#anti misogyny
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had a very sudden idea yesterday, that was just “reduce intensity, reduce frequency, reduce duration”. this kind of thing is close to the style i used to have when i first found gender critical radical feminism as a teenager. i was very focused on trying to convince women to reduce harmful practices like wearing heels, even if they weren’t going to stop entirely.
i’m still against heels, but of course there are bigger things to worry about, and the type of towering high-heels i saw everywhere have gone mostly out of style.
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vampire-bat-boy · 2 months
When can we finally stop with the shitty "ehw men" jokes? Why is it obvious for everyone that it's not okay to say "ehw females suck" but then it's okay to say "Men are disgusting"?
Or when a woman posts "I fell love with a man even though I could've fallen in love with a woman :("
And the entire comment section will be full of "My condolences" "RIP" "I hope you get well soon"
Everyone should have the right to be and love whoever they want. All that happens when you hate on men as a gender is that you make people feel unsafe around you.
Trans men
People who are bisexual and openly express their attraction to men
People who express masculinity in their gender
Straight trans fems
Gay men/attraction towards men
When can we finally stop spreading hate and just be kind to each other? Like gender doesn't say shit about what kind of person someone is wtf just be nice to each other
Sincerely, a pissed of trans man that just had to read the same old joke of "Men are so disgusting" again
TERFS and Radfems will be blocked on sight. You have no space on my blog fuck off this is a trans safe space
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greenleaf777 · 2 months
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This was truly a comment i got on tiktok.
My fellow women perpetuating this garbage is so disheartening. How will we ever get away from it if we do it to ourselves???
Stop babying grown men 2024!
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leighlew3 · 11 months
Made my day. 😂
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feminist-fog · 12 days
the biggest thing i don’t understand about sw3rfs is a lot of them are pro choice for the same reason i am pro sex work.
Banning abortion doesn’t mean abortions will stop, it means abortions will become unsafe and someone in need of an abortion will be forced to put themselves in danger.
Sex workers deserve the right to their job. They deserve the right to have safe encounters, std testing of their clients, and protection from sexual assault. Sex work is real work and legalizing it will put more protections into place.
Banning sex work will not stop it from happening, it just makes it unsafe for the worker.
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moidloverxoxo · 3 months
males would never do this for you btw. a male would never go around defending women in a non-sexual manner.
You people don't have any other argument, do you? You are no different than those dudes who comment shit like "a wife would never do this for her man" under wholesome posts about guys doing stuff for their girls.
Also, first you call me a pick me, then you imply I'm doing this for a "non-sexual manner". Pick a side, anon.
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egalitarianchica · 1 year
You don’t need to deny misandry to acknowledge misogyny exists.
You don’t need to deny misogyny to acknowledge misandry exists.
The second point especially applies to all the people who do mental gymnastics to make every form of discrimination against men misogyny/patriarchy. You can acknowledge that men and women each have their own issues instead of making both genders’ issues the fault of discrimination against one gender alone.
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the-land-of-women · 1 year
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mppmaraudergirl · 1 year
Please, not only have they gone far they have completely lost the plot and their minds. I woke up today and the first post I saw said: "I will fight anyone who ships jily and not jegulus!" Imagine declaring you'll fight anyone who ships a loving couple with a child, instead of wanting to erase the woman, steal her son and canonical place and ship the man with a bigot and blood supremacist. Like?? The plot and reality grasp is beyond lost 🤣
Like fine, crackship to your heart's content, but also some reality check and staying in your lane please 🤣
Obviously fic exists for the purpose of exploring the characters in situations outside of canon. But Jegulus is basically the epitome of "tell me you don't know their characterization without telling me you don't know." Which, whatever, contrive a scenario where Regulus pulls a Sirius and renounces his upbringing (which lol why when Sirius is right there?) and maybe James could...? But the ten canon things we know about these guys point to them not only loathing each other but being fundamentally incompatible as friends let alone more. Erasing those traits from them basically changes who they are. Some of us still like canon James Potter, flaws and all.
And anyone who Ted-Mosby's-wife's Lily (or any canon mom) in favor of giving their ship a baby disgusts me. Full stop. Just...absolutely gross.
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kenstewydyke · 9 months
YOU!!! are a terrible person!!! You are not a feminist, you are a bully who projects your fears and trauma onto everyone else. You are sad! Get therapy please. You'll be much happier when you don't hate half the population hun <3
awww the male chauvinists and rape apologists are mad. I will be happy once we kill all men and women could live without fear. keep up with the dick sucking and the internalised misogyny idc. You are a coward for saying all this shit anonymously. At least I am principed enough to admit my views. I hope you get all the male validation and dick you're so clearly desperate for. Not only is this cocksucker misogynist, they are also ableist and classist lmao. I may need therapy but you need some dignity and reading classes so you're not an uneducated foot soldier for the males.
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an-angels-fury · 7 months
Things some people say that make me want to bury my head on the ground:
"Sorry if I don't care about this shit, I'm a normal person with a job."
"Ew, how can you like this? It's so problematic!"
"If you like this character, it means you condone abuse/torture/genocide in real life! Do you have no shame?!"
"Please, fuck off/stop being like that, you freak!"
"No, of course I'm not homophobic/rascist/misogynistic! I actually have some friends who are gay/black/women."
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A little bonus:
"I'm a defender of the traditional family (which translate to white, christian and straight, of course) and good mores."
"Go to Venezuela, you fucking communist!"
"Brazil above everything! God above everyone!"
(The last three ones are favorites from Bolsonarists, which it explains a lot 🤮)
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wolf-tail · 1 year
The fact that women are expected to be "kind and understanding" to men who fall down alt-right pipelines is repulsively misogynistic. Women are allowed to be angry and show no pity to the ones who wish to do them nothing but harm. It's very telling that so many of you expect us to be nurturing to men who literally see us as property. We're not here to "fix" rape apologists by being nice to them. We're allowed to hate their guts.
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greenleaf777 · 4 months
Just today I have seen several people characterize Elain as STUPID and just a girl that doesn’t know what she wants.
The misogyny is great in the gwynriel/elucien circles.
She is a grown ass woman who can decide for herself who and what she wants. They talk about the inner circle babying and infantilizing her and they do the same damn thing. The whole point of Elain’s character is that she wants the choice, she wants to be taken seriously.
It blows my mind that someone can ship two characters together so fiercely and HATE one of the two, usually the woman. Why don’t you just not ship it?????
I saw that sooo much in the ouat fandom with swan queen where most shippers hated Emma. HATED. Got some good reminders of their delusion today.
If you hate Elain you’re not actually an Elucien shipper just FYI
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takemetowonderlan-d · 11 months
I love being a fangirl!!! I love femininity and embracing it!! I love pink!! I love being excited about seeing my favorite female artist in concert and screaming at the top of my lungs!! I love being obsessed with stories and fanfiction!! I love being obsessed with my favorite fictional characters!!! I love using tumblr and Wattpad and ao3!! I love joining discords of my fandoms and talking about my favorite media!!! I love merchandise !! I love buying books!!! I love fanart!!! And I’ll never be ashamed of it 💖
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leogoth21 · 9 months
The most stupid thing that exists is the genderwar.
Men are not better than women.
Women are not better than men.
Every person is unique and shouldn't be rated because of their gender.
Not every man is the same.
Not every woman is the same.
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moidloverxoxo · 2 months
I saw someone say "patriarchy hurts men too and feminism is for everyone" as a statement is a bad thing as basically equated it to someone a MRA (men’s rights activist) would say, even tho it’s just. A basic desire for equality, like equality for everyone is a noble thing because everyone benefits from it??? It just seems like someone who can’t see the forest for the trees. I don’t know your thoughts on this, which is why I sent this ask tbh as to see what you thought about it.
I personally think that "Patriarchy hurts men too" and "feminism is for everyone" are two different statements. I agree with the first, not so much with the latter.
While I do believe that patriarchy hurts everyone, women are more oppressed. And feminism literally has the word "fem-" in it. It's for women. Adding everyone's issues would take away the main motive of why it was started, giving women the same rights as men.
But I don't think agreeing with the statement makes one an incel or "MRA". As long as you're a decent human being it doesn't really matter what or what-not you label yourself as.
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