abuddyforeveryseason · 2 months
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It's the Buddy for April 22nd! He's wearing the Capricorn Cloth (being a capricorn himself) of the classic Masami Kurumada manga Saint Seiya.
I loved Saint Seiya. I have all the paperbacks, even, I liked it when I was a kid. It's an interesting manga, in that it doesn't make much sense in retrospect, but when you're reading it, you're more interested in the beat of the plot than in the big picture.
The plot, as I understand, is that this rich girl Saori is the reincarnation of the goddess Athena, so her dad arranged for ten boys to get trained to be her protectors (the saints), wearing bronze armors based on traditional constellations. Then they get into a martial arts tournment to win an actual gold cloth, but complications start making it so they need to stop fighting amongst themselves, and start fighting actual bad guys.
In a way, it's a very toyetic story - each character has their own unique armor (or cloth) which is fits both them, and can be assembled to resemble its constellation, so kids had a lot of expensive toys to collect. And since the golden cloths (belonging to the strongest saints) are based on the twelve zodiac signs, kids already have a favorite character picked out for them.
Me, I'm an Aquarius, so my favorite was Aquarius Camus. The one with the ice powers. He also won a Literature Nobel, you know. But I never related to him, really. He's an ice guy, which is cool I guess, but, not the power I'd choose.
The manga's also very camp. The art's really old-fashioned, looking almost like sometihng from Tatsuo Yoshida's generation. Not a lot of attention is paid to proportions and depth, and the fight scenes are not dynamic. But that's one of the things I like about it, to be honest. It feels like there's a closer dialog between the artist and the reader when the art is so direct. It's the opposite of something like the manga version of One-Punch Man, for instance.
And the designs of the cloths, characters and enemies is also pretty unique, it's got that simplified design quality of eighties manga that's not as popular anymore.
One aspect that Saint Seiya, like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, isn't shy about is the gay subtext regarding some characters... it's most obvious with Andromeda Shun and Pisces Aphrodite, but also Virgo Shaka, Aries Mu... it's an intentional aspect of the story, but when me and my friends were kids watching it, we thought it was pretty "gross".
Even though it doesn't really make sense and it's pretty much designed to appeal to kids' love of shiny stuff and fight scenes, Saint Seiya is one of my favorite franchises. I'll be honest, I didn't know much about greek mythology when I first watched the anime, so I assumed a lot of the stuff Kurumada made up was actual part of ancient Greek myth. Still makes no sense why Capricorn Shura had the power of Excalibur, though... what does Excalibur have to do with Capricorn? Should be a Draco thing, or even Ursa Major...
The Capricorn print in the background is a public domain image.
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reasonoptional · 5 months
Watch "AB4 - Nu-ti Fa Griji (Cu VERDIKT)" on YouTube
Blast from the fucking past ♥️
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hanzaikyou · 9 months
Shogo Suzuki Range Analysis
Hi hello guys, and welcome to "Yuuki Izawa posted a thing that got a whole discord curious". So this post was inspired by this tweet, made by Yuuki Izawa in 2019, boldly claiming Shogo as having a 26 octave range.
If that sounds wild, it is because it is. It is wild. Love him though.
Because of that, I went on a little research-assignment-rabbithole, to figure out exactly how wide Shogo's range is.
The Verdict
Based on evidence I'll present in a minute, Shogo has a proven range of Ab2-C5, roughly two and a bit octaves. His comfortable range seems more aligned with being D3-C5 though.
The Evidence
To prove this, I looked through every single show I had access to featuring the man that he sang in... so primarily Hakumyu (many thanks to the Hakumyu Livejournal for that, ilysm, sorry I'm not more active) and Morimyu, along with a couple of stray musicals I had around that supported evidence, which shall be mentioned if necessary.
Lower Limit (Ab2)
I started by looking for the lower limit, and turned first to Hakumyu for this. I searched through the first Live first, then briefly looked through Kazama-hen and Hijikata-hen. (I don't know the names of songs, as I am not fully familiar with the series yet, but please bare with me.)
My first real evidence with this was actually the Fullmetal Alchemist stage, wherein Shogo sings in the middleish. In that song, he hits a low of E3 in the chorus, giving me a start point to look for.
I then went straight to Hakumyu Live, specifically his solo medley (I believe it is?) that occurs roughly 1h13 in to the show. Aside from being possibly my favourite Hakumyu song (can you blame me), I knew that the verses went quite low off the top of my head, so I checked for them, and they presented me with an D3, still quite stable too.
Skimming through the rest of it, mostly jumping chapters and looking for Shogo, I stumbled across the Demon Tag section of Chizaru's song, beginning at 21 minutes in, which hit the lowest note I'd heard from him at Ab2. He performed spectacularly, but there is somewhat of a wavering in his voice that leads me to think that he's kind of reaching for it, hence belief that it's out of his comfortable range.
Then I went on to Hijikata-hen, and ended up finding the song at 1h05, which is of course part of the medley mentioned earlier. The same stable D5 greeted me, giving me the Official Lower Limit. (Side note, I love the song starting at 1h05 so much, but that's for another post.)
Kazama-hen supported this again, with an Eb5 in the song beginning at 1h16. (Kazama-hen also made me cry. But that's also another post.) At this point, I considered the lower pitch confirmed, and moved on to searching for the higher pitch.
EDIT: As the lovely @liliththunder pointed out to me (and many thanks for that), I missed a song at the 45 minute mark in Kazama-hen that goes lower - primarily centering on the C3 and going as far down as Bb2. Due to this, I'm amending my statement, and simply accepting Ab2 as the lower limit. That being said, I stand by the statement that he's more comfortable above C3 or D3.
Higher Limit (C5)
For the higher limit, I decided to search through Morimyu, mostly because I know exactly where all Shogo's high notes in that are.
I did have, as part of the notes I took when scouring the Fullmetal Alchemist song, the high from that, which turned out to be an Ab4. Admittedly, I didn't think that was quite high enough, but noted it down anyway.
I started by looking through the CD for the specific songs that I knew would give me a guide, and found what I was looking for almost immediately. Verdict (II) from OP1 and Beginning of the End from OP3 were my first points of call for their fairly renowned high notes. Both turned out to have a cap of C5, so I used this as my guide from thereon out.
They would turn out to be the highest I could find though. The other two I checked directly by name were Emotion (the OP1 duet with Ikkei) and In This Lonely Room (or the Couch Song from OP3). These had high notes of A4 and Bb4 respectively.
I then skipped through OP4, looking for every Shogo song and its relevant high note, which supported this idea - every high note in that show is either an A4 or a Bb4 save for one, in the finale, that is a C5.
I will note that these top notes do sound incredibly stable, and I'd be curious as to whether he is capable of going further, but no evidence for anything higher than C5 exists in anything I can get my hands on. If someone with access to Tokyo Ghoul could check, I'd be absolutely open to correction there.
But yes, that is that for now - I got my answers and a fun little research task, and you got whatever this is. I'll be doing Ikkei next, most likely soon, possibly tomorrow depending on how much time I have (and not at all because I want to watch his Tenimyu run again... heh). I thank you all for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the journey as much as I did.
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oboetemasuka · 7 months
Mini-analysis: 09 and 10 covers
Kotoko's trailer released, and I realized I hadn't updated my mini-analysis of the covers. So here.
Reversible Campaign (Mikoto) Original Key: E min, Ab Maj, A Maj Cover Key: B min, C Maj, Db Maj Pitch shift (semitones): -8 Range: F#3-Ab4 Notes: I was off by a semitone when I was projecting the range before.
Streaming Heart (Kotoko) Original Key: Eb min, Ab Maj Cover Key: B min, E Maj Pitch shift (semitones): -5 (sibling correction) Range: F#3-B4 (projected) Notes: Unless Deep Cover goes lower, this will be the lowest she sings thus far.
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avar0ckwell · 9 months
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i’m AB4🎀
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guerrerense · 4 months
100 Jahre Vigezzina-Centovalli-Bahn FART/SSIF por Walter Ruetsch Por Flickr: 1923 bis 2023 100 Jahre der Vigezzina-Centovalli-Bahn FART/SSIF Die Feierlichkeiten auf Schweizer Seite haben offiziell am 25. November 2023 mit einer zwölfmonatigen Reise begonnen. Eine Reise durch die Zeit an Bord des Nostalgiezuges. Die AB4-Wagen 110 und 111 aus dem Jahre 1923 auf dem Grenzbahnhof Camedo.
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hokage · 6 months
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bottom row are all taken, the first three are still open :)
AB: $20 for 1 AB2: $30 for any minor edits AB3: $60 for a headshot AB4: $110 for a headshot & non-chibi full body AB5: $200 for a full reference sheet
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purpledamnstn · 3 months
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Adoptable Auction - Red Wolf Knight |OPEN|
ab2: $100
ab3:$ 140
ab4: $ 170 
AB1 - commercial rights  AB2 - commercial rights+back view OR your OC + any fixes  AB3 - commercial rights+back view AND your OC + any fixes   AB4 - commercial rights+back view AND your OC + any fixes+half sketch+psd 
The auction takes place here: https://www.deviantart.com/toixelrein/art/ADOPTABLE-Auction-Red-Wolf-Knight-OPEN-1033965541
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starbage · 1 year
i do the same thing in sl lol. are you using a mesh body? my avi uses the kemono body which i like the look of but has limited clothing/accesory options bc of its different shape + not being widely used. your helmet is really cool, where did you get it? (or if you made it yourself, have you got a marketplace store?)
hi! yea, i love using SL as my weird little dollmaker sandbox with any and every little item i can get my grubby hands on!! I don't like paying money for games I don't spend a considerable amount of time playing, so my avi is actually 100% free and a result of months of digital dumpster-diving. i find it fun, but it's... admittedly very difficult to play this way.
i use magnum yoshikawa's 4.x anime body, which is found here in Kowloon. that said, some of the other products in the store give off a Not The Best Vibe, so i guess beware of that. generally i hide most of the body itself and use clothes to give my avatar more of a Shape, because AB4.x is pretty niche and also doesn't look that good on its own lol. i also like to change the leg textures/colors to make the illusion of leggings, shown in this older version of my avi:
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the space helmet is from here! i edited it to make some of the weirder looking bits invisible, along with changing the colors of course :-) the star/hairclip decos are from a plethora of ingame store/group gifts that i don't remember off the top of my head, but I know a few (mainly the moon hairclip) are from a giftbox in Conejo Island, though i don't really frequent that place anymore. The cord object in the back is just some custom flexi-prims
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Now I’m at the “well it’s all done and ready to post I just don’t want to atm” phase with AB4 😎
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abuddyforeveryseason · 3 months
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This is the Buddy for March 15th, and today's Buddy's giving a certain dictator what he deserves.
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lotus-verse · 2 years
Lucky Music: Alpha Waves + 396Hz + 417Hz + 528Hz, Become Happy, Attract Luck, Goddess of Fortune This lucky music is tuned to 444Hz. For the one instrument heard from the left, is tuned separately to 396Hz (G4), 417Hz (Ab4), and 528Hz (C5). Some notes differ by a few hertz for the 444Hz tuning. But, it is very difficult to hear the difference between a few hertzes. I don't think there is any discomfort caused by the difference in frequencies of a few hertz. In this video, we use the alpha waves and solfeggio frequencies 396 Hz, 417 Hz, and 528 Hz. I use a variety of frequencies to guide you to good fortune. The first thing I want you to know is that we are all affected by our condition. Can you be unhappy when you are feeling happy? Conversely, can you feel happy when you are feeling sad? If you are feeling happy, happiness-based ideas and actions will naturally occur. https://theconversation.com/where-our-thoughts-come-from-how-microemotions-affect-spontaneous-thought-177241
Alpha Waves(Fast bass beat) I use 8 Hz binaural beats of alpha waves as a brain wave induction. When alpha waves are dominant, you are in a very relaxed state. When you are relaxed there is no anxiety or unhappiness. The goal is to establish the alpha wave state.
396 Hz (G4) The keywords for 396 Hz are fear, and guilt release. When one tries to change, the resistance in the past. Change is unknown, and people are anxious and fearful of the unknown. This frequency is used to remove this fear and resistance.
417 Hz (Ab4) The keywords for 417 Hz are the elimination of negative thoughts and improvement of the situation. A method other than frequency is to ignore negative thoughts (habitual thoughts from the past). That is meditation.
528Hz (C5) 528Hz is said to be the frequency that resonates with all things and is called the frequency of love. I added it as an extra. I love you.
Classification of this video lucky music for luck, attract abundance, the law of attraction, the miracle happens, money magnet, miracle frequency.
This lucky music video can be used for sleep, relaxation, spa, yoga, meditation, healing, stress relief, and study.
Thank you for watching my music video. Please subscribe to my channel. http://bit.ly/39lBXE2
# lucky music # alpha waves # fortune # 396 hz # 417 hz # 528 hz # happy music
Copyright ⓒ 2022 Lotus Verse. All Rights Reserved.
Lotus Verse is a YouTube channel that serves you meditation music, healing music, relaxing music, and sleep music. My music uses nature sounds like ocean or white noise and special frequencies such as solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats.
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hanzaikyou · 9 months
Ikkei Yamamoto Range Analysis
I'm back with another installment of this absolute rabbithole, this time focusing on Ikkei. Now, noone's made any massive claims about the range of his vocals yet, so let's figure this out before anyone does, shall we?
The Verdict
Based on what we've seen through various stages and musicals, Ikkei has a range of C3-Ab4, roughly one and a half octaves. The upper end is more rarely heard though, with most of his songs landing at a high of F#4-G4.
The Evidence
Again, I used every possible musical I had featuring the man to analyse this, and as such there's a large concentration of Morimyu, as well as his Tenimyu run as part of the 7th Seigaku. It was a little interesting, as many of his songs in Tenimyu are group songs, so I didn't have all that many to go off there. I also had a copy of ENStars Track to Miracle, which I didn't realise until looking it up that he was in. The more you know. Instead of looking for an upper or lower in specific areas, I simply collected the highest and lowest notes in each song I analysed this time.
Lower Limit (C3)
So, I did start with Tenimyu, but the two I'd narrowed down for him (Unseen Thread and Fight&Win) both seemed on the high end of what I've heard him do, so I focused my efforts towards Morimyu.
This turned out to be a good idea, presenting me with lovely examples of his lower register. The songs were consistently hitting lows of D3 (Emotion and his duet with Fred in OP4) and Eb3 (Devotion and the Three Brothers' Secret), so I knew I was close.
But there was one final solo I wanted to look through, being OP1's A Hero's Qualification. Turned out to be a great idea - Ikkei hits his lowest note in there, at C3. Very impressed. 10/10.
Higher Limit (Ab4)
Okay, this one I was able to use the Tenimyu songs as a guide of how high to look for - Unseen Thread came in at an E4, and Fight&Win at an F#4, both of which aligned with what I had heard from him previously.
This was the point that I figured out his ENStars appearance, and managed to track down at least one of his songs - his first, which I believe was called Heartbeat by Trick Star (starting at 7 minutes in) came in at an F4, supporting my previous theories. Also the silver ponytail guy has me in a chokehold, if anyone cares to educate?
It was then I turned back to Morimyu, which gave us some higher ones. First to exceed it was Devotion (which was first because please let's be honest That's My Favourite), where he hits a G4 as part of his higher harmony at the end.
The next to exceed it was The Three Brothers' Secret, giving us our highest note at Ab4, hit as they commit arson basically ehe. It is beautifully done, and rather strong, and I'm kind of curious as to whether he could go further, given the opportunity. But that's all I have evidence for as yet, so Ab4 is to be considered the highest proven limit of Ikkei's range.
What did surprise me is the sheer similarity between Shogo and Ikkei's possible ranges - Ikkei often seems just that much lower, and he's... not? That being said, he has a very rich lower register, and as he's often paired with people who can take the higher harmony (Eiji in the Tenimyu's, Shogo... always) he gets a lot of chances to show it - I also think Ikkei's lower tone kicks in earlier than Shogo's, though I'd have to check for that specifically to back it up. Was interesting in Kokoro wo Daite, though, because by putting his solo part between Hide and Izawa, he sounds rather high pitched; same thing happened in Devotion, where he took the high harmony against Hide's lower harmony... perception really is everything with this, and I mean, he sounds lovely either way slkdf.
With two of three brothers down, I kind of want to do Kubohide next - again, I'll have a fair bit to draw on between Morimyu and Tenimyu, and I could have sworn I had something else with him in there. We'll see I guess ehe. But thankyou for reading, and see you next time~
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oboetemasuka · 8 months
Mini-analysis: Covers (part 3)
Android Girl (Haruka) Original Key: F min/Ab Maj, F# min/A Maj Cover Key: Bb maj, B Maj Pitch shift (semitones): -10 Range: F#/Gb3-G#/Ab4
Vampire (Yuno) Original Key: E Maj Cover Key: Db Maj Pitch shift (semitones): -3 Range: Bb3-F5
Salamander (Fuuta) Original Key: E min, Ab Maj Cover Key: A min, Db Maj Pitch shift (semitones): -7 Range: E3-A4
dscf (Muu) Original Key: Ab Maj Cover Key: F#/Gb Maj Pitch shift (semitones): -2 Range: Bb3-C#/Db5
Delusion Tax (Shidou) Original Key: Eb min, G Maj, Ab Maj Cover Key: F#/Gb min, Bb Maj, B Maj Pitch shift (semitones): -9 Range: B2-F#/Gb4
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rockmusicassoc · 14 days
In The Rock 5/26/1973: Deep Purple release The Holy Trinity of Rock, better known as ‘Smoke on the Water’, which will peak at number four on the Singles Chart. D4 F4 G4 - | D4 F4 Ab4 G4 | D4 F4 G4 - | F4 D4 . Learn it, know it, live it. #DeepPurple #RockHonorRoll
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guerrerense · 4 months
100 Jahre Vigezzina-Centovalli-Bahn FART/SSIF por Walter Ruetsch Por Flickr: 1923 bis 2023 100 Jahre der Vigezzina-Centovalli-Bahn FART/SSIF Die Feierlichkeiten auf Schweizer Seite haben offiziell am 25. November 2023 mit einer zwölfmonatigen Reise begonnen. Eine Reise durch die Zeit an Bord des Nostalgiezuges mit dem ABDe 6/6 31. Der stattliche Zug mit den beiden AB4-Wagen 110 und 111 aus dem Jahre 1923 im Grenzbahnhof Camedo.
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