#arch-enemies to lovers
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that-bitch-kat3 · 1 year
Marlene: holy shit guys… I think I have a crush on Dorcas
Lily: well congratulations.
Mary: you are officially the last to know.
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hushed-chorus · 1 year
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Every year the Grimms spend a week vacationing by the seaside. One solstice morning, a 14-year-old Baz meets a strange but gorgeous boy called Simon. By the end of the day, he's hopelessly besotted.
But Simon doesn't come back the next day. Or the day after. Or the day after that. Baz is left pining and dealing with a local seal that suddenly won't leave him alone.
Now, exactly seven years later, Simon reappears and the two reconnect. And Baz learns that he's not the only one keeping secrets when Simon's sealskin goes missing.
Read chp 1 of The Selkie and his Boy on AO3 now! (T-rated, 2.5k, WIP)
(and thank you to @cutestkilla for sneaking an adorable seal into this banner!)
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harringroveera · 1 year
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Harringrove in a nutshell
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macaulaytwins · 2 years
diversity win! your best friend turned arch nemesis who wants to kill you but is also the only person in the world who has ever seen you is asexual!
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nyoomfruits · 1 year
charles and max going from absolutely hating each other to tentatively calling each other friends to eventually becoming lovers is GREAT but also i personally think it’s hilarious if all of that still happens but they just. don’t acknowledge anything’s changed. like, max and charles are out for dinner with the other drivers and max is fishing the mushrooms out of his dish and handing them to charles and charles is like “oh thank you!!!!” because he loves mushrooms and lando is like “huh so you’re getting along now?” and max is like “what? no i hate charles he’s my arch nemesis” and charles is nodding along next to him while also happily chewing on his mushrooms
or charles crashes in a race and max is FREAKING OUT asking if he’s okay and everyone is like “he’s fine don’t worry!!!!” and then when the race is over he rushes to see charles and when charles is like “i’m fine!!!” max is like “good. i don’t care. i hate you” 
OR they’re at like some after party thing with all the drivers and max orders some INSANELY complicated cocktail and daniel is like ”???? since when are you into cocktails??” and max is like “i’m not. this is charles’s abomination”. and then charles appears behind max at that exact second and makes a happy little noise at the cocktail as max hands it to him and then dissapears back into the crowd and daniel is like “???? EXPLAIN” and max just shrugs like “he’s the worst and my least favorite person ever”
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ziracona · 8 months
Finding out CLAMP did nothing but Yaoi and their first not Boys Love work was Code Geass explains exactly half of why it’s that way. The other half is just someone(s) working there fucking absolutely hard on extremist political views you haven’t even considered
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
there’s no better feeling than having spent a year with a novel and planning and trying to figure out the bigger picture than to be hit with the most simple solution and go “oh that’s the one”
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unrequited enemies to lovers.
one of them thinks they’re arch nemesis’
the other one thinks they’re star crossed lovers
a lot of confusion ensues when they realize what the other thinks
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pixelz-but-with-uh-z · 5 months
one time i was having a heated argument with my arch nemesis ( i hate him ) and one of my friends walked up to me and said " enemies to lovers " while he was right there so i kneed her in the stomach
he did call me m'lady one time though
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koisori · 11 months
Lol, I gifted you and Felix one after I saw them reblog from you. It was indeed an act of war. Good luck, and you will never know!! :3
i'm not scared you verifier buyer; this badge i bear symbolises the beginning of our battle. until the day i lay down my last breath, i will find who you are and show you no mercy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Villain x Hero
The scattered rays stroked her hair gently and twinkled upon her minty hair, sparkling them beautifully in the moonlight. A gentle breeze pulled her hair back, giving it a twisted look as if someone was pulling it back, but none of the bystanders cared, it would be more correct to say they didn't noticed anything except the hero standing in front of her. "Stop it" she murmured, thr corners of her mouth crunching down into an annoyed look, her hair which was being pulled back by an invisible force fell down hitting her back gently. Her eyes travelled upwards, focusing on the pearl like moon which was tangled between the trees, Her ruby eyes gazing at the magnificent vision, distorted turning into a bloody battlefield. "Move" a strong force pulled the chains dangling around her wrist, "Ah i forgot that you were escorting me to the prison" she pulled her wrists up glancing at the metallic hand cuff which she was adorning on her hands. "Shut up" an angry voice leaked from the boy's lips, "Quite short tempered for a hero" she laughed. The boy did not respond instead he pulled the chains tightly, making her almost bump into him. She slithered backward, gritting her teeth tightly "Stop it Leon" the corners of her mouth twisted up this time fuy annoyed at his erratic behavior. There was a slight bruise on her pale wrists, but it didn't matter to he. He glanced back at her, his face devoid of any expression, "That's scary" she mocked her gaze fixed at his stoic face as she slowly ascended the car.
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lexicorp · 1 year
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Marcus (head of Disciplinary, CS)
As the highest ranking coresinth for thousands of years, Marcus became the leader of the disciplinary division when he usurped the previous holder of #1
They struggled as they aimed towards it. they took extra jobs as they did their best to go above and beyond despite it being so hard to get noticed
They are an envious type, who despises boastful people who, in their opinion, don't have the ability to back it up
He cares for those in his division, but tends to be strict due to wanting them to live up to their fullest potential
They're very uptight
They are an extraordinarily skilled sorcerer
They are agile and precise
They often use levitation and aerial archer skills
Archery was used at basic magic training to teach balance of power and precision
Their magic is highly arcane oriented, but they have a wide range of moves
They often use light projected clones to help them with paperwork, in battle, crowd control, etc
Marcus has an unfriendly rivalry with Cynide
Finds the creation of diamond as a stab at his division, saying they aren't good enough
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evaldmark · 10 months
Artegor such a babygirl coded
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thespoonisvictory · 1 year
finished s1 of bbc musketeers. 10/10 I love scheming little friend groups
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smallfry15005 · 1 year
Kane: Can anyone teach me how to play the trumpet?
Richter: Warum?
Kane: I wanna wander around and play one to annoy Ash.
Viper: You don’t need to know how to play it to do that
Kane: You have opened my eyes.
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