abuddyforeveryseason · 7 months
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Hubba hubba, this is the Buddy for November first. Buddy likes what he sees, for sure.
After all, what could be sexier than a blonde with thick glasses and a beret, wearing a nautical tank top, capri pants and no shoes?
I think there are some designs that work pretty well even if they're not exactly special or unique - like the blonde's there. I like the Buddy design too, it betrays a lot about his personality.
There's one type of annoying person, which includes myself, that's the creative guy who's only an "idea man". You know how it goes - the one that has an idea for a book. Doesn't write it, just tells people the idea, and expects someone else to do it for him. Or the guy who comes up with the character designs and expects someone to draw the comic for him. And, of course, nobody does, so a few years later someone else who actually works towards their creative goals does something similar and he complains someone "stole his idea".
And that's me. I'm amazed, checking out new movies and comics, how some stuff are so similar to my ideas, the ones I never wrote. Even the blonde there, she's part of a story idea.
But at the same time, I don't know if it's "wrong", exactly, to just come up with ideas and never publish them. It's not like there's a shortage of entertainment out there. And it's not like it's plausible that if I did manage to finish one of my stories, they'd be successfully published (although it is a dream I've always nurtured). It's silly to expect external validation from something like producing entertainment.
It's weird, but, as much as I don't like Dungeons & Dragons, in a way, playing an interestingly-plotted adventure can be more rewarding than actually publishing a graphic novel. Sure, nobody will ever hear about it (other than the people in the gaming group), but it's something personal, more unique and less streamlined for publishing.
Of course, my feelings about it aren't set in stone. For now, I'm just glad I'm not one of those guys who has an idea and has ChatGPT write the story down.
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callingmelili · 4 months
My whole life, I'd always been such a rabid childfree feminist before i started this, and now one of my most ardent fantasies is to be gaslit and hypnotized into the perfect bimbo trophy wife. Like for a strong man to manipulate me into becoming his submissive little sex slave would be delightful. He'd use every method available from convincing me to be free use, to gaslighting me, using subliminals, birth control or even sneaking me drugs that'd make me so drippy and stupid that the moment he bent me over and declared I am to stay naked, pregnant and barefood at home, I could only nod and shake my ass, begging to be bred.
Over and over again
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popchoc · 7 months
Saw Eliza (Clarke) and Tasya (Echo) at Dutch Comic Con (HDCC) today. To answer your first question: yes, they both looked absolutely stunning!! 🤩🤭 As a bonus, the Q&A panel was also very fun and interesting. Didn't take notes (or pics 🙈), but here are some things that stood out to me:
Tasya auditioned for multiple roles before getting the part of Echo, one of them being Anya's. They both concluded not getting that part was for the better, since Anya died and all. After a few auditions she also started to wonder what these people wanted from her, until she read about Echo spitting Bellamy in the face and it all became clear to her.
Eliza's least fav season was season 3 (too dark and gross) and season 7 (she didn't like killing Bellamy). Tasya agreed.
Eliza is positive that Clarke would do back flips if she could, if that would impress Lexa, "because she loved her. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ " She's also sure Clarke could do back flips (while she herself can't).
Asked about their toughest scenes to shoot, Eliza mentioned the long night filming in the rain when Finn died, while Tasya talked about the running around barefood in nothing but bandages after Mount Weather. Emotionally, Tasya also mentioned having to tell Bellamy that Octavia died.
There was also a very funny story about being visited by an actual bear while filming in the mountains/woods. Apparently Eliza raised her hands at that moment and Tasya thought it was her (pretty strange) reaction to the bear. It wasn't till now that it turned out Eliza was just following the script and had no clue about that freaking bear coming up behind her. (Sorry, this is probably one of those "you had to be there (in the audience)" kind of moments - I swear it was funny though!)
If they could have played anyone else, Eliza would have picked Murphy, Tasya would have picked either Octavia, Lexa or Jaha.
When asked which character they'd "get back from the death" they named (after a little one on one 😄) Lexa, Bellamy, Monty, Harper, Jasper, Finn, King Roan and Luna. I was this close 🤏 to shouting Madi, as I'm sure they'd agree if they'd thought of her! (FYI us Dutchies are not the shouting through panels kind of audience) I did appreciate they started with Lexa and love that they thought of Luna though!!
When Eliza heard about Lexa's return in season 7, she was stoked, because she loved seeing and working with Alycia again, but then she was "urgh!!" after finding out it wasn't really Lexa - yet still she was happy "because Alycia is just so cool".
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uroborosymphony · 7 months
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Halloween nights are tradition for Ilana, one of her favorites to honor and celebrate. Her appartment was always decorated for the occasion, one that was already filled with eccentric art and curiosities. Together with Luna they would every year go on a their trick or treat little tour. This year, Calum @tenderpulsive and Sol were part of their night, as the four of them celebrated together, eating their hard won candies once back at Ilana's appartment. It is late now, their little moon and his little sun are sound asleep inside while the two, Calum and Ilana share a glass of wine in the gardens. Her gardens aren't too spacious, a small corner of grass and her many wild flowers she nurturs and cares for. The music is playing in the background, almost quiet, as the smoke of her cigarette is twirling as she watches him from her spot, sitting on the table, and him on the chair. The air is chilly, in the autumn core, yet tranquil. "Tonight was delightful, our little angels had a lot of fun. Believe it or not, we did have more visitors than last year. Many in the neighborhood don't dare knocking on my door, believing I'm a witch who can't wait to cast my spells on them." Ilana speaks with a delicate laughter rolling off her lips. "Will you let me put a spell on you?" The songstress then questions, seductive. As the music keeps on playing, one of her songs come. "God, I love this song." The woman says, already hoping off the table, barefood in her witchy black dress. To the sound of the music, in the grass, she is dancing, her arms and hips moving to the rhythm. And she spins, and spins and dances, carried by night, her hair flying around her neck and shoulders. Her eyes then are on him as her hips never stop. "Well, well, gentleman. Aren't you going to join me?" Ilana questions, her playful eyes and tone on. ⟶ Ilana's halloween short starters
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exitwound · 2 years
like we i desire nothing inherently more but also i desire a geographically close relationship. dinner once a week maybe. also i reccomend barefood fruiscato bc it tastes like a caprisun btw (not what im drinking. its franzia sangria) also hi zoe aorry for being gay in ur inbox
oooh wine details i answered your other anon before seeing this one sorry. wow fruiscato..franzia sangria… treasuring these gorgeous girl words . thank you. i can feel them as sensations and colors allthough i know nothing about what they taste like i haven’t looked them up yet. i feel this. dinner twice a week even! i believe in love in all incomprehensible forms
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I sadly notice my compulsive obsession with sticking with one activity for hours, no matter how much it prevents me from what my body now actually needs, it has become way worse.
( I just followed my cats around barefood on concrete with tons of little pointy painful stones on it from 1 am till 3 am although the cats were just searching for a mouse and playing with it while occasionally growling at each other because they didn't want to share it. I have no idea why but I was scared they would fight each other because of the mouse so I had to make sure they wouldn't chase each other around or fight )
( and yesterday I stayed in the song and talked to people who had info material on pride for hours while forgetting to get into the shadow and cool down which made me have a dangerous overheating )
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freigeistcafe · 26 days
Shoes update
<running a 100 k a week is extreme for the body and age. nutrition is key ... and relax the right muscles ... have the right shoes too!! * asphalt is hard for the legs grrr you need coushioned shoes comfort soft the a "large" to me ... interlace with barefood for more stability in feeds ... have enough liquid take berry-raisins shake for dehydration bacteria with raisins for the energy ... WE ADORE THE MUSCLES that supports the energy but the BONES hold it true ... focus on the bones in recreation and nutrition ... vegan bone food ??? Dazu gehört Pso Stress muskel dehnen beim laufen + boden aber laufen der hauptteil wirkt super!! °° Zellerneuerung jahre naja ... °° ENERGIEDEPOTS durch schnelle KH eher ... Buchweizen, Chickpeas, Rosinen, Hafer, Fett ja Nüsse dazu Walnüsse Erdnuss Verzehr nimmt ab .... °° 1^000 Kalorien gespeichert heisst Glucose Depots ja bei einem 10 K weg ... Schleife aus zufuhr 80% mit shakes und laufen und Erholung - Sofasessel Deep Bones Relax Energie spüren halten etc. SCHUHE ja so habe jetzt Brooks Revel 46,5 die sind auch breit geschnitten stauchen die Zehen nicht hatte davor ADDIDAS DURAMO die Speed Schuhe viel zu eng steinhart hatte plastiksohle kann ich überhaupt nicht nachvollziehen retour ... vor Brooks hatte ich Richolet topschuhe Sprengung 8 mm die Revel haben 10 mm sind eigentlich schon zu dick und schwammig zum Laufen geht's aber gehen kann ich nicht damit. Habe einen schuhproblem die billigen barfußschuhe sind nach 6 Monaten durchgelatscht kann man den Finger durch die Sohle schieben. Die fünf Finger Schuhe von... Ja sind top aber die sind sehr eingeschnitten leider sind 46 fast zu klein habe mir bei einem waldlauf eben dann die tiefen Muskeln über den Knöchel unten etwas ramponiert bin mir nicht sicher ob es durch die Kombination von barfußschuhen und fünf Finger schon über ein halbes Jahr ganze Zeit getragen so viel war daher Regeneration mit Brooks da hilft die Dämpfung. Weiß nicht ob ich noch einen Schuh brauche ja zum Gehen habe ich jetzt eigentlich keinen mag mich damit aber jetzt nicht beschäftigen
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takberwajah · 7 months
Suatu Pagi yang Cerah di Bulan November
Di suatu pagi hari yang cerah di bulan November, aku berjumpa dengan seorang wanita yang menurutku 100% cocok denganku. Dia bukan tergolong wanita yang menjadi pusat perhatian akan parasnya. Dia tidak cantik, tinggi semampai dengan tubuh bagaikan seorang model. Dia juga tidak jelek dengan tubuh yang tidak menarik untuk dilihat. Dia seorang wanita yang biasa-biasa saja, dengan wajah yang biasa-biasa saja, kulit sawo matang, rambut yang dikuncir kuda. Dia mengenakan celana panjang kain berwarna hitam, kaos putih dengan cardigan berwarna krim, juga sepatu slip-on hitam-putih. Umurnya mungkin sekitar 20 tahun, berbeda dua tahun denganku.
Ya, setiap orang punya seleranya masing-masing, dan setiap orang juga punya gambaran seperti apa pasangan idealnya, dan wanita ini adalah apa yang selama ini selalu ada dalam bayanganku.
Kami berpapasan di depan cafetaria di dekat alun-alun kota. Aku berjalan dari arah timur ke barat, sedangkan ia dari arah sebaliknya. Sekilas pandangan kami bertemu selama 3 detik dan tanpa aba-aba kami sama-sama menundukkan pandangan secara bersamaan. Pada akhirnya langkah kami berpapasan dan kaki kami tetap melangkah menjauh, aku ke barat, dan dia ke timur. Tanpa sapa, tanpa senyum, tanpa sekedar anggukan kepala.
Ah, aku seharusnya mengajaknya berbicara. Yahhh mungkin 10 menit untuk awalan. Berbicara tentang dia adalah wanita yang selama ini ada dalam bayanganku, dan obrolan pun mengalir hingga lebih dari 10 menit. Kita berbicara tentang keseharian kita, selera musik, buku, zodiak, hingga warna yang dia suka. Hingga waktu pun tak terasa berlalu, kami memutuskan untuk makan di sebuah tempat makan cepat saji sambil terus saling bertukar cerita. Setelah itu kita pergi ke bioskop dan menonton Budi Pekerti. Hingga akhirnya aku mengantarnya pulang dan menyimpan nomor ponsel pribadinya, dan hubungan itu pun berlanjut hingga kita berkeluarga dan mempunyai dua orang anak yang lucu.
Tapi kini jarak kita sudah terbentang sekitar 15 meter, bagaimana aku memulai obrolan dengannya?
Tidak mungkin juga aku berkata, “Hai! Pagi yang cerah, ya. Bolehkah aku meminta waktumu 10 menit saja?”. Itu akan terdengar seperti seorang sales.
“Hai! Kamu tahu? Barefood akan melangsungkan konser terakhirnya di bulan ini, loh.”.  Ya, mungkin saja dia bahkan tidak tahu Barefood itu apa. Dan ia hanya menoleh lalu mengerutkan dahinya dan berlalu sambil menganggapku orang aneh.
Tidak mungkin juga aku langsung berkata, “Hai! Kamu adalah 100% wanita yang aku dambakan selama ini.” Lalu ia membalas, “dan kamu bukanlah 100% pria yang aku dambakan selama ini.” itu akan menjadi cerita yang sedih.
Tunggu, itu tidaklah terlalu buruk. Mungkin aku akan memulainya dengan kalimat, “pada suatu hari...” dan mengakhirinya dengan “cerita yang sedih, bukan?”.
Pada suatu hari yang cerah di bulan November, ada seorang pria dan wanita. Pria itu berumur 22 tahun, sedangkan sang wanita berumur 20 tahun. Mereka bukanlah orang yang berparas menawan, bukan juga orang yang populer di masyarakat. Mereka sama-sama hanya pribadi yang sederhana dan yang sama-sama percaya bahwa di luar sana ada seseorang yang 100% tercipta hanya untuknya. Pagi itu di depan cafetaria di dekat alun-alun kota langkah mereka bertemu, dan seperti ada getaran misterius ketika pandangan mata mereka saling beradu selama 3 detik. Mereka sama-sama yakin bahwa dia adalah yang selama ini mereka nanti-nantikan.
“Kamu adalah 100% wanita yang aku dambakan selama ini”
“Dan kamu juga adalah 100% pria yang aku dambakan selama ini”
Lalu mereka duduk berdua di sebuah bangku taman di bawah pohon pinus. Bercanda, bercerita, sambil memandangi ruas kota yang penuh lalu-lalangnya. Berjam-jam mereka habiskan untuk bertukar pikiran. Mereka mempunyai selera musik yang sama, selera film dan buku yang sama, bahkan kebiasaan selalu mengambil minuman di urutan kedua di lemari minum minimarket juga hal yang suka mereka lakukan. Ini bagaikan sebuah keajaiban, mereka sendiri tidak percaya bahwa hal ini bisa terjadi.
Namun hal tersebut masih menimbulkan sebuah keraguan di benak mereka. Lalu mereka sepakat membuat sebuah tes apakah mereka benar-benar 100% ditakdirkan untuk satu sama lain. Mereka berjanji jika mereka kebetulan sekali lagi bertemu di suatu tempat maka mereka akan terus bersama dan menikah. Dan itulah percakapan terakhir mereka. Pria itu berjalan ke arah barat dan wanita itu ke arah timur.
Satu bulan setelah itu sang pria mengalami kecelakaan yang mengakibatkan dia kehilangan ingatan di beberapa tahun terakhirnya. Dan secara kebetulan sang wanita terkena penyakit aneh yang membuatnya koma dan hilang ingatan. Berbulan-bulan mereka mencoba bangkit dan memulihkan kesehatannya. Dan memang mereka berdua diberi keistimewaan yang sama, mereka pulih dengan cepat dan tak lama mereka sudah bisa beraktifitas seperti sedia kala.
Pada suatu hari yang cerah di bulan November, ada seorang pria dan wanita. Pria itu berumur 23 tahun, sedangkan sang wanita berumur 21 tahun. Mereka bukanlah orang yang berparas menawan, bukan juga orang yang populer di masyarakat. Mereka sama-sama hanya pribadi yang sederhana dan yang sama-sama percaya bahwa di luar sana ada seseorang yang 100% tercipta hanya untuknya. Pagi itu di depan cafetaria di dekat alun-alun kota langkah mereka bertemu, dan seperti ada getaran misterius ketika pandangan mata mereka saling beradu selama 3 detik. Mereka sama-sama yakin bahwa dia adalah yang selama ini mereka nanti-nantikan.
Namun sayangnya ingatan mereka tentang setahun yang lalu hilang bersama insiden itu. Tanpa aba-aba mereka sama-sama menundukkan pandangan secara bersamaan. Pada akhirnya langkah mereka berpapasan dan kaki mereka tetap melangkah menjauh, pria itu ke barat, dan sang wanita ke timur. Tanpa sapa, tanpa senyum, tanpa sekedar anggukan kepala. Menghilang di keramaian, selamanya.
Cerita yang sedih, bukan?
Ya! Itu dia! Itulah yang seharusnya aku katakan padanya!
*Note: Cerita ini disadur dari cerita On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning oleh Haruki Murakami.
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hukkahuka · 10 months
Please don't turn mushroom clouds into memes
This is part of the film "Barefood Gen", about what happened under the mushroom cloud. I find it very disturbing that the mushroom cloud is a MEME in #barbenheimer. See.
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mermaidinthecity · 1 year
Let's go! You're showing off in circles down by the riverside. You like to make me nervous so I move in real tight. Come on throw it in park. I wanna see the stars and feel the grass between my toes. Dancing to the radio. Oh, you got me where you want me. Lost in the country. You slide me over little love shooting shotgun. Hands out the window, got my toes up on the dash. Nothing but fields on the wheels just slinging red mud. I like the way you drive, just like a rebel child. You make me wanna get barefoot and buckwild.
Barefood And Buckwild by Lauren Alaina
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selfcare diary
hello i'm the barefood man, i am going to write something consistantly about my mental health development. Basically i'm going to use this platform as my Diary and see if there are people that can relate. i hope to make my profile a little bit more complete and give a bit of my backstory aswell.
Barefood man
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julieboehm · 3 years
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I wish you all some calm and amazing days of Christmas. We will see each other in 2021.stay healthy and full of energy motivation 🌲🍀🌲 Photographer Christian Friebel Model @julieboehm_official 🌳💚🌱 #shootingtrip #modeljulieboehm #naturelover #barefood #inthewoods #happynewyear #goodbyecrazy2020 #reddress (hier: Rügen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJJDbv9J2Dm/?igshid=uf9lscqvjnuq
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helpfulbug · 2 years
actually wait I MUST also ask, for the blorbo meme ... hoodwinked ... 😳😳😳
also disclaimer: this is based on the german dub so if i comment on a song or a va just know its about the german version
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
EASILY the goat i know lesser ppl would put this as glub shitto but he isnt .....not to ME he comes in at the exactly right time hes in it for like 10 minutes and voiced by the iconic jan delay what more can you want everyone in my family knows his little banjo song he does when the landslide hits by heart im not exergarating if anyone does the "oooooh" the song starts w it is MANDATORY that the whole room sings this song and lets NOT forget his actual song its sooo good hes got horns for everyting!!!!!! he was ready for everything yesss king king king king king etc etc
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
honestly idk i dont think anyone here was supposed to be cute.....closest thing i can think of is the fox think playing bass at the skiing contest i always thought it was very shaped and i like the va (they later ask granny for an autograph)
twitchy is ofc also very dear to me but hes not cute imo
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
granny ofc!!! i wouldnt say shes underappreciated in the hoodwinked nation but since hoodwinked as a whole is underappreciated i can put her here....i just wrote a whole paragraph about badass old ladies for genkai so you know!! its everything to me......her riding the muffin backing tin down the lift rope is still one of the most iconic moments in film ever also her design is so fun just sad that not too many ppl on here know about her i feel she couldve been a tumblr beloved character
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
ok so. you might remember the evil ski team the grandma had to fight but. do you remember keith? bc I DO. hes forced to change his name to boris in the middle of the movie bc boingo thinks keith is not scary enough as a name ok pls imagine the name keith in the thickest german accent bc thats what made it so unbelievably funny to my brother and me the rabbit is like "Keeefs you need to change your name" and the fact that his new name is boris only adds to it all since boris was probably the second funniest name to my brother and me right after rüdiger (started w ice age 3 and holds up to today thanks to several german memes w that name involved) basically my brother and me reference this name changing ritual to eachother to this day keith gone but not forgotten but also we would never deadname him boris is also very funny to us also he was yellow and hand the tiktok eboy haircut but in the early 2000s way
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
the lumberjack ofc!!! idk if he had a name and idc in the german dub hes the lumberjack ONLY so. ofc this character is supposed to be german and likely had a german accent in the original. so now the german dub faced the age old problem of how to make this funny in german too and they made the biggest brain decision ever and made im north german. so let me explain the "stereotypical" german character they used here looks very south german to germans (read bavarian) like lederhosen those funny little hat thats all from the south so their decision to have him dressed like that but only as part for his method to get into character for the nose drops add he wanted to be in does so much MORE than the original joke of him being german (im guessing ive never seen this movie in english) the english equivalent of this would be having a cowboy but he has a new york accent or smth
everything that happened to him in this movie qualifies him as a poor little meow meow im sorry but i make the rules
the schnitzel song was very funny to german kids even tho we regularly ate schnitzel its simply a funny word and the way his song just starts w him scream schniiiiittzeeeelll was ofc very funny to imitate at the dinner table
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
boingo i like his character design and all but the way his big plan is to built a monopoly and blow up the forest:/ do you guys remember when capitalists were still allowed to be villians in childrens movies good times good times so yea im sending him down the plinko but i do like him as a villian if only his motivations was to deprivatize the baking sector instead he might have gotten into superhell but well....
also bonus but his german va is in a bit of a pickle rn bc hes part of a big datamining scandal on germany so id say spot on casting!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
the lizard casting director! he was pretty mean to the lumberjack so down you go my guy!! also gay for sure
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Keripik Ubi Ungu? Sudah biasa! POTA keripik ubi manis alami, campuran ubi ungu dan ubi merah, cemilan sehat kaya antioksidan, recommended banget! Keripik POTA ini menggunakan bahan-bahan alami, sehingga rasa asli dari Ubi ini keluar banget. Manisnya bener-bener pas. Enak tapi juga sehat!! Cemilan sehat ini wajib kamu coba! Karena sangat aman dikonsumsi oleh siapa saja lho. Kelebihan Pota: • Diproduksi menggunakan Organic Coconut Oil • Tanpa pewarna buatan, warna asli dari Ubi • Tanpa penyedap / MSG • Tanpa pemanis buatan, rasa manis dari Ubi • Tanpa pengawet kimia berbahaya • Kaya Antioxidants, Vitamins and Minerals Pilihan Varian: - Himalayan Salt - Brown Sugar Balado Netto: 50gram #potachips #barefood #keripikubiungu #keripikubimerah https://www.instagram.com/p/B7qDTjkh8vq/?igshid=18iaud0spmmt0
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