#baby boomer travel
rebeccalherranen · 2 years
Architecture Around the World
Architecture Around the World
I have always thought of myself as a wildlife and nature photographer. We travel quite a bit so I do have quite a bit of that in my portfolio from all over the world. However, as my portfolio grows, apparently so do I and I find that architecture is quite appealing to me as well. Most recently our travels led us to Istanbul and Greece. Our first international travel since COVID. To be really…
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imagine-mokey · 5 months
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Home movies! My life partner and I visited The Statue of Liberty. Watch our journey from mid-town New York to the statue in the harbor. We took a break from the revolution.
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why is the process of buying tickets to figure skating worlds 2025 so weird? like, you have to fill out a form about your preferences, and then someone picks a seat for you and asks if you like it?
let me look at a seating chart!!
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squaredawayblog · 1 year
Cooped up after nearly two years of pandemic isolation, this adventurous couple was game for an overseas adventure.
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elephantsndapark · 2 years
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travelmannh · 2 years
Adventure ~ North ~ South or West?
Adventure ~ North ~ South or West?
With the Truck Camper ready the fall colors will soon fade! Yes, summer is over and the big question is what or where we will go for the winter! Covid is for the most part over. Gas prices are high, but not a game changer. So what is the problem? I’m not sure what I’m worried about to tell you the truth. My health is stable for my age. My eyesight has diminished due to macular degeneration and…
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iwan1979 · 2 years
Holidu, a travel search engine, found that baby boomers value being able to explore the great outdoors the most when traveling.
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flighttrotters · 2 years
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rebeccalherranen · 2 years
20 Best Travel Tips
20 Best Travel Tips
We have been traveling for years and through the years we made a lot of errors that cost us time, money and energy. So in this blog entry I will share some of the things we have learned. These are some of our best practices that we use now. Hope you find some of it useful. Spend More Time In Fewer Places I know, it can be hard. You have been waiting to go on vacation and there is just so much you…
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rustys-lodge · 10 months
Hi! I just had a quick ask, you know those slideshow poems on TikTok? Could you do an Imagine where Dean and Sam walk into (sister) who is got stuck watching them on her fy page? And she is like sobbing because most of them hit close to home? Thanks!
Warnings : None, just fluff.
A/N : baby I have no idea what a slideshow poem is 😏 I looked and I looked on google but gave up and decided to go into it blindly.
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You lock your phone the moment the door to your room opens.
Gluing the device to your chest, you look up to come face to face with both of your brothers.
How did they make it so close to your bed ?
"Baby, what's wron-why are you crying ?" Sam questions you while dean is frantically looking through your face for answers. "What it is ??"
Your only response was a little squeaking noise. And more tears streaming out of your eyes.
"What." Sam forces your face to the side to meet his eyes. His eyebrows are frowned and he's....he's- A sob echoes through the room and the noise is loud in your own head. But you couldn't stop.
"It's these goddamned tiktoks that-that"
You hear a low chuckle and you cry even harder. They're-They wouldn't understand.
"Don't laugh a-at mee.." you whine through sobs. Meanwhile Dean is gently taking the phone from your hand. And as soon as he unlocks the phone the video plays again, causing your hand to travel to your face. You cover your eyes and mouth, trying as hard as you can not to cry again as the words flash through your brain.
You look up at Dean to ask him to stop the video, only to find him mockingly mirroring your expression..... His eyebrows drawing closer to each other his lips widening in a slow motion.
"Oh, sweetheart. Come here." Sam coos in a gentle tone before he jumps on the bed to position himself right in the middle. "Come here." He repeats. And as soon as he does so, his arms invite you into a tight embrace. "It's okay..."
You hiccup, shaking the whole thing off....That is before Dean mocks you again, causing tears to pool at your eyes. "Saaaammy."
You whine, silently motioning for him to shut his brother the hell up.
"Dean." A low growl leaves Sam's lips and Dean sighs.
"I'll stop. I'm sorry, kid."
You glare at Dean.
"I'm a boomer. I don't get these things.." A nervous chuckle. And an uncertain smirk appears before he bends down on you.
You unconsciously lean further into Sam's chest as you shut your eyes. But your body relaxes when puckered lips gently touch your forehead.
"I'm sorry you're hurtin' kid."
You flutter your eyes open, directly meeting Dean's. He sympathetically smiles. His eyes glisten.
He does look sorry. he's not really the type to know how to deal with these kinds of situations. But he does feel for you. That's good enough.
You hold out your arm, wiggling your fingers for him to hold.
Dean wraps his hand around yours, squeezing gently on the latter. A sign of sympathy. "Thank you." You whisper. It is good enough.
ahah, sorry for that amazing ending ❤ anyways, i hope you enjoyed it. Requests are open ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹
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txttletale · 6 months
youve probably already posted about this but what did you think about the special with ncuti gatwa? i felt like gatwa was, of course, effervescent, but the ep had weird pacing and tone
i actually really liked it! i've seen that a few people really didn't but i thought it was much better than the star beast or the giggle. pretty much a pitch-perfect silly romp with a slightly scattered and rough story that's just there as a pretext to meet the doctor and ruby. i love that we're already right back to the best thing about the RTD era (giving companions existing relationships and meaningful lives on earth) and obviously ncuti gatwa was like... i don't think anyone's been as immediately The Doctor as him since cristopher eccleston. it was silly but it was consistently silly, just an hour of tonally perfect camp fun.
the only thing i didn't like was a few weird editing choices that made individual scenes land really badly -- it feels like ruby has a bizarre lack of urgency in chasing the baby, and the doctor uncomprehendly being like "YoU dOnT kNoW rUbY" for what felt like five minutes felt both out of character and frankly insulting to the audience. like russel i promise everyone watching this including the general british public can grasp the central conceit of a time travel story, back to the future was 40 years ago now. also i dont give a shit about davina mccall and i cant imagine why anyone would but idk maybe she's really big with boomers? anyways overall i think it's the second strongest of the specials after wild blue yonder. (also i loved the goblin musical number and i especially loved the doctor and ruby joining in! i understand why people thought it was out of nowhere or random but it felt like a logical continuation of what the doctor had been saying the whole episode, that these are creatures who operate on different rules in a different world and that to beat them you have to know their own game.)
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misguidedasgardian · 2 months
I said this before and I say this again, my blog is a safe space, for people of all ethnicities and colors, and weights, I try to be as ambiguous as I can when it comes to my reader inserts... Of course I might fail
Yes I'm a latina women, (saying this because I was born in Latinoamerica, my parents and my family for many generations are from Latinoamerica), yes I am pale as a ghost (like my family, we are all caucasian), yes If you see a picture of me you would think I'm from the US, or Canada, or Europe, (yes when I was travelling in Europe EVERYONE seemed surprised that I was from South America)
And... I was raised in a very conservative environment, my parents are older (boomers), I was some sort of a miracle baby, so... yes, I was raised in the country with very conservative catholic views and mainly in the very right side of politics too, whatever that means to you
And I have been learning of the world, with an open mind.
And yes when I write I might let slip about customs and behaviours that are proper of my culture and beliefs...
But that's it
Yes my readers are all heterosexual and pronouns she/her but apart from that...
I'm always learning too, so bear with me
I will not stand with bullies, or racists
Peace out
and for FUCKS SAKE
Not be a racist and/or a bully, like, its not THAT FUCKING HARDDDDD!?!?!?!
Live and let live!
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friend-crow · 5 months
One thing I'm hoping will come from having come out to my parents is that they might start paying more attention to anti-trans legislation. They might start talking to their baby boomer friends about why they should care about that. Their friends might talk to their friends, and so forth. Because I get the sense that with their generation, people are either rabidly anti-trans, or else they don't see it as a real issue that they should care about unless they or someone close to them might be affected.
Living in a very liberal-voting state it's hard to feel like anything I do matters, but I do believe that sometimes a small ripple can travel farther than you expect.
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seiunzzz · 6 months
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🌐 seya : before we dive into an amazing world of web-aesthetics, there are few things that i’d like to point out. first of all, i chose aesthetic for each member based solely on my associations with their vibe. meaning: i associate the vibe of aesthetic with them, rather than the history behind it. secondly, some of the information was gathered from such sites as:
now that we got that out of the way — enjoy!
𝐠𝐨𝐨 𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐥 : 𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐂𝐇
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“baby boomer & silent generation revival of various 1940s-1950s cultural iconography, design, and kitsch associated with diner, drive-in's and malt shop culture. jukeboxes, poodle skirts, 1950s advertising kitsch, neon, chromed-out automobiles, metallic paneling, 'american graffiti'-style fonts.” — ©️ cari institute.
diner kitsch – aesthetic familiar to everyone, yet not that many people know it’s actual name (or that it is, in fact, an aesthetic!). checkered floors and walls, milkshakes, burgers, neon signs and, of course, waitresses on roller skates — these things define diner kitsch. originating from 1950s, when diners were seen as a place, where you could enjoy a hearty comfort food and have a good time with your family or friends it was finally revived in our years through media that depicts mainly high schoolers or travelers of any sorts, going out for a dinner.
🌐 seya : i chose diner kitsch for gunil because he is literally the embodiment of a nerdy boy who would definetely hang out with his group of friends in a place like that. doing homework, reading comics, getting cookies on the house because of how often they visit a diner… 🥤🍔 yum!
𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐮 : 𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐑
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“the term neon-noir is a film genre, but it can also represent an aesthetic. this aesthetic includes a brooding, mysterious, cyberpunk, and dangerous atmosphere. the neon-noir aesthetic can be related somewhat to the sibling-genre neo-noir (without the “n”), including avant-garde fashion, femme fatale style, dark clothing, technology, and neon lights.” — ©️ wendy zhou (from her blog wendyzhou.se)
neon-noir (also known as future-, cyber-, tech-noir) was born in the film industry around 1980s, when sci-fi was blooming yet again. not so popular in web, it is still quite known in gamer community, thanks to such games like “cyberpunk 2077”, “anno mutationem”, “blade runner” etc. this aesthetic is mixing old-school noir with futuristic elements, giving it a whole new look. neon signs, robots, androids, futuristic technology are going hand in hand with good old detective genre, accented shadows, rain and fog.
🌐 seya : i find this aesthetic to be the most suiting to jungsu. i can imagine him in this type of setting so well and i’d actually like to read or even write something, where he is portrayed as a detective in a mysterious and futuristic setting!
𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐤 𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 : 𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐗
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“rule-bending, medium-blending "instagram grunge". full of horror vacui, chrome type, oddball textures and self-referentialism.” — ©️ cari institute.
originated in the 1990s and revived in 2010s, acidgrafix (also known as: acid graphics and acid design) aesthetic is mainly seen nowadays on the covers of music albums. bright colors (usually red, orange and neon green, neon yellow, neon purple), wireframes, distorted images, liquid metal forms – all of these are key elements of acidgrafix. the term acid, as you might’ve already guessed, came from the acid house and rave culture. it first appeared on flyers, used to promote and to invite people to raves. smiley faces (of course, resembling nothing else but the actual drug), op-art-esque patterns, sci-fi futurism – all of these were such an eye candy for party-goers, that soon enough this style overtook the music industry. after being long forgotten in the 00s, acidgrafix finally found it’s new home in instagram, where musicians would design their insta-stories and albums with all of the key details of this aesthetic.
🌐 seya : aaand this is the part that i was worried about the most. this aesthetic took it’s origins not from the best culture, but i still find it’s style being quite suiting for gaon. it’s bright, innovative and bold – just like he is!
𝐨𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧 : 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐔𝐍𝐊
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"the millennial and gen-z iteration of edgy grunge aesthetics, associated closely with "pop punk" and the store hot topic." — ©️ cari institute.
*puts a cd in the drive, "girlfriend" by avril lavigne starts playing* now that we're in the mood, let us find out what the hell is a teen punk. the dirty, the angry, the free and THE wild – this aesthetic conveys the whole essence of the rebellious period that every teenager eventually goes through. you can usually see this movement being expressed through clothes, style, make up and, most importantly, music, rather then the way you could draw something or edit a photo. mainly seem in early 00s, teen punk found it's new home in hearts of people through nostalgia that overtook us all as soon as pandemic started. this aesthetic combines different colors like foggy green and blue, obviously black, red and pink (yes, the tricolor of emo aesthetic is very important here). essential details of teen punk are denim jackets, torn jeans, big ass t-shirts with logos of musical groups, fishnets and those humongous military boots that everyone used to wear. the pioneers of this movement are mainly musical artists, like the infamous avril lavigne, all-time favorites my chemical romance, green day, paramore etc.
🌐 seya : now i need you to look me dead in the eyes and say that THIS isn't his aesthetic. bro literally dresses as if hot topic was more grunge and still managed to survive.
𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐮𝐧 : 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐓𝐈 𝐏𝐎𝐏
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"first wave of corporate appropriation of graffiti culture. typically includes urban streetscapes & iconography contemporary to the time period (eg. trash cans, brick walls, chain link fencing, street lamps, sidewalks, industrial elements, general 'urban decay'). it's also associated with that eras' portrayal of street, hip hop, & punk culture." — ©️ cari institute.
disclaimer: this part is mostly retelling of an article from this site: https://www.grafftergallery.com/2023/08/graffiti-pop-art-vivid-intersection-of.html | i really don't think that i would be able to express myself better than they already did, so let me give the credit to the rightful authors!
this aesthetic is a firm proof of the dynamic between street culture and the world of art that was born in early 80s and was especially popular till the 00s. bright colors, bold splashes of different patterns, provocative slogans, popular singers, models, tv personalities – it screams fight for the freedom of self expression. this movement is first and foremost was heavily affected by socio-political issues, causing street artists to voice their concerns through art. graffiti itself is a rebellious act (you're literally damaging private property) and when you mix this with media icons and pop culture that was thriving, you're guaranteed to have all the attention that you need.
🌐 seya : i feel like this aesthetic really suits jun han because in my eyes he is one of the most brave idols in terms of expressing himself through his style and art.
𝐥𝐞𝐞 𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧 : 𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐌
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"let's take a look at what is included in such aesthetics as retro-surrealism (also known as airbrush surrealism and included in the subgenres of retro-futurism), shall we?"
retro is an imitation or conscious derivative of a lifestyle, trend, or art form from history, included in music, fashion, or looks. the retro art movement always invariably revives and in one way or another refers to everything that happened in the past. surrealism is an art direction that always strives to revolutionize human experience. it balances a rational vision of life with one that asserts the power of the unconscious and dreams. combining these two trends of media art, we get abstract paintings made in the style of sci-fi comics from the 70s-90s. very often they feature elements such as musical instruments, outer space and electronic objects such as telephones, radios, televisions, etc. usually such paintings are airbrushed, which gives them a slightly hazy, matte effect, typical for surrealism (promotes immersion into the unconscious me thinks!).
🌐 seya : i love, love, LOVE this one so much, i just had to give it to my favorite boy jooyeon! i feel like this one suits jooyeon just because he looks like that one dude obsessed with weird ass comic books, always going around with his old mp3 player and vibing to daft punk bangers. sorry not sorry, no one is getting this image out of my head.
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elephantsndapark · 2 years
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