#again im so shitty im so sorry pls forgive me
nobuuses · 2 years
I was thinking abt you! and wondering how you were! How's everything been? I wanna hear it all!!!!! How was ur day? You better be taking care of urself >:( Book recs? Show recs? Music? Art you like? ALL ALL ALL I WANNA HEAR IT ALL!!!!!
FUCK BAT IM ANSWERING THIS SO FUCKING LATE how r u still want to stay friends w me i’m the shittiest moot ever *hides face in hands* i literally don’t deserve u n ur love eeejhharrgh
ok ok before we get into me…YOU DYED UR HAIR DARK BROWN??????? my GOD it must look so good on u all ppl w brown hair r so fucking pretty and i’m so so jealous of all of them!!!!! and ur taste in books is IMMACULATE bc thanks to you i discovered ocean vuong’s on earth we’re briefly gorgeous n ive read it n i sobbed halfway thru. trevor is so beautifully portrayed and the general angst of the story is so breathtaking and im so glad you recommended it to me!!!! def one of my favorite novels ever
it’s actually 2:43 in the morning rn 🤡so my day haven’t rly started yet but it’s raining outside and it’s been raining for quite a bit now (since 12) so i know todays gonna be a good day<33 i’m gonna see mud when i go out and idk rain just makes me so so happy !!!!
i have been taking care of myself and i hope you have been doing the same thing >:( i’m abt to jump into ur inbox. seriously u mean the fucking world to me so you’ve better been treating urself and drinking enough water & eating enough nutrients or ill…ill cry and give u hugs
BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS i’ve been reading a ton of poetry lately and rupi kaur is def a poet u should check out if ur into poems <33 and im currently working on the monster of the book papillon by henry chafflier(??? it’s french i’m terrible at french) but the book was made into a movie so if u search up papillon it’ll come up but it’s a MONSTER OF A BOOK. it’s huge and i’m borrowing a vintage hardcover copy of it from my writing teacher and the covers are torn apart so i’m afraid to even touch it😭😭it’s great so far tho!! if ur into crime/criminals/laws and just early gay literature in general bc the main protagonists LEAK ust it’s miserable
musiccc hmmm florence + the machine. can never go wrong. sun room is rly good especially now that it’s summer!! sol del sur is a favorite of mine from them. wet leg’s wet dream is just chef kiss and the adults are talking by the strokes. season of the witch & hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have are absolute BANGERS. if u wanna go wayyy back i’ve been obsessed w fleetwood mac & queen at the moment so anything of their albums r so amazing. rly set the vibes for writing
ok so i’ve realized i’ve ranted so fucking much im so sorry don’t feel obliged to read thru this mess of shit again i’m the shittiest moot ever u deserve so much better than this i am so sorry i love u so much pls take care of urself <33 remember that u r so loved n cherished and u r so so so lovely
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star-girl69 · 4 months
um anyways so i fear thunder is just not working for me i cant do it ik i promised but im just not feeling it so!!!!!! idk why it’s just a mental block. like my hearts not in it so it’s turning out so shitty
so we’re scrapping that!
i’m really sorry everyone but maybe i’ll do it in the future! i love the concept but i just cant fake being happy rn to write about joyful things so
anyways up next we have… TOMORROW NEVER CAME!!!!!! i will give no spoilers, maybe one sneak peek, BUT it will be very sad to reflect me rn LMAO #blamethegrammysforsnubbinglanathatswhyimsad
all i will say is it’s based off the song tomorrow never came by lana, so maybe give that a listen if you’re curious! other than that you don’t get anything 🤭
and i’m very sorry again pls forgive me 💔💔
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yae-energy · 11 months
…jotaro with an rnb singer! fiancé? also best part by her and daniel caesar would go with this 🤭
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“you’re the best part”
synopsis: jotaro finally ready to give love a second chance
cast: bodyguard! jotaro x rnb singer! black fem reader (jolyne is mentioned briefly)
universe: modern au?
wc: 1.1k wrds , 5.8k char
cw: angst to comfort (?) happy ending, established relationship, very cheesy (and shitty) writing , mostly proofread (i tried my best y’all but looking at my own work makes me cringe bad)
a/n: bro im so so so mega sorry if this is so trash/not what you asked for 😭 i am not good at actually writing so pls forgive me. i hope you like it tho <3 , also thank you v much for requesting 🫶🏽 mwah.
"utterly breathtaking."
those were the words that you used to describe the blazing hues of orange, yellow, and red that painted the horizon, as the sun ultimately began its descent. causing the sweltering summer heat to finally come to a halt as a result, and instead be replaced with a gentle breeze that danced through the air. wisps of your curls being disturbed in the process whilst your eyes remained glued to the sunset.
upon looking at you, he can't help but wonder why he didn't see it back then, why he didn't pay closer attention to the way the sun beautifully kissed your skin. or how you glowed underneath the moonlight, or even the gentle tone of voice you used whenever you spoke to him.
he felt stupid- foolish, one could say.
why did he wait so long? why did he wait so long to fully relish in the prickly feeling that arose whenever your hand just so happened to glide against his own? or admire how your lips looked whenever you applied your favorite gloss.
sometimes he just can't help but wonder, why?
then the answer clicks.
he simply wasn't allowed to. falling in love with you wasn't in his job description, he was your bodyguard. his job was to protect you, to shield you from the harsh realities of your successful career, and to barricade you from the rush of paparazzi attempting to make their way to you any chance they could. he was excellent at his job, so much so that even he knew to never cross that boundary with you.
he was far too afraid to, far too afraid to hurt you like he had done others in the past. like he had done to his former wife, his daughter even. he wasn't there as much as he should have been and he knew that, no matter how understanding they were about his career and the long, long, hours that came with it. the feeling haunted him.
and for the many, many, years after the fact, he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that he harbored deep in his soul. he just couldn't allow that again. he couldn't allow himself to hurt someone else because of his own mistakes. mistakes no one held against him anymore, mistakes jolyne managed to forgive him for long ago.
so why couldn't he do the same for himself? why did he use it as a reminder to keep himself in check? as motivation to keep you as far away from him as possible- not that, that was an easy job in itself. he did work for you after all.
24/7 he was at your beck and call. walking you to all your favorite shops whenever you felt the urge to go, escorting you out of blacked-out vehicles and being your personal buffer between you, and the obnoxiously bright flashes of light being emitted from those large, ugly, cameras.
24/7 he was with you.
and a very large part of himself is livid for waiting so long to appreciate that.
to appreciate how you'd gift him small trinkets to show gratitude for all his hard work. to appreciate how you always made a conscious effort to bring him hearty meals if you noticed he wasn't eating as well as he should've been.
to appreciate how you'd call his name so prettily whenever you needed him for something. and how it sent a kaleidoscope of butterflies to his stomach each and every time.
god, he was foolish, unequivocally so.
and it hurt too much to think about, even for him. you were so kind to him, so sweet and understanding of his past, of all the mistakes he made. you didn't judge him like he judged himself for all those years. and that's when he realized it was time to put that shame and guilt to rest.
to allow himself to feel loved and cared for despite his mistakes- that seemingly everyone forgave him for, but himself.
to allow himself to relish in the way your hands glided against his own.
to allow himself to admire the way you applied your favorite gloss.
to allow himself to be loved by you. and to be loved by you till death did you apart.
utterly breathtaking. those are the words he'd use to describe you.
you were the best part of his morning, evening and night. the best part of his career, and the best part of himself.
which brings him back to the present. all those cherished memories between the two of you acting as his sole motivation for why he was doing this. why he was so nervous as he clutched the comically tiny, black, suede box that held your ring, in his hand.
it was beautiful, just like you.
"a pretty girl needs a pretty ring, dad" were jolyne's wise words that echoed in the back of his mind while ring shopping for you. his heart full of so many emotions that he could barely contain the tears that pricked the corner of his eyes while he stood in the middle of a "tiffany & co."
and even now, as he stood beside you on your shared balcony. watching you as you watched the sunset, slow jazz playing from the vinyl record he got you got Christmas, (doubling as a 2 year anniversary gift.) leaking through the crack in the sliding door.
what was he supposed to say?
not enough words in the dictionary could describe how he felt about you. none of them could describe how utterly beautiful he thought you were. or how you made him feel every time you looked at him, or called out his name for yet another favor he pretended to be annoyed about.
nothing could describe you.
"…wonderful weather we're having…" he began. to which you replied with a short hum, your eyes sparkling like the millions upon millions of stars in the sky.
what was there to say that he hasn't clumsily said already? why did he have to say anything at all? you knew him like the back of your hand. all his good traits- his bad traits, you knew him inside and out and that's what he loved about you.
you knew what he was thinking, what he was feeling, what he wanted to say but just couldn't due to lack of words.
you knew him.
so with that in mind, he decided that words were too much. the way his legs wobbled as he got down on one knee, and the way his sweaty palms opened up the comically tiny, black, suede box should say all it needed to.
that he loved you,
unequivocally so.
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snowisfallen · 5 months
Walls Could Talk
A shitty late night drabble about Coriolanus and Abigail and their toxic relationship inspired by the lyrics of Walls Could Talk by Halsey :)
warnings: toxic relationship, mentions of a physical fight,
PSA:yall in all seriousness, if ur partner lays a hand on you thats not okay ever, dont let toxic hot fictional blonde men convince u otherwise pls
A/N: uh if yall hate this or think its shitty im sorry :(
Been about three days and I'm comin' back I'm about four minutes from a heart attack And I think you make me a maniac But you don't know, oh
It had been three days since Abigail’s last exchange with Coriolanus Snow. a dangerous dance between passion and turbulence, left her teetering on the edge of emotional chaos. The toxic nature of their connection manifested in frequent conflicts, transforming arguments into battlegrounds where the lines between love and frustration blurred. The prolonged silence between their fights heightened her sense of unease, amplifying the feeling of insanity and stirring a storm of doubt within. But it had been three days, she missed his touch, and he had said sorry. So she came back to him even though she felt crazy for forgiving so easily.
Two years and we in between But we both been here since we 17
This relationship had been on and off for two years now, and right now she wasn't quite sure where they stood. Were they together again, were they not together again? She was sure that they were together but she knew she shouldn't just assume. They had been together since they were 17, she couldn't imagine life without him, even if it meant she had to put up with things she would never dare mention out loud to her friends.
Here we go, fist fight in a limousine But they don't know
The atmosphere inside the limousine took an unexpected turn when Abigail realized Coriolanus was already drunk. Tensions escalated when she confronted him, and what began as a disagreement morphed into a heated confrontation, which then turned into a tumultuous fistfight. The confined space of the luxurious vehicle intensified the emotional storm, with emotions reaching a boiling point. Bruised and emotionally drained, they arrived at the party, and before exiting the limousine, they both straightened up and put smiles on their faces, pretending the past 10 minutes hadn’t happened as they walked into the party, acting like the perfect couple that everyone thought they were.
And we both hope there's something But we bo-both keep fronting And it's a closed discussion
It was unspoken between the two of them that the relationship should have ended long ago, yet they couldn't help but hold on to a love that had already expired. It was an undiscussed topic, whether they should finally call it quits or not, Both continuing to pretend that this tumultuous relationship wasn't hurting them. 
And I'm thinking, "Damn, if these walls could talk" Well, they'd be like "Shit is crazy, right?" I ain't your baby no more
As she navigated the charade at the party, she couldn't shake the weight of the truth lingering in the walls of the limousine. If those walls could talk, they would unveil the heartbreaking narrative etched into their fabric—the whispers of passionate arguments, the echoes of painful turmoil, and the silent witness to a relationship veering into the realm of the inexplicable. In those moments of pretend normalcy, Abigail was acutely aware that the walls, had they possessed a voice, would have screamed the undeniable truth: that the version of love she clung to was fading, and the person she once knew as hers was slipping away. The limousine, a silent witness to their private struggles, seemed to embody the emotional distance that had grown between them. The unspoken revelation echoed in her mind, painting a stark picture of a relationship that had become more a theater of chaos than a sanctuary of love. She called it off that night.
Been about two weeks since you went away I'm about halfway through a Cabernet There I go, I'm wastin' a Saturday Sittin' at home
Two weeks after the breakup, Abigail found herself immersed in solitude, halfway through a bottle of Cabernet, as she spent her Saturday evening at home. The echoes of the past lingered in the air, and the quietude of her surroundings mirrored the emotional stillness within. She grappled with the residual emotions of the breakup, contemplating the significance of the choices made. Saturday, once a canvas for shared moments, now became a canvas for self-reflection, a necessary pause in the narrative of a relationship that had both shaped and tested her resilience.
Told my new roommate not to let you in But you're so damn good with a bobby pin Now you gon' play me like a violin Hittin' these notes
Abigail warned her new roommate against letting Coriolanus in, going so far as to even change the locks but her attempt was thwarted as he skillfully picked the lock with a bobby pin and infiltrated her space. In the face of his unexpected appearance, he began on a desperate plea, apologizing profusely and weaving a narrative that resonated with her vulnerabilities. His words, a carefully crafted symphony of remorse and promises, struck a chord that resonated with Abigail's yearning for resolution and connection. Despite her initial resolve, Coriolanus managed to utter the right words, tapping into the emotional undercurrents that still bound them. In a moment of vulnerability, she found herself swayed, uttering a hesitant "yes" that, for a fleeting moment, seemed to hold the promise of a renewed chapter, even as the shadows of their turbulent history loomed in the background.
And we both hope there's something But we bo-both keep fronting And it's a closed discussion And I'm thinking, "Damn, if these walls could talk" Well, they'd be like "Shit is crazy, right?" 
As they attempted one last time to rekindle the relationship, they engaged in a subtle game of emotional concealment, each afraid to expose the depth of their feelings. The subject of their connection remained a closed discussion, unspoken but palpable in the air between them. As they navigated this fragile moment, Abigail couldn't help but ponder the profound insights the walls of her space might share if they could speak. The unspoken truths, the untold desires, and the echoes of their shared history reverberated within the confines of the room, creating an unspoken tension that lingered like a silent conversation, waiting for the right moment to be unveiled. She couldn't escape the unspoken messages she imagined the walls would convey. If only they could talk, they might whisper a stark truth she was hesitant to fully embrace – "That ain't your baby no more." The walls, silent witnesses to the tumultuous journey of her relationship with Coriolanus, seemed to echo the sentiment that the connection, once so intimately entwined, had now slipped through her grasp. The phrase lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the transformative power of time and the irreversible changes that had reshaped the contours of their shared history. In the quietude of her thoughts, Abigail grappled with the weight of those unsaid words, questioning the nature of her evolving relationship and the path she was reluctantly navigating.
I ain't your baby no more  Hey! No more I ain't your baby no more
Abigail arrived at a poignant realization that resonated with the unspoken truths hanging in the air. No more, he wasn't hers anymore. The weight of that acknowledgment settled in her heart, carrying the bittersweet resonance of letting go. The walls, if they could articulate her sentiments, would echo the profound shift in the dynamics of their connection. In that moment of clarity, Abigail confronted the stark reality that the ties binding them had frayed irreversibly. The words lingered in her thoughts, a sobering admission that marked the beginning of a new chapter—a chapter where she grappled with the echoes of what once was, while navigating the uncharted territory of a future without him as hers.
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rinbowaman · 11 months
"Gently rubbing his fingertips along your skin, swaying them back and forth"
RAE😭😭 WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO USSSSS, pls pls take our well being into consideration 😔😔
“Good girl... you even know how to pronouce it correctly"
good girl? GOOD GIRL???? AND HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO WINK AFTERWARDS???? im done I cant with this guy
“Maybe….we’ll see.”
Maybe yes, hopefully not😌
“Night sweet thing.”
Boy im no object 🤨🤨 (but since its you saying it, I dont mind as much😋)
“Let us know if you need anything.”
You sir pls?🤯
Gazing at the message that you had just received, you saw that it was from Kurt, who expressed how good it was to see you again. “…Hmm…I wonder….” You mentally noted as you came up with an idea and messaged back.
No no pls dont "wonder" it usually ends bad😨
“You would look so pretty in a wedding dress.”
THIS AND THE PICTURE UNDERNEATH IT????VBYXDGHHHHH, Heejeong does smh unexplainable to me😣
“Yeah?.....I beg to differ.”
“Hey, y/n. I’m finally here, sorry I missed the ceremony, but I’m glad I could make it in now.”
You missed the ceremony what else you here for boy?💀 also rae pls pls dont do what im think you're going to do pls pls dont
You had invited Kurt, as a manner to introduce him to the family since you had recently decided to give him a chance and accept his offer to begin a relationship
WHYYYYY TELL ME WHYTYYY???????? I dont even know what to say🤯🤯
Im kurt number 1 hater #kurtkys #kurtleaveynalone #kurtpullasamuelsoicanhaveareasontohateyou
Im never forgiving you for this rae
"Im good Mrs....um..."
Bro doesn't even know the name of his girlfriends mother 💀💀 this is way worse then what samuel did I think I have reason to hate him now😌
Heejeong merely looked down at Kurt’s hand before glaring back up at him….then over to you.
"Nice to meet you. I’m Kurt.”
No one cares bro you can stop💀💀
You figured they were disappointed that you hadn’t told them about Kurt sooner
Nah babes they're mad bc they want to fuck you
"We’re dating.”
Im so done with y/n
"They were busy.”
Pls keep em busy🙏🏻🙏🏻
"It’s okay….” You bit your lip as you chuckled once more. Leaning in, you whispered out. “Should we try again?"
NO???? how about y'all DONT try again💀
"Come again?....”
Y/n bae in the nicest way possible, stfu🤗
"Nuh-uh. Come here, we need to have a little talk, you and I.”
“Shhh….come here…..COME HERE.”
Come here and get some~~
ANOTHER PICTURE???? *this user has died*
Okay ill continue dying after i finish this ask 🔥🔥
“Stop! This is wrong! You’re insane, get off!”
Dont stop! This is feels so right! You're not insane, dont get off**** sorry had to fix your typo😰😰
"Dont be like that…..haven’t I shown you kindness and affection?....Haven’t I shown just how much I ADORE you?”
"Those are some pretty strong words princess…..are we fighting? Hmm? Tell me…..” placing a hand on your hip, he starts to motion your body to grind against his crotch as he whispers out the last bit. “Are we fighting?”
I might have to resume being dead soon bc oh my god i cant handle this
"Tell me baby….since we’re fighting…tell me what I gotta do to fix it…tell me.
Nothing babe you're perfect 😌‼️ #loveyourself #changeyourselffornoone #beyourself
"Come on baby…tell me what I gotta do to fix it….so we can get along…”
OH WAITTTT, that shitty gf of yours💀 we can get along then👍🏻
No princess….dont think I will……I don’t think you want me to…..that’s okay because that’s what I’m here for…..”
You're right, pls dont stop😣
"Boyfriend hasn’t touched you yet…has he?”
"Let me fix it."
Yeah this is my last straw, im dead 👍🏻
Okay kids, lets all thank rae for the amazing chapter 🤭🤭
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Bro the way I laughed at this….this is…this is gold. I’m literacy saving this right now so I can refer back to it bc this was just absolutely hands down the best Silky. Omg. Lol! I loved that enjoyed the chapter. Bro..the part where Heeseung was like “let me beat it up and say sorry to it with my tongue later” I died lol. Could you imagine? I should have chapter 6 posted by tomorrow maybe since im working on HHP ch 20 rn ;)
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katasstrophy · 1 year
he did so!! it was so cute!! I love horror too so it was fun!! But the funniest part was when we were walking out he got a text from Isagi and co. to come to this sports bar to watch Noel Noa's game that night. Rin rolled his eyes and huffed while I lightly bullied him to agree bc damn does he need friends. What finally got him to agree was me getting down on one knee and 'proposing' to him to take me with him to the sports bar to romantically watch a football game together~ and it caused .2/3
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the ask up top!! ^^^^
Rin so much secondhand embarrassment, he grabbed me by my arm, flustered and annoyed as all hell, and dragged me away but not before I screamed, "HE SAID YES!! :DDD" Boy was gonna throttle me. But we went to the sports bar!! He met up with friends and got to bully people lightly and talked football strategies with Isagi while I fed him nachos!! Told Bachira about our date and getting Rin to the bar, and he said 'wowwww Rin might actually kill you' 'I know man it's gonna be so hot' .3/3
i hope this isn’t too confusing i tried my best to remedy the situation again i’m really sorry :(( but !!!
omg that is saaauurrr cute. rinnie baby dating someone who’s just as into horror as he is waaahhh that’s some it couple energy right there <3 i’d bet y’all would try to find the most obscure horror films once you both get bored of the mainstream stuff lol. the biggest question before movie night starts is do you actually wanna feel the adrenaline (because ppsshhh you don’t get scared nuh uh🙄) or make fun of the shitty jump scares iconic.
(i can’t do horror for the life of me but i’m rooting for y’all!! i can just be his true crime girlie<3 which rin would find so strange and weird he’d be like “so you get scared from fictional murderers but real life murderers are okay?” “well i guess if you put it like that yeah” “…. what’s wrong with you” LMAO)
OMG NOT THE PROPOSAL PLS HE’D HATE IT SO MUCH (lie he hates that he’s blushing because he secretly loves your weird ass antics). pls he needs someone to gently coax him out of his comfort zone 🥺 like yeah his quote on quote friends are loud and stupid and blablabla but he can suffer through it spend time with them<3 my fave part was definitely the ‘i know man it’s gonna be so hot’ IM CRYING nonnie you get it yeah absolutely. rin being mad just does something to me ya know 🥴 i think it’s the eyes and how dead and uninteresting they look 😍 yummmm amiright?? ;))) (no he loves you so much okay he just has the emotional intelligence of a lamppost cut him some slack)
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sugar-omi · 11 months
while i think its not Unlikely for mc to forgive baxter within the span of the dlc, i DO think theyre not given enough options to feel complicated abt it. u pretty much have to decide how to feel from the start, and arent given a lot of room to change ur mind. For example, my mc Anne is a very forgiving person, especially with bax bc she understands his need to be entertaining & liked. HOWEVER she starts the dlc off thinking "ok if hes gonna be distant i can do that" but then when he jokes with xavier shes like "well im CONFUSED now and i need answers" and shes irritated, but also still likes him. after the bowling she hugs him and is still like confused, but again likes him still. by the time shes baking with him, shes both confused and endeared with him but is kinda harsh with him, even when hes apologizing at the wedding.
All this to say; its not UNREALISTIC mc would forgive in that timespan, its just the lack of complexity mc is or is not afforded that makes it feel too fast. additionally, while u do get to be mad, theres no real moderation for it, and no way to be like "this is a start, but it will take time to trust him fully again". so yeah, it feels rushed and personally i think it was rushed to be released due to whatever reasons (either not caring abt baxter or wanting to work on olnf, who knows)
anyway, i would go on about baxters dlc and its shortcomings for hours if given a chance so for now ill just call it here <3 signed, 🌸Anon
i do think there was a lotta effort n good stuff but into baxter, and i also havent replayed it since they updated some stuff so maybe its a bit better since release
but i do agree i think the emotional range is very limited its either "idc anymore", "im mad", "i look back fondly", "im pretty sad abt it", n all that stuff n its just pretty straight forward in whatever you choose
i think step 4 is a bit short? maybe?
BUT I ALSO THINK ITS PRETTY FLESHED OUT, now i haven't acted professional w baxter, i tried but i just didnt have time to go through w the route. but there are options!!! its just one and done i think so its kinda like, you cant express How conflicted you are
bc realistically id be so sad but i also hold a grudge so id be like "yeah you say you love me n all that n i GET IT but also im scared"
BUT I ALSO THINK ITS BC WE ARE PLAYING IT WITH SEVERAL HOURS??? like MC has 5 years to get through the emotions, but the time between him saying "see you never!!!" and "omg hi, i miss u but u dont need me but i miss u?!?!!?!" is like less than 5 minutes so.....
LITERALLY I WAS PLAYING IT THE FIRST TIME N I WAS LIKE "you bastard, fuck you. i hate you. stfu. YOURE SO CUTE. you ASSHOLE. i am going to KISS YOU. i want to slap you so fucking bad right now"
like pls i was freaking out during my first playthru
i think baxter's dlc was more focused on the "i am hurt" and "i have XYZ reasons for being like this" and it goes through all that and its less "lets work through your complex feelings/this is how you reacted when we met again bc you felt/feel very conflicted and now we will work thru it"
but honestly i like the baxter dlc better than the derek dlc bc i HATED how "i can do everything by myself!!!!" derek was in step 2 and how sibling focused it was, i man i still loved it of course but i wish derek n mc had more 1 on 1 time
and then in step 4 it was like "i missed out on everything, i feel shitty n im sorry!" and mc just.... idk maybe i need to play it again but i was still mad derek ghosted for a whole step n then it was still very family focused, and while i loved that as well
i just wanted more derek by himself, i wanted to pamper him n love him n just yk
idk, all the dlc's are so good but i do think the forgiveness is very quick which makes sense bc they're making ol2 but man, i would love if it was just double the length or half that to just flesh it out some bc i wanted some sweet moments w the boys as well :(((
just unrealistic for ppl like me who take 2-3 years to get over wtf happened and another 2 to actually settle in my decision to forgive 😂😂 but even then, if i had 5 years to get over it i could prbly forgive him after a lot of crying and a bit of screaming LMAO
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goldengoddess · 3 years
you’re my home - kaz brekker
pairing: kaz brekker x heartrenderi!reader
request: hi!can i request a kaz brekker x reader where they were childhood friends but she had to leave because she was a grisha, and later at the fete they see each other again and she ends up helping the crows?thank you!!have a great day!
a/n: hey i hope this is what you like! i based it more off the show and just switched things around,,,, this is absolutely cheesy and i hate it and i didn’t know how to end it pls forgive me omg
warnings: normal heist stuff, like one curse word?
kaz brekker had changed since the last time you saw him. 
to start, he was taller. he’d grown at least two feet. he’d also grown into himself, he didn’t look like the lanky boy that you had once pulled out of the garbage can that one time. and he had a noticeable limp, something that he hadn’t had when the two of you had last talked. his clothes were different too, he was wearing a little palace guards uniform. 
but you knew who he was anyways. 
his voice was the same, the same comforting sound that invaded your dreams on a good night and had you screaming on a bad night. when you heard him whispering you whipped your head around in panic. he was leaning down talking to suli girl in hushed and angry tones. 
when had he become a palace guard? you wondered to yourself, how hadn’t you noticed before? why was he in ravka of all places?
a silly thought came into your head, was he looking for you?
but you pushed the thought away, moving close enough to listen but not to get caught. 
“take your position” you heard him say to the girl, also in guards uniform.
she moved away silently, too silently. 
kaz straightened himself and surely enough turned his head in your direction.
his eyes were also the same. they were the same color the same look. but they were hardened and cold. the eyes of a boy who had done everything too survive. even the things that he didn’t want to do. 
his face was shocked for only a fraction of a second before he regained his composure and faced the rest of the room. standing straight and poised like any of the other palace guards.
had he not recognized you? no, that couldn’t be it. the two of you had grown up together, yes you had changed but not enough that he wouldn’t know who you were. maybe he resented you. for leaving. for being grisha. for having been taken away and saved from the streets of ketterdam unlike him. 
you remembered the day they had taken you away.
you and kaz were huddled in the corner of the room away from the rest of the kids your age. 
the two of you were been inseparable. stuck together like glue, everyone said.
both of you worked the shitty jobs in the barrel. the ones no one else wanted to do. you ran around the streets delivering packages and messages. you would clean up anything that needed cleaning. the two of you were survivors.
kaz never talked about his brother or how he’d ended up working the streets like this, but you knew, even then as a little kid, you were all he had. 
but nothing good ever lasted for little kaz brekker.
when the grisha examiners landed in the harbor of the city, all of the children running around making trouble on the street were forced to get tested.
you and kaz weren’t any different. 
you tried to hold onto him as the adults gripped to your arm, testing your for abilities in the small science. when they determined that you were grisha, and promised you a wonderful life at the little palace, they had to rip you from kaz’s arms.
the both of you were wailing and protesting, saying that you wouldn't go anywhere without the other. but eventually the fight left you and you let them drag you away from your only family to a country you didn’t know 
you snapped back to the reality of the party going on around you. kaz still looked stoic and unphased a few feet away from you, as if your presence didn’t affect him at all. 
but his presence affected you tremendously. 
you had whined and cried when you first made it to the palace but you had loved your life here. being surrounded by other grisha, other heartrenderers. people who could do the same things as you. understood the need to use your powers. and you couldn’t deny how comforting it had been to settle into a life where you didn’t have to worry about whether you could make enough money to eat. 
you thought of kaz all the time. you thought of everything you had left behind but the only thing that had really mattered to you in that horrible place was kaz. you wondered what had become of the young boy you knew in the years since you had seen him.
just as you were about to make a move to talk to him, two squallers were storming in the direction of kaz and the silent girl he had been talking too before. 
the two of them shared a look and started walking in opposite directions. kaz walked past you, sparing you the fastest look ever. a look no one else would have even noticed. but you did because kaz brekker, your child hood best friend was finally in front of you. 
the hurried and suspicious steps of your fellow grisha, set off an alarm in your head. even when the two fo you were little, kaz was good at getting out of sticky situations. he has a gift for scheming and the sleight of hand.
he was here on a job, you concluded.
you waited a few seconds and then snuck away, following kaz out of the room where the main events of the fete were taking place. 
you walked in just in time to see the inferni make a move to attack kaz. you raised your arms and the grisha dropped like a stone. kaz turned around in a fighting stance and froze when he saw you. he kept his hands in fists, as if he was waiting for you to attack him too. 
you dropped you hands, “what are you doing here kaz?”
he dropped his hands as well but you could tell he was still on guard and looking for a way to leave the room.
"i don't have to explain myself to you” he all but growled at you.
you stepped away from him, like his words had physically wounded you.
he seemed to regret the words and took a couple of steps closer to you. 
“i’m here on a job and i really need to go find my team so if you’ll excuse me” he tried to move to the door that was behind you. 
“let me help” you said, almost desperate. he had just come back into your life, and yes it seemed like he resented you but you couldn’t let him go just yet. 
he looked at you skeptically but nodded his head, “i need to get to the courtyards with the carriages. can you take me there.”
you nodded and started leading the way. you turned through many different hallways, moving up and downstairs. every now and then you held up a hand for kaz to stop, as you listened for a heartbeat nearby. 
“you’re good at that” he mumbled, gesturing towards your heartrender movements. 
you nodded your head, a shy smile. “yeah i’ve had a lot of practice here.”
his face turned gloomy at that and you realized you had said the wrong thing. “yeah. i know” he said curtly. 
you stopped for a minute, turning to look at kaz in the dimly lit hallway.
“i’m sorry i left okay? i know it hurt you, i can only imagine how much it must have sucked. it was horrible here at first, i missed you every day. but i will not apologize for enjoying myself here and taking advantage of what i was taught. i like it here. i have friends, and a life, and im good at what i do and i will not allow you to make me feel bad about that.” you said all in one breath.
kaz didn’t say anything, choosing to look down at the floor instead of you. 
you sighed and took a step closer to him, you noticed he still wore the black gloves similar to the first pair that you had stolen for him when you two were younger.
“kaz,” you said, your voice shaking, “i missed you so much. i still miss you and you’re standing right in front of me. i get why you hate me but i really don’t want you to. so that’s why i’m helping you, that’s why i’m going to get you out of here without getting caught.” 
you turned on your heel, prepared to continue to lead him away. but before you could get away he grabbed your hand and spun you back around. 
he flinched at his own action and let go.
“i don’t hate you y/n. i get why you enjoyed yourself here, this over a life of petty and dangerous crime? of course this is the better opportunity but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt when you left.”
you bit your lip and nodded your head in understanding. 
he looked directly into your eyes, “i knew you would be here but i thought, hey what are the chances of actually running into you. having to see you happy and having to live with the fact that i never came to look for you.”
you took a step closer to him, “kaz i don’t blame you for not coming to get me, i wouldn’t have wanted you to anyway.”
he looked at you and for the first time he looked desperate. kaz brekker was never desperate. and if he was, he didn’t show it.
“come home with us” he said.
you raised your eye brows in surprise.
“come home with me” he corrected, looking at the wall to avoid your eyes
it was the same voice he had used all those years ago, when he was begging for you to stay. he wanted to you stay with him. to come home. to go back to the place that had broke kaz and would probably have broken you.
but it was kaz.
but ketterdam wasn’t your home anymore.
kaz had been your home, but was he still?
the two of you stayed silent. there was still so much the two of you needed to say. how you had probably loved him as a kid. how you probably loved him now. how you regretted never writing, never trying. how you missed ketterdam. how this place would be perfect if kaz was here with you. but there wasn’t enough time or courage to say those things.
so instead, you raised your arms in your fighting grisha stance and smiled at him.
“how about we get you out of here first and then we can decide is i become a fugitive of ravka to go play crime boss in ketterdam?” you teased.
he almost gave you a grin and you continued walking, a new found peace settled between the two of you.
kaz brekker in the little palace, who should have thought.
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oikawasass · 4 years
IM A BAKUHOE CAN U PLS DO 74 OR 76 WITH BLASTY ASS 🥺🥺🥺 - midoriya anon
hi I did both cause they were cute.
also new posting format baby lets goooo 😎
its also like almost 3am and this is half-ass edited so forgive me but I hope its alright
prompt 74 : “You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
prompt 76 : “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
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‣ pairing : bakugo x fem reader.
‣ oneshot.
‣ synopsis : bakugo finally confronts his girlfriend on why she’s been so distant.
‣ wordcount : 2.1k
‣ warnings : swearing, angst if you squint.
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a series of heavy knocks could be heard on the other side of her door, immediately alerting her of who exactly it was. there was only one boy in the u.a dorms who could knock like he was about to punch straight through the wooden panel, and that was, of course, bakugo katsuki.
(name) shut off her phone and pulled her pillow over her head, dreading the conversation she knew would come about if she let him inside. so naturally, she ignored the knocks in hopes that the blonde who was about to start throwing down with her door would go away.
but we all know katsuki is far too stubborn for that.
another series of much louder knocks erupted from the doorway, as bakugo grew more and more impatient from the lack of response.
“oi, open up already dumbass, I know you’re in there.”
truth is, (name) had found herself in a bit of a rut, and had been feeling rather insecure for the past few weeks. the first little while she’d been begun feeling that way, she was able to bite the bullet and keep going about her life, pushing most of her negative thoughts aside as best she could. but now, for the past 5 or so days she’s been completely cut off.
talking to her boyfriend about things wasn’t hard for her. she trusted him and didn’t find it too difficult to open up when something was bothering her, but this was different.
insecurity was something bakugo typically didn’t acknowledge and quite frankly, looked down on most of the time. (name) didn’t wanna find herself bothering him with something she knew he most likely would think is annoying, hence the multiple weeks she had kept quiet about it, hoping it would go away on its own or she’d be able to figure it out herself.
unfortunately for her, things didn’t go quite according to plan when she continued to spiral downwards.
she’d been quiet in her classes, noticeably dodging bakugo and her friends, not sticking around for lunch or after training like she normally would, and everyone noticed she was off. everyone including katsuki.
he wanted to give her space to ‘sort her shit out’ before he began pestering and questioning her, as normally he’d want the same thing, but now it was coming up on a week and they’d hardly spoken. a few mutters of (name) saying “cant, homework.” or “sorry, I’m tired.” was all that had been said that week.
so naturally, bakugo got tired of all the silence and went to do what he did best. confront her. he wanted to know what the hell was going on, he was tired of pulling his hair out trying to figure out what he did wrong.
(name) didn’t answer the door once more. she knew she had fucked up pretty bad by ignoring him, but she didn’t know what else to do. and now she had to confront whatever problem she may have caused, which only made her want to curl up and hide more.
alas, when she heard a much softer, much quieter,
coming from the hallway, she broke.
standing up with a heavy sigh, the (colour) haired girl stood up from her bed, rubbing her eyes and walking over to unlock the door, immediately going and flopping down into her mattress afterwards.
katsuki walked inside, shutting the door behind him and shoving his hands into the pockets of his black sweats. scanning over her figure, he took note of her tired eye bags, messy thrown up hair, and these fuzzy black penguin patterned pyjama pants which he knew she only wore when she was upset. paired with one of his hoodies she had stolen, of course.
“you look like shit.” bakugo grumbled, going and sitting down on the end of her bed, sinking into the soft (colour) duvet on top.
“good to see you too, babe.” (name) replied sarcastically, turning and shoving her face into a pile of her pillows.
there was an uncomfortable silence hanging over the room for a moment as katsuki figured out what he wanted to say, and it was obvious that (name) wasn’t gonna say anything first. with a heavy sigh, the blonde ran a hand through his thick, spiky hair and spoke up.
“did I- did I do something or whatever the fuck?” he asked, his words a bit harsh but his much quieter tone helping to deliver them much easier.
(name) bit the inside of her cheek gently, keeping her face hidden in the pile of sheets and freshly washed pillows.
“what makes you think that?” her response was mumbled by the fabric practically eating her face.
“don’t play dumb, shithead. you’ve been dodging me all week. you’re normally all- all clingy and shit and you never cancel plans.”
clingy. that one stung a bit.
“so if I did something to piss you off just- just fucking tell me already cause I’m getting really damn tired of-“
“you didn’t do anything, alright? chill out.” (name) cut him off, rolling onto her back so now the couple was making eye contact once more.
bakugo tsked, throwing his hands in the air a bit and letting them fall onto his lap.
“so then why the hell have you been blowing me off all week, huh?”
(name) sighed heavily, rubbing her eyes and sliding her hands down her face as she struggled with how exactly to articulate that she’d been feeling incredibly insecure and didn’t wanna be a nuisance to him without sounding like an absolute moron.
“I just- I’ve just been feeling shitty lately and I didn’t wanna bug you with it while I sort things out, okay?” she explained vaguely, nervously fidgeting with her fingers while she avoided his gaze.
when she mentioned she hadn’t been feeling well, bakugo softened up a little bit. he knew sometimes she got like this, having periods of time where she just wasn’t herself, but normally she came to him herself and told him what was up. so he couldn’t quite understand why this time was different.
bakugo sighed and stood up to go lay beside her, propping himself up on his elbow while resting his cheek in the palm of his hand.
“well why did you just say that in the first place, dumbass?”
he wasn’t a great advice giver, and he wasn’t great at comforting, but when it came to things like this he was a pretty good listener, so he always offered up his ears when (name) was feeling down.
“what’s got you down, huh? talk to me already.”
the girl beside him continued to fidget and play with her fingers, debating on whether she actually wanted to explain to him her feelings, or just shrug him off and do her best to convince the blonde it was something else.
she was ping-ponging back and forth. lie and most likely not get away with it but still not sound stupid, or tell the truth and have your boyfriend think you’re an idiot. a wide variety of lovely choices she had to choose from.
yet, in the end, she decided it would be best to be honest with him. oftentimes, nothing good came out of lying in these types of scenarios, and she surely didn’t want to fuck up more than she already might have. sure, katsuki wasn’t mad for the time being, but that boy’s temper can switch on and off like a light sometimes. so she still approached the situation cautiously.
“I feel just- annoying and like I’m a bother to you with this shit all the time so I didn’t wanna throw all my problems or whatever into you again, alright?
you’re practically this idol student who’s so damn cocky and confident in himself, so when….”
she sighed, trying to find the words once more.
“when I start feeling gross and insecure, or when I’m starting to completely flop in some of my classes, I just- i feel like I just become this huge weight on your back and..” she swallowed, slowing herself down as she felt herself begin to rant.
“…and it’s embarrassing! you shouldn’t have to deal with me feeling like an idiot, you have enough on your plate as it is and- and I should be able to deal with this kind of shit on my own, not immediately run to you whenever I feel-”
(name’s) midoriya-muttering speed ranting was cut off when a familiar pair of plush lips were pressed up against her own, immediately shoving all her worries into the back of her mind. she hadn’t realized how much she missed something as simple as a kiss from her boyfriend in the week she’d been distancing herself from him.
after a moment or so, when bakugo was sure she would be shut up enough for him to speak, he pulled away.
rolling onto his back, bakugo waved her over to him, using his other hand to prop up his head from behind.
“come here, just be quiet and listen for a sec will ya?”
(name) was not hesitant to cuddle right up into his side, tangling her legs in with his and resting her head atop his toned chest. after wrapping an arm tightly around her shoulders, rubbing her back slowly, the boy began to speak.
“it’s my job to be here for you, okay idiot? as sappy as it sounds, when you’re upset, I’m upset too. I don’t like seeing you down, it makes me feel like a shitty boyfriend for not bein’ able to help.” he leaned down to kiss the top of her head.
“you shouldn’t be embarrassed to tell me shit, doesn’t matter how stupid you think it is.
nobody’s perfect, alright? get that through your head.” bakugo said, flicking her forehead gently. (name) chuckled quietly.
“even you?”
“only sometimes, but that doesn’t leave this room.” bakugo answered, smirking to himself.
“listen, I know you’re a badass, and you can get through shit on your own. you’re strong as hell.
but that doesn’t mean you can’t take it. speaking from experience, sometimes it’s better to just bite your tongue and accept the help from people that care about you.”
(name) listened to every word that he said very carefully, letting them sink in as she processed them. it was rare that bakugo got like this, but when he did, it was rather impressive how easy he was able to make her feel better. his advice sucked half the time, sure, considering “blasting the fuckers to hell” isn’t always an option, but this kind of advice was something she’d keep with her always.
“you’re damn special, you know that? you’ve done somethin’ even better than getting a decent grade on your stupid chemistry test.”
bakugo stated, leaning his head back so his gaze was fixated on the ceiling, closing his eyes with a sigh. (name) furrowed her eyebrows together slightly, tilting her head up to look at her boyfriend.
“wait, but what did I do exactly?” she asked, curiosity lacing her tone. bakugo placed a hand on top of her head, ruffling her hair a bit.
“you’ve shown me what love can feel like. somethin’ I thought i’d never know or go through. so to do that, you’ve gotta be pretty fuckin’ incredible.”
(name) smiled up at him and leaned up a bit more to kiss his jaw, returning to her comfy spot on his chest right after.
“I’m sorry that I get like this. I’ll work on it, ‘kay?” (name) said quietly, still feeling a bit bad that bakugo had to go and tell her all this, though she can’t deny that it made her extremely happy to hear.
“shut up with that already, will you? you know I wouldn’t change a damn thing about you.”
and that was enough to reassure (name) almost completely, that her negative feelings and emotions weren’t as bad as she had been painting them out to be.
with a soft smile, and a slow close of her eyes, (name) nuzzled closer up into bakugo, her cheek squished up against his chest.
“I love you, you big softie.”
“yeah yeah, whatever. I love you too.”
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gracelessfighters · 4 years
don’t feel (4)
jj maybank x female reader
part one // part two // part three
summary: you and jj go on your surfing date and get to know each other until topper interrupts (terrible summary im sorry)
word count: 2.3k
warnings: mentions of abuse, swearing, topper is a dick (sorry lads), gets pretty angsty at the end (it wasn’t even gonna be an angsty chapter but my brain got the better of me apologies) i also havent read it through so pls ignore the mistakes
—— I am in no way romanticising abuse if you have any issues with my writing pls message me
A/N: everyone say hallelujah because i’ve finally written something!!!!!!!!!! sorry in advance if it’s not the best, i havent written in like a month and i struggled with this chapter before my little hiatus but i want to finish this series so badly so i did some the other day on the train and its kinda got me back into the swing of it :) as always feedback is appreciated
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After JJ had left last night, it didn’t take long for you to finish cleaning the pool and then collapse onto your bed for one of the best nights of sleep you’d had in a while.
Your alarm woke you up out of your slumber, and as you reached for your phone turn it off you hissed in pain as your injuries on your side and head throbbed at the movement.
Lifting your pyjama shirt up to inspect your side, you were met with a large bruise and as you looked at it you couldn’t help but feel a little hatred for Topper and his carelessness - no doubt he’d try and talk to you soon enough to apologise, but that was a problem for another day. Today’s problem was meeting up with JJ for your little date, you had no idea if it would even go well but you knew you had to try as you were apparently soulmates. You looked at the bruise on your side again making you realise it would definitely be obvious when you were wearing your bikini so you were going to have to try and find a shirt to cover up, at least for the initial part of the day.
Going through your draws you found a nice black bikini that complimented your body nicely and a large shirt, that was slightly see-through but not enough to really show your bruise, as well as some of the other scars on your body from multiple different injuries. You got dressed, brushed your hair before pulling it into a loose bun, and quickly admired yourself in the mirror before picking up your keys and leaving your room.
You poked your head into your sister’s room, only to be met with her soft sleeping face, you didn’t want to wake her up, but you needed to let her know you’d be out for the day, and hoped she would be too instead of at home on her own.
You walked over to her, lightly flicking her nose, and laughed as she tried to swat your hand away, still half asleep.
“I’ll leave you alone if you open your eyes.” You said, ready to poke her cheeks until she woke up enough to talk to you.
She groaned as she opened one of her eyes, “it’s so early, let me sleep.”
“It’s almost 10, in what world is that early?” You asked, a smile on your face at how incapable she was in the mornings, an almost polar opposite to you who always loved waking up early.
“My world.” She huffed, pulling the covers up over her face.
“Okay well I was wondering if you were going anywhere today as I’ll probably be gone for most of today, but I can try and make it back early if you are on your own.”
“No I’m going to Carley’s again,” she pulled the duvet off her face to raise her eyebrow at you in question, “but where are you off to? You almost never socialise with people.”
You jokingly scowled at her, “Hilarious and if you must know I’m meeting up with a boy for a possible date thing.”
She squealed and sat up to look at you, “Oh my god yes! Who is it? Do I know him? Is it Topper? What are you doing on the date?”
“I’m guessing you’re awake now jesus christ. But you’re going to have to find out about it later, after the date so if it goes badly I don’t have to tell you.”
“Rude,” she pouted, “But have fun!”
You gave her a small wave before heading out of her room and downstairs to grab some toast before you left.
Even though it was tourist season, the beach seemed pretty empty and calm when you arrived, a few people in the sea already catching the waves, and as you looked at all the different groups on the beach the blond hair of JJ Maybank caught your eye.
He seemed to notice you at the same time as you saw him, he waved and walked over to you, “Hi.”
You smiled at him, trying to ignore the pain you felt on your face as you took in his injuries, “Hey, you good?”
“Always, and like I said yesterday I’ve had worse - Topper isn’t exactly the best at beating people up.” He laughed it off, but you couldn’t help but think there was something behind the words he was saying.
“Sure,” you said, fiddling with the hair band on your wrist, “well I hate small talk, so are you ready to be amazed by my incredible surfing skills.”
He laughed, clearly not convinced, “Bring it on Y/N.”
You grabbed your board from your car, and headed with him to the water, trying to pay more attention to the waves than his toned chest, not wanting him to realise how attractive you found him - you didn’t need that sort of teasing.
The two of you walked out into the water, moving to lay on the board as it got deeper so you could paddle out a little further. The waves weren’t as big as you’d like, but at least the sea wasn’t flat, otherwise this whole day would be less than ideal.
Both you and JJ sat up on your boards, waiting for the perfect wave for you to ride, and as you watched the water you could feel JJ watching you.
You turned to him, eyebrow raised, “What?”
“Why are you wearing a shirt?”
“Are you that desperate to see me in a bikini?” You joked, trying to avoid the question.
“Of course,” he winked at you before a look of seriousness came back over his face, “but also a little concerned as not many people where shirts in the water.”
“I bet they do, but if you must know, where Topper elbowed me last night I have a shitty bruise and I didn’t want people on the beach to see and maybe judge, so I covered up.”
“Oh, um, can I see it?”
“A bit of a weird request,” you chuckled, “but I guess so yeah.”
You lifted up your shirt, revealing the dark purple mark across your side, green tinging the outside of the mark, you heard JJ breathe in sharply as he took in your injury, “Holy shit are you sure you’re alright, like obviously I can feel it slightly but it looks awful Y/N.”
You gave him a small smile, “I’m fine, can we surf now?”
He nodded, and as he turned away from you he muttered under his breath, “Just avoid every question I ask huh?”
You looked at him, eyebrow raised, but he was already paddling his board to catch the next wave.
So that’s what the two of you did for almost two more hours, caught lots of waves - showing off the different tricks you could do, which in your opinion you were much better than him, not that he would admit it - and spoke about all the little things you could think of whenever you were waited for a good wave. Even whilst talking, you felt like you weren’t really talking, neither of you really spoke about anything deeper than your favourite colours or films and you were pretty sure he was now beginning to notice how you avoided any question about your home life. But you knew he was hiding something too so you didn’t feel as bad.
It was when you were both out of the water that the day took a turn for the worse. You were heading to where your bags were when you spotted Topper arriving at the beach, his eyes searching for something. And you were pretty sure that that something was you.
“You’ve got to be shitting me.” JJ said from where he stood behind you, looking at the way Topper was now manoeuvring along the beach looking for you.
You held out your hand in front of JJ, “Please stay here, I’m gonna talk to him and do not want you to start something.”
“He started it last night not me.” He scoffed, ignoring the way your eyes rolled at how childish he sounded.
“Just stay here. Please.”
You didn’t wait for him to answer, instead you headed towards Topper, bracing yourself for the apology that he was going to try and give you, even if you were far from forgiving him.
He spotted you as you approached him, smiling widely and jogging over to meet you half way.
“Hey Y/N I was looking for you.”
“I guessed that.” You say, crossing your arms as you stood looking up at him.
“Right,” he moved his hand through his hair, “well, um, I know you said last night that you didn’t want to see me, but I can’t stand you being mad at me and I really want to apologise. I really didn’t mean to hurt you and i don’t think I’m like Rafe and hurting you is the last thing I would ever want -and can you please say something!”
You couldn’t help but flinch at his raised voice, his eyes widening at your reaction.
“Shit I’m sorry Y/N, please talk to me.”
“I have nothing to say to you Topper, you hurt me and it might take a while for me to forget that. So I have nothing to say.”
“But-“ he tried to reach for you hand, but was instead met with the empty space as you stepped away.
“Nothing to say.”
You looked at his sad eyes one more time before turning around and heading back towards where you assumed JJ still was.
You didn’t realise you were shaking until you reached JJ and he looked at you with worry, “Woah are you alright?”
“I’m fine, it’s just-” you clenched your fists, “nevermind it doesn’t matter now anyway.”
He stepped towards you, “You know Y/N, this whole soulmate thing means we need to talk to each other about stuff, so it does matter. Please talk to me.”
You tapped your foot anxiously as you considered his words, “Fine. It’s just that in my life I haven’t had many people who care about me, and most of the time if they do care, I either push them away or they leave because they realise I’m not worth it. But never T - he was always there for me and my sister, and I’m just not sure I want to lose that but at the same time he hurt me and yeah that’s pretty much it.”
JJ put his hand on your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze as you looked up at him, “Well thanks for telling me but we might have to continue later because the idiot,” he pointed behind you to where Topper was now marching towards you, “has spotted us.”
“Oh for fucks sake.” You muttered, wondering if the angry look on his face was due to seeing you with JJ. It most definitely was.
You waited for him to get closer, no longer in the mood to deal with his shit.
“Really Y/N? You won’t talk to me or spend time with me but you’ll spend time with this dirty pogue?”
“I’ll have you know I bumped into him a while ago and we were just chatting and even if I hadn’t, who I spend my time with is none of your fucking business Topper.”
You could feel JJ tense up beside you as you lied to Topper about why you were with him. You’d apologise to him later but if Topper knew you’d been on a date together then the situation would get much worse a lot quicker than you’d like.
“Funny that I don’t believe you,” he scoffed, “but then again all you do is lie Y/N isn’t that right? Lie to everyone about everything, especially your home life.”
You froze, shaking your head for him to stop speaking, but he was too lost in his own anger and jealousy to realise he was crossing a line that could never be undone.
“Does your new friend know about that? Or should I tell him?”
“Topper please, don’t.” You reached out a hand to try and calm him down. You could feel JJ’s ocean eyes focused on you, his suspicions apparent.
“Well Y/N, you’ve already made it clear you don’t want to be friends with me so I’m just passing the information to the next guy you’ve found so he can pick up the pieces whenever you decide to show actual emotions.”
“Please-“ You tried.
“Her parents beat the shit out of her and her sister, that’s the big reveal,” he told JJ, ignoring the tears streaming down your face, “but what she doesn’t realise is that she is as emotionless and uncaring as them, so be ready for when she gets bored of you and throws you out like yesterday’s trash.”
Topper didn’t even look at you as he left, leaving you crying and JJ staring at you wordlessly. Your whole life unravelled before you, in one of the most to the point and unpleasant descriptions you’d ever heard, ignoring the implications of what he said about you. Is that really what people thought about you?
The silence between you and JJ became too much for you, you steadied your breathing, wiping the tears off your face “Well I think I’m gonna go, it was nice spending time with you, I guess I’ll, um, see you around.”
You looked up to see him open his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he quickly closed it. You nodded to yourself and headed back home, ignoring JJ finally saying your name behind you, you just wanted to get away from the disaster of your first date with him. Soulmates sometimes didn’t work out and apparently yours was one of those, even if you wanted it to work.
A/N pt2: i was gonna add a bit of JJ’s perspective but im lazy so sorry y’all and sorry again for the fact i haven’t read through it i’m ill and sorry again (i feel like a youtuber making apologies here) that this isnt my best i’m just happy ive posted something and thanks for reading
A/N pt3: (it never ends sorry) I don’t know whether it’s because I’m very unromantic but even if I had a soulmate I wouldn’t feel strong feelings straight away so I tried to portray that but it gets better in the next chapter!!
taglist: @outerbongs @jjaybank @bailspogue @outerbankslut @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @alexa-playafricabytoto @teamnick @k-k0129 @do-not-talk-to-me-i-am-awkward @thoughtsofthestars @http-cherries @n1ghtsh4d3-67 @thesurfingsnail @lonely-kermit @oopsiedoopsie23 @overly-b @lus-shh @xlittlemissydjx @asaks6082 @copper-boom @danicarosaline @deathcompass @jellyfishbeansontoast @butterfliesinthenightsky @iamaunicorn4704 @my-soul-is-the-moon @diverrdown @thorsangel @saintkore @prejudic3 @ponyboys-sunsets @starrystarkey93 @teenwaywardasgardian @celestialmaybank @kaylinfayezink @pixelated-pogues @otrbnks @x-lulu @obxmxybxnk @im-a-stranger-thing @jjmbanks @allycat449-blog @rudyypankow @silverstarsandsuns​ @chaoticbisous​ @realistic-breadstick​ @boldlypessimistic​ 
Strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you
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marswr1tes · 3 years
what do you mean, "you love me"?
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requested? yes / no
request: I wanna make a request for Leo Valdez pls anything angsty and lovey// Hi, about the Valdez imagine—I didn’t have anything specifically in mind just something angsty and romantic and stuff! I can’t find a lot of stuff on Leo and he’s my favorite // Actually an enemies to lovers Leo imagine would be rly cool now that I think about it
pairing: leo valdez x gn!reader
author's notes: hey ,, hey ,, how y’all doing....i’m so sorry i took a very long leave. after i got out of the hospital from being sick, my grandmother almost died from brain fluid leaking, and then i fell into a depressive episode, and a whole lot of shit happened so i couldn’t write. it’s honestly kinda pathetic of me though lmao, i should’ve gotten this out way earlier than i did. anywho, this is set around a week after july 4, you can decide the year x. also you'll have to forgive me if i got some things wrong, i haven't read the books in a while oops(i found the header here) ((ALSO THIS IS SO SHITTY AND SO RUSHED IM SO SORRY))
warnings: shouting/yelling, non-consensual kiss(but it's okay, because the person being kissed was okay with it)
tags: @stylishharry
word count: idk man i didn’t count lmao
peaceful dreams. you finally had peaceful dreams. well, sorta. you were having a dream about the second titan war -which wasn’t peaceful, believe me- but in the grand scheme of all demigod dreams, this was on the more relaxed side. you were currently fighting an empousa with your friend, rose , but just as you were about to stab it, the scenery had changed, and your older brother jake loomed over you.
"y/n." he shook your body. "y/n, wake up." you shielded your face with your arms and rolled over.
“what is it now?" you asked him.
"it's chiron. he wants you at the big house, says you're in big trouble. i think it has to do with the prank you pulled last week." you groaned. last week, while everyone had gone to the cookout and firework show, you had "rickified" every cabin, except for yours. every single cabin,building, and any place you could stick pictures, had been completely covered in pictures of rick astley. and while it wasn't your best prank, you had a very fun time watching everyone think they had found the last of the pictures, just to be met with more. needless to say, chiron was upset. wanting to get in further trouble, you hauled yourself out of bed and to your suitcase. you then grabbed an outfit and headed towards the bathroom to change.
inside the big house, you were met with two unfriendly faces. one belonged to your favorite centaur, chiron, and the other belonged to your least favorite person to exist, leo valdez. there actually wasn’t a good reason you disliked the guy. for gods’ sake, you barely knew him! at first you thought it was his face, but after thinking about it-though you would never verbally admit it-he was attractive. anyway, there you were, in front of chiron and leo.
“so,” chiron began. “both of you are here for chores. first you’ll be cleaning the stables, then you’ll be cleaning the armor and weapons, then you’ll be deep cleaning all the cabins while the other campers are out, and then you’ll be coming back here to clean the big house. i’ll be giving you the list in case you forget, and come back here if you have any questions throughout the day. understood?” you nodded. leo slightly adjusted his tool belt before opening his mouth to ask a question.
“we’re doing this all together?” chiron nodded.
“of course. i couldn’t imagine why you wouldn’t be.” he answered. then you piped up.
“could we split the list in half and work separately but still get everything done?”
“while that could work and i suppose i’d be pleased with the outcome, part of the punishment is working together. i’m not blind, you two. i know you dislike each other. and anyways, wouldn’t it take longer to do on your own?” leo and you stayed silent.
“well then, off you go, children. and leo, dear, before you go, your belt please.” chiron said.
“my what?” leo looked back at the centaur.
“your tool belt? hand it over.”
and so you went, to the stables and to the arena, to the cabins and back to the big house, cleaning and organizing everything without a word shared between you two. or rather, leo tried to make small talk, but you ignored him and moved away. finishing up, you put the mop back in the closet, before you dusted your shirt off and headed off to your cabin to freshen up for dinner. as you grabbed your comb off your nightstand, there was a knock at your door. assuming it was rose coming to walk you for dinner, you ran over with a smile on your face. opening the door, that smile immediately dropped.
“go away.” you said. and then you slammed the door on him. leo looked hurt, but he got over it, and he knocked again.
“just go away, leo, no one asked you to talk to me.”
“i’m not leaving.”
“please just go.”
“no, this isn’t up for debate. i’m staying.”
“what the fuck is your issue? what the fuck do you think you’re playing at?”
“i- what?”
“is this some sort of sick game to you? is this funny to you, leo?” you asked angrily.
“i don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, y/n?”
“the fact that you never seem to think of what’s going on through my head!”
“seriously, what on the gods green earth are you saying?”
“i love you, okay? i love you, i love you, i love you! and i’ve loved you since you camp to camp! i love the way you fix your hair, i love your smile, i love the way you jump around when you get excited, i love the way your eyes light up when you talk about something you’re passionate about, i love the way you play with those trinkets of yours, i love the way when i rant about something you actually listen, even though i’m not talking to anyone but myself and even though we’re supposed to be enemies because no one has ever cared about me that much before. i love you and you don’t even notice. and that drives me up the wall.”
“what do you mean ‘you love me’? i see the way you look at grayson. i hear you giggle when they say something flirty to you. i see how flustered you get when they smirk at you. i notice these things, y/n, i notice. and i notice that i’m never on the receiving end of these actions. oh my gods, i wish you looked at me like that. like i’m the only one that’s for you. like the world could be ending but at least we’re together.”
“did you ever stop to think that i was doing it for you to be jealous? because funnily enough, i did. i thought i could distract my own jealousy and anger and pain by becoming obsessed with grayson. i don’t know exactly what i expected from it, but i know that i didn’t expect to imagine that me and grayson’s interactions were ours.”
“...did you really?”
“of course i did. and i meant every word of loving you too. i truly love you, leo. and it’s kinda weird i’m saying this because i know you’re not supposed to drop the bomb this early on-“
he interrupted you with a kiss. his lips were chapped and tasted a little like chocolate.
“i love you too, y/n. and i’m sorry about all the things i caused.”
“don’t worry about all that, because at least we’re together, eh?” he grinned that perfect smile of his.
“at least we’re together.” he said, then placing his lips back onto yours.
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kreidewaltz · 3 years
happy holidays and advance happy new year everyone!! this was supposed to be for christmas but.. yeah hope u had a great time w your loved ones <33 this is for my friends who helped me get thru shitty times, who made me laugh so hard, and made me feel appreciated :) to my mutuals, thank u for taking ur time to talk to me!! any interactions from u guys makes me so so happy <3 im proud of you for getting through this year!! this is gonna b a long one .. hehe <3 sorry if i didn't mention u!! i still love u :( this is in no particular order dw dw ily all d same
to my followers, mutuals, and people who likes my stuff in general ツ
AAAAAAA guys ily you rock !! thank u for supporting me and just being there for me (esp for the ones who listened and stayed w my shit !!) ty for liking, reblogging about my stuff, or just interacting w me!! pls pls talk to me let's have some good convo hehe i hope no one will send me or any blog hate bc that isn't cool >:( happiness and love only are allowed people!!!
@sunakissses ツ
my bestie, my bae, babe <3 you rock val if im honest :( even tho we haven't been friends for a long time, we just clicked !! and yeah talking to u is just makes me at ease n u have that comfy vibes :)) and our interactions r so funny and wholesome <33 i just love when im talking to ya you know :(( and idk i love ur supportive aura whenever i do something hehe :( lets keep going next year and be more closer >:) and yes u and suna r going to be the cat's first ever aunt and uncle <3
@romaune ツ
okay .. the literal meaning of sunshine, yes you gracie baby :( you're so wholesome i wanna cry thats me 2 u !! i love your aura and just everything, i get so excited when u reply to my asks fr, because ure so enthusiastic n i like that a lot !!! :( ik we don't talk a lot yet but from our interactions (or just us screamin abt our mans winks) i know i gained a friend, a good n funny friend for that:) and ure so like hinata i wanna squish and hug and talk to!! i love how we scream abt our ongoing suna brainrots HAHA can't forget that <33
@cryoqi ツ
people put ur hands up 4 the coolest person ive met !!!! >:( istg you're so kind and so funny even if thats not ur intention T_T at first i was intimidated by u but then yeah <33 we vibe :( only the real ones know abt us and me bein your bread anon <33 ure rlly great and can't forget d time us and dove sang thru texts ...? yes that i cried while laughing HAHA, and yes i love the way u write 2!! so you and just amazing overall :)) n yeah i like to talk to u a lot in the server !!! ure so funny & relatable at times hihi
@miyasangel ツ
arden bae !!! you're so ... cool and pretty and one of the people i want 2 talk to in here <3 you're like cool and the way you write is chefs kiss >:( and i love it whenever we talk abt random things AHSHS and when we talk abt atsumu <33 i love love that !! n yeah good thing i interacted w u b4 on ur old blog and get to talk to you more !!! i was so shy n nervous while sending you asks sometimes LMAO idk why :(( ure rlly a great friend <3 n i think u also became a factor on why im liking inarizaki :D
@cafemiya ツ
omg hail to issy !! i know we don't talk that much yet but i literally like u a lot >:( you're rlly great w your long fics !! n handmade heaven lead me to you and ur asks <3 and you're so chaotic too HAHA i like that :) dw ill always shower u w compliments bc u so deserve it bby !!! and i squeal sometimes when u reply to my asks w the same energy :(( n yes i just love you and your vibe in general <3 and im so excited 4 the collab !!! <3 thanks for reaching me out hehe or my slowburn fic journey wont happen :( anw ily and keep slayin issy baby!!!! :D
@kuro0luvr ツ
omg kieran .. the big phat supporter of chlojime is here people !!! <3 i just love loooove talking to you esp in the server & we scream abt anything n everything :( and thank u for always giving me support and everyone else when we're down!! you're one of my sunshines 2 :( i love how we just talk and instantly b close friends you know!! even tho we dont chat like in dms we r so close hehe :( and yes ill never forget how happy u got when i complimented that u have akaashi vibes <3 ty for being a good friend n supporter to me :(((
@oikawasbliss ツ
milo everyday !!! >:) i missed our interactions tbh :( you're just so chill n i vibe w u a lot!! your themes omg i want em its so aesthetic and everything <3 and uhm i love ur love for oikawa >< i mean who wouldn't but whenever i see smth kawa related i think of u immediately T_T and yes ure just so so cool :(( lets talk more soon gah and maybe talk abt aot hehe smirks <3 and yes i just like ur themes and vibe a lot <3 lets talk more soon gah >:)
@himichii ツ
I KNOW we didn't talk really like until few weeks ago but ... you're so funny and kind n lowkey sweet HAHA u were so intimidating before i can't talk 2 u <//3 but im glad i did !! not me writin this and listening to the playlist u made for me :( omg thank u for that and the other that u posted, i felt nostalgic and (good) sad on d inside <3 HAHS lets talk more omfg idk what 2 say :( OH oh ure a greatt writer :( the angst u sent yesterday made me sad gah <3 let's talk more in the new years!!! :(
@hajimine ツ
oml lexy bae where do i start??? omg ily like <3 because you're so nice n sweet n so funny 2!! glad i started participating in your ask games and on that we became friends hehe :( i love how we just talk abt anything on your asks <33 like ur life keeps me entertained HAHA and when u became more chaotic n all that .. i liked it!!! :( and oh u write so well if u didnt know >:( can't wait 4 more interactions w you bae !! <3 and ugh omg ily <3 literally cannot express how much :( you have good vibes n i wanna have that too !! and love how we just scream over one man ;D
@lcaita ツ
omg kai ... hi <3 HAHS sorry if im so awkward wtf but ure so cool and so funny !!! i like ur vibes always even tho ure not always around <3 and when youre around i just get happy !!! >< for some reason i love ur name hehe and uhm i love ur aesthetics hehe on ur acc !!! >:) and yes thank u for being a kind friend hehe :( lets talk more next yr abt anything!!! maybe abt ur mans (kaashi, semi, others) hehe ;)
@kemochie ツ
nea !!! i just . wanna say that you're a sweet human being :( and deserve the world :( ik we didnt interact much yet but !!! i love u already n your aura in general <3 and i just get soft on ur username for some reason T_T i love our little interactions from time 2 time n i wanna boost that more on the new years!! <3 idk i like u :( that's it thats my say :(
@nightmareupondaydream ツ
kana baby !!! im so grateful for u whenever u send me sweet words at random times ... and when i need it <3 and i missed our chats in dms :( lets do it again sometime !! im gonna be here for u okay :( and you're so sweet fr i love u,, and yeah just talkin about how shitty life is or how my writing goes, let's do that on the new years oki!! <3333
@ravscrii ツ
thank u for being there like really >< ik u have own probs to solve but you still helped me :( ty for being a great listener and supporter hehe <3 u deserve great things !!! and pls dw okay we're good even tho we arent talking that much :( i miss that hehe n ure a kind and funny person ASHS esp in the server ur replies n everything make me laugh :( lets talk more soon like the old times AAAAAA i miss it hehe <3 and goodluck on genshin HAHA pls entertain me w it even tho i don't play </3
@rintaroll ツ
olivia babe <3 omg i missed u sorry 4 not checking on u :( forgive me <//3 just wnna say u totally made my 2020 better n a little more bearable <3 i like ur vibes sm and ur name .. olivia wow i like it :( and oh you're so aesthetic like ur blog in general ??? hello pls step on me :( and u also influenced me (for some reason) to like tsumu more ?! which i dont mind at all .. i like it when we scream over tsumu or i tease u n him getting horknee :D yeah and god i can't forget the time we fangirled over gojo on ur asks ... and u sent me gojo gifs which made me scream <3 one of my unforgettable moments w ya!!
to my hajime anon + mod ツ
thank u for always being here :( and you just chatting w me makes me so happy <3 i hope you'll see this hehe and just thank u and ily yknow :( when im down or happy, or shitty you're just there, supporting me always <3 im so grateful for that!! and hajime anon mod ily :( thank u for taking ur time to chat w me and make me so happy hehe <3 take ur time okay :)
to my baby, stella ツ
AAAAAAA idk if you'll see this but shoot me an ask if u saw :( uhm i love ur vibes and you're so cool !! promise <3 and your theme changes r always so beautiful <3 pls pls i love you so much agh im so worried when u deactivated :( pls dont overwork okay whenever ure working :( i love talkin to u always in ur asks !!! ure so sweet and lovely grr >:( u deserve all d good things okay ily stel :((
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nanasarea · 4 years
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Sucker I xi
Prompt: Y/N attends a school for the supernatural, specifically: werewolves, witches and vampires. The school might be magic, but so is love, right? Right?
Genre: ANGST (this chapter is pure angst im sorry), fluff, smut 
Pairing: reader x 00 line
Inspired heavily by: Legacies (and The Vampire Diaries&The Originals)
main m.list / sucker m.list /  i  ii  iii  iv   v   vi   vii   viii   ix   x   xi  xii xiii  xiv  xv
i’m so sorry this is just angst @ Renjun pls forgive me
“I can’t do it by myself I’ve already told you!” Renjun yelled. 
“Did you try?” You yelled back. 
“Yes, of course I did! I’m not an idiot!” He yelled back, sighing in frustration. “What’s the spell?” You sighed. 
Renjun repeated the chant again, this time you tried to remember the order yourself. 
“Does it have to be a witch?” You asked “Or just any magical being?” You added. 
“Of course it needs to be a witch! Or a siphoner!” Renjun answered, tears forming in his eyes from frustration. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I have no idea how to get us out of here.” He said, his voice cracking from the tears, causing you to immediately run over to him and hug him. 
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s not your fault, Renjun! Look at me, it’s not your fault, you shouldn’t blame yourself!” You reassured. 
“But I’m suppose to protect you from that man, how can I do that if I can’t even reverse a boundary spell?” Renjun cried as he hugged you tight.
“Maybe you can make the spell more powerful if we do it together?” You asked, hopeful. 
“But you’re not a witch.” “We don’t know that!” You replied, tears forming in your eyes due to seeing him like this. 
“It won’t hurt to try, right?” You asked as he nodded “Who knows, maybe you’ll end up actually being a witch.” He chuckled despite the tears still rolling down his face. 
“Repeat after me.” He said as he chanted the words and you mimicked. 
“Do we need to hold hands or something?” You ask “Yes.” He answered, blushing, taking your hands in his as you began chanting together this time. 
You both closed your eyes, but after a while, it was hard to keep them closed, as a felt a bright light shinning. 
“Y/N!” Renjun yelled as you opened your eyes to see your hands glowing “Don’t stop chanting.” He said happily before continuing the spell.
Soon, a beam of light shot from your hands and at the barrier. 
“We,....we did it, we did it! Y/N, We did it!” Renjun yelled and hugged you tightly. 
“We did?” You asked, still feeling the tingling in your hands. 
“We did!” He said, pulling back to stare at your face before you both went silent when you realized how close you were.
“We did it.” you whispered right before Renjun leaned in to kiss you. 
“We did it.” He mumbled into the kiss and your hand slowly moved to cup his face. It was different from kissing Jeno, that was for sure. 
It was more gentle, as if you were in elementary and just had your first kiss, both of you not sure of what to do. 
“Wait, we have to get out of here before the man comes back!” He said, pulling away and dragging you outside, where he quickly said a teleportation spell, teleporting you back to the school.
“Mr. Hwang, both Renjun and y/n are missing, you have to do something!” Jeno said as Jaemin nodded. 
“He’s right! What if something happened to them?” Jaemin added to Jeno’s rant. 
“Dad, maybe you should organize a search party or something.” Jisoo stated as Mr Hwang sighed before looking at the now opened door. 
“Miss me, bitches?” Renjun asked as he made eye contact with Mr Hwang before quickly saying a “sorry, sir.”.
“Y/N?” Jaemin asked as he saw you walk into the room. 
“Jaemin, I’m so sorry I couldn’t call, my pho-” Before you knew it, he used his super speed to be right by your side, cupping your face and cutting you off with a kiss. 
“That’s not awkward at all.” Jisoo whispered as she saw Renjun and Jeno both shocked and trying not to look at the girl they liked and their friend kissing.
“I’m just glad you’re back safe.” Jaemin explained before squishing you into a hug. “Please don’t make me worry like that again.” He added. 
“I’ll try not to.” You said, not knowing what else to say. You just kissed Renjun not even 10 minutes ago, and now you’re practically making out with one of his friends in front of him. Talk about mixed signals. 
“Mr. Huang, Miss y/l/n, may I have a word?” Mr Hwang asked as you awkwardly stepped back from the hug and nodded at the man. Both you and Renjun made your way to his office. 
“Where were the two of you?” He asked “We were lost. You see, I had a bit too much to drink and then I was so hungover I couldn’t make my way back, thankfully, y/n found me.” Renjun explained, your eyes widening in the process.
“Y/N?” Mr Hwang asked you to confirm his story. You decided not to question it now and just nodded.
“Well, if that is all.” Mr Hwang said before motioning at the door. You exited his room and asked “What was that?”. 
“I think we shouldn’t trust anyone with this, not until we know who that man was.” Renjun answered as you nodded.You figured he didn’t want to worry anyone, so you brushed it off. 
“And about the kiss-” “-Ren-” “-just forget it, I didn’t know you and Jaemin got together while I was gone.” He added before changing the subject, not giving you time to explain. 
“So, you’re a witch, huh? Congrats! Now you know!” He smiled. 
“I guess so.” You nervously laughed before you were interrupted by Hana running up to you and hugging you.
“I was so worried about you!” Hana explained. 
“She would not stop talking about it! Don’t get me wrong, I was also worried, but this one was extra extra worried.” Jisoo said as you saw Renjun quickly make his way away from you all. 
As the two asked you a million and one questions, you wanted to go after Renjun, to ask him if he’s okay, to explain the whole “we kissed but jaemin also kissed me because i agreed to one date with him and I do have feelings for him but I also have feelings for you and Jeno and all of this is so confusing” situation, but it was too late, he was out of your sight already.
“Girls, I love you both but can I speak to y/n for a bit?” Jaemin asked as the two backed up and left the two of you alone “Sorry for missing the date, really.” You said. 
“Don’t worry, missed date is considered a step-up from my last relationship.” He forced a laugh as you remembered his shitty ex-girlfriend, who literally shot the boy “Reschedule?” You asked as he gave you the warmest smile and said “I’d like that.”
“So it is a prophecy, but what does it mean?” Renjun asked himself “Hey, what you looking at?” Jeno asked “Oh nothing.” Renjun quickly answered and shut the book. 
“So, you saw Jaemin and y/n....I heard he asked her out when you ditched her at the ball.” Jeno said, sitting next to the Renjun. 
“I didn’t ditch!” Renjun yelled, angrily “Woah there, bud....and people say we, werewolves have anger issues.” Jeno laughed “Where were you, anyway?” He added “First of all, you do. Second of all, I can’t say.” Renjun answered, feeling helpless.
“You can tell me.” Jeno reassured “I don’t know if I can.” Renjun replied as Jeno looked him questionably. 
“No offence! I just have to do some research first and then I’ll tell you, okay? I wanna have all the answers myself before I start telling the story to people.” Renjun replied. 
“Nerd.” Jeno laughed as Renjun jokingly hit him, laughing with him “What’s up with Haechan?” Renjun asked as he noticed the boy with at least 15 books in front of him “He’s researching something, but I don’t know what.” Jeno answered “Interesting.” Renjun replied.
“Come on, there has to be some spell.” Haechan sighed as he opened another book, which only consisted of the words. 
“Dark magic, it’s the only way”. He blinked really fast to make sure those were the actual words before they disappeared. 
“I’m going insane, aren’t I?” He asked himself as the letters once again spelled out “dark magic”.
“Did you spell the book? The one Haechan is looking at?” “Yes, but I don’t know wh-” “No questions. Bring me the girl.” and with that, the young boy exited the room. 
a/n: so...that happened. she really a hoe in this one. Kissing two boys in less than 30 minutes? damn. but also, why is Renjun so paranoid? Why doesn’t he trust anyone?
 Is it really because he wants to know the answers himself before he tells others or is it something else? The answer as to why the man in her dreams was spelling out the letter R is still a mystery as well and who so you think the two people talking were? 
So many questions, so many chapters planned to reveal it all. 
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satelited · 4 years
・  。  ◟   ⟨  🥀  ⟩     *    ──       okay  sorry  it's  me  cc  again  .  this  time  i'm  bringing  you  caleb  &  he  is  a  bastard  !  wanna  bury  him  in  a  box  somewhere  ,  but  he  refuses  to  stay  put  because  he's  very  rude  &  very  involved  in  illegal  things  ,  but  that's  just  caleb  tingz  at  this  point  .  same  as  cerys  ,  if  u  wanna  plot  ,  pls  like  &  lmk  if  u  prefer  d*scord  !
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╰☆╮MUSE 12 — wait, is that caleb obenauer? is it just me or does the twenty-two year-old look exactly like herman tommeraas? last i heard, they still weren’t over being exposed by the sentinel. according to the app, they can be devious & belligerent, but i’ve also heard they're tactical & judicious. can’t be too sure, people have a way of surprising you. all i know is that they remind me of stacks of cash hidden inside a cardboard shoe box , quietly making plans in the backroom , black eyes stemming from bruised knuckles & the sour taste of lemonade in the middle of the winter. honestly, the criminal justice major should try to keep their head down. after the events of last semester, i wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. 
𝓲.     𝕒𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕘𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥   .
birth   name   :   caleb  obenauer nickname(s) :   o , c.o age   :  twenty   -   two gender   /   pronouns :  cis   gendered   male   /   he  /  him orientation   :  pansexual  panromantic hometown   :   detroit  ,  mi faceclaim :  herman  tømmeraas
fun facts :  has  three  kid  siblings  that  he  sends  money  back  to  ,  full  ride  to  su  for  ice  hockey  but  like  – why  ,  fluent  in  spanish  ,  doesn't  think  he'll  amount  to  much  but  whatever  ,  rly  good  at  singing  & dancing  but  won't  show  it  ever  ,  will  take  people  ice  skating  & push  them  over  for  the  laughs  .
aesthetic :  will u pls forgive me im stpid
𝓲𝓲.     𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕝𝕖   .
his  parents  don’t  deserve  him  –  the  most  memorable  sentence  he’s  heard  in  his  childhood  .  apartment  is  too  small  for  six  ,  but  his  parents  aren’t  around  too  much  anyway  ,  so  they  make  do  .  the  eldest  ,  wrath  has  always  ruled  his  life  .  the  older  he  gets  ,  the  more  he  feels  as  he  looks  at  the  world  .  fate’s  been  nothing  but  cruel  to  him  ,  forcing  him  to  grow  up  much  quicker  than  he’s  needed  to  &  ripping  a  childhood  away  from  him  .  ten  years  old  &  rocking  his  siblings  to  sleep  with  empty  promises  he  knows  he  won’t  be  able  to  follow  through  on  .  his  heart  breaks  before  he  understands  what  it  is  .
savior  comes  in  the  form  of  a  neighbor  ,  a  coach  who’s  tired  of  seeing  him  come  home  with  bruised  eyes  &  busted  lips  .  he  takes  him  –  he  takes  all  of  them  under  his  wing  .  his  apartment  isn’t  much  bigger  than  theirs  ,  but  it’s  more  home  than  theirs  has  ever  been  .  under  his  care  &  love  ,  caleb  hones  a  talent  until  he’s  good  enough  to  be  scouted  .  doesn’t  want  to  leave  ,  he’s  got  siblings  to  watch  after  ,  he’s  got  to  make  sure  they  get  out  too  ,  but  his  coach  reassures  him  .  he  needs  to  get  the  ball  rolling  ,  they  need  someone  to  look  up  to  .  he  says  goodbye  ,  but  never  forgets  where  he  started  .
𝓲𝓲𝓲.     𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚��𝕟   .
exterior   .  incessantly  angry  ,  always  translated  through  crude  words  &  a  nasty  attitude  .  mostly  irredeemable  ,  he's  got  a  face  &  an  exterior  that  forces  others  to  look  away  .  unapproachable  ,  he's  scarily  silent  &  observant  most  of  the  time  .  angered  easily  ,  he's  better  left  alone  than  approachable  .
interior   .  cares  about  his  family  first  ,  not  many  other  people  otherwise  .  his  heart's  shattered  by  the  ones  who  are  supposed  to  protect  it  ,  so  he's  okay  with  solitary  .  good  at  being  lonely  ,  good  at  being  alone  ,  he's  always  worked  better  solo  –  but  he  doesn't  mind  his  family  by  his  side  .
midway   .  strategic  &  evasive  ,  good  at  answering  questions  to  be  left  alone  &  very  good  at  avoiding  suspicion  .  sneaky  &  meticulous  ,  there's  always  a  contingency  plan  in  case  the  back  up  for  the  back  up  plan  goes  wrong  .
𝓲𝓿.     𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟   .
hehe  yeah  this  sucked  ,  but  again  ,  ty  for  reading  my  shitty  intros  &  lmk  if  u  wanna  plot  !  caleb's  not  a  big  relationship  /  romantic  person  ,  so  those  plots  are  pretty  null  here  ,  but  i'd  love  :  someone  he's  taken  under  his  wing  ,  teammates  ,  a  tutor  ,  someone  he  deals  to  ,  study  buddies  ,  roommates  !
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NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO! NO! WHY????? Please don’t do thissssssssssssssssssss. PS. Tumblr is being shitty again...... PS 2: please rest.
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yeah I'm so glad that Tumblr hates me. so glad, so very very happy about this.
also im so sorry pls forgive me.
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feingeister · 5 years
David ghosted Matteo repeatedly and for several days. Did we forget how he sent him a really harsh text and stayed away for 14 days, all while Matteo was spiraling into depression? I can’t remember people bitching about him then as they do now about Matteo. They mostly felt sorry for him. If David didn’t accept that Matteo needs some time now, it would just make him look like a giant hypocrite.
(why are you sending this to me)
imsorry but these are COMPLETELY different situations. i feel very sorry formatteo that he’s been pushed away like that, it’s very unfair and he didn’t deservethat at all. but there is no way i would actually antagonize david for thatbecause i am in possession of thing called empathy. david had very, very goodreasons to stay away from matteo. we don’t quite know what happened to him, buthim changing schools right before abi exams and his living situation suggestthat he has been through quite some shit because he is trans. he changedschools because he needed to be in an environment where he could just existwithout having to justify his fucking existence to a bunch of entitledassholes. it’s very clear how important it was to him that nobody knew abouthim being trans, so he could get through the last few months of school withoutany unnecessary (and negative) attention.
unlike even (who I’m not blaming for anything, this isjust a comparison to make things clearer) he never promised matteo any kind ofrelationship and his first text to him wasn’t actually that bad. he decidedthat if he continued with this relationship (which is what matteo very cleary wanted), he would eventually have to tellmatteo about him being trans and he wasn’t comfortable with that. that is veryunderstandable and 100% justified, considering the transphobia he’s probablyfaced and will face again if he gets outed. 
of course that text hurt like a motherfucker formatteo, because he was with david and he’s not stupid, he could tell that davidreally, really liked him and he didn’t understand why he would push him awaylike that. which is why he went to davids house. david panicked bc 1. he’s notvery good at resisting matteo and 2. matteo came to demand an explanation thathe was not ready to give. so he sent a text that he knew would push him away.no it’s not fair to matteo but none of this is fair to david either. if youknow this there is literally no reason to be angry at david. this situationsucks for both of them.
NOW david finally put all of his cards on the table.he took a Huge. Fucking. Risk. just because he likes Matteo so much. listen. heturned his entire life around so he could exist somewhere where people wouldn’tknow he’s trans, so he wouldn’t have to face any bullshit anymore AND THEN HEGOES AND TELLS SOMEONE ANYWAY. i mean sure, he knows matteo and trusts him to adegree but he literally just gave him the power to destroy the new life that hebuild for himself. that is huge. please just take a second to think how scarythat must be for him. we KNOW how hard it is for david to open up and again,his reasons are very, very valid. 
and then matteo lets him walk out the door. he ignoreshim for like 4 days and doesn’t text him anything. his silence says “i’msorry i have to get over this first, but also you don’t know if i will get overthis at all.” what the fuck. david shouldn’t have to feel like his transness issomething that matteo needs to overcome, because it isn’t. he deserves to beloved and accepted immediately, without question. he doesn’t deserve to thinkfor several days, that matteo might reject and break up with him just becausehe is trans. he deserves to be angry at the world and at matteo, that himouting himself is “a bomb to drop on someone”. that it is a shock,something to process, something to think about first (for four fucking days, orprobably an entire week). david is just david and when he tells people aboutwho he is they need to work on accepting him first and he’s just supposed totake that in stride because “oh, its normal to be confused”. 
and yeah!! in our shit world i guess it is normal tobe confused. i guess on some level i understand that matteo needs time and thatis fine. he needs to understand first and that is what it is. but that doesn’terase the fact that hes hurting david and in this scenario his reasons aren’tvery good. his reason is that he’s a giant, uneducated dumbass. i’m pretty surei don’t agree with a lot of the writing decisions being made right now (we’llsee when this is all over), but ok! sure! matteo is scared of fucking thingsup, confused about his sexuality and his feelings for david. he gets to feelthat way. but david also gets to feel rejected, betrayed and hurt because onceagain he has to wait for people to fucking….. get over his transness beforethey can love him.
david can accept that people are shitty and thatmatteo needs time and at the same time he can be angry and frustrated thatmatteo IS leaving him hanging and making him feel like there is something wrongwith him. im not saying he should reject matteo forever and never forgive himbut it’s just not fair that he has to be patient, kind and accepting when he’sbeing treated like this.
ANYWAAAAYS, go do yourself a favor and look at thispost and go follow some people who can tell you about what it’s like to betrans way better than i ever could (but like. just listen and pls dont harass them lol)
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