#battle of the mikes
Battle of the Mikes, Grand Finale
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I honestly forgor I was doing this poll
Well, here we are, folks. The last two survivors of a massacre where everyone is called Mike. Who is the Mike of all time? It's up to you to decide...
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exsqueezememacaroni · 8 months
every time i go to check that ding dang Mike v Mike poll and someone votes for fucking FLEA??? fuck you man, do you not understand what the phrase "best Mike" means??
if our baby girl doesn't win i'm getting the biggest dildo i can find and im gonna start slapping yall flea supporters with it
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royalarchivist · 26 days
Mike with his dogs and the knitted Richarlyson Barb made: 😄
Mike, two seconds after logging back into QSMP: [WAR AND VIOLENCE]
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freak-accident419 · 3 months
you’re welcome…
this movie was brought to my attention by @xcherryerim like i didnt even know this scene existed so AGHHHH 😍😍
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paladibun · 1 year
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I saw this post  by @thingsarenotgoinhwell and was possessed into adapting it in comic form.
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pomegranate · 5 months
Mike Farrell getting dunked in the dunk tank during the Battle Of The Network Stars
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willbyersabyss · 11 months
me understanding that couples on the show don’t need to say ily to know they’re in love and the couples that need it don’t end well vs me wanting Mike to say he loves Will to contrast how he couldn’t say it to El
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milligramspoison · 2 months
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Facts below the cut 🙃
Wields the masamune
Has done numerous of things to Cloud, including hallucinating him and manipulating him
Burned down an entire village and killed innocent people in a fit of rage upon discovering his origins
Murdered Aerith
Can also use magic
Mike Milligram
Wields a raygun
His only power is that he’s bulletproof
Leader of the Fabulous Killjoys
Loves the Ramones (not that it can save his ass but if he loses at least he can go out listening to them)
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darel3ne · 2 months
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Bros had enough
Doug Houser: MY COWORKERS ARE ALL MORONS!!! (Mainly Mike)
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aherdofbees · 1 year
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When you are 34 years old and decide to delight your vampire-obsessed, metalhead, teenage self with the battle jacket of your dreams. 
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Mike in s3: Walter you have to let us kill Jesse he’s a liability
Mike in s4:
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Battle of the Mikes, match 3
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polovision · 9 months
jesse pinkman: tattooed drug addict meth cook who has killed people
every bald man he meets: “kid”
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skylerfurmaniac · 2 months
here my monthly reminder to you guys that u actually draw shit lmao
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Everything else under keep reading :]
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Bfdi + random ocs I have in it
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And just some random doodles and ocs(one of them being pili from kingsis lmao)
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incorrect-losers · 2 months
Bill: One of you will betray me tonight
Eddie: Is it me, Bill?
Bill: No, it’s not you
Bev: Is it me, Bill?
Bill: No, it’s not you either
Mike: Is it me, Bill?
Bill: iS iT mE, bIlL?
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crayonboxcolors607 · 5 months
in honor of Part 1 getting 100 likes and like 15 reblogs! (a lot for tiny stupid me lol) i decided to suck it up and write another part bc ppl have asked for it
After Robin found out, things were a bit better for Steve. The two of them practiced their signs during slow shifts at the Family Video. Robin showed him a new sign every day and helped him improve his lip reading. It benefited his daily life too. Gone were the days when he had to walk all the way across the store to talk to Robin, now the two of them could have conversations from opposite sides of the store, their hands flying fast as they spoke.
Robin was a fucking godsend, bullying Keith into giving Steve more time off in case of migraines and providing excuses when he couldn't drive the kids around. She begged Steve to wear his hearing aids, eventually telling him that if he played his cards right he could cover them up with his hair, which ultimately convinced him. She'd helped him find a new hairstyle that almost eliminated them completely, clapping her hands excitedly as the shock on his face was evident when he turned them on and could differentiate sounds again.
Of course, there were still things that were hard, even with the hearing aids. Steve needed to be directly facing someone in order to have a basic understanding of what they were saying, and there couldn't be anything obstructing their mouth. This proved especially difficult when Steve interacted with the younger Party members, although they continued to chalk it up to Steve's usual airheadedness. For once, he was grateful to be stereotyped as a dumb jock.
One random day in October, however, things began to change.
Dustin had somehow roped Steve into driving him, Mike, and Lucas to some fancy-ass comic store in Indianapolis, claiming that "the one in Hawkins is not nearly comprehensive enough, Steve". He'd rolled his eyes and responded with what they referred to as his "Mom Pose", his hands on his hips and his eyebrow cocked as he stared at them judgementally. Eventually, though, he'd relented, letting them fight over who got shotgun and who had to sit in the back.
Somehow, although he himself didn't quite seem to know how, Lucas managed to snag the front seat. He'd slid in quietly as Dustin and Mike threw themselves into the backseat, yelling obnoxiously about unfairness and favoritism. Steve refrained from pointing out that he'd had no part in the tussle for shotgun, instead allowing it to play out.
He and Lucas had been engaging in conversation about sports when Lucas had quietly mentioned that he was thinking of trying out for the school's basketball team, tentatively asking Steve if they could meet up the next weekend so he could give him some pointers. Steve had agreed without even thinking, but he began to panic once he got home later that afternoon. How was he supposed to go over skills in basketball when he couldn't even hear out of his left ear?
But in typical Steve fashion, he procrastinated until the last minute, eventually deciding that he simply wouldn't wear the hearing aids. He'd be fine for one basketball practice, right?
And so, Steve drove to the basketball courts that Saturday, removing his hearing aids as he arrived, and thus reintroducing a fuzzy ringing in his ears that he hadn't experienced in a long time. It felt alien, but he shook his head around a bit and started to shoot baskets. He'd forgotten how good sports made him feel, and was pleasantly surprised at the adrenaline that began pumping through his veins. In fact, his new lack of hearing made it easier for him to practice, as it allowed him to tune out the rest of the world and focus solely on himself and his own fluid motions.
This did prove to be a slight problem, however, as he didn't hear Lucas dropping his stuff on the bench, nor did he notice him walking up to Steve. So the tapping on his shoulder startled him far more than it should have.
"Jesus Sinclair!" Steve exclaimed. "You scared the shit outta me, man!" Lucas seemed confused at Steve's reaction, and he silently reminded himself that none of the kids knew about his hearing.
"Uhh, sorry Steve," Lucas said slowly. "Are um, are you okay?" The concern on his face melted Steve's heart just a little bit.
"I'm fine buddy," he reassured the young teen. "Was just in my own world a bit, you know, focusing and stuff." His explanation seemed to comfort Lucas enough, and he grinned.
"You ready to get started?" he asked, tossing the younger boy the ball. Lucas caught it with a practiced ease and began dribbling, feinting left and right. Steve dropped down into his defensive position, mirroring Lucas's every movement, tracking his feet to predict which direction he would go next.
He felt himself slipping back into that headspace that he loved so much, the one that drew him into sports in the first place. Because he didn’t need to think about it, the strategies were always in his brain. He just needed to rely on muscle memory, all his former skills coming back to him as he and Lucas scrimmaged.
They played for about thirty minutes before taking a quick break to grab water and snacks, both of them struggling to catch their breath. Lucas opened his Gatorade™ and said something Steve, causing him to look over in surprise as he struggled to figure out what the younger boy was saying.
"Pardon?" he said, pretending he just hadn't been paying attention. Lucas repeated himself, or at least Steve had to assume that he did, because again, he couldn't understand a single word that left the younger boy's mouth.
There was a heavy feeling in his stomach as he debated asking Lucas to repeat himself a third time.
Someone tapped his leg, pulling him out of his own spiraling headspace. Steve looked up, feeling even worse as he registered the fear on Lucas' face.
"Steve," Lucas began slowly, seeming struggling with what to say next. "Can you, uh, can you not hear me?"
Of course, that sentence Steve was able to comprehend.
With a heavy sigh, he shook his head.
"Not really," he replied, looking anywhere but at Lucas. "My hearing started to go after Billy smashed my head with a plate. And it got worse after Starcourt." He looked up then, a grim smile on his face. "Turns out multiple concussions aren't exactly good for a person."
Lucas' eyes widened at the confession. "So, are you deaf?" he asked. Or at least, Steve assumed that's what he said.
"Partially," Steve replied. "I can't hear at all out of my left ear, that's where I got the most damage. My right ear can function, but not normally. I mostly rely on reading lips and context clues."
"Oh my god," Lucas said slowly, the gears visibly turning in his head. "Oh my god! W-we kept teasing you! We kept calling you stupid a-and laughing at you! You couldn't even hear us! And you-" The boy suddenly slumped over and placed his head in his hands. He said something, Steve was sure of it, but it was additionally muffled by him covering his face.
"Uh, Lucas, buddy," Steve said hesitantly. "I can't understand you if I can't see your face." Lucas looked up at him then, tears pooling in his eyes.
"It's my fault," he said. Steve felt his mouth drop open in shock, and began to protest, but Lucas stopped him.
"Billy was coming after me," he insisted, talking clearer so Steve could understand. "He was attacking me! You stepped in and tried to defend me -- now you're deaf and it's all my fault!"
Steve felt his heart drop.
He'd been so scared to tell anyone because he was worried they wouldn't view him the same way as before, that he hadn't even considered how the kids might feel if they knew he was like this because of his attempts to protect them.
"Oh Lucas," Steve said softly, gathering the crying teen into his arms. "It's not your fault. There isn't a world where I wouldn't have done the same. You're my kid. I'm always gonna protect you. That's just how it works." He felt Lucas try to push away, to protest, but he just held him tighter. "You and your little gaggle of idiots are worth everything. I'd go deaf a thousand times if it meant keeping you all safe."
With a sniffle, Lucas detached himself from the older boy.
"Really?" he said, eyes shiny with tears.
"Of course," Steve responded, without missing a beat. He gave the younger boy a final squeeze, before wiping away the few tears that had escaped while he and Lucas were talking. "I'd better get you home anyway. Your mom will have my head on a stick if you miss dinner." He kept his hand on Lucas' back as he wiped his tears and sniffed a final time.
"Okay," he said. "But you're staying for dinner."
okay okay so i did talk about the older members of the party finding out next as well as dustin but i just had to make a liar out of myself bc when i started writing this my brain was just like "but what if we did a wholesome reveal with Lucas instead??" and now here we are and i regret nothing
except the lack of sleep. i regret that a lot.
also, i am not an athlete. i am a depressed and introverted high school theater kid who has never played basketball in my entire life bc i am a measly 5ft 1in (roughly 155cm). so dont come at me if the sportsball lingo is incorrect bc i have no fucking clue what im doing.
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