#ask helena
mysterycitrus · 6 months
who do you think is daddy dearest’s LEAST favorite?
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she is not his child but that will not stop him from hating
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onlysushicat · 2 months
Principal: Thank you for coming, because unfortunately I summoned you to tell you that Helena just had a fight with they classmate.
Dave:.....And she won?
Karkat: DAVID!!!
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excuse the quality im very sleepy, but i had to get the idea out of my head sdjsjd
I imagine Dave NEVER wanted to train Helena but he felt a bit anxious about her not being "protected enough" even with his and Karkat's care. He gets in big trouble once Helena falls sleep lol.
They get into an agreement about her taking lessons only IF she requests them in the future (once shes a teen)
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cringefail-clown · 3 months
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you guys remember the post ive made about classpecting my old ocs and how their session would be Terrible? well here they are. i imagine theyd be a bunch of college students who once were childhood internet friends that kinda fell apart, but decided to reconnect over winter break by playing a new and fresh game that just appeared on the market. chaos ensues
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Send me a song that reminds you of a batfam member and I'll try to guess who it is
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sestrahulk · 10 months
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My story is an embroidery with many beginnings and no end. But I will start with the thread of my sestra Sarah, who stepped off a train one day and met herself.
Happy 6th anniversary to the series finale of Orphan Black!
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elirium · 10 months
Just wanted to say I love ur tiny art of the characters you draw-can def see a small fight between Huntress and Nightwing over Robin (Tim) on whose his fav older sibling is
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(Sibling theft is a serious crime)
And also awww thankkssss for the nice words ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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celaenaeiln · 6 months
What would you consider to be Dick's very best qualities? What would you consider to be quintessential qualities for Dick Grayson to be Dick Grayson? Thank you 😊
Oooh! I’m gonna talk about the qualities that make up the core of Dick Grayson. Writers have different ways of writing him but if they’re lacking one of these qualities then it’s not him they’re writing. Super generally, there are three things he must have.
1. Over-competence
If Dick isn’t the best then it isn’t him. No doubt, canonically Dick is the best. This isn’t even a take, he’s so good at what he does and who he is, people literally form complexes because of him. Tim has a complex about him, Jason has a complex about him, Bruce has complex about him, Roy, Wally, heroes, villains, even freaking Deathstroke has a complex about him. He’s just so good at fighting, solving crime, and tactical maneuvering that he is quite literally considered the height of excellence. Freaking Bruce has relationship issues because Dick is so perfect that he fails like he - Batman - is failing!
Dick’s entire relationship history with everyone - romantic, platonic, friendship, every type can be summed up to one thing - his perfectionism and how others are affected by it. So if Dick isn’t easily kicking villain butt then that’s not him. Everyone just knows that he'll always win or survive.
Like Helena says -
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Detective Comics (2016) Issue #1056
He'll be fine. He's freaking Nightwing.
2. His kindness
While Dick loved adventure and fighting as Robin, what he loved even more was talking care of people. He thought of it as Robin’s job to help the victims, and he did it because he wanted to. Soothing crying children, reassuring worried parents, finding lost pets - he loved the joy that came with make people feel happier and better. Batman might be the dark avenger obsessed with fighting crime but Dick was the one who focused on the first responder type of cases from the victims side.
His first instinct is to help people. That's also why he's such a good character because he can wipe the ground with almost anyone but he's also sweet and soft enough to just feed a bird that hopped inside.
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The New Titans (1988) Issue #71
This scene is probably my favorite Dick Grayson scene of all time.
3. His leadership
Quite frankly the greatest leader. Qualities that make up a great leader is the ability to actively listen, properly delegate tasks, communicate effectively, show empathy, make difficult decisions, be accountable for their actions, have strong integrity, and have a strategic mindset. Dick effectively displays all of this to the maximum extent.
And the whole community adores him for it-
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Titans (2003) Issue #23
Superboy: "Nightwing and Starfire brought wave two. Which is just about everyone who's ever been a Titan."
"It's a natural thing when Nightwing shows up. None of us are conscious of it, really--but we all look to him for orders."
It's because of these three qualities, that Dick Grayson is who he is and why he has the blanket adoration of the hero community.
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roseandgold137 · 1 year
Could you do Huntress in the palette Eternity or TimKon in the palette Cheap Motel? I adore your art it's so pretty<333
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I am actually so proud of this huntress drawing, I think I’ve reached my peak with her. I wanted to try drawing one of her other suits and I don’t think I’ll ever go back
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And TimKon! A sneaky little kiss on patrol while Bruce isn’t looking lmao
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ramshacklerumble · 1 month
Feeling sappy, so let's go with ♥️ & ♠️ for Helena regarding the TWST relationship ask <3
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lel thanks for the ask on helena, it’s forcing me to actually think about her some
broadly speaking, helena and ace get along just fine. she’s shy and a bit of a nervous wreck, but she’s sweet and approachable once ace establishes himself as a frequent friendly face at ramshackle. ace thinks she’s cute in a puppy-dog type of way, though that doesn’t stop him from occasionally involving her in his antics from time to time.
beyond being able to chat casually, though, i haven’t been able to come up with anything beyond that. they’re not terribly close, but they don’t have issue being left alone with each other either. helena finds ace to be fun and he’s able to coax out a snarky streak in her she normally isn’t comfortable sharing— even if it isn’t anywhere near as mean-spirited as his.
the big thing that does connect them however is ace VERY QUICKLY catching onto helena’s astronomically massive crush on deuce. while he insists he’s not got a romantic bone in his body, he finds it funny, so he’s not above butting in to give helena a nudge.
especially since he suspects the feelings aren’t one-sided—
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admittedly these two are still a major wip as im still figuring out just how i wanna go about them
but i wanna say the main theme these two have going on and the main thing that really makes them gravitate towards each other is that they both acknowledge each other’s drive to become better people. and what really makes them click is that they both also begin to hold each other accountable for certain viewpoints of themselves that aren’t helping them achieve that betterment.
deuce’s whole goal is to become a model student and while helena fully believes he’ll be able to achieve that someday, she at some point muses that the reason why deuce is having such a rough go at is is because he thinks the only way he’ll be able to is if he waters down who he is. she sees how much pressure he puts into becoming this imagined “perfect model student,” something he thinks is the direct opposite to who he is naturally.
helena has much respect for deuce. he’s a hard-worker, persistent, and deeply earnest. he dislikes his hot-bloodedness, but helena admires how passionate he is. she wants him to follow his dream of making something of himself— but she believes the answer isn’t to change who he is to the very core of his being, but rather strive to be the best version of himself. he HAS amazing qualities already, he just hasn’t been able to recognize them within himself just yet.
this isn’t all that different from what deuce thinks of helena. he thinks helena is far braver than she believes herself to be. he aware of how little she thinks of herself and how she preemptively beats herself up for things she can’t control, but he also sees her efforts in trying to counteract these thoughts. it’s difficult and she stumbles often, but there hasn’t been a time where she hasn’t gotten back up yet either. helena doesn’t take the easy road and deuce finds that incredibly inspiring. simply put, he thinks she’s one hell of a tough girl. he doesn’t know how to help helena see her the way he does, but it doesn’t stop him from trying.
tag list: @cyanide-latte @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter @jovieinramshackle
@theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch
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dyrdeer · 29 days
is it normal to look at helena and not be sure if i want to date her or be her
She's a big lesbian so u CAN date her, but if you become her u have to date her vv
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 months
entirely self indulgent ask, but what elemental bending would you assign batfam?
This is a very quick and vibes-based answer:
Water: Cass, Damian
Fire: Jason, Helena
Earth: Bruce, Barbara, Stephanie, Duke
Air: Dick, Tim
However the real answer is that nearly all (if not all) of them would be elite chi-blocking non-benders like Ty Lee and the Equalist fighters.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 15 days
Helena in pink - innocence and naivety - has me 👀👀👀
And then you combine it with Ramons check shirt 👀👀👀
In my opinion Eddie diaz is about to have his naive thoughts about Shannon - those rose tinted glasses he has on - ripped away and a few home truths delivered to him by the Diaz parents
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onlysushicat · 5 months
Grubkat being accompanied to his first day of school by one of his parents :3
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Grubkat cries when she can no longer see Karkat, Karkat cries when he gets home lol lol
ps: actually my grubkat is a girl, today I decided to name her Helena :3c
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oifaaa · 1 month
Tim should be Batman, cause he can't have an original identity.
I understand what your saying but have you considered that very few heroes have an original identity they're all just stealing from each other
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midnightsun-if · 2 months
Dear author, could u perhaps give us a scene of mc saving the ROs and family, and ending up gravely wounded/dying? 🙏
I have a little series of that! 💜
Dying in their Arms (ROs)
Dying in their Arms (Family)
After the MCs Death
MC Lives
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bambiraptorx · 5 months
okay, art/lore dump for my fic Body Horror Baby. This kid's backstory is basically that Donnie accidentally scienced himself into being a teen dad. Like most Donne kids actually lol.
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She was formed from a piece of Krang tissue removed from Donnie's back after the Technodrome that he kept for experimentation (this one was of particular interest because it retained some of his own genetic material). They slowly transformed over time from a shapeless blob into something resembling a tiny turtle, although Donnie didn't connect the dots until about a year post invasion. He immediately told his family upon figuring it out, although reactions varied.
After about 6 months to a year longer of living in the observation chamber Donnie built, the baby was removed and given the name Beatrice Helena (after two separate Shakespeare characters because Donnie is a theater nerd).
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(she's named after this quote in particular lol. It's from Midsummer Night's Dream about the character Helena, and also it happens to be making fun of her for being short.)
Beatrice Helena stays very small for the most part, and (with a few exceptions) grows at a very slow rate. In some ways, this makes them easier to take care of because it's so easy to contain them.
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She also has some ability to shapeshift (it's beyond the normal Krang ability because she was a part of the Technodrome and seriously, that thing molded itself into donnie's face in two seconds flat). This makes for some interesting tantrums. In their baby/toddler years, this is mostly limited to growing eyes or occasionally losing her turtle form, but it gets more precise/intentional as she gets older.
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And just for funsies, here's some lineless art of her when she's a bit older. That's about all the art I have, I think, but if anyone has questions feel free to ask!
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