#ashton irwin x plus size reader
hey 5sos fam
I’m looking for more fic recs with plus sized reader, because ya girl wants to feel seen
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hollandsmushroom · 5 years
So, I’m an Ashton Girl, and fetus Ash kills me lol so maybe pre 5SOS era? When he still had the highlights and the fringe. Reader is new to school and gets bullied because of her weight. Ash likes her though and he goes out of his way to eat lunch with her and help her find all her classes and they sit together out on the quad during their free periods and just fluffy cute until he builds up the nerve to make a move?
Sorry this took a while, I had something really emotionally difficult happen to me in the middle of writing this, I am also sorry that its not the exact thing that you wanted and that it’s not that well written, anyhoodle, lots of love. 
Also Quick Reminder: Y’all, people can say hurtful things and the reason they say them is because they are unhappy with who they are, it has absolutely no reflection of who you are!!! Some comments used throughout this are things that have been said to me so they are not made up to romanticize bullying.
No one likes being the new kid, well, no sane person at least, and this is one instance where you could be considered mostly sane(okay, sorry, that was a joke, no shade). You hated being the new kid and you knew this having been the new kid a few times before. You were always targeted for your weight because kids find joy in tearing each other down, you had hoped that this school would be different, spending the night before your first day in your room trying to find something inconspicuous to wear, something that wouldn’t draw attention. As soon as you walked through the doors of Richmond High School you could tell that it was going to be just like any other school you had attended, that with little time passing you would be called out for the ways your thighs touched. You knew that it wouldn’t be long but you didn’t expect it to be within your first day, usually it takes people a coupled days to get over the whole “new girl” thing and begin mocking you, but no, not Richmond High, they got over the curiosity of a new girl with in seconds of seeing you, they didn’t even know your name before they started tearing in,
“Hey, hey, new girl, why are you so fat?” a boy, who you could tell always acted like he knew everything, yelled at you from his group of friends, leaning against the lockers with his arms crossed. You tucked your head down, pretending that you hadn’t heard him, picking up your walking speed before you realized you had no clue where you were supposed to be going, you held you schedule tight in your hands, the paper crumpled at the edges from your grip. You were distracted, trying to rid the echoes of the boys words from your head and find your class. Hurrying though the halls you ran into the chest of a purple shirted boy with a toothy grin and a blonde fringe that rivaled any other fringe you had seen.
“Wow, hey, you okay,” the boy spoke, his voice still not having dropped entirely, you didn’t know how to respond, he looked kind and goofy and like he shouldn’t be talking to the new girl who just got called out for being bigger than the people around her.
“Uhm, yea, yea, I am just looking for m-my class,” you stumbled over your
“Let me help you,” he immediately offered, he smiled kindly at you “Here, let me see your schedule,” he extended his hand for you to place your schedule in, you did as he asked, handing him the crumpled information. “Hey we have the same classes for 1st, 3rd, and 6th, the other ones I can walk you to if you’d like?”
“That would be lovely, but, um can I know your name before you become my escort,” you blushed, looking into his eyes
“Oh, yeah, I Ashton Irwin, and you are?”
“I am Y/n,” you giggled slightly, he seemed much more grown up than anyone you had seen at the school so far
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/n,” he reached out his hand for you to shake
“Same goes for you,” taking his hand in yours
The warning bell rung through the halls and without warning Ashton began pulling you along the hall
“Come on, we’ll be late for class” he spoke as he kept pulling you to you shared class.
You reached the classroom with seconds to spare, you assumed that once you reached the sanctuary of the classroom that Ashton would drop your hand but he didn’t, he clung to your hand pulling you to the back of the class room, making you sit in the seat next to him. He dropped your hand as class began, you were called to the front of introduce yourself, to scared to look up see anyone else in your class you looked at the only person in the school that had been kind to you, Ashton and he met your gaze happily.
You followed everyone out of the room as class ended, you found the highlighted fringed boy that you had met earlier that day, he was waiting for you it appeared, and you were correct.
That is how it went on he would meet you after class and walk you to your next class, and it wasn’t just for the first few days, he continued to do it long after you had learned where your classes were. On the first day, during lunch break you ate with Ashton, and thats how things continued for the next couple weeks. He was really your only friend at the school.
Around 2 months into beginning of the school, the boy who had yelled at you on the first day of hadn’t relented in his abuse and you hadn’t shared this burden with anyone else, and you could only hope that Ashton wouldn’t find out, you would be mortified.
You walked into the school, fully expecting the relentless attack on your appearance from cruel locker boy.
“Hey, I have seen you have been hanging out with Irwin lately, hope you don’t believe he’ll ever fall for you, your not the type of person anyone could ever fall in love with, I mean, look at you,” he waved his hand gesturing from head to toe. It was the cruelest thing he had said to you so far, and his words caused your stoic exterior to break, you ran, not any specific place just away from him. You found a place in the alley behind the school where no one ever went, you slid down against the wall your back getting cut by the concrete of the school. Curling into your legs, you buried your face in your knees, your pants becoming wet with tears.
You didn’t know how long you had been there, you only knew that the boys words were still in your head. You heard footsteps approaching you causing you to curl tighter into yourself not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment.
“Y/n…Y/n…Y/n,” a familiar voice called your name, trying to figure out where you had hidden. “Oh my god, there you are,” you heard the same voice repeat and before you could remove your head from your knees you felt arms wrap around you, pulling you in-between their legs. Having become accustomed to the voice, and the scent, and the more affectionate side of Ashton, you curled into his chest, still crying your eyes out, dampening the purple shirt that Ashton loved so much.
You stayed like this for a while, curled into his arms as your breathing became progressively more regular. When you finally pulled away Ashton had a big dark purple spot in the middle of his chest, the fabric having darkened a shade with your tears. He reached a drumstick calloused hand out to wipe the tears from under your eyes.
“Y/n, I heard what they said to you,” he mumbled looking into your blood shot orbs, “ And can I just say, what they said, it’s not true,” having gained further composure you mustered up the power to speak
“W-what do you mean?” you spoke with a broken voice. Without a word he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours with the built up lust of 2 months behind them. He pulled away, but not to far, just far enough so that when he spoke his lips still brushed over yours, his fringe against your forehead as he leaned his head on yours
“I mean that what they said isn’t true, that no one could ever fall in love with you is the biggest falsehood I have ever heard,” he pressed his lips to yours once again before returning to the minimal distance between you two, “I know this because I sure as hell have fallen for you, and I hope you feel the same,”
“Then today’s your lucky day because I do feel the same,”
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cheekysos · 4 years
Between Hate and Lust
Ashton Irwin x Plus Size Reader
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Author’s Note: I plan to make this multiple parts if anyone is interested in reading more. I tried something new and included Ashton’s POV in this one so feedback is much appreciated. It’s not the best and its a little short but part two will be longer, if you even want part two. I also want to thank @petuniaisawildflower​ for letting me talk ideas and give me feedback.  I’m not writing this series to exclude any body type, shape, or size because everyone’s bodies should be accepted and celebrated. So I am very sorry if this in any way excludes anyone, that is not my intention. If there’s anything you’d like to read please leave a request in my asks and I will try my best to do it justice. If you have any feedback or ideas for part three please let me know.    
Summary: Y/N hates Ashton from school. Now they’re adults, maid of honor and best man at the same wedding, and forced to be civil.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of bullying, and mentions of sexual tension
Always a bridesmaid never a bride is exactly how you would describe your life right now. For whatever reason it seemed like everyone you knew was getting married. Normally you wouldn’t mind, you actually kind of loved weddings but right now you couldn’t help but feel cynical. You just caught your boyfriend cheating on you.
Your best friend was getting married and asked you to be her maid of honor. Obviously you were happy for her and you wanted to be a part of her special day, you just wish it wasn’t opposite of him. Ashton Irwin, the best man at the wedding and your sworn enemy since school. He was loud, outgoing and hung out with the douchiest boys at your school. Boys who were responsible for ruining many kids school experience, including your own. The group of boys mainly made fun of your appearance, specifically your weight and even though Ashton never contributed to the name calling he didn’t stop it either. You can remember on multiple occasions standing there being tormented by their words, fighting back the tears and you’d look over at Ashton, desperate for him to intervene and he’d instantly look away and stare at the ground.
You thought you had gotten rid of him once his shitty band started to take off but somehow he managed to stay close friends with groom and now you were forced to not only be civil with him for the day but walk down the aisle along side him.
It’s been about 8 years since you saw him last, in person that is. You’d never admit it out loud but every now and then your curiosity got the better of you and you checked in on him online. It was easy to do since he somehow managed to become famous. As much as he annoyed you it annoyed you even more that you found him attractive. It was obvious from the photos on google that he was starting to fill out, really finding himself and style. His arms were muscular and decorated with ink and his torso was broad and toned and shit was he talented.
When you first found out Ashton was going to be the best man you were annoyed yes but at least you had your boyfriend to fall back on but now you had no one to escape to if things got bad. Not only do you have to be a kick ass maid of honor but you also have to avoid your asshole ex and deal with your arch enemy.
Tonight was the rehearsal dinner and the first time you would be seeing Ashton. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t spend extra time on your hair and makeup and spend weeks picking out the perfect dress. You didn’t want to look good for him, you wanted to look good for yourself and to show him that you were hot and confident despite everything that was said to you at school.
You decided on a pastel pink midi dress with cold shoulder straps paired with some wedges. You pulled up to the restaurant early. You made sure to give yourself plenty of time to get there and help out anyway you could. Your stomach was in knots as you made your way inside, you hated that he could still get a reaction from you after all these years.
You walked up towards the stunning bride and greeted her with a big hug.
“You look gorgeous!” You gushed.
“Looked who’s talking,” she replied. “This is supposed to be my night.” The two of you banter back and forth for awhile until other guests start trickling in.
“I should go greet everyone. Please try to be civil with Ash tonight,” she pleaded. You made a disgusted face and sighed.
Your next stop was at the bar, there was no way you were getting through this without a little liquid courage. With a drink in hand you started to walk around the room greeting the bride’s family you recognized. You were caught up in your conversation with the flower girl and two drinks deep when you saw him.
Ashton’s POV
It felt strange being home after so long, going to a wedding where there are bound to be people from school. Like almost everyone else in the world you did things as a teenager you weren’t proud of but there was one thing you were particularly ashamed of and you would be forced to address it most likely tonight. Your friends in high school were complete assholes, with the exception of the groom obviously but he went to a different school. They bullied a lot of different kids and although sometimes you did put them in their place you never did it for her. Y/N. They picked on her more than most and one time you said something to them after she had ran off and they made fun of you for weeks saying how you had a crush on her and how you were a ‘chubby chaser.’ It shouldn’t have bothered you as much as it did but you were young and stupid and you did actually have a crush on her. She was kind, funny, smart and pretty. Now you’re here however many years later about to be best man beside a maid of honor who probably hates you.
As soon as you walked into the room you started to scan the crowd for her, embarrassingly you checked the brides Instagram every now and then to see if she posted pictures with Y/N so you knew how she’s grown into her beauty. While you were searching the bride and groom greeted you.
“Ash, Thanks so much for coming and being a part of our big day!” The bride greeted as she hugged you.
“Course! Thanks for having me,” you hugged her and your best friend.
“Grab a drink, mate and find your seat we’re going to get started in a bit. You’re at the big table with us.” You nod and find your way to the bar to order a whisky. While you’re waiting for your drink, you finally see her. Shit, she looks beautiful. She’s practically glowing as she stands there talking to two young kids. Her smile lights up the room and her body in that dress was enough to make your trousers tight. You were definitely staring when the two of you locked eyes. It was now or never you thought to yourself as you slowly started to walk towards her. What were you going to say? Should you introduce yourself? Or assume she remembers you? What if she thinks your a dick for assuming? You don’t want her to think you’re a conceited prick. Shit, she was even prettier the closer you got and her smell was intoxicating.
Fuck he’s walking over and my god was he sexy. His black hair was slicked back and he was wearing fitted black trousers, a polka button up, and a black blazer. You tried to push all the nasty thoughts out of your brain, reminding yourself that you hated him. Your breath hitches in your throat as got closer.
“Hi I’m Ashton the best man,” he introduced himself as if he didn’t remember you at all. What a prick.
“Seriously?” You scoffed. “We went to the same school but I shouldn’t be surprised considering you’re a big rockstar now.” And with that you walked away. Of course he didn’t remember you, it was stupid of you to think he would.
But Ashton didn’t let it go. He swiftly made his way in front of you.
“Woah, I know we went to school together, was just tryna be polite hun,” his hand reached out to touch your arm and your blood started to boil. You instinctively pulled away.
“Oh so now you care about being polite?” You snapped. “And don’t call me hun, I have a name. Let’s do everyone a favor and speak as little as humanly possible.”
Ashton’s smile dropped and his face got red. He opened his mouth to respond but was cut off when they clanked glasses and asked everyone to take their seats. Although you were forced to sit at the same table, you were thankful it wasn’t right next to each other. You did your best to ignore him the rest of the night but you could feel his eyes on you every so often. It made you self conscious and aroused all at the same time.
Ashton’s POV
What the hell? That didn’t go how you planned at all. She wouldn’t even give you a chance to explain yourself, she instantly shot down your throat. It was kind of rude but you probably deserved it but you also deserved a chance to apologize don’t you?
You wished that the two of you were seated next to each other so you would have another chance to apologize. Unfortunately you were sat across the table from her. You didn’t mean to stare but the way her lips wrapped around the fork and her tongue traced her lips was truly mesmerizing. You mind raced with thoughts of that pretty mouth all over you specifically around your cock.
She stood up and excused herself from the table. You waited a few few minutes before you did the same, you needed another chance to apologize. It was obvious that your dirty thoughts had zero percent chance of coming true but you were hoping there was a way she’d listen to you.
You excused yourself from the table and practically sprinted to the bathroom, you needed to get away from him. You couldn’t take those eyes on you any longer, you were minutes away from jumping across the table to either punch him in the face or jump his bones.
You caught your breath and touched up your makeup before you swung open the bathroom door revealing Ashton leaning against the wall.
He started to walk towards you, “look y/n I’m sorry about everything.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I swear I did say something to those twats once but they just started teasing me saying all this shit...”
You cut him off with a sarcastic laugh. “That must have been so hard for you, being tease that one time.” Your anger started to take control as you stepped closer to him.
“Look I’m trying to apologize but your not letting me. I’m not saying you have to accept it but you could at least be fucking civil and let me finish.” He scolded.
“You think now that you’re a big rockstar you deserve to be forgiven?” The space between you two was practically nonexistent. It took a lot for you to not attack those stupid lips of his.
“Quit fucking sayin’ that will ya? I’m gonna say what I have to say and you’re gonna stop bitching for two seconds and listen.” Ashton hissed. “Unless you need some help keeping that pretty mouth shut.”
That was it, you were practically putty standing in front of him. You wanted to be mad at him, to hate him but you were so turned on. You tried to remain your composure to form together a witty retort but as soon as your mouth opened Ashton’s index finger was pressed against your ample lips.
“I was young and stupid but it’s no excuse for not standing up for you. I knew it was wrong and I’ve thought about for years. I’m truly sorry for everything they said to you and I wish there was a way to make it right.” He removed his finger and stood back but still kept eye contact. 
  You could feel the tears pooling in your eyes, you had waited years to hear that. Your head was overflowing with so many different emotions you didn’t know what to do first. Just as you were about to say something to Ashton the two of you were interrupted by someone walking past to use the bathroom. And this time Ashton was the one walking away, leaving you standing alone in dim lit hallway with a whole lot of thoughts and feelings.
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irwinkitten · 4 years
you can’t stop | a.i
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notes: so this was an idea that came up when i first started screaming to @spicycal​ about broadway!ash and then i spiralled because i started listening to the hairspray soundtrack and said the magical words ‘my head has got ashton playing link in hairspray and my mind won't shut!! up!!' and honestly it was one of the first things i started screaming at sarah about and it’s how we became friends because we’re musical nerds (read: clowns) and this idea wouldn’t leave me alone thus this was born. (also there is a part two in the works!) pairing: broadway!ash x plus sized female!reader warnings: a few swears but that’s it? word count: 2.3k
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When you stepped into rehearsals on the first day, it took some time to fully register that you were the leading lady of the show and not just a background character. You knew that today was all about breaking the ice, so to speak. 
You knew that over the years, your sense of humour had developed because of the kids you’d grown up with, the people who still made you feel uncomfortable about your weight, and you had turned it back on them.
So when they got to you, you grinned as you gave them your name and who you were playing.
“Don’t know if the extra weight gave it away, but I’m playing Tracey Turnblad. This is my first time as a lead character and the only way I break ice is by jumping on it.” It took a full second before the other actors started laughing, the director wearing a short grin as the atmosphere relaxed.
It was certainly more easier on your nerves than you’d anticipated because everyone had laughed and you let out a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding as the others introduced themselves.
And then your eyes fell onto the final person.
“My name’s Ashton, feel free to call me Ash. Can you guess who I’m going to be playing? Although, unlike our leading lady, it could be a difficult guess.” And for the first time in your career, you wanted to punch that stupid self satisfied smug look off his face. 
A few people tittered nervously, but you just snorted in response. You’d heard worse from directors.
‘You only have to deal with him for the next two years.’ You told yourself firmly. 
The first ten weeks were rehearsals. Normally it would’ve been six weeks, but since it was an entirely new cast, the producer had opted for the extra time to help the cast bond since this show run was going to be two years to start with. Opening night was far enough away that you could surprise your family, since you’d kept this job quiet from them.
As you began the warm ups, the director—who had introduced himself as Evan—moved you front and centre. 
“Right, I want to start off with your vocal range. We’ll have other duets fall in as we change the songs but keep it to mostly your songs before we move to ensemble. Once we know the ranges of you lot, our lovely composer Brian,” he waved out to the man who was leaning against one of the walled mirrors in the studio, “will be able to figure out if we need to change any songs.”
It wasn’t so much as brutal, but it put you through your paces. You realised quickly that this was certainly going to be a welcome challenge for you.
Ashton remained smug throughout his parts and it took everything in you to not slap the silly smirk off his face when it got to your duets. But you resisted, matching him pace for pace which surprised him.
When the first break hit, you were feeling warm as you took some water and the actress playing Maybelle—Jace—stepped up to you, braids piled up on her head as she lifted her water bottle in a toast to you. 
“So, first time being the leading lady, huh?” And you smiled. 
“I’ve been working as just an ensemble cast member for the last few years. I jumped at the chance for the audition with Evan and when I got the call back, I knew it was gonna be what I needed.” You shared a grin with Jace. 
A few other cast members came up to you. It was when the one who was playing Amber bounced over, her blonde hair tied back in a high ponytail, bouncing with her movements. 
It took you a second to remember her name was Cassie. 
“So you’re going to be my enemy for the foreseeable future.” Her tone was teasing, the grin on her lips disarming you for a second. 
“I mean, I guess?” You felt confused and she grinned. 
“Reckon we can be friends?” This had you relaxing instantly. 
“Don’t see the harm in that. And maybe when you’re in character you can teach Irwin good manners.” Cassie laughed as she slung her arm across your shoulders and looped her other with Jace’s 
“That man might be a good actor but if you get him to learn some good manners I think the gods would bless you.” 
When the day finished, both Cassie and Jace were convincing you to come out with them for drinks. And despite the hesitation, you couldn’t say no to their pleading faces.
“Is your place close by?” Cassie finally asked and you could feel a smile settle on your lips. 
“If you’ve already got stuff to change into, we can get ready at my apartment?” The offer was met with an immediate agreement, both girls split from you and began inviting others to the night out. 
You’d made fast friends with both of them by the time you were dressed up with a splash of makeup on. As the three of you left, it felt nice as you laughed at Cassie’s imitation of Ashton. 
“Hi, I’m Ashton Irwin and I’m a cocky son of a bitch who doesn’t like meeting new people.” Her tone and pitch had the two of you cracking up as you waited for the lift. When Cassie had pitched the invite to him, he’d rolled his eyes and told her that he had better plans. It certainly hadn’t endeared him to her with that.
It took barely ten minutes but by the time you reached the club where a lot of the cast were waiting, excitement began to ooze through your body. 
“First round of shots are on me!” You called out to the group, earning excited yells as you all headed in. 
With Cassie’s help—since she knew how many people there were—you got the order in and toasted to the lot of them. 
“May these runs lead up to incredible shows!” With the shot knocked back, Jace was quick to pull you to the floor, the music loud as the two of you danced the night away with the rest of the cast members.
You were furious. Beyond furious with Ashton.
He’d crossed a line. To embarrass you in such a way in front of so many directors, it hurt. 
When you got to rehearsals the following morning, your anger hadn’t abated. Jace wisely kept her own counsel as you changed into what you’d dubbed as your rehearsal outfit. Loose fitted tee-shirt and black leggings. 
“You realise that it’s final scenes today?” Jace had quietly commented, her eyes concerned and you could feel your temper bubble. 
“I can be civil with him when we’re on stage. But off stage? All bets are off.” You snapped, slamming your locker shut and making your way through. She fell silent, casting a worried glance with Cassie before they headed onto the stage.
You hadn’t even made it to the stage when a hand grasped your shoulder, pulling you deeper into the wings of the stage, further away from your castmates. Your fury ignited at the audacity of Ashton.
“Look, about last night-” he started, his voice quiet.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Irwin.” You snapped back, cutting him off as you yanked your arm free from his grip. His shock at your reaction stunned him silent. 
“What? Nothing to say to me? Nothing to say to me after you embarrassed me in front of every big fucking name in the industry? Nothing to say to me after saying that my family shouldn’t bother for opening night since I’m going to mess it up?” You didn’t bother keeping your voice down. The director knew you and Ashton didn’t get along well, but you were able to work with him. 
“I just wanted to say-” He tried again but you cut him off.
“You wanted to say what, exactly? That you’re sorry? I don’t want your fucking apology. It’s worthless. You could be the king of fucking england and I still won’t give you my time or attention anymore, unless it’s directly related to work. Now back off.” You snapped, pulling away completely and leaving him stunned.
“Ooo, do we need to be having words?” Cassie teased and you took in a slow deep breath, pushing down your anger towards him so you wouldn’t snap at Cassie. You knew she meant well she always did, but you were still too angry, too hurt to not take it the wrong way.
Evan gave you a lasting look, tapping his fingers on the script. 
“Dance rehearsal today. We’ll work on the scenes later and tomorrow.” He announced, earning groans from the ensemble. Ashton slipped onto the stage quietly. 
You threw Evan a grateful look and he simply nodded as he clapped his hands.
“Chop chop, we don’t have all day for this. We’ll go from where the girls are fighting to be seen on camera.” As the cast rearranged themselves, you stepped over to the corner from where you’d come down. Cassie winked at you and you offered her a weak grin. 
“From the top!” 
After you’d yelled at him, Ashton had done his best to keep out of your way before opening night. But on opening night you knew you had to call a truce. 
Knocking on his dressing room door, you waited quietly before you heard him knock something over in his haste to get to the door.
As he pulled it open, his eyes widened in shock to find you standing there in front of him.
“Can I come in?” Your voice was quiet and it took him a moment before he nodded and stepped back, letting you in before closing the door behind you. You had to try and ignore the fact that he was half dressed, his shirt clearly hanging from the back of the chair.
He offered the small couch that was in the corner of his dressing room, pulling the chair over to sit in front of you and suddenly you felt your courage and words disappear.
“So, did you need something?” His voice was hesitant, and you couldn’t exactly blame him for that. Ever since you’d verbally smacked him down before rehearsal, he’d done his best to avoid pissing you off outside of rehearsal. 
His question pulled you back to that moment and you felt your courage return, taking a slow deep breath.
“I’m calling a truce between us. Or at least, a truce between my attitude and yourself.” Although you’d been well in the right to be so angry with him and continue the treatment, he’d done everything he could to change that before backing off.
His jaw dropped at your words, sucking in a sharp breath as he processed your words.
“I-uh, don’t know what to say to that except, thanks, I guess?” You snorted at that.
“I’ve been so furious with you for what you did. You embarrassed me and made me look like some kind of pity pick. After working Broadway for years, do you know how much that hurt me? Hurt my career? ” His face flushed in shame as his gaze dropped to his hands that were resting in his lap.
“I hadn’t even considered...” He trailed off and you scoffed.
“Of course you didn’t. You’re the popular kid. The one people fight over to have on their team. You don’t need to consider other people’s feelings because everyone tries to cater for you.” You couldn't help the bitterness slip out with your words and his eyes lifted to meet yours.
“I really fucked up.” 
“That’s putting it lightly, Ashton. You single handedly nearly destroyed my entire career with those words. Evan had to tell me that he’d had calls from other casting directors who had other names to replace me if he needed it.” You could see that the message was sinking in for Ashton, the guilt etched into his face mixed with a look of horror.
“I’m so sorry, I- I never even realised-” You cut him off.
“The damage is done. Thankfully Evan managed to put them off from that and invited them to the opening night of the show. If we pull this off we could be working together for a lot longer than the two years we’re scheduled to.” A wry smile crossed your lips. “So don’t fuck this up tonight.” 
Ashton stared at you for a solid ten seconds before he started laughing. 
“You’ve got it, doll. How about we start over?” He held his hand out to you and you took a second before grasping his hand. He surprised you by bringing the back of your hand to his lips and without even realising, you’d rolled your eyes at his theatrics.
“It’s one thing to start over with me, but I think you need to start over with the rest of the cast too. Cassie is still fully prepared to scalp you for doing what you did.” He winced at that before letting your hand go.
“I guess I owe it to you and them to start over, don’t I?” You nodded at his words, watching as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“I know that everyone has their families in for the opening night and they’re going to want to celebrate this success with them. How about you start with the rehearsal tomorrow and see how that goes?” He nodded at that.
“I think I might just do that. And for what it’s worth, I truly am sorry for what I did and said.” Your eyes studied his face and you let the corner of your lips tug just a little bit.
“I know.” You leaned forwards and kissed his cheek before heading out, leaving him speechless.
taglist:  @sexgodashton​, @goth5sos​, @malumsmermaid​, @empathycth​, @wildflowergrae​, @calpops​, @rosecolouredash​, @cakesunflower​, @loveroflrh​, @clockwork124​, @cal-puddies​, @stellar5sosrecs​, @ashtoniwir​ , @cthwldflwr​, @cthla​, @calmlftv​, @spicycal​, @liketheydidwithyou​, @sc0ttish-wildfl0wer​, @bluehairedtracii​, @drummerboy794​, @feliznavidaddycal​, @ukulelecal​​, @thecurlsofgod​​, @converse-luke​​, @madbomb​​, @ccnicole02​​, @youngblood199456​​, @megz1985​​, @lukesidentitycrisis​​, @snapback-irwie​​, @neonweeknds​​, @666yourwitchyfriend666​​, @cashtonasfuck​​, @ashtaway​​, @conquerwhatliesahead92​​, @itjustkindahappenedreally​​, @kchillout​​, @damselindistressanu​​, @colormekaykay​​, @findingliam-o​​, @sublimehood​​, @singledadharrington​​, @sugarcoated-pain​​, @singt0mecalum​​, @calumspeachy​​, @colourfulcalum​​, @lostincalum​​, @burncrashbromance​​, @asht0ns-world​​, @flusteredcliffo​​, @ixcantxdecidexwhosxmyxfave​​, @fangirl-everythang​​, @lashtonswildflower​​, @lashtondaddies​​, @calumssunshine​​, @ambskiwi​​, @abundant-stars​​, @myescapefromthislife​​, @lmao5sosimagines​​, @beyoncesdragon​​, @jae-writes-fanfiction​​, @cxddlyash​​, @tresfandom​​, @niallisworld​​, @lietomevalntyn​​, @babylon-corgis​​, @monochrome44​​, @behind-my-hazeleyes27​​, @lyllibug​​, @bloodmoonashton​​, @ghostofmashton​​, @summerellaz​​, @a-little-less-sixteen​​, @cashworthy​​, @smokeinherlungs​​, @longlastingdaydream​​, @h0tsos​​, @sadistmichael​​, @sugar-nico​​, @sunnysidesblog​​, @angel-cal​​, @samros95​​, @maluminspace​​, @lukeinblue​​, @britnicole11​​, @gigglyirwin​​, @everyscarisahealingplace​​, @loverofcashton​​, @iovehemmings​​, @g-l-pierce​​, @jannimoeller3​​, @wildmichaelflower​​, @lukeskisses​​, @youngbloodchild​​, @abb-lan-5sos​​, @calumsbub​​, @flameraine​​, @here-for-the-uproars, @mateisit-balsamic​​, @ilovelukey​​, @castaway-cashton​​, @musiclover1263​​, @alloutofcashton​​, @tobefalling​​, @sarahshepherdblog​​, @cassie-sos​​, @possesedperson​​, @treatallwithkindness​​, @wonderlandiswhereitsatyo​​, @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles​​, @ashtonlrwin​​,
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5sosdrfluke · 4 years
First off, THANK YOU for doing this. It means a lot as a plus size girl ♥️ Can I request a blurb where reader and Calum have been dating for a while and it’s going to be her first time meeting the boys? She’s nervous because she’s not his typical type but he reassures her and of course the boys adore her. You’re amazing 😊💕
Hi love! Aw thank you! I love writing for us plus size girls. Gotta have some attention you know? I can absolutely write that for you! I hope you like it babes. @aliencal
Calum kissed your nose and pulled you by your shirt to bring you flush up against his chest. “I don’t want to leave this house,” He confessed and moved his hands to your waist. 
You smiled and rested your hands on his strong chest. “I know, love. But we’re supposed to meet the guys in twenty minutes.”
“I know what we could do for twenty minutes,” Cal purred and waggled his eyebrows at you.
You laughed and kissed his neck softly, making him groan.
“You’re not making this easy Y/N.” 
“Sorry. C’mon horndog. We gotta go.” You tugged on his hand and left the house of sins. 
He gently smacked your ass with his free hand and acted innocent when you looked back at him. He just shrugged and followed you to the car. You shook your head and climbed in the passenger seat.
Calum got in the driver’s seat and started to drive to his bandmate, Ashton’s house. He turned on his stereo and C A L M blasted from the speakers and that’s when you started to get nervous.
“Hey Cal?”
“Huh? Talk so pretty but your heart got teeeeeeth.” He sang out of key, making you giggle.
“Do you think they’ll like me?” You asked and fidgeted with your hands in your lap.
He reached to turn down the music a bit and he glanced at you slightly. “Why wouldn’t they?”
“I’m not exactly the kind of girl you guys are into....” You trailed off.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean. I’m chubby, heavy, squishy. The other girls are thin and pretty and...I dunno. I’m just worried that I won’t be good enough.” You spoke softly, letting out your insecurities. 
Calum pulled the car over and turned it off to look at you. “Y/N. Don’t ever think you’re not good enough. Baby girl, you are everything to me. You make me so happy. The boys know that. They’re so excited to meet the girl that I gush about all the time. Baby, they’re going to love you no matter what. Your size has nothing to do with it. In fact, I know they’re going to love that I’m with a thick girl. I know I do. You’re so much fun to fuck and hold.”
“Calum!” You giggled and softly hit his arm.
“I’m not lying. You’re my wildflower baby. You give me so much love and affection and I’m obsessed.” He smiled and kissed your cheek. “Please don’t underestimate your worth. You’re my girl.”
You looked at his kind eyes and melted at the way he stared at you. “I love you Calum.”
“I love you more, darling. Let’s go meet the boys shall we?”
Calum pulled in to Ashton’s driveway and squeezed your hand when he led you to the door. You took a deep breath as he knocked and waited for Ash.
The door swung open and a bright smile met the two of you. “Well hi!”
“Hey, Ash,” Calum grinned, “This is Y/N. Y/N, Ashton.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” You smiled.
Ashton took your hand and pulled you close into a big bear hug. “I’m so glad I finally get to meet you. Calum never shuts up about you. You’re even cuter in person.”
You blinked and hugged Calum’s best friend with the biggest smile on your face. “I like you.”
He laughed and gave you a soft squeeze. “C’mon in. The other guys are inside. They haven’t burned down anything yet.”
You smiled at Calum and held his hand as you followed Ashton into his gorgeous house. 
“Guys, Calum and Y/N are here. Put down the pizza.” Ashton said, walking into the dining room.
You walked in and saw a tall blond boy wearing a blue button-up with pizza shoved in his mouth and a boy with a snapback wearing all black, typing away on his phone. 
“Michael, Luke, meet Y/N.” Ashton cleared his throat.
The boy with the snapback glanced up from his phone and smiled at you. “Hi, I’m Michael. Nice to finally meet you.” 
“You too.” You grinned.
“‘m Luke.” Luke got out between chews of the massive bite of pizza. 
“Hi Luke.”
Calum shook his head. “You’re a pig.”
“Thank you,” Luke replied and swallowed, “So Y/N. You’re with Calum. Are you regretting it yet?”
“Not even a little bit. He’s the best boyfriend.” You beamed up at your man who then kissed your forehead.
“Dammit. I was afraid of that. Cal’s a good dude,” Luke grunted.
“He is. A bit of a dick sometimes, but he’s never gonna give up on you,” Michael chimed in.
You grinned and wrapped your arm around Calum’s waist. “He’s the best man I’ve ever known.”
Calum turned bright red, earning laughs from the boys.
Throughout the time you spent at Ashton’s, you got hugs and words of encouragement from the whole band. They treated you like they’ve known you forever and they all ended up loving you.
(A/N: Imagine being the plus size girl that gets to date Calum and hang out with the boys. What a dream. I hope you liked it love!!)
My Ask
Caryln’s Ask
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bandblogging · 6 years
I love all of you (Ashton Irwin imagine)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Reader
Words: 1.7k
Warning: Swearing
Sum.: You're a plus size girl and sometimes you can't help but beat yourself up about it but Ashton will always be there to make you feel better about yourself.
A/N: I have to be honest I don't expect this to do well at all, because not everyone can relate. Also to be completely honest I wrote this for a very selfish reason, I am plus size and sometimes I just want to cheer myself up a little. But I hope that some of you can appreciate this because I still feel like plus size! 5sos is lacking, also I mean Ashton is just fucking great ok
Being friends with the boys you had rarely thought about your body in a negative way. They had always made you feel loved but still you couldn't help but compare yourself to others every once in a while. Lately, especially since you and Ashton had started dating, it had gotten worse and you found yourself beating yourself up a lot more. Michael's and Luke's girlfriend hat joined you guys on tour and you felt like they were total opposites to you. Looking more confident than you would probably ever feel, thin and beautiful. Sure there were times where you felt confident but there were often short lived.
Just now you were waiting in a relatively small room for the boys to be called in for the photoshoot. All seats were taken and the two girlfriends hat taken place on their respective boyfriend's lap. You leaned against the wall and took out your phone. You scrolled through your twitter for a bit but nothing interesting was coming up. When you pushed it back into your pocket you looked up and met Ashton's eyes. He looked at you, raising his eyebrows and patting his lap. You knew what he offered you immediately and a pinkish colour spread over your cheeks when you quickly shook your head. Sitting on his lap in your mind would crush him, feeling like you were too heavy for him.
You had spent the rest of the time shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other, declining Ashton's offer another two times when he patted his lap again and again. You absolutely didn't feel confident about sitting on him and you didn't want to risk embarrassing yourself in front of everybody else.
When the boys had left you let yourself fall down on the couch and sighed to yourself. The others were engaged in a conversation which you did not want to interrupt and so you pulled your phone out again.
A while later you were leaving the building together, your and Ashton's hands intertwined. And just to make your day even worse it they decided that there was a mall really close by and that they wanted to go shopping. You forced a smile and nodded, not wanting to be the buzz killer. Ashton squeezed you hand when he saw your face and raised an eyebrow. "Are you alright?", he moved closer and whispered it into your ear so that none of the others would hear it. "Yeah, sure", you answered back and bit your lip. You didn't usually lie to him but you couldn't help it.
When you left the fourth shop your head hang low and you couldn't help but feel defeated. Either all the clothes were too small, weren't fitting right or if they were your size they looked ridiculous. Big weird designs were printed usually right on the chest area and you could never find anything that didn't look like a sack. You roamed through the fifth shop, only picking up very few things. Michael had his arms full and steared towards the changing room with his girlfriend and Calum following closely, both having things in their arms. You felt an arm wrap around you and when you turned you met Ashton's eyes. "Ready to try on?", he lifted his other arm which was loaded up with clothes. You nodded and quickly pecked his cheek before walking towards the dressing room. You closed the stall door behind you and heard Ashton do the same right next to you. A sigh escaped your lips when you began to change into the first piece. It didn't take you long before you had tried on all of them, deciding to only buy a simple t-shirt and a pair of stockings you were hoping to one day feel confident enough to show Ashton. After you hung the other clothes on the return rack you sat down on the little stool in front of Ashton's stall. "Can I show you something Y/N?", you heard him asked muffled through the door. "Yeah", you stood up and cracked the door open a little. "Do you like it?", he turned around so that you could see all angles. You admired his body for a second before answering. "I really like the pants, they look good on you and seem to fit really nicely.", you smirked and couldn't help but stare at his butt a little. "But that shirt, Ashton that's the worse shade of brown you could have picked", you laughed and shook your head. "Yeah you're right the colour looks awful in this light", his chuckle made your heart jump for a second and a smile spread across your cheek. "Guess I am just going to take it off for you then", he smirked and turned around to face you slowly pulling the shirt over his head. You slapped his shoulder playfully and shook your head again with a giggle escaping you, "Then I am leaving." You grinned at him before quickly slipping out of the room.
It was hard enough for you to know that he was so much hotter than you but it almost felt like he was shoving it in your face, even though you knew deep down that he would never do that. You walked out of the changing area and bought your two items while waiting for the others to finish up, not wanting them to see your poor yield.
The car ride back to the hotel was silent on your part. The car w has packed full of bags and everyone was in a good mood, well except for you. Ashton had one arm thrown around your shoulder and was talking to Luke while your head was resting on his shoulder. You had fake-yawned a few times and closed your eyes as soon as your head had hit his shoulder, hoping they would just think you were tired. You eventually did drift in and out of sleep and when the car stopped at the hotel you were woken up by Ashton slowly shaking you. You opened your eyes and looked up at him. He pressed his lips to your cheek and grabbed your hand, "C'mon, we can take a nap in the hotel room together."
You climbed out of the car, grabbing your one bag on your way out.
When you entered the hotel room you threw it on top of your open suitcase and let yourself fall down on the bed. Ashton followed close by and layed down next to you. Your shoes hit the ground and you curled up into a ball on the big bed. Ashton's arms snaked around you and he pulled you into his chest. "Y/N? What's wrong?", he nudged your nose with his, "I know that something isn't right, I can tell." His arms around you tightened and you felt your eyes tear up. "I don't want to talk about it", you shut your eyes and tried to turn around in his arms. "But I want to know so that I can help you", he kissed down your temple and along your cheek until he reached your lips. His soft touch made you melt into him and you couldn't help but kiss him back. There was no point in arguing with him, he was incredibly stubborn and knew how to open you up like a book. "It's fucking pathetic Ash", you sighed and rested your head on his arm. "I bet it's not", he smiled at you and pressed his forehead to yours. "I'm just not feeling good about myself", you murmured and closed your eyes. "Is that why you didn't buy anything?", he said and one of his hands moved to play with your hair. "Yes but dammit I am to fat for all those stores, they don't really carry my size.", you were disappointing in yourself when you felt a hot tear run down your even hotter cheek. You didn't want to cry, not because of this and not in front of him. "I'm sorry I didn't realise", his voice was laced with concern when he spoke up before wiping away the tear. "It's not your fault Ashton. It's mine! I am the fat one, I am the one that is to big for everything", your voice was small. You tried to fight back the tears as good as possible but still a few escaped. You felt him stare at you, his burning eyes only making your cheeks flush even more. "Is that why you wouldn't sit on my lap this morning?", his voice had changed but you couldn't define the tone it had taken on. The hand that had previously been in your hair shifted and lifted up your chin, making you look at him. "Y/N?", he raised an eyebrow. You nodded slightly, hoping for that to be the end of it. His expression changed into a disappointed one and you bit your lip out of habit. He shifted and your head fell onto the pillow below him. In seconds he had moved himself over you and hoverd above you. "You know that I don't care about that", his jaw clenched when he finished speaking. "I love you just the way you are, all of you.", his voice had deepened and a quick smirk flashed across his face but it was gone just a moment later. "I don't care if you would be half or double of you! Because I love you for so much more than your body, I love your personality, your laugh and everything else about you.", you felt his lips brush against yours when he spoke. "But I can't deny that I fucking love your body too. You should know that. You're not too heavy and not fat, not to me. And I want you to sit on my lap the next time I offer it to you just so that I can wrap my arms around you and make sure that you can sit comfortably.", he smirked at you and crashed his lips onto yours after he finished his little speech. You felt like your were melting into his touch again and kissed him back. Your hands moved into his hair and you pulled him closer to yourself so that he was practically laying on top of you. "Fuck Ash, I really love you", you smiled at him and your heart felt like it was going to explode just a little bit. "And your body", you smirked at him and pulled one of your hands down to pinch his nipple. One of his hands covered yours and an 'Ouch' escaped him before he couldn't hold his betrayed expression any longer and started to laugh.
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All I See (a.i)
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x Plus-size! Fem! Reader
Requested: Yes!
Summary: You are starting to feel insecure and your boyfriend, Ashton, helps you with that.
Warnings: Fluff and a bit of Angst. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, sorry)
Word count: 1.3 k (short enough but not enough to be a blurb)
Author’s Note: This sums it up. Remember that Reblogs, Comments, Feedback and Likes are super important and you don’t know how much it helps ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋✨🌻
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Anon : Hi lovely! I really love your writing and I was wondering if you could write some pure fluff with Ash and a plus sized girl? Maybe she gets insecure about her body and he makes her feel better 💖 thanks so much and I hope you have a great day!
“Babe!” Ashton called from downstairs as he started walking up to your room “We are still going tonight, right?”
Calum’s sister, Mali-Koa, is celebrating her birthday in a very known club in LA. She invited everyone she knows and even people she’s never met before, it was safe to say that she was going all out tonight.
You smiled at your boyfriend “Of course! Mali will kill us if we decide not to show up” You laughed “Plus, I was just about to start looking for my outfit, if you want to help you can stay”
Ashton smiled softly and walked up to you, placing a small kiss on your lips. It was funny how even though you’ve been together for a long time, every kiss still brought butterflies to your stomach.
He took a seat on the edge of the bed and clapped his hands together, excited about the options you would bring. You giggled at his childlike behavior as you started going through your closet, hoping you’d find the perfect outfit for tonight.
“I was thinking this one,” You said as you pulled out a black long-sleeved dress, it was flowy and soft and it reached just before your knees “with the black heels and-“
“Isn’t it too hot for sleeves?” Ashton interrupted a confused gaze set upon his eyes “Don't get me wrong, doll. I love the dress but I’m not sure you’ll be entirely comfortable in that”
He was right. Warm weather was settling in and you would barely survive in a club filled with sweaty people. If you wear that you would surely regret it immediately afterward.
You sighed “This is the only long-sleeved dress that I have, though”
Ashton noticed the hint of sadness in your voice, making him frown as you put the dress back in your closet and started looking for some shirts.
“What about this?” You asked again, taking a long-winged sleeved top and ignoring Ashton’s gaze “I have the black jeans that go with it, you know? The one that I bought with-”
“Okay, what is going on here?” Ashton finally asked, shaking his head as he tried to understand your reasoning.
You smiled nervously at him, trying to hide the pinch of anxiety that was starting to settle in your chest. “What do you mean?”
Ashton gave you ‘the look’ and you felt a shiver run down your spine. He knew something was up, he always knew and you loved and hated that at the same time.
Ever since you met you felt like he could read you like his favorite book. He knew everything about you, front and back, and now you feel like an idiot for trying to hide something from him, knowing that it wouldn’t have worked either way.
But how can you explain something like this to him? How can you explain a flaw to someone perfect?
Ashton saw the hesitation in your eyes and sighed “I’m not questioning your fashion choices, love. You have amazing taste. But what’s bothering me is that you are choosing every single item of clothing that could work if we were on the other side of the world” He stood up and walked towards you, softly grabbing your hand “You and I both know that you won’t be comfortable in these, even if you say you are and, last time we talked about this you had your eyes set on that beautiful short blue dress you love so much, saying that it was perfect for this occasion. So, tell me what’s wrong, doll. Maybe I could fix it?”
You looked into his hazel eyes, they were honest and with pure intentions, maybe that’s why you couldn’t hold up his gaze and ended up looking down.
“It’s not something you can fix, Ash,” You said with a tiny voice “I just- I don’t want to wear that dress”
“What made you change your mind? I swear that when you wear that dress your whole face glows with happiness” He said, giving you a small smile “But, it’s your choice, baby, and you don’t have to explain it to me if you don’t want to.”
He was about to pull away his hand from yours when he felt you tugged on it harder. Soon, Ashton's eyes found yours and he didn’t like what he saw.
Your glossy eyes were staring back at him, trying their hardest to contain the tears that were about to spill out of them. Without a word you took out the blue dress from the closet and placed it over your body facing the mirror.
“This made me change my mind,” You said, voice almost breaking when you caught your reflection.
You didn’t look at how teary your eyes were or how Ashton was staring at you with a confused and hurt gaze, already understanding what was going on. No, instead you were looking at your arms, your legs, and your tummy, finding every little flaw, every stretch mark, every molecule of fat completely intolerable.
“This dress makes my arms look like tanks, the long sleeves will cover them. My legs will be on display and I don’t want people to see how my thighs become jelly as I walk or sit or dance or -” You took a deep breath, drowning out the knot in your throat “And it will mark my tummy, showing every imperfection at clear sight. It’s not that I don’t want to wear the dress, Ash. It’s just that I can’t. I can’t let people see me like that when I’m feeling like this”
Ashton’s face was emotionless as he stared at your reflection. You could never tell what was going on inside his head, yet you’ve never seen such sad eyes on him.
He couldn’t understand how or why you saw yourself like that, all he sees is you in your most beautiful way, and it breaks his heart to see you cry because you don’t feel like that’s true.
“All I see,” He said, taking a step closer to you and softly rubbing his hands up and down your arms “Are the arms of the strongest person I know, the arms that can hold you in an embrace you never want to get away from”
Soon, he let his touch wander lower, caressing your thigh as he said “Every mark you see is beautiful; they show how human you are. They prove to me that you are real and not just a dream, cause if you were I know I wouldn’t want to wake up anytime soon”
Lastly, he rounded his arms around your torso, hands placed in your tummy as his face rested on your shoulder.
“All I see is you. Perfect, beautiful, strong, hot, and kind are just some adjectives to describe all that you are, and I’m just saying a few because you deserve the whole dictionary. You are beautiful in every way, my love. And it breaks my heart that you don’t see yourself the way that I see you”
You sniffed, lifting your hand to caress his cheek, eyes meeting through the mirror.
“You believe that?”
“It’s not something I believe, doll. It’s something I know”
You smiled through the tears as you brought your lips to his, believing in every word he said. Now you knew that whenever you didn’t love yourself as much, that Ashton will always have enough love for both of you.
“I love you,” He said softly, placing a kiss on your cheek.
“I love you more” You smiled “Now go! I need to change” You said with a laugh as you gripped the blue dress closer to your heart, knowing that everything will be alright.
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @sarcasticallywitty15 @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @notinthesameguey @myloverboyash @nicebasscalum @bubblegum18
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blackbutterfliescal · 4 years
An Ashton Irwin One Shot
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Words: 3.6K
Pairing: Ashton x Plus Size!Reader
Rating: Explicit. 0 to 100 Explicit.
Content: third person POV, so much teasing, dom!Ash, oral (both male and female receiving), use of a riding crop, spanking, bondage, multiple orgasms/overstimulation
A/N: I’m plus size, so I write for my plus size queens and this was explicitly written with a plus reader in mind.. But of course anyone can read/reblog! This one definitely got away from me and I’m not even mad about it. Again, big thank you to my CCU babes for the encouragement writing this! 💕😭 Special thank you to Miss Adri @softlylukes​ for this pretty moodboard. I hope y’all enjoy and I want to hear your thoughts 👀
🎶 Set the mood 🎶
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She tells me, "Worship in the bedroom" //  The only Heaven I'll be sent to // Is when I'm alone with you
She heard the deadbolt click from the bedroom down the hall, followed shortly by boots landing on the tile entryway to the apartment. As his keys hit the small table to the right of the door she heard Ashton call out for her, exhaustion evident in his voice. He’d been working so hard and hadn’t been home for dinner all week. If he couldn’t eat dinner with her, she was at least going to serve up a dessert too good to pass up.
“Petal? Baby, where are you?”
His boots clicked loudly as he shuffled around the living room and into the kitchen. Her stomach flipped repeatedly in anticipation. As he made his way to the carpeted hallway leading to her, she lost track of his steps.
She quickly pressed play on the audio she’d queued up on the bluetooth speakers around the apartment.
How do you call your loverboy? Come here loverboy! And if he doesn’t answer? Oh, loverboy!
Ashton nearly tripped over his own feet as he hastily appeared in the bedroom doorway. He came to an immediate halt and his jaw went slack as he saw her perched across the end of their bed. There she was, an absolute goddess just a few feet from him, wearing the lacy lingerie set he’d sent her while on tour. The resulting pictures she had sent him paled in comparison to seeing her in person. 
And if he STILL doesn’t answer?
She rose from the bed to her tip-toes, batting her eyelashes slowly, delighting in the complete shock on Ashton’s face. She made her way over to where he stood just inside the doorway as she mouthed along.
I simply say “Baby, my sweet baby. Oh baby, you’re the one…”
Her full hips swayed rhythmically as she took a few steps to reach her man where he stood, frozen in place. Ashton raked his eyes over her, taking in every curve and the way she moved.
Once he was in reach, her arms floated up around his neck, hands landing on either side of his face briefly before sliding down to his chest. Ashton couldn’t take his eyes off of her as his hands held her hips in front of him.
She stretched upward to ghost her lips over his before she sank back onto her heels and turned away.
She didn’t move away from him, though. Instead, she pressed her barely-covered ass against him and covered his hands with hers. As she intertwined their fingers, she pulled his hands from her hips and placed them over her chest. She fought the smug smile attempting to creep onto her face. He took a tight breath in through his teeth as his hands landed, feeling where her boobs spilled over the top of her bra the slightest bit. This gave her the freedom to grind her backside up and down Ashton’s muscular thighs and crotch. She could feel his erection growing against her and his hands squeezed her tits.
As the music slowly faded out, Ashton’s hands found their way back to her hips with a mean grip. He used his new-found leverage to turn her back to face him.
She let out a surprised squeal before she began laughing. When her eyes met Ashton’s, her smile dropped. His pupils were blown wide and there was no playfulness to be found on his face or his grip on her waist.
“Oh.” she breathed out timidly, suddenly vulnerable under the intensity of his stare and the way his strong jaw was set.
“Oh is right. You know how I feel about you being a nasty little tease.”
His tone was firm and it made her clench between her thighs. He pressed his whole body against her and she felt the bulge under his jeans against her lower stomach.
“Now since you created this problem, don’t you think you should be a good girl and take care of it for me?”
She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and gave him several quick nods.
“That’s a good babygirl”
Ashton’s stare flickered back and forth between her pleading eyes and full lips. The building anticipation only made her want him more. With an intentionally painfully slow pace, he wrapped his fingers around her wrists and guided her open palm down his torso. Her hand stopped at his belt buckle as she steadied against him before she lowered herself to her knees. 
He untucked his satin shirt before undoing all the tiny buttons and quickly tossing it to some unknown corner of the room. She began to slowly undo the belt around his hips, taking a little too much time for Ashton’s liking. His hand reached under her chin, gripped both cheeks in his large hand, and tilted her head to look up at him.
“What did I just tell you about being a tease?”
There was that tone again. Her arousal was beginning to soak through the lace beneath her and she made quick work of the button and zipper in front of her. As she pulled the waistband of his boxers down, she got a good look at his cock, blushing a pretty pink and already sticky with precum. She reached up to take him in her hand, looking up at him for reassurance.
“You look so pretty, babygirl,” he said in a low voice as he brushed hair away from her face.
That was all the encouragement she needed. She placed a kiss to his head and began twisting her wrist up and down his length. She started to tease his tip with her tongue.
“That’s it, baby.”
She took as much of him into her mouth as she could, keeping her hand at the base of his shaft. Ashton let out a moan as she hollowed out her cheeks around him.
She bobbed her head up and down rhythmically as her hand worked the rest of his cock. Ashton let out a strained string of curses as she pulled her head back. She wrapped her mouth around him again and flattened her tongue against the vein on the underside. She felt herself cough as his tip hit the back of her throat.
“Oh, f-fuck, angel. Just like that,” he groaned.
His hand fell to the back of her neck as she pulled back. He reached down with his other hand and placed it under her chin, caressing her lips before sliding his thumb into her mouth. She closed her lips and sucked on his thumb gently before he removed his hand from her face.
“Can I please fuck your pretty mouth, baby?”
She took a long look into his eyes and gave him a confident nod. Ashton’s hand still on the back of her neck began to guide her forward. Her own hands were braced against her thighs and she moved one toward her pussy, desperate for some kind of pressure.
The pressure from Ashton’s hand behind her head stopped.
“No, no princess. That’s mine. I have something else in mind.”
Her hand slid back to her thigh as Ashton smiled at her. Her full attention came back to him as he pushed his length into her pouty mouth. He started slow but it didn’t take long for his thrusts to gain speed. She could feel her eyes start to water as he repeatedly hit the back of her mouth..
“I’m so close, angel. You’re so pretty with your lips around my cock, fuck.”
She flattened her tongue again, changing the pressure against him. 
“Holy fu-” Ashton sputtered out, his hand grasping her hair, as his body stopped moving and she swallowed him down, never breaking eye contact.
“God, you’re so good, baby.”
As he pulled out of her mouth, she swiped at her lips with her thumb to collect any cum that had spilled out. Before she is able to lick the salty liquid off her finger, Ashton pulled her hand to him and captured it with his own tongue. Her pussy clenched at the sight. Christ almighty, if she didn’t get relief soon, she thought she might die.
He brushed her hair back again and leaned down to place a firm kiss to her lips before helping her to her feet again.
Once she’s steady, he leaned in to kiss her again. This time, it’s fast and fueled by desire. His tongue darted in and out of her mouth in a show of dominance and he pulled away far too soon. She let out a tiny whine at his absence.
“I’m not done with you yet, my little angel.”
The devious smile on his face made her eyes go wide and her knees go weak as Ashton let out a dark laugh.
“We have a lesson to get through first. You know the consequences for being such a tease earlier, don’t you?” he asked, her face stuck between his strong fingers with nowhere to turn.
She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, giving Ashton a pleading look.
“That little stunt was quite the show. Clearly you didn’t learn your lesson last time this happened, so I’ll make sure it gets through that pretty little head this time.”
He took a long, earnest look in her eyes, searching for any sign that she didn’t want to continue. She nodded back to him, chewing on her lip again. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead before turning away to open the top drawer of the dresser. Ashton pulled his jeans and boxers the rest of the way down his legs and tossed them in the corner. As he reached to the bottom of the dresser drawer to retrieve a riding crop, she moved to the side of the bed, leaning forward to press her palms into the mattress.
She closed her eyes  with a deep inhale. She could feel her heart pounding out of her chest in anticipation. This wasn’t a side of Ashton that she often, but she made a mental note to misbehave more. He hadn’t even touched her yet but she could feel just how much he’d already affected her.
Her eyes snapped open again as she felt the cool leather crop slide up the back of her thigh. It disappeared, only for a second, making its reappearance with a firm smack on the left side of her ass. Ashton ran his rough hand over the pink spot it left.
“Count for me, baby”
“One” she breathed out.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“One” she repeated affirmatively. She tightened her jaw and swallowed thickly.
“That’s more like it.”
She underlined that mental note to act up more often.
For a minute, she considered clenching her thighs together, desperate for any form of pressure, but she knew that would only add to her frustration if he noticed. The next smack came down hard against her inner right thigh as if he could read the ache on her mind. That earned him a small whimper as she choked out the number two. He followed up quickly with a third swat to her right ass cheek as he moved closer to her, bending down to kiss the mark it left.
“Don’t forget to keep count, petal, or I’ll have to start over.”
“Three!” she said in a hurry, earning a smug laugh from Ashton.
“There’s my good girl.”
He slowly trailed the crop down her spine, causing her to bow her back away from the ticklish sensation. Ashton knew she loved this as much as he did, but seeing the extent of her arousal caused him to moan. As the leather neared the base of her spine, he pulled it upwards into the air and landed a hit in the same place as the last, lingering there this time.
“Four” she moans out quickly, not wanting to give him any reason to draw this out.
Ashton knew all she was thinking about is how much she needed him. He had one more pass with the riding crop and wanted to make it count. As the crop left her skin again, she braced for it to come back down firmly for the last time. Instead, it slowly crept up between her thighs.
Ashton pulled it back towards him at an agonizingly slow pace, using the edge of the crop to push lightly into her folds through her soaked lace panties. She let out a full-bodied moan at the slight, fleeting pressure on her clit. Ashton pulled the toy away from her body slowly and she gave him a disappointed sigh..
“See, love. No one likes a tease.”
She did. She very much liked the way he teased her and that was evident.
“Do they?” He continued.
As the word no formed on her lips, the crop reappeared, delivering a quick sting to her aching core. She squeaked out a surprised “five” as her legs tense. Ashton laid the crop on the bed next to her as she let out a sigh, staying bent forward on the bed. He placed one hand on the side of her hip as the other slipped under her panties and into her folds, careful to avoid the place she craved pressure the most.
He used his hand on her hip to steady himself as he leaned forward to place a wet kiss to her shoulder, trailing in toward her neck. Her eyes fluttered closed and she let out a moan as he removed his hand from her arousal, only increasing her frustration.
He easily pulled her upright with both hands, her wobbly frame leaning into him.
“Do you think you learned your lesson then, doll?”
She simply nodded her head against his chest, a soft smile on her face. 
“You’re such a good girl for me,” he says, pulling back to look at her face. “Will you let me take care of you now?”
She let him lead her to sit at the foot of their bed.
“Let’s get rid of these silly little things.”
He slid her underwear down her legs and unclasped her bra. She let out a small laugh. As he began to kiss her gently, he slid his hand down her stomach. His fingers floated across the bundle of nerves and she bucked her hips back, grabbing his wrist. She didn’t realize exactly how needy and sensitive she had become, Ashton searched her eyes for any hesitation.
“Are you still okay, baby?”
Ashton might have been strong and dominant but she knew he would never push her too far.
“Better than okay” she smiles before pulling his face back to hers.
He kisses her sweetly before pulling his teeth along her bottom lip.
“Fuck, Ash”
“Slide up here for me, princess” He gestured to the center of the bed.
As she worked her way up the bed, he stepped backward to the jeans he’d dropped earlier, deftly removing the belt from the waist. He walked to the other side of the bed, taking one of her wrists in his hand. After he made the first loop around her wrist, he motioned for her other hand, neatly binding them together and then wrapping the last of the belt around a space in the headboard.
“Can’t have those getting in the way.” 
She met his smile as he leaned down to kiss her.
Ashton moved himself back to the foot of the bed before he climbed up to settle his torso between her thighs. He placed a sweet kiss to her lips before trailing down her jaw. Her ear. Her neck. Collarbone. Chest.
Kiss. Kiss.
“So pretty. So soft.”
A trail of kisses.
“And you’re all mine.”
She could feel his mouth sucking at her skin and leaving playful bites.
“Look at these pretty tits, baby. And I get them all to myself.”
He sucked her left nipple in his mouth as he massaged the right in his hand. His tongue moved in several circles before grabbing the bud between his teeth, pulling back slightly. She moaned loudly and bucked her hips up against him. He moved his mouth to her other nipple as he pinched the left between his fingers.
“God, Ash….please”
Her hips rolled underneath him. She looked at him with desperation all over her face. He gave her a devilish grin before turning his attention to her stomach. That earned him a frustrated groan, which only caused his smile to grow. His lips skimmed their way over the rolls and stretch marks on her stomach.
“So impatient” he scolded as she rolled her eyes.
“I want to love on every inch, baby.”
“You’re so beautiful”
Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.
He landed kisses to the inside of both her thighs, just above the lace of her thigh-highs. He carefully placed one final kiss before he gave her what she wanted, right on top of her aching pussy. She hummed in response.
Without hesitation or warning, he flattened his tongue out over her clit. It was enough to make her see stars. He sucked her into his mouth hard.
“God, Ashton!”
She pulled against the leather around her wrists as her entire chest came up off the bed. He chuckled into her and the vibrations were heavenly. He knew she wasn’t going to last long after he’d made her wait so long.
“Fuck, babe, I’m gonna - I’m so close”
As she trailed off, Ashton slid two fingers in and out of her entrance, curling them upward. He could feel her tighten around his nimble fingers. He pulled his mouth away from her slightly so he could look at her.
“That’s it, angel. Tell me how good I make you feel. Cum for me baby.”
As if on command, she clenched around Ashton’s fingers and let out a string of curse words. He continued to pump them in and out as she thrust her hips up toward him. He matched her rhythm as she rode an intense wave of pleasure after so much build up.
“So stunning, babygirl. Such a good girl”
Ashton brought his mouth back down to her core and picked up speed with his hand, pushing her through a second orgasm almost immediately.
She yelled at the top of her lungs as she thrust her hips up at Ashton again. She pulled her lip between her teeth, trying to keep from waking the neighbors. The grip his other hand had on her never faltered. This time he didn’t pull away until her body landed hard against the mattress.
Her breathing was erratic and shallow as he withdrew his fingers and placed them in his mouth. He pushed himself up, trailing sparse kisses on his way to her face. His mouth was covered in her arousal and she could taste herself on his lips.
“You’re so gorgeous and I love making you feel this good.”
Her brain was still scrambled and all she could offer him was a heartfelt smile.
He put his weight on one hand as his other hand slid between them and he pushed his fingers inside her again. He used his thumb to circle her oversensitive bundle of nerves. She tried to roll her hips away from him.
“Ash, I don’t think I…”
Her voice disappeared as a groan took its place. She continued trying to roll her hips away from him to no avail.
“One more, angel. I want to see your pretty face.”
It didn’t take long for his skilled hand to have her seeing stars again. He gave her continuous praise between ragged breaths.
“You’re doing great, doll. Fuck, you look so gorgeous. I’m so proud of you.”
Ashton was so careful with her as she came down from her third orgasm. Every part of her body felt like it was on fire as he pulled his fingers out and brought them up to her face. She gratefully took them in her mouth. He placed a small kiss to her lips before reaching up to remove his belt from her wrists.
He brought her arms back to her side, kissing her palms as they passed in front of him and then kissing her forehead before standing to move to the bathroom. He set out towels for both of them, started the shower, and made his way back to the bed.
When he returned, she’s sat on the side of the bed, still completely blissed out. She started this tonight, but she had never expected it to end up here.
“Thank you, Ash” she smiled up at him.
“I love you so much, petal.” He placed a kiss to her nose as she scrunched it up. “You did so good tonight. Can you come take a shower with me?”
She nodded and gave him a small hum. Ashton leaned down to take off the thigh-highs she still had on, kissing her knees and causing a small laugh, and then he supported her as they made their way to the bathroom. He checked the water temperature as she took time to pee. Throughout their sleepy shower, Ashton continued to place sweet kisses to her skin and remind her how good she was for him tonight. He had been so stressed out at work all week and knew he hadn’t been giving her enough attention but he never expected tonight to go this way. He felt so happy to be with her.
When they made their way back to bed, Ashton peeled the dirty comforter off and replaced it with a fresh, soft blanket. They curled up together as she spooned into him. He pulled his arm over her and kissed her shoulder one last time.
“Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you?”
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rosesfromcth · 5 years
Rosesfromcth Masterlist
Calum Hood
Too Hot (frat boy!Cal x Y/N- y/n hates calum purely for the reason that he’s too hot and calum wants to change that, enemies to lovers) #collegecalum #fratboycalum #enemiestolovers
Cocktail Chats (fluff Burned before, Calum wants to show the world his love for y/n) #drunkcalum
Get Your Own Jacket (fluff-Calum warns you to bring a jacket in case it rains, but you are too stubborn to listen) #boyfriendcalum
The Breakup (angst-in which, Calum and y/n break up in order to avoid hating each other) #sadcalum
Kiss Me (fluff-it’s your wedding day and time for your first dance with calum) #groomcalum
New Years (fluff-Calum surprises y/n with a cute night in on new years) #boyfriendcalum #cutecalum #holidaycalum
Something’s Wrong (angst with some fluff?-y/n is struggling and calum begs her to open up to him) #supportivecalum
Comfy, Sleep Shirt (Calum accidentally ruins y/n favorite shirt, how does he make it up to her? mundane life w cal) #boyfriendcalum
Scratch my itch. (Fluff-Calum is clinging but y/n has an issue she needs a hand with) #clingycalum
Ashton Irwin
Play It Again (Fluff- Ashton meets y/n in a cute little bar after a concert) #meetcuteashton
New Years (fluff- date night in with ashton) #holidayashton #cuteashton #boyfriendashton
Crashing Coffee Cups- 1, 2 (fluff-y/n works at a radio station, and Ashton ruins her favorite blouse by quite literally crashing into her and her coffee.) #meetcuteashton
Luke Hemmings
The Middle- 1, (fluff-y/n is a fan and somehow stands out to luke at a meet and greet. slow burn, slow updates) #fanstoloversluke #friendstoloversluke
I Need You (angst-y/n is struggling with luke being on tour and like surprises her) #supportiveluke
My Girl (fluff-luke and y/n have been seeing each other for awhile, but he’s leaving on tour soon. what will they do?) #softluke
Valentine (Plus Sized Reader) Fluff-Luke meets y/n, a plus sized model, at a party where she doesn’t quite recognize him. make out sessions?) #meetcuteluke
Michael Clifford
Play With My Hair
Shawn Mendes
Spill Your Guts(Fluff-Famous reader X Shawn Mendes. James corden tricks Y/n into dating shawn maybe?) #softshawn
Birthday, blurbs and other random
-roselukes birthday smut
Drunk party time with Calum
Puppy Love with Calum request
Best friends to lovers with calum request
Marry Me (cth/Happy birthday Hannah!)
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melancholy-mikey · 3 years
Send in a smutty ask + ask to be tagged in future fics here!
Link to my main masterlist
* - indicates smut
Please note: most of my works are nsfw, so please read with caution. 18+
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Calum tittyfucking a reader with big boobs *
Calum with a dominant reader *
anal + spitting with Calum *
Calum putting a gag on reader *
Hatefucking with Calum *
Face slapping with Calum *
roleplaying with Luke *
mommy kink with sub!luke *
More mommy kink (+ face riding) with sub!luke *
Michael dealing with a reader in sub space
face riding with Michael *
Michael punishing the reader in front of the boys *
Aftercare with Michael and the boys (continuation of blurb above)
Mikey making an insecure reader cum in front of a mirror *
pet play + spanking with Ashton *
Mommy kink with sub!ash *
Ash making reader squirt *
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cheekysos · 4 years
Between Hate and Lust Part Four
Ashton Irwin x Plus Size Reader
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Author’s Note: I wasn’t planning on writing part four but there’s a handful of people interested so thank you to them. Definitely think this is the dirtiest thing I’ve written to date so I hope you guys like it.  I’m not writing this series to exclude any body type, shape, or size because everyone’s bodies should be accepted and celebrated. So I am very sorry if this in any way excludes anyone, that is not my intention. If there’s anything you’d like to read please leave a request in my asks and I will try my best to do it justice. If you have any feedback please let me know.
Summary: Ashton and Y/N go back to her place to finish what they started in the parking lot
Warnings: LOTS of smut, masturbation, oral sex, protected sex, dirty talk, swearing, very light bondage, and choking.
Your legs were practically jelly walking to Ashton’s car. You still kind of hated him but you were desperate for more of him, to taste him and to feel him. It definitely wasn’t your proudest moment leaving your best friends wedding without telling anyone just so you could indulge in crazy hate sex but you were way beyond the point of caring, you’d do damage control once you came down from this high. You have never experienced an orgasm like that before. It’s possible it was because of the risk of it, the idea you two could get caught at any second or maybe it was because you had such a strong hatred for Ashton and there really is a fine line between hate and lust. Most likely it was simply just because of Ashton, how skilled and tentative he was with your body and how you reacted. 
Driving back to your place was torturous, you were conflicted with rethinking your decision and just reaching over and taking care of him right then and there but big girls and car sex is not always great, especially with a smaller car like Ashton’s. 
“Can see those wheels turning in that pretty little head of yours.” Ashton interrupted. “You thinking about how many times I’m gonna make you cum?” His massive hand started to knead at the meat of your inner thigh. He was so cocky and clearly still playing games. You reached for his hand and removed it from your thigh. He shot you a quick confused look as you brought his hand to your lips. You guided his two fingers past your lips and into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them and sucking. He shifted in the drivers seat when you removed them from your warm mouth. You spread your legs and pull aside your panties for him with your free hand while your other guides his coated fingers into you.
“Fuck,” he exhaled, “such a needy little thing. Can’t even wait ten minutes to cum again.” 
“Just shut up, before I do it myself.” You moaned. Shit ,you hated how sexy he was. 
“Then do it. Fuck yourself with my fingers, show me how to do it.” Ashton’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel harder. He was driving you insane and he wasn’t even doing anything, but you did as you were told and slid down the seat making yourself comfortable. You lifted your leg slightly up onto the compartment of the door, gripping his hand tighter and began to fuck yourself with his perfect fingers. They were long and thick and filled you to the brim. You could feel Ashton stealing glances from the road probably too often to watch you. 
"Look at you, you’re insatiable. Think you can cum before we get there?” he questioned.
“Maybe if you shut the fuck up I could.” That was a lie, you hated how much Ashton’s dirty talk turned you on. 
“I know you’re lying,” he scoffed. “I can tell you like to praised, told how you’re such a good girl, how you take cock so well.” His voice was rugged and scratchy,  it sent a shiver down your spine. 
The knot in your stomach was ready to burst for the second time that night. You pushed Ashton’s hand firm against your pubic bone, desperate for some sort of friction on your throbbing clit. He could clearly tell you were close because he took over, allowing you to focus only on your orgasm which is exactly what you did. Before you knew it you were coming undone around him.
“Look at how wrecked you are with just my fingers can’t imagine what you’ll be like wrapped around my cock.”  
Ashton’s POV
The car ride back to Y/N’s felt like the longest car ride ever. She was driving you mad and your cock has never been harder, watching her in the passenger seat of your car, getting off using your hand. It took everything you had to not crash the car or pull over on the side of the road, but you meant it when you said you wanted to take your time and treat her right like she deserved. 
When she finally came you were just pulling up to her apartment. Your hands were all over her and she fumbled with her keys, cock pressed firmly against her voluptuous ass, lips latching onto her earlobe. 
“Open the goddamn door before I break it down.” you growled. 
She chuckled while she turned the key and opened the door. She spun around and attacked your lips. You kissed her back as you both stumbled around in the dark towards her bedroom. You pulled away from her and took in the sight. Her cheeks were rosy, her lips were pink and swollen, and her hair was disheveled but she looked as gorgeous as ever. 
“Turn around.” you whisper. She stepped out of her heels and turned away from you. You brushed her hair to the side and kissed down the back of her neck and slowly unzipped her dress. You peppered kisses across her exposed shoulders as you pushed her dress down her body. 
“Gimme your hands doll.” Again she complied without an backtalk. You removed your tie from around your neck and gently tied it around her wrists. 
“This okay?” You waited for her approval. 
“Yes,” she panted. “More than okay.” 
When she turned around she instantly dropped to her knees. You undid your belt and trousers more desperate than you would have liked. Within seconds your pants were around your ankles finally exposing you to Y/N for the first time and you’re almost positive you heard her whimper.  She looked up at you through heavy lustful eyes and licked her lips before she leaned towards you. She licked up the length of your cock all the way up to the tip, lapping up the precum pooling at your slit. Her lips surrounded the head as she slowly slid down your shaft and buried her nose against you. She felt absolutely incredible, so warm and wet, you actively had to focus on not cumming then. You gathered her hair as you slowly guided her. 
“I knew it, knew you’d take my cock so well. Such a good girl for me.” The moans she was eliciting from you were almost embarrassing but you couldn’t help it, she felt amazing. She steadied her pace, bobbing up and down on you and looking up at the entire time. You knew you wouldn’t last much longer if she kept this up.
You stepped back slightly so she could release your cock with pop, “up.” you panted. 
 She looked almost disappointed to not have you in her mouth anymore. As she got to her feet you quickly discarded the rest of your clothing and removed a foil packet from your pocket. You admired her as she stood in front of you in a matching black lace bra and panties. The shape and curve of her body was mouth watering, you wanted to touch and kiss every inch of her skin. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous you know that.” She looked down at your words.
You lifted her face and wiped the saliva collecting in the dip of her chin. “On the bed. On your knees and face the wall. ‘m gonna fuck you now Y/N.” 
Those pretty pink lips of hers parted, probably to voice a snotty remark but you shot her a domineering look and she instantly reconsidered. She climbed on the bed and faced the wall while you removed the condom from the foil  and hastily slid it onto your throbbing cock. You sauntered towards her and ran your hand down the length of her spin, her skin instinctively producing goosebumps from your touch. Slowly you looped your fingers in the waistband of her lace panties and pulled them down.  You couldn’t resist the urge to cover her ass in raised bright red hand prints. Her yelps were accomplished by soft little moans that made your cock twitch.
“Please. Just fuck me already.” Her tied hands reached for you behind her back. 
Your pushed her forward, her face pressed into the mattress and your hands splayed across her ass checks exposing her dripping core. Fuck your mouth watered at the sight. “Be patient or you won’t cum again.” You spoke against her center, inhaling her arousal before lapping it up, tasting her excitement.
“Oh fuck Ash.” she whimpered. 
You lined yourself with her entrance and teased her slit with the tip of your cock. “Tell me you want me.” you grunt. 
“I want you, I need you!” she begged.
 You slowly slid into her tight cunt and stayed there, giving her time to adjust to the feeling of her inside her. You hadn’t even  properly moved inside her yet and you could already tell you’ll be addicted to this feeling, addicted to her. When she started to push back against you you knew she was ready for you. Your hands latched onto the curve of her hips as you started to thrust in and out of her. 
Both of your moans and grunts filled the air while you fucked her. She looked ravenous like this, her face in the mattress, hands tied, ass in the air, and pussy lips gripping onto your cock like they were holding on for life. You grabbed onto her restricted hands and pulled her off the mattress, deepening and quickening your thrusts into her. Her back was almost flush against your chest as you took her from behind. 
“I...’m close,” she heaved. “Choke me.” 
Fuck, she’s definitely going to be the death of you. You wrapped a hand firmly around her throat and applied pressure. A few thrusts later she was crying out, her climax finally taking over. Her walls clenched around your cock, squeezing you so tightly she milked every drop of cum you had into the condom. The two of you stayed pressed against each other with your cock buried inside her for a bit while you both came down from your highs. You kissed her shoulder up the length of her neck until you caught your breath. 
Ashton slid out of you after your third orgasm of the night. You mewled at the absence of him and fell onto the mattress. Ashton untied your wrists and you turned over on your back. He pulled off the used condom and tossed it into the bin. He crawled over to you and hovered over your body and kissed you softly. You were starting to like him and you hated it. 
“That was...incredible.” that stupid beautiful smile was plastered across his sweaty face. 
“It was alright.” you teased. “Like I said still hate you though.” 
He snickered. “How will I ever change your mind?” 
You ran your fingers through his chest hair, “A couple more orgasms would be a good start.”
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irwinkitten · 4 years
swimsuit | poly!kayshton
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anon: So, I was thinking, maybe plussized!reader with poly!kayshton. Like, going swimming and reader is kinda nervous, especially with the way haters have compared y/n to Kaykay, but once they see you in your high waisted bikini it drives them crazy.  notes: this was meant to be 600 words AT LEAST but we all know when it comes to poly!kayshton i have zero control and this turned into 2.5k words. (also i have two more poly!kayshton pieces coming up at some point. warnings: smut word count: 2.5k lmao 
The trip to Bali had come at a good time for the three of you. Ashton had a break before he was jetting off for tour and Kaykay had nothing extravagant happening, a few shoots that could be pushed back. You’d been signed off from work, desperately needing a recovery period mentally. 
It wouldn’t have gotten so bad had your bitch of a boss decided that she didn’t like your relationship, consistently giving you the early morning shift that no one wanted, dressing you down in front of customers and making rude remarks directed at you about your weight, your body and question how your partners could ever love you. 
 You’d been able to deal with it until Ashton had posted a photo of the three of you from Christmas. You’d been sprawled across their laps, Kaykay’s fingers in your hair with Ashton’s hands on your back. 
The moment for you was precious. It was the first time you’d actively let yourself relax on them instead of between them or against them. You’d been so frightened but the way that Kaykay had used her fingers on your scalp to help you relax, had melted you into a puddle of goo. Ashton had laughed and chucked his phone at Luke who’d been visiting and asked him to take a photo. 
The comments that had flooded in were nasty at best and vile at worst. Ashton had to turn off his comments before deleting and re-uploading the photo but the damage had been done and the voice in your head seemed to get louder every so often.
So you’d lodged your complaint with HR and gotten yourself signed off for three weeks. Ashton had taken full advantage of that. 
You’d not visited Bali before, so despite your tiredness, your eyes were wide and curious as you leaned across Kaykay to try and see everything, making her laugh. 
“Curiosity of a kitten.” She teased and you shot her a look of feigned hurt. She smiled in return and kissed your lips. 
“We’ve got time to explore, little one. You can let your curiosity run rampant then.” Ashton coaxed and you hesitated, especially with how you were leaning over Kaykay. 
You tossed your head back to look, at him, mischievous grin on your lips. 
“I thought you liked this view though.” It stunned them both for a second before Kaykay shared a grin with you but Ashton had you both in his hand firmly as he landed a smack on your backside, earning a pout from you. 
“Don’t be a brat. I promise we’ll explore. Sit back for now till we get to the hotel.” You finally acquiesced to his request, pouting as you did. But he let a hand rest on your thigh, pressing a kiss to your temple. 
Kaykay was grinning like a child on Christmas Day and you wondered why as she let her head rest on your shoulder, her eyes wide as her arm rested across your stomach. You fought the urge to tense your body at her touch, keeping yourself relaxed as you gave her a curious look.
“That was the first time you started playing up without any encouragement from me, Angel.” Ashton groaned as she giggled. 
“She’s pointing out that this trip is a blessing in disguise because you’re relaxing if you’re testing boundaries already, little one. Not to mention that you’re starting to let go a little more with us.” Ashton’s words were tinged with amusement and pride. 
It had taken you a while to not hold yourself back with them. The first time they’d approached you, you’d thought it was a joke until Kaykay had asked if she could kiss you and you’d melted into her almost immediately. It was learning steps for you to have both of them love on you with no holding back, appreciating every roll and curve of yours to the point where you found it easier to do things like sprawl across their laps and not hesitate because you were scared of your weight crushing them. 
When you finally reached the hotel and Ashton had paid the driver, Kaykay had slipped her hand in yours and pulled you to the view that you’d get to experience over the course of the next couple of weeks. 
“So you reckon that this was the better decision?” Kaykay asked quietly as you two sat and waited whilst Ashton checked the three of you in. You were leaning against her, a soft hum escaping as you allowed her fingers to massage your scalp, your eyes closing as you enjoyed the attention from her. 
“Definitely. Spoke to HR about it as well and explained that we were flying out of the country for two weeks. They’d done the whole “was this booked in advance and denied?” So I showed them the screenshot that Ash sent us when I went in to hand in my sign off. I honestly don’t feel so on edge and haven't done since the plane took off.” You admitted softly and Kaykay sighed as she withdrew her fingers from your scalp, earning a whine of protest from you. 
Only she wrapped her arms around you, cutting off the whine and you relaxed into her touch. 
“We could see you reaching breaking point. Ash was scared that you’d snap first which is why the second you told us your doctor had signed you off, he went ahead and booked the trip. No fans, no paps. Just the three of us and our very private place and pool.” You giggled as she pressed small kisses to your face before her lips met yours. 
“I got really lucky with you two.” You finally whispered and she smiled in response. 
“C’mon you two. Our room is ready.” Ashton’s voice was gentle as he reached the both of you, having overheard the last part he knew this was something you definitely needed. Once you were up, you kissed him softly before lacing your fingers with his. 
“After you.” The grin you wore he matched and the three of you headed out. 
The place was beautiful. You felt your breath get stolen from you as you walked through the place. There was a small kitchenette with a dining area, it then opened into a wide lounge which seemed to creep outside to an open plan garden that housed a pool which overlooked the view of the ocean. 
Upon further exploring, you found the large bedroom with an attached bathroom and a balcony, overlooking the forest outside. Opening the glass panel doors, you leaned against the railing as you tilted your head back, enjoying the warmth of the sun. 
You could hear Ashton’s footsteps pause and you finally turned your head to see his phone up and a soft grin on his lips. 
“You look utterly stunning sweetheart.” He murmured as he finally put the phone down and came up behind you, arms wrapped around your neck as he leant his chin on the top of your head. 
It was blissful and perfect. 
“Do you reckon we’ll get a chance to hike?” You murmured softly, leaning into his touch. He hummed noncommittally in return, and you closed your eyes. 
You knew you were going to enjoy it here. 
The first few days were met with little resistance from you. Ashton had been before so he was designated planner, and he planned it so that those first few days you were exploring the city with them. The three of you were very careful whilst you were out and about, much to Ashton’s annoyance but he understood that you were hesitant to flaunt the relationship with them. 
The nights were often filled with various things from visiting their bars to being invited to beach parties by other tourists. You always woke up nestled between your two favourite people. 
It was finally a more relaxed day, nothing specifically planned. So Ashton had headed out to the pool and Kaykay had followed shortly after. 
You, however, hesitated. 
You opted to hide in the shade, watching them play about in the pool with a pang of sadness. 
The thought of wearing the swimsuit you had for this trip, terrified you. You’d managed to get away with wearing shorts and baggy shirts or loose breathable fabrics to keep you cool whereas Kaykay had practically lived in her bikini. But you’d seen enough comments.
You couldn’t help but compare yourself and as much as you told yourself that they loved you, it still frightened you to wear something like that. 
Another part of your mind continued to tell you how stupid you were since they’d seen you naked, they loved on every inch of your skin. But the anxiety overwhelmed your sensibilities, so you remained hidden in the shade, in a tunic and shorts to combat the heat of the afternoon. 
Kaykay, however, was having none of that. 
She looked like a goddess as she pulled herself out of the pool, the small towel wrapped around her body to keep the dripping water to a minimum as she made her way over to you. Your throat went dry as she sat herself in your lap, setting your book aside carefully as she pouted at you. 
Immediately you knew any argument was going to be lost. You always struggled to resist her pleading eyes. 
“Why aren’t you out in the pool with us?” You hesitated at her question. Part of you wondered if you could lie and see if she’d buy it, but they both knew you better than you knew yourself. 
She’d see through the lie instantly. 
“I’m scared of wearing the swimsuit.” You haltingly admitted, your eyes silently begging her to understand your anxiety. 
She opened her mouth before pausing and closing it again and you looked away from her. 
“You know we think you’re beautiful in whatever you wear, right?” The question caught you off guard as she shifted so that she was straddling your lap, her hands cupping your face as your hands rested on her waist. 
You ignored your mind pointing out it was yet another difference between you two. 
“They compare us constantly and I hate it because it’s all I can see.” You whispered in return and her face dropped and she leaned forward to kiss you, her lips peppering your face before they finally met yours. 
“You are your own beautiful person. Ashton loves both of us for who we are, not what we look like. I love you for who you are, this witty, charming, intelligent person who in some ways outshines me six ways to Sunday.” Your heart was beating rapidly as you forced back your tears. 
“Peachy.” You murmured and she shook her head. 
“No. You listen to me. They’re all fucking assholes for doing that to you. You’re beautiful, funny and I love you for you. Go get changed and join us. Please?” And your resistance crumbled as you closed your eyes and kissed her softly. 
“Fine. Go back out and I’ll be out in a few.” And she beamed as she slid from your lap and made her way back out. 
You heard Ashton ask if everything was okay as you headed back to the bedroom, but you missed her reply. 
Putting the bikini on felt every kind of wrong. But as you slid the high waisted bottoms on, you could see that actually, you looked cute. 
And you held onto that feeling as you grabbed one of the towels and made your way back out. You stopped yourself from grabbing the tunic as you made your way back through and paused by the door. 
Neither of them were looking at you, so you took in a deep breath and placed the towel on one of the many sun loungers and made your way to the side where the steps into the pool began. 
Your movement had caught their attention and both turned to watch you, and you forced yourself not to hide away from their stares. Kaykay’s lips were slightly parted and Ashton’s eyes never left you as you slowly descended into the cool water. 
Swimming over to the ledge they were both resting on that overlooked the ocean, Ashton was quick to pull you to him, wrapping your legs around his waist with an almost predator-like grin. 
“Look at our gorgeous baby.” He breathed before Kaykay broke from the stupor. 
“Holy shit Angel. Do you not realise how hot you look?” You wrapped your arms around Ashton’s neck, knowing the water made it easier for him to hold you like this. 
“I don’t-well, no.” You changed your words at Ashton’s warning look. His hands moved around to your ass, squeezing it briefly before he pulled you flush against him, a small ‘oh’ dropping from your lips. 
“Trust me sweetheart, you look fucking fantastic.” He murmured and you couldn’t meet his eyes for a moment. 
Kaykay wore a smug grin as she came up behind Ashton, her arm reaching around him as she brushed over your nipple through the fabric of the swimsuit and you pressed your lips together. 
“Oh angel, you look just ravishing.” Kaykay breathed as she repeated the action. 
Your eyes fell shut before the snapped open as you felt the top get pulled off and Ashton smirked as he threw it in the direction of the towels, a wet slap to the ground signifying that it had landed within the targeted area. 
Ashton had placed you on your feet, your back to the ocean as Kaykay stood in front of you, her head dipping and catching a nipple in her mouth. You belatedly realised she’d discarded her top as well. 
Ashton was stood next to you, his lips working your neck as his fingers slid beneath the bottoms and he wasted no time in pushing his fingers into you. 
Not to be left out, Kaykay slid her fingers to your clit and added with the cooler temperature of the water, everything felt more intense as they slowly worked you up until your legs were shaking. 
“Oh my god please. Please let me cum.” You finally whimpered out, earning a smirk from Ashton as Kaykay’s lips found yours. 
“Cum all over his fingers baby.” You needed no further encouragement as your head tilted back and you moaned, Ashton continuing to work you through your high until you whined, your hips shifting a bit. 
“Absolutely not sweetheart. C’mon, let us show you how good you looked.” And you didn’t protest as he led the way from the pool, Kaykay trailing behind as you tried to catch your breath, almost moaning at the sight of him stripping down. 
“On the bed little one, me and Peach have got a lot of time to make up for.” 
You definitely couldn’t complain as their lips moved across your body and their hands left marks that you loved to see on your skin days afterwards. 
You knew in a heartbeat that you’d be back here with them in the future and you were almost certainly going to wear the swimsuit.
shoot me a message to be specifically added to the poly!kayshton taglist!
@sexgodashton​, @loveroflrh​,
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xmeetyoutherex · 5 years
Agents in Training // Chapter 1
FBI!Calum x FBI!Reader 
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Unpacking was taking longer than Calum expected. He was sure it didn’t take this long his first time at Quantico.
In truth he didn’t pay any attention to the lecture all the NATs just sat through for the past hour, he had heard it all before, about two years ago to more exact. He was currently undercover on a mission with the FBI. Calum had no further information than his orders to get close to his mark and make them open up to him. He didn’t pay attention to the lecture because he was too focused on his mark. Y/N Y/L/N. She looked harmless in all honesty, he couldn’t wrap his head around why James would have him investigating her.
She did have this look in her eyes. Calum couldn’t tell if it was just determination or something else. Calum’s thoughts were cut short when his roommate charged in.
“Could these rooms be any smaller?”
Calum let out a light chuckle at his abrupt statement.
“Calum Hood”, Calum stated while holding his hand out to his roommate to shake.
“Ashton Irwin. You can call me Ash though.”
“Well if we are already at that point in our relationship, then just call me Cal.” This time it was Ashton letting out a giggle.
“I do believe in love at first sight.” Ash responded walking to the restroom with a slight smirk and a wink before breaking into laughter with Calum.
“Hey, I didn’t realize we had to share a bathroom on top of it,” Ashton shouted followed by a light groan.
Calum could already tell he was quite the character.
The door read Jenna McCall and Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N assumed that meant she was at the correct room. She opened the door to be greeted by a struggling Joy. She broke the silence by asking, “Need a little help there, Joy?”
Her roommate jumped at the unfamiliar voice and immediately whipped around to see a smiling Y/N. “You scared me,” Jenna said pointedly with a light laugh. “And yes please. I’m 23 years old and I’m back at summer camp.”
Y/N couldn’t agree more. “Well, I do make mean hospital quarters.”
It only took a couple minutes to do the sheets on both their beds, despite Jenna bringing sheets for a full-size bed instead of a twin like they were supposed to.
It had probably been about twenty minutes of silence while they both unpacked and got situated in their new “home” when Jenna finished.
“You know, I saw a bar down the street on the drive here. Want to spend our last night of freedom getting drunk?” Jenna noticed the disinterest on Y/N’s face and decided to add, “It’s something we won’t be able to do for a while after tonight.”
“No, I think I’m going to walk the base, get to know it better before classes tomorrow.” Y/N looked up and added, “But next chance we get you bet your ass I’m joining.”
Jenna laughed at the sudden change in demeanor. “Sounds like a plan.”
As Jenna began walking out Y/N shouted, “Remember curfew’s at 11:00.”
As she was dropping her head back down to refocus on unpacking, she catches the same cold eyes and smirk of the man from the lecture that morning staring at her from the bathroom. She just looked back down at her suit case mimicking the same smirk embracing his face.
Y/N had just finished putting everything in her room into place, so she started to pack her bag for tomorrow
“Hey, I heard you were going to explore the base. Do you want me to join?” Y/N looked up at the door to see the same man once again.
“And why would I want that?” Y/N shot back with a small smile finding the situation quite amusing.
“We are bathroom-mates, don’t you think we should get to know each other? I don’t want to be sharing a bathroom with a stranger for the next five months.  I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s on the door, Calum.” She just couldn’t keep the smile from growing larger on her face. Y/N stood up and shook her head lightly while letting out a pleased sigh, “Plus, I do better alone.” As she walked out the door, she lightly brushed Calum’s shoulder. He was going to have a harder time getting close to her than he had thought.
All the NATs were gathered Around a table with about thirty folders on them. This was their first class of the day and Y/N was already exhausted. She spent the whole night getting lost. She did not realize just how big the base was. Between the five shooting ranges and the indoor and outdoor pools, Y/N could get used to it very fast.
As soon as everyone was situated and in earshot Agent Wood began explaining their first assignment.
“Inside these folders is every piece of information the FBI gathered on you during your application process - with one item redacted.”
Y/N couldn’t help but notice the look of worry in some of the other NATs eyes.
“If intelligence is the CIA’s game, ours is investigation. Someone’s identity is stolen, a serial killer strikes, a bomb goes off; even when there are no leads, there are always clues. The smallest detail can make a huge difference. So. You’re going to pick a fellow Trainee and figure out the missing piece of their story in the next 24 hours. And whoever does the best job?” James paused to show his laptop. “All the research the Bureau has gathered on the Arlington Arsonist. It’s an active case, top ten priority level, and one of you will get the chance to shadow me on it. You just have to prove yourself first.”
With that in mind almost every NAT ran to the table to get a folder. Y/N and Calum included, but Calum’s reasoning was completely different. He needed to get close to his mark and he had the perfect idea.
As soon as Calum got to the table he began looking for hers’ but found his own instead. So, with the same obnoxious smirk as yesterday, Calum challenged, “I’m right here,” while grabbing his folder and throwing it in front of Y/N on the table.
“Already figured you out,” Y/N quipped shooting him back the same obnoxious smirk he was giving her. But when she looked up, he was waving her folder in the air at her.
“Got what I wanted”
Y/N just scoffed lightly and picked up the folder with his name on it.
Tags: @emotionalhue
A/N: sorry its really short. I promise the next one will be longer! Also if you want to be in the tag list send me an ask or message:) 
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melancholy-mikey · 4 years
Bee’s masterlist 🐝
Please note: most of my works are nsfw, so please read with caution. 18+
if you’d like to be tagged, click here!
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* - indicates intense sexual content
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queen bitch
the reader can’t help but to give into michael’s needs. after all, he is such a good boy. *
suffer well
it’s been a while since michael has treated his good girl, but that doesn’t mean he’d pass up the opportunity to tease. *
cry to me
the reader gets caught touching herself - both michael and luke strive to make her feel good before her punishment ensues. *
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new perspective
the reader has never managed to get herself off, and in the middle of a rather disappointing masturbation session, calum comes to her rescue. *
she makes me
calum reveals a new kink to the reader, and she sees how eager he really is to have her hands tied above her head. *
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come as you are
all luke wants is to have his head between the reader’s thighs. is that too much to ask? *
cry to me
the reader gets caught touching herself - both michael and luke strive to make her feel good before her punishment ensues. *
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melancholy-mikey · 3 years
in that case could i have some pet play with Ashton please? maybe a bit of spanking as well if that's alright xx
a/n: thank you for your ask, baby! I hope this is okay. 💕💕
Ashton tugged harshly at the collar that was held securely around her neck with an intricate buckle, his fingers curling around the little metal loop that rested on her throat and used it to bring her forward.
Y/n was on her knees, palms resting against her bare thighs and big, glazed eyes stared up at him through her lashes.
“Been such a bad girl, kitten.” He sighed, clicking his tongue at her mockingly, his stare was hard and his irises dilated. She cowered slightly, but didn’t dare break her gaze from him.
“M’sorry, sir-” she began, but Ashton placed his pointer finger to her lips - a way to silence her.
“Kitten’s don’t speak unless they have permission to do so.” The level of his voice was calm - steady, but she knew that underneath all of his composure, he was seething. “God, kitten, you really have been misbehaving today.”
Y/n hung her head in shame and just the mere fact she didn’t like seeing her dominant mad.
Strong digits gripped her chin, tugging it upwards to face him, and the furrow between his eyebrows was all-too noticeable.
“Look at me.” She whimpered at the pressure of his fingers, they were digging into the skin of her face and she pawed at his wrist pathetically.
“Think it’s only fair that I take you over my knee, hm?” He cocked an eyebrow at her, “it’ll give you some time to think about what you’ve done, and how many times you’ve decided to disobey me today, kitten.”
She nodded feebly, a pout resting on her puffy lips, but she couldn’t ignore the wetness that pooled in the crotch of her panties, saturating the pale pink fabric.
“Up.” She scrambled to get to her feet at his simple command, watching him sit on the edge of the bed before climbing onto his lap once he patted his thigh. A calloused hand cupped her ass cheek, kneading them between his palm and sliding his fingers along her spine.
Y/n struggled in his grip, on edge and waiting - so impatient for Ashton to inflict some sort of pain onto her.
A sharp slap was damned upon her cheek, the skin already tinting and stinging. She whimpered and bucked her hips downwards, feeling the bulge of his cock rut into her tummy.
“Such a disobedient little kitten,” he breathed, palm smacking against her opposite cheek, much harder than he did previously. “Maybe I should put a leash on that collar, huh? Pull you around for everyone to see on your hands and knees. Really show you up.”
She could feel his smirk burn into her skin, and she yelped when she received three, consecutive blows to her searing backside.
“You’re my little pet, aren’t you?” He cooed, all lustful and passive-aggressive. “You belong to me. I am your owner.”
She whined and whimpered, mewling into his thigh, all muffled by the fabric of his slacks. Her clit throbbed from the constant smacks to her backside and his crude talk.
“That’s it, kitty. Takin’ it so well.”
ask to be tagged here!
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cheekysos · 4 years
Between Hate and Lust Part Two
 Ashton Irwin x Plus Size Reader
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Author’s Note:  I’m sorry this took awhile for me to post. Thank you for the feedback on part one, I hope you enjoy part two and I plan on writing a part three! I’m not writing this series to exclude any body type, shape, or size because everyone’s bodies should be accepted and celebrated. So I am very sorry if this in any way excludes anyone, that is not my intention. If there’s anything you’d like to read please leave a request in my asks and I will try my best to do it justice. If you have any feedback or ideas for part three please let me know.  
Summary: Y/N is doing her best to ignore Ashton and his stupid dumb face at the wedding but he’s making it damn near impossible.
Warnings: Very brief mentions of masturbation, sexual thoughts, mutual pining, light swearing
  Y/N’s POV
The morning of the wedding was a little bit of a blur to you. You barely got any sleep last night, your thoughts completely consumed with Ashton. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t give in after hours of tossing and turning in bed and reached for your purple vibrator in your nightstand. Ashton’s words from earlier playing over in your head, “Unless you need some help keeping that pretty mouth shut.” Did he really think your mouth was pretty and what exactly would he have done if you didn’t keep quiet? You kicked yourself for not pushing him.
  The next morning you were getting your makeup and hair done, drinking mimosas with the rest of the bridesmaids and the bride to be. Your hair and makeup was simple but elegant, subtle smokey eye with loose curls half up. You were grateful that all the bridesmaids were able to choose different styles of a dress all in the same mauve color. Your dress had a fitted bodice with a halter neckline and cut right at the knee.  You were trying your best to enjoy the moment and not think about how in an hour you’d be walking down the aisle next to Ashton. 
Ashton’s POV
You were nursing your second cup of coffee, hoping it would take the edge off your hangover. You didn’t intend on drinking so much last night but you didn’t want to think about anything or anyone. You understood why Y/N was still upset with you and you didn’t blame her but were definitely hoping that she’d at least give you the chance to apologize. You couldn’t believe you actually said that to her, “unless you need some help keeping that pretty mouth shut.” Your temper regrettably got the better of you, which meant your dominance came out too. You were kind of torn, part of you want to put her pretty mouth to work just completely dominate her but part of you also wanted to whisk her away and worship every inch of her. Your mind was consumed with her, thinking about the way she’d feel pressed against you, how soft and sweet her lips probably are, the way her thighs would feel clenched around your head.
“I’m guessing she didn’t accept your apology?” the groom sat down next to you, interrupting your thoughts. 
“She did not,” you sighed. “Can’t blame her though, I was a twat.” 
He chuckled, “Mate, we’re all twats when we’re fourteen. You admitted you were wrong and apologized, that’s what’s important. Now get your ass up so I can go get married.” 
Most of the guests had arrived and it was almost time for you and the rest of the wedding party to walk down the aisle. You started to think about what Ashton would be wearing, it would be hard for him to top last night but you had a feeling he’d somehow manage to do so and he’d probably do it effortlessly too. He truly was infuriating, he’s so attractive and he damn well knows it too.  
You gave yourself one last glance in the mirror before you hugged your best friend and walked out into the corridor where the rest of the wedding party was gathered. The groomsmen were all wearing traditional black suits, white shirts and black ties and yet somehow it looked different on him. He put everyone else to shame in that suit and you knew you weren’t the only one who thought so. You slowly sauntered over to where Ashton and another bridesmaid were joking around, her hand playfully slapping his arm. You intentionally shot daggers her way. You wish you could say you were surprised that he was flirting with her but you weren’t, she was petite and skinny and everything you weren’t. 
“Everyone’s lining up,” you said her coldly. 
 You could feel Ashton’s body language shift as she said goodbye to him and left the two of you standing alone. Your mouth was dry and a massive lump was stuck in your throat. You had been thinking of what to say to him all day but now that you were here right next to him, nothing seemed right so instead you stood next to him and quietly admired him. He was so handsome, even more so up close. His jawline was so sharp and his Adam's apple was so prominent you desperately wanted to kiss and nip at his neck. He smelled like warmth and citrus, what you imagined sunshine smelled like. He had to have noticed you staring, you were making no attempts to hide it. Ashton startled you when he stuck his arm out for you to link yours in. You inhaled deeply before snaking your arm through his. 
Ashton’s POV
Walking down the aisle with Y/N was tense, at least on your end. Her arm was looped in yours and she smelled sweet like vanilla and not to mention the fact that she looked stunning. She definitely knew how to accentuate all her best assets. The two of you hadn’t said anything to each other since last night but you found the words spewing out of your mouth like word vomit as you reached the end of the aisle. 
“You look beautiful,” you whispered to her as the two of you parted ways. 
God, you felt stupid for saying that. Obviously she didn’t care what you thought. You never struggled this much with women, most of the time it was actually pretty effortless for you; the words just flowed naturally. With Y/N it was completely different, you second guessed everything about yourself and it was driving you mad. You spent most of the ceremony keeping your eyes on the couple or at the ground, occasionally stealing a glance at Y/N. She looked poetic standing there holding a bouquet of flowers. 
Y/N’s POV 
The ceremony was beautiful. You were so happy for your friends and you wanted to make sure that they had an amazing night with no outbursts but Ashton was making it difficult. He told you that you looked beautiful as you were walking down the aisle. Was he trying to make up for all the nasty things that were said about your looks back in school or did he actually mean it? Of course you were hoping that he actually thought you were beautiful but you feared that he was just trying to clear his conscious. You ignored his statement and didn’t plan on addressing it but then you were all getting ready to take pictures of the entire wedding party when he came up behind you and gently placed his hand on your back. You had so many mixed emotions feeling his touch.  You were desperate for it, wanted it so badly but your pessimistic nature got the better of you. 
You flinched feeling his breath on your neck. “How many times am I gonna have to tell ya you’re beautiful before you answer me?” he whispered. 
You stepped away from his touch, “Depends. How many more times before your conscious is clean?” you snapped. You didn’t wait for him to respond, you didn’t want to make a scene. You found your spot next to the bride and continued on like nothing was wrong the best you could.
Ashton’s POV
After your last encounter you figured it was best that you kept your distance from Y/N for the rest of the night and then after that the two of you wouldn’t have to see each other ever again. Obviously that’s not what you wanted but it’s what she wanted and you respected that. 
  You were definitely regretting your offer to sing for the first dance, you were really just ready to get drunk again. You downed the last of your scotch before making your way to the band. After brief introductions you slung the guitar over your shoulder and walked to the microphone. 
“Excuse me everyone, if I could have your attention for a moment,” you projected to the crowd. “Can I have everyone clear the dance floor for the first dance.” 
 Everyone cleared the space and cheered as the bride and groom made their way to the floor in front of you. You quietly counted off to the band behind you as you all started to play.  They chose the song ‘Conversations in the Dark’ by John Legend, it was a perfect wedding song and honestly took quite a while to learn but you were happy to do it for them. 
The second you saw him standing on stage with a guitar you knew it was over, there was no way you’d be able to fight it any longer. His voice was unique and smooth, the way his fingers danced along the neck of the guitar sent shivers down your spine. The song itself was beautiful, you were familiar with it but the way it sounded with his voice was breath taking. The whole situation was overwhelming; your best friend getting married, your ex cheating on you, and the guy you spent most of your childhood hating standing in front of you singing.  You didn’t even realize you started crying until tears ran down your cheeks. You got up from the table and hurried outside for some air. You spent some time composing yourself, wiping your tears and touching up your make-up. 
  You decided you were done being angry and sad for tonight, you were ready to go have a couple of drinks and dance but the universe had other plans. For the second time that weekend you were met with an unwanted face, only this time it wasn’t Ashton.
“Hiya pet,” your ex boyfriend stood there perched against the wall; a cigarette in one hand, a drink in the other and a smug look plastered on his face.
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