#blaster master boy
gengamer110 · 9 months
Evercade Sunsoft Cartridge Release Date Changes
Unfortunately, Sunsoft Collection 1 has been delayed to October 6th, 2023. This collection is of particular interest because it includes the following games: Aero the Acro-Bat Arabian Blaster Master Blaster Master Boy Journey to Silius Mr. Gimmick I have had this cartridge on pre-order for some time. I do play to stream it on my YouTube channel upon its release.
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caseytheartist-gamer91 · 11 months
Happy Monday everyone! New game review time! This week it's Blaster Master Boy!
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mysteamgrids · 1 year
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Blaster Master Boy
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devileaterjaek · 4 months
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hagensalley · 15 days
Metroidvania Book Series Phase 02 is Live!
Continuation of the Metroidvania Chronicles Book Series: The Phase 02 Revelation! This chapter marks the next step in our Metroidvania adventure as we unveil Phase 2 of the Chronicles series. Far beyond the initiation of our journey, this installment represents the ongoing exploration into the intricate depths of the Metroidvania genre. Beyond the surface, we delve into the mysteries and…
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miketendo-64 · 1 year
Four More Titles Added To Nintendo Switch Online Today For NES, SNES & Gameboy
It was only a couple of weeks ago that we got four games added to Game Boy Advance – Nintendo Switch Online and now Nintendo have giving us another healthy dosis of games for their NSO service. Nintendo has announced that four more classic titles have been added to the service and it includes games for the NES, SNES, and Game Boy libraries. For NES, there is Mystery Tower. For SNES, there is…
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ejbarnes · 2 years
Tomorrow night (Sunday, 30 October) at 8:30 PM EDT is my Zoom reading of "The Squid Boys of Terre Haute", Blaster Al Ackerman's short story in which the Ling Master attempts to hunt down clues of the Great Old Ones. Sign up on EventBrite no later than 7:30 PM tomorrow in order to get the Zoom link in time. Don't wait!
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prokopetz · 24 days
Metroid (1986) and Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (1987) are often cited as the foundational texts of the metroidvania genre, not without cause, but they were really just a couple of the most prominent examples of a widespread trend. During the same period, we also had The Maze of Galious (1987), Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (1987), Blaster Master (1988), Faxanadu (1987), Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (1989) – each of them foundational to the metroidvania formula in its own way – and many more besides, all tightly clustered in that specific three-year span from 1987 through 1989.
I know it's not always the case that there's a single ignition point for this sort of thing – sometimes an idea's time has simply come! – but I'm tempted to bet there was some obscure Japanese PC game released in 1984 or 1985 I've never heard of that sparked the trend, and I have no way of chasing that thread down because if any resources on the topic exist, they'd all be in Japanese.
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murdockussy · 1 year
Could you do an enemies to lovers one shot where obi has been in love with the reader for a while but she doesn’t know it?
And I wouldn’t mind some spice please hehe
AHHHH this request is perfect!! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write this one up, but I hope you enjoy reading it!!
(I am open to taking any requests, head to my masterlist to read more about it :))
Room 24
Angsty, smutty lil Obi Wan Kenobi x Reader enemies to lovers one shot where he fell for the reader first!
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Warnings: a little arguing here and there, but we love a jealous Kenobi moment
Words: 8,900ish
If you could gather every emotion you felt towards Obi Wan Kenobi, you were almost certain you’d be left with a burning heap of seething hot hatred – almost. 
Ever since your first interaction all those years ago, you - young and naïve, heart hammering in your chest as were introduced to your peers inside the Jedi Temple for the first time, and him – a lean short haired boy with platted stand of hair falling down his neck, disapproving stare watching your ever move as you were welcomed into the group of young Jedi’s– you knew that Obi Wan Kenobi was going to be anything but your friend. 
The more time you spent around him, the more you were able to register his arrogance. How he always stuck to his allegiance, leaving little room for mistakes. Before you, he was always top of the class, earning the position of one of the most skilled and wise Jedi’s for his age, but all that changed the day you arrived on Coruscant.  
Although you were slightly younger than your peers and were considerably inexperienced, you refused to let that stop you, you using your gifted skills to quickly climb to the top, soaring above those who’d been in the same field as you for far longer than you have.  
And that angered Obi Wan to no extent. The same Council members who once showered him with endless praise, bringing him alongside missions that were far out of the league of his peers, were now giving you – someone who just less than a year prior had no knowledge of what a Jedi even was – the same treatment. 
He couldn’t understand how you did it, and for that his hatred towards you grew. Sure, you were skilled, you could yield a lightsaber well, your aim with blasters was precise, and your bond with the force was as strong as his, but how you were able to achieve his level of expertise in the time you’d been there left him baffled.  
As the years passed, you grew to know each other quite well – you know what they say, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. You’d keep a close eye on him during missions, watching the muscles on his arms flex as he’d wave the glowing saber in defense, face stern and focused, and in return, he’d do the same, studying the patterns of your fighting style, the way your chest heaved as the loose strands of hair would cascade onto your face with each spin and duck.  
You both unraveled each other's perks and quirks and seen one another in the best and worst of times, yet no matter how well one of you knew the other, the hatred was always there, evident and unwavering, you both making it known to each other that hate was the only emotion you held for one another – nothing else. 
And it always remained that way... that was until Obi Wan came to the realisation that maybe his feelings were a masquerade for something much deeper 
On a night when the moons shone brightly above the Jedi Temple when half of the Council returned from an off-planet meeting, Obi Wans Padawan Anakin was solemnly waiting for his Master's return in their shared apartment when a sudden uproar caught his attention. He traced the shouting to the entrance of the room, opening the door of their living quarters to find his Master and yourself standing opposite one another, an angered expression mirrored on both of your faces. 
“... If you hadn’t been so selfish, I could’ve taken him out with ease” you shouted, one hand resting on your hip while the other poked at Kenobi’s chest. 
“With ease? I’m starting to believe your delusions have reached new heights, because from my memory, they had you tied up to a post, wi-” 
“But I got out! Freed myself! Something you would’ve seen if you weren’t so preoccupied trying to be the hero – again!” 
“There’s a difference between trying to be a hero, and actually being one, something you wouldn’t kno-” 
As amused as he was, Anakin stepped out of the doorway, yourself and Obi Wan falling silent once the Padawan made his presence known. Greeting yourself and his Master, he leant against the wall beside you both with a playful grin. 
“If you wish to continue, I'd suggest taking this indoors. People do want to get some sleep at night, believe it or not” 
Just as Obi Wan began to scold his Padawan, you interrupted, your feet dragging you backwards slowly as you spoke, “No need. It’s pointless trying to get through to him anyway. Goodnight, Anakin” 
Pushing past the young boy beside him, Obi Wan walked through the entrance of his home, his blood boiling as he stormed towards the loungeroom, seating himself on the couch as his head fell into the palms of his hands. 
Anakin wasn’t far behind, him resting on the arm of the opposite couch from the one Obi Wan was seated on, the amusement evident in his voice as he broke the silence. 
“Well... that was interesting” 
“Not now Anakin!” 
“Hey, I haven’t done anything wrong, Master. If anything, you should be thanking me. It really was quite the disturbance you both were causing out the-” 
“I said not now! I’ve had enough of this for tonight” 
“She really knows how to get under your skin, doesn’t she? I’m starting to think she’s worse than me” 
“Anakin” Obi Wan warned, his head lifting from his hands to stare at the boy before him. 
“You’re always together. Always arguing. And you both get so riled up with one another. It’s as if you’re... like you’re couple that’s been in a marriage for all your life” 
“I’m being quite serious Anakin, if you don-” 
“It seems as if you're so disapproving you are of her. Which is strange because she’s good at what she does. She’s a great Jedi. Maybe you’re just jealous of her-” 
“Anakin, that’s en-” 
“Or maybe you’re in love with her, that could be it too” Anakin joked, a snort of laughter escaping his lungs. 
Without saying another word, Obi Wan rose from his seat, brushing past the boy who had broken out in a fit of laughter, breathy apologies falling from his lips as he watched his Master disappear into his bedroom, where he wouldn’t appear from until the next morning. 
Yet that night, Obi Wan barely got a wink of sleep, his heart hammering endlessly in his chest as Anakin's words combined with ghostly images of you swirled around his thoughts, the realisation of the truth within Anakin's lighthearted words haunting him till the sun rose the next day.  
All this time Obi Wan was wrong. His deep-rooted obsession with you, his need to watch you whenever you’re within his vision, his desire to hear the rise of your voice when he pushes your buttons - he buttons only he knew how to push – wasn’t from a place of hatred. No, it was from a place of love. All this time he’d loved someone he swore to be his own personal enemy. 
Yet, he refused to cave into his emotions. Keeping the guarded front of hatred up whenever you were near.  
He repeatedly told himself it was because loving someone was against the Jedi code. That if he followed the true desires of his heart, everything he worked so hard for would be torn from him instantly. He’d have no purpose, no guidance, no home. And for that, resenting you somehow became easier, because he wouldn’t allow you to take that all away from him. But deep down, in a place he struggled to keep hidden, he was terrified of your true emotions, that if you were to reveal his true desire for you, you’d reject him, using his one weakness – his emotions for you - against him.  
And for that, he kept up the false front, his behavior towards you unwavering, because hating you was far easier than loving you.  
However, sometimes he didn’t have to continuously remind himself of that fact, Anakin's suggestion of you getting under his skin an obvious truth as he lost sight of you, his vision darting in each direction as he spun himself in a full 360 in the middle of the busy pathway. 
Obi Wan and yourself were currently paired together on an assignment, one that could've been easily palmed off to Kenobi and his Padawan if it wasn’t for the younger boy being in recovery after having himself injured on their last mission. 
The goal for the assignment was simple. There had been rumors floating around the temple of an underground club storing illegal weapons, which itself wouldn’t be an issue because as far as you were aware, half the clubs on Coruscant held their own illegal weapons, but once word spread that a group of bounty hunters were seeking to purchase the weapons, the Council decided to step in, hence yourself and Obi Wan being sent on the mission.  
And it seemed simple. Disguise yourself as anything other than a pair of Jedi, go into the club, seek out the location of the stored weaponry, alert the Counsil of its whereabouts, and leave. Easy. The entire assignment could be finished in under an hour. Yet the moment you dressed yourself in the disguised outfit, you slipping into the thin fabric of the floor length black dress, you decided you wanted to make the most of the night out, allowing yourself to have a bit more fun than the Council would’ve intended you on having. 
Obi Wan spun himself to the brink of dizziness when he finally paused, his eyes landing on your open back dress facing away from him as you stood at the entrance of a stall, you passing the man a handful of credits in exchange for the wide scarf. 
Groaning in annoyance, Obi Wan weaved his way through the crowded night market, him overhearing your thanks to the shop keep as he finally reached you, you turning to face him right as he approached you. 
“A scarf?” he questioned, his eyes lingering on your face as he took in your amused expression. 
“I needed it” you replied, pushing past his tense frame as you began walking into the crowd once more. He watched as you slid the fabric across your arms, the width of it draping down your spine covering majority of your back, leaving a small slither of your skin exposed at the base of your dress, his eyes locked onto your flesh as you wandered off before it clicked that you were wandering off, him quickly jogging to catch up with you. 
“You know” he huffed, “we do have an assignment to complete” 
“And tell me, do we have a specific time frame required to complete this mission?” 
“...No, however it wou-” 
“No time frame means no need to rush” you said with raised eyebrows as you turned to look at Obi Wan, his eyes squinting as he faced forwards. 
“I think it would be rather beneficial to get this over and done with” 
“Why? Have you got somewhere better to be, Kenobi?” 
“Well, no. But I'd pref-” 
“Then we can take as long as we need. Besides, how often is it that we get to leisure like this out of the Temple? Well, I can only speak on my own behalf. I don’t care for whatever slacking off you do in your free time” 
“I do not ‘slack off’. Unlike some people, I take my role seriously” 
“If I didn’t take my role seriously, they wouldn’t have chosen me to be on this assignment, would’ve they?” 
“Only because Anakin's not here” Obi Wan mumbled under his breath just loud enough for you to hear, causing an angry warmth beneath your skin to flare up, your face snapping to meet the man beside yours once more. 
“And why isn’t your Padawan here? Maybe if his Master knew know how to provide adequate guidance, he wouldn’t have to resort to the medical bay once a week!” 
Obi Wan ignored your verbal jab, his eyes glancing at the rows of stalls as you both continued through the market, triumph slowly building inside you at his lack of a comeback until he redirected his walk to cut directly in front of you, his words a whisper as he passed your frame. 
“Say’s the Jedi without their own Padawan” 
“Hey!” you called, his feet quickening due to the clearing of the crowds as he headed towards the markets exit. Fastening your own pace, you caught up with him, prepared to argue back to his statement before he hushed you, his movements coming to a halt. 
“That's our destination. Master Yoda believes the weapons are stored on-” 
“The first or second floor beneath the club. I know. Might I remind you, I'm also on the Council” you stated, your shoulder bumping his as you passed him and began to draw closer to the entrance of the building when you felt a firm grasp around your wrist, stopping you from any further movements. 
“Don’t you... Wouldn’t it be best to think of a plan before walking in there?” 
“We already have a plan” You sighed in annoyance, you now facing him while his fingers remained wrapped around your skin. 
“But what if were questioned?” 
“We won’t be” 
“We need to be on the same page if they questio-” 
“We won’t be” 
“If we get caught, and you begin some-” 
“Kenobi! I’m telling you we will not be caught! Can you just trust me for once?!” 
His eyes widened in shock, his raised eyebrows furrowing after a moment's silence, a burst of air leaving his nostrils as he did a firm nod, his hand falling from yours as he crossed his arms across his chest. 
 “Fine... But if a single thing goes south-” he started, you huffing as you turned your back to him and marched towards the entrance of the club, Obi Wan following you behind as you neared the tinted glass doors reflecting the neon flashing signs of the streets above. 
Approaching the entrance, the two doors slide open, revealing the dim lights and bassy instrumental echoing within the club. You scanned the room as you entered it, your nose scrunching at the faded colored curtains draping across each wall and the clouds of thin smoke wafting across the roof, your eyes falling on the grim looking creature perched behind the reception desk.  
You slowed your pace until Obi Wan was standing beside you when you suddenly slid your arm beneath his, your arms interlocked drawing you closer to one another as you inched towards the reception desk. You could feel his confused gaze burning into the side of your face, but you ignored it, your face remaining emotionless as you approached the creature at the desk. 
“Reservation for 4-16" you spoke clearly, Obi Wans eyes now bouncing between yours and the creatures. 
“Name?” the being mumbled, his hands gliding across the vibrant hologram raised on the surface of the desk. 
“Waters” you replied, your voice stern as you watched his fingers dance across the glitchy lights, him tapping a few times before humming in approval, his bulging eyes returning to yours as he spoke. 
“You’re cleared. Pleasure to have you back, Miss Waters” 
Without looking back, you directed Obi Wan into the club, the two of you heading towards the row of ceiling high booth without saying a word. Unlinking your arm from his, you shimmied yourself into the booth, Obi Wan following behind you, seating himself a foot away from you. 
“Care to explain?” 
“I told you to trust me” you said unphased as you flattered out the fabric across your stomach. 
“Who is Miss Waters?” he pushed, him continuing to glare at you, you picking up on the sense that he wouldn't drop this topic without answers. 
“A fake name, clearly” you answered shortly, your eyes looking anywhere besides the man next to you who was growing more agitated by the minute, you jumping in your seat at the sudden sensation of his hand on your knee. 
“This is a shared mission! I’m required to know what you’re doing, so if need be, I can be in on whatever this is as well” 
Your head snapped to face him, your voice low yet firm as you quickly replied. 
“For the last time, I told you to trust me! And if you don’t, there’s no use for you being here. You know where the door is, or do you need help finding it?” 
Before he had the chance to reply, both of your heads turned to face the slim figure that was approaching your booth with a friendly smile, you forcing your cheeks to rise as you mirrored their joyous emotion. 
“Miss Waters, it’s been quite some time! How has life been treating you?” 
“Same old, you know how it is. And you?” 
“Busy. But it’s good to see a familiar face” he said, bending slightly to place a tray of assorted fruits and four glasses of a smokey green liquid on the table. 
“Oh... Grolo, this really isn’t necessary for tonight” 
“Nonsense, it’s on the house” Grolo replied before stepping backwards, his hands crossing as he nodded while speaking, “Room 24 is prepared to your liking for when you’re ready. You two enjoy your evening” 
You waited until Grolo disappeared from your eyesight before you raised your palms to your face, your heart beginning to beat slightly quicker from the conversation, you truly wanting to remain unexposed from the man beside you. 
“So... Familiar face, huh?” 
“Kenobi” you warned, you shielding your eyes from the world around you with your palms, Obi Wans own palm still resting on your knee. 
“And what’s this ‘room 24’?” 
“None of your business, that’s what it is” 
“But it will be... once the Council is notified about the cheat that is lying under their noses” 
Your breath caught in your throat at his words, a sudden anger sparking inside you as you dropped your hands, your body shifting to face the man beside you. 
“If you even think about speaking a word of this to them, I'll shatter each glass on this table and force it down your throat!” 
Leaning back against the fabric of the booth, he brought one hand to his beard, scaping it slowly as he watched you, while the other slid an inch up your skin, unwavering from its position as he pushed, “Then confess whatever it is that you’re hiding about this place, what you’re hiding about yourself” 
You wanted to call him out on his bluff, wanted to believe that he wouldn’t speak a word of what he’s already witnessed to the Council – wanted to trust him – yet you knew you couldn’t, you fully aware of his devotion to his job. So you leaned forward, grabbing two of the four drinks in front of you and bringing them to your lips, you shotting one after another like the liquid had no burning aftertaste, you in desperate need of any confidence boost for what you’re about to tell the man you resented the most. 
“Fuck. Fine. This...” you started, pausing momentarily with hesitation, Obi Wans eyes lingering on your face as you sighed, “This all began quite some time ago now.”, 
“Master Yoda caught word of a potential bounty passing though this area of Coruscant every few nights. He knew it was too risky himself to check the area out, so he sent me”, 
“His intentions were to get any information on the man. If the potential bounty belonged to a gang, if he had a following, who he was involved with. I came here, unsure if the bounty would even step foot in this place, with no indication on how to secure the information Yoda wanted” 
“And the mission was successful?” Kenobi asked, his hand still raking through the hairs on his chin. 
You nodded, swallowing the nerves building inside your tightening throat from what you were confessing for the first time. 
“Call it intuition, or even the Force, but he ended up coming here. I sparked a conversation, and he fell right into my trap. I knew it was too risky to use any of my... Force abilities. So I tried something else, and it worked after some time. He told me what I needed to know, and I reported it all-” 
“What was it?” 
“What was what?” 
“Your method. Possibly spiking of his drink? I wouldn’t put that past you-” 
“Seduction, actually” you spat, your features lifting with your matter-of-fact tone while his jumped in shock, a small cough escaping his mouth as he suddenly leaned forward, the hand that was resting on your leg now shooting across the table to grab ahold of one of the remaining drinks. 
“Seeing how successful it was” you continued, a half smiling tugging at your lips from the surprise your statement caused, “I decided to come back and try it again on a different occasion. And that’s how it started. The more I came here, the more potential threats would walk through those doors – Grolo’s bar being sort of a... hot spot, I guess, for people who want to remain unseen. I’d buy each one a drink here and there, enough for them to lose track of what they’re saying, sweet talk them the way a man like them would want to be spoken to, and suddenly the information I'd want would pour out of them. Easily” 
“But why do it if it wasn’t necessary?” 
“Because it kept me one step ahead. I attained information no other Council member had. Their confessions helped me out on multiple missions. I know who's connected to who, and who to avoid, where these people stay, what threats they pose. Besides, you and I both know how slowly the Council can move at times. I’ve just pushed myself to have a head start” 
“So you’d... seduce these... men into giving you information, out of your own will?” 
“Yes, Kenobi. I did” you said, your eyes switching from his face to the single drink remaining, you leaning forwards to grab it, your pulse jumping as you pretending to ignore the way Obi Wans eyes watched your moving frame, “But nothing I've done is against the Jedi code, nor is it a crime” 
“Not yet. You’re yet to inform me about this ‘room 24’” 
You remained silent as you rested back into the seat, you bringing the drink to your lips as your eyes lingered on Obi Wans, your stomach beginning to churn at the thought of you sharing your deepest secret to the man you’d wish to keep your secret from most. 
“Or you can tell the rest of the Council themselves, I'm sure they’d love to know” he said, his tone flat as he slowly began shuffling himself out of the booth, you immediately snapping your hand to wrap around his forearm stopping him in his tracks. 
“Don’t! Just... Believe me, Obi Wan, it’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be” 
“And why should I have faith in your words? You can’t even tell me what is that you’re hiding, how can I trust that!” 
“Okay... Just sit, please” 
With a small huff, he returned to his previous position, spinning himself around to face the bar behind him, arm waving towards the empty tray on the table before adjusting himself to face you once more, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he did so. 
“If you’re going to make me stay, I might as well make it worth my while” he said coolly as one of the bartenders approached the booth with a full tray of drinks, swiftly placing it on the table, replacing the now empty one. He reached forward, his body barely lifting from the back of the seat as he grabbed the glass, his eyes looking deeply into yours as he took a sip causing the pits of your stomach to ignite with warmth. “Now finish the story, or I'm leaving. Don’t make me regret this decision” he said, following with your name at the end of the sentence. 
You wanted to push him, tease him about how precious the Council was to him, but you bit your tongue as you drowned the rest of your drink fully knowing there was no way out of the hole you unwillingly dug yourself in.  
Here goes nothing. 
“I was here every few weeks, doing the same routine. But... one night, things sort of changed. This scoundrel from Coruscant's south, no matter how hard I pushed, he gave no information on what I wanted to know. At first, I was in control, but the more we consumed, the more I... drifted from my purpose. Things started to take a turn, and... well, one thing led to another, and we... you know. I didn’t end up getting the information I wanted out of him, so when I came back, I tried again with someone who had connections to the scoundrel, but I was met with the same fate. After that, my purpose for coming to this side of town had a... different meaning” 
As the words left your lips, Obi Wans entire demeaner shifted, his relaxed composure becoming stiff, his jaw locked with tension as his eyes glared at you, a pit of rage boiling within him at your confession. Yet he kept himself together, trying to attain his burning jealousy as you continued your story. 
“Grolo, whenever I'd return, he’d allow me to stay in a room here with these... people. Room 24. He had trust in me, because I'd brought in good revenue for him with all my previous assignments, and he refused each man from leaving the next morning without covering the bill for the night's stay. We build sort of an understanding, a bond – myself and Grolo. I supplied him with customers, he supplied me with a free room” 
Concluding your confession, you released the deep breath you didn’t know you were holding back, you shotting the remainder of your drink before speaking once more, “That's all it is, Obi Wan. I’m not a criminal, or a cheat to the Council, so you can drop the need you so desperately have to inform the Council of any of this” 
You both sat in a momentary silence, your heart hammering in your chest as you waited for any sort of response from Kenobi, his silence out of character. Yet your pulse was met with a match, Obi Wan feeling as though his own heart was bound to leap out of his chest any moment due to the spiraling anger within him. Images began to play in his mind of the story you shared, flashes of your naked frame entangled with another - someone who wasn’t him - blinding his vision entirely, him taking no note of the rattling glass in his hand until the soft call of his named tore him from his thoughts. 
“... Obi Wan?” you mumbled, your hand reaching out towards him, your fingers barely grazing his skin before he pulled back, his voice a sharp slice as he spat his words. 
“You’re unbelievable!” 
“I’m sorry?” you questioned, your already hammering heart going into overdrive from his outburst. 
“Are you in some state of delusion? You’d be foolish to believe any of this is okay” 
"What are you... I told you I've done noth-” 
“There's something in this lifestyle you’re hiding amongst that you truly desire. These relations, you want them more than you’re allowing yourself to believe. You’ve gone against me-… Against the Jedi Code. I thought you were smarter than this, but clearly, I was wrong about you” 
Absorbing his belittlement, your shock was quickly switched to anger, you hurt that he was speaking to you this way after you opened to him for the first time about something nobody else knew, something that you would’ve never had spoken on if it wasn’t for his threats in the first place. 
“Don’t try and act as though you’re innocent, Obi Wan, like you’ve never had some fun before. We all remember whatever it was that happened between yourself and Dutchess Satine!” The Dutchess’s name on your tongue left a sour after taste, a quick flash of memories passing through your mind as you spoke, images of Obi Wan watching the woman fondly, her arm entwined with his and they walked together, the memory so bitter in your mind that it only added fuel to your already wild flame. 
“What you’re doing is incomparable to that. It was a moment of clouded judgement, of weakness. It was a half-whited act, but nowhere near as close to what you’ve been doing” 
“My business is different!” The alcohol you’d consumed began to take full effect, you unaware of just how loud you were both shouting at one another until you noticed the turning of heads surrounding the booth, various eyes falling on yourself and Obi Wan. 
“And how is that?!” 
“You formed an attachment, I didn’t! You got entangled with emotions, I'm only after momentary fulfillment!” 
“You are surely blinded! This is outrag-” 
You weren’t sure what pushed you over the edge – possibly the heat flushed against your cheeks or the tears beginning to well behind your eyes - but you finally got fed up with the ongoing argument, you swiftly rising from the seat, your body swaying slightly as you shuffled yourself towards the exit of the booth.  
Before you had the chance to walk off, you felt a forceful grip suddenly wrap around your wrist, his soft plea for you to stop barely audible as you cut him off immediately, snatching your arm from his as you spat back, “Don’t!” 
Shocked expressions were blurred around you as you stormed off, the effort of not allowing your hot tears to spill over blocking out the calling pleas of your name from behind you. You repeatedly attempted deep breaths as you pushed your way around passing creatures, your shaky hands a direct result of the alcohol and adrenaline cocktail flowing through your bloodstream. 
Muscle memory navigated you through the various hallways leading you towards the back rooms, your fingers dancing along the keypad of the door you knew too well, a small flash of green blinking before the door unlocked, you pushing the steel frame open. Immediately you were welcomed with dim lighting, the smell of vanilla wafting through your nose as you waved your hands towards your face, your palms cuffing your eyes as you exhaled sharply. 
For a few quiet moments, you stayed in that position, the fire inside you putting up a continuous fight towards your attempt of calming yourself, you completely unaware of the presence that had joined you in the room until you heard the thunder of the steel door forcefully closing behind you causing you to rapidly twirl in shock, your hands ripping from your eyes as they connected with the blue eyes glairing back at you. 
You watched each other in silence, the anger within you sparking up at the sight of him, your previous attempts at becoming calmer thrown out the window within seconds. As his eyes scanned your frame, his somewhat stiff stance loosened, his eyes softening as he absorbed your upset state. His mouth opened to speak, but before he had the chance to mutter a single syllable, your words silenced his, the sentences freely falling from your lips. 
“When all this began, for the first time in my life, I felt as if I was lifted from any burden. Weightless from all responsibilities. No rules, no restrictions, no Council or Jedis. Do you know how freeing that felt? To be nothing but a girl having some fun with a stranger at a bar? It was like being able to breathe again for the first time!” 
He listened to each word you spoke, his mouth remaining shut as he stepped towards you, you moving yourself in the opposite direction as he did so. 
“It was harmless fun Kenobi! Believe it or not, I really don’t care, but that’s all it was! And if you’re so opposed by it, go ahead and tell the Council!!” 
“No” he mumbled flatly, his eyes never leaving yours as his head shook, his body moving another step closer to yours. 
“Why not?!” you shouted, the back of your knees finally hitting the edge of the bed as you backed away from his approaching body, “Maybe they’ll believe you, banish me from the temple. You’ll be able to reign free, the great General Kenobi at the peak of his game!” 
“No” he repeated, this time louder as he began to close in on you, a warm puddle forming in the pit of your stomach as you noticed a glimmer of crazy in his eyes that you’d never seen before. 
“Thats what you’ve strived for all these years, isn’t it? The moment I stepped foot in that temple you wanted me out of there! Nows your chance! I know this is what you want to do, so just do it!” 
Within the blink of an eye, his arms extended in front of him, his warm palms landing on your waist as he pulled you towards him, your chest slamming into his, your breath knocked from your lungs at the contact. His head tilted down to meet yours, one arm removing itself from your waist only to place itself on your chin, his fingers pinching your skin as he directed your head to face his. 
“You have no idea what I want!” 
The small blow of his breath drifted across your open lips, the sensation sending a wave of tingles down your spine, a pool of warmth forming between your weekend legs as his angered eyes peered into your own. 
“You think having you removed from the council is what I desire? To not have you within reach, have you out of my eyesight for even a single second? I would rather take a blade to the skull than to have you out of my life, leaving me miserable while you’re out there being fulfilled by some low life stranger who doesn’t even know your real name” 
As the last sentence left his lips, he pulled your body as close as possible, your heart fluttering as you breathily gasped, his following words causing you to almost fall to your knees as he whispered them onto your flushed skin, “They could never do what needs to be done with you. You don’t even know what real fulfillment is” 
Lifting your head, his fingers still attached to your skin, you inched your face towards him, you pausing at the soft touch of his lips brushing yours, your words vibrating the curve of his bottom lip as you whispered, “...Then why don’t you show me?” 
The breath was knocked from your lungs once more as your frame was suddenly pushed backwards, you collapsing onto the mattress with force, Obi Wans body close behind you as he softly landed on top of you. Leaving no time to waste, he spread his knees to rest on the outsides of your thighs, his hands grabbing at your waist once more as he shuffled you towards the top of the mattress, your body effortlessly tossed towards the soft pillows.  
Barely able to settle from his rapid moving of your body, he crawled his way back on top of you, his lips immediately connecting with the base of your jaw causing an audible sigh to clear from your lungs. 
“You have no idea...” he started, each word interrupted by a sloppy kiss as he worked his way down your neck, “how deeply I've wanted... how deeply I've... needed you” 
His confession made your mind swirl, your hands instinctively gripping at his clothing, trembling fingers unbuttoning and tugging the fabric away from his torso as he roughly worked his mouth across your skin. With each suck and nip, your breaths drew deeper which only seemed to encourage him more. 
“For countless years... my every waking moment” he breathed, his hips connecting to meet with yours, you noticing the stiffness between his legs for the first time causing you to groan, “... has been consumed with thoughts of you” 
His upper body now rid of clothes, you suddenly felt extremely warm in your own clothing, your head tossing to the side as you struggled to free your arms from the twisted scarf clinging to them. Noticing your movements, Obi Wan withdrew himself from your neck, his movements twice as fast as he assisted in removing your scarf, him balling the item up and tossing it behind him, you taking the small moment to focus on his lips, the skin dark and plump, the wetness glazed across the his lips giving you the urge to connect your own with his. 
Returning to face you, his eyes caught sight of your gaze, his heart skipping a beat when you made contact with him. Your flushed cheeks and darked pupils almost sent him into a complete frenzy, but the small pull of your soft smile drew him back into reality, him needing to clear any doubts before continuing, his one arm keeping him hovered above you while the other stroked a strand of hair from your cheek. 
“If... if this isn’t what you want, we can st-” 
Unable to wait a moment longer, you snaked your arms around his neck, drawing him into you as you pushed your lips onto his. The moment you made contact, pure euphoria spread itself through each nerve in Obi Wans body, him kissing you back twice as hard as his heart leaped in his chest. Finally, he thought. 
You pulled back slightly, your attempt to speak cut short as Obi Wan eagerly chased your lips, him deepening the kiss the moment his skin met yours, not wanting to spend another second away from your lips.  
You allowed him to take you in, his lips dancing along with yours as his hips began to slowly grind onto you, your soft sigh tumbling into his mouth causing him to kiss you deeper. 
“Obi” you mumbled, him humming in reply, completely engulfed by bliss, his lips never leaving yours.  
“Obi Wan” you repeated, this time louder as you pulled away from him with a small laugh. 
As much as you were enjoying the sensation of his lips on yours, the ever-growing pulse between your legs was growing stronger with every passing moment, and you were on the edge of becoming desperate.  
“What is it?” Kenobi questioned, his eyes clouding with doubt as he scanned your face, your delicate hand now combing back his long hair welcoming him with immediate reassurance. 
“I need you...” Your simple worlds caused the man to completely crumble, the sentence one he’d dreamt of for countless years, certain he’d never have the pleasure of being on the receiving end when you said it. Yet there he was, laying on top of the woman he loved, the worlds a looping constant in his mind as he watched you. “... Please” 
As if sprung back to life from the dead, he didn’t want to wait a single moment longer, his hands frantic as they reached around to the back of your neck, unfastening your dress and peeling the fabric from your upper body and down to your hips, you shuffling on the mattress, assisting him in any way you could. Pulling the material down your legs, he used one hand to toss it behind him, the other tugging the shoes from your feet before he did the same to himself, ridding him of his pants and footwear before returning his attention to you. 
Stoll hovering above you, he spends a small moment ogling at your naked torso, the way your sprawled hair and tinted cheeks complemented your exposed skin. He was certain he was in the presence of an angel, wishing he could freeze the sight of you before him and stare at it for eternity, yet the harness between his legs prevented him from doing otherwise, him lowering himself to your chest. 
His hands roamed freely across your skin, the sensation of his drifting fingers leaving your hairs standing on edge as his mouth now worked itself across your shoulder blades, each hot kiss leaving a trail of wetness behind. 
Even though you had no intention of staying quiet, small sighs and groans fell freely into the air, each one growing louder as Obi Wan worked his way down your body, him coming to a standstill as his mouth reached your breast. 
His mouth occupied with one, his hand now toying with the other, your breathing grew heavier in pleasure, only spiraling the frenzy that burned inside Obi Wan.  
“Oh my... oh my god” you breathed, your hands shifting between the back of his shoulder blades and the strands of his hair. 
“You’re so beautiful” he mumbled dreamily, his mouth and hands switching positions as he worked himself across to your right breast, his hand now kneading your left. 
Although you were coursing with pleasure, you still needed more, you growing impatient with his slow teasing.  
“Obi Wan, I...” 
“Yes, my darling?” 
“I need more” 
“More?” he teased, his head lifting from your chest and snaking its way to your neck, him now trailing a row of small pecks to your ear, pausing to whisper, “Tell me what you want” 
“Your hands. Please, Obi” 
An exhale of laughter blew into your ear, Obi Wans mouth finding your own as his hand snaked its way down your body, his hand slightly trembling as it reached the lining of your underwear. He toyed with the edge of the fabric, your lips mashing with his as your hips lifted in reflex to the touch, pushing him to continue. 
As his fingers dug beneath the fabric, you released a rumbly moan into his mouth, the sound causing him to eagerly press further, the pads of his fingers collecting wetness as he explored. Your sounds of pleasure grew more rapidly as his fingers moved, him finding your bundle of nerves with ease causing you to cry out and press up onto his hand, a smirk forming on his face as you did so. 
Both your palms now held his cheeks, keeping his lips pressed against yours as his hand worked on your below, a rhythm forming in his movements causing a buildup to form within you, a pressure initiating in your core.  
Keeping his thumb on your bud, his index and middle finger explored lower, pausing at your opening.  
“Is this what you desire?” he asked between kisses, his voice low and rough. You nodded in agreement, your eyes shut in bliss as his thumb continued its movements. 
“You words. I need your words” 
“Yes!” you cried desperately into his mouth, a sigh leaving both of your lips as his fingers entered you.  
His movements started slow, him taking in each new feeling as his fingers slowly worked in and out, but it wasn’t until he felt the connection of your hip meeting his hands that he allowed himself to speed up, your continuous moans on his lips reassurance that you were enjoying yourself. It wasn’t long before the tension within you began rapidly building to new heights, the two of you breathing deeply into one another. 
“Obi...” you moaned, your mouth detaching from him, bottom lip falling slack as your skin began to tingle with pleasure, “I’m... I'm close” 
His movements stayed steady, your hands beginning to shake as you drew closer to your release until everything suddenly stopped, his fingers inside you now a ghostly presence as he removed his hands from beneath your underwear, bringing them to his own, him pulling the fabric down as you gaped at him in disbelief of what he’d just done. 
“Why did you st-”  
Your questioning was interrupted with a firm, sloppy kiss, you jumping at the return of his hands as they fell on the side of your leg, grabbing the fabric of the only remaining piece of clothing on your body before tugging them down your thighs. 
“I need to feel you, now” he said as he leant back on his knees, readjusting to both of you around so that his legs were between yours, your legs bent and thighs spread as he lowered himself, his body straight as he hovered above you once more. His free hand grabbed his shaft, lining it up with your core, his eyes peering up at you as he did so. 
“Are you s-” 
“Obi” you groaned in annoyance, your body still tingling from his edging just before. 
“I need you to be sure” he said back with a competitive tone, yet the small smile on his face revealed anything but anger. 
“I want you Obi Wan. Right now. Please” 
With your green light, he thrusted his hip towards you, your entrance welcoming his tip as he lowered himself into you, the sounds leaving both of your mouths a cocktail of pure pleasure. He moved slowly, wanting to prevent causing you any discomfort but also needing to savor the feeling. This really is heaven, he thought. 
Dragging himself in and out, he refused to pick up his pace until you granted him to do so, a wave of excitement spreading through him as your hips began to meet his. He entered you with more force, hip colliding with yours as he rocked into you, causing you to cry out in satisfaction. 
“Faster” you mumbled, your head falling sideways as he began to move more vigorously. 
“What was that?” he teased, pretending to not hear your words. 
“Please, faster, Obi Wan!” you cried. 
His speed doubled as he worked into you, both of your bodies rocking in sync as he lowered his mouth to your neck, his lingering pecks growing sloppier as he the time passed, vocal groans and heavy puffs rumbling against your now tender skin. 
The familiar building began to form within the pits of your stomach once more, your hands reaching out to claw at the exposed skin of Kenobi's back as you breathlessly moaned, “Fuck... You’re so good” 
“Mmmh hmmm” you nodded, his lips snaking their way down to your chest once more before returning to your face, his forehead resting on yours as his wild eyes peered down into yours. 
“No other scum can please you the way I can” he groaned somewhat angrily, his lips pressing onto yours forcefully as his thrusting hardened causing a cry to crawl itself out from your throat, “Only I can... God, only I can have you like this. Tell me only I make you feel this good” 
“Obi Wan!” you called, your chest rising and falling rapidly as the ache in your core drew closer to release. 
“I said tell me!” he paused, his hand snaking its way down to your thigh, gripping the skin and hiking your leg up beside him causing his thrusts to fall deeper inside you. 
“It’s only you, Obi- Oh my... Only you make me feel this good!” 
“That’s right...” he cooed, placing a kiss to your swollen lips as his forehead returned to yours, his eyes lapping up the visual pleasure displaced across your face.  
Your cries both messy and loud, your hands began to shake once more as you were now on the edge of your release, Obi Wans own pent up tension a reflection of yours as he bucked into you. 
“I’m... I’m...” you stuttered, your hands frantic on his skin as his breath fanned your face, you unable to finish your sentence as his mouth returned to yours for a final time, his free hand gripping your skin tightly as you reached your peaks, you crying out inaudible appraisals as you came undone, your nails digging into Obi Wans flushed skin as he rocked into you, his release directly chasing yours, his loud moans echoing in your ears.  
You rode the wave of your highs together, his hips continuing to rock into yours as he emptied himself inside of you, his mind a haze of complete bliss as you held him, your rocky breaths across his skin sending shivers down his spine. 
You stayed like that for what you wished could be an eternity, basking in the euphoria that coursed through your veins as you both relaxed into one another, you gasping as Obi Wan removed himself from your warm walls before plummeting onto your frame, your skin to skin contact an immediate warming comfort.  
Catching your breaths, your hand raked the skin on his back, your palms soothing the red scratches you created just moments before as he delicately placed fluttery kisses on your already bruising collarbones. Neither of you had spoken a word, you both basking in the moment, absorbing the affections you were gifting to one another before Obi Wans head rose from your chest, his eyes slightly glassy as he drew in your attention. 
“As cathartic as that was... we do have an assignment to complete” he joked, the hair on his chin tickling the skin on your chest as it bounced with laughter, you tossing your head back with a groan before peeking down at him once more, his wide smile a reflection of your own. 
“I hate you, Kenobi” you teased, your hands snaking their way up through his hair, your fingers pausing to give a section of strands a slight tug as you spoke causing his smile to widen. 
“My darling, I hate you more than you’ll ever know” 
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thelazybard · 30 days
I'm not sure if you know anything about Delta Squad. But perhaps can I request Bad Batch x Fem Padawan reader who was first adopted by Delta Squad and when order 66 happened she was recused by Bad Batch, after attempting to use the force to stop them from harming her.
What a great first request!
This is gonna be a long one so buckle in
F!Reader x Bad Batch: Being saved from Order 66
warnings: Order 66, slight canon divergence, character death, Crosshair never follows Order 66, betrayal, angst, hurt/comfort, use of force speed because why did we never see that after Episode One, light fluff
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This can't be happening.
What was even happening?
One second you and Delta Squad are on Kaller celebrating the death of General Grievous and the seeming end of the Clone War. The next, you're running as fast as you can, as far as you can, away from your squad; your family, who are now doing everything they can to find and destroy you.
You were Master Shaak Ti's padawan, and once helped her oversee the prowess of the clone army. But soon the war effort called you off-world to lead a special force of clone commandos. Master Shaak saw this as a way to know for certain if you were ready to be Knighted, since you were an adult now.
Boss, Scorch, Sev, and Fixer were apart of Delta Squad, and looked to you for guidance as their Commander. It was unnerving at first, being away from your master's calming presence and not being able to seek her guidance at a moment's notice.
But, you eventually proved your worth as a commander, and soon a knight. At least you would have if there was an Order to return to after this last mission.
You will never forget, Sev was the first to draw his rifle on you. At first you thought it was some distasteful joke. You weren't a stranger to your squad's pranks.
But when you sensed his index finger curl, and heard the faintest tick of his trigger being drawn back, you couldn't help the reflex of igniting your saber and swinging the blaster bolt back into your opponent's shoulder.
Sev had cried out, and even to this day his cry echos through your mind in the late of night.
Then the others drew your weapons and that's when you ran. You refused to fight them. Not because you couldn't, but because you wouldn't. They were your friends, your brothers. You lead them through their first campaign on Geonosis, laughed with them, cried with them. Celebrated victories and healed their wounds.
Clone Force 99 found you cornered between Delta Squad and the icy canyon below the ridge you stood on.
"Just stay back! Please!" You pleaded, lightsaber drawn and eyes glossed over with tears. You weren't in fear for yourself, but instead afraid of what you'd have to do to ensure your survival.
They weren't speaking to you. Why weren't they speaking to you?
"We've got her now, boys. Open fire on the target." Boss said to his brothers.
It was with those words that it was finally able to register in your head.
Something definitely happened, that was for certain. They were given orders from someone that superseded you. If that was the case, nothing you could say or do would stop them from completing their mission. You damned their unwavering loyalty before you sprung into action.
You'd always held back when sparring with your brothers. You were quicker, stronger, and could see their moves before they made them. You never let them win, only kept up with them until they grew tired, which granted took a while. But now it was life or death, you understood that now as you sliced their rifles in half, blocked their punches and parried their melee attacks before even they knew what they were moving to do.
The Batch watched the scene unfold from the treeline, still unsure of whose side they should be taking. Echo advocated stepping in right away on your behalf, but the jury was still out with the rest. Besides, it didn't look like you needed help.
Nothing like this has ever happened before. The Jedi were trustworthy, no? Especially the padawan of Shaak Ti.
They knew you in passing. You've interacted with the batch a few times, usually just accompanying Shaak Ti during their assessments. The Batch teased each other for their crush on you, and had taken every chance they could to pass you in the sterile hallways on Kamino. Now, that beautiful, calming padawan was fighting for her life.
In this moment you were other-worldly. It was nearly impossible for the batch to keep track of your form weaving through the four supersoldiers, blocking their attacks as you still clung to hope they'd come to their senses.
"She's not just killing them." Crosshair said.
"She doesn't want to." Echo replied.
Hunter had heard through the grapevine of padawan Ahsoka's alleged treason, that was later learned to be false. Could it be the same, here?
When Hunter finally finished mulling it over and called for CF-99 to aid you, they dove through the shrubs to stun your opponents while their attention was still fixated on you.
You watched in shock as Delta Squad's bodies crumbled to the ground around you, not realizing what happened until you saw the clones at the treeline.
"Commander," Hunter greeted you, worry wrinkling his brow.
"Sergeant. They tried to kill me! What is happening?" You asked.
"That's what we're trying to find out. But it isn't safe for you here."
"It doesn't appear it is safe for her anywhere," Tech interjected, eyes fixated on his datapad. "It says here the Jedi Order had commit treason against the Republic, and we are to eliminate all targets under Order 66."
"Treason? The entire Jedi Order? What could be the... Fives!" You breathed, your fingers draping over your mouth.
"Fives what?" Echo asked.
"He tried to warn me about a plot against the Jedi. I wanted to believe him, but before he could prove it he was–" You sighed and shook your head, sheathing your saber so you could dig the heels of your palms into your temples as the world you once knew was flipped upside down.
"We have to get you out of here. If the other clones planetside know you're here they'll try to..." Hunter said.
"I understand. It seems I will have to–" You nearly doubled over as an unfamiliar senstation dug through you like a vibroblade.
The tether between you and Shaak Ti was severed. She was killed.
You regained your footing with the help of Wrecker who steadied you.
"Master Ti. They- they killed her."
Hunter sensed regs closing in on your location. "Come on. We have to go, now!" He barked.
Running alongside the batch, tears streamed across your cheeks as you grappled with the fact that Master Ti, the woman who raised you, taught you, protected you, was cut down and you weren't there to stop it. Or at least die with her.
You boarded the Maurader and Echo helped you into a seat as you were overcome with emotions. Emotions you were taught to supress spilled out of you with the wound Shaak Ti's death left. Your shoulders quivered as you sobbed softly to yourself.
You were sad, angry, and scared.
"Take me to the nearest planet that doesn't have a Republic nor Separatist occupation," You finally said when the tears subsided. "I can't return to Kamino. I must hide until I figure out what is happening."
Tech nodded before keying in coordinates and making the jump to hyperspace. It would be a few days before you arrived, so it was time to get comfortable with your company.
The Clone Sergeant didn't know what to say to you for the first few hours.
Partly because he'd never conversed with you one-on-one and was nervous to talk to the pretty Jedi that was the object of his affections for the past few years.
Your entire squad just betrayed you. He couldn't imagine how that must feel. He didn't want to.
At first, every time he looked at you he was reminded of his greatest fear, and couldn't face it.
Eventually he decided he had to say something, gazing at your form curled up in a seat, seeming far away.
It wasn't until Crosshair literally shoved him in your direction did he finally approach you.
"Uhh, Commander... I... can't imagine what you're going through right now. If you need anything, let me know, yeah?" He asked.
"Thank you," You replied, voice small and strained now as you try to grapple your emotions.
"And, for what it's worth... You fought well. I think Delta Squad is lucky to have such a commander. I'm sorry they betrayed you. You won't get that from us."
You smiled at him and his heart stopped.
He wasn't sure of where you'd end up after they took you somewhere safe, but he was determined to cross paths with you again.
Echo has the most experience out of the batch when it comes to working with Jedi. He understood their overall nature; Kind, calm, wise.
You were no different. It's why he was picking his brain for any reason clones would be ordered to murder you.
Echo knew you before his accident. It was your faith in him and the rest of Domino Squad that drove him to work together with his team. He'd been smitten with you ever since.
"Are you alright?" He asked, coming to sit across from you.
You looked up at him, and his chest tightened as the two of you made real, undivided eye contact with each other for the first time in years. Your eyes were wiser now, even while saddened.
"I'm... shaken. And trying to cope with the fact that I will have to leave everything I've known if it means I'll survive."
"You've still got us," Echo offered. "We don't really know what's going on either, but you can trust us. You can trust me."
"Thank you, Echo."
"Anytime. I... appreciate, all you've done for me and my brothers in the past. It's the least I can do for you now."
You reached over to touch his hand that rested in his lap, and he only froze a little. The look you then gave him when your eyes met again was a look he'd never soon forget.
After a day of being on the Maurader with you, Wrecker knew he wanted to cheer you up. But he wasn't sure how.
He started with offering you his favorite flavor of ration bar, which you politely declined. Not much of an appetite.
Nodding, he left and returned with Lula, making her dance around you as he hummed a tune, and eventually bonked you on the head with the plushie to provoke a laugh.
His brothers told him to leave you alone but you assured them it was fine.
You liked Wrecker. He was silly and said what was on his mind.
His humorous way of cheering you up seemed to be working.
He crouched down to your level, looking up at you to meet your eyes and smiled. "C'mon Commander, let's hear that pretty laugh." He said.
He thinks it's pretty?
You thought back to your handful of interactions, and found you had chuckled a few times here and there.
This encouraged a soft giggle out of you.
"Thank you, Wrecker. I really needed that."
"Anytime, Commander."
Tech has never seen anyone cry before. Not really, anyways.
He's seen people cry in the holofilms, and knew it was something you did when you were sad.
But Clones were in many ways emotionally stunted, even moreso Tech.
So watching you cry, well... it stirred something in his chest he'd never quite felt before.
He knew you were sad, that much was clear.
But how do you comfort someone who's crying!
"Don't fret. Your tears are simply a pathological response made to relieve some of the traumatic stress you may be feeling." Tech explained sagely as he sat beside you.
"That's... good to know, Tech. Thank you."
He then passed you a ration bar. "Here you must eat. You will need your Jedi strength."
His unconventional way of displaying his affection was oddly charming. Doting on you like a mother hen while also explaining the science behind your emotions in painful detail to alleviate your worry.
You'd always seen through Crosshair's stoic, brooding demeanor.
You knew there was a storm of thoughts and feelings swirling around that noodle of his.
There was so much he was thinking at any point in time, so much he could say.
And he knew you knew. Everytime you two locked eyes, he felt you looking right through him into something more than what met the eye.
It was unnerving. He didn't like being seen in that way. Mostly because he didn't know what it'd entail.
Your eyes were duller now after what transpired, like you yourself had built up your walls into your own psyche.
It was like a thorn in his heart, not being able to see you like he did. So that's what it felt like.
He wanted to be let in.
"Need an ear?" He offered when it was just you two aboard the ship.
He didn't mean to startle you right as you exited the refresher after your sonic shower, but it was on his mind since he saw you disappear to freshen up.
"What?" You said, eyes alert suddenly.
"If you need to talk, I'll listen." He reiterated more clearly this time.
You looked down, shoulders shrugging weakly. "I'm not even sure what I want to say that would help."
He nodded his head in the direction of the cockpit and you followed him to sit in the pilot chairs.
"Maybe it won't fix anything, but it will at least be off your chest."
You exhaled through your mouth, then nodded.
"I just can't believe... I was close to them. They were my brothers. I thought that no matter what, they wouldn't..." You began.
Cross listened intently to your grievances, nodding to let you know he was listening, humming occasionally. Finding out more about your personality in the process.
Finally, when you couldn't find anything else to add, you wiped your tears and sat back, sighing deeply.
He was right, it at least helped with the cinderblock weight on your chest grief gave you.
"Thank you, Crosshair." You said.
He looked into your orbs, then to the swirl of blue and white that was hyperspace. "Get some rest. You can have my bunk, I changed the linens this morning." He said.
Sorry if this took too long, I just really liked this idea and the words came spilling out.
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charliedawn · 1 year
Alright alright, I worked up the courage to ask about Star Wars. Can I get a How they would kiss you preference for Star Wars? Aniken and Han Solo and any characters you might want.
Anakin :
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The first time you kissed Ani, it was on the return of one of his missions and someone had told you that he had been hurt during said mission. You hadn't wasted a single second before climbing aboard ship before it even reached the ground, praying that Anakin was alright.
You found him in the medical bay, laid down on a bed and your heart missed a beat. You stepped forward to hold his hand and stroked the back of his hand with your thumb.
"Come on, Ani...Wake up. For me. Please."
You then kissed him, unaware of what was going on in Anakin's head—since you weren't force sensitive.
In Anakin's head :
'Play unconscious. Play unconscious. Play unconscious. Don't laugh. Don't freak out. It's not like Y/N is kissing you right now. They're going to be so mad when they discover it was a prank.'
And then, as if the force itself had summoned him, Obi-Wan stepped in and stopped dead in his tracks before eyeing the both of you suspiciously.
"What are you doing ?", he asked before folding his arms over his chest in disapproval. You suddenly took a step back and threw your hands in the air.
"It's...It's not what it looks like !", you tried to defend yourself—but Obi-Wan shook his head before looking straight at Anakin.
"Not you. You. Get up, Anakin.", he told him and you frowned in incomprehension, until Anakin started talking that is.
"Can't, master. I'm playing dead."
Your eyes grew wide and you were seriously debating on whether to be overjoyed by the fact that he was alright, or kill him yourself.
"No, you're playing the idiot. Now, get up.", Obi-Wan said knowingly and Anakin rolled his eyes before finally sitting up.
Obi-Wan sighed before walking away.
"You have five minutes."
The moment he was out, you glared at Anakin who addressed you a cheeky wink before asking.
"Sooo...You were worried, huh ?"
You restrained an eye roll before wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Ani...You are the biggest jerk in all the galaxy. And I'm mad at you. And it doesn't make any sense. But, I still love you."
You then kissed him again and he smiled at your words. He knew he was a fool, but it felt so good to be your fool—he would gladly spent an eternity being yours.
"If that's how you kiss all jerks, I'll gladly be the king of jerks."
You shook your head in disbelief before hitting his chest playfully. You then both burst into laughter and he took your hand before you left the ship to go home.
Anakin is passionate and playful. He'd do anything for a smile. And even when you're mad at him, he'd find a way to make you laugh and indulge into giving him what he wants.
He would have his kiss, no matter what.
Han Solo :
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You were one of the Rebel fighters and had met Han Solo when he was trapped on wookie territory. The Rebellion had sent you on a rescue mission and boy, were you skillful with a blaster.
He immediately noticed you and since then, had been unable to stay away.
Finally, he confessed his love for you just as he was on a mission to go stop Darth Vader.
"Hey, Y/N...I might not make it. So...Just wanted to let you know that I love you and try not to cry too hard if I..."
He wanted to reassure you, but he knew that the mission would be dangerous and decided to be honest with you. But, he didn't plan on you—grabbing him by the back of the neck to kiss him before he could utter another word. Not that he was complaining. But, he was actually trying to be a gentleman.
"Make sure you do.", you told him and Han blinked twice before chuckling nervously.
"Yeah...I'll do that."
He then went aboard his ship and you smiled before grabbing Chewbacca's hand before he also went inside after him.
"Bring our Han back in one piece, alright ?"
Chewbacca let out a loud roar in agreement before pulling you into a hug and you smiled—hiding your tears into his fur. You knew the mission would be dangerous, you weren't delusional. But, you were certain Han would be back. He had promised you afterall and Chewbacca seemed to believe the same. You stayed there until the Millennium Falcon was out of sight before returning to your duties.
A few days later :
When they returned, you ran into Han's arms and he gratefully accepted the rain of kisses you had in store for him. He had missed you too. He was so glad he could come back to you and blinked his tears away. He didn't think he would make it, but damn...He was mighty glad he did.
Han is into long and deeply heart-felt kisses. He may seem like the flirtatious and quick kisses type of man. But, he likes knowing someone is waiting for him. Once he has accepted you in his heart, he's not leaving your side and would spend hours kissing you if he could.
Poe Dameron :
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Poe had been held captive for so long, it was a shock when he suddenly reappeared and you dropped everything to run and wrap your arms around him. He chuckled and held you even closer while he peppered your face with kisses, trying to stop your tears.
"Ssh...I'm here. I'm here."
You had been so afraid he'd be gone for good this time, your legs gave under you, but Poe kept you steady. He cupped the back of your head and kept you close to him while he thanked his luck star he got another moment with you.
Poe is a pretty passionate guy. He is also often on a ship, flying into danger. So, every moment counts. He wouldn't lose any time and kiss you and embrace you every chance he gets—knowing it might be his last.
Kylo Ren :
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"You...wish to kiss me ?", Kylo Ren suddenly stated when you were both alone—reading your mind easily.
You sighed. Of course...
"Is that wrong ?", you asked—completely unashamed. It wasn't like you could hide anything from him. You thought he was a good leader in his good days (an awful one on his bad ones) and didn't see the point in trying to hide it. He seemed almost surprised for a second before answering you.
"Not to my knowledge. The human body has very unpredictable needs and I recall that the act of kissing is one of them...However...", he frowned slightly before adding. "I also recall that the act is to show affection to loved ones. So, why would you wish to partake in such an activity with me ?"
You shrugged.
"Because you are the only one who wouldn't be disgusted by the scars."
He tilted his head quizzically at you before you sighed and removed your helmet—showing him your old battle scars.
"Crenian acid. The Crenians can be quite creative with their torture methods. The acid slipped through my armor and disfigured me for life."
Kylo stayed silent while examining your features with attention. You did have red angry scars almost identical to his...but far numerous and even though he knew better than to judge, you wouldn't be considered pretty in any beauty standards he knew of.
But, he smiled.
Good. Because, he didn't like pretty.
He took a step forward and slowly reached for your chin to raise it in order for your eyes to meet. You eyes were a sight to behold though...Dark and magnetic. He could easily read your mind, but even if he did...There was always something he would miss—something he couldn't quite grasp.
"Do you really want this ?", he asked—even though you had thought about it for a long time and you nodded.
That's all the encouragement he needed.
He crashed his lips onto yours and muffled all sounds you could have made. He swallowed them and took pride in taking you by surprise.
Kylo Ren is possessive and quite violent in his kisses. He's not nice or sweet. But, he can be when he wants to...which is almost never. But sometimes, Ben would resurface and kiss you sweetly when he knows that you can't handle the other one. There'd be a constant battle within him and not only about the force—but about you as well.
Armitage Hux :
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"What do you want, soldier ?! Why call me to this floor when there are so many officers that could..?!"
"General Hux...I believe I want to kiss you.", you interrupted him and general Hux' eyes grew wide in shock. You had been close at the academy...But, he never thought...
"What ?"
"I want to kiss you.", you repeated and general Hux's jaw went slack in disbelief for a couple of seconds before he shook his head to regain his composure.
"You want to kiss me so badly, you'd really risk losing your life ?", he finally asked and you replied with a daring smirk—even though you were terrified inside.
"And what if I am ?"
He huffed a mocking laugh before shaking his head again.
"Then, you are insane. You are a stormtrooper. You shouldn't desire anything.", he reasoned and turned around to step away.
"Then, tell me, general...How come I desire you ?", you shot back.
He stopped dead in his tracks and gave you a quizzical side glance. You smiled and reached forward for his hand before wrapping it around your wrist and positioning his thumb above your pulse point. You wanted him to feel it...feel what you've always felt around him.
"How come...general ?", you repeated softly—but with more insistance this time around as he seemed genuinely puzzled. He raised his other hand to wrap his fingers around your throat and feel the pulse there too...As if trying to decipher if you were being serious, or just tricking him into believing someone could ever want him...
"A default in your programming. A mere illusion that you are playing yourself to comfort your lonely nights..."
But, he didn't pull away. Seems like someone did have lonely nights as well...You leaned forward and he didn't stop you. When you lips touched, he let out a small gasp before holding you tightly against him. There was no logical explanation, no possible reasoning, none whatsoever as to why Hux suddenly felt the need to hold you...But, he did.
And, when you were the one who pulled back, you could see the flicker of disappointment in his eyes. But, he quickly got back his composure and stood up straight—a single strand of his red hair out of place the only proof of what you had just done.
He had trouble uttering the command and you smiled before finally agreeing. You wouldn't tell him how your heart was thrashing in your chest, threatening to jump out of your ribcage. He probably already knew from the moment you kissed, hence the small gasp of surprise.
What you didn't know was how general Hux himself became red in the face the moment you were out and tried to cover it—stabilizing himself by supporting himself on the back of a chair. One more minute and he would have melted right in front of you.
General Hux hides his emotions from sight, it doesn't mean he doesn't have any. He'd give you quick and sweet kisses when no one is looking and give you smiles only you could witness.
Obi-Wan Kenobi :
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To be honest, you weren't prepared for the first time you kissed Obi-Wan. He had pulled you from the crowd because he needed a native to escape the many stormtroopers and you had agreed to pretend being his wife/husband for a while—not to raise suspicion. You were an ally to the jedi cause and had tried to help him the best you could.
However, a stormtrooper had eventually cornered you in a dark alley and with no exit. He had asked you for your papers, but Obi-Wan didn't have any. Thankfully, your papers could suffice if you were considered family,but the stormtrooper was suspicious and refused to just drop it. You saw Obi-Wan touch the handle of his lightsaber. But, instead of alerting the others of your presence by killing the stormtrooper—you had another idea and suddenly pulled Obi-Wan by the collar to clash your lips against his.
The stormtrooper wanted to speak, but Obi-Wan raised a finger—as if asking him to wait for a minute while he kissed you back. The stormtrooper coughed and looked away. He really hadn't expected it and you smirked. At least now, he had proof you were together and you wiped your lips with a cheeky wink at the soldier before walking past him.
"That's my wife/husband.", Obi-Wan uttered with a dreamy smile—a slight note of disbelief in his tone before the stormtrooper let out a small snort at his words.
"....Lucky you."
Obi-Wan nodded in agreement before attempting to comb his hair back with his fingers. He then walked past the stormtrooper as well and that was how you succeeded in escaping inspection...and you became Obi-Wan's partner.
It is against the Jedi code to form such romantic attachments, but Obi-Wan was ready to bend the rules for you. You made him want to brave the Jedi council and anyone who would dare say that your love wasn't right.
His kisses would be the symbol of that, genuine, true and open. You wouldn't try to hide your love, no matter what...Because it is pure and beautiful.
Darth Vader :
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It was at a time when you thought you could bring back your old Anakin. You had followed Darth Vader in an attempt to make him see reason, but the day he decided to kill the children...that was the day you decided enough was enough.
You stood in his way and gave him an ultimatum.
If he was to hurt them, he would have to step over your cold dead body. You loved him and you knew better than to side with the jedi, but you wouldn't let him kill the kids. It didn't feel right. But, you didn't expect it when he lit his lightsaber and the terrible red hue made the children scream in terror behind you. You stayed put while Darth Vader wondered what he should do with you. Anakin used to be so fond of you, but there was no place for such affection in his heart no longer.
But, you still wanted to try.
You took a step forward and pleaded with tears in your eyes.
"Please, Ani...Don't do this. I love you."
The words he had dreamt of hearing so many times before—mere buzzing in the background of this uncontrollable anger he felt growing inside of him now. You knew words wouldn't be enough, so you raised your hands to gently cup his cheeks and place a tender kiss on his lips. You thought it would be enough, that he would feel your love in this kiss...And, maybe he did.
But, it was far from enough.
"...How dare you ?"
His words cut your breath short as he pushed you away with the force and you landed on the floor, your whole body shaking in pain as he screamed.
He raised his hand towards the children huddled together in a corner and you forced yourself to stand up again and stand in front of them.
"They are only children, Ani...Please..."
He saw the desperation in your gaze, but shook his head.
"It's too late, Y/N. You are too late.", he told you and your eyes widened at the clear accusation in his words. He was holding you as responsible for what he had become than the rest. And when his lightsaber raised in the air, you uttered a loud scream of frustration before drawing out your own lightsaber—your two weapons clashed against each other and showed you each other's faces.
You were scared of what you saw in his eyes, and so did he. His eyes softened for just a second at your tear-strained face and the hatred there. You hated that you loved him, you hated that it was too late and most of all, you hated your own powerlessness as you could only watch the love of your life fall into a pit of darkness without you...You wished your heart couldn't see right from wrong, but it did. And this...this was wrong.
"A—!" You tried to talk again, but he turned his head away. Anakin was dead. You should know that. So, why ? Why do you keep holding on to a memory ? But he took a step back and only glared at the children behind you before sighing in defeat.
"Go. Take the children with you. Before I do something I regret."
His voice was cold and commanding. You held back your tears before walking away. You couldn't stay, not if you wanted the children to survive.
"I'll come back for you.", you whispered.
Another empty promise that you both knew there was no way you could hold. But, he still gave you a weak smile and nodded knowingly before the door closed behind you.
"No. You won't..."
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gengamer110 · 10 months
Evercade - Sunsoft Collection 1 Preview
Up until recently, I did not care for the Evercade. I do really like the Evercade EXP. This collection includes these games: Mr. Gimmick Also known simply as Gimmick!, this is a cult classic platformer that was only released in Japan and Scandinavia back in the day. The story concerns a mysterious toy named Mr. Gimmick (Yumetaro in the Japanese original) who is tasked with rescuing his owner…
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webslinger-holland · 4 months
Running Bets | Hunter from The Bad Batch
Summary: The Bad Batch likes to make bets during missions, especially when things get really chaotic.
Warning: mentions of death, weapons, and droids being dismembered
Pairing: Hunter x Fem!Reader Jedi
Word Count: 3.5k
Type: Oneshot
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The Bad Batch were currently away on another one of their missions. They found themselves aboard a modified Providence-Class Separatist Dreadnought which served as General Grievous's main command ship. Their mission was quite simple: infiltrate the naval warship, retrieve a piece of valuable intel, and return it back to the jedi council.
A few years prior, the Kaminoans had specifically requested for the Jedi Council to select and send a Jedi to come work with the rebellious group of clones. They had hoped being under the command of a jedi master would beat them into shape and teach them how to properly follow orders.
However, the Kaminoans didn't know what they had gotten themselves into when General L/n was sent to work with The Bad Batch. She was the only jedi who jumped at the opportunity to lead the group of misfits since nobody else wanted to be assigned to them. She came with her own sense of recklessness that only added to the squads over-the-top plans and inability to follow order the 'right way.'
Now, just a few years later, the five members of the Bad Batch stood in front of a closed corridor on the dreadnought. There was a comfortable silence that settled over them which was only interrupted a few times by Crosshair clicking the scope of his sniper rifle, Wrecker cracking his knuckles in preparation for the fight ahead of them, and Tech tapping away at his data pad. They stared at the closed door right in front of them, growing slightly impatient.
"Ugh," Wrecker groaned while rolling his eyes in annoyance. "What's taking so long?"
"I am trying to crack into the ship's security system. It's a complex system, but once I'm in, I'll be able to access all the doors of the dreadnought and open this one for us," Tech explained to them. He was kneeling beside the data panel beside the door, pressing some buttons in the process.
The only problem was that the rest of them had tuned him out after the word 'security.'
"Why can't I just smash through the doors? It'll be a lot quicker than this," Wrecker argued.
"Because that would give away the element of surprise," Hunter interjected. "Nobody knows we're here."
"And I, for one, would like to keep it that way," General L/n added.
"Just hurry up, will you?" Wrecker groaned. "I'm dying to crush some droids."
"I've...almost...got...it," Tech said rather slowly while pressing buttons on the panel quickly.
The screen became illuminated with a shade of green, which shown in the reflection of his goggles adorned on his face. He was now granted access to the entire ship's security system via his data pad. He stood back up to join his brothers. He pressed a few buttons on his data pad to open the large sealed blast door in front of them.
"Eyes up. We don't know what we're up against on the other side of this," Hunter told the rest of the group. They waited for the door to open for them. He drew his own two blasters out of the holsters, keeping them ready for a fight.
The other members of the group seemed to follow his actions by readying their own weapons. The general, who stood in the front and center of the group, decided to pull her own two lightsabers from her belt. Her thumbs lingering over the button in preparation for activation. Her eyes trained on the sealed door in front of her, holding her breath in anticipation.
"Care to wager a bet, boys?" She hoped it would put the rest of them at ease.
"Don't we always?" Crosshair inquired with a slight hint of sarcasm in his tone.
"Loser has to clean the ship including the refresher," Y/n smirked to herself. She glanced over her shoulder to meet Wrecker's gaze.
"That's not that bad of a punishment," Wrecker scoffed while his shoulders slumped in slight disappointment.
"Have you seen the ship recently? Can't even see the floor," Hunter interjected.
"It has gotten pretty bad," Tech agreed. Oddly enough, Tech was easily one of the messiest ones because of all the little projects he left lying around. One could trip over all the cords and wires on the ground.
"Fine," Wrecker groaned more to himself. "Loser cleans the ship."
"Including the refresher," Y/n quickly added, not wanting him to miss out that little detail because she had every intention of making sure he lost today.
"Including the refresher," Wrecker grumbled under his breath.
"Whenever you're ready, Tech." The General was prepared for the fight ahead of them, keeping a firm grip on the two lightsabers in her grasp. She readjusted her stance and lifted her lightsabers up in a defensive manner.
Finally, as if on cue, Tech pressed a single button on his data pad which activated the blast doors in front of them. The doors began opening slowly from the center, retracting back into the walls and revealing the vast hallway corridor in front of them.
What the Bad Batch hadn't expected was to find the corridor completely packed with the traditional B-1 battle droids. There had to have been fifty or sixty of them standing around with blasters in hand. Their long yellow heads seemed to turn towards the source of the noise all simultaneously.
"A jedi?" One of the closer droids exclaimed in slight surprise. He pointed towards the group to signal the others. "Blast them!"
Before the droids even had a chance to start firing, General L/n had activated her two yellow lightsabers and charged straight towards the company of clankers. She dodged each of their shots, moving swiftly from left to right. Once she got close enough to them, she swiftly swung her lightsaber to slice through the base of their blasters, rendering them useless.
Behind her, the rest of them started firing their own shots and taking out droids while making their way down the corridor. Each of them showcasing their own unique style of fighting. While Crosshair usually lingered behind the group to take his precise shots, Wrecker always charged head on and fired wildly at anything in sight. There was Hunter who liked switching between blasters and blades, but often kept to his knifes as a preference. In contrast, Tech always carried two blasters and fired calculated shots.
Despite all their differences, the Bad Batch successfully worked together as a team. The General also had a different strategy. She always rushed head on; though it wasn't because she was eager for the fight, but more so because she wanted to protect the others if she could. Her two lightsabers acted as their only defense in many situations. And they trusted her enough to cover them.
Taking more droids down, Tech quickly maneuvered his way through a clear and open path until he stood in front of the next closed door. His twin joined his side and covered his back so he could have the time to open the next door without getting shot. However, when Tech pressed the button on his data pad, the doors in front of him didn't open and his data pad flashed red.
"Uh oh," Tech said to himself.
"Uh oh?" Hunter repeated. He grabbed the blade of his knife before throwing it across the room, sticking directly into a battle droid's head. "What does 'uh oh' mean, Tech?" Hunter demanded an answer.
"This door isn't opening," Tech explained shortly. He kept pressing buttons on his data pad in hopes that it would open if he tried a different combination.
"I thought --" Y/n grunted as she sliced through another droid. "You said you overroad the ship's security system and that you'd have full access to all doors."
"I did," Tech replied with a strong sense of frustration in his voice.
Pressing one final button, the door opened ever so slightly but then closed again. There had to be someone on the other side, operating the system to keep it closed from them.
"Someone is intentionally trying to keep this door closed and keep us out," Tech announced to the rest of them. His eyes scanned the vast space of the door, thinking about how he could get through.
"Well, get it open." Y/n replied.
Kneeling down beside the door, Tech got to work by prying the metal panel away from the wall. His skillful fingers threaded through the various colorful wires, searching for a cord to connect to his data pad. He called out to the others, saying he was gonna need a minute to break through.
As Tech worked steadily, Crosshair stood right beside him and fired strategically from his sniper's rifle. He took out droids who even turned in their general direction, not wanting them to get remotely close to them.
Just as the group of battle droids was beginning to thin, the doors on the left and right side of them opened to reveal more. The droids marched right into the fight, acting as the reinforcements to protect whatever was locked behind the main door. They fired relentlessly which was starting to put a strain on the group.
At some point, Wrecker had abandoned his rapid firing blaster and decided to just rip droids apart. It wasn't that hard of a task since they were made of a relatively cheap metal. He'd simply grab a droid, tear the limps off, and toss the remaining parts to the side. He threw one of the droid's bodies into the crowd coming into the corridor, which ended up knocking some of them down.
"I've got ten already!" Wrecker announced over the loud blaster fire echoing in the room. He smiled proudly to himself as he tore the arms off another droid.
"I'm on seventeen," Y/n called back. She could have sworn she heard the sergeant chuckled behind his helmet.
"Wha--" Wrecker was at a loss for words. He retrieved his blaster once again, firing rapidly in hopes of taking down more droids than his companion.
As she sliced through two more droids, Y/n turned her head and looked over her shoulder. She wore an amused smile on her face when she announced: "Nineteen!"
"You're falling behind, Wrecker." Crosshair taunted from the sidelines. He went to adjust his scope before pulling the trigger a few more times, watching the droids fall from behind it.
"Yeah? How many are you on?" Wrecker asked snakily.
"Don't worry about it."
In the center of the room, Hunter had pulled his vibroblade out of the sheath on his forearm. He jabbed the knife into the backs of droids, sendings jolts of electricity through them and taking their main computing systems out. He worked through the growing crowd of clankers, moving between them smoothly in a way that managed to dodge their firepower.
Upon turning, Hunter spotted a couple of them pointing their blasters directly at him. He dropped down to the floor just as they began firing, getting out of the way just in the knick of time. He summersaulted towards them, swiping his leg out to take out their legs from underneath them. The three droids fell to the floor. He plunged his knife into their heads before they had a chance to regain composure.
"How's that door coming, Tech?" Hunter inquired.
Now Tech was working steadily at cracking the system's code. He just needed a little bit more time, which he was certain his brothers could grant him. At first, Tech didn't respond to Hunter's question. All of the sudden, a battle droid had come to approach him and stood directly beside him.
"Halt," the droid ordered him.
Without looking up, Tech pulled one of his blasters out of his holster. He raised it quickly and fired a single shot, which managed to lodge itself directly into the droid's head. He pocketed his blaster again as the droid collapsed right beside him and went right back to work on the door.
"Just a few more adjustments," Tech replied to the others. He clicked a few more buttons on his data pad, but nothing that effected their current situation. They were still stuck in the corridor and more droids were filtering in by the second.
"You're taking a long time. Thought you were supposed to be the smart one," Wrecker called out. He grabbed another droid, raising it above his head and sending it hurdling down the corridor to take out another company of them.
"I am the smart one," Tech reassured them with a hint of bluntness in his voice. He did not look the slightest bit amused by Wrecker's comment.
"Heads up," Hunter announced.
He took out an electro magnet pulse grenade, pressed the button on the side to activate it and threw it into a crowd of droids coming into the corridor. The grenade landed at the feet of the droids before random bursts of electricity and energy surged from it. The droids' bodies shook from the electricity, shutting them down.
Despite their efforts, more droids just kept coming after them. It seemed like it was a never ending steady flow of them. When one droid went down, another two would come into the corridor to replace them. The amount of dead droids littering the ground with becoming overwhelming.
At some point, Hunter was firing shots towards droids coming from the left and Y/n was deflecting blasts coming from droids on the right side. They met in the center of the room; their backs pressing together. The two of them moved in a synchronized harmony, trusting that the other was able to cover their backs and silently communicating with their timed movements.
Tapping into the force. Y/n raised her two lightsabers over her head and forced them to form an 'x' shape directly in front of Hunter's helmet. This movement deflected a single blaster shot that was intended to strike the sergeant in the head. If it hadn't been for her senses and his stillness in that movement, Hunter would've taken the shot to the head. But that wasn't gonna happen on her watch.
"Thanks," Hunter peered over his shoulder.
"Don't mention it," Y/n waved it off.
With their backs pressed together, Hunter and Y/n continued to work together to take down the droids coming at them. The two of them moved with ultimate precision that they dominated the field. They'd never danced like this before.
At this point, Wrecker and Crosshair had stopped firing their own shots just to watch the others in action. The immediate threat was gone now as the number of droids firing at them had dwindled drastically.
Spotting the last four droids coming towards them in a line, Y/n took a single step away from her partner. She twisted her body to launch her lightsaber down the hallway, watching the yellow blade circle rapidly towards them. The lightsaber effortlessly sliced through the droids heads and they clattered to the ground. Before the lightsaber made contact with the wall, Y/n summoned it back into her hand and switched it off. She pocketed them both onto her belt.
The four members of the squad met in the center of the room while the other continued working on the connecting wires to his data pad. They briefly glanced at the mass amounts of unmoving droids by their feet, kicking a few limbs out of the way. At last, Wrecker flopped down on a small pile of droids. He looked at each of them with a strong sense of anticipation.
"Final count," Crosshair began. He adjusted the scope on his rifle for long range. He smirked to himself at the mere thought of winning the contest. "Thirty-three."
"Thirty-three," Wrecker repeated calmly. He nodded his head understandingly. "That's not bad for the squad's resident sniper."
Upon hearing this, Crosshair glanced up at him with eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. He halted his movements, studying the way his brother looked so pleased with himself.
"I, myself am sitting on thirty-four," Wrecker smirked to himself.
Before Wrecker could revel the fact that he outscored his younger brother in a battle, a single blaster bolt struck the droid he was sitting beneath right in between his legs. He glanced down at the sizzling strike.
"Thirty-four," Crosshair smirked to himself. He lowered his rifle once again.
"He was already dead," Wrecker argued.
"I saw him twitching," Crosshair suggested. He shrugged his shoulders at the notion. But Wrecker only became more enraged by this.
"He was twitching because I removed all of his limbs!" Wrecker shouted. Sure enough, the droid was still twitching slightly beneath him since the main operating system located in the head went undamaged in the fight.
"Are you two done yet?" Y/n wondered. She glanced between the two of them. "My final count was forty-eight."
"That's not fair," Wrecker groaned. "You had a head start."
"I always have a head start," Y/n recalled all of their missions together where she went charging head on to defend the others. "This wasn't any different than all the other times."
"Sergeant?" Crosshair questioned with a crocked eyebrow. The sergeant stood with his arms crossed against his chest; an amused look settling over his face.
"Fifty," Hunter announced.
The rest of them only groaned in utter annoyance. This was certainly not the first time the sergeant managed to outperform them and it wasn't going to be the last time. He claimed his victory silently, relishing the looks of disappointment on their faces.
"Looks like Wrecker and Crosshair will be cleaning the ship since they tied," Hunter told them.
"No," Wrecker went to argue. He rose to his feet. "Tech has to do it. He only got like four kills."
"Tech was a little occupied with other things. Like working on the door," Hunter told him. He glanced over his shoulder to find him still tinkering away at the data pad near the door.
"Then it should be Crosshair," Wrecker pointed to him. "That last one shouldn't count."
"Wrecker," Y/n called in a warning tone. "You both lost. Admit it."
"Fine," Wrecker huffed to himself. His shoulders slumping down at his sides. "I'll clean the ship," Wrecker added.
"And the refresher," Hunter recalled. She glanced at him through the corner of her eyes with nothing but admiration behind them.
"Yeah. Yeah. I'll do that too," Wrecker agreed to the terms.
Just then, Tech clicked the last button on his data pad to activate the door in front of him. His data pad glowed green, which meant the system had been overrun thanks to his expertise. The rest of them turned to direct their attention to the opening door, seeing the vast array of data forms in the control center.
Slowly, the Bad Batch came to approach the opening to the control center. Their eyes scanned over the various glowing white tubes attached to one central column in the room. Whatever they had come for, they were sure to find somewhere in there. Now they just needed their resident 'smart one' to locate the intel they'd come for.
"Nice work, Tech." Hunter spoke. "Let's locate the intel and get out of here as quick as we can."
All of the sudden, Y/n was able to feel a slight disturbance in the force. A dark wicked figure had graced their presence directly behind them. The sound of metallic claws for feet ground against the floor in approach. The presence was an all-too familiar one to go unnoticed or unrecognized.
The Jedi General had encountered this imposing figure one other time in her life, which was when he brutally murdered her master in combat. Ever since then, Y/n had grown to fear him and never wanted to face him. But now here he was standing behind them and blocking their only exit.
His cybernetic enhancements gave him exceptional strength, speed and reflexes to outmaneuver force-users. He wielded four lightsabers (one for each mechanical arm) and often overwhelmed the jedi with them. His most intimidating feature was his height alone, standing at nearly seven feet tall and towering over most of his encounters.
"General Y/n," the mysterious voice announced from behind them.
The other members of the squad quickly spun around on the heels of their feet, raising their blasters directly towards the menacing figure on the other end of the hallway. They moved to stand in front of their own general in hopes of protecting her.
"It's been a long time since our last encounter."
Now, coming to the realization that she could no longer run from her past, Y/n found herself turning around to face her demons. Her eyes landed on the familiar figure who had slaughtered her master, feeling her heart drop into the pit of her stomach.
It was almost like he could sense her fear of him despite not being a force sensitive being. He cackled to himself, which was something else that still haunted her too. She could still hear the way he laughed over her master's dead body. She went to retrieve her lightsabers from her belt, feeling the strong sense of anger overtaking her senses.
Because today would be the day she took down General Grievous.
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citruswriter · 29 days
The Echo of a Warrior
Pairing: Reader x Anakin Skywalker
Reader Is: Afab, gender neutral, former Jedi, firebender, trading merchant.
Anakin Is: Sith Lord, Uncharred (sorry ladies, no BBQ crispy Sith for you).
Citrus Rating: Orange, Lime if you squint
Warnings: They/Them pronouns, angst, little to no paragraphs, sloppy writing (been forever since I written), slavery mention.
A/N: This is solely based off a dream I had + me filling in the gaps and fuzzy parts. Lol. It's gonna be put into two parts. This is essentially the backstory, pt 2 will be the smut.
Listen in with me! ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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"Hey Anakin?" You rolled over onto your stomach and poked his face, causing the young Jedi Knight to crack his eyes open and side eye you. "Yes?" He questioned. "Do you think we'll be friends forever?" You asked. Anakin laughed softly, causing butterflies to flutter around in your tummy. Oh how you loved his laugh... "Of course we will, silly". He said, poking your face back. You held up your hand, raising a pinky. "Prooooooooomise?" You asked, causing Anakin to laugh again before lazily hooking his pinkie around yours. "Promise".
Chaos ensued at the temple. What was going on?! You had been peacefully sleeping when you were awoken by blaster fire. Without even dressing properly, you grabbed your lightsaber and ran out of your room, clicking the blade on. Was the Temple under a Separatist attack? You ran out only to find the clone troopers shooting up everybody in sight. Taking a step back in horror you froze. It was only until a trooper close to you raised a gun to your head did you really snap out of your trance. You swung your blade at him, cutting his gun in half. When he went to grab you with his bare hands, you slashed again, cutting them off. You fled out of plain view. This was bad. Really bad. You ran back to your room so you could quickly dress but was knocked down the ground by a body crashing into you. You yelped as you were thrown to the ground. Struggling to scramble to your feet, a hand gripped your throat and threw you against one of the Temple pillars. You looked up in panic. "Anakin?!' You gasped. The boys grip on you loosened. "A-Anakin. Anakin what the fuck is going on!" You panicked. "The Jedi Order had betrayed the Republic". He answered, eyes downcast. You stared at him. "You're lying". You muttered and the boy looked back up at you with his blue eyes. "When have I ever lied to you?" He growled, grip around your throat tightening, eyes glancing down briefly to take in the silk gown you were wearing. Your breath hitched as his eyes flickered back up to yours, anger and hurt at your mistrust in him swirling in his gaze. "You're right, you're right! I'm sorry!" You agreed. You couldn't explain the rush you felt in your body. You had such trust in this man, he could tell you to jump off a cliff and you would. And he knew this. So why didn't you trust him now? His other hand went to grip your hip, causing you to swallow thickly. "I saw Master Windu attempt to murder the Chancellor myself," he spoke in a low and dangerous tone, as if he dared you to question him again. "You need to run, (Y/N). Because of the Master Jedi betraying him, he's ordered the killing of all Jedi. I know it may seem a bit overkill. But he doesn't know who can and can't be trusted. Please. Please, pretty girl. I'm begging you. I'm giving you this one chance to run away". Your heart fluttered at the nickname. "But Anakin.. If I run, I betray the Jedi Order. They rescued me from slavery. Anakin I owe them my life". Anakin pulled you in for a tight hug, him gripping you as if you'd disappear before him. After a few seconds he pulled back. "But if you stay here. You betray me." And that's all he had to say. He immediately saw you soften before nodding. "Ok... Ok I'll go. I'll run and I'll never turn back. I'll swear off the Jedi Order." You murmured and Anakin hugged you again, inhaling your scent for what could very well be the last time. "Thank you..." You let him pull back first. And when he did, you stared up at him before turning around and running off into the night.
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You awoke with a start. Memories of old plaguing your dreams. With a groan you sat up. You wish the dreams would stop, but alas they didn't. Rubbing your eyes you glanced over at your old lightsaber. It hadn't been turned on since that night at the Temple. You didn't know if it even still worked at all. You swore off all things Jedi but your lightsaber was still very dear to you. So you held onto it and it became a decoration. Sighing as you rubbed your eyes, you stood up and wiggled your way into the teeny tiny bathroom your ship held. Looking in the mirror, you dipped your hands into the bathroom water reserve and washed your face before touching up your hair so it didn't look like complete shit. Looking at your torn and dirty clothes. You decided that it would do you some good to dock soon. Set up shop for a few weeks. Get some new clothes and a hot shower. You drew the hood of your cape up as you walked up to the cockpit. Pushing buttons and flipping switches, you set a course for a nearby planet before hitting the button to jump into hyperspace. While you waited, you grabbed some juice and some junk food. Not the best of breakfasts but it was all you had right now. You tidied up your bed and went to do a quick inventory. Making a list of everything you had and coming up with prices you deemed as fair on your holopad. When a beep alerted that you were close to the planet, you stretched and walked your way over to the cockpit. Dropping out of hyperspace as you clutched the steering wheel, you paled as you almost came face to face with a Republic starship. "Fuck!" You shouted, jamming the wheel down, causing your little ship to dive. Unfortunately for you, the starship noticed as blaster fire began to head your way. A string of curses left your mouth as you dived and evaded. Smashing a button to open a comm you almost shouted, "Stand down! I'm a friendly ship! I'm only a merchant! Plea- FUCKING SHIT! Please hold your fire!" Soon the fire stopped and you heard a voice back, "Apologies. We're tractoring you in now to check your cargo and question you". You sighed in annoyance as you allowed the large starship to pull you in. You had a bad feeling about this...
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"That was some skilled piloting". The officer in front of you said as he eyed you suspiciously. You fiddled with your now damp hair. The officers had been kind enough to give you a room with a shower and some fresh robes. You had taken your time freshening up until you had been summoned for questioning. "Thank you, sir. I learned from only the best." You replied. The officer only hummed back in response. "We found some Jedi things on your ship, care to explain". You attempted to hide your nervousness as you felt your old lightsaber dig into your back. You couldn't leave it on the ship, so you stuffed it into your sash and hid it. "I'm a merchant. I buy, sell, and trade. Sometimes Jedi artifacts come into my possession. People are more than willing to pay a hefty sum for such a rare item, or trade something equally as rare". You replied with a casual grin and the officer rolled his eyes. Obviously he didn't think highly of merchants. "I suppose you're correct". He replied coldly. "What's up with all the questions anyways? I've been questioned by officers before and it's never taken this long". You said casually, which was a lie. You had never been questioned by Republic officers. In fact you avoided them like they were an incurable plague, but you were curious. The energy of the ship felt... off. "If you must know, we have some dangerous prisoners on board. Don't want any of their friends coming to save them". He sneered and you nodded your head. "Well if that's all, I'd like to get to the planet's surface. Respectfully, I have business to do". The officer rolled his eyes once more and two troopers stood on either side of you, ready to escort you back to your ship. You had only turned onto your third hall when the whole ship suddenly shook. You and the troopers almost crashed into each other but you quickly recollected yourself as you heard screams. "Red Alert! The prisoners have escaped!" A voice on the intercom screamed. The two soldiers immediately abandoned you. After all, you were just a merchant. Right?
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
Anakin fumed as he power walked the halls of his ship. "How the FUCK did one of them manage to blow a hole in this ship?!" He practically screamed. "I'm not sure sir! We think it may have been a Rebel spy!" A trooper responded. "There was also a merchant that recently boarded! We don't believe they're involved but it's not impossible!" Anakin grabbed his lightsaber, clicking the blade on. "Well? What was their name?!" He asked. The trooper grabbed the gun tighter. "(Y/N), sir!" Anakin froze and whipped around to face the trooper. He never expected to hear your name again, especially not in this context. Did you betray him finally? Or was this simply wrong place, wrong time. "Find them!" He spat. As much as he'd love to go after you himself, he couldn't. Rebel blaster fire shot his way as the trooper darted off. Two young individuals sprang forward, blue lightsabers in hand. They weren't Jedi, far from it. He could tell by their fighting style. He battled the two of them. The sound of saber clashes mixing in with the blaster fire. A girl lunged forward and attempted to pierce his side. He dodged just in time and slashed his blade forward, cutting her arms off. "Master run!" She screamed. Jerking his head, he saw a taller man run off. Growling, he jumped over crates and ran after him.
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
Another explosion rocked the ship and you stumbled into the wall. This ship might be going down. You needed to get off. Running down another hall, a body crashed into you, causing you both to stumble. Your old training kicked in and you immediately dropped into a fighting stance, hands ignited with flames as you assessed the possible enemy. "(Y/N)?" The man questioned. You recognized the voice and immediately put your flames out "Master Ulic?! I thought you were dead!" You gasped. "Old, but not dead." He rumbled. "I'm here on a mission with the Rebel Alliance". He stated. "Actually, I could use some help. Some of my men were killed and I don't know if I can do this alone". He continued and you winced slightly. Anakin came skidding to the end of the hall. His eyes flickered between you and Master Ulic and rage immediately coursed through his veins. Of course you betrayed him. How could you? How could his sweet (Y/N) betray him? The audacity you had to- "I appreciate the offer, Master Ulic. But I'm a different person now. I swore off the Jedi a long time ago. I'm just a simple merchant now." You replied as politely as you could. The Master frowned down at you slightly. Anakin noticed his focus was all in you, not his surroundings. He took this chance to spring forward and attempt to strike. Snapping his head up, he shoved you behind him, causing you to crash to the floor and smash your head against the floor. You groaned as your head began to swirl with pain. Shakily you attempted to find your bearings. Gripping the floor, you pushed yourself up onto your knees before attempting to gather yourself onto your feet. I need to get out of here. You thought as you stumbled into the wall. Fuck I need to get out of here. You attempted to lean forward so you could flee once more but a voice tore your thoughts back to the situation at hand. "(Y/N)!" A voice called, causing you to turn around. It was Anakin... The now Sith Lord had overpowered the Master Jedi and he was now calling out to you. "(Y/N) please! You don't have to join the resistance, but at least don't let me die here!" He pleaded. You turned your gaze to Anakin, who seemed to be observing you. He could just kill the Jedi. But he wasn't. No he wanted to see your reaction. You felt as if Anakin could see straight through you. You took a step back and the look on Master Ulic's face immediately changed. "No! No, no, no! You stupid girl!" Master Ulic roared. His newfound rage gave him the adrenaline rush he needed, smashing Anakin into the wall he stood up and began to stalk towards you. You tried to turn tail and run but the man used the force to draw you in. "I always knew you were loyal to the stupid Skywalker boy. Not even the High Jedi Council saw the deep attachments you had to him. But I did! Ooooh I did". He scowled and gripped your throat when you were close enough. "Why can't you see it? He didn't love you then and he doesn't love you now! He never will! He doesn't care about anybody but himself!" And with that you snapped.
"You shut your fucking mouth," you spat with such venom that even Anakin himself was in shock. In a fit of rage you did the one thing you promised never to do again, you drew your lightsaber. Master Ulic barely dodged your blade as you drew it in a backwards handle grip. Dropping you, you dropped gracefully before spinning around to face him. You launched yourself at him, the golden-yellow glow of your Jedi Sentinel blade meeting the angry green of his Jedi Guardian blade. Blades clashed as the two of you fought. You were now fueled by an absolutely primal rage that tore through your veins. Flipping your blade to a forward hilt grab, you put your strength into the next slash, causing him to stumble backwards. Wasting no time, you clipped your blade once again before dropping down into a stance. Drawing in a breath you focused your energy into your pointer and middle fingertips. A bolt of lightning shot from your fingertips, landing square in his center mass. He flew backwards and you exhaled sharply. Unlike force lighting, which was a dark side ability, your lightning was simply an extension of your flames. It took a lot of practice and focus, but it was deadly. Rising out of your stance you stumble forward slightly, it had been some time since you exerted so much energy and, unfortunately for you, you were rather out of shape. You winced as you felt the stitch in your side that had already taken the liberty of forming. Sighing you went to turn once again. It was time for you to leave. Or so you thought. A guttural scream ripped from your throat as a dark green saber struck you through the chest. Master Ulic, although injured, wasn't dead yet. He had used the force to launch his lightsaber and plunge it through your chest. Another shriek left your lungs as the Jedi Master recalled his blade to him. He had a job to finish. You heard a scream from somewhere, but you didn't know who it belonged to. You crumbled to the floor, wailing in pain. You wouldn't die, much to Ulic's dismay. Your species had regenerative abilities and were infuriatingly difficult to kill. Your vision began to blur as you felt your body begin it's self healing process. Wailing in pain, you still attempted to flee. Clawing at the floor and dragging yourself forward, your whole body shook as you sobbed. Eventually, the pain became too much and you rolled onto your side, wailing until your throat became hoarse. Your vision began to black out as you felt your body be lifted. You could barely hear the man above you as you began to loose consciousness. "Hang in there, pretty girl. You'll be ok. Please be ok. I can't loose you again..."
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Tag List: None Yet
Anywayyyyyyys. That's the first partttttttt. Might write the other part tonight. Probably will bc I'm not feeling the best so might as well put that into smthn yk? Sorry again for the sloppy writing, it's been literal ages since I've actually put effort into some writing.
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darthgloris · 8 months
Our Padawan
Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x fem!Jedi!reader
A/N: this has been in the back of my mind for so long, I'm so glad I'm finally writing this down 😃😃 I love you all and hope you're happy and healthy
Warnings: fluff, family dynamic, platonic!Ahsoka x reader, Anakin being the best boyfriend ever
Summary: Padawan learner Ahsoka Tano takes a big risk during a mission: fighting General Grievous on her own. Her Masters, Anakin and Y/N, are ready to protect her from every and any danger; when they get her to safety, Anakin is relieved, but Y/N's fear of losing the young girl gets in the way of being glad that Ahsoka didn't get hurt.
Our Padawan II // Our Padawan III
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"They sent the child to destroy my station? The Republic must be running out of Jedi!"
Ahsoka shifted her stance to defensive as she prepared her lightsaber.
To be truthful, this wasn't supposed to be a mission, but Anakin's "do as I say, not as I do" teaching strategy didn't seem to have the best results, and more often than not it ended up in the young Padawan doing exactly as he did.
And now she was facing Grievous nearly on her own, only accompanied by her fellow soldiers.
"You must be General Grievous."
The cyborg cackled exaggerately.
"He's just another tinny, boys. Let's scrap him like the rest." She sassed, lunging forward with her green lightsaber.
Grievous quickly blocked the blow and managed to shove her off. She hit the ground with a pained groan and looked up as the Clones shot at him. He deflected all the blaster shots, killing one of them and slashing two others with his lightsaber. He towered over Rex, who was sprawled out on the ground, and raised his weapon over his head. Ahsoka's eyes widened and she leapt in front of her friend, blocking the General's weapon with her own.
"Sorry to interrupt your playtime, grumpy, but wouldn't you prefer a challenge?"
"That wouldn't be you." As Grievous ignited a second lightsaber, she cringed internally.
Maybe she shouldn't have said that.
"Where is the fight you promised me, youngling?"
She was definitely getting in trouble for this.
Y/N and Anakin would kill her. She knew they'd be furious with her for doing this, but there was no turning back now.
She hid behind one of the metal shelves in the storage room, looking out for a way to escape. She used the Force to knock an item down on the other side of the room to distract Grievous, then made for sneaking out.
As if on cue, her commlink beeped. Damn it. She cupped her hand over it to silence the noise before answering. "Ahsoka, it's me, Rex. There are only two of us left. Should we abort the mission?"
"No, complete the mission. Set the charges and rendezvous at the landing bay." She replied as quietly as she could.
Ahsoka cut him off as he tried to protest. "That's an order, Rex. I'll keep the General busy. Ahsoka, out."
She turned off her commlink and silently crawled through the shelves as Grievous' gruff voice rang out again.
"Come here, child, I'm looking for you. So far you have failed to impress me."
The R3 unit found her as she backed up against the wall, flattening her body over the cold metal. "Goldie, over here." To her surprise, the droid shone a light on her, revealing her location. "Goldie, no!"
She gasped as the cyborg pulled the commlink off her wrist and destroyed it, making her miss the message Rex was about to send. "Your friends won't help you. You're stuck with me." His figure towering over her was certainly intimidating, but she slipped through a shelf and away from the General as fast as she could.
She climbed up one of the shelves and watched as Grievous asked Goldie for the report. "That stubby little backstabber." She whispered, feeling betrayed.
"Skywalker has come for his R2 unit?" He chortled. "Go and make sure they do not escape."
A sting of fear pierced Ahsoka's heart. Oh, no.
Y/N's brows knitted together as her commlink beeped. Anakin turned to give her a look of confusion, wordlessly asking her a question. "It's Rex."
Anakin frowned, wondering what was going on.
She immediately answered the call. "Rex? What's wrong?"
"We ran into Grievous."
"Are you all right?"
"Yes. Fives and I survived."
"Only you two? Where are the others?"
"Three of us were shot down... and Grievous is going after Ahsoka."
"Ahsoka?!" The two said at the same time, worry lacing their voices.
"Y/N, out." She said and ended the call, beginning to walk away.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Anakin hollered, running to block her way. "Where you going, tiger?"
"Where do you think? To save our Padawan's ass!" She snapped, then regretted it as she looked at his face. "I'm sorry, Ani. But we need to move now."
"Come on." He said, trying to give her a comforting smile.
Ahsoka climbed down and used her lightsaber to illuminate her surroundings as she peeked around the corner. She then turned it off and relaxed her tense posture slightly, but it didn't last long as Grievous grabbed her by the throat in a second, casting her lightsaber aside.
Her eyes widened in fear as Grievous towered over her, grabbing his weapon.
"Another lightsaber to add to my collection." He said as he ignited it and held it up near her face. "My R3 unit has dropped your precious Masters. When I'm finished with you, they're next." She strained her arm out to try to pry the lightsaber from his grip with the Force, failing. She was tired and her breath was running out.
"That was it?" He cackled. "Do it again. Come on." Ahsoka closed her eyes, reaching out to the Force. The weapon was grabbed from his hand successfully, but not by her. Grievous made a confused noise as he dropped the girl to the ground.
Y/N gripped the weapon tightly as she shoved Grievous away from Ahsoka: she blocked all his blows before successfully tripping the cyborg and hovering over him, her lightsaber at his neck. Ahsoka's eyes widened in shock and surprise as she watched her Master fight, with Anakin standing in front of the Padawan to protect her as she handled the fight, glaring daggers at Grievous while shielding Ahsoka with his body.
"If you ever come near our Padawan again, I swear to the Maker I will rip your teeny face off your teeny skull." Y/N growled, leaning the lightsaber closer to his throat.
"Oh, she's-she's under both of your training..? I didn't know that!" He excused himself meekly, stumbling over his words.
"Leave!" Anakin snapped. That was all it took to send him running away. "Snips, thank the stars you're all right!"
He knelt down in front of her to hug her tightly. He could feel the relief flooding him like a tidal wave as the young girl nestled into his embrace. "Are you hurt?"
She shook her head in response, raising her head to look at Y/N. "Masters, I-"
She silenced her with a glare. "You nearly got yourself killed."
"I... I'm sorry..." she said quietly, looking at her feet in guilt.
"Let's go back to the ship."
Y/N walked on ahead as Anakin looked down at his Padawan with a pout, knowing the impact the scare had on his lover.
Her mind was running a thousand miles an hour. If they had gotten there a few seconds later, Ahsoka would have been killed. The mental image was crystal clear: her limp body in her arms, her blood staining her fingers, Anakin's bloodstained hands and arms wrapping around her to comfort her as sobs racked her body-
"Stardust? You all right?" As if he knew whenever she was getting into her own head too much, Anakin's soft voice pulled her from her thoughts. When she clutched onto him for dear life, he swept an arm under her legs and picked her up bridal style, kissing her head before walking away. "Wait here, Snips."
He carried her into another room and set her down on the ground, pulling her onto his lap as she broke down in tears, hyperventilating as she sobbed in his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Ani..."
"Hey, you have nothing to apologise for, love," he soothed, massaging her scalp gently. "Tell me, what are you afraid of?"
She took a moment to regain her breath before speaking. "What if one day we don't get there in time? Just the thought of finding her makes me tremble..." her voice shook. "I love that girl, all right? I love her like a daughter and I can't lose her, Ani... not to this..."
Anakin's heart broke at the words: he already crumbled whenever he saw her cry, but hearing her speak those words in a desperate, scared tone made him want to take her in his arms and kiss all her pain away.
"I know, my love, I know," he hushed, nuzzling his nose into her hair. "Listen, I love her, too, and I certainly don't want to lose her... but she's not a child anymore. She's making her own decisions and learning from them. I know you feel like you need to yell at her until she promises to never do it again, but we need to stop babying her."
As they landed on Naboo, Y/N walked out the door first, not looking back as Ahsoka looked at Anakin in guilt. He responded with a sympathetic look, then walked up behind his lover to give her a back hug. She relaxed slightly as she melted into his arms, letting a few tears slide down her face again. He seemed to notice because she felt him kiss her shoulder and then lean closer to kiss the tears off her cheeks.
"It's alright now, my love. She's safe." Anakin whispered in her ear.
She shook her head, trying to push the lingering fear away. "Ahsoka."
The girl took slow, sad steps towards them, looking down at her feet to avoid catching their angry looks. She didn't know whether her Masters had a fight or not, but she was sure they were going to be mad.
"Ahsoka, what were you thinking?" Anakin asked when she stopped in front of them.
"You could have been killed! And what's worse, you put Rex and Fives in danger!" She continued, trying to keep her composure. "Why did you do that?"
"I... I was just trying to be brave like you guys..." she whimpered.
"Anakin and I are only brave when we have to be." Y/N said, her face softening as she looked at her.
"Snips, being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble." He added.
"But you guys aren't scared of anything." She said, looking up at us.
"We're scared of lots of things. And we also were today." Anakin spoke.
"You were?"
She hummed in response, tipping her chin upwards to look her in the eyes. "We thought we were going to lose you. We care about you very much, Ahsoka. And if something were to happen to you, I..." She trailed off, her eyes glossing over with tears. "I honestly don't know what I'd do with myself."
Ahsoka walked closer to her and wrapped her arms tightly around her waist, and Y/N sighed as she hugged her back. "I'm sorry I made you feel this way, and I care about you guys, too. I won't do it again."
Her heart swelled at the words and Anakin walked closer to hug both of then, squishing Ahsoka between them. She was surprised to see how calm they were, and honestly she was glad. "Thank you. That's very mature of you."
"Now go back inside, Snips. It's getting cold." He said, chuckling.
"Okay. Good night." She said as she pulled away and walked back inside.
"Eat something before you go to bed!" Y/N called out.
Anakin smiled at her caring attitude and wrapped his arms around his girlfriend once again. She finally smiled in content and leaned into his embrace with a sigh. "You handled that really well. I'm proud of you, my love."
"Thanks." She chuckled and turned around to kiss his lips softly. "I just- I didn't know I loved her that much..."
"Neither did I. But now we have her promise. That only leaves overcoming your fears, doesn't it?" He asked, smiling softly as his blue eyes looked deeply into hers.
"You're right." She replied and pressed their foreheads together, enjoying the moment of intimacy. Because of the Jedi Code, they were forced to avoid public displays of affection, so whenever they could get a minute to just be together, basking in each other's presence in a way they were forbidden to otherwise, they left all cares behind.
She looked up at him with her big doe eyes, flooding with love and admiration for him. "Thank you for being so supportive."
He smiled, then leaned down to kiss her shoulder. "Don't thank me, my love." Then he pressed his lips with hers in a slow and passionate French kiss. It was when Y/N let out a low moan that he decided to pull away.
"My love, we can't do this right now."
"I know." She mumbled grumpily, making him giggle.
"I promise that'll be the first thing we do when we get home." He whispered sultrily in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
"I love you, Ani."
"I love you too, stardust."
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wanderingmirror · 9 months
"Alright, that's it! Square the fuck up!"
A Coruscant Guardsman shouted, causing all attention to fall onto him. Wolffe froze at the venom in the man's voice and the hatred in his eyes.
He asked and the Corrie rolled his eyes. He also rolled his shoulders and started bouncing, readying himself for a fight.
"I said, square the fuck up. Are you deaf or is that your ego?"
The Corrie growled. He snarled and Wolffe nearly snarled himself if it still didn't baffle him on why the Corrie was so pissed. The other clone moved into a ready stance, loose and unassuming. But the dark hatred never left the man's eyes.
"You and your boys talk so much shit about us Corries, why don't you prove it? See if you can put me on my fuckin ass. I am so sick of your bullshit. Square up, Commander! Give this pencil pusher a fuckin taste!"
The other Corries didn't seem to care that one of their own was trying to start a fight. The Wolfpack was also quite stunned that a Corrie even wanted to fight. Rule keepers and fun police an all. Master Koon stepped forward and tried to de-escalate the situation.
"Alright, I don't think this is a good way to deal with these issues-"
The Corrie growled low and long, his eyes still fixed on Wolffe with rage.
"With all due respect, Sir, I want this dick to give me a reason to let me beat the ever loving shit out of him. He talks all this bullshit about my fuckin Commander and doesn't expect me to fuckin retaliate!? The only reason I ain't beating the shit out of you now is you haven't given me just cause. So square the fuck up, Commander Shabuir!"
The Corrie was respectful towards Master Koon. But that respect ended when it came to the Wolfpack. The other clones in grey all looked at this pencil pusher in stunned shock. They had never seen a Corrie lose their temper before. And seeing it now was slightly unnerving. The Corrie started to get irritated with the continued shock.
"Oh come on! I'm giving you a fucking opening, you spineless bitch! Square up and prove you're fucking better than me! Maybe if you do, I'll start to think you're more than just a spoiled little brat!"
That set Wolffe off, he growled and charged at the Corrie without further prompting. He tackled the Corrie and tried to get him to the floor for a few punches, but all that did was cause the other man to take a few steps back. He wrapped his arms around Wolffe'e waist and lifted him up upsidedown. The Commander yelped as he was thrown to the left away from Master Koon. He hit the ground outside the Temple with a crack. His right side was throbbing in pain as the Corrie descended upon him with a fury.
He punched the sensitive right side without care for the damage dealt. His face was a snarl as he violently headbutted Wolffe when he tried to sit up and fight back. After some trouble, Wolffe finally got the upper hand. He flipped them over and returned the vicious headbutt to the Corrie, but the other man didn't seem to care that his nose was now bleeding.
"That all you got, you bitch? I've fought stronger assholes than you!"
His voice was nasally from the bleeding nose, but the snarl was still there as the Corrie expertly blocked or parried strikes. He took a few, but like before, he didn't seem to care that Wolffe was beating the shit out of him. Until the tables turned and the Corrie flipped them again, away from the steps and began to punch at the Wolfpack Commander. This continued until eventually the Corrie was pulled off Wolffe after flipping two more times. Wolffe was bleeding from his own nose and the Corrie had a black eye on top of his own bloody nose.
They both had bruises and small cuts lining their faces as they snarled at each other. The Corrie was being held back by a larger Corrie. Wolffe was kept back by Sinker and Boost. The bigger clone was in full armor, helmet and blaster too. He was holding the smaller Corrie around his waist and allowing him to wiggle about.
He was shouting insults and curses left and right, not caring that he was doing this in front of several generals including Shaak-Ti, Plo Koon, and Obi-wan Kenobi. The Generals looked heartbroken and confused at the hatred in the smaller Corrie's eyes. Shocked too, that the other Corries weren't doing anything to really stop their brother from doing this. The larger one was just holding him.
"Talk shit about my Commander behind his back around me again, and I'll make you wish you were never decanted, you fucking prick! I'll beat you so senseless that Prime himself will climb out of Hell just to laugh at you! Don't you ever disrespect my family again! You hear me, you front line bastard!?"
The other Corries ran over to the one shouting and one of them finally put a stop to the cursing and venom. If only because some children were coming over to see what the noise was. The Corrie growled lowly and the larger one just sighed as he lifted the smaller into a more secure hold. The group soon left, all but one. He walked up to Master Koon.
"I won't apologize for my brother's actions or words, but I am sorry you and the other Jetii had to see that. It should have been dealt with in a more private way. I apologize."
The Corrie said and ran off. Tension in his shoulders signalling his obvious discomfort at having to be alone. Wolffe was still trying to calm down from the small fight. Still suffering from the shock at how brutal and vicious the other guy was. His anger cooled into something like awe and wonder at how strong the guy was in order to lift him up like that armor and all.
"Fuck me, I didn't even get his comm number!"
Wolffe finally groaned and Boost snorted. The tension fell away with the laughter and teasing.
Gatz was still fumming when they arrived back to HQ. Bloody nose and black eye all but forgotten as he went straight to his Commander's office, poking his head in. Finding Fox half asleep in his chair, Gatz walked over and sat down on the old couch they had brought into the office. He sighed and texted Dogma that he was in Fox's office. Neither he nor Fox spoke, mostly because Fox could already see and put together what had happened.
The older clone asked and Gatz just huffed quietly.
"Fuckin Wolffe. Bitching about you not being there for the End of the War Drunk fest. Talking about how you had a stick up your ass and how you should really stop being so cold and strict. Really, you'd think by now they'd learn to keep their damn mouths shut!"
Gatz vented and Fox just sighed softly. Nothing pissed the Corrie ARC off more than any form of disrespect towards the Guard. He had nearly been decommed for it. Had been reconned for it twice but the memories always came back after getting a look around HQ. No one really understood how, but they didn't question it. Not wanting it to stop working and risk losing Gatz forever.
The ARC was one of the few really old Corries. That list had grown so short only five people were still on it. Fox, Thorn, Chalk, Thire, and a medic named Word. The only medic the Guard officially claimed due to more and more restrictions and thinly vailed threats to transfer. But now they barely had to worry about it with Chancellor Bail Organa put forth reforms to help with their struggles.
Ritz had to drag Stitches away from the medbay to rest after he had ordered every Guard in for a thorough check up. Having gotten a fully restocked medical bay after three full years. Never had Fox seen the medic so close to his old self. The first CMO of the 501st. Before Kix. But that was the closest they would ever get to seeing the veteran medic. Stress had a way of bringing the darker half of the medic out, and not in a pleasant way.
Dogma entered the room with a scowl that matched his buir's own fierce one. Fox snorted as Gatz flushed in embarrassment.
"The medbay should have been your first destination. Why did Chalk enter the bay alone if you had injuries?"
Dogma growled and Gatz flushed more as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Not used to having a full stocked medbay yet. Was really just given you a heads up since I did remember that the Doc was getting some rest."
Gatz sat still as Dogma healed his wounds. Fox just sighed at the other clone's antics to get the medic's attention. Though the injuries weren't really a part of Gatz' obvious plan to win over the other. He did try to keep his wounds to a minimum. But his temper was a short fused one. Easily triggered. Dogma still helped even when it looked like he wanted to throttle the ARC.
While the rest of the treatment was done in silence, the ARC was quietly watching the medic with this love struck expression. Dogma finished working on his broken nose and Gatz hissed at his poking at the black eye.
"Try to keep out of trouble for a while, Gatz. I don't think Buir would be happy that his new supplies have mostly been used on you."
Gatz nodded and the room lapsed into silence again. But it was broken by a soft snore, pulling both of their attentions over to Fox who looked to have fallen asleep. They smiled, leaving the room quietly after covering the Commander in a blanket.
Gatz parted ways with Dogma along the way to the medbay and then the barracks where he flopped down on his bunk. He grinned and closed his eyes, planning on just going crazy against the GAR the next time they talked shit about his family.
Gatz knew that it would be fun to put them to rights the rough way.
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