#aunt tilly
moonypears-blog · 2 months
Cedric: What's going on?
Tilly, sat on the couch knitting knitting needles with yarn: Miranda's working late, the twins are in the ball room, and Sofia's in her room hating the world.
Cedric: What's wrong with Sofia?
Tilly: My guess is a boy, and I hope you like this song because it's in heavy rotation.
Cedric: I'll go talk to her.
Tilly: That's not a good idea.
Cedric: Mm, Sofia and I kind of have a father daughter thing.
Tilly: Maybe you and cute little Sofia but this is pre-teen angry Sofia. You haven't met her yet.
Cedric, walking to Sofia's room: I got this.
Tilly: Dumb and confident. My favourite combination.
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wdillustration · 29 days
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Out of ideas for a while but somehow end up doing a sketch of Sofia's Aunt Tilly doing a WIZBANG adventure like of Mary Poppins floating with her special parrot umbrella. Hope you like it!
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sweetmariihs2 · 3 months
Today I found and bought two new Sofia The First magazines in a magazine stand, in a town next to mine. (That's what the post is about) 🪻✨️💗
I live in a small town, I came to the neighboring city (a slightly bigger one; where there is a cinema, adequate medical care and clinics, things that are scarce in my town and everyone comes here when they need one of these things) to do an eyesight exam, because recebtly I've been feeling my vision getting worse. Going to the clinic, I found a magazine stand on the other street, and I asked my family (who were with me) if they could accompany me there later. I did the exam, and I'm still under the influence of the eye drops, so it's been torture to write this text, but I need to tell you what I found. You won't believe it: TWO DIFFERENT EDITIONS OF SOFIA THE FIRST MAGAZINES! THOSE THAT ARE NO LONGER PRODUCED! IN FACT, SEVERAL COPIES OF THEM! There were like, 7 magazines from the same edition, perfectly new, never touched, ON THE FLOOR. (And no, I'm not from Rio De Janeiro, there are a lot of sidewalks with this pattern here in Brazil)
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A while ago, I think it was in January, I was wondering if I should also go to this city and look for Sofia The First merch, because in my small town I've already looked at all the stores and there's nothing left to see here (how many, about 4 ? 5? Yes, it really is a small city, I know all these places and you can visit them all in 1 or 2 hours at most, walking down the street, without a car). I found some stickers and birthday invitations, I posted them a while ago, I used them for journaling in my sketchbook.
(@shychick-52 do you see the Donald Duck magazines there?? When I saw them I immediately thought about you, they're on the bottom left of the pic and there's more in the top right. Pato Donald is Donald Duck, Tio Patinhas is Scrooge McDuck's name in Brazil. I don't know a thing about Ducktales, I'm sorry!)
I literally gasped. I was just going there for fun, as I like books, magazines and vintage products like records and CDs, so I really like physical media. Those places full of trinkets are extremely fun for me, and whenever I have the opportunity I like to look at everything, down to the smallest details. I love music and vinyl stores, stationery stores, party stores, haberdashery, so a magazine stand sounds amazing to me too! I hadn't been to one in years! (I never went thrifting in my life. It would be an amazing day to spend an evening)
There weren't only Sofia The First ones, you see, these kinds of magazines aren't produced anymore since kids don't have any interest in them. So most of the children's magazines there were dated around 2012-2016! You don't even have to look for the dates to know that, the Strawberry Shortcake ones, Frozen (FROZEN, DUDE! FROZEN!!!) (In one of my STF magazines there's even an ad of these Frozen magazines, they were produced during the same time), there were Disney Junior ones (If you look closely you can see the Lion Guard cover on that pic where I show you the pile of STF magazines, it's on top of them), Disney Princess, EVEN MONSTER HIGH. I didn't took a pic of this one, but as far as I know, you don't find these anywhere anymore. I felt like going back to 2015, when I was a kid those activity magazines and visiting the magazine stands were extremely fun, the themes on the children's magazines were exactly these, I remember the sticker albums, so many good memories. It makes sense, since they're the same ones, but they were never sold.
Besides the children magazines, they sell mangas, magazines, books, word search and activity books, cooking books, comic books/magazines (superhero themed or not- DC comics, Marvel, but also Disney and national works, for example our beloved Turma Da M��nica), and even toys and stuff.
So I figured maybe I'd find silly things here too, it's a bigger town but after all it's still small, it's just 40 mins away from mine, maybe I could find little birthday hats that I can cut out? Gift bags? Maybe stickers and coloring kits, silly things. Of course, knowing about the magazine stands there, something that my hometown NO LONGER has, inside of me had a small amount of hope that I could find something, but not much, as I live in the rural/interior part of Brazil and many products are bootleg, you know those princess books with wonky faces written "princess coloring book"? Stuff like that. But there was still a shred of hope, despite knowing that there probably wouldn't be anything interesting. I just went there because I have fun searching for little things.
It was like they were just waiting for me to get them, they were the first things that I saw. I KNEW THAT I WOULD FIND SOMETHING. In fact, as I always hope to find cool things in these stores I frequent, I always expect something. I'm usually disappointed, but I always try to find it. AND THIS TIME I FOUND IT. NOT ONE, NOT TWO, BUT LIKE A DOZEN of STF magazines from the same edition, still packaged AND WITH THE GIFT. ALL OF THEM.
As my parents had work to do in our town and needed to return, I had to look at everything quickly. Luckily the magazine stand was small, so I was able to look at a few things, and while the attendant (who seemed bored (thankfully, the fact that she was very slow gave me time to look a little more)) served other customers (she was slow with them too, which gave me more time thank god), I continued looking at all sides of the stand, observing every small detail to look for treasures. If there were several copies of an issue of Sofia The First magazine still packed there, then there must have been more, hidden behind that enormous amount of information. I didn't had enough time because my parents needed to go back home, but I wish I could have saw the content from the Disney Junior magazines. I opened it and looked through the pages, only the last two pages were about Sofia The First, but I still had a lot to look so I put it back and went to search for more.
That's the one I got, the edition I mentioned
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12 brazillian reais are worth around 2,50 dollars. For us, in talks about value, it would be like- 5 dollars? Not too cheap like literal 2 dollars, it's like, a cheap price, but not that much. For us, I mean. I don't know if you get what I mean, my explanation was terrible
Before, as we were late for the exam and the whole family was going (we all went to take the exam) I only took with me my cellphone and headphones, I didn't bring my money or even a purse or a backpack. My father bought me the magazine, I got so happy. Actually, he just let me have it and gave me the money, so I went to the attendant. The magazines had an elastic band around to secure them, as you can see in the pic, and I took them to the girl and asked for her help to get one out. As I'm used to being very friendly, and I was very happy, I approached the girl, asked for her help, and as she got them out of the elastic band, I kept talking "I can't believe I found this!! They are no longer produced, they are rare items, and I'm collecting them! I didn't think I would find anything like this here, it definitely made my day." I noticed that the attendant wasn't very friendly back, in fact she was very quiet and seemed a little bored, but I didn't care, I was too happy to worry about judgement looks from people I don't know, at least I was friendly and I did my part. My young brother later told me that when I turned my back she looked confused and shrugged, perhaps thinking "to each their own, right?". She went to serve the other customers and in the meantime I continued to look through the magazines, hoping to find more.
Important detail: I still had eye drops, my pupils were extremely dilated and I could see nearby objects blurred, so searching thoroughly was very difficult. Imagine looking at all that information without being able to see things closer than 1m from you. I'm still convinced I didn't manage to look at everything. I found more Disney Princess magazines (dated in 2014? 2015? somewhere around that) and that's when I saw it. I literally had to crouch down to look at the magazines in the lower sections of the shelf, they were stacked and they covered each other, and when I saw the Sofia The First logo I quickly grabbed it. IT WAS ANOTHER EDITION - A FLOATING PALACE THEMED ONE. Unfortunately this time it was out of the packaging, and I have no idea if someday there was even a gift with it, but I don't care, it was amazing to find this.
That's the Disney Princess magazines I was talking about! In that first pic I took, at the start of the post, you can see a Belle themed one. The Ariel themed magazine looks so old that the paint is stained and started to fade (it was in the front showcase while the other ones were carefully placed inside the stand), thankfully the STF ones were brand new. Well, almost.
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Now that I'm home and I'm already seeing a little better, I'm gonna show you the magazines. Not all of them unfortunately, because a post only supports 10 pics and each magazine has 15/20+ pages so like... yeah. I wanna scan them and put them in a Google drive folder, or at least post a video about them in my YouTube channel, but that's more unlikely. If I had all of them, definitely, but I don't think it's worth recording a video if it's not with all the issues, don't you think? Anyway.
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What's written in the first one: The Queen's Birthday Party! (This one came with the necklace)
In the second one: Sofia's vacation!
Let's take a closer look at the necklace
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I'm fighting the urge to use it. I really want to use that tag in my sketchbook and the charm of the necklace in something like a keychain, but I cann'ttt bring myself to destroy something that is not produced anymoreeee😭😭😭
In the Floating Palace magazine, there is not even a single page where the sea monster is in. Not even a single one.
But in the "Queen's Birthday Party" one, there are three pages where Cedric is in! Yayy!!! They did him justice!!!
If anyone's curious about Miranda's birthday party, it's a comic and someone already posted it on Tumblr. Here is the link.
You know, that "Queen's Birthday Party" it's very exclusive, I don't remember the show having any episode like this, and the next activities in the magazine talk about the vacation they did in the comic and also the birthday party. Besides that, we have a lot of activities related to Tilly and family, and the main arts and crafts activity from this magazine is making a family tree. I believe that this magazine's topic is family.
I can't show you all the pages, but at least I can publish the pages Cedric is in and add more stuff to my Cedric merch masterlist (and personal research)
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Well at least he's there. I have seen this art around like 20 times but they remembered that Cedric is a Sofia The First character so that's good I guess
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They did him dirty here
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I'll translate it to you this time, so you can understand how I'm feeling right now
Enchancia Castle
Title: Fraternal Bonds
Before leaving, Aunt Tilly gives her brother a big hug. Which pairs of siblings do you know from Sofia's world? Mark the correct pairs below.
that's what we had for today, I reached the 10 image per blog limit as always, no one's surprised
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a-lilac-lyric · 12 hours
Vote for who you think would be most likely to die for narrative reasons!
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srfelixeo · 1 year
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more doods
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rwbyangst12 · 2 years
During the first fight when Vor was taking over Sofia said "I don't need help" and when you think about it she hasn't been given much help by her teachers, colleagues, or the other adults. They just say it's your job, this is your duty, or other things like that.
Sofia growing up has already had a lot of responsibilities. Like helping her mother and taking care of herself, I have the belief she was doing this even before her father disappeared because he IS a sailor and her mother owns a shop as a cobbler. No matter how naturally gifted she is she has the belief she has to do these things alone.
Sofia hasn't gotten much help aside from Aunt Tilly who was the former storekeeper, Cedric who lied to her, Amber who stole her amulet, and James who snuck into her trunk to go on her mission.
She hasn't even told anyone about her powers aside from the ones who already knew and James and Amber who found out on her own.
I'll say it again someone give this child a hug and therapy
Edit: Sofia even said "Even if I'm the one who takes the fall" which - while it could imply anything - is more likely to imply that she wouldn't care if she got heavily injured or even killed knowing that going against Vor alone is practically sui*cide from the information we got from Orion and the other protectors. So long as her family and kingdom was safe.
I'll say it again. Sofia Did Not care that she could have DIED so long as the people she cared about was safe.
Get this child therapy.
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ambriel-angstwitch · 2 years
Sofia the First Finale Analysis
First of all I loved it! It feels great to have finally finished the show. I started watching it when I was little and it was fun to wrap up this part of my childhood.
Secondly oh boy did a lot of things happen. I’m going to split my thoughts by character. I love that Miranda is such a good mother and actually thinks logically. Her heartfelt gift of the dress was very sweet and I’m kind of sad that it got replaced with the protector gear. I’m kind of hoping it just got teleported to her room. As for the logical part, Miranda is always out here speaking the truth that they really are just children they shouldn’t have to be the ones saving the kingdom. She’s also concerned about this whole protector thing with Sofia. The way Tilly delivered the line “Oh it’s a great honor, and only occasionally life threatening.” was gold. I’m fairly certain it did nothing to calm Miranda’s worries but it cracked me up.
I loved the way they wrapped up Cedric’s arc. He’s finally fully regained the trust and friendship of Roland. Not only that but people other than Sofia are acknowledging him as Cedric the Great. He’s earned the title that he wanted all along. Also the fact that he grabbed the amulet and just returned it too her with like no hesitation. He’s got what he wanted, he doesn’t even want the amulet anymore.
Sofia as the main character her arcs come to a close. She’s become both a fully realized protector, storekeeper and royal. I find it interesting that the other storykeeper had that prophecy he bestowed upon her. I was confused at first because after he said it she was able to get her allies back. Then of course the amulet happened and I realized that’s what he meant by facing the evil alone. I’m happy that she’s been so successful in all her endeavors but sometimes I worry about all the childhood she’s lost to these things. I mean both the Storykeeper and protectors acknowledged how YOUNG and successful she is.
James doesn’t have as much of a noticiable arc. He’s just fully realized who he wants to be and his purpose, and I’m proud of him for that. I love that he’s ready to charge into battle to defend his kingdom and more importantly his family
Ambers arc also did come to a nice completion too. She’s working to be the best queen and they also harkened back to the true sisters thing of the first episode. She loves her sister so much and was willing to cover for her all the time. Though I’m also very worried that Amber just experienced some serious trauma. Like imagine if they hadn’t been able to free Sofia from the Amulet. It was really looking like Amber might have blamed herself. She suggested that they trap Vor in the Amulet, and she was there and wasn’t able to stop Sofia from going in. It wouldn’t have been her fault but she would have felt that way.
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princess-ibri · 1 year
Have you ever thought about doing a crossing over of Disney fairytales for a story? Like all the princesses meeting somehow
I have!! I've had this one inkling of an idea about doing a Twelve Dancing Princesses based story where they all find themselves in a mysterious castle each time they dream, and meeting eachother there and trying to solve the mystery of what's going on--only I've yet to figure out what tha lt would be myself xD
But I did have the thought that it would involve Sofia'a Aunt Tilly (from Sofia the First) when she's young in capacity of Storykeeper :)
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Im hoping to get into this story this year but I've got to push myself to finish the Rumplestiltskin story first, sorry its taken so long :/
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disneymbti · 1 year
Queen Miranda and King Roland and Roland’s sister Tilly (I think that’s her name?) from Sofia the first
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Queen Miranda's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ISFJ [The Defender]
ISFJ types need time alone to re-energize. They are self-sufficient and independent thinkers.
They are very observant and prefer to focus on the details of every situation. They listen to and follow past experience and present understandings.
Defenders prioritize the emotional needs of others. They make decisions based on what feels right, rather than what might make most logical sense.
They also prefer structure and organization, tending to follow rules and processes to an end goal. They are responsible and have a strong work ethic.
Big Three: Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon and Taurus Rising
Cancer Sun: Ruled by the Moon, Cancers are emotionally mature, intuitive, sensitive, and artistic. They are guided by their tender, loving, and protective hearts.
Pisces Moon: Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the needs and emotions of others. They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it.
Taurus Rising: Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the needs and emotions of others. They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it.
Enneagram Type: 9w1 [The Negotiator]
Basic Fear: Nines with a one wing are afraid of being separated from the rest of the world and losing what matters to them.
Basic Desire: They desire peace, both internally and externally. Their type one wing encourages them to make their idealized and peaceful world a reality.
Negotiators defend themselves by participating heavily in routine to distract themselves and avoid negative emotions.
King Roland's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ESTJ [The Executive]
ESTJ types are very high energy. They’d rather spend their time with other people than alone.
They tend to pay more attention to the details of a situation. They make decisions based on what they see right now.
Executives base their decisions on what makes sense, rather than what feels right. They listen to their head, not their heart.
They are responsible and like to plan ahead. They hold themselves accountable by making lists and following set processes and rules.
Big Three: Virgo Sun, Libra Moon and Leo Rising
Virgo Sun: Governed by communication planet Mercury, Virgos are the thinkers of the zodiac. Virgos process information with diligence and use facts to solve problems. 
Libra Moon: Moon in Libra is makes for a relationship-oriented individual. They may base their decisions upon how they are viewed by others. 
Leo Rising: Leo ascendants bask in the glow of sunlight, radiating positivity and charm. Performers through and through, those with this friendly, radiant, and outgoing placement exude confidence and strength.
Enneagram Type: 1w9 [The Optimist]
Basic Fear: One-wing-nine personality types have a basic fear of being unethical and corrupt. They avoid making morally wrong choices and can be objective and emotionally reserved.
Basic Desire: They have a basic desire to be morally good. They advocate for rights of others through teaching and discussion.
Optimists tend to respond to negativity by either redirecting their emotions or by avoiding them entirely. They may push themselves deeper into their work, their type one defense mechanism, or they may withdraw from it altogether, their type nine defense mechanism.
Aunt Tilly's MBTI Type, Big Three and Enneagram Type
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Sagittarius Sun, Leo Moon and Gemini Rising
Sagittarius Sun: Sagittarius is governed by the expansive planet Jupiter, and is known for a free-spirited, globe-trotting, philosophical mindset — and wild streak.
Leo Moon: Possessing a wellspring of inner warmth, Leo Moons are beyond generous. As an act of love, they’ll shine their light onto those they care about. 
Gemini Rising: Gemini risings are quick-witted and fast communicators, always looking for unique ways to express themselves. 
Enneagram Type: 7w6 [The Pathfinder]
Basic Fear: Sevens with a six wing have a deeply-rooted fear of missing out. They want to be trustworthy and honor commitments, but they also want to leave room to allow for last-minute opportunities.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel fulfilled and happy. They express this by searching for joy in every small thing that comes their way.
Pathfinders defend themselves by rationalizing away negative feelings. They unconsciously convince themselves that they are happy, even when they are not.
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After Matilda abdicates the throne to Roland she moves into the manor.
But she doesn't like that it's so big and so empty.
She considers turning it into an inn of sorts where weary travelers could rest, but running an inn means she couldn't come and go as she pleases. So she decided to rent out a few of the rooms.
That's how she met Priscilla. She needed a place to stay after she was all but thrown out of her family home by her mother.
She rents one of the attics and it's basically a studio apartment that Tilly helped her modify so she would have a safe place to brew and conjure.
They added a platform outside the window overlooking the garden so she could take off safely on her broom.
The rest of the house is pretty much communal for them and the others living in the manor.
There's a tall and slender elf that all but lives in the conservatory, a troll that stays mostly in the basement, a small group of gnomes in one of the upstairs bedrooms, and a fairy with a torn wing that likes to hide out in the grandfather clock.
Some nights they all meet in the living area and talk about recent events and day-to-day life, and sometimes they all have dinner together in the dining room. It's like they've become this mismatched, haphazardly sewn together quilt of a family.
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shapeshiftinterest · 1 year
Come Along With Me: sam and max (CH2)
Grandma Ruth drops Sam off for a playdate but he hasn’t had his nap yet
kid! sam and max
story under the read more
Come Along With Me (also on ao3)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
“Max, honey, please settle down,” Tillie said, rubbing her temples.
Her nephew had just woken up from his nap and was running around, bumping into things and knocking stuff over. It’d been a miracle getting him to take it in the first place, the kid yammering on and on about what he and his new friend were going to play once they got here.
Whoever they were, Tillie just hoped they’d be less hyperactive than Max.
Max rushed over to the door and started scratching at the wood like a rabid animal, a few chips coming off due to his efforts.
“Coming, coming,” Tillie got up from the table and made her way to the door. Opening it revealed an elderly Irish Wolfhound and her grandson.
The two boys body slammed into each other and hugged, both of their tails wagging even after max started biting the other boy’s arm with affection.
“Hello, Miss Ruth,” Tillie said, a tired smile on her face.
“Well hello there Tillie, thanks again for babysitting my little Samuel,” Ruth said, smiling back. “There was another attempted break out at the penitentiary and I was called in last minute.”
Max had barrelled into Ruth and was squeezing his tiny arms around her leg as hard as he could, shark mouth smile flashing at her from below.
“Hello to you too, Maxwell!”
Tillie was about to warn the older woman not to do it when Ruth’s massive paw came down to pat Max between the ears. The little lagamorph melted at her touch.
“I hope you two don’t mind, but Samuel hasn’t had his afternoon nap yet.”
On cue, Sam let out a large yawn, prompting Max to yawn too.
“Would you be a dear and let him sleep for a bit before playing?”
Tillie was about to say something when Max piped up instead. “Sure thing, Granny! C’mon Max, I mean, Sam,” Max started dragging a floopy looking Sam up the stairs. “We can nap in my room.”
“Welp, If it means I get a little more peace and quiet I’m sure a second nap should be fine,” Tillie laughed. “Good luck with your prison break, Ruth.”
“Thanks, Tillie. I’ll pick Samuel up in a few hours.”
“No problem.”
Once Ruth was gone she did a quick check in on the two sleeping boys before sitting down in her recliner and taking a nap herself.
Tillie would later wake up to the sound of giggling and a face full of permanent marker doodles.
max already had a nap but didn’t wanna be alone if sam was there so he decided to take a second nap
max doesn’t like being touched by most ppl, including family members, so grandma ruth being able to pet him is a surprise and a half to tillie
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moonypears-blog · 5 days
Tilly: I'll get the battering ram.
Bartleby: We have a battering ram?
Tilly: Better to have and not need it than need it and not have it.
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russellsppttemplates · 2 months
Hi Inês,
Can I request a blurb with dad Lando x Matilda Norris?
Reader goes out for the evening with her friends and Lando has to help his daughter with her homework. And they both end up crying over it because neither understand what are they supposed to do.
I imagine it's math homework (but it can be any kind of homework that's worth crying over, it's up to you 😭)
Note: as someone who isn't innately intelligent, there have been many homeworks that were worth me crying over, but I went with math because that was definitely the one where I shed the most tears 😭)
"Matilda, time for your homework", Lando called from the hall, stepping into your daughter's room and sitting on the chair next to the desk, "we promised mum we would take care of it so let's get to it", he rubbed his hands.
Math had never been his strong suit, but until the third question he was just about fine, looking at the examples and guiding Tilly through it to get to the final answer, checking it at the end pages of the notebook.
"Now, for this one, you have to solve it for both y and x, so you have to choose one to go from and then stick to it before it goes about the same and there's only one letter", Lando explained as Matilda looked at the numbers on her notebook.
It was numbers and letters and she couldn't make sense of them, tears brimming her eyes as anytime she thought about doing something, it didn't go far before she had the chance to write anything down.
"I can't do it", she let out, wiping her tears with her hands, "I don't get it", she mumbled.
"Hey, sweet girl, it's okay", he cooed, rubbing her back and pulling her to him, "we will do this together, Tilly, no one is supposed to get this at the first try", he comforted.
No one is supposed to get it at the first try, and it seemed that at the fourth try, neither could Lando.
"But how did they get the 4? There's not a 4 anywhere here! I'm number four", Lando cried as he brushed his hair to let out the nerves.
"It's okay, dad, I'll just ask the teacher tomorrow, or mum when she comes back", Matilda offered.
"We should call aunt Cisca then, she's very smart - she's the brains of this family, she should know", Lando sniffled, putting his sister on FaceTime.
"Hey guys! How - why does it look like you have been crying?", Cisca said as she looked at the camera.
"Math homework", Matilda and Lando sighed at the same time.
"Turn the camera around so I can see if I can help - it must be bad if it got you to tears. I take is Y/N isn't home?", Cisca mused.
"Yes, she isn't home and everything is falling apart at the seams", Lando retorted.
"It's not like it's our fault, dad - this is hard", Matilda said, pulling an upset Lando into her and hugging him.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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sweetmariihs2 · 24 days
Cedric The Sorcerer images in SOME of the STF magazines that I own:
Magazine 14 (Cedric's Apprentice (mostly, like the cover) + Two to Tangu + The Amulet And the Anthem themed):
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Magazine 18 (Season 1 Wassailia themed):
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I scanned these! Gonna make a part two.
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futfemfantasies · 5 months
Baby #2 \\ katrina gorry x russo!reader
Just a whole heap of fluff and Gorry-Russo family cuteness
"Now bubba, mummy and mama both have camps soon. Who do you want to go with? The Tillies or Lionesses Harps?"
Your two year old Harper looks between Katrina then over to you and back to Katrina. She jumps on you and you are surprised considering she loves her Tillies aunties. She's only ever come to one England camp before and it was when you had friendlies and Katrina an an important competition.
"Are you sure?"
"She'll be fine love. Harps is older now and I know Sarina will accomodate for her"
"Okay" Katrina leans over and gives you a soft kiss before little hands pull you away.
"I'm going to call Sarina quickly, I'll meet you in the kitchen?"
"Bye mama"
As expected, Sarina is happy that Harper is coming along and said she'll organise babysitters etc. Just as you finish, Harper races through the door and hides behind your legs.
"Mama save me!"
"Harper Ollie you need some fruit before pancakes!" Katrina yells as she comes running around the corner.
"Come on munchkin, let's eat the fruit together"
You picked up the now relaxed Harper and went into the kitchen. You place Harper at the table with her fruit and you wonder back over to your fiancé. You wrap your arms around Katrina's small frame and kiss her neck gently.
"Do you think it worked?"
"I hope it did. I guess we'll find out in a few weeks" Katrina says, turning in your arms with her hand on the area of your potential bump.
Just as you lean down to kiss Katrina when little hands yet again hit your thighs.
"I finish! Pancakes now?"
"Yeah baby girl, pancakes now"
You make Harper her pancakes and add a special ingrediant of chocolate chips in there. As you start pouring the batter in, two arms wrap around your leg. You look down at Harper that's looking up at you and smiling. The small girl nows just how to melt your heart.
"Mama I help you?"
"Of course you can bubba"
Lifting Harper up on you hip allows her to see the pan. You explain to her that when she sees heaps of bubbles on the pancake, that's when you know when to flip them.
"Can you do that Chef Harper?"
The girl giggles before nodding and resting her head on your shoulder, making sure she can still see the pan. You carefully lift up the pancake and Harper lifts her head from your shoulder.
"Flip Chef mama!"
Katrina chuckles from her seat at the table, taking a photo of you both. The process repeats until the pancakes are all cooked. Harper runs into the tv room and starts playing with her toys. You and Katrina sit in each others arms when your phone rings from the table beside you. You look to see it's your younger sister Alessia.
"Hey chick, everything alright?"
You ask worried.
"Can I come over? I want to see Harper before she goes to Katrina with Katrina"
"That's fine Less, see you soon. Drive safe"
You turn to Harper who looks at you confused.
"Guess who's coming over to see you Harps?"
"Kyra? Cha cha? Aunt Lessi? I want Aunt Lessi mama"
You pout at Harper who clearly has been missing her Aunt.
"It's Aunt Lessi!"
Harper squeals in excitement and Katrina quietens her down before the neighbours complain. Harper quickly packed way her toys then raced up to put on her Russo 23 pink and blue Arsenal jersey and Matildas shorts (Harper's choice). Three loud knocks made Harper run to the door with you on her tail. You open the door and Harper jumps on Alessia.
"Missed you Aunt Lessi"
"Missed you more sweetheart" Alessia kisses all over Harper's face before acknowledging you are even here.
"Hi bug" You mumble as you hug her tight.
You and your sister are best friends, two peas in a pod, even though you are five years older. If either of you have good or bad news, the other is the first person you call. Your mum was worried about having Alessia so far from you and your brothers but when she saw how close you to were even as little kids, all that worry started to go away.
Katrina comes downstairs and greets Alessia with such ease. You all sit and talk about the upcoming camps while Harper plays with Alessia.
"So Kat, when do you and Harps fly out for camp?" Katrin looks at you and you shake your head.
"Less, Harps isn't coming with me. She's going with you guys"
Alessia froze for a minute and she celebrated with Harper.
"You hear that Harps, you're coming to camp with Mama and Aunt Lessi!"
"I know, I pick Lions Aunt Lessi" Harper said giggling as it's the most obvious thing ever.
You lean into Katrina and imagine how Alessia might be playing with another niece or nephew in the near future.
~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip ~~~~~~~~~~
3 weeks later, you and Harper are on your way to St Georges Park for training and orientation. You have told Harper that you have important games coming up so she needs to be on her best behaviour. Harper is an easy-going kid so you have no issues. You and Alessia don't even get out of the car before you he squeals and see Alessia running over with a wide smile on her face. She unbuckles Harper and hugs her tightly. Mary and Ella helps you with your bags and you think them many times. You see Alicia go over to the admin and Harper fist bump the camera guy with you following suit. Serena gathers everyone saying to go get changed and training will start in 45 minutes. She pulled you aside to save the babysitter they hired couldn't come until tomorrow. Reassured Serena that with the amount of toys you brought for Harper, she'll be well entertain. You begin to move towards the locker room when you instantly had the urge to vomit. You sprint into the locker room, push past everyone and do your business in the cubicle. Harper looked up at Alessia with a confused face and hit her thigh.
"Aunt Lessi, mama okay?"
"Yeah bug, she'll be okay"
You stroll out to see the team trees and stare at you. You wave them off and reassure Alessia and Harper that you're okay. You mention something about the medic and walk straight back out.
After seeing the medic, you quickly get changed and sort Harper out on the pitch. You set her up under the players bench and spread her toys out.
"Alright bubs, I'm going to be out there for a bit okay? You tell me if you need anything okay?"
"Okay mama" You kiss her cheeks before running out to the team.
At the drinks break, you check on Harper and you feel quite faint. Serena walks over, checking that everything is okay when you pass out. You wake up to a dim room and a faint tapping from next to you. You look over to see Alessia so you throw a pillow at her, making her jump out of the chair nearly.
"How are you? Do you need anything?" Alessia rushes out.
"I'm fine Less, just need Harper" A few minutes later, Alessia walks in with your baby girl.
"You better Mama?"
"I'm okay baby, I'll need some Harper cuddles later"
You move off the medic table and go back to the locker room when a medic stops you. She hand you a small box and you think her immensely. Back in your shared room with Alessio, you quickly use the bathroom to confirm your suspicions. After the three minutes is up, you flip the stick over in the little plus sign is prominent.
"Less" The blonde looks over from the movie she's watching with Harper and you wordlessly tell her to come over. Pointing to the test, you start smiling and she finally puts two and two together. She hugs you tighty and kisses your belly.
"You cannot tell anyone Less. I'm going to tell Katrina after her games but I mean it, not even Harper or Tooney. You promise?"
"Of course y/n/n. There is one person you have to tell and that's Sarina"
Fast forward to a week later and you and Harper just got back from your usual after dinner walk, when the door opens again.
"Mummy!" Harper runs down the hallway and jumps into your fiancés arms. You follow close behind and give Katrina a soft kiss.
"Hi" You copy.
"Right little miss, bath time and in your pj's for bed" Katrina takes Harper upstairs and starts the process. You decide to give them some catching up time so you have a shower to relax a little. You feel arms around your waist and some kisses on your shoulder blades. Katrina's hands run down your stomach when she realises something. She turns you around and sees the smallest of bumps.
"I know, I found out on the first day of camp after I passed out. I was going to surprise you at Christmas but it's too far away"
"I'm so happy. I love you so much and I'm going to be here through it all" You lean down and kiss Katrina passionately, pouring all your emotions into the kiss.
"Thank you for doing this"
"My pleasure love. Let's get out of here, I believe you owe me some cuddles"
A few weeks later, you talked to Jonas about your situation and he is over the moon for you. You request that with the physicality of the WSL, that you sit out of the games but still train. He agrees and has the medical team draw up a plan for you. You, Katrina and Harper went to see the baby yesterday at the doctors and got the gender in an envelope ready to give Alessio to organise the baby shower. Now it was time to tell your teammates since everyone is eating in the canteen for lunch, it's the perfect time. You give Alessia the signal and she shuts everyone up.
"Alright you all are probably wondering why I'm not playing for the next few months. Harper!"
Harper runs in, with Katrina slowly entering behind, wearing a jumper that reads 'big sister duties start June 2024'. Leah's the first to read it and jumps up before running over to you and hugging you tightly. You're like the big sister she's never had, taking her under your wing when she moved up to the senior team. Everyone comes over to congradulate you and Katrina and you start crying due to all the love that's surrounding you.
"No cry mama! Baby will be sad" You look at Katrina and she mouths an 'I love you' and you return it with a wink.
You know what to do, pretend it’s you in the photos :)
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Liked by alessiarusso99, leahwilliamsonn, kyracooneyx, katrinagorry10 and 80,601 others.
Tagged: katrinagorry10
ynyln: adding more love to our little family. Baby Gorry-Russo due June 2024 🩷🩵
view all 10,048 comments…
alessiarusso99: I still can’t believe it 🥹 I love you all xx
↪️ ynyln: we love you aunt lessi
↪️↪️ ynyln: p.s Harper says hiiiiiiiii
↪️↪️↪️ alessiarusso99: hi back my sweetheart 🥺😍❤️
katrinagorry10: the best mama! I ❤️ you and am so proud of you
↪️ ynyln: you’re making me cry and you’re next to me, stop!!
↪️↪️ynyln: I love you so much my angel 🫶❤️
User1: the tillie/lioness family is complete!
↪️ user2: I have a feeling they’ll have more
↪️↪️ user 3: I second this!
leahwilliamsonn: sis! 🥹😭 I’m beyond happy and proud of you ❤️ I love you xx
↪️ ynyln: 🥺🥹 I love you my leelee xx
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totaly-obsessed · 7 months
hiii! i love ur work so much!!!! i was wondering if i can request a kcc fic where she gets jealous hehehehehehe
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Kyra Cooney-Cross x reader request
-> Kyra finds out that she is not the favorite aunt or girlfriend
-> Hope you like it Anon, even though you probably meant a different jealousy haha
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
The national break was always a welcome break from the daily club life, even if the World Cup was not that long ago. You had arrived together with the other Matilda’s that played in England. The plane journey was a long one, but one most of you were accustomed to by now.
Your plan for it? Sleeping. As much as you could. Trainers and mostly everybody you knew tried to tell you that it was bad, but you didn’t really listen – the want to sleep much too big.
Sam, your club teammate sat next to you, anxiously chewing her nails for most of the trip as she was one of the worst fliers you knew. Your captain was always thankful to sit next to you, as you calmed her down with your deep sleep and not a care in the world.
The two seats across from you were occupied by Mary and Kyra who were playing cards, bored out of their minds. Eventually, it was the new Arsenal signing who kicked your feet to wake you. “Huh? Are we there yet?” The two started laughing at your startled face and at how fast you had sat up in your seat. “No, still a while out. You’re playing cards with us.”
It wasn’t a question, Kyra knew that you would just roll your eyes and close them again, desperate for sleep. But she also knew that even you couldn’t resist her puppy eyes, so she batted her lashes at you, knowing that you would cave in.
The two of you had been dating for over a year now. Her joining Arsenal had been the best thing ever – you finally moved in together, which was quite hard with the midfielder playing in Sweden before. Even with the both of you on rival London teams, it was the best thing ever.
When in public Kyra might seem like the excited, touchy one when in private it was you who would simply refuse to let the brunette go, cuddling as close to her as you could. So whipped as you are, you played cards with them and even managed to get Sam to play as well.
“Man, I can’t wait to see Harps again. She grows so quickly.” This has been Kyra’s first time being away for such a long time from the toddler since meeting her. The two-year-old quickly found her way into all the Matilda’s hearts, helping the team relax after a long day, her gleeful giggles sounding through the halls of the facility. “Me neither, maybe she finally decides to be a striker.” Sam was back to consciousness, always happy to talk about the youngest team member – also distracting herself from flying. None of you could help but laugh, knowing that if little Harper decided to be a footballer one day, she would follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a midfielder.
The rest of the journey was long and hard, you were just happy to have Kyra at your side, knowing that you didn’t need to talk, the brunette filling the silence all by herself.
When the group of you arrived at the team hotel it was already late in the day but most of the Tillies that roamed the halls were excited to see each other again after a very successful World Cup. “Auntie Y/N!” A small body made its way through the sea of players, crashing into your open arms as you couched down, ready to hug her. “Harps!” Giggles filled the room as you threw her up in the air and caught her again.
You could feel Katrina’s watchful eyes on you but the short midfielder was never worried when Harper was with you. With Charlie and Kyra? Panic. But once you joined them? Everything was alright. It wasn’t like you were more mature, but the way you carried yourself; serious and careful when needed but you also knew how to have fun – the perfect combination.
“Harper look, Kyra’s here too!” Your girlfriend tried to get the girl's attention but she was much too busy playing with your hair, telling you the story of how her favorite stuffy had found its way to Australia. “Babe, I’ll go make out with Charls, yeah?” When you didn’t even react, the midfielder scoffed offended.
She just got replaced by a two-year-old.
Kyra didn’t know who she envied more. You for being Harper's favorite auntie, or Harper for having all your attention when in the same room.
Once back on the ground, the toddler grabbed your hand, swiftly pulling you out to a field, commanding you to grab a ball. The rest of the Matildas watched in awe as their very stoic teammate turned to mush once the tiny blonde shouted “Again!” signaling you to roll the ball to her so that she could kick it back.
“My girlfriend just got stolen.” The young Arsenal player’s mouth was wide open as Harper took you from her, in broad daylight. Harper kept pulling you out on the field further and further until you couldn’t hear the teasing anymore – not that you paid it any mind.
“Kyra just got replaced!” It was Mackenzie who started joking at their young teammate's expanse. “I still have an open room, should harper take your bed as well!” But it was Caitlin who caused the brunette to whine in defeat.
Katrina knew that you were up to no good when she saw you crouched on the floor, telling Harper something while pointing at the rest of the Matilda’s at the side of the pitch – a devious smile on your face.
Just a few short moments her daughter ran towards them, as fast as she could, arms wide open an excited smile on her face. “Auntie!” Kyra had now crouched down as well, copying your previous action, opening her arms as the small blonde raced directly toward her.
“C’mere Harps!” But Harper had a different plan, throwing herself on the ground as she army-crawled through the midfielder's legs – jumping into Alanna’s strong arms, who stood directly behind Kyra. The crowd erupted in laughter, as you made your way back to them, a sly smirk still on your lips, seeing your girlfriend's very prominent pout as Sam patted her back. “Not the favorite girlfriend, not the favorite aunt – Man, that’s gotta hurt."
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