#anyway. I don’t fucking know lol i love natalie
tabithatwo · 1 year
Lottie kidnapping Nat so she can’t kill herself <3 Taissa saying Shauna’s poor and Natalie’s a drug addict <3 Shauna saying I would kill your spouses and actually I quite enjoy murder in general <3 Misty claiming she would NOT kill their spouses (she would) <3 Van judging like she’s not as fucked <3 NATALIE SAYING GUYS CAN WE JUST TALK PLEASE <3 lottie saying lol no talking actually my wellness cult is a sham your lives all suck kys <3
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eternally-smitten · 9 months
Selfshiptember: Picnic
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pairing: Daryl x Natalie
summary: Natalie and Daryl relax under the shade of a tree for a bit and share lunch
word count: ~1.1k
content warnings: mentions of blood, the apocalypse, and zombies
author's note: ...so I've been watching more of TWD lately and uh. I think Daryl is cute so I added him to my list LOL
banner credit: cafekitsune
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“Oh, my gosh,” Natalie huffed, “It is too damn hot out.”
“That’s your concern?” Daryl asked her, curling his lip a little.
She scoffed at him, “Can I not focus on two terrible things at once without getting lectured, huh? It’s goddamn hot out and we’re surrounded by the living dead. I can be upset about both.”
“Sure, Princess.” He grumbled and rolled his eyes at her before giving her a teasing smirk.
She crossed her arms and squinted at the sun, “How long do we gotta be out here, anyway? I’m getting kinda tired.”
“We haven’t even been out here that long.” He commented, “You’d be terrible at hunting. You gotta say out ‘ere all damn day bein’ quiet.”
“I am a terrible hunter!” Natalie laughed, “That’s why we have you do it! When you’re not, you know, sulking about acting like a teen going through a phase with that mop on your head you call hair.”
Daryl let out a low whistle, “Now that is a low blow right there.”
“Is it a low blow, or is it honest?” She giggled, “Seriously though, can we stop for just a bit? My god, I feel like I’m about to melt.”
He grunted a “yes” and lead her to a somewhat shady spot under some trees he found. Then, he slipped his arms out of his old, tattered leather vest and set it on the grass, patting it softly, “Your throne waits for you, Princess.”
“Seriously?” Natalie sneered, “We are covered in blood, sweat, and guts and you want to protect my pants from some grass?”
“You can’t even ‘preciate a nice gesture? Fuck me for tryin’ to be a gentleman, I guess.” He shot her a glare and took a spot on the ground, relaxing his shoulders a bit as soon as he made himself comfortable.
She sat in front of him on the vest he laid out for her, “No, no, I appreciate it. I just didn’t realize you were being Prince Charming for once.”
“You don’t think I can be charmin’? Damn, you are testy today, missy.” Daryl started to search through his bag for lukewarm bottles of water and some pre-prepared food he packed for the both of them. He handed her a bottle, “Here, consider this lunch.”
“What is this, a picnic?” She asked, smiling a little. She was genuinely asking him and the thought made her happy. Natalie had forgotten just how much she loved picnics before the entire world ended.
He assumed she was picking on him, “Can you turn off for at least five seconds? I just don’t want ya bitchin’ at me about how thirsty you are.”
“I wasn’t being an ass for once, I swear!” She laughed before taking a swig of some much needed water, “I must ask though, why are you being so nice to me?”
His nose scrunched up in confusion, “What the hell do ya mean by that?”
“I thought I got on your nerves.”
“You do.”
“Okay, so then why are you being so nice to me?” She asked again.
He let out a long sigh, “That doesn’t make any more sense than when you asked me that the first time.”
“Fine, lemme explain.” Natalie took a peek in his bag to see what kind of food he packed, “I mean, you say I’m annoying and that I get on your nerves – because I do – so then why did you ask to join you on this outing?”
He shrugged before handing her a sandwich, “Thought I could use the company, I guess.” 
She gladly took the sandwich and practically tore the plastic covering off to take a bite out of it, “But you’re the one that always says ‘Grr, no, I’m a loner, grr stay away from me grr’ so why choose me? Especially if I’m so annoying?”
“Okay, first of all, that’s a terrible fuckin’ impression of me.” He didn’t look amused, “My voice ain’t that grumbly and low.”
Natalie rolled her eyes, “I never claimed that to be my talent, you know.”
“Uh huh, sure,” He chuckled softly, “And second, I can tell you’re gettin’ tired of bein’ all cooped there in Alexandria so, I decided to be nice for once. I’m regrettin’ it now, though.”
“Aww, really?” She fake pouted, taking another bite of her sandwich, “I’m having fun with you.”
“Really?” He sounded surprised and considered the possibility that she wasn’t being truthful.
“Yeah, really,” Natalie said with food in her mouth, only realizing after she started speaking that her mouth was full and swallowed quickly before continuing, “I don’t get to see you often. I mean, just us. You and I. You’re always runnin’ off with Rick or playing the role of protector that you’re too busy to sit down and just talk with me.”
Daryl hesitated, feeling a bit awkward at being viewed so fondly, “Uh, sorry.”
She shook her head, “No, that’s nothing to be sorry for. I just like being with you, I guess.”
“Um,” He cleared his throat, “For what it’s worth, uh, I like bein’ with you, too.”
“Really? Even if I’m a pain in your ass?” She smirked at him, feeling pleased with herself that she could get him to confess something like that to her.
“You’re really focusin’ on that, huh?” He shook his head and clicked his tongue, “Am I ever gonna live that down?”
“Maybe,” Natalie’s smirk never left her face, “If you promise me one thing.”
“Yeah? What?”
“We go on picnics like this every now and then. Just you and me.” She offered, hoping that it didn’t make him uncomfortable. She really did want to spend more time with him so she figured asking him would be worth a shot.
Daryl thought for a moment, surprised at being asked such a question. Did someone really want to spend time with him of all people? Did she actually enjoy his company? Even after she called him a sullen, angsty emo teenager?
She waved her hand in front of his face, “Hello? Earth to Daryl?”
“Sorry, just thinkin’.” He apologized, “Sure, I can take you out on these picnics if you really enjoy ‘em that much.”
A wide, genuine smile tugged at the corner’s of Natalie’s mouth, “I do! I really, really do. Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” He said dismissively, still getting used to being appreciated like this. 
The shade kept them cool while they continued to enjoy their moment of respite under it. Eventually, they had to keep moving and pack up, which made both of them a little sad. They were able to carry out their conversation as they left their shady spot, though, and that made them feel closer than before. Daryl wouldn’t admit this to himself and would be caught dead admitting this out loud, but he found himself looking forward to their next private picnic.
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Tag list: @rainy-day-ships @bobmckenzie @gideongrovel @cherrypieships @williameaston @danireblogs @wanderers-wife @fates-theysband @hollandmarchsdork lmk you want to be added/removed! ♡
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literaphobe · 11 months
I see that many here believe that Gabriel was selfish and wicked even when making a wish, but Astruc on Twitter reposted an analysis that actually says his final wish was a sincere intention to fix everything and make Adrien happy. There was nothing sinister except for Venum, and it seems he just thought she would refuse to give him the Miraculouses. He even mentioned several times in the show that Adrien would understand him if he told him what he was doing and assumed Adrien would do the same in his place, only to later tell Marinette that he didn't talk about the villain he was, as if implying he realized Adrien might hate him for it.
Finale analysis, which was reposted by him: https://twitter.com/MLBFrances/status/1677393499426004993
i don’t think gabriel was Overtly trying to be mean or cruel or evil. not in making the wish, for the most part not even in his intentions for making the wish. in his mind, he just wanted his wife back. he thought it was cruel and unfair that she had to be sacrificed for their child to exist. those are valid reasons to want what he did. but he’s also very much an ends justify the means kind of person. and the truth is, whether you think you are doing it all for the good of the world, the benefit of others, or the happiness of your loved ones, when the means are very cruel and painful, they never Ever justify the ends
that’s why adrichat yells and screams and cries in 5x24. that’s why he tells him he fucking sucks and is a shit father (however he said it). even if gabe explained it to adrien, when coupled with what ladybug’s told him, how he himself has learned that making a wish is Dangerous, he would ultimately realize trying to wish his mom back is wrong. at the end of the episode, when marinette shows gabe that video, he realizes that even SHE doesn’t want to come back. he makes the wish to bring natalie back so that someone is left to raise adrien. in his eyes, that’s the best thing he could do in this situation. a final ditch attempt to somewhat right his wrongs. but that doesn’t mean making a wish isn’t Still Dangerous and the characters in the world might start facing its consequences (the lies, lila and the electricity scene at the end)
and so yeah. gabe clearly doesn’t want adrien to remember him as an evil villain. but lies can only get you so far. the truth of how his dad treated him will never go away. and that’s the thing about villains that don’t deserve to be redeemed. there are people in our life that don’t deserve that either, but the odd thing about love is that we try and redeem them anyway. we want to be wrong about them anyway. we wish for them to be better than we thought we were. and that’s why i can say gabriel is awful and abusive and shitty but also adrien is going to miss him and mourn him and hate that he’s gone and want to think his father was better than how he treated him
so yeah. gabriel is a long list of bad things that you just can’t come back from at this point. not because he used venom on marinette when she let her guard down and trusted him. not because he made the wish. but it all adds up. and whether he thinks he’s doing the right thing or not, deciding to sacrifice himself deus ex machina style instead of facing real life consequences—sucks. him asking a girl to lie to his son and the world and keep his ugly secrets. sucks!!! regardless of intention
so yeah… gabe can have the right intentions and want to make everything right and decide that he shouldn’t force his desires on the people he loves at the end… it doesn’t mean he’s a good guy now lol. also doesn’t make it bad writing. unless they fuck it up majorly next season. but im really just here for the ride
tl;dr i don’t really know what ur trying to drive home here so im just giving my thoughts in general about gabriel + how good intentions don’t mean good person? lol i hope this makes sense. i think that redeeming gabriel doesn’t play into whether a piece of media is good. not every villain needs to be redeemed etc etc
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Allie!! I’ve been to the Haunted Museum in Vegas! Not to be all ✨I’m an empath✨ but the vibes in there are INTENSE. 😩😩😩 It gave me such much anxiety I couldn’t sleep that night after we got back to the hotel and my friend/coworker had a terrible headache that didn’t go away until we got out of the actual building itself. 😅
Quick story! I was in Vegas for a work conference (and JLO’s residency was sold out) so we decided to check it out for fun. The Uber driver asked kindly if they could just drop us off across the street because they didn’t want to pull into the parking lot of the actual museum. They said they’d heard a lot of spooky things about it and it always made them uncomfortable when they had to drop off passengers, especially at night 💀 We thought it was part of the fun so we said sure. Then once inside, I had a weird experience at the end of the tour. They have a room decorated like the cabin of a boat that has memorabilia of Natalie Wood. I don’t know if you know her story but she went missing while sailing with her husband and Christopher Walken. Her body was found, the most likely explanation being she fell overboard and drowned but people suspect foul play. While in the room with our tour group, I started to feel like I was swaying. Like when you’re on the deck of a boat, you know? It went away when we left the room but it was such a bizarre feeling. I mentioned to my coworker that it was a cool addition to make the floor move and she said she didn’t know what I was talking about. 💀💀So I went to the tour guide to confirm and she said “no, we don’t have any additional effects in that room but a lot do people say they feel that sensation.” 💀💀💀💀💀 It was fun in the sense that I love spooky things so we were able to laugh about it the next day. But they also have a lot of artifacts from actual serial killers so the energy in some rooms was VERY heavy and upsetting. I only felt comfortable in one room that had a couple costume pieces that belonged to Robin Williams and Heath Ledger. It was definitely an experience and I recommend it if you are really interested in true crime and the paranormal. But I always caution people to look up reviews too if you happen to be sensitive to darker topics. That said, the staff was amazing and checked in on everyone regularly to make sure we were good since it’s about an hour tour in total.
Oh my god, M 🫠🫠🫠 Since that anon mentioned the haunted museum earlier I’ve been watching some videos and I couldn’t be more freaked out about it. Your story was just the cherry on top, that’s absolutely terrifying 😩 I love it 😌 lol but seriously if that was me I would have walked out immediately!! That’s insane, thank you so much for sharing it! I’m glad you at least enjoyed some aspects of it.
I was watching this video where they show a rocking chair that is apparently cursed or something and it gives people really bad back pain, and the guy on the video started having back pain immediately just for standing next to the chair. (Although Zak Bagans kept telling him it was because he mocked the chair, so he was screaming YOU MOCKED THE CHAIR nonstop - anyway, absolutely great and chaotic video 10/10). So it seems like a lot of people feel actual physical discomfort like you did. Fuck, I live by myself and I should actually be sleeping by now, I think I will have some issues with that. Help💀
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alienwithawire · 1 year
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We need these cures, now.
I didn’t know that you were a fan of shish kebab that’s so cool
Well … speak of fat… it’s no joke.
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You can you can imagine if 60 years ago these guys were thin
I’m severely anorexic, and my child is dead
I didn’t know that Dennis thought he owned Nancy like property without love
What a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being
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But then he decided to try to play with the big boys and they didn’t wanna play with him so things got complicated
Natalie Imbruglia drove me off road I had been to the location before the long long time ago and
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It’s been almost impossible for girls to have clean and fresh
Those police officers would kill Natalie Imbruglia. I guess, except for the fact that the mafia might come after them. And of course that’s kind of what happened in the case of the police department. Most of them are not in the know because you know they don’t make very much money lol.
Anyway, the mafia agrees that the police department here, and in many other departments have gone way too far and it is safe to say that the mafia has a war against the cops but that’s not anything new. The only thing Neil is that we will actually get revenge for every child harmed, every woman that little joke that you guys played all of those things will be taken care of by somebody whether legally or illegally.
You guys took it too far when you sexually harassed me
And not even officer friendly is going to get away with that
So anyway officer friendly do you feel like John Wayne now or do you feel like Matt Dillon from that movie?
Or do you just feel like a completely disgusting, pervert, paedophile piece of trash?
Yes sir yes ma’am understand sweet as apple pie over here
Awe. But the cop and my brother?
Nope. Weren’t having it. Racists.
As far as the racist greedy African Americans go, what would you have me do they can’t have what is mine and I don’t steal from African-American people because that is wrong
I don’t think that Kaleb and Mr. Gregg really want to play that way but at the same time they do want to have a piece of ego but you really don’t wanna play with me boys
And I’ll tell you something else the next African-American who sits in my space or vice versa if you run your cock sucker to me about anything Native American or indigenous I’m going to spit in your face and have you leave
We don’t need any of that uncivilized nonsense
You know what it is right black America African lives matter, so goddamn much right now that it’s making me sick and some of you are making me wanna fucking kill you and that’s not who I am because I’m not a murderer at heart
I am upset because I know that African Americans know better but white people most of them are lost
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taestefully-in-luv · 2 years
Love Again | PJM (Eight)
Summary: A friend of yours is eager to introduce you to her new man but what happens when Park Jimin, the man who broke your heart 5 years ago walks in through the door?
Pairing: Jimin x Female reader
Genre: exes au, exes to ???, fluff, angst, smut
Word Count: 12.6k
Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (?), mentions of sex, implied smut, small description of oral (male rec.), mention and descriptions of exhibitionism, mention of orgasms, steamy…lip touching? Lol, implied boner and sorry if I forgot more!
Notes: thanks for your sweet messages. I hope you guys like this chapter! Not sure if I delivered but hope it’s okay anyway! I hope you continue to enjoy this story. Love hearing from you guys<3  Send an ask if you want to be added to a tag list or just want to chat:) 
Tag list: @yoongimentita7 @rjsmochii @aria-grace-scott @ravensading @shrimpmsg @phossmos @ceyoongs @btsis7okay @loljrau @ggukkieland @forever-once-gone @taejoonswifey @awseokjin @telepathytae @ssaltytears @jikooksgirl19 @koreanaestheticc @shesoldbutcute @main-bangtansmauyeondan @mawwnsterr @dopedreamfireparty @bri-mal @callmejimmeo @bloopkook @ncizen @natalie-rdr @familiarlikemymirror3 @theestrangeddreamer @chimchimmarie @sugas-baby-girl @greezenini @somewhereinthestarss @keiarajm @80sbass @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @heem145 @ihrtjm @vonvi-blog @minijagiya @nadzzzblog @tannieastrology @emilypark01 @katjimout
© taestefully-in-luv
Namjoon. Namjoon. Namjoon. Just say his name already. Namjoon. Namjoon.
You open your mouth to speak again (maybe successfully this time) your eyes going between the two boys.
  “Oh my god, Namjoon, just sit already.” Lucy cuts in quickly, her hand reaching forward for her half empty glass of water. “Jeez.” She tries to roll her eyes playfully but to you it seems forced but you don’t comment. “Obviously.” Lucy giggles. 
  “Right.” Jimin is hesitant but he let’s go of the chair, “Obviously.” He repeats, his eyes on Lucy before taking a seat at the end of the table. 
“Well, that was hilarious.” Naomi comments, tone light as she waves over the server. “Our y/n is so popular.” She says, giving you a wink and you shake your head. 
“No offense—actually it’s cool if some offense is taken—but y/n is my best friend so—” 
“Stop.” You groan, reaching over to pinch Hoseok’s thigh but he leans away just in time and giving your hand a swat.
“Oh,” Naomi sings, “Are we all fighting over y/n now? I love this game. As long as I get her at least once a week.” 
“I need her on Wednesday’s.” Jeremy suddenly joins, “y/n is the only one who knows how to work the fucking printer and you guys know I need to print my report on Wednesdays.”
“You only want to spend time with me because of the printer?”
“Yeah.” Jeremy gives a curt nod, expression blank. 
“I want her on Saturdays!” Lucy squeals in excitement. “Sounds like the perfect day of the week for girls nights!”
 “No,” Jimin looks around the table, small pout on his lips. “Saturdays is when new episodes of our show comes out…so Saturday is for me.” 
“To be fair I thought Tuesday’s were for you? Or according to your Insta stories maybe Wednesdays? Or was it Thursdays?” Lucy smiles at Jimin, finally bringing her water to her lips. “But wow, Saturdays too? Aren’t you a little greedy?” Lucy maintains her smile as she sets her glass of water back down to the table. 
“Hate to break it to all of you, but it’s cute you guys think you get any say. I have y/n priority!” Hoseok grins proudly, “Right?” He glances at you, smile only growing in pride.
“At this rate none of you have any say.” You deadpan. “Plus,” You turn your head towards Jimin now. “You say that yet when I asked you to come over yesterday you told me no!” 
“I was busy!”
“You were sleeping.” 
“Is that not being busy?” Jimin smirks at you, “I offered to come still but you’re the one who said no, that I should continue to sleep.” 
 “I was just being polite.” You cross your arms over your chest. “Didn’t you see right through my kind façade?”
“Well…yeah, but I went with it.” Jimin shrugs. “You guys can’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the same?” Jimin asks, glancing around the table.
“That’s fair.” Everyone starts mumbling with the nod of their head.
 “Whatever. So Namjoon,” You make eye contact with the man next to you, “What day of the week do you want me?”
 “Well, first of all, I am always wanting you.” He responds smoothly and you swear the heat of the sun itself is on your cheeks. “But I am happy to see you at any time, y/n.” His dimpled smile is aimed right at you and it takes everything for you to not clutch your chest dramatically.
“Wow,” Hoseok blinks at you both, “Should we leave? Are we interrupting?” 
“Shut up.” You laugh. “But since you are the only one who isn’t make any demands about my precious time, I give you full priority.” You tell Namjoon, your hand finding his shoulder and he gives you a nod.
“Perfect, I owe you a date anyway. Tomorrow night?”
“Oh?” Your sheepish smile makes Namjoon’s chest tighten. “And what will we do?”
“Hm, I know we both know I’m no cook but I have been perfecting one recipe…maybe I can cook for you? Some wine, we can cuddle on the—”
“Wow,” Jimin looks over at Hoseok, eyes blinking rapidly. “It does kind of feel like we are interrupting, huh?” Everyone around the table starts laughing as you flip them all off. 
“Exactly, I feel like we should get out of here before they start dry hump—”
“Hoseok!” You don’t miss his thigh this time, your fingers flying towards him and giving him the pinch of his life as he yelps.
“No regrets.” He murmurs, rubbing the spot you just pinched. “Even though your pinches hurt as hell.”
“That was just a 5 out of the 10 scale. So watch it.” You warn him, voice teasing. “So—”
Finally, the server comes the table to take everyone’s orders. Pitchers of mimosas have been order oh…and food, of course. But you know what’s important here. 
 “Anyway, anything new with you guys? Jer? What about the girl? Sasha? Second date ever happen?” You look across the table to get a look at your friend. Jeremy immediately goes into sulk mode.
“So…no?” You ask softly. 
“She ghosted him.” Naomi shrugs, “I told you that you were too mushy!”
 “She seemed to like it though!” Jeremy defends. “Also, she didn’t ghost me! Probably.”
“She’s left you on read for three messages in a row. She ghosted you, dude.” Naomi reminds him. 
“Oh my god, that’s awful!” Lucy bites down on her bottom lip. “Are you okay?”
“Of course he’s okay.” Naomi rolls her eyes. “He’s already texting someone new. What’s her name again?"
 “Which one?” Jeremy pulls out his phone and starts scrolling. 
“See?” Naomi gives you all an unimpressed look. “Apparently he has multiple.” 
 “You’re just jealous!” Jeremy tells her. “You wish you had multiple as well.”
“Well, maybe you aren’t wrong.” Naomi shrugs with a laugh. “One of these days I’ll learn from you.” “That’s a scary thought.” You shudder, making Hoseok and Lucy laugh. 
“You know what I have been wondering for a while though?” Jeremy clicks his phone off and stares at all of you. “I know we started doing brunch because it started as a joke because we wanted our broke asses to feel fancy…but…”
“But what?”
“Isn’t brunch like a noon thing? Why the fuck do we meet at 10 am? Isn’t that just…breakfast?”
“Hold on,” You pause and then dramatically shudder again. “Sorry, my body has a reaction every time Jeremy starts making sense."
 “Oh my god,” Namjoon chuckles. “That’s exactly what Yoongi said the first time he completely rejected this entire notion.”
“Okay, to be honest, me and Hoseok agreed on telling you guys 10 because we didn’t think you’d actually show up on time…so 10 really meant 11?” Naomi says before her eyes are lighting up when the server brings the pitchers of mimosas.
 “If we said ‘hey lets meet at 11:30…you guys probably wouldn’t show up until after 12.” Hoseok laughs, reaching for one of the pitchers, filling up his glass. “We didn’t think you guys would actually show up on time…”
“Wow.” You and Jeremy say in unison, betrayal on your faces.
“I had no idea that was the reason!” Lucy whines, “Kind of always feel like you guys are always deciding things without me.” 
 “To be fair, brunch started as a thing before we were even friends with you.” Naomi points out and Lucy just waves her off with a strained smile.
“I was kidding.” She giggles, “Anyway, new with me is uh,” She pretends to think, “Me and my team have pretty much created most of the main costumes for the new production but it’s just the designs. We don’t know any measurements yet therefore we can’t actually get too started.”
“Oh, right. Well, it’s not like you don’t know who will be playing Hades.” Your eyes find a blushing and smirking Jimin who just rolls his eyes at you. “What were you and Hoseok up to last night?”
“Us?” Lucy points between her body and Hoseok’s. “Oh, we were just watching movies.” 
 “But you fell asleep.” Hoseok chuckles. “I tried to get her to wake up and move to the guest room but she’s a heavy sleeper. Kind of snores too.”
“I do not!” Lucy’s cheeks turn rosy. “He’s making that up!”
 “I knew it was one of you!” Naomi breaks into a grin, “Our last girls night, I woke up because one of you,” She gestures between you and Lucy, “Were snoring crazy loud. I knew it wasn’t Bacon that time.”
“It wasn’t me!” You throw your hands up, “I sleep like an angel.”
“It wasn’t me either!” Lucy continues to grow redder, “It was Bacon!”
“No, Bacon has a very distinct snore…trust me, neither of you sound like Satan himself.”
“What did it sound like?” Jimin asks, waiting for a demonstration. And Naomi complies…unfortunately for all of your ears, making everyone laugh as she does her best impression.
“No, it wasn’t y/n. Her snore is more like…” Jimin starts giving his best impression of you, making you roll up a napkin as you throw it at him. “But that’s only when she’s super tired. Other than that she’s pretty quiet.”
“Oh, right.” Jeremy blinks at Jimin, his hand rising as he points at you and Jimin. “You would know something like that…” 
“Oh, yeah.” Naomi agrees as she realizes as well. “Wait, this means you also know how Lucy sounds! Do an impression of her!”
“Or we can not!” Lucy looks so embarrassed and you can’t help but feel this is her karma for embarrassing the shit out of you that first day you met Jimin with her. You think that kindly though. 
“Lucy?” Jimin tilts his head, trying to think. “I don’t know.” He admits awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. “We never slept in the same—”
“Her snore is like this!” Hoseok interrupts with his loud laughter, already giving his impression making everyone laugh.
“Enough! Enough!” You’re laughing so hard. Hoseok’s impression beyond what you imagine is even close to being the real thing. “Hobi? Anything with you?” You ask as you’ve relaxed.
“Hmm. Oh! Remember that new duvet I wanted but it was always sold out?"
“It’s finally back in stock, it’ll arrive this Friday.” He grins, “Not to mention 20% off so I’m in a great mood.”
“It’s the gray one, right?” You ask, “But like with green and blue and whatever colors?”
“That’s the one. I fell in love with it so I waited because it is worth waiting for the right one.” 
“Wow, romantic.” You tease him before glancing over at Namjoon. “What about you?” “Hmm, I’m working on some new story ideas…remember I told you I was wanting to go the fiction route?”
“I’m playing around with some ideas…might need your help after all.” He smiles, his hand gently gripping your thigh underneath the table. “Also, my current book is selling really well. My agent is trying to set up a tour for it.”
“A tour?”
“Yeah, a book tour. I’ll go to many cities around the country…it’s actually selling really well in some other countries as well so that could be cool to go there for the tour!"
“That’s amazing, wow.” 
“When would that happen?” Naomi asks, taking a sip of her mimosa.
“That kind of stuff takes time, but could be as early as mid-summer.” 
“I’m so jealous of you!” Lucy gushes. “I wish I could travel more.”
“Travel…” Naomi refills her glass of mimosa. “That’s kind of what’s new with me?”
“What is?” Jeremy asks. 
“I have a cousin who is currently working in Mexico City and she wants me to visit for a while…get out, you know?”
“That’s ‘getting out’?” Jeremy questions, “I thought getting out meant like, going for a walk at the local park.”
“Shut up!” Naomi chuckles. “I asked Mr. Lincoln about it already…working remote for a couple of months…” “What?!” You, Jeremy and Hoseok all yell out. 
“He didn’t give me an answer yet! Chill!” 
“You told Mr. Lincoln about it before us?!” You ask, not actually offended but an obvious exaggerated look of sadness on your face.
“I just wanted to see if it was even possible before I let you guys hype me up!”
Well, she makes a good point, you think. “Anyway, Jimin? You?” Naomi glances over at the boy who sits at the end of the table.
“Uh,” Jimin looks around before he’s gazing at you and his lips are curving up. “Technically yes. But y/n is the only who will understand it.” He chuckles.
“What is it?” You ask, interest obviously piqued.
“I reached out to Taehyung.” He tells you, his voice soft. “We chatted for a—”
“You did?!” You gasp, your smile growing wide as you think about it. “Jimin! You…that’s great. I’m so happy for you.”
“Yeah.” He hums, suddenly looking shy. “It went well…he wants to visit.”
“Who’s Taehyung?” Lucy asks, “A friend of yours?”
“Best friend.” You clarify, “He’s like Jimin’s soulmate.” 
“I don’t know about all of that.” Jimin’s smile grows and grows, small blush on his cheeks. “We were…but it’s been a while since we had talked.”
“Ah, I remember Taehyung!” Namjoon blurts. “In college I kind of thought you guys were a…what’s it called? Throuple?” He teases with a grin. 
“Maybe in Taehyung’s dreams.” You say with a straight face and Jimin nods, expression serious before you both break out into laughter. “It would have just been me and Taehyung fighting over Jimin.”
“And I would have been okay with that.” Jimin shows a smug smile and you roll your eyes. “What? It’s true.”
 “Actually that or you and him fighting over me. Let’s be real, Taehyung hyped me more than you sometimes.” 
“That’s true too….wait…is there a timeline where we are fighting over Taehyung?” Jimin asks, his eyes wide, trying his best not to snort.
“Damn….poor Taehyung…” You giggle, nodding your head. “I hope he’s moved on from us…he deserves better.”
“Hm. Agreed. It’s for the best.” Jimin laughs alongside you, everyone else chuckling as they listen. 
“It’s kind of crazy to listen to you guys talk now…” Hoseok smiles at you, “knowing you both know each other and well…it’s interesting now.”
“Oh,” Your cheeks heat up, “I guess we had to you know, keep it more low key before…” You mumble awkwardly. “If it makes anyone uncom—”
“No!” Hoseok waves his hands in front of him. “It’s fun!” 
“Don’t worry, y/n.” Namjoon assures you, squeezing your thigh. “Feels better this way. Ah, especially for me.” He shakes his head with a laugh, “Yoongi was praising me so much when we got home when he realized I actually kept a secret.”
“We’re very proud of you.” You tell Namjoon, “Still sorry though.”
“I know. But everyone’s okay, right?” He glances around the table and everyone agrees…your eyes go to Lucy, who just nods her head and gives a thumbs up. 
 “So what’s everyone’s plans for the rest of that day?” Jeremy asks, “Naomi, you’re still dropping off the paint I need later, right?” Naomi only nods.
“I have so much laundry to do.” Hoseok slumps his shoulders. “Multiple loads.”
 “I am meeting with some old friends for dinner tonight.” Namjoon sips his drink, “Should be nice.”
“I’m going grocery shopping.” You say, looking around, wondering when the food is going to come.
 “And I am going grocery shopping with y/n.” Jimin drinks his entire glass of his mimosa in one go. “Which I hate. I hate grocery shopping.”
“Then why are you going?” Lucy mutters, “You guys just like, do everything together?” She looks up, eyes meeting yours before she smiles. “Since you hate it, apparently.”
“Ah, I owe her.” Jimin comments nonchalantly.
“Yeah, this dude keeps eating all my food so he is going halfsies with me. I would make him pay for the whole thing but I’m already taking away a year of his life for making him grocery shop in the first place.” You snort. “Dramatic.”
“I will pay for the whole thing! I will give you my card! Don’t make me go!”
“You’re going. That’s that.”
“For being exes you guys get along really well.” Hoseok points out, amusement on his features. “Well, to be fair, I think I could get along with all my exes too if I had to. Well, all except one.” 
“I want you guys to know he is referring to a girl from middle school.” You say, rolling your eyes at your best friends dramatics. “She didn’t even do anything wrong!”
 “Didn’t?! Didn’t do any—didn’t do anything wrong?!” Hoseok gasps at you, “She did the most wrong thing a person could do!”
“Which was?” Naomi leans in.
“She told me…” Hoseok dramatically gulps. “She told—told me….God, I can’t even say it.” 
“Just tell us!” Jeremy starts chanting, “Tell us! Tell us!”
“She told me I didn’t have….” Hoseok stops again, shaking his head. “Can’t. It’s too hard to say.”
Everyone’s head turns towards you, your tired expression making them more curious, they wait for you to fill them in.
“She told him he didn’t have—”
“Fine!” Hoseok surrenders, “She told me I…that I didn’t have…swag.” 
You rub your temple, “This is so sad.” 
“Exactly. It is sad.” Hoseok agrees and you roll your eyes more.
“No, the thing that is sad is you!” You laugh now. “But I guess for a middle schooler maybe it was a big deal.” 
“She said it at the school dance in front of everyone.” Hoseok looks at you, like you’re crazy if you don’t think his feelings are valid.
“Damn for real?” Jeremy snorts, “That’s a bitch move, for sure. I’m on your side bro.”
“Thank you!”
“Fine, fine.” You wave him off, “Oh look!” You suddenly become very excited when you notice the food is on its way. These pancakes stand no chance. 
 “Uh…” You lift your head up, your eyes finding Jimin who just sat down on your sofa, leaning back and getting comfortable. “What do you think you are doing?”
 “What do you mean?” Jimin crosses his arms behind his head, closing his eyes now.
“Did you think you were done?” You stand up straight, gesturing towards all the bags on the kitchen floor. “We have to put the groceries away!”
“That wasn’t a part of the deal.” Jimin’s eyes are still closed but can he imagine your expression, his lips forming into an amused smile just at the thought. 
“Wasn’t a part of the….Oh, Jimin…” You abandon the groceries to walk over to the living room and stand in front of him. “If you don’t help me I won’t—” But you cut yourself off, your mouth stopping on its own as you draw a blank. What exactly do you plan to say? You know what you would have said in the past…but well, that’s the past and this is now…you blink down at Jimin who keeps his eyes closed but his amused smile becomes sinister.
“You won’t what, y/n?” Jimin asks innocently. One eye opening to get a look at you, then both eyes when he realizes he is enjoying what he sees. 
“I—I won’t…”
“Hm.” Jimin uncrosses his arms from behind his head and then leans forward on the couch, thinking about his next words.
“I won’t…I won’t help you with your audition anymore!” You blurt out quickly and Jimin only chuckles. He stands from his place at the couch, only a foot from you until he shortens that distance by half.
 “That’s not what you were going to say, right?” He whispers. “I know your go to line in this situation.” He’s teasing you. This motherfucker is teasing you. Your mouth hangs open as you try to retort with something—anything. But you remain quiet. Jimin’s smile doesn’t leave his lips, something charming, something pleased. “Go ahead, y/n.” He walks just a bit closer, close enough that his words are hitting your lips with his warm breath.
“You…” Your eyes meet his and they hold for a moment. “You tell me what you think it is I was going to say.” You somehow remain calm…it won’t be you who admits it. 
“Do I say it how you would have said it?” Jimin asks, eyes wide as he gestures towards you. “I don’t know…you have a dirty mouth—”  
“Please.” You roll your eyes, but they land on his again. “Your mouth has always been dirtier.” 
Jimin doesn’t say anything, his silence making you feel a little antsy since the only thing he is offering you right now is his eyes. His eyes trail across every feature your face will show him. His eyes fall from your eyes to your nose to your lips. You follow his gaze, noticing every little thing that flashes across his face. He’s close, close enough that your breaths mingle, close enough you can smell him, close enough to feel like you’re both melting into puddles of paint and you’re beginning to mix…close enough that separating you is impossible, your color and his color are already creating something new—
“Jimin.” You rasp out, trying to hold in your breath. 
“Jimin.” He repeats his own name…his eyes still dancing across your face before they lock in on your eyes. “Jimin,” He says again, mocking you, you think. “Jimin, if you put away these groceries…” He pauses, giving you time to realize where he is going with this…he is mocking you but it isn’t in a playful tone, instead it’s said smoothly, seductive even. “…If you do I promise right after I will drop to my knees for you,” His puffy lips start to curve, “I will take your cock into my mouth—”
“Okay.” You release a long breath, airy chuckle as well. “You obviously have good memory.”
“Of course, I remember everything with you.” He whispers. “Plus,” He finally takes a step back, “Despite hating going grocery shopping I still always went with you, didn’t I?”
“Wow, you only helped because you knew you were going to get your dick sucked?” Your eyes roll back sassily, taking a step back yourself, a hand going to fan yourself. “I thought it was because you loved me—oh, and you wanted to eat what we bought!”
“Maybe it because I loved you and I wanted to eat. But come on, you’re crazy if you think a blowjob wasn’t a great motivator.” He is teasing you all over again, “And now I went with you because I owed you.”
“Or maybe,” He walks closer again. “Maybe in the back of my mind I thought you might still offer to—”
“Jimin!” You gasp and he starts laughing. “You’re the worst.” You shake your head, hating how your entire body feels warm and maybe it’s time to lower the AC. 
“You know I’m just messing with you.” Jimin sticks his tongue out at you before brushing past you, “You’re an easy target.”
“Well,” You follow him into the kitchen, “Maybe you shouldn’t joke like that.”
“Oh.” Jimin turns around quickly to face you, a look of apology on his face. “Did I make you uncomfortable? I’m sorry…I didn’t meant to…I just—“
“Well, no.” You admit, “I’m not, don’t worry. It’s probably just not right, you know?”
You know Lucy might not like it that you and Jimin interact this way…
“Oh, right. Namjoon. I get it.” Jimin nods, trying his best to smile genuinely.
“Oh yeah, Namjoon….” You say out loud, “Him too.”
“Too?” Jimin tilts his head, “Is there someone else?”
“What? No…I just mean, we shouldn’t anyway. It’s not like we want to do something like that!” You wave your hands in front of your body, your cheeks feeling fiery hot. 
“Of course we don’t.” Jimin looks you over, his eyes finding yours before he turns back around and starts putting away groceries. “Anyway, you’re going to help right?” He whines, “You won’t make me do it alone, right?”
 It’s almost midnight when you finally slip into bed, your cool sheets feeling so refreshing against your skin. Jimin left around 10 tonight, you both caught up on your show. You set your alarm for the next morning when a text comes through. Jimin. This dude does not let you breathe but of course, you smile seeing his name.
                                                            Jimin 11:44pm
                                                            Jimin 11:44pm
                                                Just wanted to say sorry again. I guess I got too comfortable teasing you and stuff that I didn’t really consider how it might make Namjoon feel
                                                            Jimin 11:45pm
                                                If im being honest it didn’t really cross my mind bc its not like you 2 are dating right? I didn’t think u guys were serious I guess so im sorry
                                                            y/n 11:46pm
                                                we aren’t in a relationship yeah but I mean we are a thing? Idk lol 
                                                            Jimin 11:46pm
                                                But you aren’t serious about him right?
                                                            y/n 11:47pm
                                                ?? I wouldn’t say that im not?? 
                                                            Jimin 11:47pm
                                                Lol oh. 
                                                            y/n 11:48pm
                                                oh what?
                                                            Jimin 11:48pm
                                                Nope not my business 
                                                            y/n 11:48pm
                                                you choose now to mind your business??? Come on jimin lmao just tell me, give me your opinion I know you want to give it 
                                                            Jimin 11:50pm
                                                Ok only bc you are begging and you know I have a thing for that
                                                            y/n 11:50pm
                                                            Jimin 11:51pm
                                                God when did you get so uptight im joking hehe
                                                            y/n 11:51pm
                                                so what are your thoughts
                                                            Jimin 11:52pm
                                                Do with this what you will….but to me, you aren’t like….into him? I don’t think you are? I think I know firsthand what you look like when youre into someone and
                                                            y/n 11:55pm
                                                lol you and hobi think you know me so well huh anyway you’re both wrong. I like Namjoon. Im just being cautious…is that so wrong? 
You continue typing on your screen, the words showing up like magic as you grow a little frustrated. “And who do we think is the reason im so cautious now?” You type but after a moment you delete it. Not wanting to start a fight you probably don’t have the energy for…even though you are well aware it wouldn’t even be an argument. He will probably just agree with you and feel bad and look guilty for the next month—and you don’t want that. 
                                                            Jimin 11:56pm
                                                Its not wrong im sorry…good luck :) im gonna go to bed but good night y/n, sleep good and all that
 It’s Tuesday now and it’s not that last night was a disaster—no, not really. In fact, there was one part of the night that was going really well…but Namjoon’s agent was persistent. Namjoon was going to ignore his consistently vibrating phone—especially when your lips were moments away from wrapping around his beautiful cock. You cannot stress this enough…you were literally in awe of how tall and hard his member stood for you. You kept telling the universe to give you all the signs—you will commit to this dude for real. So there you were, his cock in your hands, inching it closer and closer when he finally gave in to his annoying ass phone. For fuck’s sake, what is the universe trying to tell you?
            Probably the most disappointing thing is that you were hoping the heavy making out, the dick stroking and of course, the head you were about to give was going to lead to you getting fucked. It’s been a while. And lately, the smallest of things is getting you horny as hell. Even when Namjoon burned the food he made, even when he broke your wine opener, even when he got spinach stuck in his teeth—you still wanted to get fucked by this man. But unfortunately his agent needed to meet with him urgently and poof, he was gone. 
“So, you ever going to tell me why you’re in such a crabby mood today?” Hoseok peaks over his phone, getting a look at you as you sulk on his sofa. 
“I’m not.” You say blandly, your own eyes staying on your phone.
“Look at you.” Hoseok tries to hold in his laughter, “You look like ET.”
“Bite me.” You roll your eyes, knowing it’s probably true. You’re wrapped up in a blanket, even wearing it as a hood.
“Bite? What did we say y/n?! We leave our kinks outside of my house!” 
“Fight me.” You retort—blandly, again. 
“That I can work with.” He laughs, “So?” 
“It’s nothing.” You shrug, “I’m just—” you stop, looking at your phone’s screen when you see Jimin calling you. “Hold on,” You tell Hoseok before answering your phone.
“Hello? Mhmm…No, I’m just here with Hobi, chillin. Mhm. Mhm. Wait, what?!” You suddenly sit up and lean forward. “Seriously?!” Hoseok watches as a smile appears on your face. “Like, right now? I’m with Hobi though…can he come too? Uh huh. What?! Oh my god, that’s so exciting. How though? Isn’t your place like…tiny as hell? Oh. Well,” You pause to laugh, “I’m sure you guys have years of cuddling to catch up on anyway.” You begin teasing and Hoseok looks at you, confusion growing. “Okay. Send me your address. We will leave in a minute. Okay, bye!” You sing out before hanging up.
“What’s happening?” Hoseok questions you with a small grin, “Where exactly are we going?”
“To Jimin’s.” You stand from the couch, blanket falling off your body. “Taehyung is here!” 
“Oh?” Hoseok stands as well, “Jimin’s best friend?” 
“Yeah! He’s great, seriously. I was pretty sad I lost contact with him after the break up. He’s a good guy. He’s uh, he’s the one who made that shirt…”
“Oh thank god.” Hoseok sighs out, “I was so worried you and Jimin were that kind of couple….but you aren’t the ones who made that atrocity.” 
“Yeah, hell no. Taehyung is fully responsible.” 
“What a relief.” Hoseok teases. “Did he send the address?” He points at your phone, you look down and see that Jimin did in fact send it. You nod and Hoseok starts walking out of the living room and down the hall. “Then let’s go!” 
You seriously can’t recall the last time you were hugged like this…maybe over 5 years ago, hug given by this same person. Taehyung’s got you suffocating in his chest as he spins you around, his tight embrace making it hard to breathe from one, the suffocation but also two, with how hard you are laughing. 
You barely even got a decent look at Taehyung when you first walked into Jimin’s apartment…your vision getting blocked by his chest because he immediately swooped you up and all you see is darkness from his shirt. He smells excellent though, a familiar scent but maybe also something new? He finally puts you down…mostly because Jimin keeps scolding his friend. Taehyung holds you at arm’s length and wow…time is doing him good. He looks the same but also not the same. Older, features more filled out, hair a bit longer as well but no longer resting on his forehead. 
“Man, am I happy to see you!” Taehyung tells you, excitement filling his voice. The one thing that has not changed even the slightest is his smile. “Oh! You remember Dae? She’s here too! In the bathroom though, she had coffee and you know, I’m not sure her bowels can—”
“I get it.” You cut him off with a laugh, “This is my best friend Hoseok!” You motion towards Hoseok and they greet one another. “I’m so glad you guys came to visit! Are you just here for the day?” 
“The day?” Taehyung blinks at you, his eyes going down to his rather large suitcase. “A week.” He states plainly. 
“A WEEK?” Jimin chokes on his spit, “You’ve always been an over packer but—"
“I haven’t seen you in so long, Jiminie, of course, I would stay longer than a day.” 
“I thought we could make this work for a day but…” Jimin trails off, his eyes glancing around his very tiny apartment. “But where will you two sleep?” 
“I’ll sleep with you, obviously.” Taehyung grins.
“And Dae?” Jimin lifts a brow at his friend.
“Oh her?” Taehyung glances around. “She can just sleep on the floor.” He shrugs.
“The floor?” A new voice enters. “Wow, someone give Taehyung a ‘brother of the year’ award. Next he will say I can sleep at the foot of the bed like a dog.” Dae, Taehyung’s sister walks into the living area. As soon as Dae spots you she is already coming towards you with an excited grin. “y/n!” She calls out before you two are hugging. 
“How are you?!” You say, squeezing her body to yours. “Oh my god, I love your hair. It’s so short now!” 
“Yeah, well, when you have everyone telling you that your long hair is everything and you should never cut it and blah blah, well, it really made me be like ‘fuck you’ and chop it all off.” She says, pulling away from you and then flipping her hair with a wink. 
“Dae!” Taehyung starts whining, “Stop saying bad words!”
“What?” She stares at him, “Fuck?” She asks, “Haven’t I been saying that since I was like 10?”
“Yes.” Taehyung grows serious, “Exactly! So how many years have you been breaking my heart for?!” 
“Eh, you’ll get over it.” Dae shrugs, “What’s his deal though?” She asks, her eyes focused on the person next to you. You turn your head to get a look at Hoseok who has his finger pointed at Dae and his mouth hung open with wide eyes. “You good dude?”
“Hobi?” You wave a hand in front of his face before he’s blinking rapidly towards Dae.
“Y-You.” He continues point at her. “Dae.” 
“Yeah?” She points at herself before she narrows her eyes at Hoseok and then she’s mirroring his expression. “Wait, wait.” She shakes her head, “No fucking way.” Now she’s the one with her mouth hung wide open before she’s laughing her ass of. “What are the odds?!” 
“Odds?” You question, glancing between the two. “Do you two know each other??” 
“Oh.” Dae smirks at Hoseok before meeting your eyes. “He knows me, for sure.”
“You know my sister?” Taehyung asks, dumbfounded.
“Oh, he knows me, knows me.” She winks at her brother before his facial expression shifts from confusion to disgust. 
“Oh, seriously Dae?!”
“Wait, what?” You shake your head, small smile gracing you as you become more interested. “How do you two know one another?” You ask, question directed towards Hoseok.
“Remember a couple of years ago when I went to a hip hop dance camp? It was during the summer?”
“Literally, no.” You give him a blank stare. “You’ve literally never mentioned that like, ever.” 
“Yeah,” Hoseok nods his head. “That would make sense. Considering I tried to block it out since I was humiliated. Like, I did not want to remember that place at all.” 
“First of all, you went to a whole ass dance camp?!” You try to contain your laughter, “I mean, I knew you had rhythm when we went clubbing and stuff but Hobi,” Your hand goes to your mouth as you try to relax. “A camp?”
“Oh? You met my sister there!” Taehyung nods like he understands now, “Wait, is this the guy…?” Taehyung chews on his lips as he tries to not laugh. Dae wastes no time to nod her head, a look of satisfaction on her face.
“It’s him.”
“What’s him?” You look between your best friend and Dae, “What happened at…dance camp?” You snort.
“Dark times.” Hoseok closes his eyes, “Dark times.” He repeats.
“He’s so fucking dramatic, I’m sorry.” 
“Where do you think I learned it from?!” Hoseok shoots back at you, “Anyway. I was unbeatable. No one could beat me!” He starts whining.
“Well, I beat you.” Dae shrugs. “In more ways than one, if you know what I mean. Get it? Because I beat your me—”
“Your brother is here!!!!” Taehyung rushes to cover her mouth with his hands, “Come on!” He cries out loudly.
“Anyway.” Hoseok remains calm. “Dae here…was not even in my group! She’s two years younger than me! She was in a different group! But for some reason they put her against me?!”
“Oh, I was definitely against you.” She winks at him and you can literally see his eye twitch.
“You see what I had to deal with back then?!” Hoseok groans, his question aimed at you.
“This is fucking gold.” You point out, amused to say the least. “Keep going.”
“Well, I could not stand her—”
“You couldn’t stand me?” Dae blinks at him innocently before she’s nodding. “Ah, yeah. That makes sense. You were sitting when I was riding your—”
“YOUR BROTHER IS HERE!!!!!” Taehyung cries out again, his hands covering his sister’s mouth once more. 
“No, no.” Jimin has his arms crossed over his chest, clearly amused as well. “Let them speak.”
“So? That’s it? You’re mad she beat you in a dance competition?” You ask and Hoseok shakes his head.
“No, I’m mad because she humiliated me!”
“Because she beat you?”
“No, because she gloated for like 2 weeks straight! Even—”
“So you were sleeping with her and—“
“No,” Hoseok shakes his head quickly, “We weren’t sleeping together before that.”  
“So…” Your expression goes from a little amused to fucking ecstatic. “You’re telling me you two fucked after she totally humiliated you?! Oh my god, Hobi, I am learning so much about you!”
“He really wanted me to pay, didn’t you?” Dae winks at him, “Don’t worry everyone, he made sure I learned my lesson.”
“Oh my god. LALALALA” Taehyung sticks his fingers in his ears, clearly wishing he was not a part of this conversation. 
“This is the best thing I have heard all week.” You admit, toothy grin as you pat Hoseok on the back. “One, I’m shocked about dance camp but the most shocking thing? You hooked up with someone who wasn’t you girlfriend?!”
“Shut up.” Hoseok huffs out, “I can’t believe we just had this conversation…oh my god, in front of her brother.” He points at Taehyung, clearly becoming mortified.
“Don’t give me that look! I’m the one who is traumatized for life!” Taehyung continues to keep a look of disturbance on his features. 
 “Jimin,” You look over at Jimin. “I’m having a great time, what about you?”
“I’m having a blast.” He confirms and you both start laughing, exchanging some high fives. “But what? Should we order some food?” “Nice save with the subject change.” Dae grins. “I’m in the mood for ramen. You guys?”
“Sounds good to me.”
“I’m in the mood to die.” Hoseok grumbles.
“Same.” Taehyung nods along, face of grimace. 
You know it’s late but you’re having too much fun. You, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Dae are all sitting on Jimin’s living room floor, chatting about life. Hoseok is learning a lot. Taehyung apparently has no issue reminding everyone what an amazing relationship you and Jimin shared.
“I’m serious!” Taehyung giggles, “They weren’t even dating yet and they were already acting like a married couple. I remember I accused Jimin of them sleeping together and he got pissed. Like pissed pissed. Trust me, you don’t want to see Jimin mad ever. But anyway, I was like yo bro, you hittin that or what?”
“Maybe it’s because of the way you word things.” Jimin rolls his eyes.
“Sorry I understand lingo. Anyway, I was like, bro are you hittin and quittin? Or what’s the deal?”
“There’s no way you really said that.” You sigh, “Jimin please tell me he’s joking.”
“I wish he was.” Jimin brings his bottle of beer to his lips. “But well.” He gestures towards Taehyung like that’s all the explanation you all need.
“So were they? Were they hooking up?” Hoseok grins, poking your rib to tease you.
“No!” Taehyung drags out the word, “I feel like he was lying though.”
“Of course he was lying.” Hoseok nods in agreement. 
“Yeah, there’s no way!” Dae chimes in. “How do you start dating someone blindly without knowing if the sex is even good?!”
“Exactly!” Taehyung clinks his beer bottle with his sisters, “That was my argument. But well, we all know how good their sex was.” He offers a crooked grin before chugging some of his beer. 
“I never told you about our sex life though!” Jimin defends, looking at you, trying to make sure you know he’s telling you the truth.
“You didn’t need to.” Taehyung shrugs, “I crashed on your guys’ couch way too many times to not know when you and you,” He points at the both of you with his beer bottle, “Are about to experience an orgasm.”
“What the fuck dude!” Jimin looks flustered but he’s laughing. You on the other hand are experiencing hot flashes or something.
“Plus do you guys not remember that one time when I walked in on you?” Taehyung reminds you of something you are deeply ashamed of. “Huh? Do you y/n? Or���you were too busy, right?"
“Taehyung, I am going to kill you!” You feel your body on fire now. This is beyond embarrassment. 
“You can’t just tease us.” Dae wiggles her brows at you, “Come on, what happened?” “Nothing.” Jimin shakes his head, his own skin burning up. “Nothing, nothing, nothing.”
“No, no way. You guys better tell us, it’s only fair!” Hoseok whines, “It can’t be totally crazy?”
“I think that night y/n learned one of her kinks.” Taehyung teases. “But don’t worry, I won’t out you.”
“It isn’t a kink!” You’re quick to defend yourself, “I was just…” You look around, realizing Taehyung got you right where he wants you—a place where you explain yourself—therefore outing yourself. “It…it wasn’t a kink.” You look off to the side, mumbling.
“Anyway, how did you not know we were having sex?!” Jimin looks at Taehyung who just drinks more of his beer.
 “Wow, sorry, that for once you two were actually quiet!” Taehyung explains himself, “We were only stopping at your place to get some more water and snacks for the trail we were hiking. I didn’t know your freaky asses were going to take advantage of those 15 minutes to fuck!”
 “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” You take your own beer and start chugging.
 “Wow, love that for you guys.” Dae gives her approval, tipping her beer towards you both.
“Don’t tell me these two just…kept fucking after you walked in on them? Is that the kink?” Hoseok asks, laughing to himself as he tries to figure it out. “What’s that called? Exhibitionism?”
“Oh my god.” You continue to groan. “Just tell them.” You roll your eyes, motioning at Taehyung to just get on with it.
“Really?” He asks, clearly excited. “Okay. Get this. They go to their room real quick, right? I needed something, I don’t remember, but I just open the door and…she” he points at you, “Is…you know, on top of him. When I walk in, I am like, frozen at the door. Jimin looks shocked, of course. First thing he tries to do is cover her body with the sheet or some shit. But y/n…”
“Oh my god, get on with it.” 
“She looks behind her, makes fucking eye contact with me, barely reacts before turning back towards Jimin and I kid you not, she rides him like her life is depending on it.”
“Oh my god, why are you wording it like that?!” You throw a bottle cap at Taehyung.
“He’s quite the story teller.” Dae reminds you, “It’s his thing.”  
“Anyway, so y/n is…bouncing,” He starts demonstrating with his hands before Jimin is also throwing a bottle cap at him. “Anyway, I was in shock at this point.”
“By shock he means drooling over my girlfriend.” Jimin rolls his eyes.
“It was shock. But yes, I won’t lie. It was impress—”
“This wasn’t exhibitionism though!” You try defending again.
“Really? Because you guys were fucking passionately even with the knowledge that I was standing there and you both came. Hard.”
“It—it wasn’t like that though!” You look at Jimin, he looks as embarrassed as you feel. “Seriously it wasn’t like that!”
“Y/n, I love you.” Hoseok is cackling, “But how else would this be like?!” “I agree.” Dae teases as well.
“Jimin, it wasn’t like that! At least you know that right?” 
“I know.” Jimin nods, trying to assure you. “You were just…needing it, right?”
 “Guys.” You whine loudly, “Jimin and I had been so busy at that point and I was super stressed from my classes and a few other things that were going on at that time and…we just you know, found ourselves in that kind of moment…I needed it. Like he said. I have no shame in that! And I was so close. So fucking close, you have no idea…”
“She was.” Jimin agrees, his memory teasing him when he recalls how tight your walls felt around him. 
“I was on the verge of…you know…when fucking Taehyung came in! I wasn’t going to let stupid ass Taehyung rip me from this orgasm I so badly needed!” 
“Stupid ass Taehyung?” Taehyung throws his hand over his heart, “Choose nicer words next time, please.”
“So no! I wasn’t coming because I got turned on from being watched! I was just desperate to come all around my boyfriend’s dick who I was so in love with and I knew it was going to be fucking amazing.” Your words are tumbling out of your mouth now, not really or totally realizing maybe you’re saying too much. 
“Damn.” Hoseok whistles out, “Well, I guess we know for sure now that their sex life was indeed good. But you seriously didn’t find out until after you dated? You didn’t hook up prior?”
“No!” You and Jimin shout in unison.
“Impressive.” Hoseok nods, taking a swig of his own beer. “It’s crazy to know you used to do relationships. I’ve only ever known single you.”
“What’s single y/n like?” Dae asks, leaning into Hoseok’s space when he carefully leans away from her. 
“Always left not satisfied.” Hoseok shrugs. “She fucked a lot though!”
“Ew, don’t say that.” Taehyung shudders, “I don’t want to imagine y/n with anyone but Jimin.”
“Too late for that buddy,” Hoseok laughs. “She has a new guy.”
“You have a new guy?!” Taehyung looks personally offended. “But Jimin is your soulmate?!”
“I thought Jimin was your soulmate?” You deadpan.
“We can share?”
“Anyway, I think the real soulmates here are those two.” Jimin nods his head towards Hoseok and Dae who are currently arguing over who has the better outfit. 
“Who would have thought?” You chuckle, “Hobi! You almost ready to head out? It’s like 2 already.”
“Oh shit.” Hoseok eyes expand, “By the way,” He glances around. “Where are you sleeping, Dae?”
“Did you think my brother of the fucking century was joking?” She snorts, “They’re putting me on the floor.”
“Jimin…why don’t you have a proper couch?” You raise a brow.
“Look how tiny this piece of shit place is—”
“Fair enough.” You raise a hand up, “But seriously Dae—”
“I have a guest room.” Hoseok shrugs his shoulders, “If you two want to crash there instead?”
“I’m here for my Jimin. Dae can do what she wants though.” Taehyung slurs.
“Thanks for the permission, brother.” Dae says with a straight face, “Anyway, if you’re really okay with it…I’ll take you up on your offer.”
“Yeah. It’s fine. Just clean up after yourself.” 
“Ah, really? Last time you cleaned up for me—”
“Okay. I can revoke my offer.”
“No, no!” Dae grins at Hoseok, leaning into his space again. “You already offered. No take backs.” Instead of leaning away again, Hoseok leans towards her as well before he smirks.
“Promise you’ll behave though.”
“Why do I feel like we aren’t supposed to be witnessing this conversation?” Jimin starts laughing and you join him, but Taehyung looks disturbed all over again. 
“Anyway,” Taehyung shudders, “So y/n, I hope it’s cool but I’ll be hogging Jimin all week,” He grins at you and you feel yourself grow warm.
“Why—Why wouldn’t that be cool with me?” You laugh.
“Because you guys hang out like every day.”
“We…We do not hang out every day…”
“Oh really? According to social media you guys do.” Taehyung shrugs. “Anyway, he’s mine.”
“I’ll be with Hoseok and Dae then.” You smile towards them and they give you a thumbs up. “Should we do something this weekend though?” “I can already feel it…” Hoseok closes his eyes before he groans, “You’re going to offer my house for a party…aren’t you…?”
“You know me so well. Love you.” You blow him a kiss and he tries to wave it away. “You guys can meet the rest of our friends!”
 “A party?!” Taehyung clutches his chest, “You know the way to my heart.”
“We can discuss details later,” You stand from the floor, picking up your trash on the way up. “For now, we really got to leave!” 
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.” 
Everyone stands and Hoseok helps Dae with her things, heading towards the cab that he called. You hug Taehyung goodbye, and then go to say bye to Jimin. You don’t know why but hugging seems awkward for a moment but you’re both quick to go in for a quick embrace. Taehyung heads off towards the bathroom and it’s just you and Jimin at his front door.
“I don’t think Taehyung will hog me the whole week,” Jimin smiles at you, it’s soft and infectious. “So, you can still hit me up if you want to.” “Hm.” You gaze at him, your hand wandering up towards his face to brush some hair from his eyes. “No, it’s okay. Spend lots of time with him. I hope you guys have a great time.”
“Oh.” Jimin breathes out, “Okay.” He smiles again, same level of tenderness that you’ve always known. “Still text me and stuff okay?”
“Yeah. I will.” You don’t mean to, since you two already hugged…but you lean in, wrapping your arms around him for another. He returns your embrace, his hands slowly running up and down your back, making you sigh out. “See you later, Jimin.” You whisper before pulling back. 
“See you.” He tells you, his hands still lingering on the small of your back before he finally let’s go of you all together. “Text me when you make it safe.”
            You haven’t looked forward to a weekend like this in a while. Like, you feel excited, you feel antsy and you feel…restless? You aren’t sure why. It does cross your mind that it’s because you haven’t seen Jimin since Tuesday and it’s already Saturday afternoon. But that would be ridiculous so you’ll just sweep that thought under the rug. 
            You spent every evening with Hoseok and Dae…you aren’t too surprised that those two managed to entertain you beyond belief. You’re well aware that being with certain people bring out certain sides in you…Dae has always been a character and the sides she brings out in your best friend? Hm, it’s fun, you think. Well, in the end, you just hope he’s enjoying himself. Still shocks you he hooked up with someone that wasn’t his girlfriend though. Dae really must have gotten under his skin. The thought pleases you though. 
            You look through your messages and skim some of the ones Jimin had sent you throughout the last few days—mainly pictures of him and Taehyung, out and about doing things. You find one you even added to your library. Not sent from Jimin though, instead it’s a picture that Taehyung sent you. It’s just of Jimin smiling at the camera, eyes barely open as he cheeses so hard with the flash on him. Taehyung sent it to you with the caption ‘Look how cute our soulmate is’ you of course just sent him a bunch of rolling eyes emojis but it is cute. 
            It’s finally nearing sunset and you send Hoseok a text asking what his status is—he replies that he and Dae agree that the one who should be setting up for this little party is you because it was your idea—well, they’re probably not wrong. You send back that you’re going to leave soon then and you don’t forget to add a bunch of hearts. Hoseok lets you know that Jimin and Taehyung are already there, you feel your excitement bloom even more at the pit of your stomach…you leave now. 
            When you walk into Hoseok’s house, you are greeted with obnoxiously loud music and you know your best friend isn’t responsible for th—well, you’ll be damned. Your eyes grow twice their size when you see Hoseok and Taehyung dancing on top of his dining room table.
“What the hell am I walking into?” Your hand motions towards the scene in front of you.
“A good time is what.” Dae shouts before she starts cheering loudly for Hoseok and her brother, “Who can do a flip?!”
“Oh my god, no, please no, no flips.” You practically beg but your wide grin probably makes it look like you aren’t serious. 
 “They’re drunk already.” Your head whips to the left when you see Jimin, he stands next to you, his hand carrying a glass with some beverage that smells strong as hell. 
“And you?” You sway into his side, “Are you drunk already?”
“Me and Taehyung have been drinking since dinner.” He tells you, his thick lips pulled into a satisfied grin. “And Dae says Hoseok starting drinking when they were setting up to ‘make it more fun’.” Jimin giggles and you nod your head.
“Makes sense.” You laugh, “I guess I should catch up with you all, hm?”
“Mm.” Jimin hums, “Only if you want to. If you get too drunk but I,” He points at himself, a look of worry on his face. “But I am also too drunk…who will take care of you?” 
            You blink at Jimin before you even realize a soft smile is making its way on your lips. “Luckily you don’t have to worry about that. I have many people here who can take care of me…and who I can take care of too.” You keep smiling before leaning in, “Including you.”
“Well, I’m not that drunk yet.” Jimin tells you. “Just feeling good.”
“Right, just how like those two,” You nod towards the fools on the table, “Are just feeling good?” You can’t help but chuckle, teasing while you can. 
 “Hmm. Since it’s still early I’ll take a little break from drinking. You drink up though.”
“Drink if you want.” You give Jimin a small push to his shoulder, “Have fun.”
“I am having fun.” “How was it with Taehyung this week?” You ask, “Everything you wanted and more?” “Ask him.” Jimin grins, “I have my answer but I just hope he’s having as nice as a time as I am.”
“He is.”
“You wouldn’t know!”
“I can see it on his face."
“His face is scrunched up as he sings whatever the hell this is.” Jimin chuckles, “Really ask him, later.”
“Sure, Jiminie.”
“When you say my name like that it makes me want to hug you.” Jimin admits with a breathy laugh, “Well, I guess that’s one way to put it.” He shrugs now, laughing again when you shove his shoulder lightly. 
“You’re drunk.” You tease and he nods his head enthusiastically making you laugh more. 
            Oh, how the tables have turned, Jimin thinks. Only two hours later and he’s the one who is a bit more sober now while you on the other hand…well, let’s just say at one point recently you joined Taehyung on the table for a dance. 
            You are having a great time. Great is actually an understatement and it’s actually about to get better because Naomi just texted you saying they are about to be here. You chug back more of some mixed drink that Taehyung made you and wow, Taehyung is as ruthless as he was in college. Man knows how to party. You and Hoseok are singing Karaoke, belting notes you two probably should not. But it’s fun. Dae recording the both of you as she cheers you on. 
            Suddenly the doorbell rings and miraculously Jimin hears it and lets you guys know that Naomi, Jeremy and Lucy are probably here. You start jumping in pure excitement as you, Hoseok and Dae gather to head towards the front entrance, letting your friends in. Jimin and Taehyung head to the kitchen for another drink.
“My friends!” You yell out, “The loves of my life!” 
“Oh. She’s so drunk.” Naomi starts cackling, “Amazing.” “What’s amazing is my dance moves. Dae, tell them.” Hoseok slurs out, “Hurry, let them know.” “Oh. He’s so drunk too.” Jeremy grins, “Even more amazing.”
“Hi!” Lucy goes to hug you before hugging Hoseok. “Hi.” She turns to Dae now, “You must be Dae! Hoseok’s uh, guest.” She giggles awkwardly. “I’ve heard a lot about you!”  “Ah, really?” Dae points at herself before rotating her wrist, her finger now pointing at Lucy. “And you are?”
“Oh.” Lucy starts to blush. “I’m Lucy. Um, their friend.”       
“Lucy? Don’t think I heard about you really, oh!” Dae gives Lucy a nod before moving past her. “You must be Naomi! You’re even prettier than the pictures!” 
            Lucy blinks at nothing as she smiles awkwardly, you stand here wondering why Dae just pretended not to know who Lucy is…it’s not amusing, it’s not, it’s not. 
“And you’re Jeremy, right? You guys make such a cute couple.” Dae slurs out, pointing between Naomi and Jeremy and they both snort…unattractively so. 
“C-Couple?!” Naomi literally slaps her knee like she just heard the joke of the century. 
“That’s fucking,” Jeremy bends over, his laughter louder than the music now. “That’s hilarious.”
“Suit yourselves.” Dae shrugs before going back down the hall into the living room. “Taehyung! Jimin! More people!”
“More people?” Taehyung yells out, “That’s a cause for celebration.” 
You all walk into Hoseok’s home, entering the kitchen when you notice Taehyung pouring shots for everyone. Life as the party it still seems.
“I tried to stop him but who am I to stop the life of the party?” Jimin says, as if reading your mind. 
“He cannot be stopped.” You giggle, stepping closer to Jimin, about to drunkenly sway into his side, when Lucy comes between you both to give Jimin a hug.
“Hi.” She says, putting a piece of hair behind her ear. “Missed you this week. How is the prep for your audition going?”
“Oh.” Jimin’s eyes go from you to her, “Uh, good. It’s good. y/n’s helping me a lot.”
 “Of course she is.” Lucy smiles up at Jimin before glancing behind her to take a look at you. “I could help you too, you know.”
 “Of course.” Jimin smiles at her. “Anyway, grab a drink. You guys are too sober for these crazy people here."
“Here, Lucy!” You come towards her and Jimin, handing her your full drink. “I need to chill,” You giggle, “Drink mine!” You put your drink in her hands before skipping off towards Hoseok and Dae. You don’t look behind you, just assuming she accepted the drink and just hanging with Jimin. 
 “Hi friends.” You loop your arms through Hoseok’s arms and Dae’s arms. “Dae, question.” You murmur in her neck, “Why did you pretend to not know Lucy?”
“Oh? Did I?” She purses her lips, “Hoseok told me how she kissed him and bam, nothing. Isn’t that like, a bitch move?”
“Oh.” You try not to laugh, “I see.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Hoseok slurs, “Heard my name.”
“Nothing you’re drunk and imagining things.” You tell him, leaning back into Dae. “So you don’t like her?”
“Vibes are off. I don’t know.” Dae shrugs before she’s glancing around, “Where’s Taehyung?”
 “Hm?” You glance around too. “I’ll check for him. Be back. Take care of my bestie.”
            You unhook your arms from Hoseok and Dae before skipping past Naomi and Jeremy who are making mixed drinks now. Your eyes skim around the house but don’t see Taehyung so you decide to check the backyard. 
“Oh, hi.” You poke your head out, seeing Taehyung standing on the back porch.
“Hi.” He turns towards you, glorious boxy grin on his face. “Join me!”
“Why are you out here?” You say before stepping out, closing the door behind you.
“Why wouldn’t I be? It feels so good!” “Valid point.”
“y/n.” Taehyung pulls you into his side, giving you a tight hug before letting you go. “You’re amazing, you know that?” he says, his eyes on the moon.
You can’t help but laugh, “I’m not—”
“You are.” Taehyung nods. “Jimin told me so much this week. You know,” Taehyung doesn’t look at you as he begins speaking. “You really changed everything for him, you know? He had no one, I guess. He was so miserable. Trust me, his parents filled me in on everything.”
“He’s better now, Taehyung.” You tell him softly, “He’s smiling so much.”
“I know. Because of you.” 
“It isn’t just me.” You shake your head, “It’s all of our friends. It’s you, too.”
“Me? He ignored me for so long.” Taehyung chuckles, “Ah, but that doesn’t stop me, huh?”
“Thankfully, no.” you laugh. “Can I ask…? Why did he just…”
“Why he started ignoring me?” Taehyung grins, “I said too much one time. I was too honest. I said things that Jimin needed to hear but didn’t want to hear.”
“Things with Emma were bad, y/n. I know he told you some surface level stuff but you didn’t see it, you know? He was so infatuated with her. He…it was unhealthy. This idea…nothing came natural for those two.”
“But he got defensive. In the end he started ignoring me because of his own guilt. He felt so bad,” Taehyung chuckles quietly, “He said some fucked up things towards me. Mean stuff. But I knew he didn’t mean it, I forgave on the spot…but…”
“But he felt so bad about it he couldn’t face you.” You finish for him.
“You do know him still after all, huh?” 
“I do.” You agree.
“Thanks, thanks for everything. Thanks for seeing him and creating some fake story about you two never meeting before.” Taehyung starts laughing hard now and you hit his arm. “Seriously, because it led to you guys being here and he’s…he’s just Jimin again.”
This melts your heart, Jimin just being Jimin…knowing what he has been through…it pleases you.
“I know you apparently have a new man or whatever but I’m still convinced Jimin is your soulmate. Well, our soulmate.”
“What are you guys doing out here?” You hear a new voice all of the sudden, you and Taehyung whipping your heads to see Jimin standing at the door, eyeing you both. “Everything okay?”  “Yes, yes, yes.” Taehyung starts chanting. “Just chatting with my old friend. See you inside, y/n.” He winks at you, walking past you and then walking past Jimin. 
“Did he…did he just leave us out here?” Jimin looks surprised. “Are you wanting to come back in?”
“Hmm,” You face forward again, head tilting back to look at the moon. “Come see the moon.”
            Jimin glances behind him, eyeing the inside of the house before closing the door and going towards you. “It’s pretty.” He finally says, his own head lifting to view it.
“I know. I wanted you to see it.” You say before lowering your head again and turning to see him. Jimin’s head is lifted, eyes on the sky, his jawline sharp and his side profile overall making you feel envious of his beauty. “You’re pretty too.” You blurt out.
            Jimin is quick to turn his head towards you, his lips parted when he points at himself. “Me?” He asks, blinking at you. “Drunk.” He says, breaking into a small smile now. 
“I don’t think I said it because I’m drunk.”
“Then why did you say it?” He teases.
“I think I said it because I’ve missed you.” You blurt this as well, Jimin’s eyebrows rising.
“You’ve missed me?” You hum in response, head turning forward again, eyes going back to the sky. “Yeah. I haven’t seen you since Tuesday.”
            The sound of Jimin’s laughter is so sweet to your ears, something like a melodic tune that hypnotizes you into happiness. “You’re right. That’s forever.” He says after calming down, “I’ve missed you too.”
“Have you?” You say, turning towards him again, your hazy eyes finding his. “Then you should let me know.”
“Should I?” Jimin’s lips are spreading into his genuine smile. “Okay. I’ve missed you.”
“Okay.” You nod, your expression serious. “Good.”
This only makes Jimin laugh again, “Should we head inside?” He asks, his hand reaching for yours, the warmth of his skin making your stomach feel weird and your entire body feeling woozy. 
“Come.” He says, leading you to the back door. Dropping your hand when he turns the knob and you are both walking in. 
“y/n!!!!!” Naomi rushes towards you once you enter the kitchen, “So glad you are here. I need you to judge a dance competition with me and Jer.” 
“A dance…oh my god,” You start losing your shit, laughter taking over your drunk body. “Don’t tell me Hoseok and Dae…”
“Yeah,” Lucy smiles, “They’re in some sort of competition, I guess.”
“Of course they are.” You shake your head, “I wonder what the results of this competition will lead to…” You murmur with a smirk.
 “What’s that mean?” Lucy grabs your arm, “Dae…uh, who is she anyway?” 
Is…is Lucy worried? Is she jealous? Maybe she should be, you think. Kissing Hoseok and then…well, it doesn’t matter.
“She’s our friend.” You push past Lucy, smile on your face, “Now come on! Let’s see how the dance king and queen battle it out.”
“Wait, y/n!” Jimin calls out for you, you stop to look behind you. “Before you go, let’s take a picture!” 
 “Oh, great idea!” You slur with a dopey smile. “Are we already coming up with a cute new caption?”
“Something about how you called me pretty.” Jimin winks at you, and then you and Jimin both turn your heads toward Lucy because she scoffed. Fucking scoffed. And maybe it’s because you’re drunk.
“Is something the matter, Lucy?” you smile at her and she smiles back. 
“No.” She shakes her head, “It’s nothing.”
“Good.” You walk a little closer to her, “Because it’s starting to feel a little weird that you have these demands about Jimin yet here you are worried about Hoseok…maybe you should pick a—”
“W-What are you saying?” Lucy starts immediately paling. Her head shaking while she begins stuttering. “I’m not…”
“Is everything okay?” Jimin comes up to you both, “I—”
“It’s fine.” You cut him off, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.” You tell Lucy before giving them both a nod before walking off to the living room, joining your other friends. 
 “She said it was fine.” Lucy’s obvious strained smile makes Jimin narrow his eyes, wondering what you meant earlier. 
“Okay.” Jimin gives in, “Let’s go see the dance battle or whatever.”
            The night is finally winding down, Hoseok and Dae completely knocked out after having like 3 dance battles, both of them drooling on one of his sofas. Taehyung made himself at home in the master bedroom—Hoseok’s room. Naomi, Jeremy and Lucy decided to order a ride home and are saying their goodbyes to you and Jimin at the front door.
            “You put the address to Lucy’s place?” Naomi asks Jeremy, “Let’s have them take her home first and then we can just crash at my place. Bacon misses you.”
“Bacon saw me a day ago.” Jeremy deadpans. 
“He’s a needy little bitch, you know this!” 
“Well, see you guys later.” Lucy nods at you and Jimin, “Bye.” She waves awkwardly and you feel a bit bad for earlier. You were drunk—well, you’re still drunk. But maybe you should have held your tongue. 
 “See ya.” Jimin nods at her, his eyes slightly narrowed as he bids farewell.
“Bye guys!” You whisper shout towards Naomi and Jeremy who wave at you enthusiastically. “Love you!”  “We love you!!!!” Naomi whisper shouts back as they approach their ride for the night. 
You and Jimin see them off before closing Hoseok’s front door and locking it and heading back inside, through the hall and into the living room. 
“Wait…” You glance around. “Where are we sleeping?”
“Guest room?” Jimin tilts his head. “It’s free, right? Considering…” He gestures to a passed out Dae. 
“Thank you for your service, Dae.” You give a dramatic bow towards the sleeping girl before you and Jimin giggle, walking down another hall before you approach the guest bedroom. 
“Mm, I cannot wait to sleep.” You murmur, “I’m going to sleep like a baby.”
“You always sleep like a baby.” Jimin chuckles, closing the bedroom door behind you guys. You flop your body onto the mattress. Jimin stands at the foot of the bed while you raise your head into your hand to look at him. Jimin’s gaze is on you, his hands traveling to his belt while he begins undoing it, your eyes following his fingers movements. The rattle of the belt makes you feel like you’re in a daze. He slides it out of the pant loops and throws it to the side, his eyes never leaving you. 
            You feel like a dumb little simple minded girl as you watch him watch you. Like, you are under some strange spell to will you to look at him. His fingers go up so he can untuck his shirt from his pants, your eyes following that as well. 
“Comfortable?” Your word comes out slow. 
“Getting there.” Jimin breathes out, “Are you going to get comfortable?”
“I can take my pants off?” You blink at him, “That’s okay?”
“I won’t see. I’m sleeping on the floor.” Jimin chuckles lowly, “So you can do what makes you feel comfortable, y/n.”
“I’ll keep my pants on then. So you can sleep in the bed too."
“Is that okay?”
“Of course!” You assure him quickly. “Nothing will happen!”
“Mm.” Jimin hums, lips curving, “Because we don’t want it to, right?”
“Right.” You sigh, your eyes still on him. “So, come lay down.” You pat the mattress and Jimin hates himself for giving in. 
            You lift the blanket and slide under, Jimin turns the light off and follows you into the bed. You can feel how the bed dips under his weight and you are filling with this strange comfort. It’s been a while since you’ve even shared a bed with someone. 
 “Are you as warm as I remember?” You mumble, your eyes feeling heavy.
“Maybe.” Jimin breathes, his voice is low. 
“Come closer to me.”
“Is that okay?”
“We won’t touch.” You try to get closer to Jimin and he does the same. “But be as close as you can get without touching me.” 
“Okay.” Jimin release a breath, “I can do that.”
            You both keep scooting closer and closer, not knowing how close the other is, neither of your eyes adjusted to the darkness yet. You feel drawn to keep moving closer and Jimin can’t say he’s any better. Probably doesn’t help that you’re both intoxicated and the world is a bit woozy.
            You stop moving when you feel Jimin’s nose bump into yours and you both pause…and then giggle to yourselves. 
“Sorry.” Jimin tells you, about to scoot back before you stop him. 
“Stay.” You say, your breath not even traveling half an inch before it’s landing on his lips. “Stay.” You repeat. 
            Jimin nods, his nose brushing against yours again. His breath is somewhere caught in his throat, knowing if he speaks or breathes like a normal person—you will feel it. You will feel it on your lips just like he felt it on his. 
“Jimin.” You say his name as softly as you can, your lips touching his when you spoke. You both freeze. His body tensing just an inch from you and Jimin is feeling every breath you breathe now. Your chest rising and falling faster than just a moment ago. “Jimin.” You say his name again, lips brushing over his again and he swallows hard. 
“What is it?” He finally responds, his own breathing feeling more erratic than before. Every time his lips part or purse to speak they touch yours and neither of you move. 
Jimin is pathetic, he thinks. He’s here, laying in the dark with you, lips barely touching and he can feel how tight his pants are getting. 
You feel the pit of your stomach blooming and blooming, something like a bouquet of roses growing within you. You close your eyes, hips moving in ways you don’t mean for.
“y/n.” Jimin’s voice is strained now. “y/n.” He says your name again and it sounds like the same song that puts you through hypnosis. 
“Mm.” You breathe over his mouth, lips rubbing against his but neither of you take it further. It’s when Jimin pokes his tongue out, just to innocently wet his lips when you feel the wet warmth over your bottom lip and your show of desperation jumps out in the sound of a whimper. 
Once Jimin hears the moan leave your lips, his hand is moving quickly to grip your hip and finally your eyes shoot open and you jump back a little.
 “Wait, wait.” You rush to say, laughing awkwardly. “Not sure what’s going on but we can’t.”
Jimin’s breathing is as pathetic as he is right now. Fast breaths leaving his mouth, his jeans uncomfortably tight and his own low groan threatening to escape him. 
“Why?” He finally manages to choke out, “Because you don’t want to?”  “I’m not saying that.”
 “Because of Namjoon?”
“Well, that is probably a good reason too.” You slur.
“Too?” You can’t see but Jimin scrunches his brows together. “y/n…” He calls for you, his brain trying to piece everything together. “Did Lucy tell you something?” he is recalling moments from earlier today.
“Huh?” You respond quick, probably too quick, Jimin thinks.
“Did…did she say something to you that would make you—”
“She told me we can’t…we can’t be more than frie—”
“What the fuck?” Jimin cuts you off, “She told you what now? 
“No, it’s nothing.” You try to save but you can already feel the shift. A once thick atmosphere with something steamy, something sensual, has turned into something cold. 
There are probably some things you should just keep to yourself. Maybe this was one of them. You thought the secret coming out would be the downfall to some friendships but no, this was truly the moment that set the course. A secret coming to light is one thing but Jimin being told what he can and can’t do? That’s another. 
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fallindomino · 3 years
how i would have changed s2 of hsmtmts
obvious disclaimer but im not a screenwriter or anyth so im not claiming what i want is best, this is just for fun lololol
okay so first of all nini would still have dropped out of yac but she wouldn’t have gone back to east, she would have transferred to north bc she was too ashamed to tell anyone she left at first and maybe she still wants to explore who she is away from ricky and the others
nini could join north’s batb and this way maybe we could have some playful rivalry with lily and nini and more scenes with antoine shdhdjdj also it could have been a great opportunity to flesh out lily’s character so those scenes where she reaches out to ricky and her confession at the end of the season actually make sense lol
speaking of ricky ,,, i think he should have left the play at some point hear me out. he only joined in the first place because of nini and barely wanted to do it at all once he realized he wasn’t gonna be able to perform with her. he could have joined crew and been a manager with natalie or smth considering he rlly does see the theater gang as a second family. also this would leave so much room for ej and ricky development and bants since ej joined the av club and began to pursue film. they could have some convos where idk ricky asks ej how he figured out what he wanted to do after duke didn’t work out and ricky could actually develop some interests that arent the play or nini ,,, maybe fucking art club i mean he did p good on that centerpiece for carlos’ quinceañera.
with ricky not being the beast anymore i think seb should take his place that would be soooo good. and since seb isn’t chip anymore carlos won’t make those snide comments about chip being a small unimportant role and we can just cut that whole fight bc it was dumb and bad. we could still have seb being insecure that carlos is only dating him bc there aren’t really any other gay guys at school. in a heartbeat is great and i did like ricky being supportive in the background it was kinda funny too idk dhdjdjfj
ooh i almost forgot abt rini ahshdj okay so i still think they should break up. but in my version there’s no ricky pulling an ej 1.0 and deleting comments off of nini’s insta, cause with ricky in art club and nini at north trying to figure out what she wants i think one of them would realize that they’re going in different directions and only got back tgt because they made each other feel safe cause what they had was familiar. this could be triggered by ricky mentioning smth abt nini at yac and then nini breaks down and tells him that she dropped out and is at north and doesn’t know where she’s going. and then they can both realize they aren’t good for each other rn and have a less tragic mutual break up.
honestly i really liked the scene of nini taking charge after miss jenn freaked out cause with the character detail of nini giving every person in the cast of productions she’s in a thank you note she just seems really like someone who is suited to lifting others up. this could still be explored at north, maybe she could help lily through her issues that were briefly implied in ep 11 and nini realizes she wants to be a drama teacher and encourage kids to go off book and put themselves into their acting, something she couldn’t have at yac.
okay now ej ,,, so like i said in ricky’s section, more bants between them cause i feel like friendships kinda fell by the wayside due to all the relationships so more friendship !!!! also the scene where ej tells his dad he’s not going to duke shouldn’t have been an ending scene, it should have been fleshed out with his dad pushing back saying how he pulled all these strings to get him in and ej saying he doesn’t wanna go if his own hard work couldn’t get him there. and also more scenes of ej doing av club things !!! and realizing he rlly likes film and wants to do it OMG IT WOULD BE SO COOL IF HE BROKE THE FOURTH WALL AND ASKED THE DOCUMENTARY CREW ABT THE FILM INDUSTRY god i would love that. the only scene we rlly got of ej doing film things was at the quinceañera which made me kinda sad. uhhh also i just wanted to specifically mention how ej got mr mazzara that job at cal tech bc it really showed how he wanted to be there for people not just for gina, who he had a crush on, but for mr mazzara who supported him outside of romance, so i wanna keep that for sure.
gina !!! okay so i mostly liked her arc in this season, the only changes i would make would be to flesh it out a teeny bit (god this hypothetical s2 would have to be like 22 eps at least shdjdjdjfj) anyways besides ashlyn singing home to get gina to stay i think there should be a scene where they actually talk in her room abt how gina feels safer when shes on the run (second chance reference ilysm) hhhh and also a scene of her and carlos actually working out compromises for their choreo cause i liked that bit of development too and fleshing that out would make gina an even better foil for lily, who felt a need to hog the spotlight like gina used to. with gina’s own arc fleshed out her character would feel more whole independently from romance and portwell would be even more rewarding than it is in the current s2. the only thing i would really change abt portwell is that they would kiss !!! in the finale but thats bc im biased.
ashlyn should have gotten a more fleshed out storyline about being insecure about not being a good enough belle or the typical belle. there were some throwaway lines when north did their typical dramatics but the only two real scenes that showed it were when ash talked to big red about it and when she was telling nini she wanted to do a run in “home” bc lily did it. ashlyn should get more screen time where she has to grapple with the reasons she doesn’t feel good enough and big red can still support her but also gina too bc i would like more roommate besties interaction.
kourtney could still date howie, that harry potter shit was cute but there needs to be smth else for kourtney’s arc. idk she’s still into fashion so maybe she could be out here trying to create her own line or smth? this doesn’t have to be resolved in s2 like making a wholeass line takes time and she could work on it into a potential s3. kourtney just didnt get much outside of howie and the stuff at the beginning of the season where she said nini inspired her to be independent and that's why she got a job was just dropped?? so i think that fashion could fill that for her if she’s still dating howie cause like having her whole arc just be the pizza place kinda overlaps w big red’s mini arc abt how he wasn’t settling for hospitality, its what he wants to do with his life.
ik what ur thinking. anna, even if you added more episodes, where would u find the room to add all these plotlines?? well first we cut (most of) the seblos fight, so thats some time saved. honestly most of the time that we r going to gain is going to be from cutting ms jenn’s time. things like ms jenn’s and nini’s car ride would get cut, but mostly all of ms jenn’s romances would get cut down. considering she’s the teacher and isn’t actually a character with an arc how does she have THREE love interests this season?? like all of the weird tension between her and zack can be cut, like just some short scenes of them being competitive can stay. all of the stuff with ricky’s dad can go bye bye we don’t need it. i did like her w mr mazzara so most of that can stay i just didn’t like how he said he would give up cal tech for her, ew no that would be gone.
the MENKIES !!!! this is the last thing im gonna address cause in a perfect world every character would get a long fleshed out arc but then the season would be waaay too long and also im mostly trying to work within material the show gave so this is mostly made up of “realistic” deviations from what actually happened. lol idk what that even means it just makes sense to me. but anyways!! uhhh bro idk i thought them dropping the menkies was funny but it also made the finale really BAD lmao. in this finale, seb is the beast, east still had to deal w the fact that they’re underfunded compared to north but no one is injured, lily is less of a poorly written character and maybe ppl are even rooting for her, and wow i just realized i never actually said what role i think nini should have in north’s show. OOH she could be student director instead of lily cause lily both being in the play while also directing was weird considering omg i just checked and according to her wiki page shes a FRESHMAN?? and they let her be student director? lol hell nah. okay so with all that in mind ,,, the menkies should have been the season cliffhanger instead of portwell. east and north should both be nominated, both schools perform at the menkies, and then the award winner is about to be announced and THATS when it cuts to natalie and the end of the season.
one, this actually gives more tension for a summer s3 as we would be waiting to see the consequences of whichever school won. also i bet people would be wondering if nini’s gonna be transferring back to east or staying at north. people would also prob wonder if ej would be getting the scholarship if east won and what that would mean for his interest in film.
lmao that got longggg and idk if anyone’s even gonna read this but it was fun to do :D
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
Natalie Holt implying that Loki slept with Sif before cutting off her hair honestly makes my blood boil. The first Thor movie showed us a sympathetic character that was an outcast in Asgard, and a scapegoat in his family. Everything now just seems like Marvel trying to take all of that away. So many people are saying, "Well, now I know why Sif doesn't like him, lol!" And that is exactly as intended. We are supposed to see Loki as an ass and everyone else as a saint for putting up with him. :(
I'm just really baffled at how it's either a) supposed to make sense, or b) explain anything about their dynamic?
Like, okay, let's assume that they do hate each other bc they slept together. Why would that be? Even if you catch feelings and get rejected, that's not really justification to hate someone. Ideally you'd just go your own separate ways but since Loki and Sif shared a social circle, that probably wasn't an option, in which case the next best thing is to just be civil while you move on/get over the feelings. No hatred necessary, and certainly not for centuries.
I don't believe that either of them is stubborn enough to harbor a grudge over being rejected. Sif bc I wouldn't believe that she caught feelings for Loki anyway, and Loki bc while he would certainly be hurt, and his pride would be wounded, I just don't see him holding onto that for longer than it would take for him to move past it.
And where is the hair-cutting supposed to come in? Are we implying here that Loki is so childish and petty that he cut off Sif's hair in retaliation for her not returning his feelings? (Seeing it written down like that, I am guessing this is exactly the implication, bc of course it is, smh.) Was he 12 when they fucked, or ??
So here's the thing, though. You pointed out that the first Thor movie showed us a sympathetic character who was an outcast and a scapegoat but no, actually, it didn't. Thor 1 showed us a jealous, vindictive loner turned villain. That's the problem - the MCU isn't taking anything away as much as they're trying to re-establish the characterization they intended for him to have all along.
Thor 1 left things out that would provide more context to Loki's motivations. Thor 1 actively deleted scenes that showed Loki as sympathetic. Thor 1 set up a "good brother vs evil brother" black-and-white dichotomy between Thor and Loki, in which the narrative and the supporting characters all behaved as though Loki was innately the evil brother and there wasn't even a question about that. Thor 1 was Thor's movie, and while I obviously have no problem with that, it being Thor's movie means that to a lot of the audience, Loki was never going to be perceived as sympathetic. In order to make Thor the hero of his story, Loki has to be the villain and most people just accept that at face-value.
Is Loki sympathetic? Yes. Was he an outcast in his society and a scapegoat in his family? Yes. Was he evil at heart? No. Did he do bad things? Yes. Did he intend for them to turn out as terribly as they did? No. Etc.
These are all things that a lot of us know because we've taken the time to know them. One needs to be interested/invested enough in Loki to make the effort of interpreting his motivations and his characterization but, that said, having a vested enough interest in Loki to be an active fan doesn't necessarily mean interpreting him sympathetically. There's this weird divide and things that seem obvious in hindsight, such as Loki's sympathy as a character or the nuances of what he was really trying to achieve in Thor 1, are things that a lot of the audience + his fandom either don't pick up on or don't care to see.
There's a reason 2011-13 Loki isn't as popular as Ragnarok Loki. There's a reason there are so. many. posts. in this fandom that start off with "I love Loki, but -" and then proceed to drag him. There's a reason why a lot of his fans are like "lol I mean he did murder all those people though?" or why the "you just like Loki/apologize for Loki bc you want to fuck Tom" argument is so prevalent. There's a reason why headcanons like "Loki just fucked his way into the GM's inner circle" are treated as canon, or why nobody questions whether or not it actually made sense for Loki to randomly betray Thor right before the obedience disk scene.
The reason is that Thor 1 didn't show us who Loki really was, and because of his portrayal in that movie and in Avengers (subtext and word-of-god confirmation is clearly insufficient for the wider audience to realize that Loki wasn't acting of his own accord - no, he's just evil), there are very many fans who are just never going to see him as anything besides villainous at worst or "a fun but greasy little shit" at best, who causes trouble and does shitty things for the lulz.
"Loki cut Sif's hair for no other reason than to be a dick after they fucked" falls perfectly in line with that characterization, and the result is that you get tons of fans who are like "LOL that's SO Loki!" or "No wonder Sif hates him!" etc. And if, in 2021, ten years after Loki was introduced into the MCU, people are still coming away from his narrative arc + his own series believing that he is, or ever was, just a rotten little shit who caused trouble for the lulz? Then that is clearly the Loki that they see, that they stan, and that means whatever he means to them, and regardless of how our portion of the fandom may object and cry foul, there's honestly just nothing we can do about it.
So, I mean, there we are. People can feel however they want about Loki. It is what it is. And I think I'm just tired of getting upset about it. Re Loki/Sif, I will share my opinion that it's a trash headcanon and laugh at it, but I'm tired of allowing myself to get genuinely upset about how other people perceive this character, especially when there's nothing I can do about it and the only person who ends up suffering is me when my mental health spirals downward (bc I care way too much about fiction and I have no problem admitting it).
I didn't intend for this to be so long, and obviously this is not any kind of rebuttal against you or your ask personally, anon. It just gave me an opportunity to put into words what I've been feeling for quite awhile. It is what it is.
I also feel it's worth mentioning, again, that I think Natalie's soundtrack is absolute fire and I have nothing but respect for her as the composer in this series, but I do not think that earns her any merit in how she perceives these characters. Loki/Sif is her headcanon, and she also said that Loki looks at Sylvie the way he looks at his mother, which is like, and how do you think he's looking at his mother, Nat? Cause uh. I don't think they are the same. I know most people won't agree, but I feel like her words need to be taken with a grain of salt and not accepted as canon based on nothing more than her position of being someone who worked on the show.
I should put this behind a cut, but meh. Also, I know a lot of people reblogged/added onto my Loki/Sif post from last night and I was going to engage but I just don't have time, so please accept this as my general response + stance on the entire clusterfuck.
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tabithatwo · 1 year
should be sleeping but instead I’m thinking about how natalie accidentally made a pretty sizable offering to the wilderness when she cut herself and travis burned the clothing soaked in her blood with jackie’s body
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phykios · 3 years
honesty and promise me, co-written with @darkmagyk [read on ao3]
“I’m in love,” Piper tells her when she shows up for another fitting. “Have you seen the new Beyonce video?”
“I heard the song.” Annabeth says, “isn’t that enough?”
“God, your whole play-acting thing is too far if you’re pretending to not like Beyonce.”
“I never said that.” Annabeth holds up her hands, “I like the song. But I did not see the video.”
“Well, when you see it, you’ll be in love too, but I will fight you.”
Piper could be scrappy in a fight. But Annabeth had been a champion fencer in high school.
“Kidding!” Piper says at her look. “There’s plenty of them to go around.” She didn’t even start to drape fabric over Annabeth, pushing her onto a muslin covered couch, and then pulling the video on the TV. She didn’t have one of those voice control devices. Because she was friends with Leo, and he was pretty firm on them being evil. “But I do call dibs on the main guy. The CALVES. The thighs. He’s unreal.”
“That good?” Piper went all ways, though as of late she gravitated towards women more often than not, so this was some high praise indeed. 
“Unreal, I am telling you. Like, the hand of God came down and sculpted him personally out of marble.”
Already in her recent watch history, the thumbnail of the video greets them, the song title splashed across the TV screen, weaving between  a very, very familiar set of legs. 
Like, intimately familiar. 
In something of detached horror, she watches the camera pan up, lovingly lingering on every inch of bare skin, following the muscles of his calves (which were unreal) to his knees then his thighs (which Annabeth had spent almost too much time between now), up his torso and his chest (which she knew made for an excellent pillow) to Percy’s face, set in a firm, hard stare. 
And that fucking blue lipstick again. 
She can’t even focus on Beyonce herself, too distracted by the way her hand traces the length of Percy’s outstretched thigh held in perfect arabesque as she gracefully drapes herself over him, crooning softly into his ear.
Annabeth should do that next time. That’s her spot, after all. 
Tearing her eyes away from the screen even as Piper watches, enraptured, she slips out her phone, sending a quick, furious text. 
annabeth: BEYONCE???????
A minute, then he responds. 
percy: oh lol i didn’t realize that came out today 😁
percy: what’d you think?
annabeth: i think im going to kill you later
“Just look at him,” Piper says, pausing on Percy’s form, his arms outstretched, fingers placed delicately around a bar. “I mean--look at him!”
“Yeah,” she chuckles, maybe a little uneasy. “He’s alright I guess.”
Incredulous, Piper swivels her head. “Alright? Alright? Do you need your eyes checked?”
She just shrugs. 
Why is she being so weird about this? It’s just Piper. She’s trained to find symmetry and beauty in bodies. They’ve happily shared crushes and fixations plenty of times before, so why is Annabeth being so weird about Percy? It’s not like they’re… you know… dating or anything. Just hooking up a bit. 
Piper squints at her, then shrugs herself. “Fine. I don’t have time to get an answer out of you anyway. Come on.”
“Speaking of time,” Annabeth says, following Piper back into the kitchen studio, “I have to head out by 6:30.”
“Oh yeah?” Piper’s head is buried in her belt box, searching for the perfect accent. “What for?”
“I’ve got a show to catch.”
“Kind of early,” she says, pulling out something thin and silver. “Don’t you usually meet Thalia at the ass crack of midnight?”
“Well I kind of want to eat first.”
“Okay.” She cinches the belt around her waist, tight. “Then you’re going to have to help me with this skirt.”
Hands aching from hours of macrame, Annabeth walks up to the box office window at the Koch Theater at 7:46, having a handful of second thoughts. 
Old, uppity white couples keep shooting her some particularly intense passive aggressive glares, some of them even venturing into actually aggressive territory, which usually wouldn’t even register on her very short list of things to care about, except that she is feeling woefully out of place. The lady in front of her has ten pounds of diamonds hanging off of each old, wrinkly ear, and the best Annabeth could do was fish out her least-ripped pair of jeans, pairing it with one of her nicer black shirts, the sleeves long enough to cover most of her tattoos. The macrame kept her longer than she had meant, so she didn’t have time to change before dinner, but fuck it, right?
She did also take out most of her face jewelry on the way. But she left the nose stud, obviously. And the tongue piercing. And the industrial, because Percy really likes those, so she doesn’t feel that bad about it. And he hadn’t even told her about this until after she had already given herself the half-undercut, so it’s not like she could do anything about that either.
“Can I help you?” At least this box office worker isn’t giving her the stink-eye. 
“I’m here to pick up a ticket? Should be under ‘Jackson.’” He’d offered to leave it under her name, but this was safer. She doesn’t think her mom is a big ballet person, but she isn’t about to risk it, either.
She slides the ticket towards Annabeth beneath the glass plane. “Enjoy the show,” she says, with a quirk of her mouth that is surprisingly sincere for someone in customer service. 
She’s pretty sure she’d enjoy the show more if she weren’t panicking thinking about getting dirt on their fancy carpets. Her boots are clean, of course, and she doesn’t really care, but she doesn’t want to, like, embarrass Percy or whatever. She’d asked him if she should dress up, but he’d assured her otherwise. “No one’s going to care, I promise,” he’d told her the night before, her lounging in his bed while he did some pushups. “And if anyone says something, let me know and we can kick their ass after the show together.”
“Great. Guess I don’t have to break out the Chanel, then.”
He’d paused, frowned, then huffed a laugh, shaking his head. Like the idea of Annabeth wearing Chanel was hilarious. Like what she’s wearing tonight really is the best that she can do.
Self-consciousness isn’t really a feeling that Annabeth has anymore. She’s spent so many years chafing against expectations, shucking them off when she inevitably failed to meet them, desperate for a place, a crowd where she could just be. In her scene, she doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone, and when Percy is out with her, he doesn’t need any convincing. He likes her. He likes her a lot, she thinks. He likes her enough to let himself be dragged out to every shitty dive bar and shittier rock show in New York City, laughing and cheering and holding her close the whole time. He likes her enough to cart her to his apartment at 4 AM, inevitably waking Nico up from his undead slumber, and leave her with nothing but a glass of water and a kiss on the forehead. And she likes him, too--a lot. Annabeth likes Percy enough to ditch her band t-shirts for a night and track mud on the carpet of the Koch Theater and willingly sit through a performance of fucking Swan goddamn Lake of all things, and it’s only a little scary how much she is willing to do for him after only a few months of fucking him. Because this really isn’t her scene, not anymore. 
The weight of everyone’s stares bears down on her, threatening to crush her beneath them, a feeling she was so sure she’d left behind. 
At least Percy had been thoughtful enough to get her a ticket out of the way in the back of one of the balcony sections. It’s a bit of a hike, but the audience members aren’t dressed quite as nicely as the ones downstairs, and she feels like she can breathe a little easier.
She pulls out her phone, checking her text messages on instinct. There’s a selfie from Percy in his stage makeup (and she’s not going to lie… he looks fucking pretty), with his standard accompanying three blue heart emojis. She can’t help it, her heart skips a beat and she can’t help but smile, even as she rolls her eyes. She’s just about to send him something appropriately sarcastic when another text notification slides in. It’s from her father. 
Hi Annabeth… I was talking to a friend in Boston who said he's looking for a new 
prospective in his architecture firm. Passed your information along. 
Love you, dear
She swipes it away. Deletes the whole text conversation, for good measure. 
Forget about him. This night is about Percy.
A few minutes later, so engrossed in Percy’s program bio (it’s about all she can focus on right now), she doesn’t even notice everyone around her leaning forward in breathless anticipation, until the warm, honey-like sound of the oboe draws her head up. 
Roughly two minutes in, she’s really wishing she had attempted the synopsis. The extent of her knowledge of Swan Lake is a few half-remembered orchestra rehearsals in her teens and reading the Wikipedia article on that Natalie Portman movie a few months ago, and she definitely doesn’t recall there being anything about any Men-in-Tights looking motherfuckers prancing around. They’re sort of bobbing, back and forth, elegantly stepping from one side of the stage to another. Even from back here, she can see the delicate, precise placement of their hands, fingers curved just so, moving through space as though they aren’t bound by the laws of physics.
The fingers, she remembers. She could never get the hang of the fingers. Her old ballet teacher had given up on them after a week, and that had been the beginning of the end for that particular extracurricular. 
Now her fingers tap on her jeans, impatient, far faster than the easy going music on stage. She’s just about to give in to the millennial instinct and pull out her phone, maybe play a round of sudoku, when the dancers motion as one to the back corner, and Percy comes stepping out. His hair is perfectly slicked back, gelled down, any hint of curl beaten into submission, and his smile is small, but white, gleaming against the tanned brown of his skin. She can’t help but smile back, like he could somehow see her. Finally, she thinks, relaxing a little more into her seat. Something to watch.
On his off days, her off days, any day when she would spent the night at his (always at his, never at hers) and wake up wrapped in his comforter and the smell of seawater, she would take the blanket with her and steal into his living room, curl up on his couch with her feet tucked under her legs, and watch him dance. She’s seen him drill these sequences over, and over, and over again, counting furious sequences of sixes and eights beneath his breath in duet with the thuds of his feet on his floor. Most times he would notice her and shoot her a grin, granting her permission to observe the artist at work. Sometimes, though, he would be so caught up in his body, the shifting of his feet and the music in his head, that it was like he couldn’t see her at all. Seemingly alone, he would dance, uninhibited, and she would be struck by a feeling that she usually reserves for specific monuments. Watching Percy dance in his apartment, in his brown tights and black tank top, lost in his own world, is like looking at pictures of the Gateway Arch, or the Hoover Dam, or the Parthenon.
She searches for that feeling now, leaning forward in her seat, eyes hungrily raving his form, but she just doesn’t see it. It’s… honestly, it’s a little boring. She won’t lie. He had warned her it would be something of a slow start, but this isn’t exactly an ADHD friendly medium, and she is losing her patience, just a bit. He’s so reserved, like he’s holding something close to his chest, impersonal as he takes the hands of the female dancers and lets them twirl around him. 
Personally, Annabeth thinks that he looks kind of lost. Maybe he’s just nervous--it’s a big role and he’s a young guy. But he had seemed fine when he’d kissed her goodbye just after lunch. 
The court jester is killing it though. Feeling just the slightest bit guilty, she lets her eyes drift over to him, deciding to watch him for a while instead.
On some level, she does appreciate the skill on display here. Percy can raise his back leg in a perfect ninety degree angle that would make her architecture professors sweat. The girls drift back and forth across the stage on the tips of their toes, weightless and ethereal. It’s mesmerizing, and she lets herself be mesmerized.
Time must slip away from her, because she blinks and all of a sudden the stage has gone from sunny yellow to cool blue, the crowds of dancers having vanished. He is alone on stage. Percy kneels in a deep lunge that makes her thighs ache just looking at him (and for… other reasons), his arms and his attention pointed to the wings, with a… Annabeth squints. When the hell did he get a crossbow?
But everything is swept to the sides when the White Swan tiptoes her way on stage, impossibly graceful, and all of a sudden, Annabeth gets it. 
It feels a little cliche to say, but the way that woman moves on the floor really does remind her of those old, vintage jewelry boxes, suspended in animation, moved by some otherworldly force. It’s amazing. It’s a little terrifying. Sublime is the word that comes to mind as Annabeth watches her. Her arms move with fluidity, perfect curves, her fingers trailing behind her like wings. 
And Percy is just as mesmerized as Annabeth is. As the audience is. 
A few things hit her, in rapid succession. First, that Percy is, actually, a really good actor. His reticence before--he’d been playing a character. He’d been playing aloof and reserved and unmoored, because Percy--Siegfried--whatever--has been waiting his whole life for something to fulfill him, until this singular moment, the moment he laid eyes on this beautiful creature. Second, that she doesn’t need words to understand what’s going on. It’s all there, in every look and gesture and step, as the two characters circle each other, slowly but irrevocably falling in love. And third, that she recognizes the look on his face. It’s the look that Percy gives her when she has been talking for too long and he can’t get a word in edgewise, or when she screams along to the god awful underground bands, three beers in and missing every single fuck she’d ever had, or when she wakes up after him to Percy’s arms around her waist, her hair in his mouth and her head resting against his collarbone. She recognizes it, because that’s the look that Siegfried has for Odette. Because that’s the look that Percy has for Annabeth. Because he loves her.
And fourth, that that doesn’t make her as happy as she wishes it would. 
There’s a cold pit in her stomach for the rest of the show, a turning screw that twists in deeper, minute by minute, with every turn of the dancers. She wastes the next hour trying to puzzle this out, not even pretending to watch the drama unfolding on stage, because it makes no goddamn sense. (Her situation, not the ballet--she managed to skim the synopsis during intermission, her foot tapping incessantly against the blessedly empty seat in front of her.) Things are great between them. It’s been a heady, intoxicating four months, full of bubbles and butterflies, sweet, soft mornings, and some really, really phenomenal sex. This should make her happy. This should put her over the fucking moon, and she cannot, for the life of her, figure out why it doesn’t.
The prima ballerina comes back out as the Black Swan, just as poised and precise as her counterpart, but she’s a great actress as well, because there is something undeniably different about her. Her arms move like rubber, like joints are just an afterthought, wrapping themselves around Percy’s neck and shoulders. She misdirects his attention, drawing his eyes to her wrists, her clavicle, the curve of a leg or the point of her toe. Seducing him. Tricking him. 
Like Annabeth. 
Because try as she might to run from it, Annabeth isn’t who she says she is. She wants so desperately to be this fuck-the-rules, fight-the-power, punk rock princess that she took every part of her that didn’t fit that image and tried to rip it out of her, bloody and struggling. Her trust fund, her two (two!) Harvard degrees, her enriched childhood and her bright and shining future; she took it all out back and shot it, and prayed that would be the end of it. She’s a phony, just like that goddamn Black Swan. Percy is in love with a phony. 
Her sweet, wonderful, devastatingly kind and handsome Percy--she tricked him and made him fall in love with a mishmash of archetypes and aesthetics, distracting him with nose piercings and ripped t-shirts and ugly, deafening noise. 
She’s not surprised that she’s crying when the curtain falls. She’d never known that Siegfried and Odette both died at the end. 
When the cast reunites for curtain call, Percy is given a standing ovation, and Annabeth enthusiastically joins in, wiping the tears from her eyes, smearing her makeup. 
She doesn’t wait for him at the stage door, but sits on the steps of the theater, plucking at her sleeves, aching for a drink and wishing she had had the presence of mind to wear something a little nicer. Percy finds her there almost an hour after the show ended. “Hey.”
In the dark of night, illuminated only by streetlamps, she can’t read his face--but she can read exhaustion, in every part of his body. “I was waiting for you by the stage door.”
Something in her stomach goes cold. “I… wasn’t sure if I was allowed,” she offers, weakly. 
He smiles, a light in the dark. “Of course you’re allowed,” he says, offering her a hand. “Shall we?”
She knows what will happen next. She’ll take his hand, and they’ll walk to the subway together, fingers intertwined. They’ll get on the 1 train headed north, and Percy will let her rest her head against him, tilting his head back against the window, eyes closed, almost asleep. The doorman will nod at them as they walk up to Nico’s apartment, barely batting an eye at his sweats and her ripped jeans, the two of them sticking out like a sore thumb in a sea of impeccably dressed rich New Yorkers. Nico will wave at them distractedly from his office, gulping down his sixth coffee of the night, and they’ll tiptoe into his room, falling asleep in each other’s arms with little more than a good night kiss. 
Which, of course, is exactly what does end up happening.
Annabeth crawls on top of him in his bed, kissing him soft and senseless. She doesn’t know where he’s getting this energy from, but she is not complaining as he slips up inside of her, the two of them rocking each other gently to orgasm, their foreheads pressed together. Shuddering as he comes, he captures her mouth in another kiss, pouring every ounce of love he has in him into her.
A waste, honestly. 
But as far as goodbye sex, it’s pretty damn great. 
She needs to end this, before either of them get hurt. It’s the least of what he deserves, after all. To put yourself out there, to offer yourself up like that, that might be the bravest thing Annabeth’s ever heard of, and surely, Annabeth can find the courage to do what needs to be done.
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onechicagorpf · 4 years
Not A Stranger - Part 3
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader (Chicago Med intern)
Waking up in bed next to a random naked guy after a drunken night out usually sucks, but eh, whatever. you’ll never see him again, right? Well except this time, random naked guy turns out to be your ED attending’s little brother, so maybe you’re a little bit screwed…
Read Part 1 here Read Part 2 here Read Part 4 here
Warnings: SMUT. A little bit of R-rated smut! Swearing, the usual cuss words. Some angst/PTSD, although it’s not overtly discussed. Dubious medical content (discussion of amputation & blood), some of which has been shamelessly lifted from a season 3 episode of Code Black!
A/N: So there’s definitely going to be a Part 4, lol! I’ll try and have it out by this time next week. Send me asks/messages/leave a note if you liked this and want to see more - it really makes me feel so much less insecure about my writing ahaha! Also do send me short prompts or requests that I can fill as blurbs (i.e. nothing that’s going to be a several chapter story - I will request those later on!) - preferably for Jay but I can do Will as well! Female!Halstead sibling is also okay :) Anyway enough talking, enjoy!
PS: I make mention of bearded Jay in this chapter; this gif is totally the version of him I had in my head for this chapter!
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"Walter Holden. 16 years old, victim of an auto accident, came in with a dislocated right leg."
There's droplets of rain on the other side of the windows. It blurs the view - all of a sudden, the buildings you can usually see from the 13th floor of the hospital are just fuzzy, beige blocks.
"Preliminary exam showed no other major trauma, and his vital signs were strong. His leg just had to be reset."
A shudder goes down your spine - was the hospital's conference room always this cold? Well, you don't know - you've never been in here before.
"Dr Halstead advised 10 mil of morphine, but the patient refused pain medication, and the leg was reset. It was at this point that Dr Halstead handed the patient off to Dr Y/L/N, requesting her to evaluate his leg for blood flow."
There's been a strange tapping noise for the last 5 minutes, but only now do you realise it's your fingers against the oval, wooden table.
"Dr Y/L/N? Dr Y/L/N!" You snap out of your reverie and look up. Dr Lanik's glaring at you. You apologise. He takes his seat, next to Mrs Goodwin and Will, both of whom send you a soft smile that doesn't quite reach their eyes. They're trying to be reassuring, but it doesn't matter - you're ready to drown yourself.
Clearing your throat, you speak. "I was instructed to evaluate his right leg for blood flow. I did so by checking his pulses, uh, dorsalis pedis and posterior tibialis." You pause, as some of the other occupants in the conference room - all members of the board or lawyers, all wearing pristine suits and a cold, calculating expression - turned to look at each other.
You clear your throat again. "It was a uh, a textbook exam."
"I'm sorry, in which textbook does it say to check for an arterial injury by just palpating a pulse?" Dr Lanik cuts in sharp.  Will closes his eyes, as you struggle to breath normally.
"90% of all patients - "
"I can't hear you, Dr Y/L/N." Dr Lanik's voice booms across the room, and Will's had it.
"This is ridiculous, there's no need to be intimidating her like this - she's a first year resident and - "
"And she was satisfied with a pulse check to evaluate blood flow? Do I need to remind everyone here that the acceptable course of action in this scenario is to order a doppler or an ABI? That boy's leg was sitting for ages without proper blood flow, and eventually the best we could do for him was amputate it."
Will shakes his head vehemently. "Pathology's looked over the leg - they determined that the severity of the accident combined with the amount of time it took CFD to extricate Holden from the car meant that his leg wasn't viable before he even stepped into the ED." Will turns to you, his eyes piercing as he spoke directly to you.
"There was nothing you could've done that would've changed the outcome. Nothing."
You take a deep breath. You don't nod.
"Alright, we've heard everything we need to hear." The head of the legal department says, after a few moments of discussion with the board members. "Given the findings from Pathology, we will not be terminating Dr Y/L/N's employment here at Chicago Med. However, we recommend that her OR privileges be revoked, and that she is attached to an attending for a duration of 2 months, by which point hopefully she will learn that not every case is a textbook case." She stares directly at you. "Dismissed." Chairs scrape against the floor as everyone makes their leave.
Will places his hand on your shoulder, and you realise you haven't moved even after everyone's left.
His voice is soft. "We all make mistakes. And - "
"I could've been the reason he lost his leg. If he'd come in with ample time to save the leg, and I just - and I just didn't realise it, I could've been the reason a kid had to lose a leg." There's tears in your eyes as you turn to look at Will, who just sighs.
"Yeah. But that's not what happened."
"I got lucky." You shrug, tears freely streaming down your face now. "I just got lucky."
Will doesn't say anything. He just hugs you.
It's not the kind of thing you just get over, you realise, because it's been 5 days since it happened but you can't get it out of your head. You've been barely getting any sleep; often you jerk awake in the middle of the night or the early hours of the morning, after which it's next to impossible to fall asleep again. It's also affecting your work more than just making you tired - you keep second-guessing your medical judgements, deferring to Will or Natalie or Ethan for anything and everything. None of them bite at you for it, because they know what's going on and they know what you're going through, but some part of you wishes they would. Wishes that they'd just grab you by the shoulders and shake you, and say "Be a damn doctor."
Dr Charles met with you for lunch earlier today, and you lamented your troubles. The kind and thoughtful psychiatrist patiently listened, before giving you some wisdom you needed to hear. Amongst which was "find a distraction".
"You mean focus on something else?" You asked, chasing a watermelon cube at the bottom of your fruit cup.
"Yeah, but it's a little bit of a dangerous tactic. See, you don't want to distract yourself from dealing with the pain and the guilt you feel, because emotions don't tend to go away when you suppress them like that. But if you're having trouble processing it, it can be helpful to take your mind off of it for a while, wait til some time has passed and it's not so...intense. And maybe then it'll be easier to tackle and get over, y'know?" Dr Charles advised and you nodded, taking it in.
You think about what exactly you could do to distract yourself as you finish your shift and make your way towards your car in the parking lot.
Maybe I should take up painting?
The thought of yourself - little miss notoriously bad at anything artsy - trying to paint has you chuckling softly. You're about to give up on this whole distract yourself thing when, as if on cue, your phone buzzes with a text message. You get into your car, turn on the heating, and pull out your phone.
J.H. 11:32PM
So...guess who's back :)
You can't help the smile on your face. Jay's been undercover for the past week - it actually got started the next morning after the night you went over for "hockey". He'd gotten a text early in the morning asking him to come in, and so the two of you had actually barely spoken since...the festivities of that night.
You 11:33PM
Congrats, detective :)
J.H. 11:33PM
Wanna come over and help me celebrate?
Huh. Well maybe Dr Charles wasn't off-target with the whole "distract yourself" thing - although you're positive having meaningless sex is probably not one of the healthy methods of distraction that he was envisioning.
But quickly, you realise it doesn't matter - ever since what happened, you haven't been sleeping well at night. It's been close to 6 days and you're wrecked, so maybe some good, tires-you-out-completely sex is exactly what you need?
You 11:34PM
Be there in 15
 J.H. 11:34PM
Can't wait :)
 Your lips curve into a smile as you pull out of the parking lot and down into the main road.
"I've been waiting to do this...for so long..." Jay murmurs in your ear before pressing kisses down the side of your neck, his hands roaming all over your body. You tilt your head to the side, exposing the expanse of your neck to him.
“It’s only been…a couple ‘a days…” You reply softly, and you feel Jay’s huffs of soft laughter into your neck. You turn to look at him, pulling away. “What?”
There’s a teasing smile on his face. “Most women take it as a compliment if a guy says he hasn’t stopped thinking about her.”
You shake you head, putting on a teasing look, “Uh-uh, that’s not what you said, you said you’ve been wanting to do this – ”
“It was implied – ”
“It wasn’t implied and even if it was – ”
“It was implied and even if it wasn’t, that’s still a compliment.” Jay says pointedly, a huge grin on his face. You narrow your eyes at him, trying to hide the growing smile on your face. He chuckles, seeing right through you.
You smack his arm. “You keep laughing at me in bed and I’m gonna get mad.” This gets Jay full-on laughing, and your jaw drops in pretend-outrage. “You fucking – ”
“No, no, no c’mere – ” Jay pacifies you, leaning over you, arms on either side of you as he starts to kiss your face, your jaw, the corner of your mouth. But there’s still the slightest smile pulling up the corners of his lips, and when he presses them to your lips, you can’t help but laugh into the kiss. Jay reaches up and holds your face, the kiss becoming soft, loving, drawn-out, and some feeling deep in your core tells you you’re just…somewhere else right now. You don’t know how to describe it, other than that everything in this moment feels perfect, feels right.
A shiver goes down your spine, and maybe it’s because Jay’s shifted, and is now sucking a spot on the base of your neck, hard and strong and deep, and his hands are skimming downwards, unbuttoning your soft cotton top before unzipping your jeans. And maybe it’s because you don’t know what the fuck you are doing here, with him, with all of this. You think about how wrong this is, how bad this is, how his brother’s your boss and this was just supposed to be one drunken hookup and then it became two (except you weren’t even drunk that time) and now it’s about to become three –
“Y/N?” Jay calls softly, and you look at him – his hands resting gently over the hem of your panties, his face hovering over the space between your legs, and the look of…almost reverence in his shining green eyes.
You stop thinking.
Your hands reach downward, sliding your panties off and Jay eagerly helps, getting them off completely. Just like last time, Jay draws out the foreplay – kissing, licking, and nipping at the skin of your inner thighs, making the heat in your core build. Running your fingers through his dark hair, you yank it a little to get him to get going, and he pinches your hip – a quick slap of the wrist. Laughing, you repeat the action, pulling on his hair, and he groans.
“You’re real impatient, you know?”
“Jayyyyyyyy,” You whine, pouting down at him. He’s got this look of a predator – a confident, cocky smile on his face. Jay dips his head down, his mouth making contact with your cunt.
“There we go,” You murmur, gasping as you feel his hot breath on your most sensitive regions. Jay’s hands grip tight into your supple skin, holding your thighs open for him as his tongue circles your opening. Your back arcs as you moan, the sensation of his tongue on you setting off what feels like fireworks in your head. Jay’s mouth presses into you, hard and deep, his tongue licking and lapping at your now sopping wet cunt.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck – ” You whisper, eyelids fluttering shut as Jay softly flicks his tongue over your clit. He repeats the motion, going up and down, teasing your clit and your hip jerks upwards sharply in response. Settling your ass back down against his soft sheets, you catch your breath and mutter a soft apology – “Shit, sorry,” – and Jay taps your thigh, a silent “don’t worry about it”, as he’s nosed his way back between your legs immediately.
Jay laps at your folds and you try to keep your head about you, try to not lose your mind, but it just feels so good. He sucks your clit into his mouth gently and your eyes roll into the back of your head. “Oh my god, ohhh my god – fuck!” You whimper, as he keeps sucking your clit, pausing to flick his tongue over it. Your fingers clutch the sheets around you hard enough to rip holes in them. The loud moans out of your mouth are bordering on screams. The feeling in your core, the heat, starts rising like a wave reaching a shore –
“I’m gonna – I’m gonna – I’m gonna – ah, ah, ahhhh – fuck! Fuck, fuck – Jay! Jay!” You scream, your vision whiting out completely as you arch off the bed, riding out the waves of pleasure wrecking your body. You hands fly downwards to grab Jay’s head as you jerk away from his still-working mouth, your oversensitive clit causing tears to pool in your eyes. Pulling him up, you whisper his name over and over again, like he’s the only gospel you know. Jay shifts up, laying down next to you and pulling you close, your bodies fitting into each other like a perfect pair of puzzle pieces. You look at him through your teary eyes and all you see are his green irises staring right back at you with a measure of something dark and lustful in them. You hold his face in your hands, running a thumb over the rough stubble of his cheeks, his jaw, where a soft beard has started to grow. His lips are glossy and wet, from you, and you see now there’s a soft pink line going across his nose that you trace with your hands, frowning.
“I’m okay,” Jay says in a soothing voice.
“What happened?” You ask, concerned, the frown between your eyebrows deepening as you look up at him.
A soft smile. “Kinda got into a fight. Guy tried to punch me, I dodged it, but his fingernail scratched me. It’s fine.” Jay replies quickly, and his face is so close to yours that you’re breathing the same air. You don’t say anything, but you must still be frowning because Jay speaks again. “It’s literally just a scratch.” You hum softly in response, running your hands down his front, unbuttoning his shirt, scanning the expanse of his chest and abdomen with your fingertips and your eyes.
Jay lifts your chin and you turn back to him. “What?”
“Are you checking me for other injuries?” He asks, chuckling. You look back down, pausing for a moment. “Maybe…it’s not like you’d tell me if you got hurt, right?” Jay just laughs, and there’s your answer. You ignore the burgeoning feelings in your heart of some kind of dejection.
Your fingers run over a sliver of raised skin, on his lower right flank. It’s a thin, pale pink scar that runs about 3 inches. You work in an ED – you know exactly what this is.
“You were stabbed?” You ask, stunned. “When?”
Jay sighs, grabbing your fingers in his hand and holding them closed. “Army stuff. Not a big deal.” He pushes your fingers away to your own body, and then reaches for the blanket and pulls it up over the two of you, like as if the conversation’s over.
“You don’t want to talk about the Army,” you point out, as Jay lays on his back, some distance between the two of you. He sighs again, looking upwards at the ceiling. “Is that a question or a statement?”
You know you shouldn’t push, but you do anyway.
“You should talk to someone about it  – ”
“I talk to people about it. I have.” Jay’s voice is tight. He’s still not looking at you.
“You can talk to me about it...” You say, and you’re terrified. Because what you’re really asking is “Do you think I’m close enough, do you care about me enough to let me in?”.
Jay turns to you, a soft smile on his face. “It’s fine. I’ve got other people for that.”
Hiding the immense desolation that’s weighing like an anchor on your chest from showing, you just send a shallow smile his way. 
He’s got other people for that. He’s got other people for sharing his feelings, his pain, his suffering, his life. He doesn’t want you for that, I mean, why would he share all of that with you? You’re just a warm body – some random girl he’s having sex with. Nothing more.
You pull the blankets tighter around you, turning away from Jay. Trying your best to quell the wave of sadness flooding what feels like every single part of you, you drift asleep. 
“Dr Y/N?”
You turn, and there’s Walter Holden on a bed in the ED.
“Walter?” You walk to his side, stunned. He’s crying – tears spilling out of his soft baby blue eyes, his youthful face scrunched up in pain and anguish.
“Why did you do this to me? Why?!” He yells, his voice cracking. You shake your head. “Walter, Walter I’m so sorry – I didn’t know, I didn’t know, I didn’t mean to – ” You choke on your words, and as you look down the bed you realise that Walter’s amputated leg is bleeding at the stump.
“Oh god, oh my god – ” You get up, shocked as the blood starts gushing. Walter screams.
“Help me! Dr Y/N – help me! Help me!”
You hear your heart hammering in your ears, your head is spinning, you stand up and you feel faint.
Will rushes into the room. He starts holding as much gauze as he can to Walter’s leg. Nurses and doctors flood the room, and they begin moving Walter out. You’re standing, back pressed to the treatment room wall, aghast. 
Will turns to you, his face red with rage. “What are you even doing?! Fucking hell, Y/N – you can’t do anything right?!”
There’s a painful lump in your throat, and you can’t breathe. Something grabs your hand and you snap your head. It’s Walter, and as they wheel his bed out, he looks at you with so much fury and torment in his eyes.
“No, no, no, I’m so sorry Walter, I’m so sorry – I’m so sorry – this can’t be happening, no, no no no – ” Tears stream down your face and you start shaking. Your knees buckle, and you fall to the ground, sobs wracking your body. Somewhere in the distance, you hear your name being called, but you can’t answer, you can’t do this anymore, you can’t – you just can’t…
“Y/N! Y/N!”
You jolt, your eyes flying open. Jay’s over you, his eyebrows drawn together, his eyes wide, concerned, his hands holding your shoulders where you realise he’s been shaking you – shaking you because – because –
It was a fucking nightmare. Again.
You let out a cry of pain, bringing your hands up to cover your face. “Breathe, just breathe.” Jay says softly, rubbing your arms up and down.
After about a minute, when you don’t feel so shaken anymore, you wipe your eyes and slowly sit up. Jay shifts with you, sitting right next to you. You can’t look him in the eyes.
“I’m – I’m sorry I woke you,” you whisper to your palms, resting atop your folded legs.
“Don’t – don’t worry about that. Y/N, what happened? It sounded pretty bad…” Jay says and you shake your head.
“I’m fine, it’s fine – ” Your hands run through your hair roughly. You need to go. You need to go – you need to leave – you can’t be here –you can’t be here with him –
“Hey. Hey,” Jay repeats, when you don’t answer. He reaches across and his warm hard gently grabs your face, trying to get you to look at him but you just push his hand away. You get up, grabbing your underwear and jeans from the ground and start getting dressed.
“Y/N!” Jay gets off the bed, and comes to you. You sidestep him, or at least you try to, but he’s much taller than you and his shoulders are broad; he stands in your way and grabs your arms softly.
“Y/N, look at me – ”
You give him what he wants. You look up at him, you stare him directly in his eyes, shaking in anger and fear and what feels like the weight of the world on your shoulders. 
“Hmm? Why? This isn’t – you don’t care – what does it matter –” You yell at him, your mind frazzled as you fall apart in his arms.
The frown on Jay’s face gets deeper, and he shakes his head, leaning close. “Hey, talk to me. C’mon, you can talk to me – ”
“Why the fuck would I talk to you? You’re just some guy I’m sleeping with!” You spit harshly, shaking his hands off and stepping back. Jay’s mouth falls open, and his shoulders sag. His face contorts into something awful - dismay, defeat, hurt.
For a moment, you want to run back into his arms – apologise, say you didn’t mean it, say you’re just scared – but you don’t. You move around him, grabbing your shirt. You put it on and make your way out of his bedroom, and out of his apartment.
You don’t know why you said what you did. Actually, scratch that, you know exactly why you said that. In fact, you know exactly why you’re what you’re doing.
Every relationship you’ve ever had up to this point’s fucked you over. Every single one. You’ve been cheated on, you’ve been lied to, you’ve been told you were just some piece of ass, not an actual girlfriend. And now?
Now you’re scared shitless of what this thing between the two of you is. You’re scared shitless that you’re making a mistake by screwing around with your boss’s brother and you’re –
You’re scared shitless you’re falling for him.
So, you do what you do best. Dump out of this, push the self-destruct button. Get him to push you away so you don’t have to go through the pain of falling for the guy you can’t have. The one that you know’s going to screw you over, because he’s going to realise he only really sees you as a hookup – that he doesn’t love you.
You try to hold back the tears, because you’re driving home and the last thing you need right now is a car accident. There’s a buzzing sound from your phone and you perk up. As much as you want to tell yourself to not get your hopes high, you can’t help yourself, and you speed down the road to the red light so you can push the brakes and wait. Your fingers wrap around your phone and you immediately check the screen. 
The smile on your face falls – it’s just a stupid notification from Instagram. You toss your phone back onto the passenger seat, hard enough that it bounces off and hits the ground. Tears once again threaten to fill your eyes, and there’s a painful lump in your throat. You swipe at your cheeks, where a single tear has made its escape, and turn to look at the screen next to your steering wheel – it shows the time as 3:45AM. Leaning back against your car seat, a deep sigh exits your lungs.
You realise there’s no way you’re going to sleep again today, what with the whole Jay thing on top of the Walter Holden nightmare that’s been haunting you for the last 6 days now.
The lights turn green.
Swearing under your breath, you throw your car into a U-turn and drive to Med instead.
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i-did · 3 years
HELLO 👋 I WAS SENT HERE BY PALMETT-HOES. What are your thoughts on the foxes + tattoos?? Originally it was Neil + tattoos but if you have thoughts of the other foxes too I'd love to hear them if you want to share 🥺
Okay, so I actually might try to become a tattoo artist and love tattoo culture. I also have already about 30 tattoos, some the size of my whole hand and some the size of a quarter, a lot of mixed and matched stuff. I also always try to think of the foxes in their timeline, so 2006-2007 era, and when I think said foxes would get tattoos in their life and why. 
First off: I personally HC Neil has keloid scarring and a lot of scarring so tattooing is hard on his skin. I have a friend who has more scars than I've ever seen on anyone else IRL before and we both love tattoos but even with him trying to prep the artist, unless they were a scar micropigmentation expert, they usually underestimated how hard it was going to be to tattoo on his skin. It's uneven and dense and doesn’t hold ink well. His non-scarred skin faired a lot better but his skin was something artists just weren't prepared for. I might get some micropigmentation on some skin grafts I got to even out the coloring and make it look more “natural” but I’m waiting to see if the pigment will settle and heal more first. 
I personally don't see Neil ever getting a tattoo, and this bums a lot of people out lmao. I think his scars are too thick and too raised and it's too cosmetic and aesthetic centric for it to be something on his radar. On his skin that isn't touched by scars I think he would want to leave as be mostly out of neutrality. I don't see Neil as the type of sentimental tattooer, I see him thinking “well if it matters to me I remember it” sort of and him wanting to keep the really deep stuff personal just for himself and even another person putting it on him is someone else there. I think if he were ever to get a tattoo, he would be like… idk it would be the kind that says “yes I got shot, stop asking” over a bullet hole scar or like that one guy whos missing his leg and above it there's a tattoo that says “one foot in the grave” that's the only type of tattoo I can see Neil doing and even still I'm not convinced he would do it. 
I don't ever see Andrew covering up his scars with tattoos either. I think he likes how the armbands can come on and off and be fully covered to not at all. He's not ashamed of them but he's private, and I think the tattoos could seem like he's trying to hide them when he's not-it's just nobody's business. I think if he were to get anything it would be American-traditional, it ages well, its classic, and doesn't really go out of style. Before the…. Let's say 80s, there weren't the different tattoo “styles” like there are today. It was just… tattoos in America. There was Japanese-style tattooing and then American-style tattooing, and since tattooing started curating its underground culture in the ’50s in America… those circles did not blend. They do now, but they sure as hell didn't then. So I could see Andrew with American-traditional because it's classic and I could see it appealing to him, but I could also see Russian prison tattoo style black-work something that appeals to him too. Get him some gulag tats. However if he had those, and since I currently HC him as white and with a buzzed or grown-out messy buzzed head, he would deadass look like a fuckin skinhead so... yeah lmao. Overall I don't see Andrew getting tattoos really, but if he would, American-traditional seems fitting. 
Okay, so Kevin out here looking like a MF SoundCloud rapper with his single face tat and nothing else going on. I know it might be OOC but since his mom is Irish and I HC his dad as Maori (even tho in the canon Wymack likely has 90s new age tribalism, which is a complicated issue but instead I choose culturally significant tattoos over the tattoo trend that was largely popularized by a movie lmao anyways-).
So I think Kevin is the only one who dives into tattoo culture and bonds over it with his dad. If he just has the chess piece, it still feels like a branding, like a mark so distinct against the rest of him, but one full sleeve of Celtic knots and symbols and the other arm full of Maori's distinct tattoos of swirls and symbols could be a cool way for him to reclaim his own skin and have it not be something he did just to cover something up, but make tattooing something connecting him to his cultures and family. 
Nicky is the guy who got like, fierce, or pride, or something like that tattooed if he got a tattoo. I see Nicky getting a pride tattoo of some kind maybe and it being calligraphy or like if Nicky/Erik is a bear then he gets a bear paw. I could also see him getting his and Erik’s wedding date tattooed somewhere. I also don't see him as the type who didn't know how much research and shit goes into finding the artist for you, and kinda assumes you can go to just anyone and just walk in and then was like “wait what” when he couldn’t (or couldn't if he wanted to get exactly what he had in mind) so he probably got/gets tattooed by some non-homophobic apprentice, maybe even that apprentices first tattoo, and also since Nicky is Mexican and darker-skinned I doubt he thinks to put on sunscreen and the sun makes his ink lines bleed and so it doesn't age the best (it be like that). 
Got a trendy tramp stamp to like, really stick it to her parents. Right on her lower back I bet it's the classic 2000s swirls and a butterfly and some of those stars, idk what they're called. If she was a young 20-year-old now tho she totally would have gotten a fine line tattoo, like not a tight three, a real 1 needle tattoo. They were seen as really nice back then and “so Cali” and like I could see /maybe/ her getting it done before she's 30 but they were not that common yet and like micro-realism is so new we still kinda don't know how it's going to age at all since tattoos before it have been designed they way they have for aging. Again if she got a micro-realism/single needle tattoo tho it would be something kinda basic like a butterfly or like a lion. I swear I've seen the same google image lion tattooed on a lotta people and like IDC it's your skin. But yeah, she gets the classic 2000s swirl butterfly and stars tattoo above her crack one night, maybe after a really bad phone call with her parents and she got drunk and pissed off. Maybe someone said she couldn't take the pain. (which btw, tattoos don’t hurt as much as they make them out to be in shows and shit, they can hurt tho)
I HC Dan as very dark-skinned, she's 75% black and 25% Sioux and grew up in a very very white area when outside her home on the res. Tattoo culture is still really sexist and really colorist, and at this point in history I think if she ever did want a tattoo, she maybe asked vaguely about it and they flat out said “I don't know how to tattoo on black skin” or “it doesn't go with my art” which… are shithole excuses and I think she thought, “well fuck u too” and never thought about it much since then. 
I HC as Renee as darker-skinned than Dan, and like the only places she could possibly get tattooed are maybe her palms, the bottoms of her feet, or her inner mouth probably. Some people genuinely are so dark that tattooing is hard, because it's based on the concept of black ink on a lighter surface, which is why scarification catches on in cultures where the skin is too dark to pigment with ink effectively. However, the idea of fuckin, 15-year-old Renee who is still Natalie with “PU$$Y” tattooed in her mouth kinda sends me. I think lil kid Renee thought she was gangster, and tbh she was, and I could see her getting some “fuck you/in your face” tattoo, especially if she was a lesbian in such a homophobic world, getting that tattooed is even better. We also know she got her back tatted in the EC with angel wings that look almost closer to dragon wings, so I imagine they show up as almost raised dark lines like scars from the untrained tattoo artist going way too deep, making it a cross between a tattoo and scarification, even if accidental. (also white ink really wasn't a thing yet and even now is still kinda hard to tell how it will heal, so that's why I don't think she gets any white ink tats)
He's a rich boy from NYC, he could really get like… whatever he wants. Once he's famous he can afford it that's for sure, but even before then he could with his allowance similar to Allison (even if on a completely different level). However, I doubt he gets anything lol. He's not particularly religious in my HC and doesn't have the same sense of being lost like I feel Kevin does with his own parents (I mean Kevin was raised like an orphan, kinda so it makes sense). I need to develop Matt’s background further on what it means to him personally to be a Filipino-American. I have several ideas about how his parents met in the Philippines and then came here but I would need to flesh out locations and then local cultures and then his parents said opinions on tattoos and then how matt would react to said opinions. I could see him possibly getting something for dan or his kids tattooed on. Which really makes me want to have him get his first kid's name tattooed really big or intricate somewhere like on his chest over his heart and then his kid comes out as trans and he's like “...fuck” lmao and gets it removed maybe and then redone or something. I see him viewing tattoos are personal and symbolic, and if he would get something it would probably be family-oriented, possibly Dan's portrait or like his baby's footprint which I've seen before. 
Stick and pokes were not nearly as common then as they are now, and I feel like people kinda have to remember how taboo tattooing was then and still is now in a lot of cultures. My family is Not happy lmaoo. But it is what it is. Stick and Pokes were not a thing bored white middle-class teens did like I see them doing now. It was seen as super sketchy and I know someone who was 16 getting tattooed in a garage by someone who was both drunk and just out of prison for the first time, and that was seen as sketchy as stick and pokes at the time. I could imagine either Seth or Aaron having a failed and fucked up stick and poke tattoo, and out of the two of them, Seth seems like the drunk tat guy. Maybe once he got drunk and mad as fuck after Allison and him broke up and she said he didn't seem serious enough so he got her name drunkenly tattooed on his arm or something and then she was even more pissed because it was spelled wrong “YOU FORGOT THE SECOND L OMFG SETH.” (I can also imagine his future girlfriends don't love it lmao). I also love the idea of Seth just having Marvin the Martian or the Tasmanian Devil tattooed on his ass.
Anyways sorry for the lack of pictures but I didn't want to do that... so I didn't. I didn't go into niche tattoo culture and history like I was expecting myself to but this also got fuckin long. Might not be what you were hoping for at all but it is my current opinion on the foxes and tattoos. (This is also surprisingly free of my own personal aesthetic opinions on tattoos and that I'm kinda proud of ngl, since my preference is none of these, but also I grew up in a very different tattoo time than them)
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taylorrloverr · 4 years
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Hey @taylorswift , Natalie here!!
I hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy during this crazy time.
As you can imagine, I have a lot of extra time on my hands (yenno quarantine and all) and I thought I’d give you a lil update on what’s been going on with me lately.
Sooooooo in August 2019 I moved to Vancouver to pursue my dreams of becoming an actor. I’m from Winnipeg, so leaving home & my family for the first time was a hard adjustment to say the least (you best believe I listened to/sobbed to “Never Grow Up” the first night I was alone in my apartment).
I had about a month to adjust before my full time acting program started in September *** FUN FACT ALERT *** During this month of adjusting, I went to my first soul cycle class (yenno to get out of the house and try and meet some people) and it just so happened to be “Taylor Swift Themed” so we only listened to/rode to your music!! (Fate right?!?) Anyways, I had a moment in the bathroom before class started where I just cried because listening to your music in that soul cycle studio was the first time Vancouver felt like home. And I know that sounds dramatic (lol hence the whole acting thing). But I found it really hard living on my own for the first time and going to that class and just hearing your music picked up my spirits so much!
Fast forward to September.....Now when I say this program was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, that would be an understatement. It pushed me in so many ways. Mentally, emotionally and physically. There were so many times I didn’t think I could do it (or there was literally someone telling me I couldn’t do it), there were so many days where I sobbed because I was lonely and missed home, but I still kept going because I know you have to fight for your dreams. You taught me that 😊
I graduated end of February and moved into my brand new apartment!! I’m so excited to start decorating and baking and just making it my home. If you have any tips on decorating or organizing or some good recipes please share some! I’d greatly appreciate it 💗💗
Of course this was all before the virus became as serious as it is now. So I ended up flying home to Winnipeg to be with my family until everything settles down. It’s so nice to see everyone (I haven’t been home in 6 months) but it’s hard knowing I left my new life behind. And I’m not going to lie, being laid off from work because of the virus has been stressing me the fuck out lolllll (rent prices AM I RIGHT???) But I know I just need to appreciate my health and everything I have and not stress about what I don’t have.
My school was going to have a showcase at the end of March. I auditioned two pieces (a monologue and a partner scene) and got in for both! Unfortunately it had to be cancelled because of the virus. I understand that it was a necessary measure but I’m disappointed because it was going to be my big shot at getting an agent. But I know whatever’s meant to be will be.
Anywayssss I’ll wrap this long ass essay up by saying thank you. I’ve literally grown up listening to your music (11 years strong babbbyyyy) but in this last year, your music has really been there for me more than ever. It was something I could always count on to lift my mood or to make me feel understood and like I wasn’t alone. And yaaaa idk I just really appreciate everything you’ve done for me 💗💗💗
I love you so so much 💕
Stay safe!
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wxlfstxrx · 4 years
i love your o’knutzy writing so much holy shit. could you write them cuddling/during a thunderstorm? who loves the rain and who’s terrified? does leo vibe with it or does he have hurricane ptsd? lol does it even rain in canada or just snow? 💕💕💕
okay so i think i kinda went off track, but i hope you like this anyway!!!! :)) thank you @shinymooncolor for the hiking idea!! <3
Seeing Logan wrapped up like a burrito with the thick duvet that they had lugged from Finn’s room, his curly brown fringe tumbling down over his forehead from under the thick cotton material wrapped around the back of his head, and his hands covering his eyes save for the small opening between his fingers for one eye to peek through was the single most funny and yet, adorable thing that Finn had ever seen.
He had actually chosen to completely forgo the snacks so he wouldn’t have to peel his fingers away from his eyes and, god forbid, see a close up of a zombie’s face on the forty-three inch television screen. Considering how tough and fierce he could be on the ice, he wasn’t the most lionhearted when it came to scary movies.
To be fair, he had vehemently protested against their choice of movie, but Leo and Finn had been wanting to catch Train to Busan since Kasey and Natalie had recommended it to them a couple of weeks ago. Try as he might, Logan hadn’t been able to put off watching the movie for another week. He never could say no to Finn’s puppy dog eyes.
As a result, he was huddled in between the two taller boys, who each had an arm around him as they watched an entire train compartment of passengers getting devoured by rampant zombies. Finn turned his head to look at Logan’s reaction, and subsequently snorted at the horrified look on his face. Logan mirrored his actions, turning his head with his hands still held out a few inches in front of his face.
Logan scowled. “Fuck you guys so much.”
Finn threw his head back in laughter, receiving a loud shhhh from Leo, who hadn’t even bothered to tear his gaze away from the screen. He looked over at the blonde haired boy adoringly as he stuffed his mouth with popcorn, before turning his attention back to Logan and bringing him into a headlock.
“Someone’s grumpy,” He whispered, still grinning. “Scared, aren’t you?”
Logan grumbled unintelligibly in French, and Finn leaned over, pressing a firm kiss to his flaming cheek.
“Awww, c’mon baby, don’t be mad,” He pouted, giving Logan his famous puppy dog eyes once again. Logan sighed and nestled himself further into Finn’s side, the duvet slipping off the top of his head and revealing his wild chocolate brown curls. He leaned his head on Finn’s shoulder, who let his cheek rest against the still slightly damp hair as he returned his gaze to the screen. 
They stayed that way for some time, Leo absentmindedly bringing his hand over to gently massage the tense muscles at the nape of his neck.
At one point, Finn heard the low rumble of thunder and started feeling raindrops on his right arm. He attempted to get up to shut the open window, but Logan clung tightly onto his arm through the blanket. He sat back down, frowning at Logan.
“It’s raining, Lo, ‘m just gonna close the window,” He told him confusedly.
“Mmmmph,” Logan simply buried his head in the crook of Finn’s neck and nosed at the soft skin there. Finn made a soft sound and acquiesced, nudging Leo with a sock-clad foot.
“Hmmm?” Leo looked away from the television for a moment, only then noticing the rain.
“Sorz babe, could you get the window? Seems like I’ve got a koala on me,” Finn drawled, trying and failing to adopt an Australian accent.
“Don’t pretend you don’t like it when I go down under,” Logan muttered under his breath.
Finn smirked, a comeback on the tip of his tongue, but Leo cut him off before he could say anything.
“Huh, Tremz, never knew you were afraid of thunder,” The tall boy commented offhandedly as he paused the movie, getting up to cross over to the window and shutting it tightly.
“No I’m not,” Logan answered immediately, and Leo raised an eyebrow at him. The brunette glared back, but a hint of fear in his eyes betrayed him, and Leo shrugged, apparently not wanting to push it further.
“Okay, if you say so.”
Finn laughed into Logan’s hair.Leo flopped back onto the couch, leaning back onto the armrest and crossing his ankles on top of Logan, who had to drop his feet to the floor to let Leo’s long legs rest on his lap. He grabbed the remote controller off the coffee table and resumed the movie, just as one of the girls fully turned into a zombie and lunged for the guy holding her in his arms.
Logan, who hadn’t had the chance to look away, let out a loud fuck as he jumped in his seat. Finn smiled in amusement, but wrapped his arms around him tighter as the movie continued playing. He gestured to Leo for the popcorn, who lifted the bowl off his stomach and handed it to Finn. Finn balanced the bowl carefully on his thigh, grabbing a handful of the popcorn and shoved them into his mouth. He scooped up a piece to hold in front of Logan’s mouth, but he didn’t respond.
He ducked his head in confusion, then, realising that Logan had squeezed his eyes shut, he let out a surprised laugh.
“Hey, baby koala,” He whispered softly into Logan’s ear, “Want some popcorn?”
Logan’s eyes flew open, gaze immediately landing on the popcorn in front of his face. He opened his mouth, and Finn popped it in, brushing his thumb over Logan’s lower lip as he chewed.
“Mmmm, thanks. Was getting kinda peckish to be honest,” He grinned bashfully. 
Finn laughed again. “Waiting for me to feed you, is that it?”
The corner of Logan’s lip curled up, and he leaned up to kiss Finn full on the mouth.
They jumped apart at the sound of Leo’s cursing. “Fuck, oh shit, oh my god, holy fuck,” Leo’s volume got progressively louder as he pushed himself into a sitting position. 
Finn’s eyes snapped to the screen as the antagonist, a middle aged businessman, threw the train conductor aside before clambering into the empty train, ignoring the other man’s screams for help. Logan threw the duvet over his head once again, hiding behind his hands and mumbling curse words to himself.
The rain outside got heavier, the wind howling and slamming against the windows, and Finn could feel Logan shaking his leg nervously as the suspense in the movie built up accordingly. He wrapped an arm around his waist in comfort, while Leo slowly ran his hand up and down Logan’s back, but Finn could still feel the fear radiating off Logan in waves.
At the exact moment a zombie appeared at the window of a train compartment, a flash of lightning and a loud clap of thunder occurred in succession, and the whole apartment went pitch black. Logan screamed, and Finn and Leo both jumped.
“Fuck.” Logan’s voice sounded hysterical. He curled in on himself, still tucked within the duvet. His loud inhales and shaky exhales started giving way to sobs, and Finn’s stomach dropped.
“Shit, Tremz, are you— C’mon, breathe, mon chéri,” Leo’s concerned voice pierced the darkness.
“Fuck, Lo, hold on,” Finn fumbled blindly for his phone, which had been placed on the corner of the coffee table earlier. He accidentally kicked his foot against the corner of the table, and he let out a strained curse as his toe throbbed. Finally, he felt the cool glass screen under his fingertips and he quickly turned on the flashlight, holding it above the three of them as he sat back on the couch.
“—in, and out, slowly,” Leo cooed softly. He had their foreheads pressed together, one hand around the back of his neck and the other intertwined with one of Logan’s trembling hands.
“Lo,” Finn’s eyes flicked between the two boys. “Shit, okay, hold on, lemme—”
He placed his phone back onto the coffee table, faced down so that the torchlight provided enough light for the two boys on the couch. He quickly made his way over to the circuit box in the hallway and fiddled with the circuit breaker panel carefully, his eyes starting to adjust to the near darkness. 
After a few moments, he heard a click and the television turned on again, casting a bright white glow on the rest of the living room. Finn flipped the light switch on as he returned to the couch, dropping onto his knees in front of Leo and Logan, the latter of whom was now seated on the former’s lap, ditching the duvet. Logan’s head was on Leo’s shoulder and his legs bent on top of Leo’s lap, and Leo was running his thumb over his cheekbone as he inhaled deeply over and over again.
Finn placed his hand on top of Logan’s where it was clenched atop his thigh and he curled his hand around his, gently prying his fingers away from his palm where there were now crescent shaped markings from how hard he had dug his nails into his skin. He brought his other hand up, playing with Logan’s fingers silently as he waited for him to calm down.
“‘m sorry,” Logan mumbled after a while, face flushed a dark red. “I— This is stupid…”
He trailed off, shaking his head. Leo pushed Logan’s fringe away from his forehead and leaned forward to press his lips to the skin there.
“C’est bon, mon amour,” He reassured. “Is there anything we can do? To help?”
“Non— Je ne sais pas,” He paused for a short while, contemplating something.
“I… When I was younger, much younger, my sisters and I went hiking, and I— I got lost. Don’t even know how it happened, really, just, one moment they were there, and the next I couldn’t find them. It— It started raining, pouring, and it was a bad thunderstorm. I was alone, and I was afraid I was gonna be lost… Forever, y’know? That my sisters would never find me, and… I don’t know, it sounds so stupid now.”
He sniffled, and Finn stood up, taking a seat beside Leo and wrapping his arms around Logan’s waist, leaning his forehead on his back.
“I remember being so terrified, there was lightning and thunder and I had nowhere to seek shelter or hide in. I just stayed where I was and hoped and prayed that they’d come back for me. They did, eventually. They felt absolutely horrible about it, they still do now.”
He smiled, a bit ruefully. “That’s why they’re so protective of me now. Love them for it, I really do, but I just… I can never forget. They’re… They’re the best, though. When I left for Harvard, they— we had a, uh, safe word of sorts. Whenever I texted them the word, they’d call me immediately, all three of them, regardless of where they were, or what they were doing.”
Logan chuckled, embarrassed but obviously with clear admiration and love for his sisters. Leo nuzzled his cheek, prompting him to continue. He looked up at both of them, eyes shining and biting his lip, before shifting his gaze to where Finn’s fingers were laced with his.
“I miss them. So much. They’re… They’re everything to me, y’know? We grew up close, and it killed me to leave them for Harvard, and even more when I joined the league. We call and talk often, but it’s just not the same. I think they— I think they know, or at least suspect something. I want to tell them, merde, I do, but what if— what if they never see me the same way again?”
His voice was small, and Finn’s heart squeezed tightly in his chest.
He let out a soft noise, and pulled him off Leo’s lap to sit between the two of them. Gripping Logan’s chin between his thumb and index finger, he tilted his face so they were looking into each other’s eyes. Finn’s gaze was unwavering as he told Logan, firmly but gently, “Lo, they’ll love you no matter what, alright? I’ve met them, and they’re really lovely. They’re wonderful, and they’ll love you just the same. Nothing is going to change that. Even if I hadn’t met them before, what you just told us, it shows how much they care about you. Fuck, a safe word, Lo. It’s the seemingly small things that show how important you are to them. You can’t possibly think that they’re not going to accept you for who you are and who you choose to love. Because I know they will.”
Leo nodded along as Finn spoke, silent but smiling slightly, rubbing circles on Logan’s back. He spoke up once Finn finished speaking. 
“Yeah, I mean, I get it. It’s definitely hard, and it’s definitely scary. Fuck, I was so fucking terrified when I came out to my parents. I couldn’t look them in the eye the whole week, though they told me they accepted me and loved me regardless. I— I was lucky. I was very lucky. But it still didn’t stop that fear churning in my gut, not for a long time. I was always… on edge, worrying that they were just, I don’t know, pretending to be okay with it. That someday, they’d just up and leave me, or kick me out of the house, or something. Until they gave me this,” He gestured to the rainbow bracelet looped around his wrist. “And they all had one too.”
“What I’m trying to say is, don’t deny yourself of the possibility— which as it seems, is pretty high— that the people you love will stand alongside you, accept you and tell you it’s okay, nothing has changed, you’re still you. If they’re as amazing as you and Finn make them out to be, you don’t have to worry, really. Take it from your resident worrywart here,” Leo gave Logan a cheeky smile, and leaned over to wrap both him and Finn in his arms.
“I love you guys, yeah? Very much. It’s going to be alright. Thank you for sharing this with us.”
Another loud crack of thunder made Logan flinch instinctively, but Finn and Leo held him tightly, soothing words of we’re here, you’re safe with us, we love you whispered in his ear, and for the first time in a while, Logan found himself relaxing, leaning into their embrace.
“Should we go to bed, or do you want to watch another movie?” Finn asked, his voice muffled a bit where he was speaking into Leo’s hoodie.
“Mmmmmm, The Breakfast Club?” Logan suggested, breaking out into a smile.
“Don’t you, forget about me,” Leo sang as he lifted himself off the couch, turning around and walking backward toward the television console, holding the remote as a microphone in his hand and pointing at the two boys, his smile blindingly bright in spite of the already lit room. 
“Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t,” He punched a fist in the air, and dissolved into laughter, which was immediately joined in by Finn and Logan. He fiddled with the television for a while, and settled back onto the couch, snuggling close as the familiar instrumentals started wafting through the apartment, drowning out the roaring thunder outside their window.
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unabashegirl · 4 years
This is gonna be really confusing lol but I’ll try it out! Could you do one where the reader has never seen David’s vlog but she works for him makes it a priority to make you watch them so he goes to your house and makes the reader watch them and he kisses her or something because he was just in love with her the whole time! It kinda sucks but I thought I could try!!
Not confusing at all! I changed a few things around and added some. I hope you like it! Let me know! 
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David watches her from the other side of the room, simply captivated by her effortless beauty. Tonight, she looks exceptionally beautiful against the warm, dim candlelight of the restaurant. She looks straight out of a magazine; out of the entire table is she who stands out. She rarely wears her hair up, but tonight is the exception. Her hair is pulled back into a delicate, low bun. She wears small, shiny earrings that give her a touch of elegance and poise. She bears a tight, rose dress that makes him nervous — in a good way.
“You got something right here” Her head is thrown back, her lips are parted in mid-laugh when Ilya interrupts David from gawking at her. David looks down at his lap and picks up his cloth napkin and wipes the corners of his mouth.
“What is it?” David asks confused as he looks at the residual. 
“Drool. You are drooling for her” Ilya rolls his eyes at his best friend. His behavior is absolutely outrageous. Ilya still can’t understand how his overconfident friend refuses to ask the girl out. It’s been almost a year since she had started working for him. “Just talk to her or invite her on a date. Just do something!” 
“She is my employee, Ilya. Also, she probably has a boyfriend” Natalie turns on her chair, it’s her time to butt in. 
“She is single. She has been for quite some time” Ilya smiles at Natalie across the table. “Just ask her out. We are waiting for you to do something”. 
“That doesn’t change the fact that she is my employee” David treats people like their friends before anything else. 
“Who cares? You have never set boundaries for any of your employees and now that you like a girl you want to? — Do you think that’s fair with yourself?” David sights understanding what his friend is  implying “You treat Natalie like she is your sister, not your employee” 
“I think you have to treat yourself with more kindness, David. You are always making everyone around you happy, but what about you? You also deserve some happiness and if being with Y/N is going to bring you that then do it!” David nods along with everything that Natalie is saying, but he can’t tear his eyes from Y/N. 
Her lips are wrapped against the border of the glass of white wine that she has been enjoying throughout dinner. She softly places it on the table before leaning over,  resting her head on her hands with her elbows on the table. Her eyes scan the people at the table with a small smile still very present. She is taking in the moment, this is what she loves the most about her job. The fact that everyone is so close to one another; makes her want to keep working until she is seventy. It has been her greatest pleasure. As her eyes finally reach the end of the table, they land on him. Her smile grows at the sight of him, she lightly waves at him from her seat. 
David smiles back and waves back as he continues hearing the pep talk that Natalie and Ilya are giving him. Before he can mouth anything at her, he watches her yawn making his heart swoon at her adorable expression while doing so. 
“Tired?” He mouths at her from the other extreme of the table. Her eyes are watery from the big yawn, so she has to blink a few times to finally see what he is trying to say. She nods back at him while continuing to smile. 
“Dessert?” He mouths back hoping that she will offer to have some with him and they would finally have some alone time. 
“Maybe to go?” Now it’s his time to nod back at her. 
“Are we ready to go?” Zane asks loudly interrupting everyone’s conversations including David’s with Y/N. “I want to go partying!” He raises his hands in the air and shakes his hips at Corinna that sits at his left. 
David takes that as a clue to ask for the bill. It only takes them a few minutes to gather the credit cards and sign vouchers. David is the first out of the restaurant followed by Natalie and Ilya. They hand their valet tickets and stand around by the door,  trying to coordinate the rides to the club. 
“Stassie, Madison, and Kelsey are coming, Dave,” Jeff confirms as he scrolls through the messages with them. 
“Oh, this is going to be good!” Zane claps his hands, “Who is coming from here anyway? Actually — who is not coming?” 
Y/N’s hand goes up in the air making everyone turn their attention her. David instantly frowns as he steps forward, closer to her. 
“Why not? You look fucking hot in that dress” Corinna is the first to protest as she grabs her hand. “We are going to have so much fun” she wines, they have grown close since Y/N has started working.
“Maybe next time — I am very tired. I had a killer workout today and I might have just eaten too much” Corinna pouts and pulls her into a hug. 
“I’ve had one of those days and you know what helps? — alcohol!” Jeff insists as he crosses his arms. He is not convinced. Y/N rarely goes out clubbing with the squad. There is always an excuse for her not to go. 
“Why don’t you ever want to hang out with us? Are we not fun?” Toddy asks from behind Y/N. She looks down at her feet as her cheeks get flushed by the attention that she is getting. 
“Just come for a few minutes. You don’t have to stay all night” Heath inputs, David remains quiet as he watches her begin to get uncomfortable by the pressure that everyone is putting on her. 
“Ok! Enough! She said she doesn’t want to go. Stop pressuring her” David comes into the rescue. Y/N smiles kindly at David. “Do you have a ride home?” He ignores the back talk and mumbles from everyone.
“I’ll take an Uber home,” She says with her gentle and soft voice that is music to his ears. 
“Absolutely not. I am taking you home and not buts” Everyone reminds quietly as they stare at them interact. 
“But David—” 
“ I said no buts, Y/N”  His voice is demanding and stern. She shuts her mouth and swallows back her response. As in a queue, David’s Tesla is pulled in.
“Are you coming, David? After you drop Y/N off?” Ilya asks as he steps to the front while David tips the valet and unlocks the car. 
“Yeah” He walks to his side after the doors of the car have risen. Y/N  waves at everyone and follows after him. It’s the first time that she ever sits on the front seat of the carr. David usually has Natalie or Taylor in the front. She quickly buckles herself in as the doors lower and shut close. 
“Thank you for taking me home, David” She is quite nervous. She has never ridden in a car — alone with him. She can also sense some kind of tension. 
“Why aren’t you going?” He blurts out,  his fingers tapping on the steering wheel. David knows that she is lying. David has observed her for far too long to notice how her mannerisms change when she is lying. She looks down at her lap and shakes her head. 
“I am actually tired” There it is — another lie. The tone of her voice changes and she gets fidgety. She also avoids eye contact at all costs. “Maybe next time,” She says under her breath. 
“I hope so. You aren’t missing much. Either way, you’ve seen it on the vlogs” David rests his arm on his door and drops his hand lower on the wheel, getting in a comfortable position. There is no rush to get to her house. She bites her lip and pulls back a thin strand of hair that has escaped from her bun. 
“I’ve actually never seen the vlogs” Y/N reveals, feeling ashamed and kinda embarrassed. She has obviously seen the raw material when David is running around with the camera on his hand. But she has never seen the final cut. 
“Wait — What?” His head snaps her way, he wants to look directly into her eyes just in case she is lying. He looks at her for a few seconds before looking back at the road. “There is no way. I feel kinda offended, Y/N”  
“I am sorry. I just haven’t come around to it” She bites her lip as she plays with her rings. 
“This has to change. You have to watch them all — from the very beginning,” David sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “You’ve got some homework to do tonight” She giggles and nods. 
“Alright. I’ll get to it” David runs his fingers over his lips trying to hide the wide, silly smile that he has persisted since the moment that she had gotten in the car. 
It’s all very silly to him. He has turned down and pushed away many girls. Beautiful women that hundredths of men desire, but for him, they didn’t seem authentic enough. None of them have ever been able to capture his heart, mind, and soul as Y/N has in the short moment that she has been in his life.
He doesn’t know how to act around her. David also doesn’t know if she feels something for him too. When it comes to flirting Y/N’s isn’t very evident. This is the reason why David has delayed confessing his feeling to her for so long. He doesn’t know how she is going to react. What if she doesn’t like him? And she quits because she can’t stand the pressure? What is he going to do then? He rather not tell her and have her around forever than losing her and never seeing her again. 
“Thank you again, David,” She says as he pulls up into her apartment complex. “You are too kind and I promise I’ll watch the vlogs” 
“There is no need to thank me, Y/N. It’s been a pleasure” It really has— for him at least. 
“Have fun tonight” She unbuckles herself and gets out of the car. Y/N gives him a perfect view of her long, tan legs when she shuts the door and walks into the lobby. He sights loudly in the car and presses his forehead against his wheel after she steps on the elevator and disappears from his sight. 
“Fuck” He says to himself.. David lets go of the break and pushes on the gas. 
Y/N turns on all the lights of the apartment as soon as she gets in. She hates the darkness. She also wasn’t planning in roaming the apartment in complete darkness when she hasn’t memoried the placement of the furniture. Y/N has just moved in. David pays her much more than her previous job, granting her the opportunity and luxury to move in a more comfortable apartment. It’s still a bit small, but she is only one, the doesn’t need that much room anyway. She throws her keys on a glass table by the entrance. She bents down and undoes her heels. The cold floor against the warm sole of her feet instantly reliefs her. She hates wearing shoes within the house. Therefore, she settles them right by the front door; reminding herself to pick them up tomorrow. 
Just as she sits on the couch and unties her hair —the doorbell rings. Y/N frowns and cautiously walks up to the door. 
“Who is it?” She asks as she stands on her tiptoes and tools into the peephole to be sure that it isn’t a creepy person. 
“It’s David!” Y/N is taken back by his reappearance. She already believed him to be at the club, drinking with everyone and partying. David stands behind the door and patiently waits for her to open the door. 
“Hi” She greets him with a wide smile like she hasn’t seen him tonight. “Come in” She opens the door wider for him to walk in. David nods and steps in before she shuts the door and locks it. “Is everything okay?” She is rather confused. 
“I don’t believe you’ll watch the vlogs so I am here to supervise that the work is done correctly” Y/N nods at him with a small smile. “If that is okay with you” He doesn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable so he first tests the waters.
“Okay then! Even better. I’ll love some company. Let me just change out of this dress. I’ve eaten too much and it’s become unwearable” David chuckles before she disappears down the hall. He exhales loudly; relieved that she has accepted him in. He had sat in the car for at least fifteen minutes trying to come up with an excuse to spend more time with her. David notices the small pile of shoes by the entrance so he slips his off.
He looks around the apartment, interested in seeing the other side of her that she keeps private. There are a few pictures of her with her family. A particular frame makes him smile, is the one of her with the entire group, including him. The picture sets right by the TV on a shelf of her build in media center next to a little cactus on a plant pot. He can remember the day that the picture was taken as clear as the day. She had been pranked as part of initiation to the squad. Unfortunately, the prank had made her cry and he had promised her and himself to never prank her ever again. That’s the day he noticed that he was genuinely infatuated by her. 
“Hey” Y/N walks out wearing a pair of grey sweat pants and a clickbait hoodie. “Would you like something to drink?” 
“We never had dessert,” David says, craving something sweet— perhaps her. 
“That’s right” She purses her lips as she thinks about what she can she quickly make for them. “I think I have the perfect thing” She has been saving it for her own indulgence, but she could share it. She quickly shuffles into the kitchen as David walks up to her couch and settles down. “Are you not going out tonight?” Y/N says from the kitchen as she opens the fridge. 
“I don’t think so” 
“Why not?” 
“I would much rather be here with you than in some club” She almost drops the spoons on the counter. Y/N smiles widely and refrains from doing a little dance. She grabs the brown box and spoons and heads back. She places the box on the coffee table and hands him a spoon. 
“What is it?” David asks as he leans forward, curious to what it contains. 
“Hershey Chocolate Cheesecake” It’s her favorite. She rarely buys t it because she easily gets hooked and she has been trying her best to watch her figure and live a healthy lifestyle in all aspects. She has even started joining the boy’s beach workouts and hikes. There hasn’t been a gloomy day that they haven’t uplifted her. 
David had heard about her joining the workouts too. At some point, in his desperation, had considered joining just to see her and spend some more time with her. Unfortunately, his tight, busy work schedule prevented him to make it. 
David is the first to taste it. He can instantly taste why she likes it so much. It’s the perfect combination of sweet and salty. The cream cheese and chocolate complement one another. It also has different types of chocolates including dark taking a bit of the cloying away. 
“Do you like it?” She asks after a few more mouthfuls. Y/N feels like she is sharing this big intimate secret about her. Sure — she works for him and spends most of her day around him, but he has never been introduced to her little world. She knows his world perfectly, every single crook and dent, but he is oblivious to hers. 
“It’s delicious” He manages to say as he leans back on the couch. He takes the time to admire her attire and comfort. She is more relaxed and laidback than earlier. He also can’t ignore his urge to pull her into his arms and cuddle her for the rest of the night. “About the vlogs”. 
She stops herself from taking another bite from the dessert and switches on the TV. As soon as she opens her Youtube, his face pops out in her recommendations. 
“Should we start from the beginning or backward?” Y/N’s eyes scan quickly the titles of the vlogs. Some instantly call her attention more than others. 
“Whatever you’d like” He could care less about the vlogs. Truthfully, it is all an excuse for him to spend time with her. It’s refreshing to know that she hasn’t seen them. She is clean and untouched. She has a clean slate of him. Her view on him isn’t influenced by outside media. She only knows him like David, the guy she works for and not the man that buys his friends expensive cars — thanks to SeatGeek.
Y/N clicks on the latest one before leaning back. She scoots a bit closer, searching for some warmth. David doesn’t mind, he finds it comforting. She leans over him and for a second he is confused. Then she pulls a grey fluffy blanket to cover them both as they enjoy dessert and some comedy. 
Quickly, chuckles, giggles, and laughs erupt within the apartment. David keeps an eye on her as she excitedly watches the vlogs. Her eyes widen with surprise at every single bit. They roughly watch ten vlogs before she stops it and turns her attention to him. She shifts her body on the couch and faces him. 
“Did you always know you wanted to do this?” She asks as she leans her head against the hand that she has prompt up against the cushions of the couch. David shifts on his spot just to face her too. 
“No, not really. I didn’t think I could make a living out of this” She is close enough to him that she can smell his cologne and aftershave. “I have a question for you now” 
“Shoot” Y/N eyes met his as they both lean against the cushions, completely captivated by their talk. 
“Why didn’t you want to go out with us tonight?” She smiles weakly, biting the inside of her cheek, battling deciding if she should tell him or keep it to herself. She exhales and runs her hands through her hair. 
“The girls,” Y/N says trying to lead him to the reason without saying it out loud. 
“What about them?” His head hangs on the side as he squits trying to piece everything together. 
“They are just all over” She mumbles, breaking eye contact with him. 
“All over what?” He leans in trying to comprehend what she is trying to imply and say. 
“Over you. They are always all over you” Y/N blurts out, covering her blushed face with her hands. That’s when it all came together for David. She does have feelings for him. She is just so much better at hiding them than he is. 
Meanwhile, Y/N is embarrassed and ashamed that she just basically admitted to being jealous of the other girls. She wants the ground to swallow her whole and just disappear. That’s when she feels his long fingers wrapping around her wrists. 
“Look at me Y/N” He uses the same voice he used at the restaurant. There is no hesitation or room to object. Y/N relentlessly lowers her hands and meets his eyes. His hands release his grip on her wrists and move up to her face. He holds her delicate face in his big hands as he stares into the eyes that have made him lose sleep for quite some time. He leans in and lightly brushes his lips against hers. She shuts her eyes, absorbing all the different feelings that he has managed to develop within her. David plants the first peck on her lips, it’s delicate; soft; gentle. It’s painfully slowly followed by another to which Y/N responds to. Just like he has imagined it for so long, her lips are gentle and pillowy. She is more than what he has imagined. He properly kisses her, one of his hands grab her by the back of her neck, intensifying the kiss. Whilst his other hand, he presses against her lower back. 
He kisses her slowly not wanting for the moment to ever end. David can’t believe that he has waited so long to do this. He regrets waiting for so long. He pulls back and pecks her lips a few more times as they both recover from the intense kiss. 
Her cheeks are painted crimson red. She doesn’t know what to do or say. She only hopes that she isn’t dreaming and if she is then she hopes that she never wakes up. David’s fingers gently caress her cheek as he looks at her trying to come up with the right words. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that” Y/N smiles at him, “I am sorry it took me so long to make a move” He feels the need to apologize. “I’ve liked you since the first day” 
“Good because I have too” David grins before pulling her back into another breathless kiss. 
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wvttvk · 4 years
Do You Love Her — David Dobrik
a/n: sorry this took so long, I get distracted easily lol ok that’s all ily thank u for reading, enjoy :) Word Count: 1.2k
“You’re not fucking leaving.”
You stopped dead in your tracks. You felt your shoulders and back tighten as you heard him spit demands behind you. You really shouldn’t turn around. The familiarity of this situation has become more than just a one time deja vu, it had become habitual. You and David fight and then fuck then fuck and fight. A toxic cycle that reset whenever you turn back around to him.
You weren’t breaking this time, you told yourself. As you continued moving in the front hall, struggling to pull on your shoes, you kept your back to him. “Fuck off, David.” You responded finally grabbing your coat and keys from where they were on the bench.
Before your fingers could reach for the front handle, his hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling your attention back to him.
You snapped back, fully facing him again. You were mad at him and he was equally angry with you. His fingers were wrapped so tightly around your wrist, you wondered if he could feel your heartbeat racing through you.
“You don’t get to just storm off, after slinging childish insults, Y/N. Let’s just fucking talk like adults.” David was clearly pissed, his eyebrows pulled together and his stance was far more defensive than his usual posture. Even now, looking into his eyes that swirled with frustration, he still looked gentle and it made you want to walk with him back to his room—back into his bed. But before you could crumble in his hands, David continued, “Why do you care anyway.”
It came out like venom from his lips and the fire in you reignited. You tried to free yourself from his grip but failed, resorting to using your connected hands to push against his chest. He stumbles back and your wrist is free.
You could’ve just left, leaving yourself and David to sit in your frustration, waiting for the cycle to reset. But he’s David and he’s of one your best friends despite everything. So you put down your keys.
You scoffed and shook your head. “That’s rich? Dave. You of all fucking people want to talk? Fine let’s talk.”
You walked further into the house to David’s room, not wanting to interrupt Natalie or Taylor from the screaming match which might ensue from you and David’s talk.
You didn’t even know what you were planning to say to him. You knew your anger at him was without reason. He could fuck whoever he wanted to. Whatever you and him had been doing, it was not a relationship, I wouldn’t even say you were “seeing each other.”
You had been friends since both moving to LA and living in the same building.
There was never anything sexual until six months ago when you found out you both like channeling your anger into other things. It was all tongues and teeth. The crashing of of two storms destined to destroy everything.
But David and you had an understanding: this nothing more than something physical. Nothing more and certainly nothing less.
Until today, with you walking into the house as David, Jason and Natalie we’re finishing the podcast. Sitting on the pool table, you watched and chatted with Joe and Taylor. As they wrapped up, Jason made a comment to David about some girl, explaining, “Todd told me you’ve been seeing that girl, the one friends with the tiktoker or the model, I’m not sure which one he said.” David wasn’t fazed and he certainly didn’t try to deny it, laughing and making jokes about it.
Everything faded and you only saw him. Adorned in a beautiful smile. A stupid, beautiful smile that made the corners of your mouth twitch upward in response. You were angry and despite your belief— you were hurt.
“Y/N.” He pulled your back from where your mind had drifted to thoughts and visions of him and the girl. Before you could even think how to express yourself, you said the first thing that came to mind
“Do you love her?”
He looked at you so blankly. He didn’t have to rack his brain, he knew what I was referring to. His face shifted from his shock to that of frustration again.
“No-I—Why do you care? Why are you asking me that?” He said, the words sounding smug on his tongue and you knew he took back the upper hand.
Why were you mad? He’s certainly not yours.
You never said anything about being exclusive so his question stands: why do you care?
“I don’t care that you’re fucking her.”
“It sure seems like you do.”
“Well I don’t.”
You and David stared at each other. You both knew this conversation was bullshit and as long as you both kept dancing around the discussion of what you both have been doing, there will never be any resolve. You were frustrated and your ego was definitely hurt so you pushed back your shoulders and looked at David.
“You know what I do care. Because you don’t get to have both of us. If you’re seeing someone else there’s no reason for me to be here whenever you need your dick sucked.” You finished your statement with venom on your tongue and David’s eyes darkened and focused on you.
“That’s not fair. I-“ before he can continue you cut him off.
“You’re right it’s not fair, maybe I should get someone new to fuck. I wonder if Todd or Jeff are busy-“
David had clearly had enough, he stomped towards you and in two strides he had you backed against a wall.
“That’s not the same and you know it.” It came from his lips like a growl. His proximity to you was all consuming and you felt all the boundaries that were needed begin to fade away. His chest was puffing and his eyes were two shades darker than they were before.
All the strength you thought you had to walk away was so far gone, you wondered if it was ever there at all.
“Yeah whatever.” The words tumbled from your lips. All you could focus on was his hot breath mingling with yours, his hand that just grazed your sides as he lifted it to your face.
His fingers danced along your jaw and you felt the heat from his palm pressed against your neck. Your eyes fluttered as his thumb fell from your bottom lip to your chin. You could feel the cycle reset. All anger and hurt you felt began to melt and all you could think of was his lips, they were so close to you.
All your sanity was gone and you snapped.
Your mouth rushing against his. A battle of tongues and wandering hands as you marked each other. Your hand tangled in his hair as he pushed his hips against you, using the other's body as a means to take out all the anger that you were previously feeling. The only feeling now was lust and blind passion. His hand tightened where it gripped your neck and you groaned into his open mouth as it moved against yours. He moved you with ease, guiding you back to his bed as you palmed him through his jeans.
With a final push from David, you fell down onto his bed and further into this mess.
But with his body pressing down on yours, you didn’t care.
You would let him wreck you over and over, just to keep his skin against yours.
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