#best hangover headache remedy ?
Ow my head
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sweatervest-obsessed · 7 months
Spencer Reid Masterlist: Series
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In order from Newest to Oldest. Last Updated: 02/25/24
Key: Personal Favs:✨ Requested:🔹 Angst:🔴 Fluff:🟡 Smut:🟣
Hangovers and Hickies
After a rough night, Spencer brings you in some hangover cures to remedy your headache. But SSA Derek Morgan believes there's more to you and Spencer's friendship than meets the eye.
Hangovers and Hickies Discretions and Devotions
Second Chances Are For Winners 🔴 🟡
Spencer can't help but think about an old friend he ran into a week ago. Imagine his surprise when you become entangled in the case he's working on.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Violent Delights Have Violent Ends
You never thought you would use your Ph.D to help the FBI hunt a serial killer, but honestly, there are definitely a few perks, especially one of the members. 🔴 🟡
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4: Coming Soon
Stick Season Request!: "Okay.. hear me out the song 'Stick Season' by Noah Kahan... for a fic like her and spence break up and she can't move on from him..." ~6.9k 🔹🔴 🟡
Part 1: Stick Season ✨✨ Part 2: Wasteland, Baby
Dedicated to New Lovers
You were once ecstatic to finally be apart of the BAU, but suddenly you feel like you don't belong anymore. What happens when Spencer throws away five years of your relationship for someone else? Starts in Season 8 and moves through to Season 11. Filled with angst and tears and drama. ~18.8k (complete) 🔹🔴 🟡
Dedicated To New Lovers ✨✨ Based off of the song "Night Shift" by Lucy Dacus. You're Keeping Me Down Based on Sara Bareille's "Gravity". Quand Tu Voudras Based on "Je te laisserai des mot" by Patrick Watson.
Salvia Splendens Means Forever Mine
Bau!reader doing their best when their boyfriend, the incomparable Dr. Spencer Reid, gets kidnapped by Tobias Hankel. How does this affect their relationship? How do they move forward? ~16.9k (complete) 🔹🔴 🟡
Salvia Splendens Means Forever Mine Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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x-uno · 8 months
Stolen Glances and Culinary Charms. PT 4
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notes : OKAY,, I'm doing a double upload to make it up for giving y'all a cliffhanger last chapter!!! Will be posting the other one later!! ~ so look out for that one! hehe
<< 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 >> | 𝙼𝙰𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃
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YOU WAKE UP THE NEXT MORNING with a throbbing headache, a dry mouth, and a vague sense of unease. The memory of the previous night is hazy at best, and you struggle to piece together what happened after the surreal dance with the mysterious figure.
The first thing you notice is that you're in your shared bunk with Nami. It's a relief to be back on the ship, surrounded by the familiar sounds and smells, but the memories of the night before start to flood back.
The only clear memory that haunted your mind was the image of Sanji dancing with another girl.
The jealousy and insecurity stemming from that image weighed on your chest like an anchor, making your mood grumpy and your thoughts cloudy. You couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between you and Sanji, even though you couldn't remember the details of what had transpired afterward.
As you sit up, the hangover hits you like a ton of bricks. You groan and clutch your head, trying to alleviate the pounding pain. The room spins for a moment, and you wonder if it's a punishment for drinking too much.
Gingerly, you make your way to the ship's kitchen, hoping to find something to ease your hangover. The crew is already up and about, and they greet you with smiles and cheerful morning greetings. But you can't shake the heavy feeling that's settled in your chest.
Sanji is there, too, preparing breakfast. His attention is on the meal he's cooking, and you can't help but steal glances at him. The memory of him dancing with that girl, his smile and charm, gnaws at you. You can't bring yourself to talk to him, not with the grumpiness and insecurity that's settled in your mind.
Breakfast is served, and you join the crew at the table. The food is delicious, as always, thanks to Sanji's culinary skills. However, you can't fully enjoy it, the hangover making every bite and sip feel like a challenge.
“Hey, Y/N . . . Uh - you alright?” Usopp was the first to speak.
“Swell.” You say with gritted teeth, the grip on your fork tightening as you stab at your food. 
Usopp exchanged a glance with Nami and then looked back at you, clearly concerned.
“You sure you're okay, Y/N?” he asked, his voice laced with genuine worry.
You forced a smile and nodded, though it was clear that your gritted teeth and the intensity of your gaze were anything but reassuring. “Yeah, just a hangover is all.” you replied, your voice slightly strained.
Sanji had anticipated that you might wake up with a hangover, particularly given the enthusiastic way you had indulged in drinks the previous night. The memory of how you had insisted on more drinks, his own amusement at your spirited antics, was still fresh in his mind. 
With his usual chivalry and concern for the well-being of the crew, he swiftly prepared a dish of freshly cooked eggs. Their warmth and nourishing qualities were a time-tested remedy for hangovers. He placed the steaming plate in front of you, his signature warm smile gracing his features.
“Here, Y/N,” he said, his voice gentle and comforting, “a little something to help with your headache.”
You met his gaze, your eyes still clouded by the remnants of your hangover. His kindness tugged at your heart, but the unease and jealousy that had plagued you since the night before still lingered in the corners of your mind. Despite the warmth of his gesture, you found it difficult to fully embrace the comfort he offered.
As the crew carried on with their meal, a palpable tension lingered in the air, like a heavy fog that refused to dissipate. It was evident to all aboard the Going Merry that something weighed on you, casting a shadow over the cheerful morning routine.
Though their concern was unspoken, it hung in the air like an unasked question. Each crew member felt the unease that had settled among them. They exchanged subtle glances and shared whispered conversations, their worry for you etched in their expressions. Despite the curiosity and the genuine care they held for you, no one dared to intrude on your private turmoil. 
After you had pushed your food around your plate, feigning an appetite you didn't possess, you rose from your seat. Your departure was as quiet as your arrival. With a nod to the crew, you left the table, your absence an unspoken invitation for them to carry on without you.
Zoro couldn't help but raise an inquisitive eyebrow as he watched you leave. His curiosity, as always, was as straightforward as his speech. He muttered with a hint of bewilderment, “What's her deal?”
Luffy, his mouth still full of food, contributed to the conversation with a nonchalant shrug. 
“Beats me,” he mumbled between bites, “maybe she ate something weird.”
Zoro couldn't contain his exasperation at Luffy's seemingly simplistic assessment of the situation. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Not everything is about food, you know,” he retorted, leaning back on his chair.
Nami focused her inquisitive gaze on Sanji, who had been the central figure in the previous night's events. “Did something happen last night?” she asked, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and genuine concern. “Sanji, you were with her all night.”
Sanji, who had been quietly tending to some dishes, paused for a moment, his brows furrowing as he thought of last night. He was aware that something had unsettled you, and he knew that he needed to address the situation, even if it meant sharing the hazy memories of the previous night.
“There was a dance, and we spent some time together,” he began, choosing his words carefully. “But it was just a moment, nothing more.”
Nami's gaze shifted between Sanji and the empty seat where you had been sitting. She knew there was more to the story, but she also respected your privacy. “Well, something seems to be bothering her,” she remarked.
Sanji's jaw tightened, a mixture of frustration and concern in his eyes as he realized the impact of the previous night on you. “I'll talk to her,” he promised, determined to help you work through your feelings and put the unspoken tension to rest.
The day goes on and you can't help but feel distant. You respond to your crewmates with short, monosyllabic answers, and your headache and unease keep you from fully immersing yourself in the adventures and camaraderie you usually relish.
When Sanji attempted to strike up a conversation, you couldn't help but respond with curt and distant replies. The unease and jealousy that had taken root in your heart kept you at arm's length from him, despite his genuine attempts to bridge the gap.
“Sanji, I'm fine. Can we not do this?” You sighed, the frustration evident in your voice as you tried to brush aside his concerns.
Sanji, his concern for you clear in his eyes, hesitated to press further, but the unspoken questions and a growing sense of unease weighed on him. “But -”
“Sanji - seriously. Drop it.” you interrupted, your tone final, leaving him with a sense of helplessness and unanswered questions.
Zoro, watching from a distance, muttered, “This is painful to watch.” his eyebrow quirked as he observed the situation.
Nami, never one to resist an opportunity to meddle in matters of the heart, leaned in with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Eh,” she said with a sly smile, “They just need a little push.”
Zoro raised an eyebrow at Nami's statement, his skepticism evident in his expression. “A little push? With those two, it's more like a cannonball to the heart.”
Nami's grin widened as she shrugged, her confidence undeterred. “Well, Zoro, sometimes you need a cannonball to break down the walls people build around themselves. Besides, it's about time they figure it out.”
“Figure out what?” Luffy chimed in.
Ussop shot a glance at Luffy and deadpanned, “Seriously, man?” He gestured to Sanji and you with both hands, as if the situation should speak for itself.
As the day progresses, the hangover slowly starts to subside. You find yourself retreating to your bunk, wanting some solitude to sort out your thoughts and emotions.
“Stupid Sanji.” you muttered under your breath, your tone a mixture of exasperation and affection, a dichotomy that had become all too familiar. The object of your thoughts was both a source of irritation and a wellspring of attraction. His charm, his suave demeanor, and yes, even his immaculate hair, had always held an undeniable allure for you.
The weight of confusion and insecurity bore down on you like a heavy anchor, and in your bunk, alone with your thoughts, you couldn't contain the frustration any longer. The pillow, your silent confidant in moments of despair, became a temporary vessel for your pent-up emotions.
With a muffled scream, you buried your face in the fabric, muffling the sound of your anguish as you unleashed a torrent of emotions into the cushion. The muffled cry served as a release, a catharsis for the tangled mess of feelings that had knotted within you since the previous night.
“Okay, Y/N spit it out.” A voice suddenly spoke up - Nami. She was leaning against the door, her arms folded, she fixed you with an unyielding gaze. Her expression conveyed both curiosity and encouragement, urging you to release the pent-up emotions that had been plaguing you.
You met Nami's determined gaze, her presence a reassuring anchor in the sea of uncertainty that had surrounded you. Her understanding expression encouraged you to open up, even if you were unsure of the validity of your own feelings.
Taking a deep breath, you confessed, “I don't know, Nami... It's stupid. I don't know why I'm so pent up about it.”
“Y/N, it's not stupid.”  Nami replied, her voice gentle and reassuring. “We all have moments that bother us, and it's perfectly normal to feel this way. Sometimes, talking about it can help you understand your own feelings better.”
Your shoulders relaxed slightly, and you appreciated Nami's calming presence. “I just... I saw Sanji with another girl last night, and it's been bothering me more than it should. I can't even remember much about what happened afterward, but that image is stuck in my head.”
Nami couldn't help but sigh in exasperation. The complexities of love and emotions, especially when it came to Sanji, were something she had become well-acquainted with during her time as a member of the Straw Hat crew. She knew all too well that Sanji's feelings for you were far from a secret, and it sometimes left her both amused and bemused by the situation.
“This guy, I swear.” she muttered under her breath, a wry smile tugging at the corner of her lips. While she could understand your feelings and the turmoil that had arisen from the events of the previous night, Nami also knew that untangling the web of emotions involving Sanji was a task in itself. But, she was determined to help you find your way through it.
Nami's expression softened, and she leaned in closer. Her words were filled with a sense of wisdom and genuine concern. “Look, Y/N, I know this might be complicated, especially with Sanji involved, but you can't keep this bottled up. You need to talk to him. See where his head is at. You might be surprised.”
As the days turned into weeks, the growing distance between you and Sanji became undeniable. Determined to clear the air and address the tension that had settled between you, you made several attempts to find a moment alone with him. However, every time you approached, he seemed to find a reason to excuse himself or was conveniently engrossed in tasks around the ship.
His avoidance was frustrating and left you feeling dejected. You had worked up the courage to talk to him about the issue, but it was as if he was actively avoiding the conversation, leaving you with a growing sense of uncertainty and frustration.
With every missed opportunity to discuss your feelings and concerns, the gap between you and Sanji widened, creating a palpable tension that neither of you could ignore. The unspoken words hung heavy in the air, and you couldn't help but wonder how you would ever bridge the gap that had grown between you.
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@narutoskz @honnelander @browneyedhufflepuff
taglist: reply to be added !
© 2023 x-uno ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. 
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fanficapologist · 9 months
Of Dragons and Maelstroms
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Themes and Warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, blood, violence, explicit language, sexual violence, period-typical misogyny, sexual themes, smut, tension, marriage, jealousy, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, attempted sexual assault, breastfeeding, major character death, divergent timelines
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood/Game of Thrones characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
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Chapter Twenty-Eight
Maera reluctantly broke her fast with her father, her head throbbing from the remnants of the previous night's wine. Fortunately, Queen Helaena had shown grace by granting her the day to recuperate. And there was no way Maera would be sparring with Aemond today. As far as she was concerned, the further away from him she was the better. This suitor debacle was complicated enough without the one-eyed Prince toying with her emotions.
Thena dressed her that morning in a simple wrap gown, less dramatic than the dress she had worn the previous night. The gown's rich fabric draped gracefully over her form, the turquoise hue reminiscent of the sea on a tranquil morning, and the gold accents catching the soft morning light in a subtle shimmer. To not worsen Maera’s delicate headache, the maid also styled Maera’s hair into a simple half-up half-down hair do, the top half being braided and the bottom half allowed to flow graciously down her back.
Across the table, Lord Jasper, seemingly unfazed by the previous night's festivities, began, "Maera, you received much interest from many different suitors last night." His tone was a mixture of pride and expectation, and he continued, "I'm proud to see you're taking your responsibilities seriously."
Maera's green eyes, adorned with a faint weariness, revealed the lingering effects of the previous night's festivities to her father. The breakfast table before her boasted an assortment of remedies, from hearty meats and cheeses to fresh fruits and pastries, their fragrances wafting through the air. But all Maera could manage to do was to put her head in her hands, partly due to her hangover-induced dizziness and partly from the anxiety that loomed over her regarding an impending marriage match.
Lord Jasper continued talking, sorting through his stack of letters. He casually mentioned Houses like "Thorne, Swyift, Peake," and numerous others, but Maera's focus remained on a small piece of bread and the comforting ginger tea she hoped would soothe her queasy stomach.
“Maera," Lord Jasper called out gently, capturing his daughter's attention. His steely eyes held both purpose and a touch of sympathy as he continued, "I understand this is a difficult decision, and I want you to feel that you have some choice in the matter."
Maera couldn't hide her surprise at her father's willingness to consider her preferences. She cocked her head, awaiting his next words.
With a solemn nod, Lord Jasper handed three sealed letters to Maera. He explained, "I've carefully considered which alliances would benefit House Wylde the most, and I believe these three Lords are the best choices." As Maera examined the parchments, she paid special attention to the wax seals, mentally matching them to noble houses—House Lannister, House Lefford, and, to her delight, House Tully.
Maera's eyes lit up when she saw the familiar fish on the letter from Lord Warren, and she couldn't help but smile. Grateful, she looked up at her father and said, "Thank you, Father, for allowing me to have some choice in this."
Lord Jasper continued, "All of these Lords will be staying in King's Landing for another week. I suggest you engage in a short courtship with each of them, get to know them better before making a decision."
Maera giggled at the thought, her humor returning. "I can hardly court an infant in its mother's womb," she quipped, referring to House Lannister's offer. Her jest earned a chuckle from her father.
In the comfortable silence that enveloped them, the clinking of cutlery and sips of tea filled the air as father and daughter enjoyed their morning meal together. Lord Jasper was the first to speak, taking a bite of his mutton before sharing a personal tidbit. "You know, Maera," he began, "before my match with your mother, we courted for a short while."
Maera paused in her meal, her attention shifting from her tea to her father's face. She raised an eyebrow curiously, her interest piqued. "You did?" she inquired, her voice laced with curiosity.
Lord Jasper nodded, a faint smile gracing his lips as he recalled those days. "Indeed," he confirmed. "Your grandparents eventually arranged our match, but before that, we managed to form a bond."
Sipping her tea thoughtfully, Maera then ventured another question. "Father," she began, "why don't you ever talk about her?"
Lord Jasper's expression turned somber as he contemplated his late wife's memory. "Lady Selmy, my first wife, she provided me with the sons I needed to secure our line," he explained. "But Gael… she gave me her heart. And I gave her mine in return." A distant smile played on his lips as he reminisced. "From that initial spark, we built something truly extraordinary. Our love only grew with every child we brought into this world."
He sighed, his gaze dropping to his plate. "And then, it all seemed to crumble," he admitted, his voice laden with sadness. "With your mother's sudden death on the childbed, and the loss of your twin brothers a few months later, it felt as though I'd lost everything. There was barely any evidence left of the six years of marriage we shared. Except for you."
The room fell silent again, but this time, it was a shared moment of understanding. Maera listened attentively, grateful that he had shared such a vulnerable part of himself with her. Finally, Lord Jasper cleared his throat and reached for another letter on the table. He handed it to Maera, a Seven-Pointed Star gracing the blue wax seal. It was a letter from her sister, Sabine. Maera's eyes lit up with joy, and she looked at her father with gratitude.
Maera's face lit up with a radiant smile as she accepted the letter. "Thank you, Father," she said genuinely, her gratitude evident in her eyes. She bowed her head respectfully, then rose from her seat to return to her chambers, eager to read the words from her beloved sister.
Maera practically rushed back to her chambers, anticipation bubbling within her. She let the doors shut behind her as she quickly sat at her dining table, breaking the seal on the letter. As she unfolded the parchment, Sabine's words filled her vision.
Dearest Maera,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Your previous letter brought me immense comfort, and I cannot thank you enough for your kind words. I was rather nervous about the prospect of marriage, and your support meant the world to me.
As for my marriage to Lord Adrian, things appear to be progressing well. Our initial meeting was, I must admit, quite awkward. However, over the past moon, we have grown closer and developed a true friendship. We often spend our evenings reading by the hearth, sharing stories, and even enjoying horse rides together. I find that I genuinely enjoy his company.
Now, regarding the wedding night, I shall not sugarcoat it. Septa Mathilde's warnings were not unfounded. It did hurt. But please know that things are getting easier. Lord Adrian has been patient and kind, and we are slowly getting to know each other more intimately. Although, our first encounter was rather brief, and afterward, Lord Adrian snored quite loudly throughout the night, which meant I got little sleep.
Nevertheless, Maera, I hope my experiences bring you some comfort and insight into what lies ahead. I wish for you to find contentment and friendship in your own marriage, just as I have found with Lord Adrian. I long for the day we can see each other once more.
With love and warm regards,
Maera's heart swelled with affection for her younger sister as she read the letter. Sabine's words provided both guidance and reassurance as she navigated the uncertain path of her own upcoming marriage. With newfound determination coursing through her, Maera summoned both Thena and Ser Arryk into her chambers. Her loyal entourage arrived promptly, ready to attend to their lady's requests. Maera addressed Thena, her maid, and trusted confidante first.
"Thena, I need you to reach out to my potential suitors. Let them know that I acknowledge their interest and that I'm open to being invited for a short courtship, with Ser Arryk as my chaperone. Please ensure this message is delivered promptly," Maera instructed, her eyes locked on her trusted handmaiden. Thena nodded respectfully and swiftly exited the room, eager to carry out her lady's command.
Turning her attention to Ser Arryk, Maera's expression softened with gratitude. "Ser Arryk, I must apologize for my behavior last night, for I fear I made a spectacle of myself," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret.
The knight chuckled, his tone warm. "My lady, you need not worry. Your well-being is my concern, and so long as you enjoyed yourself, that's all that matters."
Maera offered a weak smile, not truly able to enjoy the previous night's festivities due to her encounter with Prince Aemond. She swiftly changed the subject, her concern for Queen Helaena evident.
"Have you heard anything about Queen Helaena? I worry for her, having to spend the evening with King Aegon," Maera inquired, her brows furrowing.
Ser Arryk provided what information he had. "Her Grace left the king's chambers this morning, my lady. She seems to be well, at least as far as I can tell."
Maera appreciated the knight's response but found it too vague for her liking. She resolved to visit the Queen later and check on her personally. Her curiosity then turned to the rest of the Royal family.
Her curiosity about the royal family still lingering, Maera asked Ser Arryk about the whereabouts of the other members. She inquired about King Aegon, eliciting an eye roll from her when she learned that he remained in his chambers, likely nursing a hangover worse than her own.
Ser Arryk continued to provide details. "Queen Alicent and Prince Daeron are spending time together today, my lady. Along with the royal children. I have heard they are making their way to the Godswood this afternoon."
Maera nodded, acknowledging this information. Her curiosity about Prince Aemond surfaced, and her stomach churned with anxiety as she asked, "What about Prince Aemond, Ser Arryk?"
The knight's response brought a mixture of relief and resolve. "Prince Aemond left this morning on his dragon to attend to his royal duties. He won't be back at the Keep for a few days, possibly a week."
A sigh of relief escaped Maera's lips, and she offered a silent thank you to the gods that Aemond was away. It would provide her the space and time to focus on her suitors without the one-eyed Prince's interference.
"Thank you, Ser Arryk," she said, grateful for his information. She dismissed him with a nod and a kind smile before turning her attention to penning her reply to her sister Sabine.
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Over the following days, Maera resumed her duties in Queen Helaena's service, though the Queen kept the details of her night with King Aegon to herself. Maera couldn't help but worry for her friend's well-being, her concern showing on her face. She approached Helaena, offering her support.
"If you wish for Aegon to be punished for his actions, Helaena, I'll be more than happy to see it done," Maera said earnestly, her loyalty to her friend unwavering.
Helaena chuckled at Maera's fiery response, appreciating her friend's willingness to defend her honor. "Oh, Maera, you should be on the Kingsguard," she replied, though she didn't reveal her true feelings about the matter.
With leave granted to engage with her potential suitors, Maera found herself in the Keep Gardens for her first meeting, accompanied by Ser Arryk as her chaperone. Her first suitor, Lady Johanna Lannister, stood before her, her pregnancy evident, carrying Maera’s possible future husband.
Maera couldn't help but find the situation somewhat absurd, sharing questioning glances with Ser Arryk, who chuckled to himself. Lady Johanna, too, acknowledged the peculiarity of the situation, highlighting the lengths to which noble alliances would go.
"Men would match babe to crone if it meant securing a favorable alliance," Lady Johanna remarked, a wry smile on her face.
As they conversed, Lady Johanna painted a picture of life in Lannisport and what Maera's future might look like as Lady of Casterly Rock if she were to marry Johanna's son. Maera considered the absurdity of it all but couldn't help but see one undeniable advantage - her sister Sabine resided in closely to Lannisport. Having family close by was a comforting thought amidst all this uncertainty.
As their meeting drew to a close, Maera placed a gentle hand on Lady Johanna's baby bump, feeling the unborn child's movements beneath. Memories of her stepmothers' pregnancies and the many births she had witnessed at Rain House flooded her mind. She addressed the bump with sincerity.
"It truly is an honor to be courted by his lordship," Maera said, a warm smile on her face. She turned her attention to Lady Johanna. "Thank you for taking the time to share what it's like to be a Lannister. Your insights mean a great deal to me."
Lady Johanna giggled, charmed by Maera's demeanor. This courtship might have been unconventional, but there was warmth and connection between them, even in these strange circumstances.
A day later, Maera had moved on to her next suitor, Lord Humfrey Lefford, but the encounter took an entirely different turn than her previous one. As they sat in the library, Lord Lefford's expectations became painfully clear to Maera.
He spoke of wanting a wife who would exist solely for his desires, to bear his children and cater to his every whim. His vision was that of a submissive, docile wife who would not question her husband's demands and stay home to care for his brood.
Maera listened to his words, growing more uncomfortable by the moment. This was not the kind of marriage she desired, and she couldn't fathom being bound to a man with such archaic views. Politeness compelled her to endure the conversation, but she couldn't wait for it to end.
As Lord Lefford concluded his thoughts, Maera offered a courteous smile and said, "Lord Lefford, I appreciate your candidness and the time you've taken to speak with me. It has been…enlightening." In truth, it had been anything but enlightening, but she wished to end the conversation as gracefully as possible.
Quickly excusing herself, she left the library with a sense of relief. Her desire to share her experiences with Queen Helaena was paramount now, and she headed for the Queen's chambers with eagerness.
However, as she walked through the corridor, her path was unexpectedly blocked by an unfamiliar voice. "Forgive me, I seem to be a bit lost.”
Maera turned her gaze toward the source and found herself face to face with Floris Baratheon, a sense of urgency in the deep brown pools of the lady's eyes. Floris was adorned in a striking yellow dress, with black stag heads adorning the fabric, and a black leather corset cinched around her waist. A black cloak cascaded over her shoulders, completing her striking appearance.
Maera was momentarily taken aback. Up close, Lady Floris was even more beautiful than she had imagined. House Wylde's allegiance to House Baratheon meant that Maera had to offer the utmost respect, even if her feelings towards Floris's betrothal to Prince Aemond stirred some bitterness within her.
With a nod of acknowledgment and an apology for nearly rushing past her, Maera offered, "My apologies, Lady Floris. Of course, I would be honored to assist you.”
Lady Floris then inquired if Maera could guide her to the castle entrance near the stables, as she was preparing to depart for Storm's End. Maera readily agreed, turning to lead the way down the long, winding steps that led to the lower levels of the Red Keep.
Breaking the silence, Floris began, "I know who you are, Lady Maera. Our fathers are close, I believe."
Maera responded with a noncommittal hum as they continued their descent. Realizing her own dismissive tone, she corrected herself and offered a more congenial response.
"Congratulations on your betrothal to Prince Aemond," she said, attempting to be polite, though her inner turmoil about the matter was hard to mask. "You must be very happy at the prospect of becoming a Princess."
As they continued to descend the staircase, Lady Floris couldn't help but scoff at Maera's comment about becoming a princess. She explained, her voice tinged with frustration, "Princess or not, my intended is avoiding me like I'm riddled with greyscale."
Maera, perplexed by this revelation, raised her eyebrows in surprise. She guided Lady Floris down the corridor, her mind racing to understand why Prince Aemond would not extend the courtesy of spending time with his bride-to-be before their wedding. She had assumed that Aemond's mother, Queen Alicent, would encourage the pair to get to know each other, given her own loveless marriage to the late King Viserys.
Floris continued, her tone resentful, "My father is an ambitious man, Lady Maera. He would do anything for a grab at power, including marrying me off to a cripple and a kinslayer."
Maera frowned, feeling a bit defensive on behalf of Aemond. "Prince Aemond has his negative qualities to be sure, but this match is quite advantageous, Lady Floris. You should consider yourself lucky."
However, Maera paused, her thoughts changing. Maybe she was being unfair. After all, Floris was just a woman fulfilling her father's wishes. She spoke again, emphasizing the practical nature of marriage. "Marriage is about duty and providing heirs. That's all your union should be."
Floris nodded as they fell into a thoughtful silence. Descending yet another staircase, Floris eventually broke it by saying, "I know that you've known the Prince since you were children. What can you tell me about him?"
Maera asked, "What would you like to know exactly?"
As they continued their descent, Floris hesitated before she eventually replied, "What to watch out for."
Maera empathized with her and thought about how she'd want to know what her intended was like if she were in the same position.
A flood of memories rushed through Maera's mind. Initially, the memories were negative—how Prince Aemond had toyed with her, shunned her, and belittled her, making her furious. "The Prince can be cruel and arrogant. He often thinks he's the smartest person in the room and harbors bitterness about not being on the Iron Throne instead of Aegon."
But then, a shift occurred. Maera's memories took a more positive turn. Memories of them playing together as children, sparring as adults, his encouragement of her passions, and his deep love for his family. Maera remembered the way he had defended her honor when Aegon attacked her. These recollections caused a soft smile to curl on her lips, leaving Lady Floris puzzled.
Maera cleared her throat before continuing, "The boy I knew as a child is still in Aemond, somewhere. Perhaps the right person could bring it out. I see glimpses of his old self sometimes—his fierce loyalty to his family, his skill with the sword, and how he genuinely cares about serving the realm. If you manage to bring out this side of him, Lady Floris, you might find some contentment in your marriage."
As they reached the stable entrance, Floris thanked Maera for guiding her out of the Keep and for the insights she had shared. Floris acknowledged, "You are right about marriage being for duty. Once I've produced a few of the Prince’s heirs, I hope another Lord will take interest in me and truly sweep me off my feet. Hopefully one with two eyes."
Maera bit her tongue, choosing not to react to the blatant insult Floris had just delivered about Aemond, despite all the positive qualities she had just listed. Instead, she offered a respectful nod and falsely replied, "I hope your journey back to Storms End is a safe one, Lady Floris, and I look forward to meeting you once again in the near future.”
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Notes: bye Floris don’t come back 👋🏻
Tags: @marvelescvpe @grungegrrrl@blue-serendipity @ammo23 @shesjustanothergeek
Thank you so much for reading! Comments, feedback, likes, and reblogs are greatly appreciated 🖤
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skz-streamer · 1 year
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A Lost Cause- Teaser (RELEASED!!!)
hi hiiiiiii!!!...This is my FIRST fic!!! (I'm really excited if u cant tell 😆)
Pairing: Felix (skz) x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, slight smut?
Warnings: mentions of suicide, scarred wrist, pain, car crash, PTSD, abusive/toxic boyfriend, substances, abuse, bruising, crying, um... lmk if I missed anything else❤️
Notes: This is just a teaser!!! things that are in the genre and warnings part might not be in the teaser...be patient 😘. Will fully release the fic on Wednesday :) Btw the two passages are NOT connected, just couldn't decide what part to spoil🤭
Word count: 736 ;)
With your body aching from both the emotional turmoil and the relentless hangover, you decide that today is not a day for work. You grab your phone and dial your boss's number, your voice is shaky as you apologize for your absence, blaming it on a sudden illness. They understand, giving you the day off to recuperate.
Now fully committed to nursing your fragile state, you make your way to the store to purchase some much-needed medication. The fluorescent lights and aisles filled with remedies overwhelm your sensitive senses, intensifying the pounding in your head. As you wander the aisles, searching for relief, you hear a voice—a deep, resonant voice that inexplicably soothes your weary soul.
Your heart skips a beat as you turn toward the source of the familiar voice. Standing there is a well-built man, his features etched with kindness. His eyes meet yours, and a strange sense of recognition washes over you. It's as if you've heard that voice before, offering comfort and understanding during your darkest hours.
Though hesitant, you find yourself drawn to him, compelled by the compassionate energy that radiates from his being.
You stand there, face to face with the man who seems oddly familiar, although your pounding headache and heavy hangover make it difficult to focus. He recognizes you from last night at the bar and greets you with a friendly hello, offering his assistance. Your throat feels dry, and you manage to mumble out a reply, grateful for his unexpected kindness.
His presence is a small relief as you navigate the store, desperately searching for the medications you need to alleviate the physical and emotional pain that seems to follow you relentlessly. He patiently helps you locate the items and hands them to you with a gentle smile. At that moment, he catches sight of the scars on your wrist, remnants of your battles with attempted suicide. His smile remains, trying his best not to make you uncomfortable, though you're oblivious to his concern.
As he leaves the store, his smile lingers, a glimmer of empathy and understanding in his eyes. You, lost in your thoughts, barely register his departure. Your mind is consumed by the familiarity he exudes, the feeling that you've encountered him somewhere before. Yet, the pounding in your head and the haze in your mind prevent you from making any meaningful connection.
As you step outside, the world buzzes with activity, seemingly unaware of the storm within you. You put on a brave face, determined not to let anyone see your pain. With each step toward your car, you take a deep breath, reminding yourself that you can make it through this day, just like you've made it through countless others.
You grip the steering wheel tightly, your knuckles turning white as you navigate the familiar streets on your way to work. The radio plays a cheerful tune, but it does little to lift your heavy heart. The weight of sadness settles upon you, threatening to consume your thoughts.
Blinking away the tears forming in your eyes, you try to focus on the road ahead. This is a new beginning, a fresh chapter in your life. Reminding yourself of the toxicity and abuse that your ex-boyfriend subjected you to, you know deep down that leaving him was the right decision. He didn't truly love you, despite the pain it brings to acknowledge that fact.
But instead of finding solace in your newfound freedom, the realization only amplifies your emotions. The tears blur your vision, making it difficult to see the path ahead clearly. And in that moment, as sadness engulfs you, disaster strikes.
With a jolt, you run over a cone on the road, and time seems to slow down. Panic floods your veins as you lose control of the car, swerving dangerously into the neighboring lanes. The sickening sound of metal colliding with metal fills the air as you crash into a nearby truck.
In that instant, everything freezes. It's not the physical pain that holds you captive, but rather the rush of emotions flooding back into your mind. The sharp agony in your chest reminds you of the scars left by your ex's abuse. The haunting memories of his hits and torment resurface, intensifying the pain you feel now.
Darkness creeps in, threatening to engulf your consciousness. Amidst the chaos, a symphony of horns suddenly adds to your already brewing pain. As you lay there, eyes tightly shut, a soft voice breaks through, gentle and soothing like a beam of sunlight. It stirs something deep within you, a flicker of hope.
:) No moreeeee!!!!!
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Chapter 07 - Cinnamon & Orange Peel]
Warnings: yearning, they just belong together, they are also shy messes :(
Wordcount: 7.5k
a/n: please you guys, this story is so gngn i want to live in it :(
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People would most definitely call you a stupid little idiot. And you feel like one as well. A stupid little idiot, who does something incredibly stupid right this moment. The effects of last night are still having a grip on you. You feel a little dizzy and your head is pounding when you move too quickly. You also almost threw up this morning, but stopped it by drinking a big can of peppermint tea. You then proceeded to feed Levi and watch him eat his food while your eyes barely stayed open. Levi has been slumbering in the sunroom ever since, using what little light early winter has to offer to warm his small body. You have spent the last two hours cooking up the best hangover remedy soup there is and then eating it while watching one of your favourite movies. You have watched this movie around twenty times already and yet each time you turn it on for yet another round, you love it just as much as you did the first time.
The movie however has ended by now, your belly is warmed up and filled with yummy vegetable stew and your headache has stopped almost completely as well.
Now, one may ask themselves where the moment comes in when you turn into a stupid, little idiot.
This is the moment. This right here.
When you find yourself in front of the door of the neighbour you swore to never talk to again.
You ring his doorbell and wait.
The sun is a trickster, so you realised. It made you believe that today was a relatively warm day, when in reality it was freezing outside. You pull the jacket even tighter around your torso and shudder.
You don’t know whether to wish that he was here so you can escape this cold or to wish that he was not here so you don’t look like a stupid, little idiot.
Lights turn on.
Okay, crap. He is here.
He is here.
The lock turns.
You don’t feel cold anymore. Just heated in nervousness.
Then the doorknob moves.
The door opens just far enough that you can see his eyes peaking out. They widen in synch with a tiny “huh?” coming from inside.
“___?” he asks, opening the door completely. He seems to be in his pjs still. Black with white detailing on the collar and with his feet bare. He is rubbing them together to fight off the cold, which is most definitely creeping around his toes.
“Hey Yoongi.”
“Hey?” he studies your features, sneaking a glance at your lips. You know what he is thinking. You are thinking the same thing. You kissed him. Last night your lips touched his and your bodies were oh so close together.
“Uuuuh…” you forget everything you wanted to say. What were you even going to say in the first place? Did you even want to say anything? Why are you even here? Why is he is so…handsome?
Yoongi shimmies from one foot to the other, clearing his throat into the awkward silence.
“What are you doing here?” he asks you, trying and failing not to sneak another glance at your lips.
“I…have no idea. I just….”
You lift the little container you have been clutching for life, averting your eyes from his lips.
“I made soup.”
He eyes the pink container then your face.
“Okay…” he says, looking confused.
“I thought that uhm….I don’t know. Uhm…” you clear your throat, “sorry I have no idea why I’m even here in the first place. I just thought that maybe you are hungover and I made soup for myself and I realised that I made way too much. So I thought I’d bring you something because I thought that maybe you are hungover. So yeah, I made soup and it was too much so I thought I’d come over to give you some in, in case you are hungover. Yeah uhm, I made soup”, you babble, cringing most ardently once you finish the jumble of your sentence.
“Thank you”, he says, hesitating for a moment before he stretches out his hand so you could put the container in it. You do so quickly, pulling your hand away as fast as possible once you are sure he wouldn’t drop it.
“You’re welcome”, you say, nodding your head, “either way, uhm. I hope you like it. You don’t have to eat it, hah, just throw it away if you want to. Or eat it, I don’t know uhm”, you cough loudly, “you can keep the container, or not actually, I need it. But it’s okay if you want to keep it, it’s all on you to decide. Yeah, uhm. I’ll leave now.”
“Uhm..okay?” he murmurs, looking still as confused as ever.
“Bye, uhm see you around”, you say and then turn around to speed walk away from this most awkward scene as quickly as possible.
Yoongi keeps staring at you, holding the pink little container of soup while his brain is going a million miles an hour.
So you are coming here on this cold day to bring him soup because you didn’t want him to be hungover. Bear in mind, he is. He is terribly hungover. His tummy hurts, his head is pounding and his limbs feel heavy. And now you brought him soup. Nice, most definitely delicious soup. He is so confused. Do you still want him to stay away from you or is this your attempt of rekindling your relationship? And yesterday. He wanted to blame your clinginess on the booze. That last night was just you being way too drunk and having no control over what you said or did. But now. Now that he has your soup in his hands and he watches you hurry down the earthen path back to your cottage, he can’t tell if last night was just a drunken mistake or you speaking your truth. 
“Urgh”, he groans, closing the door just so he can rest his head against it, “I don’t know what to do”, he whines, stomping his right foot in frustration, “she’s confusing me so much.”
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“Levi!” you call out, stumbling into the sunroom.
The black cat opens his right eye, looking at you with annoyance now that you woke him so rudely.
“I am the dumbest idiot to ever exist”, you blurt out and drop into the rocking chair with a dramatic groan. It flings your feet into the air and forces your hand to land over your face, “literally, I’m an idiot.”
Levi closes his eyes again and tries to go back to sleep. Not that he can. You keep babbling on and on.
“Why did I give him soup? No actually, why did I talk as if I never talked before? Oh my god, I’m going insane, he probably thinks that I’m a massive dummy.”
You drop your hand and slide down the rocking chair so you would be resting on the edge of it with your lower back. Your neck is all bended weirdly, giving you multiple chins from just how squished you are.
“I’m so duuuumb”, you whine loudly.
Levi opens his eyes and stares at you. He wonders what mother is all about. You seemed normal this morning. Tired and more groggy than on normal days, but otherwise normal. And now you are acting like a crazy woman.
“Like, what do I even want?” you say, staring at your cat with widened eyes, “I tell him that I never want to talk to him again and then I bring him soup?”
You roll off your rocking chair and crawl to Levi on all fours.
“Levi I’m going insane, why did I do that?”
You plop down on your stomach and cup your cat’s face.
Levi meows in complaint but has to accept his fate. He glares at you. Your hands are sweaty. He hates nothing more than having your sweaty hands on his fur. It makes him smell weird and the cleaning up process takes way too long.
“I think I just gave him major mixed signals”, you say, widening your eyes comically big, “Levi, I have no idea what kind of signals I want to send him and now I brought him soup. Soup Levi, soup. That’s the literal equivalent of making out with him in the middle of a field or something.”
You groan and drop your face into his body. You bury your nose in his fur, caging him in with your arms.
“Why am I so nervous? What the hell? I shouldn’t be so nervous. He betrayed me, I should be all confident and in control. I should be the one whose heart is calm and who has nothing to lose. Urgh, but I’m nooot.”
You groan, wiggling desperately.
“Levi help meeee.”
“I have no idea mother and quite frankly I just want to sleep, but now I smell of your dirty hands. Why are you doing this to me, mother? Oh, why?” he says with that meow.
“I know Levi, I’m so confused as well”, you understand it as, “urgh Levi”, you groan, rolling onto your back. You rest your head next to him, bending your elbow so you can run your fingers through his fur.
Very well. Levi will accept such pets. They are quite decent actually.
Levi closes his eyes again and rests his head on his front paws.
“I’m so confused Levi. I should be really, really mad at him and I think I was for the longest time, but I kind of don’t want to be mad anymore these days”, you say, watching the sunlight break in the stained glass, “I really miss him, Levi.”
You sigh loudly.
“Oh I’m so weird. Why do I miss him? I shouldn’t miss him? Or can I?” you turn your head to look at Levi, “do you think that it would be weird if I started talking to him again? Does it make me weak, Levi? Or a weird human?”
“I don’t know mother. I’m a cat”, he says.
“You think so? Okay that is good to hear that you don’t think I’m weird for it. Thank you Levi, you are truly my greatest friend.”
“You are weird mother, why is your greatest friend a cat? Please leave the house more often, mother”, he says.
“Oh Levi, I love you too”, you say and then roll over to give his tiny, little head a big smooch.
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“Hey boss, so sorry for disturbing you”, Hoseok says quietly.
You turn your head.
“You aren’t. What’s the matter?”
His cheeks are slightly reddish. He carries nervousness in his eyes. So something was the matter. Maybe rude customers. Oh, how ready you are to show them your broom fighting skills. 
“I think Yoongi is coming here”, he says and points outside.
You follow his line of sight, locking your eyes on Yoongi instantly. He is wrapped in a white coat and orange beanie today. He also seems to carry a big bag over his shoulder and Holly is by his side on his leash. Yoongi’s eyes, although blurry from distance, seem focused on your tea shop. Your heart begins racing instantly.
So no rude customers. Just Yoongi, the man who you have given the most confusing mixed signals to. And the man who has been running through your mind ever since then. You would rather take some rude customers then meet him. You are way too nervous, you would probably stumble over your words and mess up big times.
“You have to hide before it’s too late”, Hoseok says, pushing at your shoulders so you would squat down again.
“No, god that was so embarrassing last time. I’m not doing that again”, you whine.
“Okay, okay then hide in the back. Quick”, he says panicky, pushing you.
“Hoseok”, you have to laugh, “it’s okay. I’ll just stay here.”
“Okay, okay that is a good decision too. Yes, I respect that”, he says.
“You look more nervous than I do”, you say, eyeing him.
“I am”, he says, “oh my god, I can’t handle love drama. It makes me anxious”, he says, cupping his own cheeks to cool them down.
You chuckle.
“How about you start cleaning through the cooling room?”
“Very good idea”, he says, giving you a thumbs up, “thank you so much! I will not disappoint, ma'am!” he says loudly and waddles to the back quickly.
You watch him until he disappears, laughing fondly. He is such a mess. It’s cute, helping you with feeling at least a little less nervous.
You have to turn back to the counter then because someone just entered the shop.
“Good day young Miss!” the mayor says loudly, strutting to the counter in his purple glitter boots.
“Good day Mister Mayor. Wow, look at you, I am loving the suit Mister Mayor”, you greet him.
The mayor looks down his own body, smoothing his hands over the emerald green sequins suit.
“Oh thank you very much, young Miss”, he does a little giggle, “I wanted to battle the grey weather by wearing some colour.”
“You were definitely successful, my tea shop is so much brighter already because of you.”
“Oh you”, he dismisses you with a laugh, “you flatter me, young Miss.”
You give him a sweet smile.
“The usual?” you ask him.
“Yes please, however I want two sugar cookies as well.”
“Are you out to sin a little today, Mister Mayor?”
“Yes, yes indeed”, he chuckles boyishly, “I need to fight this winter blues. Jimin’s sugar cookies are the perfect remedy for it.”
“I couldn’t agree more”, you say, looking over the mayor’s shoulder for just a second as the door opened.
You feel your heart speed up a million times. He is here. Yoongi. Currently staring at you with big eyes while his cheeks gradually become redder and redder. Maybe it is the sudden change of temperature or maybe it is his nerves being mean. Doesn’t matter, fact was that he was looking at you with rosy cheeks and you feel like fainting in nervousness.
You try to hide it as best as possible, breaking eye contact to pay attention to the mayor’s order again.
“Now tell me young Miss, wouldn’t you agree that this year’s cold came especially soon?” the mayor says, watching you work not because he wants to make sure you do a good job but because he thinks it a relaxing thing to do to pass the waiting time.
“Yes, definitely. I couldn’t agree more. And it was so sudden too. It felt as if it was summer one day and then the next we went straight into winter.”
“Yes!” the mayor agrees loudly, nodding his head vigorously, “that is what I told my wife just last night. We had no chance at getting used to the new weather.”
“Definitely”, you agree, closing the lid to his tea, “here you go. Now I just have to get the cookies.”
“Take your time, I’m in no hurry.”
“But Mister Mayor, you are running late again”, you say, having to laugh.
The mayor laughs as well, holding his stomach as he does.
“I know, oh I know. I will never learn.”
“Oh Mister Mayor”, you say, pushing the paper bag of his cookies over the counter.
Still laughing, the mayor places the required money on the counter and then picks up his order.
“Very well then, I hope you still have a beautiful rest of your day young Miss”, he says and turns around to leave.
“You too, Mister Mayor.”
The mayor struts to the exit, looking at Yoongi.
“Oh young Mister”, he says and smiles brightly. He looks over his shoulder to send you a knowing look, “here to visit your girlfriend, are you?”
“Uhm…” Yoongi’s cheeks are beet red instantly.
“Oh, young must one be”, the mayor says and shakes his head, “truly, young must one be. Good day the two of you.”
“Good day!” you call after him.
“Good…day”, Yoongi murmurs.
The door closes. The mayor struts down the road with all the calm in the world, most definitely whistling to himself.
Yoongi locks eyes with you. You lock eyes with Yoongi.
The air feels so difficult to breathe in.
“Hey”, you say, realising that your voice didn’t work and you only mouthed the word like an idiot.
“Hey”, he says and other than you, his voice actually produced sound.
“What brings you here?” you cringe, “actually, I guess you are here for tea, haha. Obviously I have a tea shop after all. And this is the shop…where you are at…as of now…I…” you cringe even harder, “please, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I can’t talk lately.”
“No, it’s fine”, he assures you. He breaks away from his spot and waddles closer to the counter, “I uhm…” he stops talking in order to rummage around in his bag.
You stay silent as he does, staring at him like a creep.
He finally finds what he has been looking for and pulls it out.
Your pink food container. Now freshly washed.
He places it on the counter, keeping his eyes lowered in nervousness.
“Thank you for the soup. It saved me”, he says quietly.
You take the container, feeling your heart flutter.
“I’m so glad it did. Did you like it?”
He nods his head, “I liked it a lot.”
“Maybe one day I can cook it for you again”, you say, regretting it while you are talking.
Yoongi lifts his head, seeming surprised.
“Yeah I just said that”, you murmur, burning  up, “sorry.”
“No it’s fine, I just”, he falters, gnawing on his lower lip.
He shimmies from one foot to the other then touches the side of his neck.
“I’m leaving town”, he says.
“What?” you squeak out, “what do you mean? What? Why?”
“I, I mean just for the holidays. I think I should have said that first”, he stutters.
“Ah I see”, you try to calm down again. Holy hell, for a second it felt as if your entire world just shattered.
“Yeah, my parents want to spend it with me. So I decided to stay with them for the holidays.”
“I see, well that sounds great.”
“Mh-hm yeah”, he nods his head, “that’s why I’m here because I wanted to return your container before I forget.”
“Well, thank you for returning it.”
“Of course”, he nods his head, “either way. I’m gonna go now, I have to take the bus to the bigger town and I don’t want to miss it.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t want you missing your bus. Have a safe travel.”
“You too”, he cringes, “sorry, I thought you said have a great day that’s why I said you too. I know you’re not travelling I just-“, he stops talking, staring at you with big eyes.
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.”
He nods his head.
“Okay, bye now. I’ll see you again soon.”
“Yes, see you soon Yoongi.”
He turns and then leaves the shop in big steps.
The door falls closed. You can watch how he basically speed walks down the road.
You let out a loud sigh, dropping your head on the counter.
Well that was the clumsiest, most awkward conversation you ever had. You wanted to tell him so much more. Talk to him more. And now he is gone for a week and you are left with even more confusing emotions.
The little bell rings.
Great. Customers. Oh how you just want them to disappear into thin air right now.
You lift your head.
“Good d-“, you stop talking.
Yoongi is standing in the middle of the tea shop with big eyes and his arms stretched just slightly to the side.
“I’m here again.”
“You’re here again.”
“I was just down the street when I turned around and now I’m here.”
“I can see that.”
“I didn’t just come here to return your container, that was just an excuse because I actually wanted to talk to you before I leave.”
He nods his head, clutching the strap of his bag oh so tightly.
“I know you told me to leave you alone and, and not to talk to you, but I just have to. I’m sorry, I know I’m being a douche right now for not uhm, respecting your wishes but, uhm.”
He takes a deep breath, touching his own neck in nervousness.
“___ I don’t know what to make of us. I’m a mess. It’s been driving me insane because I can’t figure out whether you want me to stay away from you or if you brought over that soup because you want to try again.”
He takes a step closer.
"And then you, you kissed me like, like that and I know it was probably because you were drunk, but I just", he doesn’t even realise when his fingers run over his own lips, "I'm an idiot and I can’t help but think that it, it meant more to you too. Wait, ignore the too. I, I mean not that it meant more to me. I’m not saying that. Actually it did mean more to me, but I just”, he gawks, cheeks gaining in colour, “forget that, haha I just…I'm sorry, I know I’m being a douche, but I just-" 
He studies your features. His cheeks are as red as two tomatoes by now, his eyes are widened.
“I’m sorry, I rehearsed what to say, but I forgot everything”, he confesses, “I’m making no sense. I'm sorry, I'm so nervous that I'm rambling.”
“It’s fine, you’re doing great”, you assure him, trying your hardest not to smile. He is so cute right now.
Yoongi takes a deep breath to calm himself down. He takes another tiny step closer.
“I guess my point is, that I wanted to ask you how I should understand your actions. And I thought that I’d ask now because we won’t see each other for a week and if you completely reject me, at least I can wallow in self-pity far away from here.”
He stops again, swallowing nervously.
“So I guess I wanted to ask you what exactly you want me to make of us. Yeah, uhm. That’s all.
“God Yoongi, you are asking me things”, you say, feeling dizzy in nervousness.
“I know, sorry I know it’s sudden. I’m just losing my mind and I think I would legitimately go crazy at my parents if I hadn’t asked you.”
“Yoongi I-“
The bell rings.
Yoongi turns.
“Good day”, a group of tourists enter the tea shop.
With disappointment in his eyes, Yoongi steps aside.
“Good day, what can I bring you?” you say, falling into your work voice even if you are secretly cursing at the customers. They truly picked out the worst timing to come here.
Their order ends up being very long and with far too many elements to it. It takes you a good twenty minutes to get everything they wanted. You sneak glances at Yoongi every now and then just to see if he was still here.
He is sitting by his table by now, hugging his bag to his chest whilst petting Holly's head. His left leg is bouncing up and down nervously. 
“You too and have a great hike!” you call after the finally leaving customers. Once the door closes, you let out a loud groan, “freaking buttheads, make your order even longer next time”, you mumble, sneaking a glance at the table just to realise that it was empty.
You widen your eyes. He is gone. Yoongi is gone. No. He is gone. He must have left in order not to miss his bus. Your opportunity to talk is gone.
“Noooo, why”, you groan, throwing your head back in frustration.
“What’s wrong?”
“Huh?” you let your head bounce back, “huh? How did you get here? I thought you left”, you ask Yoongi, who is standing by the counter.
“No, I’m still here.”
“I can see that now”, you say, laughing nervously.
He is fumbling with his own thumbs, looking at you with expecting eyes.
“So did you think about it?” he asks.
“No? Yes? I don’t know?” you laugh nervously, shimmying from one foot to the other, “I have no idea what I want us to be. I thought I’d stay mad at you for forever, but I don’t know if I want to do that anymore.”
“Okay, so does that mean there’s a chance that we could work again?”
“Maybe? I don’t know. I was trying to procrastinate on finding the answer if I can be honest with you.”
“I see, sorry I know I’m being really pushy right now.”
“No, you’re not. I don’t like the uncertainty either. I guess I just have to actually sit down with myself and get the answer.”
“Okay, well then it’s great that I’m leaving for a week, isn’t it?”
“Yeah totally”, you laugh nervously.
Yoongi does too.
You look at each other awkwardly once you stop laughing. Yoongi begins scratching the side of his neck.
“So I’ll leave with the knowledge that not all is lost. Can I?” he asks, holding his breath afterwards.
“Yes, leave just like that”, you say and in this moment you feel so weirdly hopeful.
“Okay”, he smiles in relief, “phew”, he exhales, “I’m so glad I turned back again. I think I would have hit myself if I hadn’t.”
You chuckle, “now you don’t have to anymore.”
“Yeah”, he chuckles.
“Should I make you some tea before you leave? To keep you warm.”
“Of course, I still have to try the new tea you have. Cinnamon and orange peel.”
You almost smile. So he is pretending that he hasn’t tried it yet just for your sake. Well, in theory he hasn’t yet because he left without his tea back then. But it is still really adorable that he pretends that this is the first time he is ordering it.
“Of course. Oh, you’ll like it. It’s really yummy and perfect for such weather.”
“I can imagine. I like everything citrus-y. Tangerines, oranges, warm lemon tea”, he counts the things on his fingers, “they warm me up so well.”
“I feel you. I like the taste too.”
You pour the boiling water into his paper cup and close the lid.
“Wait seven minutes and you should have your tea”, you tell him, pushing the cup over the counter.
“Oh that was fast. Now you can’t even see my reaction to it.”
“True”, you realise and pout.
“I’ll just send you a text”, he says and gives you a cute smile.
There your heart goes. Fluttering.
With sparkly eyes, you nod your head.
“I’m counting on it.”
He nods his head then picks up the cup.
“Okay, now I actually have to go. I already missed my bus twice.”
“Yeah sorry, those tourists just had to come here with the longest list ever.”
He laughs, already having turned his back to you. He looks over his shoulder.
“It’s alright, I didn’t mind”, he says and smiles brightly, “see you in a week, ___.”
“Yes, see you.”
Then the door falls closed and Yoongi hurries down the street with his little orange beanie and the orange tea in his hand while Holly is waddling next to him with tiny, happy steps.
You receive a text fifteen minutes from now.
-          Don’t call: I just tried it, it’s amazing.
You cringe upon reading the name you saved him as. You change it quickly before typing your answer. Yoongi texted you one more time while you were changing his name. You open it.
-          Yoongi: now I feel all warmed up thanks to you~
You smile goofily, typing your answer quickly.
-          You: I’m glad you do, it’s important to stay warm these days
Yoongi answers you instantly.
-          Yoongi: I will yohoho ^ㅅ^
He sends a picture after a few seconds. Holly. He is sitting on Yoongi’s lap and looking out the window. It makes you smile.
-          Yoongi: I think he likes the view~
-          Yoongi: but I think he’s cuter ^*^
Your smile grows. Gosh, how you have missed his random Holly pictures. You and him had this silly pet parents’ ritual of always sending each other videos or pictures of Holly and Levi. The ritual stopped after that one night. It feels so great to receive a picture of Holly again.
-          You: He’s so cute!! Give him lots of pets from me :D
-          Yoongi: I will ^ㅅ^
Customers enter your teashop then and for the rest of the day you can’t look at your phone again. You are in a good mood however. Hoseok looks at you weirdly at first before he disappears in the back to report the good news to Jimin.
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You don’t hear anything from Yoongi during the holidays. Quite frankly the more days pass the more you forget about your promise to him to figure out what you want. You spent one day at Hoseok’s place with his parents, eating delicious food and doing karaoke until late into the night. You didn’t think of your task that day. Then you took a walk up to Jimin’s house to help him with getting all his plants ready for winter. You ended up spending your entire day with him and didn’t think of your task the entirety of it. You also took your bike to the Kim brothers’ farm because you ran out of milk and eggs. It was the coldest bike ride you have ever been on and so you ended up spending multiple hours at their place as Namjoon’s wife made tea for you. She asked you about your new boyfriend, which then made your mind race with Yoongi the entire bike ride home. You thought about your task that day, giving up in the end because you just couldn’t find an answer.
You spent the next day with Levi at home. You deep cleaned the house, reorganised every single cupboard and drawer, sorted through your belongings to decide on what to keep and what to collect for the yearly Christmas flea market your little village always holds. Then you decided to make two cakes just to calm down your nerves and spent your day eating them on the sofa whilst watching a movie. You wanted to, but didn’t think of your task that day and went to bed with the biggest tummy ache ever. Stupid, delicious cakes.
The next day you also spent with Levi. That was also the day where you spent your hours with trying to achieve your goal of coming up with an answer. Levi had to watch in horror as you pulled out your little whiteboard to make a pro and contra list. He watched you prance in front of it, mumbling to yourself and every now and then blurting out something. Truly, he wondered that day if you had now actually lost your mind. You don’t find your answer that day and for the rest of your holidays you don’t think about it again.
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The holidays are over again. Jimin is busy in the kitchen, baking his little cakes and cookies. Hoseok is busy outside together with you. The weather is now officially too cold for your plants to still stay outside and so the two of you are working hard to get them inside.
Hoseok opens the leaned-closed door with the help of his stuck out booty.
“Okay got it, okay now push”, he says, waddling into the shop.
“Were they always that heavy?” you grunt, pushing the pot over the threshold.
“I feel like they get heavier each year”, Hoseok answers you, wiggling out of the way so you could push the pot into its destined little corner.
You cleaned up on corner of the shop from its desks and chairs to make space for your plants. It is a pretty little corner and many people compliment it when they visit your shop during the colder months.
“We did it”, you say, straightening your back, “urgh my back”, you whine, stretching it out, “oh, I’m getting old. My back’s killing me.”
“Right?” Hoseok agrees, sticking his booty out to wiggle his back into place, “I understand the old people now. Very soon and you can pay me senior money.”
You laugh.
“Senior money?”
“Obviously, I’m not going to stop working here even when I become a senior. That’s why it’s senior money to pay for all my back injuries.”
“You’re such a dork, oh my god Hobi”, you have to laugh, patting his shoulder lovingly.
Hoseok grins.
“Now let’s go, one more plant and then we’re done.”
You and Hoseok manage to get the little orange tree inside with lots of struggle. You high-five each other in celebration, then share some tea as a reward.
Seokjin enters the shop as you and Hoseok share your tea. He greets you with a bright smile.
“Oh Seokjin hello!” you greet him, “I almost forgot about you guys.”
“Really? Now I feel offended, ___”, he jokes.
Just this moment his younger brothers enter the shop as well. Taehyung is wrapped in a huge scarf while Namjoon’s ears are covered in fluffy earmuffs.
“Tae, Joon hello. How are you today?” you greet them.
“Good, good. And you?” Namjoon asks, “did you get home safely last week?”
“I did, but it was so cold. I really thought I would freeze my fingers off.”
“It is really cold”, Taehyung agrees, “you should have said somethin', I'd have borrowed you one of my gloves.”
“You are sweet, but that wasn’t necessary. I warmed them up with a hot mug of tea once home.”
“I didn’t expect anythin' else from you”, Seokjin says, sending you a fond look.
“You know me, my veins are basically filled with tea by now.”
The three brothers laugh, surrounding you as you leave the tea shop with you.
Their turquoise truck is – like always – parked in front of your shop. The metal is cracking and crinkling in the cold air, giving off a faint cloud of steam now that it is cooling down. Seokjin and Namjoon go straight for the back to unload your delivery while Taehyung stays with you to chat.
“How you doin', noona?” he asks, “I heard you and Yoongi hyung are pretty much established now”, he grins, “that must be really nice. I’m happy for you.”
“Okay, who told you that?”
“Misses Kang when we delivered her the milk. She said she watched you walk home together after the Jeons’ festival and that you looked to be very in love.”
You roll your eyes.
“Oh truly, there are no secrets in this village are there?”
Taehyung chuckles.
“I guess not”, he grins, “I’m happy for you. You two are a cute couple.”
“Thank you, Tae”, you tell him for the sake of avoiding yet another rumour. You could correct him, you probably should, but you know the village. Words travel fast and if – if – you and Yoongi truly end up working it out again then you don’t want everybody to believe that you have already broken up. This is just too much work to correct again.
“Tae you rascal, come here and help us!” Namjoon calls from the back of the truck then, sending a flinch through Taehyung’s body.
“Comin'!” he calls out and then skips to the back of the truck happily.
You follow him.
Namjoon is currently handing Seokjin a box of milk.
“Do you need help?” you offer.
“No, I’m good”, Seokjin grunts slightly, “they’re going in the back like always?”
“Yes, like always.”
Seokjin hurries away then, getting help from Hoseok once by the door. The two men disappear in the back to store away the milk bottles.
“So how’s the weather for you guys? Did it surprise you?”
“Totally”, Taehyung says, “we had to improvise on gettin’ the stables warm ‘cause the cows were freezin'.”
“Oh no, that sounds terrible.”
“Yeah, but we done it now”, Namjoon says, “they’re safe and sound.”
“Well that’s good to hear.”
Namjoon hands you a box filled with egg cartons, then gives Taehyung the box full of tangerines. They keep a good amount for winter and you are always first on their list. The younger brother hurries off, Namjoon stays by your side.
“But how you doin'? I bet people come to your shop more now that it’s colder.”
“I’m doing good, people really love tea when it’s getting colder.”
Namjoon nods his head, “it’s best to stay warm and healthy.”
“Definitely. You guys should stay for a bit. I’ll make you a cup.”
“We'd love to, but we still have a few deliveries to make.”
“You’re always busy, aren’t you?”
Namjoon laughs and nods his head.
“You know us, we’re busy bees.”
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The Kim brothers soon say their goodbyes. Seokjin drives like always. Next to him Taehyung sits and then Namjoon. Seokjin sounds his horn and then off they go in their little turquoise truck. They drive down the road slowly, driving by a shilloutte oh so familiar to you. Yoongi is walking up the road.
The sound of the truck’s horn cuts through the air. Yoongi lifts his head, looks around then lifts his arm to wave at the Kim brothers.
They stop next to him and then you can watch Namjoon lean out of the window to talk to him.
It is your cue to hurry back inside and try not to die of heart palpitations.
You completely forgot that Yoongi would return today.
“You okay, boss?” Hoseok asks.
“I just watched Yoongi chat with Namjoon”, you say and prance nervously, “Hobi I can’t take it. How do I look? Does my face look good? Oh god, does my hair look messy?”
Hoseok grins.
“You look pretty, don’t worry he’ll like you so much.”
“Urgh”, you groan, hurrying behind the counter to shake Hoseok by his shoulders, “I’m going insane. Hobi, I forgot it.”
“Forgot what?”
“To decide if I want him back or not.”
Hoseok shakes you off, “what?” he exclaims, widening his eyes, “of course you want him back. Helloo? You guys are made for each other?”
“Yes but I don’t knooow.”
“No, ___ no. Come on, don’t falter now”, Hoseok whines.
“Falter with what?” Jimin asks, having come out for a moment.
“She is seriously doubting if she should take Yoongi back.”
“___ yes”, Jimin says, “you guys are made for each other.”
“You guys think so?”
“Yes”, they say in unison.
“Besides, you’re not getting any younger and the village is tiny. You won’t find such a good catch again”, Jimin says.
“Thanks?” you say, feeling just slightly offended by him calling you old.
The bell rings then.
The three of you turn.
Just as you had thought. Yoongi is here, standing in the middle of the shop with his orange beanie and white coat.
“Hello”, he greets you.
“Hey”, you greet him.
“Hyung hey!” Hoseok calls out and smiles, “long time no see, right?”
“Yeah very long time no see. How are you these days?” Jimin says.
“Good, yeah”, Yoongi answers them.
They snicker, embarrassing you oh so very much. You turn to send them a warning glare. They understand and so Jimin hurries to the back with a grin on his lips while Hoseok makes himself busy by serving a customer, who came inside after Yoongi.
Yoongi waddles to the counter.
“I’m back from my parents”, he says, studying your features with shy eyes.
“I know, I hope you had a nice time.”
“It was good. They kind of made me renovate half their house, but I didn’t mind because I could help them”, he says and nods his head contently, “oh yeah”, he says and seems to remember something, “I have something for you.”
You watch him open his bag and then take out a glass of what seems like homemade lemon tea.
“Yuja tea my mum made”, he says and places the glass on the counter, “you really loved to drink it when we were married.”
“I did?” you feel your cheeks heat up, “you remembered that?”
He nods his head, “sorry if that was creepy. I just thought maybe you’d like to try it again, because it’s really yummy and it’ll keep you warm.”
“Thank you”, you smile, “I’ll treasure it. I’ll put it right here, so I won’t forget to take it with me today.”
He nods his head and smiles softly.
A random customer makes him have to step aside and for you to busy yourself with work for a few moments. He tries not to watch you in order not to be creepy, but you could still feel his occasional sneaky glances on you.
The customer, a woman in her forties with blonde hair, orders your winter special with a cinnamon cookie.
She leaves after paying, wishing you a nice day which you retort. Yoongi wants to step closer, but gets stopped by two tourists wanting their tea and snacks. There are other customers after them as well. So Yoongi gives up with a loud sigh and pretends to be busy by waddling to your plants and looking at them.
He turns once he hears the bell ring.
“Oh”, he says and then hurries back to you, “your plants are nice.”
“Thank you”, you say, “sorry, you just picked out the busiest time.”
“It’s alright, I’m not really busy today. Should I come back later?”
“No, I think we are good now. Can I bring you something though?”
He shakes his head, “it’s okay, I just….I came here to ask you if you thought about it.”
“About what?” you ask like an idiot.
Yoongi seems taken a back for a moment, clearing his throat and scratching the side of his neck.
“Oh”, you realise and cringe, “sorry I know what you meant, I’m just nervous.”
“It’s fine.”
You exchange a shy look.
“So what do you think?” he asks quietly.
“Can I be honest with you?”
“Oh no, this doesn’t sound good.”
“No, it’s not that bad I just”, you lower your head, “I’m such a mess and I still have no idea what I want”, you confess and lift your head, meeting eyes with Hoseok who is currently giving you the biggest what the hell are you doing? look.
“Okay, uhm”, Yoongi laughs to cover up his emotions, “that’s not what I expected to hear, but it’s fine I guess.”
He nods his head, but doesn’t say anything.
He looks to the side then takes a step back.
“Either way, I’m gonna leave you to your work now. It’s getting so cold and I don’t want Holly to feel cold”, he says and then turns, “see you around.”
“Yes uhm, see you.”
“See you Hobi”, Yoongi says on his way out.
“Don’t you want to stay for tea? I’ll make you some”, Hoseok offers desperately.
But Yoongi shakes his head, “it’s fine. I’ve got to go.”
The door closes and gone he is. Hoseok watches until Yoongi is far enough away then whips around.
“I, I panicked. Oh my god Hobi, I’m such a mess.”
“You are such a mess, holy moly. He probably thinks you just very weirdly told him to scurry off.”
“You think so?” you gasp.
“Yes, it literally sounded like that to me at least.”
“Urgh”, you groan and drop your head on the counter, “why am I such a mess?”
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You had been prancing for the past ten minutes. You weren’t prancing before that, as a matter of fact you were in bed trying to fall asleep. But now you are prancing because as hard as you tried to sleep and not think about today’s terribly messy conversation, you couldn’t. 
Yoongi was home when you came back from work. You could see him work in the bathroom upstairs. It made you fumble with the doorknob of his gate and then for only a second you considered ringing his doorbell. You ended up running away instead.
You regretted not ringing his doorbell once you were home, staring at the wilted tulip on your coffee table with your thumb between your teeth as you were almost biting it bloody.
You then spent your entire evening, prancing in your sunroom and staring at the Old House with your thumb between your teeth and your knees wobbly in nervousness.
And to make long stories short, now you were prancing in front of his door instead, considering whether to ring it or not.
You initially planned on not doing so, to just go to sleep and see about it tomorrow. But again, you couldn’t fall asleep as hard as you tried because all your mind was occupied with was coming up with conversation scenarios between you and Yoongi. So you rolled out of bed, threw a sweater over your pyjama shirt and put on your slippers, locking the door behind you as you left for Yoongi’s place.
“Okay, okay come on just press it”, you encourage yourself, reaching out only to pull away again, “urgh no, let’s not ring his doorbell, let’s just go home.”
Nothing good would come out of this conversation either way. You know that it wouldn’t because you imagined enough scenarios in your head to come to the conclusion that tonight would only end badly.
You turn to leave.
“Urgh no”, you turn around again, running to his door, “but what if it will go well?”
Yoongi clearly expected to talk it out with you in the tea shop today. He also brought you tea so you can keep warm. He must have hoped that he could get his answer today.
He must also hope that maybe one day you and him could more than just talk again. 
You touch the doorbell.
“No, nope, no”, you pull away again.
But he lied about knowing you. He used you the whole time. He doesn’t deserve your words.
“Alright let’s leave.”
Two steps down the path then you stop again.
“But urgh”, you turn and look at the door again.
He was so sweet to you and gave you so much comfort. And he made you smile and laugh and helped you. And he didn’t even try to touch you or kiss you or go even further. He always kept his distance and made sure that you were comfortable in his presence.
You stomp back to the door.
You are going to ring it.
Or maybe not?
“No. No! I’m going to ring it. What’s the worst that could happen? He tells me to leave”, you hype yourself up, “come on, okay. One, two, three.”
It rings behind the door, startling you although you were the one who pressed it in the first place.
“Jesus christ”, you wheeze and support yourself on the door, “that was bloody scary.”
You listen for a while. Nothing seems to move behind the door. No lights turn on, no steps on the floor, no barks of Holly.
You ring it again just for good measure and wait for a few seconds.
When you counted ten seconds you groan.
“What did you think would happen ___? It’s way too late. He probably thinks that you’re a murderer or something”, you murmur to yourself, shimmying from one foot to the other because it was terribly cold out here.
For a second you raised your finger to ring his doorbell again.
“No stop”, you stop yourself, lowering your hand, “just leave. He’s probably fast asleep already. Despite. What would you even tell him? Hey there, sorry I acted like an idiot today, I actually can't without you? Urgh you’re an idiot for coming here.”
And with that monologue finished you turn around and hurry down the stairs to make your way back home.
“Idiot. Hopefully nobody saw you. They’ll think you’re a completely crazy person, coming here in your pjs and slippers”, your monologue continues, “urgh this is so embarrassing. Ugh stupid cold I’m literally going to freeze to death here. Should have brought a jacket…or just stayed at home.”
You stop, straightening your back.​​
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
Can I request Usopp X reader >> they wake up in bed together after a night of drinking. The details I leave to your wonderful imagination. kiss kiss fall in love <3
ꕤ for u, my best friend, love of my life, light of my world, etc. etc. etc. ofc bitch, you already know ૮₍´˶• . • ⑅ ₎ა ꕤ sry this took so long but yk me, i can't do fluff to save my life.
introspect ; usopp x reader.
1.8k words, afab reader (no pronouns), alcohol mention, angst-lite, a lil fluff, some nsfw (idk cute shit like a handjob or nudity or smth); usopp is too chicken to confess, but who isn't these days
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the haziness of the night before never leaves you, weighing you down, stubbornly pinning you to the mattress, even as you wake up in the middle of the afternoon the following day. yawning loudly, you attempt to get up, but something really is preventing you from getting up properly; an arm, actually. a very familiar, toned, brown arm is wrapped around you securely, almost as if this is a regular occurrence between you two, when you know for a fact it is not. blinking rapidly, you try to remember the how's and the whys of last night.
as you scrunch your nose, concentration taking away your self-preservation, you hardly notice him stir beside you. 
“what time is it?” he asks sleepily, sliding closer, his body seeking out your warmth even underneath the thick blanket. memories flash in your mind as you close your eyes again, swallowing hard, the taste of bourbon still on your tongue—how much did you even drink? you’re not even sure anymore. a throbbing headache reminds you to find something to remedy the pain soon. when his fingers curl around your waist, you shudder involuntarily. words stick to the back of your throat, and you struggle to breathe—his presence suddenly commanding all of your attention. you still haven’t opened your eyes; if you do, you’ll have to face him and you don’t want to deal with that just yet.
it takes you a minute, but you do finally respond to his question. “late, probably,” you say softly, voice a little hoarse—possibly from overuse, but the party wasn’t that wild, was it? when it doesn’t seem like he’s going to move away anytime soon, you finally reopen your eyes and stare at him. he looks quite peaceful, sleeping like that; his thick, curly hair tempts you, but you keep your hands to yourself. maybe it got too hot in the middle of the night and you just happened to take your clothes off and also just happened to end up in his bed.
 peeking underneath the blanket only confirms your theory; it’s silly, you know that, but you don’t want to think about the ramifications of anything other than that being the absolute truth of the matter.
“you’re heavy, usopp, move.” you hope your playful demeanor might lighten things up, hope that you didn’t actually cross that line with your best friend, hope that maybe—just maybe—you had more sense than to act on whatever foolish delusions you’ve convinced yourself are somehow tied to hypothetical feelings—ones that are less platonic and more romantic. a panic settles once you’re more cognizant. because… what if someone comes in? what if they see the two of you in bed like this? what will you do then?
almost sensing your unease, he blinks himself awake, frowning a bit. it feels early, but he vaguely remembers a soft voice telling him otherwise. there’s an incessant pounding inside his head, eyes burning as he tries to swim through the fog of his hangover. “what a long dream,” he mumbles out loud, rolling onto his back, arm releasing you from its semi-oppressive hold. he stares at the ceiling, blinking slowly as he pieces together bits and pieces of said dream.
he remembers drinking with you and the others, remembers eating and laughing—strange, it was such a vivid dream, it feels real. and when he feels you shift beside him, everything rushes back to him all at once.
for some reason luffy thought it was a good idea to have everyone play a drinking game. a few games later, with tears in your eyes from laughing for several minutes, you stumble into usopp and he helps you walk. both of you tease and joke with one another, ignoring the final dregs of the party. you suggest hiding out in his room, and he agrees — closely following after you to grab snacks and something to drink. he also remembers feeling hotter than normal, sweat pooling on his temples, barely thinking as he pulls his shirt off, frowning only when he realizes that he still isn’t cooling off.
you’re busy eating a piece of fruit, the juice spilling down your hand and onto your chin; your body sways as you dance to whatever nonexistent song you think is playing at the moment. he watches, entranced with your movements—fluid, like water, and just as unpredictable. you pause, feeling his gaze—a gentle caress, one that startles you, puts you on edge, giving you a rush that feels every bit exhilarating as it does forbidden. 
a coy smile tugs hopelessly on your lips.
“want some?” you offer, holding up the small bowl in your hand; sharing comes second nature to you, and besides, he looks a little thirsty.
he folds his arms against his chest, seeming to consider your request—you eat another piece of mango in the meantime and hop onto his bed. “don’t wait too long,” your tongue glides along the pad of your thumb, lapping up the residual juice, “i’ll end up eating everything by myself.” you won’t, obviously; you’ve already decided to set aside half for him, but you like messing around with him—especially since he’s giving you such a priceless expression, one that’s equal parts surprise and equal parts amusement. 
simply put: you fascinate him—always have, in a way that no one else has. cowardice feeds into his guilt, giving way to shame, and lastly paranoia.
if he tells you any of that, will you see him differently?
he’s always wondered, has wanted to confess for some time now; but whenever he gets a chance, something—or, someone rather—interrupts and he loses his nerve. zoro’s tried giving him advice, but that ended disastrously; brook suggested he write a song, but he’s not lyrically inclined and is pretty tone-deaf. 
it’s put him at a standstill, one that’s slowly driving him crazy, but maybe a bit of liquid courage will do the trick; at least, that’s what he told himself earlier.
so he drank and drank, and now he’s here in his room with you, contemplating like the fool he is. you can tell he’s stuck in his head, so you decide to take charge. sliding off of the bed, light on your feet, you reach him in a few quick strides.
“open up,” you command softly, and so he does—which surprises him, he’s never been one to just do things like that, but with the way you’re looking at him, it’s hard to resist. you feed him a piece of mango, his lips wrapping around the tips of your fingers, your eyelids lowering at the sight. you should pull away, but you like the way his tongue feels—smooth, a welcomed distraction to the thoughts bouncing around your head. he releases them with a soft pop! chewing thoughtfully, letting out tiny groans of approval, something that causes a flush to wrap around you
he knows there’s no reason for him to do any of that, but he can’t help it. your cheeks are on fire as you head back to the bed, finishing the rest of the bowl by yourself. you’re too ashamed, how could you look at him when that simple action turned you on more than you care to acknowledge. he’s your best friend, you will never, ever cross that line; you swore to yourself—and to him—years ago. because the one time you wanted to, he found every excuse in the world to avoid you. 
rejection fuels your desire to preserve your friendship with him.
but you can only handle so much.
so when you get up and announce that you’re leaving to wash your hands, he stops you; adrenaline pumps through him, not wanting to lose this chance. his lips part slightly, the words stumbling in his mouth, refusing to come out. you raise a brow at him, confused—he’s never had an issue expressing himself with you before, so why now? letting out a short sigh, he tries again; his fingers grab your chin, a little more roughly than you’re used to, and he kisses you.
it’s a slow, tentative kiss at first; he takes his time exploring, tongue licking at your bottom lip, causing you to open your mouth for him. your tongues meeting somewhere in the middle; it’s clumsy, but soon you both fall into a rhythm, his hands tangling in your hair while yours run up his chest. something blossoms within you—awareness maybe? you’re not sure, but you’re determined to follow your desire no matter where it takes you.
his hands drift lower, cupping your ass, squeezing playfully as you press against him, a sigh on your tongue as the kiss transforms again. you become greedy, your mouth demanding as you give him feverish tongue kisses—drunk off of his cute reactions, liking the way his bulge is more than evident, your hand sliding into his shorts. your hand wraps around his length, you pump it up and down a few times, earning an audible moan from him. and when he holds you tightly, it’s almost as if he’s afraid to let you go—like he’ll never be able to hold you again. 
it gets fuzzy after that; he lets out a quiet groan, realizing that it might not have been a dream at all. you brush hair away from your face and sit up, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand. “can i borrow a shirt?” you vaguely remember spilling something on your dress last night; you were just too drunk to deal with it and crumbled the dress in a ball, tossing it to a corner like you were playing a game. when usopp doesn’t move, you turn and lean over, face hovering over his. “hellooo, earth to usopp,” you pinch his nose and he swats at your hand in annoyance, drawing a laugh out of you. 
“do you…,” he starts, brown eyes landing on yours, a solemn expression on his face, “want to talk about it?”
you bite your lip as you think it over. “not really, no.” because talking about it will just make things worse in your opinion. “do you want to talk about it?”
the question takes him by surprise, and while a part of him does want to broach the subject, he finds it easier to just ignore it altogether. you should cover up, but what’s the point; he’s already seen you partially naked on many occasions, just not like this. he says nothing and instead brings a hand to play with your hair a bit, your curls coiling around his finger. it’s nothing serious, nothing he hasn’t done before; so there’s no reason for you to brush your lips against his, no reason for you to kiss him that gently, no reason for your heart to beat wildly when he pulls you back for another.
but you do all of that and when your face burns too much for your liking, you boldly declare that you’re going to lounge around on his bed all day, hoping to diffuse whatever tension there is between you. he laughs and laughs, thinking it’s the funniest thing you’ve said all week, and when your embarrassment finally dies down, you laugh too—feeling much lighter than you have before.
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creampill · 2 years
omg hello i’m absolutely obsessed w the way u write sova,,, HIMB! what about sova taking care of a drunk so
i myself have never been drunk for what I hope are obvious reasons, but I have been the caretaker for drunk people so I shall try my best
Sova/Reader - Drunk Reader HCs!
- obviously this depends on the kind of drunk you are, how intoxicated you are etc.
- no matter what though, he’s by your side the whole time. he’s like a hawk, making sure nobody tries any shit while you’re in this state.
- he doesn’t get drunk easily and can drink a lot until it affects him, but he knows your limits and will keep you to them.
- if you’re a sleepy drunk, he’s carrying you. You’re leaning on his shoulder as you walk, he’s got you in a princess carry, you’re on his back, whatever necessary. He’s strong for a reason (hold s/o and punch assholes)
- if you’re a flirty/overly happy drunk, he will be amused with your shenanigans of course. He will take your sillyness with a smile (he finds it endearing) but will try to keep you away from bothering others who don’t want it
- angry or overly sad drunk? He’s going to get you out of there to get rid of your emotions. He knows how being intoxicated feels, he doesn’t want you to do something you’d regret.
- day after? He’s got you. Holding you while you throw up, water at the ready, hangover headache remedies on hand. He’s Prepared. He’s played the hangover nurse many times before.
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timeteaca · 15 days
If the holiday was a success. What tea will help restore vigor and well-being?
There is a saying: As much as it is “good” in the evening, it is “bad” in the morning. It happens that, having “let yourself go” with a cheerful evening feast, the next day you can get unpleasant sensations caused by a hangover.
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Let’s make a reservation right away. If the symptoms of alcohol intoxication are dangerous (heart pain, vomiting, severe weakness, shortness of breath, asthma attacks, severe pain, severe tremors, yellowing of the skin, etc.), it is better to immediately seek qualified medical help. This is a separate topic, and here we will not discuss ways to relieve a severe hangover using medications.
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In this article we will talk about the “soft” return of the body to a normal state and relieving the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover (headache, mild nausea, thirst (dry), pain, weakness). And here there is just something to discuss.
First of all, it must be said that feeling unwell after drinking alcohol “in excess” is the result of poisoning. This is a natural reaction. Alcohol that has entered the body has broken down into toxic substances, metabolism and acid-base balance are disrupted, and fluid is improperly distributed (edema).
Relieving a hangover means helping to remove residual alcohol and accumulated harmful substances from the body and normalize its functions. To do this quickly and effectively, it is necessary to flush the system, so to speak. That is why, after waking up, the body gives a clear signal – you really want to drink.
Of course, with a hangover you can drink water, juice, mineral water, brine, finally… and whatever else comes to hand… But it’s worth figuring it out and knowing how useful tea can be.
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How is tea good for hangovers? Tea is an excellent remedy that can restore the body after the last feast. Fresh, properly brewed tea can:
replenish water balance to remove toxins from the body and relieve headaches;
relieve nausea and stomach cramps (warm tea has a calming effect);
stimulate sweating, which also helps eliminate toxins;
have a tonic effect, i.e. invigorate, raise vitality;
improve blood circulation, normalize blood pressure;
stimulate the heart and nervous system;
replenish the lack of vitamins and microelements;
boost energy by adding honey or sugar.
What tea is best to drink for a hangover?
I will list the types of tea that I had to use to recover from “yesterday”, in descending order of their effectiveness. This is my personal experience and I do not claim anything…
1st place: Green tea Filled with a huge amount of useful substances (about 500 useful components). It has a good restorative effect, increases performance, and “clears the head.” Replenishes potassium reserves in the body, helping to improve heart function. Reduces swelling due to its diuretic effect.
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2nd place: Hibiscus Not a bad option for a hangover. Contains many antioxidants and substances that have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, relieves spasms, speeds up metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body well.
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I would like to add that hibiscus tea has an excellent refreshing taste.
3rd place: Black tea Useful, invigorating due to the caffeine content, but not effective in comparison with other options for treating a hangover. It’s better to drink it later, when it becomes easier.
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4th place: Herbal tea You can brew both individual herbs and mixtures. You can choose your own herbal tea. Common herbs that have a calming, slightly analgesic and relaxing effect include mint (relieves nausea), linden, chamomile, and thyme.
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In conclusion, let me remind you that any of the teas listed should be drunk not strong, freshly brewed, warm and in reasonable quantities. What tea do you prefer to drink when you have a hangover?
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duckapus · 7 months
(So I went on a walk and came up with a great idea for Showtime's ultimate fate at the end of the Wonder Arc, and even though I still have the vast majority of the arc to write I wanted to get this out now so I don't forget it. I'll do my best to not include any spoilers beyond "the good guys win in the end" and "yeah the character heavily implied to be Floyd was definitely Floyd")
As everyone else is celebrating, Duck wanders the battlefield seemingly aimlessly, looking for something, "Come on, with that much personality and determination you must left something behind..."
In a relatively quiet area he sees it; a tiny, malformed, glowing lump of some black-and-pink substance half-buried in the dirt, invisible and intangible to anyone but himself. He picks it up and checks it over, breathing a sigh of relief when he doesn't sense any of the meat moss's power or influence lingering within it, "Well, you've caused quite a bit of grief the last couple weeks."
Floyd overhears him and floats over, eyeing the lump nervously, "Wait, is that..."
"Showtime's soul, yeah."
"Huh. Didn't think she'd have one, considering she was pretty much just where the corruption and Emmy's brain overlapped."
"Yeah, it's definitely a case of just barely managing it. It's horrifically underdeveloped and rotted almost clean through...but not quite irredeemable, now that all the gunk's been cleaned out." despite the gentle smile saying this prompts from him, there's a distinctly unfriendly, possibly vengeful gleam in his eyes.
"Uh, I know you had something to do with Welony coming back. You're not gonna-"
"No! Hell no, I'm not making you guys deal with her after all that!" He did not get his physical form stuck inside a mushroom just to more-or-less reward the bitch that indirectly caused it, "No, I have something much more interesting planned..." Yep. Definitely vengeful.
The next thing Showtime knows, she's waking up in what looks like a factory inside a volcano with the world's worst hangover.
"Ohhhh, dying's a bitch." she reaches up and massages the bridge of her beak with one flipper while doing her best to push herself up off the ground with the other.
Headache briefly forgotten, she shoots up (and then nearly topples right back over because it feels like she's on fucking stilts) and looks around frantically for a reflective surface. When she finally finds a big, particularly well-polished exposed gear, she's stunned by what she sees.
There in the makeshift mirror, there stands a bizarre, penguin-like thing held together by comically large stitches, brought up from two feet to three by a pair of long wooden peg-legs, with tiny black bat wings and a fucking fanny pack! The only things left of her old, beautiful self are her color scheme and eyes- mostly pink with a black belly and sclera and blood-red question marks for pupils.
"The proper grammatical structure would be "what the fuck, dood," miss Showtime."
She whirls around to see who the hell just said that, finding an absolute twink of a vampire who clearly has a stick up his ass, and a brown haired teenage girl in an outfit clearly designed to look like a blue version of her current dumpy form leaning casually on a baseball bat like it's a cane.
The girl pipes up, "She's gonna be a hard case, huh boss?"
"You would know, miss "I'll just blindly obey the first person who talks to me and incite a revolution because this is clearly all just a dream and nothing matters"."
"Hey, I got over my denial eventually, didn't I?"
"Yes, and then you strongarmed me into making you a demon and one of my TA's so you could focus on world domination plans with your little sister and wouldn't have to reincarnate or take those remedial lessons you owed me."
"Ah yes, my apologies. I am the Vampire Lord Valvatorez, Prinny Instructor Extraordinaire!" he poses exactly as dramatically as you'd expect, then makes a sweeping gesture to the girl, "And this is Fuka Kazamatsuri, one of my assistants."
Fuka gives a lazy, two-fingered salute, "Yo."
"And you, miss Showtime, are part of the Netherworld's latest batch of new Prinnies."
"I...don't know what that means."
Fuka takes over the explanation, "Right, you're not from around here so you wouldn't know. Okay, so first off, you are fully aware that you're dead, right?"
"Well, here in our universe, one of four things can happen when you die...well, technically five if you include ghosts. Your average Joe who had a zero-impact life where they didn't cause no major trouble for nobody just gets reincarnated. Especially virtuous souls become Angels, while truly irredeemable ones get flat-out destroyed. And for people like you and me, who've either sinned frequently enough to get noticed or done some truly heinous shit, but still have a chance to do better next time, there's Prinnies.
"As a Prinny, your one goal in afterlife is to atone for your sins so you can...basically pay off your tab. And to atone, you work. You work for whatever Angel or Demon will hire you for whatever pay they're willing to give you doing whatever job they have for you. Once you've worked long enough, hard enough, and feel genuine remorse for all you've done? You get to reincarnate with the Joe Schmoes. Total clean slate, new body, new mind, whole new you." She smirks and pulls an extremely thick scroll with Showtime's name written at the top in flowing script, "And you've built up quite the tab for such a young soul."
Oh. Oh god no.
"Also you explode if someone throws you. It doesn't kill you or anything, but it's not exactly fun," she shrugs, "could be worse, though. I mean, you picked a pretty good Netherworld to spend your damnation in. We've got, like, Unions and shit."
Showtime just barely manages to shake herself out of her near-catatonic state, "And, uh...what does me not saying "dude" have to do with that?"
Val-whatever his name was once again takes the stage, ""A Prinny must always end the final sentence in their current dialogue box with 'dood', that spelling specifically, or else face grave consequences, unless circumstances render it impossible to do so." The first of many lessons you will learn here. As I'm sure you've noticed, a newly created Prinny does not automatically know how to be a Prinny. Your movements, your magic, the behavior expected of you all of these things and more must be taught! And as your assigned Instructor, it is my duty and privilege to ensure that your entry into Prinny society is as smooth and painless as possible, as I do with every damned soul that passes through these halls."
Aaaand there's the catatonia again.
"Now come along, miss Showtime. If my watch is correct, it's nearly time for Orientation, and I will not tolerate tardiness from either of us."
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bokubear · 2 years
COULD BE US :: “<3”
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bokuto contemplated your words on his drive there, the phrase ‘drunk words are sober thoughts’ bouncing in his brain on repeat. convincing himself this was your way of thanking him ( and that it was just innocent blabbering ) while he parked quickly before heading in to the desolate bar.
the sight in from of him was nothing short of an ordeal. soha was crying on one of the stools over how it’d been ‘five minutes since she’s seen a picture of keiji’ whilst moe was fast asleep on her chair and you clung to hiroko like a vice.
“this is another type of embarrassment.” the sober sighed, hauling you to your feet only to stumble right into the ace’s chest. that familiar cologne scent keeping you close to him.
“don’t worry about it, my guys are worse—but i was honest with what i said, be safe.” he chuckled lightly, surveying your group one last time to sweep you off your feet into his arms bridal style.
“holdin’ on for me?” he soothed from the driver’s side—halfway there. he often checked up on your form, cute as ever in his massive puffy jacket due to the cold. your fingers peeked from the sleeves, nose and cheeks rosy with the cold weather. lashes shielding your dazed eyes from view. your small hum of a response assured him so as he lightly patted your head.
this is what best friends do, right? his mind replayed your ‘i love you’ from earlier. suddenly doubting the words that came with this long-time friendship. he shook his head, the image of jina in his mind reminding him of all this. yeah. she was the one he wanted. yep.
and when he reached your room, you were already half asleep—the idea of taking back his coat leaving his mind instantly. not wanting to disrupt your adorably peaceful dreaming. scribbling hastily on a spare piece of paper, he glanced at you one last time to murmur a “sweet dreams y/nie.” before hurrying to his dorm.
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your bleary eyes and raging headache were the least of your problems this morning. you were wearing kou’s big puffer jacket which smelt just like him, and this huge bag of goodies sitting at your doorway left you seconds from crying.
there were different types of hangover remedies, candies and scented candles. all of which you knew you’d use religiously considering they were from him. it was just so thoughtful. and as the thought hit you, you ripped out to check your phone for any mistakes you could’ve made when you were wasted. luckily, nothing serious apart from the butchered ‘i love you’ that you tried not to think about too much. praying that bokuto took it as your mind being far from earth.
as the nights’ events recollected in your mind, you cupped your face in your hands( which was probably pinker than last night ) but otherwise decided to send kou a message of thanks. it’s the least you could do, right?
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sypnosis ; a new transfer student arrived at school, everyone positively enamored by her every move. she seems like a sweetheart you’ll admit, but when bokuto kotaro—your best friend for many many years asks you for help to win her heart you oblige—wanting nothing more than bokuto to be happy. but do you really want him to be happy with her when he’s been your crush practically your entire life ?
notes ; sorry for the weird text/twitter placements ! there was so much in my mind when writing this. overall, this might be my favorite chapter so far :’) i love it when kou is whipped for us
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midnights-dragon · 5 months
WIP Wednesday ask: South Downs one-shot
This is possibly my favorite!! <3 probably bc I worked on it while sick lol. Super short and unfinished but also super sweet.
He had had an absolutely awful headache all afternoon, the sort that had seemed to come with the business of a human corporation and couldn't, unlike something like a hangover, be rid by a miracle. Human remedies were the best bet for maladies such as this, and Aziraphale had made it his sole purpose to make Crowley as comfortable as possible until he was feeling all better -- and then some, knowing the angel. He had made the demon soothing tea, had pressed cold packs to his head and straws to his lips, had held his hand when he had cried out with pain, and was now running him a bath.
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
Greetings... I had quite the adventure?
I woke up in a hunt in the Reach... with a splitting headache.
To make a long, painful story shorter, I found myself betrothed to a Forsworn and in their camp. Many a body fallen later, I was also informed of having stolen a village's entire wardrobe, a mudcrab, a Jarl Igmund's sword... the list goes on.
Before I do anything (either to get myself into more trouble or repent), do you have any remedies for hangovers...? Much appreciated.
Sincerely, A very embarrassed Nord...
Dear embarrassed Nord,
You can find a list of my favourite hangover pick-me-ups here! Best of luck with what sounds like a very, very eventful day! ~Talviel
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driptoyou · 3 months
Revitalize Your Energy: Exploring the Benefits of DripToYou's Hangover IV Treatment
Unveiling the Power of Hangover IV Treatment for Boosting Energy
In today's fast-paced world, energy is the currency that keeps us going. Whether it's meeting work deadlines, attending social gatherings, or simply tackling daily chores, maintaining optimal energy levels is crucial. However, factors like stress, inadequate sleep, and even indulging in a few too many drinks can leave us feeling drained and depleted. This is where innovative solutions like IV treatments step in to provide a much-needed boost.
Introduction to Hangover IV Treatment:
Hangover IV treatment has gained popularity as a quick and effective way to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover while replenishing essential nutrients and hydration levels. DripToYou, a leading provider in this field, offers a specialized hangover IV treatment designed to target fatigue and restore vitality.
Understanding the Science Behind IV Therapy:
IV therapy works by delivering a carefully curated blend of vitamins, minerals, and fluids directly into the bloodstream. iv treatment for energy Unlike oral supplements, which may have reduced absorption rates, IV therapy ensures rapid and efficient delivery of nutrients to cells throughout the body. This targeted approach allows for faster recovery and noticeable improvements in energy levels.
The Role of IV Treatment in Boosting Energy:
When it comes to combating fatigue and low energy, traditional remedies often fall short. Coffee and energy drinks provide temporary relief but can lead to crashes later on. On the other hand, hangover IV treatment offers a holistic solution by addressing the root cause of fatigue and replenishing the body's reserves. By delivering a potent combination of B vitamins, antioxidants, and electrolytes, DripToYou's IV therapy promotes cellular energy production and supports overall well-being.
Benefits of DripToYou's Hangover IV Treatment:
Rapid Rehydration: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to dehydration, leaving you feeling sluggish and lethargic. DripToYou's hangover IV treatment delivers a hydrating blend of fluids and electrolytes to rehydrate the body quickly and efficiently.
Nutrient Infusion: Alcohol depletes essential nutrients from the body, contributing to fatigue and weakness. DripToYou's IV therapy replenishes these nutrients, including vitamin B12, vitamin C, and magnesium, to enhance energy levels and promote recovery.
Alleviation of Symptoms: From headaches to nausea, hangover symptoms can significantly impact your day-to-day activities. DripToYou's specialized formula targets these symptoms directly, providing relief and allowing you to regain your focus and productivity.
Customized Solutions: Everyone's body is unique, and DripToYou understands the importance of personalized care. Their experienced team works with clients to tailor IV treatments based on individual needs and preferences, ensuring optimal results with each session.
Experience the DripToYou Difference:
At DripToYou, our mission is simple: to help you feel your best and live life to the fullest. With our Hangover IV treatment, you can say goodbye to fatigue and hello to renewed energy and vitality. Don't let a hangover slow you down – visit DripToYou today and experience the difference for yourself!
In conclusion, DripToYou's Hangover IV treatment offers a convenient and effective solution for boosting energy levels and overcoming the symptoms of a hangover. By delivering essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, IV therapy promotes rapid recovery and revitalization. Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to renewed energy with DripToYou's innovative IV treatments.
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ivdropd12 · 4 months
The Quest for Wellness: Ranking the Best IV Drips in Leeds
In the pursuit of optimal health and well-being, individuals are increasingly turning to innovative wellness solutions such as IV drip therapy. This trend has gained significant popularity in Leeds, where residents seek effective ways to boost their energy levels, enhance their immune function, and rejuvenate their bodies. With a variety of IV drip options available in the city, it can be challenging to determine which ones offer the most benefits. In this guide, we'll explore and rank the best IV drip in Leeds based on their ingredients, potential benefits, and overall effectiveness.
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1. Energy Boost IV Drip
The Energy Boost IV drip is designed to revitalize and energize the body, making it an excellent choice for individuals experiencing fatigue or low energy levels. This drip typically contains a combination of B vitamins, magnesium, and amino acids, which work together to support energy production at the cellular level. The infusion of these nutrients directly into the bloodstream ensures rapid absorption, providing an immediate boost in energy and vitality.
2. Immune Support IV Drip
The Immune Support IV drip is formulated to strengthen the immune system and enhance the body's ability to fight off infections and illnesses. This drip often includes high doses of vitamin C, along with zinc, selenium, and glutathione, all of which play key roles in immune function. By delivering these immune-boosting nutrients directly into the bloodstream, this drip can help individuals stay healthy and resilient, especially during cold and flu season.
3. Hydration Therapy IV Drip
Proper hydration is essential for overall health and well-being, yet many individuals struggle to consume an adequate amount of fluids daily. The Hydration Therapy IV drip is specifically designed to replenish fluids and electrolytes, restoring optimal hydration levels in the body. This drip is an excellent choice for athletes, individuals with active lifestyles, or those recovering from dehydration due to illness or excessive alcohol consumption.
4. Hangover Relief IV Drip
For those who indulge in alcohol consumption, the Hangover Relief IV drip offers a quick and effective remedy for the aftereffects of a night of revelry. This drip typically contains a blend of fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins, such as vitamin B complex and vitamin C, which help rehydrate the body and alleviate symptoms such as headache, nausea, and fatigue. By replenishing essential nutrients and restoring electrolyte balance, this drip can help individuals recover more quickly and get back to feeling their best.
5. Beauty and Anti-Aging IV Drip
The Beauty and Anti-Aging IV drip is designed to promote radiant skin, hair, and nails, while also combating the signs of aging from within. This drip often contains ingredients such as glutathione, vitamin C, and collagen, which work together to nourish the skin, boost collagen production, and neutralize free radicals. By delivering these beauty-enhancing nutrients directly into the bloodstream, this drip can help individuals achieve a more youthful and vibrant appearance.
Considerations Before Trying IV Drip Therapy
Before trying IV drip therapy, it's essential to consider the following factors:
Consultation with a Healthcare Professional: Before undergoing IV drip therapy, consult with a qualified healthcare professional to assess your individual health needs and determine which drip is most suitable for you.
Quality and Safety: Choose a reputable clinic that follows strict protocols for sterilization and employs trained medical professionals to administer the IV drips safely.
Potential Risks and Side Effects: While IV drip therapy is generally safe, there are potential risks and side effects to be aware of, such as infection at the injection site or allergic reactions. Discuss any concerns with your healthcare provider before proceeding.
Cost Considerations: IV drip therapy can be costly, so consider whether the potential benefits justify the expense and explore alternative options if necessary.
In conclusion, IV drip therapy offers a range of benefits for individuals seeking to enhance their health and well-being in Leeds. By delivering essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, IV drips can provide immediate and noticeable results, whether it's boosting energy levels, supporting immune function, improving hydration, or promoting beauty and anti-aging effects. However, it's crucial to choose the right IV drip based on your specific needs and goals, and to ensure safety and efficacy by consulting with a healthcare professional and selecting a reputable provider. With the variety of IV drip options available in Leeds, individuals can embark on their quest for wellness with confidence, knowing they have access to effective and innovative solutions for optimizing their health and vitality.
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lifewaykefir · 5 months
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A Superfood Smoothie is a Hangover Helper
The best cure for a hangover? Prevention. But with so much champagne flowing on New Year’s Eve, it can be easy to overdo it. Just in case that bubbly leaves you with a queasy stomach and mega-headache, you would be wise to head into the new year with smart choices and gut-healthy actions. Things to Remember When Overcoming a Hangover   While there’s no tried and true hangover remedy that works for everyone, most health professionals can agree that getting a healthy dose of fruits and vegetables, as well as water is a good place to start. Adding in gut-healthy […]
Read more: https://lifewaykefir.com/superfood-smoothie-hangover-helper/
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