#because i do!
jalajalapeno · 1 year
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some lads i'll have with me at Thy Geekdom Con and Philadelphia Fan Expo (and online afterward)
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dininginspace · 1 year
remember when anakin and obi-wan are standing just outside the room in which palpatine is being held hostage, having gone through Some Shit™️ to get to this point as a matter of urgency, and stover was like yo hold up I gotta marry you two real quick and then they exchange the vowiest vows of all time right then and there in a soft voice with a warm hand with a depth of feeling with a pure uncomplicated love rising in anakin that feels like a promise from the Force itself and then george lucas line-read this and said yes and gave it a row of enthusiastic little red ticks and drew a love heart next to it
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ninthhousesteel · 2 years
do you guys think that nancy carries a little journal with her at all times in case she gets random bursts of inspiration for her articles
and robin sees that she's running out of pages one day and buys her a new one and writes 'to the best goddamn journalist on the face of this planet: love you lots - rob' on the back cover of it
and gives it to nancy as a gift who immediately falls even more in love with robin when she unwraps the package because of how thoughtful her girlfriend is
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 8 months
remember when this was the height of gay representation from the conchordswaititidarbyverse 🎸
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zoey-is-gay · 1 year
You ever find a fic that you've heard so much about and are so excited to read but then you look at the tags and you realize it's not going to end happily so you just sort of sit there contemplating if you're going to forever question or allow yourself to be destroyed emotionally?
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 5 months
I'm so in love right now!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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underoospeterparker · 4 months
does anyone else just get super mad and annoyed with everyone and everything right before their period but the type of mad where you just wanna burst into tears and complain to anyone who'll listen
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mikimeiko · 2 years
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Evil | 3x03. The Demon of Sex
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happyandticklish · 1 year
10, 12 & 15? <3
✨10 - what spot do you feel deserves more attention?
Backs, but specifically your upper shoulder blades, right where it connects to your shoulders themselves. It's so stupidly sensitive in that spot, I can't even tickle myself there without shivering. I feel like backs do get a lot of attention within the community, but the focus is always on the spine or the lower back (both good spots in their own rights 😌) and I feel like we are missing out on the goldmines that are the shoulder blades.
💘12 - if you could only tickle/be tickled on one spot forever, which would you choose?
I want to say it's a pretty solid tie between my feet and under my arms. Purely because those are the two spots where (a) I know for a fact they are genuinely ticklish (b) they are pretty prime targets in tickle fights so of all the spots to accidentally get tickled in, it would be them (c) they are the only spots that thus far have made me laugh laugh when tickled and (d) they both make your stomach do that swoopy flustered thing that's so addicting. If I had to choose, probably my feet, as my underarms get me weirdly panicky sometimes and I don't think I could handle only ever getting tickled there.
💖15 - what media (tv, movie, books, etc.) do you wish included more tkls?
The Raven Cycle
I am on hands and fucking knees
If I could have even just had a sentence that confirmed Gansey or Declan was ticklish I would have lost my shit.
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echidnana · 9 months
I can't imagine liking w.esker.
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peresephoknee · 1 year
do you think isabel lovelace and renee minkowski explored each others bodies on the uss hephaestus
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dobranocka · 2 years
#anyway#keeping this in tags because of the obvious reasons that i don't want this to spread etc etc#but i feel so tired and burn out and disillusioned in this fandom#to the point i feel bad about the thing i was very very excited to be working on for myself#and i hate the fact that i feel this way#like usually a fandom has been a crutch to me when i was feeling worse in terms of mental health#and the only time i felt a need this strong to disengage was like... in 2019 when some really bad stuff happened in my life#and i can't look at the things i wrote then without thinking 'oh this is a chronicle of my grief'#which yeah makes me sad but also nostalgic for the messages and support i got from fandom friends back then#whereas now it is like...#it's not only that i feel like i am posting and writing fics for the void#since apparently giving any sort of feedback is not something done anymore#or maybe not in this particular community?#why give comments when you can shoot someone a message 'oh you wrote a thing i am definitely going to read it never'#which is... fine i guess#i can deal with people not liking my writing#me ego is big enough i guess#but this is like... the first time in years that i've been finding talking to people in fandom spaces seriously tedious#like not because i don't enjoy talking about this piece of media!#because i do!#but i feel like somewhere along the way people lost the concept of boundaries and idk#not trying to shove your own fic with a weird kink/pairing/concept down someone else's throat#or hear about someone else work and immediately go 'oh amazing i can write the same thing!'#like... how on earth is that a normal behaviour#(not counting like normal assholery behaviour)#idk#maybe i am being too unkind or too fragile#or i just don't get modern fandom 'etiquette'#since apparently now being mindful of potentially triggering things and not spitting them in someone's face is too high of a bar#but i am just... tired
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aaronexplainsitall · 2 years
The literal only thing I want from Midnights is a song that I love as much as Look What You Made Me Do
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souloftheintrovert · 2 years
i see a pattern that nobody else sees.
the first three… maybe four seasons of south park, spongebob, and family guy were golden in every way.
but they were all supposed to end.
spongebob was supposed to end after it’s third season per mr. hillenburg’s request. south park was supposed to end after it’s third season due to low ratings. family guy was even cancelled a few times.
but they’re all still here, 20+ years later.
and… they’re all shit! family guy is overly violent, spongebob is dumb as fuck, and south park is way too political and an obvious attempt at two middle-aged men trying to stay “hip n’ cool n’ relevant.”
i miss when spongebob was about two (maybe three or four) random dudes vibing under the sea and not about four dumbasses farting & spewing unfunny joke after unfunny joke for 10 minutes. i miss when south park was four random kids going on the most unrealistic adventures ever (mecha-streisand for example) and not one unsubtle/unfunny joke after the other with some politics or drama laced between. i miss when family guy was about a… family and not six people. fighting. spewing unfunny jokes.
and that is my speech.
#.souloftheintrovert#and don’t think that i dont love sp0ngeb0b or s0uth p4rk#because i do!#i grew up with sp0ngeb0b and s0uth p4rk. hell. yall know sp is my favorite show#but the newer seasons are meh at best. completely intolerable at worst.#the first three seasons had their bad episodes… yeah. but they’re bad episodes werent even bad. they just weren’t my favorite. but now…#now the newer seasons have their good episodes… but they’re good episodes aren’t necessarily good. they’re just better than the others…#which isn’t a hard thing to accomplish when your newer episodes are fucking trash#but at least those shows know how old they want their audience to be. sp0ngeb0b is trying to get young kids (seven and younger) to watch#the show. which is nice… but it’s not educational at best and vomit-inducing at worst. the first three seasons were so good because anyone#seven year olds or their grandmas could watch the first three seasons and both of them will be just as entertained. anyway. sp used to be#tv-14 but that changed around season 4-5. but they always aimed the show at (for lack of a better word) ‘older’ people (people above 16)#but because the newer seasons are so political/trying to be relevant to whats happening irl… they limit themselves to adults which is fine#but they limit themselves to adults who dont mind politics in a show that’s supposed to entertain. not remind you whats going on outside.#they arent even subtle anymore. i remember miss information back in season 2-3. but in the song ‘safe space’ the villain is REALITY?#thats so fucking subtle. and fam1ly guy? way too violent. i feel like seth wants it to get cancelledso he just pumps out shit season on top#of shit season. its not funny. not unexpected. its just boring and predictable. shame.
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waugh-bao · 2 years
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
I think literature (in an inclusive sense with novels, poetry, short stories, etc) would probably be it for me. Partly because I was very much a bookworm as a kid, and felt like I could experience a huge range of worlds and people and even emotions that were outside of my narrow slice of life, and partly because it’s something I continue to love. As much as I enjoy my grad/PhD work, curling up with a good book is still my happy place.
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impernaway · 2 years
Instability, Lenny has decided, is a damn bitch of a thing.
It aches, except not in a painful way but more like something he’s never quite been able to put words to properly. It feels more like the idea of a memory loaned from the him that is still the Big Garage: The drawn-out moment of waiting before the renovations are declared, the knowing of an impending potential change to the very core of itself, the becoming with no power to do anything about what it is that it is to become.
Except this isn’t having his playing field suddenly ringed in pine trees whose roots are brand new intrusions that have been there for decades, or the pitching mound migrating even further from where it started. It’s instability, granted by the steps of a firewalker and something which has a very clear and fixed meaning. Is it better that there’s only two outcomes of this? He considers both options.
The first outcome: He lives through to the end of the week. He continues to play with a new team in the scorched remains of what was the Cookout, a fragment of a stadium living in the bones of another.
The second outcome: There’s an eclipse and he dies. The Queens bury the remains of rebar bones and gig-flyer skin, and some poor soul steps out from the metaphoric eggshell that was his body and all the fire that had killed him and straight into the frying pan.
(Of course, his traitor imagination whispers, those aren’t the only outcomes. It could well live long enough to see Seattle and all of it’s players swallowed by flames, outliving itself even though it was meant to be the part that learnt what the weight of mortality felt like for the behalf of the whole.)
If it was wearing Lenny’s face at the moment, it would grimace. After a moment’s consideration, he shifts and lets himself twist the internal dial. He grimaces. The change doesn’t hurt, but pain is something distinctly organic for him and the instability sits tighter in his joints than it did a minute ago.
Instability. Damn bitch of a thing. The coin’s already been flipped. All he can do now is wait to find out which way things will play out for him. It’s out of his hands. All it can do is wait and see.
All it can do is wait.
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