#being from the great lakes area this is strange
cowboycunt · 2 years
wait are y’all an ocean guy, lake guy, or river guy. i am a river guy tbh
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fallingdownhell · 10 months
Hello hello hello there, good writer! I was wondering if you'd be open to writing platonic HCs for the currently playable Archons in the game. Basically, way back when during the Archon War (or in Nahida's case, some point early on when she was instated as Sumeru's new Archon) the Archon's save a baby dragon's (the reader) life.Now, centuries later, at some point following the events of the Archon quests, they encounter Dragon!reader reader- now a fully-matured dragon (Dragon is the same element as each Archon. Individually, I mean, they aren't multi-elemental). The Archon recognizes them through any number of factors (a scar in a very particular area of Dragon!Reader's body, a discolored patch of scales, etc.) And as for how they encounter each other, maybe the Archon is accompanying the Traveler on a commission, and dragon!reader saves the Traveler or Archon's ass when the situation gets dicey, maybe the Archon senses a familiar presence and investigates, perhaps paths cross and they find themselves saving (or assisting) dragon!reader yet again, or maybe it's just a chance case of the stars aligning in just the right way. Apologies for the massive word dump, just thought I'd give you some prompts in case you have trouble coming up with ideas for this, if you want to do it, or course!
That is such a cool idea! And I really appreciate the word dump, it really helped me out a great deal this time around, so thank you, kind anon<3
Characters Included: Zhongli; Venti; Nahida
Content: gender neutral! dragon! reader; platonic headcanons;
Word count: 2,2k words
I hope this comes somewhat close to what you had in mind. Hope you enjoy<3
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Zhongli often looks back fondly at the times where he had adopted this strange baby dragon
the Archon War was a though time period, both for him and the people at his side, but having that baby to take care of by his side and teaching it all sorts of things made it somewhat bearable for him
he would often play around with it, sometimes even play fighting to show it a few moves and tricks and the dragon seemed to enjoy that a whole lot
though cuddling sessions always seemed to be the dragons favourite, especially when a certain spot under his chin was being scratched
it was a difficult spot for others to reach, seeing as it was surrounded by brown spikes, indicating your resonance with the Geo element, but seeing the happy expression on the baby's face made it worth it in the end
When the dragon later got older and grew up in Zhongli's care, it would often join him in various battles while the War still lasted
On one such battles, the dragon got hurt pretty badly in it's left eye, ultimately loosing it in the process. But it adjusted rather well to living with only half it's eyesight
Later, when the Archon war ended and peace had returned to Liyue, the dragon was all grown up now as well. And one day, without any prior indication, the dragon had just left, never to return again
Zhongli wasn't sad or anything. He understood that this is simply how nature works and he only wished the best unto his foster child
Sometimes, the Ex-Archon wonders if that dragon is still alive, but those thoughts always leave him rather quickly again. It's no use pondering about the unknown
And yet, imagine the surprise on Zhongli's face when he saw another dragon roam the sky just as he finished dealing with Azhdaha alongside the Traveller
Finding an opportunity to slip away from the group, he began traveling in the direction he saw the flying creature
it took some time, but he eventually found the dragon as it rested besides a small lake, soaking in the rays of sunshine onto it's scaled skin
fascinated by it, since dragons were a rare sight to see in this day and age, he decided to approach the creature, silently as to not startle it too much
as he got closer to the dragon, the creature soon picked up a new scent in the area and opened it's big eye, now spotting the approaching Zhongli
quickly, the creature got up and began roaring at him, and that's when Zhongli noticed a particular scar on the left eye of the dragon
Could it be... was it actually you?
Your name slipped past his lips and it made you hold in the middle of your actions. Zhongli could see the uncertainty in the dragons form, so he said your name again, staying still in his spot, only a few steps away
the dragon, still unsure, took another sniff of the surrounding air, taking in the scent of the new arrival, and suddenly, memories from its time as a baby came flooding into his mind, and you recognized the man in front of you
now seeming much calmer, you got closer to Zhongli, your long neck extending towards him so that your head was right in front of him
with a smile, the Ex-Archon extends his hand as well to scratch that certain spot under your chin, like he had always done many, many years ago
at this, the dragon closed its eye and a low grumbling sound could be heard deep within it's throat.
Zhongli almost couldn't believe it. His old friend was still alive and apparently doing pretty well for itself..
for some time, the two of them just sat down in the grass, enjoying the light of the still shining sun, while Zhongli just began talking, telling you of all the things that had happened while you were gone
And you were listening to every single one of his words, feeling happy to finally be reunited with him again..
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Most people know about Dvalin - or Stormterror - and his connection to the anemo Archon. How he was one of the four winds that protected the nation of Mondstadt
but what the people did not know, is that there was a second dragon with the anemo Archon that had been taken in by him when it was only a small baby
as a result, the baby dragon has been raised both by Dvalin and the anemo Archon at the same time. While it learned typical dragon behaviour from Dvalin, Venti provided the baby other lessons important for its life ahead
the little dragon has always been a playful and adventurous one. It was getting into trouble quite frequently as a child, but such was the nature of freedom
Venti had always adored looking at this little dragon baby as he found the light green colour of your scales to be quite mesmerizing. He liked to think that the colour represented your connection with the Anemo element, and himself.
But what he found even more adorable was the little patch of white scales, right between the beginning of your legs and your hind legs. It was about the size of the palm of his hand, the colour never really coming through on that spot
While Venti and Dvalin engaged in the Archon war, you always decided to stay behind, rather enjoying the serenity that the nation of Mondstadt brought to you than to engage with bloody battles all the time
As time went on, you grew older and older, and Dvalin knew that the time would come where you would leave them behind. To find your own place within this world, without them by your side
and sure enough, one seemingly peaceful day, you went up to them one last time, seemingly telling your goodbyes with your eyes before you turned your back to them and flew off into the distant world ahead of you. Excited to see what was liying ahead, but also sad you had to leave them behind
many, many years have passed since that fateful day and a lot has happened since then. A mysterious traveller has appeared in the world of Teyvat, helping Venti to bring his old friend Dvalin back to his senses
Since that incident, Venti couldn't help but think back to the old times quite often, reminiscing of the memories all three of them shared. He would often wonder how you were doing these days, if you were well off..
on one such days, when he was laying beneath the tree at Windrise, thinking of old times, he did not notice a bunch of Abyss mages and their underlings approaching
when he did, it was already too late and he was surrounded by enemies. Though he tried fighting his way out, the number of enemies just seemed to increase, instead of decreasing
Venti began to worry and just as he was about to summon his old friend Dvalin for some help, a roar echoed from above the sky. All heads turned up as a huge creature descended downwards, instantly attacking the abyss mages and their hoards
for a second, the colourful scales made him think of a certain dragon, but he quickly shook off that feeling, concentrating on the battle at hand
it didn't take long until the enemies were dealt with, and as a moment of peace came to them, Venti turned and took in the familiar colour of light green scaling..
But.. that couldn't be, right? It surely was just a coincidence.. another dragon that just happened to have a similar colour to the one he once raised..
But, as the dragon remained on the ground, patiently looking at Venti, he couldn't shake off that feeling of familiarity
And then, the dragon turned to its side, showing Venti the undeniable truth of a missmatched patch of white scales among a sea of green..
It really was you...
Joy spread over Venti's face as he realized it really was his old friend that had come back to see him again
It didn't take long until he was on your back and you began ascending towards the sky again. Up there in the sky, with only the winds holding you back, Venti also summoned Dvalin to him to complete this reunion
Many roars sounded all throughout Mondstadt on this day as there were now two dragons roaming the skies of this nation...
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As the god of Dendro, Nahida had always liked the nature and all of its inhabitants
she would always try to sneek away to find a spot somewhere within the rainforest where she could just sit down and listen to the sounds of nature all around her
while the sages at that time did not approve of her behaviour, she continued to do so with the excuse of wanting to form a connection between her and her nation as well as it's people
one day while she was out again, she stumbled upon a tiny dragon baby. As she got closer, she noticed that the baby appeared to be hurt quite badly, yet it still backed up when she got closer, scared of her
it took some time and gentle reassuring from Nahida's side, but eventually, the small dragon let her get close, inspecting the wounds inflicted to it
deciding that she wanted to take care of it, she used her powers to build a sort of little hideout where she nurtured the dragon back to health over the course of a few weeks
while doing so, the baby dragon began trusting her more and more, until eventually, they formed a kind of bond between them
once the baby was all healed up, it didn't dissapear like Nahida thought it would. Instead, it decided to stay with her, playing around and growing up with her
every single time Nahida managed to slip out, the two of them were always together. Either laying in the grass, listening to the nature around them, or playing around and sometimes, she even helped the little dragon in learning how to fly
when they got tired, they lay together on the ground, the dragon having it's head on Nahida's lap as she carefully caressed the top of its head where the beatiful, deep green scales where less sharp than everywhere else on its body. The colour reminded her of the rainforest itself sometimes..
but what she found almost a bit more beautiful were those missmatched eyes of the dragon. One in a beautiful, piercing blue colour while the other was deep red, a stark contrast between the two
But then came the day where Nahida was whisked away by the Sages and sealed into the Sanctuary
it took hundreds of years until the traveller arrived in Sumeru and with the help of some others finally freeed Nahida of her everlasting prison
Thankful to have finally escaped, she did her best to handle everything by herself the best she could. She guided her nation into a new direction and took care of everything that the Sages had taken over
which led to her not once having left the city since she has been freeed. Though Nahida yearned to just go outside and sit in the nature again, she had obligations to take care of, that required her urgent attention
until the Traveller came around another time, insisting on her taking a break for once. In his words, all those problems would still be there once she returned from the break, but her well being was important as well, especially for her people she needed to be in good shape
so, taking him up on the offer, the Traveller, Nahida and Paimon went into the rainforest like she wanted to. While wandering around, they passed the old hideout Nahida had once built for that baby dragon
Memories flooded her mind upon seeing it and she smiled a bit, though it appeared to be a bit sad. The Traveller noticed, but before he could ask Nahida about it, they heard some rustling behind them
Weapon at the ready, the Traveller was prepared to attack should the need arise
And then, from behind some trees, a dragon emerged, eyes fixed onto them
and Nahida instantly recognized you. Not because of the deep green colour of your scales that only seemed to have become even more beautiful over the years. But because of those disscoloured eyes that she was never able to forget
you seemed to recognize her as well, showing no signs of aggression at all, which made the Traveller lower his weapon again
finally reunited again after so many years, both of you seemed happy to be within the presence of each other again
you gently pressed the tip of your nose into her face, gently blowing air into her face which made her giggle a bit. She then climbed onto your back, resting there while the now four of you continued this walk through the rainforest
And even after that, you continued to stay by Nahida's side, always there to protect her should anything ever happen to her again. You were ready to make them regret their decision if people decided to ever mess with her again...
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
Day 15
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Race: Oh god
Alignment: Oh fuck
April 9th, 2024
After a few hours of rigorous training, I think I’m ready. Day 15 is a special day, after all. Welcome to the all-for-one Jack Frost special! 
1. Lucifrost 
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Race: Herald
Alignment: Light-Law 
Lucifrost is a very strange Frost with a surprisingly intricate design, a demon that only appears in the Demikids and Devil Survivor games, typically as a mid-late game boss. Unlike what one might expect, he isn’t a frostified version of Lucifer- no, his backstory is far more fun. 
Lucifrost once was a Jack Frost, but he was exiled from the Frost family due to betraying them, much like Lucifer did to the Angels. Jealous, he wandered down to hell, eventually finding himself in the final layer, wherein he saw the frozen Lucifer in a lake of tears. Rather than feel pity, though, Lucifrost saw an opportunity… for profit. Frozen Lucifer was a perfect idol for the ice-obsessed fiend, who began to try and impersonate the fallen angel, eventually returning to hell after achieving a perfectly angelic form… only to see that Lucifer had long since departed. Likely despondent, he wandered aimlessly to find the king of demons for all of eternity, ending up crossing paths with the DemiKids and Devil Survivors protagonists along the way. 
While his backstory is silly, his design is fantastic, an interpretation of an angelic Jack Frost that makes him far more adorable than the Morning Star could ever be.
2. Frost Ace
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Race: Genma
Alignment: Light-Neutral
The legendary hero of the Frost Lineage, Frost Ace makes himself known as a mid-game demon who exists as a parody of superhero media and, more specifically, tokusatsu sentai shows like Super Sentai.
Frost Ace mostly works as a 'good side' equivalent to Black Frost, being a heroic transformation that any Jack Frost is implied to be able to take to grow in power. I personally like to see Frost Ace, on top of that, also serving as a general in King Frost's army, as it adds on a bit to the whole 'Frost Kingdom' theme.
You getting tired yet? I'm nowhere near done!
3. The Frost Five!
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Race: Frost
Alignment: Five
These bozos are each based on separate frozen deserts, save one, which is a cocktail. In order, Blue Hawaii Frost is based on the Blue Hawaii cocktail, Lemon Frost is based on lemon-flavored shaved ice, Melon Frost is based on melon-flavored shaved ice, Strawberry Frost is based on strawberry-flavored shaved ice, and lastly, Milky Frost is just ice cream.
4. Hee-ho-Kun
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Race: Student
Alignment: Broke due to Student Loans
Less of a specific demon and more of a recurring character, Hee-ho-Kun is a demon who originates from SMT if... serving a minor role as a friendly Jack Frost who can become an optional party member, apparently enjoying going to school.
Unfortunately, in order to pay his college bills, he had to open a shop! In SMT 3: Nocturne, Hee-ho-Kun makes his grand return as a shop owner in Shibuya, though later finds his calling as a Black Frost, becoming an optional boss of the Kabukicho Prison area after being cleared, then becoming a recruitable party member once defeated, appearing in the Labyrinth of Amala.
Lastly, Hee-ho-Kun manages to get a girlfriend! In Megami Ibunroku: Persona, aka Revelations Persona, he appears at St. Hermelin HS as a student after it is frozen over as a result of the Snow Queen quest. Let's hope he got the education he hoped for, especially given his acquisition of a girlfriend!
Finally. The Jack Protags.
Ah, they truly are great. Let us bask in their brilliance lest we forget the greatest frosts of them all. Raiho is a personal favorite of mine.
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Also, Jack Frost somehow got a Demonica? Enter Demon-hee-ho, a recurring boss in the Strange Journey games. Admittedly, I don't know much about SJ, but I find his inclusion to be really silly, so he gets a special shoutout among his protag contemporaries.
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...And that's that! I hope you enjoyed the Jack Frost miniseries. I'm missing a few Jack's, such as the Petite Frosts, but I'm honestly just tired of doing Jack Bros. stuff. Let me have this break. Either way, though, the Frost blockade has been cleared. We'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming once our snowplows come by.
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outofangband · 4 months
I really loved @gwaedhannen ‘s post about wanting more strangeness in First Age Beleriand and I had a post awhile back about potential strange ecology for Middle Earth so I wanted to revisit it with some more thoughts!
Following up to my speculative biology ideas for elves,
Like the last list, these are more jotting down ideas, please please feel free to give me any to elaborate on!
Mammoths on the Helcaraxë and other cold reaches. Tolkien talks of all creatures that walk or have ever walked the earth existing in Valinor and throughout Arda hence prehistoric and extinct species can also exist here. I do also headcanon smaller herds of woolly mammoths and woolly rhinos in northern Hithlum and north of greater Beleriand. Stellar’s sea cows in the frozen waters:(
Early cenozoic aquatic birds such as Hesperornis off the coasts of Balar and Alqualondë.
 Enchanted orchards of Valinor; large, seemingly abandoned self containing gardens and orchards. There are fruit tree orchards hidden behind ivy covered walls; some always filled with Autumn breezes, citrus groves always kept warm and bright lined with lemon trees and deep green grass. Except for the Maia who tend them, the only beings who enter the orchards are elves who do so, usually by mistake.
There are places throughout Arda where the Music was not well, loud, enough. They can be the size of a footstep or a field and are not fully connected to the space time continuum. Those who tread on them will end up elsewhere in time or space and will never realize what had happened.
In the great expanses of unexplored Valinor, there are coves, glens, lagoons, and all sorts of other places that seem shift and change, being there one day and not the next. Even while walking through familiar, charted territory, there is always the possibility of ending up in a hidden clearing, covered in hanging mosses and with strange lights all around.
The forests of Beleriand are full of strange, sometimes dark creatures that have never been properly documented. They are the strange hybrids of Yavanna’s creations and Melkor’s corruption and a few have escaped the eyes of even the Ainur. 
The underground lakes of Middle Earth, especially around Angband contain blind, hungry beings, nourished by the volcanic soils. Strange fungi and lichen stick to the walls of the caverns and passageways beneath the fortress.
There are hot springs in several locations in Beleriand South of the Ered Wethrin (there are many in the Ered Wethrin of course but these are not exactly relaxation destinations). Namely in Himring, throughout Hithlum, north of Barad Eithel, parts of Dorthonion, in the caves of Androth, and parts of the Ered Luin. Not all of these are used by residents and not all maintain safe temperatures or conditions but some do! In many parts of Northern Beleriand, they're used for bathing and communal relaxation. There are other springs throughout the March of Maedhros and I like the idea of Himring being built around a hot spring. There are hot and warm springs in both Nargothrond and Menengroth. The definition of warm springs differs from hot springs only in average temperature
The caves of Menengroth and Nargothrond allow elves and others access to the strange wonders of the underground world of Middle Earth.  They are lit by lanterns and by certain bioluminescent plants. There are windows in key areas that allow sunlight to filter into some of the larger halls and though there are small gardens of species that do not require direct sunlight, some are stationed in the areas where sunlight filters in. A small tributary of the river Narog flows directly through one of the great halls of Nargothrond. Its flora and fauna remain untouched by the elves and algae and aquatic plants as well as small fish, salamanders in their early stages, and stranger creatures are visible to see for those who walk along it. 
In realms with Ainur or certain Eldar rule, natural life may not follow typical laws. Melian has great influence over the biodiversity and climate of Doriath for example even without meaning to.
The horror potential of the boundaries of the girdle or of Nan Elmoth. Time and space distorting, the forest becoming a maze, bird calls confusing and disorienting unwary or unlucky travelers
The Ered Gorgoroth, the eerie, mysterious mountain range, bordered to the north by Dorthonion and to the south by Nan Dungortheb. It was said the spawn of Ungolian haunted these mountains and the valley. I have some more posts on this but I've always imagined there being many pools and meres in Ered Gorgoroth, many harmless though frigid and some completely corrupted by the powers of Ungoliants spawn and other beings. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to know which was which until it was too late.
Chemical reactions causing glimmering or colorful water. Elves learn carefully when this has occurred due to natural phenomena and when it is the result of unnatural influence or Ainur presence.
Salt lakes and landlocked waters mimicking ocean conditions. I’ve always imagined there being a lake like lake Baikal in the March of Maedhros
More Bioluminescence
The realms draped in dragon reek especially around Nargothrond. The pools of Ivrin are ruined by Glaurung and they are the source of the river Narog, the largest tributary to Sirion. The entire land could be poisoned. I imagine that plants wither or lose color, birds and frogs stay silent, animals are thrown off of their natural cycles, The orchards in the hills barren or producing foul fruit, strange happenings resulting from drinking from the river Narog or even eating animals that drank from it…
Alternatively the effects of the water where the power of Ulmo is still strong such as in Nan Tathren or the Twilit Meres
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d3wdropz · 2 months
Headcanons: Being the Fourth First Year at Tokyo's Jujutsu Tech
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a/n: coming back strong with a fun little post- i'm a manga reader so i need some joy in this media!
Synopsis: what it's like being one of the first years in Tokyo's Jujutsu Tech
Content Warning: none, really! some swearing and canon typical violence- nothing descriptive
gender neutral! reader
Thank you @saradika for this great divider!
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Meeting Them:
✿𝅼 - You had a later start to the year, arriving just a few days after Nobara
✿𝅼 - Whether you had previous knowledge of the Jujutsu world or not didn't matter- you were definitely not prepared for the chaos you stepped into
✿𝅼 - A tall guy in a blind fold- who you later found out was your teacher and the strongest sorcerer, Satoru Gojo- was happily waving you over
✿𝅼 - That alone wouldn't bother you, if it wasn't for the black-haired boy he was holding by the collar. The kid looked tired and about ready to go home
✿𝅼 - Gojo welcomed you and introduced you to the boy he was holding as Megumi, telling you to not mind his "gloomy attitude"
✿𝅼 - It was going great, Gojo was recommending all kinds of cafes and bakeries near by. Megumi was checking his phone, offering quick responses when needed
✿𝅼 - The calm was broken by loud bickering. When you looked over Gojo's shoulder (which was kind of hard with his height) you watched an angry girl stomp her way over. The closer she got the better you could see that she was knocking her fist against a pink-haired guy's head- something about letting her shopping bags drag on the ground
✿𝅼 - The guy was yelling back at a lower volume, trying to stop her from hitting him more. It was a strange site, but what really stuck out to you was the tell-tale buttons on their uniforms
✿𝅼 - These maniacs were going to be your new classmates
✿𝅼 - After the initial meetings and getting settled into your new room, you were sent out on your first mission. It was just going to be you, so it was nothing more than a few grade fours- maybe grade three at worst
✿𝅼 - The location was an abandoned lake on the country side, and to make sure all went well the other first years tagged along
✿𝅼 - Nobara wasn't happy to be stuck in some swamp and made sure everyone was aware; Yuji had wondered off a few times when he saw cool looking bugs and frogs; Megumi, thankfully, was a big help and guided you on what to expect
✿𝅼 - At some point you broke off from the group, following the trail of cursed energy to the other side of the lake. It was a good distance, and with a sudden fog that rolled in you were basically on your own
✿𝅼 - Unsurprisingly, things didn't go as planned and somehow a semi-grade 2 curse had snuck its way into the area
✿𝅼 - Of course, you're a boss and handled yourself. When you made your way back over, exhausted and beat-up, Yuji and Megumi ran to help you- Nobara called in Ijichi to come pick you all up as she pulled bandages from her bag
✿𝅼 - While the bruises and cuts stung, it was a very good bonding experience! Nobara's bandages were really cute (she let you pick which color and design to make you feel better), and Yuji carried you everywhere for the rest of the day
✿𝅼 - Thank god for Megumi, he was the one talking to Shoko, getting you water, and checking in on you
✿𝅼 - They were all still chaotic, sharing one brain cell when they were together- but they were your idiots who made you feel like family
General HC:
✿𝅼 - If you identify as female/ use she/her/they pronouns, expect Nobara to kind of kidnap you a lot. She's a girl's girl and will back you up constantly, taking you shopping with her and building up your confidence.
✿𝅼 - Continuing the previous head canon, she will drag you away from Megumi and Yuji if they're annoying her while saying something like "y/n and I are leaving before you infect us with your stupid"
✿𝅼 - If you identify as male/ use he/him/they, Yuji is going to constantly be in your space- this boy has no sense of personal bubbles and you can tell. He's definitely the type to joke around- like he for sure jokingly flirts with you
✿𝅼 - Yuji has said the lines: is it gay to kiss my bro morning, noon, and night? no- it's called being a supportive friend!
✿𝅼 - Doesn't matter what gender you are to Megumi- he just hopes you'll help him wrangle the others in (he is so tired)
✿𝅼 - I don't care if you have the biggest brain in the world, it's useless when you're all together
✿𝅼 - It's so much worse when Gojo's there too- like he feeds into the bullshit
✿𝅼 - like you all would be cleaning out the dorm fridge and Yuji would see a jar that's THREE FULL YEARS EXPIRED and go "bet you guys ten bucks I could eat this and keep it down"
✿𝅼 - You're already pulling out a ten, "I know you're a pit, Yuji, but even this is too much- I'm betting against you"
✿𝅼 - Nobara is slamming down a ten before you can even finish, "Y/N'S RIGHT! THERE'S NO WAY YOU CAN HANDLE THAT"
✿𝅼 - Megumi isn't putting any money down, just grumbling and readying a trash can for if Yuji up-chucks
✿𝅼 - Just as Yuji grabs a spoon and is scooping up some of the nasty smelling gunk, Gojo's hand grabs his wrist. None of you are too shocked, your teacher pops in and out whenever he pleases
✿𝅼 - "Now Yuji," Gojo's got a serious expression on as he continues, "I can't let you do this... without giving you some advice!" and he goes right back to being a child "You should eat it in one go so you don't have the chance to regret it!"
✿𝅼 - After letting Yuji go Gojo slides a twenty onto the table, "Double on him keeping it down"
✿𝅼 - Yuji was, in fact, able to keep it down- too bad for you, losing a ten
✿𝅼 - During missions, you all tag along together even if there's only one person assigned. It's great support! Also none of you have gotten horribly injured because of this new system!
✿𝅼 - I feel like at some point you will interact with Sukuna in some way- and that curse does NOT like you
✿𝅼 - To Sukuna, you're not Megumi so that makes you boring. If you happen to have an interesting technique, he'll mess with you a bit if he ever takes control then beat the shit out of you
✿𝅼 - Also, movie nights are a must! Yuji usually doesn't host them after Nobara whacked him over his posters. So you, Megumi, and Nobara switch up who's room is used
✿𝅼 - Yuji always picks the movies and they're always good, somehow they appeal to all of you. Also the amount of snacks is shocking, but they never go to waste!
✿𝅼 - Every movie night you guys fall asleep on each other. Yuji is a literal furnace so all of you end up piling on him when it's cold- or trying to get out of his koala grip during hot nights
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wasn't sure how to end this so...
either way i might do this more, writing these were fun!
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steam-beasts · 6 months
My TTTE timeline - a concept
1805 - Construction of the first ever railway on Sodor was initiated. The first ever line to be built was horse-powered, which obviously meant that horses were used pull carts along a plate way from the Balladwail harbour to the copper mines in the foothills of Wardfell, this very tiny railway was simply dubbed "The Railroad". Slate was later on discovered in the hills and were eventually also mined.
1853 - After a few decades of using just horsepower, and having the only railroad on Sodor, the government finally caved in and agreed to help build a standard guage line from Ballahoo to Rolf's Castle in the Kirk Ronan area. This line would then be planned to be extended north to the Mainland. Three box-tank engines were sent to this line to assist with construction, one of which was called Niel.
1863 - The S & M railway soon extended south to the Kirk Ronan harbour in order to export slate and copper from the mines. Soon, the plateway was moved up to a new route near the Skarloey lake and replaced with rails for steam engines. This new railway was named the Skarloey Railway.
A narrow guage engine was ordered from the Fletcher, Jennings & Co from White Haven in England. At this time, Skarloey and Talyllyn had been built and were both waiting eagerly to be bought. However, when the year came around for Skarloey to depart for Sodor, he was quite upset to be leaving his sibling Talyllyn as he and the other had gotten quickly attached to each other. This caused some complications with unloading him at the docks, as Skarloey would have a bit of a tantrum due to being separated from Talyllyn. Neil, one of the box-tank engines had to step in and help calm Skarloey down, and transport him to the new railway. This sparked a new rule to be spread around to other steamwork companies on other railways which was to not let sibling engines get too attached to each other.
1865 - Later in the year, another engine from the same company that made Skarloey was bought and made to work alongside him, this engine was called Rheneas. He was bought not only to double the speed of work at the railway, but to be a companion for Skarloey as he began displaying signs of loneliness and possible depression from not seeing Talyllyn anymore.
1867 - Two years later, Skarloey is sent back to White Haven for a rebuild. He was given an added ponytruck and an enclosed cab for his updated design. Talyllyn was also given these new parts but in a separate room as to not let the pair interact. Rheneas would eventually follow suit (even if he didn't like it a lot). Meanwhile, on the south of the Sodor mountains, coal mines are dug and a town formulated around the hub called Great Waterton. A standard-guage tramway is built from the town, going through Crovan's Gate to the wharf at Balladwail, connecting to the S & M railway.
1870 - In another few years, more standard-guage railways were built. A new line was built up from the wharf at Suddery to Wellsworth and back, then known as the "Wellsworth & Suddery Railway". A fleet of four 0-6-0 saddle tank engines were sent to the railway, it's unknown where these four specific engines are to this day.
Mysteriously, during the construction of what was Sodor's 4th official railway, the slow but steady appearances of the railways and their engines began catching the attention of a bizarre community. One by one, strange men and occasional women would be seen around the railways. These mysterious people were all dressed up in tidy conductor uniforms and would appear and disappear in a cloud of golden dust...but that's what the workers stated, so it's still unclear.
No one's too sure who these strange folks are, or WHAT they are, but the managers say its best not to interact with them to be on the safe side...
1872 - Due to a recent shortage of sleepers in some parts of Sodor, along with the stormy showers wearing away the wood, the decision was made to find the sturdiest and most resistant wood in the world for the sleepers, thus discovering Jobi Wood. Unfortunately, the wood could only be found in the likes of Japan, which was ALL the way on the other side of the globe. This decision gets dismissed until a month later, two hikers visited Misty Island; A tiny neighbouring island located off the east coast, which was untouched by mankind for a century, and was nicknamed due to the heavy mist that surrounded it.
It was there that the two hikers discovered the Jobi wood when trying to burn it for their fire, only to find that it just partially burnt up and mostly still ok. This discovery was later spread, and managers of the standard guage lines were DELIGHTED to hear the news. Another month passes and Sodor gets in contact with an American logging company, known as the Bear Harbour Lumber Company.
A deal was struck and four boats from the company later arrived on Misty Island to begin constructing a new logging station and railway, with help of the Sodor Construction team.
1875 - A few years pass before the railway on Misty Island is officially completed and is named "The Bear Valley Railroad". Later that year, a small fleet of Climax Class A, B, and C logging engines are built at the Climax Locomotive Works in Corry, Pennsylvania and almost immediately are sent to work on Misty Island.
1879 - Up in the west of Sodor, a second narrow guage railway is constructed from the Arlesburgh harbour to the west mines of Peel Godred. This would be the Mid-Sodor Railway, which consisted of four engines, the first one to arrive being Duke. The others would arrive later.
1885 - Meanwhile, a third standard guage railway would be made at Toryreck to serve the lead mines located there, it was named the Elsebridge and Knapford Railway. A fleet of freshly built vertical boiler engines nicknamed "Coffee Pots" are loaned from the mainland. Glynn, a member of the Coffee Pots was designed and hand-built by a young rookie engineer named Richard Hatt and named by him personally. Richard Hatt will play a huge role in the railway's developments later...
Glynn was later bought from the Mainland to resume a permanent service at the railway after working tirelessly day and night. The other Coffee pots would remain loaned.
It was during this year the Mid-Sodor and Skarloey companies would attempt to built a third narrow guage line that went east through the Bluebell valley into Vicarstown, creating a link between it and Peel Godred. But this line would be abandoned shortly after as the Mainland built the Vicarstown bridge that went over the river and into the actual mainland. The S & M hammered the final nail in the coffin by extending their line down to the holiday seaside town of Norramby.
1886 - Back on Misty Island, a near-accident occurs where a Climax Class B locomotive almost gets hit by a landslide in the valley. A young Class C logging loco named Ferdinand luckily notices and pulls him out of the way. Ferdinand, like the other climax locos was initially loaned to the railway, but due to his heroic act, he was purchased and officially became the Bear Valley's No.1 engine.
1899 - Elsewhere, a rack railway was constructed to climb to the top of Culdee Fell, Sodor's largest mountain. Five angled-boiler engines were purchased from Switzerland, and they were odd ones. With the usual grey faces on the front of their smokebox and a second face on the back of their cabs. The railway's namesake, Culdee was trialed the year after before the grand opening and passed with flying colours. On Misty Island, one of the world's first diesel engines is sent to work there – her name was Dolly, and she was mostly used to clear away logs on the rails or to double-head log flatbeds. After a few months of tension, her and Ferdinand warmed up to eachother and became close friends from then on.
1900 - It is the 20th century. After Culdee's successful trial, the railway was soon approved for opening and opened in May for passengers and hikers. Everything went smoothly, until an accident occurs a couple months later where Godred, the Culdee Fell's No.1 derailed and tumbled down the mountain side, suffering critical damage. He was scrapped shortly after, and the railway was forever left without it's No.1.
1901 - During the first 15 years of the 20th century, several developments to the standard guage lines occured, the Wellsworth and Suddery Railway extend south to Brendam.
1902 - On Misty Island, two new engines arrive and are quite odd looking – A pair of young 0-4-0 twin B.H.L.C engines named Bash and Dash. They are both rather cheeky and annoying, causing disruption at the station and being a pair of little shits to everyone, especially the No.1, Ferdinand who wants nothing to do with them. But trouble blooms as Ferdinand accidentally derails in a more secluded part of the island. Bash and Dash rescue him, and are purchased as a reward, becoming the railroad's No.2 and No.3. The three are on good terms now.
1903 - Back on the Mid-Sodor, a new engine named Falcon is purchased and brought to the railway alongside Duke. On his first run up the mountain with the older engine, Falcon is reckless and nearly tumbles to his death. Duke however, catches him in time and is deemed a hero.
1904 - The harbour at the Elsbridge and Knapford railway becomes hard to upkeep, and is eventually abandoned. The line is moved up to Tidmouth through the headlands, and even though Tidmouth's a small place, it's harbour is surprisingly larger than the Knapford harbour. But unfortunately, a storm destroys the track.
To prevent this from happening again in the future, another track is created going through Knapford and a tunnel is constructed to let the track go on to Tidmouth
1905 - The tunnel is complete and the Elsbridge and Knapford railway becomes the Tidmouth, Knapford and Elsbridge Light Railway. Later on, the Light railway and the Wellsworth and Suddery line fuse to become the Tidmouth, Wellsworth and Suddery Railway.
(Ya'll feeling a bit confused? Good. So am I :,D)
1905 seemed to be the year where multiple changes would occur, as on April, the tracks to Elsebridge would become the Elsbridge branchline. Back to Great Waterton, an unfortunate event occurs where the mines dry up and the people abandon the town to find other jobs. Great Waterton is left to become ruins and the tramway is closed.
1906 - A year later, all the standard guage lines finally fuse together into one big railway, known as the "Northwestern Railway". The Wellsworth and Suddery become the brendam branchline. There is now a plan to create a big station in Knapford that links together the headland line and the mainline together.
1907 - The big station at Knapford is complete, and named "Knapford Station", for obvious reasons. It becomes the railway's top link station. Meanwhile, all the the way in Japan, a rail engineer called Hideo Shima creates a Class D51 2-8-2 called Hiro. Hiro is quite a rarity, he is actually a prototype Class D51 2-8-2 tender engine, he came WAY before any of his brothers and sisters. As a replacement for the retired D50s, Hiro's design was initially a practice design and not yet official, and Hideo Shima and the JR didn't plan on using him as many engines already took up the railway. So a call was made to the Northwestern Railway in Sodor, offering the prototype to take up any freight services or passenger runs.
The offer was, after a lot of persuading, accepted and Hiro was sent Sodor and was loaded off at Brendam Docks, becoming the Island's first ever standard-guage tender engine. Hiro would go on to do passenger runs from Knapford to Vicarstown and many freight runs. Mind you, this all happened near the start of the year.
1908 - Back at Misty Island, an incredible discovery is made – a tunnel. This tunnel however, wasn't normal. It was found that the tunnel linked the small island with Sodor by going right under the ocean bed and out of a tunnel mouth on Sodor that was covered up by years of growing terrain and plants. A very bizarre discovery indeed. The tunnel seemed to be incredibly old as well, sodor historians and geographers theorised that it dated back to the 1600s, where King Godred ruled. The Misty Island tunnel could've been a secret escape passage that allowed kings and queens to escape to safety without being seen by enemies.
The idea was then made to reuse this tunnel as a quicker way to deliver jobi wood to Sodor instead of sending it by boat. A new line was built through the tunnel that would be used to fetch and bring wood from the Bear Valley Railroad. Hiro and Glynn would be first to do this. However, for Hiro, this is the last time he is ever seen before suddenly vanishing the following year.
1910 - Glynn's designer, Richard Topham Hatt becomes the director of the Northwestern Railway.
Remember that "odd community" that I mentioned before? The small crowd of strange conductors had blended into the Sodor population by then, so they were hardly noticed. That was until after a month of becoming director, Richard Hatt is approached by one of them. He was a tall man with elf-like ears and a mustache.
The conductor explained who he and his fellow conductors were, that they came from an unseen railway, a "magic railroad" as a way to put it. He then requests the new director to allow him and his fellow conductors to stay. Reluctantly, Richard agrees to this, and that's how Mr Conductor and his family became involved with Sodor.
1914 - To help with passenger runs and freight services after Hiro's sudden disappearing act, the Northwestern Railway loans a small, elderly dark red tender engine from Barrow-in-Furness named Edward. At the time, Edward was the only tender engine on the Northwestern Railway, and had to do a majority of tasks by himself. But he got help from a couple of the Coffee Pots now and again. He was the top-link express engine and delivered goods trains across the whole railway. With help from the Coffee pot engines, Edward managed to finish the line all by himself. Glynn and two other vertical boiler engines are sent to Knapford to shunt trains as at the time.
A branchline is created during this time, running from Ballahoo to the seaside town of Norramby.
1918 - Edward is purchased by the NWR, and becomes the No.2 of the railway. Glynn, being the only officially bought engine, is still the No.1. Edward is repainted into a NWR royal blue later that year.
1920 - Back to the Mid-Sodor, a new little engine named Stewart is bought and is transferred to the railway via traction engine.
1922 - Several engines from the Mainland are loaned to help out on the railway. A third engine is purchased, a supposed A3 Pacific meant to help out with passenger runs. However, due to poor steaming problems because of an unusually small firebox, he's unable to. The engine's name is Henry, and it turned out he was a squandered design that Sir Nigel Gresley threw away. Despite these issues, the Fat Director kept him out of the kindness of his heart.
But Henry would put that generosity to the test when later that year, he goes into a tunnel due to apparently not wanting to get his livery ruined by the rain. Even long after the rain stops, he refuses to come out like a stubborn big baby. Despite all the efforts, Topham ultimately decides to brick Henry up in the tunnel, remove the tracks and never let him out. Suffice to say, Henry regrets his life decisions.
1923 - The next year rolls by, Edward finds himself retired in terms of Express duties by a new and flashy A3 Pacific from the L.N.E.R called Gordon. Gordon becomes the island's top link express engine, replacing Edward. With all the more modern steam engines coming to the island, poor old Edward is used less and less, eventually left sitting at the back of the sheds. Eventually, a sympathetic crew let him out for some fresh air and he got to pull trains again, along with the express. The Fat director is pleased with Edward, so he awards him with odd jobs to do in Wellsworth. Sometime later, Gordon gets stuck on a hill and Edward has to come and help him up. A few months later, Gordon bursts his safety valve near the Ballahoo tunnels where Henry was walled up in.
Edward comes along to pull the Express for him, but finds himself struggling to do so. The Fat director, who was on the Express decided to try with Henry again. Henry was let out and successfully assisted Edward with pulling the coaches. The three of them became long-time friends after that.
The Peel Godred Electric company constructs a hydro-electric power station in Peel Godred that utilises the three nearby lakes. The only issue was that the bulky equipment they used was too big to fit the line clearances on the Mid-Sodor, so they switched to standard guage lines instead. The company struck a deal with the Northwestern to build a branchline from Kildane up to it. The gradients were steep, so electric engines with currents supplied from the power station would run it. With that, the line is made and a junction is created at Kildane with facilities for the electric engines and a line that stretches up to Kirk Machan. This line takes you from the NW to Culdee Fell. These changes would seal the Mid-Sodor Railway's fate.
1924 - In early January, a 5th engine for the NWR is bought. He is a sleek black Class 28 tender engine from the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway, and his name is James. He was bought and assigned to goods trains, but was personally not fond of it. The only problem with James (asides from his obnoxious personality) were his brakes; For some reason, James had wooden brake blocks which made braking a little risky for him as they could catch fire. During the time of James's arrival, Glynn goes missing. After an island wide search, the NWR finds itself left without its No.1.
In the late summer after Glynn's disappearance, and without a station pilot at Knapford to handle the coaches and shunt in the yard, the Fat Director tries to find a replacement. He was initially planning on buying an E2 tank engine in 1916, but other Railway directors had purchased them all. It was until he discovered that a new E2 was very recently built and grabbed at the chance.
Phone calls were made and a week later, an E2 tank engine arrives on Sodor, his name is Thomas.
Almost immediately, Topham and Edward notice something off about Thomas's appearance; Despite being an E2, Thomas was much too small, probably just a tiny bit smaller than a Jinty or a Pug class. E2s were, I kid you not, MASSIVE, just a little taller than a tender engine, whereas Thomas was the opposite. Asides from his size, there were other complications with his design if you compared it with the blueprints.
At first, the Fat director thought he was scammed like he was with Henry, but after a talk with the supposed E2's crew and a look at his blueprints, it turned out that Thomas really WAS an E2. Thomas's build was just delayed due to the war and so had to be postponed, but when his build DID happen, it was rushed. However, the reason for his homunculus appearance is still unknown, as he refuses to say why.
Moving on, Thomas became Knapford's new Station pilot. He was although, newly built and was still trying to find his way around the railway. But luckily, Edward decided to come forth and mentor him through tough times.
1925 - Thomas eventually gets bored of being a station pilot and finds himself yearning for something different. One day he complains to Edward about this and the elderly K2 offers Thomas with taking his goods train to Wellsworth. Since it's his first time, Thomas has some... difficulties with the trucks, but manages them in the end. The Fat Director is there to see him with Edward's train and tells him off, same with Edward.
Thomas's promotion from pilot duties would coincide with the deal struck between the NWR and LMS that year. This deal allowed the NWR to extend their services over into the Mainland and so, a bridge was built over the wide river that separated the island from the Mainland. Sometime later, an incident occurs where James's wooden brake blocks fail and the trucks send him barreling through Wellsworth. Thomas tries to prevent him from crashing out in the farm fields but fails and James derails. Thomas acts quickly and fetches the Breakdown train, he is then considered a Really Useful Engine. As a reward, Thomas gets the Ffarqhuarr branchline and a repaint into the NWR blue like Edward.
He later encounters Glynn, the lost coffee pot engine who was sitting behind thick foliage that hid him rather well. Glynn had caught wind of his bravery and asks Thomas to take his place as No.1. So, by Glynn's request, the little blue tank engine has a number #1 painted on his side-tanks. James arrives back from the works later that year in a splendid new red livery.
Thomas's branchline runs from the Elsebridge station to Ffarqhuarr, the Ffarqhuarr quarry had recently opened, so the Fat Director believed Thomas would be the right engine for the job. In the early days, Thomas does many things on his branchline such as; fishing, leaving his guard behind, getting rescued by Terence on his first snow day on the line and racing Bertie. James pilots at Knapford for a little while before the director allows him to pull passenger trains.
1926 - A year passes, and Knapford still has no station pilot. The big engines start getting sick of shunting their own trucks and coaches, and decide to initiate a strike. They would nevertheless, begin regretting it as the Fat Director would keep them stuck in the sheds. Because of them refusing to do their jobs, Thomas has to come back and help Edward with the extra workload. Luckily, the Fat Director acts accordingly and purchases a small green saddle-tank engine he named Percy.
Percy takes up pilot duties, and the big engines are let out of their berths at Tidmouth once more. The Fat director even lets Thomas and Edward take a couple days off, saying as they had to handle most of the work.
1928 - After a series of accidents and warnings from Duke, the No.2 of the Mid-Sodor, Smudger is broken up and reduced to a generator at the back of the shed. Falcon and Stewart are quite horrified at this change.
1934 - Henry's steaming problems are becoming more and more frequent each week, and the Fat Director gets fed up with trying to fix him. It's until Henry's fireman recommends trying Henry with Welsh coal, and it seems to do the trick.
1935 - The year after, Henry pulls the Flying Kipper – a non-stop fish train to Manchester. However, due to an iced over signal, Henry ends up barreling into a siding where he has a high-speed collision with the back of a goods train. His crew and the guard and crew of the engine pulling the goods train were, by a miracle, not badly injured. Henry, needless to say, WAS badly injured. Henry is then sent to Crewe, where he is overhauled into a new shape and gets a bigger firebox. Henry returns that summer a better and stronger engine, and has had no steaming problems ever since.
1943 - World War II has begun, and over on Sodor, a couple events occur on the Skarloey railway. The railway's two main engines, Skarloey and Rheneas are over 70 years old now, and are starting to show their age. Skarloey unfortunately goes out of commission, and with no money due to wartime to overhaul him, Rheneas is forced to run the line himself.
1945 - Over on the mainland, Wilbert Awdry, a clergyman and priest writes and publishes the first ever Railway Series book that tells the many stories of Henry, Gordon and Edward, also known as "The Three Railway Engines". During this year on Misty Island, the Bear Valley Railroad encounters a sudden bankruptcy and immediately closes down. The company abandons the island so fast that three of their logging engines get left behind; Bash, Dash and Ferdinand, including a couple of its young lumberjacks.
1947 - A couple years after, the Mid-Sodor Railway meets its demise and closes after the mines are flooded. Most of the remaining engines that worked there are sold off, including Falcon and Stewart who are auctioned off to the Aluminum works at Peel Godred, while Duke is left in the sheds, tarped up and abandoned. Smudger is still a generator at this time and remains at the back of the shed, what's left of his body rotting away to time. It's just... haunting to think he's probably still there to this very day.
Later that winter, Thomas intentionally breaks his snow plough one day due to how uncomfortable it feels and as a consequence, ends up crashing into a snow drift later on. Luckily, Terence the Tractor comes by and rescues him, showing that you can never judge a book by its cover.
1948 - All four railways on the mainland join forces and become a national network called British railways, this officially makes the Northwestern Railway the Northwestern region of British Railways. The Fat Director is awarded his baronetcy for his services to the railways and becomes chairman of the Regional Executive, thus gaining the title "Sir" and having his nickname changed to "The Fat Controller". On his branchline, Thomas meets Bertie the Bus and races him to the Ffarqhuarr station.
Clay beds are discovered near Brendam and the Sodor China Clay Pits are formed. Two little Bagnall saddle tank engines called Bill and Ben are brought to Sodor and are sent to work there. They pull the clay trucks from the pits to the Brendam Docks. With Brendam Docks becoming revitalised, the line to it find new use, and so Edward is sent to run it.
Later on, Edward is taking a train of scrap to the new Peel Godred Ironworks, built at Peel Godred. The NWR built a branchline through the Mid-Sodor, north of Abbey and through a valley up to it. On his way there, he meets Trevor the Traction Engine, who's due to be broken up the following week. Edward refuses to let this happen, so he convinces the Vicar of Wellsworth to save him.
1950 - Deep in the bowels of one of Sodor's biggest forests, two young best friends, a boy named Burnett Stone and a girl named Tasha make a remarkable discovery when they find an old, dying driver and his engine at the cliff face of a mountain. This discovery will change how these two children view engines forever..
1951 - Sir Topham Hatt takes his family on holiday to East Anglia, where they meet an elderly J70 steam tram named Toby, and his faithful coach, Henrietta. The family takes a liking to the pair and by the children's request, go for passenger rides along the tramway. Sadly for Toby and Henrietta, they both knew these were the last passenger rides they were ever gonna give...or so they thought.
Later that year, Thomas gets in trouble with a policeman because his wheels aren't covered, so he can't get on the tramway to the quarry. Sir Topham Hatt remembers Toby and writes to his controller, then purchases him and Henrietta. Toby and his coach arrive later, and he becomes the railway's 7th engine. Back on the Skarloey, Rheneas finally reached his limit and his valve gear jams while he is on route with a passenger train. He reaches the station by good luck but is in need of an overhaul. With both of the main engines out of action, two new engines are brought to take over; Stewart and Falcon. But now, the two had been renamed "Peter Sam" and "Sir Handel". The pair had been auctioned off to the Aluminium Works four years prior and had been repurchased and named after the owner and controller of the railway respectively.
That Christmas, a landslide occurs and blocks the tunnel that Mrs Kyndley's cottage is situated near. Mrs Kyndley was sick that day, but after seeing the landslide, she quickly grabbed a red blanket and waved it out of her window, knowing Thomas was coming. She flagged Thomas down and stopped him just in time. After Mrs Kyndley's heroic act, Sir Topham Hatt came and thanked her personally at her cottage.
1952 - The next year rolls around on the Skarloey railway and Rheneas is finally sent to be overhauled, being absent for 9 whole years. On the NWR, Edward is sent away for an overhaul after rescuing a runaway James who had his controls messed with by some foolish boys. While waiting for his turn to go to the works, Edward and Skarloey converse, with Skarloey filling him in on everything that's happened on the SR.
After Sir Handel derails, Skarloey is let out of the shed after years of not running, despite a leaky boiler and warped firebox. He breaks a spring during his first-in-a-long-time passenger run, but gets the passenger train to the next station. The railway is so pleased with him, that they agree to send him for an overhaul. He leaves, leaving Sir Handel and Peter Sam to handle the railway themselves.
That same year, before Edward left for his overhaul, Gordon refused to pull a goods train and ran off the turntable into a ditch. He managed to make up for his mistake though after rescuing a reckless Thomas who fell down a dilapidated mine at Toryreck. That Christmas, the fat controller hosted a Christmas party to thank Mrs Kyndley for her act of heroism last year. Everybody gets a little drunk while being surrounded by a bunch of sentient trains with faces. 1952 was a big year.
1954 - The newly-crowned Queen Elizabeth || travels around the whole of Britain to greet everyone, including Sodor. Gordon is chosen to haul her coaches. Sir Richard Topham Hatt retires, leaving his son, Charles Topham Hatt to inherit the railway.
1955 - On his first year of becoming controller, the Fat Controller's first act is to reopen service at the old Knapford harbour. Work begins immediately that year, and Percy, Thomas and Trevor are enlisted to help with restoration. With Percy not stationing at Knapford, the Fat Controller purchases another engine from the mainland to take his place. The new engine is a Pannier tank from the Great Western region named Montague, but is nicknamed Duck.
After Percy proves to be quite good at the harbour, he is relocated to work at Thomas's branchline, and Duck becomes the new official station pilot. Duck is purchased and becomes the railway's 8th engine, but the Fat Controller graciously lets him keep his Great Western livery and nameplates.
Due to the new construction of the harbour, the map of the Ffarquhar branchline changes; the south harbour junction closes and a new one is opened north of the river. A new line for passenger services is built over the old dryaw line, and so the old one closes, but then it is revitalised for goods services.
Probably everyone who read this all so far;
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During the time when Percy is helping to restore the harbour, he meets Harold the Helicopter at the Dryaw Airfield and doesn't take a huge liking to him. Soon enough, the old Knapford harbour is finished and opened for service.
Later that year, the Ffarquhar branchline caught in a heavy downpour and suffers flooding near Elsebridge. Percy is filling in for Thomas at that time, but braves the flood and gets the passengers home.
1956 - At the Knapford harbour, Percy brags to Bill and Ben about the time he braved the flood to get Thomas's passengers home. Bill and Ben were amazed, Henry...not so much. At this time, the foundations of the key had sunken, making the rails slope down. There is a danger sign to warn engines of this, but Percy was too big-headed to believe it, even a warning from Thomas doesn't make him wary. Out of stubbornness and seeing what he can get away with, Percy one day gets some troublesome trucks to push him past the sign, but this doesn't end well as he ends up plunging into the sea. Percy got humbled that day U_U
A month later, a horrid storm beats down on Sodor and destroys a forest situated between Wellsworth and Crosby. Henry is dismayed at the news. To cheer him up, Toby, Terence and Trevor help to clear up and repair the damage.
Meanwhile at Barrow on the mainland, an engine derails, leaving Gordon to step in to take their train to London.
The railway series books are proving to be a massive success, and the Fat controller gets letters from children on the mainland asking if his engines are real. So, he gathers his eight famous engines and they all embark on a trip to Houston station for a rail gala. Several BR engines fill in for them on the railway.
Sir Topham Hatt | passes away in his house, leaving his son, Charles to inherit the baronetcy and become Sir Topham Hatt ||.
1957 - The famous 100mph record-breaker engine, City of Truro visits the railway and has a lovely time with the other engines on their railtour. Gordon himself tries to go 100mph, but to no avail, loses his dome when going over a bridge.
A few months later, an 08 diesel shunter named Diesel (what a beautiful name) is trialed on the railway. Diesel doesn't take a liking to Duck after he plays a trick on him and spreads false rumours around the yard that lead to Duck being sent away to bank trains at Wellsworth.
One day, Duck crashes into a newly opened Barbour shop at Crosby after being chased by runaway trucks. Turns out that all along, Sir Topham Hatt || knew about Diesel's scheme and sent him packing, much to Duck's relief. From then on, Duck was allowed to sleep at Tidmouth once more, the big engines greeted him warmly.
Back on the Skarloey railway, a new maintenance diesel named Rusty is brought to the railway to help mend the old dilapidated tracks. They end up discovering the disused line that goes through the Bluebell Valley.
1958 - A new engine from a factory on the mainland called Duncan joins the Skarloey fleet. He instantly dislikes Rusty. Shortly after, Peter Sam suffers an accident that damages his funnel. Skarloey returns from his overhaul that year, and just in time as a group of BBC producers arrive to broadcast a live documentary about the Skarloey Railway.
Back on the NWR, parts of the railway were starting to show their age and problems began to rise; a few tracks on the Ffarqhuarr branchline had been warped from the heat and Thomas ended up derailing because of it. So, Sir Topham Hatt sends everyone to work at different areas until the issues are fixed. Percy and Duck are sent to work at Brendam Docks and have the unfortunate experience of meeting Devious Diesel, who hasn't changed a bit. Turns out he was given a second chance, but fails once more. A few months prior to this, a circus visited the NWR and one of its elephants ran away and hid in Henry's tunnel.
After the commotion with Diesel, Duck discovers his love for the sea.
1959 - On the mainland, steam is slowly dying and being taken over by diesel, being dubbed "a new era" for British Railways.
Sir Topham Hatt purchases a Caledonian engine from Scotland to help out on the railway as it's growing and needs more handling, but is dumbfounded and utterly confused when two arrive, the twins' names are Donald and Douglas. Sir Topham Hatt had purchased Donald, but Douglas stowed away with him as he knew he would be doomed to become scrap. The Fat Controller finds himself stuck on what to do, so for the time being, he trials both of them.
The twins prove themselves to be useful after saving a derailed Henry on a snowy day. After some persistence from the other engines, Sir Topham Hatt agrees to keep both of them. They become the NWR's 9th and 10th engines respectively.
A few months pass and the Fat Controller decides to build a new station near the old port at Arlesburgh. This ends up resulting in the creation of a new branchline from Tidmouth to Arlesburgh, with plans to stretch it up through the fish town of Harwick and along the west coast. Duck was requested to run it.
1960 - We're starting off with a literal crash into the 60s as Thomas crashes into the stationmaster's house during their breakfast at Ffarqhuarr. Despite the crash mostly not being his fault, he gets scolded by Sir Topham Hatt and sent to the Works to have his buffers mended. In Thomas's absence, a new diesel railcar named Daisy is brought to manage the passenger service. She is selfish and spoilt at first, but gets humbled a month on after Percy endures a bizarre derailment that lands the branchline in quite a predicament. Luckily, Thomas is back from the Works by this time, so it's not all terrible.
On the same year, the mascot of the Bluebell Railway on the mainland, Stepney, is withdrawn from service. Also on the same year, Boco arrives on the island and gets harassed by Bill and Ben. He joins the railway later after Edward suffers an accident that gets his side all ripped up and taken to get repaired, becoming the NWR's second diesel.
The branchline from Tidmouth to Arlesburgh is completed and the village of Harwick celebrates by holding a fun fair. Toby is chosen to be the attraction, but by the time he goes there, plans are changed and he just went up there for nothing.
1961 - Peter Sam's funnel finally breaks one snowy day after it gets hit by a fallen icicle. He gets it replaced by a new, special funnel, a Geisel Ejector. It proves to be a success.
Finally, Rheneas makes a gallant return to the railway after his 9 year overhaul
1962 - Stepney brings a rail tour to Sodor as a big marketing event for the Bluebell Railway. During his time on Sodor, Sir Topham Hatt trials a Class 40 diesel called Derek. Derek ends up breaking down while going down the line to Brendam and Stepney and Duck double-head the train in his place. Stepney departs Sodor the next day.
1963 - Culdee, the namesake of the Culdee Fell Mountain Railway returns after his overhaul in Switzerland and gets to know the new faces brought in to the railway, one of them was called Lord Harry.
Lord Harry would later rescue a climber at the Devil's back, a part of the mountain known for often having bad weather. In return for his heroism, he gets his name changed to Patrick after the climber he rescued.
On the mainland, Alan Peglar rescue Gordon's brother, The Flying Scotsman, from scrap. Sadly, all of Gordon's other siblings aren't lucky.
1964 - On Thomas's branchline, the Ffarqhuarr quarry acquires it's own small diesel shunter named Mavis. She's young and confident, so she believes she can do everything herself and insults toby. But after Diesel gives her bad advice, she eventually gets her just-do and learns to never take advice from Diesel, who was miraculously still on the railway.
On autumn that year, Percy crashes into a lime cart that gives him a ghostly white appearance. He uses this to his advantage to scare Thomas after he states his disbelief of ghosts. During this time, the Norramby branchline is in need of an engine to run it, so Rusty is tasked with finding one.
Rusty stumbles upon Stepney on their way through a scrapyard one night, and helps him escape. After Stepney is rescued, he is purchased by the railway and sent to run the Norramby branchline for a while. Eventually, Stepney gets bored and decides to go visit the west side of Sodor by the Fat Controller's invitation. During his time there, he makes Thomas jealous, double-heads the Express with Duck, escapes from the Ironworks and gets chased down by Caroline. He leaves for the final time after that with a proper send off.
1965 - The Skarloey celebrates its 100th anniversary of being open, with the brand new opening of a loop line around the lake of Skarloey. The current owner of the Skarloey Railway, Sir Robert Norramby, hosts the celebration. Before the opening, a talk with Duck about dukes sends Peter Sam into a crisis, panicking about the fact that his Duke may have gotten scrapped. He learns his mistake but he and Sir Handel start to talk about him frequently.
An incident at Knapford occurs when a beehive is found within the station and a swarm of bees attack the passengers. James gets stung on the nose by one and the swarm latches on to James's boiler. After several attempts, the bees finally let go.
The NWR decides to reopen the Arlesburgh harbour as an addition to Tidmouth, thus extended Duck's branchline.
1966 - A discovery of ballast is made at the old Mid-Sodor mines. Subsequently to this, all of the railway controllers come together to create a miniature guage railway that runs along one of the old track beds of the long-abandoned Mid-Sodor Railway.
1967 - The next year, the Arlesdale Railway officially opens for services and a new controller is hired, he is Mr Fergus Duncan. The engines brought on to run the line are Rex, Mike and Bert. There is also a miniature diesel named Frank, but passengers of the railway rarely see him. Duck meets them while visiting one day.
Two clergymen visit the railway one day and have encounters with them, one of which is Wilbert Awdry, author of the railway series and his friend, Teddy Boston. Awdry decides to write a book about Rex, Mike and Bert, but leaves out Frank which gets him upset and crashes into the back of the shed in retaliation.
Meanwhile, Gordon catches wind of the fate of his siblings on the mainland and enters a severe depression because of it. To cheer him up, Sir Topham Hatt calls Alan Peglar and they arrange a meeting between Gordon and his last surviving brother, the Flying Scotsman. Henry gets jealous of Scotsman's two tenders, but after getting tricked by Percy, learns that one tender is good enough
During the FS's visit, two diesels are trialed on the railway. One of them breaks down and the other gets to stay. The new third diesel is nicknamed Bear.
On Duck's branchline, new sheds are built adjacent to the Arlesdale railway. Douglas has his own adventure when he's delivering a midnight goods train and comes across Oliver, who's marked for scrap. Oliver and his brakevan, Toad are trying to get to Sodor to escape getting scrapped. Douglas decides to help him out and brings him back with him.
Upon meeting him, Sir Topham Hatt purchases Oliver and he becomes the railway's 11th engine, joining the twins and Duck at the Little Western.
1968 - The end of steam traction arrives, and the Island of Sodor becomes the only place in Britain with a steam-powered railway.
1969 - Peter Sam and Sir Handel won't stop talking about Duke, and this gets the two clergymen intrigued and wondering about his whereabouts. They, Mr Fergus Duncan and the duke then band together to find Duke. They search the remains of the Mid-Sodor Railway, and the search reaches an end when Teddy Boston falls through the roof of Duke's old shed and lands on top of the old engine, who turned out to be asleep for 20 whole years and wasn't aware of how much time passed.
He is rescued, restored and brought to the Skarloey Railway where he reunited with Peter Sam and Sir Handel.
1970 - The Arlesdale railway unveils its own newly made steam engine, Jock. Jock was built by the railway itself. Meanwhile, the ever-growing Brendam Docks acquires a new crane named Cranky. When a storm hits the island, Cranky gets knocked over, he's raised, then knocked over again...then raised again.
1971 - A branchline from Kirk Ronan is built up to Kellsthorpe, the branchline has a big canopy station as its terminus that overlooks part of the island. Gordon's brakes failed here and he ended up crashing through the station wall on its opening day, getting the "better view" he wanted. He makes up for it and is rewarded with his own window.
1972 - Signalmen and late night railroaders had begun reporting peculiar sightings of a mysterious female steam engine with a maroon pink livery steaming around during the night, leaving gold dust trails along the tracks she glides along. They say it's like seeing a ghost, and they can even hear her whistle echo throughout the night. Due to the bizarre descriptions of these sightings, the controllers and mayor all pass it off as "foolish folklore" or just a hoax.
After these rumors cleared up, Henry was taking a midnight goods train to Peel Godred where he encountered Old Bailey, the original stationmaster for the Mid-Sodor station at the crossover. The Sodor Preservation society restores the station, and anoints Bailey as its keeper.
Sometime later, the lake adjacent from the station is drained and the old Mid-Sodor tracks are pulled up, making way for tarmac to be paved down to create a road link, but it's not done too well.
1975 - On the Skarloey Railway, Duke is sent for a lengthy overhaul. When he'll be back? No one knows...
At some point, the NWR took charge of the Norramby line from the previous manager, and Sir Topham Hatt gained ownership of Stepney. He allowed Stepney to revisit for a little while by helping out Toby and Mavis at Ffarqhuarr Quarry. After helping out, Stepney takes a wrong turn when returning to his shed and ends up at the Ironworks where he is taken by Arry and Bert, who try to scrap him. Luckily, Sir Topham Hatt rescues him in the nick of time. Later in the year, the Skarloey's owner, Sir Robert Norramby decides to go on a global trip around the world and leaves Sir Topham Hatt in charge of his railway.
1979 - After Gordon breaks down before pulling the Express, Thomas, Duck and Percy are enlisted to triple-head the train.
The China Clay Pits meanwhile suffer a catastrophic avalanche, making everyone evacuate. Bill and Ben act quickly though and rescue everyone before doom struck them fatally. The clay pits end up closing after this and Bill and Ben relocate to Ffarqhuarr Quarry.
One early autumn night, Oliver is temporarily assigned to pulling the mail train, but ends up taking a wrong turn into a abandoned line and crashes into an old shed at Arlesdale end. He is saved later on by the Fat Controller, who takes an interest into the old area and decides to refurbish it for visitors. He acquires the rights and relocates Toby there to help finish construction. The old shed that Oliver crashes into is refurbished as well into a new shed for Toby and Henrietta. The line now belongs to Toby.
1981 - On Toby's line, the Great Dam breaks due to heavy rain and unleashes a flood that nearly kills Toby and his crew. In the warmer months, the dam is fixed and the line is fully complete and open for service with its terminus at Callan on the Little Western.
Sometime later, Toby and the Hatt family venture into the abandoned mining network at the tail end of Thomas's branchline. There, they come across the ruins of Ulfstead Castle and the gold mine. Both are restored and Ulfstead Castle is opened for tourists. During restoration, an old engine from the Mid-Sodor era called Bertram was discovered and was sent to pull tourists around the gold mine after restoration was finished. A connection between Ulfstead and Arlesdale end was built, creating a loop. Arlesdale End became a through-station.
1983 - Thomas and Percy travel up to the Ironworks and come across an old coach dubbed "Old Slow Coach". After a fire breaks out at the worker's hut at Tidmouth Hault, Old Slow Coach is repurposed into a new permanent housing quarters to replace it, and is quite happy. But when Mrs Kyndley's daughter gets married later, she becomes part of the good luck package.
Around the month of August, Sir Topham Hatt decides to reopen the old boulder quarry at the Mid-Sodor. The plans are changed when a seemingly sentient boulder terrorises the little engines and deals significant damage to the site. Sir Topham Hatt then figures that the boulder some sort of warning from God and ultimately decides to abandon the quarry.
1984 - Sir Handel gets into trouble for some unknown reason and Sir Topham Hatt sends him to the Shadow Re– the slate mines as a punishment for an undefinite amount of time. On the same year, a television series based off of the stories from the Railway Series is created by a lady called Britt Allcroft and a man called David Mitton. The series is named "Thomas the Tank engine & Friends" and uses model versions of the engines. The series is narrated by the Beatle himself, Ringo Starr.
1988 - A blue Class 07 diesel-electric shunter purchased from the mainland travels all the way to Sodor to work as a quarry diesel with Mavis and the tank engine twins. He works there for a short while, but longs to be by the sea, and so he is relocated to work as a shunter in the yard at Brendam Docks. His name is Salty.
The Elsbridge is getting weak and is in need of renovation, and so Sir Topham Hatt puts up a weight limit for the bridge. Thomas is too heavy for the bridge and so is relocated to Wellsworth with Edward for the time being, but returns next year.
1989 - The Skarloey gains a new maintenance diesel named Fred to help out Rusty, but going into present-day, no one sees him anymore. On the NWR, the railway gains a new Crane-tank engine named Harvey.
1990 - The National Railway Museum in York invites Thomas to take part in a Rail gala. Thomas leaves the next day in his own power, and Toby, Daisy and Percy take care of the branchline while he's gone.
1992 - Thomas returns from York and Henry is send to Crovan's Gate for an overhaul. He comes back early after a locomotive crisis and isn't fully repainted yet. Later that year, Sir Charles Topham Hatt retires, leaving his son, Bertram to inherit the railway. On his first act as controller, he rescues three engines from being scrapped; Murdoch, Arthur and an elderly, yet youthfully spirited Stirling Single named Emily.
1995 - While on route to Brendam, Thomas breaks down and his crew come across a shed, where inside is an old steam lorry named Elizabeth, after she gets let out, Elizabeth helps Thomas reach Brendam. She was Sir Topham Hatt |'s first ever vehicle, but was eventually left in a shed. The Fat Controller was so pleased with the discovery of his grandfather's old lorry that he paid for her to be restored to full beauty. She now works on the roads close to the narrow guage lines.
50 years have passed by since the first Railway Series book, and a big celebration is held at Tidmouth to celebrate it.
A high-speed train from the mainland carrying Prince Charles arrives at Knapford to celebrate the occasion.
1996 - Utter horror and tragedy strikes the rails as a feud between two drivers named P. T Boomer and Burnett Stone leads to Burnett's wife, Tasha getting killed after she and their steam engine are pushed off of a partially dilapidated viaduct by Boomer's equally malicious Class 46 Warship, Diesel 10. As said, Tasha is tragically killed in the fall, but their steam engine is still clinging to her life. Burnett leaves Sodor the next week to repair his engine and is never heard from after that.
2000 - The events of my TATMR rewrite occur. Just think of the og TATMR but the American test audience didn't screw it over.
2004 - Sir Topham Hatt || dies peacefully in his sleep, leaving the current Fat Controller to inherit the baronetcy, becoming Sir Bertram Topham Hatt |||.
2005 - (My planned CAE rewrite) The station at Kellsthorpe Road is rebuilt into a bigger station with a bay platform. During construction, Thomas prevents runaway trucks from crashing into it. Above the Kellsthorpe Road, the ground is prepped for the construction of a new airport for holidaymakers and tourists.
The construction sparks a rivalry between steamies and diesels as the construction requires nearly every single engine on the NWR. As the construction begins, a bad storm delays the build and destroys the suspension bridge over the River Hoo (I dunno how to spell it 🥲). It was quickly rebuilt, and mainline services resumed. The storm had also demolished the original Tidmouth Sheds, and so the engines all had to relocate until it was rebuilt.
Thomas stayed at Knapford Sheds with Emily, who had taken a sudden switch in personality during that time (seriously, she became a gODDAMN BI–) and didn't take kindly to him staying there...at first.
Tidmouth Sheds gets rebuilt with an extra berth for Emily, who stays there permanently.
2006 - The expanding Skarloey Railway was becoming too much for Sir Topham Hatt ||| to handle, which makes sense since he was in control of two whole railways. He hired a man called Peregrine Percival, more commonly known as the Thin Controller, to run it.
A bunch of loaned engines from different railways arrive to the island for temporary services on the NWR. These engines are Molly, Dennis, Neville and Mighty Mac. The bridge for the Peel Godred across the mainline falls into disrepair, and during its reconstruction, Neville missed the warning signal and nearly ran off it. Thomas catched him just in time.
A new statue of the main Tidmouth engines (and Toby) is put on display at Abbey Station.
Around June on the Skarloey, Sir Handel makes a return from the slate mines after his extended, and isolated stay.
2007 - Gordon attempted to beat his speed record again, but gave it up to help out Henry. He eventually did break it, and Sir Topham Hatt awarded him with special coaches. Toby's old shed at Arlesdale End was rebuilt with a new roof, and his old roof was made into a little birdhouse up front.
Another engine from the Mid-Sodor called Freddie was found...somewhere, and brought back to former working order. He reunites with Sir Handel, as he and him are old friends.
Meanwhile, a new breakdown crane named Rocky comes to Sodor, and Edward just hates him for some reason . Why did Edward not like him, you may wonder?
I don't know.
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More engines are brought to the island like Rosie, who at the time was absolutely obsessed with Thomas. A engine called Whiff is purchased to work at the recycling plant. There was also Billy, but he's in the Shadow Realm now.
2008 - A snow slide blocks the Skarloey Railway and Duncan has to be transported via road by a snub-nosed lorry called Mage, who takes him to the transfer yard, south of the sheds. In early July, Duncan gives Thomas the wrong directions to the wharf to get him lost. Thomas instead ends up finding the ruins of the long abandoned Great Waterton. He brings Sir Topham Hatt to see it, and he is thrilled with Thomas's great discovery.
Reconstruction of the town is made at once, with Thomas in charge. A new, bigger tank engine called Stanley is brought on to fill in for Thomas's branchline duties and ends up staying at the railway.
A big celebration is held later on for Sodor Day at Great Waterton.
During the same year, a new quarry site is made near Daisy Halt. The quarry is dubbed "The Blue Mountain Quarry". A little Irish engine named Luke is picked up from Ireland by a boat setting course for Sodor to work at said quarry. While on the boat, he meets a Cuban engine named Victor who speaks a different language. As the two are being loaded off at Brendam, Cranky accidentally knocks Victor into the ocean while unloading Luke. After a couple months, Victor is sent to the Steamworks at Crovan's Gate and is repaired. He now works there.
2009 - The Duke and duchess of Boxford build a summerhouse in Sodor while their private engine, Spencer helps with reconstruction. Thomas and him race, but the race ends when Thomas gets diverted down an overgrown siding and discovers Hiro. Hiro had been abandoned by his crew due to him breaking down, with the empty promise that they'd be back. Attempts to restore him prove successful and he gets on the next boat to Japan, bidding everyone farewell.
However, he comes back later that year as the railways in Japan had become overrun with speedy bullet trains, and he preferred the slow and steady nature of Sodor more.
2010 - Imagine Misty Island Rescue but it actually makes sense and the characters, including the Logging Locos, have genuine personalities and aren't bad. Oh yeah, and I gave the island the most logical reason for existing as I could.
2011 - Diesel 10 returns to Sodor with a second chance given to him by Sir Topham Hatt. However, he hasn't changed a bit, as he gathers as many diesels as he can to the rundown Dieselworks in Vicarstown to plot his revenge on all the steam engines. Mainly, Diesel 10 plans to kill Thomas himself for helping Lady escape from his grasp all those years ago. Diesel 10 then attempts to try and derail Edward, set Henrietta on fire with Toby watching, attempts and fails at sending a truck full of explosives into Tidmouth Sheds and crushes one of Thomas's side-tanks, causing a leakage.
Diesel 10 then gets pursued by a few of the steamies and invades the Steamworks. After another life-threatening situation, Sir Topham Hatt confronts the warship and punishes him severely, taking away his wheels and his claw. Diesel 10 now sits at the Arlesburgh beach as a beach hut. He's absolutely ruthless.
2012 - Back to the Blue Mountain Quarry, the Skarloey fleet now works at the quarry as it is part of their railway. Paxton, a diesel who was unwillingly forced into helping Diesel 10 during his fiasco, pulls the slate train from the quarry to Brendam. An accident puts him out of commission and Sir Topham Hatt puts Thomas as the temporary slate hauler.
Thomas ends up finding out about Luke and after hearing his sad story, attempts to find the truth. Diesel catches wind about Luke and views him as dangerous, he then tries to rat out Luke with a reluctant Paxton following behind. You know how the rest goes ;)
After the blue mountain situation is resolved, Sir Topham Hatt's rail inspection car, Winston discovers something VERY special; It was Sir Topham Hatt ||'s old birthday carriage that he used to go around in as a boy. It gets refurbished and is pulled by Edward for Sir Topham Hatt's upcoming birthday. Nevertheless, Sir Topham Hatt becomes tearful when he sees it, a rediscovered remnant to remember his father by.
2013 - Sir Robert Norramby returns from his global trip, and along the way, it's discovered that he purchased Stephen, formally known as Stephenson's Rocket from the National Railway Museum. The Earl reveals that he wants to reopen the tourist attraction at Ulfstead Castle and have Stephen be the main feature of the attraction. Before the grand reopening, Stephen ends up getting lost in the mines beneath the castle and ends up discovering King Godred's crown. He is soon rescued and the crown is brought back to the estate, where it is put on display.
A collision between Gordon and Paxton occurs at Knapford and a stone from Paxton's trucks flies out and punctures Gordon's boiler. At first, Gordon ignores it, but then he soon finds himself constantly low on water. Meanwhile, a new dock engine called Porter is brought on to help Salty.
At the Ulfstead Estate Railway, Stephen is tasked with bringing ingredients for the afternoon tea. Spencer makes fun of him, but Stephen ends up with the last laugh.
Henry and Hiro are enlisted to double-head a big goods train from Ffarqhuarr to Tidmouth Harbour. Unfortunately, they struggle along the way due to bad coal. But in the end, they got there eventually.
Two years after the Diesel 10 fiasco, Percy finds that the out-of-commission diesel, Sidney still hasn't been put back into service and proceeds to help him get his new wheels. Sidney gets his new wheels when Christmas rolls around and visits the engines at Tidmouth to thank them personally.
2014 - After years of heavy reconstruction, the Sodor China Clay Pits are finally approved for a grand reopening, and Sir Topham Hatt sends Thomas there as there is maintenance being done on one of the bridges at his branchline. Along the way, Thomas meets a newly purchased oil-burning engine named Timothy, who he met after being pranked by Bill and Ben. He then meets a very enthusiastic steam shovel locomotive named Marion.
After a few days of working at the pits, a storm comes and Timothy warns Thomas of the unstability of the clay cliffs during bad weather. Out of stubbornness, Thomas doesn't listen and he goes down a line that traverses through the cliffs while the storm is at its highest. A landslide occurs and luckily, Bill and Ben swoop in and save him. The rest will be in my rewrite in the future :)
Later that year The Fat Controller purchases Duck's old slip coaches from the Great Western Railway after he talks about them to the other engines.
2015 ‐ The Earl constructs a new dinosaur park at the estate after getting inspired from the dino skeleton in Wellsworth. The dinosaur park can now be seen on one of the estate railway's routes. A little diesel boxcab named Phillip is purchased and brought on to be Knapford's new station pilot after Duck abandoned it years ago. He takes a liking to Gordon, who doesn't share the same sentiments.
He then races the big engine and wins, and doesn't stop talking about it, much to everyone's annoyance. Some months later, he rescues James from a rather nasty fall.
One of Sir Topham Hatt's workers, Albert has a baby who gets named after Thomas after Thomas babysits him.
A new branchline from Harwick to Arlesburgh is being built, and many engines make a return, even Donald and Douglas who came back after a hefty overhaul to help with construction. Thomas is also sent to help as a punishment for a coach mishap and is replaced by a cocky, over-confident big tank engine named Ryan who does his branchline duties. Thomas tries telling Sir Topham Hatt that he had nothing to do with it and that Gordon was teasing him. But no one believes him.
At Harwick, an incident at the site occurs where the ground collapsed and Thomas goes down a cavern (this gives me flashbacks). When he hits the bottom, Thomas discovers a 4000 year old pirate ship. The ship is raised, moored and put at the Arlesburgh harbour as a part of the maritime museum.
Judy and Jerome, the breakdown train that was used to hoist James out of the fields all those years ago are old and are hardly used anymore due to Rocky taking charge in rescues. They are finally relocated to Harwick, where they handle all derailments from there.
2016 - Thomas travels all the way to Vicarstown, where he meets the Flying Scotsman for the first time. Scotsman reveals that he has been invited to a rail gala happening on the mainland, sparking jealousy from Gordon. Several of the sudrain engines are invited to the event, and Gordon streamlines himself in an attempt to become faster than Scotsman. He gets upset about not being recognised as an A3 Pacific which nearly hinders the start of his race against other big engines.
He loses after nearly exploding because of his missing safety valve, and the Flying Scotsman makes fun of him for it since Gordon was claiming he'd win. Pretty cruel thing to do. Gordon now began despising his only brother the more he was ever talked about or mentioned.
Meanwhile, on the Kenya-Uganda Railway in Kenya, a little orange tank engine named Nia abandons her goods train to go hide in an old mine tunnel.
Back on Sodor and right Before Christmas, Marion discovers Glynn, the old Coffee pot engine from the original Tidmouth, Knapford and Elsebridge Light Railway days. He is taken back to the Steamworks for restoration. Sir Topham Hatt comes to visit and Glynn mistakes him for his Sir Topham Hatt, Richard Hatt. The current Topham is is Bertram. After some explanations, Glynn offers to take Sir Topham Hatt to the Christmas eve fair at Ulfstead, in which he gladly complies. The Fat Controller drives Glynn to the estate where he join joins Stephen from now on.
2017 - A new modern gantry crane named Carly arrives on the docks to help Cranky as his age was catching up with him. Also, Big Mickey breaks his silence. Meanwhile, Rosie, a little pink tank engine gets repainted red and relocated to Vicarstown to pilot trains.
James tries to create a world record as the fastest red engine on Sodor, and his brakes end up failing and he crashes into the Tidmouth Sheds. He is taken away for repairs and the others have to find other places to sleep while the sheds are being fixed. Edward decides to permanently move into the Wellsworth sheds as it starts at his branchline. Gordon really hates this change and tries getting him to come back, but to no avail.
Sometime later, Thomas steals James' goods train to Bridlington, but ends up getting lost on the mainland and imprisoned by the Steelworks engines, Frankie and Hurricane, and their boss. James and Percy go to look for him, find him, and save him.
2018 - A yellow rally car named Ace arrives on Sodor to get the next boat to Africa. Thomas meets him on a passenger run, and Ace tries convincing him to go to Africa. Thomas, at first, is unsure. He may have wanted to see the world when he was still new on the railway. After some more persuading and to be honest, flat out pressuring from Ace, Thomas sneaks away from his branchline and gets on a boat to Africa at the Tidmouth harbour. He takes Annie and Clarabelle with him.
His departure to Africa takes a few days and during those days, everyone panics about his whereabouts. Thomas arrives on Africa and follows Ace. But along the way, he's mistook for a goods engine and is forced to pull a goods train to Dar E Salaam. On his 5000 mile journey, he comes across a little tank engine named Nia blocked up in a mine tunnel.
He helps her get to a nearby Steamworks for repair and continues on his way. However, Nia comes back to Thomas, who is struggling up a hill and helps him out as thanks and joins him on his journey. The two go to a few countries while chasing Ace and get into a few mishaps along the way. The two return to Sodor in one piece and a welcome back party is initiated.
A few months pass, Nia stays in Edward's berth by invitation and Gordon isn't happy with it. Gordon only gets more mad about the changes when Henry decides to move to Vicarstown to have his jobs done quicker, and to have time to visit his forest. Gordon lashes out about the changes and takes it out on Sir Topham Hatt and Nia. The sudden changes are messing with Gordon, but everyone dismisses his feelings as him overreacting. Gordon is just forced to suck it up.
2019 - A quick rise in tourists coming to the island puts a bit of pressure on Gordon, tiring him out as schedules are a lot tighter, and so he has to pull the Express much earlier and much more than usual. So, Sir Topham Hatt purchases a Bulleid Light Pacific named Rebecca. Gordon does NOT take kindly to Rebecca, especially when she takes Henry's old berth. Meanwhile, Nia begins to pick up feelings for Henry.
A storm destroys the school in Harwick, and Duck finds an old coach named Dexter, who becomes restored into a new schoolhouse for the kids.
2020 - A few years had passed since the birth of Albert's son, Little Thomas who has come to see Big Thomas. Henry meanwhile, begins hearing about a stray canine nicknamed "The Railway Hound", as the dog is only ever seen walking along or resting beside the tracks. Concerned for the dog's safety, Henry goes looking for it along with Thomas. They eventually find the dog and Little Thomas adopts it.
Many events would follow suit; Emily gains a shiny new brass nameplate on her smokebox and gets her number at last. A technology fair is held at Ulfstead Castle, introducing a new bullet train named Kenji. Kenji stays on Sodor before going back to Japan, and after a rough 10 year stay on Sodor, Hiro leaves for Japan.
In winter, things take a turn for the worse when Nia takes the Flying Kipper when Henry's filling in for another engine. She crashes into a goods train near Kirk Machan due to faulty signals, sliding into a cold ditch along the way. Thankfully, James pulls by with the Judy and Jerome and hoists her back up to safety. She is then sent to the Steamworks for an indefinite long repair.
2021 - Nia returns from the Works in early Spring with a new safety valve and a better firebox, everyone welcomed her return. A month after, Queen Elizabeth || writes a letter to Sir Topham Hatt, inviting him to London for a special reward for his services to the railways. By the specific request of Prince Charles, Edward and Thomas get to come along with their controller. Along the way, the trio encounter many mishaps ànd end up getting dirty.
During the journey, Edward and Thomas have several encounters with Diana, who rudely keeps taking their spots for coal refills and water fills. After she bursts her safety valve, the two help her get to London Station and to their utter shock, Diana turned out to be the Queen's private engine and she was pulling the Queen and his son during the entire trip.
Prince Charles tells Edward and Thomas how he loved to read the books about them as a child and personally rewards them both with medals. Sir Topham Hatt gets a medal too, of course.
Alls well that ends well...
Or is it...?
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silvergrovezelda · 9 months
TotK “cursed” areas (headcanon)
lol I miss the divine beasts since they aren’t in totk. But what if they were?? What if there were areas in totk that just…stand out from the rest and people avoid them because of some strange occurrences….
When swimming to far deep in the reservoir some zora reported seeing a massive empty pair of eyes just staring at them, and the water temperature dropping significantly.
However a few zora have reported a feeling of safety and grace that could heal any injuries...
Reports from gorons of small tremors, strange darkness and a slight suction like you're being pulled into the ground near lake darman.
some gorons have reported a feeling of protection and confidence from a strong uplifting fellow...
A few brave gerudo have reported a lonely massive sand dune far out in the east Barrons. Those who have stepped to close have felt electrical shocks in the air and looming thunder in the distance, even if the sky is clear. Some others reported feeling nostalgic of their mothers or trustworthy of some nonexistent leader or chief who swore to protect her people...
There have been reports of rito hearing guardian beeps and massive wind currents or propellers near Biron snowshelf. The wind currents seem deadly and masterful so rito avoid this area in fear of getting blown away by the currents. Some others have reported a sad sense of loneliness and a need to be perfect with a mask of pride...like someone worked their whole life for greatness only to be forever forgotten...
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dnallohleoj · 6 months
After clearing Indigo Disk and getting the Blueberry Academy diploma, I'm... really, really, disappointed.
Crown Tundra is the best comparison for scale, and it breathed new life into the fairly stale Sword/Shield games. Not only did they include several hours of story content, add a massive open-world map (in comparison to the original Wild Area at least), they added a new way to do Raid battles, with great rewards for participating. I played Sword for a frankly ridiculous amount of time, and it was almost all spent on Dynamax Adventure.
By comparison, Indigo Disk is pretty bland. Don't get me wrong, there's still a massive new open-world area with 4 new gym challenges, as well as an even bigger legendary Pokemon hunt than the one you did in Crown Tundra (ignoring Dynamax Adventure) added to the Paldea map, but that's... really it. The only new activity that's worth anything after completing the story mode is doing the Blueberry Quests (BBQs) which are essentially an eternal cycle of daily missions that you're gonna want to do with your friends for a few days before you run out of new rewards to unlock and then it sets in just how simple, repetitive, and tedious they are, and then that loses its charm.
Tera Raids not getting some equivalent of Dynamax Adventure is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that the core gameplay is still incredibly busted, possibly never to be fully fixed, and we didn't need an even longer unpolished mess. But also a curse in that Dynamax Adventure was literally the most fun thing to do in Sword/Shield. And back before Shinies were easier to obtain in common encounters, the rewards for completion INCLUDING shiny Pokemon was wild.
All around Blueberry Academy I see wasted potential.
The Synchronize feature is fun for a few minutes, but there's nothing special to find by playing that way. It's just Auto Battle with more control, except it's actually possible to knockout a shiny Pokemon while doing it.
The massive map is populated by only a handful of Pokemon per area. Despite there being 240 Pokedex entries, the amount of Pokemon available to catch in each individual biome quickly feels repetitive. For instance, the Polar biome has Seel, Solosis, Lapras, Vulpix, and Milcery. Wherever you go in the Polar Biome, that's what you'll find. Even when you climb the one and only mountain in the biome where Steel-types like Duraludon and Metang hang out, you're gonna find those Pokemon there. Go to a lake, you'll likely find some Qwilfish. Once you have enough BP, you can get most of the fire-type Starter pokemon to spawn there as well, but that is really and truly the extent of it. It's a large space for such a small yield. Kitakami was a smaller map with fewer new Pokemon and it feels more biodiverse.
But nothing had more wasted potential than this expansion's namesake, the Hidden Treasure of Area Zero. So far, every Expansion has had one new Pokemon at its core, and Terapagos is the only one of these pokemon we spend no time with before we battle and capture it. And I'd be okay with that, except there's just too much of the Scarlet Book that is just... untouched now, and we're likely not going to see come into play. Why mention the cave with the strange floor markings where Roaring Moon and Iron Valiant can be found if that's not gonna come up? Why mention the unbreakable steel plates?
And narratively, it just feels wrong for Arven, Penny, and Nemona to not be part of this at all. There is so much more exploration of Area Zero's mysteries I'd like to do - mentions from the Scarlet Book, actually answering the question of how Paradox Pokemon appeared hundreds of years before the existence of a supposedly functional time machine, avenging Arven's Mabosstif, but it's all pointless without them anyway.
I could have forgiven everything this game was lacking, if only they added that.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Linktober: Snake/Serpent/Dragon
"It's weird, I don't think I ever expected to see the Bridge of Hylia covered in snow like this." Gently bumping Calamity's shoulder, you smiled. "This sight is too pretty for a friend, Link, you sure you're not trying to romance me?" 
The Hero of Calamity was a little strange to you. Maybe it was because he bore the face of one of your closest friends but acted nothing like him, Wild, a free spirit with a sense of adventure and Calamity, a man of silence who stayed within the walls of Hyrule Castle. You understood though they weren't the same person, even if they had lived semi-similar lives, Wild was Wild and Calamity was Calamity. 
Though, you hated how tired Calamity looked. Even after the defeat of Ganon within their timeline, he still looked to be overworked and stressed, not uttering a single peep at the arrival of your group, only surveying you all then following the demands of the King. 
So, you did what you thought was best and invaded the man’s life to show your appreciation and care. Sure, he fought it at first, argued that you weren’t his caretaker, nor his mother but yet, you could see how the bags under his eyes lightened when you made sure to bring him meals,, to clean his uniform, to coax him out of the castle- anything in your power so that the man could finally relax.
And it paid off.
Hearing him speak for the first time nearly had you dropping the food in your hands, the appreciative smile and his gratitude had your face warm.
So now you were here, his gift to you, as he put it, in the form of a horseback ride to the Bridge of Hylia over Hylia Lake.
It really was so beautiful in person.
“I haven’t the slightest clue of what you speak of.” The man teased, helping you down from his Epona’s back to the snowy floor below, grabbing an enchanted blanket from the pack on her side to throw over her before tugging you towards the fencing. “I merely wish to show appreciation.”
“Appreciation? By giving me frostbite.”
“I can return you if that’s what you wish-”
“No, no! I like it! It’s very pretty here.” When he chuckled you pouted, leaning against the stone of the bridge. “Hyrule during the winter sure is a sight to see.”
“Don’t focus too hard on the snow, now, or you’ll miss what I wanted to show you.”
“Miss what-”
You had completely forgotten, but then again, you didn’t expect them in Calamity’s timeline, your mouth dropping in awe at the sight of the great and mighty spirit of lightning, Farosh, came flying gracefully out of the cold waters of the lake, ascending further into the skies in their usual path.
Only once before had you seen them, in the exact same place at a different time, watching them fly off in the exact same awed silence as they disappeared into the distance.
Farosh grew closer and with that came their magic, the feeling of the winds picking up around you both from their mere presence, the snow which had previously fallen softly to the stone below brewing up to join the great beast’s past, highlighted by the magic of Farosh’s lightning as they flew overhead, the feeling of your voice returning as you cupped your mittened hands around your mouth and bellowed.
You cheered when they responded in kind, a strong roar echoing through the area as you raced to the opposite side of the bridge to follow their trail, the snow framing your form. Calamity was right on your heels with the softest of smiles supporting his features, standing beside you as you waved them goodbye, wishing safety on their travels. His eyes stayed focused on you, shining with a spark relit in the fire that was your presence, heart beating wildly in his chest.
“You know, Link.” You started after a moment, eyes focused on Farosh’s retreating figure. “What I said earlier? About this being romantic? Well….”
With a moment of hesitation, your mouth going dry you willed yourself to continue.
“I wouldn’t be so opposed if this was supposed to be a romantic gesture.”
Calamity’s own gloved hand came to cover your own, squeezing it gently.
“That makes the two of us.”
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tribbetherium · 1 year
You mentioned something in one of the asks about aquatic shroomors/meatmoss and daggoths being capable of limited underwater respiration? What are those species like?
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Many underground rivers and lakes pass through the Sub-Arcuterran cavern system, running for miles through its tunnels and chambers for great distance, their waterways slowly but surely eroding through rock, and expanding the subterranean network that for millennia has become a strange and alien world.
In this lightless realm, plants cannot survive, and thus the biosphere has rooted itself on the existence of chemosynthetic bacteria: a plentiful organism able to thrive without sun. Forming bacterial mats on walls and floors and on the water's surface, the bacteria have struck up a symbiosis with fungi, forming the mocklichens, but more recently with a far more unusual partner--meatmoss, a free-living, free-growing harmster tumor that has long since outlived its host and begun to grow much as a slime mold would.
Requiring moist environments to grow, some have taken to the water entirely: where both the meatmoss and its symbiont bacteria absorb necessary compounds from the water and from the surface it anchors to. As meatmoss respires through direct absorption of oxygen, aquatic meatmoss, such as cavern fleshfern (Oncophyton spinatus) have developed long, branching frond-like shapes to maximize the surface area for gas exchange, running along rock as webbed filaments but producing clusters of long tendrils that in essence serve as the whole organism's "gills". Cavern fleshfern also uses these fronds to reproduce, forming singular cells encased in capsules containing their symbiotic bacteria and releasing them into the water to settle and grow elsewhere where the currents of the water take them.
The abundance of fleshfern has not gone unnoticed by a group of aquatic daggoths: the tubesnouts. While most are filter-feeders that subsist of the floating mats of chemosynthetic bacteria and the micro-invertebrates that thrive on them, one species, the feathery tubesnout (Linguibranchiae pennadactylus), has taken up grazing on fleshfern that grows in large masses at the water's bottom. Like all mammals, feathery tubesnouts are air-breathers: their nostrils elongating into flexible built-in snorkels, their central nose tendril being greatly reduced to more easily reach the surface.
But the feathery tubesnout has a secret trick up its sleeve: its tongue, equipped with fringes that allowed its kin to filter-feed, has become highly vascularized, allowing it to absorb oxygen from the water. This is not a particularly efficient way to respire, even when aided by its slow metabolism and small size that greatly reduce its oxygen needs, but it can prolong its dives for up to three hours before needing to surface for air again. As such, propelled by undulations of its eight pairs of fin-like fingers and navigating with a combination of touch, hearing, and a strong sense of taste that functions much like smell when underwater, the feathery tubesnout grazes for hours on end at the bottoms of the subterranean ponds, chewing away at fleshfern fronds with the aid of its incisors--still unmistakably rodent-like ones that seem almost out of place on something so un-rodentlike.
This frequent grazing over millennia has incited a response from the fleshfern: to protect its reproductive and respiratory fronds, it has begun growing defensive measures on them to ward off attackers. These come in the form of thorn-like spikes, growing along the stems and branches of the fronds, much like the thorns of the stems of a plant. Yet it is almost easy to forget that the meatmoss is in fact an animal: made entirely of masses of undifferentiated cells, a new semblance of anatomical order has begun to arise from the chaos of a mass of free-living cancer cells from millions of years in their new lifestyle. Modified clumps of cells lining the fronds have developed the ability to produce keratinous sheaths from a long-hidden, latent ability to form specialized tissues akin to those of a more-organized animal: to defend itself, in the dawn of a strange new arms-race, a false plant has struck back with an analogue of botanical thorns--but are, in a structural sense, claws.
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"A harbinger of happiness in the little things"
The shabby and slightly worn hooded cloak still served its wearer well, protecting his body from the small raindrops that would turn into a downpour in a few minutes. Isaac slowly stretched his arms, tired from holding the hilt of his sword, and yawned lazily, still in no hurry to hide under the roof of the Adventurer's Guild. Something about the rain was, to him.... soothing.
In his home area, The Continent of Galdora, where practically all the terrain is a damned desert, you don't encounter any rainfall, and time passes differently here. Even in the Castle Village, thanks to the magic of their talented witch, there is always a perpetual spring. No snow, no hail, no rain. None of that. When you live and train under a dome for most of your life, even a little rain can cause delight, or at least surprise.
The earthy and piney smell all around, the drops that drum incessantly on the roof of the small cabin, the noise of leaves and rustling in the grass, where small animals and birds hurry to hide from the rain in burrows and tree hollows....
An unpleasant tickling sensation on the index finger of his right hand.
Isaac lifted his hand to see the cause of the itch and saw a small insect with a red body and black dots. A ladybug, if he's not mistaken... A strange name, Isaac thought.
Apparently, like all other insects, the poor thing was trying to escape the rain, and thought it would find the shelter it needed under Isaac's cloak.
The scarred adventurer was about to flick the annoying bug away with a wave of his other hand, but he stopped himself at the last second, scrutinising the ladybug. Curiosity got the better of him, because it was only the second time he had seen this unusual insect in his entire life.
The first was a few weeks ago, when being in the same place he was now, he had met a Farmer that had wandered into the Adventurer's Summit.
The spring sun shone brightly, but it seemed that the Farmer's smile shone even brighter. Carefree, humming to themselves a tune unfamiliar to Isaac, they said hello to him and headed downhill towards the mountain lake. One hand busied itself with a large basket, stuffed to the top with various mushrooms and wild apples. The fruit had the same red-black dots that the scarred adventurer had failed to see properly. One of those dots was on the Farmer's arm as they cooed wonderfully to the insects as if to a playful puppy.
Ladybug, saviour of all gardeners and farmers, harbinger of happiness and good news, a great creation of Yoba itself... Isaac snorted at all the compliments that the Farmer kept showering on the strange bug. It's just an insect, what's the point? Why such joy at the sight of this bug, why such a ringing laughter that got further and further away from him. Why this beautiful smile...
Why all this...
Isaac was pulled out of his warm memories by the intensifying downpour, and even his old but trusty cloak could not protect him from getting wet. The ladybug, also sensing the intensifying rain, quickly sought refuge on Isaac's arm from the droplets that were hitting his skin.
The look in Isaac's dark eyes softened. He placed his free hand over where the bug was crawling to protect it from the rain and quickly walked over to a nearby blackberry bush to gently place the ladybug under the large green leaves, where the little ladybug could survive the heavy rain.
I blame this beautiful song, which I randomly found on YouTube and couldn't resist writing another one-shot about Isaac. Because even though I love the misery of this bitch adventurer, fluff is more dear to my heart 💕
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cloudyswritings · 2 months
Slugcat Ocs P1
These are the slugcats that go along with my OC Iterators
The Hierophant: You are the Heirophant, a slugcat that’s highly attuned to the deeper mysteries of the world. In your pursuit of knowledge you have traveled far and wide, and arranged for yourself meetings with each Iterators whose path you’ve crossed to converse with them. They’ve been surprisingly helpful, you both seem to solve the same problem after all. These Iterators will not be the last you speak with in your pilgrimage.
Goal: So I imagine you just straight up start with max karma for this fellow, and your goal is to convince each iterator to meet with you and discuss the great problem. You’d carry a little data pad where you record their answers, which I imagine in this case would be lore on ancient philosophy or something to that effect.
Starting area: You’ll be starting by jumping down into Age of Storms city, the Tempest Tossed metropolis. Extreme winds and a whole slew of vicious arias attackers stand between you and entering Age of Storms can, though you’ll need a specific item from the city first if you’re to ensure a meeting with him.
Colors: A deep blue slugcat with gold speckling, it’s physical eyes are shut but it’s spiritual eyes are blown wide open.
The Terminarch: You are the Terminarch, pale, sickly, and stunted but possessing a will fit to move mountains. You are the last of your kind, a remnant that has outlasted both the age of rain and the age of snow. Now, facing the dawn of the next epoch you seek to meet with the last of the rain gods, beings which your tribe had once worshipped so you may pass on in peace.
Goal: Your goal is to make the pilgrimage to Built Slighlty Sideways, who is ironically the last living iterator locally. You’re both the last of your kind and as such it’s fitting you both pass on in each others company. Of course you’d change things if you could, but there’s no hope for that… right?
Starting area: You start in Whispering Wastes, an area blanketed in a perpetual purple haze, if you’d had the ears to listen you’d hear the dying whispers of Signals Lost in the Night on the wind. You would have a small portable radio you found somewhere, possibly one of Signals antenna? It would let you listen in to the final moments and other residual thoughts of iterators.
Colors: Albino, you’ve got nearly translucent skin and red eyes with poor vision.
Other: Your karma is not lowered by death, is it a symptom of the cycle grinding to an end? Or something else? Beware however! as many species in this distant time are capable and willing of draining your karma from you in a futile effort to escape the end of the world.
The Weaver: You are the Weaver a purposed organism created by Peerless architecture as a messenger. You’ve been many places on her orders but you have a as of recently become suspicious of your creators motives. She has dispatched you to both Applied Blasphemy and Age of Storms in rapid succession, you suspect they are planning something terrible. Perhaps it has to do with the strange glassy liquid you’ve been seeing in your makers bio fabrication labs recently? Either way your maker has gone through great lengths to prevent this information from being shared over the conventional channels.
Goal: You get a choice here, you can either complete your mission and aid your creator and the others in creating a weapon capable of killing even an iterator—if one that will do so slowly— or you can bring your message all the way to Signals Lost in the Night, though the journey will be excruciatingly difficult.
Starting area: You start inside Peerless Architectures superstructure, having just been given your next message to be brought to Applied Blasphemy, your first struggle after leaving her structure is finding a way across the lake and from there dodging BSS’ observers. Apparently your maker doesn’t want her neighbor learning about this project.
Color: they are a black slugcat with an extra pair of arms and insect like joints. They’re capable of incredibly fast climbing and can cling to nearly flat surfaces. Additionally their extra arms mean that you can carry up to four items, though doing so slows you down a bit.
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wigglytuff-guild · 9 months
Welcome to Wigglytuff's Guild!
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There are three important rules here...
ONE! Don't shirk work!
TWO! Run away and pay!
THREE! Smiles go for miles!
Follow these, and we'll all have a great time! ♪
I'm Chatot! I'm the Pokémon in the know around these parts! If you have any questions about our guild, or requests for help, we're happy to help out! ♪ We have quite a few members in this guild... why don't you all say hello?
I guess I'll go first... I'm Bidoof, yup yup! I'm the youngest apprentice here, since my two juniors graduated! And I'm also the one who found this strange tablet... by golly, that surprised me! I take on a lot of basic jobs here, so you'll see me wandering around the guild and Treasure Town a lot!
Oh my gosh, am I next?! Hi!!! I'm Sunflora! I'm the oldest apprentice here, and lately I've been working on... becoming a traveling healer! Yippee! Don't think I'm not a super-tough adventurer too, though!
Then it's MY TURN! I'm Loudred! I'm the one who makes Guild ANNOUNCEMENTS and handles SENTRY DUTY! If there's something SUPER IMPORTANT to say, you're gonna hear it from ME, okay? Diglett isn't much for words, after all!
Hey hey, I'm Corphish! I'm just a pretty normal guy, hey hey... But I take on a lot of the guild's water rescue jobs! I love the ocean more than anybody else here!
I'm Chimecho. I do the cooking for the group, and I'm also something of... the brains. I help all of our Guild members gather up their friends from other areas with my Friendship Bell! It's a pretty logistics-heavy role, but I enjoy it!
I'm Croagunk. What do I do at my cauldron...? Meh-heh-heh. ...Nah, it's nothing intimidating. I run the Croagunk Swap Shop. You can get some pretty good items from it. Worth a visit, even if you're not Guild material... meh-heh-heh.
And last, but most obviously not least... ♪
Hi! I'm Wigglytuff! I'm the guild's Guildmaster! I plan out big, fun expeditions for everyone, and I love Perfect Apples! ♪ If you need anything, I'm happy to help out! Let's be friends ♪
Ahem. That all being said! We plan to investigate the mysteries behind this strange tablet here to better understand our world! ♪ It would also be nice to spread the word of Wigglytuff's Guild, so we will also share stories and serve as a hub for special requests. ♪ Thank you for reading! ♪
General unreality warning for this blog, given it's Pokéblogging.
Hello, it's Ace (adult, she/him pronouns) back again with another blog! Any follows and likes related to this blog will come from @aceoflilies.
This blog is multi-muse, will generally stick to PMD canon with a few headcanons to fill in gaps (as you can see in some character's descriptions!), and should, generally speaking, be low-stakes. That being said, interaction is absolutely welcome! Send them asks, reblog their posts, even DM me if you'd like to set up some sort of plot.
(Side note: Please don't send in any NSFW asks to this blog. They're Pokémon.)
Each post will be tagged with the guild member who's writing it (e.g. #Sunflora posting). Asks will be tagged #ask the guild, and any spoilers for PMD: Explorers (Past The Mystery of Fogbound Lake) will be tagged #explorers spoilers . There may be special guests who come in at some points, who would also be tagged (say, #team tasty posting). Any OOC posts will be tagged //ooc post, //ooc ask, or //ooc rb (or //ooc reblog). OOC comments are denotated with //.
Think that should be everything for now! Thanks for reading!
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outofangband · 1 year
Following up to my speculative biology ideas for elves, a list of speculative ecology/other subjects for landscapes and non elven flora and fauna. These range from alternate rules of biology to just plain fantasy to completely realistic phenomena I just think would be cool in Arda.
This is just a small selection of ideas I want to explore and there will be second parts of both my elven post and this one!
Like the last list, these are more jotting down ideas, please please feel free to give me any to elaborate on!
Mammoths on the Helcaraxë and other cold reaches. Tolkien talks of all creatures that walk or have ever walked the earth existing in Valinor and throughout Arda hence prehistoric and extinct species can also exist here. I do also headcanon smaller herds of woolly mammoths and woolly rhinos in northern Hithlum and north of greater Beleriand.
Early cenozoic aquatic birds such as Hesperornis off the coasts of Balar and Alqualondë.
 Enchanted orchards of Valinor; large, seemingly abandoned self containing gardens and orchards. There are fruit tree orchards hidden behind ivy covered walls; some always filled with Autumn breezes, citrus groves always kept warm and bright lined with lemon trees and deep green grass. Except for the Maia who tend them, the only beings who enter the orchards are elves who do so, usually by mistake.
There are places throughout Arda where the Music was not well, loud, enough. They can be the size of a footstep or a field and are not fully connected to the space time continuum. Those who tread on them will end up elsewhere in time or space and will never realize what had happened.
In the great expanses of unexplored Valinor, there are coves, glens, lagoons, and all sorts of other places that seem shift and change, being there one day and not the next. Even while walking through familiar, charted territory, there is always the possibility of ending up in a hidden clearing, covered in hanging mosses and with strange lights all around.
The forests of Arda are full of strange, sometimes dark creatures that have never been properly documented. They are the strange hybrids of Yavanna’s creations and Melkor’s corruption and a few have escaped the eyes of even the Ainur. 
The underground lakes of Middle Earth, especially around Angband contain blind, hungry beings, nourished by the volcanic soils. Strange fungi and lichen stick to the walls of the caverns and passageways beneath the fortress. Fire loving Salamanders are far from the strangest of creatures there. 
There are hot springs in several locations in Beleriand South of the Ered Wethrin (there are many in the Ered Wethrin of course but these are not exactly relaxation destinations). Namely in Himring, throughout Hithlum, north of Barad Eithel, parts of Dorthonion, in the caves of Androth, and parts of the Ered Luin. Not all of these are used by residents and not all maintain safe temperatures or conditions but some do! In many parts of Northern Beleriand, they're used for bathing and communal relaxation. There are other springs throughout the March of Maedhros and I like the idea of Himring being built around a hot spring. There are hot and warm springs in both Nargothrond and Menengroth. The definition of warm springs differs from hot springs only in average temperature
The caves of Menengroth and Nargothrond allow elves and others access to the strange wonders of the underground world of Middle Earth.  They are lit by lanterns and by certain bioluminescent plants. There are windows in key areas that allow sunlight to filter into some of the larger halls and though there are small gardens of species that do not require direct sunlight, some are stationed in the areas where sunlight filters in. A small tributary of the river Narog flows directly through one of the great halls of Nargothrond. Its flora and fauna remain untouched by the elves and algae and aquatic plants as well as small fish, salamanders in their early stages, and stranger creatures are visible to see for those who walk along it. 
In realms with Ainur or certain Eldar rule, natural life may not follow typical laws. Melian has great influence over the biodiversity and climate of Doriath for example even without meaning to.
Chemical reactions causing glimmering or colorful water. Elves learn carefully when this has occurred due to natural phenomena and when it is the result of unnatural influence or Ainur presence.
Salt lakes and landlocked waters mimicking ocean conditions
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droidsofcoroika · 11 months
[Coroika Robot AU: Droids of Coroika]
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I've been working on an AU for a few weeks now. Specs' design is pictured above. The AU is still a HUGE W.I.P though so I don't have much info to share yet.
[Basics of the lore]
All citizens disappear off the face of the earth, no inkfish or non-ink related fish to be found, only their creations remain. Their androids and robots divided themselves into teams of 4, and spread across the remains of inkadia. One team in particular, Team Emperor, is extremely violent and seeks to hunt down and destroy all other teams. Allied teams notice and join together to defend themselves from this threat. The allied teams build base camps along the ruins of inkadia. Occasionally the allied teams come across the remains of teams who they haven't met yet. Turf wars still exist, but they are mainly done between the allied teams. Turf wars are more viewed as a pastime, however, the violent team doesn't do turf wars. The violent team seeks out teams to decimate them.
[Team designs]
Teams will tend to have different model appearances. [For example: Team Blue consists entirely of strange floating technology based robots with screens as their faces.] Designs for other teams are still being thought of. The clothing of each team will be stylized a little to add some variety to the AU.
[World map]
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[Landmark info]
Emperor's Turf: Areas colored in red. Territory in which Team Emperor is known to roam and reside, all allied teams refuse to go there. Unfortunately Team Emperor does not stay in their turf and will occasionally ambush traveling teams.
Sea of Conflict: The tides had risen over the years, completely covering the Great Turf War Craters and giving way for the new, enlarged sea.
Octochasm Lake: The rising tides have completely flooded octo canyon, rendering the old Octarian territory completely unreachable.
Eight Legged Lake: Same deal as Octochasm lake, only with Octo Valley instead.
The Safe Route: The route that has been titled as the safest route between all 3 base camps.
Hall of Unity: A place in which the allied teams meet to discuss further action in response of the enemy's doings
Base Inkfall: A place of safety ran by Team Inkfall. It's very clean there. Soft beds as well.
Base Hachi: A base full of gadgets and tools. The local "weapons smith" some might say.
Base S4: A base ran by the infamous S4 along with their own individual teams, quite crowded there, but still safe.
The ruins of Splatsville: What remains of the once populated city for chaotic cephalopods.
The ruins of Inkopolis: The sad remains of the once bright and vibrant city of color.
Gravesite of Team XBlood: The site of which Emperor's first victims had fallen. The entire team was mercilessly wiped.
Gravesite of Team Yellow-Green: The site of where 3 members of Team Yellow-Green had fallen, only Rider remains.
Gravesite of Team Hachi: The site of where 2 members of Team Hachi had fallen, only Hachi and Nana remain.
Gravesite of Team Dark Green: Latest set of victims. All members were wiped.
[End of world map section]
[The antagonists]
The info of the violent team hasn't been fully written yet. To get an idea of how violent and destructive they can be, just know that Team X-Blood is the first to fall. The leader of the violent team can control his teammates at will, usually their eyes will glow red when controlled. One of the members is an outlier, and does not desire to decimate other teams.
That's all the info I have written for now, suggestions for story or designs are welcome.
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faroreskiss · 9 months
Resurrection Gone Wrong
Read on Ao3
<< Previous Chapter - Next Chapter >>
Summary: Link is a step closer to realizing what happened to him after his 100 year long slumber, but he doesn't really like the answer he is about to reach.
Chapter 2 - Realization
After talking to the old guy he saw by the fire, and hearing about the Paraglider, Link made his way to each of the shrines, gaining new abilities in the process. He had no idea who he was, but what the old guy said about him being asleep for a 100 years, did not seem such a stretch. Especially after glancing at the Hyrule Castle. 
Through the days he spent in the Great Plateau, his throat never completely 'healed' and his skin never got back to its supposedly original hue. 'Cracks' on his skin would be less visible right after he drank some of the potion. However, the old guy did not seem to react to that at all. 
It did not stop Link from noticing how he pursed his lips, when he first saw him, and each time he talked to him though. He showed him how to roast apples at least! Not that they helped with his throat much…
Having air go through his throat made the feeling worse, this of course included talking. So he preferred not to talk much, unless it was necessary. That's why he didn't question why there was an old guy here in the middle of nowhere. In an area crawled by monsters.
It wasn't an issue if he had drank from the red potion recently though. He realized he had to drink one or two every day. He was going to run out at this rate. 
He grabbed a few weapons he found laying around from the shrines or the ground, as monsters lurked around. Sometimes he took their weapons too. He knew how to fight very well it seemed, it was like a second nature. To him, it felt like he could see everything the monsters do in slow motion, and sometimes, when he easily and expertly dodged an attack, he could just go and attack them in quick succession, as if in a flurry. It was an exhilarating feeling albeit strange. Everything else felt so slow compared to him generally, but in those moments even more so.
There was something else so strange as well. He noticed he didn't need to sleep as much, if at all. He only did so by the fire, to pass time. He never felt tired nor hungry. He did eat whatever he found in the wilderness in those first couple of days, roasting them in various ways and to keep his body nourished and warm, especially when going through colder areas. But when he forgot to do so, he could swear there were no consequences. No hunger pangs. No fatigue. He didn't feel hangry.
On the day when he was making his way to the Temple of Time to finally acquire the promised Paraglider, his throat became noticeable again. It was time to drink a bit more of the potion…That's when he noticed, he was almost out of it. Maybe he could find a healer or something if he could make it to a settlement later. He would try to ration it, so he put it away again for now.
But… the feeling was getting worse, the drought in his throat unbearable. 
He went by the small lake near the Temple to at least wash his face a bit, and caught a glimpse of his reflection on the lake. It wasn't as clear as a mirror, but with his new sharp senses, he was able to make out the unmistakable details. His face looked flawless. No scars at all. He could even say he was pretty. His eyes were blue though they looked tired, his hair was golden blonde… He trailed his porcelain like fingers through his features… Were the tips of his ears a bit sharper? He touched his nose, then his lips as if he was trying to get to know himself. 
His lips felt dry like his throat, the cracks only visible if he were to pay attention. He really needed more of the potion, but he held on. He had to ration it well. He dipped his hands in the water again, to at least try to drink more, disrupting the reflection for a bit. As he opened his mouth to guide the water to his mouth, and sucked the water in even though he knew it would provide no relief whatsoever, he noticed something briefly poked his lower lip from the inside. Something sharp. He moved his tongue inside his mouth, trying to figure it out. Indeed…
As the ripples of the water ceased, he opened his mouth to take a look. His canines, why did they suddenly look so sharp? Or have they always been like this? He raised an eyebrow at his reflection, catching a glimpse of his own eyes flashing for a moment. This felt wrong. He wasn't feeling that well anymore either. How long has it been since he had the medicine? He backed off from the lake, startled. Then instinctively, he took another deep breath, a decision he regretted, and tried to make his way to the inside of the ruined Temple.
A huge statue of the Goddess Hylia greeted him, whispering into… his head? He was confused, as the voice was so similar to the one he heard when he first woke up, yet still different. He went near it, gazing.
"The one with the spirit of the hero," it conveyed as light streamed through the fractured ceiling. "I shall be with you, safeguarding your spirit from the alterations your body has undergone, that threatens your spirit. Maintain your determination, uphold your strength of will, and the promise forged eons ago shall endure."
And with that, for a brief moment, he felt the drought in his throat ease. Still there, but eased, as a warm sensation washed over him. He was deep in thought, but for now decided to move on.
He climbed up to the roof and entered another section of the temple above, having the revelation that the so-called Old Man was actually the old King of Hyrule. He explained everything to him, what happened 10.000 years ago, and 100 years ago… He really had been asleep for 100 years after he died?! More importantly, he was talking to a ghost?!
After the initial shock wore out, he spoke with a small voice, and asked him. His memories, foggy as they were, partly still with him. And he did know that this… whatever state he is in, is not natural. 
"What… happened to me?" Link spoke up, each time air touched his throat, feeling of drought making itself known.
King Rhoam's lips became a line once more before he spoke again.
"I do not know what befell your body, but I see there has been fundamental changes, yet your spirit and the blessings of Hylia keep it at bay. The other side… It really wanted you, and you came back regardless…" he trailed off. The spirit noticed how still Link was able to stay perfectly still like a statue, eyes not even blinking. Was he even breathing? How cold his blue eyes looked. How stoic his expression was.
"I urge you to go to Kakariko Village, east of here. I suspect that the ancient Sheikah tribe there will be able to answer your questions…" 
With that, the spirit slowly disappeared, leaving a Paraglider in its place. Link took it and started to make his way to this village. Now that he was alone once again, he just couldn't stop the rush of thoughts invading his mind as he glided down the hills, finally setting himself on the road.
What was it? Malice? Miasma? Calamity? No… Then the king would say so. He hasn't seen any others so far, except the wild wolves or coyotes. He could hear the blood running in their veins from a couple of meters afar, if he focused. 
Oh? How strange… 
But again, he already got used to how sharp everything was, compared to what he could barely remember.  Suddenly, his senses sharpened even more as he walked, as he heard… horses? And some people…A stable? Oh how nice, he thought to himself. Maybe he could trade some roasted veggies and fruits for some red potions. As he approached the stable, a delectable aroma once again wafted into his nostrils, making his mouth water and his throat drier. The effects from whatever that statue did to him seemed to be waning, but not quite. 
He went directly to the stable master as the area was not so crowded in the first place, and realized the closer he got to him, the smell became even more intense. It was such a mesmerizing smell, so delicious, coming directly from him. But at the same time all over the place in the stable. He assumed he cooked it after all. After sharing the briefest of greetings with him (just a wave) and directly asking about food with gestures. The man understood him, and said there is only some cheese and bread available, as the man spoke Link couldn't help but observe the fatherly-looking man's evident concern. He asked if Link was okay, looking so pale. Link just briefly replied that he needs red potions, and he could trade some fruit for it. For some reason, his throat started feeling even worse than before, just like when he… No, no he was just imagining things now.
“Ah you can talk alright… I think I gotta have some in the back, different merchants come through here usually…" The man went away for a moment, then came back with the potions. So did the intensity of the smell.
“I only have around 5 of’em I can give ya, how many do you want?” he asked Link, he gestured that he wanted all, and took his own bottles out so the man could fill them. Link’s patience was suddenly being tested, why was this guy so slow? He really needed that potion! The moment he finished filling one bottle, he almost snatched it from the guy, popped the cork, and gulped it down in one go, expecting sweet relief. 
It was disgusting. His stomach started feeling horrible, he was one step from emptying the content of his stomach in front of the stall. 
“What…”  he tried saying, between his coughs. This potion had to be spoiled. Can potions even spoil? It had to be, he said to himself. Because the alternative is not pretty. 
The man at the stall also panicked, somebody who saw Link collapse on his knees ran to him with a glass of water. Link could hear, nay, feel the stanger’s heartbeat, their blood coursing through their veins very fast now, probably because they just ran there.
“Oh holy Hylia, you are COLD! Get up boy, let me help ya,” a relatively young woman was speaking to him.
Link could feel the woman’s warm body near his; hearing, feeling every breath she took next to him. He accepted her help, mumbling his gratitude. More people came to see what’s going on, to see if they could help. 
As air went through his throat once again when he spoke, his throat constricted with drought, he felt something sharp touching his lower lip from the inside again. He held his breath and kept his mouth shut.
And thus, he confirmed what he was afraid of… The delicious smell wasn’t coming from the cooked food.
It was coming from people. 
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