ftm-radio 9 months
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oh my god. I don't know if I can even properly express how I feel right now. I am gonna need some time to fully process this, lmao.
I've been freaking out over this for a week, and today I finally had my appointment, and everyone I spoke to was so warm and friendly! I did NOT expect to walk away with a prescription today, like I figured that would be too good to be true, I'd probably have to come back for a follow-up before that happened, but no! The doc was like 'I want to do a few tests to make sure there's nothing we need to worry about, so I'm ordering these labs,' and I was like 'okay,' thinking that the T would come after those were squared away, but THEN she was immediately like 'and I'm also putting in a prescription for androgel' ajauhsbehdehjejbs
said prescription is being processed at the pharmacy, so we'll see how long I have to wait before I can pick it up. I'm so fucking excited. I can't believe this is happening.
...I need to take a nap. 馃槀
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kiophen 2 years
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androgelmew offers you hrt
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netflixandnudez 2 years
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raylyttle 7 months
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Store-Bought is Fine, 2023
Wax crayon, pencil crayon
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genderqueerdykes 1 year
Hi! First I wanna say thank you for existing, as a fellow system with "conflicting" identities and an intersex body we really really appreciate you. We've seen you a bit in the intersex tag and thought I'd follow.
I noticed you mentioned tgel, and for me personally tgel is a once daily medication that is applied on the body.
Like another asker said, it is alcohol based and you don't need to wipe it off! It dries onto the skin, and I personally started with two pumps.
The locations that my doctor said it would be best to put them is the outer/tops of the thighs or the shoulders, while rubbing the excess on your tummy.
It dries really quickly, and it does leave your hands a bit dry because of the alcohol but if you kinda rub your hands together after they don't feel bad!
You just kinda have to work the film off.
Washing your hands could also help but I usually just rub mine together. I've currently gone up to three pumps, and depending on your doctor you can go up more, but my starting dose was two pumps.
I hope that can provide some help!! -oleander
systems with complex identities are so cool!! we are rad and im glad you exist, too =) also glad that to meet other intersex bodied systems, that's soooo fucking awesome
that is really cool!!! i really appreciate people who have different experiences with the gel chiming in! like mention previously, we've been taking T-gel since 2019 and we take ours twice a week, so it sounds like there's lots of different ways to take it! i honestly think that's so cool that you take it daily, that's very involved and idk. i love the ritual of taking my testosterone, my hormones are so important to me, so i think it's really cool that it's so involved for many people!
thanks for the input! you also reminded me i have to pick up my T from the pharmacy. lmao!!! thanks for stopping by, good luck in your transition! happy to hear from you, feel fry to stop by again, take care!
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10 months on low dose Androgel timeline
I think the last one I did of these was at 7 months, oops. I started on 1 pump of 1% androgel, which has 12.5 mg of testosterone in each pump. Since December, I have been on 2 pumps a day. I have yet to have any blood work done, so i don鈥檛 know my levels.聽
This is a timeline of the most recent, biggest changes. I have other posts about my earlier timeline in my Testosterone gel tag.
The *biggest* change these past few months have been my voice. It鈥檚 changed drastically from February to now, but I think it鈥檚 actually sort of levelled out recently. It was hard to speak loudly for a most of February and March, because my voice would try to go higher but I just didn鈥檛 have that range anymore, so it would crack or just, make no sound at all. I think, for the most part, that is over. I think this was just one voice drop and im sure more will come (I still sound androgynous too, but that could be because of speaking mannerisms rather than voice) but I鈥檝e learned how to talk with my lower voice now, and can speak loudly without the problems i used to have.聽
i went from my lowest, median, and highest of my voice being 176hz, 215hz, and 255hz respectively, to 96hz lowest, 137hz median, and 179hz highest, but those numbers do fluctuate a bit depending on day which is normal. It鈥檚 strange to see what used to be the lowest my voice went when talking is now the highest it goes. It鈥檚 been really great.聽
I will say, that I am now at the point where i cannot play it off like im sick or anything when people ask about my voice. I have been specifically asked if i鈥檓 on testosterone, and people I haven鈥檛 seen in a while are shocked at my voice now. If you are someone thinking about low dose T to hide changes for as ling as you can from unsupportive people, I only got 10 months, and many people get less. you cannot guarentee when you will get what changed.
on to things besides voice.聽
My arm and hand veins are,, extremely prominent when I get warm. It鈥檚 really interesting, gives me huge euphoria, but is also really weird to look at.聽
My period hasn鈥檛 stopped yet, still gotten a lot lighter though which has been great.
My face has definitely changed, but in a way where it鈥檚 hard to tell what exactly has changed. i just know i look different. I just can鈥檛 really place how. My eyebrows are thicker, my skin looks different, but there鈥檚 something bigger that is just hard to see.聽
I still don鈥檛 really pass in public, long hair androgynous voice and no binder will do that, but i鈥檓 really liking how everything is going so far. Genuinely I think going on T has just cured my depression??????? I鈥檓 only normal sad like once a month, not thinking about offing myself once a day. I didn鈥檛 think testosterone would change so much about how I feel, but it鈥檚 made me feel so much more calm and rational. I have a good grasp on my emotions, and they don鈥檛 consume me anymore. I鈥檓 able to think past them and make good decisions without letting my depression or anxiety or anger rule out my rational brain. That won鈥檛 be the experience for everyone, but it is mine. and it has been great.聽
Also maybe expect a trans tape review soon idk, I鈥檓 getting some because my binder fits me on paper, but irritates my arms sooo much that it鈥檚 hard to wear.聽
Feel free to ask any questions, I鈥檇 be happy to answer
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m4ngey 2 years
As a transman who has been on T for 2 years now... if you feel your dose is off please tell your doctor. Not seeing any results after half a year? Talk to someone. If they don't talk to you about it straight up then get a second opinion.
I was on the starter dose of T for 2 years and only got on the right dose a few months ago after switching to Planned Parenthood. They were very kind and very angry at my previous doctor who'd straight up lied to me about my dose and what the "max" was. Even said they "may have to take me off T if my levels got any higher" when they were so incredibly low as is. I'm on triple that dose now and have been better than ever both mentally and physically.
This being said ofc if you have a medical issue and can't up your dose/have to watch it very closely that's different but...
TLDR; If you feel something is up then please talk to someone. Don't be afraid to seek a second opinion if you can. Talk to other people on hormones. Make yourself be heard. Seek answers.
Tired of doctors and pharmacists straight up lying to us lol. First red flag was the fact the first doctor and the nurses never told us how to use the needles or anything or told us wtf to do. No run downs on nothing. Got prescribed the first visit which isn't the issue but I'd figure some sort of safety talk would be??? Common sense??? Second red flag was him saying any mental illness I had was "all in my head" etc.
I'm not a doctor at all. This is just my personal experience. just please stay safe gang.
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sexchangedotnet 9 months
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fraye-complex 4 months
Doctor said I could have Androgel
Insurance said lemme think about it
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smidgeon-of-pigeon 1 year
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Me when I picked up my first ever T perscription (I said yippee)
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sensible-tips 2 years
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Testosterone Thursday
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starful-emporium 6 months
life has been hectic this month and i think i've missed dosing androgel a few too many days. i'm having pms symptoms now which sucks. took an ibuprofen bc pain but i think that triggered my mcas
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netflixandnudez 7 months
As of today I鈥檓 1 year and 11 months on T can鈥檛 believe time has been going by so fast. So before I hit my 2 year mark I just wanted to give you guys an update. And yes my entire journey has only been gel.
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i-am-the-doctor 6 months
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imgonnacryaboutit 10 months
I dont have a following so plz reblog im very curious plz thank uuuu 馃┓馃馃┑
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Voice update
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Started low dose androgel on June 10th, and my voice only really started changing at all in December when I upped my dose (to my knowledge I'm still on a pretty low dose though, but how would I know my doctor is not getting blood work done for me until the one year mark)
But yeah, my voice has been cracking a lot and it's kind of hard to speak loudly most times without it breaking or sounding raspy, but some days it evens out. Really happy with my progress so far : ) it's been great!
If anyone has any questions abt T gel or my timeline or anything, I think my blog here has anonymous asks on. So ask away : )
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