#blue eyeliner queen
ultimateradiance · 2 years
sighs and thinks about jett’s blue eyeliner 
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izolyn · 1 year
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it occurs to me that i tend to make some. consistent design choices with created characters, given the option.
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thepunkmuppet · 20 days
costumes / looks I desperately need gerard way to wear on stage (add your own in reblogs!!)
greek statue, he’s fully painted white including his hair with a white toga with a golden wreath thing on his head. I just think that would look sick
police uniform covered in blood
straight up zombie with full on green decaying gory make up
one of the heathers from heathers
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either the blue cheerleader outfit from the i’m not okay mv or the iconic red ones from teenagers. then we’d have a little trio!
ghostface. possibly cunty ghostface as a treat
vanya from umbrella academy - young version with the school girl fit and black mask OR the all white comic version of course
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also number five from umbrella academy (classic school boy fit)
this sounds weird but I think this would be really cool and meta for wwwy - a stereotypical mcr fan / emo. as in with that one black parade t shirt, heavy eyeliner, black nails, side swept emo fringe, studded bracelets and belts, skinny black jeans, vans or converse. again a very meta concept, after their old person looks in 2022 I can really see them doing this as a whole band this year and I would loooove to finally see gerard in the fashion style that’s so associated with him and his music
howl from howl’s moving castle
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possibly also sophie from howl’s moving castle
literally just satan. like the most stereotypical devil, give them fully painted red skin, horns, fangs, yellow or black eyes, maybe even goat legs. probably with a majestic black suit or something, or for a succubus vibe a black flowy dress with a slit down the leg. now that I think about it, this would be a SICK wwwy look to shock us all, esp if ray mikey and frank all dressed as other demons or the souls of the damned or some shit.
peni parker - he made her!!
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question mark jumper from doctor who
also missy from doctor who omg
jane doe from ride the cyclone, possibly with added marionette or cracked porcelain makeup like in some renditions
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classic majestic white-robed angel, with enormous fake wings and maybe even sparkly gold makeup and a big gold halo. also would be cool in all black, or all white but covered in blood (red, gold, or black, all would look cool)
buffy summers in prophecy girl, except he also has blood all over his neck from where the master bit her. I hope he’s watched btvs I think he would very much enjoy it this look would fit with their vampire vibe sooooo well
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classic frankenstein’s monster
mothman. not only is he a heartthrob but he’s also a hunched goblin cryptid to me. the duality of man (he/theys)
jane prentiss from the magnus archives. if you don’t know she is a living flesh hive of sentient worms, she’s decaying and full of holes. again with all the nasty decaying rotting prosthetic makeup plus THE RED DRESS!!!
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mr darcy vibes, sopping wet regency man with a big puffy white t shirt
opposite side of that, fuck it give him a full on ballroom gown
henry creel from stranger things (pre-vecna, nurse outfit)
any disney princess
crowley from good omens. my man looks GOOD in those anthony janthony aah sunglasses he has
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cute flowy summer dress with like a flowery pattern. either go cottagecore with it and have flowers in his hair, or go full white soccer mum and put him in huge cunty sunglasses a massive straw sun hat with a ribbon on it
all-black cowboy!!!! the fact I’ve never seen him in a cowboy hat is actual sacrilege. also would very much appreciate an all-pink sequin studded cowboy
any alice in wonderland character, especially alice herself, the classic disney movie look with the blue dress and the bow in the hair. he would also do a great chesire cat (spooky big grin makeup paired with his weird ass dramatic facial expressions?? inspired) or a super extravagant queen / king / knave of hearts. also 100000% the mad hatter omfg, he was BORN to do a jefferson from once upon a time look!!
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thesimline · 5 days
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Episode two of Drag Race All Stars 9 is my favourite type of episode - a ball. Specifically, The Paint Ball. I adore that all the queens get to showcase so many looks and the three categories allow for some really creative interpretations of each theme. The first category is Monochromatica and I turned to an icon of the drag scene for inspiration. Yes, that's happening!
I pulled my colour inspo from Juno's famous yellow gloves to create an entire outfit in the sunny shade, which contrasts so nicely with her blue alien skin. I kept accessories kitschy and retro, with a heavy 60s vibe. Stunning!
Hair | Skin | Skin Colour | Face Shading | Lashes | Eyeliner | Eyeshadow (TSR) | Face Paint | Blush | Lipstick
Sunglasses (TSR) | Necklace | Coat | Gloves | Handbag | Tights (TSR) | Boots
*cigarette added in post
With thanks to some amazing creators: @simduction @emmibouquet @noodlescc @simandy @sentate @myyownpityparty @jius-sims @dream-girl @yassimication @crypticsim @pralinesims @redheadsims-cc
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lionmythflower · 3 months
evan rosier headcanons under the cut
Twins w pandora
He has a chinchilla (its name is dusty, barty helped name it)
He's rlly good friends w remus
In a book club w lily, remus,dorcas and regulus
He's Canadian
So he kinda had a very slight American accent
Sleeps and listens to music on long car rides
Knows Canadian French
either gay or bi
has a tattoo of "bcjr" on his neck or shoulder (barty has a matching one of "Rosie")
Would love MARINA and Florence + the Machines
Was probably more of an ABBA fan then a queen fan
lily got him into music like ABBA and Remus got him into music like David Bowie
Would also love Arctic Monkey
Would love makeup
Has those star eyeliner stamps and he absolutely rocks them
Bigender (stole this hc from someone can't remember who at that moment)
probally goes by he/they pronouns
Pandora and Evan steal each other's clothes sm that they don't know who's is who's at this point
So ppl are like " wasn't pandora wearing that the other day?" and evan will be like "idk maybe?" And vise versa
Would love Greek mythology
Has heterochromia and his eyes are blue and green so he's is looking at u like 🔵_🟢 (O_O) (pandora also has eyes like that)
"you have heterophobia in ur eyes" "...you mean heterochromia?" "no" (barty and evan)
i feel like he would be able to play like 3 instruments and would love love love music sm
Has so. Many. Ear. Piercings.
Lace and fishnet gloves
Evan, pandora, Dorcas, regulus, and Barty all wear rings and they all js like share rings
Would love fairy tale retellings
100% read song of Achilles and sobbed
His parents are like really that mean js very strict and they don't really give him enough privacy and it's suffocating
Has sensory overloads sometimes and he will just cling to Barty or Pandora bc they both make him feel safe when it's too much
Also has panic attacks
Says things like "I wanna kms" and ppl think he's joking but he's really not
Baggy clothes
layers his clothes a lot
had like three sweatshirts/sweaters that he LOVES
eating disorder (idk which one but he definitely has one)
Constantly has a headache
Is actually rlly su!sidal but he's only told like 2 ppl (probably Pandora and reg or barty)
Either never gets sick or gets sick every month (depends on the year)
Doesn't like talking abt his problems
Will not ask for help unless he has basically given up
Is rlly smart
He's like everything smart but doesn't really care abt math or science
That one kid who's reading and not paying attention the entire class and then gets an A on every test
He's parents don't really care about grades but he does and he gets really stressed abt grades
Would 100% be that person that you wouldn't think would be a feminist and then someone makes a rude comment abt women and he would go off on them
Very pretty
Always cold. Always
Would have loved all the movies that Millie Bobby Brown is in (Enola Holmes, and Damsel mainly)
Would love ppl doing his nails (even though he's good at doing it himself)
doc martins
Would have converse and would draw on them
Has so many books (both barty and evan rant to each other abt the books they read)
Would have adhd but more of the not able to focus side
He's nail polish is almost always chipped bc they pick at it w/o even realizing he's doing it
would have so many bracelets
Hates silence but hates loud noise even more
Had earbuds in 24/7
"Look at the moon! :0" no matter what phase the moon is in (does the same thing w the sky)
Would get sooo happy when ever he was in a place where u can clearly see the stars at night bc "omg look, you can see the stars! Their so pretty!!!"
They're so energetic but also so laid back
Pretty much all or nothing for everything (emotions, activities, relationship etc.)
Really good at drawing
normally types in all lowercase so he doesn't come off as intimating
Evan and pandora probably made fun of the pure blood stereotypes so much
(I've made by point abt this hc a lot but I'mma say it again) : Evan and regulus arguing over the pronouncing of different French words bc Evan is Canadian French and Regulus is European French lol
He's an introvert you can't tell me otherwise
Was almost put into ravenclaw bc he was arguing w the sorting hat and it was like "ok valid points, ur probably a ravenclaw" and then Evan told the hat to go fuck itself and it put him in Slytherin 💀
Definition of a keyboard smash idk how to explain it
Would have loved Pinterest
wow this is really long. I'mma make one of these for Peter later :)
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he-goes-down · 7 months
There Was A Time:
previous chapters/warnings
6. You Ain’t The First
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Second person POV:
That Friday the band had a gig. You did the usual; help the boys tease their hair, this was the only time you could be near Izzy or touch him, you helped Slash with his eyeliner and Axl's eyeshadow. They went on stage you watched them from a secret balcony opposite the stage, where all the lights and other technical controls were. You watched Steven's hair bounce as he played the drums, and it was even more hypnotising with his teased hair. You watched him for the beginning of the gig, it soon trailed over to Axl. You knew it was bad that you had feelings for him, even worse that you kissed him. You're his manager, you couldn't be with him, just like nothing could happen between you and Duff. But my god he is so addictive to look at. His teased hair made him look like a lion, and the way he moved his hips when he sang made all the girls, the boys and yourself go absolutely wild. You did however look away from him when it was Slash's solo. Duff and Izzy were looking at you while he shredded, you didn't notice of course as you were in awe at his talent and his man boobs. Duff was jealous, but he wasn't hateful, he knew Slash was amazing at going nuts on the guitar, he stared too sometimes. Izzy however, no one knew what he was thinking. Murder? Maybe. Toe hair? I don't know. Unicorns shitting glitter? Sure! He was so hard to read, he was a complete mystery.
The rest of the show went well. Axl didn't jump on anyone or even shout at them. When they ended you waited for them in the changing room. All the guys were first in, but Axl was slightly delayed, but soon he stepped over the dressing rooms threshold. "Guys, I have someone that I want you to meet." Axl said with a smile. It was quite unusual to see him this chirpy after a show, he would normally be ranting with the small nit-picky stuff of the not-so-good quality equipment. A stunning girl with long curly hair and the most beautiful blue eyes walked in behind him and then stood next to him. "This is Erin." He spoke. "My girlfriend". Those words hit you like a freight train, your ears started ringing. You felt so betrayed. You felt your heart break under the sheer amount of pain it just felt in that moment. You hated them. No not her. Him. Axl Rose. He played with your heart just like that. Did he think of you like you were some groupie? He couldn't have, your kiss and everything but lust behind it. You had to put. Brave face on to not like you wanted to kill yourself in that moment because, they rest of the band were introducing themselves and you were up next after Izzy. "This is our manager." Axl said as he motioned to you. "Ah! Oh my god you're so pretty! I've heard so much about you!" She said. 'Oh thank god she's a girls girl' You thought in relief.
You guys sat at the booth like normal, this time with Steven and Erin on your sides instead of Axl. Erin was absolutely lovely, you contemplated taking her for yourself and getting back at Axl. Or just taking her for yourself. You we're still heart sore and annoyed at Axl, with every word he spoke your malicious thoughts of getting back at him got worse and worse. Would he even care? He better. "If you weren't in the music business, what would you do?"  Erin asked. You were about to speak but Axl spoke over you. "Some Rocket Science things. That's why we call her our Rocket Queen." He spoke. You coughed a little nearly choking as you remembered one of the stories behind the song Rocket Queen that they haven't even made yet. "That's so cool!" She responded. You smiled at her. "I can speak for myself Axl." You said with malice. "Geez, what's got you so riled up?" he asked as he laughed. You didn't know if he knew what he was doing was getting on your nerves, but he loved doing it. You rolled your eyes. "Stop listening in to our convos babe." She said as she playfully hit him. The pet name hurt you even more, but at least he was getting smacked. "Steven can you sit next to Axl so he can't eavesdrop?" You asked Steven, and he agreed and moved to the other side. You and Erin chatted more, as the guys were talking in their own world, it felt good to have another girl to talk to, you realised just how much more immature boys were. "So... Which one is your favourite?" She asked as she nudged you. "Oh, no no I can't choose," You giggled "Steven definitely. Oh, and maybe Duff as second" You whispered to her. "And the others?" She giggled "Izzy hates me for I don't know what reason. Slash doesn't warn anyone when he's bringing someone over, so I always get to hear the noises he makes." You giggled as you rolled your eyes. "And Axl just getting on my nerves sometimes." You added. "I don't know, I think Izzy has thing for you." She spoke. You stared at her with wide eyes and a 'what the fuck' expression on your face. You nearly burst out laughing. "Seriously! Look, every time he takes a sip of his drink, he looks at you." She whispered. You scoffed lightly at her in disbelief. "Look!" She whisper shouted. Both of you looked at Izzy who sat at the other side of the table. He took his glass, lifted it to his mouth and took a sip, his eyes then glanced to your end of the table. He saw the two of you looking back at him, and he quickly glanced back at the other guys while coughing slightly as he nearly choked on his drink. Your mouth was slightly a gape as you looked back at Erin, and she had the most shit eating grin ever and was about to giggle her ass off just like you were. She snorted then you did, it didn't take long till the two of you were laughing uncontrollably, not being able to breathe soon after. Izzy quickly made his way out of the booth seeing this scene unravel and he went to the bathroom. The rest of the band were looking at you two going mental.
You soon calmed down, but you didn't explain to the rest what happened. Axl looked a little irritated, but you didn't notice as you were having too much fun with Erin. Izzy soon came back also looking irritated but much more than Axl. You two didn't giggle more at him just encase he might go off on you. "But who do you like?" She asked. "Didn't you already ask me this?" You raised an eyebrow. "I mean like. Like, like you know?" She explained. Shit. You couldn't say it. "I can't date any of them. I'm their manager." You told her. "Yeah, but you can still like one of them. It's not illegal." She responded. "Nah, I couldn't." you said. 'Wise words, should have listened to them sooner.' You thought. "Come on! What about the tall one? He's been taking peeks at you too." She said. You blushed a bit, you had an initial crush on him, but you still couldn't pursue it. You looked at Duff who was talking amongst the group, then glanced at Axl who sat next to him. If Axl didn't care about you, then he wouldn't mind you getting closer with Duff. Right?
You all drank some more and talked some more. Izzy starred daggers at you the whole time. You didn't realise as you were talking to Erin and Duff over the table. It was soon time to leave, and you were innocently flirting with Duff as you were walking to the exit. Axl noticed and his intoxicated rage filled eyes glared at the sight of you two, and his anger burned brighter as Duff laid his hand on your shoulder as he sweet talked you and you giggled in response. Erin left to her own apartment as you were halfway home, Axl didn't even seem to acknowledge that. Or even get the slightest bit of excitement when offered going to her place to do some unspeakable business. He just grunted a 'bye' and continued to hang his head with distain as he continued walking. He gets like this when he's off his head drunk, but not when naked women are involved. You got home and everyone went to their respective rooms. You took Duffs hand and leaded him to your shared room, you were drunk and wanted to have fun, and especially get on Axl's nerves. Duff was more than happy to endorse what you were about to do. "Wait. I need to talk to you." Axl said. You rolled your eyes and sighed. You nudged your head at Duff to go to the room. You rested your back on the nearest wall and crossed your arms, as you gave a tired look at Axl. "Mhm?" You started. "What do you think you're getting at?" He accused. "I don't understand." You responded in a sarcastic annoyed tone back at him. "Why are you so angry? You have a girlfriend now. You should be ecstatic!" You waved your hand as you spoke. He huffed slightly, being at a loss for words. "Go on...?" You urged. Nothing. You got up off the wall about to walk to the room. "Just, don't hurt her." You said to him in a lighter serious tone. "Don't go kissing her and then leaving her for another girl the next week." You said as began walking. He did not like that. He started to speak up. "You ain't the fucking first. Just remember that." He shouted down at you. You knew you weren't, but you really wanted to be.
You did get back to the room, tired from the mental drainage that's been this night. Duff was half-way undressed but he was passed out hard on the bed. You sighed in relief as you put the covers over him and tucked yourself into bed next to his.
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seireitonin · 8 months
Hey, hru? Can you make some Tobyxnina hc/dynamics. I started shipping it because of u because I like the ship. Glad!:3
Sure! I love my rare pair but ig it’s getting more traction and I’m so happy!! :3 (idk if I had anything to do w that but I’m happy regardless. Also I hc Nina as black so :3 these are gonna be written in that in mind also these are all so fluffy)
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Toby x Nina headcannons❤️
Scemo girlfriend. Grungy midwestern emo boyfriend
They hang out in the forest away from everyone
Mainly because some of the other creeps are like “you guys are a very strange couple”
Nina embraces the weirdness of their relationship
It was unexpected and came out of nowhere and no one could’ve saw it coming
While Toby hates the comments about it
If they love each other why does it matter?
They are though
I mean Nina’s whole thing was liking Jeff
What changed?
After growing up and maturing Nina released she never even liked or loved Jeff
She was just obsessed with him
Leading to a very unhealthy “relationship”
(Jeff just kept her around because she did what he said)
But Nina and Toby were different
Through spending time together they had to build this unlikely relationship
Toby found her really annoying and Nina thought he was so gloomy
But after spending more time together Toby’s mood would lighten around her
He needed someone like her
She was so so happy and bubbly and gentle and sweet
Toby had only known rough, callous and uncaring all his life
So being around her felt peaceful
And it still does
Nina spent so long trying to impress Jeff
So her being able to make Toby happy by just being herself makes her cry with happiness sometimes
He loves HER
Not what she can do for him
Toby enjoys her holding her hand, not telling her what to do
Nina enjoys playing with his hair, not hitting him or pushing him around
They like each other :)
Since Nina is a scemo queen, Toby likes to watch her get ready
The teasing of her hair, putting on all those belts, the dark eyeshadow and eyeliner the dark brown concealer on her lips to blend in with her skin
He thinks it’s over the top and looks ridiculous
And he loves it
Because it’s on her
“Why do you still dress like it’s 2007?”
“Cuz it’s fun! :3!”
“Is it, now?”
“Mhm! You should try it!”
“Don’t think so”
“Ah my gloomy Toby”
“Not gloomy. Just not me”
“But we listen to emo music together though!”
“Doesn’t mean I have to dress like it”
“I’m gonna make you do it one day”
“Sure you are”
Nina loves watching him practice hatchet throwing
When he hits a tree right in the middle she’ll cheer
“Yay Toby!”
He smiles a bit at her as to say thank you
He still has trouble with the whole emotions thing
He won’t say he loves Nina with his words but his actions
Getting her a new studded belt, more hairspray new eyeliner and anything that reminds him of her
Blast emo music in the car together and headbang
Toby is midwestern emo and Nina is MySpace emo
Although Toby also really likes nu metal, and other alternative music too
Nina often steals Toby’s hoodies and sweaters and will wear them to sleep, especially when he’s away on a mission
They’re mainly brown, black, dark blue all neutral colors because Toby’s plain like that
They smell like him and it makes her so happy
“Nina-what did I tell you about taking my stuff?”
*nina knocked tf out*
“Ugh you’re lucky you’re beautiful. You’re getting makeup all over my hoodie”
Nina wants to straighten Toby’s hair and give him emo hair and a fringe sooo bad
Like really bad
He grew is hair out for her to do it, he didn’t care about his hair anyway
He’ll let her do what she wants and she did just that
She gave him emo hair but it looked professionally done it’s so clean
Toby’s honestly impressed
Nina thinks he looks so hot with emo hair especially when he wears plain black shirts or shirts with bands he likes on them
Literally the emo bf she’s always wanted
Toby hates being called emo buuuut he kinda is
She’s now trying to get Toby to let her dye his hair pink and black to match hers
That’s where Toby drew the line
Nina and Toby got matching piercings though!
Now they both have canine bites, septums, eyebrow piercings and a bunch of ear piercings
Why not? He can’t feel it
They’ll touch tongues through the open wounds in their faces
Nina will stick her tongue out through her smile and Toby will touch her tongue with his through his face gash hole thingy
Nina makes Toby candi bracelets and Toby puts them on his hatchets
Toby will take Nina shopping with money he stole and saved up from victims
Goes with her every time because he doesn’t want her to get harassed
Super protective of her, just like he is with all the women he loves
No one can make fun of Nina’s fashion except for him
Nina definitely sings rap songs like sexy red and Meg the stallion to him as a joke
Toby just tolerates it
“Stop me and you’re racist, Toby!”
*head in his hands* “I’m not stopping you”
Toby is still, blunt, rude, obnoxious and cynical but tries to tone it down around Nina
He knows she’s sensitive to people talking to her like that, especially her partners
Nina will sometimes decorate Toby’s scars with glitter
He’s covered in them
All he does is roll his eyes and let her
He wasn’t doing anything with them anyway
Even though Toby is 29 and Nina’s 27 they feel like happy teenagers with each other
This is what their lives should’ve been together if the world was kinder to them
Just 2 people in love, hanging out listening to music, together, shopping together, going out to eat together
Nina being scemo is healing her inner child
Toby loving her true authentic self is healing her inner child
Toby tries to do the same by wearing more comfortable sweaters and trying to break the habit of picking at his skin
Nina loving him despite all his problems is healing his inner child
This is how life should be
No abuse, no suffering
Just them being in love and chilling
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six-costume-refs · 2 months
IRL Sixsona Designs Pt. 2: Makeup Edition
Hey y'all! This is second in a series of a few extra sixsona posts that @lightleckrereins and I are doing this week. The first post is here, showing the real-life vinyl inspirations we used!
This time around, I'm doing yet another hypothetical: what makeup would be used for each sixsona design!! My list of makeup recommendations for Six cosplayers is probably the post I'm second-most proud of (after sixsonas ofc). When I was initially working on that I kept seeing makeup that would be perfect for some of our sixsona designs, so because I have absolutely zero chill of course I had to figure out the full makeup plots for each.
The basic rules were - one glitter - one eyeshadow palette - and two additional products to fill in any gaps, as needed (this included fun stuff like an extra glitter or liquid liner, but also practical things like additional eyeshadow shades when needed or a liquid base for more sheer colors)
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White (swing): Colourpop palette in Cloud 9, NYX Metallic Glitter in Lumi-Lite, Danessa Myricks Colorfix Matte in Lift, Urban Decay Moondust Liquid Eyeliner in Pyro
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Yellow (A/B): Nicka K Pop Neon Palette in Oh Honey, With Love Pressed Glitter in Pineapple, MAC Dazzleshadow in It's All About Shine, Glisten Cosmetics wet liner in Bananas Cream (A/S): Beauty Bay (42), NYX Ultimate Glow Shots in Come Thru Coconut, Colourpop Super Shock Shadow in 3rd St, Colourpop Super Shock Shadow in In Harmony Bronze (A/C): BPerfect Cosmetics in Compass of Creativity North Skintones, Lemonhead Spacepaste in Dirty Penny, Haus Labs Hy-Power Pigment Paint in Copper Shimmer, MAC Dazzleshadow Extreme in Objet D' Art
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Mint (B/S): Nicka K Pop Neon Palette in Lucky Charm, With Love Pressed Glitter in Mint, Haus Labs Hy-Power Pigment Paint in Mint Matte, Colourpop Super Shock Shadow in Life Coach Coral (B/H): Kimchi Chic Palette in Citrus Queen, Slayfire Cosmetics in Peaches & Scream, Danessa Myricks Colorfix Matte in Phoenix, Glisten Cosmetics wet liner in Rose Quartz Emerald/peacock (B/P): Cozzette Beauty Palette in Blue-Green, Designer Dust Co in Water Country Flakes, Danessa Myricks Colorfix Metallics in Firework, MAC Eye Shadow in Carbon
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Amber (S/C): Colourpop in Rock On, Danessa Myricks Infinite Chrome Flakes in Hot Lava, Danessa Myricks Colorfix Liquid Metals in Hot Fire, Lemonhead Spacejam in Rainbow Road Peach (S/H): Colourpop in Sweet Talk, Lemonhead Spacepaste in Mulholland, MAC Dazzleshadow Extreme in Kiss of Klimt, MAC Eye Shadow in Shell Light blue (S/P): Colourpop in Blue Velvet, Designer Dust Co in Carolina Bae Micro, Danessa Myricks Colorfix Foils in Mermaid, Colourpop Super Shock Shadow in Ice Dream
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Magenta (C/H): Beauty Bay in Berries (16), Designer Dust Co in Bubblegum Bae Micro, Colourpop Super Shock Shadow in Roy G. Biv, MAC Eye Shadow in If It Ain't Baroque Maroon (C/P): Juvia's Place in The Berries, Lemonhead Spacepaste in Wine Safari, MAC Pigment in Gold, Glisten Cosmetics wet liner in Bloody Mary Lavender (H/P): Juvia's Place in The Violets, Barry M Biodegradable Body Glitter in Hypnotic, MAC Dazzleshadow in It's All About Shine, Glisten Cosmetics wet liner in Amethyst
Some credit info: Designs for white, yellow, cream, mint, amber, peach, magenta, maroon, lavender + all sixsona art featured here by @lightleckrereins. Original designs for bronze, coral, emerald/peacock, and light blue are mine. I did most of the sourcing work for the makeup, but Sofia created the inspiration + made final decisions on the makeup for all her designs.
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caswensworld · 3 months
“The outfits in Descendants: The Rise of Red are so bad” “I hate them” what Descendants are y’all talking about?
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We gonna start off with Uma. No, I’m sorry, Principal Uma! She looks so good! D2 vibes all around. Sure, there’s not as many sea trinkets as I’d like there to be but I can live with that. I missed her Pirate hat and her fringed skirt! The shredded shirt, I see you, Harry Hook inspired! I love the brown sleeves with glitter, that definitely reminds me of the sea. I just got black fingerless gloves but now after seeing her, I want gold…Great. I haven’t talked about her jacket cause there’s no discussion to be said. No defense to be made. Uma will always have that fashion!
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Princess Red of Wonderland here is slaying! The designer understood the assignment! Red’s style is like a combination of Mal and Evie. The gown gives Evie’s royalty and the other gives Mal’s edge. Let’s start with the dress, I have always had a thing for corsets , I don’t know what it is, I just love them. Her arm warmers! Maybe it’s something on the arms, I just find it so sexy (y’all should’ve seen me swoon over Mal’s D3 moto sport fit). Why does her dress give more Queen of Hearts then the actual Queen of Hearts. And don’t act like we didn’t see that crown, Miss Ma’am.
Now the other picture, it may be dark but I saw everything I needed to. I think that’s a double belt she’s wearing and I love wearing more than one belt! The leather pants with the gems on the side, love that! Combat boots are my true love, but y’all. Y’all. The hood. THE HOOD! WITH THE GEMS!! OHHH! I need the character pictures to drop so I know what to gender-bend and thrift.
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First off all, Hades always got it on but THIS! Hades is my spirit god! I am Hadie. I can see how he pulled Maleficent. This is my father, I dressed up as this specific Hades for Halloween. I love it when my gender wears makeup, I personally like painting my nails and wearing eyeliner so to see it on Hades, I’m very happy. I am a sucker for jewelry and that choker around the neck! I recently bought my own choker because of him! His leather jacket is everything! The studs! I haves stud fetish! I need the jacket but it’s just too expensive. Now the main thing we need to talk about is THAT SHIRT! OR SHIRTS! I fully believe these are two shirts safety pinned together! I think that the blue might be long sleeve while the gray is short! I got the safety pins so I find the right shirts, I will my customizing!
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The Mistress of Evil, Maleficent always has that fashion chic. The complaints I do understand are from her horns and hair. We’re gonna start with her hair. People were expecting it to be people because Mal’s was purple. Y’all, you cannot expect me to believe Mal’s hair was an inherited trait, I did not believe for a second that Maleficent had purple hair. (Imma have to do a whole other post on that). Now the horns, I do believe that her horns are there and her hair is just long enough to be wrapped around her horns. (And if not, then we go all Dragon). Now let’s talk about the pros. THE PURPLE EYESHADOW!! I LOVE THAT! The leather corset, again, something about a corset! Why do I have the feeling that’s dragon leather? If that’s a thing, is that a thing? Now let’s talk about that single arm sleeve. Even as a teenager, Maleficent still looks regal! How many chains does Maleficent have? I love that. Ulyana is a mean girl, Maleficent is a BAD girl!
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It’s not that she doesn’t look good, it’s just that it’s all red. I know that’s her main color, but she does also wears black with a little bit of gold. That’s pretty much my only complaint, she looks beautiful, I love how the dress looks like roses! The sleeves, I love translucent or mesh or whatever it’s called. The crown is crowning! Don’t get me started on that corset turned collar!! But I do understand why they made her all Red so she can contrast with Queen Cinderella!
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I’m am rating this because the other one we saw is not a dress, that is a cape or cloak or something, I don’t know what it’s called. This dress is very beautiful, I have always preferred her blue over her silver but I do like how the designer added silver swirls. The jewelry is everything! The earrings, the necklace, THE SILVER CROWN! IT’S BEAUTIFUL! Brandy is royalty herself! I’m not sure if you guys can see it, but she does have these shiny translucent gloves and I like them. I don’t care what you people say, even if it’s a little random, her blue braid is absolutely beautiful! I absolutely love it!! The first black Cinderella then the first Cinderella with blue hair, Brandy is the literal definition of iconic. She is the history of Cinderella.
Emilio Sosa, the designer, is amazing and he deserves his roses and trophies
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juriyuna · 1 year
Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have short ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) with a purple tint and pink lowlights that reaches my shoulders and icy violet eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like the goddess Isis (AN: if u don't know who she is get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Cleopatra but I wish I was because she's a major fucking hottie. I'm a warrior but my weapon is an incense burner. I have pale white skin. I'm also a servant, and I work directly under the Queen of Egypt where I'm her trusted confidant (I haven't witched out yet). I'm a magical girl (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear all linen. I love the nobles' workshop and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a gold headdress modelled after a peacock and a teal sash, gold bracelets and a blue shawl. I was wearing black armbands, a black and gold necklace, black eyeliner and gold hair ties. I was walking outside the temple. It was dark and cool so there were no crocodiles, which I was very happy about. A lot of familiars stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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bippot · 7 months
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Summary: How many times does Vigilante need to get injured before Harcourt finally gives in and hires a medic to help out with the squad's injuries? Far too many times, that's how many.
When it's uncovered that a fancy hotel is linked to, not only what's left of the legion of butterflies, but also a string of weird deaths and missing persons reports, the only two for the job are lovesick Adrian and the newbie.
Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Gun Violence, Blood and Injury, Undercover as a Couple. Fluff, Idiots in Love, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Summer Vacation, Butterflies, Alien Invasion, Stitches, Weird Biology, Creep in a Bathroom, Aphrodisiacs, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Drugging, Peeping, General Weirdness
Peacemaker, Adrian Chase Masterlist - here
Previous Chapter: Posh Person Place
Adrian had no idea why Y/N was nudging her head towards the woman in the corner. When he followed her eyeline, all he saw was a rich looking lady in her forties sitting by herself with two large wine glasses filled with amber liquid on the table in front of her. Her long, blonde hair was pulled into an elegant bun, and her deep blue dress flowed gracefully off her shoulders as she swirled the contents of her drink.
"Do you know her?"
"You don't?"
Y/N brushed her hand up and down his bicep to look as if they were talking in hushed voices and close proximity because she was giving her slightly anxious husband a pep talk before they interacted with anyone. As soon as he craned his look to get another look at the Queen, Y/N tilted his chin back towards her face. "Don't stare," she warned, her voice quiet but full of authority.
His cheeks burned as he turned his attention back to her, clearing his throat awkwardly because did she have to command him like that? In such a sexy way. In an effortless way. In a way that had him nodding and agreeing obediently with anything she told him without a second thought.
"We should do some surveillance before we make contact, okay?"
He nodded again, a shy grin tugging up at the corners of his mouth. He couldn't believe he was actually behaving so much like a disciplined schoolboy, and he was quite impressed with how much restraint he was having since Y/N's lips were literally right there. Just an inch apart, just teasing him like they always did.
Then, when she noticed where his attention was - her lips - she gave in, letting out a hum as she gave him a quick peck on his lips. "There." She smiled and gently pushed him away. "Relax and have lunch, I'll do the creeping."
That was fine with him. Vigilante was more of a 'shoot in the genitals, threaten more violence to get the information you want' kind of person, so as soon as the pair were seated at their table - which was selected for them by Sparrow and would be their spot for the rest of their vacation - he had his mind set on stuffing his face.
On the other hand, Y/N's eyes were darting from one thing to another thing as quickly as possible, trying to keep an eye on both the people around them and the one who seemed to be her target. She watched intently for any movements, every word exchanged. Her expression was unreadable as she caught another couple looking at them with curiosity and reached for Adrian's hand to very obviously show him some affection, something he did not seem to mind. He even squeezed her fingers in response before focusing on his meal with an air of contentment.
Their table was on the left side of the room and Y/N had purposely sat in the chair facing towards the right so she could see every little movement that happened throughout the room, whereas Adrian had just sat down next to her with not much care. So far, almost everything but the suspicious-looking guy near the toilets was completely normal.
And Sparrow was definitely not normal; she'd already figured out that much. He was far too excited when talking to the guests and his smile only broadened after each exchange. And if Y/N had been asked to guess what his true objective was, she might have implied Sparrow was flirting with a few of the women present. There was a touch on the arm or a caress, or maybe it was just a wink, but he was paying the women extra attention.
Which wasn't entirely unusual, yet there was a certain curiosity on his face that Y/N couldn't ignore. It was subtle. There was a certain tension to his being. His shoulders were relaxed, his breathing slow, yet his gaze was sharp. Although the conversations seemed casual, there was a slight twitch of his left eyelid whenever someone new came up to him.
"You gonna eat those cake things?" Adrian asked, pointing towards the scones on her plate she'd barely touched.
"You want 'em?"
"They're fucking delicious."
Transferring two of the three scones onto his plate, Y/N let out a chuckle as soon as he started wolfing the food down as fast as his mouth would allow. Y/N had to stifle herself behind her hand and shook her head fondly, completely ignoring the disapproving looks the stuck up people right next to them were giving him.
"Settle down, tiger, you're gonna choke if you keep eating like that."
"It's good," he groaned through his chewing, his voice muffled by the sheer amount in his mouth. "Can't help it. These are really fucking delicious."
He finally swallowed his food, then took a big gulp of water from his glass until it was nearly empty. In hindsight, Y/N probably should've taught him how to dine out like a respectable gentleman. But honestly, it was too late now. And, to be even more frank, Y/N had witnessed dozens of new money playboys who had the manners of feral woodland creatures, so it wasn't all that unbelievable.
"Lean towards me, hun."
Adrian did as she said and leaned forward, propping himself up with his elbows, waiting patiently for what she wanted him to do. She gently wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin before pushing his dark, messy locks behind his ears, smoothing them back so that his curls weren't falling over his forehead. Then, when she looked as if she was going to place a kiss on his cheek, she whispered, "There's a guy by the bathroom that has been watching us since we started eating. You're going to pretend you need a pee and check him out. Can you do that for me?"
"I'll do whatever you want me to. You know that."
She smiled at him, placing her palm against his cheek, stroking the smooth skin with her thumb. "You're so sweet," she cooed without a shred of pretence, her face softening as if she was looking at a sweet little bunny instead of a thirty year old loser in khaki pants and a polo shirt. "Be casual, be polite, and be careful."
"Right. Yeah. I can do that..." He took a breath and playfully added, "Can I get a good luck kiss?" Y/N laughed as she kissed him softly on the lips before leaning back once more and resting her elbows on the table.
Okay, he could walk to the bathroom without being weird. Sure, it felt like everyone's eyes were on his legs all of a sudden, but that didn't mean he had to make a scene about it, right? One foot in front of the other like he'd done since he was a tot, Adrian made his way across the room and stopped to stand by the entrance of the toilets. As expected, he spotted the tall, lanky man that had been lurking against the wall that Y/N had pointed out and gave him a polite nod as he passed. The guy nodded back, a sly smile spreading across his thin lips as he followed 'Marty Bardot' into the bathroom.
Turns out that even the bathroom was fucking lavish. Marble countertops, marble floors, gold fixtures and mirrors covering the entirety of the walls, including gold toilet lids, and beautiful artwork hanging everywhere. The bathroom was big, yet as Adrian dipped into one of the stalls, he noticed that the partitions were from the ankle to the shoulder. It shouldn't be that easy to see into the stall next to you.
"Your wife is pretty."
A voice suddenly appeared in the neighbouring stall beside him as soon as Adrian unzipped his trousers. He whipped his head around and was faced with the creepy guy.
"Yeah, she's really pretty."
"You're not too bad yourself."
Weird. What the fuck? Was this guy trying to be their third? If so, why did he broach the topic in such an awkward way? The men's bathroom grew a strange vibe as if the atmosphere was tense and slightly intimidating, and Adrian didn't like it.
"Oh. Thanks, man," Adrian mumbled, trying to will himself to pee so he could focus on that and not this fucking stranger. He'd let his khakis fall to the ground as he tried to relieve himself, and the guy continued to inspect him.
Really inspect him. The kind of inspection that is really weird to do in bathrooms. Adrian tried his best to ignore the way the guy's eyes drifted further down than they should've, but the guy was persistent. As if his eyes were glued to his crotch.
"So, uh, do you work here?" Adrian managed a weak attempt to make conversation.
"Kind of." A simple and short reply, with no hint of emotion to it whatsoever.
"Cool, cool." He attempted a laugh, but it sounded more awkward than anything else. "Well, my dick clearly isn't working right now so I'm just going to go. Back to my wife."
In a flash, he'd pulled his underwear and trousers back up and was about to leave when the guy called out, "You should still wash your hands," so Adrian stood in place.
"Great point. I-I should," he chuckled nervously before reaching for one of the sinks and turning the tap on. He made a big show of washing his hands very thoroughly and was about to exit again but was interrupted by the guy's loud voice.
"What's your name again?"
"What I would give to walk in your shoes, Marty."
"Okay then...bye!"
Adrian rushed out the door, leaving the bathroom and hurrying back towards his table where he immediately sat down, taking a deep sigh. That had not gone exactly well, but it was some information at least. Uncomfortable information, yes, but information nonetheless. And, obviously, Y/N immediately saw the distress written across Adrian's face even though he kept trying to hide it with a small smile. "What's wrong?" she asked, placing both her hands in his and squeezing them reassuringly while rubbing her thumb against his knuckles.
"He was creepy." Adrian muttered, shaking the anxiety from his shoulders a bit. "Like, seriously creepily creepy."
"Like normal creepy or alien creepy?"
"I don't know. Just weird creepy."
"Hmm…" Y/N hummed as she looked around the restaurant, trying to spot any sign of that creepy guy who apparently followed Adrian around. Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration when she found none. "Let's go back to our room."
That was a great idea. Adrian was in no mood to try and be badass out here, so he was thankful for the reprieve. The pair got to their feet and were on their way out when Sparrow appeared in their path. "The Bardot's! I hope you're finding that everything is perfectly attuned to your tastes, yes?" Sparrow greeted, blocking their exit and forcing them to interact with him.
"Everything is great, thank you very much," Y/N replied. "We were just about to head back to our room."
"You'll miss the daily affirmation session and, I guarantee, that it will be such an eye opening experience that it will change your life."
Sounds culty. The couple caught each other's eye.
"Uh, daily affirmation session?" Adrian asked, his suspicion so clear in his voice that it was almost comical.
Yet, Sparrow was not deterred. He continued, "The daily ritual in which we reaffirm our deep and abiding love for each other. It's a beautiful thing to do, and I assure you, it will change your life."
"I'm sure it will," Y/N said, "But I'm feeling a little jetlagged still so we -"
"It will only take a moment," Sparrow assured her. "Please, I insist."
Once again, the couple caught each other's eye but let themselves be guided by Sparrow to the room adjacent to the dining hall. He opened the door and gestured for them to enter before closing and locking it behind them. They'd expected all the other guests to be there too, but no, other than Sparrow, the pair were alone. The room was smaller than all the other ones they'd been in, yet it seemed as this was used primarily for the affirmations as a decal with a list of soppy statements was on the middle of the back wall.
Sentiments To Ponder:
True happiness blooms from within.
I can not change anyone else, but others may change me if I let them.
My energy will persist even after I'm gone.
I will engage in physically intimate moments with my lover.
If I had to choose all over again, I would still choose my partner even if they go through changes.
"Since you lovebirds are new, I'll talk you through this session," Sparrow began, gesturing for them to sit. There wasn't any actual seating, but there the floor was covered in cushions, so the pair plopped themselves down, side by side, and anxiously waited for whatever was about to happen to happen. "You are surrounded by absolute beauty. From the sun beaming through the window to the natural world all around you. You are in a place of wonder and appreciation, and you are reminded that you are loved, especially by your partner. You are in a place that is nurturing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health."
It was a bunch of flowery words that would've been comforting if they hadn't already twigged that something strange was going on here. After being cornered in a bathroom by a creep and now locked in a hippie yoga room with a weirdo, Adrian was on edge. The affirmation session was starting to feel more and more like a setup to ambush the unsuspecting couple. He reached out to grab Y/N's arm, his protectiveness flaring up all of a sudden.
All Y/N did was place her hand over his, her thumb brushing along his knuckles as if to say, 'Wait for shit to pop off before you, well, pop off.'
"To complete this session, all we ask is for you to repeat the affirmations on the wall and give your partner a kiss between each one," Sparrow announced, his voice huskier than they remembered, and if they were being honest, he seemed more attractive now they were in the room with him.
And when Y/N gazed at Adrian to check up on how he was reacting, she found herself mesmerised. He was attractive, she knew that. She was attracted to him, too. But, he looked godlike. Like the most adonis-like adonis in the history of handsome men. A perfect prince from a fairy-tale.
Something was happening to her vision. Or her brain. Something about this room was making people of the male condition become more attractive. Because she'd hadn't thought Sparrow was particularly nice looking to her beforehand, but he was currently. Thinking Adrian was pretty was normal. She did that on a daily basis. A minute-ly basis. Sparrow, on the other hand, had never been her type of guy.
Adrian wasn't feeling any different and was getting very concerned about why the hell Y/N was looking so dazed. Her pupils were blown so wide that her eyes were practically all black and she was wearing such a sluggish dopey smile that it was clear she wasn't herself right now.
Similarly, Sparrow had that same look on his face.
Vigilante had saved all types of people during his nights patrolling Evergreen. Without a doubt, he saved women the most. And, more damningly, he had a duty to save them because weird, creepy men had roofied them. Those women had the exact same expressions on their faces as the other people in the room. It was mere pattern recognition that allowed Adrian to figure out that at some point during the last five minutes, someone had drugged his wife and the concierge.
He was quick to his feet and began pulling Y/N up behind him. "I think I'm going to puke. We should really get -"
"The door won't open if you haven't said your affirmations," Sparrow cut him off, his eyes flitting from one to the other as he tapped his fingers against his leg.
Her head was fuzzy and light, so Y/N obviously knew something was wrong, still, she whispered in her husband's ear, "Let's just do it so we can get out of here."
Did Adrian want to kiss Y/N? Yes. No doubt in either of their minds, the answer was a big fat yes. Did Adrian want to kiss a roofied Y/N? Absolutely not. That was so wrong on so many levels that it boggled his mind.
"It's okay, Marty," she said, reaching for Adrian's hands. "True happiness blooms from within. Repeat that for me, baby."
He obeyed and was rewarded with a soft peck on the cheek.
"Great! There's your first affirmation. Was that so difficult, huh?" Sparrow said with a triumphant smile, his eyes flitting around like a wild dog on the prowl. "Our couples tend to give in to the growing passion as you go through further down the list, so pretend I'm not here and be as wild as you wish."
Wild. Was this dude really expecting them to give in to their natural base needs and just allow him to stand there and watch as 'Marty Bardot' absolutely ploughed into 'Sidney Bardot'? If that was his expectation, Sparrow was going to be thoroughly disappointed that the pair kept it safe with sweet little pecks on the cheek.
Sure, every single nerve in Y/N's body was firing non stop. Each time Adrian reached out to touch her, albeit innocently, she had to hold herself back from pouncing on him and tackling him to the ground.
Eventually, the affirmations had been completed and a green light appeared just above the doorknob. They were finally free to leave, and leave they did. On the way out, Sparrow called after them, "Don't forget to dress up for our after dinner mixer! It begins at eight o'clock sharp!" But, Adrian didn't respond, he tugged Y/N to her feet and got them back to their hotel room as quickly as he could. He didn't even bother to be discreet about it and lifted her into his arms so he didn't have to drag her around.
Sometime during their journey, Y/N began to return to normal.By the time they made it back to their room, the drug had wore off, her body was starting to become more lucid and she suddenly was aware that her arms were locked around Adrian's neck and her legs wound around his waist as he made his way through their door. She let go of him and took a step back, a look of confusion on her face.
"I'm sorry," she said, trying to steady her breath, "I just -"
"Oh, you're back. Thank god."
Then, he was bringing her into a bone crushing hug, burying his face in her neck and letting out a staggered sigh before he started rambling, his voice wobbly and so, so fast, "I didn't know how long the roofies were going to last and that cunt wasn't letting us leave and I needed to make sure you were okay and it was weird and you were horny and he was too and I had to watch and -"
"Breathe, champ." Her fingers started to stroke the back of his head. "Slow, deep breaths. You can do that for me, can't you? Breathe for me, baby."
His breathing was shaky and unsteady, but it was getting there. She gave him a few moments before she started to make her own breathing as slow and deep as possible so he could copy her. After five or so minutes, it was clear that it was working. He was calming down and the shaking in his body was starting to subside.
"That's it," she whispered, keeping her voice just above a murmur. "You're almost there."
It was a struggle, but finally she was able to feel a smile against her neck. She leant back and managed to catch his eye, her thumb coming up to brush away some of the moisture away from the corner of his eye, not that she'd tell him that he'd been crying as he hadn't seemed to notice.
"Can you tell me what happened? My memory is a bit blurry but I think you said something about roofies so that makes sense," Y/N asked, her hands resting on his shoulders as she started to trace her fingers up and down his arms.
To the best of his ability, Adrian recalled every single detail he could. He started on the creepy guy in the bathroom and ended with the present moment. Y/N took it all in and let out a breath.
"Well, good news: nothing physically damaging has happened," she breathed, gathering her thoughts. "And I'm pretty sure I'm okay, we're both okay. It sounds like you handled the situation well enough for that to be true."
"The bad news?"
"They're either alien perverts or human perverts. I don't know which is worse."
"Sparrow is a human," Adrian stated with such conviction that he had no idea he could sound like that. He was sure of it, and he sounded so sure of it.
While she believed him, he hadn't given her an explanation. Y/N paused with an expectant eyebrow raise, but he didn't get the cue. "What makes you think he's human?" She urged him on with a gentle nudge to his shoulder. "What makes you so sure?"
"I don't know. A gut feeling."
"A gut feeling?" she repeated slowly, sceptically.
"Yeah, a feeling in my gut."
He could practically see the wheels turning in her head as she backtracked through the story he'd told her for any clues about Sparrow. She believed him wholeheartedly, but Emilia and the team would need some other piece of proof or theory to go off. A gut feeling usually wasn't good enough for them.
"You said Sparrow was affected by the roofies, too?" she asked, and got more curious when he nodded. "Okay. Do we know if butterflies are immune to date rape drugs, no, but if we take into account that the humans they inhabit tend to gain super durability, is it so outlandish to think their internal systems gain that too?"
Y/N stopped hypothesising and narrowed her eyes at Adrian. Her fingers gently undid the buttons of his polo shirt and peeled it back away from his skin just enough to check on his shoulder injury. It had completely healed already. And the roofies hadn't affected him.
"How long have you had your healing powers?" she asked, her thumb brushing back and forth across his collarbone.
"I dunno. Since I was a kid, I guess."
"You guess?"
"You don't notice that you heal quickly until something happens where you should've died and didn't."
The hint of accusation in her voice faded away in an instant when she looked into his eyes and ceased that line of thinking. He was telling the truth. Adrian being a butterfly didn't make sense. His powers were from him, not some alien perverts.
"Got it, handsome," she whispered, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek before pulling his polo shirt back in place. "If you trust your gut feeling, I trust it too."
With a hum, Adrian dived face first onto the bed and, as soon as he hit the mattress, turned onto his front to hold his arms out for her. "I've had a stressful couple of hours so if my brain drifts while we're hugging and I touch your butt, it's cause I'm thinking of your butt. You can just slap me away, but know that I am thinking about it," he told her with a cheeky grin as soon as she let him pull her in for a snuggle.
And since he'd had a strangely traumatic time today, Y/N guided his hand to rest on her ass. He quickly checked for that dazed look and found it nowhere to be seen.
"You sure?"
"Grope away, champ."
"Fuck yeah!"
As if he could resist. His touch wasn't as rough as she'd expected. He was still hesitant as he caressed from the top her thigh to her butt to her waist and back down again, but the apprehension slowly melted away. The action didn't feel sexual. Sensual, yes. It was more like an affectionate exploration. Y/N relaxed into his touch, her head resting in the space between the pillow and his chin, her chest falling into his just that bit more.
"This feels nice."
"Kneading my ass like dough relaxes you? That is beneficial information," Y/N quipped, though her dreamy tone let him know that she was as far gone as he was. Cause he was so far gone. His brain was completely empty of everything but Y/N.
Most people thought his brain was usually empty, yet that wasn't the case. Quite the opposite actually. His head was overloaded with stimulation constantly, his every sense heightened and on the lookout for every kind of thing. It was why he heard every sound, felt every sensation and saw every detail, but it was easier if he chose to ignore all that. And, yeah, he accidentally paid attention to the wrong thing sometimes or thought another thing wasn't worth his time when he really should've selected that.
Here and now, he knew that Y/N was the only aspect of his environment that it was possible for him to latch on to. Physically and mentally.
His hand's path extended from her thigh to the clasp of her bra, and on its way, unintentionally brushed her shirt further up her back. He was about to profusely apologise, but as she snuggled even closer, he realised that she didn't mind the skin on skin contact.
A shiver went through her, however, when his pinkie brushed against a particularly sensitive spot just left of her spine and around the same height placement as her navel. He felt the raised skin and his finger followed along it, taking in as much as he could before he asked her about it.
"A knife?"
"Stabbed in the back, literally and figuratively."
"Are they dead?"
She leant back a smidge and guided his hand away from her scar.
"As soon as we get home, I'm going to help you kill them. And if you can't, I'm going to."
After letting out a huff of amusement from her nose, Y/N let herself sink back into the comfort of his arms with the thought of eventual revenge in the forefront of her mind. Dr. Yatz had just acquired another enemy, and Vigilante was far more vengeful than Y/N had ever been.
Next Chapter: Milkweed
Taglist: @sarahskywalker-amadala, @she-wolf09231982
(Wanna be added to the taglist? Just message me or leave a comment :p)
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Octavia Redesign🌒
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Made my own take on Octavia for fun!!!! I always loved how casual her look is compared to her parents more regal styles. Also dig her having a celestial motif⭐️.
Because for my take, Stella has a sun motif while Stolas still has a moon motif. I gave Via an eclipse motif🌙☀️🌒!!!!!! Why I added darker colors, more circle shapes and for her eyes I was going for an eclipse. I kept the star motif from her OG aswell but I made them into pentagrams and smaller sparkles and constellations for her mesh & hat. Fun fact, apparently during eclipses you could see all kinds of different stars and even planets!!!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🪐🪐🪐🪐🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌
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Pushed for a Nu-Goth aesthetic with celestial motifs, I figure it’d fit well for her whole love of the occult☠️🔮🌌
Switched out the sweater for a purple dress with sparkly mesh. Casual but still very classy for a Goth Princess✨✨✨✨✨👑👑👑
Made her hair longer with a dark purplish gradient. Ngl Marceline the Vampire Queen(Adventure Time) and (Teen Titans)Blackfire gave me inspiration. Also gave her V-bangs.
I really wanted to add more of her mom’s physical traits into her, show her as a mix of her dad and mom for the eclipse theme. @lovesart23 Octavia really helped me consider on how to add her moms swan traits. She has a gradient glow which she gets from her dad but also has long lashes which is part of her mom’s eye marking developing. I can see most assume it’s eyeliner. Also made her body type more of a medium of her dad and mom’s figures.
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Went for purple instead of pink. Stella(pink) + Stolas(blue) makes purple! It’s also a color that symbolizes magic, royalty and very gothic💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Removed the boots, giving her a mix of her dads and mom’s feet. Has webbed so she can swim well being part swan 🦢
Gave her skin a purplish gray tint as cygnets(young swans) have gray skin so I imagine she’d still have a bit of gray.
Made her tail less big. Also gave her talons like her mom but black🖤
Replaced her crown beanie for a more gothic Wide Brim hat with constellations 🌌
Gave her hair a gradient as when she was a kid which I assume is from Stella’s side since It was shown she had some white gradient and I wanted to bring that back to show her also getting it from Stolas’ side with his gradient.
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What do u think? I’d love to know💖
I’ve also made designs of I.M.P, Verosika and even her folks, Stolas & Stella.
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finlands-world · 4 months
Hey there! This is not a new fic; I simply realized it has never been posted on Tumblr, so here it is! A little warning for internalized little/implied homophobia, body image issues, and alcohol consumption (although not a lot here-).
Aziraphale has lived his whole life avoiding activities his old church would have deemed "sinful", but as he gets older, he realizes he wants to discover new things and eliminate the shackles left by his upbringing. Visiting a gay bar for the first time, he meets this drag queen who doesn't seem like the others.
Crowley, a drag artist in his free time, returns a favor to an old friend whose gay bar is missing a Queen for the upcoming show and notices this funny guy who can't seem to keep his eyes off of him.
"As a performer in a short blue wig closed up her act, another one walked onto the stage, and the room fell silent.
She walked up to the mic, swinging her hips in a way Aziraphale had never seen before. She was in this tight-fitting low-necked black dress so long it almost touched the floor, covering her shoes. And it shined, it shined so prettily before his eyes. With a twirl from the Queen, the public learned the dreamy dress was backless, exposing her pale skin and slender features. Her shoulders were adorned with a black feather boa and a cascade of dark ginger curls, with braids scattered throughout. He’d never thought hair could be so mesmerizing. 
She had quite an angular face, defined jawline and high cheekbones, and she didn’t use any padding to accentuate her chest or hips, but it only made her more interesting to the eye.
She wasn’t hidden under layers of foundations like the others before her. In fact, you could only notice the powerful red lipstick, almost the same shade as her hair, and the discreet eyeliner, which complimented her golden-brown eyes beautifully.
Oh how they shone in the stage lights.
Aziraphale was in awe."
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heart has his heart | part 1.
Summary: (Y/N) Heart is chosen alongside her friends to attend Auradon Prep. Of course her friend Mal’s mom, Maleficent, has a much more sinister plan than the kids just attending Auradon. Will they be able to pull of stealing the wand or will (Y/N) find herself liking Auradon a bit too much?
Pairing: Ben x reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: none
(Series Masterlist)
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Curl Up and Dye was where you and your mother often spent your Mother-Daughter Day. Unlike most villains, the Queen and King of Hearts actually cared about their kid— only your dad would never be caught dead in a hair salon, no matter what the special occasion. The Queen was getting her signature curls from Lady Tremaine, she didn’t trust Dizzy to do it.
You on the other hand had no problem letting the young girl do your hair, as long as it was pretty you were satisfied. Any style would do, you figured you looked great in anything, anyway. Hair wasn’t your main focus, it was always the makeup. While you rarely put on a full face something about you always was made up. Whether it was just eyeliner, or just lipstick, or some blush, some part of your face was done.
Evie, The Evil Queen, Mal, and Maleficent came into the salon. It was rare for the two older women to be seen together but ever since Evie joined Mal’s gang, the two learned to tolerate each other. Maleficent stopped right in front of you as Dizzy was putting the final touches.
“Are you ready to go?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” You handed Dizzy a ten-dollar tip for herself.
“You bet your head that my daughter is ready.”
“Haven’t you had enough of heads already?” Queen Grimhilde joked as she admired your mother’s hair.
“I’m just saying our girls will do us proud.”
“To think I’ll have my hands on that wand!” Maleficent said excitedly. “Girls! Do your mothers proud.”
You left the shop with Evie and Mal. You were such an odd sight, the three of you. You and Evie made sense but Mal being so overt with her evil didn’t seem to fit with you guys. You girls met up with Jay and Carlos to go over final plans. You left for Auradon tomorrow.
The five of y’all settled into the back of the limo. You had on your mother’s prized crown. It was the possession you chose to take with you to Auradon. You watched in disgust as Jay and Carlos stuffed their faces with candy and chocolate.
“I know that we’ve never had sweets before but you could at least act dignified?” You asked, delicately picking a sour gummy from the bowl Carlos was holding and popped it into your mouth.
“Sorry we weren’t all raised like you, princess? Some of us peasants had to struggle.”
“Not my fault your dad got tricked into a lamp. You know, forget the sweets. I wonder what street rat taste like.”
Jay rolled his eyes and went back to the candy. You weren’t one to spare anyone from your sarcasm and gripe. You were a royal after all, how else should you conduct yourself? Even the gang was subject to your funny yet sometimes relentless and obnoxious roasting.
“Ooh, M, you’re looking a little washed out. Here let me help you.” Evie applied some blush to Mal’s cheeks but she swatted the hand away.
“Eww, stop. I’m plotting.”
“Well, it’s not very attractive.” The blue-haired girl went back to sucking on her piece of rock salt candy.
Mal pressed a button on some random remote, causing you and Evie to look at the little black panel separating you from the driver roll down. That wasn’t the only thing rolling down, so was the barrier… with no bridge.
You yelled; but, there was nothing you and the VKs could do but scream. And you kept screaming until you realized that you weren’t plummeting to your death. In fact, you weren’t anywhere near the water. The bridge slowly appeared as the limo kept going.
“Hey, um, did this just open the barrier?” You held up the remote and asked the driver.
“That opens my garage door, this remote opens the barrier.” The driver held up a different remote. “And this…”
He pressed a button that made the partition slide back up, blocking you guys from his sight. You scoffed, did he have manners? Mal turned back around and smiled.
“Ha. Nasty… I like that guy.”
You could hear the music before the limo had even fully pulled into campus. Looks like Auradon Prep pulled out all the stops. You weren’t sure why. If only they knew the five of you weren’t planning on staying too long. You stepped out the car and looked to see the mixture of shock and disgust on the faces of three people in front of you. Two of them you recognized: Fairy Godmother and Prince Benjamin. You followed their gaze to where Jay and Carlos were wrestling over who got to have the stolen electronics from the limo, Jay clearly winning. You weren’t surprised. Mal nudged the two of them and they looked over.
“Hehe, just cleaning up,” Jay said.
“Leave it like you found it… actually, just leave it.”
Jay dropped the equipment, and effectively Carlos, and strolled over to the girl whose name you didn’t know.
“Hey, Foxy. The name’s Jay.”
You had to stop yourself from gagging, five minutes at Auradon and he was already trying to get some. The girl looked him up and down, unimpressed.
Same sister, you thought.
“Welcome to Auradon Prep. I’m Fairy Godmother, Headmistress.” The fairy spoke up, saving everyone from embarrassment.
“The Fairy Godmother? As in Bibbidi-Bobbidi Boo?” Mal asked.
“No, M, as in Topsy Turvy Too. What other Fairy Godmother’s do you know.” You didn’t even mean to be sarcastic, it just slipped out. Mal gave you a mildly annoyed push while Fairy Godmother looked on smiling.
“Well, Bibbidi-Bobbidi you know it.”
Is she always like this? You thought to yourself as you watched Prince Benjamin usher her away before he addressed you guys.
“Hello, everyone. I’m Ben—”
“Prince Benjamin.” The girl cut him off. Somehow you suddenly just knew she was going to get on your nerves.
“You had me at prince.” Evie stepped up. “I’m Evie. My mother’s a queen so that makes me a princess.”
“The Evil Queen has no jurisdiction here or royal status. And neither do you.”
“I mean neither does that outfit but they still let you wear it out the house.” You muttered under your breath. It wasn’t as quiet as you thought. The other VKs snickered at your comment.
“This is Audrey,” Ben tried to diffuse the situation.
“Princess Audrey. Sleeping Beauty’s daughter and his girlfriend. Right, Benny-Boo?”
You looked over to Mal, the irony wasn’t lost on you at all. This was going to be a great time.
“This will be a momentous occasion and one that I hope will go down in history…” Ben went and shook everyone’s hand. “As the day our two peoples meet and begin to heal.”
You gave him a right proper curtsey to match whatever boisterous speech he just gave.
“A bit much?”
“Just a bit. Next time maybe just you arriving to Auradon Prep will be remembered in history,” you said before shaking his hand.
“Princess (Y/N) Heart.” You emphasized the princess just to annoy Audrey. Ben didn’t seem fazed or even attempt to correct you like she did to Evie.
“Heart? That’s your last name? I thought it was just a part of Wonderland, the Valley of Hearts.”
Ben didn’t let go of your hand.
“In Wonderland, royals take the last name of where they rule. We rule the Valley of Hearts so, I’m a Heart.”
Audrey was by Ben’s side in an instant. “Well, no one really rules over the Valley of Hearts anymore. Your mother made sure of that with the whole off with your head thing.”
“Aww, and here I thought we might actually be friends… you know we never actually beheaded anyone right? It’s just a saying. Although, I’d be very happy to change that count from zero beheadings to one.”
You finally let go of Ben’s hand. “You gonna show us around or what?”
“Uh, yeah. Right this way.”
Ben signaled to where the front doors and a statue were. Before he could head off to lead the tour, you shrugged and looked over at the VKs giving two snaps to signal it was time to head out. Ben had to run to be in front of the group. Ben stopped in front of the statue. Now that you were closer you could see it was one of King Beast, a man your parents didn’t like at all. He was one that might make the first actual beheading in the Valley of Hearts if your mother ever saw him.
Ben clapped and the statue changed from King Adam’s human form to him in Beast form. You covered your ears as Carlos screamed and jumped into Jay’s arms.
“Relax, Carlos. My dad wanted his statue to change from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible if we try hard enough.”
Carlos made a clapping motion but nothing happened.
“Oh. It only works with the royal family.”
Just because it amused you to try, you clapped your hands. The statue took a minute but it shifted. Everyone turned to look at you.
“Your statue’s broken.”
“Huh.” Ben said nothing else but continued the tour.
(Part 2)...
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magnoliabutters · 10 months
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pairing: kas!vamp eddie munson x (she/her) reader
summary: munson and henderson have a good o’talk...
warning: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; enemies to lovers trope, canon divergence, fluffy-wuff, season 4 spoliers, switching povs, moody boy kas, grief, y/n count: 1, moody boy dusty buns, violence, death/killing, character death, etc.
word count: 11.6k
reblogs & thoughtsy-watsies are appreciated!
• stories of eddie munson • season two • previous part •
note: potential need for tissues, not to toot my own horn or anything hehe, also highly highly encourage noting the dates & time to stay on track (i be bouncing)
grazi grazi grazi to my sweet ladies, ziggy (@trashmouth-richie, one of my fav authors) & miss nack (@nackrosor, loml) for spending the time to beta read & share your incredible thoughts and wisdom! also, doubly credit to nacky-nack because some of these words came straight from her extravagant brain & i love her so much.
i have never been so proud of the stories i’ve been creating and that’s cause of these two extraordinary writers. thank you, thank you for helping me grow! now, on to my longest post yet…
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April 7th, 1986. 10:46pm.
Kas never thought he would respect a man in an open white blazer with a bright blue undershirt and yet, here he is - ready to follow him into battle if necessary. He is invested in this “Miami Vice” show. God, even the name sounds stupid, but he finds himself thankful that you had found a channel dedicated to it. A blissful escape from this shitty old thing called life. 
There he sits with feet kicked up on the coffee table. A fresh stove-top cooked popcorn on his lap. The beautiful girl he loves sleeping soundly against his shoulder. He could die right here and be absolutely fulfilled. A twisted little smile sprawls on his lips as you curl your arm across his waist. The way your soft hair rests upon his shoulder and down to his bicep makes his heart explode and rebuild in a million puzzle-like pieces. 
Who needs a working heart anyway? 
Kas’ eyes are glued to the TV screen, desperately trying to erase the presence of the curly haired betrayal of a boy in his peripherals. He may have had trouble accepting the idea of Dustin at first, but now he’s just a nuisance at the bottom right of his eyeline. He will happily admit that he likes it better when the boy’s unconscious. 
Although, he refuses to share how the curls of Dustin’s hair bring him back to each and every time Eddie ruffled them up with the palm of his hand. He is reminded of the happiness he felt in seeing the boy every day in school. The nostalgia floods his brain anytime Dustin’s yawning catches his attention. 
Relief, another feeling that explodes within his chest. Relief in knowing that Hellfire would have yet another fearless leader once Eddie finally graduated - class of ‘86. 
The excitement, unbridled and innocent excitement that followed their party’s adventures flying off the table and becoming a tangible reality. Right before everything got way too real... 
The cracks of Crockett’s pistol blasts through the air. A shoot out. Miami’s finest detectives dive behind a brick wall as the fugitive sprays ricocheting bullets. 
Kas jumps, startled by the noise, before rushing to find the remote. In his attempts, everything goes beautifully wrong. “Fuck, shit!” The popcorn flies and spills all over your beautiful sleeping body. An accidental kick of his feet and the unfinished beer bottles fall, spilling all over the table and onto the orange tinged carpet below. 
In reaching for the remote, he about falls onto his stomach, spread across the floor, before finally hitting mute. With a deep exhale pumped full of exhaustion, he turns over onto his back, spreading his arms out across the carpet. He reluctantly raises his eyes to yours, only to catch you baring holes into his face. A tight lipped smile curls upon his lips as he mouths, “sorry” with nervous bouncing brows. 
Another thing he didn’t expect was that the loud noise blaring from the TV would cause Dustin to begin rolling around with fluttering eyelids. The boy mumbles behind him, causing Kas’ eyes to open to extreme widths. He straightens his spine and turns before crawling his way back towards you. His torso flush against the hardened bottom frame of the couch. He bumps your right leg with his elbow, desperate to get your attention. 
Thoughts begin to spiral in his mind, his lip quivers - terrified of what may happen once Dustin utters a word. Mortified by the thought of what he will say. It intensifies the frequency of his bumps on your leg. 
Kas may not remember the whole story, but he can physically feel how his heart reaches for the boy. He recognizes that Dustin is the closest Eddie ever got to being a big brother. He feels the remnants of pride that regularly overcame him whenever he looked down on the boy. The thought of what he had and who he could become.
Eddie only knew him for less than the school year, but Dustin was so much more than some random freshie who barely learned the true art of Dungeons and Dragons. No, this boy was a pro - just like he was at that age. The only difference being that Dustin had friends, a party to play with before high school. 
Henderson was his heir, the fucking prodigy. And fuck, does it hurt when the prodigy betrays the teacher! 
Kas watches as your body perks up once realizing Dustin was slowly returning to the land of the living. You quickly stand and crash land upon your knees beside him. He really wished you hadn’t. He selfishly wanted you by his side, to help him not lose his marbles and destroy everything in his sight. 
His teeth begin to grind as he watches you care for the boy. Your hands are delicate and soft as you try to help him wake. You care for him despite knowing that he left Eddie behind, the one person you claim to love the most in this world. Some loyalty. 
He struggles to pull his eyes away, to keep himself from turning into a red hot ball of rage. Deep breaths have helped keep his mind at a leveled state, but hearing your comforting words crushes him to his core.   
Kas returns his gaze upon you two when hearing your voice. “Dustin,” you say as you lightly push a curl behind his ear. He rolls his eyes with a scoff and comically stuffs another fistful of popcorn in his mouth from the thin layer that still rests inside the container. Apparently, you do that move with everyone - brushing hair behind one’s ear. The loving action he cherished so dearly. It feels wrong, undeniably wrong, to see you do that with someone else - let alone with him.
Dustin mumbles something, something that leads you to ask, “what?” so softly. Kas hums a growl at the thought of having to even process the words from his mouth, but he swore to you that he would try. Little did he know it would be this fucking hard. 
The fire in his belly is difficult to describe and truly painful. He wishes he could be supportive, to be fully invested in the responsibility you have decided for yourself - to care for this boy. He just doesn't know how to look at you and your serene actions without feeling a sliver of treachery. 
This boy is the reason Eddie died and turned into the monster that Kas is: a heinous demon that destroys everything in his wake while wearing the face of an angel.
Why couldn't he just have a few more minutes of paradise with you? To hold you in his arms, to feel you sink deeper into his chest. The sleep he craved beside your supple body was divine. All he wanted to do was grab your hand and rush you back up to that bed. To jump onto it and float the waves with you by his side. To forget there ever was an Eddie, a y/n, a Kas, a darlin’. To forget it all and start again. A new life filled with your sweet smile and endless laughter. 
Alas, no. You were reminded of who Kas truly is before any extraordinary, amnesic life could begin. All because of him. Dustin Henderson did this, and he needs to pay.
Abruptly, Dustin staggers with fearful eyes as he pulls from you. Kas could tell that you were startled by the way your chin went several inches back into your throat. He knows that expression of yours very well. He revisits the sight on the backs of his eyelids any time he tries to fall asleep. How much horror he must have caused you while he was figuring it all out. The very same horror he forces you to relive each day. He will regret it all his life. 
As an instinctual response to your worry, Kas stands with tightening fists, ready to pummel anything and anyone who troubles you. Your eyes fall upon him in such a way that he immediately disarms. Your gentle hand reaches towards him with a slightly cocked head. “It’s okay, Kas,” you say in a whisper. He sucks his tongue to the roof of his mouth as he shifts his eyes between you and the boy. He lets out a sharp breath from his nostrils before crashing back onto the couch carelessly. 
Dustin looks his way with that same annoying terror on his face. It screams, “I’m about to pee my pants.” He had no reason to worry, as long as he listened to you. However, the terror persisting any time they make eye contact is becoming more and more difficult for Kas to bear. He’s positive Dustin never looked at Eddie this way. He’d be lying if he didn’t acknowledge the sadness that envelopes his chest at the thought.  
"W-What is this?" Dustin asks while turning back to face you. His movements are hesitant and slow. Kas scoffs, kicking his feet back onto the table as he lazily reaches for a fallen kernel resting on a nearby cushion. He is almost offended that the boy couldn’t sustain the gaze in spite of his tangible fear. 
"You're safe," you comfort, placing a hand on his shoulder but he pulls away harshly, making Kas sit straight up once again. It’s never too late to learn manners. 
"No," he states. "What the hell happened?" You turn back to look at Kas, almost for support, but he gives you nothing. Why would he? You messed the bed, make it yourself. 
"Maybe I should introduce you two?" you suggest, nodding back to Kas. Dustin's lip pulls up in a mixture of confusion and disgust. It’s clear he isn’t very fond of you. Kas loves the idea of being an outcast alongside you. 
Dustin peers back at him with caution, yet eager and watering eyes before clearing his throat and returning to you. That look - jesus fuck, Kas hated that look. An inspirited gaze with raising brows before crashing down into a furrow and welling eyes. It has been some time since you have looked at him with such hope. The ogling stare that searches for something, or more accurately someone behind his muddy eyes. It is usually followed by a depressing combination of shock and hurt once the individual realizes what they were searching for no longer exists. 
Dustin searches for Eddie, just like you used to. Apologies to the traitor. Eddie no longer exists. 
"This is Kas," you introduce with softness to your voice. Your intonation comes off as though you were entertaining the name. Kas tries his best to remind himself that you had understood. You know that Eddie was gone, but the undeniable anger filling him is indisputable. It leads to the clenching of his teeth, the straightening of his back, and the flaring of his nostrils. 
Dustin attempts to say the name, stuttering and stumbling like a child at the unfamiliar word. He continues, desperately trying to understand. “Kas, like - like Kas, the Bloody Handed? Kas, the Destroyer? Kas, Vecna’s most trusted lieutenant?” 
Kas could see you wince at the words. You are desperate to keep the conversation calm and avoid all his triggers. But the boy clearly has his own annoying way of processing the information, blurting the sound of his immediate enemy as a result.
He growls as his jaw slightly shakes with how hard his teeth grind against each other. “How about Kas, the man whose aboutta break your nose if you keep yapping?” he spits out. Dustin quickly turns his way at the sound. He shudders in his seat, preparing for another altercation. 
In an attempt to deescalate the situation, you slowly answer Dustin’s inquiries. “I’m not sure about all that,” you start, speaking directly to the boy. “But Kas, he’s - he’s different.” He looks at you with one raising brow and forward leaning chin, egging you on to continue.
“He may look like Eddie, talk like him, walk like him, even hug like him - if you’re lucky,” you quickly correct. “But he’s not Eddie.” You pause, dropping your eyes to the hands intertwined upon your lap. “I really need you to understand this, Dustin. Kas is not Eddie. They are two different people.”
As you spoke, Kas slowly moved his attention onto your chapped, pouty lips. Your inflection changed as your words continued. His ears are perked as he struggles to understand how you were feeling. How to help. Your solemn expression sets off a multitude of alarm systems in his mind.
His first thought is to scoop you off your feet, carefully supporting your neck and the back of your knees with his arms. He wishes to take you away from this place, to any reminder of the past and what you have lost.
His second thought, however, fuels the anger and resentment within him. The thought that your sadness, that your pain, is caused by Dustin and his aggravating need to know the truth. Finally, you take a breath as those tears you’ve been holding finally dive off your lashes. 
“Eddie is dead…” 
“… So please. If we can move on from this - if you can accept that Eddie is g-gone,” your voice hitches, leading you to take a slow breath before continuing. “Then we won’t have to worry about what happened earlier.”
Kas’ head tilts curiously as he observes your behavior. The words are falling easier and easier for your pretty lips, but the heartbreak resonating throughout your body is crystal clear and constant.
He wishes he could revel in the excitement, to celebrate the happiness that followed your understanding that Eddie is gone. The acceptance that has allowed Kas to live without being under his shadow. But how could he ever be happy when you were so sad? 
Upon hearing your words, he is reminded of the detrimental actions that ripped the perfect morning with you from his hands. The precious morning and slumber that you both deserved. He wanted nothing more than to run his fingers through your freshly washed hair and watch as you fell asleep in his arms.
Kas fiercely avoids acknowledging the thought that he, too, is responsible for taking that away from you. That maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t all Dustin’s fault.
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April 7th, 1986. 8:12am.
Kas had an uneasy feeling as he took slow and hesitant steps down the stairs. Who could possibly be here? The knock seemed hurried, yet forceful. His first guess would be the cops, that maybe Rick got out of jail again and they’ve come to bring him back. Or what if it was a neighbor? One that saw some movement in the desolate house and called 9-1-1? Either way, a conversation between the police and Kas, Hawkin’s latest serial killer, is not going to end well. 
He considers calling you down. A fresh, pretty face that can woo the police away. One that can lie and pretend that she has every right to be in Reefer Rick’s abandoned lake house.
No, he could never do that to you. He wouldn’t dare ruin the incredible image in his head of you resting, naked beneath the warm sheets waiting for his return. He couldn’t wait to drop these sweatpants and curl up next to you. 
Nah, man. There’s no way he’s dragging you out of that bed. Plus, he knew, without a doubt, that you would be too busy dry heaving at the thought of lying to the cops to even try. A smile rips across his face. Shit, how he loves you with every fiber of his being. 
As he finally hits that last step, Kas dramatically slumps his entire body upon realizing Reefer Dicky Dick Rick doesn’t have a god damned peephole. He’s convinced that peering through the windows like an idiot would be way worse than just opening the door.
With a sharp inhale and roll of his eyes, Kas flings the door open. The wind wafts in, flying his curls back with the intensity of his speed. All to begrudgingly land his eyes on …
Kas’ entire body runs cold as his breath is stalled in his chest. The eyes, the hazel innocent eyes before him. Irises bight and clear as day when flush against the pink of his tearing eye. A reddish plump to his nose and cheeks. The trembling lip that slowly whispers a second “Eddie” that Kas is too astonished to notice. 
Dustin Henderson. The two comrades, friends of war, partners, brothers were left stunned at the sight of each other. 
Several minutes pass and the boy is the first to break the silence. “Ed-,” he starts, but Kas is quick to stop him in his tracks.
“Don’t call me that,” Kas spits out with a deadpan expression. He could feel his entire body shutting down, one muscle at a time. His breath is completely ripped from his lungs as he desperately seeks dissociation, any method of escape from who he must face. 
Pain strikes Dustin’s whole, causing the slightest twinge of his brow. He takes a step back with fluttering eyelids as he struggles to comprehend the situation.
Kas, however, is too busy wishing he could disappear to notice. Wishing that he could turn back time, tell you to hide so that you both could giggle under the fresh sheets until the knocking dissipated. 
Lost in his thoughts, Kas didn’t see the boy’s extending hand before it was gently placed against his forearm. “Don’t!” he yells, raising his tainted arm as he stumbles back into the living room.
Dustin follows him inside with worried floating hands, prepared to catch if needed. He kicks the door closed with helpful intentions. But the slamming door causes Kas to stop dead in his tracks, which in turn causes Dustin to crash against his torso. 
Without a second passing, Kas slams his hands against the mop head’s shoulders. He digs the weak boy into the wall beside the door. Dustin yelps in pain as his hips thrash forcefully back onto a side table. A sharp sound snaps through the air as a glass bowl shatters and keys scatter across the carpet.
“Don’t touch me,” Kas demands sternly. “And don’t call me that,” he adds with a heavy exhale, as though the words have become routine. “I - I won’t,” Dustin blurts out with a fast sucking breath. 
Kas slowly nods with fluttering lashes as he stumbles back. Tears well in his eyes as he struggles to discern reality and memory. Dustin Henderson, Dustin. Dustin. The name floods his body with a volatile mixture of Eddie's and his own emotions.
Is he ecstatic? Is he worried for his friend? Why was he crying? Why did he push him against the wall? That must have really been scary. Maybe he should apologize? Apologize?! For what? Dustin left him to die, rotting away in front of his family’s trailer. 
“They wished you death …. They watched as you were torn apart.”
Vecna’s chilling voice plays on repeat in his head. It’s all - It’s too much. His head spins despite the debilitating feeling of his skull being crushed. Tears roll down his cheeks like cinder blocks. He cannot control them, cannot stop them even if he tried.
He has never felt pain such as this. A pain so shocking that all bodily systems are stalled. His chest begins to heave just as his sight becomes blurry. Any memories tied to you and your anxiety attacks have rapidly been erased. He has nothing, nothing to help him. No one to support him in this unbearable situation. His heart pulses like the clacking of a horse’s hooves, while also freezing every five beats. 
Kas instinctually bends over, falling into a kneel. His chest struggles to rise and fall with each breath taken. His brain is overloaded, cutting all ties with consciousness. 
Dustin rushes to his side with a light and comforting touch upon his best friend’s back. He is very careful not to touch the pink scars ripping across his waist and ribs when catching him. “Eddie,” he calls out softly.
“Oh god! Oh god, Eddie,” Dustin cries as he lands his knees harshly against the cold floor. He pulls his idol’s body onto his lap. Tears stream down his face, dropping onto Eddie’s cheeks below.
Eddie’s entire body was on fire. So much pain but all he cared about was that he finally proved to himself that he was no coward. By the look of Dustin’s blubbering crying face and the fact that he couldn’t feel his toes, he knew that this was it. Time to go out like a rockstar.
“Bad huh?” Eddie coughs up. He could taste the familiar metal on his tongue. It wasn’t the first time blood was in his mouth. 
“No, no,” Dustin starts. “You’re going to be fine. Just gotta get you to the hospital, okay?” His voice keeps hitching. The boy brushes hair from his cheek with a cold breath on his face. 
Eddie nods his head in a desperate attempt to make his little brother feel better, but the blood keeps coming up. He gags on it before muttering, “I think …” The pain shoots up his body in pulsating electrical bursts. “Common,” he utters, trying to hype himself up. He had only a few more words to say before he was done, before he could rest. 
“I think I just … I think I just need a second, okay?” He whispers. He struggles to keep his eyes open, slowly becoming more tired as the minutes pass.
He gets flashes of your smile burning bright. Your laugh, how you cock back your head with each giggle. Your fingers intertwined with his, always such warm hands. A loving smile spreads across his devilish cheeks. “Okay,” Dustin whimpers out in between sobs. 
“I didn’t run away this time, right?” Eddie blurts out with a bit of a chuckle. “No, no, no, no,” Dustin weakly smiles, letting out a bundle of spit with a stifled cry. “You didn’t run.” A cough rips from his throat again. The blood drains from the side of his mouth. 
Happiness fills his aching chest as the thought of Dustin as President of Hellfire plays in his head once again. A thought he fantasizes about often. His eyes close as he sees the light behind the boy’s curly head. “You’re going to have to take care of those sheep for me, okay?”
Dustin lets out a soft whale as he struggles to speak. “No, you’re going to do that yourself,” he whispers stubbornly. Eddie’s brows furrow at the words. He uses all of his might to crash his palm against Dustin’s forearm. 
“Nah, man,” Eddie grumbles. He hated when the boy second guessed himself. Dustin never saw his potential, never felt the confidence he could easily have. Hey, that was the same shit you would say about Eddie all the time. Funny, full circle.
“Say, ‘I’m gonna look after them,” he demands. “Say it.” He wanted the words to come out harsh and strict, bringing the good old dungeon master voice back out for one last ride. He didn’t expect the coughing fit that would erupt from his attempt. 
“I’m… I’m gonna look after…” Dustin starts as the words fall into a jumble of sobs. “Good,” Eddie answers with another harsh cough. 
A smile spreads across his face, the smirk that is clearly copyrighted by the Munson family. “Good, cause I’m actually gonna graduate,” Eddie starts. His smile grows deeper and deeper as he remembers those pretty little eyes of yours. “And I’m gonna marry my Lolly. I think it’s my year, Henderson.” His heart warms - he likes to think it’s because of his incredible future with you, instead of the blood pooling in his lungs. “I think it’s finally my year…”
“...I love you man.”
“I love you too.” 
“… Eddie”
“Eddie …”
Kas moves with a body strictly set on autopilot. His mind is screaming, screaming his name. His heart races, beating thickly in his ears. He could still feel Dustin’s tears falling onto his cheeks. He feels the boy leaving. How his pillow, his knees, quickly fall from beneath him. Dustin’s weeping voice as he is pulled away and Eddie is left behind in the Upside Down. 
Before he could stop himself, Kas grabs Dustin’s hands off of his body. He wraps his calloused fingers around his wrists, slamming them harshly against the wall. “What the hell are you doing here?!” He screams into the adversary’s pathetically whimpering face. 
“I-It’s me,” Dustin stutters out, but each word that leaves his lips peaks his anger. Kas yells out a grunt as he digs his fist thick into his collar. He lifts the small boy up and throws him against the floor. Henderson went flying across the living room, sliding upon the carpet. 
Everything became red. A smashing of his knuckles across Dustin’s cheekbones. It hurt, but not as much as when his supposed friend left him behind. This makes Kas feel a whole lot better.
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April 7th, 1986. 11:12pm.
Looking back, Kas definitely needed that 14-hour cool down period. He scans over your crushed frame, but your eyes are fixed upon Dustin’s face. His nostrils flare as fluttering lashes drop a tear. He roughly brushes it away with a single finger against his red cheeks.
With a sniffle, Dustin whispers, “O-Okay, hi Kas. I’m Dustin.” His hand shakes awkwardly as he tries to stand. Your arms reach for him, careful not to let him fall. Despite your unfortunate patient, Kas has always adored your caring soul. The dutiful World War Two nurse tending to his eternal wounds. He loves you, not only due to your very beautiful body, but everything within its gorgeous shell - not that you’d ever believe him. 
Dustin looks down at his wavering hands and ripped shirt. His fingertips press against his cheeks. He winces in anticipation of a pain that never comes. “How did I,” he stutters, a gulp thick in his throat. “W-what is this?” Kas finally stands - it was his time to shine. He peers down at Dustin through his cheeks with a lifted chin. The boy stumbles back at his movement, afraid of what may come next. 
Just how Kas likes it: seeing his prey shaking with barely contained fear before him. At least they know the truth - that he’s a monster in sheep’s clothing. 
“I healed you,” Kas starts with a scoff. “Me, I did that,” he points to Dustin’s weak body. His smirk and bouncing brow shoots your way, making sure you acknowledge his selfless act. That annoyed, deadpanned face of yours returned, it’s one of his favorites. 
Dustin looks to you for clarification, some sort of understanding of what the hell happened to his fallen friend. Kas hated it, hated that he looked at you instead of him. Like every word falling from his mouth needed to be fact checked by you.
“Hey, Henderson,” Kas calls out, a whistle to follow. “Eyes over here. Daddy’s telling a story.” 
Kas stalls when he sees both your eyes pop out of their sockets. Dustin’s nostrils are flared as he takes a slow inhale. You quickly drop your gaze to your feet, while stifling a cry. What the hell? Why did the world come to a grinding halt? 
“Vecna saved me,” he continues hesitantly. The words slowly drop from his mouth, each elongated word. “You know, after you left me to rot.”
The boy’s neck extends as shock fills him to his very core. Fire burns true in his little hazel eyes. Something Kas, nor Eddie, has seen outside of the D&D table. 
Oh hello Nog, the Artificer - it’s been a while. 
“Who left you?” Dustin challenges with a finger addressed to the man before him. It makes Kas laugh, enjoying the fire burning within him just like the good arsonist that he is. “‘Cause it sure as shit wasn’t me.”
He steps forward in a way that, involuntarily, spreads shivers down Kas’ spine. A shiver not formed due to fear, shock, nor worry. A shiver that inadvertently fills his body with admiration and respect. “Steve had to pull me away from you,” he says sternly, dangerously entering the other's space. 
Kas’ left brow raises as a smile sprawls across his face. A slow chuckle erupts from within that could scare away Vecna himself. He is callous and cold. His eyes reddening as each word is spoken. “You’re a fucking liar, Henderson,” a cold stern tone to his voice. Kas takes a step towards Dustin, egging him on. “You don’t want to know what I do to liars.” 
Dustin scoffs, suddenly taking the interaction lightly. “Why don’t you start off by telling me exactly who said that I left you?” he asks with rigid eyes. Kas scoffs too, rolling his own, as his lip pulls up on his left side. “Oh,” the boy snickers, making Kas’ entire care-free persona develop into fuel lit fire. “Let me guess, Vecna told you that? Just like how he told you he saved you?” 
“Watch your fucking tongue,” Kas spits through gritted teeth. He could barely see your hands or hear your voice as you attempt to calm the situation. All he could see was red. The resilient, fascinatingly familiar color flushing across his sight. He just needed one good reason to wreck that pretty little face of his. 
“I watched you die and I was there until the very end,” Dustin yells, completely matching his opponent’s energy. “I would have never left you behind.” 
“But you did!” Kas screams into his face. His shoulders raise as he puffs his chest, entirely prepared to destroy the small being. But, fortunately for the boy, you are a sneaky one. A slow palm to his chest, resting with just the right amount of pressure on his sternum. He could feel another hand pressing into his lower back. And somehow he could breathe again. The red slowly dissipating from his mind. All his senses return with lightning speed. It all hit a bit too hard as he struggles to process the next words from his mouth.
“No, I fucking didn’t!” Dustin spit outs with disdain. Your hand still glued to Kas’ hot skin, the only thing keeping the other alive. “Steve ripped me from you, I hated him for weeks…” He loses track of his words as though the memories shot through his precious thinking cap. 
“No, no,” Kas mumbles but the flashes ring true. Dustin cried onto his dying body. He screamed, pleading for Eddie as he was dragged away by Harrington. He didn’t want to go, but Steve was following through on his promise - to protect Henderson. They loved Eddie. His friends would never have left him behind. 
“No!” Kas shouts, pushing the boy back, but he persists, taking a step forward to show his older brother that he meant every single world. 
“It took me so long to see that he was saving my life,” Dustin utters before powerfully pushing two hands against his chest. “I was ready to die with you in front of that trailer!”
Kas bounces back, rocking on his heels with minimal physical damage but holy shit did that fuck over his brain and everything he’s come to know as true so far.
“I should have!” the boy shrieks. Tears stream down his cheeks in a way that breaks Kas’ unbeating heart, in a way he’ll never admit - maybe not even to you. Kas coughs, clearing his throat before plopping back onto the couch. The room is silent until Tobbs calls out to his fellow detective. 
Kas clings onto the TV as a tool for his dissociation. A small voice in his head begins to beg for forgiveness. Regret encapsulates his chest cavity as he acknowledges the pain he caused to not only his prodigy, but to you. The betrayal was his own.
He should have remembered, should have corrected Vecna, but he had nothing. Not a single clue as to what was happening. He was lost, alone. He knew his memories were not his own, but he didn’t care. Anger is easier than loneliness. It wasn’t until he saw you and the graceful flash of your smile that he second guessed those thoughts. 
All he has now is Eddie’s memories from before. He would only need one hand to count how many he’s got, but that’s no excuse. He should’ve remembered. He had an inkling, some part deep deep within him that immediately rejected the idea of Henderson leaving him behind but he didn’t listen.
Why didn’t he listen? How could the idea that everyone would leave him behind be so believable? That he wasn’t worthy of true friendship? What could he have done to deserve that? 
Kas squints before applying pressure from his thumb between his brows. He could feel the beginning of a headache scraping against his forehead. Muffled voices wrack through the air as he struggles to recollect what is true and what he was told.
You and Dustin begin talking about Eddie and his last moments. He now finds distraction from his own thoughts in your conversation.
He, barely, tries to not eavesdrop as you nervously ask, “Did - did he have any message or - or, um, did he say something about me?” His ears perk for an answer that never came. He looks up to see Dustin shaking his head, which forces his heart to sink in his chest. 
Kas instinctually seeks your gaze, knowing without a doubt that this answer would completely destroy you. He watches as your face pales and your body stills. He struggles to deny every fiber in his being that screams for him to hold you. As much as they pleaded and as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t manage to move from his seat. His own body betrays him in the midst of all this new found information.
“Tell us the story.” Your mouth barely moves despite the power of the words that fall from your lips. Kas cannot deny the excitement he feels upon being reminded of your undeniable strength. You were easily the strongest woman he has ever met, even if he did remember all the women in his life. He turns towards Dustin, awaiting the story that even he is curious to hear. 
The boy, however, tucks his hands beneath his pits and crosses his arms over his torso. “What’s going to keep him from punching my face in again?” he spits out. Again, he looks right at you as though you were the handler to the rabid dog that Kas was. 
“He won’t hurt you,” you say through grinding teeth. It was enough to make Kas smile and tilt his chin back and forth, like a giddy girl. He sits back, completely relaxed, knowing that you have his back. 
Dustin takes a breath, lowering his eyes before him, but not before cracking his neck to the side. “Eddie was dealing with Chrissy,” he starts. 
You quickly interject, “Yeah, he had a date set with her.” Your eyes fall as you think further. “It - It was a Friday, right?” 
The boy nods his head as he tightens his arms upon his chest. “Vecna killed Chrissy right in front of Eddie.”
The veins in your neck tighten as you clench your teeth. Eyelashes flutter back tears. Kas cannot help but want to protect you. “Are you sure you want to hear this?” he asks in a low tone. The act surprises Dustin. His eyes flash between you two as he realizes the connection you have. 
You take a deep sigh before walking over to the couch beside him. You crash down, hooking your arm around his bicep. You lean into the meat of his arm as your eyes close. “Keep going, Dustin.” 
Kas pulls you in, holding you closer than he thought possible. He would do anything to spare you from this hurt, but he also knows whole heartedly that you needed to hear it - just as he does. “After that, Eddie went into hiding. Cops obviously pinned it on him… and Max, well, she saw him leave the trailer in a hurry-” 
Your head raises upon hearing the name. Kas turns to you for guidance as it remains unfamiliar. “Wait, Max was a part of this?” you ask in disbelief. 
Dustin stalls before answering. He swallows a huge gulp as he squeezes his hands into a fist. “Yes.” Your brain wracks with ideas, struggling to understand exactly who else was involved in this dangerous ruse. “We went searching for Eddie and it led us back to here,” he mutters as he takes a quick glance around. 
“We found out Vecna’s past and how to fight him, and we were ready,” he slows down his words. “We had a plan and we were going to stop him.” His bottom lip begins to quiver. A hand catches his balance upon the back of the recliner. “Something went wrong, and we needed more time.” 
His eyes suddenly bare holes into yours. You could see the tears welling within them as he struggles to let out the next few words. “He went back,” he swallows, “We would’ve lost so many people if not for him, but by the time I could get back…” He drops his head, shaking it as those fists crash against the tops of his thighs. 
Kas observes every inch of Dustin’s face, of his body language. He understood his words to be true, his feelings to be true. He is distraught. Dustin may have made it out of there alive, but a piece of him still rests on that road right beside Eddie. Dead and hollow. A piece he may never recover.
He rallies the courage from within to finish their interwoven story from his blurred recollection. “I-” he starts. The pronoun explodes a combination of familiarity and disorientation. “I died in his arms.” 
Kas could see your head immediately shooting his way. It made a small smile burst from his lips and shortly take it away. “But after you left, I heard someone. I thought it was you,” he turns your way with a weak grin. Tears flow from the ducts of your eyes, a steady current. “I don’t think it was.”
His voice hitches before he clears it and attempts to continue. “I died a fucking hero,” his eyes raise forward as he is flooded by the reminiscent feeling of bravery and pride. “I wasn’t a coward - no, not anymore.” 
You bite your lip as your arms wrap around his neck. His own tears begin to fall as you pull him into your chest. “You were always a hero, baby,” you whisper into his red, hot ears. "You saved me before any of this happened."
His sobs destroy the very fabric of your being. A sound that will forever haunt your dreams. You take it in waves, all of his pain without regret. Your face slowly becoming stone cold, tears ceasing to exist as you tighten your hold of him. 
Kas clears his throat, slowly pulling away from your soaked shirt. Your hands slowly float to his knees. He looks back at Dustin, his close friend, without anger or resentment. “Vecna brought me back. He told me to kill you,” he mutters while shaking his head. “I came back different.” Another frog is stuck in his throat as he struggles to take in breaths without falling into another sobbing fit. His eyes drop to the hands in his lap. “I wasn’t a killer before, but I am now.” 
Dustin looks your way in a panic, desperately wanting to know more. “He didn’t make me, you know? He taught me how and I just kept it up.” Kas calmly nods as he feels the blood drain from his face. “Eleven people,” his voice hitches as he meets the boy’s innocent eyes. 
“Tammy Thompson, Ryan Trent, Andy Johnson, Carol Carver, Dave McKinney, Paul Richardson, Justine Hutch, Dick Newman, Kristie Peterson, Olivia Wilson, and Vickie McNulty.” 
Kas keeps his head down. Not a single part of him wants to see the terror on either one of your faces. The silence floods the air like a stuffy smoke. It’s almost palpable, almost as though you could feel it weighing down on your defenseless body.
“Vickie.” Dustin slices through the smoke, a wavering tone to his voice. “Vickie from marching band?”
Kas nods his head ever so slightly while struggling to swallow the biggest gulp stuck in his throat. 
He didn’t want to raise his eyes, no not at first. He could remember her screams, particularly hers as they sounded like they were perfectly extracted from Jason Voorhees’ machete. The red of her hair mixed beautifully with the crimson that drenched her clothes.
He would be lying if he said he had any remorse in the kill. He just saw someone he knew. A poor girl smudged with dirt and muck as she struggled to get out from under the library’s debris. He scared her, just a little, to get that blood pumping quickly into his mouth.
“Yes,” Kas finally answers. “Vickie from marching band.” 
Dustin almost collapses backwards, but swiftly rushes to land onto the chair before him. A completely new pain strikes Kas’ heart as he realizes that Vickie meant something to him. Your hand squeezes at the sides of his thigh as you, too, hesitantly land your head against his shoulder. Comforting him, even though you are shocked by his doings.
“I think I need a break,” Dustin mutters. Kas raises his eyes to see that the boy had turned a shade of green. He runs out the front door and vomits off the side of Rick’s porch. A solid tear runs down Kas’ cheek. What has he done? 
While the two are inside, Dustin struggles to keep himself upright. His entire torso is flush against the wooden porch. His eyes almost bulging with each retch.
Robin has been searching for weeks to find Vickie. She’s grown so close to the McNulty family, determined to find her across the Upside Down. She refuses to acknowledge the possibility of her death, the possibility of not being able to save her through all the party's efforts and losses. 
How is he going to tell her about this? 
But amongst the sadness, he cannot deny the feeling of relief in his belly. Eddie is back. Even if it’s some weird, murderous version of him, he can still see him - talk to him. He doesn’t have to pretend to speak to the mist over Lover’s Lake anymore. He doesn’t have to think of a world that Eddie Munson isn’t a part of. 
Sure, his mentor looks different. Much more shirtless than usual. Dustin never thought he would see him in anything but ripped jeans. His hair is longer, smooth and less matted. The contrast between his dark locks and skin reveals how much paler he’s become. Red eyes are a nice touch that he can appreciate when they aren’t paired with a beating.
When Kas speaks, the boy swears he could see sharpened canines. Were those the very knives that dug into his skin before he passed out? 
Regardless, Dustin has his brother back and the happiness that consumes him is undeniable. He would accept him with open arms in any condition. 
A tenacious brotherhood built on fantasy, triumphs, and defeats. A deep connection between a Master Inventor and his Dungeon Master. He wishes he could go back, back to when the worst thing that happened was that D&D got canceled because Corroded Coffin finally got a gig. 
All he can do is wish. 
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September 16th, 1985. 8:43pm.
“Yeah, well Mike’s got a girlfriend cross country,” Lucas shares, desperately running away from the attention placed on his and Max’s relationship. 
“What the hell,” Mike gripes as Gareth places a firm hand at the back of his neck. He shakes it while releasing a hellish laughter. “Alright Mike, where’d you meet her? I only slightly think she’s made up.” 
The group laughs as Eddie watches them from his Dungeon Master’s throne. His foot hangs off the edge with a knee to his chest, hands playing with a small ripped paper. 
He is known for his transparency. Whatever he feels is perfectly displayed upon his face. The mood for today is an abundance of annoyance, clear in how he lifts the side of his lips and his eyes roll with each passing second. 
“I met her here actually, she just moved away,” Mike shares. “Her name’s-” 
Eddie slams his hand down onto the table with a force that shakes the auditorium floor. “Why are we talking about maidens?” he asks with a booming voice as he stands from his seat. “We should be talking about how the party’s going to fight Lolth tomorrow,” he hints. 
Dustin’s eyes widen as he slowly asks, “What are you talking about?” He peers around the room, seeing the entire party with mixed expressions of shock and gaping mouths.
Eddie huffs in response, rolling his eyes in annoyance, as he grabs his books and map. “No jerking off tonight, boys. You’re gonna need your throwing hand.” 
The party begins to pack up after a rather rough section of the campaign. Only Lucas, Jeff, and Dustin survived, while the rest await their rebirth. Dustin’s brows pull as he watches his fearless leader. The man who is always moving is now perfectly still. He takes heavy breaths as he grips tightly against the top of his chair. 
“You coming?” Lucas calls out as he and Mike begin to walk down the stage’s stairs. 
“I’ll just meet you there,” Dustin says, waving his hand for the two to leave. He has been trying to find an opportunity to buddy up with the President of Hellfire, maybe this was his chance. “So, Eddie, do you have a sec?” he asks sheepishly. 
Eddie now had his forehead plastered upon the chair as his fingers nervously tap on its sides. He groans as his way of replying to the youngling. Dustin lets out a soft chuckle as he nervously asks, “You okay?” 
Eddie slowly raises his head as a smile lifts to the right of his cheek. “Yeah, I’m good,” he says with squinting eyes. “Hangovers don’t feel like they used to.” He raises his arms to stretch them before rolling his neck.
“I was wondering if, uh, I could get your advice on something?”
Eddie’s eyes perk as he drops his arms and slides into his chair like a snake. “Why yes, the doctor’s in,” he beams with his smile. 
Dustin laughs while pulling a chair out and plopping into the seat. “It’s about girls - uh, maidens,” he starts. 
Eddie nods furiously, gesturing with his hands for him to continue. “What is her name?” he inquires. Dustin drops his head nervously, “Susie.” 
Eddie’s eyes close as he smiles. “Ah, Susie,”  he whispers in acknowledgement. He leans back into his seat, taking a big whiff of the young love in the air.
“Yeah, she, uh, she’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I met her back in camp about a year ago and she lives in Utah, but I, uh, I think I love her and I’ve never said that to someone before,” Dustin rambles.
Humming, Eddie sinks back into his chair. His expression is happy and proud of his little freshman. “Well, little man, it sounds like we’re in the exact same situation. If you figure it out, you let me know,” he dismisses with a chuckle. 
Dustin is taken aback. A king like Eddie having trouble with girls, uh - maidens? He’s a rockstar for christ’s sake, what kind of problems could he have? “What’s her name?” he asks, just as plainly as Eddie did before. He snickers beneath his grin as he rests a chin upon his fist. 
“Let’s just call her Lolly,” Eddie lets out with a breathless chuckle. A coy smile sprawls across his lips. 
Dustin’s brow raises with curiosity as he dives in more information. “Lolly, like … Lolth?” he asks, tucking his chin into his neck in excitement. His eyes widen as he lovingly awaits his DM’s answer. 
Eddie blows out a raspberry before sinking even further into the throne. He shakes his head while creasing his eyebrows. “Did you nickname her after our next boss?” Dustin laughs out incredulously. 
“Maybe,” Eddie retorts in a sing-songy voice. He scoffs, throwing his head back. “Go ahead, honestly, tell me that Lolth isn’t a smokin’ hot babe.” 
Henderson smiles, enjoying his mentor’s flustered face. He shrugs, nodding his head - knowing it isn’t wrong. “She must be a badass,” he utters. 
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it,” Eddie adds, running his tongue over the front of his teeth. “She’s my spider queen,” he hisses with excitement.  
Dustin giggles alongside Eddie. Their smiles fill the room with a rose tinted ambience flooded with nostalgia and happiness between old souled friends. The connection between them was palpable, undeniable. Eddie noticed it the second he laid eyes on the small fella. He knew there was something special about him, and he has yet to be proven wrong. 
“In all seriousness, Henderson,” Eddie says lightly, coming down from his laughing fest. “You should tell her. It’s a risk, yeah, but love isn’t really something you can hold onto. Trust me, it eats away at you more than you can imagine. It physically hurts not to say it,” he takes a deep breath. “You’re lucky you don’t have to see her every day.” 
His words peak Dustin’s interest. Who is this maiden? Has he seen her before? Does she go to Hawkins High? He’s never seen his DM so vulnerable, and he revels within the precious moment.
“You can tell her too, Eddie,” he whispers, careful not to upset him. The President raises his eyes and stares behind his curly chocolate bangs. “What if she loves you too?” 
Eddie’s keen smile pulls to one side as he shakes his head. “She doesn’t even know me,” he mutters, leaning back into his chair. 
“Then let her get to know you, man,” Dustin encourages. With a smile, he starts, “A wise man once told me that love was risky but it’s not something you can hold onto-” 
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Screw you, Henderson,” he mutters with a low hummed chuckle. His head cocks to the side as an idea forms in his mind. He leans his elbows onto the table as he locks eyes with the boy. “Let’s make a pact, right here and right now.” Dustin encouragingly nods. “You tell Susie and I - I’ll tell Lolly,” the words start to lose their muster as he continues. 
“You got yourself a deal, Munson,” Dustin slams his hand against Eddie’s, giving him a good shake. A contract that would build the very foundation of their friendship. 
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April 7th, 1986. 12:11am.
Your mind feels like a dead plane about to crash into the ocean. A slow spiral as you fall from the heavens and dive into the horror show below. First row, VIP ticket. Guess that’s what happens when you fall in love with a true killer.
Without noticing, your hand slowly slips from his arm. Fingers hook onto your chin as you struggle hard to process the information. To make sense of something that just shouldn’t make sense. 
“You didn’t know who she was,” you start. Your closed eyes tickle lashes against your cheek. “You - you didn’t.”
Kas’ soft, calm voice breaks through the mist, bringing you back down to that ocean floor. “I did,” he murmurs. “I killed her, and I did it because I knew her.” 
You turn to him with tears flooding your vision. The breath is sucked from your lungs, unable to take in more. You finally hit the water - it’s time to sink. “Tell me, just,” you gulp, shaking your head out as your mind screams for you to run. “Make me understand, please.” You turn to him, heaving sobs as you do. “Why did you do this?” 
He drops his gaze, not wanting another second of your crying face to be burned into his mind. He hurt you, again. Regret, again. All for an unneeded kill he made so carelessly. 
Vickie’s red hair bobbed so effortlessly in the mucky mist of the New World. He immediately recognized her from that unfortunate junior year that he had to take band for his elective. Despite the tragedy, she still was perky and determined to get out. 
And that’s why. She had hope, and all he wanted to do was crush it. 
Kas hesitantly reaches for you, wanting to comfort you and distance himself from the situation. The very act shakes you to your core, causing you to cower to the other side of the couch. “Don’t,” you say plainly. He drops his eyes while clenching his jaw in pain. 
Who did he have to blame this time? It’s not like Henderson was the one who brought up their names. It certainly wasn’t you. You knew he had a list, a list of people who died the way you should have, but he knew you would never want to know who. 
And yet, he gave you just that. It breaks any perception that you had of him. The person who took care of you upstairs, who loves you - yeah, that’s a serial killer. Vecna took everything from you. He could care less about how his kills affect other people.
Chrissy died and Eddie became a “serial killer.” Eddie died and … Kas became the serial killer. 
“I don’t,” you start but quickly take in a shaky breath. You pinch your brows together, trying so hard to see any future with him beyond this but everything comes up blank. 
“I killed because I didn’t know any better,” Kas whispers. His gaze stuck on his hands as they rested between his legs. “I was taught to torture, told that every person in Hawkins would rather see me dead than alive.” 
He abruptly stands, practically jumping off the couch. “I had doubts. I - I tested it, you know?” He begins his pacing, desperately trying to stop his heart from exploding his chest with each beat. 
“With Kristie and Dick, I saw them. They were under struggling to get out of town hall. I helped them get out,” he slows his movements. “They were so happy to see me. And that made me happy, a-and I thought - ‘yes, he was wrong!’ But they were just happy until I got them out,” he says softly. 
“They ran from me, called me an ‘asshole’ and a ‘killer,’” Kas mutters as he stands still before you. “I showed them they were right.”
A wave crashes over you. Weak electricity shoots through your body, tingles that make you feel light headed. Your face falls into your hands as you ponder the thought.  
“But then I met you, darlin’,” he says as he crashes onto his knees before you. His big, warm hands pull your palms from your cheeks. “You showed me that there was another way. And - and I don’t want to go back to that.” 
Kas takes a sharp breath before clearing his throat. His quivering voice continues, “I still hear their screams.” You slowly raise your eyes to his. His face contorted and solemn as he struggles to hold back heaving sobs.
“I wish you were there,” he drops his head onto your lap. The tears curl around your face. You cannot help the gentle hand that brushes through his hair. “I wish I died in your arms,” he cries. “If I did, I wouldn’t be here. I’d be in fucking Valhalla or some shit, but I wouldn’t be back here as this monster!”
He sobs into your bare thighs. Your chin quivers as you try to be strong but fail every other second. You feel empty. No worry or remorse toward him or yourself. Just a body floating slowly into the ocean’s depth. 
After some time, you whisper coldly, “You are not a monster.” He raises his swollen eyes to you, the innocent chocolate button eyes bow beneath all this façade. “A monster wouldn’t have regrets. Wouldn’t be crying with the person he tried to kill.” 
After one last swoop of his soft curly hair, your hand rests at his cheek. Kas leans in as he always does. Those innocent eyes flick up to your hardened gaze. “You are not a monster. Not anymore.” He takes in a shaky inhale through his nose. 
“You are going to work hard, harder than you ever have, to make up for what you did.” You gently place your fingers to the side of his chin, squeezing as you guide him to your eyes. Ensuring you are both locked in before finishing your thought.
“But you will never make up for those eleven lives. You will carry them in your heart until you die. And that does not mean you stop fighting to make it right. Do you hear me, Kas?” 
His lashes flutter as he unsuccessfully attempts to hold back his tears. He could see the strength within you. The power you hold that has barely scratched the surface. He couldn’t be more in love with you despite the horror of the words that fell from your supple lips. 
Kas knows, in this moment, that he will happily die for you a million times. He is crazy about you, completely unhinged and dedicated to your smile. He may never make up for what he’s done, but he will put all his power into trying until the day he dies - not just for you, but him as well. It’s not easy living with a guilty conscience, maybe this will make it a bit lighter. 
Regardless his determination is set, your broken heart is more than enough to fuel his intentions. 
“I hear you, darlin’,” Kas utters. His hands delicately reach for yours, intertwining your fingers as they should have been from the very start. “I promise you I will try my absolute hardest to make up for what I’ve done.” He pulls your interlocked hands to his lips. A sweet peck with eyes fixed onto you. “I promise you I will work my damned best to be the man you deserve.” 
His words pull you right out of your spell. Those worried wrinkled lines between your brow completely smooth out. Eyes fall straight down to your hands. A promise you would never expect from Kas, and one you could count on from Eddie. But one and two are not the same, and fear still encapsulates you. 
You want to trust him. To know that he’s that beautiful man who held you in the shower earlier that day. The man who carried you away from danger. The man who saved you from the dangerous, psychotic being he is scared of most in this world. 
But he is also the man who took Vickie and all those people from their families. The man who left you in a ocean of your own tears, naked and afraid in that fucked up version of Hawkins. The man who stalked you, hunted you. The man who almost drank you dry to please his own murderer. 
“Please don’t break it.” The words fall from your lips involuntarily. You aren’t even sure if “it” is referring to his promise, or your heart. “Please,” you finally raise your eyes to him. 
Dustin opens the door, walking into a quiet room. He closes it behind him, locking the deadbolt before landing his back against the wood. It pulls both your attentions, causing Kas to stand and let go of your hand. Your body aches for him, wishing the boy stayed outside just a little bit longer. 
“I lied,” he starts. His hands crash at his hips, letting go of a huge breath of relief. “He said something about you when he was …” 
It was your turn to release a breath of relief. You are confident, fully confident in the love that you and Eddie shared. Doubt wracked your brain when Dustin told you that he didn’t say anything about you in his last words. For whatever reason, the boy held the information from you. The only way you would get it is if you wait, painfully and patiently. “What did he say?” 
Dustin takes a quick look at Kas before returning to you. “He wanted to marry you, after graduation.” You smile with a trembling lip, both taken aback and not surprised at all. The thought of you across from Eddie in a cheesy tux at city hall. It may not be Chicago, or Paris, but being Mrs. Eddie Munson would be an absolute dream that you would choose over the world. 
He laughs as he finishes his thought. “I didn’t know who he was talking about before, but, yeah, it’s pretty clear he was talking about you.” The tears hit him again, a tickle at the back of his throat. He tenses his face to hold it all in. “He nicknamed you Lolth, or Lolly,” another breathy chuckle drops. “Pretty badass D&D character, honestly pretty comparable to Kas.” 
Your heart warms in a way that turns your body into cotton candy. A sensation you haven’t felt since you last laid your eyes on Eddie. It is almost like he is here. You place your hand upon your chest as you sink into the feeling. “Thank you,” you say with a feverish nod. 
Kas watches the woman he loves turn into a rare aurora of orange twinged happiness. He is thankful for the boy, grateful for his honesty. He seeks his eyes to mouth “thank you” himself. 
Dustin nods, but quickly looks away as he is too worried to hold the gaze. He brushes a hand through his hair while uttering, “I don’t know what I’m going to tell the others.” Your ears perk up, causing you to jump up and rush towards him. Your hands firmly grabbing onto his. He pulls away, but hones in on your intensity. 
“You can’t tell anyone.” Your gaze locked on his hazel brown. Your body becomes a mixture of hot white and cold. You just got him back. No one will take you away from him. No one will hurt him. No. No. No! “They don’t need to know.”
Dustin steps back from you with disgust. His hands are harsh as they rip from yours. It is enough to make Kas take a step forward and let out a thick, heated breath. “They need to know,” he starts pointing to Kas. “He is the last person to see Vecna alive. We need to know everything so we can put that asshole into the ground.”
You turn back to Kas, a slow glance over your left shoulder. His attention is pulled upon seeing your movement. Your brows raise at their tips, trying to discern what he is thinking. A slow smile gradually pulls across his lips. An encouraging nod shoots your way. 
The relief filling your chest finally allows you to take a deep breath. You extend your arm backwards with a hopeful expression. He happily reaches for your hand, resting his warm palm against you.
Kas stands beside you, in front of Dustin. In this moment, you realize that he and you are forever. It may not be perfect, it may not be Eddie, but you are in it - for the long haul. Protecting each other against any potential harm. His fight is your fight, just as it should have been with Eddie. There’s no way you’re backing down. 
You shake out your hair, taking in a slow breath for confidence and neutrality. “Who are ‘we?’” you ask. One simple question to determine the safety of the journey forward. Dustin looks to Kas, seeking the answer within him. How did this boy not get it yet? He shakes his head. He doesn’t know every thing. 
Dustin turns to you, clenching his jaw. “Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Lucas, Erica, Mike, El, and Will.” The names float in the air, almost each one recognizable to you. These are the people you see in the hallways. The people in the cafeteria. The people who run the school newspaper. The people in the band. The popular kids. God, how the hell are they all mixed up in this? The only name missing being … 
“Max,” you call out. “You said Max knew what was going on. What - Why isn’t she going to be there?” You rake his face, desperate for an answer, only to see him grow solemn. Kas knew that Henderson’s face undoubtedly meant bad news. He squeezes your hand, letting you know that he is here for you. 
The silence feels unbearable. Your skin is on fire and about to implode. “J-Just tell me,” you start before taking a deep inhale. “Is she dead?” 
“No,” Dustin states. Your heart skips a beat as you gasp in happiness. Max is far too young, far too young to be gone… “But she’s hurt and it’s bad.” 
Your body stills as your breath escapes you once again. “What do you mean?” you utter quickly. Another squeeze to your hand. 
“She’s in the hospital,” the boy utters under his breath. 
You push past him, reaching for the door knob. You don’t even know where you’re going but you are going.
Kas is the one who’s calm hand rests on your forearm, causing you to pause. He models a breath with you before flicking his eyes to Henderson. “Tell the party we’re meeting at Harrington’s at 8. You pick us up at 6 and bring us to Max, then to the party,” he states without a second of hesitancy. Your eyes light up before turning to see Dustin’s reaction. 
“Done,” the boy promises. 
All three of you drop, closer to the ground. The voice comes from outside. You can hear heavy boots onto the steps of the porch before crashing his knuckles against the wood. “Dustin, your mom called.” He groans before knocking again. “Common, I know you’re in there - I can see the light on.”
Steve Harrintgon’s timbre is incredibly clear. He is here, a simple door away to finding out the truth. 
Your heart races faster than it ever has, faster than when you thought you were going to die. You panic, thinking what would happen if Kas and Steve come face to face in such an abrupt manner.
When you whip your head to Kas, his face is calm and unbothered. It gives you strength - a chance to take a breath. 
“Henderson, please. It’s already midnight and Robin’s in the car. If you don’t come out soon, she’s gonna start holding down on the horn,” Steve says with an exhausted tone. A huge yawn follows his words.
Dustin shoots his eyes towards Kas. He gestures for you both to move, to make your way to the kitchen. Kas nods, and guides you over with your intertwined hands.
“Just wait a damn second, Harrington,” Dustin spits out. “I’m getting my shit.” Kas leads you behind the fridge, squeezing your hand in repetitive pulses until you both are safely hidden. 
Dustin swings the door open and steps outside, pushing his way through Steve’s burgundy sweater. “Dude, you gotta stop coming here,” he scolds as the boy closes the door behind him. “How did you even get in?” The voices trail off, but you remain silent, still, and pressed against the fridge. 
Upon hearing Steve’s car pull away, you let out a breath of relief. You instinctually let go of Kas’ hand, stretching your arms and cracking your knuckles to release the tensing pressure. “That was close,” you whisper under your breath. 
Kas slowly wraps his arms around your waist, digging your hips against his. “It was,” he says as his eyes rake over your features. One hand releases to brush a strand of hair behind your ear. It is almost as though he is lovingly adoring everything but your eyes, leaving them for last. 
“Should we finally get that rest now?” he suggests with a smirk. 
Your eyes fall on him as though this was your first time ever truly seeing him. The way his lips part when he looks at you. Those eyes that stop your heart every time they land on you. The way his curled locks land right on his collar bones. His alabaster skin, soft and sensual. The spider tattoo on his peck that you love so much. 
Before you knew it, your hand was trailing across his torso. Peck to peck, before sliding down his sternum and onto his belly. Your eyes were locked, as though they were in a trance, completely intoxicated by his incredible body. Almost as though an alarm went off, your head perks and returns back to hold his gaze. “I would like that.”
Kas smiles as he leads you back into the living room, back up the stairs, and back into the room that will forever, now, be deemed as yours. He lands back onto the mattress, floating upon its waves, as he guides you down beside him.
Your head rests where it belongs, on your favorite spider tattoo and just above his heart. His arm wraps around the small of your back. A hand lightly tracing dancing fingers against your upper arm as you pull closer into his chest. 
A sleep you have been waiting for. A sleep you deserve - you both deserve. 
“Good night, Kas,” you whisper against his skin. “Good night, darlin’,” he whispers back. 
“I love you.” 
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note: people really need to stop bothering lolly and kas during their vacation stay at reefer rick's! also, i am physically cringing at the thought of kas meeting the party. I oh so very scared and idk what's gonna happen. get ready y'all.
season two finale • coming soon •
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Hi!! I’d like a fandom ship/matchup pretty please! Someone from tcm (preferably from the first or second movie) or scream.
Appearance: 5’6, chubby and curvy girl. Shorter brown, fluffy, curly hair with teal tips. Blue/grey eyes, eyebrow piercing and nose stud. I’m somewhat strong and I dress somewhere along the lines of goth and grunge. I wear black eye makeup, mascara, and heavy eyeliner on the daily with the occasional black lipstick.
Personality: I love music, horror movies, coffee, and collecting little trinkets. I have quite a lot of foul language in my vocabulary. I tend to be both really sweet and a bitch depending on how the person I’m interacting with is acting towards me. I love/crave attention, with musical theater being a very common hobby. I’m usually very outgoing, trying to get others into my special interests, rambling about things, or cracking jokes, though sometimes I burn out and just utterly crash. I’m almost always willing to jump up and help anyone with anything they might need. I have really bad anxiety about certain things. I’m very clingy, and tend to prefer protective and stronger men, though I do appreciate time to myself. (I wanna be manhandled.)
Hobbies: Musical theater, choir, drumming, painting, drawing (mainly people), and watching movies or documentaries!!
I hope that’s enough info, have a great day/night and don’t forget to drink water 🖤
Thank you pookie 😊
Your Fandom Ship: Nubbins Sawyer!
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Explanation: starting off looks he absolutely loves the way that you appear and your body and I also feel like if anyone tried to fat shame you or anything like that he would definitely torture them for hours. He would actually ask them if they think you’re attractive and if they said no, they would get tortured for hours. That makes it feel like he’s a little bit more in control and I feel like I don’t know that just makes him a little bit happier but he’s fully willing to let you have control of course but you know I just feel like it would be something cute for him because he feel like he can wrap himself around you at any point in time. He’s actually very tall canonly, I think 6’2. He loves your eyebrow piercing and thinks it’s really cool and you’re one of the coolest people he’s ever met. He definitely loves the way that you dress and he doesn’t have much of a sense of fashioned himself in one time he tried to copy your make up and it didn’t end well but anyway, I just think that he would love the way that you dress and he’s honestly in love with alternative people in general and just he sees you as his alt queen. he also loves collecting little trinkets, and if he ever found anything cool while he was searching for roadkill, he would definitely give it to you. You shouldn’t try to make him get coffee or coffee because he would absolutely not be able to do that. You would send him off be like hey can you make some coffee for me? You would hear a loud crash in the kitchen and then he would come back with like coffee beans in a cup of water. He would come to all your shows for a theater, and if anyone that wasn’t you got the lead you would have to like convince him not to try and kill them. Your personality of being outgoing would definitely clash with his bit and I think that would be great because you could get him to talk to more people and be a little bit less unhinged and he also appreciates how sweet and caring you are to him because it’s not something he’s ever really gone his life sometimes he doesn’t even feel like his own family cares. He’s also very clingy and despite being kind of tolerant lanky, he’s actually extremely strong from caring roadkill and doing a lot of farm work growing up so he could absolutely manhandle you if you wanted, but I personally feel like he’d be preferred to be like held, but he would wrap himself around you and he is like probably the clingyest out of the entire family. ANYWAY I ship
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