts with watching over the idols. Half of your time was supposed to be spent planning rather than overseeing his activities.
Yet you seemed to have a never ending babysitting responsibility.
Your past self would have committed several war crimes for the sake of this opportunity. But after a year or so under his ‘care’ you found yourself slowly veering off into the type of insanity you didn’t like falling in.
You felt a bit like Andy from the original Devil Wears Prada book, only that your resentment simmered slowly. Forming into a hideous red sludge of exasperation whenever he randomly wanted to take a vacation. Forcing only you to come with him. Which meant an even bigger workload, and even more people to talk to for flights, schedule conflicts, reservations and all that.
You snapped.
It was a calm afternoon.
The sun was burning you alive as Eve insisted you two would go on a ‘beach date’ for some summer fun.
He shoved a drink in your hand.
And you just broke down.
Tears fell from your eyes, your breath shallow.
You asked him if this amused him. If your suffering was funny to him. If making you fall over just to get his demands on time made him feel fulfilled as a person.
And before he could answer you ran.
A week after that your schedule was finally normal.
Eve kept his distance. Not just from you but from everyone.
You knew of his anxiety attacks and depression before. But seeing those up close and personal scared you.
Things only get worse from here.
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“So it’s too late you’re in the game now. If you keep up might not lose it.
The jungle gym of fun, like hell yeah
Makin the moon fall down down down.”
Eve spent most of his ‘hiatus’ watching your posts of him. Edits, fanfictions, photography, fancams.
Of course, it wasn’t to see himself perform again. He already did that on a regular basis to make sure he kept himself up to the standards of an idol.
It was to see your captions.
Your fanatic raving made him feel . . . loved.
Your previous thoughts on his performances made him feel complete. Like he found a missing piece of a puzzle he kept trying to put something else to fill it in.
Another part of his hiatus was spent preparing for his graduation. The termination of his contract.
It was clear you didn’t love him as an idol anymore. It was his fault really. He couldn’t see how he was hurting you with his work and desires.
If there was another thing he can thank his idol work for was the amount of money he had saved.
Now, he had a new home built far away from civilization. It was completely soundproof. The bed he ordered was custom made, tailored to your preferences this time rather than his. Food stocked to the nines. A few instruments here and there so he could compose even while retired.
He can always make a new song, a new life for you two to enjoy together.
“My voice, my body, my soul. It had always been yours. I just didn’t realize it.”
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For more EVE content check out the #hns.eve tag 🩵
Lyrics are a mix of translations from the og song and Mitch Joseph’s cover.
©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2024
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jealousjersey · 2 months
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₊࿔*:・୧”too sweet”₊˚࿔*:・୧
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pairing // mike schmidt x gn!reader fluff
mentions // purely fluff just some nice and sweet content, pet names, reader is overwhelmed and stressed with everything and mike uplifts you, y/n isn’t mentioned, reader in college, reader and mike are in a situationship, mentions of being cheated on by past shitty gender unspecified partner
1.4k wc
tags // mike schmidt x reader fluff, purely fluff fic, pet names, slight angst
authors note // yes this is inspired by too sweet by hozier i’ve played it 18 times today (still listening to it) also per request (ty anon) fluff
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school is kicking your ass. the lectures are too long and not informative at all, although you’ve had exams all week, they never seem to contain the information you’re supposedly learning.
you don’t even live on campus so you constantly feel like you’re missing out on important events and information. it’s truly exhausting.
that is until you get home, you’ve been in a situationship with this security guard worker, mike. you’ve talked and had dates, even had sex a few times but it doesn’t suffice you. you were made to be a lover, but right now you’re just a piece of ass. you want mike to love you, well, right now it feels more than a need. you want to finally receive the love that you give.
once your classes are done, you leave campus. taking the subway back to your apartment, luckily you don’t live too far, but not close enough to walk. and instead of wasting gas on driving to and from school, so why not take the safer option and just take the train?
as you arrive at your apartment, you finally get to lay down on your bed. you feel a tear fall from your eyes but you’re not sure why. today wasn’t too bad…but your body’s reaction is telling you different. you check the time and wait-
it’s the 2 year anniversary of your ex cheating on you, well atleast it’s the anniversary of the day you found out. you check the date and you get flashbacks, flashbacks to you coming to surprise them at their house for your 1 year together.
you arrive with tickets to some indie concert in hand. but instead you were practically hit in the face with realization as you saw her. she looked…perfect. you still wonder how they ended up with her. but let’s face it, you knew there was signs. but you chose to ignore them.
as of now, you’re laying face down on your bed, basically crying at this point. your breath hitches as you just lay there, helpless. until suddenly
knock knock
“hey? anyone here?” you hear a familiar voice enter your house. it’s mike schmidt, the man you’ve been talking to for a few months. wait a second-
“how did you get in?” you question. you thought you locked the door but apparently not.
“oh, the door was halfway open. wanted to check to see if you were being robbed” he says as he gets a good look at you “shit are you okay?” he asks worried, staring at your puffy face, your swollen eyes as tears leak from them.
his worry makes you feel better. you’ve waited on somebody to actually care about how you were, not just ask without remorse in their eyes. but mike actually cares, and it feels good. it feels like he gives you a little sliver of comfort.
“yeah, i’m fine…schools kicking my ass and-” you cut yourself off, he’s just a fling, why does he get to know your personal problems? but something inside you just tells you to come clean. “2 years ago today i went through hell with my ex. he cheated and things went…down from there you could say.” you open up, not wanting to share anything that could bring back more deep memories- maybe mentioning the abuse would be too far.
“oh baby, i’m sorry. you need me here with you? i can get take out and we can watch one of your weird cartoons” he says. you chuckle. does he mean anime? you don’t even watch it that much, maybe he’s basing his suspicions on the death slayer poster in your room that you got because it looked cool. i mean, you only watched a episode or two. it might make you a poser but it looks good in your room so what’s the harm?
“yeah, take out sounds great. and we can just watch a movie or something.” you smile at his request, your eyes still puffy. mike notices this and sits next to you on your bed, bringing a hand to your cheek as he gently brushes a thumb over your eye bags, taking in the darkness.
“i’m gonna be right back, you want take out chinese food?” he asks with a smile as he presses a kiss onto your cheek. you slightly nod.
“gotta use your words baby” he teases you. “yes, chinese food is perfect” you smile “amazing, i’ll be back in 30. don’t fall asleep” he says as he points a finger in your direction and smiles softly
30 minutes pass, you just stay in your bed until he arrives, he walks in without knocking. “baby, i’m here” he yells, arms full with bags of chinese food. god, how much did he get?
you silently laugh to yourself at the site: mike with both hands carrying giant take out bags that say “thank you” with a smile face, his keys on his mouth and his pinky closing the door. it’s…really funny to be honest.
you snap out of your daze and run to help him, taking the bags out his hands and placing them on your kitchen island. you see him huff out a short breath, taking the keys out of his mouth and hanging them on the key holder.
you place a short kiss on his lips “thank you love” you say. a blush creeps onto his face. he wonders why he’s feeling so intense at your small gesture, i mean it’s not like you two are official….
you two get cuddled up on the couch together. he always said your couch is weird, two seats with a middle compartment in the center, dividing the chairs. he says it’s not ideal for cuddling but you make it work, the chairs aren’t small per say, but you can both fit on k it with ease, kicking up the leg so you can both lay comfortably.
you put on some movie that was recommended through the roku app. it doesn’t matter what movie it was, it just matters that you had mike with you.
soon enough he’s yawning, the mint aroma coming from his mouth isn’t bad. it’s kinda nice. before he could close his mouth fully you kiss him gently, wanting more of that mint taste. he returns the kiss, using the same pace you started.
as you let go, you ask the dreaded question. “do you want to be with me? romantically?” he stops and freezes before speaking. “honey, you’re too good for me- i..i’m not the best person. you’re full of love, i don’t want you to waste it on me, you’re too sweet for me.” he says. you look confused, you know you want to love him. why isn’t he accepting?
“but i want to be with you. i want to love you, and if im being honest i think i kind of already do.” you say after a moment.
“you…really?” he looks confused, almost baffled by your statement. do you really want to love him? like fully and truly?
“god yes mike, I try not to call but there’s some days that i really, really want to. i want to hear your voice, i want to hear you laugh. hell, i even want to smell your cologne. but i stop myself because i know you want something casual.” you blurt out.
“who said i wanted casual? baby i was waiting for you to say that. i think ive been in love with you since we first started talking. it sounds cheesy i know, but i really do.” he responds, making your heart flutter for a moment as you blink, suddenly feeling his breath against your ear.
“i only want you” he whispers, putting emphasis on only. immediately you blush more than ever in his presence. “really?” you can’t help but whisper back. is this really happening? are you about to have a boyfriend?
“really. you are the only person i ever want to be with. promise” he says as he puts his pinky out, asking for yours. sealing it with a pinky promise. he knows you’re serious about those so him doing this for you means a lot.
“you’re the only person i want to be with mike, has been that way since i think i first spoke to you. were so dumb” you laugh.
“yeah but we’re dumb together” he chuckles back as he holds you closer to him.
“so….are we dating or what?” you ask, popping your lips after “so”.
“let me ask you” he fixes his messy hair and uses a takeout napkin as a tie around his neck. “would you like to date me” he says sincerely, still a hint of laughing under his voice.
“fuck it, sure” you laugh as you bury yourself into his neck.
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a-simple-gaywitch · 2 years
Amidst the Chaos
Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary:  Spencer and (Y/N) didn't get along, and it annoyed the whole BAU. But when a traumatized (Y/N) shows up at Spencer's apartment late one night, their whole relationship shifts
Warnings: PTSD, trauma, references to torture, other canon-typical topics
Word Count:  3827
Author’s Note: not necessarily my best fic, but i’ve been working on it for over a year so... here it is
Orpheus - Sara Bareilles
AO3 Link
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“Don't stop trying to find me here amidst the chaos. Though I know it's blinding, there's a way out.” ~ Sara Bareilles, Orpheus
“Guys, I want you to meet our newest team member,” Hotch said to the BAU as they settled around the table. “This is Agent (Y/N) (L/N).”
You gave a shy wave to the group in front of you, but your smile was bright enough to light up the entire room. “Hi.”
“She’s coming to us from Organized Crime. I trust that you’ll all welcome her to the team.”
“Honestly, I’m just happy to be given a chance to work with all of you. It’s been my dream to work at the BAU for years.”
“We’ll have time to get to know Agent (L/N) better on the plane. But for now, we have a case,” Hotch said. “JJ?”
“So,” Derek said, taking a seat next to you on the jet. “What was Organized Crime like?”
“Honestly? Boring as all hell. It was mostly stopping money laundering and drug cartels,” you said. “Not as glamorous as Goodfellas makes it seem. Besides, the BAU was always my end goal anyway.”
He chuckled a bit. “Yeah, I get that. We’re glad to have you on our team. ” The conversation between you and Morgan flowed easily and before you knew it, you had become like brother and sister. The rest of the team grew to love you too. Well, most of the team. 
Spencer seemed icy and cold toward you, and no one could offer a valid explanation. By all accounts, you should have gotten along. You loved Halloween just as much as Spencer did and you always had at least 3 books on your person at a time. You had a borderline unhealthy addiction to caffeine and sugar and spent more time in the office than your apartment. But for some reason, you and Spencer just seemed to constantly be at each other’s throats. 
In your defense, Reid had started it. 
For whatever reason, Reid disliked you right out the gate. He tried to be civil toward you, but something about you just bothered him. 
He originally just tried to avoid you when he could, but with the nature of the team’s dynamic, that didn’t work out well. 
Spencer found himself doing small, petty things to annoy you, like putting your favorite mug on the top shelf where you couldn’t reach it or borrowing your pens and “forgetting” to return them. Something about seeing you mildly inconvenienced and annoyed as opposed to your normally happy and bubbly self made him feel better. He knew it was fucked up of him. 
Eventually, the animosity became mutual. You and Spencer were rarely paired together on cases because Hotch couldn’t stand the constant arguing between the two of you. Mostly, Hotch tended to pair you with Derek who you began to see as a brother. 
Spencer would never admit it, but seeing you and Derek be as close as you were stirred some kind of jealousy in him. He figured it was just because he had been friends with Morgan first, that was all. 
Local cases were always extra stressful on the team. Something about unsubs being so close to home made the cases more personal. As such, tensions were running high and no one had slept in over 24 hours as the team worked to nail down a profile. 
“This doesn’t make sense,” you muttered as you looked over the crime scene photos. “The crime profiles as disorganized but the victimology and timeline profile him as organized.” 
“How you doing there, Pretty Girl?” Morgan asked, setting down a carrier of coffee cups. 
You sighed and picked up the cup with your name scrawled on it. “There’s discrepancies in our preliminary profile and I can’t…”
“Did you try comparing notes with Reid?”
“Derek, I love you, but are you insane?”
“I’m serious, (Y/N).”
“So am I. Any time I try to have any kind of civilized conversation with that man he turns it into an argument.”
Thankfully, Hotch came into the room at that point, stopping the conversation. “We have two potential leads. Morgan, you’re going with Blake to the first address. (L/N), you and Reid are going to the second.” Hotch tossed you both keys for SUVs. “Reid and Blake have the files. They’ll fill you in on the drive.”
“Yes, sir.” You grabbed your coffee from the table, along with Reid’s, and headed out to the car. When you got to the parking lot, Reid was already leaning against the car, flipping through a file folder. “Reid. Here.”
As you handed him the coffee, he said, “What, was everyone else busy?”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know. I’m just following Hotch’s orders.” You unlocked the car and climbed in. “Where are we going?”
“21 Rock Creek Road, Somerset. We’re interviewing Linda Walsh, the neighbor of our first victim, Savanna Curtis.”
“Great. Can you type it into the GPS?”
“Why? I can just give you the directions.”
“Because the GPS is more accurate.”
“(L/N), I have an eidetic memor-”
“Eidetic memory, I know. But you’re telling me your memory can predict traffic patterns? I don’t think so. Just use the damn GPS.”
“Fine.” Spencer typed the address in, muttering under his breath.
“Thank you. What information do we have on Walsh?”
“72 years old, she was reportedly in the house when Curtis was attacked and taken to the secondary location. Hotch wants us to interview her and see if she noticed anything that might help us with the profile.”
Soon enough, the two of you pulled up to the witness’s house. Before even getting out of the car, you felt like something was wrong. 
”Wait, Reid.” You grabbed his arm as he reached for the door handle. “Something about this doesn’t feel right.”
“What do you mean?”
“Look at the windows. All of them are dark. Not even a television glow. Something’s off.”
“I hate to say it, but you’re right.” 
You hopped out of the car and pulled your gun from your side, following Reid up the path to the house. He knocked on the front door. 
“I don’t hear anything from inside.” He knocked again. “Go around the back, see if you can get in that way.”
You nodded and walked around the house. You could hear Reid continuing to knock as you went around. As you rounded the corner, a sharp pain entered your shoulder. You yelled and turned around, but not before a blunt object hit you in the temple and your vision faded.
Spencer was panicking. You were missing, and it was his fault. He was pacing in the front yard of Walsh’s home while the team and the local authorities worked to catch up. 
“Reid, what happened?” Hotch asked. “We need everything.”
Spencer relayed every detail from the moment the two of you pulled up to the house, still pacing. “I shouldn’t have told her to go off on her own, it’s my fault-”
“Kid, breathe,” Morgan told him. “You didn’t know this would happen. What’s important now is finding her and bringing her home safe.”
The team did a thorough inspection on Mrs. Walsh’s home and learned a good deal. Mrs. Walsh wasn’t home, as was reported. However, her son, Devin, was clearly staying with her. It didn’t take the team long to figure out he was the unsub. 
When you awoke, you were in a secondary location. Your head was throbbing behind your eyes and your shoulder was in agony. Your arms were tied behind your back, but that was the only restraint to your mobility. You looked around, trying to figure out where you were. It was a large, open space, you guessed a warehouse, probably abandoned. It was dark, except for the glow of the streetlights outside and an industrial lamp in the center of the room. You didn’t have much time to assess your surroundings, though, because Walsh was waiting for you to wake up.
You knew the facts of the case. You saw the photos. He kept the women for 24 hours, torturing them until their bodies were barely recognizable. Then, he’d kill and dump them.
But you also knew your team. They were relentless. And they would save you.
“We’ve seen what he does to his victims. We’re in a race against the clock here,” Morgan argued with Hotch.
“But we still have to keep our heads and follow the law. If we don’t get a warrant, any evidence we do find goes right out the window.”
“Guys, Garcia found something,” JJ said. She put her phone on speaker. “Go ahead, Garcia.”
“So, Walsh’s dear old dad was the owner of a warehouse in the 80s. The warehouse is still in his name but has since been abandoned. And before you even ask, yes, I sent you the address.”
The SUVs pulled up to the warehouse and the team jumped out. The plan was to enter the building slow and quiet, but that changed when they heard you scream, followed by a gunshot. Then, everything went silent. Completely silent.
Everyone rushed into the building. The team was terrified of what they were about to find. What they saw, no one could have expected. 
You were lying unconscious on the floor, in a pool of blood. Also on the floor, with a bullet hole through his forehead, was Devin Walsh. Standing with a gun in her hands was 72 year old Linda Walsh, tears running down her face. 
“I had to,” she said, looking at Hotch. “He was gonna kill her.”
“We need a medic!”
The team was sitting around your hospital bed. The doctor had said you probably wouldn’t wake up for a while, but they were determined to have someone there with you when you did. 
“We should take shifts,” JJ suggested. “That way there’s always someone here and the rest of us can get some rest, too.”
“That’s a good idea. Dave and I can take the first shift,” Hotch said. “We’ll do four-hour rotations in pairs.”
They talked through who would pair up and take what rotations before Rossi shooed the rest of the team out.
Eventually, Reid and Morgan were on their “shift.” Morgan glanced over at Reid, who was staring at the same page of a book. 
“You ever gonna flip that page?”
“What if she doesn’t wake up?”
“Kid, you heard the doctor. She will.”
“But what if she doesn’t? It would be my fault. I’m the one who made her go off by herself. We were supposed to be a team and I couldn’t see past-” He cut himself off, shaking his head.
“Hey,” Morgan put his hand on Spencer’s shoulder, “it’ll be okay, Reid. I’m gonna go grab a coffee. Want one?”
“Sure.” After Morgan left, Spencer looked at you and sighed. Your body was wrapped in casts and bandages. “Hey, (L/N),” he said, reaching out and resting his hand on top of yours.
One thing you didn’t expect about being in a medically induced coma was to still hear everything going on around you. You could hear the doctors and nurses moving about your room. You could hear your teammates. You heard Hotch and Rossi talking about the paperwork they’d have to file on the case because an agent had been seriously injured. You heard the music Penelope insisted on playing, and you heard Spencer. 
“Hey, (L/N),” you heard him say. “I don’t know if you can hear me but,” he took a deep breath, “I’m sorry. Not just for this. I mean, obviously for this. I never should have split us up, I never should have sent you around the back of the house, I never should have-” he stopped himself. You could hear the tightness in his voice. Was he crying? No, Reid wouldn’t be crying over you. Would he? But he continued. “I was awful to you. I mean, I was an asshole,” he said with a dry laugh. “There’s no other word for it. I was an asshole to you and there was no excuse. I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I-”
“One cup of sugar with a splash of coffee,” Derek said, coming back into the room. 
“Thanks.” Reid took the cup in both his hands, grateful for a distraction from his guilt. 
“Any change?”
He shook his head. “None.”
Derek sighed. “You know, part of me was really hoping she’d wake up in the five minutes I was gone.” He gripped your hand that wasn’t casted up. “We miss you, Pretty Girl.”
Your coma lasted for about 3 weeks. The doctors kept you in the hospital for observation for another full week before finally letting you go home.
During your recovery, your apartment was practically a revolving door. Just about the entire team came by to check on you and keep you company, with the exception of Spencer. You couldn’t say you were too surprised. However, something about it upset you. Hell, even Hotch and Rossi took the time to stop by and check on you. 
Derek and Penelope were probably your most frequent visitors. You were honestly grateful for their visits, and for the help it brought. With your injuries, simple day-to-day tasks were more difficult for you, and Penelope and Derek were more than happy to help you out. Derek took your grocery list and all your other errands while Penelope helped around your apartment. You were even more grateful when they forced you to attend a dinner party at Rossi’s. Penelope was at your apartment, helping you pick out a dress for the event.
“I don’t know, Pen.”
“(Y/N), I’m telling you, purple is your color.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want my dress to match my bruises.”
Penelope just rolled her eyes and tossed the dress on your bed. “Do you really think I’d pick out a dress that didn’t make you look good? Let’s go, you haven’t had a proper shower in a week.”
Penelope helped you get ready for the dinner party before getting ready herself. She helped adjust the strap of your brace when your doorbell buzzed. 
“That’ll be Derek,” you said. Penelope answered the door to Derek standing outside, leaning against your doorframe. 
“Well, look at these pretty ladies. You ready to go?”
“Yeah, I need to get out of this house,” you said. “I haven’t seen anything but these walls in weeks.”
When you pulled into Rossi’s driveway, you were more than excited to see the team. The team, in turn, was excited to see you. You were smiling and laughing, more and more of your normal self. 
When Spencer saw you walk through Rossi’s front door on your crutches, a lump formed in his throat. Ever since seeing you in the hospital, he’d been wracked with guilt. It was the main reason why he hadn’t visited you like everyone else. He tried to avoid you the whole night. Thankfully, you were so happy to be with the others that you didn’t seem to notice. But Blake did. 
“Okay, what’s going on with you?” she asked Spencer, handing him a drink. 
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re avoiding everyone tonight. Why?” When Spencer stayed silent, Blake followed his line of sight. He was watching you talking with JJ. “Ah. Why don’t you go talk to her?”
“I can’t, Alex. Believe me, I’ve tried. For months. Any time I try and have just a normal goddamn conversation with her, what comes out is sarcastic and cruel. I-I don’t know why it happens.” He ran his hands over his face and groaned. 
“You’re in love with her.” Blake wasn’t saying it as a question. Seeing the panic in his eyes, she said, “Don’t worry, it’ll stay with me.”
The heavy sheets of rain outside pounded against the apartment windows. It was the kind of cold rain that seeped into your bones, despite a warm home. It was late, but Spencer was still awake, reading. He couldn’t sleep, which wasn’t unusual for him. He heard a knock on his door. Spencer set his book down on his coffee table before walking to his door. He glanced out the peephole and took a step back in shock. Spencer opened the door to see you standing there, soaked and visibly shivering, in only your pajamas. Your eyes were bloodshot and you were sniffling. 
“(L/N)? What are you-”
“I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t want me here and I don’t even know how I ended up here, I just started walking and-”
“Wait, wait, you walked here? In the torrential downpour?” When you nodded, Spencer opened his door wider. “Here, come in. You must be freezing. What happened?”
You stepped through his door and began to ramble, “I don’t know. I woke up from a nightmare and I knew I-I couldn’t stay in my apartment alone so I just started walking and somehow I ended up here and I’m sorry.” Your teeth were chattering as you continued to shiver. 
Spencer grabbed a blanket off the back of his couch and draped it around you. “No, no, it’s, um-” Spencer cleared his throat. “Do you want to talk about it? I’ve found that sometimes just saying it out loud helps.”
Once you nodded, Spencer held his hand out and led you over to his couch. You were silent for a few moments, staring out the window at the rain streaming down. 
“I was back… there,” you said when you finally started talking. “In the dark. I-I couldn’t see anything but I knew he was there. Then I felt his hands on my throat and-” You cut yourself off, shaking your head. Your whole body was shivering, but Spencer didn’t think it was from the cold anymore. 
Spencer moved to put his arm around you but stopped, dropping his arm back to his side. “I know how you feel,” he said. “After Hankle, I couldn’t handle looking at the crime scene photos because I knew what the victims were thinking right… you know… right before.”
“Do they ever stop? The nightmares?”
“I don’t know. Mine haven’t.” When he saw the defeat on your face, he added, “But it does get easier.”
You nodded, still staring out at the pouring rain. You cleared your throat. “Well, uh, I’ll, um, I’ll call a taxi and get out of your hair.”
“You don’t- uh, you can stay, um, if-if you want,” Spencer said. 
“Reid, I don’t want to impose-”
“You wouldn’t be!” Spencer assured you. “I could use the company, actually. I’ve been trying to find someone to watch Stardust with me. Penelope says I need to watch more pop culture and I know you’re a fan of Neil Gaiman.” He gave you a soft smile. “Please, (Y/N), stay. I promise, you’re not imposing.”
When he saw your face crack into a small smile, he felt a swarm of butterflies rise in his stomach. “Okay,” you said. 
About halfway through the movie, Spencer felt you slump against his shoulder. Before he knew it, you were fast asleep. He was frozen there, not wanting to disturb you. He knew how rough the past few months had been, and it was obvious to everyone you weren’t sleeping. Maybe it was the guilt, maybe it was more, but Spencer felt like it was now his responsibility to take care of you, if you would let him.
The whole team noticed the shift between you and Reid. Where you would previously stay as far from each other as possible, you were now actively seeking each other out. You chose to sit next to each other in the briefing room and on the jet, something you had never done before. On the trips back from cases, you would rest your head on Reid’s shoulder and sleep while he read a book. But, no one said anything about any of it. No one wanted to burst whatever weird bubble was surrounding the BAU team. 
That was, until Blake, Derek, and JJ spotted you knocking on Spencer’s motel door one night during a case. The two were sitting up in the lounge going over the case files yet again when they spotted you, in your pajamas, sneaking out of your own room. 
After watching you slip into Spencer’s room, JJ said, “You don’t think they’re…”
“Reid and (L/N)? No, there’s no way. They can’t stand each other.”
“Well, they do say there’s a thin line between love and hate,” Alex noted, turning the page in her book. 
“I don’t know about you two, but I need to know what’s going on,” Derek said, getting up from the couch. 
“I’m coming with you!”
“Guys, I really don’t think that’s a good idea,” Alex warned. “Just talk to them about it in the morning.”
“Do you know something, Alex?” JJ asked. 
“Even if I did know something, it wouldn’t be my place to tell you.”
The next morning, you felt eyes on you as you drank your coffee. You looked up from the case file to see Derek staring at you. 
“Were you going to tell me about you and Reid or…”
“What are you talking about? Me and Reid?”
“(Y/N), come on. You two are practically attached at the hip when just two weeks ago you couldn’t fucking stand each other.”
You shrugged. “We worked out our differences, I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Alright, what about you sneaking off to his room last night?”
Your face paled. “It’s not what it looked like.”
“Care to explain then?”
You sighed, looking around to make sure it was just you and Morgan. “You know I haven’t been sleeping since, well, everything.” Derek nodded. “Well, a few nights ago I ended up at Reid’s apartment in a panic. It was pouring out so he let me just stay and I slept better than I had in years. And, you know, he’s not too bad to hang out with either,” your face flushed with your last statement. 
“You’re not too bad to hang out with either.”
You jumped, turning around to see Spencer in the doorway with cups of (good) coffee in his arms.
“Spencer, when did-”
He handed you a frappuccino. “Just now. I take it you weren’t as sneaky as you thought?”
“Shut up,” you whined, nudging him with your arm as you stuck a straw in your drink. Spencer just laughed and took a seat next to you.
“So, you’re just, like, friends now?”
You and Spencer looked at each other, seemingly having a conversation without speaking.
“I mean, I’d say we’re a bit more than just friends,” you admitted, smiling at Spencer. He kissed the top of your head. 
“Damn, I owe JJ 10 bucks,” Derek muttered before saying, “But seriously, I’m happy for you two. It’s about time you realized you were perfect for each other.”
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radiant-reid · 2 years
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A/n: I didn't include 13x01 even though it happens right after, just because i wanted this more focused on the characters than the plot so that's why it's not here.
request (simplified): spencer and reader had started dating before everything went down and when he is taken to prison she finds out she's pregnant. The only person that knows is Emily and she doesn't want to tell spencer because it would just cause him pain to be locked inside. By the time he gets out, she already has a bump but he assumes she moved on with someone else. Once it is over she asks him to talk, he tries to tell her he understands and that he is happy for her so that's when she's like "spence, it's yours".
Summary: Three wishes, three requests, three things to say, and three people
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (angst then fluff)
Content Warning: pregnancy, prison arc, maeve arc
Word Count: 3.1k
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From the moment Y/n found out that Spencer had been arrested in Mexico, her life had been Hell.
There was irrational anger initially, wondering why he hadn't told her about the times he left the country on his personal passport while they were spending nights together in her apartment. Then sadness that he didn't trust her enough despite their regular morning coffee dates.
And then fear.
And with fear: helplessness.
Because despite the love she had for him making her feel like her whole world was complete, it became increasingly apparent that there was nothing she could do to help him.
She can barely stand looking at him- for her own self-preservation- when he comes into the BAU after a lengthy legal battle with the Mexican police, and calling in potentially every favor they're owed.
It was the most stressed Y/n has been in her entire life, and she knows she has to do something to alleviate it. Unfortunately, halving the problem means sharing the problem, and she finds herself walking up the steps to Emily's office as soon as she's in instead of being by Spencer's side.
"Y/n, hi." Emily ushers her in, walking away from her desk and sitting on the couch. The look on Y/n's face tells Emily she needs a friend, not a boss. "I've been meaning to ask how you are."
Y/n picks up on the careful phrasing. Emily's not teasing them for the relationship she suspects exists. She's worried about her friend and not wanting to push her too far.
Y/n doesn't know how to say it. Emily has been his friend for almost a decade, through a faked death, reunion, and years spent apart.
So she blurts it out. "We're in a relationship, and I'm pregnant."
Emily can't control the surprise in her facial expression, eyebrows raising and jaw-dropping. She had really only considered Y/n would tell her they were dating, that she was scared for Spencer's well-being because he was more than a friend, not that she was scared of his well-being because he's a soon-to-be father.
Emily reaches out to touch her hand, squeezing it softly to comfort her. "Does he know?" She asks, even though she thinks she knows the answer.
Spencer would have mentioned it. There was nothing more he wanted than to be a father. They had discussed it after Henry was born, when he turned 30, during JJ's wedding, when she saw the team after Morgan left, and when she came back after Hotch left.
"No." Y/n answers, lightly crying. She wasn't sure if it was the pregnancy hormones or the fact her baby daddy was in prison.
"It will be okay," Emily assures her, wrapping Y/n in a hug. "I promise, we will get him out of there."
They both know she can't make that promise.
They both don't comment on it.
"I, uh- h-he said he needed to go to Houston for his mom." Y/n starts telling the story between tears and resultant hiccups. "And he called me that night, but I didn't pick up." That was something she'd been feeling guilty about, knowing that if she answered, they would have gotten one last conversation together. "So he left me a voicemail saying he'd be home the next day. I was busy putting a surprise box together for him. It's got the cutest onesie that says 'hi, daddy.'" Emily smiles with her, and it's only then that she realizes she's also crying. "I actually went a little overboard, so you all have carefully selected onesies waiting for you." She's smiling a little, trying to readjust her focus onto something happier. It's quickly spoilt. "And then we were back here."
"I'm so sorry," Emily says, hugging her again. "And I'm really happy for you, Y/n. You're going to be the best mom ever."
That makes Y/n chuckle slightly. "Don't let JJ hear you say that."
She shrugs with her own grin. "She'll get over it." She jokes. "Seriously, whatever you need, I am here for you. Anytime."
"You couldn't break my baby daddy out of jail, could you?" Y/n jokes so she doesn't break down again. Spencer told her she had a problem with that, but she's slipped back into old habits because that's what helps.
"We'll get him out," Emily assures her again. "And sweet baby L/n or Reid or L/n-Reid or Reid-L/n will have a very present dad."
"I hope he or she will have a very present godmother, too," Y/n says, confusing Emily. "Hopefully one who doesn't fake her death again..."
Emily understands that, and her surprise is happy that time. "It would be an honor. Also, I did attend an Ivy and Spencer didn't."
That makes her laugh through her tears again. "That was on my pros list." She jokes.
"You have to stay with me, though." Emily insists. She can't stomach the thought of her friend being alone, sad and pregnant. "Or I can stay with you."
Seeing her apartment has been difficult for Y/n. Every single inch of it reminds her of Spencer. "Yours." She requests. "And thank you. I appreciate it."
"Of course." Emily nods before her face changes to a more concerned expression. "What do you think about telling him?"
That question had been on her mind for a while. "How is he, Em? Honestly."
She picks at her fingernail and it's the response Y/n was desperately not hoping for. "He's not good." It's not a lie, but it is a drastic understatement.
"He can't know." She decides, and Emily breathes a silent sigh of relief at not having to talk her out of the decision to tell him. "But what about them?" She questions, nodding to the door.
"That doesn't have to be right now," Emily assures her. "Whenever you're ready."
Y/n tries to slow her rapidly beating heart and shallow breathing. Talking about it had not helped at all. "Okay." She says calmly. "Let's get to working getting him out of there."
They get to work every day, trying to get Spencer out while working their usual caseload. Y/n doesn't notice much of a difference in being pregnant besides all the stressing and then the stressing about stressing and what that's doing to the baby on top of it. And the increased fatigue. She wishes she had Spencer there every moment, and imagining his reaction is the only thing that helps her keep going.
When she starts showing, she has to tell everyone else, so Emily calls them into the briefing room.
"Is this about Spencer?" JJ asks, the concern on her face mirroring everyone else's when Emily and Y/n walk in.
"Sort of," Emily says, only confusing them more.
Y/n speaks softly as she breaks the news. "I'm pregnant, it's Spencer's, and he cannot know."
Their faces all change to unreadable expressions aside from Penelope who's trying to control her excitement. It's difficult to know if the right thing to do is to hug and congratulate her like they would have done in normal circumstances since Spencer's in jail, and it's clearly not an ideal situation.
"Congratulations," JJ says first, noticing Y/n's increasingly alarmed expression. She's also always known Spencer wanted to be a dad, and she gets up to hug her friend tightly.
Everyone follows after that, having a moment of delight in amongst the chaos of Spencer's arrest. They don't even bother to let money change hands on their bets if they were a couple. Rossi won, though, and he doesn't need the money.
Things get messier the longer Spencer is in prison. They all know he's struggling, and they all try and avoid telling Y/n, but she knows every time Emily steps out of the room to take a phone call that something has happened. And it's never something good.
After three long months of torture, Spencer's out. His final challenge is saving his mom and then getting the girl, but after all that he's been through, it doesn't seem insurmountable.
He hugs JJ, Luke, and Penelope at the prison, holding them for extra long to readjust to the feeling. He's too grateful to be out to be wishing Y/n was there. Every single freedom, he's going to be appreciative of.
Then there's the drive back to the BAU, a drive he's taken many, many times before. Penelope's as happy as she can be, all things considered, and chatty, telling him about all that he's missed. He knew how much he underestimated being able to call her up and hear something witty made his day better, so seeing her in person is incredible.
One key person she's leaving out is Y/n.
He's had a lot of time to think in prison. It's basically all he does, and when he's not thinking about how to survive or trying to remember the events of the motel room, he's thinking about her.
They weren't labeled when he went to Mexico. Somehow he had a way of falling in love without labels, but this time it wasn't going to end with her dead on a warehouse floor.
He's hoping his luck will come in threes when he wishes for his mom's safe return and for Y/n to be interested in him. She was before, she'd told him a million times, but he knows his whole world has changed, so all he can do is pray that they still sync.
"How is she?" Spencer asks when Penelope finishes complaining about how annoying Luke has been. He and JJ share a look in response to Luke's fond expression.
"She's..." Penelope's never been good at keeping secrets, but she would never cross the line with this. Not when it's not trivial gossip about the third-floor white-collar crime team. "You need to talk with her." She settles on an answer, approved by JJ and Luke's nods.
The pit of dread hits his stomach. It doesn't ever sound good when someone wants to talk. It's even worse when that person is your former or possibly still girlfriend.
It's when he sees her in the board room that he knows what Penelope means.
Y/n's pregnant.
Obviously pregnant.
And his heart plummets as fast as his stomach does.
Spencer's mouth goes dry in the search for something to say to her. There's nothing he can articulate as much as he wants to scream that he's in love with her. He cannot afford the time to ask her about it, and he cannot afford the heartbreak of learning she's already moved on, having someone else's baby.
He has been wishing he could go back in time for a while, but nothing like seeing her bump makes him furious he hasn't built a time machine. She's everything he ever wanted, and he longs to be everything she wants.
Then Cat is having his baby, and that is something he never expected to say, but the obsessive psychopath is taunting him with comments about his baby. He wants her to shut up, so he can close his eyes, touch her, and pretend it's his baby with Y/n. His paternal desire has never waved until he realizes he can't love the baby inside her, even if it is his when Y/n's also bringing a baby into the world.
Maybe she'll let him be an uncle, best case scenario a godfather. Still, that means he'll permanently have to be part of the guy who gets to live his dream life. He'll watch them raise the sweetest baby, babysit so they can go out on date nights, and maybe watch them get married. Every one of those thoughts jeprodizes the happiness he thought he could get back.
And he can't blame her for it. Who wants to wait for a convict? Maybe, he decides, she thought he was guilty, and even though he got released, there's no coming back from that.
He's forced to push it down and ignore all those dark feelings until this nightmare is over, which feels improbable. When his mom is recovered safely, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief at some of his problems being solved.
He stays with her until she falls asleep, guilt-ridden and assuring her she's safe. When she is asleep, there's a nagging urge in his brain to leave and go see Y/n. He just wants to congratulate her as a friend. Or that's what he tells himself. And it's most of the reason, but he wants to scout her boyfriend to make sure he's good enough for her.
"Hi." She says, opening the door and stepping to the side. "I was going to call you tomorrow. Well, technically today."
She's had the burning urge to touch him since she saw him but she resists, not knowing where they stand.
Spencer's not used to having his watch on his wrist, so he checks it. "Oh, it's late, I'm sorry. I can go." He offers, and it's more so he can avoid the discussion rather than her comfort.
Y/n shakes her head, sitting down on the couch. He notices how similar everything looks, like she's still the only one that lives there.
He looks awkward just standing there, next to the massive elephant they're ignoring, so she directs him next to her. "Sit, Spence, please."
Spencer wants to pace, it's become his way to relieve stress without anything to distract him, but he does what she says, wanting to please her as much as possible.
"How are you?" She asks, although it's a stupid question. Not only because he's clearly not well, but because he's going to tell her he's fine.
"I'm not mad at you," Spencer tells her, no longer able to suppress his thoughts. He's been running over what to say, but when he starts talking, any perfected speech is torn to shreds. She gives him a skeptical look, like she's questioning why he could be upset, and he feels even more like an idiot for assuming he's still allowed to feel things for her. "I came to say congratulations. I want you to be happy, and I'm so thrilled that you're having a baby. I understand why you couldn't be with me. It would have been selfish for me to ask you to wait. I'm glad you moved on, and being in your life, as a friend is all I can ask for." He stops before he runs out of breath which also helps him not say something stupid.
Y/n's still looking at him like he's an idiot, and she is kind of wondering if he is one, but her face changes when she understands the connections in his thoughts.
Two things stick in her head; Spencer doesn't think the baby is his, and he believes she could love someone else. Both are wildly untrue.
"Can you wait here?" She asks, her heart rate quickening a little now that she has to tell him what she thought was obvious.
Spencer nods apprehensively, anticipating her next move as bringing out her boyfriend to meet him. To his surprise, she comes out with a lilac box, shallower than a shoe box but with a bigger cross-sectional area.
She hands it to him with shaky hands, but the most significant indicator of her nervousness is how she's biting her bottom lip. It worries Spencer. Everything stresses him anyway, but over the past few months, when people are nervous, it means something alarming has happened.
So he tears his eyes away from her to open it cautiously. He could not have been more surprised by the content; a tiny onesie, miniature Converse, a giraffe toy, a positive pregnancy test, and an ultrasound picture.
"This is for you." She tells him.
He looks up at her, and she's crying, and he's crying, and it's a mess, but it is perfect.
"I'm going to be a dad?" He confirms, sobbing.
"You're going to be the best dad." She corrects, trying to wipe up her tears as his fingers trace over the words on the onesie delicately. "Spencer, I could never love anyone the way I love you, and I cannot imagine having a baby with anyone else."
"I thought you were with someone else." He admits bashfully.
She shakes her head, reaching out for his hand. She's missed touching him, feeling his soft skin in hers. "I'm in love with you." She reminds him, knowing he's going to need to hear it more than once.
"I'm in love with you, too," Spencer says, cupping her cheeks and gently kissing her. The kiss is slow and full of the longing they've had for months. He pulls back with the widest smile he's had for months. "Anything you need, Y/n, I'll do it. Are you eating? Vitamins? Water? Ultrasounds?"
Y/n giggles at how quickly he's moved to dad mode. "There's only three things I want." She tells him, earning a nod from a dedicated Spencer. "Firstly, no more impromptu trips to Mexico." She says it like a joke because they both know he'd never do that again. "And I want to live with you. I really don't want our baby to grow up in two different houses and I want you to see him or her every day."
"Yes." He agrees before divulging into rambling, excited words trying to keep up with how he's feeling. "My mom is going back to Las Vegas, so we can m we can live in my apartment or yours. Actually, we should just get a house. A proper house near good schools with a yard. I'll find some, but I really don't care where we live, as long as we're together."
"Slow down." She says, squeezing his hand. "We'll figure it all out." She assures him.
He nods, letting the best type of chaos continue in his head. "There's one more thing." He realizes.
"There is." She agrees, moving his hand until it touches her bump. "Feel our baby."
Spencer's crying again as he gets off the couch and kneels in front of her, pushing up her top and gently holding the developing bump. "Hi, sweet baby." He says softly. "I love you so much, your mom is a superhero, and I cannot wait to meet you." Those are the three most important things he can think to say.
It's impossible for Y/n not to cry when Spencer is so Spencer, and all the hormones inside her don't help. He gets up before leaning down to cup her cheeks and lead her into a kiss.
"You've made me the happiest I've ever been in my life." He tells her sincerely.
"Well, I kind of intend on doing that for a little while longer, if that's okay." She offers.
Spencer acts like he's considering it before landing on his answer. "Yeah, okay."
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koilaniazul · 12 days
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why not me? (pt 2)
pairing- matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: matt confronts y/n and it turns into a confession. but of course, these things don’t always have a happy ending.
warnings: swearing, angst, matt is a meanie once again
go check out part one!
after seeing matt’s date, you felt empty. the boy you had loved for years had just slipped from your fingers.
he didn’t even text. or call. hell, he could’ve sent a damn pigeon and you would’ve jumped for joy.
but no, he just ghosted you. that wasn’t like him.
the entire time you were in your house you stalked eiliana. her instagram, her tiktok, her threads account, you had even found her moms facebook account. you found out she has an onlyfans.
*she’s not good for matt.* you thought to yourself
you hadn’t got up from your bed in DAYS. and the dishes + smell in your room was a dead giveaway.
on the 5th day you unltimately decided it was time for self care.
you got up from your bed and felt disgusting. gathering all the takeout boxes and bowls with living organisms inside them, you stuffed them in the dishwasher as well as taking out the trash.
pulling off your dirty and crumb filled sheets and putting them in the washer, disinfectant over EVERY surface in your house.
hopping into the hot shower and letting out a soft moan feeling the anxiety and overwhelming stress wash away.
standing in your towel you looked at your phone, an instagram notif popped up.
a message. from matt.
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he wanted..to talk? he wanted to talk. matt wanted to talk. and he was coming over in 10 minutes.
reality suddenly hit ur brain as you hopped out of the bathroom and quickly got dressed into the most decent fit you could find.
ur hair was still wet and you barely had time to put makeup on.
matt was coming over and you looked like a wet abandoned dog.
putting on perfume you heard your doorbell ring.
oh shit.
halfway sprinting to the door you opened it as your heart stopped.
there stood matt who you hadn’t seen in weeks.
and he looked so fucking hot. even his outfit looked so fine.
you checked him out without shame and he noticed.
clearing his throat, the boy looked her in the eyes. “can..i come in?” he asked a bit unsure.
stepping out of your trance, you looked up at matt with doe eyes. “yeah..yeah sure”
matt carefully stepped inside and took his shoes off as you walked into your living room.
sitting on the couch you patted the spot next to you for him to sit down.
he sat down and avoided eye contact.
deciding to break the quietness, you spoke.
“so, why are you here? missed me that much?” you asked slightly laughing.
he didn’t return the laughter. matt side eyed you as he spoke, “i think you know why im here y/n”.
your smile faded. “i don’t know..”’. as much as you hated lying, you didn’t want to talk about what happened.
matt’s jaw clenched in anger. “ what do you mean?! you showed up at my date with my girlfriend!”.
girlfriend? there’s no way he was dating her already.
you stood up. “are you serious matt? you’ve only known her for like a week!”.
matt’s eyes widened as he stood up as well. “you can’t be talking right now. why are you so interested about how long i’ve known eiliana?! if you need to know we’d been talking for like months before!”
you scoffed. but as you tried to speak again he cut you off. “matt- no y/n shut the fuck up! you’re crazy. eiliana literally complained to me that she was scared of you because you kept stalking her profiles every.single.day.”
your mouth went dry. you forgot to hide your own profile.
“you’re supposed to be my best friend! not some psycho who’s literally joe goldburg.” matt says obviously stressing
“well i cant just be your friend matt!” you yelled. you didn’t think before you spoke. *shut up y/n* you thought to yourself
matt looked even more confused than he was before. “why not?”
“because i fucking love you!” you cried out.
dead silence.
you panted. suddenly out of breath.
you looked up at matt. his eyes darkened.
“matt-“ you said trying to touch his arm
“don’t-don’t touch me!” he said taking two steps back from you
you jerked your hand back scared from his reaction.
“matt please listen to me!” you yelled, tears started to pool your eyes.
he looked up and scoffed. “no you don’t get to cry y/n. you don’t get to fucking cry after you stalked my girlfriend and showed up at our date.”
“i- i didnt even mean to!” you stuttered. “i only left my house because you stood me up!”
matt rolled his eyes. “so what? i went on a date with a girl.”
“why are you being such a dick right now?! this isn’t the matt i know!”
“oh yeah because you know me so well. matt said with a hint of sarcasm. “you don’t know me at all!”
you started to sob now. “matt-matt please!”
he walked to your front door. “i can’t be here.”
you panicked and sprinted to the front door, blocking him from leaving.
“let’s talk! please.” you begged desperately.
he finished putting his shoes on. “out of my way.”
your breath hitched. “matt.”
he sighed. “we can’t do this y/n. this isn’t healthy.”
confusion reached your face. “what are you talking about..?”
“we can’t be friends anymore.”
your heart dropped. “h-huh?”
he rubbed his temples “that’s why i came over here anyway. eilana and i had talked about it before i drove over. she suggested it and i think it’s a good idea.”
tears rolled down your face. “you’re one of my best friends i cant lose you!”
“ my girlfriend is terrified of you. please move out of the way y/n”
you gave up.
moving out of the doorway, matt opened the door and stood in the door frame.
“you know, i wanted to introduce her to you. i thought you two would be good friends. guess not. see you around”
he shut the door as you heard his footsteps walk away.
you tried to cry but you couldn’t.
you were so tired.
only one thought circled your head.
why not me?
𝗄𝗈𝗂'𝗌 𝗒𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗂𝗇𝗀 ↷
anyway.. i did not mean to make matt this mean. welp!
please tell me if you find any mistakes!
ok bai love ya ꨄ
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piscespetals · 7 months
summary: in which sevika becomes your roommate. read part two here
content: this fic is 4-5 chapters long. i'm still trying to figure out if i should condense it to 4 or keep it at five. mostly gay pinning, fluff, angst and small slivers of smut (not very good at smut writing but i'm trying)
word count: 5k
thanks for reading!
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Chapter One
It all started when your best friend told you she was moving out…
You both shared a flat, and for the last near decade or so, everything had relatively been good.
Until it wasn't.
“I know it's kind of bittersweet but,” Mel shrugs, looking down at the ice cream cone in her hand. Remnants of the vanilla treat gather above her top lip. You almost say something but she licks it away with one clean swipe of her tongue. “Alicia has been talking about this for almost a year. And I think it's time we take the next step.”
Alicia is Mel’s long-term girlfriend. Honestly, you should’ve seen it coming. It's a miracle that they haven't already moved in together considering how long they’ve been in each other’s lives. You should be happy for them. You really should. But a part of you keeps thinking about the upcoming renewal of the lease and the empty space that’ll fill up Mel’s side of the apartment once she leaves.
The two of you have been living together for a huge chunk of your adulthood. Honestly, the thought of returning home to Mel has been your norm for almost as long as you’ve been filing tax returns.
And now—she’s moving.
Just like that.
“Oh,” She croons. Her ice cream cone nearly falls as she scooches closer to you. “Don't cry.”
Your tears drip down your cheeks before trailing the slope of your jaw.
You aren’t surprised. This reaction is warranted. You aren't good at goodbyes.
Actually, no—this isn't quite a goodbye.
But it sure as hell feels just as painful.
There's not enough breathing exercises that’ll prepare you for the life transition that's doomed to happen. A chapter of your adulthood is closing right before your eyes. Mel will move out, marry Alicia, and have annoyingly cute babies. You’ll be the designated bestfriend–turned–aunt that will always feel stuck; left behind. 
It will be horrible.
“Nothing will change,” Mel comforts. She tries to multitask the art of devouring her ice cream while slinging her free arm around you. Her bubbling optimism is nearly comedic compared to your wallowing spirits.
“Everything will change!” Your voice cracks, body jerking as your lungs cause you to inhale sharp uneven gasps. “You've replaced me with Alicia as your roommate. Is she asking for the best friend title too?”
“Oh god—babe,” Another lick of her ice cream. She's trying to contain her laughter. The nerve of her! “I’ll always be your best friend. You know that.” She squeezes your shoulder. “Everything will be okay. I promise.”
Your eyes burn more and another melodramatic wail leaves you.
The image of you–old and decrepit–in a nursing home comes to fruition. You're in the bed, smelly and miserable, while Alicia and Mel stand before you. They're old too, but far more beautiful. Far more accomplished. Less lonely. Still married. Still happy. 
Oh, and their kids are probably there in the room too; asking Mel why “their Aunt hasn't been properly groomed?”
Mel is absolutely wrong.
Everything will certainly not be okay. 
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After a few days of sulking, you have a change of heart when Mel says, “I think I’ve found you a new roommate.”
Suddenly, the imminent doom of Mel moving out doesn’t seem so harrowing. Of course it still saddens you–she’s your best friend after all–but you’re no longer burdened with the stress of trying to find her replacement. 
You and Mel butt heads about a ton of senseless things, but she never disappoints you on the most important matters. 
So if she thinks that someone is suitable enough to be your roommate, then you have hope that she’s right. 
“Who?” Your head snaps up as you look at her. She stands on the other side of the kitchen island, elbows leaning against the wooden countertop and chin resting in her palms. You were mopping the floor–a truly rare occurrence for you–when Mel came out of her room to announce the good news. 
“You know how Alicia goes out with her teammates every now and then?” 
Your memory travels to the brief conversations of Mel mentioning this in the past. Alicia used to be a college athlete during her undergrad. Apparently, she still has a budding relationship with a few of her old teammates, and likes to go to dinners with them to catch up every few months. 
“Well,” Mel continues. “Her friend, Sevika, hasn’t been able to come to the dinners these last few years because she lived up north for a while. But she’s back in town. And I guess she doesn’t like the place she’s at. Apparently, it’s too close to the city. Too hectic. She’s been looking at places in our neighborhood. And when Alicia mentioned it to me, I just figured...”
You nod slowly in understanding, “Oh.”
“I mean, it’s kind of working out perfectly…rather coincidental but I just thought it would make you feel better if your next roommate wasn’t a complete stranger.”
“Do you know her well?”
“I’ve hung out with Sevika countless times before she moved away.” The brown irises of Mel’s eyes become distant; as if she’s drifting off to another time. “God, that feels like so long ago somehow... But I think you’d like her.” Her lips pull into a small smile. “She seems a bit remote at first but it’s all fun and games. I promise.”
“Okay,” You shake your head, trying to wrap your brain around it all. “And you’re sure that she’s–I mean, not that I don’t trust your word. I’m just nervous, I suppose. She isn’t like–”
“Sevika’s good people,” Mel laughs, gazing at you with understanding. “But I get it. So here’s what I was thinking… We can host a brunch and invite her over? That way you can meet her formally and get to know her. Maybe show her around the place? As much as I want this to pan out great, it’s still your decision to make at the end of the day.” She pauses a few beats, trying to gauge your reaction. “What do you think?”
Your hands fiddle with the top of the swiffer handle as you weigh your options. You had put together a more elaborate and time consuming plan prior to today; which would have consisted of flyers and roommate interviews and even Facebook posts. Of course, posting to Facebook would have been the last resort; an addition to the plan that you only added out of mere desperation. But it was a plan nonetheless.
Mel’s offer is more tempting. 
“Okay,” You sigh, squeezing the handle of the swiffer. “But if this doesn’t work out, then you owe me ice cream.”
She beams, clapping her hands together excitedly. 
“And not the cheap kind,” You add. “I’m talking Cold Stone.”
Mel doesn’t appear to be fazed. Instead, she turns on her heels, making her way back to her room. “I’m gonna call Alicia and let her know!” The exclamation has a song-like lilt to it; a clear indication of her delight.
You bite the inside of your cheek, fighting off a grin while you carry the swiffer to the trash can.
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Your thumb absentmindedly plays with the stringy bracelet decorating your right wrist; a gift that Mel gave you over ten years ago when the two of you first became friends. It’s nearly falling apart now, but still a staple piece in your daily attire. You find yourself looming over the possible outcome of tonight’s gathering–for the ‘nth time–as your stomach stirs with unease. 
It’s not like you haven’t been obsessively ruminating over this very evening. It’s all you’ve been able to think about ever since Mel helped you plan it last week. But despite all of the preparation, your mouth still remains dry.
You’re seated at the dining table, with Mel to your right and Alicia right across from her. Sevika faces you directly, which is a circumstance you tried to desperately avoid upon Mel’s suggestion.
“How do you guys like the food?” Mel asks. “I can proudly say that I’ve managed to keep the kitchen intact while I was preparing it.”
Alicia’s eyes twinkle when she glances at her girlfriend. “It’s good, honey. Thank you.”
A pair of alert grey irises flicker to you: Sevika’s. 
The woman studies you with a gaze that is piercing and direct. She takes you in fully–something that she’s been doing all night–which makes you feel as if you’re under inspection. You can’t decide whether or not you like that about her.
“It was nice, Mel.” You reply. You wolfed down your food the minute your plate was served. So now you’re just awkwardly waiting for everyone else to finish their meal.
You usually don’t eat so quickly, but the task gave you something else to distract yourself with, rather than Sevika’s scrutiny. 
But despite doing everything possible to avoid her stare, you can’t help but notice the calm and leisure way she eats her food. From what you’ve gathered, she doesn’t seem fond of mixing meals with conversation. But there’s still a pleasant way that she dines. 
The oscillation of her jaw, especially with every chew, is a trait that you find particularly distracting…
“So, are you enjoying your return to town?” Mel inquires, turning to Sevika. She’s always had the talent of conversing with the least willing. 
It takes a few seconds for Sevika to shift her gaze away from you.
You feel your muscles relax when she does.
“Yeah, it’s been good,” Sevika’s voice adopts an amiable timbre; a pattern you’ve picked up on every time she addresses Mel. “The traffic sucks on the east side, but that's nothing new.”
Mel hums in understanding. “Well, I think you’ll like it here.The people are quieter. Life is slower.” 
That’s when Alicia takes that as her cue to wrap her arm around Sevika’s shoulder. They’re both nearly the same height, only Alicia is leaner. 
“It’s good that you’re back home,” Alicia butts in. “You’re getting wrinkles. You’ve been frowning too much.”
Sevika rolls her eyes. “I’ve been perfectly fine.”
“Is that so? I heard…”
You’re ripped from their conversation when Mel wraps her fingers around your bicep. She leans into your ear, whispering, “Let’s go to the kitchen.” 
You follow her without question.
It’s not until you’re grabbing the fruit salad out of the refrigerator when she says, “How are you liking her so far?”
You bite the inside of your cheek while carrying the dessert to the counter. 
“I don’t know.” You try to sort through your feelings to find some sort of opinion–anything–that can help you identify your stance. But it’s to no avail. “She’s a bit intense, don’t you think?” 
“Well,” Mel snickers. “I suppose.”
You glance up at her, noticing the way that she’s covering her smile with her hand. She flutters her eyelashes coyly, “But is that not a good thing? You’ve been staring at her all evening.” She continues, wiggling her eyebrow.
“Please don’t.”
“What? I’m just saying…”
“There’s nothing that needs to be said.”
“...the tension has been palpable ever since you laid eyes on her. You don’t have to make it into a bad thing, babe. You both are grown adults here.” 
Your jaw is clenching when you mutter, “Well, you're off-base on this one.”
You think you hear her laugh again, but you don’t have the energy to entertain it. Instead, you turn around and march back to the dining room.
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Your eyes are slightly droopy from the combination of wine and dinner that sloshes in your belly.
Under the haze of the ceiling lamps, you stand with your arms folded across your chest.
“This would be your room,” You’re mumbling. Sevika hums beside you, only a few feet away. She’s so far yet so close. Too close.
Yet not close enough.
You feel silly for thinking such thoughts. 
It must be the wine.
The floorboards creak underneath her weight as she inspects the room. It has a fair amount of space in it. It’s larger than your room for sure. The connecting bathroom is smaller than yours though–a bargain that you and Mel made over a decade ago.
Sevika travels to a nearby wall, inspecting the paint job for a few seconds before peering at you.
Despite the warmth emanating from the heating system, a cool shiver runs through you. 
Your voice dips with humor when you explain that, “Mel painted it a while back.”
You examine the way she pushes her tortoiseshell glasses up the bridge of her nose. A vein from her right forearm flexes due to the movement. 
She smiles, poised and reposeful. 
“Figures,” That’s when you notice the fullness of her lips—her prominent cupid's bow, and how well they look when spread into a grin like that.
She stretches her arms above her head, back arching as she seemingly holds back a yawn. You fight the urge to do the same, eyes trailing over her physique before you can stop yourself. Sevika looks strong–really strong. Her arms are thick bands of pure muscle and her broad shoulders barely concave from the movement.
She’s wearing a long-sleeved button up, which has a toffee silk-like material. You don’t realize how low her black slacks are sitting on her hips until the hem of her shirt rises. A happy trail peaks through, as well as deeply grooved muscles. 
The sight feels sacrilegious and simultaneously pious. Your eyelids are heavy, droopy, when her muscles relax and her arms fall to her sides. You draw your attention back to her face. She’s caught you, eyebrows lifted and lips pursed to the side–an attempt to mask her amusement? You don’t know. Or at least, you don’t want to. 
With the sudden pounding of your heart, you gesture behind you, “I can show you the laundry room?” Your desire to escape has never felt so prominent until then.
You're beginning to realize that she makes it hard for you to breathe when you’re around her.
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Laughter rings in the air between everyone–Sevika, you, Alicia and Mel–while Alicia tells a funny story about a customer she had a few days prior. You’re wearing one of your nighttime sweaters now, a glass of wine in your hand, while all of you sit in the living room. 
Sevika cards her hand through her hair. It’s no longer in its bun, meeting the sides of her face with buoyancy. The length is much longer than you initially thought, stopping a few inches below her neck; a feathery cut that frames her face quite perfectly.
She sits with her legs parted, left arm resting along the back of the couch. Her fingers lay a few inches from your right shoulder. With a mere flex of her hand, she’d be able to touch you. 
Amidst the ring of Alicia’s voice–she’s going into detail about another story now–you turn to Sevika and ask, “Are you a heavy sleeper?”
You receive a better angle of her chiseled jaw when she tilts her head, expression contemplative while she thinks of an answer. You aren’t sure why it takes her so long since it’s not necessarily a loaded question to ask, but still—you allow her to think.
“Not really,” Her eyes dart back to you. “Is that a deal breaker?”
“I'm not sure,” You blink through a daze, overcome with an unexpected wave of tranquility due to her regard. “I listen to music sometimes in the middle of the night. It helps with my insomnia.”
“...Well, is it loud?”
“Not all the time. But you may hear it faintly.”
A nod. “Then that’s fine with me.”
You swivel the wine in your hand, “Besides going out for work, a lot of my hobbies consist of me being at home. You’ll probably see me a lot.”
“Not a problem.”
“I’m not incredibly messy or dirty but…” Your palms sweat from the loose confession. “I’m not a neat freak. And I don't like mornings. I'm really grumpy any hour before 11. Like—I will not speak if I can avoid it. And I’m a terrible cook.”
She looks away from you momentarily, lips rubbing together as her hand flexes. You grow rigid at the motion; she’s only inches away from coming in contact with your shoulder. Then her fingers relax. She looks back at you. Her lips part, “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“Depends. Is it working?”
Her left eyebrow twitches. “You call the shots. If you don't think it’ll work, I can look into renting somewhere else.”
“I'm just trying to be transparent with you as much as possible.” 
You don't want any surprises. The last thing you need is the false hope of thinking this will work just to ultimately have the infamous roommate disagreements that you've heard too much about. 
You got lucky with Mel. 
For 13 years, you’ve managed to have the best roommate dynamic. But now she's leaving soon. And you fear that those 13 years have just been a fluke.
If Sevika is truly serious about moving in, you need to make sure that it'll be a right fit.
“Do you have any kids?” You find yourself asking.
She lets out a gusty breath; a dry chuckle mixed with a hint of disbelief. For a second, you fear that you've offended her.
But then she's replying, “God no.” She grins with her head slightly shaking. You swear she leans a few inches closer as she adds, “Do you?”
You blink. You swallow. You try to not get distracted by the swirling grey of her irises. They're quite pretty. Too pretty. Unbelievably pretty.
“Definitely not.” 
Her grin widens, “Okay, so we at least have that in common.” She allows her eyes to flicker to other features of your face; your eyebrows, then your cheeks, then your nose. “Are there any other incriminating questions that you have?”
“Of course.”
She laughs again and her eyes fall shut. There's a part of you that wants to draw closer to her at that moment. But you remain where you are; as if you’re resisting the tug of a rope. 
“Okay,” She mutters, voice a gentle hum while her lips remain pulled into a grin. 
“Does that annoy you?” You find yourself asking. It’s a silent test. You want to know if this will turn her away. Is she willing to answer your long list of questions? And if she is–will you find something about her that you don’t like? 
“No, I don’t mind at all.” Her eyes flutter open slowly, blazing a stormy grey when they land on you. “Ask however many questions you need.” 
Her hand flexes once more. This time you feel it. It’s the slightest graze, and too fleeting for it to feel real. The tip of her forefingers brush against the material of your shirt, at the very top of your bicep, before she’s running her hand through her hair. It could have been an accident–a mere sweep due to her close proximity–but you guess you’d never truly know.  
Your breathing falters. She blinks at you with a placid expression, seemingly unfazed. 
“Okay,” You clear your throat, shifting your weight restlessly. You try to put more distance between you two by subtly scooting a few inches to your left.
“...Going to get some more wine. Be right back!’ Mel calls. 
The bubble around you and Sevika bursts.
You’re submerged into the sound of the TV playing an Old Navy commercial. Alicia stares at the screen with droopy eyes, feet propped up in the recliner chair and hands clasped together as they rest on her stomach. She hums lazily at Mel’s announcement. Faintly, you begin to hear Mel rummaging through the kitchen: the clanging of silverware, the rush of running water, then the thump! of a closing cupboard. The calming livelihood of Mel and Alicia’s existence buzzes around you. But you somehow find yourself turning back towards Sevika because, although you don't want to admit it, she’s a new enigma that’s hurdled into your life. 
She beholds you with remarkable patience, elbow now resting against the back of the couch as she cradles her temple with her hand. 
“So…” She says, voice laced with an expectation. She’s waiting on you.
“Right,” You nod. You shake your head in an attempt to clear the brain fog. Must be the alcohol... "Do you smoke?”
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Sevika does smoke; she has a preference for cigars. 
She’s a tattoo artist, which you never pinned her for. But after a few seconds of contemplation, it makes sense. She tells you that it’s been her career for a long time now.
She’s quite the morning person and a bit meticulous about her living environment. She likes to cook and happily divulges in burning incense. She doesn't have very many friends, but the ones she does have are practically her family—who, she assures with an unwavering gaze, are people that, “You will love.”
She doesn't watch much television, but she does have a knack for sports. “I like to have my friends over on game days,” She admits, sending you a sidelong glance. “Would that be something you're okay with?”
Not much time passes before you're nodding your head yes.
Sevika has no siblings and no parents. Her parents passed away a while back–a fact that you seemed more saddened by than her–and left her their house, which is why she moved out of town a few years ago.
When you ask her why she’s decided to return, she doesn't answer. 
It’s your only question that makes her come to a full stop.
When the night ends and she’s getting ready to leave the apartment with Alicia quickly behind her, it’s the only question that's lingering in your mind.
And after Mel closes the door, bolts it shut and asks, “Any red flags from Sevika?”
It’s the sole reason why you find yourself hesitating, wanting—for some strange reason—to tell Mel yes. Even though every fiber of your being knows that the true answer is no.
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Sevika’s vehicle is exactly the sort of car you’d picture her in. A sleek black Ram 1500 sits in front of you. Your eyes are wandering. You can't help it. You don't want to make it into a thing. It's only a truck after all…
But you've always admired cars, especially the big shiny ones.
 “I would have showed you this days ago had I known you’d be so pleased,” Sevika muses. That's when you draw your attention back to her. "I didn't know you liked cars so much."
She's gazing at you with the smallest form of a smirk on her face. You want to wipe it off; you feel vulnerable somehow. Exposed.
Your blink wordlessly, breath shallowing and palms clamming up. 
How is she so infuriatingly good looking? 
Then, as if you've suddenly become aware of everything else about her, you're taking the rest of her body into account. Her bulging biceps are flexed due to the moving box in her arms. Small beads of sweat collect at the base of her neck…some sliding into the dips of her collarbones. Her hair is pulled into a low bun, highlighting the clenching of her jaw as she chews her gum; minty breath wafting towards you. Your stomach dips. 
“Shut up,” You mutter.
Her grin widens. She laughs. You struggle to suppress one yourself. 
She doesn't say anything else.
You stand awkwardly by her truck as she turns to walk into the apartment. 
A part of you doesn't know what to make of this. Here you are, moving a woman that you've just met into your apartment, with no idea of how this will turn out.
You feel like you're floundering through life. Surely, everyone else your age is settled down with a family and a secure living environment—not stressing over the prospect of a new roommate. This situation feels too…juvenile. It would make sense for a younger version of yourself to be facing roommate insecurity. It would make sense for your younger self to grow uncharacteristically flustered and perturbed around someone like Sevika.
But not now. No—certainly not now.
The sound of Sevika’s footsteps pull you from your reverie. When you glance in her direction, the first thing you notice is the quirk of her eyebrows. You shift your weight, wringing your hands as you work up the courage to say, “I can help,” You clear your throat. “If you want.”
She’s in the middle of grabbing another box from her car but stops mid-reach from the sound of your offer. She cranes her neck, lines appearing in her forehead as she mutters, “I’m good.”
You take offense to that. Does she think you're weak? That you're not strong enough to carry a few stupid boxes? Or worse—has she already found a reason to dislike you?
Goosebumps trail up your back.
“I’m strong enough, you know.” You find yourself tilting your chin up defiantly. 
“Is that so?”
“I may not be ripped like you,” You fold your arms across your chest and you hear a snort. A fucking snort! “But I don't do pilates for nothing."
That's when she stands upright, two stacked boxes now in her arms. She manages to rest them on her left hip, closing the back door in one swift motion.
"Yeah?" Then she’s tilting her head slightly, appraising you with an expression that nearly sets you on fire. "You think I'm strong?"
The world around you spins and you're nearly knocked off balance.
There's a part of your spirit that uncurls. Heat plants a seed in your gut then burns, burns, burns.
Perspiration has gathered at the base of your neck, and one bead of sweat drips down the slope of your spine. Then another. You're scowling at her, a reaction that she seems to enjoy, when you feel the drip of one more.
She takes your silence without question. Her irises trail down to your crossed arms then back up to your face before continuing. “You don't have to lift a single one of those pretty fingers for me.” Then you feel her warmth—her touch—at the tip of your chin. It's a small brush with her index finger, yet strong enough to tilt your head before she's pulling away. Then she's grabbing the boxes with both of her hands, snickering under her breath while adding, “But since you seem like the adamant type—be my guest, darling.”
Your legs tremble when she brushes past you.
For the rest of the evening, you allow her to settle into the apartment without your help.
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“Sevika?” Your voice is scratchy from lack of use. “Can you help me?”
You're frustrated because you can't find your favorite mug. The entire kitchen is spotless—a sort of clean you haven't seen in ages. You're grateful for Sevika—truly, you are. But due to how organized it all is, you now have difficulty locating everything. The way she cleans and sorts through the apartment is completely different from your way. 
Irritated, you call her name again. But no answer.
You know that she’s in her room because her door is closed. It’s only been a few days since she’s moved in but you’ve started to notice that she likes to leave it open when she's not in there. 
You sigh, storming to her room. You have a taste for tea, something you've been craving all morning. And now that you've finally finished your work, you’d been so excited to drink it. 
But now you're completely turned about by the state of the kitchen. Nothing is where you usually keep it.
“Sevika!” You practically bark, voice growing thin. “Are you awake?”
You're about to knock on her door—a disturbance that would surely wake her if she's in a deep slumber—but then it flies open. And there she stands, wearing a pair of boxers and a tank top. She appears to have just showered, hair seemingly damp and towel in her hand. That familiar woodsy scent of hers hits you like a tide wave, but this time it’s tenfold stronger than what it usually is.
“Is there a reason why you're shouting my name at 10 AM?”
You swallow thickly. Your mouth has suddenly become dry. “I can't find the mugs.”
Sevika blinks slowly then mutters, “What?”
“The mugs. They're a type of cup, cylindrical in size? Often used to drink things like coffee, tea, hot ch-”
“They're in the cupboard by the refrigerator.”
Your eyebrows furrow. “Why are they in there? I’ve never put them there before.”
“You could barely reach the cupboard they were originally in—”
“That's why I have a stepping stool!”
“So I figured it would be easier if they were moved to one that's more accessible for you. I told you about this Tuesday. Do you not remember?”
“...You never told me that.”
“Yes,” Her jaw grinds. “I did. You were talking to Mel on facetime and nearly ate shit when grabbing that awfully gaudy mug you like,” Oh. “So I told you that I would move it to the cupboard by the refrigerator,” Oh. “And you looked me right in the eye, smiled and said you thought that was a great idea.” Fuck. “...Do you not remember that?”
That’s right.
You did say that.
Your heartbeat skips from the piercing silence.
God, she's going to think you're crazy now.
Sevika sighs. 
Shoving down a mountain of guilt, you shift your weight, “I’m sorry. I don't think I actually processed that conversation when it happened.”
She isn't quick to reply, and you're not sure where to go from there. So you add, “Um, would you like some tea?”
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As a peace offering, you make Sevika a cup of tea the next morning too.
The third day is when you have to go back to work, so you force yourself awake earlier than you want. There's still a small chip of guilt weighing on your shoulders that morning, so you fix Sevika a cup of tea again.
You also do it for that following morning because it's Saturday. Who wouldn't want tea on Saturday?
Sunday is a lazy day for Sevika. But somehow she's already in the kitchen when you stumble in at a harrowing 8am. She's waiting for the toaster oven to sound when you pull two mugs out of the cupboard. Even after the appliance dings, she lingers with you in the kitchen, silently eating her toast while you prepare the kettle. Ten minutes later, she’s drinking her tea while her elbows lean against the island counter. 
You hold onto your mug tightly and listen to the chirping of the birds in the distance. The only other sound that is audible are her even breaths. 
You don't know how you've settled into such a routine after 8 days of living with her. But somehow, standing in the middle of the kitchen together with nothing but comfortable silence, you think that you’ve found the oasis of serenity.
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