#baker Chuuya au
ohhcinnybuns · 14 days
Thinking about AU baker Chuuya and florist Dazai this evening…
Chuuya owns a pâtisserie in a quaint cultural part of downtown Yokohama called “pêches et crème.” He loves to bake French goods to show love for his half-French heritage: Macarons, Éclairs, Chouquettes… Chuuya knew just how to satisfy his patron’s sweet cravings.
All the locals who enter his shop are immediately drawn to Chuuya’s charm and delicious baked goods. They compliment his artistry and use of chocolate and fruits to enhance flavors.
Though, they tell him he should move his beautiful shop because of the ugly ass building across from his potentially scaring customers away. The building looked hollow and devoid of life with its chipped grey paint and haunting ‘for lease’ sign displayed on its window. Chuuya makes note of it and thanks his patrons for their feedback.
And then, one day, the ‘for lease’ sign on the building across from him was gone. Over the next few days, Chuuya notices workers coming in and out of the building to give it a facelift, wondering what type of shop it will become. The grey paint on the building turned into a muted yellow, and the window borders were accented by swirling vinyl patterns of lush vines in the shapes of hearts. He thought it looked nice… or at least, nicer than the run down crap it used to be. He makes a mental note to thank his neighbor when the shop opens for upgrading the eyesore.
Until one beautiful sunny morning, Chuuya walks to work and finds a handsome brunette holding a bouquet in his hands, looking up at the newly renovated building, deep in thought. He seemed to be mumbling to himself, a hand on his chin. Upon further inspection, Chuuya spotted a van behind him with its trunk popped open to reveal buckets of flowers - roses, daffodils, tulips, daisies - flowers of every kind in bloom and filling his senses.
The floral scent overwhelmed him so much that he almost didn't realize he had stopped walking, his nose twitching, and finally, he sneezed. Gosh darn pollen.
The brunette breaks from his mumbling spell and turns to Chuuya.
When their gazes lock, Chuuya can feel his cheeks warm. The brunette was a lot more handsome than he thought… and the smile he gave Chuuya only stirred butterflies in his stomach. Is this what people call love at first sight? ‘Shit! He’s coming this way.’
Chuuya clears his throat and immediately begins to look for his keys to unlock his shop pretending like he wasn’t just gawking at a handsome man across the street. Was he running away? It sure kind of felt that way by the way his hands kept fumbling his keys as if purposely stretching time for him on this particular morning. Chuuya curses under his breath with a defeated groan until he feels a hand land on his shoulder.
Chuuya jumps from the touch; a tint of red highlighting his cheeks. He turns to face the man who towers over him, still clutching a bouquet in his arms with a grin on his face as if reading every thought crossing Chuuya’s mind.
Who are they? What do they want? Am I being robbed? Should I call for help? If he goes out, would he regret it under the hands of this handsome thief? Too many questions and too many scenarios run through his head. Maybe he should be more direct.
“May I help you?” Chuuya finally asks, his hands learning to properly hold his keys without looking like a clown. He shifts his pose to cross his arms over his chest, eyeing for any sign of potential thievery. He’ll kick some ass if he has to.
“Yes, actually. Are you Chuuya Nakahara?” asks the brunette, lifting his hand from his shoulder to twirl a strand of Chuuya’s hair away from his face. Chuuya immediately grabs his wrist and pulls away.
“Who’s asking?” Chuuya glares at the guy. Man, he was pretty but daft to think he could just creep up on Chuuya and start petting him.
“Why, your new neighbor of course!” The guy pays no mind to Chuuya’s glare. Instead, he lifts the bouquet adorned with red camellias, peach peonies, and white with salmon tint daffodils.
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet as the name, Chuuya Nakahara.”
Chuuya is stunned silent, blushing furiously as the handsome man hands him the bouquet while mumbling to himself again, criticizing his work, “I should have added an orange flower for your hair or a blue for your eyes. Now it all just feels wrong.”
“I didn't see any blue flowers in your van? Wait a minute, you haven’t even told me your name yet or why you know mine!”
The taller man laughs, his head tilted back as if his name was the funniest thing in the world. He leans into Chuuya’s personal space, his hands slipping into his coat pockets and with dazzling smile, he says, “Dazai. Dazai Osamu.”
Chuuya’s throat runs dry. He was starting to feel parched, as if he had just run a marathon with no water for miles. The only thing he's capable of is repeating Dazai’s name as if engraving it upon his lips.
Dazai nods his head and steps away, distancing himself from Chuuya. His gaze becomes soft, and with another twirl of Chuuya’s curls, he says, “I’ll come back with a better one next time, Chuuya. I’ll see you around.”
Chuuya finds himself mindlessly nodding like it is normal to do with someone they have just met on an average Tuesday. An unknown feeling bloomed around him, and he knew it wasn't because of the flowers.
After they part ways, Dazai flashes through his mind during breaks, lunch, and baking sessions. Honestly, the brunette made quite the impression on him, and he blushed every time he glanced at the bouquet. He put them in a porcelain vase next to his cash register so he could see their beauty in full bloom. His patrons teased him about the beautiful flowers that sat beautifully in his shop. They added a floral necessity to the scent of sugar, chocolate, and cinnamon in the air.
Maybe he’ll consider asking for the florist's number and sending a box of his best pastries as a ‘thank you’ for the bouquet. Perhaps he’ll ask for a date or two, and finally find out how the smug bastard knew his name. It’ll make a great conversation starter for the next time they meet.
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zaisamoo · 4 days
more soukoku. ok i swear my next post will be an actual and colored drawing that isnt soukoku
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dailynakaharachuuya · 7 months
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21. Musicians AU 22. Doctors/patients AU 23. Bakers AU 24. Beast AU
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fancyfeathers · 5 months
Society of Protection (Yandere Bungo Stray Dogs x reader x original characters) (normalized yandere au)
Future Locations
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Post Sky Casino Arc and even after canon you will be able to explore new locations, you will be able to go to more than one but I am just having this vote to see where you all would like to see but remember each place has its own risk of going to and high risk could have high rewards or high consequences
You may be to encounter certain characters in each location based on its danger rating…
For example
0-10%: Society members
20-30%: Yanderes like Atsushi, Kunikida, Ranpo
40-50%: Yanderes like Poe, Fukuzawa, Sigma
60-70%: Yanderes like Tachihara, Jouno, Tecchou
80-90%: Yanderes like Nikolai, Paul Verlaine, Chuuya
100%: Yanderes like Fyodor and Dazai
The Austen Estate
A place where the Society was founded, the secrets of the Society are kept…
Danger rating- 20%
Location- Meryton, England
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Paris Opera House
The opera house Gaston Leroux works at, a beautiful celebration of the arts with a secret hidden deep within…
Danger rating- 90%
Location- Paris, France
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Asclepius Hospital
The secret hospital owned and operated by Dr. R.L. Stevenson, a sanctuary for anyone who would like to remain hidden…
Danger rating- 60%
Location- London, England
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The Winter Palace
One of the estates that Prince Leo Tolstoy calls home, it is also the place where Gaston Leroux saved the Prince’s life many years ago.
Danger rating- 40%
Location- St. Peterburg, Russia
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Alice’s Bookshop
The bookshop that is owned and operated by the craziest member of the society, Lewis Carroll.
Danger rating- 70%
Location- Daresbury, England
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221B Baker Street
The home of Sherlock Holmes, where the reader lived as a baby, everything left behind…
Danger rating- 🔒locked🔒
Location- London, England
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Ibsen’s Doll Shop
A toy shop owned by Henrik Ibsen, A place where he makes toys of all sorts for children, even some dolls that should never be used outside of him…
Danger Rating- 70%
Location- Copenhagen, Denmark
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shawtysdelirium · 3 months
This is what I headcanon skk's music taste to be:
Chuuya: at 15, in his peak adoloscence, he used to listen to Pierce The Veil, Nirvana, My Chemical Romance, Rage Against the Machine, Limp Bizkit and other popular 90s/2000s emo and/or punk bands. He used to listen this genre that to him “went hard” or was "the shit" and "cool af" (tho it didn't go too hard, he was more on the waves of hard rock, than metal although he might have had a few Deftones songs here and there).
But as he grew older his music taste expanded and it started embracing many different genres. At 22, he set his rock origins aside to become a coffee jazz listener (or just jazz in general) (I can picture him at night in his penthouse enjoying the notes of Chet Baker with a glass of red wine in hand), or hell even a classical music enjoyer when the mood is right. Anything that can be considered “chill” tbh is right up his alley. But sometimes, for nostalgia’s sake, he might play “The Black Parade” to get him back to the old days.
Dazai: doesn’t listen to much music, and if he does he listens to either the radio or a “top 50 songs of the month” playlist. But in adolescence, in the PM, Chuuya used to infect him with a bit of MCR…
At the end of the day he listens to whatever others put on, he doesn’t put in the work to actually find his music taste, but I’d like to imagine that if he did put in the work he’d be a great The Smiths fan. Radiohead? Oh hell yeah. The Cure, The Strokes… Yep, that sound. But he’s lazy.
(note: depending on the au their music tastes change wildly, but this is what I think mostly according to their canon personas)
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soukokucchi · 5 years
A Litany of Confessions
“If you’re looking for Chuuya-kun, he isn’t here.”
First thing in the morning, Dazai finds himself running towards the bakery and rehearsing a few lines he prepared last night. This is it. This is going to be the next big thing. Unless, of course, Kouyou doesn’t approve of him—which was pretty obvious, by the way, with how she keeps on giving him Bibles and rosaries every time he goes near Chuuya. He is not even a Catholic, for fuck’s sake, or a religious person for that matter.
“I’m not here for Chibi.” There is a long pause after he uttered those words as Kouyou glares at him for interrupting her work. “I actually want to talk to you.”
“Full offense, but you’re not exactly my type. Well, boys aren’t exactly my type,” Kouyou reasons, eyes glinting in amusement. It doesn’t even take a genius to know that she has already started scheming and Dazai could only hope that it is not towards his demise.
“That—that’s not what I meant!” Dazai defends, but before he can start ranting about his sexuality, Kouyou interrupts him with a flick of her hand. “I’m just messing with you. I know you like my little brother and I can’t believe it took you long enough to realize that.”
The brunet groans after hearing the words falling out of her mouth. He is tired of people pointing out to him how emotionally constipated he is to even realize his feelings for Chuuya sooner. Yosano already gave him that talk, he doesn’t need Kouyou to give him another one. “I know you hate me, but can we not talk about that and just focus on helping me?”
“I can help you alright. Though there would be a price to pay.”
“Fine. I’ll set you up with a date with Yosano. Would that suffice?”
Dazai has always known about the two’s not-so-subtle admiration for each other. They have been dancing around for a year already and, no matter how manipulative this sounds, he is going to use that as his advantage. He is not a detective for nothing.
“That is more than enough,” Kouyou smirked, her hands twirling the knife she was holding with ease. “So, what do you want to know about my dear little brother?”
“And here I thought you’ll be the protective older sister.”
“You don’t know what I’m capable of, detective.”
(Read more on AO3)
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hanemiso · 2 years
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𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐄: a dreamlike, usually surrealistic, scene.
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𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒? this collab is a means to let your imagination run wild. steer away from all you know, and venture into possibility. create your own dreamscape.
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄? AUs. have your characters experience life through a different lens.
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐃𝐎 𝐈 𝐉𝐎𝐈𝐍? simply send me an ask with the fandom(s), character(s), and AU(s) you would like to use. please also include if your submission is sfw or nsfw.
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒? ongoing.
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✧ there is no hard deadline! collab is open and will be until the beginning of 2023.
✧ both sfw and nsfw are accepted! this blog is safe for nsfw, dc, and sfw content, so all is accepted! i just ask that you tag them properly.
✧ writing is accepted, as well as fanart and other mediums of expression! have fun with it the way you want to.
✧ fandoms accepted are bungou stray dogs, tokyo revengers, jujutsu kaisen, vanitas no carte, haikyuu, demon slayer, twisted wonderland, and more! if there’s a fandom you’d like to write for but aren’t sure if it’s accepted, feel free to ask!
✧ any form of AU is accepted! if you don’t see an AU you’re interested in on the masterlist yet, feel free to ask me to add it!
✧ character repeats, as well as AU repeats, are okay! i do ask that you try to limit character repeats to 3 per AU.
✧ for writing, there is no word count! make your story as long or as short as you’d like.
✧ in fear of tags not working again, there will not be a specific tag for this collab! i do ask that you include somewhere on your post the name and/or a link to the collab.
✧ if you have any other questions, pls send me an ask! or if we’re mutuals, you can also feel free to DM me!
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* nsfw and dc submissions will be in red.
jujutsu kaisen .
— Baker!Nanami x Reader by @ry0chann
tokyo revengers .
— Barista!Kazutora x Reader by @atsumwah
— Barista!Mitsuya x Reader by @nxtsnw
bungou stray dogs .
— Barista!Atsushi x Reader by @chuuyasboots
jujutsu kaisen .
— Vampire!Getou x Reader by @chuuyasboots
bungou stray dogs .
— Vampire!Chuuya x Reader by @sonder-paradise
— Vampire!Dazai x Reader by @darlinqserenity
tokyo revengers .
— Florist!Draken x Reader by @snowbytes
— Florist!Chifuyu x Reader by @snowbytes
jujutsu kaisen .
— Florist!Geto x Reader by @fleursarchives
tokyo revengers .
— Royal Executioner!Draken x Reader by @sennsational
— Pauper!Mitsuya x Reader by @sennsational
bungou stray dogs .
— Drummer!Tachihara x Groupie!Reader by @ry0chann
genshin impact .
— Guitarist!Kazuha x Reader by @koirikiri
haikyuu .
— Prince!Atsumu x Royal!Reader by @atsumwah
bungou stray dogs .
— Prince!Dazai x Reader by @chuuyasboots
jujutsu kaisen .
— Dad!Sukuna x Reader by @ry0chann
jujutsu kaisen .
— Summoner!Getou x Primal!Reader by @suguruwrx
— Conman!Gojo x Demon!Reader by @mekiza
bungou stray dogs .
— Dead!Nikolai x Necromancer!Reader by @thecoffeelovingfreak
bungou stray dogs .
— Painter!Akutagawa x Reader by @mydisenchantedeulogy
jujutsu kaisen .
— Violinist!Choso x Reader by @fleursarchives
genshin impact .
— Painter!Kazuha x Reader by @hanemiso
tokyo revengers .
— Mikey x Reader by @manjiroro
jujustu kaisen .
— Yuuta x Reader by @manjiroro
bungou stray dogs .
— Penpal!Akutagawa x Penpal!Reader by @sleepyghostuwu
bungou stray dogs .
— Kitsune!Dazai x Reader by @pompompurin1028
bungou stray dogs .
— Tutor!Kunikida x Reader by @aethxr-ash
— Jouno x Reader by @kitsunekanojo
jujutsu kaisen .
— Yuuta x Reader by @kitsunekanojo
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sonder-paradise · 3 years
Cook/baker au would be so fucking chaotic 😭 but imagine chuuya making you breakfast in bed- or fem chuuya in an apron 😳
JKSKSSN Chuuya is a good cook/baker Asagiri himself told me 😤
But fem Chuuya in an apron??? 😳🦋 I would gladly cook or bake anything she wanted regardless. Her cute little bakery/cafe jdksksks I’d be a regular fr
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moonlitxraven · 3 years
Idea dump for when I finally get that motivation/drive to write:
Sugar daddy! Poe (Poe x College Student! Reader?)
Scout! Ranpo with Captain Levi (BSDxAOT crossover)
No Longer Human quotes (Dazai x Reader series)
Baking cookies for the ADA (Jealous! Ranpo x Reader)
Watching “Moriarty the Patriot” (Jealous! Ranpo x Reader)
Driving lessons (Chuuya x Reader)
Motorcycle buddies (Chuuya x Reader)
BSD Mayoi struggles (semi-crack fic???)
Gravity’s Sorrow (BNHA crossover? Tainted ability! Reader)
Staying hydrated (Ranpo x Reader)
Fanfic writer! Poe (Poe x Reader)
Hot Wiring (Denki x Reader)
Sharp Shooter (Poe x Reader)
Gravity Battle (Uraraka vs OC)
Baby Brother (Megumi, Gojo, Baby)
Found Family (Levi, Gabi, Falco)
Back Rubs (Ranpo x Reader)
Euphoria(???) (Junpei x Transfer Student! Reader)
Morphine and Misery (Ranpo x Reader; shared pain au)
Illogical (Ranpo x Reader; college au)
How not to use Ultra Deduction (Ranpo x Reader; baker au, childhood friends au)
Beg ( Shinichiro x Reader nsfw)
Nighttime Routine (Ranpo x Reader)
Love Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan (Uramichi x Reader)
The Jeweler (Waka x Reader)
Study Hall Kisses (Waka x Reader; college au?)
The Better Version (Jealous!Bakugou x Reader ft Inuzuka)
Radiant (Idia x Reader; gamer au)
Completed! list:
Piercings (Tachihara x Reader) Hair Straightening (Chuuya x Reader)
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ohhcinnybuns · 12 days
Living for your baker Chuuya and florist Dazai idea tbh 👀 what kinda pastries do you think Chuuya would send Dazai!!
Thank you!!! They’ve been on my mind for a while now!!! 🥹🫶
This is exactly what I had in mind!!!! He might throw in a rose macaron with raspberry buttercream because he’s sure Dazai would appreciate the irony of being a florist 💐
My baker chuuya HC’s are: He’s big on chocolates, fruits, and combining them with puff pastry.
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drangues · 4 years
Truly, Fukuzawa is the best dad, and he loves his disaster children (AKA the ADA) very very much. And I’d imagine that the reunion between those two especially would be full of lots of Emotions and Tears, because Fukuzawa has been trying to get justice for his kid and Atsushi has been trying to take care of his father even though he can’t do much to the world around him when he’s, you know, dead, and it’s just. A very happy reunion all around. (Nyanon, 1/5)
Also maybe Fukuzawa goes out kinda like Oda did in canon, here- Taking his kid’s murderer down with him. Listen Oda is great and I’m still sad he never got to be the big brother/father that he was clearly meant to be,, GIVEN DAZAI HIS BESTIE BAAACK. But anyways, the patrons making fun of Dazai... I love it. And he hates that everyone knows about his crush because no one ever leaves him alone about it??? (Nothing mean but it’s embarrassing-) (Nyanon, 2/5)
Up to and including patrons who bet on his love life, Nakahara “paying you back for all the hatrack comments” Chuuya, and Oda “your like my brother and I love you but so help me god, if you don’t marry the cute baker than I will do it FOR you” Sakunosuke. The customers do get a lot of wine, though. And maybe it’d be like some kinda fishbowl effect? Like, they can look in on the “world” they place their opponents in through some kinda crystal ball? (Nyanon, 3/5)
Meanwhile, poor Dazai can’t even get them out without getting in contact with this guy, so they’re stuck until they... Beat it, I guess? Which sucks for them, but, uh, yay for new survival skills? And Dazai definitely has the makings of s good actor, but also I cannot. Stop thinking about Atsushi kinda peeking around the curtains as Dazai is about to go on and blowing him a kiss for “encouragement” and Dazai actually fucking trips walking on stage from how much it distracts him. (Nyanon, 4/5)
Atsushi would feel so bad about it and he’d apologize so much ahaha. But I’ve rambled about that enough, so! I’ll talk about another AU Concept: A Steven Universe AU! Er, kinda? Mainly just a “which gem would the characters be” and also what kinda fusions they’d make together- Stable or unstable? Which limbs would repeat, if any? What would the fusion act like, and what would their name be? (Nyanon, 5/5)
ofc there will be lots of emotions and tears (from M E)and him going out like oda with the headmaster makes sense!!! i love it uwu
oda would definitely ask atsushi out for dazai and even go to the bakery and be like “dazai is a very sweet gentleman” “you know,,,dazai always pays for his first dates”
OWOWOWO CRYSTAL BALL!! THATS INTERESTING AND I BET ATSUSHI/KENJI WILL BE THE MOST HELPFUL. but, about the theater au,,,,atsushi giving him a kiss,,,,HUNNEGEJKSDS imagine after the play is over and dazai had to kiss somebody else he’ll probably wash his mouth (just to be dramatic) and then keep on smooch atsushi until atsushi cant brEATHE
OOO STEVEN UNIVERSE- ive never watched the show but it certainly does look interesting i wont lie to u about THAT
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ao3feed-skk · 4 years
by buzzingbee87, MushoMusho
Nakahara Chuuya is an ordinary seamster working in his mother’s hat shop. One fateful day on his way to visit his sister Kyouka, he’s rescued from some unsavory personalities by a handsome yet insufferable magician, Dazai Osamu, who offers to teach him how to control his powers if Chuuya promises to be his “dog.”
A Howl’s Moving Castle AU with added twists and artwork!
Words: 2036, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs, Howl no Ugoku Shiro | Howl's Moving Castle
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Izumi Kyouka (Bungou Stray Dogs), Miyazawa Kenji (Bungou Stray Dogs), Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya & Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Ghibli AU, Fluff and Humor, Romance, Magic, Howl!Dazai, Sophie!Chuuya, Prince/Turnip Head!Tachihara, Calcifer!Akutagawa, Michael!Atsushi, WitchOfTheWaste!Yosano, Imouto Baker!Kyouka, Baker's Assistant!Kenji, a LOT of changes/liberties taken with the story itself, Aged-up Kyouka, Aged-down Atsushi, Akutagawa is a grumpy sassy fire boi, Chuu cusses a lot as usual oops, BLONDE DAZAI!! just for a lil bit, WE HAVE ARTWORK!, Dazai AS HOWL IS GOALLSSS #dramaqueen
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3rdgymbros · 6 years
Hi I love thinking about anime/musical AUs so uhh into the woods would be interesting? Aya as Little Red?? Maybe Dazai and Chuuya as the baker and his wife? Not sure how they would have a child but I’m still working out the details.
I’ve never watched this movie before, but I’ll give it a try!
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lovingnikiforov · 7 years
renegade-lemon replied to your post “is another skk fic something y’all want?”
more than life, more than jewels
skk into the woods!au where chuuya is cinderella and dazai is the prince and after learning dazai is a dick chuuya runs off with the baker (tachi) and lives happily ever after
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sonder-paradise · 3 years
AND ITS SKK??? 💳💥💥💳💥💳💳💥
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drangues · 4 years
Akutagawa having a soft spot for cute animals makes sense!!! (Maybe Rashomon is actually like, a corgi, and we just can’t see it.) As for the others... Chuuya is like a disgruntled mama hen or something, because they all follow him around (especially the babies) and sit on him and beg for treats and he’s just like “no stop it you aren’t cute gO AWAY-“ but the minute someone denies them food, he will Punt Them. (Nyanon, 1/6)
Kunikida, meanwhile, tries to have a business relationship with animals, to little success, because “okay Mr Fluffybottoms, I know you want cuddles but I have to go back to work, so don’t jump on me-“ and there isn’t really any dignity in that. And I’m super not into sex or romance but I WILL admit, the man seems like he gives a good hug. Fukuzawa just gives that Vibe, you know? Anyways YES IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY TOO!!! (Nyanon, 2/6)
I LOVE DAZAI FINDING THE WILL TO BE ALIVE, SLOWLY, THROUGH THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM. Like, yes he can replace all of Chuuya’s wine with vinegar for forever now, but he can also get a million photos of him making Atsushi blush and smile at him. (Fun fact: I fully headcanon that Atsushi tries to convince Dazai to get hobbies outside of Being Suicidal, and one of the ones he ends up liking is photography!!!) As for the serial killer AU- That makes sense! (Nyanon, 3/6)
Most serial killers do have some kind of pattern, after all, and I think location of death is a good one. I do imagine that the killer is the Headmaster, because. I hate him. Maybe he takes his victims to the basement he’d through Atsushi into? And maybe the methods of killing are visible on the ghosts... Like, Atsushi was probably tortured to death, so he might be missing an eye and have lots of lacerations and bruising. (Nyanon, 4/6)
Meanwhile, I’d imagine that Dazai was knocked out and then hung, so he’d have bruising around the neck? And Yosano was probably given some kinda lethal injection, while Odasaku was shot to death... Does that make sense or am I rambling too much? Regardless, allow me to go onto a much fluffier AU Concept: Baker and alcohol shop AU! Why alcohol instead of wine, or perhaps liquor or beer? (Nyanon, 5/6)
Because Dazai and Chuuya run a shop up the street from the family bakery that Fukuzawa runs with Atsushi and Kyouka, and they argue about what’s best. Atsushi just thinks the guy with brown hair is cute, though he doesn’t know why he orders so many custom cakes. Kyouka just wants Atsushi to stop talking about how nice he is. Chuuya wants Dazai to stop waxing poetic about the pretty bakery guy. Dazai just wants Fukuzawa to not threaten him with cakes please? (Nyanon, 6/6)
fukuzawa having the vibe of giving good hugs,,,im in serious tears how d a  r e you oh my gODDDDDDDDDDDD. OSHDJKS HEADCANON ACCEPTED DAZAI PHOTOGRAPHY NERDD he would take so many pics and be so annoying about it i love him. atsushi would be his number one model and theres a bunch of photos of atsushi just eating, walking, brushing teeth, putting on clothes etc. dazai loves them and especially loves putting the photos in albums- tho it takes time before he eventually prints out his messy folder filled with photos and arranges them neatly in a nice scrapbook of some sorts
i love true crime so this whole au makes me O W O and the headmaster being the serial killer?? sounds Very Much Likely- maybe atsushi is his first victim and it being a crime of passion?? but after that he just started having this Lust of seeing people die so he started his killing spree
can we have a big brother oda moment where he comes to visit dazai but stops by the bakery for a pastry and atsushi serves him and they just have a really wholesome interaction before dazai comes in and oda’s like “:OOO so Hes your lover b-” cue him being silenced by dazai’s panicked hand
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