#anyways i literally do not care that much so i’m just gonna vibe and stop reading any related asks because this is stupid
imasoftieforbarb · 7 months
reactions and headcanons of brozone about: how would they fell about y/n having an egg?(once married ofc) sorry if too much
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John Dory
Definitely hubby material
Van life with you and him?
Chef kiss
He definitely gives malewife vibes
Because he’s so used to being the responsible one
But he also deserves a break so you split all the chores in half
You surprise him with your pregnancy announcement by giving him a cup that says “worlds greatest Dad”
He’s shocked
Like he goes still and you worry- what if he doesn’t want children? It wasn’t a planned thing
And then he just scoops you up in arms and twirls you around
So many happy tears
Instantly tells everyone possible he’s gonna be a dad
That might is now his favorite mug- but he refuses to use it until the baby is born
Those chores that you split? He is now taking on all of them so you can focus on the baby
Likes to speak to the egg, honestly he’s so sweet with it
Definitely plays brozone through headphones around the egg (“John what are you doing?” “I want them to have good taste”)
He gave up his admin house for you
Y’all still live in Putt Putt village (because I say so)
Viva moves to Pop village so he goes from co runner to leader
So y’all get her room/house
Being married to Clay is so chill
He’s so sweet and literally talks about you non stop even though more often that not you’re with him whilst he’s working
He found out about the pregnancy when you gave him a mini matching green sweater romper
He was like
“Thanks! Not sure if it’ll fit me but I love it anyway!”
It takes him a moment
He leaves the room then runs back in pointing at you like he’s in law and order
You are now on permanent bed rest
Likes to baby talk to the egg and sing it songs
Buys the new furniture immediately and then starts baby proofing the house
He’s determined to give this kid the best childhood
When he marries you, that’s when he decides to change his name to Bruce
Y’all still open the restaurant on Vaycay island
You become the cutest couple on the island so fast
He definitely tears up whilst reading his vows
“Oh I’m crying…” *you pass him a q-tip* “what’s a q-tip gonna do?!”
Treats you like a queen
Another malewife vibe haver
But it’s not as strong
Y’all were already planning on having a big family
So when you tell him you’re having twins by making dinner, but putting two lil high chairs by the door
He sees them
And goes WILD
“What- is that? Does that mean? TWINS?!?!”
He’s so happy, so many happy tears whilst y’all hug
“Uh- honey? Who’s watching the stove?” “Oh shit…”
Dedicated husband fr fR
Has photos of you everywhere
Gets drunk and gets so happy when you tell him you’re his wife not his girlfriend
“THis IS myY WiFE”
Everyone knows don’t worry
Always talked about having kids but didn’t plan for it
Well he did (but only in his lil dreams)
Then one day you made his dreams come true
He got home from hanging out with Branch
(Who you’d asked to keep him distracted)
And he comes home to a really big home cooked meal
And a decorated boiled egg
He goes to eat said egg- but you tell him to break it open
“Why?” “It’s a surprise hun- I’m not supposed to tell you”
Inside is a lil parenting book called ‘daddy and I’
Silence, smile on his face
Tears rolling down his face before he stands up and walked over to you putting the book down on the table
Wraps you up in a such a soft hug that you start crying too
Peppers kisses all over your face
“You really do make my dreams come true”
Doesn’t tell his brothers immediately- wants you to himself
Makes sure you’re careful with doing everything
Just likes to lie down on the bed with you and the egg and put his hand softly on the surface (he cries a lil bit everytime)
When he eventually tells people- it’s completely by accident
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sinisxtea · 8 days
associate your fav moots with songs youve liked, now!!
@aquaphoenixz : the long night - seori ft giriboy
okay starting off with aqua. obviously you know which one i’m going to put 💀 but the vibes with this one are so you core, and you honestly changed my view of this song fr. i used to listen to it when i was sad or felt like crying, but now since i associate it with you, it just feels so much happier now?? anyways i love u enjoy ur day mwah mwah
@lyvhie : dream - baekhyun, suzy
IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE the vibes in the song are lowkey so you coded. like everytime we talk, it’s always so chill 😌 and it always makes me so happy, so pretend like this is us lowkey just vibing with each other <33 ur so amazing i love you mwah mwah keep it up
@syatchy : h! teen - the wind
tbh i could put any cute song for you but i chose h! teen bc it’s more about youth and silliness and that’s literally you <3 (and aliens apparently) everytime we talk and u put up with my yapping bullshit it makes me appreciate you ever more. love ya 🫶
@yeonzzens : the cut that always bleeds - conan gray
i love how much you love conan that’s so silly, tbh i don’t think there’s anyone else i know both online and irl that loves conan this much, so obviously i had to choose a conan song for you <33 the cut that always bleeds has to be one of my favorite conan songs, the lyrics are both so real and the vibes from the song are immaculate. anyways i love ur mood boards so much keep it up 💕💕
@riri4andy : HUSH - ari abdul
we’re gonna ignore the lyrics on this okay. 😭😭 but the INSTRUMENTAL OF THIS SONG TAKES ME AWAY??? It’s such an ethereal vibe, but more futuristic in a sense? idk you give me like this futuristic techo kinda feeling, and lowkey we need to talk more but feel free to take this as a song rec too <33 also the way the song kinda gives like a rushing/chasing feeling, like i feel like we’re stuck between this limbo of wanting to interact with each other but also too nervous to do so. SO TALK TO ME SMH
@polarisjisung : NOBODY - blue.d, MINO
not just bc ur name means flower but you have this soft vibe that i kinda get for you. i mean at first i thought you were lowkey a little intimidating 💀 but the more i realized that you’re just so sweet and anyone who doesn’t think so i will literally fight them 🙄🙄 WE SHOULD TALK MORE though 🫡🫡
@galacticskz : good night - 小鬼/little ghost
this song has such like… caring feelings associated with it, i mean obviously it’s kinda like a f*ckboy “haha baby” song, but when you ignore the lyrics and the instrumental and music is just so peaceful, and you definitely seem like someone who’s perfectly content and at peace with where they are, you know your limits, and you know when it’s time to rest and honestly i love that for you. (pssst we should talk more too)
@odxrilove : head over heels - tears for feels
okay this is going to sound oddly specific BUT you give such like disney princess vibes idk… like you’re kinda princess coded. and this song is so soft. it gives me like cinderella ish vibes? like head over heels? cinderella. AND YOU ARE SO PRINCESS CODED IDK WHY IT FITS IT JUST FITS <33
@ghostofhyuck - carrousel - amir ft indila
the feel i get from you is more of a chill and soft and you clearly know yourself very well, and that’s actually very good for you. you don’t hesitate to stop riding the “carrousel” if needed be, you can clearly tell people your own opinions and thoughts. (and this one’s very important) you tell people “no” when it comes to it. AS A BIG PEOPLE PLEASER MYSELF this is incredibly difficult for me 😭😭 and i admire that about you. anyways we need to talk more ofc ofc but hope u have a nice day <33
it’s honestly so hard to describe people in just one single song 😭
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hidingoutbackstage · 3 months
Okay I’m STILL procrastinating watching s15 bc I’m SCARED so here’s my extremely biased ratings/opinions on the episodes of s14 to help me procrastinate (episodes which are multiple parts of a single story will be condensed into one slot)
Room Zero: SO cute and good, I LOVED the animation style, it was simple and short but really well done with great colors, fun alien designs, and fluid animation, and I just like seeing the guys go on missions like that. It's a shame that the animated show never got picked up bc I would've adored seeing more of it. 10/10
From Stumbled Beginnings: Very cute and funny origin story for Simmons and Grif, and I love that they were p much always together since they enlisted lmao makes their dynamic rlly good and the humor actually got a couple laughs out of me. 8/10
Fifty Shades of Red: Sarge's humor never quite landed with me like is has for some people (my boyfriend lmao I literally have to pause episodes sometimes so he can stop laughing. Anyway) but it was a very humorous and in character origin for him as well. 5/10
Why They’re Here: Less interesting than the previous two, obviously just meant to fill in plot "holes" and to also show us the origins of the other characters. Also I am completely ignoring that one line from Tucker in the interview, just gonna chalk it up to the "edgy" humor it does not exist to me. 4/10
The Brick Gulch Chronicles: WONDERFUL stop motion, very fun and cute and entertaining, very wholesome and still in the vibe with what the show itself is. I appreciate the willingness to do stop motion for most of it. 10/10
Red Army Unit FH57’s Adventure: It was kinda interesting and kinda funny but I found myself kinda tuning it out cuz it just felt kinda whatever. The combo of the different animation styles was cool though and I thought the ship misunderstanding them was funny. 5/10
Locus and Felix: Okay I'm gonna be a black sheep for a second and say that I rlly don't care that much about Locus and Felix. I don't think Felix is a secretly deep sadboi whom I'm gonna spend an unnecessary amount of time thinking about, I don't think Locus as secretly good all along, and I don't care that much about their partnership and what they were like before Chorus. That being said, the animation here is absolutely gorgeous, this is probably my favorite animated story in the whole season, it looks awesome. The plot is nothing special but who cares like I said it's beautiful, 6/10
Fight the Good Fight!: VERY funny and well-executed propaganda video, short and sweet and nothing more to it. It does its job. 5/10
Meta vs. Carolina: Dawn of Awesome: Another one I really don't care for because literally everything leading UP to the fight between Meta and Carolina is a waste of time. Maybe some people really care about their weapons and stats, but I don't. And even then, you kinda know Carolina is gonna win the fight, the question is just how. 4/10
Grey vs. Gray: I don't know or care about the Game Grumps and the entire thing felt like a short gag that went on for way too long with a predictable ending. 2/10
Caboose's Guide to Making Friends: Again, ADORABLE art style and very cute having a story be told from Caboose's perspective. 7/10
Head Cannon: Kinda funny I guess. I wish we'd gotten it spread out more equally among the heads Omega jumped into. Ik he didn't spend equal time in there but who cares. Whatever, still funny. 5/10
Red vs. Blue: The Musical: it was fine. it was creative. The dancing was well animated. Enjoyable. 5/10
Mr. Red vs. Mr. Blue: I haven't seen Reservoir Dogs but Kaikaina was in this which automatically boosts it to a 8/10 (I also like that they have movie nights it's cute)
RvB Throwdown: Fine but mostly forgettable. 3/10
The Triplets Story: REALLY interesting concept (y'all know I love the freelancers) that felt like it dragged on too long and only gave Ohio something to do. 4/10
Immersion: The Warthog Flip: I loved the costumes and the actual Warthog and it got a couple laughs out of me. 5/10
Red vs. Blue vs. Rooster Teeth: This was made for the fans/themselves. As someone who is neither, none of it was funny and I just kinda waited for it to be over. At least the animation of the armor irl looked rlly good
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brainrot-yumm · 1 year
OKAY OKAY OKAY BUT GUYS I feel like everyone is sleeping, in a COMATOSE dare I say, on the concept of a smitten Mr. L interacting with Count Bleck and his minions.
Like when Mr. L comes back after his first interaction with the Guys, he’s already loudly gushing over Bowser (cause of course the crush sticks through the brainwashing). And Count Bleck hates it so much. He is SO UTTERLY bitter over even the concept of romance happening between the two, which is really weird for him since he’s usually just brooding about that kind of thing. He condemns even the thought and refuses to let L do anything with the heroes without Dimentio supervision (which, well, for lore reasons he was gonna do that anyway). It’s crazy unfair and everyone is super confused by it.
(cough it’s because Blumiere very much sees himself in Ouigi, what with the very intense “tragically separated Romeo Juliet” vibes that Bowuigi tends to have, and wants to stop it before things progress any more and someone kills one of the two to keep the sides black and white [not that he’s talking from experience or anything hahaha]. And also he’s bitter he doesn’t have that chance anymore cough)
This of course culminates into a bit near the end where Bleck, now aware of the whole pixl situation and currently deciding that omnicide isn’t the best idea anymore, lets a back-to-normal Weegie know that the whole crush thing is fine and he actually endorses it now, just be careful about that whole thing and understand that the hatred of others isn’t (usually) the fault of lovers, and also interspecies relationships aren’t weird lol. He tells him this in public. Like with everyone there. Like with Bowser there. It’s painfully awkward.
The other henchmen would be great reactors too. I feel like at least one of them (probably O’Chunks) would be extremely against it for the sole reason that Bowser’s married, and endorsing affairs are the only thing he really draws the line about. Mimi would adore the gossip (they would totally hang out together to gush about crushes). Dimentio would. Nothing would really change with him except that when he first hears about it he’s silent for a hot second, no change in facial expression, before just going “ah.” and then continuing on n pretending it never happened. And Nastasia would literally not care since she thinks they’re all idiots (to be fair though, all of them think that they’re the smart one of the group. Except O’Chunks. He knows he isn’t). Continue thinking about this concept at your discretion.
All I’m saying is that Bowser gets so many interactions with his fam during most Bowuigi fics, and Luigi really doesn’t have that much in comparison. He deserves some interactions. Even if they’re from sucky people. ESPECIALLY if they come from my favorite game in existence.
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solar-halos · 2 months
do u ever think about the way olivia rodrigo invented music
just kidding i know the emotions she sings about have existed since the beginning of time but im just now realizing that if i was born in the taylor swift era i would 100% be a swiftie bc i was thinking abt olivia rodrigo’s music the other day and unironically had the thought “wow she literally invented having emotions” before i managed to catch myself. but honestly i think it’s crazy how accurately she captures all these feelings of insecurity and heartbreak (and now joy!) so perfectly!!
“lacy” and “pretty isn’t pretty” seem so similar on the surface, but i feel like lacy is more of a gradual realization that no matter what u do—or how ur actually perceived—you will never feel as feminine as u want to. there will always be people (aka Lacy) who are gonna be effortlessly elegant and beautiful and feminine and feeling jealous of that is so fuckin stupid but that doesn’t stop u from caring. and then i like “pretty isn’t pretty” bc i feel like that’s the aftermath of Lacy. idk the part abt her trying every shade of lipstick really hit bc when i was first experimenting w makeup i remember feeling so insecure that none of them seemed “my” color. also i really like the gradual buildup of “it’s in my phone/head/magazines/the boys i bring to bed” bc i feel like that describes the pipeline so well
anyway now let’s get into the new songs she released. i’m actually not sure if they’re new bc when i searched it up after it popped up on my spotify google said she released this back in 2023? so idk. but her youtube channel literally has this all released within the last few days. but my favorite thing about these songs is how im in the same era she’s in rn. that happened to me with “sour” and “guts” reopened a lot of those old wounds, so i absolutely love the healing theme (? i know that’s not the right word but it’s hard to think rn) this album has. let’s start off with obsessed since that popped up for me first
obsessed? yeah, obsessed with this fucking song. seriously. “if you knew how much i thought about her you’d think i was in love” already starting off on a banger. also i watched the mv and i loved it. this song literally couldn’t have came at a more perfect time, yall ever just randomly remember that ur s/o has dated ppl that aren’t u before? chilling realization, really
scared of my guitar? “i can’t lie to it the same way i like to you”? “i lay in your arms and pretend that it’s love”? “i’d rather be tied to someone even if they’re wrong”? oh my god. i was literally thinking about this the other day. like, being in a relationship bc u want to be or if it’s bc you’re scared of being by yourself. and i also like the fact that it’s insinuating that the other person is the better half. bc sometimes it does feel like literally just loving someone when you struggle so much with the thoughts i mentioned is just the same as stringing them along. but then also i think it’s nice to pretend you’re in love bc obviously at the beginning of a relationship you have no idea if it’s ever going to go that far, so i think we often fall in love with the idea of being loved. which sounds a bit corny when i put it like that, but scared of my guitar made *me* feel like a tortured poet bc i used to be like “im chill ! :o)” and then open up ao3 and write a billy taupe/lucy gray story like girl…. that’s not the same as olivia rodrigo being folksy and cute
speaking of being folksy and cute, “girl i’ve always been” is so folksy and cute! i literally hate country music so fucking much (i’m sorry… one time this guy in hs played God’s Country in front of the class for a presentation and he stood there kinda ominously so ever since then i’ve kinda hated it) but this song was nice i liked it! i like the confidence it exudes, someone already mentioned this in the comments but it really is giving off lucy gray vibes, especially “with venom on my tongue u ask me who i’ve become” like okayyy someone needs to write a billy taupe/ lucy gray inspired story abt that line immediately. i don’t really have much more to say since this one was the one i found the least personally relatable, but i love the sassiness of it all!!
stranger. this one was a FUCKING banger, this was the sort of era i was in when guts released so im so glad miss olivia rodrigo could put the feeling of realizing u don’t *need* someone u thought u literally couldn’t live without into words. “i always thought it was some comforting lie ppl told” literally. also the call back to “enough for you” by saying “if im not enough for you then you’re not enough for me either” :,). i think growing up is quite nice
so american. fav! <3 <3 <3. “he’s like a poem i wish i wrote” hands down my favorite lyric fucking ever. i LOVE this song. like i said with “lacy” and “pretty isn’t pretty” bleeding into each other, i think the same applies w this song and “scared of my guitar.” like after u get over ur fear of ur guitar u realize that ur so american and suddenly wanting to get married and be in love doesn’t seem so selfish anymore. i really, really love this song (if i haven’t already mentioned that)
sorry, i know this was a long post! stranger had me bursting into tears so i told Boyfriend i needed to write in my “notes app” abt it so everyone say hi Boyfriend. but seriously im feeling so american rn i literally was like “leave me alone and don’t touch me im feeling explosively emotional” and he was like ok! here’s some fruit. and then now im writing on my phone about songs i love. like is there any better feeling??
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inu-jiru · 1 year
HB S2E4 Thoughts
Gonna get this out while the episode’s still kinda fresh in my mind, also, again, no I’m not gonna stop watching this stupid show and I won’t stop ranting about it because it’s funny and if that’s a problem, then tough shit.
I can’t decide where I’d rank this episode. It feels like each episode is worse than the last, but this episode is special for a variety of reasons. For one, I really thought it would be longer and not just 18 minutes. The pacing was ridiculous and that’s saying a lot. As shitty as Ep. 3 was, at least I was engaged at certain points, while here, everything felt like one huge joke that ended with “sad Stolas sniff sniff oh Blizo cares I guesss :C :C :C” I’ve seen people say this episode is decent, but...no??? I like Striker and all but even he got fucked in this episode. Lemme try and list some shit out so I’m no writing a wall of text:
- Loona’s plot was pointless, but I’ve been made aware of her VAs irl situation that was most likely occurring at the time the episode was being made, and I won’t be making a joke out of that. If it was too late to properly make changes to the script, then I can forgive the inclusion. The only thing I really liked about them was that there was effort to do SOME worldbuilding with imp racism. I also found the doctor really cute; I was wondering what ring the Baphomets were native to and now I know.
- The main plot was...wow. I’ve seen people talk about the behind the scenes stuff with Stella and Andrealphus and I was so nervous that it would appear and it kinda did and LIKE? WHY? I could be looking too deeply into it but it really feels like they were doing weird, incest-y vibes, and what creeps me out about it is how childish Stella is in this episode. She has this one-tract mind and has to be explained shit that realistically she should already know, like she’s fucking 5, and that plus the incest vibes gives some bad implications. I doubt the shit will be looked into in any meaningful way but stay classy, Viv.
Incest aside, so cute how Andrealphus has to be the brains behind the situation. A woman CANNOT do anything for herself or think logically in HB. Andrealphus’ plan doesn’t make any sense either. Don’t kill Stolas and manipulate money and power out of him...somehow? Are people just forgetting Ozzie’s? Do people STILL not realize Blitzo has a Grimore? Shouldn’t Stolas be ruined already? Even if he wasn’t, killing Stolas and manipulating Octavia while she’s in the mourning stages would be a much simpler plan then whatever’s coming next. I know they don’t have the guts to kill Stolas but make it make sense PLEASE.
- Striker was ruined for me, honestly. I wasn’t his number one fan or anything but I thought he was interesting, but here he’s just some moron with a secret lair that gets revealed in two seconds by the Rango-Ripoff mariachi band, and keeps getting all his quips and shit ruined by Stolas “I can’t think of anything except dick” Goetia. I can’t even be interested in what he said about losing someone to the Goetia because Vivzie HAS to do some jokey, memey shit with her villains every five seconds. Crimson, as stupid as his plans were, was far more serious, and that’s a problem.
- M&M were just there, like, their rematch didn’t even feel like a dramatic part two, and Moxxie fighting those guys at the gas station really spits in the face of “you’re strong for both of us” and the previous episode.
- Blitzo. Blitzo Buckzo. How do you get surprised that Stolas can get hurt when you LITERALLY saw Striker aiming a blessed gun at him. I’m so sick and tired of this show pretending like there’s something there between him and Stolas. There’s not. There’s nothing. Blitzo is just blasé until the plot NEEDS him to suddenly look sad or sound sad and then it’s right back to “Ugh Stolas what do u want” in the next episode. What’s really cute is that I know there’s gonna be post after post about how deep the last minute of the episode was and how Blitzo is just so afraid to show love :C and how Stolas is blah blah blah, which is ironic because these are the same people who say “oh it’s just a cartoon”, “oh it’s a comedy” “it’s hell so who cares”. Well, I don’t care so I guess if that’s what Viv was going for then congrats.
- Stolas had no reason to stand there for 3 seconds looking at Striker and not doing anything. And why didn’t he just go full demon and eat that bitch, like fuck would it kill you to be smart, my dude? I don’t even know why Stella had this happen, like what if Striker decided to go for a two for one and blast her as well? What if she got caught in the crossfire? WHERE WAS OCTAVIA IN THIS EPISODE?
Shit, that’s all I got for now. The more I think about this episode the funnier it gets to me ngl
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wajjs · 7 months
what would you think of "Let It Happen" and "New Person, Same Old Mistakes", both by Tame Impala for Hal Jordan
like hear me out, both songs have strong Parallax Hal vibes. like in "Let It Happen" : /It's always around me, all this noise/ /But not nearly as loud as the voice saying/ /Let it happen, let it happen/ /(It's gonna feel so good)/ /Just let it happen, let it happen/
now this could be for after the bug retcon, but it could also fit with the loss of Coast City weighing on his mind. In GL 1990 #46, Hal literally says that even before he sees the crater, he hears them screaming.
there is also : /All this running around/ /I can't fight it much longer/ /Something's trying to get out/ /And it's never been closer/ /If my take-off fails/ /Make up some other story/ /But if I never come back/ /Tell my mother I'm sorry/
sdfvgbhnj. I'm totally normal about thses songs and this man. NOw the first half also works for the bug retcon, but the part about /If my take-off fails/? Reminds me of that one comic where Hal is all "If I die flying this plane, they can take the money out of my life insurance. " which wow honey. man is on a mission.
Also you cannot tell me that if Hal's mother was still alive and he died as GL, he would not want someone to make up a story about it. but that's just my opinion on it. really this whole song is great imo for Hal and his character and here are the lyrics to it.
now onto "New Person, Same Old Mistakes" : /I can just hear them now/ /"How could you let us down?"/ /But they don't know what I found/ /Or see it from this way around/ /Feeling it overtake/ /All that I used to hate/ /Wonder what if we trade/ /I tried but it's way too late/ /All the signs I don't read/ /Two sides of me can't agree/ /When I breathe in too deep/ /Going with what I always longed for/
this fits him for the same reasons as above but also Coast City was a place of many ties and laced with history for him. Coast City was where he spent his childhood and a good portion of his adult life. He always found himself leaving it and coming back for some reason or another. But after it's destruction? He can never return home, however much he wishes he could. Coast City was his youth, his golden years, and its death was his undoing. /Feel like a brand new person/ /(But you make the same old mistakes)/ /I don’t care I’m in love/ /(Stop before it’s too late)/ /Feel like a brand new person/ /(But you make the same old mistakes)/ /I finally know what is love/ /(You don’t have what it takes)/ /(Stop before it’s not too late)/ /(I know there’s too much at stake)/ /(Making the same mistakes)/ /And I still don’t know why it’s happening/ /(Stop while it’s not too late)/ /And I still don’t know/
Am I sensing a theme here? Hal stole the power from the central power battery, he fought the entirety of the Corps, he named himself Parallax for god's sake! He went against his moral code to avenge Coast City against the Cyborg-Superman, he went against the Guardians, who he considered masters before this (which, whoo boy is not okay) ,and yet he knows what he's doing is wrong. He knows he shouldn't and he's doing it anyways, whether you want to involve the bug in this or not, it's Hal! pretty much the rest of the song is the narrator trying to justify their actions to the listener and it reads as the world's most unreliable narrator ever. The lyrics are here. im so normal for writing this. this is basically the start of an essay icant- how did I write all this
Okay first of all I love you for sending this ask and I'm sorry I took so long to reply
Then, yeah, I agree that the songs have intense Hal - Parallax vibes, though I have to say to me they're more 90s Parallax than bug retcon. It could be that I am biased, who knows?
(I'm 100% biased)
These lines: "I can just hear them now, how could you let us drown" are particularly poignant when it comes to 90s Hal pre-Parallax (but leading up to it) because YES. He is absolutely haunted by the screams of the people in the city dying. He's haunted by his inability to save them. He's haunted by all the choices that led to him being unable to save them.
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(From The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan)
Also... "I tried but it's way too late"?
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(Green Lantern 1990 #50)
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moonjxsung · 4 months
hii pookie, I hope you’re feeling better 🫶🏻
I want to vent about something if that’s okayy
I don’t understand why some fic writers put age caps on their followers. and I don’t mean ‘no minors/18+’ because that makes total sense. I mean the people who put ‘dni if you’re 30+/40+’. I mean, everyone is entitled to their comfort levels but I don’t see the reasoning. 
I hate when I find a good fic writer and they have something like that in their rules, because it just gives me the icks and makes me not follow them. I’m in my early twenties btw, so it doesn’t personally affect me but like… I don’t like it? why are you excluding a certain age group? also, I understand not necessarily wanting to be friends with someone who is older than you, but you don’t even want them to read your fics/interact with you? at all? like, them liking or commenting doesn’t mean you have to be friends? it just feels mean ☹️
and I would get it if it’s someone who is like weird about skz and sexualized them when they were minors, but a majority of the 30+ stays I’ve met see skz as their babies anyway. and if they do express attraction to them make it clear that they are attracted to the now adult versions of them and not when they were babies. so to make a generalization based on one uncomfy group of people doesn’t make sense to me either. like I know maybe it’s not bullying, but it feels weirdly exclusionary when it’s not necessary?
also, in the same vein, kpop fans are way too comfy insulting someone on their age when they’re mad at them for another reason. or, using that person’s age as a reason to why they are the way they are. like, I remember when there were vids circulating of someone who won a fancall with skz and was disrespectful to most of the members and pissed off the other ones. and this lady was in her 30s, and a lot of the comments were like ‘ugh look how old she is, skz wouldn’t want to talk to her anyway’ or ‘she’s so ugly, no wonder she’s alone at her age’ and I was like oh my god. like, I don’t like her either because her attitude sucks, but why is everyone being so nasty? they don’t think or care about how other, perfectly nice and respectful, stays in their 30s or older are gonna think reading that??? it’s not nice!
idkk, I just want good vibes ☹️ and I want people to be more aware of how they talk about age in kpop circles. maybe they don’t want friends a decade older than them, and that’s fine, but those people should still be allowed to enjoy kpop?
-⛈️ / Bae
POOKIE HI I missed you !!!
Also THIS….. I completely agree!!!! Candidly I’ve never seen somebody put an age cap of dni for 30/40+ and that’s insane to me… like a lot of my followers fall into that age range and they are some of the most interactive on this app, not to mention the overwhelming support I get from them that’s literally one of the main reasons I haven’t given up writing as a hobby. It also gives me the ick to see people exclude so openly like that ☹️
Also SO much agreed about the insulting ages thing!! The thing that I never quite understand is like…. You guys are literally going to be that age one day? How is calling somebody their age an insult, yeah that person is 30 or 40? And??? Would you also insult your parents for their ages? Anybody in your real life who’s older than you???? It makes no sense to me and it’s mad disrespectful. I’m turning 25 in march and I’m on the cusp of feeling too “old” to be a kpop fan but at the same time people around our ages are the ones who keep kpop in business 🥲 you think it’s the teenagers who are buying tickets to fly across the country to see skz? Or buying albums to win fancalls??? We should be thanking older fans for their support- they have adult money and they’re helping us support the people we share a mutual love for. There’s nothing wrong with that.
There’s also this aspect of shaming women, specifically, for just liking things past the age of 20. Newsflash- you don’t just stop liking things when you’re an adult. It’s still ingrained in you to be a fangirl when you’re 30, 40… and there’s absolutely no shame in liking boy bands or fanfiction. Excluding older people from being in fandoms is such toxic behavior and it’s such a shame especially when it’s targeting their looks. Idgaf if you’re 90 years old, if you support skz I’m not going to judge you for it and I think it’s rad that we share a mutual love for something. I’m also grateful that you see the value in supporting the boys the same way I do, and I’m grateful if you’re on this app interacting with my content or boosting other authors. Personally my work has so much less to do with just skz, and more about plots and self-discovery and themes and I think any adult is allowed to appreciate that.
Sorry this is such a long response, but I completely agree and you worded this so well 😭🫶 I love you I hope you’re having an amazing week !! 💓🩷⭐️
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meganwasbored · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Thoughts Season 1 Episodes 7-9
Episode 7
-“good try, doggies” she’s so cute
-“snow elf.”
-“I need something more personal than a shirt”
-also if Soren or Claudia make any bad choices in the future I’ve decided that it is not their fault in the slightest thank you
-When Rayla said she was gonna ask nicely I didn’t think she was actually gonna ask nicely
-“I’m just a simple human girl who like the human things like bread and complaining all the time!”
“No, you’re an elf!”
“Fine I’m an elf.”
-bruh if that didn’t get it off what the heck will
Episode 8
-even if the healer can heal her hand it wouldn’t be any use because the band is still on
-could not be more unrelated but I just remembered that Callum mentioned a jerk face dance in episode 1 or 2 and I can’t even describe how much I NEED to see that
-“How do you plan for indescribable terrors? I feel like you need to be able to describe them first”
-“Flash! Woof! Whoosh! Slish-slash!”
“…is he okay?” “I think he’s finally cracked under the pressure”
-“Callum you may be a dummy but you’re not a fool!”
-don’t worry Callum, I appreciate your weird way of explaining plans
-bruh why does Viren even care about the elf anymore
-if y’all don’t start appreciating Callum’s humor RIGHT NOW-
-Bait you had one job
-I can’t believe they almost got killed by an oversized earthworm
-why am I getting weird vibes from Ellis all of the sudden is she gonna betray them or something? Like I have a feeling him telling her about the primal stone was a mistake but I can’t put my finger on why
-“knowing you is definitely worth losing a hand for” AWWWWW
-“I’m just a guy who can draw and make wry comments from time to time” yeah that’s why I love you what about it
-how did they just blind a creature with no eyes
-“Get zapped! Hahaha get zapped by the zap hand!” I love him so much
-“I knew whoosh should have been part of 🫡The Plan🫡”
-oh yeah and Ellis I’m sorry I ever doubted you
Episode 9
-boy the heck do you mean you can talk to animals how did we not know this
-like talk talk to them or just communicate cause those are two very different things
-“fitting in is boring anyway”
-so is this a magical ability or is he just really good with animals and he thinks it’s more than that because he’s a kid, like I’m not saying he’s lying but I also don’t blame them for not believing him
-“you might say it’s, the ka-tallest” HAHAHA that was funny idc
-hey for every only child out there who doesn’t know how to write an accurate sibling relationship, just watch Soren and Claudia
-bruh there’s MUMMIES in this universe???
-her hand looks so bad oh my gosh
-Callum is me when I lose a spider
-“I’m disgusted, and a little impressed” hahahaha
-I don’t understand this animal thing at all he’s being so ominous about it
-“then you have to do the thing” JERKFACE DANCE????
-“I should have figured it out, they were all illusions” um no actually I think you investigated a little too much
-ok but is she gonna give the collar back tho cause ik we love Ava but she’s gonna have it rough without it
-ik for a fact the egg’s not dead cause the show is literally named after it so stop teasing me with this
-Callum honey great idea but we gotta think these things through
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-so he DOES know exactly what they’re saying?? Is there a magical explanation for this or do we just have to except it, I’m good either way I just wanna know
-you have GOT to be kidding me, the indestructible knife can’t cut the band but a dragon nibbles on it a little bit and it snaps?
-Zym has already done something amazing and he was literally just hatched, most useful character on the show rn
-that short gust of wind that blew in Soren’s face right after he said “couldn’t you do this someplace warmer” was personal
-I was gonna ask why no one but the old elf lady was phased by the giant purple beam of light but then I remembered everything they just went through to get up there
-is Viren gonna just look like that from now on I still don’t even know what he did to the elf, put him in a coin?? Does putting someone in a coin make you look like that?? Remind me to never put anyone in a coin
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kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
Okay so. This is going to be a ramble no one cares about but I just have to get it out lmao. I’ve been watching gundam witch from mercury because I’m both a lesbian and a huge gundam fan, so the prospect of a gundam series WITH lesbians is like. What you’d put in my lab experiment reward bottle lmao. That sounds amazing
Thing is though… I want to like the show. I do. I really do. Especially because I just know there are fanboys out there pissing on it immediately cause how dare there be women and gays in “their” show. But. I just. I don’t love it. I find it frustrating to be perfectly honest. I will say season 2 so far as improved GREATLY on season 1 (wtf was the point of 10 episodes of weird high school slice of life drama in a gundam series anyway, it was incredibly boring). But I still am not loving it and if season 2 doesn’t deliver by the end, I’m gonna give up on it
However! I have devised what I would consider a fix for the show. And I’m sure people who actually like it, were they to stumble across this post, would be very unhappy with my fixes lmao but. I stand by them and I’m rambling them here solely so they’ll stop rolling around in my brain. So here we go (spoilers below)
So. First off, gonna really commit to the shoujo-ai/yuri vibes by going full strawberry panic. If we have to have a school, I’m making it an all girl’s school. There are no men there. There is now 0 percent chance of even the slightest hint of heterosexuality among the students. Men can still be like in the political stuff, dads play a big role in this show, but why do we need male students? We don’t. I’m making them all girls now. This will be important later and it's not like it's uncommon in anime, especially in the femslash genre
Second thing: my main issue with this show is Suletta’s lack of emotional reaction to… fucking anything. She’ll be sad for like 30 seconds when something genuinely devastating happens and then it’s over, she got hungry, a friend acknowledged her, she watered tomatoes - boom, she’s cured. Being abandoned/rejected the 3 most important beings in her life in like a week span left her sad for a couple of days (which we didn’t even see - there was literally one like 5 second shot of her lying in a bed and that’s it), sure, but as soon as she gets hungry and her friends say 2 words to her, she’s 100% back to normal. That is insane. That is not how human emotions work. I don’t know whether it’s her character itself or the way her character is written that irks me so much, but I have never seen a less engaging protagonist character like… ever. And I almost never like anime protagonists so that’s impressive. I don’t even dislike her character, I just find her immensely boring to the point where I feel nothing about her except the frustration of what a waste her character is in this setting. If she died in the next episode, all I would feel is surprise, not sadness. It’s like the narrative has no ability to affect or change her - what the hell is the point of her then??? Guel, previously most obnoxious and hate-able character in the show, was made interesting by the narrative, yet the protagonist remains unaffected by it and therefore remains about as interesting as paint drying. Why????? It’s such a waste. But anyway
So if Suletta does not behave like, you know, a person, what does she behave like? Well I would say she has the exact emotional depth of a golden retriever. Bubbly, highly social, a bit anxious, wants to help and be a part of everything, never stays sad for long - that’s a golden retriever right there. It's not good writing, but it's precisely what the writers have done here
So, what if she was literally a golden retriever?
So. Everything’s the same except it’s an all girl’s school now and Suletta is now literally a dog. World’s first mobile suit piloting dog. They send her to the school as sort of a test, to see if this dog can outperform the ace student pilots there. A dog would also still want to rescue Miorine at the start, so this stays intact. Highly social dogs like to be helpful
So. Guel is a girl now and gets her ass kicked by a dog - this is even more humiliating and drives her spiral just as well, if not better. Miorine is also now stuck engaged to a dog, which further cements how dehumanizing and humiliating this marriage arrangement thing is for her and further shows what a piece of shit her father is. The rich spacians would also be super insulted by even the idea that a dog could be a match or better than them, so she'd still end up with the earthians and all that. So the plot remains exactly the same, literally no change
“But KTP, dogs can’t pilot mobile suits!” You cry. But the thing is - the dog isn’t actually doing it. Eri is, because Aerial is sentient. We don’t even know if Suletta as a human is actually any better than average at piloting because of that - she doesn’t need to be, so she probably isn't. So the dog doesn’t actually need to be good or even at all capable, just throw some buttons in there that make it look like the dog is piloting and you’re good. That’s all you need. No one, including the dog, would know better except Eri and Prospera
Prospera - she’s the dog’s owner/trainer. Her grief after losing Eri makes her pursue this. Maybe Eri loved dogs, was obsessed with them, so Prospera got her a dog - even in her current form. And then the plan was born
And because Suletta is a dog and people like dogs, the care she inspires in Miorine and others honestly makes more sense. Of course they want to protect this dog and make her happy and let her be free of these complicated plans and things. She’s a dog. Dogs should be playing and getting belly rubs and being happy. So Miorine, Prospera, and Eri/Aerial all agreeing that Suletta should be set free from their machinations before shit gets real also makes WAY MORE sense. Because it’s both good for the dog AND everyone else cause the last thing you'd want involved in all this is a dog
And, because we made everyone girls at the start, Miorine could go into a romance with literally any character and it’d still be the lesbian gundam except now there’s just also a dog there who behaves identically to human Suletta except for not being able to talk. Because if your protagonist is so much more a plot device than a character that you could replace her with a literal actual dog and the plot remains completely unchanged like. That’s an atrocious and insulting way to treat a female character, especially a queer one, so why not just actually do that and have an even more unique story concept and let all your female characters feel like actual people?
They could also, you know, just make Suletta a compelling character with a real, developed personality instead too, but that would involve more radical changes to the plot (which I also think would likely be an improvement but) lmao. However, when doing these 'fix it' concepts, I always aim to change as little as possible as a challenge for myself. So that's what I've done here
And with that, my job here is done, and now I just know I’m gonna be even more mad at this week’s episode cause this even gayer, more dog-filled version I’ve made up in my head is already better than the actual show lmfao
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quodekash · 1 year
gosh darnnit im tired 
in other words: time for my weekly ramblings about a bl where im mildly interested in the main couple but the side couple means more to me than anything and no i will not stop talking about them 
slight warning, there will be one mention of sa and one mention of murder/suicide (both of which are my personal speculation about particular situations, and there’s no detail apart from the word being mentioned). i also discuss/ramble to myself about mental health problems, and alcohol abuse. so if any of those things are triggering for you in any way, please be cautious about reading this, take necessary precautions, and if it’s particularly distressing, i urge you to call a local hotline for these kinds of emergencies. i care about all of you and your health and safety, whether i know you or not, and if you ever need to talk about anything at all, lemme know, my ask box and my dms are always open. 
anyway, on with the show! 
if you haven’t figured it out yet, this is... 
(if youre new here, it will literally be all of my thoughts on everything while im watching it bc i feel like im annoying my friends with my ramblings so instead ill annoy all of this circle of tumblr. and it will probably not be coherent. youre welcome.) 
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i’m obsessed with his little ‘cher is so cute’ smile 
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that’s real insightful, cher. id never thought of that one before. the statement really gets me thinking. 
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are you- are you saying what i think you’re saying? or am i more dirty minded than i thought 
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his hair is extra curly today and its veyr pretty 
the curls are giving charlie spring vibes from the side 
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i would like to touch his hair please 
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the fact that covid exists in this universe is weirdly funny to me 
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yup that sounds about right. no one rly cares about covid anymore when the entire world is ending 
that freaking sucks tho 
and what’s worse is it’s very likely tian was r*ped 
GUN (msp)’S DAD IS DEAD AND HIS MUM SPENDS HALF THE SHOW LOW-KEY DYING (and i swear if they do something to gim in our skyy 2 im gonna fly to thailand and have some words with people) 
HERE, JACK HAS DEPRESSION (and i rly hope they go into that more in depth later in the show bc he intrigues me. if they dont go into it more then im writing a way too in depth analysis post of jack) 
i knew it was too good to last. the over-confident, cocky, funny, sassy/sarcastic people are generally the most messed up, they just hide it via humour and feigned confidence (i am most certainly not one of these people at all) 
cher stop drinking, you’re gonna hurt yourself. also the alcohol might feel like it’s lifting the burden of thinking and stops you from worrying about everything thats happening, but itll come rushing back to you when you’re sober and worse because youll have a hangover, and it’s only a temporary fix, drinking only works for a couple of hours. you need a more permanent fix, cos if you keep turning to alcohol, itll turn into addiction and substance abuse and dependency, none of which are good, all of which are much harder to get out of than they are to get into. so yeah, just chill with the drinking a little bit. i get that you need to let it all out and you need to not feel for a bit, and that’s totally okay, but you need to make sure you’re not over-indulging yourself. otherwise youll be very ill in the long-term, both physically and mentally 
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final thoughts: 
theyve both said things that make absolutely no sense in context unless theyre confessions of feelings, and yet theyre definitely gonna continue to do the “what if he doesnt like me back” thing even tho its SO CLEAR to LITERALLY EVERYONE they have feelings for each other 
theyve gotten so close to kissing this episode and yet they havent which is sad, but also at least they have kissed at one point before getting to the point where they COULD have kissed a grand total of siXTY-SEVEN TIMES- (shut up im not talking about tinngun what are you talking about. .....but also if you wanted to see that post where i count out all of the times tinngun didn’t kiss...) 
very sad with the complete and utter lack of threezo in this episode. actually, it’s not even a lack of threezo. neither of them even appeared in the episode. neither was even mentioned. they (i.e. the characters, the creators of the show) are all acting like threezo AREN’T the most important characters in this entire show 
i love threezo 
where is threezo 
or is it zothree
either way i dont mind bc i love them 
where was i 
oh right 
this episode was pretty good, very emotional, i definitely didnt cry what are you talking about (who am i kidding, eveyrone knows i cried three times, you dont even need me to tell you) 
im excited for episode 5 
that is all, thank you and goodnight 
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otrtbs · 2 years
okay first HI I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE SCOTTISH?? can we pls be friends oml???
imagine how big of a flex it would be if i say im friends with the author of ahb (im 100% joking obvs i admire you and all your work more than you know. and i would never dream of being cool enough to be your friend 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️)
on another note, im so sorry if you’ve already answered this question but i’ve just literally made a tumblr acc and i’m so confused on how to work it 😭 but is there gonna be an update for tender curiosities at any point soon?? it’s completely okay if not, you’re probably so busy and have other things to focus on so take your time bestie but i’m also so excited for it so just know we’ll all still be here when you’re ready.
anyways i’ll stop rambling now. i’ve just finished abh for the 3rd time and it still feels just as raw and soul crushing as the first but i have no regrets because it’s one of the most beautiful works of art i’ve ever had the joy of reading <3
hi!!! i am not scottish! im just living in scotland for a year while i get my masters degree!!
have you considered that i wouldn't be cool enough to be your friend??? pls 😭 you are free to pop by whenever literally!! and now we're friends! i've decreed it!
do not worry!! you are totally fine! there is no timeline for tcb! zjkshafgksh hopefully by the end of the month!! <33 (actually maybe by the beginning of next month is most likely ahhh sorry, sorry)
you literally have the *nicest* vibes, it's made my entire day :,)))
thank you so much for the kind words about art heist, and just in general <3333 i hope you're having a good day !! <33
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
I’m back again, I just wanted to complain real quick about Dana. I don’t think I caught it my first play through or I didn’t care because I wasn’t on the Suresh route yet but her raggedy ass definitely said that she knew the answer to one of the challenges wasn’t him but she wanted to snog him anyway after I told her in the previous challenge that I didn’t like that shit. What kind of shitty ass friend is that?? I wish I could go off on her. I really do because at least Kat is an out and out bitch and doesn’t claim to be my friend. These people are the WORST. Eddie is so trash, he’s always given me creep vibes and I don’t see why people like him. Alfie was cool until he wasn’t, to the point where in my replay I went as far as I could EVERY. SINGLE. TIME with Suresh. Kat goes on and on about Finn but his ass is a player too, he may not be a cheater now but I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. I haaaaate Arlo so much. When I wasn’t on the Suresh route she was nagging me the whole time acting like I wanted him so when I replayed I COULDN’T WAIT to throw in her face that I kissed Suresh when the drama kicked off. I’m gonna give Gabi hell at every turn. She came in the villa on some bullshit and is so antagonistic that I really can’t deal. I hate that options aren’t as harsh as I’d like them to be lol. It’s clear that she feels something for Suresh still and she wants something from him. The Casa boys are a complete let down and honestly I’m gonna stick just so I can HOPE to be sent home. I was RAGING when Suresh came out HOLDING ANOTHER GIRLS HAND! This game has ruled my brain since Wednesday. Good lord.
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I love your rants bestie please don't stop !! the dana thing always pissed me off because I always told her from the start I wanted to get back with him and I always told her I didnt want her getting to know Suresh. And then her WEAK ASS EXPLANATION FOR KISSING HIM!?!?!?! you want to see if you connect because he admitted to cheating and your ex never did?? Bitch what??? GET OUT OF HERE. I literally might go back and play just to pick every option to hurt dana's feelings, I truly hate her lolol. bc ur right Kats a bitch but she never pretends to be anything but that and I can respect that.
arlo to me is justifiably annoying... like shes nagging me about trying to take her man...which fair, because I am. 💀💀 Gabi came in guns blazing!!! she came in like she was the main girlfriend and not the side chick! the audacity!!! but I LOVED when he saw her and he said Gabi what...what are...WHY? as if to say WHY TF ARE U HERE!?!
dont worry about him holding Granny lulu's hand!! she needs the support in her old age.
Also yes suresh is hands down the hottest pixel this season 🥵🥵🥵
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sunmoonjune · 1 year
you requested song recs so song recs you will receive !! (i was typing this out yesterday and fell asleep midway idk wtf i was on but anyways 😭)
first of all i’d have to say sweet by cigarettes after sex (other than the suggestive lyrics) esp “but it’s the way you smile that does it for me” and “sweet knowing that i love you and running my fingers through your hair” - yeosang in chapter 10 when bug smiled for the first time and yeo was petting? stroking? her i’m :( brb gotta cry
and the “it’s so sweet knowing that you love me though we don’t need to say it to each other” REMINDS ME OF YUNHOOO I CANT 😭😭 AND!! “and i will gladly break my heart for you” that’s so SAN CODED
second song i’d have to say is here with me by d4vd “i don’t care how long it takes as long as i’m with you” THEM BEING SO PATIENT WITH BUG AND HER TRAUMAAAASJEHUWYEBKHHDI/£()*683;”)¥]{$\[…] “ save your tears it will be okay”?? i need a minute i can’t handle this
also idk if you like instrumentals (i personally obsess over instrumentals and think they are underrated!!) but i’d day bug and ateez give very snowfall by Oneheart and reidenshi it gives me very “i’m thinking about you everytime i’m not with you” and it makes me GFHUDNUSNDJSJE you know?
and this last one isn’t english it’s turkish but M. by Anıl Emre Daldal THE CALMING VIBES? IMMACULATE!! i listen to it at least 5 times a day it’s so soothing and the lyrics are so cute im :( “Your words, eyes, and hands only belong to me. My dreams, smiles, and daydreams only belong to you” AND ALSO “Please come back to me darling” yes that’s very ateez to bug imo very ateez to bug….
SO SO VERY EXCITED FOR THE NEW CHAPTER esp because it’s gonna be so long i can take a break from assignments and revision and just curl up and be in the feels SO EXCITED YAY!!
- 📚 (take care of yourself sleep well eat well!! mwah!)
omg 📚 anon come here I am going to kiss you <33
first of all,,, all of these song recs are IMMACULATE and they all swiftly got added to the bug playlist!! <3 I love you so much omfg
ok ok so I had two cigarettes after sex songs on one of my writing playlists already but they were sadder vibes so I was so excited to add this one!! and you're so right omfg this song is so ateez/bug coded (besides some of the suggestive stuff) the lines about smiling fit the yeobug moment from chapter ten :')) the way she smiles does do it for him omg I'll cry <33
'WE DON'T NEED TO SAY IT',, STOP THAT'S YUNBUG -- they never need words they love each other SO MUCH I'm sobbing
'I'll gladly break my heart for you' <33 choi san the man that you are <333 I need to give him a kiss directly on the forehead and tell him how much I love him I swear :'D
here with me fits them so good too :')) they're so patient and willing to wait as long as she needs omfg <3 also also the line "I can't describe, I wish I could live through every moment again" reminds me of bug too <33 she isn't always able to describe her emotions (like the butterflies in her stomach and such) but she loves the feeling regardless <33 ASJLASLJ I'm making myself blush here;;
and I do like instrumentals!! I have quite a few of those on my playlists as well! most of them are soundtracks to movies that I emotionally attached myself too tho LMAO -- like there's a song from the death cure (maze runner series) that I liked when I was young and it still makes me cry :')) also for any of my satosugu/jjk fans,, 'this is pure love' still makes me sob to this day xD
snowfall is immaculate omfg I love the vibes!! it definitely does give 'I'm thinking about you when you're not here' and it makes me mushy inside <33 definitely makes me GGASFEJSJL for sure XD I love it
and I'm so fine with recs in other languages!! I'll listen to literally anything my music taste is all over the place xD -- ok but "I beg of you, come back, my darling" THAT'S SO WOOYOUNG AND ATEEZ IN THE LAST FEW CHAPTERS OMFG EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATED D":
thank you thank you for these recs my love, they will definitely give me extra motivation to write <33 you're the best kiss kiss <3
and I'm so happy you guys are excited!! I swear I get your messages in my inbox and I kick my feet a lil cause your excitement makes me excited ya know? :D
also also I'm glad the new chapter can be a lil relief from studying and revising for exams!! I know the end of the year is coming up for a lot of ppl (or maybe that's just where I'm from idk :o ) and I definitely know how stressful that is :(( but I'm so so happy that this can be a little dopamine for those who need it xD <3
I hope you have a wonderful day my love <33 drink some water and eat well when you can! and take breaks from studying too!! I know you'll do so well I'm so proud of you hehe <33
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munchflix · 2 years
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Munch: It's that time. Time for everything to get SPOOKY. If Christmas gets November and December then it's only right that Halloween starts holding the line in September.  A good time to be a horror fan. And because we gotta at least do the big three, we unfortunately have to do the Halloween series, which has some really really GOOD movies and some just absolutely awful ones. There's not gonna be much in the mid-tier range here. Also I just started a new medication and I'm numb from the brain down so Biscuits is gonna have to pull double duty in remembering shit.
Biscuits: After having re-watched so many of these movies to make this tier list, I can say with absolute certainty that Halloween is definitely one of the horror franchises of all time. The big three have all had their highs and lows, but this series has had basically nothing in-between. The majority of these movies are pretty awful. 
M: PART THE ONE. Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again. Arguably one of the best in the franchise, it introduces Michael Myers, it introduces Laurie Strode and the manic Dr. Loomis.
B: The original classic. A film still beloved after all these years. It's got such a distinct vibe and aesthetic about it, and I think that's what people really love the original movies for.
M: It also introduces the iconic music, which is honestly more important for this series than any other.
B: S Tier film. 
M: Oh, absolutely. PART THE TWO. While Dr. Loomis hunts for Michael Myers, a traumatized Laurie is rushed to Haddonfield Memorial Hospital, and The Shape is not far behind her. Idek like what else to add to this. It's literally a direct continuation of the first movie.
B: It does have that one scene with the other guy in the Myers mask who gets hit by a car and explodes and that's the whole scene. Of course, the original does have Michael Myers in a sheet. In this one we learn Laurie was actually Michael's sister the whole time. I honestly probably like it a little better than the first one.
M: Eh.
B: It's still S Tier though.
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M: That I agree with. Okay, PART THE THREE: SEASON OF THE WITCH. Kids all over America want Silver Shamrock masks for Halloween. Doctor Daniel Challis seeks to uncover a plot by Silver Shamrock owner Conal Cochran. This one's harder to rank because it's part of the series but doesn't involve any of the characters from the other ones.
B: Happy happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Sil-ver Sham-rock. It is not a bad movie though. It's pretty weird, a guy does literally steal part of Stonehenge. To put into masks to use some evil witch magic to kill a bunch of kids.
M: Maybe he was part of the Cult of Thorn.
B: We haven't even gotten into that yet. So where does this movie rank?
M: A Tier? B Tier?
B: Let's go with B Tier.
M: PART THE FOUR: THE RETURN OF MICHAEL MYERS. Ten years after his original massacre, the invalid Michael Myers awakens on Halloween Eve and returns to Haddonfield to kill his seven-year-old niece. Can Dr. Loomis stop him? Anyway, we just watched this, we still have no idea what happens.
B: This one introduces Laurie's supposed daughter, Jamie. Who has a psychic link to Michael I guess? But moreso in the next one. Michael decides he's gonna kill Jamie because Laurie died offscreen. Anyways, this movie is hella boring. Like, really boring.
M: ...
B: See, Munch doesn't even have anything to say about it.
M: I don't know what to say! I just didn't care! It's so boring. D Tier.
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B: I would have a hard time arguing.
M: PART THE FIVE: THE REVENGE OF MICHAEL MYERS. One year after the events of Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988), the Shape returns to Haddonfield once again in an attempt to kill his now-mute niece. I hate to rank this above 4, but...
B: It does have that scene where Michael just floats down a river.
M: He also slams his face into a car windshield.
B: It has the worst-looking Myers mask of the series. Dr. Loomis turns into kind of a weirdo in this movie, constantly grabbing and screaming at a child. It seems a bit too abrupt of a character turn.
M: Loomis has never been stable, but this is a whole other level.
B: It's better than 4, but it's still bad.
M: I would say it's still D Tier.
B: It's above 4, but still in the toilet. Oh God...
M: PART THE SIX: THE CURSE OF MICHAEL MYERS. Six years after Michael Myers last terrorized Haddonfield, he returns there in pursuit of his niece, Jamie Lloyd, who has escaped with her newborn child, for which Michael and a mysterious cult have sinister plans.
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B: Except that's not even a good synopsis of the movie. Jamie dies in like the first 15 minutes. Most of it is about Paul Rudd for some reason. And some redhead chick who's related to Laurie somehow? And her son has evil visions except...that's not actually that important.
M: And don't forget about the evil druids! They've been here the whole time! Tommy (Paul Rudd) has been studying them. Also, he steals a baby. And renames it Steven.
B: This was Donald Pleasance's last role before he passed away and it is not a graceful one. RIP Donald Pleasance.
M: I'm kind of amazed Paul Rudd got acting roles after this. Shout out to Moustafa Akkad for bankrolling ALL of  these.
B: So, a baby, evil druids, Paul Rudd for some reason. This movie is a fever dream, but not even in a fun way. We haven't climbed our way out of D Tier. In fact, we're only sinking lower.
M: PART THE H20: Laurie Strode, now the dean of a Northern California private school with an assumed name, must battle the Shape one last time, as the life of her own son hangs in the balance. Except it's not the last time. And we've introduced an entirely new canon for the first time.
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B: The 'strikes back' of the series. It managed to pull itself out of the dumpster by bringing back Jamie Lee Curtis. I really like this one actually.
M: I do too. I liked seeing Jamie Lee Curtis again.
B: People like Laurie being in the Halloween movies.
M: People also like Mikey being in the Halloween movies, which he barely was for the last three.
B: Ok...is this one A Tier or S Tier?
M: I would put it in A Tier.
B: Ok, we can put it in A Tier. Toy Story 2 was okay! Nobody is going to get that joke :(
M: Nobody ever gets our jokes. Now...PART THE RESSURECTION: Three years after he last terrorized his sister, Michael Myers confronts her again, before traveling to Haddonfield to deal with the cast and crew of a reality show which is being broadcast from his old home.
B: It's funny how it's called 'Resurrection' when this is the one that immediately re-kills the franchise.
M: Busta Rhymes is here!
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B: Why? I don't know.
M: I literally don't remember what happened in this movie. Except that Busta Rhymes didn't die and I was mad. Also, Laurie gets killed off in the first five minutes, so she's miss not-appearing-in-this-film.
B: There's like a game show and it's going on in the old Myers house, with a bunch of teenage contestants and Busta Rhymes is hosting it. Except he's not playing himself, he's playing some guy named Freddie. This movie has too much early-00s stank to it. Like, you know what I'm talking about. It does have a scene where Busta Rhymes in a Myers mask yells at Michael and he just walks away. It's kinda funny, but overall, this movie is still D Tier.
M: It sucks warm sick through a short straw. PART THE ROB ZOMBIE: After being committed for 17 years, Michael Myers, now a grown man and still very dangerous, escapes from the mental institution and immediately returns to Haddonfield to find his baby sister, Laurie.
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B: I actually don't think this remake was that bad. It's a different take, it has some Rob Zombie trashiness to it, but that's kinda his whole aesthetic. Tyler Mane, the absolute unit, plays Michael. He does a good job of acting with only his eyes, which lends a different quality to Michael. He's a bit more complex and his backstory is explained more.
M: I...judged this movie too harshly. I initially hated that they gave us Michael's backstory, but..it's not that bad. I liked Tyler Mane as Michael, I thoroughly enjoyed McDowell as Dr. Loomis. I mean, it's not a perfect movie, but compared to some of these others, it's not that bad. B or A Tier.
B: I would put it in A Tier, because I did actually enjoy it.
M: PART THE ROB ZOMBIE 2: Laurie Strode struggles to come to terms with her brother Michael's deadly return to Haddonfield, Illinois; meanwhile, Michael prepares for another reunion with his sister. In this one, I will take back every nice thing I said about Rob Zombie.
B: Yeah, the sequel is bad. It's disjointed, they tried to give Laurie a lot more character, but she's mostly annoying and spends all her screen time crying and whimpering.
M: And getting drunk.
B: Michael isn't even in this movie that much.
M: When he is, he's going on a vision quest about his mother. Dr. Loomis did not need to be in this movie.
B: This film could've benefited from some HEAVY editing. It's wayyy too long and filled with stuff that feels like filler.
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M: Which is to say nothing of the atrocious ending, with Michael's ghost-mother and ghost-child-self and that weird music video it ends with.
B: Sadly, another one bites the D Tier.
M: Yup. PART THE 2018: Laurie Strode confronts her long-time foe, Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago. I absolutely love this movie; it's my favorite of the series, hands down.
B: I don't like it quite as much. I think JLC is really good but everyone else is kinda just there. Her daughter and granddaughter aren't great actresses and I honestly wish it was just about Laurie. However, for a remake, it could be way worse.
M: I like replacement Dr. Loomis, the other doctor guy they introduced. The soundtrack slaps ass, thank you John Carpenter. However, I would also have preferred it just be about Laurie.
B: I would rank this movie a B or C Tier film. But Munch will not let us go below A Tier.
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M: Damn right. PART THE KILLS: Surviving victims of Michael Myers form a vigilante mob and vow to end his reign of terror after they discover that he is still alive. We saw this in the theater.
B: Yep, we did. After 2018, I was expecting at least an okay follow-up. However, this movie is an exercise in idiocy and frustration. It is one of the worst imo. Laurie is barely even in the movie.
M: It's all about Tommy Doyle, and 'evil dies tonight'.
M: It feels like a 2-hour-long trailer for the next movie.
B: That's because it basically is. And yet, we are probably gonna go see the next movie anyways.
M: Yeah, we probably are.
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B: Anyway, this movie is also D Tier. I think literally nothing is in C Tier. That's how divisive these movies genuinely are.
M: The other franchises at least had more in-between. With these they're either really good or really bad, there is no in-between.
B: Except maybe three. I'm not sure whether love or hate this franchise. The series retcons it’s entire timeline so many times.  It goes - 1,2,4,5,6 - that’s one timeline. 3, that’s another timeline. 1,2,h20, resurrections - that’s another timeline, Rob Zombie 1 and 2, that’s another timeline. 1, 2018, Kills, that’s ANOTHER timeline. 
M: I love...some of it. The rest of it can die in a trash fire.
B: Much like Michael Myers himself, the franchise keeps dying, but every time, it somehow comes back. I think maybe it should take a lesson from Stephen Kng: sometimes, dead is better.
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Munch and Biscuits out, yo.....
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selfcarecap · 2 years
Episode one of the sex lives of college girls:
(Btw I just read these notes and none of them make sense and I literally just watched it so Kendra if you read this, I’m not responsible if you have a stroke trying to undress what I’m saying. Seriously you can ignore this but I wrote this down so may as well post) actually I’ll tag you you have free will to ignore @kenniteaa
- not me seeing ‘essex’ and thinking it’s british for a second lmao (is it in esSEX on purpose…?😔)
- she is not 18. also i will take my teddy bear (who is not a bear but a penguin) with me forever, i can’t sleep with my arms just limp by my sides lmao
- the one girl’s dad looks like an AI
- okay i’m focussing more on these notes than the show so i will come back at the end (and kendra if you read this you probably don’t remember any details from the first episode anyway)
- i thought vermont was in canada……….. kiddiiiiiing i totally knew that it’s not !!! …
- not the mediocre looking podcast alpha male seeming men doing the sweaty shirtless run ew keep running pls
- i feel like there aren’t enough tears for a goodbye at college
- okay nvm the dad is crying lol
- i repeat i will stop the notes while watching
- not the tik tok girly shsjskks
- yay gay people!
- ‘i’m super sex positive more in theory than in practice’ lmao me
- yay more gay people!!!
- the blonde girl is just💀💀 (ah, her name is Leighton)
- ohh Canaan’s cute
- um what is going on 😭😭😭 you’re my first black friend 😃👍🏼😽🤭😝 #ally✊🏼
- omg Leighton’s not like the other girls i totally love her now 😊
- oh the mediocre guy is supposed to be hot
- lmao I love Bella
- and also Whitney
- I think (girl with shorter hair) is okay too i think she’s just awkward and tries too hard but like.. bless her ig 😭 but she’s also 💀💀💀💀
- ‘I like men not boys’ 😌😌😌
- Whitney’s coach (bf?) also looks like an AI. Actually idek if that makes sense but like he looks animated but really well but not super well compared to real people (i’ve been watching too much love death and robots 💀)
- Leighton’s giving everyone ipads? sgsjsjs okay she can stay 😁
- ohhhhh SHE’s timofy’s sister she looked exactly like him for a second, i didn’t know she was the chalamet (i still don’t know her name)
- also Leighton looks like someone but idk whooo, kind of Peyton List and Sydney Sweeney a tiny bit but no that’s not who I’m thinking about hmmm
- SIX HANDJOBS? 😭😭😭 okay this is not what i personally mean by sex positive but good for her, i hope they do actually vote for her tho
- I still don’t know Chalamet’s name BUT NOT HER BF BREAKING UP IMMEDIATELY AFTER THEY HAVE SEX BRO GO AND DIE (lol) 😭😭😭 also Kimberley??? That’s not her name I swear it’s not
- yayyyyy at least bela got in <333
- Dalton. What is this name. HIS WIFE??? THE AI HAS A WIFE I KNEW HE WAS DISHY (i was gonna put fishy but dishy sounds worse whatever that means) Whitney 😭😭😭🥺🥺
- ‘100$ is not a lot of money for jeans’ lmao
- okay I do love Bela but also 💀 ma’am. cringe but it seems like no one cares so
- wait i think she looks like shakira sgsjsjsk
- they’re all so cute + awkward lol
- Nooo I hope Nico doesn’t use her vulnerability to get in her pants too😭
- not the girls being mad at BELA that their BOYFRIENDS cheated oof
- Whitney + Canaan yes sgsjskksks but lmaoo boys are so easy 💀
- yes MOREEE gay people although i’m not sure about Leighton as a person (hm she doesn’t look like shakira after all btw)
Ohhh so I liked it a lot!!! The vibes are kind of.. not what I’d usually go for idk I can’t explain it. But I like it 👀 I feel like either I’ll binge all of it tomorrow or it’ll take me months to finish tho💀 we will see.
Kendra if you did read this don’t worry I won’t talk about every episode like this dhsjsjs💀 or i won’t talk about every episode period
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