#beastars Louis x you
silkythewriter · 2 years
General dating headcanons for Legoshi, Louis, Gouhin, Yafya, and Gosha?
General dating headcanons for Legoshi, Louis, Gouhin, Yafya, and Gosha!
Summary: this is a General dating headcanons for Legoshi, Louis, Gouhin, Yafya, and Gosha! Enjoy <3
Author note: Hi! Okay so some of they characters I don’t know very well but I’ll try! So I apologize for any Grammar/Spelling mistakes or if they are OOC
Daily song suggestion:
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This baby boy is so timid he’s very quiet so talking with him can be like talking to air because sometimes you don’t get a response. He’s not being rude don’t get me wrong! It’s just he’s spends so much time listening that he forgets to answer
He likes picking random flowers for you of any kind!, he even picks out all the little bugs for you but he just puts them on a new flower cause he doesn’t have the heart to hurt them
He doesn’t really like eating lunch together cause he has to show his sharp teeth and he gets scared if you look at them for to long, even if your a Carnivores or Omnivores it still triggers something inside him
You have to defend him from rude,nasty comments cause I feel like most of the time he won’t stand up for himself. He tells you not to cause he doesn’t want you to get insulted or worse but you have to reassure him your fine
If your comfortable with it he would love to show you the bugs he found and let you hold them! But if you don’t like bugs that’s completely fine too but if there’s one you want to kill he probably won’t do it he’ll just grab em and put it outside where it can touch you
Loves rambling about bug facts and such but if he notices you getting bored or he’s rambling for too long he’ll shut up right away
He does get protective if needed too even if your bigger then him and stronger that doesn’t matter to him he just worry’s a lot
Overall all a bit timid and shy but he will defend you when needed too he’s really sweet <3.
First of all get ready to run from the angry fan girls if they ever find out about your relationship 🏃💨
You guys most likely keep it the relationship a secret for both of you and Louis sake and status because people would go wild if they found out about you guys
He’s a gentleman most of the time so expect him opening the doors for you or giving you flowers and other stuff even if your a man or non-binary etc
Loves buying you small or big things like roses to chocolates or a Diamond ring or anything else you can want, You can also ask and he’ll gladly buy you whatever you need!
Makes you always watch his performances he always save you a seat in the front row just so he can make sure your there he says he preforms better knowing your there
I feel like he’s one of those boyfriends that when you text them about ANYTHING his already there even if he isn’t needed like let’s say you texted “I love you” he’ll show up at your door with gifts to say I love you back
He loves playing with your hair/fur it’s soothing to him he’ll even detangle anything ( with Care of course ) also loves to put something in it to decorate it like flowers and such
He makes sure your under control and is kinda strict sometimes like let’s say your up at 1AM or so he’ll force you to go to sleep because it’s important to get a full nights rest even if he sometimes doesn’t get it himself
Overall a very chill and caring boyfriend but can be distant sometimes but most of the times he’s always there for you!
I feel like he’s very blunt about stuff so if he doesn’t like it or feels annoyed by someone/something he won’t hesitate to speak up about it
Im guessing he somewhat knows medical stuff so he will definitely take care of you himself if the injury isn’t that major
Doesn’t let you go out alone ESPECIALLY at night thats when the streets get even more dangerous
Depending on how long you guys are in a relationship, he’ll let you trace he’s scar you just gotta be careful
Legoshi once met you by accident in the store and you guys talked for a bit before you started talking about your boyfriend
I feel like he’s actually probably a good cook so he’ll definitely show you how to cook or just make you something
Gives you a small pocket knife when ever you go alone just in case he gets worried
Won’t ambit it but loves when you rub his head or ears it soothes him a lot
Overall a bit over protective but for good reasons he knows how cruel the world can be and he just wants to protect you from it
WARNING:The characters below are EXTREMELY outta character I’m assuming cause I know basically nothing about them cause I just got into the fandom a few weeks ago so I apologize! So sorry!
He seems nice and friendly but behind the scenes i feel like he isn’t much
Like Gohin he’s probably protective aswell and just a inch more intense
He lets you brush his his mane once in awhile when you guys have time to chill out with each other!
Maybe a romantic? I’m not sure but he’s definitely get you some gift here and there as a surprise!
“Why the long face?” “Y/n I swear to god if you say that one more time-“
He has many enemies so due to that he most definitely has to keep this relationship under wraps and has to make you Care at least a small weapon Just in case something happens
he barely eats any un healthy, he basically only eats healthy foods he won’t force you to join but he would love if you did he’d even make some food for you!
He sometimes likes to put his coat on you when you get cold so you don’t freeze
Overall a pretty good boyfriend! Just hard to be with due to all the enemies he has but you guys make it work
He’s real calm and probably has a lot of patience especially if you guys are fighting or your mad
Legoshi loves you to death and likes to hang out with you when he can
I don’t know much about him but I feel like he has a past you probably do t know about and probably one he doesn’t wanna tell you
Like Legoshi he’s probably someone who would rather avoid conflict than face it head-on so in arguments it could be a bit annoying
Even with this in mind when it comes to his family he’d put that aside he cares about them deeply
He spends most of his time with you and would probably like to stay that way I feel like he wouldn’t mind hanging around other people but he’d prefer to stay around you most of the time
Overall a bit like legoshi I think they kinda share the same personality in my eyes
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Sorry this took so long! I’ve had a busy week also sorry if they are OOC I’ve only been in this fandom for a bit so I don’t know much about the characters I still hope you enjoyed!
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Louis: apparently some people think my boyfriend’s a little scary
Haru: a little?
Jack: some people?
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skiimble · 1 year
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(reposted) these two discuss throwing you into a well
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happyandticklish · 2 years
I want there to be a season 3 of Beastars just to have an arc of Legoshi being conflicted between Haru and Louis and agonizing over which to pick, meanwhile the two of them are just over there like "??? He knows we like each other, right??"
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rose-void-789 · 1 year
Soooo I got into beastars and omg why isn't louis/ legoshi/haru a more popular ship. They are all so inlove with each other it hurts.
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embrose · 1 year
I'm a lover of slow burn.
I love meet-cutes, I love seeing a relationship between two characters slowly turn into a friendship, and then into romance. If their first handholding happens within the first 10 chapters the burn isn't slow enough for me.
So, I'm slightly disappointed that in all the Legosi x Louis fics I've read the burn isn't nearly slow enough, even when it's in the tags.
Like, they get together 5 chapters after they first start to talk. Louis always gets over his trauma and carnivore hate way too fast. That's not slow burn! I want them to gaze in each other's direction and quietly burn with conflict. This romance should be the epitome of forbidden love and pining; they live in a world where devouring is a serious threat. But they both are always so quickly on board! Where's the agony?! Where's them fighting with their desires and biases gained from growing up in a society that drives a deep, hard divide between their two kinds!? I mean, they're there sometimes, but the writers always make them get over it all so quickly! Like, I read this one AU fic where Legosi ended up as a bodyguard for Louis, right? Well, there's barely any build to friendship, Louis just immediately starts crushing, and so does Legosi. I thought it was fine, they could just pine and become friends while Legosi does his job as the bodyguard and saves Louis' life few times. But guess what happens? Legosi's first mission, he gets his hands fucked up and gets an honourable discharge, and right after he wakes up from surgery he and Louis kiss and get together and the fic is barely halfway through! Not slow burn enough! I was looking forward to pining and bodyguard-master shenanigans and forbidden love but they got together so fast and I was so sad...
Anyway, despite this rant, all the fics I've read have been very well-written, they weren't bad. I'm just picky XD I'm sure there's a fic out there that'll feel just right, I just gotta go find it. I just wanted to air out my slow burn emotions a bit. Thanks for listening, void~
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theafrochick · 8 months
anyway i wanna give tokyo ghoul another shot but i also feel like that shit is not for the girlies so kaneki struggling with thoughts of cannibalism will actually not hit and I'll be mad lmfao.
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mintaikcorpse · 2 months
I love Haru sm, but man, idk how to describe it, but she feels boring in this later arc.
Kidnapping arc? We see why she is the way she is? Great! I'm sure many girls could relate to feeling like they need to be sexual in order to be understood or form connections! We see her and Legoshi's friendship, and eventually relationship, grow and her side of it? Great, love that for her and seeing how the herbivore would view this situation, and that it's not just all from Legoshi'a perspective!
But man, now it just feels like she's a plot device. And as much as I love romance, I feel kind of annoyed with Haru and Legoshi. Not just bcuz of Haru, but the way she's just used. It just feels like she's only here to further Legoshi's character, but she still has developing she needs to do. Imo, she could have a good arc with Juno, but even she was used to further Juno's arc. Another one could be her realizing that she doesn't need Louis or Legoshi, and that she's completely fine on her own.
(Also, like the Panda dude said, I really don't feel like hearing Legoshi talk about his relationship issues when he's trying to overcome his cannibalistic instincts. Yes, ik it's "can a carnivore snd herbivore truly be together?" thing and I love them for that, but the same role is being filled with Louis honestly-)
Idk, just watching basic romance in a world like Beastars? Ik it's the whole "devouring thing" going on, but again, that's furthering Legoshi's arc and not hers :(. I just wish she could be used more, bcuz I love her a lot, and she makes the story brighter.
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And, like I've said said above, the same role is being filled with Louis, and in a much more interesting way. No, this isn't me being sad my yaoi ship isn't canon, bcuz I also still kinda like Haru & Legoshi (sunshine x gloomy, cmon). But, we see Louis battle with his instincts (*cough* fetish *cough*), and he becomes leader of a GANG because of them! Louis and Legoshi were already were "friends," and if Tem & Riz is anything to go by, you still feel urges to devour your friends. Even if they're not romantic, it'd still be fun to see their relationship as friends grow but with more ✨️angst✨️ and all that.
Honestly, just give Haru an arc away from Louis and Legoshi. I don't like just associating her character with either of them
If you have anything you wanna add, please tell me, bcuz I really need to expand my media literacy!
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Submission list
organised by @kindalikerackham (THANK YOU)
This is a list of all of the submissions. It will be updated continuously. Italics are still being decided in the polls, crossed out have been decided on “no”, bold have been decided on “yes”
By character name (or ship name if given)
Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi from Persona 5 Royal
Alix from Miraculous Ladybug
Allison and Patti from Kevin Can F**k himself
Anna and Marnie from When Marnie was There
baron draxum and master splinter   rise of the tmnt 2018
Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe from Batman Telltale
Beca and Chloe from Pitch Perfect
Beca from Pitch Perfect
Betty and Veronica from Riverdale
Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby from RWBY
Blitzen and Hearthstone from Magnus Chase
Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1
Chad/Ryan from High School Musical
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto) from anything X-Men
Cory and Naveed from Ackley Bridge
Dani Ramos and Grace from Terminator Dark Fate
Darling Charming and Apple White from Ever After High
Dean Winchester
Drs House & Wilson from House MD
emma woods/emily dyer from identity v
Faberry from glee!(Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Fuffy, faith and buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Finn and Poe from Star Wars
Firestar and Greystripe from Warriors
foot clan lieutenant and brute  rise of the tmnt 2018 
Ginji Amano & Ban Midou from GetBackers
goro majima and kazuma kiryu -  Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku
Grif and Simmons from Red vs. Blue
Hannibal and will from Hannibal tv show
H.G. Wells and Myka Bering from Warehouse 13
Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek Beyond
hypnopotamus and warren stone  rise of the tmnt 2018  
Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens
Jade and Bella from Rainbow High
Jade and Tori (Victorious)
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles from Rizzoli&Isles TV series
Janis from Mean Girls
Jeremy and Michael from Be More Chill
Jess/Jules from Bend It Like Beckham
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (Netflix)
Johnathan Harker and Dracula from Dracula (1897)
Juleka and Rose from Miraculous Ladybug
Julian Bashir and Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Jun and Tatsuya from Persona 2
Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi from Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon)
kanji/naoto from persona 4
keith and lance from voltron
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk from Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
klavier and apollo from ace attorney
L and Light from Death Note
legolas and gimli from lotr
Legoshi and Louis from Beastars
leo and adam from tatort saarbrücken
lightcannon, Jinx and Lux from league of legends
Loki from The Loki show
Luca & Alberto from Luca
Luigi and Bowser from the Mario movie
marc and nathaniel from miraculous
Masumi Itachi from blue flag
Matsuoka rin and haru from Free!
Max from Miraculous Ladybug
Mel and Naomi from Vermonia
merthur (merlin and Arthur from the BBC show merlin
Milo and Bisco from Sabikui Bisco
Mobius and Loki from the Loki show
nana komatsu/nana osaki from nana
narumitsu - Ace Attorney
Naruto and Sasuke
Newt and Hermann from Pacific Rim
Nina and Lily from the movie Black Swan
Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli from Agent Carter
Quentin and Eliot - The Magicians
Ravenpaw and Barely from warrior cats
Raya & Namaari from Raya and the Last Dragon
rei and nagisa   from Free!
Sam and Max
Sam and Bucky from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Sherlock and John Watson from BBC Sherlock
Sherlock and Moriarty from BBC Sherlock
Shiro and Adam from voltron
shiro and keith from voltron
sophie and agatha from The School of Good and Evil
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  The Original Series
Spirk (Spock and Kirk) from Star Trek  the reboot movies
Sterek  (Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf)
Steve and Bucky from Captain America
Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams from Hawaii 5-0 (the 2010 version)
stiles stilinski from teen wolf
Supercorp! Lena and Kara from Supergirl!
Superman and Batman from the DCEU
SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time)
Sylvie from Loki
Thiel and Boerne from Tatort Münster
Thomas & Newt from the maze runner
troy barnes and abed nadir from community
wednesday and enid from wednesday
Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss) from Attack on Titan
yu/yosuke from persona 4
Zari and Charlie from Legends of Tomorrow
Zoro and sanji - one piece
By Property:
9-1-1 - Buck and Eddie
ace attorney - klavier and apollo
Ace Attorney - narumitsu
Ackley Bridge - Cory and Naveed  
Agent Carter - Peggy Carter & Angie Martinelli
Attack on Titan - Yumihisu (Ymir x Historia Reiss)  
Batman Telltale - Batman and Joker/ Bruce and John Doe
Beastars - Legoshi and Louis
Be More Chill - Jeremy and Michael
Bend It Like Beckham - Jess/Jules
Black Swan - Nina and Lily
blue flag - Masumi Itachi
Brooklyn 99 - Jake Peralta
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Fuffy (faith and buffy)
Captain America - Steve and Bucky
community - troy barnes and abed nadir
DCEU - Superman and Batman
Dracula (1897) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Dracula (Netflix) - Johnathan Harker and Dracula
Ever After High - Darling Charming and Apple White  
Free! - Matsuoka rin and haru
Free!-  rei and nagisa 
GetBackers - Ginji Amano & Ban Midou
Glee - Faberry (Rachel Berry + Quinn Fabray)
Good Omens - Ineffable Husbands
Hannibal (tv) - Hannibal and will
Hawaii 5-0 (2010) - Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams
High School Musical - Chad/Ryan 
House MD - Drs House & Wilson
identity v - emma woods/emily dyer
Kevin Can F**k himself - Allison and Patti
Kids on the Slope (Sakamichi no Apollon) - Kaoru Nishimi and Sentarou Kawabuchi
league of legends - Jinx and Lux
Legends of Tomorrow - Zari and Charlie
Loki show - Mobius and Loki
Loki show - Loki
Loki show - Sylvie
lotr - legolas and gimli
Luca - Luca & Alberto
Magnus Chase  - Blitzen and Hearthstone
Mario Movie - Luigi and Bowser
Mean Girls  - Janis
Merlin (BBC) - merthur (merlin and Arthur)
Miraculous Ladybug - Alix
Miraculous Ladybug - Juleka and Rose
Miraculous ladybug - marc and nathaniel
Miraculous ladybug - Max
nana - nana komatsu/nana osaki from
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint - Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk
Once Upon a Time - SwanQueen (Regina Mills/Emma Swan )
one piece - Zoro and sanji
Pacific Rim - Newt and Hermann
Persona 2 - Jun and Tatsuya
persona 4 - yu/yosuke
persona 4 - kanji/naoto
Persona 5 Royal - Akira Kurusu and Goro Akechi
Pitch Perfect - Beca
Pitch Perfect - Beca and Chloe
Quentin and Eliot - the Magicians
Rainbow High - Jade and Bella
Raya and the Last Dragon - Raya & Namaari
Red vs Blue - Grif and Simmons
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - baron draxum and master splinter
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - foot clan lieutenant and brute
Rise of the TMNT 2018 - hypnopotamus and warren stone
Riverdale - Betty and Veronica
Rizzoli&Isles TV series - Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles
RWBY - Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiaolong, aka Bumbleby
Sabikui Bisco - Milo and Bisco
Sam and Max - Sam and Max
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and John Watson
Sherlock (BBC) - Sherlock and Moriarty
Star Trek AOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Trek Beyond - Hikaru Sulu
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Julian Bashir and Elim Garak
Star Trek TOS - Spirk (Spock and Kirk)
Star Wars - Finn and Poe
Supergirl - Supercorp! Lena and Kara
Supernatural - Dean Winchester
Supernatural - Destiel
Tatort Münster - Thiel and Boerne
tatort saarbrücken - leo and adam
Teen Wolf - Sterek  (Stiles and Derek)
teen wolf - stiles stilinski
Terminator Dark Fate - Dani Ramos and Grace
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier - Sam and Bucky
The Magicians -  Quentin and Eliot
the maze runner - Thomas & Newt
The School of Good and Evil -  sophie and agatha
Vermonia - Mel and Naomi
Victorious - Jade and Tori
Voltron - keith and lance
Voltron - Shiro and Adam
Voltron - shiro and keith
Warehouse 13 - H.G. Wells and Myka Bering
warrior cats -  Ravenpaw and Barely
Warriors - Firestar and Greystripe
wednesday - wednesday and enid
When Marnie Was There - Anna and Marnie
X-Men (any) - Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr (aka Professor X and Magneto)
Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku - goro majima and kazuma kiryu
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prpfs · 7 months
hey hey~
31, he/him, 20 years xp 🪹
i don't write these anymore, so i'm wildly out of practice (you've heard this spiel before, i'm sure!), but i'm hoping to put down just... things. things i write, things i'd like to write, random dust bunnies that look like they might have thought about a plot once. you know.
i mostly center my rps on romance, for better and for worse. i am not great at writing multiple characters in a scene, but i could probably use the practice.
likewise, i don't often write dominant characters, but i do want to uh, stretch my legs in that realm. i'm just a chickenwuss about it.
i mostly write male/masc-leaning characters, whether that's trans men, butch-leaning women, masc enbies, and a buncha things in between.
i love fake dating tropes, for whatever asinine reason we can think of. one bed? great. fuck or die? amazing! kept in a human zoo by aliens? sure, sounds fun! bring the nonsense tropes my way, i'll eat them up.
i have a very guilty love of the omegaverse, and even though i've been writing in it for like a decade, there's always something new and fascinating to explore! to be honest, i'm happy to add it to just about any plot, including atypical secondary gender pairings (alphas and betas, omega and omega, etc!)
Fandom Interests
there are a few fandoms i'm interested in canon character pairings, and a couple more where i'd prefer to make ocs and play around in the world.
Beastars: Jack, Melon, Legoshi, Louis (Legosi x Louis, Legosi x Jack, Legosi x Melon, Jack x Melon)
Final Fantasy VIII Squall Leonhart Seifer Almasy (Squall x Seifer, Squall x Irvine)
Disney's Beauty and the Beast (1991/2017) Beast, Belle, Gaston, LeFou (Belle x Beast, Gaston x Beast, Gaston x Belle, LeFou x Beast, LeFou x Gaston)
Fandom OC Interests
FFXIV Warrior of Light, Non WoL OC
Baldur's Gate Open to Durge and non Durge OCs! Only in Act 2!
besides fandom nonsense, my interests in oc stuff vary, and can be hard for me to pin down for very long.
i love shitty relationships, i'm a sucker for twincest, siblings knowing it's wrong to be together, love at first sight but one of them is married/engaged/whatever, fake dating to save face at a wedding, things like that!
you can find my kink list for adult scenes here, and i can hand out samples upon request (they're all narratives/drabbles, sorry!)
discord: brimhatted tumblr ims open!
like if you're interested and op will get back to you
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oh-cawsh · 6 months
9 people to get to know better
thanks for tagging me @ghostradiodylan !!
1. Three ships: Rylan my beloved they do no wrong. theyre the epitome of awkward bashful and honest gay summer teen romance with the perfect contrasting note of horrific life threatening monsters which is unsurpassable genre peak. and yeah ngl its pretty rare that i get behind a ship but two others i can think of are amity/luz from the owl house (but mostly in season 1 because they do cute anxious crushing stuff and after that they just kind of turn into supportive gf A and supportive gf B), and legosi/louis from beastars because how do you just gloss over neurotic homophobe slut ptsd theatre twink x weird brooding puritan loser freudian pervert and the fact that it does WORK too like hello
2. First ever ship: i wanna say gregg and angus from night in the woods?? i remember i was in that weird sexual orientation puberty where you literally know you're gay but it's not like a consciously meaningful part of your identity so i remember seeing them and thinking wow that's cool that they're boyfriends i guess idk. also i'm inexorably drawn to their existence for some reason and my lockscreen is them cuddling with the lazy morning light peeking through the curtains
3. Last song: My Kink is Karma - Chappell Roan, im a sucker for moody electronic pop and that album DELIVERS
4. Last film: i watched the first three movies in a pirates of the caribbean marathon with some friends which ngl after the first one feels like trying to suck sugar water out of a sock 😶 the last film i personally chose to watch was the 1976 Carrie! it was nice being able to watch it and appreciate it as an adult with an education and not a teen recluse going "yeah carrie you show those villain highschoolers what's what"
5. Currently (re)reading: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night! i have my old copy from highschool open next to me and the 2012 shakespeare's globe production up and i just sit and sift between watching and reading and analysing it, just like when i first learned it in class. i'm not really sure why i wanted to reread it again in the first place, but i find it kind of soothing to read older texts where the language and culture's a little ways off from its modern successors. i find it calming to kind of pull those stories back in a way we can understand with its old contexts and writing, and see more and more of that timeless human experience shine through. sudoku for english nerds i guess LOL
6. Currently watching: my watcher's stamina has actually gotten so shit im ngl like i actually haven't watched a show in months 😭😭😭 the last show i watched was bluey (which was pretty good! (and pretty indicative of the kind of attention span ive got these days 😂👌))
7. Currently consuming: this horrible like nutraloaf nightmare bowl i made because my appetite was really poor today and at 5 pm or so i was like ugh well id better eat something quick and dense if im not gonna have a proper meal so i insulted God and put together reheated smashed potato (in the microwave so they lost all their crunch and flavour) + dried roasted edamame beans + peanut butter + regular butter + cheddar + yoghurt + whole salted almonds in a bowl and had a slice of walnut fig cake as a side. that thing needed a censor bar like i was in the trenches trying to get that down im ngl. eating that meal took more energy out of me than what it gave back like i knew i made something unholy and then immediately paid for it like it was so frankenstein and his monster right there on that kitchen counter
8. Currently craving: literally anything after that like god damn 😭😭😭😭😭 otherwise ive been hankering for a good chana masala and naan combo cus there's literally never a day where i'll turn south asian cuisine down like aw man i shouldve just gone out and got some of that to eat today ugh god damn it
also im ngl i don't really know who to tag cus i only started having a presence on tumblr like barely a month ago and ive only meaningfully interacted with like 3 people since then so um!! whoever's out there lurking around on my blog if ya wanna participate feel free! and either way, thanks for readin my ramblings regardless :)
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queenofanime · 2 years
could like make a second part to the horse dude/beastars x fix reader PLSSSSSSSSSS idk do whatever you want just please make a pt2
Yafya x fox reader
Part 1
One could take all the preventions in this world, be cautious all you want but another animal isn't… and you get all caught up in their mess. There is also such a thing as bad luck and a bike accident was just such a thing. It happened so fast, Y/n wasn't able to react to it.
**** The moment the bike hit the concrete wall, I assumed I was dead. The bicycle had flipped so many times that I had become disorientated. I kept waking up, only to become unconscious again. I preferred to be unconscious rather than awake. Because when I was awake I could taste the coppery blood pooling in my mouth. I could feel it grazing my teeth and soaking my tongue. I felt the aching and cracks in my bones. Each crack felt like rocks were burrowing into my skin. I sucked in cramped air, feeling my lungs caving in on themselves. I could hear the sound. It was a noise, mangled metal. I saw the spots in the corners of my vision. Then came a blue flicker, the sound of sirens in the distance.
To say Yafya was panicking, was an understatement. The horse swallowed hard, trying to keep the stoic expression he was known to wear. But from the corner of his eye, Gosha could tell his friend was scared. He was scared of losing someone who had crawled their way into his heart unexpectedly. The ride to the hospital was rather quiet; time seemed to pass in slow motion. Yafya decided to keep his eyes on the road, keeping himself from spiraling. 'What if the last thing he sees is your lifeless body, rotting away in a hospital bed?' 'What if you died, without ever knowing how much he loved you and how you are worthy?' 'What if you leave this world feeling underappreciated, filled with bitterness about all the animals (including him) that took you for granted?' It was clear that the view wasn't helping him at all with his thoughts.
**** Once the nurse greeted them and explained the accident, she let the visitors through Y/N's room, where the little fox was resting. Louis and Legoshi felt bad when they saw Y/N. After their unexpected visit a few months ago, they had become quite close, since there wasn't a big age difference. Haru had also been introduced to Y/N and had hit it off immediately. After a couple of minutes, the only one present was Yafya.
**** It hadn't been long since the accident, and as my aburn eyes open slowly, adjusting to the light of the room, I remembered my near-death experience vividly. I didn't exactly know where I was but from the cold metal bed rails, the soft pillows, and the scent of get-well flowers, I could guess it was a hospital. But what really got my attention was the soft snoring sounds that came from below. Slowly, I turned my gaze to the sleeping horse, sitting next to me on the floor, his hand holding my own. Looking at him, Yafya's pose didn't seem at all comfortable. Despite his young appearance, Yafaya was already in his 50s and it made me worry that his body could possibly hurt later on. Subconsciously, my small hand started caressing his much bigger one. His hand was rough, his nails shorter than mine, but I couldn't care less. My eyes traced over his facial features; loose strands of his black crest falling, covering his eyes. Though my scouting came to an end when the sound of the door opening interrupted my concentration. Panicking, I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. The doctor and nurse stepped into the room, waking Yafya in the process. I kept my eyes close. Attentively, I listened to the doctor and the old herbivore talking about me. After asking about personal information and things such as insurance, the nurse replaced my serum and both left the room again. I could feel Yafya's intense gaze on me, but my eyes were kept shut. After a couple of silent seconds, I heard a chair being dragged across the floor, shuffling, and silence again. I tried my best to keep my cover and act unconscious as best as I could. My curiosity slowly betraying me. "I like you," he finally said. "No, I'm not expecting a reaction, I'm just stating the fact that I like you. I've been in major denial for months now, denying these feelings inside my heart but I'm done. I like you. There… it's out in the world." Yafya took a deep breath before continuing, "I like you, and if you don't feel the same, that is okay too. I'm not expecting you to like me back, no one ever does." And I could only wonder how the hell someone could see his face, hear his thoughts, and look at his smile, but not fall in love with him.
@toxic-chainsaw-666 @couldyouspeakmyname
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twisting-echo · 4 months
Now another serious question ¿is it normal to feel a whole lot of panic when you don't like a ship, but not understanding why you don't like it?
For example, i don't like juno x Louis from beastars... but i don't know why... and that terrifies me 😣 (also i don't know if this is the correct emoji to capture fear so, could you correct me if i used it wrong).
Well, don't be afraid to not like something if you don't know why.
You don't have to know why you don't like something, and that's okay. It's perfectly normal. Sometimes things just don't click or resonate with you, and that's okay. Sometimes you can feel totally 'MEH' about something and not know why, and it's completely normal and okay.
But if you did want to ask yourself why you don't like this ship, maybe it's because you ship these characters with someone else, or maybe you don't like one or both characters, or maybe you don't like how one character treats the other character, or maybe you don't like how they act as a couple, or you feel the ship is bland and it just doesn't do anything for you.
But whatever the outcome is, just don't work yourself up over it because it's not worth beating yourself up over something you don't like.
The emoji you used to express fear and anxiety was well expressed, in my opinion.
And I haven't read the manga or watched season 2, so I wouldn't know how to judge the relationship between Juno and Louis. Sorry, but your feelings are valid for not liking them as a ship.
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coderedblood · 11 months
Rune Factory English Voice Actors/Actresses:
I’m a huge fan of Rune Factory. It seems sort of niche bc when I ask other gamers (I’m a casual gamer, don’t ask me to be on any teams 😂) about it they don’t really know what it is. One of the things I love about is is how they get these huge voice actors for the games, which seem so small (but I know it isn’t, it’s sold hundreds of thousands of copies)
Raguna (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Vash the Stampede, Ichigo from Bleach, Sabo from One Piece, and Nero from Devil May Cry
Mist (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Haru from Persona 5
Bianca (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Saya from Blood+ (I didn’t see that one coming)
Tabatha (Rune Factory and Rune Factory: Frontier) is Mima from Perfect Blue and Rem from Trigun
Iris (both of them, RFF) is Rukia from Bleach and Yuki from Haruhi Suzumiya
Anette (RFF) is Starfire (and Blackfire!) from Teen Titans and Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time
Raven (RF3) is Amy Rose from Sonic Boom
Electra (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) is Annie from Attack on Titan (didn’t see this one coming either)
Bacchus (RFTOD) is Vampire Hunter D (and D’s left hand!) (loved this one)
Vishnal (Rune Factory 4) is Leonardo from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon and Kappa Mikey
Clorica (RF4) is Shiki from The World Ends With You
Xiao Pai (RF4) is Jenny from My Life As A Teenage Robot
Doug (RF4) is Sasuke from Naruto
Margaret (RF4) is Hinata from Naruto, Kyrie from Devil May Cry and Orihime from Bleach
Forte (RF4) is Abbey Bominable from the first Monster High cartoon
Amber (RF4) is Morgana from Persona 5
Dolce (RF4) is Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist (this one actually makes sense), Maka Albarn from Soul Eater and the female protagonist of Persona 3
Frey (RF4) is Gaz from Invader ZIM
Ares (Rune Factory 5) is SwaySway from The Breadwinners
Scarlett (RF5) is Retsuko from Aggretsuko, Akko from Little Witch Academia and Ryuko from Kill La Kill
Lucy (RF5) is Loona from Helluva Boss and Emira Blight from The Owl House
Martin (RF5) is Louis from Beastars
Cecil (RF5) is Hunter from The Owl House and Remy from Big City Greens
Ryker (RF5) is Trebol from One Piece (also, also did not see this coming)
Livia (RF5) is Rebecca from One Piece
Misasagi (RF5) is Tatsuki from Bleach
Rudolph (RF5) is Mugman from The Cuphead Show!
Yuki (RF5) is Beauty from Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo
Darroch (RF5) is Jelly Jiggler from Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo (which brings back memories and makes actually a lot of sense)
Radea (RF5) is Reiju from One Piece (also makes sense)
Gideon (RF5) is Griffon from Devil May Cry and Scratchmen Apoo from One Piece
Lara (RF1 and Rune Factory: Frontier), Eunice (RFF) and Maerwen (from Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) have the same voice actress (and are Kitana and Mileena from Mortal Kombats 9 and X)
Melody (RF and RFF) and Sonja (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny) have the same voice actress
Carmen and Shara (both Rune Factory 3) have the same voice actress and is Triela from Gunslinger Girl
Rosetta (RF and RFF) and Beatrice (Rune Factory 5) have the same voice actress
Nancy (from RF4) and Hina (from RF5) have the same voice actress who’s also Kikimora from The Owl House
Ventuswill and Lin Fa (both RF4) and Selphy (RFF) have the same voice actress who’s also Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop
Micah (Rune Factory 3) and Bismarck (RFTOD) have the same voice actor who is also Ling Yao from Fullmetal Alchemist and Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail
Violet (RFTOD) and Priscilla (RF5) have the same voice actress
Lily and Sierra (both RFTOD) have the same voice actress
Pandora and Quinn (both RFTOD) have the same voice actress
James (RFTOD) and Leon (RF4) have the same voice actor who’s also Law from One Piece and Levi from Attack on Titan
Dylas and Bado (both RF4) have the same voice actor
Arthur and Jones (both RF4) have the same voice actor who is also Donatello from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon
Father Gerard (RFF) and Heinz (RF5) have the same voice actor who’s also adult Gohan from Dragon Ball Z and Kiba from Naruto
Cinnamon (RFF) and Fuuka (RF5) have the same voice actress who is also Marinette from Miraculous Ladybug and Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss
Simone and Julian (both RF5) have the same voice actress who’s also Ash from Pokémon and April from the 2003 Ninja Turtles cartoon
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Greetings! My name Is Mika! I go by he / they / them, 24, Demiboy, and I have a LOT of F/O's I genuinely love. Please minors DNI. Please read rules and maybe about page before interacting! I don't have a carrd as I have no idea how to make one, but, regardless all my F/O's can be found here! Stars beside the names are my Primary F/O's! Ship name's are also besides the F/O'S!
Free / Louis (Beastars)⭐ We Can Never Look Back (Louis x Free x Jeremiah) (Engaged)
Sage (Goodbye Volcano High) Sweet Little Nerds (Mika x Sage) (Boyfriend)⭐️
Reed (Snoot Game) Down With The Scaleness (Mika x Reed) (Friends with Benefits) ⭐️
Rosa (Snoot Game) Giving Life Like Flowers (Mika x Rosa) (Girlfriend)
Jasper (Family Guy) Through the Veil (Mika x Jasper) (Boyfriend)
Rocko Rama (Rocko's Modern Life) Awkward Bunch (Rocko x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Monty Gator (FNAF: SB) ⭐Rockin' Hearts Like The 80's (Monty x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Freddy Fazbear (FNAF) (AI ! AU) You Brought Me To Life (Freddy x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Glitchtrap (FNAF: HW) Chasing Dragons (Glitchtrap x Mika) (Engaged)
Toy Bonnie (FNAF 2) Little Perfectionists (Toy Bonnie x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Bossk (Star Wars) Scaled Chasers (Bossk x Me'kha) (Rival Lovers)
General Grevious / Obi-Wan-Kenobi (Star Wars)⭐ Stars Divine (Grevious x Me'kha x Kenobi) (Married)
Sebulba (Star Wars) (Me’kha x Sebulba) Racing to The Finish (Rival Lovers)
Jabba the Hutt ((Star Wars) Mine and Only Mine (Jabba x Me’kha) (problematic)
Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank) We'll Chase The Stars (Ratchet x Jeremiah) (Boyfriend)
Wolf 'O Donnel / Fox Mccloud (Star Fox)⭐ Captivating The Enemy (Wolf x Fox x Jeremiah) (Married)
Reptile / Baraka (Mortal Kombat)⭐ Striking From the Shadows (Baraka x Mika x Reptile) (Married)
Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat) (Problematic) Promised Eternal Life (Shao Kahn x Mika) (Engaged)
Anubis Kruger (Power Rangers SPD) We’ll Light The Fires Of Hope (Married)
Donatello / Leonardo (TMNT) (T!Cest warning) ⭐ Three Lovers In a Half Shell (Leonardo x Mika x Donatello) (Boyfriends)
Set (Smite) Covered The Sands (Set x Mika) (Married)
Ganesha (Smite) Luck Didn't Count This One (Ganesha x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Rocket Raccoon (Marvel)⭐ Two Tragic Subjects (Rocket x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Venom (Marvel)⭐ Webbed Desire (Venom x Mika) (Engaged)
Red Hood (DCU) To Live Our Lives Fully (Jason x Mika) (Rival Lovers)
Kurapika (HxH) Bleeding Scarlet (Kurapika x Mika) (Engaged)
Cooler (DBZ) (Problematic) Conquer Me (Cooler x Mika) (Secretly Lovers)
Perma!Fuse Vegito / SSJ4 Gogeta (DBZ)⭐ Cocky Lover...s? (Vegito x Mika) (Married)
Cell (First Form) (DBZ) (Problematic) Hating Your Perfection Idea (Cell x Mika) (Toxic Lovers)
Dyspo (DBS) (Crush) Speed Dancing (Dyspo x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Goku Black (DBS)⭐ Pink Divinity (Goku Black x Mika) (Engaged)
Broly (DBZ) Comfort the Rage (Broly x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Champa / Beerus (DBS) Two Halves of a Whole (Beerus x Mika x Champa) (Rival Lovers)
Denki Kamanari / Tokoyami Fumikage (MHA)⭐ Electrified Shadows (Denki x Mika x Tokoyami) (Boyfriends and Teammates)
Tony Tony Chopper (One Piece) Apart Of The Ship and Crew (Chopper x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Tails (Sonic) We Don’t Got Much to Lose (Tails x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Asriel Dremurr (Undertale, GoHD AU) Tragic Love (Asriel x Mika) (Secretly Lovers)⭐️
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) Dancing Hearts (Angel Dust x Mika) (Secretly Lovers and Co-Workers)
Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) (Problematic) Belonging To You (Valentino x Mika) (Boss and Possessive Lover)
Collin (Helluva Boss) (Angelic Desires) (Collin x Mika) ⭐️
Modo (Biker Mice From Mars) Trust This Process (Modo x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Tadano (Aggretsuko) Going The Long away (Tadano x Jeremiah) (Boyfriend)
Scar (Zootopia!AU) (The Lion King) King Of My Heart (Scar x Mika) (Engaged)
Simba (The Lion King) Before The End (Simba x Mika) (Dating / Boyfriend)
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) Oddly Romance (Stitch x Mika) (Boyfriend / Teammates)
Rono (Anthro!AU, Bambi) (Adult version OFC)⭐Once Envious Love (Ronno x Mika) (Secret Boyfriends)
Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) Parlay With Death (Death x Mika) (Married)
SkekSo (The Dark Crystal) (Problematic) My Ocean Encrusted Jewel (Skekso x Mika) (Secretly Married)
King Sombra (MLP; FiM) (Problematic)⭐ Sweet Little Pet (King Sombra x Hydro Dancer) (Pet / Master)
Butterscotch (MLP; FiM) (Shy Hearts) (Butterscotch x Hydro Dancer) (Dating)
Big Macintosh (MLP; FiM) Apples to Apples (Big Mac x Hydro Dancer) (Crush)
Zak (Dragontales) Strange Little Crushes (Zak x Mika) (Crush)
Deathslinger (Dead by Daylight) Whisky n' Bourbon (Caleb x Mika) (Testing the Waters)
The Oni (Dead by Daylight) Enraged and Sweet (Kazuma x Mika) (Boyfriend)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil) ⭐ Captain My Ex-Captain (Wesker x Mika) (Crush)
Sleeps-With-Scales (Argonian) / Jupuyil (Argonian) (Elder Scrolls) (OC’s) Slumbering With The Hist (Sleeps x Meeka x Jupuyil) (Happily Married)
Razum-dar (ESO) Covert Secrecy (Razum-Dar x Meeka) (Secret Lovers)
Rh’eyata (Yautja) / Ssyide (Sangeheili) (Halo) (OC’s) Warrior Allegiance (Rh'eyata x Mika x Ssyide) (Happily Married)
Sarabi (The Lion King) Romantic
Octavia (Helluva Boss) (Incest / Romantic)
Juno (Beastars) (Romantic)
Opal (Steven Universe) (Romantic)
Tigress (Kung-Fu Panda) (Teacher x Student)
Princess Luna (MLP; FiM) (Romantic)
Orisa (Overwatch) (Romantic)
Boa Hancock (One Piece) (Partners)
Whitebeard (One Piece) Healing in The Sea (Mola x Whitebeard (Adopted Family)
Bandit / Chili Heeler (Bluey)⭐(cradle ship) Not So Normal Anymore (Bandit x Jeremy x Chili) (Adoptive Family)
Stolas / Octavia (Helluva Boss)⭐Magical Process (Stolas x Mika x Octavia) (Adoptive Family) (Cradle Ship)
Shaak-Ti / Kit Fisto (Star Wars) Jedi Upbringing (Shaak-Ti x Me'kha x Kit Fisto (Biological Family)
Daybreaker / Nightmare Moon (MLP; FiM) (Problematic) Day Breaks the Night (Daybreaker x Hydro Dancer x Nightmare Moon)
Gosha / Leogshi (Beastars)⭐ Dramatic Turn Of Events (Adoptive Family)
Judy Hopps / Nick Wilde (Zootopia)(Cradle Ship) Breaking The Laws (Judy x Jeremy x Nick) (Adoptive Family)
Scrafty (Vickson) Mewtwo (Alana), Weavile (Slash), Feraliagtr (Waterspike), Toxicroak (Nightmare), Semipour (Willow) (Pokémon) (OC’s) Down The River (Adoptive family)
Ice-Man (Marvel) Newest Student (Bobby x Mika) (Best Friends)
Robin (Tim Drake, DCU)⭐ Apart Of The Fray (Tim Drake x MIka) (Teammates)
Order66!Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) Newest Padawan (Mentor) (Ahsoka x Me'kha)
Bambi (Bambi)⭐ Secret Little Lies (Bambi x Mika) (Best Friends)
Glamrock Chica (FNAF: SB) Technical Imput (GR!Chica x Mika) (Friends)
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raphaelcrossofoliver · 5 months
Caught up to Beastars on Netflix while my PC was being fixed
(Before you ask: It's Louis)
And a certain craving is in my head right now:
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