#bat the loml
nobuuses · 2 years
I was thinking abt you! and wondering how you were! How's everything been? I wanna hear it all!!!!! How was ur day? You better be taking care of urself >:( Book recs? Show recs? Music? Art you like? ALL ALL ALL I WANNA HEAR IT ALL!!!!!
FUCK BAT IM ANSWERING THIS SO FUCKING LATE how r u still want to stay friends w me i’m the shittiest moot ever *hides face in hands* i literally don’t deserve u n ur love eeejhharrgh
ok ok before we get into me…YOU DYED UR HAIR DARK BROWN??????? my GOD it must look so good on u all ppl w brown hair r so fucking pretty and i’m so so jealous of all of them!!!!! and ur taste in books is IMMACULATE bc thanks to you i discovered ocean vuong’s on earth we’re briefly gorgeous n ive read it n i sobbed halfway thru. trevor is so beautifully portrayed and the general angst of the story is so breathtaking and im so glad you recommended it to me!!!! def one of my favorite novels ever
it’s actually 2:43 in the morning rn 🤡so my day haven’t rly started yet but it’s raining outside and it’s been raining for quite a bit now (since 12) so i know todays gonna be a good day<33 i’m gonna see mud when i go out and idk rain just makes me so so happy !!!!
i have been taking care of myself and i hope you have been doing the same thing >:( i’m abt to jump into ur inbox. seriously u mean the fucking world to me so you’ve better been treating urself and drinking enough water & eating enough nutrients or ill…ill cry and give u hugs
BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS i’ve been reading a ton of poetry lately and rupi kaur is def a poet u should check out if ur into poems <33 and im currently working on the monster of the book papillon by henry chafflier(??? it’s french i’m terrible at french) but the book was made into a movie so if u search up papillon it’ll come up but it’s a MONSTER OF A BOOK. it’s huge and i’m borrowing a vintage hardcover copy of it from my writing teacher and the covers are torn apart so i’m afraid to even touch it😭😭it’s great so far tho!! if ur into crime/criminals/laws and just early gay literature in general bc the main protagonists LEAK ust it’s miserable
musiccc hmmm florence + the machine. can never go wrong. sun room is rly good especially now that it’s summer!! sol del sur is a favorite of mine from them. wet leg’s wet dream is just chef kiss and the adults are talking by the strokes. season of the witch & hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have are absolute BANGERS. if u wanna go wayyy back i’ve been obsessed w fleetwood mac & queen at the moment so anything of their albums r so amazing. rly set the vibes for writing
ok so i’ve realized i’ve ranted so fucking much im so sorry don’t feel obliged to read thru this mess of shit again i’m the shittiest moot ever u deserve so much better than this i am so sorry i love u so much pls take care of urself <33 remember that u r so loved n cherished and u r so so so lovely
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enderbugz · 4 months
Idk if ppl post edits over here but I like this one so who cares
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Rénjiān Zhì Wèi Shì Qīng Huān (Love Actually)
WANG YIBO as Zhai ZhiWei (2017)
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And a little treat for all you thirsty bitches
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ryan-waddell11 · 1 year
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I understand why the bats nibbled on this man’s neck
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polarisjisung · 9 months
really got some of the best styling, deepest voice and fastest rap we've heard from jisung through nct nation
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aquagustd · 2 years
i’m crying someone on yoongi’s live today asked what he thinks about a 17 year age gap 💀💀 his response: ‘just go to elementary school’ 💀
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abednadirsgf · 2 years
came across this on pinterest and immediately imploded
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whatever-dude · 2 years
some things you need to know about me: i am obsessed with alec bohm and i absolutely hate rhys hoskins
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drasticemotions · 2 years
are u a slut for a man rhyming with leave lamington yes or yes
who do you think I am? if you said whore you'd be right
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
🎤 tell you a song I wasn’t into at first, but now love
god so many tbh LKFDSLK tho i wld say the most surprising one is aurora by atz when it came out i didnt like it at all i thought it was rlly like. meh i remember listening thru the album and just not feeling it at all but i relistened to it at some point idk when and i was like oh???? and i became like weirdly obsessed with it to the point where it is now one of my favourite ateez songs of all time!! she grew on me so much like she's such a masterpiece esp the japanese ver with the violins in the intro...impeccable
kpop ask game!!
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enderbugz · 5 months
She's so gorgeous I love her sososo much yall don't understand ☹️☹️
Edit: Art creds to @/ chaoslose for the 3rd pic!!! I didn't realize it was fanart before-- just got it from pinterest and thought it was an official panel
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khaylin27 · 8 days
The Tortured Poets Department
khaylin27's version
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fortnight (ft. post malone) - jason todd x reader
2. the tortured poets department - george russell x reader
3. my boy only breaks his favorite toys - jake seresin x reader
4. down bad - daniel ricciardo x reader
5. so long, london - carlos sainz x norris reader
6. but daddy i love him - fernando alonso x stroll reader
7. fresh out the slammer - oscar piastri x norris reader (part three to so long, london)
8. florida!!! (ft. florence + the machine) - logan sargeant x reader
9. guilty as sin? - oscar piastri x norris reader (part two to so long, london)
10. who's afraid of little old me - bat family x reader
11. i can fix him (no really i can) - dick grayson x reader
12. loml - carlos sainz x norris reader (part five to so long, london)
13. i can do it with a broken heart - lewis hamilton x pop star reader
14. the smallest man who ever lived - tim drake x reader
15. the alchemy - oscar piastri x norris reader (part four to so long, london)
16. clara bow - bradley bradshaw x mitchell reader
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mothwingwritings · 10 months
Y&B for taiju shiba I love you❤️
I love yooou and thank you for sending an ask for the LOML bless you <3
Warnings: Abuse, getting the shit beat out of you, brutality, mentions of murder (hashtag just Taiju Shiba things)
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Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Taiju actually has the capacity to wait a rather long time before he snaps. Not necessarily because of patience, but more so because deep down he wants YOU to be the one to come running to him. He fantasizes endlessly about how you’re gonna fall into his arms, confessing to him how much you love and need him, crying over how hard it’s been living without him in your life. He’s had countless daydreams of you initiating the relationship, consumed with the thought of you whole heartedly reciprocating his affections just as strongly (if not more so) than he does.
He KNOWS you love him. He’s seen it in the way you look at him, how you get all blushy and bashful whenever he comes near, unable to even speak without stumbling over your words because of how excitable his presence makes you. When you flinch away from his touches and affections, or go out of your way to avoid him, he knows it’s only because you can’t handle the rampant feelings surging through you. It’s cute as hell, and only makes him want you that much more.
So though it’s nearly unbearable, he’ll wait for you. He knows the moment you finally give in and concede to him it will be the sweetest moment in his entire life, worth the wait and then some. Knowing the prize that is awaiting him at the end is the only thing that gets him through the excruciating waiting period. (Well, that and fucking his fist to thoughts of you, excitement coursing through him when he muses on all the ways he will be able to ravage you in the near future).
That being said, there are certain triggers that will make him IMMEDIATELY drop all pretenses and assert his authority right away, mainly if someone else makes a move on you. It doesn’t even matter how small that advance is, if someone so much as bats an eye at you in a way that can be mistaken as flirtatious it’s over. You’re his from that point on, whether you are ready for the relationship or not. He’ll be damned if he’s gonna let some asshole try and stake a claim on his darling-the mere thought of it makes him sick with rage.
If it’s the other way around and you happen to have someone else that you have your eye on, then it would be in both you and your crush’s best interest to nip that in the bud ASAP. The moment Taiju gets an inkling of it you won’t come out of it unscathed. Regardless of the fact that he never got your express consent to be in a relationship, your loyalty is something he expects unconditionally, and should it falter at any point he has no qualms over correcting your behavior. But while you may be holed up in bed for a few days healing from a brutal lashing, the person you are smitten with will get it 100x worse if they are even allowed to keep living. Needless to say, you will neither see nor hear from them again after that.
You belong with nobody else but Taiju, nowhere else than at his side. He’s not afraid to beat that into you. You’re lucky he’s forgiving, and that he loves you so much, otherwise you would be MUCH worse off for the shit you pulled. He’ll even tend your wounds once your properly apologize for what a harlot you’ve been.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Extremely. There really is no limit. He will destroy everything and anything around you to keep you at his side. He isn’t stupid about it either, which makes him that much scarier. He has the connections, the money, the power, and the brute strength to make just about anything happen for his benefit. Anyone trying to prevent you from being his, whether they are friend or foe, he will take care of them. The disposal can range from paying them off or heavily threatening them, too far worse things. He would destroy someone’s entire livelihood in the blink of an eye for you, and if he could get away with it strangle a person to death with his bare hands if they terrorized you.
Whatever is necessary, whatever is needed, he will do it without hesitation. He loves you. You are his family, his heart, his EVERYTHING. This man would rip God himself asunder to keep you in his life, so you’d do best to never question his devotion to you.
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polarisjisung · 9 months
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superblysubpar · 11 months
hi loml
can i get king!steve with the prompt “touch me. anywhere.”
*characters are over 18
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A splash of water over your ankles, a holler of ‘turn it up’, the music thumping through the speakers inside the home straining to be heard by the entire town at this point. Warm beer on your lips as your eyes pretend not to roam over the Harrington backyard, searching for the only reason you show up to these sorts of things. 
He leans against the side of the garage, a cigarette hanging between his lips, unlit, rolling his eyes and fiddling with the lighter in his hand. Tommy’s in the middle of telling a story that’s probably false. Wild hands gesturing, a too loud voice and beer splashing from his can onto Carol’s arm as she shrieks. 
No matter how many times you’ve done this with each other, the sting from his eyes never quite meeting yours, the way he’s able to walk right past you all night, it never quite fades. It’s like a bad burn on your skin that never heals, always making you a tad too vulnerable for your liking. 
Which is why your giggle is a little louder and forced tonight, your dress hem a little shorter than normal. Why your hand rests on the chest of the idiot basketball player in front of you, shoving teasingly at his joke that you don’t even remember the punchline to. This time was going to be different. 
The boy in front of you leans forward, and you turn your head, his lips meeting your jaw, then your neck and your eyes meet smoldering ones by the garage. Suddenly the summer night is not the reason you’re feeling too hot, the alcohol not the reason your stomach flips. His arms cross, the muscles in his forearm flex as his jaw clenches. His foot presses to the cigarette he took one single drag of and he pushes off of the wall, slipping through the sliding doors inside. With the excuse of needing another drink leaving your lips, you untangle yourself from the handsy basketball boy, heading inside for a different one. 
It’s easy to pretend that you’re looking for the bathroom, for an unoccupied room. Everyone inside is either too drunk, too stoned, too passed out, or too busy with their lips locked on someone else to notice you tiptoe up the stairs. You find him in his bedroom, swiping at his lips and crushing a can, tossing it into the trash from across the room. 
The door clicks closed behind you as you whisper, “Wow, impressive on and off the court.”
“Don’t you have a throat to go stick a tongue down?”
You look over your shoulder, a hand pressed to your chest and eyes widening in faux innocence, “Me?”
He sits on the edge of the bed, rolling his eyes. The sight of his denim covered thighs spreading wider has your barely covered ones pressing closer together. 
“Don’t be cute.”
A smile tugs at your lips, a timid step forward with the sway of your hips to accompany the batting of your lashes. “You think I’m cute, Steve?”
“Sweetheart, don’t start this shit here.” His words hold no real threat, not when his eyes roam over your body all greedy, not when his palm rests on your hip as you come to a stop between his legs. 
Your fingers ghost over his lips, thumb holding his jaw as you lean forward and whisper in his ear, “Where should I start it then? You know, for future reference. Outside in front of all your friends? How about at the game? In front of your lock-”
The hand on your hip grips you harder, his other tugging on your chin and turning your face so he can look you in the eyes. The fingers so close to your neck has you extending it a little for him, wondering if he’ll wrap his hand around it like last time. But no, he just holds your jaw, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip and tugging a little meanly, but the result is still the same. Thighs slipping together in a search for some sort of friction, your breath catching in your chest just a little. 
He notices. 
He always notices.
Honey and moss eyes that glint with something that’s a little sharp - but never cruel - glance down at the movement and then back at your lips as he leans forward, voice just as quiet. “You’re being pretty fucking smart for someone who was just begging me to touch her, anywhere, in my car only a few hours ago.”
It only takes your lips parting under his thumb a little more when he smooths over it again, the hint of tobacco mixing with beer on his lips hitting your senses, and the buzz of his fingers pushing the hem of your short little dress higher for your hands to fall from his jaw, for the pretend confidence to falter. It’s how it always goes. 
So you shouldn’t be surprised at how your panties grow more damp when he kisses your bottom lip before he juts his out in a fake pout. “Poor baby,” his fingers have climbed higher, his smirk only growing more smug when his fingers brush over the wet lace, “She’s just a greedy lil thing, huh?”
Your whimper is embarrassing, and so is the press of your thighs around his hand. Your fingers curl into the sleeves of his shirt as he pulls away, a silent plea for him to stay.  
Steve leans his arms on the bed behind himself, propping up. He pushes his knee between your legs, nodding towards his thigh. His eyebrows raise, and you want to smack the smug look off of his face when he speaks again, his voice low, tinged with his own greed and want for you that he’d deny. 
“You want it? Take it.”
It’s not a surprise to either of you when you straddle his thigh, his fingers on your bare hips bruising as you rock back and forth. He’s still fully clothed, marking you up with pretty little bites across your sweating skin that you’ll never get to return the favor for. The party only gets louder beneath the two of you, the sky only grows darker, and your ache for it all to go differently for once never dulling.  
There’s always next time. 
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mins-fins · 7 months
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SUMMARY . . . boyfriends and their arcade shenanigans.
PAIRING . . . kang taehyun x male!reader
GENRE . . . fluff, (attempted) comedy
WARNINGS . . . taehyun affectionately calls reader a loser
WORD COUNT . . . 0.6k
REQUESTED? . . . yes!
NOTES . . . the long awaited drabble requested by none other than @astrozuya (aka the new loml) (real) is finally out! i'm mad that it took this long to do because i was legit thinking about this during my science exam and while i was canoeing 😭 um anyway its out now to enjoy luka (ily)
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"you lost".
y/n can hear the amusement in taehyun's voice when the words escape past his lips. he doesn't turn around and instead cranes his neck backward to look up at his boyfriend, who has a shit-eating grin on his face. "thanks genius".
"no problem" taehyun sarcastically replies, another smile on his face. y/n groans, getting out of the chair, he scrunches his nose. "you know i'm not good at shooting games" he mutters, and all he gets in response is taehyun patting his head.
"if i remember correctly, you said you were gonna, beat me?" y/n recalls the words he said twenty minutes prior, and he pouts at the way taehyun decided to use that against him. "yeah it doesn't look like your fulfilling that".
"that's not fair! it looked easy!"
"okay okay, let me try then" y/n scoffs, muttering under his breath as he crosses his arms. taehyun gives a small laugh, messing up y/n's hair. "if i beat you then you have to buy me food".
y/n gasps, crossing his arms. "that's not fair! your good at everything!"
taehyun leans his head back to stare at y/n, he blinks for a moment before sighing. "fine then, let's go play something, easy" he emphasizes the word easy, and quickly grabs y/n's arm to drag him away from the previous game.
"what are we gonna play now?"
"pacman preferably".
y/n yelps as taehyun suddenly stops, tugging his arm in the tiniest. "pacman? really?" he asks, and taehyun furrows his eyebrows, lightly hitting y/n's arm.
"do you wanna try a claw machine then?" he asks, moving his hand that was grabbing y/n's arm down so now he was holding y/n's hand, he begins swinging them back and forth as he patiently waits for his partner's answer.
"something i can do at least" y/n mutters, and taehyun gives him a judgmental look, again surprising him by tugging his hand as he drags him around the arcade, trying to find claw machines.
"your gonna win me something!"
"do i have to?"
taehyun gives him a small smile, caressing his hand, and how could y/n ever say no to him? he manages to hide his laugh, he doesn't want to get yet another look from taehyun, he's already used to all the sassy eye rolls.
"have i ever told you that claw machines are like.. my thing?" y/n specifically uses a teasing tone, and taehyun rolls his eyes, lightly hitting his arm after hearing those words.
y/n just completely referenced a line he told taehyun one of the first times they met, and he remembers the way taehyun scowled, yet giggled at the way he delivered it. "i'm so smooth aren't i?" he asks, so sure of himself.
taehyun hits his arm once again, and y/n yelps, lightly jumping away from him. "okay okay! your so mean! why do you enjoy abusing me?"
"i have no idea what your talking about" taehyun smiles innocently, batting his eyelashes. he then presses his finger against the glass of the claw machine. "i want that".
y/n sighs, raising an eyebrow. "oh yeah you want the absolutely huge obvious cat plushie right there?" he inquires with such a sarcastic tone that taehyun almost considers hitting his shoulder once again.
"you said claw machines are your thing" he uses air quotes to convey his point. y/n opens his mouth but then closes it because he really has no ways to argue with that, taehyun loudly laughs as y/n huffs and crosses his arms.
"you're so.." he pauses mid sentence as he digs through his wallet. "bossy" he means it in a joking way, especially with how he brightly smiles, chuckling as he inserts a dollar into the claw machine.
"you should get me food for this".
"get me the kitty first".
"alright mom".
"don't be a loser now, y/n".
y/n scoffs, playfully rolling his eyes. he clicks the button and begins playing the claw machine, he hums as he plays it, narrowing his eyes as he focuses on the game, hoping to win the plushie for taehyun.
"ah hah! see?" y/n jumps up in excitement as he successfully wins the plushie, pulling it out and handing it to taehyun. "i am good at things!" he rebuts, crossing his arms as he hums happily.
taehyun grabs the plushie, squeezing it close to his chest as he watches y/n do a celebratory dance of sorts. he giggles, smiling at y/n's idiotic victory dance. "okay, i'll give you that one".
y/n finally stops with his dance, humming even more happily as he thinks about winning the claw machine. "we should go get cotton candy" he immediately suggests, and taehyun's eyes light up.
"ooh ooh! i call the blue flavor!"
"is blue even a cotton candy flavor?"
"um.. well! we can ask!"
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