#blake belladonna defense squad
jasontoddssuper · 1 year
Rwby has 4 female characters as it's mcs and 3/4 of them are a biracial girl who's heavily neurodivergent-coded,a canon bi woman who's an abuse victim by an older man and a mentally and physically disabled woman who's gnc and most likely a lesbian and the only one that's not widely hated is the rich white girl who used to be racist and a dick to others for not conforming to her idea of perfection
Yeah,that tracks
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Sequel to prev post's tags and what actually made me come up with it is that Bumbleby antis ARE lesbophobes for saying Blake should've ended up with Sun for queer m/f rep and that Yang's not a lesbian because she could be bi seeing as they exist
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x-branwen · 4 years
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Protect Ozpins smile at all costs
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tsuklns · 4 years
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(((i miss my boys)))
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fandomsallaroundme · 6 years
And amidst the drama of Yang’s continuing battle with PTSD and Qrow’s likely worsening drinking problems, V6C5 gave us the first look at the one thing Oz’s secret keeping was, in all likelihood, trying to prevent the most:
Weiss is the first one shown to start questioning whether there was any point in taking the Relic of Knowledge to Atlas when all of their hard work so far seems to be for nothing.
Salem is an unbeatable goddess, what’s the point of hiding the Relic again when she’s going to get it and win in the end anyway? It’s a rather bleak outlook, but not inaccurate, and I can’t fault Weiss for thinking like that after the avalanche of new information from the last two episodes.
But, I just think it’s fair to point this out: Oz’s lies were never told with any intent to do harm or to intentionally trick anyone into anything.
Yes, keeping important secrets like Salem’s immortality was a Bad Thing To Do, but something you all seem to be forgetting is that False Hope, while it can be cruel, can also be the best thing to have in an honestly hopeless situation.
Qrow is not wrong to feel betrayed by Oz. The girls aren’t wrong to be frustrated with the lies and dangers they all face.
But Oz likely knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that if he’d told his inner circle members everything about Salem, everything would have fallen apart just the same. He likely expected Qrow to follow Raven’s example, or to end up drinking himself to death (and in all honesty, I’m not seeing anything to counteract either outcome). Ironwood likely would have raised Atlas’ entire army in a bid to destroy Salem in one fell swoop if he didn’t collapse in defeat first, which would have wasted the lives of all of Atlas’ soldiers and cost them all of the mechs as well. Glynda... Glynda has always been shown to be a strict, practical person who does not let emotion cloud her judgement.If given the time to process and plan, she likely would have been the only person who still would have stood by Oz and listened to his plans on the matter rather than charging in recklessly like Ironwood. Lionheart, of course, would have either had a meltdown or turned tail and aided Salem just like in canon.
So if he knows all of these terrible reactions are likely to happen in a group of grown, trained adults, do you really think he would have any faith in this truth being accepted by a group of emotional teenagers without everything falling apart?
Jaune and Yang would try to kill him and everyone else will probably follow Weiss’ line of thinking and give up because everything is pointless, in the end.
The only one who would probably stand up for and understand him would be Ruby.
So. He’s left with Glynda, an old friend who is a skilled Huntress who can fight equally alongside him when the time comes, and Ruby, a teenage girl who is incredibly talented, but still has not finished her training and is still a child who shouldn’t have to be fighting in this war in the first place. A single woman and a single young girl does not an army make.
And all of these scenarios are honestly a bit too optimistic, as it’s also possible no one would continue standing with him and he’d be facing Salem alone once again.
He didn’t lie out of malice, or any intentional cruelty. He was being as kind and hopeful as he possibly could be in his situation, while knowing the world is on the brink of the end.
False Hope is better than No Hope At All.
Maybe it was wrong. But what else was he supposed to do?
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drunkdragondoes · 6 years
Summoner AU #5
A/N: Oh man, who remembers this lol
Summary: A summon is almost always a form of expression of who the hunter is. But for a Schnee, there are three unbreakable rules. Do not use summons for menial tasks. Do not summon them meaninglessly. And if your summon looks remotely human, do not fall in love with them.
You can click to see more on tumblr, or if you prefer:
Upon notifying Ozpin of her choice, Winter received an email on her scroll that asked her to begin to gather materials. It was creatively titled as an outdoor exercise, perhaps to try to evade any monitoring from her father. If he noticed anything strange, he made no show of it and she was free to begin packing.
Two changes of clothes. Everything was going to feel soiled and dirty after a while.
Survival “kit”. Food and water was expected to be provided, but expect the unexpected. Three days worth of MREs, water, and small camping tools were recommended, though she had the freedom to add whatever she wished. Winter found herself packing additional fire-making tools, a tent for one, and a small knife. Actual MREs were out of the question, however - it would be too easy for her father or someone else in the household to spot. And being a unique product, it would be easy for him to view her financial transactions and see purchases from a specialty store. She decided upon granola bars instead, settling on the fancier, overpriced brands to throw her father off a little further.
And finally personal effects - the fancy term for weapons and armaments. She took her sword, fire dust, and nothing else.
Two days later, when it was finally time to leave, she watched the gateway entrance into the Schnee Manor from one of the windows. A simple black jeep - the color of choice for the Vale-Atlas Military when it came to civilian conduct - made its way up the road. Making sure that no one was watching, she took a deep breath as Qrow perched himself on her shoulders, his ever-presence taking form in small and tiny talons lightly poking against her clothes.
“The time has come. Are you prepared?”
Winter didn’t answer and merely began to walk to the wall. The ash gray mist settled around her once more and she passed through, unfazed by the material. With a hurried step, she made her way down to the curb, and the vehicle pulled up.
She tried not to look back as she got into the vehicle, but as she did she saw her father standing at the front door. He looked tall, shoulders raised and spread back. He blinked, and did nothing else as he watched the car drive away.
You will be participating as a specialist in a one-day march to the northeast through Forever Fall Forest. You will then spend two days at the target location investigating the area to try and learn more about the recent disturbance. Intel is unable to provide additional information about the source and thus remains at large. Regardless of the outcome, you are expected to return to Vale at the end of the fourth day.
For this mission, the Vale-Atlas Military has employed a squad consisting of Hunters:
Blake Belladonna Jaune Arc Lie Ren Nora Valkyrie Pyrrha Nikos Winter Schnee Yang Xiao Long
These hunters will be assisting with the defense of the military’s investigation in the area.
Any questions should be directed at your immediate superior officer, Sergeant Cinder Fall.
They took the first day to explain things to her. Winter’s role was primarily to observe. She was to see if this type of field work was cut out for her before making any final decisions. Should she choose to accept, she would attend basic training before being put on a fasttrack to be a specialist.
Of course, she wouldn’t be doing the actual investigating. It was supposed to be a watch and learn opportunity, but that still left a sour spot for her. If they encountered any Grimm, though, she was free to act and assist with disposal, something she found herself looking forward to. She had fought Grimm before in a few situations, but this would be the first time Qrow would be at her side for it.
The next day they began to march. The site was off the beaten road, so early into the expedition they were already out of the transport and on their feet. Every tree looked the same, its red leaves cascading and falling through the air and crumpling beneath her boots. Sometimes there was a brief halt, where the one with the dark hair with a stroke of pink would bring out his summon. It was a vined plant with a single blooming flower, and from within its was a woman - eyes closed, serene and peaceful. The growth around them would flutter and shimmer, and then she would disappear.
The sergeant had her hands on her hips, heads constantly turning and craning around. “Our status?”
“All clear.”
According to the dossier on him, he was searching for the presence of Grimm around them. Winter didn’t spend much time going through it, only skimming through the most important details and forgetting the rest of them. And in the end, none of them seemed to be similar to what Qrow could do for her. That, or the dossier wasn’t allowed to list everyone’s skills to the fullest.
Interestingly enough, though, the sergeant’s bio remained the most cryptic. Not all hunters worked closely with the military, instead opting to take the freedom their license provided to see and travel the world. Perhaps there was no immediately available information because she was a hunter under the direct employ of the military. She was allowed to withhold what she wanted, including the summon she had.
So far, this was turning into an enticing offer. All she had to do was perform well, ‘observe’, and then make it back to the safety to Vale.
The real chatter between the group started on the second day. Winter picked up that the hunters she was working with were familiar with each other, perhaps even good friends. Naturally, however, this led to the conversation being driven to her.
Who was she, exactly? Was she really one of the daughters of the head of the Schnee Dust Company? Unavoidable, she lamented, but she did her best to keep the answers informative but also succinct - just enough to satisfy their curiosity.
Not all of them, however, seemed entirely interested in learning more about her. The faunus in their group, Blake, had kept herself separate from Winter as much as possible. No doubt there was some prejudice behind it - her father’s company wasn’t known for having the best practices. The other, Yang, just seemed to be in a dour mood constantly. But that was not from any fault of her own, to the best of Winter’s knowledge. For the most part, the investigation seemed to be going well so far and nothing happened so far.
That was, at least, until the one with the hammer spoke up. Nora. “Hey, so you’re a hunter too, right? What’s your summon?”
She froze like a deer in headlights. It was something that she hesitated to answer because while she still didn’t want anyone to know about Qrow, if she remained silent they would immediately know that something was off. And the longer she dawdled, the longer their stares would bore into her form.
Besides, it would be good for all of them to know what they were working with. And it’s not like they knew him to be Death. Rather, they would only see him as a simple bird. She sighed, letting her shoulders rise and settle down on her frame. “Come on out, Qrow.” As she extended her hand forward, there was a glimmer of light as her white glyph came into focus. In the next breath Qrow had come out from within, his feet sending light pinpricks through her uniform as his wings steadied himself.
“Oh, so it’s a bird!” Nora leaned forward, “Kinda small like mine, too. What’s it do?”
“I’m...” she trailed off, “I’m afraid I can’t answer that. I’ve only recently acquired my summon, so my knowledge is limited as well.” It wasn’t the entire truth, but it was also the best way to put it at the time.
“Hey, we have a job to finish here and we only have two days,” finally after not having said a word, Yang spoke up. As Winter’s eyes traced to hers, she had already turned away and was walking through the forest, blond mane standing out among the sea of red. “Let’s stay on topic.” Her voice was snappy, and Winter entertained a brief thought of saying something
In the end she let it go - Nora’s had already squared her shoulders, stomping her way after her. The one with black-and-pink hair though, Ren, softly grasped her shoulder and she stopped. Whatever had risen to her throat had settled down and died as quickly as it was born, and she and everyone followed in Yang’s footsteps. Only the sergeant remained at ease.
Winter, on the other, hand, felt Qrow prick his way onto her shoulder. His feathers ruffled, red eyes locked on Yang. But he blinked and turned away, to the leader of the troop. He whispered into her ear, “I’m surprised you didn’t summon me earlier. Not curious about your peers?”
She was curious, always curious. To see the flames again, to know who was beholden to what fate. But it was unnecessary. “There was no need for it. Besides, they’d probably think I was being suspicious if I brought out my summon for no reason.”
“Hm, very well then.” He ruffled his feathers. “Still, be alert, especially of the blond one. Her sister died here.”
She stopped mid-step and her head snapped to him. Her mind ground away at his claim - how credible was it? But if he was death, that all pass.through his gates as he so claimed, who was she to not believe him.
And yet she still did. “How do you know that?”
“Simple,” his feathers ruffled, as if it was the simplest, most regular truth, and Winter felt like she knew what would come out of his beak. “I met her, and so have you.”
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Blake Belladonna Defense Squad
President: Yang Xaio Long
VP: Sun Wukong
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Jaune Arc
Lie Ren
Pyrrha Nikos
Nora Valkyrie
Glynda Goodwitch
Neptune Vasilias
That Oscar kid
The adorable nb sailor (please bring them back)
That captain dude
Coco Adel
Fox Alistair
Velvet Scarlatina
Yatsuhashi Daichi
Scarlet David
Sage Ayana
Flynt Coal
Neon Katt
Literally every person who isn’t a bad guy
And they’re all here to protect Blake from haters
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jasontoddssuper · 8 months
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The bio change was in response to me saying Adam is a canon ped0phile because he dated Blake when he was 19 and she was a young kid and he compared Blake to an irl abuse case in a negative way for being gr00med by him to join the White Fang btw
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Blake: *is an abuse survivor*
Blake: *is still harassed by her abuser*
Blake: *feels personal shame and guilt for her abuser hurting others and leaves to make sure her friends don't continue to be hurt by her abuser*
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