#bill cipher x dipper pines
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This is a classic Gravity Falls ship, everyone had that billdip phase. But shipping culture seems to be more discourse-y lately so here's a clear cut poll.
I personally find teen-Bill Cypher funny af, used to ship when I was young but I think nowadays I ship him Ford.
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godofmemes · 1 year
Person A : * Sitting on Person B 's lap * I hate you so much.I just want to kill you.
Person B : We were making out five minutes ago ?
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mars-onthe-moon · 1 year
William, Creator of Heaven and Hell.
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Why couldn’t he just stay a goofy triangle? Twink Bill is canonical for me now 😭
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the--101 · 2 years
I love this man <3
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I headcanon that Bill’s eye works exactly like a cat’s eye. 🐈‍⬛
Dipper likes him because he is Freaky looking
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oneepicmess9 · 24 days
Hello! I’m looking for a Billdip roleplay!
So I’m getting really obsessed with Billdip again and one of my favorite things to do is roleplay. So I downloaded tumblr for the first time to try and see if I could find anyone who would be willing to start a roleplay with me!
I am literate/advanced literate, and I’m looking for someone who is at least semi-lit. I don’t have many triggers, and am totally good with NSFW if we choose to pursue that.
I normally play Bill, as that’s who I know the most about, but will gladly play as Dipper if you’d like me to.
I have several plots we can use, some in the canon universe of gravity falls, some AUs. I will send them when we get into DMs!
I would prefer if we moved to discord just because I’m so new to tumblr and don’t really know how it all works, but will accommodate if you’d prefer to stay here.
Please DM me if you are at all interested! I hope to hear from you!
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dylanmct00ny · 3 months
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All of my excitement for The Book of Bill has been channeled into rewatching Gravity Falls over and over again hehe My favorite episode is very obviously Sock Opera IM SORRY I JUST LOVE BIPPER (the character) HES REALLY FUN TO DRAW, Mabel is my favorite character tho I lob her X) EDIT: I FUCKING FORGOT DIPS BIRTHMARK PRETEND ITS ON HIS BIG BIG FOREHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!
(no weirdo's in the tags please!!)
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zane-senutna · 11 months
He was there. He knows how it went down.
[Bill is reading a history book and suddenly sets it on fire]
Bill: That is not how it fucking happened.
Dipper: That book was mine…
Bill: So?
Dipper: So you’re going to buy me a new one.
Bill: I’ll write you a new one.
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xkawaiiblossomx · 3 months
More headcanons!
1. Dipper, still the ever-curious mystery hunter, starts creating his own coded language. Bill, intrigued, learns it in a snap to leave cryptic messages just for Dipper to find.
2. Bill finds amusement in temporarily giving Dipper odd, harmless abilities – like echoing voice or glow-in-the-dark hair – just to see his reaction.
3. They have this unofficial truce where Bill agrees not to wreak havoc on Gravity Falls before 9 AM because Dipper is not a morning person.
4. Dipper once asked Bill for help on a particularly tough puzzle, and now Bill won't let him live it down, bringing it up at every opportunity.
5. Bill secretly enjoys the fact that Dipper is one of the few humans who challenges him intellectually, even if he'd never admit it.
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cjinkling · 11 days
i did it...
i made another one using @ckret2 Goldie locks bill
i 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im going insane
@krillford here u go 💯 you wanted this 🔥🔥🔥🔥
omg is actually much worse i swear 😭
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oddzo · 2 months
Finally had the spoons to do another Camp Camp x Gravity Falls drawing! Some bits were kept messy to maintain motivation to finish lol
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…I really need to sit down and watch a video on how to do shading and rendering instead of just winging it
(Bipper’s arm is a bit off but I didn’t feel like searching for a reference ;-;)
Changed the way I did both of their hair and I like it a lot more than the first go around, looks more like canon (especially Dipper/Bipper’s)
Bonus doodle of ghostly Dippindots plus a teeny tiny doodle of the two magic fucks I did in the margins of a worksheet :D
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adalwolfgang · 1 year
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godofmemes · 1 year
Person A : *looks intensely into Person B 's eyes*
Person B:*Looks intensely into Person A 's eyes*
(Meanwhile in the background)
Person C : CaN I gEt A WaFFle? CaN I pLEaSe gEt a WaFFle ?
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mars-onthe-moon · 1 year
Things I’m working on so y’all know I’m not ✨dead✨
~ I’m finishing up a Hisoka Tarot card . It will be posted on his birthday, June 6th!!! (Planning on doing a hxh tarot series)
~ Chrollo won the vote so I will start working on drawing him and his hot pants.
~ I may have started writing a silly goofy Hisoillu fanfic where the two clowns are required to do community service enforced by the Hunter Association… Hijinks ensue.
Gravity Falls:
~ Started writing a semi-dark/angst fueled Billdip fic. Will only be a few chapters.
Premise: After years of rehabilitation, Stan finally remembers the moment Bill Cipher died inside his mind. He also remembers the ancient reincarnation spell that Bill spoke. Ford enlists Dipper’s help in creating a device that will banish the demon for good, but when things go wrong during the process, Bill is accidentally given a physical body with a bad case of amnesia. While Stanford finds a way to fix the device, Dipper is tasked with ensuring Bill’s memories don’t return. The problem, Bill is convinced he and Dipper were a happily married couple before a tragic accident robbed him of his memories. Dipper is trapped. He can’t set the story straight and risk Bill regaining memory and magic, so he’s forced to play along. Bill longs for their relationship to go back to normal, not understanding that there was never any love to begin with. Dipper’s not sure how long he can pretend to care for Bill. Every time the demon smiles at him, he wants to set the world on fire. If Ford doesn’t fix the machine and quick, Dipper fears he’ll be the one that burns down Gravity Falls this time. Working Title: Limerance Layout: 5 parts; Introduction, Infatuation, Crystallization, Deterioration, and Rot. Timeline: Story takes place over multiple years. Starts when Dipper is 19/20, main story takes place 4 years later. Relationships: Bill/Dipper, Mabel/Pacifica, implied past Fiddleford/Stanford.
Don’t rlly have an upload date, but I’ll let y’all know the closer I get to posting it!
~ LOLOLOL… I promise Three Points Where Two Lines Meet is not dead!!! I still have plans to continue her, I just hit a mild editing block and then Hunter x Hunter derailed any remaining sanity I had.
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the--101 · 1 year
Lmao I’m back was dead, guess what I got a new art style is it an upgrade or a down grade? I don’t care I actually like drawing in the art style. Anyways finally started drawing the billdip in my head and well heres the first images I drew of it :)
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They‘re cute your honor
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alex-rambles · 1 year
For personality for someone into cryptid academia, I’d say the reader be almost like dipper but sorta different? Like keeps to themselves, overall loves walking in the woods. And also thinks like ford.
Also here are pictures
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Thanks for the info! I like how there was a journal 3 in there lol. I did the Pines + Bill because i wasn't sure which characters you'd want
Gravity Falls characters with a cryptid academia s/o
🌲Your aesthetic may actually have been what caught his eye to begin with
🌲He likes it a lot
🌲Would love taking walks in the woods with you, hoping to come across a supernatural sighting or two.
🌲He adores pouring over The Journal™ with you, looking for creatures you should hunt for next
🌲Very happy to find someone who shares his interest in the supernatural and the outdoorsy stuff
🌠Supports your interest despite not sharing them
🌠Def enjoys going on hikes and nature walks with you though, and likes to listen to their stories and theories about the supernatural
🌠Even though she might call Dipper a nerd for displaying some similar traits, you're her s/o so that sibling teasing does not apply to you
🌠When you're on walks she gets distracted by cute animals so you'll probably have to either let her stare and try to pet them or attempt to reign her back in
💰Bro compares you to Ford constantly
💰Not in a purposefully mean way he just likes to tease you jokingly
💰You may end up developing a friendship with Ford after Stan introduces you to him
💰And then you and Ford continue talking
💰So he tries to get into that stuff for you
💰And buys you the clothes the match your aesthetic (only the cheap ones ofc. If he doesn't have enough he either shoplifts or steals from Ford)
✋Like Dipper, your aesthetic probably caught his eye
✋He sees something of a "partner" in you
✋He could spend HOURS talking about the supernatural with you
✋You probs find his six fingers thing cool so he feels comfortable around you
✋After all, most people bullied him for it
👁Bill is the cryptid you were looking for
👁He will explain all about his home dimension to you if you find it intriguing. If it were anyone but you'd he'd give a vague response about "liberation something something," but you're you sooooo
👁You like hiking? He'll make a mindscape hike trail for you to do together
👁During Weirdmaggedon he'll force his henchmaniacs to let you study them
👁He might make one little area of the forest normal so you can hike in the real world and obliterate anything that dares step into the area
👁In the mindscape he likes to try to scare the shit out of you with eldritch-esque creatures, but it doesn't work because a) not real, and b) you want to sTUDY tHE tHING
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