#and was struck down by blorbo thoughts
autism-swagger · 1 year
Do you think Tara was there when Sam left?
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cleolinda · 7 months
There was a post here a while back, and I can't find it now, to the effect of, "I thought 'Oingo Boingo' was just, like, 'blorbo' for bands people liked," and I love that. No, it's a real band, Danny Elfman's "art, punk, ska, rock, pop, jazz, and new wave" band—best known for, if you have to narrow it down to one song, "Weird Science."
I don't even remember how I first heard "Dead Man's Party," because it was only fairly recently, in the last couple of years—probably while I was combing Apple's Halloween playlists. It's one of my seasonal favorites now. In my head, which is the only place I would actually throw a big Halloween party, it's the song I'd kick the night off with. But not only is it festive as hell—there’s an interesting kernel of story in it. The lyrics are mostly about a narrator getting dead one way or another—
I was struck by lighting, walking down the street I was hit by something last night in my sleep
I got my best suit and my tie With a shiny silver dollar on either eye
—and getting ready to head off to a party "where no one's still alive." (Sidebar: the "shiny silver dollar" refers to the folk custom of placing coins on the eyes of the dead. I was surprised to discover that it may or may not have originated from the Ancient Greek practice of paying Charon with a coin on the mouth to ferry a soul; the internets are divided as to who actually puts coins on who, in which cultures, and why. Our narrator is really most sincerely dead, is my point.) And that party is great, "who could ask for more?" But then,
Don't run away, it's only me Don't be afraid of what you can't see
These lines arrive as a non sequitur; there’s no context for who the narrator is speaking to, no “but on the way, I ran into someone I knew/loved.” And yet, the entire last minute of the song (following a horns-and-guitar jam) is given over to this plaintive "don’t run away": the price of living it up after death is becoming unrecognizable to the people you cared about. There's a whole story there that's only implied—which means that there’s plenty of room to imagine what could happen next. This is Danny Elfman who wrote the songs for The Nightmare Before Christmas, after all—what would it look like, a musical about a ghost getting someone to see them and stay?
Music discussion
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cassidyawesome · 1 year
@ohnoitstbskyen’s “Nine Essays About Characters That Matter” video literally struck me through the heart with a dagger. The way it’s presented as stories told by people of their blorbos with mister the big skyen commenting in between is perfect. So perfect i’ve been inspired to write a small essay about my Characters That Matter, if this is just rambling into the wind or not, i just want to express my thought in this form.
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It’s Yang, it’s Yang, of course it’s Yang how could it not be Yang Xiao Long. Yang as a character - and rwby as a whole literally flashbanged my entire humanity in june of 2022.
Lots of people love Yang, how couldn’t you. Maybe you relate with her backstory in relation to Ruby, how she was forced to grow up and play parent for Ruby because both their mom’s fumbled the bag. Maybe you’re someone who’s lost a limb or otherwise disabled and find triumph in how she fights on despite her disability. For me, it’s neither - what gets me going about her is her personality, particularly in early volumes. She’s this larger than life, fun loving person who’s the embodiment of warm fire who brings you in and is your friend. Which is exactly the kind of standard i try to live up to. Another aspect of this side of her i love is the protector aspect she inhabits, she was Ruby’s protector, as a huntress she’s everyone’s protector. I want to be her in every way imaginable.
The “Rule of Cool” in character designs, which is that if something is cool enough it deserves to exist is so very alive to me, and gosh is Yang cool. she’s cocky, her personality and silhouette is so big and massive and imposing. “let’s kiss and make up then you’ll learn” is such a good lyric for her from the song about her “i burn”. These attributes of her and the rule of cool are all things that i identify with myself. I’m also massive and cocky and i think i’m awesome but i am literally Ivern in red flannel. Yang does the whole damn thing, looks the part, saves the day sometimes, has an emotional background and gets bitches all while being so so human.
To continue on with Yang’s cool factor i want to touch on her design as a whole. It’s perfect, that’s just a fact. My favorite part about her is her hair. Big wavy hair that gives her a massive anchor in her design as well as giving her a unique silhouette compared to other characters in the show. Secondly her outfits she wears in different volumes are always the best. Her outfits are practical, and look like they totally belong to a biker girl who beats the shit out of you. Even down to her more finite details, like the purple bandana around her knee which relates to her relationship with Blake.
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A tertiary point about yang that’s fundamental in *why* i like her so much is how she is this strong, imposing and daunting character, but she’s still presented as feminine. The way that rwby as a show presents Yang as a whole and tows a line between allowing Yang to be a masculine aligned berserker while not falling on “butch” tropes is so important to me. Yang is almost an entire new breed of femininity, one that i align with a lot.
Yang is so very much a part of me, But so is this fucking asshole.
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POWER SWEEEEEEEEP i love Power for so many reasons that are so painfully simple.
Her backstory or storyline isn’t a tragedy like Yang or even Denji. Her backstory is just she was a lonely freak and found a cat. It’s so simple, yet i relate to it in my own way. And it’s so important to me to relate to a character in my own way. Never in my life have i found a character i related to, not once. And power gets me somewhat close to that feeling we all deserve.
Power borrows from the “Rule of Cool” less than yang, but is still great from a design wise on her own. When i first saw her in the intro i figured she was going to be a typical boring shonen-girl-type, but i was immediately proved wrong. Her human form design is so simple but portrays so much about her. The devil horns constantly present in her design are testament to her troublemaker attitude, which are contrasted by the business shirt and tie that she shares with her peers in public safety. **Spoilers for the ending of CSM part 1** When she assumes her devil form upon coming back from getting bang’d she’s a crazy looking monster, similar to kindred (who i also love dearly). This monstrous form she assumes for only a few pages are easily my favorite moment in chainsaw man as a whole. There’s just something right about this asshole getting to be a monster for like 10 min and giving up her life to save her state appointed brother
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Power is, for all intensive purpose, a comedic relief character - in a show about horrible miserable topics with a messed up sense of humor, which is another trait i find relatable, i’m also the comedic relief girl.
Thankfully Power isn’t *just* her awful traits that make her hilarious and ridiculous. She’s a dutiful protector, of Meowy and of Denji in later chapters. She’s shown to have deep seeded fears in her character, her submission to makima, her impairing fear of the dark after darkness devil. These additions into her silly persona make her a well rounded, entertaining and fun character.
These two characters aren’t related at all, besides both being from shonens. As personality’s, their both big, loud and powerful which is the key element that makes me so attuned to them. The shows i watched in 2022, and subsequently become obsessed and consumed by shaped me as a person completely. And having characters for the first time in my life i saw myself in has been a liberating experience. I truly understand what TB Skyen meant when he said: “sometimes characters are important”.
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good [insert time of day here] i realised i never thought to ask you amid my delight of you being the most interactive follower i have that isnt an irl friend do YOU have ocs or blorbos. i wish to know. for reasons.
OH hello yes thank you for asking!!! I have several OCs but most of the time I simply Do Not Explain on here; I have lots of ideas and doodles but I make it mostly for myself and don't think to share — doesn't mean I don't want to tho! exhibit A: this absolutely massive post I'm about to make lmao. putting it under a read more bc Oh Boy, the floodgates have been opened
most of my OCs are for two different projects I have: The Visitors and my D&D Dark Star Campaign.
The Visitors is just a lil worldbuilding project I've been chewing on for.... oh wow, over a decade at this point??? I love all the OCs I have in there very very much, but they're definitely never intended to go in an actual story, I just enjoy the speculative biology and character / world building process.
Val is one of my oldest OCs, and she's changed SO MUCH over the years! nowadays, she's a sort of insect/dinosaur mashup alien who uses gravity warping magic and a very large axe to hunt demons. a huge issue for magic users of her species is keeping cool, as magic generates heat and can literally cook you from the inside out, so you'll notice the multiple vent-like spiracles across her body for this purpose. she was born blind and so relies heavily on her best friend, Django, to be her eyes and keep her safe. fortunately, Django has Too Many Eyes. he's a dragon genetically engineered by those in Val's species to be the perfect vessel for storing and releasing massive amounts of mirror-based magic. this kind of magic gives him many abilities, including seeing around corners, creating illusions, or multiplying attacks when applied in different ways, and he acts as Val's seeing-eye dragon. in battle, she likes to get up in the action while he holds back and gives her cues on what's happening, only jumping in himself if she's in major trouble. she's very friendly and excitable, and loves to get into the culture of whatever planet they're visiting, while he's more interested in observing and snooping. there's a lot of espionage and hijinks.
these are some of my most recent sketches of them, tho I'm sure the designs will changes in the future. specific colors don't matter at all, it's all about vibes! not pictured in the halfway colored one is Val's big iridescent black cape thing that has a slit down the middle for her rigid tail, nor her weird arms since I wanted to figure out where the torso vents could go.
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Duke is another Visitor who visits planets and solves problems, but his path to get there was a whole lot different! I made him up as a coping mechanism when I was 12, and I'm still very fond of him.
he started life as a human video game speedrunner and modder prodigy. in a "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" situation, a devil (very distinct from demons!) struck a deal with him, challenging his gaming abilities with his soul as the stakes. he won despite the devil's cheating, but that's where the resemblance to the song ends. in this world, a devil winning your soul allows them to fuse with you and gain total control over your body, mind, and actions; but if YOU win, the control is reversed! and like any 14 year old who suddenly has the power to rival minor gods and a chaotic creature living in their head.... he goes off the rails for a while. Val and Django eventually find him and help him cope. his powers include electricity, glitching reality, flailing his glaive around, and being a menace to evil overlords.
you can't see it very well in this picture, but his eyes and the segments between his tail glow lime green! I'm not a fan of drawing clothes, but in my head he's relatively fashionable for a teenager and refuses to wear anything other than black. also, he decided to tell me he was trans a couple years ago, thanks for letting me know buddy 😂
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my other project does actually get to see the light of day, if very slowly — I'm running a homebrew D&D campaign for my irl friends called the Dark Star Campaign! none of em use tumblr so WHEEEE I get to post all the spoilers I want! there's a kinda staggering amount of lore behind it and a ton of minor OCs, but the two I rotate in my head the most are Anya the Timekeeper and The Master, aka Armageddon.
Anya the Timekeeper is a chronomancy lich from an alternate universe! she used to help Armageddon travel the multiverse and gain power, but she's decided she's tired of being evil, and now hides in a mansion on a tropical island where she breeds dinosaurs for fun. though she's now very determined to help the party, they'll eventually have to kill her past self to prevent a paradox. her familiar is a little archaeopteryx named Trix who steals hats!
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(I commissioned this art from @/goodlouse a while ago! highly recommend checking out his blog!!)
Armageddon is the BBEG and he's SO EVIL and SO MUCH FUN. he's an ancient amethyst dragon who, up until a while before the campaign's beginning, was steadily finding alternate universe versions of himself, killing them, and eating their souls to gain Unlimited Power™. unfortunately, his partner in time (hah) Anya told him to fuck off, so the quest for Unlimited Power™ has been kinda slow lately. fortunately, a D&D campaign started, and he cheated his way into existing at the players' table as The Master! my players can ask to talk to him sometimes, and I'll put on a mask of his head I made specifically for this purpose — very useful for not breaking character when the character is supposed to literally be the one sitting at the table talking to the players. I don't try to hide the fact that he's evil and they all know it, the fun is in giving them little hints and tidbits of lore to munch on. right now he's being very docile and helpful but things will get very very interesting eventually as more of his nature and plan is revealed..... =)
I'm still playing around with what he looks like as The Master, but I really like this recent design I did. his eye glows dark and menacing. I haven't found a design for his dragon form I'm really pleased with yet tho :/
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okay wow thanks again for the ask, I have many many ideas in my head and it felt pretty nice to get em out!!
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lumiereandcogsworth · 5 months
lydia’s 2023 ao3 wrapped!
works published: 46!! 🥳
word count: 45,757 - i love that i average to about 1k per fic. y’all know i love a little 1k moment!!!
bookmarks: 122 - WOW!! i’m so honored
shortest fic: my new little new year’s eve drabble :) 100 words!
longest fic: macarons, my fic set when adam is a little kiddo 🥺🥺 very angst but has a soft ending 🥲 2,841 words!
gifts: none!
collabs: none!
events: none!
most popular by kudos: a kiss for every sorrow ! emotional hurt/comfort MY BELOVED🥺
most popular by hits: same as above!!
most popular by comments: a tie between the the same as above (i’m so glad that one was so appreciated!!😭) and autumn love !!! a most beloved family fluff time
fic that made me smile: i gotta give this to @roberrtphilip. like just in general???? all your fics make me SMILE!!!! make me twirl my hair and giggle and kick my feet!!!! they’re so in LOVE!!!! go read all of alex’s fics right now
fic that made me cry: i mean alex has definitely made me cry. but i don’t think anything makes me cry as much as my own gosh dang writing does. the empathy i have for my blorbos is frankly unmatched. i have SOBBED my eyes out over scenarios i completely made up. thanks autism!
overall thoughts: this year was interesting. i didn’t have any particular goals, i was kinda just letting myself write & publish whenever the mood took me, and not worrying so much about trying to post at least once a month like i did last year. i also didn’t write anything exceptionally long (for me that’s like, over 5k) which is okay! i love my little moments! but i did sort of miss having a slightly bigger project to work on. i wrote like 99% of my fics this year each in one sitting. just a burst of AHHH I NEED TO GET THIS DOWN, followed by some re-reading and editing, and it was all pretty much signed, sealed, and delivered within a couple hours. which is FUN and WONDERFUL. i just mean that i also enjoy working on a longer project, but no idea ever struck me. but! i’m still incredibly proud of myself and i love writing so much. i love these guys!!!!!! here’s to many more lovely little moments with my sweet sillies 💙💛💙💛
tagging: @gayassbenaffleck @freakwiththeknifecollection @roberrtphilip @gavotteangel @blorbologist @katia-dreamer @romeoandjulietyouwish @misscrazyfangirl321 @autumnrose11 + any other writers can say i tagged them!!
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roseapothecary · 9 months
happy nice ask day!!! I finally thought of one I can ask!!!
what's your favorite thing (or things) about henry, and is it a common trait with some of your other favorite characters?
Aww, this is such a good question.
You are going to deeply regret asking it.
[clears throat]
My favorite thing about Henry is his heart — my sweet prince born with his heart outside his body. Tbh, that letter to Alex in the book might be the moment that really solidified Henry as blorbo:
Once, there was a young prince who was born in a castle. His mother was a princess scholar, and his father was the most handsome, feared knight in all the land. As a boy, people would bring him everything he could ever dream of wanting. The most beautiful silk clothes, ripe fruit from the orangery. At times, he was so happy, he felt he would never grow tired of being a prince. He came from a long, long line of princes, but never before had there been a prince quite like him: born with his heart on the outside of his body. When he was small, his family would smile and laugh and say he would grow out of it one day. But as he grew, it stayed where it was, red and visible and alive. He didn’t mind it very much, but every day, the family’s fear grew that the people of the kingdom would soon notice and turn their backs on the prince. His grandmother, the queen, lived in a high tower, where she spoke only of the other princes, past and present, who were born whole. Then, the prince’s father, the knight, was struck down in battle. The lance tore open his armor and his body and left him bleeding in the dust. And so, when the queen sent new clothes, armor for the prince to parcel his heart away safe, the prince’s mother did not stop her. For she was afraid, now: afraid of her son’s heart torn open too. So the prince wore it, and for many years, he believed it was right. Until he met the most devastatingly gorgeous peasant boy from a nearby village who said absolutely ghastly things to him that made him feel alive for the first time in years and who turned out to be the most mad sort of sorcerer, one who could conjure up things like gold and vodka shots and apricot tarts out of absolutely nothing, and the prince’s whole life went up in a puff of dazzling purple smoke, and the kingdom said, “I can’t believe we’re all so surprised.”
Henry is just so soft. He was instructed to build a wall around his heart and keep his childish fantasies about love and happiness hidden behind it, but that's the thing, right? He didn't abandon those parts of himself or change them. Despite everything he has been through, despite all of the pain he has endured, despite the pressure that's been pressed onto his shoulders, despite, despite, despite... Henry built defenses around the tender parts of his heart, and then he never let anything touch them. He didn't let that cement leak into his fortress and cause the gentleness to harden while he was building. He protected that tenderness. Kept it safe. Kept it warm.
So, when Alex came along, someone who proudly wore his heart outside his body — someone who probably wasn't even born that way, someone who actively ripped his heart out of his chest and put it on his shoulder, deliberately — all Alex had to do was tear down a couple of those bricks. ("Give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. There’s so much of you.") Once Henry was surrounded by people who believed his heart was his strength and not his weakness, Henry eventually learned he didn't need those walls. His heart is indestructible, after all. Who needs walls?
He's just.
He's so... [gestures wildly with hands]
That said, I do think that's a common trait among my favorite characters. David Rose and Stevie Budd, both with such tenderness hidden behind their armor... Evan Buckley, who never learned to build that fortress and gives and gives and gives... Scott McCall, who outright refused to touch that cement... Lito Rodriguez, who learns "we'll all be judged by the courage of our hearts..." Ugh, and y'all don't have the privilege of knowing my best friend's OC, Jody, but he also follows this pattern and he's truly the sunshine of my heart.
Idk. I guess I have a fondness for characters who, at their very core, are kind when the world tells them not to be — for "the gentleness that comes not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it."
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Have you ever just looked at a unimportant character no one cares about, and you just go
“They could have so much depth”
- the necrodeus anon
...I've been passively trying to come up with a compelling backstory for Brobo of all characters so yeah, I do...
Jokes aside (though I was being serious about Brobo!) I sympathize, Necrodeus fan! Some people might notice that I don't ever seem to draw the Dream Team as a whole? Or even all that much indidivually.
It's not because I don't love them. In contrast, I love them all sooooo much! But I also know that as a fan-artist (1) I don't NEED to do anything for them. They're so important to the, err, "brand" that I'm going to get my daily dosage of Kirby and others being cute by checking Twitter for merch announcements!
King Dedede, who is not as well loved by merch as the other three, gets a lot of fan-made content exploring his backstory, relationships, traumas etc, so I'm feasting on his majesty that way! (...I-is that phrasing too weird?)
It might seem weird to position myself like I'm some champion of giving minor characters depth when I draw a lot of Magolor and Marx, characters who are also showered in love and attention. But as much as I love jester boy, I know that for a variety of reasons, Marx is still in the exact same tier of cameo character as Daroach is, regardless of the difference in merch-love and fan content for the two. Neither of them are going to top the list for "characters to make important in the next Kirby game." That's just facts.
That's why, instead of producing a whole bunch of Meta Knight content, even though I do have ideas for him, I lean towards characters who were important once and are likely never to be important again. (The exception is Magolor, who has been made so important lately, he's likely to stay a reoccurring character. My excuse there is just that I'm biased. (2) Though even I start to feel his spread too much lately? He's trended on JP Twitter twice this last month and I don't even think it was for anything special.)
I LOVE Elfy but I didn't have much for them in the wake of FL's release because Elfy was everywhere I turned. A year later the fire has died down somewhat and I'm ready to write and draw more about Elfy in a relatively collected way. It's weird but sometimes hot news characters can turn into unimportant characters?!
I wasn't here for this, but Daroach was an important figure in two games, back to back! Imagine at that point, he must have seemed like frickin' Magolor to people! Isn't that wild? And the Animal Friends too! They WERE Kirby's friends, allies, family, supporting cast! They were Kirby's everything! ...Fast forward to the years between 64 and Star Allies and it's like... who?
And even then, trying to "spread the love around" is something I have to make a conscious effort to do, and I still know I'm WAY lacking in this department! I'm sorry, my other precious blorbos! Someday I will give you all each the visual masterpiece you are deserving of!
A thought struck me, as I watched a longplay of Kirby's Pinball, Kirby's Blockball and Kirby's Dream Course (three games I didn't play because even as a Kirby fan, young Dess avoided anything that reminded me of "sports.") that there are more "tiers" of Kirby characters than I typically think of!
If you love even the non-Dedede and non-Magolor last bosses or if you love the Dream Friends, you're still eating good. Because in the early games, our "supporting cast" to develop were things like the Poppy Bros, Squishy, Broom Hatter, and Kabu!
And I LIKE those guys! I like the Helpers! I like Wheelie and I like Bonkers! I mean, Chilly, right?! We all love Chilly! These guys were actually treated as kinda important in the older games! (The older manga gave focus to them too.) They didn't have compelling narratives out of the box, but they were staples in Kirby's world!
Have I ever drawn something for them? Have I ever stopped to think up a story about Simirror or Gim...? I'm not trying to guilt anyone or myself. After all, they really don't have compelling narratives, and I think you'd have to do some serious stretching to come up with one. (It might be a little easier for Gigant Edge and Bonkers and Mr. Frosty since they all spent time in the Forgotten Land...)
I think what I'm getting at is that we, who love characters who were important, if only for a single game, are kind of blessed to have that experience. Even if it's only for the length of the Milky Way Wishes sub-game or Mass Attack's main campaign. Our favorites were the shining stars with their own arc: triumphant rise and downfall.
So of course we want to plumb their depths! We got attached! And we're still better off than the Brobo fans or... dare I say it... the GRYLL FANS who dearly love a tough as nails last boss with a great design and... that's it...? We Gryll fans (because I am one of them) have pretty much had to make up their character whole cloth.
(On that note, even Gryll being non-binary is not a 100% canon thing. Gryll's just a character who we know so little about, even their gender is "unknown." There are artists all over the world who have settled on either a strictly fem or strictly masc interpretation for our onion witch. Though I prefer enby Gryll and am actually pretty confident that should they make a future appearance, the official localization will go that way themselves.)
For a long time, what informed Gryll's character was "Gryll introduces themselves with the same line that Marx does. Marx Soul and Drawcia Soul share the same attacks. All three use magic. Maybe these three who have never interacted know each other?!" That is, as far as I'm aware, the "origin" of the semi-popular HC that Marx and Gryll are friends/rivals/pseudo-siblings and both of them know/respect/fear Drawcia.
When Magolor came along and hinted he knew Marx, suddenly that lent some credence to all the magic-users knowing each other. Then Taranza came in with some weird hints of his own about knowing Magolor, and then Drawcia started to get pushed out because she was a little bit less "fun" seeming than the others...?
But I want to highlight that this is all made up!!
And I think it was made up because of people like us. People who still hold fondness for the characters that sparked their imagination and, because they were never likely to appear again, started making connections between other benchwarmers.
:cough: currently in the middle of a lengthy comic connecting Adeleine and Dark Matter Swordsman :cough:
I'm not going to say that we "keep the fandom going" or are somehow more important than people who just draw gorgeous fanart of Kirby. Everyone please keep doing that, btw! (Although it's funny that prolific Kirby fanart master, Suyasuyabi, will often draw these bottom-tier no-personality characters alongside Kirby. We don't get to see what motivates Chip or Blipper but we do get gorgeous visuals of them just living their lives) But our weird little hyperfixations are valuable and do have a purpose!
Still, if we want depth for the non-tier 0 characters, we will need to act on it. We can be helped along by inspiration from other people via weird, off-hand ideas that will make you think "Oh my god, wait what?! Oh, that's PERFECT!"(2) but your brain is going to be the one that makes the most fulfilling connections to you. Thus, my "compelling Brobo backstory" quest.
(I'm currently thinking he could be made by King Dedede? His majesty has a way with robots, after all. Or DOES he? What if there's a person or a place or a Weapon Shop Waddle Dee or Planet Mecheye that his majesty goes to to make his golf robots, blockball robots, and rocket hammer??)
Have I mentioned this about myself? As everyone knows by now, I'm one of the oldies. Not old as in I've been in the fandom forever. I've only been here for like, a year or two? But I am physically older than the rest of the people I know here, at least. But I only started drawing a few months before officially joining the fandom. (I did write fanfic when I was much younger but I hate all of it. Whee!)
Part of the reason I started drawing at my age was when it finally hit me that I would have these utterly brilliant ideas for cool things! "Oh my gosh, this would be SO perfect for X!" And I would patiently wait for someone to make this same connection and draw or write something for it that I could then love...!
:insert crickets chirping:
And...yeah... This could basically summarize my participation in my last fandom. Now, I actually wrote a lot of essays/answereds some ask questions. I didn't just sit quietly in the corner. But no matter how much I emphasized "This is a really cool thing more people should do something with!!" no one, outside of my one fandom friend, ever did.
I began to despair that maybe no talented artist/writer would ever come along and wave their magic brush/magic pen and fill me up with serotonin in accordance with my dreams. And it's a good thing I realized that because, oops, that's actually kind of true?!
Anyway, not to hammer on Dess's Philosopy of Fandom: that you should make the works you most want to see, regardless of how poor a job you do at the beginning but... yeah, actually. That.
Anyway, keep giving depth to characters! In whatever form you can!
I want to say once more to everyone who follows me and likes my art that I learned all this in like... two years. It just takes obsession :cough: dedication. But yeah, also obsession.
Also insomnia and sacrificing your free time to devouring every piece of beautiful art you come across and dissecting it lovingly. You can do the same with fiction, if you lean more towards writing. Not that I am recommending anyone pick up my regemin...
...Regemen? Regimin? RrrghI JUST looked up this word the other day. How could I have forgotten how to spell it so quickly?!
Aha! It's "Regimen."
...Wow. That's not how I pronounce it at all.
(1) Note that I seemed to talk a lot about drawing fan art up above, because to me, that IS giving them depth. When you draw a character participating in a hobby, enjoying a certain food, or talking with another character, you are giving them depth! You're rounding them out and making them feel whole!
(2) Another reason I draw a lot of Magolor is that I follow a bunch of obsessive Magolor fans on twitter who seem to do almost nothing but speculate on things that could have happened to Magolor all day(?) Just the other day, someone wrote something like "What if Magolor didn't immediately threaten to take over Popstar in front of Kirby et al? What if he just calmly took over Halcandra on his own and then realized too late that he couldn't take off the crown?"
I found that idea so compelling that five minutes later, I was scribbling this script down...
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So, yeah. I want to apologize because for all of my nattering up there, it really isn't all that fair across the board when you like an unloved, unimportant character because the popular characters ALSO get talked about more, which leads to more sparks of inspiration and opportunities to explore ideas and plumb their depths. And that does suck. It just does. It can drain the inspiration you have to work on growing your favorites and make you feel alone and unloved yourself until the love you once felt for your beloved fictional muse is more like a heart-shaped hole in your chest...
...On the bright side, sometimes you can use another character's popularity to grow the less important characters too! I saw another gorgeous and scary comic (in JP) the other day about Magolor and the Master Crown that treated Dark Nebula as a cruel, dangerous, highly intelligent and threatening rival to both of them!! How awesome was that?!
So yeah, try riding the coattails of popular characters to make your favorite blorbo more interesting! Merry Magoland as much as confirms that Magolor has interacted with a stunning amount of Kirby characters. Use the squishsy wizard egg's popularity for your own benefit! (You could argue that's what I do with Marx all the time! Use Magolor's constant appearances to loop Marx into his activities and keep Marx relevant/give him stuff to do...!)
So, what WOULD the fandom's darling think of X canon character we don't see enough of? Or King Dedede. Or Meta Knight. Make connections between the characters that everyone is devouring up content for and draw people's attention that way!
This is a bit of a silly thing but... my Dark Matter + Adeleine comic-in-progress? The actual base comic did really CRAZY numbers! To the point that it's not even a month old and it's almost as popular as my most popular post! (That being my "moon's haunted" meme I drew when Forgotten Land came out - and oh.my.god it looks so bad?! I want to redraw it just to wipe off the shame... I feel that way about a couple of my more popular pieces tbh...)
Legitimately one of the reasons it became so popular initially was because it featured King Dedede in a sympathetic role. So it got boosted by certain Dedede fans and, not to diminish my own talent, spread way further than it would have on my art/storytelling abilities alone! (To which I'm thankful. And also, I love Dedede myself and love seeing him in serious roles, so it all worked out.)
Anyway, I hope that proved entertaining and maybe a little hopeful?
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mrs-luigi-vargas · 8 months
Um. Hi. So I was reading @theangelofangst's newest work and it gave me Blorbo Thoughts. Unfortunately my blorbo is Kamek, so uhh…yeah.
Anyway, I wrote a thing based on it! Sorry if the lore/timeline (or the cipher) is wrong; I started writing this after Chapter 3 came out and then Chapter 4 came out as I entered the editing phase, lmao.
Also if you haven't read Speechless Symphony yet, you really really should! It's a delight of a story and the ending is very good :D
Sivsocavoup & Sitvusevoup
[AO3 Link]
Sitting in a cage in a pitiful excuse for a dungeon really gives you a lot of time to think.
A lot of time for your mind to wander, bored with staring at golden bars, white walls, the glint of metal spears meant to poke you if you’re out of line, the closed door denying you freedom. Nothing to stop thoughts and memories from surfacing, and of course those thoughts and memories can't do you the decency of being any semblance of pleasant.
No, the memories that float beneath your eyelids and repeat ad nauseam are those having to do with how you had ended up here to begin with. That plan, that infiltration, that confrontation. That oh-so-satisfying spray of blood, those delectable cries of fear. That green human’s face flipping to pure rage at a speed that could have put even King Bowser to shame.
That lucky throw.
That throw that shouldn't have been of any note, as the object flung through the air had been just a small stone. But it hadn’t been until the flames King Bowser had been gathering abruptly died out and he'd begun clawing at his own throat that you’d realized something was wrong. But you had barely been able to raise your wand to do anything about the way his face had twisted in pain before the green one struck, with a blow to the head that cast your world dark.
And then you had woken up here.
You spend the first hours after reorienting yourself fuming about the indignity of it all. Swearing vengeance for being treated like this, cursing those blasted humans who had landed you here, vowing to break out with King Bowser and —
The panic that had been blooming in your King’s eyes flashes in your mind, then. If you were an optimist, then you would next hope that whatever had been wrong with him had somehow resolved itself, and that he was waiting somewhere in the wings with a grand plan to break you, his esteemed second-in-command, out of this dreadful place. But you know exactly what had been wrong with King Bowser, and you haven't gotten this far in life with anything as worthless as optimism.
So you flick your wrist when the guards aren't looking, pulling up that monitoring charm you’d attached to your King back when he’d been a trouble-making prince, one you’d never bothered to remove as he’d aged. It stares back at you, fuzzy and buzzing with static as if it had never been anchored to him at all. You allow yourself one tremulous breath, paired with a single overlong blink. You’re behind enemy lines, after all.
...He’d been a great king.
For the next few days, you comfort yourself with the fact that the Mushroom Kingdom’s hero, at least, had been injured enough that he likely hadn’t survived that encounter, either. But even that solace is denied to you, as you overhear the guards standing near your cage chatter about Mario. About Mario’s recovery —
You struggle to keep your magic under control. They'd taken your wand away when they’d locked you up, in the assumption you were powerless without it; there’s no need for them to have evidence to the contrary. Still, you seethe over the meager, tasteless prison food they’d given you. You should have known the lack of funeral bells was a sign something wasn't right. Not only does that green hero get to walk away a murderer, he gets to have his brother with him, safe and sound. A duo of goody-two-shoes, prancing about as if they hadn't destabilized an entire kingdom in one fell swoop. As if they hadn't —
Again, you wrestle your magic down. It still simmers beneath your skin, eager for an outlet. And you're eager to give it one, one that ended in those brothers suffering a thousand times the amount King Bowser had, as he’d burned from the inside out. Yes, they would rue the day they crawled out of whatever wretched hole they’d surfaced from, so long as you still lived.
For a while, you entertain more...outlandish forms of revenge. A curse to cause unending nightmares as it puts them to sleep for good; an “accident” that leaves them both blind and deaf and crippled for life; the red hero held down, helpless to watch as you break every one of his brother’s bones one by one by one.
But those ideas, while satisfying, still aren't enough. You haven’t gotten this far in life without a reliable and fine-tuned cruel streak, and in that fine-tuning you’ve learned cruelty is a dish best served cold. So you let those short-sighted scenarios pass you by, sorting through the chaff for the perfect one.
You also know cruelty is a dish best made to the servee’s tastes, and for that, you need intel. You haven't needed a wand to cast simple spells since you’d learned to walk, so it’s trivial to attach little eavesdropping charms to the food trays and cutlery those fungal peons bring to you at mealtimes. Emphasis on little, because while you have been doing magic longer than any of these imbeciles had been alive, you know the Princess, at least, isn't as much of an idiot as the rest of them regarding magical matters, and you haven't gotten this far in life without a healthy dose of caution.
So you do what you do best — you listen, and you learn. Those brothers visit the castle often, and thus you find the red one hadn't actually escaped King Bowser’s final attack unscathed; apparently, his voice box is forfeit. The world forever spared of that idiot’s worthless blathering...for the first time since waking up imprisoned, a ghost of a smile curls up on your face. Even in death, your King’s vicious nature still prevails. You’d taught him well.
And, in a lucky break, you manage to eavesdrop on your King’s murderer well enough to catch the guilt in his voice when talking about the state of his brother. You take a risk and upgrade the charm to give you visuals, and you see with your own eyes the self-condemnation lining his shoulders. The sight is enough for the second grin of your prison stay. But it isn’t enough to satisfy you completely; you need it to hurt more. Nonetheless, you could still use this; the only reason King Bowser’s blow had landed — besides his unrivaled combat prowess — was because his initial target had been too busy cowering in fear to see the strike coming.
Without access to your spellbooks, it takes a while for the perfect idea to manifest. But that’s fine; you haven’t gotten this far in life without a wealth of patience. You mentally flip through them, one by one, for the perfect spell to make those humans pay, as you bide your time for an opportunity to escape.
And the perfect inspiration comes months later; after months of awful prison food and taunting from the guards and absolutely no privacy, you sit next to the light of the moon, thinking about your late King. Not in a moment of weakness, as someone soft-hearted would assume, but of the power vacuum he’d left in his wake. To be filled by whatever schmuck made a big enough power play, by the circumstances. You frown imagining it, a headache half-budding in your temples. If you were a lesser man, this would be when you would wish to do anything to have King Bowser back to take his rightful place once again. But you are greater, so you merely cast that thought aside; when you return to the Darklands you’ll find some poor saps to use as fodder for whatever revival ritual you’ll perform to get King Bowser back to his glorious, living self.
But...you do know someone lesser. Many people, in fact. One person in particular, however, would be perfect to cast in a certain role. And there’s another who would be an excellent fit for the tragic hero of this upcoming tale. And you won't even have to hatch another escape plan to direct it!
Originally, the spell you’re thinking of was something to cast on oneself in a saccharine moment of self-sacrifice for a loved one, but you know better. So you spend the next week or so keeping to yourself, those pathetic excuses for guards long since bored of you, recalling the exact shape of the incantation you need, building your magic reserves as much as you can to cast the spell itself the way you want to, knowing your slight magical atrophy and the lack of magical focus would make things marginally difficult. Or rather, it would have made things marginally difficult, if you weren't the greatest wizard alive.
As such, soon enough, with the moon sitting high yet hidden in the night sky and almost a year to the day since King Bowser was killed, you deem yourself ready.
In the darkness, you kneel on the metal floor of your cage. With a deep breath, you close your eyes and focus your attention inward. You think of your King, that look on his face, the last look you had seen on him while he was still alive. The look he probably died wearing. Surprised. Agonized. Frightened.
The vowels and consonants of your native language fall from your lips easily; low, whispered, with the barest of shaking as you concentrate. You feel the spell reach out to you, wanting you to pay your price. You feel it reach out beyond you, toward the Darklands, wanting to restore what was lost in exchange.
But you aren't a lesser man, so you don't give it the chance. You gather your magic and push it away, away out of the room, towards the magical signature you want it to latch on to instead. While the act of doing so is simple, it still costs a fair bit of energy, and without your wand you’re left panting from the effort of avoiding becoming ensnared by the spell yourself. You’d chosen it for a reason, a reason that was rather deadly. It wouldn't do to fail now.
The moon sits high in the sky and the rest of the world is asleep, so you shift to a better sitting position and lean back against the bars of your cage. You feel the traces of magic stretch out toward where you sent the spell, winding down pathways and weaving between buildings, to a little house in a town, to a certain murderer’s sleeping form. They’ll figure out what you’ve done sooner rather than later, you know. And with the spell you’ve cast banned in every country and scrubbed from every text published in the last century, they will have to come to you to learn how to break it. Not that you’ll tell them, of course.
So now, all there’s left to do is wait. Wait for them to come with their distress and their anger and their paltry threats. Wait for their tears, their denial, their attempts to bargain with you. And as the only one with answers, you’ll be free to give the ones that would only send them further into despair.
As your magical exhaustion ushers you to sleep, a cold smile dances on your face. You haven't gotten this far in life without patience and cruelty, after all. And it looks like both are about to pay off.
You can hardly wait for it.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Req: take ur fav blorbo and write about a perfect date for them
You fool I dont have one sole favorite, they rotate out with every new hyperfixiation. It feels like a "you're my new best friend"(/ref) everytime I focus on a new one 😭😭
Thst said while I want to indulge and write something for knubbler since theres next to nothing for him, hes like. The one character that I truly cannot pin down and keep in character (also I wanna dwell on my fran bow rot for a little longer, I'm not quite ready to pull the plug and stew over metalocalypse again <\3)
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Given that hes canonically introverted (which still throws me for a loop, even though thinking about it, it makes sense!) I think he wouldnt want to go anywhere that involves interacting with people more than necessary... gotta keep his social battery up through the night for you; you know!
Though as I write this I've been struck with an idea, one that I've likely tied to multiple characters before thanks to my fondness of it; a date where you guys just get tother and cook and/or bake something together
Maybe I'm a sucker for domestic fluff stuff, maybe it's because I myself am a baker, or maybe its something else
But coming from someone who used to participate in mock-restaurant days in my school culinary class, I can say with confidence that baking/cooking together takes a lot of teamwork and communication
Something that itward holds near and dear, I think!
Zero thoughts, only itward standing behind you and guiding your hands when you're cutting something up
Hyper specific to me because I have hands thst sometimes go unsteady and jerk around, but HUSH!
Not related to the request but tjers another favorite trope of mine; character a steadying character b's hands (doesnt matter if they're shaking due to fear, or if theres a neurological thing happening, I think both are sweet)
Sure, itward doesn't need to eat and I'm fairly certain he cant eat even if he wanted to.. but I think the activity itself would be enough for him!
Another favorite trope I love is when a character physically cannot eat at all and another character describes what it's like to them
I think that's another sweet idea to take into consideration when with itward; hes not jealous of the fact you can taste things but he loves listening to you talk
Imagine standing with itward on top of the flying machine after the baking portion of the date and looking up at the sky. The stars and the moon, and the clouds. Everything is just so pretty... but itward cant help but to look at your eyes.. getting lost in how they look in the moonlight
Oh if he could take a picture, he would, but alas his memory will have to do for tonight
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ghostboyjules · 2 years
It appears the last two (2)….times I’ve tried creating this post, tumblr thought I was too wordy, so I’m going to attempt to get in and get out before it eats itself again
this playlist (a Dream of the Endless™ character examination via my silly brain and sad ass music) took me entirely too long and I'm going to throw my laptop out of the window if I have to look at it any longer so pls pls take it and I hope that if you listen or even read the lyrics that you find something new, or hear something you like.
This absolutely would not have ever seen the light of tunglr.hell if not for the beautiful souls of the Sandman fandom, and a few of my new friends and mutuals. So special internet cookies and hugs to these inspirational, encouraging, and beyond talented individuals; @wordsinhaled , @weirdfishy , @wizardofgoodfortune , and @xx-vergil-xx - i love y'all dearly and I hope this is even HALF of what you would have expected, or a quarter of the amazing content y'all have bestowed upon my lil eyeballs. Now Onward! to words that personally injure me!
Florence + The Machine -Too Much Is Never Enough
And the crown, it weighs heavy 'Til it's banging on my eyelids Retreating in covers and closing the curtains One thing's for certain, oh A year like this passes so strangely Somewhere between sorrow and bliss
Oh, who decides from where up high? I couldn't say "I need more time" Oh, grant that I can stay the night Or one more day inside this life
~I first encountered this song in it's source material FFXV, and there it destroyed me. Now, wearing my dumb lil blorbo glasses yet again, it is back with vengeance..goth royalty sad wet cat flavored (gross), vengeance. "too much is never enough" .... oh sweeties...
VIRA - God Complex
God, I could try To be the one To be the one I'll tear down the sky What do you want? I'll do it all for life My love, my alibi Tonight, tonight I'll try to do it for you
I'm gonna be where you are Doesn't matter how far Because we are meant to be I'm gonna be what you need Darling, please worship me Unless you prefer to plead
~pretty sure this is the angriest sounding song on this thing? but it is fitting.. and desperate.. and wanting and... painful. when she grits out 'try' and 'sky' the way she does.. god the emotion. this just brought to mind Dream and falling for someone hard enough to the point of destructive devotion...
AJJ - Body Terror Song
It will betray you Be used against you Then it will fail on you, my dear But before that, you'll be a doormat For every vicious narcissist in the world Oh, how they'll screw you all up and over Then feed you silence for dessert
~ I love seeing people explore the idea of Dream just...not vibing with being fully corporeal. At least not in the way he is while in the Waking.. what a mood, and especially after the fishbowl...whew.
Philip Wesley - Lamentations of the Heart
~I wanted to include a few instrumental tracks in here and this one felt apt because I used to fall asleep to this album all the time. Like it was one of the only ones I could fall asleep to with any certainty. The feeling and title for this one tho struck me with Dream specifically so I went with it. The rest of the album is so nice though, highly rec.
Iris Lune - Paper Mache
Save me from myself I've been in the dark too long Paper mache love Make me believe that I can change Make me believe that I'm not strange At all
~ this song!! it sounds so so ethereal and her voice is GORGEOUS but the lyrics!! have mercy the lyrics! big ole owwie! "save me from myself" , "make me believe that I can change, make me believe that I'm not strange" hhhh (also if y'all couldn't tell, this will be dreamling flavored, I think I'll tag them too jic but. yes...)
Penny and Sparrow - A Kind of Hunger
tremble, recognize the distance Go try and murder every preference I’ll keep hangin' ‘round for reference come care about me come care about me
changing, watching you with wonder you’re less and getting even younger dying is just a kind of hunger come care about Me come care about Me
~this is... such a heavy song. hadn't heard it before starting this playlist but found it and immediately had to add it.. just. come care about me. changing, watching you with wonder. Dying is just a kind of hunger. that line specifically. -lays on the floor for 3hrs-
Carly Rae Jepsen - Gimme Love
Gimmie love (Oh) It's the way we are together (Oh) Wanna feel like this forever, forever (Oh) It's the way we are together And I never thought I'd ever say forever
~originally was gonna be a joke song to lighten the mood but haha! nope! I mean it is lighthearted but it still absolutely, in my mind, fits Morpheus. beautiful babygirl of the endless...smooch
Jon Bellion - Stupid Deep (Acoustic)
What if who I hoped to be was always me? And the love I fought to feel was always free? What if all the things I've done Were just attempts at earning love? Yeah 'Cause the hole inside my heart is stupid deep, oh, stupid deep
~this song fucks me up! 😀 for real though, I highly suggest watching the acoustic performance of this that he has on youtube cause the vibe is so.. intimate and dreamy and gorgeous.. and the lyrics.. jon bellion, sir.. smh.. the ending..
Marika Hackman - Undone, Undress
They heard my heart for miles The air inside Was seeping out In silent shouts It crumpled in my chest
~this is definitely... a nightmarish..creeping kind of song, and the lyrics are, according to the Genius annotations, rather distressing but I don't really see them the same way. I can't really explain it but hopefully y'all will see what I mean. love this one specifically "Load me heavy, I can't bend. Break me better, so I won't mend" break me better.... hhhhhh
DBMK - Switchblade
Did you hear I coughed my heart out? It never fit me so I'm likely to drown My body yearns for something real now Suggesting kitchen counters, can openers, and close encounters to hold me down Ain’t no one's boyfriend, wow I'm busy up in my brain but they don't see anything, yeah
I open up too easily, look at me Single sided blade of insecurities, yeah I open up too easily, speak to me Cutting through my comfort like its misery, sad
~this. SONG. he just like me fr 😔 azdcafs nah, honestly idk if this is projecting, but to MEE I like to think about Dream being so ready for a partner, and he gives so so much of himself to them and loves so passionately but he also has just... so many issues. just ugh this song..
Blegh - His Hands
He feels handcrafted just for you But he's a little bit too far away and You can't, you can't His hands are on you And you know you'll be gone by the morning but you know he loves you And you know you like his strong hands, strong hands
You're too real for me You should go to something better I'll give you to someone better I have friends that'll be on earth for longer I have friends that won't feel like monsters
~another song that I was not prepared for before hand that ruined me so viciously, that I had to scream at multiple ppl about it, most of which were mentioned in this post, but Verg's reaction was very memorable because I believe she told me she was on public transportation and the way she phrased it had me rolling around on the floor. but yeah y'all just gotta hear this fuckin,... bear mace of a song (with your Dreamling Glasses™ on pls, as i believe it is meant to be asxacsgdcvc)
Agent Fresco - Wait for Me
I can’t see clear The rage of rivers roam every tear They all fall through vague and vast tunnels With hurts of hatred came blinding years Will they disappear?
I’m far away, treading a path I’ve made and it’s laid with stones of fallen love I need to feel and to make atonement before coming home
~-motions to song- I mean... c'mon... this alone? nah nah nah..I gotta lay down.
Talos - Endgame
I’m drawn across An empty space This dreamland now A tired waste O it’s the endgame
A blackout heart A seething truth There’s nothing in me Left for you We’re lies
~ Talos...Talos Talos Talos... y'all. if you don't know him, but like indie-ish electronic music with beautiful angelic Irishman vocals? pls... he makes me insane. He also just gives me Morpheus vibes in general, I'm not exactly sure why, but... I also think the cover art on his first two albums are very Morpheus energy, could just be me tho
Emma Ruth Rundle - Savage Saint
I held him, his whole life In my hands, in my heart
Don't be ever forgotten, Savage Saint Never draw blood in the garden, faint Don't be the name that's drawing shame and Never let your heart harden, little flame
~I knew I had to have Emma Ruth in here somewhere, but it took me a second to find the perfect song.. and I was torn between a few, but I saw this one and. Immediately my heart was out of my body. Thinking about Orpheus.. and Dream thinking about Orpheus.. draw blood in the garden,,, I held him his whole life.. in my hands in my heart.. little flame.. it seems I am upsetti spaghetti.
Sleeping at Last - Neptune
Stitch by stitch, I tear apart If brokenness is a form of art I must be a poster child prodigy Thread by thread, I come apart If brokenness is a work of art Surely this must be my masterpiece
I'm only honest when it rains If I time it right, the thunder breaks When I open my mouth I wanna tell you, but I don't know how I'm only honest when it rains An open book with a torn out page And my ink's run out I wanna love you, but I don't know how
~Sleeping at Last my beloved <3 ... if I could snort 'atlas pt 1 the album' I fuckin would. also there's a song on there for literally any blorbo. i could bet my life on that. somewhere on there! "if brokenness is a work of art, surely this must be my masterpiece" ah hah.. hahaha..
Sea Power - Want To Be Free
Now we're under the stars Smoking cigars On top of a motorcar Hanging out Like some kind of nebula We
Want to be free Want to be free It will last forever Eternally
~this one was more for vibes and because it's beautiful, but also if I think too hard about Morpheus and how he just wants to be normal and rest for a little while, then I will have to go eat a whole bag of chocolate chips and cry myself to sleep.
Clem Turner - Divine Loser
"Connect yet stay opaque," I cannot have it both ways Please do not tell the time I can't be trusted with the date
My god, you break the skin But may I be thy heaven? Will you take my sickness While I deprive you of your health?
~haha Divine Loser..defo Morpheus (jk. or am I) that second part I included.. I keep having to re-read those lyrics, cause.. my goodness. there's a part later that says "baby just let me bleed in peace" like... whoof. Clem Turner is the only person on here twice, mostly cause these two songs are just so phenomenal I had to and the lyrics... SHMACK.. and Clem's VOICE?? pardon me?
Clem Turner - Honeywell
Get it through your pretty head Take me with you instead Forget her, she's gone So, tell me, dear stranger What's got you distraught?
Mm, here I am to bring Psychosomatic freedom to your head May I be of service, newlywed? See me as a host to all your greatest dreams And then some change As long as your compassion stays the same
~"So tell me, Dear Stranger, what's got you so distraught?" Um..is that in a dreamling fic, cause... 👀 and then "see me as a host to all your greatest dreams and then some change, as long as your compassion stays the same." running in circles, sobbing, hopping out my window, running into the woods...etc
Mustapha Kamel - Can You Feel Me
~ this song just makes me -lays face down in the carpet for 2+ hrs- and the cello is gahdamn gorgeous..
The New Basement Tapes - When I Get My Hands On You
When I come home to you Gonna take you down to the riverside When I come home to you Hold you in my arms all night
And now you know Everywhere on earth you go You're gonna have me as your man
~ Mushy Dream Rights!!! let this inconceivable being be a sap!! I love seeing him clingy and sweet and so so in love and just AAAHHH I could literally weep, I love this weird scrungly man.
Glass Animals - JDNT
I'm all armored up I've got my old helmet on Keeping out an eye Puffing all my feathers up One more little blow One more tap and I collapse
~heehee another nightmarish song. not only is this a fuckin BANGER, but Glass Animals has such a.. Sound. that's dreamlike most of the time, but sometimes can be so.. tense and creepy, and the lyrics can be violent and just downright odd. mostly from the zaba album, but regardless. I could talk about Dream + Glass Animals for hours, as proven with N (@wordsinhaled) because we have done exactly that, I think twice now lolololol (also I thought the line abt the helmet was.. hehe funny)
ABRA - Pride
Palms up, no crown You wanna mess around I wanna hold you down It's not okay I need you everyday
I lost all the pride That I thought I could keep Can you see me Say you feel me It's a big world But I fall at your feet Reach out and touch me
~ this was originally an entirely different song! but I switched it out last minute and I am v happy that I did because this song..this song fucks severely, but also it lets me put a facet of Dream on this playlist that I love seeing, which is the needy and seductive lil bastard that he can be. i think i could make a whole other playlist dedicated to that aspect tbh azcacdfavcg
Purity Ring - Asido
Oh, the madness in weakness Doubled o'er on the plate Fill an ocean with weaponry Hurricanes of our grace
Feel as lonely as I do, as I do Feel as lonely as I do, I do Feel as lonely as I do
~I wanted some Purity Ring on here because I know their genre is sometimes described as dream pop or witch house, and their lyricism has this... poetically visceral aspect to it sometimes that I adore while also being very ethereal. Love them. also tho, feel as lonely as I do?? of course it had to be in here.
Hozier - It Will Come Back
Don't let me in with no intention to keep me Jesus Christ, don't be kind to me Honey, don't feed me, I will come back
It can't be unlearned I've known the warmth of your doorways Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you Oh, please, give me mercy no more That's a kindness you can't afford I warn you, baby, each night, as sure as you're born You'll hear me howling outside your door
~ okay look, I know everybody and their mother who has made a playlist like this has put Mr. Andrew Hozier-Byrne on it, but like - come on.. look at those lyrics. He just Gets It™ and the music slaps ass! I have like, an actual Dreamling playlist in the works as well, which I'm sure will be... longer. but hopefully I'll have the foresight to work on it a bit at a time, and PERHAPS prepare a word document, since I cannot seem to help rambling at any chance I get 💀
Son Lux - Labor
I will break with you For your body to be freed and pleased Take the weight of you For your gravity to be erased
Come to life, my hungry arms are begging you But what more can you do?
Labor reveal before our eyes Into our ears Unfurl with light The stars around us disappear Just what is torn What comes alive inside of us
~ I wanted.. something big on here. I don't necessarily have a desired order for this to be played in, but this was the last one I added, if that tells you anything. The opening of this song is a little jarring, but the piano is so. beautiful. Son Lux has such a way of composing their music that just leaves me breathless and astounded at the feelings music can bring forward in me, and speaking in Dream terms, I feel like that would be the kind of song he really appreciates. I'm not gonna end this with rambling about the complexity of human emotion, because I don't believe tumblr could handle me doing that - operation-wise, i feel like it's abt to stab me as is- It's also not why I'm here lol. "I will break with you. For your body to be freed and pleased. Take the weight of you, for your gravity to be erased." the rest of that line literally mentions a phantom muse.. I think, viewing this in terms of Morpheus' marriage, and maybe even how he thinks about marriage as a concept is interesting. On Genius they mention that on a Son Lux insta story they talked about the first half of the song being about helping a friend die, and the second half about the birth of Ryan Lott's son. Looking at in that framing is also,,, WHEW.. okay this paragraph has been long enough lmao
WELL GEEZE.. looks like I've finally made it to the bottom without tumblr shitting itself again, so I'm gonna wrap this up before it gets the chance to. HAH.
If anyone has bothered to read this far; I cannot thank you enough nor can I tell you how much I appreciate you reading my inane mangling of the English language to be overly emo about music and a spindly nightmare of a man, but REGARDLESS. Thank you, I love you, and I would absolutely take a stab wound for you and make you cookies. 💕🖤💕🖤✨
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 days
This summer, I'm part of a job-related workshop. It's very intense (I have no idea why I didn't think this would be the case; I'm an idiot), Aside from the directly work-related stuff, there are also parts of it that are like, mental health/wellness related. (Last week's involved taking a self-compassion self-test and I got DESTROYED, help.) This week's segment was about big picture planning and project management and whatnot--developing practices and awarenesses that allow you to work backwards from critical deadlines, and how to predict or handle realities where the deadline is impossible, or where there is no way to plan yourself out of not getting to have your cake and eat it too. And in that bit, there was a brief section about taking time to truly grieve the things you won't get to have, or things you'll never do, or projects that will or can never be.
I think we all do something akin to this in a rote, uninterrogated way, all the time. I mean I know I do. I've done seriously for like, big life changes and whatever, too. But I hadn't really thought about engaging the idea so deeply at other, "lesser" registers of life, maybe? Beyond that "welp not going that I guess lol" version, or even the "ugh I'm super bummed X can't happen and it's going to take me a minute to get over this" level. To grieve something feels different than that. I also think I hold onto a lot of things that are unrealistic but I still think are possible--both from a space of absurd optimism, and also from a space of just being continually stressed about yearnings that will never be. But what about really, really grieving and moving on? I'm struck by the language of grief in this context, and what it would mean to really meet those impossibilities head-on, to hold real space for them, to really, really do the thing and see and mourn them.
Maybe this is just me being extremely hormonal AGAIN (always, apparently), but I'm just like, very "I need to lie down about this for several hours" about the idea.
Admittedly I'm thinking less about it from a work POV (I've been on vacation for a week, minus this workshop, so LOL no threats or obligations or anxieties or difficult things feel real right now), but from the POV of all the random oneshots I'd love to write or random ideas I wish I had the time and space to wander through, and also,--always--from not-me, in-universe blorbo POV.
Anyway, irrespective of most of that, I actually came here to rectify the fact that I forgot to actually set a goal for this coming week in my last writing post. I've been pretty successfully using a habit app to keep my life together, and have recently gotten all my categories in very good shape! Except for ONE:
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A stellar report card, were it not for that D in Pleasure Writing. My goal for this week is to GET THAT NUMBER UP! Though I think it'll actually be lower than 66% once the week rolls over, so uh. We'll see what number "up" actually means.
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Hey phoenix how have you been this is scar anon if you still remember me! Anyways I just have your laxus fanart rotating in my brain again and I am having so many thoughts like,,,I wonder how he got that scar yknow it's such a prominent part of his character but as far as I can recall (which is admittedly not very much considering I haven't watched or read ft in a hot minute) mashima never explained where he got it? God I wish there was an angsty backstory to his scar (or honestly more laxus backstory in general) but if we're being honest he probably just ran headfirst into a pole or smth.
Anyways sorry for my ramblings this was a poorly disguised request for some laxus headcanons if you have the time! (Can you tell he's my blorbo? That fanart you did genuinely restructured something in my brain and I still can't stop thinking about it to this day) Aight that's it from me have a good day! 👍🏼
Finally i can get around to answering this lol
With regards to Laxus' iconic eye scar I don't really think there was any deep reasoning or logic behind it on Mashima's end (from a character design stand point at least) other than having it be a visual tell that yup, this guy's got lightning powers so he's got a lightning shaped scar to let the audience have a clue about that. It's a similar thing with like, giving your fire characters flame printed clothing, or your evil characters red eyes or your yugioh character crazy hair to let the audience know that this is the protag.
It's more of an element to add some interest to his design and key readers into his magic before the big reveal than something i think was definitely added to tie into any backstory related thing.
And if it is connected to anything backstory related that was revealed later down the line a la 100yr quest i dont care because i dont care about anything to do with the sequel lol.
That being said, i've had this old ass concept regarding Laxus' scar that i've always meant to get around to and you've given me the perfect opportunity to talk about it.
So like, in my head and my tweaked version, Laxus' scarring is instead of a random cool looking lighting scar it's literally lightning scars.
Like scars you get from being struck by lightning. Lichtenberg figures.
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(Took off his tattoo and guild mark for the sake of clarity)
Enter Phoenix- verse Laxus lol
Reasoning for this is because I've always figured that the operation that dropped that lacrima in him was a botched one. A sorta test run of making a 2nd gen slayer to work out the kinks down the line for better and smoother operations.
So that being said, in the initial months after the operation the lacrima did not adjust smoothly to being in Laxus' body and adapting to work with his natural ethernano so the lacrima would often times send out shocks through his body during that time as the dragon lacrima's and his ethernano particles would slowly sync up and work in unison
Hence resulting in the all over lichtenberg scarring starting from his chest (i always hc the lacrima's somewhere in the chest near the heart or so) and going through the head, arm and leg as exit points for the electricity when he used to get those shocks.
And the scarring would sorta wrap around his head too! If you shaved his head (sorry King) you would see that it would stretch across the scalp as well.
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This whole thing also left his right eye slighter weaker than the other (not enough for him to be completely blind in it but it goes kinda fuzzy sometimes).
The whole full body scarring never really raised much questions though, a lot of people who see it just assume that it was a really bad magic accident (I hc that some elemental magics are more volatile and trickier to master due to the danger they could pose to the user so stuff like lighting and poison for eg are less commonly used than say water or air related magics). But those who know, know (Hello Makarov and Thunder Legion).
So uh, yeah. My headcanon and slight redesign regarding Laxus' scarring lol. Probs a lot more extra than you were bargaining for but i wanted to be able to visualize my idea properly 😅
Also bonus the scarring glows when he uses his magic :]
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cloudstrifing · 9 months
@spiritxgeyser sent me 4, 7, 25 :3c tysm I always enjoy vibing with your huge brain takes and correct opinions 💖
4. How do you find inspiration for new ideas?
I walk around and listen to my blorbo playlists a lot deep in thinky thoughts... sometimes I will also see fanart that gives me brain worms, but honestly revisiting the source material is probably the best way to get inspiration (for fic at least) bc it will remind me what I love about a certain dynamic, and then I'll just try and zero in on what exactly is releasing the serotonin and spin off that!!! As far as concrete scenarios go most of my fics are just the same trope over and over, all that's different is the trappings so that's making it easy for myself lmaooo
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
The first time I write for a pairing I will choose whoever I feel most aligned with (usually the more snarky and/or obnoxious character 💀), then I'll inevitably want to try to get into the other one's head later down the line eheh.
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
ALL my ff7 stuff, where is rebirth so that I can revert to being unhinged about this old ass game full time‼️ truly ik the trigunposting has taken over atm but ff7 is forever.
HOWEVER ALSO I rly wish more eyes would perceive my first vashwood fic, bc I think from a technical perspective it's the best fic I've made. The structure is full of very clear eyed Decisions that makes it coherent in a way most of my stuff is not. I would maybe have had them be a bit more oblique about their feelings at the end knowing what I know about the characters now, but overall I’m very proud of it and think it struck something true!!
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vacantgodling · 2 months
weird thought rabbit hole—was i partially a horse girl growing up?
like—i had a lot of horse toys that had complex herd dynamics (similar to my barbies). but at the same time, i didn’t really like “horse movies” and other horse media. in fact the only two horse related things i’ve ever been really captivated by were spirit (OBVIOUSLY that movie changed me), but also i read black beauty in my formative years and My God i was inconsolable after that.
but i haven’t, and would never consider myself one. i feel like horse girls refer to a specific type of fascination, love, devotion, and obsession with horses that little ren simply did not have. in fact, he was mostly indifferent to horses except for the (1) blorbo horse (spirit) (2) being traumatized (black beauty). and my mom mostly bought me horse toys after i got obsessed with spirit and rain but like. i literally could’ve had barbies with the same convoluted ass storylines i was making for my horses lmao.
i never wanted to own a horse (sounded like too much work), or really pet a one either. horses to me were a novelty you saw when you were on a road trip and drove down winding country roads, passing through mostly empty pastures. you scream “HORSES” with the same excitement that you scream “COWS” or “SHEEP” whenever you see them as you cruise by. it’s the novelty of seeing an animal you don’t normally see in your day to day life and less the fact that it is Specifically a horse.
i met a horse that looked like spirit when i was 7 and moved down south — he was a beautiful golden stallion and wouldn’t let me pet him, and absolutely did the same thing spirit did with little creek and put his ass to me when we kept calling to him. i was more struck by the jubilation that the horse was like spirit and had his same mannerisms versus being excited that it was a horse.
i rode a horse when i went to one of the throwaway christian camps my mom forced me to go to as a kid. but it was like. do i want to play sports or go on a horse ride? i chose the horse ride. obviously.
but i played with horse dolls and i knew spirit like the back of my own hand. so was i a horse girl?
like—i still feel not really. i don’t claim that for myself and like i said, i really was never interested in anything else horse related. somewhere in here there’s a metaphor for even if you live a similar lifestyle or one adjacent to one that people typically associate with being x, that doesn’t mean you have to claim that for yourself—but this ramble has nearly lost the plot so i’ll leave that pondering for another day.
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wetcatspellcaster · 2 months
hi! I sent you an ask a while back telling you that your lovely writings were in large part to blame for my acquisition of this goddamn game. you get too many asks for me to try to find it again as I barely remembered what I said. but I thought you may like to know that I've begun to confront the elder brain today (did not, to everyone's surprise, succeed that 99 dc check, and got tossed into the astral for my pains) and, at the beginning of the end, I can say that I have enjoyed the game IMMENSELY. my tav has become a fleshed out and fully realised character against my will and now I'm stuck with an almost 60k word document of loosely connected microfics. this is a story that I'm going to play with for a good while despite all my efforts. you have (partially) done this to me and I demand you answer for it
earnestly, I am having a lot of fun. thanks for prompting me to check this out, however unintentionally. sorry if the tone of this is overdramatic, I am Sleepy. hope you're having a lovely day!
hello lovely anon, thank you for the message! I'm so glad that you enjoyed the game and also got struck down with the 'blorbos in my gdocs' disease. I really love playing videogames since I started writing fic, even though I am no longer of doing it Sanely And Normally, so I'm happy if it made your experience of BG3 more fun as well! :D
Anyway, I apologise for nothing. Fic is an area of effect <3 that being said please get some sleep bestie. No points of exhaustion for you xx
I have also passed the 99DC check (I did it on my replay for epilogue purposes) and so I must commend you but also sadly inform you that it doesn't change the outcome of the netherbrain interaction :(((((
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autism-corner · 1 year
Calling them your skrimblo
yeah so skrunklybrain struck me n now i wanna call Levi and Belphie my skrunkly and see how they react +w+bb
~500 words, 50% bulletpoint-style 50% story
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Levi (she/her):
Just as she was walking down the hallway to get to the dinner hall, Levi heard Lucifer ask mc to go get Levi out of her room for dinner. Just before she could reach the handel, she heard mc yell “Ofcourse!!”. mc let out a giggle and Levi is totally not blushing about it. Then, in a sing-songy tune, mc said: “Off to go get levi, my skrunkly, my babygirl!!” 
Panic. What. 'Skrunkly'?
Levi knows what it means. Ofcourse she does. 
She has so many skrunkly’s herself. 
But to be a skrunkly? This was new
And especially to mc??? Levi’s head is in the clouds
Does she really mean that much to mc? Skrunkly is a pro-level status! Is her intimacy with mc already that high?!
(she skipped over the 'babygirl' part. It would be to much so take at once. Levi will actually die trying to process that)
Once mc opens the door, Levi is standing still in the hallway with a ten-mile grin on her face. I'm afraid you've broken her :). Only way to fix her again is to cuddle her and listen to all the blorbo thoughts she has about you!! 
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Belphie (they/he):
Once again Belphie seems to have fallen asleep in a rather uncommon place. Today it's under one of the desks in the school library. The floor here isn’t too bad, 6/10. After about half an hour of peaceful rest, they were awoken by the one voice that could do that consistently. Mc. Apparently mc was also accompanied by a certain sorcerer. “C’mon Sol, you’ve got to spill!! I’m sure Asmo would love to indulge me about you guys’ relationship”. Belphie could practically hear your wink. He rolled his eyes, but didn’t hide his smile. “Enough mc, please. Why dont we talk about you, hhm? I’ve seen the way you and Belphie are together.”. Silence. Suddenly, mc responded. “OH MY GOD. You know, i’ve been like… dying to talk about them!! He’s so skrunkly!! My scrimblo!!”
Not what he expected at all. 
Not to familiar with the term, but has listened to enough of Levi’s rant to understand its a term of endearment. 
Embarrassed but very much not ungrateful.
Is so much more awake now!! 100% bonked their head on the underside of the desk.
Theyve always been one of the younger kids so they know what its like to be spoiled but hearing this from mc of all people makes them feel extra special. In a way theyve never even felt before
Will ask mc to call him that again in front of his siblings, just to be a little shit (he’s to embarresed to admit he really fucking likes it. It’s so silly!!)
If Belphie ever decides to take their relationship with mc to the next level, they will not except any other term than ‘my skrunkly’. Say goodbye to ‘boyfriend’ ‘partner’ and even just ‘belphie’, they will not respond until you call them your skrinblo.
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