#behold a pale horse
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Art: Marshmallow Fairbanks
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badass-at-fandoming · 2 years
In trying to work up the nerve to read @robotslenderman's Behold, A Pale Horse, I started watching Matthew Dawkins' official The Gentlemen's Guide videos and...ya'll...when he talks about Mithras:
"Some Kindred like to claim that they are immune to feelings of love, of passion, of lust, but that is clearly not true. If a vampire is capable of hatred, and a vampire is capable of anger, and we clearly are, of fear, of loathing, paranoia, why should we be denied those feelings so often associated with positivity? We can feel loved. We can attach ourselves to companions without the heady rush of vitae bonding us. We can know love [...] When I cast my mind back to my relationship with my prince for so many years, was that loyalty? Was it love? Was it obsession? Was he sneaking me vitae to guarantee my slavery? I cannot know. All I know is I diligently served and stood by his side until he had no further use for me."
Yeah, these videos are way better than I thought: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4qzoETfmhLbqHXblXkGDnBjCbY_sc8e6
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Watch "Behold A Pale Horse Written by Milton William Cooper an audiobook" on YouTube
Early am vibes, stoned and had to revisit this book, it was a catalyst to me back in 2012, looking at it now alot of things ringed true and foreshadowed alot even to this day, I'd recommend reading this just to be aware
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ifallwasenough-if · 2 years
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quinn manson, frequently trapped in a hell of his own making.
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tierrainfinita · 2 years
I need to find more books like, "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper. Suggestions anyone?
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xprojectrpg · 2 months
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Moment of Awesome - Artie Maddicks/Facade:During the battle of District X, Artie uses less conventional means to try and stop Death.
It was a little like the parting of the Red Sea. As soon as Hope had spoken, the road ahead of Artie rose up, as if someone had pinched the surface and pulled upwards. Cars, trash cans, newspaper boxes, all sorts of debris all rolled down either side of the black peak in a clatter. Then the road sank down again, flat, unencumbered, a straight line between the Range Rover and the spot Hope had indicated.
I live my life a quarter mile at a time, rang in Artie's ears as he hit the clutch and accelerator, revving the engine. Three, two, one... go. He put it into gear and took off, getting as much juice out of second as he could before shifting into third and hitting 45 miles an hour.
The rev of an engine itself wasn't particularly notable, but it did seem odd it appeared to be getting closer. Automatically, Death turned in the direction of the sound.
This would only work if he could keep Death in one place. Artie couldn't cloak the whole road but could create a bubble of illusion 30 feet wide and tall across it. Within it, the world fractured, splintered and recombined, whirling around Death.
The Horseman's perceptions spun in a disorienting kaleidoscope of shapes and colors. The sudden clash between the visual input and what his body knew to be true struck him with a wave of motion sickness severe enough to make him stagger.
Unfortunately, the direction he stumbled was away from the building and into the street.
The problem with an illusion like this was that once it was up, nothing inside the field was visible outside. Artie had a ten count before he'd be there. "Hope! Location!"
Quickly turning her head, Hope blinked once at the car quickly speeding at them, Artie's aura full of determination blazing from behind the wheel. "Two'clock for if you turn now!" She hurriedly projected, a little piece of her scouting training under the Archduke surging to the fore.
Artie adjusted his trajectory slightly and drove straight into the illusion he couldn't drop without losing the element of surprise. His car hit something and he jerked forward and back in the seat, airbag inflating and sending searing pain across his face as his nose broke.
As it turned out, the ability to absorb and neutralize the vast majority of mutant powers was less effective against a direct hit from an SUV.
Death landed in the windshield of an entirely different car, which came as a shock since he had never seen the first. From his point of view, the brief period he'd spent airborne had only been an extension of the labyrinthine riot his eyes were reporting. It was, therefore, something of a surprise when the visual distortions vanished to reveal a steaming and hugely dented range rover directly in front of him.
The Horseman stared at the car in disbelief.
"What sort of absolutely mental . . ."
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simseez · 5 months
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Arthur is all, there was no tall man.
I am like, you were pretty tall once sir.
*yup yup*
Sir did you come back up from the portal I made?
*yup yup*
We killed all of them didn't we Sir
*yup yup*
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critical-quoter · 1 year
For he who pays the piper picks the tune.
Behold a Pale Horse - William Cooper
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etherealwonder · 1 year
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Art: Marshmallow Fairbanks
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goliadkine · 1 year
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still from Hedgehog In The Fog, Yuri Norstein, 1975 - Twin Peaks : Fire Walk with Me, David Lynch, 1992 - untitled, Rae Klein
As the night wind blows, the boughs move to and fro; the rustling, the magic rustling that brings on the dark dream.
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hplovecraftmuseum · 6 months
At the same time Lovecraft's fiction achieved its first major public acknowledgment a considerable number of 'cult-type' personalities achieved the notice of the counterculture. Fiction writer, mystic, and religious leader, L. Ron Hubbard was gaining influence during the 60s - 70s and would eventually become leader and founder of Scientology. HPL and his friend Frank Belknap Long met Hubbard briefly at a gathering of literary types in NYC. The year was 1936. Lovecraft was very impressed with Hubbard who was a very young man at the time. Long wrote of the meeting in his meandering biography of HPL entitled: HOWARD PHILLIPS LOVECRAFT: DREAMER ON THE NIGHTSIDE (pp 190- 191). Lovecraft made the comment. "That red-headed young man is most extraordinary". Unfortunately Long didn't give us specific information for why Lovecraft thought so. (Much thanks to noted Lovecraft student Martin Andersson who is known in his native Sweden as "That Lovecraft guy!" for tracking down the location in Long's book of the HPL, Hubbard meeting). Hubbard went on to become quite a controversial figure. He is discussed in some depth in Bill Cooper's book : BEHOLD A PALE HORSE. Milton William Cooper, May 6, 1943 - Nov. 5, 2001 was a popular writer within the underground UFO community. His book explores a variety of conspiracy theories and was generally very negative in his assessment of Hubbard and his many spurious claims of secret knowledge and mystical experiences. L. Ron Hubbard had enjoyed success as a pulp fiction writer and gained an early leadership position among amateur literary groups. His later efforts in basically "inventing his own religion" reflect somewhat of the very thing Lovecraft himself was working at in his fiction. Lovecraft, however, never failed to assure all those who showed interest in his many mythic references that they were all purely fictional and had no basis in reality. (Exhibit 444)
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brightside-brigade · 1 year
Meet my new buddies!
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xprojectrpg · 2 months
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Moment of Awesome - Angelo Espinosa/Skin:Teaming up during the battle for District X, Angelo and Inez Temple manage to enjoy themselves in the middle of a brawl.
"Them filthy muties can't take us all at once!"
"There's only two! We have the advantage!"
This strategy was echoed down the line, and the remaining assailants all started to group for a single, desperate rush to win their prize of ridding the world of some mutant children.
They hadn't exactly been subtle about their intentions, and Angelo had reacted with the first shout. The children had been shuffled into a tight knot behind him as he turned to face the threat, his skin defences rippling and shifting to focus only on that side. "Outlaw? You take the half on the right, I'll go left."
"Y'got it, Skin," she replied, cracking her knuckles and veering off to the right, mumbling how apparently they hadn't just seen her take out a bunch of them at the same time and how she could in face take out many of them at once.
"Groupin' together," she grunted, punching one man out cold, "jus' means I ain't got t'go so far," she added, spinning and kicking another man in the midsection, doubling him over, "t'lick the shit out of y'all," she finished, clenching her hands together and swinging up and through the doubled-over mans chin, sending him bowling backwards into another oncoming pair, then smashing her hands down to take out another.
"It's real cute you think you have the advantage", Angelo said cheerfully, clotheslining three more attackers with a stiffly stretched out limb of skin. "You know, the youth club has cameras covering all of this. I'll have to put it on YouTube."
Inez snickered at that as she brought her fist into the face of yet another of their enemies before activating her comms. "We've got the kids an' are escortin' 'em out, slowly but surely... they had t'make it hard but we're equal t'the task," she said between punches and parrying blows. "Will radio when - ugh," she paused, absorbing a kick to her solar plexus before taking the assailant's leg and yeeting him a dozen feet or more into a nearby wall, "when we're all clear, over."
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lydiaalin · 2 years
abaddon is such a sick horse name 😳
I've been leaning towards that one myself 🏃‍♂️ Dhuum technically would be more fitting because yweyn = necromancer = blessed by grenth = dhuum was the old god of death that was usurped by grenth etc etc. but abaddon just sounds so much cooler 🤰
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