#background robin and vickie
stevesbipanic · 6 months
@steddiemas Day 22: Santa Shenanigans
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Steve was going to kill Robin.
Well, not really because he doesn't think he'd survive more than a couple days without her. But he'd certainly be giving her the stink eye next shift for suggesting a secret Santa between the older ones of the party.
"We just rog it so that I get Vickie and she'll fall madly in love with me, it's a perfect plan Steve!"
To her credit it was an ok plan.
"Last week you spent an hour bemoaning the fact that she smiled at a boy."
"But yesterday she spent two hours studying with me in the library!"
Steve rolled his eyes at her shenanigans but agreed nonetheless. They drew names the next time they had all gone out for burgers at the diner. Steve tried not to make it obvious when he saw who his name was. Eddie.
Steve wasn't disappointed, no, far from it, he'd been hiding a crush on the older boy for a few months now, let's just say Eddie spent a lot of time by Steve's pool last summer. But now he felt the pressure to get him the perfect gift. The plan hadn't even worked for Robin.
"I got Argyle! Now how will I win her heart."
"Could always plant some mistletoe."
"You're a genius! Who'd you get."
"It's Secret Santa, Rob's, it's meant to be secret."
"Boo you're no fun, bet it's me."
It took Steve weeks to finish his gift for Eddie and Steve found himself hastily wrapping it the morning of their little Christmas party, grateful that Robin had thought of the plan well in advance otherwise he'd have never finished.
Steve greeted everyone and watched as they placed their secret Santa gifts under the tree. They ate, laughed and picked a Christmas movie to watch after presents. One by one they opened their gifts.
Nancy got Vickie some water colour paints.
Argyle got Jonathan rolls of fresh film.
Jonathan got Nancy some new notepads with larger covers.
Robin got Argyle a big bright tie dye shirt with Groovy printed on the front, he quickly put it over the sweater he was already wearing.
Vickie turned to Robin and Steve quickly saw her cheeks start to redden. She passed her the gift and Robin unwrapped a bag full of pins and badges.
"I've been collecting them for a few weeks for you from around town and around where I went to visit my grandma, thought your work vest needed some more fun ones."
Robin grinned widely at Vickie, the effort making a big impact on her. Steve knew he'd be hearing about it for weeks but he hoped the mistletoe in the kitchen sped things along.
Steve was about to give Eddie his gift when he realised that this meant Eddie also got him for Secret Santa. He turned to the metalhead to find him already shyly holding out a gift.
"It's not much but I hope you like it, Stevie."
Steve unwrapped the small package to find a collection of mixtapes inside, Eddie's handwriting clearly scribbled on the side.
"I started making a mixtape of songs that made me think of you but U ran out of room on the first one and might've gotten carried away," he said shyly scratching his neck.
Steve glanced over the names of the songs and it was clear that the majority of them certainly wouldn't remind someone of their dear platonic friend. Steve smiled softly at him and passed him his gift.
"I think I know what you mean."
Eddie slightly confused at the statement unwrapped the gift, his mouth forming a small o looking inside. He took out the book, a worn copy of The Hobbit that Steve had thrifted as soon as he knew Eddie was his secret Santa.
"Stevie, you know I've got this one, it's my favourite," he said slightly awkwardly.
"Look inside."
Eddie slowly opened the book to see small dribbles of ink between the words. The handwriting clearly Steve's. As he flicked through he saw Steve's thoughts spilling into almost every page.
"It's your favourite and you're always wanting me to read it so I did, I thought it'd be fun if you saw exactly what I thought of it."
Eddie's eyes caught on one of the words near the end, a small red shape next to them, yeah, he thinks he and Steve are on the same page, but he'd wait until the end, no spoilers early after all.
"I love it, Stevie, thank you."
As Steve sat curled up next to Eddie on the couch watching the film he too had the same thought, definitely on the same page.
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fandsart · 7 months
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We Fell in Love in October
Alternative title: Two Friends Inspecting Apples
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ameriewadiasbangs · 7 months
there are now 2500 words of brainstorming for a new stranger things hogwarts au in my google docs. there are NO complete byler hogwarts aus on ao3 and best believe that will change. i’ve spent two hours coming up with lore that would literally only be referenced in prequel if i wrote one (since my story will start in fifth year). i’m feeling so devious and powerful right now mwahaha
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a-little-unsteddie · 3 months
zombie apocalypse au where the apocalypse started while the party is at a summer camp and the older teens were camp counselors there. they all travel together to help the kids find their parents — they find El on the way. brenner is the one who created the whatever causes zombies. vecna is patient one, who isn’t out of his mind. Eleven is the only surviving patient who was immune to it or smth. the griup travels to clarke to make a cure. maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t.
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blankinsidecards · 1 year
ok im sorry but im sick of reading ronance fics where the authors don’t know robin. creative liberties are great but there’s literally books about robin and her backstory. her parents are hippies- used to travel around with their friends in a van, and “historically haven’t been too uptight”. she was barb holland’s best friend in gradeschool, before nancy. she worked at the movie theater downtown, yeah the one that gets vandalized in s1. she learned how to speak italian so she could read dante’s inferno in his native language. she learned russian to read anna karenina. she loved the book frankenstein, really identified with the monster. she went as annie lennox from eurythmics for halloween of ‘83. she doesn’t like madonna but she’ll listen to her because her friend kate likes her- btw she has a friend named kate, and another friend named milton, too, both from band (so they’d know vickie too!). all that’s from just the podcast! like i get that the show gives us nothing for a robin backstory but compared to how every screenshot and bts look at eddie’s room or battlevest has been analyzed within an inch of its life?? i don’t want to feel like I need to ask for someone’s credentials before reading any wlw stranger things fic
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devondespresso · 8 months
Was listening to Heart's album little heart and this feels so Vickie Stranger Things
She found them for their slower fantasy-feel songs and ended up loving their whole range. Theres just something about how their singer uses ger voice that perfectly scratches the brain and she has a blast trying to imitate her while singing in the car. they're probably the most recurring band on her mixtapes.
a copy of little heart id one of the first things she shares with Robin to bond outside of school stuff. Robin has like 3 favorite songs because you need one for every type of song because how are you supposed to compare barracuda and sylvan song fairly?? (Steve has no such reservations and insists kick it out is The Best and it sets robin off on a little rant every time)
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Freaks Stick Together | Hawkins Crew
Prompt: Forest
Words: 4429
Fandom: Stranger Things
A/N: Will-centric. He needs a hug and to know that he has a strong support system that he can lean on. This became longer than I intended just to fit in the prompt, so this is very late for Writer’s Month.
Summary: School is back in session, allowing students to make up for lost time due to the recovery from the “earthquakes”. While Will is glad to be back where his friends are, the town also brought back unpleasant memories. This time, he has more people to help him feel less alone.
Will stared at the entrance of Hawkins High with trepidation, clutching at the straps of his backpack tightly. His brother ruffled his hair, a familiar and soothing feel that eased the nerves only slightly. They spoke about this day any chance they could ever since they decided to stay in Hawkins for school. Jonathan promised to be there for Will and they could hang out if he wanted. 
Will didn’t want to bother him, knowing that his older brother was considering helping the school’s newspaper under Nancy’s encouragement. El was going to be dropped off by Hopper later after they got a last minute meeting with Dr. Owens in the morning, but Will was sure that she would most likely be hanging out with Max and Lucas.
Jonathan sighed when Will didn’t react to him, leaning back in his chair. He looked at the familiar high school, then around the parking lot, picking at pieces from his memory of the last time he was there. He never thought that he’d be able to finish high school back in their hometown, a small place with a bittersweet mixture in the middle of nowhere, Indiana. Now that the Upside Down was dealt with, for good, knock on wood, he felt more confident that by graduating here, he’d finally close a chapter of that story and start something new.
A knock on the window jolted the Byers brothers out of their deep thoughts, swiveling their heads over to Nancy who gave them an apologetic smile. Jonathan grinned, looking back at his brother who rolled his eyes and jerked his head over as if giving his permission to go. He hesitated, stopping to ruffle his hair again with more vigor before getting out to greet her. 
Will grunted to himself, climbing out the car and continued to stare at the building. It didn’t last long as a familiar BMW rolled in with Dustin and Steve finding things to nag each other about. Dustin’s ankle had healed, but he still asked Steve for a ride and no matter how much he complained, Steve would always give it to him. Back to the usual, then. 
Right behind was an old black van playing metal music parking right next to the BMW. Lucas and Erica jumped out, the former quickly going around to help Max climb out and handed her crutches.
“You’re lucky I didn’t puke from your driving, you crazy ass –”
“Erica!” Lucas scolded.
His little sister rolled her eyes. “Bye, losers! Bye, Max!” With that, she marched over to Hawkins Middle School with purpose, leaving the older kids shaking their heads fondly after her.
“Why are we losers and you’re just Max?” Lucas asked the red-head.
Max snorted. “Seriously? You had to ask?”
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the ride, Eddie!”
“Don’t mention it, my young padawans,” Eddie said with a grin, hopping out of the van. He eyed the BMW where Steve and Dustin were still sitting inside arguing about a movie. “Now, go on in. I’m gonna talk to your mom over there.”
Lucas grimaced. “Just don’t be late. Principal Higgins might crack down on your attendance record.”
Eddie waved him off. “Nah, he wouldn’t. Well, maybe. Well… it’s fine. It won’t take long.”
Lucas nodded, his eyes landing on Will who was watching the whole interaction. His face brightened as he waved him over. “Will! Come on, man, get over here!”
Will smiled, looking back at Jonathan who paused his conversation with Nancy to give him an encouraging nod. Nancy smiled. Will wasn’t that close to her at first, only exchanging pleasantries out of courtesy and not knowing how to interact. Lately, they’ve been making the effort with Nancy staying for breakfast when she slept over instead of sneaking out the window and Will testing his ideas for dungeon puzzles with her. 
It felt very normal and domestic with Jonathan and his mom cooking breakfast together in the kitchen, Hopper heading out early and grabbing his breakfast and lunch packed in tupperware from his mom, and El digging into her eggos. Every other day, Jonathan would make a different version of eggos, whether he added banana and chocolate syrup, assorted berries and a mountain of whip cream, or even cutting it up and building it like a house. El liked covering that one in syrup and knocking down the walls one at a time.
“Wait, wait, wait,” he heard Dustin shouting to Steve, stopping his older friend mid rant. “Will’s here!” He clambered out of the car before Steve could finish, leaving him huffing about how he never listens.
Will felt an overwhelming flood of happiness as Dustin ran over to him, dragging him over to meet Lucas halfway. Max nodded over at him in her usual cool greeting, but her grin showed how glad she was that he was here.
“Dude, there’s so much to catch up on, but the most important one is Hellfire Club,” Dustin started as the group slowly made their way into the building to match Max’s pace. “So, after what happened, Principal Higgins isn’t allowing us to host Hellfire on campus, so we’re planning to alternate between Eddie’s place and Steve’s. You’re going to love Eddie, he’s amazing. You saw him, right? He’s over there talking to Steve.”
Will twisted his head to see said metalhead bending down with his forearm leaning on the roof of the car while he spoke to Steve. There was a weird feeling in his stomach watching them talk, so he quickly looked away. He couldn’t tell what that feeling was.
Maybe it was that bitterness of finding out that they were crazy about DnD again, and was obsessed with their new DM, Eddie, when he had been trying to get them to play with him for the entire summer. He shook that thought immediately, knowing that he had gotten over that when he first found out about it and was happy that they were playing again. He just missed playing with them.
If it’s not that, then maybe it was because Eddie was smiling sweetly at Steve while the latter was leaning in closely, the distance between their faces, or lack thereof, being something that would be completely shunned or mocked if anyone else in this narrow minded town saw. 
Will remembered the road trip to LA over the weekend, how overwhelming it was being in the city. Then, hanging out by the skateparks that reminded him and El of Max, he saw two couples on a double date. What surprised him was that the two men ended up being a couple as well as the two women. And they were holding hands. In public.
“Where’s Mike?” Will found himself asking.
They all shrugged, or what was close to a shrug in Max’s case. “Nancy’s here, so I assume Mike is here somewhere,” Lucas said.
“Let's go over our schedules again so we can figure out where to meet up before lunch and after school,” Dustin said, “Do you have a copy of El’s schedule? This is going to be the first time that we’ll be at school with her. Like, actually taking classes at the same time and not sneaking her around and stuff. This is exciting!”
Lunch was interesting to say the least. As he figured, Will saw Jonathan leave campus with Nancy to take pictures around town for her article, so he went to Dustin’s locker that was assigned as the meeting spot before they headed to the cafeteria. Will had been working on his new character sheet in between classes and was sketching out a character design when someone stopped in front of him. Part of him wanted it to be Mike, who he had only seen in passing so far, or even El to check on how she’s doing so far. Instead, it was Eddie Munson himself, appraising his work.
“Uh, hi,” Will said, shifting his binder around to have a better grip on it. “You must be Eddie.”
He grinned, baring his bright white teeth and flashing his dimples. “And you must be the great Will the Wise,” he said, bowing dramatically with a wave of his hand. “Tis a pleasure to finally meet.”
Okay, Will thought, I can kind of see the charm of him. “You know about me?”
“Of course. The boys talked about you in almost every session, especially in the beginning of the school year. ‘Our friend Will used to do this’, ‘Will, our other DM, had made a campaign with that’. I knew your brother from before, but even Steve spoke about you.”
Will’s eyes widened, feeling his cheeks heat up when he mentioned the Party’s de facto babysitter and chaperone. “Really? What would Steve even say? He’s closer to Dustin than he is with the rest of us.”
“Oh, you know, I really shouldn’t be telling anyone this, in case this information gets into the wrong hands, but…,: Eddie said, leaning in to whisper, “Steve said that you’re one of his favorite kids.”
“No way,” Will said in disbelief, shaking his head.
Eddie nodded excitedly. “Totally. You should see how he looks when he talks about –”
His body slammed onto the lockers hard, knocking the breath out of him as one of the jocks twisted a fist around his worned out Iron Maiden shirt. Principal Higgins had not only banned Hellfire on campus, but also prohibited the club from wearing their t-shirts. Although the band shirt wasn’t breaking any dress code, Eddie was still met with disapproving looks.
“Why am I not surprised,” Andy growled, eyeing Eddie before grabbing Will’s collar as well. “The satanic worshiper and the zombie boy hanging out. Thought we chased you two out of our town a long time ago.”
“Knew you’d miss me too much,” Eddie retorted with a smirk.
“You –” Andy felt his jeans violently yanking down his legs, the force making him stumble back and almost fall on his ass. He quickly pulled them up and spun around, looking for the culprit.“Who… what the fuck?”
“Leave my brother alone, mouthbreather!” El called out, glaring at him. Will smiled, seeing his knight in floral sweater standing in the middle of the hallway with their friends behind her watching in awe and glee.
“What did you call me, you –” He tripped over as his pants fell again, making him face plant the floor. The students all burst into shocked gasps and laughter, drawing the attention of nearby teachers. Andy pulled himself up and strode over to El. “You bitch!”
“Mr. Cooper!” Ms. O’Donnell scolded with her arms crossed, pursing her lips. “This is only the first day back at school, Mr. Cooper. I do not want to give you detention, or worse, for not only public indecency, but also harassing and attempted assault on a few students.”
Andy’s jaw dropped as he stepped away from El. “But –”
“No. You’re lucky I’m feeling gracious today. Do this again and it won’t be just detention that you’ll be worried about. As for everyone else, move along. There’s nothing to see here.” With that, Ms. O’Donnell sent a nod at Eddie before walking back to her classroom.
Andy stomped away, shoving people in his path. The moment he left, the Party felt like they could finally breathe again. El ran over to Will and hugged him tightly.
“Are you okay?” El asked him.
He nodded. “I’m fine. Thanks, El.”
“Yeah, that was pretty metal staring him down like that, young Skywalker,” Eddie added, patting her shoulder.
She frowned. “Skywalker?”
Eddie blinked, mirroring her frown. “You know, Luke Skywalker? Star Wars?”
“Oh.” She nodded in understanding. “The others spoke about this, but I have not watched it yet.”
He gasped, clutching a hand over his heart as he began to make his way towards the cafeteria, the group following without a second thought. “We need to fix that, don’t we?” El grinned and Will could see that she had also slipped under his spell. 
“I’m sure Steve can get us the tapes with his employee discount,” Dustin said, then gave a cheeky grin, “Or probably pay for us if Eddie asks nicely.”
Mike snorted. “He has been paying for his rentals.”
“What? No, he hasn’t. I’m a respectful paying customer,” Eddie defended himself.
“No, you flirt with him then leave without paying. Robin can vouch on this.”
Mike shook his head, then nudged Will with his elbow. “Hey, you okay? Sorry, I wasn’t here this morning. I had a habit of wearing the Hellfire Club shirt and got caught wearing it this morning. Higgins made me change my shirt, so… I’m stuck with this sweaty one from the gym’s lost and found box.”
Will wrinkled his nose, not even daring to sniff his shirt. “No, I can tell. I could smell you from the other end of the hall,” he said.
“Shut up,” Mike said, nudging him again with a smile. “I have an extra Hellfire Club shirt if you want one.”
Will smiled back. “Cool… sure.”
Lucas and Max had taken to eating at the back of the school, so they promised to meet up after school at the front. The rest of the former Hellfire Club members had distanced themselves from Eddie even after his name was cleared, much to Eddie’s dismay. He hoped that they could at least continue as Corroded Coffin, but with the Satanic Panic still ongoing and the town still thinking that he was a devil worshiper, their parents did not want them to associate with him. Gareth still acknowledged Eddie in the halls, but Frank and Jeff were close to graduating and they didn’t want to mess anything up.
Eddie took his usual spot at the head of the table, Will on his right and Dustin on his left. Mike took his usual spot next to Dustin while El sat across from him next to Will. The older boy let them talk amongst themselves as he sat deep in thought. Usually it was about his campaign, retracing the character arcs of his main NPCs and how they come into play in the main storyline, the types of challenges that the party will face, the mini bosses leading up to the big bad. Now, he was thinking about how Mike kept looking at Will as he spoke and how the latter would look towards him whenever he laughed.
“What do you think, Eddie?” Dustin asked.
Eddie blinked. “Huh?”
Dustin let out an exasperated sigh. “I knew it. Stop daydreaming about Steve –”
“I wasn’t… this time.”
“Hey, dude, you said it.”
“I know, but, it’s like, you guys are like my big brothers, so…”
“Anyways,” Eddie interrupted, flicking a pretzel at him. “What were you guys talking about?”
“We were talking about how Will could redesign the t-shirt,” Mike said excitedly, “He’s really good. You should see all the drawings he did for our previous campaigns and this poster he painted and –”
“Okay, little Wheeler, cool your jets. I know how good Will is, I’ve seen his character design.” Eddie leaned an elbow on the table and tilted his head to look at Will with wide curious eyes. “Got some ideas already, little Byers?”
“Uh,” Will leaned back, flustered at his sudden undivided attention. “I have some. I can have some drafts down by this weekend, if you want.”
A grin spread across his face, showing off his dimples. “No rush, little Byers. I look forward to seeing it.” 
He patted Will’s back affectionately before asking what other movies that El had yet to watch. Will smiled to himself, thinking that maybe the rest of the semester won’t be so bad after all. He could see why his friends praised the older boy so much. Eddie was loud and obnoxious, but he was also kind and affectionate. Dramatic and attentive. Chaotic and intelligent. He’d been through the trenches with the Party and their bond had become stronger than ever. Will hoped that he could build anything remotely close to that kind of bond with Eddie now that he was back.
The rest of the day came and went, Will’s steps feeling lighter as he made his way to the front entrance of the school. Halfway down the hall, he spotted a group of jocks, one of them being an angry Andy looking for someone. He turned his head just as Will came into view and he narrowed his eyes. Will was all too familiar with that look and his feet shifted to run in an instant. So much for the rest of the semester being good.
His feet carried him to the back of the school past the bleachers and towards the forest. He could still hear their heavy footfalls and shouting close behind him. His muscles were already screaming at him to stop, but he wouldn’t. This wasn’t something he could just stop in the middle of the field and shout at it to leave him alone. He needed to pick and choose his battles while he had the luxury of choice.
He collapsed against a tree, sucking in air into his lungs as he tried to steady himself. Will didn’t hear anyone behind him, so he took the time to close his eyes, but couldn’t bring himself to fully relax.
“Little Byers?” Eddie asked calmly. Will’s head whipped around, almost making him dizzy. Eddie held his hands out in surrender before tentatively reaching over to squeeze his shoulder. “You good, Will?”
Will looked around at his surroundings, seeing an old picnic table in a clearing that looked to still be in good condition. Eddie’s backpack was thrown on top with a binder and DnD monster manual wide open. The younger boy blinked his eyes into focus before remembering that he was asked a question.
“I… they were… and I just…” Will shook his head, leaning his shoulder on the tree.
Eddie nodded in understanding. “Sit with me. Those losers don’t dare to venture out here into the woods after what happened, so we’re safe as far as I know. You can tell me all about your character while I write up some things for the campaign.”
Will joined him on the picnic table, having the sense to pull out his walkie and turn it on in case his friends wondered where he was. They fell into a nice flow with Will talking animatedly about his character and Eddie asking him questions every now and then to get a feel of where the character would fit in the world he created for the campaign and what he could add to it.
After a while, Eddie looked up from his writing at Will. “Uh, so I’m going to ask a question and you don’t have to answer this, but… is there something going on between you and Mike?” Eddie asked as gently as he could.
Will sat in shock, his mouth opening and closing like a fish as his cheeks reddened. His body was itching to jump up and run again, but there was something telling him that Eddie was safe. “Is there something going on between you and Steve,” he countered.
Eddie smirked. “Yeah. It’s still new, but it’s been a long time coming. Nancy threatened to send us to Murray if we didn’t get our shit together. Nothing official, since we’re still trying to figure things out. I just wanted to let you know that if you need someone to talk to, someone besides your brother, then I’m here. Though, I would like to add my two cents and say, why Wheeler out of all people?”
“Mike’s my best friend,” Will said, relieved that his suspicions were right about Eddie but also wanting to defend his crush. “He’s always been there for me. Not like there were many guys that I would feel safe to crush on anyways.”
“True. I lucked out with Harrington, though, didn’t I?”
Eddie wrapped up the finishing touches to his worldbuilding notes sooner than Will wanted. He fell into step with him after they packed up their things and headed back to the school. Will stuck close by, eyes scanning the remaining students and every corner warily. From what Dustin and Lucas told him, those jocks could be very persistent when they wanted to.
Jonathan was by the bleachers when they walked back, frowning in concern. His arm reached out before Will got to him, drawing him in as soon as his fingers gained purchase on his shirt. Will sighed into his brother’s shirt, hugging him back. Jonathan nodded over to Eddie to show his gratitude for looking out for him. Eddie waved a dismissive hand, patting his back.
Jonathan pulled away, his hands still on Will’s shoulders. “You okay?”
Will nodded. “I’m good. Just never thought that there were people still hung up about the whole Zombie Boy thing,” he said tiredly.
“They’ve got nothing better to do and they want someone to take their anger and boredom out on,” Jonathan said as they continued to walk. “Someone told on Andy and his friends, so you don’t have to worry about them now.” 
Will sighed in relief. “I hope so. Good thing I found Eddie, though.”
“Hey, us freaks gotta stick together,” Eddie piped up. “Besides, Zombie Boy sounds kinda cool if you think about it.” He slung an arm around Will’s shoulders. “Kind of like a superhero or a rock band name. Zombie Boy! Playing at the Hideout at 10 with special guest Corroded Coffin!”
“Well, hearing it in the same sentence of Corroded Coffin, Zombie Boy doesn’t sound that bad,” Will admitted.
“See? You know, I tried recruiting your brother for the band a few years back,” Eddie said, nodding over to his brother who was avoiding Will’s shocked expression.
“Really? You never told me! As what?”
“Drummer,” Jonathan mumbled, “I… I didn’t want to be on stage in front of people. I would take pictures for them, though. They used to use them for their flyers around town.”
“Whoa, you could have been much cooler.” That remark earned Will a playful smack upside his head.
When they reached the parking lot, their friends were already crowded around Jonathan’s car and Eddie’s van, Steve’s BMW parked not too far. Max and El were perched on the hood of Jonathan’s car, watching with amusement as Lucas tried a trick on his new skateboard. Dustin and Mike, having no interest in anything sports related, were pouring over a map and a few open magazines next to them. Steve was leaning against his car, talking to Robin and Nancy who looked to be teasing him about something. Jonathan came over, bumping his hip with Nancy who entwined their fingers without a second thought.
“Hey, Will!” Dustin said, waving him over. “Where do you want to go for the road trip?”
“What road trip?” Will bent over at the map, seeing a few destinations circled and scribbled on.
“Steve’s gonna get an RV for our summer road trip.”
“Did we ever return the one from the trailer park?” Lucas asked, trying to kick the skateboard up but hit his shin instead.
“Yeah. That got sorted out and they were compensated for their troubles,” Max said nonchalantly. “That’s cool of Steve to get a new van for us, though.”
“Hey, hey, whoa. Steve,” Steve stressed, waving a finger at them. 
Robin rolled her eyes. “He’s talking about himself in third person again,” she muttered to Nancy who tried to hold back a smile.
“Did not say anything about a van or anything. I simply said that it would be cool if we did something for the summer. You guys volunteered me to do this road trip.”
“So, no road trip?” El asked softly, looking at him with puppy eyes that Max taught her to utilize. As if it’d take much to convince Steve to do anything for them.
Steve deflated instantly, putting his hands on his hips. Eddie snorted, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. “Thanks for letting me drive Stevie,” he said, blinking his doe eyes at him.
“Fine,” he sighed. “We’re going to have a set of rules, though, and if any of your parents say no, then we won’t do it.”
Dustin raised his hand. “Can I try to drive the RV? My mom said that if I start learning on a big vehicle, then I’m able to drive any car.”
“Sure,” Eddie said at the same time as Steve’s firm, “No.”
“We’ll talk about it when the time comes,” Steve said.
“Cool, now that that’s settled, movie night at Steve’s this weekend! We’re watching the Star Wars trilogy, since Supergirl hasn’t seen it yet. Thanks for renting it out for us, big boy.”
Steve shook his head fondly at him, leaning closer with a smirk on his face. “Jokes on you, I bought those tapes already.”
“You're a romantic.”
“I feel like I’m getting used to their sappy display of affection,” Dustin said, packing up the map and magazines and shoving his backpack in Steve’s car. “I gotta go, though. My mom wants to run errands together today.”
“Right, we’ve got things to do,” Jonathan said, ruffling Will’s hair. “We still got that cabin project to work on, then I’m going to help Nancy with something. You kids hanging out over at the Wheelers?”
Everyone except Dustin nodded, splitting between Jonathan’s and Nancy’s cars. Dustin took his spot in Steve’s car and rolled his eyes when Steve and Eddie were taking too long to say bye to each other. Robin left, catching a ride with Vickie and promising to see them tomorrow. Will caught Vickie smiling widely at Robin as she climbed in, her face turning red under her gaze.
Growing up with his small group of misfits, he still felt alone, different, wrong. From disaster after disaster, he had pushed his feelings aside because they weren’t as important as saving the world and his friend’s and his new sister’s happiness. It seemed to be a Byers thing, from what he had seen from his mom and his brother. They just needed to surround themselves with the right people to feel that their wants and feelings mattered. This also meant that he had to let them in as well. 
After opening up to his brother and to Eddie, he was gradually feeling comfortable expressing himself more. Gradually, he’ll tell the others, too. Now he knew that this evolved group of misfits and weirdos and freaks would love and accept him no matter what. Like Eddies said, freaks stick together.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Additional Tags: steddie secret santa 2022, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Eve, Hard of Hearing Steve Harrington, Future Fic, steddie as parents, Adult Steddie, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Christmas Presents, Nostalgia, Gift Fic, Minor Robin Buckley/Vickie, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Married Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Teacher Steve Harrington 
Its Christmas Eve in 2004, not a creature is stirring, not even Sméagol and Déagol the rescue cats. Eddie has the perfect gift waiting for his husband under the tree, but it can't wait until morning.
A pleasantly warm and fluffy future fic, featuring Steve, Eddie, and their children.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
With the way Eddie moved, he's definitely accidentally kissed Steve a few times to the point where Steve thought they were dating, but Eddie hadn't noticed anything differently until Robin said something.
"So, what are you getting Steve for your six month anniversary?" Robin asked when it was just the two of them.
"What?" Eddie asked.
"You and Steve have been dating for six months. What. Are. You. Getting. Him?" Robin asked. "It better be something special."
Eddie's eyes widened as he thought back. All the things that Steve’s been doing for him, the fact that Steve hasn't been on a date, and the accidental kisses that make Steve giggle. . . They've been holding hands. . . Oh God, not only does Eddie like men, but he likes Steve, and he's been dating Steve for the past six months. While Eddie was stewing in his own sexuality crisis, Robin was rambling about how great Steve thought it was that they hadn't had sex yet, how they were taking things slow, and how serious they were.
"I am a little curious about why you guys haven't said I love you to each other yet," Robin said.
"Oh my God! I love him!" Eddie realized.
"You're just realizing you love him now? Jesus, you're slow," Robin said.
"You have no idea," Eddie muttered. "I have to go get ready."
"It's not until Saturday. . .and this is your house!" Robin exclaimed.
Saturday rolled around, and Eddie was scrambling about Steve’s house, trying to get everything ready. Queen was playing quietly in the background while Eddie finished preparing the meal before Steve got home from work. It was lucky timing that he finished dinner just as Steve walked into the house.
"Eddie?!" Steve called out and entered the kitchen. "This is a lovely surprise."
"Hi," Eddie said softly and moved to kiss him. . .this time on purpose.
"This is nice. You look. . .very nice," Steve said, eyes raking over him.
Eddie was wearing his tightest black pants with an equally tight white button-up with the sleeves rolled up. His hair was pulled back in a low ponytail, a few hairs framing his face. He silently thanked Nancy and Vickie for helping with his outfit.
"This old thing?" Eddie scoffed.
"Eddie, you still have the tag on this shirt," Steve said in amusement.
"Fuck!" Eddie exclaimed and ripped it off the back of his neck, tossing it in the trash. "You saw nothing. Anyway, dinner is ready."
"I'll go change," Steve said, smiling. "I want to look as nice as you do."
"I'll keep it warm for you," Eddie said.
Eddie was setting the table and lighting the candles when Steve came down wearing a red button-up with the sleeves rolled up and his nicest pair of jeans. He looked good enough to eat.
"You look really good in red," Eddie grinned. "You look good enough to eat, baby."
"Well, the demobats obviously thought so," Steve joked, a dorky grin on his face.
"Steve!" Eddie whined. "Don't remind me. Anyway, sit! Sit!"
Eddie pulled out a chair and nodded for Steve to sit down. Steve sat down, smiling when Eddie pushed in his chair for him. He gazed up at him, staring lovingly at him. Eddie sucked in a breath. Steve looked so beautiful in the firelight, especially when he looked at him like that. Eddie cupped his face and leaned down to kiss him. Steve reached up and grasped the back of his head, deepening the kiss. Eddie sighed into his mouth and broke away, kissing his forehead. He sat down in front of Steve and watched him as he took off the cover. Steve gasped.
"My favorite!" Steve exclaimed.
"Spaghetti with cut up hot dogs," Eddie said, flashing his dimples at him. "Man, you are so weird. I love it."
"Thanks!" he laughed.
Eddie watched him fondly as he stuffed his face with food. His cheeks filled up until they were fat, and he smiled at Eddie as he chewed. He looked like a chipmunk. A very cute chipmunk.
"Hey, Steve?" Eddie asked.
"Yeah?" Steve asked when he swallowed his food.
"I love you," Eddie said, smiling at him when his cheeks turned red.
"I love you, too," Steve said, beaming.
Eddie groaned and wiped his face with his hands.
"You have to know, though, your boyfriend is a complete idiot," Eddie said.
"You're not an idiot, Eddie," Steve said softly.
Eddie laughed and then told him everything. There was a long stretch of silence when he finished up. Steve blinked rapidly, and then he started laughing.
"You're not mad?" Eddie asked with wide eyes.
Steve got up and walked around the table to sit in Eddie's lap.
"I don't care when you realized it," Steve said. "You love me. Tonight will just be our first official date, and six months from now, we will celebrate it then, too."
Steve kissed him deeply and pulled away, pressing his forehead against his. Eddie sighed happily as he ran his hands across Steve’s back. Steve went to move back to his seat but was yanked back down by Eddie. He pulled Steve’s plate around to set it next to his.
"Let's eat together," he said. "I love watching you eat. You look like a chipmunk."
"Shut up," Steve blushed.
"You do! A cute little chipmunk. My chipmunk," Eddie cooed.
Steve kissed him to quiet him, and Eddie giggled against his mouth. He may move as slow as a sloth, but he always got to where he needed to be.
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mimixmunson · 1 month
Bestfriend Reader in a skirt casually sitting on eddies lap and when she gets up/or maybe eddie realizes she left a wet patch on his leg
Bestfriend!Eddie gets cockwarmed. Eddie Munson x female reader. Smut. Blurb.
(I got so carried away here!! Thank you for this prompt<3)
Eddie’s trailer wasn’t the most spacious of places, but when he offered to have movie night there rather than the Harrington mansion, you all politely agreed.
That’s how you got in this situation. Robin and Vickie were nestled up under a blanket on the floor surrounded by pillows, they seriously looked like something from a cheesy teen movie, it was such an adorable sight. Nancy and Jonathan sat side by side on the couch, his head leaning on her left shoulder and her fingers combing through his fringe, muttering something about him needing a hair cut. Steve was sat to the right of you cradling a pillow. He looked sweet all cuddled into it, his nose wrinkled up as his face pushes into the pillow, and you, were sat on Eddie’s lap.
It wasn’t an unusual thing for you to be physically affectionate with Eddie, you’d known each other since you were three. He’d showered and taken baths with you when you were kids when the Munson’s water supply was cut off from tough times with money and your mom always let them use your bath tub and shower when they needed it. He’d seen you grow from a little toddler into what you are today, 5’5 and 21 years old. He’d seen all of your style experiments to try and figure out who you were, but you were always so jealous of Eddie. He knew who he was from a young age. I mean he forced you to listen to KISS and Metallica when you were pre-teens. He knew what he wanted and what he liked, you admired that. You admired him.
Your back facing his chest, heat radiating under the blanket he’d hauled over the pair of you. You didn’t bat an eyelid when his hand snuck under your shirt, drawing little patterns with his finger tips on your skin. Tracing your spine and writing curse words with his nails, it tickled. It was soft and oh so soothing. He walked his fingers up your back, pretending as if his pointer and middle fingers were a persons legs. Getting closer and closer to the back of your neck and your head tilted back with a jolt. You turn around to face him, a look of playful annoyance plastered over your face but ruined with a smile when you were met with Eddie’s devious smirk.
He pouts, silently saying how he’ll make it up to you. He didn’t say that with words, but you knew. You and Eddie could almost read each other’s minds, it was a little scary. His fingers swoop over your back again, but this time slower and gentler. It was a barely there touch. His fingers felt featherlight as they grazed up and down your back, with both hands added now. Lifting your hand to cover your smile, a feeling of relaxation washed over you. Whilst whatever movie Robin had chosen seemed interesting, all you could think about and feel, was Eddie.
Before you knew it, you felt your throat let out a groan. A guttural moan, it was quiet and thankfully covered up by the background sound of the movie. But Eddie’s hands didn’t stop, they teased your sides, open palm rubbing up and down them. You squint your eyes shut tightly, but your brain is filled with thoughts. Thoughts of the night when the tension got too much for you, the night Eddie leant in and kissed you. He tasted of weed, you were both as high as a kite but the melody of his playing corroded coffin tape set the scene so well. He rubbed your sides just like this when you were sat on his lap last time. Only last time, he was inside you.
The burning desire in the pit of your stomach ached for more again. Rutting your body slowly across Eddie’s thigh, rolling your hips just like you did on his cock before. The feel of his denim clad thigh harsh against your clothed clit, you hide to bite your lip to hold back a moan. Eddie just felt so good. He definitely knew what you were doing, he began to bounce you on his thigh, slowly at first but picking up the pace when he felt your hands find their way to his. He rocks you, backwards and forwards, rubbing your clit against him. Pleasure washes over you completely, you’re blissed out. He begins to buck his hips beneath you, feeling his hard cock hit against your ass. You just wished he’d slide your panties aside and let you cock warm here right here, right now. He thrusts against you again, you wonder if he’s leaking in his boxers. You’d do anything to taste his pearlescent beads of cum, so you wriggle your ass in his lap. You get away with it too, pretending like you’re dancing to the music the movie is playing. Teasing him and feeling him grow harder and harder underneath you, letting him thrust against the small of your back.
Until he stops. Turns you to face him by his finger and thumb grasping your chin, “Not here, behave and you can have a special treat later.” He teases, not missing your eyes widening and the blush spread across your face at his words. After he plants a soft kiss on your forehead, you turn back and try to focus on the movie but your mind is elsewhere. It’s so fucking tedious, even if you weren’t distracted you’d find this movie boring, you make a mental note to joke about the plot holes of this film with Steve later, he definitely feels the same about Robin’s movie choices because he is in fact snoring into the pillow.
It all feels never ending, you’re so turned on and there’s nothing you can do but sit and wait, feeling Eddie’s cock deflate and turn soft underneath you. But after 40 excruciatingly long minutes when all you can feel is the throbbing between your thighs and the uncomfortable sensation of your soaked panties, cold and wet against your pussy, the movie finishes.
The party clear up their mess and the guests leave, Nancy and Jonathan drive Steve home. Robin and Vickie walk back to Vickie’s parent’s house, a “slumber party” they had told them. Leaving you and Eddie, alone. You stand up for the first time in hours, stretching your arms above your head. Eddie’s arms clasp around your middle, and he pulls you back onto the couch, pinning your arms to the cushion.
Pointing at the now dampened and discoloured material of his jeans, “look at that. You soaked me through, princess. Your pussy drenched my thigh, in front of all of our friends. So dirty.” He cooed, his voice breathy and drowning in need. Eddie’s hand lets go of your wrists and begins to palm over his jeans, a tent shape that had been there for a while now. His pants looked tight, like the button was about to pop off and his cock spring out. “Had me so fucking hard for so long, now it’s time for your treat huh?”
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bleedingoptimism · 2 months
part one -> 📱💞🚙
part two -> 📱💞🚙
It only takes a week for Steve to show up at this door again. He knocks on the door late at night and he’s panting as if he’s run all the way there, “I had to see you” he says and it's overdramatic and kind of romantic, and Eddie barely resists the urge to jump in his arms and kiss him. Or check if there’s a filming crew and it’s raining because of how much this feels like a movie, but it’s a beautiful night outside.
“Come in,” he tells Steve, immediately turning and running around the living room, throwing away empty food containers and tidying up a bit. 
Steve watches him amused, but stands by the door, hands in his pockets, “So…” he says, “Came home today to find Chrissy, Vicky, and Robin all sitting at my dining table with their heads buried in a phone” 
Eddie looks up at that, because what the fuck? He looks at Steve confused and Steve nods, like he agrees with Eddie.
“The three of them lifted their head at the same time, it was kind of freaky honestly,” He keeps going and Eddie chuckles, curious as to where this is going, “They wanted me to see this,” Stevee finishes, lifting his phone up, the first episode of the van series playing, right at the part were Eddie first sees Steve and blushes while looking at him.
Back in reality Eddie is blushing again too, Steve saw the van series, he knows. Steve knows. “Steve…” he starts even though he has no idea what he’s gonna say.
But Steve doesn't let him try, doesn't let him think. He takes two long steps towards Eddie and kisses him, hard but short, pulls away holding Eddie’s face between his hands, and brings their forehead together,
“I didn't know,” he breathes.
Eddie shakes his head, “How could you not, I was so obvious I-”
Steve just kisses him again, once more short and sweet before pulling back, “You never said.”
Eddie wraps his hands over Steve's wrists, just holding them there, moving his thumb over Steve’s pulse slowly. He can feel how hard Steve’s heart is beating, can feel it match the rhythm of his own heart. And he wracks his brain, trying to remember if he ever did ask Steve out, or if he ever stated he liked him out loud.
He ends up laughing at the stupidity of it. Everyone knew Eddie loved Steve, except Steve, “I’m- I don't what to say. I'm sorry I-” he starts but Steve shuts him up with a kiss again, “It’s okay, I know now”
This time when they kiss, Eddie doesn't let Steve keep it short. He keeps him close, kissing him deeper, harder, longer, until he doesn't know where he begins and Steve stops.
The next day a new video gets uploaded. “Goooood morning!” Eddie says, even though it is clearly noon, from the passenger seat of his van, “Guess who is ready for their road trip!” he smiles and pulls the phone away from him, so both he and Steve are in frame. Steve is driving, eyes on the road but a huge smile on his face, Eddie’s hand is clearly visible on Steve’s thigh in the shot before Eddie moves the phone back to his face, “We’ll keep updating you guys, can’t tell you exactly where we are going cause we’d like a little privacy,” he says and wiggles his eyebrows, a soft gasp and a whispered and heated ‘Eddie!’ is heard in the background, “But we will upload videos from where we’ve been in a few weeks!” he films Steve once more, who looks at Eddie with a big sappy enamored smile on his face and then films the road for a few seconds, the world passing by the window. Finally, he twists the phone back to his face and says, “Oh! And don't worry about who’s going to drive… we’ll switch” and he winks and ends the video.
the end
☕🥐💕 coffee? by a roadhouse?
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
Eddie and Steve were sitting on the back porch of the little two bedroom house that Owens and his merry band of government lackies gave to the Munsons in exchange for signed NDAs.
It was getting late and Steve knows he should go home, but Eddie keeps finding new conversations to strike up and it just feels too natural to keep responding. Getting up and announcing he was going home would be downright rude. The deckchair he was lounging in was confortable too, so it just made more sense to stay.
Eddie passed Steve the joint they had been nursing between them. Steve had lost track of what they were talking about a long time ago. He was too caught up in the low rumble of Eddie’s voice, quiet enough to make it feel like they were sharing secrets even if they were all alone with nothing scandalous to say. It didn’t matter what Eddie was saying. Steve was happy to just listen. The subtle fizz of the weed spread across his skin as he leaned his head back and enjoyed the light breeze that cut through the warm night.
Today was the same as every other day.
Steve woke up, showered, picked Robin up for work, and then spent eight hours rewinding tapes. He listened to her go on and on about her latest discovery of why Vickie was the perfect person, adding commentary where needed. Steve was happy for her, he was. He just wished she wasn’t so distracted. Not today.
And then he ferried Mike to Dustin’s, Will to the hospital to visit Max, brought Lucas home from the hospital so he could shower and then right back over again. He was barely through the door when Eddie called and asked how his day was, insisting Steve come over to hang out when he heard it was just ‘fine, average, nothing special’.
Steve had wanted nothing more than to fall asleep on the couch with a terrible tv movie in the background. There was something about Eddie, though. Something in the way he moved, the way he said Steve’s name and dragged his teeth along his bottom lip over the V sound. The thoughts of staring at the stars with Eddie might just be the one thing that could redeem today. Even if no one else would understand.
Steve arrived thirty seconds before two large pizzas, courtesy of one of Argyle’s buddies in the business. They each had all Steve’s favourite toppings. Which was weird because Eddie definitely didn’t like olives or pineapple. Steve had a cold beer in one hand and hot slice in the other before he even said ‘hello’.
If there was any way Steve wanted to spend the final hours of today, it was with Eddie. He knew why, of course. He bit his tongue every time he got close to saying it out loud, but he knew exactly what that something was.
“And I figured hey, if it means I don’t have to sell weed to highschoolers anymore, then why not, you know?”
Steve’s brain took a second to catch up to Eddie’s train of thought about his new job. He was going to be working in a garage with Reefer Rick’s nephew.
“Totally,” said Steve, sipping the mostly empty bottle in his hand, the liquid warmed by being held so long. “I bet you’ll be great at it too,”
“Yeah well,” said Eddie, quirking his eyebrows. “I hope so,”
They fell into silence again and Steve started to think it might not be rude to leave any more. The joint was down to the nub, the beer was gone, and Eddie’s eyelids were looking heavy.
“I should, uh…” said Steve, shifting his weight on the chair to stand up.
“Why didn’t you tell them?” asked Eddie, looking up at the moon. Steve could see its reflection in his eyes.
Steve stopped.
“Tell who?” he asked. “Tell them what?”
Eddie sighed.
“It’s your birthday, man…” breathed Eddie. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“Oh…” said Steve. He could feel his face heat up. “I don’t… I guess its not a big deal for me… Not for years…”
Eddie nodded solemnly.
“You’re too good for us, Harrington,” said Eddie, shaking his head. “I saw what you did for Robin’s birthday. Did she remember, at least?”
Steve didn’t say anything. He knew he’d probably get a frantic apology and a card tomorrow. It wasn’t like he was going to hold it against her.
“Pizza and beer isn’t exactly the five star treatment you deserve,” said Eddie. “Hope it’s enough to, you know, make today not suck entirely,”
Eddie waved his hand around in a circle, as if gesturing to the very day itself.
“This actually might be the best end to a birthday I’ve ever had,” admitted Steve. “So, you know, thanks. For doing this for me, I mean,”
“Thanks for eating all the olives,” joked Eddie, draining his beer bottle. “Besides, any excuse to hang out with you, I’ll take it,”
“Yeah?” asked Steve, his voice smaller than he expected.
“Yeah,” answered Eddie gently. “I like being with you,”
Steve’s stomach lurched. He followed Eddie’s gaze to the moon. She was beautiful tonight and Steve felt safe the cool glow she cast over them.
“How did you know?” asked Steve, playing with the hem of his sweater. “Or like, care?”
“Saw it on your license a whole back,” Eddie answered, lighting two cigarettes at once and handing one to Steve. “And I cared because… Because I care. I didn’t want you to be sad on your birthday,”
“Oh,” said Steve meekly. “I’m not sad. Not now. I’m happy now, so it worked,”
Steve took the offering of the cigarette and sat back in his chair, looking at his hand and the subtle hint of ‘don’t go’.
“Did you have a birthday wish?” asked Eddie, holding up the still-lit match. It was burning quickly down towards his fingertips.
“Just one…” said Steve slowly, looking through the flame at Eddie.
“A person?” asked Eddie.
Steve gulped, and nodded.
“So make it,” Eddie said. “Don’t tell me, or it won’t come true,”
Steve blew out the flame, still gazing into brown eyes, watching them turn black when the light was gone.
Eddie’s watch beeped. It was midnight.
“Didn’t come true,” said Steve sadly, his eyes still fixed on the point where Eddie had been holding the match between them.
“Give it time…” said Eddie softly.
Steve took a long drag of his cigarette and wondered if this is what every night would be like. If his wish came true and he got exactly what he wanted, would he sit out here and smoke and stare at the stars and listen to Eddie talk every night? Was he allowed to have that?
“I wished for the person that makes me happy,” said Steve, not looking over at Eddie but feeling bolstered by weed and boldened by beer.
“It won’t come true now,” teased Eddie, his voice low.
“Even if I tell them?” asked Steve, turning to look at Eddie. He looked into Eddie’s eyes again and thought of all the things he wanted to say. He felt something shift between them when Eddie didn’t look away.
“I made a wish on my birthday too,” said Eddie. “That didn’t come true either,”
“What did you wish for?” asked Steve.
Eddie’s arm flopped between their chairs, his cigarette burning steadily between his fingers.
“To make someone happy,” he said.
“Like…” whispered Steve.
Steve slowly moved his hand so it brushed against Eddie’s, the backs of their fingers rubbing together. Steve hooked Eddie’s pinkie with his own. Eddie looked at their hands and smiled gently.
“Yeah,” said Eddie quietly.
Steve hummed.
“Guess I just needed to wish for it too,” said Steve.
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blankinsidecards · 1 year
all that said if anyone has any good ronance or rovickie or buckingham fic recs hmu
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starryeyedjanai · 1 year
steddie | 2.8k
read on ao3
Happy Birthday @wynnyfryd 🥰🥰🥰 I've had this idea floating around in my brain for a while now and seeing it was your birthday prompted me to finish it 💕
It's his first time in Indianapolis as an out bisexual, so of course Robin takes him to a gay club - to experience the drag queens and to see other queer people having fun, she says.
It's a little overwhelming, the bright lights and the music and the people. But he's having a great time, people watching and drinking virgin daiquiris and talking with Robin.
She's been here before - she came with Vickie when they were still together one weekend and they had a blast. So when Steve figured his sexuality shit out and came out to her, this was the first place she wanted to take him.
Now, he can see why. It's a haven of sorts. Gay men dancing together and kissing each other, gay women getting cozy in the booths, drag queen and drag kings about. He hasn't felt like he's belonged somewhere in a long time, but it kind of feels like he belongs here. The atmosphere is welcoming and kind.
They dance a little before everything gets overwhelming and then they find an empty booth to sit down and sip at their drinks in.
Robin keeps trying to encourage him to find someone to kiss so that they can call this night a success, but he keeps telling her that no one has caught his eye. And it's kind of true. He's seen some men that he thinks might be his type, but they're all paired up with men who look nothing like Steve. Even then, the few people that have caught his eye weren't right, somehow.
He keeps holding out, hoping to find someone that makes his heart skip a beat, or whatever the appropriate cliche for a gay club is.
And it. It happens.
He glances over at the bar as he's taking the last few sips of his drink, thinking about if he wants to brave the crowd at the bar, when he sees him.
His heart doesn't skip a beat, but he knows as soon as he lays eyes on him that he wants him. He's beautiful - and intimidating.
He's sitting facing away from the bar with his legs splayed open, ripped jeans revealing what looks like fishnet stockings underneath them. He's wearing a tank top that's showing off his many tattoos and Steve is struck with the urge to know what they taste like. His combat boots are clunky and could seriously kick someone's ass if they messed with him. His wavy hair is half tied up, a messy ponytail holding his hair out of his face, but the bottom half is freely falling past his shoulders.
He kind of feels like he's been bit by the love bug - he can't take his eyes off him.
He knows Robin is saying something to him, but he can't even hear it. It's all just background noise. He doesn't think he's ever been so captivated by someone before. He wants to put his mouth on him.
"Steve? Oh my god, stop ignoring me!" Robin says and snaps her fingers in front of his face, pulling him from his reverie. He looks over at her sheepishly.
"Sorry, Robbie," he says, looking back over at the guy briefly and yep, he's still just as hot as the first time he looked.
"What was that? Did you see someone you like? You looked like you blacked out for a minute there," she says, a smirk pulling at her lips.
He rolls his eyes. Of course she already knows - his type is people that look like they could stomp on him and he'd say thanks. "Black tank top, ripped jeans, at the bar. I think I'm in love," he says with a sigh. He's way too intimidated to go over there.
She squeals in his ear and says, "This is so exciting! You have to go kiss him now."
"Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm not just gonna go up to a stranger and ask if he'll be my first gay kiss."
"And why not?" she asks, stirring her drink.
"Because that's insane," he says. "He's probably already got someone. He's, he's gorgeous. There's no way he's here alone." It's a shame, but it's probably true - he's way too good looking to be here alone.
"There's only one way to find out," Robin says. She leans forward and whispers in his ear, a challenge of sorts.
"You can't be serious," he says to her, questioning his own sanity for even entertaining her for one second.
She leans back in and whispers more into his ear and he groans.
"You're diabolical," he tells her, pulling back to smack a kiss on her forehead. He stands up and takes a deep breath before marching over to the bar. He can't believe he's doing this.
He marches right up to the guy and immediately every word in his vocabulary is gone. He's so fucking pretty.
"Um. Uh, hi," he says, stupidly.
The guy bites his lip and grins at him. He says, "Hi," back to him and Steve is literally going to die, he thinks. He couldn't see it from across the club before, but this guy has a lip piercing, and Steve wants to know what it feels like against his mouth so fucking bad.
"I need you to kiss me," he blurts out, trying not to cringe.
"You need me to, to kiss you?" the guy asks, and this was a bad idea, the worst idea Robin's ever had. There's no way he's going to agree to this.
"So, my friend-" he stops, looking back at Robin - she waves at them. He's trying so hard not to blush as he turns back to the guy and says, "She bet me that I couldn't get a guy to kiss me since it's my first time here. So I was wondering if you would kiss me, so I can win the bet." He's steeling himself for rejection, for this guy to tell him to fuck off or maybe have mercy and let him down gently by telling him he's taken.
But he just smiles, tilting his head at Steve. "Why me?"
"Hmm?" Steve asks.
"Why me?" the guy asks again. "Out of all the guys here, you picked me. Why?"
Steve sputters for a second. "You, I mean. You have to know how you look, right? Like, you're gorgeous."
He grins again, tonguing at his lip ring and Steve is so down bad for him, it's actually insane. "Okay," he says. "I'll accept that answer. Now, if you get your kiss, you win your bet, but what's in it for me?"
Steve is hoping that if he's still talking to him, that means he actually has a shot. He's feeling dizzy with how much he wants to kiss him. He really fucking hopes he can kiss him.
He says, "A kiss?" with what he hopes is a charming - and not at all maniacal - grin.
The guy snorts. Rude. He snorts at Steve and says, "I think I'll need a little more that that, don't you think, sweetheart?"
Steve nods dumbly, says, "I'll split my winnings with you. Would that work?"
He's not expecting it to work, is the thing. He doesn't expect him to say yes.
Which is why he's so surprised when he reaches out and tugs Steve closer by the collar of his shirt. He did not know being yanked around was his thing, but apparently it is because good god.
"That works for me," the guy says, eyes going molten as he looks at Steve.
He can't believe that worked. Holy shit.
He's. He's nervous, he realizes. He's had a lot of first kisses, been on many first dates that ended in him kissing someone unfamiliar. But this is nerve-wracking for him in a way it hasn't been before.
He lets the guy pull him in further by his collar, lets him control when the kiss happens.
The first press of their lips has Steve sighing and opening his mouth slightly, wanting more, wanting to taste him. He kisses him, lets himself be kissed really. He opens his mouth more when a tongue snakes out and presses into his mouth.
Steve's hands come up to pull him closer, to pull - fuck, he doesn't even know his name, yet. He's doing this all wrong. He meant to get his name before shoving his tongue down his throat.
But it's good, the feeling of soft lips pressed against his, the cold metal of his piercing pressing against his mouth, his tongue stroking over Steve's in a way that makes him wish they were alone, wish they weren't here surrounding by all these people. He wants to kiss him and keep kissing him until the breath runs out of his lungs. He wants to put his hands on him, to dip his fingers into the rips in his jeans and feel the rough fishnets against his fingertips.
He pulls his mouth away to gasp out, "What's your name?" because he needs to know, needs to have some connection, some thread to hold onto, to grasp as they're kissing.
"Eddie," he whispers against Steve's mouth. "What's yours?" Eddie asks. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
"Steve," he says before pressing his mouth against Eddie's again. He wants to kiss him forever. He never wants to stop. He wants Eddie to keep licking into his mouth like he owns it until the bartender yells out that it's last call. He wants Eddie to keep holding him like this until Robin drags him away as they turn the lights on in the club to kick everyone out. He wants, he wants, he wants.
He gets a hand tangled in Eddie's hair and gets their heads tilted right so that they can lick deeper into each other's mouths. It's burning him up inside, the way their tongues are sliding together, the way Eddie's licking behind his teeth and sucking on his tongue like he's trying to taste the daiquiri he was drinking earlier.
Eddie tastes like tobacco and something sweet, like he was drinking something sweet before Steve came up to him too. God, Steve wants to know everything about him - what's his go-to drink order, does he smoke, does he prefer beer over mixed drinks, is he seeing anyone, please don't be seeing anyone, god.
He feels desperate, he feels out of control. He wants Eddie to take him apart like he's never wanted anything else in his life. He wants those hands on him, wants to feel the rings on his fingers pressing marks into his skin. He want his hands gripping his hips, sliding down and touching him. He doesn't think he's ever wanted like this.
The only reason they break apart is because someone's elbow ends up in Steve's back and he ends up pushed further into the crease of Eddie's thigh. He feels him hard against him and he knows Eddie can feel how hard he is too. Fuck, it's like everything else faded away when Eddie's mouth was on his, but now that they're not kissing, he's suddenly achingly aware that he's hard in his incredibly tight pants after making out with Eddie for god knows how long.
His face is probably red and sweaty, but Eddie's still looking at him like he wants him and god, does he want him back.
But he pulls back a little, puts some space between their hips because he quite literally can't ditch Robin here go hook up with Eddie, no matter how much he wants to.
He bites his lip and pulls his hand back, the one that was tangled in Eddie's long hair. He puts it on Eddie's chest and asks, "Was that okay?" because he thinks he knows the answer, but it never hurts to hear it.
Eddie huffs out a laugh and says, "Was that okay, he asks. Sweetheart, I think you and I both know that was something on a completely different realm from just okay."
If Steve wasn't blushing before, he definitely is now. He says, "Good, good. I'm glad we're on the same page."
Eddie leans close like he's going to kiss him again. He brushes his lips against Steve's in a dry press - barely a kiss, but it has Steve aching all the same anyway. He drags his mouth along his jaw, just mouthing at it, and it's the hottest thing Steve's ever felt.
He whispers in Steve's ear, "Your friend is trying really hard to get your attention right now," and that pulls Steve right back down to earth.
He pulls away again and turns around to see Robin waving her arms at him. He puts his hands on his hips and raises his eyebrows at her. She waves her hand at him, beckoning him back to their table so he holds up a finger to tell her to hold the fuck on.
He turns back around and says, "I think I'm being summoned. As much as I want to stay and as much as I, like, desperately want to keep kissing you, I should get back to my friend."
Eddie crosses his arms over his chest and leans back against the bar and Steve can't help the way his eyes sweep over him again. Eddie's smirking when he looks back up at him.
"That's fair," Eddie says. "So, what did we win?"
Steve makes a questioning sound, before he remembers what Eddie's talking about. He sheepishly brings a hand up to swipe his hair out of his face where its begun to stick to his forehead. "Oh, uh, about that. There never really was a bet."
"Really?" Eddie asks, leaning forward again into Steve space, like that's the most interesting thing he's heard all night.
Steve shakes his head. "I promised half of the winnings, but the winnings are zero, so half of zero is still zero, you know?"
Eddie grins at him and says, "You're kind of devious, you know that? Here I was, thinking I'd get a prize at the end of that kiss."
"Sorry for getting your hopes up, but I mean, it was a good kiss, right?" Steve asks, boldly leaning forward to press his mouth against Eddie's again. Eddie lets him, lets Steve kiss him, softer than before. Before it was all new and exciting and hot, and it still is, but this kiss is tender, pulling a gasp from Steve's lips when they separate.
"It was a good kiss," Eddie agrees, pecking him on the lips again, soft and sweet.
"Can I have your number?" Steve asks, trying to be brave for once. He got Eddie to kiss him, even if it was under less than truthful circumstances, but he hopes it was good enough to warrant a call back.
"Your friend, is she seeing anyone?" Eddie asks, and Steve's head is kind of spinning at the redirection there.
"She and her girlfriend broke up a couple months ago. Why?" he asks, wondering where this is going. If this guy is actually somehow straight and only kissed him to get with Robin, Steve's gonna lose it.
"I'll tell you what, if you can convince your friend to kiss my friend, you can have my number," Eddie says, gesturing to the girl that's been sitting next to him at the bar this entire time.
And- oh. Oh god, he's embarrassed.
Has she just been awkwardly sitting there while Eddie made out with him? He was half a second away from dry humping Eddie and his friend was sitting there patiently waiting for them to stop. That's embarrassing.
She's cute - she's got this whole cheery, bubblegum vibe to her that didn't make Steve glance twice at her once he had his eyes set on Eddie because the two of them are kind of polar opposites. He didn't think they were here together.
His eyes shift back and forth between them and she waggles her fingers at him in a wave, smirking at his caught out look.
"Chrissy," she says, sticking out her hand to shake Steve's. He's kind of intimidated by her too, but he's got to hand it to her - he doesn't think even Robin would sit through him making out with someone right next to her. He guesses he does kind of owe it to both her and Robin. He and Eddie were making out for a while.
"Steve," he says, lamely. "Sorry for making out with your friend right next to you. Um, I'm gonna go grab Robin now."
They both watch him as he leaves, which makes his skin prickle and his heartbeat speed up. He makes a beeline back to Robin and lets her coo at him for a minute about having his first gay kiss.
She's talking a mile a minute asking about how it was, if he got his number, when Steve interrupts her.
"Bobbin, you are not gonna believe this," he says, and when he's got her attention, he continues, "I think I just found you a girlfriend?"
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wettestnjaay · 2 years
[VOL. 1 — (MALE)]
includes: Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Chrissy Cunningham, Vickie, Karen Wheeler, Joyce Byers (MORE IF REQUESTED)
warning: these are links that contain porn !!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
robin fucks you with a big strap and leaves you sticky and full of her thick white cum.
what robin sends to you when your not home
robin and you rubbing together while music in the background.
robin and you jumping eachother to cum.
nancy and you making out & eating out.
nancy letting you eat her out late at night, while everyone else is asleep.
nancy rubbing her clit across yours.
what nancy sends you when she’s home alone.
you just love chrissy’s ass.
what chrissy likes to send you when your not around.
chrissy and you fucking yourselves onto a double-sided dildo right after cheer practice.
fucking sub!chrissy with a dildo
vickie strap fucking you & spanking you. two
vickie and robin having fun with you.
vickie and you dry humping which causes a big mess.
vickie big mess she made just for you.
vickie likes sending you this.
karen fucks you dumb on teds favorite chair in the living room.
karen spanking you, and grinding.
karen home from work, early just for you.
karen helps you out in public.
joyce eating you out, while looking up at you.
joyce humps you on her sofa.
joyce spanks you for not listening to her.
dom!joyce fucks you hard with her strap.
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will80sbyers · 3 months
part 002:
February 7 / 2024
The Stranger Things channel on ig posts pictures at the Hawkins memorial hospital : 1 / 2 / 3
February 9 / 2024
A video from the actress that plays Vickie in st5
Bts pictures of Vickie
Bts picture of Robin at the hospital inside room 110, Vickie has scenes at the hospital too
February 15 / 2024
It seems there are some scenes inside a barn at the farm (Robin, Mike and Will are there) / 2
FIRST LOOK AT WILL IN COSTUME !!!!!!!!!! and Robin my beloved + Mike is also there (Finn is taking the picture)
February 16 / 2024
BTS pics of Ross weeks 5-6 - FIRST LOOK AT NANCY!! lovers lake picture, El with the radio station outfit filming some action scene where Hopper's bracelet breaks, a home made tank for El to use with her powers? a drawing of a black shape/arrow?
February 17 / 2024
Bts pics of the vines inside Hawkins lab
Erica and Joyce are filming together
February 19 / 2024
February 20 / 2024
It seems they are filming something that involves Castle Byers: 1 / 2
February 22 / 2024
New bts pictures from the radio station and the woods, with a stunt rehearsal of someone being thrown away / 2 / 3
Bts: scene with RED light where maybe Will is involved? / 2
Bts of the vines (video etc): 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
February 28 / 2024
The Stranger Things channel on ig posts this thing on how to make a remote radio head RRH
Some ideas on what it could mean / 2
Steve & Jonathan are involved
March 1 / 2024
New bts pics from Ross of Weeks 7-8 - FIRST LOOK AT LUCAS AND MAX ON SET!!! It seems the date could be the 12 of november 1987 (or 2 of november 1989… it's not clear, both are a Thursday) A picture of Castle Byers in the UD etc
March 4 / 2024
Pictures of the Wheeler's home posted by the ST channel on ig… there will be a scene at the Wheelers where they brainstorm stuff about Vecna? or have breakfast/ a meal together?…and someone is eating doritos? (Mike?): 1 / 2 / 3
March 8 / 2024
Mr. Clarke is back on set? the actor posted this
March 13 / 2024
New bts picture of them filming a scene in ep. 4 (the date of filming in the lower right angle of the picture seems to be around feb. 10-13 ) initially I thought it could be a rink o mania vision but I now think it's in Mike's basement: 1 / 2 / 3
VIDEO OF MILLIE (EL) on set making a coffee dressed as El, she has the same costume of the radio station scenes and blood on her nose, indicating an action scene
March 15 / 2024
Ross posts new pictures of weeks 9-10, FIRST LOOK AT HOPPER! + random background details
Picture of the kids in the Party hands posted by Ross 😭❤️❤️❤️
The full picture of Hopper
March 21 / 2024
New pictures from the set they seem to be shooting scenes with the military
March 22 / 2024
Ross posts the FIRST LOOK AT WILL BYERS!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SON💞 ( in one of the pictures he seems to be inside the radio station bunker because of a suitcase being there and also radio equipment around, the other picture is at Castle Byers with a new actor playing Young Will so it could be a flashback or a vision or something like that!! ) Jonathan is in that scene too
March 27 / 2024
They start filming at a mansion that's situated at the Smoke and Rise country club in Atlanta. Eleven was there and has a scene screaming so there's some action going on, Will was also seen there later on and he looks like he has make up on like he's experiencing the effect of possessions or not feeling well. Nancy was seen there dressed with something that resembles a candy stripers costume of a volunteer nurse, Steve's car was parked outside with the radio station van and there's an antenna over Steve's car... (my theory now is that in the pre vis something makes the antenna go down into the car for the pressure, like something hitting the car from outside that breaks it)
Still at the mansion we have two stand-in actors that have been seen, one of them seems to be called Derek and he could be either a new character or using a fake name (he kinda looks like Jonathan) and there's also this audition for a kid called Derek...
Pictures of the mansion and the decorations, a dragon, butterflies etc... 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
A look of the entire house, old pictures from Google street
April 2 / 2024
My speculation from the video of the wardrobe of s5, Max could be wearing this jacket at some point during the season
April 3 / 2024
There's the neighbourhood watch at Hawkins
April 4 / 2024
Pictures from the Instagram channel, Karen is having a bubble bath, more flashbacks from the rainbow room and Hawkins massacre and something is being filmed inside the Wheeler's house
April 6 / 2024
Eddie's actor says he knows if Eddie is coming back but he's not gonna say it...
April 7 / 2024
Not sure about this but it could be a new decoration around the mansion
April 9 / 2024
Some new pictures from the filming at the mansion and it seems Joyce and Hopper are there in that scene too, parked outside... There's also a video and the lights make it look like maybe the police is involved!
Millie posted a new old picture of her in character with the vines of the upside down in the background
to be continued...
part 001 / part 003
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