#ashe and d.va ship
chloegamesbroficial · 2 months
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My dancing girl
Art created by me
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wildissylupus · 1 year
My favourite OW ships (not in any order)
Bapssidy/Cowboy Medic - Baptiste x Cassidy
Cashe - Cassidy x Ashe
Yeehan - Cassidy x Hanzo
Spuriken - Genji x Cassidy
Liassidy - Cassidy x Mina Liao
Reaper76 - Reaper x Solider 76
Anahardt - Ana x Reinhardt
Widowtracerly - Widow x Tracer x Emily
Tracily - Tracer x Emily
Raptoramaker/PharahMaker - Pharah x Widowmaker
Mercymaker - Widowmaker x Mercy
Spiderbyte - Widowmaker x Sombra
Jethack/SecurityBreach - Sombra x Pharah
Meihem - Mei x Junkrat
Symbra - Symmetra x Sombra
Symarah - Symmetra x Pharah
Gency - Genji x Mercy
Symrat/Junkmetra - Junkrat x Symmetra
Sneaker GFs/PharahKiri - Kiriko x Pharah
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meibaestars · 11 months
I keep seeing people doing this so this is my official ship list and some explanations. (Hell I may even take writing/drawing requests for the ones I like)
PSA: These are all my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I ask you respect mine, as I'll respect yours.
Genji x Mei (Aka my OTP): At first it was a joke ship bc I simp for Genji and kin Mei, but then it spiraled into thinking it'd be a really cute ship with a unique dynamic. Now they're my faves and I'll NEVER get tired of talking about them
Cassidy x Hanzo
Ramattra x Echo: Saw some cute fanart and it was OVER for me
Ana x Reinhardt
Bap x Mauga
Tracer x Emily
Soldier x Reaper
Gerard x Widowmaker: Their story makes me cry 😭 They both deserve sm better than what the world put them through
~'Like it' ships (aka "This is cute, but I like other ships more")~
Pharah x Mercy
Genji x Zen: This is only here bc Meiji takes top spot. When done right, this ship is so cute puppies and kittens are jealous. I also don't care too much about age difference here because, Zen's a robot.
D.Va x Brigitte
Mei x Zarya: Same situation as Genyatta
Lifeweaver x Bap
Cassidy x Bap: I definitely think Bap canonically has a crush on Cass (I won't break his heart, in at least a few realities they're together)
Mei x Lifeweaver: I've grown pretty fond of this ship and even wrote a fanfic (platonic) about them a while ago. They'd have such a unique dynamic either way, and I definitely am a fan
Lucio x Junkrat
Ashe x Widowmaker
Junkrat x Mei: The age difference has put me off for a while but I can't lie, it's kinda cute
Mei x Zenyatta
~'Meh/Nah' Ships (aka any I'm indifferent or negative abt)~
Genji x Mercy: For those who scream at any ship that's Genji x someone who's not Mercy or vice versa, I don't have a place for you here. To the nice Gency fans who're chill abt this, thank you. I just already have my favorite ship and some of you guys are way too toxic for me to really appreciate the ship. They're still besties in my mind tho, dw
Any type of *ncest: Please leave, thank you.
Any type of b**stiality: Same as *ncest. Leave the poor monkey and hamster (and all other animals) alone.
D.Va x anyone over 24: She's basically a child mentally, it's weird
Junkrat x Roadhog: I definitely think they're more like father/son, and I do NOT like that age difference.
Ramattra x Zen: It's just the fact they call each other 'brother' so often, so my mind is hard-wired to keep it that way
Soldier x Mercy
Sombra x Anyone: Sex-repulsed aro-ace Sombra supremacy 🙌🙌🙌 (queerplatonic is good tho), Bap's the only sorta-exception
And that's all for ships. I have a ton more but this is already a long post so I'm gonna end it here. Anything catch your eye? Pls let me know! Also here is the link to my ship chart which I'll update occasionally (so it's a bit less hectic):
(Btw I'll be editing this as I see fit and changing different ships most likely)
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diverbots · 11 months
really late for the lgbt+ headcanons thing but imma go on a tangent about what me and my sister think lol so many apologies for long
Lucio, Kiriko, Hanzo, Cassidy, Angela, Widow, Ashe, and Moira are all trans.
Moira definitely did her own surgery and stuff, we think she’s nonbinary and goes by she/her. There’s so much and so little gender packed in her.
We like joking that Cassidy at some point traded his arm for a third leg, and have a whole bunch of thoughts about Hanzo being trans in the Shimada clan, but it can be shortened down to the clan being misogynistic like “at least you’re not a woman…”
We also think that Genji and Angela dated during the old Overwatch or whatever that time was called, but Genji had a fling with Cassidy, and Angela also had a fling with a woman. And then Genji and Angela break up but are still really good friends, like such good besties, I cannot stress this enough. (Both Genji and Angela helped each other find bisexuality or something lol)
Later on, Fareeha (lesbian), Angela (bisexual) and Satya (pansexual) all get together in a relationship (Sympharmercy!!!!).
Also Satya and Niran are pansexual besties and tried dating each other back in college, but it did not feel right.
Then Genji (bisexual) got with Zenyatta a bit after meeting him. Zenyatta is unlabeled at the moment.
Then Cassidy (unlabeled but likes anyone with tits lmao) and Hanzo (gay) got together somewhere in current Overwatch.
And when Genji, Kiriko, and Hanzo all meet again, Genji thinks that he’ll surprise them with the biggest change, being a cyborg and all, but nope, Kiriko and Hanzo transitioned. He kinda anticipated Hanzo, but he was not aware that Kiriko was trans and was like “WOAH”
It’s also pretty funny to think that Yeehan and Ouihaw are both t4t, we both enjoy making connections between the two.
Speaking of which, we think that Ashe is an aro lesbian, and Widow is unlabeled but leans towards women.
Also Brigitte (lesbian), D.Va (bisexual), and Kiriko (unlabeled) are all together (Mechamekanicfox!!!!!), with D.Va also being with D.Mon (the workwife lmao).
We also find it very funny with all of the relationships people have, like people being exes and then familial relations, like Cassidy having a fling with Genji as teenagers and then getting into a committed relationship with Hanzo like 20 years later.
And also my sister’s crack ship that we ended up really liking: Sojourn and Echo. Sojourn is bisexual and Echo is a hopeless romantic lesbian, yet very very clueless. They do not get enough attention, so therefore should be together.
There’s so much more but this is way too long LMAOOOO, but basically polyamory and exes and relationship history are so much fun.
I LOVE YOUR HEADCANONS (also symmpharahmercy… your mind…) but also I. Love Sojourn/Echo cause I kinda paired Sojourn and Dr. Liao together for funsies… Also Genji and Mercy having a relationship together but inevitably figured out they weren’t right for each other but still support each other and became besties, absolutely goated. We are literally on the same wavelength on like most of these headcanons NFNSNSF.
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planetaryplut0 · 1 year
overwatch 2 ages because it’s interesting to know if your favorite ship is creepy or not
Ana: 60
Ashe: 39
Baptiste: 36
Bastion: 30
Brigitte: 23
Cassidy/McCree: 37
D.Va: 19
Doomfist: 45
Echo: Classified
Genji: 35
Hanzo: 38
Junker Queen: 35-40
Junkrat: 25
Kiriko: Early 20s
Lifeweaver: 29
Lúcio: 26
Mei: 31 (biologically); 40s (bodily/chronologically)
Mercy: 37
Moira: 48
Orisa: Less than a year
Pharah: 32
Ramattra: 20s-30s
Reaper: 58
Reinhardt: 61
Roadhog: 48
Sigma: 62
Sojourn: 50s
Soldier: 76: 40s-50s
Sombra: 30
Symmetra: 28
Torbjörn: 57
Tracer: 26
Widowmaker: 33
Winston: 29
Wrecking Ball: 14
Zarya: 28
Zenyatta: 20
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flavoredstrawberry · 1 year
Looking For Discord RP Partners !!
Hello ! I don't really have a name name but I'm 19 yo it/they looking for some partners to roleplay with from various fandoms !! Notably Hermitcraft , DSMP , Valorant , Overwatch , ect . I'd prefer my roleplay partners to be 18+ please just because it makes me more comfortable as an adult :)
more info on who i write , ships , plus my discord ⇣
Muses I write:
Overwatch: Hanzo , Cassidy , Genji , Mercy , Sigma , Sombra , Widowmaker , Lucio , Zenyatta , Lynx17 , D.Va , Junkrat .
MCYT: Xisumavoid , WilburSoot , Grian , Cubfan135 , Quackity , Mumbo , Tommyinnit , Philza , Dream , Etho , Bdoubleo100 , Schlatt , Zedaph , Tangotek , Fundy , Iskall85 , Solidarity , Technoblade , Aimsey , George , Sapnap .
Valorant: Fade , Killjoy , Chamber , Cypher , Omen , Sage , Yoru .
Genshin: Aether , Venti .
Misc: Dipper Pines , Stanley Pines , Jinx/Powder , Viktor , Haru Kato , Doctor Who (11th) , Pearl , Lapis , Peridot , Frisk , Crona , Connor (DBH) , Peter Parker , Aizawa , Deku , Piers , Bede , Link (totk) , Amanda Oneill , Lottey Anson , Sucy Manbavaran , Nick Hoult , Niel Hoult (all saint's street) , Dr . Flug .
Ships I Enjoy:
Hanzo/Cassidy , Cassidy/Genji , Ashe/Mercy , Pharah/Mercy , Lucio/Doomfist , Widowmaker/Ashe , Zenyatta/Genji , Soldier/Reaper , Lynx17/Zarya , Kiriko/D.Va , Soldier/Genji .
Wilbur/Schlatt , Quackity/Wilbur , Xisuma/Keralis , Biffa/Xisuma , Scar/Grian , Grian/Mumbo , Cubfan/Scar , Dream/Wilbur , Etho/Bdubs , Sapnap/Karl , Quackity/Sapnap , Dream/Awesamdude , Fundy/Dream , Zedaph/Tango/Impulse , Wilbur/Schlatt/Quackity , Solidary/Scott , Mumbo/Iskall
Killjoy/Raze , Sage/Jett , Sage/Reyna , Yoru/Chamber/Phoenix , Cypher/Omen/Chamber
Haru Kato/Daisuke Kambe
Aizawa/Allmight , Aizawa/Present Mic
Piers/Leon , Raihan/Piers
Link/Zelda , Link/Ganon
Dr. Flug/ Black Hat
(I'm not opposed to most ships so just ask if you want a specific one or even if there might be a fandom I haven't mentioned here you are interested in , I also do ocs . )
I perfer my partners to be 18+ so we could add sexual roleplay to our plots and ideas , it also makes me more comfortable as a 19 year old to have a partner above age .
Kinks: Public Sex , Humilation , Impregnation , Dubious Consent , Bondage , Oral Fixtation , Omorashi , Edging , Over Stimulation , Degradtion , Praise , Object Insertion , Pet Play , Spanking , ect .
Like before if there is something you are interested in not listed just ask . I'm not super picky about these things and I do not expect sexual roleplay immediately or at all . The option , however , is nice to have . Also , I do perfer the submissive role in these things , I can subtop or dombottom but not domtop , thank you for understanding .
I'm also more than open for alternate universes , ocs , supers heros , medieval , I love that shit . Also as a transmasc some characters I write will be transed based on how I'm feeling .
Finally !
add my discord to write/discuss: voidedfern#8997 <3
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roleplayfinder · 5 months
Hello, hello! I'm looking for anyone willing to do any canon x oc (doubles optional; can do canon x canon or canon x oc on your end) for Overwatch?
In terms of specifics, I have a female Talon OC that I ship with Sigma. I can roleplay as most Talon members (excluding Mauga and Doomfist) and a handful of Overwatch/misc. members (mainly D.Va, Ashe, Cassidy, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, and Soldier 76). You can ask about specific characters not mentioned, but there's a small chance I may say no?
I have a plot in mind for Sigma and my OC, but I don't mind adding on or changing it to meet your tastes as well. It is primarily going to be an exploration of their dynamic and how it changed after Sigma's accident, yet stayed the same in other aspects.
I do have a Spotify playlist, Pin board, a ToyHouse page with art, and lots of notes on my OC, so I am absolutely okay if you don't have as much or even more to bring to the table. I just want to get back to some Overwatch roleplays.
If interested or have questions, please like the post OR contact @/viridian-artist/my Discord viridianartist/viridianartist_#8372!! I AM SO 20 YEARS OLD SO NO ONE UNDER 18 PLEASE.
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by-ag-mn · 6 months
My overwatch ships
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Don (oc) x Maximilien
Cassidy x Hanzo - Yeehan (Mchanzo before)
Junker Queen x Sojourn
Moira x Sigma
Doomfist x Lucio (doomcio)
Ramattra x Lifeweaver
Widowmaker x Ashe (ouihaw)
Orisa x Bastion
Baptiste x Soldier76
Mauga x Reaper
Junkrat x Roadhog
Canon (or close) with im fine:
Tracer x Emily
Genji x Mercy
Ana x Reinhardt
Torbjörn x Ingrid
Just my ships:
Symmetra x Zenyatta
Brigitte x Pharah
Winston x Hammond (🌚)
Mei x Illari
Bob x Echo
Kiriko x D.Va
Zarya x Sombra
Ships what i don't like:
Reinhardt x Brigitte
Ashe x Cassidy
Lucio x D.va
Widowmaker x Tracer
Mauga x Baptiste
Ramattra x Zenyatta
Ship i hate:
Incest ships
Hetero ships with gay or lesbian characters
Symmetra x Lifeweaver x Don
Symmetra x Hanzo
Baptiste x Sombra
Mei x Dva
Kiriko x Shimada Brothers
Tracer x Winston
Maximilien x Ramattra
Torbjörn x Bastion
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valeffelees · 11 months
as many as you want for ovw just bc i am curious to your opinions :3c
the character everyone gets wrong
giving fandom the most bombastic fucking side-eye for the way they do a lot of the characters, but one i think people actually get wrong-wrong more often than they get him right is genji. i feel like most of fandom just, fundamentally misunderstands both who he used to be and who he currently is. i don't think they grasp his motivations or know how to get into his head.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
that group of hanzo/cassidy, ashe/cassidy, and sombra/cassidy fans who used to fight fucking constantly. like, i dunno if they're still going at it or if they've finally learned to block and move on, but the old slash-cassidy ship wars killed me, LOL.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
i have nightmares about gremlin d.va to this day.
9. worst part of canon
why the fuck are all the Japanese characters spirit-wielding ninjas? ☠️ come on now.
10. worst part of fanon + 15. that one thing you [used to] see in fanart all the time
i have nightmares about dainty porcelain-skinned malewife hanzo to this day.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
i step up to the mic and announce, "himbo cole cassidy isn't real." the crowd starts to boo me off stage, but then we hear someone shout from the back, "it's true." everyone turns around and... oh my god, it's cole cassidy! but actually, i haven't read an overwatch fic in a whole minute, but i really hope fandom has grown out of making cole cassidy stupid. like, y'all know there is no fucking world where that man is stupid, right? cass might want you to think he's stupid, but he could strategize fucking circles around you, buddy.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
i'll start crying stomach acid if i still have to call bapweaver a rarepair one year from now.
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findroleplay · 5 months
Hello, hello! I'm looking for anyone willing to do any canon x oc (doubles optional; can do canon x canon or canon x oc on your end) for Overwatch?
In terms of specifics, I have a female Talon OC that I ship with Sigma. I can roleplay as most Talon members (excluding Mauga and Doomfist) and a handful of Overwatch/misc. members (mainly D.Va, Ashe, Cassidy, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, and Soldier 76). You can ask about specific characters not mentioned, but there's a small chance I may say no?
I have a plot in mind for Sigma and my OC, but I don't mind adding on or changing it to meet your tastes as well. It is primarily going to be an exploration of their dynamic and how it changed after Sigma's accident, yet stayed the same in other aspects.
I do have a Spotify playlist, Pin board, a ToyHouse page with art, and lots of notes on my OC, so I am absolutely okay if you don't have as much or even more to bring to the table. I just want to get back to some Overwatch roleplays.
If interested or have questions, please like the post OR contact @/viridian-artist/my Discord viridianartist/viridianartist_#8372!!
I forgot to add that I am 20 and don't want anyone under 18 to interact
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chiefatticcreator · 1 year
Favourite ships for each of your fandoms? One of each.
Taimanin asagi: Mhm... not sure, sicne there are very few guys. Maybe Tatsurou x Rinko? But it's more because i love icnest and fidn rinko hot.
Overwatch: A few years back i would have said Soldier: 76 x Mercy, but now i'd say ti's soldier: 76 x Ana most of the time. On non-smut version, it's either Brigitte x Pharah or D.va x Lucio.
Mass Effect: M!shepard x Ashley williams. Ash was probably my first video game crush ever.
World of Warcraft: Mhmmm... No actual ship i particularly like. Maybe Anduin x Tess? But maybe not? I haven't really thought about WoW from a shipping angle ever. when ti comes to smut, male!worgen x female draenei/bloodelf/night elf is fantastic
Final Fantasy VII: Cloud x Tifa. I don't particulalry care about Cloud as a whole, but he is very cute with tifa.
Dragon age: Leliana x Alistair or Bethany x hawke. First is because it's a classic but i like it. second is because Bethany was one of the handful of charatcers i didn't hate in that game.
Naruto: Again, classic and obvious, but Shikamaru x Temari was the first time i actually gave a thought abotu shipping.
Dragon ball: Yamcha x Bulma, I guess. I only read a handful of Dragon ball volume and saw some DBZ episode, and i didn't particularly care about the series or the ships within.
Bleach: Toshiro x Rangiku. I'm not sure why, but i really like their dynamic, and matsumoto is really hot, and (pun aisde) toshiro is cool
Pokemon: There are ships?
Miraculous Ladybug: Adrien x Kagami. marinette's stammerign and osession with Adrien got grating after a bit
Skyrim: Dragonborn x Serena, i guess?
Witcher: Geralt x Triss. Sorry yen, but i played the first game before reading the book, and she came a s a bit of a bitch in the books (and didn't have much of an impact on me)
RWBY: I know almost nothing about the series.
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chloegamesbroficial · 2 months
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Selfie with my wife
Art created by me
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abyssnighthawk · 1 year
My OC / Overwatch Ships
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My ships
so these are my OTP’s in overwatch I have several different sets of ships
set number 1
Mercykill (Mercy x Reaper)
Meihem (Mei x Junkrat)
Pharaties (Pharah x Babties)
D.luca (D.va x Luceo)
Hanzomaker (Widowmaker x Hanzo)
Somji (Sombra x Genji)
Anaheart (Ana x Rienhart)
Sioma (Moira x Sigma)
Birgfist (Doomfist x Brigitte)
Mcash (Ash x Mcree)
Oristan (Bastion x Orisa)
Echob (Bob x Echo)
Set number 2
the people and ships I don't mention are just the same as set 1
Mercy76 (Mercy x Soldier 76)
Pharrat (Pharah x Junkrat)
Reapermaker (Widowmaker x Reaper)
Mcsombra (Mcree x Sombra)
Trenji (Tracer x Genji)
Monzo (Mei x Honzo)
extras  these ones are just ships that don’t have a set
Mcwidow (Widowmaker x Mcree)
Genjimaker (Genji x Widowmaker)
D.onza (D.va x Hanzo)
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emile-hides · 4 years
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I’m sure this has been done and in better quality but here’s my hot take.
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Gimme that 💕Overwatch!!
Yeeeeees thankyou very much!! I was working on a craft project and really hurt my hand here so I need something else to brainrot on so bless!!
Right out the gate; Anything with Junkrat. Anything. I could ship this man to the moon and back.
Roadrat is PEAK
Meihem??? Also fantastic
Boombox?? My life to two dumb 20-seomthings
Roadhog/Mei/Junkrat polycule? Chefs kiss
Lucio/Junkrat/D.Va polycule?? Cute, quality, dumbass friendgroup vibes
Junkrat/Cassidy and Junkrat/Ashe are right in the same area for me, I think Junkrat would love the cowboy aesthetic
Junk/Rein but in the Junkenstien version??? Yes. King shit.
Junkrat/Brigitte is so funny to me they would build so much dumb shit together and end up in the hospital for sure
I saw Junkrat/Zenyatta like twice and I've never recovered
Any ship with Junkrat will sail in my waters, I love him and think he would smooch just about anyone. Outside of him....
I am not immune to vanilla ass Gabriel Reyes/Jack Morrison dad gays
Cassidy/Genji is just so??? Peak. The vibes. Friends in a horrid situation making each other worse to separate growth to rekindled and healthier love?? Absolute GOLD
Moira/Mercy has so many vibes. They are Wine Aunts. They are Overworked and underappreciated lab partners. They are a bitter divorce. The R76 of WLW I'd say.
Someone asked what if Roadhog and Mercy kissed and I honestly never recovered from it. When pigs fly. I love them. Big man tiny wife.
Roadhog/Reinhart, just a couple old men. Chefs kiss especially when paired with Junk/Brig
If Sigma and Doctor Harold Winston didn't makeout on the moon base I will eat my hat I love my space dads!!
Mauga/Baptiste is the single greatest rarepair in Overwatch and if the second Mauga is in OW2 they don't become fandom peak I'm going to beat someone with a hammer
Also Mauga/Bap/Sombra Talon polycule I think is fantastic
I also think Lucio and Doomfist are cute I don't know their dynamic at all but the size difference and the chance to see Akande looking soft makes fantastic fanart
Zarya and Brigitte is very very peak butch woman girlfriends and I love them
Ashe/Widowmaker is good for both the drastic difference in vibes and also their ship name is Ouihaw
Someone’s been putting a lot of Zenyatta/Cassidy on my dash lately and with ever post I am getting closer to being right there on the boat with them
Some honorable mentions I don't have many thoughts on but certainty get a thumbs up are like
Tracer/Emily (Love to the canon queers)
Sombra/D.Va (gamer girlfriends)
Sombra/Baptiste (they are exes for sure tho)
Widowmaker/Hanzo (Queerplatonics)
On top of all this, I wish I had someone I shipped Winston with. I LOVE Winston, he's so cute and sweet and honestly the most well balanced functional man in the game, and I wish he had someone to smooch.
Like me.
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