#as long as there's a fun dynamic between the characters it doesn't matter if its romantic or not
prompts-by-anjali · 5 months
“You haven’t left? I thought you’d have slipped out by now. Gone back to your princely duties.”
“I like being in your room here, honestly. It’s fascinating.”
“What, that I, a lowly commoner, can live here? This is the wing your parents gifted to my family, being the royal scientists and all.”
“It’s fascinating because I happen to like science, too. And the joke’s on you — I find your acerbic tongue charming. No one else dares to be sarcastic with me.”
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thyandrawrites · 9 months
Stop saying that Reo refers to his dynamic with Nagi as just a business partner, that's not factually true
Or well, it's out of context and only partially true
I keep seeing this argument brought up in nagireo meta as a way to bring ammo to the interpretation that Reo sees their dynamic as transactional while Nagi cares for him as a person, using the Barou scene as a frame of reference, but. As someone who read the whole manga in japanese, fun fact! There's another time where their relationship is brought up with a descriptor before that scene, and it's in fact Reo who refers to Nagi as his partner first. Not a business partner, just a partner. Someone you spend time with.
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To be precise, the word he uses is 相棒 ("aibou"), which, second fun fact, is the same word Bachira used to describe his relationship with Isagi (in the scene where he says "I love you, partner". Just stressing that cause I find it amusing lol). In Bachira's case, this word was officially translated as "buddy". It basically means partner/companion/comrade. As you can see, there's no exploitative subtext, unless you're willing to read that into Bachira's line as well.
This scene was in chapter one of episode Nagi, so it's Reo who sets the tone of their buddying relationship. Nagi just follows.
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When Barou accuses him of being a mindless slave that only follows Reo's orders then, Nagi's prompt response is to call himself "Reo's partner, not a slave", using the word 相方 ("aikata") this time. As you might have noticed, it's almost the same word! Same first kanji, almost no differences in nuance as far as the meaning goes. This one too means partner, companion.
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So, where does the confusion come from? Well, the thing is, Reo does call Nagi his business partner, too! A whole total of once, and it made more sense in context. The reason why this got more attention than the line in chapter one, I believe, is because Reo says it shortly after Nagi candidly called him his aikata, so it jumps out more and makes Reo sound so much colder than he is.
But again, context!
Given how Reo's the first to put a friendly label on their relationship, clearly the intent here is not to tell us he secretly only sees Nagi as an asset whose potential he's investing in. More like, this line was in response to this,
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Nagi's ego rearing its head at long last, and him taking the initiative in a play for the first time. Here he calls him his business partner because Nagi's finally rising to meet him as an equal, instead of simply trudging along because of Reo's pushing. It's Nagi who requests an assist, and Reo enthusiastically provides it, and remarks upon it with this term. But, and please note, in all the three different occurrences, no matter the word in kanji, the furigana always spells out "partner", cause that's what's the focus
So please stop saying that Reo doesn't give the same weight to their friendship as Nagi does, that's just untrue. They both obviously care about each other, and their actions show it better than their words, tbh.
I guess one might still overanalyse the fact that they don't use the same exact term for partner, and wonder what the difference is, as one (me) does. This is what I found (with a japanese source for more accuracy):
Inputting this into a machine translator cause it's 1am and I don't have the brainpower to translate it myself:
The difference between "buddy" and "partner" is that "buddy" (=aibou) has the nuance of "a partner who helps each other to achieve a goal," while "partner"(=aikata) has the nuance of "a partner who understands each other's personality and character and shares hardships and joys.
Which I feel is a much better distinction that makes a lot more sense with their respective motivators/feelings. Reo sees Nagi as the person at whose side he'll be able to win the world cup, thus it makes a lot of sense for him to use aibou. Nagi gave him the confidence to think himself world class despite his father's scorn. He's his partner in crime, so to speak. While Nagi sees Reo as the first person who saw past his weirdness, understood him better than most, and as the companion he can always circle back to and tell him about the joys and hassles hardships he went through
Signed: a pedantic nagireo fan who thinks they're both the same shade of simp
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I have a question about shipping in RWBY: when it comes to that subject is the the fandom too restrictive when it comes to picking characters?
I asked because I see fans harassed writers for ships they don’t like. For example
Pyrrha x sun (especially with Pyrrha)
Yang x Cardin (when making Cardin a better person)
Willow x (any guy) (they bring up the age difference part…until it’s jaune)
And most of time they want Jaune only ship with all the women.
I don’t understand the mindset: why can’t I use other guys? Why does it have to be Jaune only?
Why am I forced to only use Jaune as a default?
It honestly gets tiring seeing the same scenario over and over again.
Oh boy...*puts on hazmat suit*
Long Post Ahead
I can't speak for everyone, anon, so I'm just going to use my own experiences in the FNDM and shipping in the FNDM to answer this question as best as I could.
The first is that the RWBY FNDM is just a hostile place for shipping, as ironically as it sounds. What I mean by that is it's deeply rooted in anti culture and fictional puritanism, therefore if you ship the "wrong" ship, you are a bad person and whatever comes your way is deserved. It doesn't matter what the reason for shipping two fictional beings you might have, it's not "good enough" in the eyes of rabid FNDM stannies.
And that really sucks. Shipping is a way for fans to explore the dynamic between characters, expanding on a character they see potential in, or just because they like the way it works. It doesn't matter, it shouldn't matter, because none of it is real and it's for fun. But like I said, the inherent anti culture in the RWBY FNDM coupled with the hypocrisy of its treatment of canon ships exploited by the writers (BB, Arkos, etc.) versus its treatment of fan ships (especially rare ones) are the core issue of shipping in RWBY.
They're just fucking assholes to shippers in the FNDM because it's easier to target them.
And on the matter of Jaune, I'm not surprised. As a former Jaune fan, it's deeply depressing to see this character metamorphosis into the face of FNDM toxicity, especially for the dudebro ultra-masc bullshit that's integrated into every single issue with RWBY's narrative that the stannies refuse to accept. It's sad, but it has come to a point that you have to realize that the show is about Jaune, not the girls, and sure as shit not Ruby.
TLDR: the RWBY FNDM is extremely hypocritical when it comes to shipping as a result of both anti culture and dudebro extremism with Jaune, causing the space to be incredibly hostile to people who just want to vibe and play with pixels.
My advice? Fuck them, do what you want, and block the assholes. YOU, reading this, is a REAL person who has emotions and boundaries, and those should be prioritized over FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Just be nice and civil to others, and we can all exist.
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renaultmograine · 5 months
So, in the foundation of the "Westfall-in love" or whatever you're calling katrina/nathanos. (Dragonblight?) Does she end up developing feelings for Anduin, given his affinity for attachments to black dragons...
Do we have minor appearances? Jaina? Vanessa? How are they coping with/not helping?
Dragonblight is hilarious I'm calling it that now.
I mean it depends on what the feelings are IMO? I don't think romantic ones necessarily (mostly because I'm not even sure if she had romantic feelings towards Varian?). I've debated Onyxia/Anduin in a different context and I think it suffers from my same inability to ship Wranduin, which is I don't actually think Anduin could tolerate them at length. The dynamic makes for nice and crunchy character interactions and I really do enjoy those, but I can't ship it.
I do really like fucked up parent/child adjacent relationships that despite their ups and downs, end up rather amicable (I think the Lightbringer series did that?), and they'd have such a weird one. Anduin who is viciously honest and unrepentant in his beliefs for peace and goodness but also isn't above doing underhanded shit for said beliefs would be infuriating with glimmers of "you're not so bad kid." They of course both hate this too.
In terms of other characters
This is, in my mind, taking place in lieu of the Gathering shit, and Jaina is AWOL at this point, and depending how fast the wedding shit takes place misses it entirely (this would be HILARIOUS news to break to her when she gets back from her therapy boating trip btw. I'd be jealous of whoever got the honor.)
I don't imagine Vanessa would have any part of this
All the Horde leaders are expecting this to be a shitshow. I'm split between they're getting a sense of schadenfreude (as iirc none of them really like Nathanos) but there's a looming sense of immense danger with it, or them genuinely feeling sorry for Nathanos because Sylvanas just dumped (this on) him.
Lor'themar and Halduron are betting on how long before this explodes because they KNOW how Sylvanas is about Nathanos. (Halduron is convinced it'll be fine because he doesn't believe she's capable of feeling love, Lor'themar points out how you don't need to feel love to feel every other emotion involved with seeing a guy you obsessed over marry another woman.)
Baine was cautiously optimistic about this until he heard it was Nathanos and Katrana getting married.
No one on the Alliance knows what exactly to think about with this. I don't think anyone really likes Katrana but also no one likes the thought of a black dragon being close with the Horde either so it's kind of an impasse.
Genn and Katrana are at least having fun shit talking all of this in the wedding prep because if there's one thing old people like doing its complain.
fucking. CALIA. oh my god.
Calia who is talking to Anduin about how horrible her father was for arranging her marriage to a Lord Prestor and Anduin who is just going :V because he just arranged someone's marriage to a Prestor.
Anduin who is like "am i bad person for this?" as if Nathanos isn't like a fifty year old man who (theoretically) could've said no to this and not a teenage girl with no choice in the matter.
could you imagine. the wedding rehearsal. genn who is this close to making a scene vs sylvanas seeing him and turning to go "should i make a scene." its unfortunately lor'themar next to her and he's a good voice of reason.
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
What is the difference between fanon Namor and well written, in character Namor?
Fanon!Namor - misogynistic, alpha male, Chad, will fuck anyone and not care about them aka womanizer, racist, arrogant asshole to the point of him being super cruel for laughs, straight white male self insert fantasy, rapist.
Canon!Namor - noble, confident, respects women, has both good and bad sides; can be soft and emotional, can be hard and closed off emotionally. Arrogant as fuck but backs up his arrogance with his character, like yes he knows he is the best so you peasants should fawn at his feet, has a kind heart, is cold/cruel to those who have harmed those under his protection/are not worthy of his respect, hates bullies and nazis, flirty and charming, loyal, honest to the point he doesn't sugar coat his thoughts, deeply lonely and tragic.
A lot of people think Namor is this weird creepy incel who sexually assaults women and treats them like trash, and makes other men look like Betas, when he isn't and has actually only been in three long term romances and each time they ended (with their deaths) it hurt him alot.
Or people think he is racist because he drowned Wakanda when he was possessed by the Phoenix Force.
Or people think he's a bad character because they personally don't like his character traits: Does Namor have character flaws? Yeah, alot of them, he's headstrong, one of the most arrogant characters you will ever meet, he isn't shy about killing people he deems necessary to kill so you won't find him conflicted about murder, he is not a humble character even if he does have moments of being humble. People who don't read his comics by writers who get his character won't see the moments he lets down the salty crusty shield around his heart and shows his softer side, he deeply cares for his people, he cares about the oceans, and wild creatures/animals. He likes animals more than he likes people. Namor has severe emotional trauma, canon ptsd, and suffers from bouts of depression. He suffered bullying and abuse as child for being half human/atlantean. He was canonically raped by his wife's murderess. Yet no matter what happens he still puts the lives of the people he has under his protection before his own, he'll use his own body as a shield for those who need it, and he never gives up.
People will read Namor written by writers who don't know his backstory or character beats and never read a comic where he plucks a baby flamingo out of polluted water and looks on in horror at the devastation humans have done to nature, or carries dying atlantean children in arms, or vows to watch over his friends grave, or stands up for his friend others deem is a monster and want to send them into space because Namor knows what its like for others to treat him like a monster, or they don't see his fun impish side, or a bunch of other little moments that make up who he is. They don't see that a lot of the times when Namor is angry at the surface world he has legitimate reasons to be upset and isn't just some crazy sea king.
All they see is a cold cruel sneering king who wants to fuck a married woman and drown wakanda.
I usually judge how writers write Namor by how they have him treat women, because Namor is one of those characters who was raised by a single mother, he connects with women more than with men characters, alot of his supporting cast had a lot of dynamic women. Fans who get upset that Namor was mean to their faves are weak. Namor isn't going to like or get along with any men characters who hasn't proven themselves to him meanwhile he is generally more trusting of women.
Namor isn't an easy character, and not everyone vibes with a character like him. I do, and I deeply love Namor's character.
A lot of Fanon!Namor is a result of people not reading his comics and seeing what a complex and interesting character he is so they reduce him to one or two traits. Marvel Writers are not exempt to their Fanon!Namor writing, because there are writers who do the character really well in a way that lines up with the general 80 years of characterization and others who just want to use him for their plots and not care about his character.
It's frustrating as a fan to see this constant trashing of his character from fans, and from Marvel, but I honestly feel sorry for people who don't get to see what a morally complex and interesting character Namor is.
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fearowkenya · 5 months
Winds of Change
Chapter 5: Something in the Air
Shuuji knows something is amiss when he catches Syakomon let out an almost imperceptible sigh of relief. He’s lucky that the viscous surface of Syakomon’s slimy green body betrays her—the quiver of the otherwise silent exhale sends a faint, wobbly shockwave across her skin, and she jiggles ever so slightly in her shell, as though somebody’s just set down a cautious bowl of lime-flavored jello.
Supposedly, the worst is over, but Shuuji can't shake the feeling that there's something the Kemonogami aren't telling him.
ao3 link in source , extended end-of-chapter author's notes under the cut!
oh BOY the editing situation was a doozy. granted, i was also busy with work, but even then this chapter needed a TON of reworking, much much more than chapter 4 did. like i said on ao3, it got to the point where this chapter was so long that i had to split it in two.
i also mentioned that this chapter marks the beginning of the second half of this fic. chapters 1-4 make up part one, which i'd summarize as "how did we get here?", and then from 5-8, the focus will be "what happens next?". it helped a LOT to recontextualize chapters 5-7 (now 5-8) as an answer to chapters 1-4, and i think it'll make editing easier going forward; i have much more direction now and a better idea of what needs to be expanded on and what needs to be cut.
unfortunately, like i said, i had to omit a lot of saki-centric stuff. she is the scariest character for me to write, and i think i need to progress more thru my replay of truthful before i feel confident enough to write from her perspective. it works out anyway, because the part i cut had shuuji taking a very passive role and just observing interactions between saki and floramon, and it felt very drawn-out and unnecessary. this is my favorite cut segment tho
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im really hoping to be able to figure out what an aoi-miu-saki dynamic looks like as i get more comfortable writing the three of them. i think it could be really fun. also i think it would be so funny if miu and saki bring out a mischievous side of aoi that would otherwise not exist. much to think about.
anyway. another challenge i had with editing this chapter was the topography of the beach area the group hangs out at before moving on to the shopping district and apartment complex. for some reason i was convinced the rocky beach area was like.. up on a cliffside? but then i looked at the map and got REAL confused. the beach is super super narrow, and that was really inconvenient when i needed shuuji to be somewhere relatively out of the way, where he could have a conversation with agumon that takuma cannot hear, while still being able to see takuma. so thats why i spent an hour and change squinting at the tiniest png of the map and reorganizing where people spend their time
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if my handwriting is illegible (from left to right) (oh my god now that ive added the image to the post its a nightmare. idk why im even posting it. lord. im not sure opening it in a new tab will help) factory residential area shopping district woods near shopping district minoru up here group rests here waterway exit from shaft here instead; rest of waterway rock w/ supplies hill down from the waterway shuuji rests here pt 6 argument happens here aoi & ryo here in ch4 (this is where they were keeping watch) miyuki here
i didnt make many changes; mostly i just moved people around. the one thing that i DID change though was the placement of the waterway entrance. i have NO IDEA why the game has it in the middle of the fucking ocean. like i know theres a tunnel there, but surely the entrance to that tunnel isn't underwater right? i then poured another hour and change learning about waterways, trying to figure out where it made the most sense to put the exit before remembering that it doesn't matter because the digital world doesn't play by human world rules. oops! it was still super interesting though! please look up 'tokyo g-cans' if you ever get the chance, its fucking fascinating. if i ever go back to japan id like to go down there, maybe.
obligatory commentary about the map:
oh my god it seems too big for what we actually see but im not a cartographer so i dont know for sure
the shopping district/apartment complex is visible from the beach but i feel like it shouldn't be: on the map it looks like it's on a cliff face while from the beach it looks like it's shore level
i've been reading half the green patches as dense tree cover but now that i think about it, that might just be open grassland. oops. it's all trees now.
i wish we could go to the sandy beach areas to the north and east ends of the island!!! that could've been fun!
i really appreciate that the second island is shaped vaguely like a beluga
in other news, agumon was much easier to write than i was worried he would be, and it was nice to work out how he felt about what happened in the waterway. one thing ive noticed about agumon on a second truthful run is that he and takuma are equally awful about pushing down their own feelings for the sake of the ones of their friends. a lot of the others seem to view agumon as the guy who is always Staying Silly , no thoughts head empty. while i DO think that that's a genuine part of his personality, i think it also happens sometimes that he uses that image to downplay his concerns.
my favorite part to write this chapter was labramon's dialogue at the end. and also baby stats. baby stats was the ONE THING i REFUSED to cut. non-negotiable. it's been in my notes since the beginning and digimon survived all edits of this chapter, and i was DETERMINED to keep it.
all right im getting sleepy and i want to post this chapter and then go to bed. as usual please dont be afraid to leave a comment, i looooove finding out people's favorite parts, and im still curious about your Gamer Theories, especially now that i think what i'm foreshadowing is becoming clearer and clearer >:3c
couldn't tell you for sure when ch6 will be out. ideally it won't involve as much editing as ch5, but it's hard to say. thank you for reading, and i'll be back as soon as i can!
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applebloomer1 · 1 year
I absolutely adore the relationship between error and pj in loyal servant
Oh, I'm going to do a deep dive about this one...
The relationship between Error and Paperjam was both fun and heartbreaking to write. Primarily because their story isn't one that gets a truly happy ending. Its not a "I'm going to completely change my personality and be a better father, and everything will be perfect." sort of ordeal.
Error loves PJ, but he is unable to express it. He's too wrapped up in the reputation he's made for himself to believe he's capable of being a father. He says; "I left. That's what I did for you, PJ. That was the only thing I could do for you." Which is a testimate to how he cares but believes his child is better off without him. In his mind, being around would only make things worse for PJ.
On the flipside, Paperjam never understood this. They grew up believing that the only reason either of their parents were distant and/or downright cruel was because of who they were as a person. They're too much like Ink, or they're too much like Error. That definitely helped to breed PJ's desire to find balance. The desire to destroy the other gods didn't truly stem from hating what their parents fighting did to others, but more so what it did to them. In their mind, the feud between Ink and Error was to blame for their lack of family ties.
To hear Error tell them that's not the case flipped a switch. It told them that the reason he wasn't there wasn't because he hated Paperjam's very existence, but because he was afraid to hurt one of the few things he loved within the multiverse. His hands have caused pain and suffering throughout the entire multiverse, so how was he supposed to use them to be gentle and kind? He wasn't sure, so he kept his distance. It was out of love.
Then theres my boyfriend's reason for liking the dynamic.
Error tells them: "You are like me." And: "It was for your own good. I had to keep you away." which could also be read as Error's way of trying to prevent PJ from ending up like him. Error believes himself to be this source of evil. Everything he's done has been for a selfish and cruel reason. If Paperjam were to see him; were to look up to him, they might just end up the same way. He doesn't want that for Paperjam.
He became especially hostile towards Paperjam during the whole Book of a Thousand Souls incident, possibly because of some thought process along the lines of: This is something I'd do. I left so you wouldn't become this way. Why are you still being this way? Why aren't you better than me?
Point is, Error has a very difficult time with expressing love. Him telling Paperjam that he only wanted what was best for them is probably the closest he'll ever get to sounding like an actual father, which he notes in the story.
When Error admitted these things to Paperjam, they stiffen and go quiet yet still end up with watering sockets. There's so much relief and pain that it overwhelms them. All they ever wanted was to believe that somehow they were loved. And Error finally made sure that they knew it. Perhaps not in the way PJ hoped, but it was clear enough for them to understand. They know Error loves them, and thats that matters to PJ. Anything else is a bonus.
....Sorry I like talking about characters. Asks like these will get long responses out of me.
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byleresque · 1 year
This thought has been hunting me. People out there insist that Mike still loves El romantically and they're endgame, but in the show El doesn't think so. She canonically doubts these things. She broke up with Mike over it. People watching a show where a character says "we don't work as a couple and he doesn't love me" and deciding that they can make better judgement. We as viewers only see the plot relevant shots and theoretically they hang out and talk in between those, they know each other and their bond better than us as observers ever could, how are we supposed to ignore what El thinks about it all? El and Mike are the only ones seeing the full picture here and if we don't listen to them then what are we even going by? Dismissing her feelings because "of course they're going to overcome it they're the main couple"? Isn't it that IF they overcome it they'll be ONE of the couples in this show full of main characters and dynamics? I don't enjoy this interpretation of canon at all. I'm also uncomfortable with the notion that our feelings don't matter and we're all bound to end in the relationships that are socially expected from us
the way milkman isn’t even for milkman...
it goes so much deeper than El is sad because Mike doesn’t say ily -> something happens to change his mind that she is not privy to (i.e. several talks with Will later) -> Mike says ily and now they are the strongest couple to ever couple.
and maybe i know this because i like to watch shows with my eyes open, but El and Mike did not in fact come out of that stronger!!
anon you are so correct that people are dismissing El’s feelings. she is a girl already insecure because she’s lost her powers, she’s being bullied, and her boyfriend hasn’t told her he loves her in several months (how many?? like eight??) even though she says it in every letter she sends. she is desperate for a win. that, and she has been lying about her life in california for that long as well.
i think we don’t talk enough about El lying in her letters. one of El’s core traits, one of the first things she learned in the outside world, is friends don’t lie. for her to lie and lie to Mike shows a deep fracture in their relationship. she doesn’t trust him. she has doubts. maybe she rationalized it as not wanting him to worry-- but like Mike said, he knows about bullying. he knows about being the black sheep. so why lie?
because El doesn’t feel like Mike is someone she can lean on emotionally because he doesn’t lean on her either. they can kiss and hug and smile at each other but do they talk?? ever??
both of them would rather pretend to be content than admit their one piece of social currency, the only thing that gives them a perceived link to normalcy, is circling the drain. their relationship feels like it’s one wrong move from snapping in half which is, uh, exactly what happened.
and maybe a problem like this could’ve been fixed by talking and opening up, but they CAN’T because they honest to god just don’t know each other well enough to do that. what they have is the result of a puppy love crush stretched long past its expiration date. 
but back to the viewers... i think it’s frustrating/hilarious that people are like yep, they’re good! they may be broken up and avoiding each other, but they’re the main couple so they’ll figure it out :) like?? the amount of awkward milkman keeps serving us is just painful to watch. fun fact i did not watch s3 when it came it out because their couple dynamic weirded me out. i was like. am i going crazy or are these kids going way too fast.
i’ll be real with you anon i don’t think ANY of them have the full picture. El doesn’t know why Mike can suddenly say ily except perhaps overhearing Will encourage him to do it. ouch. F in the chat. Mike is all jumbled up from all the stuff Will has been saying, plus the painting and the GUILT oh my god. that boy ain’t right but that’s a conversation for a different post. and Will (honorary mention for being the #1 milkman truther) has the least pieces but is doing the most and unintentionally pushing milkman further off the cliff.
what kind of dramatic conclusion would that be if Mike and El were just fine in s5? El isn’t going to have any questions? They will suddenly be secure in their relationship? incomprehensible. and i totally agree it’s uncomfortable to think that you should just stick to the socially approved relationship and your doubts in that relationship are completely irrelevant. and i HAVE seen people talk about them as if that’s the only course of action left for them. “ohh well i don’t like Mike and El together but the writers wouldn’t make them break up again” says who?? they did it once! and this sentiment is always said to me with this vibe of the writers not being competent enough to fix milkman. as if every other couple in the show isn’t very well-liked. come on. come on now.
a milkman endgame would feel bleak. you would feel like they don’t have much of a future to look forward to outside of 2.5 kids and tv dinners. it doesn’t feel genuine, it doesn’t feel like THEM. how restricting would that be for El? how depressing would that be for Mike? and i think the duffers know that. i think they realized it would be a downer ending to these character arcs and pivoted in s4 to show Mike happily hanging out with the outcasts in the Hellfire club and El going on a backstory mission to rediscover her worth. all a part of the byler agenda
(so instead of that lets now imagine a byler endgame where they can stand up to the world together-- not mistakes and not afraid to live a little differently. they make themselves better just being together. and now El is free to find herself outside of all the goddamn men in her life. duffers i believe in you)
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gyroshrike · 1 year
if there r no filler episodes in avatar then what about the great divide
Oooooh, I don't know if I want to go sticking my nose into potential Avatar Discourse, but I will just for this because I actually love this episode AND I have strong opinions over what people complain is "filler."
This probably isn’t going to be very organized or concise because if I try to make it too fancy, I’ll take forever to write it and never post it ahaha.
So, for starters, the only kind of episodes I refer to as "filler" is usually for when an anime series catches up to the manga chapters and the production team has to stall by making up new episodes to tide the audience over. To literally fill up empty space.
For example, Naruto episodes 143 through 219 are "filler" because they were never in the manga and they needed episodes while they waited before jumping into Naruto: Shippuden. Then they completely returned to the canon plot.
Filler is what I use to categorize new content written to act as a pause or spacer between canon plot arcs when they don't have enough canon content to work with. AND I usually tend to refer to episodes as filler when they are entire arcs, not just one episode or scene added for fun or to flesh out plot or characters. I'll elaborate on this later.
If a writer goes in, writes a script, and consciously makes the decision to have an episode as part of the story... that's not filler.
People seem so caught up on the Main Plot that they jump to label anything that doesn't technically contribute to moving it along as filler. These people aren't considering that it's not just Plot that makes up storytelling. Every episode of Avatar contributes to the overall experience in some way.
They flesh out the characters—either themselves as people or their dynamics with each other. We get to see motivations, how they think, how they handle different conflicts, who they are as people.
They contribute to world building—the world of Avatar is so rich and interesting, on it's own, but also in its current state of transition as a land shaped by war and refugees.
Immediately this episode visits 1.) the themes of Aang's role in solving conflict and 2.) Katara and Sokka's differing ways of doing things.
Aang is not above simple motivations. Custard tart. He's not some all knowing wise man, he's a person who gets hungry, gets driven by silly things. We also get to see something very important. Aang gets angry, but not very often, so it’s impactful to see what makes him angry. He's not above getting fed up with bullshit. He's realistic and rounded! He gets a chance to get angry at people selfishly putting lives at risk.
There's two rival clans who have the same goal and Aang agrees to protect them on their journey and help keep peace between them. The conflict between the two clans have origins so long ago neither of them can prove which origin story is true, but they are determined to cling to their hate for the other and refuse to work together to the point of endanger their own lives and the lives around them. And right when the fighting is about to come to a head, Aang steps in to say he knows the TRUE origin story and the conflict was actually just a big misunderstanding.
He... He LIES. Aang LIES to end this conflict that doesn't matter! And I think that's so cool. The first time I saw this episode, I thought to myself, "Ah, well that's really lucky that Aang knew those guys. I guess Being 100 Years Old plot point saves the day again. That doesn't bother me, but wow, it sure is a convenient thing." Then, out of earshot, AANG REVEALS THE TRUTH. He totally made up that story! There was no coincidence! That blew my mind as a kid! And that is so much more realistic and it gives us such cool, interesting insight to Aang's character. Aang's moral compass is very strong and he will fight for what he thinks is right. But he's also not unreasonable or stupid to get so hung up on what's "good" or "bad" on paper because, "Oh nooo, lying is baaaaad. We can't do thaaaaat it's wroooong." Which is something I feel like we expect out of characters like him. We see him lie, we see him steal, we see him cheat.
I really think this is a great example of how Aang believes in spreading joy and reducing suffering in the world above all else. Not black and white morality and rules of what a good person is or is not supposed to do.
I feel like shows that have morals to teach often rigidly set their "good" characters (especially characters like Aang) to Never Do Bad Things Ever (which is why Avatar is so good, because it challenges that.)
Lying was the right choice there! It was the smart choice! Aang's job is to keep peace and he made a choice to tell a lie that wouldn't hurt anyone in order to create peace. Between two rival clans! Who have been rivals for a century! And it having such a stupid solution really reflects how stupid the conflict was. It's also a good example on how history can get totally warped until no one knows the truth anymore, but these clans would rather cling to forgotten half-truths and hate each other than seek a solution for a better future.
This episode even lets us see a bit into Katara and Sokka as characters too. Katara sided with the Gan Jin because she believed they were the victims and had the moral high ground. Sokka admits to taking the Zhang’s side, "Because they fed [him]." That's still the show taking time to flesh out these characters for us and deal with a type of conflict they haven't before. We now understand the siblings better as characters!
This episode also gave us more inside into the lengths that people of the world have to go to in order to escape the war. It’s not just this one town or this one group of people. It’s everyone who is feeling the effects of the Fire Nation. We see examples of it over and over and over again and I feel like that is important.
The argument about fun, silly, or side plot episodes being "filler" makes me angry because if those episodes DIDN'T exist, people would complain about the reverse. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people critiquing shows or other media for having too many characters and not taking time to develop them all, for being all action and not taking time to breathe, for not showing us the characters domestic sides or letting them have fun.
Shows deserve to have down time, as do the characters, either literally or from the main plot. It lets us see fun new sides of them, see them dealing with situations we haven't before and in almost all episodes that I see people calling filler, but were written intentionally, we get so much fun character development or insight which is a GOOD THING.
Revisiting the anime thing, let me be clear, I don't think ALL extra episodes or scenes added that weren't in the original iteration is filler. In the Boku No Hero Academia anime, we see a whole pool scene added that wasn't in the manga, along with a scene of Bakugou and Kirishima walking together afterwards (I THINK that wasn’t in the manga, sorry if that’s wrong). These scenes give us just a bit more sense of the class's dynamic outside of school and the growing friendship between Kirishima and Bakugou, which becomes plot relevant later. These kinds of things help better establish the emotional ties between the characters and make it more believable and satisfying when high stakes emotional conflict happens.
In Spy x Family, the anime made a much bigger event out of Anya's school acceptance celebration, a whole episode. Just because they close to drag it out and give it fanfare it didn't get before doesn't mean it's filler. It was just fun! It was just breathing more life into what was there! And that scene gave us an exciting way to see the lengths Loid, Yor, and Franky are willing to go to make Anya happy, (even if Loid frames it as being part of the mission) while giving us the audience a darned good time.
The Owl House production got cut down and basically all the "filler" episodes had to be ditched. Luz pretty much says in the show that we lost out on a beach episode! And we were pissed about that! Everyone would have loved a beach episode! That's what happens when you cut "filler" stuff. We lose out on fun shenanigans and seeing our heroes and how the operate in domestic settings, because people can be very different people in the "battlefield" verses in a home. Or in a dangerous situation verses a fun or safe one. Hunter basically didn't know what to do at first in a safe environment. That's an important thing to learn about characters!
Characters just doing things has meaning. It has use. It has weight. Your story is as much your characters and world as it is your plot. Fleshing out any of those is worth taking the time to do so.
[Aang hate is not welcome on this post]
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natasha-in-space · 11 months
Hey so i too read your yooseven hc post but I wonder how would seven show his care towards yoosung cuz in that post i mainly see yoosung is like mainly the who is the "giver". And im not saying its bad (please dont take my words negatively) because i can also see seven himself feeling like yoosung is the one who "does more" than him in the relationship and perhaps may feel insecure about it from time to time because he never really had someone go this far for him, its not something he is used to.
And at the same time, while seven for most of his life have been the "caregiver" mainly because he is aware that he is the stronger twin and the one who could do something (so its more out of necessity) yoosung on the other hand has the innate need to be needed and be the "bigger" person even tho unlike seven he never had to feel the compulsion to be the said "bigger" person out of necessity because he has always been the youngest both in rfa and his family but he wants to be someone his loved ones can rely on because thats what makes him feel personally fulfilled, thats his love language. I hope im making sense
So i can see yoosung struggling in that aspect in the relationship with basically anyone he is been with including seven so I also wonder how it would be like in their relationship with seven as a dynamic
Hmm, yes, yes, I can totally see what you're talking about, anon! Relationships are messy, romantic or platonic, so it's only a given for both of them having to face a few difficulties, these ones included. Now, this is only my personal interpretation based on how I portray these characters, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt!
All I can say is that it's a process. A messy one. It all depends on the context. Do they confess their feelings to each other before taking care of Mint Eye? After? Does Yoosung have to deal with Saeyoung's avoidance like his mc's do during his route? Or do they have no time for that? Small details like these do matter in the long run. There are many, many ways you can write them getting together, and that's what makes it fun to play around with in the first place.
When it comes to the already established relationship... I believe they'll make it work. Not without a couple of mishaps, of course. Yoosung, in comparison to Saeyoung, is someone who is very open to communication, and he has no problem with openly talking about his feelings and asking Saeyoung to do the same. Saeyoung, on the other hand, will have some struggles with that aspect. It'll take him some time to move on from his previous ways of dealing with any difficulties, however big or small. This might lead to some conflicts between the two.
It's always hard to see your loved one pretending like everything's alright or outright denying that there's a problem when you know they don't have to do it alone. Saeyoung does this from the place of love, he really does. He doesn't want to burden anyone with his struggles and he'd much rather use this anxious energy to make his loved ones happy instead of making them needlessly worry. It's not healthy, but it's the only way he knows how to deal with his issues. For Yoosung, this might come across as Saeyoung not trusting him to understand what he's going through, and that stings. It's like Saeyoung thinks he's not strong enough to handle it. Yoosung has a... personal grudge against anyone keeping secrets from him. For a good reason. So, yes, this can become a major problem for them.
But, that doesn't mean they can't make it work. They care about one another. Saeyoung is not smothering Yoosung with gifts or putting up a lighthearted facade in front of him out of annoyance. He's doing it because he genuinely believes that's the right thing to do. I truly think Yoosung can figure it out. He's a deeply empathetic person at heart. He might get frustrated at times and he might need some time to get his thoughts in order, but he knows Saeyoung cares for him. And he knows when he's having a hard time. The tricky part is figuring out how to have this important talk.
It's really about balance. No relationship is perfect, just like none of us are perfect. Neither Yoosung nor Saeyoung had a serious romantic relationship before, so it's going to be very clumsy at times, but that's okay. At the end of the day, Saeyoung would never want to hurt the ones he loves most. He is willing to take notice when his actions start having a negative effect on Yoosung, and he is more than willing to apologize. As for Yoosung, he wants to know the real Saeyoung, more than anything. He might get a bit heated and pushy at times, but he will learn how to be more mature.
As for the way they show affection to one another... again, it's about communication. Saeyoung is the type of person who will show his love through his actions, while Yoosung is more on a verbal side. I truly think they know each other well enough where these differences won't be a problem. Saeyoung doesn't mind getting all mushy and romantic at times to see Yoosung blush and giggle. Meanwhile, Yoosung knows Saeyoung's gifts are so much more than just physical objects.
I guess you could say... they are learning together?
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madelinemccoolname · 2 months
last double feature for a while: the incredibles (2004) and cars (2006)
The Incredibles is a movie that fails at criticism. not that it fails, in the face of criticism, no the incredibles is just hard to criticize, structurally speaking. The imagery, messaging and story, with director Brad Bird's recent slide into uh conspiracy fascism? the movie about great men held back by their government, and evil capitalists who seek to mislead the masses with faux super equality, takes sort of an odd turn from fun super hero world, to unfortunate at best, horrible foreshadowing at worst.
but I'm getting ahead of myself, the incredibles is primarily about everyman bob parr, former golden age super man, unsatisfied with his family life, working behind the back of his wife for bad people, she finds out and goes on the island looking for him when he disappears. watching this movie in the modern day always makes me think about incredibles 2, which i believe highlights what thoroughly unfun movie incredibles 2 is. comparing the two family dynamics feels like they all just forgot what happened between movies
I think i'm struggling to stay on task because the movie is standard awesome 2000s pixar but, in a way that feels refined by every movie previous, and this movie's focus on effects work improvement makes it pop in a way that their previous films simply couldn't. but aside from the context around the movie, it's most interesting aspects are the look, feel and texture of the super world, are hard to articulate, without just posting a clip. the soundtrack is nice, especially jazzy this time around which i appreciate, especially compared to our next movie.
the bottom line is that what makes incredibles is the texture of it, the world, the family, the performances, but as time has continued to pass, that texture has begun to bring the movie down in a really unfortunate way, fun movie, fuck brad bird 9/10
memorable bits: the family fights, frozone (why is he never important), syndrome that lava dining room, the team fights, the omnidroid
cars is a 2006 dreamworks, i mean pixar film about a car who is a racer and also hates poor people, who gets stuck in a dying community in a canyon on his way to the big race. are people going to be mad if i say this movie suuuuuucks, where bugs life is "good for a kids movie" pixars cars feels like baby's first allegory. A sports movie about cars isn't really that much of a shake up when compared to a normal racing movie, and to make matters worse (or maybe maters worse) the world doesn't survive critical thought. why do the cars lock themselves, why do race cars not have headlights if they're also cars, why, if the community is dying, do they not just drive somewhere else all together and then have the same community. the answer is it's a kids movie don't worry about it but when the middle two acts are wacky car hi-jinks these questions surface naturally.
in terms of criticism, the movies world also effects the race scenes, they are so fucking slow. i know nascar races are long but every substantial race in this movie, and probably the franchise, feel like i'm leaving the movie theater and going to a real fucking race track to see the nastycars. also too many of the radiator springs gang remind me of one of the characters from bug's life, why are they all like racial car culture caricatures, for what purpose john lasseter. mater is not included in that but he gets special mention because he's cute in this movie but for like, a scene? too much of the movie feels like its spent on "yep the race is still goin on" but those parts might be the best part of the movie. 4/10
memorable bits: i love mack, realizing this movie made me hate owen wilson, the tongue three way tie, car tramp stamp, car cop mustache, car ageism, the italian car and his husband, the car that kept getting paint jobs, the paint job lightning gets that lasts fuckin 10 seconds i swear, "gee mater, it sure is nice to be back in radiator springs", his manager car that's like a phone? is that the bit that he's just a phone on the other end? the drive in
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merakiui · 11 months
For the Ask Game! 🥺🙋‍♀️🌞🤯⏳
if you haven't answered them already 👉👈 I hope this isn't too much for you! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
It's not too much at all!!! I'm happy to answer more emojis. :D thank you!!!
(ask game)
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Oooo there are too many!!! To name specific instances, Riddle's relationship with the reader in DRU always tugs on my heart. He worries so much for her and it's obvious he cares immensely. The same goes for Azul and Cater. All of these people care for Reader, but Reader doesn't care enough for herself. T_T additionally, I like when characters have a chemistry that is so good that they can just share a look and instantly connect and be on the same wavelength as the other. Like Jade and Reader in the upcoming fic. They're both aware that they're using the other for their own benefit, but that doesn't stop them from being friends. And they understand each other (to some degree) because they're both freaks. They play off of one another so incredibly well. I love it. >v<
Also, the trope of "what could have been had [xxx] not happened" always makes me weak. Sea Glass (and its sequel Moonbroch) delve into this trope a lot, especially with Reader's relationship with the man they murdered. At first you may hate him for what he did, but then the fic reveals more human facets to him and suddenly he seems so much better than the trio. It hurts even more when you note the genuine connection he had with the reader before it was compromised.
I also like the interactions Scaramouche and Reader have in another upcoming modern au fic. He's like a grumpy, hissing cat who slowly but surely learns to accept and open up to someone. The entire fic revolves around Scaramouche and his struggles with his humanity and emotions and trauma. He meets his very first friend in the last place he'd ever expect to make a friend. It puts me in my feels every time Scara realizes he's having fun talking to the reader and he quickly stifles that emotion because it's another reminder that he's human. >_< aaaa he just deserves to be loved forever.
And Bittersweet Secret!!!! Reader's relationship with Xiao is so tragic. To a very small degree, Xiao knows it's wrong to confine someone, but he can't let the reader go as they're the only good thing in his life. Without them, everything is dark and lonesome. And the reader is trying so hard to make Xiao happy and get him to smile while living with the fact that they will remain his captive forever. It's such a sad dynamic. :( they both deserve to be happy.
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Just one person and it's my best friend. They've listened to my ramblings about various fic ideas before, and I'm always grateful when they exchange ideas with me despite not being into Genshin or twst. :D
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I like to write at night because that's usually when I'm most inspired and focused, but sometimes I'll write in the afternoon if I'm able to.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
This may not be a genre, per se, but research papers. Truly the bane of my existence. >:( it's not that I struggle to write them; I just don't enjoy writing them. ;;;;
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
It depends! I wrote Mother in just two hours because I was so inspired after listening to haikara. Conversely, it took nine entire months to write Azul thought 4, whereas it only took a few days to write Azul thought 2. >_< it might just be a matter of how inspired I am, how determined I am to finish a fic, how much free time I'm afforded to write, and also how complex the plot is. Sometimes it takes longer to write fics with complex plots or scenes.
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boilingheart · 2 years
i know its not quite the same scenario as navy seal, but ive highkey avoided ever talking about or publicly enjoying poly pirates content for the same kind of reason, but instead bc it involves shipping jay and chip.
like. yes, i know many people (including the jerboys) interpret them as having a more sibling-esque bond. I fully acknowledge it and I can even agree w it!* but i hate how it has been made that any other interpretation is not only wrong but also bad.
idk man like. i just hate how it feels like enjoying any dynamic of poly-pirates outside of fnc is wrong-- bc at that point, what is the point?
*i personally tend to see the two as very close, but the specifics of whether that closeness is platonic/familial or romantic depends on interpretation (whether of the individual, author, etc). they're two people who've found connection and safety in each other and also enjoy ribbing the other for jokes- what specific type of connection that is can vary for me, yknow? the type isnt the Core of their dynamic to me
(sorry the asterisk part got so long i just want to properly explain myself and dump a bit fjkdsjf)
Oh yeah, I'm 1000% with you on this. I mentioned navyseal cause that's my personal guilty pleasure that I am highkey obsessed with but had to keep it on the downlow after twitter decided it was just as bad as inc*st apparently (as someone who is very very deeply uncomfortable and revolted by that type of stuff in genuine, that shit pissed me off!!!), but this absolutely applies to Chip and Jay and polypirates as a whole. Hell, when I first started the show and didn't really have much fandom influence in my first 30 something episodes I was actually way more of a poly enjoyer
Anyways, as a whole I do sincerely think Chip and Jay work better as a platonic bond, I like this interpretation of their relationship better than romantic, but that doesn't necessarily make the ship bad or wrong you know? Literally ditto to everything you said in your asterisk I couldn't word it better myself.
Like bruh it really felt like these characters are stuck being bitchless fr LOL that whole twitter debacle made it feel like the only CORRECT ships were fnc and pistolwhip (as if fnc doesn't Also have some of the same dynamics listed in navyseal and chip/jay!! (although im certainly keeping my mouth shut further on that since people have started gunning to convince people fnc is a Bad Boring Ship, Actually, and it's better platonic (unrelated to the wlw vs mlm take that just happened there, big disclaimer (I spend too much time on twitter can u tell... there's so many shipwars there for no reason...))) anyways yeah there was just too many people trying to police these ships and instead of just being NORMAL and saying "oh X isn't my cup of tea I enjoy a familial/platonic bond between them instead" they start bending over backwards to prove that ACTUALLY it's PROBLEMATIC, SEE? And sourcing the boys' opinions on it doesn't Wholly matter to ships (unless it's in regards to boundaries, in which it Absolutely Matters) cause Bizly regularly dunks on fnc and that hasn't changed anything
This got very long winded sorry LOL I've been holding onto this irritation for a while now, it's one of the reasons why I'm trying to move away from twitter and come back to tumblr tbh. It is simply fandom culture to ship, and while I love fnc to absolute death as my main ship here, it's nice to explore some variety yk? navyseal has CRAZY potential cause of their parallels and their journey of self discovery and how much they deeply care for each other, polypirates is just a lot of fun altogether cause of all their personalities and that shared strong bond, then you have swordfish, fish² and chips, caspian/chip, marshall john/gillion, like, multishipping is FUN dude. Unless it's GENUINELY problematic or Actual Proshipping like twitter Claimed, I don't see the big idea. There is such thing as "Don't like, don't read". There is such thing as muting/blocking words and curating your own experience. You don't have to put down others because their enjoyment of something clashes with your personal interpretation of it. It's fandom bro!!!
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rebelsofshield · 1 year
I adore Grogu and Din's bond, but I thought they wrapped up the story of him finding the Jedi and reuniting them with Grogu well. I know a lot of people were upset about it but I just hate that I didn't care as much as they did? I know I'll enjoy Din and Grogu's dynamic again but I was okay with moving on from it. Do you think their bond is important to the success and core of the show?
This is hard to answer because I don't think that the show has really been given the chance to establish what its identity is outside of Grogu and Din's connection. Their story has been the key feature of the series since the first episode and I'm not entirely clear on what a show that isn't about this would look like.
Part of the reason why I genuinely liked "The Return of the Mandalorian" in The Book of Boba Fett (despite it completely abandoning its title character) is that it seemed to establish something of a new status quo for Din. He basically gave up his whole life and culture to protect this child and on the other side he's at a loss for what to do. And it certainly doesn't help matters that he now owns a weapon that's an ancestral indicator of power and rightful rule. So it was it was fun to see him attempt to make sense of this and try to establish what a life post-Grogu could be. And frankly, I would have been completely down for watching Din attempt to navigate the complicated world of Mandalorian politics with other factions also jockeying for control. That may still be what we get, but it's not a story that naturally lends itself to the inclusion of Grogu who honestly just feels like he's going to be floating around being Din's cute little sidekick. Which is a bummer because the quiet tension between the two was always part of what made their relationship the core of the series. The strongest arc of the first season is seeing Din decide that Grogu is something that is worth him abandoning his culture for and the best arc of the second season is him coming to terms that he must let Grogu go. I'm not sure what the thrust or challenge to their relationship is now that Grogu just seems to be around for the long run.
And maybe I'm being cynical, but part of me wonders if Grogu's return is a corporate mandate. It's no secret to literally anyone that's walked through a Target or TJ Maxx in the last three years that Grogu is an absolute merchandising titan and not having him be a regular on a Star Wars show likely isn't something that Disney corporate would be comfortable with.
But, maybe I'm wrong. I've been wrong before and while I've been routinely let down by the Favroni side of Star Wars, they do occasionally get things right. So we shall see.
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the1975attheirverybest · 10 months
Sadly I think our fandom has hecame too big and That's why it is what it is. Before it was different because this fandom was smaller, less seen, the band and Matty wasn't as talked about. We became a little bit like other fandoms unfortunately. The more people the more problems. It became like a competition for some to know as much as you can about Matty and creating theories about Matty like he is inhumane character is new entertainment for some. This is what happens whenever artist or whatever gets really big. And those people dont care about the connections between Matty and us, and how he is sacrificing himself they dont see it, they are here for the drama and their weird fun. We just have to accept it. This won't end as long as the boys are big. Sadly, I think people will continue send you intrusive questions about Matty no matter what you say. I think it would best if you ignored it, and deleted it. Dont give it an attention, its not worth it. Some people just dont get it. I don't want you too stress over those ❤️ Sorry this is long, I am a fan of your blog and wanted to share my opinion on our fandom.
I'm afraid you're right. as the fandom gets bigger, some of it is going to be diluted with garbage. i guess the reason that it upsets me is because we have/had a very unique dynamic. Both amongst ourselves, AND between us and Matty.
Like, back in May? with all the shit that was thrown at us? truly a horrific time. But I was in awe of how mature and kind and patient everyone in this fandom was. nowhere as crazy as some others. And I've seen similar things happen in other fandoms so i have a frame of reference to compare it to. This band draws in the kindest most intelligent and thoughtful people.
Then with Matty, it's hard to explain to others who aren't in the fandom. they all say oh yes yes we get it. it used to be like that for us too. Our fave also used to be online a lot but then stopped. And it's like, no, it's not the same. I know what these people are talking about. I've been in order fandoms where the celeb pulls back as they get more famous, and it's not that. It's different with us because our relationship with Matty has been a TWO WAY STREET. He doesn't just love us because we are the people who comes to his shows and buy his merch. He's PART OF THE COMMUNITY, he loves us like we all love each other and feel like we understand each other because of our shared love for this one thing. This man literally loves his fans and talks to them like he talks to his friends, not like he's an object of our admiration. and thats so rare.
So, I guess those are the things that im sad to lose. but yeah the idiots don't stress me out. I couldn't give a fuck. I'll put a dumbass in their place if need be :)
Thanks for being here and for your message. it makes me feel better to know that its something we're all navigating and figuring out💗
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group-oc-tournament · 11 months
EOTWP dynamics are admittedly................... tense. in a way that's funny to us, but devastating in actual rp. fella who plays tellius, the guy with the horns, made a joke about this audio being the dynamic between yves, my character who is very adamant about tellius being a spoiled, annoying brat with nothing more but a taste for vengeance - and also just. really fucking obsessed with heroism in a career line that edges into what is essentially mercenary work, and tellius himself, who thinks yves is just. cruel and awful for no good, real reason. which yeah completely fair. i can't sit here and explain everything because it would be novel-long explanation but tldr, this particular dynamic between the two compels me. tellius has an intense survivor's instinct that dictates he keep everyone around him safe, no matter what. and yves has a severe martyrdom complex that tells him he has to die for a cause. what cause? doesn't matter. and it's a complex that nearly got him killed, and the same thing that made him realize these desires weren't his own, but something he was taught to do. and realizing this caused him to break temporarily. it was preetty bad. but yea telly saved him from death after yves's mech got blown up and he was forced to crawl at the bottom of the ocean with the weight of gravity pushing down on him and the existential threat of nanites eating him to the bone!!!!!! crazy shit. telly and yves do not get along and yet. telly saved him anyway. even after all of this, the second the team gets to land, while the team is debriefing with the baron about the unfortunate truth about the planet's doom's day, yves. WHO is like 4'11 might i add, tackles a 6'foot something tellius and beats the shit out of him for taking away his call to martyrdom. so that's. that's yves and telly for you. yves also has evil eyes for skink and jeurgen, but it's not as much as he hates telly. skink just pisses him off cuz shes RUTHLESS about her insults. so is yves though, so he just heckles her for being a clone and's been making fun of her for it, and jeurgen? complicated. jeurgen used to be very kind to him, and even with jeurgen's personality change, there is something akin to kindness. but. it's all in vain since as it's been right now? yves doesn't care about any of them, so the party dynamic is very tense whenever yves is there. put jeurgen, skink, and telly in the same room and they're LITRALLY just roommates hanging out... they're so chill... and then there's kuru who i dont know if he ever lived in the mech hangar, he just spawns into existence sometimes and its kind of scary. i dont know where he's from. now elias, his relationship to the group is quite separate, if not strictly professional. he's only really interacted with tellius and there IS a mutual respect there as far as i understand, but nothing much else. he keeps his distance from the team since he's doing his own thing, and only really knows yves personally. well. as emotionally personal as you can get with yves, which isn't much. THIS is a lot i rambled but... animatic is a little funny version of telly and yves's relationship
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