#beautiful babbyyyyy
cadaver245 · 6 months
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edgarallanhoetry · 2 years
my kitty cat baby girl is going to have surgery tomorrow to repair a broken femur and I am so sad thinking of her being in pain and already so ready to have her home and sending her all the love anyway here are some top 5 Stella tingz/momentz
The year I got her, I’d come home from class and she would literally not stop meowing until I laid on my bed so she could sit on my butt
Sometimes she will lie on my chest and extend one arm so she’s giving me a hug
Once she got weirdly into my hair and was behind me literally head butting me so she could shove her whole face into my hair and it was so cute and weird and possibly bad for my neck
When she purrs, she sounds like a constant low hum engine and it makes me want to cry truly and she won’t stop even when I put my face close to hers for nose boops (4b. Without fail, every time I put my face next to hers, she boops her nose against my nose)
Literally the reason she broke her femur is because she is 9 yrs old but the most spry energetic baby in the world and last night she got zoomies so hard that she bolted up the stairs, hit a cabinet, and then fell down a few stairs and it was truly heartbreaking but I just need it to be known that my girl is running laps every night and she’s a fighter and I love her with all my heart
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myarlert · 2 years
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albedo, heizou, kaeya, thoma, al-haitham & zhongli x fem!reader
cw: smut, nsfw.
short synopsis + a kink to match. i’m back hehe.
song rec: meddle about by chase atlantic.
minors do not interact | m. lists
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oh sweet albedo. his eyes would nearly pop outta his head when you get the courage up to ask him to be a little rough with you. he is so so down too, he eagerly rips his shirt off and it leaves you giggling at his anticipation. different ideas flow through his mind, how you’d look on your knees with his cock deep down your pretty throat, or how pretty you’d look spread open for him with your ankles on his shoulders… his mind would wonder and that’s for sure. ‘are you sure!? i mean.. the second that it gets to be too much.. you better say something, or push me away.. right?’ poor boy :( when he starts getting a tiny bit rougher, he can’t help but think about how pretty you look for him. eyes teary, hands clutching his thighs and he holds your arms behind you while he pounds into you from behind. of course, being the curious man he is.. he would want to position you infront of a mirror. ‘oh look at you.. how can a creature be so beautiful under such pressure?!’ his voice so would be so soft too..
kinks: he really discovered how much he likes overstimulation. he can’t believe his eyes when he sees just how much someone could tremble from too much stimulation in certain places.
oh he can get rough, i just know it. i mean.. a detective!? with his smarts he can easily read you in times like this. you never really asked for him to be rough, but judging how you’d whine and writhe beneath him when he is gentle with you, he got the hint. ‘is that what you want? hm?’ he’d get all close to your face. ‘you want me to be rougher with you? you know.. i have those handcuffs put away.. maybe i could,, dig them out and test them on you sometime. would you like that?’ in a soft, whispering tone omg. oh and when he lets it out, you’re going at it for hours. he tries many different things, asking for consent as he goes along and of course you want it.. so desperately. it wasn’t until he really let loose with how dirty he can speak, he swears that you’ve never cum faster.
kinks: maybe light bondage, creampies babbyyyyy
KAEYA CAN GET SO MEAN OMG okay listen, when you first ask him to get rougher with you, he gets that nasty smirk on his face before starting to back you into a corner, muttering dirty things into your ear as he sees your mouth fall open in shock. he’d say things like, ‘oh? does my sweet little girl need me to rough her up? hm? is that what you need? do you crave it? i bet you’d like if i just.. laid you back.. spread you open with my fingers..’ his own jaw drops at the idea of his words. and that’s exactly what he would do. he’d sit you in his lap, using his legs to keep yours opened wide as he vigorously rubbed your clit, using the other hand to play with your breasts while he was at it. all while murmuring the filthiest of things to you. ‘those sounds baby.. keep it up, i know you’re close.’
kinks: kaeya is such a romantic man, i wouldn’t be shocked if he was into cum play, creampies and possibly even breeding.
sweetie pie thoma :( he’s got to have a secret dark side.. right? i think he does! when you first approach him with the idea, you’re awful shy about it but when he gets the hint wowoooooo he gets that smirk and scuffs. ‘am i not giving you enough? does my baby need more out of me?’ it’s somewhat condescending but the tone has your knees wobbling. he used to be shy, but after tonight it all melted away when he had your feet perched up on his shoulders while his cock drilled in and out of you, keeping a steady pace.. not too hard but just hard enough. enough to make that squelch reverberate off the walls like a sinful song. ‘is this what you wanted?’ scuffs. ‘i didn’t know my girl was so dirty! hhhnng baby i should have done this ages ago.. given you exactly what you needed? yeah?’ oh how the knot in his tummy would break so fast when he sees your eyes roll back with a lazy smile printed on your lips.
kinks: praise, creampies [he loves to watch it all leak out-], lawd he loves it when he can see the visual confirmation that he can make you cum so hard aka squirting.
dear lord this man would get the nastiest of smirks on his face before getting you to your knees. he’d stroke your cheek softly before pushing the tip of his cock against the innermost part of your cheek, watching it bulge out. he often times gets weak in the knees when you choke and gag around his thick cock. he is such a good dirty talker, he’d talk you through every orgasm he pulls from you tbh. he’d say things like, ‘oh that’s it… yeah.. yeah baby.. oh that’s it- good girl!’ now listen, there’s something about him that makes me think he’d love to rub his hands over your ass before giving it a firm slap, watching you jump from the impact and chuckling deeply. ‘scare you, did i? aw baby.. it’s okay. i’ve got you.’ AND PRESS A KISS TO YOUR CHEEK AAAA. anyways, he can get mean if you ask him but he can also be the sweetest lover ever. but with that said, all you have to do is ask and he’ll definitely give it to you.
kinks: it’s hard to tell… praise, maybe a touch of degradation, overstimulation, orgasm control & face fucking.
tbh asking zhongli to be rough with you may have been one of the best things to ever happen. he’s extremely attentive, making sure to touch and kiss every part of your body he knows that makes you twitch and squirm. he worships you every time you make love.. now mix that in with being rough? when you proposed the idea, he was confused, as if he already was rough with you but when you stated clearly what you would like for him to do, if he would want to, he had you in a private place damn near immediately. oh the idea of zhongli clamping a hand down over your mouth when he’s fucking up into you as you ride him… *wipes forehead* ‘this what you wanted?’ oh when you’d nod furiously, thanking him for giving it to him he would give you the sweetest, filthiest, sluttiest forehead kiss ugh
kinks: orgasm control, praise, maybe even sensory deprivation
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tagging @p-antomime @endlessmari @httphaitani @stygianoir @bunnyyamor
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elliezlils11utt · 2 months
Heyy! Can I pleasee request small headcanons of reader putting cute makeup on Ellie and Abby? (separate reactions)…Just wondering how the girls would react? Pretty sure they would only agree cause their beautiful gf asked for it…otherwise they're grumpy asf about it lol. I lowkey imagine reader jokingly telling Jock!Abby that she should attend the football practice with makeup on, and Abby being speechless 😭 Love your blog btw! 💜
A/n: hi hi hi !! Thank you smmm love !! when I read this I was genuinely so excited. I love this concept so much omfgg. This is super fluffy & I’m living for it.
Contents: sfw!! Jock!abby, loser!ellie, Reader being iconic. Super duper uper fluffy !!
Pink=reader, not pink= Abby/ellie !!
“babbyyy, pleaseee !! you’ll look so cuteee!!”
you’d whine as your girlfriend sits grumpy on the bed. you make yourself look small and watch her with big eyes. she tries to hold her tough demeanor but eventually after watching your doe eyes looking up at her she lets out a huff in defeat. you run over and grab her arm, pulling her to your vanity with a grin glued to your face.
“I didn’t say yes.” she so obviously gave in.
“Your sigh said it all” you giggle pulling out your makeup. while you would do her makeup you’d be giggling and laughing the entire time.
*she’d be so interested in everything you did. Everytime you pulled a new product out she’d ask you ‘what you were putting on her face’ in her words
*“what’s that?”
“it’s jst primer babe, calm down your not going to die” you squeeze the substance on her face and she’d definitely back away at the cold temperature.
“why is it sticky?!”
*“Annnnnddd, your all done.” finishing spraying setting spray on her face (which she most definitely complained about) you’d put a mirror in her face to reveal her new look. your face beaming with pride at your handy job. she takes one look in the mirror and sighs.
“You look so pretty. like a pretty princess !!”
“if you don’t shut up your going to regret it.” she’d tease with a grin.
Later that day you’d find her getting ready to take off the makeup that you spent soooo long on.
“Babbyyyyy !! Why are you taking it off?”
“I’ve got practice babe.”
“So? You should leave it on !”
she stares at you with a blank expression before bursting out laughing.
“ha- that’s funny, your funny.”
*with Ellie I think it would be more of a natural thing. like you guys would be getting ready for a party and she’d be watching the you get ready. Maybe she’s on her phone and looking up at u occasionally from the bed. you’d notice and look back at her with a mischievous ass look, eyeliner in hand.
*ellie definitely read your mind before u even said anything.
*”babe, no.”
*”babe, yes”
*and that’s how she’d end up under you, you straddling, her hips. Leaning over with your tongue poked out the side of ur mouth, painting eyeliner on her. she’d get all flustered and avoid eye contact.
*she most definitely would act like she hated every minute of it but in reality she loved looking up at your concentrated face. I jst know her heart would be pumping out of her chest omfgg.
* I can definitely see Ellie as the typa girl to say she doesn’t understand makeup, then after you put eyeliner on her she’d sit on the floor of the bathroom practicing it on herself like the little loser she is.
A/N: this was so fun to write im inlove. I need more Abby requests bc I love writing for Abby so muchhh !! 😭🤭
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hotdogstandz · 20 days
hello !!
so I find your lusttale very interesting and cool and ,,, i'm bad at words but there should be a word that includes everything amazing ever
it's just like,,,I'm a young queer person and i'm so scared to go out into the world and really be me? and seeing you, basically my favorite artist, make/rewriting an au centered around living through that fear is so beautiful to me, I hope that one day i can find a community and live through the horrible things that society puts on our shoulders. and it's also like...I live in a 'supportive household' but my internalized transphobia is annoying and it also gives me hope that like i'll grow and change and be happy and stuffs
so urm i made u fanart :-)
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I hope you have an amazing day/night! and week and year and everything!
sorry for ranting!
AHH!!! FIRST OF ALL I AM OBSESSEDDDDDD WITH THE FANART OF MY BABBYYYYY thank you so so so much <3333 I love love love the colors
As an queer adult, it makes me infinitely happy to hear that you find solace and comfort in my silly little characters. I myself struggled with a lot of internalized self doubt over my identity as well when I was younger, so it means THE WORLD to me that I can be a voice to you select few queer utmv babies who need a little encouragement. I am a big believer in gender identity being a big explosion of self love and creativity, as well as it being forever moldable and flexible. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to go about being queer. Your experience is just as beautiful and amazing as every other queer person’s is. You will always have the burden of uncertainty, the feeling of being “other”, and the societal pressures, but I can assure you with my entire heart that you are NOT alone. You are never alone. You have only begun the journey, there is only possibility in front of you. And so so so many people who will love and celebrate your queerness that you have yet to meet.
But for now, I can say that I see you. And I’m really proud of you, proud of everything you’ve gone through to get to today. Being queer is not a death sentence, it is a gift. I hope you never forget that.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Ron Speirs x Fem OC.
Part 5 babbyyyyy.
here’s the link to part 4! This one for a change won’t be smut wowwww, I think we all need a breather, but expect angst! It’s a little sad and tw there’s some mentioned of war, loss and sadness. This isn’t too long of a chapter but I’ll make up for it in the next part! Ron finds Jenny sunbathing, reminiscing the traumas of war with tear stained cheeks. Something inside of Ron’s heart is completely crushed, especially when she turns him away for a reason he’s yet to understand. Ron assumed Jenny wants nothing more with him, she’s upset and confused- now he’s falling into the exact same mindset.
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June 3rd, 1945:
Austria was beautiful. It was perfect. Peaceful and relaxing. It was everything you’d want in life, to live here soaking in the sun on such a beautiful summers day. The heat was now out in full force, and I’d spent my days off relaxing or swimming in the lake with my friends. The one problem? Alice wasn’t there. Her death in Bastogne froze me to the bone. Something changed inside of me after that day, the loss of my closest friend, a nurse, only 23 years old in the middle of that haunting forest. She was shot down ‘accidentally‘ during enemy crossfire. A war crime had been committed, the shooting stopped shortly after she toppled to the ground.
I wasn’t there to witness her death, part of me was relieved I wasn’t, but that didn’t help the overwhelming scenarios that plagued my mind. The aftermath was traumatic, it wouldn’t rid my mind, seeing her body frozen to the floor whilst panicked men surrounded her. She’d died an agonising death. The guilt that surrounded me made me feel sick, why Alice? Why, why? It didn’t make sense. My blurred eyes stared across the small waves the wind was producing near the shoreline. Every now and then I’d detach from reality, thinking about the loss of my closest friend and so many others. I hated it, the way I didn’t feel like a real person in this world anymore. Most of the time I could push it to the back of my mind, or I’d got Mary and the other girls to talk about it with. But moments like these where I was alone and weeping always seemed to be the worst.
I’d heard footsteps, ignoring them as I blinked away the tears pooling in my eyes.
“Thought I’d find you here.” It was Ron. I felt his hand smooth over the top of my back, down my hair that was loose and down. “Not today, Ron.” I sighed out, my voice coming out low as my head dropped. From the corner of my eye I could see him frown a little, edging closer to see my face. “Hey.” His voice dropped, hand nudging under my chin as he scanned over my face. I’d never seen him with a more downcast and concerned expression before. “Hey, what’s wrong?” The hand still remained on my upper back, soothing me gently. “Nothin, nothin’.” I wiped my eyes, dropping my head again so he wouldn’t have to see my teary face again. “It doesn’t seem like nothing.” He gently spoke, sitting down next to me fully as I inhaled deeply, a little embarrassed that Ron was seeing me like this. With my lack of response, Ron glanced out across the area briefly.
“Has somebody upset you?” “No.” I gently responded. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m so upset-“
“Don’t apologise.” He was quick to stop the rest of the apology leaving my lips. Ron had shuffled a little closer, pulling me into his chest as I was relieved to be engulfed into the comfort of a hug. The only thing that could ground me again, physical touch. “No, nobody upset me.” I then inhaled, taking a moment just to relax in his arms, my hand came to grip his uniform lightly, his other hand wiping at my tears. “That’s good, then?” He gently offered as I nodded with a small smile. “I’m sorry, Ron, you don’t need to see me like this.” Drying my eyes, I took a deep breath and scanned over the lake once more. “No, no, it’s okay. I just wanna make sure you’re okay.” He hushed as I swallowed, his words tugging on my heart. “I’m okay.”
“You don’t seem it.” He responded quickly as I half smiled, reassuring him that I was in fact, fine. “You thinkin’ about something that’s happened?”
“How did you know?” My mouth was slightly agape. “I can just tell.” He shook his head, slinging his arm over me as I sat up a little straighter now. “I was just…” I began, not really knowing where to start. Ron watched me patiently. “I was just thinkin’ about… Alice.” I hesitated, unknown if he’d actually know who I was talking about. “She was the nurse in second platoon, right? With you?” Nodding, I broke eye contact again, swallowing away the upsetting urge to cry once more. “I heard what happened.” He commented as all I could do was nod in a feeble response. “You were close?” “She was my best friend.” I spoke on a sharp inhale, worried my voice would break before I did. “I’m sorry.” Ron muttered as I shook my head with a sad kind of laugh. “It’s just weird how it happens to them and not to me or you.” My voice wobbled once more as he squeezed me closer into his side.
“I know.” His voice came out as a sparse whisper now, when I finally glimpsed up to him, a sickening worry rushed through me that I was upsetting him. “I hope I’m not upsetting you.” “No, no, you’re not.” He hushed me quickly, taking my hand within his. “You’re not.” His voice softened, moving a little closer as he rested his forehead against mine. I gulped nervously, the vulnerable moment being a little too overwhelming for me.
Ron tilted his head up, pressing his lips ever so gently into mine. He was kissing me so softly, with so much care- almost like he’d break me. As the kiss deepened, I could feel my aching heart yearning for more than just these moments- love. I wanted his love.
The feeling scared me like no other, it made me jump back in shock. Whether he was kissing me with the intention of something more or not, I was too overwhelmed. “No, Ron. I need to go, I’m sorry.” I gathered my towel and tied my summer dress that I had looted from somebody’s house quickly.
“Go where? Now?” He seemed a little stunned, pushing himself up in confusion as I began hurrying away. “I just need to.” Was all I could say, as more tears pricked to my eyes.
“You’re upset-“ “I’m fine, I promise.” The lie left my mouth quicker than I could think. Within seconds I was scurrying away, back to the confinements of my room where there was no Ron, no lingering feelings- now I could cry all alone, pathetic and lost as a new found guilt from practically running away from Ron took over me. The way I’d left him looking all sad when he was just comforting me, I felt mean. What I did was mean. All because I couldn’t accept my own stupid feelings.
How had I got myself so deep into this situation?
The following two days I was a nervous wreck. Whilst my normal mindset had returned and I was focusing on the present, I could not rid the awkwardness that filled me every time I was around Ron.
Whenever we were in a room together I’d find my hands trembling, I was a nervous wreck, and my stomach churned every time I’d feel him looking at me. Worst of all, I hadn’t given him a chance to speak to me, nor had I attempted to speak to him. He never abused his power by asking me to speak with him privately in front of everybody else, he just got on with it. Part of me wondered if he wasn’t interested in me since my meltdown, if I was just an easy way to get sexual satisfaction from after the lack of it throughout the war. Thoughts like that kept me up at night, to the early hours of the morning when I’d be tossing and turning in a complete frustration. Eventually, I’d given up and gotten myself up to retrieve some water from downstairs. When I was in the kitchen, I figured there would be no harm in me going on a small stroll outside. There was still plenty of patrols happening, I would be safe. And then when I wound up outside the house where Ron was bunkered in, I thought hell to it. I’d picked and choose when I needed to be ballsy, but if I could run across the war torn areas in Foy to retrieve wounded men, then I could do something as simple as this. This was nothing compared to everything else I’d done? Right? Why was it easier to approach Ron wanting sexual favours than it was just to actually see him. It wasn’t like I needed to come clean about my feelings or anything? All I wanted was to give him a well deserved apology.
Getting inside the building was easy, I just told the men I needed a spare room to sleep in for the night to avoid the ‘snoring of the other nurses next door to me’. Remembering where I came to retrieve his pants that one time, I soon came up outside his room, my palms beginning to sweat.
Maybe this was a mistake? Maybe it was stupid, really stupid. I walked back and fourth over the slight creak in the floor, cringing every time it would make a noise. It felt like I had to physically push myself, I was a nervous wreck, and the second I held my hand up to knock on the door, it was ripped open and a harsh hand caught my own, gripping it up as I gasped out in fright…
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sexcromancy · 11 months
beronica kiss made me cry like a fucking BABBYYYYY even knowing it was coming... they are busting out this bitch fr!!!!! GODDDD I can't even imagine how it must feel for RAS he has truly managed to create a beautiful transcendent narrative about working for so long to tell the story you want to tell. all the way from archies weird fantasy you fucking made it baby... FUCKKK
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franthonyofficial · 5 months
hello kier franthonyofficial i would just like to say that you are very beautiful 💯💯 keep slaying
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sebsxphia · 1 year
Back with another TBD!Bob thot that is more than a little self indulgent but that's what fic is all about babbyyyyy - I'm here Feeling Many Things™ for the concept of sub!Bob on this one... Not a lot of the time, but just often enough that you get the chance to make a mess of him and listen to those beautiful whimpers and pleas -
I'll show myself out 🫢
we love self indulgence in this household my love! <3
and this is a delicious one for sure! i love the concept of it being teenage dirt bag and sub bob too. because what if up until this point, he hasn’t experienced being in that sub space much, if at all?! so when he is for the first time with you, it’s such a delight to see 🥹😵‍💫
thank you so much for this thot my love! 💌
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calealealer · 6 years
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Here’s my babbyyyyy
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I'm gonna pass tf out this dog is so beautiful 😭😭 and fyi this is now OUR baby!
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vertetea · 2 years
short almost grocery trip drabble
♡ ganyu x femreader
cw // pda , use of pet names , purposeful lowercase
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"babbyyyyy" you whined, making eye contact in the mirror with the girl beside you.
"i wanna gooo, the store is only open for an hour more!"
"y/n." ganyu firmly speaks your name as she dots a berry coloured liquid above her cheeks.
"i have a reputation to uphold, i must look presentable. im sure that they will keep the doors open." you wouldn’t admit it but she was right in that aspect. Liyue’s reaction to an unkept adeptus would be vile.
an hour goes by, then another, then 3. Ganyu has never been the best with punctuality but you’d expected this would differ due to the time limit they had. you walk into her room and your eyes immediately turn up, there she is in all her glory. outstretched on to her back with half lidded sleepy eyes, you had waken her from her slumber for what again ?
"my lovee?" your hands entangle themselves into her hair as you trace the parting where her horns lay. they’re warm in more ways than one as the setting sun shines rays around them, changing their hue to become golden.
she looks so beautiful like this, in a state of peace. her limbs are sprawled about yet she still looks elegant as ever. the pink from earlier that littered her cheeks has become smudged & the colour had faded with the dew that was covering her parted lips. in this moment, she was stronger than any god, more beautiful than any jewel & best of all, warmer than every star.
a kiss placed onto the angels forehead causes her to stir, opening a perfect space for your hips to lay next to hers. you seize this opportunity and lay your head against her chest as you both snuggle into the warmth. the movement must have awakened her as she pulls a sheet over top of you both, letting you lay in the crook of her neck as spirals are drawn on your scalp with freshly trimmed nails.
"goodnight sunshine" she giggles at the nickname she assigns to you.
"goodnight you"
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krysphycookiez · 3 years
Hi it‘s me again. I have another request. What about izty‘s reaction. Reader is their gf and is really quiet and intriverted so they do cute stuff to get reader to talk or smile and maybe a kiss at the end.🤩
Thank you☺️
itzy | smile for me
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synopsis: you’re quiet and a bit of an introvert, so your girlfriend makes an effort to bring out the sunshine in you
genre: fluff, headcanons
pairing: itzy x fem!reader
tw: none, just get ready for chaotic fluff
a/n: hi again! thanks for the request i appreciate it! i how this one isn’t too whack, i really tried qwq, anyways i hope you enjoy!
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poor baby is already a bit shy on her own
but hey, that’s what made you guys click together anyways so it was all coolio for a bit
once you and yeji start dating for about a month or two, she’s gonna try to be a bit more “bold” around you
pda is not something that occurs quite often between the two of you, as she just prefers to hug you or hold your hands
so when she starts showing affection by showering you with kisses and cuddles you were in shock
but not complaining though, who would deny a cuddle fest from the queen herself
once you two start getting comfortable with affection, you’d start talking more!
since you’re a shy bean and she’s also a bit like you, you two would do small little dates on the past
but now yeji is confident enough to bring you to nicer places like an amusement park or a restaurant
eventually you’d start opening up even more! and you’d laugh a lot more too and polar bear girl melts every-time she hears you laugh
she loves you and you love her
both of you are a wholesome couple, and even though things were a bit stale at first things got better
although you still have tendencies to be awkward, you’ve managed to open up even more to those around you
and it’s enough to make your girlfriend smile
“hey baby?” your sweet partner pipes up, causing you to turn your head to lock your eyes with her beautiful polar bear shaped ones. “yes? so you need anything?” you asked, giving her a small smile, making her chuckle
“nothing, i just wanted to see you smile,” yeji admits truthfully, to which you blush at. she makes her way towards you and pulls you into a tight hug, and a hug you return quickly. she gently kisses your forehead and locks her loving gaze with you.
“you know i love you right? i’m glad you’re opening up more,” she states, and you smile just grows from her sweet words. you lean your head onto her chest, her soothing heartbeat calming you down. “yeah... i love you so much, sweetheart,”
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omg she thinks your so adorable when you first meet like
how can someone be so kawaii and innocent-looking?????
getting back on track she loves you so much, but ngl she was a bit dense at first about your crush towards her
this is lia we are talking about, how can no one love this amazing woman
when you two started dating she would shower you with love and affection because of how cute you were towards her
“hon how do you manage to make everything you do look so adorable i swear this is why i love you so much,”
she loves karaoke nights with you too
and you also got an amazing voice so she definitely gets all hype about it
but since you’re so shy you don’t sing that much so she catches you singing a lot in the shower then you think you’re alone
she also debates if she should join you in the shower or not
she flirts with you a lot too just to see your cute lil flustered face and fawn over it
“awwww you’re so cute when you’re blushing~”
“babbyyyyy i missed you!” lia exclaimed as she jumped into your arms, making you topple a bit. since you’re a bit taller than her she likes to jumó to you for hugs
she peppered small kisses all over your face, making you giggle a bit. “what’s happened, lia? you’re suddenly so happy??” you asked while you chuckled. she pecked your lips and gave you a bright smile
“nothing happened, i’m just happy to see the most beautiful girl in the world,”
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another shy girl, she’s actually the most shy out of all of itzy
ryujin would definitely try to flirt with you and then fail miserably before you got into your relationship
the other members would tease her for making her crush so obvious
that would result in a punch or two
when you guys would start dating she’d be such a complete sweetheart around you
she’d start to open up more but then over your adorable personality
she still tries to flirt but most of it is just cheesy pick-up lines
“omg that was so weird please forget i said that okay—“
the one time you said something remotely confident to her is when you complimented her on her dancing and rapping
she thought you were genuinely flirting with her so she got very embarrassed and stuttered a lot
yuna would never let her live that moment down lemme tell ya
she’d also give you tulips and roses cause she’s just so sweet to you, also she prefers giving you affection in private cause she’s still kinda shy
overall 10/10 wholesome gf, you should also kiss her on the forehead
“ryujin?? what are you looking at?” you asked her with that little innocent look on your face. you saw your girlfriend shift her way towards you on the couch and put a hand on your cheek. “just admiring the most amazing and wonderful woman i’ve ever met,” she said with a sly grin.
you blinked your eyes innocently, trying to process what she just said, which resulted in her gigging and patting your head. “you’re so adorable, y/n,” she commented while you puffed your cheeks in embarrassment and frustration.
“no i’m not.”
“awww but your areee~”
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omg we are moving onto one of the best girls
she’s such an energetic and amazing pup you’d be so close with her before you guys dated
almost like sisters even, she just loves to hang out with you
so naturally, it’s very easy for her to get you on your fun and cheery side
boba dates, park dates, she’d take you to any fun and outgoing place to get you in a very bright mood
and then BOOM! just like that she manages to make you all energetic and playful
then you go back to being a shy bean and that just makes her heart explode with cuteness
your wholesomeness overload is too much for her and she’ll constantly remind you on how cute and adorable you are
constantly hugging you from behind and peppering kisses all over your face when she gets the chance
that is until she kisses your lips is what makes her heart go boom boom
you’re such a flustered and stuttering mess she’s overjoyed
also uh- chaotic ness with the other members of itzy is multiples ten times more when you’re around
overall, amazing gf, you won’t regret it
you had just gotten home from a tired day at work, wanting nothing more than to snuggle up into the warm and fluffy sheets next to your amazing girlfriend.
when you entered the room, you quickly set down your belongings and got properly changed before slipping under the sheets next to your partner. it wasn’t long before you felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around you, making you smile in content. “hi baby... i missed you...” chaeryeong muffled sleepily while nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck, making you giggle at her.
“yeah... i missed you too...” you said to her before cuddling up next to her, letting your sleepiness drift you away into a blissful rest.
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ohhhhh now moving onto the savage maknae of the bundle
she’s such a little shit around you lemme tell ya
constantly teasing you as a way to show her affection or playing with your hair, she’s all over the place
however when she’s more calm, she likes to take you out to coffee dates
something about the taste of the energetic bitterness, plus having it with you makes her feel at peace
you’re the mediator in the pair
when she’s all worked up and hyper you manage to calm her down after a few weeks/months of being together with her
and it’s honestly adorable and funny to see you two interact
“y/nnnn~ can we get these cookies please???”
“…. you just had frosted sugar cookies no.”
you’re like the mom and she’s the little baby it’s so cute, the other members love your guy’s dynamic
give her tons of love she will give you the cutest reactions
whether it’s returning the gesture or just giggling adorably it’s so wholesome
yuna is an amazing girlfriend, she’s so hyper like a baby puppy and you’re just the chill partner
“baaaaabeeeee i wanna go ouuuuuuuut~~”
“ahhh yuna, you’re being clingy as always,”
“i can’t help it! you’re so cute..” your lovable partner said as she wrapped her slender arms around your shoulders, throwing herself into your embrace for a warm hug, to which you gladly returned.
“ahhh, i love you so much,” you said as you pressed a kiss on her forehead, making yuna giggle. “i love you too, y/n,”
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rotshop · 3 years
*points* You, c’mere
I read through your fics again and I am reminded how absolutely incredible your writing is. And how absolutely wonderful your ideas are. I love reading through your fics and hcs so much, they are just *chef’s kiss*. I love how you describe things in such detail and what words you use and how you set the scene up so well and how you describe how characters are feeling. It’s all all utterly beautiful. And I mean that, I enjoy how you write so so much. -Echo
BUT ALSOFUCKKK THS MAKES ME INSANE., liek. a lot of my writing is really sub par to me and it's just kinda like. so. idk how to explain this other than like. so you know how the general consensus is to take time on games and to take them in and enjoy them??? yeah im speedrunning, im clipping through walls and falling through floors to get that time wr babbyyyyy . i do most of my long stuff in one go with no drafts or rereads . i just go 'yeah it's probably good enough it sounded alright when i was making it up as i went :thumbsup:' and hit post lmao ,,,,,,,,,,,,, (i think it's pretty easy to tell since i end up with a lot of weird jolts in sentences bc i change my mind mid-way through or forget to delete things etc etc)
BUT . im really really glad you enjoy ho w i write <:)) writing emotion is probably one of my favorite things to do since i can just use a bunch of phrases and random shit and people can maybe get like approximation of exactly what i mean w/o having to worry abt categorizing it properly . also i just really like making setting.
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bbjimin-dududu · 3 years
Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out. 💕
Malu!!! Thank you so much for this babbyyyyy💓💓💓💓
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I’m going to live blog my rewatch of The Untamed because im alone and gay.
Episode 8^
-tfw you can’t say goodbye to /either/ of your boyfriends before going back home
-i can’t believe Wei Wuxian literally just throws a rabbit into Jiang Cheng’s arms.
-they’re so cute 😭😭😭😭😭
-lightning storms must be nuts in the Cloud Recesses forreal
-“gone night hunting 🙂”
-Lan Wangji looks /breathtaking/ in those robes. That shade of blue? Incredible. He really does have the reputation of one of the two most beautiful cultivators to uphold after all
-That boat is so tiny how romantic~ I bet WWX complained the entire time about it being cramped
-say what you want about the Wen clan and being evil, but if i got to have a cool cloud/mist/smoke bird to spy on people id be pretty morally corrupt too
-i like seeing when WWX’s talismans are blue and not red, idk how often it happens but it’s a good colour for him when he’s happy
-im CACKLING I love Nie Hauisang so fuking much his laugh is so good
-the bros™️ are back babbyyyyy both of them going “eeehhhhhhhh????” with those shit eating grins and LWJ’s soul is just leaving his body in the bg.
-Nie Huaisang sees LWJ: *war flashbacks to how many times they got punished for drinking and being shitheads* WWX: “oh dont worry hes like super chill now”
-the music and set design for Lotus Pier makes me have so many emotionssss its so prettyy
-“i thought you two were incompatible” Nie Huaisang checks LWJ & WWXs horoscopes daily to make sure LWJ is a good match for his bro
-ahh he’s so good with Lan Wangji bringing him closer to the crowd after that bright smile 😭 “its ok, not that crowded” he’s just so happy to be with LWJ
-Wei Wuxian is so touchy and clingy with anyone he’s close to it’s no wonder Lan Zhan is just in a constant state of gay panic when theyre alone haha he’s not ready to have him hanging off his shoulder 24/7
-“hey, uh, not to be gay but your boyfriend is really hot, dude.” “I agree, my boyfriend is super hot. I wonder if he’s single.”
-*longing stares INTENSIFY*
-man i /hate/ this dude, this isn’t some Yin Iron measuring contest.
-this poor waiter, but like, Wen Qing really has more braincells than all of the main cast combined
-“are you making fun of me?” “I am, what are you going to do lil’ baby, cry about it?” “Yeah”
-don’t put Suibian between your legs like your riding a broom absansnxjsnans
-Wei Wuxian’s natural sense for feeling ~*spooky*~ things is a very good character point. Literally since his first day meeting LWJ he’s shown this, knowing without any context that the possessed guy wasn’t actually dead etc.
-imagine going into an unexplored cave for the first time and just finding a fully detailed statue without any explanation. Yeah- I’d definitely think that was haunted too.
- ~scary cave bonding time with the boys~
-WWX looking over at LWJ while restraining the statue screams “is he looking at me? Do i look cool? Does he see me being strong and protecting him?”
-im so genuinely confused at how big this statue is supposed to be
-even before he started using demonic cultivation, WWX’s aura is shown as black/red, I wonder if the cgi team just didn’t bother making it different or maybe that’s just a flex on how much of a Goth™️ Wei Wuxian really is even on the inside.
-i love love love crowd acting and seeing the few people doing the bare minimum to pass in a shot. Its something I recommend everyone pay close attention to cause sometimes its really funny
-thank god there wasn’t a fourth door for the puppets to gently punch their way through.
-“did we just fall into a trap” does liking Nie Huaisang make me a morosexual
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